[13:58] >>> Monday Dec 06 2010 – Automatic reset triggered – Logging Start <<<
[13:58] >>> Monday Dec 06 2010 – Automatic reset triggered – Logging Start <<<
[13:58] [Minako Aino (PJs)] Sounds nice.
[13:58] [Miara (workout)] Astral people go to the Place of the Touched for specific astral classes with others outside of their specific mentor.
[13:58] [Minako Aino (PJs)] o.o nani?
[13:59] [Miara (workout)] Also for group fighting classes or if you can work with metal.
[13:59] [Miara (workout)] Otherwise you can go anywhere they do whatever it is you're wanting to learn.
[14:00] [Katori Kaioh (PJs)] I was taught in swordsmenship at St. Cameron's..that's how I got interested in fenching..
[14:01] [Minako Aino (PJs)] I... just kept to the courses I was assigned and played volleyball on and off. ^.^;
[14:02] [Katori Kaioh (PJs)] of which you have great skill
[14:03] [Minako Aino (PJs)] Hee ^^v
[14:03] [Miara (workout)] We play a game kind of like that in the intermediate power classes.
[14:07] [Katori Kaioh (PJs)] outside of blade work, I am not much of an athelete
[14:09] [Minako Aino (PJs)] ❧ Could'a fooled me. ❧
[14:09] > Katori Kaioh (PJs) smiles and kisses minako's forehead
[14:10] [Minako Aino (PJs)] ❧ Eeee~ ❧
[14:10] [Miara (workout)] You probably could, but that doesn't mean everyone wants to.
[14:12] [Katori Kaioh (PJs)] still feeling ill, mina?
[14:13] [Minako Aino (PJs)] mmm... a little better, but not exactly normal..
[14:13] > Minako Aino (PJs) sends a text on her phone.
[14:13] [Miara (workout)] There are people I've done classes with that if they'd pursued it could end up in Masters' Seminar, but they didn't want to.
[14:13] [Miara (workout)] What's wrong?
[14:14] [Minako Aino (PJs)] Haven't been myself lately.. feel drained and sick to my stomach. Its worst in the morning, but gets a little better as the day goes on.
[14:15] [Miara (workout)] Really?
[14:15] [Miara (workout)] Have you taken one of those pee stick test thingies?
[14:15] [Minako Aino (PJs)] Hai. Maybe its the season change..
[14:16] [Miara (workout)] Maybe.
[14:18] > Katori Kaioh (PJs) nods
[14:19] [Katori Kaioh (PJs)] well I hope you get better *hugs minako*
[14:20] [Miara (workout)] Yeah.
[14:23] > Minako Aino (PJs) squeezes his arm to return the hug from behind.
[14:25] > Miara (workout) peels and orange
[14:26] [Katori Kaioh (PJs)] so what are you up to today, miara?
[14:30] [Miara (workout)] Dunno yet. Got another session later.
[14:31] > Minako Aino (PJs) gets a text message and reads it.
[14:31] [Minako Aino (PJs)] Ami had a cancelation. I'm gonna go see her.
[14:32] > Minako Aino (PJs) stands, kisses her fingertips and presses them to Kato's cheek.
[14:33] [Katori Kaioh (PJs)] alright...take care..tell me what's going on
[14:33] <-- Minako Aino (PJs) [SoldierOfLove@Venus.net] has left #reddwarfbeta (Ja ~~)
[14:33] [Miara (workout)] Bye
[14:35] [Katori Kaioh (PJs)] I should change out of this..I'll be right back
[14:36] [Miara (workout)] K.
[14:36] > Katori Kaioh (PJs) is away: changing ((brb))
[14:40] > Katori Kaioh (casual) is back
[14:44] [Katori Kaioh (casual)] much better
[14:45] [Miara (workout)] (( brb ))
[14:50] [Miara (workout)] That's good.
[14:53] [Miara (workout)] (( lots of lag >> and i need to go anyway ))
[14:53] [Katori Kaioh (casual)] the christmas decorations are a nice touch
[14:55] <-- Miara (workout) [amongimmortals@terra.net] has left #reddwarfbeta (Got go to, see you later.)
[15:00] <-- Katori Kaioh (casual) [blueboy@seapalace.nep.co] has left #reddwarfbeta
[19:34] --> David O'Cain has joined #reddwarfbeta
[19:34] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to David O'Cain
[19:34] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +David O'Cain
[19:35] > +David O'Cain places a large sack on a table, "There we go."
[19:43] --> Miara (robes) [amongimmortals@terra.net] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[19:43] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Miara (robes)
[19:45] [Miara (robes)] Hey Dave!
[19:48] [+David O'Cain] Hey, Miara. What's up?
[19:50] [Miara (robes)] Caught a Quidditch match with the AMRS!
[19:52] [+David O'Cain] Cool.
[19:52] > +David O'Cain reaches into the sack on the table and tosses Miara a Christmas Tree cake
[19:52] > Miara (robes) catches
[19:52] [Miara (robes)] Hm?
[19:53] [+David O'Cain] Enjoy.
[19:53] [+David O'Cain] A little snack cake in the shape of a Christmas tree.
[19:54] [Miara (robes)] Ah. Thanks
[19:54] [+David O'Cain] Brought a whole sackful to share with.
[19:55] [Miara (robes)] That's nice ^_^
[19:55] > Miara (robes) opens hers and eats it
[19:55] [+David O'Cain] Yep. ^_^
[19:59] [+David O'Cain] So, how ya been?
[19:59] [Miara (robes)] Not bad.
[19:59] [Miara (robes)] You?
[20:00] [+David O'Cain] I'm doing alright.
[20:06] > +David O'Cain munches on a snack cake
[20:06] [Miara (robes)] Nothing else going on in your life?
[20:07] [+David O'Cain] Well, I did stop by an arcade before I snagged these cakes. Sure felt good to play a game to get away from reality for a bit.
[20:18] [Miara (robes)] Hmm
[20:24] [+David O'Cain] Other than that, just general stuff at home.
[20:27] [Miara (robes)] You don't really talk about that stuff, though.
[20:30] [+David O'Cain] True.
[20:33] [Miara (robes)] Why?
[20:34] [+David O'Cain] Well, I thought it wasn't as exciting as talking about my job or my other activities.
[20:36] [+David O'Cain] And I probably sound boring by doing that, huh?
[20:40] [Miara (robes)] Well, there's a lot of your life you're not talking about. So it's mostly work.
[20:41] [+David O'Cain] I guess so.
[20:47] [Miara (robes)] I've been thinking maybe I should move back to Cora's.
[20:47] [+David O'Cain] Yeah? How come?
[20:49] [Miara (robes)] Cause it's so isolated here, in some ways.
[20:50] [+David O'Cain] Ah, okay. Maybe she'll be okay with it.
[20:51] [Miara (robes)] Well she hasn't got anyone else there now.
[20:53] > +David O'Cain nods
[21:00] [+David O'Cain] Been pondering what to give Masaki and Azumi for Christmas.
[21:02] [Miara (robes)] Hm?
[21:02] [Miara (robes)] What do they like?
[21:03] [Miara (robes)] Maybe a group trip to a resort or retreat, onsen type of place?
[21:04] [Miara (robes)] Or were you thinking something smaller?
[21:05] [+David O'Cain] Hmmm. Going to a resort sounds nice. Probably somewhere warm.
[21:06] [Miara (robes)] Heh yeah.
[21:10] [+David O'Cain] Perhaps somewhere in California or maybe New Zealand.
[21:10] [Miara (robes)] Oh, New Zealand is beautiful.
[21:15] [Miara (robes)] I ran a lot of it over different times.
[21:17] [+David O'Cain] Cool. Anything I should be aware of?
[21:20] [Miara (robes)] Dunno, depends what you do there, I suppose.
[21:21] [+David O'Cain] Alright.
[21:21] [Miara (robes)] A lot of the natural sites have guides and stuff so they'll tell you.
[21:22] [+David O'Cain] Noted.
[21:34] <-- Miara (robes) [amongimmortals@terra.net] has left #reddwarfbeta (time to go)
[21:43] [+David O'Cain] Bye, Miara.
[22:12] > +David O'Cain munches on another snack cake
[23:11] --> Katori Kaioh (casual) [blueboy@seapalace.nep.co] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[23:11] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Katori Kaioh (casual)
[23:11] > Katori Kaioh (casual) walks in
[23:12] [+David O'Cain] Hello.
[23:12] [Katori Kaioh (casual)] evening
[23:13] [+David O'Cain] Snack cake? (gestures to the large sack on the table in front of him)
[23:13] [Katori Kaioh (casual)] no thanks
[23:14] [+David O'Cain] Not even ones shaped like Christmas trees?
[23:14] [Katori Kaioh (casual)] again no thanks
[23:15] [+David O'Cain] Alright.
[23:16] [+David O'Cain] More for me and others to have. :P
[23:20] [Katori Kaioh (casual)] that's fine...
[23:20] > Katori Kaioh (casual) sits on the sofa
[23:21] [+David O'Cain] So, how're you?
[23:22] [Katori Kaioh (casual)] alright...wondering what is going on with Minako...
[23:23] [+David O'Cain] Is she alright?
[23:24] [Katori Kaioh (casual)] I don't know
[23:26] [+David O'Cain] Hm.
[23:27] [Katori Kaioh (casual)] she went to Ami to see if things are alright
[23:29] [+David O'Cain] If she's sick, it's a good thing to go see a doctor.
[23:31] [Katori Kaioh (casual)] yes
[23:36] [+David O'Cain] Hate to think what a worst case scenario would be. Hell, probably DON'T wanna think about it.
[23:38] > Katori Kaioh (casual) nods
[23:40] [+David O'Cain] Got any ideas on what you'll be doing on the 25th?
[23:40] [Katori Kaioh (casual)] I belive I'm going to a party
[23:42] [+David O'Cain] Awesome.
[23:45] > Katori Kaioh (casual) nods
[23:49] [+David O'Cain] Been doing much?
[23:53] [Katori Kaioh (casual)] preparing for my next match
[23:58] [+David O'Cain] When is it?
[23:58] [Katori Kaioh (casual)] saturday
[00:00] >>> Tuesday Dec 07 2010 <<<
[00:01] [+David O'Cain] Where is the match being held?
[00:02] [Katori Kaioh (casual)] manor belonging to a Mister Kamayashi
[00:03] [+David O'Cain] Cool.
[00:05] > Katori Kaioh (casual) nods
[00:06] [+David O'Cain] Hope you have fun.
[00:10] [Katori Kaioh (casual)] heh me as well
[00:13] --> Minako Aino [SoldierOfLove@Venus.net] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[00:13] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Minako Aino
[00:14] > Minako Aino walks in, lookign fairly content, but stunned when she sees Katori.
[00:14] [Katori Kaioh (casual)] Minako!
[00:14] [+David O'Cain] Hi, Minako.
[00:15] [Minako Aino] Umm... Hi.. ^_^;;
[00:15] [Katori Kaioh (casual)] did you go and see Ami?
[00:16] > Minako Aino turns a little red and nods.
[00:16] [Minako Aino] We.. yeah.. just went out for dinner.. sorry I didn't call, kinda.. needed to talk to her..
[00:16] [Katori Kaioh (casual)] so is it the flu.....a fever?
[00:17] [+David O'Cain] Simple cold?
[00:17] [Minako Aino] It.. its... X_x
[00:17] > Minako Aino turns pale in an instant and passes out.
[00:17] [Katori Kaioh (casual)] !!! MINAKO!
[00:18] > Katori Kaioh (casual) runs over to her "minako?...Mina...."
[00:18] [Minako Aino] x_X
[00:18] > Katori Kaioh (casual) tries to walk her with gentle pats to the face
[00:18] [Minako Aino] Kato..ri..
[00:19] [Katori Kaioh (casual)] minako???.....
[00:19] [Minako Aino] Im.. fine... the couch..
[00:20] > Katori Kaioh (casual) picks up Minako in his arms and moves her to the couch
[00:21] [Katori Kaioh (casual)] david..water...now
[00:21] > +David O'Cain gets Minako some water
[00:22] [Minako Aino] Hai.. water..
[00:22] > Katori Kaioh (casual) hands minako the glass of water
[00:23] > Minako Aino sips it, regaining her palor, but also looking ready to cry.
[00:23] [Katori Kaioh (casual)] Minako..what's wrong?
[00:24] [+David O'Cain] Is everything okay?
[00:24] [Minako Aino] Kato.. I *sniff* I don't know how to say this.. So I.. I *sniff* better just say it.
[00:24] > Minako Aino looks into his eyes..
[00:25] [Minako Aino] ..I'm pregnant..
[00:25] [Katori Kaioh (casual)] ...............................................
[00:25] > Katori Kaioh (casual) falls onto his knees....blinking
[00:25] [Katori Kaioh (casual)] ...are you sure?
[00:26] [Minako Aino] Ami-chan said shes 90% sure... and I.. really think shes right..
[00:26] > +David O'Cain is simply speechless
[00:26] [Katori Kaioh (casual)] ....
[00:27] > Katori Kaioh (casual) gulps
[00:27] > Katori Kaioh (casual) takes Minako's hand
[00:27] [Katori Kaioh (casual)] ...I'm sure everything will be fine
[00:27] [Minako Aino] Kato..
[00:28] > Katori Kaioh (casual) smiles "....I will be with you the entire way"
[00:29] > Minako Aino throws herself around him, crying into his chest.
[00:29] > Katori Kaioh (casual) holds Minako close
[00:31] [+David O'Cain] Congrats.
[00:32] [Katori Kaioh (casual)] things will be fine, minako
[00:33] > Minako Aino nods, still crying into his chest... messing up his shirt.
[00:33] > Katori Kaioh (casual) runs his fingers through minako's hair
[00:35] > Minako Aino starts to calm down.
[00:35] [Katori Kaioh (casual)] there there...
[00:37] [Katori Kaioh (casual)] ...are you going to be alright
[00:38] > Minako Aino nods.
[00:38] > Minako Aino forces a smile and looks at him, her face covered in tears.
[00:39] [Katori Kaioh (casual)] ...we'll work through this
[00:39] [Minako Aino] Heh.. heheh.. Neph is going to be pissed.
[00:40] [Katori Kaioh (casual)] these things happen....
[00:42] [Minako Aino] Yeah.. guess this means we have a love child..
[00:42] [+David O'Cain] Maybe he'll find a way to work around it. (shrugs)
[00:42] > Minako Aino gives a weak giggle.
[00:43] [Katori Kaioh (casual)] indeed *smiles*
[00:43] > Katori Kaioh (casual) kisses Minako
[00:44] > Minako Aino returns it, gripping his shoulders.
[00:46] > Katori Kaioh (casual) smiles "I'm sure the child...will be beautiful"
[00:46] > Minako Aino giggles a little more at that.
[00:48] [Katori Kaioh (casual)] there's that smile I love
[00:50] [+David O'Cain] Maybe some snack cakes will cheer her up more.
[00:50] [Minako Aino] *^_^;*
[00:51] --> Makoto Kino [ThunderSenshi@BigRedSpot.net] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[00:51] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Makoto Kino
[00:52] > Katori Kaioh (casual) kisses minako's cheek
[00:52] > Makoto Kino walks in carrying a small box
[00:52] [Makoto Kino] Hello everyone.
[00:52] > +David O'Cain reaches into the sack on the table and tosses one of the Christmas tree cakes to Minako, "Sugary sweet for a beauty like you."
[00:52] > +David O'Cain looks at Makoto Kino
[00:52] ➣ Makoto Kino: is just under 6' tall with green eyes and chestnut brown hair, typically put in up a high pony tail with very lightly tanned skin. She has a thin, athletic build that accentuates her above average sized chest.
[00:52] [Minako Aino] Hee.. umm.. evening, Mako-chan.
[00:52] [+David O'Cain] Hello.
[00:53] [Makoto Kino] Minaaaa... I made those cookies you asked for. ^_^
[00:53] > Minako Aino takes a small bite of the cake.
[00:53] [Minako Aino] Aww.. you're too kind..
[00:53] > Minako Aino is on the floor, clinging to Katori and looking like she just cried.
[00:54] [+David O'Cain] You seem familiar. Can't quite place it...
[00:54] [Makoto Kino] Mina.... is everything alright? And who are these guys....
[00:54] > Minako Aino stands and forces composure.
[00:55] [Katori Kaioh (casual)] you must be Makoto...I'm Katori Kaioh
[00:55] [Minako Aino] Mako-chan, this is my boyfriend, Kaioh Katori, and my friend, David O'Cain.
[00:56] [Makoto Kino] Ahhhh, ok then. Nice to meet you both. Makoto Kino
[00:56] [+David O'Cain] Nice to meet you as well.
[00:57] > Makoto Kino looks at Katori - So, you're Michiru's brother. I can see the resembalance.
[00:57] [Katori Kaioh (casual)] nice to meet you as well
[00:58] [Minako Aino] Um.. Kato.. should we keep this a secret for now or can I tell people?
[00:58] [Katori Kaioh (casual)] heh.....you can tell
[00:58] [Makoto Kino] Secret?
[00:59] > Makoto Kino sets the box of cookies on the table.
[01:00] [Minako Aino] Hai....its a big time gossip secret that the rags in Tokyo would love to get their hands on... want to hear it?
[01:00] > Minako Aino takes a cookie, eating and emoting her enjoyment of it.
[01:01] [Makoto Kino] Sure.... I mean, you and I were best friends for a long time.... I wouldn't just blab to everyone.
[01:02] [Minako Aino] Well... you chose an interesting time to resurface, Mako-chan. Have a seat.
[01:02] [Katori Kaioh (casual)] I'll leave you to it, mina..I better return to the house
[01:02] > Katori Kaioh (casual) gives Minako a kiss
[01:02] [Minako Aino] See you later. ^_^
[01:03] [Katori Kaioh (casual)] seeya
[01:04] [+David O'Cain] Later, Katori.
[01:04] <-- Katori Kaioh (casual) [blueboy@seapalace.nep.co] has left #reddwarfbeta
[01:04] [Makoto Kino] Nice to meet you Katori
[01:04] > Makoto Kino sits near Minako
[01:04] [Makoto Kino] Oooo, are you two getting married!?
[01:05] > Minako Aino's expression freezes, then sags.
[01:05] [Minako Aino] Not... quite... ~_~ But.... I found out today I'm probably carrying his child.
[01:06] [Makoto Kino] O_O
[01:06] [Makoto Kino] Y..... you're pregnent!?
[01:06] [Makoto Kino] Are you sure?
[01:07] > Minako Aino nods.
[01:07] [Minako Aino] Ami-chan is 90% sure..
[01:07] [Makoto Kino] Wow.....
[01:07] [Makoto Kino] You... don't seem entirely thrilled.
[01:08] [Minako Aino] Well it wasn't exactly planned... and I had been modeling and planning another tour..
[01:08] [Makoto Kino] Ahh...
[01:08] [Makoto Kino] .... so this... isn't a positive occasion?
[01:09] [Minako Aino] It is and it isn't..
[01:10] [Makoto Kino] Oh....
[01:11] [Minako Aino] I was on the pill.... buuuuuut apparently when the goddess of love finds a mate, that doesn't matter ^_^;
[01:12] [Makoto Kino] Wow.... that's pretty amazing.
[01:12] [+David O'Cain] Yeah.
[01:16] [Minako Aino] I suppose it is. ^_^ And I know I can count on him to stay with me.
[01:17] [Makoto Kino] Well, that's great then.
[01:17] [Makoto Kino] He's quite the looker too. ^_~ That's gonna' be a great lookin' kid.
[01:18] > Minako Aino laughs quite a bit.
[01:19] [Minako Aino] Thats what he said! Hee.. I sure hope so..
[01:20] > Makoto Kino slides over and hugs Mina
[01:21] [Makoto Kino] Well, I'm happy for you Mina. I'm sure you'll work everything out
[01:21] [+David O'Cain] Don't worry about it. It will.
[01:22] > +David O'Cain eats a snack cake
[01:23] [Minako Aino] You should try one of her cookies, Dave-san. They're much better than those factory-made cakes.
[01:23] > Minako Aino takes another.
[01:24] > +David O'Cain tries a cookie
[01:25] [+David O'Cain] Oh...my...god. O_O
[01:26] [Minako Aino] O_o
[01:26] > +David O'Cain suddenly eats another like Cookie Monster
[01:26] > Makoto Kino giggles a little
[01:26] [Minako Aino] O__o
[01:27] [+David O'Cain] COOKIE!!!
[01:27] [+David O'Cain] These are some VERY good cookies!
[01:27] [Makoto Kino] Thank you. ^_^
[01:29] [+David O'Cain] Man, I hadn't tasted anything this good since...since...a long time ago.
[01:30] [Makoto Kino] You're very kind.
[01:30] [Minako Aino] Cooking is one of Mako-chan's many gifts.
[01:31] [+David O'Cain] I can taste it. And I wasn't kidding about the long time ago part.
[01:33] [+David O'Cain] I probably shouldn't have attacked that last cookie like I did. ^_^;
[01:35] [Makoto Kino] It's ok. I honored.
[01:35] [Makoto Kino] ^feel
[01:36] [+David O'Cain] So, what's been going on with you as of late, Makoto?
[01:38] [Makoto Kino] I'm still looking for a place to open up my resturant.
[01:39] [+David O'Cain] Have you been able to narrow down your choices?
[01:42] [Makoto Kino] Not really. I don't have a whole lot of choices in the first place.
[01:44] [+David O'Cain] Ah, okay. Didn't know if were down to a final cut or not.
[01:47] [Minako Aino] I'll be there all the time when it opens, I'm sure. ^_^ Maybe I'll try to write a song about it.
[01:48] [Makoto Kino] Ooooh, that would be great.
[01:48] [+David O'Cain] That would be neat.
[01:49] [Makoto Kino] So Mina.... can I ask you a question?
[01:50] [Minako Aino] Of course.
[01:50] [Makoto Kino] Do I get to be the godmother? :P
[01:52] [Minako Aino] *^_^* I dunno... You're my sister, but I have a lot of sisters, and four good soon-to-be grandparents.
[01:54] [Makoto Kino] Well, you think about that then.
[01:59] > +David O'Cain goes over to the bar and gets a glass of milk, "Can't believe I forgot to have this with those cookies."
[02:02] [+David O'Cain] I can't help but think I might have seen you somewhere before, Makoto. It's somewhere in the back of my mind.
[02:04] [Makoto Kino] Well.... I'm Mina's a sister for a reason and we're not related by blood.
[02:05] [Minako Aino] You don't recognise Sailor Jupiter? :P
[02:07] [+David O'Cain] Now I feel silly. Or stupid. Or maybe silly and stupid.
[02:08] [+David O'Cain] See, I knew you look familiar, but from my standpoint, it was from centuries long gone.
[02:08] [Makoto Kino] Ahh
[02:14] [+David O'Cain] Well, as much as I'd like to catch things up with you, Makoto, I need to get going. Got plenty of work ahead of me in the morning.
[02:14] [+David O'Cain] Again, congrats to you, Minako. I'll see you beauties later.
[02:15] [Minako Aino] Night, Dave-san.
[02:15] [Minako Aino] So, Mako-chan, you mentioned flings?
[02:15] <-- +David O'Cain has left #reddwarfbeta (This Ranger's in need of some snoozing.)
[02:18] [Makoto Kino] I did?
[02:19] [Minako Aino] Hai.
[02:20] [Makoto Kino] Well yeah, I had a couple boyfriends while I was in europe. But nothing that lasted more then a week or two.
[02:23] > Makoto Kino yawns
[02:25] [Minako Aino] Find a place to stay?
[02:26] [Makoto Kino] Oh yeah, I have a place to live. Just not a place to work just yet.
[02:28] [Minako Aino] Okay.. stay safe, Mako-chan.
[02:28] > Minako Aino hugs her.
[02:28] [Makoto Kino] You too Mina
[02:28] > Makoto Kino hugs Mina back and smiles
[02:29] [Makoto Kino] Oh... don't forget your cookies. I made those just for you
[02:31] [Minako Aino] Arigatou.
[02:31] > Makoto Kino nods and smiles to Mina as she leaves
[02:31] <-- Makoto Kino [ThunderSenshi@BigRedSpot.net] has left #reddwarfbeta (Wow.... what an exciting day.)
[02:35] > Minako Aino takes her cookies.
[02:36] <-- Minako Aino [SoldierOfLove@Venus.net] has left #reddwarfbeta (What a day @_@)
[18:45] --> Solarchos [Fallen0081@EnclaveFedCom.Net] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[18:45] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Solarchos
[18:45] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Solarchos
[18:46] > +Solarchos lays down on the couch and stretches happily. ^_^
[18:49] [+Solarchos] Aaahhhh, a little moment of peace and quiet.
[18:57] > +Solarchos rolls over onto his stomach and lays there on the couch, silent and relaxes. ^_^
[19:08] --> David O'Cain has joined #reddwarfbeta
[19:08] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to David O'Cain
[19:08] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +David O'Cain
[19:09] [+Solarchos] Hey David.
[19:10] [+David O'Cain] Hey, Solar. What's up?
[19:11] [+Solarchos] Just taking it easy after a long day. Things have been plenty busy.
[19:15] [+David O'Cain] Yeah, Morrigan said the other day things were on your end.
[19:15] [+Solarchos] How about you?
[19:16] [+Solarchos] I do hope Vinya will stop by soon. I'm looking forward to seeing how she and her daughter are settling in.
[19:20] [+David O'Cain] Another busy day of crook wrangling, housework, and relaxing. Oh yeah, got to meet Makoto last night. Nice gal.
[19:22] [+Solarchos] Makoto? As in Sailor Jupiter herself?
[19:23] [+David O'Cain] One hell of a cook, too.
[19:23] [+David O'Cain] The same.
[19:23] --> Miara [amongimmortals@terra.net] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[19:23] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Miara
[19:24] [+Solarchos] Nice. I've heard lots about her over the years. Of all the Senshi, I'd have to say she's one of my favorites.
[19:24] [+Solarchos] She's not still going on about guys she meets "looking like her old boyfriends" is she?
[19:25] > +Solarchos waves to Miara.
[19:25] [+Solarchos] Hi Miara. How are you feeling tonight?
[19:25] > +David O'Cain shrugs, "Wouldn't know about that."
[19:25] [+David O'Cain] Evening, Miara.
[19:25] > Miara goes behind the bar and crawls into the bottom cabinets to retrieve her stuff
[19:25] [Miara] Yo
[19:26] [+Solarchos] Uhhh, whatcha doing there, Miara?
[19:27] > +Solarchos is a little concerned about the tone of Miara's voice. She doesn't sound like her regular exüberant self.
[19:27] [Miara] Movin my stuff.
[19:28] [+Solarchos] I didn't realize you were moving to a new home. But then again I've been gone the last several days.
[19:29] [Miara] Just to Cora's, so sort of.
[19:30] [+Solarchos] Oh Miara, I have a bit of a surprise for you if you're interested.
[19:30] [Miara] Oh?
[19:31] > +Solarchos leans over the back of the couch. "Okay! She's here. Go!"
[19:31] --> Chibi-AnTil has joined #reddwarfbeta
[19:31] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Chibi-AnTil
[19:31] > Chibi-AnTil quickly scampers over to Miara. :3
[19:32] > Chibi-AnTil is holding a gift-wrapped box in his hands. :3
[19:33] [Miara] Hey there~
[19:33] [Miara] Whatcha got?
[19:33] [Chibi-AnTil] I'm four! :D
[19:34] > Chibi-AnTil holds up the box to Miara. ^__^
[19:34] [Miara] Four? Really?
[19:34] > Miara looks very surprised at this
[19:35] [+Solarchos] The Kits had a big birthday party just a few days ago. Things were so busy back home we didn't have an opportunity to tell anyone here.
[19:35] > Miara takes the box, looking over the wrappings a minute
[19:35] [+Solarchos] AnTil and Alexianna are now four years old. Hard to believe, huh?
[19:36] > ~The box is a simple thing, wrapped up with white paper and twine. It's slightly heavy, too.
[19:36] [Miara] Yeah...Lupa children are different by this time.
[19:36] [+Solarchos] And little Catriona and Sylvester are three. They're getting so big.
[19:36] [+Solarchos] Oh? How so?
[19:36] [Miara] So, should I open it, AnTil?
[19:37] > Chibi-AnTil nod-nods! =^^=
[19:37] [Miara] Well then...
[19:38] > Miara rips open the paper and opens the box
[19:40] > ~The box contains several pounds of fresh venison! Uncooked and unspiced. Despite the fact it's raw, it looks to be high quality and appetizing.
[19:40] [Chibi-AnTil] For the Looopah!
[19:41] [+Solarchos] Little AnTilZha here insisted that I help him get some "yum-yums" for you and the Lupa.
[19:41] [Miara] Mmm, wow.
[19:41] [Miara] You're strong, huh?
[19:42] > Chibi-AnTil beams happily, trying to look proud, but looking more cute than anything else.
[19:44] > Miara smells it carefully, and takes a piece off to taste
[19:45] [+Solarchos] I know the Lupa prefer to hunt their food, but I hope and the others will enjoy it.
[19:45] [+David O'Cain] Lotta deer meat.
[19:45] [Chibi-AnTil] Yummy?
[19:45] [Miara] Yeah. Where's it from?
[19:46] [+Solarchos] From the forests of Unmei. They're teeming with game.
[19:47] [Chibi-AnTil] I help! :D
[19:47] [Miara] I bet you did!
[19:47] [+Solarchos] Heh, little AnTil spotted it before I did.
[19:49] [Miara] And that would account for the taste.
[19:49] [Miara] I guess I'll see if Vilya wants some, then. I don't know what she's doing for meat up here.
[19:49] [Miara] Thanks, guys ^_^
[19:49] > +Solarchos nods. "Different world, different ecology, different taste. Something like that, correct?"
[19:50] [Miara] Yup.
[19:51] [+Solarchos] How is Vilya doing? I haven't seen her around lately?
[19:52] [Miara] Yeah. As far as I know, she's still here.
[19:53] [+Solarchos] But that's about 10 pounds of venison meat right there. Hopefully that's enough to make a good hearty meal for you and some of your friends.
[19:55] [Miara] That's really thoughtful of you.
[19:57] > Chibi-AnTil flicks his ears in a cute display. =^^=
[19:57] [+Solarchos] Well, thank AnTil. It was his idea.
[19:58] [+David O'Cain] Really?
[19:59] [Miara] Thanks, AnTil ^_^
[19:59] [Miara] You wanna try some, too?
[20:00] [Chibi-AnTil] :D
[20:00] [Chibi-AnTil] Lupa yum-yums!
[20:02] [Miara] So...yes or no?
[20:03] > Chibi-AnTil nod-nods!
[20:05] > Miara takes a decent sized piece off and gives it to him
[20:05] [Miara] Anybody else?
[20:06] [+Solarchos] I'll have some.
[20:06] [+David O'Cain] Sure, I'll try some.
[20:06] > Chibi-AnTil nibbles on the meat vigorously. >:3
[20:07] > Miara gives some to each
[20:08] > +David O'Cain munches on the deer meat
[20:08] > +Solarchos eats the piece. "It's not cooked, but it's not the first time I've had to eat uncooked meat."
[20:09] > +Solarchos keeps nibbling, his ears flicking constantly as he gazes up at Miara. >:3
[20:09] [Chibi-AnTil] ^
[20:09] > Chibi-AnTil is the one who's ears are flicking constantly, not Daddy. Daddy doesn't have fox-ears, silly! ^__^
[20:10] [+David O'Cain] It's pretty good.
[20:13] [+Solarchos] Not bad.
[20:16] [Chibi-AnTil] Yummmmmm-eee~! >:d
[20:16] [Chibi-AnTil] >:D
[20:17] [+David O'Cain] Silly.
[20:22] [Miara] Uhoh, I gotta go. May be back in a bit! Thanks again ^_^
[20:22] > Miara is away: training
[20:22] [+David O'Cain] Later, Miara.
[20:22] [Chibi-AnTil] Awwww.
[20:23] [+Solarchos] Well, at least we got to give her the gift.
[20:29] [+David O'Cain] She definitely liked it.
[20:29] [+Solarchos] She sure seemed to. I'm glad. I was actually a little bit worried.
[20:33] [+Solarchos] Anyway, it's time for me to get home. There was plenty more meat than that and Inu-Kit's making stew out of most of it. We certainly don't want to be late now.
[20:33] [+Solarchos] Good night!
[20:33] [Chibi-AnTil] =^^=
[20:34] <-- +Solarchos [Fallen0081@EnclaveFedCom.Net] has left #reddwarfbeta ("Off to see how my lovely wife will surprise me this time!")
[20:34] <-- Chibi-AnTil has left #reddwarfbeta (Ooo-CHA!!)
[20:35] [+David O'Cain] Later.
[23:42] --> Minako Aino [SoldierOfLove@Venus.net] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[23:42] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Minako Aino
[23:42] [Minako Aino] Mohh... what a day... ~_~ Evening, Dave-san.
[23:44] [+David O'Cain] Hi, Minako.
[23:44] [+David O'Cain] How're you?
[23:44] > Minako Aino goes behind the bar and starts pouring herself a drink.
[23:45] [Minako Aino] My brain is exausted... Kato and I told our parents about me today and son of a b[SMEG]ch I cant drink! >_o
[23:46] [+David O'Cain] Right, the pregnancy. Don't wanna poison it with alcohol.
[23:47] > Minako Aino moans, sighs, and puts it all away.
[23:47] --> Katori Kaioh (casual) [blueboy@seapalace.nep.co] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[23:47] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Katori Kaioh (casual)
[23:47] > Katori Kaioh (casual) walks in calmly..but shaking a little
[23:48] [Minako Aino] Hey, Kato.. want a drink? No reason you shouldnt... ~_~
[23:48] [+David O'Cain] Hey, Katori.
[23:49] [Katori Kaioh (casual)] Minako....um....
[23:50] [Minako Aino] Kami-sama knows after today I could use one.. ~.~ I'm sorry about my mother..
[23:50] [Katori Kaioh (casual)] things have been going fast......and...
[23:50] > Minako Aino nods, leaning on the bar.
[23:50] > Katori Kaioh (casual) sighs...grabs minako's hand, puts something in it and closes it
[23:51] [Minako Aino] Ne? Nani?
[23:51] > Minako Aino looks at it, her eyes going very wide.
[23:52] [Katori Kaioh (casual)] ....Minako Aino..will you honor me in becoming my wife
[23:52] > Minako Aino studders, blinks, and makes a gurgling noise.
[23:53] > Minako Aino's eyes dart between the ring in her hand and Katori's face.
[23:53] > Minako Aino starts breathing really heavily.
[23:54] [+David O'Cain] Whoa.
[23:54] > Katori Kaioh (casual) blushes and smiles
[23:54] > Minako Aino takes one last, large, calming breath... throws herself around him and kisses him madly.
[23:56] > Minako Aino starts to cry, but keeps kissing.
[23:56] > Katori Kaioh (casual) nearly falls over but kisses back just as hard
[23:57] [Minako Aino] Yes... YES! Yes! I will! ;_;
[23:57] > Katori Kaioh (casual) smiles and hugs Minako tightly
[23:58] [Minako Aino] And not just because of whats happened.. *sniff* I've been waiting for this..
[23:59] [+David O'Cain] Awwww.
[23:59] > Minako Aino giggles, despite her crying.
[00:00] >>> Wednesday Dec 08 2010 <<<
[00:00] [Minako Aino] Moh.. I've spent so much of the last few days crying.. I swear it isn't normal. ^^; Hormones maybe..
[00:00] > Minako Aino holds the ring and her left ring finger out for him~
[00:00] [Katori Kaioh (casual)] you look beautiful when you cry
[00:01] > Katori Kaioh (casual) carefully puts the ring on Minako's finger
[00:02] > Minako Aino looks the ring over up close.
[00:03] > Katori Kaioh (casual) has given Minako a ring with a gold band from which there is tiny gems on the side..and one large diamond in the middle which shines in the light
[00:04] [Minako Aino] Its.. *sniffle* beautiful..
[00:06] [Minako Aino] we're going to have to act fast if we want good wedding photos. ^.^;
[00:06] [Katori Kaioh (casual)] best I could find
[00:06] > Minako Aino gives a bemused laugh, looking at it.
[00:07] [Minako Aino] Heh... heheheheh... guess it'll have to do. eee...
[00:07] > Katori Kaioh (casual) wraps his arms around minako
[00:08] --> Nephrite Masato (workout) [FormerGeneral@DarkKingdom.net] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[00:08] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Nephrite Masato (workout)
[00:09] [Minako Aino] Hehh.. I wondered how long until I saw you again, Manager-san.
[00:09] > Minako Aino is in Katori's arms, has tears running down her cheeks, and sporting a new ring~
[00:10] [Nephrite Masato (workout)] Yeah.... I've been busy lately finishing up the Circus girls tour...
[00:10] [+David O'Cain] Hey, Neph.
[00:10] [Minako Aino] You missed a lot. ^.^;
[00:11] > Katori Kaioh (casual) holds minako close
[00:11] > Minako Aino holds back.
[00:11] [Nephrite Masato (workout)] Um... ok. Care to fill me in? I feel like I've been rather disconnected to the world lately.
[00:12] > Minako Aino whispers to Katori.
[00:12] [Katori Kaioh (casual)] we might as well
[00:13] [Minako Aino] In no special order... Kato just proposed, I accepted, and I also happen to be carrying his child. *^___^*
[00:13] > Nephrite Masato (workout) sits at the bar, looking somewhat confused.
[00:14] [Nephrite Masato (workout)] So.... you're pregnant and just now got engaged?
[00:14] [Minako Aino] Have a problem with that? :p
[00:14] > Minako Aino leers a little.
[00:15] [Nephrite Masato (workout)] Question.... how long have you known you were pregnant.
[00:15] [Minako Aino] Day and a half.
[00:17] [Minako Aino] You're taking this calmly. Its almost dissapointing.
[00:17] [Nephrite Masato (workout)] Well then, I forgive you for not telling me sooner. :P
[00:18] [Nephrite Masato (workout)] What, were you expecting me to fly off the handle?
[00:18] [Minako Aino] Or maybe get excited for us :p
[00:19] [Nephrite Masato (workout)] Don't get me wrong, I'm happy for you both.
[00:19] > Nephrite Masato (workout) smiles
[00:20] [Katori Kaioh (casual)] I'm glad
[00:20] > Katori Kaioh (casual) kisses minako's cheek
[00:21] [Minako Aino] Think we can keep this from the general public finding out? Or maybe I should say to hell with it, and let everyone know of our love, ♡ even if it means I lose some fans.
[00:22] > Minako Aino leads Katori to the couch, her knees wobbling a little.
[00:23] > Katori Kaioh (casual) walks with Minako to the sofa
[00:24] [Nephrite Masato (workout)] Well, we could go either way with it Hell, you might gain MORE fans with a big public marriage.
[00:24] [Minako Aino] I'm afraid of loosing the lonely otaku demographic..
[00:27] [Nephrite Masato (workout)] I dunno.... I don't think it would hurt to make the wedding public. People LOVE a celebrity wedding. But, if you'd rather keep it private.
[00:28] [Katori Kaioh (casual)] we could have the wedding at my family's chapel
[00:28] [Minako Aino] You guys have your own chapel?
[00:29] [Katori Kaioh (casual)] I belive your group knows of it...the family bought it soon after it's completion
[00:29] [Minako Aino] Wait... not that one we fought the Death Busters in??
[00:30] [Nephrite Masato (workout)] Nothing I've ever heard of.
[00:30] > Katori Kaioh (casual) nods to Minako
[00:31] [Minako Aino] Heh... wild... well yeah, I guess without the traps it would be quite charming. Alright. ^_^
[00:33] [Katori Kaioh (casual)] it's better decorated now
[00:33] [Nephrite Masato (workout)] Well, I guess it was a good thing you decided to make a change to voice acting, isn't it Mina?
[00:33] [Minako Aino] Moh.. I still dont know how I got all that glue out of my hair. >.>
[00:34] [Minako Aino] Hai ^.^; Anyone interested? It will also give me more time to write.
[00:36] [Nephrite Masato (workout)] I've got a few offers.
[00:39] > Nephrite Masato (workout) stands, "Well.. congratulations to both of you."
[00:40] [Minako Aino] Arigatou. ^^
[00:41] [Minako Aino] Will you help us plan?
[00:41] [Nephrite Masato (workout)] Sure. I'd be happy to.
[00:41] > Minako Aino wraps her leg around Katori's.
[00:43] > Nephrite Masato (workout) walks over and grabs a bottle of water from the fridge.
[00:43] > Katori Kaioh (casual) smiles, hugging Minako
[00:44] [Nephrite Masato (workout)] As for now, I should be heading back home and getting ready for bed. I have something to prepare for in the morning.
[00:44] [Minako Aino] ❧ Niiiiight~ ❧
[00:45] > Nephrite Masato (workout) nods, "Goodnight you two"
[00:45] [Katori Kaioh (casual)] goodnight
[00:46] > Nephrite Masato (workout) keeps a somewhat forced smile as he leaves.
[00:46] [Katori Kaioh (casual)] what do you say, Minako..that we return to our bed :)
[00:46] <-- Nephrite Masato (workout) [FormerGeneral@DarkKingdom.net] has left #reddwarfbeta (Looks like I have more work to do.)
[00:47] [Minako Aino] ❧ Love the sound of that. ❧
[00:47] [+David O'Cain] Later, Neph.
[00:47] [+David O'Cain] Heh, and to you two.
[00:47] [Minako Aino] Night Dave-san.
[00:48] > Katori Kaioh (casual) picks up Minako in his arms
[00:48] > Minako Aino wraps her arms around his shoulders.
[00:50] <-- Katori Kaioh (casual) [blueboy@seapalace.nep.co] has left #reddwarfbeta (..how does it feel...my wife to be?)
[00:50] <-- Minako Aino [SoldierOfLove@Venus.net] has left #reddwarfbeta (You've made me so happy.. ;.;)
[00:51] [+David O'Cain] Well, that certainly was a happy moment.
[01:20] <-- +David O'Cain has left #reddwarfbeta (Guess I'll go home.)
[12:16] [Miara] (( anyone around? ))
[22:49] --> David O'Cain has joined #reddwarfbeta
[22:49] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to David O'Cain
[22:49] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +David O'Cain
[22:49] > +David O'Cain plops down on a sofa
[23:20] > +David O'Cain opens a vid-window and begins fiddling around with some code
[23:41] [+David O'Cain] Hmm.
[23:53] > +David O'Cain closes the vid-window as if he was crumpling up a piece of paper
[00:00] >>> Thursday Dec 09 2010 <<<
[00:39] --> Masaki O'Cain (nightgown) [RisingStorm@ZepherTech.com] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[00:39] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Masaki O'Cain (nightgown)
[00:39] > Masaki O'Cain (nightgown) walks up behind david and kisses his cheek
[00:40] [Masaki O'Cain (nightgown)] honey..what are you doing up here all alone?
[00:46] [+David O'Cain] Heh. Oh, thought I'd do a bit of work on that horde program I was thinking about.
[00:48] > +David O'Cain gives Masaki a hug
[00:48] [Masaki O'Cain (nightgown)] you work alot lately
[00:49] [+David O'Cain] Really?
[00:51] > Masaki O'Cain (nightgown) kisses david's other cheek "yup...me and azumi are getting worried"
[00:52] [+David O'Cain] I'm sorry. What can I do to make things up to you two cuties?
[00:54] [Masaki O'Cain (nightgown)] well for one thing spend time with us rather then that computer system of yours :P
[00:55] > +David O'Cain kisses Masaki on the lips, "Done." :P
[00:56] > Masaki O'Cain (nightgown) returns the kiss "I'm keeping you to your word"
[01:00] --> Naftis Katheti has joined #reddwarfbeta
[01:00] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Naftis Katheti
[01:00] [+David O'Cain] How's my lovely redhead doing?
[01:01] > Naftis Katheti blinks.
[01:01] [Masaki O'Cain (nightgown)] oh I'm fine
[01:01] > Naftis Katheti shrugs and gets herself some wine.
[01:01] [+David O'Cain] That's good.
[01:02] [+David O'Cain] Evening, Naftis.
[01:02] [Masaki O'Cain (nightgown)] tell you what, dear...I'll head home..and get the bed nice and warm for you ^_~
[01:02] [Naftis Katheti] Hello David and Masaki O'Cain.
[01:03] [Masaki O'Cain (nightgown)] night dear *gives david a kiss on the lips*
[01:04] > +David O'Cain kisses Masaki back, "I'll see you at home."
[01:04] > Naftis Katheti gets a glass of wine and sits in the window, looking out.
[01:05] <-- Masaki O'Cain (nightgown) [RisingStorm@ZepherTech.com] has left #reddwarfbeta
[01:05] [+David O'Cain] How're you, Naftis?
[01:06] [Naftis Katheti] Mmm? Alright I guess.. I confess I have a lot on my mind. Yourself?
[01:08] [+David O'Cain] I'm doing alright myself.
[01:09] --> Hotaru Tomoe [EarthboundFirefly@mugen.edu] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[01:09] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Hotaru Tomoe
[01:09] > Naftis Katheti looks at Hotaru Tomoe
[01:09] ➣ Hotaru Tomoe: Finally grown up to her full potential, Hotaru is almost 30 and actually looks her age. She bears a striking resemblance to Mistress 9 as she appeared when possessing Hotaru's body, but Hotaru retains her short cropped hairstyle and friendly eyes. When it suits her, she can also revert to her younger appearance.
[01:10] [+David O'Cain] Whoa. Who's this?
[01:11] [Naftis Katheti] Mistress 9. She's here to overrun the ship.
[01:11] --> Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown) [HeadCook@RedDwarf.net] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[01:11] [@HOL_6000] Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown) reporting for duty.
[01:11] [+David O'Cain] Mistress 9? Huh?
[01:11] [Hotaru Tomoe] ?me chuckles to herself and plays along.
[01:11] > Naftis Katheti giggles.
[01:11] [Hotaru Tomoe] >:3
[01:13] > Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown) walks in and pauses
[01:13] > +David O'Cain has a confused look on his face
[01:14] [Naftis Katheti] I bet these two have lots of energy and pure star seeds~
[01:15] [Hotaru Tomoe] What?~
[01:15] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown)] Wait.... aren't you.....
[01:15] > Naftis Katheti sips her wine and looks into space, indifferent.
[01:15] [Hotaru Tomoe] Pure hearts are what I prefer. >:3
[01:15] [Naftis Katheti] Ohhh of course, how silly of me. Well then, probably Kaede before David.
[01:16] > Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown) gasps, turning and running out
[01:16] [Hotaru Tomoe] Aww..
[01:16] [Naftis Katheti] Kaede, come back.
[01:16] > Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown) is away: She's turned on us and brought reinforcements!
[01:17] [Naftis Katheti] uh oh.. ~_~ This is going to backfire, isn't it?
[01:17] [+David O'Cain] I'm still confused on just what the hell is going on.
[01:17] [Hotaru Tomoe] Okay, so maybe not the BEST joke ever. <_<
[01:17] [Hotaru Tomoe] David, it's me. Hotaru. Sailor Saturn.
[01:18] [Naftis Katheti] Remind me not to attempt humor regarding past villany again. >_<
[01:18] [+David O'Cain] Really?! O_o
[01:18] [Naftis Katheti] I fixed her age, though I think I might have overdone it.
[01:18] [Hotaru Tomoe] Don't worry about Mistress 9, she's in a little box on my mantle.
[01:18] [+David O'Cain] Hotaru...you look damn amazing.
[01:18] > Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown) is back
[01:19] [Hotaru Tomoe] It was a big change to grow up all at once, yeah. <_<
[01:19] > Hotaru Tomoe blushes a bit. "Thanks~"
[01:19] > Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown) runs in, pointing a gun and lighting her laser whip
[01:19] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown)] YOU WILL NOT TAKE MY SHIP!
[01:19] [Hotaru Tomoe] o_o
[01:19] [Naftis Katheti] O__o K..Kaede! Put that down, please! It was a bad joke! This is Hotaru!
[01:20] [Hotaru Tomoe] Hai.. o_o
[01:21] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown)] H...how do I know you're not really Mistress 9!? I know who she is!
[01:22] > Hotaru Tomoe closes her eyes and concentrates, slowly shrinking herself back to her former adolescent appearance.
[01:22] [Naftis Katheti] She can turn back to a lolita, if you want to see, but Mistress 9 could do that too..
[01:23] [Hotaru Tomoe (Teen)] I could go get her if you want more proof, though you wouldn't recognize her at the moment. <_<
[01:24] > Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown) looks confused
[01:24] [Naftis Katheti] Do you know anything about Star Seeds, Kaede?
[01:25] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown)] A..... a little
[01:26] [Hotaru Tomoe (Teen)] Mine was a little damaged..
[01:27] [+David O'Cain] Damaged? More importantly, what are star seeds?
[01:27] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown)] So this.... really was a joke....
[01:27] [Naftis Katheti] Hotaru's coexisted in a sort of parasitic relationship with Mistress 9's. Its complicated, but I was able to remove her from Hotaru's, and in the process, fix the bug in her senshi essence that kept her as a young girl....
[01:27] [Hotaru Tomoe (Teen)] Between Mistress 9 and my rebirth and forced aging, things got a little out of whack.
[01:28] [Naftis Katheti] If it wasn't, we would have took you down by now. *^_^*
[01:28] [Hotaru Tomoe (Teen)] Hai, it's all me and only me now.
[01:28] > Hotaru Tomoe concentrates and restores her adult form.
[01:29] > Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown) turns off her weapons and puts them on the bar| Oh wow.... I feel like an idiot now ~_~
[01:29] [Naftis Katheti] No, no, it was my folly.
[01:29] > Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown) watches Hotaru change in amazement
[01:30] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown)] Woah......
[01:30] [Hotaru Tomoe] What do you think?
[01:30] [+David O'Cain] Simply amazing, but I still don't know what a star seed is.
[01:31] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown)] You're...... stunning, Hotaru-san~
[01:33] [Hotaru Tomoe] Thanks~ *^_^*
[01:35] [Hotaru Tomoe] Naftis-san knows a lot more about star seeds than I do.
[01:35] [Naftis Katheti] Sailor Senshi, Knights, and other remarkable individuals have star seeds. Seeds that exist within them that contain their essence, and give them their outstanding traits. Hotaru's was altered by me, but also complicated by Pharaoh 90infecting her with Mistress 9. Its... extremely complicated. ^_^;
[01:36] > Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown) walks over and suddenly hugs Hotaru
[01:36] [+David O'Cain] I see. Never knew such things.
[01:37] > Hotaru Tomoe giggles and hugs Kaede back.
[01:37] [Hotaru Tomoe] Sorry I'm not quite your size anymore, but at least I can change back if I want to. ^_^;
[01:38] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown)] It's ok, Hotaru-san
[01:38] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown)] You're so super pretty like this.
[01:39] [Hotaru Tomoe] It really is pretty amazing. ^_^;
[01:40] [Naftis Katheti] I'm glad you like it. ^_^
[01:40] [+David O'Cain] A real beauty.
[01:42] > Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown) finally lets go of Hotaru, blushing a little
[01:51] [+David O'Cain] Anyway, I better get going, ladies. You three take care.
[01:51] <-- +David O'Cain has left #reddwarfbeta (Good night.)
[01:51] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown)] G'night Dave-san
[01:51] [Naftis Katheti] Goodnight.
[01:52] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown)] So... would anyone like a drink?
[01:52] > Naftis Katheti finishes her wine. "Sure!"
[01:53] [Hotaru Tomoe] Hai~
[01:54] [Naftis Katheti] Mmm, I bet this new body can process alcohol many time better than you could before. ♡
[01:54] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown)] At this point, I could use a mudslide
[01:56] > Hotaru Tomoe chuckles. "I'm sure it can." ^_^;
[01:57] [Naftis Katheti] Sounds good. Lets start with a round of double mudslides.
[01:58] > Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown) hops over the bar and starts throwing them together.
[02:05] > Hotaru Tomoe sits next to Naftis and leans on her a bit.
[02:06] > Naftis Katheti holds Hotaru from behind and kisses her cheek.
[02:06] [Naftis Katheti] So, you're enjoying your newfound maturity?
[02:06] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown)] So, you two must be even happier now. ^_^
[02:06] [Hotaru Tomoe] Very much so, so far~
[02:06] [Naftis Katheti] If she's happy, I'm happy.
[02:08] [Naftis Katheti] Still debating what to do with your big sister, then?
[02:10] [Hotaru Tomoe] Hai, that's going to take some thought.
[02:10] [Hotaru Tomoe] She is safe in her little box, ne?
[02:11] [Naftis Katheti] Oh yes. She's quite harmless as she is now, even if she wasn't in a secure box.
[02:11] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown)] You really have Mistress 9 in a little box?
[02:12] [Hotaru Tomoe] In star seed form anyway.
[02:14] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown)] Wow, that's amazing
[02:16] > Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown) turns off the blender and pours three cups
[02:17] [Naftis Katheti] Know anyone else who used to be possessed and might have a dormant personality?
[02:20] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown)] Nope
[02:20] > Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown) slides each of the girls their drinks and sits next to Hotaru, opposite Naftis
[02:21] > Naftis Katheti sips her's, still holding Hotaru.
[02:22] [Hotaru Tomoe] No one springs instantly to mind
[02:22] [Naftis Katheti] I was half-joking, but I would help if I could. ^_^
[02:25] [Naftis Katheti] I'm not sure I could help someone who didn't have a true star seed..
[02:26] > Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown) sips her drink
[02:26] [Naftis Katheti] Whats new in your life, Kaede?
[02:27] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown)] Well.... I met one of my idols the other day.
[02:27] [Naftis Katheti] Do tell.
[02:28] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown)] I finally got to meet Makoto-sama!
[02:28] [Naftis Katheti] Ah yes. I'm very happy to see her again.
[02:30] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown)] I couldn't believe I finally got to meet her.
[02:30] [Naftis Katheti] Your idol? Do you say that about ~all~ senshi, or is she special?
[02:31] > Naftis Katheti squeezes Hotaru a little more.
[02:35] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown)] Well, all the senshi are like idols to me. But Makoto-sama was the other inspiration for my cooking next to my mama.
[02:37] > Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown) sips her drink
[02:40] [Hotaru Tomoe] Aww.. That's sweet. ^_^
[02:40] [Hotaru Tomoe] Makoto-san certainly is a talented cook.
[02:41] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown)] I have yet to taste any of her cooking. I've heard it's awesome.
[02:41] [Naftis Katheti] And a wonderful woman. Poor girl.. part of her always hoped that her strong domestics would help her find a man and I'm doing it again! >_O
[02:42] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown)] Huh?
[02:43] [Naftis Katheti] Blabbing senshi secrets ~.~
[02:45] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown)] It's pretty well known that Makoto-sama has had a hard time getting a man.
[02:46] [Naftis Katheti] ...really? How on Earth did you find that out?
[02:46] [Hotaru Tomoe] This IS Kaede we're talking about. :P
[02:48] > Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown) grins and sips her drink
[02:48] [Naftis Katheti] Intriguing..
[02:52] > Naftis Katheti sips her drink.
[02:54] [Naftis Katheti] Mm.. I think I should retire.. I need to plan our next expedition..
[02:55] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown)] Awww, ok
[02:56] [Hotaru Tomoe] I'll be along shortly, dear.
[02:56] > Naftis Katheti kisses Hotaru and stands.
[02:57] [Naftis Katheti] Next time we'll have to see how much you know about me, Kaede.
[02:57] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown)] um, alright Naftis-san
[02:58] <-- Naftis Katheti has left #reddwarfbeta
[02:59] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown)] Not that I mind, Hotaru-san... but why didn't you leave with Naftis-san?
[03:01] [Hotaru Tomoe] I still have some mudslide to finish. ^_^;;
[03:01] [Hotaru Tomoe] And I'm not quite tired yet.
[03:02] > Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown) sips her drink and grins| I thought maybe it was cause you wanted to spend more time with little old me.
[03:04] [Hotaru Tomoe] That's a nice side effect. :P
[03:04] > Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown) giggle
[03:07] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown)] So, what all have you done in your new body?
[03:08] [Hotaru Tomoe] Not much yet. ^_^;
[03:08] [Hotaru Tomoe] I did go clothes shopping today, though.
[03:08] [Hotaru Tomoe] Turned lots of guys' heads. :3
[03:08] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown)] I bet you did. ^_^
[03:11] > Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown) sips her drink with a grin
[03:11] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown)] Have you tried it with any of the... fun activities yet? ^_~
[03:12] [Hotaru Tomoe] :P Maybe, maybe not.
[03:13] > Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown) giggles
[03:16] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown)] I bet things like that would be even more fun in a larger body like yours
[03:17] [Hotaru Tomoe] ^_^; It's possible.
[03:21] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown)] I'm sure Naftis-san will find out when you get home. If she hasn't already. ^_~
[03:21] > Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown) takes a long drink from her cup
[03:21] > Hotaru Tomoe giggles~
[03:24] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown)] Sorry I'm in such a naughty mood. I guess this drink is starting to hit me.... not to mention that this new body of yours is so sexy....~
[03:24] [Hotaru Tomoe] It's quite understandable. ^_^;;
[03:27] > Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown) looks at her with a grin and a light blush | I almost wanna' play with you myself~
[03:28] [Hotaru Tomoe] ^_^; It's tempting, but Naftis will probably be waiting for me.
[03:28] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown)] I know
[03:32] > Hotaru Tomoe yawns.
[03:36] > Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown) finishes her drink
[03:36] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown)] I should let you go, you're getting tired.
[03:39] [Hotaru Tomoe] Hai, I'll see you later, maybe we can go shopping or something?
[03:40] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown)] Sounds great. G'night Hotaru-san. ^_^
[03:40] [Hotaru Tomoe] Oyasumi, Kaede-chan. ^_^
[03:40] > Hotaru Tomoe puts her glass in the sink and heads out.
[03:40] <-- Hotaru Tomoe [EarthboundFirefly@mugen.edu] has left #reddwarfbeta
[03:45] > Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown) puts her glass in the sink and heads to her quarters
[03:45] <-- Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown) [HeadCook@RedDwarf.net] has left #reddwarfbeta (An interesting night.)
[21:49] --> Miara [amongimmortals@terra.net] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[21:49] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Miara
[21:49] [Miara] Helloo?
[21:51] --> David O'Cain has joined #reddwarfbeta
[21:51] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to David O'Cain
[21:51] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +David O'Cain
[21:52] [+David O'Cain] Oh, hey, Miara.
[21:52] [Miara] Hey Dave
[21:52] [+David O'Cain] How ya doing?
[21:52] [Miara] I'm alright.
[21:52] [Miara] You?
[21:58] [+David O'Cain] Doing pretty good.
[22:05] [Miara] Cool.
[22:06] [Miara] Anything going on today?
[22:07] [+David O'Cain] Well, been having to spend more time with Masaki and Azumi because I've had my eyes glued to a computer screen working on the horde program for up here.
[22:11] [+David O'Cain] So I took them out for dinner at a fancy restaurant and had a good time there.
[22:13] [Miara] Aww, that's nice.
[22:14] [Miara] I think my program is almost done, finally.
[22:14] [Miara] I've been doing it from in the program, though, I don't know anything about the coding stuff.
[22:15] [+David O'Cain] Ah. What program were you working on again?
[22:17] [Miara] The surprise one :p
[22:20] [+David O'Cain] Oh, right. ^_^;
[22:25] [+David O'Cain] Besides your surprise, been doing much else?
[22:26] [Miara] SOoo.
[22:26] [Miara] Training
[22:26] [Miara] Got the last of my stuff set up down in Cora's house
[22:27] [Miara] And went to see futuredoc about some tests.
[22:28] [+David O'Cain] Futuredoc?
[22:29] [Miara] A doctor I know in my local time.
[22:29] [Miara] He runs a free clinic.
[22:31] [+David O'Cain] Oh, okay.
[22:40] [Miara] I guess I'd better get going.
[22:40] [Miara] Night, David
[22:40] <-- Miara [amongimmortals@terra.net] has left #reddwarfbeta (Stand up and watch me!)
[22:47] [+David O'Cain] Night.
[00:00] >>> Friday Dec 10 2010 <<<
[01:28] <-- +David O'Cain has left #reddwarfbeta
[00:00] >>> Saturday Dec 11 2010 <<<
[13:47] --> Ryoga Hibiki has joined #reddwarfbeta
[13:47] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Ryoga Hibiki
[13:47] > Ryoga Hibiki walks in, looking at a tattered map, and comparing it to the room, looking confused.
[13:48] [Ryoga Hibiki] This.... isn't China...
[13:48] <-- Ryoga Hibiki has left #reddwarfbeta (Must be this way..)
[19:09] --> David O'Cain has joined #reddwarfbeta
[19:09] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to David O'Cain
[19:09] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +David O'Cain
[19:11] [+David O'Cain] Man, I knew it would be chilly, but dropping temps can really make things a little worse.
[19:12] > +David O'Cain gets some hot chocolate ready
[19:13] > +David O'Cain (casual) removes his coat and places it on a sofa
[19:17] --> Masaki O'Cain (Casual) [RisingStorm@ZepherTech.com] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[19:17] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Masaki O'Cain (Casual)
[19:17] [Masaki O'Cain (Casual)] mind getting a second one?
[19:18] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Heh, alrighty.
[19:19] > +David O'Cain (casual) gets two mugs and pours in the chocolate
[19:19] [+David O'Cain (casual)] There you are.
[19:21] [Masaki O'Cain (Casual)] thank you, dear ^^
[19:22] [+David O'Cain (casual)] I knew I should have paid more attention to the weather report. Must have been one of those falling temp situations.
[19:28] [Masaki O'Cain (Casual)] go somewhere cold?
[19:29] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Yeah. Midwestern America. Really cold.
[19:32] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Thankfully I was indoors most of the time, but still it's like stepping into a walk-in freezer without being prepared for it.
[19:33] [+David O'Cain (casual)] So, whatcha been up to besides taking care of your shop?
[19:34] [Masaki O'Cain (Casual)] getting the house ready for christmas
[19:34] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Cool.
[19:38] [Masaki O'Cain (Casual)] cool is that all you can say :P
[19:40] [+David O'Cain (casual)] How flashy is it looking?
[19:42] [Masaki O'Cain (Casual)] not much
[19:42] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Okay, good.
[19:46] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Wasn't looking to have it seem like you could see it from space.
[19:47] [Masaki O'Cain (Casual)] well it's not like we have much to use for decorations
[19:48] [+David O'Cain (casual)] That's very true.
[19:51] [Masaki O'Cain (Casual)] still need to buy some christmas cake
[19:52] [+David O'Cain (casual)] We do?
[19:54] [Masaki O'Cain (Casual)] well yeah
[19:55] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Oh yeah. I'll get on that tomorrow.
[19:58] [Masaki O'Cain (Casual)] heh well not sure if they're on sale just yet
[19:59] > Masaki O'Cain (Casual) sips her hot cocoa
[20:00] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Oh, alright.
[20:05] > Masaki O'Cain (Casual) pokes her husband's forehead
[20:08] [+David O'Cain (casual)] :P
[20:13] [Masaki O'Cain (Casual)] :P you are so goofy..that's why I love you
[20:17] > +David O'Cain (casual) quickly huggles Masaki and kisses her
[20:24] > Masaki O'Cain (Casual) smiles and kisses back
[20:29] > +David O'Cain (casual) sips his hot cocoa
[20:30] --> Solarchos [Fallen0081@EnclaveFedCom.Net] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[20:30] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Solarchos
[20:30] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Solarchos
[20:30] [+Solarchos] Oops, am I interrupting anything?
[20:31] [Masaki O'Cain (Casual)] nope
[20:31] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Hey, Solar.
[20:32] [+Solarchos] Okay. Don't mean to disturb either of you though.
[20:33] > +Solarchos gets some water and sips at it.
[20:33] [+David O'Cain (casual)] What's up, man?
[20:34] [+Solarchos] Not too much. How are the both of you tonight?
[20:34] [+Solarchos] Masaki, I haven't seen you in a long time. How've you been?
[20:35] [Masaki O'Cain (Casual)] oh I'm alright
[20:35] [Masaki O'Cain (Casual)] been busy
[20:36] [+David O'Cain (casual)] I'm doing alright as well.
[20:38] [+Solarchos] Glad to hear it.
[20:41] > +Solarchos yawns and stretches. "Oh, excuse me!"
[20:42] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Long day at nobility?
[20:43] [+Solarchos] Kind of. It's been very busy over at the Enclave getting the Kinyusians settled in.
[20:44] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Ah. Heh, bet your kids are just having the time of their lives.
[20:45] [+Solarchos] Oh they are. All of them are having an incredible time making new friends and meeting so many new people. And they've all got fox-tails just like them.
[20:47] > +David O'Cain (casual) nods
[20:48] [+Solarchos] Inu-Kit's totally in her element, though. Being a public speaker and mediator is something she loves.
[20:51] [+Solarchos] And then there's Ara-su!
[20:51] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Heh.
[20:52] > +David O'Cain (casual) holds Masaki
[20:54] [+Solarchos] Ara-su's having a lot of fun, too. Some of the younger Kinyusians have apparently been thinking she's either Inu-Kit's baby sister or cousin. Or perhaps an older sibling to the Kits.
[20:56] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Really?
[20:58] [+Solarchos] Well, you know how Ara-su looks, right? Little fox-girl with coppery hair.
[20:59] [+Solarchos] And she usually sticks near me. So they saw her from a distance and some of them thought there was a resemblance between her and I. Especially when Ara-su copies my expressions behind my back when I'm not looking.
[21:01] [Masaki O'Cain (Casual)] you boys and your talk :P
[21:01] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Weird.
[21:01] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Hey. You're making it sound lke a bad thing. :P
[21:01] [+Solarchos] You've never met Aratasujou, have you Masaki?
[21:02] [Masaki O'Cain (Casual)] solar..I've never met half the people you hang around with
[21:05] [+Solarchos] Heh, hopefully you'll be here when she comes for a visit.
[21:05] --> Aratasujou has joined #reddwarfbeta
[21:05] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Aratasujou
[21:06] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Speak and she comes.
[21:06] > Aratasujou pops up behind Solar-kun with a mischievous expression and her finger held over her mouth. "Sssssh!"
[21:08] [+Solarchos] Huh? Where?
[21:08] > +Solarchos turns to look around.
[21:08] > Aratasujou quickly flits out of the way and stays in hiding, but peers out from around the side of the couch at everyone and waves. =^^=
[21:10] > +David O'Cain (casual) waves back
[21:10] [Masaki O'Cain (Casual)] WHOa
[21:11] [Aratasujou] :D
[21:12] > Aratasujou starts to dance EXACTLY like one of the people in *this* video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wza9QWogfxQ
[21:12] [+David O'Cain (casual)] O_o
[21:13] > +Solarchos takes notice! "What...the?!" o___O
[21:14] [Masaki O'Cain (Casual)] that is...nuts
[21:14] [+David O'Cain (casual)] I'm not really sure what I'm looking at...
[21:16] [+Solarchos] Me neither...
[21:16] [Aratasujou] ♬ It's Spiderman~! :D ♭
[21:18] [Aratasujou] Nyoro! Heeeeee!
[21:18] [Aratasujou] You all look silly!
[21:18] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Oh, and you don't? :P
[21:19] [Masaki O'Cain (Casual)] um....yeah
[21:21] [Aratasujou] Me no look silly. Me always cute! ^^
[21:21] [+Solarchos] Heh.
[21:22] > Masaki O'Cain (Casual) pokes ara
[21:23] > Aratasujou giggles as she's poked. ^_^
[21:23] [Aratasujou] Konichi-wa!
[21:24] [Masaki O'Cain (Casual)] it talks O_O
[21:25] [Aratasujou] Me not an "it"! Me a familiar!
[21:25] > +David O'Cain (casual) chuckles lightly
[21:26] [+Solarchos] Ara-su here is...someone who was created specifically for me by some of Morrigan's friends.
[21:27] --> Ryoga Hibiki has joined #reddwarfbeta
[21:27] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Ryoga Hibiki
[21:27] > Ryoga Hibiki compares the room to the same tattered map.
[21:27] > +Solarchos looks at Ryoga Hibiki
[21:27] ➣ Ryoga Hibiki: A young Japanese man with baggy yellow and black clothes and matching spotted Bandana visible under his poofy black hair. He often wears a large tan backpack and wields an odd red umbrella.
[21:27] [Ryoga Hibiki] Could have swore I was in here earlier.. only now theres people..
[21:28] [Masaki O'Cain (Casual)] huh...yo there
[21:28] > Aratasujou quickly floats over to the strange man and begins poking his poofy hair.
[21:28] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Hello.
[21:29] [+Solarchos] Can we help you?
[21:29] [Ryoga Hibiki] Um.. yes, does anyone know the way to Wuhan from here?
[21:31] [+Solarchos] Wuhan?
[21:31] [+Solarchos] I don't think I've ever heard of there.
[21:31] [Ryoga Hibiki] Yes. I'm a little lost. ^_^;
[21:31] [Masaki O'Cain (Casual)] Wuhan.....Wuhan
[21:31] [Masaki O'Cain (Casual)] you're in the wrong country
[21:31] [Masaki O'Cain (Casual)] wrong area actually
[21:32] [Ryoga Hibiki] >__>
[21:32] [Masaki O'Cain (Casual)] you'd have to go to china...move south...go (gives directions)
[21:32] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Better write it down.
[21:32] > Ryoga Hibiki pulls a pad and pen from his backpack and writes them down.
[21:33] > Aratasujou keeps poking the strange man's poofy hair. She's utterly mesmerized by it. O__O
[21:33] [Ryoga Hibiki] Hey thanks. =D
[21:33] > Ryoga Hibiki smiles, showing his fangs, and darts out the door.
[21:33] <-- Ryoga Hibiki has left #reddwarfbeta (Now... which way was it?)
[21:35] [Masaki O'Cain (Casual)] ...I hung out with a chinese girl
[21:35] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Really? Who was it, Masaki?
[21:35] [Aratasujou] Hair...! O___O
[21:40] > +Solarchos reaches out and picks up Aratasujou in his arms. "Well, I should be heading for home now. It's getting late and it's time for all good little foxes to be tucked into bed."
[21:40] [Masaki O'Cain (Casual)] no one you would know heh
[21:40] [+Solarchos] Including little familiars like this one!
[21:40] [Aratasujou] Heee!
[21:41] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Alright, Solar. Take care, man.
[21:41] [Aratasujou] Night-night! Nyoro!
[21:41] > Aratasujou waves to everyone. =^^=
[21:43] > +David O'Cain (casual) waves back
[21:44] <-- +Solarchos [Fallen0081@EnclaveFedCom.Net] has left #reddwarfbeta ("Nice seeing you again Masaki.")
[21:44] <-- Aratasujou has left #reddwarfbeta (NYORO~!! =^^=)
[21:45] [+David O'Cain (casual)] So, no Chinese woman I'd know, huh?
[21:46] [Masaki O'Cain (Casual)] heh nope
[21:53] [+David O'Cain (casual)] And you won't tell me, either?
[21:55] [Masaki O'Cain (Casual)] well does it really matter XD
[21:57] > +David O'Cain (casual) shrugs
[21:57] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Heh.
[22:02] [+David O'Cain (casual)] But that guy who was lost looking for China, boy was he nowhere near the country.
[22:06] [Masaki O'Cain (Casual)] heh that's for sure
[22:10] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Should we have shown him how far up he was?
[22:12] [Masaki O'Cain (Casual)] that might have shocked him
[22:14] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Yeah, he would have been, "OH S[SMEG]T!" O_O
[22:18] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Whether we would have laughed at him or not, I have no idea.
[22:19] > Masaki O'Cain (Casual) giggles
[22:22] > +David O'Cain (casual) moves Masaki onto his lap
[22:27] > Masaki O'Cain (Casual) makes herself comfy
[22:32] [+David O'Cain (casual)] So, how's the shop?
[22:42] [Masaki O'Cain (Casual)] oh just fine
[22:43] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Good to hear. Hope the help has been, well, helpful.
[22:50] [Masaki O'Cain (Casual)] heh it always is
[22:50] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Any new assistants?
[22:52] [Masaki O'Cain (Casual)] nope
[22:53] > +David O'Cain (casual) nods
[23:09] [Masaki O'Cain (Casual)] heh we are boring
[23:11] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Unfortunately, we are. >_>;
[23:14] [Masaki O'Cain (Casual)] well what does my husband want to do?
[23:16] --> Miara [amongimmortals@terra.net] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[23:16] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Miara
[23:17] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Hi, Miara.
[23:17] [Masaki O'Cain (Casual)] heh hello there
[23:17] [Miara] Hey Dave, Masaki!
[23:18] [+David O'Cain (casual)] How ya doing?
[23:18] [Miara] Good! You?
[23:20] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Doing alright.
[23:25] [Miara] You two have a nice day?
[23:27] [Masaki O'Cain (Casual)] oh mine was fine. I was working on decorating the house
[23:29] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Yep. Paid a visit to the Midwest, and nearly froze.
[23:29] [Miara] Sounds nice.
[23:29] [Miara] Oh?
[23:31] [Miara] I spent the day in the Himalayan plains, it was nice.
[23:31] [Miara] The cutest little rabbit things live there, pika I think.
[23:31] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Pika? Never heard of those.
[23:33] [Miara] http://en.tibet.cn/news/tin/t20070720_272119.htm
[23:33] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Awwwwww.
[23:34] [Miara] Yeah ^_^
[23:34] [Masaki O'Cain (Casual)] AWWWWWWWWWWW
[23:36] [Miara] I wonder how they'd do as pets?
[23:37] [+David O'Cain (casual)] No idea.
[23:38] [Miara] I probably need something more active, though...
[23:40] [Miara] But they're probably great to cuddle...
[23:40] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Probably.
[23:44] [Masaki O'Cain (Casual)] I'm not sure if I would be good with a pet
[23:47] [Miara] Aww, why not?
[23:48] [Masaki O'Cain (Casual)] I was always too rough with animals
[23:49] [+David O'Cain (casual)] That bad, huh?
[23:51] [Miara] What you need is a tough animal then, something that's like that.
[23:57] [Masaki O'Cain (Casual)] like what?
[23:58] --> Ryoga Hibiki has joined #reddwarfbeta
[23:58] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Ryoga Hibiki
[23:59] > Ryoga Hibiki enters, carrying the same map and the notepad with Dave's directions.
[23:59] [Masaki O'Cain (Casual)] ...
[23:59] [Masaki O'Cain (Casual)] ....you're back?
[23:59] [Ryoga Hibiki] I could SWEAR I was here before.... ~_~
[00:00] >>> Sunday Dec 12 2010 <<<
[00:00] [Masaki O'Cain (Casual)] you were
[00:00] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Uh, you were here before. You got lost even WITH directions?
[00:01] > Ryoga Hibiki gives a loud, angry moan.
[00:02] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Masaki, are you as baffled as I am on what has happened?
[00:02] [Ryoga Hibiki] I better just camp here for the night..
[00:03] [Miara] Hi there!
[00:03] [Miara] Where are you trying to get to?
[00:04] [Ryoga Hibiki] ung... Wuhan, China..
[00:04] [Miara] I can take you there, want a lift?
[00:05] > Ryoga Hibiki removes and drops his backpack, which thuds very loudly to the floor and shakes the room a little.
[00:05] [Ryoga Hibiki] You can? In a few, sure! I really need some rest now though..
[00:05] [Miara] Alright, let me know.
[00:06] > Ryoga Hibiki's stomach gives a loud growl.... and he falls on his face, bent over. X_X
[00:07] > Miara zips down to the kitchen
[00:07] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Sheesh, what the hell's in that bag?
[00:08] [Ryoga Hibiki] Sorry.. I ran out of food a few days ago.. havent found any in this weird place..
[00:09] > Miara returns with some cold cuts and an assortment of fruits
[00:10] [Miara] Here, start with that for now.
[00:10] [Ryoga Hibiki] The bag? Oh... a tent, some clothes.. some hides I was hoping to sell.. Food! O_O
[00:11] > Ryoga Hibiki beams at the food for a moment, drool falling from his lip and fangs comically, before he attacks it.
[00:12] [Miara] You gonna want more?
[00:13] [Ryoga Hibiki] If ooo haa ihh *gulp* if you have it, please!
[00:13] [Miara] We have plenty!
[00:13] > Miara returns to the kitchen
[00:15] [+David O'Cain (casual)] I don't think we asked you earlier, who are ya?
[00:16] > Miara returns with a plate of steaming pork buns and a pitcher of water
[00:16] [Ryoga Hibiki] Ryoga Hibiki, if you want my family name second. Nice to meet you.
[00:17] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Nice to meet you two. I'm David O'Cain.
[00:17] [Miara] Hi Ryoya! I'm Miara.
[00:18] > Ryoga Hibiki wraps up the cold cuts and fruits, wipes his hands on his pants, and stands to bow to Miara.
[00:19] > Ryoga Hibiki looks at Miara
[00:19] ➣ Miara: Miara is a young woman standing at 5'10 with unusual brown and rainbow hair and blue eyes. She normally has an upbeat and confident personality. Her English has a British note to it. Image Song: Microphone by Ayumi Hamasaki Picture: http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a361/zairafirefly/Lupa/Miara/divine%20dolls/miara2-2.jpg
[00:20] > Ryoga Hibiki blinks, taking her in.
[00:21] [Ryoga Hibiki] thaaa... tha.... thaank you for your kindness. ^_^;
[00:21] > Ryoga Hibiki sits on the couch and starts eating the pork buns in a more controlled manner.
[00:21] > +David O'Cain (casual) gently pokes Masaki
[00:22] [Miara] So what's in Wuhan?
[00:23] [Masaki O'Cain (Casual)] hm?
[00:24] [Ryoga Hibiki] A dojo I wanted to try out. I heard they have a bear-style of martial arts.
[00:24] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Want to introduce yourself to our guest?
[00:25] [Masaki O'Cain (Casual)] Masaki O'Cain..yo there
[00:27] [Ryoga Hibiki] Nice to meet you. All of you.
[00:28] [Miara] So you're from Japan, right?
[00:29] [Ryoga Hibiki] Yeah. I like to travel and try to strengthen myself.. don't really have anything to do with myself these days, to be honest..
[00:30] [Miara] Training and travel?
[00:31] [Ryoga Hibiki] Yes.
[00:31] [Miara] Sounds great.
[00:32] [Ryoga Hibiki] Mmm.... yeah...
[00:32] > Ryoga Hibiki looks into space at that.
[00:34] [+David O'Cain (casual)] You okay, man?
[00:35] [Ryoga Hibiki] Oh yes, fine. Why?
[00:36] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Just curious. Looked like you had a lot on your mind.
[00:36] > Ryoga Hibiki takes a few chugs directly from the water pitcher.
[00:38] [Masaki O'Cain (Casual)] geez
[00:38] [Ryoga Hibiki] Oh, sorry, I don't mean to make a p... a slob of myself >_>
[00:41] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Eh, it's okay.
[00:41] > Ryoga Hibiki continues eating the buns, in an unnaturally careful way.
[00:43] [Ryoga Hibiki] So, what all do you guys do?
[00:43] [Miara] Heh, now I'm hungry
[00:43] > Miara is away: kitchen
[00:44] [Masaki O'Cain (Casual)] I own a manga shop and I kick ass
[00:44] [Ryoga Hibiki] 'Kick ass'? O_o
[00:45] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Military and police work.
[00:45] [Masaki O'Cain (Casual)] yes
[00:46] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Oh yeah. She can kick much ass.
[00:47] > Miara is back
[00:48] > Miara returns with some marinated meat, and sits eating
[00:50] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Hell, she's kicked mine a time or two.
[00:50] [Ryoga Hibiki] Oh wow, you must be tough.
[00:51] [Miara] Masaki's super strong.
[00:51] > Masaki O'Cain (Casual) picks up one of the sofas with her finger
[00:53] [Ryoga Hibiki] Wow, forget the weight, how do you get the leverage to do that?
[00:54] [Ryoga Hibiki] I do strength training with boulders, but I still need a good grip on them.
[00:55] [Masaki O'Cain (Casual)] I was born with it
[00:55] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Yeah, she does that with one finger. It takes me one hand to do that.
[00:57] > Ryoga Hibiki looks about the room for something to lift, but everything else is nailed down or fragile.
[00:57] > Miara checks the time
[00:59] [Miara] I better go get another session started. Ryoga, use the comm system to let me know when you're ready to go, so you won't have to wander around anywhere, ok?
[00:59] [Ryoga Hibiki] Sure! Thanks again.
[01:00] [Miara] Later Dave, Masaki
[01:00] [Miara] No problem ^_^
[01:00] <-- Miara [amongimmortals@terra.net] has left #reddwarfbeta (Stand up and watch me!)
[01:00] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Later, Miara.
[01:02] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Oh, if you're looking for something to lift, Ryoga, why not your bag?
[01:03] [Ryoga Hibiki] Hmm? What do you mean? I brought it in here already, didnt I?
[01:04] [+David O'Cain (casual)] True.
[01:05] [Ryoga Hibiki] Oh well. It doesn't matter. ^_^
[01:05] > Ryoga Hibiki picks at his fang.
[01:07] [+David O'Cain (casual)] I'm curious, what style of fighting do you train?
[01:09] [Ryoga Hibiki] Most of what I do is self taught. I'm pretty handy with my umbrella and my bandana, but really I'm best with hitting things and throwing things.
[01:11] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Nice.
[01:12] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Must be pretty good in a fight.
[01:12] [Ryoga Hibiki] Mmm.. I suppose. Not many people can really trouble me in a fair fight.
[01:13] > Ryoga Hibiki looks into space again, and looks angry for a moment.
[01:15] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Hmmmm.
[01:16] > Ryoga Hibiki pulls the bag up to the couch, which saggs a little under the weight, and sifts through it.
[01:17] [Ryoga Hibiki] You think Miara would like an animal pelt to thank her for the food?
[01:17] > Ryoga Hibiki sorts through a few various ones.. a variety of colors that could easily be from various bears and large cats.
[01:18] [Masaki O'Cain (Casual)] whoa where did you get those?
[01:19] [Ryoga Hibiki] Oh, just animals I had to fight.. ether because they attacked me or I needed the food.
[01:19] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Hmm. She just might.
[01:20] > Ryoga Hibiki stands up, removing a spotted leopard one and throws the bag over his shoulder.
[01:20] [Ryoga Hibiki] Nice meeting you both.
[01:21] [Masaki O'Cain (Casual)] same!
[01:21] <-- Ryoga Hibiki has left #reddwarfbeta (Now... Comm system?)
[01:21] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Same here, man.
[01:24] [+David O'Cain (casual)] And why do I have that sinking feeling he's gonna get lost again?
[01:28] [Masaki O'Cain (Casual)] heh I wouldn't be surprised
[01:30] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Shall we head home?
[01:31] [Masaki O'Cain (Casual)] lets!
[01:32] <-- +David O'Cain (casual) has left #reddwarfbeta (Beat you home! :P)
[01:37] <-- Masaki O'Cain (Casual) [RisingStorm@ZepherTech.com] has left #reddwarfbeta (heh)
[13:58] --> Makoto Kino (Winter Casual) [ThunderSenshi@BigRedSpot.net] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[13:58] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Makoto Kino (Winter Casual)
[13:59] [Makoto Kino (Winter Casual)] Man.... it's so nice up here.
[14:02] > Makoto Kino (Winter Casual) sits at the bar, setting a cup she brought in with her on the bar and looking through a notebook
[14:06] --> Matsuo Shin (casual) [PsychicGuy@Q.Tech.gov] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[14:06] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Matsuo Shin (casual)
[14:06] > Matsuo Shin (casual) stretches
[14:07] > Makoto Kino (Winter Casual) turns around / Hello there Matsuo
[14:08] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] oh hell..Makoto, right?
[14:08] [Makoto Kino (Winter Casual)] Yes. Afraid you forgot?
[14:09] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] *hello
[14:10] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] no no ^^
[14:10] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] how are you doing?
[14:12] > Matsuo Shin (casual) realizes one of the candles have gone out and relights it
[14:12] [Makoto Kino (Winter Casual)] Pretty good. Finally found a few decient locations for my resturant. Just trying to decide which one is best.
[14:12] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] oh that's wonderful
[14:15] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] Ami is off working...so I thought I'd pop up here
[14:18] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] I still don't understand this holiday
[14:19] [Makoto Kino (Winter Casual)] It's a wonderful time of year.
[14:21] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] closest I can understand is that it's similar to Uranus's Uyusday
[14:23] [Makoto Kino (Winter Casual)] Ahh
[14:26] --> Nate Detroit [SmashChamp@reddwarf.com] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[14:26] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +o to Nate Detroit
[14:26] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, @Nate Detroit
[14:26] [@Nate Detroit] Ung... so much snow. @_@ I need to hire stronger people to shovel it.
[14:27] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] snow???
[14:28] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] ..I don't remember snow yesterday
[14:28] > Makoto Kino (Winter Casual) turns around, wearing a turtleneck sweater
[14:28] > @Nate Detroit gives Matsuo an indignant look.
[14:29] [@Nate Detroit] There are sooooo many things wrong with that statement.. ~_~ I'm hello miss. I don't believe we've met.
[14:29] [@Nate Detroit] Wow, you know your tired when your brain turns your 'umms' into other whole words..
[14:29] > Matsuo Shin (casual) blinks...."alright I'm confused"
[14:29] [Makoto Kino (Winter Casual)] Oh yeah... I saw you at Mats' party, but never got the chance to talk to you.
[14:30] [@Nate Detroit] Nate Detroit. *offers a hand*
[14:30] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] I know we had rain...
[14:32] > Makoto Kino (Winter Casual) takes Nate's hand with a smile - Makoto Kino, nice to meet you. ^_^
[14:32] > @Nate Detroit lowers himself to kiss her hand, before letting go. "Very nice."
[14:33] > Makoto Kino (Winter Casual) giggles and blushes - Quite the charmer.
[14:34] [@Nate Detroit] I do alright. How do you know Matsumi?
[14:34] [Makoto Kino (Winter Casual)] Well, you could say we were.... co-workers of sorts.
[14:35] [Makoto Kino (Winter Casual)] Not to mention we have quite a few mutual friends.
[14:36] [@Nate Detroit] The senshi?
[14:36] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] I could go for some of that seeped leaf drink..what was it.....tea
[14:36] [Makoto Kino (Winter Casual)] We've been known to be called that.
[14:37] > @Nate Detroit pulls out his sunglasses and put them on.
[14:37] > @Nate Detroit has transformed into Sub Zippo
[14:37] > Matsuo Shin (casual) heads for the kitchen area
[14:37] > Matsuo Shin (casual) is away
[14:37] [Makoto Kino (Winter Casual)] Oh wow.... you can transform too?
[14:38] [@Sub Zippo] You're in good company. I... GAAHHHHH!! Why didn't I use my powers to melt all that damn snow I shoveled?! >___<
[14:38] [Makoto Kino (Winter Casual)] Heh, we never think about using our powers when we really need it. Like when my home in Spain lost power for a week....
[14:41] > Matsuo Shin (casual) is back
[14:41] > Matsuo Shin (casual) returns with some tea, drinking
[14:41] [Makoto Kino (Winter Casual)] Well, since you already know about us, it wouldn't hurt to tell you. I'm Sailor Jupiter. ^_^
[14:42] [@Sub Zippo] Ahh, the last one I've to meet, I believe. Its an honor.
[14:43] > @Sub Zippo has transformed into Nate Detroit
[14:43] > Makoto Kino (Winter Casual) smiles again then sniffs the air
[14:43] [Makoto Kino (Winter Casual)] Say Matsuo.... what kinda' tea is that? It smells great!
[14:44] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] I think it's called Black Oolong
[14:45] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] I've been drinking it after work
[14:45] [Makoto Kino (Winter Casual)] Wow, I'm suddenly craving a good hot tea...
[14:46] [@Nate Detroit] Could use some myself..
[14:46] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] I'll make you some then
[14:46] [Makoto Kino (Winter Casual)] Where did you get it, Matsuo? I'll go get some for Nate and myself?
[14:46] > Matsuo Shin (casual) closes his eyes..and opens them...his pupils glowing blue.....
[14:47] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] ☇ is it being taken care of..... ☇
[14:47] [Makoto Kino (Winter Casual)] Oh?
[14:47] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] *it is
[14:48] > Matsuo Shin (casual) stays still..his eyes glowing
[14:48] [@Nate Detroit] That was creepy o_O
[14:48] > Makoto Kino (Winter Casual) looks at Nate curiously - Um.... what's he doing?
[14:50] > Matsuo Shin (casual) smiles...as two cups of hot tea float in and set themselves floating in front of nate and makoto
[14:51] [@Nate Detroit] Heh.. wild. Thanks bro.
[14:51] > @Nate Detroit takes it and sips.
[14:52] [Makoto Kino (Winter Casual)] Oh wow....
[14:52] [Makoto Kino (Winter Casual)] That was that.... telek..something, right? I can never remember the name.
[14:53] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] ☇ telekinsis ☇
[14:53] > Makoto Kino (Winter Casual) picks up the cup and sips - Mmmm... wonderful
[14:53] > Matsuo Shin (casual)'s eyes go back to normal "gah....well that took alot of thought"
[14:54] [Makoto Kino (Winter Casual)] What an amazing ability.
[14:55] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] it's nothing
[14:55] > Matsuo Shin (casual) sips his tea
[14:56] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] always makes me feel tired though ^^;;;
[14:57] [@Nate Detroit] I hear you have a girlfriend now, Mats? Hows that going?
[14:57] > Makoto Kino (Winter Casual) sits back on her bar stool - So, what do you guys do for a living?
[15:00] [@Nate Detroit] I run a small, growing chain of arcades in Michigan. Looking to branch to Ohio next summer.
[15:01] [Makoto Kino (Winter Casual)] Michigan and Ohio? Oh wait.... that's in America, right?
[15:02] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] I'm a field archologist for the University of Tokyo
[15:02] > @Nate Detroit grins. 'Do I look Japanese?'
[15:03] > Makoto Kino (Winter Casual) smirks back - No... but you do look good for an American.
[15:04] [Makoto Kino (Winter Casual)] Ooooo, ever find anything super rare, Matsuo?
[15:04] [@Nate Detroit] Heh.. I'll try to take that as a compliment.
[15:06] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] discovered an entire lost civilization
[15:06] > @Nate Detroit nearly spits up his tea.
[15:07] [Makoto Kino (Winter Casual)] Oh wow, that's amazing!
[15:07] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] yes
[15:07] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] hold on a second
[15:07] > Matsuo Shin (casual) is away: *grabbing something*
[15:07] > Makoto Kino (Winter Casual) sips her tea
[15:08] [Makoto Kino (Winter Casual)] BTW, that was ment as a compliment.
[15:08] [Makoto Kino (Winter Casual)] ^By the way (sorry, force of habit)
[15:10] [@Nate Detroit] All right. ^_^
[15:16] > Matsuo Shin (casual) is back
[15:16] > Matsuo Shin (casual) returns holding something wrapped in cloth
[15:16] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] I got this...from them
[15:17] > Makoto Kino (Winter Casual) looks to Mastuo as he returns after giving Nate a good, detalied looking over.
[15:17] > Matsuo Shin (casual) unwraps the object...revealing...a jaguar statue made of solid gold
[15:17] [Makoto Kino (Winter Casual)] Oh wow... that is incredible.
[15:18] [@Nate Detroit] Wow.. that can't be gold..
[15:18] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] it is solid gold
[15:19] [@Nate Detroit] Must be worth a small fortune.
[15:19] [Makoto Kino (Winter Casual)] It's so pretty...
[15:19] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] it probably is
[15:20] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] they gave it to me in thanks for saving them
[15:20] [@Nate Detroit] They? Saving them?
[15:20] [Makoto Kino (Winter Casual)] That's so cool!
[15:21] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] I defeated a man claiming to be a god that were keeping them under his thumb..actually I ended up killing him
[15:24] [Makoto Kino (Winter Casual)] So you're a hero then.
[15:25] [@Nate Detroit] Good for you.
[15:25] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] apparently
[15:27] > Matsuo Shin (casual) is away: *putting away the idol*
[15:28] [@Nate Detroit] Wait... did he show me that before? Oh well..
[15:29] > Matsuo Shin (casual) is back
[15:30] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] most of my work now is in the documents and the university's archives
[15:30] [Makoto Kino (Winter Casual)] Ahh
[15:31] [@Nate Detroit] You like what you do, then?
[15:31] > Makoto Kino (Winter Casual) takes a long drink of her tea, which has cooled significantly
[15:31] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] yes I do :)
[15:35] [@Nate Detroit] Well good.
[15:36] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] so Makoto..what will this restaraunt of yours be like?
[15:37] [Makoto Kino (Winter Casual)] Well, it'll be international cuisine.
[15:40] [Makoto Kino (Winter Casual)] I learned a lot while in europe, so I plan on using that experiance.
[15:40] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] never had that
[15:43] [@Nate Detroit] Huh? Doesn't 'international cuisine' mean a bit of everything?
[15:44] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] oh it does?
[15:44] [Makoto Kino (Winter Casual)] Yes. I spent time in many different european countries.
[15:45] [@Nate Detroit] Yeah. So you mean you've never eaten anywhere, Mats? =p
[15:45] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] well of course I have
[15:46] [Makoto Kino (Winter Casual)] Spain, France, Italy, Greece, The UK and Western Russia.
[15:47] [@Nate Detroit] Some good places there, I bet. Reminds me I haven't been to Greektown in a while..
[15:48] > Makoto Kino (Winter Casual) finishes her tea
[15:52] > @Nate Detroit finishes his.
[15:54] [Makoto Kino (Winter Casual)] Well, I'd love to stay and chat more, but I have a decision and a phone call to make.
[15:55] [@Nate Detroit] Nice meeting you, Makoto.
[15:55] [Makoto Kino (Winter Casual)] You too, Nate. Don't be a stranger.
[15:55] > Makoto Kino (Winter Casual) winks at Nate as she stands.
[15:56] [Makoto Kino (Winter Casual)] Matsuo, say hello to Ami for me. Let her know I'm going to call her later.
[15:56] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] take care
[15:57] [Makoto Kino (Winter Casual)] You too Matsuo. Have a nice day.
[15:58] > Makoto Kino (Winter Casual) picks up her notebook and heads out
[15:58] <-- Makoto Kino (Winter Casual) [ThunderSenshi@BigRedSpot.net] has left #reddwarfbeta (I have to pick a spot to open..)
[16:00] [@Nate Detroit] You're lucky to have something you enjoy doing in this economy, Mats. You get sponsors for what you do?
[16:03] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] well I'm backed by the university
[16:05] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] I work for their college of history
[16:17] [@Nate Detroit] Well, I have to meet with some people, I should go. Thanks for the tea, Mats.
[16:17] > @Nate Detroit collects the empty tea cups and gives him a friendly slap on the shoulder on his way out.
[16:19] <-- @Nate Detroit [SmashChamp@reddwarf.com] has left #reddwarfbeta (Later dude.)
[16:27] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] /par
[16:27] <-- Matsuo Shin (casual) [PsychicGuy@Q.Tech.gov] has left #reddwarfbeta
[19:43] --> David O'Cain (casual) has joined #reddwarfbeta
[19:43] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to David O'Cain (casual)
[19:43] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +David O'Cain (casual)
[19:44] > +David O'Cain (casual) sits down on a sofa
[22:50] > ~Man beams in
[22:51] --> ~Man has joined #reddwarfbeta
[22:51] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, ~Man
[22:51] <-- Setsuna Meioh [TimeGal@Pluto.co] has left #reddwarfbeta (*leaves*)
[22:52] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Eh?
[22:53] > ~Man is dressed in furs which are covered in snow....his hair is long and matted..as is his moustache and beard...he is shivering
[22:54] > +David O'Cain (casual) quickly gets the man a blanket
[22:56] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Gonna be alright?
[22:56] > ~Man mutters something under his breath..he looks half-frozen
[22:58] > +David O'Cain (casual) is away: Looking for a space heater or something.
[22:59] > ~Man stays shivering
[23:04] > +David O'Cain (casual) is back
[23:04] > +David O'Cain (casual) wheels in a space heater, places it in front of the man, and turns it on
[23:05] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Hope this helps.
[23:12] > ~Man shivers and mutters something in russian
[23:15] [+David O'Cain (casual)] What's your name?
[23:16] > ~Man says something in russian to david
[23:18] [+David O'Cain (casual)] ^_^;
[23:21] [+David O'Cain (casual)] I'm sorry, I have no idea what you just said. ^_^;
[23:22] [~Man] no..english..speak
[23:23] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Oh. Where are you from?
[23:25] [~Man] ....yujistrivlad
[23:27] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Yujistrivlad? I don't think I've heard of it.
[23:32] > ~Man just looks at the floor quietly
[23:37] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Anyway, feeling any better after warming up?
[23:37] > ~Man slowly nods
[23:40] [+David O'Cain (casual)] That's good. Strange, though. You could understand me, but I have had no idea what you've said.
[23:43] > ~Man is starting to drip water on the floor from all the snow melting off him
[23:45] > +David O'Cain (casual) gets a mop and proceeds to clean up the mess
[23:50] > ~Man keeps his eyes on david
[23:52] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Would you like something to eat, drink, or both?
[23:57] > ~Man just stays silent
[23:57] [+David O'Cain (casual)] I guess you aren't hungry or thirsty.
[00:00] >>> Monday Dec 13 2010 <<<
[00:29] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Um, do you need anything?
[00:30] [~Man] ...
[00:31] --> Minako Aino (PJs) [SoldierOfLove@Venus.net] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[00:31] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Minako Aino (PJs)
[00:31] > Minako Aino (PJs) walks in, wearing orange PJs and Tazmanian Devil slippers.
[00:31] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Evening.
[00:32] > ~Man is sitting there....his hair long and mangled...with a longish beard and moustache..
[00:32] [Minako Aino (PJs)] Konbon wa Dave-san. Who is this?
[00:33] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Well, I tried to get a name, but I couldn't make heads nor tails of what he said.
[00:33] > ~Man says something in russian
[00:33] > Minako Aino (PJs) looks confused.
[00:34] [Minako Aino (PJs)] Oh.. huh.
[00:34] [Minako Aino (PJs)] Would you like a drink, stranger-san?
[00:35] > Minako Aino (PJs) points to the bar, then mimes drinking.
[00:35] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Anyway, this man appears, freezing, so I got a space heater here for him to warm up.
[00:36] > ~Man nods
[00:36] [Minako Aino (PJs)] You, Dave-san?
[00:37] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Strong stuff (plops down on a sofa), please.
[00:38] > Minako Aino (PJs) pours two strong seven & sevens and a glass of 7up for herself, and distributes them.
[00:38] [+David O'Cain (casual)] Thanks.
[00:39] > ~Man drinks it down
[00:39] > Minako Aino (PJs) crosses her legs, sipping hers.
[00:40] > +David O'Cain (casual) sips
[00:42] [~Man] ...english?....
[00:42] [Minako Aino (PJs)] Hai. Err, I mean, yes.
[00:45] [Minako Aino (PJs)] We speak English. I speak Nihongo.
[00:50] [Minako Aino (PJs)] <Do you know Japanese by any chance?>
[00:55] [+David O'Cain (casual)] I'm gonna head on out. Take care.
[00:55] <-- +David O'Cain (casual) has left #reddwarfbeta (Too damn tired.)
[00:56] [Minako Aino (PJs)] Sure, leave me with the creepy gaijin... >_>
[00:56] [~Man] <a little>
[00:57] [Minako Aino (PJs)] < Oh good. I'm Aino Minako. Who are you? >
[01:01] [~Man] <Ivan Sokoll>
[01:01] [Minako Aino (PJs)] < Nice to meet you. What are you doing here? >
[01:02] [~Man] <I came here cause of a dream>
[01:05] > ~Man collapses
[01:06] [Minako Aino (PJs)] O__O
[01:06] > Minako Aino (PJs) checks him for a pulse.
[01:06] > ~Man has a pulse..is just exausted
[01:07] > Minako Aino (PJs) puts a blanket over him and cleans up the drinks.
[01:08] <-- ~Man has left #reddwarfbeta
[01:10] <-- Minako Aino (PJs) [SoldierOfLove@Venus.net] has left #reddwarfbeta (Hope he's alright.)
[02:28] --> Vanadine (PJ's) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[02:28] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Vanadine (PJ's)
[02:28] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Vanadine (PJ's)