[01:52] >>> Sunday Sep 23 2007 – Automatic reset triggered – Logging Start <<<
[01:52] [+Vanadine (Hologram)] Yeah Nate, you have a cute little kitty to go home to
[01:53] [+David O'Cain] Night, Vana. Hope you sleep well after work.
[01:53] <-- +David O'Cain has left #reddwarfmain (Tired.)
[01:53] [+Vanadine (Hologram)] G'night Davey, Sweet dreams :)
[01:54] > @Nate Detroit (PJs) kisses Matsumi, then breaks it and kisses her again.
[01:54] > +Vanadine (Hologram) giggles at Nate and Matsumi
[01:54] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] That second one is for you Vana. Im trusting Matsumi to deliver it.
[01:55] <-- @Nate Detroit (PJs) [SmashChamp@reddwarf.com] has left #reddwarfmain (ung... I really do need sleep....)
[01:55] > +Vanadine (Hologram) giggles and winks: I'm sure she will Nate. G'night and give Kitty-chan a kiss for me.
[01:55] [+Vanadine (Hologram)] Well, Sweety. You should head home and get ready to greet me. I'll be coming home soon.
[01:56] [+Matsumi Kaze (Undies)] alright....
[01:57] > +Vanadine (Hologram) stands and blows a kiss to Matsumi: See you ina little while Sweety. Love you
[01:57] [+Matsumi Kaze (Undies)] seeya..love you too ^^
[01:57] <-- +Matsumi Kaze (Undies) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has left #reddwarfmain (heading home)
[01:57] > +Vanadine (Hologram) pushes a button on her ear and fades
[01:58] [+Vanadine (Hologram)] Me too, pretty soon
[01:58] [+Vanadine (Hologram)] ?part ^
[01:58] <-- +Vanadine (Hologram) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has left #reddwarfmain (^/^)
[19:24] --> Matsumi Kaze (Leotard) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has joined #reddwarfmain
[19:24] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Matsumi Kaze (Leotard)
[19:24] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Matsumi Kaze (Leotard)
[19:24] > +Matsumi Kaze (Leotard) flips in and lands on her feet
[19:24] [+Matsumi Kaze (Leotard)] hmm..
[19:25] > +Matsumi Kaze (Leotard) does a cartwell and tries to do a back flip at the same time but lands on her back "ow ><..grrrrr"
[19:32] > +Matsumi Kaze (Leotard) does some kicking
[19:35] [+Matsumi Kaze (Leotard)] *sweats a bit* man....
[19:37] > +Matsumi Kaze (Leotard) sits on the floor
[19:41] --> Nate Detroit [SmashChamp@reddwarf.com] has joined #reddwarfmain
[19:41] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +o to Nate Detroit
[19:41] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, @Nate Detroit
[19:41] [@Nate Detroit] Hello.. whats all this then?
[19:41] [+Matsumi Kaze (Leotard)] trying to get stronger again
[19:42] > +Matsumi Kaze (Leotard) is in a green leotard and is all sweaty
[19:42] [@Nate Detroit] Not just for me I hope..
[19:42] [+Matsumi Kaze (Leotard)] no..just in case I have to fight vana as well
[19:43] [@Nate Detroit] Heh.. Maybe you'd prefer to train in private..
[19:44] [+Matsumi Kaze (Leotard)] hmm?
[19:45] [@Nate Detroit] Id have an edge if I know what to expect.
[19:46] [+Matsumi Kaze (Leotard)] yeah..well..I've finished for the day right now...cooling down right now
[19:47] [@Nate Detroit] Ah. Very good.
[19:48] > +Matsumi Kaze (Leotard) lays on the floor looking up
[19:53] [@Nate Detroit] Can I get you anything?
[19:54] [+Matsumi Kaze (Leotard)] something to drink please...*catches her breath*
[19:54] > @Nate Detroit gets Matsumi a cold ginger ale and places it by her side.
[19:55] > +Matsumi Kaze (Leotard) takes it and sips it as best she can laying down
[19:56] > +Matsumi Kaze (Leotard) puts it back down, still catching her breath
[19:57] [@Nate Detroit] Your really working hard, Princess..
[19:59] [+Matsumi Kaze (Leotard)] I have to...
[19:59] [+Matsumi Kaze (Leotard)] gah..now my legs are sore
[20:00] --> Vanadine (Uniform) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has joined #reddwarfmain
[20:00] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Vanadine (Uniform)
[20:00] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Vanadine (Uniform)
[20:01] > +Matsumi Kaze (Leotard) is on the floor, sweaty and panting
[20:01] [+Vanadine (Uniform)] Hallo
[20:02] [+Matsumi Kaze (Leotard)] hi..vana
[20:02] > +Vanadine (Uniform) grins and winks at Matsumi: Look at my Sweety.... wearin' a skin tight suit. Sexy. ^_~
[20:03] [@Nate Detroit] And covered in sweat.
[20:03] [+Matsumi Kaze (Leotard)] wish I could get up and hug you welcome
[20:04] [+Vanadine (Uniform)] Hi Nate
[20:05] [+Vanadine (Uniform)] Awww, you want me to come pick you up, sweety?
[20:06] [+Matsumi Kaze (Leotard)] yeah...I'm so sore
[20:08] > +Vanadine (Uniform) walks over, bends down and scoops Matsumi up off the floor
[20:09] > +Matsumi Kaze (Leotard) tries to put her arms around vana..but they're too sore
[20:10] > +Vanadine (Uniform) sits down on the sofa and lays Matsumi across the sofa, with Matsumi's head on her lap
[20:11] [+Matsumi Kaze (Leotard)] thankies
[20:11] > +Vanadine (Uniform) lightly strokes Matsumi's hair: Of course, Sweety
[20:12] [+Matsumi Kaze (Leotard)] ..how was your day?
[20:13] [+Vanadine (Uniform)] Alright. Kinda' boring, but easy.
[20:14] [+Matsumi Kaze (Leotard)] awwww.....again..wish I could hug you
[20:17] > +Vanadine (Uniform) bends down and kisses Matsumi: It's ok Sweety
[20:17] > +Matsumi Kaze (Leotard) returns the kiss
[20:19] [+Matsumi Kaze (Leotard)] this leotard doesn't feel nice when I'm sweaty >>
[20:20] [+Vanadine (Uniform)] Awww, maybe you should change.
[20:21] [+Matsumi Kaze (Leotard)] yeah.....
[20:21] > +Matsumi Kaze (Leotard) stands and winces as she gets on her feet
[20:22] > +Vanadine (Uniform) stands behind Matsumi: You want some help hon?
[20:22] [+Matsumi Kaze (Leotard)] no...no..I'll be fine
[20:24] > +Matsumi Kaze (Leotard) walks to her quarters in pain
[20:24] > +Matsumi Kaze (Leotard) is away: owies T_T
[20:24] > +Vanadine (Uniform) sighs and plops on the sofa
[20:29] > +Matsumi Kaze can be heard giving a yelp of surpise!
[20:29] [@Nate Detroit] Poor thing..
[20:30] > ~a rather pissed looking blond furred cat wanders in
[20:31] [+Vanadine (Uniform)] What the!?
[20:31] > @Nate Detroit raises an eyebrow.
[20:31] [+Vanadine (Uniform)] Another cat on this ship? And this one doesn't look happy.
[20:33] > ~blond furred cat wanders up and looks up at vana
[20:33] [+Vanadine (Uniform)] Hi Kitty kitty... aren't you cute. ^_^
[20:33] > ~blond furred cat jumps into vana's lap
[20:34] [+Vanadine (Uniform)] Hehe, you're pretty friendly
[20:34] > ~blond has a green symbol on her forehead
[20:34] [@Nate Detroit] Vana... that shade of blonde doesnt look too familiar to you, does it?
[20:35] [+Vanadine (Uniform)] It does kinda..... and she's got this little symbol on her head that looks... kinda' ... like....
[20:35] [@Nate Detroit] Oh crap...
[20:35] > +Matsumi Kaze (cat) frowns
[20:36] [+Vanadine (Uniform)] Sweety???
[20:36] > @Nate Detroit gets up, pulls his sunglasses out of his pocket, and runs down the hallway.
[20:36] > +Matsumi Kaze (cat) nods
[20:36] > @Nate Detroit is away: Who did this?!
[20:37] [+Matsumi Kaze (cat)] ☇ ....stupid freya did this to me....after I stepped on her tail >> ☇
[20:37] [+Vanadine (Uniform)] Freya did this?
[20:38] [+Matsumi Kaze (cat)] ☇ yeah..she is in a bad mood today... ☇
[20:39] [+Vanadine (Uniform)] Oh my
[20:39] > +Vanadine (Uniform) starts absently petting Matsumi
[20:39] [+Matsumi Kaze (cat)] ☇ are you upset,vana? ☇
[20:40] > +Matsumi Kaze (cat) purrrrs at vana's touch
[20:40] [+Vanadine (Uniform)] What makes you think that, sweety
[20:40] [+Matsumi Kaze (cat)] ☇ I don't know..hell..I haven't even tried talking yet.....should I try it? ☇
[20:41] [+Vanadine (Uniform)] Go for it. Couldn't hurt
[20:41] > @Nate Detroit comes back, nursing a cut.
[20:41] [+Matsumi Kaze (cat)] ...vana
[20:41] [+Matsumi Kaze (cat)] hey..I can talk ^^
[20:41] [@Nate Detroit] That mangy furball...
[20:41] [+Vanadine (Uniform)] Hi ^_^
[20:41] [+Matsumi Kaze (cat)] told you she was in a bad mood, nate
[20:42] > +Vanadine (Uniform) tickles under Matsumi's chin lightly
[20:42] > +Matsumi Kaze (cat) paws at vana's face
[20:42] > +Matsumi Kaze (cat) giggles and licks vana's fingers
[20:42] [@Nate Detroit] You did?
[20:42] > +Vanadine (Uniform) giggles
[20:43] [+Matsumi Kaze (cat)] or maybe that was vana *can still talk ever as a cat*
[20:43] [+Matsumi Kaze (cat)] I'm surpised she didn't put the curse on you, nate :P wonder what you would look like :P
[20:45] [@Nate Detroit] I think she knew that if she did, she would have been a fireball running away, instead of a furball.
[20:45] > +Matsumi Kaze (cat) jumps onto vana's head
[20:45] > +Vanadine (Uniform) giggles and reaches up to pet Matsumi's head
[20:47] > +Matsumi Kaze (cat) purrs "so nice...I don't seem to be upset anymore"
[20:48] > +Vanadine (Uniform) lightly scratches behind Matsumi's ears: That's good to hear.
[20:49] [+Matsumi Kaze (cat)] ❧ puuuuuuur ❧
[20:49] [+Matsumi Kaze (cat)] though I wish I had someone my size :P
[20:49] > +Vanadine (Uniform) giggles
[20:49] [@Nate Detroit] Well, looks like your having fun, so I wont hunt her down just yet.
[20:50] [+Matsumi Kaze (cat)] ^^
[20:50] > +Vanadine (Uniform) lifts Matsumi off of her head and places her lightly on her lap
[20:51] [+Matsumi Kaze (cat)] was my comment that funny, vana?
[20:53] [+Vanadine (Uniform)] It was kinda' cute
[20:54] [+Matsumi Kaze (cat)] but I kind of meant it
[20:55] [+Vanadine (Uniform)] Awww, I'm sorry.
[20:55] [+Matsumi Kaze (cat)] it's ok
[20:55] > +Matsumi Kaze (cat) paws again at vana
[20:56] > +Vanadine (Uniform) pets Matsumi with a smile: This is nice though.
[20:56] [+Matsumi Kaze (cat)] mmm ^^
[20:58] > Catgirl1 (cat) sneaks behind vana and touches her with her paw "this ought to fix matsumi's lonelyness"
[21:00] [+Vanadine (Uniform)] What the....? *suddenly shrinks and vanishes under her clothes*
[21:00] <-- Catgirl1 (cat) [sexycat@QuinoxRoyal.com] has left #reddwarfmain (gone)
[21:00] [+Matsumi Kaze (cat)] vana!?
[21:00] > +Matsumi Kaze (cat) looks over to nate
[21:01] [@Nate Detroit] O_o grr...
[21:01] [+Matsumi Kaze (cat)] vana? vana!? *digs through the clothes*
[21:01] > +Vanadine (cat) has been changed into a small red fured cat with a long tail, diging her way out of the clothes pile that is her uniform
[21:02] [+Vanadine (cat)] What the hell happened?
[21:02] [+Matsumi Kaze (cat)] vana!...*looks at her*
[21:04] [+Vanadine (cat)] What Sweety?
[21:04] [+Vanadine (cat)] Who the hell droped a pile of clothes on me? I'm gonna' need to kick someone's ass!
[21:04] [+Matsumi Kaze (cat)] do you notice....you're my height
[21:04] [@Nate Detroit] You two.. ok?
[21:05] [+Vanadine (cat)] I am? Oh yeah... I am. Wait a second....
[21:05] [+Vanadine (cat)] ... does that mean.... I'm.....?
[21:06] > +Matsumi Kaze (cat) smiles, looking at vana
[21:06] > +Matsumi Kaze (cat) nuzzles vana "look at that mirror over there"
[21:06] > +Vanadine (cat) looks at the mirror and notices her change
[21:06] [+Vanadine (cat)] FREYA!!!!!!
[21:07] [+Matsumi Kaze (cat)] awww..but vana...
[21:07] > +Matsumi Kaze (cat) wanders over to vana
[21:08] > +Vanadine (cat) is seething in anger
[21:08] [@Nate Detroit] Want me to hunt her down, Vana?
[21:08] > +Matsumi Kaze (cat) walks over to vana and nuzzles her
[21:09] [+Vanadine (cat)] Nah.... I'll find her myself and claw her f[BLEEP]kin' eyes out!
[21:09] > +Matsumi Kaze (cat) suddenly bites vana's tail
[21:09] [+Vanadine (cat)] Ouch!! Sweety!?
[21:10] [+Matsumi Kaze (cat)] vana..I think I know why she did this to you......it's my fault
[21:11] [+Matsumi Kaze (cat)] .....remember when I said I was lonely cause I said there was no one my size?
[21:11] [+Vanadine (cat)] Oh yeah....
[21:12] [@Nate Detroit] heh.. maybe I shoudl leave the kitties alone?
[21:12] [+Matsumi Kaze (cat)] I guess freya over heard.....and tried to help out....
[21:12] [+Matsumi Kaze (cat)] no, nate P
[21:12] [+Matsumi Kaze (cat)] *:P
[21:13] [+Vanadine (cat)] No Nate-chan..... no leaving the Kitties
[21:13] [+Matsumi Kaze (cat)] please don't be angry to freya, vana
[21:14] [+Vanadine (cat)] Well.. ok... if you say so
[21:15] > +Matsumi Kaze (cat) tackles vana :P
[21:15] [@Nate Detroit] Some how I dont think helpfulness was on her mind..
[21:15] > +Vanadine (cat) giggles and rolls around with matsumi on the sofa
[21:15] [+Matsumi Kaze (cat)] hehehehe....weeeee ^^
[21:16] > +Matsumi Kaze (cat) bumps into nate
[21:17] [@Nate Detroit] heh.. you two..
[21:17] > @Nate Detroit scratches Matsumi behind the ears.
[21:17] > +Vanadine (cat) giggles
[21:17] [+Matsumi Kaze (cat)] mwwwarrrorrr ^^
[21:18] > +Matsumi Kaze (cat) jumps onto nate's head and waves her paw at vana
[21:19] > +Vanadine (cat) licks Matsumi's paw in response
[21:19] [@Nate Detroit] huaa!
[21:19] > @Nate Detroit struggles to keep his head balanced.
[21:20] [+Matsumi Kaze (cat)] I claim Mt. Nate in the name of quinox!
[21:21] > +Vanadine (cat) sits on Nate's lap, looking up at he and Matsumi
[21:21] > @Nate Detroit struggles not to burst out laughing.
[21:22] [+Matsumi Kaze (cat)] this is quinox territory now! no vana's allowed :P
[21:23] [+Vanadine (cat)] Awww, but I'm a Quinoxion citizen too!
[21:24] [+Matsumi Kaze (cat)] but you're a vana! and no vanas!
[21:24] > +Vanadine (cat) 's ears lower and she pouts, turning and hopping down off of Nate's lap
[21:25] [+Matsumi Kaze (cat)] awwww...well...I can change the rules I suppose
[21:26] [+Matsumi Kaze (cat)] now here this! vanas are allowed on nate mt!
[21:26] > +Vanadine (cat) 's ears pirk back up and she hops back onto the sofa
[21:27] [+Matsumi Kaze (cat)] ^^ *paws at nate's nose*
[21:27] [+Vanadine (cat)] Nate's awfuly quiet
[21:28] [+Matsumi Kaze (cat)] yeah he is
[21:28] [+Matsumi Kaze (cat)] I bet..he doesn't want us kitties here!
[21:29] [+Vanadine (cat)] Awwww, maybe we should go then
[21:29] [+Matsumi Kaze (cat)] yeah...maybe we should....
[21:30] > +Vanadine (cat) turns around and lightly tickles Nate's nose with her tail
[21:31] [@Nate Detroit] ohh.. come on..
[21:31] [@Nate Detroit] heh..
[21:32] > +Matsumi Kaze (cat) joins in ^^
[21:32] [@Nate Detroit] GAHH! ehehge
[21:32] [+Matsumi Kaze (cat)] tickle!!
[21:34] [+Matsumi Kaze (cat)] you can't escape us ^^
[21:34] > +Vanadine (cat) giggles, wrapping her tail around Matsumi's
[21:34] > @Nate Detroit laughs, then gives a violent sneeze.
[21:35] > +Matsumi Kaze (cat) falls off nate and onto the floor
[21:35] > +Vanadine (cat) giggles a bit
[21:35] [+Vanadine (cat)] Sweety!
[21:36] [+Matsumi Kaze (cat)] @_@
[21:36] [@Nate Detroit] I thought they landed on their feet..
[21:37] > +Vanadine (cat) hops down and nuzzles Matsumi: Are you ok?
[21:38] [+Matsumi Kaze (cat)] a little dizzy @_@...how do cats do it?
[21:39] [+Vanadine (cat)] I wish I knew
[21:40] [+Matsumi Kaze (cat)] eep O_O
[21:40] > +Matsumi Kaze (cat) looks around worriedly
[21:41] [+Vanadine (cat)] What's wrong, Sweety?
[21:41] [+Matsumi Kaze (cat)] ...I have to go T_T
[21:42] [+Vanadine (cat)] Oh my.....
[21:42] [+Vanadine (cat)] ....how do you... do that as a cat?
[21:43] [+Matsumi Kaze (cat)] yeah >>
[21:44] [+Vanadine (cat)] Um......
[21:44] [+Vanadine (cat)] .... you think maybe you can balance yourself on the edge of the bowl?
[21:45] > +Matsumi Kaze (cat) has already run off
[21:45] > +Matsumi Kaze (cat) is away
[21:46] [+Vanadine (cat)] Oh dear
[21:50] [@Nate Detroit] hmm..
[21:50] > @Nate Detroit is away: looking.
[21:50] > +Vanadine (cat) follows behind Nate
[21:51] > ~someone suddenly grabs vana from behind
[21:51] [+Vanadine (cat)] What the!?
[21:51] > +Vanadine (cat) is away: grabbed
[21:51] [+Vanadine (cat)] (( I have to go pick up jamie from work. be back in about 20 mintues ))
[21:53] [+Matsumi Kaze] (( ok ))
[22:25] > +Matsumi Kaze is back
[22:25] > +Matsumi Kaze walks back in..a human..but hold vana in her arms
[22:26] > +Vanadine (cat) smiles: You surprised me just then.
[22:27] [+Matsumi Kaze] hehehe...aww..I'm sorry *strokes vana and holds her close*
[22:28] > +Vanadine (cat) purrs lightly and snuggles against Matsumi: Ya' know... this is kinda' nice
[22:29] [+Matsumi Kaze] oh?
[22:31] [+Matsumi Kaze] what do you mean :P
[22:32] [+Vanadine (cat)] It's relaxing.....
[22:32] > +Matsumi Kaze scraches a little behind vana's ears "heard you loved kitties"
[22:32] > +Vanadine (cat) purrs a little louder: I dooooo....
[22:33] [+Matsumi Kaze] so how do you feel about being one :P
[22:34] [+Vanadine (cat)] It's not too bad
[22:35] > +Matsumi Kaze strokes vana again "sorry I'm not a kitty anymore"
[22:38] [+Vanadine (cat)] It's ok Sweety. I like having you pet me.
[22:38] > +Matsumi Kaze giggles and snuggles vana very tightly!
[22:38] > +Vanadine (cat) purrs and snuggles back as best she can
[22:39] [+Matsumi Kaze] though I do miss my vana vana
[22:39] [+Vanadine (cat)] Awwww
[22:40] [+Vanadine (cat)] Well.... how'd you switch back?
[22:40] [+Matsumi Kaze] I used my crystal...I can do the same to you...but you'll need some clothes on hand >>
[22:42] [+Vanadine (cat)] Well, my uniform is over there.
[22:42] [+Matsumi Kaze] then you should probably crawl in there
[22:44] [+Matsumi Kaze] though I can't guarteen when you tranform you'll fit in the way you did....if you get my meaning
[22:47] > +Vanadine (cat) crawls under her uniform pile
[22:48] > +Matsumi Kaze uses her crystal to turn vana back
[22:48] > +Vanadine grows back into her uniform, sort of....
[22:49] [+Matsumi Kaze] you ok, vana?
[22:50] > +Vanadine is in her uniform pants, no socks, in her sports bra, but her shirt is laying on the side with her panties on her head
[22:50] > +Matsumi Kaze tries not to laugh
[22:52] [+Matsumi Kaze] poor vana...you ok?
[22:52] [+Vanadine] Well.... I got it half right
[22:52] [+Matsumi Kaze] how does it feel to be back to normal size
[22:53] [+Vanadine] pretty good... but where are my panties?
[22:55] [+Matsumi Kaze] on your head
[22:56] > +Vanadine pulls the panties off her head and blushes, but giggles
[22:59] > +Matsumi Kaze giggles too..."I'm going to change clothes...I'll be back"
[23:00] > +Matsumi Kaze heads to her quarters to change
[23:02] > +Vanadine sits there for a mintue, then gets up and goes to change too
[23:03] > +Matsumi Kaze (PJs) is back
[23:04] > +Matsumi Kaze (PJs) is wearing green pajamas with dark green swirl pattern along the bottom
[23:08] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] mmm..much better *gets some hot cocoa from the machine*
[23:09] > +Vanadine (PJ's) walks in, wearing her black pj's with the flame pattern
[23:09] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] hiya ^^ *sips her cocoa
[23:09] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] Hey Sweety
[23:11] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] heya..thought I should start wearing these since it's getting close to fall
[23:13] > +Vanadine (PJ's) sits on the sofa and smiles at Matsumi: Well, they look cute
[23:13] > +Matsumi Kaze (PJs) sits next to vana and sips her cocoa
[23:14] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] mmm..this is so nice
[23:15] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] are you drinking hot cocoa?
[23:15] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] mmmhmm
[23:16] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] It's still so warm out though
[23:17] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] yeah...but I was thirsty :P
[23:20] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] Okies
[23:21] > +Matsumi Kaze (PJs) leans against vana
[23:22] > +Vanadine (PJ's) pute her arm around Matsumi and smiles: Mmmm.... being kitties was fun earlier, wasn't it?
[23:24] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] heheh..yup....
[23:24] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] you know..how kitties are suppose to have extra sharp noses?
[23:28] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] mmhmm
[23:28] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] well....you smelled really good ^^
[23:29] > +Vanadine (PJ's) giggles and blushes
[23:29] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] hehe ^^
[23:35] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] You're so silly
[23:36] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] hehe *relaxes against vana*
[23:38] > +Matsumi Kaze (PJs) pokes vana's tummy
[23:40] > +Vanadine (PJ's) giggles and kisses Matsumi
[23:41] > +Matsumi Kaze (PJs) returns the kiss
[23:41] > +Vanadine (PJ's) smiles at Matsumi: You seem like you're feelin' alot better since yesterday
[23:43] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] yup.....though I should still train
[23:43] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] Maybe, but you shouldn't wear yourself out so much
[23:43] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] true....
[23:44] > +Matsumi Kaze (PJs) finishes her drink and relaxes against vana
[23:45] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] this is a nice quiet night
[23:46] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] It is....
[23:48] > +Matsumi Kaze (PJs) picks up a remote and turns on the CD player, it playing beethoven's moonlight sonata
[23:50] > +Vanadine (PJ's) snuggles against Matsumi
[23:51] > +Matsumi Kaze (PJs) snuggles back "so..am I better then your dolly :P"
[23:54] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] Of course...... the dolly can't measure up to the genuine article. ^_~
[23:54] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] of course..when you got that thing..you didn't know me :P
[23:55] > +Vanadine (PJ's) smiles and snuggles
[23:56] > +Matsumi Kaze (PJs) strokes vana's hair "so what are you doing tomorrow?"
[23:58] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] well, i'm supposed to be off... but I was asked to help with an event
[23:59] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] oh?
[00:00] >>> Monday Sep 24 2007 <<<
[00:00] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] what is the event?
[00:03] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] well, remember how they're doing wrestling shows at the studios?
[00:04] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] yeah?
[00:04] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] they want me to help with crowd control
[00:05] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] wow...can you do that?
[00:06] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] oh yeah
[00:07] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] i just have to wear a different uniform, that's all
[00:07] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] hope you don't get hurt
[00:09] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] Nah, people are usually pretty tame, from what I hear
[00:09] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] oh good
[00:09] > +Matsumi Kaze (PJs) yawns a bit
[00:12] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] Gettin' tired Sweety?
[00:12] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] yeah..I am
[00:13] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] You want me to take you home?
[00:14] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] yes please
[00:14] > +Vanadine (PJ's) scoops up Matsumi, kisses her and carries her out: Let's go sweety
[00:15] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] hehe
[00:15] <-- +Vanadine (PJ's) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has left #reddwarfmain (Gonna' put my baby to bed. ^_^)
[00:16] <-- +Matsumi Kaze (PJs) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has left #reddwarfmain (weeee ^^)
[08:22] --> Matsumi Kaze (PJs) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has joined #reddwarfmain
[08:22] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Matsumi Kaze (PJs)
[08:22] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Matsumi Kaze (PJs)
[08:22] > +Matsumi Kaze (PJs) yawns and stumbles in
[08:27] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] *yaaaawn*
[08:35] --> Vanadine (PJ's) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has joined #reddwarfmain
[08:35] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Vanadine (PJ's)
[08:35] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Vanadine (PJ's)
[08:36] > +Vanadine (PJ's) stretches as she comes in: Mmmm.... greatest part about pj's like this, is I can do my jogging and not get stared at.
[08:36] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] vana vana ~_~
[08:36] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] Mornin' Sweety
[08:37] > +Matsumi Kaze (PJs) stumbles about a bit
[08:39] > +Vanadine (PJ's) assists Matsumi over to the sofa and sits
[08:39] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] sleepy matsy ~_~
[08:41] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] Awww
[08:41] > +Vanadine (PJ's) holds Matsumi and snuggles her
[08:42] > +Matsumi Kaze (PJs) snuggles against vana, looking quite tired
[08:44] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] I know you slept last night Sweety..... and you didn't toss and turn THAT much....
[08:46] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] I know...still..you know mornings
[08:47] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] am I bothering you, vana?
[08:47] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] No no, not at all. I'm just trying to figure out why you have such a hard time with mornings.
[08:48] > +Matsumi Kaze (PJs) shrugs
[08:48] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] vana..why do you always call me a baby :P
[08:49] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] Cause I love you and it's better then calling you Sweety all the time.
[08:49] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] Why, would you rather I not?
[08:49] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] hehe *giggles and curls up against vana*
[08:50] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] no...I think it's cute...just curious..what would you like me to call you?
[08:51] > +Vanadine (PJ's) holds Matsumi and plays with her hair: Well.... other then Vana..... I dunno....
[08:52] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] what is the cutest name you've been called :P *rubs her nose against vana's*
[08:53] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] I don't remember....
[08:54] > +Matsumi Kaze (PJs) pokes pokes pokes vana's nose
[08:55] > +Vanadine (PJ's) gigggles
[08:56] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] you can be so giggly sometimes *suddenly grabs vana's sides and tickles!*
[08:57] > +Vanadine (PJ's) giggles more: Hehe, hey now...
[08:58] > +Matsumi Kaze (PJs) tickles more "see what I mean?"
[08:58] > +Vanadine (PJ's) starts to fidget, giggleing more: Yeah...... hehe... ok, you've made your point.... hehe..... time to stop
[08:59] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] why should I?? :P *tickles more, movering her hands along trying to find the most ticklish spot*
[09:04] > +Vanadine (PJ's) giggles, starting to cough a little: Please.... hehe.... stop *coughs*
[09:04] > +Matsumi Kaze (PJs) finally finds the spot :P
[09:07] > +Vanadine (PJ's) stops giggling and starts coughing more violently, seeming to be having trouble breathing
[09:07] > +Matsumi Kaze (PJs) stops "vana?? vana??"
[09:08] > +Vanadine (PJ's) coughs uncontrolably, doubling over
[09:08] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] vana...what's wrong!?
[09:08] > +Matsumi Kaze (PJs) pats her on the back
[09:09] > +Vanadine (PJ's) starts to finally catch her breath, the coughing slowing
[09:11] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] you ok?
[09:11] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] Yeah... I just... *coughs* lost my breath for a second there.....
[09:11] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] I'm sorry T___T
[09:12] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] It's alright Sweety
[09:14] > +Matsumi Kaze (PJs) moves a little away from vana, feeling awful
[09:15] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] Awww, Sweety... what're you doing?
[09:16] > +Matsumi Kaze (PJs) looks down, moving away just a bit more
[09:16] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] I hurt you
[09:17] > +Vanadine (PJ's) reaches out and grabs Matsumi, pulling her onto her lap
[09:18] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] eep! *struggles a tiny bit*
[09:18] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] Sweety...... stop that. You didn't hurt me.... I just lost my breath, that's all. I'm ok now.
[09:19] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] you sure?
[09:20] > +Vanadine (PJ's) nods and kisses Matsumi's neck: You worry too much sometimes.
[09:22] > +Matsumi Kaze (PJs) blushes "well...I want you to be safe"
[09:23] > +Vanadine (PJ's) plants light kisses along Matsumi's neck and holds her close: I know....
[09:23] > +Matsumi Kaze (PJs) giggles "so...you say I slept ok last night?"
[09:25] > +Vanadine (PJ's) nuzzles lightly against Matsumi's neck: You seemed to....
[09:25] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] I didn't snore did I *blushing*
[09:26] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] A little bit, but not too much
[09:28] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] aww...I hate snoring
[09:29] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] Trust me Sweety...... it was really light... only reason I heard it is cause I was so close to you
[09:30] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] hehe....*kisses vana's nose*
[09:32] > +Vanadine (PJ's) smiles: That's better
[09:33] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] what if I had started crying?
[09:34] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] Then I would be a sad Vana
[09:34] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] and i'd be worried i did somethin' to make you cry
[09:35] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] did you like that day me and candy visited your work in kitty girl outfits :P
[09:36] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] Yeah, it was cute ^_^
[09:37] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] hope we didn't bring too much attention :P
[09:37] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] you two did get quite a bit of attention, but it was ok
[09:38] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] what did the boys think :P
[09:39] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] Oh, they were goin' ga ga
[09:39] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] ...actually..one of the times I visited you..I think one of your coworkers tried to ask me out
[09:42] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] I wouldn't doubt it. A bunch of the guys I work with are single are you are very attractive.
[09:43] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] ^and "not are"
[09:44] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] oh really? what do you hear?
[09:45] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] trust me, you don't wanna' know what I hear sometimes ^_^;;
[09:46] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] hehehe......have you ever heard anything bad said about me?
[09:47] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] oh no, never anything bad
[09:47] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] dirty, yes. but never bad ^_~
[09:47] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] oh good ^^
[09:48] > +Matsumi Kaze (PJs) suddenly kiss vana, holding her tightly as she does so
[09:49] > +Vanadine (PJ's) kisses back and snuggles
[09:50] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] so are you going to busy all day?
[09:52] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] Not really
[09:52] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] Hey......
[09:52] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] hmmm?
[09:52] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] ❧ .... you wanna' head home a little early?~ ❧
[09:52] > +Vanadine (PJ's) has a certin look in her eyes after saying that
[09:54] > +Matsumi Kaze (PJs) blushes and nods "as long as you carry me"
[09:56] > +Vanadine (PJ's) picks up Matsumi and stands: But of course
[09:56] > +Vanadine (PJ's) kisses Matsumi as she carries her out
[09:56] > +Matsumi Kaze (PJs) holds onto vana giggling
[09:57] <-- +Vanadine (PJ's) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has left #reddwarfmain (♡ I'm gettin' that familure feeling... ^_~ ♡)
[09:57] <-- +Matsumi Kaze (PJs) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has left #reddwarfmain (*giggles* oh vana ^^)
[13:22] --> Kadran (footies) [Sonofadevil@Mycidian.co.gov] has joined #reddwarfmain
[13:22] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Kadran (footies)
[13:22] > Kadran (footies) wobbles in and blinks, looking around
[13:22] > Kadran (footies) wobbles over to a pillow and sits on it, looking around again
[13:23] > Kadran (footies) sees a fly and tries to grab at is
[13:23] [Kadran (footies)] *it
[13:25] > Kadran (footies) blinks and wobbles after it, trying to grab it with his little hands
[13:37] > Kadran (footies) wobbles around the room trying to catch the fly
[13:41] > Kadran (footies) keeps chasing the fly
[13:50] --> Calaway has joined #reddwarfmain
[13:50] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Calaway
[13:50] > Calaway grins a little at Kadran.
[13:50] > Kadran (footies) keeps chasing after the fly..then bumps into calaway's legs
[13:52] [Kadran (footies)] ....
[13:52] [Calaway] Heh.. practice, son. Practice.
[13:52] > Kadran (footies) blinks looking up at his father
[13:53] > Kadran (footies) sees the fly again and tries to pounce on it
[13:53] > Calaway picks Kadran up and puts him on his feet.
[13:53] > Kadran (footies) ends up with a mouth full of carpet..but simply spits it out and looks for the fly
[13:54] > Calaway gets himself some beers and a large slab of meat, and finds a seat to watch.
[13:54] > Kadran (footies) sees the fly...and hides behind a pillow to try and sneak up on it
[13:55] [Kadran (footies)] ......
[13:56] > Kadran (footies) pounces!!!! and misses again
[13:57] > Calaway takes a big bite out of the meat and watches, amused.
[13:58] > Kadran (footies) gives a low growl, looking for the fly
[14:00] > Kadran (footies) scurres along the floor and hides behind his father's sofa, seeing the fly again
[14:01] [Kadran (footies)] ....
[14:01] > Kadran (footies) pounces!!!!
[14:02] > Kadran (footies) smiles, looking in his hands..a crushed fly
[14:03] [Calaway] Good job, son!
[14:04] > Kadran (footies) gets up and wobbles over to his father, showing his prize
[14:04] > Calaway 's chaisn slither over his person a little bit with his approval.
[14:05] > Kadran (footies) hugs the chains and then his stomech grumbles
[14:06] > Calaway rips off a chunk of meat and hands it to kadran.
[14:07] > Kadran (footies) takes it and sits down on the floor, and starts to chew happily
[14:08] > Calaway chugs on a beer and watches Kardan quietly.
[14:09] > Kadran (footies) gets to a part that is made of bone and tries breaking it apart with his sharp little teeth
[14:09] [Calaway] Soon we'll have you killing bigger stuff. Before you know it, well be going after those metal things Janice hates.
[14:10] > Kadran (footies) looks up at his father, with a chunk of bone in his mouth
[14:11] [Calaway] Teeth like razors.. something any fiend treasures.
[14:11] > Kadran (footies) blinks then breaks apart the bone
[14:12] [Calaway] We'll have to find some nice necks for you to try on.
[14:14] > Kadran (footies) finishes the rest of the meat rather quickly....then gives a little belch
[14:15] > Calaway hands Kadran an open beer and takes another for himself.
[14:15] > Kadran (footies) takes the beer in his little hands and licks at it
[14:17] [Kadran (footies)] *lick lick lick*
[14:21] > Calaway cracks his neck and stretches, his chains slithering around him.
[14:24] > Kadran (footies) watches his father..then tries to crack his own neck
[14:26] > Kadran (footies) 's neck makes a soft crack noise and he smiles
[14:27] > Calaway gives a dark chuckle.
[14:30] > Kadran (footies) stands and wobbles over to his father
[14:32] > Calaway picks Kadran up and holds him up in the air.
[14:32] > Kadran (footies) smiles and kicks a little looking at his father
[14:36] [Calaway] Thats my boy.
[14:36] > Calaway tosses Kadran up in the air a few times, near the ceiling.
[14:39] > Kadran (footies) yawns a little and rubs his eyes
[14:39] <-- Calaway has left #reddwarfmain (Come on son. The wicked need their rest.)
[14:39] <-- Kadran (footies) [Sonofadevil@Mycidian.co.gov] has left #reddwarfmain (zzzz)
[18:53] --> Matsumi Kaze [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has joined #reddwarfmain
[18:53] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Matsumi Kaze
[18:53] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Matsumi Kaze
[18:54] > +Matsumi Kaze moans and lays on the sofa
[19:33] <-- +Matsumi Kaze [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has left #reddwarfmain (sleeping)
[21:57] --> David O'Cain has joined #reddwarfmain
[21:57] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to David O'Cain
[21:57] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +David O'Cain
[21:58] > +David O'Cain plops down on the sofa
[22:17] > +Matsumi Kaze is sat on O_O
[22:17] --> Vanadine (Semi-casual) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has joined #reddwarfmain
[22:17] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Vanadine (Semi-casual)
[22:17] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Vanadine (Semi-casual)
[22:18] > +Matsumi Kaze struggles!
[22:19] > +David O'Cain quickly gets off the sofa, "Matsumi?!" O_o
[22:19] [+Vanadine (Semi-casual)] Davey, why're you sittin' on Matsumi?
[22:19] [+David O'Cain] I didn't even know she was on there! O_O
[22:26] [+Matsumi Kaze] that hurt ><
[22:26] > +Vanadine (Semi-casual) is wearing a pair of cerpenter's shorts and a red t-shirt
[22:26] > +Matsumi Kaze is wearing tank top and shorts
[22:27] [+David O'Cain] I'm so sorry, Matsumi. I really am!
[22:28] [+Matsumi Kaze] it's ok, I guess
[22:29] [+David O'Cain] I thought it was empty.
[22:31] [+Vanadine (Semi-casual)] (( I gotta' reset, brb ))
[22:33] [+Matsumi Kaze] guess I'm just empty
[22:33] <-- +Matsumi Kaze [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has left #reddwarfmain
[22:34] [+David O'Cain] Wait! I meant the sofa!
[22:37] [+David O'Cain] Man. ~_~
[22:53] > +David O'Cain sits on the floor
[22:53] [+Vanadine (Semi-casual)] Awww, Sweety....
[22:54] <-- +Vanadine (Semi-casual) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has left #reddwarfmain (He didn't mean it like that...)
[23:05] [+David O'Cain] Hope they're alright.
[23:55] --> Matsumi Kaze [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has joined #reddwarfmain
[23:55] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Matsumi Kaze
[23:55] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Matsumi Kaze
[23:57] [+Matsumi Kaze] hi david
[23:57] [+David O'Cain] Everything okay, Matsumi?
[23:58] > +Matsumi Kaze 's face is an utter mess..like she was crying very hard
[23:58] [+David O'Cain] Matsumi?
[23:59] [+Matsumi Kaze] I'm...really sorry, david
[00:00] >>> Tuesday Sep 25 2007 <<<
[00:00] > +David O'Cain gives Matsumi a smile, "It's okay."
[00:02] > +Matsumi Kaze smiles back and wipes her eyes
[00:03] > +David O'Cain gives Matsumi a hug
[00:03] > +Matsumi Kaze hugs back, tightly
[00:04] [+David O'Cain] Oof.
[00:04] [+Matsumi Kaze] really sorry
[00:05] [+David O'Cain] It's okay. I'm fine.
[00:11] --> Vanadine (Undies) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has joined #reddwarfmain
[00:11] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Vanadine (Undies)
[00:11] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Vanadine (Undies)
[00:11] [+David O'Cain] Welcome back, Vana.
[00:12] > +Vanadine (Undies) walks in with black boxers and a matching sports bra: Thanks Davey
[00:13] [+David O'Cain] So, is everything alright?
[00:13] [+Vanadine (Undies)] It is for me. I just stopped by the house to change.
[00:15] [+David O'Cain] Vana - Ah.
[00:16] > +Vanadine (Undies) sits with Matsumi
[00:19] > +Matsumi Kaze quick changes
[00:20] > +Matsumi Kaze (undies) is wearing unusually fememine underwear....lacy and purple
[00:20] > +Vanadine (Undies) smiles: Those're cute Sweety.
[00:20] [+David O'Cain] Lovely, Matsumi.
[00:21] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] thank you ^^
[00:22] > +Matsumi Kaze (undies) moves over to vana's lap
[00:28] > +Vanadine (Undies) smiles and holds Matsumi
[00:28] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] nice and comfy ^^
[00:28] > +Vanadine (Undies) giggles and kisses Matsumi's neck
[00:29] > +Matsumi Kaze (undies) shivers and giggles
[00:29] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] I tried to wear some of your clothes today :P
[00:30] [+Vanadine (Undies)] Like what?
[00:33] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] your pants..shirt and shoes
[00:34] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] pants were a bit loose on me...shirt too
[00:35] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] though the chest part of the shirt was a bit tight
[00:36] [+Vanadine (Undies)] heh
[00:36] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] shoes were big too
[00:37] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] vana has big feet :P
[00:37] [+David O'Cain] They don't look that big, do they?
[00:39] > +Vanadine (Undies) sticks her tongue out at Matsumi and turns away
[00:39] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] awww...vana
[00:42] --> Nate Detroit (PJs) [SmashChamp@reddwarf.com] has joined #reddwarfmain
[00:42] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +o to Nate Detroit (PJs)
[00:42] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, @Nate Detroit (PJs)
[00:42] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Oh good, your back to... I hesitate to say normal.
[00:42] [+Vanadine (Undies)] You shouldn't be teasing me, Matsumi
[00:45] > @Nate Detroit (PJs) helps himself to a drink and sits opposite the girls.
[00:46] > +Matsumi Kaze (undies) scraches vana's butt a little bit :P ((like scraching an inch))
[00:46] [+Vanadine (Undies)] Hey, stop that
[00:47] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] why? don't like it?
[00:47] [+Vanadine (Undies)] I didn't say that... but I'm still annoyed at you for teasing me earlier. >_>
[00:48] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] .....sworry
[00:48] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] So, hows it going Dave?
[00:49] > +Matsumi Kaze (undies) turns away from vana, like she has turned away from her
[00:54] [+David O'Cain] Just fine, Nate.
[00:55] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] They been like this all night?
[00:55] > @Nate Detroit (PJs) takes a long sip of his drink.
[00:56] [+David O'Cain] Nate - Eh, kinda sorta.
[00:57] > +Vanadine (Undies) slides out from beneath Matsumi and goes to sit with Nate: Hi ♡
[00:57] > +Matsumi Kaze (undies) goes to her quarters and shuts the door
[00:58] [+Vanadine (Undies)] Ugh.....
[00:58] > +Vanadine (Undies) hops up and storms off
[00:58] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Hi ^_^ Vodka and ginger ale?
[00:58] <-- +Vanadine (Undies) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has left #reddwarfmain (She makes fun of me and then SHE gets mad!?)
[00:59] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Well, that got ugly FAST...
[01:00] --> Kaede Sasaki (PJ's) has joined #reddwarfmain
[01:00] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Kaede Sasaki (PJ's)
[01:00] [Kaede Sasaki (PJ's)] Hi guys.....
[01:00] [Kaede Sasaki (PJ's)] What was wrong with Vana? She seemed kinda' mad
[01:01] > @Nate Detroit (PJs) looks at Kaede Sasaki
[01:01] [@HOL_6000] 5', slim figure with long blue hair down to her waist. She's 18 but looks a few years younger.
[01:01] [+David O'Cain] Hi, Kaede.
[01:01] <-- +Matsumi Kaze (undies) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has left #reddwarfmain (*locked in*)
[01:06] [Kaede Sasaki (PJ's)] Either of you know what's up?
[01:06] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Hows it going?
[01:07] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] No idea. I just got a drink and sat down, and things went downhill from there.
[01:07] [+David O'Cain] I'm not exactly sure either.
[01:09] [Kaede Sasaki (PJ's)] Hhmmm.... oh well. I'm sure whatever happened will work itself out
[01:10] [+David O'Cain] Let's hope so.
[01:12] [Kaede Sasaki (PJ's)] So, how are you guys tonight?
[01:12] [+David O'Cain] I'm doing alright.
[01:13] > +David O'Cain is away: brb
[01:13] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] not bad.. You?
[01:13] [Kaede Sasaki (PJ's)] I'm ok. Just getting a drink before I head to bed.
[01:14] [Kaede Sasaki (PJ's)] Thought I'd come and see if anyone was here while I was at it.
[01:15] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] lots to drink in the fridge.
[01:19] > Kaede Sasaki (PJ's) goes to the fridge and looks through it
[01:21] [Kaede Sasaki (PJ's)] man there's a lot of alcohol in here....
[01:22] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Yupp! Take your pick!
[01:23] > +David O'Cain is back
[01:24] > +David O'Cain yawns
[01:24] > Kaede Sasaki (PJ's) finds a bottle of water
[01:25] [Kaede Sasaki (PJ's)] I can't drink alcohol. With my tiny frame, it doesn't take but a tiny bit to get me drunk. ^_^;;
[01:25] [+David O'Cain] I think I'll head off to bed. Good night.
[01:25] [Kaede Sasaki (PJ's)] G'night David
[01:25] <-- +David O'Cain has left #reddwarfmain (I need sleep, man.)
[01:27] --> Sailor Kallichore (Pajamas) [Gestalt.Senshi@kalli.co.jup] has joined #reddwarfmain
[01:27] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Sailor Kallichore (Pajamas)
[01:27] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Sailor Kallichore (Pajamas)
[01:27] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Didnt expect it to get so quiet.
[01:27] > +Sailor Kallichore (Pajamas) walks in, holding her head as though she has a headache.
[01:28] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Hi..
[01:28] > +Sailor Kallichore (Pajamas) waves a hand in greeting.
[01:28] [Kaede Sasaki (PJ's)] Hi Kali-chan... are you ok?
[01:29] [+Sailor Kallichore (Pajamas)] Blegh, not entirely ok..
[01:30] > Kaede Sasaki (PJ's) walks over with her bottle of water and hugs Kalli| What's wrong Sweetness?
[01:30] [+Sailor Kallichore (Pajamas)] It feels like a headache, but it doesn't cure like a headache.
[01:31] [Kaede Sasaki (PJ's)] Any idea what might be causing it?
[01:31] [+Sailor Kallichore (Pajamas)] Feels sort of like what Krissy went through when my memories would flare up in her mind.
[01:32] [+Sailor Kallichore (Pajamas)] Maybe one of my sister senshi isn't quite as dead as I thought..
[01:32] > +Sailor Kallichore (Pajamas) takes her hands away as the pain diminishes.
[01:32] [Kaede Sasaki (PJ's)] Oh my.... can I do anything to help?
[01:33] [+Sailor Kallichore (Pajamas)] At the moment, even I'm not sure what to do..
[01:34] > Kaede Sasaki (PJ's) offers Kalli her water bottle
[01:34] [+Sailor Kallichore (Pajamas)] Thanks.
[01:34] > +Sailor Kallichore (Pajamas) takes a drink.
[01:35] [+Sailor Kallichore (Pajamas)] You don't have any hidden powers or anything like that, right Kaede-chan?
[01:35] [Kaede Sasaki (PJ's)] None that I know of
[01:35] [Kaede Sasaki (PJ's)] I mean, my being super flexable is just a result of my gymnastics training
[01:36] > +Sailor Kallichore (Pajamas) nods.
[01:37] [+Sailor Kallichore (Pajamas)] That's why they always discouraged us from getting too friendly with civilians in the old days.. There are dangers in being what I am..
[01:37] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] umm.. maybe I should just go.
[01:38] [Kaede Sasaki (PJ's)] You don't have to go Nate-san. I'm sorry if we're putting you out.
[01:39] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] I just dont want to be in the way, but its late anyway.
[01:39] [+Sailor Kallichore (Pajamas)] Yeah, I didn't intend to disrupt anything.. This pain just hit me as I was walking through the door.
[01:39] <-- @Nate Detroit (PJs) [SmashChamp@reddwarf.com] has left #reddwarfmain (Forgive me.)
[01:40] > +Sailor Kallichore (Pajamas) takes another sip of water and sighs a bit.
[01:40] [Kaede Sasaki (PJ's)] Are you feeling any better Kalli-chan?
[01:41] [+Sailor Kallichore (Pajamas)] Yeah, the pain is gone for now.. But it's been replaced with a sense of forboding and anxiety. >_<
[01:42] [Kaede Sasaki (PJ's)] Awwww...... maybe we should head to quarters so I can calm you down.
[01:43] [+Sailor Kallichore (Pajamas)] Maybe that will help..
[01:45] > Kaede Sasaki (PJ's) skips out| I'll get the oils ready.
[01:45] <-- Kaede Sasaki (PJ's) has left #reddwarfmain (I think a massage is in order)
[01:46] <-- +Sailor Kallichore (Pajamas) [Gestalt.Senshi@kalli.co.jup] has left #reddwarfmain (...)
[08:33] --> Hideki Kaze (PJs) [AirKnight@Qtech.com] has joined #reddwarfmain
[08:33] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Hideki Kaze (PJs)
[08:33] > Hideki Kaze (PJs) sits on the sofa
[09:48] [Hideki Kaze (PJs)] hmmm
[10:24] > Hideki Kaze (PJs) sits quietly on the sofa
[10:37] --> Vanadine (Undies) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has joined #reddwarfmain
[10:37] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Vanadine (Undies)
[10:37] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Vanadine (Undies)
[10:38] [Hideki Kaze (PJs)] hello, vana
[10:38] > +Vanadine (Undies) walks in looking kinda rough. Hair askew, very tired looking and overall very dirty.
[10:39] [+Vanadine (Undies)] Hi 'deki.... sorry I didn't come home last night.....
[10:39] [Hideki Kaze (PJs)] I see.....
[10:40] [+Vanadine (Undies)] Matsumi and I had an argument cause she made fun of my size.... so I was so mad, I decided to sleep somewhere on the planet.
[10:41] [Hideki Kaze (PJs)] ok....matsumi didn't return home either
[10:41] [+Vanadine (Undies)] She didn't?
[10:41] [Hideki Kaze (PJs)] no..she didn't
[10:42] > +Vanadine (Undies) looks a bit concerned
[10:43] > +Vanadine (Undies) tries to call Matsumi's comm, but the signal doesn't even go through
[10:43] [Hideki Kaze (PJs)] I tried that
[10:43] [+Vanadine (Undies)] Hmmm....
[10:45] [Hideki Kaze (PJs)] where did you sleep btw, vana?
[10:45] > +Vanadine (Undies) thinks for a moment, then does the classic anime "I've got it" gesture.
[10:46] [+Vanadine (Undies)] That's not important 'deki.... I think I figured out how to find Matsumi
[10:46] [Hideki Kaze (PJs)] oh?
[10:47] > +Vanadine (Undies) sits down at the computer console in the corner and starts typing and clicking like a mad woman
[10:48] [Hideki Kaze (PJs)] what are you doing, vana?
[10:48] [+Vanadine (Undies)] I'm scanning through the ship
[10:48] [Hideki Kaze (PJs)] ah..I see
[10:49] [+Vanadine (Undies)] Ah HA.... she's in her quarters....
[10:49] > Hideki Kaze (PJs) nods
[10:49] [Hideki Kaze (PJs)] is she alright?
[10:49] [+Vanadine (Undies)] .... man, Nall showing me how to access the ships security settings is really paying off.
[10:50] [+Vanadine (Undies)] It looks like the lock is broken on the door....
[10:50] [Hideki Kaze (PJs)] that might explain why she didn't return home
[10:51] [+Vanadine (Undies)] Yeah. Looks like it jammed up
[10:51] [Hideki Kaze (PJs)] wonder why we couldn't communicate with her
[10:52] > +Vanadine (Undies) scans the room
[10:52] [+Vanadine (Undies)] It appears she dropped it trying to open the door and comm broke.
[10:54] [Hideki Kaze (PJs)] ahh...is she alright in there?
[10:54] [+Vanadine (Undies)] Yeah... I think she's asleep
[10:55] [Hideki Kaze (PJs)] what should we do?
[10:57] [+Vanadine (Undies)] Well, I think if I can heat the lock on the door, I can pop it open
[10:57] [Hideki Kaze (PJs)] I think I will leave you to that...you two need each other now
[10:58] > Hideki Kaze (PJs) gives vana a kiss and a slight squeeze of the hand
[10:58] > +Vanadine (Undies) kisses Hideki back as she stands: I'll go get her. Be back in a bit.
[10:59] <-- Hideki Kaze (PJs) [AirKnight@Qtech.com] has left #reddwarfmain (hope things are alright)
[11:00] > +Vanadine (Undies) is away: Freeing Matsumi
[11:30] <-- +Vanadine (Undies) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has left #reddwarfmain (((not coming back)))
[20:07] --> Janice [HotCat@Mycidian.co] has joined #reddwarfmain
[20:07] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Janice
[20:08] > Janice frowns as she stomps in
[20:08] [Janice] that man...
[20:10] --> Calaway has joined #reddwarfmain
[20:10] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Calaway
[20:11] > Calaway stretches and yawns in the doorway, his chains slithering across his person.
[20:11] [Janice] calaway!
[20:11] [Calaway] Where you been?
[20:12] > Janice grabs one of calaway's chains and yanks him over to her "where have I been!?....let me ask you something...I come in...and I find our son a total mess...why didn't you do anything about that!?"
[20:12] > Calaway glares at Janice for a moment, coldly and dark.
[20:13] [Janice] don't give me that look, mister....he is your son too!
[20:13] [Calaway] Hes quite capable of taking care of himself most of the time. I've been watching him.. what did he get into?
[20:14] [Janice] it looks like he got into the garbage!
[20:15] [Calaway] Heh.. Ah, he'll be fine.
[20:15] [Janice] well..at least you could have cleaned him up....
[20:16] [Calaway] I didnt see him! If it bugs you so much, why dont YOU.
[20:17] [Janice] BECAUSE I WAS BUSY LOOKING FOR A F****** JOB!
[20:18] > Calaway looks at Janice again for a second, and backhands her.
[20:18] [Calaway] Dont shout at me.. Heh.. a job? like, doing what? Everything we need we got here. I metalwork and they dont complain Im here.
[20:19] > Janice backhands calaway back
[20:19] [Janice] like something to be able to pay for things for our son...that's what
[20:20] > Calaway barely flinches at the blow, then grabs Janice by the neck and chokes for just a few seconds, before thinking better of it and throwing her down.
[20:20] > Janice looks up, then tackles calaway, bearing her claws and fangs at him
[20:21] [Janice] RWWWOR!
[20:22] > Calaway gives a dark chuckle, looking up at Janice.
[20:22] > Janice looks back at calaway, her eyes filled with fire
[20:23] [Calaway] You know you cant really hurt me...
[20:23] [Janice] how do you know...
[20:24] > Calaway grabs Janice by the neck again, one handed, and allows his chains to slide around her neck and squease, as he stands up, choking her tighter and tighter.
[20:25] > Janice gasps a little....then digs her razor sharp teeth (made for tearing through metal) into his hand
[20:25] [Calaway] Takes magic to hurt me. Magic, fire, acid, and holy powers. You might scratch me up, but I heal right away.
[20:25] [Janice] you forgot something, calaway...
[20:25] > Calaway doesnt flinch at the bite to his hand, but his chain breaks against her teeth, and he lets go.
[20:26] [Janice] ..my mother is a priestess *grins, licking her lips*
[20:26] > Calaway raises an eyebrow. "Never said that.."
[20:27] [Calaway] Whats your father then?
[20:27] [Janice] a merchant...
[20:28] [Calaway] Oh? Then shouldnt you be selling crap if you need money? Or running some kinda cult for donations..
[20:28] [Janice] hmm..that's an idea.....
[20:28] [Janice] but still...
[20:28] > Janice leaps onto calaway's back
[20:29] [Calaway] Gah..
[20:30] > Janice puts her arms around calaway's neck, and starts to choak a bit
[20:30] > Calaway 's chains start to slither around Janice, cutting into her skin, but holding her tight to his back.
[20:31] > Calaway , starting to gag, grabs Janice's legs, and fall backward untop of her.
[20:32] [Janice] OOF! *struggles a bit*
[20:33] > Calaway loosten his chains just enough to turn around and face her, grabs her by the chin, and looks at her.
[20:33] [Calaway] Good. Aint good enough.
[20:34] > Janice sticks her tongue out at him and wraps her tail around his leg "guess I still have a bit to learn*
[20:35] > Calaway kisses Janice, his chains still slithering and cutting.
[20:35] > Janice returns the kiss, a little bit harder, and digging her claws slightly into his back
[20:37] > Calaway gets up, some of his chains unravling from himself and binding Janice, as he walks off, dragging her behind him.
[20:38] <-- Calaway has left #reddwarfmain (I should flay you alive for hitting me.)
[20:38] <-- Janice [HotCat@Mycidian.co] has left #reddwarfmain (oooh take me baby!)
[20:39] --> Matsumi Kaze [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has joined #reddwarfmain
[20:39] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Matsumi Kaze
[20:39] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Matsumi Kaze
[20:40] > +Matsumi Kaze yawns and streaches
[20:40] --> Azumi Kiribayashi has joined #reddwarfmain
[20:40] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Azumi Kiribayashi
[20:40] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Oh, hello, Matsumi.
[20:40] --> Nate Detroit [SmashChamp@reddwarf.com] has joined #reddwarfmain
[20:40] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +o to Nate Detroit
[20:40] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, @Nate Detroit
[20:41] [@Nate Detroit] Hi girls. Um.. anyone else notice the chain devil dragging the bleeding catgirl down the hallway?
[20:41] [+Matsumi Kaze] yeah..I did..though oddly...the catgirl looked like she was in ecstacy
[20:41] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Hello, Nate.
[20:42] > +Matsumi Kaze sits on the sofa
[20:43] [+Matsumi Kaze] how are you, nate?
[20:45] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Matsumi - Oh, did I get you your costume?
[20:45] [+Matsumi Kaze] no..I don't think you did
[20:46] [@Nate Detroit] Im ok. What costume?
[20:47] > Azumi Kiribayashi hands Matsumi her Blue Mary costume, "Here you go." ^_^
[20:47] [+Matsumi Kaze] Blue mary
[20:47] [@Nate Detroit] Whose that?
[20:50] [+Matsumi Kaze] http://content.answers.com/main/content/wp/en/thumb/b/b4/300px-Ps2-Blue_Mary.jpg
[20:50] [+Matsumi Kaze] that's her
[20:53] > +Matsumi Kaze leans back into the sofa
[20:53] > @Nate Detroit assumes a picture was held up. "Oh, from King of Fighters?"
[20:55] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Matsumi - Hope you like what I did.
[20:55] [+Matsumi Kaze] yup! azumi is making a outfit based off that..I think I can pull it off
[20:55] [@Nate Detroit] I think we talked about this before. Whats the costume for again?
[20:55] [@Nate Detroit] Heh.. Yeah. ^_^
[20:57] [+Matsumi Kaze] it's for a photo op
[21:00] [@Nate Detroit] Oh?
[21:01] [+Matsumi Kaze] yup!..to be honest..I don't remember who all is participating :P
[21:01] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Let's see: there's me, Vanadine, Kaede, Kalli, and you, Matsumi.
[21:02] [@Nate Detroit] Whats this photo op for?
[21:02] [+Matsumi Kaze] just for fun
[21:03] > +Matsumi Kaze pokes azumi all over!
[21:04] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Hey! :P
[21:06] > Azumi Kiribayashi pokes Matsumi in return
[21:06] > +Matsumi Kaze pokes azumi more
[21:07] > Azumi Kiribayashi pokes Matsumi back
[21:09] > +Matsumi Kaze pokes azumi's chest :P
[21:10] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Watch it, you.
[21:12] [+Matsumi Kaze] or what :P
[21:12] [@Nate Detroit] Hehe.. oh my..
[21:12] [+Matsumi Kaze] :P
[21:14] > Azumi Kiribayashi puts a hand on Matsumi's chest, "That."
[21:14] > +Matsumi Kaze pokes nate's forehead
[21:14] [+Matsumi Kaze] eep!
[21:14] [Azumi Kiribayashi] :P
[21:15] > +Matsumi Kaze moves over to nate and shakes "naaaaate! avenge me!"
[21:17] [@Nate Detroit] Im not poking her chest. o_o I dont know her well enough.
[21:17] [Azumi Kiribayashi] You're so silly, Matsumi. ^_^
[21:18] > +Matsumi Kaze giggles and nuzzles "well..at least you would sometimes"
[21:19] > @Nate Detroit turns a little red and gulps.
[21:19] > @Nate Detroit pokes Matsumi in the chest a few times. "You on the other hand..."
[21:20] > +Matsumi Kaze blushes "eep...be careful with those"
[21:21] > Azumi Kiribayashi giggles
[21:21] > +Matsumi Kaze shrinks a little from nate
[21:21] [@Nate Detroit] They gonna pop?
[21:23] [+Matsumi Kaze] don't joke like that >:
[21:23] [+Matsumi Kaze] I don't find that happy
[21:24] [@Nate Detroit] Aww... why?
[21:24] [+Matsumi Kaze] cause it's kind of mean
[21:25] > +Matsumi Kaze puts her arms over her chest and turns from nate
[21:26] [+Matsumi Kaze] sorry...I'm just a little uneasy about that sort of thing
[21:26] > @Nate Detroit hugs Matsumi from behind. "Ahh, come on, dont you trust me?"
[21:27] [+Matsumi Kaze] well..honestly..I do..but I have to be careful sometimes
[21:27] [@Nate Detroit] Careful?
[21:27] [+Matsumi Kaze] you might be a monster! or a clone!
[21:28] [@Nate Detroit] If I was, Id be doing much more sinister things..
[21:29] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Indeed. Why would he be a monster or a clone?
[21:29] [+Matsumi Kaze] true...*leans back against nate*
[21:30] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Unless you really want him to be.
[21:30] [+Matsumi Kaze] NO!!!!!!!!!!!
[21:32] > @Nate Detroit holds Matsumi tigher. "RARRwrrrr"
[21:32] > @Nate Detroit plants lots of kisses on Matsumi's neck.
[21:32] [+Matsumi Kaze] you aren't a monster, are you >_> O_O
[21:34] > +Matsumi Kaze looks a little scared "you know..after all I've been through lately T_T"
[21:34] [@Nate Detroit] Hehe... What do you tihnk, Princess?
[21:35] [@Nate Detroit] Aww.. Im sorry. Its me. Honest. Sometimes Im too playful for my own good.
[21:35] [+Matsumi Kaze] ok *leans back into nate, shivering just a little*
[21:37] [+Matsumi Kaze] sorry about my fears
[21:39] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Awwwww.
[21:41] > +Matsumi Kaze quick-changes
[21:42] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightgown) 's nightgown is unusually lacy and is green in color
[21:42] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Very nice, Matsumi.
[21:43] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] thank you....*blushes*..sure it isn't too..girely?
[21:45] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Not really.
[21:46] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] what do you think, nate?
[21:52] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] hmm?
[21:59] [Azumi Kiribayashi] I guess he's really distracted from the nightgown.
[22:00] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] I guess so then....
[22:02] > Azumi Kiribayashi sits down on the sofa
[22:02] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightgown) fixes her skirt a bit
[22:03] [Azumi Kiribayashi] I know Vanadine would snap you up. Not sure about David unless it was okay with Masaki.
[22:04] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] true...
[22:05] > Azumi Kiribayashi sighs as she leans back
[22:11] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightgown) looks at the ceiling
[22:18] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Quite the night.
[22:20] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] yup *still staring at the ceiling*
[22:20] [@Nate Detroit] GAh... Its lovely. ^_^
[22:20] [@Nate Detroit] You can be very feminine when you try.
[22:21] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] really?
[22:22] [@Nate Detroit] Yupp.
[22:25] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightgown) blushes and then lays her head slowly on nate's lap
[22:27] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Awwww.
[22:28] > @Nate Detroit strokes Matsumi's hair.
[22:29] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] mmm...you know..I've tried growing out my hair
[22:29] [@Nate Detroit] Hmm?
[22:32] [@Nate Detroit] How did it turn out?
[22:32] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] well...I heard you liked long hair..so I tried growing it out
[22:33] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] it...didn't turn out very well
[22:34] [@Nate Detroit] Pity.. but you didnt have to do that for me..
[22:34] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] why not?
[22:36] [@Nate Detroit] Well, Hideki and Vana like you like this, dont they?
[22:37] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] yeah...they do
[22:37] [@Nate Detroit] How did it not turn out well tho, I dont understand.
[22:38] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightgown) plays with her own hair
[22:39] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] well...it kind of grew weird...one side longer then the other
[22:41] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightgown) pushes her nightgown skirt down a bit, as it's riding up
[22:41] [@Nate Detroit] O_o thats not natural
[22:42] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Oh my.
[22:42] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] yeah..it was weird
[22:42] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] so I'm going to keep it nice and short
[22:43] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] plus it's easier to take care of
[22:44] [Azumi Kiribayashi] What's wrong with having long hair? :P
[22:45] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] well it's hard to wash or dry and such
[22:45] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Not if you do it right.
[22:46] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] well I don't have the time :P
[22:49] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Heh. :P
[22:49] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] plus I'm not matsy if I don't have my short hair
[22:50] > @Nate Detroit chuckles slightly.
[22:51] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] right?
[22:51] [Azumi Kiribayashi] True.
[22:52] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightgown) moves her leg up and moves her foot against nate's cheek gently
[22:56] > @Nate Detroit kisses Matsumi's foot playfully.
[22:57] > Azumi Kiribayashi giggles at the sight
[22:57] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightgown) giggles and wiggles her toes
[22:59] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] weeee ^^
[23:00] [@Nate Detroit] Silly princess. =)
[23:01] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightgown) sits back up and hugs nate suddenly
[23:03] > @Nate Detroit smiles and hugs back.
[23:04] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] just hold me for a bit
[23:05] [Azumi Kiribayashi] She's so silly. ^_^
[23:05] [@Nate Detroit] Ill hold you all night if you want.
[23:06] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] thankies....I just want to feel safe after all that's happened
[23:06] [@Nate Detroit] Thats why we love her.
[23:07] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] *^_^*
[23:13] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] I love love
[23:15] > Azumi Kiribayashi giggles
[23:16] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] ^_^
[23:18] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightgown) pokes nate's nose
[23:20] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] ^_^
[23:22] [@Nate Detroit] Silly girl..
[23:22] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] what do you think of my eyes? *looks into nate's eyes*
[23:31] [@Nate Detroit] Pretty as always. Like gems.
[23:32] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightgown) giggles and blushes and huggles nate again "hehehe...you're making me all happy and squirmy"
[23:34] [@Nate Detroit] I noticed. ^_^;
[23:35] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightgown) wiggles a bit all over, holding onto nate
[23:41] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] ^___^
[23:42] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightgown) yawns a bit
[23:45] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Tired, Matsumi?
[23:47] [@Nate Detroit] Maybe I should take her somewhere where she can rest, or otherwise be all squirmy..
[23:47] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] yup...I am
[23:48] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] please do, nate
[23:48] > @Nate Detroit scoops Matsumi up in his arms.
[23:49] [@Nate Detroit] Gnight Azumi. Take care.
[23:49] <-- @Nate Detroit [SmashChamp@reddwarf.com] has left #reddwarfmain (So.. just how tired are ya? ^_~)
[23:49] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Good night, you two.
[23:50] <-- +Matsumi Kaze (nightgown) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has left #reddwarfmain (hehehe...maybe not that tired ^_~)
[23:54] <-- Azumi Kiribayashi has left #reddwarfmain (Guess I'll return home.)
[00:00] >>> Wednesday Sep 26 2007 <<<
[10:14] --> Matsumi Kaze (nightgown) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has joined #reddwarfmain
[10:14] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)
[10:14] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)
[10:14] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightgown) lays on the floor
[10:15] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] *yawn*
[10:22] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightgown) curls up on the floor
[10:31] --> Vanadine (Undies) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has joined #reddwarfmain
[10:31] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Vanadine (Undies)
[10:31] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Vanadine (Undies)
[10:31] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] mmm...
[10:32] > +Vanadine (Undies) walks in, yawns and proceeds to trip over Matsumi, falling on her face
[10:33] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightgown) is half-asleep
[10:34] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] mmm...*yawn*
[10:35] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] vana? *crawls over to where she is " you ok?
[10:35] [+Vanadine (Undies)] Ow......
[10:36] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] I'm sworry T_T *yawns*
[10:37] [+Vanadine (Undies)] It's not your fault Sweety, I didn't even see you
[10:37] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] okies...*yawns*
[10:38] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightgown) rubs her eyes and lays her head against vana, falling asleep again
[10:39] > +Vanadine (Undies) sighs with a smile: Poor sleepy baby
[10:39] <-- +Matsumi Kaze (nightgown) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has left #reddwarfmain (zzzzz)
[10:39] > +Vanadine (Undies) sits up, scoops up Matsumi and takes her home
[10:39] <-- +Vanadine (Undies) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has left #reddwarfmain (You should sleep at home....)
[13:53] --> Celestite (School Uniform) [CrystalGirl@dimensionzero.cc] has joined #reddwarfmain
[13:53] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Celestite (School Uniform)
[13:54] --> Christina P has joined #reddwarfmain
[13:54] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Christina P
[13:54] > Celestite (School Uniform) walks in carrying a small case, ploping down on the sofa, "Man....why's the first day always so tough?"
[13:54] [Christina P] First day?
[13:55] [Celestite (School Uniform)] Hey Christina. Yeah, today was my first day of school for this year.
[13:55] [Christina P] Ahh I see.
[13:55] --> Tina Gale (School Uniform) [FireyAirPrincess@QTech.com] has joined #reddwarfmain
[13:55] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Tina Gale (School Uniform)
[13:55] > Tina Gale (School Uniform) runs in and nearly trips
[13:56] [Celestite (School Uniform)] Hey Tina... you ok?
[13:57] [Tina Gale (School Uniform)] yeah....just..you were so ahead of me *tries to catch breath a bit*
[13:58] [Celestite (School Uniform)] Awww, I'm sorry. I thought you were keeping up with me better
[13:58] > Tina Gale (School Uniform) sits down, fixing her skirt and sighing a bit
[13:58] [Tina Gale (School Uniform)] well....*puts down in celest's lap a VERY heavy pack*
[13:59] [Celestite (School Uniform)] Oof! Wow....
[13:59] [Celestite (School Uniform)] You have twice the books I do!
[13:59] [Tina Gale (School Uniform)] mom and mama packed it this morning
[14:00] [Celestite (School Uniform)] Goodness... you poor dear
[14:01] [Tina Gale (School Uniform)] I'm not even sure what they put in it *looks worn out*
[14:02] [Celestite (School Uniform)] Well... maybe we should take a look
[14:02] > Celestite (School Uniform) opens Tina's case
[14:03] > Tina Gale (School Uniform) 's case contains: her lunch, several small books, two notes from matsumi and vana each, a stuffed bunny, three bottles of water, tina's favorite book, extra shoes, and some other personal stuff
[14:04] [Celestite (School Uniform)] Good lord, a little much
[14:04] [Celestite (School Uniform)] Why didn't you eat your lunch?
[14:04] [Tina Gale (School Uniform)] I did...they packed a second one
[14:05] [Celestite (School Uniform)] Geez *pulls out the notes and opens one*
[14:07] [+Matsumi Kaze] ❧ Dear Tina, do well today in class. Don't forget to drink plenty of liquids and pay attention to the teacher! I put in mister hop hop to keep you companay! remember, mama loves you! Lots of kisses and hugs, Mama ❧
[14:08] > Tina Gale (School Uniform) blushes slightly at that
[14:08] [Celestite (School Uniform)] Awwww.... that's so cute. ^_^
[14:09] > Celestite (School Uniform) opens the second one
[14:12] [+Vanadine] / love Hi Sweetheart, I know today's your first day and that can be tough. But you're one half Shinobi... so you're tough enough to make it through the day! I made sure to pack an extra "power" lunch incase you need a boost of energy. Can't wait to see my little scholor after school. Hugs and kisses, Mom
[14:12] [+Vanadine] ❧ ^ ❧
[14:13] > Tina Gale (School Uniform) blushes even more, curling up a little
[14:14] > Celestite (School Uniform) giggles, "Your mom's love you so much. It's sweet."
[14:14] [Tina Gale (School Uniform)] ..it's also kind of embrassing >>
[14:15] [Tina Gale (School Uniform)] it's not like your parents put stuff in your pack like that
[14:16] [Celestite (School Uniform)] Well.... no, that's true. Mom just packs me a lunch and sends me on my way
[14:17] [Tina Gale (School Uniform)] what about your dad?
[14:18] [Celestite (School Uniform)] Dad's not usually out of bed.
[14:19] [Tina Gale (School Uniform)] wow....not even a good luck hug?
[14:20] [Celestite (School Uniform)] Well, if he's up, then he does. But he usually works late at night. So when I have to leave for school, he hasn't got up yet.
[14:22] [Tina Gale (School Uniform)] ahh...ok *leans against celest* how was your first class today?
[14:24] [Celestite (School Uniform)] Rough.... I already have homework. ~_~
[14:25] [Tina Gale (School Uniform)] awww..how much and what class?
[14:27] [Celestite (School Uniform)] Well.... I have a page and a half or Math problems to do and I have a 2 page report I have to write for intersteller history
[14:29] [Tina Gale (School Uniform)] I'm pretty good with history!
[14:29] [Tina Gale (School Uniform)] I have gym next hour
[14:30] [Celestite (School Uniform)] Wait.... so do I
[14:30] [Tina Gale (School Uniform)] really?
[14:31] [Celestite (School Uniform)] Yup
[14:31] [Tina Gale (School Uniform)] that means I get to see you in a gym uniform ^^
[14:31] > Celestite (School Uniform) giggles and blushes, "Like you havn't seen me in less."
[14:31] > Tina Gale (School Uniform) blushes even deeper
[14:32] [Celestite (School Uniform)] ❧ Not to mention I get to see YOU in one. ^_~ ❧
[14:32] [Tina Gale (School Uniform)] I thought you never liked wearing those uniforms
[14:33] [Celestite (School Uniform)] I didn't and still don't. But with the acadamy's new dress code, I have to. ~_~
[14:34] [Tina Gale (School Uniform)] why don't you like it?
[14:34] > Celestite (School Uniform) ruffles her own skirt, "I also hate wearing.... this thing!"
[14:35] [Tina Gale (School Uniform)] but you look really good in it
[14:36] [Celestite (School Uniform)] I don't like the air around my legs.
[14:36] > Celestite (School Uniform) blushes, "My legs are really sensitive.....
[14:36] [Tina Gale (School Uniform)] have any of the boys tried to.....you know
[14:37] [Celestite (School Uniform)] Huh?
[14:37] [Tina Gale (School Uniform)] peek
[14:39] [Celestite (School Uniform)] Oh.... of course. Which is why I kick them! >_<
[14:39] [Tina Gale (School Uniform)] heh...ACK! WE'RE GOING TO BE LATE!
[14:39] > Christina P returns
[14:40] [Christina P] sorry remembered an assignment I had to do that was kind of dangerous
[14:40] [Celestite (School Uniform)] Oh shot, you're right!
[14:40] > Tina Gale (School Uniform) scrambles and runs out!
[14:40] > Christina P waves to the two and heads to an exit
[14:40] <-- Tina Gale (School Uniform) [FireyAirPrincess@QTech.com] has left #reddwarfmain (GAH! FORGOT MY BAG! GAH! THE DOOR! GAAAH!)
[14:40] > Celestite (School Uniform) hops up and runs out behind Tina: Sorry Christina, talk to ya' later
[14:40] <-- Christina P has left #reddwarfmain (that was..interesting..)
[14:40] <-- Celestite (School Uniform) [CrystalGirl@dimensionzero.cc] has left #reddwarfmain (Gotta' run to make it to class!!)
[22:08] --> Matsumi Kaze (undies) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has joined #reddwarfmain
[22:08] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Matsumi Kaze (undies)
[22:08] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Matsumi Kaze (undies)
[22:09] > +Matsumi Kaze (undies) walks in and lays face down on the sofa
[22:09] --> David O'Cain has joined #reddwarfmain
[22:09] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to David O'Cain
[22:09] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +David O'Cain
[22:09] [+David O'Cain] Matsumi?
[22:09] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] hm?
[22:10] [+David O'Cain] Are you okay?
[22:11] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] no...
[22:14] --> Sub Zippo has joined #reddwarfmain
[22:14] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +o to Sub Zippo
[22:14] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, @Sub Zippo
[22:14] [@Sub Zippo] Hi all.
[22:17] [@Sub Zippo] Matsy??
[22:17] [+David O'Cain] Hey, Nate.
[22:19] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] what nate?
[22:19] [@Sub Zippo] Are.. you... are you ok?
[22:19] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] no...
[22:20] > @Sub Zippo kneels next to Matsumi and puts a hand on her shoulder.
[22:20] [@Sub Zippo] Anything this asteroid warrior can do to help?
[22:21] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] .....just be here with me....
[22:21] > @Sub Zippo has transformed into Nate Detroit
[22:21] > @Nate Detroit lays on top of Matsumi and holds her.
[22:22] [+David O'Cain] Awww.
[22:24] > +Matsumi Kaze (undies) holds tightly to nate, looking really worn out and sad
[22:25] [@Nate Detroit] Whats got you down, Princess. The tournament?
[22:25] [+David O'Cain] Was something going on at school?
[22:26] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] yeah...something work releated *sighs deeply*
[22:26] [@Nate Detroit] Problems with your family?
[22:27] [+David O'Cain] Is it alright to talk about it? Perhaps you'll feel better.
[22:27] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] also problems with my family
[22:27] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] the school one I rather not say about....
[22:28] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] family...well yesterday I tried calling my dad...and I intrrupted him in the middle of an argument
[22:28] > @Nate Detroit holds Matsumi a little tighter.
[22:28] [+David O'Cain] Oh damn.
[22:28] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] ...well....he then went off on me and said some very hurtful things to me
[22:29] > +David O'Cain facepalms
[22:29] [@Nate Detroit] Bah.. dont listen to him. Fathers... ung.. so full of crap..
[22:30] > +David O'Cain just looks at Nate
[22:30] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] said I should just go to "gayafornia" and that I betreyed my "race"
[22:30] > @Nate Detroit tences up untop of Matsumi.
[22:31] > +Matsumi Kaze (undies) starts to water up in the eyes "and he said he could care less if I called again cause he wasn't going to answer"
[22:32] [+David O'Cain] Matsumi - Aw geez. ~_~
[22:34] > +Matsumi Kaze (undies) tries not to cry
[22:37] > @Nate Detroit lays there in an angry quiet, trying to think of what best to say.
[22:37] > +David O'Cain shakes his head, "Just unbelieveable."
[22:37] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] he also asked himself why he had to have two daughters..kind of ironic there >_> *sniffle*
[22:40] [@Nate Detroit] Not even touching that one....
[22:40] [+David O'Cain] Er, yeah...
[22:40] [@Nate Detroit] Matsy, are you happy with your life and the decisions you've made? Where you've been and where your going?
[22:41] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] yeah....I am...*sniffle*
[22:42] > +Matsumi Kaze (undies) buries her face in nate's chest, trying to control her emotions
[22:42] [@Nate Detroit] Then to hell with him.
[22:43] [+David O'Cain] Your life, Matsumi, not his.
[22:43] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] I agree....I just need...some comfort
[22:44] > @Nate Detroit holds Matsumi tight and strokes her hair. "There there, let it out."
[22:44] > +Matsumi Kaze (undies) starts to cry
[22:45] [@Nate Detroit] Believe me, I know what its like to not have support from your family... The family your forced to have.
[22:46] > +David O'Cain nods a little
[22:46] > +Matsumi Kaze (undies) keeps crying, her face buried in nate's chest
[22:47] [@Nate Detroit] Whats important is the family you choose. Your friends and lovers.
[22:48] > +Matsumi Kaze (undies) nods slight, between sobs
[22:49] > +Matsumi Kaze (undies) looks at nate, her face all dirty from the crying
[22:50] > @Nate Detroit wipes the tears from Matsumi's face with his shirt, then kisses her forehead.
[22:50] > +Matsumi Kaze (undies) smiles to nate
[22:51] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] thank you....
[22:53] [@Nate Detroit] I love you Princess. I speak for us all when I say we all do, and we wouldnt want you any other way then how you are.
[22:53] > +Matsumi Kaze (undies) smiles again and gives nate a kiss
[22:54] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] how was your day, guys?
[22:55] [+David O'Cain] Mine was alright.
[23:00] [@Nate Detroit] Ok. Think I might help out in Paragon City now that I have less work to do..
[23:02] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] ahh.....*snuggles against nate* nice and warm
[23:03] > +David O'Cain stretches
[23:03] [@Nate Detroit] Hehe.. Thata girl.
[23:04] > @Nate Detroit wills himself to be just a little warmer.
[23:05] > +Matsumi Kaze (undies) smiles contently "ahhh...this is good"
[23:05] > ~someone puts her arms around david from behind
[23:05] [@Nate Detroit] I bet. Your probably cold in that little outfit.
[23:06] [+David O'Cain] Eh? Who's there?
[23:06] --> Masaki O'Cain [RisingStorm@ZepherTech.com] has joined #reddwarfmain
[23:06] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Masaki O'Cain
[23:07] > Masaki O'Cain holds her husband close ^^
[23:07] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] hi, masaki ^^
[23:07] [+David O'Cain] Hi, Masaki-chan. ^_^
[23:07] [Masaki O'Cain] hello :P
[23:07] [@Nate Detroit] Huh? Oh hi Masaki!
[23:08] > +David O'Cain huggles his wife, "How you doing, cutie?"
[23:09] [Masaki O'Cain] just fine, dear *snuggles against david*
[23:09] [+David O'Cain] That's good. Day go well?
[23:09] [Masaki O'Cain] mmhmm
[23:10] > +Matsumi Kaze (undies) smiles and rests her head against nate's shoulder
[23:10] [+David O'Cain] Masaki-chan - What all went on today?
[23:10] [Masaki O'Cain] eh..nothing to really speak about
[23:11] [+David O'Cain] Heh (kisses Masaki).
[23:12] > Masaki O'Cain returns the kiss happily
[23:15] > +David O'Cain happily snuggles Masaki
[23:15] > Masaki O'Cain smiles, snuggling back
[23:17] [+David O'Cain] So, what else did you do?
[23:17] [Masaki O'Cain] oh..just relax at home with azumi
[23:20] [+David O'Cain] Ah.
[23:20] > +Matsumi Kaze (undies) rubs her nose against nate's
[23:23] [+David O'Cain] Sure is a nice night.
[23:25] [Masaki O'Cain] yup...it really is
[23:27] > +David O'Cain sits down on a separate sofa
[23:28] > Masaki O'Cain sits on her husband's lap
[23:29] > +David O'Cain happily holds Masaki ^_^
[23:30] > Masaki O'Cain smiles and nuzzles gently
[23:30] > +Matsumi Kaze (undies) has pretty much fallen asleep holding nate
[23:35] [+David O'Cain] Either you're happy to see me or you had a good day, Masaki-chan.
[23:36] [Masaki O'Cain] I'm both ^^
[23:36] > @Nate Detroit smiles and kisses Matsumi's nose.
[23:37] > +Matsumi Kaze (undies) smiles in her sleep, looking rather cute as she does
[23:37] [+David O'Cain] Awwwww.
[23:38] [Masaki O'Cain] heh....that matsumi
[23:41] [+David O'Cain] So cute. (looks at Masaki) Uh, not as cute as you, though. ^_^;
[23:41] [Masaki O'Cain] it's ok...I'm not going to hurt you, davey :P
[23:42] [+David O'Cain] Right.
[23:45] [Masaki O'Cain] please don't be paranoid about it...as long as you never forget me..I'm alright with what you say
[23:47] [+David O'Cain] Okay.
[23:47] > +Matsumi Kaze (undies) yawns and snuggles against nate
[23:49] > +David O'Cain snuggles, nuzzles, and huggles Masaki
[23:50] > Masaki O'Cain giggles and returns the favors
[23:53] [@Nate Detroit] Tired, Princess?
[23:53] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] yeah...a bit....
[23:55] [Masaki O'Cain] you do look tired
[23:55] [+David O'Cain] Bedtime sounds good for you, Matsumi.
[23:56] [@Nate Detroit] Want me to carry you home?
[23:56] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] if you would like *smiles to nate*
[23:59] > @Nate Detroit gets up and scoops Matsumi up. "Just hang on, ok?"
[23:59] > +Matsumi Kaze (undies) holds on tightly to nate
[00:00] >>> Thursday Sep 27 2007 <<<
[00:02] [+David O'Cain] Night, Matsumi.
[00:02] <-- @Nate Detroit [SmashChamp@reddwarf.com] has left #reddwarfmain (Ice is flowin' through my veins; Explosives on my lips and in my lungs.)
[00:02] <-- +Matsumi Kaze (undies) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has left #reddwarfmain (*kisses nate* and my lips on yours)
[00:03] > Masaki O'Cain smiles and rests against david
[00:04] > +David O'Cain holds Masaki
[00:06] [Masaki O'Cain] this is so nice
[00:06] [+David O'Cain] Yep.
[00:09] > Masaki O'Cain yawns a little
[00:09] [+David O'Cain] Tired, beautiful?
[00:10] [Masaki O'Cain] yeah
[00:12] [+David O'Cain] Let's head home, shall we?
[00:12] [Masaki O'Cain] lets
[00:13] > +David O'Cain stands up
[00:14] > Masaki O'Cain stands as well
[00:15] <-- +David O'Cain has left #reddwarfmain (Time for a good night's sleep with the wife.)
[00:15] <-- Masaki O'Cain [RisingStorm@ZepherTech.com] has left #reddwarfmain (mmhmm)
[09:38] --> Matsumi Kaze (undies) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has joined #reddwarfmain
[09:38] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Matsumi Kaze (undies)
[09:38] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Matsumi Kaze (undies)
[09:38] > +Matsumi Kaze (undies) yawns and rubs her eyes
[09:40] > +Matsumi Kaze (undies) sits on the sofa
[09:56] --> Vanadine (undies) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has joined #reddwarfmain
[09:56] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Vanadine (undies)
[09:56] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Vanadine (undies)
[09:57] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] hi *yawn* vana
[09:58] [+Vanadine (undies)] mornin' sweety
[09:58] > +Matsumi Kaze (undies) 's hair is a bit messy "how are you?"
[09:59] [+Vanadine (undies)] Good. you?
[09:59] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] I'm alright...do I look ok?
[10:02] > +Matsumi Kaze (undies) smiles to vana
[10:07] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] vana?
[10:08] > +Vanadine (undies) sits on the sofa next to Matsumi, looking her over.
[10:09] [+Vanadine (undies)] Well... your hair's a bit askew... but otherwise, you look great. ^_^
[10:10] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] could you fix my hair ^^;;
[10:12] > +Vanadine (undies) runs her fingers through Matsumi's hair, combing it
[10:13] > +Matsumi Kaze (undies) giggles "that feels nice ^^"
[10:13] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] yesterday at work...wasn't a good day ~_~
[10:14] [+Vanadine (undies)] aww, what happened?
[10:15] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] well....they brought in an auditors to observe our classes and teaching.....mine wasn't so nice >>
[10:16] [+Vanadine (undies)] Awww, I didn't hear anything about them doing that yesterday
[10:17] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] yeah.....it wasn't well known.......it was so stressful T_T
[10:17] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] I think he upset some of the students
[10:18] [+Vanadine (undies)] Awww
[10:18] > +Vanadine (undies) hugs Matsumi: Did you talk to tomoe-sensei about it?
[10:18] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] yeah....after I hung the guy over the side of the building
[10:19] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] *the auditor
[10:19] [+Vanadine (undies)] O_o You hung him!?
[10:20] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] upside down.....he was still alive
[10:20] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] I would never kill him....just gave him a good scare
[10:21] [+Vanadine (undies)] Still... that's very unlike you
[10:22] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] sorry.....I was reaaaally upset T_T
[10:22] > +Vanadine (undies) snuggles Matsumi: That's ok Sweety
[10:23] > +Matsumi Kaze (undies) snuggles back "how are you, vana?"
[10:25] [+Vanadine (undies)] I'm ok. Last night was slow. Tonight's not gonna' be though.
[10:25] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] oh?
[10:26] [+Vanadine (undies)] Yeah
[10:26] [+Vanadine (undies)] Tonight's the employee preview for our halloween event. It's always packed
[10:26] > +Matsumi Kaze (undies) kisses vana gently "want me to stop by?"
[10:29] > +Vanadine (undies) kisses back and holds Matsumi: If you'd like, but I'm not sure I'll have a whole lot of time to visit.
[10:30] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] awww...how about I show up like this :P
[10:32] [+Vanadine (undies)] Heh... you'll drive the boys crazy... but then I'd have to throw you out. It's part of the rules. <_<
[10:34] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] awwww *holds tightly to vana* how
[10:34] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] *how about I never let you go??
[10:36] > +Vanadine (undies) giggles and kisses Matsumi: Well, you gotta' let me go eventually. We have to get up and get dressed for school soon.
[10:36] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] well..that's true....brrr..a little cold in here
[10:37] > +Vanadine (undies) grins and lightly pokes Matsumi's chest with a grin: I can tell... ^_~
[10:37] > +Matsumi Kaze (undies) blushes deeply
[10:38] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] vana..keep me warm ^^
[10:39] > +Vanadine (undies) pulls Matsumi in close and uses her power to warm her body
[10:40] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] ❧ mmmm..so lovely ^^ ❧
[10:43] > +Vanadine (undies) snuggles Matsumi with a smile
[10:45] > +Matsumi Kaze (undies) makes cute happy noises!
[10:47] > +Vanadine (undies) giggles
[10:49] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] heheh ^^ I love hugs
[10:50] > +Vanadine (undies) smiles: Of course you do
[10:50] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] never leave me!
[10:52] [+Vanadine (undies)] Awww, you don't have to worry about that Sweety....
[10:54] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] good ^^
[10:57] > +Matsumi Kaze (undies) nuzzles vana "I love vana ^^"
[10:58] [+Vanadine (undies)] ❧ I love you too Sweety ❧
[10:59] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] ❧ I hope today will be a very good day ^^ ❧
[11:01] > +Vanadine (undies) smirks: We could go home and start things off with a good time. ^_~
[11:02] > +Matsumi Kaze (undies) smiles back "we should"
[11:03] > +Vanadine (undies) scoops up Matsumi and quickly carries her off
[11:03] > +Matsumi Kaze (undies) giggles
[11:04] <-- +Vanadine (undies) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has left #reddwarfmain (Gonna' start the day off right ^_^)
[11:04] <-- +Matsumi Kaze (undies) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has left #reddwarfmain (oh yes ^_^)
[11:23] --> Neva (nightdress) [BHunterCat@SystemNova.com] has joined #reddwarfmain
[11:23] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Neva (nightdress)
[11:23] --> Nall (shirtless) [WhiteDragon@SilverStar.co.lun] has joined #reddwarfmain
[11:23] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Nall (shirtless)
[11:23] > Neva (nightdress) yawns and wanders in
[11:23] > Nall (shirtless) walks in behind Neva, panting a bit and sweating with his shirt over his shoulder
[11:24] [Nall (shirtless)] Morning.... kitten
[11:24] [Neva (nightdress)] nall-kun?
[11:24] [Neva (nightdress)] what's wrong?
[11:26] [Nall (shirtless)] working on the house....
[11:26] [Neva (nightdress)] oh? how is it coming?
[11:27] [Nall (shirtless)] Almost finished... just a few things left to do
[11:27] [Neva (nightdress)] oh...will there be a room for the baby?
[11:28] > Nall (shirtless) sits on the sofa, laying back against it/ "definatly.... there's alot of.... room for expansion."
[11:30] > Neva (nightdress) sits next to nall carefully "I don't want you to hurt yourself"
[11:32] > Neva (nightdress) wraps her arms around nall "be careful when you work that hard"
[11:34] [Nall (shirtless)] I know, Kitten. I just want to get our home done before the baby's born.
[11:35] > Neva (nightdress) rubs her belly and giggles "and now all we need to do afterwards is furnish it"
[11:36] [Nall (shirtless)] Yup. I can leave that to you
[11:37] > Neva (nightdress) smiles and kisses nall
[11:38] [Neva (nightdress)] do you have any other work to do today?
[11:39] [Nall (shirtless)] No.. thank goodness. Kaede's been doing alot of my work lately.
[11:39] [Neva (nightdress)] is she alright with that though?
[11:41] [Nall (shirtless)] Oh yeah. She's happy to help
[11:41] [Neva (nightdress)] oh good...I wouldn't want to burdan the poor girl
[11:41] > Neva (nightdress) yawns a little
[11:42] [Nall (shirtless)] Yeah..... you look tired
[11:42] [Neva (nightdress)] I am...
[11:42] > Nall (shirtless) stands and offers his hand to help Neva up
[11:42] > Neva (nightdress) takes nall's hand and stands
[11:42] [Nall (shirtless)] Let's to take a cat nap ^_^
[11:43] [Neva (nightdress)] alright ^^
[11:43] <-- Neva (nightdress) [BHunterCat@SystemNova.com] has left #reddwarfmain (all three of us)
[11:44] <-- Nall (shirtless) [WhiteDragon@SilverStar.co.lun] has left #reddwarfmain (I like the sound of that ^_^)
[22:13] --> Masaki O'Cain [RisingStorm@ZepherTech.com] has joined #reddwarfmain
[22:13] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Masaki O'Cain
[22:14] > Masaki O'Cain walks in, yawning
[22:16] > Masaki O'Cain grabs some water
[22:18] > Masaki O'Cain sips it
[22:19] [Masaki O'Cain] so good
[22:19] <-- Masaki O'Cain [RisingStorm@ZepherTech.com] has left #reddwarfmain (now back home)
[23:04] --> David O'Cain has joined #reddwarfmain
[23:04] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to David O'Cain
[23:04] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +David O'Cain
[23:06] > +David O'Cain stretches a bit
[23:08] [+David O'Cain] Man, so quiet in here.
[23:09] --> Matsumi Kaze [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has joined #reddwarfmain
[23:09] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Matsumi Kaze
[23:09] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Matsumi Kaze
[23:09] > +Matsumi Kaze yawns and sits on a seperate sofa
[23:10] [+David O'Cain] Hi, Matsumi.
[23:11] [+Matsumi Kaze] hiya...saw masaki pass by
[23:13] [+David O'Cain] Where is she?
[23:14] [+Matsumi Kaze] I think she headed home....she looked really tired
[23:16] [+David O'Cain] Aw, man. Did you ask what she was doing?
[23:17] [+Matsumi Kaze] she got herself a drink of water
[23:18] [+David O'Cain] Let me rephrase that; what did she do that got her tired?
[23:21] [+Matsumi Kaze] I think she had a major work load
[23:22] [+David O'Cain] Awwwwww. :(
[23:30] [+David O'Cain] I should get home, huh?
[23:31] [+Matsumi Kaze] you don't have to if you don't want to
[23:32] [+David O'Cain] But I...aw hell, who am I kidding? Azu-chan's probably giving her some care.
[23:33] [+Matsumi Kaze] those two really get along well?
[23:35] [+David O'Cain] Oh yeah. Masaki-chan's viewed Azu-chan like a sister. So far, there haven't been any problems.
[23:35] [+Matsumi Kaze] that's great!
[23:36] [+David O'Cain] Yeah. It's nice they get along so well. ^_^
[23:36] [+Matsumi Kaze] ^^
[23:37] [+Matsumi Kaze] how was your day?
[23:41] [+David O'Cain] It was good. Found a superlab in Topeka used for making crystal meth.
[23:42] [+Matsumi Kaze] oooooo
[23:43] [+David O'Cain] Yeah. So many of those things just pop up, you know? Thankfully, the league's got plenty of staff.
[23:44] [+Matsumi Kaze] oh good
[23:45] [+David O'Cain] Man, sometimes it's hard to believe that people like that exist.
[23:45] [+Matsumi Kaze] my day was pretty non-chalant
[23:47] [+David O'Cain] What happened?
[23:48] [+Matsumi Kaze] eh..nothing exciting..went out after with two other teachers
[23:48] [+David O'Cain] Yeah? How'd that go?
[23:49] [+Matsumi Kaze] it was fun
[23:53] [+David O'Cain] That's good.
[23:54] [+Matsumi Kaze] good day for you then?
[23:54] [+David O'Cain] Oh yeah.
[23:56] [+Matsumi Kaze] hope I'm not too quiet
[23:57] [+David O'Cain] Nah, you're fine (sits next to Matsumi).
[23:57] [+Matsumi Kaze] oh good ^^
[23:58] > +Matsumi Kaze pokes david
[23:58] > +David O'Cain pokes Matsumi back :P
[23:59] > +Matsumi Kaze pokes pokes again
[00:00] >>> Friday Sep 28 2007 <<<
[00:00] > +David O'Cain pokes again
[00:01] > +Matsumi Kaze pokes david's cheek
[00:01] > +David O'Cain huggles Matsumi
[00:02] > +Matsumi Kaze hugs back ^^
[00:05] > +David O'Cain gently nuzzles Matsumi
[00:05] > +Matsumi Kaze nuzzles back
[00:07] [+David O'Cain] Sure is a nice night.
[00:08] --> Nate Detroit [SmashChamp@reddwarf.com] has joined #reddwarfmain
[00:08] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +o to Nate Detroit
[00:08] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, @Nate Detroit
[00:08] [+Matsumi Kaze] hi, nate
[00:08] [@Nate Detroit] Evening, evening crew.
[00:09] [+David O'Cain] Hey, Nate.
[00:09] [+Matsumi Kaze] how are you?
[00:10] [@Nate Detroit] Not bad. Yous?
[00:11] [+David O'Cain] Doing alright, man.
[00:12] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] I'm just fine
[00:12] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightgown) flutters her nightgown skirt a bit :P
[00:16] [@Nate Detroit] Heh, what was that for?
[00:16] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] just being silly matsy again ^^
[00:18] [+David O'Cain] You're so silly, Matsumi. ^_^
[00:18] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightgown) sighs a little
[00:18] [@Nate Detroit] Silly Matsy is silly.
[00:19] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] ^_^
[00:21] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightgown) yawns a little
[00:21] [@Nate Detroit] And is sleepy Matsy sleepy?
[00:22] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] mmhmm
[00:23] [+David O'Cain] Awww.
[00:24] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] yeah..I am a sleepy matsy
[00:25] [@Nate Detroit] And lazy Matsy wants a lift? =p
[00:25] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightgown) tries to stand and nearly falls down
[00:26] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] looks like it.....
[00:27] > @Nate Detroit picks up Matsumi and throws her over his shoulder.
[00:27] <-- @Nate Detroit [SmashChamp@reddwarf.com] has left #reddwarfmain (come on, back to earth with you.)
[00:27] [+David O'Cain] Heh.
[00:27] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] whoa! heheh *kicks her feet a little*
[00:27] <-- +Matsumi Kaze (nightgown) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has left #reddwarfmain (weeee!)
[00:30] <-- +David O'Cain has left #reddwarfmain (Time for bed.)
[02:04] --> Vanadine (half uniform) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has joined #reddwarfmain
[02:04] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Vanadine (half uniform)
[02:04] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Vanadine (half uniform)
[02:05] > +Vanadine (half uniform) walks in, only wearing her uniform pants and a white sports bra: Man... what a night....
[02:05] > +Vanadine (half uniform) plops down and lays back against the sofa
[02:07] --> Sailor Kallichore (Pajamas) [Gestalt.Senshi@kalli.co.jup] has joined #reddwarfmain
[02:07] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Sailor Kallichore (Pajamas)
[02:07] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Sailor Kallichore (Pajamas)
[02:07] > +Sailor Kallichore (Pajamas) walks in, sighing a bit.
[02:07] > +Vanadine (half uniform) looks up: Hey Kalli, long time no see.
[02:08] [+Sailor Kallichore (Pajamas)] Hi, Vana.
[02:08] [+Vanadine (half uniform)] How've you been?
[02:08] [+Sailor Kallichore (Pajamas)] Lately,.. worried.
[02:09] [+Vanadine (half uniform)] Aww, care to talk about it?
[02:09] [+Sailor Kallichore (Pajamas)] I'm worried about Kaede..
[02:10] [+Sailor Kallichore (Pajamas)] I'm worried about what she might go through if something happens to me.
[02:10] [+Sailor Kallichore (Pajamas)] I mean, senshi do tend to attract trouble.. And not to be rude, but she's just a normal human as far as we know.
[02:10] [+Vanadine (half uniform)] What do you mean?
[02:11] [+Vanadine (half uniform)] Ohhh, I see
[02:14] [+Vanadine (half uniform)] So you're afraid that if you get attacked sometime, that she'll get attacked also?
[02:14] [+Sailor Kallichore (Pajamas)] Yeah..
[02:15] [+Vanadine (half uniform)] Somehow, I think she could still defend herself, dispite not having any special powers
[02:15] [+Sailor Kallichore (Pajamas)] I hope so..
[02:16] > +Vanadine (half uniform) pats the sofa next to her: Come sit with me
[02:16] > +Sailor Kallichore (Pajamas) sits down next to Vana.
[02:18] > +Vanadine (half uniform) puts an arm around Kalli: Don't worry. Kaede is a bight girl.... and from what I've seen, very flexable.
[02:19] [+Sailor Kallichore (Pajamas)] But will that help her handle magic attacks?
[02:23] [+Vanadine (half uniform)] Honestly, I don't know
[02:24] [+Sailor Kallichore (Pajamas)] That's what worries me so much..
[02:26] [+Vanadine (half uniform)] Well, there're enough people here with magical powers that will be able to help her if something were to happen
[02:27] > +Sailor Kallichore (Pajamas) nods..
[02:28] > +Vanadine (half uniform) grins and suddenly pushes Kall back onto the sofa and pins her down
[02:28] [+Sailor Kallichore (Pajamas)] Ack!
[02:29] [+Vanadine (half uniform)] Ya' know..... I know you have a girlfriend..... but we have been apart way too long
[02:30] [+Sailor Kallichore (Pajamas)] @_@
[02:30] --> Kaede Sasaki (leotard) has joined #reddwarfmain
[02:30] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Kaede Sasaki (leotard)
[02:31] > Kaede Sasaki (leotard) walks in and giggles| Hands off my woman Vana-chan!
[02:31] [+Sailor Kallichore (Pajamas)] She pinned me. T_T
[02:32] > +Vanadine (half uniform) sits up and looks at Kaede with a grin: And here's the little one in question
[02:32] > Kaede Sasaki (leotard) apporches the sofa, blushing| Were you two talking about me?
[02:33] [+Sailor Kallichore (Pajamas)] Um.. Sorta, yeah.. <_<
[02:33] > +Vanadine (half uniform) lets Kalli go, sitting up on the sofa: Only good things, I swear. Come, sit with us.
[02:34] [Kaede Sasaki (leotard)] Actually, I just came to get Kalli and see if she was ready to go to bed
[02:35] [+Sailor Kallichore (Pajamas)] Bed, yeah.
[02:36] [+Vanadine (half uniform)] Awww, poo... I was hoping to have some fun tonight
[02:37] [Kaede Sasaki (leotard)] Rough night?
[02:42] [+Vanadine (half uniform)] Yeah, a littl4
[02:42] [Kaede Sasaki (leotard)] Awww, poor Vana
[02:44] [Kaede Sasaki (leotard)] What do you think, Kalli?
[02:45] [+Sailor Kallichore (Pajamas)] Well, I guess if you're up for it. ^_^;;
[02:46] > Kaede Sasaki (leotard) smiles and turns to Vana| You could always come sleep with us. ^_^
[02:46] [+Vanadine (half uniform)] Aww, you're so sweet, but I don't want to impose
[02:47] [+Sailor Kallichore (Pajamas)] We don't mind at all, Vana-chan. :)
[02:48] [Kaede Sasaki (leotard)] Not at all. I think it'll be fun.
[02:48] > +Vanadine (half uniform) stands: Well, if you two say so. Shall we go?
[02:50] > Kaede Sasaki (leotard) giggles, turns and leads the way out
[02:50] > +Sailor Kallichore (Pajamas) gets up and follows along.
[02:50] <-- Kaede Sasaki (leotard) has left #reddwarfmain (Been a while since the three of us spent a night together.)
[02:50] <-- +Sailor Kallichore (Pajamas) [Gestalt.Senshi@kalli.co.jup] has left #reddwarfmain (Yep.)
[02:51] <-- +Vanadine (half uniform) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has left #reddwarfmain (This will be a nice change of pace. ^_^)
[08:53] --> Matsumi Kaze (nightgown) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has joined #reddwarfmain
[08:53] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)
[08:53] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)
[08:53] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightgown) looks a little sad as she lays on the sofa quietly
[09:00] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightgown) curls up
[10:07] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightgown) sniffles a little bit
[10:10] --> Vanadine (undies) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has joined #reddwarfmain
[10:10] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Vanadine (undies)
[10:10] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Vanadine (undies)
[10:10] > +Vanadine (undies) yawns
[10:11] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightgown) is curled up on the sofa, sniffling
[10:12] > +Vanadine (undies) walks over and sits on the sofa, laying against Matsumi: Morning....
[10:13] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] *sniffle* hi
[10:13] [+Vanadine (undies)] Are you ok Sweety?
[10:13] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] I don't know *sniffle*
[10:14] > +Vanadine (undies) rubs Matsumi's back lightly: What's wrong?
[10:14] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] I don't know *sniffle* I feel down
[10:15] > +Vanadine (undies) lays against Matsumi, planting light kisses along her neck: Awwww.... Sweety....
[10:16] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] you didn't come home last night...
[10:16] [+Vanadine (undies)] Yeah... I'm sorry Sweetheart....
[10:17] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] you didn't call either...
[10:18] [+Vanadine (undies)] It's just that, I got off work late last night.... I didn't wanna' wake you and 'deki up.... so I came up here and ran into Kalli and Kaede.... and they asked me to stay the night with them, since they hadn't seen me in a long time.
[10:18] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightgown) curls up slightly more "I don't know why I feel so down today"
[10:19] > +Vanadine (undies) wraps herself around Matsumi, snuggleing close to her: I'm sorry baby..... I really am
[10:20] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightgown) looks at vana, her face all sad-sad "I know.....I just need to cheer up....."
[10:21] > +Vanadine (undies) kisses Matsumi and snuggles her: What can I do to cheer you up, sweety?
[10:22] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] I don't know *lays her head into vana's chest, trying not to sniffle again*
[10:24] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] sorry about this......I don't want to sound jealous or anything
[10:26] > +Vanadine (undies) sighs a little, holding onto Matsumi: You have a right to be Sweety..... here I am your wife... and I spent the night with two other girls last night.....
[10:27] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] no....I'm just being petty I think *snuggles her face in vana's chest* I need cheery
[10:28] [+Vanadine (undies)] Well.... how about I take you home and do everything I can to cheer you up?
[10:29] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] okies......please do....maybe sometime I can try to talk to Kaede again...haven't gotten that chance yet one on one
[10:30] > +Vanadine (undies) scoops up Matsumi and stand
[10:30] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightgown) holds onto vana, resting her head against vana's chest
[10:31] > +Vanadine (undies) carries Matsumi out
[10:31] <-- +Vanadine (undies) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has left #reddwarfmain (Gonna' take you home and cheer you up)
[10:32] <-- +Matsumi Kaze (nightgown) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has left #reddwarfmain (thankies)
[12:31] --> Kadran [Sonofadevil@Mycidian.co.gov] has joined #reddwarfmain
[12:31] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Kadran
[12:32] > Kadran wobbles in
[12:33] --> Nall [WhiteDragon@SilverStar.co.lun] has joined #reddwarfmain
[12:33] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Nall
[12:33] > Nall walks in, huffing a bit/ "Man... what a day...."
[12:33] > Kadran sees nall and wobbles over to him
[12:34] [Kadran] ....
[12:34] > Nall looks down at Kadran/ "Hey little guy."
[12:34] > Nall kneels down and smiles at Kadran
[12:35] > Kadran smiles back and waves at nall
[12:36] > Kadran falls onto his butt
[12:37] [Kadran] ....
[12:37] [Nall] Awww, poor little guy
[12:37] > Kadran looks at nall
[12:37] > Nall picks up Kadran and stands, walking over to the sofa and sitting with his nephew
[12:38] > Kadran blinks at nall....then grabs at nall's nose
[12:39] > Kadran makes a little laugh
[12:41] > Kadran 's stomech grumbles a little
[12:41] > Nall chuckles a bit/ "Hungry?"
[12:42] > Kadran nods
[12:45] > Nall picks up Kadran again and stands again/ "Let's go get some lunch then. I bet we can find something you really like."
[12:45] > Kadran looks at nall longingly
[12:45] > Kadran smiles to nall and holds onto him
[12:45] <-- Nall [WhiteDragon@SilverStar.co.lun] has left #reddwarfmain (Gonna' take my nephew to get some lunch. Quality time.)
[12:46] <-- Kadran [Sonofadevil@Mycidian.co.gov] has left #reddwarfmain (.....)
[12:48] --> Tika Obake [MechaDriver@GFORCE.gov] has joined #reddwarfmain
[12:48] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Tika Obake
[12:48] > Tika Obake walks in and streaches
[12:50] [Tika Obake] what a great day to have a day off
[12:51] --> Sgt. Ryo Hoshi (Uniiform) has joined #reddwarfmain
[12:51] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Sgt. Ryo Hoshi (Uniiform)
[12:52] [Tika Obake] oh..hi, ryo
[12:53] [Sgt. Ryo Hoshi (Uniiform)] Hey Tika
[12:53] > Sgt. Ryo Hoshi (Uniiform) smiles shyly\ I just got off duty and heard you came up here.....
[12:55] > Tika Obake smiles back "mmmm....it's so nice here"
[12:56] [Sgt. Ryo Hoshi (Uniiform)] It is
[12:57] [Tika Obake] so..*blushes* how are you?
[12:57] [Sgt. Ryo Hoshi (Uniiform)] I'm a little tired, but otherwise ok
[12:57] [Sgt. Ryo Hoshi (Uniiform)] How about you?
[12:59] [Tika Obake] I'm just fine...........*sits up a bit* you can...sit over here..you know
[13:01] > Tika Obake is blushing
[13:02] > Sgt. Ryo Hoshi (Uniiform) chuckles a bit, nervously and goes to sit next to Tika
[13:02] [Sgt. Ryo Hoshi (Uniiform)] So.... I know it's been about a week since we've spent any time together.... how have you been?
[13:10] [Tika Obake] ....I'm very happy
[13:10] [Tika Obake] but....I was feeling kind of lonely
[13:11] [Sgt. Ryo Hoshi (Uniiform)] Awww, I'm sorry. I wish I could see you more when we're on duty.
[13:11] [Tika Obake] it's ok...I understand *holds ryo's hand gently*
[13:12] > Sgt. Ryo Hoshi (Uniiform) blushes and smiles, lightly squeezing Tika's hand in return
[13:13] [Tika Obake] how are you feeling since then?
[13:15] [Sgt. Ryo Hoshi (Uniiform)] Since when?
[13:15] [Tika Obake] ...we slept....together
[13:16] > Sgt. Ryo Hoshi (Uniiform) blushes brigher and smiles wide\ I think about it all the time.....
[13:17] [Sgt. Ryo Hoshi (Uniiform)] ❧ ..... just the thought of being that close to you..... I can't even put it properly into words ❧
[13:17] > Tika Obake blushes and holds onto ryo's hand "...do you mind...if I lean my head on your shoulder?"
[13:19] > Sgt. Ryo Hoshi (Uniiform) smiles\ Of course not, feel free
[13:20] > Tika Obake leans her head on ryo's shoulder, leaning against him as well
[13:22] > Sgt. Ryo Hoshi (Uniiform) casually puts his arm around Tika's waist and holds her
[13:23] [Tika Obake] so...what are you doing today?
[13:24] > Sgt. Ryo Hoshi (Uniiform) smiles\ Hopefully spending time with you.
[13:28] [Tika Obake] I hope so too...mind if I start calling you..my boyfriend?
[13:29] > Sgt. Ryo Hoshi (Uniiform) blushes again, smilling widly\ I..... I wouldn't mind....as long as I can call you my girlfriend too....
[13:30] [Tika Obake] I would love that *moves a little so she rests her head against ryo's chest*
[13:31] > Sgt. Ryo Hoshi (Uniiform) holds Tika, lightly running his fingers through her hair.
[13:34] [Tika Obake] ❧ mmmm....so nice ^^ ❧
[13:34] > Sgt. Ryo Hoshi (Uniiform) blsuhes a little as his stomach starts to grumble a bit.
[13:35] > Tika Obake giggles "hungry?"
[13:35] > Sgt. Ryo Hoshi (Uniiform) chuckles nervously\ Yeah, more so then I thought apperently. I didn't get to eat much for breakfest.
[13:37] [Tika Obake] shall we go and get something to eat then?
[13:37] [Sgt. Ryo Hoshi (Uniiform)] That sounds like a great idea. ^_^
[13:40] > Sgt. Ryo Hoshi (Uniiform) lets go of Tika so she can get up.
[13:41] > Tika Obake stands and offers her hand to ryo
[13:41] > Sgt. Ryo Hoshi (Uniiform) takes Tika's hand with a smile and holds it, as they leave for lunch
[13:41] <-- Sgt. Ryo Hoshi (Uniiform) has left #reddwarfmain (I actually have a girlfriend.... this is amazing. ^_^)
[13:42] <-- Tika Obake [MechaDriver@GFORCE.gov] has left #reddwarfmain (I'm so happy ^^)
[23:07] --> Matsumi Kaze (workout) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has joined #reddwarfmain
[23:07] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Matsumi Kaze (workout)
[23:07] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Matsumi Kaze (workout)
[23:07] > +Matsumi Kaze (workout) comes in jumping rope
[23:08] [+Matsumi Kaze (workout)] ...200...201...202..203...204..
[23:11] > +Matsumi Kaze (workout) jumps rope around the room..doing two circuts
[23:11] [+Matsumi Kaze (workout)] ..230..231...232...233
[23:15] [+Matsumi Kaze (workout)] and rest!
[23:16] > +Matsumi Kaze (workout) sits down on the sofa, wiping off her brow
[23:25] [+Matsumi Kaze (workout)] what a work out *sips some water*
[23:41] > +Matsumi Kaze (workout) relaxes on the sofa
[23:46] > +Matsumi Kaze (workout) streaches and stands
[23:46] [+Matsumi Kaze (workout)] probably should do some cool down excerises
[23:46] > +Matsumi Kaze (workout) removes her sneakers and socks
[23:48] > +Matsumi Kaze (workout) lays on the floor and starts to do some yoga
[23:55] > +Matsumi Kaze (workout) bends herself backwards and puts her legs in the air
[00:00] >>> Saturday Sep 29 2007 <<<
[00:07] > +Matsumi Kaze (workout) finally just lays on the floor, taking deep breaths with her eyes closed
[00:26] [+Matsumi Kaze (workout)] *sigh*
[00:29] --> David O'Cain has joined #reddwarfmain
[00:29] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to David O'Cain
[00:29] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +David O'Cain
[00:30] > +Matsumi Kaze (workout) is laying on the floor, sprawled out, eyes closed
[00:31] [+David O'Cain] Hi, Matsumi.
[00:32] [+Matsumi Kaze (workout)] hiya *sits up and opens her eyes* ahh..that felt good
[00:32] > +Matsumi Kaze (workout) is wearing sports shorts and a tank top
[00:33] [+Matsumi Kaze (workout)] how are you?
[00:34] [+David O'Cain] I'm doing alright. You?
[00:34] [+Matsumi Kaze (workout)] just finishing my workout
[00:35] [+David O'Cain] Ah.
[00:35] [+Matsumi Kaze (workout)] jump roping, some yoga...gymantics..that sort of thing
[00:35] [+David O'Cain] Sounds pretty good.
[00:36] [+Matsumi Kaze (workout)] well I want to be in good shape for the fight
[00:38] [+David O'Cain] Makes sense.
[00:38] [+Matsumi Kaze (workout)] though...to be honest I don't think I'll go to full eternal
[00:40] [+David O'Cain] Against Nate, probably not a good idea. Against evil-doers, that's different.
[00:41] [+Matsumi Kaze (workout)] yeah...so..probably super...plus I with my powers gone for this long....I don't think I have the focus I once had
[00:43] [+David O'Cain] You'll get it back. I just know it.
[00:43] > +Matsumi Kaze (workout) sits on the sofa and sips some water
[00:44] > +Matsumi Kaze (workout) nods "yeah..after a little more reaquiting training
[00:46] [+Matsumi Kaze (workout)] so how are things for you?
[00:47] [+David O'Cain] Things are pretty good. Just another day at the office.
[00:48] [+Matsumi Kaze (workout)] ahh ok
[00:48] [+Matsumi Kaze (workout)] did it go well?
[00:48] [+David O'Cain] Yours?
[00:49] [+Matsumi Kaze (workout)] lots of working out after work
[00:52] [+Matsumi Kaze (workout)] lot of sweat and such :P
[00:53] [+Matsumi Kaze (workout)] I probably smell a little actually :P
[00:54] [+David O'Cain] Heh. Stinky. :P
[00:55] [+Matsumi Kaze (workout)] do I?
[00:57] [+David O'Cain] A little. Probably a good idea to go get cleaned up.
[00:57] [+Matsumi Kaze (workout)] yeah...I should probably take a shower
[00:59] [+Matsumi Kaze (workout)] wish vana was here though...she's missing the fun..heh
[01:01] [+David O'Cain] Heh, she probably has her ways.
[01:01] [+Matsumi Kaze (workout)] heh...I just hope she comes home tonight >>
[01:03] [+David O'Cain] Let's hope so.
[01:04] [+Matsumi Kaze (workout)] yeah.....actually I think I should take a showr..then I'll head home
[01:04] [+Matsumi Kaze (workout)] *shower
[01:05] [+Matsumi Kaze (workout)] hey, david..ever tried taking a shower with your wife :P
[01:07] [+David O'Cain] Oh yeah.
[01:09] [+Matsumi Kaze (workout)] heh
[01:09] [+Matsumi Kaze (workout)] thought you might
[01:10] [+David O'Cain] And there's nothing wrong with that.
[01:11] [+Matsumi Kaze (workout)] of course not!
[01:11] [+Matsumi Kaze (workout)] anyway..I should head off....but before I go
[01:11] > +Matsumi Kaze (workout) gives david a kiss
[01:11] [+Matsumi Kaze (workout)] there you go ^^ always wanted to do that
[01:12] > +David O'Cain kisses Matsumi back, "Too kind."
[01:13] [+Matsumi Kaze (workout)] heh..don't worry about masaki..she's ok with that
[01:13] [+Matsumi Kaze (workout)] seeya ^^
[01:14] [+David O'Cain] Bye.
[01:15] <-- +Matsumi Kaze (workout) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has left #reddwarfmain (I hope tonight will be a good night)
[01:25] <-- +David O'Cain has left #reddwarfmain (Guess I'll take my leave.)
[11:42] --> Matsumi Kaze (workout) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has joined #reddwarfmain
[11:42] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Matsumi Kaze (workout)
[11:42] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Matsumi Kaze (workout)