[13:21] >>> Wednesday Jul 14 2010 – Automatic reset triggered – Logging Start <<<
[13:21] [Celestite Detroit] As long as he doesn't start getting a big head, we'll be ok.
[13:22] > Tina Detroit (casual) smiles and nods
[13:22] [Tina Detroit (casual)] what do you think of the new maids?...the twins...
[13:23] [Tina Detroit (casual)] something..odd about them
[13:24] [Celestite Detroit] I'm not sure.
[13:25] [Tina Detroit (casual)] ....everytime I ask them to do something...they seem to..stiffen up...
[13:26] [Celestite Detroit] All I know for sure is that Zenthi picked them personally.
[13:27] [Tina Detroit (casual)] well...I guess I'll have to trust her decesion
[13:28] [Tina Detroit (casual)] looks like today will be another quiet day though......
[13:29] [Celestite Detroit] Good good. Maybe.... we should interview the new hires.
[13:29] [Tina Detroit (casual)] find out what is going on with them???.....and why they seem so secretive around me >.>
[13:31] [Celestite Detroit] Yeah
[13:32] [Celestite Detroit] Maybe I should be the one to talk to 'em. Cause this sounds really familiar.
[13:32] [Tina Detroit (casual)] oh?
[13:33] [Celestite Detroit] Yup
[13:34] [Tina Detroit (casual)] ...I hope they're not out to..kill me or something >.>
[13:34] [Celestite Detroit] Ooooh, I highly doubt that.
[13:35] [Celestite Detroit] They would've tried by now, if that were the case.
[13:37] [Tina Detroit (casual)] good point
[13:37] [Tina Detroit (casual)] maybe they want to take over?
[13:42] [Tina Detroit (casual)] what if we're getting kicked out O_O
[13:42] > Celestite Detroit giggles a little and puts a hand on Tina's shoulder
[13:43] [Celestite Detroit] It's not as bad as you think.
[13:45] > Tina Detroit (casual) takes a deep breath "I'd hope not"
[13:47] [Celestite Detroit] Just relax, love. It's not a bad thing. I have a pretty good feeling about that.
[13:48] [Tina Detroit (casual)] I'd hope so >.>
[13:49] [Tina Detroit (casual)] it's so strange, celeste....being in the postion we are...but..asked for so little to do
[13:50] [Celestite Detroit] That's what we have servents for Tina.
[13:51] [Tina Detroit (casual)] no no..I mean by the populace
[13:51] [Tina Detroit (casual)] ..other then sign that paper about the library...and open up that baseball game..we havent' done much, have we?
[13:54] [Celestite Detroit] This is true. Should we do more?
[13:55] [Tina Detroit (casual)] I don't know what else we can do
[13:56] [Celestite Detroit] We can figure something out.
[13:56] --> Miara [amongimmortals@terra.net] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[13:56] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Miara
[13:57] > Miara comes in from the hall with a snow cone
[13:57] [Tina Detroit (casual)] perhaps at least do some philontropic work?
[13:58] [Celestite Detroit] I'm sure we could do something.
[13:58] [Celestite Detroit] Oh shooot....
[13:58] [Miara] If I may remind you, you're princesses, and have the power and resources to do what you want.
[13:58] > Celestite Detroit looks at her watch, " I gotta' go.... I'm late for an appointment with my pop!"
[13:59] > Celestite Detroit kisses Tina on the cheek and runs out
[13:59] <-- Celestite Detroit [CrystalGirl@dimensionzero.cc] has left #reddwarfbeta (He's gonna' be mad!)
[13:59] [Miara] Bye, Celest!
[14:00] [Tina Detroit (casual)] seeya!
[14:00] [Tina Detroit (casual)] why hello there
[14:02] [Miara] Hi.
[14:02] [Miara] Seems like someone's always leaving when I get here lately...
[14:03] [Tina Detroit (casual)] how are you ^^
[14:03] [Miara] I'm fine. Was passing by and couldn't help but overhear what you were talking about.
[14:05] [Tina Detroit (casual)] well..it's just that
[14:06] [Tina Detroit (casual)] really we haven't been doing much...
[14:06] [Tina Detroit (casual)] only thing we were asked was to sign a paper putting in the new library
[14:06] [Miara] And I just wanted to say of you look around at your city, at people, you will find something to do.
[14:08] [Tina Detroit (casual)] have you ever been to Quinox?
[14:08] [Miara] Espeically if you don't worry about whatever and just do.
[14:08] [Miara] Only the ruins.
[14:09] [Miara] But I've been all over two planets, and there's never been a place where I thought there was nothing I could do.
[14:09] > Tina Detroit (casual) smiles
[14:09] [Tina Detroit (casual)] I would love to help the people ^^
[14:13] [Miara] I'm going to a village in Rajasthan tomorrow, if you'd like to come along.
[14:13] [Tina Detroit (casual)] where is that?
[14:14] [Miara] Western India.
[14:15] [Tina Detroit (casual)] oooh
[14:17] [Miara] Does that interest you?
[14:17] [Tina Detroit (casual)] I will have to see ^^
[14:22] [Miara] If you do, make sure you wear poor cloth, a sari or tunic and trousers. Something like that.
[14:25] [Tina Detroit (casual)] why?
[14:27] [Miara] Because poor people can spot a rich person miles away.
[14:27] [Miara] India has a caste system and it's easier if they think you're closer to their station.
[14:30] [Tina Detroit (casual)] oooh I see
[14:32] [Miara] But I've been teaching some of the kids and digging irrigation trenches.
[14:34] [Tina Detroit (casual)] oh?
[14:37] [Tina Detroit (casual)] that sounds kind of you!
[14:38] [Miara] It's the kind of place where the nearest well can be several miles away, and if you can't afford a pump--and most can't--life is hard.
[14:47] > Miara throws her snow cone paper in the recepticle
[14:48] > Tina Detroit (casual) nods
[14:48] [Miara] So how do you like being married?
[14:49] [Tina Detroit (casual)] it's quite nice ^^
[14:51] [Miara] What else?
[14:52] [Tina Detroit (casual)] well..sometimes Marty can be a little much >.>
[14:53] [Tina Detroit (casual)] I think he wants me to serve him like one of those ancient housewives
[14:53] [Miara] I have noticed that wizards and witches tend to be more old fashioned than ordinary people.
[14:54] [Miara] But that's probably not what he expects of you unless it makes you happy.
[14:55] [Tina Detroit (casual)] I do love the man...
[14:55] [Tina Detroit (casual)] but I was also taught to be more..I don't know..indepedent
[14:55] [Miara] So be independent.
[14:55] [Tina Detroit (casual)] I think I'm going to see what Celest is up to
[14:55] [Miara] It's not like he's going to stop you.
[14:55] [Tina Detroit (casual)] I will consider your offer ^^
[14:56] [Tina Detroit (casual)] (( I need to lay down..this heat is too much for me to stay awake ))
[14:56] [Miara] Alright. I always need to practise, anyway.
[14:56] [Miara] (( yeah go do, feel better ))
[14:56] [Tina Detroit (casual)] take care!
[14:57] [Miara] You too!
[14:57] <-- Tina Detroit (casual) [FireyAirPrincess@QTech.com] has left #reddwarfbeta
[14:58] <-- Miara [amongimmortals@terra.net] has left #reddwarfbeta (Stand up and watch me!)
[18:35] --> Chibi-Alex has joined #reddwarfbeta
[18:35] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Chibi-Alex
[18:35] --> Chibi-Catri has joined #reddwarfbeta
[18:35] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Chibi-Catri
[18:36] > Chibi-Alex and her sister RUSH into the room, yipping happily as they chase each other, batting at one another's tails. :D :D
[18:37] --> Kitsune Tetsua has joined #reddwarfbeta
[18:37] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Kitsune Tetsua
[18:37] [Kitsune Tetsua] hmph...stupid fans...
[18:37] [Chibi-Alex] Yip! Yip! Yip!
[18:38] [Chibi-Catri] Yip! Yip! Yip!
[18:38] [Kitsune Tetsua] .....
[18:38] > Chibi-Catri and Chibi-Alex both suddenly skid to a halt and stare at the newcomer.
[18:38] > Kitsune Tetsua stares at the children..unfurly her silver fan
[18:38] [Chibi-Alex] o__o
[18:39] [Chibi-Catri] o__o
[18:39] > Chibi-Catri looks at Kitsune Tetsua
[18:39] ➣ Kitsune Tetsua: has short pruple hair and stunning silver eyes. She gives off an aura of glamour. She is also the animate known as Sailor Pewter Fox
[18:39] [Chibi-Catri] Oooooo!
[18:39] [Chibi-Alex] Oooooo!
[18:40] > Kitsune Tetsua fans herself
[18:40] > Chibi-Catri unfurls her tails, flicking them back and forth in a cute display. ^__^
[18:40] [Chibi-Alex] Hi! *waves*
[18:40] [Kitsune Tetsua] ....
[18:40] [Kitsune Tetsua] is that all, child?
[18:41] > Kitsune Tetsua suddenly sprouts ten flaming tails...
[18:41] [Chibi-Catri] O___O
[18:41] > Kitsune Tetsua has transformed into Sailor Pewter Fox
[18:41] > Chibi-Catri toddles over to the fox lady and bats at the tails! *___*
[18:41] [Chibi-Alex] Ooooo! Pwetty!
[18:42] > ~Sailor Pewter Fox's tails are pure fire...not a good idea
[18:42] > Chibi-Catri yips as she feels heat on her hand and pulls back a little.
[18:43] [Chibi-Alex] I'm three!! :D
[18:43] [~Sailor Pewter Fox] well I'm a movie star
[18:44] > Chibi-Catri admires Pewter Fox's pretty, shiny costume. *___*
[18:44] [Chibi-Alex] Mowie stall?
[18:47] [~Sailor Pewter Fox] yes dear...a very famous one *makes a famous pose*
[18:47] > Chibi-Catri pokes Pewter Fox's outfit repeatedly, liking how the fabric feels beneath her little hands. :3
[18:47] > Chibi-Alex tilts her head as she looks at Pewter Fox's pose...and doesn't recognize it at all. :/
[18:48] [~Sailor Pewter Fox] stop that! it's expensive *slaps Catri's hand*
[18:48] > Chibi-Catri squeaks as she's slapped! :(
[18:48] > Chibi-Catri growls a little and gives Pewter Fox the Accusing Pointy Finger! >:(
[18:49] [Chibi-Alex] Famous?
[18:49] > ~Sailor Pewter Fox gives back a pointy finger >:(
[18:49] [Chibi-Alex] What famous mean?
[18:50] > Chibi-Catri sticks her tongue out and blows a raspberry at Pewter Fox. :P
[18:51] > ~Sailor Pewter Fox returns it!
[18:52] > Chibi-Catri makes a big angry/funny face at Pewter Fox, flattening her ears and totally failing to look ferocious in the process. \O_o/
[18:52] [Chibi-Alex] Heee! Silly!
[18:53] > ~Sailor Pewter Fox realizes what she's doing...and regains her composure
[18:53] > Chibi-Catri trills! =^^=
[18:54] > Chibi-Catri dances back and forth across the room, celebrating her victory over Pewter Fox!! :D
[18:56] > ~Sailor Pewter Fox frowns..and flairs up her tails.....and transforms in a burst of silver light
[18:56] > ~Sailor Pewter Fox is surrounded in a bright silver light
[18:58] > ~Sailor Pewter Fox (fox form) has morphed into a large..rather beautiful silver furred fox with ten silver furred tails
[18:59] > ~Sailor Pewter Fox (fox form) flaires up her tails, staring at the two chlidren
[18:59] [Chibi-Catri] =^^=
[18:59] [Chibi-Alex] *______*
[19:00] [Chibi-Alex] EeEeEeEeEEEEEEeeeeEEEEeeeeee~!!
[19:00] > Chibi-Alex charges over to Pewter Fox and applies HUGS!!!! :D
[19:00] > Chibi-Catri applies hugs, too! :D
[19:01] [~Sailor Pewter Fox (fox form)] !!!
[19:02] > ~Sailor Pewter Fox (fox form) is surpised!
[19:03] > ~Sailor Pewter Fox (fox form) looks at the children
[19:03] > Chibi-Catri and Chibi-Alex both ÜBER-NUZZLE Pewter Fox's beautiful silvery fur!!!! *___* *____*
[19:04] > ~Sailor Pewter Fox (fox form) looks confused..and tries to look fierce again
[19:06] > Chibi-Alex giggles. "You silly!" =^^=
[19:06] [Chibi-Catri] Ooooooo!
[19:07] > Chibi-Catri looks more impressed than intimidated by Pewter Fox's fierce glare.
[19:07] > ~Sailor Pewter Fox (fox form) brings up all ten tails...the light playing off her silver fur
[19:08] > Chibi-Catri brings up all three tails, the light playing off her black fur. =^^=
[19:08] > Chibi-Alex shows off her pretty tails, too! :D
[19:10] [Chibi-Alex] We all pretty! :D
[19:11] [~Sailor Pewter Fox (fox form)] .....
[19:12] > ~Sailor Pewter Fox (fox form) lays down on the floor, watching the two with ruby eyes
[19:13] > Chibi-Alex and Chibi-Catri both quickly rush over to Pewter Fox and curl up with her, nuzzling their faces against her underside. =^^= =^^=
[19:14] > ~Sailor Pewter Fox (fox form) jumps a little...being tickled
[19:16] [Chibi-Alex] Don't go!
[19:16] [Chibi-Catri] Fun! =^^=
[19:16] > ~Sailor Pewter Fox (fox form) isn't going..just..confused
[19:17] > ~Sailor Pewter Fox (fox form) lays back down and watches the children
[19:19] > Chibi-Catri reaches up and touches Fox's nose.
[19:20] > Chibi-Alex snuggles against Fox's neck. "Soooooft!"
[19:21] > ~Sailor Pewter Fox (fox form)'s eyes slowly close in pleasure
[19:23] > Chibi-Alex and Chibi-Catri both suddenly straighten up a little, flicking their ears as they hear something in the distance.
[19:23] [Chibi-Alex] Daddy!
[19:23] [Chibi-Catri] Da-da!! :D
[19:24] > ~Sailor Pewter Fox (fox form)'s ears perk up
[19:24] [Chibi-Alex] Bye-bye! *waves*
[19:24] > Chibi-Catri gives Pewter Fox a kiss on the end of her snout. :3
[19:24] > ~Sailor Pewter Fox (fox form) blinks
[19:25] <-- Chibi-Alex has left #reddwarfbeta (=^^=)
[19:25] <-- Chibi-Catri has left #reddwarfbeta (>:3)
[19:30] <-- ~Sailor Pewter Fox (fox form) has left #reddwarfbeta
[00:00] >>> Thursday Jul 15 2010 <<<
[00:19] --> ~Sara MacDougall has joined #reddwarfbeta
[00:19] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, ~Sara MacDougall
[00:20] [Sara Macdonall] ^
[00:20] --> Sara Macdonall [celticsenshi@planetbanshee.com] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[00:20] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Sara Macdonall
[00:20] --> Lisa Sandra [SnakeLady@AnimatesAnonomus.org] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[00:20] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Lisa Sandra
[00:20] --> Kitsune Tetsua (fur coat) has joined #reddwarfbeta
[00:20] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Kitsune Tetsua (fur coat)
[00:20] [Sara Macdonall] so...everything is prepared, lasses?
[00:21] [Lisa Sandra] yesssss.....when Galaxia comessss here..then we sssshall put our plan fully in motion
[00:21] [Kitsune Tetsua] about time too......this is soooo dull
[00:23] > Sara Macdonall smiles...and transforms
[00:23] > Sara Macdonall has transformed into Sailor Platinium Banshee
[00:23] > Lisa Sandra has transformed into Sailor Steel Serpent
[00:23] > Kitsune Tetsua has transformed into Sailor Pewter Fox
[00:25] [~Sailor Platinium Banshee] now we simply wait...
[00:27] > ~Sailor Steel Serpent nods
[00:27] > ~Sailor Pewter Fox looks utterly bored
[00:33] [~Sailor Pewter Fox] ...she probably won't appear
[00:35] [~Sailor Steel Serpent] ...yeah..
[00:35] [~Sailor Platinium Banshee] you must be pateint, lasses!
[00:49] > ~Sailor Steel Serpent ideally plays with her cobra staff
[00:49] > ~Sailor Platinium Banshee paces across the room back and forth
[00:53] > ~Sailor Pewter Fox yawns
[00:59] > ~Sailor Platinium Banshee keeps pacing
[01:00] > ~Sailor Steel Serpent tosses up and down her staff
[01:02] > ~Sailor Pewter Fox looks over her nails
[01:14] > ~Sailor Steel Serpent has fallen asleep...with Pewter Fox laying against her
[01:18] > ~Sailor Platinium Banshee frowns......
[01:20] > ~Sailor Platinium Banshee yawns and sits down
[01:20] [~Sailor Platinium Banshee] ...just a quick shut of the old eyes...
[01:20] > ~Sailor Platinium Banshee sits near her fellow animates..and soon falls asleep
[01:20] <-- ~Sailor Platinium Banshee has left #reddwarfbeta (zzz)
[01:21] [~Sailor Steel Serpent] zzzz
[01:21] [~Sailor Platinium Banshee] zzz
[01:21] --> Naftis Katheti has joined #reddwarfbeta
[01:21] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Naftis Katheti
[01:21] [Naftis Katheti] Well, this is unexpected..
[01:22] > ~Sailor Platinium Banshee hears the voice and stands quickly!
[01:22] > ~Sailor Platinium Banshee gets into what would appear to be an attack postion
[01:22] > ~Sailor Steel Serpent gets up as well, with her cobra staff
[01:22] [Naftis Katheti] Impressive.
[01:22] > ~Sailor Pewter Fox stands with her flaming fox tails
[01:22] [~Sailor Platinium Banshee] GALAXIA!!!
[01:22] [Naftis Katheti] Um... yes ^^;
[01:23] > ~Sailor Platinium Banshee walks, along with her other two animate companions towards galaxia..surrouding her
[01:23] [~Sailor Platinium Banshee] ..finally....our plans cun be put in motion...
[01:23] [Naftis Katheti] I don't know what you three are getting at..
[01:24] > ~Sailor Platinium Banshee gets face to face with galaxia
[01:24] > Naftis Katheti produces her crest.
[01:24] [~Sailor Platinium Banshee] .....
[01:25] > Naftis Katheti has transformed into Sailor Galaxia
[01:26] > Sailor Galaxia seems quite upset, much like her old authoritarian demeanor.
[01:26] [Sailor Galaxia] But my guess is that you're ether impostors, possessed, or sleepwalking.
[01:26] > ~Sailor Platinium Banshee tosses something towards Galaxia
[01:27] > Sailor Galaxia doesn't move to catch it at first, instead letting it stop and hover before her for a moment before taking hold of it.
[01:27] > ~Sailor Platinium Banshee has tossed....a scroll?
[01:27] > ~Sailor Steel Serpent watches, clutching her staff
[01:28] > Sailor Galaxia reads...
[01:28] > ~Sailor Pewter Fox's tails flicker a bit
[01:28] > ~Sailor Platinium Banshee has given galaxia what seem to be plans for a large building......
[01:28] [~Sailor Platinium Banshee] ..do ya approve.....
[01:29] [~Sailor Pewter Fox] ugh..it's about time she got to see it....those meetings were sooo dull ~_~
[01:30] [Sailor Galaxia] I'd approve more if you all stopped acting so suspiciously and took a few steps back..
[01:30] [Sailor Galaxia] What am I reading?
[01:30] > ~Sailor Platinium Banshee signals to the other two to back off
[01:31] [~Sailor Platinium Banshee] ...plans we hava made for a base in the Taro system...ye can use it for a stopping off point for the alliance
[01:31] [~Sailor Steel Serpent] all our planetssss chipped in to contribue ssssomething to it
[01:32] [~Sailor Pewter Fox] even that lug head of a stone oxen's world....
[01:32] > Sailor Galaxia strokes her finger over the plan, and the reality around them changes to reflect its interior, going between rooms and views every few seconds.
[01:33] > ~Sailor Platinium Banshee watches...
[01:33] > ~Sailor Steel Serpent leans on her stuff, looking uneasy
[01:34] [Sailor Galaxia] Its quite wonderful. Much cosier than the improvised living I set up in Galactica. Let me know if you need any gold.
[01:34] [~Sailor Platinium Banshee] as ye wish, galaxia
[01:34] [Sailor Galaxia] May I ask why I got the odd reception? ^_^
[01:35] > ~Sailor Platinium Banshee turns to Serpent and Fox "ye can leave now..don't need ya for much else"
[01:35] > ~Sailor Steel Serpent nods and turns to galaxia "good night, misss galaxia"
[01:35] [~Sailor Pewter Fox] yes...farewell
[01:35] <-- ~Sailor Steel Serpent has left #reddwarfbeta
[01:35] [Sailor Galaxia] Good night, girls. ^_^ Good seeing you.
[01:35] <-- ~Sailor Pewter Fox has left #reddwarfbeta
[01:35] > ~Sailor Platinium Banshee has transformed into Sara Macdonall
[01:36] > Sara Macdonall sighs, letting her hair out a bit
[01:36] > Sailor Galaxia has transformed into Naftis Katheti
[01:36] [Sara Macdonall] aye appoligze for that...we all been a tad on edge
[01:36] > Sara Macdonall puts on her half moon specticles
[01:37] [Naftis Katheti] I see.... May I ask why and or get you a drink?
[01:37] [Sara Macdonall] we were notta sure you would approve
[01:37] [Sara Macdonall] ye can get me some whiskey, lass...I mean galaxia..I mean Naftis
[01:37] [Naftis Katheti] And you were going to assassinate me if I didn't? ^_^
[01:38] > Naftis Katheti goes to the bar. "Call me anything you wish."
[01:38] [Sara Macdonall] nay!
[01:39] [Sara Macdonall] aye must admit..'m a tad agressive sumetimes ^^;;
[01:39] > Naftis Katheti pours two glasses of whiskey on the rocks, and adds a little juice to hers.
[01:39] [Naftis Katheti] Oh yes. It can come in handy sometimes.
[01:39] > Sara Macdonall sips her whiskey
[01:40] [Sara Macdonall] befure you returned..aye took over the leading off th' senshi of th' Taro Galaxy...
[01:40] > Naftis Katheti sips hers. o.<
[01:41] [Sara Macdonall] a tad weak drink if ye ask me...
[01:42] [Naftis Katheti] Good thing I didn't ask. ^^;;
[01:42] > Naftis Katheti drinks more to be a good sport, and coughs quietly.
[01:42] [Sara Macdonall] but if ye wish...ya can take over them...
[01:46] [Naftis Katheti] Oh no, I wouldn't dream of it.
[01:46] > Sara Macdonall finishes her drink..and pours another..and offers Naftis some more
[01:47] [Sara Macdonall] yer a good lass...and 'm proud that I work under ya
[01:47] [Naftis Katheti] I'm happy that you've forgiven me.
[01:48] > Naftis Katheti hasn't even finished her first! 0.0 but knows this is important and shoots her rest. #_# ^_^
[01:48] > Sara Macdonall drinks
[01:50] [Sara Macdonall] ye alright there?
[01:51] [Naftis Katheti] I think so.. I usually just drink wine..
[01:52] [Sara Macdonall] heh wine...thatta get ye newwhere lass...ye need to drink a REAL drink
[01:53] [Naftis Katheti] Maybe~
[01:53] > Sara Macdonall finishes her second glass and smiles, not even affected by it it seems
[01:53] > Naftis Katheti hickups, and sips more.
[01:58] [Sara Macdonall] when I awoken if my death..found meself in a place culled dublin....nice place that city
[01:58] [Naftis Katheti] Ohhhh I know where that ish..
[01:59] [Sara Macdonall] fund new work as what they cull a seamstress...then came here
[02:00] [Naftis Katheti] A nobal... profession!
[02:00] > Naftis Katheti takes a bigger sip.
[02:02] [Sara Macdonall] what about you, lass? *laps Naftis on the back*
[02:02] [Naftis Katheti] Wha about me?
[02:04] [Naftis Katheti] My worll... really sucked.. it was trash.. I spenn my youth tryin to stay alive and avoid... avoid assault.. I wanted to go anywhere else... and then.. I could! I found my powers.. and they protected me.. and I escaped..
[02:04] [Sara Macdonall] ye do anything for a living?
[02:04] [Sara Macdonall] *slaps
[02:07] > Sara Macdonall listens and nods
[02:08] [Naftis Katheti] An I decided.. I didnn want the galaxy to be like my home planet.. an I wanted to bring order... and then I fought Chaos an.. you know the rest..
[02:08] [Naftis Katheti] Never had a 9 ta 5 job..
[02:09] [Sara Macdonall] tell ye what *puts her hand on Naftis's shoulder" I make ye some special clothes!
[02:10] [Naftis Katheti] Ohhhhh you donn have to..
[02:11] [Sara Macdonall] be my pleasure :)
[02:11] [Sara Macdonall] anything ye'd like!
[02:11] [Naftis Katheti] Kay!
[02:11] [Naftis Katheti] I like long, frilly dresses~
[02:13] > Sara Macdonall listens "anything specific ye want on it?"
[02:13] [Naftis Katheti] Oh no, use your judgment..
[02:15] [Sara Macdonall] ye ok there, lass? *slaps Naftis on the back*
[02:16] [Naftis Katheti] Juss a little tipsy~
[02:18] [Sara Macdonall] ye need to be stronger, lass! get some fire in ye belly!
[02:19] [Naftis Katheti] I'm pretty strong ^^v but just not with drinking.
[02:21] [Sara Macdonall] oh aye..aye
[02:24] [Naftis Katheti] Somtimes.. I wonder if I missed out... lots of senshi jus wanna be normal.. I don't know what normal is, other than running for my life..
[02:26] [Sara Macdonall] perhaps..who knows *shrugs*
[02:32] --> Vanadine (Nightgown) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[02:32] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Vanadine (Nightgown)
[02:32] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Vanadine (Nightgown)
[02:33] [Naftis Katheti] hallooow~
[02:34] [+Vanadine (Nightgown)] Hello Naftis
[02:34] [+Vanadine (Nightgown)] Who's your friend?
[02:35] > Sara Macdonall moves her long hair away from her eyes
[02:35] > +Vanadine (Nightgown) looks at Sara Macdonall
[02:35] ➣ Sara Macdonall: pale purple hair, eyes of very pale blue...very very pale skin..overall...very pale. Speaks with a slight Irish accent or the equivalent of one. Was once the animate Sailor Platinum Banshee.
[02:36] [Sara Macdonall] well hello there, lassie
[02:38] [+Vanadine (Nightgown)] Good evening.
[02:39] [Sara Macdonall] name is Sara Macdonall..
[02:39] [+Vanadine (Nightgown)] My name is Vanadine Shinobi-Kaze, but my friends call me Vana.
[02:40] [Naftis Katheti] Shes Matsumi's wife... ya know, Sailor Quinox..
[02:40] [Sara Macdonall] ..........oooooh
[02:40] [Sara Macdonall] the lass we fought..I remember her
[02:41] > +Vanadine (Nightgown) looks a little confused.
[02:42] [Sara Macdonall] ye can also call me if ya wish Sailor Platinum Banshee
[02:46] [Naftis Katheti] She murdered yer wife on my orders >.>
[02:46] [+Vanadine (Nightgown)] Ooooh, you're another of those Senshi Matsy fought against.
[02:46] [+Vanadine (Nightgown)] Like Mika
[02:47] [Sara Macdonall] I led them
[02:50] [Sara Macdonall] though the lass dittn kill me at least
[02:50] [+Vanadine (Nightgown)] I see.
[02:51] [Sara Macdonall] ye want something to drink?
[02:52] [Naftis Katheti] Annn I.. I *hic* take full responshibility for their actions.
[02:52] > Naftis Katheti falls off the couch, dropping her drink.
[02:54] [+Vanadine (Nightgown)] I could go for a nip
[02:54] [+Vanadine (Nightgown)] Well, Naftis is drunk
[02:55] > Sara Macdonall hands Vana a glass and pours her some whiskey
[02:55] [Sara Macdonall] poor lass cun't handle her drink
[02:55] [Naftis Katheti] I am too!
[02:55] [+Vanadine (Nightgown)] Thanks
[02:56] [+Vanadine (Nightgown)] A real lightweight.... just like my wife. XD
[02:56] > Sara Macdonall pours herself a glass and drinks
[02:57] [Naftis Katheti] sccuse me for not tippin the scalesh!
[02:57] > +Vanadine (Nightgown) takes a sip
[02:58] > Sara Macdonall drinks her's down
[02:58] [+Vanadine (Nightgown)] Awwww, it's ok Naftis. No worries.
[02:58] [+Vanadine (Nightgown)] So Sara, came to join your fellow senshi on the side of good?
[02:59] [Sara Macdonall] already have, lassie
[03:00] > Naftis Katheti crawls back up on to the couch, curls up under a blanket, and stops moving.
[03:01] [Sara Macdonall] heh poor lass
[03:02] > Sara Macdonall puts her empty glass down
[03:02] [+Vanadine (Nightgown)] Well, I'm glad you girls are all coming to our side.
[03:02] > +Vanadine (Nightgown) slugs back the rest of her drink.
[03:03] > Sara Macdonall smiles "if ye excuse me...I better return to my home and get some shut eye"
[03:03] > Sara Macdonall slaps Vana on the back "say hi to the lass for me"
[03:04] [+Vanadine (Nightgown)] Will do Sara. Nice meeting you. G'night now.
[03:05] <-- Sara Macdonall [celticsenshi@planetbanshee.com] has left #reddwarfbeta
[03:05] <-- Naftis Katheti has left #reddwarfbeta (...zzzz.....)
[03:06] [+Vanadine (Nightgown)] I suppose I could put Naftis to bed. Neph would appreciate me for it, I'm sure.
[03:06] > +Vanadine (Nightgown) carefuly picks up Naftis and carries her out
[03:07] <-- +Vanadine (Nightgown) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has left #reddwarfbeta (Huh, she's actually lighter then she looks.)
[11:22] > ~a ball of light zooms through space...over the moon..and strikes the side of the ship.....vanishing
[11:23] > ~a cocoon shaped light suddenly appears in the middle of the room..and opens discharing it's contents
[11:23] --> Hitoshi Kazu has joined #reddwarfbeta
[11:23] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Hitoshi Kazu
[11:23] [Hitoshi Kazu] ugh....what a way to travel @_@
[11:26] --> Vanadine (Workout) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[11:26] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Vanadine (Workout)
[11:26] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Vanadine (Workout)
[11:26] > Hitoshi Kazu stands slowly to his feet....
[11:27] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Hitoshi?
[11:28] > Hitoshi Kazu is wearing a leather vest, rather self made clothes...and his hair is slightly longer
[11:28] [Hitoshi Kazu] ....yo *smiles*
[11:30] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Haven't seen you in a while. You look.... different.
[11:31] > +Vanadine (Workout) looks at hitoshi kaze
[11:31] ➣ hitoshi kaze appears to be a guest.
[11:32] > +Vanadine (Workout) looks at hitoshi kazu
[11:32] ➣ hitoshi kazu: Short spiky hair, dyed with blue streaks. Often wears a messy Mugen uniform. Has a tough guy sounding voice.
[11:34] [Hitoshi Kazu] (( fixed ))
[11:34] > +Vanadine (Workout) looks at Hitoshi Kazu
[11:34] ➣ Hitoshi Kazu: medium black hair, slightly athetlicly muscular and wears a self made tattoo of unknown style on his left arm. His eyes have an unusual light to them if you look carefully.
[11:36] [Hitoshi Kazu] ...been away for a little bit
[11:36] [+Vanadine (Workout)] I noticed that.... looks like you've been working out a bit more.
[11:37] [Hitoshi Kazu] had to...
[11:37] [Hitoshi Kazu] ...
[11:37] > Hitoshi Kazu grabs Vana and hugs her
[11:38] > +Vanadine (Workout) is a little shocked for a moment, but hugs him back
[11:38] [Hitoshi Kazu] OH MAN I MISSED YOU GUYS
[11:38] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Are you... alright Hitoshi?
[11:39] [Hitoshi Kazu] being finally back on Earth...near Earth...whatever..........I'm so freaking glad to be here!
[11:40] [+Vanadine (Workout)] I'm glad to see you safe, Hitoshi. But where have you been?
[11:40] [Hitoshi Kazu] it's....sort of a long story ^^;; *rubs the back of his head*
[11:42] [+Vanadine (Workout)] You even feel stronger.
[11:43] [Hitoshi Kazu] heh really??? I..actually hadn't noticed
[11:44] > +Vanadine (Workout) steps back and looks him over with a smirk
[11:45] [+Vanadine (Workout)] I know I used to play flirt with you before.....
[11:45] [+Vanadine (Workout)] ... but you'd better watch it, cause it might turn semi serious with how you're lookin' now. ^_~
[11:47] [Hitoshi Kazu] um...*turns really red*
[11:48] > +Vanadine (Workout) giggles and sits at the bar: Yet, you're still my shy guy, Hitoshi. ^_^
[11:49] [Hitoshi Kazu] uh...I guess so, Vana *scraches his cheek a bit, nerviously*
[11:50] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Anyway.... again I have to ask, where have you been?
[11:50] [Hitoshi Kazu] best I could say....another world
[11:52] [+Vanadine (Workout)] I see
[11:52] [Hitoshi Kazu] ...*sweatdrops*
[11:53] [Hitoshi Kazu] that's..a rather matter of fact way of answering ^^;;;
[11:54] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Well, without details, how am I supposed to react? :P
[11:55] [Hitoshi Kazu] well....got teleported by some sort of light to this...planet called Crysalist...
[11:56] [Hitoshi Kazu] summoned there by some sort of force..
[11:56] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Oh wow....
[11:57] --> Cora has joined #reddwarfbeta
[11:57] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Cora
[11:57] > Cora comes in quietly, taking some notes
[11:57] [Hitoshi Kazu] ...thought I was alone...well I was...for the first week..
[11:58] > +Vanadine (Workout) nods, listening.
[11:59] [Hitoshi Kazu] ...found a village of people....ended up the entire planet was a hot bed of some sort of ancient monsters
[12:00] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Monsters?
[12:00] [Hitoshi Kazu] yeah..big ones
[12:01] [Hitoshi Kazu] ..ends up the entire planet was some sort of...negitive nexus...
[12:01] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Freaky
[12:04] [Hitoshi Kazu] so I was apparently this worlds...guardian of some kind of...propehcy or something
[12:05] > +Vanadine (Workout) nods, just thinking about all this.
[12:05] [Hitoshi Kazu] felt like I was there for years *rubs the back of his neck*
[12:06] [Hitoshi Kazu] ....
[12:06] > Hitoshi Kazu finally notices Cora..
[12:06] [+Vanadine (Workout)] You might've been, by the looks of you.
[12:07] > +Vanadine (Workout) looks up and sees Cora
[12:09] [Hitoshi Kazu] ....
[12:09] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Hey Cora
[12:10] > Cora is still writing things
[12:11] > Hitoshi Kazu grabs Cora and lifts her in the air "OF ALL THE PEOPLE TO SEE HERE :D"
[12:11] [Cora] (( finally. lag issues, apparently ))
[12:11] > +Vanadine (Workout) giggles a little
[12:12] [Cora] o_o
[12:12] [Cora] Um...hi Hitoshi
[12:13] > Hitoshi Kazu laughs a little "...you haven't changed a bit"
[12:13] > Hitoshi Kazu puts her down on the ground again
[12:13] [Hitoshi Kazu] bet you were worried a bit..
[12:14] > +Vanadine (Workout) sits back and watches
[12:15] [Cora] How long were you there?
[12:16] [Hitoshi Kazu] um..not sure...
[12:16] > Hitoshi Kazu blinks at Cora
[12:16] [Hitoshi Kazu] .....
[12:16] [Hitoshi Kazu] ....you didn't notice, did you
[12:17] [Cora] Well I haven't really been on the ship very much. I've been working on another book.
[12:18] > Hitoshi Kazu looks upset for a moment and then smiles
[12:18] [Hitoshi Kazu] ...you were always busy..you're a good friend, cora
[12:19] [Cora] It's nice of you to say so.
[12:20] [Cora] Miss Vana must be glad to have you back, too.
[12:20] > +Vanadine (Workout) looks up as her name's mentioned and nods with a slight smile, though it seems a bit forced.
[12:22] > Hitoshi Kazu walks over to the window..and looks at his Kaida Gem
[12:23] [Hitoshi Kazu] ..helped me through a lot
[12:23] > Cora sits back down
[12:23] > Hitoshi Kazu watches as the Kaida Gem starts to crack....
[12:24] [Hitoshi Kazu] huh?
[12:25] > Hitoshi Kazu's gem bursts...and reforms into a cylander like device with a arch handle on the side..and pointed bulb end to it
[12:25] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Hmm....?
[12:25] [Hitoshi Kazu] .......that was weird
[12:26] [Cora] I wonder what it is?
[12:26] [Hitoshi Kazu] ....I think it's the same item..just changed
[12:27] > +Vanadine (Workout) stands and puts her hand on Hitoshi's shoulder.
[12:28] [+Vanadine (Workout)] I have to go clean up..... but you know you can come talk to me anytime, ok?
[12:28] [Hitoshi Kazu] hm?
[12:28] > Hitoshi Kazu smiles and nods to her "yeah..I'll do that"
[12:29] > +Vanadine (Workout) nods back with a smile, patting his shoulder again heading out
[12:29] [Cora] Goodbye, Miss Vana.
[12:29] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Take care Cora
[12:30] <-- +Vanadine (Workout) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has left #reddwarfbeta (I can feel your emotions.)
[12:32] [Cora] Miss Vana really seems to like you.
[12:33] [Hitoshi Kazu] she's always looked out for me..even at schoo
[12:33] [Hitoshi Kazu] *school
[12:34] [Cora] It's nice to have someone like that.
[12:35] [Hitoshi Kazu] yeah it is
[12:36] > Hitoshi Kazu is looking over the device
[12:37] [Hitoshi Kazu] Vega Capsule...
[12:38] [Cora] I can't stay very long, but you can come down to the house if you're not busy.
[12:39] [Hitoshi Kazu] yeah I...well it's not like I have anything to do
[12:41] [Cora] I should be home in about an hour, there's something I have to do first.
[12:41] [Hitoshi Kazu] ok
[12:42] > Cora smiles
[12:42] [Cora] Goodbye, then.
[12:43] [Hitoshi Kazu] seeya
[12:43] <-- Cora has left #reddwarfbeta
[12:44] > Hitoshi Kazu sits at the bar, watching the fishes
[12:55] > Hitoshi Kazu smiles, moving his finger along the glass
[12:58] [Hitoshi Kazu] hm...
[13:06] <-- Hitoshi Kazu has left #reddwarfbeta (*heads down the hall*)
[20:49] --> Cora has joined #reddwarfbeta
[20:49] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Cora
[20:52] > Cora looks around, but sees the place is empty
[20:53] > Cora sits down and waits a bit, a container in her lap, wondering
[20:59] --> Hitoshi Kazu (casual) has joined #reddwarfbeta
[20:59] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Hitoshi Kazu (casual)
[20:59] > Hitoshi Kazu (casual) walks in "hey there"
[21:01] [Cora] Hi! Are you alright??
[21:01] [Hitoshi Kazu (casual)] fine I suppose
[21:02] [Cora] (( brb, sorry ))
[21:09] [Cora] (( long phone call is long... ))
[21:09] [Cora] Well I thought something might have happened...
[21:11] [Cora] Or maybe I misunderstood you this afternoon.
[21:14] [Hitoshi Kazu (casual)] ...it was just hard seeing you, honestly
[21:15] [Cora] ...I'm sorry?
[21:17] [Cora] I haven't been here in a long time, so I didn't realize you were gone.
[21:17] [Hitoshi Kazu (casual)] ..can I share you a secret
[21:18] [Cora] Sure.
[21:18] [Hitoshi Kazu (casual)] I used to like you...alot
[21:22] [Cora] Well you were really nice to me, so I thought I might too.
[21:23] [Hitoshi Kazu (casual)] but I guess I was just being foolish ^^;;
[21:25] [Cora] I don't know. Everything's very confusing again.
[21:27] [Cora] I don't think I have a very good concept of how modern people "date" and fall in love.
[21:30] [Hitoshi Kazu (casual)] probably not *rubs his chin*
[21:31] [Cora] I did bring some food up for you.
[21:32] [Hitoshi Kazu (casual)] oh???
[21:32] > Cora gives him the container
[21:35] > Hitoshi Kazu (casual) takes it and smiles "thank you!"
[21:37] [Cora] I hope that I haven't done anything...really bad..or something...
[21:45] [Cora] H-Hitoshi?
[21:46] > Hitoshi Kazu (casual) is looking at the food "oh...no you didn't"
[21:49] [Hitoshi Kazu (casual)] sorry I got distracted ^^;;;
[21:53] [Cora] I hope not. I think your Miss Vana thinks I did...
[21:54] [Hitoshi Kazu (casual)] well I will admit it sort of hurt me a little bit
[21:55] [Cora] Then I'm really sorry ;_;
[21:57] [Hitoshi Kazu (casual)] hey hey hey..no tears
[22:02] [Hitoshi Kazu (casual)] don't like seeing friendfs upset
[22:02] [Hitoshi Kazu (casual)] *friends
[22:02] > Hitoshi Kazu (casual) smiles...and gives Cora a friendly hug
[22:03] [Cora] Well she's probably right.
[22:03] > Cora smiles a little
[22:09] [Cora] I--I should go.
[22:12] <-- Cora has left #reddwarfbeta
[22:13] [Hitoshi Kazu (casual)] why?
[22:13] [Hitoshi Kazu (casual)] ...
[22:14] <-- Hitoshi Kazu (casual) has left #reddwarfbeta
[00:00] >>> Friday Jul 16 2010 <<<
[12:53] --> Palla Palla (casual) [Juggle&Giggle@DeadMoon.cc] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[12:53] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Palla Palla (casual)
[12:53] > Palla Palla (casual) stomps in
[12:53] [Palla Palla (casual)] hmph! everbody's mean to palla palla!!!
[12:53] [Palla Palla (casual)] >< all just poopy face stupid heads!
[12:55] [Palla Palla (casual)] well...Palla Palla don't care!
[12:55] --> Anubis Saotome [SuperClone@japanlab.net] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[12:55] [@HOL_6000] Anubis Saotome reporting for duty.
[12:56] > Anubis Saotome walks in, looking rather tired
[12:56] [Palla Palla (casual)] Palla Palla doesn't care one bit!
[12:57] [Anubis Saotome] What a day. Oh, hello young lady.
[12:57] [Anubis Saotome] You seem to be new here.
[12:57] > Palla Palla (casual) looks at Anubis
[12:57] [Palla Palla (casual)] Palla Palla is new here.....
[12:58] [Anubis Saotome] I see, so your name is Palla Palla?
[12:59] > Palla Palla (casual) nods nods
[12:59] > Anubis Saotome holds out his hand with a gentle smile - My name is Anubis. I work on this ship.
[13:00] [Palla Palla (casual)] who are you????
[13:01] > Palla Palla (casual) looks at Anubis's arm "........."
[13:02] [Anubis Saotome] Is something wrong?
[13:03] > Palla Palla (casual) shakes Anubis's hand! really energetically!
[13:03] > Anubis Saotome chuckles a little
[13:04] [Anubis Saotome] You have a lot of energy. ^_^
[13:04] [Palla Palla (casual)] Palla Palla always has energy
[13:05] [Anubis Saotome] I can imagine.
[13:05] [Anubis Saotome] You looked rather upset when I first came in. May I ask why?
[13:07] [Palla Palla (casual)] Palla Palla's sisters are stupid heads ><
[13:08] [Anubis Saotome] Now why would you say that?
[13:08] > Anubis Saotome goes behind the bar to make a drink.
[13:12] [Palla Palla (casual)] cuz!
[13:13] [Palla Palla (casual)] Palla Palla ate cake this morning and they said Palla Palla shouldn't eat cake cuz cake isn't good for breakfest
[13:16] [Anubis Saotome] Well, I hate to say it, but they are kind of right. Cake is not exactly the best thing to eat first thing in the morning.
[13:17] [Palla Palla (casual)] but..cake was so good :(
[13:18] [Anubis Saotome] Perhaps, but it is not a typical morning food. Usually cake is saved for dessert at the end of the evening meal.
[13:19] [Palla Palla (casual)] palla palla think they were really mad cause they wanted cake too
[13:21] [Anubis Saotome] That could be the case
[13:22] > Anubis Saotome finishes making his drink and hands Palla one as well
[13:22] > Palla Palla (casual) looks at the drink
[13:23] [Anubis Saotome] That is a fruit smoothie. Kaede taught me how to make them.
[13:24] > Palla Palla (casual) gulps it down
[13:26] [Palla Palla (casual)] FURITY YUM!
[13:26] [Palla Palla (casual)] *FRUITY
[13:27] > Anubis Saotome smiles and sips his drink - I am glad you like it.
[13:27] --> Ves Ves (casual) [BeastTamer@DeadMoon.cc] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[13:27] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Ves Ves (casual)
[13:27] [Palla Palla (casual)] Palla Palla thanks yoU!
[13:27] [Palla Palla (casual)] ....
[13:28] > Ves Ves (casual) walks in wearing a red one piece sweater, but still carrying her coiled whip.
[13:28] > Palla Palla (casual) frowns on seeing Ves Ves
[13:28] [Ves Ves (casual)] What's eatin' you?
[13:29] > Anubis Saotome turns to see another new face - Hello there.
[13:29] [Palla Palla (casual)] Palla Palla isn't stupid >< if Palla Palla wanted cake for breakfest, Palla Palla will eat cake for breakfest!
[13:30] [Ves Ves (casual)] If you wanna get fat, that's your business. Hello there, big guy.
[13:30] > Ves Ves (casual) walks a circle around Anubis, looking him over.
[13:31] > Anubis Saotome watches Ves curiously
[13:31] [Palla Palla (casual)] Ves Ves is a poopy head >.>
[13:32] > Ves Ves (casual)'s eye twitches a little, but she otherwise ignores the comment.
[13:32] [Anubis Saotome] Is this one of your sisters, Palla Palla?
[13:32] [Ves Ves (casual)] Hmm.. Not bad at all. Like the hair. The arm is an interesting touch. What'da bench?
[13:33] [Ves Ves (casual)] Ves Ves, tamer of beasts. And you are?
[13:33] > Palla Palla (casual) stomps off
[13:33] > Palla Palla (casual) is away
[13:33] [Anubis Saotome] Around 300 pounds with my organic arm. 1000 with my auto-mail one.
[13:34] --> Miara [amongimmortals@terra.net] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[13:34] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Miara
[13:34] [Ves Ves (casual)] Oh my... 300 with just one normal arm?
[13:34] [Anubis Saotome] My name is Anubis. I work on the ship. ^_^
[13:35] [Ves Ves (casual)] I think I'd need a chain instead of a whip to even think of taming you~
[13:35] [Miara] Hm...lots of girls around today
[13:35] [Ves Ves (casual)] Maybe. Hello.
[13:36] [Miara] Hi!
[13:36] [Anubis Saotome] I am not easily tamed, Ves Ves, was it?
[13:36] <-- Palla Palla (casual) [Juggle&Giggle@DeadMoon.cc] has left #reddwarfbeta
[13:37] [Miara] What'dya want to tame things for?
[13:37] > Miara gets a bottle of birch beer and sits at the bar
[13:37] [Miara] Hey Anubis
[13:38] [Miara] Don't think I've seen you in a while.
[13:38] [Anubis Saotome] Hello Miara. It has been a bit of time.
[13:39] [Ves Ves (casual)] Its my job. Audiences don't want to see animals running wild and mauling people. Well, maybe some of them do, but its bad for business anyway. Men pay good money to be tamed too, but that's another story for another day.
[13:42] [Miara] Animals aren't supposed to be taken out of their natural habitat either, but that's also another story.
[13:42] [Ves Ves (casual)] Ours are treated very well and kept happy, I assure you..
[13:44] > Anubis Saotome sips his drink, listening to the ladies talk
[13:45] [Miara] So what's going on up here today?
[13:45] > Ves Ves (casual) goes and makes herself a drink.
[13:46] [Anubis Saotome] Nothing much for me. Taking a break from work to rest for a short time.
[13:47] [Ves Ves (casual)] What'da do around here?
[13:48] [Miara] Breaks are good
[13:49] [Anubis Saotome] I mostly move heavy objects or large amounts of smaller objects.
[13:51] [Miara] How much stuff goes through the ship usually?
[13:52] > Ves Ves (casual) sips her drink and makes her way to the couch, sitting and crossing her legs.
[13:52] [Anubis Saotome] You would be surprised.
[13:54] [Ves Ves (casual)] Hmm... You strike me ~ as someone who needs the services of a strong woman ~
[13:55] > Ves Ves (casual) grins, sipping her drink and running a finger over her whip.
[13:56] [Anubis Saotome] Oh, but I already have a strong woman.
[13:56] [Anubis Saotome] My fiancee Tabatha is quite strong.
[13:56] [Ves Ves (casual)] Hmm..
[13:57] [Miara] You know, I haven't seen her around lately either. How's she doing?
[13:58] [Tabatha Brown] Busy with wedding prep. @.@
[13:58] --> Tabatha Brown has joined #reddwarfbeta
[13:58] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Tabatha Brown
[13:58] [Miara] Hey Tab!
[13:58] [Anubis Saotome] Speaking of my lovely fiancee
[13:58] > Tabatha Brown walks in, carrying a large stack of papers and catalogs, and slams them down on the coffee table with a thud.
[13:59] [Ves Ves (casual)] Woah. o.o
[14:00] [Anubis Saotome] Oh my... that is a lot of books.
[14:00] [Miara] Oo dress catalogs?
[14:00] [Tabatha Brown] Among other things..
[14:01] [Ves Ves (casual)] I'd never wanna go through all that..
[14:02] [Miara] Me either. A pretty dress and a party is cool, but all the other stuff people do for it...not so great.
[14:03] [Miara] But I understand that for most people it's worth it.
[14:03] [Anubis Saotome] Do you need any help, dear?
[14:04] [Tabatha Brown] God yes. Pick the invitations or the menu or the reception hall or something @.@
[14:05] [Anubis Saotome] Sure, show me what you want me to pick from.
[14:06] > Miara looks through one of the catalogs from the top, careful not to mess up anything, and occasionally taking pictures of the models' heads
[14:06] > Tabatha Brown takes a chunk of the stack and drops it on his lap, then collapses beside him.
[14:07] > Anubis Saotome puts his arm around Tabatha and starts leafing through the books.
[14:08] [Miara] Do you need someone to do your hair?
[14:09] [Tabatha Brown] Yes, actually. Are you volunteering?
[14:09] [Miara] Yeah~
[14:09] > Anubis Saotome hums a little, looking through the books.
[14:10] [Tabatha Brown] Thank you. I'll let you know.
[14:10] > Miara looks at Ves Ves
[14:10] ➣ Ves Ves: A young woman in her late teens. 5'1" but very curvy for her short frame, with her red hair done in an elaborate top-knot. http://img338.imageshack.us/img338/8961/avesves.jpg
[14:11] > Miara wonders how much product Ves uses to get her hair to stand up like that
[14:11] [Miara] Alright.
[14:12] [Ves Ves (casual)] You like it?
[14:12] [Anubis Saotome] Hmmm... this location looks nice. Holds a capacity of 500 people. Has direct access to a beach.
[14:12] > Ves Ves (casual) squeezes and adjusts it a little.
[14:12] [Miara] It's interesting.
[14:13] [Miara] Shows off your face~
[14:13] [Ves Ves (casual)] ^_^
[14:15] [Tabatha Brown] How many are we going to invite, though? Its not like your family are getting invites.
[14:15] [Miara] Sounds like you're going to have a big big wedding.
[14:16] [Anubis Saotome] True. Maybe that would be too large.
[14:17] [Anubis Saotome] I only have Matsumi and her family to invite. They were all so kind to me when I was breaking away.
[14:18] [Tabatha Brown] We'll have to involve her in the ceremony.
[14:19] [Ves Ves (casual)] Should I ask about his family?
[14:19] > Miara looks at Anubis a minute when he says that
[14:19] [Anubis Saotome] Maybe I should have her give me away. She is the closest thing I have to family at this point.
[14:20] [Miara] Don't you have any friends?
[14:20] [Tabatha Brown] The groom isn't really given away, silly.. at least not that I've heard of.
[14:20] [Anubis Saotome] Oh... my mistake then. ^_^
[14:22] [Anubis Saotome] That reminds me..... I still have to find a best man.
[14:24] [Miara] There are other people who work on the ship, what about one of them?
[14:24] [Tabatha Brown] Hideki?
[14:25] > Ves Ves (casual) finishes her drink and stands.
[14:26] [Anubis Saotome] More then likely.... he was partially responcable for saving my life.
[14:26] [Ves Ves (casual)] Nice meeting you all. Excuse me, I have to prep for my 4 o'clock.
[14:26] [Miara] Bye~
[14:27] <-- Ves Ves (casual) [BeastTamer@DeadMoon.cc] has left #reddwarfbeta (I have to check my book, but I think I planned fire cupping. ^_^)
[14:27] [Tabatha Brown] She had some bizarre hair..
[14:28] [Miara] People do.
[14:29] [Miara] Somehow, I doubt she's a traditional healer...
[14:30] [Anubis Saotome] She said something about taming me...
[14:30] [Tabatha Brown] Healer?
[14:31] [Miara] Fire cupping is a traditional medical treatment in several cultures.
[14:33] [Anubis Saotome] Never heard of it
[14:34] --> Matsuo Shin (casual) [PsychicGuy@Q.Tech.gov] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[14:34] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Matsuo Shin (casual)
[14:34] > Matsuo Shin (casual) walks in, with crudly put on make-up on his face "afternoon"
[14:35] [Tabatha Brown] .....are you wearing makeup? Err I mean, hello. *^^*;
[14:35] [Miara] Hi...Matsuo...*snikers*
[14:36] [Anubis Saotome] Hello sir.... um.... what happened to your face?
[14:36] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] ....well today was my turn to babysit the children
[14:36] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] ..Sora decided to make me look pretty
[14:36] [Miara] Ohh.
[14:36] > Tabatha Brown giggles.
[14:36] [Miara] But they didn't do your hair?
[14:39] [Anubis Saotome] They are rather intergetic children.
[14:39] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] heh too short
[14:39] > Matsuo Shin (casual) goes over to the sink and washes his face off
[14:40] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] planning your wedding then, Anubis?
[14:40] > Matsuo Shin (casual) wipes his face off with a towel
[14:41] [Anubis Saotome] Yes, we are.
[14:42] [Miara] No, it's not.
[14:43] > Tabatha Brown forces herself to sit up and rubs her face.
[14:43] [Anubis Saotome] Dear, you look exhausted.
[14:43] [Anubis Saotome] Maybe you should go lay down.
[14:45] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] oh pardon my little....mind scan...sometimes it picks up random signals ^^;;
[14:45] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] terrible at resturants
[14:46] > Matsuo Shin (casual) pours himself some sprite and sits down
[14:49] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] oh sorry..haven't introduced myself..I'm Matsuo Shin
[14:50] > Miara looks at Tabatha, a bit concerned
[14:50] [Anubis Saotome] I thought you looked familar. Matsumi's brother, right?
[14:50] [Tabatha Brown] Tabatha Brown, and I'll be okay.
[14:50] [Miara] Do you want some tea or something?
[14:51] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] heh yes but I'm more then just her brother XD
[14:51] > Anubis Saotome sighs - You are always pushing yourself so hard Tabby.
[14:51] [Tabatha Brown] I am a little famished though... lunch?
[14:52] > Matsuo Shin (casual) drinks his sprite and shivers "geh..tickles the lips"
[14:52] [Anubis Saotome] Good idea. I will carry the books back to our room before we go out.
[14:52] <-- Tabatha Brown has left #reddwarfbeta (Sounds like a plan.)
[14:53] > Anubis Saotome picks up all the books - It was nice meeting you Mastuo. Sorry I could not stay longer.
[14:53] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] it's alright..hope to see you again
[14:53] [Miara] Have a nice time!
[14:53] <-- Anubis Saotome [SuperClone@japanlab.net] has left #reddwarfbeta (I have an idea where to eat.)
[14:53] [Miara] Soda's an interesting drink
[14:54] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] it really is ^^
[14:54] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] I plan later today..to go to an art show in the city
[14:56] [Miara] Oh yeah? What kind of art?
[14:57] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] apparently mostly local artists...a way to show off their talents or so I hear
[14:57] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] window to a world's culture is through it's art as they say ^^
[14:58] > Matsuo Shin (casual) sips his drink "this is really good stuff!"
[14:59] [Miara] I think you'll find Terran culture a little to varied for an art show in one city to cover it.
[14:59] [Miara] But it sounds like a good way to acquaint yourself with where you are.
[15:00] > Matsuo Shin (casual) smiles "I suppose so...but it's a start"
[15:02] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] how are you then?
[15:02] [Miara] Oh, I'm alright.
[15:02] [Miara] Had some interesting things happen in Cora's house lately.
[15:02] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] what have you been up to as of late then?
[15:02] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] oh?
[15:05] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] a mystery?
[15:06] [Miara] No, not really. Old powers and...dreams, actually.
[15:07] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] hm...dreams....
[15:07] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] I see..sounds ominious
[15:08] [Miara] We'll see.
[15:09] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] I wish you the blessing of The Six on your efforts ^^
[15:10] [Miara] Heh. Thanks.
[15:11] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] ..you're not..human are you?
[15:12] [Miara] Nope
[15:12] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] what are you pray tell...if I am not being too forward
[15:13] [Miara] Lupa.
[15:14] > Miara waggles her claws at Matsuo
[15:14] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] ..like in wolf?
[15:15] [Miara] No, as in alien.
[15:15] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] oh I see
[15:15] [Miara] But we were here before French, and words get assimilated.
[15:16] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] friendly one I hope :)
[15:16] [Miara] Which is rather unfortunate in that case.
[15:17] [Miara] What? Am I not friendly??
[15:20] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] oh you're very friendly
[15:20] [Miara] Exactly!
[15:21] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] or are you just fooling me...and plan to be all sneaky *just smiles*
[15:21] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] heh
[15:21] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] I heard that you were quite the traveler
[15:22] [Miara] Yes.
[15:22] [Miara] It's so much fun ^_^
[15:23] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] maybe someday I too will travel...I'd love to see more of my new homeworld
[15:24] [Miara] The ship can transmat you anywhere you want to go.
[15:24] [Miara] Usually.
[15:25] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] really?
[15:25] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] ..I never thought of that
[15:25] [Miara] Yes. Though you might want to get acclimated to the modern world first.
[15:25] [Miara] And--
[15:25] [Miara] I have to go :/
[15:26] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] take care then!
[15:26] [Miara] See you later!
[15:26] <-- Miara [amongimmortals@terra.net] has left #reddwarfbeta (Stand up and watch me!)
[15:26] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] I suppose I should return to the house
[15:26] > Matsuo Shin (casual) drinks down the rest of his sprite
[15:26] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] geeeeh...heh..tickles
[15:27] <-- Matsuo Shin (casual) [PsychicGuy@Q.Tech.gov] has left #reddwarfbeta (alright then...check up on the children..then head into the city)
[18:52] --> Chibi-Alex has joined #reddwarfbeta
[18:52] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Chibi-Alex
[18:52] --> Chibi-Catri has joined #reddwarfbeta
[18:52] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Chibi-Catri
[18:53] > Chibi-Catri and Chibi-Alex quickly and quietly nip into the room, looking around for friends new and old.
[18:53] [Chibi-Catri] >_>
[18:53] [Chibi-Alex] <_<
[18:54] [Chibi-Alex] No foxxy? :(
[18:56] > Chibi-Alex and Chibi-Catri both go over to the blanket pile and crawl into it, keeping their ears poked out to alert them of anyone coming in.
[19:13] > Chibi-Alex pokes her head up, flicks her ears cutely, and submerges herself once again within the all-concealing blankets.
[19:20] --> Azumi Kiribayashi has joined #reddwarfbeta
[19:20] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Azumi Kiribayashi
[19:20] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Boy, quite a day.
[19:28] > Chibi-Alex pops up. O_O
[19:28] [Chibi-Alex] Hi! =^^=
[19:30] > Chibi-Alex emerges from the blankets and scampers over to Azumi. :D
[19:34] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Well, hello. ^_^
[19:35] [Chibi-Alex] Hi!
[19:35] > Azumi Kiribayashi huggles Alex, "How are you?"
[19:35] [Chibi-Alex] Wha choo doo-eng?
[19:36] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Relaxing after getting a nice workout and shower.
[19:37] [Chibi-Alex] Ooo?
[19:37] > Chibi-Alex pulls herself up onto the couch and sits with Azumi. =^^=
[19:37] [Chibi-Alex] Mommy and Daddy excited! Big thing soon!
[19:40] [Chibi-Alex] :D
[19:41] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Oh? What big thing?
[19:43] [Chibi-Alex] I dunno. Big day!! :d
[19:43] [Chibi-Alex] :D
[19:44] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Ah.
[19:45] > Chibi-Catri pops up behind Azumi, her ears flicking quickly as she sneaks in closer. >:3
[19:47] [Azumi Kiribayashi] How about you? What have you been up to?
[19:47] [Chibi-Alex] We been good!
[19:47] > Chibi-Catri glomps Azumi from behind! >:D
[19:48] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Nooooo! You got me!!!
[19:48] > Azumi Kiribayashi runs around flailing her arms
[19:49] > Chibi-Catri hangs on! >:3
[19:50] > Azumi Kiribayashi falls onto a sofa
[19:51] > Chibi-Catri sits comfortably in the middle of Azumi's back! ^____^
[19:51] > Chibi-Alex rushes over and plops herself down on Azumi's back too.
[19:51] [Chibi-Alex] Errrrr-OOOOOOOO~!
[19:52] [Azumi Kiribayashi] You two are so silly. ^_^
[19:56] [Chibi-Alex] Heeeee!
[19:56] > Azumi Kiribayashi huggles both children
[19:56] > Chibi-Catri huggles back. =^^=
[19:59] [Chibi-Alex] We got yooo! :D
[20:00] [Azumi Kiribayashi] You did!
[20:03] > Chibi-Alex trills happily!
[20:03] [Chibi-Catri] Heee!
[20:05] > Chibi-Catri climbs up and lays on top of Azumi's head. :3
[20:05] > Azumi Kiribayashi giggles
[20:10] [Chibi-Alex] Yoo have fun tooday?
[20:10] > Chibi-Catri rolls over and plops down onto the cushions of the couch, wiggling her tails happily. =^^=
[20:11] [Azumi Kiribayashi] I did. ^_^
[20:11] [Chibi-Alex] We play today! All day!
[20:11] [Chibi-Alex] Play with Daddy and Mommy and Antil and Sylvestah and Ara-su!!
[20:14] [Azumi Kiribayashi] That's good. How has Ara-su been?
[20:19] [Chibi-Alex] She fun!
[20:19] [Chibi-Catri] Funny!
[20:20] > Chibi-Catri jumps to her feet and does an impersonation of Aratasujou's happy tail-flicking.
[20:23] > Chibi-Alex jumps to her feet and dances around, waving her arms and being silly just like Aratasujou. =^^=
[20:25] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Good. ^_^
[20:32] [Chibi-Alex] Wha choo do now?
[20:32] [Chibi-Alex] Yum-yum time?
[20:35] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Hmmm. I'm sure I can find something.
[20:39] > Azumi Kiribayashi goes over to the bar
[20:39] [Chibi-Alex] We like yum-yums!
[20:39] [Chibi-Catri] :3
[20:41] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Ah ha. Found some cookies!
[20:43] [Chibi-Catri] :D
[20:43] [Chibi-Alex] Yay!
[20:44] --> Miara (ball gown) [amongimmortals@terra.net] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[20:44] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Miara (ball gown)
[20:44] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Hello, Miara. That's a beautiful gown you have on.
[20:44] [Miara (ball gown)] Hey!
[20:45] [Chibi-Alex] Ooooooo!
[20:45] [Chibi-Catri] *___*
[20:45] [Miara (ball gown)] Thanks, I just met the queen apparently!
[20:45] [Azumi Kiribayashi] The queen?
[20:45] > Chibi-Catri and Chibi-Alex btoh ZIP over to Miara, peering up at her with big, shiny eyes. *___* *___*
[20:46] [Chibi-Alex] Pretty!
[20:46] [Miara (ball gown)] Victoria!
[20:46] [Miara (ball gown)] Hey there~
[20:46] > Chibi-Catri wants to hug Miara!
[20:46] [Chibi-Alex] Pretty-pretty!
[20:47] > Miara (ball gown) hugs the kits
[20:47] [Miara (ball gown)] Should I spin around?
[20:47] [Chibi-Alex] :D
[20:47] [Chibi-Catri] ^____^
[20:48] --> Solarchos [Fallen0081@EnclaveFedCom.Net] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[20:48] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Solarchos
[20:48] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Solarchos
[20:48] [+Solarchos] Ah, there they are!
[20:48] > Miara (ball gown) spins around and round for the kids, like a ballerina
[20:48] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Hello, Solarchos.
[20:48] [+Solarchos] Ooooo, Miara! You look beautiful tonight! Special occasion?
[20:48] > Chibi-Alex and Chibi-Catri both trill with delight. =^^= =^^=
[20:49] [Chibi-Alex] Hey Azumi.
[20:50] [Chibi-Alex] AH-ZU-MEEE!! :D
[20:50] [Miara (ball gown)] Sort of ended up in court.
[20:50] [+Solarchos] Hello Azumi. Having a good night so far?
[20:51] [+Solarchos] Court? Oooohhh, royal count, I'll bet.
[20:51] > Chibi-Catri sniffs Miara's hair. :3
[20:51] [Azumi Kiribayashi] I have, Solarchos. You're children have kept me busy.
[20:52] [Azumi Kiribayashi] ^Your
[20:52] > Chibi-Alex beams proudly at Azumi! ^_____^
[20:54] > Miara (ball gown) finds a stool and sits on it
[20:54] > Chibi-Alex bats at Miara's skirt. :D
[20:54] > Miara (ball gown)'s hair smells of powder and perfume, and is actually a wig
[20:55] [Azumi Kiribayashi] So, what have you been doing, Solarchos?
[20:55] > Chibi-Catri gives Miara multiple tail-pats. :3
[20:56] [+Solarchos] Mostly getting ready for tomorrow's big day!
[20:56] [Miara (ball gown)] What's happening tomorrow?
[20:57] [+Solarchos] Tomorrow is Inu-Kit's birthday!
[20:57] [+Solarchos] We're all extremely excited.
[20:57] [Miara (ball gown)] Oh, I see.
[20:58] > Chibi-Catri and Chibi-Alex both trill loudly when Daddy mentions Mommy. =^^= =^^=
[20:58] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Oh, how wonderful!
[20:59] [+Solarchos] So naturally all of the kits are looking forward to it.
[21:00] [Azumi Kiribayashi] I'm sure.
[21:00] [+Solarchos] And not just them. The entire family and household, too. Even Morrigan, Ara-su, and Leady.
[21:00] [+Solarchos] Although I'm not exactly sure what Leady's got planned.
[21:01] > Chibi-Alex tugs at Miara's hand and peers up at her with curious eyes.
[21:01] [Chibi-Alex] Dan-dan?
[21:02] [Azumi Kiribayashi] How is Morrigan these days? Still up to her usual hijinks?
[21:02] [+Solarchos] I'm hoping Inu-Kit will come here for a visit tomorrow, but we'll play it by ear. I still wish she'd come out more.
[21:03] [+Solarchos] And yup, Morrigan's as quirky as ever.
[21:05] [Miara (ball gown)] So have you got something planned?
[21:06] [+Solarchos] In fact, you'll probably see her tomorrow. We're all planning on stopping by tomorrow to have some fun.
[21:07] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Ah, okay.
[21:07] [+Solarchos] Just a little get-together. Nothing major. But if it intices my lovely, shy foxy wife to come here for a visit, it could become an official party.
[21:08] [Miara (ball gown)] hm...maybe i should go get outta this dress...
[21:08] [Chibi-Alex] Pretty~!
[21:09] [+Solarchos] You sure look lnice in that dress, Miara.
[21:10] [Azumi Kiribayashi] What time will this get-together take place tomorrow?
[21:10] > +Solarchos picks up both of his daughters and huggles them.
[21:10] > Miara (ball gown) is away: brb
[21:11] [+Solarchos] Since it's going to be unofficial, I'll just be sometime around 7 or 8.
[21:12] [+Solarchos] ^it'll
[21:12] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Alright.
[21:12] [+Solarchos] And it's going to be low-key. Nothing major or intrusive.
[21:13] [+Solarchos] Anyway, it's time to get these two little rabblerousers home to Mommy! Good night to you and Miara both.
[21:13] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Good night.
[21:13] > Miara (corset) is back
[21:14] > Chibi-Alex waves bye-bye to Miara. :D
[21:14] [Miara (corset)] You're going, already?
[21:14] > Chibi-Catri trills at Miara. =^^=
[21:14] > Miara (corset) gives the girls the dress
[21:14] [Miara (corset)] Here, play dress up or something with it.
[21:14] [Chibi-Catri] Oooo?
[21:14] [+Solarchos] Are you sure, Miara?
[21:15] [Miara (corset)] Sure, I've got plenty of dresses.
[21:16] [Chibi-Alex] Ank yoo! =^^=
[21:16] [Miara (corset)] Have fun!
[21:17] > Chibi-Alex gives Miara hugs! :D
[21:17] > Chibi-Catri gives Miara a kiss on the nose! :3
[21:17] [Azumi Kiribayashi] That was very nice of you, Miara.
[21:17] [+Solarchos] Yes, thank you.
[21:19] <-- +Solarchos [Fallen0081@EnclaveFedCom.Net] has left #reddwarfbeta ("Off to see how my lovely wife will surprise me this time!")
[21:19] [Miara (corset)] It was too tight, anyway.
[21:19] <-- Chibi-Catri has left #reddwarfbeta (>:3)
[21:19] [Miara (corset)] See you guys!
[21:19] [Chibi-Alex] Luv yoo! =^^=
[21:19] <-- Chibi-Alex has left #reddwarfbeta (=^^=)
[21:19] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Bye.
[21:21] > Miara (corset) reaches her arms around and loosens her laces by about two inches so it's no longer closed
[21:22] [Azumi Kiribayashi] How was the court?
[21:22] [Miara (corset)] That is sooo much better.
[21:23] [Miara (corset)] Interesting!
[21:24] [Miara (corset)] The queen mostly sat there and watched things.
[21:26] [Miara (corset)] Very formal.
[21:26] [Miara (corset)] But the dancing was kinda fun!
[21:29] [Azumi Kiribayashi] I'm sure. It must have been wonderful seeing all the nobles.
[21:30] [Miara (corset)] Dresses and things.
[21:31] [Miara (corset)] But it's a very different life style or ethic i don't really get it
[21:31] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Ah.
[21:37] --> Matsuo Shin (casual) [PsychicGuy@Q.Tech.gov] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[21:37] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Matsuo Shin (casual)
[21:37] > Matsuo Shin (casual) strolls in
[21:37] > Miara (corset) is now in corset, bloomers, and gartered stockings
[21:38] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] ..interesting outfit
[21:38] [Miara (corset)] Hey.
[21:38] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Hello.
[21:38] [Miara (corset)] Well, it was under a dress...
[21:38] > Azumi Kiribayashi looks at Matsuo Shin
[21:38] ➣ Matsuo Shin: Matsuo looks like a male Matsumi, with the exception his hair is bright red and short.
[21:39] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] ooh..I see
[21:40] > Matsuo Shin (casual) sits on a chair
[21:41] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Who might you be, sir?
[21:42] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] Matsuo Shin
[21:42] [Miara (corset)] Hi's Matsuo, Matsumi's brother.
[21:44] [Miara (corset)] Anyone want a drink?
[21:44] > Miara (corset) goes behind the bar
[21:45] [Azumi Kiribayashi] I'll take a glass of wine, please.
[21:45] [Azumi Kiribayashi] And my name is Azumi Kiribayashi.
[21:45] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] sake
[21:45] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] nice to meet you
[21:46] > Miara (corset) finds some merlot for Azumi, and chilled sake for Matsuo
[21:46] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Nice to meet you as well.
[21:48] > Miara (corset) takes a bottle of rum and sits, drinking it
[21:48] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] so..what is the outfit for?
[21:49] [Miara (corset)] I visited a previous time and ended up in court
[21:49] [Miara (corset)] For a ball!
[21:49] [Miara (corset)] This is what goes under a Victorian dress.
[21:50] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] never heard of it
[21:50] [Miara (corset)] It's like being already dressed!
[21:50] [Miara (corset)] And there were two layers over this >>
[21:50] [Miara (corset)] It's fun, but hot and very tight.
[21:51] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Hmmm. I don't remember if I've had to dress as formally as that era.
[21:51] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] I used to go to balls on the moon
[21:52] [Miara (corset)] Oh? What was it like??
[21:53] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] very fancy...we men always wore masks
[21:53] [Miara (corset)] Did you go too, Azumi?
[21:54] [Miara (corset)] Ooo maquerade~
[21:54] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] me and my sister were wards of Queen Serenity
[21:55] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Sometimes I do, Miara. The parties were rather wonderful.
[21:56] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Oh, Matsuo? I didn't know that.
[21:56] > Azumi Kiribayashi sips her merlot
[21:56] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] only surviors of quinox after all
[21:58] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] I belive my mask was bright green
[21:58] [Miara (corset)] That sounds appropriate.
[21:59] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Oh dear. I might have heard what happened. Absolutely dreadful.
[22:02] > Miara (corset) drinks more of her rum
[22:02] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] my sister if I remember...she didn't wear her princess dress...it was...a green gown..with purple flowers if I remember
[22:03] > Miara (corset) also pours more for the other two
[22:03] > Matsuo Shin (casual) drinks
[22:04] [Azumi Kiribayashi] That's so pretty.
[22:04] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] heh I remember she complained so much getting into it
[22:05] [Miara (corset)] Heh.
[22:06] [Miara (corset)] The dress may be a pain sometimes, but there's nothing like the way a corset hugs ya!
[22:06] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Is that so?
[22:07] [Miara (corset)] Absolutely~
[22:08] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Hmm.
[22:08] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] Hideki wore a dark green mask with a blue edge
[22:08] [Miara (corset)] And what did you wear?
[22:08] [Azumi Kiribayashi] But why did she complain, Matsuo?
[22:11] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] me?
[22:11] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] my mask was bright green
[22:11] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] I wore a dark green coat with a blue waistcoat
[22:12] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] I remember I wore a blue flower too
[22:14] > Miara (corset) gets some markers and draws on some constructions paper, Matsi, Hideki, and Matsuo's outfit
[22:16] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] I almost wore a cape one night...
[22:16] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Oh really?
[22:17] > Miara (corset) adds some crystalline background in pretty colors
[22:17] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] yes..but I thought I looked awful in it ^^;;;
[22:18] [Miara (corset)] Aww, you'd look dashing in a short one.
[22:18] [Miara (corset)] Look, see? *draws one in*
[22:19] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] hm.....I suppose
[22:19] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] well the balls were usually on a weekend...
[22:19] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] a way for everyone to relax
[22:19] [Miara (corset)] It sounds lovely@
[22:19] [Miara (corset)] !
[22:20] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] oh it was
[22:20] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Indeed.
[22:22] > Miara (corset) hums a lively dance tune
[22:22] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] not that we did it every weekend...
[22:23] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Heh. If I remember correctly, once in a while a ball would be held for military personnel. But I think those were for the officers.
[22:24] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] I remember those!
[22:24] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] we never went to those of course..but you could hear them at night
[22:25] [Miara (corset)] So, they were good parties.
[22:26] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] pretty much
[22:28] > Miara (corset) puts on some music
[22:28] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Definitely.
[22:29] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] most days though..pretty quiet
[22:29] > Miara (corset) twirls around happily
[22:29] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Heh, I know there was one for new Lieutenants, and David was among them when he was done with his training.
[22:30] [Miara (corset)] You two should come dance!
[22:32] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Oh?
[22:33] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] oh??? heh
[22:33] > Matsuo Shin (casual) stands
[22:33] > Miara (corset) pulls Matsuo into a swirly dance
[22:34] > Matsuo Shin (casual) smiles and suddenly takes the lead
[22:35] > Miara (corset) doesn't know the steps, but follows and copies fairly well
[22:37] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] this dance was very popular with the nobles
[22:37] [Miara (corset)] It's spirited ^_^
[22:38] > Azumi Kiribayashi stands up
[22:38] [Miara (corset)] Do you know it, Azumi?
[22:40] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Vaguely. It has been a while.
[22:41] [Miara (corset)] You're a pretty good dancer.
[22:43] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Me, or Matsuo?
[22:44] [Miara (corset)] Matsuo
[22:45] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Ah.
[22:45] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] heh had to be
[22:47] [Miara (corset)] I should take you with me next time I end up in court!
[22:49] [Miara (corset)] That would be so much more fun.
[22:50] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] might be fun to see a royal court
[22:51] > Azumi Kiribayashi refills her wine glass
[22:53] > Miara (corset) curtsey's properly
[22:53] > Miara (corset) is away: brb
[22:53] [Azumi Kiribayashi] It's been a lovely evening.
[22:55] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] it has
[22:55] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] I don't think I knew you back then
[22:56] [Azumi Kiribayashi] I don't think I did know you either.
[22:57] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] didn't your parties have that buffet...
[22:59] [Azumi Kiribayashi] I believe so. Quite the quisine.
[23:00] > Miara (corset) is back
[23:00] > Miara (corset) just has on the corset and a normal skirt now
[23:02] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Nice combination, Miara.
[23:02] [Miara (corset)] Thanks.
[23:04] > Matsuo Shin (casual) sits in a chair
[23:05] > Azumi Kiribayashi sits on a bar stool and sips her wine
[23:06] > Miara (corset) puts the rum bottle away, it's half empty now
[23:07] > Matsuo Shin (casual) finishes his drink
[23:10] [Azumi Kiribayashi] So, what shall we do now?
[23:11] [Miara (corset)] I provided the last amusement, it's someone else's turn!
[23:12] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] heh...well I don't know have much to offer I'm afraid..
[23:12] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] probably just stories...
[23:13] [Miara (corset)] I trained as a storyteller, you know, after I was placed--when I was a teenager.
[23:14] [Azumi Kiribayashi] What story could you tell, Matsuo?
[23:14] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] I mean personal stories
[23:15] [Miara (corset)] Tell us one!
[23:16] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Yes, let's hear one!
[23:17] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] hm...
[23:17] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] heh I remember once on the homeworld..
[23:18] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] it was the first day of me learning how to use a bow
[23:18] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] all of us Quinoxian nobles HAVE to learn to use the bow
[23:20] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] anyway..first day...
[23:20] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] I aimed the shot for the target..which was on the end of the forest
[23:20] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] aimed...shot....and it overflew
[23:22] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] so per usual I had to go into the forest and find it...
[23:22] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] ..so I find it on the side of a pool...and...
[23:22] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] .....my sister comes out of it..having taken a bath...
[23:22] > Azumi Kiribayashi listens
[23:23] > Azumi Kiribayashi giggles, "Oops."
[23:23] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] oh..she beat me so hard XD
[23:24] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] didn't help mother's bodyguard was there >.>
[23:24] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] nearly lit me up >.>
[23:25] [Miara (corset)] So Quinox was really picky about nudity, too?
[23:26] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] well...there are certain..privacy rules with the nobles
[23:27] [Miara (corset)] I see.
[23:27] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Hmm.
[23:29] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] we also bathed our fingers in oils before dinner..
[23:30] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] not sure why we did that >.>
[23:31] [Miara (corset)] Then how would you smell what you're eating?
[23:32] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] hm???
[23:33] [Miara (corset)] If your fingers reek of oil, how would you smell what you're eating properly?
[23:33] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] the oils had no smell
[23:33] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] moth oil tends to not
[23:33] [Miara (corset)] Really?
[23:35] [Miara (corset)] Hm..
[23:37] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] dates back to the times of Isis I think
[23:40] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Isis? Same name as an Egyptian goddess.
[23:40] [Miara (corset)] Yeah, but she was married to her brother and had to put him back together after he was killed and hacked up.
[23:42] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] um...
[23:42] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] what are you two talking about ^^;;;;
[23:43] [Miara (corset)] The chief goddess of a dead kingdom called Egypt was named Isis.
[23:44] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] oh interesting
[23:44] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] what a coincidence
[23:45] [Miara (corset)] Maybe the people remembered the name Isis and an old old legend that was handed down and became that.
[23:45] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] perhaps!
[23:45] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] she was an important queen
[23:46] [Miara (corset)] Or maybe gods took a different form for the Egyptians.
[23:46] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] she united all the clans of Quinox under one ruler
[23:46] [Miara (corset)] Hm...
[23:46] > Miara (corset) yawns a bit, despite herself
[23:48] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Ah, interesting.
[23:52] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] tired?
[23:53] [Miara (corset)] I suppose. I haven't slept in a while...
[23:56] [Miara (corset)] So the dream gods're waiting for me, I guess :p
[23:57] [Miara (corset)] Though I haven't had any nice ones in a while...
[23:58] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Awww.
[23:59] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] sleep well
[23:59] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] may the blessings of Silusis the silent one be upon you ^^
[00:00] >>> Saturday Jul 17 2010 <<<
[00:02] [Miara (corset)] Who's that?
[00:03] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] she is one of the Six
[00:03] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] we call upon her in times of slumber..and in times of the rest
[00:03] [Miara (corset)] Restive silence.
[00:04] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] yes
[00:04] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] she also gave us the gifts of dreaming..and music
[00:07] > Miara (corset) nods
[00:07] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] :)
[00:07] > Miara (corset) gets her bag
[00:08] [Miara (corset)] Thanks for the dance, Mats *kisses his cheek*
[00:08] [Miara (corset)] Night, Azumi
[00:08] <-- Miara (corset) [amongimmortals@terra.net] has left #reddwarfbeta (Stand up and watch me!)
[00:09] > Matsuo Shin (casual) smiles and blushes
[00:09] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Awwww.
[00:12] > Matsuo Shin (casual) sits back down
[00:29] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Now it is quiet.
[00:29] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] quiet now...
[00:29] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] so you are part of the MKA?
[00:30] [Azumi Kiribayashi] I am. I command the 803rd Infantry Brigade of the 3rd Army Corps.
[00:31] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] have to thank you then
[00:32] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] for doing your best to defend the kingdom
[00:35] > Matsuo Shin (casual) walks behind the bar and looks through it
[00:35] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] ..so many diffrent drinks....
[00:35] [Azumi Kiribayashi] You are quite welcome. Doing my service for the kingdom.
[00:41] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Heh, what would you like?
[00:42] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] oh I don't know...too many to choose...what do you suggest?
[00:46] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Well, in wines, I'm more partial to merlots.
[00:49] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] um..let's try that then
[00:51] > Azumi Kiribayashi pours Matsuo a glass of merlot
[00:52] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] thank you!
[00:52] > Matsuo Shin (casual) drinks
[00:52] [Azumi Kiribayashi] How is it?
[00:53] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] not bad!
[00:56] [Azumi Kiribayashi] That's good to hear.
[00:58] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] may I have another?
[01:00] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Sure. But don't drink too much.
[01:02] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] of course!
[01:05] > Azumi Kiribayashi pours Matsuo another glass
[01:06] > Matsuo Shin (casual) sniffs the wine..and then drinks
[01:10] [Azumi Kiribayashi] I'm sorry I don't have much to say.
[01:11] --> Marty D [Techwiz@hogwarts.edu] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[01:11] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Marty D
[01:12] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Oh, hello.
[01:12] > Marty D walks in with a yawn and stretch.
[01:12] [Marty D] Hi Azumi, uncle Matsuo. How goes?
[01:12] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] oh hello th.....uncle?
[01:12] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Nothing much. We've been relaxing all night.
[01:13] [Marty D] Uhh, yeah. Ohhhhh...... yeah, um, well, how much do you know about the future?
[01:14] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] nothing o_o
[01:15] [Marty D] Um... well, I... I'm really close to Matsumi and her family. Name's Marty Detroit =^_^= Nice to meet you for whats the first time to you. *extends a hand.*
[01:15] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] oh hello then *shakes Marty's hand*
[01:16] [Azumi Kiribayashi] How are you this evening?
[01:17] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] ...interesting costume you're wearing
[01:17] > Matsuo Shin (casual) is staring at Marty's ears
[01:18] [Marty D] Nya?
[01:18] > Marty D's tail is swaying behind him.
[01:18] [Marty D] I'm alright.. and I'm not wearing a costume.
[01:19] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] ....oh..um..interesting!
[01:19] > Matsuo Shin (casual) sips his wine
[01:20] [Marty D] What, the ears and tail? I'm a felis sapien. We evolved from cats on this ship over a few million years. Well, I'm a half felis, crossed with a human. Have you met my pop, Nate?
[01:20] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] ..Nate is your father?
[01:20] [Marty D] Yupp, or mroe accurately, he will be.
[01:21] > Marty D sits down and waves his wand, conjuring a glass, summoning a bottle, and making it pour itself.
[01:21] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] ..so..you're from the future then?
[01:22] [Marty D] Yupp.
[01:22] > Marty D pulls the glass out of the air and sips it.
[01:22] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] ..I knew the three children were from the future...but..interesting
[01:23] > Matsuo Shin (casual) drinks his wine
[01:25] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] ...so you know me then?
[01:25] [Marty D] Yupp~
[01:26] > Marty D runs his wand over his glass and mutters something, making the glass frosty.
[01:27] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] you use magic I see
[01:27] [Marty D] I is an wizard! :3
[01:28] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] so you're like a mage?
[01:29] [Marty D] Depending on what label you wish to place on me, and how you define a mage. I was trained at Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry.
[01:29] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Impressive.
[01:30] [Marty D] Mmm... well, my marks were pretty good, but lots of talented and untalented people get accepted to Hogwarts.
[01:30] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] I've never heard of it
[01:31] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] then again..I'm still fairly new to this world ^^;;
[01:31] [Marty D] Yeah, its kind of secret.
[01:33] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] oh no wonder!!!
[01:34] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] I still haven't traveled alot either....mostly stayed in the city of...yoko..hama was it?
[01:34] [Marty D] Sounds right.
[01:34] [Azumi Kiribayashi] You pronoucned it correctly, Matsuo. Yokohama.
[01:36] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] such a strange word ^^
[01:36] [Azumi Kiribayashi] ^pronounced
[01:37] [Marty D] The Japanese are a strange people. Two atomic bombs does that to a society.
[01:37] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] ...atomic bombs?
[01:38] [Marty D] Blimey... you need a history class or three...
[01:39] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] my history only goes as far as the fall of moon..so please excuse my ignorance ^^;;;
[01:39] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] *the moon
[01:40] [Marty D] Of course. I'm not faulting you, but you missed a lot. Well, atomic bombs, imagine a force a hundred times worse than anything that happened on the moon, happening twice, only being used by the good guys.
[01:41] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] ....
[01:41] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] ....
[01:41] > Matsuo Shin (casual) just looks..horrified
[01:42] [Marty D] I'd be happy to put together something to get you up to speed. Would you prefer to read it or watch vids?
[01:43] > Matsuo Shin (casual) is just..silent
[01:43] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Matsuo?
[01:45] > Matsuo Shin (casual) winces a bit, three glasses on the bar basically exploding
[01:45] [Marty D] Woah..
[01:45] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Oh my.
[01:45] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] ..sorry sorry..flashback
[01:45] [Marty D] I see...
[01:45] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] yes..that would be helpful
[01:46] > Marty D gets up and magically cleans up.
[01:46] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] sorry about the glasses
[01:46] [Marty D] I'm sure you didn't mean to.
[01:47] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] still suffer from nightmares...
[01:47] > Matsuo Shin (casual) takes a deep breath
[01:47] > Marty D waves his wand in a spiral, and the glasses repair themselves to normal.
[01:48] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Awwww. :(
[01:48] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] I didn't know there was magic on this world
[01:49] [Marty D] Oh yeah, though most of it is hidden. Muggles don't like it, and the magic users prefer to keep themselves secret.
[01:49] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] Muggles?
[01:50] [Marty D] The non-magic folk.
[01:51] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] oooh I see
[01:52] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] odd words ^^;;;
[01:54] > Matsuo Shin (casual) moves his empty glass over to the sink with his mind
[01:55] [Marty D] I need to invent some for non-wizard magic using humans.. maybe write a paper to suggest clarifications on wizarding laws..
[01:56] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] that might help!
[01:57] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Indeed.
[01:57] [Marty D] Azumi likes her one-word interjections, I see. :3
[01:58] [Azumi Kiribayashi] :P
[01:59] > Matsuo Shin (casual) chuckles
[02:03] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] well..Marty was it?..you seem like a rather nice person ^^
[02:04] [Marty D] Why thank you, nya. =^_^= I'm well loved, including, but not limited to, by your sister.
[02:04] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] oh really?
[02:04] [Marty D] Umm... how much do you want to know about the future?
[02:05] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] ...I'd prefer not much
[02:05] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] I would like to be surpised by what happens for me ^^
[02:06] [Marty D] Well, she's always been a good friend and caring surrogate aunt.
[02:08] > Matsuo Shin (casual) smiles "sounds like her"
[02:09] > Marty D resumes his seat, props up his feet, and sips his drink.
[02:09] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Yes, Matsumi is a wonderful person.
[02:12] > Matsuo Shin (casual) yawns a bit
[02:13] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] looks like sleep has caught up with me ><
[02:13] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] perhaps I should retire for the night
[02:14] [Marty D] Fatigue, at least.
[02:14] [Marty D] Goodnight, Uncle Matsuo.
[02:15] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] goodnight ^^ it was nice to meet both of you ^^
[02:15] [Azumi Kiribayashi] I should retire as well. Good night to both of you.
[02:15] <-- Azumi Kiribayashi has left #reddwarfbeta (I need to get some sleep.)
[02:17] <-- Marty D [Techwiz@hogwarts.edu] has left #reddwarfbeta (Love is the greatest magic.)
[17:34] --> Logan SD [KittyShota@Reddwarf.com] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[17:34] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Logan SD
[17:34] > Logan SD walks in humming the Zelda theme, and looking around.
[17:35] > Logan SD gets some juice and parks himself infront of the fish tank.
[17:49] --> Tina Detroit [FireyAirPrincess@QTech.com] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[17:49] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Tina Detroit
[17:49] > Tina Detroit sneaks behind Logan..and overs his eyes
[17:49] [Tina Detroit] *covers
[17:49] [Logan SD] Hi Tinya.
[17:49] [Logan SD] Nyaa?!
[17:50] [Tina Detroit] awwww
[17:50] [Tina Detroit] you guessed
[17:50] > Tina Detroit lets go of logan's face
[17:51] [Logan SD] I smelled. :3 How are you?
[17:52] [Tina Detroit] oh I'm just fine
[17:52] [Tina Detroit] was busy visiting the hospital today ^^
[17:52] [Logan SD] Is someoen hurt? D:
[17:53] [Tina Detroit] oh no...
[17:54] [Tina Detroit] I was visiting some of the sick children ^^ to make them feel better
[17:54] [Logan SD] oh, okay, nya.. I was worried for a minute..
[17:54] [Logan SD] Thats nice.
[17:54] [Logan SD] Hows the castle nya? Hows my brother and Cele?
[17:59] > @The Server changes topic to `http://www.gametrailers.com/user-movie/1993-uk-nintendo-vhs-promo/347392 Nintendo and Red Dwarf. You'd be hard pressed to find a better combo.`
[18:00] [Tina Detroit] oh they're just fine ^^
[18:00] [Tina Detroit] they're very well
[18:01] [Logan SD] That's good. When am i gonna be an uncle? :3 :3 :3
[18:02] > Tina Detroit blushes
[18:02] [Tina Detroit] heee....someday
[18:03] [Logan SD] Heee~
[18:03] > Tina Detroit ruffles Logan's hair
[18:04] > Logan SD purrs.
[18:04] [Logan SD] Hey, did you guys set up your entertainment center?
[18:04] [Tina Detroit] oh yes!
[18:05] [Tina Detroit] it's all ready!
[18:05] [Logan SD] I wanna see! :3
[18:06] [Tina Detroit] heh did you want to try it out?
[18:07] > Logan SD hops up and holds out his hand.
[18:07] [Logan SD] Please!
[18:07] > Tina Detroit takes Logan's hand and smiles
[18:08] <-- Logan SD [KittyShota@Reddwarf.com] has left #reddwarfbeta (Lets go! Lets go! :D)
[18:08] <-- Tina Detroit [FireyAirPrincess@QTech.com] has left #reddwarfbeta (heee slow down)
[18:54] --> Solarchos [Fallen0081@EnclaveFedCom.Net] has joined #reddwarfbeta
[18:54] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Solarchos
[18:54] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Solarchos
[18:55] > +Solarchos comes in carry a large gift-wrapped box and sets it down on one of the tables.
[18:55] [+Solarchos] ^___^
[19:00] [+Solarchos] HAPPY BIRTHDAY, INU-KIT!!!
[19:01] > +Solarchos goes into the kitchen and gets to work on cooking a fairly large meal.
[19:10] > ~The scents of burning charcoal, roasting vegetables and spices, and broiling meat and fish begin to emenate from the kitchen.
[19:11] --> David O'Cain has joined #reddwarfbeta
[19:11] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to David O'Cain
[19:11] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +David O'Cain
[19:14] > +David O'Cain plops down on a sofa
[19:14] [+Solarchos] Hey David. What's up?
[19:15] [+David O'Cain] Hey, Solar. Not much. You?
[19:16] [+Solarchos] Just getting ready for that low-key party I mentioned last night. I'm certainly hoping Inu-Kit can show for it.
[19:19] [+David O'Cain] Cool. Whatcha got making?
[19:21] [+Solarchos] Well, I've got a hibachi going and grilling some sea bass and trout. I'm also broiling up some steaks and roasted vegetables.
[19:23] [+Solarchos] Any special requests?
[19:26] [+David O'Cain] To be honest, not really.
[19:27] [+Solarchos] That's okay. If you're in the mood for anything specific, just ask any time.
[19:30] [+David O'Cain] Alrighty.
[19:30] [+David O'Cain] How's the homestead?
[19:33] [+Solarchos] Excited. Everyone's looking forward to having a big party for Inu-Kit later on tonight, but I wouldn't mind having a smaller one right here, too.
[19:35] [+David O'Cain] Awesome. I hope Inu-Kit has a grand time on her day.
[19:36] [+Solarchos] Oh, she will. She certainly will. The kits and I spent the whole day pampering her, starting with breakfast in bed!
[19:39] [+Solarchos] Mari and Ara-su took extra-special care making sure the rest of the day went well for her.
[19:40] [+Solarchos] And naturally ALL of the kids are having a grand time playing together.
[19:40] [+Solarchos] Right now Inu-Kit's at one of the temples, receiving a special blessing with Lady Saya and Wakaba.
[19:43] [+David O'Cain] Ah, okay. Glad to hear that she's been doing well.
[19:43] [+Solarchos] She has been, even if she hardly visits much lately.
[19:48] [+Solarchos] And no, she hasn't been injured OR assassinated by the Skaven, either. I want to dispel any rumors about that right now.
[19:49] [+David O'Cain] Who the hell has been saying that s[SMEG]t?
[19:50] [+Solarchos] No one, but I wouldn't put it past a few people to start thinking that.
[19:55] [+David O'Cain] Gotcha.
[19:55] > +Solarchos continues to work on the food, finishing up the first batch of grilled fish.
[20:01] > +David O'Cain grabs himself a drink from the bar
[20:02] [+Solarchos] Fish is ready! Want some?
[20:04] > +Solarchos brings out a platter of roasted vegetables of various kinds, from baked potatoes to parsnips to fresh corn cooked to perfection.
[20:07] --> Chibi-AnTil has joined #reddwarfbeta
[20:07] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Chibi-AnTil
[20:07] --> Chibi-Sylvester has joined #reddwarfbeta
[20:07] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Chibi-Sylvester
[20:07] > Chibi-Sylvester and Chibi-AnTil pop up from behind David's chair, peering intensely at the table laden with yummy-yummy food! O__O O__O
[20:11] [+Solarchos] Ah! My children are here!
[20:11] > +Solarchos gives both of his boys some cooked corn to nibble on.
[20:12] [Chibi-AnTil] :3
[20:12] [Chibi-Sylvester] :3
[20:14] [+David O'Cain] Hey, kids.
[20:16] [Chibi-AnTil] Hello!
[20:16] [Chibi-AnTil] Mommy's big day! :D
[20:16] [+David O'Cain] How's it going?
[20:16] [Chibi-Sylvester] Yuummmmmmm~!! :3
[20:18] [Chibi-AnTil] Good!
[20:19] [Chibi-AnTil] Mommy happy! Big happy!
[20:24] [+David O'Cain] That's good. ^_^
[20:25] > Chibi-AnTil and Chibi-Sylvester resume eating, happily power-nibbling on the strange, slightly spiced yum-yums Daddy gave them. :3 :3
[20:25] [+Solarchos] Heh, that corn will keep them both busy for a while. Plus it's highly nutricious for them!
[20:27] [+Solarchos] ^nutritious
[20:27] [+David O'Cain] Mmmm, corny goodness. Excellent with butter.
[20:28] [+Solarchos] Inu-Kit always makes certain that anything the kits eat and drink is as healthy as can be.
[20:30] > +Solarchos brings out several thick, juicy, and well-done steaks! :D
[20:34] [+David O'Cain] That's good.
[20:34] > +David O'Cain immediately chows down on the food, "YAY!"
[20:35] [Chibi-AnTil] :D
[20:35] [Chibi-Sylvester] :D
[20:38] > Chibi-Sylvester and Chibi-AnTil both rapidly detour the hot, yummy steak pieces that Daddy cuts up for them both. :3 :3
[20:40] > +David O'Cain continues eating, "Man, I sure needed all this from long hours of taking on more challengers at the Neo Geo fighting games."
[20:42] [+Solarchos] Oh? How's that been going for you?
[20:43] [Chibi-AnTil] Om-nom-nom-nom-nom-nom-nom! =^^=
[20:43] [Chibi-Sylvester] :3
[20:44] [+David O'Cain] Well, scored many wins. Fatal Fury, Samurai Showdown, Art of Fighting, didn't matter. Those arrogant kids got what they deserved.
[20:46] [+Solarchos] I remember Samurai Showdown! God, that game was funny as hell.
[20:46] [+Solarchos] We used to call it "Samurai Showoff" because the one samurai guy (can't remember his name) for some reason looked like a model with that hair and his eyes.
[20:47] [+Solarchos] "The true goal of a samurai...TO LOOK GOOD FOR MAYBELINE!"
[20:48] [+David O'Cain] Heheh! Then there's Hahomaru's ending.
[20:48] [+Solarchos] Oh? Which character was that?
[20:50] [+David O'Cain] Looked like he had bushy, long hair and armed with a samurai katana. I think.
[20:51] [+David O'Cain] No wait, it was Haohmaru.
[20:52] > +Solarchos nods and sits down between his boys.
[20:52] [+David O'Cain] Still, Neo Geo had some awesome games back in the day.
[20:55] [+Solarchos] No kidding. That was back when arcade games were fairly cheap and fun as hell to play.
[20:55] [+Solarchos] God, I remember the awesomest combat game of all. The one that defined a whole generation.
[20:56] [+David O'Cain] Lemme guess, Street Fighter?
[20:57] [+Solarchos] Nope.
[20:57] [+Solarchos] ^___^
[20:57] [+Solarchos] - MORTAL COMBAT~! -
[20:57] [+David O'Cain] Which one, then? There's numerous games.
[20:57] [+David O'Cain] Oooooh.
[20:58] [Chibi-AnTil] Moooo-tal Combaaaaat~!
[21:02] [Chibi-Sylvester] Moooooo-allll! :D
[21:02] > +David O'Cain chuckles
[21:12] [+Solarchos] Heh, maybe I should bring the kits by one time and let them play?