[02:58] >>> Sunday Jul 22 2012 – Automatic reset triggered – Logging Start <<<
[02:58] [@Nate Detroit] Oh... yeah... I kinda married a catgirl.. ^^; I love her with all my heart though.
[02:58] [Makoto Kino] Awwww, how sweet. ^_^
[02:58] > @Nate Detroit sighs.
[02:59] [@Nate Detroit] She's an amazing mix of instinct and reason. She's brilliant, affectionate, funny, and gorgeous.
[03:00] > Makoto Kino giggles - Listen to you brag about her. That proves how much you love her. ^_^
[03:00] [@Nate Detroit] As does our son.
[03:01] [@Nate Detroit] He was no accident.. he took some effort to create, and I want to make sure he grows up knowing more love than ether of us did.
[03:01] > Makoto Kino smiles
[03:02] [@Nate Detroit] No little ones for you?
[03:03] [Makoto Kino] Not yet, no. *^_^*
[03:03] [@Nate Detroit] Intimidating boyfriend, and you have a rather.... athletic build yourself. I'm sure you'll have healthy kids someday.
[03:05] > Makoto Kino giggles and blushes agian - Why thank you.
[03:06] > @Nate Detroit pours Margaritas and offers Makoto her's.
[03:07] [@Nate Detroit] Athletic, but feminine. You seem to be a delightful contradiction yourself.
[03:09] > Makoto Kino picks up her drink and sips, still blushin
[03:09] [Makoto Kino] g
[03:10] [@Nate Detroit] I've always liked people who didn't place unnecessary limits on themselves. But forgive me, I'm embarrassing you aren't I?
[03:10] > @Nate Detroit sips his drink.
[03:12] [Makoto Kino] I'm just not used to being complimented so much by someone besides my fiancee.
[03:12] [@Nate Detroit] Well, I might be guilty of having a weakness for asian women. ^^
[03:14] [@Nate Detroit] Wanna know something shocking?
[03:15] > Makoto Kino sips her drink - What is that?
[03:15] [@Nate Detroit] Aside my wife, I'm seeing several other women, and they all know about eachother. My wife shares company with them from time to time too.
[03:18] [@Nate Detroit] Dunno what they all see with me, but it's like I have to fight 'em off with a stick when I'm up here.
[03:18] > Makoto Kino blushes profusely
[03:19] [Makoto Kino] So, quite the player, eh? *^_^*
[03:19] [@Nate Detroit] Heh, your face is matching your earrings, and that one wasn't even aimed at you.
[03:19] [@Nate Detroit] I never thought I was anything special, but Rowenta, Matsumi, Vanadine, Kaede and Kalli beg to differ..
[03:20] [Makoto Kino] Wow.... I knew Matsumi swung both ways.... but I never knew she was like that too.
[03:21] [@Nate Detroit] You should have met her ten years ago. Used to be impossible to make her keep her clothes on. Wild party girl, now she's just shy and sheepish.
[03:22] [Makoto Kino] That's interesting.
[03:23] [Makoto Kino] I have only ever had one boyfriend at a time. I'm not sure I could handle dating more then one guy at a time.
[03:28] [Makoto Kino] Though, I have a bit of a shocking thing to reveal about myself as well.
[03:29] [@Nate Detroit] Yeah.. I never imagined myself like this... but if all parties involved are happy.. *shrug*
[03:32] [@Nate Detroit] Mmm?
[03:33] [Makoto Kino] Well.... I recently appeared nude in a movie. *^_^*
[03:34] [@Nate Detroit] Heh... not quite shocking, but curious all the same. Care to elaborate?
[03:35] > @Nate Detroit sips his drink and leans over the bar.
[03:35] > Makoto Kino blushes - Ooops... I ment magazine.... though apparently there was video taken of the photo shoot....
[03:35] [Makoto Kino] My friends and I were in Playboy recently.
[03:36] [Makoto Kino] Except for Minako, it was our first time doing anything like that.
[03:36] [@Nate Detroit] Ahh yes... I thought you looked familiar.
[03:38] [Makoto Kino] So, you've seen it then? *^_^*
[03:38] [@Nate Detroit] Neph was kidn enough to hand out copies of both magazines when they came out.
[03:38] [@Nate Detroit] Yeah. Doesn't mean I can't refresh the image.
[03:39] > @Nate Detroit returns to the coffee table and retrieves the magazine in question, flipping through it as he returns to the bar.
[03:40] [@Nate Detroit] Here we are... and here you are ♡
[03:40] > Makoto Kino looks at the picture, blushing brightly again.
[03:42] [@Nate Detroit] You stand out with the biggest bust, easily. You look beautiful. Should be proud.
[03:42] [Makoto Kino] T...thank you. ^_^
[03:42] [Makoto Kino] It isn't that I'm not proud of it... it's just unusual.
[03:43] [Makoto Kino] It feels strange, knowing that thousands if not millions of people have seen me nude.
[03:44] [@Nate Detroit] I'm sure it does. Says here you guys did it for the relief efforts.. that's commendable.
[03:46] [Makoto Kino] Yes, it was Minako's idea. She'd already been in the magazine before.
[03:47] [Makoto Kino] It took making the proceeds go to charity for all of us to get on board.
[03:47] [@Nate Detroit] The blonde bombshell here.. *sigh* that hair... I could hide there for days.
[03:49] > Makoto Kino giggles - Yes, Mina is quite pretty. Her hair is enviable.
[03:49] [Makoto Kino] Usagi's hair is really nice too, when she lets it down.
[03:50] [@Nate Detroit] And Rei... about the only night thing about her... we fought a few times, but made peace the last time I saw her.
[03:52] [Makoto Kino] Yes, Rei can be a bit disagreeable at times. But she's a wonderful person when you get to know her. She can be extremely sweet when she wants to to.
[03:54] [@Nate Detroit] And Ami here I recognize. I see here up here from time to time. Looks great for having had a kid. As does Mina.
[03:54] [Makoto Kino] They sure do.... so does Usagi.
[03:56] [@Nate Detroit] Anyone come to your restaurant looking for an autograph yet?
[03:56] [Makoto Kino] Oh yes..... once or twice a day now.
[03:57] [Makoto Kino] Someone posted the address to my resturant on a forum online..... so I've gotten quite a few Americans coming into the resturant.
[03:59] [@Nate Detroit] How does that make you feel?
[03:59] > @Nate Detroit finishes his drink.
[03:59] > Makoto Kino finishes her's as well, setting the drink down
[04:00] [Makoto Kino] Well, it's very flattering.
[04:00] > @Nate Detroit starts cleaning up.
[04:00] [Makoto Kino] I'm still getting used to it.
[04:02] [@Nate Detroit] Your boyfriend is okay with it?
[04:03] [Makoto Kino] Yeah... I wouldn't have agreed to do it if he wasn't okay with it.
[04:03] [Makoto Kino] He's there to make sure the fans don't get too touchy feely
[04:03] [@Nate Detroit] Well, Marty and Rowe are probably awake and feeding now.. I'm going to slip in. Pleasure talking to you, Mako.
[04:05] > Makoto Kino stands - I'm sure Ivan has finally made it home.
[04:06] [Makoto Kino] It was nice talking to you too, Nate. We should do it again sometime.
[04:06] [Makoto Kino] Maybe you could bring your son next time. ^_
[04:06] [Makoto Kino] ^_^
[04:06] > @Nate Detroit gives her shoulder a squeeze as he passes her.
[04:07] <-- @Nate Detroit [SmashChamp@reddwarf.com] has left #reddwarfbeta (Sure. I bet he'd like you.)
[04:08] > Makoto Kino smiles before heading out
[04:09] <-- Makoto Kino [ThunderSenshi@BigRedSpot.net] has left #reddwarfbeta (I hope Ivan is still up.)
[00:00] >>> Monday Jul 23 2012 <<<
[01:32] --> Matsumi Kaze (Pajamas) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[01:32] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Matsumi Kaze (Pajamas)
[01:32] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Matsumi Kaze (Pajamas)
[01:32] > +Matsumi Kaze (Pajamas) walks in and yawns
[01:40] > +Matsumi Kaze (Pajamas) sits on a sofa
[01:55] > +Matsumi Kaze (Pajamas) turns on the TV
[02:17] --> Makoto Kino [ThunderSenshi@BigRedSpot.net] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[02:17] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Makoto Kino
[02:19] [Makoto Kino] Hey Mats, long time no see.
[02:19] [+Matsumi Kaze (Pajamas)] oh hey Mako what's up
[02:22] [Makoto Kino] No much. Just decided to come up here until Ivan comes home. I feel weird being in the apartment alone now for some reason.
[02:22] [+Matsumi Kaze (Pajamas)] any idea why?
[02:23] [Makoto Kino] He said he had to take care of something after work.
[02:24] [+Matsumi Kaze (Pajamas)] heh..I came up here just to relax a bit..I don't come here enough anymore
[02:25] > Makoto Kino walks over and sits near Matsumi
[02:26] [Makoto Kino] Heh, I heard you used to be quite the wild woman up here, back in the day.
[02:26] [+Matsumi Kaze (Pajamas)] so how are things between you and Ivan?
[02:26] [+Matsumi Kaze (Pajamas)] heh that I used to be before the baby
[02:28] [+Matsumi Kaze (Pajamas)] I've...tempered it now
[02:29] [Makoto Kino] Heh, it's a shame i missed the wild Mats. Would've been fun to see. :P
[02:29] [Makoto Kino] To answer your question, Ivan and I are doing great.
[02:30] [+Matsumi Kaze (Pajamas)] heh that's good
[02:33] [+Matsumi Kaze (Pajamas)] man late night TV has nothing....
[02:35] [+Matsumi Kaze (Pajamas)] so why do you say it feels weird?
[02:36] [Makoto Kino] I'm just so used to having Ivan in bed with me now. I can't sleep without him there. Is that weird?
[02:37] [+Matsumi Kaze (Pajamas)] nah I suppose not....poor poor poor lonely mako...
[02:38] > +Matsumi Kaze (Pajamas) pats Mako on the head :P
[02:42] > Makoto Kino smirks
[02:42] [+Matsumi Kaze (Pajamas)] so why is he out anyway? what is this...mysterious thing...
[02:43] [Makoto Kino] I don't know.
[02:45] [+Matsumi Kaze (Pajamas)] oooo mysterious
[02:46] [Makoto Kino] Yeah, I know.
[02:46] [+Matsumi Kaze (Pajamas)] does it worry you?
[02:46] [Makoto Kino] A little bit, but I trust Ivan.... I love him. I can't see him doing anything to hurt me.
[02:48] [+Matsumi Kaze (Pajamas)] that's good ^^ best way to think
[02:53] > +Matsumi Kaze (Pajamas) yawns a bit
[02:55] [Makoto Kino] Sounds like you're starting to wear down.
[02:56] [Makoto Kino] How about I walk you to the transporter before I head back?
[02:56] [+Matsumi Kaze (Pajamas)] yeah..I should probably head home
[02:56] [+Matsumi Kaze (Pajamas)] hey sure
[02:57] > Makoto Kino stands and smiles
[02:58] > +Matsumi Kaze (Pajamas) stands, turning off the TV
[02:58] <-- Makoto Kino [ThunderSenshi@BigRedSpot.net] has left #reddwarfbeta (Hopefully Ivan's back to the apartment by no)
[02:58] [Makoto Kino] w
[02:58] [Makoto Kino] /par
[02:58] <-- Makoto Kino [ThunderSenshi@BigRedSpot.net] has left #reddwarfbeta
[02:59] <-- +Matsumi Kaze (Pajamas) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has left #reddwarfbeta
[00:00] >>> Tuesday Jul 24 2012 <<<
[00:39] --> Minako Kaioh [SoldierOfLove@Venus.net] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[00:39] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Minako Kaioh
[00:40] --> Baby Aiko has joined #reddwarfbeta
[00:40] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Baby Aiko
[00:40] > Minako Kaioh pushes Ai into the room in her jogging stroller.
[00:40] > Baby Aiko makes lots of excited noises, as if trying to talk.
[00:41] [Minako Kaioh] Here we are~ Is anyone here for you to play with?
[00:42] > Minako Kaioh takes Ai out of the stroller and places her in front of the Aquarium, then goes to the bar.
[00:42] > Baby Aiko climbs to her feet and leans against the glass, oggling the fish. :D
[00:44] --> Artemis [AnimalGuardian@Venus.gov] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[00:44] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Artemis
[00:44] > Artemis (Human-casual) walks in and smiles, seeing Ai and Mina
[00:44] > Baby Aiko makes a noice of happy exclamation, seeing Artemis. :D
[00:44] --> Matsumi Kaze [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[00:44] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Matsumi Kaze
[00:44] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Matsumi Kaze
[00:45] > +Matsumi Kaze walks in, holding Miki
[00:45] [+Matsumi Kaze] oh heya, Mina
[00:45] [Artemis (Human-casual)] Hello Mina, Ai
[00:45] [Minako Kaioh] Hi, Matsumi-chan. And the newly wed~ ♡
[00:46] [Artemis (Human-casual)] And here's Matsumi and Miki. :)
[00:47] > Baby Aiko waves to everyone, and falls on her butt. o.o
[00:47] [Artemis (Human-casual)] I haven't seen you girls since the wedding. How are you all doing?
[00:48] > +Matsumi Kaze gently puts Miki down on the floor
[00:48] [+Matsumi Kaze] oh I'm fine..throat's a bit scratchy
[00:50] > Miki moves over to Aiko :D
[00:50] [Minako Kaioh] I'm great. Tour is going fantastic~ It's hard being away from Ai, but Kato, Jane and my parents are great about watching her. Motherhood is a real test of my energy, but you know me~ ♡
[00:51] [+Matsumi Kaze] oh I know what you mean..with the voice acting..I spend alot of time in the studios now
[00:53] > Miki pats aiko on the head :D
[00:53] [Artemis (Human-casual)] It's good to hear you're both doing so well with your girls.
[00:54] [Minako Kaioh] Every country I've visited so far has wanted to give me an award. ^.^v
[00:54] > Baby Aiko squeezes Miki's shoulder gently, cooing at her.
[00:54] [+Matsumi Kaze] how are you doing?
[00:54] [Minako Kaioh] Yes, how are you two getting along? You better have knocked her up by now. ♡
[00:55] [+Matsumi Kaze] Mina!
[00:56] [Minako Kaioh] Nani?
[00:57] > Artemis (Human-casual) chuckles
[00:57] [+Matsumi Kaze] they just got married :P give them time
[00:57] [Minako Kaioh] He's my guardian and I'll tease him if I wanna. d:
[00:58] [Minako Kaioh] ❧ Just like I did at his bachelor party. ❧
[00:59] > Artemis (Human-casual) blushes profusely at that.
[00:59] > Baby Aiko makes lots of excited gurgles and paws at Miki.
[01:00] [Minako Kaioh] ❧ Somehow being married has only made him more attractive~ And I'm sure both our offers to help you repopulate your species stand. ❧
[01:00] > Miki giggles and tries to play with Aiko!
[01:00] --> Rowenta [Orangetabby@reddwarf.co.uk] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[01:00] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Rowenta
[01:00] [@HOL_6000] +Rowenta reporting for duty.
[01:00] --> Baby Marty [Hybrid.Child@reddwarf.co.uk] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[01:00] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Baby Marty
[01:01] [+Matsumi Kaze] oh hey row
[01:01] > Artemis (Human-casual) turns crimson red as Rowe walks in
[01:01] [Minako Kaioh] Konbon-wa, neko-chan.
[01:01] [+Rowenta] Hi-nya~
[01:02] > +Rowenta sets Marty down near the other children and goes to sit near the parents.
[01:02] [Artemis (Human-casual)] H...hey there Rowenta... long time no see. *^_^* Is this your little man?
[01:02] [+Rowenta] Yup, that's my little Marty-chan~
[01:03] > Baby Marty crawls toward the other toddlers, his tail twitching. :3
[01:03] [Artemis (Human-casual)] He's a handsome little kitten.
[01:03] > Baby Aiko pats her little hands together, as if trying to clap in excitement at the unique newcomer.
[01:04] > Miki sees the tail and tries to catch it!!
[01:04] [Minako Kaioh] Kawaii~ He's a little kitty too!
[01:05] > Baby Aiko crawls closer to Marty and paws at his ears. :o
[01:06] [Minako Kaioh] Someone is popular with the ladies.
[01:06] > Artemis (Human-casual) sits near Mina
[01:06] [+Matsumi Kaze] heh
[01:06] > Minako Kaioh hands out cups of tea and sits with Artemis.
[01:07] > Baby Marty rolls on the floor, pawing at the others. :3
[01:08] [+Rowenta] Miki definitely seems to like him, they've played together quite a few times.
[01:10] > Artemis (Human-casual) takes a sip and smiles
[01:10] [Artemis (Human-casual)] Maybe when Luna and I have a little one, they'll all play together.
[01:10] [Minako Kaioh] It's so nice for our children to have playmates~
[01:11] [+Matsumi Kaze] I'd say the same for Freya....
[01:11] [+Matsumi Kaze] but she still isn't married
[01:11] [Minako Kaioh] Does she need some help with a match?
[01:12] [+Matsumi Kaze] no she has a boyfriend
[01:12] [Minako Kaioh] Well, if it's meant to be, they'll come around.
[01:13] > +Matsumi Kaze sighs "I hope so"
[01:14] [Artemis (Human-casual)] Give them time Matsumi.
[01:15] > Baby Aiko keeps tapping Marty's ear, making it twitch, and giggling.
[01:15] [Artemis (Human-casual)] I know Freya, she's head over heels for Raoul and from what I can tell, he feels the same.
[01:15] [+Matsumi Kaze] I suppose so
[01:15] > Miki is trying to put marty's tail in her mouth
[01:15] > Artemis (Human-casual) sips his tea
[01:16] > Baby Marty's tail is twitching pretty aggresively, enjoying his attention. :3
[01:19] [Artemis (Human-casual)] Well, our honeymoon was wonderful. We took a trip through Italy.
[01:20] [+Rowenta] Cool. :3
[01:21] [+Rowenta] How was it-nya?
[01:21] [Artemis (Human-casual)] It was excellent... so many great historical landmarks..... and the food was amazing!
[01:23] [+Matsumi Kaze] hee sounds wonderful
[01:23] [Minako Kaioh] Mmmm.... authentic Italian. :♡
[01:23] [+Matsumi Kaze] Italy is...and was beautiful
[01:23] > +Matsumi Kaze sighs happily, remembering the time she spent there
[01:24] [Minako Kaioh] Oh yeah, didn't you... get... timenapped or something there?
[01:25] [Artemis (Human-casual)] As yes, I remember hearing about that
[01:25] [+Matsumi Kaze] mmhm
[01:25] [+Matsumi Kaze] I lived there for nearly a year...had my own palazzo...
[01:27] [Minako Kaioh] What year was it? I dunno if I could make it without modern technology and hygiene.. but I guess we all enjoyed the Silver Millennium already.
[01:28] [+Matsumi Kaze] I lived there from 1507 to 1508
[01:29] [Minako Kaioh] Wow..
[01:29] [Artemis (Human-casual)] Intreaguing
[01:30] [+Matsumi Kaze] I'll miss Raphie...
[01:31] [Minako Kaioh] The artist?
[01:31] [+Matsumi Kaze] mmhm
[01:32] [+Matsumi Kaze] we became quite close ^^
[01:33] > Miki glomps marty :D
[01:33] [Minako Kaioh] For having so many lovers, Matsumi sure can pick her men~
[01:33] [+Rowenta] Wow-nya.
[01:34] > Artemis (Human-casual) chuckles lightly
[01:34] > Baby Marty hugs back and rolls on the floor. >:3
[01:34] > Baby Aiko winds up under the glomp pile, and giggles. XD
[01:36] > Baby Marty purrs, rumbling the toddler pile softly.
[01:36] > +Matsumi Kaze blushes "we weren't really lovers, per say"
[01:38] [Minako Kaioh] What were you, then? And how far did you get? Be honest~
[01:39] [+Matsumi Kaze] ..well I suppose he did kiss me a couple of times..that's about it
[01:40] [+Matsumi Kaze] ...though there was that night during the carnival....we both got drunk...and well...
[01:40] > Minako Kaioh finishes her tea and puts the glass down, then leans against Artemis and slides her fingertips between the folds of his shirt.
[01:40] [Minako Kaioh] ❧ And ~ well ~ what? ❧
[01:40] > +Rowenta giggles~
[01:40] [Artemis (Human-casual)] Heh
[01:40] > Artemis (Human-casual) finishes his tea and sets his cup down
[01:41] [+Matsumi Kaze] ...we woke up in bed together >.>
[01:42] [Artemis (Human-casual)] Well now....
[01:42] > +Matsumi Kaze blushes deeply
[01:43] > Artemis (Human-casual) puts an arm around Mina's back
[01:43] [Minako Kaioh] Don't remember what happened before that? Must have been some party~
[01:44] [Artemis (Human-casual)] Indeed
[01:46] [+Matsumi Kaze] well..parties back then were....rather.........extreme
[01:48] [Artemis (Human-casual)] Oh wow
[01:48] > Miki yawns a bit, rubbing her eyes with her fists
[01:49] [Minako Kaioh] No press, probably lax drug laws, alcohol flowing like water, no paparazzi.. I imagine STDs were rare though birth control had to be nonexistant.
[01:49] > Baby Aiko catches the yawning bug.
[01:49] [Minako Kaioh] I think the kids are slowing down.
[01:50] [Artemis (Human-casual)] Yeah, sure does.
[01:52] > Minako Kaioh gets up and picks up Ai, tucking into her stroller.
[01:52] [+Rowenta] Marty's my little night owl, but it's probably about to be feeding time.
[01:52] [Minako Kaioh] You get some sleep, sweetheart. You'll see your friends again soon.
[01:53] > +Rowenta picks up Marty, holding him and stroking his ears.
[01:54] > +Matsumi Kaze picks up Miki
[01:54] > +Matsumi Kaze holds and rocks her daughter
[01:56] > Baby Aiko curls up under the shade of the stroller. ~.~
[01:56] > Baby Marty purrs and flicks his tail. :3
[01:56] > Artemis (Human-casual) smiles at the girls.
[01:56] [+Matsumi Kaze] Miki gets real tired after awhile...
[01:56] [Artemis (Human-casual)] Three Beautiful mothers and their wonderful children.
[01:56] > Minako Kaioh returns to Artemis and rests against him, closing her eyes.
[01:57] > Artemis (Human-casual) puts his arm around Mina again
[01:59] [Minako Kaioh] Ai gets tired after she plays.. and at this hour.. and with the ship's hum.
[01:59] [+Matsumi Kaze] so in other words..alot of things make her tired :P
[01:59] > +Rowenta giggles~
[02:00] [Minako Kaioh] Mmmhmm.. but she's full of energy when she wakes up..
[02:00] > Minako Kaioh nods into Artemis' chest, eyes still closed.
[02:00] [+Matsumi Kaze] like her mother, huh?
[02:01] [Minako Kaioh] Is she? I guess she is..
[02:02] [Artemis (Human-casual)] Heh, just like her mother.
[02:05] [+Matsumi Kaze] I wouldn't be surprised if we have a mini mina clone on our hands *giggles*
[02:06] [+Matsumi Kaze] that is to say..she'll probably grow up to be like you
[02:07] [Minako Kaioh] I knew what you meant.. Maybe.. but is that a good thing?
[02:08] [Artemis (Human-casual)] I think it would be fine
[02:08] [+Matsumi Kaze] I think so
[02:09] > Minako Kaioh smiles and sighs into Artemis' chest.
[02:10] [Minako Kaioh] I'm glad you think so.. sometimes I wonder if the world.. really needs another me..
[02:10] [+Matsumi Kaze] awwww
[02:11] [Artemis (Human-casual)] Comeon now Mina..... Can't hurt to have another love goddess floating around/
[02:11] [Minako Kaioh] I suppose not. I've made a few good contributions to other people's love lives.
[02:14] [+Matsumi Kaze] artemis is right
[02:14] [Minako Kaioh] Helped Matsumi chan have Miki-chan too.
[02:14] [Artemis (Human-casual)] What about your own?
[02:14] [Minako Kaioh] Even if she did hit me for it..
[02:15] [Minako Kaioh] What about my own?
[02:16] [Artemis (Human-casual)] Yeah... how do you think your own love life has turned out as opposed to how you helped others?
[02:17] [+Matsumi Kaze] are you going to keep bringing that up, mina :P
[02:17] [Minako Kaioh] ♬ Maybe. ♭
[02:17] > Artemis (Human-casual) chuckles
[02:18] [+Matsumi Kaze] :P
[02:18] [Minako Kaioh] Turned out great, after a long run of bad luck. I'm really happy.. just thinking about it *sniff* chokes me up..
[02:19] [+Rowenta] Aww..
[02:19] > Artemis (Human-casual) smiles and squeezes Mina lightly
[02:24] [+Matsumi Kaze] awww
[02:25] [Minako Kaioh] Kato is wonderful.. and Artemis here is a nice pillar of strength for me too.
[02:26] > Artemis (Human-casual) leans over and kisses Mina on the forehead
[02:26] [Minako Kaioh] ^.^ ♡
[02:27] [Artemis (Human-casual)] I just have to be c areful and not get TOO close with Mina here or Luna will castrate me.
[02:27] > +Matsumi Kaze giggles
[02:28] > Minako Kaioh giggles and thumps his leg.
[02:28] [Minako Kaioh] ❧ She will not. ❧
[02:29] [Artemis (Human-casual)] She sounded pretty serious when she said it after our kiss during the reception. *^_^*
[02:30] [Minako Kaioh] Maybe I should talk to her..
[02:30] [+Rowenta] Yeah-nya. That sounds a little serious. <_<
[02:31] [Artemis (Human-casual)] She's just extremely protective of me...... she always has been, but it seems a bit more ampted up now that we're actually married.
[02:35] [Minako Kaioh] I promise you, I'll make her relax. Not that I'm planning an affair with you.
[02:36] > Baby Marty starts to sniffle and mew.
[02:36] [+Matsumi Kaze] well she's your wife now
[02:37] [+Rowenta] Uh oh, that's my cue to go feed my little monster.
[02:37] [Artemis (Human-casual)] Heh, okay
[02:38] [+Matsumi Kaze] heh monster?
[02:38] [+Rowenta] If he gets too hungry. ^_^;;
[02:40] > Minako Kaioh giggles.
[02:40] [Artemis (Human-casual)] Perhaps I should take sleepy beauty here and the little one to the transporter before I head home to Luna.
[02:40] > Minako Kaioh opens her eyes and sits up.
[02:40] [Minako Kaioh] I was just thinking the same thing.
[02:41] [+Rowenta] See you all later-nya~
[02:41] > +Rowenta gives Masty a quick peck on the cheek before heading out.
[02:42] > Artemis (Human-casual) carefully stands and helps Mina to her feet
[02:42] > Minako Kaioh staggers to her feet and takes hold of the stroller.
[02:42] > +Matsumi Kaze giggles
[02:42] [+Matsumi Kaze] yeah same with Miki
[02:42] [Minako Kaioh] Goodnight everyone.
[02:43] <-- +Rowenta [Orangetabby@reddwarf.co.uk] has left #reddwarfbeta (Come on, kitten. Maybe your father will be home by now~)
[02:43] <-- Baby Marty [Hybrid.Child@reddwarf.co.uk] has left #reddwarfbeta (:3)
[02:43] <-- Minako Kaioh [SoldierOfLove@Venus.net] has left #reddwarfbeta (Thanks for the escort, my guardian~)
[02:43] <-- Baby Aiko has left #reddwarfbeta
[02:44] [Artemis (Human-casual)] Goodnight Ladies
[02:44] <-- Artemis (Human-casual) [AnimalGuardian@Venus.gov] has left #reddwarfbeta (But of course, Mina ^_^)
[02:44] <-- +Matsumi Kaze [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has left #reddwarfbeta (time to put the princess to bed)
[02:44] <-- Miki has left #reddwarfbeta
[00:00] >>> Thursday Jul 26 2012 <<<
[22:44] --> David O'Cain (casual) has joined #reddwarfbeta
[22:44] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to David O'Cain (casual)
[22:44] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +David O'Cain (casual)
[22:45] > +David O'Cain (casual) looks around a bit, "Been way too long since I came here."
[22:46] > +David O'Cain (casual) heads over to the bar for some water
[22:48] > ~the bar has a rope around it with a note
[22:51] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Eh? What's this?
[22:51] > +David O'Cain (casual) looks at the note
[22:56] [~Note] /FLASH Under Space Command order 45873423-A, this establishment has been closed down for the good of the crew
[22:56] [~Note] ☇ ^ ☇
[22:57] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Oh for crying out loud. ~_~
[22:57] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Who's bright idea was this?
[23:00] [Isabella (dress uniform)] it was Mr Rimmer's idea, sir
[23:00] --> Isabella (dress uniform) has joined #reddwarfbeta
[23:00] [@HOL_6000] Isabella (dress uniform) reporting for duty.
[23:01] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Why?
[23:02] [Isabella (dress uniform)] he said such drinks would hurt crew morale
[23:03] [+David O'Cain (casual)] And did the rest of the crew agree to this?
[23:04] [Isabella (dress uniform)] not...really
[23:07] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Then it shouldn't be there (telekinetically moves the rope out of the way).
[23:07] > +David O'Cain (casual) pours himself some water, "Besides, not every drink is alcoholic anyway."
[23:11] [Isabella (dress uniform)] well...we ignore him..but he does it anyway
[23:11] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Obviously, Rimmer doesn't seem to know any better.
[23:12] [+David O'Cain (casual)] So, how've you been, Isabella?
[23:14] [Isabella (dress uniform)] oh I have been well
[23:14] [+David O'Cain (casual)] That's good to hear.
[23:20] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Been up to much lately?
[23:21] [Isabella (dress uniform)] oh..just work
[23:22] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Okay.
[23:26] > +David O'Cain (casual) sips his water
[23:29] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Anything else going on?
[23:30] [Isabella (dress uniform)] not really
[23:34] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Alrighty. Been quite a while since I was here last.
[23:42] [Isabella (dress uniform)] oh yes it has been ^^
[23:44] [+David O'Cain (casual)] I've been rather busy with stuff at home, work, and some counseling.
[23:46] [Isabella (dress uniform)] that sounds busy
[23:50] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Yeah, quite.
[23:51] [Isabella (dress uniform)] so can I do anything to help?
[23:52] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Hmm. Perhaps you can. Could use a bit of a hand helping out taking care of things at my home.
[23:55] [Isabella (dress uniform)] oh?
[00:00] >>> Friday Jul 27 2012 <<<
[00:01] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Yeah. With Masaki and Azumi both pregnant, I've pretty much had to do most of the heavy lifting in terms of cleaning the house.
[00:03] [Isabella (dress uniform)] oh my
[00:06] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Yep.
[00:09] [Isabella (dress uniform)] well...I could see if I had some time
[00:12] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Alright then.
[00:21] [Isabella (dress uniform)] but I'll have to check first
[00:22] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Of course.
[00:32] [Isabella (dress uniform)] oh reminds me...*pulls out a vacuum and starts to clean the room*
[00:39] [+David O'Cain (casual)] I'll stay out of your way, then. (lifts his feet onto a barstool)
[00:54] > Isabella (dress uniform) keeps working
[01:02] > +David O'Cain (casual) pours himself a shot of whiskey
[01:03] [Isabella (dress uniform)] that should do it
[01:05] > Isabella (dress uniform) turns off the vaccuum
[01:10] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Cool.
[01:15] [Isabella (dress uniform)] I should go...I need to rest
[01:15] [+David O'Cain (casual)] I probably should get going as well. It was nice talking with you, Isabella.
[01:15] [Isabella (dress uniform)] goodnight..I will get back to you on my schedule
[01:15] <-- +David O'Cain (casual) has left #reddwarfbeta (Onward home.)
[01:18] <-- Isabella (dress uniform) has left #reddwarfbeta
[12:48] > @The Server changes topic to `Special message from Kryten: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ryZ9pmX1Cvk`
[00:00] >>> Sunday Jul 29 2012 <<<
[01:56] --> Tabatha B. Saotome has joined #reddwarfbeta
[01:56] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Tabatha B. Saotome
[01:57] --> Baby Horus has joined #reddwarfbeta
[01:57] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Baby Horus
[01:57] > Tabatha B. Saotome pushes Horus in on his stroller, parks him in front of the aquarium, and plops onto the sofa.
[01:58] > Baby Horus rubs his fists in his eyes and continues his nap.
[02:03] [Tabatha B. Saotome] ...........zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...................
[02:04] --> Alexis Shentara (Uniform) has joined #reddwarfbeta
[02:04] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Alexis Shentara (Uniform)
[02:04] > Alexis Shentara (Uniform) walks in and stops, giggeling a bit to herself.
[02:05] [Alexis Shentara (Uniform)] Well hello there
[02:06] > Baby Horus wakes up a little and sticks a fist out at Alexis.
[02:10] > Alexis Shentara (Uniform) walks over and kneels in front of the stroller that Horus is in
[02:10] [Alexis Shentara (Uniform)] Hello litlte man. Looks like you wear your mama out, don't you? ^_^
[02:11] > Baby Horus holds out his fists and makes grabbing motions at her.
[02:12] > Alexis Shentara (Uniform) lightly takes a hold of Horus' hands and smiles
[02:12] [Alexis Shentara (Uniform)] You're a cute little guy. ^_^
[02:12] > Tabatha B. Saotome sits up with a jolt and throws a sai at Alexis, missing her head by an inch and embedding in the wall behind her.
[02:14] [Alexis Shentara (Uniform)] O_O
[02:14] [Alexis Shentara (Uniform)] Hey.... watch it, Tab
[02:16] [Tabatha B. Saotome] Huh? Ohh... Hey Alex... long time no see.. how goes the stabbing?
[02:17] > Alexis Shentara (Uniform) stands, walking over to the wall, pulling the sai out, carrying it over to Tabatha and handing it to her
[02:17] [Alexis Shentara (Uniform)] The hunting goes well. Just got back from a mission, in fact.
[02:18] > Tabatha B. Saotome spins it in her hand and tucks it away somewhere indiscernible on her person.
[02:23] [Tabatha B. Saotome] Tell the boss I should be ready to fight again in about two months. Glad I saw that ribbon lady up here with her own kid in that jogging stroller.
[02:23] [Tabatha B. Saotome] Wanna hold him?
[02:23] [Alexis Shentara (Uniform)] I'd love to. ^_^
[02:24] > Tabatha B. Saotome gets up, lifts Horus out of the stroller and hands him off to Alexis.
[02:25] > Alexis Shentara (Uniform) carefully takes Hours and holds him, smiling to him
[02:27] [Alexis Shentara (Uniform)] Such a cutie. But considering his parents, that's to be expected.
[02:29] > Baby Horus paws at Alexis' chest.
[02:29] [Tabatha B. Saotome] He's a pretty good kid, so long as I keep him active and let him burn off energy. Cries like crazy a few times out of the night..
[02:29] [Alexis Shentara (Uniform)] Heh, come on now.... I'm not as blessed there as your mama is.
[02:30] > Tabatha B. Saotome giggles.
[02:31] [Tabatha B. Saotome] He helped there, not that I was exactly flat before.
[02:32] > Alexis Shentara (Uniform) giggles a little herself
[02:32] [Alexis Shentara (Uniform)] If I ever have kids, I kinda' hope I get some of that kind of help.
[02:34] [Tabatha B. Saotome] Meh, they're overrated. A fit body is all you need.
[02:36] > Alexis Shentara (Uniform) gently rocks Horus in her arms
[02:37] [Alexis Shentara (Uniform)] I guess you're right. My man likes me how I am, so I guess that's good enough.
[02:43] [Alexis Shentara (Uniform)] So, itching to get back into the game, eh?
[02:45] [Tabatha B. Saotome] You've no idea.. I love this little ball of snot and screaming, but I love watching bad guys scream and cry too.
[02:47] [Alexis Shentara (Uniform)] Heh, well, we've been on a couple of missions where we sure could have used you
[02:50] [Tabatha B. Saotome] Sorry you've had to do without me..
[02:51] [Alexis Shentara (Uniform)] It's okay, Tab. Totally understandable.
[02:55] [Tabatha B. Saotome] How is everyone?
[03:00] [Alexis Shentara (Uniform)] Everyone's doing great. Taruka and her guy seem to be getting a lot closer
[03:00] [Tabatha B. Saotome] Well, hopefully I'll be fighting fit before she gets knocked up.
[03:03] [Alexis Shentara (Uniform)] I'm honestly curious is she even CAN get pregnant.
[03:03] [Tabatha B. Saotome] Oh.. yeah.. right.. damn it's been too long. ~.~
[03:05] [Alexis Shentara (Uniform)] Sskt and I are opposite sides of the same coin when it comes to our relationships.... so I'm not sure how truely compatible we are to our guys too.
[03:08] [Tabatha B. Saotome] Yeah... S is going to be really tricky.. I doubt a cold blooded girl can mate with a warm blood. As for Taruka, that's all in how well she's programmed I guess. She was imprisoned for evolving, after all.
[03:12] [Alexis Shentara (Uniform)] I kinda' hope Kksskt and I can have kids together....
[03:13] [Tabatha B. Saotome] Oh.. yeah.. that's.. well... I suppose stranger things have happened.. I wonder if you'd wind up laying egs..
[03:17] > Alexis Shentara (Uniform) thinks about that and giggles a little, holding Horus still
[03:17] > Baby Horus nodded off in her arms.
[03:20] [Alexis Shentara (Uniform)] Seems your little man has finally fallen asleep
[03:22] [Tabatha B. Saotome] Oh don't worry, he'll be awake and crying for my boob in a half hour. Still, he must like you.
[03:24] > Alexis Shentara (Uniform) smiles
[03:32] [Tabatha B. Saotome] How's the boss?
[03:32] [Alexis Shentara (Uniform)] Well, I'm glad for that
[03:32] [Alexis Shentara (Uniform)] He's well. His little bodyguard keeps him very occupied.
[03:34] [Tabatha B. Saotome] Meh, whatever makes him happy.
[03:37] [Alexis Shentara (Uniform)] Well, I should head back to the apartment. The girls are going to wonder where I've been.
[03:38] [Tabatha B. Saotome] Yeah, and I should get him out of here before it gets ugly. Great seeing you.
[03:39] > Tabatha B. Saotome takes Horus back, who's little fists cling to her shirt as she pulls him off.
[03:40] [Alexis Shentara (Uniform)] You too Tab and great seeing your little man. :)
[03:40] [Alexis Shentara (Uniform)] I'll pass that message along to Tan and I'll tell the girls you said hi.
[03:41] > Tabatha B. Saotome tucks him in the stroller and leaves.
[03:41] <-- Tabatha B. Saotome has left #reddwarfbeta (Night~)
[03:41] <-- Baby Horus has left #reddwarfbeta (zzzz... ....? Waaa... WAAAAAAAAA!!)
[03:41] <-- Alexis Shentara (Uniform) has left #reddwarfbeta (A couple months eh?)
[13:56] --> Kaede Sasaki (Casual) [HeadCook@RedDwarf.net] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[13:56] [@HOL_6000] Kaede Sasaki (Casual) reporting for duty.
[13:56] > Kaede Sasaki (Casual) walks in, not looking her typical, happy go lucky self, heading for the bar
[13:57] > Kaede Sasaki (Casual) starts mixing a drink for herself.
[13:58] --> Matsumi Kaze (casual) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[13:58] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Matsumi Kaze (casual)
[13:58] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Matsumi Kaze (casual)
[13:58] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] hey hey, Kaede
[13:59] > Kaede Sasaki (Casual) looks up | Oh... hey Nii-san
[14:00] > Kaede Sasaki (Casual) shotguns her first drink and quickly starts making a second.
[14:00] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] hey what's wrong?
[14:05] [Kaede Sasaki (Casual)] Have you been watching the Olympics?
[14:05] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] yeah..I have
[14:05] [Kaede Sasaki (Casual)] Yeah well.... so have I....
[14:06] [Kaede Sasaki (Casual)] ... do you want something while I've back here, Nii-san?
[14:07] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] give me a fruit smoothie with a teaspoon of vodka
[14:07] > Kaede Sasaki (Casual) finally smiles a little and nods, starting to put together the drink.
[14:08] [Kaede Sasaki (Casual)] I've been watching the gymnastics qualifying all morning.
[14:08] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] oh???
[14:10] [Kaede Sasaki (Casual)] Yeah.... I really hope Japan brings their best this year.... because I'm already irritated by what I've seen so far.
[14:14] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] awwww
[14:14] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] well...US hasn't been doing all that well either
[14:16] [Kaede Sasaki (Casual)] Heh, you haven't been watching it today....
[14:16] > Kaede Sasaki (Casual) finishes the drink and pours it into a glass, handing it to Matsumi
[14:17] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] not really...
[14:17] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] I was watching mostly the soccer games
[14:17] [Kaede Sasaki (Casual)] They're currently number one among all the teams that have qualified.
[14:18] [Kaede Sasaki (Casual)] They lead Russia by a point and a half.
[14:20] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] oh hey that's cool
[14:20] [Kaede Sasaki (Casual)] There are only two teams yet to qualify.
[14:20] [Kaede Sasaki (Casual)] Japan and Romania..... and I can't believe China's THIRD!
[14:20] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] the men's soccer team never made it :(
[14:20] > Kaede Sasaki (Casual) starts looking irritated again saying that.
[14:22] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] calm down, kaede
[14:22] > Kaede Sasaki (Casual) sighs | I'm sorry.... I've just never liked the Chinese team.... they're so.... arrogant.
[14:24] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] you competed against them?
[14:24] [Kaede Sasaki (Casual)] Yeah.... at the last world championships before I got hurt.
[14:26] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] awwww
[14:28] [Kaede Sasaki (Casual)] Unlike the other teams, they were talking trash during the entire competition.
[14:28] [Kaede Sasaki (Casual)] I mean.... to be honest and no offense, but I expected that more out of the Americans... but they were all really sweet to us.
[14:30] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] aww nice
[14:31] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] honestly I haven't been paying attention to the gymnastics today >.>
[14:32] [Kaede Sasaki (Casual)] It's all I've wtached.
[14:33] [Kaede Sasaki (Casual)] I have about 20 minutes until the last set of qualifying rounds starts
[14:36] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] heh ...thinking about the past then?
[14:37] [Kaede Sasaki (Casual)] A little bit.
[14:38] [Kaede Sasaki (Casual)] Well, I'm gonna' go back to my room to watch....
[14:38] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] hey mind if I come with?
[14:39] [Kaede Sasaki (Casual)] Sure. Just don't be surprised if you see a totally different side of me during this competition.
[14:39] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] heh alright
[14:39] > Kaede Sasaki (Casual) finishes her drink before heading out.
[14:40] <-- Kaede Sasaki (Casual) [HeadCook@RedDwarf.net] has left #reddwarfbeta (Let's go team Japan!)
[14:40] <-- +Matsumi Kaze (casual) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has left #reddwarfbeta (hee)
[00:00] >>> Monday Jul 30 2012 <<<
[02:00] --> Nate Detroit [SmashChamp@reddwarf.com] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[02:00] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +o to Nate Detroit
[02:00] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, @Nate Detroit
[02:01] > @Nate Detroit walks in wearing work clothes, empties his pockets at the bar of his wallet, keys, phone and 3DS, and starts making a drink.
[02:01] --> Kaede Sasaki (Casual) [HeadCook@RedDwarf.net] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[02:01] [@HOL_6000] Kaede Sasaki (Casual) reporting for duty.
[02:02] > Kaede Sasaki (Casual) walks in, looking somewhat irritated and tired.
[02:02] [@Nate Detroit] Hey, beautiful..... angry girl. May I make you a drink?
[02:03] [Kaede Sasaki (Casual)] Please.... make it strong, Nate-kun.
[02:04] [@Nate Detroit] As you wish.
[02:04] > Kaede Sasaki (Casual) walks over and sits on one of the stools
[02:04] [Kaede Sasaki (Casual)] I can't believe.... freakin' sixth!!
[02:04] > @Nate Detroit pours two glasses of Martian whiskey with a splash of coke, and moves to the couch.
[02:04] [@Nate Detroit] Whowha?
[02:05] > Kaede Sasaki (Casual) hops up and plops on the couch next to Nate
[02:06] [Kaede Sasaki (Casual)] I've been watching women's gymnastics from the Olympics all day. Japan's team qualified sixth.... out of ten teams.
[02:06] > @Nate Detroit hands off her drink and wraps an arm around her.
[02:07] > Kaede Sasaki (Casual) takes her drink and sips, barely wincing.
[02:07] > @Nate Detroit sips his own in response, and can't suppress a wince.
[02:09] [Kaede Sasaki (Casual)] The only thing worse then that... is the fact that the damn Chinese are ahead of us in third.
[02:11] [@Nate Detroit] China dominated four years ago. Like, not even funny domination. Considering they have their supertrained team of lolis I'm surprised they aren't winning again.
[02:12] [Kaede Sasaki (Casual)] Ugh.... I know..... I was telling Nii-san earlier..... they're so damn arrogant.....
[02:12] > Kaede Sasaki (Casual) takes another sip of her drink | .... I cannot stand those Chinese girls.
[02:13] [@Nate Detroit] I watched some of the opening ceremonies and that was about it for me. Saw later a kid had a 3DS in it.
[02:15] [Kaede Sasaki (Casual)] Oh
[02:16] [@Nate Detroit] If I wasn't so jaded to sex I'd probably enjoy watching the skinny girls of every ethnicity bouncing around..
[02:16] > Kaede Sasaki (Casual) sighs a little
[02:17] [@Nate Detroit] Sorry, not funny?
[02:19] [Kaede Sasaki (Casual)] It's not that.....
[02:19] [Kaede Sasaki (Casual)] .... I just feel like noone understands me or why I take this so seriously.
[02:21] [@Nate Detroit] Of course I do. It's your passion, and that's all I really need to know. Growing up, I was always really excited about things nobody cared about. Of course, none of them took a fraction of the skill or sacrifice you put into gymnastics. I've heard what serious athletes in Olympic level training programs go through.
[02:23] [@Nate Detroit] And I know it's a damn shame your prospects were cut short.
[02:23] [Kaede Sasaki (Casual)] Sometimes I miss the competition.... but I know I'm too old to do it now.
[02:24] [Kaede Sasaki (Casual)] The American girls were phenominal today. It was a shame when one of them stepped out of bounds on floor.
[02:30] > @Nate Detroit sips his drink again.
[02:32] > Kaede Sasaki (Casual) sips her drink
[02:34] [@Nate Detroit] My little gymnast is something special.
[02:37] [Kaede Sasaki (Casual)] I've avoided Kalli-chan most of the day.... because of how I get when I watch this stuff. I kinda' don't want her to see it. ~_~
[02:39] [@Nate Detroit] If she loves you, she'll accept it and understand you. Not like I don't get mad at.. well, at things people don't understand. Almost had a nervous breakdown when sony announced they were stealing motion controls from Nintendo three months after the Wiimote was revealed.
[02:40] [Kaede Sasaki (Casual)] Nii-san saw me today.... I think I might have actually frightened her once or twice.
[02:43] [@Nate Detroit] Well... Matsumi disturbs pretty easy..
[02:46] [Kaede Sasaki (Casual)] You've never seen it.... I yell at the screen.... I have foam balls to throw around the room when I get mad....
[02:47] [@Nate Detroit] I haven't seen it from you, but I've seen it in myself... and I'm sure neither of us hold a candle to my father. ~_~
[02:47] > @Nate Detroit slams the rest of his drink and sighs, breathing out thin smoke wisps.
[02:49] > Kaede Sasaki (Casual) takes another long sip of her drink
[02:49] [Kaede Sasaki (Casual)] Sorry.... didn't mean to bring up a bad memory
[02:50] [@Nate Detroit] Never could grasp that yelling at me for not understanding my homework or being awful at baseball was counterproductive. Not your fault my father was a monster and I'm haunted by him.
[02:52] [@Nate Detroit] Remember one time he threw a book in my face because I wasn't remembering my spelling for some reason. 9_9 Damnit, now the flood gates are opening..
[02:52] > Kaede Sasaki (Casual) leans against Nate
[02:53] [Kaede Sasaki (Casual)] Let's just try not to think about such things.....
[02:54] > @Nate Detroit holds her a little tighter.
[02:56] > Kaede Sasaki (Casual) reaches back and unties the bow in her hair, letting it fall freely to her shoulders
[03:01] [@Nate Detroit] Heh.... you know me and my weakness..
[03:01] > @Nate Detroit takes most of her hair in his hand and smothers his face with it, inhaling deeply.
[03:03] > Kaede Sasaki (Casual) tries to stifle a giggle
[03:08] [Kaede Sasaki (Casual)] Why do you think I did it? :P
[03:10] [@Nate Detroit] I knew. =p
[03:14] > Kaede Sasaki (Casual) finishes her drink, laying against Nate
[03:17] [Kaede Sasaki (Casual)] Starting to think we need to help one another get over our bad feelings
[03:19] [@Nate Detroit] Yeah I... whew... that's what friends and family... are for...
[03:20] [Kaede Sasaki (Casual)] Are you okay?
[03:20] [@Nate Detroit] Whiskey hitting me.. I'm amazed you aren't.. getting it too..
[03:21] [Kaede Sasaki (Casual)] I've been drinking all day.....
[03:21] [Kaede Sasaki (Casual)] .... I think I have a permanent buzz
[03:21] [@Nate Detroit] That's amazing... you're like... 90 pounds soaking wet. No idea how many kilos that is..
[03:23] > Kaede Sasaki (Casual) starts to blush | oooooooooh.... there it is.......
[03:23] [@Nate Detroit] Your jus... faking cus I said something.
[03:24] > Kaede Sasaki (Casual) shakes her head
[03:24] [Kaede Sasaki (Casual)] N....nuh uh.....
[03:28] [@Nate Detroit] Heh... oh well..
[03:31] > Kaede Sasaki (Casual) snuggles up to nate
[03:31] > @Nate Detroit puts their empty glasses aside and holds her, kissing her neck.
[03:32] [Kaede Sasaki (Casual)] ❧ Mmmmm....~ ❧
[03:33] [@Nate Detroit] ❧ Lets get out of here. ❧
[03:33] [Kaede Sasaki (Casual)] ....okay.
[03:34] > @Nate Detroit gets up, staggering a little, then picking her up.
[03:35] > Kaede Sasaki (Casual) holds on to Nate, kicking her feet lightly
[03:35] <-- @Nate Detroit [SmashChamp@reddwarf.com] has left #reddwarfbeta (Good thing you're light or I couldn't do this drunk..)
[03:37] <-- Kaede Sasaki (Casual) [HeadCook@RedDwarf.net] has left #reddwarfbeta (If I ever get heavy....... you'll have a problem~ :P)
[00:00] >>> Tuesday Jul 31 2012 <<<
[12:57] --> Kaede Sasaki [HeadCook@RedDwarf.net] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[12:57] [@HOL_6000] Kaede Sasaki reporting for duty.
[12:57] > Kaede Sasaki walks in looking very disappointed as she heads to the bar.
[12:59] > Kaede Sasaki starts mixing a drink
[13:05] --> Matsumi Kaze (casual) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[13:05] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Matsumi Kaze (casual)
[13:05] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Matsumi Kaze (casual)
[13:05] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] heya Kaede
[13:07] [Kaede Sasaki] Hey Nii-san
[13:08] [Kaede Sasaki] ... do you want a drink while I'm here?
[13:11] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] oh sure
[13:11] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] just a ginger ale will do
[13:12] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] hey you ok?
[13:13] [Kaede Sasaki] No... but I'll be okay when this is over.
[13:14] > Kaede Sasaki starts mixing a second drink, clearly straining to hold her emotion back.
[13:14] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] ...the japanese team?
[13:15] [Kaede Sasaki] Yeah..... I can't even watch the last competition.
[13:16] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] well..there is always 2016
[13:17] > Kaede Sasaki sighs | I know....
[13:17] > Kaede Sasaki hands Matsumi her drink then comes from behind the bar, walking over to a sofa and ploping down on it
[13:17] > +Matsumi Kaze (casual) drinks hers and sits down next to Kaede
[13:18] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] well...even if the gymnastics team didn't do well.....maybe you can still cheer for the rest of japan's team
[13:19] [Kaede Sasaki] Yeah....
[13:20] [Kaede Sasaki] Just.... after last night's contraversy.... our men didn't actually deserve Silver... then today our women are dead last....
[13:22] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] why not cheer for the soccer teams...or the swimming...or vollyball
[13:25] > Kaede Sasaki's phone plays a tone, she takes it out of her pocket and checks it.
[13:25] [Kaede Sasaki] Yup.... dead last.
[13:25] [Kaede Sasaki] You'll be happy to know the Americans took Gold easily.
[13:26] [Kaede Sasaki] The Russians got Silver and the Romanians got Bronze.
[13:27] [Kaede Sasaki] Damn Chinese finished 4th....
[13:27] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] awwww
[13:28] > +Matsumi Kaze (casual) hugs Kaede
[13:28] > Kaede Sasaki hugs Matsumi back, setting her drink down and turning towards her
[13:29] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] just because they had a bad year..doesn't mean you should give up on them totally
[13:30] [Kaede Sasaki] Nii-san.... have you ever participated in a sport on a serious level?
[13:32] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] not really honestly...
[13:35] [Kaede Sasaki] Well.... it's not that I don't support my country in everything. Just that gymnastics is MY sport.... I lived it for more then the first of entire life.
[13:35] [Kaede Sasaki] ^first half
[13:36] [Kaede Sasaki] It hurts to see them fall so far after my years of trying to qualify for the national team.
[13:37] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] yeah...I suppose that would be..upsetting
[13:40] [Kaede Sasaki] Just a little bit
[13:40] > Kaede Sasaki sips her drink and sighs, laying against Matsumi
[13:41] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] so is there anything we can do to cheer you up?
[13:43] [Kaede Sasaki] Nate-kun helped me a little bit the other night...... :P
[13:44] [Kaede Sasaki] But I can't expect you to do anything like that for me.... actually it would probably be a little.... weird.
[13:47] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] probably :P
[13:48] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] how is your baby girl doing?
[13:49] [Kaede Sasaki] She's doing great. I went back to check on her after my night with Nate-kun.
[13:50] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] heh going to try and get her into gymnastics?
[13:50] [Kaede Sasaki] I'm not sure yet.
[13:52] [Kaede Sasaki] Have to see what she does when she's 2 or 3 before we decide what she's going to do
[13:56] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] well I'm sure whatever happens you'll be proud of her
[13:56] > Kaede Sasaki sips her drink
[13:56] [Kaede Sasaki] Of course I will
[13:59] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] so are you going to still watch the olympics?
[14:01] [Kaede Sasaki] Yeah... but I won't get as into it.
[14:02] [Kaede Sasaki] I'll probably actually start watching things with Kalli-chan now....
[14:02] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] oh?
[14:07] [Kaede Sasaki] ... yeah. Because of how heated I get during the gymnastics events... I didn't want to be around Kalli-chan or scare Krystal-chan.... so I haven't seen them in a few days except for a brief visit.
[14:07] [Kaede Sasaki] I mean.... you saw how I got the other night.
[14:08] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] yeah I did ^^;;
[14:11] > Kaede Sasaki sips her drink and sighs | I miss them
[14:12] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] ...you should see them
[14:14] [Kaede Sasaki] I know...
[14:15] [Kaede Sasaki] ... I just hope Kalli-chan doesn't get upset with me.
[14:17] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] why would she?
[14:20] > Kaede Sasaki finishes her drink
[14:21] [Kaede Sasaki] Just the way I've been staying away from she & Krys-can..
[14:21] [Kaede Sasaki] .... Kalli-chan might not understand it.
[14:21] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] then why are you still staying away from them? I'm sure she'll forgive you
[14:25] [Kaede Sasaki] I told you yesterday.... I don't want Kalli-chan to see how I get when I watch competitions
[14:25] [Kaede Sasaki] And I didn't want to upset Krys-chan with my yelling
[14:26] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] well I think that point is moot now
[14:28] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] ^^
[14:31] [Kaede Sasaki] I hope you're right
[14:32] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] trust me
[14:37] > +Matsumi Kaze (casual) yawns a bit
[14:38] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] I should probably head home and check on Miki
[14:39] [Kaede Sasaki] Okay
[14:39] > Kaede Sasaki hops up
[14:39] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] take care Kaede...and go back to your family
[14:40] > Kaede Sasaki hugs Matsumi tight
[14:40] [Kaede Sasaki] Thanks Nii-san ♡
[14:41] > +Matsumi Kaze (casual) returns the hug "no problem ^^"
[14:41] > Kaede Sasaki lets go of Matsumi and heaeds out
[14:41] <-- Kaede Sasaki [HeadCook@RedDwarf.net] has left #reddwarfbeta (Time to go home.)
[14:43] <-- +Matsumi Kaze (casual) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has left #reddwarfbeta (likewise)
[00:00] >>> Wednesday Aug 01 2012 <<<
[19:13] --> David O'Cain (casual) has joined #reddwarfbeta
[19:13] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to David O'Cain (casual)
[19:13] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +David O'Cain (casual)
[19:13] > +David O'Cain (casual) sits down on a sofa as he opens up a vid-window
[23:54] <-- +David O'Cain (casual) has left #reddwarfbeta (Meh, guess I should head home.)
[00:00] >>> Thursday Aug 02 2012 <<<
[14:45] --> Kaede Sasaki (Casual) [HeadCook@RedDwarf.net] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[14:45] [@HOL_6000] Kaede Sasaki (Casual) reporting for duty.
[14:46] > Kaede Sasaki (Casual) walks in, looking a little happier then the past few days
[14:46] --> Masumi Saotome (casual) has joined #reddwarfbeta
[14:46] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Masumi Saotome (casual)
[14:46] > Masumi Saotome (casual) walks in, holding Anya's hand and carefully leading her in "oh hello Kaede"
[14:47] > Kaede Sasaki (Casual) walks around behind the bar | Hello Masumi-san
[14:47] [Kaede Sasaki (Casual)] Awwww... little Anya-chan's walking?
[14:48] [Masumi Saotome (casual)] heh she is
[14:49] > Anya Saotome is carefully walking....her horn buds now have sprouted into a pair of small horns as well
[14:50] [Kaede Sasaki (Casual)] Ooooo Kawaiiiii~
[14:51] [Kaede Sasaki (Casual)] I'm going to make a special smoothie, perfect for our new little high stepper. ^_^
[14:51] [Masumi Saotome (casual)] so you seem rather cheerful
[14:52] [Kaede Sasaki (Casual)] Yeah, the pressure of the Olympic games has lessed on me now that my old event is over.
[14:53] > Kaede Sasaki (Casual) starts putting together the smoothie, picking out fruits
[14:54] [Masumi Saotome (casual)] so is that why you seemed so..distressed?
[14:56] [Kaede Sasaki (Casual)] Yes it was.... when I was younger, I was very close to representing my country in the Olympic games, but injred myself before I could do so. But I still continue to root on my country in that sport.
[14:56] [Kaede Sasaki (Casual)] So I get a little.... intense during this time.
[14:57] [Masumi Saotome (casual)] well...at least you are feeling better
[14:57] > Anya Saotome has wobbled over and is holding onto the side of the bar...with enough strength to crack the wood that she's gripping
[14:58] [Kaede Sasaki (Casual)] Yeah... one of our men won gold in the individual gymnastics competition. I just wish our overall team did better.
[14:59] [Masumi Saotome (casual)] this was my first time seeing such games
[15:01] [Kaede Sasaki (Casual)] What do you think so far?
[15:02] > Kaede Sasaki (Casual) pours two glasses, then reblends the remining bit, pouring it into a smaller glass with a topper
[15:02] [Masumi Saotome (casual)] quite exciting ^^
[15:03] > Kaede Sasaki (Casual) hands Masumi a drink and then kneels down to Anya, offering her one
[15:04] [Kaede Sasaki (Casual)] You might like that Anya-chan. ^_^
[15:06] > Anya Saotome takes it and sits down, sipping it happily ^^
[15:06] > Masumi Saotome (casual) drinks "so what are you plans for today?"
[15:07] > Kaede Sasaki (Casual) giggles a little at Anya before standing
[15:07] [Kaede Sasaki (Casual)] Watching more of the games, spending time with my wife and daughter.
[15:10] [Masumi Saotome (casual)] oh how are they?
[15:11] [Kaede Sasaki (Casual)] Doing well
[15:11] [Masumi Saotome (casual)] that is good ^^
[15:11] > Anya Saotome finishes her drink and looks over the glass
[15:12] > Kaede Sasaki (Casual) takes a drink and smiles
[15:13] [Kaede Sasaki (Casual)] Krystal-chan loves watching the games with her mama's
[15:14] [Masumi Saotome (casual)] awww that's wonderful
[15:15] [Kaede Sasaki (Casual)] Which reminds me, I should get back to them.
[15:15] > Masumi Saotome (casual) picks up Anya "and I should get back to the plants"
[15:15] [Anya Saotome] bai bai :D
[15:16] > Kaede Sasaki (Casual) giggles | Bye Anya-chan
[15:16] [Kaede Sasaki (Casual)] Take care Masumi-san. ^_^
[15:17] <-- Kaede Sasaki (Casual) [HeadCook@RedDwarf.net] has left #reddwarfbeta (She's so cute, almost as cute as Krystal-chan. :))
[00:00] >>> Sunday Aug 05 2012 <<<
[01:10] --> Isabella (dress uniform) has joined #reddwarfbeta
[01:10] [@HOL_6000] Isabella (dress uniform) reporting for duty.
[01:10] > Isabella (dress uniform) walks in and starts to sweep the floor
[01:10] --> Lé Skunkette [Skunk.Senshi@Mephitis.Arc.org] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[01:10] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Lé Skunkette
[01:11] > Lé Skunkette enters, carrying a nice Prada bag and wearing a frilly violet dress with her bushy tail running down the bottom and back up her body.
[01:11] [Lé Skunkette] Ahh, good ev'ning
[01:13] [Isabella (dress uniform)] oh...good evening ^^
[01:13] [Isabella (dress uniform)] I hope you don't mind this dust
[01:14] [Lé Skunkette] Well, you are cleening after all. Do not let moi get in ze way.
[01:15] > Lé Skunkette goes behind the bar and starts examining bottles.
[01:15] [Isabella (dress uniform)] are you well?
[01:16] > Isabella (dress uniform) keeps sweeping
[01:16] [Lé Skunkette] Oh yes. My work keeps mah partnar and I busy, but et is rewarding and sateesfying.
[01:18] [Isabella (dress uniform)] that is good ^^ I am glad to hear you are both doing well
[01:20] [Lé Skunkette] And you? How are you enjoying your work?
[01:21] [Isabella (dress uniform)] they are going very well ^^
[01:21] [Isabella (dress uniform)] I am taking classes as well..which are going very nicely
[01:22] [Lé Skunkette] Very good. Would you like a drink?
[01:23] [Isabella (dress uniform)] oh...certainly....some wine would be nice
[01:24] [Lé Skunkette] Vine vine vine.... Ahh~
[01:24] > Lé Skunkette finds a bottle of sweet red, pops the cork, and pours two glasses.
[01:25] [Isabella (dress uniform)] thank you ^^
[01:28] [Lé Skunkette] To vat shall we drink?
[01:28] > Lé Skunkette raises her glass with a smile.
[01:29] [Isabella (dress uniform)] um...to your success
[01:30] [Lé Skunkette] Yes, to galactic peace.
[01:30] > Lé Skunkette taps and drinks.
[01:32] > Isabella (dress uniform) drinks
[01:35] [Lé Skunkette] Ahh.. sweet an' smooth. Thengs hav not been so smooth for us. Many of zes seestems hos much of a grudge against Sailor Galaxia. Some are mad she does not come herself.. I cannot say I am blaming zem. Sometimes they cannot believe she has changed, and that she is peaceful and starting a family.
[01:36] [Isabella (dress uniform)] oh is that so???
[01:38] [Lé Skunkette] Yes. Zey usually hear us out though, and agree to join our alliance, ether for knowing they will meet her later, or because of ze peace offerings she gives us.
[01:39] [Isabella (dress uniform)] she sounds wonderful ^^
[01:40] [Lé Skunkette] Mess Naftis is someteng special.. though it is best when she es not trying to imprison an evil force in her body. ^^;
[01:41] [Isabella (dress uniform)] hm????
[01:41] > Isabella (dress uniform) flaps her wings a bit
[01:42] [Lé Skunkette] You are not knowing her story?
[01:42] > Isabella (dress uniform) shakes her head no
[01:42] [Lé Skunkette] Do you know who ze Sailor Senshi are?
[01:43] [Isabella (dress uniform)] yes
[01:46] [Lé Skunkette] Well, she es ze Senshi of a far away world. She says et es ah unremarkable world, full of war and chaos, and very little civilization or culture. She weshed to leave et, and her powers swept her away before she even knew who she was. One day, she encountered ze horrible force called Chaos, and after weakening it, she attempted to seal it away in her own body.
[01:47] [Isabella (dress uniform)] oh dear! sounds horrid!
[01:49] [Lé Skunkette] Et worked, but Chaos remained active within her. She, Sailor Galaxia, weshed to purge the galaxy of the horror and evil she faced in her home world, and encouraged her to do so by conquest. Et made her believe she could conquer ze galaxy, harvest the Sailor Crestals of all ze Sailor Senshi, and remake the galaxy in her image.
[01:53] [Isabella (dress uniform)] :O how terrible
[01:55] [Lé Skunkette] She almost succeeded. For many, many years, she traveled from start to star, killing or enslaving sailor senshi and civilians. Zes star was the last stop, and Sailor Moon purged Chaos from her. Now, she weshes to unite ze stars so zat ze many Sailor Senshi can stand united against Chaos or any threat it may face, and no senshi must die again.
[01:58] [Isabella (dress uniform)] how wonderful ^^
[02:01] [Lé Skunkette] Et es. A happy ending to a horrible story.
[02:01] [Isabella (dress uniform)] it sounds like it
[02:03] > Isabella (dress uniform) wipes her brow
[02:08] [Isabella (dress uniform)] that work is finished
[02:08] > Isabella (dress uniform) sips her wine again
[02:20] [Lé Skunkette] So, what have you been up to besides cleaning and studying?
[02:20] [Isabella (dress uniform)] nothing really....
[02:21] [Lé Skunkette] Oh come now.
[02:26] [Isabella (dress uniform)] well visiting my boyfriend
[02:27] [Lé Skunkette] Ah HA! A boyfriend ez not nathing.
[02:27] > Lé Skunkette finishes her glass and pours a new round.
[02:29] [Isabella (dress uniform)] huh???
[02:30] [Lé Skunkette] How can you say a boyfriend ez nothing? How are thengs with you?
[02:31] [Isabella (dress uniform)] well..it is simply another thing in my day
[02:31] [Lé Skunkette] You must not have ze healthy relationshep..
[02:33] [Isabella (dress uniform)] huh?????
[02:33] [Isabella (dress uniform)] no no no that's not what I mean
[02:33] [Isabella (dress uniform)] I mean..I never thought it was that spectaular
[02:34] [Lé Skunkette] Sounds like it isn't, ef you hav nothing to descuss.
[02:35] [Isabella (dress uniform)] n...n...not that's not what I mean...
[02:37] [Isabella (dress uniform)] T_T I do love him quite a bit
[02:38] [Lé Skunkette] Zen TELL ME about him, girl!
[02:39] [Lé Skunkette] You would not love hem if zere was nothing about him worth telling people.
[02:40] [Isabella (dress uniform)] he's an engineer here ^^
[02:41] [Lé Skunkette] Zat is a start...
[02:45] > Lé Skunkette leans against the bar, sipping more wine and watching her expectantly.
[02:45] [Isabella (dress uniform)] he's very handsome....and often gives me gifts ^^
[02:46] [Lé Skunkette] Smart, handsome and generous. Sounds very nice. I hope to find a lover with such qualities some day myself.
[02:47] [Isabella (dress uniform)] ^^
[02:47] [Isabella (dress uniform)] I should probably go.....I have to report back in so I can end my shift
[02:48] [Lé Skunkette] Ef you wish. Sleep well.
[02:49] [Isabella (dress uniform)] goodnight and thank you for the drink
[02:49] > Isabella (dress uniform) picks up her broom and leaves
[02:49] <-- Isabella (dress uniform) has left #reddwarfbeta
[02:54] --> Nephrite Masato (Workout) [FormerGeneral@DarkKingdom.net] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[02:54] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Nephrite Masato (Workout)
[02:54] > Nephrite Masato (Workout) walks in, huffing a little and wiping his forehead with a towel which is draped off his neck.
[02:56] > Nephrite Masato (Workout) pauses and notices that he's not alone.
[02:56] > Nephrite Masato (Workout) looks at Le Skunkette
[02:56] ➣ Le Skunkette: A skinny and pale humanoid with many skunk-like features. She has beady black eyes, a small nose, long black hair and a large, bushy black tail, both with twin white stripes running down each that usually pokes out from under a short skirt.
[02:56] [Lé Skunkette] Good evening, handsome. ^.^
[02:57] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] Good evening. I wasn't expecting to run into anyone.
[02:57] > Nephrite Masato (Workout) chuckles lightly, "And how are you tonight, Miss....?
[03:01] [Lé Skunkette] You may call me Mephitis.
[03:03] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] Mephits.... why do I know that name...?
[03:06] > Nephrite Masato (Workout) stands there, thinking, still looking her over.
[03:06] [Lé Skunkette] I believe you are Miss Naftis husband, no?
[03:06] > Nephrite Masato (Workout) snaps his fingers, "Yes I am... and that's how I remember you."
[03:07] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] I was there when you girls had one of your meetings.
[03:07] [Lé Skunkette] I passed through your lovely home a few times, yes.
[03:08] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] Indeed, I never forget a beautiful young lady. ^_~
[03:10] > Lé Skunkette giggles over her wine.
[03:11] [Lé Skunkette] You are too kind. I know I am very.. defferent from ze natives of zis world. I would offer you a glass of wine, but I am thinking it would be bad after a workout.
[03:12] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] Indeed, I appreciate the offer though. I had to blow off a little steam after getting some bad news today.
[03:12] [Lé Skunkette] Care to discuss it?
[03:14] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] Well, one of my clients got injured during an event she was participating in. Poor girl hurt her ankle pretty badly.
[03:14] [Lé Skunkette] Zat is too bad..
[03:14] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] It also bothers me because she's been a close, personal friend of mine for years.
[03:18] > Nephrite Masato (Workout) walks over to the fridge, grabbing a bottle of water, opening it and taking a long drink.
[03:23] [Lé Skunkette] Zere are so many nice people I meet in this world. I hate to hear of anyone being hurt. How ded it happen?
[03:24] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] Well, she's what we call a professional wrestler. She makes it look like she's really fighting someone when she's not.
[03:25] [Lé Skunkette] Ahh, a performer.
[03:25] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] Yes, well she and her partner were doing their finishing manuver, but Vana didn't land it properly and she shatterd her ankle.
[03:27] [Lé Skunkette] Shattered? That's awful... o.o
[03:28] > Nephrite Masato (Workout) nods, "She had surgery to try and repair some of the damage and stablize her ankle so it can heal properly.
[03:37] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] And then there's my very pregnant wife.....who's very close to giving birth now.
[03:38] [Lé Skunkette] I wesh her ze best. How do you feel about zat?
[03:39] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] Excited, nervous, a tad bit frightened....
[03:40] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] I mean.... I'm going to be a father for the first time.... I'll have a little girl to take care of.
[03:40] [Lé Skunkette] How very vunderful! ♡
[03:41] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] It sure is. ^_^
[03:45] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] How about you? Do you have a man in your life to give you children?
[03:47] [Lé Skunkette] Alas, no. I have not seen my home planet in.. many months.. years? I forget how long it has been, my duty keeps me so busy, and I cannot keep track of time when I move from star to star.
[03:49] [Lé Skunkette] I would like to be settling down some day.. but ze galaxy needs me..
[03:49] > Lé Skunkette sighs and sips her wine.
[03:50] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] That's a real shame. A beauty like you should be having to turn down offers left and right.
[03:52] [Lé Skunkette] Oh, do go *hic* on. *^.^*
[03:53] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] And it sounds like your wine is starting to kick in as well.
[03:56] [Lé Skunkette] ❧ Maybeeee~ ❧
[03:56] > Lé Skunkette shoots the rest and pours her third.
[03:57] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] Perhaps it's not my place to say..... but I think you may have had enough.
[03:58] [Lé Skunkette] Ohhh.. very well... zis shall be my last. Cannot let it go to waste, can I?
[03:58] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] I suppose not.
[04:00] > Nephrite Masato (Workout) sits drinking his water and keeping an eye on her.
[04:01] > Lé Skunkette leans across the bar, smiling and occasionally giving him a flirtive glance.
[04:03] > Nephrite Masato (Workout) smirks a little
[04:03] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] If I weren't happily married twice over.... I could really go for a girl like you. ^_~
[04:03] [Lé Skunkette] You must work out often. You hav' a beautiful body.
[04:03] > Lé Skunkette giggles more.
[04:03] [Lé Skunkette] You like ze skunk girls, no?
[04:04] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] The outward apperance is only part of the total package.
[04:05] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] But yours is quite nice.
[04:07] > Nephrite Masato (Workout) thinks to himself and smirks
[04:07] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] Ya' know.... there's a certain sector of people on my planet who would absoletly love to see someone like you.
[04:08] [Lé Skunkette] Ohh?
[04:10] > Nephrite Masato (Workout) nods, finishing his water
[04:11] [Lé Skunkette] Miss Naftis did say humans were ze diverse lot.
[04:11] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] They are known as Furries... people who have an admirateion for humaniod looking animals.
[04:13] > Nephrite Masato (Workout) thinks about that, "Between you.... and all the cat women we have up here.... I bet I could make a heck of a photo book."
[04:13] [Lé Skunkette] Ze have a name... must be a large group.
[04:13] > Lé Skunkette giggles again and sips her wine.
[04:14] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] Oh yes, it's a very specialized group, but there are many of them.
[04:15] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] It could be great.... they would all think you were just dressing up as the animals you appear to be.... little do they know that's how you actually look.
[04:16] [Lé Skunkette] How mischievous~ Do let me know if you *hic* you make it happen. My people.. we love art and culture.
[04:17] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] Very well. I'll start putting together the concept idea for it. I would love to feature you in it, Mephitis.
[04:20] > Nephrite Masato (Workout) yawns lightly
[04:21] > Lé Skunkette's head dips for a moment, and she spills a little wine.
[04:21] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] You look like you're getting a little tired as well.
[04:22] [Lé Skunkette] Mmm... ze vine, yes..
[04:22] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] My wife would not forgive me if I let one of her friends go alone like this.
[04:23] [Lé Skunkette] Vell, by all means... walk me home. Ish *hic* big strong man wanting to carry moi?
[04:24] > Lé Skunkette struts out from behind the bar, her tail shaking a little as she steps.
[04:24] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] Oh, I could if you wish.... quite easily I imagine.
[04:24] [Lé Skunkette] ❧ I vish~ ❧
[04:24] > Nephrite Masato (Workout) chuckles a little and easily scoops Mephitis off of her feet
[04:25] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] You're even lighter then you look. ^_~
[04:25] > Lé Skunkette kicks her feet and palms his chest. She's fairly light.
[04:27] > Nephrite Masato (Workout) smirks as he carries her out of the room
[04:27] <-- Nephrite Masato (Workout) [FormerGeneral@DarkKingdom.net] has left #reddwarfbeta (I bet I could carry you with one arm.)
[04:27] <-- Lé Skunkette [Skunk.Senshi@Mephitis.Arc.org] has left #reddwarfbeta (Ehhehehehee! ♡)
[00:00] >>> Monday Aug 06 2012 <<<
[21:40] --> Naftis Masato [LightofHope@NewGalactica.org] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[21:40] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Naftis Masato
[21:41] > Naftis Masato walks in, having to reach far past her large belly to push a cart of a few serving trays.
[21:42] > Naftis Masato lays them out on a table and plops down, eating ravenously.
[21:50] [Naftis Masato] Mmm....
[21:51] > Naftis Masato alternates between taking big bites of a submarine sandwich and a hunk of cake.
[21:52] --> Anubis Saotome [SuperClone@japanlab.net] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[21:52] [@HOL_6000] Anubis Saotome reporting for duty.
[21:53] [Anubis Saotome] My goodness..... I have not seen a woman eat like this since my wife was pregnant.
[21:54] [Naftis Masato] MNPH?! O.O
[21:54] > Naftis Masato looses some food from the shock of a newcomer.
[21:54] [Naftis Masato] Oh... I.. I'm sorry, this place has been quiet lately.. I didn't think.. well... please excuse me.
[21:55] [Anubis Saotome] It is alright. I just came to get a drink for my beloved.
[21:56] [Naftis Masato] I'm in my last stages... my people... we tend to get really hungry when this happens... which is bad because of how scare food... was.. on our world... why am I talking about this? >.>
[21:57] > Naftis Masato wipes her hands and focuses on the sandwich, eating slower.
[21:57] > Anubis Saotome smiles a little - It is alright. Perhaps it is just because you need someone to talk to.
[21:57] [Naftis Masato] Perhaps.. I'd hate for my husband or wife to see me like this..<.< Silly, I'm sure.
[21:59] [Anubis Saotome] That is rather silly to me... but I am sure my wife would sympathize. I mean, she hated when I would walk in on her when she got some of her extreme hunger.
[22:00] [Anubis Saotome] I caught her one night with an entire tub of ice cream she's snuck from Kaede's freezer.
[22:01] [Naftis Masato] Tabatha, that magic warrior native to this star, I believe?
[22:01] [Anubis Saotome] Correct.
[22:03] [Naftis Masato] Perhaps magic people need more calories..
[22:04] [Anubis Saotome] I think it is more because of how active she normally is when she is not pregnant. But that could also be the case.
[22:05] [Naftis Masato] By the stars... look at all this food. I'm a monster. ~.~
[22:06] [Anubis Saotome] You are not....
[22:06] [Naftis Masato] I guess I've done more monstrous things than this. ~.~
[22:07] > Naftis Masato sniffles.
[22:08] [Anubis Saotome] Many of us have done things we are not proud of.
[22:09] [Anubis Saotome] But now we are loved and being given the oppertunity to make up for those actions.
[22:12] > Naftis Masato nods and sighs, still on the verge of tears.
[22:14] [Anubis Saotome] And unlike my mothers, I plan on raising my son the right way.
[22:15] > Naftis Masato looks him over.
[22:15] [Naftis Masato] Well, good. It's never too late to end a cycle of abuse.
[22:18] > Anubis Saotome nods with a smile to Naftis
[22:19] [Anubis Saotome] I notice you do not have a drink with all that food.
[22:21] [Anubis Saotome] Shall I get something for you?
[22:24] [Naftis Masato] Some water, please.
[22:25] > Anubis Saotome nods and walks over to the bar, grabbing a large mug, filling it with cold water from the fridge, taking it over to Naftis.
[22:27] > Naftis Masato finishes the sandwich and washes it down.
[22:27] [Naftis Masato] Ahh, much better. ^.^
[22:27] [Naftis Masato] So, you live up here?
[22:27] [Anubis Saotome] Indeed I do.
[22:29] [Naftis Masato] How do you like it?
[22:30] [Anubis Saotome] It is nice. I have a steady job and a place for my family to live in peace.
[22:31] [Naftis Masato] That's nice. ^.^
[22:36] [Naftis Masato] I'm proud of our little love nest, and really enjoying playing homemaker.
[22:36] [Anubis Saotome] How is Nephrite doing? I hear he is growing quite the empire down there in the entertainment world.
[22:38] [Naftis Masato] He is! He represents a lot of talent now, but he's starting to freak out at the idea of raising a daughter~ ♡
[22:40] > Anubis Saotome chuckles lightly
[22:40] [Anubis Saotome] Having a child is quite the life changer.
[22:41] [Naftis Masato] Mmmhmm... but creating new life in a peaceful work is so gratifying..
[22:41] > Naftis Masato looks down at her huge belly and gently holds it.
[22:42] [Anubis Saotome] Very true.
[22:43] [Anubis Saotome] I will soon be taking care of my son more often. Tabby is itching to get back to working.
[22:45] [Naftis Masato] It's sad to think of a mother putting herself in harms way..
[22:46] [Anubis Saotome] I know what you mean.... but she feels very.... confined being up here all the time. So she plans on going back to bounty hunting.
[22:48] [Naftis Masato] I guess butterflies just have to spread their wings and fly.
[22:51] [Anubis Saotome] Indeed.
[22:51] [Anubis Saotome] My beautiful butterfly.
[22:57] [Naftis Masato] Ohh, how rude of me, would you like something to eat? I must have enough for four here.
[22:58] [Anubis Saotome] Oh no, I had my dinner for the night. But thank you for offering.
[22:59] > Naftis Masato uncovers a basket of chicken wings and begins eating. They smell strongly of garlic and spice.
[23:03] [Naftis Masato] Mmmm...
[23:05] [Anubis Saotome] Those smell wonderful.
[23:06] [Naftis Masato] Don't they? I've really started liking spicy food. So, tell me about your little boy.
[23:11] [Anubis Saotome] Well, he is quite the outspoken child, for one so young. When he needs something, he has no problem expressing it.
[23:11] [Anubis Saotome] And at any time... which has caused Tabby much loss of sleep.
[23:11] [Naftis Masato] Noisy and fussy?
[23:15] [Anubis Saotome] He can be if he does not get his way.
[23:16] [Anubis Saotome] Kind of reminds me of Tabby in that sense.
[23:20] [Naftis Masato] She sounds like a pistol. You two get along?
[23:22] [Anubis Saotome] Oh yes, quite well. We are very much in love, though you would not know it sometimes by the way she treats me.
[23:22] [Naftis Masato] Well, I guess some people show their love in funny ways.
[23:23] [Anubis Saotome] Indeed.
[23:24] [Anubis Saotome] She has a thing for giving me littls shocks on my auto-mail arm... but I like it.
[23:27] > Naftis Masato giggles.
[23:47] [Naftis Masato] My husband likes it when I get authoratative with him sometimes... and I, him.
[23:48] [Anubis Saotome] Heh, Tabby is the same way with me. She loves it when I take charge.
[23:49] [Naftis Masato] Guess it's more fun to pass the crown around than it is to keep it to yourself.
[00:00] >>> Tuesday Aug 07 2012 <<<
[00:02] [Anubis Saotome] Indeed
[00:03] [Naftis Masato] Maybe I should go home before they worry.. and before I eat too much. ^^;
[00:05] [Anubis Saotome] Would you like an escort? I can imagine how difficult it must be for you to get around.
[00:06] [Naftis Masato] That.. would be nice. Thank you, dear.
[00:06] > Naftis Masato holds out a hand.
[00:09] > Anubis Saotome gently takes Naftis' hand, helping her to her feet.
[00:10] <-- Naftis Masato [LightofHope@NewGalactica.org] has left #reddwarfbeta (No shortage of gentlemen around here. Lucky for a lady like me.)
[00:12] <-- Anubis Saotome [SuperClone@japanlab.net] has left #reddwarfbeta (I would disappoint my new mother and my wife if I did not help a lady.)
[00:00] >>> Saturday Aug 11 2012 <<<
[02:15] --> Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown) [HeadCook@RedDwarf.net] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[02:15] [@HOL_6000] Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown) reporting for duty.
[02:16] > Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown) walks over to the bar, hopping over it and standing behind it, making herself a tea.
[02:18] > Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown) hums to herself
[02:18] --> Minako Kaioh (Nightgown) [SoldierOfLove@Venus.net] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[02:18] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Minako Kaioh (Nightgown)
[02:18] --> Baby Aiko has joined #reddwarfbeta
[02:18] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Baby Aiko
[02:19] > Minako Kaioh (Nightgown) pushes the sleeping Ai in her stroller. ~.~
[02:19] > Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown) looks up with a smile | Hi Mina-san
[02:19] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown)] What brings you here so late?
[02:20] [Minako Kaioh (Nightgown)] The engine puts Ai to sleep when she's fussy..
[02:20] > Minako Kaioh (Nightgown) faceplants onto the couch in an unflattering position.
[02:22] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown)] Oh my
[02:22] > Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown) can't help but take a long look, blushing a bit
[02:23] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown)] Is it the sound, the vibration or a combination of the two?
[02:23] [Minako Kaioh (Nightgown)] You making something?
[02:23] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown)] Yes... I'm making some milktea to help me get to sleep
[02:26] [Minako Kaioh (Nightgown)] I'll take a double. I need to sleep for the concert tomorrow.
[02:27] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown)] Sure thing
[02:27] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown)] How does it feel to be back to work, Mina-san?
[02:29] > Minako Kaioh (Nightgown) sits up.
[02:29] [Minako Kaioh (Nightgown)] It's harder with a little one to take care of.. but it makes me very happy. The cheers, the rave reviews, hearing myself on the radio...
[02:33] > Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown) giggles | I haven't felt things like that in a long time.
[02:34] [Minako Kaioh (Nightgown)] Poor Kaede-chan... is it hard for you to watch the Olympics?
[02:35] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown)] Only when we lose, which seems to be a lot lately. ~_~
[02:36] [Minako Kaioh (Nightgown)] I saw the Americans got revenge against the women's football team.
[02:36] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown)] Yeah, they got us good. It was kind of a shame, but the American's played a good, fair game.
[02:39] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown)] Unlike the damn Korean Men's team today..... I think they were trying to beat our guys into submission during the match today.
[02:40] [Minako Kaioh (Nightgown)] Mohh.. North or south? I missed it. Can't believe the evil ones are allowed..
[02:40] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown)] South
[02:41] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown)] They were crazy
[02:43] > Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown) turns off the warmer for the tea, pouring a double sized cup for Mina and a regular one for herself, carrying then over and sitting next to Mina
[02:45] > Minako Kaioh (Nightgown) takes it and sips.
[02:45] [Minako Kaioh (Nightgown)] Well, people spend their lives preparing for that moment.. I guess sometimes they lose themselves in it.
[02:46] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown)] Yeah, I know I did
[02:47] [Minako Kaioh (Nightgown)] And I know all about loosing yourself in the moment.
[02:55] > Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown) sips her drink
[02:55] > Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown) yaswns
[02:55] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown)] Wow... I'm starting to feel it alrady.....
[02:56] [Minako Kaioh (Nightgown)] I've been feeling it for hours... but this will help.
[02:56] > Minako Kaioh (Nightgown) sips again and stands, taking her drink.
[02:57] > Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown) stands also
[02:58] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown)] I'll walk you to the transporter before I turn in.
[02:59] [Minako Kaioh (Nightgown)] Sounds good. ^^
[03:00] <-- Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown) [HeadCook@RedDwarf.net] has left #reddwarfbeta (Part this stuff works even better when you have a child. ^_^)
[03:01] <-- Minako Kaioh (Nightgown) [SoldierOfLove@Venus.net] has left #reddwarfbeta (Sobieru mirai, Wasurenaide!)
[03:01] <-- Baby Aiko has left #reddwarfbeta
[00:00] >>> Monday Aug 13 2012 <<<
[02:19] --> Kaede Sasaki (Casual) [HeadCook@RedDwarf.net] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[02:19] [@HOL_6000] Kaede Sasaki (Casual) reporting for duty.
[02:19] > Kaede Sasaki (Casual) walks in, humming a tune to herself, heading for the bar
[02:22] > Kaede Sasaki (Casual) starts to make a smoothie, adding some alcohol to it for a kick
[02:22] --> Nate Detroit [SmashChamp@reddwarf.com] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[02:22] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +o to Nate Detroit
[02:22] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, @Nate Detroit
[02:22] > @Nate Detroit sees Kaede and tries to sneak up behind her.
[02:25] > Kaede Sasaki (Casual) continues to make the drink, unaware that Nate is there
[02:26] > @Nate Detroit waits for the moment least liekly to make a mess, and THROWS his arms around her tight.
[02:28] > Kaede Sasaki (Casual) jumps a little at the sudden hug and then realizes who it is
[02:28] [Kaede Sasaki (Casual)] Nate-kun...... you scared me~
[02:28] [@Nate Detroit] ❧ Caught you. ❧
[02:30] > Kaede Sasaki (Casual) giggles a little | Indeed you have~
[02:31] > @Nate Detroit lets go and slaps her butt.
[02:31] [@Nate Detroit] Someone's happy.
[02:32] > Kaede Sasaki (Casual) jumps again and giggles
[02:32] [Kaede Sasaki (Casual)] Well, the Olympics are over, so I don't feel all the pressure of my fandom.
[02:33] [@Nate Detroit] I couldn't believe the final medal count... and the US's comeback. Glad to see us stomp the Chinese.
[02:34] > Kaede Sasaki (Casual) smirks | I'm glad to see anyone pound the Chinese. Just wish it could've been the Japanese.
[02:40] [@Nate Detroit] Making enough for two?
[02:40] > @Nate Detroit lays down on the couch.
[02:42] [Kaede Sasaki (Casual)] Sure
[02:42] [Kaede Sasaki (Casual)] I can always stretch what I make
[02:43] > Kaede Sasaki (Casual) turns on the blender, thinning the mix a little more
[02:45] > Kaede Sasaki (Casual) turns the blender off and pours the contents into two glasses, carrying them over to Nate
[02:45] [Kaede Sasaki (Casual)] Soooo.... how is Nate-kun?
[02:46] > @Nate Detroit sips.
[02:46] [@Nate Detroit] Pretty good.
[02:50] > Kaede Sasaki (Casual) sits on Nate's lap
[02:51] > @Nate Detroit holds her and sips the drink.
[02:53] > Kaede Sasaki (Casual) lays against Nate, sipping her drink
[02:54] [@Nate Detroit] How's the family?
[02:56] [Kaede Sasaki (Casual)] Doing well. Glad to have me back.
[02:59] [@Nate Detroit] Hope you weren't neglecting your little one..
[03:00] [Kaede Sasaki (Casual)] Krys-chan missed her mama.... but I plan on making it up to her by taking care of her solo for the next week. Going to give Kalli-chan a break
[03:05] > Kaede Sasaki (Casual) sips her drink
[03:07] [@Nate Detroit] Sometimes I feel guilty I'm not doing enough with Marty.. but I am earning for us, and Rowe does well with him, especially with her magic.
[03:08] [Kaede Sasaki (Casual)] How is Marty-chan?
[03:09] [@Nate Detroit] Good. Starting to try to get vocal.
[03:09] [@Nate Detroit] He's developing so fast... and he seems so smart..
[03:11] [Kaede Sasaki (Casual)] Won't be too much longer she'll be running around, causing trouble.
[03:12] > Kaede Sasaki (Casual) finishes her drink and yawns
[03:13] [@Nate Detroit] Crashing early?
[03:14] [Kaede Sasaki (Casual)] I think so.... coming down from the Olympic high
[03:15] > @Nate Detroit chugs his, puts the cup down and stands, carrying her.
[03:15] > Kaede Sasaki (Casual) holds onto Nate, smiling
[03:15] <-- Kaede Sasaki (Casual) [HeadCook@RedDwarf.net] has left #reddwarfbeta (Always nice to have a strong friend to carry you home. ♡)
[03:16] <-- @Nate Detroit [SmashChamp@reddwarf.com] has left #reddwarfbeta (Yeah, let me know if you ever meet one. =p)
[00:00] >>> Wednesday Aug 15 2012 <<<
[23:28] --> Nephrite Masato (Workout) [FormerGeneral@DarkKingdom.net] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[23:28] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Nephrite Masato (Workout)
[23:29] > Nephrite Masato (Workout) walks over to the bar, making himself a drink
[23:40] --> Matsumi Kaze [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[23:40] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Matsumi Kaze
[23:40] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Matsumi Kaze
[23:40] [+Matsumi Kaze] hello neph
[23:41] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] Hey Matsumi. How's the family?
[23:43] [+Matsumi Kaze] oh fine....vana is recovering nicely
[23:44] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] That's good to hear. I need to come see her.
[23:45] [+Matsumi Kaze] please do
[23:45] [+Matsumi Kaze] how is your family doing?
[23:46] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] Nicely, Hotaru's doing well. Naftis is almost ready to have our little girl.
[23:48] [+Matsumi Kaze] have you picked a name out?
[23:53] [+Matsumi Kaze] ^^
[23:55] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] Well, we've talked about it and I think we're close. But we haven't zeroed in on a name yet.
[23:57] [+Matsumi Kaze] well the name is the most important thing
[23:58] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] Oh we know. That's why we're taking carful time to figure out what to name her.
[00:00] >>> Thursday Aug 16 2012 <<<
[00:06] [+Matsumi Kaze] so otherwise how goes the business
[00:08] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] Business is great, though our media division is having to fight off allegations that Mika hurt Vana on purpose.
[00:09] [+Matsumi Kaze] yeah I heard about that.....horrible isn't it
[00:09] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] Very much so
[00:11] [+Matsumi Kaze] did you know she rescuses orphined kittens?
[00:11] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] Mika's such a kind hearted soul. To think that she'd intentionallly hurt ANYONE since she came back is stupid.
[00:11] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] I didn't, but somehow that doesn't surprise me at all.
[00:14] [+Matsumi Kaze] yeah..last time I saw her..she was giving them away to some of the neighborhood children
[00:17] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] That's very sweet of her.
[00:18] [+Matsumi Kaze] you know I need to visit you guys again..when was the last time I visited?
[00:20] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] It's been quite a while.
[00:20] [+Matsumi Kaze] probably longer then the last time I visited my brother and sister in law >.>.....oh man I haven't seen them in awhile <.<
[00:22] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] Sounds like you need to do some traveling with your summer break
[00:24] [+Matsumi Kaze] yeah ^^;;;
[00:27] [+Matsumi Kaze] ....man I wonder if ami would be angry at me >.>
[00:28] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] I can't see Ami being angry about much.
[00:28] [+Matsumi Kaze] that is a good point...
[00:33] > Nephrite Masato (Workout) sips his drink and sighs
[00:34] [+Matsumi Kaze] hm?
[00:37] [+Matsumi Kaze] what's wrong?
[00:38] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] Just nervous...
[00:40] [+Matsumi Kaze] heh about becoming a father?
[00:41] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] Yeah
[00:43] [+Matsumi Kaze] awww it will be ok
[00:46] [+Matsumi Kaze] I'm sure you'll be a wonderful papa
[00:49] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] Thnak you Matsumi
[00:50] [+Matsumi Kaze] my pleasure ^^
[00:51] > +Matsumi Kaze gives neph a kiss on the cheek
[00:52] > Nephrite Masato (Workout) smiles to Matsumi
[00:54] [+Matsumi Kaze] ^^ well you needed it
[00:56] > Nephrite Masato (Workout) chuckles a little
[00:58] [+Matsumi Kaze] whaat?
[00:59] [+Matsumi Kaze] remember the old days?
[00:59] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] You've always been so sweet to me, ever since we first met.
[01:02] [+Matsumi Kaze] why shouldn't I
[01:04] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] And yes I remember the old days.
[01:06] [+Matsumi Kaze] oh neph...any news on a new concert?
[01:12] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] Well, I'm trying to lock down the last couple venues.
[01:12] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] This tour's going to be a bit smaller.
[01:18] [+Matsumi Kaze] oh really?
[01:19] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] Yeah, smaller venues. I figure it would be nice to do more intimate shows.
[01:22] [+Matsumi Kaze] that would be neat ^^..I'd have to find time of course away from the recording studio
[01:26] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] We'll make tiem
[01:32] > +Matsumi Kaze smiles "sounds exciting"
[01:34] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] Hopefully it will be
[01:43] --> Minako Kaioh [SoldierOfLove@Venus.net] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[01:43] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Minako Kaioh
[01:43] [+Matsumi Kaze] oh heya mina
[01:43] [Minako Kaioh] Konbon Wa, Matsumi-chan and Manager-san.
[01:43] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] Good evening Mina
[01:44] > Minako Kaioh walks to Nephrite, palming his chest and kissing him.
[01:45] > Nephrite Masato (Workout) kisses Mina back with a smile, "You're in a good mood tonight."
[01:46] [Minako Kaioh] Good enough. Happy from the tours, a little loopy from fatigue.. ^^; And always greatful to the man who saved me.
[01:47] [+Matsumi Kaze] heee
[01:48] [Minako Kaioh] Doesn't Matsumi show you love?
[01:48] [+Matsumi Kaze] hey!
[01:49] [Minako Kaioh] Nani?
[01:50] [+Matsumi Kaze] I care about neph too :(
[01:51] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] Of course she does.
[01:51] [Minako Kaioh] Do you show him?
[01:51] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] She's just not as forward as you are, Mina
[01:51] > Minako Kaioh sits on the couch and rubs her face a little.
[01:51] [Minako Kaioh] I heard she used to be way more forward.
[01:55] [+Matsumi Kaze] well yes...I used to be
[01:55] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] Yeah, before she got married
[01:56] [Minako Kaioh] There's worse things than being open, forward and flirty with your good friends. You should dust off old Matsy sometime. I'd like to spend some time with her. :)
[02:00] > Nephrite Masato (Workout) chuckles a little
[02:03] [Minako Kaioh] Getting married only made me more playful. Well, knowing I have a happy family to go back to, and my dream career, and Usagi being safe with a family of her own.
[02:05] > Nephrite Masato (Workout) smirks, "Katori doesn't mind you being more forward?"
[02:08] [Minako Kaioh] Nope! We both get flirty at parties. I miss parties at the Playboy mansion...
[02:09] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] I bet you do
[02:10] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] I'm just glad I have my girls at home when I need 'em. Even though Naftis is off limits for the next few months.
[02:11] [Minako Kaioh] Moh... is that all you think about? Besides, I'm sure she needs your affection now more than ever.
[02:12] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] Did I say I wasn't giving her love and affection?
[02:13] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] I just said there are certain things we can't do for a little while. :P
[02:13] [Minako Kaioh] You said off limits.
[02:14] [Minako Kaioh] If only you had another wife or corruptable clients to help you with that. :P
[02:17] > Nephrite Masato (Workout) chuckles
[02:18] [Minako Kaioh] I think I'd have to draw the line with Katori adding another wife..
[02:21] [Minako Kaioh] Matsumi-chan fall asleep?
[02:22] > +Matsumi Kaze has indeed fallen asleep
[02:22] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] It appears that she has
[02:23] [Minako Kaioh] Wanna mess with her?
[02:26] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] Heh, you first.
[02:26] [Minako Kaioh] Hmmm......
[02:27] > Minako Kaioh sits next to Matsumi and gently squeezes her chest, watching her for a reaction.
[02:29] [+Matsumi Kaze] zzzzz
[02:30] > Nephrite Masato (Workout) sits next to Matsumi, opposite Mina
[02:30] > Minako Kaioh pokes her a few times, then gives up.
[02:30] [Minako Kaioh] Now you.
[02:31] > Nephrite Masato (Workout) lightly traces his finger along Matsumi's ear
[02:32] > +Matsumi Kaze keeps snoring
[02:32] > Nephrite Masato (Workout) lightly tickles Matsumi's nose
[02:35] > +Matsumi Kaze turns away in her sleep
[02:35] > Nephrite Masato (Workout) smirks and reaches down, squeezing Matsumi's butt
[02:36] > Minako Kaioh lowers to the floor and tickles her feet.
[02:37] [Minako Kaioh] Think this impacts her dreams?
[02:37] > +Matsumi Kaze giggles a bit in her sleep
[02:38] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] I'm not sure, maybe.
[02:41] > Minako Kaioh climbs back up and starts whispering into Matsumi's ear.
[02:41] [Minako Kaioh] ❧ Mmmm yes... yes.... just like that... so good~ ❧
[02:42] > +Matsumi Kaze frowns a bit in her sleep, sweating
[02:43] > Nephrite Masato (Workout) watches
[02:44] [Minako Kaioh] ❧ Matsumi-chan~ Sugoiiiii. Kya... hahh.. HAHH.... ❧
[02:44] > +Matsumi Kaze crosses her legs in her sleep ><
[02:44] > +Matsumi Kaze sighs loudly..and relaxes, smiling
[02:44] [Minako Kaioh] Oh wow.... did she...
[02:45] > Nephrite Masato (Workout) smirks a little to himself, "I think she did...."
[02:46] [Minako Kaioh] Wow. o.o I'm good..
[02:46] > +Matsumi Kaze keeps sleeping
[02:47] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] Well, you are the goddess of love, Mina. ^_~
[02:49] [Minako Kaioh] Must be another divine gift. ^.^v
[02:49] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] Perhaps so.
[02:49] <-- +Matsumi Kaze [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has left #reddwarfbeta (zzzzz)
[02:50] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] I should probably take her home
[02:51] [Minako Kaioh] And I should get my beauty sleep.
[02:52] > Nephrite Masato (Workout) carefully picks up Matsumi and smiles
[02:52] [Minako Kaioh] Goodnight, Neph~rite. ♡
[02:54] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] Goodnight Mina. ♡
[02:55] > Nephrite Masato (Workout) walks over and gives Mina a light kiss
[02:55] > Minako Kaioh makes a happy noise, then walks out.
[02:56] > Nephrite Masato (Workout) carries Matsumi out just behind
[02:57] <-- Minako Kaioh [SoldierOfLove@Venus.net] has left #reddwarfbeta (Sobieru mirai, Wasurenaide!)
[02:58] <-- Nephrite Masato (Workout) [FormerGeneral@DarkKingdom.net] has left #reddwarfbeta (Sleeping beauty)
[00:00] >>> Wednesday Aug 22 2012 <<<
[23:58] --> Matsuo Shin (casual) [PsychicGuy@Q.Tech.gov] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[23:58] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Matsuo Shin (casual)
[23:58] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] ugh...wish there was an easier way to get home....
[00:00] >>> Thursday Aug 23 2012 <<<
[00:22] > Matsuo Shin (casual) checks the small bag with him and smiles
[00:22] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] I'm sure Yuki will love this
[00:26] > Matsuo Shin (casual) is away: back home to my wife and daughter
[00:00] >>> Friday Aug 24 2012 <<<
[02:00] --> Jun Jun (Club) [GreenAcrobat@DeadMoon.cc] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[02:00] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Jun Jun (Club)
[02:00] > Jun Jun (Club) strolls in, humming to herself and looking rather happy.
[02:07] [Palla Palla] HELLO!
[02:07] > Palla Palla appears in front of Jun Jun, upside down
[02:07] > Jun Jun (Club) jumps back
[02:08] [Jun Jun (Club)] Palla.... you just scared the hell out of me.
[02:08] --> Palla Palla [Juggle&Giggle@DeadMoon.cc] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[02:08] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Palla Palla
[02:08] [Palla Palla] why jun jun so happy? Palla Palla want to know
[02:09] [Ves Ves] Yeah, tell is.
[02:09] --> Ves Ves [BeastTamer@DeadMoon.cc] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[02:09] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Ves Ves
[02:09] [Jun Jun (Club)] Hey Ves
[02:09] [Ves Ves] Knowing you, it's because of a guy.
[02:10] [Jun Jun (Club)] Well yaah. I just came back from hanging out with Jay at work.
[02:11] [Palla Palla] oooo jun jun was with her boyfriend!
[02:11] > Ves Ves grumbles.
[02:12] --> Cere Cere [FlowerMaiden@DeadMoon.cc] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[02:12] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Cere Cere
[02:12] > Jun Jun (Club) hops up and sits on the bar
[02:12] [Jun Jun (Club)] What's wrong Ves?
[02:13] > Cere Cere yawns lightly as she walks in.
[02:13] [Ves Ves] Oh, nothing, nothing at all. ^.^
[02:13] [Jun Jun (Club)] Hi Cere
[02:14] [Jun Jun (Club)] It's a family reunion.
[02:15] [Cere Cere] Hi hi, girls.
[02:16] [Palla Palla] hi cere cere! hi Ves ves! Palla Palla upside down!
[02:16] [Jun Jun (Club)] You girls should've come to the club with me tonight. Lots of hot guys there.
[02:17] [Ves Ves] Maybe.... I dunno... I don't think your average club monkey can handle me.
[02:17] [Cere Cere] And I thought Jun was the acrobat. ^_^; Don't hurt yourself Palla-chan.
[02:18] [Ves Ves] Like any of us are strangers to stunts.
[02:18] > Palla Palla falls down
[02:19] [Cere Cere] Hai, hai.
[02:20] [Jun Jun (Club)] And there she goes
[02:20] [Cere Cere] >_o
[02:20] [Ves Ves] She'll be fine.
[02:21] [Palla Palla] T____T
[02:21] > Palla Palla cries
[02:21] [Ves Ves] Once she stops pretending to cry for attention at least.
[02:22] > Cere Cere sighs.
[02:22] > Palla Palla keeps crying
[02:22] [Jun Jun (Club)] Oh... going back to guys... how's the new bo there, Cere? You hardly talk about him.
[02:23] > Cere Cere grins.
[02:25] [Cere Cere] He's great. Handsome, sauve, debonaire. Great piano player, VERY good with his hands~
[02:25] > Palla Palla sniffles and frowns "MEANIES"
[02:25] <-- Palla Palla [Juggle&Giggle@DeadMoon.cc] has left #reddwarfbeta (T_T)
[02:26] > Ves Ves groans a little as she heads for the bar and begins pouring drinks with usual juggler flare.
[02:26] [Cere Cere] He's still got a few loose ends to tie up in France though, so I haven't seen him for a little while.
[02:28] > Jun Jun (Club) giggles listening to Cere while watching Ves