[13:22] >>> Wednesday Dec 17 2008 – Automatic reset triggered – Logging Start <<<
[13:22] [Rynia Soula] I am Rynia...Rynia Soula
[13:23] [Miara] Nice to meet you.
[13:24] [Miara] Ne, what's going on?
[13:24] [Rynia Soula] nice to meet you too *bows*
[13:25] [@Nate Detroit] Just an impromptu celebration. You could say that Jenny's ship has come in.
[13:25] [Miara] Oh? Where is she going?
[13:25] [Jennifer Flare (Sailor Suit)] Indeed
[13:25] [Jennifer Flare (Sailor Suit)] I'm not really going anywhere
[13:26] [@Nate Detroit] Shes going into management. And she didnt even have to dress up for it, lucky her.
[13:27] [Jennifer Flare (Sailor Suit)] :P
[13:27] [Miara] Oh. Well congratulations, then ^_^
[13:28] [Jennifer Flare (Sailor Suit)] Thanks :)
[13:28] [Rynia Soula] I better get going..classes
[13:29] <-- Rynia Soula [WaterBearer@aquarius.co] has left #reddwarfmain (going to be late!)
[13:29] [Jennifer Flare (Sailor Suit)] bye rynia
[13:29] [Miara] Bye!
[13:35] [Miara] So...
[13:35] [Miara] What are you doing to celebrate?
[13:37] [Jennifer Flare (Sailor Suit)] I'm dressed as a japanese schoolgirl.... isn't that enough? XD
[13:38] > @Nate Detroit sits next to JEnny.
[13:39] [@Nate Detroit] Will Masaki be ok without you, do you think?
[13:39] [Jennifer Flare (Sailor Suit)] I'll... have to talk to her about that tomorrow
[13:40] [Jennifer Flare (Sailor Suit)] She left early today for some reason
[13:40] [@Nate Detroit] I wont need you full time until maybe march.
[13:40] [Jennifer Flare (Sailor Suit)] Alright
[13:40] > Jennifer Flare (Sailor Suit) crosses her legs, an almost perminant blush on her face
[13:41] [@Nate Detroit] That gives you plenty of time to give her notice.
[13:42] [@Nate Detroit] So.. no peck on the cheek for the worlds greatest boss? ^_~
[13:43] > Jennifer Flare (Sailor Suit) giggles a bit and kisses Nate on the forehead
[13:46] > Jennifer Flare (Sailor Suit) decides to go back to her lunch
[13:48] [Jennifer Flare (Sailor Suit)] I just kinda'.... hope Inny doesn't see me like this
[13:53] [Miara] If he did, I'm sure he would do the right thing.
[13:53] [@Nate Detroit] What WOULD he do?
[13:54] [Jennifer Flare (Sailor Suit)] I don't know.... I mean....
[13:56] [Miara] Well you could always find out :P
[13:56] [@Nate Detroit] Its not like your walking around in a string bikini.
[13:57] [Jennifer Flare (Sailor Suit)] I know.... It's just that i'm not used to wearing clothes like this...
[13:57] [Miara] In which case you may as well not wear anything.
[14:01] [Jennifer Flare (Sailor Suit)] :{
[14:01] [Jennifer Flare (Sailor Suit)] :P even
[14:04] [Miara] Well, I've got to get going. See you guys later!
[14:04] <-- Miara [amongimmortals@terra.net] has left #reddwarfmain (Stand up and watch me!)
[14:07] [@Nate Detroit] Heh.. that makes me think.. we need a beach day.
[14:07] [Jennifer Flare (Sailor Suit)] So Nate you..... really think I look cute in this? >_>
[14:07] [@Nate Detroit] You'd be cute in a lot of things.
[14:09] [Jennifer Flare (Sailor Suit)] Awwww, thanks Nate ^_^
[14:09] > @Nate Detroit looks at Jennifer Flare
[14:09] ➣ Jennifer Flare: 5' 5", slim, athletic build with a light tan to her skin. Blue eyes, long blonde hair down to the middle of her back.
[14:12] [@Nate Detroit] I just hope I can find someone half as hard working as you to fill your spot at my flagship store.
[14:14] [Jennifer Flare (Sailor Suit)] I'm sure you will. I don't think I'm THAT uncommon.
[14:17] [@Nate Detroit] Jenny, youre on in a million. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise..
[14:17] --> Inu Yasha [angrydd@demon.com] has joined #reddwarfmain
[14:17] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Inu Yasha
[14:17] [@Nate Detroit] Half the people I get to apply don't even spellcheck there apps.
[14:17] [Jennifer Flare (Sailor Suit)] you really think so?
[14:18] > Jennifer Flare (Sailor Suit) looks up and sees Inny walk in and gasps/ Inny!?
[14:19] > Jennifer Flare (Sailor Suit) hops up, blushing profusely in her outfit with it's short green skirt and red bow
[14:20] [@Nate Detroit] Hi Inu. Doesnt she look great? Strike a pose, Jenny.
[14:21] [Jennifer Flare (Sailor Suit)] Masaki convinced me to wear this to promote the store.... d.... do ya' like it Inny....?
[14:26] > Inu Yasha blushes
[14:26] [Inu Yasha] It looks nice on you
[14:27] > Jennifer Flare (Sailor Suit) smiles a bit/ Y....ya' think so? I wasn't sure if you'd like it....
[14:28] > Inu Yasha looks a little distant for a moment and nods. "It looks nice on you, I'm sure you'll get those geeky guys to go in the store."
[14:29] > Jennifer Flare (Sailor Suit) notices that look and walks over to Inny/ You sure you're ok with this? Cause I'll go change if you don't like it.
[14:29] [Inu Yasha] It is fine on you Jenny. Do not worry about me.
[14:31] > Inu Yasha kisses her forhead
[14:31] > Jennifer Flare (Sailor Suit) hugs Inny tight/ I have to worry about you. I loves ya', ya' brute. ^_^
[14:32] > Inu Yasha chuckles returning the hug.
[14:32] [@Nate Detroit] I better get back to work. I'll leave you two alone.
[14:33] <-- @Nate Detroit [SmashChamp@reddwarf.com] has left #reddwarfmain (Ice is flowin' through my veins; Explosives on my lips and in my lungs.)
[14:33] [Inu Yasha] See you Nate
[14:33] [Jennifer Flare (Sailor Suit)] I wasn't sure if you'd like this cause..... well....
[14:33] [Inu Yasha] well what?
[14:34] > Jennifer Flare (Sailor Suit) goes back over and returns to where she was sitting
[14:35] > Inu Yasha walks over to where Jenny is sitting
[14:35] [Jennifer Flare (Sailor Suit)] .... i know that other girl.... used to dress like this.
[14:36] [Inu Yasha] ..oh...so that's why your so worried
[14:36] > Inu Yasha sits down beside Jennifer.
[14:36] > Jennifer Flare (Sailor Suit) nods
[14:37] [Inu Yasha] yea.. it took a really long time for me to move on from what happened
[14:38] [Inu Yasha] My teenage years I was around her all the time and I had been in love with her past incarnation
[14:39] > Jennifer Flare (Sailor Suit) nods, listening
[14:40] [Inu Yasha] And for a while we were in love, though I don't know when she changed exactly. On a new moon night after what looked to be a week of her being nervous about something she broke down and told me she was leaving the past through the well and not returning.
[14:41] [Inu Yasha] And that she didn't want to see me ever again in the past or future. In shock I quietly followed her through the well a few hours after she left and went to the present time a few years ago.
[14:42] [Inu Yasha] I was goign to confront her on why in the morning so I fell asleep on her roof. In the morning I saw something that shocked me..
[14:42] [Jennifer Flare (Sailor Suit)] aww
[14:42] [Jennifer Flare (Sailor Suit)] what'd you see?
[14:42] [Inu Yasha] She set fire to the building the well had been in after taking a sledge hammer to what was left of the well to guarentee I couldn't go after her
[14:43] [Inu Yasha] ...but I had already and now was stuck in present day
[14:43] [Jennifer Flare (Sailor Suit)] Oh wow....
[14:43] [Jennifer Flare (Sailor Suit)] ... that was kinda' drastic
[14:43] [Inu Yasha] Then she walked off with a man from her class down the street.
[14:44] [Inu Yasha] yeah I guess she didn't want to chance me coming to get her
[14:44] [Jennifer Flare (Sailor Suit)] That b[BLEEP]ch!?
[14:44] [Jennifer Flare (Sailor Suit)] -?
[14:45] > Inu Yasha sighs a little.
[14:45] [Jennifer Flare (Sailor Suit)] I have half a mind track her down and stomp her out for doin' that to you!
[14:45] [Inu Yasha] Don't worry about it to much, I've moved on.
[14:46] [Jennifer Flare (Sailor Suit)] Alright.... that's fine though
[14:46] > Jennifer Flare (Sailor Suit) wraps her arms around Inny and lays against him/ Her loss, my gain :P
[14:50] [Inu Yasha] yep
[14:50] > Inu Yasha stands up taking her hand
[14:50] > Jennifer Flare (Sailor Suit) stands, looking at him curiously?
[14:51] [Jennifer Flare (Sailor Suit)] ^/
[14:51] [Inu Yasha] how about I tell you more back at your quarters?
[14:51] [Jennifer Flare (Sailor Suit)] Sure
[14:52] <-- Jennifer Flare (Sailor Suit) [AriesSenshi@usa.cc] has left #reddwarfmain (Maybe you can help me get outta' this thing. ^_~)
[14:53] <-- Inu Yasha [angrydd@demon.com] has left #reddwarfmain (yeah)
[16:59] --> Morrigan has joined #reddwarfmain
[16:59] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Morrigan
[16:59] [Morrigan] Hello and hello and hello Red Dwarfers!!
[17:00] [Morrigan] We're well into the month of December now, which means ChristmaKwanzaaChanukah right around the corner!
[17:01] [Morrigan] And you KNOW what that means, right? :D
[17:01] > Morrigan pulls out the guitar again!
[17:03] > Morrigan begins to play this particular song. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e9lmbrExvAI
[17:05] > ~Outside the Red Dwarf the running lights on Bomowas Andrimiton's destroyer squadron being to flash in tune to the music playing, making for a particularly interesting sight for anyone watching.
[17:07] <-- Morrigan has left #reddwarfmain (Because we all know how much you guys love having me around to entertain you! ^__~)
[19:34] --> Morrigan has joined #reddwarfmain
[19:34] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Morrigan
[19:34] > Morrigan sighs contentedly, sits down on a couch in the corner, and pulls out her guitar once more.
[19:36] > Morrigan smiles and holds her finger up to her lips. Shush now! ^__~
[19:37] > Morrigan doesn't say a word as she starts playing a nice acoustic version of "It Came Upon A Midnight Clear". No lyrics or wild headbanging, just a nice easy tune that fills the room.
[19:50] > Morrigan continues playing, doing her best to create a relaxed feel to the place.
[20:05] > Morrigan continues to play despite the lack of an audience.
[20:38] --> Matsumi Kaze (leotard) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com ] has joined #reddwarfmain
[20:38] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Matsumi Kaze (leotard)
[20:38] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Matsumi Kaze (leotard)
[20:38] > +Matsumi Kaze (leotard) wanders in
[20:39] [Morrigan] Hello Matsumi.
[20:39] [+Matsumi Kaze (leotard)] hi there
[20:39] [+Matsumi Kaze (leotard)] heh I caught Nutcraker on TV
[20:40] [Morrigan] Well, you watched something better than me. Somehow my entertainment system contracted a virus that's got it locked on "A Christmas Story" in an infinite loop.
[20:41] [+Matsumi Kaze (leotard)] not a bad movie
[20:41] [Morrigan] True, but now I've got "you'll shoot your eye out" stuck in my head! O_o
[20:41] [+Matsumi Kaze (leotard)] awwww
[20:42] > +Matsumi Kaze (leotard) points at morrigan's eye powering up :P
[20:42] [Morrigan] D:
[20:42] [Morrigan] XD
[20:42] [+Matsumi Kaze (leotard)] hehe
[20:42] [Morrigan] Kitty!
[20:44] [Morrigan] So how are you doing this evening?
[20:44] [+Matsumi Kaze (leotard)] oh I'm fine
[20:45] [+Matsumi Kaze (leotard)] nervious about stuff heheh
[20:45] > Morrigan continues to play a slow, gentle tune on her guitar.
[20:46] [Morrigan] Oh? About what pray tell? Tell us a tale of it, poppit.
[20:46] > +Matsumi Kaze (leotard) blushes "let's just say...something special is going to happen"
[20:48] [Morrigan] Ooooh RLY? Knowing you it'll probably involve something that could easily happen beneath the mistletoe.
[20:48] > +Matsumi Kaze (leotard) just blushes deeply
[20:48] > +Matsumi Kaze (leotard) does a ballet twirl
[20:49] [Morrigan] I take it I'm correct then?
[20:50] [+Matsumi Kaze (leotard)] maaaaybe
[20:50] [+Matsumi Kaze (leotard)] it's a bit bigger then that
[20:51] [Morrigan] Ah! Don't keep me waiting then. Is Vana and/or Candy involved?
[20:51] [+Matsumi Kaze (leotard)] yesh
[20:51] [+Matsumi Kaze (leotard)] (( be right back..have to hunt down some videos ))
[20:59] [+Matsumi Kaze (leotard)] (( back ))
[20:59] > +Matsumi Kaze (leotard) giggles
[21:00] [Morrigan] So spill the beans already!
[21:02] [+Matsumi Kaze (leotard)] ...we're getting married
[21:04] [Morrigan] Ahhhhh! Although I'm not at all surprised.
[21:04] > +Matsumi Kaze (leotard) starts to dance around
[21:04] [+Matsumi Kaze (leotard)] (( Nutcracker is on PBS heh ))
[21:06] > Morrigan keeps on playing for Matsumi!
[21:06] > +Matsumi Kaze (leotard) is twirling
[21:07] [Morrigan] So when's the big day?
[21:08] [+Matsumi Kaze (leotard)] tomorrow!
[21:08] [Morrigan] Wow! So soon?
[21:08] [+Matsumi Kaze (leotard)] well we've been planning this for awhile
[21:09] [Morrigan] So who exactly are you getting hitched to tomorrow?
[21:09] [+Matsumi Kaze (leotard)] well.....it will sound really strange >>
[21:11] [Morrigan] Heh, there's not much that'll surprise me.
[21:11] [+Matsumi Kaze (leotard)] ....candy and vash
[21:12] [Morrigan] Both of them? At the same time?
[21:13] [+Matsumi Kaze (leotard)] yup
[21:14] [Morrigan] Heh. You know what that means?
[21:17] [+Matsumi Kaze (leotard)] what?
[21:18] > Morrigan pulls out a camcorder. >:D
[21:18] [Morrigan] THREESOME PRON!!!!!! >:D
[21:18] [+Matsumi Kaze (leotard)] NO
[21:19] > +Matsumi Kaze (leotard) takes away the camcorder
[21:20] [Morrigan] (( Will there be an event tomorrow for the wedding? ))
[21:20] [+Matsumi Kaze (leotard)] (( I'm not sure if it is really an event per say ))
[21:21] > +Matsumi Kaze (leotard) tugs at her leotard a bit
[21:22] --> David O'Cain has joined #reddwarfmain
[21:22] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to David O'Cain
[21:22] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +David O'Cain
[21:22] [+David O'Cain] Evening, all.
[21:22] [+Matsumi Kaze (leotard)] evening....darn thing...
[21:23] [Morrigan] Hi Davy!
[21:24] [+David O'Cain] What's up?
[21:25] [+Matsumi Kaze (leotard)] struggling with this....
[21:25] [+Matsumi Kaze (leotard)] I think I got it one size too small
[21:25] [Morrigan] Uhh, leotards are supposed to be tight.
[21:25] [+Matsumi Kaze (leotard)] heh..this tight???
[21:26] [+David O'Cain] Fits your figure just fine, Matsumi.
[21:27] > Morrigan nods. "Yup. That tight."
[21:27] [+Matsumi Kaze (leotard)] heh really?
[21:27] [+David O'Cain] Mmhmm.
[21:28] [Morrigan] Yeseseseseseseseses!
[21:28] > +Matsumi Kaze (leotard) blushes
[21:28] [+Matsumi Kaze (leotard)] maybe I should change out of this
[21:29] > Morrigan resumes playing. ^_^
[21:29] [+David O'Cain] Whatcha playing, Morrigan?
[21:29] > +Matsumi Kaze (leotard) goes back to her dancing
[21:31] [+Matsumi Kaze (leotard)] dance dance dance
[21:31] [Morrigan] Just playing some acoustic songs, that's all. Just stummin' with no singing or lyrics.
[21:32] [Morrigan] Although, you should have been here earlier when I put on a little show for the ship! But no one was around.
[21:32] [+David O'Cain] Ah. What where you playing then?
[21:32] [Morrigan] The heck was up with that? No one was around? That's just wrong! :<
[21:33] [+Matsumi Kaze (leotard)] sorry...I was still working
[21:33] [+David O'Cain] Same with me. Had some ISL work to deal with.
[21:34] [Morrigan] But what about Vana and Candy and InuYasha and everyone else? :<
[21:34] [Morrigan] This ship needs to ROCK man!!
[21:35] > +Matsumi Kaze (leotard) giggles a bit
[21:35] --> Azumi Kiribayashi has joined #reddwarfmain
[21:35] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Azumi Kiribayashi
[21:35] [+Matsumi Kaze (leotard)] oh I can rock with the best of them
[21:36] > Azumi Kiribayashi has her Fender Stratocaster on her back, "Did someone say rock?"
[21:36] [Morrigan] Eeeee!
[21:36] > +Matsumi Kaze (leotard) smiles
[21:36] [+David O'Cain] Morrigan, a word of warning to you: Azu-chan will kick your ass on the axe. She's that damn good.
[21:37] [Azumi Kiribayashi] ^_^
[21:37] [Morrigan] Hah! That'll be the day! After all, can she play this?
[21:37] [+Matsumi Kaze (leotard)] I'll just listen
[21:38] [+David O'Cain] I'll join ya, Matsumi.
[21:39] > Morrigan gives an encore presentation of her earlier Christmas performance...and causing the lights all over the Red Dwarf to blink and flash in proper choreographic fashion! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e9lmbrExvAI
[21:39] [+Matsumi Kaze (leotard)] whoa!
[21:39] > Azumi Kiribayashi giggles, "Blindfolded."
[21:41] > Azumi Kiribayashi puts a blindfold over her eyes and plays the tune
[21:41] [Morrigan] Eh, I can do the same thing.
[21:42] > +Matsumi Kaze (leotard) just closes her eyes
[21:43] > Morrigan puts on a blindfold, too.
[21:44] > Morrigan instantly and without hesitation begins playing the theme to Pulp Fiction. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Te3MecSO7U
[21:44] > +Matsumi Kaze (leotard) keeps her eyes closed
[21:46] [Morrigan] And if THAT wasn't enough! :D
[21:46] > Morrigan keeps the blindfold on and tops it all off with THIS!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xymVxcLQVT8&feature=related
[21:49] > Azumi Kiribayashi removes the blindfold and plays this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ixvNiuJk4To
[21:49] > Morrigan keeps playing like hell, then collapses to the ground, smoke wafting up from her guitar.
[21:50] > +Matsumi Kaze (leotard) has fallen partially asleep on the sofa
[21:50] [+David O'Cain] Hahah! Awesome, Azumi!
[21:51] [Morrigan] O RLY?
[21:51] [+Matsumi Kaze (leotard)] zzzz
[21:52] > Azumi Kiribayashi just PLAYS
[21:52] > Morrigan keeps the blindfold on and throws the Colonel for a bit of a loop by changing songs and styles. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C9ZRS0F5t34
[21:54] > Azumi Kiribayashi brings the neck of her guitar into the air as she finishes the song's solo
[21:55] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Hah!
[21:57] [Morrigan] Not bad, not bad.
[21:59] [Azumi Kiribayashi] So, do you wish to continue, Morrigan? Or do you concede?
[21:59] [Morrigan] But can you *possibly* match the legendary skill of Santana himself? I don't think so!!
[21:59] [Morrigan] And frankly, I can't either. Than man is unbelievable.
[21:59] > +Matsumi Kaze (leotard) has fully fallen asleep on the sofa
[22:00] [Azumi Kiribayashi] I'll have to agree with you there. The man is really remarkable.
[22:01] [+David O'Cain] Man...
[22:03] > Morrigan pokes Matsumi gently.
[22:03] [Morrigan] Did we put her to sleep?
[22:04] [Azumi Kiribayashi] I hope we didn't mean to.
[22:04] [+Matsumi Kaze (leotard)] uh..huh?
[22:05] [Azumi Kiribayashi] But it was certainly fun to play lead guitar tracks. ^_^
[22:05] > +Matsumi Kaze (leotard) rubs her eyes
[22:05] [Morrigan] True!
[22:06] [Morrigan] And now, I must depart. Fare thee well, poppets!
[22:06] [+Matsumi Kaze (leotard)] seeya
[22:06] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Good night, Morrigan.
[22:06] [+David O'Cain] Night.
[22:08] <-- Morrigan has left #reddwarfmain (How about we hit a few music clubs, Colonel? Between the two of us we could clean them all out! Forget Guitar Hero...GUITAR DUO!!)
[22:10] > +Matsumi Kaze (leotard) rubs her eyes
[22:10] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Heh, I might take Morrigan up on her offer next time.
[22:11] > +David O'Cain shrugs
[22:11] --> Miara [amongimmortals@terra.net] has joined #reddwarfmain
[22:11] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Miara
[22:12] [Miara] Evening people~
[22:12] [+Matsumi Kaze (leotard)] evening
[22:12] [+David O'Cain] Hi, Miara.
[22:12] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Good evening.
[22:14] [Miara] How is everyone? What have you been up to?
[22:14] [~~] Meeeeee-yaaaaaaaaaah~!
[22:14] [+Matsumi Kaze (leotard)] ????
[22:14] [Miara] .....
[22:14] --> Chibi-AnTil has joined #reddwarfmain
[22:14] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Chibi-AnTil
[22:15] --> Chibi-Alex has joined #reddwarfmain
[22:15] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Chibi-Alex
[22:15] > ~The Kitsu-twins quickly pounce on Miara from behind! :D
[22:15] [+Matsumi Kaze (leotard)] what are these kids doing here?
[22:15] [Chibi-AnTil] :D
[22:15] [Chibi-Alex] =^^=
[22:15] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Awwwww. ^_^
[22:15] [+David O'Cain] Probably here to have fun, Matsumi.
[22:16] > ~The Kitsu-twins quickly huggle and grapple with Miara for a few seconds, batting her with their tails repeatedly as they babble excitedly. :D :D
[22:16] > Miara gets a twin under each arm and holds tight
[22:17] [Azumi Kiribayashi] They're so cute. ^_^
[22:17] [Miara] Haha, now what are you going to do?
[22:18] [Chibi-AnTil] CHALOOPAH!!!
[22:18] > Chibi-Alex reaches up towards Miara's nose. :3
[22:18] > +Matsumi Kaze (leotard) is away: changing
[22:19] [Miara] ...I'm not food >_>
[22:19] [Miara] Hm....
[22:20] [Miara] Should we play juggle the kiddies?
[22:20] > Chibi-AnTil squirms and tries to slip out of Miara's arms. :3
[22:20] [Miara] Or, since Azumi likes you so much...
[22:20] > Chibi-Alex giggles. ^_^
[22:20] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightgown) is back
[22:20] > Miara tosses AnTil harmlessly onto Azumi's lap
[22:21] > Chibi-AnTil *poofs* in midair!
[22:21] > Chibi-Alex *poofs* in Miara's arms!
[22:21] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Eh?
[22:21] > ~The Kitsu-twins have turned themselves into adorably cute baby foxes. =^^= =^^=
[22:22] [Miara] Poof change?
[22:22] [Miara] I'll bet that's pretty painless, too.
[22:22] > Chibi-AnTil and Chibi-Alex quickly dash off, leaving their clothes behind, yipping playfully as they vanish.
[22:22] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] heh
[22:23] [+David O'Cain] Quick little guys, ain't they?
[22:23] <-- Chibi-AnTil has left #reddwarfmain (Yip! Yip! Yip! Yip! =^^=)
[22:23] <-- Chibi-Alex has left #reddwarfmain (Yip! Yip! Yip! Yip! Yip! =^^=)
[22:23] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Indeed.
[22:25] [Miara] They're kids, what do you expect?
[22:25] [+David O'Cain] Yeah.
[22:25] > Miara plops down on a couch
[22:26] [Miara] So, when are you and Masaki having kids, hmmm?
[22:26] [Miara] You know you love them.
[22:27] [+David O'Cain] Well, I'm not sure exactly when.
[22:28] [Miara] Besides, everyone else around here seems to be pregnant.
[22:29] [Miara] Or a lot of people, anyway.
[22:30] [Miara] Or do you not want kids?
[22:30] [Miara] In which case I've probably said too much and you'll just want me to shut up >_>
[22:31] [+David O'Cain] I do want kids, but I'm just waiting, that's all.
[22:31] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] same here..I'm not ready
[22:31] [Miara] Ah.
[22:32] [Miara] Well we know you'll be having kids.
[22:32] [Miara] How about you, Azumi?
[22:34] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Well, I like children, but for the time being I don't think I'm ready to have any myself.
[22:34] [Miara] But you want them someday, right?
[22:35] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Yes.
[22:37] [Miara] Me too.
[22:40] --> Tabatha Brown has joined #reddwarfmain
[22:40] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Tabatha Brown
[22:40] [Miara] Hi Tabatha!
[22:41] [Tabatha Brown] Hi girls.
[22:41] [+David O'Cain] Hi, Tabatha.
[22:41] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Hello.
[22:42] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] hiya!
[22:43] [Miara] How are you?
[22:47] > Miara pokes Tabatha
[22:47] [Miara] Hellooooooooooooo
[22:48] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] heh
[22:50] [Miara] Meh.
[22:50] [Miara] Well anyway, what should we do tonight?
[22:51] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] any ideas???
[22:51] [+David O'Cain] I don't have any.
[22:51] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Sorry, nothing from me.
[22:51] [Tabatha Brown] What are we talking about?
[22:52] [Miara] What we should do tonight!
[22:53] [Miara] Any ideas?
[22:53] [Tabatha Brown] Oh, Hiya Dave. Didnt see you there. Well, theres always the bar.. anyone know any drinking games?
[22:54] [Miara] Nope!
[22:54] [Miara] But you could teach me!
[22:54] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] heh I think I'll sit out of one tonight
[22:55] [Miara] Drink something without alcohol, then?
[22:55] [Tabatha Brown] That kinda kills a drinking game.. >_>
[22:56] [Miara] it's more important to participate and have fun, though
[22:57] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] heh
[22:57] [Tabatha Brown] Yeah, but its like if we were playing darts, and she decided she wanted to throw them a foot from the board..
[22:58] [Miara] No, not really.
[22:59] [Tabatha Brown] >.> ok, sure, not really.
[23:00] [Miara] So, what are we going to play?
[23:02] > Miara gets a bottle of rum and some glasses from the bar
[23:11] > Miara pours herself some rum and drinks it
[23:11] [Tabatha Brown] Hit me up?
[23:12] [Tabatha Brown] Lets play Drink the Rum!
[23:12] > Miara pours rum for Tabatha, and more for herself
[23:13] > Tabatha Brown takes a few gulps and gives a happy gasp.
[23:14] [+David O'Cain] Drink the Rum? How does that work?
[23:14] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightgown) watches the two
[23:15] [Miara] I dunno, unless it's not really a game, in which case you just drink rum and pretend it's a game. Without probably isn't as fun.
[23:15] [Miara] *which
[23:15] > Tabatha Brown giggles.
[23:16] [Tabatha Brown] Wow, nobody around here recognises sarcasm, huh?
[23:17] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] heh
[23:18] [Miara] Come on, teach me at least one game?
[23:18] [+David O'Cain] Well, sorry, Tabatha.
[23:19] [Tabatha Brown] We could play tipcup, but it might be hard wit hrum. Wanna try?
[23:19] [Miara] Why would it be hard?
[23:20] [Tabatha Brown] Because its really meant for multiple people, and glasses of beer instead of shots of hard stuff.
[23:20] [Tabatha Brown] If Matsumi is sitting out, we could make teams of two with dave and Azumi tho.
[23:22] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] well...I drank a bit that last time remember?
[23:22] [+David O'Cain] Tipcup...is that similar to Beer Pong?
[23:23] [Tabatha Brown] If you don't wanna, thats fine.
[23:23] [Tabatha Brown] Im jus stating facts.
[23:23] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightgown) nods
[23:24] [Miara] Well what do you not need a lot of people to play?
[23:25] [Tabatha Brown] No. Its just more fun.
[23:25] > Tabatha Brown digs out some plastic cups and begins filling them with shots.
[23:27] [Tabatha Brown] So the way this game works, you set up the drinks in a line, teams take turns goign down the line, downing the drink, or shot in this case, then they have to flip the cup upside down before the next person can drink. First team to finish wins.
[23:27] > Tabatha Brown pulls an empty cup partway off the edge, and flips it with her finger.
[23:28] [Miara] Hm...
[23:28] [Tabatha Brown] See?
[23:28] > Miara tries it
[23:29] > Tabatha Brown sets up two rows of four.
[23:29] [Miara] Oh, that's not so hard.
[23:29] [Tabatha Brown] usually people are already buzzed by the time they start it.
[23:31] [Miara] Oh, it takes a lot to get me buzzed, I'll be fine ^_^
[23:33] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] heh
[23:33] [Miara] So...
[23:34] [Miara] Are we playing or not, cause I have to go soon.
[23:35] [Tabatha Brown] Well, your the only one expressing interest. Want to, then?
[23:36] > Tabatha Brown sets them all hovering just over the edge.
[23:37] [Miara] Alrighty
[23:37] [Tabatha Brown] Ok.. ready, and... go!
[23:38] > Tabatha Brown picks up one, downs the shot easily, puts the cup down, and flips it over the first time.
[23:38] > Miara drinks and flips
[23:38] > Tabatha Brown drinks the next one, but messes up the flip, resets the cup, and gets it.
[23:38] > Miara drinks and flips 2
[23:39] > Miara messes up the third one, gets it the second time
[23:39] > Tabatha Brown drinks the third, hickuping, and getting the cup flipped on the second try again.
[23:40] > Miara drinks and flips the fourth
[23:40] > Tabatha Brown gives a moan of dissapointment as she finishes the last one and flips it on the first try.
[23:40] [Tabatha Brown] Geez... you didnt miss one flip O.o
[23:41] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightgown) watches
[23:41] [Miara] Yeah, i did.
[23:42] [Tabatha Brown] You sure you hvent done this before?
[23:42] [Miara] Yup!
[23:43] [Miara] But I'm good with that kind of stuff.
[23:43] [Miara] And now I have to go before I'm late and I get in trouble again.
[23:43] [Tabatha Brown] Next time I wont go so easy on ya.
[23:43] [Miara] Thanks for teaching me the game ^_^
[23:43] [Tabatha Brown] Take care.
[23:43] [+David O'Cain] Bye, Miara.
[23:44] [Miara] ...why did you do that?
[23:44] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Good night.
[23:44] [Miara] Night, guys.
[23:44] <-- Miara [amongimmortals@terra.net] has left #reddwarfmain (Stand up and watch me!)
[23:44] [Tabatha Brown] Nani? Go easy on you? Cause you hadnt done it before.
[23:45] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] I'm heading home
[23:45] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] night you guys!
[23:45] [Tabatha Brown] Night to you too, then.
[23:46] [+David O'Cain] Night, Matsumi.
[23:46] <-- +Matsumi Kaze (nightgown) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com ] has left #reddwarfmain (so tired...)
[23:46] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Sleep well, Matsumi.
[23:46] [Tabatha Brown] Woah, that stuff is startin to hit me..
[23:53] > Tabatha Brown sits down.
[23:56] [+David O'Cain] So, how ya been, Tabatha?
[00:00] >>> Thursday Dec 18 2008 <<<
[00:00] [Tabatha Brown] Ohh... okay.. lost in my own thoughts recently.
[00:02] [Tabatha Brown] Yourselves?
[00:04] [+David O'Cain] Doing alright.
[00:04] [Azumi Kiribayashi] I've been doing well.
[00:12] [Azumi Kiribayashi] I think I'll take off for the night. Take care.
[00:12] [+David O'Cain] Night, Azu-chan.
[00:12] <-- Azumi Kiribayashi has left #reddwarfmain (A good night indeed.)
[00:13] [Tabatha Brown] Will someone else please drink something? I feel weird being the only one here buzzed >.>
[00:13] [Tabatha Brown] Oh.. woah.. 'I'm too slow!'
[00:14] [+David O'Cain] Heh.
[00:15] > +David O'Cain grabs a beer
[00:18] [Tabatha Brown] Thanks...
[00:20] [+David O'Cain] How're things between you and Anubis?
[00:20] [Tabatha Brown] Pretty good.. I can really see myself spending the rest of my life with him, ya know?
[00:21] [+David O'Cain] That's good to hear.
[00:26] [Tabatha Brown] How about with you and your misses?
[00:32] [+David O'Cain] Just fine.
[00:44] [Tabatha Brown] Im gonna go check on my Anuby, I think..
[00:44] [Tabatha Brown] *hic*
[00:47] [+David O'Cain] Alright.
[00:47] <-- Tabatha Brown has left #reddwarfmain (Weeee)
[01:01] [+David O'Cain] Hmm, and I'm by myself.
[01:07] <-- +David O'Cain has left #reddwarfmain (Guess I'll turn in.)
[14:18] [Tabatha Brown] yo
[14:18] <-- Tabatha Brown has left #reddwarfmain (Oops)
[15:17] --> Logan SD [KittyShota@Reddwarf.com] has joined #reddwarfmain
[15:17] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Logan SD
[15:17] [Logan SD] HellllllooooOOOOO.....?
[15:19] [Logan SD] Aww...
[15:19] > Logan SD starts doing homework on a data pad.
[15:20] --> Tina Gale (coat) [FireyAirPrincess@QTech.com] has joined #reddwarfmain
[15:20] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Tina Gale (coat)
[15:20] [Tina Gale (coat)] heh hey
[15:20] [Logan SD] Tina!
[15:21] > Tina Gale (coat) is wiping stuff out of her hair
[15:21] [Tina Gale (coat)] how is logan today ^^
[15:22] > Tina Gale (coat) removes her coat, putting it aside
[15:22] [Logan SD] Hes okay... tho homework is boring =>.<=
[15:22] [Logan SD] How is TinaTinaNya?
[15:22] [Tina Gale (coat)] heh cold...
[15:23] [Tina Gale (coat)] the storms have finally come in
[15:24] [Logan SD] I dun get cold :3 :3 :3
[15:24] [Tina Gale (coat)] heh I'm sure ^^
[15:24] > Tina Gale (coat) puts her coat on logan :P
[15:26] [Logan SD] Nyaa!!
[15:27] > Tina Gale (coat) giggles a bit
[15:27] [Tina Gale] ready for the holidays?
[15:29] [Logan SD] Nya? You mean Christmas?
[15:29] [Logan SD] Yupp ^.^ I love Christmas!
[15:30] [Tina Gale] same here!
[15:30] [Tina Gale] it's a great holiday...and great for you kids too heh
[15:30] > Tina Gale looks around for something to hot to make to drink
[15:31] [Logan SD] Us kids? What does that make you? :P
[15:32] [Tina Gale] well..I mean you younger kids
[15:32] [Tina Gale] after all you know who comes on christmas
[15:35] > Tina Gale sits on a sofa
[15:37] [Tina Gale] also of course how important the holiday is
[15:39] [Logan SD] Yeah, Nya..
[15:39] [Logan SD] Tina?
[15:39] [Tina Gale] hmmm?
[15:40] [Logan SD] How come you dun say 'Christmas'? You say 'the holiday' like its a bad word..
[15:41] [Tina Gale] oh no!
[15:41] [Tina Gale] heh I didn't mean it that way
[15:41] [Tina Gale] I was using the holiday as simply a shortened way of saying it that's all
[15:42] [Logan SD] But its like..
[15:42] > Logan SD counts on his fingers.
[15:42] [Logan SD] ...Two letters shorter.
[15:43] [Tina Gale] heh you have me there
[15:43] [Logan SD] And when you say 'the' its longer o.o
[15:44] [Tina Gale] alright alright :P *ruffles logan's hair*
[15:44] > Logan SD chuckles and purrs.
[15:46] [Tina Gale] you sound a little bit like mom there :P
[15:46] [Tina Gale] ^mama
[15:46] [Logan SD] Nya? My mom or your mom?
[15:47] [Tina Gale] my mama
[15:48] [Logan SD] An does that mean Aunt Vana or Aunt Matsy? I forget. @.@
[15:48] > Tina Gale picks out a packet of hot cocoa "huh....Earth cocoa"
[15:48] [Tina Gale] heh...mama is matsumi
[15:49] [Tina Gale] hey..would you like some, Logan?
[15:49] [Logan SD] Sure!
[15:49] > Tina Gale smiles and gets to trying to make it
[15:52] [Tina Gale] could use some hot drink
[15:53] [Logan SD] Can I help?
[15:55] [Tina Gale] if you want ^^
[15:55] > Tina Gale is trying to work on the kettle
[15:55] > Logan SD fills a metal pitcher of water awkwardly, and pokes a finger in it, bringing it to a boil in seconds.
[15:57] [Tina Gale] nice!
[15:57] [Tina Gale] ok...we have to pour it into these mugs
[15:57] > Tina Gale bends down with the two mugs
[15:58] > Logan SD pours, but looses his grip and spills the boiling water.
[16:00] [Tina Gale] whoa!!!
[16:01] [Logan SD] GAH!!
[16:01] > Tina Gale hurts her hand a little >><
[16:02] [Tina Gale] no..it's alright..ow
[16:04] > Tina Gale grabs a towel and puts it around her hand
[16:04] [Tina Gale] heh we just need to clean this up
[16:05] [Logan SD] (( oops ))
[16:05] [Tina Gale] (( nah it's ok ))
[16:05] [Tina Gale] (( they could have multiple towels ))
[16:06] [Logan SD] (( oops @ the caps =p ))
[16:06] [Tina Gale] (( oooh ok XD ))
[16:07] > Tina Gale helps logan with cleaning it up
[16:08] [Tina Gale] don't worry about it
[16:11] [Tina Gale] are you alright?
[16:11] [Logan SD] Yeah. Just got my shoes a little wet.
[16:12] [Tina Gale] well that's good..hate to see you get hurt
[16:18] [Logan SD] Ill clean up, you make the cocco. :3
[16:18] [Tina Gale] heh alright
[16:18] > Tina Gale goes back to heating up the kettle of water
[16:20] [Tina Gale] shouldn't take too long
[16:20] > Logan SD wrings out the towel and continues cleaning.
[16:23] [Logan SD] Ima go change my shoes... wanna drink it in my room?
[16:23] > Tina Gale makes the cooa
[16:23] [Tina Gale] *cocoa
[16:23] [Tina Gale] heh sure!
[16:23] <-- Logan SD [KittyShota@Reddwarf.com] has left #reddwarfmain
[16:24] <-- Tina Gale [FireyAirPrincess@QTech.com] has left #reddwarfmain (hot cocoa drinks for cold days)
[22:05] --> Matsumi Kaze [Airsenshi@Qtech.com ] has joined #reddwarfmain
[22:05] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Matsumi Kaze
[22:05] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Matsumi Kaze
[22:07] > +Matsumi Kaze is watching a christmas video of her as a kid
[22:12] [+Matsumi Kaze] hmmmmm
[22:18] > +Matsumi Kaze smiles a bit
[22:20] [+Matsumi Kaze] good times..good times
[22:45] > +Matsumi Kaze giggles a bit, watching
[22:51] > +Matsumi Kaze makes herself some hot cocoa
[22:55] > ~Two pairs of tiny little ears suddenly perk up, and sniffing can be heard.
[22:55] --> Chibi-AnTil has joined #reddwarfmain
[22:55] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Chibi-AnTil
[22:55] --> Chibi-Alex has joined #reddwarfmain
[22:55] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Chibi-Alex
[22:56] > ~The elder Fox-twins have been attracted by the delicious aroma of hot cocoa! :3 :3
[22:57] [+Matsumi Kaze] heh hey there
[22:57] > +Matsumi Kaze is still watching the video of her as a child way back celebrating christmas
[22:58] --> Nate Detroit (PJs) [SmashChamp@reddwarf.com] has joined #reddwarfmain
[22:58] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +o to Nate Detroit (PJs)
[22:58] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, @Nate Detroit (PJs)
[22:58] [Chibi-AnTil] :D
[22:58] [Chibi-Alex] Hiiiiiiiiiiii~! =^^=
[22:58] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Hi all.
[22:58] [+Matsumi Kaze] hiya, nate!
[22:58] > +Matsumi Kaze goes back to her video
[22:58] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Someone have Cocoa?
[22:59] > ~The Fox-twins cluster around Matsumi, trying to get closer to her cocoa.
[22:59] --> Solarchos has joined #reddwarfmain
[22:59] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Solarchos
[22:59] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Heh... looks like its in demand.
[22:59] > @Nate Detroit (PJs) goes to the bar and makes more.
[23:00] > +Matsumi Kaze sips her cocoa
[23:00] [+Matsumi Kaze] hi, solar
[23:00] > +Matsumi Kaze giggles at the memories
[23:00] [Solarchos] Hello everyone. I was swinging by when the kits caught the scent of hot chocolate and got away from me.
[23:00] > Chibi-AnTil reaches out towards Aunty Matsy's drink. :3
[23:01] [+Matsumi Kaze] uh uh :P you will get your own, little one
[23:01] [Solarchos] How's everyone been today?
[23:01] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] You kids want some?
[23:01] [+Matsumi Kaze] oh alright...just watching some memories
[23:01] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Alright, busy.
[23:02] [Chibi-AnTil] Yay!
[23:02] [Chibi-Alex] Neeeeeeeeeeeee~! :D
[23:02] [Solarchos] Old movies?
[23:02] [+Matsumi Kaze] well
[23:03] [+Matsumi Kaze] they are videos of me when I was a kid.....my dad took all sorts
[23:03] [+Matsumi Kaze] for memory sake
[23:03] > @Nate Detroit (PJs) makes some quickly with his powers, and gives the kids two mugs.
[23:03] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] You two be careful now. These are hot.
[23:03] [+Matsumi Kaze] this was my christmas when I was around...6 I think?
[23:03] --> David O'Cain has joined #reddwarfmain
[23:03] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to David O'Cain
[23:03] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +David O'Cain
[23:04] [+David O'Cain] Yo.
[23:04] > Chibi-AnTil and Chibi-Alex take hold of their mugs, sit down, and hug the mugs close, wrapping their tails around themselves and the mugs and enjoying the heat generated. ^^ ^^
[23:04] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Hi Dave.
[23:04] [+Matsumi Kaze] it's kind of nice to remember this stuff
[23:04] [Solarchos] Hey David.
[23:04] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] I hope they don't spill them on themselves.. O_o think they'll be ok, Solar?
[23:05] [+Matsumi Kaze] though..the videos have changed somewhat...
[23:05] > @Nate Detroit (PJs) puts straws in the mugs.
[23:05] [+David O'Cain] How's everybody?
[23:05] [Solarchos] Oh, I'm certain they'll be fine, Nate.
[23:06] > @Nate Detroit (PJs) plops into the sofa next to Matsumi and rests his head on her shoulder.
[23:06] > Chibi-AnTil waits a while before trying to drink his chocolate, somehow knowing that it's too hot right now.
[23:06] > Chibi-Alex trills happily and stays curled around her hug, enjoying the heat. ^___^
[23:07] > +Matsumi Kaze smiles, turning up the volume a bit at the same time
[23:07] > +Matsumi Kaze hugs nate
[23:07] [Solarchos] I'm doing all right, David. Tired though. I just woke up a little while ago.
[23:08] [+Matsumi Kaze] god...I remember that gift..
[23:08] [+David O'Cain] Long day, Solar?
[23:09] [Solarchos] What gift, Matsumi?
[23:09] > +Matsumi Kaze points to the video..of her getting what looks like a small bike
[23:10] [+David O'Cain] Is that a ten-speed, Matsumi?
[23:10] [Solarchos] And yes. I'm about to have a long day. I've got an 18-hour shift ahead of me at the 8112th forward command post on Unmei, but I figured I'd try to spend a little time with my children first.
[23:11] [+Matsumi Kaze] I don't know...it was a long time back
[23:11] [+David O'Cain] Solar - Gotcha.
[23:11] [+Matsumi Kaze] all I remember was it was called King Cobra
[23:11] [+Matsumi Kaze] it was a boy's bike..go figure :P
[23:11] [+David O'Cain] Heh.
[23:12] [Chibi-AnTil] Meep?
[23:12] [Chibi-Alex] Hmmmmmm~! ^^
[23:13] > +Matsumi Kaze holds nate
[23:13] > @Nate Detroit (PJs) snuggles with Matsumi, taking comfort.
[23:14] [Solarchos] The entire Necromundan 8112th's been deployed on Unmei on the island of Bali and we completed construction of our forward bases earlier today. Tomorrow we'll advance into the city to begin the sweep-and-clear operation while the Delmos maintain the quarantine.
[23:15] [+David O'Cain] Hope a cure can be found.
[23:15] [+Matsumi Kaze] heh..my dad has like...10 video tapes :P
[23:15] > Solarchos sits down between his children.
[23:15] [+Matsumi Kaze] .......of course all of them have changed
[23:15] [Solarchos] That's a lot of tapes, Matsumi. How much is on each tape?
[23:15] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Generally two to six hours, depending on the record speed.
[23:16] [Solarchos] No Nate, I meant how many events are on each tape. Are they all Christmas videos?
[23:17] [Solarchos] We *did* receive a reply from the Abh though. The Labule is sending additional help!
[23:17] [+Matsumi Kaze] um..let's see
[23:18] [+Matsumi Kaze] well...my birthdays..easter...my first bike ride...me camping..stuff like that
[23:18] [+David O'Cain] Solar - Awesome.
[23:18] > Chibi-AnTil sniffs his cocoa and takes an experimental lick of his mug. ^_^
[23:18] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Ung.. I remember my dad tried to make me learn to ride a two wheeler when I wasnt ready...
[23:19] > @Nate Detroit (PJs) holds out his thumb to Matsumi to see a scar on the center of his thumb.
[23:20] [+Matsumi Kaze] awwwww
[23:20] > +Matsumi Kaze kisses the thumb
[23:20] [Solarchos] Heh, I've always felt odd being around people this time of year.
[23:20] [+Matsumi Kaze] hmm?
[23:22] [Solarchos] I mean, it's not like I celebrated too many holidays when I was growing up.
[23:22] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] You should join us for Christmas, Solar.
[23:22] [Solarchos] You have something planned?
[23:23] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Kryten usually prepares a feast. Then theres drinking and soem gift exchanging, tho you wouldnt have to do that.
[23:24] > Chibi-Alex is still trilling a little as she savors her cocoa.
[23:24] > +Matsumi Kaze giggles a bit
[23:25] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] They really are cute. Makes you wonder if they're doing it on purpose.
[23:26] [Solarchos] Heh, I think you may have something there. Although being cute just works naturally for them.
[23:26] > Chibi-AnTil starts to happily suck on the straw of his cocoa. :3
[23:27] [Chibi-Alex] =^^=
[23:27] [+Matsumi Kaze] heh
[23:27] [+David O'Cain] Yeah.
[23:28] > +Matsumi Kaze sips her cocoa
[23:29] [Chibi-AnTil] Yum! ^_^
[23:30] [+Matsumi Kaze] I love this time of year
[23:31] [Solarchos] Well, the good news is that the Labule's sending two full regiments of Nahen Bosnal as well as a whole company of doctors and scientists, so that'll be a huge help for us with this whole disease outbreak.
[23:31] [+David O'Cain] NIce.
[23:32] > Solarchos continues watching the home movies. "Nope, I never experienced anything like this growing up."
[23:32] [+Matsumi Kaze] ok...I don't...fully remember that...oh not this one!!
[23:32] [Solarchos] What's happening?
[23:32] > +Matsumi Kaze tries to fast forward but keeps fumbling the remote
[23:33] > Chibi-Alex begins to suck on her own straw, trilling louder as she tastes the warm, chocolaty goodness rolling over her little tongue. ^_____^
[23:33] > +Matsumi Kaze has gotten to a part when she was 6....in a cute christmas dress..and is trying to sing christmas carols...in a cute little voice
[23:34] [+Matsumi Kaze] I hate this part ><
[23:34] [+David O'Cain] What's wrong, Matsumi?
[23:34] [Solarchos] What's wrong with this, Matsumi?
[23:34] [+Matsumi Kaze] ...embrassing
[23:35] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Home movies usually are.
[23:35] > Chibi-AnTil watches the TV curiously, his ears flicking a little in curiosity.
[23:35] > @Nate Detroit (PJs) puts an arm aroudn her and kisses her.
[23:36] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Besides, you wernt gonna come out singing your own jpop right away, right? Gotta start somewhere.
[23:36] [+Matsumi Kaze] heh true....though...*winces at her own bad cute singing*
[23:36] [+David O'Cain] Awwww.
[23:36] > Chibi-AnTil giggles at the funny sounds. :D
[23:38] > Chibi-Alex keeps on drinking down her yummy-yummy cocoa! :3
[23:38] [+Matsumi Kaze] oh..this next part kills me ><
[23:38] [~Chibi-Matsumi (on the video)] I did it daddy! I did it!!!
[23:38] [+Matsumi Kaze] ><
[23:38] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] If it does, why are you watching it?
[23:39] [Solarchos] What's wrong, Matsumi? You're just a little kid in this.
[23:39] [+Matsumi Kaze] cause that's pretty much the only painful one
[23:40] [Solarchos] You sound so proud though!
[23:40] [+David O'Cain] Yeah!
[23:41] [+Matsumi Kaze] hey I was six..
[23:42] [Solarchos] So? When I was six I was being taught how to use a sword.
[23:43] [+Matsumi Kaze] of course.....this video scene..wasn't there..originally I think
[23:43] > Chibi-Alex pulls the straw out of her mug with a big grin on her face.
[23:44] > Chibi-AnTil takes the straw out of his mug, too.
[23:44] > +Matsumi Kaze sips her drink
[23:44] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Our princess has such a complicated past..
[23:45] [+Matsumi Kaze] heh yeah
[23:45] [+Matsumi Kaze] though..it's starting to become alot clearer
[23:45] > Chibi-Alex starts to CHUG down her cocoa, gulping it down like some frat-boys chug beer. :D
[23:45] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Woah. O_o
[23:45] > Chibi-AnTil rapidly guzzles down his cocoa, too. :D
[23:46] [Solarchos] There they go again. XD
[23:46] [+Matsumi Kaze] wow..
[23:47] > ~The Fox-twins finish off their cocoa and let their mugs fall to the ground. The mugs are now empty, and the children now have quite a bit of cocoa all over their happy, smiling faces. ^___^ ^___^
[23:48] > +David O'Cain chuckles at the sight
[23:48] [+Matsumi Kaze] hehe
[23:48] > Solarchos gets a napkin and wipes off his children's faces.
[23:49] > Chibi-AnTil giggles happily and tries to smear some cocoa on Daddy's face to share it with him. :D
[23:50] > Chibi-Alex gives a little belch, doing her best to remain as cute as possible the whole time. ^__^
[23:50] [+Matsumi Kaze] so cute
[23:50] [+Matsumi Kaze] whoop tape's done!
[23:50] > +Matsumi Kaze takes it out
[23:51] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] I wish I could forget my childhood.. I think thats why I like chibifying down.
[23:52] [+Matsumi Kaze] heh..you are so cute like that heh
[23:52] [Solarchos] Why would you want to forget your childhood?
[23:54] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Because it sucked. My parents were unsupportive, dillusional, and truely unfair, just to name a few outstandign character flaws. I didnt have many friends, and got, well, 'bullied' really doesnt really do justice to my experiences in school.
[23:54] > Chibi-Alex toddles over to Aunty Matsy and tries to go for her cocoa, too! :3
[23:54] > +Matsumi Kaze puts the cocoa out of alex's reach
[23:55] [Solarchos] Heh, I guess mine would probably seem pretty unique by comparison.
[23:55] > Chibi-AnTil tries to ambush Aunty Matsy
[23:56] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] From time to time, Matsumi turns me into a kid, and I have fun doing the things I never got to when I was young. Like having fun, or feeling cared for. >_<
[23:56] [+Matsumi Kaze] heh it's quite fun ^^
[23:56] > +Matsumi Kaze dodges the kids
[23:56] > Chibi-AnTil attempts to go for Aunty Matsy's cocoa from the other side, once again demonstrating the sly tactics and adorable cunning of the Fox-Twins! >:3
[23:56] [+Matsumi Kaze] it brings my own childhood in focuse when I do it
[23:57] > +Matsumi Kaze moves quickly and gracefully
[23:58] [Solarchos] Heh, I guess I've got a few tales I could tell about my own childhood growing up on Caliban.
[23:58] [+Matsumi Kaze] plus you're so cute like that, nate hehe
[23:58] [+David O'Cain] Don't you still have a tale to finish, Solar?
[23:58] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] So I've been told.
[23:58] > @Nate Detroit (PJs) yawns.
[23:59] [Solarchos] I certainly do, David. But I think it's a little late for tale-telling, though.
[23:59] [+Matsumi Kaze] tired, nate?
[00:00] >>> Friday Dec 19 2008 <<<
[00:00] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Yeah.. would you all forgive me if I turn in early?
[00:00] [Solarchos] However, since I'll definitely be here again tomorrow, I'll definitely pick up where I left off.
[00:00] > Chibi-Alex tries to go for Nate's cocoa, too! >:D
[00:00] [+Matsumi Kaze] nope! it's fine, nate *kisses him*
[00:01] [+David O'Cain] Night, Nate.
[00:01] [Solarchos] Good night, Nate. See you next time.
[00:02] <-- @Nate Detroit (PJs) [SmashChamp@reddwarf.com] has left #reddwarfmain (Ice is flowin' through my veins; Explosives on my lips and in my lungs.)
[00:03] > +Matsumi Kaze puts away her empty cocoa cup and sits back on the sofa
[00:03] > Solarchos picks up his children, hugging each of them as he does. "And I should take these two little rabble-rousers home before I report in at the forward command center on Bali. Good night, everyone."
[00:04] [+Matsumi Kaze] night!
[00:04] [Chibi-Alex] Byeeeee~!
[00:04] [Chibi-AnTil] Bah-bah! ^_^
[00:04] [+David O'Cain] Take care, Solar and kids.
[00:05] <-- Solarchos has left #reddwarfmain (Time to get you two tucked back into bed, then give Inu-Kit a nice long kiss before I go. ^_^)
[00:05] <-- Chibi-Alex has left #reddwarfmain (Ooobah!)
[00:05] <-- Chibi-AnTil has left #reddwarfmain (Meep!)
[00:06] > +Matsumi Kaze lays on the sofa
[00:06] > +David O'Cain sits next to Matsumi on the floor, "How'd school go?"
[00:07] [+Matsumi Kaze] oh just fine
[00:08] [+David O'Cain] That's good.
[00:10] [+Matsumi Kaze] yup!
[00:10] [+David O'Cain] Bet the kids are excited about Christmas.
[00:12] [+Matsumi Kaze] well.....sorta....kinda
[00:12] [+David O'Cain] Heh.
[00:12] [+Matsumi Kaze] ...a little
[00:17] > +Matsumi Kaze wiggles her toes
[00:18] > +David O'Cain pats Matsumi on her shoulder
[00:18] [+Matsumi Kaze] hmm?
[00:20] [+David O'Cain] It's gonna be fine.
[00:22] [+Matsumi Kaze] well I know that
[00:42] > +Matsumi Kaze smiles, quick-changes
[00:42] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] that's better
[00:42] [+David O'Cain] Heheh.
[00:44] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] what? :P
[00:45] [+David O'Cain] You always look good.
[00:46] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] why thank you!
[00:48] [+David O'Cain] ^_^
[00:51] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] heh your wife must love you
[00:53] [+David O'Cain] She does.
[00:54] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] heh thought as much
[00:58] [+David O'Cain] Yep.
[00:59] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] she's lucky she found you ^^
[01:01] [+David O'Cain] And I'm lucky to have found her. ^_^
[01:01] --> Adair [adair-hime@eden] has joined #reddwarfmain
[01:01] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Adair
[01:01] [Adair] Wheeeee~
[01:02] > Adair has a rather shredded down pillow in hand :3
[01:03] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightie) is relaxing on the sofa
[01:04] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightie) fixes herself a bit
[01:05] [+David O'Cain] Um, hi.
[01:16] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightie) wiggles her toes again
[01:20] --> Kaede Sasaki (PJ's) has joined #reddwarfmain
[01:20] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Kaede Sasaki (PJ's)
[01:21] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] hi, Kaede!
[01:21] [Kaede Sasaki (PJ's)] Hey Oneesan
[01:22] [+David O'Cain] Hi, Kaede.
[01:22] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] how are you?
[01:23] [Kaede Sasaki (PJ's)] Hi Dave. I'm alright.
[01:24] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] that's good ^^
[01:24] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightie) puts away her video
[01:26] [Kaede Sasaki (PJ's)] How're you two doing tonight?
[01:26] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] oh I'm fine..was just watching some memories
[01:26] [+David O'Cain] Just doing alright.
[01:26] > Adair is presently decorating the space with mistletoe, holly, pinecone wreathes, and even a small christmas tree
[01:27] > Adair is dragging all this stuff out of a little box
[01:27] [Adair] :3
[01:28] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] um..there is already a tree
[01:28] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightie) points to the one in the corner
[01:30] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightie) smiles at the video tape she has
[01:30] > Adair points out the fact that the one she brought is a miniature with fiberoptic needles so it changes color :3
[01:31] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] so we have two trees now??
[01:31] [Adair] (( It's one of those really little ones you just stick on a coffee table or that ))
[01:31] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] (( oh ))
[01:31] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] (( *nods* ))
[01:31] [Kaede Sasaki (PJ's)] Weird.
[01:31] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] I should rewatch some of these other video volumes sometime
[01:31] [Kaede Sasaki (PJ's)] I've never thought about having two trees in the same room before
[01:32] [+David O'Cain] Good memories, Matsumi?
[01:32] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] well..you saw the video :P
[01:33] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] though...that bit of me in that dress >>
[01:33] [+David O'Cain] Oh, what was wrong with it? It's cute.
[01:34] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] it was embrassing
[01:34] > +David O'Cain hugs Matsumi
[01:35] [Kaede Sasaki (PJ's)] I wish I hadn't missed it
[01:35] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] ....should I show it again?
[01:35] [Kaede Sasaki (PJ's)] It's ok, you don't have to
[01:36] [+David O'Cain] If you ladies don't mind, I better get home. I'm feeling a bit tired.
[01:36] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] night david
[01:36] <-- +David O'Cain has left #reddwarfmain (Good night, ladies.)
[01:36] [Kaede Sasaki (PJ's)] g'night dave
[01:36] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] ..the scene was me when I was six, trying to sing christmas carols..badly >>
[01:39] [Kaede Sasaki (PJ's)] awwww, it sounds cute
[01:41] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] :P oh alright
[01:41] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightie) puts the tape in..and fast forwards to that part
[01:41] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] ...there I am
[01:41] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightie) in the video is wearing a rather cute christmasy dress...and singing Jingle Bells...off key
[01:43] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] >_>
[01:43] <-- Adair [adair-hime@eden] has left #reddwarfmain (When will the killing begin? When will it end?)
[01:44] [Kaede Sasaki (PJ's)] Awwwwww!
[01:44] > Kaede Sasaki (PJ's) plops down next to Matsumi and watches
[01:44] > ~Chibi-Matsumi (on the video) finishes and grins
[01:44] [~Chibi-Matsumi (on the video)] I did it, daddy, mommy! I did it!
[01:45] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightie) groans just a tiny bit at that part
[01:45] [Kaede Sasaki (PJ's)] Awwwwwwww, so cute!!
[01:46] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightie) takes it out as it changes to a scene of matsumi all bundled up and trying to make a snowman
[01:47] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] it's embrassing
[01:47] [Kaede Sasaki (PJ's)] Awwww, oneesan, you were adorable.
[01:49] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] *blushes slightly* don't know why my dad made these videos
[01:49] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] ..all of them are changed from what I originally remembered
[01:50] [Kaede Sasaki (PJ's)] aww
[01:50] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] and I'm not cute :P
[01:51] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] well wasn't
[01:51] [Kaede Sasaki (PJ's)] sure you were
[01:52] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] I guess sometimes I try and forget my past
[01:54] > Kaede Sasaki (PJ's) hugs Matsumi
[01:54] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightie) makes herself another hot cocoa
[01:54] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightie) giggles and hugs back
[01:54] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] do you want some?
[01:55] [Kaede Sasaki (PJ's)] Sure!
[01:56] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightie) makes two mugs "marshmellows or no marshmellows?
[01:56] [Kaede Sasaki (PJ's)] Marshmellows, of course ^_^
[01:57] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightie) smiles and puts some marshmellows in Kaede's cocoa and hands it to her
[01:58] [Kaede Sasaki (PJ's)] Thanks :)
[01:58] > Kaede Sasaki (PJ's) takes a sip with a smile | Mmmm... good
[01:58] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] no problem! *sits down with her own mug*
[01:58] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] I love a good cocoa at night
[02:00] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] how has my little sister been lately :)
[02:01] [Kaede Sasaki (PJ's)] I've been good. Just getting back to normal after everything that happened.
[02:01] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] same...any luck with it?
[02:03] [Kaede Sasaki (PJ's)] Oh yeah. Finally got all the systems up an running
[02:03] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] good ^^
[02:03] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] I've been getting back into my teaching
[02:05] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightie) sips her cocoa happily
[02:05] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] what do you think of the holidays?
[02:06] [Kaede Sasaki (PJ's)] i think it's fun
[02:06] > Kaede Sasaki (PJ's) takes another sip
[02:07] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] what are you going to do for it?
[02:07] [Kaede Sasaki (PJ's)] well... i thought about.... finally going back to see my parents
[02:08] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] afraid?
[02:08] [Kaede Sasaki (PJ's)] not afraid, a little nervous
[02:08] [Kaede Sasaki (PJ's)] It's been a while
[02:09] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] do they know what happened with you?
[02:10] [Kaede Sasaki (PJ's)] Oh yeah...
[02:11] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightie) nods
[02:12] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightie) gives kaede's shoulder a little squeeze
[02:14] [Kaede Sasaki (PJ's)] .... I just hope they'll accept me.
[02:14] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] ..don't worry :)
[02:16] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] even if it goes bad...just remember your other family
[02:16] [Kaede Sasaki (PJ's)] Of course not!
[02:16] > Kaede Sasaki (PJ's) hugs Matsumi tight | I'd never forget my Oneesan! ^_^
[02:17] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightie) smiles and hugs Kaede back as tightly
[02:17] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] and I'll never forget you ^^
[02:18] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] you really have become family to me ^^
[02:22] [Kaede Sasaki (PJ's)] that makes me very happy :)
[02:23] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] heh..you have a little cocoa moustache
[02:25] > Kaede Sasaki (PJ's) giggles and licks it away
[02:28] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] problem with cocoa though...makes me stay awake
[02:30] > Kaede Sasaki (PJ's) finishes her's | It usually makes me sleepy
[02:31] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] heh we are oppisistes :P
[02:33] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightie) finishes her mug
[02:33] [Kaede Sasaki (PJ's)] yeah, sisters are like that sometimes
[02:35] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightie) giggles and smiles
[02:38] > Kaede Sasaki (PJ's) yawns
[02:39] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] heh tired?
[02:40] [Kaede Sasaki (PJ's)] a little
[02:41] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] heh...maybe you should head to bed then
[02:46] [Kaede Sasaki (PJ's)] yeah, you're probably right
[02:47] > Kaede Sasaki (PJ's) slowly stands and smiles, kissing Matsumi's forehead
[02:47] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightie)] hehe night, kaede ^^
[02:47] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightie) smiles, picking up her video tape
[02:47] [Kaede Sasaki (PJ's)] Night Oneesan ^_^
[02:48] <-- Kaede Sasaki (PJ's) has left #reddwarfmain (This was a nice night)
[02:48] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightie) giggles a little
[02:48] <-- +Matsumi Kaze (nightie) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com ] has left #reddwarfmain (now back to home)
[14:39] --> Sskt [lizardhunter@Branch6.org] has joined #reddwarfmain
[14:39] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Sskt
[14:39] > Sskt wanders in, sitting on a sofa
[14:45] > Sskt looks rather impatient as she wipes down a weapon
[15:00] [Sskt] hmm..
[15:21] [Sskt] what a day..
[15:44] <-- Sskt [lizardhunter@Branch6.org] has left #reddwarfmain (going to look around)
[15:44] --> Sskt [lizardhunter@Branch6.org] has joined #reddwarfmain
[15:44] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Sskt
[15:45] > Sskt changes her mind and sits down
[15:47] [Sskt] huh..
[15:47] --> Alexis Shentara has joined #reddwarfmain
[15:47] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Alexis Shentara
[15:47] [Alexis Shentara] Yo Sskt... what're you doin' up here?
[15:49] [Sskt] got bored
[15:49] [Sskt] haven't had an assignment in ages
[15:50] [Alexis Shentara] You coulda' told someone you were leavin'.
[15:50] [Sskt] sorry about that
[15:51] > Sskt puts away her gun
[15:51] [Alexis Shentara] well, it's alright i suppose
[15:51] [Alexis Shentara] Hey... what do you think about the thought of this chick Rapier joining us?
[15:51] [Sskt] ...she has potential to the team I think
[15:51] [Sskt] ...wonder if she'll fit in
[15:52] [Alexis Shentara] I think she might
[15:53] [Alexis Shentara] Her background is legit
[15:53] [Sskt] wonder if Taruka agrees or not
[15:53] [Alexis Shentara] We should ask her to come up so we can discuss it one last time. Now that Neva's given birth, she's gonna' be down for a little while.
[15:54] [Sskt] ..have you heard how the boss is doing?
[15:55] [Sskt] I mean..what's up with her and stuff
[15:55] [Alexis Shentara] Pretty well. she's recovering after having the little ones
[15:55] [Alexis Shentara] I talked to Nall this morning.
[15:56] [Sskt] I just feel uneasy with it being so quiet
[15:59] [Alexis Shentara] I know the feelin'.
[15:59] --> Taruka Mi-38 [MetalGalhunter@Branch7.co] has joined #reddwarfmain
[15:59] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Taruka Mi-38
[15:59] > Taruka Mi-38 walks in
[15:59] [Alexis Shentara] But ya' know, without Neva to give us orders.... we're not gonna' have a job
[15:59] [Alexis Shentara] Hey Taruka. Was startin' to wonder if you'd show up
[16:00] [Taruka Mi-38] ..I have some news
[16:00] [Sskt] hm?
[16:00] [Taruka Mi-38] while Neva is recovering..I am taking over
[16:00] [Alexis Shentara] What's up?
[16:01] [Alexis Shentara] Intreaguing. I kinda' figured that'd happen
[16:02] [Taruka Mi-38] ...and first off...Rapier is joining the team
[16:02] [Sskt] wait what?
[16:02] [Alexis Shentara] Heh, we were gonna' ask you about that....
[16:02] [Sskt] ..I don't know
[16:03] [Alexis Shentara] what's up sskt?
[16:04] [Sskt] well...is she really a team player..I mean...do you think she will be able to take orders?
[16:05] [Taruka Mi-38] do not worry about it
[16:05] [Taruka Mi-38] I'm sure she'll be fine
[16:05] [Alexis Shentara] well, she was part of that asteroid team with Nate for so long before....
[16:07] [Taruka Mi-38] I think Sskt is just afraid that she'll take the intitive before given them
[16:07] --> Tabatha Brown has joined #reddwarfmain
[16:07] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Tabatha Brown
[16:07] > Tabatha Brown walks in, stretching and yawning.
[16:07] [Alexis Shentara] Well then Taruka, that'd be your job
[16:07] [Alexis Shentara] Speak of the devil
[16:07] [Tabatha Brown] Hi all. Oh hey, its you guys.
[16:08] [Taruka Mi-38] hello
[16:08] [Sskt] yo
[16:08] [Taruka Mi-38] I have news for you, miss tabatha
[16:09] [Alexis Shentara] Hey there blue
[16:09] > Tabatha Brown giggles a little at 'Blue.'
[16:09] [Taruka Mi-38] due to neva's present state..I have been made leader of this team
[16:10] [Taruka Mi-38] and as first order from the home-office..you are now officially part of the team
[16:10] > Tabatha Brown listens, and sits on a bar stool, watching.
[16:10] [Tabatha Brown] Ne?! Really?!
[16:10] [Alexis Shentara] Yup
[16:10] [Tabatha Brown] Thats GREAT! ^___^
[16:11] [Tabatha Brown] I won't let you guys down.
[16:11] [Alexis Shentara] We hope not
[16:11] [Sskt] don't
[16:11] [Alexis Shentara] Just remember.... Taruka's the leader now. She gives the orders, ya' dig?
[16:12] [Tabatha Brown] Hai! I dig!
[16:13] [Alexis Shentara] Good
[16:13] [Tabatha Brown] I prefer someone else be in charge anyway.
[16:13] [Alexis Shentara] So Taruka, are you gonna' be joining us in the field or are you gonna' live up to Neva's title and stay in the office?
[16:13] [Taruka Mi-38] I am not sure at the moment
[16:13] [Taruka Mi-38] but as for now..I am looking through potential assignments
[16:14] [Alexis Shentara] Ahh good. We could use a job right now. Sskt's gettin' antsy
[16:15] [Tabatha Brown] I could use the pay.. I want to get Anubi a few more gifts.
[16:15] > Sskt just frowns at Alexis
[16:15] [Alexis Shentara] Oh yeah, that's right.... your boyfriend is that tall, white haired guy with the metal arm an' leg.
[16:16] > Taruka Mi-38 is typing through a small aparture on her arm
[16:17] [Tabatha Brown] Thats him.
[16:18] [Taruka Mi-38] your name is now officially on the paylist
[16:18] [Alexis Shentara] You lucky little such 'en such. :P That's a fine piece of man ya' got.
[16:18] > Tabatha Brown is overcome with giggles. ^.^
[16:18] > Sskt is frowning at hearing that
[16:20] > Alexis Shentara notices Sskt's expression and turns to her - What's your deal? You've had that scowel on your face ever since Tabatha came in here.
[16:21] [Tabatha Brown] She did?
[16:21] [Sskt] ...I just don't like hearing about guys that's all
[16:22] > Taruka Mi-38 plugs herself into an energy outlet
[16:22] [Taruka Mi-38] she is jealous
[16:22] [Sskt] ><
[16:22] [Tabatha Brown] Well...... Im sorry to hear that. Believe it or not, I know how it feels.
[16:23] [Sskt] yeah.......
[16:23] > Sskt just goes back to working on her gun
[16:24] [Alexis Shentara] I'm jealous too, but you don't see ME sulkin' over it
[16:24] [Taruka Mi-38] she is jealous cause..
[16:24] [Sskt] oh BE QUIET TARUKA
[16:25] [Tabatha Brown] My first hour and I already feel like a fifth wheel.. >.>
[16:25] [Alexis Shentara] Awww
[16:25] > Alexis Shentara stands and walks over to Tabatha, putting her hand on her head and ruffeling her hair
[16:25] [Alexis Shentara] Don't worry... I think you're gonna' do fine.
[16:26] [Taruka Mi-38] she is always like this
[16:26] > Sskt just walks away
[16:26] > Sskt is away
[16:26] > Tabatha Brown laughs, nervously.
[16:26] [Taruka Mi-38] do not worry
[16:28] > Alexis Shentara sighs as Sskt leaves, then looks at Tabatha
[16:29] > Taruka Mi-38 smiles to tabatha
[16:29] [Alexis Shentara] Yeah, just cause Sskt's bein' a stick in the mud doesn't mean we're not gonna' be successful.
[16:30] [Alexis Shentara] Anyway, I'm gonna' go after her and see if I can figure out what her problem is.
[16:31] > Alexis Shentara holds her hand out and smiles to Tabatha - Welcome to the team girly. ^_^
[16:31] [Taruka Mi-38] welcome
[16:32] [Tabatha Brown] Arigato!
[16:33] [Taruka Mi-38] be careful with Sskt, Alexis
[16:34] [Alexis Shentara] No worries Taruka. I know how to handle her
[16:35] <-- Alexis Shentara has left #reddwarfmain (Comeon Sskt..... you gotta' chill out a bit...)
[16:35] > Taruka Mi-38 sits down, while recharging her back-ups
[16:35] [Taruka Mi-38] how are you feeling?
[16:38] [Tabatha Brown] Ne? Me?
[16:39] [Taruka Mi-38] yes
[16:39] [Tabatha Brown] Im very good.
[16:40] [Taruka Mi-38] I hope you do not feel bad after what happened
[16:40] [Tabatha Brown] Well, little early to say, ya know?
[16:41] > Taruka Mi-38 smiles as best she can "true"
[16:41] > Taruka Mi-38 unplugs herself
[16:43] [Tabatha Brown] If you don't mind my asking, what exactly are you?
[16:44] [Taruka Mi-38] I am a Votukian
[16:44] [Taruka Mi-38] a sort of techno-organic lifeform
[16:46] [Tabatha Brown] Ah. Okay.
[16:46] [Taruka Mi-38] I hope my apprence isn't too much for you
[16:46] > Tabatha Brown looks at Taruka Mi-38
[16:46] ➣ Taruka Mi-38: appears to be a woman with short hair made entierly of a metallic wiring. Her skin mode of a smooth and soft metal and her eyes are glass-like and change color with emotion. Her voice is metallic sounding but soft and human-like.
[16:47] [Tabatha Brown] Not at all. I've worked with stranger.
[16:47] [Taruka Mi-38] heh good....I sometimes worry about my apprence
[16:50] [Taruka Mi-38] ..I think sometimes Sskt feels even more self-concious of hers
[16:52] > Taruka Mi-38 sits down
[16:52] [Tabatha Brown] About the only problem with my appearance I haev is keeping my hair smooth.
[16:54] [Taruka Mi-38] why? it looks fine
[16:55] [Tabatha Brown] Yeah, but thats because I put a LOT of work into it.
[16:58] > Taruka Mi-38 looks at her own wires for hair
[16:59] [Taruka Mi-38] I can't exactuly fix mine heh
[17:00] [Tabatha Brown] Heee... maybe a strong oil?
[17:01] [Taruka Mi-38] hehe
[17:02] [Taruka Mi-38] doubt that would work heh
[17:05] [Tabatha Brown] Hm... maybe you should ask that guy with the chains?
[17:06] [Taruka Mi-38] .....
[17:06] [Taruka Mi-38] uh-uh
[17:06] [Taruka Mi-38] not him
[17:06] [Tabatha Brown] No? He seems to know a lot about metals.
[17:07] [Tabatha Brown] I admit he gives me the creeps...
[17:08] [Taruka Mi-38] well...he and his lover dislike my kind...
[17:08] [Taruka Mi-38] they have killed a colony of ones similer to me
[17:09] [Tabatha Brown] Yikes..
[17:11] [Taruka Mi-38] though..they were from Mycidia five...and I'm from Mycida sigma..
[17:11] [Taruka Mi-38] ..and they are a slightly diffrent kind then me
[17:12] [Taruka Mi-38] but...I still don't trust him
[17:18] [Tabatha Brown] So, what are jobs with you guys usually like?
[17:21] [Taruka Mi-38] well
[17:21] [Taruka Mi-38] they can be dangrious
[17:21] [Taruka Mi-38] we have all prices on our heads from several crime familes
[17:21] [Taruka Mi-38] if you want..I'll show you some of our database on persvious missions
[17:21] [Taruka Mi-38] (( I have to get going ))
[17:21] [Tabatha Brown] Ok. Sounds good.
[17:21] <-- Taruka Mi-38 [MetalGalhunter@Branch7.co] has left #reddwarfmain (follow me)
[17:23] <-- Tabatha Brown has left #reddwarfmain (Sure.)
[18:24] --> Solarchos has joined #reddwarfmain
[18:24] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Solarchos
[18:25] > Solarchos comes into the room, looking rather weary after a particularly long and arduous day.
[18:26] > Solarchos sits down with a large glass of water and takes comfort in the quiet for a while. ^_^
[18:32] --> Morrigan has joined #reddwarfmain
[18:32] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Morrigan
[18:32] [Morrigan] Greeting Dwarfers! I'm Morrigan Aensland here with the evening news!
[18:34] [Morrigan] Today in the American state of Illinois, embattled Governor Rod "I'm not a crook" Blagojevich announced today that "I will fight. I will fight. I will fight until I take my last breath. I have done nothing wrong."
[18:34] > Morrigan pauses for a moment, smirking.
[18:34] [Morrigan] Well isn't that special!
[18:36] [Morrigan] Governor Blagojevich then went on to state that he's not stepping down and made it clear that removing him from office would be uglier and more drawn-out than anyone thinks.
[18:38] [Morrigan] Sorry Rod, but just because you're a former boxer doesn't mean that you can punch out anyone trying to take you governor's "championship belt" away from you.
[18:38] [Morrigan] That's not exactly how things work over there, bub.
[18:40] [Morrigan] Despite substantial amount of evidence obtained by the feds, Blagojevich is still claiming that he's innocent of all wrongdoing.
[18:40] [Morrigan] Yeah...right...he blackmailed, extorted, demanded kickbacks and bribes, and tried to sell a seat in the U.S. Senate. And he's done nothing wrong?! :O
[18:41] [Morrigan] “ I'm not a crook! V..^_^..V ”
[18:41] [Morrigan] Where have we ALL heard THAT one before, folks?
[18:43] [Morrigan] Sorry Rod, but the ghost of Richard Nixon will NOT be coming to your aid, no matter how firmly you believe that "when the governor of Illinois does it, it's NOT illegal".
[18:44] [Morrigan] Hope you had fun in the governor's mansion, Blago, and don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out!
[18:44] [Morrigan] Oh who am I kidding? KICK HIS ASS! KICK IT LONG AND KICK IT HARD!
[18:45] [Morrigan] And that's all the time we have for the evening Media-Belch.
[18:46] <-- Morrigan has left #reddwarfmain (I'm Morrigan Aensland. Good night Red Dwarf!)
[18:46] [Solarchos] Heh.
[19:18] > Solarchos continues to rest for a little bit.
[19:43] <-- Solarchos has left #reddwarfmain (Time for dinner with Inu-Kit and the kits! ^__^)
[20:22] --> David O'Cain has joined #reddwarfmain
[20:22] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to David O'Cain
[20:22] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +David O'Cain
[20:22] [+David O'Cain] Man, what a day.
[20:24] --> Miara [amongimmortals@terra.net] has joined #reddwarfmain
[20:24] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Miara
[20:24] [Miara] Hi David!
[20:24] [+David O'Cain] Hi, Miara.
[20:25] [Miara] How are you?
[20:25] [Miara] What'd you do today?
[20:26] [+David O'Cain] Doing alright. Hadn't done much today.
[20:28] [+David O'Cain] How about you?
[20:28] [Miara] I was in Venice today!
[20:29] [Miara] It was really interesting, there are so many old buildings there.
[20:30] [Miara] And lots of water all over the city, it was weird.
[20:31] [+David O'Cain] Cool. Got to go on any of the gondola rides?
[20:32] [Miara] Yeah, but that was really early this morning before the sun came up. It was really pretty that way, though.
[20:32] --> Shin [pestalencedoom@5thlevel.hell] has joined #reddwarfmain
[20:32] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Shin
[20:32] [Shin] good evening
[20:33] [Miara] Hi Shin!
[20:34] [+David O'Cain] Hello.
[20:35] [Shin] how are you doing, young lady *gives Miara's hand a kiss*
[20:35] [Miara] Hehe, I'm fine.
[20:36] [Miara] You?
[20:36] > +David O'Cain sits down on the sofa
[20:37] [Shin] I am well for myself
[20:40] > Shin sits down
[20:41] [Miara] Ne, I went and saw you palazzo the other day.
[20:41] [Miara] *your
[20:41] [Shin] oh...I am honored
[20:42] [Miara] It has....a long memory.
[20:43] [Shin] well...I have lived there for quite a while
[20:45] [Miara] Heh.
[20:50] [+David O'Cain] Uh, yeah.
[20:50] > Shin brings out a bottle of wine "I have heard that celebrations shall be happening soon"
[20:52] [+David O'Cain] Celebration?
[20:53] [Miara] Oh yeah, aren't Candy and Matsi getting married? I think?
[20:53] [+David O'Cain] Oh yeah.
[20:54] > Shin puts down a bottle of wine...covered in cobwebs and dust
[20:55] [+David O'Cain] Whoa. How long was the bottle in storage?
[20:55] [Miara] Obviously a while.
[20:56] [Shin] since it was first made
[20:56] [+David O'Cain] Damn.
[20:57] [Miara] How old is it?
[20:59] [Shin] it was made in the 11th century
[21:00] [Miara] Not bad.
[21:01] [Shin] for the couple
[21:01] [Miara] I hope it was worth keeping all that time.
[21:04] [+David O'Cain] Yeah. It has to have aged pretty well.
[21:04] > Miara gets a salad out of her bag and starts to eat
[21:04] [Shin] it has
[21:06] [+David O'Cain] So, what's been going on with you lately?
[21:07] [Shin] me?
[21:08] [+David O'Cain] Yes.
[21:09] [Shin] simply doing my job
[21:09] [+David O'Cain] Ah.
[21:13] [Shin] yourselves?
[21:13] [+David O'Cain] Doing alright.
[21:16] [Miara] Don't you ever want to do other things?
[21:16] [Miara] I'm fine.
[21:18] [Shin] what else is there to do..but drink..listen to music..admire my art..and work
[21:18] [Miara] There are millions of things out there, how many of them have you done?
[21:19] [Miara] And when you live long enough you get bored.
[21:20] [Shin] not many enjoy me when I appear
[21:21] [Miara] I thought that only happened when you change?
[21:27] [Shin] true...
[21:27] [Shin] but....locals tend to keep far away from me...
[21:28] [Miara] That doesn't mean you should let it keep you from doing things.
[21:28] [+David O'Cain] Heh.
[21:29] > Shin smiles "you are quite persausive
[21:31] [Miara] Well sometimes people are leery of me cause I'm foreign, but when you're nice and confident they warm up to you.
[21:32] [Shin] I am a hell-lord, young lady
[21:32] [Miara] So? You obviously know your manners.
[21:32] [Miara] and because you are, don't you know how to get what you want?
[21:33] [Shin] oh...but of course
[21:33] [Shin] very few times have I failed in that regard
[21:37] [Miara] What do you think, David?
[21:38] [+David O'Cain] Eh, couldn't hurt.
[21:41] [Miara] How's Masaki? I don't think I've seen her since I was at her shop last week.
[21:43] > Miara gets some orange juice from the bar
[21:43] [Miara] Anyone want anything while I'm over here?
[21:43] [+David O'Cain] She's fine. And still happily married to me. ^_^
[21:44] [Miara] Oh, is she now :P
[21:44] [+David O'Cain] Yes. :P
[21:48] [Miara] A toast to you and Masaki, then!
[21:49] [+David O'Cain] Thank ye.
[21:50] [Miara] Hm...what to do tonight...
[21:51] [Shin] shall I leave you two in peace then?
[21:51] [Miara] Eh? Why? You're not doing anything?
[21:53] [Shin] hmm?
[21:55] [Miara] I just don't get why you think you should leave?
[21:56] [Shin] heh
[21:56] [Shin] I belived I worn out my welcome
[21:57] [Miara] Why?
[22:02] > +David O'Cain leans back
[22:02] [Shin] I am not sure how to say it...simply a feeling
[22:02] [+David O'Cain] Mm.
[22:03] [Miara] Maybe you were imagining it?
[22:04] [Miara] That is more of a girl thing, though.
[22:09] [Miara] Hm. Well, anyway.
[22:10] > Shin pours a glass of an extra bottle of wine
[22:11] > Miara lays on her stomach on a couch and writes in her journal
[22:13] [+David O'Cain] Been a nice night.
[22:14] [Miara] Yup.
[22:16] [Shin] quite
[22:16] [Miara] Hm....
[22:18] [Miara] Maybe I should brush up on my swimming skills, it's been a while.
[22:19] [Shin] you swim?
[22:19] [Miara] Sure I can.
[22:21] [Miara] How about you? Does the fire go out if you step foot in the water?
[22:22] [Shin] the fire???
[22:22] [Miara] You are a demon, hell, fire? Eh. Never mind.
[22:23] [Shin] I have no fire where I am from
[22:23] [Miara] It was a joke...
[22:24] [Shin] oh I see
[22:26] [Miara] But yes, I swim.
[22:28] [Miara] Where would I go to find a swimsuit. You need those to swim here, right?
[22:29] [Shin] I belive so
[22:31] [+David O'Cain] Department stores, maybe sporting goods.
[22:32] > Miara gets out a changepurse and dumps out a mix of money from many different countries
[22:35] [+David O'Cain] Whoa.
[22:35] > Miara separates stuff
[22:36] [Miara] I go to a lot of places, that's what happens.
[22:37] [Shin] do you..require money?
[22:37] [Miara] Nope, just seeing what I have.
[22:38] [Miara] I can get stuff changed if I need to.
[22:38] [Miara] And some places barter, that's always fun.
[22:40] [+David O'Cain] Cool.
[22:41] --> Grim has joined #reddwarfmain
[22:41] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Grim
[22:41] [Shin] long time no see, my fine fellow
[22:41] [Miara] Hello!
[22:41] [+David O'Cain] Oh, hey, Grim.
[22:41] [Grim] Hey. How's everything up here?
[22:41] [Miara] Fine~
[22:42] > Miara looks at Grim
[22:42] ➣ Grim: black cloak, scythe, bones, tattered clothing, what'd you expect for the entity of death?
[22:43] [+David O'Cain] Things are fine, man.
[22:43] [Miara] Do you actually use the scythe, or is that just for show?
[22:43] [Grim] Good, good. Had a real nice catch the other day.
[22:44] [Grim] Sometimes I do use the scythe. For special cases.
[22:44] [Miara] Ah.
[22:46] > Shin sips his drink
[22:48] [Miara] So how come I haven't seen you around here yet?
[22:49] [Grim] Eh, I've been busy.
[22:50] [Shin] quite
[22:50] [Miara] So more work for you, then, too.
[22:51] [Grim] You could say that. What with all the soul collecting and all.
[22:52] [Miara] If people touch you do they die?
[22:52] [Shin] at least you are timely
[22:52] [Miara] Cause they do that in cartoons a lot.
[22:53] [Grim] Depends on if it's their time. In David's case, I can put a hand on him and he wouldn't die immediately. He's got a long ways to go before he has to.
[22:54] [Miara] Hm.
[22:57] [+David O'Cain] Plus there is that pact.
[22:57] [Shin] thank you for that delivery a while back
[22:59] [Grim] Hey, no problem. Although, I've been hearing scuttlebutt that he might be trying to escape. He can try, but I don't think he'll succeed.
[23:00] [Shin] I hear he was put in the lowest circl
[23:00] [Shin] *circle
[23:01] [Grim] That far down, huh? I wouldn't be surprised.
[23:02] [Shin] his crimes were too major for my relm
[23:05] [Grim] I see. He's got an uphill fight, doesn't he?
[23:05] [Shin] quite
[23:12] [Grim] So, how's thing going for ya?
[23:13] [Shin] me?
[23:15] [Grim] Yeah.
[23:17] [Shin] I am well as can be expected
[23:18] [Grim] Good. Souls keeping ya busy?
[23:19] [Shin] heh...as busy as they can..
[23:20] [Grim] Heh.
[23:21] > Shin sips his wine, offering some to the others
[23:21] [+David O'Cain] Eh, I'll take a glass.
[23:24] [Shin] from my personal collection
[23:24] [Grim] So, what's been going on in the other circles?
[23:25] [Shin] I do not know
[23:25] [Shin] I do not speak to them
[23:27] [Miara] No, thanks.
[23:27] [Shin] very well
[23:28] [Grim] Eh, couldn't hurt to ask.
[23:33] [Grim] Anyway, back to collecting. Those souls don't move by themselves to the afterlife.
[23:33] [+David O'Cain] Later, Grim.
[23:33] <-- Grim has left #reddwarfmain (Off I go.)
[23:36] [+David O'Cain] Nice to see Grim once in a while.
[23:37] [Shin] quite
[23:40] > +David O'Cain sips his glass of wine
[23:47] [Shin] quite good
[23:48] [+David O'Cain] Yeah.
[23:59] > Miara puts her journal away and stretches
[00:00] >>> Saturday Dec 20 2008 <<<
[00:01] [Shin] it is getting late
[00:01] [Miara] It's only midnight.
[00:02] [Shin] heh true
[00:04] [Miara] Well, I guess I need to go shopping in some part of the world that's awake.
[00:05] [Shin] very well
[00:07] [Miara] Bye~
[00:07] <-- Miara [amongimmortals@terra.net] has left #reddwarfmain (Stand up and watch me!)
[00:08] [+David O'Cain] Night, Miara.
[00:09] [Shin] goodnight
[00:15] [Shin] I shall depart myself I guess
[00:16] [+David O'Cain] Take care, man.
[00:18] <-- Shin [pestalencedoom@5thlevel.hell] has left #reddwarfmain (*vanishes*)
[00:40] --> Matsumi Kaze [Airsenshi@Qtech.com ] has joined #reddwarfmain
[00:40] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Matsumi Kaze
[00:40] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Matsumi Kaze
[00:40] > +Matsumi Kaze smiles, taking off her coat
[00:40] [+David O'Cain] Hi, Matsumi.
[00:41] [+Matsumi Kaze] hiya!
[00:43] [+David O'Cain] How're you this evening?
[00:43] [+Matsumi Kaze] pretty good
[00:49] [+David O'Cain] Good.
[00:49] [+Matsumi Kaze] yourself?
[00:50] [+David O'Cain] I'm doing pretty good myself.
[00:52] [+Matsumi Kaze] that's great!
[00:56] [+David O'Cain] So what's been going on?
[00:57] [+Matsumi Kaze] getting things ready for tomorrow ^^
[00:57] [+Matsumi Kaze] and getting ready for the holidays
[00:58] [+David O'Cain] Cool.
[00:58] [+Matsumi Kaze] you?
[01:00] [+David O'Cain] Getting ready for the holidays mostly.
[01:02] [+Matsumi Kaze] neat
[01:02] > +Matsumi Kaze smiles and checks on the tree
[01:08] [+David O'Cain] Tree's so pretty.
[01:09] [+Matsumi Kaze] so true ^^
[01:09] [+Matsumi Kaze] heh makes me feel like a kid again *fixes one of the tree's branches*
[01:10] > +David O'Cain nods
[01:11] > +Matsumi Kaze sits on a sofa and stretches
[01:23] [+Matsumi Kaze] heheh I can't wait ^^
[01:24] [+David O'Cain] Yeah, me neither. Such a fun holiday.
[01:25] [+Matsumi Kaze] well I meant my wedding tomorrow
[01:27] [+David O'Cain] Oh.
[01:29] [+David O'Cain] I'm sorry, Matsumi, but I oughta get home. I'm feeling tired.
[01:29] [+Matsumi Kaze] it's ok..night!
[01:30] > +David O'Cain gives Matsumi a hug before he leaves
[01:30] > +Matsumi Kaze hugs back "night!"
[01:30] <-- +David O'Cain has left #reddwarfmain (Good night.)
[01:34] > +Matsumi Kaze fidgets a bit ^^
[01:42] [+Matsumi Kaze] so excited ^^
[02:10] [+Matsumi Kaze] maybe I should get home and make sure my wedding dress is alright ^^
[02:10] <-- +Matsumi Kaze [Airsenshi@Qtech.com ] has left #reddwarfmain (hehehe)
[13:01] --> Amber (catgirl) [kitty@destiny.net] has joined #reddwarfmain
[13:01] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Amber (catgirl)
[13:05] --> Catgirl1 (human) [sexycat@QuinoxRoyal.com] has joined #reddwarfmain
[13:05] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Catgirl1 (human)
[13:05] > Amber (catgirl) walks in with a list
[13:05] > Catgirl1 (human) stretches
[13:05] [Amber (catgirl)] Ok Candy's purification time is about complete
[13:06] > Catgirl1 (human) nods
[13:06] [Catgirl1 (human)] I have finished the blessings for matsumi
[13:07] [Amber (catgirl)] ok
[13:07] [Catgirl1 (human)] do you wish me to do the same for candy?
[13:07] [Amber (catgirl)] If you wish it it can be done
[13:08] [Catgirl1 (human)] it is not vital..simply a small blessing for happiness
[13:08] [Amber (catgirl)] You can.
[13:09] [Catgirl1 (human)] very well
[13:09] [Catgirl1 (human)] I shall go then to see her
[13:09] [Catgirl1 (human)] it shall not take long
[13:09] [Amber (catgirl)] she is at the floating palace
[13:10] [Amber (catgirl)] the purification has to be done there
[13:11] > Catgirl1 (human) nods "I will go there then
[13:11] [Amber (catgirl)] I sall come with you
[13:12] [Catgirl1 (human)] very well
[13:13] [Catgirl1 (human)] I shall change my ataire on the way there
[13:15] [Catgirl1 (human)] *attaire
[13:16] <-- Catgirl1 (human) [sexycat@QuinoxRoyal.com] has left #reddwarfmain (show me the way then)
[13:20] <-- Amber (catgirl) [kitty@destiny.net] has left #reddwarfmain (it is this way)
[18:25] --> Logan SD [KittyShota@Reddwarf.com] has joined #reddwarfmain
[18:25] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Logan SD
[18:25] > Logan SD walks in with a tuna sandwich. "HAALOOO?"
[18:26] --> Taiyo has joined #reddwarfmain
[18:26] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Taiyo
[18:26] > Taiyo wanders in
[18:26] [Logan SD] Taiyo!
[18:27] [Taiyo] hi
[18:27] > Taiyo 's hair is all nealy combed back...though taiyo doesn't look happy about it
[18:28] [Logan SD] You look weird.
[18:29] [Taiyo] mamas say I have to look fancy
[18:30] [Logan SD] Why?
[18:30] [Taiyo] marriage or something like that
[18:33] > Taiyo frowns at his hair
[18:33] [Logan SD] Ohh..
[18:34] [Taiyo] you ok?
[18:34] [Logan SD] Oh! Thats right! Pop told me about that!
[18:34] > Taiyo nods
[18:37] [Taiyo] how are you?
[18:38] [Logan SD] Ok gooood.
[18:38] > Logan SD nibbles his sandwich.
[18:38] [Taiyo] ..whatcha eating?
[18:39] [Logan SD] Turkey. Want some?
[18:40] [Taiyo] sure!
[18:41] > Logan SD offers up half.
[18:41] > Taiyo eats it happily
[18:44] [Taiyo] good!
[18:46] [Logan SD] Yupp :3
[18:46] [Taiyo] where did you get it?
[18:47] [Logan SD] The kitchen. I made it.
[18:48] [Taiyo] cool
[18:50] [Taiyo] I don't make food
[18:51] [Logan SD] This is all I know how to make.. pop showed me.
[18:51] [Taiyo] cool!
[18:53] > Taiyo fiddles with his hair again ><
[18:56] [Logan SD] when is the wedding?
[18:57] [Taiyo] I don't know
[18:57] [Taiyo] >_>
[19:00] [Logan SD] uh oh..
[19:00] [Taiyo] wha?
[19:01] [Logan SD] Are we gonna miss it? o.o
[19:01] [Taiyo] I don't think so...
[19:07] > Taiyo sits on the floor
[19:11] > Logan SD sits on the couch finishing his sandwich.
[19:12] [Taiyo] whatcha been up to?
[19:13] [Logan SD] A little studyin.. and a little tryin to learn my powers.
[19:13] [Taiyo] oh?
[19:14] [Logan SD] Yeah. Sometimes I have a hard time makin 'em do what I want, or a hard tiem makin' em' stop.
[19:15] [Taiyo] powers can be scary
[19:16] [Logan SD] Sometimes, but sometimes theyre cool!
[19:17] [Taiyo] all I can do is fire light
[19:18] [Logan SD] I can make fire and ice and and... and I do lots of things I don't mean to do..
[19:21] [Taiyo] ..wish I could do more
[19:22] [Logan SD] Well, are you planning on fightin' and protectin' people?
[19:22] > Taiyo nods nods
[19:27] [Taiyo] I do
[19:29] [Logan SD] Hmm... yeah, then you need more powers..
[19:30] [Taiyo] :(
[19:31] [Logan SD] Its ok. Im sure you can get super tough!
[19:31] [Taiyo] I hope so
[19:37] [Taiyo] even my sister is better then me
[19:48] > Taiyo goes to grab something to drink
[19:55] > Taiyo comes back with a can of coke
[19:59] [Logan SD] Whats that?
[20:01] [Taiyo] coke
[20:04] [Taiyo] it's good
[20:11] [Taiyo] ^^
[20:15] [Logan SD] Can Itry?
[20:16] > Taiyo hands the can to logan
[20:18] > Logan SD sips it, and puts it down.
[20:18] > Logan SD 's ears twitch. 0.o
[20:18] [Logan SD] Woah, thats pretty good.
[20:19] > Taiyo nods nods nods
[20:21] [Taiyo] though...matsumi-oma doesn't like me drinking it
[20:24] [Logan SD] I hope mah and pop wont be mad at me for drinking it..
[20:26] [Taiyo] something about..caff...fine
[20:34] [Taiyo] not sure what it is
[20:37] [Logan SD] Pop let me drink alkahohaul once.. but I didnt like it >.>
[20:47] [Taiyo] really????
[20:51] [Logan SD] Yeah.. tastes like medicine. >.>
[20:51] [Taiyo] icky
[20:59] > Taiyo drinks the Coke
[21:09] [Logan SD] Hmm...
[21:11] [Taiyo] ????
[21:12] [Logan SD] I dunno..
[21:15] [Taiyo] something wrong?
[21:16] [Logan SD] No..
[21:18] [Taiyo] ok
[21:21] > Taiyo pokes his hair again
[21:26] [Logan SD] Its all pointy..
[21:29] [Taiyo] it won't stay down :(
[21:29] [Logan SD] Your mom probably wants it like that :\
[21:30] [Taiyo] yeah :(
[21:37] > Logan SD pokes Taiyo's hair idly.
[21:38] --> Miara [amongimmortals@terra.net] has joined #reddwarfmain
[21:38] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Miara
[21:38] [Miara] Hello~
[21:38] [Logan SD] Hiiii!
[21:38] > Logan SD looks at Miara
[21:38] ➣ Miara: Miara is a young woman standing at 5'9 with light brown hair and blue eyes. Usually wears jeans and fitted casual shirts. She has an upbeat and confident personality. Picture: http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a361/zairafirefly/Lupa/Miara/verycasualshirt.gif
[21:38] > Miara comes in, wearing a long fur-trimmed skirt and fitted jacket
[21:39] [Miara] Hi Logan, Taiyo!
[21:39] [Miara] What's going on?
[21:40] [Logan SD] Theres a wedding later!
[21:41] [Miara] Yeah, I was hoping I hadn't missed it.
[21:42] > Taiyo is uphappy with his hair :(
[21:42] [Miara] So how are you guys? What have you been up to?
[21:43] [Taiyo] fine
[21:43] [Logan SD] Not much... its been boring.
[21:44] --> David O'Cain has joined #reddwarfmain
[21:44] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to David O'Cain
[21:44] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +David O'Cain
[21:44] [+David O'Cain] Hey, guys.
[21:44] [Miara] Hi David!
[21:44] [Taiyo] hi
[21:45] [+David O'Cain] How's everybody?
[21:45] [Taiyo] fine
[21:46] [Miara] I'm good!
[21:46] [Logan SD] Im okie.
[21:47] > Logan SD scratches his face with the back of his hand.
[21:47] [+David O'Cain] Good.]
[21:52] [+David O'Cain] Nice night, isn't it?
[21:52] > Miara plops down on a couch
[21:52] [Miara] Some places it is.
[21:53] > Taiyo sits on the floor
[21:54] [Miara] How're you, David? And Masaki?
[21:58] [+David O'Cain] We're doing fine.
[21:59] [Miara] That's good!
[21:59] [Logan SD] Why are you on the floor, Taiyo?
[21:59] [Miara] Why not? The floor
[21:59] [Miara] 's as good a place as any/
[22:00] [Taiyo] it's nice
[22:02] [Logan SD] But its all hard. The couch is nice and soft. ^.^ nya
[22:04] [Taiyo] I like this :(
[22:05] [Logan SD] okay..
[22:10] > Taiyo tries to mess up his own hair..with no success
[22:11] [+David O'Cain] Taiyo, what're you doing?
[22:11] > Miara reaches over and fingers Taiyo's hair
[22:13] > Taiyo 's hair has been combed back and geled to keep it that way
[22:14] [Miara] Oh, well that's simple. Come over here.
[22:14] [Taiyo] vana-oma did this
[22:15] [Miara] Oh, is it for the wedding?
[22:16] > Taiyo nods
[22:17] [Miara] Is there going to be a wedding, at this rate?
[22:18] [Taiyo] dun know
[22:18] [+David O'Cain] Honestly, I have no idea.
[22:26] [Taiyo] why do I have to look so wierd
[22:30] [Miara] I dunno?
[22:33] > Taiyo kicks his feet
[22:37] > Logan SD looks at Tayio from behind, his tail waving.
[22:38] > Taiyo turns his head "what's up?"
[22:39] > Logan SD TICKLES Taiyo! :3
[22:40] [Taiyo] gahahahahahah!!!!
[22:42] > Taiyo wiggles
[22:42] > Logan SD tickles tickles tickles. :3
[22:43] > Taiyo tries to move away!
[22:44] > Logan SD lets him.
[22:45] > Taiyo catches his breath
[22:47] [Logan SD] >:3
[22:47] [Taiyo] heeeey
[22:47] > Taiyo pokes logan and makes him glow
[22:50] [Logan SD] Woaaah!
[22:50] [Taiyo] >:)
[22:50] [Logan SD] I hope this wears off before hte wedding... pop will get mad at me..
[22:53] > Taiyo nods
[23:04] [Logan SD] Huh? Why are you nodding?
[23:06] [Taiyo] just nodding
[23:23] > Taiyo fixes his coller again
[23:30] > Logan SD yawns.
[23:32] [Taiyo] tired?
[23:33] [Logan SD] Nya... yeah, and I better go check with my parents.
[23:34] [Taiyo] alright
[23:35] [+David O'Cain] Okay.
[23:35] [Logan SD] Night everyone..
[23:36] <-- Logan SD [KittyShota@Reddwarf.com] has left #reddwarfmain (Nyaaa...)
[23:46] [Taiyo] I'm going to go see
[23:48] <-- Taiyo has left #reddwarfmain (what's going on?)
[23:48] [+David O'Cain] See what?
[23:48] [+David O'Cain] Oh.
[23:53] > Miara yawns and turns over on the couch
[23:54] --> Taiyo has joined #reddwarfmain
[23:54] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Taiyo
[23:54] > Taiyo pokes Miara
[23:55] [Miara] Nnnn....
[23:55] [Miara] What?
[23:56] > Miara stretches and sits up
[23:56] [Miara] Did I miss it??
[23:56] --> Amber (catgirl formal) [kitty@destiny.net] has joined #reddwarfmain
[23:56] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Amber (catgirl formal)
[23:56] [Amber (catgirl formal)] The wedding is about to commence please follow me
[23:56] > Taiyo shakes head no
[23:57] > Amber (catgirl formal) is away: to the room on the ship that has been prepared
[23:57] > Taiyo follows
[23:57] > Taiyo is away
[23:57] [Miara] Oh.
[23:57] > Miara is away
[23:59] > +David O'Cain is away
[00:00] >>> Sunday Dec 21 2008 <<<
[13:39] --> Alexis Shentara has joined #reddwarfmain
[13:39] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Alexis Shentara
[13:40] [Alexis Shentara] Geez... trying to find that woman is hard
[13:42] > Alexis Shentara walks over to the bar and makes herself a jack n coke
[13:47] --> Sskt [lizardhunter@Branch6.org] has joined #reddwarfmain
[13:47] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Sskt
[13:48] > Sskt just wanders in, with a slightly black eye
[13:49] [Sskt] ugh
[13:49] > Sskt sits on the bar
[13:50] [Alexis Shentara] there you are
[13:50] [Alexis Shentara] where've you been?
[13:50] [Sskt] busy
[13:51] > Sskt pours herself a drink
[13:52] [Alexis Shentara] busy eh?
[13:52] [Sskt] yeah..what of it
[13:52] [Alexis Shentara] i'll tell ya' what of it....
[13:53] [Alexis Shentara] ..... you're part of a team ya' know. if you have a problem, you can talk about it with us
[13:54] [Sskt] ...do we really need her anyway...*is somewhat already drunk*
[13:55] [Alexis Shentara] "Need" her, maybe not. But she'll be a good addition to the team Sskt....
[13:56] [Sskt] ..ya sure.....what can...ugh..she offer that....*lays her head against the bar*
[13:59] [Sskt] ..stupid her and her boyfriend..
[13:59] [Alexis Shentara] Ooooooh
[13:59] [Alexis Shentara] I get it now....
[13:59] > Sskt just looks at alexis, in a slight haze
[14:00] [Alexis Shentara] You're turnin' a little greener then normal, lady...
[14:01] [Sskt] whatcha mean.....by that
[14:02] [Alexis Shentara] ... you're jealous of Tabatha and her big, handsome hunk a' man.
[14:02] > Sskt gets in alexis's face and hisses at her
[14:03] > Alexis Shentara grins - You know you don't scare me girly... comeon now
[14:04] [Sskt] least you don't scare children with your face, beanpole
[14:04] [Alexis Shentara] Geez oh peats....
[14:05] [Alexis Shentara] .... you've obviously never seen how many people are intimidated by me cause of how tall i am
[14:06] [Sskt] you look NORMAL
[14:07] [Sskt] you will fit in on that god for sake planet down there
[14:07] [Sskt] *would
[14:07] > Alexis Shentara slams her glass on the bar and glares at Sskt
[14:07] [Alexis Shentara] I am NOT as normal as you might thing down there!!
[14:08] [Alexis Shentara] I get looked at like a freak down there too ya' know!! Not just cause of how tall I am... but cause of the color of my hair!!
[14:08] [Sskt] what does that mean!
[14:09] [Sskt] least you aren't a freaking freak of a monster
[14:09] > Alexis Shentara sits down and looks down at the bar, upset
[14:09] [Alexis Shentara] I might as well be..... ~_~
[14:09] [Sskt] ..just...look at me
[14:09] [Sskt] and tell me...how I would be seen if I was on Earth in my true self
[14:11] > Sskt chugs down a drink
[14:12] [Alexis Shentara] Like a lizard woman
[14:12] [Sskt] ..I would be shot on sight
[14:13] [Alexis Shentara] No everywhere
[14:13] [Alexis Shentara] ^not
[14:13] [Alexis Shentara] There are some human cultures where you'd be worshiped as a deity
[14:13] > Sskt starts looking depressed
[14:14] [Sskt] sometimes I'm even jealous of Taruka
[14:15] > Sskt tries to reach other drink, but her hands are shaking
[14:15] [Alexis Shentara] Listen...
[14:16] [Alexis Shentara] ..... we're all different. Just cause you're not "accepted" down there, doesn't mean you can't be somewhere else.
[14:17] [Sskt] ya suure...
[14:18] > Sskt drops her glass due to her hands><
[14:19] [Alexis Shentara] You would
[14:19] [Alexis Shentara] Don't you remember the mission we went on to catch that arms dealer?
[14:19] [Alexis Shentara] There were a LOT of your type of people on that planet
[14:20] [Alexis Shentara] And noone gave you a second look... at least in a negative way that I saw
[14:22] [Sskt] yesh...trues.....felt...comfertible
[14:22] [Sskt] and somes of those guyss...ya knows
[14:23] > Alexis Shentara grins - I saw 'em lookin' at you.
[14:24] > Sskt blushes and falls off the stool
[14:24] [Alexis Shentara] Heeeey, be careful now
[14:24] > Alexis Shentara holds her hand out to help Sskt up
[14:25] > Sskt grabs hold of alexis's arm and struggles to her feet as best she can ><
[14:29] > Sskt falls over again
[14:29] [Sskt] shouldn't have druck so mush
[14:29] [Alexis Shentara] OOoooookay
[14:29] > Alexis Shentara picks up Sskt - You're surprisingly light
[14:31] [Sskt] have ta be to fight
[14:32] [Alexis Shentara] I'm gonna' take you home so you can sleep this off
[14:35] [Sskt] ya sure sure
[14:38] > Sskt flicks her tongue slightly
[14:38] > Alexis Shentara carries Sskt out
[14:39] <-- Alexis Shentara has left #reddwarfmain (You stop that, people will start rumors about us. :P)
[14:42] <-- Sskt [lizardhunter@Branch6.org] has left #reddwarfmain (huh...)
[19:47] --> Solarchos has joined #reddwarfmain
[19:47] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Solarchos
[19:48] > Solarchos sits down to rest for a while. The past couple of days have been most unpleasant and tiresome. ~_~
[19:51] --> Taruka Mi-38 [MetalGalhunter@Branch7.co] has joined #reddwarfmain
[19:51] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Taruka Mi-38
[19:51] > Taruka Mi-38 wanders in, reading over some things
[19:51] [Solarchos] Oh, hello there.
[19:52] [Taruka Mi-38] hello
[19:53] > Taruka Mi-38 plugs herself in
[19:54] [Solarchos] How are you doing? I haven't seen you in a long time.
[19:54] [Taruka Mi-38] quite busy
[19:55] > ~A bunch of brightly-glowing, multi-colored balls suddenly bounce and roll into the room, propelling and moving themselves and changing directions at random.
[19:55] --> Chibi-AnTil has joined #reddwarfmain
[19:55] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Chibi-AnTil
[19:55] --> Chibi-Alex has joined #reddwarfmain
[19:55] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Chibi-Alex
[19:55] --> Chibi-Catri has joined #reddwarfmain
[19:55] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Chibi-Catri
[19:55] --> Chibi-Sylvester has joined #reddwarfmain
[19:55] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Chibi-Sylvester
[19:55] > Taruka Mi-38 blinks at the children
[19:56] > ~The fox-children rush into the room like an invading army, chasing after the balls with incredible enthusiasm. :D :D :D :D
[19:56] [Solarchos] Ahh!! My children are here! ^__^
[19:57] [Taruka Mi-38] they seem rather happy
[19:59] [Solarchos] Of course they are. They're playing! Even better, they're playing together.
[20:00] > ~The fox-children continue to dash back and forth all over the room, chasing after the toys Laval gave them, completely fixated on trying to catch the perplexing, self-propelled balls.
[20:01] [Taruka Mi-38] heh
[20:03] > Taruka Mi-38 leans against the wall as she charges
[20:03] [Solarchos] So what were you reading when you arrived?
[20:05] [Taruka Mi-38] reports for assignments
[20:05] > Chibi-AnTil catches a ball!! He then starts bouncing it against Taruka's leg.
[20:06] > Chibi-Sylvester bounds into Daddy's lap and curls up, trilling happily. =^^=
[20:07] > Taruka Mi-38 looks down at the child
[20:08] [Chibi-AnTil] ^_^
[20:10] [Chibi-AnTil] Hiiiiiii~!
[20:10] [Taruka Mi-38] careful ther
[20:10] [Taruka Mi-38] *there
[20:14] > Chibi-AnTil continues to play with the metal lady, bouncing his ball against her thigh.
[20:15] [Taruka Mi-38] heh
[20:15] > Chibi-Sylvester and Chibi-Alex keep dashing back and forth across the room, trying to catch their own balls. :D :D
[20:15] [Taruka Mi-38] odd to see a child so willing to be near me
[20:15] [Solarchos] AnTil's not bothering you, is he?
[20:16] [Taruka Mi-38] oh no
[20:19] > Chibi-AnTil tosses his ball up towards the metal lady, his tails waving back and forth eagerly. ^^
[20:19] [Solarchos] Well, they did have a good experience with you the last time they met you.
[20:21] > Taruka Mi-38 catches it
[20:21] > Taruka Mi-38 tosses it gently back to the child
[20:22] > Chibi-AnTil happily catches the ball and tosses it back to her. ^^
[20:23] > Chibi-Alex bounds past Taruka, brushing closely against her with all of her tails. =^^=
[20:23] [Solarchos] Heh, I don't think you need to worry. They all seem to like you.
[20:23] [Taruka Mi-38] heh *gently rolls the ball back*
[20:25] > Solarchos picks up little Sylvester and puts him in his lap so he's laying next to his sister.
[20:26] > Chibi-AnTil keeps playing with the metal lady. "Boonamadodah?"
[20:26] [Taruka Mi-38] you are so lucky
[20:27] --> David O'Cain has joined #reddwarfmain
[20:27] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to David O'Cain
[20:27] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +David O'Cain
[20:27] [+David O'Cain] Yo.
[20:28] [Taruka Mi-38] ..being able to have children
[20:28] [Solarchos] How so?
[20:28] > Chibi-Sylvester and Chibi-Catri trill happily as they stretch and relax in Daddy's lap. =^^= =^^=
[20:29] [Taruka Mi-38] just to have children must be wonderful
[20:29] [Solarchos] Actually, I count myself even more fortunate every time I look at Inu-Kit. She's been so wonderful to me.
[20:30] [+David O'Cain] I'll bet she is, Solar.
[20:31] [Solarchos] And yes, these little rascals have brought me nothing but joy since the day they were born.
[20:31] > Taruka Mi-38 nods a little sadly
[20:33] > Chibi-AnTil looks up at the metal lady, a curious expression on his little face. "Ooooooo?"
[20:34] > Chibi-Alex comes over to Taruka and applies hugs. ^___^
[20:34] > Taruka Mi-38 picks up the child
[20:34] [Taruka Mi-38] *children
[20:34] [Taruka Mi-38] my kind do not truely "have" children
[20:36] [+David O'Cain] Awwwww.
[20:37] [Chibi-Alex] ^___^
[20:38] > Chibi-AnTil peers into the metal lady's eyes. o_o
[20:39] > Taruka Mi-38 's eyes swival
[20:39] > Chibi-AnTil tries to copy what he's seeing, rolling his eyes around. @_@
[20:40] [+David O'Cain] Heh, cute.
[20:41] > Chibi-Alex begins to apply tail-pats to the metal lady's leg. ^__^
[20:41] [Solarchos] How have you been, David?
[20:41] [+David O'Cain] Been doing alright, Solar. Pretty much been enjoying the weekend as best one can.
[20:43] [+David O'Cain] How about you?
[20:45] > Solarchos gently strokes Catriona's and Sylvester's hair and tails as they rest in his lap. "Ugh, the past two days have been horrible for me, but productive."
[20:46] > TheHunterKiller watches from the back of the room
[20:46] [+David O'Cain] Any good news worth noting?
[20:47] [Solarchos] The 8112th is still conducting its citywide sweep of Bali, but things are starting to look up a little bit. Our forward research labs are now fully operational and staffed with Labule personnel and they're already investigating the disease as best they can.
[20:47] [Taruka Mi-38] heh
[20:47] > Taruka Mi-38 holds the children as gently as she can
[20:50] [+David O'Cain] Cool. How long will it take to figure out the diagnosis?
[20:50] [Solarchos] So far the death toll at Bali is over 3000, with another 12000 showing varying degrees of sickness. Fortunately, there are plenty of subjects to examine.
[20:51] > Taruka Mi-38 just lisents
[20:51] [Taruka Mi-38] *listens
[20:52] [Solarchos] And we're still trying to figure out where and who the first infectee was located. We're interviewing everyone, but it's only a matter of time now.
[20:53] > +David O'Cain nods, "So, what about that story you've been meaning to finish telling?"
[20:54] > Taruka Mi-38 puts the children down on the floor
[20:55] [Chibi-AnTil] Nyoooooo... :<
[20:55] [Solarchos] Ah yes...the battle.
[20:55] [+David O'Cain] Yeah.
[20:56] > Chibi-Alex continues to hug the metal lady's leg. ^^
[20:56] > Taruka Mi-38 picks the children up again
[20:57] > Chibi-AnTil wants to stay in the metal lady's arms so he can keep listen to the strange, yet nice buzzing sound in her chest.
[20:58] [Solarchos] When I last told this tale, we'd stopped at the point in which the Tenacious was about to engage in a starship battle between the Abh and the Imperium.
[20:59] > Taruka Mi-38 smiles slightly
[21:00] [Solarchos] The Abh's destroyers were fighting a holding action against the Imperial frigates, while the remaining Abh cruisers were trying to hold off a single Dictator-class cruiser as the transports tried to escape.
[21:01] > Taruka Mi-38 makes one of her fingers glow like a mini light
[21:01] [Solarchos] The Gels were holding their own, but the Abh Rets (escort cruisers) and Lesui (patrol cruiser) were badly outmatched. The Dictator was launching fighters constantly, and the Imperial fighters were shooting down every missile the Abh were firing.
[21:02] [+David O'Cain] Lemme guess, they weren't faring well.
[21:02] [Chibi-AnTil] Ooooooo! *_*
[21:03] > Taruka Mi-38 smiles and waves the light around
[21:04] [Solarchos] Normally the Abh have always done well in starship battles due to the advanced technology they use, overwhelming numbers, and their preference for using massed anti-ship torpedo salvos as their main weapon.
[21:05] > Chibi-AnTil smiles delightedly and reaches out for the metal lady's glowy finger. :D
[21:06] > Taruka Mi-38 pokes AnTil's nose with it
[21:07] [Solarchos] And one the Abh fired off all of their hoksas, their vessel's firepower was pretty much cut in half.
[21:09] [+David O'Cain] Yikes.
[21:10] [Solarchos] The Imperial fighters were shooting down the missiles while they were still in flight, and their ships were substantially larger than the Abh's. The largest ships the Abh had in their fleets were only as big as a Imperial light cruiser. They were seriously outmassed.
[21:10] > Chibi-AnTil giggles!! :D
[21:11] > Taruka Mi-38 smiles
[21:12] > +David O'Cain listens to Solar's tale
[21:13] [Solarchos] We had a choice. We could either keep the Tenacious' stealth systems engaged and just slip away undetected, or we could intervene.
[21:14] > Chibi-Alex sees the glowy light, too! *__*
[21:15] [Solarchos] I thought about just leaving the Abh behind. To stay safe and avoid getting involved with either the Imperium or their xenocidal wars, but then I thought about how Inu-Kit would react if I told her we'd left endangered people behind.
[21:16] > Taruka Mi-38 brightens the light a bit
[21:17] [+David O'Cain] Yeah, she would be rather upset.
[21:17] [Solarchos] Then we launched our own fighters to begin dealing with the fighters and bombers the Imperials already had in space.
[21:17] [Solarchos] We brought the Tenacious into battle on the Abh's side. With our stealth systems engaged we were able to get in close to the Imperials before they even realized were there.
[21:18] > Chibi-Alex hops up and down, trying to grab hold of the metal lady's finger. :D
[21:18] > Taruka Mi-38 lets them grab hold
[21:19] [+David O'Cain] Heheh. An oversided B-2 Stealth.
[21:20] [Chibi-Alex] :3
[21:21] [Solarchos] Actually it's not far-fetched at all, David. Starship combat is similar to submarine combat in many ways: the ship that gets seen first gets shot at first.
[21:21] > Taruka Mi-38 wiggles her finger
[21:21] [+David O'Cain] Still, had to put it into some form of perspective.
[21:22] [Solarchos] Our fighters, Red Squadron and Green Squadron, were all loaded with several 2-kiloton themonuclear missiles each. That may sound like overkill, but when you're dealing with an enemy frigate measuring over a mile in length kiloton-yield nuclear weapons are the only viable kind of missiles you can use.
[21:22] > Chibi-Alex and Chibi-AnTil keep trying to grab onto the glowy finger! :D :D
[21:23] [+David O'Cain] True. Something huge requires something huge to hit it with.
[21:24] > Taruka Mi-38 lets them grab hold
[21:25] [Solarchos] And the Tenacious' weapons consisted of powerful starship-scale railguns, megawatt-yield infra-red laser cannons, and photon torpedo launchers. Our firepower was equal to that of an Imperial Sword-class frigate.
[21:25] [+David O'Cain] Ouch.
[21:27] [Solarchos] Between themselves Red Squadron and Green Squadron destroyed a frigate. Unfortunately none of the Delmo girls who make up both fighter squadrons were or have ever been able to determine exactly which one them fired the killing shot. This sparked what's called "The Great Frigate Debate", which rages to this very day.
[21:28] > Chibi-Alex and Chibi-AnTil take hold of the metal lady's hand and peer at it with extreme curiosity, poking and examining it as if it's the archeological find of the millenium. o_o o_o
[21:28] [+David O'Cain] Too bad we don't have video evidence to truly determine that.
[21:28] [Taruka Mi-38] hehehe