[00:42] >>> Sunday Sep 19 2010 – Automatic reset triggered – Logging Start <<<
[00:42] [Miara (Egyptian)] But when you visit certain places you never know what might happen!
[00:45] [Matsuo Shin] this event has me thinking....but I'm not sure where it will lead me
[00:46] [Azumi Kiribayashi] More adventures I would imagine.
[00:47] [Miara (Egyptian)] Hm...
[00:47] [Miara (Egyptian)] You might be fun to travel with.
[00:49] [Matsuo Shin] heh why thank you
[00:54] [Miara (Egyptian)] I'm going to go change
[00:54] > Miara (Egyptian) is away: changing
[00:55] [Azumi Kiribayashi] So, what can you tell us about the statue itself?
[00:56] [Minako Aino] Matsuoooo-saaaannn...
[00:56] --> Minako Aino [SoldierOfLove@Venus.net] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[00:56] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Minako Aino
[00:56] > Minako Aino walks in with her arms crossed, looking annoyed.
[00:56] [Matsuo Shin] yes?
[00:56] > Matsuo Shin looks at minako, slightly more muscular then before..and with a tan
[00:57] [Minako Aino] You haven't asked Ami-chan out, have you??
[00:57] [Matsuo Shin] not yet...I got involved in some things
[00:58] [Minako Aino] Its bad to keep a beautiful maiden like Ami-chan waiting! Shes a real catch, and you should do something before someone else makes a move on her! Lots of men would love having someone like her!
[00:58] --> Cora has joined #reddwarfbeta
[00:58] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Cora
[00:59] > Cora wanders in, reading as usual
[00:59] > Matsuo Shin smiles
[00:59] [Matsuo Shin] I shall call on her tomorrow then
[00:59] [Minako Aino] Oh.. well... Good!
[00:59] > Minako Aino softens a little.
[00:59] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Hello, Minako.
[01:00] > Cora looks up, and notices how many people are here
[01:00] [Cora] Oh, hello.
[01:00] [Matsuo Shin] good evening
[01:01] [Minako Aino] Hello, Azimu-chan, Cora-chan. Oh, ne ne, did you get that thing with the dolls resolved? Did I already ask?
[01:02] [Cora] Yes, quite a while ago. It wasn't what we thought at all.
[01:04] [Matsuo Shin] you are?
[01:05] > Minako Aino blinks, looking around and wondering who he is talking to.
[01:05] > Matsuo Shin is facing Cora
[01:08] [Cora] I am Cora, sir.
[01:10] [Azumi Kiribayashi] How have you been this evening, Minako?
[01:10] [Cora] I do not believe I know you, although you do look familiar.
[01:11] [Matsuo Shin] I am Matsuo Shin..brother to Matsumi Kaze
[01:13] [Cora] Oh, I see.
[01:15] > Matsuo Shin smiles and nods
[01:15] [Cora] It is nice to meet you. *Curtsies*
[01:16] [Matsuo Shin] it is a pleasure to meet you as well *bows*
[01:18] [Matsuo Shin] interesting earrings
[01:19] <-- Minako Aino [SoldierOfLove@Venus.net] has left #reddwarfbeta (That was easier than I thought..)
[01:20] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Aw, she left.
[01:21] [Cora] http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a361/zairafirefly/characters/cora/jewelry/earrings/41ISVesK1pL__SL500_AA300_.jpg
[01:21] > Cora takes one off and lets Matsuo see it
[01:21] [Cora] My mother gave them to me.
[01:22] [Matsuo Shin] they look quite old....very interesting
[01:24] [Cora] I know they're smaller ones, but they're very well made.
[01:24] [Matsuo Shin] indeed
[01:26] > Cora looks at the statue Matsuo was working with
[01:26] [Cora] What's that? Is it gold?
[01:27] [Matsuo Shin] yes I belive so
[01:28] > Cora puts her earring back in
[01:37] [Cora] Where did it come from?
[01:38] [Matsuo Shin] the city of Tintukanac
[01:39] [Cora] Where is that?
[01:40] [Matsuo Shin] place called Mexico
[01:40] [Cora] Oh...I am not very good with modern geography ^^;
[01:43] [Azumi Kiribayashi] It is part of the North America continent.
[01:44] [Matsuo Shin] indeed
[01:47] [Cora] Oh. I think I know where that is. The world was so much smaller when I learned those things...
[01:47] [Cora] Sometimes it gets confusing.
[01:48] [Matsuo Shin] actually..I should retire for the night
[01:48] > Matsuo Shin picks up the statue
[01:48] [Cora] But I have some things I need to do.
[01:48] [Matsuo Shin] it was wonderful meeting you, Cora
[01:48] [Cora] Oh, goodnight, then.
[01:48] [Matsuo Shin] goodnight!
[01:48] <-- Matsuo Shin [PsychicGuy@Q.Tech.gov] has left #reddwarfbeta
[01:49] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Good night to both of you.
[01:49] [Cora] Goodnight, Miss Azumi
[01:49] <-- Cora has left #reddwarfbeta
[02:08] <-- Azumi Kiribayashi has left #reddwarfbeta
[11:16] --> Matsuo Shin [PsychicGuy@Q.Tech.gov] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[11:16] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Matsuo Shin
[11:17] > Matsuo Shin walks in with Taiyo on his shoulders
[11:17] [Matsuo Shin] ...and that's when I had to use my telekinsis
[11:17] [Taiyo] :O wow
[11:18] [Taiyo] what happened then???
[11:18] [Matsuo Shin] well..he thought what I was doing was a trick..so he tried to use his tricks to show me that he was a real god...
[11:20] [Taiyo] what did you do :O
[11:20] [Matsuo Shin] heh...well....I picked up his henchmen off his feet..along with several stones in the area...oh..he was so scared when he saw that
[11:24] [Taiyo] wow :O
[11:25] --> Vanadine (Workout) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[11:25] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Vanadine (Workout)
[11:25] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Vanadine (Workout)
[11:26] [Matsuo Shin] indeed..wow
[11:27] > +Vanadine (Workout) stands by the door and listens quietly
[11:27] [Taiyo] what happened what happened?
[11:28] [Matsuo Shin] well...in his panic..he pulled out a gun..and shot at me
[11:28] [Taiyo] O.O no!
[11:29] [Matsuo Shin] oh yes...
[11:29] [Taiyo] did you die???
[11:29] > +Vanadine (Workout) grins to herself
[11:29] [Matsuo Shin] heh..no....
[11:29] [Matsuo Shin] at the last moment..I threw up a psychi forcefield...which deflected the bullet
[11:30] [Matsuo Shin] ..unforentanly....it deflected it back..right at his forehead
[11:30] [Taiyo] :O
[11:31] [Matsuo Shin] yes....
[11:32] [Matsuo Shin] after that....the king of the city thanked me for my help in saving them from the fake god....
[11:33] [Taiyo] and that's where you got the gold idol???
[11:34] [Matsuo Shin] heh yes..that's where I got it
[11:35] > Matsuo Shin looks over "oh..there's your mother..heh"
[11:35] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Well now, sounds like quite the adventure, Matsuo.
[11:35] > Matsuo Shin takes Taiyo off his shoulder and puts him down
[11:35] > Taiyo runs over to Vana and hugs her
[11:36] [Matsuo Shin] heh yes it was quite that way....
[11:36] [Matsuo Shin] it's a shame I was the only survivor of it
[11:36] > +Vanadine (Workout) picks up Taiyo and hugs him: How's my little man? Having fun talking to your Uncle Matsuo?
[11:37] [Taiyo] yeah! he had an adventure!
[11:38] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Indeed he did.
[11:38] > +Vanadine (Workout) holds onto Taiyo, looking to Matsuo with a smile: How're you feeling after your trip to Mexico?
[11:39] [Matsuo Shin] tired....a little worn out...but yet full of a new energy
[11:40] [+Vanadine (Workout)] I bet. Running around like that can give you quite the rush. It's part of the reason I started in wrestling. Even though it's mostly fake, being able to do it in front of a crowd like that is a thrill.
[11:41] [Matsuo Shin] but I'm also glad to be back home with my family
[11:42] > Taiyo holds onto vana, listening to the adults
[11:43] [+Vanadine (Workout)] We're glad to have you home too.
[11:44] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Aren't we Taiyo-chan?
[11:44] [Matsuo Shin] Minako visted me last night
[11:44] [Taiyo] yeah!!
[11:44] [Matsuo Shin] she's quite upset with me
[11:45] [+Vanadine (Workout)] What's she upset about?
[11:46] [Matsuo Shin] that I haven't asked Ami out yet
[11:47] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Aww, you really should.
[11:48] [Matsuo Shin] I know...I promised her I was ask her tonight
[11:49] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Well that's good. Ami's a sweet girl and easy on the eyes, despite her shyness.
[11:50] [Matsuo Shin] heh I know
[11:51] [Taiyo] what about aunt Ami?
[11:52] [+Vanadine (Workout)] We're trying to get your Uncle Matsuo to ask her out on a date.
[11:53] [Taiyo] ooooh
[11:53] [Matsuo Shin] heh I just hope I'm not too old fashion for her
[11:55] [+Vanadine (Workout)] I think you might be just what she needs to come out of that shell of her's, Matsuo.
[11:56] > Matsuo Shin grabs an unindtfied bottle from the bar...and pours the drink into a small cup...handing it to taiyo
[11:56] > Taiyo blinks, holding the cup
[11:57] [Matsuo Shin] true
[11:57] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Um..... what is that?
[11:57] [Matsuo Shin] I belive it's called...sparkling juice
[11:59] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Oh ok then.
[12:01] > Taiyo drinks
[12:02] [Matsuo Shin] he looked thirsty
[12:03] [Matsuo Shin] well how is my sister in law?
[12:03] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Doing well. Enjoying my time off.
[12:04] [Matsuo Shin] time off?
[12:05] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Yeah. We taped all our shows for the entire month two weeks ago. Not to mention I'm off the house show tour. It's almost like I'm on vacation.
[12:06] [Matsuo Shin] your partner as well?
[12:07] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Well, she's not my partner anymore, but yeah.
[12:08] [Matsuo Shin] she isn't?
[12:10] > +Vanadine (Workout) shakes her head: We're in the midst of a feud.
[12:10] [Matsuo Shin] what happened!?
[12:11] [Matsuo Shin] what did she say to you!?......do I have to go over there and talk to her?
[12:12] [+Vanadine (Workout)] No no, Mastuo....
[12:13] [+Vanadine (Workout)] ^Matsuo
[12:13] > +Vanadine (Workout) giggles a bit: It's all part of the act.... it's storyline.
[12:13] [Matsuo Shin] oh I see
[12:14] [Taiyo] does this mean Miss Mika won't visit us anymore?
[12:14] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Mika will still visit. It'll just have to be very secret, Taiyo-chan.
[12:15] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Because right now, we're supposed to be fighting against each other.
[12:16] [Taiyo] oooh
[12:19] [Matsuo Shin] why are they doing this?
[12:25] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Because they want to make Mika a single's star.
[12:26] [+Vanadine (Workout)] She's got the size that would allow her to actually fight against the men and make it look believable.
[12:27] [Matsuo Shin] I see..I think
[12:27] [Taiyo] she gives good hugs
[12:27] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Yes she does, Taiyo-chan
[12:28] [+Vanadine (Workout)] But, are they better then mine?
[12:28] [Taiyo] no ^^
[12:29] > +Vanadine (Workout) grins and suddenly grabs Taiyo, hugging him: Of course not! ^_^
[12:31] > Taiyo hugs back ^^
[12:32] > Matsuo Shin smiles, watching the two of them
[12:33] > +Vanadine (Workout) kisses Taiyo on the forehead and smiles
[12:34] [Matsuo Shin] it must be nice to have such a family
[12:38] [+Vanadine (Workout)] it is..... if you asked me ten years ago if I'd have a family as big as the one I have now, I'd say you were crazy.
[12:38] [Matsuo Shin] why do you say that?
[12:39] [+Vanadine (Workout)] I haven't told you much about my past, have I Matsuo?
[12:50] [Matsuo Shin] no you haven't
[12:51] [+Vanadine (Workout)] We'll have to talk about it sometime when little ears arn't around.
[12:53] [Matsuo Shin] alright
[12:55] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Speaking of little ears....
[12:55] > +Vanadine (Workout) starts tickling Taiyo
[12:55] --> Logan SD [KittyShota@Reddwarf.com] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[12:55] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Logan SD
[12:56] > Logan SD walks in, hair messier than usual.
[12:56] [Logan SD] Good mornin..
[12:57] > +Vanadine (Workout) stops tickeling Taiyo and looks up: Hey Logan. You just wake up?
[12:57] [Logan SD] Yeah, nya.. first week back at school.. I haven't got to sleep as much as I wanna..
[12:58] [+Vanadine (Workout)] That's one of the problems with school.
[12:58] [Taiyo] hi, logan!
[12:59] [Logan SD] I only get seven or eight hours most days.. I have to use weekends to catch up.
[12:59] > +Vanadine (Workout) sets Taiyo down
[12:59] [Matsuo Shin] when I was young..I was tutored for twelve hours
[12:59] [Taiyo] I'm going to go and play with sissys! bye uncle matsuo
[12:59] <-- Taiyo has left #reddwarfbeta
[13:00] > +Vanadine (Workout) fains being upset
[13:01] [Logan SD] O.o woah.. that sucks..
[13:04] [Logan SD] How are you guys?
[13:05] [Matsuo Shin] you have it easy
[13:05] [Matsuo Shin] oh I'm fine
[13:06] [Logan SD] I dunno.. we're getting into some tough stuff now..
[13:06] > +Vanadine (Workout) drops the act, being noone noticed.
[13:07] > Logan SD may have noticed if she said something~
[13:08] [Matsuo Shin] do you have to learn and become fluient in 9 languges?
[13:09] [Logan SD] O.O Thats insane!!
[13:09] > +Vanadine (Workout) decides to sneak out while the guys are talking.
[13:09] <-- +Vanadine (Workout) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has left #reddwarfbeta (Don't want to interupt.)
[13:11] [Logan SD] Aunt Vanya?
[13:12] [Matsuo Shin] she left
[13:12] [Logan SD] I didn't even get a hug.. D:
[13:13] --> Vanadine (Workout) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[13:13] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Vanadine (Workout)
[13:13] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Vanadine (Workout)
[13:14] > +Vanadine (Workout) suddenly grabs Logan from behind and hugs him tight
[13:14] [Logan SD] !!!
[13:14] > Logan SD hugs her arm back and purrs.
[13:15] [+Vanadine (Workout)] I can never forget to hug a kitty ♡ ^_^
[13:15] [Logan SD] Ehehe... I thought my mah was your kitty~ ♡
[13:16] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Well, you're all kitties, but only your mom is Kitty-chan to me. ^_^
[13:16] [Logan SD] Kay.
[13:17] > Matsuo Shin pours himself a glass of water
[13:17] > +Vanadine (Workout) comes Logan's hair with her fingers, fixing it slightly before kissing the top of his head
[13:18] [Logan SD] =^_^=
[13:18] [+Vanadine (Workout)] ^combs
[13:19] > +Vanadine (Workout) sets Logan down with a smile: Alright boys, I'll see ya' later.
[13:19] [Logan SD] G'byee Aunt Vanya!
[13:19] [Matsuo Shin] take care
[13:20] [Logan SD] Sooo.. whats new with you?
[13:21] [+Vanadine (Workout)] My day wouldn't have been the same if I didn't do that.
[13:21] <-- +Vanadine (Workout) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has left #reddwarfbeta (^)
[13:21] [Matsuo Shin] just returned here
[13:23] [Logan SD] Um... okay..
[13:25] [Matsuo Shin] from mexico
[13:29] [Logan SD] What'd you do there?
[13:29] [Matsuo Shin] saved a lost city
[13:30] [Logan SD] How?
[13:31] [Matsuo Shin] it's a long story
[13:32] > Logan SD sulks a little.
[13:33] [Matsuo Shin] you want me to tell you it?
[13:33] [Logan SD] Okay.. you must not wanna talk about it..
[13:33] [Logan SD] Yeah! :3 I like stories.
[13:33] [Matsuo Shin] alright
[13:33] > Matsuo Shin sits on a chair
[13:34] > Logan SD sits on the couch, tail swaying behind him.
[13:34] [Matsuo Shin] well I was part of an exhibition of three
[13:35] [Matsuo Shin] the goal was to find evidence of the Olmec civlization....since there was very little of it
[13:37] [Matsuo Shin] we had managed to find some artifiacts...but then got ambushed by a group of indians...
[13:37] [Logan SD] Oooooh... those evil Indians! >:3
[13:37] [Matsuo Shin] they took us through the jungle...and to a hidden city....
[13:38] > Matsuo Shin just frowns at logan "just listen"
[13:38] [Logan SD] I am!
[13:38] [Matsuo Shin] there...we were brought before their king..a young man....along with a high priest....
[13:39] [Matsuo Shin] I tried to explain things....but was intruppted by a man in a strange mask..who claimed to be their god, Takakulanuta
[13:40] [Matsuo Shin] to demonstrate his powers.....the god killed both of my companions...apparently through invisible means
[13:41] > Logan SD gasps.
[13:41] [Logan SD] I'm sorry..
[13:41] [Matsuo Shin] they then threw me into prision to await sacrifice
[13:42] [Matsuo Shin] there I met an old man....who reveled himself to be the former ruler of the city
[13:44] [Matsuo Shin] he told me..that the god had originally been a man that was part of an eailer exhibidition
[13:44] [Matsuo Shin] the man had conspiried with the high priest...and had tricked the ruler's young son into overthrowing him
[13:45] [Matsuo Shin] the man then pretended to be a god....demanding human scarfices of anyone who questioned him....
[13:46] > Logan SD scowls.
[13:46] [Matsuo Shin] with the help of the old man..I faked my own death..and escaped the prison....
[13:47] [Matsuo Shin] I then set about starting up a revolution as a diversion...forcing all the high priest's loyal guards elsewhere
[13:48] [Matsuo Shin] ..I made my way to the ruler's chambers..where the false god and the high priest lay in wait
[13:48] [Logan SD] Heee..
[13:48] [Matsuo Shin] to convince the ruler of the man's false powers...I demonstrated my own
[13:49] [Matsuo Shin] ..I discovered he had killed my two companions then..through a hidden gun and silencer mechinism
[13:49] [Matsuo Shin] ....the false god soon realized I had real powers..and in his panic, he tried to shoot me
[13:50] [Matsuo Shin] ..I put up a psychic barrer out of a knee jerk reaction..and it deflected the bullet.......back at his forehead
[13:52] [Matsuo Shin] ...the high priest then tried to kill me..but the young ruler had his own guards dispach him
[13:53] [Logan SD] Cool!
[13:53] [Matsuo Shin] the old ruler was freed....and forgave his son for his actions
[13:53] [Matsuo Shin] he then took the throne back
[13:55] [Logan SD] Yay! =^_^=
[13:55] [Matsuo Shin] they told me that they belived that I was a messenger from their gods to save them
[13:55] [Matsuo Shin] they gave me a gift of a golden idol..saying that such a messenger should have a gift of this
[13:56] [Logan SD] Hmmm...
[13:57] [Matsuo Shin] as soon as I left the city..and the indians buried my companions as a way of thanks
[13:57] [Matsuo Shin] I came back here
[13:58] [Logan SD] Were you close to them? D:
[13:58] [Matsuo Shin] I only knew them a sort while...but I felt sorry for their deaths
[13:58] [Logan SD] Yeah..
[13:59] [Logan SD] What'da do with the idol? Nya.. idols are bad... but gold is really valuable!
[14:00] [Matsuo Shin] I kept it
[14:00] [Matsuo Shin] I would never part with it
[14:00] [Logan SD] Hmmm...
[14:03] [Matsuo Shin] as for it being an idol..it is always important to respect other's cultures....even if you disagree with it
[14:03] [Logan SD] Well, thanks for sharing.
[14:03] [Logan SD] I dunno about that...
[14:04] [Matsuo Shin] heh well think what you wish
[14:06] [Logan SD] Sorry.. nya.. I just.. Ive heard a lot of bad things about some peoples..
[14:06] [Matsuo Shin] I understand..it's just with my life..I have to keep an open mind
[14:06] > Matsuo Shin ruffles logan's hair
[14:07] [Logan SD] =^^=
[14:08] [Matsuo Shin] so how have you been?
[14:12] [Logan SD] Okay.. school started up again.. the work is harder now.. especally the math.. and I miss my girlfriend. :(
[14:13] [Matsuo Shin] oh...a lover?
[14:14] > Matsuo Shin looks at logan curiosly
[14:14] [Logan SD] Yuuuuup~ :3 I love her!
[14:14] [Matsuo Shin] aren't you a little....well...
[14:14] [Logan SD] Nya?
[14:17] [Matsuo Shin] no..you aren't are you
[14:17] [Matsuo Shin] ...heh..you are just cultured enough for a lover
[14:17] [Matsuo Shin] tell me
[14:17] [Matsuo Shin] have you written her poems and songs?
[14:18] [Logan SD] Ummm...... no.... but we do Karaoke sometimes!
[14:18] [Matsuo Shin] you should write her a poem!...
[14:18] [Matsuo Shin] declair your love for her
[14:19] [Logan SD] I'm not very creative.. but but.. but.. I can write!
[14:19] [Matsuo Shin] writing a poem..is not about creativty...it is about what comes from your heart
[14:21] [Logan SD] I'll have to try that sometime.. thanks.
[14:21] [Matsuo Shin] I can give you some pointers....I remember when I was your age...I once wrote a song for a girl
[14:22] [Logan SD] Sure.
[14:22] [Matsuo Shin] I..didn't do so well ^^;;;
[14:23] [Logan SD] Awww.. had a girl you liked?
[14:23] [Matsuo Shin] oh yes
[14:24] [Matsuo Shin] daughter of one of the guards
[14:24] [Matsuo Shin] I got scared and lost my voice the day I was going to sing the song to her heh
[14:26] [Logan SD] Awww... you haveta be bold!
[14:26] [Matsuo Shin] heh I hadn't learned the fine qualties of a lover yet
[14:28] [Matsuo Shin] I was taught how to be one..from both my father and mother
[14:31] [Logan SD] Thats good! Love should start at home.
[14:32] [Matsuo Shin] father taught me to be bold..mother taught me to be understanding and gentle
[14:34] [Matsuo Shin] what is this girl like?
[14:36] [Logan SD] Her name is Izumi.. she's half cat, like me... she has long, purple hair, and she likes video games and going fun places and lots of the stuff I like! :D Her hair smells like flowers and her skin is soft and sweet...
[14:37] [Matsuo Shin] hm...
[14:38] [Matsuo Shin] is she bold? shy?
[14:39] [Logan SD] Bold! But she doesn't have powers like me so sometimes bad stuff happens and I have to protect her..
[14:39] [Matsuo Shin] ah I see
[14:39] [Matsuo Shin] a spirited girl...
[14:40] [Matsuo Shin] those are difficult at times..cause you have to make sure you do not seem weak to them
[14:40] [Matsuo Shin] but you cannot look too bold to seem to insult them
[14:42] [Logan SD] Nah... like I said, I have to protect her. She really appreciates that. In fact, thats how we...
[14:42] > Logan SD blushes.
[14:42] [Matsuo Shin] ahhh I see
[14:42] [Matsuo Shin] you are one of those
[14:43] [Matsuo Shin] a young flower
[14:43] [Logan SD] =^_^=
[14:44] [Matsuo Shin] I chose not to be one
[14:44] [Matsuo Shin] I had decided to wait
[14:44] [Logan SD] Why?
[14:45] [Matsuo Shin] I was not so much in love with the girls I knew
[14:45] [Logan SD] Oh.. well, we were totally in love. :D
[14:46] [Logan SD] Still are~
[14:46] [Matsuo Shin] good then
[14:47] [Matsuo Shin] I am not sure how good my advice is...your practices are probably diffrent then mine
[14:49] [Logan SD] Well.. have you had a lot of girlfriends? Or dates?
[14:50] [Matsuo Shin] I've had....30 girlfriends in my life
[14:51] [Logan SD] wooahhh o.o
[14:52] [Matsuo Shin] remember I am a prince
[14:52] [Matsuo Shin] so I was a target for many a girl
[14:52] > Logan SD giggles.
[14:53] [Matsuo Shin] they wanted to date the dashing young prince
[14:54] [Logan SD] I wish I was a prince.. My brother is though! He married a princess!
[14:55] [Matsuo Shin] oh?
[14:57] [Logan SD] Yeah, Tinya Kaze. His name is Marty.
[14:58] [Matsuo Shin] Tina..Kaze?...
[14:58] [Matsuo Shin] OH...are you from the future...
[14:59] [Logan SD] Yupp.
[15:00] [Matsuo Shin] heh don't tell me my future
[15:01] [Logan SD] I woooont~
[15:02] [Matsuo Shin] thank you
[15:04] [Logan SD] But wouldn't ya wanna know if it was bad? And how to fix it?
[15:05] [Matsuo Shin] perhaps
[15:05] [Matsuo Shin] ...it's not bad is it
[15:05] [Logan SD] I thought you didn't want me to tell you :3
[15:06] [Matsuo Shin] well you can tell me that
[15:07] [Logan SD] Okaaay~ No, its not bad.
[15:09] [Matsuo Shin] oh good!
[15:12] [Matsuo Shin] I will ask no more
[15:14] [Logan SD] So... you think its okay for me to have girlfriends and lovers and stuff? Even though I'm nine?
[15:14] [Matsuo Shin] why not
[15:15] > Logan SD whispers something to him.
[15:15] [Matsuo Shin] ah...
[15:15] [Matsuo Shin] I was 15
[15:16] [Logan SD] Hmm..
[15:17] [Matsuo Shin] ...girl died a few days later
[15:18] [Logan SD] O__o
[15:19] [Matsuo Shin] a few days after that and quinox was destroyed
[15:20] [Logan SD] Thats terrible... how did she die?
[15:20] [Matsuo Shin] like the rest....burn to ashes by the fire wall
[15:21] > Logan SD looks sad..
[15:21] [Matsuo Shin] along with my parents and the rest
[15:22] > Logan SD sniffles.
[15:22] [Matsuo Shin] it's alright..I have family now
[15:25] [Logan SD] But.. its sad..
[15:25] [Matsuo Shin] yes I know...
[15:28] > Matsuo Shin smiles "yes...but it's in the past now"
[15:29] [Logan SD] Yeah..
[15:30] > Matsuo Shin smiles "so no worries"
[15:34] [Logan SD] I just hate when good people die before their time... makes me angry.. and sad..
[15:35] [Logan SD] I.. I wanna be able to help them.
[15:38] [Matsuo Shin] that is good :)
[15:42] [Logan SD] I gotta go.. it was nice talking with you!
[15:43] --> Cora has joined #reddwarfbeta
[15:43] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Cora
[15:44] [Matsuo Shin] as well to you
[15:44] > Cora is, for once, not reading
[15:45] <-- Logan SD [KittyShota@Reddwarf.com] has left #reddwarfbeta (Nya nya nyanya NYA!)
[15:45] [Cora] Oh, goodbye!
[15:46] [Matsuo Shin] hello there
[15:47] [Cora] Hello, Mr. Matsuo.
[15:48] [Cora] How are you today?
[15:49] [Matsuo Shin] I am well and yourself?
[15:50] > Matsuo Shin smiles to Cora
[15:51] [Cora] I am doing well, also.
[15:53] > Matsuo Shin just looks at cora
[15:53] [Matsuo Shin] ..where are you from?
[15:54] [Cora] I live on Kythira.
[15:54] [Cora] It's a Greek island.
[15:54] [Cora] Miara helped me to get a house there.
[15:55] [Matsuo Shin] oh I see
[15:55] [Matsuo Shin] I am from Quinox originally
[15:55] [Matsuo Shin] the state-nation of Mysn-Ku
[15:56] [Cora] Yes, you are Miss Matsumi's brother.
[15:56] [Matsuo Shin] I am indeed
[16:00] [Cora] I understand you study...um..the past. History, I don't remember the word.
[16:01] [Matsuo Shin] yes I do
[16:02] [Cora] Archaiologia?
[16:02] [Matsuo Shin] I belive you could say that
[16:03] [Matsuo Shin] I'm afraid I do not know..much of that languge
[16:04] [Cora] A lot of people who study that come to Greece. There are a lot of temples and um...other ruins.
[16:06] > Cora opens her notebook and writes something down with strange characters
[16:06] [Matsuo Shin] perhaps I shall have to visit then
[16:12] [Matsuo Shin] hm?
[16:13] [Cora] I was just making a note for later. I am a writer.
[16:13] [Matsuo Shin] oh I see!
[16:13] [Matsuo Shin] have you written much?
[16:15] [Cora] Perhaps not yet, only the second book is nearly finished.
[16:17] [Matsuo Shin] what sort do you write?
[16:18] [Cora] So far, I have been writing about the gods.
[16:18] [Cora] M
[16:19] [Matsuo Shin] the gods?..oh I see
[16:19] [Cora] Many of the stories in circulation are no longer accurate.
[16:19] [Matsuo Shin] oh???
[16:20] [Cora] They are too old. Stories get embellished.
[16:20] [Cora] Even scholars cannot agree on the parentage of some of the gods.
[16:21] [Matsuo Shin] interesting
[16:21] [Matsuo Shin] we never exprenced that..that I knew of
[16:24] [Cora] But you...your planet...it was unfortunate.
[16:26] [Matsuo Shin] yes...yes it was
[16:27] [Cora] The people here had time to fall away from the gods, and so they went to sleep. I think that is why it happened.
[16:29] [Matsuo Shin] me and my sister are proof The Six are still with us
[16:29] [Matsuo Shin] we are descended from them by blood
[16:29] > Cora nods
[16:31] [Cora] So then...you have never seen your gods?
[16:31] [Matsuo Shin] ...once...once I did
[16:31] [Matsuo Shin] ..it scared me
[16:31] [Cora] Yes, it is, isn't it?
[16:33] [Matsuo Shin] the light from them..nearly burned my eyes
[16:40] [Cora] Hm.
[16:42] > Cora fingers an earring, thinking
[16:43] [Matsuo Shin] I saw them just as my mother and father died
[16:45] [Cora] I'm sorry.
[16:46] [Matsuo Shin] it is alright
[16:48] [Cora] It is better knowing what happened, though, than guessing.
[16:48] [Matsuo Shin] true
[16:54] [Matsuo Shin] let's talk over this in the mess
[16:54] <-- Matsuo Shin [PsychicGuy@Q.Tech.gov] has left #reddwarfbeta (I'd like to know more about your culture...)
[16:54] [Cora] Alright. I can make you something if you're hungry.
[16:54] <-- Cora has left #reddwarfbeta
[19:32] --> Solarchos [Fallen0081@EnclaveFedCom.Net] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[19:32] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Solarchos
[19:32] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Solarchos
[19:32] [+Solarchos] Hmmm, looks like I'm the only one here at the moment.
[19:35] --> Miara (ballet) [amongimmortals@terra.net] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[19:35] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Miara (ballet)
[19:36] [+Solarchos] Oh, hi Miara.
[19:36] > Miara (ballet) gets juice from the fridge and drops into a chair
[19:36] > +Solarchos looks at Miara's outfit.
[19:36] [+Solarchos] Just come back from your dance routine?
[19:37] > Miara (ballet) is wearing a black leotard with a v neck and blue legwarmers
[19:37] [Miara (ballet)] HK decided I need to study ballet again.
[19:38] [+Solarchos] Well, that'll certainly improve your agility and coordination.
[19:38] [Miara (ballet)] She wants me to learn the positions and movement types.
[19:38] [+Solarchos] Plus I can definitely see you becoming a professional at it.
[19:39] [Miara (ballet)] When was the last time you saw a ballerina with hips and boobs?
[19:39] [+Solarchos] You've got the aptitude for it.
[19:40] [Miara (ballet)] Yes, but not the body. Besides, it's too much discipline for me.
[19:40] > +Solarchos waves his hand dismissively and smiles. "You'd be the first for sure, but you'd be an awesome ballerina."
[19:41] [+Solarchos] I doubt it would require that much discipline for you. You seem to be good at a lot of things.
[19:43] [Miara (ballet)] Well, the mood of ballet is hard for me.
[19:44] [Miara (ballet)] I don't know how she managed it, and I'm not sure I want to know, but I have to go to the Russian ballet school all week.
[19:45] [+Solarchos] I guess. Every professional dancer I've seen on TV always seem to have sticks up their asses.
[19:45] [+Solarchos] Oddly enough, that could actually be literal instead of figurative.
[19:46] [Miara (ballet)] Because you can't do ballet without ultimate control over the body.
[19:46] [Miara (ballet)] That's how you hold the forms.
[19:49] [Miara (ballet)] Takes a lot of concentration.
[19:49] [+Solarchos] But don't Lupa have superior bodily control compared to Humans?
[19:50] --> Matsumi Kaze [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[19:50] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Matsumi Kaze
[19:50] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Matsumi Kaze
[19:51] [+Matsumi Kaze] .....hm...
[19:51] > +Matsumi Kaze is away: *runs down the hall*
[19:51] --> Azumi Kiribayashi has joined #reddwarfbeta
[19:51] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Azumi Kiribayashi
[19:51] [+Solarchos] Hmmm?
[19:51] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Good evening, everyone.
[19:52] [+Solarchos] Hi Azumi. Uhhh, did you see Matsumi dashing away from here just now?
[19:52] > ~someone picks up Miara from behind on the waist....and lifts her into the air carefully
[19:52] [Miara (ballet)] o_o
[19:53] [Azumi Kiribayashi] No, Solarchos. Why?
[19:53] [+Solarchos] o__O
[19:53] > ~someone is now known as Matsumi Kaze
[19:53] > +Matsumi Kaze (leotard) holds up Miara....and gracefully lowers her
[19:53] [Miara (ballet)] Heh.
[19:53] [+Solarchos] There she is! I thought I saw her.
[19:54] [+Solarchos] XD
[19:54] [Miara (ballet)] To answer your question, ballet is a highly specialized form of movement. It's still difficult.
[19:54] [+Matsumi Kaze (leotard)] very difficult
[19:55] [+Matsumi Kaze (leotard)] takes years to master
[19:55] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Hello, Matsumi.
[19:56] [Miara (ballet)] I can fake my way through, but anyone who knows ballet will be able to tell the difference. That's where being Lupa helps.
[19:56] [+Matsumi Kaze (leotard)] hello
[19:56] [+Solarchos] I'll bet. But I still think Miara would be a very good dancer. Even if she only took it up as a hobby.
[19:56] [+Matsumi Kaze (leotard)] I take ballet classes
[19:58] [Miara (ballet)] We might make a good amateur troupe, I suppose. For fun.
[19:58] > +Solarchos is still snickering at Matsumi's surprise ballet performance with Miara.
[19:59] [+Solarchos] Oh Miara, I understand my daughters spent some time with you the other night. Were they being good girls?
[19:59] [+Matsumi Kaze (leotard)] that's why you should dance..for fun
[19:59] [Miara (ballet)] Oh, yeah. They were fine.
[20:00] [Miara (ballet)] Hmm.
[20:00] > +Matsumi Kaze (leotard) looks over miara.....and lifts up one of her legs
[20:00] [Azumi Kiribayashi] It would be quite a sight to see.
[20:01] [Miara (ballet)] I suppose you need to be the lady, shorty :p
[20:01] > +Solarchos keeps watching.
[20:02] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Oh, Solarchos. I hope David hasn't been causing any trouble during his trips to Unmei and Egae.
[20:02] > Miara (ballet) uses Matsi's leg to spin her around
[20:02] [+Matsumi Kaze (leotard)] huh.....?...
[20:02] [+Matsumi Kaze (leotard)] GAH
[20:03] [+Matsumi Kaze (leotard)] I'm not short ><
[20:04] [+Solarchos] Oh no, he's not causing any problems.
[20:04] [+Solarchos] If anything he's helping to keep some of the problems in the wilderness areas down a bit.
[20:04] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Good. I was hoping he wasn't making any enemies.
[20:06] [+Solarchos] He's not. The fact that he registered with the Enclave and inputted his biometrics helps make sure he doesn't make any enemies. Except for maybe the Skaven and those bastards hate everyone.
[20:06] > Miara (ballet) dances with Matsi a bit, trying to remember the last ballet she saw
[20:07] > +Matsumi Kaze (leotard) spins miara :P
[20:07] > +Matsumi Kaze (leotard) tries to go along with miara
[20:07] > +Solarchos watches with interest.
[20:08] [+Solarchos] I don't think Matsumi's that short. Except when she's standing next to Vanadine and she makes a lot of people seem short by comparison.
[20:09] [Miara (ballet)] Well a lot of people are short to me, I'm tall.
[20:09] [+Matsumi Kaze (leotard)] sometimes it's good to be short if you're a ballerina
[20:09] [Miara (ballet)] True
[20:09] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Indeed. But Vanadine isn't that much taller than me, though.
[20:11] [+Solarchos] How tall are you, Miara?
[20:11] [+Matsumi Kaze (leotard)] I think there is an upper limit to it
[20:11] [Miara (ballet)] 5'10
[20:13] [+Solarchos] That's not too bad.
[20:14] [Miara (ballet)] It's taller than average in every country.
[20:15] > Azumi Kiribayashi takes a seat on a sofa
[20:15] [Miara (ballet)] I don't know how I'm going to keep up with professionals tomorrow >>
[20:16] [+Solarchos] You'll manage.
[20:17] [Miara (ballet)] I manage or else.
[20:17] [+Solarchos] I have a feeling you'll just observe them all for a while, get the basics down fast, then catch up pretty quickly once you get to dancing.
[20:19] [Miara (ballet)] ...you've obviously never seen the Russian dance school.
[20:20] [+Matsumi Kaze (leotard)] oh? what are you doing tomorrow, miara?
[20:20] [+Solarchos] Still...Russians.
[20:20] [+Solarchos] I've heard of Mikhail Barishnakov.
[20:20] [Miara (ballet)] I have to go do the Russian dance school all week.
[20:21] > Azumi Kiribayashi listens
[20:21] [+Solarchos] HK enrolled her in it.
[20:22] [+Solarchos] Still, I'd love to hear the story of how she managed it. That school must be pretty exclusive.
[20:22] [Miara (ballet)] Elie aan, I don't want to know, and neither should you.
[20:23] [Miara (ballet)] The Russians are the most disciplined and have the best dancers in the world.
[20:23] [+Matsumi Kaze (leotard)] ah ok
[20:23] > +Matsumi Kaze (leotard) sits on a sofa and listens
[20:24] > +Matsumi Kaze (leotard) is away
[20:27] > +Matsumi Kaze is back
[20:27] > +Matsumi Kaze sits down and listens
[20:29] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Surely it'll be quite an experience, though.
[20:29] [Miara (ballet)] Probably...
[20:30] [+Solarchos] I'll bet. Still, I'm guessing that HK has a plan for all of this.
[20:32] [Miara (ballet)] Oh, she keeps trying to find ways to show me how bad I am.
[20:35] > Miara (ballet) sits on the floor and looks at her feet
[20:37] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Surely you'll do fine in this task.
[20:37] [+Solarchos] Awww. That's not nice.
[20:37] [Miara (ballet)] No, but it's normal.
[20:37] [Miara (ballet)] Do you to point, Matsi?
[20:38] [+Matsumi Kaze] yes
[20:39] [Miara (ballet)] Niiice
[20:40] [+Matsumi Kaze] huh?
[20:41] [+Solarchos] Still, I don't understand why she puts you through so much.
[20:41] [Miara (ballet)] You don't have to.
[20:42] [Miara (ballet)] Cause point is pain. Not that I could do it just for a week, so I don't have to. But kudos to you.
[20:43] [+Solarchos] Point? I assume that's a ballet position.
[20:44] [Miara (ballet)] From what I understand it takes a long time to get your feet accustomed to it.
[20:44] [Miara (ballet)] Point is when you dance on your toes, like all the girls do.
[20:44] [Miara (ballet)] 'Swhy dancers have such bad feet.
[20:45] [+Matsumi Kaze] I don't have bad feet!
[20:46] [Miara (ballet)] You're not in them 24/7, either.
[20:46] [+Solarchos] Ohhh! Like when they stand up on their tiptoes and spin around? Is that point?
[20:46] [Miara (ballet)] Yes.
[20:47] [+Solarchos] I heard somewhere that ballet shoes are specially designed to help support the dancer when they do dance point.
[20:48] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Maybe.
[20:49] [Miara (ballet)] What's in yours, Matsi?
[20:49] [+Matsumi Kaze] that's true
[20:50] [+Matsumi Kaze] not sure the terms..but they're made for that
[20:52] [+Solarchos] Still, I'd love to see you both dancing on stage like that.
[20:54] [Miara (ballet)] Will you get it into your head that that's not going to happen?
[20:57] --> Meruhesae [demon_seer@egae.net] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[20:57] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Meruhesae
[20:58] [+Solarchos] Hi Meruhesae!
[20:58] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Good evening, Meruhesae.
[20:58] > +Solarchos shrugs at Miara. "Can't a person dream a little?"
[20:59] [Miara (ballet)] And what would your wife think of your dreams?
[21:02] [+Solarchos] Of getting to see someone as agile and dextrous as you dancing on stage? She'd probably give me a wink and start showing me some of her own dance moves.
[21:03] [Miara (ballet)] Don't use me to manipulate your wife!
[21:04] > Miara (ballet) is away
[21:05] [+Solarchos] I'm not! I'm sorry if you think I was.
[21:05] > +Solarchos sighs.
[21:05] [+Solarchos] ~_~;
[21:06] [+Solarchos] Crap. I wasn't trying to make her upset.
[21:06] > Meruhesae WHACKS Solarchos with her fan
[21:06] [Meruhesae] Have you FORGOTTEN
[21:06] [Meruhesae] ><
[21:07] --> C Langister [LadyCatri@amestris.net] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[21:07] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, C Langister
[21:07] [C Langister] ....MERUHESAE
[21:07] > Meruhesae flicks her fan open aned uses it to cover her smile "Yes little Cat?"
[21:08] > Isabella (Uniform) is sweeping up....and stops..looking startled at this
[21:08] [C Langister] As the right hand of Egae's heir apparent, I have been asked to remind you of your place.
[21:08] [Isabella (Uniform)] a...am I..coming at..bad time?
[21:08] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Not at all.
[21:09] [+Solarchos] What? Forgotten what, Meruhesae?
[21:09] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Anyway, how have you been, Meruhesae?
[21:09] --> Isabella (Uniform) has joined #reddwarfbeta
[21:09] [@HOL_6000] Isabella (Uniform) reporting for duty.
[21:09] > Isabella (Uniform) watches the fight, nervious
[21:10] > Azumi Kiribayashi looks at Isabella
[21:10] ➣ Isabella: is a tallish woman, though she appears only to be in her mid-teens. She wears dark dresses, often old fashion. She has long blue hair which end in curls and eyes which are white on black. She speaks with an italian accent.
[21:11] > Isabella (Uniform) is wearing her alterted uniform...along with long black gloves
[21:12] [Azumi Kiribayashi] How are you, Miss?
[21:13] [+Solarchos] Meruhesae, is today something special? It's not my anniversary with Inu-Kit because that was a few weeks ago.
[21:13] [Meruhesae] I have been well, Azumi
[21:13] [Meruhesae] And I can't tell youuuu ><
[21:13] [Isabella (Uniform)] I am..well...
[21:13] [Meruhesae] I would but I can't
[21:13] [Meruhesae] Because well, I just got told I can't
[21:13] > Isabella (Uniform) blinks at meru
[21:13] [Meruhesae] ><
[21:14] > Meruhesae is speaking to Solarchos at the moment
[21:14] > +Solarchos waves to Isabella and smiles warmly at Catriona.
[21:15] > Isabella (Uniform) keeps sweeping up
[21:16] [+Solarchos] It's not any of the twins birthdays today...did I forget Gwen's or Fiona's birthday today?!
[21:17] [Meruhesae] Nooo
[21:18] [Meruhesae] the noble house of serbius is not having any birthday celebrations for another three months
[21:18] > +Matsumi Kaze is away
[21:18] [+Solarchos] Is it your birthday?
[21:18] [Meruhesae] And the noble house of Trajan is having a birthday celebration in five months
[21:19] [Meruhesae] No, today is not the date given to me by my Lady
[21:20] > C Langister stands there grimacing. "It's the anniversary of when I was first appointed as Adair-hime's Lady."
[21:21] [+Solarchos] What?! I never knew that! Wait...that's something that hasn't even happened yet in this time.
[21:22] [Meruhesae] I know, but I thought she would have told you!
[21:22] [C Langister] Why would I tell them something unimportant like that?
[21:23] --> ~cloaked figure has joined #reddwarfbeta
[21:23] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, ~cloaked figure
[21:23] [+Solarchos] <_<
[21:23] > ~cloaked figure walks in and sits at the bar, trying to stay unnoticed
[21:23] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Eh?
[21:24] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Why would he know something if it hasn't happened?
[21:24] > ~cloaked figure pours herself a beer and drinks
[21:24] > +Solarchos looks at the cloaked figure. "Hello."
[21:25] [~cloaked figure] *cough* *in deep voice* hello
[21:26] > ~cloaked figure drinks
[21:28] > Azumi Kiribayashi leans back on the sofa
[21:28] > ~cloaked figure fidges uncomfertibly
[21:30] [+Solarchos] Are you okay over there?
[21:30] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Is something wrong?
[21:31] [~cloaked figure] (deep voice) yes...everything is just fine
[21:32] [Azumi Kiribayashi] That's good.
[21:32] [+Solarchos] You seem a little uneasy over there.
[21:33] [~cloaked figure] (in female voice) nope just fine..err..I mean (deep voice) just fine!
[21:34] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Very well.
[21:34] [+Solarchos] Wait a sec...who are you?
[21:35] [+Solarchos] Ves-Ves? Pewter Fox?
[21:35] > Isabella (Uniform) walks over..and undoes the cloak
[21:36] > ~cloaked figure is now known as Constance Kou
[21:36] [~Constance Kou] O_O
[21:37] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Who are you?
[21:37] > +Solarchos looks at Constance Kou
[21:37] ➣ Constance Kou appears to be a guest.
[21:37] [Inu-Kitsune (old assassin uniform)] '
[21:37] --> Inu-Kitsune (old assassin uniform) [comtesse@amestris.unmei] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[21:37] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Inu-Kitsune (old assassin uniform)
[21:37] [Inu-Kitsune (old assassin uniform)] Dear....
[21:37] [+Solarchos] AH!! Inu-Kit!! :D
[21:37] --> Kara [Guardian_DarkTime@BloodMoon.SpiritKingdoms.gov] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[21:37] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Kara
[21:37] [+Solarchos] Yes, love?
[21:38] [Inu-Kitsune (old assassin uniform)] I just got the children to bed
[21:38] [Inu-Kitsune (old assassin uniform)] Tomorrow starts the annual military strategy report.
[21:38] > ~Constance Kou has long green hair tied in a ponytail along with brown eyes
[21:38] [+Solarchos] Hmmm, looks like I'd better get ready for that since there's plenty to go over.
[21:39] [~Constance Kou] >.> <.<
[21:39] > Kara notices Constance "Hmmmm.... You look familiar"
[21:39] [+Solarchos] But in the meantime, I guess it's now *your* turn to get tucked into bed, right?
[21:40] [~Constance Kou] >____>
[21:40] [~Constance Kou] I'm nobody!
[21:41] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Are you sure about that?
[21:41] [Kara] OH! I know! You look like a member of the Kou family!
[21:41] > +Solarchos hugs Inu-Kit warmly and takes hold of her hand.
[21:42] [+Solarchos] So she's related to one of the Starlights then?
[21:41] [~Constance Kou] I said I'm a nobody!
[21:42] > Inu-Kitsune (old assassin uniform) smiles "Yes, oh and I'm sorry to be dragging my husband away so suddenly, Azumi, but may the Anges and the Emperor watch over you and your troops
[21:43] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Thank you, Inu-Kitsune.
[21:43] [Kara] I know! You look just like Lady!
[21:43] [Kara] ^_^\
[21:43] <-- +Solarchos [Fallen0081@EnclaveFedCom.Net] has left #reddwarfbeta ("Since when have I ever complained about you dragging me home?" ♡)
[21:44] <-- Inu-Kitsune (old assassin uniform) [comtesse@amestris.unmei] has left #reddwarfbeta (Dear, let's go ^^)
[21:44] [~Constance Kou] >___<
[21:44] [~Constance Kou] look just cause I look like my mom..*clamps her mouth shut*
[21:45] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Hmm?
[21:45] [Kara] AHA~ You are just like him! ^^ Just like Shiro!
[21:46] [~Constance Kou] ......
[21:46] [~Constance Kou] fine fine
[21:47] [~Constance Kou] Shiro is my dad
[21:47] [Kara] BUT, they don't have a kid yet...
[21:47] [Kara] At least not in this time
[21:48] [~Constance Kou] how else....
[21:48] > Kara has transformed into Kara|Dark Time Keeper
[21:49] > Kara (Keeper) whacks Constance on the head with her staff gently
[21:49] [Kara (Keeper)] AND HOW DID YOU GET A KEY?
[21:51] > ~Constance Kou grabs Kara's staff...
[21:52] > ~Constance Kou spins it...and holds it to kara's throat
[21:52] [~Constance Kou] listen girlie...I had a reaaaaally bad day today...don't make it worse..got it?
[21:53] > Kara (Keeper) glares "Listen, brat, do you not realize who I am? Key, return."
[21:53] > Kara (Keeper)'s staff suddenly disappears then reappears in Kara's hand
[21:54] --> Kitalia (hime) [Spirit_Talker@spiritkingdoms.gov] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[21:54] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Kitalia (hime)
[21:55] [~Constance Kou] of course I do
[21:56] [Kitalia (hime)] Hmm? Is this a relation of Seiya's? She's got the right build to be a Kou...
[21:56] > Kitalia (hime) is slightly surprised by Constance\
[21:56] > ~Constance Kou winces at the name Seiya
[21:56] [Kara (Keeper)] Then snow a little more respect!
[21:57] > Kitalia (hime) notices the girl wince "Hey, I'm sorry if I brought up a touchy subject..."
[21:57] [Kara (Keeper)] ^show
[21:58] [~Constance Kou] you are the girl who never gets dates
[21:58] [Kara (Keeper)] Do you not realize the impact you travelling without permission through the gate could have had on me, Brat?
[21:58] > Azumi Kiribayashi is away: I'll let you three settle this.
[21:58] [Kara (Keeper)] NEVER GETS DATES?! THAT'S NOT ME.
[21:59] [Kara (Keeper)] WHO TOLD YOU THAT YOU LITTLE BRAT?
[21:59] [Kitalia (hime)] That would be Seiya!
[22:00] > Kitalia (hime) laughs before grimacing "OH s[SMEG]t. I just said the worst thing possible..."
[22:00] [~Constance Kou] you told me
[22:04] [~Constance Kou] you said that you never get dates
[22:04] [Kara (Keeper)] .....
[22:04] [Kara (Keeper)] Do you not realize that I am Blood Moon's Queen?
[22:05] [~Constance Kou] ....well yes
[22:05] [Kara (Keeper)] I am also the Keeper of the Gate of Dark Time.
[22:05] [~Constance Kou] I know
[22:05] > Kara (Keeper) is trying to regain some of her composure "Didn't your father explain the duty of the Kou family?
[22:06] [Kitalia (hime)] Hey! Kar-Kar! Give the girl a break
[22:07] [~Constance Kou] constantly
[22:07] [Kitalia (hime)] You complain about losing Vaughn all the time and how you can never find a decent date that's not after your money.
[22:08] > Kara (Keeper) sighs and flops onto a couch dropping her henshin
[22:08] > Kara (Keeper) has transformed into Kara
[22:08] [Kara] Bah. Do you really have to remind me of how miserable it is to have been thrust into this position?
[22:09] [Kara] I wasn't ever supposed to rule. It wasn't supposed to be me. It was supposed to be Sage.
[22:09] [Kitalia (hime)] Hey, I wasn't supposed to rule either, Kar-Kar
[22:09] [Kitalia (hime)] But Tatiana got killed.
[22:09] [Kitalia (hime)] You don't see me complaining about not knowing what happened to Haku, now do you?
[22:10] [Kara] Yes but you didn't have to arrange a marriage for your head guardian and tutor because of your need to rebuild your kingdom.
[22:10] [Kara] Oh, I suppose your parents never really told you about that, did they Constance?
[22:11] [~Constance Kou] nope
[22:12] [Kara] Yeah, they do love each other though, but their marriage was originally arranged as a way for me to get financial support...
[22:15] > ~Constance Kou drinks her beer
[22:18] [~Constance Kou] ugh..*lays her head on the bar*
[22:20] [Kara] Constance, how old are you? >>
[22:22] [~Constance Kou] 16...
[22:23] --> Pantea [pantea@lightanddark.com] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[22:23] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Pantea
[22:23] > Pantea appears behind the bar, and takes a look at Constance
[22:24] > ~Constance Kou looks misirible
[22:24] > Pantea quickly mixes a restorative and puts it near Constance's hand
[22:24] > ~Constance Kou drinks the restorative
[22:25] [Kara] You shouldn't be drinking, Constance. You know the law. 19 is the legal drinking age.
[22:26] [Pantea] Only in certain places.
[22:26] [Kara] She's from Blood Moon.
[22:27] [Kitalia (hime)] Give her a break, Kara.
[22:28] > Kitalia (hime) gracefully takes a seat on a sofa and motions to the space next to her. "Please, Constance, come sit here next to me and explain what caused you to run away from home to come to this time."
[22:28] > ~Constance Kou sits next to Kit
[22:29] [Pantea] Are you her parent?
[22:31] [Kitalia (hime)] Kara is technically in charge of Constance, but she is not her parent.
[22:31] [Kitalia (hime)] Constance, what's got you so upset? *smiles calmly*
[22:32] [Kitalia (hime)] Does it have something to do with Seiya?
[22:34] [~Constance Kou] no...it's Karen..stupid Karen
[22:35] [Kitalia (hime)] Karen?
[22:36] [~Constance Kou] ..my stupid cousin
[22:36] [Kara] Your cousin? Hmmmm Taiki or Yaten's child?
[22:37] [Kara] ...Or Seiya's?!
[22:38] [Pantea] So you're "in charge" of her and don't really know who she is, huh?
[22:38] [~Constance Kou] Seiya's....
[22:39] [Kara] Hey, she's not from my time.
[22:39] [Kitalia (hime)] Wait... SINCE WHEN DOES AUNTIE SEIYA HAVE A DAUGHTER?!
[22:39] > Kitalia (hime) blushes before coughing and attempting to regain her composure
[22:40] > Pantea rolls her eyes, and makes a round of drinks for the girls
[22:40] [Kara] She's my head guardian's daughter.
[22:40] [Pantea] Here, drink something. It'll calm you down.
[22:40] [~Constance Kou] ..future
[22:46] [~Constance Kou] anyway
[22:46] [~Constance Kou] the big dance is coming up..and oh so supportive karen says I'll never find a date for it
[22:47] [Kara] ....She said WHAT?!
[22:47] [~Constance Kou] yeah
[22:47] > Kitalia (hime) frowns "Karen told you you'll never find a date for it, huh? Well how about we find you a date? It may not be the best arrangement..."
[22:47] [~Constance Kou] and it looks like she might be right >.>
[22:48] > Kara suddenly realizes what her sister is getting at "What about Sage? He's a prince, and he's single."
[22:49] [Kitalia (hime)] Or has he gotten married or found a girlfriend by your time?
[22:49] [~Constance Kou] nope..neither
[22:50] > Kitalia (hime) smiles "Then why not ask Sage to escort you?"
[22:50] [~Constance Kou] ...........didn't think of that
[22:50] [Kara] If he declines, tell him you know the "Pink Ice Cube" story.
[22:51] > Kitalia (hime) giggles at Kara's mention of THAT incident
[22:52] [~Constance Kou] um...ok
[22:53] [Kitalia (hime)] Oh, so we haven't told you that incident yet?
[22:53] [~Constance Kou] um no
[22:55] [Kitalia (hime)] It's the reason Kara and I became royals really.
[22:56] > Pantea dumps the extra and any untouched drinks into a cup and gets some things from under the counter
[22:56] [Kara] The original tradition is that the child born the guide to spirits, in this case Kitalia, does not become the head of the family. They usually do their job of guiding souls when their powers mature and another child takes the throne
[22:57] <-- Pantea [pantea@lightanddark.com] has left #reddwarfbeta (I know people who appreciate high end chocolate drinks.)
[22:57] [Kara] And in my case, I became the Keeper of Dark Time, so I technically should be staying in the 5th Dimension guarding the gate at all times.
[22:57] > ~Constance Kou just nods
[22:58] [Kitalia (hime)] You never got to meet Tatiana, she was our little sister, who got killed in the war with the Dark Dragon...
[22:58] [~Constance Kou] oh...
[22:58] [Kitalia (hime)] It was a disaster for myself, because I lost control and gave in to the darker nature of my powers of spirit.
[22:59] [Kitalia (hime)] But I eventually regained control over myself, but around that time, Sage disappeared.
[22:59] [Kara] And so I took over Blood Moon since I was the oldest left at that point.
[23:00] [Kitalia (hime)] And I took control of Kinmoku even before our mother's death due to the fact that someone needed to act as regent.
[23:00] > ~Constance Kou just listens
[23:02] [~Constance Kou] mmhm..
[23:04] [Kitalia (hime)] Eventually we found Sage...
[23:06] [Kara] In the old emergency sanctuary in the basement of the ruined palace on Blood Moon. He had been wounded badly at one point and gone there to hide and ended up sealed by an ancient power that resided inside the sanctuary.
[23:06] [~Constance Kou] ...ok
[23:08] [Kitalia (hime)] While sealed, he slowly healed and slept within a pink crystal. Only it looked more like an ice cube
[23:10] [~Constance Kou] oooooooh
[23:12] [Kitalia (hime)] So yes, that's the Pink Ice Cube story
[23:12] [~Constance Kou] hehe
[23:12] [Kara] We refuse to let him live it down
[23:15] [~Constance Kou] HA
[23:18] [Kara] So just use that if he refuses to escort you ^_^
[23:19] [Kitalia (hime)] Besides, having a member of the royal family as your date will really make you Miss Popularity
[23:20] > ~Constance Kou smirks a bit at that
[23:21] [Kara] Do you have a proper outfit yet? ^_^
[23:21] [Kitalia (hime)] I can get Yaten to make you one!
[23:22] [~Constance Kou] heh thanks
[23:22] [Kitalia (hime)] And it'll even have the royal crest of Blood Moon stitched into it ^^
[23:26] [Kara] With our backing, no one can question you.
[23:26] > ~Constance Kou grins
[23:27] [~Constance Kou] thank you!
[23:28] [Kara] Trust me, Constance, no one wants to help you more than us
[23:28] [Kitalia (hime)] Especially if Seiya hasn't taught Karen proper manners
[23:30] [~Constance Kou] ..hate that b[SMEG]ch
[23:43] [Kitalia (hime)] Now, Constance
[23:43] [Kitalia (hime)] A proper lady doesn't hate.
[23:43] [Kara] HELL YES SHE DOES
[23:43] [Kara] AMYTHIST
[23:44] [Kitalia (hime)] ....That b[SMEG]ch was an exception, Kar-Kar
[23:44] [Kitalia (hime)] She was Dark Dragon
[23:51] [~Constance Kou] I'm going to get home..I'm tired...
[23:57] [~Constance Kou] night!..and thanks!
[23:58] <-- ~Constance Kou has left #reddwarfbeta
[23:59] [Kitalia (hime)] I think I should go home as well
[23:59] <-- Kitalia (hime) [Spirit_Talker@spiritkingdoms.gov] has left #reddwarfbeta
[00:00] >>> Monday Sep 20 2010 <<<
[00:00] [Kara] Since i'm the only one left I shall also leave.
[00:00] <-- Kara [Guardian_DarkTime@BloodMoon.SpiritKingdoms.gov] has left #reddwarfbeta
[19:20] --> Nate Detroit [SmashChamp@reddwarf.com] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[19:20] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +o to Nate Detroit
[19:20] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, @Nate Detroit
[19:20] > @Nate Detroit walks in and stretches out a little against the couch.
[19:24] --> Vanadine (Workout) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[19:24] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Vanadine (Workout)
[19:24] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Vanadine (Workout)
[19:25] > +Vanadine (Workout) walks in wearing a pair of high cut shorts and a tank top, her hair tied up in a ponytail
[19:25] [@Nate Detroit] Hey stranger.
[19:26] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Hi Nate Nate...
[19:27] [@Nate Detroit] You sound like you could use a drink..
[19:27] [+Vanadine (Workout)] ... yeah, a little bit.
[19:27] > @Nate Detroit frowns, and goes to the bar, making two rum runners.
[19:30] [+Vanadine (Workout)] My bosses have decided to make my current storyline more accurate.....
[19:31] [@Nate Detroit] Mmm?
[19:32] > +Vanadine (Workout) sighs and looks down: ..... I can't see Mika anymore..... until our on screen feud is over.
[19:32] [@Nate Detroit] Huh? Can't see?
[19:34] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Yeah.... sometimes wrestlers who hate each other are caught out in public hanging out together.....
[19:34] [@Nate Detroit] Doesn't she live up here?
[19:35] [@Nate Detroit] I can see them not wanting you to meet in public, but hell, this place is private.
[19:35] [+Vanadine (Workout)] No, she has her own place now
[19:35] [+Vanadine (Workout)] That's what this is for....
[19:36] > +Vanadine (Workout) holds up her left wrist, showing off a bracelet of sorts.
[19:36] [@Nate Detroit] Well even still, this place is private. Nobody would know you were together.
[19:37] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Mika has one just like it, set to an opposing frequency.
[19:37] [+Vanadine (Workout)] If we get too close to each other, it goes off and we have 15 seconds to move away from each other. If we don't do so... but bracelet falls off.
[19:37] [@Nate Detroit] O___o you let them tag you with... Vana thats insane!! Do they make every wrestler wear one of those?
[19:37] [+Vanadine (Workout)] ^the
[19:38] [+Vanadine (Workout)] This is something new.... and apparently it's in my contract.
[19:38] [@Nate Detroit] Wrestlers feud all the time! I've never seen... ung.. whatever, I'm goign to stop questioning it and offerign suggestions.
[19:39] [@Nate Detroit] I'd have told them to go to hell, personally..
[19:39] [+Vanadine (Workout)] ... and then I'd be in breach of contract.
[19:40] [@Nate Detroit] If you say so.. They can't possibly have the right to do that, but its your battle to fight..
[19:40] > @Nate Detroit slides her the drink.
[19:41] > +Vanadine (Workout) takes the drink and shotguns it
[19:41] [@Nate Detroit] Christ Vana Take it easy! Theres five shots in that!
[19:41] [+Vanadine (Workout)] It just sucks!
[19:42] [+Vanadine (Workout)] I've lost my best friend at work because of this for at least the next month.....
[19:42] > @Nate Detroit shakes his head and sips his drink.
[19:42] > +Vanadine (Workout) slides the drink back to him
[19:42] [@Nate Detroit] You remind me of Hideki.. hiding his game developments from his WIFE because his BOSS told him not to show it to anybody..
[19:42] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Hit me...
[19:43] [@Nate Detroit] Vana?
[19:43] [+Vanadine (Workout)] .... give me another.
[19:44] > @Nate Detroit makes another, not as strong..
[19:44] [@Nate Detroit] Think about something more pleasant. Think about the wedding Friday.
[19:46] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Yeah... I haven't forgotten.
[19:47] > @Nate Detroit slides it to her, then makes his way around the bar, wrapping an arm around her.
[19:48] > +Vanadine (Workout) takes this one a little slower and leans against Nate
[19:48] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Kitty-chan's gonna' look so beautiful in a wedding dress.... and I bet you'll look very handsome in a tux.
[19:49] [@Nate Detroit] This honeymoon won't be as long. Less than a week.
[19:50] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Why so short?
[19:51] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Can't wait to get back to your girlfriends? ^_~
[19:51] [@Nate Detroit] Have a business to run now, don't I?
[19:51] [@Nate Detroit] I was.. well, you want to do something tonight?
[19:52] > @Nate Detroit slides a few fingers down her waistline.
[19:53] > +Vanadine (Workout) snuggles against Nate: Sure
[19:53] [@Nate Detroit] Anything my Mistress wants.
[19:54] > +Vanadine (Workout) grins a little to herself: Is that so?
[19:56] [@Nate Detroit] Yupp.
[19:56] > +Vanadine (Workout) subtley shoves her elbow into his ribcage, pressing
[19:57] [@Nate Detroit] Mnn?
[19:58] [+Vanadine (Workout)] What about Kitty-chan? She know you're turning yourself over to me?
[19:58] [@Nate Detroit] She knows how our relationship works.
[19:59] [@Nate Detroit] And while we had resolved to not do much for ourselves this week.... I know she wouldn't want you feeling miserable like you are.
[20:02] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Well then... how about I get cleaned up and we go to dinner?
[20:02] [@Nate Detroit] Sure. Kahkis and shirt?
[20:03] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Yeah. I'm not in a fancy mood tonight.
[20:03] > @Nate Detroit lifts her chin into a long kiss.
[20:03] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Mmmm
[20:04] > +Vanadine (Workout) kisses back, lightly scratching behind his ear
[20:04] > @Nate Detroit lets his hand drift over her sides, over her chest, and up into her hair, undoing the ponytail before breaking the kiss.
[20:05] > +Vanadine (Workout) grins a bit before standing
[20:05] [@Nate Detroit] Meet you at the transporters in 15?
[20:06] [+Vanadine (Workout)] You got it..... the mistress will grant you one choice of dress for her.
[20:07] [@Nate Detroit] Hmmm~ short skirt?
[20:07] [@Nate Detroit] Red if you have it.
[20:07] [+Vanadine (Workout)] I can do that.
[20:08] > +Vanadine (Workout) winks and blows him a kiss before turning to head out: See ya' in 15.
[20:08] > @Nate Detroit smiles and stands.
[20:08] <-- +Vanadine (Workout) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has left #reddwarfbeta (I could use a night out like this....)
[20:09] <-- @Nate Detroit [SmashChamp@reddwarf.com] has left #reddwarfbeta (The things people think they have to agree too...)
[21:41] --> Matsumi Kaze (italian dress) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[21:41] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Matsumi Kaze (italian dress)
[21:41] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Matsumi Kaze (italian dress)
[21:42] > +Matsumi Kaze (italian dress) walks in stretching
[21:46] [+Matsumi Kaze (italian dress)] nice day ^^
[21:47] [+Matsumi Kaze (italian renn dress)] ^
[21:50] --> David O'Cain has joined #reddwarfbeta
[21:50] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to David O'Cain
[21:50] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +David O'Cain
[21:50] [+David O'Cain] Hi, Matsumi.
[21:52] [+Matsumi Kaze (italian renn dress)] why hello
[21:52] --> Miara (comfy) [amongimmortals@terra.net] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[21:52] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Miara (comfy)
[21:53] [+David O'Cain] How are you tonight?
[21:53] [+Matsumi Kaze (italian renn dress)] very well ^^
[21:53] > Miara (comfy) falls onto a couch and pulls a pillow under her head
[21:54] [+David O'Cain] Go to a Renniasance festival?
[21:54] [Miara (comfy)] Tiiiired D:
[21:54] [Miara (comfy)] 'Spretty, Mats.
[21:56] [+Matsumi Kaze (italian renn dress)] no this is mine
[21:56] > +Matsumi Kaze (italian renn dress) turns around in a circle "from when I was in florence"
[21:58] [+Matsumi Kaze (italian renn dress)] also wore this when I had my picture painted
[21:58] [+David O'Cain] Looks great on you.
[21:59] [+Matsumi Kaze (italian renn dress)] why thank you
[22:00] > Miara (comfy) curls up into a ball, dozing lightly
[22:01] [+David O'Cain] Sorry, but I feel like if I gave you a hug, I might ruin the dress. ^_^;
[22:04] > +Matsumi Kaze (italian renn dress) walks over and strokes miara's hair gently
[22:05] [Miara (comfy)] Hm?
[22:06] [+Matsumi Kaze (italian renn dress)] just rest
[22:07] [+Matsumi Kaze (italian renn dress)] :)
[22:08] [+David O'Cain] So, what's new, ladies?
[22:08] [Miara (comfy)] my feet hurt
[22:09] [+Matsumi Kaze (italian renn dress)] not much..why does it hurt?
[22:10] [Miara (comfy)] russian ballet
[22:11] [+David O'Cain] Awww. :(
[22:13] [Miara (comfy)] everything feels all tight :<
[22:14] > +Matsumi Kaze (italian renn dress) grabs one of miara's feet
[22:15] [Miara (comfy)] hey!
[22:16] > +Matsumi Kaze (italian renn dress) starts to massage it
[22:19] [Miara (comfy)] Mmm
[22:20] [+David O'Cain] Bet that feels better.
[22:21] [Miara (comfy)] Yeah
[22:21] [Miara (comfy)] Thanks, Mats.
[22:22] [+Matsumi Kaze (italian renn dress)] no problem
[22:24] > +David O'Cain finds himself a seat on a separate sofa
[22:25] [Miara (comfy)] How was your day, Dave?
[22:28] [+David O'Cain] Mine was pretty good. More crooks off the street.
[22:29] > +Matsumi Kaze (italian renn dress) sits on a sofa
[22:31] [+David O'Cain] And enjoyed some fun at the arcades.
[22:32] [Miara (comfy)] DDR?
[22:34] [+David O'Cain] Not really. I pretty much play action and fighting games.
[22:36] [Miara (comfy)] That sounds like you.
[22:39] [+David O'Cain] Yeah.
[22:48] [+David O'Cain] Still, I had a good time.
[22:49] [Miara (comfy)] Sounds like it
[22:54] > Miara (comfy) stretches
[22:56] [+David O'Cain] Quiet night.
[22:57] [+Matsumi Kaze (italian renn dress)] YUP
[22:57] [+Matsumi Kaze (italian renn dress)] *yup
[23:02] [Miara (comfy)] Hm...I better go get to work
[23:02] [Miara (comfy)] Thanks for the company, guys ^_^
[23:03] <-- Miara (comfy) [amongimmortals@terra.net] has left #reddwarfbeta (Stand up and watch me!)
[23:03] [+Matsumi Kaze (italian renn dress)] if you want
[23:03] [+Matsumi Kaze (italian renn dress)] I'm going to change
[23:03] > +Matsumi Kaze (italian renn dress) is away: changing
[23:04] [+David O'Cain] Alright.
[23:05] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightgown) is back
[23:05] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightgown) walks back in
[23:07] [+David O'Cain] Welcome back.
[23:08] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] much better
[23:13] [+David O'Cain] I'm sure. And always easy on the eyes.
[23:15] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] oh pfft
[23:16] [+David O'Cain] What? It's true.
[23:18] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] heh
[23:20] [+David O'Cain] You're still a beauty.
[23:24] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] thank you
[23:24] [+David O'Cain] Of course, it seems all Senshi are.
[23:28] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] heh
[23:30] [+David O'Cain] You, Masaki, Minako, all of them.
[23:33] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightgown) nods
[23:35] [+David O'Cain] And I love Masaki so much...
[23:36] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] I bet
[23:38] [+David O'Cain] I really do. I will not lose her again.
[23:48] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightgown) nods
[23:51] > +David O'Cain sighs
[23:53] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] what's wrong?
[23:58] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightgown) yawns
[00:00] >>> Tuesday Sep 21 2010 <<<
[00:00] [+David O'Cain] Oh just...remembering a bit.
[00:00] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] I'm heading home
[00:00] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] night, david
[00:01] [+David O'Cain] Night, Matsumi.
[00:01] <-- +Matsumi Kaze (nightgown) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has left #reddwarfbeta (tired)
[00:22] <-- +David O'Cain has left #reddwarfbeta
[16:53] [Miara] (( if anyone's into star trek, a girl i work with wrote an article about the affect of fandom on her life and it is featured startrek.com right now ))
[19:02] --> Solarchos [Fallen0081@EnclaveFedCom.Net] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[19:02] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Solarchos
[19:02] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Solarchos
[19:03] > +Solarchos comes into the room and sits down on the couch with a contented sigh. ^__^
[19:06] [+Solarchos] (( I read the article, Miara. Very nice. I certainly got a bit of a chuckle at the part where she mentioned honing her writing skills thanks to the Star Trek RPG because I happen to have a copy of the main rulebook. XD ))
[19:16] --> David O'Cain has joined #reddwarfbeta
[19:16] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to David O'Cain
[19:16] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +David O'Cain
[19:16] > +David O'Cain walks in with a warm mug in his hand
[19:18] [+David O'Cain] Hello?
[19:18] [+Solarchos] Hello.
[19:18] [+Solarchos] What's up?
[19:19] [+David O'Cain] Oh, not much. Just thought I'd come up here with a warm cup of grog.
[19:19] [+Solarchos] Heh, I don't think I've ever tasted grog before. Is it any good?
[19:21] [+David O'Cain] It's not bad. Some rum, water, sugar, and either lemon or lime juice, and you got yourself a pretty good drink.
[19:23] [+Solarchos] Nice. I'm sorry I wasn't around at all yesterday, but I spent a wonderful day with Inu-Kit. ^___^
[19:23] [+David O'Cain] Heh, figured you were doing that. How're things on Unmei lately?
[19:24] [+Solarchos] Quiet for the most part, but a little tense too. I've got the whole planet on heightened alert thanks to that bastard Nero. No sign of him or his ginormous ship, but I'm not waiting for him to just appear before I start doing anything about him.
[19:25] > +David O'Cain nods, "Yeah, the Army and Marines are already on alert."
[19:26] [+Solarchos] I've currently got the Hellesponte currently on patrol in all of the adjacent star systems. She's got all of her sensors running hot and her cloaking systems active. If they run into Nero, he's going to be in for one HELL of a surprise.
[19:27] [+David O'Cain] Thinking he might have bitten off more than he could chew, huh?
[19:27] [+Solarchos] More like I'm not going to give him a chance to cause any harm.
[19:28] [+David O'Cain] Good. The last thing we need is any more planets being destroyed.
[19:31] [+Solarchos] Especially one I have such a personal stake in.
[19:31] > +David O'Cain sits down and sips his grog.
[19:38] [+Solarchos] Although yesterday was really special. ^___^
[19:38] [+David O'Cain] I'm sure. What did you end up doing?
[19:42] [+Solarchos] Well, late Sunday night she grabbed me and dragged me towards the mirror. Then we teleported away.
[19:44] [+Solarchos] We appeared inside a small, well-appointed tent way up north in Unmei's arctic region. Then she got undressed, got me undressed, and we both curled up inside numerous blankets and just listened to the winds blowing outside.
[19:44] [+David O'Cain] Sharing body heat as it were? :P
[19:46] [+Solarchos] Yup. It's a little ritual Inu-Kit and I have every so often. It's essentially a renewal and rebirth ritual.
[19:47] [+Solarchos] It's dark and there's no radios or telephones. No internet or cellphone access. Just her and I and sometimes the Kits, too. This time it was just Inu-Kit and myself.
[19:49] [+Solarchos] It's dark, it's warm inside those blankets, especially with her and I hugging each other, and the winds blowing over the ice fields and outside the tent is amazingly relaxing.
[19:49] [+David O'Cain] Gotcha.
[19:53] [+Solarchos] The point of the renewal ritual is to isolate yourself from all of your regular distractions. Then you place yourself in an extremely relaxing place and just envision yourself with creatures like arctic foxes or polar bears.
[19:53] [+Solarchos] The point is to enter into a different state of mind and pretend to be playing and resting with the arctic animals, just relaxing and playing without any kind of care in the world.
[19:54] [+Solarchos] In my case, I was relaxing, resting, and playing with a foxwoman! ^__^
[19:54] [+David O'Cain] Heh.
[20:00] [+Solarchos] So it was just her and me alone in a tent with nothing but food, water, and blankets.
[20:01] [+David O'Cain] Good. It would be a VERY short trip if you didn't have stuff to keep you warm.
[20:03] [+Solarchos] Well, the whole point of the trip was for both her and I to relax our minds and relieve ourselves of stress and tension.
[20:04] [+David O'Cain] Right, right.
[20:04] [+Solarchos] And we both definitely came back home very relieved of stress and tension. We had a LOT of fun together while we were there.
[20:04] [+David O'Cain] That's good.
[20:09] [+Solarchos] I love it when Inu-Kit surprises me like that. ^_^
[20:10] [+David O'Cain] I'll bet.
[20:16] [+Solarchos] How about yourself? Do anything fun or interesting today?
[20:19] [+David O'Cain] Not much than the usual.
[20:21] [+Solarchos] Awww. Too bad. It might make to a pretty good tale to tell.
[20:21] [+Solarchos] Also, I have some more good news in regards to Nero.
[20:22] [+David O'Cain] Yeah?
[20:22] [+Solarchos] I managed to get in touch with Andrimiton. I know she's been gone from here for a loooong time because of events back home in the Frybar.
[20:23] [+David O'Cain] Uh huh?
[20:24] [+Solarchos] She's had quite a few adventures while she's been away. That's why she's been gone for so long. But I appraised her of the latest situation.
[20:25] [+David O'Cain] Okay. What did she say?
[20:27] [+Solarchos] First, the Abh officially recognized the planet Chandler as a holding of my particular barony, so they're not happy about its destruction. The people of Chandler were technically all sos.
[20:27] [+Solarchos] The Labule is going to get involved. They're sending ships to assist.
[20:28] [+Solarchos] Andrimiton's on her way back and she's bringing some reinforcements.
[20:29] [+David O'Cain] Grrrroovy!
[20:31] [+Solarchos] It's going to be a while before she actually gets here with any additional ships, though. Possibly months.
[20:32] [+David O'Cain] Damn.
[20:41] [+Solarchos] When I spoke with her I found out that it's going to take a long time to assemble a fleet of any appreciable size. The Labule is fully committed to dealing with a bigger threat right now.
[20:42] [+David O'Cain] I see. Hopefully they'll get here in time.
[20:43] [+Solarchos] They're coming. Right now that's the important thing.
[20:44] [+David O'Cain] Yeah.
[20:55] [+Solarchos] So now you have a little good news.
[20:57] [+David O'Cain] Thanks. I'm sure we all needed it.
[20:59] [+Solarchos] And now I'd better be heading for home. The Kits really missed Mommy and I while we were gone.
[21:00] [+David O'Cain] Awwww. Well, take care, man.
[21:00] [+Solarchos] And I'm pretty sure Inu-Kit's got another little surprise for me tonight, too.
[21:00] <-- +Solarchos [Fallen0081@EnclaveFedCom.Net] has left #reddwarfbeta ("Off to see how my lovely wife will surprise me this time!")
[21:02] > +David O'Cain sets the mug down after downing the last of his drink
[00:00] >>> Wednesday Sep 22 2010 <<<
[00:02] [+David O'Cain] So quiet.
[00:33] <-- +David O'Cain has left #reddwarfbeta (Oh well.)
[00:42] --> Jennifer Flare [AriesSenshi@usa.cc] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[00:42] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Jennifer Flare
[00:43] > Jennifer Flare looks around, going over to the bar
[00:44] --> Ves Ves (Robe) [BeastTamer@DeadMoon.cc] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[00:44] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Ves Ves (Robe)
[00:45] > Ves Ves (Robe) walks in giving a spectacular yawn.
[00:45] > Jennifer Flare starts making a drink
[00:45] [Jennifer Flare] Oh, hello there
[00:46] [Ves Ves (Robe)] Evenin'
[00:46] > Ves Ves (Robe) removes the bands from her top knot and lets her hair fall.
[00:47] [Jennifer Flare] You have really nice hair.
[00:47] [Jennifer Flare] Want a drink?
[00:48] [Ves Ves (Robe)] Why thank you~ Please.
[00:48] > Ves Ves (Robe) looks at Jennifer Flare
[00:48] ➣ Jennifer Flare: 5' 5", slim, athletic build with a light tan to her skin, blue eyes and long blonde hair down to the middle of her back.
[00:48] > Jennifer Flare mixes a pair of drinks
[00:48] [Ves Ves (Robe)] Not bad yourself. Blonde is always good.
[00:50] > Jennifer Flare giggles a little
[00:50] > Ves Ves (Robe) sits at the bar.
[00:50] [Ves Ves (Robe)] Names Ves Ves.
[00:54] > Jennifer Flare pours the drinks and brings one to Ves
[00:55] [Ves Ves (Robe)] You have one, blondie?
[00:55] [Jennifer Flare] Name's Jennifer Flare
[00:57] > Ves Ves (Robe) takes hers and sips.
[01:01] [Jennifer Flare] I recognize you from somewhere, but I'm not sure where?
[01:02] [Ves Ves (Robe)] Dead Moon circus? You don't look like anyone I remember sceening with.
[01:09] [Jennifer Flare] I think I saw you perform once.
[01:09] [Jennifer Flare] There are four of you, right?
[01:10] [Ves Ves (Robe)] That's right! We were in Tokyo a little over ten years ago.
[01:12] [Ves Ves (Robe)] There was a lot more than jsut the four of us, of course.
[01:14] [Ves Ves (Robe)] I'm the Tamer of Beasts~ ♡
[01:15] [Jennifer Flare] Ahhh, ok
[01:15] > Jennifer Flare takes a drink from her glass
[01:17] [Ves Ves (Robe)] What'da you do?
[01:20] [Jennifer Flare] I run a video arcade in America
[01:20] [Jennifer Flare] I'm also a Zodiac Senshi
[01:21] [Ves Ves (Robe)] Ohh, another senshi. Cool.
[01:22] [Jennifer Flare] So, you're an animal tamer?
[01:23] > Ves Ves (Robe) pulls her coiled whip out of the pocket of her robe with a grin, and puts it on the bar.
[01:24] [Jennifer Flare] Niiiice
[01:24] > Jennifer Flare smirks, taking a drink
[01:24] [Jennifer Flare] Maybe you can help me tame my boyfriend.
[01:24] [Ves Ves (Robe)] For a senshi, I'd help for free. Whats he like?
[01:27] [Jennifer Flare] He's half human, half dog demon
[01:28] [Ves Ves (Robe)] You're pullin' my leg...
[01:28] [Jennifer Flare] Nope. His name is Inu-Yasha
[01:29] [Ves Ves (Robe)] Alright. What is he like, then? How does he behave? Chews on the furniture?
[01:30] [Jennifer Flare] Actually, I was just joking about me needing to tame him. I've already pretty much done that. XD
[01:30] [Ves Ves (Robe)] Pity... I'm a professional dominatrix too.
[01:31] [Jennifer Flare] I never really got into the dominatrix thing.
[01:34] [Ves Ves (Robe)] Its good money and very satisfying. Makes it hard to find a mate you can see as an equal, but I enjoy it.
[01:35] [Jennifer Flare] I had a hard enough time getting Inny....
[01:38] [Jennifer Flare] ..not sure how he would've reacted if I'd been doing things like that.
[01:40] [Ves Ves (Robe)] Maybe he's a closet pervert. :3 You'd be surprised..
[01:41] [Jennifer Flare] Well, we're plenty active, so that's not a problem. ^_~
[01:52] > Ves Ves (Robe) takes a few more sips of her drink, then puts it down and makes a happy noise.
[01:53] [Ves Ves (Robe)] Nice to have some peace and quiet after listening to people scream all day.
[01:53] [Jennifer Flare] So, you don't have anyone, eh?
[01:54] [Ves Ves (Robe)] Not really, no.
[01:55] [Ves Ves (Robe)] Don't need a man to help define myself.
[01:55] [Jennifer Flare] If you don't mind me asking, is that by choice?
[01:55] > Ves Ves (Robe) shrugs.
[01:55] [Ves Ves (Robe)] Haven't met anyone I click with, so I guess no, it isn't.
[01:56] [Jennifer Flare] Ah
[01:57] [Jennifer Flare] I'm sure you'll find someone when you feel like it. You have the looks to have just about any guy you want.
[01:57] [Jennifer Flare] Or girls, if you swing that way.
[01:57] [Ves Ves (Robe)] It'll take an uncommon man to tame me.. but like I said, I'm not really looking, or worried.
[02:01] [Jennifer Flare] The way you seem to be, I don't think ANY man could tame you. You much just need to tame the man.
[02:04] [Ves Ves (Robe)] Mm... a good top makes you WANT to be topped.. learns what buttons to press and what makes you tick..
[02:05] > Jennifer Flare finishes her drink
[02:06] [Jennifer Flare] Again, never was a big fan of that kinda' stuff.
[02:06] > Ves Ves (Robe) shrugs, finishing hers.
[02:06] [Jennifer Flare] My friend Nate seems lto like it though.
[02:07] [Ves Ves (Robe)] You don't say? The guy with the goatee? What's he into?
[02:09] [Jennifer Flare] I think he does a lot of that S&M stuff.... but his wife isn't very into it
[02:09] [Ves Ves (Robe)] Ooooohhhh he has a mistress?
[02:10] [Jennifer Flare] Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's our friend Vana
[02:13] [Ves Ves (Robe)] Kinky. Does she know about her?
[02:14] [Jennifer Flare] Yeah, Rowe knows all about Vana.
[02:15] [Ves Ves (Robe)] Well good.. I don't care for deception in that context.
[02:15] [Jennifer Flare] I think Vana plays with Rowe now and again too.... just not with all the pain involved.
[02:18] [Ves Ves (Robe)] Swingers?
[02:18] [Jennifer Flare] I guess you could call them that
[02:20] [Ves Ves (Robe)] Hope they're careful... Swingers tend to have more STDs then hookers.
[02:22] [Jennifer Flare] I don't think that'll be a problem with them. It's not like they're bringing in outsiders
[02:22] > Ves Ves (Robe) yawns, stretches, and pockets her whip.
[02:23] [Jennifer Flare] Sounds like ou're runnning down *yawn*
[02:24] > Ves Ves (Robe) nods and stands.
[02:24] [Ves Ves (Robe)] Nice talking with you Jennifer. May I call you Jenny?
[02:24] [Jennifer Flare] Sure. All my friends call me Jenny
[02:25] [Jennifer Flare] You staying on the ship?
[02:25] [Ves Ves (Robe)] I'm making a lot of friends up here. ^_^ Sure is nice, after it being just my sisters and I for so long. Oh no, I sleep at the Circus with my sisters.
[02:26] [Jennifer Flare] How about I walk with you to the transporters?
[02:26] [Ves Ves (Robe)] Sure~
[02:26] > Jennifer Flare stands with a smile and walks out with Ves
[02:27] <-- Jennifer Flare [AriesSenshi@usa.cc] has left #reddwarfbeta (This is a nice place. I used to live here.)
[02:27] <-- Ves Ves (Robe) [BeastTamer@DeadMoon.cc] has left #reddwarfbeta (It is.. the people are easy to talk to.)
[19:21] --> Chibi-Leady [RockYouLikeAHurricane@EnclaveFedCom.Net] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[19:21] [@HOL_6000] Intruder Alert! Chibi-Leady detected!
[19:22] > Chibi-Leady looks around for a few seconds before entering the room.
[19:22] [Chibi-Leady] Good. No sign of that Alala weirdo.
[19:24] > Chibi-Leady sits down on the couch, stretching out and relaxing. ^__^
[19:26] [Chibi-Leady] Even better. No sign of that bull.
[19:32] --> David O'Cain has joined #reddwarfbeta
[19:32] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to David O'Cain
[19:32] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +David O'Cain
[19:32] [+David O'Cain] Hi, Leady. Hope you enjoyed that punishment Azumi gave ya. :P
[19:32] [Chibi-Leady] Yo.
[19:32] [Chibi-Leady] >:(
[19:33] [Chibi-Leady] I'm sure I'll be seeing pics of "Amazing Nurse Leady" all over 4Chan pretty soon, too. ~_~;;
[19:33] --> Isabella (Uniform) has joined #reddwarfbeta
[19:33] [@HOL_6000] Isabella (Uniform) reporting for duty.
[19:33] > Isabella (Uniform) walks in and sets up some tea
[19:33] [+David O'Cain] Well, not necessarily there, but certainly around the bases.
[19:34] [+David O'Cain] Hello, Isabella.
[19:34] [Isabella (Uniform)] good evening...
[19:34] > Isabella (Uniform)'s english is better..but still has a thick italian accent
[19:35] [+David O'Cain] How are you this evening?
[19:36] [Isabella (Uniform)] I am well.....I thought you would enjoy some tea
[19:36] [Chibi-Leady] Yo.
[19:38] [+David O'Cain] Thank you. (takes a cup)
[19:38] [Isabella (Uniform)] oh hello there
[19:38] [Chibi-Leady] Got any beer? I need something especially strong after what happened to me earlier today.
[19:40] [Isabella (Uniform)] I..do not know let me check
[19:40] [+David O'Cain] What DID you do this time?
[19:40] > Isabella (Uniform) goes behind the bar and looks "there are many..beers here"
[19:42] [Chibi-Leady] Uh, you guys all know what a taser is, right?
[19:42] [Isabella (Uniform)] no....
[19:43] [+David O'Cain] Yeah. A long range stun gun.
[19:45] [Chibi-Leady] Well, me and the rest of the CA's were visiting a farm earlier today.
[19:46] [Chibi-Leady] At one point Gucci and Pappi found out that some of the farmhands had left out a buttload of bourbon. Next thing we know we're drinking that stuff like crazy.
[19:46] [Chibi-Leady] Then we started getting drunk. The bottles were all marked as bourbon but I think it was really vodka in there. ~_~;
[19:47] > Isabella (Uniform) just listens, confused
[19:47] [Chibi-Leady] One thing leads to another and somewhere along the way we managed to get a hold of an actual taser.
[19:48] [Chibi-Leady] Chibi-Nyanko was the one who suggested we start playing a game not so dissimilar to Roshambo. With a taser.
[19:49] [+David O'Cain] That's a major mistake! Even I know better than to mix drunkenness with a taser.
[19:50] [Chibi-Leady] So there we are hitting each other with a taser and turning it into a drinking game. Someone squeals in such a way that we all bust out laughing, we all gotta take a sip. If the person getting tazed falls over, big gulp.
[19:51] [Chibi-Leady] Then my turn came. And I got to select Chibi-Fly to be the one I tased. He's totally in love with Mamo-dork I figured zapping him would have been a public service.
[19:52] [+David O'Cain] Lemme guess one of you idiots missed and suddenly have a brauma bull running after you.
[19:52] > Chibi-Leady groans and looks down at the floor.
[19:52] [Chibi-Leady] I missed Fly and hit a bull in a nearby pen instead.
[19:53] > Chibi-Leady directs you to the footage Chibi-Siren posted on YouTube earlier. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Px_N2WLE1yo&feature=related
[19:53] [Chibi-Leady] That bull was f[SMEG]king PISSED!!!
[19:55] [Chibi-Leady] I bust out of the enclosure and chased me for HOURS! Meanwhile ALL of the ChibiAnimamates were laughing their ASSES off the whole time it was chasing me!
[19:55] [+David O'Cain] Figures. Should have let it run over you for your stupidity.
[19:56] > ~~ a stuffed toy fox is thrown at leady's hair
[19:56] [~~] *head
[19:58] [+David O'Cain] Eh?
[19:58] [Chibi-Leady] Huh? What the?
[19:58] --> Chibi-Fox has joined #reddwarfbeta
[19:58] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Chibi-Fox
[19:58] > Chibi-Fox walks in and picks up the stuffed toy
[19:59] [+David O'Cain] Hello.
[20:00] [Chibi-Leady] Oh, hey FoxXy.
[20:00] > Chibi-Fox kicks over leady's legs
[20:01] [Chibi-Leady] Ow!!
[20:01] > Chibi-Leady falls to the ground.
[20:01] [Chibi-Fox] LISTEN UP!
[20:01] [Chibi-Leady] ...Huh?
[20:02] > Chibi-Fox points at Leady
[20:02] [Chibi-Fox] from now on you work for ME
[20:02] [Chibi-Fox] and I demand a cupcake!
[20:02] > +David O'Cain chuckles
[20:03] [Chibi-Leady] ...HUH?
[20:03] [Chibi-Leady] I work for YOU now? Since when?
[20:03] [Chibi-Fox] SINCE NOW
[20:03] > Chibi-Fox kicks leady again
[20:03] [Chibi-Leady] OW! That hurts!
[20:04] [Chibi-Leady] Soooo, you want a cupcake now right? Like right now?
[20:06] [+David O'Cain] Make sure it's with a Happy Cake Oven.
[20:06] [Chibi-Fox] yes!
[20:06] > Chibi-Fox gives a snotty look
[20:06] [Chibi-Leady] Just follow me into the kitchen so you can show me exactly what kind of cupcake you'd like! :D
[20:06] > +David O'Cain looks at Chibi-Fox
[20:06] ➣ Chibi-Fox: appears to be an chibi version of Sailor Pewter Fox. She also always has a stuffed fox toy on her shoulder for some odd reason.
[20:07] [Chibi-Leady] Feel free to bring "Mr. Dingo" there along with you if you'd like. :P
[20:08] [Chibi-Fox] his name....is SABASTIAN
[20:09] > Chibi-Leady walks towards the kitchen, then stops just short of the doorway to allow Chibi-Fox to go in front of her. "After you, milady!" :D
[20:10] --> Nike has joined #reddwarfbeta
[20:10] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Nike
[20:10] > Chibi-Fox starts giving a snobby march
[20:11] [+David O'Cain] Hello, Miss.
[20:11] [Nike] Hello.
[20:11] [+David O'Cain] How are you?
[20:12] [Nike] I am well.
[20:13] > Chibi-Leady walks into the kitchen behind Chibi-Foxxy. >:D
[20:13] [Nike] It appears as though Aether has not done any permanent damage to you.
[20:14] [+David O'Cain] Nope. That ambrosia stuff worked like you said it would.
[20:15] > ~Suddenly huge, gigantic crashing BANG rings out from the kitchen as various appliances spontaneously overload, the refridgerators all blow open, and all kinds of foodstuffs are explosively propelled across the room, splattering everyone and everything in their path.
[20:15] [Chibi-Fox] GAH!!!!!
[20:15] [Chibi-Leady] OOPS!! XD
[20:16] > Chibi-Leady dashes out of the kitchen and SPRINTS FOR IT! ^__^..V
[20:17] <-- Chibi-Leady [RockYouLikeAHurricane@EnclaveFedCom.Net] has left #reddwarfbeta ("Looks like you won't be getting that cupcake now, Foxxy! AH-HAHAHHAAHAHAHAHA!!!!")
[20:17] > Chibi-Fox runs after Leady, covered in all matter of gunk
[20:17] <-- Chibi-Fox has left #reddwarfbeta (I SHALL GET YOU FOR THIS)
[20:18] [Nike] Do you have Dwarves running around demolishing things often?
[20:23] --> Matsumi Kaze [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[20:23] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Matsumi Kaze
[20:23] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Matsumi Kaze
[20:23] > +Matsumi Kaze yawns and stretches
[20:26] [+Matsumi Kaze] oh hey guys
[20:27] [+David O'Cain] Hi, Matsumi.
[20:28] [Nike] Hello, Miss.
[20:30] [+David O'Cain] How ya doing?
[20:30] [+Matsumi Kaze] tired heh
[20:31] [+David O'Cain] Another long day?
[20:32] [+Matsumi Kaze] yup
[20:37] [Nike] You will excuse me. I am needed.
[20:37] <-- Nike has left #reddwarfbeta (Attain victory, that I may crown you.)
[20:37] [+David O'Cain] See ya.
[20:44] [+Matsumi Kaze] seeya
[20:44] [+David O'Cain] So, been up to anything else, Matsumi?
[20:46] [+Matsumi Kaze] not really
[20:49] [+David O'Cain] Yeah, not much for me either.
[20:50] --> Miara (comfy) [amongimmortals@terra.net] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[20:50] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Miara (comfy)
[20:51] [+Matsumi Kaze] hi, miara!
[20:51] [+David O'Cain] Hi, Miara.
[20:51] > Miara (comfy) gets some water and takes some herbs, and lets her hair out of a tight bun, the dreads poofing a bit
[20:52] [Miara (comfy)] Hey
[20:52] [+David O'Cain] What's new?
[20:54] [+Matsumi Kaze] how are you?
[20:55] [Miara (comfy)] Tired, and achy. But better, I think.
[20:56] [+Matsumi Kaze] awwww
[21:00] [+David O'Cain] It's good to hear you're getting better.
[21:01] [Miara (comfy)] Let's hope so.
[21:04] > Miara (comfy) yawns and curls up on a couch
[21:04] --> Solarchos [Fallen0081@EnclaveFedCom.Net] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[21:04] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Solarchos
[21:04] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Solarchos
[21:04] [+Solarchos] Ah, there you are.
[21:05] > Miara (comfy) pulls a blanket over her head
[21:05] > +Solarchos waves to Miara. "The last time I saw you you left so quickly that I thought I might have angered you."
[21:06] [+David O'Cain] Hey, Solar.
[21:06] > +Matsumi Kaze walks over to miara
[21:06] [Miara (comfy)] You did.
[21:06] [+Matsumi Kaze] ....
[21:06] > +Matsumi Kaze makes sure miara's feet are covered...and arranges the cushions to make it more comfertible
[21:06] > Miara (comfy) takes the blanket down and makes a face at Matsi
[21:07] [+Solarchos] I'm sorry if I did, Miara. What exactly did I say that ticked you off so much?
[21:07] > +Matsumi Kaze giggles and gives miara a gentle tap on the forehead
[21:07] [Miara (comfy)] What's it matter now?
[21:08] [+Solarchos] Because I didn't mean to upset you so, that's why.
[21:08] > Miara (comfy) shrugs
[21:08] [Miara (comfy)] It's was a while ago, forget about it.
[21:09] [+Solarchos] All right.
[21:12] > +Solarchos sits down on the couch and remains quiet for now.
[21:12] [+Matsumi Kaze] sick, miara?
[21:13] [+David O'Cain] So, what's going on, Solar?
[21:13] [+Solarchos] Not much. Just taking it easy for the night.
[21:14] [Miara (comfy)] Tired
[21:14] [+David O'Cain] Okay.
[21:15] [+Solarchos] Did HK put you through another rough training session?
[21:15] [Miara (comfy)] I'm not finished at the ballet school yet. Then she'll test me.
[21:16] [+Solarchos] Just a hard day at the ballet school then. What was that like?
[21:16] [+Solarchos] Or would you rather just rest for now?
[21:17] [Miara (comfy)] It's intense.
[21:17] [Miara (comfy)] They practice, over and over and over. You can't be perfect.
[21:18] > +Matsumi Kaze lays on the floor
[21:18] [+Solarchos] Sounds like some of those Chinese kids who spend decades training and preparing for the Olympics.
[21:18] [+Matsumi Kaze] that's why I don't do that sort of level of stuff heh
[21:19] --> Chibi-Catri has joined #reddwarfbeta
[21:19] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Chibi-Catri