[01:12] >>> Friday Jun 19 2009 – Automatic reset triggered – Logging Start <<<
[01:12] > Beth Southstreet (tank top) pours herself a drink..she looks tired
[01:13] [Beth Southstreet (tank top)] Nate....
[01:13] [@Nate Detroit (Robe)] Oh... she told me you had... well, I'm gonna tell you the same thing I told her.. if you have problems, its all our business to help you, but its also your responsibility to minimize the trouble you bring us. Yes, Beth?
[01:14] [Beth Southstreet (tank top)] we see...
[01:15] [Beth Southstreet (tank top)] nate....we were wondering...
[01:15] > Beth Southstreet (tank top) drinks a shot of vodka
[01:15] > @Nate Detroit (Robe) takes a shot with her.
[01:16] [Beth Southstreet (tank top)] ..if we may move here
[01:17] [@Nate Detroit (Robe)] Of course. This is our base of ops. Just help me with the security detail.
[01:18] [Beth Southstreet (tank top)] very well
[01:18] [Beth Southstreet (tank top)] we....we are praticing our other selves once more
[01:19] [@Nate Detroit (Robe)] And Beth... I can't promise you're safe here, but I can promise your safer here than you are on earth.
[01:19] [Beth Southstreet (tank top)] ...that was our idea...we wish to...keep under so to speak
[01:19] [@Nate Detroit (Robe)] Good. Very good. I might be holding an inner AW tournament, just to see where everyone's skills lie. Would you be interested?
[01:20] [Beth Southstreet (tank top)] perhaps....it sounds like it may help us tone
[01:21] [@Nate Detroit (Robe)] Ill let you know what I figure out.
[01:21] > Beth Southstreet (tank top) nods..looking at the vodka bottle
[01:22] [Beth Southstreet (tank top)] how are you tonight..
[01:23] > @Nate Detroit (Robe) pours two more shots, and holds one up.
[01:23] [@Nate Detroit (Robe)] Alright.. this week has felt long for me..
[01:24] [@Nate Detroit (Robe)] Cheers?
[01:26] [Beth Southstreet (tank top)] cheers
[01:26] > Beth Southstreet (tank top) taps the glass
[01:26] > @Nate Detroit (Robe) takes his shot.
[01:28] > Beth Southstreet (tank top) drinks...the vodka is the strong stuff
[01:29] [@Nate Detroit (Robe)] Hahhh... I love that sensation that I'm breathing fire..
[01:29] [Beth Southstreet (tank top)] we find it helps our nerves....everynight
[01:30] [@Nate Detroit (Robe)] Well, try not to make a habbit of it.. or at least not a relyance. I know for me tho, it always helps my powers. I tihnk it does for Tabatha, too.
[01:31] [Beth Southstreet (tank top)] we see so much...everynight...awake and asleep...
[01:31] [Beth Southstreet (tank top)] we never forget
[01:32] [@Nate Detroit (Robe)] I'm... I'm sorry.
[01:34] > Beth Southstreet (tank top) leans forward a bit and holds her head
[01:34] [Beth Southstreet (tank top)] that is why...we find this drink good
[01:36] > Beth Southstreet (tank top) tries to make a smile
[01:37] > @Nate Detroit (Robe) pats her on the shoulder.
[01:38] [@Nate Detroit (Robe)] You'll be ok, Beth. ^_^ You can rest up here, rebuild your life, take your time.. and I dare say, nobody seems to stay single up here for long.
[01:38] > Beth Southstreet (tank top) turns a tiny bit red...just a tiny bit
[01:38] [Beth Southstreet (tank top)] we will...start moving in tomorrow
[01:39] [@Nate Detroit (Robe)] I'd offer to help, but weekends are busy.
[01:40] --> Aaron Abernathy has joined #reddwarfmain
[01:40] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Aaron Abernathy
[01:40] [Beth Southstreet (tank top)] we understand...and we are busy ourselves
[01:41] [Aaron Abernathy] Hey Beth
[01:42] [@Nate Detroit (Robe)] Hey... Aaron?
[01:42] [Aaron Abernathy] Commander! It's about time I ran into you!
[01:43] [Beth Southstreet (tank top)] hello
[01:43] [@Nate Detroit (Robe)] Nice to meet you again. Sorry we arent better organized.
[01:43] [Aaron Abernathy] I see you haven't changed a whole lot.
[01:43] > Beth Southstreet (tank top) moves away from the two and goes over to a corner with her bottle
[01:44] [@Nate Detroit (Robe)] I have Mrs. Kaze to thank for that, in part.
[01:44] [Aaron Abernathy] Hey, I totally understand. How're things panin' out for ya'?
[01:44] [@Nate Detroit (Robe)] You don't have to skulk away, Beth. Things are good.
[01:44] > Beth Southstreet (tank top) sits down and pours another drink
[01:45] > Beth Southstreet (tank top) nods
[01:46] [Aaron Abernathy] Yeah, Beth. Bring your pretty self back over here. ^_~
[01:48] > Beth Southstreet (tank top) just looks at Aaron..and moves back and sits on a sofa
[01:49] [Aaron Abernathy] Did I say somethin' wrong?
[01:52] > @Nate Detroit (Robe) looks serious, and gives the faintest nod.
[01:52] [@Nate Detroit (Robe)] Something to drink?
[01:52] [Aaron Abernathy] Singapore sling
[01:54] > @Nate Detroit (Robe) mixes three and hands them out.
[01:54] [Aaron Abernathy] Thanks
[01:54] [Beth Southstreet (tank top)] thank you
[01:55] [Beth Southstreet (tank top)] aaron...we are moving here tomorrow..
[01:55] [Aaron Abernathy] Ahh, that's good Beth. Maybe we can be neighbors then.
[01:57] [Aaron Abernathy] So Nate... what's been up since you woke up?
[01:57] > Beth Southstreet (tank top) nods "perhaps"
[02:01] [@Nate Detroit (Robe)] Started a business.. married and have four other girls I have to fight off with sticks.. and I moved to this ship.
[02:02] [Aaron Abernathy] Wow... lucky sucker
[02:02] [@Nate Detroit (Robe)] Yeah.. its kinda funny.. I went through high school without one date..
[02:04] [Aaron Abernathy] Heh, sounds like me, but I haven't had any luck since I woke up.
[02:07] [Beth Southstreet (tank top)] we never have time for such things
[02:07] [Aaron Abernathy] What do you do that you never have time to go out on a date, Beth?
[02:09] [Beth Southstreet (tank top)] we hunt......and we defeat
[02:10] [Beth Southstreet (tank top)] we will make things right....and destroy those who are like the ones who took our parents
[02:11] [@Nate Detroit (Robe)] And we will help her... That is, the group.
[02:11] > Beth Southstreet (tank top) just drinks
[02:11] [Aaron Abernathy] I could take ya' out sometime, Beth. Lord knows ya' look damn good. ^_~
[02:11] [Beth Southstreet (tank top)] no thank you
[02:12] [Beth Southstreet (tank top)] we cannot be distracted
[02:14] [Aaron Abernathy] I see... shame.
[02:14] [Beth Southstreet (tank top)] it is ok...thank you for the offer
[02:17] [Beth Southstreet (tank top)] we will be right back...we are going to change
[02:18] > Beth Southstreet (tank top) is away
[02:18] [Aaron Abernathy] Man, there're so many sexy girls up here... including Beth here.
[02:19] [@Nate Detroit (Robe)] Sounds like its all you can think about..
[02:20] [Aaron Abernathy] Can't help it....... you know how much I loved the ladies before. Even met a really nice lookin' snake girl last night.
[02:20] [@Nate Detroit (Robe)] Who?
[02:21] [Aaron Abernathy] He name was Sskt
[02:22] [Aaron Abernathy] ^Her
[02:22] [@Nate Detroit (Robe)] Heh.. wow... shes to your tastes?
[02:22] [Aaron Abernathy] Well, I AM Viper after all.
[02:23] [Aaron Abernathy] I don't discriminate between race, color or species. :p
[02:24] [@Nate Detroit (Robe)] Heh.. just watch out, I thought she was dating..
[02:24] [Aaron Abernathy] She didn't seem to be attached.
[02:24] [@Nate Detroit (Robe)] Thats... kinda... nevermind ^^;;
[02:24] [Aaron Abernathy] How about Tab? She seein' someone?
[02:26] [@Nate Detroit (Robe)] Yeah, big guy with a metal arm.
[02:26] [Aaron Abernathy] Metal arm!? Damn... ok.... so hands off her.
[02:27] [@Nate Detroit (Robe)] If you're in that big a hurry... Miara might be available.. but i'd slow my plce if i was you. You come on pretty strong..
[02:28] [Aaron Abernathy] Yeah, well.... I never did know much for tact. That's probably my problem.
[02:29] [Aaron Abernathy] So, you said you're married AND have 4 other girls?
[02:30] [@Nate Detroit (Robe)] Yes... don't ask me how. They all know about eachother.
[02:30] > Beth Southstreet (tank top and shorts) is back
[02:30] [Beth Southstreet (tank top and shorts)] we are back
[02:30] > Aaron Abernathy takes a drink and grins| What're they all like, if ya' don't mind me askin'?
[02:31] [Aaron Abernathy] Welcome back Beth. Lookin' even better then before.
[02:32] [@Nate Detroit (Robe)] >_> she was gone for a minute..
[02:32] [@Nate Detroit (Robe)] A muse, a princess, a mistress, an angel, and I forget if I gave the fifth a nickname.
[02:33] [Aaron Abernathy] Well.... she looked to me like she changed clothes.
[02:33] [@Nate Detroit (Robe)] I better be turning in.. sorry to cut it short.
[02:33] [Beth Southstreet (tank top and shorts)] we are more comfy
[02:33] [Aaron Abernathy] You're a lucky son of a such an' such there Nate.
[02:34] [Aaron Abernathy] I'll let ya' get some sleep though. Don't be a stranger.
[02:34] <-- @Nate Detroit (Robe) [SmashChamp@reddwarf.com] has left #reddwarfmain (Ice is flowin' through my veins; Explosives on my lips and in my lungs.)
[02:35] > Beth Southstreet (tank top and shorts) sits back down on a stool
[02:37] [Beth Southstreet (tank top and shorts)] ...we feel safe...
[02:37] > Beth Southstreet (tank top and shorts) shivers a little
[02:37] [Aaron Abernathy] You sure about that? Yer shakin'?
[02:38] [Beth Southstreet (tank top and shorts)] we have never felt safe before
[02:39] [Aaron Abernathy] Well, ya' should.
[02:40] [Beth Southstreet (tank top and shorts)] where are you from, aaron
[02:41] [Aaron Abernathy] A place on earth called Alabama
[02:41] [Aaron Abernathy] Or at least that's where I woke up
[02:42] [Beth Southstreet (tank top and shorts)] we awoke in California
[02:44] [Aaron Abernathy] Ahh
[02:44] [Beth Southstreet (tank top and shorts)] it was...a pretty place
[02:45] [Aaron Abernathy] Alabama wasn't a bad place.... some of the people were a little... backwards.
[02:45] [Beth Southstreet (tank top and shorts)] did you have..happy memories?
[02:47] [Aaron Abernathy] A few
[02:49] [Beth Southstreet (tank top and shorts)] charish them
[02:49] [Beth Southstreet (tank top and shorts)] they are the best things in the world
[02:51] [Aaron Abernathy] Do you have any happy memories, Beth?
[02:51] [Beth Southstreet (tank top and shorts)] just one
[02:51] [Beth Southstreet (tank top and shorts)] we barely remember....our fifth birthday....
[02:53] [Beth Southstreet (tank top and shorts)] we had a pink cake...with flowers on it
[02:54] [Aaron Abernathy] Sounds very nice ^_^
[02:56] [Beth Southstreet (tank top and shorts)] it was....that was also our last birthday
[02:57] [Aaron Abernathy] Wow, really? But you have to be at least in your 20's by now....
[02:58] [Beth Southstreet (tank top and shorts)] we are 22
[02:59] [Aaron Abernathy] And you haven't celebrated a birthday since you were 5?
[03:00] [Beth Southstreet (tank top and shorts)] no
[03:00] [Aaron Abernathy] Hmm.... that should change.
[03:02] [Beth Southstreet (tank top and shorts)] sometimes we miss it
[03:05] > Beth Southstreet (tank top and shorts) turns a bit to grab something..a bit of her back tattoo is showing
[03:05] [Aaron Abernathy] I'm gonna' see if me and the others can throw you a party.
[03:06] > Aaron Abernathy admires Beth's back and notices the tattoo
[03:08] > Beth Southstreet (tank top and shorts) puts away some of the vodka she had
[03:09] [Aaron Abernathy] What's with the ink on your back?
[03:10] [Beth Southstreet (tank top and shorts)] hmm?
[03:10] [Beth Southstreet (tank top and shorts)] we recevied it once when we joined a group of yakuaz
[03:10] [Beth Southstreet (tank top and shorts)] *yakuza
[03:11] [Aaron Abernathy] The Yakuza? I thought you said you lived in California?
[03:12] [Beth Southstreet (tank top and shorts)] as we grew older....we..traveled...and joined many
[03:12] [Aaron Abernathy] I see.
[03:13] [Beth Southstreet (tank top and shorts)] the Yakuza, the Mafia, the Triad, the Russian mob etc
[03:14] [Aaron Abernathy] Wow... some shady characters for sure
[03:16] [Beth Southstreet (tank top and shorts)] we have destroyed many from the inside
[03:16] [Beth Southstreet (tank top and shorts)] our tattoo...has our motto.....on it
[03:16] [Aaron Abernathy] Ahh, how much bigger is it?
[03:17] > Beth Southstreet (tank top and shorts) turns slightly...and lifts up the back of her tanktop
[03:18] > Beth Southstreet (tank top and shorts) 's tattoo is all along her back down nearly to her butt....it has purple flames, astrological symbols...one huge eye in the middle...and some words in japanese circling it
[03:19] [Aaron Abernathy] Wow.... that's a beautiful piece of artwork, not to mention you've got a great body to showcase it on.
[03:20] [Beth Southstreet (tank top and shorts)] the words say.....
[03:20] [Beth Southstreet (tank top and shorts)] "My mind is your death"
[03:22] > Beth Southstreet (tank top and shorts) puts her tanktop back down
[03:22] [Aaron Abernathy] Ahh
[03:22] > Beth Southstreet (tank top and shorts) yawns
[03:22] [Aaron Abernathy] You sound tired.
[03:22] [Aaron Abernathy] Care for an escort to your room?
[03:23] [Beth Southstreet (tank top and shorts)] we will be fine...*yawn*..thank you anyway
[03:23] [Beth Southstreet (tank top and shorts)] goodnight
[03:23] [Aaron Abernathy] Alright then.... g'night Beth.
[03:23] <-- Beth Southstreet (tank top and shorts) has left #reddwarfmain
[03:27] > Aaron Abernathy sighs a little and heads home.
[03:27] <-- Aaron Abernathy has left #reddwarfmain (Guess I do come on a little strong, just like Nate said)
[10:46] > Miara leaves a very healthy looking catnip plant outside Minako's door
[10:47] > Miara is away
[12:08] --> Sskt [lizardhunter@Branch6.org] has joined #reddwarfmain
[12:08] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Sskt
[12:09] > Sskt wanders in and yawns
[12:10] [Sskt] ugh..what a night
[12:12] > Sskt 's hair is down and messy
[12:13] --> Miara (long shirt) [amongimmortals@terra.net] has joined #reddwarfmain
[12:13] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Miara (long shirt)
[12:13] > Sskt yawns
[12:14] [Miara (long shirt)] Hi Sskt
[12:14] [Sskt] yo...
[12:15] > Miara (long shirt) gets some orange juice from the fridge
[12:15] [Miara (long shirt)] Want any?
[12:15] [Sskt] no thanks
[12:18] > Miara (long shirt) sits on a couch, picking at a length of wide medical tape on her leg
[12:18] [Sskt] I'm going to go take a walk..take care
[12:18] <-- Sskt [lizardhunter@Branch6.org] has left #reddwarfmain
[12:18] --> Beth Southstreet has joined #reddwarfmain
[12:18] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Beth Southstreet
[12:18] [Miara (long shirt)] Oh...see you later...
[12:19] > Beth Southstreet walks in..several boxes following behind her in the air
[12:19] [Miara (long shirt)] Hi Beth.
[12:19] [Beth Southstreet] hello
[12:19] [Beth Southstreet] how are you?
[12:19] [Miara (long shirt)] I'm alright.
[12:19] [Miara (long shirt)] Is that all yours?
[12:20] [Beth Southstreet] yes..it is ours
[12:20] [Beth Southstreet] we are moving here
[12:21] [Miara (long shirt)] Oh, yay, a new person!
[12:21] > Miara (long shirt) looks at the boxes
[12:21] [Miara (long shirt)] I didn't think you'd have that much stuff.
[12:22] [Beth Southstreet] there are things...we cannot go without
[12:22] > ~one of the boxes has a photo in it
[12:23] [Miara (long shirt)] Do you mind?
[12:24] [Beth Southstreet] huh???
[12:24] > Miara (long shirt) points at the box with the photo
[12:26] [Beth Southstreet] ......that's....rather private *has a bit of sadness in her voice*
[12:28] [Miara (long shirt)] Alright.
[12:29] [Miara (long shirt)] Did you pick a room yet?
[12:29] [Beth Southstreet] no..we haven't
[12:31] [Miara (long shirt)] Well there's still several rooms in this hallway, and then there's lots in the others.
[12:35] > Beth Southstreet nods
[12:38] > Miara (long shirt) finishes her juice and cleans her glass before putting it away
[12:39] [Beth Southstreet] we want to be safe while we are here
[12:40] [Miara (long shirt)] I've never had any problems. I mean, it's mostly just those of us in this community.
[12:41] [Miara (long shirt)] Though...you might not want to be in the kitchen when Leady is. Things tend to blow up. But that's really about it.
[12:42] [Beth Southstreet] leady?
[12:44] [Miara (long shirt)] She's a bit...you'll know her when you see her.
[12:47] [Miara (long shirt)] Don't worry, I'm sure everything will go fine ^_^
[12:49] > Miara (long shirt) is away: training
[12:50] [Beth Southstreet] bye
[12:50] > Beth Southstreet sighs and picks up the photo..it's of her at 5 years old with her parents..
[12:52] > Pantea flips out of a shadow near Beth
[12:52] [Pantea] Beth, are you moving~?
[12:52] [Beth Southstreet] we are moving into here...and...
[12:53] [Pantea] And?
[12:53] [Beth Southstreet] we wish to....train to be prepared
[12:53] [Beth Southstreet] we want to be safe.....while we plan
[12:53] [Pantea] I see.
[12:54] [Pantea] Well, school's out now, I have lots more time.
[12:55] > Beth Southstreet puts on her glasses
[12:55] > Beth Southstreet has transformed into Asterax
[12:55] > Asterax is now floating off the ground..her eyes completely white
[12:55] [Asterax] we are going to embrace...our other side..to help
[12:55] > Asterax isn't talking through her mouth..is talking directly INTO Pantea's mind
[12:56] [Pantea] Well it's been a looooong time since the last time you did this. I remember now...
[12:57] > Asterax moves the boxes gently out of the way
[13:00] [Pantea] What else can you do now?
[13:00] [Asterax] ...terrible things
[13:00] [Asterax] which we cannot demonstrate
[13:01] [Pantea] ...like before, or other things?
[13:01] [Asterax] amplified from before
[13:02] > Pantea shivers just a little
[13:04] > Asterax removes her glasses
[13:04] > Asterax is now known as Beth Southstreet
[13:04] [Beth Southstreet] we are....still learning....
[13:04] [Pantea] Yeah.
[13:05] [Beth Southstreet] we need to find a room
[13:06] [Pantea] How close to other people do you want to be?
[13:06] [Pantea] And how close to the couples?
[13:07] [Beth Southstreet] farther
[13:07] [Pantea] How'd I guess?
[13:09] [Beth Southstreet] huh?
[13:10] [Pantea] You just don't like people much.
[13:10] [Beth Southstreet] we...like to be alone
[13:11] > Pantea nods
[13:13] [Pantea] Beth?
[13:14] [Beth Southstreet] yes?
[13:16] [Pantea] How long can you stay transformed?
[13:16] [Beth Southstreet] right now....as long as we want...
[13:17] [Pantea] Ah.
[13:18] [Pantea] I guess we should go find you a room.
[13:19] [Beth Southstreet] very well
[13:19] > Pantea is away
[13:20] > Beth Southstreet is away
[13:29] [Pantea] (( so i go in to get my lunch and my bowl's dry and i'm putting it in the cabinet, and a big bowl just falls out and smashes to pieces ))
[13:30] [Pantea] (( right in front of me. was wierd. and now i have to write an email explaining why someone's bowl is gone... ))
[13:31] [Beth Southstreet] (( aw ))
[13:41] [Miara] (( we are all adults here, people should know how to put things away so they don't do that >< ))
[13:50] --> Miara (short robe) [amongimmortals@terra.net] has joined #reddwarfmain
[13:50] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Miara (short robe)
[13:57] > Miara (short robe) sits on a couch and doodles around on some paper
[14:06] > Miara (short robe) hums a tune as she writes
[14:18] > Miara (short robe) is away
[15:35] [Cora (dress)] join
[15:35] --> Cora (dress) has joined #reddwarfmain
[15:35] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Cora (dress)
[15:37] > Cora (dress) sits at the counter and scribbles away in a notebook
[16:02] > Cora (dress) checks the time and keeps writing
[16:24] <-- Cora (dress) has left #reddwarfmain (Got to be on time!)
[00:00] >>> Saturday Jun 20 2009 <<<
[00:13] --> Beth Southstreet (PJs) has joined #reddwarfmain
[00:13] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Beth Southstreet (PJs)
[00:13] > Beth Southstreet (PJs) walks in..looking somewhat uncomfertible in her clothes
[00:16] --> Pantea [pantea@lightanddark.com] has joined #reddwarfmain
[00:16] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Pantea
[00:17] [Beth Southstreet (PJs)] oh..hello
[00:17] [Pantea] Hi Beth.
[00:18] > Beth Southstreet (PJs) tugs on her pajamas....and pulls out a small knife...polishing it
[00:18] > Pantea looks at Beth's PJs
[00:18] --> David O'Cain has joined #reddwarfmain
[00:18] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to David O'Cain
[00:18] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +David O'Cain
[00:19] > +David O'Cain goes to the bar for a drink
[00:19] [Pantea] Hello, David.
[00:19] > Beth Southstreet (PJs) is wearing yellow and red pajamas
[00:21] [+David O'Cain] Evening.
[00:22] [Beth Southstreet (PJs)] ..evening
[00:22] [Pantea] What're we all up to tonight?
[00:23] [+David O'Cain] Getting a drink at the moment.
[00:23] [Beth Southstreet (PJs)] we are getting used to our room
[00:24] [Pantea] You like it?
[00:24] [Beth Southstreet (PJs)] it will..take getting used to
[00:26] [Beth Southstreet (PJs)] so quiet
[00:28] [Beth Southstreet (PJs)] so.....strange
[00:30] [Pantea] You'll get used to it, I hope.
[00:30] [+David O'Cain] I'm sure it'll be fine.
[00:31] [Beth Southstreet (PJs)] we are...not used to these clothes either
[00:32] [Pantea] Is that why you look like you smell something nasty?
[00:35] [Beth Southstreet (PJs)] ...we suppose.....but....we wanted to try
[00:36] [Pantea] It doesn't look bad Beth, really.
[00:36] [+David O'Cain] Yeah. It's supposed to be comfy to sleep in.
[00:38] [Beth Southstreet (PJs)] we...usually wear whatever
[00:39] [Pantea] At least you can buy your own clothes.
[00:39] [Beth Southstreet (PJs)] we often take the money...that the organizations horde
[00:40] [+David O'Cain] Like Robin Hood?
[00:40] [Pantea] My Nana likes to pick up things when she's out shopping. And it's not like I can get a job and buy my own.
[00:42] [Pantea] Robin Hood gave the money away to the poor.
[00:42] [Beth Southstreet (PJs)] we keep it to ourselves
[00:42] [+David O'Cain] True. What Beth's doing sounded similar minus giving to the poor.
[00:43] [Pantea] So what do you do with all that money?
[00:44] [Beth Southstreet (PJs)] use it for food...clothing....
[00:46] [Pantea] Yeah but...isn't there anything leftover?
[00:46] [Beth Southstreet (PJs)] we do not take much
[00:47] [+David O'Cain] Just enough to get by?
[00:48] [Pantea] So what you gave Nate the one time...wasn't normal?
[00:49] [Beth Southstreet (PJs)] no
[00:50] [Pantea] Oh.
[00:52] [Beth Southstreet (PJs)] we try not to attract too much attention
[00:53] [Pantea] I guess that makes sense.
[00:54] > Beth Southstreet (PJs) looks at the knife...making sure it's in good order
[00:56] [Pantea] (( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ozioEjr66tk&feature=topvideos ))
[00:56] --> Revenant has joined #reddwarfmain
[00:56] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Revenant
[00:56] [Revenant] This a private party?
[00:57] [Beth Southstreet (PJs)] no..it is not a private party
[00:57] [Beth Southstreet (PJs)] we might as well joing...
[00:57] > Beth Southstreet (PJs) puts on her glasses...
[00:57] [Revenant] (( Aww... ))
[00:57] > Beth Southstreet (PJs) has transformed into Asterax
[00:57] [Pantea] (( yeah ))
[00:57] > Asterax floats slightly above the sofa
[00:57] [Asterax] good evening
[00:58] > Pantea waves
[00:58] > Revenant feeds the fish in the tank.
[00:59] [Asterax] we forgot there were fish here...
[01:00] --> Aaron Abernathy has joined #reddwarfmain
[01:00] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Aaron Abernathy
[01:00] [Pantea] The thing's bigger than the fridge, how do you not see it?
[01:00] [Revenant] You forgot there was a giant two meter high tank full of tropical fish?
[01:00] > Pantea 's watch beeps
[01:00] [Asterax] we do not look at it much
[01:00] [Aaron Abernathy] Oh my, everyone's transformed.
[01:00] > Asterax floats over and looks at the fish
[01:00] [Pantea] Dammit...
[01:01] [Asterax] (( I honestly never knew it was that big XD ))
[01:01] [Revenant] Ahh.. Aaron. Hello.
[01:01] [Pantea] See you later, Beth.
[01:01] [Aaron Abernathy] I suppose I should join the.... party.....
[01:02] <-- Pantea [pantea@lightanddark.com] has left #reddwarfmain (Stupid curfew)
[01:02] [Aaron Abernathy] Hello Sora....
[01:02] [Revenant] Hmm... pity.
[01:02] [Revenant] How have you been~?
[01:03] > Asterax gazes at the fish with white eyes
[01:03] [Aaron Abernathy] Oh, I've been fine.... jus' gettin' used to bein' awake.
[01:03] --> Miara (orange corset) [amongimmortals@terra.net] has joined #reddwarfmain
[01:03] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Miara (orange corset)
[01:04] [Revenant] ...been i na coma?
[01:04] [Asterax] good evening Aaron
[01:04] [Miara (orange corset)] Hello~
[01:04] [Aaron Abernathy] Hey there, Beth
[01:04] [Aaron Abernathy] Well, I didn't exactly get my the majority of my memories back till last week...
[01:06] > Miara (orange corset) looks at Aaron Abernathy
[01:06] ➣ Aaron Abernathy: 5' 11" with a rather thin build with short, black, slicked back hair and odd gold colored eyes. He typically wears green for some odd reason. An odd pair of goggles usually hangs off his neck.
[01:06] [Miara (orange corset)] Hmm, another one of you?
[01:06] [Aaron Abernathy] Ya' could say that, Missy. Name's Aarom.
[01:07] [Miara (orange corset)] Miara.
[01:07] [Aaron Abernathy] ^aaron (i'm a master typest today.)
[01:07] [Aaron Abernathy] Nice ta' meet ya'.
[01:07] > Asterax taps the glass
[01:09] > Miara (orange corset) goes behind the bar, looking for something
[01:09] > Aaron Abernathy walks over to the bar and sits
[01:09] [Miara (orange corset)] Anybody want anything?
[01:09] [Aaron Abernathy] I could go for a beer.
[01:10] [Asterax] vodka
[01:10] > Miara (orange corset) gets a beer from the fridge and pours a vodka for Beth
[01:10] [Miara (orange corset)] There ya go. Now where did I put it...
[01:11] > Asterax moves the drink towards her and drinks
[01:11] [Aaron Abernathy] Thanks
[01:12] > Aaron Abernathy picks up the beer and cracks it open.
[01:12] [Asterax] thank you
[01:12] [Aaron Abernathy] So, Sora.... still lookin' for the right set'a twig n' berries?
[01:12] [Revenant] Why? Know where I can get some?
[01:13] > Revenant shoots him a look.
[01:13] > Miara (orange corset) crawls half inside a cabinet on the floor and pulls out a box of bottles
[01:13] [Aaron Abernathy] Heh, you know I don't play that end of the field. Just tryin' to make a joke.
[01:13] > Asterax quietly floats over to the bar
[01:14] [Revenant] You're such a tease..
[01:14] > Aaron Abernathy laughs, somewhat nervously and sips his beer
[01:15] [Aaron Abernathy] How long have ya' been up here, Sora?
[01:15] > Miara (orange corset) takes a few bottles out of the box and pushes it back into the cabinet
[01:15] > Asterax has transformed into Beth Southstreet
[01:15] > Beth Southstreet (PJs) relaxes on the bar
[01:15] [Revenant] Couple months..
[01:16] [Aaron Abernathy] Ahh
[01:16] > Miara (orange corset) puts all the bottles but one on the bar, and opens the last one
[01:16] [+David O'Cain] Yo.
[01:16] [Miara (orange corset)] Mead, if anybody wants any.
[01:17] [Revenant] Sounds great.
[01:17] [Beth Southstreet (PJs)] we are happy with vodka
[01:17] [Aaron Abernathy] That's a little too heavy for me, but thanks for tha' offer.
[01:17] > Aaron Abernathy looks over to David | Hey there pally... didn' see ya' over there.
[01:18] [Miara (orange corset)] David's always so quiiieeeet.
[01:19] [Aaron Abernathy] So, what do ya'll do around here? Lord knows we're not gettin' regular missions anymore.
[01:20] [+David O'Cain] What's wrong with that, Miara? :P
[01:20] [Miara (orange corset)] Hang out, mostly.
[01:20] [Miara (orange corset)] Some of us live here.
[01:20] [Miara (orange corset)] And there's lots of places to train and practice.
[01:21] [Aaron Abernathy] Actually, I was talkin' about ways to make money, but that's for the info there Orangy
[01:21] [Aaron Abernathy] ^thanks
[01:22] [Miara (orange corset)] Oh.
[01:23] [Miara (orange corset)] Well Kaede cleans and cooks, and I think some other people do some things up here. But I think most people have jobs outside the ship.
[01:23] [Revenant] we'd have more work if I was in charge..
[01:23] [Aaron Abernathy] Well, you're not, now are ya'?
[01:23] [Beth Southstreet (PJs)] we take our money from those who do not deserve it.....
[01:26] > Beth Southstreet (PJs) sips her drink
[01:26] [Aaron Abernathy] Hmm... suppose I should go lookin' for a job then.
[01:26] [Aaron Abernathy] I'm sure I can't freeload on the boss' ship here forever.
[01:27] [Revenant] It isnt his, but you probably could.
[01:28] [Aaron Abernathy] I probably COULD... but I wouldn't feel right doin' it.
[01:28] [Miara (orange corset)] Well do you have anywhere else to go?
[01:29] [Aaron Abernathy] At the moment, no.
[01:29] [Aaron Abernathy] I'm stayin' here for now.... but like I said, I don't wanna' freeload for too long.
[01:30] [Miara (orange corset)] Well it's not like anyone's keep track.
[01:30] [Miara (orange corset)] What room did you take?
[01:34] [Miara (orange corset)] Or never mind, I think I know.
[01:34] [Aaron Abernathy] It's down the hall and up a floor from here.
[01:34] > Miara (orange corset) opens another bottle
[01:35] [Miara (orange corset)] Ah, yeah.
[01:36] > Beth Southstreet (PJs) puts her glass aside
[01:36] [Miara (orange corset)] Hey David, you know if Masaki's having any sales lately?
[01:37] [+David O'Cain] Hmmm. Not sure. No idea if she is gonna have one any time soon.
[01:39] > Revenant sips his meed.
[01:39] [Revenant] So.. were powering down?
[01:40] > Revenant has transformed into Sora Masterson
[01:40] [Aaron Abernathy] Welcome to the conversation Sora :p
[01:41] [Miara (orange corset)] Maybe I'll go over and see her one of these days, then.
[01:41] [Sora Masterson] I forget... were you always this insufferable? >_>
[01:42] [Aaron Abernathy] I guess ya' could say that.
[01:43] > Beth Southstreet (PJs) smiles a tiny bit to herself
[01:44] > +David O'Cain nods to Miara
[01:45] [Aaron Abernathy] I never thought I was such a bad guy....
[01:45] > Miara (orange corset) opens her third bottle
[01:45] [Miara (orange corset)] So. What do you do, Aaron?
[01:45] [Aaron Abernathy] Well, right now, all I do is workout to keep myself in shape.
[01:45] [Aaron Abernathy] I'm a scout
[01:48] [Beth Southstreet (PJs)] I will be back..
[01:48] > Beth Southstreet (PJs) is away
[01:48] [Miara (orange corset)] Are you good at it?
[01:49] [Aaron Abernathy] I'd like to think so
[01:49] [Sora Masterson] She must be tired, she forgot to speak in the third person.
[01:50] [Miara (orange corset)] Well, maybe moving tired her out. I'm sure it was a big day for her
[01:50] [Aaron Abernathy] I wondered about that, but I didn't wanna' come right out an' ask'er 'bout it.
[01:51] [Miara (orange corset)] Yes, it's normal.
[01:51] [Beth Southstreet (PJs)] (( LOL I didn't notice that ))
[01:52] [Aaron Abernathy] Well, tired or not, she sure is a looker....
[01:57] > Aaron Abernathy finishes his beer and tosses the container.
[01:57] > Beth Southstreet (PJs) is back
[01:57] [Beth Southstreet (PJs)] we are back...*yawn*
[01:58] [Aaron Abernathy] Welcome back there, tired beauty. ^_~
[01:58] [Miara (orange corset)] Welcome back.
[01:59] [Beth Southstreet (PJs)] we hope to start our work once more *yawn* tomorrow
[01:59] > Aaron Abernathy yawns | man... these things really are contagious.
[02:00] [Miara (orange corset)] Hm...wonder what I should do tonight?
[02:00] [Aaron Abernathy] Would you like a escort to y're room Beth? I think I'm'a turn in too....
[02:01] [Beth Southstreet (PJs)] if you wish
[02:01] > Aaron Abernathy heads out just in front of Beth | 'Night ya'll.
[02:02] <-- Aaron Abernathy has left #reddwarfmain (How many of us WERE there, really?)
[02:02] [Miara (orange corset)] Night Beth, Aaron
[02:03] <-- Beth Southstreet (PJs) has left #reddwarfmain (we don't remember...)
[02:05] [+David O'Cain] Night to those leaving.
[02:08] > Miara (orange corset) sips her mead, thinking
[02:08] [+David O'Cain] I guess it's just us two.
[02:09] > Miara (orange corset) pokes Sora "Still with us?"
[02:12] [Sora Masterson] Indeed..
[02:13] [Miara (orange corset)] What have you been up to lately?
[02:14] [Sora Masterson] Not much, honestly.. I've been taking it easy now that my last project is autonomous.
[02:17] [+David O'Cain] That's cool. I think.
[02:19] [Miara (orange corset)] A break would be nice~
[02:21] [+David O'Cain] If you two don't mind, I better head home for the night.
[02:21] [Miara (orange corset)] Night, David.
[02:21] [Sora Masterson] I think I'm gonna turn in... Aaron put a bit of a rotten taste in my mouth.
[02:21] [Sora Masterson] Good night Dave, Miara.
[02:21] [Miara (orange corset)] Why don't you like him?
[02:21] <-- Sora Masterson [TheScorpion@TAW.com] has left #reddwarfmain (As I climb onto your back, I will promise not to sting; I will tell you what you want to hear and not mean anything..)
[02:21] [Miara (orange corset)] Night...
[02:21] <-- +David O'Cain has left #reddwarfmain (I need sleep, man.)
[02:22] > Miara (orange corset) is away: It's only 7AM in the UK, what am I going to doooo?
[13:39] > +Matsumi Kaze changes topic to `Trip To Oz event 2- Tonight 20:00`
[19:26] [~] (( guys I may move it to 21:00 if no one really is there..depends ))
[19:47] [Miara] (( i am here now.l.. ))
[19:48] [Miara] (( ...and that's an L at the end of my sentence for some reason... ))
[19:48] [~] (( I see that ))
[19:48] [~] (( just need to wait for others ))
[19:49] [Miara] (( i know i'm just saying i'm here ))
[19:50] [~] (( I seeeeee ))
[19:52] [Miara] (( do you? do you really?? ))
[19:52] [~] (( OvO yes ))
[19:55] [Miara] (( ok then ))
[19:57] --> Matsumi Kaze [Airsenshi@Qtech.com ] has joined #reddwarfmain
[19:57] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Matsumi Kaze
[19:57] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Matsumi Kaze
[19:58] --> David O'Cain has joined #reddwarfmain
[19:58] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to David O'Cain
[19:58] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +David O'Cain
[19:58] --> Solarchos has joined #reddwarfmain
[19:58] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Solarchos
[19:58] [+David O'Cain] Hey, folks.
[19:58] > +Matsumi Kaze is reading a magizine
[19:58] [+Matsumi Kaze] heya guys
[19:58] [Solarchos] Hi everyone. How have all of you been?
[19:59] --> Candy [sunangel@sun.net] has joined #reddwarfmain
[19:59] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Candy
[19:59] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Candy
[19:59] --> Chibi-AnTil has joined #reddwarfmain
[19:59] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Chibi-AnTil
[19:59] --> Chibi-Alex has joined #reddwarfmain
[19:59] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Chibi-Alex
[19:59] --> Miara [amongimmortals@terra.net] has joined #reddwarfmain
[19:59] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Miara
[19:59] --> Daniel has joined #reddwarfmain
[19:59] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Daniel
[19:59] [+David O'Cain] I'm doing alright. How about you, Solar?
[19:59] [+Matsumi Kaze] hiya guys
[19:59] [+Matsumi Kaze] I'm fine
[19:59] > Chibi-AnTil and Chibi-Alex pop up behind Candy, their eyes shining as they attempt to sneak up on her. :D :D
[20:00] [+Matsumi Kaze] just reading a bit
[20:00] [+Matsumi Kaze] been a slow day
[20:00] > +Candy has had a rough day and would not like to be pounced upon
[20:00] [Solarchos] I'm doing pretty well. Things were pretty busy today at work, but overall I'm fine.
[20:00] > +Matsumi Kaze 's foot bumps against something
[20:00] [Chibi-AnTil] :<
[20:01] [Chibi-Alex] :<
[20:01] [+Matsumi Kaze] huh?
[20:01] > +Matsumi Kaze gets down and looks under the sofa
[20:01] > Chibi-AnTil and Chibi-Alex quickly scamper over to Miara, their tails waving happily.
[20:02] > +Matsumi Kaze suddenly gets pulled under the sofa
[20:02] [Chibi-Alex] Dan-dan! :D
[20:02] [Chibi-AnTil] Mee-ah-rah! =^^=
[20:02] [Solarchos] Whoa! Matsumi?!
[20:02] [+Candy] Matsy!
[20:02] > +Matsumi Kaze is gone..leaving only her shoes
[20:02] > +Candy tries grabbing her
[20:02] [+Candy] D: Nooo
[20:02] > +Matsumi Kaze vanished under the sofa!
[20:03] > +Candy gets down to stop this madness and looks under the sofa
[20:03] > Daniel looks under the sofa
[20:03] > ~A force suddenly tries to pull Candy in!
[20:03] > Solarchos rushes over to help!
[20:03] [~A] ^pull you all in
[20:03] [+David O'Cain] Matsumi?! O_O
[20:03] [Miara] Ooo. Funny feeling.
[20:03] [+David O'Cain] What the..?
[20:04] > Chibi-AnTil follows Daddy! D:
[20:04] > Chibi-Alex squeals as she's pulled along as well! O:
[20:04] [~A] all joining in get sucked under the sofa
[20:04] <-- +Candy [sunangel@sun.net] has left #reddwarfmain (I need to leave)
[20:04] > +David O'Cain is away: Hey!
[20:04] > Miara grabs Daniel's leg
[20:05] [~A] all joining in...it's in the event box!
[20:05] <-- Solarchos has left #reddwarfmain (Ahhh!)
[20:05] <-- Chibi-AnTil has left #reddwarfmain (Dada!)
[20:05] <-- Chibi-Alex has left #reddwarfmain (Eeeeeeeeeeee~! :D)
[20:05] > Miara is away
[20:05] > Daniel is away
[22:04] > +David O'Cain is back
[22:05] --> Matsumi Kaze [Airsenshi@Qtech.com ] has joined #reddwarfmain
[22:05] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Matsumi Kaze
[22:05] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Matsumi Kaze
[22:05] > Daniel[fur] is back
[22:05] [+Matsumi Kaze] oof ><
[22:05] --> Miara [amongimmortals@terra.net] has joined #reddwarfmain
[22:05] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Miara
[22:05] > +David O'Cain flies out from under the sofa and smacks into a wall
[22:05] > Solarchos is back
[22:05] > Chibi-Alex is back
[22:05] > Chibi-AnTil is back
[22:05] [Solarchos] Wow! That was a weird experience.
[22:05] [+David O'Cain] Ow.
[22:06] > Chibi-Alex and Chibi-AnTil both look around curiously, wondering where exactly it is that they now are. Then they recognize their surroundings!
[22:07] [+David O'Cain] So, where exactly were we back there?
[22:07] > Chibi-Alex quickly scampers over to Dan-dan...and finds a strange furry creature with his scent.
[22:07] [Solarchos] A different part of Oz I suspect.
[22:07] > Daniel[fur] waves his tail when Alex comes over ^_^
[22:07] [Chibi-Alex] ...Dan-dan?
[22:08] > Chibi-Alex has never seen Dan-dan in Fur before.
[22:08] > Daniel[fur] wonders if Alex forgot
[22:08] [+Matsumi Kaze] least my clothes are normal again
[22:08] [Daniel[fur]] (( they played like that several times... ))
[22:08] > Chibi-Alex squeals happily and leaps onto him, thinking that he looks so cute and cuddly now! :D
[22:09] [Chibi-Alex] (( She needed a moment to remember. ))
[22:09] [Daniel[fur]] (( ah ok ))
[22:09] > Chibi-AnTil dashes over and leaps onto Daniel and Alex, eager to join in the playing. :D
[22:09] [+David O'Cain] Oz?
[22:10] [Solarchos] That's where we were at, David - the Land of Oz, home of the great Wizard, Lilliputians, flying monkeys, tin woodsmen, scarecrows, and cowardly lions!
[22:11] [Solarchos] In fact, last time we went there Candy almost had to kiss a monkey. It wasn't exactly a pretty sight.
[22:12] [+David O'Cain] Ick.
[22:12] [+Matsumi Kaze] yeah
[22:12] > Miara checks the time and runs down the hall
[22:13] [+David O'Cain] And why did my clothes change to something....frumpy?
[22:13] > ~The elder Kitsu-twins trill and squeal as they roll and play with Daniel, happily enjoying his Fur form. =^^= =^^=
[22:14] [Solarchos] That I cannot answer David. I honestly don't know why our clothes changed into...those outfits. Weird, huh?
[22:15] [+David O'Cain] No kidding.
[22:16] > Miara (Hunting Outfit) comes back in to leave Daniel's juice cup on a chair
[22:16] > Chibi-AnTil sniffs the juice.
[22:16] [Miara (Hunting Outfit)] You heat this up and drink it when you're ready to go to sleep, ok?
[22:16] [Miara (Hunting Outfit)] And don't leave the ship!
[22:16] > Chibi-Alex tries to hug Miara. ^__^
[22:16] > Daniel[fur] nods
[22:17] > Miara (Hunting Outfit) breifly hugs Alex, then disappears
[22:17] <-- Miara (Hunting Outfit) [amongimmortals@terra.net] has left #reddwarfmain (latelatelateshe'sgoingtokillme)
[22:17] > +Matsumi Kaze lays on the sofa
[22:19] [Solarchos] Well, I'd better get going for the night. It's time to get these two little munchkins to bed.
[22:19] [+David O'Cain] So, besides the adventure, how's everyone?
[22:19] [+David O'Cain] Later, Solar.
[22:19] [Solarchos] I just wish I could've taken pictures of them both while they were in Oz.
[22:19] > Daniel[fur] nudges Alex
[22:20] > +David O'Cain shrugs
[22:20] [Chibi-Alex] Oooo?
[22:20] > Daniel[fur] is now known as Daniel
[22:20] > Chibi-Alex gives Dan-dan a hug, burying her face in his thick fur and sniffing deeply. "Smell nice!"
[22:20] [Daniel] Go way?
[22:21] > Daniel hugs Alex back
[22:21] > Solarchos pats Daniel on the head. "Yes, it's time for Alex and AnTil to get to bed. Otherwise they'll wake up tired in the morning and their mommy will be upset."
[22:21] [Chibi-Alex] Bah-bah, Dan-dan!
[22:22] [Chibi-AnTil] Bah-bah, looo-pah!
[22:22] [Chibi-Alex] Cha-loo-pah! :D
[22:22] [+Matsumi Kaze] seeya
[22:22] [Daniel] Biiiii
[22:22] > Chibi-AnTil rushes over and gives Aunty Mazzy a hug, too! =^^=
[22:22] [Daniel] U see mommi.
[22:23] [+David O'Cain] Night.
[22:23] > Chibi-Alex turns around and brushes her tails against Dan-dan. ^___^
[22:23] > Solarchos gives little Daniel a hug too, for being such a good boy.
[22:25] [Daniel] U tae carr Awex mommi. No die!
[22:25] [Chibi-Alex] Kay! ^___^
[22:26] > +Matsumi Kaze looks quietly at the ceiling
[22:27] > Daniel gives Solar a very stern look as he says this
[22:27] [Solarchos] Don't worry, Daniel. They'll be back again before you know it. Then you can all play together again.
[22:28] [Solarchos] I'll make certain nothing bad ever happens to little Alex, her brothers and sister, and their mommy. That's a promise.
[22:28] > Solarchos picks up Alexianna and AnTilZha, giving them both a kiss on the forehead as he does so.
[22:30] > Daniel watches
[22:31] [Solarchos] Good night everyone.
[22:31] [+David O'Cain] Night, Solar.
[22:32] <-- Solarchos has left #reddwarfmain (I hope Candy has a good night. She seemed kinda weary this evening.)
[22:32] <-- Chibi-Alex has left #reddwarfmain (*trills* =^^=)
[22:32] <-- Chibi-AnTil has left #reddwarfmain ("Night-night, Daniel!")
[22:33] [+Matsumi Kaze] hmm...
[22:33] > Daniel climbs up next to Matsi
[22:34] > +David O'Cain chuckles a little
[22:35] [+Matsumi Kaze] oh hi there
[22:37] > Daniel looks at Matsi with big sad eyes
[22:38] [+Matsumi Kaze] what's wrong?
[22:38] [+David O'Cain] Awwww.
[22:39] [Daniel] Mommi gone. No cumm back :<
[22:40] [+Matsumi Kaze] awwwww....
[22:40] > +Matsumi Kaze gives Daniel a hug
[22:42] > Daniel takes hold of a handful of Matsi's hair
[22:42] [+Matsumi Kaze] ow..hehehe
[22:43] [+David O'Cain] Heh.
[22:43] > Daniel isn't trying to pull, just holding it
[22:44] [+Matsumi Kaze] like my hair?
[22:45] [+David O'Cain] I'm gonna head on outta here, you two. I'll see you later.
[22:46] [Daniel] Mommi's hare.
[22:46] [+Matsumi Kaze] night, david
[22:46] <-- +David O'Cain has left #reddwarfmain (Good night.)
[22:47] [+Matsumi Kaze] oh yeah....she has long hair too heh
[22:56] > +Matsumi Kaze is away
[22:59] [Daniel] :<
[23:00] > Daniel gets his juice and climbs up onto the couter behind the bar to heat it up
[23:02] > Daniel takes his juice and makes his way down the hall, sipping it
[23:02] <-- Daniel has left #reddwarfmain
[23:31] --> Matsumi Kaze (nightie) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com ] has joined #reddwarfmain
[23:31] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Matsumi Kaze (nightie)
[23:31] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Matsumi Kaze (nightie)
[23:31] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightie) walks back in, tired
[23:36] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightie) sits on a sofa and starts to brush her hair
[23:50] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] hmm...
[23:51] --> Nate Detroit [SmashChamp@reddwarf.com] has joined #reddwarfmain
[23:51] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +o to Nate Detroit
[23:51] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, @Nate Detroit
[23:51] [@Nate Detroit] Oye... my feet...
[23:53] [@Nate Detroit] Hey Princess..
[23:53] > @Nate Detroit sits next to her and takes the brush, and brushes for her.
[23:54] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] oh heya...
[23:54] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] heh thanks
[23:55] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] ..how was your day?
[23:55] [@Nate Detroit] Thanks for keeping it long. How are you?
[23:55] [@Nate Detroit] Alright, busy.. I've been on my feet almost nonstop since the morning.
[23:56] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] oh..a bit worn out really
[23:56] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] it's been a long day
[23:57] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] and a long night really
[23:58] [@Nate Detroit] I hear that..
[23:59] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] getting sucked under the sofa, visiting a village where it makes you fall asleep forever and climbing a mountain to find a road that will grant your wish...is pretty tiring
[00:00] >>> Sunday Jun 21 2009 <<<
[00:00] [@Nate Detroit] Yeah, I can imagwait wut?
[00:01] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] heh....me and some of the others got sucked under the sofa...went to the land of Oz
[00:02] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] ended up going through some strange things >>
[00:02] [@Nate Detroit] I....see.... are you sure you didnt get into Rowe's stash of catnip or something?
[00:03] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] no no..it was real
[00:03] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] ask miara, candy or solar when they're around....
[00:03] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] and david too
[00:04] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] I'm so worn out....
[00:05] [@Nate Detroit] Did you get the wish?
[00:06] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] our wish was to go home
[00:07] [@Nate Detroit] Oh... you should have wished for the ability to traverse planes at will.. then you could go home and do other stuff..
[00:07] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] and we got it ^^
[00:07] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] well we were getting chased by creatures made of wood..so we didn't have much time to think
[00:08] [@Nate Detroit] Fair enough.. tho I'm surprised they were a match for all you guys.
[00:08] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] well...we found out
[00:08] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] our powers don't work there
[00:09] [@Nate Detroit] Oh God.....
[00:09] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] so yeah..it was..interesting...but oddly.....fun in some ways
[00:09] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightie) leans against nate
[00:10] [@Nate Detroit] And you got there.... when something sucked you under the sofa?
[00:11] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] yeah.....it was weird
[00:11] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] one moment we're here....the next we're in a field of purple grasses and flowers wearing odd clothing
[00:11] [@Nate Detroit] I better have that checked >__>
[00:13] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightie) nods
[00:15] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] yeah...but we met some...interesting people
[00:19] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] like King Kik N Bray...a donkey king
[00:19] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] and Jack Pumpkinhead..who had a jack o'lantern for a head
[00:22] [@Nate Detroit] I bet..
[00:23] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] I must sound nuts right now..
[00:23] [@Nate Detroit] A little, but if you say it happened, I believe you.
[00:24] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] how was your day?
[00:25] [@Nate Detroit] Nothing compared to yours. O_o just a busy day at the arcade.
[00:25] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] reminds me I need to visit that place again
[00:26] [@Nate Detroit] The place where your powers dont work and you almost got killed? Or you mean my arcade?
[00:27] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] the arcade
[00:27] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] though..I have read about Oz....and from what I read
[00:27] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] no one dies there
[00:28] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] but yeah
[00:28] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] any new stuff at the arcade?
[00:29] [@Nate Detroit] Didnt the Wicked Witch of the East die? Nothing yet... I'm looking into the new tekken and RESEARCHING Metal Gear Arcade... but they're wayyy too expensive...
[00:30] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] metal gear had an arcade???
[00:30] [@Nate Detroit] Its coming. You havent seen it?
[00:31] > @Nate Detroit pulls up a laptop and brings it up.
[00:31] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] no I haven't!
[00:31] [@Nate Detroit] http://kotaku.com/5288794/see-metal-gear-arcade-in-action
[00:34] [@Nate Detroit] I cant buy just ONE.... and TWO is too expensive, let alone four... not to mention, the only people who would pump money into it are the hardest of the hardcores. Its not casual-accessable.
[00:34] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] whoa...
[00:45] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] well it looks pretty neat!
[00:46] [@Nate Detroit] I guess. I'll have a look at it at this years IAAPA..
[00:48] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] I need to record that single..
[00:52] [@Nate Detroit] Yes. You do.
[00:53] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] ugh....I just am not sure if the song is any good
[00:56] --> Aaron Abernathy has joined #reddwarfmain
[00:56] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Aaron Abernathy
[00:56] > Aaron Abernathy strolls in
[00:57] [Aaron Abernathy] Hey there Nat..... SWEET MOTHER A LIFE!! O_O
[00:57] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] huh?
[00:57] > Aaron Abernathy stands there in shock, staring at Matsumi
[00:57] [@Nate Detroit] Run it by me first. I can promise to be honest, if you can promise to take it. Hi Aaron.
[00:57] [@Nate Detroit] O_o
[00:57] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] is he ok?
[00:58] > @Nate Detroit leaps up, ready to fight.
[00:58] [@Nate Detroit] What is it?!
[00:58] [Aaron Abernathy] M....ma'am.... are you a goddess come to life or somethin'!?
[00:59] > @Nate Detroit looks around te room frantically.
[00:59] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] um...huh?
[00:59] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] O_O
[00:59] > @Nate Detroit slowly returns his gaze to Aaron, and facepalms.
[01:00] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] ...huh?
[01:00] [Aaron Abernathy] I'm sorry... just.... you're so beautiful....
[01:01] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] oh..heh..thank you
[01:01] [Aaron Abernathy] Name's Aaron.... I'm one another of the team that Nate here commands.
[01:02] > @Nate Detroit sits back down next to Matsumi.
[01:02] [Aaron Abernathy] ^another one
[01:02] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] nice to meet you..I'm Matsumi..Matsumi Kaze
[01:03] [@Nate Detroit] Shes the princess I mentioned.
[01:04] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] hi ^^
[01:04] [Aaron Abernathy] Ahhh, so she's one o' yours...... Lucky son'of'a....
[01:05] [@Nate Detroit] Only mine in a loose sense.
[01:05] [Aaron Abernathy] .. I can't even begin to imagine what the others look like.
[01:05] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] specifically I'm the princess of Quinox as well
[01:08] [Aaron Abernathy] Well, it's nice to make your aquaintence (sp?) ma'am.
[01:12] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] nice to meet you too..again hehe
[01:13] [Aaron Abernathy] So, I'm not... uh.... interuptin' anythin', am'i?
[01:14] [@Nate Detroit] Nah, not really, tho that little scene was a bit disruptive. 9_9
[01:14] [Aaron Abernathy] I'm sorry, boss. It's just so rare to see such a vision of beauty like the princess here...
[01:15] [@Nate Detroit] Not to minimalize Matsumi here, but 'here' it isnt that rare...
[01:16] [@Nate Detroit] Just stick around, and you'll see what I mean.
[01:16] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightie) blushes a bit
[01:17] [@Nate Detroit] Tho she is awfully cute when she gets all shy like this.
[01:17] [Aaron Abernathy] I gotta' agree with ya' there bossman. ^_^
[01:18] [@Nate Detroit] Its funny, when I first met her, hardly a day would go by that she didnt give someone a tabledance or zap off someone's clothes... now she blushes like a schoolgirl when you tell her she's attractive or bring up embarassing things.
[01:19] > @Nate Detroit wraps an arm around Matsumi and kisses her on the cheek.
[01:19] [Aaron Abernathy] Some people jus' kinda' change like that when they get older.
[01:20] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightie) giggles
[01:20] [Aaron Abernathy] Anywho, I'll let ya'll be. I jus' came ta' get a drink before I turn in.
[01:20] [@Nate Detroit] Sure.
[01:21] > Aaron Abernathy walks over to the bar, opens the fridge and grabs a beer| Ya'll want anythin' while I got the door open?
[01:22] [@Nate Detroit] Anything malt?
[01:22] [Aaron Abernathy] Smirnoff Ice, ok?
[01:23] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] anything pilsner?
[01:23] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] (( can't spell ))
[01:23] [Aaron Abernathy] Actually, I don't know THAT much about beer =P
[01:25] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] ok just something cold then
[01:25] [@Nate Detroit] Ice works for me.
[01:28] > @Nate Detroit chuckles a little to himself.
[01:28] [@Nate Detroit] Want something cold? ^_~
[01:30] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] heh yes
[01:30] > Aaron Abernathy grabs a couple more bottles of what he has and hands them out
[01:30] [Aaron Abernathy] Here, try this, if ya'll like it, cool
[01:30] [Aaron Abernathy] Like I said, ya'll have a nice night.
[01:31] [@Nate Detroit] You too.
[01:31] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] you too!
[01:32] [Aaron Abernathy] Thanks
[01:32] <-- Aaron Abernathy has left #reddwarfmain (I think I need a cold shower after that. ^_^;;)
[01:32] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] that guy was a bit...hstrange he
[01:33] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] *heh
[01:33] [@Nate Detroit] Ung... hes nice enough.. but kinda annoying..
[01:34] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] never expected him to be shocked like that
[01:36] [@Nate Detroit] That was really weird.
[01:37] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] yeah..it really was
[01:37] --> Nephrite [FormerGeneral@DarkKingdom.net] has joined #reddwarfmain
[01:37] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Nephrite
[01:37] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] hi, neph
[01:37] [Nephrite] Hello there Nate, Matsumi.
[01:37] [Nephrite] How're you two tonight?
[01:38] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] heh recovering from an odd day
[01:38] [@Nate Detroit] Were tired, but were alright.
[01:38] [Nephrite] Ahh
[01:40] [Nephrite] I wonder how Minako's doing? Fliming on the commercial she was in wrapped today.
[01:41] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] I haven't had contact with her
[01:42] [Nephrite] Ahh... I probably should've called her, but I wanted to give her some news in person
[01:43] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] oh?
[01:44] [Nephrite] Yeah, her concert at the park I work at is on July 11th. They're adding it as an extra week to their current concert series.
[01:44] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightie) ties up her hair
[01:44] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] ...yeah...and I still have that single to work out ><
[01:45] [Nephrite] I was also gonna' tell her some other news... that I wanna' save for her.
[01:45] [@Nate Detroit] I bet she'll be happy. An extention before she even performed?
[01:46] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] oh?
[01:46] [Nephrite] Yeah, that one I'm keeping secret till I see her.
[01:47] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] ok
[01:48] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightie) sips her drink
[01:49] [Nephrite] Maybe I should go to her quarters and see if she's there...?
[01:51] [Nephrite] I think I will.
[01:51] [Nephrite] Nate, Matsumi... you two have a nice evening.
[01:51] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] you too..
[01:52] <-- Nephrite [FormerGeneral@DarkKingdom.net] has left #reddwarfmain (Oh Miiiiinaaaaa ^_^)
[01:52] [@Nate Detroit] Later.
[01:53] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] huh....wonder what's up...
[01:54] [@Nate Detroit] Dunno..
[01:54] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightie) finishes her drink and tosses the bottle in the garbage
[01:55] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] I think I'm going to head home
[01:55] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] night nate
[01:55] <-- +Matsumi Kaze (nightie) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com ] has left #reddwarfmain
[01:55] [@Nate Detroit] No recycling for you?
[01:55] [@Nate Detroit] oh, night.
[01:56] [@Nate Detroit] huh...
[01:56] <-- @Nate Detroit [SmashChamp@reddwarf.com] has left #reddwarfmain (I hope I didnt upset her..)
[02:59] --> Taiyo (PJs) has joined #reddwarfmain
[02:59] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Taiyo (PJs)
[03:00] > Taiyo (PJs) wanders in
[03:02] [Taiyo (PJs)] *yawn*
[03:02] > Taiyo (PJs) looks around
[03:05] > Taiyo (PJs) climbs onto the sofa, hugging a pillow
[03:07] --> Kaede Sasaki (PJ's) has joined #reddwarfmain
[03:07] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Kaede Sasaki (PJ's)
[03:08] [Taiyo (PJs)] hi, kaede!
[03:08] [Kaede Sasaki (PJ's)] Hi there Taiyo-chan. ^_^
[03:08] [Kaede Sasaki (PJ's)] Are you up here alone?
[03:09] > Taiyo (PJs) nods
[03:09] [Taiyo (PJs)] yeah
[03:10] [Kaede Sasaki (PJ's)] did you get lost?
[03:10] > Kaede Sasaki (PJ's) walks over and sits next to Taiyo
[03:11] [Taiyo (PJs)] noo.....
[03:11] [Taiyo (PJs)] can't sleep...
[03:12] [Kaede Sasaki (PJ's)] awwww
[03:12] [Taiyo (PJs)] tomorrow's papa's day?
[03:13] [Kaede Sasaki (PJ's)] Yes
[03:14] [Taiyo (PJs)] did you get your papa something?
[03:16] [Kaede Sasaki (PJ's)] Yes, I mailed it to him today.
[03:17] [Taiyo (PJs)] oh
[03:17] [Taiyo (PJs)] V_V mine is bad
[03:18] [Kaede Sasaki (PJ's)] Awwww, why do you say that?
[03:19] [Taiyo (PJs)] cause it looks stupid V_V
[03:20] [Taiyo (PJs)] hideki-papa and vash-papa won't like it
[03:21] [Kaede Sasaki (PJ's)] Awwwww.... I bet they will.
[03:22] [Taiyo (PJs)] V_V
[03:22] > Taiyo (PJs) yawns a little
[03:23] [Kaede Sasaki (PJ's)] You sound tired.
[03:24] > Taiyo (PJs) nods
[03:24] [Kaede Sasaki (PJ's)] Do you want me to take you home, Taiyo-chan?
[03:25] > Taiyo (PJs) nods
[03:25] > Kaede Sasaki (PJ's) picks up Taiyo and stands
[03:26] > Taiyo (PJs) holds onto Kaede
[03:26] [Kaede Sasaki (PJ's)] I promise your papas will like your present.
[03:27] [Taiyo (PJs)] really?
[03:27] <-- Kaede Sasaki (PJ's) has left #reddwarfmain (*nods* Papa's like home made gifts even better then ones you buy.)
[03:27] <-- Taiyo (PJs) has left #reddwarfmain (woooow)
[18:08] --> Leena [fancat@worldofpain.net] has joined #reddwarfmain
[18:08] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Leena
[18:08] > Leena appears next to a computer
[18:08] --> Beth Southstreet has joined #reddwarfmain
[18:08] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Beth Southstreet
[18:09] > Beth Southstreet walks in, with a towel over her shoulder
[18:09] [Beth Southstreet] hello
[18:11] [Leena] goodevening
[18:11] > Leena sets mode +tele
[18:12] > Leena touches the screen and weird streaks of blue dance along her finger tips
[18:13] [Leena] How has life been treating you
[18:14] [Beth Southstreet] ....quiet....scarly quiet
[18:16] [Beth Southstreet] we are trying to get use..to this safety
[18:16] > Leena glowing eye and eye covered in the leans focus on Beth for a moment
[18:17] [Beth Southstreet] we are not used to this
[18:17] [Leena] Oh...well it is a strange feeling, you will get used to it, I'm sure.
[18:18] > Leena sits down across from beth.
[18:20] [Beth Southstreet] how about you..
[18:21] > Leena shrugs
[18:21] [Leena] what ever I see needs my attention, I do it
[18:22] [Beth Southstreet] we see...
[18:23] > Beth Southstreet seems at unease
[18:24] > Leena watches her for a moment
[18:25] [Leena] ..what is it?
[18:25] [Beth Southstreet] we fear our misson..will be compramised
[18:26] [Leena] what mission is that?
[18:27] [Beth Southstreet] we wish to rid this world of all organized crime...
[18:28] [Leena] well as long as your doing what is needed to do your mission, it shouldn't matter to much how you do it
[18:28] [Leena] as long as your ok with the ends justifing the means
[18:28] [Beth Southstreet] this mission is personal to us....yet we find it difficult to keep it that way
[18:29] [Leena] Is the others trying to force you into doing things you wish not to be done?
[18:32] [Beth Southstreet] we suppose in a way
[18:32] [Beth Southstreet] we wish to do this alone
[18:33] [Beth Southstreet] and take the consqunces
[18:33] [Leena] Well this is your choice, your mission, if you wish nobody else in it then they should accept that
[18:33] [Leena] if you wish for help then you know they are there for that too
[18:34] > Beth Southstreet nods "...you are right..thank you for listening to us"
[18:34] > Leena 's tail moves around on her lap
[18:36] [Beth Southstreet] we find it comforting to tell someone
[18:38] > Leena smiles. "Well I am always here if you need someone to vent. I'm not gonna push anything upon you that you wouldn't want."
[18:39] > Beth Southstreet nods
[18:39] > Leena smirks a little blinking her glowing eye
[18:39] [Beth Southstreet] this place is so quiet
[18:39] [Leena] My place is usually quiet when I'm back at it
[18:39] --> Madelin Carter [maddiemoss@schooldays.net] has joined #reddwarfmain
[18:39] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Madelin Carter
[18:41] [Madelin Carter] Hi Beth, Leena.
[18:41] [Leena] Goodevening
[18:42] [Beth Southstreet] evening
[18:44] [Madelin Carter] How are you?
[18:44] [Leena] alright
[18:45] [Beth Southstreet] (( brb dinner ))
[18:54] [Leena] and you?
[18:55] [Madelin Carter] I'm okay, I guess.
[18:58] [Madelin Carter] I got a job yesterday, I guess that's good.
[19:00] [Leena] Well that's good
[19:01] [Madelin Carter] An old lady's gonna pay me to help her with her gardens all summer.
[19:03] > Leena nods
[19:04] [Leena] I'm in the middle of hacking some computers based in some terrorist areas of the world
[19:05] [Madelin Carter] What do you do with whatever you find?
[19:09] [Leena] that's for me to know
[19:11] [Madelin Carter] I--I'm sorry...
[19:13] [Beth Southstreet] (( back ))
[19:15] [Beth Southstreet] we wish we could work..but we cannot
[19:19] [Leena] I see..
[19:20] > Madelin Carter sits quietly on the couch
[19:21] [Beth Southstreet] how are you, Madelin...
[19:22] [Madelin Carter] Okay.
[19:22] [Madelin Carter] I found a job...
[19:22] [Beth Southstreet] oh?
[19:23] [Madelin Carter] Nana has a friend who needs help with her gardens.
[19:23] [Madelin Carter] She's kind of batty, though..
[19:25] [Beth Southstreet] we see...
[19:29] > Leena watches the two then stands up
[19:29] [Beth Southstreet] Leena?
[19:29] [Leena] I must get back to my search
[19:30] [Beth Southstreet] very well. be safe
[19:30] [Madelin Carter] Good luck.
[19:30] > Leena nods
[19:30] > Leena steps next to the computer and disappears in a flash of electric blue
[19:30] <-- Leena [fancat@worldofpain.net] has left #reddwarfmain (....)
[19:34] [Madelin Carter] Maybe...I should go...
[19:35] [Beth Southstreet] what is wrong
[19:37] [Madelin Carter] Sometimes it just seems like...I'm a bother to everyone...like this...
[19:38] <-- Madelin Carter [maddiemoss@schooldays.net] has left #reddwarfmain (When darkness comes I'll light the night with stars.)
[19:38] [Beth Southstreet] ...
[19:38] <-- Beth Southstreet has left #reddwarfmain
[20:57] --> Miara (skirt) [amongimmortals@terra.net] has joined #reddwarfmain
[20:57] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Miara (skirt)
[20:58] > Miara (skirt) skips in, looking to see if anyone's around
[21:00] [Miara (skirt)] Hmm, nobody :(
[21:05] > Miara (skirt) grabs a drink and sits on the bar, swinging her legs back and forth
[21:08] --> David O'Cain has joined #reddwarfmain
[21:08] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to David O'Cain
[21:08] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +David O'Cain
[21:08] [Miara (skirt)] Hi David~!
[21:08] [+David O'Cain] Hi, Miara.
[21:09] [Miara (skirt)] How're you?
[21:10] [+David O'Cain] I'm doing just fine. How about you?
[21:10] [Miara (skirt)] I'm good~
[21:12] [Miara (skirt)] Drink?
[21:12] [+David O'Cain] Whatcha having?
[21:13] [Miara (skirt)] Um....whatever's in here. *holds up an unlabeled bottle*
[21:13] [+David O'Cain] Eh, could be something good.
[21:14] [Miara (skirt)] 'Snot bad
[21:15] > Miara (skirt) hands it do David
[21:17] > +David O'Cain takes the bottle and takes a swig
[21:18] [+David O'Cain] You're right. It's not bad.
[21:18] [Miara (skirt)] See?
[21:18] [Miara (skirt)] ^_^
[21:19] [+David O'Cain] Yeah. So, whatcha been up to lately?
[21:20] [Miara (skirt)] Oh, various things~
[21:21] [+David O'Cain] Ah.
[21:24] [Miara (skirt)] You?
[21:24] [Miara (skirt)] Did Masaki enjoy your story about Oz last night?
[21:26] [+David O'Cain] I'm pretty sure she did. It was quite a story to tell to her.
[21:27] [Miara (skirt)] Hee~
[21:27] [Miara (skirt)] And did she believe it?
[21:27] [+David O'Cain] I hope so.
[21:29] [Miara (skirt)] Did she laugh, at least?
[21:29] [+David O'Cain] Yeah, she did.
[21:31] [Miara (skirt)] Hee~
[21:31] [Miara (skirt)] Cora loved it! And she believed it!
[21:32] [Miara (skirt)] And T--someone else, I'm not sure, but they sure laughed!
[21:32] [+David O'Cain] Really?
[21:33] [Miara (skirt)] Well sure, she lived in the time when the myths were made.
[21:34] [Miara (skirt)] So she's able to believe all kinds of things ordinary, every day Terran's don't.
[21:34] [+David O'Cain] Ah, okay.
[21:40] [Miara (skirt)] So...
[21:41] [Miara (skirt)] What to do with the rest of the night?
[21:41] [+David O'Cain] I don't know. Other than drinking.
[21:45] [Miara (skirt)] Hmmm....
[21:46] --> Matsumi Kaze [Airsenshi@Qtech.com ] has joined #reddwarfmain
[21:46] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Matsumi Kaze
[21:46] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Matsumi Kaze
[21:46] [+Matsumi Kaze] hi everyone
[21:46] [Miara (skirt)] Hi Matsi!
[21:46] [+Matsumi Kaze] heya..just wanted to stop by quickly to pick up something
[21:47] [+David O'Cain] Hi, Matsumi.
[21:47] > +Matsumi Kaze picks up a bottle of champaine
[21:47] [+Matsumi Kaze] sorry to butt in..seeya later
[21:47] [Miara (skirt)] Oh, are you planning something~?
[21:47] <-- +Matsumi Kaze [Airsenshi@Qtech.com ] has left #reddwarfmain (heh)
[21:47] --> Masaki O'Cain [RisingStorm@ZepherTech.com] has joined #reddwarfmain
[21:47] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Masaki O'Cain
[21:47] > Masaki O'Cain walks in, cracking her neck
[21:47] [+David O'Cain] Probably something in mind at home.
[21:47] [+David O'Cain] Hi, Masaki. ^_^
[21:47] [Miara (skirt)] Hi Masaki!
[21:48] > Miara (skirt) waves quite happily
[21:48] [Masaki O'Cain] hiya, Miara
[21:49] [Miara (skirt)] How are you?
[21:49] [Masaki O'Cain] oh tired tired
[21:49] [+David O'Cain] Awwww.
[21:50] [Miara (skirt)] Aww. Too much work?
[21:51] [Masaki O'Cain] heh..yeah really
[21:52] > +David O'Cain huggles Masaki
[21:53] > Masaki O'Cain hugs back
[21:54] [+David O'Cain] At least the day's over, right?
[21:55] [Masaki O'Cain] yeah..thankfully
[21:56] [Miara (skirt)] You don't have to work tomorrow too, do you??
[21:59] [Masaki O'Cain] yup
[22:03] [Masaki O'Cain] hardly ever have a breatk
[22:03] [Masaki O'Cain] *break
[22:04] [+David O'Cain] :(
[22:07] [Miara (skirt)] That's horrible :<
[22:08] [Masaki O'Cain] well I'm the one who runs the place
[22:09] [+David O'Cain] Weren't you looking for help some time ago, though?
[22:09] [Masaki O'Cain] I do have help..but no real night manager
[22:09] [Masaki O'Cain] the original owners transferred ownership to me >>
[22:10] [Miara (skirt)] Is the place really going to blow up if you take a day off?
[22:10] [Miara (skirt)] And do you have such horrible employees you can't?
[22:10] [+David O'Cain] Oh.
[22:11] [Masaki O'Cain] I have on other emplyoee
[22:11] [Masaki O'Cain] *one
[22:11] [Miara (skirt)] ....why?
[22:13] [Masaki O'Cain] mostly cause it's such a small store...I haven't gotten another employee yet
[22:15] [+David O'Cain] Has anyone tried to apply?
[22:16] [Masaki O'Cain] no
[22:18] [+David O'Cain] Hmmm. Maybe putting up a Help Wanted poster or advertising the need for help might generate interest.
[22:18] [Miara (skirt)] No one in Japan needs a job and wants to work at a manga store?
[22:21] [Masaki O'Cain] I guess I just haven't shown any sort of need help and such
[22:21] [Miara (skirt)] That...might be important?
[22:22] [Masaki O'Cain] true true
[22:26] > Miara (skirt) picks the flower out of her hair and smells it, then skips out again
[22:27] > Miara (skirt) is away: changing
[22:28] [+David O'Cain] I guess she had a good day.
[22:28] [Masaki O'Cain] huh looks like it
[22:29] [+David O'Cain] Despite your day being long and tiring, I hope it was good.
[22:31] [Masaki O'Cain] oh it was fine
[22:31] > Masaki O'Cain stretches
[22:38] [+David O'Cain] Good.
[22:41] > Miara (comfy) is back
[22:41] [Masaki O'Cain] welcome back
[22:41] [Miara (comfy)] Thanks!
[22:41] [+David O'Cain] Welcome back, Miara.
[22:41] [Miara (comfy)] Thank you.
[22:44] > Miara (comfy) sits on a couch and does some drawings with her markers
[22:45] [+David O'Cain] Nice night, isn't it?
[22:46] [Miara (comfy)] Mhm~
[22:49] [Masaki O'Cain] yeah it really is *relaxes*
[22:49] > +David O'Cain cuddles Masaki
[22:49] > Masaki O'Cain smiles a bit and holds onto david
[22:51] [+David O'Cain] ^_^
[22:52] [Miara (comfy)] Maybe I should withdrawl~?
[22:53] [Masaki O'Cain] nah you don't have to
[22:53] [+David O'Cain] It's all good, Miara.
[22:56] [Masaki O'Cain] yeah heh
[22:57] > Miara (comfy) finished her drawings, and in a moment they disappear
[22:57] [Miara (comfy)] Oh, I haven't slept in just ages, anyway
[22:57] [Masaki O'Cain] oh?
[22:58] [Miara (comfy)] So, I think I'm going to go get some.
[22:58] [Miara (comfy)] Enjoy yourselves~
[22:58] <-- Miara (comfy) [amongimmortals@terra.net] has left #reddwarfmain (Stand up and watch me!)
[22:58] [+David O'Cain] Night.
[23:01] [Masaki O'Cain] night
[23:03] [+David O'Cain] I guess it's just you and me.
[23:05] [Masaki O'Cain] yeah looks like it
[23:10] [+David O'Cain] So, what shall we do?
[23:11] [Masaki O'Cain] oh I don't know, dear
[23:11] > Masaki O'Cain pokes his nose
[23:13] [+David O'Cain] Hey. :P
[23:14] [Masaki O'Cain] what :P
[23:15] [+David O'Cain] You poking my nose (pokes Masaki's side).
[23:17] [Masaki O'Cain] heeey heh
[23:17] [Masaki O'Cain] trying to get your wife to laugh :P
[23:18] [+David O'Cain] What's wrong with a good laugh, huh? :P
[23:20] [Masaki O'Cain] nothing I suppose :P
[23:22] [+David O'Cain] Good. ^_^
[23:23] > Masaki O'Cain grins and tickles david
[23:24] [+David O'Cain] H-h-h-hey!
[23:31] [Masaki O'Cain] heheh gotcha!
[23:31] > Masaki O'Cain keeps it up
[23:32] [+David O'Cain] Nnn-n-n-n-no! XD
[23:36] [Masaki O'Cain] heh..I love it when you laugh
[23:37] [+David O'Cain] Why's that?
[23:40] [Masaki O'Cain] cause you're cute when you laugh
[23:41] [+David O'Cain] Cute?
[23:44] [+David O'Cain] I...never would consider myself cute when laughing.
[23:48] [Masaki O'Cain] why not?
[23:48] [Masaki O'Cain] you have such a nice smile
[23:50] [+David O'Cain] Awww, thanks. :)
[23:58] [Masaki O'Cain] hehe no problem
[00:00] >>> Monday Jun 22 2009 <<<
[00:01] [+David O'Cain] Shall we head home?
[00:01] [Masaki O'Cain] lets!
[00:02] <-- +David O'Cain has left #reddwarfmain
[00:05] <-- Masaki O'Cain [RisingStorm@ZepherTech.com] has left #reddwarfmain
[01:36] --> Matsumi Kaze (vana's shirt) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com ] has joined #reddwarfmain
[01:36] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Matsumi Kaze (vana's shirt)
[01:36] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Matsumi Kaze (vana's shirt)
[01:37] > +Matsumi Kaze (vana's shirt) teleports in, giggling slightly to herself...and obviously drunk
[01:37] [+Matsumi Kaze (vana's shirt)] hehehehehe...guud nit!
[01:40] > +Matsumi Kaze (vana's shirt) trips over the sofa and lands on the floor
[01:41] [+Matsumi Kaze (vana's shirt)] oof...whoas....dizzy
[01:42] > +Matsumi Kaze (vana's shirt) looks at the empty wine glass
[01:44] [+Matsumi Kaze (vana's shirt)] muybe...da drink wash too strung
[01:46] > +Matsumi Kaze (vana's shirt) struggles to stand up
[01:49] --> Kaede Sasaki (PJ's) has joined #reddwarfmain
[01:49] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Kaede Sasaki (PJ's)
[01:50] [+Matsumi Kaze (hideki's shirt)] ^
[01:50] [+Matsumi Kaze (Vana's shirt)] hehehe
[01:50] [Kaede Sasaki (PJ's)] hey oneesan
[01:50] [+Matsumi Kaze (Vana's shirt)] huh...whaaa...
[01:51] > +Matsumi Kaze (Vana's shirt) looks up at Kaede.....is obviously very very very very drunk
[01:51] [Kaede Sasaki (PJ's)] Oneesan.... are you alright?
[01:51] [+Matsumi Kaze (Vana's shirt)] ya ya...cept for da spinny rom....and colors
[01:52] [Kaede Sasaki (PJ's)] Oh me
[01:54] [Kaede Sasaki (PJ's)] You need to lay down, oneesan
[01:56] [+Matsumi Kaze (Vana's shirt)] whyyyyy.....
[01:56] > +Matsumi Kaze (Vana's shirt) struggles to get up...the shirt is obviously bigger then her
[01:57] [+Matsumi Kaze (Vana's shirt)] wha ya men????
[01:58] [Kaede Sasaki (PJ's)] You're plastered... I don't want you to hurt yourself
[01:59] [+Matsumi Kaze (Vana's shirt)] waaaaa *grabs kaede and hugs her super tight* yur nu fun...
[01:59] > Kaede Sasaki (PJ's) hugs Matsumi back| I'm plenty fun... I just worry about my Oneesan
[02:01] > +Matsumi Kaze (Vana's shirt) smells heavly of alcohol
[02:03] > Kaede Sasaki (PJ's) leads Matsumi over to the sofa
[02:03] [+Matsumi Kaze (Vana's shirt)] bu i'm yur big sistah...u lisan tu me!
[02:03] [Kaede Sasaki (PJ's)] Yeah well... this time you're gonna' listen to me!
[02:05] [+Matsumi Kaze (Vana's shirt)] buh buh...waaaaaaay?
[02:07] > Kaede Sasaki (PJ's) lays Matsumi down | Cause I wanna' make sure my oneesan stays safe
[02:08] [+Matsumi Kaze (Vana's shirt)] everting is spunning @_@
[02:09] [Kaede Sasaki (PJ's)] I'm sure
[02:11] > +Matsumi Kaze (Vana's shirt) tries to get off the sofa
[02:11] [Kaede Sasaki (PJ's)] Oneesan.... stop it!
[02:12] > +Matsumi Kaze (Vana's shirt) blinks....and looks rather guilty...but stil drunk
[02:12] [+Matsumi Kaze (Vana's shirt)] sory...*hic*
[02:14] [Kaede Sasaki (PJ's)] It's ok
[02:14] > +Matsumi Kaze (Vana's shirt) seems to look a little...green
[02:14] [Kaede Sasaki (PJ's)] Uh oh....
[02:15] > Kaede Sasaki (PJ's) runs and gets a bucket
[02:15] [+Matsumi Kaze (Vana's shirt)] @_@
[02:17] > Kaede Sasaki (PJ's) runs and sets the bucket next to Matsumi on the floor
[02:18] > +Matsumi Kaze (Vana's shirt) grabs the bucket and..well you know the rest
[02:19] > Kaede Sasaki (PJ's) turns away
[02:20] > +Matsumi Kaze (Vana's shirt) sets the bucket down..and lays back @_@
[02:22] [+Matsumi Kaze (Vana's shirt)] @_@ nu guud
[02:25] [Kaede Sasaki (PJ's)] Oneesan, i'm gonna' leave you heree to sleep it of
[02:26] [+Matsumi Kaze (Vana's shirt)] okies....@_@
[02:26] > Kaede Sasaki (PJ's) kisses Matsumi's forehead before leaving | Nighty night Oneesan
[02:26] [+Matsumi Kaze (Vana's shirt)] ni ni ni ni @_@
[02:27] <-- Kaede Sasaki (PJ's) has left #reddwarfmain (I've never seen her THAT drunk beofre.)
[02:28] <-- +Matsumi Kaze (Vana's shirt) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com ] has left #reddwarfmain (@_@)
[12:07] --> Matsumi Kaze (Vana's shirt) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com ] has joined #reddwarfmain
[12:07] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Matsumi Kaze (Vana's shirt)
[12:07] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Matsumi Kaze (Vana's shirt)
[12:07] [+Matsumi Kaze (Vana's shirt)] ....uggggggh...my head......
[12:08] > +Matsumi Kaze (Vana's shirt) sits up, rubbing her head ><
[12:15] > +Matsumi Kaze (Vana's shirt) stands and looks at the time
[12:15] [+Matsumi Kaze (Vana's shirt)] crap! gotta go!
[12:15] <-- +Matsumi Kaze (Vana's shirt) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com ] has left #reddwarfmain
[12:17] --> Kaede Sasaki (Chef's outfit) has joined #reddwarfmain
[12:17] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Kaede Sasaki (Chef's outfit)
[12:18] --> Taiyo has joined #reddwarfmain
[12:18] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Taiyo
[12:18] > Taiyo runs in O_O
[12:18] [Kaede Sasaki (Chef's outfit)] Hmm..... I guess she woke up alreay. I hope she got home already
[12:18] [Kaede Sasaki (Chef's outfit)] ^already
[12:19] > Taiyo hides behind Kaede
[12:19] > Kaede Sasaki (Chef's outfit) turns around| Hey Taiyo-chan
[12:19] [Kaede Sasaki (Chef's outfit)] Is something wrong?
[12:19] > Taiyo nods nods nods nods nods
[12:20] [Kaede Sasaki (Chef's outfit)] What's wrong Taiyo-chan?
[12:20] [Taiyo] I sorta broke something at home on accedent >_>
[12:20] [Taiyo] I didn't meant to!!!!
[12:21] [Kaede Sasaki (Chef's outfit)] Awww, well you shouldn't run and hide from it....
[12:22] [Taiyo] I really didn't mean to!
[12:22] [Kaede Sasaki (Chef's outfit)] I know you didn't.... and that's why you shouldn't be running like this.
[12:23] > Kaede Sasaki (Chef's outfit) turns around and kneels to look at Taiyo-chan
[12:25] > Taiyo looks at Kaede
[12:27] [Kaede Sasaki (Chef's outfit)] I'm sure whatever you broke, it won't be a big deal. So instead of running, hiding and making it worse..... you should go home and tell someone what happened.
[12:27] [Taiyo] okies........why are you dressed all funny?
[12:28] [Kaede Sasaki (Chef's outfit)] Cause I'm gonna' go cook lunch for the ship.
[12:28] > Kaede Sasaki (Chef's outfit) blinks a bit, looking concerned | Do I really look funny?
[12:29] [Taiyo] you look like a cook
[12:29] > Taiyo blinks a bit
[12:29] > Kaede Sasaki (Chef's outfit) smiles and brushes the hair out of his eyes
[12:31] [Taiyo] whatcha gonna make?
[12:32] [Kaede Sasaki (Chef's outfit)] Curry chicken with potatoes and veggies
[12:32] [Taiyo] oooooo
[12:33] [Kaede Sasaki (Chef's outfit)] I'm even gonna' make two different types of curry, spicy and mild. ^_^
[12:35] --> Miara [amongimmortals@terra.net] has joined #reddwarfmain
[12:35] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Miara
[12:36] [Miara] Hi~
[12:36] [Taiyo] what's curry????
[12:37] [Miara] Oh, curry? It's yummy ^_^
[12:37] [Kaede Sasaki (Chef's outfit)] Well, Miara-san is right about that.
[12:38] [Taiyo] so curry equals yummy?
[12:38] [Miara] Do you like spices? And Indian food? And things like that?
[12:40] [Taiyo] never had them
[12:40] [Kaede Sasaki (Chef's outfit)] Well, the key to curry is the sauce
[12:40] [Miara] You'll probably like it.
[12:42] [Taiyo] really???
[12:42] [Kaede Sasaki (Chef's outfit)] I think so.
[12:43] [Kaede Sasaki (Chef's outfit)] The sauce is where all the spices are, you just add everything else to make it more flavorable and filling.
[12:44] > Taiyo nods nods nods
[12:44] [Miara] You have it over rice with different types of cooked meats and/or veggies.
[12:45] [Miara] What kind were you going to make, Kaede?
[12:46] [Kaede Sasaki (Chef's outfit)] I'm making some spicy and some mild, with chicken, potatoes and other veggies.
[12:47] [Kaede Sasaki (Chef's outfit)] Which, I should get going. I only have 15 minutes to get it ready
[12:48] > Kaede Sasaki (Chef's outfit) pops up | Taiyo-chan, make sure you go home and talk to someone about what happened.
[12:48] [Kaede Sasaki (Chef's outfit)] When you're done, how about you bring one of your mama's or papa's with you for lunch? ^_^
[12:48] [Miara] Eh? What happened, Taiyo?
[12:49] [Taiyo] ok..
[12:49] [Taiyo] I broke something T_T
[12:49] [Kaede Sasaki (Chef's outfit)] Miara-san.... don't make a big deal out of it.
[12:49] [Kaede Sasaki (Chef's outfit)] I hope to see you later Taiyo-chan. ^_^
[12:49] <-- Kaede Sasaki (Chef's outfit) has left #reddwarfmain (Time to get cookin'!)
[12:50] [Miara] Oh. That's usually not so bad.
[12:50] [Taiyo] I better get back T_T
[12:50] [Miara] I used to break lots of stuff when I was little.
[12:50] <-- Taiyo has left #reddwarfmain (scaaaared)
[12:52] [Miara] Aww, I hope he'll be okay...
[12:53] [Taiyo] (( heh not sure who to bring in ))
[12:54] [Miara] (( dunno, you know miara will take to anyone anyway :p ))
[12:54] [Taiyo] (( I was going to write a new Ultraman story today..can't think of a good monster ))
[12:56] [Miara] (( work on one of the sailor q episodes? ))
[12:58] > Miara gets some juice from the fridge and sits on a stool at the bar, sipping it
[13:02] --> Hideki Kaze [AirKnight@Qtech.com] has joined #reddwarfmain
[13:02] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Hideki Kaze
[13:03] > Hideki Kaze walks in, stretching
[13:03] [Miara] Hi Hideki.
[13:04] [Hideki Kaze] afternoon, miara
[13:06] [Miara] How are you?
[13:06] [Hideki Kaze] heard there was a lunch up here
[13:06] [Hideki Kaze] fine fine....just saw Taiyo run back in at home
[13:07] [Miara] Kaede's working on it, I think.
[13:10] [Miara] Oh? Is he doing alright? I haven't really seen him in a while.
[13:10] [Hideki Kaze] he's fine
[13:10] > Hideki Kaze is away: ((lunch))
[13:50] > Miara is away
[14:20] --> Cora has joined #reddwarfmain
[14:20] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Cora
[14:25] > Cora sits on a couch and works on a story
[14:34] <-- Hideki Kaze [AirKnight@Qtech.com] has left #reddwarfmain
[14:34] --> Taruka Mi-38 [MetalGalhunter@Branch7.co] has joined #reddwarfmain
[14:34] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Taruka Mi-38
[14:35] > Taruka Mi-38 wanders in
[14:37] [Cora] Hello.
[14:40] [Taruka Mi-38] oh hello there
[14:41] > Cora finally looks up at Taruka and does a double take o_o
[14:44] [Taruka Mi-38] hello
[14:45] [Cora] ...hi...
[14:46] [Taruka Mi-38] is something wrong?
[14:46] > Cora realizes she's staring and looks back down at her paper
[14:47] [Taruka Mi-38] I'm Taruka...you?
[14:47] [Cora] N-nothing!
[14:47] [Taruka Mi-38] nothing??? that's your name?
[14:47] [Cora] I'm Cora.
[14:47] [Taruka Mi-38] huh..odd
[14:47] [Taruka Mi-38] oh...hello, Cora ^^
[14:47] [Taruka Mi-38] nice to meet you
[14:48] [Cora] I-i..um...What are you?
[14:48] [Taruka Mi-38] I'm a Vortukian
[14:48] [Cora] What's that?
[14:48] [Taruka Mi-38] a sort of....well.......bio-mechical lifeform as they say....
[14:49] [Cora] Like...a machine? A living machine?
[14:49] > Taruka Mi-38 smiles gently
[14:50] [Taruka Mi-38] yeah...you could say that
[14:52] [Cora] What's it like?
[14:52] [Taruka Mi-38] though..doesn't mean I'm not real heh
[14:52] [Taruka Mi-38] well.......
[14:52] [Taruka Mi-38] what do you mean?
[14:53] [Cora] Maybe that's not a good question..
[14:53] [Taruka Mi-38] no no..just..what do you mean?
[14:55] [Cora] Just..what it's like. It's very vague, isn't it >>
[14:56] [Taruka Mi-38] heh yes it is
[14:56] [Taruka Mi-38] given how much I've changed >>
[14:57] [Cora] Oh?
[15:00] [Taruka Mi-38] yes..I've "evolved" so to speak
[15:01] > Taruka Mi-38 taps a little device on her wrist..and it brings up a picture of her...which looks...much more mechanical then she does now
[15:02] [Taruka Mi-38] that's what me..and many of my fellow beings look like on my home planet
[15:02] [Cora] Oh! I see!
[15:04] [Taruka Mi-38] I also had no emotions originally
[15:06] [Cora] Really?
[15:06] [Taruka Mi-38] yes it's true!
[15:07] [Taruka Mi-38] though..I don't think I can return home again
[15:08] [Cora] Aww. Why not? Will they do things to you??
[15:09] [Taruka Mi-38] well...I don't think they would like how I've changed
[15:09] [Cora] Because you're not like them any more?
[15:10] > Taruka Mi-38 nods
[15:11] > Taruka Mi-38 looks at Cora
[15:12] [Taruka Mi-38] do I....upset you or something?
[15:12] [Cora] Um..no..
[15:13] [Cora] Why?
[15:14] [Taruka Mi-38] well..you seem starteld when you saw me
[15:15] [Cora] I've never seen anyone like you before.
[15:15] [Cora] I'm sorry, it must have seemed very rude.
[15:17] [Taruka Mi-38] no no....I'm used to it...after all....from what I understand most of Earth isn't used to things like this
[15:20] > Cora nods
[15:21] [Taruka Mi-38] I'm still getting used to some of my emotions..including certain ones heh
[15:23] [Cora] It must be very difficult.
[15:24] [Taruka Mi-38] oh it is..but...I am..happy ^^
[15:25] [Cora] Then I'm happy for you ^_^
[15:26] [Taruka Mi-38] how are you then?
[15:27] [Cora] I've been busy.
[15:27] [Cora] But, I think I finally know what I'm going to do!
[15:28] [Taruka Mi-38] oh?
[15:29] [Cora] I'm going to write books and stories and things!
[15:30] [Cora] And I have a house now so I have an address and can do that.
[15:30] [Taruka Mi-38] oh that sounds nice!
[15:30] [Cora] But I have to finish writing some things first...
[15:35] [Cora] What do you do, Taruka?
[15:35] [Taruka Mi-38] I am a bounty hunter
[15:36] [Cora] Isn't that scary?
[15:37] [Taruka Mi-38] sometimes...I'm quite good at it though
[15:37] [Cora] Ah.
[15:37] > Taruka Mi-38 holds out her arm..which morphs into a rather large laser gun
[15:37] [Cora] Oh!
[15:38] [Cora] I guess you are.
[15:38] > Taruka Mi-38 's arm returns to normal
[15:39] [Taruka Mi-38] though I am actually more in charge of the research for the team..keeping track of them and such ^^
[15:40] > Cora nods
[15:44] > Cora thinks of something and writes it down before it disappears
[15:44] [Taruka Mi-38] huh?
[15:49] [Cora] What?
[15:49] [Taruka Mi-38] oh nothing
[15:50] [Cora] Sorry...I uh..do that sometimes.
[15:50] [Taruka Mi-38] oooh
[15:51] [Taruka Mi-38] I am going to go back and check on the rest of my team..take care!
[15:51] [Cora] You too, Taruka. It was really nice talking to you.
[15:52] [Taruka Mi-38] it was ^^
[15:52] <-- Taruka Mi-38 [MetalGalhunter@Branch7.co] has left #reddwarfmain
[15:56] [Cora] She was nice.
[15:56] > Cora makes some more notes
[16:07] > Cora yawns and dozes off on the sofa
[16:09] <-- Cora has left #reddwarfmain (zz)
[17:53] > Cora is still sleeping on the couch
[20:03] > Cora turns over, stretches a bit, and falls asleep again
[20:09] --> ~Hitoshi Kaze (casual) has joined #reddwarfmain
[20:09] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, ~Hitoshi Kaze (casual)
[20:09] [Hitoshi Kazu (casual)] ^
[20:09] > Hitoshi Kazu (casual) stretches and sees Cora
[20:09] [Hitoshi Kazu (casual)] ....
[20:09] [Hitoshi Kazu (casual)] wow....she is...cute
[20:10] > Cora is sleeping on the couch, papers kind of spread out around her
[20:11] > Hitoshi Kazu (casual) carefully picks up the papers...
[20:13] [Hitoshi Kazu (casual)] ...wonder how hard she worked on this
[20:14] > Hitoshi Kazu (casual) carefully puts the papers in a neat pile....
[20:15] > Hitoshi Kazu (casual) looks around for a blanket
[20:15] [Cora] Hmmm....
[20:16] > Cora yawns and stretches a bit, not really awake yet
[20:17] > Hitoshi Kazu (casual) blinks a bit
[20:17] [Hitoshi Kazu (casual)] ah here's one..
[20:17] > Hitoshi Kazu (casual) blinks at it..trying to figure out which part is up
[20:21] > Hitoshi Kazu (casual) carefully puts the blanket on Cora
[20:22] [Cora] nnn...huh?
[20:22] > Cora sits up a bit, looking around
[20:22] [Hitoshi Kazu (casual)] oh..uh...hey
[20:23] [Cora] Hi.
[20:24] [Hitoshi Kazu (casual)] uh...nice nap?
[20:24] [Cora] Mmm...yeah. What time is it?
[20:26] [Hitoshi Kazu (casual)] uh..about....7ish (central)
[20:26] > Cora sits up with her knees against her chest, pulling the blanket around her
[20:27] [Cora] Wow, really?
[20:27] [Cora] I guess I didn't get much sleep last night.
[20:27] [Hitoshi Kazu (casual)] rough night?
[20:28] [Cora] I've been cleaning my house!
[20:28] [Cora] And setting it up!
[20:29] [Cora] And trying to finish this.
[20:29] > Cora riffles through the pile of papers
[20:31] [Hitoshi Kazu (casual)] yeah...they were sort of scattered all over you
[20:32] [Cora] They were? And you..picked 'em up?
[20:33] > Cora giggles a little as she looks at the papers, and then puts them back in order
[20:33] > ~Something slowly rises up behind Cora.
[20:34] [Hitoshi Kazu (casual)] yeah I did
[20:34] [Cora] .....
[20:35] > Cora feels weird all of a sudden
[20:35] > ~A small ghost-like figure hovers before Cora, dressed in a white funeral robe with long sleeves, wearing a fox-mask with a pair of pale-glowing whispy orbs slowly orbiting around it. "OOOOOoooOOOoooo~!"
[20:35] [Hitoshi Kazu (casual)] !!!
[20:35] > Hitoshi Kazu (casual) has transformed into Ultraman Kaida
[20:35] [Cora] @_@
[20:35] > Ultraman Kaida powers up a blast from his hand, ready to fire
[20:36] > ~A small ghost-like is now known as Aratasujou
[20:36] > Aratasujou pulls off her little mask and grins. "Gotcha, nyoro~!" :D
[20:36] --> Morrigan has joined #reddwarfmain
[20:36] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Morrigan
[20:36] > Cora looks at Aratasujou
[20:36] ➣ Aratasujou: is an incredibly cute looking fox-girl, barely two feet high, with dazzling blue eyes, a pale complexion, and long deep brown hair. She's fun-loving, eternally happy, and wants nothing more than to play all day long. She always smells faintly of lilies and cinnamon. Her overall appearance is very similar to this--http://maxwindy.deviantart.com/art/Kuzunoha-shoujo-form-88636136
[20:36] [Ultraman Kaida] ...............
[20:37] [Morrigan] There you are, Ara-su. Are you getting into mischief again?
[20:37] --> David O'Cain has joined #reddwarfmain
[20:37] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to David O'Cain
[20:37] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +David O'Cain
[20:37] [+David O'Cain] Evening, folks.
[20:37] [Cora] Scaring people, is more like it >>
[20:38] > Aratasujou POOFS, and emerges from the puff of white smoke wearing little Shinto priestess robes. "Herro everyone! Sorry if I scared you, nyoro!"
[20:38] [Ultraman Kaida] ..............
[20:38] [Ultraman Kaida] what....the..f[BLEEP]k
[20:38] [Morrigan] Hello Davy.
[20:39] > Aratasujou hops up into the air and hovers over to the couch, where she sits down on the headrest and relaxes, giving everyone a friendly wave.
[20:39] > Cora looks at Morrigan a minute, then busies her herself with her papers
[20:40] [Ultraman Kaida] ..uh huh
[20:40] > Ultraman Kaida has transformed into Hitoshi Kazu
[20:40] [+David O'Cain] Hi, Ara-su.
[20:40] > Morrigan looks back and forth between Cora and Hitoshi. "Wow, tough crowd tonight."
[20:41] [Aratasujou] Konichi-wa, David-san! How are you, nyoro?
[20:41] > Cora is trying very very hard not to feel incredibly...inadequate
[20:42] [Hitoshi Kazu] ugh...were you trying to make me blow something up
[20:42] [Hitoshi Kazu] ...so how is your house, Cora?
[20:42] > Morrigan senses that Cora's feeling just a tad uneasy about something.
[20:42] [+David O'Cain] Doing just fine, you silly cutie.
[20:42] [Aratasujou] No! Ara-su was just playing with everyone, nyoro. I'm sorry if I scared you all. :<
[20:42] [Cora] Um...well, I moved most of my stuff there.
[20:43] > Morrigan walks up to Cora. "Hello there, young lady. Can I help you with anything? You seem kinda tense this evening." ^__^
[20:44] > Hitoshi Kazu just looks at Morrigan
[20:44] [Cora] I'm f-fine.
[20:44] [Hitoshi Kazu] cora?
[20:45] [Aratasujou] Ara-su can cook you all something! Let me help you! :D
[20:45] > Morrigan shudders a little as she hears Ara-su mention "cooking". >_<;;
[20:46] --> Ryoko Mitsurugi has joined #reddwarfmain
[20:46] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Ryoko Mitsurugi
[20:46] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] Yo.
[20:46] [+David O'Cain] Oh, hey, Ryoko.
[20:46] [Hitoshi Kazu] hmm...
[20:47] > Cora writes something down and gives the paper to Hitoshi
[20:47] [Morrigan] Cora? Are you hungry? How about I make you some chicken? My treat! ^__^
[20:47] > Hitoshi Kazu takes it and looks "oh..um..thanks"
[20:48] > Hitoshi Kazu blushes slightly and puts the paper in his pocket
[20:48] > Aratasujou waves to Ryoko. "Konichi-wa!"
[20:48] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] Hello, Aratasujou.
[20:48] [Cora] I'm actually not very hungry...I appreciate the offer, though ^_^
[20:49] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] How're you?
[20:49] > Hitoshi Kazu leans against a wall
[20:50] > Cora looks at Aratasujou
[20:50] [Cora] Are you like Solar's family? I forget what they're called, though.
[20:50] [Aratasujou] I'm fine, nyoro! I'm having so much fun at home with Solar-kun and his family!
[20:51] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] That's good.
[20:51] [Morrigan] Not quite, Cora. Little Ara-su *is* technically a new member of his family, but she's not one of his children. She's a specially-created familiar crafted especially for him.
[20:52] > Hitoshi Kazu watches the goings on
[20:54] > Aratasujou stands up and bows to Cora.
[20:54] [Cora] No, i meant...she was made for him??
[20:55] [Morrigan] My kind created her for him. She's both a gift from the Tanar'ri and payment for a service he provided for us a couple years ago.
[20:55] [Aratasujou] Yup! Ara-su's now an important part of Solar-kun's family and home! =^^=
[20:57] > Hitoshi Kazu puts his leather jacket on
[20:57] > Hitoshi Kazu is away
[20:57] > Aratasujou floats over towards Hitoshi...and halts in mid-air as he leaves. :<
[20:58] [Cora] So...they gave him a slave? I thought there wasn't supposed to be slavery any more?
[20:58] [Aratasujou] Awww. Ara-su likes his jacket. :<
[20:58] [Aratasujou] Ara-su is *not* a slave!
[20:58] > Hitoshi Kazu is back
[20:58] [Aratasujou] D:<
[20:58] > Hitoshi Kazu walks back in, missing something
[20:59] [+David O'Cain] I'd say she's more of a helper than anything.
[20:59] [Hitoshi Kazu] where is it..
[20:59] [Morrigan] She most certainly isn't a slave. She's a much valued and well respected part of Solar's family.
[20:59] [Cora] But...if they "gave" you to him, doesn't that mean...
[20:59] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] Yeah. I mean, it wouldn't be in Solar's right mind to do slavery.
[21:01] [Morrigan] Ara-su is basically a construct. A familiar created by magic. If anything she's more like an artificially intelligent artificial droid than a living creature.
[21:01] [Aratasujou] Ara-su wants to be with Solar-kun and his family! :P
[21:01] [Hitoshi Kazu] hmm
[21:01] [Cora] ...I don't think I know what half of that means.
[21:01] > Aratasujou zips over towards Cora and hovers in front of her face, pointing at her accusingly.
[21:03] > Hitoshi Kazu zooms in front of cora, frowning at the little thing
[21:03] [Morrigan] Simply put, Cora...Ara-su's not alive. At least not alive as you and I are. She's not flesh and blood, but she *does* have free will.
[21:03] [Hitoshi Kazu] hey....don't point..
[21:03] [Aratasujou] Ara-su *wants* to be with Solar-kun, nyoro! And his family. =^^=
[21:04] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] Awww.
[21:05] [Cora] She looks real...
[21:05] > Cora pulls Hitoshi aside a little "She's not hurting me."
[21:05] [Morrigan] She's supposed to look real.
[21:05] [Hitoshi Kazu] oh...alright
[21:06] [Aratasujou] And I'm supposed to look kawaii! ^__^
[21:06] [Cora] You are pretty cute.
[21:06] [Morrigan] Relax, Hitoshi. Cora's not in any danger.
[21:06] > Hitoshi Kazu eyes glow suddenly
[21:07] [Hitoshi Kazu] sorry...have to go
[21:07] > Hitoshi Kazu vanishes in a burst of light
[21:07] > Hitoshi Kazu is away
[21:07] > Ryoko Mitsurugi gives Aratasujou a hug, "And huggable according to Azumi."
[21:07] [Aratasujou] Heee! =^^=
[21:07] [+David O'Cain] Huh, I wonder what got him.
[21:07] [Cora] I don't know, but I hope he's alright.
[21:07] [Morrigan] I think he's just the over-protective type.
[21:10] [Aratasujou] See, Cora-lady? Ara-su's being with Solar-kun is a good thing! I help him and his family, I get to play all day long, and I get to do what I love doing, nyoro! Ara-su's right where she's always wanted to be. =^^=
[21:11] [Cora] I"m sorry...there's just a lot of things I don't really understand yet.
[21:12] [Morrigan] Hitoshi's probably responding to some kind of monster attack or something.
[21:12] [+David O'Cain] Ah.
[21:12] [Cora] I don't know, sometimes things just happen that he can't really control, it sounds like.
[21:13] [Aratasujou] Don't worry, Cora-lady. Solar-kun never makes me do anything that would hurt me or make me feel bad. Solar-kun and InuKit-sama both love me as much as Ara-su loves them. ^___^
[21:15] > Morrigan nods to Cora. "Perhaps. Hopefully he'll come back safe and sound."
[21:17] > Aratasujou nestles in Ryoko-sama's arms and relaxes with a big smile on her face. =^^=
[21:17] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] Awwwww. You like hugs, don't you?
[21:17] --> Marty D [Techwiz@hogwarts.edu] has joined #reddwarfmain
[21:17] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Marty D
[21:18] > Marty D walks in, staggering somewhat, but fully upright, and holding out a note.
[21:18] [Cora] I think I'd better get going, I still have a lot of work to do.
[21:18] [Cora] I think I'd better get going, I still have a lot of work to do.
[21:18] > Morrigan waves to Marty.
[21:18] [Morrigan] Good night then, Marty. I'll cook you up that chicken next time, though.
[21:18] [Marty D] I... he... hah... oeeee =o___o;=
[21:19] [Morrigan] Which do you like better, Cora? Breasts or thighs? ^___~
[21:19] [+David O'Cain] Bye, Cora.
[21:19] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] See ya.
[21:19] --> Tina Gale [FireyAirPrincess@QTech.com] has joined #reddwarfmain
[21:19] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Tina Gale
[21:19] [Aratasujou] Bye-bye, nyoro!
[21:19] [Cora] Huh?
[21:19] [Tina Gale] hey marty I was won..dering...
[21:19] [Cora] It was nice to meet you, Ara-su.
[21:20] > Morrigan looks at Marty D
[21:20] ➣ Marty D: Marty D is about 5'5", in his late teens, with blue hair penetrated by black cat ears and a black tail poking out through his jeans.
[21:20] <-- Cora has left #reddwarfmain
[21:20] [Tina Gale] ...huh
[21:20] [Morrigan] Uh-oh. Sorry Tine, but I think I broke your friend there. ^___^
[21:20] --> Miara (robes) [amongimmortals@terra.net] has joined #reddwarfmain
[21:20] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Miara (robes)
[21:20] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] Am I the only one getting a bad feeling here?
[21:20] > Marty D is holding out a note, reading 'May I please have a few strands of Morrigan's hairs, and be pushed out of the room by someone? Thanks.'
[21:21] [Tina Gale] ..I see
[21:21] [+David O'Cain] [Evening, Tina.]
[21:21] [Miara (robes)] Huh? What bad feeling?
[21:21] [Tina Gale] ....
[21:21] [Aratasujou] Bad feeling, nyoro?
[21:22] > Ryoko Mitsurugi points to Marty and Tina
[21:22] [Miara (robes)] Oh.
[21:22] > Marty D shudders slightly and stares into the space Morrigan is occupying.
[21:22] > Miara (robes) looks at the note
[21:22] [Miara (robes)] Wonder what he wants them for?
[21:22] [+David O'Cain] I don't know.
[21:23] [Tina Gale] ok
[21:23] > Tina Gale is away: I'll go work on my homework
[21:23] [Miara (robes)] I wonder if there are spells you can do with someone's hair?
[21:24] > Morrigan smiles at Marty, and looks around to see if little Logan is lurking anywhere nearby.
[21:24] > Tina Gale is back
[21:24] > Tina Gale walks back in..and puts a blindfold over marty's eyes
[21:24] [+David O'Cain] Welcome back, Tina.
[21:24] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] Well, I guess that's one way of getting him to focus.
[21:24] [Morrigan] No! Don't blindfold Marty like that! D:
[21:25] > Tina Gale looks at morrigan...and gives her a look of utter viciousness
[21:25] > Morrigan goes over to Marty and stands in front of him and Tina, smirking a bit.
[21:25] > Marty D still seems dumbstruck.
[21:25] [Tina Gale] ...
[21:25] > Marty D smiles dumbly as she approaches.
[21:25] [Morrigan] Oh Marty...what was on that note? I'd be ever so grateful if you told me... ^__^
[21:26] [Tina Gale] ....
[21:26] [Miara (robes)] He wants a few of your hairs.
[21:26] [Marty D] hahhhhhrrrrr..
[21:26] > +David O'Cain and Ryoko look at each other as if to say, "Oh s[BLEEP]t."
[21:27] > Tina Gale narrows her eyes at morrigan
[21:27] [Morrigan] A few of my hairs? What for? Please do tell me...
[21:27] > Marty D leans on Tina.
[21:27] > Morrigan reaches over and gently strokes the tips of Marty's ears as she says this.
[21:28] > Marty D giggles and shudders at her touch, his ears flickering.
[21:28] [Aratasujou] Ooooo!
[21:28] > Tina Gale slaps away morrigan's hand
[21:28] [Marty D] sssssssss......splllllllll
[21:28] [Morrigan] !!
[21:29] [Morrigan] What's wrong, Tina? There's no need to be jealous like that. :P
[21:29] > Aratasujou looks at Tina Gale
[21:29] ➣ Tina Gale: 5'7; has the firey red hair of vana but has matsumi's eyes and figure....her face looks like a mix between the two
[21:29] > Tina Gale is now known as Tina Kaze
[21:29] [Aratasujou] Ooooo! Pretty hair, nyoro! *__*
[21:29] [Tina Kaze] (( forgot about this heh ))
[21:30] > Aratasujou looks at Tina Kaze
[21:30] ➣ Tina Kaze: 5'7; has the firey red hair of vana but has matsumi's eyes and figure....her face looks like a mix between the two
[21:31] > Marty D giggles like a schoolgirl.
[21:31] [Miara (robes)] Morrigan, can't you just control yourself for a few minutes and leave the boy alone?
[21:32] > Tina Kaze flexes her fingers a bit...which seem to spark like embers
[21:32] [+David O'Cain] Yeah. One of these days she'll kick your ass to the point where you're hanging by a thread of your life.
[21:32] > Marty D drops his note, neither request yet being fufilled..
[21:33] [Morrigan] Miara, I'm not like draped all over him, latched onto him like a python with my tongue down his throat. Although I suspect he'd like that...
[21:33] > Tina Kaze picks up the note....
[21:33] [Aratasujou] Sparkly! *__*
[21:34] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] I just know those two are gonna have a long talk.
[21:34] > Tina Kaze looks at it...
[21:34] [+David O'Cain] No kidding.
[21:34] [Tina Kaze] hand over some hairs, morrigan....
[21:34] > Morrigan suddenly leaps up and hovers near the ceiling, reclining in mid-air.
[21:34] [Miara (robes)] You are ruining other people's relationships! Wake up and take some responsibility!
[21:34] [Tina Kaze] ..just...a couple
[21:35] [Morrigan] I'm not ruining anyone's relationships! It's not like I'm trying to ask him out or seduce him or anything.
[21:35] [Morrigan] Why do you want some of my hair? That's an odd request.
[21:36] [Marty D] ssssssssssplllllll *gargling noise*
[21:36] > Tina Kaze hands the note back to Marty
[21:36] > Morrigan leans over to she's hanging upside down in front of Marty and Tina, her long green hair trailing down just a foot in front of them both. ^__^
[21:36] [Tina Kaze] ......just give him the hairs......
[21:37] <-- Tina Kaze [FireyAirPrincess@QTech.com] has left #reddwarfmain (...ugh)
[21:37] [Marty D] heeeeee....
[21:37] [Morrigan] If you want some of my hair, all you have to do is ask!
[21:37] > Marty D strokes the hair playfully.
[21:37] > Morrigan plucks out two or three of her hairs, reaches out, and ties them around one of Marty's fingers like a piece of string.
[21:38] [Marty D] heeeeeeeeeee....
[21:38] > Marty D falls backward, flat on his back, taking a few loose hairs with him.
[21:39] > Miara (robes) pushes Marty out into the hall, tucking a few chocolate frogs in his pocket, as well
[21:39] > +David O'Cain telekinetically moves Marty out of the room
[21:39] [Morrigan] There you go, Marty. If you want my help, you only have to ask for it. I don't bite (unless you're into that kind of thing that is). ^__^
[21:39] <-- Marty D [Techwiz@hogwarts.edu] has left #reddwarfmain (Gaaahhhhhh @_______@ *drool*)
[21:39] [Aratasujou] Chocolate! :D
[21:40] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] You're a real piece of work, Morrigan. ~_~
[21:41] [+David O'Cain] Heh.
[21:41] > Ryoko Mitsurugi pulls out a bag of Kisses for Aratasujou, "Here. Had some in a pocket."
[21:42] [Morrigan] I try my best! ^__^..V
[21:42] [Aratasujou] Yum-yums!! :D
[21:42] > Aratasujou bows to Miara. "Arigato, Lupa-sama!" =^^=
[21:43] [Miara (robes)] Huh? What for?
[21:44] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] The chocolates came from me, silly. :P
[21:44] [Aratasujou] For being so nice to the kits, nyoro! And Solar-kun! They all say good things about you.
[21:44] [Miara (robes)] Oh!
[21:44] [Miara (robes)] Heh. They're fun.
[21:46] [Aratasujou] InuKit-sama talks about you, too. She also thanks you for being such a good friend of her family, nyoro. She says that if you and the Lupa ever need a place to stay, you're welcome to stay in their Manse as guests, nyoro!
[21:46] --> Tina Kaze [FireyAirPrincess@QTech.com] has joined #reddwarfmain
[21:46] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Tina Kaze
[21:46] > Tina Kaze walks back in for a second
[21:46] [Tina Kaze] morrigan?
[21:46] > Morrigan waves to Tina happily. "Did Marty get home all right?"
[21:47] [Tina Kaze] yeah....could you um..come here for a second?
[21:47] > Aratasujou bows to Ryoko-sama. "Arigato for the kisses, nyoro! I'm going to go home and snack on these with the kits!"
[21:48] [Morrigan] Uhhh, what for~? I already gave Marty a few strands of my hair.
[21:49] > Morrigan moves in a little closer to Tina, curious.
[21:49] > Tina Kaze puts her hand on one of morrigan's wings....and makes it heat up..not enough to burn or anything or damage
[21:49] [Miara (robes)] Have a nice night, Ara-su.
[21:49] > Aratasujou offers Lupa-sama a Hershey's kiss. ^_^
[21:49] [Morrigan] O____o
[21:49] [Miara (robes)] Aww, thanks ^_^
[21:49] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] Heh, bye, Aratasujou.
[21:49] [Tina Kaze] yeaaaah....thanks for the hair
[21:49] [+David O'Cain] Bye, Ara-su.
[21:50] > Tina Kaze lets go
[21:50] > Aratasujou offers David-san and Ryoko-sama a Hershey's kiss, too. "Here ya go, nyoro!"
[21:50] > Morrigan falls to the ground, flapping her wing rapidly.
[21:50] > Miara (robes) unwraps the kiss easily and watches Tina and Morrigan
[21:51] [Morrigan] AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~!!!!!! >_____<
[21:51] > Miara (robes) ^as she eats it
[21:51] [Morrigan] Aaaahhhh~! ^________________^
[21:51] [+David O'Cain] Aww, thanks.
[21:51] [Tina Kaze] don't worry..it will cool down quickly....
[21:51] [Tina Kaze] now...I better get back to my homework...
[21:51] <-- Tina Kaze [FireyAirPrincess@QTech.com] has left #reddwarfmain (bye!)
[21:51] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] Why thank you.
[21:52] [Morrigan] I don't know WHAT Tina just did to my wing, but that damn muscle knot that's been in it all week just TOTALLY loosened up when she did that!
[21:52] [Miara (robes)] Riiiight.
[21:52] --> Hitoshi Kazu has joined #reddwarfmain
[21:52] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Hitoshi Kazu
[21:53] [Miara (robes)] Hi Hitoshi!
[21:53] > Hitoshi Kazu walks in, holding his hand which is bleeding
[21:53] [Hitoshi Kazu] yo
[21:53] [Miara (robes)] Uhoh...
[21:53] [Miara (robes)] What'd you do?
[21:53] --> Sora Masterson [TheScorpion@TAW.com] has joined #reddwarfmain
[21:53] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Sora Masterson
[21:53] [Sora Masterson] Evening all.. Hitoshi..~ what happened to your hand?
[21:54] > Miara (robes) gets out her medkit and looks at Hitoshi's hand
[21:54] > Hitoshi Kazu 's hand is not only bleeding....it's semi-broken
[21:54] > Aratasujou immediately zips over to Hitoshi-sama and quickly begins wrapping his bleeding hand up in clean bandages.
[21:55] [Miara (robes)] You need to go see a doctor, Hitoshi
[21:55] [Hitoshi Kazu] I can't....
[21:55] [Miara (robes)] Ara-su, you can't do that!
[21:55] [Sora Masterson] Oh dear... was that your dominant hand?
[21:55] [+David O'Cain] Yo.
[21:55] [Miara (robes)] You have to at least clean it first!
[21:55] [Hitoshi Kazu] can't go to a doctor
[21:55] > Sora Masterson lingers over Hitoshi, eager to help, but apparently too slow.
[21:55] [Miara (robes)] Why not?
[21:55] [Hitoshi Kazu] ..I'm not sure if I'm even human on the inside anymore
[21:56] [Miara (robes)] You're bones are human enough.
[21:56] [Sora Masterson] A vet, then? Don't be silly, we can get you fixed.
[21:56] [Aratasujou] Ara-su has to stop the bleeding first, nyoro! Once he gets to a doctor then he can get it cleaned, nyoro! The bleeding is the important thing right now!
[21:57] [Hitoshi Kazu] stupid damn monster and it's stupid armor
[21:57] [Morrigan] Ouch.
[21:57] > Miara (robes) has put a wad of cotton on Hitoshi's hand and kept pressure on it.
[21:58] [Hitoshi Kazu] ow ow ow ><
[21:58] > Aratasujou has done all that she can. She knows how to bandage wounds and help stop bleeding, but that's the extent of her medical knowledge.
[21:58] [Miara (robes)] But if you wrap his hand before the bones are set, you could do a lot more damage
[21:58] [Miara (robes)] Not to mention, it'd be very painful
[21:58] [Hitoshi Kazu] grr....broken hands bfore...but it's never hurt this ow..much
[21:58] [Miara (robes)] Hm...
[21:59] [Miara (robes)] Do you know a doctor to go to?
[21:59] [Sora Masterson] Theres a lot of bones there to get broken... what the hell happened?
[21:59] [Aratasujou] Did you get poisoned somehow, nyoro?
[21:59] [Sora Masterson] The med bay here is well equipted.. I can take him.
[22:00] [Hitoshi Kazu] I punched a monster that had armor on it..ouch ><
[22:00] [+David O'Cain] Er, alright.
[22:00] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] That had to hurt. >_<
[22:00] [Aratasujou] Ouchies!
[22:00] [Morrigan] Come on, Ara-su. I think we've done as much as we can do for Hitoshi.
[22:01] > Miara (robes) sticks her finger in Hitoshi's blood and tests it with the tip of her tongue