[13:10] >>> Friday Sep 03 2010 – Automatic reset triggered – Logging Start <<<
[13:10] > Chanelle Challe (School Uniform) walks back to her desk and sits
[13:10] > Hana Sagusa (School Uniform) sits down
[13:11] > Hana Sagusa (School Uniform) picks up a pencil and balances it on her nose as she listens to the teacher
[13:13] > Chanelle Challe (School Uniform) listens, writing as the teacher speaks
[13:15] > Hana Sagusa (School Uniform) starts writing it as well...half heartedly listening
[13:19] [~teacher] well..that's all for today...please read chapters 4 and 5 for monday
[13:21] > Chanelle Challe (School Uniform) stops writing and closes her notebook
[13:23] > Hana Sagusa (School Uniform) closes her notebook and yawns
[13:27] ➣ The bell rings, signaling the end of the class period.
[13:27] [Hana Sagusa (School Uniform)] ugh I am tired...
[13:29] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] Yeah well.... we've got one more class to go
[13:30] [Hana Sagusa (School Uniform)] ugh ><
[13:30] ➣ a woman with what looks like glass like green skin and wearing a business suit walks up to both of them
[13:31] [~Daimon assistant] excuse me-sena...which of you is, Sagusa Hana-sena...
[13:31] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] That would be her
[13:31] [Hana Sagusa (School Uniform)] that's me
[13:32] [~Daimon assistant] the professor would like to see you-sena
[13:33] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] professor?
[13:33] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] Wait, you mean!?
[13:33] [Hana Sagusa (School Uniform)] ..no way
[13:33] [~Daimon assistant] he wants to see you-sena
[13:34] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] I'm going with you Hana....
[13:35] [~Daimon assistant] I don't know if I can let that happen-sena
[13:36] [Hana Sagusa (School Uniform)] she goes with me
[13:36] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] Excuse me!?
[13:36] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] I'm going with her or she doesn't go
[13:36] [~Daimon assistant] very well-sena
[13:37] [~Daimon assistant] follow me-sena
[13:37] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] Alright then.
[13:38] > ~Daimon assistant heads down the hall
[13:38] <-- ~Daimon assistant has left #reddwarfevents (follow me)
[13:39] <-- Hana Sagusa (School Uniform) [sagusa.hana@mugen.edu.jp] has left #reddwarfevents (..what is going on)
[13:39] <-- Chanelle Challe (School Uniform) [FrenchProjector@Mugen.edu] has left #reddwarfevents (We'll find out soon enough)
[21:58] ➣ Proteus, Uranus- Future
[21:58] --> Megume Tenou (casual) [heavenlydirtgirl@Uranus.com] has joined #reddwarfevents
[21:58] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Megume Tenou (casual)
[21:58] > Megume Tenou (casual) hums, dressed warmly
[21:58] --> Jason Kiribayashi has joined #reddwarfevents
[21:58] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Jason Kiribayashi
[21:59] > Megume Tenou (casual) walks down the street, several people bowing to her as she walks by
[22:00] [Jason Kiribayashi] Wow. Even on a simple stroll?
[22:01] [Megume Tenou (casual)] hey..I'm the fianlle
[22:01] [Jason Kiribayashi] Fianlle?
[22:01] [Megume Tenou (casual)] word for prince or princess
[22:02] ➣ the city looks almost like a futurustic version of a russian city..there is alot of similiarties at least....the weather is also somewhat cold
[22:03] [Megume Tenou (casual)] hey keep up, jason ^^
[22:03] [Jason Kiribayashi] Ah, okay. I guess I'm gonna have to learn the language some, huh?
[22:04] [Jason Kiribayashi] I'm coming. :P
[22:04] [Megume Tenou (casual)] meh..not really..no one speaks uranian anymore
[22:04] [Megume Tenou (casual)] hey...aren't you going to be cold dressed like that?
[22:05] [Jason Kiribayashi] Well, I suppose I might need something a little warmer. ^_^;
[22:06] > Megume Tenou (casual) grins "come on...follow me"
[22:07] > Jason Kiribayashi follows Megume
[22:07] > Megume Tenou (casual) walks through the streets..heading towards what appears to be a dingy looking hole of a store
[22:08] > Megume Tenou (casual) opens the door "hey....lady in the house!"
[22:09] > Jason Kiribayashi keeps up with Megume as best he can
[22:09] [~Store Owner] AHHH!!! IF IT ISN'T MA FAVORITE GAL
[22:09] > ~Store Owner is a burly rugged looking man
[22:10] [Megume Tenou (casual)] hey..Yvesh....we need some clothes for an offworlder!
[22:10] > Megume Tenou (casual) points to Jason
[22:11] [~Store Owner] ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....is this man yer lover
[22:11] [Jason Kiribayashi] Hello.
[22:11] > Megume Tenou (casual) blushes "just...give him something"
[22:12] [~Store Owner] very well!
[22:12] > ~Store Owner walks over and looks over jason's clothes
[22:13] > Jason Kiribayashi has on a jacket, pants, and shoes
[22:15] > ~Store Owner feels jason's jacket...kneels down looking over his pants
[22:16] [~Store Owner] what is this........so flimsy so thin..won't do a thing...
[22:16] > ~Store Owner walks into the back of the store
[22:16] [Jason Kiribayashi] I guess I should have checked the weather reports. ^_^;
[22:17] [Megume Tenou (casual)] heh you should have read up on uranus XD
[22:17] > ~Store Owner returns with a heaver jacket lined with fur
[22:17] > ~Store Owner removes jason's jacket and puts the new jacket on
[22:18] [Jason Kiribayashi] Yeah, silly me.
[22:19] [~Store Owner] much better..you a real man now
[22:19] > ~Store Owner gives jason a hardy slap on the back
[22:19] [Jason Kiribayashi] Thanks.
[22:19] [Megume Tenou (casual)] how much do I owe
[22:19] [~Store Owner] owe nothing! you're my favorite gal remember
[22:20] [Jason Kiribayashi] Feels pretty good.
[22:21] [~Store Owner] off with you then! have a good day!
[22:21] [Megume Tenou (casual)] we will!
[22:21] > Megume Tenou (casual) grabs jason's arm and heads out
[22:23] [Megume Tenou (casual)] so what do you want to do ^^
[22:23] > Jason Kiribayashi follows close behind
[22:23] [Jason Kiribayashi] Well, what do you suggest? I'm not sure what to do around here.
[22:25] [Jason Kiribayashi] Well, besides visiting the palace. (shrugs)
[22:25] [Megume Tenou (casual)] do you want to have dinner?
[22:26] [Jason Kiribayashi] Sure thing. I could use something to eat.
[22:27] [Megume Tenou (casual)] let's go someplace..with less attention
[22:29] [Jason Kiribayashi] I'm up for that.
[22:30] > Megume Tenou (casual) takes jason's arm and walks slowly down the streets
[22:31] ➣ the lights of the city dim a bit as it gets later......in the distance is the floating palace of Uranus
[22:32] [Megume Tenou (casual)] isn't this a great city ^^
[22:33] [Jason Kiribayashi] It looks pretty good. I wonder if Earth had something similar to this.
[22:33] [Megume Tenou (casual)] pfft doubt it
[22:35] [Jason Kiribayashi] So, where are we heading?
[22:36] [Megume Tenou (casual)] little place I know...it's called Yvonne's
[22:37] [Megume Tenou (casual)] serves the best soups
[22:38] [Jason Kiribayashi] Cool.
[22:42] > Megume Tenou (casual) keeps walking...avoiding the Zuums
[22:44] > Jason Kiribayashi keeps pace with Megume
[22:46] ➣ Megume and Jason soon arrive at a smallsih resturant..it looks modeartly nice
[22:47] [Megume Tenou (casual)] here we are
[22:49] [Jason Kiribayashi] This is it? Well, it is kinda out of the way.
[22:49] > Megume Tenou (casual) opens the door "two please!"
[22:50] ➣ an old woman smiles and grabs two menus...leading them to a small table at the far end
[22:51] > Jason Kiribayashi heads over to the table
[22:51] > Megume Tenou (casual) walks over and sits down
[22:52] ➣ the old woman hands out the menus "tonight's special is the three soups prize"
[22:52] [Megume Tenou (casual)] I'll have that!
[22:53] > Jason Kiribayashi looks over the menu
[22:54] [Jason Kiribayashi] Hmm...
[22:57] [Jason Kiribayashi] I'll have this (points to an entree) and a bowl of soup as well.
[22:57] ➣ the old woman nods..and takes the menus...walking off
[23:00] [Jason Kiribayashi] Quite an interesting place here.
[23:00] > Jason Kiribayashi looks around at the decor
[23:01] ➣ the decour of the resturant is sparse...and retro..in fact..is that a wii on display over there?
[23:02] [Megume Tenou (casual)] the old woman was yvonne..nice lady
[23:03] [Jason Kiribayashi] Sounded like a nice lady, too.
[23:04] ➣ the old woman returns with the meals..megume's meal is three soups along with one large bowl
[23:06] [Megume Tenou (casual)] thanks!
[23:06] ➣ Jason's soup is a thick yellow soup with veggies in it
[23:07] [Jason Kiribayashi] Thank you.
[23:07] ➣ the old woman smiles and shuffles off
[23:08] > Megume Tenou (casual) takes the three bowls of soup..and pours them into the large bowl..mixing it
[23:10] [Jason Kiribayashi] So, the soup is three-in-one?
[23:12] [Megume Tenou (casual)] yup!
[23:12] [Megume Tenou (casual)] you eat it like this...*brings up the bowl to her lips..and starts drinking it*
[23:14] [Jason Kiribayashi] Does that go for all soups? (looks at his)
[23:16] [Megume Tenou (casual)] yup
[23:18] [Jason Kiribayashi] Well...alright (brings the soup bowl to his lips and drinks).
[23:20] > Megume Tenou (casual) keeps drinking hers
[23:21] > Jason Kiribayashi continues drinking
[23:24] > Megume Tenou (casual) finishes hers
[23:25] > Jason Kiribayashi puts his bowl down, "Oh, man. That was good stuff."
[23:26] [Megume Tenou (casual)] yeah it really is
[23:29] > Megume Tenou (casual) lets out a belch
[23:31] [Megume Tenou (casual)] great stuff!
[23:31] ➣ the old woman walks over and smiles "you are satisfied, young lady?"
[23:31] [Megume Tenou (casual)] heh you heard it, yvonne
[23:32] ➣ the old woman nods and turns to Jason "and are you satistfied?"
[23:32] [Jason Kiribayashi] I am, ma'am.
[23:34] [Megume Tenou (casual)] come on..jason...you have to..you know
[23:37] [Jason Kiribayashi] Oh.
[23:37] > Jason Kiribayashi pays for the meal
[23:37] [Megume Tenou (casual)] no no...*gives another blech*
[23:38] [Jason Kiribayashi] Oh, sorry.
[23:39] > Jason Kiribayashi lets loose a belch
[23:40] ➣ the old woman smiles and takes the money
[23:40] [Megume Tenou (casual)] have to show your pleasure for the meal heh
[23:40] [Jason Kiribayashi] Yeah. Forgot about that. ^_^;
[23:43] > Megume Tenou (casual) giggles a bit
[23:43] [Jason Kiribayashi] Well, what now, Meg?
[23:44] > Megume Tenou (casual) blushes at the name meg
[23:44] [Megume Tenou (casual)] um.....well..uh...where would you like to go?
[23:48] [Jason Kiribayashi] How about someplace fun?
[23:49] [Megume Tenou (casual)] um..alright
[23:51] <-- Megume Tenou (casual) [heavenlydirtgirl@Uranus.com] has left #reddwarfevents (let's go then :))
[23:51] <-- Jason Kiribayashi has left #reddwarfevents (Alright. :))
[00:00] >>> Sunday Sep 05 2010 <<<
[00:36] > Miara slams the door of her room and leans against it, trying not to shake too much
[00:38] [TheHunterKiller] You could have left it. Then you wouldn't end up like this.
[00:39] [Miara] Only you could stand by and watch that.
[00:40] [TheHunterKiller] Only you would go in knowing you'd fail.
[00:41] [Miara] . . .
[00:44] [Miara] Do you have to?
[00:45] [TheHunterKiller] You're my student until they say otherwise.
[00:47] [Miara] Just go, ok?
[00:49] [Miara] Don't you have people to stalk or something?
[00:51] [TheHunterKiller] If you use all that damage as an excuse, you'll pay.
[00:52] <-- TheHunterKiller [weapon@otherworld.net] has quit IRC (Weak, apa.)
[00:54] > Miara grits her teeth, trying not to cry yet, and checks all the bandages
[00:55] [Miara] It's not..my fault..you're not human..anymore.
[00:57] [Miara] And all that time ago...you cried too..for another little boy.
[00:59] [Miara] Elie aan, I wish Tiffer weren't...
[00:59] > Miara curls up under the blankets and cries
[01:00] <-- Miara [amongimmortals@terra.net] has left #reddwarfevents (;_;)
[00:00] >>> Tuesday Sep 07 2010 <<<
[02:27] ➣ Neph's home
[02:27] --> Nephrite Masato (Workout) [FormerGeneral@DarkKingdom.net] has joined #reddwarfevents
[02:27] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Nephrite Masato (Workout)
[02:27] > Nephrite Masato (Workout) appears in the living room.
[02:28] > Nephrite Masato (Workout) walks from the living room to his home office, turning on his computer.
[02:29] --> Naftis Katheti (Robe) has joined #reddwarfevents
[02:29] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Naftis Katheti (Robe)
[02:29] > Naftis Katheti (Robe) walks out of the bathroom, her hair damp.
[02:29] [Naftis Katheti (Robe)] Hi honey.
[02:29] > Nephrite Masato (Workout) turns around and smiles, "Hello beautiful"
[02:31] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] Hey Naftis, what do you think of the girls from the Dead Moon Circus
[02:31] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] ?
[02:32] [Naftis Katheti (Robe)] Hope you don't mind. I used your shower. Hmm... I dunno. I never possessed their star seeds.. all I know about them is what the Inner Senshi saw.. They're certainly tallented.
[02:33] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] I never mind you using my shower....
[02:33] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] ❧ ....or anything else of mine. ❧
[02:34] [Naftis Katheti (Robe)] *^_^*
[02:36] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] They all seem very sweet.
[02:36] [Naftis Katheti (Robe)] How was your day?
[02:36] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] Pretty good.
[02:38] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] I hope you don't mind too much.... while you were away with Hotaru this past weekend, I took Cere to an industry party. She's one of the Dead Moon girls.
[02:38] [Naftis Katheti (Robe)] Oh no, not at all.
[02:39] > Naftis Katheti (Robe) sits next to him.
[02:40] > Nephrite Masato (Workout) puts an arm around Naftis
[02:40] [Naftis Katheti (Robe)] ❧ ♡ ❧
[02:40] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] Personally, I would've preferred to have you with me then, but I knew you were busy.
[02:41] [Naftis Katheti (Robe)] It ~ happens.
[02:41] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] But it worked out for the best. Not only did Cere dress to kill, but she was doing magic tricks all night. I think she really really impressed some of the venue runners.
[02:49] [Naftis Katheti (Robe)] How lovely. Yeah, I remember them being betrayed and rescued by the senshi.. I imagine they would be eager to reform.
[02:49] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] They are. They remind me a lot of you and myself.
[02:54] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] How did you and Hotaru like the concert?
[02:56] [Naftis Katheti (Robe)] Oh yes, it was wonderful to see what they can do. Two amazing tallents who shine so, so bright..
[02:57] [Naftis Katheti (Robe)] Not to mention the Lights! I'm glad to see them singing again.
[02:57] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] Yeah, they were all fantastic. The fans were really loud for the lights. Guess keeping their apperance a surprise was the right way to go afterall.
[03:01] > Nephrite Masato (Workout) pulls Naftis onto his lap
[03:01] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] Seems all my girls have stars that are on the rise.
[03:02] > Naftis Katheti (Robe) holds on to him.
[03:05] > Nephrite Masato (Workout) grins, "And then there's my Naftis.... who's making things happen that are even greater then my feets.
[03:07] [Naftis Katheti (Robe)] Senshi are using our network to support eachother and communicate.
[03:07] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] Which in the long run is greater then my entertainment. :)
[03:08] [Naftis Katheti (Robe)] ❧ Yupp... ❧
[03:09] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] ❧ You also look better then I do in achieving it. ❧
[03:10] [Naftis Katheti (Robe)] Chaos will never terrorize anyone again.. if it does, it will have to deal with a tidal wave of Sailor Senshi.
[03:12] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] Well, you're a much better organizer of talent then Sailor Moon ever was. :P
[03:13] > Naftis Katheti (Robe) giggles.
[03:13] [Naftis Katheti (Robe)] Hey now~ Don't you badmouth her.
[03:15] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] I'm not badmouthing her, so much as complimenting you, sweetness.
[03:17] [Naftis Katheti (Robe)] Well, alright.. I nearly attacked some girl who unearthed her report cards.. ~_~
[03:19] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] Why would you do that?
[03:20] [Naftis Katheti (Robe)] Because .... it made me so mad... shes an amazing person and I couldn't stand to see her be judged like that on something so insignifigant as 'grades'.
[03:21] [Naftis Katheti (Robe)] If she hadn't been herself... her passionate, wonderful, amazing self... I would have crushed the Galazy under my heel..
[03:23] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] You have a point.
[03:23] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] I think that maybe, my resurrection is somehow thanks to her.
[03:25] [Naftis Katheti (Robe)] Shes the greatest, purest heart in the galaxy.. I owe everything to her..
[03:27] [Naftis Katheti (Robe)] But don't worry, I'm not romantically interested in her. =p
[03:28] > Naftis Katheti (Robe) kisses his cheek.
[03:30] > Nephrite Masato (Workout) ch uckles a little
[03:30] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] I was about to say, I'm not sure if Mamoru would be willing to share her. For that matter, I don't think Usagi swings that way.
[03:31] [Naftis Katheti (Robe)] No.. those two are very in love, and only have eyes for eachother.
[03:33] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] Yeah, they're not like us, were our eyes occasionally stray
[03:33] > Naftis Katheti (Robe) yawns and stands.
[03:33] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] Going to bed?
[03:33] [Naftis Katheti (Robe)] Aren't we scoundrels? :P
[03:34] > Naftis Katheti (Robe) turns, whippign him with her hair, and walks toward the bedroom.
[03:35] <-- Naftis Katheti (Robe) has left #reddwarfevents (guess we'll have to console eachother~)
[03:35] > Nephrite Masato (Workout) smirks, turning the monitor off on the computer and stands, heading to the bedroom behind Naftis.
[03:36] <-- Nephrite Masato (Workout) [FormerGeneral@DarkKingdom.net] has left #reddwarfevents (Oh yes, we can do that.... many times.)
[00:00] >>> Wednesday Sep 08 2010 <<<
[23:18] ➣ Sagusa House - Tokyo
[23:19] --> Hana Sagusa (Long Shirt) [sagusa.hana@mugen.edu.jp] has joined #reddwarfevents
[23:19] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Hana Sagusa (Long Shirt)
[23:19] > Hana Sagusa (Long Shirt) is laying on her bed
[23:20] > Hana Sagusa (Long Shirt) is listening to a late night radio show
[23:20] --> Chanelle Challe (Nightgown) [FrenchProjector@Mugen.edu] has joined #reddwarfevents
[23:20] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Chanelle Challe (Nightgown)
[23:21] > Chanelle Challe (Nightgown) walks out of the bathroom, brushing her hair
[23:22] [Hana Sagusa (Long Shirt)] HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH..oh man..I love these jokes
[23:23] [Chanelle Challe (Nightgown)] What're you reading?
[23:27] [Hana Sagusa (Long Shirt)] listening!....it's Koi-kun's joke hour
[23:28] [Hana Sagusa (Long Shirt)] love it
[23:30] [Chanelle Challe (Nightgown)] Oh, sorry. I should've figured I wouldn't find a book. :P
[23:30] [Chanelle Challe (Nightgown)] Hey, do you have anything to drink?
[23:31] [Hana Sagusa (Long Shirt)] in the fridge....there some Aloe juice
[23:31] [Hana Sagusa (Long Shirt)] *there's
[23:33] [Chanelle Challe (Nightgown)] Alright, you want anything?
[23:33] [Hana Sagusa (Long Shirt)] meh...I'll have a glass of it
[23:34] [Chanelle Challe (Nightgown)] Okay, I'll be right back.
[23:34] > Chanelle Challe (Nightgown) doesn't think to grab her wrap as she leaves the room, heading for the kitchen
[23:35] > ~Isamu Sagusa (Gi) is in the kitchen, looking through his bills
[23:36] > Chanelle Challe (Nightgown) walks over to the fridge and pours a pair of glasses of aloe juice
[23:36] [~Isamu Sagusa (Gi)] good evening
[23:37] [Chanelle Challe (Nightgown)] Hello Isaumu-sama.
[23:37] [Chanelle Challe (Nightgown)] Thank you for letting me stay over while my parents are out of town.
[23:37] [~Isamu Sagusa (Gi)] my pleasure *smiles*
[23:38] [~Isamu Sagusa (Gi)] you're not cold are you?
[23:38] > Chanelle Challe (Nightgown) smiles back and thinks for a moment and blushes, realizeing she's standingt here in her almost see through yellow nightgown and matching color undergarments.
[23:39] [Chanelle Challe (Nightgown)] I.... uh... um.... I think it's because of the refridgerator. *^_^*
[23:39] [~Isamu Sagusa (Gi)] interesting choice of color..yellow
[23:40] [Chanelle Challe (Nightgown)] I like it, it goes with my hair.
[23:41] [~Isamu Sagusa (Gi)] it does indeed
[23:41] [Chanelle Challe (Nightgown)] Do you.... uh.... like it?
[23:42] > Chanelle Challe (Nightgown) does a pose, then turns in place
[23:42] [~Isamu Sagusa (Gi)] it is certainly stylish
[23:43] > Chanelle Challe (Nightgown) giggles
[23:44] [Chanelle Challe (Nightgown)] Hana would kill me if she knew I were in here with you like this.
[23:44] [~Isamu Sagusa (Gi)] I suppose yes
[23:45] > ~Isamu Sagusa (Gi) chuckles
[23:45] [Chanelle Challe (Nightgown)] She doesn't like the idea that... well.... that I llike you.
[23:47] [~Isamu Sagusa (Gi)] she's afraid she'll lose the last of her family
[23:47] [~Isamu Sagusa (Gi)] she is a very lonely girl
[23:50] [Chanelle Challe (Nightgown)] Yeah, it seems that way..
[23:50] [~Isamu Sagusa (Gi)] she's not as self-confident as you, chanelle
[23:52] [~Isamu Sagusa (Gi)] perhaps you can help her with that
[23:52] [Chanelle Challe (Nightgown)] Maybe
[23:53] [Chanelle Challe (Nightgown)] She's been my best friend ever since I moved here.... I'd never abandon her and I wouldn't dream of taking you from her either.
[23:54] [~Isamu Sagusa (Gi)] I doubt you would...she's just...scared
[23:54] [Chanelle Challe (Nightgown)] I know
[23:54] [~Isamu Sagusa (Gi)] I'm sure she's waiting for you
[23:55] > Chanelle Challe (Nightgown) sits on the corner of the table Isamu's working at, crossing one leg over the other with a grin
[23:55] [Chanelle Challe (Nightgown)] ❧ Are you sure you wouldn't rather I stay? ❧
[23:56] [~Isamu Sagusa (Gi)] as much as I might heh.....I'm sure Hana is getting impatent...and I have these bills to finish
[23:57] > Chanelle Challe (Nightgown) giggles a bit and hops down, picking up the glasses of aloe juice, "Good point, besides, have to save something for our date, right?" ^_~
[23:57] > ~Isamu Sagusa (Gi) smiles and goes back to his bills
[23:58] [Chanelle Challe (Nightgown)] Don't work too late, Isamu-sama and thanks again.
[23:58] [~Isamu Sagusa (Gi)] my pleasure
[23:58] > Chanelle Challe (Nightgown) heads out of the kitchen and down the hall, almost beaming.
[23:59] > Chanelle Challe (Nightgown) goes into the bedroom, closing the door behind her and handing Hana one of the glasses: Here ya'g o
[00:00] >>> Thursday Sep 09 2010 <<<
[00:00] [Hana Sagusa (Long Shirt)] hey thanks...*drinks*
[00:01] [Hana Sagusa (Long Shirt)] ahh...that hits the spot
[00:03] > Chanelle Challe (Nightgown) sips from her cup and picks up a book from her overnight bag
[00:03] > Hana Sagusa (Long Shirt) turns off her radio
[00:05] [Hana Sagusa (Long Shirt)] what is that?
[00:07] [Chanelle Challe (Nightgown)] It's a book, duh. :P
[00:07] [Hana Sagusa (Long Shirt)] well what book.....
[00:10] [Chanelle Challe (Nightgown)] It's a romance novel.
[00:11] [Hana Sagusa (Long Shirt)] geh..hate that mushy stuff
[00:12] [Chanelle Challe (Nightgown)] Awww, but it's good!
[00:13] [Hana Sagusa (Long Shirt)] pfft whatever
[00:13] [Chanelle Challe (Nightgown)] Oh yeah...?
[00:13] > Chanelle Challe (Nightgown) stands and walks over to Hana's bookshelf.
[00:14] [Hana Sagusa (Long Shirt)] ..what are you doing?
[00:16] > Chanelle Challe (Nightgown) pulls out one particular book
[00:16] [Chanelle Challe (Nightgown)] What about this?
[00:16] > Chanelle Challe (Nightgown) pulls off the fake jacket to the book.
[00:17] [Hana Sagusa (Long Shirt)] !!!
[00:17] [Hana Sagusa (Long Shirt)] HANDS OFF THAT
[00:18] [Chanelle Challe (Nightgown)] This looks pretty.... romantic.
[00:18] > Chanelle Challe (Nightgown) flips through the book
[00:19] > Hana Sagusa (Long Shirt) scrambles to try and grab it
[00:19] > Chanelle Challe (Nightgown) does everything she can to keep it away from her while looking through it
[00:20] [Hana Sagusa (Long Shirt)] give..it...back!
[00:21] [Chanelle Challe (Nightgown)] ❧ Oh la la ❧
[00:21] > Chanelle Challe (Nightgown) grins and hands it to Hana
[00:21] [Chanelle Challe (Nightgown)] You like a romance novel just as much as any other girl.
[00:22] [Hana Sagusa (Long Shirt)] just give that back T_T
[00:23] > Hana Sagusa (Long Shirt) grabs the book, hugging it....looking near tears
[00:24] [Chanelle Challe (Nightgown)] Hana....
[00:25] > Hana Sagusa (Long Shirt) puts the book back..and turns away from chanelle
[00:26] [Hana Sagusa (Long Shirt)] so what if I have a romance..*sniffle* manga.....
[00:27] [Chanelle Challe (Nightgown)] Why did you tease me about reading a novel when you have a manga?
[00:27] [Hana Sagusa (Long Shirt)] just cause *sniffle*....I don't have the looks....or am *sniffle* just manly...doesn't mean sometimes...I don't..read these things *sniffle almost snob*
[00:30] [Chanelle Challe (Nightgown)] Awwww
[00:31] > Hana Sagusa (Long Shirt) keeps her face away from chanelle
[00:33] [Hana Sagusa (Long Shirt)] ...
[00:33] [Chanelle Challe (Nightgown)] It's just you and me here, Hana
[00:33] [Hana Sagusa (Long Shirt)] so what if Taro will never care about me...I don't care....
[00:33] [Chanelle Challe (Nightgown)] Just because you're bigger then the average girl.... doesn't mean you're not still a girl.
[00:34] [Hana Sagusa (Long Shirt)] heh..what....don't you remember the names at school..."man o war hana"...."hana the strong man" "hana-kun"
[00:37] [Chanelle Challe (Nightgown)] Sure, but I ignore 'em.
[00:38] [Hana Sagusa (Long Shirt)] I'm just a big old ox....
[00:39] > Hana Sagusa (Long Shirt) sniffles..trying to wipe away tears
[00:40] [Chanelle Challe (Nightgown)] What happened to those girly clothes I bought you? I haven't seen you in 'em yet.
[00:41] [Hana Sagusa (Long Shirt)] ...haven't worn them yet....
[00:42] [Chanelle Challe (Nightgown)] You should try it!
[00:42] [Hana Sagusa (Long Shirt)] ..........................
[00:42] [Hana Sagusa (Long Shirt)] ..maybe tomorrow
[00:42] [Chanelle Challe (Nightgown)] Alright.
[00:44] > Hana Sagusa (Long Shirt) sniffles and lays on her bed
[00:45] <-- Hana Sagusa (Long Shirt) [sagusa.hana@mugen.edu.jp] has left #reddwarfevents (*sniffle*...geh...I shouldn't cry...)
[00:45] <-- Chanelle Challe (Nightgown) [FrenchProjector@Mugen.edu] has left #reddwarfevents (Awwww, stop all that.)
[00:00] >>> Sunday Sep 12 2010 <<<
[19:10] --> Solarchos [Fallen0081@EnclaveFedCom.Net] has joined #reddwarfevents
[19:10] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Solarchos
[19:10] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Solarchos
[19:10] ➣ there is no door...or wall for that matter
[19:12] > +Solarchos surfaces to take a look around the whole area again.
[19:12] ➣ it's night...a moon is in the clear sky..and you're in what seems to be an endless ocean
[19:13] [+Solarchos] The hell?
[19:13] > +Solarchos scans the horizon to see if there's any sign of land nearby.
[19:14] ➣ there is no land...though there seems to be...something floating towards you
[19:15] > +Solarchos starts to carefully swim towards the object, moving slowly to avoid any splashing.
[19:16] ➣ the thing..is a woman....
[19:16] --> ~Ilmater has joined #reddwarfevents
[19:16] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, ~Ilmater
[19:16] > +Solarchos waits to see what the woman does next.
[19:16] > ~Ilmater floats...her legs crossed....on a bed of soft foam
[19:18] > ~Ilmater is now known as Ilmatar
[19:20] > +Solarchos looks at Ilmatar
[19:20] ➣ Ilmatar: is a youngish woman, with short blond hair, very pale skin, and blue green eyes. She wears a white dress that seems to melt into the air...and seems so delicate..you can almost see through it. When you are near her..you feel an almost..comforting motherly sense off her.
[19:20] > Ilmatar looks over towards solar....
[19:21] [+Solarchos] Who...are you?
[19:22] > Ilmatar holds out her hand..and smiles
[19:22] ➣ cue music http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OjB3SQ1EXAU
[19:25] > +Solarchos carefully moves close to Ilmatar, sheathing the Warp-blade as he does so.
[19:25] > Ilmatar pulls Solar up to the foam bed...and gently moves his head to her lap...caressing his hair
[19:26] [+Solarchos] What is this place?
[19:27] [Ilmatar] relax.......
[19:28] > +Solarchos doesn't feel threatened at all, but certainly a little bit confused.
[19:30] > +Solarchos relaxes a little, thinking of how Inu-Kit had done this so many times for him and the Kits.
[19:32] [Ilmatar] this is the ocean before oceans...how did you get here, child?
[19:33] [+Solarchos] I'm not sure myself. I was sitting in a room, then it began filling with water. Next thing I knew I was here.
[19:35] > Ilmatar smiles, stroking solar's cheek
[19:35] [+Solarchos] The ocean before oceans?
[19:35] [Ilmatar] you are still in that room...only your mind is here
[19:35] > +Solarchos looks up into the sky.
[19:37] [+Solarchos] Really? How did my mind come to be here then?
[19:38] [Ilmatar] strange things are happening
[19:38] ➣ the sky is....empty!?...it's the night sky..but there are no stars
[19:38] [+Solarchos] They're linked to something else, aren't they.
[19:39] [Ilmatar] what is, child?
[19:40] > +Solarchos suspects that he's in a representation of the primordial "ocean" from which all things (space, time, and matter) were born from. He's not surprised at the lack of stars in the sky.
[19:42] [+Solarchos] The strange things you mentioned.
[19:42] [Ilmatar] perhaps...
[19:45] > Ilmatar leans down and kisses solar's forehead "I think it is time you returned"
[19:45] [+Solarchos] I...thank you?
[19:46] > +Solarchos felt the need to thank her for some strange reason.
[19:46] > Ilmatar gently pushes solar into the water..which engulfs him
[19:46] <-- Ilmatar has left #reddwarfevents
[19:47] <-- +Solarchos [Fallen0081@EnclaveFedCom.Net] has left #reddwarfevents ("Off to see how my lovely wife will surprise me this time!")
[00:00] >>> Monday Sep 13 2010 <<<
[22:34] ➣ Madox Castle, Quinox, The Future
[22:35] --> Zenthi (Maid Uniform) [staffhead@Q.ry.com] has joined #reddwarfevents
[22:35] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Zenthi (Maid Uniform)
[22:36] --> Eri Sawyer (Maid Uniform) has joined #reddwarfevents
[22:36] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Eri Sawyer (Maid Uniform)
[22:38] --> Emi Sawyer (Maid Uniform) [ShyTwinMaid@Mardox.gov] has joined #reddwarfevents
[22:38] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Emi Sawyer (Maid Uniform)
[22:38] --> Celestite Detroit [CrystalGirl@dimensionzero.cc] has joined #reddwarfevents
[22:38] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Celestite Detroit
[22:39] > Zenthi (Maid Uniform) straightens up as celest appears
[22:39] > Eri Sawyer (Maid Uniform) does the same
[22:39] [Celestite Detroit] Ladies....
[22:39] > Emi Sawyer (Maid Uniform) straightens up after adjusing her uniform, standing next to Eri
[22:42] [Celestite Detroit] .... thank you three for coming at this late hour.
[22:42] [Zenthi (Maid Uniform)] it is our duty, mistress
[22:42] [Eri Sawyer (Maid Uniform)] what she said
[22:43] > Celestite Detroit looks at the three of them rather seriously
[22:44] [Celestite Detroit] Do you girls like your jobs?
[22:45] [Zenthi (Maid Uniform)] of course, mistress...
[22:45] [Eri Sawyer (Maid Uniform)] yeah
[22:46] > Eri Sawyer (Maid Uniform) elebows her sister
[22:46] [Eri Sawyer (Maid Uniform)] *elbows
[22:47] > Emi Sawyer (Maid Uniform) coughs at the elbow | Y.... yes ma'am.
[22:47] [Celestite Detroit] Good...
[22:48] [Celestite Detroit] The last thing Marty, Tina and myself need are our personal maids not enjoying working for us.
[22:49] [Zenthi (Maid Uniform)] yes misstress
[22:50] > Emi Sawyer (Maid Uniform) nods slowly
[22:50] [Eri Sawyer (Maid Uniform)] yeah
[22:51] [Celestite Detroit] Zenthi, I couldn't ask for a better servent then you.
[22:52] > Celestite Detroit grins a bit, walking around Zenthi and looking her over in the new uniforms.
[22:52] > Zenthi (Maid Uniform) blushes deeply "thank you mistress"
[22:52] [Celestite Detroit] ❧ And that new uniform definately flatters your figure. ❧
[22:54] > Zenthi (Maid Uniform) shifts a bit "..th..thank you"
[22:54] > Celestite Detroit walks down behind the twins, sizing them up as well, "As for the two of you...."
[22:55] > Emi Sawyer (Maid Uniform) fidgets nervously
[22:56] > Eri Sawyer (Maid Uniform) tries to look tough
[22:56] [Celestite Detroit] You're also great servents.... but you don't treat me or Marty nearly the same as you do Tina....
[22:57] [Celestite Detroit] .... don't get me wrong... I'm sure Zenthi treats me a little better then she does my wife or my husband.
[22:58] > Celestite Detroit walks back around in front of the girls
[22:59] > Eri Sawyer (Maid Uniform) gives a small gulp
[23:02] [Eri Sawyer (Maid Uniform)] o..ok?
[23:03] > Celestite Detroit gets up in Eri's face
[23:03] [Celestite Detroit] You have something to say!?
[23:03] [Eri Sawyer (Maid Uniform)] *squeeks* nope
[23:04] [Celestite Detroit] Are you sure?
[23:04] [Eri Sawyer (Maid Uniform)] ..yes
[23:05] [Celestite Detroit] Good
[23:09] [Celestite Detroit] Though, listen.... if you three have anything to say.... please don't hold back.
[23:10] [Eri Sawyer (Maid Uniform)] ..have nothing to say >.>
[23:10] [Zenthi (Maid Uniform)] I am satisfied, mistress
[23:11] [Emi Sawyer (Maid Uniform)] I um...... do have.... something to say.
[23:13] > Eri Sawyer (Maid Uniform) looks at her sister
[23:13] [Celestite Detroit] Pleaes Emi... what do you have to say?
[23:14] [Emi Sawyer (Maid Uniform)] Eri and I were.... concerined about Princess Tina's not being able to sleep last night....
[23:14] [Emi Sawyer (Maid Uniform)] I.... is she ok?
[23:16] [Eri Sawyer (Maid Uniform)] yeah! what's going on!/
[23:17] [Celestite Detroit] Well, our doctor is actually seeing her now. But honestly, I think it's just anxioity. Though, I'm not sure what she's so anxious about.
[23:18] [Eri Sawyer (Maid Uniform)] is she ok right now!?
[23:18] [Celestite Detroit] The doctor is still seeing her, so I don't know.
[23:19] > Eri Sawyer (Maid Uniform) goes quiet again
[23:19] > Emi Sawyer (Maid Uniform) nods quietly
[23:21] > Celestite Detroit turns to Zenthi
[23:22] [Celestite Detroit] Zen.... could you please go draw me a bath?
[23:22] [Zenthi (Maid Uniform)] yes, misstress
[23:22] > Zenthi (Maid Uniform) runs down the hall
[23:22] <-- Zenthi (Maid Uniform) [staffhead@Q.ry.com] has left #reddwarfevents
[23:24] [Celestite Detroit] Now then, I needed to talk to you girls
[23:26] [Eri Sawyer (Maid Uniform)] yeah?
[23:26] > Celestite Detroit looks at the girls.
[23:26] [Celestite Detroit] Now... I'm sure you both know that.... Zenthi has done some rather.... personal things in order to serve me.
[23:26] > Emi Sawyer (Maid Uniform) blushes lightly
[23:28] [Eri Sawyer (Maid Uniform)] ..yes...
[23:29] [Celestite Detroit] Let me ask you two then....
[23:29] [Celestite Detroit] .... if Tina asked either of you to do what Zenthi did for myself and Marty... would you do it?
[23:30] > Eri Sawyer (Maid Uniform) turns really red
[23:31] > Eri Sawyer (Maid Uniform) looks at her sister
[23:31] > Emi Sawyer (Maid Uniform) blushes also, but quickly nods.
[23:32] > Eri Sawyer (Maid Uniform) nods as well
[23:34] [Celestite Detroit] Good.
[23:35] [Celestite Detroit] Now then....
[23:36] > Celestite Detroit smirks, "What if it were Marty or myself.... would you do as we ask?"
[23:37] [Eri Sawyer (Maid Uniform)] ehhh....I don't know...
[23:38] > Emi Sawyer (Maid Uniform) thinks quietly
[23:38] [Celestite Detroit] What do you mean by that?
[23:38] [Eri Sawyer (Maid Uniform)] as much as you are boss, misstress...I just...don't know
[23:39] [Celestite Detroit] I see.
[23:39] [Eri Sawyer (Maid Uniform)] maybe!
[23:40] > Emi Sawyer (Maid Uniform) nods slowly
[23:42] [Celestite Detroit] Well, at least you're honest. I commend that.
[23:43] [Emi Sawyer (Maid Uniform)] Thank you, Mistress
[23:44] > Eri Sawyer (Maid Uniform) nods
[23:44] [Celestite Detroit] Now, if I could only find someone who likes Marty like you girls like Tina and how Zenthi likes me....
[23:46] > Eri Sawyer (Maid Uniform) whispers something to Emi
[23:47] > Emi Sawyer (Maid Uniform) nods, listening to her sister
[23:49] [Eri Sawyer (Maid Uniform)] what about it, emi...
[23:49] [Emi Sawyer (Maid Uniform)] Yeah...
[23:49] [Celestite Detroit] What is it girls?
[23:50] [Eri Sawyer (Maid Uniform)] well just so happens we might know a gal
[23:52] > Emi Sawyer (Maid Uniform) nods | Her name is Daphne
[23:53] [Celestite Detroit] Is that right?
[23:54] [Eri Sawyer (Maid Uniform)] yeah!
[23:57] [Eri Sawyer (Maid Uniform)] she had some sort of...crush thing for the master
[23:57] > Emi Sawyer (Maid Uniform) nods
[23:58] [Emi Sawyer (Maid Uniform)] Interesting.... we'll have to have a chat with her sometime.
[23:58] [Celestite Detroit] ^
[23:58] [Celestite Detroit] Where is this Daphne usually stationed?
[23:59] [Eri Sawyer (Maid Uniform)] where was it again?
[00:00] >>> Tuesday Sep 14 2010 <<<
[00:01] [Emi Sawyer (Maid Uniform)] I think she mainly works in the halls on the east wing.
[00:02] [Eri Sawyer (Maid Uniform)] oh yeah that
[00:05] [Celestite Detroit] Alright. I'll talk to Zen about having a meeting with Daphne
[00:06] [Eri Sawyer (Maid Uniform)] mistress...do you mind that I retire for the night?
[00:07] [Emi Sawyer (Maid Uniform)] I would like to retire as well.
[00:08] [Celestite Detroit] Yes, you are both dismissed. Thank you for your honesty.
[00:08] > Emi Sawyer (Maid Uniform) smiles and bows to Celest
[00:09] > Eri Sawyer (Maid Uniform) nods, bowing..and heads down the hall, yawning
[00:10] <-- Eri Sawyer (Maid Uniform) has left #reddwarfevents (geh..I am pooped)
[00:11] > Emi Sawyer (Maid Uniform) follows her sister
[00:11] <-- Emi Sawyer (Maid Uniform) [ShyTwinMaid@Mardox.gov] has left #reddwarfevents (Yeah... that meeting wore me out worse then our work today.)
[00:11] > Celestite Detroit giggles a bit, "Those girls"
[00:11] <-- Celestite Detroit [CrystalGirl@dimensionzero.cc] has left #reddwarfevents (Hey Zen.... wanna' join me in the tub? ♡)
[12:45] ➣ Servents eating area, Madox Castle, Quinox, The future
[12:46] --> Zenthi (Maid Uniform) [staffhead@Q.ry.com] has joined #reddwarfevents
[12:46] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Zenthi (Maid Uniform)
[12:47] --> Daphne Sita (Maid Uniform) [ElvenMaid@quinox.gov] has joined #reddwarfevents
[12:47] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Daphne Sita (Maid Uniform)
[12:47] > Daphne Sita (Maid Uniform) picks up a tray and walks over, sitting at a table alone
[12:48] > Zenthi (Maid Uniform) walks over with her tray..and sits at Daphne's table
[12:49] > Daphne Sita (Maid Uniform) looks at Zenthi, somewhat confused.
[12:49] [Daphne Sita (Maid Uniform)] Um..... hello Ms. Zenthi
[12:49] [Zenthi (Maid Uniform)] do you mind if I join you?
[12:49] [Daphne Sita (Maid Uniform)] Not at all.... though I'm not used to having company.
[12:50] [Zenthi (Maid Uniform)] oh? the loner?
[12:51] [Daphne Sita (Maid Uniform)] I don't choose it.... people tend to aviod me because of my look.... and my previous reputation.
[12:51] > Zenthi (Maid Uniform) looks at Daphne Sita
[12:51] ➣ Daphne Sita: is a 5' tall elven girl with a thin build. Dark, almost ptich black skin and long, flowing white hair, almost to her knees which frames her pointed ears. Her red eyes glow when her interest is peaked.
[12:52] [Zenthi (Maid Uniform)] ah I see
[12:53] [Daphne Sita (Maid Uniform)] People tend to think I'm evil when they look at me...... then it gets worse when they find out I used to be an assassin.
[12:53] [Zenthi (Maid Uniform)] you were an assassin?
[12:53] > Daphne Sita (Maid Uniform) nods slowly, starting to eat
[12:54] [Zenthi (Maid Uniform)] what made you give it up?
[12:55] [Daphne Sita (Maid Uniform)] I just..... got tired of it. Being an ender of life only brought me money. People were afraid to talk to me cause they thought they'd be the next victim....
[12:56] > Zenthi (Maid Uniform) eats
[12:56] [Daphne Sita (Maid Uniform)] Of course, where I'm from.... someone who looks like me was common.... so my look didn't run people away.
[12:57] [Zenthi (Maid Uniform)] where are you from?
[12:57] [Daphne Sita (Maid Uniform)] I'm from a planet called Menos 5
[12:58] [Zenthi (Maid Uniform)] ah...I'm from Mercury myself...
[12:58] [Daphne Sita (Maid Uniform)] You're from the terren system?
[12:59] [Zenthi (Maid Uniform)] mmhm
[12:59] [Daphne Sita (Maid Uniform)] Interesting.
[13:00] [Zenthi (Maid Uniform)] does that surpise you?
[13:00] [Daphne Sita (Maid Uniform)] Well, not really.... most of the maid crew seems to be from this system, since this planet is technically within it.
[13:01] [Zenthi (Maid Uniform)] I understand you work the East Wing right now
[13:02] [Daphne Sita (Maid Uniform)] That is correct. I typically work alone and in the dark....
[13:03] [Zenthi (Maid Uniform)] I have an offer for you
[13:03] [Daphne Sita (Maid Uniform)] .... oh?
[13:05] [Zenthi (Maid Uniform)] I would like to move you...to the main maid team
[13:06] [Zenthi (Maid Uniform)] specifically you will be working for the master
[13:06] > Daphne Sita (Maid Uniform) pauses in eating
[13:07] > Daphne Sita (Maid Uniform) starts to laugh, somewhat darkly - Y... you're joking, right?
[13:07] [Zenthi (Maid Uniform)] I am completely serious
[13:08] > Zenthi (Maid Uniform) looks at Daphne
[13:08] [Daphne Sita (Maid Uniform)] I made the mistake once of getting drunk and let it slip that I thought the Master was attractive.... and ever since I've heard jokes like this.... so you have to understand my skepticism.
[13:09] [Zenthi (Maid Uniform)] your salary will be increased of course..and you will move into the main maid's rooms
[13:10] [Daphne Sita (Maid Uniform)] You actually ARE serious... arn't you, Miss Zenthi?
[13:10] [Zenthi (Maid Uniform)] very serious
[13:11] > Daphne Sita (Maid Uniform) thinks and blushes lightly, which comes out purple on her face
[13:11] [Daphne Sita (Maid Uniform)] I'm.... not sure what to say...
[13:12] [Daphne Sita (Maid Uniform)] .... I'm so used to being alone
[13:13] [Zenthi (Maid Uniform)] do you accept?
[13:14] > Daphne Sita (Maid Uniform) pauses for a moment, thinking
[13:14] [Daphne Sita (Maid Uniform)] Yes..... I'll do it.....
[13:15] [Zenthi (Maid Uniform)] you will start today then...you will clean up the master's study before he returns
[13:16] [Zenthi (Maid Uniform)] perhaps if he is pleased...there will be benefits
[13:17] [Daphne Sita (Maid Uniform)] Benefits?
[13:18] > Zenthi (Maid Uniform) smiles "yes..."
[13:18] > Daphne Sita (Maid Uniform) thinks for a moment and then blushes again brightly
[13:18] [Daphne Sita (Maid Uniform)] Wait..... are you telling me the rumors I've heard...... are TRUE!?
[13:19] > Zenthi (Maid Uniform) smiles and nods
[13:19] > Daphne Sita (Maid Uniform) leans in and whispers to Zenthi | "So you really DID share a bed with the mistress!?"
[13:20] > Zenthi (Maid Uniform) whispers back "yes"
[13:20] [Daphne Sita (Maid Uniform)] Oh wow....
[13:23] [Zenthi (Maid Uniform)] I'm sure master would..reward you..for a good job
[13:24] [Daphne Sita (Maid Uniform)] ..... oh.... oh my.
[13:24] > Daphne Sita (Maid Uniform) blushes
[13:26] [Daphne Sita (Maid Uniform)] I'm... not sure the Master would..... reward me in that way.
[13:27] [Zenthi (Maid Uniform)] why not?
[13:28] [Daphne Sita (Maid Uniform)] Well... mostly because of my apperance. I mean.... I don't have your...... assests.
[13:29] [Zenthi (Maid Uniform)] we also shall have to have your uniform changed
[13:30] [Daphne Sita (Maid Uniform)] Oh man.... this is so crazy.
[13:31] [Daphne Sita (Maid Uniform)] It's..... all so sudden.
[13:31] > Zenthi (Maid Uniform) smiles "are you alright?"
[13:33] [Daphne Sita (Maid Uniform)] Yeah.... I'm just trying to take this all in.
[13:34] > Zenthi (Maid Uniform) eats
[13:35] [Zenthi (Maid Uniform)] well I'm sure working the master's study will help you
[13:37] [Daphne Sita (Maid Uniform)] I've heard that the Master practices magic.
[13:38] [Zenthi (Maid Uniform)] he does indeed
[13:40] > Daphne Sita (Maid Uniform) finishes her lunch
[13:41] [Daphne Sita (Maid Uniform)] I can't wait to see it.
[13:41] > Daphne Sita (Maid Uniform) smiles to Zenthi| "Thank you Ms. Zenthi..... for this oppertunity. I'll try not to disappoint you or the Master."
[13:41] [Zenthi (Maid Uniform)] I'm sure you will do well
[13:44] [Zenthi (Maid Uniform)] I have confidence in you
[13:44] [Daphne Sita (Maid Uniform)] Where are the main rooms?
[13:45] [Zenthi (Maid Uniform)] down the hall, up the staircase, then you take the right hall till you come to the guest rooms..then take a right and you're there
[13:48] [Daphne Sita (Maid Uniform)] Alright.
[13:49] > Daphne Sita (Maid Uniform) stands, picking up her tray| "I'll go and gather my belongings."
[13:49] [Zenthi (Maid Uniform)] very well.....if you have any other questions..find the twins
[13:50] > Daphne Sita (Maid Uniform) nods with a smile | "I will... see you later Ms. Zenthi"
[13:50] [Zenthi (Maid Uniform)] take care
[13:51] > Daphne Sita (Maid Uniform) sets her tray to be cleaned and leaves the room
[13:51] <-- Daphne Sita (Maid Uniform) [ElvenMaid@quinox.gov] has left #reddwarfevents (I can barely believe all this....)
[13:55] > Zenthi (Maid Uniform) smiles
[13:56] --> Emi Sawyer (Maid Uniform) [ShyTwinMaid@Mardox.gov] has joined #reddwarfevents
[13:56] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Emi Sawyer (Maid Uniform)
[13:56] > Emi Sawyer (Maid Uniform) walks over and sits next to Zenthi
[13:57] [Zenthi (Maid Uniform)] afternoon, Emi
[13:58] [Emi Sawyer (Maid Uniform)] Hi...
[13:58] [Emi Sawyer (Maid Uniform)] ... I.... saw you talking to Daphne.
[13:59] [Zenthi (Maid Uniform)] indeed I was
[13:59] [Emi Sawyer (Maid Uniform)] So... is she joining us?
[14:00] [Zenthi (Maid Uniform)] she is indeed
[14:02] > Zenthi (Maid Uniform) eats
[14:03] [Emi Sawyer (Maid Uniform)] Oh good....
[14:04] [Emi Sawyer (Maid Uniform)] .... I get the Master will be happy.
[14:04] [Emi Sawyer (Maid Uniform)] ^bet
[14:04] [Zenthi (Maid Uniform)] heh I'm sure it will be
[14:05] [Zenthi (Maid Uniform)] *he will
[14:06] [Zenthi (Maid Uniform)] she will be moving in with us as well
[14:06] [Emi Sawyer (Maid Uniform)] Alright.... I'll talk to Eri about putting another bed in.
[14:07] [Emi Sawyer (Maid Uniform)] Is it true..... she's an assassin?
[14:07] [Zenthi (Maid Uniform)] yes it is true
[14:08] [Emi Sawyer (Maid Uniform)] No wonder everyone's afraid of her....
[14:08] [Zenthi (Maid Uniform)] yes..it's a shame
[14:10] [Zenthi (Maid Uniform)] she seems quite nice
[14:10] [Emi Sawyer (Maid Uniform)] Well, hopefully being in such a high profile position will....... help her reputation.
[14:11] [Zenthi (Maid Uniform)] I hope so....how is your day going?
[14:14] [Emi Sawyer (Maid Uniform)] Pretty well. The princess asked Eri to help her with a project.
[14:15] [Zenthi (Maid Uniform)] oh???....heh...you're not jealous are you?
[14:16] [Emi Sawyer (Maid Uniform)] Honestly....... a little.
[14:16] [Zenthi (Maid Uniform)] heh oh I'm sure
[14:17] [Emi Sawyer (Maid Uniform)] But I'm sure I'll have an oppertuntity to work personally with the princess soon enough.
[14:17] [Zenthi (Maid Uniform)] I'm sure as well
[14:19] > Emi Sawyer (Maid Uniform) stands / I'll start getting ready for Daphne's arrival.
[14:19] [Zenthi (Maid Uniform)] well..I should return to my duties
[14:19] [Zenthi (Maid Uniform)] I shall see you later then
[14:19] > Emi Sawyer (Maid Uniform) nods and heads out
[14:20] <-- Emi Sawyer (Maid Uniform) [ShyTwinMaid@Mardox.gov] has left #reddwarfevents (This is all so exciting.)
[14:20] <-- Zenthi (Maid Uniform) [staffhead@Q.ry.com] has left #reddwarfevents (heh)
[18:26] [@HOL_6000] @The Server rolls: 1d20 { 13 }
[18:26] [@HOL_6000] @The Server rolls: 1d100 { 37 }
[00:00] >>> Wednesday Sep 15 2010 <<<
[00:20] ➣ Marty's Study, Madox Castle, Quinox, The future
[00:20] --> ~Daphne Seti (Head Maids Uniform) has joined #reddwarfevents
[00:20] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, ~Daphne Seti (Head Maids Uniform)
[00:20] > ~Daphne Seti (Head Maids Uniform) is now known as Daphne Sita
[00:22] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) carefully dusts in the study
[00:25] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) looks over some of the odd devices Marty's got sitting around
[00:27] --> Marty D (Towel) [Techwiz@hogwarts.edu] has joined #reddwarfevents
[00:27] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Marty D (Towel)
[00:28] > Marty D (Towel) walks into his room, wearing a towel around his waist and wiping his face with another.
[00:28] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) hears the door open and slowly turns around
[00:29] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) sees Marty and her face turns an odd shade of purple / "Um...g...good evening Master."
[00:29] > Marty D (Towel) stops, and lowers the towel from his face to look at the person.
[00:30] > Marty D (Towel) looks at Daphne Sita
[00:30] ➣ Daphne Sita: is a 5' tall elven girl with a thin build. Dark, almost ptich black skin and long, flowing white hair, almost to her knees which frames her pointed ears. Her red eyes glow when her interest is peaked.
[00:30] [Marty D (Towel)] O_O A drow?!
[00:30] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] I'm... you're new personal servent. My name is Daphne
[00:31] [Marty D (Towel)] I.. I see. Well, hello. Nice to meet you.
[00:33] > Marty D (Robe) grabs his robe and walks around the corner to the bathroom, not bothering to close the door, then reemerging in his bathrobe.
[00:33] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) gives Marty a good looking over...then looks away, her face still an odd shade of purple / "Should I um.... step out, Master?"
[00:33] [Marty D (Robe)] Oh no, not at all. I'm not terribly modest.
[00:35] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] Very well, Master.
[00:36] > Marty D (Robe) pulls up a carved deskchair and sits, apprasing her.
[00:36] [Marty D (Robe)] So, Daphne, tell me about yourself.
[00:37] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] Well, I'm from a planet called Menos 5.
[00:37] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] I um.... used to be an assassin... but I gave up that life a long time ago.
[00:40] > Marty D (Robe) crosses his arms.
[00:41] [Marty D (Robe)] I hope not... I don't mind telling you, my first thought was that you might be here for that purpose.
[00:41] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) stands still with her hands behind her back.
[00:41] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] No no Master! I'd never dream of harming you!
[00:42] > Marty D (Robe) looks into her eyes, intently.
[00:42] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) 's eyes glow red, looking back at Marty
[00:43] [Marty D (Robe)] I see. Very good. Glad to have you on board.
[00:45] [Marty D (Robe)] How did you come to work for us?
[00:45] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) smiles lightly and wiggles her ears
[00:45] [Marty D (Robe)] Please, pull up a chair.
[00:46] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] Yes Master
[00:47] > Marty D (Robe) grins a little, tail swaying.
[00:48] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) pulls up a chair, sitting and adjusting her skirt
[00:48] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] Well, after giving up my former occupation, I traveled around trying to find work as a mercinary for a while.
[00:49] [Marty D (Robe)] You must be fairly tough.
[00:49] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] I would like to think so.
[00:50] [Marty D (Robe)] In good shape too, from the looks of it. That's very good.
[00:51] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) blushes a little at that and fidgets
[00:52] [Marty D (Robe)] I'm sorry, would you prefer I refrain from flirting with you? Sometimes its hard to turn off. =^^=
[00:53] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] No no no.... I... It's quite alright. I just... wasn't expecting you to be so forward, Master.
[00:54] [Marty D (Robe)] Well, I'll tell you now, my wives and I are often very forward and very immodest. I'll be surprised of Cele hasn't openly hit on you by the end of the week.
[00:55] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) giggles lightly.
[00:56] [Marty D (Robe)] I've taken to swimming every other day in our pool too.. and 'round here, it seems silly to bother with a suit. :3 Just something to keep in mind. Are you alright with all this?
[00:57] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) blushes a little, but nods / "It will be something... I have to get used to."
[00:57] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] Though it's.... not like I haven't seen it before.
[00:59] [Marty D (Robe)] Very well. So... have a specialty when it comes to your job?
[01:00] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] Machinary.
[01:01] [Marty D (Robe)] I see. Good to know. Hmm.. I wonder...
[01:01] > Marty D (Robe) looks her in the eye again.
[01:02] [Marty D (Robe)] You say you used to be an assassin.. what would you say if, hypothetically, I told you I had someone I wanted 'dealt with'?
[01:03] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] Well.... if you made it an order... I would... have to do it.
[01:04] [Marty D (Robe)] But how would it make you feel?
[01:06] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] I would do anything you asked me to do, Master.
[01:07] > Marty D (Robe) crosses his arms tighter.
[01:07] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] As for how I'd feel.... if it pleases the Mater, it pleases me.
[01:07] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] ^Master
[01:07] [Marty D (Robe)] Not what I asked, but very well. Its a bit of a silly question anyway.
[01:10] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) looks at Marty pretty seriously.
[01:13] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] I will not allow anyone to maliciously harm my Master... and if he give sme a mission, I will carry it out and be happy for the privilage of carrying out the task.
[01:14] [Marty D (Robe)] Excelent. =^_^= Not that I expect to be in danger, but its nice to know I have an able-bodied bodyguard.
[01:15] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) clears her throat and looks down, blushing again / "I apologize if I got a little too serious just then."
[01:16] [Marty D (Robe)] No no.. I apologize for asking such a question. I was just trying to get your feelings on the matter.
[01:18] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] It is your right Master. You should know about the feelings and abilties of your servents.
[01:18] [Marty D (Robe)] Yes, I should. :) Now tell me YOUR FEELINGS on the matter like I asked, not whether or not you would do it.
[01:20] > Marty D (Robe) walks over to her, smiling as warmly as he can, and strokes her chin.
[01:21] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] Well, I'm sure Master would not order me to do anything bad to someone who didn't deserve it. So I would not have any misgivings about it.
[01:22] [Marty D (Robe)] Very good. Very good. You sure have a lot of confidence in me.. for someone you've only just met.
[01:23] > Marty D (Robe) withdraws his hand, scratching her cheek gently.
[01:23] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] Well, to be honest.... I've been watching you since you moved in....
[01:23] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) smiles lightly
[01:24] [Marty D (Robe)] Oh. Oh! Ohhh... I see.. You've been ~spying~
[01:24] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] Some... people could call it that....
[01:25] [Marty D (Robe)] What would you call it?
[01:25] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] Keeping a watchful eye on my Master
[01:26] > Marty D (Robe) chuckles.
[01:27] [Marty D (Robe)] You're cute.
[01:27] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] I..... thank you for the compliment, Master.
[01:27] [Marty D (Robe)] Have you met your Mistresses?
[01:28] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] I have yet to meet the Mistress or the Princess.
[01:28] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] I have seen them, but I haven't met them in person as of yet.
[01:29] [Marty D (Robe)] They're both Princesses. One by birth, the other by marriage. I'm a prince for that matter, but I do ♡ so ♡ love being called 'Master.'
[01:30] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] Well... Ms Zenthi and the twins call you Master, so I felt it appropriate that I do so as well.
[01:32] [Marty D (Robe)] Well, I'm sure we'll get to know eachother well. I was going to take a hot shower, but why don't you go draw me a bath?
[01:34] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] Very well, Master.
[01:34] > Marty D (Robe) folds his hands behind his head.
[01:34] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) stands and makes her way to the bathroom
[01:35] [Marty D (Robe)] A bloke could get used to this..
[01:40] <-- Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) [ElvenMaid@quinox.gov] has left #reddwarfevents (Shall I remain here while you bathe, Master?)
[01:41] > Marty D (Robe) chuckles and curls his lip, making his way to the bath and undoing his robe.
[01:41] <-- Marty D (Robe) [Techwiz@hogwarts.edu] has left #reddwarfevents (.. heh.. that.. won't be nessessary. ^^;)
[11:05] ➣ Madox Castle, Field Room, Quinox, The Future
[11:05] ➣ the field room is a large spacious room....it seems to be an area which intersects with several main hallways, perfect for those to stop and rest
[11:06] --> Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) [ElvenMaid@quinox.gov] has joined #reddwarfevents
[11:06] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)
[11:08] --> Eri Sawyer (Head Maid's Uniform) has joined #reddwarfevents
[11:08] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Eri Sawyer (Head Maid's Uniform)
[11:08] > Eri Sawyer (Head Maid's Uniform) stretches as she walks in
[11:09] [Eri Sawyer (Head Maid's Uniform)] ugh...west wing..taken care of...
[11:11] [Eri Sawyer (Head Maid's Uniform)] oh hey..you're that...one..girl?
[11:12] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] Daphne, hi there.
[11:12] [Eri Sawyer (Head Maid's Uniform)] yo
[11:12] [Eri Sawyer (Head Maid's Uniform)] what's up, pointy ears?
[11:13] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) blinks for a moment, but shakes her head / Not much.... just about to serve lunch to the Master.
[11:14] [Eri Sawyer (Head Maid's Uniform)] oooooooh
[11:14] [Eri Sawyer (Head Maid's Uniform)] ..so the rumors are true then
[11:14] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] Rumors?
[11:15] [Eri Sawyer (Head Maid's Uniform)] no need to be shy! *slaps daphne on the back*
[11:16] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] I'm.... not quite sure what you're talking about....
[11:17] [Eri Sawyer (Head Maid's Uniform)] you like the master, don't ya
[11:17] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] Well yes, of course.
[11:19] [Eri Sawyer (Head Maid's Uniform)] I mean you liiiiiiike him
[11:19] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) blushes a little/ Yeah...
[11:20] [Eri Sawyer (Head Maid's Uniform)] HA thought so
[11:21] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] Wait....
[11:21] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] .... are you trying to imply that I...... slept with the Master??
[11:21] [Eri Sawyer (Head Maid's Uniform)] have ya?
[11:22] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] NO! I mean...... well.... not yet, er I mean.... not that I wouldn't want to....
[11:22] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] .... I just started as his personal servant yesterday!
[11:22] > Eri Sawyer (Head Maid's Uniform) puts an arm around daphne "hey..no need to be shy there"
[11:23] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] Well, I can't help it.... this is all so new to me.
[11:23] [Eri Sawyer (Head Maid's Uniform)] well welcome to the team then
[11:24] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] I'm so used to people avoiding me, mostly because of how I look.
[11:25] [Eri Sawyer (Head Maid's Uniform)] cause of the pointy ears?
[11:25] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] That.... my skin color, my eyes......
[11:26] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] .... I've heard some people say I look evil or like a demon.
[11:26] [Eri Sawyer (Head Maid's Uniform)] BACK TO HELL WITH YOU and all that?
[11:27] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] Yeah.... I've gotten that a few times with people who claim to represent their respective god.
[11:27] [Eri Sawyer (Head Maid's Uniform)] blargh hate those people
[11:27] [Eri Sawyer (Head Maid's Uniform)] hey I don't mind ya..after all we're roomies :P
[11:28] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) smiles / Thank you Eri. :)
[11:29] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] You, your sister Emi and Ms. Zenthi have all been so kind to me.
[11:29] > Eri Sawyer (Head Maid's Uniform) slaps daphne on the back hard "don't mention it, ears"
[11:30] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] Heh, you're a tough girl, aren't you?
[11:30] [Eri Sawyer (Head Maid's Uniform)] that's what they tell me
[11:30] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] We should spar sometime. I'm pretty tough myself.
[11:32] > Eri Sawyer (Head Maid's Uniform) grins "you're on"
[11:33] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] I will say something for meeting the Master last night.... he said I was cute.
[11:33] [Eri Sawyer (Head Maid's Uniform)] heh a compliment
[11:34] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) nods / One of the first I've gotten on my looks since I left home.
[11:34] [Eri Sawyer (Head Maid's Uniform)] well that ought to make ya feel better
[11:35] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] It does. But it kinda' made me nervous too.
[11:36] [Eri Sawyer (Head Maid's Uniform)] meh..don't worry about it
[11:37] [Eri Sawyer (Head Maid's Uniform)] I have to get going..have to check on the north hall
[11:37] [Eri Sawyer (Head Maid's Uniform)] seeya, ears!
[11:37] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] Alright, I should go to the kitchen and check on Master's lunch.
[11:37] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) nods / See you later Eri.
[11:38] <-- Eri Sawyer (Head Maid's Uniform) has left #reddwarfevents
[11:39] <-- Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) [ElvenMaid@quinox.gov] has left #reddwarfevents
[20:25] [@HOL_6000] @The Server rolls: 1d100 { 59 }
[22:37] ➣ Head Maids quarters, Madox Castle, Quinox, The Future
[22:38] --> Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) [ElvenMaid@quinox.gov] has joined #reddwarfevents
[22:38] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)
[22:38] --> Eri Sawyer (Head Maid's Uniform) has joined #reddwarfevents
[22:38] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Eri Sawyer (Head Maid's Uniform)
[22:39] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] It's so good to be able to relax...
[22:39] [Eri Sawyer (Head Maid's Uniform)] same here ~_~
[22:39] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) walks in and sits in a plush chair
[22:40] > Eri Sawyer (Head Maid's Uniform) lays on a sofa
[22:40] [Eri Sawyer (Head Maid's Uniform)] ..least our shifts are done
[22:41] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] Of couse, we're always on call, from what I was told.
[22:41] [Eri Sawyer (Head Maid's Uniform)] true.....
[22:41] [Eri Sawyer (Head Maid's Uniform)] though I think we get some sleep hours
[22:42] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] I would hope so.
[22:43] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) sits up and starts unbuttoning the top of her uniform and opens the front, showing a dark red bra
[22:43] > Eri Sawyer (Head Maid's Uniform) undoes hers..wearing a blue bra
[22:44] --> Emi Sawyer (Head Maid's Uniform) [ShyTwinMaid@Mardox.gov] has joined #reddwarfevents
[22:44] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Emi Sawyer (Head Maid's Uniform)
[22:44] [Eri Sawyer (Head Maid's Uniform)] never thought ordering around others would be so hard
[22:44] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] Hello Emi
[22:44] [Emi Sawyer (Head Maid's Uniform)] Evening Eri, Daphne
[22:45] [Eri Sawyer (Head Maid's Uniform)] hey sis
[22:45] [Emi Sawyer (Head Maid's Uniform)] Are you two exhausted too?
[22:45] [Eri Sawyer (Head Maid's Uniform)] yeaaah
[22:46] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] Sure am
[22:46] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] As cute as this uniform is... I need to get out of it....
[22:46] [Eri Sawyer (Head Maid's Uniform)] ugh same....
[22:47] [Emi Sawyer (Head Maid's Uniform)] Me too.... if you'll excuse me...
[22:47] > Emi Sawyer (Head Maid's Uniform) goes to her dresser, pulls out a pajama set and goes into the bathroom
[22:48] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] Wow... your sister won't even get into her underwear around us?
[22:48] [Eri Sawyer (Head Maid's Uniform)] nah...she's shy
[22:50] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] Well, I have modesty too.... but we're all girls here, right?
[22:51] [Eri Sawyer (Head Maid's Uniform)] that's my sister...
[22:51] > Daphne Sita (Undies) slides off her top, then unfastens and slides off her skirt, standing in a pair of bikini cut panties to match her bra.
[22:52] > Eri Sawyer (Head Maid's Uniform) pulls off her uniform more roughly..wearing a blue bra and panties set
[22:52] [Eri Sawyer (Undies)] ugh that's better
[22:53] > Daphne Sita (Undies) looks over Eri / "Not bad..."
[22:54] [Eri Sawyer (Undies)] heh thanks!!!!
[22:54] [Eri Sawyer (Undies)] pride myself with this
[22:55] > Daphne Sita (Undies) sits in the chair again, relaxing
[22:55] > Eri Sawyer (Undies) lays on the sofa
[22:56] [Eri Sawyer (Undies)] wonder how long that west wing will need to be refurbished
[22:56] > Emi Sawyer (pajamas) walks out, wearing a light yellow pajama set
[22:56] [Emi Sawyer (pajamas)] You do that too Daphne?
[22:57] [Daphne Sita (Undies)] Do what?
[22:58] [Eri Sawyer (Undies)] hm???
[22:58] [Emi Sawyer (pajamas)] Sit around in your underwear....
[22:59] [Daphne Sita (Undies)] Why not? As I said to Eri, we're all girls here. It's not like we're seeing anything we've never seen before.
[23:01] [Eri Sawyer (Undies)] why don't you try it, sis :P
[23:01] [Emi Sawyer (pajamas)] T.... that's quite alright.
[23:02] > Emi Sawyer (pajamas) walks over to her bed and lays down, grabbing a book out of her drawer.
[23:03] [Eri Sawyer (Undies)] only for the princess, eh?
[23:03] > Emi Sawyer (pajamas) doesn't answer, reading her book.
[23:03] > Eri Sawyer (Undies) just smiles
[23:04] [Daphne Sita (Undies)] Heh, that reminds me....
[23:04] [Eri Sawyer (Undies)] hm???
[23:05] > Daphne Sita (Undies) smirks at Eri / Let me turn the tables on you from earlier.... have you.... been with the princess yet?
[23:05] [Eri Sawyer (Undies)] nope..not yet
[23:05] > Eri Sawyer (Undies) grins "but someday"
[23:06] [Daphne Sita (Undies)] Looking forward to it, eh?
[23:06] > Eri Sawyer (Undies) nods, smiling
[23:07] [Daphne Sita (Undies)] So, you swing THAT way, eh?
[23:07] [Eri Sawyer (Undies)] yuuuuup
[23:09] [Eri Sawyer (Undies)] :P
[23:10] [Daphne Sita (Undies)] I've only had one boyfriend and once he found out what I did for a living, he left me.
[23:10] [Eri Sawyer (Undies)] dirtbag
[23:11] [Daphne Sita (Undies)] Yeah... really broke my heart. ~_~
[23:11] [Eri Sawyer (Undies)] awwww
[23:12] [Daphne Sita (Undies)] But, that was a long time ago. It doesn't bother me anymore.
[23:12] [Zenthi (Head Maid's Uniform)] *ahem*.....
[23:13] > Zenthi (Head Maid's Uniform) is standing at the doorway
[23:13] > Daphne Sita (Undies) looks up
[23:13] [Zenthi (Head Maid's Uniform)] girls...
[23:13] > Daphne Sita (Undies) suddenly hops up, standing straight / Hello Ms Zenthi
[23:13] > Eri Sawyer (Undies) fumbles and stands as well
[23:14] > Zenthi (Head Maid's Uniform) looks at Emi.....
[23:14] > Emi Sawyer (pajamas) stands as soon as she sees Zenthi
[23:15] [Zenthi (Head Maid's Uniform)] ............
[23:15] [Zenthi (Head Maid's Uniform)] *sigh*....what a day
[23:15] > Zenthi (Head Maid's Uniform) stretches, closing the door
[23:15] > Eri Sawyer (Undies) gives a sigh of relief and sits back down on the sofa
[23:15] > Daphne Sita (Undies) slowly sits down
[23:16] > Emi Sawyer (pajamas) lays back down, opening her book again and pulling out a set of headphones.
[23:16] [Zenthi (Head Maid's Uniform)] you would not belive.....the problems with the new maids
[23:17] [Daphne Sita (Undies)] What do you mean, Ms Zenthi?
[23:17] > Zenthi (Head Maid's Uniform) gets out of her uniform..wearing her bright pink bra..and pink panties with the heart on the butt
[23:18] [Zenthi (Undies)] they were just screwing up everything....
[23:18] [Zenthi (Undies)] I had to scold half of them
[23:20] > Daphne Sita (Undies) looks over Zenthi
[23:21] [Zenthi (Undies)] I swear.....harder to find good help these days
[23:22] [Daphne Sita (Undies)] Wow...
[23:22] [Zenthi (Undies)] hm?
[23:22] [Daphne Sita (Undies)] .... sorry. Honestly, I was admiring your figure, Ms. Zenthi.
[23:28] [Zenthi (Undies)] why thank you, Daphne
[23:29] [Daphne Sita (Undies)] it's no wonder the Mistress likes you so much. ^_~
[23:29] > Zenthi (Undies) blushes "well..I'd hope so"
[23:31] [Zenthi (Undies)] so how are you girls doing
[23:31] > Emi Sawyer (pajamas) kicks her feet lightly, reading her book and listening to the music
[23:32] [Eri Sawyer (Undies)] I'm fine...and sis is fine too
[23:33] [Daphne Sita (Undies)] I'm good too.. just tired.
[23:34] [Daphne Sita (Undies)] Eri told me earlier she heard a rumor about myself and the Master after last night. *^_^*
[23:35] [Zenthi (Undies)] ohhhhh?
[23:35] [Daphne Sita (Undies)] Yeah... but it's not true.
[23:36] [Zenthi (Undies)] well I shall keep that in mind
[23:36] [Daphne Sita (Undies)] I mean, it was my first time meeting him in person.... I honestly don't think I look good enough for him to want to take me right then. :P
[23:37] [Eri Sawyer (Undies)] so that means you're not going to jump him?
[23:38] > Daphne Sita (Undies) smirks / If he did decide to make a pass at me.... I wouldn't dream of turning him down......
[23:39] > Eri Sawyer (Undies) smirks too
[23:39] [Zenthi (Undies)] heh alright girls
[23:41] [Zenthi (Undies)] I was told we get the rest of the night off
[23:43] [Daphne Sita (Undies)] Great! Um.... what should we do?
[23:44] [Zenthi (Undies)] heh good point
[23:46] [Eri Sawyer (Undies)] I have no clue
[23:51] [Zenthi (Undies)] any ideas, Daphne?
[23:51] [Daphne Sita (Undies)] We could watch a movie or something like that.....
[23:53] [Eri Sawyer (Undies)] I heard there was this good romantic comedy out of Vensu
[23:53] [Eri Sawyer (Undies)] *Venus
[23:53] [Daphne Sita (Undies)] I honestly wonder if that's all they make.
[23:54] [Eri Sawyer (Undies)] I think that is.....seriously
[23:54] [Zenthi (Undies)] well..we are talking about Venus here
[23:55] [Daphne Sita (Undies)] Well, you have a point.
[23:58] [Eri Sawyer (Undies)] how about an action film
[23:58] [Daphne Sita (Undies)] Ooooo, I could go for that.
[23:59] [Daphne Sita (Undies)] I heard about this martian one with all their greatest living action heros in it at once.
[23:59] [Zenthi (Undies)] let's watch that one then
[00:00] >>> Thursday Sep 16 2010 <<<
[00:01] [Eri Sawyer (Undies)] as long as it has Arnie Finnro..I'm happy
[00:03] [Daphne Sita (Undies)] Do we have it anywhere?
[00:04] [Zenthi (Undies)] probably..let me check
[00:05] [Daphne Sita (Undies)] Oooo, do we have any popcorn!?
[00:05] > Daphne Sita (Undies) hops up and heads to the kitchen.
[00:08] > Daphne Sita (Undies) puts a bag of popcorn in the microwave.
[00:08] > Zenthi (Undies) walks back in with the vid-crystal
[00:08] [Zenthi (Undies)] got it!
[00:09] > Zenthi (Undies) is holding a small diamond shaped crystal
[00:09] [Daphne Sita (Undies)] Cool! I've got the popcorn started.
[00:12] > Zenthi (Undies) puts the diamond into a slot near a monitor...and passes her hand over it
[00:12] [Eri Sawyer (Undies)] man..this will be awesome
[00:14] > Daphne Sita (Undies) pulls the finished bag of popcorn out of the microwave, opening it and pouring the contents into a bowl, brinignig it in
[00:15] <-- Zenthi (Undies) [staffhead@Q.ry.com] has left #reddwarfevents (watches as the movie starts)
[00:15] <-- Eri Sawyer (Undies) has left #reddwarfevents (ARNO!!! YES!)
[00:16] <-- Emi Sawyer (pajamas) [ShyTwinMaid@Mardox.gov] has left #reddwarfevents (*reading*)
[00:17] <-- Daphne Sita (Undies) [ElvenMaid@quinox.gov] has left #reddwarfevents (This should be good.)
[00:50] ➣ A certain Catperson in a dragonhide suit opens the door to his castle bedroom and flips on the light.
[00:50] --> Marty D [Techwiz@hogwarts.edu] has joined #reddwarfevents
[00:50] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Marty D
[00:51] [Marty D] Tinya? Cele?
[00:51] [Marty D] Hmm...
[00:51] > Marty D begins taking off the suit, piece by piece.
[00:52] > Marty D waves his wand, and creates a brilliantly bright white puma, which runs off out the door.
[00:53] [Marty D] Hopefully whoever responds knows how to clean dragonhide..
[00:54] > Marty D (boxers) removes the last of the suit and lays on the bed, tail drooping off the side.
[00:55] --> Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) [ElvenMaid@quinox.gov] has joined #reddwarfevents
[00:55] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)
[00:55] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) knocks on the door
[00:55] [Marty D (boxers)] C'mon it.
[00:56] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) opens the door / Good evening Master
[00:57] > Marty D (boxers) grins.
[00:57] [Marty D (boxers)] Daphne.. nya, seems like you always manage to see me when I'm in an advanced state of undress.
[00:58] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) suddenly looks concerned / Is.... that a bad thing, Master?
[00:59] [Marty D (boxers)] Oh no. =^_^= nya, I don't suppose you're familiar with cleaning dragonhide? I had a rough day.. spent a lot of time running around the British Ministry of Magic..
[00:59] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] I've cleaned many things in my day, but that's not one of them, I'm afraid.
[01:00] [Marty D (boxers)] Afraid? Heh, it won't bite. Meh, I'll look up instructions and send them to you.
[01:02] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] (( The one time I don't correct myself and you pick on it. :P ))
[01:02] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] I could give it a shot, Master.
[01:03] [Marty D (boxers)] (( I honestly don't know what you're talking abot. ))
[01:04] [Marty D (boxers)] Mmmm.... what about a felis-sapien? Ever clean one of those~?
[01:04] > Marty D (boxers) twists a little on the bed.
[01:04] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) smirks lightly / No... but I'd be more then willing to try.
[01:05] [Marty D (boxers)] More then, huh? You don't say~
[01:07] [Marty D (boxers)] Draw me a bath, Daphne dear?
[01:21] <-- Marty D (boxers) [Techwiz@hogwarts.edu] has left #reddwarfevents (I have a job for you~)
[01:33] <-- Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) [ElvenMaid@quinox.gov] has left #reddwarfevents (Yes, Master)
[00:00] >>> Friday Sep 17 2010 <<<
[13:34] ➣ Segusa Dojo
[13:34] --> Chanelle Challe (School Uniform) [FrenchProjector@Mugen.edu] has joined #reddwarfevents
[13:34] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)
[13:35] > Chanelle Challe (School Uniform) walks up to the door, looking a bit nervous
[13:36] > Chanelle Challe (School Uniform) takes a breath and knocks
[13:36] --> ~Isamu Sagusa has joined #reddwarfevents
[13:36] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, ~Isamu Sagusa
[13:36] [~Isamu Sagusa] yes?..oh, Chanelle
[13:37] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] H... hello Isamu-sama.
[13:37] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] How's Hana doing?
[13:38] [~Isamu Sagusa] oh she's fine....she's out in the back training with that vana woman
[13:39] [~Isamu Sagusa] are you going to stand out here all day?
[13:40] > Chanelle Challe (School Uniform) blushes a bit and shakes her head, walking in
[13:41] [~Isamu Sagusa] how have you been?
[13:42] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] Not too bad. But to be honest.... I've been a little worried.
[13:42] [~Isamu Sagusa] oh why?
[13:43] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] Well, for one this who thing with Tomoe-sensei wanting Hana to fight..
[13:44] [~Isamu Sagusa] I know...and she doesn't know it yet..
[13:44] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] ... as well as.... the fact that this is the first time I've seen or heard from you since.... last weekend.
[13:46] > ~Isamu Sagusa smiles "I'm sorry......the dojo takes up much of my time"
[13:46] [~Isamu Sagusa] ...that date was a wonderful exprence I must say
[13:46] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] Really?
[13:46] > Chanelle Challe (School Uniform) lights up hearing that.
[13:48] [~Isamu Sagusa] indeed...the resturant, the walk..all of it
[13:50] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] ❧ ... even the kiss at the end? ^_^ ❧
[13:50] > ~Isamu Sagusa blushes a little "that..yes"
[13:50] > Chanelle Challe (School Uniform) beams at his answer
[13:51] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] I hope we can.... do it again sometime.
[13:51] [~Isamu Sagusa] we shall...when I have a gap in my time sadly
[13:52] > Chanelle Challe (School Uniform) turns and faces him, looking up to him
[13:52] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] ❧ We could always..... skip to the end right now. ❧
[13:53] > ~Isamu Sagusa smiles "be patient..."
[13:54] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] Well.... alright... but I at least have to do this...
[13:54] > Chanelle Challe (School Uniform) suddenly hugs to him tight
[13:54] > ~Isamu Sagusa smiles...and hugs chanelle back
[13:56] > Chanelle Challe (School Uniform) snuggles up against him lightly
[13:56] > ~Isamu Sagusa smiles
[13:57] > Chanelle Challe (School Uniform) holds onto Isamu as long as she can
[13:58] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] ❧ Being like this makes me feel so safe.... like nothing else matters. ❧
[13:58] > ~Isamu Sagusa nods
[14:00] [~Isamu Sagusa] I'm glad
[14:01] --> Vanadine (Altered Gui) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has joined #reddwarfevents
[14:01] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Vanadine (Altered Gui)
[14:01] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Vanadine (Altered Gui)
[14:02] > +Vanadine (Altered Gui) walks out of the training room in a light green gui with the sleeves cut off
[14:02] [+Vanadine (Altered Gui)] ❧ Awwwww, that's cute~ ❧
[14:03] > ~Isamu Sagusa smiles
[14:04] [~Isamu Sagusa] ..how goes the training
[14:04] > Chanelle Challe (School Uniform) sees who it is, jumps and hides behind Isamu
[14:05] [+Vanadine (Altered Gui)] She's getting better
[14:06] [~Isamu Sagusa] the progress is good?
[14:07] [+Vanadine (Altered Gui)] Yeah. She won't have any problems with the first couple rounds of this tournament. Though I wonder..... when should we tell her what's going on?
[14:08] [~Isamu Sagusa] perhaps soon....I am certain she is starting to question why she's doing this
[14:09] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] Wait.... I recognise you now! You were the resource officer at the acadamy a couple years ago.... now you're..... a pro wreslter!
[14:10] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] ^wrestler
[14:10] [+Vanadine (Altered Gui)] Well now, aren't you the observant one, frenchy?
[14:11] > ~Isamu Sagusa chuckles
[14:12] [+Vanadine (Altered Gui)] And you're the little projectionist who is trying to help me get Hana on the right path and has a strong crush on the ever handsome Isamu here.
[14:13] > ~Isamu Sagusa gives a bow
[14:13] > Chanelle Challe (School Uniform) glares at Vana, coming out from behind Isamu, standing next to him with an arm around him still
[14:13] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] Y.... you leave him alone!
[14:14] [~Isamu Sagusa] and you are the wife of my cousin
[14:14] > +Vanadine (Altered Gui) breaks out in a full laugh for a second: That's right Isamu.... so your little friend here can relax.
[14:15] > Chanelle Challe (School Uniform) blushes and hides again
[14:15] [~Isamu Sagusa] will you be staying for dinner?
[14:17] [+Vanadine (Altered Gui)] Me? Sadly no.... I have to meet with some of my co-workers tonight, but thaks for the offer.
[14:17] [~Isamu Sagusa] my pleasure
[14:17] [+Vanadine (Altered Gui)] Oh.... and Chanelle... don't worry....
[14:18] [+Vanadine (Altered Gui)] ... I totally understand being protective of the ones you love. ^_~
[14:19] [+Vanadine (Altered Gui)] But, as handsome as Isamu is.... I'm already married. So you have nothing to worry about from me. :P
[14:20] > Chanelle Challe (School Uniform) smiles lightly, coming out from hiding again
[14:23] [Hana Sagusa (Gui)] hey...what's the hold up
[14:23] [+Vanadine (Altered Gui)] As for now.... I think we should tell Hana what's going on.
[14:23] > Hana Sagusa (Gui) walks in, several bruises on her face and arm
[14:23] [Hana Sagusa (Gui)] what do you mean tell me what's going on...
[14:24] > Chanelle Challe (School Uniform) looks up with her arm around Isamu still
[14:24] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] Hey Hana *waves*
[14:25] > +Vanadine (Altered Gui) looks to Isamu, almost looking for approval
[14:25] > ~Isamu Sagusa nods
[14:25] > +Vanadine (Altered Gui) turns around, facing Hana with a serious expression: Hana.... you remember when Tomoe-sensei called you to his office?
[14:26] [Hana Sagusa (Gui)] um yeah I do
[14:26] [+Vanadine (Altered Gui)] Well, there was a reason for that.... one that you didn't know about. It's the same reason why he's been allowing you and Chanelle to leave early and why you've been training with me.
[14:27] [Hana Sagusa (Gui)] ...which is
[14:28] [+Vanadine (Altered Gui)] There's an underground fighting tournament between the high schools in japan. Tomoe-sensei wants you to represent Mugen.
[14:29] [Hana Sagusa (Gui)] ............seriously?
[14:29] > ~Isamu Sagusa nods
[14:30] [+Vanadine (Altered Gui)] Yeah. Those thugs that attacked you when you were talking to Chanelle were to test your reflexes.... the reason he called you to his office was to measure your kenetic power level.
[14:30] [Hana Sagusa (Gui)] ..........seriously...
[14:32] [+Vanadine (Altered Gui)] Yeah
[14:32] [Hana Sagusa (Gui)] ................
[14:32] > Hana Sagusa (Gui) starts to smile
[14:32] [Hana Sagusa (Gui)] ....can we get back to the training...
[14:33] > +Vanadine (Altered Gui) smirks: I had a feeling that wouldn't bother you.
[14:33] [+Vanadine (Altered Gui)] Yeah.... let's get back to it
[14:33] > +Vanadine (Altered Gui) walks up to Hana and pats her on the shoulder as she passes her
[14:34] <-- +Vanadine (Altered Gui) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has left #reddwarfevents (It's about time I taught you how to defend against powered fighters.)
[14:34] [~Isamu Sagusa] heh...
[14:34] <-- Hana Sagusa (Gui) [sagusa.hana@mugen.edu.jp] has left #reddwarfevents (oh man I'M PUMPED)
[14:34] > Chanelle Challe (School Uniform) shakes her head a little with a smile.
[14:35] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] She was so focused on that, she didn't even notice how close you and I are....
[14:36] > Chanelle Challe (School Uniform) looks up at Isamu again, standing next to him.
[14:36] [~Isamu Sagusa] heh..no she didn't..she can be quite single minded
[14:36] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] You mentioned dinner.... can I help you with that at all?
[14:38] [~Isamu Sagusa] if you wish, sure
[14:39] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] I will help anyway I can, Isamu-kun. ^_^
[14:40] > Chanelle Challe (School Uniform) hops up and kisses him on the cheek before finally letting go, heading for the kitchen.
[14:40] > ~Isamu Sagusa blushes a little and smiles
[14:40] <-- Chanelle Challe (School Uniform) [FrenchProjector@Mugen.edu] has left #reddwarfevents (This is turning out better then I imagined. *^_^*)
[14:41] <-- ~Isamu Sagusa has left #reddwarfevents
[00:00] >>> Sunday Sep 19 2010 <<<
[21:10] > Miara (ballet) enters the large cargo hold she uses for training
[21:13] > Miara (ballet) lowers into a split on the floor, stretching out
[21:15] > Miara (ballet) does a handstand to a walkover, standing, and moves a few crates off the floor
[21:17] > Miara (ballet) gets out the pointe shoes she bought anyway, and runs her fingers over the shiny new material
[21:17] [Miara (ballet)] Now that won't do.
[21:19] > +Matsumi Kaze (leotard) watches
[21:20] > Miara (ballet) folds the shoes over, misshaping them, and beats them on the floor a bit
[21:22] [Miara (ballet)] Hm...
[21:23] [+Matsumi Kaze (leotard)] why are you doing that?
[21:23] [Miara (ballet)] I don't have time to break them in naturally if I want to try it.
[21:25] > Miara (ballet) wraps her feet a bit and puts the shoes on, tying the ribbons
[21:25] > +Matsumi Kaze (leotard) nods and listens
[21:26] [+Matsumi Kaze (leotard)] *watches
[21:26] [Miara (ballet)] I tried it in my teens, it's been a long times. Any tips?
[21:28] [+Matsumi Kaze (leotard)] just be careful not to injure yourself..pace yourself....
[21:28] [Miara (ballet)] Yeah...
[21:29] > Miara (ballet) lifts her heels, and slowly lets her body settle on her toes, muscles tight
[21:29] [+Matsumi Kaze (leotard)] and drink plenty of water!
[21:30] [Miara (ballet)] Heh of course.
[21:30] > Miara (ballet) winces, and steps down
[21:32] > +Matsumi Kaze (leotard) walks over....and does the same...and spins
[21:34] > Miara (ballet) steps up again, settles, takes a few quick steps
[21:36] [Miara (ballet)] What did they have to do first?
[21:36] [+Matsumi Kaze (leotard)] well I've been learning this since I was 5...
[21:37] [Miara (ballet)] Heh.
[21:38] > Miara (ballet) steps, and tries a spin
[21:39] [Miara (ballet)] Not so bad a few times, but over and over...it'll take time.
[21:42] > Miara (ballet) does one pass over the floor, then sits and takes the shoes off
[21:43] [Miara (ballet)] Doesn't look too bad.
[21:43] > +Matsumi Kaze (leotard) smiles and nods
[21:45] [Miara (ballet)] I suppose I had better practice positions, then.
[21:48] [Miara (ballet)] Those dancers are going to be leagues ahead of me
[21:48] [+Matsumi Kaze (leotard)] well then pratice practice practice
[21:50] [Miara (ballet)] Better use the gymnastics studio, for the bar.
[21:50] [Miara (ballet)] See you later, Matsi
[21:50] <-- Miara (ballet) [amongimmortals@terra.net] has left #reddwarfevents (Crash course in Ballet starts now!)
[21:53] <-- +Matsumi Kaze (leotard) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has left #reddwarfevents (heh)
[00:00] >>> Monday Sep 20 2010 <<<
[13:28] ➣ Aeither Castle, Tempest City, Quinox, The Future
[13:29] ➣ a figure slowly makes her way up the long steps to the castle doors, stopping every once a way to catch her breath..and then continuing the rest of the way
[13:29] --> ~Megume Tenoh (casual) has joined #reddwarfevents
[13:29] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, ~Megume Tenoh (casual)
[13:29] [Megume Tenou (casual)] ^
[13:29] [Megume Tenou (casual)] @_@ why...can't....they...make..less..steps
[13:30] > Megume Tenou (casual) stops in front of the door, catching her breath...and then knocks on it
[13:31] [Megume Tenou (casual)] oi!.....anyone...
[13:34] > Megume Tenou (casual) leans on her suitcase
[13:36] --> ~Guardsman has joined #reddwarfevents
[13:36] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, ~Guardsman
[13:36] > ~Guardsman stands behind the opening door
[13:37] [~Guardsman] May I help you?
[13:37] [Megume Tenou (casual)] Oi! I've been waiting ><
[13:37] > Megume Tenou (casual) stands and walks over to the guardsman
[13:37] [Megume Tenou (casual)] Princess Megume of Uranus.....I was told to come here
[13:37] > Megume Tenou (casual) shows the guardsman her holo-papers and her royal seal
[13:38] [~Guardsman] Of course, Princess. I apologize for not opening the door sooner
[13:38] > Megume Tenou (casual) picks up her suitcase
[13:38] > ~Guardsman is a rather large man, about 6'5 and very muscular under his armor
[13:39] [~Guardsman] Please your highness... allow me.
[13:39] > ~Guardsman offers his hand to take the suitcase?
[13:40] [Megume Tenou (casual)] ..if you insist *hands the guardsman her suitcase*
[13:41] > ~Guardsman tries to take the case and falls to a knee
[13:42] [~Guardsman] >_< Your highness..... what's in this case!?
[13:43] [Megume Tenou (casual)] just my clothes and weights and stuff....
[13:43] > Megume Tenou (casual) takes the case and lifts it over her shoulder with ease
[13:44] [~Guardsman] Wow..... the rumors are true about Uranians then.
[13:44] [Megume Tenou (casual)] that we're awesome?
[13:44] [~Guardsman] That you're all deseptively strong.
[13:45] > ~Guardsman leads the way through a corridor
[13:45] > Megume Tenou (casual) follows
[13:47] > ~Guardsman opens a door, leading to an office
[13:47] > Megume Tenou (casual) walks in
[13:48] [~Guardsman] Please have a seat. I'll summon Miss Vana for you.
[13:48] > Megume Tenou (casual) looks around..and sits in a velvet chair
[13:49] > ~Guardsman looks at Megume Tenou
[13:49] ➣ Megume Tenou: looks like a teen Haruka with michiru's eye color
[13:49] > ~Guardsman nods to Megume as he leaves
[13:50] <-- ~Guardsman has left #reddwarfevents (Deceptively strong....)
[13:50] > Megume Tenou (casual) looks around vana's office
[13:53] --> Royal Guard Vanadine [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has joined #reddwarfevents
[13:53] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Royal Guard Vanadine
[13:53] > Royal Guard Vanadine walks in: Hey Meg. I was told to expect, but not when you'd arrive.
[13:55] [Megume Tenou (casual)] well I'm here now
[13:56] > Royal Guard Vanadine walks around behind her desk, sitting down.
[13:56] [Royal Guard Vanadine] Something else I wasn't told, is WHY you're here, Meg.
[13:57] [Megume Tenou (casual)] oh...
[13:58] [Megume Tenou (casual)] ..well see...Mom and Mama are going to some sort of confrence...and I need a place to stay till then..so Mom sent me here for the time being
[13:58] [Royal Guard Vanadine] They wouldn't let you stay alone?
[13:59] [Megume Tenou (casual)] nah...
[13:59] [Megume Tenou (casual)] Katsumi is staying with Aunt Mina and Uncle Katori..
[14:01] [Royal Guard Vanadine] You girls are old enough to stay by yourselves....
[14:02] [Royal Guard Vanadine] ... I'm gonna' have to have a talk with Haruka personally.
[14:02] [Megume Tenou (casual)] oh..she left me a note...
[14:03] > Megume Tenou (casual) hands it to vana
[14:03] > Royal Guard Vanadine takes the note and reads it
[14:05] [~High Ruler Haruka (Note)] ☇ Dear Vana, if you are reading this letter, my daughter must be there with you. You are probably thinking that this is irresponsble of me, as the girls are quite capable of staying by themselves in the palaces. In most cases you would be right, however, this time I have special reasoning ☇
[14:05] [~High Ruler Haruka (Note)] ☠ soon it will be the girl's birthdays...and as a surpise..me and michi are turning the entire cities of Uranus and Neptune into a massive surpise party for them. However, while we are at the confrence..we need the girls to be away from the work being done there ☠
[14:06] [~High Ruler Haruka (Note)] (( gah ))
[14:06] [~High Ruler Haruka (Note)] (( that was suppose to be /TELE ))
[14:07] [~High Ruler Haruka (Note)] ☇ we also hoped the girls would enjoy spending sometime with their extended families. So take care of my girl and watch over her for me. Thank you- High Ruler Haruka Tenou of Uranus ☇
[14:08] [Megume Tenou (casual)] ??
[14:08] [Royal Guard Vanadine] Well then
[14:08] [Royal Guard Vanadine] She's calling herself High Ruler now?
[14:10] [Megume Tenou (casual)] ....all Uranian rulers are
[14:10] [Royal Guard Vanadine] Heh, anyway
[14:11] [Royal Guard Vanadine] Looks like you're staying with us for a couple of days.
[14:12] [Megume Tenou (casual)] thought you were going to complain to my mom
[14:14] [Royal Guard Vanadine] Well, once I read this note, I kinda' understand the reason why.
[14:15] [Megume Tenou (casual)] oooh ok
[14:16] [Megume Tenou (casual)] where am I staying?
[14:17] [Royal Guard Vanadine] I can put you up in Tina's old room.
[14:17] [Royal Guard Vanadine] I miss her sometimes....
[14:17] [Megume Tenou (casual)] ...how is the geek?
[14:17] [Megume Tenou (casual)] err...sorry...just....bit of a nickname for her
[14:18] > Royal Guard Vanadine stands, walks over and promptly smacks Meg in the back of the head.
[14:19] [Royal Guard Vanadine] She's doing alright. But I haven't seen her in about a month.
[14:19] [Megume Tenou (casual)] ow!!!!
[14:20] [Megume Tenou (casual)] it's hard to break a habit ><
[14:23] [Megume Tenou (casual)] not like I hate her
[14:24] [Royal Guard Vanadine] Well, I know she's grown, but I don't appreciate my daughter being called names
[14:26] [Megume Tenou (casual)] sorry sorry
[14:29] [Megume Tenou (casual)] stop hitting me ><
[14:30] [Royal Guard Vanadine] If you weren't the daughter of a good friend, I might've done worse. So, concider yourself lucky.
[14:33] [Megume Tenou (casual)] V_V
[14:34] [Megume Tenou (casual)] how come I'm always the bad guy...
[14:36] [Royal Guard Vanadine] Because you're like your mother.... her attitude got her into a lot of trouble too.
[14:37] [Megume Tenou (casual)] so I can't call my own cousin geek as a joke?
[14:38] [Royal Guard Vanadine] I would prefer if you didn't.
[14:39] [Megume Tenou (casual)] ...ok
[14:39] > Megume Tenou (casual) rubs the back of her head where vana hit her
[14:39] [Royal Guard Vanadine] I'll call to the servents that you're staying in Tina's old room. You'll be the first person to stay there since she left.
[14:40] [Megume Tenou (casual)] ok....
[14:44] [Royal Guard Vanadine] Is there anything you'd like to do while you're here, Meg?
[14:45] [Megume Tenou (casual)] see the sights probably...maybe train
[14:45] [Megume Tenou (casual)] not get hit again ow...
[14:46] [Royal Guard Vanadine] What do you do to train?
[14:47] [Megume Tenou (casual)] weight lifting....brawling
[14:48] [Royal Guard Vanadine] Heh, you sure you don't wanna' get hit again? Maybe we could have a sparing match.
[14:49] [Megume Tenou (casual)] heh if you want me to go all out
[14:52] [Royal Guard Vanadine] You think you can match me girly?
[14:52] > Royal Guard Vanadine smirks at Magume
[14:52] [Megume Tenou (casual)] heh probably
[14:54] [Royal Guard Vanadine] Your mother was the last one to beat me in a sparing match.... so we'll have to see about that.
[14:55] > Megume Tenou (casual) grins
[14:55] > Royal Guard Vanadine walks over and picks up Megume's case with ease and carries it: Did you even pack?
[14:56] > Megume Tenou (casual) keeps grinning "plenty"
[14:58] [Royal Guard Vanadine] Heh, follow me. I'll lead you to Tina's room.
[14:59] > Megume Tenou (casual) nods and follows vana
[14:59] <-- Royal Guard Vanadine [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has left #reddwarfevents (This old lady sparing with a kid... should be fun.)
[15:00] <-- Megume Tenou (casual) [heavenlydirtgirl@Uranus.com] has left #reddwarfevents (...this will be scary)
[00:00] >>> Tuesday Sep 21 2010 <<<
[13:11] ➣ Madox Castle, Tina's Personal room, Quinox, The Future
[13:14] > Tina Detroit sits at her desk, looking over some papers
[13:15] --> Daphne Sita (Head Maids' Uniform) [ElvenMaid@quinox.gov] has joined #reddwarfevents
[13:15] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Daphne Sita (Head Maids' Uniform)
[13:15] > Daphne Sita (Head Maids' Uniform) sheepishly enters the room
[13:17] [Tina Detroit] ah there you are
[13:18] [Tina Detroit] come in
[13:18] [Daphne Sita (Head Maids' Uniform)] Yes, Princess
[13:19] > Daphne Sita (Head Maids' Uniform) walks in, standing in front of the desk, her hands behind her back
[13:20] [Tina Detroit] sit down
[13:21] [Tina Detroit] please
[13:22] > Daphne Sita (Head Maids' Uniform) nods and sits
[13:22] [Tina Detroit] so Daphne..how long have you worked here
[13:23] [Daphne Sita (Head Maids' Uniform)] Well I've..... worked in the castle for a couple of years. Since the previous ruler, your highness.
[13:24] [Tina Detroit] I see
[13:24] [Tina Detroit] let me go straight to the point
[13:24] [Tina Detroit] certain things have come to my attention
[13:25] > Daphne Sita (Head Maids' Uniform) stays quite but visably becomes more nervous
[13:26] [Tina Detroit] a certain incident involving my husband
[13:27] > Daphne Sita (Head Maids' Uniform) starts to blush
[13:30] [Tina Detroit] ...do you have anything to say?
[13:31] [Daphne Sita (Head Maids' Uniform)] Well, your highness. There is no point to me denying that anything happened.... because I don't believe in lying.
[13:32] [Tina Detroit] very well....
[13:35] [Tina Detroit] I am listening
[13:36] [Daphne Sita (Head Maids' Uniform)] I only hope that her highness doesn't fire me for this because I..... feel that I was only doing my job.
[13:37] [Daphne Sita (Head Maids' Uniform)] Not that I didn't enjoy it, because I did.... very much so.....
[13:37] [Tina Detroit] I see.....
[13:38] > Tina Detroit stands, looking serious "I see....."
[13:38] [Daphne Sita (Head Maids' Uniform)] ....and I'm... not so sure what else to say. ~_~
[13:39] [Tina Detroit] this is very serious you know
[13:40] [Daphne Sita (Head Maids' Uniform)] I am aware of that.
[13:40] [Tina Detroit] ...then I have no choice
[13:41] [Tina Detroit] ......
[13:42] > Tina Detroit walks over to Daphne
[13:42] > Daphne Sita (Head Maids' Uniform) sinks a little in her chair
[13:42] [Tina Detroit] ...
[13:42] [Tina Detroit] you are ordered to do your master's laundry
[13:42] > Daphne Sita (Head Maids' Uniform) nearly falls out of her chair in shock
[13:43] [Daphne Sita (Head Maids' Uniform)] O_o
[13:43] [Daphne Sita (Head Maids' Uniform)] Your highness.... d....did I just hear you correctly?
[13:44] [Tina Detroit] and what did I say?
[13:44] [Daphne Sita (Head Maids' Uniform)] That you ordered me to do the Master's laundry.
[13:47] [Tina Detroit] well...are you going to do it?
[13:48] > Daphne Sita (Head Maids' Uniform) suddenly springs up / Y....yes your highness.....
[13:48] [Daphne Sita (Head Maids' Uniform)] Does this mean you're not angry about the service I gave to the master?
[13:48] [Tina Detroit] pfft..no
[13:49] [Tina Detroit] it's part of your duty
[13:49] > Daphne Sita (Head Maids' Uniform) lets out a sigh of relief
[13:50] [Daphne Sita (Head Maids' Uniform)] You had me very worried there your highness.....
[13:50] [Tina Detroit] I sometimes like to...tease a bit
[13:53] [Daphne Sita (Head Maids' Uniform)] Well, you really had me going your highness.
[13:54] [Tina Detroit] heh I'm glad
[13:55] > Daphne Sita (Head Maids' Uniform) pauses / Your highess.... may I be so bold as to ask a personal question?
[13:58] [Tina Detroit] yes?
[13:59] [Daphne Sita (Head Maids' Uniform)] Not that I would ever tell them..... but is there a reason you have ever to ask the twins to serve you as Miss Zenthi and I have done for the Mistress and the Master?
[13:59] > Tina Detroit smiles
[13:59] [Tina Detroit] ...I am like a tiger
[13:59] [Tina Detroit] ....I wait for the right oppertuny to pounce
[14:00] [Daphne Sita (Head Maids' Uniform)] I see. Very good, your highness.
[14:01] [Daphne Sita (Head Maids' Uniform)] I shall take my leave then to do the Master's laundry as ordered.
[14:03] [Tina Detroit] very well
[14:04] > Daphne Sita (Head Maids' Uniform) bows to Tina / Good day to you, your highness.
[14:04] > Daphne Sita (Head Maids' Uniform) exits hastely
[14:05] <-- Daphne Sita (Head Maids' Uniform) [ElvenMaid@quinox.gov] has left #reddwarfevents (I almost lost it just then >_<)
[14:06] --> Celestite Detroit (Casual) [CrystalGirl@dimensionzero.cc] has joined #reddwarfevents
[14:06] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Celestite Detroit (Casual)
[14:06] > Tina Detroit smirks
[14:07] > Celestite Detroit (Casual) opens the door and walks in, "What'd you do to Daphne? She looked like she just saw a ghost"
[14:08] [Tina Detroit] oh I did the evil queen routine on her
[14:08] > Celestite Detroit (Casual) laughs a bit, "You're really good at that"
[14:09] [Celestite Detroit (Casual)] I overheard her question to you about the twins.
[14:11] [Celestite Detroit (Casual)] To be honest...... I was starting to look for replacements for them cause I had a feeling you didn't like 'em.
[14:11] [Tina Detroit] she did
[14:16] [Tina Detroit] oh????
[14:17] [Tina Detroit] don't!
[14:17] [Tina Detroit] ......>.>
[14:17] [Tina Detroit] ...I was planning for tonight ok
[14:17] > Celestite Detroit (Casual) giggles, "You don't have to rush it, hon."
[14:18] [Celestite Detroit (Casual)] I'm just glad to hear you actually like them. Zen picked well.
[14:20] [Tina Detroit] heh she did indeed
[14:21] [Celestite Detroit (Casual)] I'll have to plan on my own evil queen thing then.
[14:21] [Tina Detroit] heh nice
[14:21] [Celestite Detroit (Casual)] That Eri is a tough girl..... maybe I can taunt her into throwing a punch at me. :P
[14:22] [Tina Detroit] oh man....that would cruel! XD
[14:23] [Celestite Detroit (Casual)] Here's a good one for ya
[14:23] [Celestite Detroit (Casual)] Which one do you like better?
[14:24] [Tina Detroit] I belive I like Emi
[14:24] [Celestite Detroit (Casual)] I had a feeling you'd like the quite one more. Reminds me of you a little bit.
[14:25] [Celestite Detroit (Casual)] At least, before we got married.
[14:25] > Celestite Detroit (Casual) grins and walks up to Tina and suddenly throws an arm around her, pulling her close
[14:25] > Tina Detroit grins
[14:26] [Celestite Detroit (Casual)] ❧ You know the condition of this..... you make sure you don't forget who you belong to~ ❧
[14:26] [Tina Detroit] ❧ oh of course ❧
[14:26] [Tina Detroit] ❧ same goes for you and marty ❧
[14:26] [Celestite Detroit (Casual)] ❧ Oh we know.... ❧
[14:27] [Celestite Detroit (Casual)] ❧ .... maybe I'll watch you three too, like I did with Marty and Daphne. ^_~ ❧
[14:28] [Tina Detroit] ❧ hehe ❧
[14:29] > Celestite Detroit (Casual) presses herself against Tina and sighs with a grin
[14:29] [Celestite Detroit (Casual)] ❧ I'm suddenly feeling the need to warm you up for them.....~ ❧
[14:29] [Tina Detroit] ❧ ..heh...do it ❧
[14:30] > Celestite Detroit (Casual) lays a deep kiss on Tina, guiding her over and setting Tina on her desk
[14:32] > Tina Detroit returns the kiss, running her hands along celeste's back
[14:33] > Celestite Detroit (Casual) slowly breaks the kiss with a grin, tracing her fingertips down Tina's chest and abdomine
[14:34] > Tina Detroit smiles back
[14:34] [Celestite Detroit (Casual)] ❧ Mmmm... I'd do you right here.... but someone might walk in. Meet me in our chambers in five..... ❧
[14:35] [Tina Detroit] ❧ got it ❧
[14:35] [Celestite Detroit (Casual)] ❧ .... i'll make sure I'm good and ready. ^_~ ❧
[14:35] > Celestite Detroit (Casual) backs off, blows her a kiss and heads out.
[14:36] <-- Celestite Detroit (Casual) [CrystalGirl@dimensionzero.cc] has left #reddwarfevents (Mmmm.... I'm REALLY turned on now ♡)
[14:36] <-- Tina Detroit [FireyAirPrincess@QTech.com] has left #reddwarfevents (heh.....my wife)
[21:01] ➣ Sagusa Dojo, Tokyo
[21:02] --> ~Isamu Sagusa has joined #reddwarfevents
[21:02] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, ~Isamu Sagusa
[21:02] > ~Isamu Sagusa sits out on the steps of the dojo
[21:03] --> Chanelle Challe (Summer Casual) [FrenchProjector@Mugen.edu] has joined #reddwarfevents
[21:03] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Chanelle Challe (Summer Casual)
[21:04] > Chanelle Challe (Summer Casual) walks up, wearing a pair of tight white shorts and a matching tank top
[21:04] [Chanelle Challe (Summer Casual)] Hi Isamu-san
[21:04] [~Isamu Sagusa] evening
[21:05] > Chanelle Challe (Summer Casual) sits next to Isamu | Is everything ok?
[21:05] [~Isamu Sagusa] just a bit tired that's all
[21:05] [~Isamu Sagusa] yourself?
[21:06] [Chanelle Challe (Summer Casual)] I'm alright. My parents asked me to come over and thank you for letting me stay with you while they were gone.
[21:07] > Chanelle Challe (Summer Casual) takes an envelope out of her back pocket, handing it to Isamu | They asked me to give this to you.
[21:07] > ~Isamu Sagusa smiles "my pleasure"
[21:07] [~Isamu Sagusa] what is this?
[21:08] [Chanelle Challe (Summer Casual)] Just..... take a look.
[21:09] > ~Isamu Sagusa opens the envelope
[21:10] [~Isamu Sagusa] .....
[21:10] [~Isamu Sagusa] ...I'm not sure if I can take this
[21:11] [Chanelle Challe (Summer Casual)] My parents insisted. I told them you may react like this, but they told me they wouldn't take no for an answer.
[21:11] [~Isamu Sagusa] ...if you wish
[21:11] [~Isamu Sagusa] ...how have you been?
[21:12] [Chanelle Challe (Summer Casual)] Not bad....
[21:13] > Chanelle Challe (Summer Casual) lays against Isamu's arm | .....missing you.
[21:13] [~Isamu Sagusa] .....
[21:14] > ~Isamu Sagusa lifts chenelle's chin up with a finger
[21:14] > Chanelle Challe (Summer Casual) looks up at Isamu, curiously
[21:14] > ~Isamu Sagusa gently....kisses chanelle on the lips
[21:15] [Chanelle Challe (Summer Casual)] O_O
[21:16] > Chanelle Challe (Summer Casual) is surprised a bit by the kiss, not able to react
[21:16] > ~Isamu Sagusa ends the kiss
[21:17] > Chanelle Challe (Summer Casual) looks at Isamu.... an expression of shocked happiness on her face, trying to speak but unable to form the words.
[21:18] > ~Isamu Sagusa smiles to chanelle
[21:18] [Chanelle Challe (Summer Casual)] Y..... you kissed me.....
[21:18] [~Isamu Sagusa] I did indeed
[21:19] > Chanelle Challe (Summer Casual) blushes | I.... wasn't expecting that.....
[21:19] [~Isamu Sagusa] I suppose not :)
[21:20] > Chanelle Challe (Summer Casual) starts to calm a little, smiling brightly
[21:20] [Chanelle Challe (Summer Casual)] ❧ You think we can..... try that again.... now that I'm ready? ❧
[21:21] [~Isamu Sagusa] sure
[21:21] > Chanelle Challe (Summer Casual) gets up on her knees and puts her arms around Isamu's neck, kissing him this time
[21:22] > ~Isamu Sagusa returns the kiss fully
[21:24] > ~Isamu Sagusa keeps the kiss going
[21:25] > Chanelle Challe (Summer Casual) slides over, sitting on his lap as she kisses him
[21:26] > Hana Sagusa slowly closes her window from above after watching them
[21:27] > Chanelle Challe (Summer Casual) slowly breaks the kiss, a wide grin on her face
[21:27] [Chanelle Challe (Summer Casual)] ❧ C'était magique. ❧
[21:28] [~Isamu Sagusa] heh...what ever you say ^^
[21:28] [Chanelle Challe (Summer Casual)] So does.... this mean what I think it means?
[21:29] [~Isamu Sagusa] I would hope so
[21:30] > Chanelle Challe (Summer Casual) hugs him tightly, holding onto him
[21:31] [Chanelle Challe (Summer Casual)] ❧ I.... I love you Isamu-kun~ ❧
[21:31] [~Isamu Sagusa] well..I might as well say it
[21:31] [~Isamu Sagusa] I love you too, Chanelle *hugs her*
[21:31] > Chanelle Challe (Summer Casual) giggles a little and starts sniffling, holding onto him
[21:33] [Chanelle Challe (Summer Casual)] It means everything in the world to me to hear you say that...~
[21:33] [~Isamu Sagusa] heh...well I'm glad of that
[21:34] > Chanelle Challe (Summer Casual) back up a bit, the tracks from her tears visable in the moonlight.
[21:34] [~Isamu Sagusa] don't cry...
[21:34] [Chanelle Challe (Summer Casual)] I can't help it..... I'm so happy~
[21:35] [~Isamu Sagusa] tears don't do your face well
[21:35] > Chanelle Challe (Summer Casual) sniffles again, still smiling brightly
[21:37] > ~Isamu Sagusa just smiles, looking at chanelle "you make me very happy"
[21:37] [Chanelle Challe (Summer Casual)] I have to ask.... one question.....
[21:37] [~Isamu Sagusa] yes?
[21:39] [Chanelle Challe (Summer Casual)] When.... did you realize?
[21:39] [~Isamu Sagusa] a few nights ago....
[21:40] [~Isamu Sagusa] things just...came together in my mind
[21:40] [Chanelle Challe (Summer Casual)] I see.... and I'm very glad.
[21:41] [~Isamu Sagusa] I'm glad too :)
[21:42] [Chanelle Challe (Summer Casual)] So, it doesn't bother you that I'm younger then you?
[21:42] [Chanelle Challe (Summer Casual)] That was one of the things I was always afraid of....
[21:43] [~Isamu Sagusa] not at all
[21:45] [~Isamu Sagusa] my mother was younger then my father
[21:45] > Chanelle Challe (Summer Casual) slowly lets go of the hug, her hands on his shoulders still.
[21:45] [Chanelle Challe (Summer Casual)] I think I heard the window close upstairs..... suppose we were being watched?
[21:46] [~Isamu Sagusa] we were
[21:46] [Chanelle Challe (Summer Casual)] I hope..... she's not angry...
[21:48] [~Isamu Sagusa] ..probably
[21:49] > Chanelle Challe (Summer Casual) sighs a little, but looks at him and grins
[21:49] [Chanelle Challe (Summer Casual)] Well..... she will have to get used to it.
[21:50] [~Isamu Sagusa] I suppose she will
[21:51] [Chanelle Challe (Summer Casual)] Because I am not giving you up.
[21:51] > Chanelle Challe (Summer Casual) lightly pokes his chest | Ya' big lug.
[21:52] [~Isamu Sagusa] heh....nor will I give you up
[21:54] > Chanelle Challe (Summer Casual) smiles and kisses him again
[21:54] > ~Isamu Sagusa smiles to chanelle
[22:00] > Chanelle Challe (Summer Casual) slowly breaks the kiss again and smirks
[22:00] [Chanelle Challe (Summer Casual)] So, Isamu-kun......
[22:01] [~Isamu Sagusa] yes?
[22:02] [Chanelle Challe (Summer Casual)] ❧ ...... when do I get to share your bed? ^_~ ❧
[22:02] > ~Isamu Sagusa blinks...and chuckles
[22:02] [~Isamu Sagusa] much later
[22:03] > Chanelle Challe (Summer Casual) giggles a little and musses his hair before slowly standing
[22:04] [Chanelle Challe (Summer Casual)] I've dreamed of this night since I met you.... I suppose I can wait a little longer for that.
[22:06] [~Isamu Sagusa] waiting just makes it better
[22:08] > Chanelle Challe (Summer Casual) walks around behind Isamu, kneeling behind him and rubbing his shoulder
[22:08] [Chanelle Challe (Summer Casual)] ^
[22:08] [Chanelle Challe (Summer Casual)] s
[22:09] > ~Isamu Sagusa smiles "that feels good"
[22:12] [Chanelle Challe (Summer Casual)] I'll do anything I can to make Isamu-kun feel good....
[22:13] [~Isamu Sagusa] heh....you should like a wife already XD XD
[22:14] > Chanelle Challe (Summer Casual) giggles a little and blushes, even though he can't see it
[22:15] [Chanelle Challe (Summer Casual)] I hope you don't mind if I wait to tell my parents about this....
[22:16] [~Isamu Sagusa] that's just fine
[22:20] [Chanelle Challe (Summer Casual)] Yeah, I'm just worried how they're react....
[22:20] [~Isamu Sagusa] that's..understandable
[22:22] [~Isamu Sagusa] I would have done the same
[22:22] [Chanelle Challe (Summer Casual)] .... though to be honest..... it will not matter anyway.
[22:23] > Chanelle Challe (Summer Casual) hugs his neck again from behind, lightly kissing his cheek
[22:24] > ~Isamu Sagusa smiles, reaching back and running his fingers through Chanelle's hair
[22:25] [Chanelle Challe (Summer Casual)] ❧ Mmmm~ ❧
[22:28] [Chanelle Challe (Summer Casual)] ❧ As much as I love this and you.... how about we go inside. I'll make you dessert. ❧
[22:29] [~Isamu Sagusa] I would love that
[22:30] > Chanelle Challe (Summer Casual) lets him go and stands again, walking with some extra swagger in her step.
[22:30] > ~Isamu Sagusa smiles and follows Chanelle
[22:32] <-- Chanelle Challe (Summer Casual) [FrenchProjector@Mugen.edu] has left #reddwarfevents (I always said I'd get my man..... and I did it. ^_^ ♡)
[22:33] <-- ~Isamu Sagusa has left #reddwarfevents (heh)
[22:49] ➣ Madox Castle, Quinox, The Future, Tina's rest chamber
[22:52] --> Emi Sawyer (Head Maids' Uniform) [ShyTwinMaid@Mardox.gov] has joined #reddwarfevents
[22:52] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Emi Sawyer (Head Maids' Uniform)
[22:52] > Emi Sawyer (Head Maids' Uniform) knocks on the door
[22:53] [~~] ☇ come in! ☇
[22:54] > Emi Sawyer (Head Maids' Uniform) slowly enters
[22:55] > Tina Detroit (robe) is sitting at her mirror, wearing her robe
[22:55] [Tina Detroit (robe)] ah..Emi....
[22:55] [Emi Sawyer (Head Maids' Uniform)] You..... called for me Princess?
[22:57] [Tina Detroit (robe)] yes....I require some preperation for some activites tonight
[22:57] [Emi Sawyer (Head Maids' Uniform)] I see... well, I am at your service, Princess.
[22:58] [Tina Detroit (robe)] you can start by helping me remove my robe
[22:59] > Emi Sawyer (Head Maids' Uniform) blushes / Y....yes Princess
[23:00] > Tina Detroit (robe) stands
[23:00] > Emi Sawyer (Head Maids' Uniform) walks over somewhat pensively behind Tina
[23:00] > Emi Sawyer (Head Maids' Uniform) reaches up and slowly starts to remove Tina's robe
[23:02] > Tina Detroit (Undies) is wearing a dark red bra and thong
[23:03] [Tina Detroit (Undies)] .....how do I look, Emi
[23:03] > Emi Sawyer (Head Maids' Uniform) blushes bright, looking over Tina in the mirror, then looks at her back in front of her
[23:03] [Emi Sawyer (Head Maids' Uniform)] ❧ You look...... like an angel..... Princess ❧
[23:04] [Tina Detroit (Undies)] good......good
[23:04] > Tina Detroit (Undies) turns...and kisses Emi on the lips
[23:04] [Emi Sawyer (Head Maids' Uniform)] ❧ MMMMM!~ ❧
[23:05] > Emi Sawyer (Head Maids' Uniform) is surprised for a moment, not sure what to do
[23:05] > Tina Detroit (Undies) slowly ends the kiss
[23:05] [Tina Detroit (Undies)] ❧ mm...cinnimon ❧
[23:07] [Emi Sawyer (Head Maids' Uniform)] ❧ Princess..... ❧
[23:07] [Emi Sawyer (Head Maids' Uniform)] ......Cinnimon?
[23:07] [Tina Detroit (Undies)] your lip-gloss....
[23:07] > Emi Sawyer (Head Maids' Uniform) giggles nervously / It.... is... princess
[23:08] [Tina Detroit (Undies)] have you been happy?
[23:08] [Emi Sawyer (Head Maids' Uniform)] Y...yes Princess.... very much so.
[23:09] > Tina Detroit (Undies) looks over Emi's uniform
[23:09] [Tina Detroit (Undies)] I am glad....
[23:10] > Emi Sawyer (Head Maids' Uniform) can't help but keep her eyes on Tina's body
[23:11] > Tina Detroit (Undies) reaches back while she's staring..and undoes the zipper on emi's uniform
[23:12] > Emi Sawyer (Head Maids' Uniform) continues to blush, standing still and letting Tina do what she wants
[23:13] > Tina Detroit (Undies) smiles...pushing down the uniform
[23:15] > Emi Sawyer (Bra and Skirt) turns a brighter shade of red, wiggeling out of her top, exposing the yellow bra beneath
[23:17] [Tina Detroit (Undies)] yellow...a wonderful color...
[23:19] > Tina Detroit (Undies) bites emi's neck
[23:19] > Emi Sawyer (Bra and Skirt) lets out a sharp moan
[23:19] [Emi Sawyer (Bra and Skirt)] Princess!~
[23:19] [Emi Sawyer (Bra and Skirt)] ❧ ^ ❧
[23:21] > Tina Detroit (Undies) pushes down emi's skirt
[23:24] > Emi Sawyer (Undies) wiggles out of her skirt as Tina pushes it down in just a matching yellow bra and panty set
[23:24] [Tina Detroit (Undies)] ❧ ....are you ready for tonight's activity? ❧
[23:26] [Emi Sawyer (Undies)] ❧ I... am ready for anything..... the Princess wants.~ ❧
[23:28] [Emi Sawyer (Undies)] Princess..... what about Eri? Shouldn't she.... be here too?
[23:28] [Tina Detroit (Undies)] ❧ all in good time... ❧
[23:29] [Emi Sawyer (Undies)] V....very well....
[23:31] > Tina Detroit (Undies) breaths a bit on Emi...and kisses her on the lips
[23:31] > Emi Sawyer (Undies) gently kisses back, starting to relax a little
[23:34] > Tina Detroit (Undies) runs her hands down emi's body..and grabs her butt with both hands
[23:37] [Emi Sawyer (Undies)] ❧ Mmmmmmm..... ❧
[23:39] > Tina Detroit (Undies) lowers Emi to the bed....switching off the lights
[23:39] <-- Tina Detroit (Undies) [FireyAirPrincess@QTech.com] has left #reddwarfevents (let's..heat things up...)
[23:41] <-- Emi Sawyer (Undies) [ShyTwinMaid@Mardox.gov] has left #reddwarfevents (Oh Princess....~)
[00:00] >>> Wednesday Sep 22 2010 <<<
[14:16] ➣ Sagusa Dojo
[14:16] --> Vanadine (Altered Gui) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has joined #reddwarfevents
[14:16] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Vanadine (Altered Gui)
[14:16] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Vanadine (Altered Gui)
[14:17] --> Hana Sagusa (Gui) [sagusa.hana@mugen.edu.jp] has joined #reddwarfevents
[14:17] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Hana Sagusa (Gui)
[14:17] > +Vanadine (Altered Gui) walks in: You ready?
[14:18] [Hana Sagusa (Gui)] yes....
[14:18] [+Vanadine (Altered Gui)] Are you alright?
[14:19] [Hana Sagusa (Gui)] ...I'm fine
[14:19] [+Vanadine (Altered Gui)] Alright then
[14:19] > +Vanadine (Altered Gui) enters the circle and takes her stance
[14:20] > Hana Sagusa (Gui) gets in her own stance
[14:20] > +Vanadine (Altered Gui) throws a kick at Hana's side
[14:21] > Hana Sagusa (Gui) barely avoids it.....just..barely
[14:22] > Hana Sagusa (Gui) gives a palm slam towards vana's chest
[14:23] > +Vanadine (Altered Gui) blocks the strike easily and siezes Hana's arm
[14:23] > Hana Sagusa (Gui) winces as her arm is grabbed..and pathetically tries to kick vana in the side
[14:25] [+Vanadine (Altered Gui)] What's wrong with you? You don't have your usual speed or intensity today.
[14:25] > +Vanadine (Altered Gui) lets go of Hana's arm and grabs her leg as she's kicked, capturing it
[14:26] [Hana Sagusa (Gui)] ..nothing's the matter
[14:26] > Hana Sagusa (Gui) tries to use her free leg to kick vana in the face
[14:27] > +Vanadine (Altered Gui) blocks the other leg and takes Hana down, pinning her face first to the floor
[14:27] [+Vanadine (Altered Gui)] You're lieing....
[14:28] [Hana Sagusa (Gui)] mmph...I'...I'm..fine
[14:29] > +Vanadine (Altered Gui) lets go of Hana and stands
[14:32] [+Vanadine (Altered Gui)] Alright, fine. If you're not gonna' tell me what's wrong or get your head into the fight, I'm leaving.
[14:32] [Hana Sagusa (Gui)] ...it's my brother...
[14:34] [+Vanadine (Altered Gui)] Oh? What about Isamu?
[14:35] [Hana Sagusa (Gui)] ...he's hooked up with me....best...friend
[14:36] [+Vanadine (Altered Gui)] Oh, the little french girl?
[14:37] [Hana Sagusa (Gui)] yeah....
[14:39] [+Vanadine (Altered Gui)] Well, good for them. I bet they're happy.
[14:41] [Hana Sagusa (Gui)] ..of course she f[SMEG]king is all smug about it to me
[14:42] [+Vanadine (Altered Gui)] What do you mean?
[14:42] [Hana Sagusa (Gui)] she's always smug about how she feels about my brother
[14:43] [Hana Sagusa (Gui)] talking to me about how she'll get her man...and how she'll be succeful no matter what
[14:43] [Hana Sagusa (Gui)] well now she f[SMEG]king has him
[14:45] [+Vanadine (Altered Gui)] Gotta' admire her determination.
[14:46] [Hana Sagusa (Gui)] whatever...
[14:47] [+Vanadine (Altered Gui)] So what's the problem? You don't like seeing your brother and best friend happy with each other?
[14:47] [Hana Sagusa (Gui)] do you know...how f[SMEG]king weird that is?
[14:49] [+Vanadine (Altered Gui)] Well, trust me Hana....
[14:49] [+Vanadine (Altered Gui)] .... if she was that determined to get him, she's probably not going to give him up now that she has him. So, something tells me you'll have to get used to it.
[14:51] [Hana Sagusa (Gui)] ..guess so
[14:52] --> Chanelle Challe (Apron) [FrenchProjector@Mugen.edu] has joined #reddwarfevents
[14:52] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Chanelle Challe (Apron)
[14:53] [Chanelle Challe (Apron)] Hiiii ♡
[14:53] [Hana Sagusa (Gui)] ......
[14:53] > Hana Sagusa (Gui) 's fist is shaking
[14:53] [+Vanadine (Altered Gui)] Hey there Frenchy
[14:54] [Chanelle Challe (Apron)] I'm glad I caught you during a break. I brought you both a snack.
[14:54] [Hana Sagusa (Gui)] hi...chanelle...
[14:55] [+Vanadine (Altered Gui)] Well that's nice of you.
[14:55] [Hana Sagusa (Gui)] ..thanks...
[14:56] > Hana Sagusa (Gui) just turns away
[14:57] > Chanelle Challe (Apron) sets the tray down between them and looks at Hana
[14:57] [Chanelle Challe (Apron)] Hana....
[14:57] > Hana Sagusa (Gui) doesn't say anything
[14:57] [Chanelle Challe (Apron)] Comeon, talk to me....
[14:58] [Hana Sagusa (Gui)] .......I don't have anything to say
[14:59] > +Vanadine (Altered Gui) picks up the cup and starts to drink
[14:59] [Chanelle Challe (Apron)] ... please stop acting like this.
[14:59] [Hana Sagusa (Gui)] I'm not..acting like anything....
[15:00] > Chanelle Challe (Apron) looks upst at her
[15:00] [Chanelle Challe (Apron)] You are..... you're acting like a child....
[15:01] [Hana Sagusa (Gui)] I AM NOT ACTING LIKE A CHILD
[15:01] > Hana Sagusa (Gui) angerly slams her fist into the wall....
[15:01] ➣ ...the wall cracks....then explodes..as does the road behind it...sending a car flipping over
[15:02] [Hana Sagusa (Gui)] ....................
[15:02] [Chanelle Challe (Apron)] O_O
[15:02] [+Vanadine (Altered Gui)] Now that's the power you were missing.....
[15:03] > Hana Sagusa (Gui) looks back...water is spraying from broken water pipes...and several dozen car alarms are going off
[15:03] > +Vanadine (Altered Gui) calmly munches on the snacks brought in
[15:05] [Hana Sagusa (Gui)] .......
[15:06] > Hana Sagusa (Gui) walks away from both of them
[15:06] [Chanelle Challe (Apron)] Hana, please.....
[15:07] > Hana Sagusa (Gui) starts to walk down the street....and keeps walking
[15:07] <-- Hana Sagusa (Gui) [sagusa.hana@mugen.edu.jp] has left #reddwarfevents (....)
[15:08] > +Vanadine (Altered Gui) sighs and stands: Guess that's it for today
[15:08] > Chanelle Challe (Apron) sits there sniffling
[15:10] > +Vanadine (Altered Gui) pats Chanelle's shoulder
[15:13] [Chanelle Challe (Apron)] I'm finally happy with Isamu-kun..... then Hana goes off the deep end.
[15:14] [+Vanadine (Altered Gui)] Let Hana straighten herself out. It'll all work.
[15:14] [+Vanadine (Altered Gui)] I'm gonna' see about getting her damage fixed
[15:16] <-- +Vanadine (Altered Gui) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has left #reddwarfevents (She's got some serious power.... now to get some control on it.)
[15:17] > Chanelle Challe (Apron) picks up the tray and carries it out
[15:17] <-- Chanelle Challe (Apron) [FrenchProjector@Mugen.edu] has left #reddwarfevents (Why can't I just be happy?)
[00:00] >>> Thursday Sep 23 2010 <<<
[12:34] ➣ Sagusa Dojo/House
[12:34] --> Chanelle Challe [FrenchProjector@Mugen.edu] has joined #reddwarfevents
[12:34] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Chanelle Challe
[12:35] --> ~Isamu Sagusa has joined #reddwarfevents
[12:35] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, ~Isamu Sagusa
[12:35] > ~Isamu Sagusa is standing at the door
[12:35] [Chanelle Challe] ❧ Isamu-kun! ❧
[12:36] > ~Isamu Sagusa doesn't look very happy
[12:36] > Chanelle Challe starts to run, but then sees his expression and slows
[12:36] [Chanelle Challe] Isamu-kun.... what's wrong?
[12:36] [~Isamu Sagusa] ....I think maybe you should go talk to her....she's upstairs in her room
[12:37] > Chanelle Challe looks up at him with a worried expression, but nods, giving him a quick hug before going inside and upstairs
[12:37] [~Isamu Sagusa] ....but be careful
[12:38] [Chanelle Challe] Right
[12:38] > Chanelle Challe turns back and heads up, pausing at the door and knocking/ Hana?
[12:39] ➣ the door creaks open..it wasn't fully closed
[12:39] > Chanelle Challe slowly opens the door, but doesn't enter
[12:39] [Chanelle Challe] Hana... can I come in?
[12:40] ➣ the room..for lack of a better word...is in shambles..things are thrown around...there are marks where hana has punched the wall......her posters are torn down and her bed overturned
[12:40] > Chanelle Challe looks around at the carnage, starting to get worried.
[12:41] > Hana Sagusa is in a corner of the room..curled in a ball...sobbing
[12:41] [Chanelle Challe] Hana......
[12:42] > Chanelle Challe slowly walks up to Hana
[12:42] [Chanelle Challe] ....what's wrong?
[12:44] [Hana Sagusa] ..leave me alone...
[12:44] [Chanelle Challe] Hana, please talk to me, tell me what's wrong.....
[12:45] [Hana Sagusa] ....what do you care...
[12:46] [Chanelle Challe] I care because you're my friend, Hana.
[12:48] [Hana Sagusa] all you care about is my stupid brother....
[12:48] [Hana Sagusa] and getting him..and you got him
[12:48] [Chanelle Challe] That isn't true, Hana.....
[12:49] [Chanelle Challe] ..... you're my best friend, you've been my best friend since I started school. I cared about you before I ever met Isamu-kun.
[12:49] [Hana Sagusa] bet you're going to make a speech about how childish I am....
[12:49] [Hana Sagusa] ..cuz of course *sniffle sob*..you're the mature one...you're always the mature one..all smug and pushy
[12:49] [Chanelle Challe] No, I'm not... and I'm sorry I said that the other day.
[12:49] > Hana Sagusa starts to actually cry
[12:50] > Chanelle Challe kneels down next to Hana, putting an arm around her
[12:51] [Chanelle Challe] I felt really bad about saying you were childish........ I shouldn't have said it and I'm sorry.
[12:51] [Hana Sagusa] ..what *sniffles* do you care about a thug like me
[12:52] [Chanelle Challe] I've told you why I care about you.... but I'll remind you. You were the only one who was nice to me when I first got here and you've always helped me when I got into trouble..... and you never asked for anything in return.
[12:53] [Hana Sagusa] ..stupid me for thinking Taro would like a thug like me....
[12:54] > Chanelle Challe pauses and frowns
[12:54] [Chanelle Challe] Oh Hana.....
[12:55] [Hana Sagusa] ...maybe I am just a brainless gorilla like he said
[12:55] [Chanelle Challe] ..... he said that!?
[12:55] > Hana Sagusa nods, crying
[12:55] > Chanelle Challe looks like she's starting to get angry
[12:56] [Chanelle Challe] How dare he! I never knew he was such a huge jerk.
[12:56] [Hana Sagusa] he's right...
[12:56] [Chanelle Challe] He is not
[12:57] [Hana Sagusa] I'M JUST A STUPID GORILLA
[12:58] [Chanelle Challe] Grrrr.....
[12:58] > Chanelle Challe suddenly lets go of Hana and springs to her feet
[12:59] > Hana Sagusa just buries her face in her arms
[12:59] [Chanelle Challe] ... you are NOT stupid and you are NOT a gorilla.
[13:00] > Chanelle Challe holds her hand out and projects a large, rather dumb looking gorilla.
[13:00] [Chanelle Challe] If you wanna' see a stupid gorilla, turn around
[13:01] > Hana Sagusa blinks and looks at it "........pfft..."
[13:02] > Hana Sagusa wipes her tears...
[13:03] > Chanelle Challe closes her hand, the projection vanishing
[13:03] [Chanelle Challe] THAT is a stupid gorilla.
[13:03] [Chanelle Challe] Not you
[13:04] > Hana Sagusa sniffles..her eye makeup running
[13:06] [Chanelle Challe] Now then.... if you'll excuse me..... I'm going to show that to Taro.... before I cave in his f[SMEG]king face!
[13:06] > Hana Sagusa sniffles, trying to clear her eyes
[13:08] [Hana Sagusa] ..thanks
[13:08] [Chanelle Challe] Noone talks to our about my Hana that way.....
[13:09] > Chanelle Challe smirks / ....except maybe me.
[13:09] [Chanelle Challe] -u
[13:09] [Hana Sagusa] ..I hate it when you do that ><
[13:09] [Hana Sagusa] ..chanelle....you can be snobby sometimes...
[13:10] [Chanelle Challe] I know..... I don't mean to be though.....
[13:12] > Hana Sagusa looks around the room..and sighs "...what a mess..."
[13:12] > Chanelle Challe nods / .... yeah. You want some help picking up?
[13:13] [Hana Sagusa] ..yeah
[13:13] [Chanelle Challe] Alright...
[13:14] [Chanelle Challe] ... give me about twenty minutes.
[13:14] [Hana Sagusa] ...alright
[13:15] > Chanelle Challe grins
[13:15] [Chanelle Challe] I wasn't kidding.... I'm gonna' show Taro the gorilla.... then I'm gonna' cave his face in