[01:01] >>> Saturday Jan 14 2012 – Automatic reset triggered – Logging Start <<<
[01:01] > Palla Palla (winter) waves bye
[01:03] > Cere Cere (Winter Casual) yawns.
[01:04] [Palla Palla (winter)] cere cere tired?
[01:04] [Cere Cere (Winter Casual)] Hai.
[01:04] [Miara (flower dress)] Guess I gotta to find clippers
[01:05] [Palla Palla (winter)] palla palla come with you!
[01:07] [Cere Cere (Winter Casual)] Okay, let's head home.
[01:08] [Palla Palla (winter)] bye bye nice lady!
[01:09] [Miara (flower dress)] bye
[01:09] > Miara (flower dress) looks in the mirror again, and takes a deep breath
[01:09] [Cere Cere (Winter Casual)] Night, Miara I think.
[01:12] <-- Palla Palla (winter) [Juggle&Giggle@DeadMoon.cc] has left #reddwarfbeta (Palla Palla excited about tomorrow!)
[01:12] <-- Cere Cere (Winter Casual) [FlowerMaiden@DeadMoon.cc] has left #reddwarfbeta
[01:12] > Miara (flower dress) is away: better to it before i lose my nerve!
[01:59] > Miara (flower dress) is back
[01:59] > Miara (flower dress) leans in to look in the bit mirror over the bar
[01:59] > Miara (flower dress) looks at Miara
[01:59] ➣ Miara: Miara is a woman standing at 5'10 with short buzzcut and blue eyes. She normally has an upbeat and confident personality. Her English has a British note to it. Image Song: Do It Again by Ayumi Hamasaki
[02:00] [Miara (flower dress)] Zaaa
[02:00] [Miara (flower dress)] not so bad, huh?
[02:07] > Miara (flower dress) grins into the mirror, and pours another drink
[02:16] > Miara (flower dress) takes out a notebook and an old polaroid camera, and takes a picture for Daniel and Trint's next letter
[02:22] > Miara (flower dress) sighs. "Someday, right?"
[02:28] <-- Miara (flower dress) [amongimmortals@terra.net] has left #reddwarfbeta (how much longer?)
[19:39] --> Miara (jeans) [amongimmortals@terra.net] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[19:39] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Miara (jeans)
[19:40] --> Matsumi Kaze [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[19:40] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Matsumi Kaze
[19:40] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Matsumi Kaze
[19:40] [+Matsumi Kaze] hey there!
[19:40] [Miara (jeans)] hey mats
[19:41] [+Matsumi Kaze] how are you today?
[19:42] [Miara (jeans)] pretty agressive, apparently!
[19:43] > Miara (jeans) rubs a hand over her the short scuzz of hair on her head
[19:43] [+Matsumi Kaze] .....what happened to you?
[19:44] --> Ves Ves (Casual fur) [BeastTamer@DeadMoon.cc] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[19:44] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Ves Ves (Casual fur)
[19:44] [Ves Ves (Casual fur)] Hey Matsumi...... HOLY S[SMEG]T MIARA?! O_O
[19:44] [Miara (jeans)] Hee. You like it?
[19:44] > Ves Ves (Casual fur) cringes, unable to smile.
[19:45] [Ves Ves (Casual fur)] It's... um.... different..
[19:45] [Miara (jeans)] Yeah, but not bad.
[19:46] [Ves Ves (Casual fur)] It's... good... that you.. like it... yeah..
[19:46] [Ves Ves (Casual fur)] So... you.. chose this style?
[19:47] [Miara (jeans)] Needed a new look. It's the one thing I've never done.
[19:47] [Miara (jeans)] Besides, it was just long enough to donate ^_^
[19:48] [Ves Ves (Casual fur)] Ohh... well, that's very kind of you.. I could never part with my topknot.
[19:48] > Ves Ves (Casual fur) takes off her fur coat and sits, sighing and relaxing.
[19:49] [Miara (jeans)] It's just hair, it grows back~
[19:49] [Ves Ves (Casual fur)] Takes a lifetime to grow something good though.. or at least it feels like it.
[19:50] [Miara (jeans)] You could take a growing supplement
[19:51] [Ves Ves (Casual fur)] I love my topknot though. ;.; I make my subbies brush it for me..
[19:51] [+Matsumi Kaze] I almost thought of getting rid of my long hair
[19:52] [Ves Ves (Casual fur)] You're lucky. You can zap yours to be any length.
[19:53] [Miara (jeans)] It does get really hot.
[19:53] [Miara (jeans)] And flat, when it's long.
[19:53] [Ves Ves (Casual fur)] This way it isn't, but it's heavy.
[19:55] [Miara (jeans)] No, but most people don't keep it so elaborately
[19:55] [Miara (jeans)] Though if you do ever want to change it, I'd be happy to do it for you.
[19:55] [Miara (jeans)] What've you been up to, Matsi?
[19:55] [Ves Ves (Casual fur)] I just love this style, and it goes so well woth both my jobs. And you keep your razors away from me! o_o
[19:58] [Miara (jeans)] ...
[19:58] [Miara (jeans)] I wouldn't touch it unless you asked, you know.
[19:58] [Ves Ves (Casual fur)] Better not.. You've no idea what I'm capable of.
[19:59] [Miara (jeans)] Hah. I could say the same thing.
[19:59] > Miara (jeans) goes over to the bar for some more water
[20:01] [+Matsumi Kaze] oh not much
[20:01] [+Matsumi Kaze] taking care of the little princess
[20:01] [+Matsumi Kaze] doing voice overs still
[20:01] [+Matsumi Kaze] teaching
[20:01] [Miara (jeans)] Dubbing? That sounds fun!
[20:02] [Miara (jeans)] Did I ever show you the battle armour Allen gave me? I was thinking of wearing it again.
[20:02] [+Matsumi Kaze] oh I never have
[20:06] [Miara (jeans)] Then I'll have to get it out. Let me know when you have time.
[20:08] [+Matsumi Kaze] of course ^^
[20:09] [Ves Ves (Casual fur)] Today was unusual, even by my standards. I started training my sister's boyfriend on my bdsm practices. They both seemed pretty excited about it too.
[20:10] [Miara (jeans)] Oh~?
[20:11] [Ves Ves (Casual fur)] Yeah, it came up last night and I offered to help her. She made it sound like she was topping, but no, she was happy to be on the recieving end of some rope. I guess she's never had any real fear or abuse in her life, so a little in a safe environment is a real novelty.
[20:12] [Miara (jeans)] Palla, right?
[20:13] [Ves Ves (Casual fur)] That's right.
[20:13] [Miara (jeans)] who's her boyfriend?
[20:14] [Ves Ves (Casual fur)] Taro Iwata, or Iwata Taro, whatever. Pro baseball player. Guess he needs some fun in the off season.
[20:15] [Miara (jeans)] never heard of him.
[20:16] [+Matsumi Kaze] huh...
[20:16] [+Matsumi Kaze] ..wait
[20:16] [Miara (jeans)] Hm?
[20:17] [+Matsumi Kaze] ...Taro Iwata....the number one batter for the Swallows?
[20:17] [Miara (jeans)] but, it's fun being both~
[20:18] [Ves Ves (Casual fur)] Maybe. I don't follow baseball. Ohh, you're a switch, Miara?
[20:19] [Miara (jeans)] no, i'm lupa. you hunt and get hunted.
[20:22] [Ves Ves (Casual fur)] I mostly deal with -after- the capture, not before... though I have agreed to abduct a few boys in my day.
[20:24] [Miara (jeans)] now, imagine if you could dominate someone without immobilizing them
[20:25] [Ves Ves (Casual fur)] Imagine nothing, honey. My word is all I really need.
[20:25] [Miara (jeans)] (( brb ))
[20:26] > +Matsumi Kaze drinks some sparkling water
[20:28] [Ves Ves (Casual fur)] Of course, when you start really hurting them, it's helpful to have them held. Rope, cuffs, racks, spreader bars... the boys survival instincts kick in when you bring them within an inch of castration.
[20:29] [Miara (jeans)] i guess that depends on your dominance level, but i can do it
[20:30] [Ves Ves (Casual fur)] Seems like you claim to be able to do anything.
[20:30] [Miara (jeans)] heh, no. i can't.
[20:36] [Miara (jeans)] what you do, for instance. what matsumi does, most of it
[20:36] [Miara (jeans)] i'll never be able to cook
[20:36] [Miara (jeans)] or make clothes
[20:37] [Miara (jeans)] build stuff
[20:38] [Miara (jeans)] the only reason i can use technology is cause my mum shoved all the procedures in my head
[20:46] > +Matsumi Kaze opens a ginger ale
[20:48] > Ves Ves (Casual fur) gets up and mixes herself a Cosmopolitan.
[20:48] [Miara (jeans)] heh, i'm pretty useless at what she does, too
[20:50] [Miara (jeans)] i just happen to be good at most of the things that are valued around here
[20:51] [Ves Ves (Casual fur)] I see.. okay.
[20:51] > Ves Ves (Casual fur) sips her drink and sits on the couch, crossing her legs.
[20:51] [+Matsumi Kaze] where did you get the outfit, ves?
[20:52] [Ves Ves (Casual fur)] One of my pets bought it for me for Christmas. I liked it so much I let him out of his chastity device. ♡
[20:53] > +Matsumi Kaze giggles
[20:53] [+Matsumi Kaze] I can't stand fur to be honest
[20:53] > Miara (jeans) giggles
[20:53] [Miara (jeans)] but it's all nice and warm and soft...
[20:54] [Ves Ves (Casual fur)] Ethical thing?
[20:58] [+Matsumi Kaze] nah
[20:58] [+Matsumi Kaze] too flashy for me
[20:59] [Ves Ves (Casual fur)] Good. I'd hate to draw the ire of a senshi. ^^
[20:59] [Ves Ves (Casual fur)] You might not have noticed, but I ♡ LOVE ♡ flashy.
[20:59] [Miara (jeans)] not all fur's flashy, you could find something subtle.
[20:59] [Miara (jeans)] hee, flashy is fun
[21:00] [+Matsumi Kaze] I only do flashy when I'm around my spouses
[21:00] [Miara (jeans)] ooo
[21:00] [Miara (jeans)] a fur trimmed corset would be great
[21:01] [Ves Ves (Casual fur)] ❧ It would~ ❧
[21:01] [Ves Ves (Casual fur)] But it'd be murder to clean..
[21:02] [Miara (jeans)] ...i've never had one that stayed on that long into it, i guess?
[21:02] [Ves Ves (Casual fur)] One what? Slave?
[21:03] [Ves Ves (Casual fur)] oh, corset.. dua.
[21:05] [Miara (jeans)] yeah
[21:16] [+Matsumi Kaze] I have a corset at home
[21:16] > Miara (jeans) sighs and stretches
[21:16] [Miara (jeans)] Hm?
[21:16] [Miara (jeans)] what's it look like/
[21:16] [Miara (jeans)] ?
[21:17] [+Matsumi Kaze] white
[21:20] [Miara (jeans)] meh. that's boring
[21:20] [Miara (jeans)] at least go and get something green
[21:21] [Miara (jeans)] or maybe a nice dark red. vana'll like that.
[21:22] [Ves Ves (Casual fur)] "White"?
[21:25] [Miara (jeans)] is it from one of your weddings?
[21:26] [+Matsumi Kaze] nah one I bought as an experement in clothes
[21:28] [Miara (jeans)] hm...maybe we should take her corset shopping, Ves
[21:29] [Ves Ves (Casual fur)] Agreed, if all she can use to describe it is 'white.' Ohh, and my offer stands, if you want lessons in disciplining the hubbies, Matsumi.
[21:31] [+Matsumi Kaze] heh very well, girls
[21:32] [Miara (jeans)] A nice sweetheart neckline, with a long edwardian line, maybe? Or perhaps a bit shorter...you're not so tall.
[21:35] [+Matsumi Kaze] I don't know that much about corsets
[21:37] [Miara (jeans)] Well, we do. And if you go to a good place, they'll teach you.
[21:45] [+Matsumi Kaze] heh cool
[21:46] [Miara (jeans)] uhoh. time's up :/
[21:46] > Miara (jeans) is away: training
[21:47] [Ves Ves (Casual fur)] Time on what?
[21:48] [+Matsumi Kaze] no idea
[21:54] > Ves Ves (Casual fur) sighs.
[21:54] [Ves Ves (Casual fur)] It's almost a shame.. I'm a senshi now, but there are no wars to fight in. I guess that's a good problem to have, but still, it makes me wonder why I even got these powers.
[21:57] [+Matsumi Kaze] oh you could do what I do
[21:57] [+Matsumi Kaze] go after the small crime
[22:00] [Ves Ves (Casual fur)] Mmm... there's an idea. I wonder... I should talk to Usagi... but do you think it'd be alright if Palla and I did that openly to promote the circus? Then again.... maybe it's better not to, just in case something goes wrong. Collateral damage and what not.
[22:02] [+Matsumi Kaze] true true
[22:02] [+Matsumi Kaze] did you figure out your powers?
[22:03] [Ves Ves (Casual fur)] Still working on it, but they seem to emulate and amplify my powers from the circus.
[22:09] [+Matsumi Kaze] oh really?
[22:11] [Ves Ves (Casual fur)] Um.. yes, really. Why does everyone say things like that around here?
[22:13] [+Matsumi Kaze] soooorrry
[22:14] [Ves Ves (Casual fur)] I just don't get it. It isn't a real question.
[22:19] > +Matsumi Kaze starts to tie up her hair and shrugs
[22:36] [Ves Ves (Casual fur)] Well, I should really go clean up. Say... join me in a bubble bath?
[22:36] [+Matsumi Kaze] sure sounds like fun!
[22:36] > Ves Ves (Casual fur) chugs her drink and stands.
[22:37] > +Matsumi Kaze stands as well
[22:37] <-- Ves Ves (Casual fur) [BeastTamer@DeadMoon.cc] has left #reddwarfbeta (You'll love it. Then after you let the heat loosen you up, I can get us massages.)
[22:40] <-- +Matsumi Kaze [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has left #reddwarfbeta (ooo sounds awesome!)
[00:00] >>> Sunday Jan 15 2012 <<<
[00:42] --> Minako Kaioh [SoldierOfLove@Venus.net] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[00:42] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Minako Kaioh
[00:42] > Minako Kaioh tosses off a fur coat and goes to the bar.
[00:43] --> Artemis (Human / Casual) [AnimalGuardian@Venus.gov] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[00:43] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Artemis (Human / Casual)
[00:43] [Artemis (Human / Casual)] Hi Mina. How are things going?
[00:45] [Minako Kaioh] Ahh, konbon wa. They're... well... tiring.. I'm meeting with writers during the week to put out a new album, and we're supposed to start voice work for the second season of my show Wednesday. It's a lot of work to look after Ai during all that. ~_~ You?
[00:46] [Artemis (Human / Casual)] Oh, not too bad. I was hoping to run into you as I have some developments I thought you'd like to know about.
[00:47] [Minako Kaioh] You're.. looking really good, by the way..
[00:47] > Minako Kaioh blushes and looks away from him.
[00:47] > Artemis (Human / Casual) blushes a little at that | Um.... thank you for that Mina. *^_^*
[00:49] [Artemis (Human / Casual)] Well, in light or recent events, Luna and I have made a couple of rather important decisions.
[00:50] > Minako Kaioh grins very broadly and knowingly.
[00:50] [Minako Kaioh] You don't say? >:)
[00:51] > Artemis (Human / Casual) nods | We're looking for our own place so that we can give Ami and Matsuo some space since their family is growing.
[00:52] [Minako Kaioh] That makes sense. Better make sure you get somewhere that allows cats~~
[00:52] [Artemis (Human / Casual)] Heh
[00:52] [Artemis (Human / Casual)] I also..... asked her to marry me.
[00:53] > Minako Kaioh glomps him hard and squeezes him! ♡
[00:53] > Artemis (Human / Casual) chuckles, hugging Mina back with a smile
[00:54] [Minako Kaioh] About time. You two took -forever- with how long you've known eachother. But I bet there's one more decision to come, ne?
[00:59] [Artemis (Human / Casual)] Heh, what decision would that be?
[01:00] [Minako Kaioh] Are you asking me to guess or am I wrong?
[01:01] [Artemis (Human / Casual)] I'm trying to say there's no real decision to be made.
[01:02] > Minako Kaioh pouts and bops him on the chest.
[01:02] [Artemis (Human / Casual)] Part of the reason I finally decided to merry Luna is because of..... Diana.
[01:02] [Minako Kaioh] You two aren't talking about kittens, then?
[01:02] [Minako Kaioh] ❧ EEEE! ❧
[01:03] > Artemis (Human / Casual) blushes
[01:04] [Artemis (Human / Casual)] I'm sure Diana will only be the first. *^_^*
[01:07] [Artemis (Human / Casual)] After all.... Ai will need a guardian too. ^_~
[01:07] [Minako Kaioh] That's TRUE!
[01:08] [Minako Kaioh] I dare say, your first born should probably tend to little Usagi..
[01:08] [Artemis (Human / Casual)] Of course, that will be Diana.
[01:10] [Artemis (Human / Casual)] Then after that, who knows how many we'll have.
[01:10] > Minako Kaioh thinks for a moment, then giggles wildly.
[01:11] [Artemis (Human / Casual)] Mina.... what are you thinking?
[01:12] [Minako Kaioh] You know, you need to repopulate your species, don't you? Maybe you should take lots of wives~
[01:12] > Minako Kaioh leans in close to him, kissing distance.
[01:12] [Minako Kaioh] ❧ Or at least, consorts. ❧
[01:12] > Artemis (Human / Casual) blushes brightly
[01:13] [Artemis (Human / Casual)] I'm uh..... not sure how Luna would feel about that. *^_^*
[01:13] [Minako Kaioh] ❧ This is the survival of a great people, we're talking. ❧
[01:13] > Minako Kaioh traces her fingers over his chest.
[01:14] > Artemis (Human / Casual) chuckles nervously
[01:14] [Artemis (Human / Casual)] It almost sounds like you're volunteering. *^_^*
[01:15] > Minako Kaioh leans in closer still, a hair's length seperating them.
[01:15] [Minako Kaioh] ❧ What if I am? ❧
[01:16] > Artemis (Human / Casual) turns a crimson red, looking at Mina
[01:16] > Minako Kaioh keeps the straight face as long as she can, then bursts out laughing.
[01:17] > Artemis (Human / Casual) chuckles nervously, still red
[01:18] [Minako Kaioh] Hee, baka Artemis~
[01:18] > Minako Kaioh lets go of him and returns to get her drink.
[01:19] [Artemis (Human / Casual)] Heh, that's not fair Mina
[01:19] [Artemis (Human / Casual)] You know how I feel about you. :P
[01:19] [Minako Kaioh] All's fair, in love and war. ^_~
[01:21] [Minako Kaioh] But hey, never say never. ♡
[01:23] [Artemis (Human / Casual)] I suppose you're right.
[01:24] > Artemis (Human / Casual) sits at the bar
[01:25] [Minako Kaioh] Ya know, the more I think about it... the more I would considder it. I mean, you would want as much DNA in the bloodlines as you could get, right? And Kato and I.. well.. he's pretty open minded.
[01:25] > +Matsumi Kaze is back
[01:25] > +Matsumi Kaze walks in, holding Miki
[01:25] [+Matsumi Kaze] hi you two
[01:25] > Artemis (Human / Casual) blushes again, thinking about it
[01:26] [Minako Kaioh] Hi, Matsumi-chan. Want to help Artemis repopulate his species?
[01:26] > Artemis (Human / Casual) turns bright red again / M....Mina!! *O_O*
[01:27] > Minako Kaioh falls over behind the bar, laughing and flailing.
[01:28] [+Matsumi Kaze] why not :P
[01:29] [Minako Kaioh] There you go! Now you have two consorts to bare your kitty-children. AAAHAHAHHAHAHAHA! XD
[01:29] > Artemis (Human / Casual) chuckles nervously some more, just shaking his head.
[01:29] [+Matsumi Kaze] so how are you doing then?
[01:30] [Minako Kaioh] Better now that I've laughed myself silly. Eheheee..
[01:30] > Miki (sleeper) is in a green sleeper with a butterfly on the front
[01:30] [+Matsumi Kaze] what..were you stressed, mina?
[01:31] [Minako Kaioh] What, and you arent? Our days are about the same, though you have a bigger family to fall back on I suppose.
[01:31] [+Matsumi Kaze] yeah...I have alot of people to support me
[01:32] [+Matsumi Kaze] though
[01:32] [+Matsumi Kaze] this little girl woke her mama up :P
[01:34] > Miki (sleeper) spots artemis and reaches a hand towards him
[01:35] > Artemis (Human / Casual) smiles and walks over
[01:35] [Artemis (Human / Casual)] Hello little Miki~
[01:35] > Miki (sleeper) tries to grab some of artemis's hair
[01:35] [Minako Kaioh] Mine wakes me up every night.. Tonight it was a trifecta... feeding, changing, and wanting a lulliby. She's in bed now, and if she wakes again Kato will call me. I need to get out and do something before I can go back to bed.
[01:37] [Artemis (Human / Casual)] So you decided to come tease me :P
[01:37] [+Matsumi Kaze] haven't heard much from my dear sister in law...have you heard anything?
[01:37] [Minako Kaioh] I think all the music while she was in the womb made her rely on it for comfort. At least I know what relaxes her.
[01:39] [Minako Kaioh] Ami-chan? No, not for a few days. I've been busy with work.
[01:39] [+Matsumi Kaze] same....I should probably stop by tomorrow
[01:39] > Miki (sleeper) pulls on Artemis's hair
[01:40] > Artemis (Human / Casual) moves with his hair, chuckling a little as Miki plays with it
[01:40] [Minako Kaioh] I'll go to! We can bring the girls.
[01:42] [Minako Kaioh] Hee.. I'm sure you'll make a wonderful father, Artemis.
[01:44] > Artemis (Human / Casual) smiles / Thank you Mina
[01:44] [Artemis (Human / Casual)] ^_^
[01:45] [+Matsumi Kaze] she...likes to play with long hair..alot
[01:46] > Minako Kaioh giggles.
[01:46] > Miki (sleeper) tries to put it in her mouth
[01:46] [Minako Kaioh] Maybe she'll have a long head of hair herself.
[01:47] [+Matsumi Kaze] heh who knows...only time will tell
[01:48] [+Matsumi Kaze] so what's up with you, artemis?
[01:49] [Artemis (Human / Casual)] Oh, I was just telling Mina about Luna and I's recent news.
[01:50] [Minako Kaioh] They're getting married, having a kitten, and moving out of Ami-chans!
[01:50] > Artemis (Human / Casual) chuckles nervously | Perhaps not in quite that order. *^_^*
[01:51] > Minako Kaioh giggles again, still rather hysterically.
[01:51] [+Matsumi Kaze] oh sounds wonderful!
[01:52] > +Matsumi Kaze removes miki's hands from artemis's hair
[01:54] > Artemis (Human / Casual) smiles to Miki and Matsumi
[01:55] [+Matsumi Kaze] heh...I hope Luna is ready to be a mother
[01:55] [Artemis (Human / Casual)] Well, she was the one who brought up the idea. With everyone having children as of late.
[01:56] [Minako Kaioh] After all this time, I'm sure she is. At least, as ready as any of us could be.
[01:56] [+Matsumi Kaze] true enough
[01:58] [Minako Kaioh] Nobody is ever ready to be a mommy, but we make due anyway.
[01:59] [+Matsumi Kaze] true enough
[01:59] [+Matsumi Kaze] look at Setsuna
[01:59] > Minako Kaioh grins.
[01:59] [Minako Kaioh] I think that's the best thing that could have happened to her.
[02:02] [Artemis (Human / Casual)] You think so Mina?
[02:02] [+Matsumi Kaze] last I saw her..she was still a bit disorented
[02:03] [Minako Kaioh] Yeah. She's always been so.... so... disconnected with reality. This should bring her back down, at least for a while.
[02:03] [Minako Kaioh] I'm sure she is. Let her be. It's good for her to have the same limitations we all have.
[02:04] [Artemis (Human / Casual)] Perhaps you're right Mina
[02:09] [+Matsumi Kaze] I plan to
[02:10] [+Matsumi Kaze] though....I heard from her husband that one of her clients actually insulted her for getting pregnant
[02:10] [Artemis (Human / Casual)] Now why would someone do that?
[02:10] [+Matsumi Kaze] said she was "wasting her life becoming a mother"
[02:11] > Minako Kaioh facepalms.
[02:12] [Artemis (Human / Casual)] Well that's just a jerk thing to say
[02:12] [Minako Kaioh] What a stupid thing to say. Mothers are some of the most important people alive! Without them, there would be no babies, and without babies, the world would stop!
[02:13] [Artemis (Human / Casual)] You're absolutely right, Mina.
[02:13] [+Matsumi Kaze] I agree
[02:14] [+Matsumi Kaze] Setsuna apparently kicked the woman out of her shop
[02:15] [Artemis (Human / Casual)] Good
[02:15] > Artemis (Human / Casual) yawns lightly
[02:17] [+Matsumi Kaze] sleepy?
[02:17] > Minako Kaioh yawns as well. ~_~
[02:17] [Artemis (Human / Casual)] Yeah, getting tired
[02:18] [Minako Kaioh] Artemis...
[02:18] [Artemis (Human / Casual)] Yes, Mina?
[02:19] > Minako Kaioh finishes her drink and walks over to him, curling her finger under his shirt collar and smiling up at him, a warmer smile than she used before.
[02:19] [Minako Kaioh] I know I was teasing you before, but I'm serious now.. if sometime down the road, you wanted me to help you, I would think about it, and I promise not to tease you too bad about it again.
[02:19] > Miki (sleeper) has fallen asleep in her mother's arms
[02:22] [+Matsumi Kaze] heh
[02:23] > Minako Kaioh leans up to give him a warm kiss on the cheek.
[02:26] > Minako Kaioh lets go and skips off, letting her hair bounce behind her.
[02:26] <-- Minako Kaioh [SoldierOfLove@Venus.net] has left #reddwarfbeta (Ja~)
[02:26] > Artemis (Human / Casual) bluches angain and smiles
[02:28] [+Matsumi Kaze] well I should return hom I suppose
[02:28] [Artemis (Human / Casual)] And with that, I should get back to Luna and go to bed
[02:28] [+Matsumi Kaze] *home
[02:28] [+Matsumi Kaze] goodnight, Artemis
[02:29] [Artemis (Human / Casual)] Goodnight Matsumi, Miki
[02:29] <-- +Matsumi Kaze [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has left #reddwarfbeta (time to put sleepy princess to bed)
[02:29] <-- Artemis (Human / Casual) [AnimalGuardian@Venus.gov] has left #reddwarfbeta (Luna.... Mina has this crazy idea....)
[02:29] <-- Miki (sleeper) has left #reddwarfbeta
[11:06] [Marty D] /dm What little sunlight they get is reflected by the blanket of snow, piercing the windows of Marty's study in Maddox Castle on Quinox.
[11:06] [Marty D] (( oops ))
[18:41] --> Solarchos [Fallen0081@EnclaveFedCom.Net] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[18:41] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Solarchos
[18:41] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Solarchos
[18:41] [+Solarchos] Phew! What a day.
[18:42] > +Solarchos lies down on the couch and relaxes.
[18:48] --> ~Lone Puchuu has joined #reddwarfbeta
[18:48] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, ~Lone Puchuu
[18:49] [~Lone Puchuu] PUCHUU! PUCHUU! PUCHUU! PUCHUU!
[18:49] > +Solarchos sits upright!
[18:49] > +Solarchos whips out a bolt pistol and takes aim!
[18:50] > +Solarchos shoots the Puchuu!
[18:51] > ~Lone Puchuu is SHOT! But mannaged to only get an arm blown off~!
[18:51] [~Lone Puchuu] ☠ YOU MAKE ME BLEED ☠
[18:51] > ~Lone Puchuu continues acting as if trying to summon something
[18:51] > +Solarchos shoots a second time! Then a third and a fourth and a fifth!
[18:51] --> Crimson Butterfly [bloodredwings@nowhere.net] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[18:51] [@HOL_6000] Intruder Alert! Crimson Butterfly detected!
[18:51] > Crimson Butterfly sets mode +angst
[18:51] > ~Lone Puchuu dashes about trying to avoid the shots...AND SUCCEEDING
[18:52] > Crimson Butterfly quickly slices off the puchuu's neck before holding a blade to Solarchos' throat
[18:52] [Crimson Butterfly] ☠ don't take my kill. ☠
[18:52] [+Solarchos] Hmm. Didn't know it was your kill to begin with.
[18:53] [Crimson Butterfly] ☠ didn't you notice the butterfly mark? ☠
[18:53] > Crimson Butterfly holds up the puchuus head and points to a symbol of a blood-red swallowtail butterfly near it's ear
[18:54] [+Solarchos] No. It was facing me the whole time. It never turned around.
[18:54] > Crimson Butterfly flings the head in Solar's face before disappearing
[18:54] <-- Crimson Butterfly [bloodredwings@nowhere.net] has left #reddwarfbeta (With life comes blood, and with blood comes death.)
[18:55] [C Langister] HAHA
[18:55] --> C Langister [LadyCatri@amestris.net] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[18:55] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, C Langister
[18:55] > C Langister was hiding in a pile of blankets
[18:56] > +Solarchos catches the head and frowns. "Thanks CB. It's nice to be appreciated."
[18:56] [+Solarchos] Catriona? What are you doing hiding in there?
[19:03] [C Langister] Watching my chapter master get put in his place by a known assassin whom no one bothers to put a bounty on.
[19:09] [+Solarchos] Known assassin? Oh, CB may be an assassin, but she's not a criminal. According to Kurisutaru she's under her command.
[19:10] [C Langister] Hehehe~ Pretty much, but the other thing is that's not supposed to be said publicly
[19:13] [+Solarchos] Did you come here just to watch all that, or did you just come to spy on me like you used to do when you were a tiny little baby? ^__^
[19:17] > C Langister pats her father on the head like a child "I'll let you believe what you want."
[19:18] [+Solarchos] ~__~
[19:18] > +Solarchos twitches a little each time Catriona's hand makes contact with his head.
[19:18] <-- C Langister [LadyCatri@amestris.net] has left #reddwarfbeta (Adair! Wait up!)
[19:23] > +Solarchos sighs and lies down again.
[19:28] --> ~armored figure has joined #reddwarfbeta
[19:28] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, ~armored figure
[19:28] > ~armored figure walks in...the light from his helmet scanning the room
[19:28] > ~armored figure looks at solar...
[19:29] [~armored figure] ☠ *beep* *beep* *zzzrt* *beep* ☠
[19:33] > +Solarchos sits up again!
[19:34] [+Solarchos] Uhhhh, hello there?
[19:34] > ~armored figure is wearing armor similar to Mega Man Zero, along with a helmet that's admitting a red light from it's thin eyes
[19:37] > ~armored figure reaches and unhooks his helmet..slowly removing it
[19:37] > ~armored figure is now known as David O'Cain JR
[19:37] [David O'Cain JR] GAH...it's hard to breath in here...
[19:38] > David O'Cain JR tosses the helmet onto a sofa
[19:38] > +Solarchos looks at David O'Cain JR
[19:38] ➣ David O'Cain JR: a young man with short red hair, grey-blue eyes and a slightly athletic build. He is the second song of David O'Cain.
[19:38] [+Solarchos] Wait, are you David's and Masaki's son from the future?
[19:38] [David O'Cain JR] (( whoops ))
[19:38] [David O'Cain JR] (( got to fix that ))
[19:38] [David O'Cain JR] ..huh...
[19:38] [David O'Cain JR] yeah..yeah I am
[19:41] [David O'Cain JR] ...wish I could take this armor off...
[19:44] [+Solarchos] (( No biggie. ))
[19:44] [+Solarchos] You can't take it off? How'd you get into it in the first place?
[19:45] > +Solarchos examines David Jr's armor for any external controls that might help him remove the armor.
[19:46] [David O'Cain JR] no..I was just told..
[19:46] [David O'Cain JR] I have to wear it to keep my powers under control for now...
[19:46] [David O'Cain JR] ..it stinks >.>
[19:48] [+Solarchos] To keep your powers under control? I'm guessing you're start to develop your powers and they're currently a bit out of control then.
[19:49] [David O'Cain JR] yeah....
[19:49] [David O'Cain JR] ..makes me feel like a freak
[19:50] [+Solarchos] I don't think I've ever seen you around here before now. As for the power thing, don't worry about it.
[19:50] [+Solarchos] You should have seen Matsumi in her earlier years.
[19:51] [David O'Cain JR] they sent a report to my father...I don't know what he'll think of what they have to say
[19:53] [David O'Cain JR] ..so you're solar.....
[19:53] [David O'Cain JR] ....dad always said you were a really awesome fighter
[19:55] [+Solarchos] Really now? What stories has he told you?
[19:58] [David O'Cain JR] all the battles you went through...
[19:58] [David O'Cain JR] ...I'm..sort of scared to tell dad...
[20:00] [+Solarchos] Battles? Yeah, I've been through more than a few. Too bad I no longer have the scars I once did.
[20:00] > David O'Cain JR removes his glove..and his hand starts to glow, white energy pulsating from it
[20:01] [David O'Cain JR] ...
[20:01] [David O'Cain JR] they want to take me off the battlefield
[20:04] > David O'Cain JR frowns...
[20:05] [David O'Cain JR] ...they'll think me a coward...
[20:06] [+Solarchos] Take you off the battlefield? You mean reassign you from front-line positions? Did they say what they had in mind for you or is it just rumors?
[20:07] [David O'Cain JR] they say my powers may be a danger to the troops until I learn to control them
[20:09] [+Solarchos] Then they're not accusing you of being a coward. It sounds more like they want to give you additional training. If you don't mind me asking, how powerful are you exactly?
[20:11] > David O'Cain JR looks at his hand and then to solar
[20:11] [David O'Cain JR] ..um...this will sound odd
[20:11] [David O'Cain JR] but do you have a lighter on you?
[20:13] [+Solarchos] Sure do.
[20:13] > +Solarchos hands David Jr a lighter.
[20:13] > David O'Cain JR turns on the lighter....and puts his hand over the flame
[20:13] [David O'Cain JR] GAAAAH >____<
[20:15] [+Solarchos] o___O
[20:15] > David O'Cain JR removes his hand..which has a burn in the center of it.....but he grips his hand..and it lights on fire....along with the rest of his body...
[20:17] [David O'Cain JR] I apparently have the power to mimic and control any energy I touch...
[20:19] [David O'Cain JR] still hurts though ><
[20:21] [David O'Cain JR] but so far...I just suck out whatever energy I touch.....like if I lean on a light switch....or touch a weapon
[20:21] [David O'Cain JR] ...I'll drain it's energy
[20:22] [+Solarchos] Ouch. I think I've heard of psykers within the imperium who have similar abilities.
[20:22] [+Solarchos] Still, it's impressive.
[20:23] [David O'Cain JR] but I can't control it!
[20:24] [+Solarchos] You'll learn. Think of it this way, do you trust your commanders?
[20:27] [David O'Cain JR] yeah...but this order came from the highest office...
[20:27] [+Solarchos] They wouldn't call you a coward simply because you're not fully in control of your powers yet.
[20:27] [+Solarchos] What exactly did those orders say?
[20:30] [David O'Cain JR] just that..I have to be removed from active service for the time being
[20:30] [+Solarchos] For the time being. Meaning that it's not necessarily a permanent decision.
[20:35] [+Solarchos] Most likely you're going to be sent somewhere for additional training and evaluation. That's a good thing.
[20:35] [+Solarchos] It means that you're a valued asset, not a liability.
[20:36] [David O'Cain JR] ..I guess
[20:36] [David O'Cain JR] ...I'm just scared to face dad..that's all
[20:36] [David O'Cain JR] I mean..do you know what it's like to be the son of David O'Cain?
[20:38] [David O'Cain JR] do you know how much people expect out of me?
[20:38] [David O'Cain JR] I mean the first day I joined the MKA...they said...
[20:38] [David O'Cain JR] we'll be expecting some great things from you like your old man...
[20:39] [+Solarchos] How do you think my own children will feel one day? Especially now that I'm in the process of creating an entire Chapter?
[20:42] [David O'Cain JR] but they don't have to deal with being a freak at the same time
[20:43] [+Solarchos] We're all freaks in one way or another. It's nothing to feel uncertain or afraid of.
[20:43] [David O'Cain JR] BUT I AM AFRAID
[20:43] [David O'Cain JR] what if I can't control this???
[20:43] [David O'Cain JR] what if...the next time I hug my mom....or shake my dad's hand..I drain their energy and kill them?
[20:47] [+Solarchos] You said you could only drain the energy of things like light switches and weapons. Do you powers actually affect living beings in the same way?
[20:47] [David O'Cain JR] no...not yet..but who knows what will happen >.>
[20:49] [+Solarchos] I'm sure your new assignment will involve a lot of training and evaluation to find out just how your powers really work.
[20:49] [+Solarchos] Then they'll figure out how best to train you in order to gain full control of your abilities. It's nothing to be afraid of.
[20:49] [David O'Cain JR] I..guess so
[20:50] [+Solarchos] The more training you put yourself through, the less you'll need to be afraid.
[20:50] [+Solarchos] You'll face your fear, you'll let it wash over you, and only you will remain.
[20:50] > Horned_GRL tries to sneak past....
[20:51] [David O'Cain JR] ...?
[20:52] > David O'Cain JR grabs the girl by the hair
[20:52] [Horned_GRL] OWWWWWW
[20:52] [David O'Cain JR] WHO..WHERE?
[20:52] [Horned_GRL] GAH
[20:52] [Horned_GRL] NOTHING
[20:54] [+Solarchos] Anya?
[20:54] [David O'Cain JR] ...
[20:54] [Horned_GRL] eep...uh oh
[20:54] [Horned_GRL] I'm sorrry
[20:54] [Horned_GRL] you're not suppose to see me T_T
[20:57] --> Chibi-Sylvester has joined #reddwarfbeta
[20:57] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Chibi-Sylvester
[20:57] --> Chibi-Alex has joined #reddwarfbeta
[20:57] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Chibi-Alex
[20:57] > Chibi-Alex and Chibi-Sylvester LEAP out from behind the couch and pounce on Daddy!
[20:57] [Horned_GRL] ...
[20:57] [Chibi-Sylvester] Dada!
[20:57] [Chibi-Alex] Daddeeeeeeeeeeeeee~!
[20:58] [+Solarchos] Ahhh! I've got Kits on me!
[20:58] > Chibi-Sylvester waves to the new peoples!
[20:58] > Chibi-Alex goes up to David Jr and pokes his armor with her finger. o__o
[20:59] [Horned_GRL] ....
[20:59] [David O'Cain JR] heh
[21:00] > Chibi-Sylvester peers at the big horned girl and toddles over to her.
[21:00] > Horned_GRL hopes Sylvester doesn't notice her
[21:00] [Horned_GRL] ..um..hi
[21:01] > Chibi-Sylvester sniffs her then looks up at her oddly, like he's trying to figure out a complex problem in his head.
[21:01] > Chibi-Alex quickly rushes over to the big horned girl and applies RAPID-FIRE TAIL-PATS!!!! :D
[21:02] [Chibi-Sylvester] Tails!! :D
[21:02] > Chibi-Sylvester joins in the tail-pats too!
[21:02] [Horned_GRL] um...heh....
[21:02] [+Solarchos] Heh! It seems like you don't scare my children very much, David Jr.
[21:02] > Horned_GRL bends over to pat Sylvester on the head
[21:02] [+Solarchos] Which means you probably don't have that much to be fearful of.
[21:04] > Chibi-Sylvester trills as he's patted. =^^=
[21:04] [Horned_GRL] um....
[21:04] [Horned_GRL] ...can...can I...pick him up
[21:06] [Chibi-Sylvester] Sure.
[21:07] [+Solarchos] ^
[21:07] > Chibi-Sylvester holds his arms up, wanting to be picked up!
[21:07] > Horned_GRL lifts up Sylvester
[21:07] [Chibi-Sylvester] Heeeeeeeee!
[21:08] > Chibi-Alex goes over to Daddy to be picked up too! :D
[21:09] > Horned_GRL looks at Sylvester.....able to see her boyfriend's face in him
[21:09] [Horned_GRL] ....oh you are so precious
[21:11] [Horned_GRL] so very cute ^^
[21:12] [Chibi-Sylvester] ^____^
[21:12] > Chibi-Sylvester continues to trill happily.
[21:13] [Horned_GRL] whatz your name, little guy?
[21:13] [David O'Cain JR] I should get going..and see dad
[21:14] [David O'Cain JR] ..night solar
[21:14] <-- David O'Cain JR has left #reddwarfbeta
[21:14] [+Solarchos] All right. Take it easy, David Jr.
[21:14] > +Solarchos twitches a little after he says "take it easy".
[21:15] [+Solarchos] ...Oh god, I've heard that line WAAAAAAAAAY too often lately.
[21:15] [Chibi-Sylvester] Syl-ves-tah!
[21:15] --> David O'Cain (casual) has joined #reddwarfbeta
[21:15] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to David O'Cain (casual)
[21:15] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +David O'Cain (casual)
[21:15] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Yo.
[21:16] [Horned_GRL] heee...hi sylvester
[21:16] [Horned_GRL] how old are you?
[21:19] [+David O'Cain (casual)] What's up, Solar?
[21:20] [+Solarchos] Hey David. Uhhh, did you see who just ducked out of here a minute ago?
[21:20] > Chibi-Sylvester holds up four fingers. ^__^
[21:21] > Chibi-Alex waves to David. "Hi~!"
[21:21] [Horned_GRL] d'awwww
[21:21] > Horned_GRL blows a raspberry in sylvester's tummy
[21:22] [Chibi-Sylvester] EEEEE-hee-hee-hee! :D
[21:22] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Not really. Why?
[21:23] [Horned_GRL] awww...you're such a sweetie...
[21:23] [Horned_GRL] hm...
[21:23] [Horned_GRL] sylvester! do you know an anya?
[21:26] > Chibi-Sylvester nod-nods eagerly!
[21:26] [+Solarchos] Hmmmm, have there been any new future-kids showing up here lately David?
[21:27] [Chibi-Alex] Anya nice! We have sleep-heap once! She nice!
[21:27] [Horned_GRL] whatcha think of her?
[21:29] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Only one I've seen is Catri.
[21:31] [Horned_GRL] ^^
[21:31] [Chibi-Sylvester] Me like! Like lots!
[21:32] [Chibi-Alex] She hugs Sylvester's tails hard!
[21:32] [Horned_GRL] awww...
[21:32] > Horned_GRL remembers that
[21:32] > Horned_GRL kisses Sylvester's forehead
[21:35] > Chibi-Sylvester likes being kissed on the forehead. ^____^
[21:36] [Horned_GRL] Anya really likes you ^^
[21:36] [Horned_GRL] I can see in the future..the two of you will get along REALLY well
[21:36] [Chibi-Sylvester] Oooo?
[21:37] [Chibi-Alex] Really well? How well? What really well mean?
[21:37] [Horned_GRL] oh you'll see...
[21:39] [Chibi-Sylvester] Like Mommy and Daddy?
[21:40] [Horned_GRL] oh....*blushes*
[21:40] [Horned_GRL] maybe a bit differently
[21:41] [Chibi-Alex] Mommy and Daddy get along REALLY well! Mommy says so! :D
[21:41] > +David O'Cain (casual) chuckles
[21:42] [Horned_GRL] well...
[21:42] [Chibi-Sylvester] Do Anya want more tail-hugs?
[21:42] [Horned_GRL] then yes
[21:42] [Horned_GRL] like mommy and daddy
[21:42] > +Solarchos blushes. *o___o*
[21:42] [Horned_GRL] Anya will like sylvester like your mommy likes your daddy
[21:42] > Chibi-Sylvester trills! =^^=
[21:43] [Chibi-Alex] Oooooo! Lots-lots power-hugs and tail-pats!
[21:43] > Horned_GRL looks over and smiles
[21:43] > Horned_GRL puts Sylvester down
[21:44] [Horned_GRL] I should go!
[21:44] [Horned_GRL] take care little one!
[21:44] > Horned_GRL runs
[21:44] [Chibi-Sylvester] Awww!
[21:44] <-- Horned_GRL has left #reddwarfbeta
[21:44] [Chibi-Sylvester] Bye-bye!
[21:44] [Chibi-Alex] Baaaah~!
[21:44] --> Anya Saotome (sleeper) has joined #reddwarfbeta
[21:44] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Anya Saotome (sleeper)
[21:44] > Anya Saotome (sleeper) wobbles in
[21:44] [+Solarchos] Hmmm, that was quick. I wonder what spooked her?
[21:44] [Chibi-Sylvester] ANYA!!!
[21:45] [Chibi-Alex] ANYA!
[21:45] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Not sure, man.
[21:45] > Chibi-Alex and Chibi-Sylvester quickly rush over to Anya and surround her with hugs and tail-pats! :D :D
[21:46] [Anya Saotome (sleeper)] sl-y!
[21:46] > Anya Saotome (sleeper) returns the hugs
[21:46] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Awwww.
[21:46] [Chibi-Sylvester] How yoo be?
[21:47] --> Miara (robes) [amongimmortals@terra.net] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[21:47] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Miara (robes)
[21:47] > Chibi-Alex looks at Anya closely. "Yoo be sleepies!"
[21:47] [+Solarchos] Hi Miara!
[21:47] [Miara (robes)] Oh, Solar. Hey
[21:48] [Anya Saotome (sleeper)] yah!
[21:48] > Anya Saotome (sleeper) hugs Sylvester again ^^
[21:49] [+Solarchos] Did you just wake up?
[21:50] > Chibi-Sylvester returns the hugs eagerly! :D
[21:50] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Hi, Miara.
[21:50] [Miara (robes)] Yo Dave
[21:51] [+David O'Cain (casual)] How're you?
[21:52] [Miara (robes)] I'm fine!
[21:54] > Anya Saotome (sleeper) spots Miara...and holds out her arms to her
[21:54] [Miara (robes)] Anya~
[21:54] > Chibi-Alex trots over to Miara and starts hopping up and down around her excitedly. :D
[21:55] > Miara (robes) sweeps up Anya for a hug and tosses her in the air
[21:55] [+Solarchos] Anya just popped in here all of a sudden, Miara. Not that the Kits and I are complaining, mind you.
[21:55] > Anya Saotome (sleeper) giggles wildly
[21:56] [Miara (robes)] So, wild girl? What do you think of my new hair?
[21:57] [Anya Saotome (sleeper)] shoooooort
[21:58] > Anya Saotome (sleeper) tries to grab some hair but can't!
[21:58] [Chibi-Sylvester] :O
[21:58] [Chibi-Sylvester] Yoo no steal Anya!
[21:58] [Chibi-Alex] No take hugs away!
[21:59] > Chibi-Sylvester and Chibi-Alex both POUNCE on Miara and grab her legs, trying to cling tight! >:( >:(
[21:59] [Miara (robes)] Oh relax, you'll all get a turn.
[21:59] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Uh oh. They's got ya.
[22:00] > Anya Saotome (sleeper) waves to sylvester and alex!
[22:01] > Miara (robes) puts Anya down an tosses Sylvester next
[22:02] > Anya Saotome (sleeper) waves some more to Slyvester!
[22:03] [Chibi-Sylvester] EEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeee~!! :D
[22:04] > Chibi-Sylvester bats at Anya playfully as he's tossed into the air!
[22:04] [Chibi-Alex] Miara! Miara! Got things for Dan-Dan!
[22:05] > Anya Saotome (sleeper) giggles happily!
[22:05] [Miara (robes)] Aww, no toss for you?
[22:05] > Miara (robes) puts Sylvester down next to Anya
[22:06] > Chibi-Alex pulls out a big bunch of papers. All of the papers contain either lots and lots of writing or drawings, all made by Alexianna herself.
[22:06] [Chibi-Alex] For Dan-Dan and other Loopahs! =^^=
[22:07] [Miara (robes)] Wow, neat ^_^
[22:08] > Miara (robes) pulls out a journal notebook and puts them inside
[22:08] [Miara (robes)] I'm going to send this soon, so you've got good timing.
[22:09] > Chibi-Alex looks at Miara with bright hopeful eyes. *__*
[22:09] [Chibi-Alex] Things from Dan-Dan and other Loopahs? ^____^
[22:09] > Chibi-Sylvester ambush-hugs Anya! :D
[22:10] [Miara (robes)] I don't know, Alex.
[22:10] [Miara (robes)] But if you write, they'll write something back.
[22:11] [Chibi-Alex] I write lots times! But go gets anythings. :(
[22:12] > Anya Saotome (sleeper) returns the hug with a happy squeal
[22:12] [+Solarchos] She's been hoping to hear from Daniel for a while now, Miara. She really misses him.
[22:13] [Miara (robes)] Sure you did, remember?
[22:13] [Miara (robes)] It's been a while since you sent anything.
[22:14] [Miara (robes)] It just takes a little while to translate them, right?
[22:14] > Miara (robes) runs a hand over her scalp, thinking a minute before pulling out an old polaroid camera
[22:16] [Miara (robes)] Ya'll wanna send some pictures, too?
[22:16] [Chibi-Alex] He did? :\
[22:16] [Chibi-Alex] YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH~!!!!
[22:16] [+Solarchos] Heh, you said the magic words, Miara. Give them a camera and they all go wild. Especially Catriona!
[22:18] [+Solarchos] Speaking of magic words, time for bed little ones!
[22:18] [Miara (robes)] ..at least let me get one picture :/
[22:18] > Chibi-Sylvester continues to huggle Anya, trilling as he gives her tail-pats.
[22:19] [+Solarchos] Sure. Go ahead.
[22:19] [+David O'Cain (casual)] They're that bad, Solar?
[22:19] > Chibi-Alex grins up at Miara, flicking her ears and showing off bright, shiny teeth. Mommy and Daddy obviously take good care of her.
[22:19] [Miara (robes)] The three of you get together, then, alright?
[22:19] [+Solarchos] They get that excited, that's for sure.
[22:21] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Gotcha.
[22:22] > Miara (robes) waits a minute, then picks Alex up and plops her down next to the others
[22:23] [Miara (robes)] Everybody smile, ne~?
[22:23] [Chibi-Sylvester] ^____^
[22:23] [Chibi-Alex] :D
[22:24] > Miara (robes) snaps a picture, and watches as the photo develops
[22:26] > +Solarchos watches eagerly.
[22:27] [Miara (robes)] Heh, cute.
[22:31] > Anya Saotome (sleeper) wavves
[22:32] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Heheh.
[22:32] [Miara (robes)] Meh. I want another shower now. Guess my hair absorbed more'n I thought.
[22:35] > Miara (robes) is away: will be back
[22:37] [+Solarchos] Time for me to get going too. It's well past these little one's bedtime. Good night all.
[22:37] [Chibi-Sylvester] Bah-bah, Anya!
[22:37] [Anya Saotome (sleeper)] bah-bah :(
[22:37] [Chibi-Alex] Want come, Anya? We have another sleep-heap! :D
[22:40] [+Solarchos] Let's go, children. We can't keep your mother and siblings waiting.
[22:41] <-- Chibi-Alex has left #reddwarfbeta (Come, Anya! We have big sleep-heap together!)
[22:41] <-- Chibi-Sylvester has left #reddwarfbeta (Yaaaah! Tails!)
[22:41] [Anya Saotome (sleeper)] yah!
[22:41] > Anya Saotome (sleeper) holds up her arms to be taken
[22:42] > +Solarchos picks up Anya in his arms.
[22:42] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Later, all.
[22:42] [+Solarchos] Then let's go. Inu-Kit won't mind you visiting us again. ^__^
[22:42] <-- +Solarchos [Fallen0081@EnclaveFedCom.Net] has left #reddwarfbeta ("Off to see how my lovely wife will surprise me this time!")
[22:47] <-- Anya Saotome (sleeper) has left #reddwarfbeta
[22:52] > +David O'Cain (casual) plops down on a sofa
[22:56] > Miara (robes) is back
[22:56] [Miara (robe)] hey dave
[22:59] --> C Langister [LadyCatri@amestris.net] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[22:59] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, C Langister
[22:59] [C Langister] Hiiii~
[22:59] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Welcome back, Miara.
[22:59] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Hi, Catri.
[23:02] [Miara (robe)] hey
[23:03] > Miara (robe) sits at the bar to translate all of Alex' notes and letters
[23:05] [+David O'Cain (casual)] What's going on with you?
[23:07] > Miara (robe) looks in the bar mirror at her head again, grinning a bit
[23:07] [C Langister] Not much ^_^ Scared the hll out of my brother.
[23:07] [Miara (robe)] You know, I think I really do like it ^_^
[23:07] [C Langister] *hell
[23:07] [Miara (robe)] Got just enough bone structure, I guess~
[23:08] [Miara (robe)] Which one, Catri?
[23:17] > +David O'Cain (casual) pokes Catri, "Wake up!"
[23:18] [C Langister] Sylvester
[23:18] [C Langister] (( sorry XD ))
[23:26] [Miara (robe)] Heh.
[23:31] [C Langister] Anyways~! I have to head back to Egae...
[23:31] [C Langister] I have work to do at the royal palace.
[23:31] <-- C Langister [LadyCatri@amestris.net] has left #reddwarfbeta (NIIIIGHT~)
[23:31] [+David O'Cain (casual)] See ya.
[23:32] [Miara (robe)] bye
[23:33] --> Matsuo Shin (casual) [PsychicGuy@Q.Tech.gov] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[23:33] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Matsuo Shin (casual)
[23:33] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] hi everyone :)
[23:35] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Hey, Matsuo.
[23:36] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] hi everyone
[23:36] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] what's going on here?
[23:40] [Miara (robe)] hey matsuo *waves*
[23:41] [Miara (robe)] dunno, think catri was just here to brag or something
[23:41] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Nothing much at the moment. Why, man?
[23:42] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] nothing..just in a good mood
[23:43] [Miara (robe)] you like being a daddy?
[23:43] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] very much so ^^
[23:46] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] some of the girls came over to visit...
[23:46] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] ...what happened to your head?
[23:46] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Enjoyable visit?
[23:47] [Miara (robe)] Hm? Senshi?
[23:47] [Miara (robe)] I did something different :p
[23:48] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] you look like a uranian eunich
[23:48] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] no offense
[23:49] [Miara (robe)] haha
[23:49] [Miara (robe)] what do they look like?
[23:50] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] nearly bald..shaved hair...that sort of thing
[23:50] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Wow.
[23:50] [Miara (robe)] and the outfit?
[23:51] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] nude
[23:52] [Miara (robe)] hahaha
[23:53] [Miara (robe)] i could do that, but then i'd probably look nothing like one :p
[23:56] [+David O'Cain (casual)] What are Uranian eunichs anyway, Matsuo?
[00:00] >>> Monday Jan 16 2012 <<<
[00:00] [Miara (robe)] eunichs from uranus, of course!
[00:02] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Well, I wasn't sure if they were like monks or something else.
[00:09] [Miara (robe)] Do you really just see hair or no hair, too?
[00:13] [+David O'Cain (casual)] I see hair on your head, Miara.
[00:13] [Miara (robe)] (( this is the shortest hair i could get on the portrait maker. so just imagine a lot less http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a361/zairafirefly/Lupa/Miara/divine%20dolls/miarashorthair.jpg ))
[00:14] [+David O'Cain (casual)] (( Okay. ))
[00:16] [Miara (robe)] Oh come on, it's fuzz. And it's been fun so far :p
[00:17] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] but yes
[00:17] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] my sister and Minako came to visit
[00:17] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] along with their children
[00:19] [Miara (robe)] play date?
[00:20] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] a bit
[00:20] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] apparently it was my sister and minako's idea
[00:20] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] it was the first chance for yuki to meet her cousin
[00:20] [Miara (robe)] probably~
[00:20] > Miara (robe) puts her marker down, stretching a bit
[00:24] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] tired?
[00:26] [Miara (robe)] been writing a while :/
[00:26] [Miara (robe)] alex wrote a lot of stuff, i'll have to finish it later
[00:27] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Probably wise. Don't wanna get writer's cramp.
[00:27] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] oooh I see
[00:34] [+David O'Cain (casual)] How's the family, Matsuo?
[00:35] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] oh just wonderful ^^
[00:36] [+David O'Cain (casual)] That's good to hear.
[00:40] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] how are things at your home?
[00:43] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Things are pretty good. Masaki, Azumi, and I went on a trip to a place called Gensokyo with some friends to help deal with some creatures that needed eliminating.
[00:45] [+David O'Cain (casual)] At the time we went, it was COLD. Nasty blizzard on record there. Couldn't do much except stay indoors to stay warm.
[00:46] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] heh I know what you mean by the cold
[00:48] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Not sure if I would put it on the same level as Europa's, but Azumi and Masaki definitely had to dress warmly for the trip. I was in my armor except for when it was finally clear and was celebrating at a village.
[00:49] > Matsuo Shin (casual) nods
[00:50] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Still, it sucked we couldn't go anywhere while the blizzard was going on.
[00:51] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] well a blizzard can be rather bracing
[00:53] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Hell, we were practically on the verge of cabin fever.
[00:56] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] sorry to hear that
[00:56] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Well, I think one person did go a bit nutty quoting from the movie titled "The Shining."
[00:58] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] The Shining?
[00:59] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Yeah. Based on a novel by Stephen King. "All work and no play."
[01:00] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] afraid I've never heard of it
[01:04] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Basically, it's some sort of horror.
[01:05] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] oooooh I see
[01:06] [Miara (robe)] me either
[01:06] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Anyway, I'm just glad that the trip wasn't a total loss. Fought dire chinchillas one night, and then something called Yukkuris another night.
[01:09] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] um sounds productive
[01:11] [Miara (robe)] i better get down there and train. later, guys
[01:11] <-- Miara (robe) [amongimmortals@terra.net] has left #reddwarfbeta (Stand up and watch me!)
[01:11] [+David O'Cain (casual)] See ya, Miara.
[01:12] [+David O'Cain (casual)] But yeah, spent a week there after travelling through a Stargate.
[01:19] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] interesting
[01:20] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Besides taking care of your family, what's been going on with you?
[01:21] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] just work
[01:22] > +David O'Cain (casual) nods
[01:27] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] that's most of it
[01:27] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Any new discoveries?
[01:29] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] nope
[01:29] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] had to take over teaching a class for a professor
[01:30] [+David O'Cain (casual)] How's teaching going for you?
[01:33] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] ...not really liking it
[01:33] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Nobody listening, huh?
[01:35] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] ..it's not really my sort of thing
[01:36] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Gotcha.
[01:48] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Well, I probably should get home. I'll catch you later, Matsuo.
[01:48] <-- +David O'Cain (casual) has left #reddwarfbeta (Night, man.)
[01:50] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] goodnight, david
[02:00] <-- Matsuo Shin (casual) [PsychicGuy@Q.Tech.gov] has left #reddwarfbeta (heading home)
[22:05] --> Matsumi Kaze [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[22:05] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Matsumi Kaze
[22:05] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Matsumi Kaze
[22:05] > +Matsumi Kaze walks in
[22:14] [+Matsumi Kaze] hello?
[22:19] --> Azumi Kiribayashi (casual) has joined #reddwarfbeta
[22:19] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Azumi Kiribayashi (casual)
[22:20] [Azumi Kiribayashi (casual)] Hello, Matsumi.
[22:23] [+Matsumi Kaze] oh heya, azumi
[22:24] [Azumi Kiribayashi (casual)] How are you this evening?
[22:31] [+Matsumi Kaze] oh fine...
[22:31] [+Matsumi Kaze] letting my daughter have daddy time
[22:33] [Azumi Kiribayashi (casual)] Awww.
[22:36] [+Matsumi Kaze] he's giving her a bath
[22:37] [Azumi Kiribayashi (casual)] How has your daughter been?
[22:40] [+Matsumi Kaze] oh perky and happy
[22:41] [Azumi Kiribayashi (casual)] That's good to hear.
[22:43] [+Matsumi Kaze] how are you doing?
[22:46] [Azumi Kiribayashi (casual)] I'm doing well. Went an a trip with David and Masaki to a place called Gensokyo. Unfortunately, it was hit with a REALLY bad blizzard on record. Had to stay indoors for a few days until it went away.
[22:46] [Azumi Kiribayashi (casual)] ^on
[22:50] [Azumi Kiribayashi (casual)] There were a couple of times where we had to defend ourselves alongside Solarchos and a few of his friends. On the second to last day, we all went to a village to celebrate victory and finally being able to go outdoors.
[22:50] [+Matsumi Kaze] oh wow
[22:54] [Azumi Kiribayashi (casual)] Indeed. The next morning, the day we made our return home, Masaki had a REALLY bad hangover. Must have been all that drinking during the party, heh.
[22:57] [+Matsumi Kaze] sounds like masaki
[23:01] [Azumi Kiribayashi (casual)] Anyway, as we were about to enter the Stargate to return home, a girl named Utsuho was trying to catch Solarchos. Turns out, based on what I heard from a couple of denizens, Solarchos saved her from drowning in a large body of water. Since then, she felt that he should be hers. Thankfully, everyone that was at the gate to see us off stopped her.
[23:05] > Azumi Kiribayashi (casual) sits down on a sofa and leans against an arm
[23:11] > +Matsumi Kaze nods
[23:12] [Azumi Kiribayashi (casual)] What's been going on with you?
[23:19] [+Matsumi Kaze] nothing
[23:19] [+Matsumi Kaze] just work and family..and family and work
[23:20] [Azumi Kiribayashi (casual)] Gotcha.
[23:28] [+Matsumi Kaze] not that I'm complaining about that
[23:29] > Azumi Kiribayashi (casual) nods
[23:42] > +Matsumi Kaze tosses Azumi a bottled water
[23:45] > Azumi Kiribayashi (casual) takes the bottled water and drinks
[23:45] [Azumi Kiribayashi (casual)] Thank you, Matsumi.
[23:49] [+Matsumi Kaze] no problem!
[23:57] > +Matsumi Kaze undoes her hair
[23:57] [+Matsumi Kaze] so been up to anything else since you got back?
[23:58] [Azumi Kiribayashi (casual)] Work and my duty as a Colonel. Maybe a bit of stitchwork.
[00:00] >>> Tuesday Jan 17 2012 <<<
[00:00] [+Matsumi Kaze] not as fun is it XD
[00:04] [Azumi Kiribayashi (casual)] Heh, what do you, then?
[00:04] [+Matsumi Kaze] nothing honestly
[00:06] --> Natalie D (Workout) has joined #reddwarfbeta
[00:06] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +o to Natalie D (Workout)
[00:06] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, @Natalie D (Workout)
[00:06] [Azumi Kiribayashi (casual)] Hello.
[00:06] > @Natalie D (Workout) walks in wearing a tank top and shorts, sipping a water bottle.
[00:07] [@Natalie D (Workout)] Evening girls.
[00:08] [+Matsumi Kaze] hi, Natalie
[00:08] [+Matsumi Kaze] how are you doing, gal?
[00:09] [@Natalie D (Workout)] Alright. Keeping busy. Haven't seen you both in ages. What's new?
[00:10] [+Matsumi Kaze] oh not much...work and family mostly XD
[00:10] [Azumi Kiribayashi (casual)] Went on a trip, but had to spend most of that week indoors because of blizzard conditions.
[00:11] [@Natalie D (Workout)] I miss little Miki. Hell, I miss you. :/
[00:11] [+Matsumi Kaze] awww well you need to stop off at the house sometime
[00:12] [@Natalie D (Workout)] I'll have to make a point of it. Vana and Candy... wouldn't mind a piece of Deki and Vash ether. ^.~
[00:13] [+Matsumi Kaze] heh
[00:13] [+Matsumi Kaze] not surprised by that
[00:13] [+Matsumi Kaze] so how are you doing?
[00:14] [@Natalie D (Workout)] Pretty well. My job is -very- satisfying. I'm on call around the clock, so sometimes I lose a little sleep, but Tan lets me make it up later.
[00:16] [Azumi Kiribayashi (casual)] What do you do at your job?
[00:18] [+Matsumi Kaze] heh
[00:19] [@Natalie D (Workout)] I'm Master Tan's bodyguard, escort and secretary. I accompany him to important meetings serving as eye candy, I try to keep things running smoothly in his office, and I relieve him of any... masculine frustrations he may experience. ♡
[00:19] [+Matsumi Kaze] oh..I'm sure you do
[00:19] [+Matsumi Kaze] in every way possible
[00:20] [Azumi Kiribayashi (casual)] Heh, he must keep you very busy, then.
[00:20] [@Natalie D (Workout)] ❧ Mmmhmm~ ❧
[00:21] [@Natalie D (Workout)] But the pay and benefits are great, and like I said, it's very satisfying.
[00:22] [Azumi Kiribayashi (casual)] Good.
[00:22] [+Matsumi Kaze] oh it sounds like it ^_~
[00:26] [+Matsumi Kaze] well I'm glad things are going well for you
[00:26] [@Natalie D (Workout)] Gotta make sure I stay in shape though.. I think your crystal used your body as a model for mine, but I have to keep working it out to not turn into a tub of goo like I used to be..
[00:27] [+Matsumi Kaze] awww
[00:29] [@Natalie D (Workout)] No reason to 'aww' me. I'm not a puppy. :p
[00:30] > @Natalie D (Workout) plops into a seat, sitting with legs spread and slouching.
[00:31] [+Matsumi Kaze] heh true enough
[00:33] [Azumi Kiribayashi (casual)] You certainly have a fabulous body, Natalie.
[00:35] > @Natalie D (Workout) grins and sits up straighter.
[00:35] [@Natalie D (Workout)] Thanks~ I never get tired of compliments.
[00:36] [Azumi Kiribayashi (casual)] I'm sure David would if he were up here.
[00:37] [+Matsumi Kaze] heh
[00:43] [+Matsumi Kaze] well I think most men..and some women..would agree with that
[00:43] > Azumi Kiribayashi (casual) giggles a bit
[00:44] [@Natalie D (Workout)] Not like ether of you two are dogs.
[00:46] [Azumi Kiribayashi (casual)] What I meant to say that David would give Natalie a compliment if he was up here.
[00:46] [Azumi Kiribayashi (casual)] And woof, Natalie. :P
[00:46] [@Natalie D (Workout)] I understood you. :P
[00:51] [+Matsumi Kaze] do you ever talk to Nate at all?
[00:52] [@Natalie D (Workout)] Mmm... not a lot. I think I make him uncomfortable.... and he kind of does me too. :\
[00:52] [+Matsumi Kaze] well I suppose I can't blame you...
[00:53] [+Matsumi Kaze] ..though...does given your origin..does this make you Nate's sister?
[00:53] > @Natalie D (Workout) giggles.
[00:54] [@Natalie D (Workout)] That's what we've been going with. He always wanted a little sister, but I guess it's a case of being careful what you wish for.
[00:56] [+Matsumi Kaze] heh I suppose so
[00:58] [Azumi Kiribayashi (casual)] I probably should head home. You two take care of yourselves.
[00:58] <-- Azumi Kiribayashi (casual) has left #reddwarfbeta (Good night to you both.)
[00:58] [@Natalie D (Workout)] Niiight.
[00:58] [+Matsumi Kaze] nght, Azumi
[01:03] [+Matsumi Kaze] that means you're little Marty's aunt
[01:03] [@Natalie D (Workout)] It does~
[01:06] [@Natalie D (Workout)] No little ones for me though. Not for a long time. I had Naftis turn that off.
[01:07] [+Matsumi Kaze] well your choice
[01:08] [@Natalie D (Workout)] What, like I should let myself get knocked up by all the strange men I mess with? :P
[01:09] [+Matsumi Kaze] good point
[01:10] --> Mistress 9 (Lab Coat) [Mistress_9@TauCeti.org] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[01:10] [@HOL_6000] Intruder Alert! Mistress 9 (Lab Coat) detected!
[01:10] > Mistress 9 (Lab Coat) sets mode +angst
[01:12] > Mistress 9 (Lab Coat) looks worn out, rather than her usual haughty self and heads for the bar.
[01:12] > @Natalie D (Workout) looks at Mistress 9
[01:12] ➣ Mistress 9: Very tall and well endowed with long dark purple hair, she embodies the exact opposite qualities present in her alter ego.
[01:12] [@Natalie D (Workout)] Oh my.... hello. I love your hair. *.*
[01:12] [+Matsumi Kaze] ....................................
[01:12] > +Matsumi Kaze STUMBLES away
[01:13] [@Natalie D (Workout)] O.o
[01:13] > Mistress 9 (Lab Coat) glances over and grumbles something that might be a "Thank You".
[01:14] > Mistress 9 (Lab Coat) pours a very large glass of red wine and drains half of it rather quickly.
[01:14] [@Natalie D (Workout)] I know a rough day when I see it.
[01:14] > +Matsumi Kaze looks terrified
[01:15] [Mistress 9 (Lab Coat)] ☠ Very rough. ~_~ ☠
[01:15] [@Natalie D (Workout)] Princess? What's got into you?
[01:15] [Mistress 9 (Lab Coat)] ☠ Professor Tomoe is a harsh boss. ~_~ ☠
[01:16] [+Matsumi Kaze] m..m...m...m...mistress...9...9...9...
[01:16] [@Natalie D (Workout)] That mad scientist who was trying to destroy the Earth a few years ago?
[01:18] > Mistress 9 (Lab Coat) nods.
[01:19] > Mistress 9 (Lab Coat) sips some more wine, sitting on a bar stool and seeming indifferent to Matsumi's fear.
[01:20] > @Natalie D (Workout) motions for Matsumi to come to her, looking a little stern.
[01:20] > +Matsumi Kaze moves...slowly...
[01:22] > Mistress 9 (Lab Coat) pushes her hair out of her face, finally really looking around the room.
[01:22] [+Matsumi Kaze] ....
[01:22] [@Natalie D (Workout)] Care to talk about it, or would you prefer being left alone?
[01:23] > Mistress 9 (Lab Coat) shrugs.
[01:24] [Mistress 9 (Lab Coat)] ☠ I've been prepping experiments and filling out paperwork for 10 hours. ☠
[01:24] > +Matsumi Kaze just...stays still..
[01:25] > Mistress 9 (Lab Coat) is just sitting on the stool, sipping her wine.
[01:25] [@Natalie D (Workout)] That sounds brutal.. I'm no stranger to ten hour days. I know they can suck.
[01:25] [@Natalie D (Workout)] Names Natalie. May I ask your name?
[01:26] [Mistress 9 (Lab Coat)] ☠ Mistress 9 ☠
[01:28] [@Natalie D (Workout)] ....... 'Mistress'? Forgive me, that's a little.. presumptuous.
[01:28] > +Matsumi Kaze makes a break for it
[01:29] <-- +Matsumi Kaze [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has left #reddwarfbeta (scarrry!)
[01:29] [@Natalie D (Workout)] Matsumi! Ung, that girl...
[01:29] > Mistress 9 (Lab Coat) shrugs.
[01:30] [@Natalie D (Workout)] Perhaps you'd settle for 'Nine'?
[01:30] [Mistress 9 (Lab Coat)] ☠ Why not. ☠
[01:31] [@Natalie D (Workout)] Well then, nice to meet you, Nine. Do you stay up here?
[01:32] [Mistress 9 (Lab Coat)] ☠ I have an apartment in Tokyo. ☠
[01:33] [@Natalie D (Workout)] Ah. I've liked Tokyo very much when I've visited. Been there long?
[01:34] [Mistress 9 (Lab Coat)] ☠ About a month. ☠
[01:37] > Mistress 9 (Lab Coat) sips some more wine.
[01:38] [@Natalie D (Workout)] ..may I ask how you are finding it?
[01:38] [Mistress 9 (Lab Coat)] ☠ It's a place to live, I don't really have a choice. ☠
[01:39] [@Natalie D (Workout)] Oh..
[01:40] > @Natalie D (Workout) scowls a little, frustrated with asking questions.
[01:42] > Mistress 9 (Lab Coat) sips her wine and sighs.
[01:43] > Mistress 9 (Lab Coat) drains her glass and tosses her hair back, her expression brightening a little.
[01:43] > Mistress 9 (Lab Coat) sets mode -angst
[01:44] [Mistress 9 (Lab Coat)] I'm sorry, I must be acting very rude.
[01:45] [@Natalie D (Workout)] Just a bit. It makes a poor first impression, but you've had a rough day and I like to think I'm understanding.
[01:47] [Mistress 9 (Lab Coat)] I do apologize, it is very difficult to be a recovering villain.
[01:48] > Mistress 9 (Lab Coat) pours a more modest glass of wine, sipping from it.
[01:49] [@Natalie D (Workout)] Oh, you don't say? Seems to be a lot of your kind these days.
[01:51] [Mistress 9 (Lab Coat)] Yes. Sailor Saturn decided to grant me parole, but I'm having a difficult time adjusting to a normal life.
[01:51] [Mistress 9 (Lab Coat)] I think working for her father will do me good in the end.
[01:52] [@Natalie D (Workout)] I wish you luck.
[01:54] [Mistress 9 (Lab Coat)] Thank you, I do hope to earn my freedom in time. I'm very grateful to Saturn for not destroying me outright.
[01:57] [@Natalie D (Workout)] Do you get out much? Do anything for fun?
[01:58] [Mistress 9 (Lab Coat)] I don't, but perhaps I should.
[02:01] [@Natalie D (Workout)] If you have some free time, maybe you'd like to hang out? I like video games, hard and fast music, drinking, and men.
[02:06] [Mistress 9 (Lab Coat)] Please, though I must warn you that the state in which you met me tonight is my usual behavior at present.
[02:07] [@Natalie D (Workout)] Mmm?
[02:07] [@Natalie D (Workout)] Oh, well, alright. I'll try to be patient, then.
[02:08] [Mistress 9 (Lab Coat)] Thank you, and I do apologize in advance.
[02:09] [@Natalie D (Workout)] I'll keep that in mind. I can't promise I'll put up with it if it gets bad, but I'll try.
[02:10] > Mistress 9 (Lab Coat) holds up her glass. "This seems to be the key."
[02:10] [Mistress 9 (Lab Coat)] After a few drinks I'm a completely different person, it seems.
[02:11] [@Natalie D (Workout)] Well then, we just have to find the line between drunk and vomiting for you.
[02:13] [Mistress 9 (Lab Coat)] Yes, I think so.
[02:19] [@Natalie D (Workout)] Well, it was nice meeting you, Nine. I think I need to hit the shower and bed.
[02:19] > Mistress 9 (Lab Coat) yawns.
[02:20] [Mistress 9 (Lab Coat)] Yes, I should go home as well.
[02:20] [Mistress 9 (Lab Coat)] It was nice meeting you, Natalie.
[02:20] [Mistress 9 (Lab Coat)] Thank you for your offer of companionship.
[02:20] <-- @Natalie D (Workout) has left #reddwarfbeta (That was something.)
[02:21] > Mistress 9 (Lab Coat) finishes off her wine and rinses her glass.
[02:22] <-- Mistress 9 (Lab Coat) [Mistress_9@TauCeti.org] has left #reddwarfbeta (I wish I wasn't going to be myself in the morning.)
[21:54] --> Miara (corset) [amongimmortals@terra.net] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[21:54] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Miara (corset)
[21:56] > Miara (corset) skips in and hops up on the bar
[22:02] --> Rowe-sensei (Robes) [Neko-Sensei@Hogwarts.edu] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[22:02] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +o to Rowe-sensei (Robes)
[22:02] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, @Rowe-sensei (Robes)
[22:03] > @Rowe-sensei (Robes) poofs in, sitting on the ceiling.
[22:03] [Miara (Q corset)] Hey Rowe
[22:04] [@Rowe-sensei (Robes)] Hey Miara. :3
[22:05] [Miara (Q corset)] How're you?
[22:05] [@Rowe-sensei (Robes)] What's new?
[22:05] [@Rowe-sensei (Robes)] I'm good. :3 Kids are doing well after their break. Except a couple Slytherins.
[22:05] [Miara (Q corset)] Was showing Matsi my Quinox armour, I think she likes it ^_^
[22:06] [@Rowe-sensei (Robes)] Cool. :3
[22:08] [Miara (Q corset)] Magic school always seems much more fun than normal Terran schools.
[22:09] [@Rowe-sensei (Robes)] Probably is, but I've never been a teacher at a muggle school.
[22:09] [Miara (Q corset)] Me either :/
[22:10] [@Rowe-sensei (Robes)] I was pretty lucky to get this job, kinda had to cheat a little. >:3
[22:11] --> Masumi Saotome (future) has joined #reddwarfbeta
[22:11] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Masumi Saotome (future)
[22:11] [Miara (Q corset)] You did? Why? Also, what do you teach?
[22:11] [Masumi Saotome (future)] good evening...Rowe
[22:11] [Miara (Q corset)] Hi Masumi
[22:11] [@Rowe-sensei (Robes)] Yo. :3
[22:12] > Masumi Saotome (future) sits down on a sofa, removing the hood from her cloak and giving a sigh
[22:12] [Masumi Saotome (future)] ....peace..finally
[22:12] [@Rowe-sensei (Robes)] I teach transfiguration. But I had to pose as a foriegner since I started in a totally separate type of magic.
[22:13] [Miara (Q corset)] Ah.
[22:13] [@Rowe-sensei (Robes)] How's your school doing, Masumi?
[22:14] [Masumi Saotome (future)] dealing with parents...
[22:14] [Masumi Saotome (future)] "why don't you teach like they do in hogwarts?" "what are you teaching my kids?" blah blah blah
[22:15] [@Rowe-sensei (Robes)] Really? I guess Hogwarts' reputation has gone a long way.
[22:16] [Miara (Q corset)] at least we don't have to deal with any of that at home
[22:16] [Masumi Saotome (future)] they are not fully happy with my choices
[22:17] [Masumi Saotome (future)] I need a drink
[22:17] > Miara (Q corset) grabs a bottle and passes it to Masumi
[22:18] [Masumi Saotome (future)] thank you, Miara
[22:18] [Masumi Saotome (future)] very nice outfit
[22:18] [Miara (Q corset)] thanks...it was a gift.
[22:19] [@Rowe-sensei (Robes)] It's not like Durmstrang or Beauxbatons do things like Hogwarts. I don't see what the fuss is about.
[22:20] [Miara (Q corset)] it would be cool to see them, sometime
[22:20] > Miara (Q corset) grabs a bottle for herself, as well
[22:20] [Miara (Q corset)] Rowe, want one?
[22:20] [@Rowe-sensei (Robes)] Sure. :3
[22:20] > Miara (Q corset) passes a bottle
[22:21] [Masumi Saotome (future)] well most of our students have parents who went to hogwarts...
[22:22] > @Rowe-sensei (Robes) waves her wand, floating the bottle into her gravity field. :3
[22:23] [@Rowe-sensei (Robes)] That would do it. :/
[22:23] [Masumi Saotome (future)] they espcally don't like our no wand policy
[22:24] [@Rowe-sensei (Robes)] What is it?
[22:24] [Miara (Q corset)] ...you know wizarding people CAN'T do magic without wands, right?
[22:26] > Masumi Saotome (future) summons a staff
[22:26] [Masumi Saotome (future)] we use staffs
[22:26] [@Rowe-sensei (Robes)] Huh.. Can I see that?
[22:26] [Miara (Q corset)] Hmm. What kind of magical element is in them?
[22:26] > Masumi Saotome (future)'s staff looks to be made of an old gnarled wood with vines curling around it
[22:27] > Masumi Saotome (future) tosses it to Rowe, the staff's vines quivering to the touch of someone else their their owners
[22:27] [Masumi Saotome (future)] my staff contains the tooth of a serpent inside it
[22:27] [Miara (Q corset)] What if someone wants to use a wand?
[22:27] > @Rowe-sensei (Robes) holds it and gives it a small wave.
[22:28] [@Rowe-sensei (Robes)] Weird.
[22:29] [Masumi Saotome (future)] what's weird
[22:30] [@Rowe-sensei (Robes)] Just feels weird in my hand.
[22:30] > @Rowe-sensei (Robes) tosses it back.
[22:30] > Masumi Saotome (future) catches it with one hand
[22:31] > Miara (Q corset) runs a hand over her scalp with a little smile, and swigs some from her bottle
[22:31] [Masumi Saotome (future)] we fashion them...in a special manner
[22:32] [@Rowe-sensei (Robes)] Enjoying your new hairstyle?
[22:32] [Masumi Saotome (future)] how are things going for you two?
[22:33] [Miara (Q corset)] Mhm~
[22:33] [@Rowe-sensei (Robes)] I'm curious, how are those staves made?
[22:34] [Masumi Saotome (future)] the wood is taken from the forests near the mountain Ryu'si
[22:35] > Miara (Q corset) is away: brb
[22:35] [Masumi Saotome (future)] when place inside them a magical object...such as a serpent's tooth, a salamander's tongue, a griffin's claw..and so on
[22:35] [Masumi Saotome (future)] and on that magical object..we carve a rune of one of the words of power
[22:35] [Masumi Saotome (future)] that's about it
[22:36] [@Rowe-sensei (Robes)] How do they compare to wands?
[22:36] [Masumi Saotome (future)] about the same...though I've heard they leave a numb feeling in the hands of most people
[22:38] [@Rowe-sensei (Robes)] Hmm..
[22:39] [Masumi Saotome (future)] we're still hiring teachers at the moment...god....
[22:40] [Masumi Saotome (future)] I have to meet some interviewees tomorrow
[22:40] [@Rowe-sensei (Robes)] Still understaffed? :(
[22:41] [Masumi Saotome (future)] a bit
[22:41] [Masumi Saotome (future)] at the moment we have some teachers juggling several subjects
[22:42] > Miara (Q corset) is back
[22:42] [@Rowe-sensei (Robes)] Yikes. I hope the interviews go well.
[22:44] > Miara (Q corset) sits back on the bar with a bowl of marinated meat
[22:45] [Masumi Saotome (future)] me too...*drinks*
[22:47] [Miara (Q corset)] Either of you want some?
[22:49] [Masumi Saotome (future)] love some
[22:49] [@Rowe-sensei (Robes)] Smells good, but I like my meat cooked. v‾v;
[22:52] > Miara (Q corset) passes to Masumi
[22:53] > Masumi Saotome (future) takes some and eats happily
[22:54] > @Rowe-sensei (Robes) flicks her tail, sipping her drink.
[22:55] [Masumi Saotome (future)] mmm quite good
[22:57] [Masumi Saotome (future)] so what have you been up to, Miara?
[22:58] [Miara (Q corset)] Showing Matsumi my Quinox armour, training, surprising people :p
[23:01] [Masumi Saotome (future)] heh surprising people?
[23:03] [Masumi Saotome (future)] now what do you mean by that?
[23:04] [Miara (Q corset)] You'd be amazed how many people are horrified when a woman shaves her head :/
[23:06] [@Rowe-sensei (Robes)] It's unusual, but not horrifying.
[23:06] > Masumi Saotome (future) shrugs
[23:06] [Masumi Saotome (future)] your choice
[23:07] [Miara (Q corset)] It does make it fun, though
[23:10] [Masumi Saotome (future)] heh next thiing you know..you'll be wearing a rainbow mohawk
[23:10] [Miara (Q corset)] I've had rainbow hair before.
[23:11] [Miara (Q corset)] And I've done a few mohawks, just not permanently
[23:12] [@Rowe-sensei (Robes)] Rainbow hair sounds cool, I might try that. :3
[23:14] [Miara (Q corset)] something like this http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a361/zairafirefly/Lupa/Miara/__Color_Burst___by_F_AYN_T.jpg
[23:16] [@Rowe-sensei (Robes)] Nice. :3
[23:16] [Masumi Saotome (future)] I shall stick with my plain green hair I think
[23:18] --> Vanadine (Future) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[23:18] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Vanadine (Future)
[23:18] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Vanadine (Future)
[23:18] > Masumi Saotome (future) finishes her drink
[23:19] [Miara (Q corset)] It was fun! I think was like 14 at the time?
[23:19] [Masumi Saotome (future)] hello, Vana
[23:19] [+Vanadine (Future)] Good evening ladies.
[23:19] [Miara (Q corset)] Hi Vana *waves*
[23:19] [@Rowe-sensei (Robes)] :3 Hey, Vana~
[23:20] > +Vanadine (Future) giggles: Come'ere Kitty kitty
[23:21] [Masumi Saotome (future)] always going after cats, hm?
[23:21] [+Vanadine (Future)] I love my kitties, especially Rowe. ^_^
[23:21] > @Rowe-sensei (Robes) jumps down from the ceiling, landing on the floor~ :3
[23:22] > +Vanadine (Future) quickly makes her way over to Rowe, hugging and kissing her
[23:23] > Masumi Saotome (future) just watches calmly
[23:25] [Masumi Saotome (future)] hm
[23:26] [Miara (Q corset)] How's the wrestling thing going?
[23:26] > @Rowe-sensei (Robes) purrs~~
[23:27] [+Vanadine (Future)] I haven't wrestled in years.
[23:28] [Miara (Q corset)] I thought you were doing that with Mika
[23:28] [Miara (Q corset)] ?
[23:28] [Masumi Saotome (future)] this vana is from the future
[23:29] [+Vanadine (Future)] Yeah, I'm from a different time, hon.
[23:30] [Miara (Q corset)] Oh, right ^^;
[23:30] [@Rowe-sensei (Robes)] Sorry we're being confusing~ :3
[23:30] [Miara (Q corset)] (( sorry, distracted with big bang theory interviews ))
[23:32] [Masumi Saotome (future)] when aren't you confusing
[23:32] > +Vanadine (Future) keeps an arm around Rowe
[23:33] > Masumi Saotome (future) leans on her staff
[23:33] > @Rowe-sensei (Robes) sticks out her tongue at Masumi~ :P
[23:34] [+Vanadine (Future)] Heh, oh to be in the middle of different magic schools. :P
[23:35] > Masumi Saotome (future) narrows her eyes at Rowe
[23:35] > @Rowe-sensei (Robes) grins back~
[23:36] > Masumi Saotome (future) points her staff at Rowe and mutters something....
[23:37] [@Rowe-sensei (Robes)] O_o
[23:37] [+Vanadine (Future)] Hmm?
[23:37] [+Vanadine (Future)] Alright girls, be civil now.
[23:38] > Masumi Saotome (future) smirks
[23:38] > @Rowe-sensei (Robes) suddenly has a pink tulip sprouting from her head.
[23:38] [@Rowe-sensei (Robes)] Oh yeah? :P
[23:39] > @Rowe-sensei (Robes) waves her wand at Masumi and gives her white rabbit ears and a fluffy tail~ :P
[23:39] [Miara (Q corset)] Flower~
[23:39] [+Vanadine (Future)] Just because we're not in Quinox doesn't mean I can't exercise authority here.
[23:41] [Masumi Saotome (future)] !?
[23:41] > Masumi Saotome (future) frowns
[23:42] [@Rowe-sensei (Robes)] >:3
[23:43] > +Vanadine (Future) lets go of Rowe: Same goes for you Kitty.
[23:43] [@Rowe-sensei (Robes)] She started iiiiiiiiiiiit.. :(
[23:43] [+Vanadine (Future)] Well I'm ending it.
[23:45] [+Vanadine (Future)] I don't want to see anyone get hurt.
[23:45] > Masumi Saotome (future) frowns "very well"
[23:45] > Masumi Saotome (future)'s bunny ears twitch
[23:46] [@Rowe-sensei (Robes)] I wasn't gonna hurt her. :(
[23:47] > Miara (Q corset) grabs another drink, watching Masumi :3
[23:47] [Masumi Saotome (future)] you nearly turned me into a bunny
[23:48] [+Vanadine (Future)] Yes well, I didn't want the tricks to escalate into something that could end up getting hurt.
[23:48] [@Rowe-sensei (Robes)] Oh, those are just illusions. :P
[23:48] [Masumi Saotome (future)] fine
[23:48] > Masumi Saotome (future) removes the tulip from Rowe's head
[23:49] [@Rowe-sensei (Robes)] Besides, you look cute with them.
[23:49] [Miara (Q corset)] Charms, right~?
[23:49] [Masumi Saotome (future)] please take them off
[23:50] > @Rowe-sensei (Robes) waves her wand with a sigh and dismisses the charm.
[23:50] [+Vanadine (Future)] Alright then well..... if you two promise not to hurt one another.... fire away.
[23:50] [Miara (Q corset)] Aww :/
[23:51] > +Vanadine (Future) steps away from Rowe and grins: This could be entertaining.
[23:51] [@Rowe-sensei (Robes)] Too late on the draw, Vana. :P
[23:54] [+Vanadine (Future)] Heh, doesn't mean you can't start up again. :P
[23:54] > Masumi Saotome (future) looks to Rowe
[23:56] [@Rowe-sensei (Robes)] Nah, the moment's passed.
[23:57] [Miara (Q corset)] Hmm...
[23:57] [Miara (Q corset)] I think I'm gonna go find somewhere to visit.
[23:57] [+Vanadine (Future)] Heh, oh wells
[23:57] [Masumi Saotome (future)] how is Izumi, Rowe
[23:58] [Miara (Q corset)] later, girls~
[23:59] [Masumi Saotome (future)] later
[23:59] <-- Miara (Q corset) [amongimmortals@terra.net] has left #reddwarfbeta (Stand up and watch me!)
[23:59] [@Rowe-sensei (Robes)] Night-nya~
[23:59] [+Vanadine (Future)] bye bye
[23:59] [@Rowe-sensei (Robes)] She's doing well in school, still hanging out with Logan.
[00:00] >>> Wednesday Jan 18 2012 <<<
[00:00] [Masumi Saotome (future)] I see....
[00:01] [Masumi Saotome (future)] I wish I could have as much confidence in my daughter
[00:02] [+Vanadine (Future)] What's wrong with Anya?
[00:03] [Masumi Saotome (future)] she's gotten involves with a boy that....I do not know much about...
[00:04] [+Vanadine (Future)] Oh?
[00:04] [Masumi Saotome (future)] in fact I suspect she is sleeping with him
[00:06] [@Rowe-sensei (Robes)] I'm not surprised at her age.
[00:06] [+Vanadine (Future)] Yeah
[00:07] [Masumi Saotome (future)] I suppose I am just concerned
[00:08] [+Vanadine (Future)] Well, sometimes you just have to trust the judgement of your children.
[00:10] --> Nate Detroit (Future) [SmashChamp@reddwarf.com] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[00:10] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +o to Nate Detroit (Future)
[00:10] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, @Nate Detroit (Future)
[00:11] > @Nate Detroit (Future) walks in, barely aided by his walking stick.
[00:12] [@Nate Detroit (Future)] Evening, ladies. Everyone is back here, tonight?
[00:12] [+Vanadine (Future)] Nate Nate!
[00:12] > +Vanadine (Future) runs over to Nate and hugs him
[00:12] [@Rowe-sensei (Robes)] Lots of us anyway. :3
[00:13] > @Nate Detroit (Future) hugs Vana, lifting her as much as he can given their height difference.
[00:15] > +Vanadine (Future) kisses Nate and smiles: We don't see each other enough lately
[00:16] [@Nate Detroit (Future)] Never enough of my Mistress.
[00:16] [@Nate Detroit (Future)] Anything special bringing us here, or just nostalgia?
[00:17] [Masumi Saotome (future)] good evening Nathanial
[00:17] [+Vanadine (Future)] Just chatting for the most part.
[00:18] [@Nate Detroit (Future)] Please, Nate.
[00:19] [Masumi Saotome (future)] alright, Nate
[00:19] [Masumi Saotome (future)] hello
[00:21] [+Vanadine (Future)] I broke up a magic fight between the girls here and now I'm kind of regretting it
[00:22] [@Nate Detroit (Future)] Which girls?
[00:22] [@Rowe-sensei (Robes)] :P
[00:22] [+Vanadine (Future)] Othe other two here. :P
[00:22] [@Nate Detroit (Future)] Oh. Ohhhh.. heh, really.
[00:23] [@Nate Detroit (Future)] It'd be a good fight, but my money is on Rowe. I have a conflict of interest though.
[00:23] [@Rowe-sensei (Robes)] It wasn't a fight, just some good natured ribbing.
[00:24] [Masumi Saotome (future)] our magic is not simler
[00:26] [Masumi Saotome (future)] well it is..but isn't
[00:27] > @Nate Detroit (Future) scoops up Vana, dropping his stick, and sits in the arm chair with her on his lap.
[00:29] > +Vanadine (Future) giggles and holds onto Nate
[00:29] [+Vanadine (Future)] So, how are you Nate?
[00:30] [@Nate Detroit (Future)] Alright. Trying to get Logan to focus more on his studies and less on his games and girlfriend..
[00:31] [@Rowe-sensei (Robes)] Izumi always seems to do fine regardless, but girls do mature faster.
[00:33] [+Vanadine (Future)] Oh Nate, that reminds me....
[00:33] [+Vanadine (Future)] ..... rumor has it that our daughter-in-law and your son went to Venus yesterday in a bit of a hurry.
[00:34] [@Nate Detroit (Future)] Mmm? That's a bit of a trek, especally for a pleasure trip.
[00:36] [@Nate Detroit (Future)] I think Logan takes after me in that he isn't a great student, though I like to think I had better excuses..
[00:36] [+Vanadine (Future)] I don't know.....but that feels odd to me for some reason.
[00:37] [@Nate Detroit (Future)] Now Marty on the other hand, I'm sure he knows what he's doing. I wish I had half his brains.
[00:38] [+Vanadine (Future)] Marty is brilliant
[00:38] > Masumi Saotome (future) seems to be brooding
[00:39] [@Rowe-sensei (Robes)] Yeah, he was always a good student while I was teaching him.
[00:42] > +Vanadine (Future) looks over at Masumi: What's wrong, dear?
[00:43] [Masumi Saotome (future)] I am just thinking about my daughter...
[00:43] [Masumi Saotome (future)] and my job
[00:43] [@Nate Detroit (Future)] Anything you'd like to share?
[00:44] [Masumi Saotome (future)] I have interviews with potential teachers tomorrow
[00:48] > @Rowe-sensei (Robes) yawns.
[00:50] [Masumi Saotome (future)] get some rest
[00:50] [+Vanadine (Future)] Sounds like the kitty's getting tired
[00:51] [@Rowe-sensei (Robes)] Yeah, I have classes to teach in the morning.
[00:52] [+Vanadine (Future)] Awww, okay
[00:52] [+Vanadine (Future)] Come give Vana a hug an' a kiss before you go.
[00:53] [@Nate Detroit (Future)] Gnight beautiful.
[00:53] > @Rowe-sensei (Robes) hugs Vana and leans in to kiss her, purring softly~ ♡
[00:53] > +Vanadine (Future) hugs and kisses Rowe back and smiles
[00:54] > Masumi Saotome (future) rolls her eyes slightly
[00:54] [+Vanadine (Future)] ❧ Nighty Night Kitty ❧
[00:55] [@Nate Detroit (Future)] What's eating you, Masumi? I thought you were more laid back than this.
[00:55] [Masumi Saotome (future)] I have not had a good year...
[00:55] [@Rowe-sensei (Robes)] Night-nya~
[00:55] <-- @Rowe-sensei (Robes) [Neko-Sensei@Hogwarts.edu] has left #reddwarfbeta (♡)
[00:57] > Masumi Saotome (future) leans on her staff
[00:57] [+Vanadine (Future)] Awww, do you need some love, Masumi?
[00:59] [Masumi Saotome (future)] I have been alone for nearly 100 years now
[01:00] > @Nate Detroit (Future) blinks, looking confused.
[01:02] [Masumi Saotome (future)] I suppose I've grown gloomy
[01:03] [@Nate Detroit (Future)] You can't be serious.
[01:04] [Masumi Saotome (future)] I am serious
[01:04] [@Nate Detroit (Future)] Well, just hang out on this ship, and I know you'll find someone.
[01:05] [Masumi Saotome (future)] heh..isn't it dangerious to mix past and present?
[01:05] [Masumi Saotome (future)] *future
[01:06] [@Nate Detroit (Future)] I'm sure it's just as popular in the future as it used to be. Of course, there's always the singles blessing holiday coming up on Venus.
[01:07] [+Vanadine (Future)] Oh yeah... I hear Neph and Mina's son Jett is going to be taking part this year.
[01:08] [Masumi Saotome (future)] I've heard of the celebration....never gone to it
[01:09] [@Nate Detroit (Future)] Maybe you should, if you're lonely. You can probably make a few calls and get VIP treatment.
[01:10] [+Vanadine (Future)] Yeah
[01:10] [Masumi Saotome (future)] am I not too old for it >.>
[01:11] [@Nate Detroit (Future)] Doubt there's an age restriction, never checked the fine print.
[01:11] [+Vanadine (Future)] As far as I know, it's for all ages as long as you're single.
[01:15] [Masumi Saotome (future)] sounds..promising then
[01:18] [@Nate Detroit (Future)] I wish I had an event like that when I was a kid... I guess they encourage you to have a few drinks, you get to kiss one of the good looking members of their royal family, then there are thousands of tipsy singles mingling about.
[01:20] [+Vanadine (Future)] I attended one as an observer once. Fun stuff to watch.
[01:21] [Masumi Saotome (future)] hm then I shall go
[01:26] [Masumi Saotome (future)] perhaps I can...find something
[01:26] [@Nate Detroit (Future)] Something?
[01:28] [Masumi Saotome (future)] someone....something that I have lacked
[01:32] [Masumi Saotome (future)] I should return to the school...I must prepare for tomorrow
[01:33] [@Nate Detroit (Future)] Night, Masumi.
[01:34] [+Vanadine (Future)] Goodnight Masumi
[01:34] > Masumi Saotome (future) vanishes in a burst of leaves and flower petals
[01:34] <-- Masumi Saotome (future) has left #reddwarfbeta
[01:36] [+Vanadine (Future)] And that leaves you and me, Nate~
[01:37] > +Vanadine (Future) settles into Nate's lap
[01:37] [@Nate Detroit (Future)] Indeed it does~ Perhaps we should find somewhere out of the way to catch up?
[01:39] [+Vanadine (Future)] I like the sound of that
[01:39] [+Vanadine (Future)] ❧ Your place or mine?~ ❧
[01:40] [@Nate Detroit (Future)] Um... I'd carry you out but I really should get my walking stick I dropped. ^^; And your place~
[01:40] > +Vanadine (Future) hops off his lap and grins
[01:40] [+Vanadine (Future)] Well, if that's the case, I'm still strong enough to carry you
[01:41] > @Nate Detroit (Future) chuckles as he gets up and retrieves the stick.
[01:41] > +Vanadine (Future) bends down, carefully lifting Nate from the sofa
[01:41] [+Vanadine (Future)] (( Scratch that ))
[01:42] > +Vanadine (Future) smirks and scoops Nate off his feet, walking stick and all
[01:45] <-- @Nate Detroit (Future) [SmashChamp@reddwarf.com] has left #reddwarfbeta (Ice is flowin' through my veins; Explosives on my lips and in my lungs.)
[01:46] <-- +Vanadine (Future) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has left #reddwarfbeta (Just like old times, but in reverse.)
[23:35] --> Matsuo Shin (casual) [PsychicGuy@Q.Tech.gov] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[23:35] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Matsuo Shin (casual)
[23:35] > Matsuo Shin (casual) jogs in, holding a rolled up parchment
[23:36] --> Mneme [memory@olympus.com] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[23:36] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Mneme
[23:36] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] hol...HOL!?
[23:36] > Matsuo Shin (casual) grabs a table and moves it for a proper place to put the parchment
[23:36] > Mneme wanders in from the hallway, looking rather listless
[23:38] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] oh hello there...HOL!?
[23:38] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] where is that computer when I need it
[23:39] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] are you alright?
[23:40] [Mneme] What are you looking for?
[23:40] > Mneme looks at the parchment
[23:42] > Matsuo Shin (casual) unfurls the parchment....showing a map of a coast.....and an island
[23:42] > Matsuo Shin (casual) finally finds the control...and turns up the lights
[23:43] [Mneme] Both my sisters are out doing things, and I was bored.
[23:44] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] shame...what are they doing?
[23:44] > Matsuo Shin (casual) looks over at some writing written along the side of the map
[23:47] [Mneme] Inspiring people, naturally.
[23:49] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] of course...
[23:49] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] ..hard to translate...
[23:53] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] ..definatly persian though
[23:53] > Mneme smiles, giving Matsou's mental abilities a little boost
[23:54] > Matsuo Shin (casual) blinks...suddenly able to read it
[23:54] [Mneme] I can't stay, but that should help a bit.
[23:54] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] let's see...
[23:55] [Mneme] Goodnight~
[23:55] <-- Mneme [memory@olympus.com] has left #reddwarfbeta
[23:55] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] goodnight! thank you!
[23:57] > Matsuo Shin (casual) pulls out a jeweller's eye glass and puts it in his left eye
[23:58] --> Ves Ves (Casual) [BeastTamer@DeadMoon.cc] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[23:58] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Ves Ves (Casual)
[23:59] [Ves Ves (Casual)] Evenin Mats.
[23:59] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] evening
[23:59] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] ..now...let's see about this translation
[00:00] >>> Thursday Jan 19 2012 <<<
[00:00] > Matsuo Shin (casual) is looking over an old old map of an island...other then the persian writing along the sides...it seems blank
[00:00] > Ves Ves (Casual) walks behind him, squeezing his shoulders and leaning over to look herself.
[00:01] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] ...in the writings of my hand...I, Sinbad the sailor, offer to those who find it...the map of the discovery of my eighth voyage....
[00:01] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] ..sinbad the sailor?