[01:39] >>> Tuesday Dec 02 2008 – Automatic reset triggered – Logging Start <<<
[01:39] > Brother Demitro begins to stich the other corrupted charm to his flesh
[01:41] [@Oppiz Bus (Bathrobe)] An animal? Dont insult me. Im a demon. >=D
[01:43] [Shana Alcot] ❧ Mmmm.... well then you DEFINATELY showed that earlier! ❧
[01:44] > Brother Demitro tries not to gag
[01:45] [Shana Alcot] You got a problem over there Vampy?
[01:46] [@Oppiz Bus (Bathrobe)] Well, it should be interesting in about seven or eight months, thats for sure. Yo usure made that decision quickly, I must say.
[01:47] > Brother Demitro ignores, biting off the last of the thread
[01:48] [Shana Alcot] Yes well.... you are a powerful man.... and I am a smart woman. ^_~
[01:51] > Brother Demitro closes his eyes..trying to ignore the pain
[01:54] [Brother Demitro] ugh...
[01:54] [Shana Alcot] Your looks and "prowes" were just pluses I did not previously anticipate when I finally chose a suitable male to inpregnate me.
[01:57] [@Oppiz Bus (Bathrobe)] Whats eating you, Demitro? Surely our little talk here isnt causing you THAT much pain.
[01:58] [Brother Demitro] ...it is momentary...
[01:58] [Brother Demitro] ...the procedure..causes some temporary pain
[02:00] [Shana Alcot] Oooh
[02:00] > Brother Demitro winces "but it shall pass"
[02:03] > Brother Demitro stands and starts to head down the hall "..now I must rest"
[02:03] <-- Brother Demitro has left #reddwarfmain (....a wonderfully painful feeling)
[02:03] [Shana Alcot] Rest well Demitro
[02:05] [Shana Alcot] ❧ So, Oppiz...... did you.... enjoy our time together earlier? ❧
[02:14] [@Oppiz Bus (Bathrobe)] Indeed... Like I was telling Demitro, it's been a while since I did that without forcing myself on someone..
[02:15] > Shana Alcot smirks| Well, I am glad I could please you
[02:16] [@Oppiz Bus (Bathrobe)] We should do it again sometime.
[02:17] [Shana Alcot] ❧ Mmmm... perhaps. But not quite as rough... being as I am.... in the beginning stages of carrying your child now. ❧
[02:18] [@Oppiz Bus (Bathrobe)] Yes, I suppose not. Pity, I was really holding back tonight.
[02:20] [Shana Alcot] Well... you are an excellent lover to say the least.
[02:20] > Shana Alcot grins, laying against his chest| We sure did make a mess of his bed, didn't we? ♡
[02:22] [@Oppiz Bus (Bathrobe)] Heh, the bed, the room.. I think Im gonna have to stay somewhere else from now on.
[02:23] [Shana Alcot] Well.... Arru and I took over Vanadine's room for our funtime... perhaps you could join me in there?
[02:24] [@Oppiz Bus (Bathrobe)] Sure, why not.
[02:25] [Shana Alcot] I haven't actually slept with a man in a very long time. Tonight could be a first. ^_~
[02:28] [@Oppiz Bus (Bathrobe)] First, or first in a while?
[02:28] [Shana Alcot] First in a while
[02:29] [Shana Alcot] I have not shared a bed with anyone since Anzu was taken from me
[02:30] [Shana Alcot] And before you mention Arru... she and I did not do any sleeping ^_~
[02:31] [@Oppiz Bus (Bathrobe)] Who fathered your son?
[02:31] [Shana Alcot] Anubis is only my son in title because I had a hand in creating him.... he is not geneticly related to me in any way
[02:32] [@Oppiz Bus (Bathrobe)] Ahh, I see.
[02:32] [Shana Alcot] But before he left Anzu and I.... I did care for him as if her were my genetic child
[02:33] [Shana Alcot] But soon.... I will have a real child of my own... one who I can teach and mold.....
[02:37] [@Oppiz Bus (Bathrobe)] I wish you luck with that. Do let me know if 'juinor' needs any advice from the old man..
[02:38] [Shana Alcot] I am sure if you wish to be a part of the child's like, you will be welcomed.
[02:38] [Shana Alcot] ^life
[02:39] [@Oppiz Bus (Bathrobe)] I will have a lot of my own things I need to attend to, but Im sure I can find some time to be there.
[02:41] [Shana Alcot] Good. I want to make sure the child knows who his father is.... so that one day it may follow in his footsteps.
[02:41] [Shana Alcot] ^it's
[02:42] > @Oppiz Bus (Bathrobe) grins, and holds Shana a little.
[02:46] > Shana Alcot yawns
[02:48] [Shana Alcot] Perhaps it is time I turned in
[02:49] > Shana Alcot makes a move to get up from Oppiz's lap
[02:50] [@Oppiz Bus (Bathrobe)] Perhaps. I bet you could use the rest.
[02:50] [@Oppiz Bus (Bathrobe)] And perhaps I could as well..
[02:51] > Shana Alcot stands but stumbles a bit
[02:53] > @Oppiz Bus (Bathrobe) stands and swats her on the ass.
[02:54] > Shana Alcot smirks back at him as she slowly makes her way out ahead of him
[02:54] <-- Shana Alcot [evilscientist@japanlab.net] has left #reddwarfmain (Quite the charmer for such a bad man..... just the way I like them. ^_~)
[02:55] <-- @Oppiz Bus (Bathrobe) [BurntIce@Oranbega.net] has left #reddwarfmain (Oh, us demons can turn on the charm when we want to. Happens when you live around succubi.)
[14:42] --> Oppiz Bus (PJs) [BurntIce@Oranbega.net] has joined #reddwarfmain
[14:42] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +o to Oppiz Bus (PJs)
[14:42] [@HOL_6000] Intruder Alert! @Oppiz Bus (PJs) detected!
[14:42] > @Oppiz Bus (PJs) walks in wearing a pair of tattered silk pajamas.
[14:42] [@Oppiz Bus (PJs)] Man, I gotta be careful, Im getting lazy.
[14:43] > @Oppiz Bus (PJs) lounges on the sofa and turns on the TV.
[14:48] --> Sailor Kalyke [Traitor.Senshi@Kalyke.co.jup] has joined #reddwarfmain
[14:48] [@HOL_6000] Intruder Alert! Sailor Kalyke detected!
[14:48] > Sailor Kalyke sets mode +angst
[14:48] [Sailor Kalyke] ☠ Well, don't you look relaxed.. ☠
[14:49] [@Oppiz Bus (PJs)] I confess I am.
[14:50] [Sailor Kalyke] ☠ At least tell me you've found something useful here. ☠
[14:52] [@Oppiz Bus (PJs)] A little bit of data.. honestly, not much else. You?
[14:53] [Sailor Kalyke] ☠ All I foucd out is that Kallichore visited one of the Saturnites to learn about her crystal. What she learned, I don't know. ☠
[14:55] [@Oppiz Bus (PJs)] Hmm.. Pity. You know...... we in the circle are experts in the workings of magical crystals.
[14:55] [@Oppiz Bus (PJs)] You have one yourself, do you not?
[14:55] [Sailor Kalyke] ☠ ... Yes.. ☠
[14:56] > Sailor Kalyke begins to fade a little.
[14:57] [Sailor Kalyke] ☠ >_< ☠
[14:58] [@Oppiz Bus (PJs)] Are you alright?
[14:58] [Sailor Kalyke] ☠ ... No, I'm not. >_< ☠
[14:59] [Sailor Kalyke] ☠ The first time I came back to eliminate Kallichore, my crystal was damaged. ☠
[15:00] > @Oppiz Bus (PJs) sits up and examines her.
[15:00] [@Oppiz Bus (PJs)] I see. Would you like me to look at it?
[15:01] [Sailor Kalyke] ☠ Only a small shard, I didn't think much of it, but it started an avalanche. ☠
[15:01] > Sailor Kalyke holds her hand to her forehead and wills her crystal to appear.
[15:02] > Sailor Kalyke 's crystal is only half present, the bottom half ending in many jagged spikes where the top half should be.
[15:02] > @Oppiz Bus (PJs) walks foreward and touches it, then recoils at a small pulse of energy.
[15:03] [@Oppiz Bus (PJs)] It appears... half of it is missing, and the rest of it is migrating or decaying because its alignment is different than yours.
[15:04] [Sailor Kalyke] ☠ ... Impossible. ☠
[15:04] [Sailor Kalyke] ☠ This is my crystal, my essence, it can't oppose me. ☠
[15:06] > @Oppiz Bus (PJs) forces through the crystal's resistance, and touches it again.
[15:06] > Sailor Kalyke recoils as if in pain.
[15:06] [@Oppiz Bus (PJs)] Thats... exactly what its doing... it doesnt like being used for 'evil.'
[15:07] [Sailor Kalyke] ☠ ... ☠
[15:07] [@Oppiz Bus (PJs)] Many of the more powerful crystals and magical artifacts have their own personality. Use them i na way they dissaprove of, and they can revolt.
[15:09] [@Oppiz Bus (PJs)] You.. have a relationship to this crystal, do you not?
[15:09] [Sailor Kalyke] ☠ Others have used the power of Sailor Crystals for 'evil' and suffered no ill effects, aside from meddling heros. ☠
[15:10] [@Oppiz Bus (PJs)] The other half exists elsewhere, and I believe it aspires to return to it.
[15:10] [Sailor Kalyke] ☠ It is me and I am it, or so I thought. Apparently it has other ideas. ☠
[15:11] [@Oppiz Bus (PJs)] I think that I can help you.. and make it more as you believe..
[15:12] [Sailor Kalyke] ☠ And what will be your fee for this service? ☠
[15:12] [@Oppiz Bus (PJs)] If you want to regain your power, lay down on the floor.
[15:12] [Sailor Kalyke] ☠ ... ☠
[15:13] [@Oppiz Bus (PJs)] Only your mutual assistance against our enemies. We share common interests. There is no reason for me not to help an ally.
[15:14] > Sailor Kalyke raises an eybrow, but lowers herself to the floor and lays upon it.
[15:15] [@Oppiz Bus (PJs)] If this works, and I am sure it will, your crystal will be bonded with the essence of your soul. It will function at its best capasity, and respond to your wishes better then ever. I should warn you, however, that if you ever become seperated from it, or if it is ever shattered, it will destroy your soul along with it. Are you ready?
[15:16] [Sailor Kalyke] ☠ ... What choice do I have? If I lose my crystal now, I'm dead anyway. ☠
[15:16] [@Oppiz Bus (PJs)] Very well.
[15:17] > @Oppiz Bus (PJs) stands over Sailor Kalyke and mutters a spell. Her body slowly levitates a few inches off the ground, and the room is consumed in darkness.
[15:18] > @Oppiz Bus (PJs) moves his hands over Sailor Kalyke, each motion pulling and moving dark energies, harnessing them, and directing them toward the crystal.
[15:19] > Sailor Kalyke shudders and flinches, but tries her best to endure.
[15:19] > @Oppiz Bus (PJs) takes the dark energy into his hands, and grips the crystal, focusing all the energies of her soul there.
[15:21] > Sailor Kalyke screams out as the ritual continues!
[15:22] > @Oppiz Bus (PJs) removes his hand, to reveal a whole crystal, perfectly round and seemless, but fading from the the grey bottom to a perfect black toward the top. The room turns back to normal and she lowers to the floor.
[15:24] [@Oppiz Bus (PJs)] There. Its easy enough to do when you have a willing subject, and you use their own soul to fuel the spell.
[15:25] > Sailor Kalyke slowly stands as her crystal returns to her body.
[15:25] [@Oppiz Bus (PJs)] Stand.
[15:26] [@Oppiz Bus (PJs)] How do you feel?
[15:27] > Sailor Kalyke closes her eyes for a moment and releases her concentration on maintaining her physical form.
[15:27] > Sailor Kalyke stays perfectly solid.
[15:28] > Sailor Kalyke sets mode -angst
[15:28] [Sailor Kalyke] Excellent.
[15:29] > @Oppiz Bus (PJs) walks away, and lobs a bitter ice blast at Sailor Kalyke.
[15:30] > Sailor Kalyke quickly dodges and counters by conjuring a steel sheild.
[15:30] > @Oppiz Bus (PJs) grins.
[15:32] [Sailor Kalyke] I can feel my power again, exhilarating.
[15:32] [@Oppiz Bus (PJs)] I am a corrupter. This is my specialty. I help others to realize their potential, as well as my own. Even if that potential is a quivering mass at my feet.
[15:35] [Sailor Kalyke] An excellent choice, you are quite good at it.
[15:35] [@Oppiz Bus (PJs)] Why, thank you.
[15:36] [Sailor Kalyke] With my power restored, I believe I shall pay a visit to Sailor Mimas and find out exactly what she told Kallichore about her crystal. It might be useful information.
[15:37] [@Oppiz Bus (PJs)] Excelent. Good luck. Go forth, and take what is yours!
[15:38] [Sailor Kalyke] I shall.
[15:38] <-- Sailor Kalyke [Traitor.Senshi@Kalyke.co.jup] has left #reddwarfmain (Ultimate power lies not with love and justice.)
[15:40] <-- @Oppiz Bus (PJs) [BurntIce@Oranbega.net] has left #reddwarfmain (A job well done.. maybe I will go see what resources the ship as a whole has, and question the kyton and his slave.)
[17:27] --> Arru (sexy suit) [Shadowdemon@hellsgates.com] has joined #reddwarfmain
[17:27] [@HOL_6000] Intruder Alert! Arru (sexy suit) detected!
[17:28] > Arru (sexy suit) appears with papers in her hand
[17:29] > Arru (sexy suit) sets mode +love
[17:30] [Arru (sexy suit)] ❧ Hummm I could blow up their current home~ ❧
[17:31] [Arru (sexy suit)] ❧ With everyone in side *giggle giggle* ❧
[17:35] [Arru (sexy suit)] ❧ That could do the trick but it's messy and not very fun ❧
[17:38] [Arru (sexy suit)] ❧ Blowing up the home would be a start I guess, maybe I could do it while their not around. It'll be a bit of torcher ♡♡ ❧
[17:39] > Arru (sexy suit) giggles floating reading the papers some more in her hands
[17:39] [Arru (sexy suit)] ❧ Then since they can't go home and they can't come here they'll have to go to that new home ❧
[17:41] [Arru (sexy suit)] ❧ I could booby trap it and see what I can catch ^_________^ ❧
[17:49] --> Shana Alcot [evilscientist@japanlab.net] has joined #reddwarfmain
[17:49] [@HOL_6000] Intruder Alert! Shana Alcot detected!
[17:50] > Arru (sexy suit) glances over at Shana and winks at her
[17:51] [Shana Alcot] ❧ Hey there sexy girl ❧
[17:52] [Arru (sexy suit)] ❧ Hey sexy scientist, how is the work coming? ❧
[17:53] [Shana Alcot] I am almost done finished with it. Just tweaking a few things and adding to the programing
[17:53] [Shana Alcot] ^-done
[17:54] > Arru (sexy suit) nods flipping through the papers.
[17:55] [Shana Alcot] Oh, by the way, have you heard the latist?
[17:55] [Arru (sexy suit)] ❧ What is it? ❧
[17:57] [Shana Alcot] ❧ I am with child ❧
[17:57] [Arru (sexy suit)] ❧ Oooh really now? ❧
[17:58] [Shana Alcot] ❧ Mmhmmm..... I confirmed it this afternoon. ❧
[17:59] [Arru (sexy suit)] ❧ Well I'm guessing you were planning this so congradulations. May they be the torment of your soul ~_^ ❧
[18:00] [Shana Alcot] Oh I am sure it will be a challange, but I am up for it.
[18:02] > Arru (sexy suit) nods
[18:04] [Shana Alcot] So, how has the sexy one been without her new scientist friend?
[18:04] [Arru (sexy suit)] ❧ Lonely ❧
[18:04] [Arru (sexy suit)] ❧ :( ❧
[18:05] [Shana Alcot] Awww, I am sorry deary
[18:05] > Shana Alcot sits on the sofa
[18:06] [Arru (sexy suit)] ❧ You go off and get pregnant without me! What is a girl to do! ❧
[18:07] > Arru (sexy suit) throws her hands up in the air throwing the papers which instantly disappear when they touch the floor
[18:09] > Arru (sexy suit) floats over to Shana
[18:10] [Shana Alcot] ❧ Well... you can sleep in my bed tonight sweet little Arru ❧
[18:11] > Arru (sexy suit) giggles
[18:12] [Arru (sexy suit)] ❧ I shall just take up resedency there then ❧
[18:13] [Shana Alcot] Sounds good to me. Just be careful if the father of my child shows up. I think he has taken a liking to me beyond being the carrier of his child.
[18:14] [Arru (sexy suit)] ❧ Oh? ❧
[18:16] [Shana Alcot] ❧ Mmhmm.... he said I did a good job of pleasing him the first time, so he mentioned wanting to try it again for the fun of it. ❧
[18:17] [Arru (sexy suit)] ❧ Oooh I see, heh I wonder if I should tie him up and have my way with him too ~_^ ❧
[18:19] [Shana Alcot] i am not sure if he would allow that
[18:20] [Shana Alcot] ❧ but you could always try ❧
[18:21] > Shana Alcot stands
[18:22] [Shana Alcot] Come my little Arru... I think it is about time
[18:23] [Arru (sexy suit)] ❧ For what my Shana? ❧
[18:23] > Shana Alcot grins | Time to being Anzu back to me
[18:24] [Arru (sexy suit)] ❧ Ohh ok~ ❧
[18:25] > Arru (sexy suit) floats up
[18:25] <-- Shana Alcot [evilscientist@japanlab.net] has left #reddwarfmain (I have been waiting for this day...)
[18:26] <-- Arru (sexy suit) [Shadowdemon@hellsgates.com] has left #reddwarfmain (heh ♡♡ fun fun)
[18:29] --> Lilithin (gown) [sisterlydevil@hell.net] has joined #reddwarfmain
[18:29] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Lilithin (gown)
[18:29] > Lilithin (gown) walks in the room idly
[18:30] --> Oppiz Bus [BurntIce@Oranbega.net] has joined #reddwarfmain
[18:30] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +o to Oppiz Bus
[18:30] [@HOL_6000] Intruder Alert! @Oppiz Bus detected!
[18:30] > @Oppiz Bus walks in pushing a cart full of clothes.
[18:31] > Lilithin (gown) is behind the bar mixing herself a drink
[18:31] > @Oppiz Bus looks at Lilithin
[18:31] ➣ Lilithin: Long raven hair curles around this beautiful creature with glowing red eyes and a pair of small black feathered wings waves behind her. Her skin is pale and her lips blood red with just a hint of teeth poking out. She is slim and busty and tends to wear revealing clothes all the time.
[18:32] [@Oppiz Bus] Ive... I've heard of you..
[18:32] [Lilithin (gown)] Of course you have child
[18:33] [@Oppiz Bus] I am no child...
[18:34] > Lilithin (gown) sips on the wine. "Sorry, I am older then time itself, everyone is a child in my eyes."
[18:34] [@Oppiz Bus] I am not quite that old.. but still far older then most you have encountered, Im sure.
[18:35] [Lilithin (gown)] Yes this ship, this thing tends to attract the old ones I must say
[18:36] [@Oppiz Bus] As I understand, it is very old itself.
[18:37] [Lilithin (gown)] I came to see what this was all about and why so many of my family are gathered here
[18:37] [@Oppiz Bus] Family?
[18:38] [Lilithin (gown)] Yes I have a few of them walking around here randomly it seems little Lucy being one of them
[18:41] > Lilithin (gown) sips on her wine her eyes watching Oppiz
[18:42] [@Oppiz Bus] Lucy is.. entertaining. Who else?
[18:43] [Lilithin (gown)] My...daughter for one
[18:43] [Lilithin (gown)] Well both halves lately
[18:44] [@Oppiz Bus] Does this daughter have a name?
[18:45] [Lilithin (gown)] She goes by a few of them actually but right now the one half of her YOU would be aquanted with is little Arru.
[18:46] [@Oppiz Bus] Ohh. How lovely.. I believe she is romanticly involved with the woman who just last night became the carrier of my demonic offspring.
[18:46] [Lilithin (gown)] She's romanticly involved with many, I'm surprised she hasn't jumped on you
[18:46] > Lilithin (gown) sips her wine
[18:46] > @Oppiz Bus gives a quiet, cold laugh.
[18:47] [@Oppiz Bus] All in due time. Perhaps she would like to carry one as well.
[18:48] --> Solarchos has joined #reddwarfmain
[18:48] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Solarchos
[18:49] [Solarchos] (( Guys, I'm having some trouble on my end. I can't log into the Events Channel at all for some reason. ))
[18:49] [Lilithin (gown)] (( passworded ))
[18:50] [Lilithin (gown)] (( I don't have your aim/msn/yahoo or I'd give it to you ))
[18:51] [Solarchos] (( Well, I'm on AOL right now. ))
[18:55] > Lilithin (gown) chuckles
[18:55] [@Oppiz Bus] (( You dont have to join for ooc discussions. Oppiz almost set you on fire =p ))
[18:56] [@Oppiz Bus] If you are as old as you say you are, surely you wouldnt mind being a grandmother.
[18:57] > Lilithin (gown) shrugs
[18:57] [Lilithin (gown)] The realm of man interests me not
[18:57] [Lilithin (gown)] THOUGH what my daughter does with the powers she inheirted from me somewhat does
[18:57] [Lilithin (gown)] but I do not care either way
[19:00] [Lilithin (gown)] If you wish for offspring with my daughter go right ahead
[19:00] [Solarchos] (( Sorry. A bit of a habit for me. ))
[19:01] [@Oppiz Bus] Splendid, since its been done already, and the opinions of others matter little to me.
[19:01] > Lilithin (gown) feels an odd shift
[19:01] [Lilithin (gown)] You've slept with my daughter then?
[19:01] > Lilithin (gown) sips on her wine
[19:02] [@Oppiz Bus] Oh, wait, I've confused her with her friend. Sorry, its been a lazy day.
[19:02] [Lilithin (gown)] I didn't think you did
[19:03] [Lilithin (gown)] I would have felt the creation of the child
[19:04] [Lilithin (gown)] I know all who walk around with my dna in them
[19:04] [@Oppiz Bus] Oh? Thats quite a link.
[19:05] [Lilithin (gown)] It's just keeping track of where my DNA is heading and going in the weave of time
[19:07] > Lilithin (gown) glows for a second. "Humm a child born of you and Arru.."
[19:10] [Lilithin (gown)] I guess it could be interesting
[19:12] > Lilithin (gown) sits on a barstool
[19:17] [Lilithin (gown)] So what exactly are you trying to accomplish here?
[19:17] > @Oppiz Bus goes behidn the bar. "Drink?"
[19:18] [@Oppiz Bus] Mostly Im searching for data on my foes. Additionally, Im hoping to take some resources from this ship. Im also having fun destroying their personal belongings.
[19:18] [Lilithin (gown)] Belongings matter not in the end
[19:19] > Lilithin (gown) slides her wine glass toward him
[19:19] [@Oppiz Bus] Well, it pisses them off, and throws them off their game.
[19:19] > @Oppiz Bus refils it.
[19:20] [Lilithin (gown)] How can one know their belongings have been destroyed when one is not around to notice it?
[19:20] [Lilithin (gown)] Thank you
[19:20] > Lilithin (gown) sips on it
[19:22] [@Oppiz Bus] Hmm.. good point.
[19:22] [@Oppiz Bus] I guessed in the back of my mind, I expected them to retake the ship, but they cannot handle my Serafina Shards or other tricks.
[19:23] [Lilithin (gown)] You could always drop the ashes on their doorstep
[19:23] > Lilithin (gown) leans back
[19:23] [@Oppiz Bus] I.. like the way you think.
[19:27] [Lilithin (gown)] I destroy the worst of the worst chil... anyway I destroy the worst of the worst in hell. I've seen what man can do.
[19:29] [Lilithin (gown)] and to think...
[19:29] [Lilithin (gown)] ❧ if you ever DO die child I'll probably have duty over destroying you ~_^ ❧
[19:30] > Lilithin (gown) coughs going back to her calm demener
[19:31] [@Oppiz Bus] Heh, ohh, if I should fall, the circle will restore me again.
[19:31] [Lilithin (gown)] pity I was thinking of ways to make you cry in agony
[19:32] [@Oppiz Bus] Tho, it will mean the end of my run in this powerful form.
[19:34] [Lilithin (gown)] Forms matter little to me for when I get ahold of you your nothing but an angry vengful soul
[19:34] > Lilithin (gown) sips on the wine
[19:38] > @Oppiz Bus drinks from a bottle at random.
[19:44] [Lilithin (gown)] you do like your alcohol
[19:46] [@Oppiz Bus] I drink like a demon.
[19:48] [Lilithin (gown)] How many demons do you hang around then to know that?
[19:49] [@Oppiz Bus] Its an expression, but countless, tho I don't pal up and drink with many of them.
[20:03] [Lilithin (gown)] ahh I see I don't normally hang out with the lesser evils
[20:05] > ~Screams of what sound like krankor's men are heard echoing through out the ship
[20:06] [@Oppiz Bus] Lesser evils are good for doing your grunt work.
[20:06] [@Oppiz Bus] Hmm... I wonder what that is..
[20:06] [Lilithin (gown)] Oooh dear she's upset now
[20:07] > Lilithin (gown) chuckles
[20:07] --> Arru (sexy suit) [Shadowdemon@hellsgates.com] has joined #reddwarfmain
[20:07] [@HOL_6000] Intruder Alert! Arru (sexy suit) detected!
[20:08] > Arru (sexy suit) walks in covered in blood, eyes glowing a head of one of the men still clutched in her hand
[20:08] > Arru (sexy suit) throws it against the wall angrly
[20:08] [@Oppiz Bus] Looks like I missed something fun.
[20:09] [Arru (sexy suit)] ☠ I wish I was having more fun with this ☠
[20:11] [Lilithin (gown)] Dear best to control that anger of yours
[20:12] [Arru (sexy suit)] ☠ No not this time ☠
[20:12] > Arru (sexy suit) eyes Oppiz for a moment
[20:13] > Arru (bloody sexy suit) grabs the bottle away from him and chugs it down
[20:14] > Arru (bloody sexy suit) throws the bottle at the head on the floor
[20:14] > @Oppiz Bus takes a few chugs of liquor.
[20:14] [@Oppiz Bus] Woah.
[20:14] > Arru (bloody sexy suit) wipes her mouth off on a bloody sleeve
[20:14] > Arru (bloody sexy suit) sets mode +love
[20:15] [Arru (bloody sexy suit)] ❧ ...ahh that felt good ❧
[20:15] --> Shana Alcot [evilscientist@japanlab.net] has joined #reddwarfmain
[20:15] [@HOL_6000] Intruder Alert! Shana Alcot detected!
[20:15] --> Sailor Anzu has joined #reddwarfmain
[20:15] [@HOL_6000] Intruder Alert! Sailor Anzu detected!
[20:16] [Shana Alcot] Arru.....
[20:16] > Lilithin (gown) leans back with her glass of wine watching everything with a smirk
[20:16] > Sailor Anzu leans against a wall
[20:16] [@Oppiz Bus] Greetings. Who is this now?
[20:16] [Arru (bloody sexy suit)] ❧ Isn't she sexy? It's my body that Shana used for her old lover ❧
[20:17] [@Oppiz Bus] Not bad at all.
[20:17] [Shana Alcot] This is Anzu... the love of my life ^_^
[20:17] [Sailor Anzu] I am Sailor Anzu
[20:18] [@Oppiz Bus] Pleased to meet you. You may call me Oppiz Bus.
[20:18] > Arru (bloody sexy suit) floats up on the bar and sits on it like normal getting blood everywhere
[20:19] > Sailor Anzu watches this, smiling quietly to herself
[20:20] [Shana Alcot] Anzu..... Oppiz is the father of my child
[20:20] [Lilithin (gown)] OOOhh so that's the other one
[20:21] > Arru (bloody sexy suit) takes Lilithian's glass of wine from her and gulps it down
[20:21] [Lilithin (gown)] I thought I taught you better..
[20:22] > Sailor Anzu gets up in Oppiz's face...
[20:22] [Arru (bloody sexy suit)] ❧ You didn't teach me anything MOTHER, I was raised by my father when you threw me at him after I was born, REMEMBER? ❧
[20:22] [Lilithin (gown)] ooooh yes, I do remember now
[20:23] [Lilithin (gown)] I shall be going now the 9th circle duty calls
[20:23] > Lilithin (gown) stands up and walks out paying not attention to anyone else
[20:23] <-- Lilithin (gown) [sisterlydevil@hell.net] has left #reddwarfmain (back to hell)
[20:24] [Sailor Anzu] hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
[20:25] [Shana Alcot] Intreaguing
[20:27] > Arru (bloody sexy suit) sits there rubbing her nose getting blood on it.
[20:28] [Sailor Anzu] he passes...
[20:29] > Shana Alcot walks over to Arru
[20:30] [Shana Alcot] Are you angry with me..... Arru?
[20:30] [@Oppiz Bus] Hmm?
[20:30] [Arru (bloody sexy suit)] ❧ I am...unsure ❧
[20:31] [Arru (bloody sexy suit)] ❧ If you were anybody else it seems I would have done that to you *points to the head on the floor* ❧
[20:31] > Sailor Anzu puts a finger to Oppiz's forehead "you pass"
[20:32] > @Oppiz Bus raises an eyebrow. "Glad to have your approval."
[20:32] [Arru (bloody sexy suit)] ❧ And what were you doing here with my mother perchance? ❧
[20:33] [Shana Alcot] I did not know your mother was here
[20:33] [@Oppiz Bus] Talking.
[20:35] [@Oppiz Bus] Got a problem with it?
[20:35] [Arru (bloody sexy suit)] ❧ I do not care what my mother says or does so no ❧
[20:37] [Arru (bloody sexy suit)] ❧ and what is it Shana? ❧
[20:38] > @Oppiz Bus pulls a crystal out of his pocket, checking it to see if there is some sort of anti-comma aura in this room.
[20:38] [Shana Alcot] Anzu and I really want you to join us.... that's why we followed the trail of bodies to find you.
[20:39] [Arru (bloody sexy suit)] ❧ I see ❧
[20:41] [Arru (bloody sexy suit)] ❧ Well I guess if it's just random sleeping whatever I do that all the time ❧
[20:42] [Shana Alcot] well, it could be more..... you could help us torture people
[20:42] [Shana Alcot] ❧ I know you like that.... ❧
[20:42] [Arru (bloody sexy suit)] ❧ I like torture ♡♡~ ❧
[20:43] [@Oppiz Bus] Random sleeping?
[20:43] [Arru (bloody sexy suit)] ❧ HUSH YOU ❧
[20:43] > Arru (bloody sexy suit) kisses him to shut him up!
[20:44] > Shana Alcot grins | Well now.... maybe we can make this a foursome
[20:44] > @Oppiz Bus is surprised, but doesnt protest.
[20:44] > Shana Alcot looks over an Anzu | What do you think, dear?
[20:45] > Arru (bloody sexy suit) nips his mouth a little pulling away, leaving some of the blood she smeared on her face on him
[20:45] [Sailor Anzu] ...sounds like a plan...heh
[20:46] [@Oppiz Bus] You taste like murder and blood.. I like it.
[20:47] [Arru (bloody sexy suit)] ❧ I can taste like a lot more you know ~_^ ❧
[20:47] > Shana Alcot goes back over to Anzu and lays against her
[20:47] [Shana Alcot] ❧ She can.... I know from personal experiance ♡ ❧
[20:48] > @Oppiz Bus grabs Arru by the hair and throws her into a couch then sits with her.
[20:49] > Arru (bloody sexy suit) grabs the back of his head and forcefully kisses him quite hard digging her nails into his shoulder and neck.
[20:49] > @Oppiz Bus returns it, doing more of the same right back.
[20:50] [Arru (bloody sexy suit)] ❧ ehehehehe ♡♡ ❧
[20:50] > Sailor Anzu smirks
[20:50] > Shana Alcot smirks at Anzu | Well now... those two are getting along quite well
[20:52] > Arru (bloody sexy suit) digs her finger nails so hard in Oppiz's back she's tearing the cloth of his shirt
[20:52] [Sailor Anzu] true heh
[20:56] > @Oppiz Bus begins to heat up and smoke, and grips her hair tightly.
[20:56] > Sailor Anzu quietly sits down..
[20:57] > Shana Alcot sits next to Anzu, watching Oppiz and Arru
[20:57] [@Oppiz Bus] ❧ Fiesty... ❧
[20:58] > Arru (bloody sexy suit) giggles happily at the pain digging her hands in his back further into his skin
[20:58] > Arru (bloody sexy suit) notes its causing blood now
[20:58] [Shana Alcot] ❧ She is... that makes her fun. ❧
[20:59] > @Oppiz Bus digs one set of nails into her cheek, the other rakes at her side.
[21:00] [Shana Alcot] ❧ I think we all need to go find a room ♡ ❧
[21:01] [@Oppiz Bus] Literally. Every one I've... used... recently, has been left in ruin.
[21:01] [Arru (bloody sexy suit)] ❧ I won't be kind to you Oppiz ❧
[21:01] > Sailor Anzu grins, eyes glowing
[21:02] [Arru (bloody sexy suit)] ☠ Not.At.All. ☠
[21:02] > Arru (bloody sexy suit) leans forward and digs her fangs into his shoulder
[21:04] [@Oppiz Bus] ❧ Haahhh... ❧
[21:05] [@Oppiz Bus] Im hardly a generous mate.. ask Shana.
[21:07] > Arru (bloody sexy suit) cannot ask she is biting away and chewing on his shoulder happily
[21:07] [Shana Alcot] ❧ it was good though ❧
[21:09] > Sailor Anzu is simply listening..and looking creepy
[21:09] > @Oppiz Bus writhes just a little, possibly enjoying it.
[21:11] [Shana Alcot] ❧ Mmmm..... Anzu.... ❧
[21:12] > Shana Alcot snuggles against Anzu, watching Oppiz and Arru interact
[21:12] > Arru (bloody sexy suit) pulls away a deep bloody mess is left in it's place for a moment his fresh blood on her lips.
[21:13] > @Oppiz Bus grabs Arru by the throat to pull her off his neck, and slaps her hard enough to knock her off the couch.
[21:13] > Arru (bloody sexy suit) takes the blows happily
[21:13] > @Oppiz Bus rubs his shoulder grinning, a green fire coming from his hand to partially heal the wound.
[21:14] > @Oppiz Bus pins Arru.
[21:14] [Arru (bloody sexy suit)] ❧ Well now~ ❧
[21:15] [@Oppiz Bus] ❧ Now, the only question is, do you want to carry my child as well? ❧
[21:15] [@Oppiz Bus] ❧ We can go ether way... it makes no difference. ❧
[21:15] [Arru (bloody sexy suit)] ❧ Oooh really now? A little baby to torment and twist? ❧
[21:15] > Sailor Anzu puts an arm around shana..holding her..painfully close
[21:15] [Arru (bloody sexy suit)] ❧ I wouldn't mind it, I could use it to harm them all actually ^________________^ ❧
[21:16] [Arru (bloody sexy suit)] ❧ That's if you can pin me long enough for that to happen ❧
[21:16] > @Oppiz Bus laughs madly for a moment, then kisses her again, his nails digging into her shoulders, and his hands starting to burn.
[21:16] > Arru (bloody sexy suit) giggles using the wall to push her and Oppiz down
[21:17] > Arru (bloody sexy suit) returns the kiss hard raking her nails down his now tattered shirt back causing more blood
[21:18] [Shana Alcot] Heh
[21:18] > Shana Alcot clings to Anzu
[21:18] [Arru (bloody sexy suit)] ❧ Shall you try then? ❧
[21:19] > @Oppiz Bus stands, and pulls her up by the shoulder, then throws her over his shoulder.
[21:20] > Sailor Anzu smiles...
[21:20] > Shana Alcot grins, watching them
[21:20] > Arru (bloody sexy suit) kicks pretty hard
[21:20] [@Oppiz Bus] You're mine, b[BLEEP]ch.
[21:20] > @Oppiz Bus carries her out, swatting her ass.
[21:20] <-- @Oppiz Bus [BurntIce@Oranbega.net] has left #reddwarfmain (You two coming?)
[21:21] > Arru (bloody sexy suit) digs her nails into his
[21:21] <-- Arru (bloody sexy suit) [Shadowdemon@hellsgates.com] has left #reddwarfmain (this shall be a moment of bliss I won't soon forget)
[21:22] > Shana Alcot looks at Anzu | Shall we?
[21:23] [Sailor Anzu] let us...
[21:24] > Sailor Anzu 's eyes glow
[21:26] > Sailor Anzu stands..
[21:26] > Shana Alcot stands with Anzu
[21:27] > Sailor Anzu smiles, grabbing hold of shana
[21:27] > Shana Alcot smiles, holding onto Anzu's arm, following her lead
[21:29] <-- Sailor Anzu has left #reddwarfmain (....I feel....good)
[21:31] <-- Shana Alcot [evilscientist@japanlab.net] has left #reddwarfmain (.. I will make you feel even better ♡)
[21:47] --> Nephrite [FormerGeneral@DarkKingdom.net] has joined #reddwarfmain
[21:47] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Nephrite
[21:48] > Nephrite looks around the room, "Man.... this place looks like a warzone
[21:59] [Nephrite] So what they told me was right
[22:04] [Nephrite] Guess I'll look around the rest of the ship
[22:04] <-- Nephrite [FormerGeneral@DarkKingdom.net] has left #reddwarfmain (Feels like my old stomping grounds)
[23:13] --> Calaway has joined #reddwarfmain
[23:13] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Calaway
[23:13] > Calaway looks around. "Damn."
[23:13] > Calaway goes to the fridge.
[23:13] --> Nephrite [FormerGeneral@DarkKingdom.net] has joined #reddwarfmain
[23:13] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Nephrite
[23:13] [Calaway] Hell, out of beer..
[23:13] [Nephrite] So... you're still around
[23:14] [Calaway] Why shouldnt I be?
[23:15] [Nephrite] Well... everyone else left to escape the invasion
[23:16] > Calaway shrugs.
[23:16] [Calaway] We can hold our own. Janice seems a little worried about letting the kids see the new people. I think it might be good for them.
[23:19] [Nephrite] I see
[23:20] [Nephrite] Well, you are tougher then most, as is Janice
[23:24] [Calaway] Damnit tho... theyve drank all the beer.
[23:27] --> Janice [HotCat@Mycidian.co] has joined #reddwarfmain
[23:27] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Janice
[23:27] > Janice walks in, blood along her mouth
[23:28] [Calaway] Heh.. this one is hitting you hard, isnt it?
[23:29] [Nephrite] Hello Janice
[23:29] [Janice] I'll manage...I need more meat though
[23:30] [Calaway] We should have plenty of that.
[23:32] > Calaway is away: Easy enough.
[23:32] > Janice sees Neph and just nods...
[23:32] [Nephrite] How're you doing with this situation, Janice
[23:32] [Nephrite] ?
[23:34] [Janice] just fine....
[23:35] > Calaway comes back with a slab of beef on a tray, singed from burnt grain alcohol, and drops it infront of Janice.
[23:35] > Janice grabs the beef...and starts to tear into it
[23:37] [Nephrite] Interesting
[23:38] [Janice] so...good...
[23:41] [Nephrite] Oh, Calaway... I think I may know why all the beer is gone
[23:41] [Calaway] What brings you up here, Neph?
[23:41] [Calaway] Why is that?
[23:43] [Nephrite] Well, you know the girl Jennifer that lives up here? Long blond hair...
[23:44] [Calaway] Yeah..
[23:45] [Nephrite] .... in return for rent, she was the one supplying alcohol to this ship.
[23:47] [Calaway] Hmm?
[23:48] [Nephrite] So, without her around.... the ship's running out of alcohol
[23:49] [Calaway] Oh.... well crap!
[23:50] > Janice has finished eating the meat
[23:53] [Janice] much better
[23:54] [Calaway] Oh well. We have cash, right Janice?
[23:55] [Nephrite] Hmm...
[23:55] [Janice] yeah...tons
[23:57] [Calaway] Good. Lets use some of it tomorrow.
[23:59] [Janice] good idea
[23:59] [Nephrite] Hmm
[23:59] [Nephrite] Good luck doing that without some sort of disguise on the planet
[00:00] >>> Wednesday Dec 03 2008 <<<
[00:00] [Calaway] Well be fine.
[00:02] [Janice] heh...I'm pretty crafty myself...
[00:06] > Janice smiles
[00:08] [Nephrite] If you say so
[00:10] [Calaway] Hah, Im the one who makes all the stuff you sell! Ya were lost before I came around.
[00:11] [Janice] heh.....I can still handle myself..you know that :P
[00:14] [Nephrite] Heh
[00:15] [Nephrite] You two are a unique couple to say the least
[00:15] [Calaway] Yeah.. cause m around. Before me, you were a helpless wreck.
[00:16] [Janice] yeah I admit I was in bad shape
[00:23] [Janice] but now...heh
[00:24] [Calaway] Heh, yeah, now. Youre welcome.
[00:28] > Janice just grins a bit
[00:30] [Nephrite] Well, I think I'm going to leave you two
[00:30] [Calaway] Later.
[00:31] [Nephrite] Good night
[00:31] [Janice] bye
[00:31] <-- Nephrite [FormerGeneral@DarkKingdom.net] has left #reddwarfmain (Bizzare times.)
[00:36] > Janice cracks her neck
[00:41] [Calaway] The kids sleeping?
[00:41] [Janice] yup.....like stones
[00:46] [Calaway] Good. I hate when Daia wakes up and cries.
[00:47] [Janice] that appitite of hers...
[00:48] [Calaway] Hah, like you can talk.
[00:49] [Janice] pah..heh I have a reason
[00:51] [Calaway] Yeah. More often than not, too. I don't know how you do it, ya keep popping em out.
[00:51] [Janice] I'm tenacious
[00:51] [Calaway] ...that means 'tough', right?
[00:53] [Janice] yeah...or rather...doesn't give in
[00:55] [Calaway] Ahh...
[00:55] > Calaway smiles dumbly and rests on the couch.
[00:55] [Janice] ya ok?
[00:56] [Calaway] Oh yeah. Fine.
[00:56] [Calaway] I wonder if the kids arent better off being around these people instead of all those soft ones.
[00:59] [Janice] heh...wonder if anything is rubbing off on them
[01:04] > Janice yawns "speaking of...I should probably check on them"
[01:04] [Calaway] I may as well come with.
[01:05] <-- Janice [HotCat@Mycidian.co] has left #reddwarfmain (freaking tired)
[01:05] <-- Calaway has left #reddwarfmain (Rest in peace.)
[12:47] --> Shana Alcot [evilscientist@japanlab.net] has joined #reddwarfmain
[12:47] [@HOL_6000] Intruder Alert! Shana Alcot detected!
[12:47] [Shana Alcot] ❧ Mmmmm.... what a wonderful night ❧
[12:48] > Shana Alcot sits and pulls a small notebook out of her pocket
[12:50] > Shana Alcot takes out a pen and starts writing
[12:51] --> Sailor Anzu has joined #reddwarfmain
[12:51] [@HOL_6000] Intruder Alert! Sailor Anzu detected!
[12:51] > Sailor Anzu appears in a burst of dark energy
[12:52] [Sailor Anzu] heh...morning
[12:53] [Shana Alcot] Morning Anzu
[12:53] [Shana Alcot] ❧ Last night was so wild, but so fun ♡ ❧
[12:55] [Sailor Anzu] ❧ hehe I agree ❧
[12:58] [Sailor Anzu] ❧ whatcha doing? ❧
[12:58] [Shana Alcot] Those other two were somethin' else, weren't they?
[12:59] [Shana Alcot] Oh... I have been writing in this little notebook since the day I lost you.....
[13:00] [Sailor Anzu] what's in it.......*looks over her shoulder*
[13:02] > Shana Alcot tries to hide it from her while she writes
[13:02] [Shana Alcot] I will show you when I am done
[13:02] [Sailor Anzu] hmmm...
[13:02] [Sailor Anzu] ☠ very well.....hehehe ☠
[13:03] [Shana Alcot] Did you miss me as much as I missed you Anzu?
[13:04] [Sailor Anzu] ☠ what do you think... ☠
[13:08] [Shana Alcot] Maybe you could tell me :P
[13:09] [Sailor Anzu] all I felt...was darkness...and cold...
[13:11] [Shana Alcot] and now?
[13:11] [Sailor Anzu] heh...it's good to be back hehehehehe
[13:14] --> Arru (robe) [Shadowdemon@hellsgates.com] has joined #reddwarfmain
[13:14] [@HOL_6000] Intruder Alert! Arru (robe) detected!
[13:14] > Arru (robe) sets mode +love
[13:14] > Shana Alcot writes something with a smile and closes the notebook, handing it to Anzu
[13:14] [Shana Alcot] There you go
[13:15] [Shana Alcot] ❧ Hey Arru ♡ ❧
[13:15] > Arru (robe) appears floating
[13:15] > Arru (robe) has a few bruises on her wrists but not much damage other then that (her healing took care of most of it)
[13:15] [Arru (robe)] ❧ hiii ❧
[13:17] [Shana Alcot] ❧ You look like you're still recovering from last night ♡ ❧
[13:17] [Arru (robe)] ❧ ehehehe *looks at her wrists* ❧
[13:17] [Arru (robe)] ❧ ooh but he is too I'm sure ❧
[13:17] > Sailor Anzu grins waving to arru
[13:17] > Arru (robe) giggles landing on the floor
[13:18] [Arru (robe)] ❧ He'll always be marked by me though, at least in that body ~_^ ❧
[13:18] [Shana Alcot] Heh, you two really went at it. It was fun to watch
[13:19] > Arru (robe) fondly remembers a moment where she carved her inital in his right shoulder on his back
[13:19] [Arru (robe)] ❧ I think he'll always be marked with that A too ♡♡~ ❧
[13:19] [Shana Alcot] ❧ Not to mention it was kinda' exciting.... right Anzu? ♡ ❧
[13:20] > Sailor Anzu just grins
[13:20] [Arru (robe)] ❧ It's been a while since I've wanted to do that to someone ❧
[13:20] [Arru (robe)] ❧ I'm a bit kinder to others of course ~_^ ❧
[13:22] [Shana Alcot] ❧ hehe ❧
[13:23] [Arru (robe)] ❧ So what are you two doing? ❧
[13:26] [Sailor Anzu] oh I was doing a bit of.....exploring *grins*...
[13:26] [Sailor Anzu] Im just disspointed there is no one to play a "game" with...
[13:27] [Arru (robe)] ❧ oh? ❧
[13:27] [Shana Alcot] A game?
[13:29] > Sailor Anzu grins "yeah....." *eyes glow red* I just want a little....excitment
[13:32] > Sailor Anzu cracks her fingers
[13:32] [Arru (robe)] ❧ Oooh well *Thinks* unsure if there is anybody around we can torment ❧
[13:35] [Shana Alcot] I am sure we could find someome
[13:35] [Shana Alcot] ^someone
[13:36] [Arru (robe)] ❧ I've got a plan almost ready of my own ❧
[13:36] [Shana Alcot] There are the Kyten and his woman who stayed up here.
[13:37] [Arru (robe)] ❧ I'm going to blow up the house of my other half's fiancee's ❧
[13:37] [Sailor Anzu] ☠ ooooo sounds wicked! ☠
[13:38] [Arru (robe)] ❧ Yeah but not going to have them inside. It'll be a mental torcher ^___^ ❧
[13:38] [Arru (robe)] ❧ this way I can try and get them later and spend all night with the chains, broken glass, whips, ooooh ♡♡~ ❧
[13:39] [Sailor Anzu] I'm going to look around this place again....heheheh
[13:39] [Shana Alcot] ❧ Guess who Arru is talking about....? ❧
[13:40] [Arru (robe)] ❧ the little air princess, her firy guardian you wish dead Shana, and their husband ❧
[13:40] [Sailor Anzu] hehehe....
[13:40] [Shana Alcot] ❧ .... the fiancees she is talking about are Matsumi and Vanadine. *grins evily* ❧
[13:40] --> Oppiz Bus [BurntIce@Oranbega.net] has joined #reddwarfmain
[13:40] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +o to Oppiz Bus
[13:40] [@HOL_6000] Intruder Alert! @Oppiz Bus detected!
[13:41] > Sailor Anzu laughs loudly as she shoots down into the hall
[13:41] <-- Sailor Anzu has left #reddwarfmain (oh so perfect!!!)
[13:41] > Arru (robe) giggles
[13:41] > @Oppiz Bus walks in with a grin, a small scratch visable on his cheek and upper arm, any other wounds obscured by his outfit.
[13:41] [Arru (robe)] ❧ a woman after my own heart ♡♡ ❧
[13:41] [Shana Alcot] ❧ Hello there Oppiz ❧
[13:41] [@Oppiz Bus] That... was fun..
[13:42] [Arru (robe)] ❧ and there is the man ~_^ ❧
[13:42] > @Oppiz Bus walks right up to Arru and backhands her.
[13:42] [@Oppiz Bus] Thank you.
[13:43] > Arru (robe) grins swiping him across the abdomin with her nails. "No problem ~_^"
[13:43] > Arru (robe) rubs her cheek floating a bit now
[13:44] [Arru (robe)] ❧ Your marked by me now ❧
[13:45] [@Oppiz Bus] Indeed... as I believe you are as well.
[13:45] > @Oppiz Bus places a hand on her midsection.
[13:46] [Arru (robe)] ❧ Yes the child~ I should officially check to see if I am indeed pregnant ❧
[13:46] > Shana Alcot grins
[13:46] [Shana Alcot] I can do that for you
[13:46] > Shana Alcot pulls a small device out of her pocket and opens it
[13:46] [Arru (robe)] ❧ after all you did pin me long enough to get the job done ~_^ ❧
[13:47] [Arru (robe)] ❧ and what a job it was ❧
[13:47] > Shana Alcot stands and walks over to Arru, using the device to scan her
[13:47] [@Oppiz Bus] Heh, there is nothing to check. Fiendish seed always finds its mark.
[13:47] [Shana Alcot] Ahhhh, yes. There it is...
[13:47] [@Oppiz Bus] You're lucky I didnt just break your arms and legs.
[13:48] [Arru (robe)] ❧ You're lucky I didn't break something else ♡♡ ❧
[13:48] > @Oppiz Bus grins, and goes to the bar.
[13:48] > Arru (robe) giggles misciviously touching her stomach. "How long am I to be knocked up I wonder."
[13:49] [@Oppiz Bus] Were running out of alcohol...
[13:49] [Shana Alcot] About the same amount of time as me Arru.... 7-9 ,months i think
[13:50] [Arru (robe)] ❧ ok ♡♡~ ❧
[13:50] [@Oppiz Bus] Sounds right. My offspring will be a little more advanced than a normal child, but they will have magic to accelerate their development.
[13:51] [Arru (robe)] ❧ it means I won't be able to take blows to the abdomine though ❧
[13:51] [Arru (robe)] ❧ pity~ ❧
[13:52] [@Oppiz Bus] You'll just have to get hit somewhere else..
[13:53] > Shana Alcot smirks and gives Arru a firm slap on the ass | Like there ♡
[13:54] > Arru (robe) giggles grinning at Shana. "Now it seems you like it a bit rough"
[13:55] [Shana Alcot] ❧ Maybe not as much as you.... but I do not mind taking a little punishment ❧
[13:56] [Arru (robe)] ❧ I'll note that then ❧
[13:56] [Shana Alcot] You do realize our children are going to be half siblings
[13:56] [Arru (robe)] ❧ Oooh yes that will be interesting ❧
[13:59] > @Oppiz Bus grins, sippins from one of the last bottles.
[13:59] [@Oppiz Bus] They will have an interesting relationship, to say the least.
[13:59] [Shana Alcot] I hope they get along
[14:00] [Shana Alcot] They will be able to cause so much more trouble as a team then seperately
[14:00] [@Oppiz Bus] Hard to say. Evil fights with itself about as often as with good.
[14:02] [Arru (robe)] ❧ That it can ❧
[14:03] [Shana Alcot] ☠ Perhaps they can team up beat on my fomer "son" ☠
[14:03] [Arru (robe)] ❧ heh ♡♡~ ❧
[14:04] [@Oppiz Bus] If someone ELSE doesnt before they grow up...
[14:04] [Shana Alcot] True
[14:05] [@Oppiz Bus] Lets not plan their villainous destinies before they've left the womb.
[14:06] [Shana Alcot] i suppose you have a point
[14:06] > Arru (robe) nods. "With so many future children coming and going with my other half I could probably send this little monster out as a sleeping time bomb once old enough to understand ♡♡~
[14:06] [Arru (robe)] ❧ ehehehehe ❧
[14:07] [Arru (robe)] ❧ that's if I don't get her first ~_^ ❧
[14:07] [Shana Alcot] Heh
[14:09] [@Oppiz Bus] It seems you have a lot of enemies. Maybe its for the best that you take a few years and build up a few more soldiers.. teach them to fight, to hate..
[14:12] [Shana Alcot] We shall see how things go in the future years
[14:14] [Arru (robe)] ❧ I didn't think I'd be carrying a child at all in my life let alone yours Oppiz ❧
[14:17] > @Oppiz Bus sips his bottle and cracks his neck.
[14:17] [Shana Alcot] Well, my apologizies, but I must be going. I am feeling a little... out of sorts
[14:19] [@Oppiz Bus] I can only imagine.
[14:20] [@Oppiz Bus] Heh... if we sayed here and kept this up.. eveuntally we'd run out of rooms to defile.....
[14:20] <-- Shana Alcot [evilscientist@japanlab.net] has left #reddwarfmain (It has only been a few days.... I should not be getting morning sickness yet...)
[14:20] [Arru (robe)] ❧ aww shana ❧
[14:20] [Arru (robe)] ❧ :( ❧
[14:21] [Arru (robe)] ❧ Then I guess it is just you and I Oppiz ❧
[14:22] > Arru (robe) purrs a little. "So you enjoyed last night I take it?"
[14:27] [@Oppiz Bus] Indeed... I havent had that much fun since.. since the last time XD
[14:31] [@Oppiz Bus] A demon could get used to living like this. It sure wont make me soft.
[14:31] [Arru (robe)] ❧ I'm no softy ~_^ ❧
[14:33] [Arru (robe)] ❧ Well at least not to you. I know how to use my 'ways' to get what I want. ❧
[14:34] [@Oppiz Bus] And I suppose I have nothing to offer? Or perhaps this is all a ruse.
[14:36] [Arru (robe)] ❧ No I enjoyed what you and I had last night, with or without the child I'll admit ❧
[14:37] [Arru (robe)] ❧ It's been far to long since someone has been able to take me like that ❧
[14:37] [@Oppiz Bus] I cant recall anyone who would keep up and fight back like that... aside from your associate.
[14:41] [Arru (robe)] ❧ Shana? Yeah she's good ♡♡ ❧
[14:41] [Arru (robe)] ❧ sadly though with anzu back she isn't mine..pity ❧
[14:45] [@Oppiz Bus] Well then, I'll just have to take you to Oranbega sometime..
[14:46] [Arru (robe)] ❧ Oooh now? ❧
[14:47] [@Oppiz Bus] Nice little piece of hell on earth, beneath the area you might know as Rhode Island.
[14:49] [Arru (robe)] ❧ Sounds interesting ♡♡ ❧
[14:51] [@Oppiz Bus] I have servants there as far as the eye can see... tho really, thats not very far as its pretty dense with caves and vines..
[14:51] > Arru (robe) nods.
[14:53] [Arru (robe)] ❧ You met my mother. In hell I am a higher demon there because of her stature ~_^ ❧
[14:56] [Arru (robe)] ❧ But I don't like playing with the little demons in hell so here I am with you ❧
[14:56] [@Oppiz Bus] I am meerly an ancient evil who has evolved through the ages, risen and fallen, only to rise again..
[14:57] [@Oppiz Bus] Hah!
[15:00] [Arru (robe)] ❧ Why are you 'hah!'ing? ❧
[15:01] [@Oppiz Bus] Just your reasons for... being with me, and perhaps your background. They are very satisfying.
[15:04] [Arru (robe)] ❧ Oooh I see ❧
[15:04] [Arru (robe)] ❧ I was born not to long after time began so we're both quite old ❧
[15:05] > @Oppiz Bus hands off his half finished liquor bottle to her, and walks around her.
[15:05] [@Oppiz Bus] It is difficult to trace my age, tho sometimes it seems like I am as old as time.
[15:07] [Arru (robe)] ❧ well I guess we'll never know who's older, not that it matters ~_^ ❧
[15:07] > @Oppiz Bus grips her shoulders tightly. "No, it matters not."
[15:08] > @Oppiz Bus slowly, gently slides his hands under her robe, only to roughly rake his nails back up with his hands.
[15:11] > Arru (robe) closes her eyes a smile on her face as she reaches behind him and digging her fingers deeper into where she had left the A mark from last night
[15:11] > @Oppiz Bus winces, but clearly enjoys it.
[15:12] [Arru (robe)] ❧ You know how to please me, I'll give you that ❧
[15:13] > @Oppiz Bus pulls her over backwards by the hair and kisses her.
[15:14] [Arru (robe)] ❧ mmhmm ❧
[15:15] > Arru (robe) reaches up and pulls on his in loving return
[15:15] > @Oppiz Bus trips and drops her, then places a foot on her neck.
[15:16] [Arru (robe)] ❧ Oooh getting a little rough are we? ❧
[15:16] [@Oppiz Bus] You bring out the worst in me..
[15:16] > Arru (robe) reaches up and slams her hands in the back of his knee so it'll give out and rolls out from under him closing her robe
[15:17] > @Oppiz Bus staggers, his grin never fading.
[15:17] > Arru (robe) lays there giggling looking up at him
[15:17] > Arru (robe) slams a hand in his foot
[15:18] > @Oppiz Bus falls next to her.
[15:19] > Arru (robe) grins climbing on top of him
[15:20] > Arru (robe) 's hand finds his neck and her fingernails dig in ooh so happily
[15:21] > @Oppiz Bus hisses a little..
[15:21] [Arru (robe)] ❧ I think your in another one of those moods dear ~_^ how about we settle this then ❧
[15:22] > Arru (robe) raises her free hand and a pair of black chains is summoned to them
[15:22] [@Oppiz Bus] ❧ what have we here? ❧
[15:23] [Arru (robe)] ❧ A little toy I stoled from mother's work ~_^ impossible to break once placed on ❧
[15:23] [@Oppiz Bus] Heh... you lucky we share common goals.. or Id never go for this..
[15:24] [Arru (robe)] ❧ Oooh believe me you'll enjoy this as much as I do ❧
[15:24] [Arru (robe)] ❧ I'll remove them once I'm satisfied enough ❧
[15:25] > Arru (robe) sets the chains down and grabs one of his hands forcing it in there and clasping it all with one hand and works with the other
[15:25] [@Oppiz Bus] Just remember.. I have a few safeguards in place if you try something funny.
[15:25] [Arru (robe)] ❧ Now see there ~_^ all finished ❧
[15:26] > Arru (robe) giggles. "I wouldn't dream of ruining a fun evening with you."
[15:27] > Arru (robe) stands up and grabs the chains and drags him along out of the room
[15:27] <-- Arru (robe) [Shadowdemon@hellsgates.com] has left #reddwarfmain (ahhh this will be fun ~_^ trust me)
[15:27] > @Oppiz Bus is dragged, grinning all the way.
[15:27] <-- @Oppiz Bus [BurntIce@Oranbega.net] has left #reddwarfmain (Trust is not easily earned, but still...)
[21:34] --> Arru (gown) [Shadowdemon@hellsgates.com] has joined #reddwarfmain
[21:34] [@HOL_6000] Intruder Alert! Arru (gown) detected!
[21:34] > Arru (gown) appears stretching VERY CONTENT
[21:34] > Arru (gown) sets mode +love
[21:35] [Arru (gown)] ❧ ahhh ❧
[21:35] [Arru (gown)] ❧ Today was a WONDERFUL day ❧
[21:35] > ~Someone quietly watches Arru
[21:37] > Arru (gown) giggles the chains from this afternoon appearing in her hands
[21:37] [~Someone] ❧ tee-hee... ❧
[21:37] > Arru (gown) blinks at the voice
[21:37] > ~Someone is hiding in the walls ^.^
[21:38] > Arru (gown) holds her hand up and hell fire fills it
[21:38] > Arru (gown) throws it at a wall
[21:38] [~Someone] ❧ owies! ❧
[21:39] [Arru (gown)] ❧ Who are you little sneaky one? ❧
[21:39] [~Someone] ❧ not fun :( ❧
[21:39] [Arru (gown)] ❧ I'll chain yah up ♡♡~ ❧
[21:40] [~Someone] ❧ ooooooo ❧
[21:40] > ~Someone can be heard struggling
[21:41] > ~Someone 's arm and leg sticks out of the wall
[21:42] > Arru (gown) watches
[21:42] [~Someone] ❧ ooof...ouch! ❧
[21:44] > ~Someone falls out of the wall
[21:44] > ~Someone is now known as Sailor Arzu
[21:44] [Arru (gown)] ❧ ..A..Arzu? ❧
[21:44] > Sailor Arzu waaaaves
[21:45] [Arru (gown)] ❧ You disappeared a long time ago ❧
[21:46] [Sailor Arzu] ❧ something happuned...and nows I'm backies! ❧
[21:47] [Arru (gown)] ❧ I see that ❧
[21:49] > Sailor Arzu stands and brushes herself off
[21:50] > Arru (gown) looks at Sailor Arzu
[21:50] ➣ Sailor Arzu: Appearing as a darker skined, white haired version of Matsumi with red eyes, she wears a varation on a senshi fuku with a longer skirt and dark colors.
[21:52] [Arru (gown)] ❧ Well it's nice to see your back ❧
[21:52] > Sailor Arzu giggles and jumps up and down "same here!"
[21:55] > Arru (gown) giggles
[21:56] [Arru (gown)] ❧ So what do you want to do to celebrate? ❧
[21:57] > Sailor Arzu grins "oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh....FUN!"
[21:58] [Arru (gown)] ❧ What kinds? I mean there are tons of fun we can go do I just had about 6 hours worth of fun ♡♡~ ❧
[22:00] [Sailor Arzu] ❧ let's destroy something! ❧
[22:00] [Arru (gown)] ❧ ooh ok~ ❧
[22:03] > Arru (gown) thinks. "You just missed me blowing up a house of a mortal enemy though..."
[22:04] [Sailor Arzu] ❧ AWWW ❧
[22:05] [Arru (gown)] ❧ Well what do you want to blow up? ❧
[22:08] [Sailor Arzu] ❧ how about an old building :P ❧
[22:09] [Arru (gown)] ❧ I guess we can go destroy old buildings if you want ❧
[22:10] > Sailor Arzu grins and giggles madly
[22:10] [Arru (gown)] ❧ Ok ❧
[22:10] > Arru (gown) lands and takes Arzu's hand
[22:11] > Sailor Arzu takes it tightly
[22:13] <-- Arru (gown) [Shadowdemon@hellsgates.com] has left #reddwarfmain (Celebration time Reunion time~)
[22:13] <-- Sailor Arzu has left #reddwarfmain (hehehahahahahahahHAHAHAHAHA)
[00:00] >>> Thursday Dec 04 2008 <<<
[22:18] --> Arru (gown) [Shadowdemon@hellsgates.com] has joined #reddwarfmain
[22:18] [@HOL_6000] Intruder Alert! Arru (gown) detected!
[22:18] > Arru (gown) appears in the room
[22:22] > Arru (gown) sets mode +love
[22:23] [Arru (gown)] ❧ Hummm where is my little Arzu run off to? ❧
[22:24] --> Sailor Arzu has joined #reddwarfmain
[22:24] [@HOL_6000] Intruder Alert! Sailor Arzu detected!
[22:24] [Sailor Arzu] ❧ here I am :3 ❧
[22:24] [Arru (gown)] ❧ Ahhhh there you are ❧
[22:24] > Sailor Arzu has been carving letters on the wall
[22:24] [Arru (gown)] ❧ what did you carve? ❧
[22:26] [Sailor Arzu] ❧ Die Losers Die :P ❧
[22:26] --> Oppiz Bus [BurntIce@Oranbega.net] has joined #reddwarfmain
[22:26] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +o to Oppiz Bus
[22:26] [@HOL_6000] Intruder Alert! @Oppiz Bus detected!
[22:26] > @Oppiz Bus sneaks in quietly, holding the runed chains from yesterday.
[22:27] > @Oppiz Bus *shhh*'s Arzu, and walks up behind Arru.
[22:27] > Sailor Arzu blinks
[22:27] > @Oppiz Bus grins..
[22:27] > Arru (gown) hums lightly at the handywork
[22:28] [Arru (gown)] ❧ Nice ♡♡~ ❧
[22:28] > @Oppiz Bus slaps the chains on Arru's wrists, behind her back.
[22:29] [Sailor Arzu] ☠ what's with the chaaaaiiiinssssssss...ssss...sss ☠
[22:30] > Arru (gown) blinks in shock at first and turns her head. "What the..."
[22:30] > @Oppiz Bus grabs Arru by the hair and smacks her hard across the face.
[22:30] > Arru (gown) gets hit giggling.
[22:30] [Arru (gown)] ❧ I see...payback I take it... ❧
[22:30] > @Oppiz Bus looks Arru in the eyes.
[22:30] [@Oppiz Bus] ❧ Hello, dearest. ❧
[22:31] [Arru (gown)] ❧ You called me Mistress the other night ~_^ ♡♡ ❧
[22:31] > @Oppiz Bus tosses her to the ground, and delivers a well placed kick to the chest.
[22:31] > Arru (gown) gets hit happily
[22:31] [Arru (gown)] ❧ uugg...dearest Arzu this is a favorite toy of mine Oppiz ❧
[22:32] > @Oppiz Bus steps on her neck, slowly applying pressure.
[22:32] > Sailor Arzu walks up and looks him in the face
[22:33] [@Oppiz Bus] Yeah?
[22:34] > @Oppiz Bus looks her right back, not letting off Arru's windpipe.
[22:34] [Sailor Arzu] he looks weird
[22:34] > Arru (gown) wiggles trying to break free
[22:35] > Sailor Arzu giggles all creepy like
[22:36] > @Oppiz Bus leans over, and rakes her sides harshly.
[22:37] > Arru (gown) lets out a yelp of pain
[22:38] [Arru (gown)] ❧ Heh...he knows what I like ❧
[22:38] [@Oppiz Bus] She can still yell. I must not be pressing hard enough.
[22:38] > @Oppiz Bus leans HARDER on her neck.
[22:38] > Sailor Arzu plays with a large knife ^^
[22:39] > Arru (gown) looks up at Oppiz unable to speak now
[22:40] [@Oppiz Bus] ❧ Now, how does that feel, slave? ❧
[22:40] > Arru (gown) just watches him
[22:41] [Sailor Arzu] ♬ cut cut cuuuut ♭
[22:41] > Arru (gown) has a look of bliss on her face though..
[22:41] [@Oppiz Bus] Gonna make me repeat myself?
[22:42] > Arru (gown) would speak but she cannot for he is pressing down quite hard on her windpipe
[22:43] > @Oppiz Bus grins down at her, knowing this.
[22:44] [@Oppiz Bus] ❧ This is your place... being ground under my heal.. you understand? ❧
[22:45] > Sailor Arzu pokes one of Oppiz's shoes
[22:45] > Arru (gown) grins nodding
[22:45] > @Oppiz Bus lets off.
[22:46] [@Oppiz Bus] ❧ Good.. tho perhaps.. I should make sure you don't soon forget. ❧
[22:46] > Arru (gown) gleefully giggles
[22:46] [@Oppiz Bus] ❧ Do you need that emphasized? 'Beaten' into you? ❧
[22:47] > Sailor Arzu meanwhile is carefully writing something on the carpet
[22:48] [Arru (gown)] ❧ Nooo~ ❧
[22:49] [@Oppiz Bus] (( Ohhh... wrong answer sweetheart... ))
[22:49] [@Oppiz Bus] ❧ ^ ❧
[22:50] > @Oppiz Bus gives her another kick to the chest, then grabs her by the ankle and starts dragging her out.
[22:50] > Arru (gown) giggles all the way out
[22:50] > @Oppiz Bus stops, and looks over to Sailor Arzu.
[22:51] [@Oppiz Bus] Ohh... you're welcome to watch... but itll mean youre next.
[22:51] > Sailor Arzu written die die die on the floor
[22:52] <-- @Oppiz Bus [BurntIce@Oranbega.net] has left #reddwarfmain (You will beg for mercy before the night is done.)
[22:52] [Sailor Arzu] *has
[22:52] <-- Arru (gown) [Shadowdemon@hellsgates.com] has left #reddwarfmain (Ooooh but revenge will be oooh so sweet~)
[22:52] [Sailor Arzu] ☠ hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ☠
[22:53] [Sailor Arzu] ☠ oooh dear..... ☠
[22:55] > Sailor Arzu stands and puts her knife away
[22:56] [Sailor Arzu] ☠ leave lil arzu alone eh :P :P :P ☠
[22:57] > Sailor Arzu grrrrriiiiins
[22:59] > Sailor Arzu leaps into the wall to follow them tee-hee
[23:01] <-- Sailor Arzu has left #reddwarfmain (scrape scrape...think you can get away from meeeee???)
[00:00] >>> Friday Dec 05 2008 <<<
[17:40] --> Arru (sexy suit) [Shadowdemon@hellsgates.com] has joined #reddwarfmain
[17:40] [@HOL_6000] Intruder Alert! Arru (sexy suit) detected!
[17:40] > Arru (sexy suit) giggles appearing looking quite happy
[17:41] > Arru (sexy suit) has a few cuts visable and her wrists are heavly bruised
[17:41] > Arru (sexy suit) sets mode +love
[17:41] [Arru (sexy suit)] ❧ heheheh ❧
[17:42] > Arru (sexy suit) floats there
[17:43] > Arru (sexy suit) has in her hand a collar necklace
[17:43] [Arru (sexy suit)] ❧ I already marked him a little collar shouldn't hurt ~_^ ❧
[17:47] [Arru (sexy suit)] ❧ now to get this on him...once on he can't get it off.. ❧
[17:48] --> Krankor has joined #reddwarfmain
[17:48] [@HOL_6000] Intruder Alert! Krankor detected!
[17:48] [Krankor] HAH! HAH! HAH! HAH! Already seeking to stab one another in the back?
[17:52] > Krankor cares nothing for the petty cliques and politics of the others. He cares only for his grand agenda!
[17:55] > Krankor continues to plot and plan his schemes in the background since the others are too busy "playing" with one another to get involved with anything as farspanning as his great objectives!
[17:56] > Arru (sexy suit) sees Krankor
[17:57] [Arru (sexy suit)] ❧ Hello ❧
[17:59] [Krankor] HAH! What are you doing now?
[18:00] [Arru (sexy suit)] ❧ I'm in the middle of figuring out a way to capture one of the pesky fiancee's of my other half so I can torcher them to death ❧
[18:00] [Arru (sexy suit)] ❧ ♡♡ ❧
[18:01] [Arru (sexy suit)] ❧ I just blew up there house a few days ago ♡~~ ❧
[18:04] [Krankor] Torture? Torture who exactly?
[18:04] [Krankor] And you only blew up a house? HAH!! What a weak, pitiful display of power.
[18:05] > Arru (sexy suit) smacks Krankor across the back of the head angrly
[18:06] [Arru (sexy suit)] ☠ Do not laugh at what you don't know ☠
[18:07] [Arru (sexy suit)] ❧ The air princess and her guardians any or all of them will do with what I'm planning ❧
[18:07] [Krankor] HAH! HAH! HAH! HAH!
[18:07] [Arru (sexy suit)] ☠ Oooh~ You wish to be hurt now I see ☠
[18:08] [Krankor] Then I suggest you speak more about this, because I hardly understand this at *all*
[18:08] [Krankor] Everything you do seems to be more random than planned.
[18:09] [Arru (sexy suit)] ❧ I wish to drive my other half to near suicide ^^ ❧
[18:10] [Krankor] Your other half? Do you think that will be possible, or are you just planning to undermine her and insense her into rash action?
[18:10] [Arru (sexy suit)] ❧ I plan on destroying everything she holds dear ❧
[18:11] [Arru (sexy suit)] ❧ so then I can merge with her and have the powers of the stars on my side ❧
[18:11] [Arru (sexy suit)] ❧ which I will instantly either turn off or blow up them all, instant chaos :D ❧
[18:13] [Krankor] HAH! HAH! HAH! HAH! Do you think the rest of us will tolerate interference like that which could completely disrupt and destroy our own objectives?
[18:13] [Arru (sexy suit)] ❧ and I might add trillions of lives will be on my hands dead ^^ it makes me so gleeful ♡~ ❧
[18:13] [Arru (sexy suit)] ❧ I do not care what you think nor do you care what I do ❧
[18:14] [Arru (sexy suit)] ❧ And what can you do exactly to stop me? Nothing really~ ❧
[18:15] [Krankor] HAH! HAH! HAH! HAH! Do not be so certain of that.
[18:16] > Arru (sexy suit) giggles
[18:16] [Arru (sexy suit)] ❧ All you do is seem to laugh ❧
[18:18] [Krankor] And all you ever seem to do look lke a cheap streetwalking harlot with a psychotic streak. There is a certain appeal to that, I will admit, but I would require more from my own minions.
[18:20] [Arru (sexy suit)] ❧ Do I? Well that is certianly what I'm going for ❧
[18:23] [Arru (sexy suit)] ❧ Keep people looking at your one hand and you can easily swipe things with the other tee-hee ❧
[18:25] > Arru (sexy suit) winks at Krankor
[18:25] [Krankor] Only so long as they remain foolish and stupid. Although some of these humans are indeed just that.
[18:27] [Arru (sexy suit)] ❧ Yes indeed is right. Even with the ship taken over they didn't think I'd do something like blow up their house, it was really to easy ❧
[18:28] --> Oppiz Bus [BurntIce@Oranbega.net] has joined #reddwarfmain
[18:28] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +o to Oppiz Bus
[18:28] [@HOL_6000] Intruder Alert! @Oppiz Bus detected!
[18:28] [@Oppiz Bus] Hm hm hmmm...
[18:29] > Arru (sexy suit) giggles floating there
[18:30] [@Oppiz Bus] How are we, ladies?
[18:30] [Arru (sexy suit)] ❧ Just peachy dear~ ❧
[18:32] [@Oppiz Bus] Excelent. Quite excelent.
[18:35] [Krankor] Hah.
[18:36] > Arru (sexy suit) floats there wondering if she should try or not ♡~
[18:36] [@Oppiz Bus] It appears we are out of alcohol.
[18:36] [Arru (sexy suit)] ❧ ooh dear ❧
[18:37] [Arru (sexy suit)] ❧ I could go on earth and destroy a few liquor stores to get some supplies ❧
[18:37] [Arru (sexy suit)] ❧ Or send Arzu to do it, my little pet~ ❧
[18:39] [@Oppiz Bus] Sounds like a good idea
[18:40] <-- Krankor has left #reddwarfmain (I can just ransom the tiny human nation of Costa Rica for all of their pina coladas instead! In fact, I think that's exactly what I'll do! HAH! HAH! HAH! HAH!)
[18:41] [@Oppiz Bus] Heh... I like the way he (?) thinks.
[18:41] [Arru (sexy suit)] ❧ Heh sounds like a plan he can do ❧
[18:41] > Arru (sexy suit) floats closer toward Oppiz
[18:41] > @Oppiz Bus cracks his neck, leaving it easily exposed.
[18:43] > Arru (sexy suit) giggles jumping on him from the back trying to snap the collar on ♡~
[18:43] > @Oppiz Bus puts up his hand at the last second, grabbing it.
[18:43] [@Oppiz Bus] Arru, dear, what are you doing?
[18:44] [Arru (sexy suit)] ❧ Making you mine ♡~ ❧
[18:44] > Arru (sexy suit) bites his hand and tries again
[18:45] > @Oppiz Bus doesnt flinch at the bute, and kicks her away.
[18:45] > Arru (sexy suit) flies back smirking.
[18:45] [@Oppiz Bus] This collar carries an enchantment.. what are you trying to do?
[18:45] [Arru (sexy suit)] ❧ It's just an anti removal ward, nothing else dear ♡~ ❧
[18:46] > Arru (sexy suit) floats there watching him now.
[18:46] [@Oppiz Bus] I see... and why would I let you place this on me? Or did you think you could pull one over?
[18:47] [Arru (sexy suit)] ❧ I want it on you as a more visable sign you are mine ~_^ ❧
[18:48] [@Oppiz Bus] ❧ What if I'd rather you were mine? Maybe I should slap one of those on you.. ❧
[18:49] > Arru (sexy suit) giggles.
[18:50] [Arru (sexy suit)] ❧ Do you really wish that Oppiz then? ❧
[18:50] > @Oppiz Bus considders her for a moment.
[18:51] [@Oppiz Bus] ❧ Sure! If I change my mind, I can always kill you. ❧
[18:51] [Arru (sexy suit)] ❧ I'd like to see you try ~_^ ❧
[18:52] > Arru (sexy suit) giggles in her hand another collar appearing
[18:52] [@Oppiz Bus] Hmm...
[18:52] [Arru (sexy suit)] ❧ Luckly mother dearest has tones of these lying around ❧
[18:54] > Arru (sexy suit) giggles jumping at him again
[18:54] [@Oppiz Bus] It is not enough I choose to carry your marking?
[18:56] > @Oppiz Bus grabs her wrists, and looks at her grinning.
[18:58] > Arru (sexy suit) giggles slamming her head forward into his jaw ♡~
[18:58] [@Oppiz Bus] I've spent millenia gaining power and independance. Give me a reason why I should forget about all that.
[18:59] [Arru (sexy suit)] ❧ I'm not taking any of that away dear~ You can go ahead and do what you want, but I like thinking you are mine ^^ ❧
[18:59] > @Oppiz Bus takes a good, long look into her eyes, pondering.
[19:02] > @Oppiz Bus lets go of her arms and turns around.
[19:02] [@Oppiz Bus] Know that if you do this, I will repay you tenfold, on top of the child you have to bare.
[19:02] [Arru (sexy suit)] ❧ And you think baring a child is any fun to begin with. With the genes this child has it'll probably be hell for me the last few months.. ❧
[19:03] [@Oppiz Bus] Not to mention it will probably render you steril, and possibly kill you.
[19:03] > Arru (sexy suit) frowns
[19:04] [Arru (sexy suit)] ❧ And did you warn Shana about this side affect? ❧
[19:04] [@Oppiz Bus] If I recall. I've been drinking heavily, and been very.. busy with you two.
[19:05] > Arru (sexy suit) floats over and wraps her arms around his shoulders biting his ear
[19:05] [Arru (sexy suit)] ❧ ..yes and what fun it's been mmhmm ❧
[19:05] [@Oppiz Bus] ❧ Mmmmm... ❧
[19:06] [Arru (sexy suit)] ❧ I dispised you at the beginning of all this *starts digging her nails into his chest* but you have grown on me.. ❧
[19:07] [@Oppiz Bus] It dawns on me.. you are probably too strong for those 'side effects'... they usually only impact normal mortals.
[19:08] [Arru (sexy suit)] ❧ Luckly Im not normal or very much mortal for you ~_^ *drags her nails up* ❧
[19:08] > @Oppiz Bus savors the sensations.
[19:09] [Arru (sexy suit)] ❧ Arzu has always been a fun toy with me...a pet she is but....*reaches up and puts a slice in his jawline*...your the only one who really brings this side of me out.. ❧
[19:10] > Krankor is back
[19:11] > Krankor has successfully ransomed 40000 gallons of Pina Coladas from the Central American nation of Costa Rica AND El Salvadore! "HAH! HAH! HAH! HAH!"
[19:11] > ~A clicking noise is heard....
[19:11] [@Oppiz Bus] Wow... that didint take long.
[19:11] > @Oppiz Bus grins, and feels the collar around his neck.
[19:12] > Arru (sexy suit) bites his ear again pulling on the loop on it
[19:12] [Krankor] They were weak, disorganized, and easy to threaten since their real protector, the American President George W. Bush, is an enfeebled moron.
[19:12] [Arru (sexy suit)] ❧ good for you Krankor! It'll make us happy~ ❧
[19:13] > Arru (sexy suit) reaches down and picks up the other collar on the floor
[19:13] > Arru (sexy suit) hands it to Oppiz with a wicked grin on
[19:13] > @Oppiz Bus chuckles silently, taking it.
[19:14] [@Oppiz Bus] Till death, then? Be it at the hands of another, or eachother?
[19:14] [Arru (sexy suit)] ❧ Yes~ ❧
[19:15] <-- Krankor has left #reddwarfmain (Now to return to my main plan for stealing Professor Makan's rocket fuel formula! HAH! HAH! HAH! HAH!)
[19:15] > @Oppiz Bus THROWS her down to the floor face down, then snaps it on her neck.
[19:16] > Arru (sexy suit) grins reaching over and grabbing one of his legs and swing him into a wall
[19:17] [Arru (sexy suit)] ❧ heheh ❧
[19:17] > @Oppiz Bus staggers and falls into a wall with a thud, hitting his head.
[19:17] [Arru (sexy suit)] ❧ my poor Oppiz~ ❧
[19:18] > Arru (sexy suit) walks over and stands above him
[19:19] > Arru (sexy suit) lifts his head up by the hair
[19:19] > @Oppiz Bus hisses with some agony.
[19:22] > Arru (sexy suit) sits on his abdomine still holding his head up
[19:22] > @Oppiz Bus cringes.
[19:23] [Arru (sexy suit)] ❧ You've been a bad boy for not telling me the side effects sooner ~_^ one must be punished ❧
[19:23] [@Oppiz Bus] ❧ Isat a fact? ❧
[19:24] [Arru (sexy suit)] ❧ I'll try at least ♡ ❧
[19:25] [Arru (sexy suit)] ❧ Knowing you though you'll make it hell eheheheh ❧
[19:25] > Arru (sexy suit) scrapes her fingernail across his lips
[19:26] [Arru (sexy suit)] ❧ Now what are you going to do ~_^ ❧
[19:27] > @Oppiz Bus makes a noise like a growl that seems to reverberate of the walls.
[19:28] > Arru (sexy suit) giggles standing up and in her hands the chains appear again, this time with them a leash
[19:28] [@Oppiz Bus] ❧ Looks like tonight, I service you.... Mistress. ❧
[19:30] [Arru (sexy suit)] ❧ That you do, I best enjoy it now because what you've done to me I'm going to be in ♡agony♡ the last few months of this pregnancy weither or not the side effects work on me ❧
[19:31] > Arru (sexy suit) clips the leash on his collar and chains him up once more
[19:31] [Arru (sexy suit)] ❧ heh I don't know weither to thank you for that or hate you, we'll see when it comes ❧
[19:31] > @Oppiz Bus follows.
[19:32] <-- Arru (sexy suit) [Shadowdemon@hellsgates.com] has left #reddwarfmain (I've got a few new whips to try on you tonight too I swiped from my mothers realm ♡ so be naughty and I can :D)
[19:32] <-- @Oppiz Bus [BurntIce@Oranbega.net] has left #reddwarfmain (Its ok, I'll just Impale your arms when the time comes for the birth.)
[00:00] >>> Saturday Dec 06 2008 <<<
[02:01] --> Arru (robe) [Shadowdemon@hellsgates.com] has joined #reddwarfmain
[02:01] [@HOL_6000] Intruder Alert! Arru (robe) detected!
[02:01] --> Sailor Arzu has joined #reddwarfmain
[02:01] [@HOL_6000] Intruder Alert! Sailor Arzu detected!
[02:01] > Arru (robe) walks in soaking wet after taking a shower
[02:01] > Sailor Arzu comes out of the wall
[02:02] [Sailor Arzu] ❧ arrrrruuu ❧
[02:02] > Arru (robe) sets mode +love
[02:02] [Arru (robe)] ❧ Yeeeees? ❧
[02:02] > Arru (robe) is now wearing a collar with a loop around her neck
[02:03] [Sailor Arzu] ❧ ooo what's with the collar hehehe ❧
[02:03] [Arru (robe)] ❧ Oppiz got it on me and it can't be taken off ❧
[02:04] [Sailor Arzu] ❧ reaaallly? ❧
[02:04] [Arru (robe)] ❧ Yes ♡♡ but I got one on him as well~ ❧
[02:05] [Sailor Arzu] ❧ ooooo??? ❧
[02:05] [Arru (robe)] ❧ Not only that but...Arzu my pet.. ❧
[02:05] [Arru (robe)] ❧ He impregnanted me a few nights ago with his hellyin ❧
[02:05] [Sailor Arzu] ❧ Ah.. ❧
[02:06] > Sailor Arzu stops...
[02:06] [Sailor Arzu] ....
[02:06] [Arru (robe)] ❧ ...Arzu dear? ❧
[02:06] > Arru (robe) floats over toward her
[02:06] > Sailor Arzu looks into arru's eyes
[02:07] > Arru (robe) looks back moving the hair away from her face
[02:08] > Sailor Arzu 's mouth starts to streach into a rather grotesque smile
[02:09] [Sailor Arzu] tee-hee.........................
[02:09] [Sailor Arzu] ......tee-hee........
[02:09] [Sailor Arzu] ..........................tee-hee
[02:10] > Arru (robe) giggles as well
[02:11] > Sailor Arzu doesn't seem to be stopping
[02:12] [Sailor Arzu] ❧ oh my dear....now I have so much work to do.... ❧
[02:12] [Arru (robe)] ❧ What are you planning? ❧
[02:12] [Sailor Arzu] ❧ ...so much work..... ❧
[02:14] [Arru (robe)] ❧ With the baby? ❧
[02:14] [Sailor Arzu] ❧ .....so much work... ❧
[02:15] [Arru (robe)] ❧ Arzu.... ❧
[02:15] > Arru (robe) stops
[02:15] [Arru (robe)] ❧ I'd like to know what's going on in your pretty little head at the moment ❧
[02:16] [Arru (robe)] ❧ and you telling me 'so much work' isn't answering my question ❧
[02:16] > Sailor Arzu puts her head suddenly right against arru's face, staring at her in the eyes
[02:16] [Sailor Arzu] ☠ are you sure..... ☠
[02:17] [Arru (robe)] ☠ Yes Arzu I am... ☠
[02:18] > Arru (robe) grabs the back of her neck
[02:18] [Arru (robe)] ❧ Now be a good pet and do tell ❧
[02:18] [Sailor Arzu] ☠ let's say.......I have a few messages to give to someone..... ☠
[02:19] [Arru (robe)] ❧ You better not be thinking about harrassing him Arzu ❧
[02:19] > Arru (robe) scratches the side of Arzu's face lightly
[02:20] [Arru (robe)] ❧ I don't want anything to happen to either of you that isn't caused by me after all ♡~ ❧
[02:20] > Sailor Arzu just starts to laugh
[02:20] > Arru (robe) nips at Arzu's neck
[02:21] > Sailor Arzu puts her hand along arru's neck slowly scraching it
[02:22] [Arru (robe)] ❧ You are my pet dear Arzu. Did you not enjoy him last night as well? ❧
[02:22] > Arru (robe) shivers happily with the scratches as best she can feel them (she is wearing a collar now on her neck)
[02:23] [Sailor Arzu] ❧ of coooourse ❧
[02:23] > Arru (robe) pulls her face close to hers quite harsly.
[02:23] [Arru (robe)] ❧ Arzu not even he can replace you ♡~ ❧
[02:24] [Arru (robe)] ❧ You have always been my pet and will always be my pet ❧
[02:24] > Sailor Arzu grins a wide grin
[02:24] [Arru (robe)] ❧ BUT though he cannot replace you you cannot replace him ❧
[02:25] > Arru (robe) closes the gap between them in a heated passionate kiss
[02:25] > Sailor Arzu puts away her switch-blade
[02:25] > Sailor Arzu returns the kiss, biting her tongue
[02:26] > Arru (robe) shivers happily
[02:27] > Arru (robe) bites Arzu's lower lip enough to cause a little blood
[02:27] [Arru (robe)] ❧ You are mine Arzu and will always be mine ❧
[02:27] > Arru (robe) grabs Arzu's throat
[02:27] [Sailor Arzu] urk!
[02:28] > Arru (robe) holds out her hand and a slightly different colored collar appears in it
[02:28] > Arru (robe) happily snaps it on her neck
[02:28] > Sailor Arzu bliiinks
[02:29] [Arru (robe)] ❧ there ❧
[02:29] > Arru (robe) grabs the loop of the collar with her finger and pulls her forward
[02:29] [Arru (robe)] ❧ How does it feel? ❧
[02:29] [Sailor Arzu] ❧ exciting... ❧
[02:30] [Arru (robe)] ❧ Good ❧
[02:32] [Arru (robe)] ❧ Now since Oppiz is passed out how about we share some time together my little pet? ❧
[02:32] [Sailor Arzu] ❧ very... ❧
[02:32] [Sailor Arzu] ☠ well... ☠
[02:32] > Arru (robe) takes the loop in her hand and pulls her out of the room
[02:32] [Arru (robe)] ❧ yes? ❧
[02:33] [Sailor Arzu] ☠ yessss ☠
[02:33] <-- Arru (robe) [Shadowdemon@hellsgates.com] has left #reddwarfmain (I will make you beg for mercy)
[02:35] <-- Sailor Arzu has left #reddwarfmain (ooooooh fuuuun)
[02:53] --> Sailor Anzu has joined #reddwarfmain
[02:53] [@HOL_6000] Intruder Alert! Sailor Anzu detected!
[02:53] > Sailor Anzu walks in, smiling to herself
[02:55] [Sailor Anzu] ....finally found it
[02:57] > Sailor Anzu grins, holding up a few strands of hair
[02:58] > Sailor Anzu smiles to herself
[03:00] [Sailor Anzu] ...now.....
[03:00] > Sailor Anzu holds up the notebook grinning....
[03:01] [Sailor Anzu] ....I will have my own....
[03:01] > Sailor Anzu holds up a small capsule, looking at the green liquid inside
[03:02] [Sailor Anzu] ...just waiting to be born
[03:03] [Sailor Anzu] ☠ hehehehe ☠
[03:05] [Sailor Anzu] oh.......such sweet chances...
[03:06] [Sailor Anzu] oh my dear shana...if only you knew
[03:07] > Sailor Anzu puts the hairs into the capsule and smiles to herself, kissing the notebook
[03:08] [Sailor Anzu] now...to get to work.....
[03:08] <-- Sailor Anzu has left #reddwarfmain (......oh yes)
[11:55] --> Arru (gown) [Shadowdemon@hellsgates.com] has joined #reddwarfmain
[11:55] [@HOL_6000] Intruder Alert! Arru (gown) detected!
[11:56] > Arru (gown) appears holding a few pieces of paper
[11:56] > Arru (gown) sets mode +love
[11:56] [Arru (gown)] ❧ humm ❧
[12:01] > Arru (gown) plays with her collar absently
[12:05] > Arru (gown) sighs putting the paper away
[12:05] <-- Arru (gown) [Shadowdemon@hellsgates.com] has left #reddwarfmain (time to set some traps~ ♡)
[12:06] --> Arru (gown) [Shadowdemon@hellsgates.com] has joined #reddwarfmain
[12:06] [@HOL_6000] Intruder Alert! Arru (gown) detected!
[12:07] > Arru (gown) dropped a piece of paper
[12:08] > TheHunterKiller is watching from a shadowy corner
[12:09] > Arru (gown) sets mode +love
[12:09] > Arru (gown) senses them now
[12:09] [Arru (gown)] ❧ Hello~ ❧
[12:09] > Arru (gown) floats towards them
[12:10] > Arru (gown) giggles floating in front of them now
[12:10] [TheHunterKiller] Hello.
[12:10] [Arru (gown)] ❧ How are you this day? ❧
[12:12] [TheHunterKiller] Fine.
[12:13] [Arru (gown)] ❧ That's good ;) ❧
[12:14] > Arru (gown) giggles watching them
[12:17] [Arru (gown)] ❧ Sooooooo ❧
[12:17] [TheHunterKiller] You are rather flighty, aren't you?
[12:18] [Arru (gown)] ❧ I am what I am ♡~ ❧
[12:22] [Arru (gown)] ❧ And you are quite quiet ❧
[12:24] > TheHunterKiller shrugs
[12:28] [Arru (gown)] ❧ You're old, arn't you? ❧
[12:29] [TheHunterKiller] Around here, perhaps not so much.
[12:32] [Arru (gown)] ❧ True true.. ❧
[12:32] > Arru (gown) sits up and floats there nodding
[12:33] [Arru (gown)] ❧ It seems this ship..this thing attracts power I have yet to figure out why ❧
[12:33] [TheHunterKiller] Collections of people.
[12:35] [TheHunterKiller] The right or wrong people together, you can feel it a world away.
[12:38] [Arru (gown)] ❧ yep ♡ ❧
[12:41] > TheHunterKiller sits on the bar and proceeds to clean a heavy katar
[12:44] [Arru (gown)] ❧ Niiiice~ ❧
[12:45] > Arru (gown) looks at her papers once more
[12:46] [TheHunterKiller] Very.~
[12:47] [Arru (gown)] ❧ I have to hurry up and try and capture one of the fiancee's so I can destroy them~ ❧
[12:49] [TheHunterKiller] Fiancee's?
[12:52] [Arru (gown)] ❧ Yes my other half has 4 of them I can pick and chooose from ❧
[12:54] [TheHunterKiller] I see.
[13:01] > Arru (gown) thinks
[13:02] [TheHunterKiller] Do you smell smoke?
[13:12] > Arru (gown) sniffs the air
[13:12] [Arru (gown)] ❧ humm a little bit nothing much though ❧
[13:14] [TheHunterKiller] Really?
[13:16] [Arru (gown)] ❧ yes ❧
[13:16] [TheHunterKiller] You're hair is on fire.
[13:17] > Arru (gown) turns around and sighs grabbing it and smacking it a few times
[13:17] [Arru (gown)] ❧ damn fire ❧
[13:20] [TheHunterKiller] Don't you have fire powers?
[13:20] [Arru (gown)] ❧ A bit, mostly hell fire ❧
[13:25] [TheHunterKiller] Hm. Play time.
[13:26] <-- TheHunterKiller [weapon@otherworld.net] has left #reddwarfmain (Who Hunts the Hunter?)
[13:30] --> Shana Alcot [evilscientist@japanlab.net] has joined #reddwarfmain
[13:30] [@HOL_6000] Intruder Alert! Shana Alcot detected!
[13:30] [Shana Alcot] ❧ Hey there lover ♡ ❧
[13:35] [Arru (gown)] ❧ Hey Shana ♡ ❧
[13:36] > Arru (gown) giggles flying over toward her
[13:36] > Shana Alcot walks over and gives Arru a rather forceful kiss
[13:36] > Arru (gown) accepts the kiss happily
[13:36] [Shana Alcot] How is the sexy ray of darkness today?
[13:38] [Arru (gown)] ❧ Haaaappy ♡♡~ ❧
[13:38] > Arru (gown) clings to Shana
[13:38] [Shana Alcot] Oh yeah? Do tell...
[13:39] > Arru (gown) nips at Shana's ear
[13:39] [Arru (gown)] ❧ I made Oppiz mine ♡~ ❧
[13:39] [Shana Alcot] Did you now?
[13:40] > Arru (gown) humms happily
[13:40] [Arru (gown)] ❧ So how has Anzu been with you? ❧
[13:44] [Shana Alcot] Not quite as rough as Oppiz, but very very pleasent.
[13:46] [Shana Alcot] I think Anzu is liking the idea of me having this child
[13:47] [Arru (gown)] ❧ Arzu my pet seemed a little...off when I told her of this child ❧
[13:47] > Arru (gown) frowns
[13:47] [Shana Alcot] Awww
[13:48] [Arru (gown)] ❧ I have a feeling she's going to try something ❧
[13:48] > Shana Alcot gives Arru a squeeze and nibbles lightly at her neck
[13:48] > Arru (gown) shivers happily
[13:48] [Arru (gown)] ❧ mmhmm♡♡ ❧
[13:49] [Arru (gown)] ❧ ..but Oppiz isn't the type to let her do anything anyway.... ❧
[13:50] > Arru (gown) lightly digs her nails into Shana's back
[13:50] > Shana Alcot gasps a bit with a grin
[13:50] [Arru (gown)] ❧ Shana...he told me something last night... ❧
[13:51] [Shana Alcot] ❧ Mmmm... what's that? ❧
[13:51] [Arru (gown)] ❧ The baby may have side effects to you. ❧
[13:51] [Arru (gown)] ❧ It could leave you Steril or kill you but that's kind of for regular mortals ❧
[13:52] [Shana Alcot] Yeah... he told me about that.....
[13:52] > Arru (gown) bites lightly at the base of Shana's neck
[13:55] > Shana Alcot giggles
[13:55] [Arru (gown)] ❧ How do you think you'll handle it? ❧
[13:58] [Shana Alcot] Hopefully well..... maybe I can learn an incantation or two in order to keep me alive.
[13:59] [Arru (gown)] ❧ It'll probably be painful for me but I don't think it'll lkill me ❧
[14:00] > Arru (gown) giggles
[14:00] > Arru (gown) touches Shana's face
[14:01] [Arru (gown)] ❧ :( I wish you were mine as well ❧
[14:01] [Shana Alcot] ❧ That's sweet of you.... but I belong to Anzu ❧
[14:02] [Shana Alcot] ❧ But we can still play with each other ^_~ ❧
[14:04] [Arru (gown)] ❧ Yes true ❧
[14:05] [Arru (gown)] ❧ Oppiz got this collar on me so he sorta owns me now ❧
[14:08] [Arru (gown)] ❧ Unsure if I like that or not tee hee ❧
[14:11] [Shana Alcot] I think it's nice to be property
[14:11] [Shana Alcot] ❧ Makes me feel like I'm worth something~ ❧
[14:11] [Arru (gown)] ❧ I've never been owned before cuz I've never let anybody own me ❧
[14:12] > Arru (gown) slips her hand up Shana's back
[14:13] [Shana Alcot] ❧ Mmmm... ❧
[14:13] [Arru (gown)] ❧ But I don't seem to mind to much if he does~ ❧
[14:16] > Shana Alcot grins and wraps her arms around Arru, lightly pulling her hair
[14:16] [Shana Alcot] ❧ Let's go find somewhere to have some fun and make a mess ^_~ ❧
[14:16] [Arru (gown)] ❧ mmhmm I think you want some alone time? ❧
[14:16] [Arru (gown)] ❧ What I was thinking ~_^ ❧
[14:17] > Shana Alcot lets go of Arru, but leans in and lightly bites her ear before walking away with a wink
[14:18] [Arru (gown)] ❧ mmhmm *rubs her ear following Shana* ❧
[14:18] <-- Arru (gown) [Shadowdemon@hellsgates.com] has left #reddwarfmain (how much of a mess do you want us to make? ~_^)
[14:18] <-- Shana Alcot [evilscientist@japanlab.net] has left #reddwarfmain (that depends on how much fun we plan on having ♡ ^_~)
[16:11] --> Lilithin (gown) [sisterlydevil@hell.net] has joined #reddwarfmain
[16:11] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Lilithin (gown)
[16:11] > Lilithin (gown) appears in black flames
[16:11] > Lilithin (gown) humms walking over to the bar and looking at what they have..
[16:14] > Lilithin (gown) sets mode +angst
[16:14] [Lilithin (gown)] ☠ hummm....pina coladas, that is all? ☠
[16:15] [Lilithin (gown)] ☠ How bothersome... ☠
[16:15] > Lilithin (gown) sits on a barstool frowning
[16:16] [Lilithin (gown)] ☠ I come here to relax and see what's going on and I don't get any wine... ☠
[16:18] --> Oppiz Bus [BurntIce@Oranbega.net] has joined #reddwarfmain
[16:18] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +o to Oppiz Bus
[16:18] [@HOL_6000] Intruder Alert! @Oppiz Bus detected!
[16:18] [@Oppiz Bus] Yeah, its pretty much gone. Tho we have a s[BLEEP]tton of pina coladas now.
[16:19] [Lilithin (gown)] ☠ I see that ☠
[16:19] [@HOL_6000] Lilithin (gown): normal is not a valid text mode.
[16:19] --> Sailor Anzu has joined #reddwarfmain
[16:19] [@HOL_6000] Intruder Alert! Sailor Anzu detected!
[16:19] > Sailor Anzu is sitting in a corner
[16:19] > Lilithin (gown) sets mode -angst
[16:20] > Lilithin (gown) notices something odd about Oppiz
[16:20] > Lilithin (gown) also notices someone enter the room
[16:20] [@Oppiz Bus] (( brb ))
[16:21] > Sailor Anzu playing with some steel balls
[16:23] > TheHunterKiller snags one of the steel balls from Anzu and weighs it in her hand
[16:23] > Sailor Anzu just smiles to herself
[16:24] > Lilithin (gown) watches the room
[16:25] [TheHunterKiller] And how are you with these?
[16:25] [Sailor Anzu] hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm?
[16:26] > @Oppiz Bus cracks his neck and adjusts the collar around it.
[16:28] [Lilithin (gown)] ...why are you wearing one of my collars?
[16:28] > Lilithin (gown) pulls the loop of it lightly
[16:28] [TheHunterKiller] What can you do with them.
[16:28] > Sailor Anzu smiles
[16:28] > @Oppiz Bus grins.
[16:29] [Lilithin (gown)] I was told 3 of them disappeared recently, plus a set of chains and a few whips of mine
[16:30] [@Oppiz Bus] You have some interesting toys..
[16:30] > ~Cloaked Figure comes in, hands Anzu a cup of tea and wanders back out
[16:30] [Lilithin (gown)] Yes it is my job to punish those who enter the 9th circle severly
[16:31] > Sailor Anzu smiles and sips her tea
[16:31] > TheHunterKiller sits near the back of the room
[16:33] > Lilithin (gown) frowns taking a pina colada and sips on it. "You do know it's not removable then?"
[16:34] [@Oppiz Bus] So I've heard. I'm not concerned. It doesnt carry any other enchantments on it, does it?
[16:34] [Lilithin (gown)] No. Those are just to keep the person in place so I can destroy them as slow or fast as I want without them getting away.
[16:35] [@Oppiz Bus] I see. I thought it was odd that you'd have so many for such a simple purpose.
[16:35] [Lilithin (gown)] I do have collars with heavier enchantments though.
[16:35] [@Oppiz Bus] Such as?
[16:35] [TheHunterKiller] These things hold your prey still?
[16:36] > Sailor Anzu sips her tea quietly
[16:39] [Lilithin (gown)] There is one that eats away at the wearers sanity till there is nothing left, another makes them feel starved no matter how much they've eaten, another, a person favorite of mine, makes them relive their worst nightmare over and over
[16:39] > TheHunterKiller raises an eyebrow
[16:39] [Lilithin (gown)] THK They hold prey still with the use of my other chains as well. There are a lot of sinners in the 9th circle as of late and I have to deal with a good majority of them.
[16:40] [Lilithin (gown)] It's hard for me to go and cause punishment when they're running around and trying to hide on me
[16:40] [@Oppiz Bus] I would imagine.. its not like you release them.
[16:40] [TheHunterKiller] How can I get one?
[16:41] [Lilithin (gown)] No, the only way out of that collar is death
[16:41] [@Oppiz Bus] I meant hell.
[16:41] [Lilithin (gown)] Well it seems my daughter has been using her rights to get access to them it seems. If you want one I'm sure she can steal another for you.
[16:42] [@Oppiz Bus] Yes, I can account for two of your missing collars. The one around my neck, and the one I put around hers.
[16:43] [Lilithin (gown)] Oooh really now? And here I thought all I'd get is a grandbaby out of you two
[16:43] [TheHunterKiller] Heh.
[16:43] > ~Cloaked Figure stays near anzu
[16:43] [Sailor Anzu] hmmm
[16:45] > Sailor Anzu hands her empty cup to the figure
[16:45] [@Oppiz Bus] The sky is the limit, as it stands. I like to think of her as my slave.. tho I dare say she feels the same way toward me.
[16:45] <-- TheHunterKiller [weapon@otherworld.net] has left #reddwarfmain (Who Hunts the Hunter?)
[16:48] [Lilithin (gown)] Yes she wouldn't put that collar on something she didn't think belonged to her
[16:48] [@Oppiz Bus] I was thinking tonight I might tie her up in some barbed wire, maybe douse her in gasoline and light her on fire, then have my way with her..
[16:49] > ~Cloaked Figure shuffles off to put away the cup
[16:49] [@Oppiz Bus] Do you think she would enjoy that?
[16:52] [Lilithin (gown)] knowing my daughter she'd probably ask for more >.>
[16:52] > Sailor Anzu relaxes against the sofa
[16:53] [@Oppiz Bus] Excelent.. maybe Ill add soem salt to the mix.
[16:55] > @Oppiz Bus walks over to Anzu and looks her over.
[16:56] > Sailor Anzu just looks at Oppiz
[16:57] > @Oppiz Bus looks at Sailor Anzu
[16:57] ➣ Sailor Anzu: looking a bit like Arru but also like Matsumi (the hair), she wears her darker blond hair short and wears an alluring varation on a senshi uniform. Her eyes are a perpetually swirling red.
[16:57] > ~Cloaked Figure moves to guard Anzu....but Anzu gives her a wave of the hand to back off
[16:58] [@Oppiz Bus] Not too shabby.
[16:58] > Sailor Anzu simply smiles
[17:00] [@Oppiz Bus] Whats your story?
[17:00] > @Oppiz Bus sits next to her.
[17:00] [Lilithin (gown)] Your in a body of my daughters
[17:01] [Sailor Anzu] I am the dark shade of the child of the air
[17:02] [Sailor Anzu] I was destroyed by her and her lover.....but my love ressurrected me
[17:02] [Lilithin (gown)] Love? I thought you guys couldn't feel that
[17:04] [Sailor Anzu] what makes you think I couldn't?
[17:04] [@Oppiz Bus] I know the feeling of being felled, and restored once more. Only I was brought back in a new form.
[17:06] > Sailor Anzu simply smiles
[17:07] [@Oppiz Bus] Love is a complex thing, especally for the dark and evil.. It can be felt, but it musnt change your outlook or your motivations. It musnt weaken you.
[17:08] [Lilithin (gown)] So then do you feel love Oppiz?
[17:09] [@Oppiz Bus] No. At least not yet. Perhaps it is possible. I do not know. Lust, however.. thats different.
[17:12] [Lilithin (gown)] Yes you lust after my little Arru
[17:13] > Sailor Anzu relaxes
[17:14] [@Oppiz Bus] Yes. Does that make you uncomfortable? Thinking of me standing over your daughter, naked, degraded and beaten at my heel?
[17:15] [Lilithin (gown)] No, you guys can do what you want
[17:15] [Lilithin (gown)] Lets just say though if you ever do get to hell...
[17:15] [Lilithin (gown)] ❧ that we'll be having a nice 'friendly' chat ❧
[17:16] [@Oppiz Bus] Damn right we can.
[17:17] [@Oppiz Bus] Heh, you should know that my soul is different from that of a mortal. If Iever do go to your hell, it will be on a short trip.
[17:17] > Sailor Anzu simply taps her fingers on the chair
[17:18] [@Oppiz Bus] Something bugging you? You like what you hear?
[17:19] [Sailor Anzu] hmmmm
[17:20] [Lilithin (gown)] I can still make your short trip a living hell
[17:20] > @Oppiz Bus traces a nail along the underside of Anzu's chin.
[17:21] [@Oppiz Bus] Perhaps you feel, left out?
[17:21] > Sailor Anzu bites the finger, eyes flashing slightly
[17:23] [@Oppiz Bus] Is that a yes or a no? I can never tell anymore.
[17:23] > @Oppiz Bus doesnt flinch at the bite, seeming unconcerned.
[17:23] [@Oppiz Bus] I would just take you, but I no longer feel the need for those tactics.
[17:24] [Sailor Anzu] perhaps......you look..interesting
[17:24] [@Oppiz Bus] An understatement, I promise..
[17:25] --> Arru (robe) [Shadowdemon@hellsgates.com] has joined #reddwarfmain
[17:25] [@HOL_6000] Intruder Alert! Arru (robe) detected!
[17:25] > Arru (robe) walks in happily stretching
[17:25] > Arru (robe) sets mode +love
[17:25] [Sailor Anzu] we shall see
[17:26] > Arru (robe) walks past them to get some water
[17:27] > Lilithin (gown) sips her drink wishing it was another
[17:29] > Sailor Anzu just smiles to herself
[17:30] > Arru (robe) comes back with two bottles of water in hand sipping on one
[17:32] [Arru (robe)] ❧ Hiiii~ ❧
[17:33] [Sailor Anzu] hello
[17:37] > Arru (robe) winks at Anzu
[17:38] > Sailor Anzu simply smiles and gives a little wave
[17:39] > ~Cloaked Figure stays near Anzu
[17:39] > @Oppiz Bus leans in, and bites on Anzu's ear.
[17:40] > Sailor Anzu puts a nailed finger against oppiz's cheek...give a slow scrap
[17:40] > Arru (robe) watches them
[17:41] [Sailor Anzu] ☠ like playing dangerious? ☠
[17:42] > @Oppiz Bus withdrawls and looks at her.
[17:42] [@Oppiz Bus] Theres no other way..
[17:43] [Sailor Anzu] true.....so true...heh
[17:44] > Arru (robe) is holding her bottle quite tightly...almost crushing it
[17:46] > Sailor Anzu curls a bit of dark energy around her finger
[17:46] [@Oppiz Bus] You like to.. play with fire?
[17:47] [Sailor Anzu] I play with everything....
[17:47] [~Cloaked Figure] ME looks towards Arru
[17:47] > ~Cloaked Figure ^
[17:48] [Arru (robe)] ☠ ..Well I'll be getting back to SHANA now.. ☠
[17:48] [@Oppiz Bus] Leaving so soon?
[17:49] > Sailor Anzu just looks at arru......
[17:49] > Arru (robe) glares back at Anzu
[17:50] [Arru (robe)] ❧ And what perchance would be my reason to stay dear? ❧
[17:50] > @Oppiz Bus walks over to her, grabs her by the collar, and drags her over to the couch.
[17:51] > Arru (robe) is dragged over to the couch
[17:52] > @Oppiz Bus throws Arru to the floor and props his feet up on her.
[17:52] [Sailor Anzu] it seems someone has a temper
[17:52] [@Oppiz Bus] You will go when I SAY you can go.
[17:53] > Arru (robe) reaches up and digs her nails into the side of his leg
[17:53] [@Oppiz Bus] No, Anzu, where were we?
[17:53] [@Oppiz Bus] *Now
[17:53] [Sailor Anzu] talking about playing with fire
[17:54] [Arru (robe)] ❧ Really now? ❧
[17:55] > Sailor Anzu smiles
[17:56] [@Oppiz Bus] Indeed...
[17:57] [Sailor Anzu] I........can be......quite dangerious
[17:58] [@Oppiz Bus] Indeed. I wouldnt mind dragging you back to an empty room... they seem to be uninhabbitable whenever I finish with one... and showing you real pain and suffering..
[17:59] [Sailor Anzu] I can show you.....a new sense..of hurt
[18:00] [@Oppiz Bus] Arru and I.. we are very agressive, very difficult... 'lovers' for want of a better term.
[18:00] > Arru (robe) slams her fist into his knee again
[18:01] [Sailor Anzu] you've never met me...
[18:01] > @Oppiz Bus responds by kicking her in the jaw.
[18:01] [@Oppiz Bus] Incorrect. I've met you once. You stand before me.
[18:02] > Arru (robe) falls down
[18:03] [Sailor Anzu] true...quite true heh
[18:03] > Arru (robe) tries rolling out from under his legs
[18:03] > Sailor Anzu grins...
[18:06] [Sailor Anzu] you sound fun
[18:06] > @Oppiz Bus lets her.
[18:07] > Arru (robe) stands up
[18:08] [@Oppiz Bus] We are.. very much so.
[18:08] [Arru (robe)] ❧ Yes... ❧
[18:09] > Arru (robe) giggles lightly
[18:09] > Sailor Anzu smiles slowly ".....I enjoy fun...."
[18:10] > Arru (robe) feels oddly happy..
[18:11] > Sailor Anzu 's dark energy slowly leetches around her
[18:14] > Sailor Anzu taps her fingers along her cheek
[18:15] [@Oppiz Bus] Nice trick..
[18:15] > @Oppiz Bus creates a slightly different dark aura, and raises several darkly glowign tentacles around them all from the floor.
[18:16] > Sailor Anzu simply smiles
[18:16] [Sailor Anzu] quite nice
[18:16] [Arru (robe)] ❧ Oooh you haven't tried those on me dear ❧
[18:16] > Arru (robe) touches one of the tentacles
[18:17] > @Oppiz Bus 's tentacle gives just the slightest drain on the energy of her soul.
[18:17] > Sailor Anzu just sips her tea......
[18:18] > Sailor Anzu tosses teh cup at the floor
[18:19] [Sailor Anzu] heh
[18:19] [@Oppiz Bus] I think I will do that tonight... care to join us, Anzu?
[18:20] [Sailor Anzu] well....if..I certainly am not intruding..
[18:20] > ~Cloaked Figure looks towards Anzu for instructions
[18:20] [@Oppiz Bus] Heh... my, you're a polite one.
[18:21] [Arru (robe)] ❧ heh ♡~ ❧
[18:21] > @Oppiz Bus slowly leans in, face to face with her.
[18:21] > @Oppiz Bus whispers "I enjoy breaking down the polite, sophisticaed ones.."
[18:21] > Sailor Anzu just smiles........
[18:21] [Sailor Anzu] not if I break you down first...heh
[18:21] > Arru (robe) 's aura begins to darken the room sucking all the light from it
[18:23] [Arru (robe)] ❧ Do what you want~ ❧
[18:24] [@Oppiz Bus] Oh, I intend to. In good time.
[18:26] > Sailor Anzu waves the figure away
[18:26] <-- ~Cloaked Figure has left #reddwarfmain (*leaves*)
[18:26] [Arru (robe)] ☠ Well then excuse me ☠
[18:27] > @Oppiz Bus waves a hand, and soul tentacles rise from the floor, binding Arru.
[18:28] > Arru (robe) gasps in pain and shock by the binding
[18:29] > Sailor Anzu watches all this
[18:29] > @Oppiz Bus makes another motion, the tentacles circle Arru, and dark energies cause her to float a few feet off the ground, spinning briskly on every axis.
[18:29] [@Oppiz Bus] What did I JUST say?
[18:30] [Arru (robe)] ❧ Ooh but dear I have Anzu's shana bound a few doors down ❧
[18:30] [@Oppiz Bus] I see..
[18:30] > Arru (robe) twirls happily though
[18:30] > Sailor Anzu looks at Arru
[18:30] [@Oppiz Bus] Then you may go. Return once you have finished with her, and make damn sure you have enough energy for later on.
[18:31] > @Oppiz Bus releases her.
[18:31] [Arru (robe)] ❧ And why should I listen to you honey? ❧
[18:31] [@Oppiz Bus] Because Im the only one who can really hurt you.
[18:32] [Arru (robe)] ❧ Did I say that..? ❧
[18:33] > Arru (robe) giggles
[18:34] [@Oppiz Bus] I beleive you did.
[18:34] [Arru (robe)] ❧ We'll see ~_^ ❧
[18:35] > Sailor Anzu smiles to herself
[18:36] [Arru (robe)] ❧ I'd be more afraid of you not being able to have the energy ❧
[18:36] > Arru (robe) sticks her tongue out at Oppiz and disappears
[18:36] [@Oppiz Bus] I promise you, tonight will be the most exausting night of your existance.
[18:36] [@Oppiz Bus] Now go to your mate.
[18:37] <-- Arru (robe) [Shadowdemon@hellsgates.com] has left #reddwarfmain (when you have no loyalty to me why should I have to you dear ~_^ ♡)
[18:37] [Sailor Anzu] hmmmmm
[18:38] > Sailor Anzu looks to Oppiz
[18:39] [Sailor Anzu] well well well..
[18:41] [@Oppiz Bus] sYou look like a woman who knows what true power is..
[18:42] [Sailor Anzu] I try to.....*smiles* I have had my dabblings
[18:42] [@Oppiz Bus] Tell me, do you like power? Does it.. attract you?
[18:42] [Sailor Anzu] power always attracts me...
[18:44] > Sailor Anzu cracks her fingers
[18:46] > Sailor Anzu smiles
[18:47] [@Oppiz Bus] I can show you great power.. terrible power..
[18:48] [Sailor Anzu] horrible power?
[18:50] [@Oppiz Bus] Indeed... power to hurt, to harm, to kill.. to fufill your destiny.
[18:50] [Sailor Anzu] it sounds.....alluring
[18:51] > Sailor Anzu grins
[18:52] [@Oppiz Bus] Would you like to see this power? Experience it?
[18:52] [Sailor Anzu] oh....certainly *smiles*
[18:54] [@Oppiz Bus] Perhaps first.. I should experience YOUR power...
[18:54] > Sailor Anzu 's red pupils slightly swirl
[18:54] > @Oppiz Bus stands.
[18:54] [@Oppiz Bus] Come, and show me what you got.
[18:55] > Sailor Anzu stands "oh.....I SHALL"
[18:56] > Sailor Anzu grins widly
[18:57] <-- Sailor Anzu has left #reddwarfmain (....you shall see the power of the beast Anzu)
[18:57] <-- @Oppiz Bus [BurntIce@Oranbega.net] has left #reddwarfmain (Spiral to destruction, it's too late to break the spell; He wants the ride to stop on the freight train straight to hell.)
[22:04] --> Arru (robe) [Shadowdemon@hellsgates.com] has joined #reddwarfmain
[22:04] [@HOL_6000] Intruder Alert! Arru (robe) detected!
[22:05] > Arru (robe) walks in and sits down on the couch
[22:05] > Arru (robe) sets mode +love
[22:06] > Arru (robe) absently fiddles with the loop on her collar frowning a little
[22:08] > Arru (robe) sighs unsure why she's feeling so agitated
[22:10] > Arru (robe) picks up a coffee mug on the table in front of her and throws it logging it into the tv.
[22:12] [Arru (robe)] ☠ ...why... ☠
[22:16] > Arru (robe) growls under her breath
[22:18] --> Sailor Arzu has joined #reddwarfmain
[22:18] [@HOL_6000] Intruder Alert! Sailor Arzu detected!
[22:18] [Sailor Arzu] hiiiiya
[22:18] [Arru (robe)] ❧ ..oh hello pet ❧
[22:19] > Sailor Arzu blinks "sumething wrooong?"
[22:20] [Arru (robe)] ☠ I do not know... ☠
[22:20] [Sailor Arzu] ❧ want me to take care of someone?? ❧
[22:21] [Arru (robe)] ❧ ...someone... ❧
[22:21] > Arru (robe) sighs rubbing her head
[22:21] [Arru (robe)] ❧ I do not know what has come over me recently my Arzu ❧
[22:22] [Arru (robe)] ❧ Come sit ❧