[22:23] >>> Thursday Apr 23 2009 – Automatic reset triggered – Logging Start <<<
[22:23] > Chibi-Leady takes another cautious step towards the exit...
[22:25] [Solarchos] Leady...get your butt back in that kitchen and keep cleaning.
[22:25] [+David O'Cain] You aren't leaving until the job's done.
[22:26] [Chibi-Leady] O_O
[22:27] [Chibi-Leady] Wha?! How'd you know I was...?!
[22:27] [Solarchos] I've known you for years, Leady. I can trust you with practically everything...EXCEPT cleaning up your kitchen disasters.
[22:29] > Chibi-Leady gets back to work. ~_~;;
[22:30] > Chibi-Leady finally finishes up. "Done!"
[22:31] > Chibi-Leady walks up to Miara. "Okay Mom, may I be excused now?"
[22:32] [Miara (comfy)] Ask your father :p
[22:33] [Chibi-Leady] :P
[22:34] [Solarchos] Go on back to the Bunker, Leady. I think you've done enough in there for tonight.
[22:35] <-- Chibi-Leady has left #reddwarfmain (MUAHAHAHAHAHA!! Liberty! :D)
[22:36] [+David O'Cain] We sure had to coax her to do it.
[22:36] > Miara (comfy) finds a tootsie pop in her pocket :O
[22:37] [Solarchos] Of course. What'd you expect? She may be a chibified Animamate, but she's still an Animamate at heart.
[22:37] [Miara (comfy)] Surprise candy ^_^
[22:37] > Miara (comfy) unwraps it and pops it in her mouth
[22:37] > ~Somwhere , sailor steel serpent is offended...
[22:39] [Solarchos] She's always gotten into trouble and mischief since the first day I ever met her.
[22:39] > Miara (comfy) is away: now what??
[22:40] [Solarchos] And speaking of mischief-makers, there are five of them waiting for me back at home that I need to be getting back to. I'll see you all next time.
[22:40] [+David O'Cain] Wait, five? I thought you had four.
[22:41] [Solarchos] You're forgetting Inu-Kit! ^__^
[22:41] [Solarchos] She *is* a fox-girl after all.
[22:42] [+David O'Cain] Oh! Sorry about that. ^_^;;;;;
[22:42] [Solarchos] That's okay. I'll tell them all you said hi, though. Good night.
[22:43] [+David O'Cain] Night, man.
[22:43] <-- Solarchos has left #reddwarfmain (Let's pray that Leady and the others never discover a way back to the Amestris Manse. That might be bad.)
[22:57] <-- +David O'Cain has left #reddwarfmain
[00:00] >>> Friday Apr 24 2009 <<<
[15:41] --> Vanadine (Casual) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has joined #reddwarfmain
[15:41] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Vanadine (Casual)
[15:41] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Vanadine (Casual)
[15:41] > +Vanadine (Casual) walks in, humming a pleasent tune to herself
[15:43] --> Matsumi Kaze (teacher) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com ] has joined #reddwarfmain
[15:43] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Matsumi Kaze (teacher)
[15:43] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Matsumi Kaze (teacher)
[15:43] [+Matsumi Kaze (teacher)] well now..you look in a good mood
[15:44] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Hey Sweety. Just get out of work?
[15:45] [+Matsumi Kaze (teacher)] yup
[15:45] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Yes, I am in a good mood. Thanks to our husband 'deki.
[15:46] [+Matsumi Kaze (teacher)] ohh?
[15:47] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Mmhmm..... he took me out yesterday and this afternoon.
[15:47] [+Matsumi Kaze (teacher)] well that's wonderful of him :)
[15:48] [+Vanadine (Casual)] It was nice to be able to actually spend some personal time with him.
[15:49] [+Matsumi Kaze (teacher)] yeah ^^
[15:49] > +Vanadine (Casual) sits on the sofa and lays back against it, relaxing
[15:49] [+Vanadine (Casual)] He helped me out yesterday afternoon too....
[15:50] [+Matsumi Kaze (teacher)] oooooooooooooh?
[15:51] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Mmhmm..... I was feeling bad about myself. But he picked up my spirits.
[15:51] [+Matsumi Kaze (teacher)] he's such a softie inside
[15:53] [+Vanadine (Casual)] He's exactly what I needed though.
[15:53] [+Matsumi Kaze (teacher)] awww...have you been doing on your break?
[15:53] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Not much really, with everyone working and in school
[15:54] [+Matsumi Kaze (teacher)] awwww
[15:54] [+Matsumi Kaze (teacher)] do the kids at least keep you busy?
[15:54] [+Vanadine (Casual)] A little bit. But they spend most of their time playing among themselves.
[15:55] [+Matsumi Kaze (teacher)] awww poor vana
[15:56] [+Vanadine (Casual)] It's ok.... I need some time to relax
[15:56] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Especially after that last match I had.... I'm glad for this time away
[15:56] > +Matsumi Kaze (teacher) removes her glasses and puts in her contacts
[15:57] [+Matsumi Kaze (teacher)] ..how do you feel after this?
[15:57] [+Vanadine (Casual)] I'm better now. Those first couple of days after the show I was really achy
[15:58] [+Matsumi Kaze (teacher)] I'm glad *runs her fingers through vana's hair a bit*
[15:59] > +Vanadine (Casual) closes her eyes and sighs happily
[15:59] [+Matsumi Kaze (teacher)] heh you're hair is really silky today
[15:59] [+Matsumi Kaze (teacher)] *your
[16:00] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Thank you.... I took a shower a couple hours ago
[16:01] [+Vanadine (Casual)] ❧ 'deki did my back and hair for me, among other things.~ ❧
[16:01] > +Matsumi Kaze (teacher) giggles
[16:02] [+Matsumi Kaze (teacher)] and all while I was gone heh
[16:03] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Yeah....
[16:03] [+Vanadine (Casual)] .... If you were home, we would've welcomed the extra "help" ^_~
[16:03] [+Matsumi Kaze (teacher)] heh
[16:06] > +Vanadine (Casual) wraps her arms around Matsumi and smiles
[16:07] [+Matsumi Kaze (teacher)] but works calls my attention
[16:08] [+Vanadine (Casual)] I know
[16:08] [+Vanadine (Casual)] How're the students doing?
[16:09] [+Matsumi Kaze (teacher)] oh they're doing just fine
[16:10] [+Matsumi Kaze (teacher)] though I wish Hitoshi was in class more
[16:10] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Well... he's still getting used to his powers
[16:12] [+Matsumi Kaze (teacher)] ..and after that one day...I can afford to give him some excuses
[16:13] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Yeah....
[16:13] > +Vanadine (Casual) clings to Matsumi
[16:14] [+Matsumi Kaze (teacher)] you ok, vana?
[16:15] [+Vanadine (Casual)] I just miss spending time with my Sweety
[16:15] [+Matsumi Kaze (teacher)] I'm sorry :(
[16:16] [+Vanadine (Casual)] It's alright
[16:16] [+Vanadine (Casual)] That's why I'm trying to make up for it now!
[16:19] > +Vanadine (Casual) grins and stratles Matsumi's lap, looking into her eyes
[16:21] [+Matsumi Kaze (teacher)] oooh?
[16:22] [+Vanadine (Casual)] ❧ Mmmmhmmmm ❧
[16:23] > +Matsumi Kaze (teacher) giggles and kisses vana
[16:23] > +Vanadine (Casual) wraps her arms around Mastumi and kisses her back
[16:25] > +Matsumi Kaze (teacher) giggles
[16:25] [+Vanadine (Casual)] ❧ Who said you could stop? ^_~ ❧
[16:25] > +Matsumi Kaze (teacher) returns to the kiss
[16:26] > +Vanadine (Casual) moves in and kisses more, pressing herself against Matsumi
[16:26] [+Matsumi Kaze (teacher)] ❧ mmmmm ❧
[16:26] --> Hitoshi Kazu has joined #reddwarfmain
[16:26] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Hitoshi Kazu
[16:27] > Hitoshi Kazu yawns and scraches his neck
[16:27] > +Vanadine (Casual) is fully engaged with Matsumi and doesn't notice Hitoshi enter
[16:28] > +Matsumi Kaze (teacher) holds onto vana
[16:28] [Hitoshi Kazu] oh yo mis........va...........a...........a...
[16:30] [Hitoshi Kazu] O__________________O
[16:31] > +Vanadine (Casual) hears the voice then turns, looking over her shouldn
[16:31] [+Vanadine (Casual)] ^shoulder
[16:31] [Hitoshi Kazu] ..uhhhhhhh
[16:31] [+Vanadine (Casual)] H...hitoshi..... um....
[16:31] [+Matsumi Kaze (teacher)] O_O
[16:32] [Hitoshi Kazu] ...hi...sensei...
[16:32] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Well, Sweety.... I guess we can't hide it from him anymore... can we?
[16:33] [+Matsumi Kaze] ...yeah..looks like it
[16:33] > +Vanadine (Casual) slides off Matsumi's lap and turns around, sitting next to her again
[16:33] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Hitoshi.... please sit down.
[16:35] > Hitoshi Kazu sits on the floor..rather hard
[16:35] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Well... I didn't mean on the floor... but sitting's sitting I guess.
[16:36] [+Vanadine (Casual)] What you just saw...... is exactly what it looked like.
[16:36] [Hitoshi Kazu] O____O
[16:36] [Hitoshi Kazu] does this mean........does this mean...
[16:36] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Matsumi and I..... are actually married to each other.
[16:37] [Hitoshi Kazu] ..one of you is a man?
[16:37] [+Vanadine (Casual)] No....
[16:37] [+Matsumi Kaze] what? no!
[16:37] [+Vanadine (Casual)] We're both very much female.
[16:37] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Though we do share a husband
[16:38] [Hitoshi Kazu] uh...uh
[16:38] [Hitoshi Kazu] *huh
[16:38] [+Vanadine (Casual)] It's.... complicated and I don't have time to explain the entire situation.
[16:38] [+Vanadine (Casual)] But listen....
[16:39] [Hitoshi Kazu] ..huh?
[16:39] > +Vanadine (Casual) stands up and walks over, bending down a bit, her tank top drooping and showing off quite a bit.
[16:39] [+Vanadine (Casual)] You have to promise us.... that you won't tell ANYONE at school about what you saw here or what we might tell you....
[16:40] [Hitoshi Kazu] um....sure...
[16:41] [+Matsumi Kaze] gah hitoshi ><
[16:41] > Hitoshi Kazu blinks....and then quickly grabs a pillow and hides ><
[16:42] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Hmm?
[16:42] > +Vanadine (Casual) thinks for a minute, blushes and stands up, laughing nervously
[16:42] [+Vanadine (Casual)] I'm showing off again, arn't I? *^_^*
[16:43] [+Matsumi Kaze] heh you are
[16:44] [+Vanadine (Casual)] I'm sorry Hitoshi... I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable.
[16:45] [Hitoshi Kazu] >_>
[16:45] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Though it's nice to know an old lady like me can still get that kinda' reaction out of a young man. ^_~
[16:46] [Hitoshi Kazu] ....uh....
[16:46] [+Vanadine (Casual)] At any rate.... don't forget Hitoshi.... you can't tell anyone at or from school about Matsumi and I's relationship, ok?
[16:47] [+Vanadine (Casual)] It would make things..... difficult.
[16:47] [Hitoshi Kazu] uh.....sure
[16:47] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Good
[16:48] [+Vanadine (Casual)] I'm trusting you, Hitoshi
[16:48] > +Vanadine (Casual) walks over to Matsumi, bends over and kisses her one more time: I'm headed home Sweety.... I'll see you later.
[16:49] [+Matsumi Kaze] take care ^^
[16:49] > +Vanadine (Casual) straightens up and heads out
[16:49] <-- +Vanadine (Casual) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has left #reddwarfmain (He was bound to catch us sooner or later....)
[16:51] [+Matsumi Kaze] so then.....
[16:51] [Hitoshi Kazu] ...I um....never thought
[16:51] [+Matsumi Kaze] no....we kept it pretty under the radar
[16:52] [Hitoshi Kazu] huh....um
[16:52] [Hitoshi Kazu] I guess....I better go
[16:52] > Hitoshi Kazu stands, nearly falling over in the process
[16:54] [+Matsumi Kaze] ..oh.....and thanks for saving us..that one day
[16:54] [Hitoshi Kazu] uh..you're welcome?
[16:56] [Hitoshi Kazu] I'll....see you...later
[16:56] > Hitoshi Kazu turns and walks into the wall ><
[16:56] [+Matsumi Kaze] heh seeya
[16:56] > Hitoshi Kazu rubs his nose and walks out through the door
[16:56] <-- Hitoshi Kazu has left #reddwarfmain (...uh)
[16:56] <-- +Matsumi Kaze [Airsenshi@Qtech.com ] has left #reddwarfmain
[19:05] --> Madelin Carter [maddiemoss@schooldays.net] has joined #reddwarfmain
[19:05] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Madelin Carter
[19:08] --> Beth Southstreet has joined #reddwarfmain
[19:08] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Beth Southstreet
[19:08] > Beth Southstreet walks in, toweling her hair off
[19:08] [Madelin Carter] Hi Beth
[19:08] --> Sora Masterson [TheScorpion@TAW.com] has joined #reddwarfmain
[19:08] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Sora Masterson
[19:08] > Sora Masterson walks in and puts down some folders.
[19:09] [Sora Masterson] Oh, hey ladies.
[19:09] [Madelin Carter] Hi Sora.
[19:09] [Madelin Carter] What's all that?
[19:09] [Beth Southstreet] hello
[19:10] > Beth Southstreet has her hair down for once
[19:12] [Beth Southstreet] what are you doing
[19:13] [Madelin Carter] I just got here...
[19:13] [Sora Masterson] Just files...
[19:13] [Beth Southstreet] of what
[19:14] [Sora Masterson] Building.. nothing important.
[19:15] [Beth Southstreet] building what?
[19:16] [Madelin Carter] A building.
[19:16] [Sora Masterson] Houses. Large project in china.
[19:17] [Madelin Carter] Maybe it's a super-secret hideout....or that...
[19:17] [Beth Southstreet] ah we see
[19:18] [Madelin Carter] Beth?
[19:18] [Beth Southstreet] hmm?
[19:19] [Madelin Carter] Why do you talk like that?
[19:19] [Sora Masterson] That'd be a good idea... I should build us a hidden outpost... I know just the spot too.. but I need funds first..
[19:19] > Beth Southstreet looks to Madelin
[19:19] [Beth Southstreet] we have always talked like this
[19:20] [Beth Southstreet] we can perhaps get funds
[19:20] [Madelin Carter] Yeah but...why?
[19:20] [Beth Southstreet] we do not know
[19:21] [Sora Masterson] Well, don't do anything too risky. At least, not without inviting us along.
[19:23] > Beth Southstreet smiles slightly
[19:24] > Beth Southstreet finishes toweling off her hair
[19:27] [Beth Southstreet] this place is large
[19:27] > Madelin Carter nods
[19:27] [Sora Masterson] Wanna kill some Yakuza, Maddie?
[19:28] [Beth Southstreet] perhaps..heh
[19:28] [Madelin Carter] What??
[19:28] [Beth Southstreet] they do not like us..yet they come to us often
[19:31] [Beth Southstreet] which works for us
[19:31] [Sora Masterson] One day you need to tell us what happened with you and them.
[19:33] > Beth Southstreet nods
[19:33] [Beth Southstreet] it is a long story, as they say
[19:35] [Madelin Carter] And you don't like to talk very much.
[19:35] [Beth Southstreet] we have learned..to be careful
[19:37] [Sora Masterson] We have time.
[19:38] [Beth Southstreet] one night..when we were...about 5......a man came in.....from a local gang...
[19:39] [Beth Southstreet] he wanted money....and our parents caught him in the act
[19:39] [Beth Southstreet] so he shot both our parents....our father in the gut..our mother in the head
[19:40] > Madelin Carter listens, very quiet
[19:40] [Beth Southstreet] in our anguish....we awoke....and crushed his skull in
[19:41] [Sora Masterson] Terrible..
[19:42] [Beth Southstreet] we were shuffled to other family members...before we were thrown into the street
[19:42] [Beth Southstreet] we were picked up by a gang...where we learned skills
[19:43] [Beth Southstreet] but we remembered...
[19:43] [Beth Southstreet] so we betrayed the gang...
[19:44] [Beth Southstreet] and joined their enemies
[19:44] [Beth Southstreet] and repeated the cycle
[19:45] [Beth Southstreet] and soon sold our skills to others....and broke them as well
[19:46] [Beth Southstreet] we cut the hands off of theives...and pluck out the sight of their organizers
[19:47] > Beth Southstreet looks to the others
[19:52] [Sora Masterson] You've led a hard life..
[19:52] [Beth Southstreet] we will go on
[19:53] > Madelin Carter is trying to think of something to say that doesn't sound really stupid...
[19:58] > Beth Southstreet grabs a bottle of gin
[19:59] > Sora Masterson gets two glasses, motioning for Beth to fill them.
[19:59] [Sora Masterson] Just a little in one.
[19:59] > Beth Southstreet pours them
[19:59] [Madelin Carter] What are we going to do? We all have problems and we're not really together and there's all this stuff...
[20:00] [Sora Masterson] We'll figure it out. if we arent out hunting targets for cash, we can at least have eachothers back for now... man.. reduced from an elite group of freelancers to a clubhouse...
[20:00] > Sora Masterson gives the glass with the little bit to Madelin, then holds up his glass in toast.
[20:01] [Sora Masterson] To going on, and going forward.
[20:01] [Beth Southstreet] cheers
[20:03] > Sora Masterson taps his glass to Beths and Madelin's and drinks.
[20:03] > Beth Southstreet drinks
[20:03] > Madelin Carter kind of looks at it, then takes a tiny little sip
[20:04] > Sora Masterson gives Madelin a satisfied smile, then sits.
[20:05] > Madelin Carter coughs a little
[20:06] [Beth Southstreet] are you alright?
[20:06] > Madelin Carter nods
[20:07] > Madelin Carter sets her glass down on the table
[20:07] [Sora Masterson] Gotta start somewhere. ^_~
[20:07] [Madelin Carter] Nana never lets me try anything...
[20:08] [Beth Southstreet] she is tough?
[20:08] [Sora Masterson] Well, I just happen to be an expert at exposing people to 'new things.' They arent usually young girls... but in your case, I'll make an exception.
[20:08] [Madelin Carter] Sometimes.
[20:08] > Madelin Carter just looks at Sora
[20:10] > Sora Masterson just returns the same smug smile.
[20:12] > Beth Southstreet looks at her own hair
[20:12] [Madelin Carter] Something wrong, beth?
[20:14] [Beth Southstreet] we do not often wear our hair down
[20:14] [Madelin Carter] It's nice on you.
[20:14] [Beth Southstreet] is it?
[20:16] [Madelin Carter] Yeah.
[20:17] > Beth Southstreet twirls her hair around her finger
[20:17] [Sora Masterson] I prefer short hair myself, but it does look good on you.
[20:18] > Sora Masterson looks at Beth Southstreet
[20:18] ➣ Beth Southstreet: Beth has slightly cropped ruby hair with a thin hair braid hanging from the right side. She is of average build and has brown eyes with gold flecks.
[20:20] [Beth Southstreet] hmm?
[20:20] [Sora Masterson] You are fortunate tho... that blood wouldnt show up well in your hair.
[20:21] [Madelin Carter] ...
[20:21] [Beth Southstreet] true..it is an advantage
[20:26] [Beth Southstreet] blood is hard to wash out
[20:27] [Madelin Carter] I suppose so.
[20:28] [Sora Masterson] Really? Out of some fabrics, maybe... but its been my experience that... bodily fluids are easy to get rid of with hot water. Course, the amount of blood you spill.....
[20:28] > Beth Southstreet just smiles
[20:32] > Sora Masterson sips his drink.
[20:34] > Madelin Carter suddenly feels very young and immature
[20:34] [Sora Masterson] Something bugging you, kiddo?
[20:34] [Beth Southstreet] are you ok, Madelin?
[20:35] [Madelin Carter] I dunno.
[20:36] [Madelin Carter] I wish I was born at the same time as you guys so I wasn't behind.
[20:37] [Sora Masterson] You sure?
[20:37] [Beth Southstreet] ...we are not sure if that would be good
[20:38] [Sora Masterson] Oh, wish, nwevermind.
[20:39] [Sora Masterson] Well, you fit in just fine as is.. Youre one of us regardless.
[20:40] [Madelin Carter] Not really...not yet.
[20:42] [Beth Southstreet] oh?
[20:43] [Madelin Carter] I haven't done anything.
[20:45] [Sora Masterson] We could team up and raid some Yakuza... if Beth here can solo them, the five of us should make short work of hem... itd be a great fund raiser.. and training excersize.
[20:45] [Sora Masterson] oh, were up to six, right?
[20:45] [Beth Southstreet] we believe so
[20:46] [Madelin Carter] You...think I should do that?
[20:48] [Sora Masterson] You need the practice, right? Im sure with all of us there, you'll get your chance to flex what you have, and we can make sure we protect you. That is... if you're up to extracting some justice from them..
[20:49] [Beth Southstreet] we must go with stealth against them....to preserve the illusion
[20:49] [Sora Masterson] Thats her specialty.
[20:50] > Madelin Carter nods
[20:51] [Madelin Carter] Do you think my grandparents will let me?
[20:52] [Sora Masterson] Let you? Thats your coice, isnt it?
[20:52] [Beth Southstreet] we must still perserve our...illusion...of us as their allies
[20:53] [Sora Masterson] ohh.. I see Beth. Well, let us know.
[20:54] > Beth Southstreet nods
[20:56] [Sora Masterson] But anyway, you're an Asteroid Warrior. The only person you need to answer to is our leader.
[20:58] [Madelin Carter] I'm not sure my grandparents would agree with you.
[20:58] > Beth Southstreet finishes her drink
[20:59] [Sora Masterson] Do you.. enjoy your current situation with them?
[21:01] [Madelin Carter] Everything was fine until December >>
[21:01] [Sora Masterson] Hmmm...
[21:01] [Sora Masterson] One reason people usually keep these things to themselves.
[21:02] > Beth Southstreet nods
[21:03] [Madelin Carter] Nana's okay...it's my grandfather.
[21:08] [Beth Southstreet] hmm?
[21:11] [Madelin Carter] He thinks I might be possessed.
[21:11] [Beth Southstreet] ......
[21:12] [Sora Masterson] 9_9
[21:17] > Madelin Carter just kinda looks at the floo
[21:17] [Madelin Carter] *floor
[21:19] > Beth Southstreet walks over and puts a hand on Madelin's head
[21:20] [Sora Masterson] Buck up.. You'll be fine.
[21:21] [Beth Southstreet] do not fret
[21:24] [Madelin Carter] I try *smiles*
[21:25] [Beth Southstreet] that is good
[21:27] [Beth Southstreet] you are lucky to have family
[21:27] [Sora Masterson] Good.
[21:27] [Madelin Carter] Yeah.
[21:28] > Sora Masterson opens his mouth to speak, but stops himself.
[21:28] [Madelin Carter] I'm sorry, I always seem to get angsty when I'm here...
[21:29] [Sora Masterson] Its fine.
[21:29] [Madelin Carter] It's not fair to you guys.
[21:31] > Beth Southstreet pats Madelin on the head
[21:32] [Sora Masterson] We'll be fine. Hey, I'm gonna split.
[21:32] [Madelin Carter] Oh. Ok...
[21:32] [Madelin Carter] I should probably actually go home...
[21:32] [Sora Masterson] Lets strike against our enemies together tho, alright?
[21:33] > Sora Masterson finishes his drink and stands.
[21:33] > Beth Southstreet nods
[21:34] [Sora Masterson] And Maddie... Let me know if theres aything you wanted to try. Well.. anything nonsexual. I'm not the one to help you there.
[21:34] > Madelin Carter picks up her bag and shoulders it.
[21:35] [Madelin Carter] @_@
[21:35] > Sora Masterson grabs his files.
[21:35] <-- Sora Masterson [TheScorpion@TAW.com] has left #reddwarfmain (As I climb onto your back, I will promise not to sting; I will tell you what you want to hear and not mean anything..)
[21:36] [Madelin Carter] I guess I'll see you later, Beth.
[21:36] [Beth Southstreet] take care
[21:37] > Madelin Carter has transformed into Pantea
[21:37] [Pantea] Don't get into too much trouble~
[21:37] <-- Pantea [pantea@lightanddark.com] has left #reddwarfmain (When darkess comes you know I'm never far.)
[21:37] <-- Beth Southstreet has left #reddwarfmain
[22:52] --> Nate Detroit [SmashChamp@reddwarf.com] has joined #reddwarfmain
[22:52] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +o to Nate Detroit
[22:52] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, @Nate Detroit
[22:52] > @Nate Detroit plops down in an armchair and rubs his face.
[22:55] [@Nate Detroit] If I didnt know better.. I'd say they forgot about me totally.
[22:55] > @Nate Detroit changes topic to `Don't take smeg from anybody.`
[22:56] > @Nate Detroit sighs and lays down.
[22:57] [@Nate Detroit] Sometimes this place feels like a cell... like I'm locked in a floating can..
[23:00] [@Nate Detroit] I guess they're just too busy for the likes of me.. Maybe its for the best.
[23:04] [@Nate Detroit] Maybe I should just call them..
[23:07] [@Nate Detroit] Ung... that'd require me getting up.
[23:07] --> David O'Cain has joined #reddwarfmain
[23:07] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to David O'Cain
[23:07] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +David O'Cain
[23:07] [+David O'Cain] Hey.
[23:07] [@Nate Detroit] Oh, hey Dave. You seen the girls lately?
[23:09] [+David O'Cain] Not really. What's up?
[23:10] [@Nate Detroit] I can't help but shake the feeling they're avoiding me... tho I'm sure I'm just being paranoid. But maybe they got upset over my infidelity.. ~_~
[23:10] [@Nate Detroit] Err... I can't shake the feeling I should say.
[23:10] [+David O'Cain] Oh.
[23:15] [+David O'Cain] To be honest with ya, I have no idea.
[23:16] [@Nate Detroit] Have you spoke to any of the Kaze women recently? Or Kaede for that matter..
[23:18] [+David O'Cain] Unfortunately, I haven't.
[23:18] [@Nate Detroit] Hmm... maybe theyre just busy, then.
[23:20] [+David O'Cain] Most likely.
[23:21] [@Nate Detroit] How are you?
[23:22] [+David O'Cain] I'm doing well.
[23:24] [+David O'Cain] Took care of some baddies over in Korea. Bank robbers, mainly.
[23:24] [@Nate Detroit] Thats good. Nobody's hired you to go after those pirates I keep hearing about?
[23:25] [+David O'Cain] I've heard about the pirates making their rounds. I haven't gotten an order saying to help deal with that.
[23:28] [+David O'Cain] But if I do, I know just WHO to call in to help. >:D
[23:28] [@Nate Detroit] Heh... hey, look and see if theres a bounty! Maybe I'll put together my team....
[23:30] [+David O'Cain] I'll see what I can do. I might have my Platoon conduct piracy ON the pirates. :D
[23:31] [+David O'Cain] I'm sure the pirates will be scared s[BLEEP]tless when they see real pirates coming after them.
[23:33] [@Nate Detroit] Or when they see us flying at them, flinging elements..
[23:34] [+David O'Cain] XD
[23:46] [+David O'Cain] Might be fun.
[23:48] [@Nate Detroit] I've been thinking about coalating with Neva's group, and maybe with your forces..
[23:50] [+David O'Cain] The more the marrier!
[23:50] [@Nate Detroit] Form an alliance, so to speak, and bring in the others when we have a really massive job..
[23:51] [+David O'Cain] Absolutely.
[00:00] >>> Saturday Apr 25 2009 <<<
[00:00] [+David O'Cain] Them pirates scumbags won't know what hit'em! ARRRRRRRR!!! >:D
[00:03] --> Vanadine (PJ's) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has joined #reddwarfmain
[00:03] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Vanadine (PJ's)
[00:03] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Vanadine (PJ's)
[00:04] [+David O'Cain] Hi, Vana.
[00:04] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] NATE!!
[00:04] > +Vanadine (PJ's) runs over and jumps on Nate's lap and kisses him
[00:05] [@Nate Detroit] Mmfffph!
[00:08] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] I'm so sorry I missed you on your birthday. >_<
[00:08] > +Vanadine (PJ's) snuggles up to Nate on his lap
[00:09] [@Nate Detroit] Someone DID remember ^^ Thats all I wanted..
[00:09] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] Of course I remembered! I just couldn't escape the house.... and when I did I got called back. ~_~
[00:10] [@Nate Detroit] Funny.. Hideki said you had an abundance of time.. >_>
[00:10] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] Not to mention that it took me half the day to figure out what the date even was.
[00:10] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] Well... I was still recovering from the high spot bump I took at the pay per view sunday...
[00:11] [+David O'Cain] Ouchies.
[00:11] [@Nate Detroit] Aww..
[00:11] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] ...when I realized what the date was, I rushed up here... but didn't find you. I even camped out in front of your quarters for a couple hours.
[00:12] [@Nate Detroit] Really?
[00:12] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] Mmhmm....
[00:12] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] .... like an idiot, I didn't even think to ask Kitty-chan if I could go in and wait for you.
[00:12] [@Nate Detroit] Vana....
[00:12] > @Nate Detroit holds her.
[00:13] > +Vanadine (PJ's) snuggles against Nate, pouting a little
[00:13] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] I'm sorry I totally missed you....
[00:14] [+David O'Cain] Well, I'm not sure how appropriate this is, but it's the thought that counts, right?
[00:15] [@Nate Detroit] I forgive you. ^^
[00:16] > +Vanadine (PJ's) smiles and kisses Nate again: Thanks... that makes me feel a lot better.
[00:16] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] And don't you worry....
[00:16] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] ❧ ..... you know I'll make it up to you. ^_~ ❧
[00:16] [@Nate Detroit] Ohh.. I'm sure.
[00:17] > +Vanadine (PJ's) turns in Nate's arms and looks over: Sorry to be so rude Davey, how're you tonight?
[00:18] [+David O'Cain] I'm doing fine, Vana. You?
[00:18] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] Better now that Nate forgave me. ^_^
[00:19] [@Nate Detroit] Now... Matsumi on the other hand....
[00:19] [@Nate Detroit] I can't expect Kaede or Candy to know.... but the big deal she makes out of hers...
[00:20] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] Well... that's something you'll have to deal with her on....
[00:21] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] ...but I'll help where I can.
[00:21] [@Nate Detroit] My imedate concern is just you..
[00:21] > @Nate Detroit strokes Vana's hair.
[00:22] > +Vanadine (PJ's) giggles and snuggles with nate some more
[00:22] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] You make me feel so special. ^_^
[00:23] [@Nate Detroit] Likewise..
[00:23] [+David O'Cain] Awwwww.
[00:23] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] Well... I'll tell ya' what....
[00:23] > +Vanadine (PJ's) kisses his cheek and gently stands from his hold.
[00:24] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] .... I am gonna' go to your quarters.....and slip into something a little more.... comfortable. ♡
[00:24] [@Nate Detroit] Shall I join you in five minutes?
[00:24] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] ❧ Provided Kitty-chan doesn't have me out of it by the time you get there. ^_~ ❧
[00:25] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] G'night Davey. Say hi to Masaki and Azumi for me
[00:26] > +Vanadine (PJ's) winks at Nate: And i'll see you in a few, lover boy. ♡ ^_~
[00:27] <-- +Vanadine (PJ's) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has left #reddwarfmain (This is gonna' be a nice night.)
[00:28] [+David O'Cain] Night, Vana.
[00:31] [@Nate Detroit] I should get out of here... take care, Dave. Good talking.
[00:31] [+David O'Cain] Night, Nate.
[00:31] <-- @Nate Detroit [SmashChamp@reddwarf.com] has left #reddwarfmain (Ice is flowin' through my veins; Explosives on my lips and in my lungs.)
[00:52] <-- +David O'Cain has left #reddwarfmain
[15:27] --> Matsumi Kaze [Airsenshi@Qtech.com ] has joined #reddwarfmain
[15:27] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Matsumi Kaze
[15:27] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Matsumi Kaze
[15:28] > +Matsumi Kaze walks in...
[15:29] [+Matsumi Kaze] ......
[15:33] [+Matsumi Kaze] ..
[15:39] --> Vanadine (Casual) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has joined #reddwarfmain
[15:39] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Vanadine (Casual)
[15:39] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Vanadine (Casual)
[15:40] [+Matsumi Kaze] ...
[15:40] > +Matsumi Kaze turns to face vana..she's pale...and utterly utterly soaked to the bone
[15:41] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Hey Sweety.... what happened to you?
[15:42] [+Matsumi Kaze] ...I was gardening.................and it started to rain........rain HARD
[15:42] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Awwww
[15:43] [+Matsumi Kaze] ..yeah
[15:43] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Didn't you hear the storm coming? You should've gone inside
[15:45] [+Matsumi Kaze] ..I was struggling with with violets...
[15:46] [+Vanadine (Casual)] I see....
[15:46] [+Vanadine (Casual)] .... I'm gonna' go get you a couple towels
[15:47] [+Matsumi Kaze] ..please do
[15:47] > +Vanadine (Casual) is away
[15:55] > +Matsumi Kaze stands a bit, shivering
[15:55] > +Vanadine (Casual) is back
[15:56] > +Vanadine (Casual) walks back in, carrying three towels
[15:57] [+Matsumi Kaze] ..hey
[15:58] > +Vanadine (Casual) wraps one towel around Matsumi, then starts drying her hair with a second.
[15:59] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Ya' know.... we missed Nate's birthday this past week....
[15:59] [+Matsumi Kaze] ......I know.....
[16:01] [+Vanadine (Casual)] I think he's a tiny bit upset that we weren't around that night..... but I made it up to him last night on my end.
[16:02] [+Matsumi Kaze] ........that's good
[16:03] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Your turn's comin' up soon....
[16:03] [+Matsumi Kaze] ...I don't know
[16:03] [+Vanadine (Casual)] What do you mean?
[16:04] [+Matsumi Kaze] ....don't think I can make it up easily
[16:05] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Well... I think the part that hurt his feelings is that he felt like we forgot about him....
[16:05] [+Matsumi Kaze] ..............
[16:05] > +Matsumi Kaze just looks down
[16:08] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Sweety.... what's the real problem here...?
[16:09] > +Matsumi Kaze whispers in vana's ear
[16:10] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Well then.... you've got some work to do
[16:11] [+Matsumi Kaze] .............not sure if I will
[16:12] [+Vanadine (Casual)] What...?
[16:12] [+Matsumi Kaze] just..not sure
[16:13] > +Matsumi Kaze shivers a bit
[16:14] [+Vanadine (Casual)] What is your deal today? It's gotta' be more then this Nate thing....
[16:15] [+Matsumi Kaze] just feel bad
[16:15] [+Matsumi Kaze] the weather isn't helping me
[16:17] [+Matsumi Kaze] yesterday was so nice...
[16:19] > +Matsumi Kaze hugs the towel around her a bit
[16:20] [+Matsumi Kaze] ..how are you?
[16:20] > +Vanadine (Casual) hugs Matsumi from behind, heating herself to help warm Matsumi
[16:21] [+Matsumi Kaze] ..thankies
[16:23] --> Miara (blue swirl corset) [amongimmortals@terra.net] has joined #reddwarfmain
[16:23] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Miara (blue swirl corset)
[16:23] [+Vanadine (Casual)] I'm ok now.....
[16:23] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Hey Miara
[16:23] [+Matsumi Kaze] hi, miara
[16:24] [Miara (blue swirl corset)] Hiii
[16:24] [Miara (blue swirl corset)] What're you up to/
[16:24] > +Matsumi Kaze leans against vana, trying to keep warm
[16:24] [Miara (blue swirl corset)] ?
[16:24] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Trying to dry out my baby here after she got caught in a rain storm.
[16:24] [Miara (blue swirl corset)] You two look awefully comfy.
[16:25] [Miara (blue swirl corset)] OOooh yeah.
[16:25] [Miara (blue swirl corset)] That can be not so fun.
[16:25] [+Matsumi Kaze] ..I was planting flowers
[16:26] [Miara (blue swirl corset)] What kind/
[16:27] [Miara (blue swirl corset)] But at least they're getting watered after being replanted!
[16:27] [+Matsumi Kaze] true....with the larger yard..I can put more in them
[16:28] [+Vanadine (Casual)] It's really pretty
[16:29] [Miara (blue swirl corset)] I bet!
[16:29] > +Matsumi Kaze sniffles a bit
[16:31] [+Matsumi Kaze] I really like the garden
[16:32] [Miara (blue swirl corset)] Gardens are good!
[16:33] [Miara (blue swirl corset)] We have lots and lots of them at home, but I don't suppose you'd recognize most of it...
[16:34] [+Matsumi Kaze] probably not
[16:35] > +Vanadine (Casual) sighs a bit: This isn't working.
[16:36] [+Matsumi Kaze] huh?
[16:37] [+Vanadine (Casual)] I'm not just sayin' this to be cute.... but we need to get you out of these wet clothes
[16:38] [+Matsumi Kaze] yeah..probably..
[16:39] > +Vanadine (Casual) gives Matsumi the third towel and kisses her on the cheek
[16:39] [+Vanadine (Casual)] I'm gonna' go ahead and get a nice, warm bath ready for you, ok?
[16:40] [+Matsumi Kaze] alrighty
[16:40] [+Vanadine (Casual)] See ya' later Miara
[16:41] <-- +Vanadine (Casual) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has left #reddwarfmain (Gonna' get a bath ready for my baby)
[16:41] [Miara (blue swirl corset)] Later...
[16:42] [+Matsumi Kaze] seeya
[16:43] [Miara (blue swirl corset)] Why didn't you just change clothes and dry off?
[16:44] [+Matsumi Kaze] .......
[16:44] [+Matsumi Kaze] quiet
[16:45] [Miara (blue swirl corset)] Whaaaat? :p
[16:47] > +Matsumi Kaze doesn't look amused
[16:48] [Miara (blue swirl corset)] Aww, come on. After all, your wife is going to take care of you~
[16:49] > +Matsumi Kaze nods
[16:54] [+Matsumi Kaze] ....I'm going to take that bath
[16:54] [+Matsumi Kaze] ..bye
[16:54] <-- +Matsumi Kaze [Airsenshi@Qtech.com ] has left #reddwarfmain (....so cold)
[16:54] --> Nate Detroit [SmashChamp@reddwarf.com] has joined #reddwarfmain
[16:54] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +o to Nate Detroit
[16:54] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, @Nate Detroit
[16:55] [Miara (blue swirl corset)] Have fun!
[16:55] [Miara (blue swirl corset)] Hi Nate!
[16:56] [@Nate Detroit] Hmm?
[16:58] [Miara (blue swirl corset)] How're you?
[16:58] [@Nate Detroit] Who'se having fun?
[16:59] [@Nate Detroit] Im alright.. taking a break from work..
[16:59] [Miara (blue swirl corset)] Matsi and Vana...
[16:59] [@Nate Detroit] You don't say..
[17:02] [@Nate Detroit] Knowing her... Vana's told her she missed my birthday and shes avoiding me because shes got her self scared.. >.>
[17:02] [Miara (blue swirl corset)] Mhm. Matsi got caught out in the rain, and Vana went to run her a bath.
[17:03] [Miara (blue swirl corset)] Oh, well I don't know anything about that.
[17:05] [@Nate Detroit] Oh, is that what happened? That girl is effected more by the weather than anyone I've ever met... She gets super depressed when it rains, and gettign stuck in it would probably make her a wreck..
[17:06] [Miara (blue swirl corset)] You like thunderstorms, then?
[17:07] [@Nate Detroit] Well, I don't not like them. Its weather. Rain happens. Its not like it will stop you from getting things done or going out and having fun.
[17:08] [Miara (blue swirl corset)] Well, that depends. But generally not around here.
[17:10] [@Nate Detroit] I wish I could get her to toughen up a little... I think in the back of my mind, thats why I tease her as much as I do.
[17:10] [Miara (blue swirl corset)] She's as tough as one could be on the battle field, it sounds like.
[17:10] [Miara (blue swirl corset)] So you have to be soft somewhere.
[17:11] [@Nate Detroit] Maybe... yeah, I know she can take a hit.. but a warior shouldnt throw down her sword and go home because its raining out..
[17:12] [Miara (blue swirl corset)] You think she would do that???
[17:13] [@Nate Detroit] I would HOPE not..
[17:15] [Miara (blue swirl corset)] And I would hope you didn't insult someone you cared about like that.
[17:16] [@Nate Detroit] I didn't mean it as an insult..
[17:17] [@Nate Detroit] All Im saying is that she lets the weather get to her way too much, alright?
[17:18] [Miara (blue swirl corset)] Well I've only known her a few months and I know she wouldn't do that!
[17:27] > @Nate Detroit just sits and broods.
[17:29] [@Nate Detroit] I didnt mean that she would..
[17:30] > Miara (blue swirl corset) sits on the bar, playing with a crystal
[17:30] [@Nate Detroit] Nice outfit.
[17:30] [Miara (blue swirl corset)] You had the thought, it was there.
[17:31] [Miara (blue swirl corset)] Thanks.
[17:31] [@Nate Detroit] Its was a hypothetical... a figure of speech for lack of a better term. She doesnt often use a sword..
[17:32] [Miara (blue swirl corset)] I know what you said.
[17:35] > Miara (blue swirl corset) holds the crystal up to the light and looks through it.
[17:35] [@Nate Detroit] Whats that?
[17:35] [Miara (blue swirl corset)] Found it.
[17:36] > Miara (blue swirl corset) tosses Nate a small bag of uncut cystals
[17:37] > @Nate Detroit catches and examines them.
[17:37] [@Nate Detroit] Wow.. They look valuable. Of course.. I know nothing about gems..
[17:38] [Miara (blue swirl corset)] They're pretty.
[17:38] [@Nate Detroit] Are you gonna try to find their owners?
[17:39] [Miara (blue swirl corset)] I go a lot of places no one goes anymore, so sometimes I find stuff.
[17:39] [@Nate Detroit] Oh, these are lost treasure, then.
[17:39] [Miara (blue swirl corset)] Something like that.
[17:40] > @Nate Detroit hands them back.
[17:40] > Miara (blue swirl corset) puts the bag back in her pocket
[17:44] [Miara (blue swirl corset)] Lonely places like visitors.
[17:44] [Miara (blue swirl corset)] Or at least certain kinds, I guess.
[17:46] [@Nate Detroit] I'd hate for you to wind up in someplace cursed..
[17:47] [Miara (blue swirl corset)] What kinds of places do you think are cursed?
[17:48] --> Hideki Kaze [AirKnight@Qtech.com] has joined #reddwarfmain
[17:48] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Hideki Kaze
[17:48] [@Nate Detroit] I dunno, pyramids.. evil lairs and such..
[17:48] [Miara (blue swirl corset)] Hi Hideki!
[17:48] > Hideki Kaze walks in, putting away an umbrella
[17:48] [@Nate Detroit] Hey 'Deki.
[17:48] [Miara (blue swirl corset)] I've been in most of the pyramids.
[17:49] [@Nate Detroit] You don't say.
[17:50] [Miara (blue swirl corset)] Daniel really likes the big one a Giza.
[17:50] [Hideki Kaze] hello
[17:50] [@Nate Detroit] How is he?
[17:51] [Miara (blue swirl corset)] Alright last I heard.
[17:51] [Miara (blue swirl corset)] How do you like the rain, Hideki?
[17:53] [Hideki Kaze] it's rather nice
[17:54] > Hideki Kaze shakes the umbrella a bit
[17:55] [Miara (blue swirl corset)] I always liked it cause it meant we got to go up on the roof and open the water tank!
[17:55] [@Nate Detroit] Heh... seems opposites attract.
[17:55] [Hideki Kaze] hmm?
[17:56] [@Nate Detroit] Matsumi hates rain, correct?
[17:58] [Hideki Kaze] well..she doesn't like to get caught in it if she can
[17:58] [Hideki Kaze] she enjoys listening to it indoors
[17:58] [Miara (blue swirl corset)] That's not exactly opposite.
[17:58] [@Nate Detroit] Funny.. Iwas of the impression that it depressed her, regardless.
[17:59] [Hideki Kaze] well yeah
[18:00] [Hideki Kaze] if the weather is pretty bad..she usually feels touchy and sad
[18:00] > Hideki Kaze sits down
[18:01] [Miara (blue swirl corset)] Well if it rains for days and days, that's not always so fun, not if it's just rain.
[18:02] [Hideki Kaze] yes quite
[18:03] [Hideki Kaze] espcally if it's quite nice one day..and the next is...for lack of a better term..gloomy
[18:04] [Miara (blue swirl corset)] But if you've got fall storms, with all the thunder and lightening, and all the wind making you deaf and the general destroying things...that's a good storm, so long as no one dies.
[18:04] [Hideki Kaze] I will be back..I'm going to check on something
[18:04] > Hideki Kaze is away
[18:05] [Miara (blue swirl corset)] Bye...
[18:09] > Miara (blue swirl corset) hums a little tune
[18:12] [@Nate Detroit] Looks like another dull saturday night..
[18:12] [Miara (blue swirl corset)] Nate, it's not even dark yet.
[18:13] [@Nate Detroit] No kidding..
[18:21] > @Nate Detroit starts looking through a folder of job applications.
[18:22] [Miara (blue swirl corset)] What're those?
[18:22] [@Nate Detroit] The nice thing about a recession... lots of overqualified people want to work for you.
[18:23] [Miara (blue swirl corset)] Oh?
[18:24] [@Nate Detroit] Yeah.. I'm still making money, but its getting tricky to keep expenses down.
[18:25] [@Nate Detroit] Three languages.. bachelors in engineering... cites a mayor as a reference..
[18:26] [@Nate Detroit] Then this guy worked in a GM plant for 17 years.... man...
[18:26] [Miara (blue swirl corset)] Which one has the most family to support?
[18:27] [@Nate Detroit] Thats not really something you ask on a job app...
[18:27] [Miara (blue swirl corset)] But it's important!
[18:31] [@Nate Detroit] Im about 98% sure its illegal to ask..
[18:31] [@Nate Detroit] You'd think I knew for sure..
[18:32] [Miara (blue swirl corset)] Why??
[18:33] [Miara (blue swirl corset)] How are you supposed to hire someone if you don't know anything about them?
[18:33] [@Nate Detroit] Equal opportunity, discrimination, that sort of thing.
[18:34] [@Nate Detroit] You're not allowed to discriminate against people based on their background. Their race, their sex, their orientation, that sort of thing. Besides, as a business owner, its really none of my business, nor is it my problem..
[18:34] > Miara (blue swirl corset) just looks at Nate
[18:34] > Miara (blue swirl corset) , kind of puzzled
[18:35] [@Nate Detroit] You think its fair to hire someoen over someone else because they're married?
[18:37] [Miara (blue swirl corset)] Children.
[18:38] [@Nate Detroit] They shouldnt have them if they cannot support them.. But regardless, I remember well how hard it can be to be single. In any case, I'm not running a charity. I hire the most qualified candidates. You think that is wrong?
[18:39] [Miara (blue swirl corset)] I dunno, it's not like that where I come from.
[18:39] [Miara (blue swirl corset)] Your whole business thing here and all the rules are kind of confusing.
[18:39] [@Nate Detroit] Where you come from, people have big families so employers will give them good jobs?
[18:39] [Miara (blue swirl corset)] No.
[18:40] [Miara (blue swirl corset)] We have no business, no money, and no economy. At least, not like here that you'd recognize.
[18:40] [Miara (blue swirl corset)] Everyone can hunt and find their own food.
[18:41] [@Nate Detroit] Sometimes... I wish things here were simpler like that.. but a long time ago, someone decided people need to work 45 hours a week and not get to have fun, and that a system needed to be set up so society would punish you if you didnt work your fingers to the bone >_>
[18:43] [Miara (blue swirl corset)] I think it's because people invented money and the idea that metals and stones make you rich.
[18:43] [@Nate Detroit] With all the wealth my country has locked away, and all the people unemployeed... theres no reason for us not to establish a 24 hour work week, give more people jobs, and spread the wealth around better... but theres an elite 1% who greedily hoarde the money...
[18:44] [Miara (blue swirl corset)] Cause if you can barter, a hair cut for a shirt, or a jar of salve for a bowl, you don't need to be rich.
[18:44] [@Nate Detroit] The less you make, the harder you are expected to work, I swear..
[18:45] [Miara (blue swirl corset)] You have to work longer to make enough.
[18:45] [@Nate Detroit] I sponged off this ship for a long time... but this business seemed like a good idea, something I could do well, that would make people happy and hopefully make a profit for me.
[18:48] [Miara (blue swirl corset)] Do you have profit?
[18:49] [@Nate Detroit] Just a little, and it goes into my own personal expenses and improving my business.
[18:50] [Miara (blue swirl corset)] So then you can't afford more people to run it for you?
[18:51] [@Nate Detroit] I can, but I don't considder that a use of profit. Its an operating expense.
[18:52] [@Nate Detroit] Summer is my busy season, and I'll need more help, as will Jenny.
[18:53] [Miara (blue swirl corset)] Well I come play DDR every couple of days, I suppose that helps.
[18:54] [Miara (blue swirl corset)] You know, do you ever have gaming tournaments?
[18:54] [Miara (blue swirl corset)] Maybe that would help, lots of people would come and play!
[18:54] [@Nate Detroit] Heh, of course.
[18:54] [@Nate Detroit] I have... they havent had good turnouts tho..
[18:55] [Miara (blue swirl corset)] Why not?
[18:55] [@Nate Detroit] Beats me. People arent interested.
[18:56] [@Nate Detroit] The hardcore gamers all stay home and play consoles. I get tourists and casuals and families.
[18:56] [Miara (blue swirl corset)] Well what if you had something they can't get at home?
[18:58] [@Nate Detroit] Thats what I try to do. DDR cabnets and games with big guns and sit-down racers..
[18:59] [@Nate Detroit] Ung... and redemption games... >_< Its like I run a casino for children. @_@
[18:59] [Miara (blue swirl corset)] Prizes?
[19:00] [@Nate Detroit] Yeah. And the markup really is unfair.. but they love it. Its more fun than the store.
[19:01] [Miara (blue swirl corset)] Heh.
[19:06] [Miara (blue swirl corset)] When's your next one?
[19:07] [@Nate Detroit] Next what?
[19:07] [Miara (blue swirl corset)] Tournament.
[19:08] [@Nate Detroit] Havent thought about it... maybe we'll go weekly in june.
[19:08] > Hideki Kaze is back
[19:08] [Hideki Kaze] I'm sorry that took so long
[19:08] [Miara (blue swirl corset)] Hi Hideki! Welcome back!
[19:09] [Miara (blue swirl corset)] You're good at video games, right Hideki?
[19:10] [Hideki Kaze] you could say that
[19:12] [Miara (blue swirl corset)] We should help when Nate has his tournaments at the arcade!
[19:12] > Hideki Kaze nods
[19:14] [Hideki Kaze] that sounds good
[19:15] [Hideki Kaze] I was checking on Matsumi..she's bundled herself in bed
[19:16] [Miara (blue swirl corset)] Oh?
[19:16] [@Nate Detroit] Sick?
[19:17] [Hideki Kaze] think she just has a slight chill
[19:17] [Hideki Kaze] the girl really should have used an umbrella
[19:18] [@Nate Detroit] Her lack of sence can be frustrating. >_>
[19:19] [Hideki Kaze] more that her focus on something can sometimes blind her
[19:20] [@Nate Detroit] Yeah...
[19:20] [Hideki Kaze] still
[19:20] [Miara (blue swirl corset)] But a nice comfy place to sleep is so inviting~
[19:21] [Hideki Kaze] quite heh
[19:21] [@Nate Detroit] Yeah, the result at the end of the day is the same..
[19:21] [Hideki Kaze] so what is this about a tournment?
[19:21] [@Nate Detroit] Just discussing business.
[19:24] [Hideki Kaze] so what is it?
[19:25] [@Nate Detroit] Miara wantign tournaments, me saying there isnt much demand.
[19:26] [Miara (blue swirl corset)] What we need is a way to create demand.
[19:27] [@Nate Detroit] I could put up those gems as a prize =p
[19:27] [Miara (blue swirl corset)] Do you think they're worth something, then?
[19:27] [@Nate Detroit] High stakes Tekken.... $500 to enter.
[19:27] [@Nate Detroit] No idea, honestly.
[19:28] [Miara (blue swirl corset)] Isn't that an aweful lot of money?
[19:29] [@Nate Detroit] Yes, I was making an attempt at being ironic..
[19:29] [Miara (blue swirl corset)] Oh.
[19:29] [Miara (blue swirl corset)] Sorry.
[19:30] [@Nate Detroit] It wasnt a very good attempt... but yeah, nobody would be interested in that...
[19:31] [Hideki Kaze] hmmm
[19:34] [Hideki Kaze] you never know
[19:35] [@Nate Detroit] Heh, if Miara wants to donate her bag of jems, I coudl always try. ^^;
[19:36] [Miara (blue swirl corset)] You get it organized, and let me know.
[19:37] [@Nate Detroit] You want to? O_O
[19:37] [Miara (blue swirl corset)] Well, I can probably come up with something more appropriate.
[19:37] [Miara (blue swirl corset)] Since Terrans seem to prefer money.
[19:38] [@Nate Detroit] I couldnt let you do that in good conscious... they may be worth a small fortune.
[19:38] [Hideki Kaze] true
[19:38] [Hideki Kaze] or free items
[19:39] [Miara (blue swirl corset)] Well I'd love to play in a DDR tournament, I'm good at it.
[19:40] [Hideki Kaze] I'm pretty good at space shooters
[19:40] [Miara (blue swirl corset)] And I've got the top score on your machine, you know.
[19:41] [@Nate Detroit] On which song?
[19:41] [Miara (blue swirl corset)] ...Most of them...
[19:42] [@Nate Detroit] Theres like, 200... o_o
[19:43] [Miara (blue swirl corset)] Well, all the ones I've played, then?
[19:43] [Miara (blue swirl corset)] It's hard to keep track >>
[19:43] [@Nate Detroit] Kay.
[19:44] > Hideki Kaze busies himself working with the Wii
[19:45] --> David O'Cain has joined #reddwarfmain
[19:45] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to David O'Cain
[19:45] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +David O'Cain
[19:45] [+David O'Cain] Evening, all.
[19:45] [Miara (blue swirl corset)] Hi David!
[19:46] [Hideki Kaze] hello
[19:46] [@Nate Detroit] Hey..
[19:46] > Hideki Kaze turns on the TV and busies himself on adding some more games
[19:47] [+David O'Cain] What's new?
[19:48] [Hideki Kaze] there..that ought to do it...
[19:49] [Miara (blue swirl corset)] Whatcha doing, Hideki?
[19:49] [Hideki Kaze] I'm buying a few games for this wii..
[19:50] [Miara (blue swirl corset)] Oh.
[19:51] [@Nate Detroit] If you guys wernt loaded, I might protest..
[19:51] > Miara (blue swirl corset) seems to be a bit fidgity
[19:52] [+David O'Cain] You feeling alright, Miara?
[19:53] [Hideki Kaze] hmm?
[19:54] [Miara (blue swirl corset)] I think I need to go do something else for a while...
[19:54] [+David O'Cain] Ah.
[19:54] [Miara (blue swirl corset)] Been in one place too long.
[19:55] [Hideki Kaze] heh a wanderer?
[19:55] [Miara (blue swirl corset)] Well, I'm not very active when I'm here...builds up energy.
[19:56] [Miara (blue swirl corset)] See you later, boys~
[19:56] <-- Miara (blue swirl corset) [amongimmortals@terra.net] has left #reddwarfmain (Stand up and watch me!)
[19:56] [+David O'Cain] Bye.
[19:57] [@Nate Detroit] heh... later!
[19:58] > Hideki Kaze brushes himself off a bit
[19:59] [+David O'Cain] So, how're things going for you guys?
[19:59] [@Nate Detroit] Shes a sweet girl..
[20:00] [@Nate Detroit] Alright.. more or less.
[20:00] [Hideki Kaze] alright
[20:00] [+David O'Cain] Good to hear.
[20:08] [Hideki Kaze] so how are you, david?
[20:08] [+David O'Cain] Doing alright.
[20:12] --> Pantea [pantea@lightanddark.com] has joined #reddwarfmain
[20:12] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Pantea
[20:12] [Hideki Kaze] hmm?
[20:13] > Pantea appears behind a couch and hops into it to sit down
[20:13] [+David O'Cain] Hello.
[20:14] [Pantea] Hey!
[20:14] > Hideki Kaze blinks
[20:15] [Pantea] What're you buys up to all here on a Saturday night?
[20:15] [Pantea] *boys
[20:15] [Hideki Kaze] just relaxing mostly
[20:16] [@Nate Detroit] Hey you.
[20:17] [Pantea] I was training, seems to be going well now.
[20:17] [+David O'Cain] Oh yeah?
[20:17] [@Nate Detroit] Really? Godo for you. What kind.
[20:18] [Hideki Kaze] training?
[20:18] [@Nate Detroit] *What kind?
[20:18] [Pantea] Power attacks.
[20:18] [+David O'Cain] Cool.
[20:19] [Pantea] It was really hard at first, but I'm getting much better at it now.
[20:20] > Hideki Kaze just nods
[20:20] [Pantea] (( brb ))
[20:25] [Pantea] (( k ))
[20:25] [Hideki Kaze] (( wb ))
[20:26] [Pantea] (( thanks! ))
[20:26] > Pantea looks at Hideki
[20:26] ➣ Hideki appears to be a guest.
[20:26] > Pantea looks at Hideki Kaze
[20:26] ➣ Hideki Kaze: is tall, with a serious face and longish black hair, one side of which covers his left eye. He looks stotic on the outside but has a good heart.
[20:28] [Pantea] I don't recognize you.
[20:29] [@Nate Detroit] He's Matsumi's husband.
[20:29] [Pantea] Oh!
[20:29] [Pantea] Wait...which one?
[20:30] [Hideki Kaze] heh
[20:31] [Hideki Kaze] so you are?
[20:32] [Pantea] I'm Pantea, an Asteroid Warrior.
[20:32] [Hideki Kaze] ahh I see
[20:33] [@Nate Detroit] Her first husband, and first spouse.
[20:33] [@Nate Detroit] You seem to be in good spirits tonight.
[20:36] [Pantea] Who, me?
[20:38] [@Nate Detroit] Yes.
[20:40] > +David O'Cain plops down on a sofa
[20:40] > Hideki Kaze pours himself some lemonaide
[20:41] [Pantea] Well I remember more of what I was like before when I transform and practice and stuff.
[20:41] [Pantea] And...I kinda like it....
[20:41] [Pantea] Is that bad?
[20:42] [@Nate Detroit] That'll happen, but even I still don't remember everytihng.
[20:43] [@Nate Detroit] Not bad at all. I'd say its good.
[20:44] [Pantea] Well I don't mean like that, just what I was like.
[20:48] [@Nate Detroit] Its good to see you happy, regardless.
[20:48] [Pantea] It's nice to be happy.
[20:48] > Hideki Kaze sips his drink
[20:48] [Pantea] How are you?
[20:49] [@Nate Detroit] Alright.. somewhat bored.
[20:49] [Hideki Kaze] hm?
[20:51] > Pantea has transformed into Madelin Carter
[20:52] [+David O'Cain] What do you wanna do, Nate?
[20:54] > Madelin Carter gets some water and sits back on the couch.
[20:55] > Hideki Kaze turns on the Wii
[20:56] [Madelin Carter] You have a Wii??
[20:57] [@Nate Detroit] Confront Matsumi, but shes sick apparently.. so thats out.
[20:57] [Hideki Kaze] yes
[20:58] [+David O'Cain] Well, besides that.
[20:58] > Hideki Kaze switches on Star Jet IV
[20:59] [Madelin Carter] Did you have a fight?
[20:59] --> Ryoko Mitsurugi has joined #reddwarfmain
[20:59] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Ryoko Mitsurugi
[20:59] > Ryoko Mitsurugi walks in with bandages on her arms
[20:59] > Hideki Kaze chooses the fifth mission
[21:00] [+David O'Cain] Ryoko. What's up?
[21:00] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] Yo.
[21:00] > Madelin Carter looks at Ryoko shyly
[21:00] [@Nate Detroit] No.. but she forgot my birthday.
[21:02] [+David O'Cain] Lemme guess, Ryoko. You and Azumi went at it again, huh?
[21:02] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] Yeah. ^_^;;;
[21:03] > Hideki Kaze starts the game
[21:03] [+David O'Cain] So how bad this time?
[21:04] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] Well, sore arms for one. (brings her forearms up)
[21:04] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] Anyway, how're you guys doing?
[21:05] [Hideki Kaze] fine..
[21:05] [+David O'Cain] Doing alright.
[21:05] [Madelin Carter] I'm alright.
[21:06] > Ryoko Mitsurugi finds an empty sofa and sprawls
[21:06] > Hideki Kaze quietly concentrates on the game
[21:07] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] Ugh, Azumi really has gotten faster.
[21:08] [+David O'Cain] What'd you expect? You two always end up trading wins.
[21:09] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] I guess so. ^_^;
[21:10] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] So, uh, what's new around here?
[21:11] [@Nate Detroit] Really, not much.
[21:13] > Madelin Carter sits quietly
[21:14] > Hideki Kaze offers the control to Madelin
[21:15] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] Nothing fun lately?
[21:15] [Madelin Carter] Oh, thank you.
[21:15] > Madelin Carter takes the control and plays a bit
[21:18] > Hideki Kaze watcher Madelin play the game " if you shoot down the gold ship..you get a bonus level"
[21:18] [Hideki Kaze] *watches
[21:20] [@Nate Detroit] Anyone want something to drink?
[21:20] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] Inside information. :P
[21:20] > Madelin Carter is doing alright, not great
[21:20] > @Nate Detroit goes to the bar.
[21:20] [+David O'Cain] I'll take some Long Island Tea.
[21:21] [Hideki Kaze] I have lemonaide
[21:21] [@Nate Detroit] No ice?
[21:21] > Madelin Carter 's phone suddenly starts beeping
[21:21] [Madelin Carter] Oh no, I have to go home!
[21:21] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] Um....some water's fine.
[21:22] > @Nate Detroit starts mixing and pouring.
[21:22] [Madelin Carter] Goodnight, everyone.
[21:22] [+David O'Cain] Night.
[21:22] [@Nate Detroit] Aw, later.
[21:22] [Madelin Carter] I hope you fix things with Matsumi, Nate.
[21:22] <-- Madelin Carter [maddiemoss@schooldays.net] has left #reddwarfmain (When darkness comes I'll light the night with stars.)
[21:23] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] Seems like a nice kid.
[21:23] [Hideki Kaze] hmm
[21:25] [@Nate Detroit] She really is.
[21:26] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] Owwie. >_<
[21:26] > +David O'Cain sighs and goes get some ice for Ryoko
[21:30] > @Nate Detroit hands out drinks.
[21:30] > +David O'Cain drops a couple of bags on Ryoko
[21:30] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] HEY!
[21:30] [+David O'Cain] Just put your arms down on those, and you'll be fine.
[21:31] > Hideki Kaze sips his lemonaide
[21:32] > Ryoko Mitsurugi puts her arms on the bags of ice, "Fine."
[21:35] > @Nate Detroit flips through more applications, and makes notes.
[21:36] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] Whatcha got there, Nate?
[21:37] [@Nate Detroit] Job apps, people who wanna work for me.. Nice thing about the recession, lots of overqualified candidates ready to work for near-minimum wage.. sad, really.
[21:38] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] Well, I hope you make the right choices.
[21:38] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] They could be truly grateful.
[21:39] > Hideki Kaze nods
[21:49] > Hideki Kaze turns off the Wii again
[21:59] [+David O'Cain] Something wrong, Hideki?
[22:00] [Hideki Kaze] hmm no why?
[22:00] [+David O'Cain] Just wondering.
[22:01] [Hideki Kaze] no..I'm fine
[22:01] [+David O'Cain] Gotcha.
[22:02] [Hideki Kaze] how have you been?
[22:02] [+David O'Cain] I'm doing alright.
[22:02] [+David O'Cain] Ryoko, however, has seen better days.
[22:03] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] Oh come on. I barely won that time.
[22:05] [Hideki Kaze] heh you alright?
[22:07] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] I'll be fine. Although, Azumi might have gotten it worse than I did. Oh well. The two of us always get trashed in these fights.
[22:08] [+David O'Cain] Eh, she'll bounce back.
[22:09] [Hideki Kaze] I should fight again myself someday
[22:10] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] Huh?
[22:11] > @Nate Detroit sips his drink and stares out the window.
[22:11] [Hideki Kaze] training
[22:12] [Hideki Kaze] I haven't had much training in my eternal form
[22:13] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] I have the feeling you'll kick my ass. ^_^;;;;
[22:13] [@Nate Detroit] I need to use my enhanced forms more..
[22:14] [+David O'Cain] I...have no idea what would happen to me against you, Hideki.
[22:15] [Hideki Kaze] I haven't had much training in it, david
[22:15] [+David O'Cain] Oh.
[22:16] [Hideki Kaze] hand to hand I'm ok
[22:17] > TheHunterKiller observes from a shadowy corner
[22:17] [@Nate Detroit] I'm a blaster.. I thrive at range.
[22:20] [Hideki Kaze] I'm good with blades
[22:20] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] What kind?
[22:23] [Hideki Kaze] swords, shurikin, kusarikama
[22:24] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] Wow.
[22:25] [Hideki Kaze] as well as chains
[22:26] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] Man....
[22:28] [@Nate Detroit] Hideki is something when hes on form..
[22:28] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] You sure got me beat already.
[22:29] > TheHunterKiller looks at Hideki Kaze
[22:29] ➣ Hideki Kaze: is tall, with a serious face and longish black hair, one side of which covers his left eye. He looks stotic on the outside but has a good heart.
[22:31] > TheHunterKiller looks at Quinox Knight
[22:31] ➣ Quinox Knight: is Hideki in transformed form. He wears green and blue metal armor and at times wears a helmet (which appears as a mix of dragoon and samurai).
[22:32] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] All I've got are my katana and chucking pens like darts. I doubt my SI (standard issue) MKA armor is gonna do squat.
[22:33] [TheHunterKiller] I do not see anything impressive.
[22:34] [Hideki Kaze] well my armor and weapons were crafted in mind to defend the royal family
[22:35] [TheHunterKiller] What does that have to do with it?
[22:37] > Hideki Kaze looks over at hunterkiller "I was comparing my armor..that's all"
[22:41] > Hideki Kaze relaxes a bit
[22:42] > @Nate Detroit is away
[22:45] [Hideki Kaze] so..you are?
[22:48] [TheHunterKiller] What does it matter?
[22:48] [Hideki Kaze] I'm just curious
[22:52] [Hideki Kaze] I mean no offense
[22:52] [TheHunterKiller] You really want to know?
[22:53] [Hideki Kaze] sure..why not
[22:53] [+David O'Cain] Yeah, let's hear it.
[22:54] > Ryoko Mitsurugi sits there with her arms on the ice bags
[22:57] [TheHunterKiller] ☠ I'm the one who hunts the things that gives you nightmares. ☠
[22:58] > Hideki Kaze arches an eyebrow
[22:59] [Hideki Kaze] I see.....I suppose
[23:01] [TheHunterKiller] Do you now?
[23:02] [Hideki Kaze] you have a warrior's stature
[23:02] [Hideki Kaze] *body languge
[23:06] > TheHunterKiller absently flips a knife about on her fingers
[23:06] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] Okay, I'm getting a sense of The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly here. That's just me.
[23:09] [Hideki Kaze] which one of us is the ugly?
[23:10] [TheHunterKiller] Did you want some attention, girl?
[23:10] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] Him (points at David jokingly). :P
[23:10] [+David O'Cain] HEY!
[23:15] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] :P
[23:15] [Hideki Kaze] hmm I could see that
[23:15] [+David O'Cain] Oh come on!
[23:17] [+David O'Cain] Man...
[23:18] [Hideki Kaze] heh
[23:21] --> Nate Detroit (PJs) [SmashChamp@reddwarf.com] has joined #reddwarfmain
[23:21] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +o to Nate Detroit (PJs)
[23:21] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, @Nate Detroit (PJs)
[23:21] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Hey, I miss anything?
[23:22] [Hideki Kaze] not really....we apparently are now the cast of an italian western film
[23:22] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] Yep. :P
[23:24] [+David O'Cain] And apparently I'm The Ugly. ~_~
[23:24] [+David O'Cain] Unless you refered to yourself, Ryoko.
[23:24] [+David O'Cain] And tried to shift things on me.
[23:25] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] Yeah, right. How can I be The Ugly when it's really you?
[23:25] [Hideki Kaze] I'm going to go check on Matsumi..i'll see you later
[23:26] <-- Hideki Kaze [AirKnight@Qtech.com] has left #reddwarfmain
[23:26] > +David O'Cain and Ryoko angrily glare at each other
[23:26] [Shin] well well well
[23:26] --> Shin [pestalencedoom@5thlevel.hell] has joined #reddwarfmain
[23:26] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Shin
[23:26] > Shin sips some wine
[23:26] > @Nate Detroit (PJs) changes topic to `WWE Backlash Sunday night, stream link in the box if anyone is interested.`
[23:26] > @Nate Detroit (PJs) looks at Shin
[23:26] ➣ Shin: crimson eyes, pale blueish hair, pale skin dressed in impecable coat
[23:27] > Shin looks at Nate Detroit
[23:27] ➣ Nate Detroit: Nate Detroit is about 5'7, 175lbs, average build, with short brown hair, a red goatee, and very casual clothes.
[23:27] [Shin] hmm
[23:27] [Shin] good evening
[23:28] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Have we met?
[23:28] [Shin] oh I am not sure
[23:29] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] Um, who's he?
[23:30] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Nate Detroit. *offers his hand.*
[23:31] [Shin] some call me Duke Morteo Lepidottero
[23:31] [Shin] but I prefer Shin
[23:31] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] What do you go by?
[23:31] > Shin takes Nate's hand and shakes..his touch is oddly cold
[23:31] > TheHunterKiller brings out a tripple headed battle ax and begins to check it over
[23:32] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Shin... I have a friend who'se maiden name was Shin..
[23:32] [Shin] oh really?
[23:33] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Indeed. What brings you here, Shin?
[23:33] [Shin] this place..interests me
[23:33] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] How so?
[23:33] [Shin] let us just say....this place offers some interest in my line of..work
[23:33] [TheHunterKiller] You are amusements, to fill his time.
[23:34] > Shin simply smiles
[23:36] [Shin] as distinct as ever, madame, you are
[23:37] > Shin smokes a thin cigerrete
[23:39] > @Nate Detroit (PJs) edges away from the smoke. >_>
[23:40] [Shin] is something the matter?
[23:41] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Don't care for cigarette smoke..
[23:42] [Shin] oooh...I see
[23:42] > Shin puts the cigerrete out. quietly
[23:43] [TheHunterKiller] A fire user who does not like smoke?
[23:43] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Oh.. thanks.
[23:43] > Shin pours himself a glass of sherry "madame..care of a glass?"
[23:43] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Fire smoke doesnt have tons of chemicals in it..
[23:43] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Help yourself to anything, Shin.
[23:45] > Shin is pouring a glass of his own sherry...which seems to have come out of nowhere
[23:45] [Shin] I prefer my own collection
[23:46] > Shin pulls out a small black book and reads
[23:47] > @Nate Detroit (PJs) blinks, shrugs, and sips his drink.
[23:47] > Shin leaves a glass for HunterKiller
[23:49] [Shin] a quiet evening I see
[23:50] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Its usually quiet up here..
[23:50] [Shin] quite nice
[23:51] [+David O'Cain] Yep.
[23:51] [Shin] my own abode is quite comforting in it's silence..with exception to the sub-celler
[23:51] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] Relaxing, too. Ow.
[23:52] [Shin] you are silent, madame
[23:54] > TheHunterKiller has been sharpening the blades of the ax and testing them on her arm
[23:54] [Shin] so....Nathanial
[23:54] [Shin] you are a warrior?
[23:55] > Shin smiles slighty, watching HunterKiller do her work
[23:56] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Umm.. me? Yeah, I like to think so.
[23:57] [Shin] I can tell
[23:57] > Shin sips his sherry
[23:57] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] What else can you 'tell?'
[23:58] [Shin] oh...many things
[23:58] [Shin] things from your past
[23:58] [Shin] and things from your present
[23:58] > Shin sips his sherry
[23:58] > @Nate Detroit (PJs) crosses his arms.
[23:58] > Shin 's crimisons eyes sparkle
[00:00] >>> Sunday Apr 26 2009 <<<
[00:00] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Super..
[00:00] [Shin] that is quite the ax you have, madame.....
[00:01] [TheHunterKiller] Perhaps you will see what it does when you go to work tonight.
[00:01] [Shin] quite impressive
[00:02] [Shin] perhaps
[00:03] <-- TheHunterKiller [weapon@otherworld.net] has quit IRC (The rest of you are all useless.)
[00:04] [Shin] she is..quite intreaguing
[00:04] [+David O'Cain] One hell of an enigma.
[00:04] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] ....the hell?
[00:05] > Shin chuckles a little
[00:07] [Shin] quite
[00:08] > Shin adjusts the ruffled coller he wears
[00:10] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] So, Shin, want to tell us more about yourself, or are you resigned to being cryptic?
[00:10] [Shin] well if you wish to know
[00:10] > Shin sips his drink "I am a demon"
[00:11] > @Nate Detroit (PJs) 's eyes widen, for only a second.
[00:11] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] How's that working out for you?
[00:11] [Shin] just fine
[00:11] [Shin] to be specific I am the high lord of the fifth circle of what you may term Hell
[00:12] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] You have a much calmer desposition then I would have guessed.
[00:13] [Shin] hmm?
[00:14] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Well, that sounds like a high-stress job that requires someone with a hot temper.. Of course, I've never been to hell and I don't intend to go, so what do I know?
[00:14] [Shin] it is simply a duty..a job
[00:15] [Shin] I neither take pride in my work...nor do I dispise it
[00:15] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] Whoa.
[00:15] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Someone has to do it, I guess.
[00:17] > Shin stands, placing a record in a gramaphone (which is somehow now on the bar table) and places the needle on it
[00:17] [Shin] though..I do endulge myself from time to time...fine wine..fine arts....those sorts
[00:19] [Shin] I hope you do not mind the music
[00:20] > @Nate Detroit (PJs) does a double take.
[00:20] [+David O'Cain] I don't think it'll be a problem.
[00:20] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] No, go ahead.
[00:21] > Shin turns on the record....an aria from "Faust" wafting from the machine
[00:24] [Shin] I reside myself in Italy...Palermo to be exact..
[00:25] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Heh... I'd make a joke about a long commute, but I think I'd only be amusing myself.
[00:25] [Shin] quite heh
[00:26] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] Italy? Wow. I take it the place has a nice view?
[00:26] [Shin] yes...the sea is visible from my Palazzo
[00:28] > Shin opens his black book once more
[00:30] [Shin] do either of you wish a drink
[00:30] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] You arent... um.. here on business, are you?
[00:31] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Actually, I think I am going to retire. Umm... do me one favor tho, Shin. Don't take anyone up here to hell without consulting me first.. I'm kinda in charge of security here and, ya know, I have a lot of friends on this ship.
[00:32] [+David O'Cain] See ya, Nate.
[00:32] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] Later, man.
[00:32] [Shin] farewell
[00:34] <-- @Nate Detroit (PJs) [SmashChamp@reddwarf.com] has left #reddwarfmain (I'll take that as a no.)
[00:34] > Shin sips his drink
[00:34] [Shin] if hadn't left so quickly..I would have told him I cannot take until death...
[00:35] [Shin] or that I can only take....very specific..ones
[00:35] [+David O'Cain] I see.
[00:36] [Shin] amuses me
[00:37] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] I better get going. Night.
[00:37] [+David O'Cain] Bye, Ryoko.
[00:37] [Shin] goodnight
[00:38] <-- Ryoko Mitsurugi has left #reddwarfmain (Ugh, I'm soooo gonna be hurting in the morning. ~_~)
[00:38] [Shin] fragile girl?
[00:39] [+David O'Cain] No. Just a long fight with a friend.
[00:40] > Shin simply nods
[00:45] [Shin] it seems many of here are warriors
[00:46] [+David O'Cain] Yeah. Protect their homes and loved ones.
[00:47] [Shin] comedable
[00:47] [+David O'Cain] Thanks.
[00:52] [Shin] you are welcome?
[00:57] > +David O'Cain nods
[01:01] [Shin] I shall retire to my palazzo...farewell
[01:01] <-- Shin [pestalencedoom@5thlevel.hell] has left #reddwarfmain (*vanishes*)
[01:02] [+David O'Cain] Night.
[01:03] <-- +David O'Cain has left #reddwarfmain (Home I go.)
[11:33] --> Minako Aino (Workout) [SoldierOfLove@Venus.net] has joined #reddwarfmain
[11:33] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Minako Aino (Workout)
[11:33] > Minako Aino (Workout) jogs in, somewhat sweaty, her bangs sticking to her forehead.
[11:33] > Minako Aino (Workout) leans against the wall, gasping and panting.
[11:34] --> Nephrite (Casual) [FormerGeneral@DarkKingdom.net] has joined #reddwarfmain
[11:34] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Nephrite (Casual)
[11:34] --> Matsumi Kaze [Airsenshi@Qtech.com ] has joined #reddwarfmain
[11:34] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Matsumi Kaze
[11:34] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Matsumi Kaze
[11:35] [+Matsumi Kaze] oops
[11:35] > +Matsumi Kaze is away
[11:35] > Minako Aino (Workout) blinks, still catching her breath.
[11:35] [Minako Aino (Workout)] That... was... random...
[11:35] [Nephrite (Casual)] Hey Minako.... yeah, Matsumi does that sometimes.
[11:36] [Minako Aino (Workout)] Ko..*huff* ni..*puff*... hi!
[11:36] [Nephrite (Casual)] Just finished a run I take it?
[11:37] > Minako Aino (Workout) nods.
[11:37] [Nephrite (Casual)] Why don't you go sit down and cool off. I'll get you something to drink to help that.
[11:38] > Minako Aino (Workout) colapses onto the couch @.@
[11:39] > Nephrite (Casual) walks over to the bar in his white tank top and tan shorts
[11:39] [Nephrite (Casual)] Please tell me you're not trying to lose weight...?
[11:39] > Minako Aino (Workout) shakes her head.
[11:40] [Minako Aino (Workout)] Better shape... wanna be able to run.. more.. stamina..
[11:40] [Nephrite (Casual)] Ahh, well that's good then. I was gonna' say that you don't need to lose any weight.
[11:41] [Nephrite (Casual)] Some women lose too much weight and get that anorexic look, which isn't exactly attractive.
[11:42] > Nephrite (Casual) starts running a blender.
[11:43] [Minako Aino (Workout)] I'm done with that.. No.. I wanna be stronger... its my goal to be able to run the length of the ship and back.
[11:44] [Nephrite (Casual)] That's an ambicious goal. But I'm sure you'll achive it. You're quite determined.
[11:44] [Minako Aino (Workout)] ^^v
[11:44] > Nephrite (Casual) turns the blender off and pours two glasses.
[11:45] [Minako Aino (Workout)] But yeah.. I'm done with starving myself and using substitutes for food. >.> That stuff is so harsh on my system..
[11:46] > Nephrite (Casual) hands Minako one of the glasses and sits next to her, holdong onto the other.
[11:46] [Nephrite (Casual)] That's good then
[11:46] [Minako Aino (Workout)] Luckily Setsuna seems satisfied with my physique. I just hope I look good enough to get into singing.
[11:46] > Minako Aino (Workout) sips the drink.
[11:47] [Nephrite (Casual)] Oh please, you look fantastic!
[11:47] [Minako Aino (Workout)] Whats this? Ruffie Colada?
[11:47] > Nephrite (Casual) chuckles
[11:47] [Nephrite (Casual)] Ya' silly kidder. :P Fruit smoothie.
[11:48] [Nephrite (Casual)] No alcohol in it, I promise.
[11:48] [Minako Aino (Workout)] Wouldnt matter ether way, but thanks.
[11:49] [Nephrite (Casual)] Well, I didn't think you'd want alcohol this time of the day, so yeah.
[11:49] [Minako Aino (Workout)] Not afte ra jog, ether..
[11:50] [Nephrite (Casual)] Beyond that, I personally am not a fan of coconut.
[11:50] > Minako Aino (Workout) sits up.
[11:51] [Minako Aino (Workout)] How are you?
[11:53] [Nephrite (Casual)] I'm ok. Just got tired of sitting in the empty house.
[11:53] [Minako Aino (Workout)] Still nothing? :(
[11:54] [Nephrite (Casual)] I spoke to her, but it was very brief.
[11:54] [Nephrite (Casual)] Apperently she made a friend and they were going out.
[11:55] [Minako Aino (Workout)] What'd she say?
[11:55] [Minako Aino (Workout)] A... friend?
[11:55] [Nephrite (Casual)] Yeah, that's all she said.
[11:55] > Minako Aino (Workout) stares down into her drink, stiring it absently.
[11:55] [Nephrite (Casual)] She asked me again if I was coming out there, where I told her again that I couldn't.
[11:57] [Minako Aino (Workout)] Why can't you? Or did you mean to move?
[11:57] [Nephrite (Casual)] To move
[11:57] [Minako Aino (Workout)] Oh..
[11:58] [Nephrite (Casual)] Again I asked her where she was and she just kinda' changed the subject.
[12:00] [Minako Aino (Workout)] She asked you to come out there, but you don't know where she is? o.o What, you tihnk shes hiding until you consent to move?
[12:02] [Nephrite (Casual)] I think so.....
[12:02] > Nephrite (Casual) sighs a little
[12:07] [Minako Aino (Workout)] I wish I knew what to tell you.. I know that I put work before.. well, not Eros love, but before my Philos love once.. and I regretted it ever since..
[12:08] [Nephrite (Casual)] Eros..... Philos?
[12:09] [Minako Aino (Workout)] The short answer is Eros is mroe erotic, romantic love, where Philos is more family-friend type.
[12:10] [Nephrite (Casual)] Ahhh, I see
[12:11] [Minako Aino (Workout)] I never said I was only the goddess of romantic love. ^^
[12:12] [Nephrite (Casual)] Well, I would imagine you're the prettiest. ^_~
[12:12] > Minako Aino (Workout) isnt sure what that meant, but laughs and blushes all the same.
[12:14] [Nephrite (Casual)] So, what're you planning on doing today?
[12:16] [Minako Aino (Workout)] Mmm.... I dunno.. I'm gonna be a little sore, I know that..
[12:17] [Nephrite (Casual)] My I offer you a massage?
[12:17] [Nephrite (Casual)] ^may
[12:18] > Minako Aino (Workout) looks at Neph, a sly grin stretching across her face.
[12:19] [Minako Aino (Workout)] Okay. ^^ Here? You sure you don't mind that I'm all icky?
[12:20] [Nephrite (Casual)] Sure, I don't mind. You're not icky to me.
[12:21] [Nephrite (Casual)] Sweat is the body's way of cleaning itself from the inside, in a sense.
[12:21] > Minako Aino (Workout) stretches out and lays down across the couch, face down.
[12:22] [Minako Aino (Workout)] Yeah, but it pushes out icky stuff with it.. and its really more intended to cool the body..
[12:22] [Nephrite (Casual)] True true
[12:22] [Nephrite (Casual)] Bend your knees, I'm going to take off your shoes
[12:23] > Minako Aino (Workout) does so, arching her back slightly. ~.^
[12:23] > Nephrite (Casual) looks over Mina with a slight smirk, then proceeds to untie and remove her shoes and socks
[12:24] [Minako Aino (Workout)] Now those I KNOW arent gonan smell like roses. ~.~
[12:24] [Nephrite (Casual)] That matters not to me.
[12:24] [Nephrite (Casual)] You know, there are men who get aroused by the smell of women's feet.
[12:25] [Minako Aino (Workout)] I know ~______~ Are you saying you're one of them?
[12:25] [Nephrite (Casual)] No no
[12:25] [Nephrite (Casual)] But, the scent is not so bad that it's making my eyes water either. :P
[12:26] > Minako Aino (Workout) giggles.
[12:26] [Nephrite (Casual)] Alright, lay your feet back down and relax
[12:27] > Minako Aino (Workout) puts her legs down.
[12:27] > Nephrite (Casual) starts at Minako's feet and ankles, using his thumbs mostly to rub in circular paturns.
[12:28] [Nephrite (Casual)] ^patterns
[12:28] > Minako Aino (Workout) makes low, happy noises.
[12:30] > Nephrite (Casual) slowly works her way up to Minako's ankles, working around from front to back and back again
[12:32] [Minako Aino (Workout)] ❧ A girl could get used to this.... -___- ❧
[12:40] [Nephrite (Casual)] I'm glad you're enjoying it
[12:41] > Nephrite (Casual) moves up her leg to her calves and shins, gently lifting each leg so she can rub both sides.
[12:42] > Minako Aino (Workout) continues to make low happy noises, that might resemble purring.
[12:42] > Nephrite (Casual) chuckles to himself as he continues to work
[12:46] [Nephrite (Casual)] Do you shave, wax or do something else for your legs?
[12:47] [Minako Aino (Workout)] ❧ Thats my secret. ^.~ ❧
[12:48] [Nephrite (Casual)] Fair enough... I am just amazed at how smooth your legs are. No hair nor even a bump, blemish or nick.
[12:49] > Minako Aino (Workout) giggles.
[12:49] [Minako Aino (Workout)] You like, then?
[12:49] > Nephrite (Casual) very carefully works the back and sides of her knees, trying not to tickle her too much
[12:50] [Nephrite (Casual)] I do. ^_^
[12:52] [Minako Aino (Workout)] I take a lot of pride in my looks.. I almost got into a fight with that killer..hunter woman the other night shen she slahed my hair.
[12:52] [Nephrite (Casual)] Oh my, that would not have been good
[12:54] > Nephrite (Casual) moves up to her thighs, rubbing the back and outside of each one. Being careful not to drift too far inside or too high.
[12:55] [Minako Aino (Workout)] You're really good at this...
[12:55] [Nephrite (Casual)] Thank you. I've always been told I was skilled with my hands.
[12:58] > Nephrite (Casual) lifts his hands, having done what he can without violating any personal areas
[12:58] [Minako Aino (Workout)] Do this for all the girls, then?
[12:59] [Nephrite (Casual)] Would you like me to continue up to the back or shall I stop here?
[12:59] [Nephrite (Casual)] Not many.... only the few I dated previously.
[12:59] [Minako Aino (Workout)] If you feel up for it, by all means. ♡
[13:00] > Nephrite (Casual) slides over and starts to rub her lower back and sides, again making sure not to drift too low.
[13:03] [Minako Aino (Workout)] ❧ Mm... its nice to be putty in the hands of a strong man once and a while... ❧
[13:04] > Nephrite (Casual) smiles at that comment
[13:04] [Nephrite (Casual)] ❧ Well... it's nice to be able to give a rubdown to such a beautiful woman. ❧
[13:05] > Minako Aino (Workout) giggles.
[13:07] > Nephrite (Casual) moves up and works along her sides, making sure not to drift to far to the front now
[13:12] > Minako Aino (Workout) reaches out and sips her drink.
[13:13] > Nephrite (Casual) moves in and rubs the muscles over her shoulder blades
[13:14] [Minako Aino (Workout)] I owe you, for this..
[13:14] [Nephrite (Casual)] Only if you feel you do... I personally feel privilaged to be able to do this for you.
[13:15] > Minako Aino (Workout) blushes, her face obstructed by her arms and hair, but this time doesnt laugh.
[13:16] > Nephrite (Casual) moves his hands to the center of her back, working slowly up and down her spine
[13:17] > Minako Aino (Workout) shudders.
[13:18] > Nephrite (Casual) stops at that reaction, "Everything ok there?"
[13:19] [Minako Aino (Workout)] ❧ never better... ❧
[13:20] > Nephrite (Casual) smiles and continues
[13:20] [Nephrite (Casual)] You have great lines and perfect tone in your back
[13:22] [Minako Aino (Workout)] ❧ Arigato... ❧
[13:23] > Minako Aino (Workout) 's voice is becoming more airry and weak.
[13:23] > Nephrite (Casual) moves all the way up to the back of her head, where it meets her spine, gently rubbing
[13:23] [Nephrite (Casual)] Are you falling asleep on me up there?
[13:25] [Minako Aino (Workout)] Noo.. not at all..
[13:26] [Nephrite (Casual)] Alright... it just sounded like you starting to drift off a bit.
[13:27] [Minako Aino (Workout)] Ohh? Sorry.. just... feels... good... -_______-
[13:27] [Nephrite (Casual)] Would you please put your arms down? I'll do the tops of hour shoulders and your arms.
[13:27] [Nephrite (Casual)] &your
[13:27] [Nephrite (Casual)] * >_<
[13:28] > Minako Aino (Workout) rests her arms at her side.
[13:29] > Nephrite (Casual) moves up and starts massaging the tops of both shoulders
[13:32] [Nephrite (Casual)] /moves slowly in towards her neck, then back outward
[13:32] > Nephrite (Casual) ^
[13:38] > Nephrite (Casual) moves down her shoulders to her arms and elbows
[13:40] > Minako Aino (Workout) is now taking large, slow breaths.
[13:40] > Nephrite (Casual) stops and picks up her hands, "There we go. All done"
[13:41] > Minako Aino (Workout) is completely in la-la land. ♫
[13:42] [Nephrite (Casual)] ^his (noticed that one late)
[13:42] > Nephrite (Casual) moves around front of the sofa and looks at Mina with a smile
[13:42] [Nephrite (Casual)] I take it you enjoyed that?
[13:43] > Minako Aino (Workout) makes an incoherrent noise.
[13:44] > Nephrite (Casual) chuckles a bit and stands
[13:44] [Nephrite (Casual)] I'm glad I could help make you feel better.
[13:44] > Minako Aino (Workout) turns over, rubbing her legs together.
[13:44] [Minako Aino (Workout)] Huh? Oh... Oh! Yeah.. thank you. ^^;
[13:45] > Nephrite (Casual) chuckles a little and smiles down to her
[13:47] [Minako Aino (Workout)] Woah... little tingly now.. ^^ but its good.
[13:47] [Nephrite (Casual)] I'm glad. Is there anything else I can do for you?
[13:48] [Minako Aino (Workout)] I... I uhh... no. I'm great...
[13:49] [Nephrite (Casual)] Alright then.
[13:49] [Nephrite (Casual)] I thank you for the privilage of allowing me to do that for you.
[13:51] > Minako Aino (Workout) laughs a little. "Anytime... and I mean that.."
[13:52] > Nephrite (Casual) smirks a bit
[13:54] [Nephrite (Casual)] So.... is there anything you'd like to do today?
[13:54] [Minako Aino (Workout)] @.@ Anything...
[13:54] [Nephrite (Casual)] Sure, my schedule is open.
[13:56] > Minako Aino (Workout) leans against Nephrite, taking hold of his arm.
[13:56] > Nephrite (Casual) smiles, putting his hand over her's
[13:59] [Nephrite (Casual)] You sure you're ok there?
[13:59] [Minako Aino (Workout)] Mmmhmm..
[14:05] > Nephrite (Casual) nods and leads her out
[14:05] <-- Nephrite (Casual) [FormerGeneral@DarkKingdom.net] has left #reddwarfmain (How about we start by getting you to your quarters so you can take a shower and change?)
[14:06] <-- Minako Aino (Workout) [SoldierOfLove@Venus.net] has left #reddwarfmain (...kay.)
[18:30] --> Nate Detroit [SmashChamp@reddwarf.com] has joined #reddwarfmain
[18:30] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +o to Nate Detroit
[18:30] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, @Nate Detroit
[18:30] > @Nate Detroit walks in and turns on the TV.
[18:31] [@Nate Detroit] Lets see if we can find a good feed...
[18:32] > @Nate Detroit changes topic to `WWE Backlash @ http://www.justin.tv/therock_lwhd`
[18:32] [@Nate Detroit] nice.... high def for once.
[18:33] [@Nate Detroit] I must be the only one who didnt like this match... Shawn and Taker spent most of it on their backs..
[18:37] [@Nate Detroit] I hope its this good for the live show.
[18:37] > @Nate Detroit is away: Cooking, so to speak.
[18:44] --> Vanadine (Casual) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has joined #reddwarfmain
[18:44] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Vanadine (Casual)
[18:44] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Vanadine (Casual)
[18:44] [+Vanadine (Casual)] (( Just an FYI, the link still won't work on this computer. So I'm just joining for the chat. ))
[18:45] [+Vanadine (Casual)] (( For some reason, this computer hates Justin.tv ))
[18:45] > +Vanadine (Casual) walks in and looks around: Awwww.... where is he? He said he'd be here.
[18:48] > +Vanadine (Casual) walks over to the bar and starts making herself a drink
[19:02] > +Vanadine (Casual) finishes making her drink and sits
[19:06] --> Nate Detroit [SmashChamp@reddwarf.com] has joined #reddwarfmain
[19:06] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +o to Nate Detroit
[19:06] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, @Nate Detroit
[19:06] > @Nate Detroit walks in, carrying a plate of Nachos.
[19:07] [@Nate Detroit] Vana! If I knew anyone was coming, I'd have made more.
[19:08] [+Vanadine (Casual)] That's ok. I'm not very hungry anyway. You want a drink?
[19:08] [@Nate Detroit] Please.
[19:09] [+Vanadine (Casual)] You can have my Long Island if you want it. I only took on sip out of it.
[19:09] [+Vanadine (Casual)] I can always go make another one
[19:09] [@Nate Detroit] Lets share for now.
[19:10] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Ok
[19:11] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Sorry about not coming for Wrestlemania. The crew at CAW wanted me to watch it with them. Almost all of us sat in our arena and watched a live feed on our big screen.
[19:12] [@Nate Detroit] Man.. it stinked.. watching Wrestlemania by myself.. Miara didnt care for it.. and Dave didnt get into it in the least..
[19:12] [@Nate Detroit] I'm glad you're here tho, it looks like a way better card.
[19:13] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Yeah. The card looks really intersting. I'm not sure about the crazy rules for that 6-man match though.
[19:13] > @Nate Detroit is watching the stream of Wrestlemania, replaying the Edge, Big Show & Cena Triple Threat.
[19:14] [@Nate Detroit] I reeeeeally wish Cena hadnt won that... The best part is that they kept talking about him FU'ing them both at once, even tho they blew the spot.
[19:15] [+Vanadine (Casual)] I know it... it was so retarded how they kept saying he hit the move on them both at the same time when Edge clearly slipped off
[19:18] [@Nate Detroit] I wonder how many more tiems he's gonna get injured, drop the title, come back, and have it handed to him the moment he comes through the curtain.. hes up to two..
[19:19] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Yeah, I thought that was kinda' lame how they did that. I don't care how big of a star you are. You should be made to come back up to contention
[19:19] > @Nate Detroit is watchign the Hall of Fame ceremony now.
[19:20] [@Nate Detroit] I never thought Koko B. Ware would beat Owen Hart to the hall of fame...
[19:21] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Well, honestly, what they did this year was put all the Texas based starts of the old days into the HoF.
[19:21] [@Nate Detroit] I figured that's why Austin made it in so soon. I didnt know the others were from Texas..
[19:22] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Yeah, the only one I think WASN'T originally from at Texas based league was Finkle
[19:22] [@Nate Detroit] "This is vintage Stone Cold." Wouldnt Vintage be when he was 'Stunning' Steve Williams?
[19:23] [@Nate Detroit] Or was it Stunning Steve Austin? I forget..
[19:23] [+Vanadine (Casual)] It was Austin
[19:23] [+Vanadine (Casual)] I don't think he ever wrestled under his real name
[19:32] [+Vanadine (Casual)] So... what do you think of "Santina"?
[19:34] [@Nate Detroit] I think its an awful gimmic.. its insulting to everyone's inteligence, and it has no entertainment or redeeming value >__<
[19:35] [+Vanadine (Casual)] I agree with one addition.
[19:35] --> David O'Cain has joined #reddwarfmain
[19:35] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to David O'Cain
[19:35] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +David O'Cain
[19:35] [+David O'Cain] Yo.
[19:36] [+Vanadine (Casual)] They could've picked so many men that would make a halfway decient looking woman. Santino is NOT ONE OF THEM! >_<
[19:37] [+David O'Cain] Um, the hell I walk in on?
[19:39] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Hi Davey
[19:39] [+Vanadine (Casual)] We're just talking about how much of an abomination "Santina" is.
[19:40] [@Nate Detroit] Heh... well, I doubt Italian women on the whole look very good anyway. Hey Dave. We're getting ready for Backlash. Wanna watch?
[19:40] > @Nate Detroit points to the hyperlink in the topic, which is currently playing WM25.
[19:41] [+David O'Cain] "Santina"? Sounds like a misspelling of Santana if you ask me.
[19:42] [@Nate Detroit] >____> You don't watch anymore, huh? Well, I can't say I blame you..
[19:44] [+Vanadine (Casual)] I know the overall product had kinda' sucked. But I stll watch.
[19:45] [@Nate Detroit] Santino Marella. Italian Heel wrestler. Currently romantically involved with Beth Pheonix, Muscular, yet attractive female wrestler. He whined and whined that he couldnt be in the diva battle royal at Wrestlemania, then wound up attending it in drag, and winning. Now, for some reason, he's supposed to have to kiss the 7 foot tall Great Kahli tonight.
[19:45] [@Nate Detroit] I wonder if Santina will be an alternate costume for him in the next video game..
[19:45] [+Vanadine (Casual)] I love Beth... I hope I can meet her one day.
[19:46] > +Vanadine (Casual) grins evily: It'd be awesome to get a palmfull of her. ^_~
[19:47] [+David O'Cain] Whoawhoawhoa wait. He wanted to be in a diva battle royal? Um, I'm afraid to ask, but why?!
[19:47] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Because he's an idiot.
[19:48] [@Nate Detroit] Because the product is awful and the writing is awful and the more you question it the more likely you are to have a brain aneurysm.
[19:48] [@Nate Detroit] Thats why.
[19:48] [+David O'Cain] Right.
[19:48] [+Vanadine (Casual)] I'd have to agree with that.
[19:49] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Like this big deal they've been making about Hornswaggle leaving to go to Raw, I think. Who cares about a freakin' midget, honestly?
[19:50] [@Nate Detroit] I must have missed that... ung... I think they've gotten everything they're gona out of him.
[19:50] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Everytime I see him on tv I wanna' stomp on him with a spiked heel and grind him into the ground. >_<
[19:53] [+David O'Cain] Hope you have fun, Vana.
[19:54] > @Nate Detroit sips Vana's long island.
[19:55] [+David O'Cain] So, um, when is the event starting?
[19:55] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Oh, if I ever see him, I will
[19:55] [+Vanadine (Casual)] My only fear is that he'd enjoy it. >_>
[19:55] [@Nate Detroit] Orton and Trips was... well.. alright. Anticlimatic.
[19:56] [+Vanadine (Casual)] I like Orton as a wrestler. I don't care for his character.
[19:59] [@Nate Detroit] I liked this angle... one of the better applicaions of his character. One of the better feuds so far this year.
[19:59] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Oh, I read something interesting before I came up here.
[20:00] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Did you guys hear Animal's get got drafted to the NFL?
[20:00] [+Vanadine (Casual)] ^kid
[20:00] [+David O'Cain] I think I read that in the newspaper from home. Who picked him up?
[20:01] [@Nate Detroit] O_o He's gotta be pushing fifty...
[20:02] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Saint Louis Rams, 3rd round
[20:03] [+David O'Cain] Cool.
[20:03] [@Nate Detroit] I'm sure he'll be just as valuable a pick as Brock Lesnar...
[20:04] [@Nate Detroit] Aaaand Trips beats Orton to retain.
[20:05] [+David O'Cain] Yep.
[20:07] [+Vanadine (Casual)] I dunno. I heard he's actually a good player.
[20:09] [+David O'Cain] Nice they got AC/DC playing now.
[20:10] > @Nate Detroit just realized its past 8, and the live show began already. O_O
[20:10] [@Nate Detroit] s[BLEEP]ts[BLEEP]ts[BLEEP]t
[20:10] > +Vanadine (Casual) wasn't paying attention to the time either.
[20:10] > @Nate Detroit franticly changes the feed.
[20:11] [+Vanadine (Casual)] (( I'm gonna' be "watching" via a texed based recap. ))
[20:12] > @Nate Detroit changes topic to `http://www.justin.tv/tba_live`
[20:14] > @Nate Detroit has a stuttering feed of Christian vs. Swagger, and continues to look for a better one.
[20:14] [+Vanadine (Casual)] ECW Title match to open the show, eh?
[20:15] [@Nate Detroit] (( http://www.ustream.tv/channel/wild-talk-radio try this one, Dennis. ))
[20:16] [+David O'Cain] (( For whatever reason the first link was taking too long to load the feed. ))
[20:17] [+David O'Cain] (( Second one does. ))
[20:17] [@Nate Detroit] Christian wins with the... unprettyer?
[20:18] [+David O'Cain] Damn.
[20:18] [@Nate Detroit] Heh... 'his first gold of any kind in over five years'... they have some nerve..
[20:18] > @Nate Detroit changes topic to `http://www.justin.tv/swlive2`
[20:19] [@Nate Detroit] (( Try that one, Dave. slightly better. ))
[20:19] [@Nate Detroit] Oh, I see.. he took off the turnbuckle cover and got him to run into it.
[20:20] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Nicely done.
[20:20] [+Vanadine (Casual)] 5 years!? I hate that kinda' BS they pull. I remember when he was NWA Champion not 2 years ago in TNA. :P
[20:20] [@Nate Detroit] I hate how they refuse to acknowledge the existance of TNA... and go to great lengths to pretend it doesnt exist.
[20:21] [@Nate Detroit] Heh... reunited with Edge.. that was inevitable.
[20:21] [+Vanadine (Casual)] That's why I'll NEVER work for them. :P
[20:22] [@Nate Detroit] Heh... you used to be fun, now you're this bitter raving lunatic.
[20:22] [+David O'Cain] Heheh.
[20:22] [@Nate Detroit] (( Did that one work for you, D? ))
[20:23] [+Vanadine (Casual)] (( No.. some kinda' error with flash player >_< ))
[20:23] [+David O'Cain] (( Haven't tried it yet. ))
[20:23] [+Vanadine (Casual)] (( I HATE this computer! ))
[20:25] [@Nate Detroit] (( Oh, I meant Dennis. ))
[20:25] [+David O'Cain] (( Okay that link's working for me. ))
[20:26] [@Nate Detroit] (( Do you have admin rights? Try downloading the latest flash. ))
[20:26] [+Vanadine (Casual)] (( That's the entire problem. I don't have admin rights. ))
[20:26] [@Nate Detroit] Steamboat and Jericho now.. and damn does Steamboat look good.
[20:27] [+David O'Cain] He's sure showing him a thing or two.
[20:27] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Ya' know, for an older guy, Ricky looks good.
[20:28] [@Nate Detroit] Ricky looks good period.
[20:28] [@Nate Detroit] As long as were talking about the same thing. =p
[20:29] [+David O'Cain] Heheh.
[20:29] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Maybe we are, maybe we arn't. ^_~
[20:30] [@Nate Detroit] Heh... really now.. You'd considder someone like him?
[20:31] [+Vanadine (Casual)] I'm not normally attracted to older men. But I think I might make an exception for him.
[20:32] [@Nate Detroit] Aww... I've heard them talk like this before... it sounds like he's gonna lose and not come back.
[20:33] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Awww, I hope not!
[20:34] [+David O'Cain] Man, so many 2 counts.
[20:34] [@Nate Detroit] Must have been three matches with Marty Jannetty before he was fired... they talked like this.
[20:35] [@Nate Detroit] uh oh... Lion Tamer..
[20:36] [@Nate Detroit] Countered into a modified figure four. Heh.. but Chris is too close to the ropes.
[20:36] [+David O'Cain] Fig Four!
[20:37] [@Nate Detroit] High cross body. Sure sounded like the ref hit the mat 3 times...
[20:37] [+Vanadine (Casual)] It's too close!
[20:37] [@Nate Detroit] Eek. Codebreaker... that'll make it hard to recover.
[20:37] [+David O'Cain] Leg on the rope.
[20:38] [+David O'Cain] Got him with the Wall.
[20:38] [@Nate Detroit] And Steamboat taps to the Walls... too bad..
[20:38] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Awwww, crap.
[20:40] [@Nate Detroit] Come on Beth... talk him out of it.. .and END THIS FEUD!!!
[20:41] [+David O'Cain] Just kick his ass.
[20:41] [@Nate Detroit] Oh God.. he thinks he was better looking than Beth >___>
[20:41] [@Nate Detroit] YAY! A BREAK UP!!
[20:41] [+David O'Cain] It's Kane.
[20:43] [@Nate Detroit] Why does the Money in the Bank winner wrestle at all before he cashes in?
[20:44] > +David O'Cain shrugs
[20:45] [+David O'Cain] (( Lost it. ))
[20:45] > @Nate Detroit switches to http://www.ustream.tv/channel/wild-talk-radio, and waits for the other stream to recover.
[20:47] [+Vanadine (Casual)] It's about time she kicked him to the curb!!
[20:47] [+David O'Cain] Sidewalk Slam.
[20:48] [+Vanadine (Casual)] I don't see the point in this match.
[20:49] [@Nate Detroit] Filler. I guess once upon a time, wrestlers wrestled because it was their job, bot because they had disagreements. Its strange that their business model is based on grown men who can't solve their problems through anything other than violence.
[20:50] [+Vanadine (Casual)] I suppose you have a point.
[20:50] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Most of our matches are just for the sake of having a match.
[20:52] [+David O'Cain] Kane wins!
[20:52] [@Nate Detroit] Hmm... Kane beats out Punk. Interesting.
[20:52] [@Nate Detroit] He should steal the briefcase.
[20:53] [+Vanadine (Casual)] I know.... not like Punk can stop him after a chokeslam like that.
[20:58] > +Vanadine (Casual) looks at her com and takes a sip of her drink, which is almost gone
[20:59] [@Nate Detroit] Here w ego.. Hardy vs Hardy, round two.
[21:00] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Actually, this is round 3
[21:00] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Don't forget, they had a stretcher match a couple weeks ago.
[21:01] [@Nate Detroit] oh yeah.
[21:02] > @Nate Detroit searches in vain for a better feed.
[21:02] > @Nate Detroit changes topic to `http://www.ustream.tv/channel/wwe-backlash-2009`
[21:04] [@Nate Detroit] They must be really cracking down..
[21:04] [+David O'Cain] I guess.
[21:04] --> Hideki Kaze [AirKnight@Qtech.com] has joined #reddwarfmain
[21:04] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Hideki Kaze
[21:05] > Hideki Kaze wanders in
[21:05] [Hideki Kaze] huh..what's this?
[21:05] [+David O'Cain] Hey, Hideki.
[21:05] > Hideki Kaze blinks at the sight
[21:05] [Hideki Kaze] looks painful
[21:05] [@Nate Detroit] Backlash. Matt Hardy vs. Jeff Hardy in an 'I Quit' match. Pull up a chair.
[21:06] > Hideki Kaze sits down
[21:06] [+David O'Cain] Enjoy the show, man.
[21:06] [Hideki Kaze] (( I'm surpised I can actually see this ))
[21:07] > Hideki Kaze winces
[21:07] [@Nate Detroit] (( ' http://www.ustream.tv/channel/wwe-backlash! 'might work better for some, but it makes my browser crash. ))
[21:07] [Hideki Kaze] (( I have it up already heh ))
[21:07] [@Nate Detroit] Second figure four of the night.
[21:08] [Hideki Kaze] this guy doesn't give up, does he
[21:08] [@Nate Detroit] Jeff manages to reverse it.
[21:08] [@Nate Detroit] Someone will have to. Thats th epoint of the match. You only win by vocal submission.
[21:09] [Hideki Kaze] I don't watch much wrestling..except for vana's matches of course
[21:09] [@Nate Detroit] Of course.
[21:10] [Hideki Kaze] (( annnd I lost the picture ))
[21:10] [@Nate Detroit] An I Quit match doesnt really suit their styles...
[21:10] [@Nate Detroit] (( Right click on the picture, and turn the buffer up to 'unlimited' ))
[21:11] [@Nate Detroit] Whisper in the Wind connects.. and now theyre trading punches..
[21:11] [@Nate Detroit] Oh wow... Standing Texas Cloverleaf by Jeff.
[21:12] > Hideki Kaze just watches..not familer with the terms
[21:12] [@Nate Detroit] The Texas Cloverleaf is not a lethal manuever you redneck hick. >_<
[21:13] [@Nate Detroit] Swanton bomb.. not looking good for Matt... and now Jeff is getting a weapon... a table?
[21:15] [@Nate Detroit] What the hell... Rope? And duct tape! Hes taping him up! O_o
[21:15] [@Nate Detroit] (( the link in the topic still works for me. ))
[21:16] [Hideki Kaze] ..duct tape and a table.....reminds me of..
[21:16] [+Vanadine (Casual)] (( Sorry, I had a pest in here distracting me >_> ))
[21:16] > Hideki Kaze quickly shuts up
[21:16] [@Nate Detroit] Wow... gay, kinky, AND incestious all in one..
[21:16] [+Vanadine (Casual)] ❧ Oh lala~ ❧
[21:17] > Hideki Kaze turns a little red
[21:17] > @Nate Detroit gives Hideki a glance for a moment, then goes back to seeing Jeff pulling out the ladder.
[21:18] [@Nate Detroit] Yeah....... looks like Jeff has this..
[21:18] [@Nate Detroit] Oh come on Matt, don't plead.. just give up.
[21:18] > +Vanadine (Casual) slides over to Hideki and snuggles with him
[21:18] > Hideki Kaze holds vana
[21:19] [+Vanadine (Casual)] ❧ I think I need to take notes on this for later, right 'deki? ^_~ ❧
[21:19] [@Nate Detroit] What a time for the audio to give out... >_>
[21:19] [Hideki Kaze] heh
[21:19] [+David O'Cain] Heh. Getting ideas already, Vana?
[21:20] [@Nate Detroit] Deki, if you're into having Vana jump on you from a ladder, you're made of tougher stuff than I thought, and that says something.
[21:21] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Well boys.... I hate to do it, but I should get going. I promised the kids I'd read them a story before they go to bed.
[21:21] [Hideki Kaze] alright vana
[21:21] [+David O'Cain] Alright, Vana. Hope they sleep well.
[21:22] [@Nate Detroit] Aww... ok Vana.. give them my regards.
[21:22] > +Vanadine (Casual) kisses Hideki, then Nate and stands, kissing David on the cheek
[21:22] [+Vanadine (Casual)] I'll try to make it back for the main event.
[21:23] <-- +Vanadine (Casual) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has left #reddwarfmain (That was a good match. Not too bad a show so far.)
[21:23] [+David O'Cain] Okay.
[21:23] [@Nate Detroit] Looks like you're only missing the Kahli bs.
[21:23] [+David O'Cain] (( Um, I've lost vid, but I got audio. ))
[21:23] > @Nate Detroit only facepalms.
[21:24] [@Nate Detroit] (( try refreshing. funny, a minute ago I had video, no sound. ))
[21:25] [+David O'Cain] (( Trying, but nada. Still getting audio but no visual. ))
[21:25] [@Nate Detroit] (( try http://www.ustream.tv/channel/wwe_blacklash ))
[21:26] [+David O'Cain] (( It's working. ))
[21:26] > @Nate Detroit changes topic to `http://www.ustream.tv/channel/wwe_blacklash`
[21:26] [@Nate Detroit] Wow... they found a way to make this worse... dragging JR into it.
[21:27] [+David O'Cain] Unbelieveable. ~_~
[21:27] [Hideki Kaze] is he....
[21:28] [@Nate Detroit] It would seem this is going to be resolved with Beth kicking him in the balls.
[21:30] [@Nate Detroit] Wow, I never thought Beth Pheonix would be the voice of reason..
[21:30] [+David O'Cain] Wow. Blasting Khali like that.
[21:30] [@Nate Detroit] Awww... thats not nice...
[21:30] > @Nate Detroit laughs.
[21:30] [@Nate Detroit] Ok, THAT was kind afunny..
[21:31] [@Nate Detroit] oh christ..
[21:32] [+David O'Cain] Man, this night's just going to hell, ain't it?
[21:34] > @Nate Detroit turns the stream back to http://www.ustream.tv/channel/wwe-backlash-2009
[21:37] [@Nate Detroit] This should be good... and weird.
[21:37] [+David O'Cain] Yeah.
[21:39] [@Nate Detroit] I hate when the champion comes out first..
[21:42] [@Nate Detroit] Oh God... now the song is in my head again! >__<
[21:42] [Hideki Kaze] it's catchy
[21:42] [@Nate Detroit] I have a voice that is my savior; hates to love and loves to GAH MAKE IT STOP X_x
[21:43] [+David O'Cain] I could use a drill on your skull. That might help stop it.
[21:44] [@Nate Detroit] Don't tempt me.
[21:44] [@Nate Detroit] ♬ They talk to me... THEY TALK TO MEEE! ♭
[21:44] [Hideki Kaze] taking it into the crowd?
[21:45] > @Nate Detroit changes topic to `http://www.justin.tv/wsn_tv1`
[21:48] [@Nate Detroit] six real tallents in this match.. even Shane is good.
[21:49] [@Nate Detroit] Blood rush suplex. Havent seen that i na while.
[21:50] > Hideki Kaze winces
[21:52] [@Nate Detroit] How's Matsumi doing, Hideki?
[21:53] [Hideki Kaze] she's been moodly lately
[21:53] [+David O'Cain] Awwww.
[21:54] [@Nate Detroit] Why's that? The weather?
[21:54] [Hideki Kaze] not sure
[21:54] [Hideki Kaze] when I saw her this afternoon..she was muttering something about getting old
[21:55] [@Nate Detroit] Heh.... I hope her powers of Timeless Body arent failing her... mostly because I don't want them to fail me as well. ^^;;
[21:56] [@Nate Detroit] I never thought Batista would be the weak link, and Shane would rescue..
[21:56] [Hideki Kaze] no..it's just something about working out today and feeling sore
[21:57] [@Nate Detroit] Um.. did you give the girls my message that I'd like to see them?
[21:58] [Hideki Kaze] yeah I did
[21:58] [Hideki Kaze] she said she'll see you tomorrow
[21:59] [@Nate Detroit] I hope I'm around... I'm gonna start interviewing people tomorrow.
[22:00] [@Nate Detroit] Not a lot of high spots in this match.. They need to step up their writing for tag team matches.
[22:00] > Hideki Kaze nods
[22:02] > Hideki Kaze pours a glass of lemonaide
[22:03] [@Nate Detroit] Heh.. they spaced that out well, to deny him the tag.
[22:03] [@Nate Detroit] Lemonade, Deki? Can I get some?
[22:04] > Hideki Kaze pours another glass to Nate "it's a bit sour"
[22:04] [+David O'Cain] Man, Shane almost had it.
[22:05] [@Nate Detroit] Enter Trips. Now the actual match can start...
[22:07] [@Nate Detroit] Heh... oh man... nice.. that might be it.. nope!
[22:08] [@Nate Detroit] Woah! He got it.
[22:08] [@Nate Detroit] PinningTrips, nonethe less.
[22:09] [+David O'Cain] Yep.
[22:10] [@Nate Detroit] Now Trips has two feuds.. he can blame Batista for costing him the match.
[22:12] [+David O'Cain] Might look that way.
[22:14] [@Nate Detroit] ...the best value in pay per view entertainment? O_o They charge like $50 for these!
[22:15] [+David O'Cain] No kidding, man.
[22:16] > Hideki Kaze sips his drink
[22:19] [@Nate Detroit] I hope to God Edge wins....
[22:24] [@Nate Detroit] Oh wow.. "He told John Cena 'I hate you.'" Those are soem powerful words 9_9
[22:26] [+David O'Cain] Yeah. I can come up with harsher words, but I don't think Daxter would wanna translate it.
[22:27] [Hideki Kaze] heh
[22:30] [@Nate Detroit] Oh come on Adam just pull out a gun and shoot him i nthe head! Its no DQ!
[22:31] [@Nate Detroit] Thats smart... using the ropes when its no DQ. They usually forget about that..
[22:33] [+David O'Cain] Yeah.
[22:36] [+David O'Cain] That had to hurt. Kick those steps into him.
[22:36] [@Nate Detroit] Nice dropkick into the stairs... I dont get why Edge is hurt tho..
[22:38] > Hideki Kaze remembers that the next time he sees Katori
[22:39] [@Nate Detroit] Oh cool, they're cheerign edge and booing Cena.
[22:41] [+David O'Cain] Heh.
[22:42] [@Nate Detroit] Noooo nononononononon GAY! >_<
[22:43] [@Nate Detroit] YES! Back up!
[22:44] > Hideki Kaze smiles, watching
[22:44] [+David O'Cain] Damn. Practically a vertical spear.
[22:45] [@Nate Detroit] Come on Cena.... the product is relying on you! To hell with th eT-shirt sales we need a champ who isnt a conformist corporate rebel!!!