[22:39] >>> Sunday Oct 31 2010 – Automatic reset triggered – Logging Start <<<
[22:39] [Miara (broken fairy)] Basically you make a fist, thumb in, above the belly button
[22:40] > @Nate Detroit (Ken Masters) tries to watch.
[22:40] > +David O'Cain (Earthworm Jim) watches as he eats
[22:40] [+Solarchos (Dark Angels power armor)] Thanks for a fun time, everyone. I'm glad I was able to make it.
[22:40] > Miara (broken fairy) wraps her arms around Nate and demonstrates, though not very hard
[22:40] [Miara (broken fairy)] Like that.
[22:40] [Miara (broken fairy)] Night, Solar
[22:41] > Miara (broken fairy) lets go and steps back
[22:41] [Morrigan (Elvira, Mistress of the Night)] I'd best be going, too. I'll check in on the rest of the children to make sure none of them have any accidents.
[22:41] [+Matsumi Kaze (Vampire Queen)] goodnight!
[22:41] <-- Morrigan (Elvira, Mistress of the Night) [SexyNaughtyBitchyMe@EnclaveFedCom.Net] has left #reddwarfevents (I definitely scored tonight with MY costume! ^_^..V)
[22:42] ➣ several people are leaving
[22:42] <-- +Solarchos (Dark Angels power armor) [Fallen0081@EnclaveFedCom.Net] has left #reddwarfevents (That BBQ meat was good.)
[22:42] > Minako Aino (Playboy Bunny) wraps her arms around Katori and whispers quietly to him.
[22:44] [Katori Kaioh (Knight)] hm?
[22:45] > Miara (broken fairy) goes to dance a bit
[22:45] [+David O'Cain (Earthworm Jim)] Bye, Morrigan and Solar.
[22:47] > Katori Kaioh (Knight) smiles and kisses Minako
[22:49] > Minako Aino (Playboy Bunny) returns it, running her hands through his hair, oblivious to the world around her.
[22:49] > @Nate Detroit (Ken Masters) grins at Mina and Katori over his punch.
[22:50] [+Matsumi Kaze (Vampire Queen)] hee
[22:52] [+Matsumi Kaze (Vampire Queen)] it looks like the party is pretty much over...
[22:53] [Miara (broken fairy)] What? Already?
[22:54] [+David O'Cain (Earthworm Jim)] Seems that way.
[22:54] > Minako Aino (Playboy Bunny) continues the kiss, twisting a leg around Katori's waist.
[22:54] [@Nate Detroit (Ken Masters)] The public one, at least.
[22:54] > @Nate Detroit (Ken Masters) rubs the bite on his neck.
[22:54] [+Matsumi Kaze (Vampire Queen)] Miara..the party has been going on for awhile
[22:55] [Miara (broken fairy)] It's not even that late.
[22:55] [+Matsumi Kaze (Vampire Queen)] heh you can stay if you want XD
[22:56] [Miara (broken fairy)] Eh, the wizard party'll be going a long time yet, I can go back there.
[22:56] [@Nate Detroit (Ken Masters)] Heh... I would, except your husband seems to have plans for you. ^^; Though maybe I can find a fifth wheel who wants attention tonight....
[22:57] [Miara (broken fairy)] 'Spose I should find another costume, though...
[22:57] > +Matsumi Kaze (Vampire Queen) giggles
[22:57] > Katori Kaioh (Knight) is still kissing
[23:00] [Minako Aino (Playboy Bunny)] ❧ mmmm~ ❧
[23:00] > Miara (broken fairy) is away
[23:00] [@Nate Detroit (Ken Masters)] How long can they do that??
[23:00] [+Matsumi Kaze (Vampire Queen)] ...I have no clue
[23:03] [+David O'Cain (Earthworm Jim)] Not sure, but I need to get going. I'll see you folks later.
[23:03] <-- +David O'Cain (Earthworm Jim) has left #reddwarfevents (Night and enjoy.)
[23:03] > Minako Aino (Playboy Bunny) breaks the kiss, and looks to Matsumi.
[23:04] [Minako Aino (Playboy Bunny)] Umm.. Matsy-chan.. is there.. an extra room we could crash in? ^_^;;
[23:04] [+Matsumi Kaze (Vampire Queen)] heh...yes....take room 202....upstairs and to the left
[23:05] [Minako Aino (Playboy Bunny)] Hee~ like a hotel. Maybe We'll rechristen it tonight. ♡
[23:07] [+Matsumi Kaze (Vampire Queen)] heh have a goodnight
[23:07] > Katori Kaioh (Knight) scoops up Minako
[23:09] > Minako Aino (Playboy Bunny) kicks her feet.
[23:09] <-- Minako Aino (Playboy Bunny) [SoldierOfLove@Venus.net] has left #reddwarfevents (We will! Thanks. ^_~)
[23:10] <-- Katori Kaioh (Knight) [blueboy@seapalace.nep.co] has left #reddwarfevents
[23:10] [@Nate Detroit (Ken Masters)] Those two are a piece of work.
[23:11] ➣ the guests are starting to head home
[23:13] > @Nate Detroit (Ken Masters) bids everyone goodbye, giving handshakes and hugs where appropriate.
[23:14] > +Matsumi Kaze (Vampire Queen) is doing the same..thanking them for coming
[23:15] [+Matsumi Kaze (Vampire Queen)] what a great night ^^
[23:16] ➣ Hideki has gone off with Vana
[23:16] [@Nate Detroit (Ken Masters)] Really was. Thanks for the hospitality.
[23:16] [+Matsumi Kaze (Vampire Queen)] my pleasure ^^
[23:17] [@Nate Detroit (Ken Masters)] Heh.. Not complaining, but I'm surprised you actually drew blood. ^_^
[23:20] > +Matsumi Kaze (Vampire Queen) grins, showing her fangs "that makes you my slave"
[23:22] > @Nate Detroit (Ken Masters) bends to his knee and bows.
[23:22] [@Nate Detroit (Ken Masters)] What is thy bidding, Mistress?
[23:23] > +Matsumi Kaze (Vampire Queen) grins "does your wife expect you home tonight..."
[23:24] [@Nate Detroit (Ken Masters)] She won't miss me too bad. If she does, you can use me to lure her in as well~
[23:26] [+Matsumi Kaze (Vampire Queen)] ...excellent....
[23:26] > +Matsumi Kaze (Vampire Queen) gives a beckoning finger...
[23:28] > @Nate Detroit (Ken Masters) follows.
[23:30] [+Matsumi Kaze (Vampire Queen)] ...come....and ravish...your queen
[23:30] <-- +Matsumi Kaze (Vampire Queen) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has left #reddwarfevents (*heads upstairs*)
[23:31] <-- @Nate Detroit (Ken Masters) [SmashChamp@reddwarf.com] has left #reddwarfevents (Yes, my queen.)
[00:00] >>> Monday Nov 01 2010 <<<
[13:58] ➣ 1d20
[13:59] [@HOL_6000] rolls: 1d20 { 9 }
[19:56] ➣ Tokyo, a resturant inside a high rise with a great view of the city at the windows.
[19:56] --> Nephrite Masato (Business Casual) [FormerGeneral@DarkKingdom.net] has joined #reddwarfevents
[19:56] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Nephrite Masato (Business Casual)
[19:57] --> Minako Aino (C[SMEG]ktail dress) [SoldierOfLove@Venus.net] has joined #reddwarfevents
[19:57] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Minako Aino (C[SMEG]ktail dress)
[19:58] > Minako Aino (Party dress) is clinging gently to Nephrite's arm.
[19:58] > ~Host is standing at a small podium.
[19:59] [~Host] Ahh, Mr. Masato we've been expecting you.... but we didn't know you were bringing Miss Aino with you. ^_^
[20:00] > Minako Aino (Party dress) giggles and smiles, her bright teeth and eyes complimented by her best silk bow.
[20:00] [Nephrite Masato (Business Casual)] I trust you still have a table available for two by the window?
[20:00] [Minako Aino (Party dress)] Sure hope that isn't a problem. You wont be letting any paparazzi in, will you?
[20:01] [~Host] Of course we have a table waiting and no ma'am..... we scan for cameras before you enter.
[20:02] [~Host] Please, follow me.
[20:03] > ~Host picks up a pair of menus and leads them into the dining area
[20:03] > Minako Aino (Party dress) follows, still on his arm.
[20:05] > Nephrite Masato (Business Casual) walks with Mina, looking around the room at the other people
[20:05] > ~Host lays the menus on the table, which is right next to a large picture window.
[20:06] > Nephrite Masato (Business Casual) smiles and pulls a chair out for Mina
[20:06] > Minako Aino (Party dress) finally lets go and takes her seat.
[20:08] > Nephrite Masato (Business Casual) gently pushes the seat in, then takes his.
[20:08] [Minako Aino (Party dress)] This is a beautiful view.. I think I can see Ami-chan's apartment.
[20:08] [~Host] I'll send your server in.
[20:09] <-- ~Host has left #reddwarfevents
[20:09] [Nephrite Masato (Business Casual)] Yes, it is quite a lovely view.
[20:11] > Nephrite Masato (Business Casual) picks up his menu
[20:12] > Minako Aino (Party dress) looks over hers.
[20:12] --> ~Waitress has joined #reddwarfevents
[20:12] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, ~Waitress
[20:13] > ~Waitress walks up, looking rather nervous
[20:13] [~Waitress] H....hello.. may I take your order?
[20:13] > Minako Aino (Party dress) hums a little to herself.
[20:14] [Minako Aino (Party dress)] Ne? Ohh, we just sat down.. unless you know already, Neph?
[20:14] [Nephrite Masato (Business Casual)] Actually no, I don't.
[20:14] [~Waitress] I'm so sorry! I'll give you a few moments.
[20:16] [Minako Aino (Party dress)] Know what you want to drink, Neph? Nice evening like this calls for a nice wine, ne?
[20:18] [Nephrite Masato (Business Casual)] I totally agree. Feel free to pick.
[20:18] > ~Waitress almost runs away
[20:18] [Minako Aino (Party dress)] Umm.. Miss? o_o Whats got into her?
[20:20] [Nephrite Masato (Business Casual)] She looks rather shaken for some reason.
[20:20] [Nephrite Masato (Business Casual)] I bet it's because of you. :P
[20:23] [Minako Aino (Party dress)] Mayyybeeee~ Oh well. Lets see...... ehto.... *runs her finger over the menu* Cajun shrimp pasta... New York Strip.. moh, shouldn't she have gave us the specials?
[20:24] [Nephrite Masato (Business Casual)] Maybe in her nervousness she forgot.
[20:27] [Nephrite Masato (Business Casual)] I think I'll have the chicken parmagane.
[20:30] > Minako Aino (Party dress) reviews the wine list now and sets down her menu.
[20:32] [Minako Aino (Party dress)] ♬ ♫ ~ ♭
[20:33] [~Waitress] I'm sorry about earlier.... are you ready to order?
[20:34] [Minako Aino (Party dress)] Yes. ~first~ We'll have a bottle of White Zin. *points to the wine list*
[20:35] [Minako Aino (Party dress)] I'll have the Cajun Shrimp Pasta.
[20:36] > ~Waitress writes down the order and nods / Would you like bread or salad with that?
[20:36] [Minako Aino (Party dress)] Yes. Ceasar?
[20:38] [~Waitress] Dressing?
[20:38] [Minako Aino (Party dress)] umm... don't you put ceasar dressing on a ceasar salad? ^_^;;
[20:39] [~Waitress] Oh yeah..... I'm sorry about that. ^_^;;
[20:39] [~Waitress] And you sir?
[20:39] [Nephrite Masato (Business Casual)] I'll have the Chicken Parmagane with Italian bread, no garlic
[20:40] [~Waitress] Excellent sir.
[20:40] [Minako Aino (Party dress)] Dear.. am I making you nervous?
[20:41] > Minako Aino (Party dress) gives her a warm smile.
[20:42] > ~Waitress blushes / To be totally honest.... you are Aino-sama. I saw you at the Tokyo Dome... you were awesome!
[20:43] [Minako Aino (Party dress)] ^_^ Arigatou. I tell you what.. you work your best for us and slip your name and address in with the check, and we'll send you a signed portrait. Deal?
[20:43] [~Waitress] O_O Really!?
[20:44] > Minako Aino (Party dress) looks a little nervous and lets her eyes dart from side to side.
[20:45] [Minako Aino (Party dress)] Ye.. yes.. please though, were trying not to draw attention to ourselves..
[20:45] [~Waitress] Oh my... I'm sorry. I'll get your orders put in right away.
[20:45] > Nephrite Masato (Business Casual) chuckles a little to himself.
[20:46] > ~Waitress makes a light squeeling like noise to herself as she walks to the kitchen.
[20:46] > Minako Aino (Party dress) grins, but rubs her face.
[20:46] [Nephrite Masato (Business Casual)] You had quite the effect on her.
[20:47] [Minako Aino (Party dress)] Ye... yeah.. ^_^;; she must have been nervous though.. most places just bring you the bread, or offer you soup..
[20:48] [Minako Aino (Party dress)] Moh, maybe I should stop wearing the bow when I don't want attention..
[20:48] [Minako Aino (Party dress)] So, Neph. What exactly is going on between you and Naftis-san?
[20:50] [Nephrite Masato (Business Casual)] Well, she says she loves me, but she also seems to be in love with Hotaru. At first.... she showed some distaine with me being with anyone else.....
[20:50] [Nephrite Masato (Business Casual)] ... but when I explained to her what was going on with Zoi and that she would more the likely be coming back, she calmed down. It was soon after that she acutally got together with Hotaru.
[20:51] [Minako Aino (Party dress)] Hmm... and how do you feel about that?
[20:52] [Nephrite Masato (Business Casual)] Well, I'm alright with it I suppose.... though it seems as if she's been spending a lot more time with Hotaru then she has with me lately.
[20:52] [Nephrite Masato (Business Casual)] I've kinda' been..... filling the void with someone else. ^_^;;
[20:53] [Minako Aino (Party dress)] Void?
[20:53] [Nephrite Masato (Business Casual)] Well, the times when I'm alone.
[20:54] [Minako Aino (Party dress)] Hmm... Neph.. it stinks that Zoi isn't around often enough... but I'm not sure if this is healthy, what you're doing, bouncing around between relationships and getting involved as heavily as you are with them..
[20:55] > Nephrite Masato (Business Casual) sighs a little, "I know...."
[20:55] [Nephrite Masato (Business Casual)] To be honest.... I miss what you and I used to have.
[20:55] > Minako Aino (Party dress) gives an uneasy smile.
[20:56] [Minako Aino (Party dress)] Don't tell me... that you meant me when you said 'someone else'?
[20:56] [Nephrite Masato (Business Casual)] No no no.....
[20:57] [Nephrite Masato (Business Casual)] I mean, it's nice being with you, but I know you're busy with Katori. Someone who's a little more available.
[20:57] [Minako Aino (Party dress)] Who?
[20:58] [Nephrite Masato (Business Casual)] Cere from the Circus
[20:58] [Minako Aino (Party dress)] Ooooo Interesting~
[20:59] [Nephrite Masato (Business Casual)] She's quite the elegant young lady.
[21:00] > ~Waitress comes in with the wine, two glasses and Mina's salad.
[21:00] [Minako Aino (Party dress)] Well then, seeing as you sound like you're taken care of, I won't have to worry about gratifying you after the meal. ^_~
[21:02] > ~Waitress sets the glasses down, pouring wine into them after setting Mina's salad in front of her
[21:02] [Minako Aino (Party dress)] Arigatou.
[21:02] > Minako Aino (Party dress) takes a sip and starts on her salad.
[21:02] > ~Waitress smiles and leaves the bottle at the table
[21:03] > ~Waitress is away: I'm gonna' do my best job.
[21:03] > Nephrite Masato (Business Casual) sips his wine and grins
[21:03] [Nephrite Masato (Business Casual)] I did just mention that I missed what you and I had, right?
[21:04] [Minako Aino (Party dress)] You did. ^_^ And I'm flattered. You're a great guy, Neph, even if you are a worse flirt than I am.
[21:05] [Nephrite Masato (Business Casual)] You keep suggesting satisfying me one way or another.
[21:06] > Minako Aino (Party dress) giggles and blushes.
[21:06] [Nephrite Masato (Business Casual)] Let me just say this about that.....
[21:07] [Nephrite Masato (Business Casual)] .... it is your choice if you want to do something like that. But I wouldn't turn you down if you wanted to.
[21:07] > Nephrite Masato (Business Casual) winks at her before taking another sip of his wine.
[21:07] [Minako Aino (Party dress)] I know you wouldn't. *^_^*
[21:08] [Nephrite Masato (Business Casual)] Though, one thing concerns me about that....
[21:09] [Nephrite Masato (Business Casual)] ..... what would Katori think if you steped out on him with me?
[21:09] > Minako Aino (Party dress) sips her wine again, giving a 'hmmm?'
[21:10] [Minako Aino (Party dress)] I... don't think he'd like it. He and I know we can flirt with other people, but I think we kind of set the line at second base..
[21:11] [Nephrite Masato (Business Casual)] And yet.... you're thinking about it..... aren't you?
[21:11] > Minako Aino (Party dress) chuckles and gives him a knowing smile, looking him in the eyes.
[21:12] [Minako Aino (Party dress)] ❧ You ~ are ~ smooth. ❧
[21:14] > Nephrite Masato (Business Casual) smirks, "Why do you think I have so many female clients?"
[21:14] [Nephrite Masato (Business Casual)] ❧ My charm draw you all in. ❧
[21:15] [Minako Aino (Party dress)] ❧ and here I thought its just because you only take clients you hope you can trick into bed~ ❧
[21:17] > Nephrite Masato (Business Casual) chuckles again
[21:18] > Minako Aino (Party dress) can't help laughing too.
[21:20] > Minako Aino (Party dress) gives a happy sigh.
[21:22] [Minako Aino (Party dress)] You really should be careful though.. playing with the hearts of these women. I don't doubt that you care about them, but most women crave monogomy and loyalty.
[21:24] [Minako Aino (Party dress)] Does Naftis know about Cere Cere? Does Cere know about Naftis?
[21:24] [Nephrite Masato (Business Casual)] Cere knows about Naftis.... I don't believe I've had the chance to tell Naftis about Cere yet.
[21:26] [Minako Aino (Party dress)] Hmm... are you sure you aren't just afraid to tell her?
[21:28] [Nephrite Masato (Business Casual)] Well, there might be a little of that also.
[21:29] > ~Waitress walks in, carrying their dishes
[21:34] [Minako Aino (Party dress)] *^_^*
[21:35] > ~Waitress sets their food in front of them.
[21:35] [Minako Aino (Party dress)] ♬ Etadakimasu~ ♭
[21:35] > ~Waitress smiles and bows / Enjoy
[21:37] > Minako Aino (Party dress) eats, her pasta and shrimp with her chopsticks.
[21:38] > ~Waitress picks up a fork, eating his pasta first.
[21:38] [Nephrite Masato (Business Casual)] ^
[21:44] [Minako Aino (Party dress)] Mm.. I love food with some good kick to it.
[21:46] [Nephrite Masato (Business Casual)] This is very good
[21:47] [Minako Aino (Party dress)] Neph.. Don't put off telling Naftis-san for long, okay? Not if you care about her.
[21:48] > Nephrite Masato (Business Casual) nods, "I'll tell her the next time I see her. Though Cere and I have only been out a couple times."
[21:50] [Minako Aino (Party dress)] And have you slept with her? Are you persuing that kind of relationship? :\
[21:52] [Nephrite Masato (Business Casual)] No.... though she did kiss me with a certin passion the last time we were together.
[21:54] [Nephrite Masato (Business Casual)] I'm not sure exactly what Cere wants.... but she certinely put a move on me that night.
[21:54] [Minako Aino (Party dress)] Oh. Okay. That isn't a big deal. We do that all the time. ^_^
[21:56] [Nephrite Masato (Business Casual)] Yeah.... hopefully Naftis won't think it's a big deal either.
[21:57] > Nephrite Masato (Business Casual) cuts into his chicken and takes a bite.
[21:58] [Nephrite Masato (Business Casual)] Mmmmm.... that's great
[21:59] > Minako Aino (Party dress) slurps a large clump of noodles. ♡
[22:04] > Nephrite Masato (Business Casual) finishes his first glass of wine, pouring another
[22:09] > Minako Aino (Party dress) offers hers. ^_^
[22:10] > Nephrite Masato (Business Casual) pours Mina another glass of wine, eating some more.
[22:11] [Minako Aino (Party dress)] Thanks for taking me out. This is really nice.
[22:14] [Nephrite Masato (Business Casual)] This is nice. Though I would like to ask you something.
[22:14] [Minako Aino (Party dress)] Between you and Kato, I feel spolied by all this luxury. Though I guess my tiny room on the ship offsets that..
[22:14] [Minako Aino (Party dress)] Ne? Nani?
[22:15] [Nephrite Masato (Business Casual)] What was with your reaction on the ship to me talking about Naftis and Hotaru?
[22:17] [Minako Aino (Party dress)] Very surprised. I never thought Hotaru would be a lesbian.. though then again, look at her family.. Plus of course you were still involved with Naftis.. Thats a really complicated triangle.
[22:18] [Nephrite Masato (Business Casual)] Yes, it is rather surprising.
[22:20] [Minako Aino (Party dress)] A better question would be what your reaction was..
[22:23] [Nephrite Masato (Business Casual)] I was...... surprised as well. Especially because there was a moment that I thought Hotaru was attracted to me.
[22:23] [Minako Aino (Party dress)] ❧ Oooooooo lolita complex? ❧
[22:24] [Nephrite Masato (Business Casual)] Nothing like that
[22:24] [Nephrite Masato (Business Casual)] She's a very sweet girl and more grown up then her apperance.
[22:24] [Minako Aino (Party dress)] I wouldn't judge if it was~~
[22:26] > Nephrite Masato (Business Casual) finishes his food
[22:27] > Minako Aino (Party dress) is finished with hers, and finishing her wine.
[22:27] [Minako Aino (Party dress)] This.. this is pretty good wine. *^_^*
[22:29] > Nephrite Masato (Business Casual) finishes his second glass and pours himself a third, offering Mina another as well
[22:29] [Nephrite Masato (Business Casual)] It is.... you picked a good one.
[22:29] > Minako Aino (Party dress) holds hers out to be refilled, and doesnt hesitate to sip it.
[22:29] > ~Waitress walks over / May I take your plates?
[22:30] [Minako Aino (Party dress)] Please!
[22:30] [Nephrite Masato (Business Casual)] Thank you
[22:30] > ~Waitress clears the table of everything but their wine glasses and the bottle.
[22:31] > Nephrite Masato (Business Casual) sips his wine
[22:32] [Minako Aino (Party dress)] Guess we should finish the bottle before we go *^_~*
[22:35] [~Waitress] Would you like dessert?
[22:35] > Minako Aino (Party dress) giggles at that.
[22:36] [Nephrite Masato (Business Casual)] I don't think I have any room. Mina?
[22:36] [Minako Aino (Party dress)] Not if you don't. The wine will be good. ehehe...
[22:37] [~Waitress] Very well... I'll bring the check.
[22:39] > ~Waitress walks off again
[22:40] [Nephrite Masato (Business Casual)] We don't have to finish it here ya' know.
[22:41] [Minako Aino (Party dress)] Oh, right.. hehe... that time in america where you can't take it with you threw me off. *^_^*
[22:45] [Minako Aino (Party dress)] ❧ Why Neph... are you suggesting we take the wine elsewhere? ❧
[22:46] [Nephrite Masato (Business Casual)] Well, you could take it with you if you want.
[22:47] > Minako Aino (Party dress) slips her foot out of her shoe and rubs her foot on his leg under the table.
[22:49] > Nephrite Masato (Business Casual) smirks lightly at Mina
[22:50] [Nephrite Masato (Business Casual)] ❧ You make the choice as to where this bottle goes and where you go. ❧
[22:50] > ~Waitress walks over, setting the check on the table with a small slip of paper stapled to it.
[22:51] [Minako Aino (Party dress)] ❧ Mmm... Ima liiilll drunk to make decisions. Thats ~ why ~ I ~ have ~ you~~ ❧
[22:51] [~Waitress] I'll take this whenever you're ready.
[22:51] > Minako Aino (Party dress) giggles, sways, and hugs the waitress from her seat.
[22:51] > ~Waitress giggles nervously, hugging back lightly
[22:51] [Minako Aino (Party dress)] Thanks fer yer support! *^_^*
[22:52] > Nephrite Masato (Business Casual) chuckles
[22:52] [~Waitress] Y... you're very welcome Aino-sama. *^_^*
[22:52] > Minako Aino (Party dress) slides off her and hickups.
[22:54] > Nephrite Masato (Business Casual) takes out his wallet and takes out a card, handing it to the waitress
[22:55] > ~Waitress takes the card and goes to her station with it.
[22:55] [Nephrite Masato (Business Casual)] Maybe I should take you home, just to make sure you get there alright.
[22:57] [Minako Aino (Party dress)] Aww... just gonna take me home? :\
[22:58] [Nephrite Masato (Business Casual)] That depends on you, my dear.
[22:58] [Minako Aino (Party dress)] I wanna doooo somethinnn tonight..
[23:00] > ~Waitress brings back Neph's card and hands him the reciept/ Thank you both very much.
[23:00] > ~Waitress bows before leaving them.
[23:01] > Nephrite Masato (Business Casual) puts his card back in his wallet, fills in the tip on the reciept and signs it, taking the original check with the extra note attached and putting it in his pocket.
[23:02] [Nephrite Masato (Business Casual)] Well.... what do you want to do in your state?
[23:03] [Minako Aino (Party dress)] Dunno... cold for a walk.. your place is empty?
[23:04] [Nephrite Masato (Business Casual)] I think so, unless Naftis is there waiting for me.
[23:04] > Nephrite Masato (Business Casual) stands, corking the wine bottle and picking it up
[23:04] > Minako Aino (Party dress) curls her lip again in thought.
[23:04] [Minako Aino (Party dress)] Okay.. take me back to my place. ^_^
[23:05] [Nephrite Masato (Business Casual)] Alright then
[23:07] > Nephrite Masato (Business Casual) helps Mina out of the resturant
[23:07] <-- Nephrite Masato (Business Casual) [FormerGeneral@DarkKingdom.net] has left #reddwarfevents (Come on there, drunky. :P)
[23:07] > Minako Aino (Party dress) staggers a little, holding his arm again.
[23:08] <-- Minako Aino (Party dress) [SoldierOfLove@Venus.net] has left #reddwarfevents (Hay! Just because I'm drunk doesnn mean I'm drunk!)
[00:00] >>> Tuesday Nov 02 2010 <<<
[20:25] --> Akihiko Kaiou has joined #reddwarfevents
[20:25] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Akihiko Kaiou
[20:25] --> Pantea [pantea@lightanddark.com] has joined #reddwarfevents
[20:25] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Pantea
[20:25] > Akihiko Kaiou walks down the hall of the Dwarf, kicking a soccer ball and tossing an apple into the air.
[20:26] > Pantea rounds the corner, licking some icing off her finger
[20:26] [Akihiko Kaiou] ♬ ♡ ~ ♭
[20:26] > Akihiko Kaiou looks at Pantea
[20:26] ➣ Pantea: A girl with black hair, gray eyes, slightly dark skin, and a pair of sleek sunglasses somewhere on her person. She may or may not be in her green and gray catsuit.http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a361/zairafirefly/characters/Pantea/pantea-1.jpg
[20:27] [Pantea] Yo
[20:27] [Akihiko Kaiou] Hey good lookin~ Nice costume.
[20:28] [Pantea] Thanks.
[20:29] [Pantea] You must be Akihiko~
[20:29] [Akihiko Kaiou] My reputation and good looks precede me, no doubt. ^_^ You have me at a disadvantage.
[20:30] [Pantea] I'm very good at attaining information.
[20:32] > Pantea disappears, and steps out behind Akihiko
[20:33] > Akihiko Kaiou looks around, surprised to see her gone, and jumps when he sees her behind him. 0_0
[20:35] > Pantea grins
[20:35] [Pantea] I don't suppose there are Shadowalkers on the future?
[20:35] [Akihiko Kaiou] Impressive.
[20:36] [Akihiko Kaiou] If there are, I haven't heard of them.
[20:37] [Pantea] Me either.
[20:37] [Pantea] I'm Pantea
[20:38] > Akihiko Kaiou takes a deep breath to regain his composure, and takes her hand, lowering himself to kiss it, as well as planting a few up her arm.
[20:38] [Akihiko Kaiou] ❧ Pleased to meet you. ❧
[20:39] [Pantea] And you.
[20:40] [Pantea] You're as pretty as I heard~
[20:40] [Akihiko Kaiou] So, you're from around here?
[20:40] [Akihiko Kaiou] Glad I could live up to the hype. ^_^
[20:41] [Pantea] I live on Dione, now.
[20:41] [Akihiko Kaiou] I put a lot of work into my appearance and physique. You know I model, then?
[20:41] [Pantea] Maybe.
[20:43] [Pantea] Underwear?
[20:44] [Akihiko Kaiou] Among other things~ More ~or~ less. ^_~
[20:45] [Pantea] How much less?
[20:48] > Akihiko Kaiou just grins at her and strokes her cheek with a finger.
[20:48] [Akihiko Kaiou] If you can gather information, it shouldn't be hard for you to find out~
[20:50] [Pantea] But that wouldn't be as fun~
[20:51] [] ❧ I did my first nude shoot a few months ago~ Was a lot of fun. ❧
[20:52] > Akihiko Kaiou leans next to her, looking somewhat smug.
[20:52] [Pantea] I'll bet.
[20:53] [Akihiko Kaiou] ❧ Play your cards right and you can have a private show. ❧
[20:53] [Pantea] Well, you are Venusian, right?
[20:54] [Akihiko Kaiou] Aye, I am. Why?
[20:55] [Pantea] I think I may have lived there at some point. It's hard to remember.
[20:56] [Pantea] But it seems like the kind of place I'd live.
[20:56] [Akihiko Kaioh] It has a rich history.. though much of it has been spent as toxic and uninhabbitable. Perhaps you would like to visit it now that its a little more romantic and welcoming?
[20:56] > Akihiko Kaioh puts a hand on her shoulder.
[20:58] [Pantea] I'd love too.
[20:59] [Pantea] You still have bars there?
[21:01] [Akihiko Kaioh] Oh yes.. some of the best around.
[21:01] [Pantea] Excellent.
[21:02] [Akihiko Kaioh] Loud ones, quiet ones, ones with live music, ones attached to love hotels~
[21:03] > Akihiko Kaioh slides his whole arm around her shoulders.
[21:03] [Pantea] Fun~
[21:03] > Pantea looks him over again
[21:04] [Pantea] Maybe we should...get out of the hallway?
[21:05] [Akihiko Kaioh] Sure. Want to go now?
[21:05] > Akihiko Kaioh withdraws his arm and takes her hand instead.
[21:06] [Pantea] If you like.
[21:07] [Akihiko Kaioh] ❧ I do. ❧
[21:07] > Akihiko Kaioh kisses her hand and leads her out.
[21:08] > Pantea goes along
[21:09] <-- Akihiko Kaioh has left #reddwarfevents (I know this one place, good music. You dance?)
[21:09] [Pantea] (( Of course! ))
[21:09] <-- Pantea [pantea@lightanddark.com] has left #reddwarfevents (of course)
[22:25] > Miara (corset) skids around the corner and races down the hall to a lower cargo deck
[22:26] > ~Jasper Jack follows along behind, breathing hard, and suddenly realizes he has no idea where he is
[22:28] [~Jasper Jack] What the hell is this, b[SMEG]ch?
[22:28] [Miara (corset)] Isolated!
[22:30] > Miara (corset) turns and dives at him, and they fight hard for a few minutes
[22:32] > ~Jasper Jack gets a hand out, reaching for a gun
[22:32] [~Jasper Jack] ☠ Get off me, demon ☠
[22:32] [Miara (corset)] Oh no you don't!
[22:33] > Miara (corset) blasts the gun away, pulling out her sword
[22:34] > Miara (corset) flips over him, setting it's tip at the back of his neck
[22:34] [Miara (corset)] Stop Hunting.
[22:36] [~Jasper Jack] Like hell I will!
[22:36] [Miara (corset)] You understand I WILL kill you if you don't change your mind.
[22:38] [~Jasper Jack] Don't you want us to die anyway?
[22:38] [Miara (corset)] You know how long we'd been here? If thats what we wanted it would have happened a long time ago.
[22:38] [~Jasper Jack] I knew you'd like to me!
[22:39] > Miara (corset) pulls out her gun instead, aiming point blank at his forehead
[22:39] [Miara (corset)] Will you stop?
[22:40] [~Jasper Jack] No!
[22:41] > Miara (corset) takes a breath, and pulls the trigger, spinning to slash the kodachi through his neck
[22:44] > ~Jasper Jack 's head and body fall to the floor separately, his neck gushing blood
[22:47] > Miara (corset) sits on the floor a few minutes, trying to breathe normally
[22:49] > Miara (corset) goes through his pockets and takes his guns
[22:50] > Miara (corset) murmurs a few words over the body, and it converts to power and disappears
[22:50] <-- ~Jasper Jack has quit IRC (dead)
[22:51] > Miara (corset) is away
[23:25] ➣ Segusa Dojo; Living room
[23:25] --> Chanelle Challe (Nightgown) [FrenchProjector@Mugen.edu] has joined #reddwarfevents
[23:25] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Chanelle Challe (Nightgown)
[23:29] --> ~Isamu Sagusa (Pajamas) has joined #reddwarfevents
[23:29] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, ~Isamu Sagusa (Pajamas)
[23:30] > Chanelle Challe (Nightgown) lays back against Isamu on the sofa, watching a movie
[23:30] [~Isamu Sagusa (Pajamas)] enjoying the movie?
[23:32] > Chanelle Challe (Nightgown) nods | But I'm enjoying spending time with you even more. ♡
[23:33] > ~Isamu Sagusa (Pajamas) smiles "I'm glad"
[23:34] > Chanelle Challe (Nightgown) snuggles back against Isamu
[23:34] ➣ there is the sound of fumbling a door...
[23:35] [Chanelle Challe (Nightgown)] Hmm...?
[23:35] [~Isamu Sagusa (Pajamas)] ...what was that?
[23:35] ➣ the sound of someone muttering and swearing can be heard from the door
[23:36] [Chanelle Challe (Nightgown)] I don't know....
[23:36] [~Isamu Sagusa (Pajamas)] ...what...
[23:36] ➣ the door finally opens..sending Hana falling over ><
[23:36] --> Hana Sagusa (coat) [sagusa.hana@mugen.edu.jp] has joined #reddwarfevents
[23:36] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Hana Sagusa (coat)
[23:36] [Hana Sagusa (coat)] ugh...
[23:36] > Chanelle Challe (Nightgown) hops up
[23:37] [Chanelle Challe (Nightgown)] Hana!?
[23:37] [Hana Sagusa (coat)] ....um..yo
[23:37] [~Isamu Sagusa (Pajamas)] ..what are you doing up this late?..and in your coat?
[23:38] [Hana Sagusa (coat)] um..went for a walk?
[23:38] > Chanelle Challe (Nightgown) starts to look a little frustrated, as if she knows what's really going on.
[23:39] [~Isamu Sagusa (Pajamas)] well I....Chanelle...is something wrong?
[23:40] [Chanelle Challe (Nightgown)] No.. it's nothing.
[23:40] [~Isamu Sagusa (Pajamas)] ...what is it?
[23:40] [Hana Sagusa (coat)] ....bro It's...
[23:40] [~Isamu Sagusa (Pajamas)] Chanelle?
[23:41] > Chanelle Challe (Nightgown) looks away | It's not my place to say....
[23:41] [~Isamu Sagusa (Pajamas)] ...tell me
[23:42] > Chanelle Challe (Nightgown) starts to look upset, first at Isamu, then at Hana
[23:43] [Hana Sagusa (coat)] ...
[23:43] [~Isamu Sagusa (Pajamas)] ..chanelle.....
[23:44] > Chanelle Challe (Nightgown) gives Hana a look as if to say "I'm sorry"....
[23:44] [Chanelle Challe (Nightgown)] She went to see Yuu.....
[23:45] [~Isamu Sagusa (Pajamas)] ...and...
[23:47] [Chanelle Challe (Nightgown)] .... she um.... she.....
[23:49] [Hana Sagusa (coat)] .. ....
[23:49] [Chanelle Challe (Nightgown)] ..... probably had....sex with... him. >_>
[23:50] > Chanelle Challe (Nightgown) covers her face, already feeling guilty about what she just said.
[23:51] [~Isamu Sagusa (Pajamas)] ..................
[23:51] [Hana Sagusa (coat)] bro..I can expla...
[23:51] [~Isamu Sagusa (Pajamas)] ☠ get out... ☠
[23:51] [Hana Sagusa (coat)] ...isamu...
[23:51] [~Isamu Sagusa (Pajamas)] ☠ ..get out..now......I don't want to see you again... ☠
[23:52] [Hana Sagusa (coat)] I...I said..
[23:52] [~Isamu Sagusa (Pajamas)] ☠ I SAID GET OUT ☠
[23:52] [Chanelle Challe (Nightgown)] Isamu-kun!?
[23:52] > Hana Sagusa (coat) shoves Hana out of the door into the street
[23:52] [Hana Sagusa (coat)] ><
[23:52] > Hana Sagusa (coat) picks herself up.....
[23:53] [Chanelle Challe (Nightgown)] Isamu-kun... please dont' do this!
[23:53] [Hana Sagusa (coat)] I'm..I...
[23:53] [Hana Sagusa (coat)] ......
[23:54] > Hana Sagusa (coat) starts to slowly walk off...
[23:54] > ~Isamu Sagusa (Pajamas) slams the door..and locks it
[23:54] > Chanelle Challe (Nightgown) has tears streaming down her face | Please, Isamu-kun.... don't be like this....
[23:54] > ~Isamu Sagusa (Pajamas) keeps his face away from chanelle
[23:55] [Chanelle Challe (Nightgown)] You can't just kick her out like that.....~
[23:55] [Chanelle Challe (Nightgown)] !
[23:55] > ~Isamu Sagusa (Pajamas) doesn't say anything
[23:56] > Chanelle Challe (Nightgown) sniffles, still visably crying
[23:56] > ~Isamu Sagusa (Pajamas) mutters something..and heads upstairs
[23:57] [Chanelle Challe (Nightgown)] I'm sorry I didn't tell you before..... but she begged me to keep it quiet.....
[23:57] > ~Isamu Sagusa (Pajamas) slams his bedroom door shut...
[23:58] > Chanelle Challe (Nightgown) starts to follow, but stops
[00:00] >>> Wednesday Nov 03 2010 <<<
[00:03] > Chanelle Challe (Nightgown) goes up and punches his bedroom door, immediately hurthing herself | OW!! Please talk to me!! T_T
[00:03] [Chanelle Challe (Nightgown)] ^hurting
[00:03] > ~Isamu Sagusa (Pajamas) is answering
[00:03] [~Isamu Sagusa (Pajamas)] *isn't
[00:04] > Chanelle Challe (Nightgown) yells at the door | WELL FINE THEN!! IF YOU'RE NOT GONNA' TALK TO ME.... THEN I'M LEAVING!! SINCE THIS IS OBVIOUSLY MY FAULT!!
[00:05] > Chanelle Challe (Nightgown) almost stomps while running down the stairs, grabbing her back, unlocking the door and leaving the house
[00:05] [Chanelle Challe (Nightgown)] ^pack
[00:07] > Chanelle Challe (Nightgown) runs out and down the road
[00:07] > Hana Sagusa (coat) is sitting by the road, face buried in her hands
[00:08] > Chanelle Challe (Nightgown) stops, seeing Hana, her own face dirty from crying
[00:08] [Chanelle Challe (Nightgown)] Hana.... I.....
[00:08] > Hana Sagusa (coat) is sobbing
[00:09] > Chanelle Challe (Nightgown) kneels behind Hana and hugs her
[00:09] > Chanelle Challe (Nightgown) is also crying | I'm so sorry... this is all my fault! T_T
[00:09] > Hana Sagusa (coat) cries...
[00:10] [Chanelle Challe (Nightgown)] ... please don't hate me... you're all that I have left. T_T
[00:11] > Hana Sagusa (coat) squeaks out "don't hate you.."
[00:12] > Chanelle Challe (Nightgown) sniffles lightly | Are you sure.....? I know I just kinda' betrayed your trust back there?
[00:12] > Hana Sagusa (coat) 's words can't be made out in her crying..only "only..friend"
[00:13] > Chanelle Challe (Nightgown) hugs Hana as tight as she can from behind
[00:14] > Chanelle Challe (Nightgown) sniffles | I'm gonna' make this up to you......
[00:14] [Chanelle Challe (Nightgown)] .... and I know the perfect way to start.
[00:15] [Chanelle Challe (Nightgown)] You're staying with me..... untill we can convince Isamu-kun to let you come back.
[00:15] > Hana Sagusa (coat) sniffles and nods...
[00:16] > Chanelle Challe (Nightgown) lets go of Hana and stands
[00:18] > Hana Sagusa (coat) slowy stands..face messed by tears
[00:18] > Chanelle Challe (Nightgown) looks at her, trying to smile through her own tears
[00:18] [Chanelle Challe (Nightgown)] I know I screwed up.... and I'm sorry. But sisters stick together.... right?
[00:19] > Hana Sagusa (coat) nods
[00:19] [Chanelle Challe (Nightgown)] Good ^_^
[00:20] [Chanelle Challe (Nightgown)] By the way.... the curiosity is killing me......
[00:20] > Chanelle Challe (Nightgown) looks around, making sure noone is around | What do you have on under there?
[00:21] > Hana Sagusa (coat) whispers in chanelle's ear
[00:22] [Chanelle Challe (Nightgown)] What kinda' underwear? I wanna' see. :P
[00:23] > Hana Sagusa (coat) opens up her coat slightly..showing a purple bra...and purple...thong
[00:23] [Chanelle Challe (Nightgown)] ❧ Oh la la...~ ❧
[00:24] > Chanelle Challe (Nightgown) smirks and lightly elbows Hana in the ribs | I bet Yuu really liked that~
[00:25] > Hana Sagusa (coat) blushes and nods
[00:25] [Chanelle Challe (Nightgown)] Alright.... let's get you to my place before you catch a cold.
[00:28] > Hana Sagusa (coat) closes her coat
[00:30] <-- Chanelle Challe (Nightgown) [FrenchProjector@Mugen.edu] has left #reddwarfevents (I'll find a way to get some of your clothes tomorrow.)
[00:31] <-- Hana Sagusa (coat) [sagusa.hana@mugen.edu.jp] has left #reddwarfevents (*nods*)
[14:24] ➣ Segusa dojo, exterior front
[14:24] [Chanelle Challe (Sundress)] ^/dm Sagusa
[14:25] --> Chanelle Challe (Sundress) [FrenchProjector@Mugen.edu] has joined #reddwarfevents
[14:25] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Chanelle Challe (Sundress)
[14:25] > Chanelle Challe (Sundress) walks up to the door and takes a breath, ringing the bell.
[14:29] ➣ there is no answer
[14:30] > Chanelle Challe (Sundress) rings the bell and knocks on the door
[14:30] [Chanelle Challe (Sundress)] Hello.....? Is anyone here!?
[14:31] ➣ the door opens..it's unlocked
[14:32] > Chanelle Challe (Sundress) slowly walks in, closing the door behind her
[14:32] [Chanelle Challe (Sundress)] Hello.....? Isamu-kun?
[14:33] ➣ there doesn't seem to be any sign of him
[14:34] > Chanelle Challe (Sundress) shrugs her shoulders and heads for Hana's room
[14:39] > Chanelle Challe (Sundress) goes into Hana's room
[14:40] ➣ Hana's room is surpisenly untouched
[14:43] > Chanelle Challe (Sundress) goes to Hana's dresser, collecting clothes.
[14:44] > Chanelle Challe (Sundress) takes a bag out of her pocket and starts filling it with Hana's clothing.
[14:47] > Chanelle Challe (Sundress) closes up the bag, which is now quite large and throws it over her shoulder, using all the strength she has
[14:47] [Chanelle Challe (Sundress)] Damn... I think I put too much in.
[14:50] > Chanelle Challe (Sundress) closes the door to Hana's room and slowly makes her way downstairs.
[14:51] > ~Isamu Sagusa bumps into Chanelle on the stairs
[14:52] > Chanelle Challe (Sundress) pauses and looks at Isamu
[14:52] [Chanelle Challe (Sundress)] H....hey
[14:54] [~Isamu Sagusa] ....
[14:54] > ~Isamu Sagusa opens his mouth..but closes it
[14:55] [Chanelle Challe (Sundress)] Isamu-kun...... please talk to me....
[14:55] > Chanelle Challe (Sundress) looks down
[14:55] [Chanelle Challe (Sundress)] .... I feel like this is entirely my fault.... I caused this rift between you and Hana....
[14:58] [~Isamu Sagusa] .......
[14:59] [Chanelle Challe (Sundress)] ..... and now it's causing a rift between us too.
[14:59] > ~Isamu Sagusa mutters something "just need some time..."
[14:59] > Chanelle Challe (Sundress) starts to sniffle lightly
[15:02] [Chanelle Challe (Sundress)] I can almost understand if you....... don't want to see me anymore. V_V But please.... don't shut Hana out of your life forever....
[15:03] [Chanelle Challe (Sundress)] .... with that, I'll be going. Hana's staying with me.... so if you change your mind..... you know where to call. ~_~
[15:04] > ~Isamu Sagusa nods slowly
[15:05] > Chanelle Challe (Sundress) sighs and turns, heading down the stairs.
[15:07] > ~Isamu Sagusa heads upstairs
[15:07] > Chanelle Challe (Sundress) briefly looks back at Isamu before heading out
[15:08] <-- Chanelle Challe (Sundress) [FrenchProjector@Mugen.edu] has left #reddwarfevents (This just looks bad....)
[15:11] ➣ Mugen Academy, Exterior Front
[15:11] > Yuu Mori (School Uniform) takes his phone out and dials Hana's phone.
[15:13] > Yuu Mori (School Uniform) calls Hana
[15:14] [Hana Sagusa] ☇ yes? ☇
[15:15] [Yuu Mori (School Uniform)] Hey Hana-chan... is everything alright? You weren't at school today so I got concerned.
[15:16] [Hana Sagusa] ☇ ...I got kicked out of my house ☇
[15:17] [Yuu Mori (School Uniform)] What!? Oh no, why?
[15:18] [Hana Sagusa] ☇ ..bro found out about the sex... ☇
[15:19] > Yuu Mori (School Uniform) stops walking
[15:20] [Yuu Mori (School Uniform)] Hana-chan.... I'm sorry.....
[15:21] [Hana Sagusa] ☇ ...it's ok...I don't regret it... ☇
[15:21] [Yuu Mori (School Uniform)] .....are you sure? I mean, this is partially my fault.
[15:24] [Hana Sagusa] ☇ ...I never regret anything I did with you ☇
[15:24] > Yuu Mori (School Uniform) smiles in relief and resumes walking
[15:25] [Yuu Mori (School Uniform)] Alright then, Hana-chan. Where are you staying now?
[15:25] [Hana Sagusa] ☇ chanelle's place ☇
[15:26] [Yuu Mori (School Uniform)] Can I..... come see you there?
[15:32] ➣ Meanwhile at the Challe house, Chanelle is arriving with Hana's clothes
[15:33] > Hana Sagusa is sitting not to far from the door "hold on..chanelle is here..I'll ask"
[15:34] > Chanelle Challe (Sundress) sets the bag down on the floor next to the door | I think... I brought too much.... I barely made it back. Ask me what?
[15:34] [Hana Sagusa] can yuu come over?
[15:36] > Chanelle Challe (Sundress) pauses| Sure....
[15:36] [Hana Sagusa] *on the phone* sure you can come over
[15:37] [Yuu Mori (School Uniform)] ☇ Alright. I'm going to stop at home, change clothes and head there. ☇
[15:37] [Hana Sagusa] seeya...love you
[15:38] [Yuu Mori (School Uniform)] ☇ I love you too..... see you soon. ☇
[15:38] > Yuu Mori (School Uniform) hangs up his phone
[15:39] <-- Yuu Mori (School Uniform) [invisableboy@mugen.edu] has left #reddwarfevents (I know what she said, but I hope she's ok....)
[15:40] [Chanelle Challe (Sundress)] So yeah.... I got enough clothes for you for about a week.
[15:40] [Hana Sagusa] alright..
[15:41] [Chanelle Challe (Sundress)] I told my parents that something happened at your house and that you'd be staying here for a while. Which they're cool will.
[15:41] [Chanelle Challe (Sundress)] ^with
[15:43] [Hana Sagusa] alright....
[15:45] > Chanelle Challe (Sundress) walks over and puts her hand on Hana's shoulder | Are you gonna' be alright?
[15:48] [Hana Sagusa] ...I guess...just...still feel..*sighs*
[15:49] [Chanelle Challe (Sundress)] It'll all be ok.
[15:49] [Chanelle Challe (Sundress)] I ran into Isamu-kun while I was there..... I thought I heard him mutter something like "I need some time".... but he didn't say anything else to me.
[15:50] [Hana Sagusa] oh....
[15:52] [Chanelle Challe (Sundress)] Hopefully this visit with Yuu will cheer you up.
[15:54] [Hana Sagusa] ..I hope so too
[15:56] > Chanelle Challe (Sundress) pats her on the shoulder and grins
[15:56] [Chanelle Challe (Sundress)] Just make sure you warn me if you guys are gonna' get touchy feely so I can give you some privacy. XD
[15:58] [Hana Sagusa] heh alright *smiles a little*
[15:59] [Chanelle Challe (Sundress)] There's a smile.
[15:59] [Chanelle Challe (Sundress)] I'll make up a little snack for us.
[15:59] <-- Chanelle Challe (Sundress) [FrenchProjector@Mugen.edu] has left #reddwarfevents (Now... what to make...?)
[16:00] <-- Hana Sagusa [sagusa.hana@mugen.edu.jp] has left #reddwarfevents (alright)
[00:00] >>> Thursday Nov 04 2010 <<<
[13:38] ➣ Quinox, Madox, The Future, Zuum bus
[13:38] --> Zenthi [staffhead@Q.ry.com] has joined #reddwarfevents
[13:38] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Zenthi
[13:39] --> ~Emi Sawyer has joined #reddwarfevents
[13:39] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, ~Emi Sawyer
[13:39] [Eri Sawyer] ^
[13:39] > Zenthi is fiddling with a camera
[13:40] [Eri Sawyer] so this is what we're doing on our break?.....
[13:41] [Zenthi] why not?...tours are always fun
[13:41] > Eri Sawyer grumbles
[13:43] [Zenthi] are you girls ok?
[13:43] --> Daphne Sita (casual) [ElvenMaid@quinox.gov] has joined #reddwarfevents
[13:43] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Daphne Sita (casual)
[13:44] [Daphne Sita (casual)] Yeah, I'm good
[13:44] --> Emi Sawyer [ShyTwinMaid@Mardox.gov] has joined #reddwarfevents
[13:44] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Emi Sawyer
[13:44] > Emi Sawyer has a pair of earbuds in, obviously not listening to anything that's being said
[13:45] [Eri Sawyer] ....
[13:45] > Eri Sawyer carefully moves over..and turns the volume to the top on Emi's player
[13:48] [Emi Sawyer] O_O WAAA!!
[13:48] > Emi Sawyer pulls her earbuds out | Eri!?
[13:48] [Eri Sawyer] now are you listening???
[13:48] [Zenthi] are you enjoying yourself?
[13:50] [Emi Sawyer] Yeah yeah, I've just been watching the scenery
[13:51] ➣ "if you look left, you can see some of Madox's famous quarrys"
[13:51] > Zenthi takes some photos
[13:51] [Eri Sawyer] I was expecting something more fun for my day off ><
[13:51] > Daphne Sita (casual) watches as things pass by / Interesting
[13:53] [Emi Sawyer] Like what?
[13:53] [Eri Sawyer] I don't know! like a movie or have fun around the town...
[13:53] [Zenthi] well how often have you girls seen the whole of this area?
[13:54] [Emi Sawyer] Yeah, we never get out of the city around the castle.
[13:54] [Daphne Sita (casual)] Besides, who says we can't do something in town later?
[13:54] > Eri Sawyer grumbles "I suppose"
[13:55] ➣ the bus suddenly stops
[13:55] > Eri Sawyer nearly falls over ><
[13:55] [Daphne Sita (casual)] Woah!
[13:55] [Zenthi] you girls alright??
[13:56] > Emi Sawyer holds herself steady / What's going on?
[13:57] ➣ "excuse me ladies and gentlemen..we have a slight delay..we will be on our way in a few moments"
[13:57] > Zenthi sticks her head out of the window and looks "...oh I see"
[13:58] [Eri Sawyer] ??
[13:58] [Emi Sawyer] hmm?
[13:58] [Daphne Sita (casual)] What is it Miss Zenthi?
[13:58] [Zenthi] herd of catapillers in the road
[13:59] [Daphne Sita (casual)] Ahh
[13:59] > Emi Sawyer pokes her head out the window also | Wow.... they're so big.
[13:59] [Eri Sawyer] ugh hate those things
[14:00] [Zenthi] so from what I understand the tour is going to go around the outside of the city and return sometime in the late afternoon
[14:00] [Zenthi] what do you girls want to do then?
[14:01] [Daphne Sita (casual)] Well, since Eri's the least happy out of us, maybe we should let her pick.
[14:02] [Eri Sawyer] huh? me???
[14:03] [Emi Sawyer] Here we go....
[14:03] [Eri Sawyer] what do you mean by that???
[14:03] > Emi Sawyer almost gives off an annoyed expression
[14:04] [Emi Sawyer] ... no comment.
[14:06] [Eri Sawyer] ..what about a movie..like that new one from Venus
[14:07] [Daphne Sita (casual)] Venutian film might as well be pornography.
[14:08] [Emi Sawyer] Agreed
[14:08] [Zenthi] how about we go to a diffrent movie....that new local one?
[14:09] [Eri Sawyer] ...I guess
[14:09] [Daphne Sita (casual)] What's it about?
[14:10] [Eri Sawyer] is that that action one?
[14:10] [Zenthi] yeah...Two Moons and A Gun
[14:12] [Daphne Sita (casual)] Could be fun.
[14:13] [Eri Sawyer] :D I love action films
[14:13] [Emi Sawyer] The trailer actually looks interesting for an action movie. I could go for that.
[14:16] ➣ the bus starts up again and continues moving
[14:17] > Daphne Sita (casual) gives Eri a hard swat on the back with a grin | Need some more action in your life, eh?
[14:18] [Eri Sawyer] HEY
[14:18] > Eri Sawyer snorts at Daphne
[14:18] > Daphne Sita (casual) just throws a smirk
[14:19] [Eri Sawyer] you're only acting this way cause you get action every night pointy ears
[14:20] [Daphne Sita (casual)] The only action I got last night was my battery powered friend. >_> The mistress personally gave me the night off.
[14:20] [Emi Sawyer] So that's what that noise was....
[14:21] [Eri Sawyer] you kept me up late last night ><
[14:22] > Zenthi is taking photos of the girls
[14:22] > Daphne Sita (casual) smiles nervously | Sorry..... I was really frustrated last night and had to release. Don't act like you all don't do it too.
[14:24] [Eri Sawyer] ...did it last night
[14:24] > Emi Sawyer just blushes and keeps quiet.
[14:26] > Zenthi takes a picture of Daphne from the side
[14:27] [Daphne Sita (casual)] What about you... Miss Zenthi?
[14:27] [Zenthi] I was busy last night preparing this trip
[14:28] [Zenthi] smile, girls
[14:28] > Eri Sawyer gives a smile
[14:29] > Daphne Sita (casual) gives s amirk
[14:29] > Emi Sawyer smiles
[14:31] [Zenthi] no smirking!
[14:31] > Daphne Sita (casual) gives a normal smile / Sorry ^_^
[14:32] > Zenthi takes a photo
[14:34] > Zenthi smiles
[14:34] [Zenthi] I like to see my girls smile
[14:34] [Eri Sawyer] >.>
[14:34] [Daphne Sita (casual)] Miss Zenthi.... why don't you set up the timer and join us for one?
[14:35] [Zenthi] heh why not
[14:35] > Zenthi fiddles with the camera and puts it on hover mode..letting it go so it hovers in the middle of the air
[14:35] > Zenthi moves over next to Daphne
[14:36] > Daphne Sita (casual) throws around Zenthi
[14:36] > Emi Sawyer leans up against her sister
[14:37] [Zenthi] ok..smile!
[14:38] > Zenthi smles
[14:38] [Zenthi] *smiles
[14:38] > Eri Sawyer smiles as well
[14:38] > Emi Sawyer smiles
[14:38] > Daphne Sita (casual) smiles also
[14:40] ➣ the camera goes off
[14:40] [Zenthi] heh
[14:41] [Daphne Sita (casual)] That should be cool
[14:42] [Zenthi] well I hope so..the camera cost enough
[14:45] > Emi Sawyer giggles lightly and turns off her music player
[14:46] [Eri Sawyer] what are you listening to, sis?
[14:48] [Emi Sawyer] Nothing now. It was a local radio show host. Funny guy.
[14:49] [Eri Sawyer] ugh..don't tell me it's that Wild Lou guy...
[14:52] [Emi Sawyer] Yeah, he tells a pretty good joke.
[14:53] [Eri Sawyer] hate that guy
[14:54] > Zenthi is just thoughtfully watching the landscape outside
[14:55] > Daphne Sita (casual) goes over to Zenthi / You alright?
[14:56] [Zenthi] hm? oh yes I'm fine...just thinking
[14:58] > Daphne Sita (casual) grins / About the Mistress....?
[14:58] > Zenthi chuckles "a little....and just..letting my mind wander a bit
[15:00] [Daphne Sita (casual)] I can understand why you like her so much. She was pretty aggresive last night telling me I had the night off.
[15:01] > Zenthi nods
[15:03] > Eri Sawyer is trying to open a snack
[15:04] [Emi Sawyer] Here, let me....
[15:05] [Eri Sawyer] thanks...
[15:05] > Emi Sawyer takes the snack bag and carefully opens it
[15:07] > Emi Sawyer hands the bag back to Eri
[15:07] [Eri Sawyer] thanks
[15:08] [Emi Sawyer] Sure
[15:09] ➣ the bus stops
[15:09] [Zenthi] heh time to get off, girls
[15:09] [Eri Sawyer] geh already?
[15:09] > Eri Sawyer stands, putting the snacks in her pocket
[15:10] > Zenthi stands with her camera
[15:10] > Daphne Sita (casual) hops up and follows Zenthi
[15:11] <-- Zenthi [staffhead@Q.ry.com] has left #reddwarfevents (now then...shall we go to the theatre?)
[15:11] <-- Eri Sawyer has left #reddwarfevents (yeah!)
[15:11] [Daphne Sita (casual)] Sounds good to me
[15:11] <-- Daphne Sita (casual) [ElvenMaid@quinox.gov] has left #reddwarfevents (Fun times)
[15:14] <-- Emi Sawyer [ShyTwinMaid@Mardox.gov] has left #reddwarfevents (This should be interesting.)
[00:00] >>> Friday Nov 05 2010 <<<
[14:04] ➣ Madox Castle, Quinox, The Future
[14:06] ➣ Tina's room is locked...and several maids are chatting to themselves outside of it
[14:07] --> Celestite Detroit [CrystalGirl@dimensionzero.cc] has joined #reddwarfevents
[14:07] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Celestite Detroit
[14:07] > Celestite Detroit walks up: What's going on here?
[14:08] [~Maid] oh..mistress celeste.....the mistress Tina is simply preparing...she told me to tell you she was getting dressed for it
[14:08] [Celestite Detroit] Dressed for what?
[14:08] [~Maid] why the Samivesti..that's what she said it was called
[14:10] [Celestite Detroit] The Sami-whatnow?
[14:13] ➣ the door opens slightly "celest may come in"
[14:13] [~Maid] um..I suppose you can go in, mistress
[14:13] > Celestite Detroit nods, slipping in the door
[14:14] [Celestite Detroit] Tina.. what's going on?
[14:16] [Tina Detroit (outfit)] oh celest!
[14:17] ➣ Tina stands there...she is wearing crude pants made of woven grasses and skins....a top of blue pebbles strung together....around her is a fur cap, latched together by an animal string..and on her face she is wearing purple plant paint smeared in a swearled pattern
[14:17] [Tina Detroit (outfit)] *cape
[14:19] [Celestite Detroit] Um...... what the hell are you wearing?
[14:19] [Tina Detroit (outfit)] don't you like it?
[14:21] [Tina Detroit (outfit)] I still have to tie up my hair properly
[14:23] [Celestite Detroit] It's..... bizzare. I've never seen you dressed up like this.
[14:23] [Tina Detroit (outfit)] it's for Samivelti
[14:23] [Tina Detroit (outfit)] it's the traditional dress of the Mysn-Ku clan..
[14:24] [Tina Detroit (outfit)] though the facial paint is from the Wiyoni clan....
[14:24] [Celestite Detroit] I see
[14:25] [Celestite Detroit] I don't know a huge amount about Quinoxion history....
[14:28] > Tina Detroit (outfit) grabs celestite and pulls off her shirt
[14:29] [Celestite Detroit] Woah!
[14:30] > Celestite Detroit (bra & shorts) has her shirt pulled off, luckily she's wearing a light blue bra beneath
[14:31] > Tina Detroit (outfit) pulls down celeste's shorts
[14:32] > Celestite Detroit (bra & panties) is now down to a matching, light blue bra and panty set
[14:32] > Tina Detroit (outfit) tosses those clothes aside
[14:32] > Tina Detroit (outfit) walks over to a table in a hurry
[14:32] [Celestite Detroit (bra & panties)] ❧ You've never been this aggressive ❧
[14:33] [Tina Detroit (outfit)] ❧ heh wish I had time to act on this... ❧
[14:33] [Tina Detroit (outfit)] but I need to dress you :P
[14:34] [Celestite Detroit (bra & panties)] Dress me?
[14:36] > Celestite Detroit (bra & panties) stands there confused
[14:36] > Tina Detroit (outfit) walks over and grabs a pair of pants, woven with grass and flowers and painted with plant paints
[14:37] [Celestite Detroit (bra & panties)] Ok, I know I like plants and flowers because of my mom.... but this is something else.
[14:38] [Tina Detroit (outfit)] see...we're going to make a trip to the homeland of mama's ancestors
[14:38] [Tina Detroit (outfit)] and we have to dress traditionally they told me
[14:40] [Celestite Detroit (bra & panties)] Ok...... is Marty coming too?
[14:42] [Tina Detroit (outfit)] mmhm
[14:42] [Tina Detroit (outfit)] we are all invited
[14:44] [Tina Detroit (outfit)] so we're going to put these pants on >;)
[14:45] > Celestite Detroit (bra & panties) sighs and shrugs her shoulders, "Well.... since this means a lot to you obviously.... I'll do it"
[14:46] > Tina Detroit (outfit) trips over celeste
[14:50] > Celestite Detroit (bra & panties) flops onto the bed, being unexpectedly tripped up by Tina
[14:51] [Tina Detroit (outfit)] I'm going to show you a trick I just learned :P
[14:51] ➣ Note: Celest is wearing a pair of strap on sandles as well
[14:52] > Tina Detroit (outfit) removes the sandles
[14:53] > Celestite Detroit (bra & panties) looks down at Tina with a grin, "You sure we don't have time for a little fun? You acting forceful like this is really turning me on. ♡"
[14:54] > Tina Detroit (outfit) looks at the clock "well..we do have a little time I suppose"
[14:56] [Tina Detroit (outfit)] but it's up to you
[14:58] [Celestite Detroit (bra & panties)] Well.... you seem more focused on your event... so I guess I'll keep my desires till later.
[14:58] [Tina Detroit (outfit)] heh alright
[14:58] > Tina Detroit (outfit) slips the pants on celest in one move "celeste..."
[15:01] > Tina Detroit (outfit) is holding up celeste's panties in one hand :P
[15:02] [Celestite Detroit (bra & panties)] ❧ Woah.... ❧
[15:03] [Celestite Detroit (bra & pants)] ❧ ..... how'd you do that? ❧
[15:03] [Tina Detroit (outfit)] ❧ hee..my secret ❧
[15:03] [Tina Detroit (outfit)] pantes aren't too itchy are they?
[15:04] [Celestite Detroit (bra & pants)] Ya' know.... they're not that bad
[15:09] [Tina Detroit (outfit)] alright..the top is going to be harder
[15:09] > Tina Detroit (outfit) pulls out what looks like a crudly woven thick ring of grass "this is your top"
[15:10] [Celestite Detroit (bra & pants)] You gonna' put that on me too or do I get to put it on myself?
[15:11] [Tina Detroit (outfit)] you can put it on yourself.........but you're going to have to remove your bra
[15:11] > Celestite Detroit (bra & pants) grins, "You almost sound disappointed"
[15:12] [Tina Detroit (outfit)] :P
[15:13] > Celestite Detroit (bra & pants) slowly stands
[15:14] [Celestite Detroit (bra & pants)] Here, I'll show you a trick I learned in school.
[15:17] > Celestite Detroit (outfit) takes the top and slides it on over her bra, the unhooks and removes her bra from under the top
[15:18] [Tina Detroit (outfit)] very nice!
[15:19] [Celestite Detroit (outfit)] Had to learn that for gym classes
[15:21] [Tina Detroit (outfit)] alright..now here is the easy part
[15:21] [Tina Detroit (outfit)] the make up!
[15:22] [Celestite Detroit (outfit)] Ok....
[15:26] [Tina Detroit (outfit)] sit down!
[15:29] > Celestite Detroit (outfit) walks over and sits
[15:29] > Tina Detroit (outfit) grabs a pot of purplish mashed plants and kneels in front of celeste
[15:30] [Tina Detroit (outfit)] hm..ok so you would be a Mysn-Ku now
[15:30] > Tina Detroit (outfit) dips two of her fingers in the pot and starts to draw a long from one side of celeste's face, under the ear..to the other side
[15:32] [Tina Detroit (outfit)] now don't move
[15:34] [Celestite Detroit (outfit)] Ok ok
[15:35] > Tina Detroit (outfit) dips her entire hand in the makeup..and starts smearing it under the line on celest's face..covering the lower part of her nose, her lips and her chin
[15:37] [Celestite Detroit (outfit)] I've never done anything like this before
[15:38] [Tina Detroit (outfit)] mama said we don't do it often..but it's a part of the planet's culture
[15:38] > Tina Detroit (outfit) dips one finger in the make up..and puts a single dot under each of celeste's eyes
[15:38] [Tina Detroit (outfit)] ...and you're done
[15:39] [Tina Detroit (outfit)] :)
[15:41] > Celestite Detroit (outfit) looks at herself in the mirror
[15:46] ➣ Celeste is wearing grass woven pants with flowers and plant dye on them, a woven ringed top of the same material..and the lower half of her face has been painted dark purple along with two dots under her eyes
[15:49] [Celestite Detroit (outfit)] I've very.... colorful
[15:50] [Tina Detroit (outfit)] and we can't wear shoes either
[15:53] [Celestite Detroit (outfit)] We have to walk without shoes?
[15:53] [Tina Detroit (outfit)] yup
[15:57] [Celestite Detroit (outfit)] Oh man... good thing I have tough feet
[15:57] [Tina Detroit (outfit)] heh we have to take a boat over to the location too
[16:01] [Celestite Detroit (outfit)] When do he have to leave?
[16:02] [Tina Detroit (outfit)] um...in about......an hour
[16:03] [Celestite Detroit (outfit)] And here you were in a big rush to get ready.....
[16:04] > Tina Detroit (outfit) giggles
[16:05] [Celestite Detroit (outfit)] Let'
[16:05] [Celestite Detroit (outfit)] ^s go show Marty our outfits!
[16:06] [Tina Detroit (outfit)] lets!
[16:08] [Tina Detroit (outfit)] ^^
[16:08] > Celestite Detroit (outfit) hops up
[16:10] > Tina Detroit (outfit) stands as well ^^
[16:11] > Celestite Detroit (outfit) leads the way out
[16:11] <-- Celestite Detroit (outfit) [CrystalGirl@dimensionzero.cc] has left #reddwarfevents (Wait till Marty and the girls see us like this. XD)
[16:12] <-- Tina Detroit (outfit) [FireyAirPrincess@QTech.com] has left #reddwarfevents (hee this will be fun)
[00:00] >>> Saturday Nov 06 2010 <<<
[13:52] ➣ Mugen Acadamy; Rooftop
[13:53] --> Hana Sagusa (uniform) [sagusa.hana@mugen.edu.jp] has joined #reddwarfevents
[13:53] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Hana Sagusa (uniform)
[13:53] --> Yuu Mori (Uniform) [invisableboy@mugen.edu] has joined #reddwarfevents
[13:53] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Yuu Mori (Uniform)
[13:54] > Hana Sagusa (uniform) stretches!
[13:55] > Yuu Mori (Uniform) follows/ Hana-chan.... what're we doing here?
[13:57] > Hana Sagusa (uniform) smiles and hugs yuu, trying to kiss him
[13:58] > Yuu Mori (Uniform) hugs Hana back and holds onto her, resisting for a moment, but kissing her back
[13:59] > Hana Sagusa (uniform) lowers her hand, moving her hand down his pants
[13:59] [Hana Sagusa (uniform)] *almost down
[14:00] [Yuu Mori (Uniform)] MMMm...
[14:00] [Hana Sagusa (uniform)] mmm
[14:00] > Yuu Mori (Uniform) slowly breaks the kiss / Hana-chan.....
[14:01] [Hana Sagusa (uniform)] yes?
[14:02] [Yuu Mori (Uniform)] .... should we... really be doing this here?
[14:02] [Hana Sagusa (uniform)] ....
[14:03] > Hana Sagusa (uniform) sighs and steps away, sitting on the ground
[14:03] > Yuu Mori (Uniform) kneels next to Hana
[14:04] [Yuu Mori (Uniform)] Don't get me wrong Hana-chan....... I love you.... and I love doing things with you..... I'm just not sure if here and now... are the right time and place.
[14:04] [Hana Sagusa (uniform)] ..I just wonder if I did the right thing...
[14:05] > Yuu Mori (Uniform) hugs Hana lightly from behind
[14:05] [Hana Sagusa (uniform)] ...just wonder if I'll ever go home...or if isamu never wants to see me again
[14:06] [Yuu Mori (Uniform)] I have a feeling that Isamu-san will calm down.... and take you back in to his home....
[14:06] [Yuu Mori (Uniform)] .... but if he doesn't.... I'll take care of you.
[14:07] [Hana Sagusa (uniform)] ..really?
[14:07] > Yuu Mori (Uniform) pulls her close, her back against his chest, sitting behind her and holding her around the waist
[14:07] [Yuu Mori (Uniform)] Absolutely
[14:08] [Hana Sagusa (uniform)] T_T thank you
[14:11] [Yuu Mori (Uniform)] You don't need to thank me.....
[14:11] [Yuu Mori (Uniform)] .... I love you, Hana-chan. I'd do anything for you.
[14:11] [Hana Sagusa (uniform)] ..I love you too, yuu
[14:13] [Yuu Mori (Uniform)] I hate seeing you suffer like this.
[14:16] [Hana Sagusa (uniform)] O_O
[14:16] > Hana Sagusa (uniform) blushes
[14:17] [Hana Sagusa (uniform)] why yuu
[14:17] > Yuu Mori (Uniform) blushes himself and chuckles nervously
[14:18] [Yuu Mori (Uniform)] Hey.... I said this was the wrong place and time....
[14:18] [Yuu Mori (Uniform)] ... but my body has a mind of it's own. *^_^*
[14:18] > Hana Sagusa (uniform) giggles
[14:21] [Hana Sagusa (uniform)] man.....
[14:21] > Hana Sagusa (uniform) looks out over the city "...it's an amazing view, isn't it?"
[14:22] [Yuu Mori (Uniform)] It is....
[14:22] [Yuu Mori (Uniform)] .... it's an even better view because I'm here with you.
[14:28] [Hana Sagusa (uniform)] awww..softie!
[14:29] [Yuu Mori (Uniform)] Heh, I'm not the tough one like you.
[14:32] [Hana Sagusa (uniform)] yeah I'm the strongest there is XD
[14:32] > Yuu Mori (Uniform) chuckles
[14:32] [Yuu Mori (Uniform)] You are...... and that's one of the reasons I love you so much.
[14:34] > Hana Sagusa (uniform) blushes
[14:36] [Hana Sagusa (uniform)] looks like everyone is leaving down there
[14:39] [Yuu Mori (Uniform)] Maybe we should head downstairs then
[14:41] [Hana Sagusa (uniform)] I guess so
[14:41] > Yuu Mori (Uniform) kisses Hana's ear before hesitantly letting her go
[14:46] > Hana Sagusa (uniform) smiles
[14:48] > Yuu Mori (Uniform) stands, offering Hana a hand up
[14:50] > Hana Sagusa (uniform) takes yuu's hand and stands
[14:53] [Yuu Mori (Uniform)] I know this might be a little off topic... but how is Chanelle doing? The last couple times I saw her..... she seemed a little out of it....
[14:55] [Hana Sagusa (uniform)] I don't know...though..she seems to be smiling a bit
[14:55] [Yuu Mori (Uniform)] Well, th at's good
[14:56] > Yuu Mori (Uniform) opens the door to the stairs for Hana
[14:57] [Yuu Mori (Uniform)] After you, M'lady.
[15:00] [Hana Sagusa (uniform)] why thank you!
[15:00] > Hana Sagusa (uniform) heads down the stairs
[15:01] > Yuu Mori (Uniform) follows
[15:01] <-- Yuu Mori (Uniform) [invisableboy@mugen.edu] has left #reddwarfevents (If you're really in THAT kinda' mood.... we could find somewhere a little more..... appropriate. ^_~)
[15:04] <-- Hana Sagusa (uniform) [sagusa.hana@mugen.edu.jp] has left #reddwarfevents (heh)
[00:00] >>> Sunday Nov 07 2010 <<<
[02:28] ➣ Music pumps and lights flash in a crowded club in a 20th century Tokyo night club.
[02:29] --> Akihiko Kaioh (Club) has joined #reddwarfevents
[02:29] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Akihiko Kaioh (Club)
[02:30] > Akihiko Kaioh (Club) dances along to the music in the crowd with nobody in particular, arms raised above his head, wearing a blue silk shirt that leaves his navel exposed, and somewhat tight khaki shorts.
[02:31] --> Jun Jun (Mini skirt) [GreenAcrobat@DeadMoon.cc] has joined #reddwarfevents
[02:31] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Jun Jun (Mini skirt)
[02:32] > Jun Jun (Mini skirt) walks in with her hair done up in her typical fashion. She's wearing a rather tight two piece ensamble of a short, dark green skirt and a matching top, which leaves just enough to the imagination to keep her interesting.
[02:33] > Akihiko Kaioh (Club) snaps his fingers to the beat, not that it can be heard, occationally taking a moment to sip his drink on a nearby table.
[02:34] > Jun Jun (Mini skirt) notices Aki and grins lightly, making her way over to him
[02:35] > Akihiko Kaioh (Club) stops dancing as the song ends and the DJ starts addressing the crowd.
[02:36] > Jun Jun (Mini skirt) walks up to Aki, looking him over
[02:36] [Jun Jun (Mini skirt)] Hey there..... you have some pretty good moves.
[02:36] > Akihiko Kaioh (Club) takes his drink in hand and gives her a warm, welcoming smile, making eye contact.
[02:37] [Akihiko Kaioh (Club)] Thanks babe. Do I know you from somewhere?
[02:38] [Jun Jun (Mini skirt)] Well, I'm an acrobat in a circus. Name's Jun.
[02:38] [Akihiko Kaioh (Club)] Akihiko. Call me Aki if you like.
[02:39] ➣ A new song plays, a little slower and deeper with stronger beats.
[02:39] [Jun Jun (Mini skirt)] Nice to meet ya' Aki...
[02:39] > Jun Jun (Mini skirt) nods her head to the beat and instinctively starts to move with it
[02:40] > Akihiko Kaioh (Club) grins, closes his eyes most of the way, and dances along, not hesitating to move in close to Jun.
[02:40] [Akihiko Kaioh (Club)] Acrobat, huh? Bet you really have some moves.
[02:41] > Akihiko Kaioh (Club) has to shout a little to get over the music.
[02:41] > Jun Jun (Mini skirt) grins and does a piroete and lays back against him for a moment before moving again
[02:42] [Akihiko Kaioh (Club)] ♡ !
[02:42] > Akihiko Kaioh (Club) flexes his arms a little more in his motions, making his muscles buldge slightly, and starts moving his hips more in his dance.
[02:44] > Jun Jun (Mini skirt) suddenly grabs his arm lightly and uses it to flip up and slide gently down his shoulder and along the front of his body without disturbing his motion, her hip against his as she dances next to him
[02:45] [Jun Jun (Mini skirt)] ❧ What do ya' think of THAT move!? ♡ ❧
[02:45] [Akihiko Kaioh (Club)] Impressive! Hot! 'can I buy ya a drink?
[02:46] ➣ The song ends and affords them a few seconds peace.
[02:47] [Jun Jun (Mini skirt)] Sure, somethin' strong. I'm out to have fun tonight.
[02:47] [Akihiko Kaioh (Club)] Can do.
[02:48] > Akihiko Kaioh (Club) goes to the bar, withdraws his wallet, produces a large bill from it and speaks to the bartender, holding up three fingers as he does. She makes two drinks, seeming to use a lot of tequila, and Aki returns, offering one.
[02:49] [Jun Jun (Mini skirt)] Thanks *accepts it, smiling*
[02:49] > Akihiko Kaioh (Club) taps the plastic cup to hers and sips.
[02:49] ➣ Another song starts up, faster and more intense then before, broken occationally by high female vocals.
[02:49] > Jun Jun (Mini skirt) sips her drink and smiles | Damn that's good.
[02:50] [Jun Jun (Mini skirt)] Ooooo, I love this song!
[02:50] > Akihiko Kaioh (Club) grins, resuming his generic club dance, and working his way closer, inches away.
[02:51] > Jun Jun (Mini skirt) starts to move rythmicly to the song, holding onto her drink as she does so
[02:52] > Akihiko Kaioh (Club) works his way behind her and starts letting his body line up against hers as he matches her movements.
[02:53] > Jun Jun (Mini skirt) grins, taking a long drink from her cup and setting it down on the table, moving back against him
[02:53] > Akihiko Kaioh (Club) sets his down as well, placing a hand on her shoulder and another on her thigh.
[02:54] > Jun Jun (Mini skirt) closes her eyes, putting her hand over the one he has on her thigh, moving with him and keeping body contact
[02:57] > Akihiko Kaioh (Club) closes his, gripping her gently, and allowing pressing his body against her back, but keeping excelent sync with her.
[02:58] ➣ The music mixes into a little quieter song with lots of low beats and pauses.
[02:58] > Jun Jun (Mini skirt) lays back against him even more, reaching back with her free hand, putting it on his hip
[02:59] [Akihiko Kaioh (Club)] You're an excelent partner, Jun.
[02:59] > Akihiko Kaioh (Club) lets his thumbs slide under her clothing.
[03:00] [Jun Jun (Mini skirt)] So are you, Aki
[03:00] > Jun Jun (Mini skirt) grins up and back to him, offering no resistance
[03:00] > Akihiko Kaioh (Club) waits for a brief drop in the beat to kiss her cheek. The kiss seems very warm for one so brief.
[03:02] > Jun Jun (Mini skirt) blushes a little at the kiss but smiles, kissing the underside of his chin in return.
[03:02] > Akihiko Kaioh (Club) smiles, grinding a liiiiittle harder against her back.
[03:03] > Akihiko Kaioh (Club) catches a similar drop in the beat in the song, and this time takes advantage of her resistance to dip her and kiss her full on the lips.
[03:04] [Jun Jun (Mini skirt)] ❧ MMmmm~ ❧
[03:04] > Akihiko Kaioh (Club) rubs her back and thigh, giving it a few seconds before up righting her and looking her in the eyes.
[03:04] > Jun Jun (Mini skirt) is taken by surprise a bit, but kisses back, putting her arms around his neck, somewhat hanging off of him.
[03:05] [Akihiko Kaioh (Club)] ❧ What'da say we shoot those drinks, get out of here, and I give you a night of passion you wont soon forget? ❧
[03:06] > Akihiko Kaioh (Club) 's eyes are blue, sparkling, and seem deep as an ocean.
[03:06] > Jun Jun (Mini skirt) grins as she looks up into his eyes | I like the sound of that.
[03:07] > Akihiko Kaioh (Club) wraps his arm around her shoulder and guides her to the table for their drinks, then toward the door.
[03:07] > Jun Jun (Mini skirt) quickly picks up her drink, downing what's left of it.
[03:08] <-- Akihiko Kaioh (Club) has left #reddwarfevents (♡)
[03:08] [Jun Jun (Mini skirt)] ❧ ^_~ ❧
[03:08] <-- Jun Jun (Mini skirt) [GreenAcrobat@DeadMoon.cc] has left #reddwarfevents (^)
[00:00] >>> Monday Nov 08 2010 <<<
[00:45] ➣ Madox Castle
[00:46] --> Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) [ElvenMaid@quinox.gov] has joined #reddwarfevents
[00:46] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)
[00:46] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) knocks and enters Marty's study
[00:47] [Marty D (Robe)] Enter.
[00:47] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) walks in
[00:48] > Marty D (Robe) looks up from his tablet and surveys her with a smile.
[00:48] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] Master, I was about to retire for the evening. I just wanted to see if you need anything before I head to my room.
[00:49] [Marty D (Robe)] ❧ Mmm... nothing I need.. but~~ ❧
[00:49] > Marty D (Robe) slides his feet out of his slippers and props them on an footrest.
[00:50] [Marty D (Robe)] Care to rub a kittyboys feet?
[00:51] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) giggles a bit | Of course, Master.
[00:51] [Marty D (Robe)] Please, tell me about your trip?
[00:52] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) sits next to the footrest and starts rubbing Marty's feet
[00:52] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] Well, the girls and I toured some of the more rural parts of the region.
[00:54] > Marty D (Robe) purrs. =^_^=
[00:55] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] It was intersting to learn more about this planet
[00:55] [Marty D (Robe)] I confess I'd like to learn more. What did you find?
[00:57] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] Well, we looked at quite a few sites. Including one of the larger caterpiller breeding grounds.
[00:58] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] They get a lot larger then I thought. We even got to see a moth hatch from a cacoon. It was fasinating.
[00:59] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) moves from one foot to the other
[01:01] [Marty D (Robe)] Heh.. those giant insects gross me out.
[01:03] [Marty D (Robe)] Mmm... I don'd deserve a servant as loyal as you, Daphne..
[01:03] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] What makes you think that, Master?
[01:05] [Marty D (Robe)] Mmmm... you perform all these intimate, personal favors that aren't part of your job for me.
[01:07] > Marty D (Robe) wiggles his toes a little.
[01:08] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] Of course they're part of my job.
[01:09] > Marty D (Robe) grins at her.
[01:10] [Marty D (Robe)] Your dedication is admirable.. one of your many great qualities.
[01:11] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] My job is to keep the master happy. I just happen to go further then most would.
[01:12] [Marty D (Robe)] You do it well. You make me very happy.
[01:12] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) smiles| It makes me happy to know that the master is happy
[01:13] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] Oh, speaking of trips.... I heard you went on some kind of pilgramage with the Mistress and Princess the other day.
[01:13] [Marty D (Robe)] Getting along with the other maids?
[01:14] [Marty D (Robe)] Yes... I still don't fully understand what it was. ^_^; Didnt enjoy it, but it was important to Tinya.
[01:16] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] Oh yes, the other girls and I get along great. There's a little friction with Eri every now and then, but it's a friendly rivalry.
[01:19] [Marty D (Robe)] Daphne dear.... do you have ambitions beyond being a maid?
[01:21] [Marty D (Robe)] Stop me if I asked before..
[01:22] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] I think you may have.... but to be honest.... I wouldn't entirely mind becoming head of security here someday.
[01:24] [Marty D (Robe)] Okay. Thats a respectful goal. You know, it might be good to have a trained assassin look over our security for holes..
[01:24] [Marty D (Robe)] RespectABLE goal..
[01:26] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] I've been helping out the guards at the entrance during my spare time.
[01:31] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] Even hired some new maids that I hope can double as extra security incase of an emergency.
[01:32] [Marty D (Robe)] Im a little surprised we have the demand for that..
[01:35] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] Well, you never know when something could happen.
[01:35] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] Someone trying to break in..... or a terrorist attack...
[01:36] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] .... maybe even an attack from another planet.
[01:36] [Marty D (Robe)] Hmm... hope that isn't likely..
[01:39] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] Same here.
[01:40] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] I um..... haven't killed anyone in a long time... I don't really want to start anytime soon. >_>
[01:40] [Marty D (Robe)] A mind like that, you could get into security for sure. Hope you still find time to wash my hair from time to time though. =^_~=
[01:40] > Marty D (Robe) reaches out and strokes her hair.
[01:40] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] I will always be your personal servent, Master.
[01:41] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) smiles and her ears wiggle slightly
[01:41] > Marty D (Robe) gives her a warm, bemused smile.
[01:41] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] As well as your personal bodyguard.
[01:41] [Marty D (Robe)] Heh.. didn't know your ears could do that.. but yeah, theres nothing inherrently evil about violence or killing. The circumstances around it can make it excusable.
[01:43] [Marty D (Robe)] I'd be proud to accept you as my bodyguard.
[01:44] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) smiles
[01:44] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] I promise never to let you down, Master.
[01:44] > Marty D (Robe) gently strokes her ears.
[01:45] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) giggles, her ears wiggeling again
[01:45] [Marty D (Robe)] You better not, I've been itching to play with the dungeon more. :3
[01:45] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) giggles nervously at that
[01:47] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) stops rubbing Marty's feel
[01:47] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] ^feet
[01:47] [Marty D (Robe)] Thank you, dear.
[01:48] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] My pleasure, Master. ^_^
[01:48] [Marty D (Robe)] Why don't you draw me a bath, and if you still have time, you can wash my hair?
[01:48] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] Absolutely, Master. I always have time for you.
[01:49] > Marty D (Robe) gives her a few firm pats on the cheek.
[01:50] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) smiles and then winks, heading into his personal washroom
[01:51] > Marty D (Robe) grins, watching her leave.
[01:51] <-- Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) [ElvenMaid@quinox.gov] has left #reddwarfevents (I enjoy washing the Master's hair.... among other places. ^_~)
[01:51] [Marty D (Robe)] What did I do to deserve this life?
[01:53] > Marty D (Robe) gets up, putting the tablet down and stretching, making his way to the bathroom and dropping the robe.
[01:53] <-- Marty D (Robe) [Techwiz@hogwarts.edu] has left #reddwarfevents (♡)
[22:36] ➣ Challe home, Chanelle's room
[22:36] > Chanelle Challe (Nightgown) sits at her desk, typing on her computer.
[22:37] > Chanelle Challe (Nightgown) sighs a little as she pauses
[22:40] > Chanelle Challe (Nightgown) goes back to typing, then saves her work and closes the program she was working with.
[22:41] ➣ IM notification sounds
[22:43] [~jujitsuguy] ☇ yo ☇
[22:43] > Chanelle Challe (Nightgown) clicks on the notification to open the IM
[22:44] > Chanelle Challe (Nightgown) types | Hello there. I was just thinking about you.
[22:46] [~jujitsuguy] ☇ same ☇
[22:46] > Chanelle Challe (Nightgown) types | Oh? Are you finally starting to miss me?
[22:48] [~jujitsuguy] ☇ yes ☇
[22:49] > Chanelle Challe (Nightgown) smiles to herself, typing | Well then...... if you're missing me and not mad at me anymore.... maybe I can come by tomorrow and see you.
[22:49] > Chanelle Challe (Nightgown) types | Or even better... I could sneak over there now. ^_~
[22:52] [~jujitsuguy] ☇ heh..you can come over tonight if you want ☇
[22:52] > Chanelle Challe (Nightgown) types excitedly | Really!? You mean it!?
[23:00] [~jujitsuguy] ☇ totally ☇
[23:01] > Chanelle Challe (Nightgown) types | Well then... expect me in ten minutes
[23:02] [~jujitsuguy] ☇ heh alright ☇
[23:02] > Chanelle Challe (Nightgown) signs off the IM excitedly and puts her computer into sleep mode. Jumping up, grabbing Hana's trenchcoat and sneaking out.
[23:04] ➣ Shift to about 10 minutes later, in front of the Sagusa dojo
[23:05] > Chanelle Challe (Nightgown) walks up and rings the bell
[23:10] > Chanelle Challe (Trenchcoat) stands there, bounching excitedly
[23:11] [Chanelle Challe (Trenchcoat)] -h
[23:12] > ~Isamu Sagusa (PJs) opens the door and smiles "come in"
[23:12] > Chanelle Challe (Trenchcoat) walks in, looking happily at Isamu
[23:18] > ~Isamu Sagusa (PJs) closes the door
[23:18] [~Isamu Sagusa (PJs)] still mad at me?
[23:18] [Chanelle Challe (Trenchcoat)] No.... are you.... mad at me?
[23:19] > Chanelle Challe (Trenchcoat) looks up at him nervously
[23:24] [~Isamu Sagusa (PJs)] no...not at all
[23:26] [Chanelle Challe (Trenchcoat)] Oh yeah? Prove it.
[23:26] > Chanelle Challe (Trenchcoat) smirks up at him
[23:28] > ~Isamu Sagusa (PJs) kisses chanelle on the lips
[23:28] > Chanelle Challe (Trenchcoat) kisses back happily, wrapping her arms around him
[23:30] [~Isamu Sagusa (PJs)] ❧ mmmm.... ❧
[23:30] [Chanelle Challe (Trenchcoat)] ❧ Mmmmm~ ❧
[23:32] > Chanelle Challe (Trenchcoat) 's coat starts to open slightly as she kisses Isamu, showing a bit of the black nightgown she's wearing
[23:33] > ~Isamu Sagusa (PJs) keeps kissing
[23:34] > Chanelle Challe (Trenchcoat) slowly breaks the kiss and smiles | You have no idea how much I needed this....
[23:37] [~Isamu Sagusa (PJs)] likewise...
[23:39] [Chanelle Challe (Trenchcoat)] Oh?
[23:39] > Chanelle Challe (Trenchcoat) grins | To be honest, it doesn't seem like it.
[23:39] [~Isamu Sagusa (PJs)] well...
[23:39] > ~Isamu Sagusa (PJs) kisses harder...and for the first time...adds tongue
[23:40] > Chanelle Challe (Trenchcoat) kisses back and is happily surprised by the new addition, reaching around and lightly scratching his back
[23:42] > ~Isamu Sagusa (PJs) wraps his arms around chanelle
[23:43] > Chanelle Challe (Trenchcoat) slowly breaks the kiss, gasping a bit
[23:43] [Chanelle Challe (Trenchcoat)] ❧ Mmmm.... now that's more like it...~ ❧
[23:46] [~Isamu Sagusa (PJs)] are you staying the night?
[23:47] > Chanelle Challe (Trenchcoat) blushes | Well... um.... if you really want me to, I can.... but
[23:48] [Chanelle Challe (Trenchcoat)] .... what about Hana?
[23:50] [~Isamu Sagusa (PJs)] give her a call
[23:54] [Chanelle Challe (Trenchcoat)] Um... ok
[23:55] [~Isamu Sagusa (PJs)] but...
[23:56] [~Isamu Sagusa (PJs)] if you have to go home that is fine
[23:56] [Chanelle Challe (Trenchcoat)] No no...
[23:56] > Chanelle Challe (Trenchcoat) pulls her phone out of her pocket and calls Hana's cell...
[23:59] [Hana Sagusa (shirt and panties)] ☇ yo..what's up ☇
[00:00] >>> Tuesday Nov 09 2010 <<<
[00:00] [Chanelle Challe (Trenchcoat)] Hey.... I think you're probably just now noticing I'm not there.
[00:01] [Chanelle Challe (Trenchcoat)] I'm over at your house..... your brother wants you to come here....
[00:01] [Hana Sagusa (shirt and panties)] ☇ ....he does? ☇
[00:02] [Chanelle Challe (Trenchcoat)] Yeah, he said it himself.
[00:02] [Hana Sagusa (shirt and panties)] ☇ ..I better get dressed then... ☇
[00:03] [Chanelle Challe (Trenchcoat)] Might not be a bad idea
[00:03] [Chanelle Challe (Trenchcoat)] By the way...... I borrowed your trenchcoat
[00:05] [Hana Sagusa (shirt and panties)] ☇ ....wonder where that was ☇
[00:05] [Chanelle Challe (Trenchcoat)] I'll see ya' here then.
[00:06] [Hana Sagusa (shirt and panties)] ☇ yeah seeya ☇
[00:07] > Chanelle Challe (Trenchcoat) closes her phone and puts it in her pocket
[00:09] [Chanelle Challe (Trenchcoat)] So, Hana's on her way here.
[00:10] [Chanelle Challe (Trenchcoat)] ❧ What should we do in the meantime? ❧
[00:12] [~Isamu Sagusa (PJs)] make sure the bed is to your liking?
[00:12] > Chanelle Challe (Trenchcoat) pauses | Did..... you say bed?
[00:14] [~Isamu Sagusa (PJs)] well where else are you going to sleep? heh..not in hana's room
[00:14] [Chanelle Challe (Trenchcoat)] Well... I mean.... that's what I usually do.... I kinda' figured.....
[00:15] > Chanelle Challe (Trenchcoat) is blushes lightly, not sure what to think.
[00:15] [~Isamu Sagusa (PJs)] you don't have to you know
[00:15] [Chanelle Challe (Trenchcoat)] Oh no no.... I want to.... I just... I'm kinda' surprised by your change of heart.
[00:17] > Chanelle Challe (Nightgown) unties the trenchcoat she's wearing and slips it off, revealing the sheer black nightgown she's wearing beneath
[00:17] [Chanelle Challe (Nightgown)] ❧ Guess it's a good thing I wore this~ ❧
[00:19] [~Isamu Sagusa (PJs)] heh indeed
[00:19] > Chanelle Challe (Nightgown) does a pose | Do you like?
[00:21] [~Isamu Sagusa (PJs)] ❧ very very much ❧
[00:21] > Chanelle Challe (Nightgown) giggles and blushes
[00:22] [Chanelle Challe (Nightgown)] I guess I'll go..... check out your bed then. ^_~
[00:23] [~Isamu Sagusa (PJs)] heh please do
[00:24] > Chanelle Challe (Nightgown) heads upstairs to Isamu's room
[00:26] > ~Isamu Sagusa (PJs) chuckles...and waits for hana
[00:28] <-- ~Isamu Sagusa (PJs) has left #reddwarfevents
[00:28] <-- Chanelle Challe (Nightgown) [FrenchProjector@Mugen.edu] has left #reddwarfevents (I finally get to share Isamu-kun's bed ♡)
[22:26] ➣ Sagusa Dojo, Tokyo
[22:27] --> Hana Sagusa (casual) [sagusa.hana@mugen.edu.jp] has joined #reddwarfevents
[22:27] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Hana Sagusa (casual)
[22:29] > Hana Sagusa (casual) taps her finger on her arm
[22:36] --> ~Isamu Sagusa (casual) has joined #reddwarfevents
[22:36] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, ~Isamu Sagusa (casual)
[22:36] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] ...you promise you won't do anything....bad or rough...right?
[22:37] [~Isamu Sagusa (casual)] I promise....
[22:37] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] RIGHT!?
[22:37] [~Isamu Sagusa (casual)] well I said I promise!..what more do you want???
[22:37] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] ...he should be over soon
[22:37] --> Yuu Mori (casual) [invisableboy@mugen.edu] has joined #reddwarfevents
[22:37] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Yuu Mori (casual)
[22:38] [~Isamu Sagusa (casual)] quick..go, hana
[22:38] > Yuu Mori (casual) walks up to the door, looking rather cheerful, knocking on the door in the special way that Hana should recognize
[22:38] > Hana Sagusa (casual) quickly leaves before Yuu can see her....
[22:39] > ~Isamu Sagusa (casual) walks over..and opens the door
[22:39] > Yuu Mori (casual) freezes, seeing Isamu open the door
[22:40] > ~Isamu Sagusa (casual) looks at yuu
[22:40] [Yuu Mori (casual)] Um..... h..... hello sir
[22:41] > ~Isamu Sagusa (casual) grabs Yuu by the scruff of the shirt and drags him in the house
[22:41] [Yuu Mori (casual)] O_O
[22:41] > Yuu Mori (casual) is easily grabbed by his shirt and pulls into the home
[22:41] > ~Isamu Sagusa (casual) lets the door slam...dragging him along the floor
[22:44] [~Isamu Sagusa (casual)] ....
[22:44] [Yuu Mori (casual)] I.... er.... um....
[22:46] > ~Isamu Sagusa (casual) reaches a far off deserted room and tosses yuu into a chair
[22:47] > Yuu Mori (casual) rubs the back of his neck
[22:48] > ~Isamu Sagusa (casual) sits on a chair across from yuu
[22:48] [~Isamu Sagusa (casual)] ..so
[22:48] [~Isamu Sagusa (casual)] ...you're the one who deflowered my little sister.....
[22:48] > Yuu Mori (casual) looks around the room nervously
[22:48] [Yuu Mori (casual)] I...er...um.... yes, sir.
[22:50] [~Isamu Sagusa (casual)] .....no one can hear you back here....no one knows you're back here
[22:50] [Yuu Mori (casual)] Of course not......
[22:51] > Yuu Mori (casual) chuckles nervously
[22:54] > ~Isamu Sagusa (casual) frowns at yuu
[22:54] [~Isamu Sagusa (casual)] ...I could do anything here..and they wouldn't know about it
[22:55] [Yuu Mori (casual)] But..... wouldn't Hana-chan be upset if you.... injured me?
[22:56] [~Isamu Sagusa (casual)] ....
[22:57] [~Isamu Sagusa (casual)] I suppose I should drop this facade
[22:58] [Yuu Mori (casual)] Facade... sir?
[22:59] > Yuu Mori (casual) is shaking slightly, as Isamu is MUCH larger then he.
[23:01] [~Isamu Sagusa (casual)] yes....
[23:01] [~Isamu Sagusa (casual)] let me first say I did not approve of you and hana's actions...at all
[23:02] > Yuu Mori (casual) looks down a little, fidgeting
[23:06] [Yuu Mori (casual)] May I.... say something about that sir?
[23:08] [~Isamu Sagusa (casual)] ..go ahead
[23:09] [Yuu Mori (casual)] Hana-chan and I...... have only been doing those things because we..... care for each other.... a lot.
[23:09] [~Isamu Sagusa (casual)] .....
[23:09] [~Isamu Sagusa (casual)] I understand that now
[23:10] [Yuu Mori (casual)] I mean..... I've liked Hana-chan for a VERY long time......
[23:10] [Yuu Mori (casual)] ..... I would never do anything to hurt her.
[23:11] [~Isamu Sagusa (casual)] ....as I said..I understand that now..and I can't change what happened...
[23:11] [~Isamu Sagusa (casual)] ..all I want you to know is this
[23:12] [~Isamu Sagusa (casual)] I don't plan on having any nieces or nephews anytime soon so be careful
[23:12] [Yuu Mori (casual)] Of course....
[23:13] [Yuu Mori (casual)] .... honestly... I don't want to be a father before I graduate college.
[23:13] [~Isamu Sagusa (casual)] just watch out for my sister.....she might look tough..but she is delicate
[23:15] [Yuu Mori (casual)] Of that... I am fullly aware.
[23:17] [~Isamu Sagusa (casual)] well then..I'm glad we had this talk
[23:17] > ~Isamu Sagusa (casual) turns on a light..showing the room to be...less scary then it was in the dark
[23:18] [Yuu Mori (casual)] A.....as am I.
[23:20] [~Isamu Sagusa (casual)] I had hana place that call by the way
[23:21] [Yuu Mori (casual)] I see
[23:23] [~Isamu Sagusa (casual)] I wanted to talk to you before you went forward with your realtionship
[23:24] [Yuu Mori (casual)] I admit I..... probably should've come and talked to you sooner....
[23:26] [~Isamu Sagusa (casual)] do you drink tea?
[23:26] [Yuu Mori (casual)] Y...yes sir.
[23:28] [~Isamu Sagusa (casual)] relax...
[23:28] [~Isamu Sagusa (casual)] I'll make some tea for you and hana.....
[23:30] [Yuu Mori (casual)] T....thank you sir.... I'm trying.
[23:30] > ~Isamu Sagusa (casual) walks back to the living room
[23:30] > Hana Sagusa (casual) hugs Yuu "are you ok?"
[23:32] > Yuu Mori (casual) hugs Hana back
[23:32] [Yuu Mori (casual)] Yeah..... just your brother really put a scare into me....
[23:34] [Yuu Mori (casual)] .... I thought he was gonna' beat me. >_>
[23:36] > Hana Sagusa (casual) frowns at isamu
[23:36] > ~Isamu Sagusa (casual) chuckles and goes into the kitchen to make the tea
[23:36] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] he didn't hurt you..at all?
[23:38] [Yuu Mori (casual)] No no.... not at all.
[23:38] [Yuu Mori (casual)] I mean... he did pull me in by my shirt.... but it didn't really hurt me
[23:40] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] how long are you going to stay tonight?
[23:41] [Yuu Mori (casual)] As long as your brother will let me......
[23:41] [Yuu Mori (casual)] .... I mean... I'd love to stay over night.... if it were alright.
[23:43] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] well bro?
[23:44] [~Isamu Sagusa (casual)] (from the kitchen) up to you...you're a woman now
[23:45] --> Chanelle Challe (casual) [FrenchProjector@Mugen.edu] has joined #reddwarfevents
[23:45] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Chanelle Challe (casual)
[23:46] > Chanelle Challe (casual) walks in, carrying a tray of paistries | After all, I'm staying over too. ^_~
[23:46] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] :P
[23:46] [Yuu Mori (casual)] Oh, hello Chanelle-san.... wait....
[23:46] [Yuu Mori (casual)] .... this is going to be a bit awkward.... three of us in one room. >_>
[23:49] > Chanelle Challe (casual) smirks to herself, setting the tray down for them
[23:49] [Chanelle Challe (casual)] Oh, that won't be a problem~
[23:49] > Hana Sagusa (casual) just looks at chanelle
[23:50] [Yuu Mori (casual)] I don't follow...
[23:52] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] ...we're sharing a room...chanelle is going to be with my brother
[23:52] [Yuu Mori (casual)] Oooohhh... I see. Wait.... Chanelle-san a....and your brother!?
[23:53] > Chanelle Challe (casual) gives Yuu a cross look | Yeah, you gotta' problem with it?
[23:53] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] yes.....
[23:55] [Yuu Mori (casual)] N....no. Not at all. It's just rather..... surprising.
[23:56] [Chanelle Challe (casual)] Good.... cause I could sick Isamu-kun on you at any moment.
[23:57] > Chanelle Challe (casual) grins a bit| He might not have hurt you for sleeping with Hana.... but I bet if you made me upset.... he'd split your head open like a ripe melon.
[23:58] > Yuu Mori (casual) suddenly clings to Hana
[23:59] > Hana Sagusa (casual) frowns at chanelle "CHANELLE"
[00:00] >>> Wednesday Nov 10 2010 <<<
[00:00] > Chanelle Challe (casual) laughs | Whaaaat? I'm just trying to have fun with him. Geez.
[00:01] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] keep that up and I'll break your nose
[00:02] [Chanelle Challe (casual)] Ok ok, whatever. Geez, can't even tell a joke around here.
[00:05] [Chanelle Challe (casual)] Alright, I'll leave you guys alone.
[00:06] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] heh
[00:08] > Yuu Mori (casual) snuggles up to Hana, finally smiling
[00:09] > Hana Sagusa (casual) hugs yuu
[00:11] [Yuu Mori (casual)] I love you, Hana-chan....
[00:12] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] I love you, yuu
[00:12] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] ok
[00:13] > Yuu Mori (casual) chuckles a bit at that and kisses Hana
[00:13] > Chanelle Challe (casual) walks out and heads up to Isamu's room
[00:15] > ~Isamu Sagusa (shirtless) is in his pajama bottoms, trying to find his shirt
[00:16] [Chanelle Challe (casual)] ❧ Do you really need a shirt, Isamu-kun? ❧
[00:16] [~Isamu Sagusa (shirtless)] heh hello, chanelle
[00:17] > Chanelle Challe (undies) undresses down to her underwear
[00:19] [~Isamu Sagusa (shirtless)] heh
[00:19] [~Isamu Sagusa (shirtless)] rather eager, are we?
[00:20] > Chanelle Challe (undies) sits down on his bed with a grin / Of course.... I want to spend as much time as I can with my Isamu-kun.
[00:20] > ~Isamu Sagusa (shirtless) smiles and pulls back the covers, laying down
[00:21] > Chanelle Challe (undies) slides under the covers
[00:22] > ~Isamu Sagusa (shirtless) slides under, pulling the covers over....and pulling chanelle over to him
[00:24] > Chanelle Challe (undies) giggles a bit and snuggles against his arm
[00:24] [Chanelle Challe (undies)] Ya' know.... I thought about something earlier.
[00:24] [~Isamu Sagusa (shirtless)] hm?
[00:26] [Chanelle Challe (undies)] Well, between hatching this little plot about Hana and Yuu..... and us sharing a bed now.....I think now is the time we should.... probably tell my parents.
[00:27] [~Isamu Sagusa (shirtless)] I see......
[00:27] [~Isamu Sagusa (shirtless)] that is probably a good idea...
[00:27] [Chanelle Challe (undies)] I don't care what they say... I just feel they have the right to know the man I'm in love with~
[00:28] > ~Isamu Sagusa (shirtless) smiles and kisses chanelle
[00:30] > ~Isamu Sagusa (shirtless) yawns
[00:30] > Chanelle Challe (undies) kisses him back
[00:30] [~Isamu Sagusa (shirtless)] let's get some sleep...and take care of that tomorrow
[00:31] [Chanelle Challe (undies)] You read my mind
[00:31] > Chanelle Challe (undies) lays against his arm, her arm on his shoulder
[00:31] > ~Isamu Sagusa (shirtless) reaches over and turns off the lights " of course I can..I love you"
[00:32] <-- ~Isamu Sagusa (shirtless) has left #reddwarfevents (I can read your mind even in my dreams)
[00:32] <-- Chanelle Challe (undies) [FrenchProjector@Mugen.edu] has left #reddwarfevents (*giggles* Then you can see all the naughty things I want to do with you. ^_~)
[09:58] > Tigen Jare (lab coat) sits in his clinic office, looking over some test results
[09:59] --> Miara [amongimmortals@terra.net] has joined #reddwarfevents
[09:59] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Miara
[10:01] > Miara knocks on the door frame
[10:01] [Miara] Hey Tig
[10:01] [Tigen Jare (lab coat)] Good morning, Miara
[10:02] [Tigen Jare (lab coat)] Is it two weeks already?
[10:03] [Miara] No, but I thought you might have your test data by now.
[10:06] [Tigen Jare (lab coat)] Yes, actually, I do. None of the samples have been successful yet, but it will probably be a while until they weild any real results.
[10:08] [Miara] Well, then you're not disappointed, at least.
[10:09] [Tigen Jare (lab coat)] Yes, that's true. How does the wrist feel?
[10:11] [Miara] Itchy. Otherwise fine, it doesn't really hurt, just aches
[10:11] > Tigen Jare (lab coat) nods
[10:12] [Tigen Jare (lab coat)] Good.
[10:15] [Tigen Jare (lab coat)] I'd like to get those full images once the cast is off and you can change.
[10:16] [Miara] I asked about it, they said it would be okay since we don't have a real presence here anymore.
[10:17] [Tigen Jare (lab coat)] Really? That's wonderful!
[10:18] [Tigen Jare (lab coat)] I'll get the paperwork together, then.
[10:18] > Tigen Jare (lab coat) writes a note up on his terminal
[10:19] [Miara] Yeah, it'll be interesting. I'll have to do up some charts for you.
[10:20] [Miara] Our anatomy charts tend to be more..specific.
[10:20] [Tigen Jare (lab coat)] I can imagine.
[10:21] [Tigen Jare (lab coat)] It looks like you got some people to sign your cast, after all.
[10:22] [Miara] A few. Not as many as I thought...
[10:24] [Tigen Jare (lab coat)] Some people just don't like to, it's not uncommon.
[10:25] [Miara] I guess so. Where's Orley been?
[10:26] [Tigen Jare (lab coat)] With Mrs. Pickton; she's dying.
[10:27] [Miara] Aww.
[10:28] [Miara] Is she still conscious?
[10:28] [Tigen Jare (lab coat)] In and out. But she still likes visitors, she looks more peacefull.
[10:29] [Miara] Then maybe I'll go talk to her for a bit.
[10:30] [Tigen Jare (lab coat)] I'm sure she'd like that. Come by before you dash off again, alright?
[10:30] [Miara] Sure thing.
[10:30] <-- Miara [amongimmortals@terra.net] has left #reddwarfevents (Stand up and watch me!)
[10:30] <-- Tigen Jare (lab coat) [futuredoc@openclinic.net] has left #reddwarfevents
[00:00] >>> Thursday Nov 11 2010 <<<
[14:33] ➣ Tempest City Palace, Quinox, The Future
[14:34] --> Celestite Detroit (casual) [CrystalGirl@dimensionzero.cc] has joined #reddwarfevents
[14:34] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Celestite Detroit (casual)
[14:35] [+Matsumi Kaze (Casual dress)] Celestite ^^
[14:35] > +Matsumi Kaze (Casual dress) walks in from the hall
[14:35] [Celestite Detroit (casual)] Hey Mama-Matsumi. ^_^
[14:36] > +Matsumi Kaze (Casual dress) hugs celestite
[14:36] > Celestite Detroit (casual) walks over and hugs Matsumi
[14:36] [+Matsumi Kaze (Casual dress)] I'm glad you were able to come over ^^
[14:37] [Celestite Detroit (casual)] It's fun to get out once in a while. :)
[14:39] [+Matsumi Kaze (Casual dress)] heh one of your cousins is staying with us today
[14:39] [Celestite Detroit (casual)] Oh yeah?
[14:39] [Celestite Detroit (casual)] Who's here?
[14:40] > +Matsumi Kaze (Casual dress) looks over to a young woman with long pale blue hair, walking down the hall..who pauses and waves to Celeste before leaving
[14:41] > Celestite Detroit (casual) waves back, "But I see she's leaving"
[14:41] [+Matsumi Kaze (Casual dress)] heh...she's heading off to the library
[14:41] [+Matsumi Kaze (Casual dress)] so much like her father
[14:41] [Celestite Detroit (casual)] Some people say that about me.
[14:44] [Celestite Detroit (casual)] How is everything going over here?
[14:44] [+Matsumi Kaze (Casual dress)] well Matsuo's children seem to take after him and his wife so easily
[14:46] [+Matsumi Kaze (Casual dress)] come walk with me ^^
[14:47] [Celestite Detroit (casual)] Alright
[14:47] [+Matsumi Kaze (Casual dress)] how have things been at the palace?
[14:49] [Celestite Detroit (casual)] Pretty well. Though Marty keeps talking about wanting kids
[14:49] ➣ various maids and butlers can be seen moving to and fro along the hall..each doing their duty
[14:49] [+Matsumi Kaze (Casual dress)] and how do you feel about that?
[14:52] [Celestite Detroit (casual)] Well, i'm not opposed to it.... I just wonder why he's in such a hurry...
[14:53] [+Matsumi Kaze (Casual dress)] well you know some men...
[14:53] [Celestite Detroit (casual)] I mean, we've barely been married six months.
[14:53] [+Matsumi Kaze (Casual dress)] ..if you feel like you want to wait..then wait
[14:56] [Celestite Detroit (casual)] Well, I kinda' don't have a choice....
[14:56] [+Matsumi Kaze (Casual dress)] since when!/
[14:56] [+Matsumi Kaze (Casual dress)] *!?
[14:56] [Celestite Detroit (casual)] Well..... since I started messing around with Zen.... >_>
[14:57] [+Matsumi Kaze (Casual dress)] so?
[14:59] [+Matsumi Kaze (Casual dress)] oh...yes that deal...
[14:59] [Celestite Detroit (casual)] Yeah, that.
[15:01] [+Matsumi Kaze (Casual dress)] hm....
[15:01] [+Matsumi Kaze (Casual dress)] well I am certain we can come up with something
[15:03] [Celestite Detroit (casual)] I don't want to disappoint him though...
[15:03] [+Matsumi Kaze (Casual dress)] remember, celestite....you hold the power..not him
[15:04] [+Matsumi Kaze (Casual dress)] remember only you can consent :P...
[15:06] [Celestite Detroit (casual)] I know.... but again, I don't want to disappoint Marty. I love him....
[15:07] [+Matsumi Kaze (Casual dress)] alright...well I'm certain whatever you do will be the right thing
[15:07] > Celestite Detroit (casual) nods
[15:09] [Celestite Detroit (casual)] So, what's in your plans for today?
[15:09] [+Matsumi Kaze (Casual dress)] oh....meeting tonight....have to make an address to the planet as usual
[15:10] [+Matsumi Kaze (Casual dress)] renewing treaties with the inner worlds
[15:11] [Celestite Detroit (casual)] Ahh
[15:12] [Celestite Detroit (casual)] We had to trade some resources with some of the neighboring countries.
[15:13] [+Matsumi Kaze (Casual dress)] how does it feel...having the problems of an entire nation in your hands?
[15:14] [Celestite Detroit (casual)] It can be stressful at times. But it's one of the things I've been going to school for.
[15:15] [+Matsumi Kaze (Casual dress)] good girl ^^
[15:16] [~Matsuo Shin (Casual outfit)] well...if it isn't my dear sister and niece
[15:16] --> ~Matsuo Shin (Casual outfit) has joined #reddwarfevents
[15:16] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, ~Matsuo Shin (Casual outfit)
[15:16] [+Matsumi Kaze (Casual dress)] brother ^^
[15:17] [Celestite Detroit (casual)] Hello Uncle Matsuo ^_^
[15:19] > ~Matsuo Shin (Casual outfit) hugs celestie with one arm..as his other arm is carrying a young blue haired boy
[15:20] > Celestite Detroit (casual) hugs Matsuo back and smiles at the child.
[15:20] ➣ the child hides his face
[15:21] [~Matsuo Shin (Casual outfit)] heh..he's shy unless his mother is around
[15:21] [Celestite Detroit (casual)] Awwww, someone's being shy. ^_^
[15:22] [+Matsumi Kaze (Casual dress)] heh...and how is my little nephew
[15:22] [Celestite Detroit (casual)] I was kinda' like that when I was younger too.
[15:22] [~Matsuo Shin (Casual outfit)] heh he's alright....
[15:23] [+Matsumi Kaze (Casual dress)] heh...I remember when we came over to visit your family, celest..you would always hide away
[15:25] [Celestite Detroit (casual)] Yeah. I was a shy kid.
[15:26] [~Matsuo Shin (Casual outfit)] so what brings my niece for a visit to my sister's place
[15:29] [Celestite Detroit (casual)] Just needed to get out of my own place for a while.
[15:29] [Celestite Detroit (casual)] Not to mention wanted to I wanted to see family.
[15:31] [~Matsuo Shin (Casual outfit)] I wish you two would visit my place..though I'm sure it's a tad too bright for your liking
[15:31] [+Matsumi Kaze (Casual dress)] hee yes indeed
[15:33] [Celestite Detroit (casual)] Yeah.... just a little.
[15:35] [+Matsumi Kaze (Casual dress)] how about we all go to the kitchen for some lunch
[15:35] > ~Matsuo Shin (Casual outfit) adjusts his holding of the child "sounds good!"
[15:36] [Celestite Detroit (casual)] I could go for a bite.
[15:37] <-- +Matsumi Kaze (Casual dress) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has left #reddwarfevents (I'll have something special made)
[15:37] <-- ~Matsuo Shin (Casual outfit) has left #reddwarfevents (always good to come back here...)
[15:38] <-- Celestite Detroit (casual) [CrystalGirl@dimensionzero.cc] has left #reddwarfevents (I enjoy visiting family sometimes.)
[00:00] >>> Friday Nov 12 2010 <<<
[02:11] ➣ Madox Castle
[02:11] --> Celestite Detroit (Casual) [CrystalGirl@dimensionzero.cc] has joined #reddwarfevents
[02:11] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Celestite Detroit (Casual)
[02:11] > Celestite Detroit (Casual) walks down the hall, humming a happy tune
[02:12] > Marty D (Casual) sneaks up behind her. :3
[02:12] [Marty D (Casual)] ❧ Boo~ ❧
[02:13] > Celestite Detroit (Casual) jumps lightly, faining being scared
[02:13] [Celestite Detroit (Casual)] Oh no, help!~
[02:13] > Marty D (Casual) chuckles, playing along, and grabing her shoulders.
[02:14] [Marty D (Casual)] ❧ Gotcha~ What'cha gonna do? ❧
[02:16] > Celestite Detroit (Casual) grins, ducking down, grabbing a hold of one of Marty's arm and putting him in a hammer lock
[02:16] [Marty D (Casual)] O_o
[02:16] [Celestite Detroit (Casual)] ❧ Who's got who?~ ❧
[02:16] > Marty D (Casual) chuckles nervously.
[02:17] > Celestite Detroit (Casual) kisses Marty on the cheek and lets him go.
[02:17] [Celestite Detroit (Casual)] Mama-Vana taught that to me a while ago. Just in case.
[02:18] [Marty D (Casual)] Wish I knew those muggle fighting tricks. All I can do is make people's eyes melt with the swish of a strip of wood. =p
[02:19] [Marty D (Casual)] How are you, ~princess~?
[02:19] > Celestite Detroit (Casual) giggles: I'm ok. Went to the main castle to visit the in-laws.
[02:20] [Marty D (Casual)] They doing well?
[02:20] > Marty D (Casual) wraps an arm and tail around her and continues walking.
[02:21] > Celestite Detroit (Casual) walks arm in arm with Marty
[02:21] [Celestite Detroit (Casual)] Yeah. Everyone's doing great.
[02:22] [Marty D (Casual)] They have a big family, huh?
[02:23] [Celestite Detroit (Casual)] Oh yeah....
[02:23] [Celestite Detroit (Casual)] .... even saw Uncle Matsuo today. Haven't seen him in a while.
[02:23] [Marty D (Casual)] Hes a nice guy. Quiet.
[02:24] [Celestite Detroit (Casual)] Yeah. His kids are very similer. Especially concidering his wife.
[02:26] [Marty D (Casual)] Yeah. So much love.. funny what starting with love and having lots of resources can to for childrearing.
[02:27] > Celestite Detroit (Casual) giggles nervously, "Yeah.... about that...."
[02:27] [Marty D (Casual)] Nya?
[02:28] [Celestite Detroit (Casual)] Mama-Matsumi and I were talking... about me having kids....
[02:28] > Marty D (Casual) hodls her a little tighter as they walk.
[02:29] > Celestite Detroit (Casual) sighs a little, looking down at the floor as they walk
[02:29] [Celestite Detroit (Casual)] ..... I know about our agreement...... and I do want us to have kids....... I'm just sure if I'm ready just yet.
[02:30] [Marty D (Casual)] What, and you don't think you'll be ready for the possibly of conceving in eight months, having one in another nine?
[02:31] [Celestite Detroit (Casual)] I'm sorry if it disappoints you...... but no. Especially not two that quickly.
[02:32] [Marty D (Casual)] Two?
[02:32] [Marty D (Casual)] May I ask what your reservations are?
[02:34] [Celestite Detroit (Casual)] Having and raising a child is a lot of work..... there are still a lot of things I'd like to do that I won't be able to do with a kid.
[02:35] [Marty D (Casual)] Like what? I don't wanna push too hard, but theres the three of us and more maids than I can count, and we have more family members than I can start to count..
[02:37] [Celestite Detroit (Casual)] Traveling to other planets I have yet to go to is one of the main ones.
[02:38] > Marty D (Casual) sighs, looks down and shakes his head.
[02:39] [Marty D (Casual)] Plenty of parents manage just fine.. but if thats what you want. I can't pretend I'm not dissapointed.
[02:39] [Celestite Detroit (Casual)] Sorry.....
[02:41] [Celestite Detroit (Casual)] ... I'm not saying I won't change my mind by the time you want us to try...... I'm just saying that right now.... I'm not really mentally prepared for it yet.
[02:41] [Marty D (Casual)] Look... at least promise me you'll reconsidder it come July, like you had originally promissed?
[02:42] > Celestite Detroit (Casual) nods, looking a little upset
[02:44] [Marty D (Casual)] I won't say anymore for now, besides that lots of people with a LOT less than us manage just fine, and I think you're worrying too much.
[02:46] > Marty D (Casual) lets go of her to open the door to their room.
[02:47] > Celestite Detroit (Casual) just looks at the floor
[02:47] [Marty D (Casual)] Cele...
[02:50] [Celestite Detroit (Casual)] Hmm?
[02:50] > Marty D (Casual) places a hand on her cheek and raises her chin to look at him.
[02:51] [Marty D (Casual)] I'd love you no matter what.. but that love is why I wanna... you know... with you.. I want to see that love flurish and experience it with our children..
[02:52] [Celestite Detroit (Casual)] I know......
[02:52] [Marty D (Casual)] Are you mad at me?
[02:52] [Celestite Detroit (Casual)] ... no, not at all.
[02:53] [Celestite Detroit (Casual)] I'm just afraid that you're disappointed in me because I don't want to have kids right away like you seem to want. The last thing I ever wanted to do was disappoint your or Tina.
[02:54] [Marty D (Casual)] Well, I'll reserve my dissapointment until next year..
[02:55] [Marty D (Casual)] I love you, Cele.
[02:56] [Celestite Detroit (Casual)] I love you too, Marty
[02:57] > Marty D (Casual) holds the door for her.
[02:57] > Celestite Detroit (Casual) walks in, looking a little less worried
[02:58] <-- Marty D (Casual) [Techwiz@hogwarts.edu] has left #reddwarfevents (Love is the greatest magic.)
[02:58] <-- Celestite Detroit (Casual) [CrystalGirl@dimensionzero.cc] has left #reddwarfevents (Women will rule this universe one day, and I will be thier leader. ^_~)
[00:00] >>> Sunday Nov 14 2010 <<<
[14:48] > @The Server has changed the channel password.
[14:49] ➣ Opening - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UlkN58iORYE
[14:51] ➣ Usagi: "MINAKO ON FIRE! I WILL BE A BRIDE!"
[14:52] ➣ a Tokyo shopping center on a sunday afternoon and the crowds are just as busy as always. Bobbing through the crowd, however, is a rather genki woman, followed by a man carrying a pile of boxes
[14:52] --> Katori Kaioh (Casual) [blueboy@seapalace.nep.co] has joined #reddwarfevents
[14:52] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Katori Kaioh (Casual)
[14:52] --> Minako Aino [SoldierOfLove@Venus.net] has joined #reddwarfevents
[14:52] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Minako Aino
[14:52] [Katori Kaioh (Casual)] Mina...do you really need all this?
[14:52] [Minako Aino] ♬ La lala lala la. ♭
[14:53] [Katori Kaioh (Casual)] I mean...you already have five pairs of shoes
[14:54] ➣ a woman bumps into Minako, dropping her own boxes
[14:54] [Minako Aino] Ne.. is it too much? Sorry, but I came for the one dress, and the other one was soooo cute and it was on sale so I couldn't just let it go.. then I needed matching shoes for both.. and I just KNOW I'll find a good purpose for those boots.
[14:54] [~Woman (Casual)] oh!!! oh dear oh dear oh dear!
[14:54] [Minako Aino] o_o ga.. gomennasai!
[14:54] > Minako Aino bows frantically.
[14:55] [~Woman (Casual)] NO NO I'M SORRY SORRY SORRY
[14:55] > ~Woman (Casual) bows just as frantically
[14:55] > Minako Aino kneels and helps her gather them up.
[14:55] [Katori Kaioh (Casual)] Mina..what's going on..I can't see anything
[14:55] [Minako Aino] Its okay Kato, Just a moment.
[14:55] ➣ as Minako picks up the boxes....it is noticable that all of them are from various bridal shops
[14:56] > Minako Aino blinks. o.o
[14:56] [Minako Aino] Hey.. where were you shopping?
[14:58] [~Woman (Casual)] oh um....the Rose Wedding shops...*blushes*...
[14:58] > Minako Aino gives a wide grin, her eyes shifting to Katori.
[14:58] > Minako Aino whispers to the woman.
[14:58] > Katori Kaioh (Casual) is starting to lose his balance
[14:58] [Minako Aino] There anything good left? A sale?
[15:00] [~Woman (Casual)] I suppose...*looks a bit upset*
[15:00] > ~Woman (Casual) is looking at her boxes
[15:00] [Minako Aino] Um... Kato, take ten. Theres something I want to go see.
[15:00] > Katori Kaioh (Casual) has fallen over
[15:00] > Minako Aino hands them all back to her and zips off.
[15:01] > ~Woman (Casual) glumly picks up her boxes...
[15:01] > ~Woman (Casual) follows after minako
[15:02] ➣ the Rose Wedding Shop is a white building....in front of the glass are rows of wedding dresses...the woman stares at them glumly
[15:02] [Minako Aino] ♬ ♡ ~ ♫ <3 ! ♭
[15:03] > ~Woman (Casual) looks at her pile of boxes....and walks into building......
[15:03] > Minako Aino stops at the window, looking in with wide eyed excitement.
[15:03] [Minako Aino] ❧ Sugoi! ❧
[15:03] > ~Woman (Casual) puts the boxes down and goes behind the counter..putting on a name tag
[15:03] > Minako Aino notices the woman. "Ne, Daijoubu?"
[15:03] > ~Woman (Casual) is staring at the wedding dresses
[15:04] [~Woman (Casual)] ..oh..can I help you?
[15:04] [Minako Aino] Ohh.. you work here! I'm sorry, I would have offered to help you carry those..
[15:05] [~Woman (Casual)] ..that's fine...
[15:05] > ~Woman (Casual) is staring at the dresses...
[15:05] ➣ BGM --> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VE4arYwHqmM&feature=related
[15:05] [Minako Aino] Well, I'm getting a liiiiiittle ahead of myself... But I want to be prepared! I want to marry that man who I was just with.. and money is no.. well, ALMOST no object. I'm not sure if I want white or yellow..
[15:05] > ~Woman (Casual) just sighs...
[15:06] [~Woman (Casual)] huh..oh..oh alright
[15:06] > ~Woman (Casual) pushes forward a book of wedding dresses "..take a look in here and tell me what you wish to see and I'll grab it.."
[15:08] [Minako Aino] Moh, are you alright?
[15:08] [~Woman (Casual)] ...I wish I could become a bride....
[15:10] > ~Woman (Casual) watches a man walk by..and blushes
[15:10] [~Woman (Casual)] oh..have you found what you're looking for...
[15:11] > ~Woman (Casual) gives a sad smile to minako
[15:12] [Minako Aino] Mm... not yet.. but it looks like you have. ♡
[15:12] > Minako Aino reads the woman's name tag.
[15:13] ➣ the woman's name tag says Miyako
[15:15] [~Miyako (Casual)] huh what?
[15:15] [Minako Aino] Miyako-san.... I ~know~ that look. *whispers* You may not believe it.. but I'm the goddess of love. ^_^
[15:15] [Minako Aino] ❧ And I saw how you looked at that cute guy. ❧
[15:16] > ~Miyako (Casual) blushes..and looks down
[15:16] [~Miyako (Casual)] ....I always want to say something to him...but...I never have the courage to...
[15:17] [~Miyako (Casual)] ...I don't even know if he likes me...
[15:17] [Minako Aino] Thats where ~I~ come in. ^_^ How about I introduce you and I promise you at least one good date, and you sllllip me a little discount.
[15:18] [~Miyako (Casual)] um ok.....
[15:18] [Minako Aino] Know his name?
[15:19] [~Miyako (Casual)] ...t...taro
[15:19] [~Miyako (Casual)] ...he works at the coffee shop...
[15:20] > Minako Aino skips out of the shop and starts taling Taro. ^_^
[15:20] ➣ as Minako skips out....a figure in the shadows grins...and tosses a dark orb.....
[15:21] ➣ EYECATCH
[15:21] ➣ EYECATCH
[15:21] > ~Miyako (Casual) stands in front of the shop...looking very nervious
[15:22] [~Miyako (Casual)] >.> <.<
[15:23] > Minako Aino is standing outside the coffee shop, thinking of a gameplan.
[15:23] > ~Taro (Casual) stands behind the coffee shop table...working an expresso machine
[15:24] > Minako Aino enters.
[15:24] [~Taro (Casual)] afternoon..can I help you, miss?
[15:25] [Minako Aino] Yes. One small espresso please. I just need a pick me up while I shop.
[15:25] > Minako Aino sits down, looking happy and bright-eyed.
[15:25] [~Taro (Casual)] alright
[15:25] > ~Taro (Casual) starts to work on the expresso
[15:27] [Minako Aino] Been working around here long, Taro-kun?
[15:27] [~Taro (Casual)] off and on yes
[15:27] [Minako Aino] Handsome guy like you, bet you get lots of ladies in here flirting with you over their coffee.
[15:28] [~Taro (Casual)] heh I don't know about that
[15:29] > Minako Aino grins a little.
[15:29] [Minako Aino] What would you say if I told you I knew exactly where there was a cute girl who would be perfect for you?
[15:30] [~Taro (Casual)] here is your espresso, miss *puts it on the table*
[15:30] [~Taro (Casual)] heh what are you a match maker?
[15:30] [Minako Aino] Not just any matchmaker... but yes, I am. ^_^
[15:31] [~Taro (Casual)] so who is this girl?
[15:34] [Minako Aino] Works at the bridal shop. Always a bride's maid, never a bride.. names Miyako. And I can tell you, if you go see her after work bring her some roses, and ask her out, she'll be putty in your hands to ask out on a date.
[15:35] [~Taro (Casual)] yeah I've seen her *blushes*....
[15:35] > Minako Aino smiles at him, a somewhat knowing smile.
[15:35] ➣ there is suddenly the sound of a scream
[15:36] [~Taro (Casual)] !?!
[15:36] > Minako Aino turns to face the sound.
[15:36] [~Taro (Casual)] what was that???
[15:37] > Minako Aino , in one fast motion, shoots the coffee, leaves a few coins on the table, and books out the door.
[15:37] ➣ Miyako can suddenly be seen backing away.....as a dark light issues from her shop...
[15:37] [Minako Aino] Oh no.. Miyako!
[15:38] > Minako Aino looks around frantically for an alley, and books for it.
[15:39] [Minako Aino] Venus Crystal Power! Make up!
[15:39] > Minako Aino has transformed into Eternal Sailor Venus
[15:39] ➣ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_QPIiQnMa3s
[15:40] ➣ Miyako whimpers as the dark energy forms and explodes..revealing a female creature in a black wedding dress..with a rose head
[15:40] [~Miyako (Casual)] wha...wha..what's going on
[15:41] > Eternal Sailor Venus is on the rooftop, watching, and gasps as she is enveloped.
[15:41] [Eternal Sailor Venus] Oh no.. Miyako-chan...
[15:42] [~Beastroyal] BEASTROYAAAAAL...
[15:42] > ~Miyako (Casual) tries to back away....
[15:42] [Eternal Sailor Venus] Venus ♡ Love and Beauty Shock!
[15:43] > Eternal Sailor Venus blasts the creature with a wave of gold energy hearts.
[15:43] > ~Beastroyal is hit by the attack..and looks up....
[15:43] [~Miyako (Casual)] !?!?!
[15:44] [Eternal Sailor Venus] As the goddess of love, I cannot stand idly by as evil attempts to take an innocent maiden with love in her heart and a cute boy on her mind! Beautiful Soldier, Sailor Venus! In the name of Venus, I will bring the wrath of love upon you!
[15:44] > ~Beastroyal turns away..ignoring minako oddly..and grabs Miyako by the neck
[15:44] > Eternal Sailor Venus jumps from the rooftop, aiming a kick at the monster.
[15:44] > ~Beastroyal holds up one hand that is in the shape of a bouqet..and starts to suck some sort of black substance out of miyako's eyes
[15:44] [Eternal Sailor Venus] KYAA!
[15:45] > ~Beastroyal is knocked to the side...the black energy returning into Miyako
[15:45] > ~Taro (Casual) runs over to Miyako's side "miyako!"
[15:45] [~Miyako (Casual)] t..taro...
[15:46] > Eternal Sailor Venus summons up her winding gold chain around her.
[15:46] [Eternal Sailor Venus] Venus ♡ Love me CHAIN!
[15:46] > Eternal Sailor Venus fires the chain at the Beastroyal.
[15:47] > ~Beastroyal is wrapped around by the chain...and shatters it
[15:47] [Eternal Sailor Venus] O_O
[15:47] > ~Beastroyal lifts up it's bouqet arm..and fires a blast of burning rose petals at Venus
[15:48] > Eternal Sailor Venus starts to jump, but gets knocked back by the blast.
[15:49] > ~Beastroyal doesn't pause..and sends lace ribbons at Venus...wrapping it around her
[15:49] > Eternal Sailor Venus staggers to her feet, some distance away, her body and fuku showing some wear and tear.
[15:49] ➣ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PXzNiX3Z0hE&feature=related battle theme
[15:49] > Eternal Sailor Venus grunts and struggles in the ribbons.
[15:50] [Eternal Sailor Venus] You... you're the thing that got Sailor Moon..
[15:50] > ~Beastroyal squeezes....and starts to drain Venus's energy
[15:50] > Eternal Sailor Venus looks angry for a moment, before giving a high, agonized scream.
[15:51] > Eternal Sailor Venus has transformed into Super Sailor Venus
[15:51] > Super Sailor Venus thrashes in the ribbons, despirate to escape.
[15:51] > ~Beastroyal stands there..making a high pitch chuckle.....as it continues to drain
[15:52] [Super Sailor Venus] Won't.... let... you...
[15:53] > Super Sailor Venus throws herself into a wall in hope of breaking free, but only manages to fall through some trash cans.
[15:53] > Super Sailor Venus has transformed into Sailor Venus
[15:53] > ~Beastroyal continues to drain venus's energies
[15:53] > ~Beastroyal flings Sailor Venus into a wall
[15:54] > Sailor Venus cries out in pain, helpless.
[15:54] > ~Beastroyal approches venus..holding out it's bouquet arm to fire at her....
[15:54] > Sailor Venus looks at the monster, hatred blazing through her blue eyes.
[15:54] [~???] that's enough....
[15:55] ➣ a figure stands in the sunlight...female..but it's hard to see who or what it is due to the light behind her
[15:55] [~???] she is not our target....
[15:56] [~???] ...we must continue our misson for the mistress...
[15:56] > ~Beastroyal nods and turns to leave...
[15:56] > Sailor Venus struggles, focring her hand to her tiara, creating the double crescent moon.
[15:56] [Sailor Venus] Cresent BEAAMM!
[15:57] > Sailor Venus shoots the golden ray of light what appears to the the beastroyal's head.
[15:57] > ~Beastroyal turns....and is shot through the jewel in the middle of it's rose head..which shatters...
[15:58] ➣ Beastroyal screams....and explodes in a burst of black smoke....leaving behind a small black stone which turns grey...and then turns to dust
[15:58] [~???] hmph...
[15:58] > ~??? vanishes
[15:58] > Sailor Venus struggles to her feet, trembling and shrugging off the decaying ribbons.
[15:58] > ~Taro (Casual) is attending to Miyako..who wakes
[15:58] [Sailor Venus] ...what have I done...
[15:59] [~Miyako] ..oh...Taro! *hugs him tightly, who returns the hug..neither noticing venus*
[15:59] > Sailor Venus looks down at her simpler fuku that she hasnt worn for over a decade.
[16:00] > Sailor Venus sighs, and looks at the couple, forcing a smile.
[16:00] ➣ fade out to Taro and Miyako hugging
[16:01] ➣ Ending Theme ---> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ReWSLKV40BY
[16:01] ➣ End of Episode 2
[16:06] > @The Server has cleared the channel password.
[00:00] >>> Monday Nov 15 2010 <<<
[02:26] ➣ In the familiar luxury bathroom in their castle, a lone cat man relaxes in his large, foamy, steaming bathtub.
[02:26] --> Marty D [Techwiz@hogwarts.edu] has joined #reddwarfevents
[02:26] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Marty D
[02:27] [Marty D] ♬ ~ ♫ ~ ♭
[02:27] --> Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) [ElvenMaid@quinox.gov] has joined #reddwarfevents
[02:27] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)
[02:27] [Marty D] Mmm... wondered if you were coming.
[02:27] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) walks in carrying a towel
[02:28] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] My apologizies Master. I didn't mean to take so long.
[02:28] [Marty D] mmm... I'll forgive you, since I have something rather important to discuss.
[02:29] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) sits in a seat near the tub.
[02:29] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] Did I.... do something to displease you?
[02:29] > Marty D takes a few breaths, then submerges himself for a few seconds, coming up with soaked hair.
[02:29] [Marty D] *phhwaahh* Oh no, not at all dear. Not you.
[02:31] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] Then, what is bothering you, Master?
[02:32] [Marty D] Start on my hair first, dear.
[02:33] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] Yes, Master.
[02:33] [Marty D] Um.. did you close the door on the way in?
[02:33] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] Yes Master
[02:34] > Marty D nods a little.
[02:34] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) picks up a bottle of shampoo and kneels behind Marty's head
[02:37] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) squeezes some of the shampoo onto Marty's hair, massaging it into his hair, lightly scratching his scalp
[02:38] > Marty D closes his eyes and groans a little, which soon becomes a happy purr. His wet tail sways a little behind him, just above the water, brushing Daphne's arms.
[02:39] [Marty D] Mmmm... Daphne, you should know by now that I like you, and that I feel you do an excelent job in all your services.
[02:39] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) giggles at Marty's tailpulling one hand back and soaping up his tail.
[02:39] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] I do, Master.
[02:40] [Marty D] You've sworn total obedience to me, even though I've poked holes in what you're ~really~ willing to do. =^_^= I know that in essentials, I can count on you.
[02:41] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] Indeed, Master
[02:41] [Marty D] Answer me truthfully, Daphne. If the kingdom fell, and you no longer really had anyone to work for.. Do you think that loyalty would last? Even for a short time?
[02:41] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) starts to focus around and on Marty's ears
[02:42] > Marty D lets a louder purr escape between his sentences.
[02:42] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] I would follow you anywhere you went, Master.....
[02:43] [Marty D] I have two requests to make of you, which I hope you will never have to fulfill..
[02:43] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] What are they, Master?
[02:44] [Marty D] Should under any circumstance, no matter why or how, I become captured or incarcerated... will you swear to do all in your power to liberate me?
[02:45] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] Of course, Master.