[01:45] >>> Saturday Jul 31 2010 – Automatic reset triggered – Logging Start <<<
[01:45] --> Nate Detroit (PJs) [SmashChamp@reddwarf.com] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[01:45] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +o to Nate Detroit (PJs)
[01:45] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, @Nate Detroit (PJs)
[01:45] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Evenin gents..
[01:45] [Arnold J. Rimmer] .....
[01:45] > @Nate Detroit (PJs) goes to the bar and mixes.
[01:46] [Arnold J. Rimmer] do you know the regulations of hours of drinking on this ship, m'laddo?
[01:46] > @Nate Detroit (PJs) blinks.
[01:46] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Umm.... 24/7?
[01:47] [Arnold J. Rimmer] that's it...you, me lad, are getting a deferment
[01:47] > Arnold J. Rimmer looks...and realized he's covered his hand...
[01:47] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Don't I outrank you by, like, a lot?
[01:47] [Lister of Smeg] Right on, pass me a lager?
[01:47] [Arnold J. Rimmer] THAT IS A MERE TECHINICALITY
[01:48] > @Nate Detroit (PJs) pours two, one for Dave and one for himself, and slides one to Dave.
[01:48] [Arnold J. Rimmer] that's it..both of you are on report...
[01:48] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Umm... I order you to break your clipboard in half??
[01:49] [Lister of Smeg] Cheers, mate.
[01:49] [Arnold J. Rimmer] .................................................
[01:49] > @Nate Detroit (PJs) toasts with Dave.
[01:50] > Arnold J. Rimmer opens his mouth...and closes it...and opens it......
[01:50] [Arnold J. Rimmer] ...
[01:50] > Arnold J. Rimmer walks off down the hall
[01:50] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] He looks like a fish..
[01:50] [Arnold J. Rimmer (from the hall)] [SMEG]!!!!!!!!!!!
[01:51] <-- Arnold J. Rimmer (from the hall) [greatestmilitarymind@reddwarf.co.uk] has left #reddwarfbeta
[01:51] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Interesting reaction.
[01:52] --> Kksskt (sleepwear) has joined #reddwarfbeta
[01:52] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Kksskt (sleepwear)
[01:52] > Kksskt (sleepwear) blinks and walks in "what was that noise?"
[01:52] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] If he hasn't done it by morning I'll mess with him. Hiya K.
[01:53] [Kksskt (sleepwear)] hi there
[01:53] > Kksskt (sleepwear) sits at a bar stool, folding his hood
[01:53] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Join us in a lagger?
[01:53] > Lister of Smeg laughs at Rimmer's reaction and chugs his beer.
[01:54] [Kksskt (sleepwear)] lagger?
[01:55] [Kksskt (sleepwear)] oh you mean a drink
[01:55] [Kksskt (sleepwear)] sure
[01:55] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Beer. Pretty good stuff too.
[01:55] > @Nate Detroit (PJs) pours another for K.
[01:56] > Kksskt (sleepwear) smiles "tssku!"
[01:56] > Kksskt (sleepwear) drinks "mmm...not bad" *flicks his forked tongue*
[01:56] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] So, what crawled up his ass, Dave?
[01:58] [Lister of Smeg] His ego.
[01:58] [Lister of Smeg] Rimmer's always been like that.
[01:59] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Yeah, I figured..
[01:59] [Kksskt (sleepwear)] who's this rimmer guy?
[02:01] [Lister of Smeg] He WAS me direct superior back before the radiation accident.
[02:01] [Lister of Smeg] And me roommate.
[02:01] [Kksskt (sleepwear)] not a very nice guy, by the sound of it
[02:02] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] That must have been painful
[02:02] [Lister of Smeg] Ya just gotta get to know him.
[02:03] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Really?
[02:03] [Lister of Smeg] Yeah, then he'll REALLY get on yer nerves.
[02:03] [Kksskt (sleepwear)] so..he's basically a nice guy?
[02:03] [Kksskt (sleepwear)] ...oooooh
[02:03] > Kksskt (sleepwear) laughs
[02:03] > Lister of Smeg laughs!
[02:04] > @Nate Detroit (PJs) chuckles a little into his lager.
[02:05] [Kksskt (sleepwear)] man this stuff is...not half bad
[02:06] [Lister of Smeg] Right on, man. Best stuff in the galaxy.
[02:06] > Lister of Smeg raises his glass!
[02:06] > Kksskt (sleepwear) grins and raises his glass
[02:09] > @Nate Detroit (PJs) hits his glass to theirs!
[02:11] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] So, Dave, hows life?
[02:12] [Kksskt (sleepwear)] wonder if this.......lager...will help me get some actual sleep tonight
[02:13] [Lister of Smeg] Got a place to live, curry to eat, beer to drink and a girl to love, can't complain.
[02:14] [Kksskt (sleepwear)] always good to have a girl to love
[02:14] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Hell yeah. And you K?
[02:16] [Kksskt (sleepwear)] good good...got my work published..place to sleep..and parents approve of the girl I love
[02:22] [Kksskt (sleepwear)] can't complain!
[02:23] [Lister of Smeg] Cheers!
[02:27] [Kksskt (sleepwear)] cheers!
[02:31] > @Nate Detroit (PJs) finishes his and refills it.
[02:35] > Kksskt (sleepwear) fills his as well
[02:36] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Sure got quiet without Rimmer..
[02:36] [Kksskt (sleepwear)] yes..
[02:37] [Lister of Smeg] Peace and quiet is what I call it.
[02:41] [Kksskt (sleepwear)] yesss...peaceful...
[02:48] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] So peaceful its putting me to sleep ~_~ I should turn in.. Saturday is my busy day.
[02:48] > @Nate Detroit (PJs) shoots his lagger and slams the glass.
[02:49] > Kksskt (sleepwear) drinks down his own
[02:50] > Lister of Smeg pelts down the rest of his and burps.
[02:50] [@Nate Detroit (PJs)] Nice seeing you both.
[02:50] <-- @Nate Detroit (PJs) [SmashChamp@reddwarf.com] has left #reddwarfbeta (Ice is flowin' through my veins; Explosives on my lips and in my lungs.)
[02:50] [Kksskt (sleepwear)] same!
[02:51] [Kksskt (sleepwear)] ugh....can feel...body heat....cooling
[02:52] > Kksskt (sleepwear) staggers "better...get back to quarters..for sleep...bye..."
[02:52] <-- Kksskt (sleepwear) has left #reddwarfbeta (*staggers off*)
[02:52] [Lister of Smeg] Cheers.
[02:53] <-- Lister of Smeg [Tech3@reddwarf.co.uk] has left #reddwarfbeta (Time ta go find Krissy.)
[12:23] --> Kksskt (casual) has joined #reddwarfbeta
[12:23] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Kksskt (casual)
[12:23] > Kksskt (casual) walks in, hood opening up and stretches
[12:24] > Kksskt (casual) sees the left over glass from the lager and smiles
[12:25] > Kksskt (casual) moves the glass over to the sink
[12:28] --> Mek-Kal (Overalls) has joined #reddwarfbeta
[12:28] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Mek-Kal (Overalls)
[12:28] [Mek-Kal (Overalls)] 'ello there gent.
[12:29] > Kksskt (casual) gives a yawn
[12:29] [Kksskt (casual)] hm.....oh..uh hi?...do I know you?
[12:32] > Kksskt (casual) looks at Mek-Kal
[12:32] ➣ Mek-Kal: 5' 8" with a athleticly strong build. Smooth bronze colored skin with shoulder length, shiny dark blue hair and orange colored, mechanical looking eyes.
[12:32] [Mek-Kal (Overalls)] Aye.... or a' least I'd like ta' thin' so.
[12:33] [Mek-Kal (Overalls)] Name's Mek-kal. Me lass is yu'r sis's teammate.
[12:33] [Kksskt (casual)] oh..nice to meet you then *offers his hand to shake*
[12:34] > Mek-Kal (Overalls) shakes Kksskt's hand, with a rather strong grip.
[12:35] [Kksskt (casual)] so what brings you here?
[12:36] [Mek-Kal (Overalls)] Well, seems our lasses are out onna' job. So I came ta' wait on 'em.
[12:36] [Kksskt (casual)] you know about my relationship then?
[12:37] [Mek-Kal (Overalls)] Aye... Taruka tol' me all 'bout it.
[12:38] [Kksskt (casual)] guess you know my name then
[12:39] > Kksskt (casual) moves behind the bar, opening up cupboards and looking at what they have
[12:39] [Mek-Kal (Overalls)] I thin' it's pronounced Kksskt.... righ'?
[12:40] [Kksskt (casual)] heh yes...most don't get it right....wow they have alot here
[12:41] [Mek-Kal (Overalls)] Aye well, bein' a bit robot 'elps.
[12:43] > Kksskt (casual) pokes his head up "..oh..oh yes you are..I was going to offer you a drink >.> silly me"
[12:44] [Mek-Kal (Overalls)] I could take a drink, lad.
[12:45] [Kksskt (casual)] oh?? um..let's see then...
[12:45] [Kksskt (casual)] ...so many choices
[12:46] > Kksskt (casual) grabs a bottle of whiskey and puts it on the bartop "how about this?"
[12:46] [Mek-Kal (Overalls)] How 'bout a scotch?
[12:48] [Kksskt (casual)] um..let's see....oh here's one *puts the bottle on the bartop*
[12:49] > Kksskt (casual) pours two glasses and hands one to Mek-Kal
[12:49] [Mek-Kal (Overalls)] Aye, cheers mate
[12:50] [Kksskt (casual)] cheers *drinks*
[12:50] > Mek-Kal (Overalls) takes a drink, downing about half of it
[12:51] [Mek-Kal (Overalls)] Ahhh, tha's nice.
[12:51] [Kksskt (casual)] mm...it's not that bad...
[12:53] [Mek-Kal (Overalls)] So, do ye' live up 'ere, lad?
[12:53] [Kksskt (casual)] so what do you do for a living?
[12:53] [Kksskt (casual)] heh yes
[12:53] [Kksskt (casual)] just down the hall
[12:54] [Mek-Kal (Overalls)] I haul things 'cross space.
[12:54] [Kksskt (casual)] ooooh a courier
[12:55] [Mek-Kal (Overalls)] Aye
[12:55] [Kksskt (casual)] how often do you come around here?
[12:56] [Mek-Kal (Overalls)] Not very. I usually just see me girly directly.
[12:59] [Kksskt (casual)] I find it hard to belive that Taruka could have a lover
[13:00] > Mek-Kal (Overalls) gives him a cross look | Now.... wha' would make ye' thin' tha', lad?
[13:01] [Kksskt (casual)] well...she's....um...a machine?..I mean it just..surpises..
[13:02] > Mek-Kal (Overalls) smirks | She's a livin' machine, li' me. Ya' migh' be surprised wha' we can do.
[13:02] [Kksskt (casual)] pardon my words then ^^;;
[13:03] > Mek-Kal (Overalls) finishes his drink
[13:03] [Mek-Kal (Overalls)] Aye, 'tis a'right, lad. We're a bit.... misundastood tha' way.
[13:04] > Kksskt (casual) finishes his
[13:04] [Kksskt (casual)] try being reptilian in a mostly mammalian galaxy
[13:05] [Mek-Kal (Overalls)] Aye, I imagine ye' 'ave some of the same problems.
[13:06] [Kksskt (casual)] and here I am living on a ship full of warm bloods XD
[13:08] [Mek-Kal (Overalls)] Not te' mention datin' one, eh?
[13:08] [Kksskt (casual)] so do you know where the girls went?
[13:09] [Mek-Kal (Overalls)] Nah, but Taruka said t'was an easy lookin' job.
[13:11] [Kksskt (casual)] what you said eailer...yeah it's true I'm dating one....but.......I really do love her
[13:11] [Kksskt (casual)] thank my sister for that
[13:12] [Mek-Kal (Overalls)] Yer sis is datin' a human, isn't she?
[13:13] [Kksskt (casual)] yes she is
[13:14] [Mek-Kal (Overalls)] Ye two have tha' in common then.
[13:14] [Kksskt (casual)] heh we're unusual
[13:15] [Mek-Kal (Overalls)] Sometimes, the mos' unusual is t'mos' interestin'.
[13:17] [Kksskt (casual)] I'd hope so ^^ since I am one of them
[13:21] [Mek-Kal (Overalls)] As am I, lad.
[13:21] [Kksskt (casual)] my parents were very skeptical and nervious of my choice of lovers
[13:21] [Kksskt (casual)] *lover
[13:21] [Kksskt (casual)] oh you are?
[13:22] [Mek-Kal (Overalls)] Aye, I'm a robot tha' acts more human.
[13:23] [Kksskt (casual)] ooooh
[13:24] --> Taruka Mi-38 [MetalGalhunter@Branch7.co] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[13:24] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Taruka Mi-38
[13:24] > Taruka Mi-38 smiles as she walks in
[13:24] [Kksskt (casual)] oh..look who it is
[13:24] [Mek-Kal (Overalls)] 'ey there, lass.
[13:24] > Mek-Kal (Overalls) smiles, seeing her enter
[13:25] [Taruka Mi-38] Mek ^^
[13:25] > Taruka Mi-38 gives Mek a hug
[13:26] > Mek-Kal (Overalls) hugs Taruka and kisses her
[13:27] > Taruka Mi-38 returns the kiss
[13:27] > Kksskt (casual) smiles at the two
[13:27] [Mek-Kal (Overalls)] 'ow's me love?
[13:28] [Taruka Mi-38] just great...job went off like a success
[13:30] > Mek-Kal (Overalls) takes a step back and grins | Ye' look like ye're in one piece
[13:31] > Taruka Mi-38 smiles "what I wear in the field"
[13:31] > Kksskt (casual) pours himself another drink
[13:34] [Taruka Mi-38] you should see alexis's
[13:34] > Kksskt (casual) nearly drops his drink
[13:35] [Mek-Kal (Overalls)] Yea?
[13:36] > Taruka Mi-38 is wearing what appears to be a bronze colored one piece, made of a shiny material...a belt around her waist with several small pockets and compartments...there is a symbol of the Branch 6 company pasted one the chest of it
[13:38] [Mek-Kal (Overalls)] Well, yours is quite fetchin'.
[13:39] [Taruka Mi-38] heh thank you..smooth words as always ^^
[13:40] > Mek-Kal (Overalls) turns to Kksskt, still holding onto Taruka | I hope we're not makin' ye' uncomfortable, lad.
[13:41] [Kksskt (casual)] no no not at all *smiles*
[13:42] > Mek-Kal (Overalls) smirks | Somethin' tells me ye're curious how we do it.... arn' ya' lad?
[13:43] [Kksskt (casual)] >.>
[13:43] [Kksskt (casual)] <.<
[13:43] > Kksskt (casual) drinks
[13:43] [Taruka Mi-38] meeeek XD
[13:44] > Mek-Kal (Overalls) laughs heavily | Ye're no' the first an' I'm sure ye' won' be the last, lad.
[13:45] > Kksskt (casual) just...drinks...>.>
[13:46] > Mek-Kal (Overalls) stands beside Taruka with an arm around her waist and grins at Kksskt | Jus' like you, lad.
[13:47] > Kksskt (casual) smiles
[13:47] > Taruka Mi-38 leans her head on Mek's shoulder
[13:49] [Mek-Kal (Overalls)] Ya' seem a bit tired, lass. What say we let ye' recharge then go out ta'night?
[13:49] [Taruka Mi-38] heh sounds wonderful
[13:51] > Mek-Kal (Overalls) nods and leads her out, winking at Kksskt
[13:51] [Mek-Kal (Overalls)] Catch ya' later, lad. Nice chattin' with ye'.
[13:51] [Kksskt (casual)] you two take care
[13:53] <-- Taruka Mi-38 [MetalGalhunter@Branch7.co] has left #reddwarfbeta (so what are we doing tonight then?)
[13:53] <-- Mek-Kal (Overalls) has left #reddwarfbeta (I always take care of me, lassy.)
[13:53] --> Alexis Shentara has joined #reddwarfbeta
[13:53] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Alexis Shentara
[13:53] [Kksskt (casual)] alexis
[13:53] [Kksskt (casual)] ^^
[13:55] > Alexis Shentara walks in wearing a vest, which is open in the front and a pair of shorts which are made of the same meterial as Taruka's outfit.
[13:55] [Alexis Shentara] Hi there handsome man! ♡
[13:56] [Kksskt (casual)] ....taruka was right...wow...
[13:56] [Alexis Shentara] Hmm....? What'd Taruka say about me?
[13:57] [Kksskt (casual)] oh um...that I should...see what you wear
[13:59] [Alexis Shentara] Oooh, ya' like?
[13:59] [Kksskt (casual)] ...very nice
[14:00] > Alexis Shentara does a couple poses, first one showing off her butt, the second playing with the zipper on her vest.
[14:01] > Kksskt (casual) crosses his legs
[14:02] > Alexis Shentara grins, going over to make herself a drink
[14:03] [Kksskt (casual)] so..the job went well?
[14:03] [Alexis Shentara] You want a drink?
[14:04] [Alexis Shentara] Oh yeah... real easy. I barely had to get involved at all.
[14:04] [Kksskt (casual)] how did my sister do?
[14:07] [Alexis Shentara] Pretty good.... I finally got to use that rifle you two bought me
[14:08] [Alexis Shentara] Saved her ass with it. *grins*
[14:08] [Kksskt (casual)] oh how did that do?
[14:09] [Alexis Shentara] She had a guy creeping up behind her as she was moving in.
[14:09] [Kksskt (casual)] heh I thank you for that XD...you always have a wonderful shot
[14:12] > Kksskt (casual) smiles to Alexis
[14:13] [Alexis Shentara] The scope on that rifle is super accurate and the silencer is awesome.... nailed the guy with him or his buddies ever knowing I was there.
[14:14] [Kksskt (casual)] so it was worth it then ^^
[14:15] [Alexis Shentara] Definately
[14:16] [Kksskt (casual)] /
[14:17] > Kksskt (casual) sits next to Alexis
[14:17] > Alexis Shentara is standing behind the bar, making a drink
[14:17] [Kksskt (casual)] *sits across
[14:20] > Alexis Shentara slides Kksskt a drink and bends over the bar, looking into his eyes.
[14:20] [Alexis Shentara] My first thought as soon as the mission was over, was coming home to you. ^_^
[14:22] > Kksskt (casual) smiles "well I'm always here for you whenever you come back"
[14:27] > Alexis Shentara blows his a kiss, her vest opening a bit in front of him
[14:30] > Kksskt (casual) blushes and smiles
[14:30] > Kksskt (casual) leans over and kisses Alexis
[14:32] > Alexis Shentara kisses back and giggles
[14:32] > Alexis Shentara straightens up with a light blush
[14:33] [Alexis Shentara] Am I being too sexy? *^_^*
[14:34] > Kksskt (casual) smiles "you...too sexy is the norm..."
[14:35] > Alexis Shentara walks around and sits next to Kksskt
[14:39] [Alexis Shentara] So, what does my man wanna' do today?
[14:41] [Kksskt (casual)] heh I'd like to take you out somewhere nice
[14:42] [Kksskt (casual)] my sister got me a new device....
[14:43] > Kksskt (casual) taps on a wrist device..which shimmers...and he changes
[14:43] > Kksskt (human casual) smiles...has short red hair...green eyes...and tannish skin
[14:43] [Alexis Shentara] Hmm?
[14:44] [Kksskt (human casual)] how do I look?
[14:46] [Alexis Shentara] I.... um.....
[14:47] > Alexis Shentara looks him over, blushing a little
[14:49] [Alexis Shentara] I almost feel like I'm cheating on you....~
[14:50] [Kksskt (human casual)] heh it's still me...I thought we could go planetside
[14:51] [Alexis Shentara] I'd love to~
[14:52] [Kksskt (human casual)] well I'd be happy to
[14:53] [Alexis Shentara] You look.... awesome~
[14:53] [Alexis Shentara] I mean, I love how you look normally but.... this is a fantastic alternative.
[14:54] [Kksskt (human casual)] why thank you
[14:57] [Kksskt (human casual)] heh a compliment is a compliment
[14:59] > Alexis Shentara wraps her arms around him and kisses him again.
[15:00] > Kksskt (human casual) returns the kiss, holding alexis
[15:02] [Alexis Shentara] ❧ Does this cover all of you? ♡ ❧
[15:04] [Kksskt (human casual)] ❧ apparently ❧
[15:04] > Alexis Shentara grins
[15:05] [Alexis Shentara] ❧ How about we go find out before we go out?~ ❧
[15:06] [Kksskt (human casual)] ❧ heh..why not ❧
[15:06] > Alexis Shentara holds onto his hand, leading him out
[15:07] <-- Alexis Shentara has left #reddwarfbeta (This should be very interesting. ♡)
[15:08] <-- Kksskt (human casual) has left #reddwarfbeta (heh it will)
[23:48] --> Hana Sagusa [sagusa.hana@mugen.edu.jp] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[23:48] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Hana Sagusa
[23:49] > Hana Sagusa shuffles in...her arm in a sling..and a bandage around her head
[23:51] > Hana Sagusa mumbles under her breath
[23:55] [Hana Sagusa] grr..get her back...*grumble*
[23:58] > Hana Sagusa kicks a bar stool...sending it flying
[00:00] >>> Sunday Aug 01 2010 <<<
[00:07] > Hana Sagusa sits on the floor, angerly
[00:18] --> Ryoko Mitsurugi has joined #reddwarfbeta
[00:18] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Ryoko Mitsurugi
[00:19] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] Oh. Hey.
[00:20] [Hana Sagusa] grrr...whatever..
[00:20] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] Geez, what's your problem?
[00:24] [Hana Sagusa] stupid b[SMEG]ch thinks she can beat me...well I'll show her...
[00:26] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] Well, first off, you better wait for your injuries to heal before you try anything.
[00:29] > Hana Sagusa frowns deeply
[00:29] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] What? You think you can actually beat someone in your condition?
[00:32] > Hana Sagusa grumbles
[00:36] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] Sorry, kid. Looks like it'll be a hard lesson in patience for you.
[00:37] [Hana Sagusa] whatever....
[00:41] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] Just what happened, anyway?
[00:42] [Hana Sagusa] got into a fight....
[00:43] [Hana Sagusa] stupid girl spilled soda on me...so I thought I'd show her...
[00:43] [Hana Sagusa] ...beat the crap out of me
[00:43] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] I see.
[00:44] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] So you fought a girl because she spilled soda on you? If you ask me, that a really stupid reason to fight someone.
[00:45] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] If it was on purpose, maybe. But if it was on accident, that's a completely different story.
[00:45] [Hana Sagusa] yeah well it was a new outfit...
[00:46] [Hana Sagusa] girl thought she was on that..with her sailor fuku and that white headband or bandana of hers...
[00:48] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] Hmm. Sounds like she might have been more experienced than you.
[00:48] > Ryoko Mitsurugi shrugs, "Schoolgirls minus the headband?"
[00:50] [Hana Sagusa] ha ha
[00:52] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] Maybe the girl felt comfy fighting in a fuku. I don't know.
[00:54] [Hana Sagusa] yeah....maybe...
[00:57] > Ryoko Mitsurugi gets Hana a bag or two of ice
[00:58] [Hana Sagusa] thanks....
[01:01] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] Should at least cut down any swelling.
[01:04] [Hana Sagusa] geh...*winces* still hurts...
[01:06] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] Hmm. Take any painkillers afterwards?
[01:07] [Hana Sagusa] no
[01:10] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] Might help ya.
[01:15] [Hana Sagusa] yeah...yeah maybe
[01:18] [Hana Sagusa] ..thirsty ><
[01:19] > Ryoko Mitsurugi tosses Hana a bottle of water
[01:20] > Hana Sagusa catches the bottle with one hand and drinks it down
[01:22] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] I'm gonna head on outta here. Are ya gonna be fine up here?
[01:23] [Hana Sagusa] yeah yeah...
[01:24] <-- Ryoko Mitsurugi has left #reddwarfbeta (Good. Take care.)
[01:27] > Hana Sagusa feels her hurt arm
[01:41] [Hana Sagusa] ouch ><
[01:54] > Hana Sagusa yawns a bit
[01:56] <-- Hana Sagusa [sagusa.hana@mugen.edu.jp] has left #reddwarfbeta (better get home..ow...)
[02:46] --> Logan SD (PJs) [KittyShota@Reddwarf.com] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[02:46] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Logan SD (PJs)
[02:47] [Logan SD (PJs)] ♬ Sat~ur~day niiiighhht! nya nya~ :3 ♭
[02:47] [Logan SD (PJs)] Caturday night! ehehehee~
[02:48] > Logan SD (PJs) gets out all the juices and starts caaaarefully mixing them in one big glass. >:3
[02:58] > Logan SD (PJs) spills a little and cleans it up with a paper towel, then sips the glass and purrs.
[03:00] > Logan SD (PJs) plants himself infront of the aquarium, holding his juice in both hands.
[03:19] <-- Logan SD (PJs) [KittyShota@Reddwarf.com] has left #reddwarfbeta (♫)
[03:48] --> Jun Jun (Pj's) [GreenAcrobat@DeadMoon.cc] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[03:48] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Jun Jun (Pj's)
[03:49] > Jun Jun (Pj's) grumbles a little to herself about not being able to sleep
[03:49] --> Cere Cere (Nightgown) [FlowerMaiden@DeadMoon.cc] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[03:49] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Cere Cere (Nightgown)
[03:50] [Cere Cere (Nightgown)] ~_~
[03:50] [Cere Cere (Nightgown)] You don't have to wake the rest of us up just because you can't sleep, Jun. ~_~
[03:51] [Jun Jun (Pj's)] Sorry Cere.... I didn't know I was being that loud.
[03:52] [Jun Jun (Pj's)] You wanna' drink?
[03:53] [Cere Cere (Nightgown)] Yes, please.
[03:55] > Jun Jun (Pj's) throws together a pair of fruit punches, taking on to Cere
[03:55] [Jun Jun (Pj's)] So, what do you think of our new man-toy? ^_~
[03:57] [Cere Cere (Nightgown)] He's definitely cute~
[03:59] [Jun Jun (Pj's)] He is.. and so nice
[04:00] [Cere Cere (Nightgown)] As usual, Ves seems to be having the most fun..
[04:00] [Jun Jun (Pj's)] Ves always does.... cause she's crazy
[04:03] [Cere Cere (Nightgown)] That's not very nice, Jun. Even if it's a little true. <_<
[04:04] > Jun Jun (Pj's) sighs a little, taking a drink
[04:07] [Cere Cere (Nightgown)] What's wrong?
[04:07] [Jun Jun (Pj's)] Is it bad that I'm a little jealous of Ves?
[04:10] [Cere Cere (Nightgown)] Hmm..
[04:11] [Cere Cere (Nightgown)] She does have quite a different outlook on life.
[04:12] [Jun Jun (Pj's)] Well, I know she saw Matsuo first.... so she kinda' has first crack at him....
[04:12] [Jun Jun (Pj's)] .... but I think he's really good lookin' and fun. I wanna' be with him too.
[04:13] [Cere Cere (Nightgown)] It sounds to me like you will need to be a little more aggressive if you want him, then.
[04:15] [Jun Jun (Pj's)] I thought we were supposed to share
[04:16] [Cere Cere (Nightgown)] O_o
[04:19] [Jun Jun (Pj's)] We share everything else
[04:21] [Cere Cere (Nightgown)] I believe this is a little different.. <_<
[04:23] [Jun Jun (Pj's)] Awww
[04:23] [Jun Jun (Pj's)] But I wanna' play with Matsuo too...~
[04:23] [Jun Jun (Pj's)] I was the one who brought him to the tent.
[04:25] [Cere Cere (Nightgown)] Well, whether you want to share with Ves or not, I'm sure you have your work cut out for you.
[04:26] > Jun Jun (Pj's) sighs and finishes her punch
[04:32] [Cere Cere (Nightgown)] Will you be alright?
[04:35] [Jun Jun (Pj's)] Yeah.... I think you're right though.
[04:35] [Jun Jun (Pj's)] I need to get more agressive.
[04:37] [Jun Jun (Pj's)] Can't let Ves have all the fun ^_~
[04:38] [Cere Cere (Nightgown)] There you go. :)
[04:39] [Jun Jun (Pj's)] What about you Cere?
[04:41] [Cere Cere (Nightgown)] I am content at the moment.
[04:42] [Cere Cere (Nightgown)] I'd prefer someone blond. ^_^;
[04:43] [Jun Jun (Pj's)] Well, if you say so. He's really sweet though. You shouldn't discount him cause of his hair color. :P
[04:49] [Cere Cere (Nightgown)] Hai, hai.
[04:50] > Jun Jun (Pj's) giggles and gives her sister a hug
[04:52] > Cere Cere (Nightgown) hugs back.
[04:53] > Jun Jun (Pj's) yawns
[04:54] [Cere Cere (Nightgown)] Finally ready to sleep?
[04:57] [Jun Jun (Pj's)] Yeah, I think so
[04:59] > Jun Jun (Pj's) stands: Let's go before anyone else wakes up
[05:01] [Cere Cere (Nightgown)] Good idea, Jun.
[05:01] > Cere Cere (Nightgown) stands as well after finishing her drink.
[05:03] <-- Jun Jun (Pj's) [GreenAcrobat@DeadMoon.cc] has left #reddwarfbeta (Maybe we could do this more often.)
[05:03] <-- Cere Cere (Nightgown) [FlowerMaiden@DeadMoon.cc] has left #reddwarfbeta (*yawn* Perhaps.)
[12:57] --> Hana Sagusa (casual) [sagusa.hana@mugen.edu.jp] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[12:57] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Hana Sagusa (casual)
[12:57] > Hana Sagusa (casual) walks in with her arm still in a sling
[13:00] > Hana Sagusa (casual) picks up the bar stool she broke off and moves it over with her one free hand
[13:03] > Hana Sagusa (casual) winces again
[13:11] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] ugh..hate this
[13:14] --> Vanadine (Workout) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[13:14] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Vanadine (Workout)
[13:14] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Vanadine (Workout)
[13:14] > +Vanadine (Workout) walks in, wiping her forehead
[13:14] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] ><
[13:15] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Hey Hana....woah, what happened!?
[13:16] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] oh hey...
[13:16] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] ..got into a fight yesterday
[13:17] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] ran into this girl and she spilled soda all over my clothes...
[13:18] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] so I decided to fight...and she kicked my ass
[13:20] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] ..stupid school girl with her stupid white banadana
[13:22] > +Vanadine (Workout) shakes her head
[13:23] [+Vanadine (Workout)] What're you doing fighting over getting soda spilled on you in the first place?
[13:23] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] it was a nice outfit!
[13:25] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Still!
[13:25] > +Vanadine (Workout) reaches out and lightly pops Hana on the back of the head
[13:26] [+Vanadine (Workout)] No unsanctioned fights!
[13:27] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] ow! hey
[13:27] [+Vanadine (Workout)] After that sparing match we had, I thought you were smarter then that. Geez
[13:28] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] ..so I have a temper >.>
[13:29] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Yeah and you need to learn to control it better
[13:30] > +Vanadine (Workout) goes around behind the bar, grabbing a bottle of water.
[13:30] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] least my arm isn't fully broken...wrist is just injured
[13:32] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Well, that's good at least.
[13:33] [+Vanadine (Workout)] How'd you do in your actual compatition fight?
[13:34] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] won heh
[13:35] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Very good
[13:37] > +Vanadine (Workout) opens her bottle of water, taking a long drink
[13:37] > Hana Sagusa (casual) tries to put the broken bar stool back together with her one hand
[13:40] > Hana Sagusa (casual) pauses...
[13:40] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] ...I just remembered....
[13:40] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] before the fight...she offered to help me get a new outfit too...
[13:41] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Really?
[13:42] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] ..yeah
[13:42] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Aaaaand, you chose to fight her instead...
[13:43] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] ..yeah.....
[13:43] > +Vanadine (Workout) pops Hana on the back of the head again
[13:45] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] ow!
[13:46] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] stop it!
[13:48] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Well, you deserved it!
[13:48] [+Vanadine (Workout)] The girl ACCIDENTALLY spills soda on you, then offers to replace said outfit and all you can do is pick a fight with her and lose!?
[13:48] > Hana Sagusa (casual) bops vana on the head "how do you like it!?"
[13:49] > +Vanadine (Workout) smirks: Don't make me choke you out.... you know I can do it.
[13:50] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] this girl had some weird moves ><
[13:52] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Weird moves?
[13:53] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] yeah....
[13:53] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] hit my jaw too pretty hard ><
[13:54] [+Vanadine (Workout)] What kinda' weird moves?
[13:56] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] well the last move she did on me...she sort of ran at me...and hit me with an uppercut to the jaw
[13:57] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Wait....
[13:58] [+Vanadine (Workout)] .... did she do this weird spinning, jump kick?
[13:59] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] yeah..yeah she did
[14:00] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Wore a school uniform with a white headband and sneakers, red gloves?
[14:01] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] .....yeah?
[14:02] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Holy crap.....
[14:03] [+Vanadine (Workout)] ... you picked a fight with Sakura Kasugano!?
[14:03] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] what?
[14:03] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] ......who...
[14:04] [+Vanadine (Workout)] She's only one of the toughest, not to mention youngest, street fighters to walk the earth today.
[14:06] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] ...............
[14:06] [+Vanadine (Workout)] No wonder you lost.... you're good... but you're not THAT good.
[14:07] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] .........
[14:07] > Hana Sagusa (casual) is silent
[14:09] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] then I'll just have to become stronger
[14:09] > +Vanadine (Workout) pats Hana's shoulder
[14:09] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Wait, what?
[14:10] > Hana Sagusa (casual) smiles "I'll just have to work harder"
[14:10] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] and improve myself
[14:10] [+Vanadine (Workout)] I see.
[14:11] > +Vanadine (Workout) laughs a bit: Started to think you were saying that so you could start street fighting so you could beat Sakura.
[14:12] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] nahhh....
[14:12] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] street fighting isn't for me
[14:13] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] but I do want to become stronger
[14:13] > +Vanadine (Workout) sighs a bit in relief: Good good... that's an excellent goal.
[14:17] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] ..first I need to heal
[14:17] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Very true.
[14:17] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Ya' know, I could just take you to the medbay again. They can fix you up faster then you'd naturally heal.
[14:18] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] ...seriously?
[14:19] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Well yeah. Remember how they fixed you up after our sparing match?
[14:22] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] ..oh yeah
[14:25] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] for some reason I feel really pumped right now
[14:28] > Hana Sagusa (casual) is away: show me where it is again?
[14:29] > +Vanadine (Workout) is away: Right down this hallway
[14:39] --> Marty D [Techwiz@hogwarts.edu] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[14:39] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Marty D
[14:39] > Marty D walks in, humming to himself. ♫
[14:40] > Marty D pulls out a Nintendo HX, and starts playing a holographic handheld Advance Wars game.
[14:43] --> Celestite Detroit [CrystalGirl@dimensionzero.cc] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[14:43] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Celestite Detroit
[14:44] > Marty D curses suddenly as he looses a bunch of units in one turn. >:O
[14:45] > Celestite Detroit creeps up behind Marty
[14:45] > Marty D sniffs the air.
[14:46] > Marty D grins, but goes back to his game.
[14:47] > Celestite Detroit giggles to herself and wraps her arms around Marty from behind
[14:47] > Marty D chuckles and holds her arm.
[14:47] [Celestite Detroit] ❧ I can't hide from my tiger... make's surprising you difficult. ❧
[14:48] [Marty D] You could tell me you were pregnant, nya. That'd surprise me. =^_^= Whats up?
[14:49] [Celestite Detroit] Nothing, just wanted to see you.... find out how things were going with finding people to work for you.
[14:50] [Marty D] Well, nya. Sunday is slow, so I'm off the rest of the day. How's life as a princess?
[14:51] [Celestite Detroit] I'm the mistress, not the princess. But things are good.
[14:51] [Celestite Detroit] I think today is a slow day all around. Nothing really going on.
[14:52] [Marty D] You're both, nya. :P Hehe..Well good, more quality time for us.
[14:54] > Celestite Detroit kisses one of Marty's ears, then hops over the back of the sofa, sitting next to him
[14:55] [Celestite Detroit] What're you playing?
[14:56] > Marty D wraps his tail around her waist, and pulls her leg over his before continuing his game.
[14:56] [Marty D] Advance Wars HX. Turn-based stratagy game. Probably borign to watch.
[14:57] > Celestite Detroit looks over the figures being projected, snuggeling with Marty and lightly stroking his tail
[14:57] [Celestite Detroit] Some people would think that..... but I think it's kinda' neat.
[14:57] [Celestite Detroit] It's almost like chess
[14:58] > Marty D purrs softly, engaging a small fleet of jets against another fleet of bombers.
[14:58] [Marty D] Yupp. I thought you weren't into strategy stuff.
[14:59] [Celestite Detroit] I like it sometimes. I have to be in a particular mood for it.
[15:00] [Celestite Detroit] Am I right in assuming you should win that battle?
[15:00] > Marty D blows them apart in two turns.
[15:01] [Marty D] We should put you in charge of our military =p
[15:04] > Celestite Detroit giggles then pauses, "Wait.... do we even HAVE a military?"
[15:05] [Marty D] Good question.. We might just be protected by a handful of middle-aged women with godlike powers.
[15:07] [Celestite Detroit] You know your mothers in law would probably beat you if they heard you call them middle aged. :P
[15:09] [Marty D] Aren't they?? Well, I guess they are supposed to live for a long time the way things are now..
[15:10] [Celestite Detroit] Doesn't matter if they are or not. Women don't like to be called old or anything of the like.
[15:10] [Marty D] Meh, all yall are irrational and unreasonable. ~.~
[15:11] [Celestite Detroit] Most women are
[15:11] > Celestite Detroit lightly squeezes his tail
[15:11] [Celestite Detroit] ❧ But you love us anyway~ ❧
[15:12] [Marty D] Only cus you sex me up :P ehee..
[15:13] [Celestite Detroit] Heh, if I wasn't sure you were joking, I'd bop you one.
[15:16] [~Matsumi Kaze (Future)] well well
[15:16] --> ~Matsumi Kaze (Future) has joined #reddwarfbeta
[15:16] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, ~Matsumi Kaze (Future)
[15:16] > ~Matsumi Kaze (Future) appears in holograph form
[15:16] [Marty D] Speak of the devil, and she appears.
[15:17] [Celestite Detroit] Hiiii
[15:17] [~Matsumi Kaze (Future)] I hope you don't consider me a devil
[15:18] [Marty D] Of course not mah. Its a saying.. Anyway, whats up?
[15:18] [~Matsumi Kaze (Future)] checking up on you
[15:20] [Celestite Detroit] Awww, you don't have to do that.
[15:20] [Marty D] We're doing well. Having a quiet day to ourselves. Have you spoke to Tinya?
[15:20] [Celestite Detroit] We are adults, ya' know. :P
[15:20] [~Matsumi Kaze (Future)] also to answer you question, my dear daughter :P
[15:20] [~Matsumi Kaze (Future)] OF COURSE WE HAVE A MILITARY :p
[15:21] > Marty D grimaces. "So, by checking up you mean eavesdropping?"
[15:21] [~Matsumi Kaze (Future)] my dear marty...remember I am one with the loadstone
[15:21] [~Matsumi Kaze (Future)] I know everything that happens on my world :P
[15:22] [~Matsumi Kaze (Future)] ...about that comment you made about me two days ago :P :P
[15:22] > Marty D looks around the ship, making sure he's still on it.
[15:23] > Celestite Detroit giggles a little
[15:23] > ~Matsumi Kaze (Future) is away: ((nevermind))
[15:23] [Marty D] ....that was odd..
[15:23] [Marty D] Mah, still... there? Huh.
[15:27] [Marty D] Merlin's beard... what else does she listen in on that we do? =O_o=
[15:27] > Celestite Detroit thinks for a moment, "Ya' know what I'm suddenly in the mood to do...?"
[15:28] > Marty D folds his game shut. "Nope, what?"
[15:28] [Celestite Detroit] Swim
[15:29] [Marty D] Heh, that's random, but alright. We have a pool, don't we?
[15:29] [Celestite Detroit] Yup, private pool. ^_~
[15:29] > Celestite Detroit kisses his cheek and hops up.
[15:30] [Marty D] Good. Save some energy though, cus I wanna abuse the hot tub. >:3
[15:30] > Marty D hops up and follows.
[15:30] [Celestite Detroit] I can wear that thong bikini you like so much....... to start with. ^_~
[15:30] <-- Marty D [Techwiz@hogwarts.edu] has left #reddwarfbeta (I thought you said private. Why wear anything?)
[15:31] <-- Celestite Detroit [CrystalGirl@dimensionzero.cc] has left #reddwarfbeta (I gotta' wear it sometime. Not like I'll be wearing it for long around you. ♡)
[21:57] --> Eva Gala has joined #reddwarfbeta
[21:57] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Eva Gala
[21:57] > Eva Gala walks in, looking around
[21:59] > Eva Gala looks through the fish tank.
[22:01] --> Matsuo Shin [PsychicGuy@Q.Tech.gov] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[22:01] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Matsuo Shin
[22:01] [Matsuo Shin] beautiful, aren't they
[22:02] [Eva Gala] Yeah.... the fish.... the stars....
[22:03] [Matsuo Shin] martian, aren't you
[22:04] > Eva Gala sighs | That's what I've heard...... wait, how'd you know that?
[22:04] > Eva Gala turns around to face Matsuo
[22:04] [Matsuo Shin] the way you talk
[22:04] [Matsuo Shin] you have a martian accent
[22:05] [Eva Gala] So then, all indians have martian accents?
[22:05] [Matsuo Shin] indians?
[22:06] [Matsuo Shin] what are those?
[22:07] [Eva Gala] I was born in India, on Earth.... or at least I thought I was.
[22:07] [Matsuo Shin] where's India
[22:08] [Eva Gala] Southern Asia. Wait..... you're not human.
[22:08] [Eva Gala] ... are you?
[22:08] [Matsuo Shin] I'm human...of the Quinoxian variant
[22:09] [Eva Gala] Ahhh.... so you're not from earth.
[22:10] [Matsuo Shin] no I'm not
[22:11] [Matsuo Shin] your accent...I meant...it's so..subtle compared to the other accent you have
[22:11] --> Pichu has joined #reddwarfbeta
[22:11] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Pichu
[22:11] [Eva Gala] Is there a map up the planet up here somewhere?
[22:12] > Pichu walks in, watching the people and keeping to the wall.
[22:12] [Matsuo Shin] um..I'm not sure
[22:12] > Pichu climbs a shelf behind the bar, and finds himself a small bag of pretzels! :D
[22:13] > Pichu hops up on the bar and tries to open the bag >.<
[22:13] > Eva Gala looks around and then noticing Pichu, jumping | EEP!
[22:13] [Eva Gala] WHAT'S THAT!?
[22:14] [Matsuo Shin] ..I'm..not sure
[22:14] > Pichu struggles, and opens the bag, 'Piii.... chu!' and finally gets it, the bag bursting and spilling a few pretzels, but he goes ahead and eats, looking happy. ^.^
[22:15] > Pichu stops chewing, noticing that he is being watched. o.o
[22:15] [Eva Gala] It looks like something I've seen on TV.....
[22:16] [Pichu] Pi?
[22:17] > Matsuo Shin pokes the thing...
[22:17] > Eva Gala looks Pichu over curiously
[22:17] > Pichu shocks Matsuo. 0.0
[22:18] [Matsuo Shin] GEEEHAAAGH
[22:18] [Eva Gala] Woah!
[22:18] > Pichu scampers back to the edge of the bar, clutching his bag.
[22:19] > Eva Gala looks at Matsuo| Are you alright?
[22:20] [Matsuo Shin] f-f-f-f-f-fine
[22:20] > Matsuo Shin is smoking a bit
[22:20] > Eva Gala looks back at Pichu
[22:21] [Pichu] Chu chu! Pichu!
[22:21] [Eva Gala] It looks like it's guarding that bag of pretzels.
[22:22] > Pichu holds the bag as tight to himself as he can with his tiny arms.
[22:23] [Matsuo Shin] did it use electricity?
[22:23] [Eva Gala] Sure looked like it.
[22:24] --> David O'Cain has joined #reddwarfbeta
[22:24] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to David O'Cain
[22:24] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +David O'Cain
[22:24] [+David O'Cain] Hello.
[22:25] > Pichu looks down for a moment, then takes a pretzel and holds it out for Matsuo.
[22:25] [Matsuo Shin] oh um..thank you
[22:25] > Matsuo Shin takes it
[22:25] [Pichu] Pichu. ^.^
[22:26] > Eva Gala smiles a bit
[22:26] > Eva Gala reaches her hand out | Can I.... pet you?
[22:26] [Pichu] Pichu.
[22:26] > Pichu parts his ears.
[22:28] [+David O'Cain] Um, hi?
[22:28] > Eva Gala lightly pets Pichu's head, between his ears.
[22:28] > Eva Gala turns to David while petting Pichu
[22:28] > Pichu coos happily.
[22:29] [Eva Gala] Oh, hello there. Sorry, but I'm a little distracted by this cute little crature.
[22:29] [Eva Gala] ^creature
[22:29] > +David O'Cain looks at Eva Gala
[22:29] ➣ Eva Gala: is 5'4" with a thin build and straight, dark brown hair which hangs just past her shoulders and green eyes. She's Asain-Indian American, with an extremely light skin tone and a small mole in the center of her forehead.
[22:29] [+David O'Cain] Heh.
[22:30] > Eva Gala looks at Pichu
[22:30] ➣ Pichu: 1'0", 4.4 pounds, Yellow fur with pointy black ears and a black, lightning bolt-like tail. The red sacks on his cheeks spark every now and then.
[22:30] [Eva Gala] It's a cute little thing. Seems friendly. ^_^
[22:31] [Pichu] Pichu! :D
[22:31] [+David O'Cain] Sure does. I'm David O'Cain, by the way.
[22:31] [Matsuo Shin] heh
[22:33] [Eva Gala] Eva Gale
[22:33] > Eva Gala moves her hand over one of Pichu's ears
[22:34] > Pichu's cheeks crackle with some harmless static.
[22:34] [+David O'Cain] What brings you here, Eva?
[22:34] > Matsuo Shin watches the sight
[22:35] [Eva Gala] Just came to think about some things.
[22:37] > Eva Gala turns to Matsuo| I don't believe I ever got your name?
[22:37] [+David O'Cain] Ah. Well, you came to the right place to kick back, relax, and clear your mind.
[22:38] [Matsuo Shin] Matsuo...Matsuo Shin
[22:45] [+David O'Cain] You guys want something to drink?
[22:45] [Matsuo Shin] anything is fine
[22:46] [Pichu] Chu!
[22:46] > Eva Gala gently picks Pichu up
[22:46] > +David O'Cain goes over to the bar and starts making drinks
[22:46] [+David O'Cain] I hope I'm not prying too much, Eva, but what do you do?
[22:48] [Eva Gala] I'm... between jobs right now.
[22:49] > Eva Gala sits on a bar stool, setting Pichu in her lap, lightly petting it's ears
[22:49] [+David O'Cain] How about a drink?
[22:50] [Eva Gala] Something light, please.
[22:50] > Pichu climbs on Eva's shoulder and nuzzles her cheek.
[22:51] [Matsuo Shin] ....troubled because of your friend?
[22:51] > +David O'Cain telekinetically hands Matsuo a glass of wine, gives Eva a light martini, and makes himself a mug of grog
[22:51] > Eva Gala giggles lightly, tickeling Pichu's side
[22:52] > Eva Gala looks at Matsuo as he says that and looks down
[22:52] > Pichu coos again, his cheeks generating a little more electricity.
[22:52] [Eva Gala] You.... must've just read my thoughts.
[22:53] [Matsuo Shin] your thoughts are very strong...
[22:55] [Eva Gala] yes well.... he was my best friend....
[22:55] [Eva Gala] ... but I, just couldn't live with him anymore. It became too..... complicated.
[22:56] [+David O'Cain] Aww.
[22:56] [Matsuo Shin] he loved you
[22:58] > Eva Gala looks down with a slow nod | ...and I loved him.... just.... not the same way.
[22:58] [Matsuo Shin] oh I see
[23:00] > Eva Gala sips her martini
[23:02] > +David O'Cain drinks his grog
[23:03] > Matsuo Shin sips his drink
[23:06] [Matsuo Shin] well..that's...I'm sorry to hear that
[23:08] [+David O'Cain] Yeah...
[23:08] > Eva Gala reaches up and scratches Pichu's head lightly
[23:09] [Pichu] Pichu.. D:
[23:11] [+David O'Cain] Well, hopefully things will work out well for ya, Eva. Not sure what I can do to help, though.
[23:11] [Eva Gala] Thanks....
[23:13] > Eva Gala sips her martini, thinking quietly
[23:13] [+David O'Cain] So, um, been up to anything else?
[23:15] [Eva Gala] Just moving and looking for a job.
[23:15] [+David O'Cain] Gotcha.
[23:16] [Matsuo Shin] where are you moving to
[23:17] [Eva Gala] The west shore of the Island of Samoa
[23:17] [+David O'Cain] Sounds nice.
[23:21] [Matsuo Shin] where is that
[23:21] [Eva Gala] In the middle of the Pacific Ocean
[23:23] [Matsuo Shin] ......oh..OH...that's the ocean that japan is near, isn't it
[23:25] [Eva Gala] Yeah, sort of.
[23:27] [+David O'Cain] Say, Eva. Hope you don't mind me saying this, but you're a pretty lady.
[23:27] [Pichu] Chu!
[23:28] > Eva Gala finishes her drink, looking rather down
[23:28] > Pichu hugs his new friend's head.
[23:29] [Eva Gala] Awwww
[23:29] > Matsuo Shin finishes his wine
[23:29] > Eva Gala perks up a little
[23:31] [+David O'Cain] Heheh, it likes you.
[23:33] [Eva Gala] I think it does. It's kinda' sweet.
[23:33] > Matsuo Shin smiles
[23:34] [+David O'Cain] It's cute.
[23:37] > Eva Gala turns around to face Pichu
[23:38] [Pichu] Chu?
[23:39] > Eva Gala smiles and hugs Pichu
[23:40] > Pichu coos again, hugging back with his tiny arms.
[23:40] [+David O'Cain] Awwww.
[23:42] [Eva Gala] I just met this little thing and I already want to take him hom with me. ^_^
[23:42] [Eva Gala] I think it's a him...
[23:42] > +David O'Cain shrugs, "I wouldn't know."
[23:42] [Pichu] Chu! Pichu!
[23:43] > Pichu nods.
[23:43] > Eva Gala looks at Pichu| Would you like to come home with me?
[23:44] [Pichu] chuuuu..... Pichu!
[23:45] [Pichu] :D
[23:45] [+David O'Cain] I'd say that's a yes.
[23:47] > Eva Gala giggles and picks Pichu up, hugging him
[23:54] [Eva Gala] Well, it looks like I have a roommate again.
[23:55] > Matsuo Shin hums a song to himself
[23:55] [+David O'Cain] Yep.
[23:55] [+David O'Cain] What's been going on with you lately, Matsuo?
[23:56] [Matsuo Shin] oh not much at all
[23:57] [+David O'Cain] Just a quiet day?
[23:58] > Eva Gala snuggles Pichu
[23:59] > Pichu makes happy noises, producing small quantities of static.
[23:59] [Eva Gala] Ooooh, he's tingly ^_^
[00:00] >>> Monday Aug 02 2010 <<<
[00:02] > +David O'Cain chuckles
[00:07] [Matsuo Shin] hm?
[00:08] [+David O'Cain] Well, I'm feeling a bit tired right now. I'll catch you guys later.
[00:08] <-- +David O'Cain has left #reddwarfbeta (Good night.)
[00:08] [Eva Gala] Good night.
[00:08] [Pichu] Pichuu!
[00:11] > Matsuo Shin yawns
[00:12] [Eva Gala] Sounds like Matsuo's getting tired also
[00:12] > Eva Gala looks at Pichu| You ready to see your new home?
[00:12] [Matsuo Shin] heh a bit
[00:13] > Pichu nods. "Chu chu!"
[00:14] > Eva Gala stands, holding Pichu
[00:14] [Eva Gala] Well, goodnight Matsuo. Nice meeting you.
[00:14] [Matsuo Shin] nice to meet you as well
[00:14] > Matsuo Shin stands
[00:15] > Eva Gala smiles to Matsuo, leaving with Pichu in her arms.
[00:15] <-- Eva Gala has left #reddwarfbeta (I'll have to make you your own little bed when we get home. ^_^)
[00:15] <-- Matsuo Shin [PsychicGuy@Q.Tech.gov] has left #reddwarfbeta (nice girl)
[00:15] <-- Pichu has left #reddwarfbeta (Pi pi! Pichu!)
[18:55] --> Chibi-Alex has joined #reddwarfbeta
[18:55] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Chibi-Alex
[18:55] --> Chibi-AnTil has joined #reddwarfbeta
[18:55] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Chibi-AnTil
[18:56] > Chibi-Alex and Chibi-AnTil are both bouncing around excitedly, dancing with all the boundless energy of toddlers. =^^= =^^=
[18:57] > Chibi-Alex and Chibi-AnTil are dancing to THIS! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pzMctd8bb20&playnext=1&videos=YNzgKz53R98
[18:59] --> Chibi-Sylvester has joined #reddwarfbeta
[18:59] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Chibi-Sylvester
[19:00] --> Chibi-Catri has joined #reddwarfbeta
[19:00] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Chibi-Catri
[19:00] > Chibi-Catri and Chibi-Sylvester both join their older siblings in dancing and bouncing around on the couch to the tune of the song!
[19:01] > ~The Kits all happily dance the Burger Dance! :3 :D =^^= >:3
[19:03] > ~The Kits all occasionally march around in Random Moments of Patriotism before resuming their happy bouncings-around.
[19:13] --> Ryoko Mitsurugi has joined #reddwarfbeta
[19:13] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Ryoko Mitsurugi
[19:14] [Chibi-Alex] Hi!
[19:14] [Chibi-AnTil] Hello!
[19:14] > Chibi-Sylvester and Chibi-Catri both trill at the new lady. =^^= =^^=
[19:16] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] Hey there, kiddies.
[19:18] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] What have you four been doing?
[19:19] [Chibi-Alex] ♬ Go pizza~! ♭
[19:19] [Chibi-AnTil] /SONG Go pizza~!
[19:19] [Chibi-Sylvester] ♬ Keetookee fied chigen~! ♭
[19:19] [Chibi-Catri] ♬ An aa pizza ut~! ♭
[19:20] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] Heh, you're all silly. :P
[19:21] > ~The Kits all bounce around Ryoko happily to the tune of the Burger Dance song.
[19:22] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] Sounds like you had some fun during the weekend.
[19:23] [Chibi-AnTil] Yah! Yah!
[19:23] [Chibi-Alex] Heeee!
[19:23] > Ryoko Mitsurugi chuckles
[19:26] > Chibi-Catri peers at Ryoko and grumbles a little. :(
[19:27] > Chibi-Catri is hungry after all that song about burgers.
[19:29] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] Awwww. You guys hungry?
[19:31] > ~The Kits all nod, peering up at Ryoko with shiny, fox-eyes. *_* *_* *_* *_*
[19:33] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] I'll take that as a yes.
[19:34] > Ryoko Mitsurugi goes over to the countertop and tries to find some stuff in the cubboards.
[19:35] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] Let's see here...
[19:37] > Ryoko Mitsurugi brings up a bag of pretzels, fruit snacks, and popcorn
[19:38] [Chibi-Alex] Yaaaay!
[19:38] [Chibi-AnTil] Ank ooo!
[19:38] [Chibi-Sylvester] Yum-yums!
[19:39] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] You're welcome. Dig in.
[19:39] [Chibi-Catri] :D
[19:41] > ~The Kits all ravenously dig into the big pile of yum-yums!
[19:43] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] Yep, they're hungry alright.
[19:47] [~The Kits] R-r-r-rr-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-rr-r-r-r-r!!!!
[19:47] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] Heheh.
[19:53] > ~The Kits continue to tear into the goodies, ripping them apart and devouring them all like a ravenous pack of wolves. :3 :3 :3 :3
[19:53] > Chibi-AnTil pokes his head up and peers at Ryoko. :/
[19:53] [Chibi-AnTil] Oooo?
[19:56] > Chibi-AnTil reaches out and offers Ryoko a fruit roll-up. =^^=
[19:56] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] Yes?
[19:57] > Ryoko Mitsurugi takes the fruit roll-up, "Thanks."
[19:58] [Chibi-AnTil] Heeee!
[20:00] > ~The Kits quickly finish up the last of the food and suddenly the feeding frenzy just stops.
[20:00] [Chibi-Alex] =^^=
[20:00] [Chibi-AnTil] =^^=
[20:00] [Chibi-Catri] =^^=
[20:01] [Chibi-Sylvester] =^^=
[20:01] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] Good, huh?
[20:01] [Chibi-Alex] Yah! Yah-yah!
[20:01] [Chibi-AnTil] Yummy!
[20:04] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] Good. ^_
[20:04] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] ^_^
[20:05] > Chibi-Alex suddenly perks up slightly, her ears twitching.
[20:05] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] Eh? What is it?
[20:06] [Chibi-Alex] Daddy! :D
[20:06] [Chibi-AnTil] Dada! =^^=
[20:06] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] Ah.
[20:06] [Chibi-Sylvester] Dada!
[20:07] [Chibi-Catri] Dada-dada-dada-dada!
[20:08] > ~The Kits quickly dash around the room for a few seconds, becoming a frantic, frenetic display of energy as they brush their tails against Ryoko, then quickly dash out the door and head for home.
[20:08] <-- Chibi-Alex has left #reddwarfbeta (=^^=)
[20:08] <-- Chibi-AnTil has left #reddwarfbeta (Ooo-CHA!!)
[20:08] <-- Chibi-Catri has left #reddwarfbeta (>:3)
[20:08] <-- Chibi-Sylvester has left #reddwarfbeta (Meep!!)
[20:08] [Ryoko Mitsurugi] And away they go.
[20:12] <-- Ryoko Mitsurugi has left #reddwarfbeta (Oh well. That was a fun break.)
[20:29] --> David O'Cain has joined #reddwarfbeta
[20:29] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to David O'Cain
[20:29] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +David O'Cain
[20:30] [+David O'Cain] Nothing like a relaxing night.
[20:39] > +David O'Cain opens a vid-window of Battletoads Arcade gameplay
[20:42] --> Miara (yukata) [amongimmortals@terra.net] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[20:42] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Miara (yukata)
[20:42] --> Nall Sakazaki [WhiteDragon@SilverStar.co.lun] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[20:42] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Nall Sakazaki
[20:43] > Miara (yukata) is munching on a snack from a stick like is sold in Japan
[20:44] [+David O'Cain] Hey, guys.
[20:44] [Nall Sakazaki] Hello David, Miss Miara
[20:44] [Miara (yukata)] Hello!
[20:44] [Miara (yukata)] Takoyaki, anybody?
[20:45] [+David O'Cain] Sure.
[20:46] [Nall Sakazaki] No, I already had dinner, but thank you.
[20:46] > ~a burst of light appears in the middle of the room...and a very humonoid figure appears from it
[20:46] > Miara (yukata) gives one to David
[20:46] [Miara (yukata)] Oh?
[20:46] --> ~Mensi-0 has joined #reddwarfbeta
[20:46] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, ~Mensi-0
[20:47] > ~Mensi-0 appears...is obvliously a Tarkoian....but is missing an arm...and is leaking fluid from it's mouth and severed arm
[20:47] > +David O'Cain takes a takoyaki stick
[20:47] [~Mensi-0] >.> <.<
[20:47] [+David O'Cain] What the...?
[20:48] [Nall Sakazaki] Woah!
[20:48] > ~Mensi-0 sees the people...
[20:48] [Miara (yukata)] Can we help you??
[20:48] [~Mensi-0] pe-pe-please...he..help me...
[20:48] [~Mensi-0] h..h...h..hide me
[20:48] [Nall Sakazaki] Hide you from who?
[20:48] [Miara (yukata)] You seem to be wounded...can we take you to medbay?
[20:49] [~Mensi-0] ..y..you have to...hi..hide me
[20:49] > ~- there is the sudden sound from behind the door of another burst of light
[20:49] [Miara (yukata)] Get under that pile of blankets over there, then
[20:49] [~Mensi-0] p...p...please.....h..h..hide
[20:49] [Nall Sakazaki] Eh...?
[20:49] > ~Mensi-0 moves towards the blankets
[20:50] [~-] the lights suddenly dim...amost totally dark
[20:50] > ~- the lights suddenly dim..almost totally dark
[20:50] > Miara (yukata) quickly sweeps teh blankets over the person
[20:50] > ~Mensi-0 is under the blankets
[20:50] [+David O'Cain] Man, I thought we were over the power outages.
[20:51] > ~- there is the sound of something sharp scraping against metal
[20:51] [Nall Sakazaki] There's no logical explination for the power to blink like that.
[20:51] [Miara (yukata)] And it's not Pan, she's not here.
[20:51] > Nall Sakazaki looks around
[20:51] > ~- the lights flicker back on..dimly
[20:51] --> Kurisutaru (yukata) [DemonQueen@unmei.egae.gov] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[20:51] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Kurisutaru (yukata)
[20:51] [@HOL_6000] Intruder Alert! +Kurisutaru (yukata) detected!
[20:52] [+Kurisutaru (yukata)] Oh shut up Intruder Alert. I'm not here to kill anyone....today
[20:53] > ~Figure stands....wearing a black tight suit....he is wearing a steel mask..only one of his eyes are showing...it's crimison....on his back is an array of weapons...on one of his hands is three steel claws....on his other arm is a sort of gauntlet....
[20:53] > ~Figure walks into the room
[20:53] [~Figure] ☠ .......I know you're here... ☠
[20:53] [Miara (yukata)] Hello~
[20:53] [~Figure] ☠ ....I can smell your fear ☠
[20:54] > Miara (yukata) goes around to try and look at the different weapons
[20:54] > +Kurisutaru (yukata) has transformed into Kurisutaru|Destin
[20:54] > ~Figure scrapes his claws against the wall
[20:54] [+David O'Cain] Who are you?
[20:54] [Nall Sakazaki] Who goes there?
[20:54] [~Figure] ☠ stay out of this old man... ☠
[20:55] > +Kurisutaru (Destin) is currently holding her glaive at her side "Exactly what the hell is this about?"
[20:55] > ~Figure taps his claws against his "gauntlet"
[20:55] [+David O'Cain] Old man? I ain't that old.
[20:55] [Nall Sakazaki] Looks like this person is searcing for the person who asked them to hide him.
[20:56] [Miara (yukata)] Maybe he's a species that lives quite a bit shorter?
[20:56] [~Figure] ☠ ..so he is here ☠
[20:56] > Miara (yukata) glares at Nall
[20:56] > ~Figure can be heard chuckling under the mask
[20:56] [Nall Sakazaki] He was.... he's not here anymore.
[20:56] > ~Figure wags a finger "not nice to lie"
[20:56] [+David O'Cain] Came and left.
[20:57] > Miara (yukata) peers closely at a strangely twisted knife
[20:58] [~Figure] ☠ I can smell him ☠
[20:58] [Nall Sakazaki] And what do you plan to do?
[20:58] > +Kurisutaru (Destin)'s yukata has changed into elegant black pants and a flowy silver shirt "Exactly what are you looking for?"
[20:58] [~Figure] ☠ finish what I started... ☠
[20:58] [~Figure] ☠ now out of my way ☠
[20:58] [+David O'Cain] What would you want with the guy anyway?
[20:59] [Miara (yukata)] It doesn't look like they've done anything to you.
[20:59] > +Kurisutaru (Destin) leans her Glaive in front of the figure "Explain yourself more thoroughly."
[20:59] > ~Figure moves the glaive away with a finger "....as I said....where is he"
[21:01] [Miara (yukata)] You already tried that, it's not going to get you anywhere.
[21:00] [+David O'Cain] Don't know.
[21:01] > +Kurisutaru (Destin) glares at the figure "Who in the hell are you?"
[21:01] > Nall Sakazaki pulls a small metal object from his pocket which almost looks like a glove.
[21:01] > +Kurisutaru (Destin) is refusing to back down
[21:01] > Miara (yukata) fingers the twisty knife, very tempted to pull it out and look at it
[21:02] > ~Figure seems to be chuckling..
[21:02] > +Kurisutaru (Destin) releases a fairly strong demonic aura as she reveals her black fox ears
[21:02] > ~Figure holds up his hand...revealing on the end of the gauntlet.....the same glove..
[21:02] [Nall Sakazaki] What the.....
[21:03] > Nall Sakazaki flexes his hand and then opens it again, producing what look like claws made of white light.
[21:03] [+David O'Cain] Huh?
[21:03] > ~Figure does the same...
[21:03] [~Figure] ☠ I won't say again...tell me... ☠
[21:03] [+Kurisutaru (Destin)] There is no one hiding here.
[21:04] [Nall Sakazaki] .... how did you get that weapon....? Concidering I only finished creating this yesterday!
[21:04] [Miara (yukata)] Heh. So you can't to real claws, just fackes?
[21:04] [Miara (yukata)] *fakes
[21:04] [~Figure] ☠ ..you're beginning to annoy me... ☠
[21:04] [Miara (yukata)] Copies.
[21:04] > ~Figure reaches out and grabs something from his back...
[21:04] > ~Figure quickly turns..and throws something at Kuri's shadow
[21:05] > +Kurisutaru (Destin) suddenly gasps, unable to move "HOW IN THE HELL...."
[21:05] > +David O'Cain has transformed into Lt. David O'Cain
[21:05] [~Figure] ☠ don't test my patience ☠
[21:06] [Miara (yukata)] You seem to show off your powers. If everyone knows exactly what you can do thye know how to defeat you.
[21:06] > +Kurisutaru (Destin) has transformed into Kurisutaru
[21:06] [Lt. David O'Cain] What? It hasn't been tested enough?
[21:06] [~Figure] ☠ Lupa...don't...test me ☠
[21:06] > +Kurisutaru (kitsune) is now in her kitsune form, but still stuck ><
[21:06] > Nall Sakazaki makes a sudden movement, slashing at the figure's mask.
[21:07] > ~Figure's dodges....leaping up onto the ceiling and clinging to it
[21:07] [Miara (yukata)] So, you've had your fun. What did this other person do to you?
[21:08] > +Kurisutaru (kitsune) is a large black fox, irritatedly standing where she was before, still unable to move
[21:08] [~Figure] ☠ business ☠
[21:08] [+Kurisutaru (kitsune)] Sir, would you please remove this damn shadow trap.
[21:09] [Miara (yukata)] So you want us to help you without giving anything in return?
[21:09] [~Figure] ☠ ...there you are... ☠
[21:09] [+Kurisutaru (kitsune)] I don't know how you managed to come by it, but it's quite irritating'
[21:09] > ~Figure throws a wire..which grasps the blankets....ripping it off
[21:09] [~Mensi-0] !!!!
[21:09] [~Mensi-0] geh...geh...GEH!
[21:09] [+Kurisutaru (kitsune)] Do you know how rude it is to pin the shadow of demon royalty?
[21:09] > ~Mensi-0 tries to run...
[21:09] [Lt. David O'Cain] Don't think the guy gives a s[SMEG]t.
[21:10] > ~Figure ignores Kuri..and leaps off the ceiling..landing in front of Mensi
[21:10] [+Kurisutaru (kitsune)] David, try pulling this damn staff out of my shadow.
[21:11] > Lt. David O'Cain attempts to remove whatever got Kuri stuck
[21:11] > ~Figure slams his claws together.....chuckling
[21:11] > Nall Sakazaki flexs his claws for a moment and fires what look like tendrls from his finger tips, which cross up as what looks like a fence between the figure and the injured person
[21:11] [~Mensi-0] n...n....n....
[21:11] > Miara (yukata) tries to wedge herself between the two
[21:11] [~Figure] ☠ ..... ☠
[21:12] [~Figure] ☠ tsk... ☠
[21:12] [Nall Sakazaki] He's injured enough, let him go!
[21:12] > ~Figure pulls out a small round object....and slams it against the tendrils..sending a minor charge against it
[21:12] [Nall Sakazaki] AAH!
[21:12] > Nall Sakazaki shakes his hands as he's shocked by the backlash
[21:13] > +Kurisutaru (kitsune) is still stuck >>
[21:13] > ~Figure brings down his claws across the tendrils...slashing them
[21:13] [~Figure] ☠ now then... ☠
[21:13] > Miara (yukata) moves Mensi-0 behind her, moving back from the figure
[21:13] [Nall Sakazaki] Ugh, time for a different approch
[21:13] > ~Figure rushes forward...and leaps up...bounding off miara's head
[21:14] > Miara (yukata) swings Mensi aside, grabbing figure's forearm
[21:14] > Lt. David O'Cain leaps at the figure and goes for a flying kick
[21:15] [Miara (yukata)] ^or leg, (whatever he used)
[21:15] > ~Figure pulls out a small thorn like object from a pocket..and nicks miara's neck with it
[21:15] > ~Figure is hit......but doesn't seem too badly effected
[21:16] > Lt. David O'Cain tries punching the figure in the face with all his strength
[21:16] > ~Figure grabs David's arm..and twists it
[21:17] > Nall Sakazaki tries to fire his tendrils again, but his glove is shorted out
[21:17] [Nall Sakazaki] Damnit!
[21:17] > Lt. David O'Cain tries to twist with it to lessen the pain
[21:17] > Miara (yukata) makes sure Mensi stays behind, with a sheild
[21:17] > +Kurisutaru (kitsune) is quite irritated "EXCUSE ME! Does anyone here qualify as a holy cleric?"
[21:18] [Miara (yukata)] What's that have to do with anything?
[21:18] > ~Figure looses the Nall Glove..and unleashes his own natural claws...slashing the shield
[21:18] [~Figure] *loses
[21:18] [Nall Sakazaki] I can heal small injuries, but that's about it.
[21:18] > ~Mensi-0 is tries to make a break for it
[21:18] [+Kurisutaru (kitsune)] Well if you can use high level cleric spells, then you can break the black ring on that staff sticking out of my shadow.
[21:19] --> Sub Zippo has joined #reddwarfbeta
[21:19] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +o to Sub Zippo
[21:19] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, @Sub Zippo
[21:19] [@Sub Zippo] I heard there was a disturbance?!
[21:19] > Nall Sakazaki points to the mystery man going after the alien.
[21:19] > +Kurisutaru (kitsune) is currently still in the form of a rather large black fox
[21:19] > ~Figure slahes through the shield
[21:20] [@Sub Zippo] What can I do?
[21:20] > Miara (yukata) tries to tackle the figure
[21:20] > ~Mensi-0 knees miara in the gut
[21:20] [~Mensi-0] (( gah ))
[21:20] [Lt. David O'Cain] Anything!
[21:20] [~Mensi-0] (( ignore that ))
[21:20] > ~Figure knees Miara in the gut
[21:20] > ~Figure runs foward..towars Mensi
[21:20] [~Mensi-0] n..n...n..no!
[21:21] > Lt. David O'Cain tries slashing at the figure with Snakebite
[21:21] > ~Figure reaches behind him..pulling a barbed spear like object...
[21:21] > @Sub Zippo creates a staff out of ice, and charges the figure Miara is fighting.
[21:21] > Miara (yukata) coughs a bit, that was a HARD knee
[21:22] > ~Figure tries to leap up out of the way of Nate
[21:22] > @Sub Zippo continues to spin and swing the staff. "Are we at the 'lethah force' point yet?
[21:23] > ~Figure throws the spear...which slams into Mensi's gut....
[21:23] [~Mensi-0] !!!!
[21:23] > ~Mensi-0 falls to his knees
[21:23] > ~Figure lands on his feet...looking at nate with the one uncovered crimison eye
[21:23] > Miara (yukata) slams the figure against the wall with a blast of power
[21:23] > Nall Sakazaki sniffs the air and pauses | Why do I recognize that scent?
[21:23] [~Figure] ☠ out of my way ☠
[21:23] > ~Figure is slammed into the wall
[21:24] > @Sub Zippo continues to swing, aiming for its head.
[21:24] > Lt. David O'Cain keeps the figure pinned via telekinesis
[21:24] > ~Figure is pinned...
[21:24] > ~Mensi-0 slowly stands.....and then pins a gun to Miara's head
[21:24] [~Mensi-0] ☠ STAY BACK ☠
[21:24] [@Sub Zippo] - Who are you?! -
[21:25] [Miara (yukata)] Eh?
[21:25] [~Mensi-0] ☠ LET ME GO..OR THE B[SMEG]CH DIES ☠
[21:25] [Miara (yukata)] You know bullets don't work against a sheild right?
[21:25] [Nall Sakazaki] Um.... guys....
[21:25] [~Figure] ☠ ....tch.... ☠
[21:25] [~Mensi-0] ☠ heh....it's a particle gun.... ☠
[21:25] > Miara (yukata) lets her shimmer bright blue
[21:25] > Miara (yukata) also has had time to step back
[21:26] > Nall Sakazaki starts messing with his glove, fixing it.
[21:26] > ~Mensi-0 starts to power up the gun
[21:26] > ~Mensi-0 turns and is about to shoot the gun..whwn a knife hits him in the brain
[21:26] [~Mensi-0] *when
[21:26] > ~Mensi-0's head sparks.........liquid dripping from his mouth and eyes
[21:26] [Miara (yukata)] And we were going to help you...
[21:27] > @Sub Zippo blasts both the figure and the named person he doesn't know with ice to try and freeze them.
[21:27] > ~Figure is frozen.....but his tail sticking out..having thrown the knife
[21:27] > ~Mensi-0 is frozen..dead
[21:27] [Lt. David O'Cain] ?
[21:28] > Miara (yukata) examines the tail
[21:28] <-- ~Mensi-0 has left #reddwarfbeta (dead)
[21:28] [@Sub Zippo] O_o oh s[SMEG]t!
[21:28] > ~Figure's tail wiggles....as the ice slowly cracks...
[21:28] > ~Figure smashes out of the ice
[21:28] [Nall Sakazaki] That.... was impressive
[21:28] > ~Figure snarls under the mask..and removes it
[21:28] > ~Figure is now known as Kadran
[21:28] [Kadran (Adult)] ☠ nice going... ☠
[21:29] > Kadran (Adult) dusts off the ice
[21:29] > Miara (yukata) looks at Kadran
[21:29] ➣ Kadran: spiky purple hair with blue streaks, blood red eyes and a sharp smile
[21:29] > Kadran (Adult) frowns...
[21:29] [Nall Sakazaki] O_O
[21:29] > Miara (yukata) pulls up Kadran's service record
[21:29] [@HOL_6000] Kadran: Kadran is the oldest son of Calaway and Janice, and such is half demon. While rough and somewhat feral, he is not evil.
[21:29] [@Sub Zippo] What the hell are you? and who was that?!
[21:29] [Nall Sakazaki] I thought I recognized that scent... b...but how!?
[21:29] > Kadran (Adult)'s hair is much spiker....his eyes totally blood red.....and along his skin are small veins visible
[21:30] > Kadran (Adult) walks over to Mensi
[21:30] [Kadran (Adult)] ☠ just perfect..you almost saved a freaking mass murderer ☠
[21:31] > Kadran (Adult) smashes the ice...and rips off Mensi's head
[21:31] [Miara (yukata)] Well how are we to know when you refuse to tell us anything?
[21:31] [Lt. David O'Cain] How the hell were we supposed to know that?
[21:31] [Kadran (Adult)] ☠ do you tell things in the heat of battle? ☠
[21:31] [Miara (yukata)] It's not like you can read them *points to Mensi*
[21:31] > Nall Sakazaki is just stunned, looking at this grown version on his nephew.
[21:31] [@Sub Zippo] O_O Stop... doing stuff! Now!
[21:31] [Miara (yukata)] Killing is more serious than other things.
[21:32] > Kadran (Adult) walks over...and pulls the staff out from Kuri's shadow
[21:32] [Miara (yukata)] And yes, I stop and talk before killing a Hunter.
[21:32] [Kadran (Adult)] ☠ hm?....what is it, uncle nate ☠
[21:32] [@Sub Zippo] 'Uncle?!' o_O
[21:33] [Miara (yukata)] Hee spoilers~
[21:33] > Kadran (Adult) grins..showing off his sharp teeth
[21:33] [Nall Sakazaki] Nate.... you don't recognize him... but....
[21:33] [Nall Sakazaki] ... that's my nephew.... Kadran.
[21:34] > Kadran (Adult) removes his spear....
[21:34] [@Sub Zippo] Kadr-KADRAN?! That little monster that Calaway and Janice had that likes to bite people?!
[21:34] [Kadran (Adult)] ☠ I have a much bigger bite now... ☠
[21:35] [Lt. David O'Cain] S[SMEG]t.
[21:35] > Nall Sakazaki nods| I could tell once I actually took time to smell the air.... which also somewhat explains why he had my glove.
[21:35] [Miara (yukata)] I'll bet you do~
[21:35] > Kadran (Adult) picks up the glove
[21:37] [Nall Sakazaki] Kadran..... how'd you get here..... and what are you doing here?
[21:37] [Kadran (Adult)] ☠ I've been hunting that bastard for three months..... ☠
[21:37] > @Sub Zippo rubs his face and sits down.
[21:37] [Kadran (Adult)] ☠ Aunt Taruka asked me to take him out... ☠
[21:38] [Kadran (Adult)] ☠ ..then he got his hands on a time key..and tried to flee back here as soon as I injured him ☠
[21:38] [Miara (yukata)] One line and we probably would have helped you. Why didn't you say something?
[21:38] [Miara (yukata)] Such as the one you just said.
[21:38] [Kadran (Adult)] ☠ heat of battle..heat of battle.... ☠
[21:38] [Nall Sakazaki] You're a bounty hunter!?
[21:38] [Kadran (Adult)] ☠ when I get my blood boiling...there is little to stop me ☠
[21:39] > Kadran (Adult) grins
[21:39] > +Kurisutaru (kitsune) is still quite irritated
[21:39] [Kadran (Adult)] ☠ sort of..I hunt mass murderers..pedophiles....dicators..the like... ☠
[21:39] [Kadran (Adult)] ☠ I took care of one on Unmei not too long ago ☠
[21:40] [+Kurisutaru (kitsune)] In this time or the future? Because I've never hired you before.
[21:40] > Miara (yukata) looks over Kadran again
[21:40] [Kadran (Adult)] ☠ you haven't..yet ☠
[21:40] [Miara (yukata)] You're the ones who eat metal right?
[21:40] > Kadran (Adult)'s body is rather muscular..which shows through the tight fitting suit
[21:41] > Kadran (Adult) turns to Miara "that's me
[21:41] > Nall Sakazaki grins a bit| Your Aunt Neva must be proud.
[21:41] [Miara (yukata)] Think your bones are harder than mine. *rubs her stomach*
[21:42] [Kadran (Adult)] ☠ oh she is...though she...doesn't approve of my tatics ☠
[21:42] [Kadran (Adult)] ☠ ....I always keep the heads of my prey ☠
[21:43] [Nall Sakazaki] That's an interesting way of doing things.
[21:43] [Lt. David O'Cain] Like a Predator.
[21:43] [Miara (yukata)] What do you do with them?
[21:44] [Kadran (Adult)] ☠ I keep them as my trophy ☠
[21:45] [Miara (yukata)] I meant, like...where do you keep them? In jars? Stasis fields? Over your fireplace?
[21:45] [Miara (yukata)] If you have one.
[21:46] [Kadran (Adult)] ☠ Stasis globes in my trophy room ☠
[21:46] [Miara (yukata)] So, you're not too creepy.
[21:46] > Miara (yukata) realizes her yukata has twisted around, and tries to fix it a bit
[21:47] [+Kurisutaru (kitsune)] Kadran. I would like to know if that shadow trap you used on me was from me.
[21:47] [Kadran (Adult)] ☠ yes it was ☠
[21:47] > @Sub Zippo has transformed into Nate Detroit
[21:47] > +Kurisutaru (kitsune) changes back into her human form
[21:47] > +Kurisutaru (kitsune) has transformed into Kurisutaru
[21:47] > Kadran (Adult) reaches forward..and helps adjust Miara's yukata
[21:47] [+Kurisutaru] figures.
[21:48] [+Kurisutaru] Useful yet annoying.\
[21:48] [Miara (yukata)] Oh. Thanks~
[21:48] > Lt. David O'Cain has transformed into David O'Cain
[21:48] [Kadran (Adult)] ☠ pleasure ☠
[21:49] > +Kurisutaru is wearing a blood-red victorian style dress (think Madam Red's outfit from the episode where they were at the ball and Ciel had to wear a dress from Kuros[SMEG]tsuji)
[21:50] [Miara (yukata)] So...are you going to be in this local time for long~?
[21:50] > Kadran (Adult) looks at miara
[21:50] > Kadran (Adult) looks at Miara
[21:50] ➣ Miara: Miara is a young woman standing at 5'9 with wild sunbleached hair and blue eyes. She normally has an upbeat and confident personality. Her English has a British note to it. Image Song: Sparkle by Ayumi Hamasaki Picture: http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a361/zairafirefly/Lupa/Miara/divine%20dolls/miara-1.jpg
[21:51] [Kadran (Adult)] ☠ ..maybe I shall *grins* ☠
[21:51] [Nall Sakazaki] Was your bounty the only reason you were here?
[21:52] > Kadran (Adult) nods..still looking at miara
[21:53] [Nall Sakazaki] I see, interesting.
[21:55] [Kadran (Adult)] ☠ yes... ☠
[21:55] <-- @Nate Detroit [SmashChamp@reddwarf.com] has left #reddwarfbeta (Oye, I still have to close up..)
[21:56] > +David O'Cain plops down on a sofa
[21:56] [Nall Sakazaki] How's the family?
[21:56] [Kadran (Adult)] ☠ oh...Daia is fine...Caliban is...........Caliban... ☠
[21:56] [Kadran (Adult)] ☠ ..the others are good too ☠
[21:57] [Miara (yukata)] Anyone want a drink?
[21:57] > Nall Sakazaki nods
[21:57] [Nall Sakazaki] Actually, I should go before I start asking too many questions....
[21:57] > Miara (yukata) goes behind the bar to make some tea
[21:58] [+David O'Cain] Anything's fine with me, Miara.
[21:59] > Miara (yukata) grows her tail, swinging it back and forth a bit as she gets the whiskey
[21:59] > Nall Sakazaki stops as he walks out and pats Kadran on the shoulder| Take care of yourself, young man.
[21:59] [Miara (yukata)] And what do half demons drink?
[22:00] [Kadran (Adult)] ☠ anything we want ☠
[22:00] > Kadran (Adult) grins to Miara...
[22:00] > Miara (yukata) slides a whiskey down to Dave
[22:01] [Miara (yukata)] Oh?
[22:01] > Kadran (Adult) smiles, his blood red eyes shining
[22:02] <-- Nall Sakazaki [WhiteDragon@SilverStar.co.lun] has left #reddwarfbeta (His parents must be proud of him.)
[22:02] > Miara (yukata) pulls a bottle down from a high shelf
[22:02] > +David O'Cain grabs the glass of whiskey
[22:02] [Miara (yukata)] I think my bartender friend would recommend this...
[22:03] > Miara (yukata) pours a shot for Kadran
[22:03] > Kadran (Adult) takes it...and drinks it down
[22:06] > Miara (yukata) leaves the bottle on the bar, gets some rum, and sits on the next bar stool
[22:06] > Kadran (Adult) tries to look under the bar
[22:06] > Kadran (Adult) tries to look under..
[22:07] > Kadran (Adult) sits up quickly before miara can notice
[22:07] [Miara (yukata)] ..
[22:07] [Miara (yukata)] How're you David?
[22:08] [+David O'Cain] Doing alright before that whole fighting happened.
[22:09] [Miara (yukata)] It wasn't fun for you?
[22:10] [Kadran (Adult)] ☠ the hunt always excites me ☠
[22:10] > Miara (yukata) swigs some rum, crossing her legs
[22:10] > Kadran (Adult) smiles
[22:11] [+David O'Cain] Not really. If I had known the guy was a murderer, he'd have gotten a faceful of buckshot or a deer slug.
[22:11] [Kadran (Adult)] ☠ can I have another.... ☠
[22:11] [Miara (yukata)] I suppose we could have connected him with an electricity socket...since he was metal.
[22:12] > Miara (yukata) points to the bottle on the bar
[22:12] [Kadran (Adult)] ☠ suit is insulated ☠
[22:12] > Kadran (Adult) takes the bottle..and pours another cup
[22:12] [Miara (yukata)] Big boy can't get his own booze?
[22:12] [Miara (yukata)] Oh?
[22:12] [Miara (yukata)] Lucky, you get to travel all over.
[22:13] [Miara (yukata)] And learn those things.
[22:15] [Kadran (Adult)] ☠ been to the Xchelmo ☠
[22:15] > Miara (yukata) looks at Kadren closely
[22:15] [Miara (yukata)] When?
[22:15] [Kadran (Adult)] ☠ my time...before this mission.... ☠
[22:17] [Miara (yukata)] So vague!
[22:18] [Miara (yukata)] Why!?
[22:18] [Miara (yukata)] *~?
[22:19] [Miara (yukata)] Besides, how do I know if I can associate with you if I don't know?
[22:19] > Miara (yukata) pouts
[22:19] > Kadran (Adult) smiles...and scraches the top of miara's head
[22:21] [Kadran (Adult)] ☠ meh..don't worry, beauty ☠
[22:22] > Miara (yukata) sticks out her tongue at him
[22:22] [Miara (yukata)] Well how do I know you didn't have a relationship with a great great grandchild of mine or something?
[22:22] [Kadran (Adult)] ☠ never had a relationship ☠
[22:24] [Miara (yukata)] Really? You don't seem that young
[22:24] [Kadran (Adult)] ☠ most girls find my work disgusting ☠
[22:25] [Miara (yukata)] Heh. That's why I don't usually tell people my covert activities...
[22:26] [Kadran (Adult)] ☠ oooooh? ☠
[22:26] [Miara (yukata)] I hunt Hunters.
[22:27] [Kadran (Adult)] ☠ ..I've done that ☠
[22:28] [Miara (yukata)] Hm?
[22:28] [Kadran (Adult)] ☠ I've killed hunters ☠
[22:30] [Miara (yukata)] And how do you prefer to do it?
[22:30] [Kadran (Adult)] ☠ I use my claws...and maybe a Skirning knife... ☠
[22:32] [Miara (yukata)] You ARE a demon :p
[22:34] [Miara (yukata)] I tend to shoot mine. After trying to talk them out of Hunting. It never works :<
[22:35] [Kadran (Adult)] ☠ I never talk..I fight ☠
[22:35] [Miara (yukata)] So we saw.
[22:36] [Miara (yukata)] Normally, that is fun!
[22:37] > Kadran (Adult) grins
[22:38] [Miara (yukata)] Maybe you got to see some of the immortals fight..?
[22:38] [Kadran (Adult)] ☠ oh yes I did ☠
[22:39] [Miara (yukata)] They were my first trainers *grins*
[22:39] [Kadran (Adult)] ☠ they showed me a few moves...after I helped them ☠
[22:41] [Miara (yukata)] Hm...can you to some of the changing twists?
[22:43] > Kadran (Adult) nods
[22:44] [Miara (yukata)] What do you shift to, if you can do that?
[22:44] [Miara (yukata)] Or do you prefer not to say?
[22:45] > Kadran (Adult) smiles...and backs away
[22:45] [Kadran (Adult)] ☠ do you want to see? ☠
[22:45] <-- +Kurisutaru [DemonQueen@unmei.egae.gov] has left #reddwarfbeta (Passing the time until I have something better to do.)
[22:45] --> Kara (hime) [Guardian_DarkTime@BloodMoon.SpiritKingdoms.gov] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[22:45] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Kara (hime)
[22:46] > Kara (royal) sighs as she walks in
[22:47] [Kadran (Adult)] ☠ cause I can do it now... ☠
[22:48] [Miara (yukata)] Then by all means.
[22:48] > Miara (yukata) waves to Kara
[22:49] > Kadran (Adult)'s eyes glow red....and his mouth suddenly juts out....his body shifting and changing..and glowing bright red
[22:50] > Kadran (Beast Form) is currently a large...at least 10 ft long cat like creature..with spiky fur...metallic claws...red glowing eyes...sharp metal teeth....and chains coming out from his spin
[22:50] [Kadran (Beast Form)] *spine
[22:51] > Kadran (Beast Form) gives out a roar
[22:51] [Miara (yukata)] *_*
[22:52] [Miara (yukata)] That is something, za?
[22:52] > Kadran (Beast Form) looks at Miara
[22:54] > Miara (yukata) hops up and runs a hand through the fur
[22:55] > Kadran (Beast Form)'s fur is spiky..but soft....
[22:55] [Miara (yukata)] Soft~
[22:55] [+David O'Cain] One hell of a form.
[22:56] [Miara (yukata)] But a lovely one.
[22:57] [+David O'Cain] Heh.
[22:57] > Kadran (Beast Form) closes his red eyes..making a loud purring noise
[22:58] [Miara (yukata)] I always wished we could do that...
[23:00] > Miara (yukata) lays her head on his shoulder to listen, somewhat mesmerized.
[23:01] > +David O'Cain goes back to his drinking
[23:04] > Kadran (Beast Form) keeps purring
[23:04] > Kadran (Beast Form) shifts back
[23:05] > Kadran (Adult) smiles as Miara's head is still on his chest
[23:05] > Miara (yukata) seems a bit dazed
[23:06] [Miara (yukata)] Oh! Sorry *moves away*
[23:08] > Kadran (Adult) grins "didn't need to move"
[23:09] [Miara (yukata)] I'm not sure I know you well enough for that :p
[23:11] [Kadran (Adult)] ☠ how can we fix that? ☠
[23:12] [Kara (royal)] Hey Miara
[23:12] [Kara (royal)] (( Sorry about my lag XD I got called away by a whining cat ))
[23:12] [Miara (yukata)] Hi
[23:12] [Miara (yukata)] (( is whining cat ok? ))
[23:13] [Kara (royal)] (( Whining cat wanted attention >< ))
[23:13] [Miara (yukata)] What did you have in mind?
[23:13] [Kara (royal)] (( And also ended up laying on my keyboard ))
[23:14] [Kara (royal)] (( Whining cat got dragged off to her "bed" (the foot of my bed) ))
[23:19] [Miara (yukata)] Though...what was on the thing you pricked me with?
[23:21] [Kadran (Adult)] ☠ a paralyzing compound...from a plant called Yunisoto ☠
[23:23] [Miara (yukata)] Oooh that. My line is immune.
[23:23] [Miara (yukata)] Some others would not be
[23:23] [Kadran (Adult)] ☠ apparently ☠
[23:25] [Miara (yukata)] Where's the twisty knife from?
[23:26] > Miara (yukata) pulls it out from the things on his back
[23:26] [Kadran (Adult)] ☠ a planet called Myraxis ☠
[23:26] [Kadran (Adult)] ☠ I killed a pedophile there ☠
[23:26] [Miara (yukata)] It's pretty~
[23:27] [Kadran (Adult)] ☠ very useful for flaying flesh ☠
[23:28] [Miara (yukata)] Mhm~
[23:28] > Miara (yukata) weighs it a bit, flips it around experimentally
[23:30] > Kadran (Adult) grins
[23:30] [Miara (yukata)] You'll have to show me!
[23:31] [Kadran (Adult)] ☠ when would you like me to show you? ☠
[23:32] [Miara (yukata)] Whenever you like. I already had my training today.
[23:34] [Kadran (Adult)] ☠ would you like to come and see? ☠
[23:36] [Miara (yukata)] Certainly~
[23:38] [Kadran (Adult)] shall we go?
[23:38] [Kadran (Adult)] ☠ ^ ☠
[23:38] > Miara (yukata) hops off the stool
[23:39] > Kadran (Adult) grins
[23:39] <-- Kadran (Adult) has left #reddwarfbeta (let me show you the teeth of the beast)
[23:39] <-- Miara (yukata) [amongimmortals@terra.net] has left #reddwarfbeta (so long as you know how to use them~)
[23:44] [+David O'Cain] Seems they hit it off pretty well.
[23:52] --> Vanadine [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[23:52] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Vanadine
[23:52] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Vanadine
[23:53] > ~a note appears on the bar in an envelope
[23:53] [+David O'Cain] Hey, Vana.
[23:54] [+David O'Cain] Hmm?
[23:54] [+Vanadine] Hi Davey
[23:54] [+David O'Cain] How're you tonight?
[23:56] > +David O'Cain looks to see who the envelope is for
[23:57] [+Vanadine] Not bad. What's with the envelope?
[23:57] > ~the envelope is labeled Vana
[23:58] [+David O'Cain] It's for you.
[23:59] [+Vanadine] Oh really/
[23:59] > +Vanadine looks over the envelope
[23:59] [+David O'Cain] Yep. It's got your name on it.
[00:00] >>> Tuesday Aug 03 2010 <<<
[00:00] > +Vanadine opens the envelope and pulls out the contents.
[00:02] [~note] DON'T TURN AROUND
[00:03] [+Vanadine] Don't turn around?
[00:03] > ~two arms wrap around Vana
[00:03] [+Vanadine] Ne?
[00:04] [+David O'Cain] Who's there?!
[00:04] > ~?? whispers in vana's ear "mmm..still warm as ever"
[00:04] > +Vanadine grins: I recognize the soft feeling of those arms
[00:06] > ~?? is now known as Matsumi Kaze
[00:06] [+Matsumi Kaze (Big Ben shirt)] hi
[00:07] > +Vanadine leans back against Matsumi: Hello Beautiful ♡
[00:08] [+David O'Cain] Hi, Matsumi.
[00:09] [+Matsumi Kaze (Big Ben shirt)] miss me?
[00:12] [+Vanadine] Of course I did
[00:12] [+Matsumi Kaze (Big Ben shirt)] here partially thanks to setsuna...
[00:13] [+Matsumi Kaze (Big Ben shirt)] lent me a time key..so I...can make it back a few seconds after I left
[00:13] [+Vanadine] Niiiice
[00:14] [+David O'Cain] That was nice of her.
[00:14] > +Vanadine spins around and looks at Matsumi with a smile before kissing her
[00:15] > +Matsumi Kaze (Big Ben shirt) returns the kiss
[00:16] [+Vanadine] ❧ I missed my Matsy! ❧
[00:16] [+Matsumi Kaze (Big Ben shirt)] ❧ miss my vana too! ❧
[00:21] > +Matsumi Kaze (Big Ben shirt) giggles
[00:21] [+Matsumi Kaze (Big Ben shirt)] how have things been?
[00:21] [+Vanadine] Pretty good
[00:22] [+Matsumi Kaze (Big Ben shirt)] I'm glad ^^
[00:22] [+Vanadine] I had a sparing match with Hana the other day. Helped her win a match at school.
[00:22] [+David O'Cain] Hey, that's cool.
[00:23] [+Matsumi Kaze (Big Ben shirt)] oh I'm glad!!! that girl can be such trouble
[00:23] [+Matsumi Kaze (Big Ben shirt)] I've been doing cam lessons with the kids...so I was worried
[00:24] [+Vanadine] Then I'm sure you saw the sling on Hana's arm then
[00:26] [+David O'Cain] Huh?
[00:27] [+Matsumi Kaze (Big Ben shirt)] yes..what happened
[00:27] [+Vanadine] She... picked a fight after having soda spilled on her clothes....
[00:28] [+Matsumi Kaze (Big Ben shirt)] oh geez...
[00:30] [+Vanadine] ....with Sakura Kasugano.
[00:31] [+David O'Cain] Say what?! O_o
[00:33] [+Vanadine] Yeah, she's lucky she came out with just a hurt wrist.
[00:34] [+Matsumi Kaze (Big Ben shirt)] .....oh geez....
[00:34] [+Matsumi Kaze (Big Ben shirt)] did you scold her?
[00:34] [+Vanadine] Oh yeah
[00:35] [+David O'Cain] I heard she's a tough one.
[00:37] [+Matsumi Kaze (Big Ben shirt)] tough....TOUGH..she's one of the best street fighters out there
[00:39] > +David O'Cain nods
[00:39] [+Matsumi Kaze (Big Ben shirt)] stupid girl
[00:42] [+Matsumi Kaze (Big Ben shirt)] heh...you should see London
[00:42] [+David O'Cain] Yeah? How is it?
[00:43] [+Vanadine] Yeah, what's it like?
[00:45] [+Matsumi Kaze (Big Ben shirt)] oh great!!!
[00:45] [+Matsumi Kaze (Big Ben shirt)] first place on this tour no one has heard of me :P
[00:46] [+David O'Cain] Heh.
[00:47] [+David O'Cain] Must be quite a refresher for ya.
[00:49] [+Matsumi Kaze (Big Ben shirt)] yeah
[00:50] [+Matsumi Kaze (Big Ben shirt)] we got to go to an actual pub!
[00:50] [+Matsumi Kaze (Big Ben shirt)] I had the fish and chips
[00:50] [+Vanadine] Any good?
[00:52] [+Matsumi Kaze (Big Ben shirt)] LOVE IT
[00:54] > +Vanadine giggles.
[00:54] [+Matsumi Kaze (Big Ben shirt)] we're going to paris next
[00:55] [+Vanadine] Ooooooh, I wanna' come!
[00:55] [+David O'Cain] Cool. Get to eat escargot there. :P
[00:56] [+Matsumi Kaze (Big Ben shirt)] heh would you like to?
[00:58] [+Vanadine] Paris is such a romantic city and I've never been!
[00:59] [+Matsumi Kaze (Big Ben shirt)] then you'll come with!
[01:00] [+Vanadine] Yay!
[01:00] > +Vanadine hugs and kisses Matsumi, pulling her onto the sofa
[01:01] > +Matsumi Kaze (Big Ben shirt) giggles and holds onto vana
[01:02] [+David O'Cain] Cute.
[01:04] [+Matsumi Kaze (Big Ben shirt)] you can replace hideki :P
[01:06] [+Vanadine] Awwww, why replace him?
[01:06] [+Vanadine] I can pay my own way. :P
[01:07] [+Matsumi Kaze (Big Ben shirt)] oh?
[01:11] [+Vanadine] Of course
[01:14] [+Vanadine] I make good money wrestling.
[01:15] [+Matsumi Kaze (Big Ben shirt)] oh true true
[01:19] [+Matsumi Kaze (Big Ben shirt)] like my shirt?
[01:20] [+Vanadine] It's cute
[01:20] [+Vanadine] You look good in it too. ^_~
[01:21] [+Matsumi Kaze (Big Ben shirt)] heee
[01:23] [+David O'Cain] Very nice, indeed.
[01:32] [+Matsumi Kaze (Big Ben shirt)] you should see the other flag I'm wearing :P
[01:32] [+Vanadine] Oh really?
[01:32] [+Vanadine] Do tell...
[01:33] [+Matsumi Kaze (Big Ben shirt)] :p
[01:34] > +Matsumi Kaze (Big Ben shirt) gets up..and turns around..pulling down her jeans..and showing off a british flag on her butt :P
[01:34] [+Matsumi Kaze (Big Ben shirt)] *panties
[01:34] [+David O'Cain] :P
[01:35] > +Vanadine grins and smacks Matsumi's ass
[01:35] [+Vanadine] ❧ Sexy!~ ❧
[01:35] > +Matsumi Kaze (Big Ben shirt) giggles and jumps a bit
[01:38] [+Matsumi Kaze (Big Ben shirt)] hey..almost made me drop my pants XD