[03:25] >>> Friday Nov 16 2012 – Automatic reset triggered – Logging Start <<<
[03:25] [Jennifer Flare] Yeah, I should head home and make sure Pichu is okay. Little guy is really growing into his own. ^_^
[03:26] [@Nate Detroit] Good. Give him my regards.
[03:26] > @Nate Detroit takes her glass, putting them both in the sink, walks around the bar and offers a hug.
[03:26] [Jennifer Flare] Will do Nate.... but before you go....
[03:27] > Jennifer Flare hugs Nate tight and kisses him
[03:27] > @Nate Detroit returns a brief kiss and squeezes her tight.
[03:29] > Jennifer Flare smirks / Sho doesn't need to find out 'bout that one. Just for you for being such a sweetheart.
[03:30] [@Nate Detroit] What about this one?
[03:30] > @Nate Detroit smacks her hard on the butt.
[03:30] > Jennifer Flare jumps and giggles
[03:31] [Jennifer Flare] Heh, I won't tell if you don't. :P
[03:32] [@Nate Detroit] Sounds like a plan. Take care, Jen.
[03:32] [Jennifer Flare] G'night Nate. ^_^
[03:32] > @Nate Detroit lets go, scratching her sides gently as he lets go and turns to leave.
[03:33] <-- @Nate Detroit [SmashChamp@reddwarf.com] has left #reddwarfbeta (Sleep tight.)
[03:34] <-- Jennifer Flare [AriesSenshi@usa.cc] has left #reddwarfbeta (Time to head home)
[00:00] >>> Thursday Nov 22 2012 <<<
[18:48] [Miara] (( happy thanksgiving, you guys. ))
[21:10] --> Nephrite Masato (Casual) [FormerGeneral@DarkKingdom.net] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[21:10] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Nephrite Masato (Casual)
[21:10] > Nephrite Masato (Casual) walks in, making a beeline for the bar, making himself a drink
[21:15] > Nephrite Masato (Casual) quickly downs his drink, making another one.
[21:21] > Nephrite Masato (Casual) sits at the bar, taking his phone out of his pocket and looking over a few things.
[21:32] > Nephrite Masato (Casual) finishes his drink and sighs, standing and heading out.
[21:32] <-- Nephrite Masato (Casual) [FormerGeneral@DarkKingdom.net] has left #reddwarfbeta (This is not a good time)
[00:00] >>> Friday Nov 23 2012 <<<
[00:50] --> Nephrite Masato (Workout) [FormerGeneral@DarkKingdom.net] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[00:50] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Nephrite Masato (Workout)
[00:50] --> Nate Detroit [SmashChamp@reddwarf.com] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[00:50] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +o to Nate Detroit
[00:50] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, @Nate Detroit
[00:50] > @Nate Detroit goes to the bar with a sigh.
[00:50] [@Nate Detroit] Hey Neph. Workout go well?
[00:51] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] Hey Nate..... yeah, as well as it can.
[00:51] [@Nate Detroit] Need something to rehydrate? Or further dehydrate?
[00:52] > Nephrite Masato (Workout) sits at the bar, "With how I'm feeling right now.... I could use something strong"
[00:53] > @Nate Detroit pours two Martian Whiskeys on the rocks, giving Neph more and raising his glass.
[00:55] > Nephrite Masato (Workout) raises his glass, then takes a sip and winces, "I forgot how powerful this stuff is.... but it's good."
[00:55] > @Nate Detroit takes a sip, wincing as well.
[00:56] [@Nate Detroit] Well, here's to another month or so of rough days.
[01:01] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] What's botherin' you?
[01:03] [@Nate Detroit] Oh nothing, just tomorrow my stores all become day cares for busy black friday shoppers.
[01:04] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] Ahhh yes
[01:05] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] The American Tradition where people trample one another to save a few dollars on merchandise
[01:07] [@Nate Detroit] Yeah... and spend hours, sometimes days, camping out for said deals. You could work and earn more money than you save. People DIE tomorrow. Of course, places are opening TONIGHT to get a jump start too, meaning all those minimum wage retail workers miss out on their holiday and families.
[01:07] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] Ugh.... savagery.
[01:08] > Nephrite Masato (Workout) takes another sip, not reacting as strongly as he did from the first.
[01:08] > @Nate Detroit takes a stool at the other end.
[01:13] [@Nate Detroit] Kryten sure makes a great Thanksgiving dinner though. Should be plenty left over.
[01:13] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] I'm sure....
[01:14] > Nephrite Masato (Workout) sighs to himself, looking into his glass
[01:14] [@Nate Detroit] I meant if you wanted any. You.. okay?
[01:15] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] Quite frankly... no, I'm not. I made a stupid mistak.e
[01:16] [@Nate Detroit] Care to get it off your chest?
[01:18] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] Well..... you know Minako, right?
[01:19] [@Nate Detroit] Heh.. yeah.. gave her a show with Kaede once. ^^ Nice girl.
[01:21] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] Yeah well..... she and I have kinda' had a thing going for a while.... that we'd agreed to stop after both she and I got married.
[01:22] > @Nate Detroit opens his eyes a little wider, looking at the bar's mirror backing over his drink.
[01:22] [@Nate Detroit] Damn, she's a bombshell.
[01:23] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] Yes, she is.....
[01:25] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] ...... well, during the wrap party for her last tour....we both got a bit drunk and.... things happened.
[01:26] [@Nate Detroit] Heh.. oh wow.. Um.. maybe I shouldn't laugh until I hear the punchline.
[01:28] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] Not much of a punchline.
[01:29] [@Nate Detroit] Did your spouses find out?
[01:30] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] Well... I felt guilty and told Naftis myself.
[01:30] [@Nate Detroit] I know Rowe was mad the first time I slept with Kaede, as was Kalli.. I think things would have been better if we just told them first.
[01:32] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] That's okay..... at least you didn't get one of them pregnant.
[01:33] [@Nate Detroit] No I..... no..... oh man... o_o
[01:34] > Nephrite Masato (Workout) sighs, finishing his drink
[01:34] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] Yeah..... I mean, we don't know for sure if the child is mine yet....
[01:34] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] .... but the time frame is about right.... so there's a chance.
[01:37] [@Nate Detroit] Good luck with that dude. I wish I knew what to tell you. Say it is yours.. how bad do you think that will make things?
[01:38] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] I'm not sure.
[01:40] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] I know Naftis was angry last night.....
[01:43] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] ..... I left on my own.... but she was upset enough to say she needed her space for a while.
[01:44] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] I just really hope we find a way to work things out.
[01:45] [@Nate Detroit] Good luck with that.. If you're all on otherwise good terms, maybe there's hope.
[01:47] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] Yeah..... I hope so.
[01:49] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] In a way, I wish Hotaru had been home last night so I could tell them both.
[01:57] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] I just wish I knew what made me lose control around Mina that night....
[01:59] [@Nate Detroit] Probably a combination of high shelf drinks and her amazing body. Is she flirty?
[01:59] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] She can be aggresive at times..... especially around me.
[02:00] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] But... I've been drunk around Matsumi and Vana before.... and haven't had anything like that happen.
[02:00] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] And you know how Vana can get.
[02:03] [@Nate Detroit] Yeah.. and how Matsumi used to get.
[02:06] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] Hmmm.....
[02:09] [@Nate Detroit] Seems like we're surrounded by sex crazed nymphomaniacs. Like some fantasy paradise dreamed up by a bunch of chauvinists.
[02:14] > Nephrite Masato (Workout) chuckles lightly
[02:16] > Nephrite Masato (Workout) yawns lightly
[02:16] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] Seems fatigue is catching up to me.
[02:16] [@Nate Detroit] Crashing up here?
[02:17] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] Might be a good idea. I don't plan on going home until Naftis calls me.
[02:19] > @Nate Detroit shots his glass and stands.
[02:19] [@Nate Detroit] I'll find you a room. There's plenty.
[02:21] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] Thanks man.
[02:21] > Nephrite Masato (Workout) stands as well
[02:21] <-- @Nate Detroit [SmashChamp@reddwarf.com] has left #reddwarfbeta (No problem. This is the biggest flop house in the Sol System.)
[02:22] <-- Nephrite Masato (Workout) [FormerGeneral@DarkKingdom.net] has left #reddwarfbeta (I could use some rest.)
[00:00] >>> Monday Nov 26 2012 <<<
[02:59] --> Marty D [Techwiz@hogwarts.edu] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[02:59] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Marty D
[03:00] > Marty D tosses off his cloak, leaving himself in a polo shirt and jeans, and goes to the bar.
[03:04] [Marty D] ♬ ♡ ♫ ~ ♭
[03:07] --> Jett Masato (Casual) has joined #reddwarfbeta
[03:07] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Jett Masato (Casual)
[03:08] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Hey there Marty, long time no see.
[03:12] [Marty D] Jett! Nice to see you, bro.
[03:12] [Jett Masato (Casual)] So, what brings you to this relic at this time of night?
[03:12] [Marty D] Make you a drink?
[03:13] [Marty D] Nostalgic whims, and wanted to get out of the house. Had a bit of a spat with your sister over nothing.. she's pretty cranky.. the kids haven't let her get a lot of sleep and.. well, you know how she can get. ^^;
[03:13] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Yeah, anything's okay.
[03:14] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Ooooh yeah, when Cele is on, she can get intense.
[03:14] > Marty D mixes two whiskey and colas and hands Jett one, plopping onto the couch.
[03:14] > Jett Masato (Casual) sits in a chair, taking his drink
[03:17] [Marty D] How are things with you? Juggling girls still?
[03:18] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Oooh yes
[03:18] > Jett Masato (Casual) sips his drink with a smirk
[03:19] [Marty D] Kind of meant that as an open-ended question..
[03:19] > Marty D sips his drink.
[03:20] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Yes well, Violet is my number one girl.... but I have a few on the side.
[03:20] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Vi doesn't seem to mind either, which is fantastic.
[03:22] [Marty D] Treating my sister well on the side, I hope.
[03:22] > Marty D sips again, watching him.
[03:23] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Actually, I haven't seen JD in a while.
[03:23] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Which is kind of disappointing. I really like her.
[03:23] [Marty D] ...I hope you do. She may or may not miss you, but has never been that good about calling people... or using a phone..
[03:26] [Jett Masato (Casual)] That's alright
[03:26] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Her wild side is part of what attracts me to her.
[03:26] > Marty D glares at him.
[03:27] > Jett Masato (Casual) sips his drink
[03:27] [Marty D] I didn't mean that as a loveable quirk on her part. I meant she probably doesn't know how to contact you.
[03:27] [Jett Masato (Casual)] What's that look for?
[03:28] [Marty D] I'd hate to think she was sitting around wondering where you were and why you don't show up any more.
[03:28] [Jett Masato (Casual)] I'm fully aware of what you ment.
[03:29] [Marty D] Well, when you said 'that's alright' you made it sound like you didn't care to contact her, ether because you were done with her or didn't care about her feelings.
[03:29] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Dude, she usually comes to me. I have no clue where to find her. If I did, I'd probably see her more.
[03:30] [Marty D] Ohh. Well I can help with that. I think she has a treehouse in the park she guards.
[03:30] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Wanna' narrow that down for me? There are only hundreds of parks around.
[03:31] > Marty D takes out his PDA and texts him the location and coordinates.
[03:33] > Jett Masato (Casual)'s phone goes off and he takes a look
[03:33] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Oh THAT park.... nice.
[03:33] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Then I'll definitely have to pay her a visit.
[03:36] > Jett Masato (Casual) sips his drink
[03:36] [Marty D] Bet she'd appreciate that. I just hope you're both clear on what your relationship is.
[03:37] [Jett Masato (Casual)] She knows about Violet, Anya & Krystal.
[03:38] [Jett Masato (Casual)] JD didn't seem to mind it either. I think she even had a bit of fun with Krystal herself a time or two.
[03:39] [Marty D] Good. Sorry, but my human side still has the 'protective older brother' thing going.
[03:39] [Marty D] Plus it's just a little weird to have to protect my sister from my brother in law.
[03:40] > Jett Masato (Casual) chuckles a little at that.
[03:40] [Jett Masato (Casual)] I know it's a bit..... different.
[03:41] [Marty D] Yeah, but so are we. *shrug*
[03:43] [Jett Masato (Casual)] You think you're bad.... you should see how Violet's little brother was when he found out I was dating her.
[03:43] [Jett Masato (Casual)] And he's a BIG kid..... I thought my ass was going to be throughly kicked.
[03:45] [Marty D] You're no pixie yourself.
[03:45] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Yeah... but think about this.
[03:46] [Jett Masato (Casual)] He's 15, about 6'6" and built like a tank.
[03:47] > Marty D looks at Jett Masato
[03:47] ➣ Jett Masato: is 6' 5" with an athletic, lightly muscular build. He has short, black hair, which he keeps spiked almost constantly and sharp blue eyes. He carries himself with an air of confidence.
[03:47] [Marty D] So are you. :P Nya.
[03:47] [Jett Masato (Casual)] I wish I had my father's build sometimes
[03:48] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Oh no, Vi told me they don't hit their real growth spurt until about 17
[03:50] [Jett Masato (Casual)] I don't know where he gets it. His dad's an egg head and kinda' scrawny. His mom isn't exactly a body builder either, though I've heard she can be really mean when angry.
[03:53] > Jett Masato (Casual) yawns lightly
[03:54] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Seems I'm finally starting to wear down.
[03:54] > Jett Masato (Casual) finishes his drink.
[03:54] > Marty D finishes his.
[03:55] [Marty D] Need a place to crash, or are you good?
[03:57] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Yeah, I could use a room. Dad doesn't like it when I sneak in this late.
[03:57] > Marty D stands.
[03:59] [Marty D] We have plenty of guest rooms, and you can play with any of the maids you want, save Daphne. I'd suggest we pair off for perverse games if you didn't sound sleepy.
[03:59] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Heh, you're starting to remind me of Mom's place.
[04:00] [Marty D] Heh... some good times there... I hear the new years parties are legendary.
[04:01] > Jett Masato (Casual) walks out with a grin
[04:01] <-- Jett Masato (Casual) has left #reddwarfbeta (Indeed, they're epic and super hot.)
[04:01] <-- Marty D [Techwiz@hogwarts.edu] has left #reddwarfbeta (Love is the greatest magic.)
[00:00] >>> Thursday Nov 29 2012 <<<
[01:42] --> Nephrite Masato (Workout) [FormerGeneral@DarkKingdom.net] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[01:42] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Nephrite Masato (Workout)
[01:44] > Nephrite Masato (Workout) walks in and heads to the bar, whistling to himself.
[01:46] --> Ves Ves [BeastTamer@DeadMoon.cc] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[01:46] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Ves Ves
[01:46] [Ves Ves] In a good mood, or just feeling musical?
[01:47] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] A little of both. How're you tonight, Ves?
[01:48] [Ves Ves] Not bad, not bad. Expecting a wave of generousity from my slaves with the coming holiday~
[01:49] [Ves Ves] Make me something, will you?
[01:50] > Ves Ves sits at the couch, crossing her legs and propping them up on the table.
[01:50] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] Sure, anything in particular?
[01:50] [Ves Ves] Something smooth and top shelf.
[01:53] > Nephrite Masato (Workout) nods and starts making the drinks
[01:54] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] So, getting ready for the holidays, eh?
[01:55] [Ves Ves] Not really, business as usual for me. Might take a little time off for myself, and I understand new years is a big holiday, so I'm sure I'll find a good party.
[01:56] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] Sexy girl like you, I'm sure you could get into any party you wanted.
[01:57] > Nephrite Masato (Workout) winks to Ves, finishing making the drinks and walks over, handing Ves one.
[01:57] [Ves Ves] Popular, connected guy like you, why don't you find me one? ♡
[01:58] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] Heh, I'll see what I can get you into.
[01:58] > Ves Ves takes hers, taps glasses and sips.
[02:00] > Nephrite Masato (Workout) sits across from Ves and sips his drink
[02:02] [Ves Ves] What's new with you, handsome?
[02:04] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] Ohh, just spending time with my beautiful wives and my wonderful baby daughter.
[02:05] [Ves Ves] How's that going? I bet babies can be a real terror.
[02:08] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] Pretty well, Celest likes to wake us up at all hours of the night, but other thent hat she's my little crystal cutie.
[02:09] [Ves Ves] Sounds lovely.
[02:10] > Nephrite Masato (Workout) sips his drink
[02:10] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] I wouldn't give it up for anything.
[02:14] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] When are you gonna' settle down?
[02:15] [Ves Ves] When I find a man who can top me and make me admire him.
[02:18] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] That might be tough, finding a guy to top you.
[02:23] [Ves Ves] Then I guess I won't be 'settling down' like the men of this world would like me to.
[02:27] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] Heh, so I guess it doesn't bother you that all of your sisters have steady men already while you don't?
[02:29] > Ves Ves coughs on her drink.
[02:31] > Nephrite Masato (Workout) smirks a little, "Did I touch a nerve?"
[02:31] > Ves Ves regains her composure.
[02:32] [Ves Ves] Doesn't change the fact there aren't any guys I know of and want to date.
[02:32] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] Heh, duely noted.
[02:38] [Ves Ves] Sides, none of them are married. Wouldn't exactly call them settled down.
[02:39] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] True
[02:39] > Nephrite Masato (Workout) finishes his drink and yawns lighly
[02:41] [Ves Ves] Sounds like you could use a night's sleep.
[02:43] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] Yeah. The little one gets us up at all hours. I'm starting to get tired.
[02:45] > Nephrite Masato (Workout) stands and holds his hand out
[02:45] [Ves Ves] Well then, don't let me keep you. Give the little one a kiss from me.
[02:46] [Ves Ves] Ohh, yes I'll take an escort.
[02:46] > Ves Ves finishes her drink, stands and takes it.
[02:47] > Nephrite Masato (Workout) smiles and leads Ves out
[02:47] <-- Nephrite Masato (Workout) [FormerGeneral@DarkKingdom.net] has left #reddwarfbeta (I can't leave a beautiful lady, unescorted at night, especially when she's a client.)
[02:48] <-- Ves Ves [BeastTamer@DeadMoon.cc] has left #reddwarfbeta (Always a gentleman.)
[22:55] --> Capt. David O'Cain has joined #reddwarfbeta
[22:55] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Capt. David O'Cain
[22:57] > Capt. David O'Cain steps out of a portal and back into the room
[22:59] [Capt. David O'Cain] So good to be home again.
[22:59] > Capt. David O'Cain is now known as David O'Cain
[23:00] [+David O'Cain] Man, about the only time I wasn't in armor was when I slept. About time I got into regular clothes.
[23:02] [-] Excuse me, hello?
[23:03] [+David O'Cain] Huh? Who's there?
[23:04] [-] Is this the fan site for the galactic conquest video game?
[23:04] [-] I'm trying to find it. It's got some giant space coompany that are the bad guys, and a planet is rebelling against them. Is this the place?
[23:04] [-] Have you heard of it?
[23:05] [+David O'Cain] Um, no.
[23:05] [-] I know you are supposed to mail a DNA sample to play with the bad guys. Isn't that the Red Dwarf Game?
[23:05] [-] So you have never heard of . Fiddle.
[23:05] [-] I was really desperate, but this was the first time I could ask.
[23:06] [-] So.. um... what exactly do you do here?
[23:06] [-] And why don't I have a name like you?
[23:06] [~UltraMatt] hello I'm here
[23:06] [~UltraMatt] you have to sign up
[23:07] [~UltraMatt] have to create an account
[23:07] [-] Why do you have a name, too?
[23:07] [-] Ooooh.
[23:07] [~UltraMatt] this is not a fansite for the galactic conquest video game....never herad of that >.>
[23:07] [-] Damn it.
[23:07] [-] worked so hard to find that copy, and I only have partial files.
[23:08] [~UltraMatt] sorry :(
[23:08] [-] I really like space and stuff. So do you talk about that here?
[23:08] [~UltraMatt] we rp set in that
[23:09] [~UltraMatt] it's a multiple canon rp
[23:09] [~UltraMatt] but it's mostly set on the red dwarf ship
[23:09] [-] what's a red dwarf ship?
[23:10] [-] Wow, I just noticed your names are different colors.
[23:10] [~UltraMatt] ever heard of the show Red Dwarf?
[23:12] [-] Sorry. No. It is about space though, right?
[23:12] [~UltraMatt] well yes it's set in space
[23:12] [~UltraMatt] let me find a video of the opening sequence
[23:14] [~UltraMatt] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CkIiK-_8lVM here you go
[23:16] [-] That looks really wierd. Is it related to Lexx?
[23:16] [~UltraMatt] nope
[23:16] [~UltraMatt] it's it's own series
[23:17] [-] So you can play anybody! An it is set in space. Could you be Samus Aran from Metroid?
[23:18] [-] Metroid is a fun game, even before you find out that Samus is hot! So what happens here?
[23:18] [~UltraMatt] you'd have to bring it up with one of the people who run the site
[23:18] [~UltraMatt] who aren't online at this time
[23:19] [~UltraMatt] ..and won't be till later >.>
[23:19] [-] You mean you don't run the site? How do you have a name then?
[23:20] [~UltraMatt] I'm one of the rpers?
[23:20] [~UltraMatt] I have an account on this site as an rper
[23:22] [-] OH. I see it now. But do you have to give your emali I don't want to get junk email.
[23:23] [~UltraMatt] no
[23:23] [~UltraMatt] well I don't think you do...can't remember
[23:24] [-Curious person] So what all happens?
[23:24] [-Curious person] Hey it worked!
[23:24] [~UltraMatt] there you are
[23:25] [~UltraMatt] well this main box here..is always set on the red dwarf ship
[23:25] [-Curious person] but why do you have the wavy thing?
[23:25] [~UltraMatt] we never go outside of it in this main box
[23:25] [~UltraMatt] cause I don't have this name regestered
[23:27] [-Curious person] Oooooh.
[23:27] [-Curious person] can anybody play?
[23:28] [~UltraMatt] as far as I undersatnd it
[23:28] [~UltraMatt] in the events channel..we can go outside the red dwarf ship
[23:29] [-Curious person] I never have ever ever heard of this show.
[23:30] [~UltraMatt] it's british
[23:31] [-Curious person] it's supposed to be funny, then?
[23:32] [~UltraMatt] it's a comedy yes
[23:32] [~UltraMatt] but it has it's dramatic moments
[23:35] [~UltraMatt] the rp also brings in other canons like Sailor Moon, precure, Tenchi Muyo, Gensyoko, Mortal Kombat (sort of) and other ones I've forgotten
[23:35] [-Curious person] I've never heard of half of those.
[23:36] [-Curious person] Only of the ones on Toonami.
[23:36] [~UltraMatt] yeah
[23:39] [~UltraMatt] well we also rp with some original stuff too
[23:39] [-Curious person] I think I am going to go and try to look on another site for the game file. I did bot mean to bother you. It is intersting, though.
[23:39] [-Curious person] Good bye.
[23:39] [~UltraMatt] ok
[23:39] [~UltraMatt] come back if you ever are intersted
[23:39] [~UltraMatt] seeya!
[23:52] > +David O'Cain is back
[23:52] [+David O'Cain] Hm. Guess I was hearing things.
[23:54] > +David O'Cain walks over to the bar and pours himself a drink
[23:55] --> Masaki O'Cain (Materinity) [RisingStorm@ZepherTech.com] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[23:55] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Masaki O'Cain (Materinity)
[23:55] [Masaki O'Cain (Materinity)] there you are!
[23:56] > Masaki O'Cain (Materinity) is in a dress and visibly pregnant
[23:56] [+David O'Cain] Hey, Masaki. I finally got back. (goes over to her and carefully hugs her)
[23:59] > Masaki O'Cain (Materinity) returns the hug "well finally..."
[00:00] >>> Friday Nov 30 2012 <<<
[00:01] [+David O'Cain] Yeah. I'm really sorry it took so long. In addition to the fighting, I had to lend a hand in dealing with an incident.
[00:04] [+David O'Cain] Anyway, it's all been resolved. And I was able to win all of my matches. ^_^
[00:04] [Masaki O'Cain (Materinity)] got the test results
[00:05] [+David O'Cain] Oh really? What is it?
[00:07] [Masaki O'Cain (Materinity)] it's going to be a girl
[00:09] [+David O'Cain] Awww. And Azumi's?
[00:13] --> Nate Detroit [SmashChamp@reddwarf.com] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[00:13] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +o to Nate Detroit
[00:13] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, @Nate Detroit
[00:13] > @Nate Detroit faceplants on the couch.
[00:13] [Masaki O'Cain (Materinity)] she's having a boy
[00:13] [+David O'Cain] What's wrong, Nate?
[00:14] [+David O'Cain] Heh. Nice, Masaki.
[00:14] > @Nate Detroit speech is muffled into the couch.
[00:14] [@Nate Detroit] Tired from work.. don't mind me.. how goes?
[00:15] [Masaki O'Cain (Materinity)] telling my husband about test results
[00:15] [@Nate Detroit] What subject?
[00:16] [Masaki O'Cain (Materinity)] baby's gender
[00:16] [+David O'Cain] Just fine. What Masaki just said, and I just got back from a rather long trip.
[00:17] > @Nate Detroit looks up, squinty-eyed, and lets his gaze fall on her belly.
[00:17] [@Nate Detroit] Oh. Oh! Congratulations. Did you get what you wanted?
[00:19] [Masaki O'Cain (Materinity)] it's a girl
[00:20] [+David O'Cain] Well, I'm going to be a proud parent of a girl like Masaki said and a boy with Azumi.
[00:20] [+David O'Cain] Strike that. A proud father.
[00:21] [@Nate Detroit] Impressive.
[00:22] [@Nate Detroit] I'd be proud too to have two women carrying my children at the same time.. especially if they were okay with it. Heh... well, only if they were okay with it. A lot of men in that situation fear for their lives.
[00:23] [Masaki O'Cain (Materinity)] so what's up with you then
[00:23] [+David O'Cain] Yeah, man. What's been going on?
[00:23] [@Nate Detroit] Just entered my busy season, trying to manage a bunch of arcades and find time to be a father.
[00:24] [Masaki O'Cain (Materinity)] you have a kid?
[00:24] [@Nate Detroit] Yeah.. year and a month old. Halloween, never have to worry about forgetting that birthday.
[00:26] [+David O'Cain] Awwww. Sounds like the little one will be getting extra goodies come that day when it's older.
[00:27] [@Nate Detroit] Yeah.. we'll have to make the day extra special.. dunno if people will still trick or treat then.. seems the trend is dying off. A pity, it was a huge deal when I was a kid.
[00:28] [Masaki O'Cain (Materinity)] yeah make the kid feel the center of attention
[00:28] [@Nate Detroit] That's a birthday, isn't it?
[00:32] [Masaki O'Cain (Materinity)] yup I guess so
[00:40] [Masaki O'Cain (Materinity)] ugh...my back is killing me
[00:40] [+David O'Cain] Here, let's get you seated.
[00:41] > +David O'Cain helps Masaki over to an empty and comfy seat
[00:41] [@Nate Detroit] I bet.
[00:44] > Masaki O'Cain (Materinity) sits down
[00:44] [Masaki O'Cain (Materinity)] ugh....least those two robots keep up at the store
[00:46] [+David O'Cain] Heh, helpful, aren't they?
[00:47] [Masaki O'Cain (Materinity)] yeah.....though they can still get..under my feet at times
[00:49] [Masaki O'Cain (Materinity)] so you run an arcade?
[00:50] [@Nate Detroit] You have robots?
[00:51] [@Nate Detroit] Yeah, a small chain. Arcade games, one place has laser tag, two have go karts and bumper boats.. and I keep looking to expand.
[00:53] [+David O'Cain] Any skeeball and other games that give out tickets to redeem?
[00:55] [@Nate Detroit] Ung... dude, that's where the money is. More than half of my games are redemption, and that's below what is suggested.
[00:56] [Masaki O'Cain (Materinity)] might have to check it out, davey
[00:56] [@Nate Detroit] New video arcade games are rare and expensive. It's insane how much money people dump into redemption games of all types.
[00:56] [@Nate Detroit] I'm sure Jenny would love to see you there.
[00:57] [+David O'Cain] Yeah. How about pinball?
[00:59] [@Nate Detroit] Yeah, one or two at all my locations. It's good they're still making those, even if they tend to price gouge. Pinball is a great thing. It never gets old or tiresome, and you don't have to appreciate the license to appreciate the game.
[01:01] [+David O'Cain] Silly question. Can you remember offhand what tables you got your mits on?
[01:04] [@Nate Detroit] Altogether.... Lets see... Guns & Roses, Cyclone, Taxi, South Park, Transformers, Elvis... umm... probably forgetting one or two.
[01:05] [+David O'Cain] Mind if I make a suggestion on tables to get in the future if available?
[01:06] [Masaki O'Cain (Materinity)] davey is a big pinball fan
[01:06] [@Nate Detroit] Suggest all you want, I get what's available to me for a reasonable price.
[01:07] [@Nate Detroit] I am too, though perhaps not as big.
[01:07] [+David O'Cain] And arcade stuff in general, Masaki. Don't forget that.
[01:09] [+David O'Cain] Anyway, if you can, Nate, look for Theatre of Magic, The Machine: Bride of Pin*Bot, No Good Gofers, Monster Bash, and Harley Davidson. If you wanna really go old yet simple looking, try Gorgar and/or Black Hole.
[01:10] [Masaki O'Cain (Materinity)] man if we had room in the house...I bet you'd want a table in there
[01:10] [+David O'Cain] :P
[01:10] [@Nate Detroit] I loved Theater and Bride of Pinbot.. Gorgar was okay, I played it on my Wii.
[01:12] [+David O'Cain] Cool.
[01:12] [@Nate Detroit] I played the hell out of Theater of Magic back in the day.. 'Mulllltiball~'
[01:14] [+David O'Cain] Nice. Were you able to get onto the high score list?
[01:15] [@Nate Detroit] That was like fifteen years ago dude. Maybe?
[01:18] [Masaki O'Cain (Materinity)] dear remember not everyone has your memory :P
[01:19] [+David O'Cain] Oh yeah.
[01:23] [+David O'Cain] Anyway, before I had left on my trip, Iris held a party/get-together with some friends. Maybe three or four of us had a bit of fun seeing who'd get the best score on Monster Bash. I thought my 1.3 billion point score was good, but got beat by the other pinball wizards.
[01:26] [+David O'Cain] Still, I had fun playing.
[01:27] [Masaki O'Cain (Materinity)] you were playing for hours
[01:28] [+David O'Cain] >_>;
[01:29] [@Nate Detroit] I used to play Revolution X for hours...
[01:30] > @Nate Detroit does his best raspy Steven Tyler.
[01:30] [@Nate Detroit] “ If you're watching this, then they've taken over. It's up to you now. Find our car, and stop the New Order. Remember, music is the weapon. ”
[01:31] [+David O'Cain] Not bad, man.
[01:35] > +David O'Cain yawns a bit
[01:36] [Masaki O'Cain (Materinity)] tired, dear?
[01:36] [@Nate Detroit] I should probably turn in, myself. Nice seeing you both and talking games.
[01:37] [+David O'Cain] Yeah, I'm rather beat, Masaki. And it was great seeing and talking with ya, Nate.
[01:38] <-- @Nate Detroit [SmashChamp@reddwarf.com] has left #reddwarfbeta (Ice is flowin' through my veins; Explosives on my lips and in my lungs.)
[01:38] > Masaki O'Cain (Materinity) slowly stands
[01:38] > +David O'Cain stands up and carefully wraps an arm around Masaki
[01:39] <-- +David O'Cain has left #reddwarfbeta (Let's get some sleep.)
[01:39] <-- Masaki O'Cain (Materinity) [RisingStorm@ZepherTech.com] has left #reddwarfbeta (yeah...I need it)
[00:00] >>> Monday Dec 03 2012 <<<
[17:49] --> Vanadine (Casual) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[17:49] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Vanadine (Casual)
[17:49] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Vanadine (Casual)
[17:49] > +Vanadine (Casual) walks into the room with a slight hobble, wearing a large, black plastic boot over her right foot and ankle.
[17:51] > +Vanadine (Casual) makes her way to one of the sofas and sits, taking out her phone and typing message after message.
[17:54] --> Masaki O'Cain (materanity) [RisingStorm@ZepherTech.com] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[17:54] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Masaki O'Cain (materanity)
[17:54] > Masaki O'Cain (materanity) walks in "hey there"
[17:55] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Hey Masaki..... wow, it's been a while since I've seen you.
[17:55] > +Vanadine (Casual) smirks a little: I suppose congratulations are in order.
[17:55] [Masaki O'Cain (materanity)] ugh yeah....been busy
[17:57] > Masaki O'Cain (materanity) sits on the sofa "walking around is becoming a pain..."
[17:57] > +Vanadine (Casual) raises her booted foot: You're telling me....
[17:58] [+Vanadine (Casual)] .... but I am glad I can walk without crutches again.
[17:59] [Masaki O'Cain (materanity)] oh yeah you got injured, didn't you
[18:00] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Yeah, did it to myself actually. That's what I get for trying to be fancy.
[18:05] [Masaki O'Cain (materanity)] I really hate being in this shape ><
[18:07] [Masaki O'Cain (materanity)] I look terrible >.>
[18:09] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Awww, no you don't Masaki
[18:10] [+Vanadine (Casual)] You look wonderful. ^_^
[18:12] [Masaki O'Cain (materanity)] well I can't do much at the shop now
[18:12] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Well, that's one of the reasons you have workers then.
[18:14] [Masaki O'Cain (materanity)] yeah really...
[18:15] [Masaki O'Cain (materanity)] well I found out what it's going to be..
[18:15] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Oh?
[18:16] [Masaki O'Cain (materanity)] it's a girl
[18:17] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Awwww, how wonderful! Have you and David been discussed names for her yet?
[18:19] [Masaki O'Cain (materanity)] not yet no....I don't have any idea what to call her
[18:20] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Ahhh, how exciting for you two. ^_^ Seems everyone around here is having kids.
[18:22] [Masaki O'Cain (materanity)] yeah seriously...wonder what's up with that
[18:23] [+Vanadine (Casual)] I guess it's just about that time. Neph & Naftis have one, Matsy just gave us a pretty little girl. Mina's got one and another on the way already.... it's our own little baby boom.
[18:24] [Masaki O'Cain (materanity)] heh.....and now me and david
[18:26] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Almost forgot to mention Nate & Kitty-chan.
[18:27] [Masaki O'Cain (materanity)] oh yeah them
[18:29] [+Vanadine (Casual)] In a way, I kinda' wish I could join you all in doing that.
[18:32] [Masaki O'Cain (materanity)] oh yeah...you can't can you
[18:36] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Unfortunately, no. In many ways, I really wish I could.
[18:41] [Masaki O'Cain (materanity)] eh with the way science is...maybe someday you can
[18:43] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Unless a doctor wants to try and totally replace a major internal organ, I don't think it's possible.
[18:44] [Masaki O'Cain (materanity)] just trying to keep your hopes up
[18:46] > Masaki O'Cain (materanity) shrugs
[18:47] [+Vanadine (Casual)] I know, Masaki, but it's alright. I'll just keep up my role of helping take care of Miki.
[18:51] [Masaki O'Cain (materanity)] heh like a second mother?
[18:53] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Indeed, that's pretty much what I am. ^_^
[18:55] [Masaki O'Cain (materanity)] bet you love that
[18:55] [+Vanadine (Casual)] I do. Miki's such a little cutie. Of course, I also have another little girl I'm taking care of too.
[18:56] [Masaki O'Cain (materanity)] eh another kid???
[18:57] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Not exactly.
[18:57] [+Vanadine (Casual)] My wrestling partner Mika gave me a kitten.
[18:58] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Her name is Sakura and she's a Japanese Bobtail. Very sweet little kitty.
[19:00] [Masaki O'Cain (materanity)] ooooh a cat
[19:01] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Mmhmm, I love kitties and now I finally have one of my very own. Which reminds me.
[19:01] > +Vanadine (Casual) slowly stands, being careful not to put too much weight on her bad foot: I should head home and get her dinner ready.
[19:02] [Masaki O'Cain (materanity)] alright....see ya later then
[19:02] > Masaki O'Cain (materanity) stands unsteadly
[19:04] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Yeah, take care Masaki. ^_^
[19:04] <-- +Vanadine (Casual) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has left #reddwarfbeta (Everyone's having babies!!)
[19:08] <-- Masaki O'Cain (materanity) [RisingStorm@ZepherTech.com] has left #reddwarfbeta
[00:00] >>> Sunday Dec 09 2012 <<<
[23:24] --> Matsumi Kaze [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[23:24] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Matsumi Kaze
[23:24] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Matsumi Kaze
[23:24] > +Matsumi Kaze sits on a sofa, trying her hand at knitting..and failing completely and misirably
[23:24] [+Matsumi Kaze] damn...fingers...
[23:27] --> Matsuo Shin [PsychicGuy@Q.Tech.gov] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[23:27] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Matsuo Shin
[23:27] [Matsuo Shin] >____> <____<
[23:28] [+Matsumi Kaze] .....shouldn't you be home?
[23:28] [Matsuo Shin] yes >___>
[23:29] [+Matsumi Kaze] and you aren't...why?
[23:30] [Matsuo Shin] >___> <____<
[23:30] [Matsuo Shin] have to hide the presents
[23:30] [+Matsumi Kaze] ah
[23:31] --> TsukinoNeko [CatGuardian@Moon.net] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[23:31] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, TsukinoNeko
[23:31] > TsukinoNeko softly pads in and hops up on the back of a sofa.
[23:31] [Matsuo Shin] look....it's better then keeping it in the house
[23:31] [+Matsumi Kaze] oh hi, luna
[23:31] > +Matsumi Kaze tries to wave to her..but her fingers are tangled with her attempt at knitting a sock
[23:32] [TsukinoNeko] Konbanwa, Matsumi-san.
[23:32] > Matsuo Shin is carefully putting several presents under one of the sofas >.>
[23:32] [+Matsumi Kaze] been doing well?
[23:34] [TsukinoNeko] Aside from this bun baking away in my oven.
[23:34] > Matsuo Shin tries to push a rather large present under the sofa >____<
[23:34] [+Matsumi Kaze] heh..you and freya both, huh?
[23:34] [TsukinoNeko] And now I'm stuck in cat form until it's over. =>_<=
[23:35] [+Matsumi Kaze] so..just the oppesiste of freya?
[23:35] > Matsuo Shin stands and looks left and right
[23:35] [Matsuo Shin] you two saw nothing...understand???
[23:35] [TsukinoNeko] And she's not smug about it at ALL. ~_~
[23:35] [TsukinoNeko] Hai, hai Matsuo-san.
[23:36] [+Matsumi Kaze] yeah bro
[23:36] > +Matsumi Kaze pets Luna on the head
[23:37] > TsukinoNeko settles down on the sofa back and purrs softly.
[23:37] [Matsuo Shin] it was harder shopping for the daughter then ever before ><
[23:40] [+Matsumi Kaze] well Arty still takes care of you, doesn't he?
[23:40] [TsukinoNeko] Yes, of course.
[23:41] [TsukinoNeko] It's just tough being stuck like this when he can flip back and forth without trouble. ~_~
[23:42] [+Matsumi Kaze] awwww....I'd hug you but...my fingers are currently...tangled
[23:43] [Matsuo Shin] you always were never good with this sort of thing, were you?
[23:44] > +Matsumi Kaze GLARES
[23:44] [TsukinoNeko] It wouldn't be so bad if Freya would keep her snide comments to herself. ~_~
[23:45] [TsukinoNeko] Hmm? Oh, that is quite a mess you have there.
[23:45] [+Matsumi Kaze] it was suppose to be a christmas sock for miki...but....
[23:47] > +Matsumi Kaze holds up her hands..which look more like a cat's cradle
[23:49] [Matsuo Shin] well here..let me free you
[23:49] > Matsuo Shin walks over and starts to untangle Matsumi's hands
[23:49] [+Matsumi Kaze] have to ask, Luna...do you have any cravings?
[23:52] [TsukinoNeko] Not yet.
[23:53] > +Matsumi Kaze carefully picks up Luna and tries to set her in her lap
[23:53] [TsukinoNeko] I am eating more, but I expected that.
[23:54] > TsukinoNeko settles down in Matsumi's lap.
[23:54] [Matsuo Shin] you certainly don't look any bigger..that is for sure...
[23:55] [TsukinoNeko] I'm not far along yet, only about two months.
[23:56] [+Matsumi Kaze] heh so you should enjoy whatever mobility you have left...
[23:58] [+Matsumi Kaze] sorry..
[23:58] [+Matsumi Kaze] that was insenstive of me
[23:58] [TsukinoNeko] Hmm.. Tomorrow. Right now this is comfy.
[23:59] > +Matsumi Kaze just keeps petting Luna
[23:59] [Matsuo Shin] then you will be part of the club of parents
[00:00] >>> Monday Dec 10 2012 <<<
[00:00] [TsukinoNeko] Well, Chibiusa is going to need her guardian fairly soon.
[00:01] [+Matsumi Kaze] same with Miki...
[00:02] [Matsuo Shin] I should probably head home..........I don't want Ami wondering where I am or hunting after me
[00:03] [Matsuo Shin] so goodnight sis...goodnight Luna
[00:04] [+Matsumi Kaze] night Matsuo
[00:04] [TsukinoNeko] Oyasumi.
[00:05] <-- Matsuo Shin [PsychicGuy@Q.Tech.gov] has left #reddwarfbeta (I just hope she doesn't come up here and finds them)
[00:05] [+Matsumi Kaze] heh he's always so nervous about ami and their daughter...
[00:07] [TsukinoNeko] Yeah. Though I don't blame him entirely. It takes a LOT to get Ami-chan to freak out, but when she does, you do not want to be in the same hemisphere. <_<
[00:08] [+Matsumi Kaze] yeah...I was at a dinner when that happened >.>
[00:10] > +Matsumi Kaze scratches behind Luna's ears
[00:10] [+Matsumi Kaze] I hear you have quite the temper yourself
[00:12] > TsukinoNeko laughs nervously.
[00:13] [TsukinoNeko] Usually only directed at Usagi-chan, or sometimes Rei-chan when she and Usagi-chan get into one of their arguments. =^_^;=
[00:15] [+Matsumi Kaze] or artemis??????
[00:15] [TsukinoNeko] Maybe once or twice. <_<
[00:17] [+Matsumi Kaze] well...you are allowed to be angry at your husband heh
[00:17] > TsukinoNeko yawns.
[00:17] [TsukinoNeko] I suppose so. =^_^;=
[00:19] [+Matsumi Kaze] tired
[00:19] [+Matsumi Kaze] ^?
[00:20] [TsukinoNeko] Hai. I expect that'll become more and more common for me. ~_~
[00:21] [+Matsumi Kaze] where do you live..so I can take you home there?
[00:25] [TsukinoNeko] Arty's been looking for a place for us, but we're still living at Ami's place for now.
[00:27] [+Matsumi Kaze] you probably should have left with my brother then...
[00:28] [TsukinoNeko] He was pretty occupied at the time, I didn't want to be a bother.
[00:28] [+Matsumi Kaze] well..I suppose a visit to my sister in law's can't be too bad
[00:28] > +Matsumi Kaze stands, holding Luna
[00:31] [TsukinoNeko] Thanks, Matsumi-san.
[00:33] [+Matsumi Kaze] no problem!
[00:33] <-- +Matsumi Kaze [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has left #reddwarfbeta (now hopefully they won't be too upset with me stopping by)
[00:33] <-- TsukinoNeko [CatGuardian@Moon.net] has left #reddwarfbeta (You've got a good excuse.)
[23:45] --> Minako Kaioh [SoldierOfLove@Venus.net] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[23:45] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Minako Kaioh
[23:45] --> Matsumi Kaze [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[23:45] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Matsumi Kaze
[23:45] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Matsumi Kaze
[23:45] --> Baby Aiko has joined #reddwarfbeta
[23:45] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Baby Aiko
[23:45] > +Matsumi Kaze is sitting on a sofa, trying to knit
[23:45] > Minako Kaioh walks in, carrying Ai.
[23:45] [Minako Kaioh] Konbon Wa, Matsumi-chan.
[23:46] [+Matsumi Kaze] konbon wa, Mina-chan
[23:46] > Minako Kaioh sits Ai down on the floor and sits above her.
[23:46] [+Matsumi Kaze] and hello little ai
[23:47] > Baby Aiko grabs at Matsumi's leg, looking excited. :D
[23:47] [Minako Kaioh] She says hello too. ^.^ What are you working on?
[23:48] [+Matsumi Kaze] trying to make a christmas sock for Miki
[23:48] [+Matsumi Kaze] I'm not..terribly good at knitting though
[23:48] [Minako Kaioh] I'm not bad. Made a blanket for Ai.
[23:48] --> TsukinoNeko (Cat Form) [CatGuardian@Moon.net] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[23:48] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, TsukinoNeko (Cat Form)
[23:49] > TsukinoNeko (Cat Form) pads in and hops up on a sofa.
[23:49] [Minako Kaioh] And a kon~bon~ wa to Luna-chan.
[23:49] [+Matsumi Kaze] hello Luna
[23:49] > Baby Aiko looks intensely at Luna and reaches for her. o.o
[23:49] > +Matsumi Kaze seems to be doing better with the sock then yesterday
[23:51] [+Matsumi Kaze] heh watch out luna..I think little Aiko is curious
[23:51] [TsukinoNeko (Cat Form)] Konbanwa, minna.
[23:52] > TsukinoNeko (Cat Form) is up on the back of the sofa and safely out of reach, for now.
[23:52] [Minako Kaioh] This is your auntie Luna, Ai. She's Artemis' wife.
[23:52] [TsukinoNeko (Cat Form)] I don't doubt it. I've been chased around by Yuki often enough. ^_^;
[23:53] > Minako Kaioh pucks up Ai with a grunt and places her on her lap, bringing her closer to Luna.
[23:54] [+Matsumi Kaze] I would have brought Miki...but the girl is sleeping
[23:54] > TsukinoNeko (Cat Form) curls her tail around and flicks the tip in Aiko's direction, but well out of reach.
[23:54] [Minako Kaioh] I think the gentle hum of the ship relaxes Ai.
[23:54] > Baby Aiko reaches for Luna, starting to sniffle.
[23:55] [TsukinoNeko (Cat Form)] Oh, alright. But be gentle, I don't just have myself to think about here.
[23:56] > TsukinoNeko (Cat Form) hops down on the cushion beside Minako.
[23:56] [Minako Kaioh] Ne, nani?
[23:56] > Baby Aiko pats at Luna, being awkward but still gentle.
[23:56] [TsukinoNeko (Cat Form)] Exactly what it sounds like. <_<
[23:57] [Minako Kaioh] ❧ There, that's it Ai.. be nice to Luna-chan. ❧
[23:57] > Minako Kaioh gasps.
[23:57] [Minako Kaioh] Neeeee?! You're pregnant too?!
[23:58] [TsukinoNeko (Cat Form)] Hai, about two months gone.
[23:58] [TsukinoNeko (Cat Form)] And stuck like this until it's over..
[23:59] [Minako Kaioh] H... how long does you're... do... you... have?
[23:59] [+Matsumi Kaze] freya is too
[23:59] [TsukinoNeko (Cat Form)] Honestly, I don't know.
[00:00] >>> Tuesday Dec 11 2012 <<<
[00:01] [TsukinoNeko (Cat Form)] From what little I remember, Mauians don't normally conduct pregnancies in feline form.
[00:01] [Minako Kaioh] Nothing normal about this group.
[00:02] > Baby Aiko seems very happy, making cooing noises while patting Luna.
[00:04] [TsukinoNeko (Cat Form)] But I'm not anywhere close to term now, so I'm definitely not an Earth house cat here.
[00:05] > +Matsumi Kaze hums a song as she keeps working
[00:06] [Minako Kaioh] Well... Ai is going to have a sibling soon. ^^
[00:06] [TsukinoNeko (Cat Form)] Freya's being contemptibly smug about the whole thing.
[00:07] [Minako Kaioh] Smug? How so?
[00:07] [TsukinoNeko (Cat Form)] Oh! You and Katori-san decided on another so soon?
[00:07] [TsukinoNeko (Cat Form)] Because I'm stuck in feline form and she's in humanoid form.
[00:08] [Minako Kaioh] Yupp! Even confirmed it was his err I mean YEAH! YEAH WE HAVE ANOTHER LOVE CHILD COMING!
[00:08] > TsukinoNeko (Cat Form) blinks.
[00:08] > Minako Kaioh gives her nervous, hysterical laugh, drawing Ai's attention away from Luna.
[00:09] [TsukinoNeko (Cat Form)] Uh huh...
[00:12] [+Matsumi Kaze] oh? you're having another kid?
[00:12] [Minako Kaioh] Sooo... another little bump in the career path, but I'm sure Neph and I can make it work. I mean! Neph isn't the father! So... because he's my agent!
[00:13] > Minako Kaioh does the laugh again, putting her arm behind her head.
[00:14] > TsukinoNeko (Cat Form) raises her paw and opens her mouth as if to speak, but just shakes her head instead.
[00:15] > +Matsumi Kaze shrugs and shakes her head
[00:16] > Minako Kaioh's laughter finally calms down, ending with a sigh.
[00:16] [+Matsumi Kaze] oh how goes the career, Mina?
[00:16] [TsukinoNeko (Cat Form)] I'm happy for you, Mina-chan.
[00:17] [Minako Kaioh] We finished a tour about a month ago, so things are calming down now... which is good since I'm knocked up again. Guess this little bump is gonna be a big bump in the road for me... but... it's okay.. I love Katori and I love Ai and I'll love this one just as much.
[00:17] [+Matsumi Kaze] awww sweet
[00:20] [+Matsumi Kaze] I just finished most of my work too......52 episodes @_@...strained my voice alot...
[00:21] [Minako Kaioh] Wow... must be a nice paycheck.
[00:22] [+Matsumi Kaze] not really >.> I don't get paid that much to do voice work....
[00:24] [Minako Kaioh] Ohh. Oh well, not like you're hurting for cash.
[00:25] [Minako Kaioh] Ne, what do Ami-chan and Matsuo-san think of the news, Luna? That place is gonna get pretty cramped.
[00:26] [TsukinoNeko (Cat Form)] It's not much of a problem since I'm stuck like this, but Artemis is looking for a place for us to move into on our own later.
[00:27] [+Matsumi Kaze] awww how nice
[00:27] > Minako Kaioh thinks for a moment, then grins.
[00:28] [Minako Kaioh] You know.... you two would be welcome in our island love nest. ♡ There's plenty of space, and Artemis ~is~ my guardian after all.
[00:29] [TsukinoNeko (Cat Form)] Oh. I suppose that's an option to consider. If it's not a bother.
[00:30] [Minako Kaioh] We'd love to have you. Just as long as you can tolerate the many noises of passion that fill our otherwise quiet nights. *^.^*
[00:31] [+Matsumi Kaze] heh that noisy huh?
[00:31] [TsukinoNeko (Cat Form)] =^_^;= Well, you'd be surprised by some of the stuff we've heard out of Ami and Matsuo, so I think we could handle it.
[00:32] [Minako Kaioh] I bet pure white Artemis turns beat red~
[00:33] > TsukinoNeko (Cat Form) chuckles. "He has."
[00:33] [+Matsumi Kaze] ..my brother...seriously O_o
[00:34] [Minako Kaioh] Why is it surprising he would love his wife?
[00:36] [Minako Kaioh] If there were ever two people who needed an aggressive sex life, it was them. They're so shy and reserved.
[00:38] [+Matsumi Kaze] I suppose
[00:39] [Minako Kaioh] ❧ Ahh... Ahh... Mats.. Mats!! Sugoi! Hahhh! Harder... harder... KYAAAAAA!!! ❧
[00:39] [+Matsumi Kaze] >.> Mina...
[00:39] > Minako Kaioh laughs hard.
[00:40] > Baby Aiko giggles too. :D
[00:40] > TsukinoNeko (Cat Form) facepaws.
[00:41] [Minako Kaioh] Oh lighten up... you used to be such a free spirit. Has becoming a mommy really made you so stuffy and uptight?
[00:42] [+Matsumi Kaze] don't call me stuffy and uptight
[00:43] [Minako Kaioh] How would you describe yourself, then?
[00:44] [+Matsumi Kaze] I don't know
[00:47] [Minako Kaioh] I don't get why people get so uptight about sex... its one of life's greatest pleasures, it's how we procreate.. there's -really- nothing obscene about it... only what people make of it.
[00:47] [+Matsumi Kaze] well the thing is...you're the goddess of love...so that's your area of expertease
[00:47] [Minako Kaioh] Maybe some day I can share that expertise with more people..
[00:50] [Minako Kaioh] Love is such a wonderful thing... sure it can be abused... but people should be free and open in their love.. let it grow and spread.. let it show more often..
[00:53] [@Rowe-sensei] A noble goal. I know several planets a few universes and a couple thousand years away where they share that attitude.
[00:54] > @Rowe-sensei has popped in through the ceiling. :3
[00:54] > Minako Kaioh gasps and jumps!
[00:54] > Baby Aiko reaches for Rowe-Sensei much like she did for Luna.
[00:54] [@Rowe-sensei] >:3
[00:54] [+Matsumi Kaze] gah!!!!
[00:55] > +Matsumi Kaze looks like she almost had a heart attack @_@
[00:55] > @Rowe-sensei hovers down into the room, sitting in lotus upside down so Aiko can reach her ears.
[00:56] [@Rowe-sensei] Oh come on, it's not like this is the first time. :P
[00:56] [Minako Kaioh] It's still sudden! o.o
[00:56] > Baby Aiko pets at Rowe's ears, giggling when they twitch. :D
[00:57] > TsukinoNeko (Cat Form) appears to have fallen asleep, despite the loud noises.
[00:58] [@Rowe-sensei] Well, I do like to make an entrance.
[00:59] [Minako Kaioh] You've succeeded... still, it's nice to know the future will still have love.
[01:01] [@Rowe-sensei] Well, that's not THIS universe, but this one doesn't turn out so bad either.
[01:01] > Baby Aiko reaches for Rowe with both arms.
[01:01] [Minako Kaioh] Care to hold my daughter? She seems to like you?
[01:01] [@Rowe-sensei] Sure~
[01:02] > @Rowe-sensei floats down to the sofa and rights herself before picking up the little girl.
[01:02] [@Rowe-sensei] We'll end up having some problems they don't and solving some problems they haven't. It averages out.
[01:03] > Baby Aiko grabs gently at Rowe's robes, looking happy.
[01:04] [@Rowe-sensei] You are a lively one~ But I'd expect no less of the heiress of Venus.
[01:04] > Minako Kaioh giggles.
[01:04] [Minako Kaioh] I guess there will always be problems..
[01:04] > @Rowe-sensei gently bounces Aiko on her knee.
[01:05] [@Rowe-sensei] Indeed. With humans, or even humanoids it's pretty inevitable.
[01:05] > Baby Aiko laughs and smiles.
[01:09] [@Rowe-sensei] But if you can be happy yourself and help others to be happy, you can certainly cut down on the number of problems in the universe.
[01:09] [@Rowe-sensei] That's my thumb rule for living.
[01:10] [Minako Kaioh] Sounds like a great philosophy.. I like to think what I do makes people happy.. I know it makes me happy.
[01:12] [@Rowe-sensei] Well, not to spoil anything, but you're going to get better and better at it, so keep up the good work~
[01:13] [Minako Kaioh] Yaata! ^.^v
[01:16] > +Matsumi Kaze has fallen asleep
[01:17] [Minako Kaioh] Looks like we're boring to everyone else..
[01:17] <-- +Matsumi Kaze [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has left #reddwarfbeta (zzz)
[01:18] > @Rowe-sensei shrugs.
[01:19] [@Rowe-sensei] Deep down Matsumi knows it's all true too. She's just not as sure on the surface.
[01:20] [Minako Kaioh] Hai.. she was never very confident.
[01:21] [@Rowe-sensei] She used to be, and will be again to some extent.
[01:22] [Minako Kaioh] I hope the future is nice.. I want my kids to grow up happy and loved.
[01:24] [@Rowe-sensei] It is, and they will.
[01:28] > Minako Kaioh smiles and sighs happily, watching the two.
[01:28] > @Rowe-sensei rocks Aiko.
[01:29] [Minako Kaioh] Arigatou gozaimasu, Neko-chan.
[01:31] [Minako Kaioh] Ne, do you have a brother?
[01:33] [@Rowe-sensei] Nope.
[01:33] [@Rowe-sensei] I have a sister, sort of.
[01:33] [Minako Kaioh] Hmm... I met a cat-man a while ago who looks a lot like you... weird ceiling magics too..
[01:34] [@Rowe-sensei] Hehehehehe~
[01:34] [Minako Kaioh] Cute and charming.. made me float.
[01:36] [@Rowe-sensei] Lets just say, *I* know lots of different kinds of magic~
[01:36] [@Rowe-sensei] And I like pretty girls~ ^_~
[01:36] > Minako Kaioh looks confused for a moment, then giggles, covering her mouth.
[01:37] [Minako Kaioh] Ehe... that's very curious.. and funny.
[01:39] [@Rowe-sensei] It is, isn't it?~
[01:40] [Minako Kaioh] Hai~ I... still need to have a difficult talk with my husband.. but I might wanna spend some time with him again, if he likes girls like me. ♡
[01:41] [@Rowe-sensei] Hehehehe~ I think that can be arranged sometime~
[01:54] > Baby Aiko has fallen asleep in Rowe's arms.
[01:54] [Minako Kaioh] She must really like you. You really are a friend of love.
[01:55] [@Rowe-sensei] I try.
[02:14] > @Rowe-sensei yawns.
[02:14] [Minako Kaioh] Maybe we should head home.
[02:15] > Minako Kaioh stands and makes to take Ai back.
[02:15] [@Rowe-sensei] I was just thinking that.
[02:17] [Minako Kaioh] It was nice talking to you, Chesire-chan.
[02:19] [@Rowe-sensei] You too, Mina~
[02:19] <-- Minako Kaioh [SoldierOfLove@Venus.net] has left #reddwarfbeta (Did you like playing with the Neko-chans today, Ai?)
[02:19] <-- Baby Aiko has left #reddwarfbeta (zzz...)
[02:19] > @Rowe-sensei grins and poofs into cloud of vapor, drifting away~
[02:19] <-- @Rowe-sensei [Neko-Sensei@Hogwarts.edu] has left #reddwarfbeta (*poof*)
[00:00] >>> Wednesday Dec 12 2012 <<<
[13:27] --> Kaede Sasaki (Winter Casual) [HeadCook@RedDwarf.net] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[13:27] [@HOL_6000] Kaede Sasaki (Winter Casual) reporting for duty.
[13:28] > Kaede Sasaki (Winter Casual) walks in, carrying a pair of large shopping bags and humming a happy tune to herself.
[13:29] --> Seiya Kou (dress) [StarFighter@Kinmoku.gov] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[13:29] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Seiya Kou (dress)
[13:29] > Seiya Kou (dress) walks in, her hair slightly frazzled
[13:30] > Seiya Kou (dress) removes some earplugs ><
[13:30] [Kaede Sasaki (Winter Casual)] Hello Seiya-sama.
[13:31] [Seiya Kou (dress)] huh?...oh hi there....person
[13:32] [Kaede Sasaki (Winter Casual)] My name is Sasaki Kaede.... I work here. ^_^
[13:33] [Seiya Kou (dress)] huh...nice to meet you I think *rubs her temples*
[13:33] > Kaede Sasaki (Winter Casual) sets her shopping bags down on the bar and turns with a bounce in her sep.
[13:33] [Kaede Sasaki (Winter Casual)] What's wrong, Seiya-sama?
[13:34] [Seiya Kou (dress)] just have a headache......
[13:34] [Seiya Kou (dress)] never knew a kid could scream so loud...
[13:35] [Kaede Sasaki (Winter Casual)] Oooh, I heard you had a child recently. Congratuations.
[13:36] [Seiya Kou (dress)] yeah...thanks.......just wish I could get some sleep...
[13:37] [Seiya Kou (dress)] so what's going on there
[13:38] [Kaede Sasaki (Winter Casual)] I know what you mean. My little girl keeps my wife and I up nights too.
[13:38] [Kaede Sasaki (Winter Casual)] Just did some grocery shopping.
[13:39] [Seiya Kou (dress)] place looks...nicely decorated
[13:40] [Kaede Sasaki (Winter Casual)] Indeed, we have some very dedicated people that work on that this time of the year.
[13:42] [Seiya Kou (dress)] yeah it's that christmas thing right
[13:45] [Kaede Sasaki (Winter Casual)] Yes it is...
[13:45] [Kaede Sasaki (Winter Casual)] .... you seem a bit out of it.
[13:46] [Seiya Kou (dress)] just tired.......being a mother is so much harder then I thought it would be ><
[13:47] [Kaede Sasaki (Winter Casual)] Hmmm... maybe I can make something to pep you up a bit.
[13:47] [Seiya Kou (dress)] huh??
[13:48] > Kaede Sasaki (Winter Casual) hops over the bar, looking around at what she has in the cabinets.
[13:48] [Kaede Sasaki (Winter Casual)] I have a thing for making smoothies. Maybe I can make something to help you feel better, Seiya-sama.
[13:50] [Seiya Kou (dress)] sure..um..why the sama bit?
[13:52] [Kaede Sasaki (Winter Casual)] Well.... because I'm a fan.
[13:52] > Kaede Sasaki (Winter Casual) starts throwing some things together.
[13:55] [Kaede Sasaki (Winter Casual)] Both as a singer and as your..... alter ego.
[13:55] > Kaede Sasaki (Winter Casual) winks to Seiya as she turns on the blender.
[13:55] [Seiya Kou (dress)] oh yeah..my...boy time
[13:56] [Kaede Sasaki (Winter Casual)] Well that.... and the fact that you're a different kind of senshi.
[13:57] [Seiya Kou (dress)] huh oh yeah...
[13:59] > Kaede Sasaki (Winter Casual) turns off the blender and pours the contents into a cup, handing it to Seiya over the bar.
[14:00] [Seiya Kou (dress)] hey thanks kid
[14:01] > Seiya Kou (dress) drinks "mmm not bad"
[14:01] > Kaede Sasaki (Winter Casual) giggles a little | I'm not exactly a kid, but you're welcome all the same.
[14:02] > Seiya Kou (dress) keeps drinking "you're a kid to me"
[14:03] [Kaede Sasaki (Winter Casual)] Well, I'm guessing that's true.
[14:04] [Kaede Sasaki (Winter Casual)] By the way, that smoothie has orange juice and some orange juice slices for vitamin C and a hint of coffee and chocolate for energy and taste.
[14:08] [Seiya Kou (dress)] so that's what that kick is
[14:08] [Seiya Kou (dress)] so...you met any of the others....
[14:11] > Kaede Sasaki (Winter Casual) nods | I met Yaten-sama a while back. She kept trying to dress me up.
[14:12] > Kaede Sasaki (Winter Casual) goes into her shopping bags, taking a few things out and putting them away behind the bar.
[14:12] [Seiya Kou (dress)] yeah that's yaten....
[14:12] [Seiya Kou (dress)] I heard Taiki looks like she's hiding a watermelon now
[14:13] [Kaede Sasaki (Winter Casual)] I've heard that rumor too. Though from what I've read, noone's seen her since she got pregnant. Or at least noone's talking about seeing her if they have.
[14:14] [Seiya Kou (dress)] yeah she's hiding away
[14:15] [Seiya Kou (dress)] best thing to do
[14:17] [Seiya Kou (dress)] heck I haven't even seen her
[14:21] [Seiya Kou (dress)] kind of wish she'd poke her head out
[14:23] [Kaede Sasaki (Winter Casual)] Maybe you should call her
[14:27] [Seiya Kou (dress)] yeah probably...
[14:28] > Kaede Sasaki (Winter Casual) hops over the bar again and picks up her shopping bags.
[14:30] [Kaede Sasaki (Winter Casual)] Well, I need to go finish putting these away in the mess hall. If you need something to help you rest at night, feel free to come back up. I have a drink for that.
[14:32] [Seiya Kou (dress)] alright..thanks for the offer
[14:32] [Seiya Kou (dress)] seeya kid
[14:35] > Kaede Sasaki (Winter Casual) waves happily and heads out with the bags in hand.
[14:36] <-- Kaede Sasaki (Winter Casual) [HeadCook@RedDwarf.net] has left #reddwarfbeta (Time to put the rest of the groceries away.)
[14:36] > Seiya Kou (dress) pulls out a phone and starts to call
[14:37] [Tao Latu (on the phone)] Hello?
[14:38] [Seiya Kou (dress)] oh hey you're....what's his name...
[14:40] [Seiya Kou (dress)] tao..yeah
[14:40] [Seiya Kou (dress)] was calling to talk to Taiki..is she there?
[14:41] [Tao Latu (on the phone)] I'm sorry Seiya, Taiki's taking a nap.
[14:41] [Tao Latu (on the phone)] She's been having false labor pains lately. So I'm letting her rest as much as she can.
[14:42] [Seiya Kou (dress)] pretty far along then?...
[14:43] [Tao Latu (on the phone)] Just under a month left. We're very excited.
[14:44] [Tao Latu (on the phone)] Speaking of children, how is your daughter?
[14:47] [Seiya Kou (dress)] ugh...noisy as a banshee......
[14:47] [Seiya Kou (dress)] I barely get any sleep...
[14:49] [Tao Latu (on the phone)] Maybe she'll turn out to be a singer like her mama.
[14:50] [Seiya Kou (dress)] maybe..has the lungs for it
[14:52] > Tao Latu (on the phone) chuckles lightly at that
[14:53] [Seiya Kou (dress)] how are things going for you two..
[14:55] [Tao Latu (on the phone)] Besides being excited for the baby... I'm trying to keep up with work. But my boss is being nice and letting me take off the rest of the month to take care of Taiki
[14:57] [Seiya Kou (dress)] hey good man
[14:58] [Tao Latu (on the phone)] And you were worried that I wouldn't be. :P
[15:00] [Seiya Kou (dress)] well could you blame me :P
[15:02] [Tao Latu (on the phone)] Heh, in a way, yeah. You didn't know me.
[15:03] [Seiya Kou (dress)] hey..mind if we visit sometime?
[15:03] [Tao Latu (on the phone)] Absoutely. I'm sure Taiki would love to see you.
[15:05] [Seiya Kou (dress)] so..maybe this weekend?
[15:05] [Tao Latu (on the phone)] That would be great. I'll let her know you'll be coming over.
[15:06] [Seiya Kou (dress)] thanks man
[15:06] > Seiya Kou (dress)'s cell phone makes a beeping noise
[15:06] [Seiya Kou (dress)] geh low battery...I should get going
[15:06] [Tao Latu (on the phone)] Sure thing.
[15:07] [Seiya Kou (dress)] say hi to Taiki for me
[15:07] [Tao Latu (on the phone)] We'll see you this weekend, Seiya. Take care.
[15:07] [Tao Latu (on the phone)] Will do.
[15:08] > Tao Latu (on the phone) hangs up the phone on his end.
[15:08] <-- Tao Latu (on the phone) has left #reddwarfbeta (Call ended)
[15:10] <-- Seiya Kou (dress) [StarFighter@Kinmoku.gov] has left #reddwarfbeta (better get back to my daughter)
[23:04] --> Vance Shinobi [FauRedheadman@royalguard.co.q] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[23:04] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Vance Shinobi
[23:05] > Vance Shinobi walks in, taking off his coat and hanging it up.
[23:05] [Vance Shinobi] Man... this place brings back a lot of memories.
[23:08] > Vance Shinobi sits on a sofa, taking a device from his pocket
[23:09] --> Masumi Saotome has joined #reddwarfbeta
[23:09] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Masumi Saotome
[23:09] > Masumi Saotome walks in, yawning
[23:11] [Masumi Saotome] hm?
[23:13] > Vance Shinobi looks up and smiles: Oh, hello there.
[23:14] [Masumi Saotome] oh..hi there....welcome
[23:16] > Vance Shinobi throws a quick wink to Masumi : You still look as good as I remember.
[23:16] [Masumi Saotome] h..huh?
[23:17] [Masumi Saotome] excuse me?
[23:20] [Vance Shinobi] Oh, I'm guessing somehow I went back again.
[23:20] [Masumi Saotome] back?
[23:21] [Vance Shinobi] Sorry, just you look like a woman I used to know back in my past.
[23:21] [Vance Shinobi] Quite the beauty, I must admit. ♡
[23:23] > Masumi Saotome blushes and sits next to him "you think so?"
[23:24] > Vance Shinobi smiles to her and nods: Indeed I do.
[23:25] [Masumi Saotome] well that's a sweet thing to say to a stranger ^^
[23:25] > Vance Shinobi gently takes Masumi's hand and lightly kisses it
[23:26] [Vance Shinobi] My name is Vance
[23:28] > Masumi Saotome blushes
[23:28] [Masumi Saotome] well I'm Masumi...Masumi Saotome
[23:29] [Vance Shinobi] Nice to.... meet you.
[23:30] [Vance Shinobi] It's always nice to see a pretty face when I have to stop traveling.
[23:31] [Masumi Saotome] traveling??
[23:32] [Vance Shinobi] Oh yes, I've been wondering, looking for somewhere to settle down.
[23:33] [Masumi Saotome] where did you come from?
[23:36] [Vance Shinobi] Well.... I was born on Quinox.... but I've been traveling since I decided to leave my sister's place.
[23:37] [Masumi Saotome] on quinox O_o
[23:39] [Masumi Saotome] but..isn't that world dead?
[23:39] [Vance Shinobi] Oh yeah.... right....
[23:41] [Masumi Saotome] huh?
[23:42] [Vance Shinobi] It's just that.... I was born back when the planet was still full of life.
[23:43] [Masumi Saotome] OHHHH..oh I understand
[23:44] [Vance Shinobi] At any rate, I'm just glad I found a pretty face again. ^_~
[23:46] > Masumi Saotome blushes "you seem quite the flatter"
[23:50] [Vance Shinobi] ❧ I've been told that. ❧
[23:51] [Masumi Saotome] are you hitting on me?
[23:51] [Vance Shinobi] I just can't help myself when I'm around a beautiful woman.
[23:54] > Vance Shinobi grins a little: What if I am? ;)
[23:54] [Masumi Saotome] well...I'm not saying no to that ^^
[23:55] > Vance Shinobi chuckles and casually slides an arm behind her
[23:56] [Vance Shinobi] Well... you're not.... seeing someone are you?
[23:58] [Masumi Saotome] no..no I am not
[00:00] >>> Thursday Dec 13 2012 <<<
[00:00] > Vance Shinobi smiles: That's good then... I don't have to worry about a jealous boyfriend coming after me.
[00:01] [Masumi Saotome] oh...do you plan something?
[00:01] [Vance Shinobi] That really depends on you, my dear. ♡
[00:02] [Masumi Saotome] well..like I said..I'm not saying no..now am I?
[00:03] [Vance Shinobi] ❧ Indeed ❧
[00:03] > Vance Shinobi leans in and lightly kisses Masumi
[00:04] > Masumi Saotome returns the kiss
[00:08] > Vance Shinobi slowly breaks the kiss and smirks
[00:09] [Vance Shinobi] Beautiful and a great kisser
[00:11] > Masumi Saotome blushes "you're too sweet ^^"
[00:12] [Vance Shinobi] So, what is it that you're doing here this late.... besides seducing a stranger? ^_~
[00:12] --> Natalie D has joined #reddwarfbeta
[00:12] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +o to Natalie D
[00:12] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, @Natalie D
[00:13] > @Natalie D walks in wearing a tight Legend of Zelda T and torn jean shorts, carrying a large plastic bag.
[00:13] [Masumi Saotome] well...I'm not doing much ^^ just been wandering the halls...
[00:13] [@Natalie D] ♬ Hiyas. ♭
[00:14] > Vance Shinobi looks up to see Natalie: Hello there.
[00:15] [Masumi Saotome] huh?
[00:15] > @Natalie D sits down infront of the TV and starts unpacking a brand new Wii U deluxe set.
[00:16] [Masumi Saotome] oh hello
[00:17] [@Natalie D] How is everyone?
[00:17] > @Natalie D unpacks the main unit, removing the ample amounts of foam and plastic protecting it, and nuzzles it against her face lovingly. ♡
[00:18] [Vance Shinobi] Good now that I have this beauty in my arms.
[00:18] [Masumi Saotome] oh...I'm ok ^^
[00:18] [@Natalie D] Hee.. You'd make me jealous if I didn't have my darling Nintendo keeping me company tonight.
[00:19] > Masumi Saotome leans against Vance
[00:20] > Vance Shinobi chuckles.
[00:21] > Vance Shinobi pulls Masumi closer to him and smiles.
[00:21] > Masumi Saotome giggles
[00:22] > @Natalie D hugs the gamepad to her chest, squeezing it for a moment before connecting it to the charger.
[00:22] [Vance Shinobi] So, what is a...... Nintendo?
[00:24] [@Natalie D] >.o
[00:24] [@Natalie D] S... seriously..? I thought you had Vana's memories?
[00:26] > Masumi Saotome suddenly yawns.....
[00:26] [@Natalie D] Wow, that was some very sudden yawning. She must be tired.
[00:26] [Masumi Saotome] that's odd...I feel...really..tired @_@
[00:26] > Masumi Saotome slumps..and starts snoring
[00:27] [@Natalie D] o.O
[00:27] [Vance Shinobi] Indeed.....
[00:27] [Vance Shinobi] Oh my
[00:27] > Masumi Saotome suddenly vanishes in a burst of smoke
[00:27] [@Natalie D] Well, looks like you can drag her off and have your way with her if you want. I don't think she's wak.... nevermind.
[00:27] [Vance Shinobi] O_O
[00:28] [Vance Shinobi] Um..... what just happened?
[00:28] [Masumi Saotome (future)] pardon this intrusiton
[00:28] --> Masumi Saotome (future) has joined #reddwarfbeta
[00:28] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Masumi Saotome (future)
[00:28] [@Natalie D] No idea.
[00:28] > Masumi Saotome (future) appears, a serious look on her face
[00:28] [@Natalie D] Ohh, a wizard did it.
[00:29] [Masumi Saotome (future)] a simple sleep spell..followed by a teleport
[00:29] [Vance Shinobi] Masumi...?
[00:29] [Masumi Saotome (future)] I...she...is sleeping in my quarters
[00:29] [Masumi Saotome (future)] mmhm
[00:29] [@Natalie D] So you... kidnapped yourself? Fun.
[00:30] > @Natalie D returns to connecting the console to the room's television.
[00:30] [Masumi Saotome (future)] so you say...
[00:30] [Masumi Saotome (future)] now then...
[00:30] > Vance Shinobi looks over Masumi
[00:30] > Masumi Saotome (future) is wearing a casual outfit..which consists of a slit side dress...and a tight top
[00:31] [Masumi Saotome (future)] *sleeveless top
[00:31] > Masumi Saotome (future) sits next to Vance "where were we"
[00:31] > Vance Shinobi smirks lightly: You look even better now then you did a few minutes ago.
[00:32] [Masumi Saotome (future)] ah..I remember now
[00:32] > Masumi Saotome (future) turns and kisses Vance on the lips
[00:32] > Vance Shinobi is caught slightly off guard then kisses Masumi back, squeezing her side lightly
[00:33] > Masumi Saotome (future) holds the kiss, wrapping her arms around Vance
[00:34] [@Natalie D] Heh.. kidnapped yourself so you could play with Vance instead of... yourself.. this is fun to watch.
[00:34] > @Natalie D reaches behind the TV, bending awkwardly and plug in the HDMI cable and two power cables.
[00:35] > Vance Shinobi starts to get more into the kiss, wrapping his other arm around Masumi
[00:35] [Vance Shinobi] ❧ Mmmm...~ ❧
[00:36] > Masumi Saotome (future) starts to get a little more agressive herself, holding tightly onto his back
[00:37] [@Natalie D] You two get any more aggressive you'll need a room. Of course, you could always have a paradox threesome back at Masumi's. What did my wife ..... Rowe... call it? Timecesturbation?
[00:38] > Vance Shinobi breaks the kiss and gasps a bit
[00:38] [Vance Shinobi] ❧ Woah....~ ❧
[00:39] > Masumi Saotome (future) gives a little smirk
[00:40] [Vance Shinobi] ❧ I'm sure you know where I'm really from now, don't you? ❧
[00:40] [Masumi Saotome (future)] ❧ of course I do ❧
[00:42] [Vance Shinobi] I hope you're not angry for me..... essentially lying to your past self.
[00:44] [Masumi Saotome (future)] well...I remember that lie
[00:44] [Masumi Saotome (future)] it's only after I heard your existance did I realize what you meant
[00:45] [Vance Shinobi] Oh?
[00:46] [Masumi Saotome (future)] I have a loooong memory
[00:48] [Vance Shinobi] Well, you still look wonderful.
[00:50] > @Natalie D pulls up a gaming chair to a few feet from the TV, excitedly turning them both on. After a splash screen and some inoffensive sound effects, she starts going through the initial configuration.
[00:50] [Masumi Saotome (future)] why thank you...and you still look handsome
[00:51] > Vance Shinobi smiles and chuckles.
[00:51] [Vance Shinobi] Well, I guess I don't have to comtinue playing dumb then.
[00:52] [@Natalie D] Don't have to be dumb to be pretty, but it helps.
[00:53] [Masumi Saotome (future)] no you do not
[00:55] [Vance Shinobi] So, Natalie.... what version of the Nintendo is that one?
[00:56] [@Natalie D] This is the latest Nintendo system, the Wii U. It's their sixth major console. How... did you go from not knowing what Nintendo was to asking about 'versions'?
[00:58] [Vance Shinobi] Because I was playing dumb so that I wouldn't freak out Masumi here's pervious self.
[00:59] [@Natalie D] Ohhhhh.... So then you would probably at least know who Nintendo's mascot is?
[01:00] [Vance Shinobi] A short, pudgy man in overalls and a red hat. His name escapes me at the moment.
[01:01] [@Natalie D] Close enough. Mario.
[01:02] [Vance Shinobi] Oh yeah.... that explains that M.
[01:05] > Masumi Saotome (future) is listening to the conversation
[01:06] > @Natalie D pulls her 3DS out of her cleavage and starts transferring Miis from it to the Wii U. Herself, Rowenta, Nate, Matsumi and Vanadine stand out.
[01:06] [Vance Shinobi] Heh, woah.
[01:07] [@Natalie D] Mmm?
[01:09] [Vance Shinobi] Just.... those little characters on that game.
[01:09] [Masumi Saotome (future)] interesting
[01:10] [@Natalie D] Oh yeah, they're called Miis. M-i-i. People make them from themselves, and really creative people can make them look like crazy things. Sharks, lions, monsters, and of course, penises.
[01:12] > Vance Shinobi chuckles: Well, I have to admit, then ones you have there look just like my sister & Matsy.
[01:13] [@Natalie D] Thanks. I worked pretty hard on them. There's a program that uses a camera to make one for you, but I never like what comes out.
[01:14] [Vance Shinobi] What do you think, Masumi?
[01:15] [@Natalie D] You're both welcome to play this anytime and to make your own. It's easy to use.
[01:17] [Masumi Saotome (future)] impressive
[01:19] [Masumi Saotome (future)] if...primiative
[01:20] [@Natalie D] If you say so...
[01:20] > @Natalie D shoots Masumi an ugly look before finishing her transfers and starting Nintendo Land.
[01:21] [Vance Shinobi] Yeah.... we have a much more advanced version of this in our time.
[01:21] [@Natalie D] Well la de da. Just because games are old doesn't mean they're bad.
[01:21] [Masumi Saotome (future)] oh don't give me that look
[01:21] [Masumi Saotome (future)] I am not saying it's bad
[01:22] [Vance Shinobi] Never said they were bad, Natalie. Chill. :P
[01:24] [@Natalie D] If you don't play the classics, you're missing out. I'm sure Ocarina of Time is better than anything in your era.
[01:25] [Vance Shinobi] I have drouble figuring out the older games.
[01:26] [@Natalie D] Heh.. well, 8-bit era games were notoriously difficult. Even a good player was lucky to get a quarter of the way in. Sometimes there were codes that gave you an advantage though. Some games still have them, but not nearly as many.
[01:27] [Vance Shinobi] Ahhhh, speaking of codes....
[01:28] [Masumi Saotome (future)] hm?
[01:28] > Vance Shinobi turns to Masumi and smirks: ...... I think I had a specal unlock code I was using on you earlier, beautiful. ♡
[01:32] [Masumi Saotome (future)] indeed you were....if my memory is correct ♡
[01:33] [@Natalie D] I hope it isn't G-H-B.
[01:34] [Vance Shinobi] GHB?
[01:35] [@Natalie D] Heh.. sorry... but of a dirty joke.
[01:38] [Masumi Saotome (future)] ahhh I see
[01:39] [@Natalie D] It's something people, usually men, slip into someone else's, usually a woman's drink to make them pass out.
[01:41] [Vance Shinobi] OOooooooh, I know what you're talking about now.
[01:43] [Vance Shinobi] ❧ I don't need anything like that for this lovely creature. ♡ ❧
[01:45] [Masumi Saotome (future)] ❧ indeed ❧
[01:46] > @Natalie D starts up the Metroid game, moving the game pad to aim more precisely at the many creatures she blasts from her flying gunship.
[01:46] [Vance Shinobi] ❧ Speaking of which, what do you say we go to a room and take this game to the next level? ❧
[01:47] [@Natalie D] Yay video game sex puns! The second fastest way into my pants next to GHB!
[01:49] [Masumi Saotome (future)] ❧ I would not say no to that ❧
[01:50] > Vance Shinobi stands with a grin, holding Masumi's hand.
[01:51] > Masumi Saotome (future) stands as well
[01:51] [@Natalie D] Gniiiight~ Make her scream for me, Vance.
[01:52] [Vance Shinobi] ❧ Have fun Natalie. ^_~ ❧
[01:54] <-- Vance Shinobi [FauRedheadman@royalguard.co.q] has left #reddwarfbeta (Comeon Masumi... I have just the room for us.)
[01:54] <-- Masumi Saotome (future) has left #reddwarfbeta (now then...)
[01:56] --> Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown) [HeadCook@RedDwarf.net] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[01:56] [@HOL_6000] Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown) reporting for duty.
[01:57] > Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown) hums a tune as she strolls in
[01:57] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown)] Hi Natalie-chan!~
[01:58] [@Natalie D] Hey Kaede girl.
[01:59] > Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown) moves over and sits next to Natalie
[01:59] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown)] What are you playing?
[02:00] [@Natalie D] Nintendo Land. It's the pack in game. It's pretty fun so far.
[02:00] > @Natalie D has moved to the F-Zero game, steering by turning the game pad like a steering wheel.
[02:01] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown)] Coooool~
[02:02] [@Natalie D] What's happening with you?
[02:03] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown)] Kalli-chan is trying to get Krystal-chan to sleep, but she's being fussy.
[02:05] [@Natalie D] Kids do that, I've come to understand. Seems like the best thing to do is capture their attention and fascinate them. Hardly fool proof.
[02:06] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown)] Yeah, Krystal-chan has her rare moments like tonight. Usually Kall-chan lets me leave until she calms down.
[02:08] [@Natalie D] Forgive me, that doesn't seem very supportive, unless there's really nothing you can do.
[02:10] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown)] Yeah, Kalli-chan usually tells me she'll take care of Krystal-chan. Once she starts getting fussy, her mama's the only one who can calm her down.
[02:12] > Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown) leans against Natalie's shoulder.
[02:13] > @Natalie D exits to the plaza, playing the 8-bit-eske game where you drop coins on targets for prizes, and puts her arm around Kaede's shoulder.
[02:15] > Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown) watches and giggles
[02:18] [@Natalie D] How's everything else. My brother pay you a visit recently?
[02:20] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown)] Actually, he's been busy with work and taking care of Marty-chan, so I haven't bothered him.
[02:21] [@Natalie D] Pity. Adorable little thing though, isn't he?
[02:22] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown)] He is! Marty-chan's a little cutie. I bet he'll be a heart breaker like his papa.
[02:24] [@Natalie D] Mmmhmm~ He's getting really mobile too. I saw him walking pretty well.
[02:25] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown)] Hehe, he'll be tough to catch.
[02:27] [@Natalie D] And tough for the daughters of the world to evade, I hope.
[02:29] > Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown) giggles | You never know, maybe Marty-chan will get togther with Krystal-chan when they grow up.
[02:30] [@Natalie D] I'd be happy to see that. I'm sure if they hang out up here they'll get married off soon.
[02:37] > Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown) yawns lightly
[02:38] > @Natalie D powers off the game and puts the pad on the charger.
[02:40] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown)] I think it's about time I went to my room and climbed into bed
[02:40] [@Natalie D] I'll walk you and tuck you in.
[02:40] > Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown) stands and giggles, yawning lightly
[02:41] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown)] ❧ That's so thoughtful~ ❧
[02:41] > @Natalie D stands and offers a hand.
[02:42] > Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown) takes Natalie's hand and smiles to her
[02:42] <-- Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown) [HeadCook@RedDwarf.net] has left #reddwarfbeta (You're always so sweet Natalie-chan. ^_6)
[02:43] <-- @Natalie D has left #reddwarfbeta (Lots of sugar in my diet. :p)
[00:00] >>> Friday Dec 14 2012 <<<
[23:52] --> Hitoshi Kazu (casual) has joined #reddwarfbeta
[23:52] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Hitoshi Kazu (casual)
[23:52] > Hitoshi Kazu (casual) walks in and looks around "hello?.....anyone here?"
[23:57] > Hitoshi Kazu (casual) puts down his large box and leans against it "man I'm beat"
[00:00] >>> Saturday Dec 15 2012 <<<
[00:02] --> Natalie D has joined #reddwarfbeta
[00:02] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +o to Natalie D
[00:02] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, @Natalie D
[00:02] > @Natalie D glomps Hitoshi from behind. ♡
[00:04] [Hitoshi Kazu (casual)] what the!?
[00:04] [@Natalie D] ❧ Hey cutie. I don't think I've seen you around. ❧
[00:05] [Hitoshi Kazu (casual)] u..u...u..um...hi
[00:06] > @Natalie D lets go and bounces infront of him.
[00:06] > @Natalie D looks at Hitoshi Kazu
[00:06] ➣ Hitoshi Kazu: medium black hair, slightly athetlicly muscular and wears a self made tattoo of unknown style on his left arm.
[00:07] [@Natalie D] What's your name? ♡
[00:07] [Hitoshi Kazu (casual)] um..Hitoshi...Hitoshi Kazu
[00:08] [@Natalie D] You seem nervous. What's the matter? Never seen a girl before?
[00:08] [Hitoshi Kazu (casual)] no...it's just
[00:09] [Hitoshi Kazu (casual)] I've been living on an island off the coast of greece for nearly a year now...it's been awhile
[00:09] [@Natalie D] :o You haven't seen a girl in a year?
[00:12] [Hitoshi Kazu (casual)] well...there was Lyra...but I wouldn't really call her a..lady
[00:12] > Hitoshi Kazu (casual) flashbacks to all the training he was put through by her
[00:13] [@Natalie D] Well, what do you call her?
[00:13] > @Natalie D blinks and waves a hand infront of his eyes as he flashes back.
[00:15] > @Natalie D shrugs and walks away, turning on the Wii U.
[00:17] [Hitoshi Kazu (casual)] huh sorry
[00:17] [Hitoshi Kazu (casual)] um...I call her boss mostly
[00:17] [Hitoshi Kazu (casual)] or Miss Lyra...
[00:17] [Hitoshi Kazu (casual)] who are you anyway?
[00:18] [@Natalie D] Natalie. What's in your box?
[00:18] [Hitoshi Kazu (casual)] huh? oh it's my cloth
[00:19] > @Natalie D turns on the Zelda game in Nintendo Land and sets out, shooting the burlap moblins with her bow and arrow, aiming by moving the game pad about and flicking the stick to shoot the arrows.
[00:19] [@Natalie D] Cloth? You a seamstress? Seam...ster?
[00:20] [Hitoshi Kazu (casual)] oh no not that sort
[00:21] > Hitoshi Kazu (casual) removes the cover off the box...revealing a silver metal box with a styalized design of a greek warrior holding a shepard's crook in one hand and two dogs on a leash on the other
[00:21] > @Natalie D looks at it, confused.
[00:22] [@Natalie D] A priest?
[00:22] [Hitoshi Kazu (casual)] no I'm a warrior of Athena
[00:23] [@Natalie D] Ohh. OHHH... -That- Athena? Really?
[00:25] [Hitoshi Kazu (casual)] yeah
[00:26] [Hitoshi Kazu (casual)] not that I've gotten alot of action because of it....I'm still a bronze saint...
[00:26] [@Natalie D] What kind of action do you mean?
[00:27] [Hitoshi Kazu (casual)] you know..fight evil and all that
[00:28] [@Natalie D] Ahhh... well then, you must be tired and ready to unwind.
[00:30] [Hitoshi Kazu (casual)] yeah really......I feel exausted...
[00:32] [@Natalie D] Well, do you have enough energy to make a girl a drink? ♡
[00:32] [Hitoshi Kazu (casual)] ....I don't know how to?
[00:32] [Hitoshi Kazu (casual)] other then maybe give you a beer
[00:32] [@Natalie D] Heh... well, I guess I don't mind a little beer breath if you don't.
[00:35] [Hitoshi Kazu (casual)] where do you keep the beer?
[00:36] [@Natalie D] ....the refrigerator?
[00:38] [Hitoshi Kazu (casual)] and where's that
[00:39] [@Natalie D] ....behind the bar?
[00:41] [@Natalie D] Umm.... you worship Athena? Have you.. not been living with modern society?
[00:42] [Hitoshi Kazu (casual)] huh..well I'm suppose to protect her
[00:43] > Hitoshi Kazu (casual) walks behind the bar
[00:43] [@Natalie D] Doesn't answer my question.
[00:44] [Hitoshi Kazu (casual)] well yeah I've been living in modern society..why wouldn't I?
[00:46] [@Natalie D] Because you didn't think people would keep beer in their fridge?
[00:46] [Hitoshi Kazu (casual)] thought you might have it in the cooler or something
[00:47] [@Natalie D] And as far as I know not many people still worship the Olympic Pantheon... Not that I'm judging.
[00:48] [Hitoshi Kazu (casual)] yeah well I didn't think they existed either...until I found that box...
[00:49] > @Natalie D pauses the game and goes over to closer inspect the box.
[00:50] > Hitoshi Kazu (casual)'s box is large..at least the height of a man and looks very heavy....it looks like it could possible be opened
[00:50] [@Natalie D] So you say you have cloths in it?
[00:51] [Hitoshi Kazu (casual)] yeah
[00:51] [@Natalie D] Can I see?
[00:52] [Hitoshi Kazu (casual)] hm...I guess so...
[00:54] > Hitoshi Kazu (casual) walks over...and carefully opens it...revealing a silver and blue armor shaped like a man and holding a shepard's staff
[00:55] [@Natalie D] Ohhh cool. Looks like something based out of an 80's anime.
[00:56] [Hitoshi Kazu (casual)] I guess...found the box frozen to the side of a mountain in tibet
[00:57] > @Natalie D strokes the armor with the tips of her fingers.
[00:57] [@Natalie D] Where's that beer? Or do you not care about the favor of a beautiful maiden??
[00:58] > Hitoshi Kazu (casual) walks back and hands Natalie a beer
[00:59] [Hitoshi Kazu (casual)] sorry about that...guess my head is in the clouds today
[01:00] [@Natalie D] Handsome young guy like you should have his head in other soft, wet places than clouds. ♡
[01:02] > Hitoshi Kazu (casual) turns really red at that "um...I guess"
[01:06] > @Natalie D sips the beer then goes back to get game, staying to one side of the couch.
[01:06] [Hitoshi Kazu (casual)] huh...this the latest system?
[01:08] [@Natalie D] Yeah. Came out a month ago. Got mine yesterday thanks to the waiting list. No lines or scalpers for this girl. ♡
[01:12] [Hitoshi Kazu (casual)] any good games?>
[01:13] [@Natalie D] Honestly, not really. The pack in is okay, but really needs more players to be fun and doesn't have online. I got Call of Duty too, only because it's popular... but I don't like it.
[01:13] [@Natalie D] Gonna stand around awkwardly all night? I only bite in the heat of passion.
[01:14] [Hitoshi Kazu (casual)] oh OH *sits down*
[01:17] > Hitoshi Kazu (casual) watches the screen
[01:19] > @Natalie D wonders idly where he's sitting, but continues playing, shooting her bow through hoards of burlap moblins and other obstacles.
[01:21] > Hitoshi Kazu (casual) is sitting not far from Natalie
[01:22] > @Natalie D sips her beer during a cutscene where two big, obviously boss moblins pop onto the scene and roar at her, wielding large shields and clubs.
[01:25] [@Natalie D] I'd ask if you want to play, but you probably have had your fill of swinging swords lately.
[01:26] [Hitoshi Kazu (casual)] I never used a sword before
[01:27] [@Natalie D] Ohh. Want to play then?
[01:27] [Hitoshi Kazu (casual)] I guess..how do I play?
[01:29] > @Natalie D hands him a controller and nunchuck and starts a two player game. Monita, the weird floating robotic tour guide explains the controls, basically to use them as a sword and shield.
[01:33] > Hitoshi Kazu (casual) nods to the guide
[01:33] [@Natalie D] Okay, you take point, I cover with my bow. Ready?
[01:34] > @Natalie D starts the game. The characters, Natalie's Mii and a generic Mii dressed as Green and Blue Link walk on a path on their own, getting ambushed by moblins.
[01:36] > Hitoshi Kazu (casual) nods
[01:36] > Hitoshi Kazu (casual) starts to try and play the game..but is..rather sloppy still
[01:36] > @Natalie D fires her first shot through one and killing another, and starts plucking them away.
[01:38] [Hitoshi Kazu (casual)] geh...
[01:39] [@Natalie D] It's okay. Don't forget your shield. Swing the controller like a sword. It uses one to one controls.
[01:40] > Hitoshi Kazu (casual) swings in wild slashes
[01:42] > @Natalie D tries to cover him, but can't stop him from taking hits and loosing hearts.
[01:43] [Hitoshi Kazu (casual)] gah why isn't this working >.O
[01:43] [@Natalie D] Because you aren't turning yourself to face them... aaaand we're dead.
[01:43] [Hitoshi Kazu (casual)] sorry about that
[01:44] [@Natalie D] No need, it's a game.
[01:44] [@Natalie D] You ~should~ be sorry however, for ignoring a pretty girl's flirting. Unless... ohh... are you... not into... my type?
[01:47] [Hitoshi Kazu (casual)] your type?...OH no NO NO NO it's not like that...
[01:47] [Hitoshi Kazu (casual)] I'm just really tired...my mind is kind of wandering
[01:49] > Hitoshi Kazu (casual) yawns
[01:49] [@Natalie D] Well, maybe you need a place to crash? There's plenty of room up here. The rec room, the many empty crew rooms... the other side of my bed... shall I take you somewhere to rest?
[01:50] [Hitoshi Kazu (casual)] yeah guess that wouldn't hurt *yawns*
[01:50] > Hitoshi Kazu (casual) walks over to his box and closes it, before lifting it onto his back
[01:51] > @Natalie D puts away the game pad and looks a little surprised to see him put it on his back, but turns it into a grin and leads him out.
[01:51] <-- @Natalie D has left #reddwarfbeta (Lets get you your beauty sleep, tough guy.)
[01:52] <-- Hitoshi Kazu (casual) has left #reddwarfbeta (I am pretty tired)
[00:00] >>> Sunday Dec 16 2012 <<<
[23:07] --> Freya (human casual) [CatGuard@Q.Gov] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[23:07] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Freya (human casual)
[23:07] > Freya (human casual) walks in, looking around
[23:09] > Freya (human casual) puts a little ornament on the tree
[23:10] --> Ves Ves (Fur) [BeastTamer@DeadMoon.cc] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[23:10] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Ves Ves (Fur)
[23:11] [Ves Ves (Fur)] Good evening. Place looks nice.
[23:11] [Freya (human casual)] hm yeah...suppose it is..it is nice
[23:12] > Ves Ves (Fur) makes herself a drink and paces about the tree, taking it in.
[23:14] > ~the tree is small but just seems to give off a warm family feeling to it
[23:15] > Ves Ves (Fur) sits on the couch, crossing her legs and drinking with a soft sigh.
[23:18] [Freya (human casual)] something on your mind?
[23:18] [Ves Ves (Fur)] Freya, right? How are you?
[23:18] [Ves Ves (Fur)] Oh no, nothing at all.. well, my lifestyle and my sisters..
[23:26] [Freya (human casual)] ok...still feeling a bit ill
[23:27] [Ves Ves (fur)] Winter bug?
[23:33] [Freya (human casual)] no pregnant
[23:35] [Ves Ves (fur)] Ohh. Planned?
[23:40] [Freya (human casual)] heh not really...but I got married to the man I love so I'm happy
[23:40] > Freya (human casual) sits down on a sofa
[23:42] [Ves Ves (fur)] Well, that's something. From what I gather if all pregnancies on this planet were planned the population would be about an eighth of what it is.
[23:45] [Freya (human casual)] till then I'm stuck in this form
[23:50] [Freya (human casual)] can't shift without hurting the child
[23:51] [Ves Ves (fur)] This form meaning sick?
[23:53] [Freya (human casual)] no...human
[23:53] [Ves Ves (fur)] Um.. okay then.
[23:54] [Freya (human casual)] usually I'm a cat
[23:57] [Ves Ves (fur)] Ohhh. Guess that's common around here.
[23:57] [Freya (human casual)] heh I suppose so...so what's troubling you
[23:58] [Ves Ves (fur)] Nothing really. Just a little... bored I guess. Running out of ideas for things to do with my slaves... wishing I had a real man to take me out new years..
[00:00] >>> Monday Dec 17 2012 <<<
[00:00] [Freya (human casual)] well maybe you should look into getting into a serious relationship
[00:01] [Ves Ves (fur)] You make that sound like it's applying for a job or doing research on a king.
[00:03] [Freya (human casual)] no no...I'm just saying
[00:05] [Ves Ves (fur)] I'm not worried. Just bored.
[00:06] [Freya (human casual)] and this is your only outlet
[00:06] [Freya (human casual)] ^?
[00:07] [Ves Ves (fur)] Meh, my circus work and my animals, my side job with my slave boys, a good drink now and then, and sometimes I travel about Earth.
[00:09] [Freya (human casual)] oh yes..I belive you are represented by Nephrite?
[00:09] [Ves Ves (fur)] Mmmhmm.
[00:11] [Freya (human casual)] I work for him as well
[00:12] [Ves Ves (Fur)] Oh yeah...
[00:14] [Freya (human casual)] I'm his secretary
[00:15] [Ves Ves (Fur)] Yeah, I don't know why I didn't recognize you.
[00:16] [Freya (human casual)] well I tend to be more heard then noticed
[00:16] [Ves Ves (Fur)] Huh? You mean seen and not heard?
[00:18] [Freya (human casual)] yeah
[00:22] [Ves Ves (Fur)] Well, there are worse ways to live. Good for a submissive person to find their place.
[00:22] [Freya (human casual)] submissive?????
[00:23] [Ves Ves (Fur)] Well yes. You're a secretary who stays seen and not heard, you're pregnant... surely you don't see yourself as dominant?
[00:24] [Freya (human casual)] I can still kick my charge's ass
[00:24] [Ves Ves (Fur)] Heh.. that's something.
[00:26] [Freya (human casual)] just because of my current postion does not mean I cannot take charge when I need to
[00:26] [Ves Ves (Fur)] Yes, but that isn't how you live your life? You aren't usually in charge?
[00:28] [Freya (human casual)] I just prefer not to unless I need to be
[00:29] [Ves Ves (Fur)] Then I would consider you submissive. There's nothing -wrong- with that of course. The world needs submissive people.
[00:32] [Freya (human casual)] I suppose
[00:34] [Freya (human casual)] how are your sisters doing?
[00:35] [Ves Ves (Fur)] Ohh they're -fine- with their -boyfriends- and their hobbies. We all have a lot of down time.
[00:43] > Ves Ves (Fur) finishes her drink and holds out her glass to Freya.
[00:43] [Ves Ves (Fur)] Get a lady a refill?
[00:45] > Freya (human casual) takes the glass and goes back to the bar, refilling it with whatever she had...and returns it to her
[00:45] [Freya (human casual)] there you go
[00:45] [Ves Ves (Fur)] Thanks.
[00:47] [Freya (human casual)] no problem..going to miss drinking
[00:48] [Ves Ves (Fur)] Oh yeah.. that's gonna suck for you I bet. All the sickness and weight gain and back pain... then you get to push a human be... human...oid... being out of your body. Then the REAL fun starts.
[00:55] [Freya (human casual)] heh I don't regert it
[00:55] [Freya (human casual)] *regret
[00:59] [Ves Ves (Fur)] Not now you don't. When you're on that table with your body splitting in half and blood flying everywhere....
[01:00] [Freya (human casual)] my you're cheery about that sort of thing
[01:00] [Ves Ves (Fur)] Just call them as I see them.
[01:05] [Freya (human casual)] well it can't be any worse then having a rock fall on you and crush your spine and legs into a mixture of blood, gore and bones
[01:05] [Ves Ves (Fur)] Nope, it's probably a lot better!
[01:07] [Freya (human casual)] and having already gone through the latter....I don't think the former will hurt me that much
[01:10] [Ves Ves (Fur)] 0.o wat
[01:14] [Freya (human casual)] mmhm..nearly died
[01:14] [Ves Ves (Fur)] It's amazing you've recovered so thoroughly.
[01:15] [Freya (human casual)] I was....healed in an unconventional way
[01:20] [Ves Ves (Fur)] I'd have to imagine.
[01:21] [Ves Ves (Fur)] Yeah, for you childbirth will be a walk in the park.
[01:23] [Freya (human casual)] as much as I would love to continue this conversation..I should return home
[01:24] [Ves Ves (Fur)] Yeah.. I should get out of here. This place is dead. Nice talking.
[01:25] [Freya (human casual)] goodnight
[01:25] > Ves Ves (Fur) stands and straightens her coat.
[01:25] <-- Ves Ves (Fur) [BeastTamer@DeadMoon.cc] has left #reddwarfbeta (Night.)
[01:26] <-- Freya (human casual) [CatGuard@Q.Gov] has left #reddwarfbeta
[23:35] --> Nephrite Masato (Workout) [FormerGeneral@DarkKingdom.net] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[23:35] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Nephrite Masato (Workout)
[23:36] > Nephrite Masato (Workout) goes over to the bar, making a drink for himself.
[23:44] > Nephrite Masato (Workout) comes out from behind the bar, drink in hand
[23:44] > Nephrite Masato (Workout) sips as he sits on a sofa, looking over his phone and typing out a message
[23:47] --> Matsumi Kaze (casual) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[23:47] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Matsumi Kaze (casual)
[23:47] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Matsumi Kaze (casual)
[23:47] > +Matsumi Kaze (casual) walks in "hey Neph"
[23:49] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] Hey Cute stuff. What has you up so late?
[23:50] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] oh just enjoying time with my family
[23:51] [Minako Kaioh (Coat)] Neph is your family?
[23:51] --> Minako Kaioh (Coat) [SoldierOfLove@Venus.net] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[23:51] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Minako Kaioh (Coat)
[23:52] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] heh oh he could be XD
[23:53] > Minako Kaioh (Coat) giggles and walks over, sitting on Neph's lap and motioning for Matsumi to join them.
[23:53] > +Matsumi Kaze (casual) sits next to Neph
[23:55] > Minako Kaioh wiggles out of her parka, leaving herself in her 'Love Never Changer' T-Shirt, skirt and high kneesocks.
[23:55] [Minako Kaioh] How is our handsome manager-san tonight?
[23:57] > +Matsumi Kaze (casual) leans against neph
[23:58] > Nephrite Masato (Workout) grins to Mina
[23:59] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] How are my two favorite clients? ^_~
[00:00] >>> Tuesday Dec 18 2012 <<<
[00:00] [Minako Kaioh] Asked you first. :p
[00:00] > +Matsumi Kaze (casual) holds one of neph's arms ^^
[00:01] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] Heh, true enough. I'm doing well. Just finished my nightly workout.
[00:01] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] Thought I'd stop for a drink before returning home to my wives and my little one.
[00:05] [Minako Kaioh] Speaking of.... I had a talk with Kato... and it looks like we're opening things up to people we trust. ^.^ Ne, did you get things ironed out with your wives?
[00:06] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] Oh yes, quite well. Everything is much calmer and happier now.
[00:07] > Minako Kaioh prods Matsumi's thigh gently with her toes.
[00:08] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] hm??
[00:08] [Minako Kaioh] Did they tell you to stay away from me? I notice you haven't exactly thrown me off your lap?
[00:10] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] Oh no, just have to make sure to be.... careful so we don't have another scare like before.
[00:11] [Minako Kaioh] Agreed~ Then I guess you should take me on a date or two before I get all huge again.
[00:11] > Minako Kaioh plants a big kiss on his cheek.
[00:12] > Nephrite Masato (Workout) chuckles and squeezes around Mina's waist lightly, "Too true"
[00:12] [Minako Kaioh] Or a big date if you wanna bring Matsy along.
[00:13] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] Heh, that could be intersting.
[00:13] > +Matsumi Kaze (casual) blushes and smiles
[00:14] [Minako Kaioh] Eeeehhhh look at her blushing~
[00:15] > +Matsumi Kaze (casual) giggles at that and tries to hide her face