[17:27] >>> Saturday Jan 03 2009 – Automatic reset triggered – Logging Start <<<
[17:27] > Miara looks at Hiroshi
[17:27] ➣ Hiroshi: pale blue-black hair, yellow wolf eyes , and sharp teeth. has patterns on his face that mimic fur patterns and has large side-burns.
[17:28] > Miara sits up
[17:29] [Miara] Now you are interesting.
[17:30] [Hiroshi] huh?
[17:31] > Hiroshi still looks puzzled..sniffing the air
[17:34] [Miara] So what are you?
[17:34] --> Solarchos has joined #reddwarfmain
[17:34] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Solarchos
[17:35] [Solarchos] Oh, hello everyone.
[17:35] [Miara] Half human and half something else, or both?
[17:35] [Miara] Hi Solar.
[17:35] [Hiroshi] I am not human
[17:36] [Solarchos] Hello Miara. Who have you got there?
[17:36] [Miara] Sooo....something else that takes human form.
[17:36] > Solarchos pulls up Hiroshi's service record
[17:36] [@HOL_6000] Hiroshi has led an average life.
[17:36] [Miara] I dunno, he just showed up!
[17:37] [Miara] Oh, no one like you could have lived an "average" life.
[17:37] > Solarchos goes over to Hiroshi, smiling a little. "Hello there. Who might you be?"
[17:38] [Hiroshi] Hiroshi *bows*
[17:38] [Solarchos] How old are you?
[17:39] [Hiroshi] ...let's see...
[17:40] [Hiroshi] I was born during the early days of the reign of the shogun of Tokugawa
[17:40] [Miara] That was in the 1600s, wasn't it?
[17:41] [Solarchos] Wow. Who are your parents?
[17:41] [Hiroshi] I do not recall
[17:42] [Miara] Well you smell like mountains. And those are definately wolf eyes. So you're not a kitsune
[17:42] [Solarchos] He's not a Lupa, is he?
[17:43] > Solarchos looks at Hiroshi and for some reason thinks of InuYasha.
[17:43] [Miara] Do I walk around with neat patterns on my face?
[17:44] [Solarchos] No, but that could just be something unique to your particular tribe.
[17:44] [Miara] ....
[17:44] [Solarchos] Doesn't InuYasha have yellow eyes like that?
[17:44] [Miara] I don't nkow.
[17:44] [Miara] *know
[17:44] [Solarchos] Sorry Miara. I wasn't trying to be rude to you.
[17:45] [Miara] Lupa look like humans in this form. Plain and simple.
[17:45] [Miara] Besides, if he was Lupa, I would know.
[17:45] [Hiroshi] I am a Okuri-Inu
[17:46] [Miara] So, are you going to tell us...oh. What's that mean?
[17:46] [Solarchos] An Okuri-Inu? I've never heard of one of those before.
[17:47] > Solarchos sits down, interested in learning more about Hiroshi. "I'm sure you must have plenty of interesting stories to tell."
[17:50] [Hiroshi] I am a companion wolf
[17:51] [Solarchos] What's that? Who are you the companion of?
[17:53] [Hiroshi] my kind guards humans from other wolf spirits at night
[17:53] > Solarchos goes over to the kitchen to get everyone something to drink.
[17:54] [Solarchos] So you're a guardian then.
[17:55] [Solarchos] Miara? Hiroshi? Would either of you like anything to drink?
[17:56] [Hiroshi] saki
[17:56] [Hiroshi] *sake
[17:57] > Solarchos brings Hiroshi a bottle of sake and a drinking dish.
[17:57] [Miara] Orange juice, please.
[17:58] > Solarchos gets Miara some orange juice.
[17:59] [Miara] Thanks, Solar.
[17:59] [Solarchos] You're welcome. So what have you been up to since the last time I saw you?
[17:59] [Hiroshi] thank you
[18:00] > Hiroshi sits on the floor
[18:01] [Miara] Just the usual, traveling and training.
[18:02] [Miara] So are you immortal, or do you just have a very long life?
[18:04] [Hiroshi] very long life
[18:04] > Solarchos gets some water and sits down to listen.
[18:04] [Miara] And what exactly are you doing here?
[18:05] [Hiroshi] looking for my love
[18:05] [Hiroshi] I could not find her at home
[18:05] [Solarchos] Who are you looking for?
[18:06] [Miara] Oh. I see.
[18:06] [Hiroshi] her name is Amber
[18:06] [Miara] I don't think I know an Amber here.
[18:07] [Solarchos] Me neither.
[18:08] [Solarchos] Do you think she's coming here?
[18:08] [Hiroshi] I see....*sips his drink*
[18:09] [Miara] She probably knows someone we know. Or several people.
[18:10] > Hiroshi nods slowly
[18:11] [Solarchos] Most likely. Everyone here knows quite a few people.
[18:12] [Solarchos] Tell us more about Amber, Hiroshi. Maybe we can keep an eye out for her or ask around.
[18:13] [Hiroshi] she is guardian to the lady candy from what I hear tell
[18:14] [Miara] Oh! Does she live in that huge place with the rest of them, then?
[18:15] [Hiroshi] huge place?
[18:15] [Miara] Well the knives and kazes houses kind of got destroyed a while ago and they all live in this huge mansion together now.
[18:16] [Solarchos] We know Candy! Next time we see here we can tell her about you and Amber so she can keep a lookout. If she really is Candy's guardian then it's highly likely that she'll seek her out sooner or later.
[18:16] [Hiroshi] O_O
[18:16] [Hiroshi] O_____O
[18:16] [Hiroshi] WHAT!?!
[18:16] [Hiroshi] wassheinjuredwhodidthisaretheyallsafe?
[18:17] [Miara] I didn't hear that anyone was hurt
[18:17] [Solarchos] Oh, they're all safe.
[18:17] [Solarchos] This all happened a while ago.
[18:17] [Hiroshi] oh thank kami-sama
[18:17] [Miara] I guess you haven't seen your love in quite a while.
[18:17] [Hiroshi] no...quite
[18:18] > Miara writes the address down on a piece of paper
[18:18] [Miara] Here, you can find her or where she is there.
[18:18] --> Chibi-AnTil has joined #reddwarfmain
[18:18] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Chibi-AnTil
[18:18] --> Chibi-Alex has joined #reddwarfmain
[18:18] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Chibi-Alex
[18:19] [Miara] The girls were here earlier and I think they went home, so someone's there.
[18:19] [Solarchos] Ah! Little ones! :D
[18:19] [Hiroshi] kitsune's
[18:19] [Hiroshi] ?
[18:19] [Chibi-AnTil] Dada!! :D
[18:20] [Chibi-Alex] NYA!! =^^=
[18:20] [Solarchos] Don't worry, Hiroshi. These are my children! ^___^
[18:20] > Miara grows her tail and grabs Alex, tossing her high in the air and then catching her
[18:20] [Chibi-Alex] :D
[18:21] > Hiroshi watches, rather weary
[18:21] > Chibi-AnTil quickly toddles over to Miara, smiling happy as he goes for Miara's tail. :3
[18:21] [Solarchos] Are you all right, Hiroshi?
[18:21] [Miara] You two got so big since I last saw you!
[18:22] [Chibi-Alex] EEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~! :D
[18:22] [Hiroshi] yes I am fine
[18:22] > Miara waves her tail around for AnTil to chase after
[18:22] > Hiroshi sips his drink
[18:22] [Miara] You look kinda tired.
[18:22] > Chibi-AnTil pounces for the tail! :3
[18:23] [Hiroshi] hm?
[18:23] [Hiroshi] no I'm fine
[18:25] [Solarchos] But yes, little Alexianna and AnTilZha are the first set of twins I've had with my wife...who happens to be a Kitsune-lady.
[18:25] > Chibi-AnTil dashes back and forth trying to catch Miara's darting tail. :3
[18:26] [Hiroshi] you are married to a kitsune?
[18:26] > Chibi-Alex digs her littl e fingers into Miara's hair. "Oooooooo, naaaaaah!" ^__^
[18:26] > Miara settles Alex on her back
[18:27] [Miara] Hold on, ne?
[18:27] [Solarchos] A kitsune-onna, yes.
[18:27] [Chibi-Alex] Kay! :3
[18:28] > Hiroshi nods, sniffling the air slightly at the same time
[18:28] > Chibi-Alex holds on, trilling a little bit. ^__^
[18:29] > Miara runs out into the hall and runs just slow enough for AnTil to follow
[18:29] > Chibi-AnTil follows after Miara, batting and chasing after that tail! :D
[18:29] > Solarchos laughs a little, happy to see his children playing.
[18:30] > Hiroshi watches the children
[18:31] [Solarchos] Don't worry, Hiroshi. My children probably aren't going to bother you. Just don't eat any roasted chicken in front of them because it'll drive them wild.
[18:31] [Hiroshi] oh
[18:32] > Miara plays with the children
[18:33] [Solarchos] Well, they're growing, so their appetites are astonishing. You should see what happens whenever all four of them come in here when there's a buffet being served.
[18:33] > Hiroshi crinks his back a bit
[18:33] > Chibi-Alex squeals happily, still clutching onto Miara's back and peering ahead eagerly. :D
[18:34] > Chibi-AnTil stops chasing after Miara and quickly goes over to the new person that Dada is talking to.
[18:34] --> Amber (catgirl) [kitty@destiny.net] has joined #reddwarfmain
[18:34] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Amber (catgirl)
[18:34] [Hiroshi] amber!
[18:35] [Amber (catgirl)] There you are.
[18:35] > Miara spins around and goes after AnTil
[18:35] > Chibi-AnTil goes up to Hiroshi and peers into his face curiously. o_o
[18:35] > Solarchos looks at Amber
[18:35] ➣ Amber: Amber is normally in a cat like form, pink with long fur and a fluffy tail. Amber's human looking form has a long braid that reaches to her knees, pink hair and a pair of pink ears and tail. Very...odd..eyes as well.
[18:35] [Amber (catgirl)] Good evening
[18:36] > Hiroshi blinks his wolf-like eyes at the child
[18:36] [Solarchos] Ahhh, you must be the Amber we've all be hearing about from Hiroshi here.
[18:36] > Miara sees Amber's long braid
[18:36] [Miara] Oooo...
[18:37] > Chibi-AnTil blinks his cute little blue-green eyes at the inu-boy. *__*
[18:37] > Miara picks up the end of the braid and fans out the loose bits to look at her hair
[18:38] > Chibi-Alex sees Amber's long dangly braid too. "Ooooooo!" *__*
[18:38] [Hiroshi] ...I heard what happened, amber
[18:38] [Miara] Isn't it pretty?
[18:38] > Amber (catgirl) eyes the children at her feet.
[18:39] > Chibi-Alex bats at the braid. :D
[18:39] > Chibi-AnTil peers up at Amber. "Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~!" ^___^
[18:39] [Amber (catgirl)] Yes things got quite hectic when the one house exploded.
[18:39] [Solarchos] I understand you're one of Candy's guardians.
[18:40] > Hiroshi hugs amber tightly
[18:40] > Miara lets go of the braid and takes Alex to the other side of the room
[18:40] [Amber (catgirl)] You could compare me to Freya if that helps
[18:40] > Chibi-AnTil mimics Hiroshi and hugs one of Amber's legs playfully. :3
[18:41] > Miara giggles, watching AnTil
[18:41] > Chibi-Alex goes back to inspecting Miara's hair with her little hands. o_o
[18:42] > Miara makes her hair grow down her neck a bit
[18:42] [Solarchos] Well, Hiroshi here's been worried sick about you since you left.
[18:43] [Solarchos] He was genuinely worried about you. I get the feeling that he's been searching for you a long time.
[18:44] [Hiroshi] I went to the house....and inu was there
[18:44] > Chibi-Alex nuzzles the back of Miara's neck. "Nyaaaaaaaaaaa~" ^____^
[18:45] > Chibi-AnTil bats at Amber's hair playfully. ^__^
[18:46] [Hiroshi] did you move?
[18:47] > Miara takes Alex off her back and cuddles her
[18:47] [Solarchos] Heh, having fun there Miara?
[18:48] [Chibi-Alex] =^^=
[18:48] [Miara] Yeah.
[18:48] [Amber (catgirl)] ooh yeah. To a big mansion Hideki-sama bought us
[18:48] > Chibi-AnTil grabs onto Amber's hair braid and tugs on it lightly. ^_^
[18:48] [Hiroshi] ....why did you not tell me???
[18:49] [Amber (catgirl)] I couldn't find you to tell you
[18:49] > Amber (catgirl) frowns
[18:50] > Chibi-Alex hugs Miara back, brushing her tails against Miara's neck and face as she trills happily. =^^=
[18:51] [Miara] So what did you kids do today, besides tracking Daddy all the way here?
[18:51] [Chibi-Alex] Play!! :D
[18:52] [Miara] And what did you play?
[18:52] > Chibi-AnTil emphasizes his sisters statement by tugging on Amber's hair-braid again. ^___^
[18:52] [Hiroshi] oh..sorry
[18:53] > Amber (catgirl) has her hair pulled on ><
[18:54] [Chibi-Alex] With Mama and Dada and Catri and Sylvesta and gee-hee-hee-hee~!! ^__^
[18:54] > Chibi-AnTil tugs on Amber's hair again, giggling. ^_^
[18:54] > Hiroshi looks at the child "do not do that..."
[18:55] [Miara] What's your favorite game?
[18:55] > Amber (catgirl) pulls her hair from AnTil's grip.
[18:55] [Solarchos] AnTil, don't tug on the ladies' hair like that.
[18:55] > Chibi-AnTil resumes hugging Amber's leg. :3
[18:56] [Chibi-Alex] Play hiding! :D
[18:57] [Miara] And what's Daddy's favorite game?
[18:57] > Hiroshi offers some sake to amber
[18:58] > Solarchos goes over to his son and picks him up, carefully removing him from Amber's leg. "Sorry about that. He's just playing with you."
[18:58] [Chibi-Alex] Finding me! ^__^
[18:58] [Miara] Hee
[18:59] > Chibi-AnTil waves to Amber. ^_^m
[19:02] [Solarchos] Little Alex there loves to play hide and seek. Although she and the rest of the kits love to be the seekers as much as the hiders.
[19:03] [Miara] So long as they're hunted or hunting, it doesn't really matter, I imagine.
[19:03] > Hiroshi nods
[19:05] > Hiroshi lets his ears stick out a bit
[19:05] [Solarchos] Inu-Kit just loves playing with them. I think she's the one that turned them onto hide and seek.
[19:06] > Chibi-AnTil sees ears pop out on Hiroshi's head and reaches out towards them.
[19:06] [Miara] Oh, I'll bet.
[19:06] > Miara offers Alex some of her orange juice
[19:06] > Chibi-Alex reaches up and takes a hold of Miara's nose. :3
[19:07] > Hiroshi 's wolf ears flick
[19:07] > Chibi-AnTil flicks his own little fox-ears. ^_^
[19:09] [Hiroshi] pardon my...reluctance.....I have not had much good memories with Kitsune
[19:09] > Chibi-Alex sips deeply of the yummy orange juice. ^___^
[19:09] [Miara] Hee, you like that?
[19:10] > Chibi-Alex nods!
[19:10] > Amber (catgirl) watches them.
[19:10] [Solarchos] You've had bad experiences with Kitsune before?
[19:10] [Amber (catgirl)] You know Hiroshi, there is a spare house on the mansion land I've been taking up resedency in
[19:10] [Hiroshi] yes
[19:11] [Hiroshi] .....oh?
[19:11] > Chibi-Alex finishes drinking the orange juice. :P
[19:12] > Chibi-AnTil reaches out towards Alex. "Ah! Ah!"
[19:12] [Solarchos] You want to be with your sister now, little AnTil?
[19:12] [Amber (catgirl)] If you wern't so attached to your mountains I'd offer you to live with me
[19:13] > Chibi-AnTil nods to Dada.
[19:13] > Hiroshi turns super red
[19:13] [Hiroshi] um well uh well um..uh well
[19:13] > Solarchos walks over to Miara and stands next to her so that AnTil and Alex can be close to her.
[19:13] [Chibi-AnTil] =^^=
[19:13] [Chibi-Alex] =^^=
[19:15] > Chibi-AnTil climbs into Miara's arms, trilling happily.
[19:16] > Hiroshi is looking deeply red
[19:16] > Amber (catgirl) pats one of the passing children's head.
[19:16] [Miara] Have they started play fighting yet, Solar?
[19:17] [Solarchos] They occasionally chase each other and wrestle with one another. Mostly they just pounce on each other.
[19:18] [Miara] Well when they start really play fighting, you'll want to have a lot of orange juice around. And maybe beef.
[19:18] [Solarchos] You think?
[19:19] [Miara] Promotes healing.
[19:19] [Solarchos] I doubt it would need to come to that, but I'll definitely keep it in mind just in case.
[19:20] > Chibi-AnTil bats at Amber's hand as he's patted by her. ^__^
[19:20] [Miara] Solar, your kids have teeth and claws. How do you think they're going to learn to use them?
[19:21] [Amber (catgirl)] ..fine then Hiroshi
[19:21] [Amber (catgirl)] I have to get back to the princess anyway
[19:22] [Hiroshi] huh???
[19:22] [Hiroshi] did I offend you, lady amber
[19:22] [Solarchos] Hiroshi, you're being too reluctant.
[19:23] > Chibi-AnTil and Chibi-Alex grin back at Dada, showing off their little teeth to everyone. ^vvv^ ^vvv^
[19:24] > Hiroshi stands and walks over to amber
[19:24] [Solarchos] I suppose you're right about that, Miara.
[19:25] [Miara] Oh don't worry, they're not going to kill each other.
[19:26] > Chibi-Alex and Chibi-AnTil both suddenly start nibbling on Miara's arms, not nearly hard enough to hurt, but more to tickle and play. :3 :3
[19:26] > Hiroshi puts his hands on amber's shoulders
[19:27] [Miara] I'm sure you two will figure it out, Amber.
[19:27] > Miara narrows her eyes at the two children
[19:28] > Amber (catgirl) watches Hiroshi
[19:28] > Chibi-AnTil growls cutely.
[19:28] > Chibi-Alex growls cutely, too. She's pretending to be a fierce, fearless hunter! :3
[19:30] [Solarchos] Heh, no matter what they always want to play. ^__^
[19:30] > Miara whispers to Alex
[19:30] [Miara] ☇ Go try hunting Daddy, and see what he does~ ☇
[19:30] [Amber (catgirl)] My duties are always to the princess Hiroshi. I cannot leave her to live with you.
[19:30] [Chibi-Alex] Ooooo?
[19:30] [Hiroshi] ..I know
[19:31] [Hiroshi] yet..it is hard for me to move.....but I wish to be with you
[19:31] [Chibi-Alex] >:D
[19:31] > Chibi-AnTil overheard the whispers, too! >:D
[19:32] > Chibi-AnTil pounces out of Miara's lap and onto Dada!! >:3
[19:32] > Chibi-Alex pounces on Dada, too!! >:3
[19:32] [Hiroshi] ....let me have a few days to think it over
[19:33] > Solarchos is knocked over as he's assaulted by his children! :O
[19:33] > Hiroshi looks into amber's eyes
[19:34] > Chibi-AnTil and Chibi-Alex babble and chatter happily as they crawl all over Dada, huggling and nibbling playfully on him. :D :D
[19:34] > Amber (catgirl) sighs. "This is why relationships for me never work."
[19:34] > Miara laughs as Solar is bowled over
[19:34] > Amber (catgirl) gently takes Hiroshi's hands off her shoulders and drops them.
[19:34] [Solarchos] Ahhhhhh!! It's the attack of the little fox-kids!!
[19:35] [Miara] Hey, he didn't say no! He said he'd think about it!
[19:36] > Solarchos wrestles playfully and gently with his children, laughing with them as they scramble all over him. XD
[19:36] [Hiroshi] ....
[19:36] [Hiroshi] ...
[19:37] > Hiroshi quietly turns
[19:37] [Hiroshi] night, amber
[19:37] [Hiroshi] ...I love you
[19:37] [Solarchos] Miara's right, Amber. He's not outright refusing you.
[19:37] [Miara] Solar, he's not refusing her.
[19:39] > Hiroshi is away
[19:39] [Amber (catgirl)] I love you too Hiroshi
[19:40] [Amber (catgirl)] ...
[19:41] > Amber (catgirl) crosses her arms over her chest and looks agrivated
[19:41] [Miara] What's wrong with him thinking about it?
[19:42] [Miara] Would you want him to move in with you if he wasn't ready?
[19:42] [Miara] Or without thinking about it at all?
[19:43] [Amber (catgirl)] He came here complaining about the fact he couldn't find me. Well when I moved I looked all over those mountains to find him.
[19:43] [Amber (catgirl)] I couldn't and my job will always be the guardian of the princess of the sun.
[19:44] [Miara] Well it doesn't seem like he did it on purpose.
[19:45] [Miara] And he came looking for you, isn't that a good thing?
[19:45] [Amber (catgirl)] I know that. I gave him an option of never having to look for me like that again
[19:48] [Miara] Anyone want some chocolate?
[19:49] > Amber (catgirl) sighs.
[19:49] > Hiroshi is back
[19:50] [Amber (catgirl)] Hello Hiroshi
[19:50] [Hiroshi] hello, amber
[19:52] [Hiroshi] may I bring something with me...if I move in with you?
[19:52] [Amber (catgirl)] Of course Hiroshi.
[19:52] [Amber (catgirl)] I'm sorry for pushing it on you
[19:53] > Hiroshi holds on a small seed
[19:53] > Miara pokes the pile of Langister's on the floor
[19:54] [Amber (catgirl)] What's that?
[19:54] [Hiroshi] a mountian pine
[19:55] [Amber (catgirl)] You can plant as many as you want in the back yard Hiroshi. It's a big place.
[19:56] > Hiroshi smiles to Amber
[19:57] [Amber (catgirl)] Like I said it has a sepreate guest house that I live in.
[19:58] > Hiroshi nods to her
[19:58] [Hiroshi] it sounds quite nice
[19:58] [Amber (catgirl)] The backyard hasnt been totally explored yet either. It's on a nice piece of land.
[20:00] > Miara sits quietly on a couch
[20:00] > Amber (catgirl) smiles at Hiroshi
[20:00] [Hiroshi] wonder if it would be good for my wolf form
[20:02] [Amber (catgirl)] Well you'll never know till you try
[20:03] > Hiroshi briefly morphs into his wolf form to streach out...revealing his huge wolf like form
[20:03] > Hiroshi (Worm) smiles to amber
[20:03] [Miara] Oooo
[20:05] > Amber (catgirl) giggles petting his head/
[20:05] [Solarchos] (( Sorry about the absence. Phone call. ))
[20:05] [Miara] That land won't be enough if you really need to run. Not nearly enough
[20:05] > Hiroshi (Worm) gives amber a bow
[20:05] [Miara] (( is ok ))
[20:07] [Hiroshi (Wolf)] (( why did I spell it worm? ))
[20:08] [Amber (catgirl)] (( cuz YOU ARE ONE :P ))
[20:08] [Miara] (( lol ))
[20:09] [Hiroshi (Wolf)] (( :( *slithers away* ))
[20:09] [Miara] How fast are you? Do you hunt? Do you have anyone to hunt with?
[20:10] > Hiroshi (Wolf) looks at Miara, unable to speak
[20:11] [Miara] It you think it, I can hear it.
[20:11] [Hiroshi (Wolf)] ☇ I can run beyond human sight, I do hunt, I hunt alone ☇
[20:12] [Miara] Aww.
[20:14] > Hiroshi (Wolf) morphs back to his human form
[20:14] [Hiroshi] quite
[20:14] [Miara] I could hunt with you...if you wanted.
[20:15] [Hiroshi] I am fine
[20:15] > Amber (catgirl) watches them two
[20:16] [Miara] Hunting by yourself all the time is awefully lonely.
[20:17] [Hiroshi] it's fine
[20:17] [Amber (catgirl)] He could hunt with me if he choose to
[20:18] > Hiroshi nods
[20:18] [Miara] Then I suggest you go whether he asks you to or not.
[20:20] > Amber (catgirl) glances over at Hiroshi.
[20:21] > Hiroshi looks over at Amber
[20:23] [Amber (catgirl)] Would you mind that?
[20:24] --> David O'Cain has joined #reddwarfmain
[20:24] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to David O'Cain
[20:24] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +David O'Cain
[20:24] [Hiroshi] ..I suppose not
[20:24] [+David O'Cain] Hey, all.
[20:24] [Miara] Hi David.\
[20:25] [Amber (catgirl)] Hello David
[20:26] [+David O'Cain] What's new here?
[20:26] [Hiroshi] hello
[20:31] > Hiroshi offers some Sake to Amber
[20:32] [Miara] How are you, David? How's Masaki?
[20:32] > Amber (catgirl) takes it and sips a little.
[20:35] [Hiroshi] this is quite good
[20:35] [+David O'Cain] We're doing just fine, Miara.
[20:35] [Miara] Oh, good ^_^
[20:37] [Amber (catgirl)] it is.
[20:39] [Hiroshi] I shall have to take some
[20:44] --> Logan SD (PJs) [KittyShota@Reddwarf.com] has joined #reddwarfmain
[20:44] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Logan SD (PJs)
[20:44] > Logan SD (PJs) pooookes his head in, then enters.
[20:44] [Miara] Hi Logan!
[20:44] [Logan SD (PJs)] Hi Miara!
[20:45] > Logan SD (PJs) runs over and hugs her.
[20:45] > Hiroshi looks at the child
[20:45] [+David O'Cain] Hey, little guy.
[20:45] > Miara hugs Logan
[20:46] [Logan SD (PJs)] How we dooin?
[20:46] [Solarchos] (( Gah! Again, I apologize. I finally got off the phone ))
[20:46] [Miara] I'm fine!
[20:46] > Amber (catgirl) sips the sake
[20:46] [Miara] You're ready for bed already?
[20:46] [+David O'Cain] Doing alright, man.
[20:47] > Solarchos returns from the bathroom with his children.
[20:47] [Chibi-AnTil] :3
[20:47] [Chibi-Alex] :3
[20:48] [Logan SD (PJs)] Hey! Its the fox kids!!
[20:48] > Chibi-Alex squeals happily as she sees Logan and quickly rushes over to apply hugs! :D
[20:48] > Hiroshi sips his sake
[20:48] [+David O'Cain] Hey, Solar.
[20:48] > Chibi-AnTil quickly nips over to Miara and hops into her lap. =^^=
[20:49] [Solarchos] Hey David. How long have you been here?
[20:49] [+David O'Cain] Not very long.
[20:49] > Miara tweaks AnTils tail and taickles him
[20:49] [Miara] *tickles
[20:50] > Chibi-AnTil giggles happily as Miara plays with him. He starts flicking all three of his tails back and forth to make it harder for her to grab them.
[20:50] [Chibi-AnTil] :D
[20:50] [Chibi-Alex] Hiiiiiiiiiiiii~! :D
[20:51] [+David O'Cain] So, what's going on with you, man?
[20:52] [Solarchos] Eh, plenty to report, but I doubt anyone here would be interested in listening to that. Did you get a chance to me Amber?
[20:52] > Hiroshi sips his drink, eyeing Logan and David
[20:53] > Chibi-Alex wraps her tails around Logan, huggling him fondly. ^_^
[20:53] [Amber (catgirl)] huh?
[20:53] [+David O'Cain] I've met Amber before.
[20:53] [Solarchos] ^meet
[20:54] > Chibi-AnTil laughs happily as Miara tickles him. XD
[20:54] [Amber (catgirl)] I've been around here
[20:55] [+David O'Cain] And how've you been, Amber?
[20:56] > Solarchos nods to Amber.
[20:56] [Hiroshi] I don't come here much
[20:56] > Logan SD (PJs) hugs Alex back. =^_^=
[20:57] [Amber (catgirl)] Busy with my new living space. It's nice.
[20:57] [Miara] They like you a lot to, don't they, Logan?
[20:58] [Solarchos] So you're moving in with Matsumi and Candy then?
[20:58] [Solarchos] I don't think there's anyone here that my children don't like.
[20:59] [Miara] No, but they play with some people more than others.
[20:59] [+David O'Cain] Ah. Glad to hear that you found a place.
[20:59] > Chibi-AnTil reaches up towards Miara's nose. :D
[21:00] [Amber (catgirl)] The mansion has a guest house that I live in
[21:00] > Miara grabs AnTil's hand and tosses him in the air
[21:01] [Chibi-AnTil] EEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~! :D
[21:01] > Chibi-AnTil is flying! :D
[21:01] > Logan SD (PJs) giggles, watching AnTil and Miara.
[21:01] [Hiroshi] I am moving in with her
[21:02] > Chibi-Alex giggles too, watching her brother flailing in the air. =^^=
[21:03] [Solarchos] I do have some good news, though. But I'll wait until tomorrow to tell everyone.
[21:03] [Miara] Anyone else?
[21:04] [+David O'Cain] Why wait, Solar?
[21:04] [Miara] Oh? I hope it's something good!
[21:05] > Hiroshi smiles to amber, putting his hand on hers
[21:05] [Amber (catgirl)] ooh ok
[21:06] > Miara tosses Alex high into the air, as well
[21:06] > Amber (catgirl) smiles up to Hiroshi. "Thank you."
[21:06] [Solarchos] Well, it looks like the situation on Unmei has stabilized. The 8112th has completed its sweep of the city of Bali. The fatalities have stopped and it looks like the disease has ceased spreading.
[21:07] [Miara] Oh, that is good news
[21:07] [+David O'Cain] Awesome.
[21:07] [Solarchos] We've also uncovered what exactly the sickness was. It wasn't exactly a disease as it was serious contamination of the city's water supply.
[21:07] [Hiroshi] for what, lady amber?
[21:08] [+David O'Cain] Nasty. I hope filtration did the trick.
[21:08] [Amber (catgirl)] For understanding. Most men through out the ages I have delt with don't
[21:09] [Amber (catgirl)] Obviously cuz I was single till I met you
[21:09] [Solarchos] We're not sure what exactly caused the contamination though. We're still investigating whether or not it was natural, accidental, or deliberate.
[21:10] > +David O'Cain nods
[21:10] [Logan SD (PJs)] Woah.. that sounds bad..
[21:10] [Solarchos] As it is, we're currently dredging all of the cities' wells and taking samples of every pool, pond, and river flowing through Bali.
[21:10] [Hiroshi] ..I try to be understand, Lady Amber
[21:12] [Solarchos] Still, almost 4000 people have died and another 3000 have been seriously hurt by this incident. I *hope* that this was something natural like a cholera outbreak, and not deliberate sabotage by a third party.
[21:12] [Logan SD (PJs)] Thats s osad..
[21:12] [Hiroshi] *understanding
[21:12] > Amber (catgirl) kisses him on the cheek.
[21:13] > Hiroshi smiles, blushing and kisses amber on the forehead
[21:13] > Chibi-Alex moans a little, sensing that Daddy is talking about important grown-up things.
[21:13] [Miara] I hope you're able to figure it out.
[21:13] > Chibi-AnTil keeps on playing with Miara.
[21:13] > Logan SD (PJs) sits next to Alex and tickles her, just a little.
[21:14] [Solarchos] We'll figure it out before much longer. It's now just a matter of time.
[21:14] [+David O'Cain] Yeah.
[21:15] [Solarchos] The important thing is that no one else is dying or becoming ill.
[21:15] [+David O'Cain] Indeed.
[21:16] [Solarchos] Now it's time for me to bring the kits home to mommy! Dinner's going to be served soon and these two certainly won't stand for missing out on that.
[21:17] [+David O'Cain] Heh.
[21:17] > Chibi-Alex and Chibi-AnTil suddenly perk up as they hear the words "mommy" and "dinner". :D :D
[21:18] [Miara] Ah, you guys are going home.
[21:18] [Chibi-AnTil] Mommy!!! :D
[21:18] [Chibi-Alex] Yum-yum!! :3
[21:18] [Hiroshi] goodnight
[21:18] > Solarchos picks up both of his children, hugging them as he does so. ^__^
[21:19] [Logan SD (PJs)] Niiight!
[21:19] [Solarchos] Good night everyone.
[21:19] [Miara] Night Solar, Alex, AnTil!
[21:20] <-- Solarchos has left #reddwarfmain (Say good night to everyone, little kits!)
[21:20] [Amber (catgirl)] Goodnight Solarchos
[21:20] <-- Chibi-AnTil has left #reddwarfmain (Byeeeee~! ^_^m)
[21:20] <-- Chibi-Alex has left #reddwarfmain (Byeeeeeee~! :D)
[21:20] [Amber (catgirl)] and children
[21:20] [+David O'Cain] Night, Solar and kids.
[21:20] > Hiroshi sits back on the floor
[21:21] [Miara] Oh wow, I'm starving.
[21:21] [Miara] I wonder what's around here to eat
[21:21] [Logan SD (PJs)] You are, Miara?
[21:21] [Logan SD (PJs)] Lots of stuff!
[21:21] [Miara] Yup. You want anything?
[21:21] > Miara goes down to the kitchen
[21:21] [Logan SD (PJs)] Want me to show you the mess hall?
[21:23] [Logan SD (PJs)] I could use a tuna sandwich :3
[21:24] [Miara] Anyone else want anything?
[21:24] [Amber (catgirl)] I'm good
[21:25] [Amber (catgirl)] How about we head back to my pla..er our place Hiroshi
[21:26] > Miara returns with a tuna sandwitch for Lodan and a salad and some ham
[21:27] [Miara] *Logan
[21:27] [Miara] Um...I've never made a tuna sandwitch before, I hope it's okay.
[21:28] [Hiroshi] lets
[21:28] > Logan SD (PJs) eats it, and smiles after a few bites, an nods.
[21:28] [Amber (catgirl)] goodnight all
[21:28] <-- Amber (catgirl) [kitty@destiny.net] has left #reddwarfmain (you of course will be able to rearrange how you like)
[21:28] [Miara] Night, you two/
[21:28] [Miara] (( i will be right back ))
[21:29] <-- Hiroshi [yamainu@yamatoedo.com] has left #reddwarfmain (of course)
[21:29] [+David O'Cain] Night, Amber.
[21:29] --> Aden [error.noisp] has joined #reddwarfmain
[21:29] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Aden
[21:29] > Aden walks in cracking his hands.
[21:29] [+David O'Cain] Hello.
[21:30] > +David O'Cain looks at Aden
[21:30] ➣ Aden: The little boy has bright brown eyes and a dark blonde almost brown hair and looks up at you innocently. He has a familiar look to him from around the dwarfer though and is about 7 years old.
[21:30] [Logan SD (PJs)] O_O You!!
[21:30] > Logan SD (PJs) gets up and puts on his sunglasses.
[21:30] > Logan SD (PJs) has transformed into Chibi Sub Zippo
[21:30] [+David O'Cain] Whoa, what?
[21:30] [Chibi Sub Zippo (PJs)] Its the guy who broke Sora's arm, Uncle Dave!
[21:31] [Chibi Sub Zippo (PJs)] Why are YOU here?!
[21:32] > Chibi Sub Zippo takes a fighting stance.
[21:32] [Miara] Oh?
[21:32] [+David O'Cain] Down, boy.
[21:33] [Aden] ☠ I see I've left a mark...eheheh ☠
[21:33] [Miara] And I hear you ran away.
[21:33] [Chibi Sub Zippo] Come to brag? Cus Im not gonna let you hurt anyone else!
[21:35] > Aden cracks his knuckles again. "The little twirp was beating on me, so I had a right to defend myself."
[21:36] [Miara] Should I point out the irony of that sentence?
[21:37] [Chibi Sub Zippo] She did NOT!
[21:37] [Aden] awwww! Did I hurt your girlfriend...? :P
[21:39] > Chibi Sub Zippo 's eyes burn, and he throws a small fireball at Aden.
[21:40] [+David O'Cain] What the...? O_o
[21:40] > Aden takes a step aside allowing the fireball to pass harmlessly by him.
[21:40] [Aden] or was that your boyfriend beside you
[21:40] > Aden laughs at his own joke
[21:40] [Chibi Sub Zippo] Huh? Im a boy, stupid! I don't have boyfriends!
[21:41] [Aden] ..wel if your gay maybe you would >:P
[21:41] [Chibi Sub Zippo] Gay??
[21:42] [Chibi Sub Zippo] Now youre just trying to confuse me! But its not gonna work!
[21:42] [Miara] So did you come here to blow wind or to fight?
[21:42] > Aden summons a black fireball and throws it at CSZ
[21:43] [+David O'Cain] Apparently to fight.
[21:43] > Chibi Sub Zippo gets hit by it, and crumples over, crying out in pain.
[21:44] [Aden] See I know your papas powers...and I know he's normally immune to flame.
[21:44] > Aden walks over and steps on CSZ's hand pressing down on it.
[21:45] [Aden] Not my flame though. Lucky me I guess.
[21:45] [Chibi Sub Zippo] /me grabs Aden's legs and tackles him.
[21:45] > Chibi Sub Zippo
[21:46] > Aden falls back being tackled by CSZ.
[21:47] > Chibi Sub Zippo freezes over his fists, and begins punching with all the force a child can muster.
[21:49] [Miara] Keep your wits about you, Logan. Don't overdo it.
[21:49] > Aden is hit a few times and then charges up his hands and tries to push him off of him with as much force as he can.
[21:49] > Chibi Sub Zippo gets knocked off and rolls away, panting.
[21:50] [Chibi Sub Zippo] Pop taught me hot to deal with people my powers don't work on, too!
[21:50] > Aden has a black eye and his lip is bleeding.
[21:51] > Aden chargest up his fists as they engulp in black flame.
[21:51] [Aden] ☠ I hate you ☠
[21:51] > +David O'Cain sits down on the sofa and watches as if he's simply analyzing things
[21:51] [Chibi Sub Zippo] Yeah! Well You stink! Why don't you just go home!
[21:52] [Chibi Sub Zippo] You're a jerk, and nobody likes you!
[21:53] > Aden throws a few fireballs at him.
[21:53] [Aden] I don't have to listen to you or anybody!
[21:54] > Chibi Sub Zippo creates a small ice hand shield, and blocks them.
[21:54] > Chibi Sub Zippo THROWS the shield at Aden.
[21:55] > Aden laughs and superheats the area around him melting it into water with REGULAR FLAME.
[21:55] [Aden] ☠ I bet HE would like it if I killed you and brought you back as a trophy for him ☠
[21:56] [Chibi Sub Zippo] What do you want?! Why are you doing this?!
[21:57] [Aden] ☠ I'm going to destroy every.little.thing.you.hold.dear. and when I'm done doing that, I'll kill you. ☠
[21:57] [Aden] ☠ I don't need a reason. ☠
[21:57] > Chibi Sub Zippo creates a dull ice sword, and charges, swinging for Aden's head.
[21:58] [Miara] But I'm sure there is one.
[21:59] > Aden dodges out of the way with great speed and summons a blackened ice sword and tries to fight back.
[22:00] > Chibi Sub Zippo swings wildly.
[22:01] > Aden 's fighting is a bit more trained then CSZ and he dodges the wild swings fairly easily.
[22:02] > Miara shakes her head a bit
[22:03] > Aden jumps back and sends a big blast of black flame at CSZ.
[22:03] [Aden] ☠ Let this be a warning. I will have your head. ☠
[22:04] > Chibi Sub Zippo counters it with a wave of normal flame.
[22:04] <-- Aden [error.noisp] has left #reddwarfmain (*Shifts out of the area*)
[22:04] [+David O'Cain] Hmmmm.
[22:05] [Chibi Sub Zippo] Jerk!
[22:05] [Miara] Looks like you;ve got some work to do.
[22:05] > Chibi Sub Zippo falls to his knees and quietly sobs, holding himself.
[22:06] [Miara] Uhoh.
[22:06] > Miara picks Logan up and holds him
[22:06] --> Sora [hyeractivechild@sun.net] has joined #reddwarfmain
[22:06] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Sora
[22:06] > Sora wanders in with her pink cast in a puffy snow suit.
[22:07] [Sora] Hiiii~
[22:07] [Chibi Sub Zippo] Why didnn you help, uncle dave? Pop said you were a tough fighter..
[22:07] > Sora blinks. "Logan??"
[22:08] [Miara] Aden was here, Sora.
[22:08] [Sora] ...D:
[22:08] > Sora runs up as best as she can in the puffy snow suit. "Are you alright?! He didn't break anything did he?!"
[22:08] [Chibi Sub Zippo] I tried.. I tried to get him for you, Sora.. hes strong..
[22:09] [Miara] I would be very careful if I were you. You're probably in danger from him, as well.
[22:09] [Miara] Then you must become stronger.
[22:09] > Sora quickly tries to unzip her jacket but is having a hard time with her cast.
[22:10] [Sora] >< *Flails her arms helplessly*
[22:10] > Miara puts Logan next to her on the couch and unzips Sora;s jacket
[22:11] [Sora] Thank you!
[22:11] [Chibi Sub Zippo] He had black fire.. it hurt so much... ;.;
[22:11] > Sora pulls it off quickly and hugs CSZ!
[22:12] [Sora] Poor Logan!
[22:14] > Sora checks him over for any bruises and burns though.
[22:14] > Miara looks at Logan's hand
[22:15] > Chibi Sub Zippo has no visable burns, but some bruises are forming, and his hand has lots of cuts.
[22:15] > Miara gets out her med kit
[22:15] [Miara] Now this might sting a little, alright?
[22:16] > Chibi Sub Zippo nods.
[22:16] > +David O'Cain helps Miara out
[22:17] > Miara opens a little wood box and rubs salve into the cuts on Logan's hand
[22:17] [Miara] Sora, can you get some ice from the bar, and put it in a bag?
[22:17] > Chibi Sub Zippo hisses a little, more tears welling up in his eyes.
[22:19] [Miara] Now that wasn't a bad fight, but you must learn to control yourself.
[22:19] > Sora runs quickly and starts working behind the bar and brings back an extra big bag of ice
[22:20] [Miara] Hold that on that big bruise there.
[22:21] [Miara] Emotion is good, but if you don't learn how to use it properly, Aden will continue to use it against you.
[22:21] [Chibi Sub Zippo] I.. I dun feel the ice...
[22:22] [Miara] It will still do what it's meant to do.
[22:22] [+David O'Cain] Indeed. One must learn control when fighting. Let your emotions get the best of you, and you just very well lose the fight. Although, having kick ass powers helps when against someone that is using their powers.
[22:22] > Sora is holding it determinedly.
[22:22] [Chibi Sub Zippo] No.. I don't think it will.. pop always said that we cant ice down our bruises..
[22:23] [Miara] Oh. Well, then what does he usually do?
[22:23] [Sora] Hmmmms! Oma taught me something a while back
[22:24] > Sora holds her hand out at a bruise and a very light breeze forms from it lessinging the bruised area.
[22:24] > Miara gently rubs the salve into Logan's bruises, as well
[22:24] [Miara] Neat.
[22:25] [Chibi Sub Zippo] Magic.. or potions.. or or.. something like what you have..
[22:25] [Chibi Sub Zippo] Uncle Dave, how come you didnt help me? D:
[22:25] > Sora is consentrating hard on doing this ><
[22:25] [Chibi Sub Zippo] Miara isnt a fighter but.. but you are I thought..
[22:26] [Miara] !!!
[22:26] [Miara] I am too!
[22:26] [Chibi Sub Zippo] You are?
[22:26] [Miara] You WATCHED me train the other night!
[22:27] [Chibi Sub Zippo] Oh yeah. Why didnt you help me? :(
[22:27] [Miara] Because it was your fight.
[22:27] [Chibi Sub Zippo] .....
[22:27] > Sora stops breathing heavily.
[22:27] [Miara] And because it isn't right for a fully trained adult to fight a child.
[22:28] [Chibi Sub Zippo] But but.. its right to watch someone light someone else on fire?
[22:28] > Chibi Sub Zippo looks at his hand.
[22:30] > ~Much of the lesser cuts are healed up now.
[22:30] [Miara] You got right up and continued.
[22:31] [Miara] (( if he was on fire you should have made it clearer?? ))
[22:31] [Chibi Sub Zippo] I thought strong people were supposed to help people who arent as strong as they are.. and and.. that good people are supposed to stop bad guys! And that Aden is the badest guy I know!
[22:31] [Chibi Sub Zippo] (( It was soul fire. He's immune to mundane fire. ))
[22:32] > Sora falls back in the couch ><
[22:32] [Chibi Sub Zippo] That was weird... it felt.. like I was on fire, but fire doesnt hurt me. o.o
[22:33] [+David O'Cain] Hmm. Perhaps it's a type of fire that makes you think you are.
[22:34] [Sora] You didn't have to fight him Logan
[22:35] [Miara] But we were able to watch him fight. That will be useful.
[22:36] [Chibi Sub Zippo] Well, if I didnt fight him he was gonna hurt me worse. He wanted to kill me.. If I didnt fight back, he woulda killed me... since DAVE and MIARA didnt want to help. >.<
[22:36] [Miara] I would never have let him kill you!
[22:36] > Chibi Sub Zippo takes of his sunglasses.
[22:36] > Chibi Sub Zippo has transformed into Logan SD
[22:37] > Logan SD (PJs) pouts.
[22:37] [Sora] ;-;
[22:38] > Sora jumps on Logan hugging him.
[22:39] [Logan SD (PJs)] OWWW!
[22:39] > Sora falls back scared.
[22:40] [Sora] ..I'm sorry!!
[22:41] [Logan SD (PJs)] Its.. ok Sora..
[22:44] [Logan SD (PJs)] Just... careful.. Im sore. ~_~
[22:44] > Sora sighs looking down at her feet holding her cast to herself.
[22:46] [Sora] yeah...he's mean *pokes her cast a little*
[22:46] [Logan SD (PJs)] Next time I won't hold back.
[22:46] > Logan SD (PJs) shakes with anger.
[22:47] [Sora] You really do wanna fight him, don't you?
[22:47] [Miara] Now, I suggest you drink some tea and get to bed early tonight.
[22:48] > Miara waits for Logan's answer
[22:49] [Logan SD (PJs)] No.. I don't wanna fight anyone.. but he wants to kill me.. probably you... and he needs to be stopped..
[22:49] [Miara] You two should train together.
[22:51] [Miara] I can take your fight to HK and see what she has to say, if you like.
[22:52] [Sora] train? Should we?
[22:52] [Miara] Yes. When you add people, power multiplies.
[22:52] [Miara] And I imagine you will both have to fight him
[22:53] [Sora] but I have a cast on!
[22:54] > Sora waves the bright pink thing around in the air (her right hand).
[22:54] [Miara] And that means you can't train why?
[22:55] [+David O'Cain] Sometimes you just have to fight off the pain and keep going.
[22:55] [Miara] You can still do patterns, non-contact stuff, and power training with no ill effects.
[22:55] [Miara] That too.
[22:56] [Sora] ooh..
[22:56] > Sora looks a little scared and glances at Logan
[22:56] [Logan SD (PJs)] I don't wanna do anything tonight..
[22:56] [Miara] I know it doesn't sound easy, but it's not terrible, and that's what it takes to become the best.
[22:57] [Miara] No one said you had to do it tonight, dear. Rest.
[22:58] [Sora] hey logan!...how about we play games?
[22:58] > Logan SD (PJs) just sits there, frowning.
[22:59] > Sora blinks crawling over toward him and right up in his face o_o.
[23:00] > Logan SD (PJs) backs away a little.
[23:00] [Miara] Logan.
[23:01] [Miara] Sometimes the goal of the enemy is to get you to think negatively.
[23:01] [Logan SD (PJs)] - I don't care what you think! -
[23:02] [Logan SD (PJs)] Grown ups say a lot of things that confuse me, but pop tells me something all the time that I understand..
[23:03] [Logan SD (PJs)] “ The only way evil will ever triumph is for good men to do nothing. ”
[23:03] > Sora sighs looking upset.
[23:04] [Sora] ...I'll beat him for you Logan.
[23:05] [Logan SD (PJs)] No! I don't want you to get hurt cus of me..
[23:05] [Sora] You're fighting him cuz of me!
[23:07] > Sora stands up frowning. "You are so it should be me who ends it."
[23:09] > Logan SD (PJs) just goes quiet.
[23:11] [Sora] I'm going to go look for him then!
[23:11] > Sora is away: Where are you evil son of satan!
[23:11] [Logan SD (PJs)] N... no!! Sora!!
[23:12] [Logan SD (PJs)] ...don't go...
[23:12] [+David O'Cain] That...was really unexpected.
[23:12] [Miara] ...great
[23:12] > Logan SD (PJs) gets up, struggling.
[23:13] > Miara is away: get back here!
[23:13] <-- Logan SD (PJs) [KittyShota@Reddwarf.com] has left #reddwarfmain (Rotten adults.. just as bad as Aden..)
[23:14] > Miara is back
[23:14] > Miara drags Sora back in
[23:15] > Sora is back
[23:16] --> Taiyo (hood) has joined #reddwarfmain
[23:16] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Taiyo (hood)
[23:17] > Taiyo (hood) has just arrived
[23:17] [Miara] That was not a good idea.
[23:18] > Sora frowns
[23:18] [Taiyo (hood)] ...hi sis
[23:18] [Sora] I am not going to let him make a fool of Logan!
[23:18] [Sora] Hey Taiyo
[23:19] [Miara] Well it's just likely he'll beat you again.
[23:19] [Miara] And I think Logan needs you.
[23:19] [Taiyo (hood)] ....did he come back?
[23:19] [Sora] ...yeah!!
[23:19] [Miara] Yes.
[23:19] [Sora] He hurt Logan this time!
[23:20] [Miara] Promise me you won't go looking for him until you have the training you need, okay?
[23:20] [Miara] Or at least not by yourself.
[23:21] [Taiyo (hood)] :(
[23:21] [Miara] And he wasn't badly hurt, he'll be just fine.
[23:22] [Sora] I find him and I will kick him good >.>
[23:22] [Taiyo (hood)] can I help?
[23:22] [Miara] Sora! I'm serious!
[23:23] <-- Sora [hyeractivechild@sun.net] has left #reddwarfmain (grrrrr)
[23:24] > +David O'Cain sighs a bit
[23:24] [Taiyo (hood)] ????
[23:24] [Miara] This is turning into a big mess ><
[23:24] [Taiyo (hood)] sora's like this
[23:25] [+David O'Cain] She's acting on impulse. She needs to think before she acts.
[23:26] [Miara] Do you think I did the wrong thing? Should I have helped him?
[23:26] [Taiyo (hood)] dun know
[23:27] [Miara] Well no offense, but I was asking David.
[23:28] [Taiyo (hood)] sorries
[23:28] > Taiyo (hood) sits on the floor
[23:28] [+David O'Cain] We both should have. However, we would have gone in the fight blind, not knowing what we were dealing with.
[23:29] [Miara] I didn't know if I was supposed to. My people are...very different...
[23:30] [+David O'Cain] I hear ya. I wasn't sure what to do myself.
[23:31] [Miara] We have personal fights all the time...maybe I'm too used to it.
[23:32] [Miara] Ne, what should I do?
[23:33] > +David O'Cain shrugs
[23:34] [Miara] ...
[23:34] [Miara] Taiyo, what do you think?
[23:35] [Taiyo (hood)] dun know..maybe omas?
[23:36] [Miara] Hm.
[23:38] > Taiyo (hood) pulls his hood so it hides his face a bit more
[23:39] [+David O'Cain] What's wrong, Taiyo?
[23:39] > Miara draws her knees
[23:39] > Miara ^up
[23:41] [Taiyo (hood)] dun know what to do
[23:41] > Taiyo (hood) climbs up and sits next to Miara
[23:41] [Miara] Are you involved in this stuff? Do you think you're in danger too?
[23:42] [Taiyo (hood)] I don't know
[23:42] [Taiyo (hood)] I tried to make the bully go away last time
[23:45] [Miara] Hm..
[23:46] [Miara] If the three of you can work together, you'd have no trouble with him, I think. Or at least, a lot less. But you seem to be all scattered.
[23:46] > Taiyo (hood) takes off his coat, his hair all messy
[23:49] [Miara] But, I think I need to go talk to somebody.
[23:49] > Taiyo (hood) nods
[23:49] [Miara] Make sure you and Logan and Sora take care of yourselves, okay?
[23:49] [+David O'Cain] Okay, Miara.
[23:49] [Miara] Night, David.
[23:49] [Miara] Night, Taiyo.
[23:49] [+David O'Cain] Night.
[23:49] <-- Miara [amongimmortals@terra.net] has left #reddwarfmain (Stand up and watch me!)
[23:50] [Taiyo (hood)] night
[23:55] [+David O'Cain] So, what'd you do today, Taiyo?
[23:57] [Taiyo (hood)] went to the park
[23:57] [+David O'Cain] Did you have fun?
[23:59] > Taiyo (hood) nods nods
[23:59] [+David O'Cain] Good. ^_^
[00:00] >>> Sunday Jan 04 2009 <<<
[00:03] [Taiyo (hood)] matsumi-mama's hair is all weird now
[00:04] [+David O'Cain] Oh really?
[00:04] > Taiyo (hood) nods "all long"
[00:05] [+David O'Cain] Hmm.
[00:07] --> Sailor Jupiter [joviusthunder@TPCD.gov.jp] has joined #reddwarfmain
[00:07] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Sailor Jupiter
[00:08] [Sailor Jupiter] *Yawn*
[00:08] [+David O'Cain] Hi, Makoto.
[00:08] [Sailor Jupiter] Konbanwa David
[00:09] [+David O'Cain] How're you?
[00:09] [Taiyo (hood)] hiii
[00:09] > Taiyo waves to Makoto
[00:11] > Taiyo kicks his feet quietly
[00:13] [Sailor Jupiter] I am doing pretty good. Sorry about that, ever since that battle I haven't been full aware of my surroundings
[00:14] [Sailor Jupiter] It will take more time for me to recover
[00:14] [+David O'Cain] Heh. Well, it's nice to see you got out in one piece physically.
[00:15] > Taiyo listens to the adults talk
[00:21] [Sailor Jupiter] Yes, but I must thank Yuri-chan for that
[00:21] > +David O'Cain nods
[00:21] > Taiyo blinks, pulling out his short sword and playing a bit with it
[00:22] [Sailor Jupiter] If it wasn't for her, none of us would have survived. Himiko was starting to anger the higher power with her use of magic
[00:23] [Sailor Jupiter] If she continued to call the dead warriors of the Wei Empire back to life, the world would have suffered greatly for it
[00:24] > Taiyo quietly makes his sword glow
[00:24] [+David O'Cain] I don't know. If Grim was able to help you guys, he might have been able to prevent some from coming back. (shrugs)
[00:25] [Sailor Jupiter] Unfortunately, the magic that Himiko was using was something akin to what Sharline uses. Himiko was one of Sharline's proteges after all.
[00:25] [Sailor Jupiter] Who would have known that Sharline wanted Himiko stopped as much as us. I guess he too knew the threat of using certain abilities
[00:26] [+David O'Cain] Perhaps.
[00:26] --> Matsumi Kaze (winter gear) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com ] has joined #reddwarfmain
[00:26] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Matsumi Kaze (winter gear)
[00:26] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Matsumi Kaze (winter gear)
[00:26] > +Matsumi Kaze (winter gear) walks in, looking around
[00:27] [+Matsumi Kaze (winter gear)] where is he..
[00:27] [+David O'Cain] Hello.
[00:27] [Sailor Jupiter] Hello Matsumi-san
[00:28] > Sailor Jupiter looks at Taiyo (Who's this?)
[00:28] [Taiyo] (( use /look on taiyo ))
[00:28] [+Matsumi Kaze (winter gear)] hi, makoto!
[00:29] > +Matsumi Kaze (winter gear) now has hair down to her shoulders, some of which is hiding her left eye
[00:29] > Sailor Jupiter looks at Taiyo
[00:29] ➣ Taiyo: longish red hair with a yellow streak...innocent eyes. currently 5-6 years old.
[00:29] [Taiyo] hi, matsumi-mama :)
[00:29] [+Matsumi Kaze (winter gear)] gah there he is
[00:29] [+David O'Cain] Love the hair, Matsumi.
[00:29] [Sailor Jupiter] Hmmm, very interesting
[00:29] [+Matsumi Kaze (winter gear)] heh thanks
[00:29] > +Matsumi Kaze (winter gear) picks up Taiyo
[00:30] [Sailor Jupiter] So you are growing your hair out now Matsumi? It suits you
[00:30] [+Matsumi Kaze (winter gear)] was looking for this guy
[00:30] [+Matsumi Kaze (winter gear)] sorta yeah ^^ some people like the look
[00:30] > +Matsumi Kaze (winter gear) picks up Taiyo's short sword, making sure to avoid the point
[00:32] [+Matsumi Kaze (winter gear)] sorry if I was interuppting things
[00:32] [Sailor Jupiter] No no, it is quite alright
[00:32] [+David O'Cain] Nah, you're fine.
[00:33] [+Matsumi Kaze (winter gear)] I'll be right back...have to get this little guy back to the house
[00:33] [+David O'Cain] Okay.
[00:34] [Sailor Jupiter] k
[00:34] > +Matsumi Kaze (winter gear) is away: you and your sisters
[00:34] <-- Taiyo has left #reddwarfmain (*waves bye to the adults*)
[00:34] > Sailor Jupiter waves bye
[00:34] > +David O'Cain waves to Taiyo
[00:36] [+David O'Cain] So, how'd your day go, Makoto?
[00:36] [Sailor Jupiter] The final airship battle was very intense
[00:36] [Sailor Jupiter] My day was relaly good.
[00:37] [Sailor Jupiter] However, I think it is time for Yuri to head back to her own time. She has trully has blossomed as a beautiful woman and a great sailor senshi
[00:37] [+David O'Cain] I'm sure she has.
[00:38] [Sailor Jupiter] I will be really sad to watch her go, but soon we will be reunited... even if it is as a baby
[00:39] > +David O'Cain nods
[00:40] > +Matsumi Kaze (casual) is back
[00:40] > +Matsumi Kaze (casual) has her hair tied back now
[00:40] [+David O'Cain] Welcome back, Matsumi.
[00:40] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] thank you
[00:40] [Sailor Jupiter] Welcome back Matsumi-san
[00:41] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] thanks ^^
[00:41] > +Matsumi Kaze (casual) sits on a sofa
[00:41] [+David O'Cain] How ya been?
[00:43] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] me? just fine
[00:43] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] work keeps me busy
[00:43] [+David O'Cain] Cool.
[00:45] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] it's worth it though
[00:45] [+David O'Cain] Yep.
[00:46] [Sailor Jupiter] Is it just me or is there a lack of fights in the NHL?
[00:47] [+David O'Cain] Eh, hockey isn't really my sport. :/
[00:47] [Sailor Jupiter] I remember Kevin and Abe were some of the biggest fighters on the Juuban High Eagles hockey team. Sean was pretty high up there too. Most were too afraid to fight me
[00:48] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] Mugen never had that sort of thing when I was there >>
[00:48] [Sailor Jupiter] Yeah, you guys really missed out on a lot of fun
[00:50] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] the most sports I got was when I got dragged into the gymanastic team >>
[00:51] [Sailor Jupiter] I remember I got voluntold to join the Track & Field team
[00:52] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] ahh high school..so many memories
[00:52] [Sailor Jupiter] Ah yes, the war with Galaxia, the war against the Three Evils, the war with Sharline... ah so many memories
[00:53] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] heh
[00:53] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] might be why I became a teacher
[00:54] [Sailor Jupiter] Actually the wars were not the most memorable part. It was being with friends, participating in sports, and just overall enjoying life
[00:55] [+David O'Cain] I don't think I ever did high school. I guess the closest I got was being in the academy and then joining the army.
[00:55] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] yeah ^^
[00:55] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] Masaki...Saki.....my only friends
[00:56] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] at Mugen that is
[00:57] [Sailor Jupiter] Hanging out with the Juuban Jokers crew waas a lot of fun too. Many thought we were a gang
[00:57] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] Hideki was from Juuban if I remember
[00:58] [Sailor Jupiter] Yes, I he was. He was in Class 4 I think
[00:59] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] yeah....oh...that first day I saw him ^__^
[00:59] > +Matsumi Kaze (casual) giggles happily
[01:00] [Sailor Jupiter] He never really stood out at school even during the Ichiro-Kevin battles. It wasn't until the Harun incident that we started to notice him
[01:00] > +Matsumi Kaze (casual) nods, opening a bottle of ginger ale
[01:01] > +David O'Cain nods
[01:03] [Sailor Jupiter] Ah, those were fun times
[01:03] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] yeah ^^
[01:04] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] want some? *holds out the ginger ale*
[01:05] [Sailor Jupiter] No thank you, I am goof
[01:05] [Sailor Jupiter] er good
[01:06] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] alrighty
[01:06] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] I love the stuff
[01:07] [Sailor Jupiter] I understand that
[01:08] > +Matsumi Kaze (casual) smiles, looking out the window at the stars
[01:08] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] so david..how's the wife
[01:09] --> Rei Hino [flameguardian@mars.net] has joined #reddwarfmain
[01:09] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Rei Hino
[01:09] [+David O'Cain] Masaki's doing well.
[01:09] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] oh hey, rei
[01:09] [+David O'Cain] Hi, Rei.
[01:09] > Sailor Jupiter also looks at the stars
[01:10] > Sailor Jupiter turns and sees Rei
[01:10] [Sailor Jupiter] Konbanwa Rei-san
[01:10] [Rei Hino] Hello Makoto.
[01:11] [Sailor Jupiter] I see you survived the war as well
[01:13] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] heh
[01:13] [Rei Hino] Yes well Surviving is a basic human nature
[01:14] [Sailor Jupiter] I wouldn't expect anything less from the "War Princess"
[01:15] > Rei Hino sits down elegantly.
[01:15] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] you seem awfully restrainted tonight, rei-rei
[01:17] > +Matsumi Kaze (casual) just smiles
[01:17] > Sailor Jupiter goes back to looking out to the stars
[01:19] [+David O'Cain] How're you this evening, Rei?
[01:19] [Rei Hino] A bit tired but other then that fine.
[01:20] --> Minako Aino has joined #reddwarfmain
[01:20] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Minako Aino
[01:20] [Minako Aino] Um... knock knock?
[01:20] [Sailor Jupiter] Is that... MINAKO-CHAN!!!
[01:20] > Rei Hino sees Minako.
[01:21] [Setsuna Meioh] *cough*
[01:21] [+David O'Cain] Hi there.
[01:21] [Rei Hino] Yes she knows about this place..actually most of us do.
[01:21] > Setsuna Meioh is quietly standing in a corner
[01:21] [Minako Aino] Haa... hi guys. ^_^ v
[01:21] > +Matsumi Kaze (casual) waves to minako
[01:21] > Rei Hino rolls her eyes a little.
[01:21] [Setsuna Meioh] good evening all
[01:21] [+David O'Cain] What brings you to this neck of the woods?
[01:22] > Setsuna Meioh quietly bops rei on the head with a history book
[01:22] [Sailor Jupiter] I am glad to see you all made it out safely!
[01:22] > Setsuna Meioh simply smiles enimatically
[01:22] --> Ryoko Nasino has joined #reddwarfmain
[01:22] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Ryoko Nasino
[01:23] > Setsuna Meioh quietly plays with a chess set
[01:23] > Ryoko Nasino starts to appear from Minako's shadow
[01:23] [Ryoko Nasino] Ah, it's a Sailor Senshi reunion
[01:23] [Minako Aino] Ummm... miss me?
[01:23] --> Nephrite [FormerGeneral@DarkKingdom.net] has joined #reddwarfmain
[01:23] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Nephrite
[01:23] [Setsuna Meioh] you may...call it that....
[01:23] [Sailor Jupiter] Of course I did!
[01:24] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] NEPH!
[01:24] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] ^_^
[01:24] [+David O'Cain] Hey, Neph. What's up, man?
[01:24] --> Candy (night gown) [sunangel@sun.net] has joined #reddwarfmain
[01:24] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Candy (night gown)
[01:24] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Candy (night gown)
[01:24] [Nephrite] Oh goodness.... I decided to show up at a rather interesting moment. ^_^
[01:24] > +Matsumi Kaze (casual) waves to neph!
[01:24] > +Matsumi Kaze (casual) gives Nephrite a BIG hug!
[01:24] [+David O'Cain] And Candy.
[01:24] [Setsuna Meioh] heh
[01:24] > +Candy (night gown) walks in half asleep
[01:25] [+Candy (night gown)] *yawn~*
[01:25] > Setsuna Meioh is moving chess pieces on the board
[01:25] > Nephrite hugs Matsumi back and kisses her forehead, "How've you been beautiful?"
[01:25] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] oh fine fine..haven't seen you in a long time ^^
[01:25] [Nephrite] Hello David, Candy. How're you both?
[01:25] [Rei Hino] It seems most of us court are here but the princess seems to be lost
[01:25] [+Candy (night gown)] Sleepy
[01:25] > Minako Aino sits next to Rei.
[01:25] [+David O'Cain] Neph - Yeah, you need to come up here more often. :P
[01:26] [Setsuna Meioh] she got lost
[01:26] [Nephrite] Yes well, I keep myself holed up in my house lately. I rarely get out at all anymore
[01:26] --> Kevin Junia has joined #reddwarfmain
[01:26] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Kevin Junia
[01:26] [Minako Aino] Are... you guys mad at me? You are, arent you? >.<
[01:26] > Setsuna Meioh puts a piece on the board
[01:26] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] no, minako!
[01:26] > +David O'Cain looks over to Minako, "What are you talking about?"
[01:26] [Sailor Jupiter] I'm not mad Minako-chan, you are my best friend
[01:26] [Nephrite] Hey there Kev.... it feels like it's been forever.
[01:26] > Usagi Tsukino meanwhile, is trying to figure out how she got on the ship before
[01:26] [Kevin Junia] Hey everyone
[01:26] [Kevin Junia] It seems that it has
[01:27] [Kevin Junia] With Neo-Wei gone, the peace on Earth seems to be returning... relatively speaking
[01:27] [+David O'Cain] Hey, Kevin.
[01:27] [Kevin Junia] Hello David
[01:27] > Rei Hino watches the room in a cool, calm elegance.
[01:27] > Nephrite looks over the current situation
[01:28] [Nephrite] Wow, the entire inner senshi group and two fifths of the outers are here.
[01:28] > +Candy (night gown) half asleep means to go hug Matsumi but she misses and hugs someone else
[01:28] [Setsuna Meioh] haruka and michiru are on vacation...
[01:28] > Sailor Jupiter is now known as Makoto Kino
[01:28] > Nephrite looks at Candy with a smile as he's hugged, "It's nice to see you too." ^_^
[01:28] [Setsuna Meioh] I have no knowlege of hotaru's whereabouts
[01:28] [+David O'Cain] Um, hi, Candy.
[01:29] [Ryoko Nasino] Um, I am an outer as well Nephrite
[01:29] [Ryoko Nasino] And Megumi is missing
[01:29] > +Candy (night gown) blinks waking up.
[01:29] [+Candy (night gown)] Huh????
[01:29] [Nephrite] Oh... hello. I don't believe we've met....
[01:29] [Kevin Junia] Um... um... did we have to mention Megumi
[01:29] [Makoto Kino] Where is Aliana?
[01:30] [Kevin Junia] She is watching Yuri
[01:30] [Minako Aino] Whats been happening with everyone while I've been gone?
[01:30] [Setsuna Meioh] I have been busy with work...
[01:30] [+Candy (night gown)] I got married Minako!
[01:30] > +David O'Cain waves to Minako
[01:30] > Nephrite decides to make his way to a corner to quietly watch this intreaguing gathering
[01:31] [Makoto Kino] I watched my little girl grow up in battle
[01:31] > +Matsumi Kaze (casual) is quietly sitting by herself
[01:31] [Minako Aino] Congradulations. ^_^
[01:32] > +Candy (night gown) sits down and rests her head on Matsumi's lap
[01:32] [+Candy (night gown)] I know!!
[01:32] > +Matsumi Kaze (casual) smiles and strokes her wife's hair
[01:32] > Setsuna Meioh tosses a pawn at Rei
[01:33] [Minako Aino] Is that going well, Mako-chan?
[01:33] > Rei Hino catches it and sets it on the coffee table.
[01:33] [Makoto Kino] It is, she proved herself when the time arouse
[01:33] [Setsuna Meioh] you have gotten better, Hino
[01:33] [Makoto Kino] But it is almost time to say goodbye to her. The Silence Glaive will take her back to the future
[01:34] [+David O'Cain] How're things at the shrine, Rei?
[01:34] [Minako Aino] Rei-chan?
[01:34] --> Ami Mizuno [Dr.Mizuno@JuubanClinic.co.jp] has joined #reddwarfmain
[01:34] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Ami Mizuno
[01:34] > Setsuna Meioh watches all this
[01:34] > Minako Aino pokes at Rei's shoulder.
[01:34] [Ami Mizuno] What's going on? Luna told me I should come up.
[01:35] [Nephrite] Ahh, the missing piece of the puzzle arrives
[01:35] > Usagi Tsukino meanwhile, is in a phone booth..trying to call the ship...
[01:35] [Minako Aino] Hiii Ami-chan!
[01:35] [Usagi Tsukino] what was that number ><
[01:35] --> TsukinoNeko [CatGuardian@Moon.net] has joined #reddwarfmain
[01:35] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, TsukinoNeko
[01:35] [+David O'Cain] Hi, Ami.
[01:35] > TsukinoNeko pads in, following Ami.
[01:35] > Setsuna Meioh smiles "the queen is trapped.."
[01:35] [Nephrite] And one of the guardians shows her feline presense
[01:36] > +Candy (night gown) is snuggling on Matsumi's lap
[01:36] > Ami Mizuno looks around.
[01:36] > Rei Hino waves.
[01:36] [Usagi Tsukino] oh yeah! the communicator!
[01:36] [Ami Mizuno] Wow.. It's been awhile since so many of us were together in one place.
[01:36] --> Megumi Chiyuno [healingrain@eden.com] has joined #reddwarfmain
[01:36] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Megumi Chiyuno
[01:36] > Usagi Tsukino starts to dig through her purse..
[01:36] [Minako Aino] Ne? Trapped, or stuck?
[01:36] [Setsuna Meioh] ...more likely stuck
[01:37] [Megumi Chiyuno] Hi, hi everyone! I heard we had an important meeting
[01:37] [Kevin Junia] Oh no...
[01:37] [TsukinoNeko] Probably being ditzy, knowing the "queen".
[01:37] [Nephrite] Another newcomer
[01:37] > TsukinoNeko hops up on the back of a sofa and curls up.
[01:37] [Ryoko Nasino] (Sarcastically) Megumi's here, the party can start now
[01:38] [Makoto Kino] Calm down Kev-chan, Ryoko-san
[01:38] [Minako Aino] Hi Luna... how are you holding up?
[01:38] > Nephrite walks over and kneels behind David
[01:38] > Usagi Tsukino tries to call ami on her (quite old) senshi communicator
[01:38] [Rei Hino] So is this random or is it an actual meeting?
[01:38] [Megumi Chiyuno] Kev-chan!
[01:38] [Kevin Junia] Stay back Megumi
[01:39] > Minako Aino pokes Rei some more, looking worried.
[01:39] [Nephrite] Look at all these beautiful women, David. Have your eyes ever been treated to this many in one place before?
[01:39] > Makoto Kino runs to Kevin and holds him in her arms
[01:39] [Usagi Tsukino] please please answer...
[01:39] > Ami Mizuno presses her earring and answers on her computer visor.
[01:39] [Makoto Kino] Good advice to follow
[01:39] [Usagi Tsukino] ☇ AMI! ☇
[01:40] [Rei Hino] What Minako?
[01:40] [Ami Mizuno] ☇ Usagi-chan? ☇
[01:40] [Kevin Junia] Hey Ami, let my people update our communicators
[01:40] [+David O'Cain] To be honest, Neph, probably hadn't in a long time. But you know I married Masaki, right?
[01:40] [Usagi Tsukino] ☇ I heard everyone was meeting and I can't remember how to..get on the......ship teleporter thing ☇
[01:40] [Nephrite] Of course I know... but you're married, not dead my friend. ^_~
[01:40] [Minako Aino] You won't talk to me... ;.; you're mad that I've been gone..
[01:41] [Megumi Chiyuno] Aw, I just wanted to say hi. I know the two of you are married... to my dismay
[01:41] [Rei Hino] No I'm not mad Minako.
[01:41] [Ami Mizuno] ☇ Hang on, I'll come get you.. ~_~ ☇
[01:41] [Makoto Kino] A fact you would be wise to remember
[01:41] [Usagi Tsukino] ☇ THANK YOU! ☇
[01:41] [Ryoko Nasino] Alright, just like old times! Megumi v Makoto!
[01:41] [Ami Mizuno] Hold that thought Kevin-san, I have to go rescue Usagi-chan...
[01:41] --> Jennifer Flare [AriesSenshi@usa.cc] has joined #reddwarfmain
[01:41] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Jennifer Flare
[01:41] > Usagi Tsukino hangs up
[01:42] [Minako Aino] Really?
[01:42] > Ami Mizuno is away: ...
[01:42] [+David O'Cain] So true, Neph. So true.
[01:42] > Jennifer Flare walks in and pauses for a moment, looking at everyone/ Holy cow, crowded!
[01:42] [Setsuna Meioh] nephrite...
[01:42] [Rei Hino] You had stuff to do, everyone seems to be busy lately.
[01:42] [+David O'Cain] Neph - Still, man. Lots of pretty ladies.
[01:42] [+David O'Cain] Hi, Jen.
[01:42] [Makoto Kino] No Ryoko, there will not be a fight today
[01:42] --> Usagi Tsukino [Moon_Bunny@Jubaan.Tokyo.co] has joined #reddwarfmain
[01:42] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Usagi Tsukino
[01:42] [Usagi Tsukino] @_@ whoa...trippy
[01:42] [Nephrite] Yes Setsuna?
[01:43] > +Candy (night gown) giggles half asleep on Matsumi's lap.
[01:43] [Rei Hino] And there the princess comes
[01:43] [Kevin Junia] Hey Ryoko, I have an idea. Let's get that Texas Hold 'em game going
[01:43] [Jennifer Flare] It's a freakin' senshi convention! O_O
[01:43] [Setsuna Meioh] the dress that zoicite asked for is finished.......though she probably won't ask you for another week
[01:43] [Minako Aino] Hi Usagi-chan!
[01:43] [TsukinoNeko] Moh.. So many people, but still no sign of my Artemis-kun..
[01:43] > Ami Mizuno is back
[01:43] > Usagi Tsukino shakes her head out of her dizzyness
[01:43] [Usagi Tsukino] MINAKO!
[01:43] [Kevin Junia] Or Zues for that matter
[01:43] > Usagi Tsukino runs over and gives her a HUG
[01:43] [Makoto Kino] Or Aries too
[01:43] > Nephrite smirks at Setsuna and nods, "I'll kep that in mind, thank you."
[01:44] > Minako Aino stands and gives her one in return.
[01:44] > TsukinoNeko buries her face in her paws.
[01:44] [Usagi Tsukino] oh HEY LUNA!
[01:45] > +Matsumi Kaze (casual) is simply stroking candy's hair
[01:45] [TsukinoNeko] Ne?
[01:45] [Jennifer Flare] Wow, I know almost all of you and I'm sure none of you have any idea who I am. >_>
[01:45] > Ami Mizuno sits quietly on a sofa.
[01:45] > Usagi Tsukino waves to Luna ^^
[01:45] [Megumi Chiyuno] That's the truth
[01:45] > +Candy (night gown) giggles. "Matsumi's lap makes a great pillow."
[01:45] > +Matsumi Kaze (casual) blushes
[01:46] [TsukinoNeko] Moh.. Do you HAVE to be so full of energy?
[01:46] [Usagi Tsukino] what's wrong with having energy :(
[01:46] > +Candy (night gown) sits up stretching a little.
[01:47] > Jennifer Flare walks over and sits with Matsumi and Candy
[01:47] > Kevin Junia moves over to Ami
[01:47] [+Candy (night gown)] Hey Usagi I got that cd you suggested
[01:47] [Usagi Tsukino] oh! what did you think of it?
[01:47] [Kevin Junia] Ami, I wanted to discuss updated and improving our communicators
[01:47] [Minako Aino] Her energy is whats makes her special. ^^
[01:47] > TsukinoNeko just grumbles a bit.
[01:47] [Jennifer Flare] This is so bizzare. I feel like an outcast. ~_~
[01:47] [Ami Mizuno] Oh?
[01:48] > Ryoko Nasino leans on one of the walls and smiles, taking it all in.
[01:48] [+David O'Cain] How come, Jen?
[01:48] [Rei Hino] Ahh don't Jennifer.
[01:48] [+Candy (night gown)] It was awesome!
[01:48] [Kevin Junia] The Guardian Republic technology will help improve everything about our communicators, even the attempts by our enemies to jam us
[01:48] [Usagi Tsukino] didn't I tell you!?
[01:48] [+Candy (night gown)] Did you listen to the CD I gave you?
[01:49] [Usagi Tsukino] not yet :( I've been busy :(
[01:49] [Jennifer Flare] Rei! You're the first of the inners to talk to me ^_^
[01:49] [Ami Mizuno] That sounds like a good idea.
[01:49] [+Candy (night gown)] With what Mamo-chan?
[01:50] [Usagi Tsukino] sorta yeah
[01:50] [Rei Hino] Well you can sit by me
[01:50] [Kevin Junia] It will only take about 24 hours to complete all the upgrades. With everyone here, it will go even more smoothly
[01:50] > +Candy (night gown) laughs!
[01:50] [Ami Mizuno] Luna keeps most of the technical stuff in the spare room at my place nowadays.
[01:50] > Setsuna Meioh is quietly working on her chess game
[01:50] [Minako Aino] Mohh... Luna lives with Ami now?
[01:50] [+David O'Cain] Rei?
[01:50] > Jennifer Flare looks at Matsumi and Candy and smiles at them before moving to sit with Rei
[01:51] [Kevin Junia] Those plans should help
[01:51] [Jennifer Flare] I haven't seen you in a while Rei, how've you been?
[01:51] > Megumi Chiyuno walks over to Rei and Jennifer
[01:51] [TsukinoNeko] You try living with her for years and see if you survive it..
[01:51] [Rei Hino] Busy with the temple, now that the new year has passed things should settle down a bit.
[01:51] [Usagi Tsukino] HEY :(
[01:51] [Megumi Chiyuno] Hi hi everyone
[01:51] [Jennifer Flare] Ahh
[01:52] > Makoto Kino looks towards Luna and nods her head in agreement
[01:52] > Jennifer Flare looks up at Megumi/ Oh, hi there.... I don't think we've met
[01:52] [TsukinoNeko] Always stepping on my tail and tossing me off the bed in the middle of the night...
[01:52] [+Candy (night gown)] :P I've been busy with my family too
[01:53] [Megumi Chiyuno] I don't think so either. I am Megumi Chiyuno, aka Sailor Eden... my planet is no more than an asteroid belt seperating Mars and Jupiter now
[01:53] [Usagi Tsukino] :( :( :( I was young
[01:53] > Jennifer Flare holds her hand out to Megumi/ Name's Jennifer, I'm a Zodiac senshi, Aries to be exact. ^_^
[01:54] --> ~Unknown (Shadow) has joined #reddwarfmain
[01:54] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, ~Unknown (Shadow)
[01:54] [Ami Mizuno] Why don't you stop by my place sometime this week and we can gather up what you need, Kevin-san?
[01:54] [Megumi Chiyuno] Wow, a Zodiac Senshi! I never meant one before
[01:54] [+David O'Cain] What's new with you, Rei?
[01:54] --> ~Unknown 2 (Shadow) has joined #reddwarfmain
[01:54] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, ~Unknown 2 (Shadow)
[01:54] [~Unknown 2 (Shadow)] well well well...
[01:54] [Kevin Junia] Thank you Ami-chan, I appreciate that.
[01:54] > +Matsumi Kaze (casual) blinks a bit at the newcomers
[01:54] [~Unknown (Shadow)] Look what the cat drug in
[01:54] > Jennifer Flare giggles a little/ I'm glad to be the first one you've met Megumi :)
[01:55] [~Unknown 2 (Shadow)] such a convention...
[01:55] > Makoto Kino walks over to Luna, picks her up, and starts petting her
[01:55] [~Unknown (Shadow)] a lot like Comic Con now a days, I must say
[01:55] > Ami Mizuno looks around.
[01:55] > Nephrite watches the shadowed figures closely
[01:55] > +Candy (night gown) sees the shadows and watches them.
[01:55] > TsukinoNeko smiles a little and purrs~
[01:55] [~Unknown 2 (Shadow)] though smelling much nicer
[01:56] [~Unknown (Shadow)] Indeed
[01:56] [~Unknown (Shadow)] Otaku and their lack of oral hygine
[01:56] > Ryoko Nasino prepares to disappear into the shadows to meet this "thing"
[01:56] > ~Unknown 2 (Shadow) steps out of the shadows
[01:56] > Ryoko Nasino starts morphing into the shadows
[01:56] > +David O'Cain warily watches the two figures
[01:56] [+Candy (night gown)] :P Hey I'm an otaku!
[01:56] > ~Unknown 2 (Shadow) is now known as Haruka Tenou
[01:56] [Jennifer Flare] This is so cool to see so many of the Senshi in one place
[01:56] [Haruka Tenou] are we late?
[01:56] > ~Unknown (Shadow) steps out of the shadows
[01:56] > ~Unknown (Shadow) is now known as Michiru Kaioh
[01:57] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] HA!
[01:57] [Ami Mizuno] O_O
[01:57] [~Michiru Kaioh (Shadow)] Fashionably
[01:57] [Minako Aino] Woah! Hey guys!
[01:57] > Haruka Tenou is wearing a leather jacket and gloves
[01:57] > Nephrite smiles a bit at who the shadows turn out to be
[01:57] [Jennifer Flare] Woah!
[01:57] [Haruka Tenou] always fashionably
[01:57] > Ryoko Nasino starts to remorph using Haruka's shadow
[01:57] [+David O'Cain] Well well, the gang's pretty much all here.
[01:57] [Nephrite] There's only one missing
[01:57] [Kevin Junia] I should've know with that kind of talk it was the one and only Haruka
[01:58] [Haruka Tenou] Hotaru is busy
[01:58] [Haruka Tenou] heh you know me too well
[01:58] [Usagi Tsukino] HI YOU GUYS!
[01:58] [Nephrite] A shame the young one could not join you
[01:58] > Michiru Kaioh (Shadow) is wearing a simple sea green dress
[01:58] [Makoto Kino] Welcome you two
[01:58] [Jennifer Flare] Wow... this is so bizzare
[01:58] > Ryoko Nasino taps Haruka on the shoulder
[01:58] [Michiru Kaioh (dress)] yes we had to see what the fuss was about
[01:59] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] deja vu
[01:59] [Haruka Tenou] //ME turns to see Ryoko "oh hi there"
[01:59] [Ryoko Nasino] Hello Haruka, how have you been?
[01:59] [+Candy (night gown)] Its really busy tonight!
[01:59] [Jennifer Flare] It's a shame I have to go home ~_~
[01:59] > Michiru Kaioh (dress) turns to see Ryoko
[01:59] [Rei Hino] That's to bad Jennifer
[02:00] [+David O'Cain] Awww. Take care, Jen.
[02:00] [Jennifer Flare] Yeah.... I have to check on a few things. If I'm not tired when I get done, maybe I'll come back
[02:00] [+Candy (night gown)] See yah jenjen!
[02:00] [Haruka Tenou] bye
[02:00] [Kevin Junia] This is getting interesting quick. I haven't seen us altogether since before the onset of Himiko's War
[02:00] [Haruka Tenou (Jacket)] I've been pretty good
[02:00] [Nephrite] I have to go as well Ms. Flare... would you like an escort?
[02:00] [Minako Aino] Niiight Jenny!
[02:00] [Megumi Chiyuno] Bye Jenn!
[02:00] [Haruka Tenou (Jacket)] farewell
[02:00] [Kevin Junia] See you later Jen
[02:00] [Rei Hino] Goodnight Jennifer
[02:01] > Haruka Tenou (Jacket) sticks near michiru
[02:01] [Jennifer Flare] That's be great
[02:01] [Makoto Kino] Ja ne Jennifer
[02:01] > Jennifer Flare stands and nods to everyone/ Bye everyone... hopefully I can make it back before ya'll leave.
[02:01] > Usagi Tsukino is looking over the bar!
[02:01] [Ryoko Nasino] I am glad to hear that Haruka. Bye Jennifer
[02:01] [Usagi Tsukino] oh wow...alot of stuff here
[02:02] > +Candy (night gown) stands and walks over to Usagi. "Nate and I built it!"
[02:02] [Nephrite] Goodnight ladies. Nice seeing all of you again. You guys too David, Kevin :)
[02:02] [+David O'Cain] Later, Neph.
[02:02] [Usagi Tsukino] NICE!
[02:02] [+Candy (night gown)] Night Nephrite!
[02:02] [Ami Mizuno] Usagi-chan, you be careful. We don't need another "sparkling juice" incident.
[02:02] [Kevin Junia] Take it easy Nephrite. Take care and thanks for the help
[02:02] [+Candy (night gown)] It's Nate and my FRIENDSHIP BAR!
[02:02] [Usagi Tsukino] oh come on..that's only happened..um.....uh..how many times???
[02:02] [Makoto Kino] Thank you for coming Nephrite
[02:02] [Rei Hino] To many Usagi
[02:02] [Nephrite] No problem Kevin, glad I could help.
[02:02] [Ami Mizuno] Seven. Eight is you're being really picky.
[02:02] [Ryoko Nasino] Late Nephrite
[02:03] [Ami Mizuno] ^ if
[02:03] [Usagi Tsukino] well..that's not too many times!
[02:03] [Minako Aino] Thats happened a few... but you know what they say. "If at first you get really bombed, try try again!"
[02:03] <-- Nephrite [FormerGeneral@DarkKingdom.net] has left #reddwarfmain (Come Jenn, I'll walk you home.)
[02:03] [Rei Hino] If you cannot recall the number Usagi then it is TO MANY
[02:03] [Megumi Chiyuno] Bye Nephrite-san
[02:03] <-- Jennifer Flare [AriesSenshi@usa.cc] has left #reddwarfmain (Thanks Neph, Vana's told me alot about you. ^_^)
[02:03] [Kevin Junia] I agree with Rei-san on that Usagi-chan
[02:04] [Usagi Tsukino] Rei...you don't know how to live!
[02:04] [Rei Hino] You don't know how to act
[02:04] [Usagi Tsukino] :( but..sometimes you have to be sociable
[02:04] [Minako Aino] Unless its happened a lot of times in my absence..
[02:04] > Haruka Tenou (Jacket) smiles "...sounds like old times.."
[02:04] [Rei Hino] Drinking yourself silly isn't sociable
[02:04] [Michiru Kaioh (dress)] Yes indeed. It makes me forget they're both in their twenties
[02:05] [Kevin Junia] Usagi-chan, the last time you got "wasted" you puked all over General Barkonis. I am glad that my Canisian War Dog is so understanding
[02:05] [Minako Aino] Well, neither is being all quiet and trying to be all proper.
[02:05] [Minako Aino] eeeeewwwwwwwwwwwww
[02:05] [Usagi Tsukino] ^^;;;;;;;;;
[02:05] [Rei Hino] You saying I'm quiet?
[02:05] [Makoto Kino] He wasn't too happy about that either
[02:05] > Rei Hino eyes Minako.
[02:05] --> Hotaru Tomoe [FireflyofRuin@mugen.edu] has joined #reddwarfmain
[02:05] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Hotaru Tomoe
[02:05] > Hotaru Tomoe walks in looking a bit flushed and disheveled.
[02:06] [+David O'Cain] Wow. Now everyone's here.
[02:06] [Minako Aino] Well, except when your mad.. They you get REEEEALLY loud.
[02:06] [Ryoko Nasino] I don't know what you are talking about, that was awesome!
[02:06] [Ryoko Nasino] Chug Princess Chug!
[02:06] [Rei Hino] Well rather be loud then a ditz :P
[02:06] > Usagi Tsukino grins
[02:06] [Kevin Junia] Ah Hotaru-chan!
[02:06] [Minako Aino] >:P
[02:06] > +Candy (night gown) sits on the bar!
[02:06] [Makoto Kino] Hotaru-chan!
[02:07] [Hotaru Tomoe] I was NOT busy. Haruka-poppa just left a rather LARGE box outside my bedroom door.
[02:07] > Michiru Kaioh (dress) giggles a little.
[02:07] [Rei Hino] >:P
[02:07] [Megumi Chiyuno] She is a princess, just like all of us. She needs to be lady-like
[02:07] [Haruka Tenou (Jacket)] sorry, Hotaru...redecorating
[02:07] > Hotaru Tomoe rolls her eyes a bit.
[02:07] [Kevin Junia] Um, I hope you aren't reffering to me as a princess there Megumi
[02:08] [+Candy (night gown)] All the planets are here
[02:08] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] and the Sun1
[02:08] [Minako Aino] Oh wow, thats everyone! Except Chibiusa, and... Artemis...
[02:08] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] *!
[02:08] > Hotaru Tomoe plops down next to Ami and crosses her arms.
[02:08] [Megumi Chiyuno] Of course not, heh heh ^^;
[02:08] [TsukinoNeko] Ar.. temis? T_T
[02:08] [Makoto Kino] Zues and Aries are also missing
[02:09] [Rei Hino] Aww luna come here
[02:09] > TsukinoNeko is currently in Makoto's arms.
[02:10] [Michiru Kaioh (dress)] And what were you redecorating exactly Haruka?
[02:10] > Ryoko Nasino sits at a table and busts out a deck of cards (Texas Hold em time!)
[02:10] [Haruka Tenou (Jacket)] the bedroom
[02:10] > Makoto Kino is still petting Luna
[02:10] [Michiru Kaioh (dress)] Again. That's the third time this month dear.
[02:10] [Kevin Junia] Texas Hold em... Hmmm, that sounds like fun
[02:10] [Haruka Tenou (Jacket)] I'm not satisfied with the way it looks
[02:10] [+Candy (night gown)] I say Kareoke!
[02:10] [Haruka Tenou (Jacket)] and your brother keeps visiting and taking things of mine
[02:11] > Kevin Junia takes a seat and looks at Ryoko
[02:11] > Setsuna Meioh is playing chess
[02:11] [Michiru Kaioh (dress)] Well my otouto needs to be locked up and chained to a wall :P
[02:11] [Kevin Junia] Oh waitress, a kamikaze... shaken not stirred
[02:11] [Megumi Chiyuno] Hai!
[02:12] [Ryoko Nasino] I shouldn't be surprised by that
[02:12] > Megumi Chiyuno runs to the bar and starts making a kamikaze
[02:12] > Rei Hino quietly watches the room
[02:12] [+David O'Cain] Want anything to drink, Rei?
[02:13] > +Matsumi Kaze (casual) hugs Candy tightly
[02:13] > Haruka Tenou (Jacket) finds herself looking at matsumi and candy
[02:13] > Megumi Chiyuno runs back with the kamikaze back to Kevin (Here you go Kev-chan!)
[02:13] [Kevin Junia] Arigato gozimasu
[02:14] [Haruka Tenou (Jacket)] hm...
[02:14] > Makoto Kino turns towards Megumi and Kevin, and starts to seethe a little
[02:14] [Rei Hino] Tea please
[02:14] > +Candy (night gown) huggles Matsumi back.
[02:14] > Michiru Kaioh (dress) 's eyes fall on Matsumi and Candy as well.
[02:14] > +David O'Cain nods and gets Rei some tea while getting himself some bourbon
[02:15] [TsukinoNeko] Ack! Mako-chan, can't... breathe...
[02:15] > Makoto Kino looks back down at Luna (Oops, sorry Luna-chan
[02:15] [TsukinoNeko] You've gotten.. stronger.
[02:15] > +David O'Cain hands Rei her cup, "Here you are."
[02:16] [Ryoko Nasino] Uh oh, I might get that battle after all!
[02:16] [Rei Hino] Thank you
[02:16] [Makoto Kino] Heh heh heh, yeah. Ranma's training plus all these battles have kept me on my toes
[02:16] > +Candy (night gown) snuggles happily against Matsumi.
[02:17] [Kevin Junia] Megumi-chan, go be genki around Usagi-chan... please
[02:17] [Megumi Chiyuno] Oh, alright
[02:17] > Usagi Tsukino is drinking some regular juices
[02:17] > Rei Hino sips on her tea quietly.
[02:17] > Megumi Chiyuno walks over to Usagi
[02:18] > Kevin Junia drinks some of the kamikaze
[02:18] [Hotaru Tomoe] Wait? You let Haruka-poppa in the same room as a bar? Are you nuts?
[02:18] [Michiru Kaioh (dress)] ooh dear that is right
[02:18] [Haruka Tenou (Jacket)] it's fine, Hotaru..I promised michiru I wouldn't..........*cough*
[02:18] [Kevin Junia] /ne turns towards Hotaru (Uh oh, she's right!)
[02:18] [Michiru Kaioh (dress)] When she's had one to many she becomes a kissy monster
[02:19] [Ryoko Nasino] Yeah, it is funny watching Usagi make a fool of herself. Haruka on the other hand...
[02:19] > Haruka Tenou (Jacket) coughs again "..michiru..not here"
[02:19] [Hotaru Tomoe] I know. >_<
[02:19] [Kevin Junia] Ditto
[02:19] > Michiru Kaioh (dress) giggles. "You like it when I tease you."
[02:20] > Makoto Kino goes back to petting Luna gently
[02:20] [Haruka Tenou (Jacket)] you are an artist at it
[02:20] [Minako Aino] Hey... lets not ALL gang up on Usagi..
[02:20] > Usagi Tsukino sips her drink happily
[02:20] [Usagi Tsukino] huh what???
[02:20] [Ryoko Nasino] Hey Megumi-chan, see if you can get Usagi to chug that bottle of Rythin Whiskey
[02:20] > TsukinoNeko purrs softly~
[02:20] [Rei Hino] They were referring to Haruka-san Minako-san
[02:21] > Kevin Junia spits the kamikaze out into the air and looks at Ryoko (ARE YOU NUTS?!!)
[02:21] [Ami Mizuno] O_o
[02:21] [Usagi Tsukino] what are you guys talking about???
[02:21] [Ryoko Nasino] No, just a bit vindictive
[02:21] > +Matsumi Kaze (casual) nuzzles candy ^^
[02:21] [Ami Mizuno] That would be a disaster, a very explosive disaster.
[02:21] [Megumi Chiyuno] No, she needs to be lady like
[02:21] > +Candy (night gown) nuzzles back
[02:22] [Ryoko Nasino] Aw hell, I'll do it myself
[02:22] > Ryoko Nasino gets up, grabs a bottle of the Rythin Whiskey and heads towards Usagi
[02:22] [Kevin Junia] Uh oh!
[02:22] [Makoto Kino] Uh oh!
[02:23] [+David O'Cain] Kevin, may I?
[02:23] > Usagi Tsukino blinks
[02:23] [Megumi Chiyuno] No! I won't allow this Ryoko-chan!
[02:23] [Usagi Tsukino] oh hi there!
[02:23] [Ryoko Nasino] Hey Usagi-chan, chug this!
[02:23] [Kevin Junia] Do it David!
[02:23] [Ami Mizuno] I can't look...
[02:23] [Usagi Tsukino] ???? but I have a drink
[02:23] > Ryoko Nasino offers the bottle
[02:23] [Ryoko Nasino] This is much better, trust me
[02:24] > Ryoko Nasino starts laughing evilly
[02:24] > Usagi Tsukino takes the bottle, looking at it
[02:24] > +David O'Cain SMACKS Ryoko in the back of the head, but didn't even move a single muscle
[02:24] [Usagi Tsukino] ....are you sure...I mean...it seems a waste
[02:24] > Rei Hino stands up frowning.
[02:24] > Makoto Kino doesn't like that laugh
[02:24] > Rei Hino walks over to Usagi.
[02:24] [Ryoko Nasino] Ow!
[02:24] [Rei Hino] Usagi, give me the bottle.
[02:24] [Usagi Tsukino] oh hey, rei
[02:24] [Ryoko Nasino] Okay, there are only two people in here capable of that!
[02:25] > Usagi Tsukino hands it over, taking back her drink
[02:25] > Ryoko Nasino looks at Kevin then David
[02:25] [Usagi Tsukino] rather have this anyway ^^;;
[02:25] > Rei Hino sighs going over to the bar and putting it back.
[02:25] [+David O'Cain] Don't look at me. I didn't do s[BLEEP]t.
[02:25] [Ryoko Nasino] Why do you two want to ruin my fun?!
[02:25] [Rei Hino] I am NOT dragging her home.
[02:25] > Rei Hino sits back down.
[02:25] [Minako Aino] O.O this is getting ugly, fast..
[02:25] [Ami Mizuno] And I really don't want to have to hose down the entire room.
[02:26] [Ami Mizuno] Even with Michiru-san's help.
[02:26] [Kevin Junia] Because it won't be fun for anyone else! Even Haruka and Jedite passed out after a few sips of that!
[02:26] [Usagi Tsukino] <_< >_> are you guys insulting me???
[02:26] > Haruka Tenou (Jacket) coughs yet again
[02:26] [Megumi Chiyuno] Plus it can mess up her physciology
[02:26] [Michiru Kaioh (dress)] I'd rather not suit up tonight if it can be helped
[02:27] [+Candy (night gown)] ❧ I loveiey you Matsumi ❧
[02:27] [Kevin Junia] Actually Megumi, since she is a Sailor Senshi it has no effect on her physciology
[02:27] [Ami Mizuno] Saving you, Usagi-chan.
[02:27] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] ❧ I lovey you too, Candy! ❧
[02:28] > Usagi Tsukino finishes her juice and puts the glass away
[02:28] > Makoto Kino just continues to watch this display, while petting Luna behind the ears
[02:28] [Usagi Tsukino] well that hit the spot ^_^
[02:28] [Rei Hino] This is probably why she cannot recall how many times she's been drunk.
[02:28] [Usagi Tsukino] :( :( why do you guys dwell on that stuff!?
[02:28] [Ryoko Nasino] Ugh, what's the point of being a SAILOR Senshi if you can't drink?
[02:29] [Rei Hino] It's not like we chose to be sailor senshi Ryoko.
[02:29] [Kevin Junia] Because, aside from myself and David... the rest of you are exactly in the military
[02:29] [Kevin Junia] er not
[02:29] [Kevin Junia] in the military
[02:29] [Minako Aino] Yeah... everyone's been making fun of Usagi-chan all night..
[02:30] [Makoto Kino] Nice recovery dear...
[02:30] [Rei Hino] I wasn't making fun of her with that last comment, I was complaining about the fact people want to get her drunk to laugh at her.
[02:30] > Usagi Tsukino is checking through her cellphone
[02:30] [Minako Aino] And Rei, its not like we couldnt choose to walk away. Ami almost did when she got invited to study in Germany, right?
[02:30] [Ryoko Nasino] But it's just so darn easy! It's like making fun of the Chokeland Raiders! It is really easy, but damn it is fun!
[02:31] > Ami Mizuno nods.
[02:31] [Kevin Junia] Ah hell, I wouldn't have it any other way. Being a Sailor Knight really is a lot of fun!
[02:32] [Ami Mizuno] Well, I could have walked away from the duty, but the physical reality of our powers is different.
[02:32] [Makoto Kino] You almost walked away too when we fought Firestar!
[02:32] [Kevin Junia] It was a tactical manevuer to lure out the main army
[02:32] [Rei Hino] True Minako-san but we really can't walk away from what fate delt us either
[02:32] [Megumi Chiyuno] And you wonder why you aren't as well like by many people Ryoko-chan
[02:33] > Haruka Tenou (Jacket) sips some water, listening
[02:33] [Rei Hino] One way or another we'd be senshi
[02:33] [Minako Aino] Sure we could, if we wanted to..
[02:33] [Ryoko Nasino] I am a ninja and the Senshi of the Shadows, I am not too worried about having many friends... unlike Usagi
[02:34] [Usagi Tsukino] hey...it's important!
[02:34] > Michiru Kaioh just watches amused
[02:34] [Makoto Kino] Tactical manuvuer my butt. You were rushing off to fight another war!
[02:34] [Rei Hino] You don't see life as I do Minako
[02:34] > Haruka Tenou (Jacket) offers some of his water to Michiru
[02:34] [Haruka Tenou (Jacket)] *her
[02:34] [Haruka Tenou (Jacket)] (( gah..not thinking tonight ))
[02:34] [Ryoko Nasino] yes, it is important to make friends with your enemies so they cna betray your trust and backstab you
[02:34] [Ami Mizuno] I think I have to agree with Rei-chan. Even if we walked away, our duty would come find us.
[02:34] [+David O'Cain] (( I was about to say, "What the hell?". ))
[02:35] [Hotaru Tomoe] Nice slip there, Haruka-poppa. :P
[02:35] [Kevin Junia] Yeah, duty calls
[02:35] [Usagi Tsukino] :( :(
[02:35] [Minako Aino] Iee... How do you see it?
[02:35] > Haruka Tenou (Jacket) just looks at hotaru "amusing..quite"
[02:36] [Kevin Junia] Besides, you can't say it wasn't romantic the way I smash into that enemy about to kill you while Aliana gave us air support
[02:36] > Michiru Kaioh takes the water sipping
[02:36] [Makoto Kino] Yes, I concede that point. It was interesting watching you and Aliana become a two man army, smashing into the enemy ranks like they were nothing
[02:37] [Rei Hino] Lets say Ami-san did go off to Germany, who's to say Beryl didn't send Youma over there. Hell I've heard stories of monsters all over the globe.
[02:37] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] *cough* Sin-Jins *cough*
[02:37] [Minako Aino] Hmm.. maybe.. I guess we'll never know. ^_^
[02:37] [Rei Hino] Ami-san is the only one in Germany to fight the youma so she has to. We may want to walk away from this but it's not that easy, fate always changes the path.
[02:37] [Kevin Junia] There were reports of San Diego, Los Angeles, San Antonio, Washington DC, and New York City under attack from youma
[02:38] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] ..I had enough trouble with the Sin-Jin in the Twin Cities
[02:38] > Michiru Kaioh finishes Haruka's water
[02:38] [+David O'Cain] (mainly to himself) [I don't know if it was good that I slept through all that happened.]
[02:38] [+Candy (night gown)] The Dark Queen was tough enough for me ><
[02:38] [Haruka Tenou (Jacket)] *blinks*..leaving none for me, michiru?
[02:38] [Ryoko Nasino] And Osaka had plenty of yoma running around
[02:39] [Megumi Chiyuno] And my home of Fukuoka/Hakata had been attacked as well
[02:40] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] ☠ stupid Queen Necros ☠
[02:40] [Michiru Kaioh] You get enough at home dear
[02:40] [Kevin Junia] I learned an important lesson too. Don't think because you are trained in swordsmanship that attacking the youma hordes is a smart idea
[02:40] [Haruka Tenou (Jacket)] quite true.....quite true
[02:41] [+Candy (night gown)] shhh my matsy
[02:41] [Makoto Kino] It surprised me too! You didn't even have your Guardian powers much less your Jupiter Knight powers and you still attacked
[02:41] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] what :P
[02:41] > +Candy (night gown) pets the back of Matsumi's head
[02:42] [Kevin Junia] I think the team up of Firestar, a revived Beryl, and Pantyhose Taro was worse than facing Sharline one-on-one
[02:42] [Rei Hino] All I meant with that is thata what Fate wills to be done Fate gets done one way or another and only a few of the billions or trillians of life forms out there have the power to stand against Fate.
[02:43] > Usagi Tsukino is now looking out the window
[02:43] [Rei Hino] We were born senshi, we will be senshi, we will die as senshi.
[02:43] [Rei Hino] IF and when we die that is
[02:43] [Kevin Junia] My former... dead... fiancee Anri was one of those who died because of fate...
[02:44] > Minako Aino sits with Usagi, looking out as well.
[02:44] [Usagi Tsukino] I forget how great the stars look ^^
[02:44] [Ami Mizuno] For good anyway. It's not like we haven't been killed in the line of duty before. >_<
[02:44] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] so true..
[02:44] > Makoto Kino walks over to Kevin and stands next to him
[02:44] [Rei Hino] Yes true, another fate thing.
[02:45] [Minako Aino] nee.. isnt the whole point of having these powers so we can stand up to fate?
[02:45] > Minako Aino yawns.
[02:45] [Makoto Kino] No, we are all pawns in fates plans
[02:45] [Kevin Junia] Pawns? I consider myself more like a rook
[02:45] [+David O'Cain] Last I checked with Grim, it's gonna be a really, really, REALLY long time, Rei.
[02:45] > Setsuna Meioh tosses a pawn to akoto
[02:45] [Rei Hino] And usually if one is born with the power to derail fates plans they try and end their life quickly
[02:45] [Setsuna Meioh] *Makoto
[02:46] [Setsuna Meioh] your piece..
[02:46] [Minako Aino] Ne, is that the piece with the funny hat?
[02:46] > Setsuna Meioh has finished the chess game by herself in 5 moves
[02:46] > Ryoko Nasino walks over to Setsuna
[02:46] [Ryoko Nasino] That is interesting
[02:46] [Setsuna Meioh] everything has it's path....
[02:46] > Setsuna Meioh smiles enigmatically
[02:47] [Makoto Kino] Thanks... thankyou alot Setsuna
[02:47] [Rei Hino] And what about the loose strain Setsuna?
[02:47] > Setsuna Meioh frowns slightly
[02:47] > Hotaru Tomoe yawns.
[02:47] [Setsuna Meioh] that makes planning much more difficult
[02:47] [Michiru Kaioh] You want to go home Hotaru?
[02:48] [Michiru Kaioh] We should probably go anyway
[02:48] > Haruka Tenou (Jacket) smiles
[02:48] [Haruka Tenou (Jacket)] yes...we've done our part
[02:48] [Hotaru Tomoe] Maybe. Am I actually going to be able to get some sleep, or am i going to be subjected to the usual noises of the night?
[02:48] [Ryoko Nasino] So what is new with you Setsuna?
[02:48] [Setsuna Meioh] planning as usual...
[02:48] [Kevin Junia] Hotaru-chan, I bet the latter
[02:49] [Minako Aino] Umm... does anyone know... is there somewhere I could stay on this ship? I kinda... have nowhere to go. ^^;;
[02:49] [Kevin Junia] The loud noises
[02:49] > Minako Aino laughs at herself.
[02:49] [Michiru Kaioh] Usu...oh...
[02:49] [Makoto Kino] Stay with us Minako-chan
[02:49] [Setsuna Meioh] busy with my designs...
[02:49] > Michiru Kaioh laughs lightly. "And here I thought I was being quiet."
[02:49] [Ryoko Nasino] Ah, world domination or keeping the time line in check
[02:49] [+Candy (night gown)] There are tons of places on the ship Minako-chan!
[02:49] [+David O'Cain] Minako - There's usually some empty quarters somewhere.
[02:49] [Setsuna Meioh] making sure things...happen
[02:49] [Hotaru Tomoe] O_o
[02:50] [Kevin Junia] Heh heh heh
[02:50] [Michiru Kaioh] Don't worry Hotaru it won't happen again.
[02:50] [Ryoko Nasino] Ah, your job is probably the most difficult of all us
[02:50] [Kevin Junia] *cough*bs*cough*
[02:50] > Setsuna Meioh has started up another game of chess
[02:51] [Michiru Kaioh] Goodnight everyone
[02:51] [Minako Aino] Would anyone mind if I used a room, then?
[02:51] [Hotaru Tomoe] I've heard that one before.
[02:51] [Makoto Kino] Watching too much Top Gun again, eh Kev-chan?
[02:51] [Haruka Tenou (Jacket)] goodnight
[02:51] [Kevin Junia] Stay with us Minako-chan. No Mako-chan. Take care Michiru-san
[02:51] [Michiru Kaioh] Isn't that why Haruka is rearranging the room?
[02:51] [+David O'Cain] Go right ahead, Minako. I think it's alright for you to stay.
[02:51] > Setsuna Meioh has vanished
[02:52] <-- Setsuna Meioh [TimeGal@Pluto.co] has left #reddwarfmain (I left an houre ago if you must know)
[02:52] [Makoto Kino] Bye Michiru-san, Haruka-san, and Hotaru-chan
[02:52] [+Candy (night gown)] O.O
[02:52] > +David O'Cain waves to Hotaru, Michiru, and Haruka, "Nice seeing you. Come by anytime."
[02:52] [Ryoko Nasino] Hmmm
[02:52] [Ryoko Nasino] Bye you guys
[02:52] > Hotaru Tomoe rolls her eyes at Michiru-momma.
[02:52] [Kevin Junia] Take care little Hotaru-chan. Don't be a stranger now
[02:52] > Haruka Tenou (Jacket) tries to control her blushing
[02:52] > Minako Aino gives Usagi another hug, then bows to the room at large.
[02:53] [Kevin Junia] As Carlos says: Mi Casa es Su Casa
[02:53] [Usagi Tsukino] SEEYA!
[02:53] [+Candy (night gown)] Aww you leaving?
[02:53] > Hotaru Tomoe nods to Kevin.
[02:53] [Rei Hino] Goodnight Minako-san
[02:53] [TsukinoNeko] ZZZzzz...
[02:53] [Ryoko Nasino] Alright everyone, it seems the Senshi meeting is over... if it really was a meeting. Laters everyone
[02:54] [Rei Hino] I shall be getting back to the temple then.
[02:54] [Makoto Kino] Ah how cute, Luna-chan fell asleep. Bye Ryoko-chan
[02:54] > Rei Hino stands up placing her tea cup on the bar.
[02:54] <-- Minako Aino has left #reddwarfmain (Niiiiight!)
[02:54] [+David O'Cain] Bye, Rei.
[02:54] [Rei Hino] Goodnight.
[02:54] [Megumi Chiyuno] If my best friend is leaving, than I shall leave too!
[02:54] <-- Rei Hino [flameguardian@mars.net] has left #reddwarfmain (back to the temple)
[02:54] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] seeya!
[02:54] > Ryoko Nasino fades into the shadows
[02:54] > Michiru Kaioh is waiting on the others
[02:54] [Usagi Tsukino] um..how do I get back home again???
[02:54] <-- Ryoko Nasino has left #reddwarfmain (Your Shadow is your own enemy when you face me, the Assassin Senshi)
[02:55] > Haruka Tenou (Jacket) walks over to michiru, putting her arm around her
[02:55] [Megumi Chiyuno] Bye everyone!
[02:55] <-- Haruka Tenou (Jacket) [KingofHeaven@Uranus.net] has left #reddwarfmain (The heavens call...)
[02:55] <-- Megumi Chiyuno [healingrain@eden.com] has left #reddwarfmain (May the gentle healing rains of Eden comfort you and bring you peace)
[02:55] [Ami Mizuno] I'll take you, Usagi-chan.
[02:55] [Usagi Tsukino] oh thanks, Ami!! *hugs Ami*
[02:55] <-- Michiru Kaioh [oceanviolinist@neptune.net] has left #reddwarfmain
[02:55] [Kevin Junia] Ami-chan, I'll come by tomorrow to get that info
[02:55] <-- Hotaru Tomoe [FireflyofRuin@mugen.edu] has left #reddwarfmain (I'm only coming because I need to look after my lamps.)
[02:56] [+Candy (night gown)] It sure is getting empty
[02:56] [Ami Mizuno] Sounds good, Kevin-san.
[02:56] [Makoto Kino] /ne sets Luna back down on the couch and then goes arm-in-arm with Kevin
[02:56] [Makoto Kino] Take care everyone
[02:56] [Usagi Tsukino] bye!!!
[02:56] > Ami Mizuno picks up Luna and motions for Usagi to follow.
[02:56] [+Candy (night gown)] night
[02:56] [+David O'Cain] Yep. It is, Candy. Sure was a fun sight seeing all of the Senshi together.
[02:57] [Kevin Junia] It's been fun everyone, but it is time to go
[02:57] [+Candy (night gown)] Yeah it was :D
[02:57] <-- Usagi Tsukino [Moon_Bunny@Jubaan.Tokyo.co] has left #reddwarfmain (great night!)
[02:57] <-- Makoto Kino [joviusthunder@TPCD.gov.jp] has left #reddwarfmain (Ah, I guess I have to leave)
[02:57] [+David O'Cain] Bye, Kevin and Makoto.
[02:57] <-- TsukinoNeko [CatGuardian@Moon.net] has left #reddwarfmain (ZZZzzz...)
[02:57] [Kevin Junia] Bye bye... yi
[02:57] <-- Kevin Junia has left #reddwarfmain (Hmmm... I hate the Kleenix Suns)
[02:57] <-- Ami Mizuno [Dr.Mizuno@JuubanClinic.co.jp] has left #reddwarfmain (I'll teach you how to use the transporter, please try to remember.)
[02:57] [+Candy (night gown)] Kleenix suns?? O.o
[02:58] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] huh????
[02:58] [+Candy (night gown)] Nothing..eh
[02:59] [Sailor Valkyrie] I thought they would stay forever
[02:59] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] heh hi
[02:59] [Sailor Valkyrie] Oh, Kevin really hates the NBA team from Phoenix
[02:59] [+Candy (night gown)] ahhh
[02:59] [Sailor Valkyrie] Because they whine so much he started calling them the Kleenix Suns
[03:00] [Sailor Valkyrie] Oh well, I better get back before the realize that I left Yuri-chan
[03:00] <-- Sailor Valkyrie [valkyrie@ImperialSquadron.starfightercom.mil.gr] has left #reddwarfmain (Fear the judgement of the Valkyries)
[03:01] > +Matsumi Kaze (casual) yawns
[03:01] > +Candy (night gown) yawns as well
[03:01] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] shall we head home?
[03:01] [+David O'Cain] I better get home. I think I've stuck around long enough.
[03:01] [+Candy (night gown)] Shall we head home now too?
[03:01] [+Candy (night gown)] XD ok!
[03:02] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] yeah XD
[03:02] [+David O'Cain] Night, you two.
[03:02] [+Candy (night gown)] Night David
[03:02] <-- +David O'Cain has left #reddwarfmain (Bedtime now.)
[03:02] > +Matsumi Kaze (casual) scoops up candy
[03:02] [+Candy (night gown)] woooah
[03:03] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] hehe
[03:03] <-- +Matsumi Kaze (casual) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com ] has left #reddwarfmain (*runs off* off to home!)
[03:03] <-- +Candy (night gown) [sunangel@sun.net] has left #reddwarfmain (*is being carried* heheheh)
[12:29] --> Jennifer Flare [AriesSenshi@usa.cc] has joined #reddwarfmain
[12:29] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Jennifer Flare
[12:29] --> Matsumi Kaze (casual) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com ] has joined #reddwarfmain
[12:29] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Matsumi Kaze (casual)
[12:29] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Matsumi Kaze (casual)
[12:29] > +Matsumi Kaze (casual) wanders in, brushing her hair
[12:29] > Jennifer Flare walks in carying her lunch
[12:29] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] oh hey there
[12:30] [Jennifer Flare] hi matsy
[12:31] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] how are you ^^
[12:31] > +Matsumi Kaze (casual) ties her long hair back
[12:31] [Jennifer Flare] i'm alright
[12:31] [Jennifer Flare] i like your hair, when'd you change it?
[12:33] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] yesterday
[12:33] [Jennifer Flare] you look nice with longer hair
[12:34] > Jennifer Flare sits on the sofa, taking her lunch out of the bag
[12:34] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] heh thanks.....it was nice seeing you last night ^^
[12:35] [Jennifer Flare] i wish i could've stayed longer to get to know everyone better....
[12:35] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] don't worry...you'll see everyone again I'm sure of it ^^
[12:36] [Jennifer Flare] i hope so
[12:37] > Jennifer Flare starts to eat her lunch
[12:37] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] you ok?
[12:38] [Jennifer Flare] yeah, why do you ask?
[12:38] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] you're just a little quiet heh
[12:39] > +Matsumi Kaze (casual) tries tieing up her hair..with some difficulty ><
[12:43] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] heh it's hard getting used to this again
[12:44] [Jennifer Flare] i bet
[12:44] > +Matsumi Kaze (casual) looks at jenny's hair
[12:45] > Jennifer Flare continues eating her lunch
[12:45] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] heh how do you keep yours in such good shape?
[12:46] [Jennifer Flare] well, i spend a half hour working on it every morning
[12:47] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] whoa
[12:48] [Jennifer Flare] washing and conditioning it, brushing it and such
[12:48] > +Matsumi Kaze (casual) finally ties it up "there we go ^_^"
[12:49] [Jennifer Flare] and of course now that i'm with inny, it's even more fun, cause he has that beautiful long hair of his ^_^
[12:50] > +Matsumi Kaze (casual) giggles "heh I never thought of that!"
[12:53] > Jennifer Flare finishes her lunch
[12:54] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] ^^
[12:56] [Jennifer Flare] so, did you have fun last night with that virtual senshi convention?
[12:56] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] a bit yeah
[12:56] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] felt.......very weird
[12:56] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] ..very
[12:57] [Jennifer Flare] i know the feeling
[12:57] [Jennifer Flare] at the beginning, i really felt like an outcast....
[12:58] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] awww
[12:58] [Jennifer Flare] ... but i kinda' got used to it after a bit.
[12:59] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] well that's good
[13:00] > +Matsumi Kaze (casual) smiles to jenny
[13:01] [Jennifer Flare] and that nephrite is a real charmer
[13:03] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] heh always has been
[13:03] > Jennifer Flare blushes a little/ vana told me about him, but i never thought of how smooth he would actually be
[13:03] > +Matsumi Kaze (casual) giggles
[13:04] > Jennifer Flare smirks
[13:04] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] oh he always manages to charm
[13:04] [Jennifer Flare] But he's an honorable man too.... he didn't try anything cause he knew I was with Inny....
[13:05] [Jennifer Flare] .. but i tell ya' what... if i weren't with inny..... i might've made him spend the night with me. ^_~
[13:05] > +Matsumi Kaze (casual) giggles and nods
[13:07] > Kaede Sasaki (Jumpsuit) suddenly falls out of an airvent
[13:07] --> Kaede Sasaki (Jumpsuit) has joined #reddwarfmain
[13:07] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Kaede Sasaki (Jumpsuit)
[13:07] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] whoa, hi, kaede!
[13:07] [Jennifer Flare] what was that?
[13:08] > Kaede Sasaki (Jumpsuit) quickly scampers over to Matsumi, looking a little bit down | Oneesaaaaaaaaan
[13:08] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] what's wrong????
[13:09] [Kaede Sasaki (Jumpsuit)] t....there was a senshi convention.....a.....and you didn't come tell me? *sniffles a bit, giving matsumi the big, sad kitty eyes*
[13:09] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] I....oh I'm sorry...
[13:10] [Jennifer Flare] oh my
[13:10] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] I didn't mean to...
[13:10] > Kaede Sasaki (Jumpsuit) sniffles | You know how much I love the senshi.... I heard ALL of them were here except for Hotaru-sama
[13:11] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] um....
[13:11] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] ...she ended up showing up as well
[13:12] > Kaede Sasaki (Jumpsuit) goes wide eyed for a moment and then collapses to the floor in a heap, rocking in the fetel position
[13:12] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] .....
[13:12] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] kaede...how can I make this up to you???
[13:14] [Kaede Sasaki (Jumpsuit)] ☠ I...... think I need a hug..... ☠
[13:14] [Jennifer Flare] awwwww, poor mousy
[13:14] > +Matsumi Kaze (casual) gives kaede a big hug
[13:15] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] sorries T_T
[13:16] > Kaede Sasaki (Jumpsuit) stays balled up, but starts to open up a little
[13:16] [Kaede Sasaki (Jumpsuit)] that's ok....... i'm sure there'll be another chance.....
[13:17] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] oh there will be!
[13:17] > Jennifer Flare takes a sip of the drink she brought with her lunch
[13:18] [Kaede Sasaki (Jumpsuit)] hey oneesan......
[13:18] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] yes?
[13:19] [Kaede Sasaki (Jumpsuit)] ..... do you think..... nate still likes me?
[13:20] [Jennifer Flare] hmm?
[13:20] > Jennifer Flare perks up a bit, listening.
[13:20] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] what makes you ask that?
[13:21] [Kaede Sasaki (Jumpsuit)] well.... just yesterday.... you remember how i told kali about my feelings for nate coming back and how she seems ok with it.....
[13:22] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] yeah
[13:22] [Kaede Sasaki (Jumpsuit)] .... well... it seemed like yesterday.... he kinda' forgot i existed.
[13:22] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] Kaede...I'm sure he still likes you ^^
[13:23] [Jennifer Flare] awwww
[13:24] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] it's just well......he has something about my hair >>
[13:24] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] ..and I sort of feel bad for that
[13:25] --> Candy [sunangel@sun.net] has joined #reddwarfmain
[13:25] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Candy
[13:25] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Candy
[13:25] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] I'll be back..I need to get a new binder for my hair
[13:25] [Kaede Sasaki (Jumpsuit)] awwww, no.... it's not your fault oneesan.....
[13:25] > +Matsumi Kaze (casual) is away
[13:25] [Kaede Sasaki (Jumpsuit)] ... it was my idea for you to grow your hair in the first place
[13:25] [Jennifer Flare] hey candy
[13:25] [+Candy] Hey Kaede jenjen
[13:26] [Kaede Sasaki (Jumpsuit)] hi candy
[13:26] > Kaede Sasaki (Jumpsuit) is sitting where Matsumi was, still slightly hugging her knees to her chest from earlier
[13:27] [Jennifer Flare] poor kaede's a senshi fangirl
[13:27] [+Candy] What's wrong Kaede?
[13:27] > Kaede Sasaki (Jumpsuit) nods to what jenny just said
[13:29] [Jennifer Flare] and she missed our little inpromtu party last night
[13:30] [+Candy] awwww!
[13:30] > Kaede Sasaki (Jumpsuit) nod nods
[13:31] [+Candy] Well it was busy around here last night
[13:31] [+Candy] so many people
[13:33] [+Candy] It's alright I'm sure it'll happen again
[13:35] [Kaede Sasaki (Jumpsuit)] i know...... i just wish i could've been here
[13:36] [Jennifer Flare] well ladies, I have to get back to work. i'll see you two later :)
[13:36] [Kaede Sasaki (Jumpsuit)] bye jenny
[13:36] [+Candy] bye bye Jenjen
[13:37] <-- Jennifer Flare [AriesSenshi@usa.cc] has left #reddwarfmain (Poor girl... I kinda' know what she's going through)
[13:37] [Kaede Sasaki (Jumpsuit)] and i'm starting to think nate doesn't like me as much as he used to anymore....
[13:39] [+Candy] Awww don't say that Kaede!
[13:39] [Kaede Sasaki (Jumpsuit)] well, if you saw what happened yesterday... you'd understand why i say that
[13:41] [Kaede Sasaki (Jumpsuit)] ... and please don't tell her i said this.... but as soon as oneesan grew out her hair..... it's like i totally disappeared to nate.
[13:42] [+Candy] ..yeah..something I've noticed with Nate...that when it comes to Matsumi hardly anybody else matters
[13:42] [+Candy] I bet you he would have done the same thing if Rowe was standing there...seriously
[13:43] > Kaede Sasaki (Jumpsuit) sighs | Maybe I was wrong about my hair then.....
[13:43] [+Candy] Oh he does love long hair, but it was cuz it was on Matsumi..
[13:43] > +Candy sighs a little.
[13:44] [+Candy] it can be a bit frustrating
[13:44] [Kaede Sasaki (Jumpsuit)] i can't compete with oneesan.... nor would i want to
[13:46] [Kaede Sasaki (Jumpsuit)] she's so much prettier then me.....
[13:46] [+Candy] Your beautiful enough Kaede!
[13:47] [Kaede Sasaki (Jumpsuit)] .... i guess i'm gonna go back to how i was before.... covering up and tying my hair up
[13:47] [+Candy] No Kaede! You don't have to!
[13:48] [+Candy] I like your hair this way ^^
[13:48] [Kaede Sasaki (Jumpsuit)] well, honestly..... i only did it to impress nate... but he he's not even gonna' notice it
[13:51] [+Candy] I know the feeling. There are times when I tried to get Nate's attention and...well it blows up in my face but if Matsumi bats an eye..
[13:51] [+Candy] ~_~
[13:51] > Kaede Sasaki (Jumpsuit) reaches back and lightly strokes her hair, which is actually already in a ponytail due to her having to work
[13:51] > +Candy is falling into the depressive pit that Kaede is in now.
[13:52] [Kaede Sasaki (Jumpsuit)] maybe..... it's time i finally cut my hair again....
[13:52] [+Candy] You don't have to if you don't want to. You look cute this way.
[13:52] [Kaede Sasaki (Jumpsuit)] i dunno...
[13:53] [Kaede Sasaki (Jumpsuit)] .... i don't know what to do now
[13:55] [+Candy] I think Nate owes you an appogly
[13:55] [Kaede Sasaki (Jumpsuit)] yeah... well.... that ain't gonna' happen
[13:56] [Kaede Sasaki (Jumpsuit)] and i'm not gonna' try to get one out of him.
[13:57] [+Candy] I will then!
[13:57] [Kaede Sasaki (Jumpsuit)] no, don't candy
[13:57] [+Candy] He can't be selfish like this though
[13:57] > Kaede Sasaki (Jumpsuit) slowly stands | I don't want to cause any trouble.
[13:57] > +Matsumi Kaze (casual) is back
[13:58] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] ..did I walk in at a bad time
[13:58] [Kaede Sasaki (Jumpsuit)] I'm just.... gonna' go back to the way I was before the new year
[13:58] [+Candy] If that's what you want
[13:58] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] >>
[13:58] [Kaede Sasaki (Jumpsuit)] No Oneesan.... I have to get back to work. I'll see you both later.
[13:58] [+Candy] Ok Kaede take care
[13:59] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] ..ok bye
[13:59] <-- Kaede Sasaki (Jumpsuit) has left #reddwarfmain (I don't really want to..... but I think I have to. ~_~)
[13:59] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] what just happened...
[13:59] > +Candy frowns.
[14:00] [+Candy] Nate owes her an Appology
[14:00] [+Candy] And she won't ask for it
[14:00] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] hmmm...
[14:00] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] ..poor girl..
[14:01] --> Nate Detroit [SmashChamp@reddwarf.com] has joined #reddwarfmain
[14:01] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +o to Nate Detroit
[14:01] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, @Nate Detroit
[14:02] [@Nate Detroit] Hi all.
[14:02] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] hi nate..
[14:02] [@Nate Detroit] How is everyone?
[14:03] [+Candy] Hello
[14:03] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] ok
[14:03] > +Matsumi Kaze (casual) has her hair tied back
[14:04] [@Nate Detroit] Keeping it out, Princess?
[14:04] [@Nate Detroit] Or long, I should say.
[14:04] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] yup
[14:05] > +Matsumi Kaze (casual) sits down
[14:05] > +Candy sits next to Matsumi.
[14:05] [+Candy] I'm a bit tired from last night.
[14:06] [@Nate Detroit] What was last night?
[14:06] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] pretty much all the senshi came in