[20:43] >>> Monday Nov 22 2010 – Automatic reset triggered – Logging Start <<<
[20:43] [Mita (dress)] person's little!
[20:44] > Chibi-Catri turns around and lays her tails up against Mita. =^^=
[20:44] [Chibi-Alex] Heeee! You silly!
[20:44] > Chibi-Alex turns around and lays her tails against Mita, too. :D
[20:44] > Mita (dress) feels the tails "they have tails!!!"
[20:45] [+Solarchos] These are my daughters, Mita. They're kitsune-jin...fox-people. Not so different from you and your mother.
[20:45] [Chibi-Alex] The TAILS! You like me!!! :D
[20:45] > Mita (dress) smiles...and feels the children's faces again
[20:46] > Chibi-Catri and Chibi-Alex start flicking their ears as Mita feels their faces.
[20:47] [+David O'Cain] Cute.
[20:50] > Chibi-Catri giggles.
[20:50] [Mita (dress)] nice to meet you
[20:50] [Chibi-Alex] You silly!
[20:51] > Mita (dress) isn't even looking at their faces as she feels them
[20:53] [+Solarchos] What do you think, Mita?
[20:53] --> Kurisutaru (Royal) [DemonQueen@unmei.egae.gov] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[20:53] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Kurisutaru (Royal)
[20:53] [@HOL_6000] Intruder Alert! +Kurisutaru (Royal) detected!
[20:54] [+Solarchos] Ah! And here comes one of the rulers of Unmei!
[20:54] [+David O'Cain] Hey, Kuri.
[20:54] [Mita (dress)] cute
[20:54] [Vinya (dress)] hello...
[20:55] [Vinya (dress)] I am Vinya..warrior Princess of the Kinyusians
[20:55] > +Solarchos takes hold of Mita's hands and moves them first to Alexianna's face, then Catriona's. "This is my eldest daughter, Alexianna. She's three years old. And Catriona here is two."
[20:55] [Mita (dress)] hello...I am Mita
[20:56] [Chibi-Alex] Hi! I'm three! :D
[20:56] > Chibi-Catri applies hugs! :3
[20:57] > Mita (dress) hugs back carefully
[20:58] [+Kurisutaru (Royal)] Vinya, it is nice to meet you.
[20:59] [Vinya (dress)] pleasure
[20:59] [Vinya (dress)] this is my daughter, Mita
[20:59] > +Kurisutaru (Royal) courtseys properly "My husband, King Leudast, should be here soon. Well met, Mita."
[20:59] [+Solarchos] Kurisutaru, this is the woman I was telling you about. The fleet that Vinya commands represents the very last of her whole race. She's pretty certain that there weren't any other survivors.
[20:59] > Mita (dress) doesn't seem to even notice kuri
[21:00] > Chibi-Alex applies hugs too, trilling happily. "You silly! Why you feel faces?"
[21:00] > Chibi-Catri looks at Kurisutaru
[21:00] ➣ Kurisutaru: black-haired, tall, dark-eyed woman from Unmei. Born an exiled royal from Unmei's moon Egae. Regular Pic: http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y150/Kakyuu_Kou/Unmei/Dolls/kb.gif
[21:01] [Mita (dress)] cause I can't see
[21:01] > Chibi-Catri sneaks up behind Kurisutaru as she speaks to Vinya and starts trying to impersonate her stance and expression. :3
[21:02] [Chibi-Alex] No see? :/
[21:04] > Mita (dress) shakes head no
[21:04] > Chibi-Alex flicks her tails back and forth in front of Mita's face. :\
[21:06] > Mita (dress)'s eyes don't react
[21:09] > Chibi-Alex looks up at Daddy, confused.
[21:09] [+Solarchos] Mita is blind, little Alex. She was born unable to see through her eyes, so she has to see through her ears and hands instead.
[21:11] [Vinya (dress)] my people are greatful, queen kuri, for your allowing us to settle
[21:12] > Chibi-Alex reaches up and starts feeling Mita's face, just like she felt her face earlier.
[21:14] > Mita (dress) giggles a little
[21:19] [Vinya (dress)] so we are settled then?
[21:20] [+Solarchos] Vinya, hopefully you'll have an opportunity to meet my wife soon. Inu-Kit is also a kitsune-onna...a fox-woman. I have a feeling that you and the rest of the Kinyusians will feel right at home on Unmei.
[21:20] [Vinya (dress)] perhaps we shall
[21:20] [+Solarchos] And yes, everything should be fine. How long will it be before the refugee fleet arrives?
[21:21] [Vinya (dress)] a week
[21:22] [+Solarchos] Excellent. Here...
[21:24] > +Solarchos gives Vinya a dataslate containing various information about Unmei. "This is all the information you'll need to decide where your people wish to live on Unmei - established towns and cities, topography, resource sites and soil fertility surveys, the works."
[21:24] [+David O'Cain] Heh, your folks have been busy, Solar.
[21:25] [+Kurisutaru (Royal)] Egae will be more than happy to have new residents.
[21:25] [+Solarchos] Of course. After what Vinya's people have been through, they deserve a swift response on my part.
[21:26] [+Kurisutaru (Royal)] it has been too sparsely populated for much too long
[21:27] [+Solarchos] Indeed. Once some of them are settled within the Enclave for a little while, they can choose to remain there or move to other areas such as Durenor or Center Town.
[21:27] [Vinya (dress)] thank you
[21:28] [+Solarchos] Hell, if they wish they could choose to become full citizens of the Federation. But that can come later. Right now they need to recuperate from their ordeal.
[21:28] [+Kurisutaru (Royal)] Umei will also be welcoming your people, and all of our schools, especially our elite schools, will be open to all of your people.
[21:28] [+Kurisutaru (Royal)] You are free to pracitce your traditions as you will, and if anyone gives you any trouble, I will handle it personally.
[21:29] [+Solarchos] Vinya, I'll also make certain that all of your people, whether they're on Unmei or Egae, have access to our medical facilities as soon as they arrive.
[21:29] --> Leudast (Royal) [Akume@unmei.egae.gov] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[21:29] [@HOL_6000] Intruder Alert! Leudast (Royal) detected!
[21:29] > Leudast (Royal) walks in with a scowl "You called for me, Kurisutaru?"
[21:30] [+Kurisutaru (Royal)] Now, now! Be a little friendlier to our newest ally! We are welcoming her and her people as new citizens of both Unmei and Egae.
[21:30] [+Solarchos] After everything you've all been through, I wouldn't be surprised if some of them were injured during the escape. Or are suffering from stress-related maladies after losing everything.
[21:31] > Mita (dress) moves forward..and bumps into kuri's dress "oof!"
[21:31] [Chibi-Alex] Hee!
[21:31] > Chibi-Catri giggles at Mita.
[21:32] > Mita (dress) starts feeling the dress
[21:33] > +Solarchos picks up little Alex and Catriona in his arms. "Well, it's time to bring these two little ones home to Mommy and their brothers. Good night everyone!"
[21:34] > Chibi-Alex gives Mita some tail-pats before Daddy picks her up. =^^=
[21:34] [+David O'Cain] Later, Solar and kiddies.
[21:34] > +Kurisutaru (Royal) smiles calmly "You know, Lady Vinya, I do believe I have something that could help Mita... I'd like to offer the services of a good friend as someone who can be your daughter's "eyes"..."
[21:34] > Chibi-Catri gives tail-pats to Vinya! :D
[21:35] > +Kurisutaru (Royal) is wearing a dress made of the finest quality of silk
[21:35] <-- +Solarchos [Fallen0081@EnclaveFedCom.Net] has left #reddwarfbeta ("This is certainly an unusual development, but a welcome one.")
[21:35] <-- Chibi-Alex has left #reddwarfbeta (=^^=)
[21:35] <-- Chibi-Catri has left #reddwarfbeta (>:3)
[21:35] [Vinya (dress)] what do you mean?
[21:40] [+Kurisutaru (Royal)] There is a species known as Feline on Unmei and there are only two members of the species left. A tiger Feline, she would be able to tell Mita if there is something in front of her
[21:40] [+Kurisutaru (Royal)] Leudast, would you ask Arekai to come here?
[21:41] [Leudast (Royal)] Fine
[21:41] <-- Leudast (Royal) [Akume@unmei.egae.gov] has left #reddwarfbeta
[21:43] [Vinya (dress)] my people will be greatful for all this
[21:45] [+David O'Cain] Seems like he was in a very foul mood.
[21:47] [+Kurisutaru (Royal)] My husband, you mean? XD
[21:47] [+Kurisutaru (Royal)] He's always in a foul mood lately ^^
[21:47] --> Arekai [royal_tiger@unmei.gov] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[21:47] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Arekai
[21:48] [+David O'Cain] What'd you do to him this time, Kuri?
[21:48] > Arekai steps out of a random mirror, being slightly bigger than the average male tiger
[21:48] [+Kurisutaru (Royal)] Nothing, nothing, not a thing~
[21:49] > Arekai notices Vinya
[21:49] [Arekai] Are you Lady Vinya?
[21:50] [Vinya (dress)] I am
[21:53] [Vinya (dress)] you re?
[21:53] [Vinya (dress)] *are
[22:02] [Arekai] Arekai
[22:03] [Arekai] I guess you could consider me the royal pet
[22:03] [Vinya (dress)] pleasure to meet you
[22:04] [Arekai] The pleasure is entirely mine, Lady Vinya. I am incredibly sorry to hear about your situation but I am glad Unmei and Egae can be a home for those of you who remain
[22:06] > Mita (dress) walks over carefully and feels Arekai's face
[22:07] [Arekai] +
[22:07] [Arekai] has a very furry face
[22:08] [Arekai] ^/me
[22:08] > Arekai has a very furry face and oocly curses the computer
[22:08] [Mita (dress)] :O what are you????
[22:12] [Arekai] I am a tiger ^^
[22:13] [Mita (dress)] what's a tiger?
[22:13] [Arekai] Well, the tiger race of the Feline species
[22:13] [Arekai] A tiger is a cat of sorts
[22:13] [Arekai] Ah, but you should meet Noir. She's about your age, I believe
[22:14] --> ~Noir has joined #reddwarfbeta
[22:14] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, ~Noir
[22:14] > Mita (dress) feels Arekai's whiskers and ears
[22:15] > ~Noir rushes in in her humanoid form a tale and fuzzy ears are the only thing that keeps her from looking entirely human
[22:15] [~Noir] Arekai~
[22:17] [Vinya (dress)] hello there
[22:21] [+David O'Cain] Hi.
[22:36] [Arekai] Noir, you are much too rambunctious
[22:36] [Arekai] I have a chore for you...
[22:36] [Arekai] Well more like a challenge
[22:36] [Arekai] It will require you to calm down and be more careful.
[22:37] [+Kurisutaru (Royal)] Lady Vinya, if you'd like and it's okay with Mita, I'd like to assign the Panther, Noir, to Mita as a personal guide
[22:38] [+Kurisutaru (Royal)] As Unmei has forests that can be dangerous, it might be a good idea for her to have a guide with her if she'd like to explore
[22:39] > Vinya (dress) smiles "very well"
[22:41] [+David O'Cain] Very generous of you, Kuri.
[22:42] > +Kurisutaru (Royal) smiles "It is not generosity that drives this. I am concerned for the wellbeing of my ally's child. Mita is a citizen of Unmei and Egae. She is unable to see things for herself and the world isn't as nice as I would like to say it is."
[22:43] [+Kurisutaru (Royal)] Besides, I'm sure if I was in Vinya's position, she would do the same for a child of mine.
[22:43] > ~Noir changes into a panther and rubs her head against Mita's hand "Hi there!"
[22:45] [Mita (dress)] O_O *feels noir's head*
[22:45] --> Logan SD [KittyShota@Reddwarf.com] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[22:45] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Logan SD
[22:45] [~Noir] I'm a panther Feline ^_^
[22:46] [Logan SD] Nya?
[22:46] > Mita (dress) feels along noir's face carefully
[22:48] > Mita (dress) smiles and hugs the panther's face
[22:48] [Vinya (dress)] it looks like we have another visitor
[22:48] [Logan SD] Um... hello, everyone. =^_^=
[22:49] [+David O'Cain] Hey, Logan.
[22:49] > Mita (dress) hears the voice and turns around...
[22:50] > Noir smiles "I'll be your guide from now on, Mita!"
[22:50] > Mita (dress) holds out her arms...and moves slowly towards the source of the new voice
[22:50] > Noir changes into her humanoid form and gently guides Mita to Logan
[22:50] > Logan SD looks at Mita
[22:50] ➣ Mita: appears as a small 6 year old girl with curved fox ears and two fox tails. when you look at her, you notice her eyes are a very very very pale blue. She is the daughter of Vinya
[22:51] [Logan SD] ummm... nya, who are you?
[22:51] [+Kurisutaru (Royal)] This is Mita, Logan, she is Lady Vinya's daughter
[22:51] [+Kurisutaru (Royal)] They're new here
[22:52] [Logan SD] Ohh, then welcome aboard! :D
[22:52] > Mita (dress) moves her hand along logan's face
[22:52] > Logan SD giggles a little, not resisting.
[22:53] [Mita (dress)] who are you?
[22:53] > Mita (dress) feels logan's nose...and eyes...and mouth
[22:53] [Logan SD] Logan Detroit.
[22:54] > Logan SD's face has an etched smile and soft skin, on top of the shaggy hair and feline features.
[22:54] [Noir] Miss Mita is unable to see with her eyes
[22:54] [Logan SD] Yeah.. I thought so.. :/
[22:55] [Logan SD] Ether that or she has a really funny custom for meeting new people. ^_^
[22:56] [Logan SD] Feel all you want until you get a good idea, nya. Its okay. I don't mind.
[22:56] [Mita (dress)] wooow....you're a cat
[22:57] [Logan SD] Half cat, nya. yupp.
[22:57] > Logan SD strokes her cheek with his tail.
[22:58] > Mita (dress) giggles and does the same with her two tails
[22:59] > Logan SD giggles some more, and starts feeling her face like she did his. >:3
[23:00] > Mita (dress) giggles
[23:00] [Vinya (dress)] heh
[23:01] [Logan SD] Only fair, nya. :3
[23:02] [Logan SD] Its nice to meet you, Mita. Where are you from?
[23:03] > Mita (dress) starts to look upset at that
[23:03] [Vinya (dress)] we are refugees, young one
[23:04] > Logan SD withdraws his hands, his smile faltering.
[23:04] [Logan SD] Ohh.... well you can stay here!
[23:04] [+David O'Cain] Heh, they're more than welcome to visit here at the very least.
[23:05] [Vinya (dress)] thank you...but we are going to live on the planet known as Unmei..we shall visit however
[23:06] [Logan SD] Well.. okay.
[23:06] [Logan SD] What do you do for fun, Mita?
[23:07] [Mita (dress)] shoot!
[23:07] [Logan SD] Like with guns?
[23:08] > Mita (dress) nods
[23:08] [Vinya (dress)] we are a race of warriors
[23:08] [+David O'Cain] What kind of guns do you prefer?
[23:09] [Logan SD] Cool! I like shooting stuff too! I'm real good at laser tag.
[23:17] [Mita (dress)] what is laser tag?
[23:21] [Logan SD] Oh, its cool! You put on these vests and you have laser guns and you run around obstacle courses and shoot eachother! They play music and have fog machines and they have all sorts of ways to play! Its fun! I'd be happy to take you sometime! My pop has a few courses.
[23:23] [Logan SD] Oh.. wait.. I don't think you'll be... wait wait... how do you shoot if you can't see? o_o
[23:23] [Mita (dress)] it sounds like fun
[23:23] > Mita (dress) flicks her fox ears
[23:25] [Logan SD] Ooohhh... your hearing is THAT good? :O
[23:27] [+David O'Cain] Say, Vinya. What sort of gun does your race use?
[23:27] > Mita (dress) nods slowly, trying to face the place where Logan is
[23:28] [Logan SD] Well, we'll have to ask them to turn down the music but that shouldn't be a problem! =^_^= I've been meaning to take Izumi sometime.. ohh, that's my girlfriend. =^_^=
[23:34] > Mita (dress) nods nods
[23:34] > Logan SD gives Mita a hug, purring a little.
[23:35] > Mita (dress) hugs back carefully
[23:36] > Logan SD lets her go and sits nearby on the couch, tail swaying.
[23:38] [Logan SD] Nya, wanna sit with me?
[23:38] [Mita (dress)] ok!
[23:39] > Logan SD gets back up and guides her to the couch, not being shy about touching her sides to guide her.
[23:40] > Vinya (dress) keeps an eye on the young man
[23:41] [Vinya (dress)] we use various kinds...though nothing you probably would have heard of
[23:43] [+David O'Cain] Gotcha. Same could be said for my weaponry.
[23:47] [+David O'Cain] Not sure if it'd be wise of me to do any bragging about what I've got. ^_^;;;
[23:47] [Logan SD] Weapons are helpful, but powers are better. :3
[23:50] [+David O'Cain] Perhaps, Logan, but it depends on how powerful your opponent is.
[23:51] [Logan SD] Well dua, and how good your powers are. But mine are gooooooood. :3
[23:53] [Mita (dress)] what?
[23:54] [Logan SD] What what?
[23:56] [Mita (dress)] powers?
[23:57] [Logan SD] Yeah. ^_^ I control fire and ice, and I have chaos powers I can't really control yet. ^_^;;
[23:58] [Mita (dress)] woooow
[00:00] >>> Tuesday Nov 23 2010 <<<
[00:02] > Mita (dress) yawns
[00:02] [Vinya (dress)] we should get going....we have much to do tomorrow
[00:02] > Vinya (dress) walks over and picks up her daughter
[00:03] [Logan SD] Nice meeting you, Mita!
[00:03] [+David O'Cain] Good night, Vinya and Mita.
[00:04] [Vinya (dress)] goodnight everyone
[00:04] > Mita (dress) waves
[00:04] <-- Vinya (dress) has left #reddwarfbeta
[00:04] <-- Mita (dress) has left #reddwarfbeta
[00:05] [Logan SD] That was neat. ^_^ Sucks that she's blind though. :\
[00:06] [+David O'Cain] Yeah, it does, but she's figured out a way around it, though.
[00:20] [+David O'Cain] Anyway, I better get going, Logan. You take care.
[00:20] <-- +David O'Cain has left #reddwarfbeta (And good night.)
[00:21] <-- Logan SD [KittyShota@Reddwarf.com] has left #reddwarfbeta (I'ma go play something.)
[01:54] --> Minako Aino (PJs) [SoldierOfLove@Venus.net] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[01:54] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Minako Aino (PJs)
[01:56] --> Artemis [AnimalGuardian@Venus.gov] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[01:56] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Artemis
[01:56] > Minako Aino (PJs) groans and leans against the bar, rubbing her face.
[01:57] [Artemis] Well... I see living with Katori hasn't caused you to change your brand of shampoo.
[01:58] > Minako Aino (PJs) gives a light chuckle, in spite of herself.
[01:58] > Artemis hops up onto a bar stool next to where Mina's standing.
[01:58] [Minako Aino (PJs)] Hi Artemis..
[01:58] [Artemis] I was hoping I'd run into you....
[01:59] [Minako Aino (PJs)] And I'm glad to see you, even if you know too much about me from smelling me.
[02:00] [Artemis] ....how're you holding up?
[02:00] > Minako Aino (PJs) sighs.
[02:00] [Minako Aino (PJs)] Well enough. Kato helps the days go by.. but I feel so... so...
[02:03] [Minako Aino (PJs)] Weak? Violated? Helpless? I don't know..
[02:04] [Artemis] I know.... Ami's felt the same way. Matsuo's been helping her through it.
[02:05] > Minako Aino (PJs)'s eyes go wide.
[02:05] > Minako Aino (PJs) scoops up Artemis and looks at him.
[02:06] [Minako Aino (PJs)] Ohh... mygod... I totally forgot you have a blunt crow feet for them! ♡
[02:09] [Artemis] You mean front row seat?
[02:09] [Minako Aino (PJs)] Um.. maybe. Ne ne, how are they getting along? They're sleeping in the same bed? Any sounds of love yet?
[02:10] [Artemis] Nothing that I've heard.
[02:10] [Minako Aino (PJs)] Mohhhh
[02:11] [Artemis] Hey, they're sharing a bed at least... it's a start. :P
[02:15] [Minako Aino (PJs)] Yupp. Funny to me though, to do one and not the other.
[02:15] > Minako Aino (PJs) pounds her fist.
[02:15] [Artemis] Some people are just like that.
[02:15] [Minako Aino (PJs)] I need to send Matsuo-san a bottle of tequila. The good stuff!
[02:15] > Artemis is still in Mina's grasp
[02:16] > Minako Aino (PJs) could do that even holding him. :P but puts him down at last.
[02:19] [Artemis] Ya' know... it's nice living with Ami and Matsuo with Luna....
[02:20] [Artemis] .... but I do miss spending time with you Mina.
[02:20] [Minako Aino (PJs)] One big family? Kato's parents are nice, in their way.
[02:21] [Minako Aino (PJs)] I miss my guardian too. ^_^ And his ecchi crush on the human girl.
[02:23] [Artemis] Do you blame me?
[02:23] [Minako Aino (PJs)] ❧ Nope ❧
[02:23] [Minako Aino (PJs)] Though it is weird with you being a cat and all.. and living with me since I was ~only~ thirteen.
[02:24] [Artemis] Listen to you... trying to make me sound like a dirty old man. :P
[02:25] > Minako Aino (PJs) giggles, picking him up again and sitting down.
[02:26] > Artemis's tail waves slightly, smiling at her
[02:27] [Minako Aino (PJs)] I ~was~ cute, I suppose. Irresistible, even! *^_^*
[02:28] [Artemis] Oh trust me, you still are.
[02:28] [Minako Aino (PJs)] Pity for you I found someone. Now you can't break it off with Luna to take me up on my promise. :p
[02:30] > Artemis wiggles an ear | If you don't tell him, I won't tell her. :P
[02:30] [Minako Aino (PJs)] Baaaaka.
[02:32] > Artemis chuckles
[02:33] > Minako Aino (PJs) tickles his chest.
[02:34] > Artemis chuckles more
[02:37] > Artemis licks Mina's hand
[02:38] > Minako Aino (PJs) smiles at him and strokes his cheek.
[02:38] > Artemis purrs with a smile
[02:39] [Artemis] This is what I've really missed.
[02:40] [Minako Aino (PJs)] Yeah.. somewhat happier times.. even if you did find me and convert me from a carefree teenage girl with god-like powers, charged with protecting the world and a princess with her life. :p ^_^
[02:41] [Minako Aino (PJs)] Err.. that came out wrong.. you know what I meant >_<
[02:42] [Artemis] Don't worry, I know what you ment.
[02:44] [Artemis] Trust me..... there have been times when I felt guilty for awakening you to your destiny.
[02:48] [Minako Aino (PJs)] Yeah.. I know.. but I can't run from it, can I? The world is worth the price of a maiden's youth..
[02:49] > Artemis settles into her arms
[02:49] [Artemis] If you say so Mina....
[02:51] [Minako Aino (PJs)] Its not like my life would have been better if the planet had been conquered or obliterated. >:P
[02:52] > Minako Aino (PJs) carefully takes out her phone and sends a text.
[02:53] [Artemis] Well, you have a point there.
[02:53] [Minako Aino (PJs)] Kato, Ami and Luna know you're protecting me tonight. You want to come to Kato's with me, or just crash up here in the old spot?
[02:54] > Artemis smiles up at her | Well... it's up to you where we go. But I'll gladly stick with you.
[02:54] > Minako Aino (PJs) sends another one.
[02:54] [Minako Aino (PJs)] I think you'll like Kato's home. mmm... Caviar is soooo addictive. *_*
[02:56] [Artemis] Alright then. I'd love to try that.
[02:57] > Minako Aino (PJs) stands and drapes him around her neck like an accessory.
[02:57] > Artemis purrs and hangs off her neck, his tail swaying slightly
[02:58] <-- Minako Aino (PJs) [SoldierOfLove@Venus.net] has left #reddwarfbeta (Just hope you don't mind watching him and me share affection. *^_^*)
[02:59] <-- Artemis [AnimalGuardian@Venus.gov] has left #reddwarfbeta (Trust me... if you need your privacy, I'll give it. :P)
[00:00] >>> Wednesday Nov 24 2010 <<<
[19:39] --> Matsuo Shin [PsychicGuy@Q.Tech.gov] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[19:39] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Matsuo Shin
[19:39] > Matsuo Shin walks in, wiping his brow
[19:45] > Matsuo Shin sits on a sofa with a book
[19:50] [Matsuo Shin] hm?
[19:53] --> David O'Cain has joined #reddwarfbeta
[19:53] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to David O'Cain
[19:53] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +David O'Cain
[19:53] [+David O'Cain] Hey, Matsuo.
[19:53] --> Yukari Yakumo [IllusoryBorderHag@EnclaveFedCom.Net (Pirated Server)] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[19:53] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Yukari Yakumo
[19:53] [Matsuo Shin] hello, david
[19:54] > Matsuo Shin wipes off his brow again..it's obvious he's been working out
[19:54] > Yukari Yakumo emerges from one of her portals and steps into the room, looking around at everyone and smiling in her usual slightly smug/slightly creepy way. ^___^
[19:55] > Yukari Yakumo looks at Matsuo Shin
[19:55] ➣ Matsuo Shin: Matsuo looks like a male Matsumi, with the exception his hair is bright red and short.
[19:56] [Yukari Yakumo] Hmmm, I don't believe I met you the last time I visited. Who might you be?
[19:56] [Matsuo Shin] hello there, yukari yakumo
[19:56] [Matsuo Shin] my name is Matsuo Shin
[19:57] [Yukari Yakumo] It's been a while since I'd been able to tear myself away from work. Getting ready for the winter takes a lot out of a girl. ^__^
[19:58] [Yukari Yakumo] You bear an odd resemblence to that girl I met before. Matsumi was her name. Any relation?
[19:59] [Matsuo Shin] she's my twin sister
[20:00] [+David O'Cain] Hey, Yukari.
[20:01] > Yukari Yakumo waves to David. "I thought I saw you around. Sorry it's been so long."
[20:01] [+David O'Cain] What's happening?
[20:02] [Yukari Yakumo] Well, I'm just getting acquainted with Matsuo here. I didn't know Matsumi had a twin. I wonder if they have the same powers. ^__^
[20:03] [+David O'Cain] Well, now you know she does.
[20:04] [Matsuo Shin] no I don't heh
[20:05] > Matsuo Shin raises his hand..causing Yukari to rise to the ceiling
[20:05] > Yukari Yakumo rises to the ceiling, slightly surprised. "Oh."
[20:06] [Yukari Yakumo] Not bad. Not bad at all.
[20:07] [Matsuo Shin] I am also telepathic
[20:08] [+David O'Cain] Oh yeah. And he's really good at that, too.
[20:08] [Yukari Yakumo] You are, are you? Heh, I'll bet you use it to do all sorts of naughty things with the ladies, amirite? ^____^
[20:09] [Matsuo Shin] not at all
[20:09] [Matsuo Shin] too much of a gentleman
[20:10] [+David O'Cain] Why do I have that feeling that you and Morrigan might be on the same level of thought?
[20:10] [Yukari Yakumo] I understand there's a big holiday coming up very soon. Something about giving thanks?
[20:11] [Yukari Yakumo] Heheheheheh, Morrigan and I get along quite well. ^__^
[20:11] [Matsuo Shin] apparently...I'm researching it
[20:12] [+David O'Cain] Yes, Thanksgiving. Primarily, from my understanding, is a holiday in the United States.
[20:13] [Yukari Yakumo] Ahhh. I've heard of it, but we don't have anything like that back home. I wonder if I should try introducing it.
[20:14] [Yukari Yakumo] So, what would you two be giving thanks for, if I may ask.
[20:14] > +David O'Cain shrugs
[20:14] [Matsuo Shin] for being with family again
[20:15] [+David O'Cain] Well, I'll probably be at home enjoying some good food after I get off work.
[20:15] [Matsuo Shin] and having the love of a wonderful woman
[20:15] [+David O'Cain] Oh, you said what I would give thanks for. Sorry, misunderstood that.
[20:15] [Yukari Yakumo] :P
[20:16] [+David O'Cain] Well, having a nice life, a lovely woman as my wife, and having plenty of friends.
[20:16] [Yukari Yakumo] If I was to give thanks for something, it would definitely be for being such an incredibly attractive and powerful woman that so many men fantasize about! ^____^
[20:17] [Yukari Yakumo] And for having such loyal and talented shikigami helping me at home.
[20:17] > +David O'Cain nods
[20:18] > Matsuo Shin keeps reading
[20:20] [Yukari Yakumo] Although I know some other girls who'd be giving thanks for other things entirely. The people I know are an...eccentric lot.
[20:21] [+David O'Cain] Yeah?
[20:21] [Yukari Yakumo] I know one loli-oni girl who'd only give thanks for having an infinite supply of sake.
[20:22] [+David O'Cain] Really? Endless sake?
[20:23] [Yukari Yakumo] I also know of a certain Hell Raven who'd definitely have lots to be thankful for if she could actually visit Chernobyl. And abduct a certain mutual friend of ours.
[20:23] > Matsuo Shin quietly reads to himself
[20:25] [Yukari Yakumo] I also know of a couple of girls who would be genuinely thankful if they could permanently kill the other one.
[20:26] [Yukari Yakumo] Me, I'll just be thankful if I don't get woken up this winter.
[20:26] [Yukari Yakumo] Just a couple more days and I'll begin my long winter's nap. *sighs contentedly*
[20:28] > Yukari Yakumo opens a portal a foot or so above Matsuo's head, then sticks her own head out of it and peers down at the book he's reading.
[20:28] [+David O'Cain] Eh? Whatcha talking about?
[20:28] [Yukari Yakumo] What's that you're studying so intently?
[20:29] [Matsuo Shin] history of thanksgiving
[20:29] [Yukari Yakumo] Oh, you don't know? During the winter months I hibernate. I'm quite nocturnal. When the sun is up in Gensokyo, I'm always asleep. I awaken the moment the sun sets below the horizon.
[20:30] [Yukari Yakumo] However, when winter comes around I sleep continuously through it. I won't wake up again until spring comes.
[20:31] [Yukari Yakumo] Or unless something really really annoying wakes me up. God, that's happened more times in the past few years than I'd care to admit. ~__~;
[20:32] [+David O'Cain] I see.
[20:35] [Yukari Yakumo] Last year I got awoken TWICE. You should have seen how I looked when I finally woke up in the spring like I was supposed to.
[20:35] [+David O'Cain] Ugly?
[20:37] [Yukari Yakumo] According to a certain Tengu-girl who loves to stick her nose into other people's business, snoop around, take WAAAAAY too many picture with that damned camera of hers, and basically be a total nuisance, yes.
[20:38] [+David O'Cain] Hmm. Any way of permanently putting a stop to all that? I can think of several ways.
[20:39] <-- Matsuo Shin [PsychicGuy@Q.Tech.gov] has left #reddwarfbeta
[20:40] [Yukari Yakumo] She posted those pictures of me in her newspaper. I got back at her later with a few strategically-placed portals while she was taking a bath at an onsen laer on.
[20:40] [+David O'Cain] Heh.
[20:43] [+David O'Cain] Sometimes I wonder if and WHEN lessons get learned.
[20:44] [Yukari Yakumo] Ohhh, they never are. Especially among long-timers like my kind.
[20:45] [Yukari Yakumo] Youkai tend to have a much different perspective than normal Humans. They tend to think in very long terms, but we get too comfortable with our respective routines after a while.
[20:45] [+David O'Cain] Geez. You'd think they would.
[20:47] [Yukari Yakumo] Then again, Humans think in such short terms that they never seem to learn. I guess those short lifespans of yours make you feel like you have to rush through life.
[20:47] [+David O'Cain] Perhaps so.
[20:48] > ~ looks at Yukari Yakumo
[20:48] ➣ Yukari Yakumo: She's a remarkably beautiful young woman, with long blond hair and eyes that are a strange shade of purple. She wears a short-sleeved purple dress, white elbow-length gloves and stockings, and a white mop-hat with red ribbons tied into bows. She looks remarkably youthful, but her eyes convey experience born of centuries.
[20:48] [Yukari Yakumo] What woke me up so often last winter was another war broke out in Gensokyo. ~__~;
[20:49] [Yukari Yakumo] Kami-sama, where was my dear Onryo when we REALLY could have used him?
[20:49] [+David O'Cain] I gotta ask, what war took place this past winter?
[20:53] [Yukari Yakumo] Something involving a bunch of incredibly loud, destructive, and annoying clones of some damned b[SMEG]ch named Excel.
[20:53] [+David O'Cain] You're kidding. Excel clones? That's insane.
[20:54] [Yukari Yakumo] I mean DAMN! One of them was loud enough, but several hundred of them?! How the hell did they get into Gensokyo in the first place??!! I sure didn't let them inside!
[20:55] [+David O'Cain] Your guess is as good as mine. I'm wondering just why the hell someone would wanna make clones of that nutjob.
[20:56] [Yukari Yakumo] Poor Ran and Chen had their hands full just trying to keep the insanity away from my house. They weren't always successful.
[20:56] [+David O'Cain] I see.
[20:57] --> Hiroshi has joined #reddwarfbeta
[20:57] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Hiroshi
[20:57] [Hiroshi] ah..konbanwa
[20:58] > Hiroshi is carrying a sake jug over his shoulder
[20:59] [Yukari Yakumo] Oooohh! The Wolf-youkai! Greetings, fellow youkai!
[20:59] [+David O'Cain] Hey there.
[21:00] [Yukari Yakumo] Ah! And you have sake, too!
[21:00] [Hiroshi] please just call me Hiroshi ^^;;;
[21:01] [Yukari Yakumo] Konichiwa, Hiroshi-san.
[21:02] [Hiroshi] I just came from the mountains
[21:02] > Yukari Yakumo opens a small portal next to her, reaches into it, and withdraws several sake dishes.
[21:03] [Yukari Yakumo] And how are the mountains this time of year? Probably quite tranquil.
[21:03] [Hiroshi] oh very
[21:03] > Yukari Yakumo offers a dish to Hiroshi and David.
[21:04] > Hiroshi takes one and pours some sake in it
[21:05] > +David O'Cain takes a dish for sake
[21:05] [Yukari Yakumo] I do sometimes wish I could stay awake long enough to see Gensokyo's mountains in the middle of winter. I've heard the view can be amazing during the snowfall.
[21:05] [Hiroshi] cannot you stay up in the winter?
[21:07] > Yukari Yakumo sips some sake and shakes her head. "No, I can't. Maintaining the barrier separating the Outside World and Gensokyo takes an enormous amount of magical energy from me. In fact, that's probably why I sleep so much."
[21:07] [Hiroshi] how odd
[21:09] > +David O'Cain sips some sake, "So, what keeps the barrier in check when you sleep?"
[21:09] > Yukari Yakumo shrugs. "What about yourself? You must have powers of your own, Hiroshi-san."
[21:10] [Yukari Yakumo] Oh, there's a certain shrine located very close to the Barrier that also help maintain it. You could say that the people there and I work in concert.
[21:11] [+David O'Cain] I see.
[21:11] [Hiroshi] Careful with this sake..I got it from a Yama-Uba
[21:11] [Hiroshi] it is very special
[21:12] [Hiroshi] my powers nothing like yours
[21:13] [Yukari Yakumo] Oooooo! I remember drinking sake like this long ago! It was a thousand-year old vintage that was kept in a vault within the Lunarian capitol on the moon.
[21:13] [+David O'Cain] What's a Yama-Uba?
[21:14] [Hiroshi] the cannebal woman of the mountains
[21:15] [+David O'Cain] Oh, okay. Never heard of one.
[21:15] [Yukari Yakumo] During the height of a major battle between some of the girls of Gensokyo and the Lunarians I managed to sneak in and grab the bottle all for myself. ^___^
[21:16] [Yukari Yakumo] How are the Yama-Uba nowadays? Hopefully not too peckish.
[21:16] [Hiroshi] they only eat fools who run into them
[21:18] [Yukari Yakumo] Hmmmm, I think I know of a Yama-Uba back in Gensokyo. She's a rather unsettling and unnerving girl. I take it the ones you know if aren't much different.
[21:19] > Yukari Yakumo sips some more sake. It
[21:19] [Hiroshi] heh not at all.....
[21:19] [Yukari Yakumo] This is quite good.
[21:19] > Hiroshi drinks his own sake
[21:21] [Yukari Yakumo] Oh, the cannibal girl I'm speaking of is quite attractive to look upon, but she has some rather strange quirks that tends to put any Human she comes across on their guard from the very start.
[21:21] [Yukari Yakumo] She creeps out a lot of Youkai, too.
[21:23] [Hiroshi] not many of my kind exist anymore
[21:24] [Yukari Yakumo] Awwww. :<
[21:25] [Yukari Yakumo] There are plenty of wolf-youkai back home. Hundreds of them. Perhaps you might like to visit them one of these days.
[21:26] [Hiroshi] perhaps I shall
[21:31] [Yukari Yakumo] Indeed. You would probably be made very welcome. Youkai from the Outside are very rare.
[21:32] [Hiroshi] is that so?
[21:33] > Yukari Yakumo nods and finishes off the last of her sake.
[21:34] [Yukari Yakumo] I have enjoyed our chat, fellow Youkai. I do hope to speak with you again one of these days.
[21:34] > Yukari Yakumo bows to Hiroshi.
[21:35] [Yukari Yakumo] And now I must return home. Hopefully I'll be able to visit here once more before I go into hibernation. Good night, Humans and Youkai!
[21:35] [Hiroshi] goodnight
[21:35] [+David O'Cain] Later, Yukari.
[21:36] <-- Yukari Yakumo [IllusoryBorderHag@EnclaveFedCom.Net (Pirated Server)] has left #reddwarfbeta (I see what you're doing in there! ^__^)
[21:43] [+David O'Cain] A nice conversation with her.
[21:44] [Hiroshi] I must get going...take care
[21:44] <-- Hiroshi has left #reddwarfbeta
[21:44] [+David O'Cain] See ya.
[21:45] > Matsuo Shin is back
[21:45] [Matsuo Shin] oh hello again, david
[21:47] --> Cora has joined #reddwarfbeta
[21:47] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Cora
[21:48] [Matsuo Shin] evening, cora
[21:48] [+David O'Cain] Welcome back, Matsuo.
[21:48] [+David O'Cain] Hi, Cora.
[21:48] [Cora] Hello, David.
[21:49] [Cora] Good evening...it is Matsuo, correct?
[21:49] [Matsuo Shin] that is my name, yes :)
[21:51] [Cora] It has been quite a while since I have been up here, so I was not sure that I remembered correctly.
[21:52] [Matsuo Shin] how is your life?
[21:53] [Cora] Strange and not quite comfortable, sometimes.
[21:55] [Cora] I am sure, being from a much older time yourself, that you understand somewhat.
[21:55] [Matsuo Shin] sorry to hear that
[21:56] > +David O'Cain takes a seat on a sofa and lounges
[22:00] > Matsuo Shin relaxes
[22:01] [Matsuo Shin] oh cora..if you have some time....I'd like to talk to you about your past...I'm quite interested in learning about it :)
[22:03] [Cora] Oh, um...sure.
[22:05] [Cora] Did you want to see the temple, too?
[22:06] [Matsuo Shin] oh I'd love to!
[22:08] [Cora] You will need to bring some kind of light.
[22:09] [Cora] It is very dark down there.
[22:09] [Matsuo Shin] no need
[22:09] [Matsuo Shin] I can see perfectly in the dark
[22:10] [Cora] Oh. Okay.
[22:10] [+David O'Cain] That's right. You've got natural night vision of a sort, don't you?
[22:11] [Cora] I will have to go into town and buy batteries for my torch.
[22:12] [Matsuo Shin] yes I do
[22:16] [+David O'Cain] I'd need either a flashlight or my helmet's visor in order to see in the dark.
[22:18] [Cora] We had very little light down there sometimes, but we couldn't see in the dark like some of you can.
[22:23] [+David O'Cain] Gotcha.
[22:23] [Cora] Would either of you like some wine?
[22:23] > Cora goes behind the counter and looks for a good bottle.
[22:23] > Matsuo Shin nods nods
[22:24] [Matsuo Shin] I'll have a little
[22:24] [Cora] White or red?
[22:25] [+David O'Cain] No thank you. I had some sake earlier.
[22:26] [Matsuo Shin] white please
[22:28] > Cora picks one and pours two glasses, handing one to Matsuo
[22:29] [Matsuo Shin] thank you
[22:31] [Cora] You are welcome.
[22:31] > Matsuo Shin sips the wine
[22:34] [Matsuo Shin] mmm..very nice
[22:36] [Cora] It is.
[22:36] [Cora] And I am afraid I must be going.
[22:36] [Cora] My address is in the ship computer, when you think you would like to go, Matsuo.
[22:37] <-- Cora has left #reddwarfbeta
[22:37] [Matsuo Shin] alright thank you :)
[22:38] [+David O'Cain] Bye, Cora.
[22:40] [+David O'Cain] Any new dig adventures lately, Matsuo?
[22:42] [Matsuo Shin] nope...pretty slow
[22:44] [+David O'Cain] Gotcha.
[23:12] [Matsuo Shin] yup
[23:14] [+David O'Cain] Sheesh, we're quiet. >_>;
[23:17] [Matsuo Shin] heh well what do you want to talk about?
[23:18] [+David O'Cain] Well, that's what I don't know. I'm not sure what to talk about with you.
[23:20] [Matsuo Shin] same with you heh
[23:28] [Matsuo Shin] I should probably head home..err..I mean to ami's house
[23:28] [+David O'Cain] Hmm. Wonder if I oughta make some kind of zombie horde fight program in the holodeck.
[23:28] [+David O'Cain] Heh. Have a good night, and keep Ami safe.
[23:29] [Matsuo Shin] I always shall
[23:29] [Matsuo Shin] goodnight to you
[23:29] [+David O'Cain] Later, man.
[23:30] <-- Matsuo Shin [PsychicGuy@Q.Tech.gov] has left #reddwarfbeta
[23:41] <-- +David O'Cain has left #reddwarfbeta
[00:00] >>> Thursday Nov 25 2010 <<<
[01:08] --> Logan SD (PJs) [KittyShota@Reddwarf.com] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[01:08] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Logan SD (PJs)
[01:09] [Logan SD (PJs)] Yay Thanksgiving break! =^_^=
[01:09] > Logan SD (PJs) gets a bowl of chips, cup of juice and parks infront of the fish tank.
[01:13] --> :3 Nekonata Ɛ: (Pajamas) [Neko-neko@moe.net] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[01:13] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, :3 Nekonata Ɛ: (Pajamas)
[01:14] [:3 Nekonata Ɛ: (Pajamas)] :3
[01:14] [Logan SD (PJs)] :3 :3 >:3
[01:16] [:3 Nekonata Ɛ: (Pajamas)] ❧ Hi-nya~ ❧
[01:17] [Logan SD (PJs)] ❧ Hey pretty girl~ ❧
[01:17] > :3 Nekonata Ɛ: (Pajamas) plops down by Logan and steals some chips. >:3
[01:18] > Logan SD (PJs) giggles a little and wraps an arm around her.
[01:20] [:3 Nekonata Ɛ: (Pajamas)] Excited for the break from school-nya?
[01:22] [Logan SD (PJs)] Heck yeah, nya! I need the break. @.@
[01:22] [:3 Nekonata Ɛ: (Pajamas)] Aww..
[01:23] [:3 Nekonata Ɛ: (Pajamas)] At least we have all weekend. :3
[01:24] [Logan SD (PJs)] You?
[01:24] [Logan SD (PJs)] Yupp! ♡ Nya nya, you have to come to dinner tomorrow!
[01:25] [:3 Nekonata Ɛ: (Pajamas)] ❧ I love spending time with my Logan~~ ❧
[01:25] > Logan SD (PJs) purrs and holds her closer.
[01:26] > :3 Nekonata Ɛ: (Pajamas) purrs~
[01:28] [:3 Nekonata Ɛ: (Pajamas)] D'you know what we're having for dinner tomorrow? :3
[01:30] [Logan SD (PJs)] Turkey, nya.. and potatos and stuffing and rolls and gravy and cranberry sause and other stuff!
[01:30] [:3 Nekonata Ɛ: (Pajamas)] :3 :3
[01:32] [:3 Nekonata Ɛ: (Pajamas)] Sounds deeeelicious. :3
[01:32] [Logan SD (PJs)] You like white meat or dark meat?
[01:32] [:3 Nekonata Ɛ: (Pajamas)] Yes. :3
[01:32] > Logan SD (PJs) giggles.
[01:35] [:3 Nekonata Ɛ: (Pajamas)] How did your hunting trip go-nya?
[01:37] [Logan SD (PJs)] Gooodd.. I caught a few rabbits and helped J.D. take down a deer! >:3
[01:38] [:3 Nekonata Ɛ: (Pajamas)] Woooooow~
[01:43] [Logan SD (PJs)] It was really cool! You sneak up on 'em an they try to get away but you grab em and shake em and next thing you know you're cookin' 'em! >:3
[01:44] > :3 Nekonata Ɛ: (Pajamas) giggles~
[01:46] > :3 Nekonata Ɛ: (Pajamas) nuzzles Logan~
[01:47] > Logan SD (PJs) kisses her gently on the lips and scratches her leg.
[01:49] > :3 Nekonata Ɛ: (Pajamas) purrrrrrrrs~
[01:52] > Logan SD (PJs) breaks it and pushes his forhead into hers, grinning stupidly.
[01:54] [:3 Nekonata Ɛ: (Pajamas)] ❧ Hehehehehehehe~ ❧
[01:54] [Logan SD (PJs)] ehehe... Love you. =^.^=
[01:55] [:3 Nekonata Ɛ: (Pajamas)] Love you too-nya~
[02:02] [:3 Nekonata Ɛ: (Pajamas)] Wanna grab these snacks and go to your rom-nya? :3
[02:04] [Logan SD (PJs)] Sure!
[02:05] > Logan SD (PJs) lets go of her and stands, bringing the bowl.
[02:06] > :3 Nekonata Ɛ: (Pajamas) grabs the juice and hops up.
[02:09] <-- Logan SD (PJs) [KittyShota@Reddwarf.com] has left #reddwarfbeta (We can spend the whoooole weekend together! =O)
[02:10] <-- :3 Nekonata Ɛ: (Pajamas) [Neko-neko@moe.net] has left #reddwarfbeta (:3)
[02:21] --> Jennifer Flare (PJ's) [AriesSenshi@usa.cc] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[02:21] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Jennifer Flare (PJ's)
[02:22] > Jennifer Flare (PJ's) walks in, looking around
[02:22] [Jennifer Flare (PJ's)] Huh, noone's here. Oh well
[02:23] --> Ves Ves (Robe) [BeastTamer@DeadMoon.cc] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[02:23] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Ves Ves (Robe)
[02:23] [Ves Ves (Robe)] Hmm... don't think I've met you.
[02:24] [Jennifer Flare (PJ's)] Nor I you...
[02:24] > Jennifer Flare (PJ's) holds out her hand/ Jennifer Flare
[02:24] > Ves Ves (Robe) shakes it. 'Ves Ves.'
[02:25] [Jennifer Flare (PJ's)] Ves Ves.... that sounds familiar for some reason.
[02:26] [Ves Ves (Robe)] My sisters and I make up the Amazon Quartet.
[02:27] [Jennifer Flare (PJ's)] Aaaah, the circus girls!
[02:27] [Jennifer Flare (PJ's)] I heard about you from Vana.
[02:28] [Ves Ves (Robe)] All good, I hope.
[02:28] > Ves Ves (Robe) takes a seat on the couch, crossing her legs and moving her hair to hang over the back.
[02:29] [Jennifer Flare (PJ's)] Yeah, she said you girls are excellent performers.
[02:31] [Ves Ves (Robe)] I like her. A little soft in her domineering, but has lots of other great qualities.
[02:32] --> Cere Cere (Pajamas) [FlowerMaiden@DeadMoon.cc] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[02:32] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Cere Cere (Pajamas)
[02:32] [Cere Cere (Pajamas)] *yawn*
[02:32] [Ves Ves (Robe)] Hey sis.
[02:32] [Jennifer Flare (PJ's)] She's my best friend. :)
[02:34] [Jennifer Flare (PJ's)] Oooh, one of your sisters?
[02:34] [Ves Ves (Robe)] Indeed, and the one I fight with the least.
[02:35] [Cere Cere (Pajamas)] Konbanwa, Ves Ves. Who is your friend here?
[02:35] [Ves Ves (Robe)] Jennifer, Cere Cere. Cere, Jennifer.
[02:35] [Cere Cere (Pajamas)] Hmm.. I think that honor goes to
[02:36] [Jennifer Flare (PJ's)] Nice to meet you Cere *holds her hand out to Cere*
[02:36] [Cere Cere (Pajamas)] ^ Palla Palla, but only because she doesn't fight back.
[02:36] > Cere Cere (Pajamas) curtseys and shakes Jennifer's hand.
[02:37] > Jennifer Flare (PJ's) smiles/ So polite.
[02:37] [Ves Ves (Robe)] She gets testy when I tell her that she's being stupid.. you don't provoke me as much.. but I digress.
[02:37] [Jennifer Flare (PJ's)] You girls want a drink?
[02:37] [Ves Ves (Robe)] Please.
[02:38] [Cere Cere (Pajamas)] Thank you, a nightcap would be welcome.
[02:39] > Jennifer Flare (PJ's) nods and walks behind the bar/ Any requests?
[02:39] [Cere Cere (Pajamas)] Something citrusy, please.
[02:39] [Ves Ves (Robe)] mmm... Mai Tai?
[02:41] [Jennifer Flare (PJ's)] I can do that
[02:42] [Ves Ves (Robe)] How was your day anyway, Cere?
[02:43] [Cere Cere (Pajamas)] Rather productive. I had a... meeting with Nephrite.
[02:44] [Jennifer Flare (PJ's)] Is Neph still a mega flirt?
[02:44] [Ves Ves (Robe)] Yes. >_>
[02:45] [Cere Cere (Pajamas)] I suppose you could say that, yes.
[02:46] [Jennifer Flare (PJ's)] He's quite a sweet man. Not bad lookin' either.
[02:47] [Ves Ves (Robe)] He is pretty handsome. And sweet in his way. Hell, I owe him our success.
[02:48] [Cere Cere (Pajamas)] Indeed. He has been quite a successful manager.
[02:49] > Jennifer Flare (PJ's) finishes up and hands the girls their drinks.
[02:49] [Cere Cere (Pajamas)] Arigatou. *sip*
[02:51] [Ves Ves (Robe)] Yeah, thanks a lot.
[02:51] > Ves Ves (Robe) sips hers, moving her foot absently.
[02:52] > Jennifer Flare (PJ's) sits on a bar stool, sipping a drink of her own.
[02:54] [Cere Cere (Pajamas)] How did today find you, Ves Ves?
[02:57] [Ves Ves (Robe)] Ohh, pretty well. Client took me out for a nice dinner, then I took him to my dungeon for some rough treatment. Par for me, really.
[02:58] > Jennifer Flare (PJ's) giggles a little
[02:58] [Cere Cere (Pajamas)] Oh, um.. hai. I suppose so.
[02:59] [Ves Ves (Robe)] I'll spare you the details. ^_^
[02:59] [Jennifer Flare (PJ's)] Vana said you were an interesting bunch.
[02:59] [Cere Cere (Pajamas)] Arigatou. <_<
[03:00] [Jennifer Flare (PJ's)] Sounds like your free time is a bit more interesting then mine.
[03:00] > Jennifer Flare (PJ's) sips her drink
[03:01] [Ves Ves (Robe)] Well, its work, but I do have fun with it. What do you do for fun, Jen?
[03:02] [Jennifer Flare (PJ's)] Well, I manage a video arcade for my friend Nate.
[03:02] [Jennifer Flare (PJ's)] In my free time, I translate ancient texts.
[03:03] [Ves Ves (Robe)] Ancient texts~ You don't say?
[03:04] > Jennifer Flare (PJ's) nods / I've earned the title of "Universal translator"
[03:05] [Ves Ves (Robe)] That's very, very cool. What have you done recently?
[03:05] > Cere Cere (Pajamas) listens in.
[03:07] [Jennifer Flare (PJ's)] Well.... Matsumi asked me to translate this ancient Quinoxion book for her.
[03:13] [Jennifer Flare (PJ's)] I haven't found a written or spoken language I can't translate.
[03:13] [Ves Ves (Robe)] I'm impressed.
[03:14] [Jennifer Flare (PJ's)] It's a weird power that comes with me being a senshi.
[03:14] [Cere Cere (Pajamas)] Hai..
[03:16] [Ves Ves (Robe)] Something bothering you, sis?
[03:16] [Cere Cere (Pajamas)] Just thinking about that book..
[03:17] [Jennifer Flare (PJ's)] Yeah Cere, kinda' sounds like ya' got somethin' on your mind?
[03:17] [Jennifer Flare (PJ's)] ... book?
[03:18] [Cere Cere (Pajamas)] It's rather old and quite indecipherable to the four of us..
[03:18] > Ves Ves (Robe) gasps. o.o
[03:19] [Jennifer Flare (PJ's)] Oh really?
[03:19] > Jennifer Flare (PJ's) grins / Sounds kinda' like a challange ta' me.
[03:19] > Cere Cere (Pajamas) looks at Ves Ves.
[03:20] > Ves Ves (Robe) looks back at her. o.o
[03:20] [Cere Cere (Pajamas)] What is wrong?
[03:21] [Ves Ves (Robe)] Just thinking... she might be able to figure it out..
[03:21] [Jennifer Flare (PJ's)] I'd love to take a look at it for ya'll.
[03:21] [Cere Cere (Pajamas)] Of course she might. Otherwise I wouldn't have mentioned it.
[03:24] [Cere Cere (Pajamas)] We might have to distract Zircon, but he's never much of a problem.
[03:24] > Jennifer Flare (PJ's) sips her drink
[03:26] [Ves Ves (Robe)] We've handled much worse. ^_^
[03:28] [Jennifer Flare (PJ's)] Alright then. When and where would you like me to take a look at this book?
[03:30] [Ves Ves (Robe)] Whenever you can.. sooner the better.
[03:31] [Jennifer Flare (PJ's)] What's better for ya'll..... tomorrow afternoon or right now? :P
[03:31] [Ves Ves (Robe)] Right now works for me. Cere?
[03:32] [Cere Cere (Pajamas)] Hai. Zircon might even be sleeping.
[03:32] > Jennifer Flare (PJ's) finishes off her drink and smiles/ Well then, shall we?
[03:33] > Ves Ves (Robe) slams hers and gasps.
[03:33] [Ves Ves (Robe)] Lets go! If this works, we'll owe you one.
[03:33] > Cere Cere (Pajamas) finishes her drink and stands.
[03:34] <-- Ves Ves (Robe) [BeastTamer@DeadMoon.cc] has left #reddwarfbeta (Eeeeeeeee I'm excited!)
[03:34] [Jennifer Flare (PJ's)] Lead the way ladies.
[03:35] <-- Cere Cere (Pajamas) [FlowerMaiden@DeadMoon.cc] has left #reddwarfbeta (I quite wonder what it contains..)
[03:36] <-- Jennifer Flare (PJ's) [AriesSenshi@usa.cc] has left #reddwarfbeta (I love old books, this should be fun.)
[15:05] --> Jun Jun [GreenAcrobat@DeadMoon.cc] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[15:05] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Jun Jun
[15:06] > Jun Jun walks in and hops over the bar, quickly making herself a drink.
[15:07] --> Minako Aino [SoldierOfLove@Venus.net] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[15:07] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Minako Aino
[15:07] [Minako Aino] ♫ ~ Oh, hello Jun.
[15:07] [Jun Jun] Hey there Minako
[15:08] > Jun Jun takes a drink from her glass
[15:08] > Jun Jun looks very deep in thought while drinking.
[15:08] [Minako Aino] You look rushed. Daijoubu?
[15:10] [Jun Jun] We found out some very... interesting information.
[15:12] [Jun Jun] That book that Zirconia left behind we couldn't read..... a lady named Jenn came over and took a look at it and translated it for us.
[15:12] [Minako Aino] She translated it all in one night?
[15:14] [Jun Jun] Well, not the entire thing... but she got to a point that was very intersting.
[15:14] [Jun Jun] Apparently there was a time when we were like you.
[15:16] [Minako Aino] Ne? What do you mean? Ditzy and spacy? Or stunningly beauriful? ♡ ^_~
[15:17] > Jun Jun giggles lightly at that | Well, maybe that last one....
[15:17] [Jun Jun] ... but what I ment was that apperantly.... were were senshi.
[15:17] > Minako Aino gives a little gasp.
[15:19] [Jun Jun] Yeah, th at's how we reacted when we were told what the book said
[15:20] [Jun Jun] Zirconia locked out powers away when she brought us back and made us work for her.
[15:21] > Minako Aino grumbles and looks sour at that.
[15:22] [Jun Jun] But we can't unlock our powers..... Zirconia hid our transformation items.
[15:23] [Minako Aino] Mm... there has to be a way to find them...
[15:23] > Minako Aino sits and strokes her chin, thinking.
[15:24] [Jun Jun] We're hoping the answers are in the book.
[15:24] [Minako Aino] Well, I don't mind telling you we could use a few allies now. >.>
[15:25] [Jun Jun] Yeah.... I've heard about the attacks.
[15:28] [Jun Jun] It's difficult to believe things can just steal your powers away like that.
[15:29] [Minako Aino] Well, its happened to Usagi before a few times. Usually she gets them back and then some, but all of us getting attacked... thats new.
[15:33] [Jun Jun] It's three of you now, right?
[15:33] > Jun Jun finishes her drink.
[15:34] [Minako Aino] Hai... Rei still has her's, and Mako is safe as far as I know..
[15:35] [Jun Jun] What about the other four?
[15:36] [Minako Aino] I don't think the Outers have been hit at all, no.
[15:39] [Jun Jun] Well, time will tell I suppose.
[15:44] [Jun Jun] Anyway, what're you up to today?
[15:46] [Minako Aino] Kaede is having a big dinner for an American holiday, so I convinced Kato to take me.
[15:47] [Jun Jun] Sounds like a good reason for a party.
[15:51] [Minako Aino] You should bring your sisters. ^_^ And any cute boys you might know. ^_~
[15:52] [Jun Jun] Well, none of us really have boyfriends or at least anyone serious.
[15:53] [Minako Aino] Well, find any, and I'm sure free food and drinks will get their attention, if your perfect figure doesnt. ^_^
[15:54] [Jun Jun] Heh, you're far too kind.
[15:54] [Jun Jun] By the way, where is this party being held?
[15:56] [Minako Aino] The dining hall here, I believe. I'll have to check.
[15:57] [Jun Jun] Ahh, well then. I'll call the girls and see what they have to say.
[16:00] [Minako Aino] Great. I really should go get ready. Nice talking to you.
[16:01] [Jun Jun] Same too you. See ya' later.
[16:02] <-- Minako Aino [SoldierOfLove@Venus.net] has left #reddwarfbeta (Sobieru mirai, Wasurenaide!)
[20:16] --> Akihiko Kaioh (Workout) has joined #reddwarfbeta
[20:16] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Akihiko Kaioh (Workout)
[20:16] > Akihiko Kaioh (Workout) jogs in wearing a tight tank top and shorts, a towel over his neck, sweating a little.
[20:20] > Akihiko Kaioh (Workout) does a few dozen squat thrusts.
[20:25] > Akihiko Kaioh (Workout) starts doing some odd high kicks and stretches, fighting in place.
[20:27] [Akihiko Kaioh (Workout)] Ha! Heya! Suaya! Whooo ♡
[20:31] > Akihiko Kaioh (Workout) produces a bar with empty sacks on the end that he fills with water from the bar, turning it into a dumbell
[20:33] > Akihiko Kaioh (Workout) props his elbow against the bar and starts doing reps.
[20:40] [Akihiko Kaioh (Workout)] 98... 99... 100... *switches hands*
[20:46] [Akihiko Kaioh (Workout)] aaaand.. 100... *phew*
[20:46] > Akihiko Kaioh (Workout) empties it again into the sink.
[20:48] > Akihiko Kaioh (Workout) looks around, looking dissapointed.
[20:49] [Akihiko Kaioh (Workout)] Whats the point if nobody is around ta' see?
[20:53] > Akihiko Kaioh (Workout) sighs, pouring a glass of water and toweling himself off.
[20:57] [~Aiko Kaioh] like who dear brother?
[20:57] --> ~Aiko Kaioh has joined #reddwarfbeta
[20:57] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, ~Aiko Kaioh
[20:58] [Akihiko Kaioh (Workout)] Ohh, anyone who can appreciate a masterpiece of Anatomy..
[20:58] [~Aiko Kaioh] oh my dear brother...still hunting after every girl?
[20:58] [Akihiko Kaioh (Workout)] Well... ~was~ hoping not to spend the night alone.. but I just wanted to share my good looks with someone.
[20:59] [~Aiko Kaioh] you'll never be as successful as me, sibling
[20:59] [Akihiko Kaioh (Workout)] How you doing, sis?
[21:00] [Akihiko Kaioh (Workout)] Yeah, only 'cause our government favors women. =p
[21:00] [~Aiko Kaioh] oh fine...doing my duties
[21:00] [Akihiko Kaioh (Workout)] What makes you say that?
[21:02] --> Miara [amongimmortals@terra.net] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[21:02] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Miara
[21:03] [~Aiko Kaioh] well have that meeting with the princess of mercury and all that
[21:04] [Miara] Hello~~
[21:04] [Akihiko Kaioh (Workout)] ❧ Hello indeed. ❧
[21:04] [~Aiko Kaioh] oooo who's this now
[21:05] [Akihiko Kaioh (Workout)] Miara, meet my sister, Aiko. Ai, this is Miara.
[21:05] [Miara] Hi
[21:05] [~Aiko Kaioh] pleased to meet you! *gives miara a kiss*
[21:06] [Miara] (( crap--phone brb ))
[21:07] [Akihiko Kaioh (Workout)] Shes a little conservative about her affections, sis. ^_^;
[21:07] [~Aiko Kaioh] (( hold up then ))
[21:08] [Miara] (( ok. sorry bout that, was bad timing >< ))
[21:09] > ~Aiko Kaioh gives miara a kiss
[21:09] > Miara wraps her arms around him, kissing him back
[21:10] > ~Aiko Kaioh is a woman
[21:10] [Miara] (( lol i am sooo paying attention ))
[21:11] [Miara] (( never mind that, then >> ))
[21:12] [Akihiko Kaioh (Workout)] ❧ Though if you catch her on the right day~ ❧
[21:12] > Akihiko Kaioh (Workout) wraps his arms around Miara from behind.
[21:13] [~Aiko Kaioh] moh...I was hoping for a little
[21:13] > Miara giggles
[21:13] [Miara] You're a girl, you don't smell right :p
[21:14] > ~Aiko Kaioh kisses miara's ear "oh silly" and walks off
[21:14] > ~Aiko Kaioh is away
[21:15] [Akihiko Kaioh (Workout)] Mm.. I wonder how you feel about a handsome young man who just finished a workout?
[21:16] > Miara leans in and smells him
[21:17] [Miara] That's certainly not a problem ^_^
[21:17] [Miara] Unless, of course, you don't feel up to it.
[21:18] [Akihiko Kaioh (Workout)] I bet you enjoy the pheromones~ How was your day, beautiful?
[21:18] [Akihiko Kaioh (Workout)] Don't feel up to it?
[21:18] [Miara] Hmmm. Not too bad...could be better?
[21:19] [Akihiko Kaioh (Workout)] Sorry to hear.
[21:19] > Akihiko Kaioh (Workout) runs a hand along her leg.
[21:19] [Akihiko Kaioh (Workout)] ❧ Anything I can do to help? ❧
[21:21] [Miara] Hee~ Lots, I bet~
[21:24] [Akihiko Kaioh (Workout)] Mmm... takes an strong woman to take what I gave her and come back for more..
[21:25] [Akihiko Kaioh (Workout)] Can I get you a drink?
[21:26] [Miara] Well, I don't think you're used to someone like me~
[21:26] [Miara] Mm...if you really want.
[21:26] [Akihiko Kaioh (Workout)] Only if you want.
[21:27] [Miara] I don't need it if it's just part of the "dating ritual" stuff like your mom mentioned.
[21:28] [Akihiko Kaioh (Workout)] Only trying to be nice..
[21:28] > Akihiko Kaioh (Workout) lets go of her.
[21:29] [Miara] :<
[21:34] > Akihiko Kaioh (Workout) takes his water and sits on the couch.
[21:34] --> Jun Jun [GreenAcrobat@DeadMoon.cc] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[21:34] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Jun Jun
[21:34] > Miara seems a bit confused
[21:35] > Akihiko Kaioh (Workout) blinks. o.o
[21:35] [Akihiko Kaioh (Workout)] ....Jun? You come here too?
[21:35] > Jun Jun grins a little | Hey there Aki
[21:36] > Jun Jun nods | Fancy running into you here. My sisters are having dinner in the mess hall. I had enough.
[21:37] > Aiko Kaioh is back
[21:37] [Aiko Kaioh] well well..if it isn't jun!
[21:37] > Akihiko Kaioh (Workout) grins uneasily, eyes looking between ether girl.
[21:37] > Aiko Kaioh walks back in
[21:37] > Miara takes the seat next to Akihiko
[21:38] > Aiko Kaioh gives Jun a kiss
[21:38] [Jun Jun] !_!
[21:39] > Akihiko Kaioh (Workout) sheepishly puts his arm around Miara.
[21:39] > Jun Jun looks quite a bit uncomfortable
[21:40] > Miara leans into him, hand on his thigh
[21:40] [Aiko Kaioh] whaaat..don't you remember the venusian greeting :P
[21:41] [Akihiko Kaioh (Workout)] Not all outworlders use it.. and a lot of them don't care for same-sex affection.
[21:41] [Jun Jun] I.... don't think we've met......
[21:41] [Jun Jun] ... and no, I'm not really into that kinda' thing.
[21:42] [Akihiko Kaioh (Workout)] Jun, my sister Aiko. And if you care to take a seat, I can give you one you'll enjoy more.
[21:42] [Aiko Kaioh] oh pardon then
[21:43] > Aiko Kaioh sits on the bar top
[21:43] [Jun Jun] Heh, nice to meet you Aiko
[21:43] > Aiko Kaioh crosses her legs :P
[21:43] [Aiko Kaioh] likewise
[21:44] > Miara tightens her grip
[21:44] > Akihiko Kaioh (Workout) lifts Miara's chin into a kiss.
[21:44] > Jun Jun looks over at Aki with a grin | Nah, looks like you're plenty occupied there.
[21:45] > Jun Jun goes over to the bar | I really just came to make myself a drink.
[21:45] > Miara kisses back, not exactly gentle
[21:45] > Aiko Kaioh puffs up her cheeks
[21:45] [Akihiko Kaioh (Workout)] o_O ^_^;
[21:49] [Miara] Something wrong?
[21:49] [Akihiko Kaioh (Workout)] No.. but watch where you're gripping there.. ^^;;
[21:49] <-- Aiko Kaioh has left #reddwarfbeta
[21:50] [Akihiko Kaioh (Workout)] Sis? Hmm.. must be lonely.
[21:51] [Jun Jun] Yeah, sorry I don't swing that way for your sister's benefit.
[21:51] [Akihiko Kaioh (Workout)] No, no need.
[21:53] [Akihiko Kaioh (Workout)] So, big dinner then?
[21:54] [Jun Jun] Oh yeah. Lots of food.
[21:54] [Miara] Hm?
[21:54] > Miara is playing with Aki's hair
[21:54] [Jun Jun] Pretty good stuff too.
[21:56] [Akihiko Kaioh (Workout)] ^_^
[21:58] > Jun Jun finishes making her drink
[21:58] [Jun Jun] Well, I'm gonna' take my drink and head back. Think I'll get some dessert
[21:59] [Miara] You going to hang out here much longer?
[21:59] [Akihiko Kaioh (Workout)] We shoudl hang out again, Jun.. if you're interested. ^_^;
[22:00] > Jun Jun walks out from behind the bar, cup in hand.
[22:02] [Jun Jun] Ya'll have fun.... we'll talk about that sometime Aki. ^_~
[22:03] <-- Jun Jun [GreenAcrobat@DeadMoon.cc] has left #reddwarfbeta (I could go for some sweets after the day I've had.)
[22:07] [Akihiko Kaioh (Workout)] So.. what does the beautiful Miara wish to do with the evening?
[22:07] [Miara] Sooo..
[22:08] [Akihiko Kaioh (Workout)] I'm all for beating around the bush, buuuuut.. if you'd rather get to the point, I can be persuaded. ♡
[22:11] > Miara just looks at him a minute, then kisses him again
[22:11] > Akihiko Kaioh (Workout) kisses back, running his hands through her hair.
[22:14] > Akihiko Kaioh (Workout) runs his hands under her and scoops her easily in his arms, standing.
[22:15] [Miara] ☇ Persuasive enough yet? ☇
[22:15] [Akihiko Kaioh (Workout)] ❧ Your place or mine? ❧
[22:15] [Miara] ❧ Mine's closer. ❧
[22:16] <-- Akihiko Kaioh (Workout) has left #reddwarfbeta (As you wish~)
[22:17] <-- Miara [amongimmortals@terra.net] has left #reddwarfbeta (~)
[22:37] --> Marty D [Techwiz@hogwarts.edu] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[22:37] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Marty D
[22:37] [Marty D] *phew*
[22:39] > Marty D sinks into the couch, purring, the button of his jeans undone.
[22:39] [~Athena (Teen)] what? already planning your next sexual conquest?
[22:39] --> ~Athena (Teen) has joined #reddwarfbeta
[22:39] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, ~Athena (Teen)
[22:39] > ~Athena (Teen) is sitting on a sofa, reading a magizine
[22:40] [Marty D] I beg your pardon? O_o
[22:41] [~Athena (Teen)] you're unbuttoning your pants
[22:41] [Marty D] They were already unbuttoned because I finished a big meal, for your information.
[22:42] [~Athena (Teen)] so you say so you say
[22:42] > ~Athena (Teen) flips through the magezine
[22:43] [Marty D] ....who the ruddy hell are you?
[22:43] > Marty D sounds more bemused than angry.
[22:43] --> Celestite Detroit [CrystalGirl@dimensionzero.cc] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[22:43] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Celestite Detroit
[22:44] [Celestite Detroit] Athena.... why're you bothering my husband?
[22:45] [Marty D] Friend of yours?
[22:46] [~Athena (Teen)] cause it's fun
[22:47] [Celestite Detroit] She's miss Freya's oldest daughter.
[22:47] [Marty D] Well, I see you already know half of my first sexual conquest.
[22:48] [~Athena (Teen)] who doesn't
[22:51] > Celestite Detroit walks over and kisses Marty, gently sitting on his lap
[22:51] > Marty D holds Cele and looks Athena over.
[22:53] > ~Athena (Teen) is tall, thin built, with an avrage bust...her brown hair tied up in a ponytail and a quinox symbole on her forehead
[22:53] [Marty D] Cute friend.
[22:54] [Celestite Detroit] Hey..... no leaving me for another neko.
[22:54] > Celestite Detroit holds Marty a little tighter, "Don't forget, I had you first."
[22:54] [Marty D] Never said I was going anywhere. =~_^=
[22:55] [Celestite Detroit] Good
[22:55] > Celestite Detroit lightly pokes Marty's nose, "You look but no touchy. She's damn near family... all be it an in-law. But still."
[22:57] [Marty D] Kay. Though I have to say, you and Tinya have very loose definitions of what constitutes incest.
[22:57] > ~Athena (Teen) crosses her legs
[22:57] [Celestite Detroit] Did I say anything about it being incest? I just don't want you to mess with her. :P
[22:58] [Marty D] Heheh... fine, fine. ^_^ I get more than enough anyway.
[22:59] [Celestite Detroit] Anyway, how're you Athena?
[23:00] [~Athena (Teen)] meh ok I guess
[23:01] [~Athena (Teen)] daddy scared off another boy
[23:02] [Marty D] Uh oh.. Thats too bad.
[23:02] [~Athena (Teen)] meh...he won't let anyone near his "little flower"
[23:03] [Celestite Detroit] But... aren't you as old as we are?
[23:04] [Marty D] Thats terrible...
[23:05] [~Athena (Teen)] he's very protective of me >.>
[23:05] [Marty D] Have yo utried talkign to him? Nobody has the right to tell you who to date.
[23:06] [~Athena (Teen)] doesn't listen...
[23:08] [Marty D] Want us to talk to him? I'm sure we can make up some stuff about Neph not wanting Cele to date me.
[23:09] [~Athena (Teen)] good luck with that
[23:09] [Marty D] Just an offer..
[23:09] > ~Athena (Teen) turns the mag sideways and whistles "rwor"
[23:10] [Marty D] What'cha reading?
[23:11] [~Athena (Teen)] Playgirl
[23:11] [Celestite Detroit] Make up?
[23:11] [Marty D] Heh..
[23:13] [~Athena (Teen)] girl has to look at something
[23:15] [Marty D] Indeed.
[23:15] [Marty D] Whats your type?
[23:15] [~Athena (Teen)] eh don't really have a type
[23:16] [Celestite Detroit] Is it a kitty-boy in the magazine?
[23:17] [~Athena (Teen)] maaaybe
[23:17] [Marty D] :3
[23:18] [Marty D] Cele want to see me a centerfold?
[23:19] --> Pantea (jeans) [pantea@lightanddark.com] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[23:19] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Pantea (jeans)
[23:21] [Pantea (jeans)] Evenin', folks.
[23:21] > ~Athena (Teen) keeps reading "yo"
[23:22] [Marty D] Hi Pantea.
[23:23] [Celestite Detroit] As long as my Tiger doesn't mind me having a peek
[23:24] [Marty D] Heh.. I'd expect you to be there cheering me on. :3
[23:24] > Celestite Detroit giggles, "That would be so sexy.
[23:25] [Marty D] Think it'd be good PR for Quinox? The Kaioh's get mixed opinions..
[23:25] > Pantea (jeans) gets a drink from the bar and sits on the counter
[23:26] [Celestite Detroit] I dunno.... maybe not full nudity. Implied might be a little more tasteful.
[23:26] [~Athena (Teen)] bet you'd have to go to the old woman for the ok
[23:27] [Marty D] Huh?
[23:27] [~Athena (Teen)] the queen
[23:28] [Marty D] Heh... under the circumstances, might be for the best. We'll see what Tinya thinks. She doesn't seem to want to share me as much.
[23:28] [Pantea (jeans)] Most pinups don't actually show that.
[23:29] [Pantea (jeans)] So the queen might not even care.
[23:31] [~Athena (Teen)] hey I don't know what the queen thinks...have to talk t oher
[23:31] [Marty D] This is all assuming they want a skinny catboy to pose, of course. Course... if we wanted a real scandal, we could always leak a video. :3 That used to be a real popular publicity stunt.
[23:31] [~Athena (Teen)] *to
[23:32] [~Queen Matsumi] ☇ I would rather not have a scandle ☇
[23:32] > Marty D chuckles.
[23:32] > ~Queen Matsumi is projecting..rather loudly..right into the brains of everyone present
[23:32] [~Athena (Teen)] GAH OW
[23:32] [Pantea (jeans)] Lots of people like that type.
[23:33] [Marty D] Alright, alright... geez... does she listen to everything we talk about?
[23:33] [~Queen Matsumi] ☇ when I am connected to the loadstone...I know everything... ☇
[23:34] [Marty D] Guess a free castle is the price we pay for privacy.. =\
[23:35] [~Queen Matsumi] ☇ *chuckles* young man...do not get so cross ☇
[23:35] [Marty D] Mah, wanna join us or are you too busy?
[23:36] [Celestite Detroit] Hi Mama Matsumi ^_^
[23:36] [~Queen Matsumi] ☇ I am busy with affairs of the state..hello, dear ☇
[23:38] [~Queen Matsumi] ☇ but as for a pinup.....you must be careful....people are always searching for a scandel with the royal family ☇
[23:39] [Celestite Detroit] So, a pin up would be ok, but no nudity?
[23:40] [Marty D] Well, its not like I have to worry about being reelected in a few years Mah. But if you'd rather I wont, I wont. We're just talking, really.
[23:40] [~Queen Matsumi] ☇ no nudity ☇
[23:41] [~Queen Matsumi] ☇ now if you excuse me ☇
[23:41] <-- ~Queen Matsumi has left #reddwarfbeta
[23:41] [Celestite Detroit] Well that's ok.
[23:41] [Celestite Detroit] ❧ I can see if anytime I want anyway. ^_~ ❧
[23:41] [~Athena (Teen)] hate it when she does that O_<
[23:42] [Marty D] Same.. Is more than a little rude. >.>
[23:43] > Pantea (jeans) reappears on the counter
[23:44] [Celestite Detroit] Hey, she's just looking out for the welfare of the planet.
[23:45] [~Athena (Teen)] still hurts the head O_O
[23:45] [Marty D] Yeah, but to know shes prodding around in my brain whenever I'm doing lewd things to her daughter.. <_<
[23:46] > ~Athena (Teen) lays on the sofa
[23:46] [Pantea (jeans)] So just cause she's queen people let her get in their heads without permission?
[23:48] [Celestite Detroit] Oh, they don't let her
[23:48] [Celestite Detroit] With the loadstone, she can just kinda' do it.
[23:48] [~Athena (Teen)] nobody cares either way
[23:48] [~Athena (Teen)] I mean it's not like she controls people's lives or anything
[23:48] [Marty D] Yeah, there really isn't much way to stop her.. Guess the only one she can't get is my pop, or powerful magic users.
[23:49] [~Athena (Teen)] I..don't know about that >.>
[23:49] [~Athena (Teen)] from what mama told me...the queen only does this once a year
[23:50] [Celestite Detroit] Doesn't matter to me anyway.
[23:50] [Marty D] Does what?
[23:50] [Celestite Detroit] As long as she doesn't blab anything out that I don't want people to know.
[23:50] [~Athena (Teen)] she scans the entire planet
[23:50] [~Athena (Teen)] for any sign of evil
[23:51] [~Athena (Teen)] mama said she only started doing this after that whole Nemesis business..
[23:53] > Celestite Detroit snuggles up to Marty, "Let's not worry about it, ok?"
[23:54] [~Athena (Teen)] yeah true
[23:54] [Marty D] I'm not worried, dear.
[23:54] > ~Athena (Teen) lays upside down
[23:54] > Pantea (jeans) pours some more hard cider into her glass
[23:55] > Marty D kisses Cele on the bite mark between her neck and shoulder.
[23:55] > Celestite Detroit giggles
[23:56] [Marty D] Got enough to go around, Pan?
[23:57] [Pantea (jeans)] Sure! There's original, cherry, black currant.
[23:57] > Pantea (jeans) pushes the bottles out on the bar counter
[23:57] [Marty D] Original sounds good.
[23:58] > Celestite Detroit lets go of Marty and stands, "I'll get it Tiger"
[23:58] > Pantea (jeans) pulls glasses, and pours a glass for him
[23:58] [Celestite Detroit] You want some, Athena?
[23:59] [Celestite Detroit] I'll take some original too, Miss Pantea
[23:59] [~Athena (Teen)] eh why not
[23:59] > Pantea (jeans) pours two more glasses for them
[00:00] >>> Friday Nov 26 2010 <<<
[00:00] [Pantea (jeans)] Well, that's the end of that bottle.
[00:01] [Celestite Detroit] Thanks Miss Pantea. What's the black currant like?
[00:01] [Pantea (jeans)] Dark, sweet.
[00:01] [Marty D] We can bring you something from the royal wine cellar later if you want.
[00:01] > Celestite Detroit picks up the three glasses, handing Marty and Athena theirs.
[00:01] [Marty D] Reminds me of someone I know. =^_^=
[00:02] > Celestite Detroit grins and sits on Marty's lap again
[00:02] [Celestite Detroit] ❧ Me too~ ❧
[00:02] [Pantea (jeans)] Oh really?
[00:04] [Marty D] Yeah.. I might be having an affair with one of the maids. ^_^ Pitch black skin, skinny build, long white hair, and very affectionate, aggressive and loyal.
[00:04] [Marty D] Pointy ears.. I suspect she has elf blood.
[00:05] [Celestite Detroit] Yeah, she's a real cutie. Very sweet.
[00:05] > Celestite Detroit sops her drink
[00:06] [Celestite Detroit] ^sips
[00:06] > Marty D sips his, holding Cele.
[00:06] [Pantea (jeans)] What're Quinox drinks like?
[00:06] [Celestite Detroit] STRONG!
[00:06] [Marty D] A lot dryer.. but give a good buzz.
[00:08] [~Athena (Teen)] and some of them have grit in them
[00:08] [Pantea (jeans)] Like Italian coffee.
[00:09] [Pantea (jeans)] I'd love to try something, if you could manage it.
[00:10] > Marty D pulls his wand from his pocket and waves it, causing a wine bottle to appear on the table before Pantea.
[00:10] [Marty D] This is one of my favorites. One of the more sweet, berry-based ones.
[00:10] > Pantea (jeans) raises an eyebrow
[00:10] [Pantea (jeans)] That's handy.
[00:11] > Pantea (jeans) gets an opener and opens the bottle, smelling it
[00:11] [Marty D] I are a wizard! :3
[00:13] [Pantea (jeans)] Yes, I know.
[00:13] > Pantea (jeans) pours some in a glass and inspects it carefully
[00:15] > Pantea (jeans) tries it
[00:15] > Celestite Detroit sips her drink
[00:17] [Pantea (jeans)] Not bad.
[00:17] > ~Athena (Teen) sips hers
[00:17] [Pantea (jeans)] Definitely dessert.
[00:19] [Pantea (jeans)] Miara will love it.
[00:22] [Marty D] How is she?
[00:22] > Pantea (jeans) closes the bottle and sits on the back of a couch
[00:22] [Pantea (jeans)] Dunno, I don't see her again until next week.
[00:24] > ~Athena (Teen) has fallen asleep
[00:24] --> Miki Kaze [Neoprincessofair@QTech.co] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[00:24] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Miki Kaze
[00:24] [Miki Kaze] huh..where is she...
[00:26] [Marty D] Miki, great to see you. Looking for someone?
[00:26] [Pantea (jeans)] So. It sounds like your home life is rather fun~
[00:27] [Miki Kaze] yeah..my cat
[00:27] [Marty D] Wouldn't trade it for all the catnip and galleons in the system. =^_^=
[00:27] [Marty D] Umm... you don't mean Athena, do you?
[00:28] [Miki Kaze] yeah
[00:28] > Marty D points to the sleeping girl with his tail.
[00:29] [Miki Kaze] oh there she is
[00:29] > Miki Kaze taps athena on the forehead
[00:29] > ~Athena (Teen)'s body glows and shrinks
[00:29] [~Athena (cat)] zzz
[00:29] > Miki Kaze picks up athena and sits down
[00:30] [Marty D] Join us in a drink. =^_^= Whats new?
[00:30] [Celestite Detroit] Hey Miki ^_^
[00:30] [Pantea (jeans)] Drink, Miki?
[00:30] [Miki Kaze] no thanks!
[00:31] [Miki Kaze] oh the usual things..visiting my husband's homeworld
[00:31] [Miki Kaze] well that's what I did today anyway
[00:33] [Miki Kaze] Saturn is so diffrent from Quinox...it's sometimes a bit overwhelming
[00:33] [Celestite Detroit] How's Nickie?
[00:34] [Miki Kaze] oh he's great!
[00:37] [Marty D] Just great? Not doing anything?
[00:38] [Miki Kaze] usual diplomatic things as Prince Consort
[00:39] [Pantea (jeans)] What, are you married too?
[00:40] [Miki Kaze] yes!
[00:41] [Celestite Detroit] Miki married Nick way before Marty, Tina and I got married.
[00:42] [Miki Kaze] to Nickolas Collins, Duke of Titan and Prince Consort of Quinox
[00:42] [Marty D] No word yet on a third for them. :3
[00:44] [Miki Kaze] well we aren't in a hurry
[00:44] [Pantea (jeans)] I suppose as princess you have to be married eventually anyway...
[00:45] [Marty D] Heh, yeah, I was mostly joking. Nothing wrong with monogomy.
[00:45] [Pantea (jeans)] *princesses
[00:46] [Miki Kaze] of course
[00:46] [Miki Kaze] whatever child I have will become ruler after me
[00:47] [Marty D] Besides, from what I heard you always had a thing for Nick.
[00:47] [Miki Kaze] hee since we were little
[00:47] [Marty D] You're lucky. =^_^=
[00:49] [Miki Kaze] shame I can't spend time with my in-laws...
[00:49] [Celestite Detroit] Yeah
[00:50] [Marty D] It is. Its always good to see you.
[00:50] [Miki Kaze] well it's more the fact that both of my in-laws are dead
[00:50] [Marty D] Oh, you mean Nicks >.>
[00:51] [Pantea (jeans)] ...But isn't Tina your sister?
[00:51] [Miki Kaze] she is indeed
[00:51] [Miki Kaze] I meant nick's parents
[00:51] [Pantea (jeans)] So Marty and Celeste are your in laws.
[00:52] [Marty D] Yupp :3
[00:52] [Celestite Detroit] Very true
[00:53] [Miki Kaze] hee of course
[00:53] [Miki Kaze] how was your day, by the way, you two?
[00:56] [Marty D] Very good. Had to go to the shop to make sure things were in order. Today is a big sales day.
[00:57] [Miki Kaze] oh it is?
[00:57] [Celestite Detroit] I was in charge of making sure all the food was preped right.
[00:58] [Marty D] Yeah, people like to start their Christmas shopping around now.
[00:58] [Miki Kaze] oh yes!
[00:58] [Miki Kaze] I know mother is planning to start the official shopping day on Gotsday
[00:59] > Pantea (jeans) is away
[01:00] [Miki Kaze] odd day to do it you ask me
[01:03] [Marty D] Official shopping day? How and why would you regulate that?
[01:03] [Celestite Detroit] Everyone does it differently.
[01:03] [Miki Kaze] it's more of a symbolic thing
[01:06] [Miki Kaze] I just hope the streets aren't clogged like they were last year
[01:07] [Miki Kaze] all those Zuumers >.>
[01:09] > Celestite Detroit yawns
[01:09] > Marty D waves his wand again, making Cele featherlight, and stands up, carrying her.
[01:10] [Marty D] Sounds like this one is winding down, and I wanna get her home while theres still something in the tank. :3
[01:11] > Celestite Detroit smiles lightly, starting to get droopy eyed
[01:12] [Celestite Detroit] Bye Miki. It's always nice to see you.
[01:12] [Marty D] Night Miki. Come see us anytime.
[01:12] > Marty D grins and strokes Miki's chin with his tail as he passes her.
[01:12] [Miki Kaze] goodnight!
[01:13] <-- Marty D [Techwiz@hogwarts.edu] has left #reddwarfbeta (Nice to see the extended family. =^_^=)
[01:13] [Celestite Detroit] /pat I miss seeing Miki
[01:13] <-- Celestite Detroit [CrystalGirl@dimensionzero.cc] has left #reddwarfbeta (^)
[01:15] <-- Miki Kaze [Neoprincessofair@QTech.co] has left #reddwarfbeta
[01:15] <-- ~Athena (cat) has left #reddwarfbeta
[20:18] --> Freya (human) [CatGuard@Q.Gov] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[20:18] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Freya (human)
[20:18] > Freya (human) walks in, stretching and relaxing
[20:19] --> Vanadine (Casual) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[20:19] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Vanadine (Casual)
[20:19] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Vanadine (Casual)
[20:20] [+Vanadine (Casual)] So Freya, do you feel better now?
[20:20] [Freya (human)] heh yeah
[20:21] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Wanna' drink?
[20:25] [Freya (human)] sure!
[20:25] > +Vanadine (Casual) walks over behind the bar
[20:27] > +Vanadine (Casual)'s phone starts ringing from her pocket
[20:28] > +Vanadine (Casual) takes out her phone and opens it: Hello?
[20:28] [+Matsumi Kaze] ☇ v-v-vana... ☇
[20:29] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Hey Sweety...... are you alright?
[20:29] [+Matsumi Kaze] ☇ ..a...attack..ed...help... ☇
[20:32] > +Matsumi Kaze's line goes dead
[20:32] > +Vanadine (Casual) gets a shocked look on her face: Where are you!?
[20:33] > +Matsumi Kaze is quiet
[20:33] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Matsy!?
[20:33] <-- +Matsumi Kaze [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has left #reddwarfbeta (*line goes dead*)
[20:34] [Freya (human)] what's wrong??
[20:34] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Matsy said she was attacked.....
[20:35] [Freya (human)] where!
[20:35] > +Vanadine (Casual) hops over the bar, making for the door: She didn't say... but I might have a way to find out....
[20:36] [Freya (human)] how!?
[20:36] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Comeon... I'll explain on the way
[20:37] > Freya (human) nods and follows
[20:38] <-- +Vanadine (Casual) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has left #reddwarfbeta (*is pushing buttons on her phone as she walks down the hall*)
[20:38] <-- Freya (human) [CatGuard@Q.Gov] has left #reddwarfbeta (*follows*)
[21:02] --> Sskt [lizardhunter@Branch6.org] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[21:02] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Sskt
[21:02] > Sskt walks out from her brother's room and stretches
[21:07] --> Aaron Abernathy [Snakeman@AsteroidWarriors.com] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[21:07] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Aaron Abernathy
[21:07] [Aaron Abernathy] Well well.... look who we got hea'.
[21:12] [Sskt] aaron ^^
[21:12] > Sskt walks over and hugs aaron
[21:12] [Aaron Abernathy] How's mah baby?
[21:13] > Aaron Abernathy hugs Sskt back and kisses her
[21:13] > Sskt returns the kiss
[21:13] [Sskt] how is my man?
[21:15] [Aaron Abernathy] Ah'm good. Went to see my family for the holiday yesterday. They were happy ta' see meh.
[21:18] [Sskt] why did you do that?
[21:20] [Aaron Abernathy] Well... where mah folks live, they have a holiday called Thanksgivin'
[21:20] [Sskt] what's that all about?
[21:21] [Aaron Abernathy] Well, has somethin' ta do with people comin' from europe and havin' a big dinner with indians hundreds of years ago. Now it's all 'bout gettin' families together, eatin' way too much food an' watchin' football.
[21:22] [Sskt] what's an indian
[21:26] [Aaron Abernathy] Dark skinned people who are the natives of the continent ah'm from.
[21:27] [Sskt] ooooooooooh
[21:28] [Sskt] eh we don't have things like that..I mean holiday wise
[21:30] [Aaron Abernathy] Maybe you can come with meh for Christmas.... meet mah folks.
[21:31] > Sskt blushes
[21:31] [Sskt] ...think they would accept me?
[21:33] [Aaron Abernathy] Well.... I hate ta' sayit, but ya'd have ta' put your disguise thin' on. But other'n that, ah think they'd like ya'.
[21:34] [Sskt] yeah I thought as much
[21:36] [Aaron Abernathy] What?
[21:38] [Sskt] me disgusing
[21:38] [Sskt] *disguising
[21:40] > Aaron Abernathy sighs lightly and kisses Sskt again, looking into her eyes
[21:40] > Sskt looks back at aaron's eyes
[21:41] [Aaron Abernathy] If I thought mah parents could handle me dating a snakewoman.... I'd take ya' there as ya' are love.... an' ya' know that.
[21:42] > Sskt smiles a bit "yeah...I know"
[21:45] [Aaron Abernathy] After all.... tha reason ah feel for ya' ain't tha disguise ya put on.
[21:46] > Sskt hugs aaron close ^^
[21:48] > Aaron Abernathy scoops Sskt up and carries her over to the sofa, sitting with Sskt laying across his lap
[21:48] > Sskt giggles "now this is more like it"
[21:51] [Aaron Abernathy] Ah've missed ya' love. How ya' been?
[21:53] [Sskt] oh fine....got a promotion
[21:54] [Aaron Abernathy] Oh really?
[21:56] [Sskt] yup! class 1 bounty hunter now!
[21:57] [Aaron Abernathy] Very nice. ^_^
[21:57] [Sskt] with full benifits
[21:59] [Aaron Abernathy] What kinda' benefits are we talking about?
[22:00] [Sskt] medical, get an awesome ship...higher pay....everything
[22:01] [Aaron Abernathy] Medical, eh?
[22:04] [Sskt] y-up
[22:05] > Aaron Abernathy grins, pulling Sskt close
[22:07] [Aaron Abernathy] ❧ So.... ya' mean if I get ya' pregnent.... they'll pay ta' take care of ya'? ^_~ ❧
[22:07] [Sskt] actually yes :P
[22:10] > Aaron Abernathy kisses Sskt, gently pinning her to the sofa
[22:11] --> Nate Detroit [SmashChamp@reddwarf.com] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[22:11] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +o to Nate Detroit
[22:11] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, @Nate Detroit
[22:11] > Sskt returns the kiss fulley
[22:12] > @Nate Detroit walks in wearing his work clothes, hair messy, with several spots over his shirt and a hole in the knee of his kahkies.
[22:12] [@Nate Detroit] ☠ My God. -_- ☠
[22:14] > Aaron Abernathy looks up - Woah, Nate.... ya' look like ya' got ye'r ass kicked.
[22:14] > @Nate Detroit pours himself a shot of 99 bananas, drinks it, then collapses on the floor, knocking over two barstools. x_x
[22:15] [Sskt] what's wrong with him?
[22:16] [Aaron Abernathy] Ah dunno....
[22:17] [@Nate Detroit] ☠ ...Black Friday... ☠
[22:17] > Aaron Abernathy slowly gets up from Sskt
[22:18] [Sskt] what the hell is black friday?
[22:21] [Aaron Abernathy] The day after that holiday ah told ya' 'bout. People usually end up goin' shoppin' early for Christmas.
[22:22] [@Nate Detroit] ☠ An treat my business like a day care.. @_@ ☠
[22:22] [Sskt] oooooh
[22:24] [Aaron Abernathy] Poor dude.
[22:24] > Aaron Abernathy walks over to Nate and tries to pick him up, having a bit of trouble
[22:25] [@Nate Detroit] ☠ Little help? ~_~ ☠
[22:25] > @Nate Detroit stands with Aaron's help.
[22:25] [@Nate Detroit] Glad I but cheap clothes.
[22:26] [@Nate Detroit] Buy.. buy cheap clothes.. my head. >_<
[22:26] > Sskt watches sitting up
[22:26] > @Nate Detroit finds his way to an armchair.
[22:27] [Aaron Abernathy] Ya' look horrible.
[22:29] [@Nate Detroit] Really, thats odd, because I feel horrible. #_# Wait.. thats not odd at all..
[22:35] [Sskt] I can't imagine this sort of thing
[22:37] [@Nate Detroit] Record day though. Five figures.
[22:39] [Sskt] geez...must be alot of credits
[22:39] [Aaron Abernathy] Yeah, that's quite a big payday for sure.
[22:40] [@Nate Detroit] I need to get up early to restock the prize counter. 9_9
[22:41] [Sskt] I only get about 5000 credits a month
[22:42] [Aaron Abernathy] Tha's more'n I get, love.
[22:45] [Sskt] used to make only 1000
[22:46] [@Nate Detroit] More than I get, but I don't use credits..
[22:47] [Sskt] yeah
[22:51] > @Nate Detroit rubs his face.
[22:53] [Sskt] here *tosses a device to Nate*
[22:53] [Sskt] I use this when I feel worn out
[22:54] > @Nate Detroit catches the ambiguous device.
[22:55] > Aaron Abernathy walks back over and sits next to Sskt
[22:56] > Sskt has tosses a black remote device which on the end has a slightly glowing red orb
[22:56] [Sskt] you press it against your skin and press the button
[22:57] [@Nate Detroit] What, some kind of vibrator?
[22:58] [Sskt] nope..try it
[22:58] > @Nate Detroit puts it to his neck and activates it.
[22:59] [@Nate Detroit] O_O *_*
[22:59] [@Nate Detroit] Woah..
[23:00] [Aaron Abernathy] Looks like that woke him up
[23:00] [@Nate Detroit] Wild..
[23:04] [Sskt] yeah I use it sometimes
[23:06] [@Nate Detroit] Damn... needed that. Anywho, hope I'm not interupting.
[23:08] [Aaron Abernathy] Nah, it's fine.
[23:12] [Aaron Abernathy] So, black friday kicked your ass today, eh?
[23:13] [@Nate Detroit] No, I came in to work looking like this. 9_9 My day was easy, full of jetskis and and booze.
[23:15] [Aaron Abernathy] Still got that attitude I see
[23:17] --> Miara (beach dress) [amongimmortals@terra.net] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[23:17] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Miara (beach dress)
[23:17] [@Nate Detroit] Sorry, but its a rather silly question..
[23:18] [Miara (beach dress)] Hello!
[23:18] [@Nate Detroit] Hey Miara. Looking nice, as always.
[23:18] [Sskt] hi there
[23:19] > Miara (beach dress) is rather tanned an in a very loose sundress
[23:19] [Aaron Abernathy] 'ey
[23:19] [Miara (beach dress)] Hi~
[23:21] > Miara (beach dress) gets a drink and sits on the bar, legs crossed
[23:21] > Aaron Abernathy lays his head on Sskt's shoulder
[23:25] [Miara (beach dress)] Sooo. What're ya'll up to?
[23:27] [@Nate Detroit] Recovering.
[23:27] > @Nate Detroit's clothes are dirty and tattered.
[23:27] [Aaron Abernathy] Not a whole lot. Ah'm jus' visitin' with mah lady 'ere an' Nate's recoverin' from Black Friday.
[23:28] [Sskt] not much
[23:28] [Miara (beach dress)] Black Friday?
[23:30] > Aaron Abernathy almost looks annoyed
[23:30] > Miara (beach dress) bobs her foot a bit
[23:30] [Aaron Abernathy] Ok..... ah'm not explanin' it again
[23:30] [Miara (beach dress)] Huh?
[23:31] [@Nate Detroit] Busiest shopping day of the year, and gives me killer traffic.
[23:31] [Miara (beach dress)] Oh. Why?
[23:33] [@Nate Detroit] Day after thanksgiving. Tradition, sales, take your pick.
[23:33] [Miara (beach dress)] Oh.
[23:33] > Miara (beach dress) shrugs, sipping her drink
[23:37] > Miara (beach dress) watches a brightly colored fish swim around the tank
[23:38] [Aaron Abernathy] Ya' look like you've been ta the beach there girly
[23:38] [Sskt] what's up with her?
[23:40] [Miara (beach dress)] Beach is niiice. Warm.
[23:41] [Aaron Abernathy] Indeed
[23:41] > Aaron Abernathy looks at Sskt - Sounds like a fun thing for us to do.
[23:42] [Sskt] I love warm places!
[23:43] [@Nate Detroit] You two should go. Enjoy warm places in cold times.
[23:44] [Sskt] ..it's winter down there?
[23:44] [Miara (beach dress)] Neeee. What happened to you??
[23:44] [Miara (beach dress)] Only in the north!
[23:45] [Miara (beach dress)] Everything near the equator and below is waaarm
[23:46] [Sskt] well I'd hope so...I'd die in the cold >.>
[23:47] [Miara (beach dress)] Well I'm sure Aaron keeps you nice and warm~
[23:48] [@Nate Detroit] I should clean up and turn in early. Take care all.
[23:48] <-- @Nate Detroit [SmashChamp@reddwarf.com] has left #reddwarfbeta (Ice is flowin' through my veins; Explosives on my lips and in my lungs.)
[23:48] [Aaron Abernathy] When I get to spend time with her. ^_~
[23:48] > Aaron Abernathy snuggles up to Sskt
[23:48] [Miara (beach dress)] Aww. He never answered my question :<
[23:50] > Sskt snuggles back
[23:53] > Miara (beach dress) just watches
[23:57] [Aaron Abernathy] What'd ya' ask 'im?
[23:58] [Miara (beach dress)] What happened.
[23:59] [Miara (beach dress)] With the dirt and stuff
[00:00] >>> Saturday Nov 27 2010 <<<
[00:01] [Aaron Abernathy] Oh, he had a rough day at his arcade. Bunch'a kids runnin' 'round an' such.
[00:01] [Sskt] dirt?
[00:04] [Miara (beach dress)] On his clothes and stuff
[00:04] [Aaron Abernathy] Dunno
[00:05] --> Fashionable Feline [Sexycat@reddwarf.co.uk] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[00:05] [@HOL_6000] Fashionable Feline reporting for duty.
[00:05] [Fashionable Feline] ♬ Aaaaaawwooooooaaaaa~~ ♭
[00:06] [Miara (beach dress)] Hello~
[00:07] [Sskt] hi
[00:07] > Fashionable Feline is dressed even nicer than usual, in a shiny (very shiny) black coat, set with sequins.
[00:07] [Fashionable Feline] Whoa, hey! Please ladies, not all at once!~ :D
[00:08] [Aaron Abernathy] Yo
[00:09] [Miara (beach dress)] Don't think we've seen you in a long time
[00:10] [Fashionable Feline] I've been busy, preening, keeping Goal Post Head in line and generally being sexy~ :D
[00:11] [Sskt] now who are you?
[00:12] [Fashionable Feline] What? Hasn't my reputation preceeded me? I am the one, the only Cat! :D
[00:13] [Aaron Abernathy] Cat, eh?
[00:14] [Sskt] well I can see that..what's your name?
[00:16] > Miara (beach dress) watches Cat
[00:16] [Fashionable Feline] That IS my name, do I have to spell it for you? :/
[00:17] [Aaron Abernathy] Interestlin'
[00:18] [Sskt] well my name is Sskt
[00:18] > ~there is the sound of someone imitating a trumpet approaching
[00:18] [Aaron Abernathy] Name's Aaron
[00:20] --> Arnold J. Rimmer (uniform) [greatestmilitarymind@reddwarf.co.uk] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[00:20] [@HOL_6000] Arnold J. Rimmer (uniform) reporting for duty.
[00:20] > Arnold J. Rimmer (uniform) marches in and stops
[00:20] [Arnold J. Rimmer (uniform)] ......
[00:20] [Arnold J. Rimmer (uniform)] what are all these people doing here???
[00:21] [Aaron Abernathy] Oooh boy....I've heard'a this guy.
[00:21] [Sskt] ....who is this guy
[00:21] [Fashionable Feline] They're sitting, smeg for brains.
[00:21] [Arnold J. Rimmer (uniform)] did you sign the visiting papers?
[00:22] [Sskt] ..visiting papers?
[00:22] [Arnold J. Rimmer (uniform)] all visitors are to sign visiting papers to visit...ship regulations
[00:22] [Fashionable Feline] Holly, will you do something about Trans Am Wheel Arch Nostrils here?
[00:23] > @HOL_6000 appears on a nearby monitor.
[00:24] [@HOL_6000] Sorry, dude. No can do.. My connection to the holo projection room is down.
[00:24] [Miara (beach dress)] What the hell are you talking about?
[00:24] [Arnold J. Rimmer (uniform)] and those clothes *points at Miara* are not in regulation
[00:24] [@HOL_6000] Give it a rest Arnold? Let these people have a good time.
[00:25] [Miara (beach dress)] You'd think something would have said something when we first started here more than a year ago, don't you think?
[00:25] [Miara (beach dress)] *someone
[00:25] [Arnold J. Rimmer (uniform)] all visitors are to wear visiting regulation clothes..it's right here...rule 45,600,780,900,32-B
[00:26] > Miara (beach dress) just cracks up laughing
[00:26] [Fashionable Feline] Ignore smeg for brains there. He has an ego to match the planet Jupiter.
[00:26] > Aaron Abernathy whispers in Sskt's ear - This guy's a bit of a nutjob.... thinks he runs the place.
[00:27] [Arnold J. Rimmer (uniform)] right.. I'm writing you up on report
[00:27] [Arnold J. Rimmer (uniform)] ....
[00:27] [Arnold J. Rimmer (uniform)] Holly I need my pen and paper
[00:27] [@HOL_6000] No officer with false teeth should attempt oral sex in zero gravity?
[00:27] [Arnold J. Rimmer (uniform)] ......
[00:28] [Arnold J. Rimmer (uniform)] PEN AND PAPER HOLLY
[00:28] > Aaron Abernathy snickers
[00:28] [@HOL_6000] Weren't you listening, I have no control over your holo systems.
[00:28] [Miara (beach dress)] So um...why all the sequins, Cat? In a show or something?
[00:28] [Arnold J. Rimmer (uniform)] fine fine...I'll remember it!
[00:29] [Fashionable Feline] Do you like it? I just bought it today! :D
[00:29] [Arnold J. Rimmer (uniform)] also who changed the paint in here.....it's suppose to be gunship grey!
[00:30] [@HOL_6000] Oi, Arnold! I just spotted Lister on sensors eating a vindaloo in the drive room.
[00:30] [@HOL_6000] I think he dropped some on the drive plate.
[00:30] [Aaron Abernathy] Actually, my boss did that. I think it looks better in here.
[00:30] [Arnold J. Rimmer (uniform)] !!!
[00:31] [Arnold J. Rimmer (uniform)] WHEN I GET BACK..YOU ARE ALL ON REPORT....for the second time..for reasons I'll come up with
[00:31] <-- Arnold J. Rimmer (uniform) [greatestmilitarymind@reddwarf.co.uk] has left #reddwarfbeta
[00:31] [Sskt] ....
[00:31] [Aaron Abernathy] I have no idea what this report is.
[00:31] > Miara (beach dress) giggles
[00:32] [Miara (beach dress)] He's really crazy, isn't he?
[00:32] [Sskt] ...reminds me of one of the girls at the branch
[00:33] [Fashionable Feline] I thought he was bad before..
[00:33] [Aaron Abernathy] Oh?
[00:34] [@HOL_6000] I think he might be suffering from computer senility.
[00:34] [@HOL_6000] But I should go warn Dave that Rimmer will be looking for him. <_<
[00:36] [Miara (beach dress)] Wonder why was he so upset about my dress?
[00:37] [Fashionable Feline] He's always like that. I think it looks great! :D
[00:38] > @HOL_6000 is away
[00:39] [Miara (beach dress)] Aww, thanks ^_^
[00:39] [Aaron Abernathy] Crazy place, isn't it?
[00:42] [Sskt] heh it is...well no
[00:42] [Sskt] I've seen crazier
[00:42] [Miara (beach dress)] Apparently
[00:43] > Aaron Abernathy looks at Sskt
[00:43] [Aaron Abernathy] Hey, ya' think the girls would be bugged if I stayed with you tonight? ^_~
[00:45] [Sskt] hee...oh I don't know...do you even care
[00:53] [Aaron Abernathy] Good point.
[00:54] > Aaron Abernathy picks up Sskt and stands
[00:55] > Fashionable Feline stares into the fish tank, following a particularly colorful fish.
[00:55] > Sskt giggles and kicks her feet
[00:56] [Aaron Abernathy] G'night ya'll
[00:57] > Fashionable Feline waves his tail at them.
[00:57] [Sskt] night!
[00:57] <-- Aaron Abernathy [Snakeman@AsteroidWarriors.com] has left #reddwarfbeta (Gonna' take my lady home, what happens after that is up to her. ^_~)
[00:57] <-- Sskt [lizardhunter@Branch6.org] has left #reddwarfbeta (heeee)
[01:08] [Fashionable Feline] ♬ I wanna eat you little fishy~ ♭
[01:09] [Miara (beach dress)] Hm?
[01:10] [Fashionable Feline] I do love fishies~
[01:12] [Miara (beach dress)] True...
[01:16] > Fashionable Feline heads over to a food dispenser and orders. "Fish!"
[01:17] > Miara (beach dress) stretches and goes to lie on a couch
[01:18] > Fashionable Feline plops down with a steaming plate of fish and eats. :3