[00:14] >>> Tuesday Oct 05 2010 – Automatic reset triggered – Logging Start <<<
[00:14] > Yuu Mori (Shirtless) stops, opening the front door and standing next to it, pulling a slip of paper from the pocket of his shorts
[00:14] > Chanelle Challe (Dress) grabs her phone and shoots back up to the porch
[00:15] [Yuu Mori (Shirtless)] Here Hana-san....
[00:15] > Hana Sagusa (coat) takes it..pauses...........then kisses yuu on the cheek
[00:15] > Yuu Mori (Shirtless) blushes brightly, giving off a goofy smile
[00:16] > Hana Sagusa (coat) takes the paper "seeya then"
[00:16] [Yuu Mori (Shirtless)] G....goodnight Hana-san.....
[00:17] [Hana Sagusa (coat)] night..yuu-kun...
[00:18] <-- Hana Sagusa (coat) [sagusa.hana@mugen.edu.jp] has left #reddwarfevents (*starts to walk away*)
[00:18] > Yuu Mori (Shirtless) closes the door
[00:18] <-- Yuu Mori (Shirtless) [invisableboy@mugen.edu] has left #reddwarfevents (I....I have a date)
[00:18] > Chanelle Challe (Dress) giggles and follows Hana
[00:19] <-- Chanelle Challe (Dress) [FrenchProjector@Mugen.edu] has left #reddwarfevents (Wait up Hana!)
[00:00] >>> Wednesday Oct 06 2010 <<<
[14:42] ➣ Dwarf / Med Bay
[14:42] --> Kaede Sasaki (Apron) [HeadCook@RedDwarf.net] has joined #reddwarfevents
[14:42] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Kaede Sasaki (Apron)
[14:43] > Kaede Sasaki (Apron) is laying on one of the beds in the medbay
[14:44] --> ~Isabella (uniform) has joined #reddwarfevents
[14:44] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, ~Isabella (uniform)
[14:44] > ~Isabella (uniform) walks in with a covered plate
[14:46] > Kaede Sasaki (Apron) slowly opens her eyes
[14:46] [~Isabella (uniform)] oh hello, miss Kaede
[14:47] [Kaede Sasaki (Apron)] I....isabella-san....
[14:48] [~Isabella (uniform)] ..I brought you some food
[14:48] > Kaede Sasaki (Apron) slowly sits up, groggy | H....how'd I get here?
[14:49] [~Isabella (uniform)] I was told..that you had gotten injured..miss vana brought you here
[14:52] [Kaede Sasaki (Apron)] Oooh, I see
[14:52] > ~Isabella (uniform) uncovers the food...showing some cut up italian sausage and a small bowl of gelatto
[14:53] [Kaede Sasaki (Apron)] Thank you, Isabella-san....
[14:54] > Kaede Sasaki (Apron) rubs her back | Hey.... my back doesn't hurt.
[14:54] [~Isabella (uniform)] was it bothering you before?
[14:56] [Kaede Sasaki (Apron)] Yeah..... Saiya-sama hit me with a burst of light.... and knocked me against a wall....
[14:57] [~Isabella (uniform)] oh dear
[14:58] [Kaede Sasaki (Apron)] Then Yatan-sama did something..... I felt this sharp stabbing pain and..... that was the last thing I remember.
[14:59] [~Isabella (uniform)] I am sorry you went through all that
[15:00] [Kaede Sasaki (Apron)] It's alright... I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.
[15:00] [~Isabella (uniform)] I asked Mister Krytan...and you can rest of the rest of the day if you wish
[15:01] > Kaede Sasaki (Apron) starts to eat
[15:02] [Kaede Sasaki (Apron)] That's very nice of him.... but I don't think it's needed.
[15:05] [~Isabella (uniform)] very well then
[15:05] [~Isabella (uniform)] I have already prepared a menu for dinner though..I know it was impertant of me
[15:05] [Kaede Sasaki (Apron)] Really?
[15:05] [Kaede Sasaki (Apron)] Can I see it?
[15:06] [~Isabella (uniform)] I shall get it
[15:06] > ~Isabella (uniform) is away
[15:08] > ~Isabella (uniform) is back
[15:08] > ~Isabella (uniform) returns and hands Kaede the menu
[15:08] > Kaede Sasaki (Apron) takes the menu, looking it over
[15:09] > ~Isabella (uniform) 's menu is almost entierly made up of italian dishes
[15:10] [Kaede Sasaki (Apron)] This actually looks really good.
[15:10] [~Isabella (uniform)] it does???
[15:10] [Kaede Sasaki (Apron)] Yes
[15:11] [Kaede Sasaki (Apron)] You did really well on this Isabella-san
[15:12] > Kaede Sasaki (Apron) finishes her food and smiles
[15:13] [Kaede Sasaki (Apron)] So well in fact, that I think I'll take Krytan-san's advice.
[15:13] [~Isabella (uniform)] I have already started on the sauces
[15:16] > Kaede Sasaki (Apron) eats her gellato | Mmmmm..... then I'll leave you to it Isabella-san.... you're in charge tonight.
[15:17] [~Isabella (uniform)] very well, miss kaede
[15:19] [~Isabella (uniform)] I shall make you proud
[15:20] > Kaede Sasaki (Apron) smiles | I'm sure you will Isabella-san. ^_^
[15:22] [Kaede Sasaki (Apron)] Mmmm.... I feel surprisingly good.... and I feel good too.
[15:23] [~Isabella (uniform)] oh?
[15:23] [Kaede Sasaki (Apron)] Yeah, this is really good.
[15:24] [~Isabella (uniform)] I am glad :)
[15:26] > Kaede Sasaki (Apron) finishes the gellato, putting the bowl back on the tray
[15:27] [Kaede Sasaki (Apron)] I think I'll go do some shopping.
[15:27] [Kaede Sasaki (Apron)] Isabella-san, thank you. ^_^
[15:28] [~Isabella (uniform)] it is my pleasure
[15:29] > Kaede Sasaki (Apron) hops up, stertching
[15:33] [Kaede Sasaki (Apron)] I'll see you for dinner tonight, Isabella-san. Thank you for lunch and for checking on me.
[15:33] [~Isabella (uniform)] it is my pleasure, miss Kaede
[15:35] <-- Kaede Sasaki (Apron) [HeadCook@RedDwarf.net] has left #reddwarfevents (I could use this day off.)
[15:36] <-- ~Isabella (uniform) has left #reddwarfevents (I shall return to my duties then)
[00:00] >>> Friday Oct 08 2010 <<<
[13:05] ➣ Branch 6 Apartments, Recreation room
[13:05] ➣ the recreation room seems to be a rather large gym like structure...full of everything a bounty hunter would want..including a shooting gallery, gym equpitment of all sizes and holo-fighting program
[13:08] --> Leoanna (casual) [Hunterorhunted@Branch6.org] has joined #reddwarfevents
[13:08] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Leoanna (casual)
[13:08] > Leoanna (casual) walks in quietly, her gun slung over her shoulder....a nervious look on her face
[13:10] --> Alexis Shentara (Workout) has joined #reddwarfevents
[13:10] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Alexis Shentara (Workout)
[13:10] > Alexis Shentara (Workout) walks in, stretching her arms
[13:10] > Leoanna (casual) looks to see if any of the shooting galleries are open
[13:11] > Leoanna (casual) doesn't hear Alexis walk in
[13:13] > Alexis Shentara (Workout) pauses, watching Anna
[13:13] [Leoanna (casual)] ...what do I do...
[13:15] > Leoanna (casual) 's tail accidentally bats Alexis
[13:17] [Alexis Shentara (Workout)] Hey Girly, watch that thing.
[13:18] [Leoanna (casual)] GAH!
[13:19] > Leoanna (casual) jumps a bit, making a yelp
[13:19] [Leoanna (casual)] oh..it's you, miss Alexis...
[13:20] [Alexis Shentara (Workout)] Didn't mean to sneak up on you Anna. You alright?
[13:21] [Leoanna (casual)] yeah....I just wanted to practicing my shooting >.>
[13:22] [Alexis Shentara (Workout)] Ah..
[13:22] > Alexis Shentara (Workout) looks over the practice stalls - Looks like stall 5 is free. That's my favorite one.
[13:23] [Leoanna (casual)] really???
[13:23] [Leoanna (casual)] ...I..I heard you're the best shot in the company
[13:25] [Alexis Shentara (Workout)] Well, I'm not so sure I am, but it took a lot of practice to get as good as I am.
[13:25] [Leoanna (casual)] I'm still a clumsy shot V_V
[13:27] [Alexis Shentara (Workout)] Do you have any idea how long I've been shooting?
[13:27] > Leoanna (casual) shakes her head no
[13:27] > Alexis Shentara (Workout) leads Anna down to stall 5
[13:28] [Alexis Shentara (Workout)] Over 15 years....
[13:29] [Leoanna (casual)] oh......>.>....that's how old I am...
[13:30] > Alexis Shentara (Workout) lightly pats her shoulder - Dont say stuff like that.... ya' make me feel old.
[13:31] > Leoanna (casual) unslings her gun and charges it up...is using what appears to be a rifle with some sort of laser attachment on it
[13:34] [Alexis Shentara (Workout)] Just relax and take a deep breath before taking your shot.
[13:35] > Leoanna (casual) gulps and carefully aims....
[13:35] > Leoanna (casual) is shaking abit
[13:37] [Alexis Shentara (Workout)] Relax....
[13:37] [Alexis Shentara (Workout)] It's just practice... you can't be so nervous
[13:37] > Leoanna (casual) fires....the shot almost hits the target..but is still off
[13:38] [Leoanna (casual)] ><
[13:39] [Alexis Shentara (Workout)] Don't worry about it so much.... remember, deep breath.... relax.
[13:39] [Alexis Shentara (Workout)] Clear your mind of everything except the target.
[13:43] [Leoanna (casual)] O
[13:43] [Leoanna (casual)] I'm trying T_T
[13:43] [Alexis Shentara (Workout)] Shhh.... it's ok
[13:44] [Leoanna (casual)] Myskina really scolded me last time T_T
[13:44] [Leoanna (casual)] *Miss Myskina
[13:48] [Alexis Shentara (Workout)] Why is that?
[13:48] [Leoanna (casual)] I missed the target barely..and had to take a second shot...
[13:50] [Alexis Shentara (Workout)] Well, there's a reason for that.
[13:51] [Leoanna (casual)] ????
[13:51] [Alexis Shentara (Workout)] As snipers.... we have to take out our target on the first shot. Otherwise, I could endanger not only everyone else but ourselves during the operation.
[13:52] [Leoanna (casual)] I got scared >.>
[13:53] [Alexis Shentara (Workout)] You can't think about being scared....
[13:53] [Alexis Shentara (Workout)] .... when you're out on a mission, all you can think about is your target and your teammates.
[13:55] [Leoanna (casual)] I know...
[13:58] [Alexis Shentara (Workout)] Well, now that you know what to do..... go to it
[13:58] > Alexis Shentara (Workout) pats her back and leaves the stall
[13:58] [Leoanna (casual)] o..ok
[13:59] > Leoanna (casual) turns and tries to concentrate...
[14:00] > Alexis Shentara (Workout) heads over to some of the workout equipment and starts working the muscles in her arms
[14:01] > Leoanna (casual) is shaking..and fires again...again missing the target
[14:03] [Leoanna (casual)] ><
[14:04] > Alexis Shentara (Workout) moves away from the apperatis and goes to the pull up bar
[14:06] > Leoanna (casual) tries again.....and misses even worse this time
[14:08] > Alexis Shentara (Workout) sighs, watching Anna's target as she does her pull ups.
[14:09] [Leoanna (casual)] T.T
[14:11] > Leoanna (casual) puts her gun down and steps away from the shooting booth
[14:12] > Alexis Shentara (Workout) lets go of the pull up bar and walks over to the stall again
[14:12] [Alexis Shentara (Workout)] Anna..... let me ask you something...
[14:13] [Leoanna (casual)] huh?
[14:14] [Alexis Shentara (Workout)] ... why are you a sniper?
[14:15] [Leoanna (casual)] because of my sense of smell....and my people have really good eyesight
[14:16] [Alexis Shentara (Workout)] Can you hunt?
[14:28] [Leoanna (casual)] mmhm
[14:28] [Leoanna (casual)] we are natural born hunters
[14:28] [Alexis Shentara (Workout)] And how do you act when you're hunting?
[14:31] [Leoanna (casual)] ..steathy....
[14:32] [Alexis Shentara (Workout)] But how do you feel when you're hunting.
[14:33] [Leoanna (casual)] ......pumped up..excited
[14:34] [Alexis Shentara (Workout)] Hmm...
[14:37] [Alexis Shentara (Workout)] When doing that, are you worried or nervous?
[14:38] [Leoanna (casual)] never!
[14:39] [Alexis Shentara (Workout)] Well then... there you go.
[14:40] [Alexis Shentara (Workout)] When you've got that rifle and you have to shoot..... act like you're out on a hunt.
[14:40] [Leoanna (casual)] .....I never thought of that
[14:41] [Alexis Shentara (Workout)] Because you really are..... just from a disstance.
[14:44] [Leoanna (casual)] ...you're so smart
[14:45] [Alexis Shentara (Workout)] I have my moments.
[14:46] [Alexis Shentara (Workout)] Go try that Anna.
[14:46] [Leoanna (casual)] ok..
[14:46] > Leoanna (casual) picks up her gun and goes back into the stall
[14:47] > Alexis Shentara (Workout) smiles a bit and goes back to doing pull ups
[14:49] > Leoanna (casual) takes a deep breath..and quietly aims her gun
[14:55] > Leoanna (casual) fires..hitting the target in the bullseye
[14:57] > Leoanna (casual) fires again..hitting the same spot twice
[14:58] > Alexis Shentara (Workout) watches the target and smiles, finishing her pullups
[14:58] [Leoanna (casual)] I DID IT!!!!
[14:59] ➣ everyone in the room just stops, staring at Leoanna
[14:59] [Leoanna (casual)] ...um...yay
[14:59] > Alexis Shentara (Workout) laughs a little and walks over to Anna
[14:59] [Alexis Shentara (Workout)] There you go
[15:01] [Leoanna (casual)] thank you, miss Alexis ^^
[15:03] [Alexis Shentara (Workout)] Sure thing Anna. You don't have to call me Miss.
[15:03] [Leoanna (casual)] oh sorry...Alexis...
[15:05] > Alexis Shentara (Workout) nods - No problem
[15:06] > Leoanna (casual) smiles widely "but I did do it!"
[15:06] [Alexis Shentara (Workout)] You keep practicing like that..... and work your missions like that.... and you'll end up being better then me.
[15:09] [Leoanna (casual)] no..I couldn't ever
[15:09] [Alexis Shentara (Workout)] Don't say that.
[15:09] [Alexis Shentara (Workout)] Have confidence in yourself.
[15:12] [Leoanna (casual)] y..you're just sort of a celebrity amoung us snipers >.>
[15:14] > Alexis Shentara (Workout) blushes a little - You girls hold me in such high reguard. I don't think I deserve it.
[15:14] [Leoanna (casual)] why not?
[15:15] [Alexis Shentara (Workout)] I'm just doing my job. I'm not trying to be popular or an idol.
[15:16] [Leoanna (casual)] I suppose...
[15:18] [Alexis Shentara (Workout)] But I think you ^_^
[15:18] [Alexis Shentara (Workout)] ^thank
[15:18] > Leoanna (casual) smiles a bit
[15:19] [Sskt (casual)] hey, Alexis..what are you doing with the greenhorn?
[15:20] [Alexis Shentara (Workout)] Hey Sskt. I was just trying to help her focus so she can shoot more accurately.
[15:21] [Sskt (casual)] isn't this that nervious gal who can't shoot worth spit?
[15:21] [Leoanna (casual)] >.>
[15:24] [Alexis Shentara (Workout)] She was.... but take a look at stall 5
[15:25] > Sskt (casual) looks "...so what...you always shoot like that, Alexis...so why are you showing me this?"
[15:26] [Alexis Shentara (Workout)] I didn't do that....
[15:27] > Alexis Shentara (Workout) throws an arm around Anna - ....she did.
[15:30] [Sskt (casual)] you're kidding me
[15:30] [Alexis Shentara (Workout)] Not at all
[15:33] [Sskt (casual)] guess the kid has some talent
[15:33] > Leoanna (casual) blushes a little
[15:33] [Alexis Shentara (Workout)] She does. She just needs to focus.
[15:36] > Alexis Shentara (Workout) lets go of Anna and turns to her with a smile - She just needs to remember what I told her to do.
[15:36] [Leoanna (casual)] I will..I will
[15:37] > Alexis Shentara (Workout) smiles to Anna - Good. You keep it up then. I'll check up on you from time to time.
[15:41] [Leoanna (casual)] really??
[15:41] [Alexis Shentara (Workout)] Hey Sskt, what do you think about a late lunch?
[15:44] [Sskt (casual)] sounds good
[15:45] > Alexis Shentara (Workout) pats Anna's shoulder one last time - You can do it...
[15:45] > Alexis Shentara (Workout) walks past Sskt, heading out
[15:45] <-- Alexis Shentara (Workout) has left #reddwarfevents (Working out always gives me an appatite.)
[15:46] <-- Sskt (casual) [lizardhunter@Branch6.org] has left #reddwarfevents (heh same)
[15:46] [Leoanna (casual)] ..I can do it...
[15:48] <-- Leoanna (casual) [Hunterorhunted@Branch6.org] has left #reddwarfevents (I can do it!)
[00:00] >>> Saturday Oct 09 2010 <<<
[14:15] ➣ Mugen Acadamy Arena - Locker Room
[14:15] --> Hana Sagusa [sagusa.hana@mugen.edu.jp] has joined #reddwarfevents
[14:15] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Hana Sagusa
[14:16] > Hana Sagusa sits on a bench, applying some salve on some bruises..
[14:16] --> Vanadine (Dress) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has joined #reddwarfevents
[14:16] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Vanadine (Dress)
[14:16] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Vanadine (Dress)
[14:17] > +Vanadine (Dress) walks into the locker room: Hey
[14:17] [Hana Sagusa] oh hey...
[14:20] [+Vanadine (Dress)] How're you feeling?
[14:21] [Hana Sagusa] a bit sort but alright....
[14:21] [Hana Sagusa] ..didn't expect to face a ninja...
[14:23] [+Vanadine (Dress)] Hey, that's perfectly fine though. Think about it.... you have an advantage.
[14:24] > +Vanadine (Dress) smirks: After all, you trained against a ninja.
[14:24] [Hana Sagusa] it was still..ow..tough
[14:24] [Hana Sagusa] guess you could use weapons in the fight...
[14:26] [+Vanadine (Dress)] Well, I'm glad you rememberd your speed training.
[14:27] [+Vanadine (Dress)] The other semi-final match is starting in a little bit. Are you planning on watching?
[14:28] [Hana Sagusa] probably will....just need to bandage up...
[14:30] [+Vanadine (Dress)] Here, I'll help
[14:32] > +Vanadine (Dress) picks up the roll of bandage
[14:32] [+Vanadine (Dress)] Wow, that guy got your arm pretty good.
[14:32] [Hana Sagusa] ...what astonished me is the girl seemed rather glad to lose...
[14:33] [+Vanadine (Dress)] That ninja was a girl!?
[14:34] [Hana Sagusa] yeah...
[14:34] [Hana Sagusa] some girl named Izumi...
[14:34] [Hana Sagusa] *Ibuki
[14:36] [+Vanadine (Dress)] How did I not recognize HER!?
[14:37] [Hana Sagusa] huh?
[14:38] [+Vanadine (Dress)] I heard about Ibuki while I was the resource officer at Mugen.... I knew she was tough, but I didn't think she was still elegable to participate.
[14:42] [Hana Sagusa] she gave me her cell phone number...said she wanted to hang out
[14:43] [+Vanadine (Dress)] Ahhh.... so she's a nicer girl then I was lead to believe.
[14:45] > +Vanadine (Dress) starts wrapping Hana's upper arm
[14:45] [Hana Sagusa] said something about....looking for some cute guys sometime
[14:47] > +Vanadine (Dress) giggles at that as her phone rings.
[14:48] > +Vanadine (Dress) answers her phone
[14:48] [+Vanadine (Dress)] Hello?
[14:49] [+Vanadine (Dress)] Yes.... I'm with her now.
[14:50] [Hana Sagusa] ??
[14:50] [+Vanadine (Dress)] ..... you can't be serious.
[14:51] [Hana Sagusa] huh?
[14:51] [+Vanadine (Dress)] Alright, I'll let her know.
[14:51] > +Vanadine (Dress) puts her phone away.
[14:52] [+Vanadine (Dress)] Have you paid any attention to the brackets in this tournament?
[14:52] [Hana Sagusa] not really...been too busy fighting
[14:53] [Hana Sagusa] why?
[14:54] > +Vanadine (Dress) turns on the tv in the locker room, which has a closed circut signal feed of the main floor: Look who's fighting in the final.....
[14:56] ➣ the fight is between a guy in a baseball outfit....and a very familer school girl
[14:56] [Hana Sagusa] ............HER!?
[14:58] [+Vanadine (Dress)] Yeah....
[14:58] [+Vanadine (Dress)] .... I recognize both of them. But I'm sure you're quite familiar with her.
[14:59] [Hana Sagusa] ...so if she wins this match...
[15:00] [+Vanadine (Dress)] Then it's her against you
[15:01] [Hana Sagusa] ................
[15:02] [+Vanadine (Dress)] She's your ultimate test, Hana....
[15:02] [Hana Sagusa] .....yeah...
[15:05] [+Vanadine (Dress)] If you can beat her.... then noone can stop you. At least, noone on this level.
[15:07] [Hana Sagusa] and if I don't...
[15:08] [+Vanadine (Dress)] Well then, you're still a great fighter.
[15:09] > Hana Sagusa nods slowly
[15:17] > Hana Sagusa is shaking a little
[15:18] > +Vanadine (Dress) puts a hand on Hana's shoulder
[15:18] [+Vanadine (Dress)] You'll do great, I know it.
[15:19] [+Vanadine (Dress)] You're a lot stronger then you were when you went up against her the first time. Besides, that last time was a random fight. This time, you've had time ot train.
[15:19] [Hana Sagusa] ..thanks
[15:20] > +Vanadine (Dress) watches as the inevetable happens, the girl wins the fight and almost makes it look easy.
[15:21] [Hana Sagusa] ....so we are fighting...
[15:23] [Hana Sagusa] >.>
[15:23] [+Vanadine (Dress)] Yup
[15:24] ➣ There's a knock on the door
[15:25] > +Vanadine (Dress) pats Hana's shoulder: I'll get it
[15:26] > +Vanadine (Dress) walks over and opens the door slightly, looking out and grinning
[15:26] [+Vanadine (Dress)] Hey Hana... you have a visitor.
[15:27] [Hana Sagusa] huh?
[15:28] > +Vanadine (Dress) pushes the door open
[15:28] --> Yuu Mori (Casual) [invisableboy@mugen.edu] has joined #reddwarfevents
[15:28] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Yuu Mori (Casual)
[15:28] [Yuu Mori (Casual)] H...hi
[15:29] [Hana Sagusa] ..Yuu.....hi...
[15:29] > Yuu Mori (Casual) stands there in a loose t-shirt and shorts, holding a single red rose.
[15:30] [+Vanadine (Dress)] I'll leave you two to chat. Hana, I'll wait with your brother and frenchy.
[15:31] [Hana Sagusa] ok...vana...
[15:31] <-- +Vanadine (Dress) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has left #reddwarfevents (Well now, this is an interesting development ^_^)
[15:31] > Yuu Mori (Casual) holds the rose out / I um.... brought this for you...
[15:33] > Hana Sagusa takes the rose, blushing really deeply "...tha..thank you"
[15:34] [Yuu Mori (Casual)] You were great out there today.
[15:34] [Hana Sagusa] ....did you..see the match
[15:35] > Hana Sagusa blushes deeply
[15:36] [Yuu Mori (Casual)] That girl just now was pretty good too...... but not as good as you.
[15:36] > Hana Sagusa turns super red "...th..thanks, Yuu-kun"
[15:37] > Yuu Mori (Casual) blushes lightly, smiling.
[15:38] [Hana Sagusa] ...not sure if I can win the next one though
[15:38] [Yuu Mori (Casual)] I don't doubt you at all, Hana-san
[15:39] [Yuu Mori (Casual)] You can do it.
[15:39] [Hana Sagusa] ..like my biggest fan? *smiles a little*
[15:40] [Yuu Mori (Casual)] Yeah..... I guess you could say that.
[15:40] > Yuu Mori (Casual) chuckles nervously, scratching the back of his head lightly
[15:41] > Hana Sagusa looks down at her feet, a silly smile on her face
[15:42] [Yuu Mori (Casual)] Though, I wouldn't mind being a little more...... then your biggest fan.
[15:42] [Hana Sagusa] ...you're not teasing me..are you
[15:43] [Yuu Mori (Casual)] N...No! I would never tease you... let alone about something.... like that.
[15:43] [Hana Sagusa] .................
[15:44] [Yuu Mori (Casual)] I'm only s....stuttering because I.... I'm nervous.
[15:44] > Hana Sagusa hugs Yuu
[15:44] > Yuu Mori (Casual) freezes for a moment, then hugs back lightly
[15:45] [Hana Sagusa] ...I think I'm scared a little bit...
[15:46] [Yuu Mori (Casual)] Scared...... of your fight tomorrow?
[15:46] [Hana Sagusa] yes....
[15:48] [Hana Sagusa] I've met this girl before..and she beat the utter s[SMEG]t out of me
[15:48] [Yuu Mori (Casual)] Well.... I'm sure you can win this time....
[15:49] > Hana Sagusa finds herself holding onto yuu tighter
[15:49] > Yuu Mori (Casual) smiles, holding Hana
[15:51] [Yuu Mori (Casual)] ....e...eaither way..... I'll.... be here for you.
[15:52] [Hana Sagusa] *whispers* thanks
[15:52] > Yuu Mori (Casual) can be felt shaking lightly
[15:53] > Hana Sagusa notices this..and lays her head against yuu's chest
[15:54] > Yuu Mori (Casual) tries to calm himself, but is having a difficult time while holding onto Hana still
[15:55] > Hana Sagusa lets go of Yuu
[15:55] [Hana Sagusa] heh feel better already
[15:57] [Yuu Mori (Casual)] I'm...... glad I could help.
[15:57] [Hana Sagusa] hey wanna have lunch?
[15:58] [Yuu Mori (Casual)] That would be great. ^_^
[15:58] > Hana Sagusa takes yuu's hand
[15:59] > Yuu Mori (Casual) holds Hana's hand lightly with a smile, opening the door for her
[16:00] <-- Hana Sagusa [sagusa.hana@mugen.edu.jp] has left #reddwarfevents (how about sandwiches?)
[16:00] <-- Yuu Mori (Casual) [invisableboy@mugen.edu] has left #reddwarfevents (Sounds good.)
[00:00] >>> Sunday Oct 10 2010 <<<
[12:45] ➣ Madox Castle, Quinox, Future
[12:46] --> Eri Sawyer (Head Maid Outfit) has joined #reddwarfevents
[12:46] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Eri Sawyer (Head Maid Outfit)
[12:46] > Eri Sawyer (Head Maid Outfit) sighs and looks angry as she walks down the hall
[12:47] --> Daphne Sita (Head Maids' Uniform) [ElvenMaid@quinox.gov] has joined #reddwarfevents
[12:47] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Daphne Sita (Head Maids' Uniform)
[12:47] > Eri Sawyer (Head Maid Outfit) is muttering swear words
[12:48] > Daphne Sita (Head Maids' Uniform) walks up to Eri and stops her
[12:48] [Daphne Sita (Head Maids' Uniform)] Hey, you alright?
[12:48] [Eri Sawyer (Head Maid Outfit)] I swear these new hires >_____<
[12:50] [Daphne Sita (Head Maids' Uniform)] What's going on?
[12:52] [Eri Sawyer (Head Maid Outfit)] this new maid..she keeps messing EVERYTHING up
[12:53] [Eri Sawyer (Head Maid Outfit)] almost broke a gift from the queen...
[12:54] [Eri Sawyer (Head Maid Outfit)] I swear the west wing is going to hell
[12:55] > Eri Sawyer (Head Maid Outfit) rubs her forehead
[12:56] [Daphne Sita (Head Maids' Uniform)] Don't worry so much abou it, Eri.
[12:56] [Daphne Sita (Head Maids' Uniform)] You'll only cause yourself heartach and wrinkles and that pretty forehead. :P
[12:58] [Eri Sawyer (Head Maid Outfit)] ugh....so how is your end?
[12:59] [Daphne Sita (Head Maids' Uniform)] Everything seems to be going well. The guard towers are actually already in good shape.
[13:00] [Daphne Sita (Head Maids' Uniform)] I am looking at a few new recruits, just incase I need some reserves.
[13:01] [Eri Sawyer (Head Maid Outfit)] you know usually I would gossip about our sex life...but man I'm feeling too geh right now
[13:02] ➣ a very small built maid goes running by..slips...and slides across the room on her face....
[13:02] [Daphne Sita (Head Maids' Uniform)] Oh comeon now...
[13:03] [Eri Sawyer (Head Maid Outfit)] ...DON'T RUN...
[13:03] [Daphne Sita (Head Maids' Uniform)] Is that the one you're talking about?
[13:05] [Eri Sawyer (Head Maid Outfit)] yes.....
[13:05] [Daphne Sita (Head Maids' Uniform)] Yikes
[13:05] [Eri Sawyer (Head Maid Outfit)] odd girl..her parents actually pushed her to join the staff
[13:06] ➣ the girl stands up straight...she stands about 5'1...with green pigtails..and very large glasses..she quickly bows..and runs off...and can be heard slipping and falling again
[13:08] [Eri Sawyer (Head Maid Outfit)] and I'm in charge of her...
[13:10] > Eri Sawyer (Head Maid Outfit) shakes head
[13:10] [Daphne Sita (Head Maids' Uniform)] She needs to slow down. I mean, is there a reason she's breaking into a full run like that?
[13:11] [Eri Sawyer (Head Maid Outfit)] ..she always does that
[13:12] [Daphne Sita (Head Maids' Uniform)] Then I know what you need to do...
[13:12] [Eri Sawyer (Head Maid Outfit)] hm?
[13:13] [Daphne Sita (Head Maids' Uniform)] ... calm down, don't yell at her and find out why she's running around all the time. Then explain to her that it's not safe and she doesn't need to rush unless she's told to rush.
[13:16] [Eri Sawyer (Head Maid Outfit)] heh how is your bunch?
[13:18] [Daphne Sita (Head Maids' Uniform)] They're not bad. I've only got a few now. The other half are gonna' be my disguised guard team.
[13:18] [Eri Sawyer (Head Maid Outfit)] heard one of your gals is pretty......big.....
[13:19] [Daphne Sita (Head Maids' Uniform)] Yup. 6'10", about 240.
[13:20] [Daphne Sita (Head Maids' Uniform)] And she's got power to spare. She's definately going to be my maintinance girl.
[13:21] [Eri Sawyer (Head Maid Outfit)] she scares the hell out of me
[13:23] [Daphne Sita (Head Maids' Uniform)] She's a teddy bear
[13:23] [Daphne Sita (Head Maids' Uniform)] Actually, I think she's scared of me.
[13:24] [Eri Sawyer (Head Maid Outfit)] why cause of the pointy ears *pokes daphne's ear*
[13:24] [Daphne Sita (Head Maids' Uniform)] Partially, I think
[13:26] [Daphne Sita (Head Maids' Uniform)] There's an old terrin myth about elephants being afraid of mice. It kinda' reminds me of that.
[13:27] [Eri Sawyer (Head Maid Outfit)] oh yeah I've heard of that
[13:27] [Zenthi (Head Maid Outfit)] *ahem*
[13:27] --> Zenthi (Head Maid Outfit) [staffhead@Q.ry.com] has joined #reddwarfevents
[13:27] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Zenthi (Head Maid Outfit)
[13:27] > Zenthi (Head Maid Outfit) walks out from a hallway
[13:27] > Eri Sawyer (Head Maid Outfit) stands up straight, fixing her outfit
[13:27] [Daphne Sita (Head Maids' Uniform)] Hello Miss Zenthi
[13:29] [Zenthi (Head Maid Outfit)] well well what do we have here?
[13:29] [Zenthi (Head Maid Outfit)] neglecting our duties?
[13:30] [Daphne Sita (Head Maids' Uniform)] No, of course not! Just taking a quick moment to chat about our new recruits.
[13:31] [Eri Sawyer (Head Maid Outfit)] yes
[13:31] [Zenthi (Head Maid Outfit)] oh I see....do you approve of them?
[13:31] > Eri Sawyer (Head Maid Outfit) looks to Daphne
[13:32] [Daphne Sita (Head Maids' Uniform)] Mine are good so far. I was just bragging to Eri about how my big girl is intimidated by me.
[13:33] [Zenthi (Head Maid Outfit)] oh yes her...and you Eri?
[13:33] [Eri Sawyer (Head Maid Outfit)] >.> they're fine
[13:35] > Zenthi (Head Maid Outfit) just arches an eyebrow
[13:38] > Daphne Sita (Head Maids' Uniform) throws Eri a look.
[13:43] [Eri Sawyer (Head Maid Outfit)] there is just one girl...
[13:43] [Zenthi (Head Maid Outfit)] ...don't tell me....Maggie...
[13:43] [Eri Sawyer (Head Maid Outfit)] yes
[13:48] > Daphne Sita (Head Maids' Uniform) stands there, listening.
[13:49] [Zenthi (Head Maid Outfit)] oh dear...
[13:49] [Eri Sawyer (Head Maid Outfit)] so you know what I mean
[13:49] [Zenthi (Head Maid Outfit)] ..only too well....
[13:51] > Zenthi (Head Maid Outfit) sighs
[13:51] > Eri Sawyer (Head Maid Outfit) sighs too
[13:52] [Daphne Sita (Head Maids' Uniform)] Miss Zenthi, you knew about this girl already?
[13:55] [Zenthi (Head Maid Outfit)] yes..she was sort of shoved onto us
[13:56] [Daphne Sita (Head Maids' Uniform)] By who?
[13:58] [Zenthi (Head Maid Outfit)] one of the noble families...from the capital.......
[13:58] [Daphne Sita (Head Maids' Uniform)] Ah
[13:59] [Zenthi (Head Maid Outfit)] basically left her on the doorstep and said "give her a job"
[14:00] [Daphne Sita (Head Maids' Uniform)] Wow
[14:00] [Daphne Sita (Head Maids' Uniform)] How could they do that to us?
[14:02] [Zenthi (Head Maid Outfit)] I think they were rather desperate
[14:04] [Daphne Sita (Head Maids' Uniform)] Hmm
[14:06] [Zenthi (Head Maid Outfit)] for now we're stuck with her
[14:07] > Daphne Sita (Head Maids' Uniform) pats Eri's shoulder/ Good luck with her
[14:08] [Eri Sawyer (Head Maid Outfit)] he..hey
[14:09] [Zenthi (Head Maid Outfit)] quite..good luck!
[14:10] [Eri Sawyer (Head Maid Outfit)] HEY!
[14:11] [Zenthi (Head Maid Outfit)] now then..girls....
[14:12] [Zenthi (Head Maid Outfit)] we are expecting some very high profile visitors today....
[14:12] [Daphne Sita (Head Maids' Uniform)] Oooo, any word on who?
[14:13] [Zenthi (Head Maid Outfit)] the Queen's brother and his wife
[14:15] [Daphne Sita (Head Maids' Uniform)] Oh my
[14:16] [Zenthi (Head Maid Outfit)] so everything must be prepared for their arrival
[14:19] [Daphne Sita (Head Maids' Uniform)] Very well.
[14:19] [Eri Sawyer (Head Maid Outfit)] alright...
[14:21] [Zenthi (Head Maid Outfit)] and they arrive...in an hour
[14:21] [Daphne Sita (Head Maids' Uniform)] Alright then. I'll brief the towers and make sure they and the door staff are ready for the arrival.
[14:23] [Eri Sawyer (Head Maid Outfit)] I'll prepare then the halls for their arrival...
[14:23] [Daphne Sita (Head Maids' Uniform)] I'll see you later Miss Zenthi, Eri
[14:24] [Zenthi (Head Maid Outfit)] of course, Daphne
[14:25] > Daphne Sita (Head Maids' Uniform) turns and heads down the hall
[14:26] <-- Daphne Sita (Head Maids' Uniform) [ElvenMaid@quinox.gov] has left #reddwarfevents (I have some work to do.)
[14:28] [Eri Sawyer (Head Maid Outfit)] I'll go and work on the halls then
[14:28] <-- Eri Sawyer (Head Maid Outfit) has left #reddwarfevents
[14:28] [Zenthi (Head Maid Outfit)] heh
[14:29] <-- Zenthi (Head Maid Outfit) [staffhead@Q.ry.com] has left #reddwarfevents
[15:06] ➣ Mugen Acadamy, empty classroom
[15:06] > Hana Sagusa (casual) lays on a desk
[15:07] --> Chanelle Challe (Casual) [FrenchProjector@Mugen.edu] has joined #reddwarfevents
[15:07] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Chanelle Challe (Casual)
[15:07] > Chanelle Challe (Casual) walks into the classroom
[15:07] [Chanelle Challe (Casual)] Hey...
[15:07] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] hm?.....oh hi....
[15:09] > Chanelle Challe (Casual) walks over and sits next to Hana
[15:10] [Chanelle Challe (Casual)] You ok?
[15:10] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] I guess....
[15:14] > Hana Sagusa (casual) is looking at the ceiling
[15:16] [Chanelle Challe (Casual)] You did great Hana....
[15:16] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] mmhm...
[15:17] [Chanelle Challe (Casual)] I heard that Yuu visited you yesterday.
[15:17] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] yeah.....
[15:18] [Chanelle Challe (Casual)] How'd that go, hmmmm?
[15:19] > Chanelle Challe (Casual) grins, looking inquizative.
[15:20] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] ...fine...
[15:20] [Chanelle Challe (Casual)] Awwww, comeon! Give me SOME details! Did ya' kiss him?
[15:21] > Hana Sagusa (casual) is just staring at the ceiling
[15:23] > Chanelle Challe (Casual) sighs a bit in frustration
[15:28] [Chanelle Challe (Casual)] Will you quite your moping?
[15:30] [Chanelle Challe (Casual)] You did awesome these past two weeks. You might've lost today, but you won THREE TIMES before that and that ninja was super tough.
[15:32] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] ...I know....I'm just tired
[15:34] > Hana Sagusa (casual) feels her bruised eye
[15:36] > Chanelle Challe (Casual) stands | Well then, I'll let you rest. Though, we should probably get you home soon if you want to really rest.
[15:37] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] yeah..I know
[15:38] > Chanelle Challe (Casual) lightly puts a hand on Hana's shoulder | We'll be waiting outside.
[15:38] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] ok...
[15:39] <-- Chanelle Challe (Casual) [FrenchProjector@Mugen.edu] has left #reddwarfevents (I hope she's not trying to hide anything....)
[15:41] > Hana Sagusa (casual) sighs
[15:45] <-- Hana Sagusa (casual) [sagusa.hana@mugen.edu.jp] has left #reddwarfevents
[00:00] >>> Monday Oct 11 2010 <<<
[11:04] ➣ Chanelle's House
[11:06] > Hana Sagusa (casual) is laying on the floor of chanelle's room
[11:07] --> Chanelle Challe (Casual) [FrenchProjector@Mugen.edu] has joined #reddwarfevents
[11:07] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Chanelle Challe (Casual)
[11:08] > Chanelle Challe (Casual) walks in, carrying a small tray
[11:08] [Chanelle Challe (Casual)] Up for a snack?
[11:08] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] heck yeah!
[11:10] > Hana Sagusa (casual) sits up
[11:11] > Chanelle Challe (Casual) sets the tray down, which has a small plate of pastries and a container of juice with two cups
[11:12] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] thanks
[11:20] > Hana Sagusa (casual) pours herself some juice and drinks
[11:21] > Chanelle Challe (Casual) sits on her bed and grabs a pastry, eating
[11:22] [Chanelle Challe (Casual)] How're you feeling after a good night's sleep?
[11:22] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] pretty damn good
[11:23] [Chanelle Challe (Casual)] Good good
[11:23] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] muscles are still a bit sore though..
[11:24] [Chanelle Challe (Casual)] I can imagine.
[11:25] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] you snored :P
[11:26] [Chanelle Challe (Casual)] :P
[11:27] > Chanelle Challe (Casual) pours some juice and drinks
[11:27] [Chanelle Challe (Casual)] That's something I'm hoping to stop before your brother and I further our relationship.
[11:29] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] you sound like an elephant at night :P
[11:30] [Chanelle Challe (Casual)] I do not!
[11:31] [Chanelle Challe (Casual)] I know I snore... but it's not THAT loud.
[11:32] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] you're all like PPPPPFFFFT...SNOOOORK PFFFTTT
[11:32] [Chanelle Challe (Casual)] Oh shush.. like you're one to talk.
[11:33] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] and what do you mean by that :P
[11:35] [Chanelle Challe (Casual)] Maybe you thought you were listening to me, but were hearing yourself snore.
[11:36] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] I do not :P
[11:36] [Chanelle Challe (Casual)] I swear I think I heard the windows ratteling
[11:37] <-- Hana Sagusa (casual) [sagusa.hana@mugen.edu.jp] has left #reddwarfevents (oh I do not :P)
[11:38] <-- Chanelle Challe (Casual) [FrenchProjector@Mugen.edu] has left #reddwarfevents (If you don't then I don't :P)
[23:14] ➣ Yuu Mori's home / Yuu's bedroom
[23:14] --> Yuu Mori (Shirtless) [invisableboy@mugen.edu] has joined #reddwarfevents
[23:14] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Yuu Mori (Shirtless)
[23:14] > Yuu Mori (Shirtless) walks into his room with a drink, sitting down at his computer.
[23:16] ➣ a pebble strikes his window
[23:16] > Yuu Mori (Shirtless) looks up, but thinks nothing of it and goes back to his computer.
[23:18] ➣ another pebble strikes the window
[23:18] > Yuu Mori (Shirtless) looks up again, this time getting up and walking to the window
[23:20] > Hana Sagusa (coat) is standing outside the window
[23:22] > Yuu Mori (Shirtless) opens the window | Hana-san? W.....what're you doing here?
[23:22] [Hana Sagusa (coat)] thought I'd stop by....if that's ok
[23:23] [Yuu Mori (Shirtless)] Yeah! That's perfectly fine. Um.... do you wanna' come in?
[23:26] [Hana Sagusa (coat)] sure
[23:26] [Hana Sagusa (coat)] unless you want me to stand out in the cold
[23:26] [Yuu Mori (Shirtless)] No no no.... please, meet me at the front door.
[23:27] > Yuu Mori (Shirtless) smiles and closes the window, rushing out of his room.
[23:29] > Hana Sagusa (coat) waits at the front door
[23:30] > Yuu Mori (Shirtless) unlocks and opens the front door
[23:32] [Yuu Mori (Shirtless)] Sorry I took so long. I put on some tea.
[23:32] [Yuu Mori (Shirtless)] Please come in
[23:33] > Hana Sagusa (coat) walks in
[23:33] [Hana Sagusa (coat)] your parents won't mind?
[23:34] [Yuu Mori (Shirtless)] My parents aren't here. They work overnights.
[23:35] [Yuu Mori (Shirtless)] They trust me not to do anything crazy.
[23:35] [Hana Sagusa (coat)] but can I trust you :P
[23:36] > Yuu Mori (Shirtless) blushes | I hope so.. *^_^*
[23:36] > Yuu Mori (Shirtless) leads the way to his room
[23:36] [Yuu Mori (Shirtless)] Please have a seat.... I'll get you some tea to warm up with.
[23:38] > Hana Sagusa (coat) removes her coat and sits down
[23:38] > Hana Sagusa (Pajams) waits for the tea
[23:38] [Hana Sagusa (Pajamas)] ^
[23:41] > Yuu Mori (Shirtless) walks back in and sees Hana, pausing and nearly dropping the tray
[23:41] [Yuu Mori (Shirtless)] H....Hana-san!?
[23:44] [Hana Sagusa (Pajamas)] huh?
[23:45] > Yuu Mori (Shirtless) is blushing profusely, looking Hana over in her pj's
[23:45] [Yuu Mori (Shirtless)] Why... I mean.... not that it.... bothers me but..... why're you.... in your pajamas.... in my room?
[23:46] [Hana Sagusa (Pajamas)] oh this....couldn't sleep at home..so I walked here..
[23:47] [Yuu Mori (Shirtless)] Oh... um.... why didn't you...... go to Chanelle-san's? N... not that I mind of course.
[23:49] [Hana Sagusa (Pajamas)] you're closer...plus I sort of...wanted to see you
[23:49] [Yuu Mori (Shirtless)] Ah... well.... um... alright.
[23:50] > Yuu Mori (Shirtless) is visably nervous as he pours a cup of tea | How.... do you take your tea?
[23:51] [Hana Sagusa (Pajamas)] nothing sweet
[23:51] [Yuu Mori (Shirtless)] Alright
[23:53] > Yuu Mori (Shirtless) hands the cup of tea to Hana, his hand shaking slightly
[23:53] > Hana Sagusa (Pajamas) takes the tea and drinks "...just perfect"
[23:55] > Yuu Mori (Shirtless) sits in his desk chair, pouring himself a cup of tea and drinks
[23:56] [Hana Sagusa (Pajamas)] ...thanks for the charm
[23:56] [Yuu Mori (Shirtless)] Oh... you're very welcome. I'm glad you like it.
[23:58] [Hana Sagusa (Pajamas)] brought me good luck I'm sure
[23:58] [Yuu Mori (Shirtless)] You think so?
[23:59] [Hana Sagusa (Pajamas)] I'm sure of it
[00:00] >>> Tuesday Oct 12 2010 <<<
[00:00] > Hana Sagusa (Pajamas) blushes a bit..staring at Yuu
[00:00] > Yuu Mori (Shirtless) blushes again, smiling | Well I'm.... glad that it helped. *^_^*
[00:02] [Hana Sagusa (Pajamas)] ..too bad I lost
[00:05] [Yuu Mori (Shirtless)] But you did great!! The only reason she dodged your final strike is because her shoe came off.
[00:07] [Hana Sagusa (Pajamas)] yeah I suppose so....
[00:09] [Yuu Mori (Shirtless)] If not for her accidentally dodging that final strike, you would've won.....
[00:09] [Hana Sagusa (Pajamas)] ..yeah...
[00:09] [Yuu Mori (Shirtless)] ..... I have no doubts about that.
[00:09] [Hana Sagusa (Pajamas)] ...I see...
[00:10] > Hana Sagusa (Pajamas) blinks..as she's found herself leaning forward towards yuu >.>
[00:12] > Yuu Mori (Shirtless) pauses, noticing that Hana's staring at him
[00:12] [Yuu Mori (Shirtless)] ..I..is something wrong, Hana-san?
[00:14] [Hana Sagusa (Pajamas)] n..no >.>
[00:14] > Hana Sagusa (Pajamas) pulls back
[00:17] > Yuu Mori (Shirtless) turns the monitor off on his computer and moves over, sitting nervously on the bed near Hana
[00:18] [Yuu Mori (Shirtless)] I'm still having a difficult time....... believing you're here. *^_^*
[00:19] [Hana Sagusa (Pajamas)] I..suppose...never been in a guy's room...like this...
[00:20] [Yuu Mori (Shirtless)] I've never.... had a girl in my room like this either...
[00:20] [Hana Sagusa (Pajamas)] .....really.......
[00:21] > Yuu Mori (Shirtless) nods slowly
[00:22] > Hana Sagusa (Pajamas) nods slowly as well.....
[00:22] [Yuu Mori (Shirtless)] Do you um...... wanna' do anything?
[00:23] [Hana Sagusa (Pajamas)] ..like what?
[00:24] [Yuu Mori (Shirtless)] I.... dunno... anything I guess.....
[00:24] [Hana Sagusa (Pajamas)] ....play video games at all?.....
[00:25] > Hana Sagusa (Pajamas) pauses..staring at yuu
[00:25] [Yuu Mori (Shirtless)] Only on my computer...
[00:25] [Hana Sagusa (Pajamas)] .......
[00:26] > Hana Sagusa (Pajamas) turns away for a second..
[00:26] > Yuu Mori (Shirtless) looks back at her, nervously
[00:26] > Hana Sagusa (Pajamas) turns back and kisses Yuu suddenly on the lips
[00:27] [Yuu Mori (Shirtless)] O_O!
[00:27] > Yuu Mori (Shirtless) freezes, not sure how to react to this
[00:28] > Hana Sagusa (Pajamas) keeps kissing
[00:28] > Yuu Mori (Shirtless) slowly starts to react, kissing back and starting to hug Hana
[00:29] > Hana Sagusa (Pajamas) returns the hug as well as the kiss
[00:30] > Yuu Mori (Shirtless) slowly breaks the kiss, gasping for air
[00:30] [Yuu Mori (Shirtless)] Oh..... wow~
[00:30] > Hana Sagusa (Pajamas) blushes deeply
[00:32] > Yuu Mori (Shirtless) blushes also, giving a goofy looking smile
[00:32] [Hana Sagusa (Pajamas)] wow...
[00:32] [Hana Sagusa (Pajamas)] I...I should get home
[00:32] [Yuu Mori (Shirtless)] W.....where'd THAT come from?
[00:33] [Hana Sagusa (Pajamas)] I..I don't know
[00:34] [Hana Sagusa (Pajamas)] ...I better go
[00:35] [Yuu Mori (Shirtless)] O.... Okay
[00:35] [Hana Sagusa (Pajamas)] ...seeya again, Yuu...
[00:35] > Hana Sagusa (Pajamas) heads out the door, touching her lips as she does...
[00:35] > Hana Sagusa (Pajamas) left her coat
[00:35] <-- Hana Sagusa (Pajamas) [sagusa.hana@mugen.edu.jp] has left #reddwarfevents (.........)
[00:35] [Yuu Mori (Shirtless)] Hana-san... wait....
[00:36] > Yuu Mori (Shirtless) sighs lightly but then smiles and blushes
[00:38] > Yuu Mori (Shirtless) locks his door
[00:39] <-- Yuu Mori (Shirtless) [invisableboy@mugen.edu] has left #reddwarfevents (She..... actually kissed me *^_^*)
[01:11] [@HOL_6000] @The Server rolls: 1d20 { 10 }
[22:47] ➣ Kaze-Knives Manor
[22:47] ➣ there is a knock at the door
[22:49] --> Vanadine (PJ's) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has joined #reddwarfevents
[22:49] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Vanadine (PJ's)
[22:49] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Vanadine (PJ's)
[22:49] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] Who's here at this time of night?
[22:49] > +Vanadine (PJ's) walks down the stairs and to the door.
[22:52] ➣ the knock is louder
[22:54] > +Vanadine (PJ's) turns on the security camera
[22:56] ➣ the monitor shows Hana...being rained on as she waits impatently
[22:56] > +Vanadine (PJ's) punches in the combination and opens the door: Hana? What're you doing here at this time of night?
[22:57] [Hana Sagusa (coat)] what? do you have your phone unplugged or something >< my brother was trying to call you all day ><
[23:00] [Hana Sagusa (coat)] the dojo is getting worked on...so I need a place to stay
[23:01] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] I never heard it ring.... well come on in!
[23:01] > +Vanadine (PJ's) steps aside
[23:02] > Hana Sagusa (coat) walks in, wet and dragging her suitcase
[23:05] [Hana Sagusa (coat)] ugh....hate this rain
[23:05] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] I can only imagine.
[23:08] > +Vanadine (PJ's) closes the door behind Hana
[23:09] [Hana Sagusa (coat)] sorry about this...
[23:10] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] It's alright. We don't mind having family stay with us.
[23:10] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] Where's your brother staying?
[23:10] [Hana Sagusa (coat)] he's staying at a friend's place
[23:11] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] Ahh
[23:12] > Hana Sagusa (coat) tries to shake the rain out of her hair
[23:14] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] So is that the only reason your mind is clouded?
[23:16] [Hana Sagusa (coat)] huh????
[23:16] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] Your emotions are clouding your mind. I can read it like a book
[23:17] [Hana Sagusa (coat)] hey stop reading my mind!
[23:18] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] Sorry. It's just that your emotions are screaming out to me like an air raid siren.
[23:19] > Hana Sagusa (coat) blushes "..what can you sense then"
[23:23] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] Well, your emotions are stronger then normal right now. But not the usual anger and frustration.
[23:23] [Hana Sagusa (coat)] ....
[23:23] [Hana Sagusa (coat)] I kissed a boy
[23:24] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] ❧ OOOOOOOooooo ❧
[23:25] > Hana Sagusa (coat) blushes brightly
[23:25] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] Was it that boy that came to visit you during the tournament?
[23:28] [Hana Sagusa (coat)] ...yes
[23:31] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] Oh wow. He was kinda' cute, too.
[23:32] > +Vanadine (PJ's) opens the door to one of the guest rooms.
[23:32] > Hana Sagusa (coat) puts her suitcase on the floor and removes her coat
[23:33] > Hana Sagusa (casual) is still blushing and nods
[23:35] > +Vanadine (PJ's) sits in a chair near the bed in the room
[23:36] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] So, tell me all about it. I'm curious now.
[23:36] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] ...what do you want to know?
[23:37] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] How did it all happen?
[23:40] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] what happen?
[23:42] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] You said you kissed him?
[23:42] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] yeah...
[23:42] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] Where were you when it happened?
[23:44] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] his house
[23:47] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] Oh my...
[23:48] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] >.>
[23:50] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] Did anything ELSE happen?
[23:50] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] no
[23:52] > +Vanadine (PJ's) grins: Did you WANT something else to happen?
[23:53] > Hana Sagusa (casual) turns deep red
[23:53] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] ...I don't know
[23:54] > +Vanadine (PJ's) giggles a little
[23:56] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] >.>
[23:56] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] You're cute when your embarassed. :P
[23:57] > Hana Sagusa (casual) turns reallllly red
[23:58] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] I..I think I'll go and take a shower before bed....
[00:00] >>> Wednesday Oct 13 2010 <<<
[00:00] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] Alright alright. I'm sorry I'm teasing you so much.
[00:01] > Hana Sagusa (casual) is blushing bright red
[00:01] > +Vanadine (PJ's) stands: Make yourself at home and I'll see ya' in the morning Hana.
[00:02] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] yeah...thanks....*shuffles off, bright red*
[00:03] > +Vanadine (PJ's) grins, standing and heading out
[00:03] <-- Hana Sagusa (casual) [sagusa.hana@mugen.edu.jp] has left #reddwarfevents (...)
[00:06] <-- +Vanadine (PJ's) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has left #reddwarfevents (Well it's nice that she's got a boy interested in her.)
[00:41] [@HOL_6000] Naftis Katheti (Apron) rolls: 1d20 { 6 }
[21:33] ➣ RD: Workout Room
[21:33] --> Vanadine (Workout) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has joined #reddwarfevents
[21:33] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Vanadine (Workout)
[21:33] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Vanadine (Workout)
[21:35] > +Vanadine (Workout) walks in angerly, her left hand dripping with blood
[21:37] [+Vanadine (Workout)] You think I WANTED it to be like this!?
[21:38] > +Vanadine (Workout) throws a punch into the heavy bag
[21:40] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Like I WANTED to be seperated from my best friend!?
[21:40] > +Vanadine (Workout) punches the bag with her injured hand, leaving a blood spatter on it
[21:43] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Or would you rather I lose a job I love AND get sued for everything we have!?
[21:44] > +Vanadine (Workout) throws a kick, which knocks the bag off it's hook and onto the floor.
[21:47] > +Vanadine (Workout) stands there and huffs
[21:48] > +Vanadine (Workout) drops to her kneels, sniffeling
[21:49] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Why can't..... he ever just trust me? T_T
[21:58] > +Vanadine (Workout) wipes her eyes and stands, straightening up the bag
[21:59] > +Vanadine (Workout) holds her injured head and heads out to the med bay
[21:59] <-- +Vanadine (Workout) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has left #reddwarfevents (Guess I'll get my hand fixed up)
[22:22] ➣ RD: Medbay
[22:22] --> Vanadine (Workout) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has joined #reddwarfevents
[22:22] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Vanadine (Workout)
[22:22] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Vanadine (Workout)
[22:23] --> ~Matsuo Shin (casual) has joined #reddwarfevents
[22:23] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, ~Matsuo Shin (casual)
[22:23] [~Matsuo Shin (casual)] ..there you are
[22:23] > +Vanadine (Workout) sits on one of the beds, her hand wrapped in bandages
[22:24] > +Vanadine (Workout) looks up at Matsuo, then looks back down.
[22:24] [~Matsuo Shin (casual)] ....you're upset about this entire thing aren't you
[22:24] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Of course I am.... why wouldn't I be?
[22:25] [~Matsuo Shin (casual)] and I can understand your frustration with Nate...
[22:25] [+Vanadine (Workout)] As much as he claims to love me...... he doesn't understand my decisions and doesn't even try to.
[22:26] > ~Matsuo Shin (casual) nods "you have every right to be angry....."
[22:26] [+Vanadine (Workout)] He just criticizes everything and makes me feel like an idiot
[22:27] [+Vanadine (Workout)] I mean, I KNOW I made a mistake representing myself when I signed that contract and letting them put that stipulation in......
[22:27] > ~Matsuo Shin (casual) puts an arm around vana
[22:28] [+Vanadine (Workout)] ....... but it's not like I want to lose my job AND get sued for breach of contract on top of it.
[22:28] [~Matsuo Shin (casual)] no one would
[22:30] [+Vanadine (Workout)] I'm just glad it'll be over tomorrow.....
[22:31] [~Matsuo Shin (casual)] then perhaps you can invite her over once more
[22:32] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Yeah, Neph's been helping me communicate with her while we can't be near each other.
[22:33] [+Vanadine (Workout)] As soon as these bracelets come off, she's coming over to the house.
[22:33] [~Matsuo Shin (casual)] perhaps we will have a big dinner for her
[22:35] [+Vanadine (Workout)] That would be nice.
[22:36] [~Matsuo Shin (casual)] anything I can do to help you feel better?
[22:37] [+Vanadine (Workout)] I dunno....
[22:39] > ~Matsuo Shin (casual) smiles and gives vana a gentle hug
[22:40] > +Vanadine (Workout) hugs back lightly
[22:41] [~Matsuo Shin (casual)] how are you feeling...
[22:42] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Still kinda' down..... I bet Nate thinks I'm retarded for getting into that whole situation.
[22:43] [~Matsuo Shin (casual)] well don't mind him then..cause I know you are not retarded..whatever that means
[22:47] [+Vanadine (Workout)] I think I need to go home.
[22:49] [~Matsuo Shin (casual)] do you want me to come with you?
[22:50] [+Vanadine (Workout)] No, I don't want to ruin your good time.
[22:50] > +Vanadine (Workout) stands
[22:51] [~Matsuo Shin (casual)] good time?..I've been sitting on a sofa heh
[22:53] [+Vanadine (Workout)] You were socializing.
[22:54] [~Matsuo Shin (casual)] I was listening
[22:58] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Still
[22:58] [~Matsuo Shin (casual)] alright..if you wish..I'm sure my sister is at home
[23:00] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Alright
[23:00] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Thanks for coming to check on me.
[23:00] [~Matsuo Shin (casual)] take care *gives vana a kiss on both cheeks*
[23:01] > +Vanadine (Workout) kisses Matsuo on the forehead
[23:03] [~Matsuo Shin (casual)] take care
[23:04] <-- ~Matsuo Shin (casual) has left #reddwarfevents
[23:04] [+Vanadine (Workout)] You too...
[23:05] <-- +Vanadine (Workout) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has left #reddwarfevents (I need to think)
[00:00] >>> Monday Oct 18 2010 <<<
[12:28] --> Marty D [Techwiz@hogwarts.edu] has joined #reddwarfevents
[12:28] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Marty D
[12:28] > Marty D enters his study in his castle, sitting down with a fish sandwich and chips for lunch.
[12:33] --> Tina Detroit [FireyAirPrincess@QTech.com] has joined #reddwarfevents
[12:33] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Tina Detroit
[12:33] > Tina Detroit knocks on the door
[12:34] [Marty D] Nya?
[12:35] [Tina Detroit] yo!
[12:36] [Marty D] ❧ Tinya... you never have to knock.. ❧
[12:36] > Tina Detroit looks really tired....
[12:36] > Marty D puts down his lunch and stands to kiss her.
[12:36] > Tina Detroit kisses back
[12:36] [Marty D] Nya? You dont look so good..
[12:37] --> Celestite Detroit [CrystalGirl@dimensionzero.cc] has joined #reddwarfevents
[12:37] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Celestite Detroit
[12:37] [Tina Detroit] long night ~_~......
[12:38] [Celestite Detroit] ♬ Hiiiii ♭
[12:38] [Marty D] Hi Cele.. Did you give Tinya a rough night? ♡
[12:39] [Tina Detroit] just got home actually ~_~
[12:39] > Marty D lets go of Tina to embrace and kiss Cele.
[12:40] > Tina Detroit sits slowly down on a chair, yawning
[12:40] [Celestite Detroit] Sadly no. *hugs and kisses Marty*
[12:42] > Marty D sits in his armchair, adjacent to a nice couch.
[12:42] [Marty D] Tell us about your night then, dear.
[12:42] > Celestite Detroit sits on the sofa
[12:43] [Tina Detroit] left yesterday afternoon...you must have noticed my abstance at dinner......
[12:44] [Tina Detroit] went to a confrence for all high rulers of Quinox ~_~....
[12:44] > Marty D nots, resuming his lunch.
[12:45] [Marty D] Oh my... How did it go, roughness aside?
[12:45] [Tina Detroit] fine...just really really dull...
[12:47] [Marty D] mmm... Well... my night wasn't dull.. Aun... Kaede made a pass at me.
[12:47] [Tina Detroit] .........that is weird ~_~
[12:47] > Tina Detroit is just really tired
[12:48] [Marty D] A little. ^^ I can't deny shes an attractive woman making tempting offers..
[12:48] [Celestite Detroit] Aunty Kaede made a pass at you!?
[12:48] [Celestite Detroit] I never would've thought she'd do something like that.
[12:49] [Tina Detroit] well..that's Aunt Kaede when she was young we're talking about...
[12:50] [Celestite Detroit] True.... but still.
[12:50] [Marty D] Yeah, this was back on the old ship.
[12:51] [Marty D] I'll confess to kissing her, but held back from anything else.. I was concerned about your opinions on the matter, not to mention a little too tired for relations. ^^;;
[12:51] [Celestite Detroit] That's....... interesting.
[12:52] [Tina Detroit] ..honestly I would frown on that...I mean she IS our aunt.....even if not by blood
[12:53] > Marty D nods between bites of his food.
[12:54] [Marty D] Is a little odd.. she did used to babysit me ^^
[12:55] [Celestite Detroit] Me too...
[12:55] [Tina Detroit] same >.>
[12:57] > Marty D chuckles nervously.
[12:57] [Celestite Detroit] Well.... at least it was just a kiss.
[12:57] [Marty D] Still.. shes a pretty woman.. ohh, that hair~ *_*
[12:58] [Celestite Detroit] She is rather pretty, I'll admit that.
[12:58] > Tina Detroit looks at marty, tiredly...
[12:58] [Tina Detroit] ..marty....
[12:58] [Marty D] Tinya
[12:58] [Marty D] ?
[12:58] [Tina Detroit] I'm tiiiired ~_~
[12:58] [Marty D] Nya? You want to take a catnap?
[12:59] [Tina Detroit] think so ~_~
[13:00] [Celestite Detroit] Awww, poor Tina.
[13:00] [Marty D] So, I take it you'd rather I don't persue relations with her?
[13:00] [Tina Detroit] yeah...
[13:00] > Marty D stands, walking behind Tina and rubbing her neck.
[13:00] [Celestite Detroit] Might not be the best idea.... as cute as Aunt Kaede is.
[13:00] [Marty D] Okay. You're excused if you want to to sleep.
[13:01] > Tina Detroit has already fallen asleep
[13:02] [Marty D] O_o that was fast.
[13:02] [Marty D] Wait.... 'as cute as Aunt Kaede is'?
[13:02] [Celestite Detroit] Awwww....
[13:03] > Marty D gives Cele a sly grin. :3
[13:03] [Celestite Detroit] Well yeah.... Aunt Kaede is very attractive. :P
[13:04] [Marty D] ♬ You ~ want her tooo~oooo... You ~ want her tooo~oooo... ♭
[13:04] > Marty D continues to massage Tina's shoulder gently.
[13:05] > Celestite Detroit blushes a little
[13:05] [Tina Detroit] zzzzz
[13:08] [Marty D] If I wanted to be a prat I'd say we call majority rules on this. :3 but no.. We can't hurt Tinya.
[13:08] > Marty D strokes Tina's hair.
[13:09] [Celestite Detroit] Nah, we couldn't do that to Tina.
[13:09] [Celestite Detroit] As tempting as the offer is. ;P
[13:09] > Tina Detroit is away: zzz
[13:10] [Celestite Detroit] I think we're pushing the boundries enough by being with the maids.
[13:10] --> Daphne Sita [ElvenMaid@quinox.gov] has joined #reddwarfevents
[13:10] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Daphne Sita
[13:10] [Marty D] Maybe. I dunno.... heh.. speak of the devil..
[13:11] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) walks in and pauses / Oh.... I'm sorry Master. I was unaware you were with the princess and the mistress.
[13:11] [Celestite Detroit] ♬ Hiii Daphne~ ♭
[13:12] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] Good afternoon Mistress. Um.... can I get either of you anything?
[13:12] [Marty D] No need to be sorry. You have our blessing to interupt us doing much more compromising things than this.
[13:12] [Marty D] Hey Cele, have you seen what I've done to poor Daphne here?
[13:13] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) blushes lightly
[13:14] [Celestite Detroit] No, what'd you do to her?
[13:14] [Marty D] Show her your neck, dear.
[13:15] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) pulls the collar down on her uniform, showing off the bite marks on her neck.
[13:16] [Celestite Detroit] Oh my.... you've never done that to ME before.
[13:17] [Marty D] Hehe.. The kitty in me realized he likes to do that when he climaxes. :3 Nya, is that a request?
[13:17] [Celestite Detroit] Of course, I'd probably pop you one of ya' did. Because lords knows what pop would think next time I visited him.
[13:18] [Marty D] ❧ You don't answer to him anymore, nya, you answer to me~ Maybe I'll have to start biting you to reinforce that. ❧
[13:18] [Marty D] Hike up your skirt dear. Give her a glimpse of your punishment for your mistake as well.
[13:18] [Celestite Detroit] I never said I'd answer to him. :P But you should realize what he'd do if he thought you were abusing me.
[13:21] [Marty D] Poor Daphne got so excited she forgot to make sure I used the protective charm on her.
[13:22] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) blushes and turns around, pulling the skirt up on her uniform, showing her pink bikini cut panties, some obvious red marks on the exposed skin of her ass.
[13:22] [Celestite Detroit] Oh my~
[13:23] [Celestite Detroit] ❧ It's kind of a shame to see that sexy ass marked up like that. ❧
[13:23] [Marty D] We have a beautiful dungeon down here, with a nice selection of whips and cains and fetish equipment~ I think Aunt Vana supplied that.
[13:23] [Marty D] Why don't you kiss it and make it better =p She'll be fine, won't you dear?
[13:24] > Celestite Detroit giggles and grins, "Maybe later, if she'll let me"
[13:24] [Marty D] How is your shift so far, Daphne?
[13:25] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) lowers her skirt and turns around to face them
[13:25] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] Yes, Master, I'll be fine. My shift is going well today. I just thought I would check on you in between assignments.
[13:27] [Marty D] How very considerate. You can collect my lunch tray, but thats about it.
[13:27] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] Very well, Master.
[13:28] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) walks over, picking up Marty's tray
[13:28] [Marty D] Ohh, and Daphne..
[13:30] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] Yes, Master?
[13:30] > Marty D bends over the try and lifts her chin into a kiss.
[13:30] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] ❧ MMM!? ❧
[13:31] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) hesitates for a moment, but kisses him back
[13:31] > Eri Sawyer (Head Maid's Uniform) rushes in
[13:31] > Celestite Detroit grins a little, watching.
[13:32] [Eri Sawyer (Head Maid's Uniform)] O_O
[13:32] [Eri Sawyer (Head Maid's Uniform)] um...uh.....
[13:32] > Eri Sawyer (Head Maid's Uniform) seems a bit speechless
[13:32] > Celestite Detroit turns, "Oh, hello there Eri."
[13:32] [Eri Sawyer (Head Maid's Uniform)] visitor..coming in...very important..surprise...O_o
[13:32] > Marty D breaks the kiss.
[13:32] [Marty D] Oh, hello.
[13:33] [Marty D] You're dismissed, Daphne.
[13:33] [~] *ahem*
[13:33] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) blushes and nods/ "Yes Master...."
[13:33] > Eri Sawyer (Head Maid's Uniform) turns slowly and eeps, running back and bow profusly
[13:33] [Eri Sawyer (Head Maid's Uniform)] *bowing
[13:33] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) looks up, starting to leave, but pauses
[13:34] > Celestite Detroit looks up at the doorway.
[13:34] > ~Ai Kaioh (casual) is leaning against the doorframe "well nice to see love is in the air ^_^ ♡"
[13:35] [Marty D] Um.. hello.. do we know you?
[13:35] > ~Ai Kaioh (casual) has long blue hair with an orange bow in her hair...she has blue eyes as well..the same as her mother
[13:36] > Eri Sawyer (Head Maid's Uniform) is still bowing
[13:36] [Marty D] Hmmm... ether ribbons are back in fassion, or you're associated with the Kaiohs from Venus.
[13:36] [~Ai Kaioh (casual)] (( I might have to retcon this apperence ))
[13:38] [Celestite Detroit] ❧ Have I ever mentioned I HATE that term? ❧
[13:38] [~Ai Kaioh (casual)] I was invited here by the queen of the planet..so I come looking for the masters of this castle and...heh
[13:38] [Celestite Detroit] (( ^ ))
[13:39] [~Ai Kaioh (casual)] (( ok ok geez ))
[13:39] [Marty D] (( Ditto. ))
[13:40] > Celestite Detroit stands, "So, mind introducing yourself? I don't think I've ever met you before."
[13:40] [Marty D] You've found them.
[13:40] [~Ai Kaioh (casual)] Ai Kaioh ^^
[13:40] > Marty D gives a fancy bow. "Marty Detroit, and one of my wives, Celestite."
[13:40] > Marty D kisses her hand at the end of the bow.
[13:41] > Celestite Detroit simply nods.
[13:41] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) is now unsure weither to stay or go
[13:42] > ~Ai Kaioh (casual) giggles..and gives Marty..and then celeste..and THEN Daphne kisses on both cheeks
[13:42] [Marty D] =^_^= May we get you something to refresh you from your travels?
[13:42] > Celestite Detroit grins a little
[13:43] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) blushes, now really unsure how to react, but smiles nervously.
[13:43] [~Ai Kaioh (casual)] sure!!! *gives a smile..the air seems to just be charged with love around her*
[13:44] [Eri Sawyer (Head Maid's Uniform)] O_O
[13:44] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] (( We shouldn't forget that Tina's still asleep in the room ))
[13:44] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] W...what would you like, Lady Ai?
[13:45] [Marty D] Ohh, and the sleeping beauty is my other wife, Tina. ^^;
[13:45] [Tina Detroit] zzzzz
[13:45] [~Ai Kaioh (casual)] hmm...how about some sandwiches and wine ^^
[13:46] [Marty D] If you please, Daphne.
[13:46] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] Very good. I will be back momentarily.
[13:46] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) does a rather fast walk out of the room
[13:46] > Eri Sawyer (head maid's uniform) rushes out too
[13:46] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) is away: Getting a snack for the visiting Miss Ai.
[13:47] <-- Eri Sawyer (head maid's uniform) has left #reddwarfevents (I feel dizzy @_@)
[13:47] [Celestite Detroit] So, you said someone sent you here, Ai?
[13:47] [~Ai Kaioh (casual)] I was visiting my aunt and cousins...and so thought I would stop by on this delightful planet.....to visit my aunt matsumi who sent me here
[13:47] > ~Ai Kaioh (casual) sits on the desk, cross her legs under her short skirt
[13:48] [~Ai Kaioh (casual)] *crossing
[13:48] [Marty D] Well, please make yourself at home and stay as long as you like. The maids will be happy to get you anything you need.
[13:48] > Celestite Detroit sits on the couch again
[13:49] > Marty D resumes his seat in his chair.
[13:49] [~Ai Kaioh (casual)] it's a bit...dark on this planet....needs more sunshine!
[13:49] > Celestite Detroit gives Ai a good looking over from her seat
[13:49] [Marty D] Dark indeed... though I must admit that you seem to brighten up a room~
[13:50] > ~Ai Kaioh (casual) is tall, thin but atheltic...she is wearing a chest hugging shirt....and the way her legs are crossed..you can just about see her panties under her short skirt
[13:50] [Celestite Detroit] ❧ And then some~ ❧
[13:51] > ~Ai Kaioh (casual) giggles "that's what everyone says"
[13:52] [Celestite Detroit] You definately got your looks from Aunty Minako.
[13:52] [~Ai Kaioh (casual)] why thank you ^^
[13:52] [Celestite Detroit] I can't believe we've never met before.
[13:53] > ~Ai Kaioh (casual) looks closely at celeste
[13:53] [~Ai Kaioh (casual)] we can rectify that
[13:53] [Marty D] Katori is no slouch ether. Yeah, that is odd.
[13:53] > ~Ai Kaioh (casual) suddenly kisses celeste full on the lips
[13:53] > Marty D blinks. o_o
[13:53] [Celestite Detroit] MM!?
[13:53] > Marty D gives a nervous, startled laugh.
[13:53] > Celestite Detroit is caught totally off guard by the kiss
[13:54] > ~Ai Kaioh (casual) ends the kiss slowly
[13:55] [Celestite Detroit] ❧ Woah~ ❧
[13:55] [~Ai Kaioh (casual)] shame you other worlds are so uptight
[13:55] [Marty D] Niiiiiice. Me?
[13:56] > ~Ai Kaioh (casual) turns and does the same for Marty
[13:56] [Celestite Detroit] Who said I was uptight?
[13:56] > Celestite Detroit grins a little, watching
[13:56] > Marty D dips her and kisses back, not holding anything back.
[13:57] > ~Ai Kaioh (casual) runs her fingers through marty's hair
[13:57] [Celestite Detroit] ❧ Well now.... ❧
[13:57] > Marty D purrs, giving it a good minute before uprighting her and breaking the kiss.
[13:58] > ~Ai Kaioh (casual) sticks out her tongue and giggles
[13:58] [Celestite Detroit] I'd heard Venusions were forward, but damn.
[13:58] [Marty D] *phew* Thanks. =^_^=
[13:59] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) is back
[13:59] [~Ai Kaioh (casual)] I'd heard all other worlds were lack of love!
[14:00] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) walks in carrying a small try of sandwiches
[14:01] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] You didn't say what kind of sandwich you wanted, so I had the cook make a few different kinds.
[14:01] [~Ai Kaioh (casual)] why thank you dear *gives Daphne's hand a kiss*
[14:01] [Marty D] Compared to the quantities of love you're accustomed to, that may well be true. ^^
[14:02] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) giggles lightly and smiles / The wine is coming.
[14:04] [~Ai Kaioh (casual)] so what is there to see around here?
[14:04] [Marty D] Please, tell us a little more about yourself Ai. May I call you Ai?
[14:05] [~Ai Kaioh (casual)] welll...I'm the official diplomat of Venus...my father was a prince of Neptune..my mother was the princess of venus...
[14:06] [~Ai Kaioh (casual)] I'm the sailor venus of now ^_^
[14:06] > Celestite Detroit smirks
[14:06] [Celestite Detroit] ❧ You, plus that fuku equals ultra sexy, if you don't mind me saying. ^_~ ❧
[14:07] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) giggles as she gets buzzed and leaves the room again
[14:07] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) is away: Getting the wine
[14:07] [~Ai Kaioh (casual)] oh keep going :P
[14:07] [Marty D] I bet.. Those were skimpy to begin with.
[14:11] [~Ai Kaioh (casual)] I prefer the term..natural
[14:12] [Marty D] Thats a good term. ^^ Have any interests outside diplomacy and advocating free love?
[14:13] [~Ai Kaioh (casual)] ooh I like the odd modeling...though my brother is better at that as his career...
[14:13] > Celestite Detroit moves over next to her sleeping wife and gives her a nudge
[14:14] > Marty D gives a chuckle. "Odd like occationally, or odd like unusual fetish?' :3
[14:14] [~Ai Kaioh (casual)] a bit of both!
[14:15] > Tina Detroit mumbles in her sleep
[14:15] > Marty D gives a hardy laugh at that. XD
[14:15] [Marty D] I like you.. Seems like nothing phases you, Ai.
[14:15] [~Ai Kaioh (casual)] oh I've seen so much
[14:17] [~Ai Kaioh (casual)] nothing really surpises me when it comes to love ♡
[14:19] > Celestite Detroit grins
[14:20] [Marty D] Well good. Heh, and here I thought Quinoxian values on love were relaxed..
[14:20] [Celestite Detroit] Hey Ai....
[14:23] [~Ai Kaioh (casual)] yes?
[14:24] [Celestite Detroit] I'm gonna' take our sleeping beauty here back to our room to rest.....
[14:24] [Celestite Detroit] .... can I get your assurance you're not gonna' try to steal away our husband?
[14:25] [~Ai Kaioh (casual)] my dear celest...I am a venusian...........
[14:25] [Marty D] :3 :3 :3
[14:25] [~Ai Kaioh (casual)] what do you expect :P
[14:25] [Marty D] I promise not to bed her on the first date :3 nya.
[14:26] > Celestite Detroit gently lifts up Tina and smirks a little.
[14:26] [Celestite Detroit] ❧ At least hold off till I get back. ~ ❧
[14:27] [~Ai Kaioh (casual)] :P
[14:27] > Tina Detroit snores
[14:27] > Celestite Detroit winks, carrying Tina out
[14:28] > Celestite Detroit is away: Putting the sleeping princess to bed.
[14:28] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) is back
[14:28] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) walks in carrying a bottle of wine and 4 glasses
[14:29] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] Here is the wine Lady Ai, Master.
[14:30] [~Ai Kaioh (casual)] why thank you ^^
[14:30] <-- Tina Detroit [FireyAirPrincess@QTech.com] has left #reddwarfevents
[14:30] > ~Ai Kaioh (casual) gives daphne another kiss on the hand
[14:30] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] Oh, the Mistress left with the Princess?
[14:31] [Marty D] Yes. you can stay for a drink.
[14:33] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) blushes a little and nods / If that is your wish, Master.
[14:35] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) sets the glasses down and opens the wine bottle, pouring two glasses.
[14:35] [~Ai Kaioh (casual)] so who is the cutie?
[14:35] [Marty D] Daphne here? Shes one of our maids, and my personal chew toy. *smiles, letting his fangs show.*
[14:36] [~Ai Kaioh (casual)] I like the ears
[14:37] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) blushes hearing that, but smiles and hands them each a glass of wine
[14:37] [Marty D] Daphne dear, do you mind if Ai gives you her culture's greeting?
[14:37] > Marty D sips his wine, surveying her.
[14:37] > ~Ai Kaioh (casual) swirls her wine a bit...and then drinks...
[14:38] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] If it is the Master's wish, then I would be happy to.
[14:39] > Celestite Detroit is back
[14:39] [Celestite Detroit] Did I miss anything?
[14:39] > ~Ai Kaioh (casual) puts down her glass..and then kisses Daphne on the lips
[14:39] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] MM!
[14:40] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) is caught somehwhat by surprise, but kisses back, putting her hands on Ai's shoulders
[14:40] [Celestite Detroit] Heh, glad I cought that.
[14:42] [Marty D] Please don't think me condescending when I say you're fun to have around, Ai. ^_^
[14:42] > Celestite Detroit walks over and sits on the arm of Marty's chair
[14:44] > Marty D rests his fee hand on her leg.
[14:45] > ~Ai Kaioh (casual) slowly ends the kiss
[14:45] [~Ai Kaioh (casual)] ^_^
[14:46] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) takes a breath, blushing deeply with a smile
[14:46] > ~Ai Kaioh (casual) sits down again
[14:47] > ~Ai Kaioh (casual) drinks
[14:48] [Marty D] You simply must stay a while. Daphne, tell the kitchnes at your next chance to prepare a top notch meal tonight.
[14:49] > Celestite Detroit smiles down at Marty.
[14:49] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] Yes Master. Shall I go now?
[14:49] > Marty D affords Cele a smile.
[14:49] [Marty D] In good time. Stay for a glass of wine, at least.
[14:50] [~Ai Kaioh (casual)] I shall stay ^^
[14:50] [Marty D] I'll give you a tour of the castle and downtown after we get a good buzz going. I dare say you will want to try some of our fassions.
[14:50] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] Very well. Would the Mistress like a glass as well?
[14:51] [Celestite Detroit] Yes, please Daphne.
[14:52] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) pours two more glasses, handing one to Celest and keeping the other for herself.
[14:53] [~Ai Kaioh (casual)] then you shall have to wear some of our fashions hee...
[14:54] [Marty D] That could be arranged. ^_^
[14:54] [Celestite Detroit] I like Venusion fashion. Very revealing.
[14:54] > Celestite Detroit takes a sip of wine
[14:55] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) takes a sip as well, standing and listening to the trio talk
[14:56] [~Ai Kaioh (casual)] hee....let me move in some of my suitcases for tonight..and I'll show you some
[14:57] > ~Ai Kaioh (casual) walks out..and flips up her own skirt, showing off her blue panties :P
[14:57] [Marty D] Some of.. ehehe... very well ^^; I'll find you in a few.
[14:58] > ~Ai Kaioh (casual) leaves wiggling her butt
[14:58] <-- ~Ai Kaioh (casual) has left #reddwarfevents
[14:58] [Marty D] Charming. Absolutely enchanting.
[15:01] [Celestite Detroit] And beautiful
[15:01] > Marty D downs his glass and holds it out to Daphne for another.
[15:02] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) sets her glass down and picks up the wine bottle, refilling Marty's glass.
[15:04] [Celestite Detroit] You do realize she's almost like a cousin to us. :P
[15:05] [Marty D] Not really. =p Besides, inbreeding among royals is common.
[15:06] > Celestite Detroit smirks, "So... ya' don't get enough from me, Tina and Daphne, eh?
[15:07] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) blushes at that and picks up her glass again, taking a long drink
[15:09] [Marty D] Never said I didn't. ^^ heck, I get more than I can handle from yall. I'm not leaving you guys for her, nor do I see her being added to the regular rotation..
[15:10] [Marty D] But~ If the three of us need to seal 'relations' with an emissary from another world~~
[15:10] > Celestite Detroit grins and plays with Marty's ears, taking a drink from her glass
[15:10] [Celestite Detroit] "Relations" indeed~
[15:10] > Marty D 's ears twitch, and he smiles, sipping his wine.
[15:11] [Marty D] Anything that might happen with that girl... I have a feeling it'll take all three of us.
[15:12] [Celestite Detroit] Well, we'd have to introduce her to Tina first. Poor girl was out like a light the entire time Ai was here.
[15:12] [Marty D] Yeah.. well, I'm sure a few hours sleep and a little wine and she'll be her normal self.
[15:15] [Celestite Detroit] I'm not sure about wine, but she definately needs rest.
[15:16] [Marty D] Oh, when you alert the others to the wedding, see to it they leave Tinya a snack for when she wakes, and something appropriate to wear.
[15:17] [Celestite Detroit] Wedding?
[15:17] [Marty D] Wedding? Nya.. I meant the dinner. ^^; Sorry.
[15:18] > Celestite Detroit smirks, "Listen to you.... back in the day they'd call that a frudian slip"
[15:19] [Marty D] XD I know, right. Sorry.
[15:22] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) stands there, silently sipping her wine.
[15:22] [Marty D] Whats your take on our new friend, Daphne?
[15:22] [Celestite Detroit] If I didn't think she was cute too... I'd smack you for that. :P
[15:23] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] She is very attractive and friendly. Also, an excellent kisser. *blushes lightly*
[15:28] [Marty D] Yes indeed. Doesn't think twice about having someone she just met's tongue in her mouth :3
[15:28] > Celestite Detroit finishes her wine and stands
[15:28] > Marty D finishes his wine and stands in stereo.
[15:28] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] Well... I've been to Venus before. Thought it was a long time ago.
[15:28] [Marty D] Thank you Daphne. Please tidy up and set things in motion for tonight.
[15:29] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] Very well, Master
[15:29] [Marty D] Oh, you don't say? You'll have to discuss it with us later.
[15:30] > Marty D embraces and kisses his wife once again.
[15:30] > Celestite Detroit kisses Marty back, hugging him
[15:31] <-- Marty D [Techwiz@hogwarts.edu] has left #reddwarfevents (I have a special houseguest to check on. :3 nya~~)
[15:31] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) finishes her wine and starts collecting the dishes
[15:32] > Celestite Detroit goes to follow Marty, then pauses and turns to Daphne
[15:32] [Celestite Detroit] So, Daphne..... how about that offer? ^_~
[15:33] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] If the Master wishes it so, then I'll do it. But pleasing him is my top priority.
[15:35] [Celestite Detroit] You're a good girl, Daphne. I'm glad Zen picked you.
[15:38] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] Thank you, Mistress.
[15:38] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] I'll see you later then, Daphne.
[15:38] [Celestite Detroit] ^
[15:40] <-- Celestite Detroit [CrystalGirl@dimensionzero.cc] has left #reddwarfevents (Marty... don't sthart the party without me!!)
[15:40] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) giggles a little and goes back to work
[15:40] <-- Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) [ElvenMaid@quinox.gov] has left #reddwarfevents (Once I finish cleaning, I'll talk to the cooks about dinner.)
[21:41] ➣ Kaze House
[21:41] --> Hana Sagusa (pajamas) [sagusa.hana@mugen.edu.jp] has joined #reddwarfevents
[21:41] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Hana Sagusa (pajamas)
[21:41] > Hana Sagusa (pajamas) yawns as she walks out of her room, scraching her side
[21:43] --> Vanadine (Workout) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has joined #reddwarfevents
[21:43] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Vanadine (Workout)
[21:43] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Vanadine (Workout)
[21:43] [Hana Sagusa (pajamas)] ~_~ geh..hungry
[21:44] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Hey Hana
[21:44] [Hana Sagusa (pajamas)] hey.....starving ~_~
[21:45] [+Vanadine (Workout)] It's no wonder your brother's near broke. I bet you eat him out of house and home.
[21:45] [Hana Sagusa (pajamas)] ..anything to snack on...
[21:46] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Yeah, I'm sure we can scrounge up something. Follow me.
[21:46] > +Vanadine (Workout) leads the way to the kitchen.
[21:46] ➣ there is a knock at the door
[21:47] [+Vanadine (Workout)] What's with people always showing up after Nori's gone offline?
[21:48] > +Vanadine (Workout) heads for the front door instead and turns on the security monitor.
[21:48] > Hana Sagusa (pajamas) yawns
[21:48] > ~Momo Tominawa (casual) is standing at the door
[21:50] > +Vanadine (Workout) squeeks a bit and quickly unlocks the door
[21:50] [+Vanadine (Workout)] MOMO!
[21:50] [~Momo Tominawa (casual)] hello, miss vana ^^
[21:52] > +Vanadine (Workout) hugs Momo tight: How ARE you? I haven't seen you in a while!
[21:52] > ~Momo Tominawa (casual) hugs back and giggles "oh I'm great...just bought an apartment with Kiki"
[21:53] > Hana Sagusa (pajamas) blinks, rubbing her eyes and watching
[21:54] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Awwww... I'm glad to hear you and Kiki are still together.
[21:55] > +Vanadine (Workout) lets go of Momo
[21:55] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Oh.... let me introduce you.
[21:55] [~Momo Tominawa (casual)] hm??
[21:56] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Momo, this is Hana. She's Matsy's cousin and she's staying with us for a little while.
[21:56] [~Momo Tominawa (casual)] hello there!
[21:57] [Hana Sagusa (pajamas)] ...hi ~_~
[21:57] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Hana, this is Momo. She and her girlfriend Kiki were sort of trail blazers at Mugen.... and they had some help from Matsy and I.
[22:00] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Please Momo, come in
[22:04] > ~Momo Tominawa (casual) walks in
[22:06] > Hana Sagusa (pajamas) yawns deeply
[22:06] > +Vanadine (Workout) closes the door behind Momo with a smile: Tell me, how're you and Kiki doing?
[22:08] [~Momo Tominawa (casual)] oh wonderful ^^...
[22:08] [~Momo Tominawa (casual)] I have a job working at a gym..and Kiki has an interview tomorrow at a video game company!
[22:09] > +Vanadine (Workout) smiles and has a seat
[22:09] [+Vanadine (Workout)] That's great. I'm glad to hear you're doing so well.
[22:10] > ~Momo Tominawa (casual) sits down as well "..I didn't know Miss Matsumi had japanese releatives"
[22:11] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Yeah, apparently it's distant, but the connection is there.
[22:13] [+Vanadine (Workout)] So, what's the other reason you came here Momo?
[22:14] [~Momo Tominawa (casual)] just wanted to see you ^^
[22:15] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Is that right?
[22:19] > Hana Sagusa (pajamas) rubs both her eyes
[22:20] [~Momo Tominawa (casual)] yup ^^
[22:21] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Well, it's great to see you. I kinda' wish you'd brought Kiki with you.
[22:22] [~Momo Tominawa (casual)] she was really tired today and worn out ^^
[22:26] > Hana Sagusa (pajamas) has fallen asleep in a chair
[22:28] [~Momo Tominawa (casual)] poor thing
[22:31] [+Vanadine (Workout)] So, you two are finally moving in together. That's great.
[22:31] > ~Momo Tominawa (casual) smiles "we're very happy together ^^"
[22:33] [+Vanadine (Workout)] I always knew you two would make it.
[22:34] [~Momo Tominawa (casual)] ^^
[22:35] [~Momo Tominawa (casual)] not without your help!
[22:37] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Well, I'm glad I could help you girls. Matsy and I knew we had to help when you two reminded us of ourselves when we first got together.
[22:38] > ~Momo Tominawa (casual) giggles a bit
[22:38] > +Vanadine (Workout) gives her a sly grin
[22:39] [+Vanadine (Workout)] How far have you two gone?
[22:39] > ~Momo Tominawa (casual) blushes "all the way"
[22:40] > +Vanadine (Workout) giggles a little: I'm sure that was a wonderful experiance for both of you.
[22:40] [~Momo Tominawa (casual)] perhaps I can help you move Hana?
[22:40] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Nah, I can handle her. She's not as heavy as she looks.
[22:41] [~Momo Tominawa (casual)] well at least let's talk some more as you put her to bed
[22:41] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Sure. I bet Matsy would like to see you also.
[22:41] > +Vanadine (Workout) picks up Hana
[22:42] <-- Hana Sagusa (pajamas) [sagusa.hana@mugen.edu.jp] has left #reddwarfevents (zzzz)
[22:42] <-- +Vanadine (Workout) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has left #reddwarfevents (So, where's your apartment?)
[22:42] <-- ~Momo Tominawa (casual) has left #reddwarfevents (oh it's in downtown tokyo...)
[23:00] ➣ Inside her study and bedroom in side Galactica, a woman pours over a tome, several more laying to one side, and several crystals lay to the other.
[23:00] --> Naftis Katheti has joined #reddwarfevents
[23:00] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Naftis Katheti
[23:02] --> Nephrite Masato (Casual) [FormerGeneral@DarkKingdom.net] has joined #reddwarfevents
[23:02] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Nephrite Masato (Casual)
[23:03] > Nephrite Masato (Casual) teleports in, holding some flowers
[23:04] [Naftis Katheti] Nephrite?? Impressive that you found this place.. Aww.... for me? How sweet. ♡
[23:04] [Nephrite Masato (Casual)] I had to do something unexpected for my sweet lady.
[23:04] > Naftis Katheti stands, puting down the tome.
[23:05] [Naftis Katheti] *^_^* You're sweet lady.. thats so nice of you to say.
[23:06] > Naftis Katheti takes the flowers and gives them a good sniff.
[23:08] [Naftis Katheti] To be honest, I welcome the diversion. I've been trying to find a way to help Hotaru all day..
[23:08] [Nephrite Masato (Casual)] Oh, did your idea to advance her apperance not work?
[23:09] [Naftis Katheti] No.. it was complicated by her dormant, split personality... Now I have to find a way of purging Mistress 9 before I can continue.
[23:10] [Nephrite Masato (Casual)] Oh wow
[23:12] [Naftis Katheti] I'm left with the duty of finding the best way to do that... be it through simple separation, or something more... well, perhaps I shouldn't feel pity for someone who tried to destroy the Earth..
[23:13] [Nephrite Masato (Casual)] I'm not sure about that
[23:15] [Naftis Katheti] At the same time, I can think of someone else who wanted to destroy the Galaxy... she was shown compassion and saved.. but Mistress 9 is different..
[23:15] [Nephrite Masato (Casual)] Perhaps. I don't know anything about Mistress 9.
[23:16] > Nephrite Masato (Casual) sits where Naftis was sitting previuosly
[23:16] > Naftis Katheti finds a vase for the flowers, and points a finger into it, filling it with water.
[23:17] [Nephrite Masato (Casual)] In the meantime... is there anything I can do to help my baby relax?
[23:18] > Naftis Katheti steps back, and pretending not to see him, sits on his lap. ♡!
[23:18] [Naftis Katheti] Oh my... this chair got all lumpy, and I think a spring is poking at me..
[23:20] > Nephrite Masato (Casual) smirks a little and starts to lightly rub Naftis' back.
[23:20] [Naftis Katheti] ❧ Oh hello~ Oh, that.. thats nice~ ❧
[23:23] > Naftis Katheti closes her eyes and makes quiet noises of pleasure.
[23:25] > Nephrite Masato (Casual) lightly scratches her back then moves down
[23:26] [Naftis Katheti] Mmm.. yeah.. I need to get my blood flowing again for my brain's sake.
[23:27] [Nephrite Masato (Casual)] ❧ I have ways of making that happen~ ❧
[23:27] [Naftis Katheti] ❧ mmmhmhmhm... legitimate and otherwise~ ❧
[23:28] > Nephrite Masato (Casual) turns her to the side on his lap and leans in, kissing her.
[23:28] > Naftis Katheti returns it, runnign a hand through his hair.
[23:31] [Nephrite Masato (Casual)] ❧ Mmmmm...~ ❧
[23:31] > Nephrite Masato (Casual) wraps his arms around her waist, kissing her aggresively
[23:31] [Naftis Katheti] ❧ Mmm! ❧
[23:32] > Nephrite Masato (Casual) slowly breaks the kiss and smiles
[23:34] [Naftis Katheti] *^_^*
[23:36] [Nephrite Masato (Casual)] ❧ Sometimes I wonder if I deserve to have you in my life. ❧
[23:37] [Naftis Katheti] I could say the same about you..
[23:38] [Nephrite Masato (Casual)] I've had a bit of a frustrating week myself.....
[23:39] > Naftis Katheti gently scratches his chest.
[23:39] [Naftis Katheti] Tell me about it.
[23:39] [Nephrite Masato (Casual)] I've just been batteling with the wrestling company that Vana and Mika work for. They refuse to give up creative control.
[23:41] [Naftis Katheti] Smack 'em with a chair! Thats all they understand!
[23:42] > Nephrite Masato (Casual) chuckles lightly
[23:42] [Nephrite Masato (Casual)] So, you know a little about professional wrestling.
[23:43] [Naftis Katheti] A little, yes.
[23:46] [Nephrite Masato (Casual)] Well.... it's just been frustrating dealing with them. Either they want me to have the girls take a severe pay cut or sign super long term performance deals in order to get creative control.
[23:46] [Naftis Katheti] Yikes. Want me to go there and bust up the place?
[23:47] [Nephrite Masato (Casual)] No no, that' won't get us anywhere.
[23:48] > Nephrite Masato (Casual) squeezes Naftis lightly and smiles
[23:49] [Nephrite Masato (Casual)] Though I do appreciate the gesture.
[23:49] [Naftis Katheti] I was mostly kidding, but I would if you really wanted. ^^;
[23:52] > Nephrite Masato (Casual) chuckles and lightly tickels her stomach
[23:53] > Naftis Katheti giggles and squirms.
[23:54] [Nephrite Masato (Casual)] ❧ You're so cute and sexy~ ❧
[23:54] [Naftis Katheti] Mmm... you're so ruggedly handsome..
[23:56] [Nephrite Masato (Casual)] ❧ Hey.... what do you think about us getting into something a little more comfortable and I stay here with you tonight? ❧
[23:57] [Naftis Katheti] ❧ I'd say you were on to something. ❧
[23:58] > Nephrite Masato (Casual) lightly kisses her before lifting her off of his lap and setting her down before standing.
[00:00] >>> Tuesday Oct 19 2010 <<<
[00:00] [Nephrite Masato (Casual)] I need to get something else I bought for you this week. I'll be riiight back.
[00:01] <-- Naftis Katheti has left #reddwarfevents (Very good~)
[00:01] <-- Nephrite Masato (Casual) [FormerGeneral@DarkKingdom.net] has left #reddwarfevents (You'll like this~)
[12:24] ➣ Home of Ken Tamanaka
[12:24] --> ~Isamu Sagusa (casual) has joined #reddwarfevents
[12:24] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, ~Isamu Sagusa (casual)
[12:25] > ~Isamu Sagusa (casual) is sitting on a bed, reading a magizine
[12:26] ➣ There's a knock at the door.
[12:27] [~Isamu Sagusa (casual)] hm?
[12:27] > ~Isamu Sagusa (casual) heads downstairs...and opens the door
[12:28] --> Vanadine (Black Dress) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has joined #reddwarfevents
[12:28] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Vanadine (Black Dress)
[12:28] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Vanadine (Black Dress)
[12:28] [+Vanadine (Black Dress)] Hello there Isamu
[12:28] [~Isamu Sagusa (casual)] oh hello there, miss, vana
[12:28] [~Isamu Sagusa (casual)] *miss vana
[12:29] [+Vanadine (Black Dress)] Heh, you don't have to call me Miss. I'm not THAT much older then you. :P
[12:29] [~Isamu Sagusa (casual)] what brings you here?
[12:30] [+Vanadine (Black Dress)] Well, I stopped by the dojo and saw it was still being worked on. So I asked around and found out you were staying here.
[12:30] [~Isamu Sagusa (casual)] oh..well it's nice to see you
[12:31] [+Vanadine (Black Dress)] How do I look?
[12:32] > +Vanadine (Black Dress) stands there and does a turn, wearing a somewhat tight, black chinese style dress with gold accents around the collar.
[12:35] [~Isamu Sagusa (casual)] you look great
[12:35] [+Vanadine (Black Dress)] Thank you! You're so sweet. ^_^
[12:36] [+Vanadine (Black Dress)] I was hoping to get a chance to talk to you about something. How about I take you to lunch?
[12:37] [~Isamu Sagusa (casual)] sure!
[12:39] [+Vanadine (Black Dress)] Well then, let's go. There's a nice little place just around the corner.
[12:42] ➣ Scene shift to a small, sitdown resturant, just down the street
[12:45] [~Isamu Sagusa (casual)] so why have you brought me here then...not that it's not nice...
[12:47] [+Vanadine (Black Dress)] Well, I wanted to check on you and Hana. I also wanted to talk to you about something we haven't really discussed.
[12:47] [+Vanadine (Black Dress)] Something that has me a little concerned.
[12:48] [~Isamu Sagusa (casual)] and that is?
[12:48] [+Vanadine (Black Dress)] You're relationship with Chanelle.
[12:49] [~Isamu Sagusa (casual)] oh...I see..
[12:49] [+Vanadine (Black Dress)] Now, don't get me wrong.... I don't mind it. In fact, I'm happy for you.
[12:52] [~Isamu Sagusa (casual)] I see
[12:54] [+Vanadine (Black Dress)] I'm just worried about your age difference.
[12:54] [+Vanadine (Black Dress)] Some people aren't as..... accepting about things like that.
[12:57] [~Isamu Sagusa (casual)] I know about that...
[12:58] [+Vanadine (Black Dress)] So, you've thought about that?
[12:59] [~Isamu Sagusa (casual)] yup
[13:01] [+Vanadine (Black Dress)] Good... I was a little concerned about that.
[13:04] [+Vanadine (Black Dress)] I'd hate to see something happen to you two because of intollarnce for your age gap. I mean, I know it's not much... but the fact that she's still in school could be enough.
[13:05] [~Isamu Sagusa (casual)] yes...I suppose
[13:12] [~Isamu Sagusa (casual)] I was worried about that too...and have mentioned that to chanelle as well
[13:13] [+Vanadine (Black Dress)] Ah
[13:14] [+Vanadine (Black Dress)] So then.... you really love this girl, don't you?
[13:14] [~Isamu Sagusa (casual)] I know Matsumi wanted to have chanelle talk to someone called Usagi
[13:21] [~Isamu Sagusa (casual)] said she could help her
[13:26] [~Isamu Sagusa (casual)] ...yes...I do
[13:27] > +Vanadine (Black Dress) smiles: Good...
[13:28] [+Vanadine (Black Dress)] Yeah, Matsy told me she talked to Chanelle about talking to Usagi.
[13:28] [+Vanadine (Black Dress)] There's a reason for that. Usagi went through the same thing.
[13:29] [~Isamu Sagusa (casual)] did she??? ...well I can see why they wanted them to talk then
[13:30] > +Vanadine (Black Dress) nods: Usagi met her husband Mamoru when she was in high school..... he was in college.
[13:31] [+Vanadine (Black Dress)] He even left to study in America before she graduated.
[13:33] > ~Isamu Sagusa (casual) smiles..blushing at a thought
[13:37] [+Vanadine (Black Dress)] But yeah, there was an age difference between them to. They made it through that and eventually got married.
[13:38] [+Vanadine (Black Dress)] So I have to agree with Matsy. It'd be a good idea for Chanelle to talk to Usagi.
[13:38] [~Isamu Sagusa (casual)] hopefully the same will happen...
[13:40] [+Vanadine (Black Dress)] I have to wonder though....
[13:40] > +Vanadine (Black Dress) grins a bit: What drew you to Chanelle?
[13:42] [~Isamu Sagusa (casual)] she has a lightness to her....
[13:43] [+Vanadine (Black Dress)] Well I can tell that. She's kinda' small.
[13:49] [~Isamu Sagusa (casual)] I mean..in the way she is
[13:51] ➣ The waitress brings in their food
[13:51] [+Vanadine (Black Dress)] I'm not sure what you mean.
[13:52] [~Isamu Sagusa (casual)] she has a..glow to her
[13:53] [+Vanadine (Black Dress)] Interesting.
[13:55] [+Vanadine (Black Dress)] Ya' know, now that I think of it.... she does seem to have a rather light aura.
[13:56] > ~Isamu Sagusa (casual) smiles "and there is just...a gentleness to her"
[13:58] > +Vanadine (Black Dress) smiles: Well, your reasons seem very sound. ^_^
[13:59] > +Vanadine (Black Dress) starts to eat
[14:01] > ~Isamu Sagusa (casual) starts to eat as well
[14:05] [+Vanadine (Black Dress)] So, onto somewhat lighter. How much longer till the dojo is finished being worked on?
[14:07] [~Isamu Sagusa (casual)] just a few more days...it's mostly reconstruction
[14:07] [+Vanadine (Black Dress)] I bet you'll be happy to get back home.
[14:08] [~Isamu Sagusa (casual)] heh..yeah...I can only take so much of Ken's snoring...
[14:09] > +Vanadine (Black Dress) giggles a little while eating
[14:10] [+Vanadine (Black Dress)] Why didn't you come stay with us like Hana did?
[14:11] [~Isamu Sagusa (casual)] wouldn't want to impede
[14:13] [+Vanadine (Black Dress)] Awww, you wouldn't be impeding at all.
[14:13] > +Vanadine (Black Dress) finishes her food and pays the check.
[14:15] <-- ~Isamu Sagusa (casual) has left #reddwarfevents (well..why wouldn't I)
[14:15] <-- +Vanadine (Black Dress) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has left #reddwarfevents (We have so many rooms and we enjoy having company.)
[00:00] >>> Wednesday Oct 20 2010 <<<
[10:31] ➣ Mugen Acadamy, Room 2-B
[10:31] --> Hana Sagusa (School Uniform) [sagusa.hana@mugen.edu.jp] has joined #reddwarfevents
[10:31] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Hana Sagusa (School Uniform)
[10:31] > Hana Sagusa (School Uniform) leans on her desk, yawning...
[10:32] --> Chanelle Challe (School Uniform) [FrenchProjector@Mugen.edu] has joined #reddwarfevents
[10:32] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)
[10:33] > Chanelle Challe (School Uniform) sits at her desk, adjacent to Hana's, writing notes.
[10:33] [Hana Sagusa (School Uniform)] why are you copying notes at this hour ~_~
[10:33] [Hana Sagusa (School Uniform)] class hasn't even started...
[10:34] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] Because I'm trying to make sure I'm ready for the test later.
[10:34] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] Unlike you, sleepyhead
[10:34] [Hana Sagusa (School Uniform)] so I couldn't sleep a wink ~_~
[10:35] > Chanelle Challe (School Uniform) stops writing and smirks/ Why's that? Where you up talking to Yuu all night?
[10:36] [Hana Sagusa (School Uniform)] yeah ~_~...
[10:37] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] Awwwww, that's cute.
[10:37] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] I guess I could have a little pitty on you then.
[10:39] ➣ a bright flash is directed at chanelle and Hana
[10:39] [Hana Sagusa (School Uniform)] gah!!! what the f[SMEG]k?
[10:40] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] HEY!?
[10:40] [~Mona (School Uniform)] oh wow!! this will be awesome for the school newspaper
[10:40] > ~Mona (School Uniform) fixes her camera "imagine! tough girl thug has boyfriend!"
[10:41] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] Mona, you could WARN someone before taking a freakin' picture!
[10:41] [~Mona (School Uniform)] a good reporter ALWAYS has the elimante of surpise on her hand!
[10:41] [~Mona (School Uniform)] :D
[10:43] > ~Kyira (School Uniform) walks up: Hey Mona, mind if I get a copy of that picture for the yearbook?
[10:44] [~Mona (School Uniform)] SURE!
[10:44] [Hana Sagusa (School Uniform)] geez will you just stay out of my business..><
[10:44] [~Kiyone (School Uniform)] MOH! What are you two doing!?
[10:44] > ~Kiyone (School Uniform) adjusts her glasses "we are going to start class soon and we should be studying studying STUDYING!" *glasses glint*
[10:44] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] Oh comeon Kyira.... do you seriously think someone wants to see that in the yearbook?
[10:45] > ~Kyira (School Uniform) turns: Relax Kiyone....
[10:46] [~Kiyone (School Uniform)] says miss got the second lowest score on the last test *looks at Kyira*
[10:46] [~Kyira (School Uniform)] My grades are NONE of your concern, miss smarty pants.
[10:47] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] Wait.... didn't Mona get the BOTTOM score on that test?
[10:47] [~Mona (School Uniform)] /squeak she makes lists remember?
[10:47] [~Mona (School Uniform)] O_O
[10:48] [~Mona (School Uniform)] THIS JUST IN...HAVE TO GET BACK TO MY DESK
[10:48] > ~Mona (School Uniform) runs
[10:48] > Hana Sagusa (School Uniform) just buries her head
[10:48] > Chanelle Challe (School Uniform) snickers lightly
[10:49] [~Kyira (School Uniform)] Pssh, whatever. FINE Kiyone....
[10:49] [~Kiyone (School Uniform)] mooooooh...all of you should be studying studying studying!!! life is all about that!
[10:49] > ~Kyira (School Uniform) turns and goes back to her desk, somewhat annoyed.
[10:52] > ~Kurt (School Uniform) walks up to Kiyone, he's tall with red hair and obviously an exchange student.
[10:52] > ~Kiyone (School Uniform) adjusts her glasses
[10:53] [~Kurt (School Uniform)] Um.... excuse me, this is 2-B, correct?
[10:54] [~Kiyone (School Uniform)] um...indeed it is!
[10:54] > Chanelle Challe (School Uniform) looks over Kurt, grinning
[10:54] [Hana Sagusa (School Uniform)] hm?
[10:54] [~Kurt (School Uniform)] I just transfered into this school and was told to report to the class rep of 2-B. Is that you?
[10:55] [~Kiyone (School Uniform)] i..indeed!
[10:55] > ~Kiyone (School Uniform) 's glasses are shaking
[10:56] > ~Kurt (School Uniform) hands a paper to Kiyone - I was told to give you that as well, so that you could present it to the teacher.
[10:57] > ~Kiyone (School Uniform) nods slowly..taking the paper
[10:57] [~Kurt (School Uniform)] Where should I sit?
[10:57] [~Kiyone (School Uniform)] I..I will
[10:59] --> Matsumi Kaze [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has joined #reddwarfevents
[10:59] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Matsumi Kaze
[10:59] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Matsumi Kaze
[11:00] > +Matsumi Kaze walks in, putting her bag on the desk "alright class sit down..."
[11:01] > ~Kurt (School Uniform) is still standing, as he has yet to find a seat
[11:01] > ~Kiyone (School Uniform) sits down
[11:03] [~Kiyone (School Uniform)] all rise!
[11:03] > ~Kiyone (School Uniform) stands
[11:03] > Hana Sagusa (School Uniform) stands slowly
[11:03] > Chanelle Challe (School Uniform) stands quickly at attention
[11:04] > ~Kurt (School Uniform) stands... head and shoulders over everyone
[11:05] [~Kiyone (School Uniform)] bow
[11:05] > ~Kiyone (School Uniform) bows
[11:05] > Hana Sagusa (School Uniform) bows as well
[11:05] > Chanelle Challe (School Uniform) bows as well
[11:05] > ~Kurt (School Uniform) hesitates a moment, then also bows
[11:06] [~Kiyone (School Uniform)] sit!
[11:07] > ~Kiyone (School Uniform) walks forward and hands the paper to Matsumi and then sits down
[11:07] > Hana Sagusa (School Uniform) sits down
[11:07] > ~Kiyone (School Uniform) sits
[11:07] > Chanelle Challe (School Uniform) sits, keeping her head up
[11:08] > ~Kurt (School Uniform) looks somewhat embarassed as he's still standing towards the front of the class.
[11:08] > +Matsumi Kaze gestures to Kurt to come forward and stand next to her desk
[11:09] > ~Kurt (School Uniform) nods and walks over to Matsumi's desk
[11:10] > Chanelle Challe (School Uniform) whispers to Hana / That guy's like a walking tree!
[11:10] [Hana Sagusa (School Uniform)] *whispers* seriously
[11:10] [+Matsumi Kaze] class...we have a new student to our class....introduce yourself ^^
[11:10] > ~Kurt (School Uniform) turns and faces the rest of the class, clearing his throat.
[11:11] [~Kurt (School Uniform)] My name is Kurt Adams and I just transfered in from the United States as part of an exchange program. It's pleasent to meet everyone.
[11:12] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] *whispering* He's kinda' cute, actually.
[11:13] [Hana Sagusa (School Uniform)] *whispers* geez you already have my brother...you want him to?
[11:14] [+Matsumi Kaze] Kurt....why don't you take a seat next to Mona
[11:14] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] *whispers* Never! I said he was cute, but he's not as good as Isamu-kun.
[11:14] [~Kurt (School Uniform)] Yes Sensei.
[11:15] > ~Kurt (School Uniform) walks over, flashing a smile at Kiyone as he sits next to Mona
[11:16] > ~Kiyone (School Uniform) blushes, her glasses fogging up
[11:17] [+Matsumi Kaze] alright class...
[11:17] > Chanelle Challe (School Uniform) turns and watches Kurt sit down as she sees Kiyone and smirks a bit
[11:18] > +Matsumi Kaze starts to talk about upcoming events (background noise)
[11:18] [Hana Sagusa (School Uniform)] ..what's up with little miss perfect over there?
[11:19] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] I think she might have a crush on Kurt.
[11:21] [Hana Sagusa (School Uniform)] no way........miss studyworm?
[11:22] > Chanelle Challe (School Uniform) nods, trying to pay attention to what Matsumi's saying and talk to Hana at the same time / Yeah.... never saw her react like that before.
[11:24] [Hana Sagusa (School Uniform)] geez.....
[11:24] [+Matsumi Kaze] do you two have something you want to share with the class?
[11:26] > Chanelle Challe (School Uniform) jumps a bit, realizing she's being talked to / N... No Sensei.
[11:26] [Hana Sagusa (School Uniform)] nope
[11:28] [+Matsumi Kaze] good :)
[11:30] > +Matsumi Kaze looks up at the clock "well then...I will see you all in english class then later....dismiessed"
[11:31] > Chanelle Challe (School Uniform) stands and stretches
[11:31] > Hana Sagusa (School Uniform) stands as well
[11:36] > ~Mona (School Uniform) starts taking photos of the new guy in the class
[11:37] > ~Kurt (School Uniform) chuckles lightly as Mona takes the pictures
[11:38] [~Kaiyra (School Uniform)] Stands over Mona's shoulder, as if she's directing Mona
[11:38] > ~Kaiyra (School Uniform) ^
[11:39] [~Mona (School Uniform)] anything you want to say for the school newspaper???
[11:39] [~Kurt (School Uniform)] Um... well, that I'm happy to be in Japan and hope to make a lot of friends while I'm here.
[11:40] > ~Kurt (School Uniform) stands again
[11:41] > ~Kiyone watches all this
[11:41] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] Man... those two are like vultures.
[11:44] [Hana Sagusa (School Uniform)] yeah.....no wonder they were let in the yearbook commitee and newspaper
[11:45] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] And look at Kiyone....
[11:46] > ~Kiyone 's glasses are completely fogged over
[11:46] [Hana Sagusa (School Uniform)] ...heh...and I thought I was hopeless at love
[11:46] > Chanelle Challe (School Uniform) smirks, looking at Hana
[11:47] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] Speaking of you and love......
[11:47] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] ... what were YOU up all night talking to Yuu about, hmmmmmmm?
[11:48] [Hana Sagusa (School Uniform)] oh stuff and things *blushes*
[11:48] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] Oh really, now?
[11:48] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] Comeon, Hana. I want details!
[11:50] [Hana Sagusa (School Uniform)] we talked about a date ok >_<
[11:50] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] Ooooo, how many is that now.... 3 or 4?
[11:51] [Hana Sagusa (School Uniform)] 5 >.>
[11:52] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] Wow.... you guys are getting serious. ^_^
[11:52] > Hana Sagusa (School Uniform) blushes even harder
[11:53] > Chanelle Challe (School Uniform) leans in and whispers into Hana's ear
[11:56] [Hana Sagusa (School Uniform)] ...........
[11:57] > Hana Sagusa (School Uniform) whispers back
[12:02] > Chanelle Challe (School Uniform) whispers again
[12:02] [Hana Sagusa (School Uniform)] geez.
[12:02] > Hana Sagusa (School Uniform) whispers
[12:03] > Chanelle Challe (School Uniform) whispers and sticks her tongue out at Hana
[12:03] [Hana Sagusa (School Uniform)] :P
[12:04] > Chanelle Challe (School Uniform) giggles / Not like I haven't tried though.
[12:05] > ~Kurt (School Uniform) nods to the girls before heading out of the class
[12:05] <-- ~Kurt (School Uniform) has left #reddwarfevents (I'm not used to all this attention. *^_^*)
[12:06] [~Kiyone] @_@
[12:06] [Hana Sagusa (School Uniform)] you :P :P
[12:08] [~Kaiyra (School Uniform)] Ooooo, Mona, get a shot of Kiyone!
[12:08] > ~Mona (School Uniform) starts to take photos of kiyone
[12:08] [~Kiyone] eeep!!
[12:11] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] Man....
[12:11] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] Hey, let's go before they start bugging us again.
[12:13] > Chanelle Challe (School Uniform) grabs her books and starts to quickly head out
[12:14] > Hana Sagusa (School Uniform) grabs her books
[12:18] <-- Chanelle Challe (School Uniform) [FrenchProjector@Mugen.edu] has left #reddwarfevents (Those girls are something else! So, where are you two going on your date?)
[12:18] <-- Hana Sagusa (School Uniform) [sagusa.hana@mugen.edu.jp] has left #reddwarfevents (why do you ask :P)
[15:11] ➣ Mugen Acadamy, outside
[15:12] --> Chanelle Challe (School Uniform) [FrenchProjector@Mugen.edu] has joined #reddwarfevents
[15:12] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)
[15:12] --> Hana Sagusa (School Uniform) [sagusa.hana@mugen.edu.jp] has joined #reddwarfevents
[15:12] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Hana Sagusa (School Uniform)
[15:12] [Hana Sagusa (School Uniform)] ugh..finally..day is over
[15:13] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] You're not kidding
[15:14] ➣ a pink car drives up and stops in front of the two
[15:14] [Hana Sagusa (School Uniform)] ....are you expecting a ride or something?
[15:14] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] Woah!
[15:14] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] Um... no. I don't know anyone who drives a pink car.
[15:15] --> Usagi Chiba (suit) [Moon_Bunny@Jubaan.Tokyo.co] has joined #reddwarfevents
[15:15] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Usagi Chiba (suit)
[15:15] > Usagi Chiba (suit) steps out of the car, dressed in a pink suit..."which of you is chanelle challe?"
[15:15] [Hana Sagusa (School Uniform)] .....that is a lot of pink
[15:16] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] Um... that would be me. But who're you?
[15:17] [Usagi Chiba (suit)] my name is Usagi Chiba ^^
[15:18] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] Why do I know that name?
[15:18] [Hana Sagusa (School Uniform)] wasn't that that woman who my cousin was going to have you talk to?
[15:19] > Chanelle Challe (School Uniform) snaps her fingers/ Yeah! That's right.
[15:22] [Usagi Chiba (suit)] hungry?
[15:22] [Hana Sagusa (School Uniform)] well then seeya, chanelle...
[15:23] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] Sure
[15:23] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] Yeah, Hana... I'll see ya' later on.
[15:24] > Hana Sagusa (School Uniform) walks on
[15:24] <-- Hana Sagusa (School Uniform) [sagusa.hana@mugen.edu.jp] has left #reddwarfevents
[15:25] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] So, where did you have in mind.... Chiba-sama?
[15:25] [Usagi Chiba (suit)] call me Usagi! how about the arcade cafe?
[15:26] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] Alright then, Usagi.
[15:27] > Usagi Chiba (suit) gets back into the car
[15:28] > Chanelle Challe (School Uniform) opens the passanger door and gets into Usagi's car
[15:28] > Usagi Chiba (suit) sits there in front of the wheel silent..
[15:30] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] Is something wrong?
[15:31] [Usagi Chiba (suit)] ......
[15:31] [Usagi Chiba (suit)] ..was it 8 and 3.....or 9 and 2...or...oh..I always forget this ><;;;
[15:32] [Usagi Chiba (suit)] oh now I remember
[15:33] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] I think it's 10 and 2
[15:33] [Usagi Chiba (suit)] oh yes!
[15:33] > Usagi Chiba (suit) turns the key and gets on the road..
[15:33] ➣ scene change - Arcade Cafe
[15:34] > Usagi Chiba (suit) slrups on her soda...for all she looks like an adult..this action seems more like that of a teen
[15:35] > Chanelle Challe (School Uniform) munches on a piece of cake
[15:35] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] You're very odd for an adult, Usagi
[15:37] [Usagi Chiba (suit)] what do you mean?
[15:38] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] Coming out to a place like this, drinking that soda the way you are. Someone would think you're closer to my age.
[15:40] [Usagi Chiba (suit)] hee..well sometimes it's good not to give up aspects of that when you grow up ^^
[15:40] [Usagi Chiba (suit)] ne ne...so I hear you're in love with an older boy
[15:41] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] Oh yes, very much so. Isamu-kun is amazing.
[15:42] [Usagi Chiba (suit)] what's he like ^___^
[15:42] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] My friend back at the school, Hana.... he's her big brother.
[15:43] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] He's the strong, silent type. Very sweet and definately handsome.
[15:43] [Usagi Chiba (suit)] like mamo-chan!
[15:44] [Usagi Chiba (suit)] so what troubles you about all this?
[15:46] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] Well, for one.... I think I'm a little too......forward for him.
[15:46] [Usagi Chiba (suit)] how forward are you?
[15:47] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] Well, one night a couple weeks ago I....... stripped down to my underwear and threw myself at him after a date.
[15:48] [Usagi Chiba (suit)] O.O that is bold!
[15:49] > Chanelle Challe (School Uniform) blushes a little/ Since Isamu-kun kissed me the first time..... I've been a lot more bold around him.
[15:52] [Usagi Chiba (suit)] but you're afraid you're going too fast for him?
[15:52] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] Yeah....
[15:53] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] .... Hana told me that their parents didn't...... go all the way till they got married and Isamu-kun seems to want to wait too.
[15:54] [Usagi Chiba (suit)] well some guys are like that!
[15:56] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] Yeah.... I'm just worried. I mean..... I want to be with him in the worst way... but I don't want to scare him away.
[15:56] [Usagi Chiba (suit)] some guys like to...wait..and wait..and wait...
[15:56] [Usagi Chiba (suit)] wellll..how about you take that feeling....push it back to half power..and do that!
[15:59] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] It's going to be...... difficult... but alright.
[16:01] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] I just get this...... feeling everytime I'm with him..... when he holds me.....
[16:02] > Chanelle Challe (School Uniform) smiles, closing her eyes.
[16:04] [Usagi Chiba (suit)] geeee...
[16:05] [Usagi Chiba (suit)] I know that feeling....I would get that when mamo-chan held me ^^
[16:08] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] That warm fuzzy feeling that let to the urge to tear his clothes off?
[16:08] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] ^led
[16:11] [Usagi Chiba (suit)] um..maybe not...that far ^^;;;
[16:11] > Chanelle Challe (School Uniform) blushes again
[16:14] [Usagi Chiba (suit)] you kids today are sure..wild ^^;;;
[16:15] > Chanelle Challe (School Uniform) giggles a little
[16:16] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] There was one other thing I've been... concerned about.
[16:16] [Usagi Chiba (suit)] hm?
[16:17] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] My parents.....
[16:19] [Usagi Chiba (suit)] ooooooh yeah
[16:20] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] .... my family and I are originally from france.
[16:21] [Usagi Chiba (suit)] oooo????
[16:21] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] They always wanted me to marry a french boy..... they even had a guy in mind. Even though I can't stand him.....
[16:21] > Usagi Chiba (suit) nods nods
[16:22] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] .... so not only am I afraid they'd reject him because he's older, but because he's Japanese.
[16:23] [Usagi Chiba (suit)] hm hm...maybe he can pretend to be french!
[16:26] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] That wouldn't work. My parents know who he is.... as my friend's brother.
[16:27] [Usagi Chiba (suit)] oooooh
[16:27] [Usagi Chiba (suit)] hm hmmm...
[16:27] [Usagi Chiba (suit)] well then pretend your friend is french....and then her brother can be french too!
[16:27] > Chanelle Challe (School Uniform) sighs a little
[16:27] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] It's not that easy....
[16:28] [Usagi Chiba (suit)] oh....
[16:28] [Usagi Chiba (suit)] ...well you'll have to break to them gently...
[16:29] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] Matsumi-sensei said you delt with this same problem.....
[16:31] [Usagi Chiba (suit)] yeah..my husband and I are divided about the same as it sounds like you and isamu are age wise
[16:33] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] How did your parents handle you being with an older man?
[16:34] [Usagi Chiba (suit)] well...mama really liked mamo-chan.....thought he was handsome
[16:34] [Usagi Chiba (suit)] papa was all no no no..not giving my daughter to him...and all that..like all papas are
[16:34] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] 0
[16:35] > Chanelle Challe (School Uniform) finishes eating her cake
[16:35] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] What changed his mind?
[16:37] [Usagi Chiba (suit)] mama did
[16:40] [Usagi Chiba (suit)] mama was...pretty dominating ^^
[16:40] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] Heh
[16:41] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] I don't think my father would ever let that happen.
[16:41] [Usagi Chiba (suit)] all I can suggest..is you show that this is the man you want...and that he's better then the french guy
[16:43] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] I just hope that'll work.
[16:43] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] I love Isamu-kun.... but I also love my parents. I don't want to give up one to keep the other.
[16:44] [Usagi Chiba (suit)] you need to make it so your parents love isamu as much as you do!
[16:45] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] I'm gonna' do my damnedest.
[16:46] [Usagi Chiba (suit)] good!!!
[16:46] [Usagi Chiba (suit)] now then....I need to get one of these cakes!!!
[16:47] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] They are very good.
[16:48] [Usagi Chiba (suit)] eeee I love cake!
[16:48] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] You don't have the figure of someone who loves cake.
[16:49] [Usagi Chiba (suit)] thanks!!!!!
[16:50] ➣ waitress drops off the slice of cake...which Usagi digs into
[16:51] > Chanelle Challe (School Uniform) giggles
[16:53] [Usagi Chiba (suit)] huh?
[16:54] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] Just the way you got into that cake.
[16:55] [Usagi Chiba (suit)] well cake always makes me feel good
[16:58] [Usagi Chiba (suit)] and it's important to feel good!
[16:59] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] Yes, yes it is.
[17:00] > Usagi Chiba (suit) eats happily
[17:00] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] May I ask you a very...... personal question, Usagi?
[17:01] [Usagi Chiba (suit)] hm???
[17:03] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] When did you and your hubsand....... do it the first time? *blushes while asking*
[17:03] > Usagi Chiba (suit) turns red
[17:04] [Usagi Chiba (suit)] um..uh...that...that is sort..of a personal..question......
[17:04] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] If you'd rather not answer....... I would understand.
[17:05] [Usagi Chiba (suit)] you see............
[17:05] [Usagi Chiba (suit)] ....
[17:05] [Usagi Chiba (suit)] I don't really remember ^^;;;
[17:05] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] You don't remember your first time?
[17:06] [Usagi Chiba (suit)] no >.>
[17:06] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] Pardon me, but I find that somewhat difficult to believe.
[17:07] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] Unless, you first time...... wasn't with him....
[17:08] [Usagi Chiba (suit)] NO NO NO NO
[17:08] [Usagi Chiba (suit)] NEVER
[17:10] [Usagi Chiba (suit)] ><
[17:12] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] I see... well, I hope that doesn't happen to me.
[17:12] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] I want to remember my first time with Isamu-kun forever.
[17:14] > Usagi Chiba (suit) nods and eats
[17:16] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] I've heard about something from some of the girls at school..... something I'm thinking about buying for myself.
[17:17] [Usagi Chiba (suit)] ???
[17:18] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] It's something to help me with a um..... private matter. Until Isamu-kun is ready... >_>
[17:18] [Usagi Chiba (suit)] ....oooooh
[17:20] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] Do you... or did you.... have one?
[17:21] [Usagi Chiba (suit)] nope
[17:23] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] Oh
[17:23] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] I have no idea where or how to get one without my parents or friends finding out....
[17:24] > Usagi Chiba (suit) nods nods
[17:26] [Usagi Chiba (suit)] well I have no idea ^^
[17:27] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] Oh, ok.
[17:28] [Usagi Chiba (suit)] ne ne...how about I introduce you to mamo-chan and we can talk about your problems more ^^
[17:28] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] Um.... sure
[17:30] [Chanelle Challe (School Uniform)] Since you're a friend of Matsumi-san... I'm sure I can trust you.
[17:30] [Usagi Chiba (suit)] ^_^
[17:30] > Usagi Chiba (suit) pays the bill and heads off
[17:30] <-- Usagi Chiba (suit) [Moon_Bunny@Jubaan.Tokyo.co] has left #reddwarfevents (I'm sure mamo-chan will have some advice!!)
[17:30] > Chanelle Challe (School Uniform) hops up and follows
[17:31] <-- Chanelle Challe (School Uniform) [FrenchProjector@Mugen.edu] has left #reddwarfevents (Sure... I kinda' wish I could have Isamu-kun with us to meet your husband.)
[00:00] >>> Thursday Oct 21 2010 <<<
[12:17] ➣ Branch 6 apartments
[12:17] --> Sskt (casual) [lizardhunter@Branch6.org] has joined #reddwarfevents
[12:17] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Sskt (casual)
[12:18] > Sskt (casual) sits on her bed, looking over a holo-pad...yawning
[12:20] --> Alexis Shentara (summer casual) has joined #reddwarfevents
[12:20] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Alexis Shentara (summer casual)
[12:20] > Sskt (casual) fingers through the pages...
[12:21] > Alexis Shentara (summer casual) walks up and knocks on the door frame
[12:22] > Sskt (casual) quickly tries to shut off the holo-pad but drops it
[12:22] [Alexis Shentara (summer casual)] Hey Sskt, what'cha got there?
[12:23] [Sskt (casual)] just..reading material...
[12:24] [Sskt (casual)] >.>
[12:24] > Alexis Shentara (summer casual) grins - You're tryin' to hide it. Might as well come clean.
[12:24] > Sskt (casual) tosses the pad to Alexis
[12:25] > Alexis Shentara (summer casual) catches it and turns it on
[12:26] ➣ the holo-pad is a clothes catalog
[12:26] [Alexis Shentara (summer casual)] Why would you wanna' hide looking at clothes?
[12:26] [Sskt (casual)] not my usual reading material is it?
[12:27] > Alexis Shentara (summer casual) flips through the pages
[12:27] ➣ the catalog is mostly beach wear and outfits
[12:28] [Alexis Shentara (summer casual)] That one's cute...
[12:29] [Alexis Shentara (summer casual)] It's kind of an odd time to wanna' buy a swimsuit, isn't it?
[12:31] [Sskt (casual)] ...I've been bored so I thought maybe going to a beach
[12:32] [Alexis Shentara (summer casual)] Ahh... well what about your current suits?
[12:34] [Sskt (casual)] I wasn't looking at the suits
[12:34] [Sskt (casual)] was looking at the summer coverings
[12:35] [Alexis Shentara (summer casual)] Oh, really?
[12:35] [Sskt (casual)] yeah don't have any
[12:37] [Alexis Shentara (summer casual)] You don't need a cover.
[12:37] [Sskt (casual)] meh...also..I'm utterly bored
[12:38] [Alexis Shentara (summer casual)] Why don't you call Aaron? I'm sure that'll get ya' UNbored in a hurry. ^_~
[12:39] [Sskt (casual)] oh I have...still sore from last night...
[12:40] [Alexis Shentara (summer casual)] Heh, naughty girl~
[12:42] [Alexis Shentara (summer casual)] Well, is there anything you'd like to do?
[12:48] [Sskt (casual)] well I know Taruka is using the game center in the basement...
[12:50] [Alexis Shentara (summer casual)] So why not go down there and play a game?
[12:51] [Sskt (casual)] oh I don't know..isn't that kid's stuff?
[12:52] [Alexis Shentara (summer casual)] I dunno. There's a sniper game that's pretty realistic.
[12:53] [Sskt (casual)] I suppose I could try that one fighter game...
[12:53] [Alexis Shentara (summer casual)] There ya' go!
[12:53] [Alexis Shentara (summer casual)] At least it's something to do.
[12:55] [Sskt (casual)] yeah I suppose....all the good assignments have dried up anyway...
[12:57] [Alexis Shentara (summer casual)] Well then, let's go
[12:58] > Sskt (casual) turns off her holopad and gets up
[12:59] > Alexis Shentara (summer casual) leads the way out
[13:00] > Sskt (casual) follows
[13:18] > Sskt (casual) follows alexis...trading hellos with several passerbys..
[13:19] > Alexis Shentara (summer casual) gets into the waiting elevator, pushing the button for the basement
[13:20] [Sskt (casual)] you know...you'd think at a bounty hunting agency....we would all be at our throats, you know?
[13:21] [Alexis Shentara (summer casual)] That's why I like it here. We all get along
[13:22] [Alexis Shentara (summer casual)] Also, I'm sure if we ever needed help, one of the other teams would step up.
[13:23] [Sskt (casual)] yeah...I think it just hit me on that point
[13:24] ➣ The elevator door opens to the basement
[13:24] > Alexis Shentara (summer casual) walks out into the large basement, a wide array of arcade gaming machines
[13:24] ➣ the game room is just that...a high tech facility with games that not only train..but entertain!...hey that sort of rhymes..
[13:26] [Alexis Shentara (summer casual)] See, there's all kinds of stuff down here
[13:26] [Sskt (casual)] ooo oo the fighting game is open
[13:27] [Sskt (casual)] ..I see Taruka is trying the dance game
[13:27] ➣ in the corner, Taruka is trying a DDR like game..and failing badly at it
[13:28] > Alexis Shentara (summer casual) walks over, watching Taruka
[13:29] [Taruka Mi-38 (casual)] geh...no..um...where did that foot suppose to...oh dear....no....
[13:31] [Alexis Shentara (summer casual)] Taruka.... what're you doing?
[13:31] [Taruka Mi-38 (casual)] oh aleiXIS!!! *slips and falls on her butt as the words GAME OVER appear*
[13:32] > Alexis Shentara (summer casual) covers her face with her hand and shakes her head before stepping up, offering to help Taruka up
[13:34] [Taruka Mi-38 (casual)] oww...
[13:36] [Alexis Shentara (summer casual)] You're playing it all wrong Taruka...
[13:36] [Taruka Mi-38 (casual)] I'm not used to dancing!
[13:38] [Alexis Shentara (summer casual)] It's not about dancing really....
[13:39] [Alexis Shentara (summer casual)] ... it's about moving your feet to the right spots at the right time. It just LOOKS like dancing.
[13:40] [Taruka Mi-38 (casual)] oh....
[13:42] [Alexis Shentara (summer casual)] Here, I'll show you...
[13:43] > Taruka Mi-38 (casual) stands aside
[13:44] > Alexis Shentara (summer casual) stands in the center of the grid and practices her step placement before selecting her song
[13:45] > Alexis Shentara (summer casual) picks a fairly fast song
[13:50] > Alexis Shentara (summer casual) starts moving as the arrows come up, concentrating on the screen