[00:44] >>> Saturday Mar 13 2010 – Automatic reset triggered – Logging Start <<<
[00:44] > ~Tetsuya Morisato makes a shhhh motion
[00:45] [~Tetsuya Morisato] *whisper* just play along...I need to make it seem that I've placed this vessal under arrest
[00:45] > @Nate Detroit looks a little annoyed.
[00:45] [~Tetsuya Morisato] *whisper* I aplogize for using you like this
[00:46] > @Nate Detroit whispers back "No sensors have breached my ship. Holly would have detected them. "
[00:46] [~Tetsuya Morisato] *whispers* oh good...
[00:46] [~Tetsuya Morisato] *cough* sorry about that
[00:47] > ~Tetsuya Morisato fixes his spiky black hair
[00:47] > +David O'Cain just angrily stares at Tetsuya
[00:47] [~Tetsuya Morisato] I'm guessing your security system then is pretty strong?
[00:47] [@Nate Detroit] David and I are good men, for what our word is worth. Do you have any identification?
[00:48] > @Nate Detroit grins.
[00:48] [@Nate Detroit] Capable of generating absolute zero and absolute heat in any invironment, even empty space.
[00:48] [@Nate Detroit] What's bugging you, Dave?
[00:49] > ~Tetsuya Morisato pulls out a small disc..and presses it..an image of him in a sort of silver and green spandex outfit..along with all his info comes up
[00:49] [+David O'Cain] What he told us.
[00:50] > @Nate Detroit reads it carefully.
[00:50] [~Tetsuya Morisato] I've been tracking this group for weeks now...I have reason to belive they've been supplying alien tech to some terrorist groups on Earth
[00:50] [@Nate Detroit] Good enough for me. I'll warn you now tho, if this is some kind of trick or scam, the repercussions for you will be dire.
[00:51] [+David O'Cain] No s[SMEG]t.
[00:51] [@Nate Detroit] Christ, really?! >_< Thats just what those monsters in the middle east need >_<
[00:52] [~Tetsuya Morisato] I'm sorry about my eailer deception..but I wasn't sure if their sensors could reach the inneards of the ship
[00:53] [@Nate Detroit] Nah, nothing but overwhelming brute force can breach us.
[00:54] [~Tetsuya Morisato] do you have any way you could scan the surface of the moon?
[00:54] > +David O'Cain goes over to the window and looks out
[00:54] [@Nate Detroit] Oh yes, this is a mining vessel. I'm sure we could have a detailed scan for you within hours.
[00:55] > @Nate Detroit goes over to a terminal and begins to type.
[00:55] [~Tetsuya Morisato] thank you...the space sheriff service will owe you two a great deal
[00:56] [+David O'Cain] Whatever.
[00:56] [@Nate Detroit] Everything is in motion. ETA two hours, and anything it finds will be posted here as it goes.
[00:57] [~Tetsuya Morisato] thank you...who's ship is this anyway?
[00:58] [@Nate Detroit] That's complicated.. More or less, it belongs to one Dave Lister.
[01:00] [~Tetsuya Morisato] human?
[01:00] [@Nate Detroit] Yes. Native to Earth.
[01:01] [~Tetsuya Morisato] didn't think the planet had this level of technology
[01:01] [@Nate Detroit] The ship is millions of years old, and I think from an alternate reality or something.
[01:03] [~Tetsuya Morisato] mind if I write that in my report when this is finished?
[01:03] [@Nate Detroit] Sure. Its all on the terminal here.
[01:08] > ~Tetsuya Morisato walks over and looks it over
[01:11] [~Tetsuya Morisato] very nice
[01:12] [@Nate Detroit] Make yourself comfortable. I'd offer you a drink, but it sounds like you're on the job.
[01:13] [~Tetsuya Morisato] yes...work always comes first
[01:14] [@Nate Detroit] We have plenty without alcohol, of course.
[01:16] [~Tetsuya Morisato] I wouldn't mind one of those then
[01:17] > @Nate Detroit pours him an orange juice and puts it on the bar.
[01:18] [@Nate Detroit] Anything for you, Dave?
[01:18] [+David O'Cain] I'm fine.
[01:18] > ~Tetsuya Morisato takes it and drinks
[01:20] [~Tetsuya Morisato] thank you
[01:23] [~Tetsuya Morisato] what do you two do for a living then?
[01:24] [@Nate Detroit] I run a growing chain of arcades. That is to say, places where people go to play video games, and soon race small karts.
[01:26] [+David O'Cain] Soldier and SWAT.
[01:27] > ~Tetsuya Morisato looks to David "you wouldn't happen to have something to do with those bases pocketed along several moons in this system, would you?"
[01:30] [+David O'Cain] What do you mean?
[01:31] [~Tetsuya Morisato] my ship...detected several bases on several moons
[01:31] [~Tetsuya Morisato] I would have used my ship's sensors on this..but they would be obvious to my targets
[01:33] [@Nate Detroit] Active? There was a time when every planet in this system was habbited, or so I understand, and they no doubt left behind structures.
[01:35] [~Tetsuya Morisato] interesting...I'll have to put that in my report as well
[01:37] > +David O'Cain just looks out the window
[01:42] [~Tetsuya Morisato] it's odd....when I came into this system there was...this weird feeling about it
[01:46] [@Nate Detroit] This system has a very odd history. No idea how that stacks up to other systems.
[01:50] [~Tetsuya Morisato] I'm from the planet Venyu...it's in a system not far from here
[01:50] [~Tetsuya Morisato] very nice place
[01:52] <-- +David O'Cain has left #reddwarfmain (Excuse me.)
[01:52] [@Nate Detroit] Earth is nice... but it could be nicer.. there's a lot of greed and pollution going on, but still lots of great things.
[01:53] [~Tetsuya Morisato] I've heard about it before from some other senior officers..but I've never been there
[01:59] [~Tetsuya Morisato] so I take it you are human then?
[02:02] [@Nate Detroit] For the most part. That's complicated too.
[02:04] [~Tetsuya Morisato] well...while I'm waiting..is there any place to relax?
[02:05] > @Nate Detroit motions to the couch.
[02:05] [@Nate Detroit] We get TV from Earth, and have some video games hooked up.
[02:07] [@Nate Detroit] Forgive me, I think I should turn in. If you need it, theres ton's of empty rooms you can crash at or clean up in.
[02:09] [~Tetsuya Morisato] thank you
[02:11] [@Nate Detroit] Ohh.. and I would apperciate reports on anyone you aprehend, or otherwise exert your authority on, on this ship, or any other liberties you take with the crew, guests, or resources.
[02:12] [~Tetsuya Morisato] will do
[02:12] <-- @Nate Detroit [SmashChamp@reddwarf.com] has left #reddwarfmain (Ice is flowin' through my veins; Explosives on my lips and in my lungs.)
[02:14] <-- ~Tetsuya Morisato has left #reddwarfmain (let us see what the rest of this ship can offer)
[09:03] > ~ looks at Tetsuya Morisato
[09:03] ➣ Tetsuya Morisato appears to be a guest.
[21:42] --> Matsumi Kaze [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has joined #reddwarfmain
[21:42] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Matsumi Kaze
[21:42] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Matsumi Kaze
[21:42] > +Matsumi Kaze stretches and walks over to the window
[21:43] > +Matsumi Kaze smiles, looking over at the moon
[21:49] > +Matsumi Kaze grabs a bottle of water and pours a glass
[21:50] [+Matsumi Kaze] nice night
[21:52] [+Matsumi Kaze] a drink? yes please, miss matsumi..it will be my pleasure
[21:52] > +Matsumi Kaze giggles and drinks
[22:01] [+Matsumi Kaze] such a quiet night
[22:03] --> David O'Cain has joined #reddwarfmain
[22:03] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to David O'Cain
[22:03] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +David O'Cain
[22:03] [+David O'Cain] Hi, Matsumi.
[22:04] [+Matsumi Kaze] oh hey, david
[22:05] [+Matsumi Kaze] how are you?
[22:07] [+David O'Cain] Been trying to stay calm.
[22:09] [+Matsumi Kaze] ...well stop it then
[22:09] > +Matsumi Kaze seems alot more forceful then normal
[22:10] [+Matsumi Kaze] <a soldier should never give into his rage..now should he?"
[22:10] [+Matsumi Kaze] ^>
[22:11] [+David O'Cain] Um, no. Like I said, I've been trying to stay calm.
[22:12] [+Matsumi Kaze] good
[22:12] > +Matsumi Kaze sips her drink..looking down at the moon
[22:12] [+David O'Cain] Feeling alright?
[22:13] [+Matsumi Kaze] do you remember the palace on the moon?
[22:15] [+David O'Cain] Of course. It was a beautiful piece of architecture...before long ago.
[22:16] > +Matsumi Kaze smiles a bit
[22:16] [+Matsumi Kaze] I lived there for a year or two...
[22:18] [+Matsumi Kaze] my room...was in the east halls...
[22:19] [+David O'Cain] Really?
[22:20] [+Matsumi Kaze] yes..I remember that it was far away from everyone else
[22:22] [+David O'Cain] How come?
[22:22] [+Matsumi Kaze] I was distraut...near suicidal depression
[22:23] [+Matsumi Kaze] the queen would send servents to try and deliver food..or invitations to dinner..but I would always refuse
[22:23] > +Matsumi Kaze 's eyes have a greenish glow to them
[22:23] [+Matsumi Kaze] she was such a nice woman
[22:25] [+Matsumi Kaze] ..they were all so nice
[22:25] [+David O'Cain] Um, Matsumi? You okay?
[22:25] [+Matsumi Kaze] why do you ask that?
[22:27] [+David O'Cain] Your eyes are glowing.
[22:28] > +Matsumi Kaze smiles "don't worry about it"
[22:28] [+Matsumi Kaze] do you remember how beautiful the Earth looked when it rose in the morning?
[22:29] [+David O'Cain] I do. It was quite a sight to see.
[22:32] [+Matsumi Kaze] ..did you ever visit Quinox..when it was alive?
[22:34] [+David O'Cain] Not really. I did visit Zepherius as a kid with my parents.
[22:36] [+Matsumi Kaze] it was beauitful....those valleys....and the grand citidel ontop of the plateau...
[22:38] [+Matsumi Kaze] ...it was as beutiful as the moon was...
[22:39] [+David O'Cain] Yeah.
[22:39] [Minako Aino] I wish I remembered more about my namesake..
[22:39] --> Minako Aino [SoldierOfLove@Venus.net] has joined #reddwarfmain
[22:39] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Minako Aino
[22:39] > +Matsumi Kaze turns around...her eyes slightly glowing
[22:39] [+Matsumi Kaze] good evening, princess venus
[22:40] > +Matsumi Kaze curtsises
[22:42] [+David O'Cain] Hi, Minako.
[22:43] > Minako Aino giggles, doing the same.
[22:43] [Minako Aino] And good eve to you, Princess Quinox. How doth this evening find you?
[22:45] [+Matsumi Kaze] I am fine...I am remember the palace of the moon, my dear venus..it was so beautiful, wasn't it?
[22:47] [Minako Aino] Oh yes.. I remember that vivdly.. we spent much time there... and it was the last place I saw before I died for the first time.
[22:47] [+Matsumi Kaze] I was a guest there...for a year or two...after...my home was....
[22:49] [+Matsumi Kaze] ...
[22:49] > +Matsumi Kaze looks a little sad
[22:50] [Minako Aino] Don't be sad... you have a... well, an extravagant home now full of a loving family.
[22:51] [+Matsumi Kaze] a family?
[22:51] [+Matsumi Kaze] I do?
[22:52] > +Matsumi Kaze 's glowing eyes look at minako curiously...and she tilts her head to a side
[22:52] [Minako Aino] All I have is a room up here I sometimes share with my Kato and my room back at my parents old place.. but I don't complain. Heck, I'm happy. I must say tho, I would like to see our worlds restored someday.. I was talking about this with Usagi-chan. I tihnk Venus should be a sanctuary for persecuted lovers.
[22:52] [Minako Aino] Umm... Matsumi-chan? Ehto... your eyes.. o.o
[22:53] [+Matsumi Kaze] what is wrong, princess venus?
[22:54] > Minako Aino takes out her compact and holds it for Matsumi to see herself.
[22:55] > +Matsumi Kaze looks at the compact "...why is my hair so long?"
[22:56] > +Matsumi Kaze runs her fingers through her own hair "when did this happen?"
[22:57] > Minako Aino shrugs, sighs, and decides against pressing the point any further.
[22:57] [+Matsumi Kaze] I am confu....
[22:57] > +Matsumi Kaze blinks..her eyes going back to normal
[22:58] [+Matsumi Kaze] eh?....oh..hey minako..how are you?
[22:59] > +David O'Cain waves to Matsumi
[22:59] > Minako Aino blinks.
[22:59] [Minako Aino] Ehto... are you feeling alright?
[23:00] [+Matsumi Kaze] yeah yeah...guess I was sleepwalking or something
[23:01] [Minako Aino] ....or possessed.
[23:01] [+Matsumi Kaze] how is our favorite genki girl?
[23:02] [Minako Aino] Confused, but otherwise alright.
[23:03] [+Matsumi Kaze] hey that's good
[23:03] [+Matsumi Kaze] so um...what were we talking about?
[23:04] [Minako Aino] Our lost planets, and the moon kingdom.
[23:05] [+Matsumi Kaze] were we?
[23:06] [+David O'Cain] Yeah.
[23:06] [+Matsumi Kaze] honestly I don't remember anything about that time...at least not much
[23:07] [Minako Aino] Matsumi-chan.. promise me you will go see a doctor tomrrow and have your head looked at. @_@ I'm sure Ami-chan can take care of you if you don't have your own doctor.
[23:08] [+Matsumi Kaze] um ok I'll see Ami then
[23:08] [+Matsumi Kaze] wonder what it was like back then..I know Freya tells me stuff sometimes
[23:13] > +Matsumi Kaze hops up onto the bar
[23:13] [Minako Aino] I only remember a little.. as does Artemis.
[23:13] [+Matsumi Kaze] you two are lucky like that
[23:13] [+Matsumi Kaze] someday...our planets will be back
[23:14] [+David O'Cain] Indeed.
[23:14] [Minako Aino] I hope so.. I want Venus to be a sanctuary for persecuted lovers. Not to mention a nice place in its own right.
[23:15] [Minako Aino] I don't think Usagi fully understands how much trouble Mamoru-san could have gotten into if word got out he was dating her when she was in junior high..
[23:16] [+Matsumi Kaze] probably not...she's a nice girl....but sometimes she gets carried away
[23:18] [+Matsumi Kaze] I never really thought much about my love life when I was her age
[23:18] > Minako Aino gives a quiet giggle.
[23:19] [Minako Aino] Its all I could think about, that's for sure.. boys ~ boys ~ boys ♡
[23:19] [+Matsumi Kaze] well that's cause you were love crazy :P
[23:21] [+David O'Cain] Heheh.
[23:21] [Minako Aino] ^^v
[23:21] [+Matsumi Kaze] guess that comes with the territory though
[23:24] [+Matsumi Kaze] me..I actually FOUGHT my feelings heh
[23:25] [Minako Aino] Why does everybody do that? :( You, Ami-chan, Setsuna-san, Rei-chan..
[23:26] --> Cora has joined #reddwarfmain
[23:26] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Cora
[23:26] > Cora wanders in, reading a book
[23:26] [+Matsumi Kaze] well it was cause I was detirmined to keep acting like a guy
[23:27] [+Matsumi Kaze] I felt it would be..weird
[23:28] [+Matsumi Kaze] oh hey, Cora!
[23:28] [Minako Aino] Hello.
[23:29] [Cora] Hello...
[23:30] [+David O'Cain] Evening, Cora.
[23:30] [+Matsumi Kaze] how are you?
[23:30] > Cora finishes the paragraph and sits
[23:31] [Cora] I'm alright.
[23:33] [+Matsumi Kaze] oh really?
[23:33] [Minako Aino] You sound surprised.
[23:34] [+Matsumi Kaze] >.> I'm just trying to continue conversation
[23:37] [Minako Aino] Well... ehto... what's going on?
[23:39] > Cora sits quietly and listens
[23:39] [+Matsumi Kaze] huh?
[23:40] > Minako Aino asked Cora..
[23:44] [Minako Aino] Umm.. did I say something wrong?
[23:44] [+Matsumi Kaze] hello?..cora?
[23:46] [+David O'Cain] Wakey wakey.
[23:51] [Minako Aino] Well, anyway.. Wow, sure is quiet tonight.. :\ I mean, I know it's space and all..
[23:53] [+David O'Cain] Yeah, no kidding.
[23:53] > +Matsumi Kaze looks evily at minako "in space...no one can hear you scream!"
[23:53] > Minako Aino grins, and lets out an ear-bleeding shriek!
[23:55] [+Matsumi Kaze] GAAAAH...ouch!
[23:55] > Minako Aino laughs silently, then hops up to get a glass of water.
[23:57] > +David O'Cain tries to clear his ears, "Ow."
[23:59] [Minako Aino] Apparently they can~
[00:00] >>> Sunday Mar 14 2010 <<<
[00:02] [+Matsumi Kaze] I've honestly never watched that entire movie
[00:03] [Minako Aino] Movie?
[00:04] [+David O'Cain] Aliens. Was it Francis Ford Copola or James Cameron that directed the series?
[00:05] [Minako Aino] Oh! James Cameron, I'm pretty sure.
[00:05] [+Matsumi Kaze] neither
[00:05] [+Matsumi Kaze] I think..let me see..if I can remember
[00:05] [+Matsumi Kaze] oh...yeah..it was Ridely Scott
[00:06] [+Matsumi Kaze] honestly I find that movie...dull
[00:06] [Cora] (( sorry internet problems. bad storms today. ))
[00:06] <-- Cora has left #reddwarfmain
[00:07] [+David O'Cain] Didn't like drawn out stories?
[00:10] [+Matsumi Kaze] well..
[00:10] [+Matsumi Kaze] I liked it when they were all complainy..and I liked when they visited the planet
[00:10] [+Matsumi Kaze] but as soon as the alien came into the story...it got..at least for me...boring
[00:12] [+David O'Cain] Ah.
[00:12] [+Matsumi Kaze] I liked the second one though
[00:15] [Minako Aino] They do make good date movies! Gives you a reason to grab onto your guy. ^_~ Not that I'd have ever really known.. >_>
[00:15] [+Matsumi Kaze] wouldn't work for me....it..doesn't scare me ^^;;
[00:17] [Minako Aino] What, movies don't scare you?
[00:17] [Minako Aino] Besides, you don't have to REALLY be scared! Its an excuse!
[00:18] [+Matsumi Kaze] heh true true
[00:18] [+Matsumi Kaze] man I was so scared during my first date...
[00:18] [+Matsumi Kaze] almost ran away
[00:19] [Minako Aino] It makes them feel good when you grab onto them like that, expecting them to protect you, regardless of if you really need it. Aww.. what happened?
[00:21] [+Matsumi Kaze] I should say my first date with hideki
[00:21] [+Matsumi Kaze] we had arranged to go out to this one theatre....
[00:21] [Minako Aino] What happened?
[00:22] [+Matsumi Kaze] he came...but I froze up as soon as he startted talking to me
[00:22] [+Matsumi Kaze] ..and the more he talked to me..the more panicked I became.....till I finally tried to run
[00:23] [+Matsumi Kaze] saying I needed to "wash my hair"
[00:23] [Minako Aino] Why on Earth did you panic?
[00:24] [+Matsumi Kaze] I'd..never been on a serious date..with a guy like him..
[00:25] [Minako Aino] Well, I still don't understand, but I guess that's just your personality. You sure opened up in the end tho.
[00:27] [+Matsumi Kaze] it took a bit but we got it together ^^
[00:28] [Minako Aino] What, did he chase and tackle you?
[00:30] [Minako Aino] Sometimes love needs to be taken by force!
[00:30] [+Matsumi Kaze] he grabbed me by the arm
[00:31] [+Matsumi Kaze] that was of course before I know who he really was
[00:31] [Minako Aino] I bet that made you doki-doki~
[00:31] > Minako Aino smiles, sighs and sits back.
[00:32] [Minako Aino] Not that I'm complaining, mind you, but I wish Kato had been more agressive like that in the begining. I kept droping hints and flirting, and it took forever to make him understand I liked him. Or at least it felt that way.. he might have been shy.
[00:32] [+Matsumi Kaze] my heart nearly jumped out of my throat
[00:34] [Minako Aino] I did have a few moments like that early on... but it didn't help that I happened to be in my unmentionables he was passing through ^^;
[00:36] [+Matsumi Kaze] heh
[00:38] > Minako Aino grins, and pulls her collar to show a little flesh.
[00:38] [Minako Aino] Beauty like this, how can any man resist? ^_~
[00:41] [+Matsumi Kaze] true very true
[00:43] [Minako Aino] They sure resisted for a long time tho <_< bah, that's all behind me now~
[00:43] [Minako Aino] Moh, I've been rather manic lately....
[00:46] [+David O'Cain] About what?
[00:47] [+Matsumi Kaze] you really have..
[00:47] [Minako Aino] I'm happyabout my relationship and carreer, but still troubled by my past and my friends.
[00:48] [Minako Aino] Even Usagi-chan seems to have her demons these days.. I had to hold an impromptu slumber party to cheer her up.
[00:50] [+Matsumi Kaze] we all have demons
[00:52] [Minako Aino] But Usagi-chan. it usually takes a lot to get to her.
[00:52] [+Matsumi Kaze] what was bothering her?
[00:54] [Minako Aino] Shes gettng older, and looking older.. looking like Queen Serenity senior.
[00:55] [+Matsumi Kaze] ...wow..that would be...weird
[00:57] [Minako Aino] She's right too.. I see it in her.
[00:59] [+Matsumi Kaze] least I don't look like my mother...she had red hair from what I remember
[01:01] [+David O'Cain] I don't know, Matsumi. You're still a beauty.
[01:02] [+Matsumi Kaze] heh that has nothing to do with it
[01:03] [Minako Aino] I look a little bit like mine, but my blonde hair is a fluke.. and I keep mine straighter than hers.
[01:05] [+Matsumi Kaze] it's always weird when you realize you have two moms
[01:07] [Minako Aino] Very..
[01:09] [+Matsumi Kaze] and two dads >.>
[01:09] > Minako Aino nods.
[01:11] [+Matsumi Kaze] it's weeeeeirrrrdd...we're all weeeeird
[01:12] > Minako Aino gives a long stream of giggles at that.
[01:13] [Minako Aino] Theres no getting around it..
[01:14] [+Matsumi Kaze] god and we have this whole no aging thing too to top that off
[01:14] [+Matsumi Kaze] ever tried to explain to your parents why you're 32 and you still look 27?
[01:15] [Minako Aino] Its not exactly no-aging. Like I said, Usagi is looking more like her mother every day.
[01:16] [Minako Aino] Ne, thats only five years. Itll be strange when we're 50 tho..
[01:16] [+Matsumi Kaze] and we still look like our 20s?
[01:16] [Minako Aino] Yeah..
[01:17] [Minako Aino] Or when I'm 80 and still touring! ^^v
[01:18] [+David O'Cain] Heh. Could say it was botox. :P
[01:19] [Minako Aino] Or start my carreer over with an alias.
[01:19] [+Matsumi Kaze] we all might have to do that
[01:21] > +Matsumi Kaze shivers "creepy thoughts"
[01:22] [Minako Aino] Well, it beats advanced aging.
[01:23] [+Matsumi Kaze] yeah that's really true
[01:24] [Minako Aino] The thought of becoming an old lady scares me.. I just hope Kato doesnt age fast ether..
[01:26] [+Matsumi Kaze] I don't think any of us will really age fast
[01:29] [+Matsumi Kaze] unless...oh dear, minako...you have a wrinkle
[01:31] [Minako Aino] :P Liar.
[01:31] [+Matsumi Kaze] ya caught me :P
[01:32] [Minako Aino] I knew you were because you said I had grey hairs before when I didnt.
[01:36] [+Matsumi Kaze] yeah true
[01:38] > Minako Aino yawns.
[01:38] [Minako Aino] Tho maybe I should turn in before I actaully DO get them..
[01:39] [+Matsumi Kaze] heh alright
[01:40] [Minako Aino] Goodnight Matsumi-chan and Dave-san.
[01:41] > Minako Aino stands and turns, whipping her hair.
[01:41] [+Matsumi Kaze] night then
[01:42] <-- Minako Aino [SoldierOfLove@Venus.net] has left #reddwarfmain (Sobieru mirai, Wasurenaide!)
[01:42] [+David O'Cain] Night, Minako.
[01:42] [+Matsumi Kaze] well that was fun
[01:48] [+David O'Cain] Yeah.
[01:49] > +Matsumi Kaze sits on a sofa
[01:55] [+Matsumi Kaze] quiet now
[01:57] [+David O'Cain] Yeah. And probably time to get some sleep.
[01:57] [+David O'Cain] Night, Matsumi.
[01:58] <-- +David O'Cain has left #reddwarfmain
[01:59] [+Matsumi Kaze] night
[03:05] [+Matsumi Kaze] huh
[03:05] [+Matsumi Kaze] guess I might as well head home
[03:08] <-- +Matsumi Kaze [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has left #reddwarfmain (weird night)
[15:15] --> Miki Kaze [Neoprincessofair@QTech.co] has joined #reddwarfmain
[15:15] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Miki Kaze
[15:15] [Miki Kaze] huh...no one here then
[15:16] > Miki Kaze rubs her key and vanishes briefly..only to reappear with some boxes and cases and things
[15:16] [Miki Kaze] this will be fun :3
[15:18] > Miki Kaze grabs a couple of the cases and heads into the kitchen
[15:21] [Miki Kaze] alright then...I hope they all like this today
[15:22] [~Miki Kaze.] ...whatever day it is
[15:24] [Miki Kaze] ^
[15:26] > Miki Kaze shrugs and pulls out an apron from hammerspace
[15:29] > Miki Kaze ties it around herself...it has a picture of a crown with a fork and spoon on it and the words "that's PRINCESS cook to you!"
[15:36] [Miki Kaze] now let's see..*summons a holopad and looks it over* what's first on the menu here?
[15:37] [Miki Kaze] oh yes!
[15:37] > Miki Kaze turns back and starts to dig through the crates and pulls out a rather strange looking grey and blue fish-thing
[15:39] > Miki Kaze clears the table and sets up a cutting board..pulling out a crystaline knife
[15:41] [Miki Kaze] now then
[15:41] > Miki Kaze starts to gently cut up the fish, saving the head for later
[15:47] > Miki Kaze is away: working on a dinner for everyone
[15:57] > Miki Kaze hums from the kitchen happily
[16:00] > Miki Kaze can be heard cutting up some vegitbles
[16:08] [Miki Kaze] wonder if they have goat milk here
[16:08] --> ~Celestites has joined #reddwarfmain
[16:08] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, ~Celestites
[16:08] [@HOL_6000] Celestite: Enter a nick to change.
[16:09] > ~Celestites is now known as Celestite
[16:09] [Celestite] Hey Miki! Long time no see.
[16:09] [Miki Kaze] oh hello, celeste
[16:09] > Miki Kaze puts the fishhead into a pot and starts to boil it, pouring some goat milk in with it
[16:10] [Celestite] What're you doing?
[16:11] [Miki Kaze] going to make dinner for everone here
[16:11] [Miki Kaze] *everyone
[16:12] > Miki Kaze puts in a dash of herbs into the mix..turning the milk purple
[16:12] [Celestite] Isn't that Aunty Kaede's job in this time?
[16:12] [Miki Kaze] but does aunt kaede of this time know quinoxian dishes?
[16:13] [Celestite] I'm not sure.... I know in our time she does.
[16:13] [Miki Kaze] only one who knows those recipes though is Freya-sama
[16:13] [Miki Kaze] mama didn't know anything back then
[16:13] [Miki Kaze] thought this might be a treat for everone
[16:13] [Miki Kaze] *everyone
[16:14] [Miki Kaze] could you be a dear and pass me that goat flank..it should be in the crate over there..
[16:14] [Celestite] Um... sure
[16:16] > Celestite goes over to said crate and picks up the piece of meat in it and hands it to Miki
[16:16] > Miki Kaze takes it, and starts to slowly debone it
[16:16] [Miki Kaze] how are things for you and my sister?
[16:19] > Miki Kaze pulls out a dark blue root and slices it open...it gives off a very strong sharp smell
[16:19] [Celestite] Pretty good. Did you hear your mom's giving us the western palace?
[16:20] [Miki Kaze] oh yes...I hope you enjoy that place..the land around it it beautiful
[16:20] [Miki Kaze] pfft..forgot how strong this thing smells fresh >.<
[16:21] > Celestite waves her hand in front of her face, trying to disipate the smell.
[16:22] [Celestite] I bet Marty and Logan would love this. ;P
[16:22] > Miki Kaze cuts up the root and start to rub it into the meat
[16:22] [Miki Kaze] those two always seem so squirmish when it comes to quinoxian food
[16:23] > Miki Kaze puts the meat into a skillet..then quickly turns down the heat on the bubbling fishhead conconction
[16:24] [Miki Kaze] you can help me by making the salad if you want, celest
[16:24] [Celestite] Sure
[16:24] [Miki Kaze] do you cook often?
[16:24] [Celestite] I try to a little here and there. But I'm not very good.
[16:24] [Celestite] I've made a few things, but I think Marty was just being nice about them being good to him.
[16:25] [Miki Kaze] awwww...men can be like that
[16:25] [Miki Kaze] hasn't aunt zoi ever taught you any cooking?
[16:26] [Celestite] She tried, but I didn't pick up on it.
[16:27] [Miki Kaze] I cook as a hobby
[16:27] [Miki Kaze] nickie loves it
[16:27] > Miki Kaze lowers the heat on the meat a bit
[16:27] [Celestite] How is Nick?
[16:28] [Miki Kaze] he's great!
[16:28] [Miki Kaze] he's been going with daddy to some of his diplomatic meetings..you know..to learn stuff
[16:29] [Celestite] Ahh
[16:30] [Miki Kaze] I do hear those veggies being cut, dear :P
[16:30] > Celestite sticks her tongue out at Miki, moving over and finding the veggies, starting to work.
[16:31] [Miki Kaze] *don't
[16:31] > Miki Kaze giggles a bit
[16:31] [Miki Kaze] celeste
[16:32] [Miki Kaze] promise me you'll take care of my sister
[16:33] [Celestite] Of course Miki.... you know how much I care for Tina.
[16:33] [Miki Kaze] she's had a rough life...she deserves to have a reward
[16:33] [Celestite] She's been through hell ever since I've known her.... I'm not gonna' let that happen to her any more.
[16:37] > Miki Kaze smiles "I'm glad...little sister :P"
[16:38] > Celestite giggles, "Ya' know, there was a time I knew we'd be related, but not that way."
[16:39] [Miki Kaze] ooooooh?
[16:39] > Miki Kaze stirs the fishhead mix, putting in the rest of the fish into it
[16:40] [Celestite] Well yeah.... you remember the crush I had on you in high school before I met Tina.
[16:41] [Miki Kaze] oooh yes..you told me about that
[16:42] --> Pantea [pantea@lightanddark.com] has joined #reddwarfmain
[16:42] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Pantea
[16:42] > Miki Kaze checks on the goat flank...added some extra herbs to it
[16:43] [Miki Kaze] oh hello there
[16:43] > Pantea comes in with a medium sized box and heads to the bar
[16:43] [Celestite] Yeah, I was convinced I was gonna' marry you, then you told me you weren't THAT way and married Nicky and I met Tina.
[16:43] [Miki Kaze] how is the salad coming, celeste?
[16:43] [Pantea] Yo!
[16:44] [Celestite] Not bad. Working on the carrots
[16:45] [Miki Kaze] how are you?
[16:46] > Pantea puts things away
[16:46] [Pantea] Fine.
[16:46] [Pantea] You two?
[16:46] [Celestite] Not bad. Working on tonight's dinner.
[16:46] [Miki Kaze] working on dinner for everyone hwere
[16:46] [Miki Kaze] *here
[16:47] [Pantea] Oh? Who else is here?
[16:48] [Miki Kaze] hopefully a number of people
[16:49] [Celestite] She means for the people living here on the ship.
[16:49] [Pantea] Oh. So you're not having a party.
[16:50] [Pantea] That would've been fun.
[16:51] [Miki Kaze] I can't be here if mom is here ^^;;;
[16:51] [Pantea] Oh, one of those things.
[16:51] [Pantea] Well, it's evening. Either of you want a c[SMEG]ktail or something?
[16:52] [Celestite] No thank you
[16:52] [Miki Kaze] no thank you
[16:53] > Celestite moves from the carrots to peeling the lettace
[16:53] [Pantea] Well let me know if you change your minds.
[16:54] > Miki Kaze notes the carrots are much paler then Earth ones..and the lettace is purple
[16:54] > Pantea opens the fridge and goes through the different juices and garnishes
[16:59] [Miki Kaze] I think the fish is done
[16:59] > Miki Kaze goes over the crate..and pulls out what looks like a globe that seems to shimmer
[16:59] [Pantea] It smells pleasantly fishy.
[17:00] [Pantea] There's like 4 bottles of olives in here.
[17:02] > Miki Kaze opens up the globe with a wave of her hand..and pours the stew into it
[17:02] > Miki Kaze waves her hand and it closes up again
[17:02] [Miki Kaze] there..it ought to keep till tonight all hot :)
[17:03] > Pantea combines things, and ends up with 1 and a quarter jars
[17:05] [Celestite] Ok, done with the lettace. What else should go in this salad?
[17:07] [Miki Kaze] um...there should be some Timolu bulbs in the box
[17:08] [Celestite] Ahh
[17:08] > Celestite goes to the box
[17:10] [Miki Kaze] you've seen them..they grow in the royal gardens..those..small pink bulbs
[17:12] [Celestite] Oh yeah, I didn't know you could eat those.
[17:12] > Celestite picks up a few of the pink blubs and puts them on the cutting board.
[17:14] [Miki Kaze] mmhmm...they have sort of a citriusy taste
[17:14] [Pantea] Well, enjoy your cooking.
[17:15] > Pantea is away
[17:16] [Miki Kaze] whoop!!!
[17:17] > Miki Kaze runs over to the goat meat and flips it over, herbing the other side
[17:21] > Celestite finishes that, looking around
[17:22] > Miki Kaze moves the meat around a bit
[17:22] [Miki Kaze] I brought statis containers so they don't lose their heat or flavor
[17:23] [Celestite] Cool
[17:26] [Miki Kaze] so what else are you up to today?
[17:30] [Celestite] Didn't really have a whole lot planned.
[17:31] > Miki Kaze pokes the meat "I think this is finished"
[17:32] [Miki Kaze] could you grab that statis container over there *points to a longer one*
[17:34] [Celestite] Sure
[17:34] > Celestite grabs the container Miki pointed to, handing it to her.
[17:36] > Miki Kaze takes it and puts the meat and it's juices in the container..closing it
[17:36] [Miki Kaze] there we go....is the salad finished?
[17:40] [Celestite] Yeah, I think so.
[17:41] [Miki Kaze] ok one more container
[17:41] > Miki Kaze pulls out a smaller globe "ok..scoop it in there"
[17:41] --> Logan SD [KittyShota@Reddwarf.com] has joined #reddwarfmain
[17:41] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Logan SD
[17:42] [Logan SD] Somthin smells gooooood!
[17:42] [Miki Kaze] hello, logan
[17:43] [Miki Kaze] are you going to be here tonight?
[17:43] [Logan SD] I miiiiiiight :3 but I can't stay long.
[17:44] [Miki Kaze] too bad..I've made a true quinoxian dinner for everyone here
[17:44] [Celestite] Hi Logan ^_^
[17:45] > Celestite starts putting the salad into the container.
[17:46] [Miki Kaze] herbed goat flank....Musutuva Fish in Goat Milk sauce...and celeste made the salad!
[17:46] [Logan SD] Well I can eat it later! :3 :3 do you have enough for two more? I can bring Izumi around after our date!
[17:47] [Celestite] Ooooo, a date, eh?
[17:47] [Miki Kaze] of course we have enough
[17:48] [Logan SD] Yupp! We're going out to see a movie! :3
[17:49] [Celestite] Sounds like fun. ^_^
[17:51] [Logan SD] Well cool! I bet she'll want some.
[17:52] [Logan SD] How ya doin' Miki! I never see you!
[17:52] [Miki Kaze] oh fine fine..looking after my future little sister :P :P *looks at celeste*
[17:53] > Logan SD giggles.
[17:53] [Logan SD] She's a handful, isnt she? >:3
[17:55] [Miki Kaze] oh she is...I'll need to put her back in her place soon :P
[17:56] [Celestite] Heeey :P
[17:56] > Logan SD is overcome with giggles.
[17:56] [Celestite] You're not THAT much older then me Miki :p
[17:58] [Logan SD] You two are ooooooold!
[18:00] [Miki Kaze] oh ho, am I?
[18:01] [Logan SD] Nya nya~ Miki's old :p nnnnnnnn
[18:01] > Logan SD skips out.
[18:01] <-- Logan SD [KittyShota@Reddwarf.com] has left #reddwarfmain (Everyone is ollllld~)
[18:02] [Celestite] That little such n' such
[18:02] [Miki Kaze] oh he really is
[18:05] [Celestite] Well, what do you say we get this stuff put away till later? I wanna' go change if we're having a dinner here.
[18:06] [Miki Kaze] of course
[18:10] > Miki Kaze puts the food gently away
[18:12] > Celestite helps
[18:16] <-- Celestite [CrystalGirl@dimensionzero.cc] has left #reddwarfmain (I don't want to be late :))
[18:18] <-- Miki Kaze [Neoprincessofair@QTech.co] has left #reddwarfmain (of course not)
[18:26] --> Solarchos has joined #reddwarfmain
[18:26] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Solarchos
[18:26] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Solarchos
[18:26] [+Solarchos] Hmmm, looks like I just missed everyone. :/
[18:27] > +Solarchos shrugs, unsheathes the Warp-blade and begins practicing with it in the corner.
[18:43] > +Solarchos continues to practice, hacking through several large metal plates as if they're cardboard.
[19:00] > +Solarchos keeps on slicing and dicing steel plates to pieces like they're made of paper.
[19:40] > +Solarchos sits down to catch his breath for a while.
[19:45] --> David O'Cain has joined #reddwarfmain
[19:45] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to David O'Cain
[19:45] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +David O'Cain
[19:45] [+David O'Cain] Yo.
[19:46] [+Solarchos] Hey there.
[19:46] [+Solarchos] I was starting to wonder if I was going to be the only one here tonight.
[19:47] [+David O'Cain] Heh. So, what's up?
[19:48] [+Solarchos] Just practicing a little before dinner's ready.
[19:48] [+Solarchos] I see I keep missing everyone else though.
[19:49] [+David O'Cain] Apparently. That's what happens when one is busy during the day.
[19:50] [+Solarchos] True. I wish I could get here sooner, but I do have a country to run.
[19:51] [+David O'Cain] Yep.
[19:52] [+Solarchos] Within which things have been doing pretty well as of late.
[19:53] [+David O'Cain] Yeah?
[19:53] [+Solarchos] In fact, the anniversary of the Federation's founding will be coming up soon.
[19:55] [+David O'Cain] Really? That's cool.
[19:56] [+Solarchos] And that's a full-fledged holiday for us. Inu-Kit's looking forward to it. ^__^..V
[19:58] [+David O'Cain] Nice.
[19:59] [+Solarchos] You know how she is. She loves big celebrations and being part of everything. Plus she loves showing off her outfits and dresses.
[19:59] [+Solarchos] And showing off her gorgeous figure! ^__^♡
[20:00] [+David O'Cain] Heh.
[20:00] [+David O'Cain] She is a lovely lady.
[20:01] [+Solarchos] Plus she's looking forward to showing off the kits in their new outfits.
[20:03] [+Solarchos] How about yourself? How'd your day go?
[20:05] [+David O'Cain] Mine was pretty good.
[20:07] [+Solarchos] Oh? Do tell. Same old, same old?
[20:10] [+David O'Cain] Pretty much when relaxing on the weekends.
[20:11] [+Solarchos] Heh, today was a little different for me.
[20:12] [+David O'Cain] How so, man?
[20:14] [+Solarchos] One of the long-range observatories at the Enclave detected something unusual a short distance away from Egae. It's definitely wasn't a piece of starship wreckage or the usual monthly Isazu visits.
[20:14] [+Solarchos] I had Andrimiton take her ret out to investigate. Turns out it's a previously undiscovered asteroid.
[20:15] [+David O'Cain] No way.
[20:17] [+Solarchos] Yup. It's the size of Manhattan Island and on a course that would take it dangerously close to Egae and Unmei. Naturally I ordered the mobilization of the fleet to destroy it.
[20:18] [+David O'Cain] Wow.
[20:20] [+Solarchos] Yeah, I'm definitely not going to sit back and just ignore it. If it hit Unmei or Egae the impact would be the equivalent of several dozen megatons going off.
[20:22] [+David O'Cain] True, true.
[20:24] [+Solarchos] And of course back on Unmei we
[20:24] [+Solarchos] ^on Unmei we
[20:24] [+Solarchos] ^on Unmei we're STILL having problems with the Skaven.
[20:25] > ~A weird skittering sound echoes from the shadows as something dashes away.
[20:26] <-- ~Typo-Skaven has left #reddwarfmain (Hehehehehe! Make you typing look dumb-dumb, man-thing! >:3)
[20:26] [+David O'Cain] Geez. I'd have thought those f[SMEG]kers would be eradicated by now.
[20:27] [+Solarchos] I wish! Those things are just like the rats they resemble: impossible to completely eradicate. ><;;
[20:30] [+David O'Cain] Ugh. ~_~
[20:31] [+Solarchos] And now it seems like there's one here on the Dwarf now. ~_~;;
[20:34] [+David O'Cain] Greaaaaat. ~_~
[20:34] [Pantea] I bet I know why~
[20:34] --> Pantea [pantea@lightanddark.com] has joined #reddwarfmain
[20:34] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Pantea
[20:34] [+Solarchos] Hi Pantea. What do you know?
[20:35] [+David O'Cain] Why?
[20:36] [Pantea] Miara moved out.
[20:36] [+Solarchos] What? Where'd she go?
[20:37] [Pantea] Dunno.
[20:37] [Pantea] But little creatures don't like hanging around predators, you know?
[20:38] [+Solarchos] Hmm, I really do hope she comes by to visit though. The kits will be heartbroken if they never got to see her again.
[20:38] [+Solarchos] And I'd miss her immensely too.
[20:38] [+David O'Cain] Hopefully she's alright.
[20:39] [Pantea] I'm sure she's fine.
[20:40] [+Solarchos] Still... :(
[20:43] > Pantea contemplates drink options
[20:45] > +Solarchos sighs. Now he looks a little depressed.
[20:49] [Pantea] Hm...
[20:52] [+David O'Cain] So, what's been going on with you, Pantea?
[20:53] [+Solarchos] What's tonight's special?
[20:55] [Pantea] Just the usual.
[20:55] [Pantea] Brushing up on the popular drinks.
[20:56] > Pantea gets some things and starts fixing something
[20:57] [Pantea] I start a job next week.
[20:57] [+Solarchos] Oh? Where at?
[20:57] [Pantea] One of the MKA bases.
[20:58] [+Solarchos] Bet that'll bring you brisk business.
[20:58] [Pantea] Azumi set it up for me.
[20:58] [Pantea] Usually does.
[20:59] [+David O'Cain] Oh really? Which base did you find a spot?
[21:00] [Pantea] Dione.
[21:01] > Pantea puts drinks in front of the guys
[21:01] [+David O'Cain] Cool. Bet the Marines of Spartan will like what you have to offer.
[21:03] [Pantea] Yeah. I'm just hoping getting back in the swing of things after so long won't be too bad.
[21:03] > +David O'Cain takes one of the shotglasses
[21:03] [+David O'Cain] I'm sure.
[21:03] > Pantea made this http://www.barnonedrinks.com/drinks/a/annas-banana-217.html
[21:05] [+Solarchos] Oooo, nice.
[21:05] [+David O'Cain] Mmmmm, good.
[21:09] [+Solarchos] This is pretty good Pantea. Well done.
[21:10] [Pantea] Thanks.
[21:11] [Pantea] Other than all the normal things, I've been mostly studying and mixing alcohols in the licorice family.
[21:13] [+David O'Cain] Cool.
[21:15] [+Solarchos] What kind of drinks can you mix from that?
[21:16] [Pantea] Well it depends what you're using. Absinthe is the most widely known, probably, but ouzo, anisette, sambucca, and pernod are all from the licorice family.
[21:16] [Pantea] Among others.
[21:17] [+Solarchos] Absinthe is well know, but also famous for its side effects.
[21:18] [+David O'Cain] Absinthe, sambucca, and one for the road. :P
[21:19] [+Solarchos] No kidding.
[21:21] > Pantea does a round of shooters with anisette, ginger ale, and whiskey.
[21:22] [Pantea] That's probably more to your manly tastes, eh
[21:22] [Pantea] ?
[21:23] [+Solarchos] Oooo! Inu-Kit's calling me to dinner. I need to get going for the night.
[21:23] [+David O'Cain] Later, Solar.
[21:23] [Pantea] Bye, then.
[21:25] <-- +Solarchos has left #reddwarfmain ("Dinner with the family is important! Plus the kits look so adorable when they're eating.")
[21:28] [Pantea] So. Anything else I can get you, David?
[21:29] [+David O'Cain] Don't know yet.
[21:36] [Pantea] Ok.
[21:37] > Pantea sits on a stool, looking over a small book
[21:51] [+David O'Cain] Sure is quiet.
[21:52] [Pantea] Seems to be a trend lately.
[21:53] [+David O'Cain] Yep.
[21:55] [Pantea] How're things with you?
[21:57] [+David O'Cain] Things have been going alright. Just another weekend.
[21:59] [+David O'Cain] You?
[22:00] [Pantea] Alright. Preparing, but not much else.
[22:01] [+David O'Cain] Cool.
[22:28] [Pantea] Night, David.
[22:28] <-- Pantea [pantea@lightanddark.com] has left #reddwarfmain (When darkess comes you know I'm never far.)
[22:29] [+David O'Cain] Night.
[22:43] --> Matsumi Kaze [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has joined #reddwarfmain
[22:43] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Matsumi Kaze
[22:43] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Matsumi Kaze
[22:43] > +Matsumi Kaze walks in, rubbing her head a bit
[22:49] [+David O'Cain] Hi, Matsumi.
[22:50] [+Matsumi Kaze] oh hey
[22:50] [+David O'Cain] How're you this evening?
[22:52] [+Matsumi Kaze] better
[22:52] [+Matsumi Kaze] Ami gave me a clean bill of health
[22:55] [+David O'Cain] That's good to hear.
[22:56] [+Matsumi Kaze] yeah. She has a good bedside manner
[22:57] [+David O'Cain] Really?
[22:58] [+Matsumi Kaze] heh yup
[22:59] [+David O'Cain] Cool. I'm not sure what to ask or say about the subject anymore.
[22:59] [+Matsumi Kaze] hm?
[23:03] > +Matsumi Kaze sits on a sofa
[23:06] [+David O'Cain] Anyway, what's up?
[23:06] [+Matsumi Kaze] oh not much
[23:08] [+David O'Cain] Yeah, roughly the same for me.
[23:10] [+Matsumi Kaze] seriously?
[23:13] [+David O'Cain] Well, I take that back. Been involved in some military Olympics. I entered in the Men's Pugil Stick competition, didn't make into the quarters. Came close, though.
[23:14] [+David O'Cain] Even though this is the first year of the events, the tournaments have been rather tough.
[23:19] --> Nephrite [FormerGeneral@DarkKingdom.net] has joined #reddwarfmain
[23:19] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Nephrite
[23:19] [+David O'Cain] Hey, Neph.
[23:19] [+Matsumi Kaze] oh hey, Neph
[23:21] [+Matsumi Kaze] how are you?
[23:22] [Nephrite] Hey David, Matsumi. I'm doing well, how're the two of you?
[23:23] [+Matsumi Kaze] fine..went to see Ami for some medical advice
[23:24] [Nephrite] Ahh yes, the prettiest doctor ever. What was bothering you, Matsumi?
[23:25] [+Matsumi Kaze] well I blacked out at home...
[23:26] [+Matsumi Kaze] and woke up on this ship, drinking a glass of water...
[23:26] [+Matsumi Kaze] and apparently talking about the moon...
[23:26] [Nephrite] Interesting
[23:27] [+Matsumi Kaze] so I went to her on minako's suggestion
[23:29] [+Matsumi Kaze] found nothing wrong
[23:30] [Nephrite] Well, I'm glad to hear you're alright Matsumi
[23:30] [+Matsumi Kaze] yeah
[23:31] > +Matsumi Kaze pours herself a drink
[23:31] [+Matsumi Kaze] been quiet lately though for me
[23:32] [+David O'Cain] Well, if you two will excuse me, I need to get going. Good night.
[23:32] [+Matsumi Kaze] night
[23:33] <-- +David O'Cain has left #reddwarfmain (Take care, both of you.)
[23:35] [+Matsumi Kaze] ..tomorrow my CD comes out
[23:36] [Nephrite] That's good. I didn't even know you were releasing another album.
[23:37] [+Matsumi Kaze] it's actually the album I never finished
[23:37] [+Matsumi Kaze] before I went on hiatus
[23:39] [+Matsumi Kaze] there are two new songs on there
[23:42] [Nephrite] Interesting. I'll have to pick it up.
[23:42] [+Matsumi Kaze] was hard enough to finish the album...
[23:45] [+Matsumi Kaze] dropped freya as my agent
[23:46] [Nephrite] Oh really? So who's representing you now?
[23:48] [+Matsumi Kaze] no one
[23:50] > +Matsumi Kaze sits down and rink
[23:50] [+Matsumi Kaze] *drink
[23:50] [+Matsumi Kaze] want some?
[23:50] [Minako Aino] Haiiiii~
[23:50] --> Minako Aino [SoldierOfLove@Venus.net] has joined #reddwarfmain
[23:50] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Minako Aino
[23:51] [Nephrite] Sure Matsumi. Hey there Mina.
[23:52] [+Matsumi Kaze] hey minako
[23:52] > +Matsumi Kaze pours another glass and hands it to neph
[23:52] > Nephrite takes it with a smile, "Thanks Matsumi"
[23:52] [+Matsumi Kaze] I decided to drop freya as my agent..since she seemed to have other things to do
[23:52] [Minako Aino] Ohhhh... does that mean Manager-san is covering you now?
[23:53] > Nephrite smirks a bit, not saying anything.
[23:53] [Minako Aino] ???
[23:54] [+Matsumi Kaze] huh..I..don't know O_o
[23:54] [Minako Aino] o_O what do you mean you don't know? Ether he is or he isnt... theres no inbetween, and its the kind of thing you aught to know..
[23:55] [+Matsumi Kaze] I didn't..really ask him
[23:56] > Nephrite chuckles a bit, "Thank you Mina. I was actually just about to ask her if she would like me to represent her." :P
[23:56] [Minako Aino] Well you shouuuuuuuld~ He's really good! I had a tour that sold out after just two shows, an album, and he even got me in the american Playbo magazine! He's really good!
[23:57] [+Matsumi Kaze] hm...*taps her chin and drinks*
[23:58] [Minako Aino] Of course, Matsumi-chan thinks she has to compete with me if she goes into singing.. so I'll have to retire early if she hires you, Manager-san. You'll help her to bury me if I stay.
[23:58] [+Matsumi Kaze] ._.
[23:58] [Nephrite] Actually....
[23:58] [Nephrite] I can tell you this...
[23:59] [Minako Aino] It was a joke, and a joke at my expense. :p
[23:59] [Nephrite] If I were to be hired by Matsumi.... I might just double bill you two on a tour together.
[00:00] >>> Monday Mar 15 2010 <<<
[00:00] [+Matsumi Kaze] I suppose I can't complain...sure
[00:00] [Minako Aino] Which I've been saying we should do all along! But Matsumi has to have the show about her..
[00:00] [Nephrite] Which reminds me, Mina.... the proofs from the playboy shoot should arrive at my office tomorrow.
[00:01] [Minako Aino] EEEEEE!
[00:01] > Nephrite nods to Matsumi, "I'll draw up a contract tonight and have it to you sometime tomorrow evening."
[00:04] > Minako Aino hugs Matsumi.
[00:05] [Minako Aino] You can be a bright star, if you just believe in yourself and stop cutting yourself short! And STOP OVERTHINKING THINGS! If we tour together, then they come to see both of us! Not you, not me.
[00:05] [+Matsumi Kaze] heh
[00:05] > +Matsumi Kaze returns the hug
[00:05] [+Matsumi Kaze] just one thing
[00:06] [+Matsumi Kaze] on stage...I'm Matsii
[00:06] [Nephrite] I'll have to remember that.
[00:07] [Minako Aino] Sure. I like it. Its Kawaii~ But ne, won't people pick up on who you are when they see you?
[00:07] [+Matsumi Kaze] heh...I just like the sound of it
[00:09] [Minako Aino] Okay. I'm just saying tho, they'll know it was Matsumi Kaze, if they don't already, which hey probably do.
[00:09] [+Matsumi Kaze] yup of course
[00:10] [Minako Aino] Ne, manager-san, should we set up a PO Box for fanmail? I'm a little worried about what I might get.
[00:10] > +Matsumi Kaze pours a little blueberry juice in her vodka
[00:11] [Nephrite] Great idea Mina. i'll get that set up tomorrow.
[00:12] [Minako Aino] Maybe I'll ask Kaede-chan to help me sort it.
[00:12] > +Matsumi Kaze sips it and smiles "oh so much better"
[00:14] [+Matsumi Kaze] nothing like a little fruit in your liquor
[00:14] [Minako Aino] May I get one?
[00:14] [Nephrite] I have an intersting question for you both.
[00:14] [Nephrite] ^interesting.
[00:15] [+Matsumi Kaze] what kind, minako?
[00:15] [+Matsumi Kaze] hm?
[00:15] [Minako Aino] You aren't getting us to do an echhi movie. =p
[00:15] [Minako Aino] Whatever you're having.
[00:16] [Nephrite] No no no, I wouldn't dream of that.
[00:16] [Minako Aino] The heck you wouldn't dream of it. Asking, you might not dream of.
[00:17] [Nephrite] I was thinking of doing a charity commercial for Naftis and I was wondering if you two would like to appear in it.
[00:17] [Minako Aino] Probably. What's the charity? Really? Naftis?
[00:17] [+Matsumi Kaze] oh?
[00:18] > +Matsumi Kaze pours a bit of blueberry juice into a glass of vodka and gives it to minako
[00:20] [+Matsumi Kaze] what sort of charity?
[00:20] [Nephrite] Well, you know she's trying to rebuild Galactica.....
[00:22] [+Matsumi Kaze] of course
[00:22] [Nephrite] .... she and I have been talking and I want to contribute. I have some clothing firms already signed on already, but rebuilding and entire socity is hard. So I want to recruit a few more mediums.
[00:23] > +Matsumi Kaze arches an eyebrow "how did you explain to them...what it is...I mean..the whole alien thing"
[00:23] [Minako Aino] *giggles* You just want to help her because you think she's hot.
[00:24] [Minako Aino] Ne, Matsumi-chan is right. This isnt as simple as starving children or fighting a disease.
[00:24] [Nephrite] I know quite a few companies who're alien friendly.
[00:25] [+Matsumi Kaze] whoa...
[00:25] > Nephrite blushes a bit at Mina's comment, "Comeon now..... I'm trying to do some good here."
[00:25] [Minako Aino] That still doesn't help you explain to the average human.. but alright, if you think you can arrange something, just tell me what I need to do.
[00:26] [Nephrite] Alright. I'll come up with the details and let you both know.
[00:26] [+Matsumi Kaze] alrighty..love to help
[00:30] > +Matsumi Kaze drinks "mmm...deki would love this stuff"
[00:30] > Nephrite sips his drink.
[00:31] [+Matsumi Kaze] he loves berries
[00:34] [+Matsumi Kaze] make him a berry pie...scarffs it up like heck
[00:35] [Nephrite] Heh
[00:36] [Minako Aino] The way to a mans heart... ^_^
[00:36] [+Matsumi Kaze] heee yup
[00:38] > +Matsumi Kaze finishes her drink and smiles "ahhh..that was good"
[00:39] > Nephrite stands, "I should be going"
[00:39] [+Matsumi Kaze] alright, neph
[00:39] [Nephrite] I actually just came up to tell you about your proofs Mina. I have to get up early tomorrow if I'm gonna' get that contract brought up before they arrive.
[00:39] [Minako Aino] Aww, I'm not done teasing about how to get to YOUR heart =p Goodnight, Manager-san.
[00:39] [Minako Aino] I'll call you~
[00:40] > Nephrite smirks and winks at Mina, "You can tease me all you want tomorrow. Goodnight ladies."
[00:41] [+Matsumi Kaze] alrighty seeya
[00:42] <-- Nephrite [FormerGeneral@DarkKingdom.net] has left #reddwarfmain (I was kinda' hoping to run into Naftis while I was here. Oh well)
[00:44] [+Matsumi Kaze] well that solves one of my problems
[00:45] [Minako Aino] What are the other ones?
[00:46] [+Matsumi Kaze] um..none really...just saying that solves one of my problems heh
[00:47] [Minako Aino] Umm... okay..
[00:47] > +Matsumi Kaze moves her long hair out of the way of her eye
[00:47] > Minako Aino adjusts her's in response.
[00:49] [+Matsumi Kaze] I always worried when I grew my long hair I'd look too much like you
[00:49] [Minako Aino] Ohh, that'd be terrible..
[00:49] [Minako Aino] Usagi looks just like me with her's down, and she's never complained.
[00:50] [+Matsumi Kaze] well no..it's just...
[00:50] [+Matsumi Kaze] I didn't mean that as an insult
[00:51] [Minako Aino] I know, I know. Of course, you already looked like Haruka-san.
[00:52] [+Matsumi Kaze] never say that >.<
[00:52] [Minako Aino] Ne? Why? Haruka-san is cool.
[00:53] [+Matsumi Kaze] I want to be me >.>
[00:54] [Minako Aino] Which is respectable, but I think you worry about it too much. Of course you are you. Looking like other people doesn't take that away from you. I'm sure theres thousands of people I look like, but I don't let that slow me down.
[01:00] [+Matsumi Kaze] you know..I never brushed my hair ever when I was younger
[01:01] [Minako Aino] Well, thats easier when its short. But maintaining this hair is a LOT of work.. Luckily I can hire help now. ^_^
[01:01] [+Matsumi Kaze] which is why it was always sort of spiky messy
[01:02] [+Matsumi Kaze] heh
[01:03] [+Matsumi Kaze] well I never realized when I grew it long..how curled it would get
[01:07] [Minako Aino] I guess I'm lucky.. it stays pretty straight on its own. I do use good product though.
[01:08] [+Matsumi Kaze] and the whole hair over my eye thing hehe....I look more like my husband now
[01:21] [Minako Aino] No, you look like you, and you look very sexy.
[01:24] [+Matsumi Kaze] why thank you
[01:24] [Minako Aino] Well, I'm going to turn in. Goodnight.
[01:24] [+Matsumi Kaze] night!
[01:25] <-- Minako Aino [SoldierOfLove@Venus.net] has left #reddwarfmain (Sobieru mirai, Wasurenaide!)
[01:31] [+Matsumi Kaze] guess I'll head home then
[01:32] <-- +Matsumi Kaze [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has left #reddwarfmain (*yawn* bit tired anyway)
[18:21] --> Naftis Katheti has joined #reddwarfmain
[18:21] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Naftis Katheti
[18:21] > Naftis Katheti walks in, carrying several catalogs, takes a seat, and begins to sort through them.
[18:30] > Naftis Katheti sorts through them, making notes on a notepad.
[18:43] <-- Naftis Katheti has left #reddwarfmain (Pity, I was hoping to get some opinions..)
[23:27] --> Tina Kaze [FireyAirPrincess@QTech.com] has joined #reddwarfmain
[23:27] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Tina Kaze
[23:27] > Tina Kaze stretches and yawns
[23:29] [Tina Kaze] worn out @_@
[23:29] --> Celestite [CrystalGirl@dimensionzero.cc] has joined #reddwarfmain
[23:29] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Celestite
[23:30] [Celestite] Where's my sweetness?
[23:30] [Tina Kaze] here
[23:30] [Celestite] Hi Tina ^_^
[23:31] [Tina Kaze] hey celest *rubs her eyes*
[23:32] [Celestite] You look tired?
[23:32] [Celestite] -?
[23:33] [Tina Kaze] a bit worn out
[23:34] > Tina Kaze sits on a sofa
[23:34] > Celestite walks over and sits next to Tina
[23:35] > Tina Kaze leans against celeste "the closer it gets..the more stuff needs to be done"
[23:36] [Celestite] I know...
[23:37] [Tina Kaze] excited?
[23:40] [Celestite] I am ^_^
[23:40] > Tina Kaze fixes her skirt
[23:40] [Tina Kaze] so am I
[23:40] [Tina Kaze] least I finally got my dress
[23:40] > Celestite snuggles Tina
[23:41] [Celestite] Good good.
[23:42] > Tina Kaze holds celest tightly "how was your day?"
[23:42] [Celestite] Pretty good. Getting finals done before spring break.
[23:44] [Tina Kaze] I'm hoping to finish my training before the wedding....now I think it's more for self-defense
[23:44] [Celestite] Reallly?
[23:46] [Tina Kaze] yeah
[23:46] [Celestite] Interesting.
[23:46] [Tina Kaze] my powers have finally stablized too
[23:46] [Celestite] That's good.
[23:46] [Celestite] I've been practicing mine in my free time too.
[23:47] > Tina Kaze bursts into flame....but is just as cool to the touch as before
[23:48] > Tina Kaze (flame form) smiles to her
[23:49] > Celestite giggles a bit
[23:49] [Celestite] You're on fire, baby. ^_^
[23:50] > Tina Kaze (flame form) kisses celeste, her flaming hair moving in an invisible wind
[23:51] > Celestite kisses Tina back with a smile.
[23:52] [Tina Kaze (flame form)] how do I look?
[23:53] [Celestite] Hot ^_~
[23:53] [Tina Kaze (flame form)] I can also control my flames
[23:54] [Celestite] Interesting
[23:55] [Tina Kaze (flame form)] yuppers
[23:57] > Tina Kaze (flame form) looks over celeste
[23:58] > Tina Kaze (flame form) turns off her flames
[23:58] [Tina Kaze] heh
[00:00] >>> Tuesday Mar 16 2010 <<<
[00:00] [Celestite] Hmm?
[00:00] [Tina Kaze] nuthing
[00:01] > Celestite holds out her hand and conjures an ice flower from the air in the room
[00:02] [Tina Kaze] awwwww
[00:04] > Celestite hands the flower to Tina
[00:04] > Tina Kaze takes it and smiles
[00:05] --> Nate Detroit (future) [SmashChamp@reddwarf.com] has joined #reddwarfmain
[00:05] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +o to Nate Detroit (future)
[00:05] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, @Nate Detroit (future)
[00:06] > @Nate Detroit (future) walks in, barely aided by a carved walking stick.
[00:06] [Celestite] Hey Papa-Nate ^_^
[00:06] [@Nate Detroit (future)] Hello there, young ladies. How are you?
[00:07] [Tina Kaze] I'm well!
[00:07] [Celestite] Pretty good. Excited for the big day coming up.
[00:08] [@Nate Detroit (future)] Well good. Very good. It should mean a lot to the three of you. Everything seems to be going smoothly on the prep side.
[00:08] > @Nate Detroit (future) walks behidn the bar, resting the walking stick on it.
[00:09] [@Nate Detroit (future)] Oh good, its still here. Tina, you have strong elemental fire affinities, correct?
[00:09] [Tina Kaze] I got my wedding dress
[00:10] > @Nate Detroit (future) produces a large, glowing jar, places it on the counter, and pulls out some shot glasses.
[00:11] > Celestite smiles at Nate
[00:11] [@Nate Detroit (future)] Yes? No? Maybe? I was going to offer a round of drinks, assuming of course, that you can still safely drink.
[00:11] > @Nate Detroit (future) grins at them.
[00:12] [Tina Kaze] yes I do
[00:13] [@Nate Detroit (future)] You do not, however, correct Celestite?
[00:13] [Celestite] Nope. I'm ice, papa-nate
[00:14] > @Nate Detroit (future) chuckles.
[00:14] [@Nate Detroit (future)] That works out perfectly.
[00:16] [Celestite] Why do you say that?
[00:17] > @Nate Detroit (future) pours two shots of the glowing fluid, mixing them with a little chaser, flips through a drink book, and starts mixing something more complex for the third.
[00:18] [@Nate Detroit (future)] Because I wanted to make sometihng appropriate, and the glowign stuff would kill you. ^_^
[00:18] > @Nate Detroit (future) takes them to the girls, handing Tina the glowing one, and Cele a pale yellow one.
[00:18] [Tina Kaze] thank you ^^
[00:19] [@Nate Detroit (future)] C'mon, a Detroit should be able to hold her liquor. Toast with me?
[00:20] [Tina Kaze] sure!
[00:20] > Celestite takes tehe shot, looking it over
[00:20] [Celestite] Sure, why not?
[00:21] [@Nate Detroit (future)] To a bright future... YOUR bright future, and a happy home, overflowing with love.
[00:21] [Celestite] Here here!
[00:22] > @Nate Detroit (future) taps his glass to theirs, downs it, and gasps, puffing black smoke.
[00:22] > Tina Kaze drinks her's...and blows out a thin trail of black smoke
[00:23] > Celestite shoots her's, not wincing a bit.
[00:23] [Celestite] Mmmm... fruity
[00:23] [@Nate Detroit (future)] Hooo man, thats good stuff.
[00:23] [Tina Kaze] whoa..
[00:24] [Celestite] You two must've had some pretty powerful stuff.
[00:25] [@Nate Detroit (future)] Yeah.. it was donated ages ago.. I want to say by Candy, but my memory is fuzzy. I'll have to ask her.
[00:25] [Tina Kaze] it's nice..
[00:27] > @Nate Detroit (future) takes the shot glasses back to the bar and washes them.
[00:27] [Celestite] Must be hot to make you both smoke afterword.
[00:28] [@Nate Detroit (future)] Tina, your mother won't let me pay for the services. Have you decided on your honeymoon?
[00:29] [Tina Kaze] not really yet...
[00:29] [@Nate Detroit (future)] Well, decide and let me know, and I'll flip the bill. Whatever you want, I'll make it happen.
[00:30] [Tina Kaze] thank you, un..I mean Nate-papa
[00:31] > @Nate Detroit (future) grins and chuckles a little.
[00:31] [Celestite] Awww, thanks Papa-Nate :)
[00:32] [@Nate Detroit (future)] Thank you both, for making my kid happy. You have no idea how happy it makes me that he's found love so early.
[00:34] [Celestite] Awww, well we love Marty with all we are. I even almost started a fight with a succubus for him.
[00:35] > @Nate Detroit (future) chuckles again, but facepalms this time.
[00:35] [Tina Kaze] yeah
[00:36] [@Nate Detroit (future)] Yes, I am familiar with Morrigan.. I don't tihnk she really means any HARM, she just teases the people she likes most, not unlike myself, Marty, and increasingly, Logan.
[00:36] [@Nate Detroit (future)] Although... I don't believe Morrigan was the only one you started a fight with.
[00:36] [Tina Kaze] ...
[00:37] [Celestite] Yeah well.... that kinda' led to a little spat with Marty.... but we settled it.
[00:37] [@Nate Detroit (future)] I know. Those sorts of things are inevitable, not that that's any excuse. I'm glad it was settled.
[00:39] [@Nate Detroit (future)] I should warn you, however.. when Matsumi punched me, I didn't forget it, and, well, I got her back tenfold eveuntally. Of course, that was also because of a time she killed me. Really it was a lot of factors that built up.
[00:40] [Celestite] I see
[00:42] [Tina Kaze] I see....
[00:42] [@Nate Detroit (future)] She'd probably have another go at killing me if I told you any more ^_^ So I'll let you use your imaginations.
[00:44] [@Nate Detroit (future)] But they say the strains can make a relationship stronger, so *shrug*
[00:44] [Celestite] I've heard that.
[00:44] [Tina Kaze] yeah
[00:45] > @Nate Detroit (future) makes something else, and sits opposite them, bringing his stick with him.
[00:46] [@Nate Detroit (future)] I do hope I'm not interupting. Please, let me know if I am.
[00:46] > Tina Kaze sits down on a sofa
[00:46] [Tina Kaze] huh?
[00:46] [@Nate Detroit (future)] Huh?
[00:46] [Celestite] Not at all, Papa Nate
[00:48] [Tina Kaze] nope!
[00:50] --> :3 Nekonata Ɛ: [Neko-neko@moe.net] has joined #reddwarfmain
[00:50] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, :3 Nekonata Ɛ:
[00:50] [Tina Kaze] hmm?
[00:50] > :3 Nekonata Ɛ: pokes her head in, looking around. :3
[00:51] [@Nate Detroit (future)] Mmm?
[00:51] [Celestite] Oh, it's Izumi :)
[00:51] [:3 Nekonata Ɛ:] Aww... I thought I smelled Logan-chan.
[00:51] [@Nate Detroit (future)] Ahh, Logan's girlfriend, right?
[00:51] [@Nate Detroit (future)] Sorry to dissapoint. ^_^
[00:51] > :3 Nekonata Ɛ: nod-nod-nods~ :3
[00:51] [@Nate Detroit (future)] I could call him, if you like.
[00:52] [Celestite] How're you tonight, Izumi?
[00:52] [:3 Nekonata Ɛ:] I'm good-nya~~
[00:52] [Tina Kaze] hello there
[00:52] [:3 Nekonata Ɛ:] I don't wanna bother him if he's sleeping-nya.
[00:54] > Tina Kaze summons a small fire ball..just playing with it
[00:54] [@Nate Detroit (future)] Ohh, as I started to say, I want to tell you the same thing I told Alala when she was expecting. Assuming you procreate, and really even before then, if you ever need anything; Money, advice, a night alone, don't hesitate to ask.
[00:55] > :3 Nekonata Ɛ: bounds over and starts up the Wii~ :3
[00:56] > Celestite blushes a little at that, "Thanks Papa-Nate." ^_^
[00:56] [Tina Kaze] um..thank you *turns a little red*
[00:56] [@Nate Detroit (future)] My pleasure.
[00:56] > @Nate Detroit (future) smiles, sipping his drink, and clearly enjoying himself.
[00:57] > :3 Nekonata Ɛ: starts Mario Kart and races using Daisy. :3
[00:58] [Tina Kaze] oh...mama is making dinner tomorrow she says
[00:58] [Celestite] Oh really?
[00:59] [@Nate Detroit (future)] Ahh.. the Wii.. not Nintendo's best system, but even their worst is better than the best any compeditor can offer. This... wen't up against a Sony system, unless I'm mistaken?
[00:59] [Tina Kaze] yes! she says she wants to cook for once by herself
[00:59] [Celestite] Ah
[01:00] [Tina Kaze] what's a wii?
[01:00] [:3 Nekonata Ɛ:] Dunno-nya, this is ancient tech to me. ^_^;;
[01:00] [:3 Nekonata Ɛ:] But still fun~ :3
[01:00] [@Nate Detroit (future)] I hope she isnt grilling up Moth again.. >.>
[01:00] [Tina Kaze] um...probably not
[01:01] [Tina Kaze] mama says Moth is more rare nowadays..and barely used
[01:02] > :3 Nekonata Ɛ: points out the console to Tinya-san.
[01:02] [:3 Nekonata Ɛ:] It's an old game console from this time. :3
[01:03] [@Nate Detroit (future)] You should see the really old one's, Izumi. The ones I used to play when I was your age. I wouldn't know where to begin explaining the differences to you.
[01:04] [Tina Kaze] oh..like the Univox Galaxic
[01:05] [:3 Nekonata Ɛ:] This one has some of those old-old-old games on it. o_o
[01:05] [Celestite] I never was one for video games.
[01:05] [@Nate Detroit (future)] Try the Magnavox Odyssey. That was my first system.
[01:05] [Tina Kaze] I don't....but I know Minami has a Galaxic
[01:05] [:3 Nekonata Ɛ:] Poor Mario looked all weird back then. o_o
[01:06] [@Nate Detroit (future)] He did.. things like his mustashe and overalls were made just to give him distinguishing features.
[01:08] > :3 Nekonata Ɛ: nod-nods.
[01:08] [:3 Nekonata Ɛ:] Ack.. @_@
[01:08] > Tina Kaze just listens
[01:08] > :3 Nekonata Ɛ: crashes and falls off the track.
[01:08] [@Nate Detroit (future)] So, Izumi, how are things with my son?
[01:09] [:3 Nekonata Ɛ:] We're good-nya~ We went to see a movie the other night. :3
[01:10] [@Nate Detroit (future)] That's good. He treats you well?
[01:10] > Celestite giggles, hugging Tina
[01:11] [:3 Nekonata Ɛ:] Of course-nya~ We're best friends too. :3
[01:12] > @Nate Detroit (future) smiles more, proping up his feet and sipping his drink.
[01:12] > Tina Kaze hugs back
[01:13] [@Nate Detroit (future)] All that leaves is Joanna.. *sigh*
[01:14] [Tina Kaze] she will have to come to the wedding as well of course!
[01:14] [@Nate Detroit (future)] Oh yes, I'll be sure of it.
[01:14] [:3 Nekonata Ɛ:] Logan and I had lots of fun in her forest one time~ :3
[01:16] [@Nate Detroit (future)] She's good with kids who aren't afraid to get a little dirty. ^^
[01:20] [Tina Kaze] that's neat
[01:21] [:3 Nekonata Ɛ:] Climbing trees and running around is almost as much fun as video games. :3
[01:21] [@Nate Detroit (future)] Its good that you think so, its good for you, but I never was one for playing outside..
[01:22] [Tina Kaze] I never played much >.>
[01:25] [@Nate Detroit (future)] I never played much outside.. I hated getting sweaty and dirty.
[01:26] [:3 Nekonata Ɛ:] Aww.. That's maybe not so fun, but you just don't think about that. <_<
[01:26] [@Nate Detroit (future)] It probably helps that he has a cute girlfriend he's trying to impress.
[01:27] > @Nate Detroit (future) scratches Izumi behind the ears with an expert's touch.
[01:28] [:3 Nekonata Ɛ:] :P
[01:28] > :3 Nekonata Ɛ: purrs, though~
[01:28] > Celestite starts to doze off
[01:31] [Tina Kaze] awww...celeste
[01:31] [@Nate Detroit (future)] Hmm...its getting late. Do you have classes tomorrow, Izumi?
[01:32] [Celestite] Huh, what? I'm up.
[01:33] [:3 Nekonata Ɛ:] Yeah. >_>
[01:33] [Tina Kaze] you missed your test, celste!
[01:33] > Celestite perks up, "What!? NOO!!"
[01:33] [@Nate Detroit (future)] O_o
[01:35] > Celestite looks around, manicly
[01:35] [Tina Kaze] and the muffins are on fire
[01:36] > Celestite suddenly hops up
[01:36] > @Nate Detroit (future) laughs, in spite of himself and his shock.
[01:37] [Tina Kaze] and POOF! it's gone
[01:37] > :3 Nekonata Ɛ: giggles~
[01:39] > Celestite realizes where she is and snaps out of her trance, "What just happened?"
[01:39] [Tina Kaze] you sort of fell asleep
[01:40] [Celestite] I see. Guess I was more tired then I originally thought.
[01:41] [Tina Kaze] awww
[01:42] [@Nate Detroit (future)] Maybe you should get some rest.
[01:45] [Celestite] Well, I'm pretty much wide away now
[01:45] [@Nate Detroit (future)] Wide awake? That was a pretty rude awakening. ^^
[01:47] [Tina Kaze] hehe
[01:49] > Tina Kaze pokes celeste's nose
[01:51] > :3 Nekonata Ɛ: starts a new race and stomps all over the competition~ :3
[01:52] [@Nate Detroit (future)] Hey, she's getting better.
[01:53] [:3 Nekonata Ɛ:] Who, me? :P
[01:53] > Celestite watches Izumi as she sits back down next to Tina
[01:53] [@Nate Detroit (future)] Yeah. Its not often you see girls who can play a... well, I hesitate to all Mario Kart a serious game.
[01:54] [~] well well well....haven't seen that game in a long time
[01:55] [Tina Kaze] huh?
[01:55] --> Matsumi Kaze (future) (royal nightgown) [RoyalQueen@Quinox.gov] has joined #reddwarfmain
[01:55] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Matsumi Kaze (future) (royal nightgown)
[01:55] > Matsumi Kaze (future) (royal nightgown) looks over Izumi's shoulder
[01:55] [@Nate Detroit (future)] Ahh, hello, my Princess.
[01:56] > @Nate Detroit (future) opens his arms in greeting her.
[01:56] [Matsumi Kaze (future) (royal nightgown)] Queen to you, Nate :P
[01:56] [Celestite] Hi Mama-Matsumi
[01:56] > Matsumi Kaze (future) (royal nightgown) gives Nate a gentle hug
[01:56] [:3 Nekonata Ɛ:] Hi-nya~
[01:56] [@Nate Detroit (future)] Always Princess to me.
[01:56] > Matsumi Kaze (future) (royal nightgown) is wearing a pure silk pale green nightgown, laced with silver
[01:56] > @Nate Detroit (future) returns it, then lifts her chin into a kiss.
[01:57] [Tina Kaze] hello, mama!
[01:57] > Matsumi Kaze (future) (royal nightgown) gives a short kiss
[01:58] [Matsumi Kaze (future) (royal nightgown)] and how are my two lovely girls, doing?
[01:58] [Matsumi Kaze (future) (royal nightgown)] -,
[01:58] > @Nate Detroit (future) puts his arm around her back and turns so they both face the room.
[01:59] [Celestite] A little tired, but good.
[01:59] [Tina Kaze] I'm fine!
[02:01] [Matsumi Kaze (future) (royal nightgown)] tomorrow I have to go and meeting with the representives of Uranus again..wish I didn't have to
[02:01] [@Nate Detroit (future)] Need an escort?
[02:02] > :3 Nekonata Ɛ: turns back to the game, starting Rainbow Road. :3
[02:02] [Matsumi Kaze (future) (royal nightgown)] no I shall be fine
[02:03] [Matsumi Kaze (future) (royal nightgown)] this would go a whole lot smoother if they would agree to increase their imports
[02:03] [Celestite] Maybe I should come with you Mama-Matsumi. I'm learing intergalactic negotiations.
[02:03] [@Nate Detroit (future)] I imagine that would help you, given your geography.. Sorry to hear it isnt going better.
[02:04] [Matsumi Kaze (future) (royal nightgown)] that would be nice, celeste
[02:04] [Matsumi Kaze (future) (royal nightgown)] it's mostly due to a minor problem with the scripting
[02:04] [Tina Kaze] I'll come too!
[02:06] [Matsumi Kaze (future) (royal nightgown)] I can't wait till the three of you are married ^^ I love a good wedding
[02:07] [@Nate Detroit (future)] And I love that I'll be seeing a woman of the Shin line or the arm of my son. ^_^ And Celestite is nothing to sneeze at ether.
[02:07] > :3 Nekonata Ɛ: races along, barely staying ahead of the others.
[02:08] [Matsumi Kaze (future) (royal nightgown)] Kaze line to be precise hee
[02:08] > Celestite giggles, "Thanks for the palace, Mama-Matsumi. We'll take good care of it"
[02:08] [Matsumi Kaze (future) (royal nightgown)] oh I hope so! it's a very nice one
[02:08] [Tina Kaze] ..it's a bit big >.>
[02:08] [@Nate Detroit (future)] And maybe in.... ten? Eight? Four years? I'll see Izumi here on the arm of my other son.
[02:10] [Matsumi Kaze (future) (royal nightgown)] you seem in a hurry, dear Nate
[02:10] [@Nate Detroit (future)] You know what I mean, princess. And my only hurry is to see my children prosper.
[02:11] > :3 Nekonata Ɛ: giggles a bit~
[02:12] > Celestite snuggles Tina
[02:12] > Tina Kaze snuggles back
[02:13] [Matsumi Kaze (future) (royal nightgown)] ah true true
[02:13] [Matsumi Kaze (future) (royal nightgown)] children are truely a blessing
[02:13] [Celestite] Mama-Matsumi.... do you know anything about the head maid at the western palace?
[02:13] [@Nate Detroit (future)] I just know that I wish I had met my wife when I was their age. Of course, I can't complain with how things turned out. And indeed, they are, whether or not they realize it.
[02:13] [Matsumi Kaze (future) (royal nightgown)] hm?..OH her...oh yes...I hired her myself
[02:15] [Matsumi Kaze (future) (royal nightgown)] lovely girl
[02:16] [Tina Kaze] oh *blushes*
[02:17] [Celestite] She's very nice, but I think she has a thing for us.
[02:17] > @Nate Detroit (future) grins at Matsumi at that.
[02:19] > Matsumi Kaze (future) (royal nightgown) simply smiles "oh she does?"
[02:21] > @Nate Detroit (future) yawns.
[02:22] [@Nate Detroit (future)] I really should turn in... it was a pleasure spending an evening with you four beautiful ladies. Be seeing you.
[02:22] > Celestite giggles, "Goodnight Papa-Nate" :)
[02:23] [Matsumi Kaze (future) (royal nightgown)] goodnight, nate
[02:23] > @Nate Detroit (future) gives Matsumi a kiss on the cheek and a pinch to her side.
[02:24] > Matsumi Kaze (future) (royal nightgown) just smirks
[02:24] [:3 Nekonata Ɛ:] Night-nya~
[02:24] > Matsumi Kaze (future) (royal nightgown) fixes her short blond hair
[02:24] <-- @Nate Detroit (future) [SmashChamp@reddwarf.com] has left #reddwarfmain (I look forward to the impending union of families.)
[02:27] [Matsumi Kaze (future) (royal nightgown)] well you two girls been behaving yourselves?
[02:27] > :3 Nekonata Ɛ: yawns and turns off the game.
[02:29] [Matsumi Kaze (future) (royal nightgown)] going to bed, young lady?
[02:29] [Celestite] For the most part.
[02:30] [Celestite] Sounds like Izumi's getting tired too.
[02:30] [:3 Nekonata Ɛ:] Yeah-nya.. Sleepy. ~_~
[02:31] [Matsumi Kaze (future) (royal nightgown)] well *walks over to her* sleep well little one *ruffles her hair*
[02:31] > Celestite giggles
[02:32] [:3 Nekonata Ɛ:] Thanks-nya~ ♡
[02:32] > :3 Nekonata Ɛ: heads out of the room on all fours.
[02:33] [Tina Kaze] heh
[02:33] [Celestite] G'night Izumi
[02:33] <-- :3 Nekonata Ɛ: [Neko-neko@moe.net] has left #reddwarfmain (Sleepy time-nya~)
[02:34] [Matsumi Kaze (future) (royal nightgown)] I suppose I should get some sleep myself...only came here to see what you two were up to
[02:35] [Celestite] Alright Mama-Matsumi
[02:37] [Matsumi Kaze (future) (royal nightgown)] take care..I expect you both ready by 5:00 in the morning
[02:37] [Celestite] 5.... in the morning?
[02:39] [Matsumi Kaze (future) (royal nightgown)] oh yes
[02:39] [Tina Kaze] but..but that's so early
[02:40] [Celestite] Guess there's no point in going to sleep :P
[02:41] [Matsumi Kaze (future) (royal nightgown)] my dear...you forget your time travel :P
[02:41] [Matsumi Kaze (future) (royal nightgown)] you'll have pleanty of time to sleep when you get back
[02:42] [Celestite] Oh yeah
[02:42] [Matsumi Kaze (future) (royal nightgown)] well..goodnight then
[02:42] <-- Matsumi Kaze (future) (royal nightgown) [RoyalQueen@Quinox.gov] has left #reddwarfmain
[02:42] [Celestite] Night Mama-Matsumi
[02:43] > Celestite yawns
[02:43] [Celestite] I think we should head home Tina.... I'm starting to get tired again.
[02:44] [Tina Kaze] same *yawn*
[02:44] > Celestite stands, holding her hand out to Tina
[02:45] > Tina Kaze takes celeste's hand, standing
[02:46] > Celestite leads the way out
[02:46] <-- Celestite [CrystalGirl@dimensionzero.cc] has left #reddwarfmain (I have a feeling tomorrow's gonna' be a long day.)
[02:46] <-- Tina Kaze [FireyAirPrincess@QTech.com] has left #reddwarfmain (oh yes)
[16:02] --> Solarchos has joined #reddwarfmain
[16:02] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Solarchos
[16:02] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Solarchos
[16:02] [+Solarchos] Looks like I've missed everyone once again. :/
[16:03] [+Solarchos] And I missed Nekonata, too! Ara-su loves her! :<
[16:21] --> Pantea (leotard) [pantea@lightanddark.com] has joined #reddwarfmain
[16:21] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Pantea (leotard)
[16:22] > Pantea (leotard) sits on the bar and drinks some water
[16:27] [Pantea (leotard)] Hm...guess not.
[16:27] <-- Pantea (leotard) [pantea@lightanddark.com] has left #reddwarfmain (When darkess comes you know I'm never far.)
[16:32] > +Solarchos is back
[16:33] [+Solarchos] And I just missed Pantea, too. Sheesh. My timing's off today.
[16:33] > +Solarchos goes over to a couch to lie down on it, then reconsiders and lies down on the blanket pile instead.
[17:03] > +Solarchos dozes off, relaxing within the thick blankets.
[17:06] > +Solarchos is away: Zzzzzzzzzz
[19:08] --> David O'Cain has joined #reddwarfmain
[19:08] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to David O'Cain
[19:08] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +David O'Cain
[19:10] [+David O'Cain] Huh. Really quiet here.
[19:42] > +Solarchos is back
[19:42] > +Solarchos suddenly wakes up with a start. O_O
[19:43] [+Solarchos] Oh, it's just you David.
[19:43] [+David O'Cain] Rise and shine. :P
[19:45] [+Solarchos] Sorry about that. I got so comfortable within those blankets that even my catalepsian node didn't work as well as it should have. Maybe I need to undergo some maintenance.
[19:46] [+Solarchos] Although it could have been because the blankets all have the scent of my children on them. Makes for a very relaxing place. ^__^
[19:48] [+David O'Cain] Heh. So what's up, man?\
[19:50] [+Solarchos] Not too much. Just finally taking it easy and resting. The last couple of days have been hellish.
[19:51] [+David O'Cain] I'll bet.
[19:52] [+Solarchos] We destroyed that asteroid, but it wasn't as simple as just blowing a big hunk of rock out of the sky.
[19:54] [+David O'Cain] Eh?
[19:55] [+Solarchos] We had to first blast it until it started to break up, then reassess and hit it a second time after identifying which pieces were large enough to survive re-entry.
[19:55] [+David O'Cain] Okay.
[19:56] [+Solarchos] Then I ordered the full mobilization of every military unit on Unmei to run constant patrols both on the ground and in the air. I wanted to make certain that A.) no foreign force attempted to use the meteor shower as a cover to land unnoticed...
[19:57] [+Solarchos] And B.) make sure any meteors that did strike were actually meteors and not something else. Like Tyranids.
[19:58] [+Solarchos] Fortunately, nothing of the sort has happened. It was just a bg asteroid. Nothing more.
[19:59] [+David O'Cain] Sounds like you had things covered well.
[20:02] [+Solarchos] Eh, I hope so. I'm just taking a brief rest period before returning to the Hellesponte. I'm going to maintain the alert level for at least another 24 hours before I consider a stand-down.
[20:02] [+Solarchos] I have to be certain that there's no threat.
[20:03] [+David O'Cain] Of course.
[20:05] [+Solarchos] Still, Inu-Kit's safety and that of our children demand such vigilance on my part.
[20:06] [+Solarchos] So I'm not complaining one bit. ^__^
[20:06] [+David O'Cain] Heh.
[20:08] [+Solarchos] How about you? Hopefully your day was comparatively more "boring" by comparison.
[20:12] [+David O'Cain] Eh, mine was alright. Can't really complain when keeping the world safe from all the various crooks out there.
[20:12] [+Solarchos] Heh, I wish my job could be that relatively easy.
[20:13] > +David O'Cain shrugs, "Things could get tougher in the long run."
[20:14] [+Solarchos] Let's hope not.
[20:15] [+David O'Cain] We'll see. Anyway, I'm glad I have something else to do besides going after any undead that pop up or just being in presence of MKA and MKM.
[20:15] [+Solarchos] Undead? You're having problems with them?
[20:17] [+David O'Cain] They're not showing up often if that's what you mean.
[20:18] [+Solarchos] Grim must be pretty bored right now, huh?
[20:19] [+David O'Cain] Well, not really. He still has his soul collecting thing going. Always picking up fresh souls for the afterlife.
[20:21] [+Solarchos] Has be picked up anyone strange or unusual lately?
[20:21] [+Solarchos] Oh! I know! Did he manage to collect Michael Jackson's soul?!
[20:28] [+David O'Cain] Probably. I mean, it is his job.
[20:29] [+Solarchos] What was that like? I'm sure people would be dying to know.
[20:31] [+Solarchos] EEEEEEEE-hee-hee! Sorry, couldn't help myself! ^^
[20:32] > +David O'Cain jokingly slaps Solar in the face, "Not with Rick James around, b[SMEG]ch!"
[20:35] [+Solarchos] XD
[20:36] [+Solarchos] Invoking the ghost of Rick James?! Whoa, that's heavy, dude.
[20:37] [+David O'Cain] :P
[20:39] > +Solarchos snickers.
[20:39] [+Solarchos] Of course, the ghost of Johnny Cash could totally pwn ALL of their asses combined.
[20:40] [+David O'Cain] Oh yeah. And would be crying if he heard the latest Country sound.
[20:40] [+Solarchos] Ugh. No kidding. ~_~;
[20:40] [+Solarchos] Who says he isn't?
[20:42] [+David O'Cain] Indeed.
[20:44] [+Solarchos] I wonder...was Grim the one who snagged Saddam Hussein's soul?
[20:45] [+David O'Cain] You got me, man. He might or a fellow co-worker from Islam.
[20:46] [+Solarchos] Please tell me Saddam's currently undergoing some kind of horrible eternal torture. He certainly had it coming.
[20:47] [+David O'Cain] I'd say that's a high probability.
[20:48] [+Solarchos] Like what though?
[20:50] [+David O'Cain] Possibly getting the same treatment he gave his subjects.
[20:51] [+Solarchos] So, being made to wear a frilly yellow sundress and frolic around in flower fields all day to the amusement of millions?
[20:52] [+David O'Cain] The hell should I know?
[20:53] [+Solarchos] Well, perhaps Grim knows! Might be worth a few laughs to find out one of these times.
[20:54] [+David O'Cain] We'll see.
[20:57] --> Pantea [pantea@lightanddark.com] has joined #reddwarfmain
[20:57] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Pantea
[20:57] [+Solarchos] Hi Pantea.
[20:58] [Pantea] Boys.
[20:58] [+David O'Cain] Evening.
[21:00] [Pantea] You two just talking up here? That is what you usually do, right?
[21:00] [+Solarchos] Eh, pretty much. It's a good way to pass the evening.
[21:00] [+David O'Cain] Pretty much just yakking.
[21:02] [+Solarchos] The only other alternative would be shooting up the whole place or testing out new explosives BUT I don't think that'd go over really well with everyone else on the Dwarf.
[21:02] [+David O'Cain] Yeah. That would be bad juju.
[21:03] [Pantea] Don't you ever think about going anywhere? I would, but I don't generally get enough money to blow on something like that.
[21:04] [+Solarchos] Oh I frequently go to other places. I just like coming back here after I get back.
[21:04] [+David O'Cain] Indeed. I come up here after working.
[21:04] [Pantea] And here I thought you spent most of your time at home with your family.
[21:04] [+Solarchos] I do. I also spend some time here as well.
[21:05] [+Solarchos] Especially since my family also comes here from time to time.
[21:06] [+Solarchos] Something wrong, Pantea?
[21:06] [+Solarchos] You seem a bit tense tonight.
[21:06] [Pantea] What do you mean?
[21:08] [+Solarchos] Well, you sound a little irritated about something.
[21:08] [Pantea] No, not really.
[21:12] [+Solarchos] But I do need to get going soon. I have to return to the Hellesponte in less than an hour and I want to spend a little time with Inu-Kit and the little ones before then.
[21:12] [Pantea] Planning~
[21:13] [+David O'Cain] See ya, Solar.
[21:13] [Pantea] Oh, I see.
[21:13] [Pantea] Later, then.
[21:14] <-- +Solarchos has left #reddwarfmain (Hmmm, something's got Pantea a little on the sarcastic side tonight.)
[21:17] [+David O'Cain] Good day for ya?
[21:18] [Pantea] School's school.
[21:20] [+David O'Cain] Yep. Necessary, too.
[21:23] [Pantea] Education, yes. I'm going to take my GED when I turn 16, and then it won't be a problem anymore.
[21:23] [+David O'Cain] Cool.
[21:29] [+David O'Cain] Still working on your mixicology or whatever the art of mixing drinks is called?
[21:29] [Pantea] Yup
[21:29] [+David O'Cain] Awesome. Anything new?
[21:31] [Pantea] Nope, just studying.
[21:36] [+David O'Cain] Ah. I wasn't sure if you came up with new drinks.
[21:37] [Pantea] I have plenty of time to do that once I have my job secured.
[21:39] [+David O'Cain] Okay.
[21:45] [Pantea] So how's your week going?
[21:46] [Pantea] The girls all ok?
[21:46] --> ~courier has joined #reddwarfmain
[21:46] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, ~courier
[21:46] > ~courier beams in
[21:47] > ~courier presses a small device on the side of his neck
[21:48] [+David O'Cain] My week's going alright and the ladies are doing just fine.
[21:49] [Pantea] That's good.
[21:49] [~courier] huh....so who ordered these drinks?
[21:49] > Pantea looks over at the new person
[21:49] [+David O'Cain] Eh?
[21:49] [Pantea] Alcohol?
[21:50] > ~courier has pale skin with tattoos along the side of his face...his hair is long with yellow eyes and pointed ears
[21:50] [~courier] yeah
[21:50] [Pantea] Ooh, that's me~
[21:51] > Pantea nearly pounces on the box, opening it
[21:52] [~courier] whoa....you act like that all the time?
[21:52] [Pantea] Increasingly, apparently!
[21:53] [~courier] must have good legs there
[21:53] [Pantea] Have you had these? Are they any good?
[21:53] [~courier] oh yeah! one of them really konks you out
[21:53] [Pantea] Hm...
[21:54] [+David O'Cain] What alcoholic drinks are they?
[21:54] [Pantea] Off world ones! They were in the database.
[21:55] [Pantea] So, courier boy, what's your name?
[21:55] [+David O'Cain] Ah. So, what'd you get?
[21:58] [Pantea] Some kind of vegan ale, something called churrath, and one called fillominsk
[21:59] [+David O'Cain] Okay.
[21:59] > Pantea gets three glasses and opens a bottle to try.
[21:59] [~courier] my name is Vosk
[22:00] > ~courier is now known as Vosk
[22:01] > Pantea slides one glass to David and another to Vosk
[22:01] [~Vosk] let me tell you..with Fillominsk...gotta love the stuff...had it one night with the boys..left us deaf for two days1
[22:01] [~Vosk] *!
[22:01] > ~Vosk takes the drink
[22:01] [~Vosk] Pu'gsk! *downs it*
[22:01] > +David O'Cain takes the glass and sips
[22:01] [Pantea] Oreally?
[22:02] > Pantea takes a good sip, tasting it thoroughly
[22:03] [~Vosk] yeah...the best one I've drunk...was in a small hole in the road on Killmu III
[22:03] [Pantea] Where's that?
[22:03] [Pantea] Damn, I need a big map like Miara's got.
[22:04] [~Vosk] between Killmu II and Killmu IV
[22:04] > ~Vosk gives a little laugh
[22:04] [Pantea] ...yeah that helps so much.
[22:04] [~Vosk] it's a little joke
[22:05] [+David O'Cain] I'm curious, what race or species are you?
[22:05] [Pantea] Oh. *blushes* Sorry.
[22:06] [~Vosk] I'm a Tun
[22:07] [+David O'Cain] Okay.
[22:07] [~Vosk] that answer your question?
[22:08] > Pantea swallows the rest of her drink, and begins unpacking the box into the bar area
[22:08] [+David O'Cain] Yes.
[22:08] [Pantea] So do you deliver to Dione, too, or is that someone else?
[22:09] [~Vosk] nah..don't bother with places like that
[22:10] [Pantea] So I guess if I want stuff I have to get it sent here.
[22:12] [Pantea] Unless I can persuade you to deliver there~?
[22:12] [~Vosk] well...
[22:12] > ~Vosk takes a peek behind her
[22:12] [~Vosk] for you babe...sure
[22:13] > Pantea raises an eyebrow
[22:14] [Pantea] I start at the MKA bar next week, you should come.
[22:14] [~Vosk] hey loved to if you're there
[22:15] [Pantea] Though I can't promise you free booze yet
[22:16] [~Vosk] I'll bring it!
[22:16] > Pantea laughs
[22:18] [+David O'Cain] Heh. And I don't mean to be rude in correcting you, Pantea, but it's a Marine base.
[22:18] [Pantea] Oh. Soldiers are soldiers, i guess?
[22:19] [Pantea] As far as my end, anyway.
[22:19] [~Vosk] they usually have the best drinks
[22:20] [Pantea] Maybe. They certainly have plenty of fun.
[22:20] [+David O'Cain] So true. I'll be honest I haven't seen what the base on Dione looks like. And I'm sure the Spartans are taking good care of it.
[22:21] [Pantea] It looked nice enough to me.
[22:21] [Pantea] So you like the fillominsk, Vosk?
[22:21] [~Vosk] oh heck yeah
[22:21] > Pantea pulls a bottle, opens it, and makes a drink she saw in the database
[22:23] [Pantea] Want some, David?
[22:25] > Pantea puts one in front of Vosk
[22:25] [+David O'Cain] Sure, I'll take a glass.
[22:25] > Pantea pours one for David, too
[22:26] [~Vosk] thanks babe
[22:27] [Pantea] Well, how is it?
[22:27] > ~Vosk drinks and coughs "niiiiiice"
[22:28] > +David O'Cain takes a sip, "Whoa."
[22:30] [Pantea] Excellent~
[22:31] [~Vosk] feel this in the morning..just as I should :D
[22:32] [Pantea] You think I could get out of school?
[22:33] [~Vosk] why not?
[22:33] [Pantea] Though I seem to metabolize this stuff like mad...
[22:34] [Pantea] Here goes.
[22:35] > Pantea does a two shots of the stuff
[22:36] [Pantea] Fooo. Interesting
[22:38] [~Vosk] if you want a real exprence...mix it with Suuuulisk venom
[22:39] [Pantea] You think we have that?
[22:40] [~Vosk] probably not!
[22:40] [Pantea] Next time I get money...I'll have to order it.
[22:40] [~Vosk] best to get them alive!
[22:40] [~Vosk] the venom is it's sharpest then
[22:40] [Pantea] What??
[22:41] [~Vosk] a Suuuulisk is a worm...ya pull out it's tongue to get the venom
[22:42] [Pantea] So long as it's not a snake!
[22:43] [Pantea] Venomous snakes are creepy >>
[22:43] [~Vosk] nah..their venom is lackluster
[22:45] [Pantea] I suppose I could learn.
[22:46] [~Vosk] want me to teach you? *waggle*
[22:47] [Pantea] Hm...maybe~
[22:48] [+David O'Cain] Well, I need to get going. Good night.
[22:48] [~Vosk] seeya
[22:48] [Pantea] Night, David!
[22:48] <-- +David O'Cain has left #reddwarfmain (Take care.)
[22:53] > Pantea gets a superfine sharpie and takes Vosk's hand, writing a time and place on it
[22:54] [Pantea] So you won't forget~
[22:55] [~Vosk] hey, thanks babe
[22:55] [Pantea] Bring your friends, my boss will like it.
[22:57] [~Vosk] oh the boys would love it
[22:58] [~Vosk] well I guess I should get back on the job..seeya babe
[22:58] > ~Vosk gives her a wink "seeya later"
[22:58] <-- ~Vosk has left #reddwarfmain (*beams out*)
[22:58] [Pantea] Later, Vosk
[23:00] [Pantea] Hmm~
[23:00] [Pantea] How unexpected.
[23:00] > Pantea cleans up the bar
[23:03] <-- Pantea [pantea@lightanddark.com] has left #reddwarfmain (When darkess comes you know I'm never far.)
[23:35] --> Matsumi Kaze (robe) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has joined #reddwarfmain
[23:35] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Matsumi Kaze (robe)
[23:35] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Matsumi Kaze (robe)
[23:35] > +Matsumi Kaze (robe) walks in, with her hair tied back in a ponytail
[23:37] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] mmmmm what a nice day
[23:41] > +Matsumi Kaze (robe) rubs one of her shoulders
[23:47] > +Matsumi Kaze (robe) lays on the floor
[23:48] > +Matsumi Kaze (robe) starts to do some sit ups
[23:48] --> Nephrite [FormerGeneral@DarkKingdom.net] has joined #reddwarfmain
[23:48] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Nephrite
[23:48] [Nephrite] There's my newest client. ^_^
[23:49] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] hey neph
[23:49] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] 15...16...17...18...19...20!
[23:49] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] ok that's enough I think
[23:50] [Nephrite] Doin' a bit of a workout there, Matsumi?
[23:50] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] just a little..mostly to keep my energy
[23:52] > +Matsumi Kaze (robe) stands "how are things?"
[23:53] > +Matsumi Kaze (robe) stretches
[23:54] [Nephrite] Pretty good. I think I might already have the first couple venues of you and Mina's tour picked out.
[23:55] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] serously O_O
[23:57] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] wow..that..was quick
[23:58] [Nephrite] Well, I'd already started scouting venues for Mina's next tour. When I added your name to the bill, the first couple called me back, egar to have you both there.
[23:58] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] never knew I'd attract things like that ._.
[00:00] >>> Wednesday Mar 17 2010 <<<
[00:00] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] that..surpises me
[00:06] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] heh
[00:11] [Nephrite] Why's that?
[00:11] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] been out of the game for a bit
[00:12] [Nephrite] Still, your name is out there, Matsumi. You're still a draw.
[00:13] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] I'm greatful...guess I should write some new songs then
[00:13] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] or practice my old ones
[00:14] [Nephrite] Well, you just released that album. You should probably do some of those songs.
[00:15] [Nephrite] That'll help with promotions
[00:15] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] I suppose so..yeah that makes sense
[00:18] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] have to thank you again
[00:21] [Nephrite] Don't mention it.
[00:21] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] so how was your day?
[00:21] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] drink?
[00:23] [Nephrite] Not bad and sure.
[00:25] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] what do you want?
[00:26] --> Naftis Katheti has joined #reddwarfmain
[00:26] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Naftis Katheti
[00:26] [Naftis Katheti] Good evening.
[00:27] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] evening
[00:27] [Nephrite] Hello there Naftis
[00:28] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] what would you like, Neph ^^
[00:28] [Nephrite] Something light.
[00:29] [Nephrite] I'm glad to see you Naftis, I have some news for you.
[00:29] [Naftis Katheti] Do we have any more dry red wine?
[00:29] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] I think we do
[00:29] > +Matsumi Kaze (robe) heads over to the bar and pours a light drink for neph...and a glass of red wine for Naftis and hands them both their drinks
[00:30] [Nephrite] Thank you Matsumi
[00:30] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] no prob
[00:31] > Naftis Katheti takes hers and sips, looking at Neph.
[00:33] > +Matsumi Kaze (robe) sits ontop of the bar
[00:33] [Nephrite] I've got three companies, ready to donate clothing to Galatica.
[00:36] [Naftis Katheti] O_o
[00:36] [Nephrite] Also, I'm making a commercial that I plan on sending to some of my intergalactic friendly contacts staring the lovely Mrs Kaze and Miss Aino.
[00:36] [Naftis Katheti] That... but... how?
[00:37] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] always happy to help
[00:38] [Naftis Katheti] People of Earth barely know what Sailr Senshi are! They're more of an urban legend than anything..
[00:38] [Nephrite] I told you I had connections.
[00:39] [Nephrite] True.... but Minako is now an international singing star and model thanks to me and Matsumi's making a singing come back.
[00:39] [Naftis Katheti] I see.. well, thats very good of you. Thank you very much.
[00:41] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] ^^
[00:42] [Nephrite] You're quite welcome. I'm glad I could help.
[00:44] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] yay for good deeds!
[00:45] > Nephrite sips his drink with a smile
[00:46] [Naftis Katheti] I'll drink to that!
[00:46] > Naftis Katheti sips.
[00:48] [Naftis Katheti] Thats good to hear, because I know a few systems that are going to be hard sells on their entry into New Galactica.
[00:49] > +Matsumi Kaze (robe) pours a small glass of ginger ale
[00:49] [Nephrite] Well, you let me know how I can help.
[00:49] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] I'd love to help you as well
[00:54] [Naftis Katheti] Good, because I need senshi more than anything.
[00:56] [Naftis Katheti] I do have one thing going for me, however... intimate knowledge on what the other senshi would enjoy if I tried to appeal to them.
[00:56] [Nephrite] That's a good thing.
[00:59] > +Matsumi Kaze (robe) fixes her robe a bit
[00:59] [Naftis Katheti] Hotaru and I set off thursday.. that will give me a little time to get what I can from stores.
[00:59] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] that's always a good thing
[00:59] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] hotaru is probably the best choice for any of this
[01:00] [Naftis Katheti] Well, she's the only one open to being a full time senshi.
[01:00] > Nephrite sips her drink.
[01:01] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] HEY!
[01:01] [Naftis Katheti] Hmm?
[01:01] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] I take offense to that
[01:01] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] I like to think of myself as still active
[01:02] [Naftis Katheti] You do? o.o Oh my, I am sorry.. I thought you were busy with teaching and your family..
[01:03] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] I still have time to keep Yokohama safe
[01:04] [Naftis Katheti] You are welcome to come off with us. I think we will be gone for four days.
[01:04] > Nephrite sips his drink, "Matsumi is quite active."
[01:05] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] I'm afraid I can't at the moment
[01:05] [Naftis Katheti] Well, I'm not debating that.. but I meant full time.. as in much more than not.
[01:06] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] yeah..guess you're right with that
[01:08] [Naftis Katheti] I've no doubt about your detications and sacrifices as a senshi.
[01:10] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] of course
[01:10] [Naftis Katheti] Of course? You were offended a moment ago.. o.o
[01:11] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] well you were right I guess
[01:11] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] I'm not a full time senshi..as in I don't spend all my time with my senshi duties
[01:11] [Naftis Katheti] Well.. anyway..
[01:12] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] heh
[01:12] > +Matsumi Kaze (robe) sips her drink
[01:13] [Naftis Katheti] It will be a thousand years before I can think of anything else..
[01:15] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] I'm sure
[01:16] > Naftis Katheti blinks, and wonders what she means by that..
[01:17] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] just..nevermind..late nights sometimes make my brain not work
[01:18] [Naftis Katheti] Umm.. alright then..
[01:19] [Nephrite] Happens to the best of us.
[01:19] > Naftis Katheti swirls her remaining wine, then drinks it.
[01:19] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] deki calls it the babbles XD
[01:19] > Naftis Katheti giggles.
[01:20] > +Matsumi Kaze (robe) giggles too
[01:21] [Naftis Katheti] You sure are timid tonight, Nephrite. You haven't hit on me once.
[01:22] [Nephrite] Is that an invitation?
[01:23] [Naftis Katheti] You need an invitation? ^_~
[01:23] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] heh
[01:23] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] welp..you two have fun then
[01:23] > +Matsumi Kaze (robe) puts her glass aside
[01:23] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] I'll leave you two alone heh
[01:23] [Naftis Katheti] Ohh.. goodnight, Matsumi.
[01:24] > +Matsumi Kaze (robe) heads down the hall
[01:24] > +Matsumi Kaze (robe) is away
[01:25] [Nephrite] Matsumi?
[01:26] [Naftis Katheti] Is she alright?
[01:27] [Nephrite] I'm sure she's fine. She does that sometimes.
[01:28] > Nephrite sits at the bar near Naftis
[01:28] [Nephrite] You must like it when I make advances toward you. ^_~
[01:29] [Naftis Katheti] It is a nice change of pace..
[01:30] [Naftis Katheti] Much better than making men kiss my boots >.>
[01:30] [Nephrite] What if I did that.... willingly? :p
[01:30] > Naftis Katheti looks at him for a moment, then laughs out loud.
[01:31] [Naftis Katheti] Then it'd probably still remind me of my misdeeds too much.
[01:31] [Nephrite] Fair enough
[01:34] [Naftis Katheti] Couch?
[01:34] [Nephrite] Sure, might be a little more comfortable.
[01:35] > Naftis Katheti skips over and sits, crossing her legs.
[01:35] > Nephrite walks over, sitting next to Naftis
[01:37] > Naftis Katheti leans against him.
[01:38] > Nephrite puts his arm around Naftis' waist
[01:38] [Nephrite] You're quite the wonderful woman, Naftis.
[01:38] > Naftis Katheti pulls her hair out from behind them and shifts it aside.
[01:39] [Naftis Katheti] And you are too generous in your praise.
[01:41] [Nephrite] But you deserve every bit of it
[01:41] [Nephrite] You're beautiful, generous and a very hard worker.
[01:41] <-- +Matsumi Kaze (robe) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has left #reddwarfmain
[01:42] [Naftis Katheti] I am what I need to be to keep my soul from eating itself.. but thank you for the kind words all the same. Many of them could be put towards describing you.
[01:46] [Nephrite] Oh come now. I only do what I can to help.
[01:48] [Naftis Katheti] Just like me. We really do have a lot in common.
[01:49] [Nephrite] It certinly seems we do.
[01:50] > Nephrite turns and kisses Naftis' cheek with a smile.
[01:50] [Naftis Katheti] ^_^ ♡
[01:52] > +Matsumi Kaze (robe) is back
[01:52] > +Matsumi Kaze (robe) just watches from a doorway
[01:52] [Naftis Katheti] So.. you're into boots? *giggles more*
[01:53] [Nephrite] I wouldn't say I'm into boots, so much as the person who's wearing them.
[01:53] > +Matsumi Kaze (robe) just listens
[01:55] > Nephrite looks up, "Welcome back Matsumi"
[01:55] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] just ignore me..pretend I'm not here ^^
[01:56] > Nephrite smirks, "Didn't peg you as the voyuristic type"
[01:56] [Naftis Katheti] Took the words out of my mouth XD
[01:57] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] ha ha...I'm not :P
[01:57] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] I just don't want to bother you two
[01:58] > +Matsumi Kaze (robe) walks over and sits in front of the TV
[01:59] [Nephrite] I'm not bothered, are you Naftis?
[01:59] [Naftis Katheti] Never a bother, Matsumi. Besides, I don't think it makes much difference if someone watches~ ♡
[02:00] > Nephrite grins, "That's quite adventerous of you."
[02:00] > +Matsumi Kaze (robe) tries to relax
[02:02] [Naftis Katheti] When you've scoured most of the Galaxy, there isn't a lot left to advent.
[02:03] > +Matsumi Kaze (robe) drops the remote and tightens her robe
[02:04] [Naftis Katheti] Although, I can't help but think about what you said~
[02:04] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] I guess I'll go home
[02:04] <-- +Matsumi Kaze (robe) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has left #reddwarfmain (night)
[02:04] [Nephrite] Goodnight Matsumi
[02:04] > Naftis Katheti stands, but watches Matsumi leave.
[02:04] [Naftis Katheti] Strange girl..
[02:05] > Nephrite stands next to Naftis
[02:05] [Nephrite] She's very sweet though.
[02:06] > Naftis Katheti turns, giving Neph her authoritarian's glare.
[02:07] [Naftis Katheti] Kiss them. Now.
[02:07] [Nephrite] Hmmm....well now.... ♡
[02:07] > Naftis Katheti is wearing simple, smooth low heels.
[02:08] > Nephrite grins, then gets down on one knee in front of Naftis
[02:10] [Nephrite] Not that I mind doing this, but maybe we should go somewhere else for it.
[02:11] > Naftis Katheti smiles, throwing up his hair as she passes him, turning her back to leave.
[02:12] > Nephrite stands and follows
[02:18] <-- Naftis Katheti has left #reddwarfmain (Come, you.)
[02:18] <-- Nephrite [FormerGeneral@DarkKingdom.net] has left #reddwarfmain (Sure)
[14:55] --> Marty D [Techwiz@hogwarts.edu] has joined #reddwarfmain
[14:55] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Marty D
[14:55] > Marty D walks in with a sandwich and plate of fries, and sits to eat. =^_^=
[15:10] --> Morrigan has joined #reddwarfmain
[15:10] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Morrigan
[15:10] [Morrigan] Oh, hello Marty.
[15:11] > Morrigan waves to him, but keeps her distance, remembering her promise to Celestite.
[15:12] > Marty D puts down his plate, stands up, brushes off his robes calmly, then draws his wand and points it at Morrigan, fire burning from his eyes.
[15:12] [Marty D] - Stay away from me! -
[15:12] [Morrigan] Uhhhh, I'm already staying away from you. What's with the aggro-kitti-boi stance there?
[15:13] [Marty D] I swear I'll hex you into a slug if you touch me again.. I tried to be nice, I gave you benefit of the doubt, but you wont rest until you've created a perminent rift between me and the two women most important to me..
[15:13] [Morrigan] Wait what?!
[15:14] [Marty D] Don't. Play. Dumb. You can't possibly be so think that you don't understand the repercussions of your own actions.
[15:14] [Morrigan] Did someone spike your catnip with loco weed or something? Why would I try to destroy your relationship with your girlfriends?
[15:16] [Morrigan] You're talking about the last time I touched you and your zoned out, right?
[15:16] [Marty D] You had a good go at it last time you touched me.. I come out of my little fuzzy coma with Celest punching me. I've settled that with her, but it still could have been avoided.
[15:16] [Morrigan] Wait, she PUNCHED you?
[15:17] [Marty D] Like I said, I settled it with her. I still don't need you causing me any MORE trouble!
[15:18] [Morrigan] I'm hardly trying to cause you any trouble! It's not like I've actually done anything inappropriate or ecchi to you.
[15:19] [Marty D] You've fried my brain on multiple occations! At first it was fogivable, but you keep doing it!
[15:19] > Morrigan sighs. "Those two girls are really giving you a hard time for it, aren't they?"
[15:20] [Morrigan] Your brain gets fried whenever I make physical contact with you, right?
[15:21] [Marty D] Yes.
[15:22] [Morrigan] It's not like I'm casting a spell on you or anything. It's more accidental, a side-effect of my "chaotic nature" overwhelming you as you've put it, correct?
[15:22] [Marty D] Yes, but its long since stoped being an accident.
[15:24] [Morrigan] All right. I've already promised Celestite that I will NOT touch you like that again. I will make the SAME promise to you. Will that start to make things better between you and I?
[15:25] [Marty D] Yes. And if you don't keep it, the consequences will be dire.
[15:25] > Marty D 's eyes flare violently with the last word, then return to normal.
[15:25] [Morrigan] The big question I'd like answered is why your girlfriends aren't taking their anger out on ME instead of you.
[15:26] [Morrigan] It's not like your actions are deliberate or anything. So why were they punishing YOU?
[15:26] [Marty D] Don't ask me how women think. 9_9
[15:26] > Marty D falls back on the couch, and resumes eating his lunch.
[15:26] [Morrigan] Uhhh, I happen to be a woman you know. :P
[15:28] [Morrigan] It sounds to me Marty that those two are extremely jealous and more than a little insecure. Why else would they be reacting so violently towards you whenever your brain got fried as you put it?
[15:29] [Morrigan] I touch you, you focus on me to say the least, n'est pas?
[15:31] [Marty D] Thank you, Captain Obvious..
[15:32] > Morrigan gives Marty an irked glare. "Now-now-now, I'm trying to explain something to you here. You keep on making that sarcastic face, it'll get stuck like that."
[15:32] [Morrigan] They're jealous and they probably feel pretty threatened by me since I'm quite a bit more mature than they are. They probably think I'm plotting to steal you away from them.
[15:34] [Morrigan] Your own actions after getting "brain-fried" by me aren't deliberate or even conscious. So they shouldn't be taking their anger out on you at all.
[15:34] [Morrigan] Celestite and Tina should be berating ME.
[15:35] [Morrigan] Attacking you like that isn't fair. If anything, it sounds a little bit like intimidation and blackmail. And again that's not at all fair to you.
[15:37] [Marty D] You think I'm too prat to come to these conclusions on my own?
[15:38] [Marty D] Like I said twice, we settled it already.
[15:38] [Morrigan] No, I don't. But I'm letting you know that I also know.
[15:39] [Morrigan] It was wrong of them both to do that to you. And if they keep doing that kind of thing to you it's not a sign of a healthy relationship.
[15:40] [Morrigan] Now, I will keep my promise and NOT touch you again. HOWEVER...
[15:40] [Morrigan] There's a price tag.
[15:41] [Marty D] .....
[15:42] [Morrigan] If I hear about Celestite or Tina beating up on you again I'm going to be VERY upset.
[15:44] [Marty D] You won't.
[15:46] [Morrigan] I'd better not. And they'd better not try strong-arming you like that again, either.
[15:49] [Marty D] Or what? You'll go after them? You'll go after ME?
[15:49] [Morrigan] No, I won't be going after you. I promised you that, remember?
[15:50] [Marty D] So then what? Elaborate on your vague, idle threat. Please.
[15:51] [Morrigan] But I will be having words with them about it. And coersion doesn't exactly work well on me.
[15:52] [Morrigan] Now I must be going. Enjoy the rest of your lunch and I hope things between the three of you go a lot better now.
[15:53] [Marty D] They already are. Goodbye.
[15:54] <-- Morrigan has left #reddwarfmain (Well, THAT was kinda unexpected. :/)
[15:55] > Marty D finishes his lunch, angerly ripping into his sandwich.
[15:56] <-- Marty D [Techwiz@hogwarts.edu] has left #reddwarfmain (blaaaarg)
[23:03] --> Matsumi Kaze [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has joined #reddwarfmain
[23:03] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Matsumi Kaze
[23:03] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Matsumi Kaze
[23:04] > +Matsumi Kaze walks in and looks out the window
[23:06] [+Matsumi Kaze] hmm..
[23:14] > +Matsumi Kaze tries to relax
[23:19] [+Matsumi Kaze] ....quiet
[23:20] > +Matsumi Kaze leans against the wall
[23:29] [+Matsumi Kaze] hmm.
[23:29] --> Usagi Chiba [Moon_Bunny@Jubaan.Tokyo.co] has joined #reddwarfmain
[23:29] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Usagi Chiba
[23:29] > Usagi Chiba walks in and sits next to Matsumi
[23:29] [Usagi Chiba] hi there
[23:30] [+Matsumi Kaze] oh...hey, usa-chan
[23:31] [Usagi Chiba] you alright?
[23:31] [+Matsumi Kaze] not sure..
[23:33] [Usagi Chiba] want to talk about it?
[23:33] [+Matsumi Kaze] just feel old and worn out
[23:34] --> Minako Aino [SoldierOfLove@Venus.net] has joined #reddwarfmain
[23:34] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Minako Aino
[23:34] > Minako Aino enters, wearing a green bow and tight green tshirt.
[23:34] [Minako Aino] Heeeeeee~ Hi Massumi and Usaagiiiiiiiiiii..........chan.
[23:35] [Usagi Chiba] well you are sort of old
[23:35] > +Matsumi Kaze just looks at Usagi...
[23:36] [Usagi Chiba] well you're older then me...and minako..and ami...and makoto....and rei
[23:36] > Minako Aino flops onto the couch, letting her head and hair hang off it.
[23:36] [+Matsumi Kaze] yeah that's true
[23:41] [Usagi Chiba] whatcha have that's weighing you down?
[23:41] [Minako Aino] How are youuuuu both? Anyone partake in the fesstivities tonight?
[23:41] [+Matsumi Kaze] just...stuff...
[23:41] [+Matsumi Kaze] huh? oh..I um..went to chucrch
[23:41] [+Matsumi Kaze] *church
[23:41] [Minako Aino] Ne? What's wrong, Matsy?
[23:42] [+Matsumi Kaze] minako..if we do this tour...it can't be on days when I'm teaching...
[23:42] [Usagi Chiba] ne ne..tour???
[23:43] [Minako Aino] Tell that to Manager-san.. I'm not in charge of it really and..*hic* Its my life.
[23:44] [Minako Aino] Matsumi is FINALLY gunna go back on tour singin', an wiff ME! v‾v
[23:44] [Usagi Chiba] oooo congratulations!!!!
[23:44] [Usagi Chiba] see! you have nothing to worry about!
[23:44] [+Matsumi Kaze] I suppose
[23:46] [+Matsumi Kaze] thanks usa-chan! *hugs usagi tightly*
[23:46] > Usagi Chiba is surpised...but returns the hug
[23:47] [Usagi Chiba] you alright, Mina???
[23:49] [Minako Aino] oh yahh... bever netter *hic*
[23:49] [Usagi Chiba] ehhhhh?
[23:50] [+Matsumi Kaze] it's st. patrick's day
[23:50] [Usagi Chiba] oh...OH!
[23:50] [Minako Aino] yayyyyyyyyyyy!
[23:52] [+Matsumi Kaze] I never understand the drinking thing
[23:52] [Usagi Chiba] ehto....are you going to be ok, mina?
[23:54] [Minako Aino] I SAID I've been bever netter! Err.. never better..
[23:55] > Usagi Chiba giggles a bit
[23:56] [+Matsumi Kaze] just..don't throw up on us ^^;;;
[23:57] [Minako Aino] I'll try. >‾>
[23:59] [Usagi Chiba] I guess you usually drink on this day?
[23:59] [Minako Aino] Usually... yes. But the context has changed dramatically.
[00:00] >>> Thursday Mar 18 2010 <<<
[00:01] [Usagi Chiba] oh...I think