[20:16] >>> Wednesday Feb 18 2009 – Automatic reset triggered – Logging Start <<<
[20:16] [Alexis Shentara] What the hell!?
[20:18] [Sskt] sorry about that...that's for lunch
[20:18] > Sskt tries to get the lizard out of Alexis's hair
[20:18] [Alexis Shentara] This little lizard thing that's running around in my hair!?
[20:19] [Sskt] got it...yeah
[20:19] > Sskt puts it back in the jar
[20:22] > Sskt puts it back in the box
[20:22] [Sskt] oh...looks like mom sent you an outfit
[20:24] > Sskt pulls out what looks like a dress....made out of some sort of reptilian skin and leather
[20:26] [Alexis Shentara] Intreaguing
[20:27] > Alexis Shentara looks over the dress - It's pretty
[20:27] [Sskt] well it's yours
[20:28] > Sskt gets out another jar "..huh...scale smoother.."
[20:29] > Alexis Shentara picks up the dress, holding it against her
[20:29] [Alexis Shentara] How'd they get my size!?
[20:29] [Sskt] ....I might have mentoned it once in a letter
[20:30] [Alexis Shentara] ahhh... well it was very nice to have this made for me
[20:32] [Sskt] I never see them..haven't been home for....2 or 3 years I think
[20:33] [Alexis Shentara] you should go see 'em
[20:34] [Sskt] eh..doesn't matter
[20:38] [Alexis Shentara] why not?
[20:39] [Sskt] just as easy to mail to them stuff
[20:41] [Alexis Shentara] well yeah, but it's more fun to actually go see 'em
[20:41] [Alexis Shentara] to get hugs from them.... have them tell you how much you've changed since you left....
[20:42] [Sskt] what about your folks?
[20:42] > Alexis Shentara looks down, looking little upset
[20:43] [Alexis Shentara] That's part of the reason i think you should go see them....
[20:44] > Alexis Shentara sits on a sofa
[20:44] [Alexis Shentara] I didn't go see my parents for 5 years....
[20:44] [Alexis Shentara] .... the next time I went home.... I found their house had burned down... and took them with it.
[20:46] [Sskt] .....oh...sorry
[20:47] [Alexis Shentara] It's alright. I made peace with it a while back
[20:48] [Alexis Shentara] But I hurt... for a long time. I don't want to see that happen to you
[20:48] [Sskt] I'll have to go vist then sometime....I would ask you to come if you wanted to...
[20:49] [Sskt] but you would have to be aware....most mammalians are see as...uncomfertible..there
[20:49] [Alexis Shentara] Well, if you think it would be ok... I'd like to go.
[20:50] > Sskt smiles a bit
[20:50] [Alexis Shentara] I wanna thank them for the dress. ^_^
[20:50] [Sskt] hey..put it on!
[20:52] [Alexis Shentara] Sure, why not
[20:52] > Alexis Shentara stands, throwing the dress over her shoulder
[20:53] [Alexis Shentara] Give me a few minutes. I'll go change.
[20:53] > Alexis Shentara is away: Trying out the dress
[20:54] > Sskt sits down
[20:56] > Sskt starts to put scale shiner on her skin
[21:00] [Sskt] ahh..that looks better
[21:03] > Alexis Shentara (Dress) is back
[21:03] [Sskt] wow that does look nice
[21:03] > Alexis Shentara (Dress) comes out wearing the dress, which is tight around her chest and waist and barely goes past mid thigh
[21:04] [Alexis Shentara (Dress)] It's tight... but it moves with me
[21:05] [Alexis Shentara (Dress)] The only part that kinda' makes me uncomfortable is how short it is.... I've never owned a dress this short.
[21:05] [Sskt] careful when you bend over then heh
[21:05] [Alexis Shentara (Dress)] Heh, unless I WANT to flash my ass to people.
[21:06] > Sskt put scale shiner on her skin...her skin now looks almost as shiny as a mirror
[21:07] [Alexis Shentara (Dress)] Nice
[21:07] [Sskt] heh how do I look???
[21:07] [Alexis Shentara (Dress)] Ya' know... maybe we should go out tonight
[21:08] [Sskt] oh?
[21:10] [Sskt] well..I better get dressed better then >>
[21:10] [Alexis Shentara (Dress)] Well, if ya' want. I think ya' look alright the way you are.
[21:12] > Sskt is away: changing
[21:14] > Alexis Shentara (Dress) carefully sits down
[21:17] > Sskt (dress) is back
[21:17] > Sskt (dress) returns in a rather nice dress..with a serpent pattern all around it
[21:18] [Alexis Shentara (Dress)] Oooooo, I like that
[21:18] [Alexis Shentara (Dress)] Looks good on ya'
[21:19] > Alexis Shentara (Dress) stands up
[21:19] [Alexis Shentara (Dress)] I guess we really do look like sisters now, don't we?
[21:20] [Sskt (dress)] well..cept I'm a reptile :P
[21:22] > Alexis Shentara (Dress) smiles - True. Well then.... what do you say we go find us some men?
[21:22] [Sskt (dress)] let's do it!
[21:22] <-- Alexis Shentara (Dress) has left #reddwarfmain (This is gonna' be a good night for us. I can feel it.)
[21:23] <-- Sskt (dress) [lizardhunter@Branch6.org] has left #reddwarfmain (hope so!)
[22:34] --> Matsumi Kaze [Airsenshi@Qtech.com ] has joined #reddwarfmain
[22:34] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Matsumi Kaze
[22:34] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Matsumi Kaze
[22:34] > +Matsumi Kaze walks in, reading a book
[22:35] [+Matsumi Kaze] heh
[22:37] > Miara seems to be sleeping on a couch
[22:39] [+Matsumi Kaze] huh?
[22:39] > +Matsumi Kaze walks over.....and pats miara on the head
[22:40] > Miara is shaking a bit and her face is...rather wet
[22:42] > +Matsumi Kaze blinks...and passes her hand over miara's face......trying to use the air to dry it
[22:44] > Miara suddenly jumps and sits up, with a rather loug GAH
[22:44] [Miara] *loud
[22:45] [+Matsumi Kaze] whoa!
[22:45] [Miara] Not again...
[22:46] [+Matsumi Kaze] what's wrong?
[22:46] [Miara] It's just...
[22:47] [Miara] I dunno, last week I was fine, but now I keep dreaming about fire and burning and...
[22:47] [+Matsumi Kaze] ..and?
[22:48] [Miara] You don't want to know.
[22:48] [+Matsumi Kaze] alright...
[22:52] [+Matsumi Kaze] you going to be alright?
[22:53] [Miara] I guess.
[22:54] > Miara draws her knees up against the pillow she's holding
[22:56] > +Matsumi Kaze sits next to miara
[22:58] [Miara] There were so many people, and I couldn't help everyone, and so I...I put them to sleep.
[22:59] [+Matsumi Kaze] put them to sleep???
[22:59] [Miara] So it wasn't so painful...
[22:59] [Miara] For them...
[22:59] [+Matsumi Kaze] ......I see
[23:01] > +Matsumi Kaze gives miara a hug
[23:01] [Miara] And...and now...all those moments...for those people...they're in my head...
[23:02] [+Matsumi Kaze] there there...
[23:06] [+Matsumi Kaze] ...just relax
[23:09] > Miara tries to breathe in a calming pattern and NOT think about the woman trapped in the car
[23:10] > +Matsumi Kaze gives miara another hug..this time creating a soothing aura around them
[23:12] [Miara] What do you think I should do?
[23:13] [+Matsumi Kaze] you need to get it out of your mind
[23:14] [Miara] That's the thing, you can't unsee or unfeel what you have.
[23:15] [+Matsumi Kaze] don't you think I know that...
[23:15] [Miara] And if I block something like that it'll be just as big later then the block comes down
[23:15] [+Matsumi Kaze] you can't let it take over you...
[23:16] [Miara] No...
[23:16] [+Matsumi Kaze] you have to just deal with what happened.....no matter how awful it is
[23:18] [Miara] If I do nothing, it will run it's course and eventually it would be dealt with, I suppose.
[23:19] [+Matsumi Kaze] I've had to do that plenty of times
[23:21] [Miara] Heh.
[23:21] [Miara] Maybe...I should go.
[23:21] [Miara] ..make sure Daniel's okay
[23:22] > +Matsumi Kaze nods
[23:22] <-- Miara [amongimmortals@terra.net] has left #reddwarfmain (Stand up and watch me!)
[23:24] > +Matsumi Kaze releaxes on the sofa, looking worried
[23:34] --> Nephrite (Boxers) [FormerGeneral@DarkKingdom.net] has joined #reddwarfmain
[23:34] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Nephrite (Boxers)
[23:35] [+Matsumi Kaze] evening, neph
[23:35] > +Matsumi Kaze furrows her brow in thought
[23:36] [Nephrite (Boxers)] Hey there, beautiful
[23:36] > +Matsumi Kaze smiles "looking good"
[23:36] [Nephrite (Boxers)] You look a little out of sorts. Everything alright?
[23:37] > Nephrite (Boxers) walks over and sits next to Matsumi
[23:37] [+Matsumi Kaze] worried about a friend
[23:37] [+Matsumi Kaze] she has apparently gone through alot of shock....
[23:39] [Nephrite (Boxers)] I see. Well, I'm sure she'll be ok.
[23:40] [+Matsumi Kaze] I hope so....*sigh* I hate seeing others like that
[23:44] > +Matsumi Kaze leans against neph
[23:46] [+Matsumi Kaze] how are you doing?
[23:46] > Nephrite (Boxers) holds Matsumi, "I'm alright"
[23:47] [+Matsumi Kaze] heh..what brings you in...that state heh
[23:53] [+Matsumi Kaze] I'll be right back
[23:53] > +Matsumi Kaze is away
[23:53] [Nephrite (Boxers)] I just got off the phone from Minako
[23:53] > +Matsumi Kaze pokes her head back in
[23:53] [+Matsumi Kaze] oh?
[23:53] [Nephrite (Boxers)] She's still out looking for artemis
[23:54] > +Matsumi Kaze nods, only has head sticking out of the door, seems to be doing something on the other side
[23:54] [Nephrite (Boxers)] Matsumi... what're you doing?
[23:54] [+Matsumi Kaze] heh you'll see..anyway...how goes the search?
[23:55] [Nephrite (Boxers)] Well, she hasn't found him yet, but she's got quite a few leads.
[23:55] [+Matsumi Kaze] well that's good
[23:56] [+Matsumi Kaze] almost finished heh
[23:57] > Nephrite (Boxers) looks over toward matsumi, curiously
[23:57] [+Matsumi Kaze] ok done
[23:57] > +Matsumi Kaze (undies) re-enters
[23:57] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] that's better ^^
[23:58] > Nephrite (Boxers) whistles and smirks, "Look at you, sexy senshi" ^_~
[23:59] > +Matsumi Kaze (undies) giggles and goes over and sits next to neph
[23:59] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] these ones are new
[00:00] >>> Thursday Feb 19 2009 <<<
[00:00] [Nephrite (Boxers)] they're very nice
[00:00] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] so are yours :P
[00:02] [Nephrite (Boxers)] i'm glad you like 'em. zoi picked 'em out for me
[00:02] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] she has great taste ^^
[00:05] > +Matsumi Kaze (undies) giggles "how was your day?"
[00:07] [Nephrite (Boxers)] pretty good
[00:08] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] mine was ok
[00:08] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] wish I didn't have to work late lately
[00:10] [Nephrite (Boxers)] the life of a school teacher is always busy
[00:10] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] so true...still it's rewarding
[00:10] --> Vanadine (Nightwear) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has joined #reddwarfmain
[00:10] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Vanadine (Nightwear)
[00:10] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Vanadine (Nightwear)
[00:11] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] oh hi, vana!
[00:12] [Nephrite (Boxers)] Hey Vana, long time no see
[00:12] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] Hey Sweety. NEPHY!!
[00:12] > +Vanadine (Nightwear) runs over and jumps on their laps, kissing Matsumi
[00:12] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] heh
[00:12] > +Matsumi Kaze (undies) returns the kiss ^^
[00:12] > Nephrite (Boxers) chuckles a bit
[00:13] [Nephrite (Boxers)] I see our wrestling starlet is looking as good as ever. :)
[00:13] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] heh she is
[00:14] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] You ain't lookin' to bad yourself there handsome. ^_~
[00:14] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] hey what about meeee?
[00:16] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] *point point*
[00:17] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] Awwww, my little princess is always beautiful :)
[00:17] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] yays ^^
[00:18] > +Matsumi Kaze (undies) cheers...well tries to cheer cutely
[00:19] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] oh..how goes the job, vana?
[00:27] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] it's goood... just wish my new rival weren't such a b[BLEEP]ch
[00:27] [Nephrite (Boxers)] New woman in the company, Vana?
[00:27] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] ...the american?
[00:28] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] Yeah... she's somethin' else.
[00:28] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] ..*frowns*
[00:29] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] She thinks she's bigtime cause she won a belt over there.... and she's such a snob.
[00:29] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] ugh
[00:30] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] heh..need me to rough her up :P
[00:30] > Nephrite (Boxers) chuckles a bit
[00:30] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] american vs. american :p
[00:30] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] Heh, trust me Sweety. A few of the girls and I are gonna' teach her a few things.
[00:32] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] heh ok
[00:33] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] well..my tough vana can do anything *feels vana's arm muscles*
[00:34] > +Vanadine (Nightwear) giggles
[00:34] [Nephrite (Boxers)] and look sexy doing it. ^_
[00:34] [Nephrite (Boxers)] ^_~
[00:36] > +Matsumi Kaze (undies) giggles and nods
[00:36] > +Vanadine (Nightwear) blushes
[00:40] > +Matsumi Kaze (undies) gives them both kisses
[00:40] > +Vanadine (Nightwear) kisses Matsy back with a smile
[00:41] > Nephrite (Boxers) kisses Matsumi back, "Oh Vana, I'm sorry I had to steal Matsmi away the other night."
[00:42] > +Matsumi Kaze (undies) giggles
[00:42] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] Oh no, that's ok. Though it does beg an interesting question.....
[00:43] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] hmm?
[00:43] [Nephrite (Boxers)] Oh? What's then?
[00:43] [Nephrite (Boxers)] ^that
[00:44] > +Vanadine (Nightwear) smirks and kisses Neph's cheek, "When's my turn?" ^_~
[00:45] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] heh he's certainly a casanova
[00:46] > Nephrite (Boxers) chuckles and winks, "Well, I wouldn't want to inconveniance your wives or husbands"
[00:48] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] heh
[00:49] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] Oh... so you can just kidnap Matsy out of the blue and think nothing of it, but not me?
[00:50] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] awww
[00:51] > +Vanadine (Nightwear) pouts: I see how it is. I'm not as good as Masty is
[00:51] [Nephrite (Boxers)] Oh Vana..... it's not like that at all....
[00:52] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] no..cause you're WAY better then me, vana!
[00:53] [Nephrite (Boxers)] Now, that's not true either
[00:54] > +Vanadine (Nightwear) looks at Neph curiously
[00:55] [Nephrite (Boxers)] You both are beautiful, but in different ways.
[00:56] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] oh?
[00:57] > Nephrite (Boxers) nods and smiles to them both
[00:57] > +Matsumi Kaze (undies) looks to vana
[00:58] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] Awww, that's sweet
[01:00] [Nephrite (Boxers)] Well Matsumi.... what would you think if I took Vana home with me tonight? ^_~
[01:00] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] well....I guess that is fine
[01:02] > +Vanadine (Nightwear) blushes and giggles
[01:02] > Nephrite (Boxers) scoops up Vana and stands, "Well then, this sexy redhead and I have a date."
[01:04] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] alrighty! have fun
[01:06] > +Vanadine (Nightwear) giggles and waves to Matsy: I loves you Matsy!
[01:06] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] love you too vana!
[01:11] <-- Nephrite (Boxers) [FormerGeneral@DarkKingdom.net] has left #reddwarfmain (This'll be fun ;))
[01:12] <-- +Vanadine (Nightwear) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has left #reddwarfmain (*giggle*)
[01:12] > +Matsumi Kaze (undies) nods
[01:13] --> Kaede Sasaki (PJ's) has joined #reddwarfmain
[01:13] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Kaede Sasaki (PJ's)
[01:13] > Kaede Sasaki (PJ's) walks in looking super tired
[01:16] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] oh hi, kaede
[01:17] [Kaede Sasaki (PJ's)] oniisaaaaaaan
[01:17] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] hmm?
[01:18] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] what is it?
[01:18] [Kaede Sasaki (PJ's)] i can't sleeeep
[01:19] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] awww..come over here
[01:22] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] ^^
[01:23] > Kaede Sasaki (PJ's) drags over to Matsumi, sitting next to and laying against her
[01:24] > +Matsumi Kaze (undies) puts an arm around kaede "now...what's got imooto all awake?"
[01:26] [Kaede Sasaki (PJ's)] I don't know... I can't sleep for some reason
[01:27] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] awww...*ruffles kaede's hair*
[01:27] [Kaede Sasaki (PJ's)] Kali-chan's asleep already, so I didn't want to disturb her
[01:27] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] poor kaede
[01:29] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] how was your day?
[01:30] [Kaede Sasaki (PJ's)] It was ok... busy but ok
[01:32] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] heh my day was super hectic
[01:34] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] so anything you want to talk about, little sister?
[01:36] > Kaede Sasaki (PJ's) sighs, laying against Matsumi
[01:36] [Kaede Sasaki (PJ's)] truth is.... i'm kinda' confused about something....
[01:37] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] oh?
[01:38] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] well tell me
[01:38] [Kaede Sasaki (PJ's)] ... well.... it's about nate again.
[01:39] > +Matsumi Kaze (undies) nods "go on"
[01:39] [Kaede Sasaki (PJ's)] well, we both had a few drinks and he brought up me wanting to be with him again....
[01:40] [Kaede Sasaki (PJ's)] .... i told him i was fine with not with him like that.
[01:40] [Kaede Sasaki (PJ's)] ^being
[01:41] [Kaede Sasaki (PJ's)] but then he said i could ask rowe-san about it...... and since that night.... i've actually thought about it.
[01:41] > +Matsumi Kaze (undies) nods
[01:41] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] oh?
[01:42] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] and this has you worried
[01:45] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] hmmm
[01:45] [Kaede Sasaki (PJ's)] i'm just... concerned
[01:46] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] I see
[01:46] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] well....
[01:46] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] I might have to think this over
[01:47] > +Matsumi Kaze (undies) smiles
[01:49] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] I can understand what you are feeling
[01:51] [Kaede Sasaki (PJ's)] I'm just, confused
[01:52] > +Matsumi Kaze (undies) nods
[01:53] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] well..I'm sure this will be straitend out *hugs kaede*
[01:55] > +Matsumi Kaze (undies) yawns
[01:56] > Kaede Sasaki (PJ's) hugs back and holds onto Matsumi
[01:56] [Kaede Sasaki (PJ's)] You sound tired Oneesan
[01:57] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] I am..I've had a long day
[01:58] [Kaede Sasaki (PJ's)] I should probably let you go so you can go to bed
[01:58] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] heh yeah
[01:59] > Kaede Sasaki (PJ's) lets go of Matsumi and slowly stands
[01:59] [Kaede Sasaki (PJ's)] I guess I'll head back to Kali-chan and try to get some sleep
[01:59] [Kaede Sasaki (PJ's)] Thanks for talking with me oneesan
[02:00] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] my pleasure..always love to help you ^^
[02:01] [Kaede Sasaki (PJ's)] goodnight oneesan :)
[02:01] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] night imooto!
[02:01] <-- +Matsumi Kaze (undies) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com ] has left #reddwarfmain (off to home and sleep)
[02:02] <-- Kaede Sasaki (PJ's) has left #reddwarfmain (I'm gonna' try to sleep too)
[10:55] --> Neko Nall [WhiteDragon@SilverStar.co.lun] has joined #reddwarfmain
[10:55] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Neko Nall
[10:56] > Neko Nall slowly flutters in, landing on the sofa and laying down
[10:56] [Neko Nall] I'm so tired....
[10:57] --> Taiyo has joined #reddwarfmain
[10:57] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Taiyo
[10:57] > Taiyo walks in
[10:58] > Neko Nall doesn't notice anyone enter as he starts to doze off, laying on the sofa
[10:59] > Taiyo blinks at strange wing kitty
[10:59] > Taiyo walks up and pokes at one of the wings
[11:00] > Neko Nall 's wing twiches a bit, but it doesn't wake him up.
[11:01] > Taiyo blinks....and reaches out to pet nall
[11:02] [Taiyo] *blinks*
[11:02] > Neko Nall purrs lightly, not really reacting
[11:03] [Taiyo] ^_^
[11:03] > Taiyo keeps petting nall
[11:04] [Taiyo] nice kitty1
[11:04] > Neko Nall stretches out, still purring and not hearing taiyo's voice | Mmmmm.... Hime..... I'm so tired....
[11:05] > Taiyo moves onto the sofa and happily pets nall
[11:05] [Neko Nall] It feeels so nice though...
[11:06] [Taiyo] talking kitty too!
[11:06] [Neko Nall] /em sits up and looks over his shoulder
[11:07] > Neko Nall ^
[11:07] [Neko Nall] Uh.... you're not Matsumi-hime....
[11:07] [Taiyo] hi1
[11:07] [Taiyo] *!
[11:08] [Taiyo] you mean oma?
[11:08] [Neko Nall] oma?
[11:08] > Taiyo nods "I have two omas and a mama"
[11:09] [Taiyo] ^_^
[11:10] [Taiyo] I'm Taiyo!
[11:12] [Taiyo] who are you, talking kitty with wings?
[11:14] [Neko Nall] My name is Nall.... and I'm not a kitty
[11:14] [Neko Nall] I'm an undeveloped white dragon.
[11:15] [Taiyo] O_O a dragon???? can you breath fire??
[11:16] [Neko Nall] Not in this form.... but in my dragon form I can
[11:16] [Taiyo] wooooooow
[11:17] > Neko Nall turns around to face Taiyo
[11:18] > Taiyo looks at nall
[11:18] [Neko Nall] You look very familiar Taiyo
[11:18] [Taiyo] I do???
[11:20] [Neko Nall] Mmhmm... you look like someone I know a little. A pair of people in fact.
[11:21] [Taiyo] really?????
[11:22] [Neko Nall] Yup
[11:22] > Taiyo 's stomach growls "I'm going to go find a snack!"
[11:22] > Taiyo gets down and waves
[11:22] [Taiyo] bye mister tiny dragon!
[11:22] > Neko Nall waves with one of his wings
[11:22] <-- Taiyo has left #reddwarfmain (snack!)
[11:22] [Neko Nall] Take care young man.
[11:24] > Neko Nall lays down again and falls asleep on the sofa
[11:24] > Neko Nall is away: zzzzz
[13:35] --> Daniel has joined #reddwarfmain
[13:35] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Daniel
[13:36] > Daniel wonders in, dragging a frayed piece of rope behind him
[14:01] > Daniel is away
[19:04] > Neko Nall is back
[19:04] > Neko Nall stands and stretches
[19:05] [Neko Nall] Wow.... it felt nice to get a good nap in
[19:06] > Neko Nall looks up at the time | Oh man.... I slept a long time...
[19:23] > Neko Nall stretches his wings and takes off | I'd better get home....
[19:24] <-- Neko Nall [WhiteDragon@SilverStar.co.lun] has left #reddwarfmain (I hope I didn't worry Neva or the kids)
[19:52] --> Chibi-Sylvester has joined #reddwarfmain
[19:52] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Chibi-Sylvester
[19:52] --> Chibi-Catri has joined #reddwarfmain
[19:52] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Chibi-Catri
[19:53] > Chibi-Catri and her brother toddle into the room, peering around curiously.
[19:53] [Chibi-Catri] Oook?
[19:53] [Chibi-Sylvester] Bah-bah?
[19:54] --> Catgirl1 (cat form) [sexycat@QuinoxRoyal.com] has joined #reddwarfmain
[19:54] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Catgirl1 (cat form)
[19:54] > Catgirl1 (cat form) wanders in
[19:54] > Chibi-Sylvester pulls himself up onto the couch and curls up in the corner. ^_^
[19:55] [Catgirl1 (cat form)] *yawn*
[19:55] > Chibi-Catri sees Freya and quickly toddles over to her and stares into her face. o_o
[19:55] [Catgirl1 (cat form)] O_O
[19:55] [Catgirl1 (cat form)] ....what?
[19:56] [Chibi-Catri] o__o
[19:57] > Catgirl1 (cat form) pokes catri with a paw
[19:57] > Chibi-Catri curiously reaches over and starts stroking Freya's fur.
[19:57] [Catgirl1 (cat form)] *puurrs*
[19:58] > Chibi-Sylvester peers over the armrest of the couch down at Freya. "Ooooo-mah?"
[19:58] [Catgirl1 (cat form)] hmm?
[19:59] > Chibi-Sylvester reaches down towards Freya, batting at her ears gently.
[20:01] [Catgirl1 (cat form)] careful...
[20:02] > Chibi-Catri reaches over and starts to fondle Freya's ears. o_o
[20:02] > Catgirl1 (cat form) looks at the children
[20:03] [Catgirl1 (cat form)] wh-whoa
[20:04] [Chibi-Catri] ^_^
[20:04] [Chibi-Sylvester] Ooochah!! ^__^
[20:04] > Catgirl1 (cat form) pokes both children with her paw
[20:06] > Chibi-Sylvester giggles.
[20:06] [Chibi-Catri] :D
[20:08] > Chibi-Catri and Chibi-Sylvester poke Freya with their fluffy tails. ^_^ ^_^
[20:08] [Catgirl1 (cat form)] heh......least you aren't pulling on my tail
[20:09] > Chibi-Catri is more content to just touch Freya's fur, enjoying how it feels against her hands.
[20:09] > Catgirl1 (cat form) curls a bit
[20:09] > Chibi-Sylvester likes the sound Freya's making. ^__^
[20:10] [Catgirl1 (cat form)] hehehe
[20:11] > Chibi-Sylvester hops down and lays his tails over Freya. ^_^
[20:11] > Chibi-Catri drapes her tails over Freya, too.
[20:12] > Catgirl1 (cat form) blinks and paws at the tails
[20:14] [Catgirl1 (cat form)] well...who are you two?
[20:15] > Chibi-Sylvester looks at Chibi-Catri
[20:15] ➣ Chibi-Catri: is Catriona, the younger daughter of Solarchos and Inu-Kit. She looks almost identical to her mother, with the same rich black hair and cute fox ears, but has blue-green eyes like her father. She reaches up and playfully bats at your nose as you look at her. ^_^m
[20:15] > Chibi-Catri looks at Chibi-Sylvester
[20:15] ➣ Chibi-Sylvester: is the youngest son of Solarchos and Inu-Kit and the twin of Catriona. He looks quite a bit like his mother, with the same dark hair and fox ears, as well as his father's eyes. He peers back at you eagerly, looking like he wants a cookie. :3
[20:16] > Chibi-Sylvester and Chibi-Catri both peer into Freya's eyes, their blue-green eyes almost twinkling a little. *__* *__*
[20:16] [Catgirl1 (cat form)] ahhhh I see
[20:17] > Catgirl1 (cat form) backs a bit..gulping
[20:18] > Chibi-Sylvester and Chibi-Catri move forward, keeping pace with Freya. *__* *__*
[20:18] [Catgirl1 (cat form)] um..uh..um
[20:18] --> Vanadine (Workout) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has joined #reddwarfmain
[20:18] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Vanadine (Workout)
[20:18] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Vanadine (Workout)
[20:19] --> Ryoko Mitsurugi has joined #reddwarfmain
[20:19] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Ryoko Mitsurugi
[20:19] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] Evening.
[20:19] > Chibi-Catri sees new people in the room! :D
[20:19] [+Vanadine (Workout)] What a workout... hmm?
[20:20] > Chibi-Sylvester tries to hug Freya. ^__^
[20:20] [Catgirl1 (cat form)] help...
[20:20] > Catgirl1 (cat form) is hugged
[20:20] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Awwww, that's cute
[20:21] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] Awww. More cute kiddies.
[20:21] > Chibi-Catri goes over and joins in the hugging! =^^=
[20:21] [Catgirl1 (cat form)] HEHE
[20:21] [Catgirl1 (cat form)] *hehe
[20:22] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Seems you've made a couple of new friends Freya ^_^
[20:22] [Catgirl1 (cat form)] heh looks like it
[20:23] > Chibi-Sylvester lets go of Freya and toddles over to the big, tall redhaired lady.
[20:23] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] Yeah.
[20:23] > Chibi-Catri nuzzles Freya, trilling happily.
[20:23] > Chibi-Sylvester looks up...and up. "Meep?"
[20:23] [Catgirl1 (cat form)] heh
[20:23] > Catgirl1 (cat form) sudden morphs
[20:23] [Catgirl1 (human form)] heh
[20:24] > Catgirl1 (human form) smiles
[20:24] [Chibi-Catri] O_o
[20:25] > Chibi-Catri looks around in confusion. Where did the kitty she was hugging go?! >_> <_<
[20:26] > Chibi-Sylvester pokes Vana's leg curiously with his hand.
[20:27] > Catgirl1 (human form) picks up Catri
[20:28] > +Vanadine (Workout) looks down with a smile: Hi little Sylvester ^_^
[20:28] > Catgirl1 (human form) shows Catri her signet on her head]
[20:29] > Chibi-Catri sees the signet but doesn't really comprehend...so she settles for hugging Freya's head and kissing her on the signet. :3
[20:29] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] Heheh.
[20:30] > Chibi-Sylvester smiles up at the tall lady, flicking his ears cutely. ^__^
[20:30] > Catgirl1 (human form) smiles a bit and hugs the child
[20:31] > +Vanadine (Workout) kneels down and picks up Sylvester with a smile
[20:32] > Chibi-Catri hugs back, wrapping her tails around Freya's wrists in the process. =^^=
[20:32] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Hi there Sylvester-chan ^_^
[20:32] [Chibi-Sylvester] Bah-bah-nachoomah?
[20:33] [Catgirl1 (human form)] hehe
[20:33] > Chibi-Catri starts patting her hands on Freya's forehead, almost like she's bouncing her palms on her. ^__^
[20:34] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Heh, I kinda' wish I had Jenny here. She might be able to tell me what you said.
[20:34] [Catgirl1 (human form)] hehehe
[20:35] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] Oh yeah, Vana?
[20:35] [Chibi-Sylvester] Ah-chee-doo-nya?
[20:35] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Yeah, Jenny has this power to translate languages.
[20:36] > Catgirl1 (human form) 's signet glows slightly
[20:36] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] Oh cool. So, she's a human equivalent of C-3PO.
[20:36] [+Vanadine (Workout)] I guess you could say that.
[20:36] > Chibi-Catri peers curiously at the glowy-thing in Freya's forehead. o__o
[20:37] > Catgirl1 (human form) just smiles
[20:37] > Chibi-Sylvester starts to inspect and explore Vana's strange red hair, intrigued by its eye-catching color. o_o
[20:38] [+Vanadine (Workout)] You like my hair Sylvester-chan?
[20:39] > Catgirl1 (human form) smiles and blinks her eyes..showing cat like eyes to catri
[20:40] > Chibi-Sylvester continues to run his hands through Vana's hair, sniffing it occasionally. o_o
[20:40] > Chibi-Catri peers back into Freya's eyes, intrigued by what's happening. :D
[20:41] > +Vanadine (Workout) giggles a bit, sitting down and setting Sylvester on her lap
[20:42] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] So, how's everyone doing?
[20:42] [Catgirl1 (human form)] can you understand me at all catri?
[20:42] > Chibi-Sylvester curls up in Vana's lap and peers out at everyone, smiling cutely. =^^=
[20:42] [+Vanadine (Workout)] I'm doing ok Ryoko-san, just kinda' chilling out today
[20:42] [Chibi-Catri] Oooom?
[20:43] [Catgirl1 (human form)] I'm the kitty
[20:43] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Awww, he's a little cutie!
[20:43] > +Vanadine (Workout) ruffles Sylvester's hair lightly
[20:44] [Chibi-Catri] Kiddy! :D
[20:44] > Chibi-Sylvester nestles in Vana's lap, becoming very relaxed. ^_^
[20:45] [Catgirl1 (human form)] yes!
[20:46] [Chibi-Catri] Kiddy! Kiddy! Kiddy! Kiddy! Kiddy! ^__^
[20:47] [Catgirl1 (human form)] hehehe
[20:47] --> Miara [amongimmortals@terra.net] has joined #reddwarfmain
[20:47] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Miara
[20:47] --> Daniel has joined #reddwarfmain
[20:47] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Daniel
[20:48] > Miara and Daniel appear in a flurry of snowflakes
[20:48] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] Hi, Miara.
[20:48] [Catgirl1 (human form)] hi there
[20:48] > Chibi-Sylvester and Chibi-Catri instinctively sense Daniel and look over at him, their tails flicking as they see him.
[20:48] [Miara] Hello!
[20:49] > Miara helps Daniel take off a heavy fur-lined coat, and leaves it with hers behind a couch
[20:50] [Chibi-Sylvester] Heeeeeee~!
[20:50] [Chibi-Catri] Ah-bah!
[20:50] > Daniel hops up and down a few times and goes over to see what the twins are doing
[20:50] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Hey Miara
[20:50] > Chibi-Catri and Chibi-Sylvester peer down at Daniel from their respective vantage points in the arms of Vana and Freya. =^^= =^^=
[20:51] [Miara] Hey. What's going on tonight?
[20:51] [Catgirl1 (human form)] oh not much *plays with cantri's hair*
[20:52] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] Not a whole lot. Just watching the kids have fun.
[20:52] > Chibi-Catri trills happily as Freya plays with her long, shiny black hair. Just like Mommy's hair! ^^
[20:53] > Daniel waves at Sylvester
[20:53] > Chibi-Sylvester leans forward so that he's lying down on Vana's lap and peers down at Daniel and waves back. :D
[20:54] [Catgirl1 (human form)] you have pretty hair!
[20:54] [Chibi-Catri] Mommy! :D
[20:55] > +Vanadine (Workout) giggles
[20:55] > Chibi-Catri grabs a handful of her hair and waves it around a little like she's showing it off. "Mommy! Mommy!"
[20:55] [Daniel] Comm play?
[20:56] [Catgirl1 (human form)] heh you're motherhas that sort of hair?
[20:56] [Catgirl1 (human form)] *your
[20:56] > Chibi-Catri nods. ^__^
[20:56] > Miara gets a drink from the bar and sits on a stool, watching
[20:56] > Chibi-Sylvester reaches down towards Daniel, like he's offering to pull him up into Vana's nice warm, firm lap. ^__^
[20:57] > Daniel hops up onto Vana's lap and grabs hold of one of Sylvester's tails, inspecting it
[20:58] > Chibi-Sylvester giggles as Daniel grabs one of his tails. ^_^
[20:58] > Catgirl1 (human form) smiles "you look pretty!"
[20:58] [Chibi-Catri] =^^=
[20:59] > Chibi-Catri thinks she's almost as pretty as Mommy, and prettier than Alexianna, too! *__*
[21:00] [Catgirl1 (human form)] heh
[21:00] [+Vanadine (Workout)] And now I have two kids on my lap ^_^
[21:01] > Daniel grows his tail and puts it next to Sylvester's. It is long with smooth, sleek fur and kinked at the end.
[21:02] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] Yep.
[21:02] [Daniel] diff'nt
[21:02] > Chibi-Sylvester has three tails! All fluffy and silky! ^__^
[21:03] [Daniel] yu foxfox
[21:03] [Daniel] tail all aiiiir
[21:03] > Chibi-Sylvester snuggles up next to Daniel, draping his tails over his and trilling contentedly. ^_^
[21:03] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Yes Dan-chan, Sylvester-chan is a fox
[21:04] > Catgirl1 (human form) smiles and holds Catri
[21:04] [Chibi-Catri] Dan-dan?
[21:05] [Chibi-Catri] Dan-dan! :D
[21:05] [Daniel] Dan'l!! >:[
[21:06] > Chibi-Catri giggles. ^_^
[21:07] > Chibi-Sylvester reaches over and takes hold of Daniel's tail, inspecting it closely and curiously.
[21:09] > Catgirl1 (human form) pokes catri's nose
[21:10] > +Vanadine (Workout) lightly rubs Sylvesters ears
[21:10] > Chibi-Catri giggles as her nose is poked. ^^
[21:11] > Daniel 's tail is quite flexible
[21:11] [Chibi-Sylvester] Hee! =^^=
[21:12] [Catgirl1 (human form)] sweet
[21:14] > Miara finishes her juice and stretches
[21:14] [Miara] I think it's about time for a shower.
[21:14] > Miara goes over and picks up Daniel
[21:14] > Chibi-Sylvester plays with Daniel's tail, folding and feeling it. He also sniffs it periodically, too, like he's familiarizing himself with Daniel's scent.
[21:15] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Alright Miara
[21:15] [Miara] Sorry, you'll have to play later.
[21:15] [Catgirl1 (human form)] aww
[21:15] [Chibi-Catri] Go-go?
[21:15] [Daniel] Want play now!
[21:16] [Miara] You smell like jungle and dinner. You can play later.
[21:16] [Daniel] Pomiss?
[21:17] [Miara] Yes, I promise.
[21:17] > Miara is away
[21:17] > Chibi-Sylvester protests a little as Daniel starts to move away from him. They're both warm and comfortable! D:<
[21:17] > Daniel is away
[21:17] [Chibi-Sylvester] :<
[21:18] [Chibi-Catri] Bah-bah, Dan-dan.
[21:19] > Chibi-Sylvester pouts a little now that Daniel is gone. :<
[21:19] > Chibi-Catri hugs Freya once more and applies a kiss to her nose.
[21:20] [+Vanadine (Workout)] awww
[21:20] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] Awww.
[21:20] > +Vanadine (Workout) hugs Sylvester lightly: I'm sorry Dan-chan had to leave.
[21:20] [Catgirl1 (human form)] heh
[21:21] > Chibi-Sylvester rolls over and hugs Vana's hand, wrapping his tails around her wrist. :3
[21:22] > +Vanadine (Workout) giggles: You sure cheered up quick
[21:23] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] Yep, he sure did.
[21:23] [Chibi-Sylvester] :3
[21:29] [Chibi-Sylvester] Meepah?
[21:29] [Chibi-Catri] Kiddy?
[21:31] [Catgirl1 (human form)] yes?
[21:31] > Chibi-Sylvester continues to play with Vana's hand, nibbling playfully on her fingertips. :3
[21:32] > Chibi-Catri starts feeling around Freya's head, searching for her soft ears from earlier.
[21:33] > +Vanadine (Workout) giggles and wiggles her fingers
[21:35] [Catgirl1 (human form)] he-hey!
[21:35] > Chibi-Sylvester giggles and continues to nibble. :3
[21:35] > Chibi-Catri giggles as she watches her brother play with the tall red-haired lady.
[21:40] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] They're so silly. ^_^
[21:41] [+Vanadine (Workout)] They're so cute thought.
[21:41] > Chibi-Sylvester lets go over Vana's hand and straightens up a little, his ears perking up as if he hears something. o_o
[21:41] > Chibi-Catri hears something in the distance, too. o_o
[21:41] [Catgirl1 (human form)] huh?
[21:42] [Chibi-Sylvester] Mommy! ^__^
[21:42] [Chibi-Catri] Mommy! :D
[21:43] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Hmm?
[21:43] > Chibi-Catri slips out of Freya's arms and lands deftly on the ground.
[21:43] > Chibi-Sylvester gives Vana one last tail-fluff and hops down to the ground.
[21:44] [Catgirl1 (human form)] um bye
[21:44] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Aww, bye Sylvester-chan
[21:44] > Chibi-Catri hugs Freya's leg for a few seconds. ^__^
[21:44] > Chibi-Sylvester quickly goes over and hugs Freya's other leg, too. =^^=
[21:45] [Catgirl1 (human form)] heh bye you two
[21:46] > +Vanadine (Workout) giggles
[21:46] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] Bye, kiddies.
[21:47] > Chibi-Sylvester and Chibi-Catri quickly towards the door, but detour just to rush over the top of the couch Vana is seated at, brushing their tails against her as they dash past. =^^= =^^=
[21:47] > +Vanadine (Workout) giggels again: Bye little ones ^_^
[21:48] <-- Chibi-Sylvester has left #reddwarfmain (Nya!)
[21:48] <-- Chibi-Catri has left #reddwarfmain (Nya-nya!)
[21:48] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] That was very relaxing.
[21:48] [Catgirl1 (human form)] heh
[21:48] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Those two are so cute.
[21:48] [Catgirl1 (human form)] yeah..
[21:49] > +Vanadine (Workout) stands: I need to go get ready for bed. I'll be back in a little while ladies.
[21:49] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] Alrighty.
[21:50] <-- +Vanadine (Workout) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has left #reddwarfmain (I need to get a shower too)
[21:50] <-- Catgirl1 (human form) [sexycat@QuinoxRoyal.com] has left #reddwarfmain
[21:56] > Miara is back
[21:57] > Daniel[fur] is back
[21:57] [Miara (sweater)] Ne, did everybody leave?
[21:58] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] Yep.
[22:01] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] Vana will be back, though. She's changing clothes for the night.
[22:01] [Miara (sweater)] Ah.
[22:01] > Daniel[fur] whines a little when he finds that the twins didn't stay to play with him :(
[22:02] > Ryoko Mitsurugi gets one of those bouncy rubber balls and bounces it towards Daniel
[22:02] [Miara (sweater)] Well I found a nice cozy sweater. It's coooold in Russia. And before that we were in jungle...but the heat doesn't really stay with you.
[22:03] > Daniel[fur] pounces on the ball, biting down hard a few times before batting it around the room
[22:08] [Miara (sweater)] How are you doing, Ryoko?
[22:08] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] Nice.
[22:08] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] I'm doing alright. Been training for a bit today.
[22:09] [Miara (sweater)] How'd it go?
[22:10] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] It went pretty well. Only a few minor scrapes, but easily taken care of.
[22:10] > Miara (sweater) nods
[22:11] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] So what all did you do in Russia and the jungle?
[22:12] [Miara (sweater)] Well Daniel likes the jungle cause it's warm and has lots of bright colors and weird animals to see.
[22:12] [Miara (sweater)] And in Russia we did some sightseeing.
[22:12] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] I bet he loves exploring.
[22:13] [Miara (sweater)] In St. Petersburg.
[22:13] [Miara (sweater)] He does.
[22:13] > Ryoko Mitsurugi nods
[22:13] [~] beautiful city isn't it..
[22:14] --> Matsumi Kaze (nightie) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com ] has joined #reddwarfmain
[22:14] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Matsumi Kaze (nightie)
[22:14] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Matsumi Kaze (nightie)
[22:14] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightie) walks in
[22:14] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] Hey, Matsumi.
[22:15] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] hi
[22:16] [Miara (sweater)] Hey Matsi
[22:16] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] How's it going?
[22:17] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] pretty good
[22:17] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] Awesome.
[22:18] > Ryoko Mitsurugi yawns
[22:18] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] tired?
[22:19] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] Yeah. The day's training caught up with me.
[22:20] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] I'll see you guys later.
[22:20] <-- Ryoko Mitsurugi has left #reddwarfmain (Good night.)
[22:21] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightie) sits on the sofa
[22:21] [Miara (sweater)] Night, Ryoko
[22:25] > Miara (sweater) stretches and fishes under the couch with her hand
[22:25] [Miara (sweater)] There you are...
[22:25] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] heh..is he hiding?
[22:26] > Miara (sweater) brings up Daniel and cuddles him
[22:26] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightie) waves to Daniel
[22:28] > Daniel[fur] waves his tail back at Matsi, curled up on Miara's stomach
[22:30] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] awww
[22:34] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] so how was your day?
[22:36] [Miara (sweater)] It was alright.
[22:36] [Miara (sweater)] Nothing too eventful.
[22:37] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightie) nods
[22:38] [Miara (sweater)] How about you? Is work still being really hard?
[22:38] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] today wasn't too bad!
[22:39] [Miara (sweater)] That's good.
[22:39] > Daniel[fur] dozes off to sleep
[22:43] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] awwwww
[22:45] [Miara (sweater)] I guess we should get to bed
[22:45] [Miara (sweater)] See you later, Matsi
[22:45] <-- Miara (sweater) [amongimmortals@terra.net] has left #reddwarfmain (Stand up and watch me!)
[22:45] <-- Daniel[fur] has left #reddwarfmain (zzzzzzzzzzzz)
[22:45] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] bye
[23:03] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightie) opens a notebook and reads
[23:07] --> Vanadine (PJ's) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has joined #reddwarfmain
[23:07] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Vanadine (PJ's)
[23:07] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Vanadine (PJ's)
[23:08] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] oh hey vana!
[23:08] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] Hey Sweety
[23:08] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] how are you?
[23:08] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] ^^
[23:11] > +Vanadine (PJ's) walks in and sits next to Matsumi
[23:11] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] I'm gooood
[23:11] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] How's the sweety?
[23:11] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] oh..I'm just fine ^^
[23:13] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] how was last night :P
[23:14] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] ❧ it was fuuuuuun ❧
[23:15] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] I bet :p
[23:15] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] hehe
[23:16] > +Vanadine (PJ's) puts her arm around Matsumi and lays her head on her shoulder: What'cha dooooin'?
[23:18] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] oh..looking at some homework..cuz got nothing else to doooo
[23:19] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] nothin' else to doooooo?
[23:20] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] noooope
[23:23] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] heh
[23:25] > +Vanadine (PJ's) takes the notebook out of Matsumi's hand and sets it aside, then slides up, stratteling Matsumi's lap, grinning at her
[23:25] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] heh....what's with that grin heh
[23:28] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightie) moves her finger down vana's cheek
[23:34] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] ❧ What do YOU think it's for? ^_~ ❧
[23:35] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] oh I don't know.....maybe to make me smile heh
[23:35] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightie) wraps her arms around vana
[23:38] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] We could make each other smile ^_^
[23:38] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] yeah ^_^
[23:39] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightie) pokes vana's lips :P
[23:43] > +Vanadine (PJ's) grins and pins Matsumi against the back of the sofa, kissing her
[23:44] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightie) returns the kiss happily
[23:46] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] ❧ vaaanaaa ^^ ❧
[23:54] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] ❧ We should go home~ ❧
[23:55] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] ❧ hehe alrighty ❧
[23:56] > +Vanadine (PJ's) holds onto Matsumi: You get to carry me tonight :P
[23:56] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightie) scoops up vana
[23:57] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] heh ready?
[00:00] >>> Friday Feb 20 2009 <<<
[00:04] <-- +Matsumi Kaze (nightie) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com ] has left #reddwarfmain (I'll take that as a yes!)
[00:11] <-- +Vanadine (PJ's) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has left #reddwarfmain (My baby ♡)
[00:14] --> Taruka Mi-38 [MetalGalhunter@Branch7.co] has joined #reddwarfmain
[00:14] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Taruka Mi-38
[00:14] > Taruka Mi-38 walks in happily
[00:16] [Taruka Mi-38] ^^
[00:20] > Taruka Mi-38 hugs a cd disc
[00:22] --> Nall (PJ's) [WhiteDragon@SilverStar.co.lun] has joined #reddwarfmain
[00:22] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Nall (PJ's)
[00:22] [Taruka Mi-38] oh..um..hello mister nall
[00:23] [Nall (PJ's)] Good evening Taruka. How've you been?
[00:23] [Taruka Mi-38] um..pretty good ^^
[00:25] [Taruka Mi-38] yourself?
[00:25] [Nall (PJ's)] I've been pretty good
[00:26] [Nall (PJ's)] Neva's pretty much recovered from having the twins and we have three healthy, beautiful children now
[00:27] [Taruka Mi-38] I'm glad to hear!!!
[00:28] [Taruka Mi-38] I've been trying to help the team as best I can
[00:28] [Nall (PJ's)] Well that's good. How're you and the girls getting along?
[00:29] [Taruka Mi-38] oh...fine..though Sskt seemed troubled lately
[00:30] [Nall (PJ's)] Ahh
[00:32] [Taruka Mi-38] she ended running down to Earth..and got injuried I think
[00:33] [Nall (PJ's)] I see
[00:33] [Taruka Mi-38] she's better now...
[00:34] [Nall (PJ's)] I hope so
[00:36] [Taruka Mi-38] I'm doing my best ^^;;
[00:37] > Taruka Mi-38 tries to hide the disc
[00:38] [Nall (PJ's)] What's that disk, Taruka?
[00:39] [Taruka Mi-38] um..well..uh sir..uh..
[00:39] > Taruka Mi-38 is blushing
[00:40] [Nall (PJ's)] Taruka?
[00:41] [Taruka Mi-38] um..what
[00:41] [Nall (PJ's)] You're blushing......
[00:41] [Taruka Mi-38] ...I...I...I am?
[00:42] > Nall (PJ's) nods
[00:42] [Taruka Mi-38] ...sorry...
[00:44] [Taruka Mi-38] ..it's from my..........my......
[00:46] [Taruka Mi-38] ...boyfriend
[00:47] [Nall (PJ's)] Ooooh, you have a boyfriend now?
[00:47] [Taruka Mi-38] ..yes *blushes*
[00:49] [Taruka Mi-38] he's..very nice
[00:49] [Nall (PJ's)] That's great to hear. ^_^ What's he like?
[00:50] [Taruka Mi-38] he's...very shiny ^^
[00:51] [Taruka Mi-38] and kind....and sweet...^^
[00:53] > Taruka Mi-38 smiles happily
[00:55] [Taruka Mi-38] the...disc....is his contact information >.>
[00:57] [Nall (PJ's)] I see. That's good.
[00:57] [Nall (PJ's)] I'm very happy for you. ^_^
[00:58] [Taruka Mi-38] thank you sir ^_^
[00:59] [Taruka Mi-38] very kind of you ^^
[01:02] [Taruka Mi-38] I should probably go back to the apartment.....
[01:02] [Nall (PJ's)] Very good then
[01:03] [Nall (PJ's)] You take care Taruka
[01:03] [Taruka Mi-38] you too! say hi to the boss for me!
[01:03] [Taruka Mi-38] err..I mean miss Neva
[01:04] <-- Taruka Mi-38 [MetalGalhunter@Branch7.co] has left #reddwarfmain (time for me to shutdown)
[01:04] [Nall (PJ's)] I will
[01:05] <-- Nall (PJ's) [WhiteDragon@SilverStar.co.lun] has left #reddwarfmain (I should help Neve put the kids to bed)
[12:14] --> Tina Gale (casual) [FireyAirPrincess@QTech.com] has joined #reddwarfmain
[12:14] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Tina Gale (casual)
[12:14] > Tina Gale (casual) relaxes on the sofa "whew..."
[12:15] --> Celestite (Uniform) [CrystalGirl@dimensionzero.cc] has joined #reddwarfmain
[12:15] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Celestite (Uniform)
[12:16] [Tina Gale (casual)] celest ^^
[12:17] > Tina Gale (casual) looks tired
[12:18] [Celestite (Uniform)] Hey Tina :)
[12:18] [Celestite (Uniform)] You look beat
[12:18] [Tina Gale (casual)] I am @_@
[12:20] [Tina Gale (casual)] ...and it's not cause of training >>
[12:20] > Celestite (Uniform) sits next to Tina
[12:20] [Celestite (Uniform)] What's got you so beat?
[12:22] [Tina Gale (casual)] mama sent me out for some shopping today @_@
[12:25] > Tina Gale (casual) pulls out the small crystal and presses her thumb against it...it shows the list.......a long list
[12:25] [Celestite (Uniform)] Awww
[12:27] [Tina Gale (casual)] I bought a few things for myself too.......
[12:29] [Tina Gale (casual)] and you
[12:30] [Celestite (Uniform)] Awww, that's sweet
[12:32] > Tina Gale (casual) pulls out a bag....the bag itself looks worn and old
[12:32] [Tina Gale (casual)] heh..mama let me in on this secret place
[12:33] [Celestite (Uniform)] oh?
[12:34] > Tina Gale (casual) pulls out what looks like a T-shirt made out of blue, silvery netting
[12:35] [Tina Gale (casual)] this place imports the latest fashions for all over the planets!
[12:35] [Celestite (Uniform)] OOOOooooooo
[12:36] [Tina Gale (casual)] this one is neptunian from what I can tell
[12:37] [Celestite (Uniform)] It's pretty.... but kinda' see through
[12:38] [Tina Gale (casual)] that's the idea :P
[12:39] > Celestite (Uniform) giggles and turns to Tina
[12:39] [Celestite (Uniform)] ❧ You tryin' to get an idea of what I'm wearin'.... or not wearin' under my shirt? ^_~ ❧
[12:40] > Tina Gale (casual) giggles
[12:40] [Tina Gale (casual)] well..if it helps..I got this venusian piece
[12:41] > Tina Gale (casual) holds it up
[12:41] [Celestite (Uniform)] Oh wow
[12:42] [Celestite (Uniform)] if you wore that.... i'd see everything you had WITHOUT you having to bend over :P
[12:44] > Tina Gale (casual) giggles
[12:44] [Celestite (Uniform)] I mean sure, you'd look ultra cute in it.... but I don't know if I'd want you wearing that in public
[12:44] [Tina Gale (casual)] I think I bought you a venusian piece too.....
[12:44] [Tina Gale (casual)] hehe....their more..masculine..fashion :P
[12:44] [Celestite (Uniform)] Marty might like to see you in it ;)
[12:46] [Tina Gale (casual)] I think I got you a martian outfit....uranunain and of course a Saturnian piece...
[12:47] [Celestite (Uniform)] Wow, you got me a LOT of stuff!
[12:49] [Tina Gale (casual)] heh..I got some stuff too!
[12:53] [Tina Gale (casual)] ^_^
[12:56] [Celestite (Uniform)] I hope so
[12:56] > Celestite (Uniform) glomps Tina and snuggles
[12:57] > Tina Gale (casual) giggles and hugs back
[13:00] [Tina Gale (casual)] what's the uniform for :P
[13:01] [Celestite (Uniform)] I had a meeting this morning with the school's sports councel
[13:01] [Tina Gale (casual)] is it over?
[13:01] [Tina Gale (casual)] heh
[13:02] [Celestite (Uniform)] Since I'm the new official spokesperson for the Indoor Vollyball team
[13:02] [Celestite (Uniform)] Yeah, ended about an hour ago
[13:03] > Tina Gale (casual) giggles and puts her hand under celest's top and tickles her stomach :P
[13:08] [Tina Gale (casual)] hehe
[13:10] > Celestite (Uniform) giggles and blushes, "Hey... hehe.... what're you doin'? hehehe"
[13:12] [Tina Gale (casual)] what do you think :P
[13:15] > Celestite (Uniform) giggles and squirms a bit
[13:16] [Tina Gale (casual)] hehehe
[13:20] > Celestite (Uniform) giggles and flailes a bit
[13:21] > Tina Gale (casual) stops and kisses celest
[13:21] > Celestite (Uniform) catches her breath and kisses Tina back
[13:22] [Tina Gale (casual)] ❧ mmm! ❧
[13:23] [Celestite (Uniform)] ❧ Mmmm.. my baby~ ❧
[13:23] [Tina Gale (casual)] ❧ my sweety... ❧
[13:24] [Celestite (Uniform)] What do you say we go find a room....? ^_~
[13:25] [Tina Gale (casual)] sure ^^
[13:25] > Celestite (Uniform) stands and leads the say
[13:26] [Celestite (Uniform)] ^way
[13:26] <-- Celestite (Uniform) [CrystalGirl@dimensionzero.cc] has left #reddwarfmain (You can help me out of this uniform ^_~)
[13:26] <-- Tina Gale (casual) [FireyAirPrincess@QTech.com] has left #reddwarfmain (oh of course!)
[20:03] --> Nephrite [FormerGeneral@DarkKingdom.net] has joined #reddwarfmain
[20:03] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Nephrite
[20:04] > Nephrite walks over to the bar, making a drink for himself.
[20:04] --> Solarchos has joined #reddwarfmain
[20:04] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Solarchos
[20:05] [Solarchos] Oh. Hello Nephrite. I haven't seen you around in ages.
[20:05] > Nephrite hears the door open and looks up from the bar
[20:05] [Nephrite] Hey there Solar... same thing could be said for you. How've you been?
[20:07] [Solarchos] I've been doing quite nicely. Ahhh, my children are growing up so quickly. ^_^
[20:08] [Solarchos] In fact, I heard that little Catriona and Sylvester had quite the time in here last night. I hope they didn't make a mess.
[20:08] [Nephrite] It doesn't seem they did. I'm glad to hear you're doing well. Would you like something to drink?
[20:08] [Solarchos] Sure. What's available?
[20:09] [Nephrite] Well, I as making myself a rum n' coke as you walked in. I could make you one if you'd like.
[20:09] [Solarchos] How have things been with you?
[20:11] [Solarchos] Yes on the coke and no on the rum. Inu-Kit wouldn't object to me drinking alcohol from time to time, but my children don't like the scent of it on my breath.
[20:11] [Nephrite] Very well
[20:12] [Nephrite] Things are alright with me. Zoi-chan and I are engaged, but are in no rush to get married.
[20:12] [Solarchos] Heh, I am a family man nowadays, so I have to be responsible. Still, I wouldn't trade any of it for the world.
[20:13] [Solarchos] And how is Zoi-chan doing? I haven't seen her in even longer.
[20:14] > Nephrite walks over with the glass of coke and hands it to Solar
[20:14] [Nephrite] She's doing alright. She works out of the house now doing computer tech support.
[20:14] > Solarchos takes the glass of coke and sips deeply. "Thank you."
[20:15] [Solarchos] Glad to hear it. She should drop in from time to time, if only to hang out for an evening.
[20:16] [Solarchos] Seems a bit quiet tonight. Although we both know that could change in an instant around here.
[20:17] [Nephrite] Her work keeps her pretty busy. But I'll talk to her about coming to visit sometime.
[20:17] [Solarchos] Well, you know what they say about all work and no play. It'd be fun to see her and chat.
[20:18] [~~] You sure this is the right place to meet up?
[20:18] [Solarchos] Hmmm?
[20:18] [Nephrite] Trust me, I know.
[20:18] [~] I am positive. Our instructions given was to come here.
[20:18] --> Brian Price has joined #reddwarfmain
[20:18] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Brian Price
[20:18] --> Dean has joined #reddwarfmain
[20:18] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Dean
[20:19] > Solarchos sees a couple of new faces enter. "Hello there."
[20:20] --> Matsumi Kaze (casual) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com ] has joined #reddwarfmain
[20:20] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Matsumi Kaze (casual)
[20:20] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Matsumi Kaze (casual)
[20:20] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] ....hmm
[20:20] [Nephrite] Do you gentlemen need any assistance?
[20:20] > +Matsumi Kaze (casual) looks at Brian Price
[20:20] ➣ Brian Price: stands about 6' in height, has a slender look to him, has hazel eyes along with short black hair
[20:20] > Solarchos looks at Brian Price
[20:20] ➣ Brian Price: stands about 6' in height, has a slender look to him, has hazel eyes along with short black hair
[20:20] > +Matsumi Kaze (casual) looks at Dean
[20:20] ➣ Dean: looks like a miniature humanoid without a face, but looks like Master Chief when it comes to being in combat situations
[20:20] [Dean] Good evening. We were instructed to meet with Commander Langister.
[20:20] [Solarchos] Hi Matsumi!
[20:21] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] hi
[20:21] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] well..I see you guys are busy so
[20:21] > +Matsumi Kaze (casual) is away
[20:22] [Brian Price] Did we scare her?
[20:22] [Solarchos] Commander Langister? Well, I'm Solarchos Langister if that helps.
[20:22] [Solarchos] Hmm, I hope we didn't scare her.
[20:24] [Solarchos] So...you two were looking for me?
[20:24] [Nephrite] Matsumi... wait up!
[20:25] > Nephrite is away: going after Matsumi
[20:25] [Brian Price] Yeah. The Captain heard slight chatter about possible involvement elsewhere.
[20:25] > Solarchos hopes everything is all right with Matsumi and wishs Nephrite luck.
[20:26] [Solarchos] The Captain? You wouldn't happen to be a member of the MKA, are you?
[20:27] [Dean] This is Marine Private Brian Miller. I am Dean, his armor's AI.
[20:27] [Solarchos] Ahh, are you a new member of the Ghosts of the Moon Company?
[20:28] [Brian Price] Actually, I'm with the newly formed 2nd Company. The Ghosts have been associated with the 1st Company.
[20:30] [Dean] Ghosts of the Moon. Involved in the Egean Crusade, led by Captain Mathias Stelman. Known as the Big White One.
[20:30] [Brian Price] Thanks, Dean.
[20:30] > Dean rambles on a bit more
[20:31] [Brian Price] Okay, Dean.
[20:31] > Dean keeps rambling
[20:31] [Brian Price] Dean?
[20:31] > Dean is still going
[20:31] [Brian Price] Dean!
[20:31] [Dean] Yes, Private?
[20:32] [Brian Price] That's enough.
[20:32] [Solarchos] Heh, Dean seems a little talkative. Reminds me of another AI I know of. ^_^
[20:32] [Dean] Sorry. I did not mean to give a history lesson.
[20:32] [Brian Price] Which one?
[20:33] [Solarchos] Eh, it's not that important. What brings you to see me, Private Price?
[20:35] [Brian Price] From what I was told, we've been sending supplies to the Abh. Also, news haven't been good since the last message.
[20:35] --> Bomowas Andrimiton has joined #reddwarfmain
[20:35] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Bomowas Andrimiton
[20:35] [Dean] Talk amongst the two Companies was that direct involvement by way of sending manpower might be necessary.
[20:36] [Solarchos] Speaking of the Abh.
[20:37] [Bomowas Andrimiton] Good evening, folks. What's been happening with all of you?
[20:37] [Brian Price] I just got here.
[20:38] [Dean] As was I.
[20:38] [Solarchos] Brian Price here is a new member of the Ghosts of the Moon's new second company.
[20:39] [Dean] Correction: Ghosts of the Moon is the 1st Marine Company. Private Price is from the 2nd Marine Company.
[20:40] [Bomowas Andrimiton] Ah. Before I walked in I overheard my species being mentioned. You had questions?
[20:40] > Bomowas Andrimiton looks a little worn out and harried tonight, with her blue hair slightly mussed up.
[20:43] [Brian Price] Is it possible that additional involvement is necessary? From what I heard, it sounds like the Imperium is on the move.
[20:44] [Bomowas Andrimiton] The transports have arrived at Egae and the supplies are being loaded right now. It's a good batch, too.
[20:45] [Bomowas Andrimiton] Yes, the Imperium has begun a new offensive against us, which is really bad because the Frybar has already split up the Labule to contend with the Kraken splinter fleets. *That* conflict is already taking its toll on us.
[20:46] [Brian Price] What do you think, Dean?
[20:46] [Bomowas Andrimiton] A major deciding factor is going to be our attempt to completely liberate Telcorra. I do have some good news about that, though.
[20:47] [Brian Price] State it.
[20:49] [Bomowas Andrimiton] The Labule has successfully engaged the Navis Nobilite at Telcorra. It took losses in the process, but we've managed to push back the Imperials for the time being. The Frybar has now regained tentative control of Telcorra's orbital space for the time being.
[20:49] [Dean] That is indeed good news.
[20:51] [Bomowas Andrimiton] Reinforcements are currently pouring onto Telcorra to reinforce the Nahen Bosnal regiments who were under siege for so long, but it's only a matter of time before the Imperial send in more ships. The fight's not over yet.
[20:52] [Dean] Is there anything the MKA or Marines can do in assisting?
[20:53] [Bomowas Andrimiton] Furthermore, we've also received addition news about the Tyranid Wars. Three more major engagements have been fought at Ullak, Tamaln, and Pekmagin.
[20:57] [Bomowas Andrimiton] Ullak is a medium-sized mining world that supplies several surrounding star systems with ore and materials. Tamaln and Pekmagin are both highly industrialized manufacturing worlds that are both major military suppliers.
[20:58] [Bomowas Andrimiton] The Labule engaged all three splinter-fleets as soon as they transitioned into normal space and headed towards their respective worlds.
[21:00] [Bomowas Andrimiton] In all three cases the Tyranids' hive-ships were wiped out. At Ullak and Tamaln the Tyranids weren't even able to get in close enough to begin droping mycotic spores into the atmospheres. However, at both worlds the Abh fleets lost almost a third of their ships.
[21:01] [Brian Price] Hmm.
[21:03] [Bomowas Andrimiton] Pekmagin was much, much harder. The fleet sustained almost 80% losses, but the Tyranids bio-ships were all destroyed. However, several of their bio-ships fell into Pekmagin's gravity well and plunged into the atmosphere.
[21:05] [Bomowas Andrimiton] Well, the MKA could certainly help, but would your people actually agree to become involved in our war again? Your people certainly held their own against the Imperial Guard, but do you actually want to risk facing the Space Marines again? Or worse, the Tyranids?
[21:06] [Brian Price] Which is why my name was drawn. There was talk among the two Companies that at least one Marine is sent in.
[21:06] [Dean] And I will be assisting Private Price.
[21:07] [Solarchos] Are you sure about this, private? Just one Marine?
[21:08] [Bomowas Andrimiton] At Pekmagin the Tyranid bio-ships crashed onto the planet's surface. Fortunately, the local Bosnal forces were all on high alert and instructed not to take anything for granted. It paid off because not long after the bio-ships splattered themselves on the planet thousands of Tyranids began to swarm outwards.
[21:08] [Brian Price] It was Captain Stelman's decision.
[21:09] > Solarchos nods. "I'm sure that the Abh wouldn't turn down any help they can get."
[21:09] [Dean] I have a question for you, Commander Langister.
[21:10] [Bomowas Andrimiton] The good news that the Nahen Bosnal and Bondev Sashu deployed on Pekmagin were able to exterminate all of the Tyranids before they could cause too much destruction. Pekmagin has been cleansed of Tyranid infestation.
[21:10] [Solarchos] Go ahead, Dean.
[21:11] [Dean] When the boltgun was designed, why was the stock omitted? From my analysis of the weapon, it would be more accurate if one were armed with a boltgun as if it were a rifle.
[21:12] [Bomowas Andrimiton] Here's where things get strange, though. At the planet Astarienne the Tyranid fleet overwhelmed our ships and began an all-out invasion of the planet. The death-toll of the Gloe there was horrific - hundreds of millions of people, if not billions, have died.
[21:14] [Solarchos] I think it may be because the boltgun's primary users, the Space Marines, are linked to their weapons through their power armor. Plus power armor's so bulky it would make it awkward for them to use a rifle in a conventional way. Not that they actually need to do so; they're accurate enough with those things as it is.
[21:15] [Dean] I see. Instead of a rifle, it would be similar to a shotgun that has no stock attached.
[21:17] [Solarchos] Well, boltguns are more like man-portable, magazine fed, rapid-fire cannons firing 20mm shaped-charge bullets.
[21:18] [Dean] A powerful weapon indeed.
[21:19] [Bomowas Andrimiton] Here's the really strange part of what happened at Astarienne. A new battle fleet was assembled and sent to Astarienne to try and prevent the Tyranids from consuming the whole planet, but when our ships attacked, it seemed like a substantial number of Tyranid bio-ships were exploding on their own.
[21:19] [Bomowas Andrimiton] It was like something else was engaging them, helping us covertly.
[21:21] > Solarchos nods to Dean. "There's a reason why the boltgun is considered a holy artifact within the Astartes. It's considered a manifestation of the Emperor's wrath."
[21:22] [Brian Price] Any idea who it was?
[21:23] [Bomowas Andrimiton] We're not sure. There's been some rumors of sensor ghosts and weird images viewed by numerous manowas using their frosh, but nothing conclusive.
[21:24] [Dean] Perhaps cloaking devices of a sort.
[21:25] [Solarchos] Maybe.
[21:25] [Bomowas Andrimiton] More than likely.
[21:27] [Bomowas Andrimiton] In fact, based on what I've personally seen I have a feeling that there's quite a few races in the galaxy who'd want to take an active hand in defeating the Tyranids.
[21:28] > Brian Price nods
[21:29] [Solarchos] The Tanar'ri might have been involved, but they usually disguise their vessels to appear as ships belonging to a different race.
[21:31] [Brian Price] So, what can I do to lend a hand?
[21:33] [Solarchos] Anyway, I should be heading back home. It's almost time to get the kids ready for bed.
[21:33] [Bomowas Andrimiton] And I need to get back to my ship to help coordinate the supply loading and prepare for the escort mission that's going to be coming up next.
[21:33] [Bomowas Andrimiton] Well...if you're interested in helping us out, Bosnal Price, you're welcome to pick your battlefield. I'll leave that up to you.
[21:33] [Brian Price] If I can, I'll take my chances with the Imperium.
[21:34] <-- Solarchos has left #reddwarfmain (Any help you can give will be greatly appreciated, Private Price. I'll look into things on my end to see where you could be posted along the Imperial Front.)
[21:34] <-- Bomowas Andrimiton has left #reddwarfmain (Bar Abh Lepenu!)
[21:35] [Dean] And of course, I will be with Private Price once he has his orders.
[21:37] [Brian Price] Well, just you and me, pal.
[21:38] [Dean] Indeed. The other two that were here left abruptly.
[21:41] > Brian Price finds himself a seat
[21:44] [Brian Price] I'm sure we didn't mean to drive them off.
[22:08] --> Matsumi Kaze (robe) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com ] has joined #reddwarfmain
[22:08] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Matsumi Kaze (robe)
[22:08] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Matsumi Kaze (robe)
[22:08] > +Matsumi Kaze (robe) wanders back in with a book
[22:09] [Brian Price] Hey.
[22:09] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] hi there
[22:10] [Brian Price] How's it going?
[22:11] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] oh I'm ok
[22:12] [Brian Price] Sorry for running you off earlier.
[22:13] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] hmm?
[22:15] [Brian Price] You came in and then left.
[22:15] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] wanted to let you guys talk
[22:15] [Dean] We were not sure our presence scared you away.
[22:17] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] why would you scare me?
[22:18] [Dean] We were only concerned.
[22:19] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] thanks anyway
[22:21] [Brian Price] By the way, the transparent figure is Dean, and I'm Brian Price.
[22:21] [Dean] A pleasure to meet you, ma'am.
[22:23] > +Matsumi Kaze (robe) nods "Matsumi Kaze"
[22:27] [Brian Price] So, what do you do?
[22:28] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] I teach..and fight evil
[22:29] [Brian Price] How?
[22:30] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] I'm a senshi
[22:33] [Dean] A Senshi? Which planet, Miss?
[22:34] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] Quinox
[22:35] [Dean] Quinox. Tenth planet from the sun.
[22:36] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] yup
[22:36] > Dean rambles a bit about its rulers
[22:36] [Brian Price] Uh, Dean.
[22:36] > Dean moves on to rambling about the giant moths
[22:37] [Brian Price] Dean?
[22:37] > Dean keeps on rambling
[22:37] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] ...um...
[22:37] [Brian Price] Dean!
[22:37] [Dean] Yes, Private?
[22:37] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] that's a bit creepy
[22:38] [Brian Price] You did it again.
[22:39] [Dean] Sorry about that. I did not mean to go on like that.
[22:39] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] does he or it ususally do that?
[22:42] [Brian Price] Sometimes when something has a history. Earlier he rambled about the Marines.
[22:43] [Brian Price] Dean's my armor AI in case you're wondering.
[22:49] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] interesting...like that...daxter thing?
[22:51] [Brian Price] Yeah.
[22:52] [Dean] Isn't Daxter David O'Cain's armor AI?
[22:53] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] yes
[22:53] [Dean] Thank you. I had to double check my given information.
[22:58] > +Matsumi Kaze (robe) nods
[23:00] [Brian Price] Anyway, Dean and I better head back to base.
[23:00] [Dean] Indeed. Captain Stelman will want to hear how things have progressed with the Abh, and of our assignment to assist.
[23:01] [Brian Price] Good night, Matsumi.
[23:02] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] night
[23:02] <-- Brian Price has left #reddwarfmain (Time to go.)
[23:02] <-- Dean has left #reddwarfmain
[23:03] > +Matsumi Kaze (robe) relaxes
[23:04] --> David O'Cain has joined #reddwarfmain
[23:04] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to David O'Cain
[23:04] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +David O'Cain
[23:04] [+David O'Cain] Hi, Matsumi.
[23:06] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] hi, david
[23:06] [+David O'Cain] How're you?
[23:08] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] oh I'm fine
[23:09] [+David O'Cain] That's good. It sure was a nice night tonight.
[23:13] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] yup it is
[23:15] [+David O'Cain] Anything new at home?
[23:15] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] oh not really
[23:17] [+David O'Cain] Freya still busting your butt lately?
[23:18] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] oh not really
[23:20] [+David O'Cain] Thought I'd ask.
[23:20] > +Matsumi Kaze (robe) nods
[23:26] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] how about you?
[23:27] --> Neko Nall [WhiteDragon@SilverStar.co.lun] has joined #reddwarfmain
[23:27] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Neko Nall
[23:29] [+David O'Cain] Doing alright myself. Hey, kitty. :P
[23:29] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] hi nall
[23:29] [Neko Nall] David!
[23:29] > Neko Nall flies at David and claws his face
[23:31] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] ouch
[23:32] [Neko Nall] I am not a cat!! >_<
[23:32] [+David O'Cain] Gah! Man...
[23:34] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] easy
[23:34] > Neko Nall pants a bit and flies over, landing on Matsumi's head
[23:35] > +David O'Cain sits on the floor
[23:36] --> Miara (sweater) [amongimmortals@terra.net] has joined #reddwarfmain
[23:36] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Miara (sweater)
[23:37] [+David O'Cain] Hi, Miara.
[23:38] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] heh
[23:38] > +Matsumi Kaze (robe) pats Nall on the head
[23:38] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] hi, miara
[23:39] [Miara (sweater)] Hi.
[23:40] [Neko Nall] I met your son yesterday Hime
[23:41] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] oh???
[23:44] [Neko Nall] Yes. I was laying in here and he came in and started petting me.
[23:44] [+David O'Cain] Awww.
[23:44] [Neko Nall] I thought it was you at first... but then I turned around and saw a young boy.
[23:46] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] hehe
[23:49] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] you mean Taiyo?
[23:50] [Neko Nall] Yes
[23:51] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] heh he's not just my kid though :P
[23:52] [Neko Nall] So he told me
[23:53] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] so how is your family, nall?
[23:56] [Neko Nall] They're doing well.
[23:57] [Neko Nall] 'Drake needed his diaper changed, so i got up to do it and couldn't get back to sleep. That's why I'm here.
[23:57] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] awwww
[23:57] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] heh how is little violet taking to her siblings
[23:58] [Neko Nall] She loves them both. She's been helping take care of them.
[23:59] [+David O'Cain] That's really nice of her.
[00:00] >>> Saturday Feb 21 2009 <<<
[00:00] [Neko Nall] She's a sweet little girl and very helpful.
[00:00] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] awwww sweet
[00:01] > +Matsumi Kaze (robe) takes nall off her head :P
[00:03] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] you and your wife must be so happy
[00:05] [Neko Nall] We are
[00:06] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] so how are the wee ones?
[00:06] [Neko Nall] Lovely
[00:07] > +Matsumi Kaze (robe) puts Nall on her lap
[00:08] > Miara (sweater) just lays on a couch, not doing anything
[00:08] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] how are you doing, miara?
[00:08] > Neko Nall curls up on Matsumi's lap and smiles up at her.
[00:11] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] ^^
[00:11] [Miara (sweater)] Huh?
[00:12] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] how are you?
[00:12] > Miara (sweater) shrugs
[00:13] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] you ok?
[00:14] [Neko Nall] Yeah Miss Miara, are you ok?
[00:14] > Miara (sweater) shakes her head
[00:15] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] what's wrong?
[00:17] [Miara (sweater)] I don't really want to talk about it right now.
[00:18] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] um..ok
[00:18] > Neko Nall lays her head down on Matsumi's lap
[00:20] > +Matsumi Kaze (robe) pats nall on the head
[00:20] [Neko Nall] ^his
[00:25] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] heh...you're cute like this, nall
[00:26] [Miara (sweater)] Have you ever done something that would really hurt someone, but if you didn't, something much more horrible would happen?
[00:26] > Neko Nall chuckles and purrs lightly | Neva tells me the same thing.
[00:26] [+David O'Cain] Hmmmm.
[00:27] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] yes
[00:28] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] I have
[00:30] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] it was a long time ago...but I try and not remind myself of it
[00:30] [Miara (sweater)] Was it something that would usually be considered unforgivable?
[00:30] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] the person who I did it to thought so
[00:31] > +Matsumi Kaze (robe) keeps petting nall
[00:34] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] heh.....have you ever shown your daughter this form, nall?
[00:35] [Miara (sweater)] Did they...ever forgive you?
[00:36] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] yes
[00:38] > +Matsumi Kaze (robe) plays with nall's wings
[00:38] > Neko Nall purrs a bit in reaction to the petting
[00:40] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] heh
[00:42] [Neko Nall] Yes, Violet's seen me like this. She thinks it's cute.
[00:42] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] awwwwwwwww..hope she isn't too rough with you in this form
[00:42] [+David O'Cain] I'm getting tired, guys. I'll catch you another time.
[00:43] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] night, david
[00:43] [Neko Nall] G'night David... sorry about the scratching earlier
[00:43] <-- +David O'Cain has left #reddwarfmain (Night.)
[00:43] [Miara (sweater)] Meh. I guess I should go, stop being depressing when you're trying to have a nice time.
[00:44] [Neko Nall] Oh no, she's quite gentle. Neva showed her how.
[00:44] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] night, miara...hope you feel better
[00:44] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] heh..wonder if your children will have this form too, nall
[00:44] [Miara (sweater)] Night.
[00:45] > Miara (sweater) takes a few blankets and finds another part of the ship to sleep at
[00:45] <-- Miara (sweater) [amongimmortals@terra.net] has left #reddwarfmain (Stand up and watch me!)
[00:49] [Neko Nall] I'm not sure. I know Violet hasn't shown any signs of being able to shape shift yet.
[00:49] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] doesn't Neva change too or something
[00:52] [Neko Nall] She does, on occasion
[00:53] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] so maybe a combo!
[00:53] > +Matsumi Kaze (robe) tickles one of nall's ears
[00:56] [Neko Nall] ooooooh
[00:56] > Neko Nall purrs louder, nudging against Matsumi's hand
[00:56] > +Matsumi Kaze (robe) giggles "sooo cute"
[00:59] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] no wonder your wife loves you so much
[01:04] > Neko Nall blushes a little and relaxes
[01:06] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] heh...hope she doesn't get angry at me for being with you here :P
[01:10] [Neko Nall] Same here
[01:10] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] well..it's not like you know heh
[01:10] [Neko Nall] Cause this feels really nice ^_^
[01:11] > +Matsumi Kaze (robe) passes her hand over Nall, letting a soothing aura pass over
[01:12] [Neko Nall] ❧ Mmmmmm ❧
[01:13] > Neko Nall purrs loudly, laying his head down again
[01:13] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] you know....don't get angry at me
[01:14] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] but even if you're not a cat...you are cat enough to be so cute
[01:15] [Neko Nall] I know I resemble a cat.... and I act a lot like a cat. It's my curse I guess
[01:15] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] but it's ok
[01:17] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] ^^
[01:23] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] hold on a sec
[01:23] > +Matsumi Kaze (robe) ties back her long hair into a pony
[01:24] > Neko Nall looks up and back at Matsumi
[01:24] [Neko Nall] Your hair looks very nice like that Hime
[01:24] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] oh thanks ^^
[01:24] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] I've gotten more used to it
[01:28] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] doesn't make me look bad?
[01:28] [Neko Nall] Not at all.
[01:28] --> Neva [BHunterCat@SystemNova.com] has joined #reddwarfmain
[01:28] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Neva
[01:28] > Neva walks in
[01:28] [Neko Nall] Hi Sweetheart ^_^
[01:29] [Neva] hi, nall-kun
[01:29] > Neva looks at the scene, then Matsumi
[01:29] > +Matsumi Kaze (robe) looks back at Neva
[01:29] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] ....
[01:29] [Neva] ...
[01:29] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] ...
[01:29] [Neva] ..
[01:29] [Neko Nall] Neva...?
[01:29] [Neva] ah ok!
[01:29] [Neko Nall] Hime?
[01:29] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] hehe
[01:30] [Neva] what is it dear?
[01:30] [Neko Nall] You... got quiet for a moment there.... is everything ok?
[01:31] [Neva] oh just fine!
[01:31] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] don't worry about it, nall
[01:31] [Neko Nall] Are you both sure about that?
[01:32] [Neva] yes heh
[01:33] > Neva bends over and kisses nall on the nose ^^
[01:34] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] aww
[01:34] > Neko Nall chuckles a bit and stands, hopping up onto Neva's head
[01:35] > Neva giggles a bit, wiggling her own ears
[01:36] [Neko Nall] How is my beautiful wife tonight?
[01:37] [Neva] oh your beautiful wife is just fine.....the children are..mostly asleep
[01:37] [Neva] Rose just wouldn't go to sleep heh
[01:37] [Neko Nall] Rose is still awake?
[01:38] > Neko Nall sighs a bit, but with a smile | I fear I'm already spoiling that little girl....
[01:38] [Neko Nall] ... I have a habit of singing to her till she falls aslee.
[01:38] [Neko Nall] ^p
[01:39] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] awwww that sound so sweet
[01:39] [Neva] *whispers sort of to matsumi* he spoils the girls :P
[01:40] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] hehehe
[01:42] > Neva giggles a bit
[01:43] [Neva] though of course, dear...Drake is out like a light
[01:45] [Neko Nall] That boy is a heavy sleeper
[01:45] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] heh what's it like to take care of three children?
[01:45] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] ...wait what am I saying XD
[01:45] [Neva] ???
[01:48] [Neko Nall] It can be a handful sometimes. But it's very rewarding.
[01:49] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] three children is always hard to take care of ^^;;;
[01:51] [Neva] so I take it you know about that sort of thing heh
[01:54] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] oh yes
[01:54] [Neko Nall] Well, I knew you had the little boy, Taiyo.... but do you have other children Matsumi?
[01:55] [Neko Nall] err, Hime
[01:55] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] yes two others
[01:55] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] they are me, vana and candy's
[01:55] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] the two others are daughters, Matsy and Sora
[01:55] [Neva] ...Matsy?
[01:56] [Neko Nall] I see
[01:58] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] heh
[02:00] > Neva strokes nall ^^
[02:02] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] you are such a sweet couple
[02:02] [Neva] thank you ^^
[02:02] [Neko Nall] Awww, thank you Hime
[02:04] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] ^^ well it's all true
[02:06] [Neva] I'm just..happy to have such a family ^^
[02:06] [Neko Nall] As am I. There was a long time when I could only have dreamed of this.
[02:09] > Neva grabs Nall and hugs him close ^__^
[02:09] > Neko Nall chuckles, purring loudly and hugging back as best he can in this form
[02:09] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] heh..being small like that has it's advantage I bet, Nall :P
[02:12] > Neko Nall blushes a little | W....what do you mean, Hime?
[02:12] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] well....certain things are....bigger
[02:12] > Neva blushes super deeply
[02:15] > Neko Nall blushes also, snuggling against Neva
[02:16] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] sorry about that ^^;;
[02:17] [Neva] it's...ok..I guess..heh
[02:19] [Neko Nall] it's.... alright hime
[02:20] > Neva strokes nall's head "...I love my husband so much ^^"
[02:23] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] awwww ^^
[02:24] > Neko Nall chuckles and nuzzles into Neva's hand
[02:24] [Neko Nall] You spoil me as much as I spoil the kids, Neva ^_^
[02:25] [Neva] hehe....well you spoil me too, nall ;p
[02:26] [Neko Nall] I try my best
[02:26] > Neko Nall grins and licks Neva's fingertips
[02:27] > Neva giggles again and wiggles her fingers
[02:27] > Neko Nall keeps licking, then stops and yawns
[02:30] [Neva] heh...we better get back....maybe Rose has fallen asleep by now
[02:34] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] heh
[02:34] [Neko Nall] If not, I'll make sure she gets to bed
[02:35] [Neva] well let's go home then ^^
[02:36] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] night you two then
[02:36] [Neva] night!
[02:37] > Neko Nall nods
[02:38] [Neko Nall] goodnight hime ^_^
[02:39] > Neko Nall climbs up and sits on Neva's shoulder
[02:39] <-- Neva [BHunterCat@SystemNova.com] has left #reddwarfmain (that Rose never wants to sleep heh)
[02:39] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] such a sweet couple
[02:39] <-- Neko Nall [WhiteDragon@SilverStar.co.lun] has left #reddwarfmain (I guess 'drake makes up for her. hehe)
[02:40] [+Vanadine] ☇ Maaaaaatttsssyyyyyy ☇
[02:41] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] ☇ yessss? ☇
[02:41] [+Vanadine] ☇ Our bed is calling your name..... I just happens to use my voice. :P ☇
[02:41] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] ☇ silly :P I'm coming home ☇
[02:41] <-- +Matsumi Kaze (robe) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com ] has left #reddwarfmain (warm bed and warm family)
[18:19] --> Nate Detroit [SmashChamp@reddwarf.com] has joined #reddwarfmain
[18:19] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +o to Nate Detroit
[18:19] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, @Nate Detroit
[18:19] > @Nate Detroit walks in with a plate of food, and wearing his work clothes.
[18:19] [@Nate Detroit] Lousy snow.. if I'm gonna forefit my saturday nights, it aught to be for something...
[18:20] > @Nate Detroit sits and starts on his dinner.
[18:20] --> Kaede Sasaki has joined #reddwarfmain
[18:20] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Kaede Sasaki
[18:21] [Kaede Sasaki] Hey Nate-kun. Havin' dinner?
[18:21] > @Nate Detroit nods, chewing.
[18:21] --> Candy [sunangel@sun.net] has joined #reddwarfmain
[18:21] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Candy
[18:21] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Candy
[18:22] [Kaede Sasaki] Smells good. Hi Candy-san
[18:22] > @Nate Detroit swallows.
[18:23] [@Nate Detroit] Some mexican stuff I threw together. Take a bite if you want.
[18:24] [Kaede Sasaki] nah, but thanks for the offer :)
[18:24] [+Candy] Hi Kaede, Nate.
[18:24] > Kaede Sasaki walks past and goes for the bar | Either of you want a drink?
[18:25] [+Candy] nah I'm ok
[18:25] [@Nate Detroit] Please... God I love being able to drink on the clock..
[18:26] [Kaede Sasaki] Ok, what would you like Nate-kun?
[18:29] [@Nate Detroit] Gin and Tonic?
[18:30] [Kaede Sasaki] Sure thing!
[18:30] > Kaede Sasaki starts making the drink
[18:33] [Kaede Sasaki] How've you been Candy-san? I haven't seen you here in a while
[18:33] [+Candy] been busy with the record company
[18:34] [@Nate Detroit] Oh? Hows that going?
[18:35] [+Candy] fine, about finished with the next album
[18:37] [Kaede Sasaki] That's good to hear.
[18:37] > +Candy nods sitting down.
[18:42] > Kaede Sasaki finishes making Nate's drink, carrying it over and handing it to him
[18:42] [@Nate Detroit] One nice thing about the crumbling economy.. I've had a lot of qualified people apply. Its especally good since I'm loosing my best employee.
[18:42] [+Candy] So what have you two beeen up to?
[18:44] [@Nate Detroit] Running my arcade, and setting up my first expansion. If this goes well, and I find some leadership in my staff, the bank wants me to open three more this time next year.
[18:44] [+Candy] Ahh cool cool.
[18:45] [Kaede Sasaki] Just working on the ship, as usual.
[18:46] > +Candy nods again.
[18:46] [@Nate Detroit] Kadran still going after you in the ducts?
[18:47] [Kaede Sasaki] Every so often. Not quite as much as he used to for some reason
[18:51] > @Nate Detroit finishes and stands.
[18:52] > @Nate Detroit takes the drink, and chugs it.
[18:52] [Kaede Sasaki] You leaving already Nate-kun?
[18:52] [@Nate Detroit] Gotta get back to work.
[18:55] [Kaede Sasaki] Aww, well ok then.
[18:55] [+Candy] ahh ok
[18:55] [Kaede Sasaki] Have a nice night Nate-kun
[18:55] [@Nate Detroit] Sorry girls. I'll make it up to you both, later. ^_^
[18:55] <-- @Nate Detroit [SmashChamp@reddwarf.com] has left #reddwarfmain (Ice is flowin' through my veins; Explosives on my lips and in my lungs.)
[18:58] [+Candy] heh ^^
[18:59] [+Candy] So now what?
[19:00] > Kaede Sasaki sits next to Candy and smirks | Wanna' make out? ^_~
[19:01] > +Candy turns bright red. #o_o#
[19:02] > Kaede Sasaki giggles | I was joking. Wow you turned red. XD
[19:02] [+Candy] ..I..I blush easily XD
[19:02] [Kaede Sasaki] So do I, depending on who's doing the talking.
[19:03] [Kaede Sasaki] Nate says some things to me sometimes that send me into a blushing flury.
[19:13] [+Candy] yeah I can just guess what he can say XD
[19:13] [Kaede Sasaki] What brings you here today Candy-san?
[19:14] [+Candy] Just looking to relax a bit
[19:15] [Kaede Sasaki] I hear ya'. Working inside this ship can be stressful sometimes too.
[19:23] > +Candy nods. "In a recording booth from after school till about 8 everynight also wears on one."
[19:27] [Kaede Sasaki] I can imagine
[19:30] > +Candy nods stretching
[19:32] --> Matsumi Kaze [Airsenshi@Qtech.com ] has joined #reddwarfmain
[19:32] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Matsumi Kaze
[19:32] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Matsumi Kaze
[19:32] > +Matsumi Kaze walks in, stretching
[19:34] [Kaede Sasaki] Hi Oneesan
[19:34] [+Matsumi Kaze] *yawn*
[19:34] [+Matsumi Kaze] evening, imooto
[19:37] [+Candy] evening matsy
[19:37] [+Matsumi Kaze] evening, sunny ^^
[19:39] [+Candy] :p
[19:40] [+Matsumi Kaze] whaaat you are!
[19:43] [+Candy] then airy girl
[19:43] [+Matsumi Kaze] hehe
[19:43] [+Matsumi Kaze] so how are you two?
[19:44] [+Candy] tired but ok
[19:45] [+Matsumi Kaze] you, kaede?
[19:46] [Kaede Sasaki] O
[19:46] [Kaede Sasaki] I'm ok, just a bit worn out myself.
[19:47] [+Matsumi Kaze] heh same here
[19:54] [+Matsumi Kaze] even being at home can just be tiring ^^;;
[19:54] [+Candy] yeah the kids
[19:57] [+Candy] @_@ the dolls flying everywhere and sora running everywhere
[19:58] [Kaede Sasaki] how're the little ones doing?
[19:59] [+Candy] as energetic as ever
[19:59] [+Candy] and Tala comes over and then it's all out war on the sofa
[20:00] [Kaede Sasaki] It sounds like it could be fun to have a large family like that
[20:00] [+Matsumi Kaze] hehe
[20:00] [+Matsumi Kaze] it's fun..but hectic
[20:05] [+Matsumi Kaze] ^^ I love all the kids
[20:06] [+Candy] I do too
[20:08] > +Matsumi Kaze smiles and hugs candy ^^
[20:09] > +Candy hugs b ack
[20:11] [+Matsumi Kaze] well this is a nice night ^^
[20:11] [Kaede Sasaki] Awwww ^_^
[20:15] [+Matsumi Kaze] ^^
[20:15] [Kaede Sasaki] You two are so cute together. ^_^
[20:16] [+Candy] your so sweet Kaede
[20:17] [+Matsumi Kaze] heh yeah ^^
[20:19] > Kaede Sasaki giggles | Thanks, but it's just the truth.
[20:20] > +Matsumi Kaze smiles and leans against candy
[20:24] > +Candy puts an arm around Matsy.
[20:25] [+Matsumi Kaze] ^_^ so nic
[20:25] [+Candy] If only Vana weren't so busy saturday nights
[20:25] [+Matsumi Kaze] *so nice
[20:25] [Kaede Sasaki] where is vana-sensei?
[20:29] [+Matsumi Kaze] she's at a meeting
[20:30] [Kaede Sasaki] Ahh
[20:30] [+Candy] that and a lot of her wrestling gigs are on saturday nights
[20:31] [Kaede Sasaki] Ah
[20:32] [+Candy] wresting champ Vana!
[20:33] [+Matsumi Kaze] heh...mighty in the ring!
[20:33] > Kaede Sasaki giggles
[20:34] [+Candy] and our honey out of the ring
[20:35] [+Matsumi Kaze] oh of course ^^
[20:37] [Kaede Sasaki] Hehe
[20:39] [+Matsumi Kaze] heh....hey, candy..what if we got into the ring :P
[20:41] [+Candy] we'd be murdered?
[20:42] [+Matsumi Kaze] ..oh...good point
[20:43] [Kaede Sasaki] I don't think I'd do too well either
[20:44] [+Candy] we'd have to train and stuff
[20:45] [+Matsumi Kaze] would could cheat and use our senshi energy
[20:45] [Kaede Sasaki] But that would be cheating oneesan
[20:47] [+Matsumi Kaze] :P
[20:47] [+Matsumi Kaze] true true
[20:49] [+Candy] but THEY wouldn't know that
[20:49] [+Candy] Vana might but they wouldn't XD
[20:50] [Kaede Sasaki] But you would.... I'd feel guilty if I KNEW I was cheating.
[20:51] [+Candy] true true..then again wresting you do have to have stamina and strength to pull of what they want you to, but isn't it scripted anyway?
[20:51] [+Matsumi Kaze] true true
[20:51] [+Candy] I mean our senshi powers would just give us the ablility to do what they wanted done
[20:52] [+Matsumi Kaze] true
[20:52] [+Candy] it's not cheating if it's scripted
[20:52] [+Candy] :P
[20:53] [Kaede Sasaki] Eh
[20:53] [+Candy] then again there are people who work all their lives to break into the industry. Like I said you have to have the build to do what they want done.
[20:54] [Kaede Sasaki] That is true.
[20:54] [+Candy] I guess if we used our senshi powers to forgo the years of physical and mental training one has to undergo to get someone to even look at them then us there would be pointless
[20:54] [+Candy] it would belittle their effort and we wouldn't see the prize that it really is
[20:55] [+Matsumi Kaze] yup
[20:55] > +Matsumi Kaze messes up candy's hair
[20:56] > +Candy giggles.
[20:57] [+Matsumi Kaze] heheh messy candy hair
[20:58] > +Candy messes matsy's hair
[20:58] > Kaede Sasaki giggles, watching them
[20:59] [+Matsumi Kaze] heeeeeey
[20:59] > +Matsumi Kaze then looks at kaede....
[21:00] > Kaede Sasaki looks at them with a nervous smile
[21:00] > +Candy looks toward Kaede too
[21:00] [+Candy] she's got nice hair....
[21:00] [+Matsumi Kaze] ...she does..
[21:01] [Kaede Sasaki] Awww, thank you girls. ^_^
[21:02] [+Matsumi Kaze] ...shall we, candy?
[21:02] [+Candy] ...it needs a good messing
[21:02] [+Matsumi Kaze] yes...it does
[21:02] > +Candy jumps >:D
[21:02] [Kaede Sasaki] EEP!
[21:03] > Kaede Sasaki quickly surries away, as a mouse would
[21:03] > +Matsumi Kaze gets behind kaede and grabs her!
[21:03] [Kaede Sasaki] ^scurries
[21:03] [Kaede Sasaki] Oneesan!?!?
[21:04] [+Matsumi Kaze] heh got her!
[21:04] [+Matsumi Kaze] undo her pony, candy!
[21:04] > +Candy approuches her hands extended, and threating like wiggling
[21:04] > +Candy quickly and gently pulls her ponytail out! :D
[21:05] > Kaede Sasaki wiggles, trying to escape
[21:06] [+Matsumi Kaze] NOW MESS HER HAIR UP!
[21:06] > +Candy then MESSES HER HAIR!
[21:06] > Kaede Sasaki giggles
[21:07] [+Matsumi Kaze] got her!
[21:07] [+Candy] YAY
[21:08] > +Matsumi Kaze gives kaede a big hug for particpating
[21:09] > Kaede Sasaki giggles and hugs Matsumi back, her hair now a mess just like the others
[21:10] [+Matsumi Kaze] messy hair girl's club!
[21:12] [+Matsumi Kaze] ^_^
[21:14] [+Candy] yes we shall take over the world, not only am I the president, I'm also a client
[21:14] [Kaede Sasaki] hehe
[21:15] > +Matsumi Kaze giggles
[21:16] > +Matsumi Kaze picks up the thing that was holding Kaede's ponytail on and twirls it a bit
[21:16] [Kaede Sasaki] Why do you have my schrunchie?
[21:17] [+Candy] schrunchie stealer :P
[21:18] [+Matsumi Kaze] cuzzzzz
[21:20] [+Matsumi Kaze] :P
[21:20] [Kaede Sasaki] Cuzzzzz why, Oneesan?
[21:22] [+Matsumi Kaze] cause I don't want to give it back to you
[21:25] [+Candy] :(
[21:26] [+Candy] I'll save teh scrunchie!
[21:26] > +Candy jumps on Matsy with tickles >:D
[21:26] [Kaede Sasaki] Awwww, now why would you do that Oneesan?
[21:26] > Kaede Sasaki pouts a bit
[21:26] [+Matsumi Kaze] ghehehehehe nooooes
[21:26] [+Matsumi Kaze] sh-sh-she must not have ithehehehehehe
[21:30] > +Matsumi Kaze wiggles and giggles
[21:30] > +Candy tickles more!
[21:32] > Kaede Sasaki watches and giggles
[21:32] [Kaede Sasaki] Can I have my schrunchie back Oneesn?
[21:33] [Kaede Sasaki] Pleeeeeease?
[21:33] [+Matsumi Kaze] wh-wh-wh-why?
[21:34] [Kaede Sasaki] Cause it's special.... Kali-chan gave it to me when we first met.
[21:34] [+Candy] D: *tickles more!*
[21:34] [+Candy] tickles won't stop till it's in her hand!
[21:35] > +Matsumi Kaze finally lets it go
[21:35] > +Candy stops then!
[21:36] > Kaede Sasaki picks it up and hugs it to her face
[21:36] [Kaede Sasaki] Thank you Candy-san ^_^
[21:38] [+Matsumi Kaze] awwww..I sort of like you without your pony....
[21:38] > +Matsumi Kaze is really sweaty now....
[21:38] > +Candy is away: towel time~
[21:40] [+Matsumi Kaze] huh?
[21:41] [Kaede Sasaki] Well, I never said I was gonna' put my hair back up :P
[21:42] [+Matsumi Kaze] heh
[21:42] > +Candy is back
[21:43] > +Candy throws a towel on matsy
[21:43] [Kaede Sasaki] Actually, I think I'm gonna' to take a shower and get into my bed clothes
[21:43] [Kaede Sasaki] I'll be back in a bit
[21:44] [+Matsumi Kaze] ok
[21:44] [+Matsumi Kaze] heh thanks *wipes her face off with the towel*
[21:45] > Kaede Sasaki is away: Getting cleaned up
[21:47] [+Candy] heh it's always fun with Kaede
[21:47] [+Matsumi Kaze] yeah it really is ^^
[21:51] > +Matsumi Kaze sits on the floor, exausted
[21:54] [+Candy] yeah tiring today
[21:56] > +Matsumi Kaze lays on the floor
[22:00] [+Matsumi Kaze] well..least we can relax
[22:02] [+Candy] yeah
[22:04] > +Matsumi Kaze grabs candy's leg and PULLS :P
[22:05] > +Candy falls to the floor with a thump!
[22:09] > +Matsumi Kaze giggles a bit
[22:10] [+Candy] :P heeey
[22:10] > +Candy crawls over toward matsy
[22:10] > +Matsumi Kaze giggles and looks at candy
[22:11] [+Matsumi Kaze] whaaaat
[22:13] > +Candy huggles matsy
[22:15] > +Matsumi Kaze huggles back happily ^^
[22:18] [+Candy] so what's in plan for tomorrow
[22:18] > +Matsumi Kaze smiles and strokes candy's cheek
[22:18] [+Matsumi Kaze] oh I'm not sure...I have no plans
[22:24] [+Candy] neither do I
[22:26] [+Matsumi Kaze] heh...well..we will have to do something then1
[22:26] [+Matsumi Kaze] *!
[22:29] [+Matsumi Kaze] XD YES
[22:31] [+Candy] we could go out ot an amusment park
[22:33] [+Matsumi Kaze] ooo there's an idea
[22:34] [+Candy] yay~
[22:34] [+Matsumi Kaze] haven't been to one in a long time!
[22:37] [+Matsumi Kaze] ^^
[22:39] [+Candy] then it's settled
[22:40] [+Candy] tomorrow is fun time
[22:41] [+Matsumi Kaze] yup!
[22:43] [+Candy] I can't wait
[22:48] [+Matsumi Kaze] me neither ^^
[22:51] > +Candy happily giggles.
[22:52] > +Matsumi Kaze giggles too and kisses candy's nose
[22:56] [+Candy] should we head home?
[22:57] [+Matsumi Kaze] alright ^^
[22:58] --> Kaede Sasaki (Nightie) has joined #reddwarfmain
[22:58] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Kaede Sasaki (Nightie)
[22:59] [+Candy] there is Kaede again
[22:59] [+Matsumi Kaze] oh there she is
[22:59] > Kaede Sasaki (Nightie) walks in wearing a powder blue nightie with her hair down
[23:00] [+Candy] cute Kaede
[23:00] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightie)] yup, here i am ^_^
[23:00] > Kaede Sasaki (Nightie) giggles
[23:01] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightie)] Thanks Candy0san
[23:02] [+Matsumi Kaze] yup
[23:03] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightie)] Are you ladies doing anything tonight?
[23:04] [+Matsumi Kaze] not really
[23:07] [+Candy] not really either
[23:07] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightie)] Ahh
[23:10] [+Matsumi Kaze] what about you :P
[23:13] [+Candy] all dressed up like that :P
[23:15] [+Matsumi Kaze] heh yeah
[23:15] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightie)] Not much. Just kinda' thought about hanging out. :P
[23:15] [+Candy] heh ahh ok
[23:17] [+Matsumi Kaze] heh
[23:19] [+Candy] hanging out is cool
[23:19] [+Matsumi Kaze] hanging out what :P
[23:19] [+Candy] IS COOL
[23:21] [+Matsumi Kaze] whoa!
[23:21] > +Candy puts in sponge bob
[23:21] [+Matsumi Kaze] heh...where did you get this?
[23:22] > Kaede Sasaki (Nightie) sits on the sofa
[23:23] > +Matsumi Kaze sits on the floor
[23:23] > +Candy decides to sit on the coffee table then
[23:25] [+Candy] :P
[23:25] [+Candy] It's now a candytable
[23:26] > +Matsumi Kaze giggles
[23:26] [+Matsumi Kaze] heh..I bet Sora would love this show
[23:26] > Kaede Sasaki (Nightie) giggles a bit
[23:28] [+Matsumi Kaze] you know..spongebob reminds me of you, candy :P
[23:30] [+Candy] oh now does he? I go jellyfishing and work at the krusty crab?
[23:30] [+Matsumi Kaze] nah..but you do have the same amount of energy
[23:33] [+Candy] WellKaede reminds me of Sandy
[23:33] [+Candy] knows what she's doing but can have fun too
[23:34] [+Matsumi Kaze] what about me?
[23:34] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightie)] I'm Sandy?
[23:34] [+Candy] Matsy your the boat school teacher XP
[23:35] [+Matsumi Kaze] hehehe
[23:37] > Kaede Sasaki (Nightie) giggles
[23:39] > +Matsumi Kaze kicks off her shoe..which flies into the air..and lands on something
[23:40] [+Candy] why did you do that
[23:40] [+Matsumi Kaze] not sure...
[23:42] [+Matsumi Kaze] where did it land anyway?
[23:42] [+Candy] on top of that cabnit
[23:43] [+Matsumi Kaze] ah ok
[23:43] [+Matsumi Kaze] heh..maybe I should change into something more comfy
[23:44] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightie)] Sounds like a plan
[23:44] [+Matsumi Kaze] be right back
[23:44] > +Matsumi Kaze is away
[23:45] [+Candy] silly matsy
[23:49] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightgown) is back
[23:49] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] alright..thats's better
[23:49] [+Candy] nnow I feel out of place
[23:49] > +Candy is away: :P
[23:51] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightie)] You look nice Oneesan
[23:51] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] thank you ^^
[23:54] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] you look good too
[23:54] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightie)] Thanks :)
[23:55] > +Candy (nightie) is back
[23:56] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] welcome back ^^
[23:57] [+Candy (nightie)] ty
[23:57] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightie)] welcome back Candy-san
[23:57] [+Candy (nightie)] now it's a pj party
[23:58] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] heh it is
[00:00] >>> Sunday Feb 22 2009 <<<
[00:01] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightgown) giggles and huggles candy
[00:03] > +Candy (nightie) huggles Matsy back
[00:06] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightgown) smiles happily
[00:06] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightie)] do we want anything to drink?
[00:07] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] ginger ale
[00:08] [+Candy (nightie)] orange soda
[00:10] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightie)] ok
[00:10] > Kaede Sasaki (Nightie) hops up and goes to get the drinks
[00:13] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightgown) watches the show, giggling at the silliness
[00:18] [+Candy (nightie)] sponge bob!
[00:20] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] Square Pants!
[00:22] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] hehehe
[00:23] [+Candy (nightie)] heheheh
[00:24] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] ...we can be so childish sometimes :P
[00:25] [+Candy (nightie)] hey 1/3 of spongebobs viewing audiance is over 18 :P
[00:25] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] true true
[00:25] > Kaede Sasaki (Nightie) brings the girls thier sodas, keeping ond for herself
[00:25] [+Candy (nightie)] thank you Kaede
[00:26] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] thankies!
[00:26] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightie)] You're both welcome.
[00:27] > Kaede Sasaki (Nightie) sits with the other girls, drinking his grape soda
[00:27] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightie)] ^her
[00:28] > +Candy (nightie) drinks her orange
[00:28] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightgown) tries to attack candy with a stinky foot!
[00:30] [+Candy (nightie)] ewwws
[00:31] > +Candy (nightie) pulls out perfume from somewhere and SPRAYS
[00:31] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] gaaah I have been sprayed!
[00:33] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] now I small all good!!!
[00:34] > Kaede Sasaki (Nightie) giggles
[00:34] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightie)] It's all flowery
[00:34] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] gaaaaah....now I smell all flowery!!!
[00:35] [+Candy (nightie)] mahahah :3
[00:37] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightgown) grabs the perfume and sprays both kaede and candy
[00:38] > Kaede Sasaki (Nightie) giggles
[00:39] [+Candy (nightie)] @_@
[00:40] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] gotcha!
[00:42] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightgown) yawns a bit
[00:42] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightie)] Are you tired Oneesan?
[00:43] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] yeah a bit
[00:44] [+Candy (nightie)] aww yeah and we all stink now
[00:44] [+Candy (nightie)] who's gonna wanna sleep in the same bed with us now
[00:44] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] yeah true :(
[00:45] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] we're outcasts!!!
[00:46] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightgown) mock-cries
[00:46] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightie)] Awww
[00:47] [+Candy (nightie)] we could spend it in your room on the ship matsy or Kaede's :P
[00:47] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] ooooo true!
[00:48] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] though..not sure how much room kaede's has :P
[00:50] [+Candy (nightie)] and how her lovey-chan will like two extra girls in their bed ~_^
[00:50] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightgown) giggles
[00:50] [+Candy (nightie)] so I guess we sleep at your room then
[00:50] > Kaede Sasaki (Nightie) blushes
[00:51] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightie)] I.... I'm not sure how Kali-chan would take that....
[00:51] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] true true
[00:51] [+Candy (nightie)] I meant matsy's
[00:51] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] heh alright, candy
[00:52] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightgown) stands and scoops up candy
[00:52] [+Candy (nightie)] weeeee
[00:52] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] hehe...ready to go, candy?
[00:52] [+Candy (nightie)] yeeees
[00:52] [+Candy (nightie)] goodnight Kaede
[00:53] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightie)] Nighty night Candy-san, Oneesan
[00:53] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] night, kaede!
[00:54] <-- +Matsumi Kaze (nightgown) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com ] has left #reddwarfmain (off to bed for us!)
[00:55] <-- +Candy (nightie) [sunangel@sun.net] has left #reddwarfmain (night~)
[00:55] > Kaede Sasaki (Nightie) sits there, kicking her feet idley
[00:56] > Kaede Sasaki (Nightie) grabs the tv remote and starts changing channels
[00:56] > ~someone suddenly gnaws on one of kaede's toes
[00:57] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightie)] EEP!!
[00:57] > Kaede Sasaki (Nightie) yanks her foot back
[00:57] > Kaede Sasaki (Nightie) looks down from up on the sofa
[00:58] > Kadran looks up at Kaede
[00:58] [Kadran] kaaaaa
[00:58] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightie)] Oh... Hi Kadran-chan
[00:59] > Kadran looks at Kaede with his big red eyes
[00:59] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightie)] How're you little guy?
[00:59] [Kadran] bured!
[01:00] [Kadran] maas big
[01:01] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightie)] Hmm?
[01:02] [Kadran] biiiig
[01:02] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightie)] I got that part. Who or what is big?
[01:02] > Kadran holds out his little arms...and puffs out his cheeks
[01:02] [Kadran] maas
[01:03] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightie)] Ooooh... Your mama's big cause she's pregnent again.
[01:03] > Kadran blinks
[01:04] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightie)] I don't know how Janice-san does it....
[01:04] [Kadran] whaaaa?
[01:06] > Kaede Sasaki (Nightie) shakes her head and stands | You want a drink Kadran-chan?
[01:07] [Kadran] yaa
[01:07] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightie)] Alright
[01:08] > Kaede Sasaki (Nightie) goes over to the bar and takes out a special metal cup
[01:08] > Kadran meanwhile starts scarching at the sofa, trying to tear chunks out of it
[01:08] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightie)] Kadran, don't do that. I've got something special for you over here
[01:09] > Kadran blinks over at Kaede
[01:10] > Kaede Sasaki (Nightie) comes back and hands the cup to Kadran
[01:11] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightie)] Now, make sure you drink the milk before you eat the cup, ok?
[01:12] > Kadran takes the milk and greedly drinks
[01:14] > Kaede Sasaki (Nightie) giggles a bit and sits, watching him drink
[01:14] > Kadran drinks it all and gobbles down the cup
[01:15] > Kaede Sasaki (Nightie) giggles | You like that Kadran?
[01:15] > Kadran looks up at Kaede and shows off his sharp teeth in a smile
[01:18] > Kaede Sasaki (Nightie) giggles | I'll take that as a yes.
[01:20] > Kadran walks over and starts to claw at kaede's leg
[01:22] > Kaede Sasaki (Nightie) looks down | Do you want something else Kadran-chan?
[01:22] > Kadran keeps clawing..trying to get up
[01:23] > Kaede Sasaki (Nightie) bends down and picks Kadran up, setting him on her lap
[01:24] > Kadran wiggles a bit and starts picking at Kaede's nightie
[01:25] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightie)] Kadran-chan... what're you trying to do?
[01:25] [Kadran] plaaay
[01:26] > Kadran keeps picking
[01:26] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightie)] Play what, Kadran-chan?
[01:27] [Kadran] attaaaak!
[01:28] > Kadran leaps onto kaede's face
[01:29] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightie)] (muffled) Kadran-chan!?
[01:30] > Kaede Sasaki (Nightie) pulls Kadran off her face and holds him out away from her
[01:30] [Kadran] ataaaak
[01:30] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightie)] I'm too tired to play like that tonight....
[01:30] > Kadran tries to claw a bit
[01:30] [Kadran] .....
[01:30] [Kadran] :(
[01:31] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightie)] I'm sorry little man.... I've just had a long day today.
[01:31] > Kadran starts to scrach at the sofa again!
[01:32] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightie)] Kadran-chan....you shouldn't tear up the sofa
[01:33] [Kadran] bu fuun
[01:35] > Kadran looks up, already has some thread tangled in his claws
[01:36] [Kadran] fuuun
[01:38] > Kadran shows the threads in his claws
[01:39] > Kaede Sasaki (Nightie) sighs and stands
[01:40] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightie)] I'm sorry Kadran-chan... I need to go to bed. You should go home to your momma.
[01:40] > Kadran blinks
[01:40] [Kadran] bu.......kaaa fuuun
[01:40] [Kadran] :(
[01:41] --> Calaway has joined #reddwarfmain
[01:41] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Calaway
[01:41] <-- Kaede Sasaki (Nightie) has left #reddwarfmain (I'm sorry little guy)
[01:41] [Calaway] Heh... what have we here..?
[01:41] > Kadran looks over at calaway, his own claws covered in thread
[01:42] [Kadran] paaa! fuu!
[01:42] > Kadran shows the bits of the sofa he's already taken off
[01:42] [Calaway] You attacked the mouse girl?
[01:43] [Calaway] Heh... I see... Well, thers no fun in tearing up the sofa.. Even I like to sit on that..
[01:43] > Kadran blinks...and then tries to untangle himself....but only manages to get more tangled
[01:43] [Calaway] Stuck?
[01:44] > Kadran nods
[01:44] > Calaway kneels next to Kadran.
[01:44] [Calaway] Then get out..
[01:45] > Kadran blinks....and starts to tear away at the threads with this teeth and claws
[01:45] [Calaway] Thats it.. don't give up.
[01:46] > Kadran finally tears himself free
[01:46] [Calaway] Good!
[01:47] [Kadran] dii itt
[01:47] > Calaway scratches Kardan's head roughly.
[01:48] [Kadran] maaarr
[01:48] [Kadran] maa biig
[01:49] [Calaway] Yeah.. big and gross... but soon you're gonna have another little brother or sister..
[01:49] [Kadran] waaaaaoooh
[01:49] > Kadran grabs one of calaway's chains and starts to play with it
[01:49] [Calaway] Hopefully it will be as tough as you.
[01:51] > Kadran grins
[01:52] [Kadran] fe-ferou-ferouciousous
[01:52] [Calaway] I just hope this ship isnt making you soft..
[01:53] > Kadran frowns "tough!"
[01:53] [Calaway] You should be strong.. you should take what you want, and leave the weak dead at your feet!
[01:53] > Calaway picks up Kadran, and takes him to a window overlooking the earth.
[01:53] > Kadran looks out at it
[01:54] [Calaway] You see that? See it son? Thats the world... you get big and tough, you learn to hurt, and kill, and you can have as much of it as you want. It can all be yours..
[01:55] [Kadran] looots!
[01:56] [Calaway] Lots.. wealth, power, slaves... Nothing is beneath you! Get strong, and let those weaklings fear you!
[01:57] > Kadran grins
[01:57] [Calaway] Sound good?
[01:58] [Kadran] goood!
[02:00] [Calaway] Good!
[02:00] > Calaway sets him down.
[02:00] [Calaway] Its important to have friends... but be careful about making friends with weaklings, or people who would try and stop you.
[02:01] > Kadran blinks at his father and nods
[02:02] > Calaway gives Kadran a rough scratching again.
[02:02] [Kadran] maaaar ^^
[02:04] [Calaway] Alright... Im going to bed... you wanna come?
[02:05] [Kadran] yaaa!
[02:06] [Calaway] 'aight... lets go.
[02:07] <-- Kadran has left #reddwarfmain (sleeeepes)
[02:08] <-- Calaway has left #reddwarfmain (Rest in peace.)
[15:02] --> Artemis [AnimalGuardian@Venus.gov] has joined #reddwarfmain
[15:02] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Artemis
[15:02] [Artemis] Oooooh, my head =>_<=
[15:03] [~] I see someone..has returned
[15:03] --> Minako Aino [SoldierOfLove@Venus.net] has joined #reddwarfmain
[15:03] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Minako Aino
[15:04] [~] (( wait nevermind... ))
[15:04] > Minako Aino walks in, her eyes weary and tearstained.
[15:04] [Minako Aino] You... you're awake...
[15:04] > Artemis looks over - Mina?
[15:05] [Minako Aino] Artemis! ;___; I was afraid you woudl die..
[15:05] [Artemis] I'm sorry I made you worry Mina -~_~-
[15:05] > Minako Aino kneels next to him.
[15:06] [Minako Aino] I'm sorry I didnt listen to youuuu.. ;_____;
[15:06] > Artemis nuzzles against Mina's leg
[15:06] [Minako Aino] I'm so SORRRRRRRRRIIEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!
[15:06] > Minako Aino sobs, and picks him up to hold him.
[15:06] [Artemis] Oh Mina...
[15:07] [Minako Aino] You were right about everything!! Th.. they were scumbags!
[15:07] > Artemis nuzzles against her more - Well, I can see through people like that.
[15:08] [Artemis] I just hope you're ok now...
[15:08] [Minako Aino] I can't and I should have listend to you and not yelled at you and you were right and I was wrong and I'm so sorry! ;__________;
[15:09] [Artemis] It's alright Mina...
[15:09] > Artemis smiles a little up at her - I forgive you as long as you forgive me for running out on you the way I did.
[15:10] [Minako Aino] No... no it isnt... but I want things to be the way they were...
[15:10] [Artemis] I should have never just run off the way I did.....
[15:12] [Minako Aino] Ne... why were you dying in an alley? ;_;
[15:12] [Artemis] Well... when I got mad and ran off.... I wasn't thinking clearly. By the time I came to my senses, I didn't know where I was.
[15:12] [Minako Aino] You should have gone to one of the girls...