[01:28] >>> Saturday Nov 27 2010 – Automatic reset triggered – Logging Start <<<
[01:28] > Fashionable Feline waves his tail as he eats. :3
[01:30] [Miara (beach dress)] You're certainly enjoying that~
[01:30] [Fashionable Feline] It's very good fish! :D
[01:33] > Fashionable Feline puts his plate in the bin and pulls out a small mirror to check himself over.
[01:38] [Miara (beach dress)] Trust me, you look fine.
[01:38] [Miara (beach dress)] ^_^
[01:38] [Fashionable Feline] Great! :D
[01:40] [Fashionable Feline] Aaawwooo!~ Wanna go dancing? :D
[01:40] [Miara (beach dress)] Where~?
[01:41] [Fashionable Feline] We could go to the AR suite or that club we went last time. :D
[01:42] [Miara (beach dress)] Wherever you like is fine
[01:43] [Fashionable Feline] Let's go! :D
[01:44] > Miara (beach dress) gets up and grabs her bag
[01:47] > Fashionable Feline offers his hand, tail waving~
[01:51] > Miara (beach dress) takes it
[01:51] [Miara (beach dress)] /par
[01:52] <-- Miara (beach dress) [amongimmortals@terra.net] has left #reddwarfbeta (Stand up and watch me!)
[01:52] > Fashionable Feline leads the way out~
[01:52] <-- Fashionable Feline [Sexycat@reddwarf.co.uk] has left #reddwarfbeta (Let's go hit the AR suite first! :D)
[12:21] --> Vilya (casual) [WilderKünstler@haus7.de] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[12:21] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Vilya (casual)
[12:21] [Vilya (casual)] >.> <.<
[12:22] > Vilya (casual) sets up her canvas
[12:23] > Vilya (casual) opens her bag, pulling out her oils
[12:27] --> Kaede Sasaki (Apron) [HeadCook@RedDwarf.net] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[12:27] [@HOL_6000] Kaede Sasaki (Apron) reporting for duty.
[12:27] > Vilya (casual) pulls out her brushes
[12:27] > Kaede Sasaki (Apron) walks in, stretching her arms over her head.
[12:28] [Kaede Sasaki (Apron)] Hmm?
[12:28] > Kaede Sasaki (Apron) looks at Vilya
[12:28] ➣ Vilya: is a medium height woman with long brown hair and golden eyes. When she speaks english, she does so with a noticable german accent. She is also a Lupa.
[12:29] > Vilya (casual) looks towards the window and the starscape, staring at it
[12:30] [Kaede Sasaki (Apron)] Um... hello there
[12:30] [Vilya (casual)] oh...Gutan..
[12:32] [Kaede Sasaki (Apron)] I don't think I've ever seen you have before. Can I help you with anything?
[12:34] [Vilya (casual)] nein...I am fine....vho are you?
[12:35] [Kaede Sasaki (Apron)] I'm Kaede Sasaki, ship's cook. Nice to meet you. :)
[12:38] [Vilya (casual)] I am Vilya Wildeleute
[12:39] [Vilya (casual)] it is good to meet you :)
[12:40] > Vilya (casual) dips her brush in the dark blue and starts to paint over the canvas
[12:40] > Kaede Sasaki (Apron) smiles, looking over Vilya's set up | Planning on painting something?
[12:41] [Vilya (casual)] ya...this scene is too beautiful not to paint
[12:42] [Kaede Sasaki (Apron)] Ahh, that's why you were looking outside, eh?
[12:43] > Vilya (casual) nods nods
[12:44] [Vilya (casual)] it is truely vounderful
[12:44] [Kaede Sasaki (Apron)] It sure is.
[12:44] [Kaede Sasaki (Apron)] Would you like something to drink while you work?
[12:45] [Vilya (casual)] that vould be nice!
[12:46] [Kaede Sasaki (Apron)] Have a favorite?
[12:50] [Vilya (casual)] do you have root beer?
[12:51] [Kaede Sasaki (Apron)] That we do
[12:53] > Kaede Sasaki (Apron) goes over to the bar
[12:54] > Vilya (casual) mixes some deep purple and adds it to the deep blue
[12:56] > Kaede Sasaki (Apron) pulls down a mug and grabs the soda gun, carefully dispensing the rootbeer so that it doesn't get a rediculously huge head to it.
[12:58] [Vilya (casual)] so vhere are you from?
[13:01] > Kaede Sasaki (Apron) carries the mug over and sets it near Vilya
[13:01] [Kaede Sasaki (Apron)] I'm from Japan.
[13:03] [Kaede Sasaki (Apron)] Pardon me for making an assumption.... but from your accent I'd say you were from Germany.
[13:06] [Vilya (casual)] I am from Liecthenstein
[13:06] [Kaede Sasaki (Apron)] Ahhh, ok. I know where that is.
[13:09] [Vilya (casual)] it is quite nice :)
[13:10] [Kaede Sasaki (Apron)] I've heard.
[13:11] [Kaede Sasaki (Apron)] I've traveled quite a bit, but I've never been there.
[13:14] [Vilya (casual)] have you ever been to svitzerland?
[13:14] [Kaede Sasaki (Apron)] Once, but only for shopping.
[13:17] [Vilya (casual)] did you ever go from sviss to austria?
[13:18] [Kaede Sasaki (Apron)] No. I used the ships transporter to make that trip.
[13:24] [Vilya (casual)] oh I see
[13:24] > Vilya (casual) starts to dip her brush into a lighter blue
[13:24] [Vilya (casual)] vait..you can do that here?
[13:29] [Vilya (casual)] I mean go anyvhere?
[13:29] [Kaede Sasaki (Apron)] Oh yeah
[13:30] [Kaede Sasaki (Apron)] I can transport just about anywhere on the planet.
[13:31] [Vilya (casual)] oh vov...I never knev this
[13:32] [Vilya (casual)] ..that means I could visit my parents
[13:33] [Kaede Sasaki (Apron)] Indeed.
[13:33] [Vilya (casual)] T_T I miss them
[13:37] [Vilya (casual)] I have not seen them for so long
[13:37] [Kaede Sasaki (Apron)] Then you should go see them
[13:38] [Vilya (casual)] perhaps I should......but I should varn them first
[13:41] > Vilya (casual) starts to put in late yellow and starts to make stars on the canvas
[13:43] [Kaede Sasaki (Apron)] Not a bad idea
[13:46] > Vilya (casual) sips the root beer "so vhat do you do :)"
[13:51] [Kaede Sasaki (Apron)] Well, I'm the cook on this ship
[13:52] [Vilya (casual)] oh really?...vhat do you make?
[13:53] [Kaede Sasaki (Apron)] a little bit of everything
[13:56] [Kaede Sasaki (Apron)] I try to vary my menu.
[13:58] [Vilya (casual)] do you do german food?
[14:00] [Kaede Sasaki (Apron)] A couple times since I've been doing this
[14:01] [Vilya (casual)] perhaps I shall stay for dinner then
[14:02] [Kaede Sasaki (Apron)] Ahh, very good :)
[14:08] [Kaede Sasaki (Apron)] Well, I'm gonna' go clean up from lunch.
[14:08] > Kaede Sasaki (Apron) looks over Vilya's painting | Very nice
[14:09] > Vilya (casual)'s painting is in the impressonist style
[14:11] [Kaede Sasaki (Apron)] Take care Vilya. I'll see you at dinner.
[14:13] [Vilya (casual)] ah goodbye!
[14:13] <-- Kaede Sasaki (Apron) [HeadCook@RedDwarf.net] has left #reddwarfbeta (Nice girl. :))
[14:17] > Vilya (casual) keeps painting
[15:19] > Vilya (casual) is away
[15:56] > Vilya (casual) keeps painting quietly
[16:39] --> Miara (comfy) [amongimmortals@terra.net] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[16:39] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Miara (comfy)
[16:42] > Miara (comfy) lies down and curls up on a couch with a blanket
[16:42] > Vilya (casual) looks at the moon, starting to add it to her painting
[16:46] [Vilya (casual)] ah...hello, miara
[16:48] [Miara (comfy)] Hi...
[16:49] [Vilya (casual)] vhat is vrong?
[16:50] [Miara (comfy)] Feel baaaad
[16:51] [Miara (comfy)] You know how it is.
[16:51] [Vilya (casual)] oh yes yes
[16:56] [Vilya (casual)] are you going to be alright?
[16:56] [Miara (comfy)] Well it's not going to tell me.
[16:56] [Miara (comfy)] *kill
[16:59] [Vilya (casual)] I found out I can visit my parents from this ship!
[17:01] [Miara (comfy)] Yes. I suppose you can.
[17:01] > Miara (comfy) squeezes a pillow
[17:02] > Vilya (casual) finishes and moves to where miara is, sitting next to her
[17:02] [Vilya (casual)] ....can I help somehow?
[17:04] [Miara (comfy)] No, not really.
[17:04] [Miara (comfy)] I just got tired of my room.
[17:11] [Miara (comfy)] What're you painting?
[17:11] [Vilya (casual)] are you coming out of it now?
[17:11] [Miara (comfy)] Huh?
[17:12] [Miara (comfy)] Can't you smell it?
[17:16] [Vilya (casual)] had a slight cold over the veek ^^;;;
[17:17] [Vilya (casual)] (( nevermind that last part ))
[17:18] [Miara (comfy)] (( np ))
[17:22] [Vilya (casual)] had my mind on other things ^^;;;
[17:23] [Miara (comfy)] Like your art ^_^
[17:24] [Miara (comfy)] What are you working on?
[17:24] [Vilya (casual)] yes! I found a seller to buy my art!
[17:24] [Vilya (casual)] I am vorking on a starscape
[17:25] [Miara (comfy)] Sounds pretty.
[17:28] [Vilya (casual)] I hope so ^^
[17:35] [Vilya (casual)] the view is beautiful
[17:42] [Vilya (casual)] now I just wait for the oil to dry
[17:46] [Vilya (casual)] *vait
[17:56] [Miara (comfy)] How long does that usually take?
[17:57] [Vilya (casual)] a night
[18:05] > Miara (comfy) is away
[18:07] <-- Vilya (casual) [WilderKünstler@haus7.de] has left #reddwarfbeta
[20:02] --> Chibi-Leady [RockYouLikeAHurricane@EnclaveFedCom.Net] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[20:02] [@HOL_6000] Intruder Alert! Chibi-Leady detected!
[20:03] > Chibi-Leady looks around, sniffing the air.
[20:03] [Chibi-Leady] Hmmm, I smell oil paint.
[20:05] [~`] MAKE WAY MAKE WAY!
[20:06] > Chibi-Fox marches in
[20:06] --> Chibi-Fox has joined #reddwarfbeta
[20:06] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Chibi-Fox
[20:06] [Chibi-Leady] Oh look. It's her nibs!
[20:07] > Chibi-Fox whacks leady on the head with an oversized fan!
[20:07] [Chibi-Fox] from now on! I'm the queen!
[20:07] [Chibi-Leady] Ow. You need to watch it with those things.
[20:09] [Chibi-Fox] now get me a soda pop *whacks leady again*
[20:09] [Chibi-Leady] Hey! Knock it off with the fan-thwaps, Queen Meanie!
[20:10] [Chibi-Fox] I demand soda pop...and candy
[20:11] [Chibi-Leady] And I demand that you suffer gastrointestinal distress. :P
[20:12] > Chibi-Fox WHACKS Leady with a fan
[20:13] > Chibi-Leady looks towards the kitchen. "You know, there's soda and candy in there. Do you really want me to go get it for you?"
[20:13] [Chibi-Leady] OW!
[20:15] [Chibi-Fox] you are my slave! now do what I say!
[20:15] [Chibi-Leady] Your slave?! Since when?!
[20:16] [Chibi-Fox] since now slave
[20:17] [Chibi-Leady] Nuh-uh!
[20:18] [Chibi-Fox] yuh-huh!
[20:18] [Chibi-Leady] You on crack if you actually think I'm your slave!
[20:20] > Chibi-Fox whacks leady with a mallet
[20:20] [Chibi-Fox] NO BACK TALK SLAVE
[20:22] [Chibi-Leady] OWWWWW!
[20:22] > Chibi-Leady pulls out a harisan and WHACKS FoXxie with it! >:(
[20:24] [Chibi-Fox] OW!
[20:24] > Chibi-Fox whacks leady again
[20:25] > Chibi-Leady whacks back!
[20:26] > Chibi-Fox whacks double back!
[20:27] > Chibi-Leady starts machine-gun smacking FoXxie with her harisen. *WHAP**WHAP**WHAP**WHAP**WHAP**WHAP**WHAP**WHAP**WHAP**WHAP*
[20:28] > Chibi-Fox starts smacking Leady on the head with her mallet *SLAM**SLAM**SLAM**SLAM**SLAM**SLAM**SLAM**SLAM**SLAM**SLAM*
[20:29] [Chibi-Leady] ...owies...
[20:29] [Chibi-Leady] You know that really hurts.
[20:30] [Chibi-Fox] same with your thing!
[20:32] [Chibi-Fox] that really hurts!
[20:33] [Chibi-Leady] You're the one who started it! :P
[20:35] [Chibi-Fox] well you're my servent!
[20:35] [Chibi-Leady] I am not! I didn't agree to be anyone servant! :P
[20:36] [Chibi-Fox] that's cuz you're lowly!!!
[20:36] [Chibi-Leady] I am not!
[20:38] [Chibi-Fox] well look at you..you're all frumpy and ugly!
[20:38] [Chibi-Leady] I am not ugly! >:(
[20:39] [Chibi-Leady] I'm quite attractive. Everyone knows that!
[20:39] > Chibi-Leady poses. ^_^..V
[20:41] > Chibi-Fox pulls a rope and a washpan falls on leady's head
[20:41] > Chibi-Leady is GONG'ed. ><;;;
[20:43] [Chibi-Leady] At least I'm not a bossy, busy-body! :P
[20:43] [Chibi-Fox] that's cause I'M PERFECT
[20:44] [Chibi-Leady] Perfect? How?
[20:45] [Chibi-Fox] I am pretty and cute..and I can act..and I can do everything!
[20:45] [Chibi-Leady] You can act like something other than a brat?
[20:46] > Chibi-Fox hits Leady with a vase
[20:47] > Chibi-Leady bonks FoXxie on the head a la the Three Stooges.
[20:47] > Chibi-Fox pulls on leady's nose!
[20:48] > Chibi-Leady pulls on FoXxie's ears! >:(
[20:50] [Chibi-Fox] ow ow owie!
[20:50] > Chibi-Fox pulls Leady's hair
[20:52] > Chibi-Leady keeps pulling! D:<
[20:53] > Chibi-Fox keeps pulling on Leady's hair
[20:55] > Chibi-Leady starts twisting FoXxie's ears. >:(
[20:56] > Chibi-Fox tears off some of leady's hair on accedent
[20:58] [Chibi-Leady] OWWWWWWW!!!
[20:58] [Chibi-Fox] .....
[21:00] [Chibi-Leady] That's my hair, you jerk! That's my real hair!
[21:00] [Chibi-Fox] that was bad >.>
[21:00] > Chibi-Fox licks the hair and tries to glue it back onto leady's head
[21:01] [Chibi-Leady] ...
[21:02] [Chibi-Leady] ...you're doing it wrong FoXxie... ~__________~;
[21:02] [Chibi-Fox] huh?
[21:03] > Chibi-Fox tries to fix it
[21:04] [Chibi-Leady] That's not going to make my hair stick back in place.
[21:06] > Chibi-Leady sighs. "Well, it'll grow back eventually. HOWEVER!"
[21:06] [Chibi-Leady] You must be severely punished! >:D
[21:06] --> Miara (comfy) [amongimmortals@terra.net] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[21:06] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Miara (comfy)
[21:07] [Chibi-Leady] Oh hey, it's the wolf lady that little Alex loves so much.
[21:07] > Miara (comfy) stands in the doorway, definitely NOT in a good mood
[21:08] [Chibi-Leady] Jeez, what happened to you? Eat some bad turkey the other day? I've actually seen that happen.
[21:09] [Miara (comfy)] If you two are going to fight like that, have the decency to use one of the practice rooms!
[21:09] [Chibi-Fox] are you going to be one of my servents?
[21:10] [Chibi-Leady] Hey, I was here minding my own business when Miss Pretty-Pretty Prissy-pants here decided to make me her slave. :P
[21:10] [Miara (comfy)] I don't care.
[21:11] [Miara (comfy)] If you're going to make that kind of noise go somewhere soundproof!
[21:11] [Chibi-Leady] Wow, you're in a foul mood. What happened?
[21:11] > Miara (comfy) stalks back down the hall to her room
[21:12] > Chibi-Leady follows Miara from a fair distance.
[21:15] > Chibi-Fox follows afterwards
[21:16] [Chibi-Leady] Hello? Hello~!
[21:16] > Miara (comfy) is away
[21:18] [Chibi-Leady] Damn, she's really in a bad mood. Maybe it'd be a good idea to clear out for now.
[21:19] > Chibi-Leady suddenly points at FoXxie. "I'm not through with you yet, you rascal!"
[21:19] [Chibi-Fox] yeah....
[21:20] <-- Chibi-Leady [RockYouLikeAHurricane@EnclaveFedCom.Net] has left #reddwarfbeta ("AND HERE'S YOUR SODA!!!" *throws a liter-bottle of RC cola towards FoXxie, and it's got a bunch of Mentos candies already in it* >:D)
[21:30] <-- Chibi-Fox has left #reddwarfbeta
[21:32] --> Isabella (uniform) has joined #reddwarfbeta
[21:32] [@HOL_6000] Isabella (uniform) reporting for duty.
[21:32] > Isabella (uniform) walks in, sweeping the floor
[21:36] --> Cora has joined #reddwarfbeta
[21:36] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Cora
[21:37] [Isabella (uniform)] oh..good evening
[21:38] [Cora] Hello, Miss.
[21:38] > Cora looks at Isabella
[21:38] ➣ Isabella: is a tallish woman, though she appears only to be in her mid-teens. She wears dark dresses, often old fashion. She has long blue hair which end in curls and eyes which are white on black. She also has large black bat wings that grow from her back. She speaks with an italian accent.
[21:38] [Cora] I uh...do not remember see you before.
[21:39] [Isabella (uniform)] I do not belive I have met you either
[21:40] [Cora] My name is Cora.
[21:41] [Isabella (uniform)] I am Isabella
[21:42] [Cora] It is very nice to meet you, Isabella.
[21:43] [Isabella (uniform)] likewise :)
[21:46] [Isabella (uniform)] pardon me...I am simply cleaning up the room
[21:48] [Cora] I do not mind at all. Are you a servant here on the ship?
[21:49] [Isabella (uniform)] I am *gives a curtsy*
[21:52] [Cora] May I ask how you came to be here?
[21:52] > Cora sits on the window seat, hopefully out of Isabella's was as she cleans
[21:53] [Isabella (uniform)] my father left me here
[21:55] [Isabella (uniform)] I could not exist in his world..nor the world of my mother
[21:55] [Cora] Ah, I see.
[21:55] [Cora] That is unfortunate.
[21:55] [Cora] I, also, was sent away.
[21:56] [Isabella (uniform)] oh really?
[21:56] [Cora] Yes.
[21:58] [Cora] But, that was a long time ago. I have my own home now.
[21:58] [Isabella (uniform)] why?
[21:58] [Isabella (uniform)] I shall live up here for however long
[21:58] [Cora] To protect me.
[21:59] > Isabella (uniform) nods
[22:00] [Cora] So you like it up here?
[22:02] [Isabella (uniform)] it is fine
[22:04] [Isabella (uniform)] my room is comfortible enough
[22:04] > Cora nods
[22:05] [Isabella (uniform)] and it is simply good to have a place to live
[22:06] [Cora] I am glad that you like it ^_^
[22:07] [Isabella (uniform)] do you want anything while you are here?
[22:07] [Cora] No, not really. I came for company, since I seem to be living alone now.
[22:09] > Isabella (uniform) walks over and sets up a record player
[22:09] [Cora] What is that?
[22:09] [Isabella (uniform)] my father left this with me here
[22:10] > Isabella (uniform) pulls out a record....and putting it on..carefully puts the needle on it...
[22:10] > Isabella (uniform) smiles as music starts to play ---> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vkse1g9ibnM
[22:11] [Cora] Oh. Is it a very big CD player?
[22:12] [Isabella (uniform)] CD?...no..it plays Vinyls
[22:13] [Cora] Um..ok
[22:14] > Isabella (uniform) listens, humming quietly along with the piece
[22:14] [Cora] It is pretty.
[22:15] [Isabella (uniform)] it was my own joy...
[22:17] [Isabella (uniform)] *only
[22:18] [Cora] The only one?
[22:18] [Cora] I hope that you are finding new ones now, as well?
[22:19] [Isabella (uniform)] I have not yet
[22:23] [Cora] It was quite slow at first, for me. There was so much that I could not grasp.
[22:25] [Isabella (uniform)] I was simply kept from going outside
[22:25] [Cora] We certainly seem to have a lot in common.
[22:26] [Isabella (uniform)] I suppose we do :)
[22:30] > Isabella (uniform) folds her wings a bit
[22:38] [Cora] You would be welcome to come to my house, if you want to visit some new places.
[22:40] [Isabella (uniform)] that would be quite nice
[22:44] [Cora] The computer has my address.
[22:45] [Cora] However, for now I think my time is up.
[22:45] [Cora] It was very nice talking with you, Isabella.
[22:45] [Isabella (uniform)] oh...I have never used the computer
[22:45] [Isabella (uniform)] likewise
[22:47] [Cora] Goodnight.
[22:47] <-- Cora has left #reddwarfbeta
[22:48] <-- Isabella (uniform) has left #reddwarfbeta
[00:00] >>> Sunday Nov 28 2010 <<<
[00:27] --> Matsumi Kaze [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[00:27] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Matsumi Kaze
[00:27] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Matsumi Kaze
[00:27] > +Matsumi Kaze wheels herself in
[00:28] > +Matsumi Kaze sighs a little
[00:31] > +Matsumi Kaze looks at her feet..and winces and grunts..trying to lift them...but can barely get them off the ground
[00:38] > +Matsumi Kaze rolls her wheelchair to the window
[00:41] --> Nate Detroit [SmashChamp@reddwarf.com] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[00:41] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +o to Nate Detroit
[00:41] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, @Nate Detroit
[00:41] [@Nate Detroit] ung... good eve.... Princess??
[00:43] [+Matsumi Kaze] oh..hey nate
[00:43] > @Nate Detroit walks over to her and looks her over, confused, turning to concern.
[00:44] > +Matsumi Kaze turns her wheelchair around to face him
[00:44] [@Nate Detroit] .....what happened?
[00:44] [+Matsumi Kaze] ....I lost my powers...
[00:45] [@Nate Detroit] ..................and your mobility?
[00:46] [+Matsumi Kaze] ..the attack hit me hard enough that it sent a shock through my nervious system
[00:46] [+Matsumi Kaze] ..it's temporary...I'm getting feeling back in my toes
[00:46] > @Nate Detroit clenches his fists and shakes a little on the spot.
[00:49] [@Nate Detroit] I'm... sorry......
[00:50] [+Matsumi Kaze] ..it's not your fault
[00:50] [+Matsumi Kaze] ....I was certain us outers were safe but...
[00:50] [@Nate Detroit] Excuse me.. for a moment..
[00:50] > @Nate Detroit walks to the hallway, taking a barstool with him.
[00:51] > @Nate Detroit can be heard making loud bashing and cracking noises and shouting with fury from the hallway.
[00:51] [+Matsumi Kaze] ...
[00:52] > @Nate Detroit comes back in, breathing a little heavier and red in the face.
[00:52] > @Nate Detroit walks behind Matsumi and hugs her.
[00:53] > +Matsumi Kaze smiles and leans against nate
[00:54] [@Nate Detroit] Please let me know if I can help. -I mean it-
[00:57] [+Matsumi Kaze] thank you..that means alot
[00:57] [+Matsumi Kaze] ..so now I've lost alot of my powers..like the others
[00:59] [@Nate Detroit] Do you know who did it or what theyre after?
[01:02] [+Matsumi Kaze] it was a monster...
[01:02] [+Matsumi Kaze] ...I don't remember much else...
[01:03] > @Nate Detroit strokes her hair.
[01:03] [@Nate Detroit] I speak for Rowe when I say we love you and will fight for you.
[01:04] > +Matsumi Kaze smiles "I know all this...I hate not being able to go to work cause of this"
[01:04] > +Matsumi Kaze rolls herself towards one of the sofas and applies the brakes
[01:04] [@Nate Detroit] Yeah.. I bet.. you can't teach like this?
[01:05] [@Nate Detroit] You.. want a hand?
[01:05] [+Matsumi Kaze] yes please...
[01:05] > @Nate Detroit scoops her up and sits with her on his lap.
[01:05] [@Nate Detroit] Hey.. I bet Rowe would be happy to be your assistant.
[01:06] [+Matsumi Kaze] that could be useful
[01:06] > +Matsumi Kaze leans into Nate
[01:06] [@Nate Detroit] If you wanted to go back to teaching.
[01:07] [+Matsumi Kaze] well I need to
[01:07] [@Nate Detroit] I'll ask her tonight.
[01:08] [+Matsumi Kaze] I hate feeling this weak
[01:09] [@Nate Detroit] I can imagine.. I remember when I got the flu when I was a teenager.. I thought I was gonna die.. couldn't move or do anything for myself... and I didn't have a family to look after..
[01:10] [+Matsumi Kaze] well I can't get up the stairs at home without help now
[01:12] [@Nate Detroit] =/ I hear home elevators aren't that expensive, and you guys are stupid rich after all..
[01:14] [+Matsumi Kaze] I suppose so
[01:14] [+Matsumi Kaze] well this luckly isn't permenate
[01:16] [@Nate Detroit] Yeah..., theres no way we'd let you permanently be paralyzed..
[01:17] > +Matsumi Kaze turns her head and tries to kiss nate but has difficulty doing so
[01:19] > @Nate Detroit leans in to complete the kiss, lifting her chin.
[01:20] [+Matsumi Kaze] can you just stay with me a bit tonight
[01:20] [@Nate Detroit] If thats what you like, of course, my Queen.
[01:23] [@Nate Detroit] You are always welcome to stay with me and Rowe.
[01:24] > @Nate Detroit continues stroking her hair.
[01:28] [+Matsumi Kaze] that feels good ^^
[01:29] [@Nate Detroit] Good. ^_^ I could play with this mop all night.
[01:30] [+Matsumi Kaze] hee...
[01:31] [+Matsumi Kaze] you really love this long hair of mine, don't you?
[01:32] [@Nate Detroit] Yeah.. I do.. but I hope you aren't keeping it just for me.
[01:33] [+Matsumi Kaze] no no I like it
[01:35] [@Nate Detroit] Promise? You seemed to love your short hair for a long time.
[01:37] [+Matsumi Kaze] I promise ^^
[01:37] > @Nate Detroit squeezes her sides and holds her.
[01:40] > +Matsumi Kaze tries to get comfortible
[01:41] [@Nate Detroit] Want em to put you down?
[01:41] [@Nate Detroit] *cough* me.. to..
[01:42] [+Matsumi Kaze] to what?
[01:43] [@Nate Detroit] Put you down off my lap.
[01:44] [+Matsumi Kaze] up to you ^^
[01:45] > @Nate Detroit wraps his arms around her a little tighter.
[01:45] [@Nate Detroit] Just wanted to know.
[01:45] [@Nate Detroit] Man.. I had the biggest crush on you since I first met you..
[01:46] [+Matsumi Kaze] oh is that so?
[01:46] [@Nate Detroit] Was heartbroken when I found out you were married.. but that was a feeling I was used to..
[01:46] [@Nate Detroit] Pretty girl, upbeat, liked to party, and not shy with her affections.
[01:48] [@Nate Detroit] Your skinny body with that rack... an impossible combination.
[01:48] > @Nate Detroit plants a few kisses along her cheek and neck.
[01:48] > +Matsumi Kaze giggles
[01:50] [+Matsumi Kaze] at least I can still feel the upper portions of my boyd
[01:50] [+Matsumi Kaze] *body
[01:53] [@Nate Detroit] Yeah.. plenty of fun things to do there.
[01:53] > @Nate Detroit moves up his folded arms, lifting her chest.
[01:54] > +Matsumi Kaze giggles
[01:55] [@Nate Detroit] Mmm... giggly.. thats a step up from shy, but we're not quite back to promiscuous...
[01:56] [+Matsumi Kaze] heh I'm still a bit worn out
[01:56] [@Nate Detroit] Yeah.. I know, princess.
[01:59] [+Matsumi Kaze] ..I wonder what that monster was after...
[02:01] [@Nate Detroit] Be nice to know... they say anything?
[02:06] [+Matsumi Kaze] ...not really..just babbeling bad school releated puns
[02:08] [@Nate Detroit] What do you want for Christmas?
[02:11] [+Matsumi Kaze] heh I'm not sure.....that will take some thinking
[02:12] [@Nate Detroit] Yeah.. not easy exchanging gifts after you reach a certain age..
[02:13] [+Matsumi Kaze] very true
[02:14] [@Nate Detroit] Honestly, I'd be happy if we just all got together fora nice meal and a few drinks, maybe a movie or some games.
[02:15] [+Matsumi Kaze] that would be nice ^^
[02:19] [+Matsumi Kaze] maybe I could wear my kimono
[02:21] [@Nate Detroit] Sounds good. I could use a Kimono....
[02:23] [+Matsumi Kaze] you don't have one?
[02:24] [@Nate Detroit] No..
[02:27] [+Matsumi Kaze] you should get one ^^
[02:28] > @Nate Detroit yawns.
[02:28] [@Nate Detroit] Heh.. you sure know how to miss a point.
[02:28] > @Nate Detroit pushes her a little with a kiss.
[02:29] > +Matsumi Kaze returns the kiss
[02:29] > @Nate Detroit scoops her off her feet.
[02:29] <-- @Nate Detroit [SmashChamp@reddwarf.com] has left #reddwarfbeta (C'mon, were going to bed.)
[02:30] <-- +Matsumi Kaze [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has left #reddwarfbeta (alright ^^)
[13:11] --> Matsumi Kaze [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[13:11] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Matsumi Kaze
[13:11] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Matsumi Kaze
[13:11] > +Matsumi Kaze walks in..very slowly....and carefully
[13:12] [+Matsumi Kaze] well...least I can walk again
[13:15] > +Matsumi Kaze moves the sofa...and sits down in front of the TV
[13:31] > +Matsumi Kaze opens up a DVD and puts it in, pressing play and sighing
[13:33] --> Kaede Sasaki [HeadCook@RedDwarf.net] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[13:33] [@HOL_6000] Kaede Sasaki reporting for duty.
[13:34] > Kaede Sasaki walks in and pauses, seeing Matsumi
[13:34] > +Matsumi Kaze is watching the TV
[13:37] > Kaede Sasaki starts sniffeling but smiles lightly
[13:38] [+Matsumi Kaze] hm?
[13:38] [+Matsumi Kaze] ..oh hey kaede
[13:39] > Kaede Sasaki's sniffle turns into a full on cry as she runs over and hugs Matsumi
[13:40] [Kaede Sasaki] Oneesan! T_T
[13:40] [+Matsumi Kaze] whoa...hey little sis....you ok?
[13:41] --> Minako Aino [SoldierOfLove@Venus.net] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[13:41] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Minako Aino
[13:41] [Kaede Sasaki] I was so worried! *sniff* Sensei told me you got attacked and......and that you couldn't walk!
[13:42] [Minako Aino] Yeah.. even the outers arent safe, and she got hurt the hardest so far. ~.~
[13:42] [+Matsumi Kaze] yeah...oh my legs are still a bit stiff..but it's getting better
[13:43] > Kaede Sasaki looks up from Mastumi towards Mina
[13:43] [Kaede Sasaki] Hi Minako-san.
[13:43] [Minako Aino] Hello Kaede, Matsy.
[13:44] [+Matsumi Kaze] so now I'm like you, usagi and ami
[13:45] [Minako Aino] This has to stop ~.~ Somehow..
[13:45] [+Matsumi Kaze] I know...
[13:45] > +Matsumi Kaze gives a quiet smile
[13:46] [Minako Aino] ...the heck are you smiling about?
[13:46] [Kaede Sasaki] Yeah.....
[13:46] [+Matsumi Kaze] ...I'm just trying to keep myself happy...so I don't get depressed
[13:46] [Kaede Sasaki] .... it's making me sad.... all my friends getting hurt.
[13:48] > Kaede Sasaki is still clinging to Matsumi
[13:49] > Minako Aino forces a smile and walks over to stroke Kaede's hair.
[13:49] [Minako Aino] We're senshi, Kaede. Getting hurt comes with the territory.
[13:49] > +Matsumi Kaze puts an arm around kaede
[13:50] [+Matsumi Kaze] ...we have to be united in this..no matter what happens..
[13:50] [+Matsumi Kaze] god I sound like usagi >.>
[13:50] [Kaede Sasaki] I know..... but that doesn't make it any easier to deal with.
[13:50] [Minako Aino] Thats not always a bad thing :P
[13:51] [Usagi Chiba] it isn't :D
[13:51] --> Usagi Chiba [Moon_Bunny@Jubaan.Tokyo.co] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[13:51] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Usagi Chiba
[13:51] [+Matsumi Kaze] speak of the rabbit
[13:52] [Minako Aino] Konichiwa, Usagi-chan~
[13:53] [Usagi Chiba] hiii
[13:54] [Usagi Chiba] ooo what are you watching
[13:54] [+Matsumi Kaze] hm?...oh just something to cheer me up
[13:55] [Minako Aino] I think we could all use that..
[13:55] > +Matsumi Kaze rewinds the DVD to the beginning --> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O9Mk-B7MKP8
[13:55] [Usagi Chiba] there's no sound :O
[13:55] [+Matsumi Kaze] that's cause it's a silent film ^^;;;
[13:56] [Kaede Sasaki] Hi Usagi-san
[13:57] [Usagi Chiba] hi kaede ^^
[13:57] > Kaede Sasaki is starting to calm down, wiping her eyes on her shirt
[13:57] [Usagi Chiba] he's acting weird
[13:58] > Minako Aino goes and starts mixing drinks for everyone.
[13:59] [Usagi Chiba] ..that's it?
[13:59] [+Matsumi Kaze] yup that's it
[14:01] > Minako Aino hands Usagi and Matsumi soft Vodka and lemonades and gives Kaede and herself stronger ones.
[14:01] [Kaede Sasaki] Wow, that was quick
[14:01] [+Matsumi Kaze] thank you!
[14:01] [Usagi Chiba] thanks!
[14:01] > Kaede Sasaki sniffles, but smiles at Mina| Arigato, Minako-san.
[14:03] [Usagi Chiba] you going to be ok, kaede?
[14:03] [Kaede Sasaki] Yeah Usagi-san... I'm just glad you're all okay.
[14:05] > Kaede Sasaki sips her drink and smiles
[14:05] [Usagi Chiba] we have to stick together..cause we're all family ^^
[14:06] [Minako Aino] That's right. ^.^
[14:07] [+Matsumi Kaze] yeah :)
[14:09] > Kaede Sasaki giggles
[14:09] > Minako Aino starts laughing to herself suddenly.
[14:09] [Kaede Sasaki] I like how you're always so positive, Usagi-san.
[14:10] [Usagi Chiba] :)
[14:10] [Minako Aino] We should find something sinister to do to initiate Kaede into our sisterhood. >:)
[14:10] > +Matsumi Kaze smiles "that's our Usa"
[14:11] [Kaede Sasaki] Sinister?
[14:11] > Kaede Sasaki sips her drink, looking a bit confused
[14:12] [Minako Aino] Id suggest giving her to Haruka-san for a night, but she'd like it too much.
[14:12] [+Matsumi Kaze] ooo we should put her in a room full of mice!
[14:13] > Kaede Sasaki blushes at Mina's suggestion... then looks confused again at Matsumi's suggestion.
[14:13] [Usagi Chiba] mice O_O
[14:13] [Minako Aino] Ne, where would we get a room full of mice? Heh.. Mice for the mousy girl.
[14:14] > Kaede Sasaki giggles again
[14:14] [+Matsumi Kaze] ooo ooo
[14:15] [Minako Aino] And the girl named after a rodent seems pretty scared at that idea.
[14:15] [+Matsumi Kaze] she'll have to go..into a room full of live mice..in her underwear
[14:15] [Kaede Sasaki] In my underwear???
[14:17] [Minako Aino] Just a room? Can't we find a pit?
[14:17] > Kaede Sasaki is starting to look a little worried
[14:17] [+Matsumi Kaze] ooo yeah a pit!
[14:18] [Usagi Chiba] creepy!
[14:18] [+Matsumi Kaze] in the dark!
[14:18] [Minako Aino] Oh! Oh! And we'll cover her with cheese!
[14:18] [+Matsumi Kaze] YES
[14:19] [Kaede Sasaki] Woah woah woah....
[14:20] [Minako Aino] For ten minutes. Then she will be an honorary senshi and full-fledged sister! ♡
[14:20] [Kaede Sasaki] ......mice in a pit in the dark I could handle..... in my underwear, creepy but ok. But covered in cheese??
[14:21] [Usagi Chiba] where will we find a pit and cheese?
[14:21] [Minako Aino] I'll ask Neph! He can put together anything!
[14:21] > Minako Aino whips out her phone and starts a long text.
[14:22] > Minako Aino gasps.
[14:22] [Minako Aino] I bet Ves Ves an help..
[14:22] [+Matsumi Kaze] oooo yeah!
[14:22] > Minako Aino continues to text.
[14:22] [Kaede Sasaki] This is starting to sound like a fetish video. >_>>
[14:23] [Minako Aino] Oh! Yes, we should totally tape it too! We'll need infared cameras..
[14:23] [Kaede Sasaki] I'm not sure about all this Mina-san....
[14:24] > Minako Aino stops and sweatdrops.
[14:24] [Kaede Sasaki] ... I mean yeah.... I'd be honored to be considered a senshi and part of your sisterhood. But like that?
[14:24] [Minako Aino] ..ehheheehehe.... I guess I did kind of get caried away there. ^.^; I just meant since you hadn't faced the dangers we have.
[14:25] [Kaede Sasaki] There's got to be another way....
[14:25] [+Matsumi Kaze] well how about instead we come with some sort of symbolic ceremony thing
[14:25] [+Matsumi Kaze] and have her do a gauntlet in the holo room
[14:25] [Usagi Chiba] holo room?
[14:26] [Minako Aino] Yeah! We could recreate a youma or two.. maybe a mystery for her to solve.
[14:26] [Kaede Sasaki] Ooooh
[14:26] [+Matsumi Kaze] have her fight one example of each monster we fought
[14:26] [+Matsumi Kaze] likea youma...cardian.....daimon....droid...
[14:27] [Kaede Sasaki] I have those weapons that Nall-san made me that I still practice with too.
[14:27] [Minako Aino] Mmm... I don't know.. those got progressively harder, and really powerful... Kind of odd really, how each was stronger than the last.. and that we managed to upgrade right as each war started..
[14:29] [+Matsumi Kaze] yeah....
[14:29] [Usagi Chiba] mmhm
[14:34] --> Miara [amongimmortals@terra.net] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[14:34] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Miara
[14:34] [Kaede Sasaki] Well.... I'm up for a fight if that's what you girls want me to do. ^_^
[14:34] > Usagi Chiba keeps nodding looking like she's trying to rack her brains on something
[14:34] > Miara comes in with a big bowl of stew and sits, eating
[14:38] [+Matsumi Kaze] hi, miara!
[14:38] [Miara] Hi.
[14:38] [Minako Aino] It'd be good to have someone who'se powers can't be sapped around to help. A space in the bowl, as they say.
[14:39] [Kaede Sasaki] Hello Miara-san
[14:39] [+Matsumi Kaze] an ace in the hole
[14:39] [Kaede Sasaki] Um... I think that's ace in the hole, Minako-san.
[14:41] [Minako Aino] Oh, yeah. ^^;
[14:41] [Miara] How many of you is it now?
[14:43] [+Matsumi Kaze] hm?
[14:44] [Minako Aino] Four, I think..
[14:45] [+Matsumi Kaze] what do you mean?
[14:46] [Miara] And still no real clues?
[14:47] [Minako Aino] No.. <.<
[14:48] [+Matsumi Kaze] no...
[14:50] [Usagi Chiba] nope!
[14:50] [Miara] Hmm.
[14:51] > Kaede Sasaki takes a drink from her cup
[14:55] [Miara] Seems like a great time to get really ahead with your hand to hand.
[14:55] [Minako Aino] Oh yes, and I'd like to keep training with you, Miara-san.
[14:56] [Usagi Chiba] oh! I made cookies!
[14:56] > Usagi Chiba pulls out a bag..showing...very deformed animal cookies :D
[14:56] [+Matsumi Kaze] ...
[14:56] [Kaede Sasaki] Cookies, eh?
[14:57] [Miara] Alright.
[14:57] [Minako Aino] 0.0
[14:57] [Miara] No thanks, Usa, I just ate.
[14:58] [Kaede Sasaki] I'll try one
[14:58] [Minako Aino] Umm..... Yeah! Yeah! I just ate too! 0.0
[14:59] [Usagi Chiba] yay! *offers one to kaede*
[14:59] [Usagi Chiba] I made them full of love
[15:00] > Kaede Sasaki reaches in and pulls one out that almost looks like an elephant
[15:01] [Miara] Well I'll probably be training in a few hours if anyone wants to join me. I train in the lower storage bay.
[15:01] [+Matsumi Kaze] ..oh boy
[15:01] [Minako Aino] I'll join you, sure.
[15:02] [+Matsumi Kaze] I'll stay here for now
[15:02] [Kaede Sasaki] Usagi-san... I think I know what to buy you for christmas
[15:02] [+Matsumi Kaze] my legs still need to rest
[15:02] [Usagi Chiba] what??
[15:02] > Kaede Sasaki pops the cookie in her mouth and munches.
[15:03] [Minako Aino] O__O
[15:04] [+Matsumi Kaze] ...
[15:04] > Kaede Sasaki smiles as she swallows| A set of cookie cutters. Cause these are good... but don't look like anything.
[15:05] [Minako Aino] You arent... they arent.. ohh *o_o*
[15:05] [Usagi Chiba] oh yay!
[15:05] [+Matsumi Kaze] ..they...they
[15:05] > +Matsumi Kaze takes a cookie and eats
[15:05] [+Matsumi Kaze] .....huh..not bad!
[15:06] > Minako Aino tries one, blinks, and tries another.
[15:06] [Kaede Sasaki] Yeah, they taste good. Just their shape is odd.
[15:06] [Minako Aino] They aren't! *o_o* I mean, they arent! *^_^*
[15:06] [Miara] Um..I'll be back
[15:06] > Miara is away
[15:08] [Usagi Chiba] yay ^___^
[15:08] > Kaede Sasaki picks out another one and holds it up| This almost looks like a cat
[15:09] [Usagi Chiba] that's a bird ^^;;;
[15:09] > Kaede Sasaki giggles a little and makes it "fly"| It's Nall-san. ^_^
[15:10] > +Matsumi Kaze giggles "it is!"
[15:13] > Kaede Sasaki eats the cookie| Mmm...
[15:14] > Miara is back
[15:16] [+Matsumi Kaze] welcome back, miara
[15:16] [Miara] Thanks.
[15:17] [Kaede Sasaki] But yes, cookie cutters for Usagi-san.
[15:18] [Kaede Sasaki] I know this great store..... they all different kinds' of shapes.
[15:18] [Minako Aino] Ne, I bet you could teach Usagi a thing or two, too.
[15:19] > Usagi Chiba is watching TV and laughing at a comedy show matsumi turned to
[15:20] [Kaede Sasaki] Maybe, but I bet Mako-sama could teach her more then I could.
[15:22] [+Matsumi Kaze] heh probably
[15:24] [Kaede Sasaki] I've heard that Mako-sama's cooking is legendary.
[15:25] [Minako Aino] So desu ne..
[15:29] [Usagi Chiba] it's really good ^^
[15:29] > Kaede Sasaki giggles, finishing her drink| I hope I get to try it one day.
[15:35] > +Matsumi Kaze nods
[15:37] [Kaede Sasaki] Well, I should get going. I have to start getting ready for dinner
[15:38] [+Matsumi Kaze] seeya!
[15:39] > Kaede Sasaki hugs each of the girls, giving Matsumi an extra squeeze
[15:40] > +Matsumi Kaze returns the hug
[15:41] > Minako Aino hugs back.
[15:41] > Usagi Chiba hugs back!
[15:42] > Kaede Sasaki smiles before heading out| Have a nice day!
[15:43] <-- Kaede Sasaki [HeadCook@RedDwarf.net] has left #reddwarfbeta (I love my friends. ^_^)
[15:44] [Usagi Chiba] ^^
[15:44] [Minako Aino] Heh, she forgot about the mice in a hurry.
[15:45] [+Matsumi Kaze] heh yeah really
[15:53] > Usagi Chiba keeps watching the TV
[15:55] <-- +Matsumi Kaze [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has left #reddwarfbeta (ooo what's this)
[15:55] > Minako Aino joins.
[15:55] <-- Usagi Chiba [Moon_Bunny@Jubaan.Tokyo.co] has left #reddwarfbeta (don't know!)
[15:55] <-- Minako Aino [SoldierOfLove@Venus.net] has left #reddwarfbeta (Hmm..)
[23:48] --> Freya (Cat Form) [CatGuard@Q.Gov] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[23:48] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Freya (Cat Form)
[23:48] > Freya (Cat Form) walks in...looking out the window at the moon
[23:50] [Freya (Cat Form)] ....hm
[23:54] [Freya (Cat Form)] things are getting serious
[23:55] [Freya (Cat Form)] I'll have to talk to the old woman about this
[00:00] >>> Monday Nov 29 2010 <<<
[00:04] > Freya (Cat Form) curls up ontop of the sofa
[00:05] <-- Freya (Cat Form) [CatGuard@Q.Gov] has left #reddwarfbeta
[17:16] --> Minako Aino (Volleyball) [SoldierOfLove@Venus.net] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[17:16] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Minako Aino (Volleyball)
[17:16] > Minako Aino (Volleyball) struts in, towel over her shoulder, and gets herself a tall glass of water.
[17:16] --> Nephrite Masato (Business Casual) [FormerGeneral@DarkKingdom.net] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[17:16] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Nephrite Masato (Business Casual)
[17:17] [Nephrite Masato (Business Casual)] Hello there Mina
[17:17] [Minako Aino (Volleyball)] Hello, Manager-san.
[17:19] [Nephrite Masato (Business Casual)] Looking good, as usual. ^_~
[17:19] > Minako Aino (Volleyball) rubs her shoulders. "Thanks." *^_^*
[17:21] [Minako Aino (Volleyball)] I've been training in combat with Miara, and did some cardio today.
[17:22] [Nephrite Masato (Business Casual)] Not a bad idea.
[17:23] > Nephrite Masato (Business Casual) sits at the bar
[17:24] [Nephrite Masato (Business Casual)] So, I'm not sure if now is the best time.... but we should discuss your future endevours.
[17:24] [Minako Aino (Volleyball)] So, did you just sense that I was wearing my bunhuggers and covered in sweat, or did you have business here?
[17:24] [Minako Aino (Volleyball)] Oh, well, as good as any. I think I'd like to try some acting. Small roles and go from there, maybe voice acting.
[17:25] > Minako Aino (Volleyball) hops up on the bar and sits with her legs crossed, sipping her water.
[17:26] [Nephrite Masato (Business Casual)] Hmm... I'm sure I can arrange that.
[17:27] [Nephrite Masato (Business Casual)] I've had some offers to have you do another musical tour and various modeling shoots.
[17:28] [Minako Aino (Volleyball)] Both sound good! I've been working on a few songs. I'd be happy to meet with the band and my writer to finish them up, anytime.
[17:29] [Nephrite Masato (Business Casual)] Alright then.
[17:31] [Nephrite Masato (Business Casual)] Oh and I also got an interesting offer for Matsumi that I thought you'd like.
[17:31] [Minako Aino (Volleyball)] Ne? Nani?
[17:32] [Nephrite Masato (Business Casual)] Playboy wants her to do a shoot for them. Turns out they saw her during your tour of America and decided they wanted her to for one of their issues.
[17:33] > Minako Aino (Volleyball) giggles and kicks her legs. XD
[17:34] [Minako Aino (Volleyball)] Good for her, but I doubt she'll go for it. Everyone knows Heff loves blondes, but I didn't think he was that into Japanese girls.
[17:35] [Nephrite Masato (Business Casual)] Actually.... she seemed fairly interested.
[17:36] [Minako Aino (Volleyball)] ~Get out~
[17:39] [Nephrite Masato (Business Casual)] Nope. I mentioned the idea of it and she seemed really honored.
[17:39] [Minako Aino (Volleyball)] Heh, that I have to see. Moh, that sounds echhi. ^_^;
[17:40] > Nephrite Masato (Business Casual) chuckles and pats Mina's thigh with a grin
[17:41] [Nephrite Masato (Business Casual)] What would you say to doing a shoot WITH Mastumi?
[17:42] [Minako Aino (Volleyball)] I already told her if I ever posed like that again, I'd want to do it with another senshi. She said she was interested at first, but later said she didn't want to anymore.
[17:42] [Minako Aino (Volleyball)] I'd love to, but its too soon since the last one.
[17:43] [Nephrite Masato (Business Casual)] Yes.... well, let's have her do her single shoot first... then I'll think about pitching the pair shoot
[17:45] [Minako Aino (Volleyball)] Kay. ^_^ I'm glad my beauty has been preserved at least once, and imagine she'll feel the same after she does it, if she does it.
[17:46] [Nephrite Masato (Business Casual)] I'll talk to her again about it the next time I see her.
[17:47] [Minako Aino (Volleyball)] Funny to me how she bounced around on her opinion of doing it.
[17:49] [Minako Aino (Volleyball)] Heee~ Any of them would be fun to team up with. Heck, even all of them! *^_^*
[17:50] [Nephrite Masato (Business Casual)] I would love to arrange that too.
[17:52] [Nephrite Masato (Business Casual)] So, voice acting, eh?
[17:53] [Minako Aino (Volleyball)] Just an idea. I can do live drama's too.
[17:54] [Nephrite Masato (Business Casual)] I'll talk to some of my connections
[17:54] [Minako Aino (Volleyball)] Hee... it'd be halarious to see you pitch posing nude to Rei. XD
[17:58] [Nephrite Masato (Business Casual)] I don't know if I could. Her being a shrine maiden.... I know she wouldn't accept.
[18:02] [Minako Aino (Volleyball)] I don't think that'd be her obstical..
[18:03] [Nephrite Masato (Business Casual)] Really? I would that that would be her main concern.
[18:03] [Minako Aino (Volleyball)] Her personality. ^_^
[18:05] [Nephrite Masato (Business Casual)] Hmm... you have a point there too. She has a very conservitave personality.
[18:06] [Minako Aino (Volleyball)] Deep down.. I think she'd be my first choice.
[18:07] > Minako Aino (Volleyball) sips her water again.
[18:07] [Nephrite Masato (Business Casual)] If I don't mind saying so, my first choice, besides you, would be Makoto.
[18:08] [Minako Aino (Volleyball)] I don't mind at all. I just think Rei and I parallel well.
[18:10] --> Rei Hino [flameguardian@mars.net] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[18:10] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Rei Hino
[18:11] > Minako Aino (Volleyball) sips her water, and spits it out on Neph's face. o_o
[18:11] [Minako Aino (Volleyball)] *coughcough* Rei-chan!
[18:11] [Nephrite Masato (Business Casual)] >_<
[18:12] > Nephrite Masato (Business Casual) wipes his face off on his shirt
[18:13] [Minako Aino (Volleyball)] Um.. konbon wa! ^_^;;;;;
[18:13] [Nephrite Masato (Business Casual)] Hello there Rei, we were just talking about you.
[18:16] [Rei Hino] I noticed by the reaction
[18:16] [Minako Aino (Volleyball)] So.... how have you been?
[18:16] > Rei Hino walks over to the bar and returns with a towel for Neph to use.
[18:16] > Nephrite Masato (Business Casual) takes the towel with a smile, "Thank you Rei"
[18:17] [Rei Hino] Alright. Just temple stuff mostly. How are things with you two?
[18:17] > Nephrite Masato (Business Casual) proceeds to clean off his face.
[18:18] [Minako Aino (Volleyball)] Very good. Just discussing work. Actually, we were wondering how you would feel about certain types of modeling with me or other senshi.
[18:19] [Rei Hino] Modeling? I didn't think my last attempt went well though..
[18:20] [Minako Aino (Volleyball)] Moh..
[18:20] [Nephrite Masato (Business Casual)] Quite the contrary.
[18:21] [Minako Aino (Volleyball)] You're so pretty I find that hard to believe.. do you have problems taking direction?
[18:21] > Rei Hino looked a little flustered. "..I just don't think they turned out well.."
[18:22] [Minako Aino (Volleyball)] Oh, okay..
[18:24] [Rei Hino] why? What's this other shoot then?
[18:24] [Nephrite Masato (Business Casual)] Trust me, they did Rei.
[18:25] [Minako Aino (Volleyball)] Well, nothing in particular.. but we did get to talking about Matsumi.. getting an offer for the American Playboy like I did. ^_^;;
[18:25] > Minako Aino (Volleyball) turns a little red.
[18:26] [Rei Hino] ..playboy O_o
[18:28] > Nephrite Masato (Business Casual) nods, "Mina then came up with the idea of you girls doing a group shoot of some kind..... that is, if you were interested."
[18:28] [Rei Hino] ..why?
[18:29] [Minako Aino (Volleyball)] ..cus I thought it'd be fun... ^^;;;
[18:29] > Minako Aino (Volleyball) is very red.
[18:30] > Rei Hino sighs. "..just...ug..I'll THINK about it....how about that?"
[18:30] [Nephrite Masato (Business Casual)] It would definately be an eye opener. ^_^;;
[18:31] [Minako Aino (Volleyball)] It was just a hypothetical...
[18:31] [Rei Hino] what would usagi say to such an idea?
[18:32] [Minako Aino (Volleyball)] Dunno...
[18:33] [Nephrite Masato (Business Casual)] Indeed. We never really pitched it to her.
[18:34] [Rei Hino] you come up with the weirdest ideas
[18:34] [Minako Aino (Volleyball)] ^^v I won't deny I can be weird.. but its a harmless, warm, loving weird.
[18:34] [Nephrite Masato (Business Casual)] I think Mina here has flashes of brilliance.
[18:35] [Rei Hino] if you say so...
[18:36] > Minako Aino (Volleyball) glowers a little at that.
[18:36] [Rei Hino] I don't mean it bad Mina, it's just something I wouldn't personally pick
[18:37] [Rei Hino] or think up
[18:37] [Minako Aino (Volleyball)] Oh, alright. But really, since I've met Neph, I've had a lot of fun, made good money, gained popularity and have had no regrets.
[18:38] [Rei Hino] Your idea of fun can at times be different then mine
[18:39] [Minako Aino (Volleyball)] I know. >.>
[18:39] [Rei Hino] ...How about this, you get Usagi to agree to such a 'photoshoot' and I'll join in...
[18:39] [Minako Aino (Volleyball)] I've heard you sing though.. and seen you in a swimsuit.. I know you'd be really good at what I do.
[18:39] [Nephrite Masato (Business Casual)] I would never dream of putting you girls in a compramising position.
[18:39] [Minako Aino (Volleyball)] Ehto?? Really??
[18:39] > Rei Hino pray's silently that Usagi isn't into trying things like that....>_<
[18:40] [Rei Hino] ..she is the princess, we are her guardian's/court. If she wants to do it then it's not my place to object
[18:40] [Minako Aino (Volleyball)] Again Rei, we're just throwing around ideas. Nothing here is really tangible.
[18:41] > Rei Hino nods
[18:42] [Rei Hino] I've just never thought of anything more then the temple as being my future
[18:43] [Rei Hino] well the temple and what we know of neo-tokyo
[18:43] [Nephrite Masato (Business Casual)] Well then.... I'll see about drawing up some paperwork, just incase Usagi does accept this proposal.
[18:44] [Minako Aino (Volleyball)] The temple is important, sure, but I really think you should think about branching out. You're very talented. Don't deny it.
[18:45] [Rei Hino] I just find all this stuff a bit overwelming Mina
[18:46] [Rei Hino] I don't just bounce back from things like you can
[18:46] [Minako Aino (Volleyball)] Hmm..
[18:47] > Nephrite Masato (Business Casual) stands from his seat
[18:49] [Nephrite Masato (Business Casual)] I will leave you two lovely ladies to discuss this further. I will look into the wording for the contracts.
[18:49] [Minako Aino (Volleyball)] Thanks, Neph~
[18:50] > Minako Aino (Volleyball) kisses his cheek.
[18:50] [Rei Hino] take care Neph
[18:52] > Nephrite Masato (Business Casual) smiles and nods to the girls as he heads out
[18:53] <-- Nephrite Masato (Business Casual) [FormerGeneral@DarkKingdom.net] has left #reddwarfbeta (This has turned out to be a very good day.)
[18:53] [Minako Aino (Volleyball)] Can I get you anything, Rei-chan?
[18:54] > Minako Aino (Volleyball) bounces to her feet.
[18:54] [Rei Hino] some Tea please
[18:54] [Rei Hino] so you've been busy I hear
[18:54] > Minako Aino (Volleyball) starts up some tea.
[18:55] [Minako Aino (Volleyball)] Mm... on and off.. partly to take my mind off of what happened to us. ~_~
[18:56] [Minako Aino (Volleyball)] You and Mako-chan are the only ones still at full power in the inners... and Matsumi-chan lost hers..
[18:56] [Rei Hino] ...I've been trying to read the fire into what happened but I'm getting nothing
[18:58] > Minako Aino (Volleyball) sighs, pouring the tea and taking it to the couch.
[18:58] --> Iris Gainsburough has joined #reddwarfbeta
[18:58] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Iris Gainsburough
[18:58] [Minako Aino (Volleyball)] Oh, konbon wa, Iris-san.
[18:59] [Iris Gainsburough] Yo.
[18:59] [Iris Gainsburough] How're you guys holding up?
[19:00] [Minako Aino (Volleyball)] Well enough.. we were just talking about the war we're loosing.
[19:01] > Iris Gainsburough nods, "There's gotta be a way to knock them down a peg or more."
[19:04] > Iris Gainsburough sits next to Rei
[19:05] > Minako Aino (Volleyball) serves both girls tea and takes Rei's other side.
[19:06] [Iris Gainsburough] Thanks. (takes a cup and sips)
[19:06] [Rei Hino] hopefully we'll figure out at least how to get everyone's powers back
[19:07] [Minako Aino (Volleyball)] Yeah.. but every time we loose powers, it becomes harder..
[19:13] [Iris Gainsburough] The sooner a way is found, the better. We need to know who's doing it and why.
[19:16] > Rei Hino nods
[19:17] [Minako Aino (Volleyball)] Well.. yeah.. thats obvious..
[19:19] [Iris Gainsburough] Is there anything the army can do? At the very least keep an eye on the rest?
[19:21] [Minako Aino (Volleyball)] The army?? Umm.. Japan doesn't have an army, and I don't think they would be interested in helping a handful of girls who claim to have lost their magic powers..
[19:22] [Rei Hino] I just don't think our 'bad guy' is worried about an army when they keep taking our powers Iris
[19:22] [Iris Gainsburough] Not Japan's army. The Moon Kingdom's, silly.
[19:22] [Minako Aino (Volleyball)] um..... What?!
[19:24] [Iris Gainsburough] I'm just presenting an idea, Rei.
[19:24] > Minako Aino (Volleyball) rubs her head, confused.
[19:25] [Rei Hino] I know and I'm sorry. My fear with that is that it wasn't an army that stopped any of the major bad guys that attacked Earth, it was Sailor Moon and her powers, OUR powers.
[19:26] [Rei Hino] We've never had to rely on an army
[19:27] [Minako Aino (Volleyball)] What army?! We have an army?! When did this happen?
[19:29] [Minako Aino (Volleyball)] o___0
[19:30] [Iris Gainsburough] Long time ago, Minako.
[19:30] [Minako Aino (Volleyball)] Well... yeah.. but how does that help us now?
[19:34] [Iris Gainsburough] That I don't know...
[19:36] > Rei Hino rubs the side of her head
[19:36] [Rei Hino] I..I think I'm gonna go lay down
[19:37] [Iris Gainsburough] Mind if I go with you?
[19:39] [Minako Aino (Volleyball)] I think I need something for my head, yeah.
[19:39] [Rei Hino] if you want
[19:40] [Minako Aino (Volleyball)] Goodnight, you two.
[19:40] <-- Minako Aino (Volleyball) [SoldierOfLove@Venus.net] has left #reddwarfbeta (And maybe a hot shower.)
[19:40] [Iris Gainsburough] Bye, Minako.
[19:40] <-- Rei Hino [flameguardian@mars.net] has left #reddwarfbeta (protecting the whole world, it's a big responsiblity when your one of the only ones with powers to defend)
[19:41] <-- Iris Gainsburough has left #reddwarfbeta (Gotta be something I can do.)
[19:49] --> Morrigan [SexyNaughtyBitchyMe@EnclaveFedCom.Net] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[19:49] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Morrigan
[19:50] [Morrigan] Well poopie. I just missed everyone. :<
[19:51] --> David O'Cain has joined #reddwarfbeta
[19:51] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to David O'Cain
[19:51] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +David O'Cain
[19:51] [+David O'Cain] You were saying?
[19:51] [Morrigan] Oh hi-hi there!
[19:52] [+David O'Cain] What's up, beauty?
[19:53] [Morrigan] Not too much. Things are so busy back home though. I needed to take a bit of a break from it all.
[19:54] [+David O'Cain] What's going on besides those little rats?
[19:55] [Morrigan] Well, the Kinyusians are about to arrive in the system. Everything's ready at the Enclave for half of them, and Kurisutaru's got everything ready on Unmei for the other half of them.
[19:56] [+David O'Cain] Ah, okay. At least Vinya seemed to have a nice personality.
[19:56] [Morrigan] Everyone's pretty excited really.
[19:57] [+David O'Cain] That's good to hear.
[19:58] [Morrigan] I hear Vinya's daughter is a handful. She made quite the impression in the Kits the other day,
[19:59] [+David O'Cain] Indeed she did.
[20:00] [Morrigan] They have so many playmates. It's fun watching them play together. ^_^
[20:01] [+David O'Cain] Heh, yep. So, how ya been?
[20:01] [Morrigan] Not bad. Not bad. Yourself?
[20:02] [+David O'Cain] Doing alright.
[20:03] [Morrigan] So what have I been missing? Anything cool or amusing?
[20:05] [+David O'Cain] Well, I'm kinda in the process of making a zombie horde program in one of the holorooms. A little something to let off any steam we might build up.
[20:07] [Morrigan] Zombie horde? Oh awesome! Sounds like you're trying to create your own version of Left 4 Dead.
[20:08] [+David O'Cain] Well, sorta. I was going for something similar to what's seen in Nazi Zombie mode.
[20:09] [Morrigan] Just make sure the firewall programs protecting the holodecks are up-to-date. The last thing you need is some damn virus screwing everything up.
[20:09] [Morrigan] Nazi Zombie mode? I'm dying to hear this.
[20:12] [+David O'Cain] Basically waves of zombies with increasing difficulty, repairable barriers, weapons and ammo purchases for starters.
[20:13] [Morrigan] Kinda sounds like Doom if you act me. Not that I'm complaining one bit about that.
[20:14] > +David O'Cain opens a vid-window to a video, "Essentially this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FsKdbWNi3cI "
[20:15] [+David O'Cain] That's Nazi Zombie mode.
[20:18] [Morrigan] Niiiiiiice!
[20:20] [+David O'Cain] I was going to make a quarter of a city block to work from and go from there. Still, could be fun to see how far folks could go. Hell, I'm not even sure what the actual final wave would be.
[20:20] [Morrigan] Bet you're going to have some fun with that.
[20:21] [Morrigan] As for a final wave, if you're fighting Nazi Zombies, you just can't go wrong with a Nazi Zombie Blitzkrieg.
[20:21] [+David O'Cain] Probably.
[20:24] [+David O'Cain] Anyway, I haven't gotten into the room yet to make it. It's still on a drawing board of sorts.
[20:25] [Morrigan] I want to play that when it's done!
[20:25] [+David O'Cain] Everyone will get a chance, and even team up with at most three others on the ship.
[20:27] [Morrigan] How about 8 players? Just imagine the carnage a massive co-op match could deliver.
[20:29] [+David O'Cain] Maybe on a larger map.
[20:31] [Morrigan] How much longer do you think it'll be before we're ready to alpha-test it?
[20:33] [+David O'Cain] At least another week.
[20:34] [Morrigan] Here's another idea you could try for it. Instead of zombies, populate it with nothing but Puuchus. XD
[20:36] [Morrigan] Pretty quiet this evening though. Kinda surprising.
[20:37] [+David O'Cain] Hmm. I'll think about it.
[20:37] [+David O'Cain] As for things being quiet here, it happens.
[20:37] --> Isabella (dress) has joined #reddwarfbeta
[20:37] [@HOL_6000] Isabella (dress) reporting for duty.
[20:38] > Isabella (dress) walks in with a candlelabra
[20:38] [Morrigan] Because what's funnier than blowing away lots and lots of of those freaky Puuchus dying? Blowing away an entire gigantic horde of them with automatic weapons!
[20:38] [Morrigan] Hello Isabella!
[20:39] [Isabella (dress)] oh..good evening
[20:39] > Isabella (dress) puts the candlelabra on a table
[20:39] [Morrigan] I see you're hard at work as usual. Any problems this evening?
[20:39] [Isabella (dress)] no none at all
[20:41] [+David O'Cain] Oh, hi, Isabella.
[20:41] --> Miara [amongimmortals@terra.net] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[20:41] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Miara
[20:42] [+David O'Cain] And Miara.
[20:42] > Morrigan waves to Miara.
[20:43] > Isabella (dress) puts another candlelabra on another table
[20:43] [Morrigan] Hail and farewell, honorable Lupa. I have to get going early this evening.
[20:43] > Miara pulls a blanket around her and sits on a couch
[20:43] [Miara] Hey
[20:43] [+David O'Cain] Feeling alright?
[20:43] [Morrigan] You look kinda glum, Miara. Hope you're all right.
[20:44] [Miara] Just kinda crappy.
[20:45] <-- Morrigan [SexyNaughtyBitchyMe@EnclaveFedCom.Net] has left #reddwarfbeta ("Wish I could stay longer, but I've gotta get back to work.")
[20:45] [+David O'Cain] Later, Morrigan.
[20:48] > Isabella (dress) looks over the new tables she's added
[20:49] [Miara] How about the rest of you? Doing okay?
[20:49] [Isabella (dress)] I am fine
[20:49] [+David O'Cain] Yeah, doing fine. In the planning stages of creating a zombie horde program for the holorooms.
[20:50] [Miara] I've been working on one, but it's not nearly done yet.
[20:51] [+David O'Cain] What program are you making?
[20:52] [Miara] It's a surprise
[20:56] [+David O'Cain] Ah, okay.
[20:56] [Isabella (dress)] does anyone want some tea?
[20:59] [Miara] Yes, please. I have my own mix, though.
[20:59] > Miara goes down the hall to get it
[21:05] > Isabella (dress) waits
[21:05] > Miara gets a tea ball and puts some of the loose leaf in it, and puts it in a mug
[21:07] [+David O'Cain] Seems nice up here.
[21:11] [Miara] Well you do keep coming back.
[21:11] [Isabella (dress)] I could have done that for you
[21:12] [Miara] What, I left it for you to fill.
[21:12] [Miara] Besides, I don't know if touching that might poison you. We don't exactly know everything that's poisonous to Humans anymore.
[21:16] [Miara] Just don't try any!
[21:19] > Isabella (dress) pours some water into the mug
[21:20] [Isabella (dress)] your tea shall be ready in a few moments
[21:20] [+David O'Cain] Don't worry, Miara. I'm not sure I'd wanna try your tea.
[21:24] [Miara] Well it certainly wouldn't do anything for you, it's girls' tea.
[21:24] [Miara] Mum custom blends most of my teas for me.
[21:25] [+David O'Cain] Nice.
[21:31] [Miara] Mmm that smells about ready
[21:32] > Isabella (dress) hands the mug to miara
[21:33] [Miara] Thanks, Isabella ^_^
[21:34] [Isabella (dress)] you are welcome *curtsies*
[21:34] > Miara inhales the steam, and carefully sips
[21:44] > Isabella (dress) is quietly dusting the room
[21:45] [Miara] Isabella...do you always work in here? Do you ever just sit and talk?
[21:46] [Isabella (dress)] not really
[21:47] [Miara] You should.
[21:50] [Isabella (dress)] it is not my place
[21:50] [Miara] Whyever not?
[21:52] [Isabella (dress)] because I am an employee here
[21:52] [Miara] So?
[21:52] [Miara] That's just your job, it's not your life.
[21:53] [Isabella (dress)] I suppose
[21:56] [Miara] Is that how your father treats his servants?
[21:56] [Isabella (dress)] we do not speak to the servents.......they are mearly lowely demons
[21:57] [Miara] They're not any less of people than you are.
[22:00] > Miara finishes up her tea and goes over to wash out the cup
[22:02] [Isabella (dress)] ...I did often sneak them food...but they looked at me with disgust
[22:03] [Miara] Ok, so they're weird.
[22:04] [Miara] Never mind, then >>
[22:07] > +David O'Cain grabs a beer
[22:08] [Miara] So how're Masaki and Azumi, David?
[22:12] [+David O'Cain] Those lovely ladies are doing just fine. Masaki's been getting her store ready for winter shopping.
[22:13] [+David O'Cain] And Azumi's been keeping customers happy at dining tables.
[22:15] > Miara nots
[22:15] [Miara] *nods
[22:25] <-- Isabella (dress) has left #reddwarfbeta
[22:26] [Miara] Bye...
[22:26] [+David O'Cain] Bye, Isabella.
[22:35] [Miara] Heh. I'd better get going, too.
[22:35] [Miara] Later, Dave.
[22:35] <-- Miara [amongimmortals@terra.net] has left #reddwarfbeta (Stand up and watch me!)
[22:38] [+David O'Cain] Night, Miara.
[00:00] >>> Tuesday Nov 30 2010 <<<
[00:30] <-- +David O'Cain has left #reddwarfbeta (Guess I'll go home then.)
[01:34] --> Jennifer Flare (Casual) [AriesSenshi@usa.cc] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[01:34] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Jennifer Flare (Casual)
[01:35] > Jennifer Flare (Casual) walks in and stretches: "What a weekend...."
[01:40] > Jennifer Flare (Casual) goes over to the bar, making herself a rum and cola
[01:40] --> Logan SD (PJs) [KittyShota@Reddwarf.com] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[01:40] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Logan SD (PJs)
[01:40] > Logan SD (PJs) walks in with a yawn.
[01:40] [Logan SD (PJs)] Aunt Jenny! =^_^=
[01:41] [Jennifer Flare (Casual)] Hello little man
[01:42] [Jennifer Flare (Casual)] Wait.... Aunt Jenny?
[01:42] > Logan SD (PJs) blinks. o.o
[01:42] > Jennifer Flare (Casual) looks at Logan: "I don't think we've met, little man."
[01:43] [Logan SD (PJs)] Oh... sorry.. I uhh... must have confused you with somebody. =^.^;= I'm Logan.
[01:44] [Jennifer Flare (Casual)] Nice to meet you Logan. How'd you guess my name was Jenny?
[01:46] [Logan SD (PJs)] You look like a Jenny, nya. Whats going on?
[01:47] [Jennifer Flare (Casual)] Not much. I'm trying to relax after a rough weekend.
[01:47] [Jennifer Flare (Casual)] As much as I love them, I had to get away from my boyfriend and his daughter.
[01:48] [Logan SD (PJs)] Awww... I spend as much time as I can with my girlfriend.
[01:49] [Jennifer Flare (Casual)] Yes well.... I not only live with my boyfriend... but I work with him too. We have to spend a little bit of time apart every once in a while.
[01:53] [Logan SD (PJs)] That sucks. :\
[01:53] [Jennifer Flare (Casual)] It's not so bad.
[01:54] [Logan SD (PJs)] So hows your job?
[01:56] [Jennifer Flare (Casual)] Pretty good. It's just been busy over the weekend cause of the holiday
[01:56] > Jennifer Flare (Casual) takes a drink from her glass
[01:59] [Logan SD (PJs)] Oh yeaahh....
[01:59] > Logan SD (PJs) gets himself some juice.
[02:01] > Logan SD (PJs) sips his juice, but gags a little as an alarm sound goes off from his pockets.
[02:02] [Logan SD (PJs)] Uh oh.. he's coming.. Igottagonicemeetingyou! =o.o=
[02:02] <-- Logan SD (PJs) [KittyShota@Reddwarf.com] has left #reddwarfbeta (!!!!!!)
[02:02] [Jennifer Flare (Casual)] Huh?
[02:02] --> Nate Detroit (PJs) [SmashChamp@reddwarf.com] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[02:02] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +o to Nate Detroit (PJs)
[02:02] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, @Nate Detroit (PJs)
[02:02] [Jennifer Flare (Casual)] Well that was odd
[02:03] [Jennifer Flare (Casual)] There's my boss!
[02:03] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Ung.... what was that orange blur?
[02:03] > Jennifer Flare (Casual) sets her drink down and walks over, hugging Nate
[02:04] > @Nate Detroit (PJs) hugs her, lifting her off her feet.
[02:05] > Jennifer Flare (Casual) kisses Nate on the forehead and smiles
[02:05] [Jennifer Flare (Casual)] Was your place as packed as mine was over the weekend?
[02:06] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] God yes. ~_~ I can't complain, but damn its a lot of work keeping up. Had to overnight a ton of prizes.
[02:07] [Jennifer Flare (Casual)] Yeah, I couldn't keep the prizes on the shelves. Poor Inny was constantly working on the machines.
[02:09] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] He holding up? Hope he doesn't mind you having such a higher rank in my little company.
[02:09] [Jennifer Flare (Casual)] No no, it's fine. I reward him for letting me order him around in my own special way. ^_~
[02:09] > @Nate Detroit (PJs) chuckles.
[02:11] [Jennifer Flare (Casual)] Before you think to ask, yes.... my desk has been used as a bed more then a few times. :p
[02:12] > @Nate Detroit (PJs) has a hardy laugh at that, letting her go and plopping into the sofa.
[02:12] [Jennifer Flare (Casual)] How about I make ya' a drink?
[02:12] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] How about you do.
[02:14] > Jennifer Flare (Casual) nods and goes over to the bar
[02:14] [Jennifer Flare (Casual)] How's Rowe? I haven't seen or heard from her in what seems forever.
[02:15] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Shes good.. not much has changed, really, asside from our passive attempt at kittens. Oh, did I tell you?
[02:16] [Jennifer Flare (Casual)] Noooo... you didn't tell me about that...
[02:18] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Oh, yeah, I said I wasn't going to tell anyone until it happened, but we're kinda trying.
[02:19] [Jennifer Flare (Casual)] Oh that's excellent!
[02:20] > Jennifer Flare (Casual) makes Nate a rum and cola as well, bringing it over to him and sitting next to him
[02:20] [Jennifer Flare (Casual)] Inny and I aren't sure what we're gonna' do about things like that yet.
[02:21] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Well, I have to admit it'd be nice for our kittens to have some puppies to play with. ~_^
[02:23] > Jennifer Flare (Casual) giggles and blushes a little at that
[02:24] > Jennifer Flare (Casual) sips her drink and smiles
[02:24] [Jennifer Flare (Casual)] It's nice hanging around like this.... like we used to.
[02:25] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Heh.. yeah.. You're a good friend, Jenny. I'm really glad to have you working for me.
[02:31] > Jennifer Flare (Casual) lays against Nate, sipping her drink
[02:31] [Jennifer Flare (Casual)] You and Rowe have always been so nice to me.
[02:32] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] You're a nice person. It isn't difficult.
[02:36] > @Nate Detroit (PJs) puts his arm around her and sips his.
[02:37] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] The world needs more people like you. Kind and hard working.
[02:41] [Jennifer Flare (Casual)] I hate to toot my own horn, but I have to agree
[02:41] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Nothing wrong with knowing who you are. ^_^
[02:41] > @Nate Detroit (PJs) strokes her hair a little.
[02:45] [Jennifer Flare (Casual)] Mmmmmm....~
[02:45] [Jennifer Flare (Casual)] I always loved it when you played with my hair.
[02:45] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Funny... I always loved playing with your hair.
[02:47] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Gotta admit, you're hard to resist.
[02:48] [Jennifer Flare (Casual)] Why thank you. ^_^
[02:48] > Jennifer Flare (Casual) sips her drink
[02:48] > @Nate Detroit (PJs) finishes his, and plants a big kiss on her cheek.
[02:49] > Jennifer Flare (Casual) smiles at him
[02:49] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] We should both get some sleep.
[02:50] [Jennifer Flare (Casual)] Might not be a bad idea
[02:50] > Jennifer Flare (Casual) finishes her drink and slowly stands
[02:50] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Thanks for everything, Jenny.
[02:50] > @Nate Detroit (PJs) stands, swatting her on the butt.
[02:51] [Jennifer Flare (Casual)] Thank you Nate
[02:51] > Jennifer Flare (Casual) jumps and giggles.
[02:52] [Jennifer Flare (Casual)] Care to walk me to the transporter before you turn in?
[02:53] > @Nate Detroit (PJs) offers his arm.
[02:55] > Jennifer Flare (Casual) takes his arm and smiles.
[02:56] <-- @Nate Detroit (PJs) [SmashChamp@reddwarf.com] has left #reddwarfbeta (A gentleman always sees a lady home, even if she isn't his lady.)
[02:56] <-- Jennifer Flare (Casual) [AriesSenshi@usa.cc] has left #reddwarfbeta (You always have been quite the gentleman. ^_^)
[22:37] > @HOL_6000 changes topic to `Events room (sans battle system) has a beta version now. Check the front page.`
[23:34] --> Palla Palla (casual) [Juggle&Giggle@DeadMoon.cc] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[23:34] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Palla Palla (casual)
[23:35] > Palla Palla (casual) stomps in, cheeks puffed out
[23:35] --> Kaede Sasaki [HeadCook@RedDwarf.net] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[23:35] [@HOL_6000] Kaede Sasaki reporting for duty.
[23:35] --> Miara (comfy) [amongimmortals@terra.net] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[23:35] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Miara (comfy)
[23:36] > Kaede Sasaki strolls in
[23:37] > Palla Palla (casual) sits on the floor
[23:37] [Kaede Sasaki] Hello Palla-san, Miara-san
[23:37] [Miara (comfy)] Hey
[23:37] [Palla Palla (casual)] ....
[23:37] > Palla Palla (casual) starts to cry
[23:38] [Kaede Sasaki] Awwww.... what's wrong Palla-san?
[23:40] > Miara (comfy) sits, hands around a steaming mug
[23:40] [Miara (comfy)] What happened?
[23:42] [Palla Palla (casual)] sisters..are...so..mean...to..palla..palla...
[23:44] > Kaede Sasaki sits next to Palla and puts an arm around her | What did they do?
[23:45] [Palla Palla (casual)] ves..ves...said palla palla...would be...a...a useless...senshi
[23:48] > Palla Palla (casual) bursts into tears again
[23:48] [Kaede Sasaki] Awww, that's nonsence
[23:49] [Miara (comfy)] Did you challenge them on it?
[23:51] [Palla Palla (casual)] T______T no...
[23:54] [Palla Palla (casual)] nobody likes palla palla
[23:54] [Kaede Sasaki] Awww, that's not true. I like you Palla-san. ^_^
[23:56] [Palla Palla (casual)] *sniffles* really?
[23:58] > Kaede Sasaki nods | You're very nice and fun to hang around with. ^_^
[23:59] > Palla Palla (casual) smiles "palla palla is happy!"
[00:00] >>> Wednesday Dec 01 2010 <<<
[00:02] [Kaede Sasaki] That's better
[00:06] [Palla Palla (casual)] ^^
[00:07] > Kaede Sasaki stands | Do you want a drink, Palla-san?
[00:08] [Palla Palla (casual)] Palla Palla would...but Palla Palla should go and tell sisters that you like palla palla :D
[00:09] > Kaede Sasaki giggles | Alright then Palla-san. ^_^
[00:09] [Miara (comfy)] What does Palla Palla think of Palla Palla?
[00:09] [Palla Palla (casual)] bye!
[00:09] <-- Palla Palla (casual) [Juggle&Giggle@DeadMoon.cc] has left #reddwarfbeta
[00:11] [Miara (comfy)] ...never mind
[00:12] [Kaede Sasaki] She's quite spastic, isn't she?
[00:13] [Miara (comfy)] No, she just does what she wants when she thinks of it.
[00:15] [Kaede Sasaki] Alrighty then
[00:15] [Miara (comfy)] And I should go, too.
[00:15] [Miara (comfy)] Sorry, Kaede
[00:15] <-- Miara (comfy) [amongimmortals@terra.net] has left #reddwarfbeta (Stand up and watch me!)
[00:18] [Kaede Sasaki] Huh, sure cleared out quickly.
[00:19] > Kaede Sasaki goes behind the bar and starts putting together a drink.
[00:22] --> Nate Detroit (Robe) [SmashChamp@reddwarf.com] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[00:22] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +o to Nate Detroit (Robe)
[00:22] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, @Nate Detroit (Robe)
[00:23] [Kaede Sasaki] Hi Nate-kun~
[00:24] [@Nate Detroit (Robe)] Hello Kaede. How are you?
[00:26] [Kaede Sasaki] Not bad. Just cheered up poor Palla-san.
[00:26] [@Nate Detroit (Robe)] Heh.. Only met her once.. seemed...unhinged..
[00:27] [Kaede Sasaki] She's very...... impuslive and a bit immature, but sweet.
[00:28] [Kaede Sasaki] How about you Nate-kun? How're you feeling tonight?
[00:28] [@Nate Detroit (Robe)] Alright.. today was a little easier. Starving and could use a stiff drink, though.
[00:29] [Kaede Sasaki] Sure. I was just about to make myself a screw driver.
[00:33] --> Rowenta (Pajamas) [Orangetabby@reddwarf.co.uk] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[00:33] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Rowenta (Pajamas)
[00:33] [@HOL_6000] +Rowenta (Pajamas) reporting for duty.
[00:33] [+Rowenta (Pajamas)] *yawn*~nya
[00:33] > Kaede Sasaki looks up
[00:34] > @Nate Detroit (Robe) wraps his arm around Rowe as she enters.
[00:34] [Kaede Sasaki] Hi Rowe-san!~
[00:34] [+Rowenta (Pajamas)] Ooh~ Hehehehe~
[00:34] [+Rowenta (Pajamas)] :3
[00:34] > +Rowenta (Pajamas) hugs Nate and nuzzles against him~
[00:34] [@Nate Detroit (Robe)] My lover can't sleep?
[00:35] > @Nate Detroit (Robe) holds her and strokes her hair.
[00:35] > Kaede Sasaki grabs a third cup
[00:39] [+Rowenta (Pajamas)] I woke up when you got out of bed. :P
[00:39] > @Nate Detroit (Robe) guides Rowe to the couch and sits her down, leaving room at his side for one more.
[00:40] [@Nate Detroit (Robe)] Sorry ^^;
[00:40] > Kaede Sasaki brings the cups over and hands one to each of them
[00:41] > @Nate Detroit (Robe) takes his and sips.
[00:41] [+Rowenta (Pajamas)] Thanks-nya~
[00:42] [Kaede Sasaki] You two want a snack? I can throw something together right quick.
[00:42] [@Nate Detroit (Robe)] Please.
[00:43] [+Rowenta (Pajamas)] :3
[00:46] [Kaede Sasaki] Alright! I'll go make something up, any suggestions?
[00:47] [@Nate Detroit (Robe)] Got any kind of buffalo chicken?
[00:47] [+Rowenta (Pajamas)] :3 :3 Delicious chikinz. :3
[00:48] > @Nate Detroit (Robe) chuckles and plants a few kisses on her cheek and neck.
[00:48] [+Rowenta (Pajamas)] Nya~
[00:48] [Kaede Sasaki] I think I can put something together. :) Be riiiiight back.
[00:49] > Kaede Sasaki is away: Making snacks. ^_^
[00:51] [@Nate Detroit (Robe)] Give any thought to what you want for Christmas?
[00:53] [+Rowenta (Pajamas)] Hmmmm..
[00:54] [@Nate Detroit (Robe)] Me neither. ^_^;
[00:55] [+Rowenta (Pajamas)] I promise to think about it-nya.
[00:56] [@Nate Detroit (Robe)] Its alright.
[00:57] > Kaede Sasaki is back
[00:58] > Kaede Sasaki (Apron) walks in carrying a covered tray
[00:59] [@Nate Detroit (Robe)] Heh.. covered trays. No dust for us! I feel like an aristocrat.
[00:59] [+Rowenta (Pajamas)] *sniff sniff* Smells good-nya~ :3
[01:00] > Kaede Sasaki (Apron) giggles | So, I didn't have any premade buffalo wings.... but I did have the sauce and some breaded chicken strips. So I fried 'em and then tossed them in the sauce myself.
[01:00] [@Nate Detroit (Robe)] Wow.. that was fast.
[01:00] > Kaede Sasaki (Apron) takes off the lid and sets the plate down, with about 2 dozen strips on it
[01:01] [Kaede Sasaki (Apron)] Hey, what can I say. I have some great equipment. ^_^
[01:01] [+Rowenta (Pajamas)] :3 :3
[01:01] [@Nate Detroit (Robe)] I'll say.
[01:01] > @Nate Detroit (Robe) feeds Rowe one.
[01:01] > +Rowenta (Pajamas) noms. :3
[01:02] > @Nate Detroit (Robe) starts feeding himself, and makes noises of approving pleasure as he tastes.
[01:02] [+Rowenta (Pajamas)] Thanks-nya, Kaede-chan~ ♡
[01:03] [Kaede Sasaki (Apron)] You're welcome ^_^
[01:06] [@Nate Detroit (Robe)] When the year and my busy season are over, I'm taking you two and Kalli on a mixed double date.. somewhere nice... maybe that place in the Renaissance Center! Yeah..
[01:06] [+Rowenta (Pajamas)] Ooooh~
[01:07] [Kaede Sasaki (Apron)] Oooooh, that sounds great!
[01:07] > Kaede Sasaki (Apron) drinks from her cup
[01:09] > @Nate Detroit (Robe) eats and drinks, looking pleased.
[01:09] [@Nate Detroit (Robe)] How 'bout you, Kaede? What do you want for Christmas?
[01:10] > +Rowenta (Pajamas) noms a few more chicken strips. :3
[01:11] [Kaede Sasaki (Apron)] Hmmm..... good question
[01:12] [@Nate Detroit (Robe)] We're drawing blanks too.
[01:12] [Kaede Sasaki (Apron)] Yeah... hadn't really thought about it. ^_^;;
[01:14] [+Rowenta (Pajamas)] At least we still have a couple more weeks-nya.
[01:15] [Kaede Sasaki (Apron)] Yeah
[01:15] [Kaede Sasaki (Apron)] I'm willing to bet Kalli-chan already knows what she wants. She's good about being ahead of the game.
[01:17] > +Rowenta (Pajamas) nod-nods.
[01:17] [@Nate Detroit (Robe)] I'm not trying to be corny, but between my games, your cooking and everyone's love, I can't think of anything I want and could expect to get.
[01:17] > +Rowenta (Pajamas) giggles~
[01:19] [@Nate Detroit (Robe)] Between my work and juggling a harem of six, I don't have much time for distractions and toys ^^;
[01:21] [+Rowenta (Pajamas)] Must be tough-nya~ :P ^_~
[01:21] [@Nate Detroit (Robe)] Ohhh, its brutal...
[01:22] > Kaede Sasaki (Apron) giggles
[01:27] > Kaede Sasaki (Apron) grabs a strip and munches
[01:27] [Kaede Sasaki (Apron)] I wonder if Oneesan is gonna' have another party like she did last year?
[01:28] [@Nate Detroit (Robe)] Matsumi? Probably. Can't imagine she wouldn't. Big family like that..
[01:29] [+Rowenta (Pajamas)] And with all of us to invite along as well. :3 We're all practically family too.
[01:29] [Kaede Sasaki (Apron)] Last year was so fun.
[01:29] [@Nate Detroit (Robe)] I like to think theres no 'practically' about it, but maybe I take my friendships too far. ^_^
[01:30] > +Rowenta (Pajamas) giggles~
[01:30] [Kaede Sasaki (Apron)] Maybe we can parlay our double date into sharing a room at Oneesan's that night. ^_~
[01:31] [@Nate Detroit (Robe)] Heh.. Maybe for Christmas I should just ask for a six on one. =p
[01:33] > Kaede Sasaki (Apron) grins | I'm not sure if even YOU could handle that one Nate-kun.
[01:34] [+Rowenta (Pajamas)] >:3
[01:35] [@Nate Detroit (Robe)] Actaully, I'm sure I couldn't ^_^;;
[01:37] > Kaede Sasaki (Apron) does a horrible russian impresson | Ve vemon vould break you. >=)
[01:38] [@Nate Detroit (Robe)] wut
[01:42] [Kaede Sasaki (Apron)] Was my fake accent that bad?
[01:42] [@Nate Detroit (Robe)] Heh.. I guess.. ^_^;
[01:47] [Kaede Sasaki (Apron)] Heh, don't worry about it. I was just kidding around.
[01:51] [@Nate Detroit (Robe)] You mean you ...ung.. its too late to be snide. Yes, I know dear.
[01:53] > +Rowenta (Pajamas) yawns.
[01:53] > Kaede Sasaki (Apron) takes another drink from her cup, almost finishing it
[01:53] [@Nate Detroit (Robe)] Kaede, come back to bed wit us. I won't take no for an answer..
[01:54] [Kaede Sasaki (Apron)] Sounds like Rowe-san wants to go back to bed.
[01:54] > Kaede Sasaki (Apron) smirks | Well.... since you asked SO nicely....
[01:54] > @Nate Detroit (Robe) smirks back.
[01:55] > Kaede Sasaki (Apron) finishes off her drink
[01:55] > @Nate Detroit (Robe) finishes his, the chicken finished already as well.
[01:56] [Kaede Sasaki (Apron)] Comeon Rowe-san.... snuggle up with a mousey tonight. ^_^
[01:57] [+Rowenta (Pajamas)] Gladly-nya~ ♡
[01:57] > @Nate Detroit (Robe) stands, leading Rowe by the hand and taking Kaede's.
[01:57] > Kaede Sasaki (Apron) giggles and squeezes Nate's had as the three leave together.
[01:58] <-- @Nate Detroit (Robe) [SmashChamp@reddwarf.com] has left #reddwarfbeta (Maybe not six, but two, easily. ~_^)
[01:58] <-- Kaede Sasaki (Apron) [HeadCook@RedDwarf.net] has left #reddwarfbeta (I wonder how much sleep I'll actually get? ^_~)
[01:59] <-- +Rowenta (Pajamas) [Orangetabby@reddwarf.co.uk] has left #reddwarfbeta (:3)
[19:59] --> Matsuo Shin (casual) [PsychicGuy@Q.Tech.gov] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[19:59] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Matsuo Shin (casual)
[20:00] > Matsuo Shin (casual) walks in, reading a book
[20:02] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] huh....
[20:03] > Matsuo Shin (casual) flips through the pages
[20:06] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] ...I still don't get it
[20:07] --> Yukari Yakumo [IllusoryBorderHag@EnclaveFedCom.Net (Pirated Server)] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[20:07] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Yukari Yakumo
[20:07] --> Ami Mizuno [Dr.Mizuno@JuubanClinic.co.jp] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[20:07] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Ami Mizuno
[20:07] > Yukari Yakumo emerges from one of her strange portals and gazes around. ^__^
[20:08] [Yukari Yakumo] Ah, hello Matsuo.
[20:09] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] good evening
[20:10] > Matsuo Shin (casual) tosses the book aside and picks up another one, reading it
[20:10] > Ami Mizuno sits down next to Matsuo and hugs him~
[20:11] > Yukari Yakumo looks at the other lady with short blue hair. "I don't believe I've met you met. So many strange and new people to meet in this place! I swear there's always something new here every time I come."
[20:11] > Matsuo Shin (casual) smiles to Ami
[20:11] [Yukari Yakumo] What are you reading there? Bawdy limericks?
[20:11] [Ami Mizuno] Oh, hai. Ami Mizuno.
[20:11] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] ...I'm trying to figure out this...christmas holiday
[20:13] [Ami Mizuno] It's a more of a western tradition than here in Japan.
[20:31] [Yukari Yakumo] I generally celebrate by stealing a large number of Solarchos-san's flash-bang grenades, opening portals throughout certain areas of Gensokyo, then throwing the stun grenades all over the place and have them go off to the tune of the 1812 Overture.
[20:31] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] well what do YOU do, ami?
[20:33] [Ami Mizuno] I don't often do anything myself. Usagi-chan or Matsumi-san usually hold a party and I celebrate with them.
[20:33] > Yukari Yakumo pulls out a bottle of sake. ^__^
[20:35] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] I would like to go to one of these parties with you, ami
[20:36] [Ami Mizuno] I'm sure your sister is starting to plan one. ^_^
[20:37] [Yukari Yakumo] And what goes on during those parties? Exploding rice balls and flaming sake or are they even more wild and scandalous? ^____^
[20:37] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] ........I..don't think so?
[20:38] [Ami Mizuno] Really? :(
[20:38] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] oh you would like that?
[20:39] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] though to be honest
[20:39] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] I've never been to one ^^
[20:39] [Yukari Yakumo] Oh. Or are they more sensible affairs with plenty of good food and music interspersed with games provided by those strange Wii things I've been hearing so much about lately?
[20:39] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] ..heh you are..rather perky tonight, princess
[20:41] [Ami Mizuno] I thought you meant Matsumi wasn't planning a party. Gomen. ^_^;;
[20:41] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] heh no...I'm sure she is
[20:41] [Yukari Yakumo] Well, here's a party we can all agree on...cherry blossom springtime parties!
[20:42] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] oh I've never been to one of those
[20:43] [Yukari Yakumo] Oh, they're quite fun. Imagine holding one in the light of the full moon on a warm spring time when they've begun to bloom in the spring. That's something I always look forward to waking up to.
[20:44] > Matsuo Shin (casual) holds ami's hand without realizing it
[20:44] [Ami Mizuno] Those are pretty fun. Just sitting on the grass, watching the blossoms. ^_^
[20:46] [Yukari Yakumo] And watching the fairies frolicking. And the occasional spectacular magical battle in the distance as Kaguya and Mokou continue trying to kill each other.
[20:46] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] do you gaze at the moon?
[20:47] [Ami Mizuno] Hai, sometimes.
[20:48] [Yukari Yakumo] I do. Most Humans back home don't though. In fact, after several generations of lunar folklore they avoid looking upwards into the night sky whenever the moon is nearly fully.
[20:49] [Ami Mizuno] Aww..
[20:49] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] ..we had two moons
[20:50] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] and when you looked up at them..you could see the glow of their lakes *puts an arm around ami's waist, looking up at imaginary moons* they would shine like tiny stones in the sky...amid the jewels of the sky...
[20:50] [Yukari Yakumo] Well, in Gensokyo there's an old legend that staring up at the full moon can cause insanity.
[20:50] > Ami Mizuno snuggles with Matsuo~
[20:51] [Yukari Yakumo] Awwww. ^__^
[20:51] > Matsuo Shin (casual) holds Ami close, blushing
[20:51] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] you mentioned gift giving
[20:53] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] ...is there any rules on....gifts for..certain people >.>
[20:53] [Ami Mizuno] I'm jealous. Mercury doesn't have any moons.
[20:54] [Ami Mizuno] Some people like to make a wish list, otherwise, just pick something you think they would like.
[20:54] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] ahh.. *coughs*
[20:54] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] well...mercury was blessed with the sun...
[20:54] [Yukari Yakumo] Hmm, question. I heard a story somewhere that it's customary on Christams to give coal as gifts.
[20:54] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] it's why your skies were so beautiful
[20:54] > Ami Mizuno giggles~
[20:55] [Ami Mizuno] Only to the naughty children.
[20:56] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] heh were you one of those?
[20:57] [Ami Mizuno] Oh, yes.. I got coal every year. :P
[20:57] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] oh my :P
[20:57] [Ami Mizuno] I'm kidding. :P
[20:57] --> David O'Cain has joined #reddwarfbeta
[20:57] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to David O'Cain
[20:57] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +David O'Cain
[20:58] [+David O'Cain] Evening.
[20:58] [Ami Mizuno] My mother never really celebrated Christmas.
[20:58] [Yukari Yakumo] How fortunate! Coal has so many uses.
[20:59] > Yukari Yakumo waves to David.
[20:59] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] was there a reason?
[20:59] [+David O'Cain] How's everybody?
[21:00] [Ami Mizuno] She was very traditional, we only celebrated Japanese holidays.
[21:01] [Yukari Yakumo] Getting sleepy here. The time for my hibernate has arrived. ^__^
[21:01] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] heh...well then I'm in the same boat ^^;;;
[21:01] [+David O'Cain] Hibernating like a bear?
[21:02] [Yukari Yakumo] Yup. I've always hibernated during the winter months.
[21:03] > Matsuo Shin (casual) flips through a book, showing ami a few pictures from it
[21:05] [Yukari Yakumo] Baby pictures?
[21:05] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] no no....
[21:05] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] I don't have any of those
[21:06] [Yukari Yakumo] I haven't been a baby in over 1200 years. I can hardly remember those times myself.
[21:07] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] well I haven't for......................................................longer then you
[21:08] [Yukari Yakumo] Oh really? Do tell.
[21:08] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] I really can't ^^;; I don't know how long ago that was
[21:10] [Yukari Yakumo] Awwww. Too bad. At least I have a few babies I can keep pictures of to keep me happy. ^_^
[21:10] > Matsuo Shin (casual) hears that word..and starts to blush even more
[21:11] [+David O'Cain] Heh. I haven't been able to see any of mine in about as long as Matsuo did.
[21:11] [Yukari Yakumo] Naturally the babies I'm speaking of are Solarchos' and Inu-Kit's children. They're all so funny and lively!
[21:12] > Matsuo Shin (casual)'s hand grips ami's tighter
[21:12] [Ami Mizuno] ^_^;
[21:12] [Ami Mizuno] Don't squeeze too tight, I need that for surgeries. :P
[21:13] [Yukari Yakumo] What's wrong Matsuo?
[21:13] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] oh...sorry, ami
[21:13] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] n-nothing
[21:14] [+David O'Cain] Of course. Those four kits are really energetic.
[21:15] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] c-can you e-excuse me for a second
[21:15] > Matsuo Shin (casual) lets go of ami and quickly heads for one of the rooms
[21:15] > Matsuo Shin (casual) is away
[21:15] [Ami Mizuno] o_o
[21:15] [Yukari Yakumo] I'd love to keep them with me for the whole winter, but that would tip off their father.
[21:16] [Yukari Yakumo] Did I say something offensive?
[21:17] [+David O'Cain] I'm not sure.
[21:17] [Ami Mizuno] I don't think so..
[21:19] [+David O'Cain] Hmm. Wonder what caused him to take off like that.
[21:20] > ~` a glass on the bar trembles...and starts to crack...
[21:21] > ~` the glass shatters..as does several others
[21:22] [Yukari Yakumo] Oh my. Poltergeist?
[21:22] [Ami Mizuno] o_o
[21:22] > +David O'Cain quickly shields his face with an arm from any flying glass coming his way
[21:24] > ~` the glass isn't flying...just shattering and falling down....
[21:24] > ~` a nearby trash despenser is crushed inward...
[21:25] [Ami Mizuno] o_o
[21:25] [Ami Mizuno] I wonder if that's Matsuo's doing?..
[21:25] > Ami Mizuno runs off to find where Matsuo went.
[21:25] > Ami Mizuno is away
[21:27] [+David O'Cain] Hoo boy.
[21:27] [Yukari Yakumo] I must depart for a while myself. I think I'll pay those aforementioned little Kits a visit!
[21:28] [Yukari Yakumo] See you again in the spring!
[21:28] [+David O'Cain] Later, Yukari.
[21:30] <-- Yukari Yakumo [IllusoryBorderHag@EnclaveFedCom.Net (Pirated Server)] has left #reddwarfbeta ("Ran will want to bury the Kits in her tails one more time before I go to sleep.")
[21:34] > +David O'Cain takes a seat on a sofa
[21:34] [+David O'Cain] Hmm. On second thought.
[21:34] > +David O'Cain cleans up the mess over at the bar
[21:42] [+David O'Cain] There we go. Much better.
[21:46] > Matsuo Shin (casual) is back
[21:46] > Matsuo Shin (casual) returns, short of breath..and looking more messed up then before
[21:48] [+David O'Cain] Feeling alright, Matsuo?
[21:48] > Ami Mizuno is back
[21:48] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] ..yes...yes..
[21:49] > Ami Mizuno stands behind him, stroking his hair..
[21:49] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] I..I'll be fine
[21:50] [+David O'Cain] Good.
[21:52] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] sorry..you had to see that..ami
[21:53] [Ami Mizuno] It's alright.. I just hope it doesn't happen often.. :(
[21:54] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] no..only when I.......when I have trouble controlling my emotions
[21:54] [Ami Mizuno] Hai..
[21:57] [+David O'Cain] Noted.
[21:57] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] so..what did I miss?
[22:01] [+David O'Cain] Nothing much besides Yukari taking her leave and me cleaning up the mess in here.
[22:05] > Ami Mizuno hugs Matsuo and lays her head on his shoulder.
[22:06] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] ok..ok
[22:06] > Matsuo Shin (casual) holds ami....extremenly close....looking worn out
[22:08] [+David O'Cain] So, what have you two been up to as of late?
[22:08] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] working....
[22:10] [Ami Mizuno] Hai.
[22:10] --> Miara [amongimmortals@terra.net] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[22:10] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Miara
[22:12] > Matsuo Shin (casual) nearly falls over on ami
[22:12] [Miara] ..Am I interrupting something??
[22:13] [Ami Mizuno] o_o
[22:13] > Matsuo Shin (casual) has fainted
[22:13] [+David O'Cain] I don't think you are, Miara.
[22:14] [Ami Mizuno] Matsuo!?
[22:15] [Miara] Feels like he's just unconscious.
[22:15] > Ami Mizuno checks his pulse.
[22:16] > Matsuo Shin (casual) looks drained
[22:16] > Matsuo Shin (casual)'s pulse is steady
[22:17] [+David O'Cain] Better get him lying down somewhere.
[22:17] [Miara] Looks like he's in a good place for that.
[22:17] [Ami Mizuno] Hai.. Will you help me carry him? <_<;
[22:17] [Miara] Oh, here.
[22:18] > Miara takes him and stretches him out on a couch
[22:18] > +David O'Cain helps Ami with Matsuo
[22:18] [Ami Mizuno] I'm sure Mako-chan could do it, but I'm not that strong. ~_~
[22:20] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] ugh..sorry about that
[22:21] [Miara] Maybe not, but you're the strategist, right?
[22:21] [Ami Mizuno] Matsuo? Are you alright?
[22:21] [Miara] You need some power, or is it just other things?
[22:22] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] my head hurts...happens when I unleash my power too fast
[22:25] [Ami Mizuno] I'll go get you something for that.
[22:25] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] heh I'm ruining your night
[22:26] [Ami Mizuno] No, of course not.. I'll be right back.
[22:27] > Ami Mizuno is away: Getting an analgesic.
[22:29] > +David O'Cain opens a vid-window and looks over some info
[22:30] > Ami Mizuno is back
[22:30] > Ami Mizuno comes back with a couple of pills and a glass of water and offers them to Matsuo.
[22:31] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] thank you *drinks down the pills*
[22:31] [Miara] Well, I guess we've had our drama for the night...
[22:32] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] heh yes
[22:33] [Ami Mizuno] Hai..
[22:33] [Miara] And I put on a pair of jeans today, so things are getting better.
[22:33] > Matsuo Shin (casual) sits up
[22:34] > +David O'Cain does a bit of typing on the vid-window
[22:35] > Matsuo Shin (casual) smiles and pats ami on the cheek "thanks"
[22:35] > Ami Mizuno smiles~
[22:36] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] so how are you, miara?
[22:37] [Miara] Better than yesterday.
[22:38] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] heh not going to jump me this time?
[22:39] [Miara] Of course not.
[22:40] [Ami Mizuno] o_o
[22:40] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] ...it's...a long story, Ami
[22:41] [Miara] You'll remember I didn't last time, either.
[22:42] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] no
[22:42] > Ami Mizuno just looks a bit stunned.
[22:43] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] ..she was going....through...a season
[22:44] [Ami Mizuno] Oh.. Hai..
[22:45] [Miara] So? Everyone else around here flirts. The minute I do it people think I'm going to drag them down to a room and do stuff to them.
[22:45] [Ami Mizuno] Gomen..
[22:46] [Miara] Well not you, you weren't here.