[20:45] >>> Sunday Mar 07 2010 – Automatic reset triggered – Logging Start <<<
[20:45] ➣ RD hallway
[20:46] --> Haruka Tenou [KingofHeaven@Uranus.net] has joined #reddwarfevents
[20:46] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Haruka Tenou
[20:46] > Haruka Tenou has her face to a wall
[20:47] --> Vanadine [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has joined #reddwarfevents
[20:47] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Vanadine
[20:47] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Vanadine
[20:47] [+Vanadine] Haruka!
[20:48] > Haruka Tenou stays still
[20:48] > +Vanadine walks up behind Haruka: I know how you are, Haruka...
[20:49] [Haruka Tenou] really? *haruka's voice slightly cracks*
[20:50] [+Vanadine] Yeah.... the reason you just left is because you didn't want to show them you're hurting....
[20:50] > +Vanadine looks a little upset: But I'll be damned if you shut ME out...
[20:51] > Haruka Tenou turns around...her eyes are a bit watered..but she's trying to keep a strong face "sorry about that"
[20:53] > +Vanadine sighs a little: it's alright Haruka..... What's bothering you?
[20:53] [Haruka Tenou] just difficult
[20:53] [Haruka Tenou] ...I miss her
[20:54] [+Vanadine] But, Hotaru lives with you.... how can you miss her?
[20:54] [Haruka Tenou] she's away most of the time
[20:54] [Haruka Tenou] working with galaxia..
[20:56] > Haruka Tenou leans against the wall
[20:59] [+Vanadine] I see, well I can kinda' understand....
[20:59] [+Vanadine] That happened recently with Matsumi.... she just kinda' vanished for a while.
[21:00] > Haruka Tenou tries to wipe her eyes
[21:00] [Haruka Tenou] heh..I'm getting soft
[21:00] [+Vanadine] Nah...
[21:01] > +Vanadine gentaly wipes Haruka's face
[21:02] [+Vanadine] You're just growing up :P
[21:03] [+Vanadine] I was the same way too... till I met Matsumi.... then Hideki.... and Candy and the kids.
[21:03] [Haruka Tenou] I'm older then you, red head
[21:03] [+Vanadine] Hey.... doesn't mean you didn't take longer to "grow up" then I did, blondie.
[21:04] [+Vanadine] You're not getting soft
[21:05] [Haruka Tenou] you know...matsumi once told me....
[21:05] [Haruka Tenou] we outers....we're not friends...we're a family
[21:06] [Haruka Tenou] I guess I belive in that
[21:11] [Haruka Tenou] hear kaede wants to throw us a party
[21:11] [+Vanadine] Ahh
[21:12] [+Vanadine] That sounds like fun
[21:13] [Haruka Tenou] sorry to drag you away from the fun, red
[21:15] [+Vanadine] Hey... I had to check on a friend.
[21:16] > +Vanadine smiles at Haruka
[21:17] > Haruka Tenou pats vana on the back..hard
[21:20] [Haruka Tenou] should we rejoin the others?
[21:21] [+Vanadine] You go on, I gotta' take care of something at home.
[21:25] [+Vanadine] I'll tell Matsumi about that party.
[21:25] [Haruka Tenou] do that for me
[21:25] [Haruka Tenou] seeya
[21:25] <-- +Vanadine [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has left #reddwarfevents (I bet she'd have fun with you girls.)
[21:26] <-- Haruka Tenou [KingofHeaven@Uranus.net] has left #reddwarfevents (think I'll go home to michiru)
[22:18] ➣ Mess Hall
[22:18] --> Nephrite [FormerGeneral@DarkKingdom.net] has joined #reddwarfevents
[22:18] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Nephrite
[22:20] --> Naftis Katheti (Robe) has joined #reddwarfevents
[22:20] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Naftis Katheti (Robe)
[22:21] > Naftis Katheti (Robe) enters and begins to forage in the cabinets.
[22:21] [Nephrite] Hello Naftis
[22:21] > Nephrite walks out from the back
[22:21] [Naftis Katheti (Robe)] Mmm?
[22:22] > Naftis Katheti (Robe) turns, pulling out a box of cookies.
[22:22] [Naftis Katheti (Robe)] Ohh.. Hello. ^_^;
[22:22] > Naftis Katheti (Robe) fiddles with her belt, tightening it, then opens te cookies.
[22:22] [Nephrite] How are you? I haven't seen you since the other night.
[22:23] [Naftis Katheti (Robe)] Ohh, good. Keeping busy, you know. You?
[22:24] [Nephrite] Not too bad, doing the same for the most part.
[22:25] > Naftis Katheti (Robe) eats a cookie, leaving an awkward silence.
[22:26] [Nephrite] How are you feeling after the other night?
[22:26] [Naftis Katheti (Robe)] I... I think so... Really, I don't know WHAT to think...
[22:27] > Naftis Katheti (Robe) blushes and looks at the floor.
[22:28] > Nephrite walks over to Nafis
[22:28] [Nephrite] ^Naftis
[22:29] > Naftis Katheti (Robe) sighs.
[22:30] [Nephrite] Well.... what did you feel?
[22:32] [Naftis Katheti (Robe)] A little happy that a man took interest in me.. empathy, given our troubled pasts. A litle confusion as to if I thought it could go somewhere, with you having the other relationship.. the pain and pleasure of the act itself..
[22:35] > Nephrite suddenly wraps his arms around Naftis
[22:36] [Nephrite] I'm sure that there are few men who WOULDN'T take an interest in you, if they took the time to get to know it.
[22:39] [Naftis Katheti (Robe)] Well, I'm just used to them kissing my boots, not being equals with me..
[22:39] [Naftis Katheti (Robe)] But thank you for the compliment.
[22:41] > Nephrite kisses her on the forehead and smiles
[22:41] > Naftis Katheti (Robe) smiles. ^_^
[22:42] [Naftis Katheti (Robe)] I confess.. I would not mind getting to know you a little better.
[22:42] [Nephrite] Well then, we should do that.....
[22:42] [Nephrite] How about tomorrow night, you and I go out for dinner?
[22:44] [Naftis Katheti (Robe)] Mm... I suppose I can put off my next expidition for a day.. but Nephrite, understand, my mission comes first. I can procrastinate a little, but I have a lot to do, and I'll need to be away days at a time, and that may get longer as I get deeper into the Galaxy.
[22:45] [Nephrite] Trust me, noone understands being busy with work then I do Naftis. Perhaps I could even help. I have quite a few connections in the business I'm in.
[22:46] [Naftis Katheti (Robe)] No offense, but I doubt your business connections can help much with what I need to do and where I need to go.. Althouuuugh....
[22:48] [Nephrite] Yes?
[22:48] [Naftis Katheti (Robe)] I could certainly use as many peace offerings as I can get.. You know people who are into lots of goods like clothing and shoes and things the average Earth woman goes crazy for, aren't you?
[22:49] [Nephrite] Indeed I am.
[22:51] [Naftis Katheti (Robe)] I could use whatever you could get, bulk quantities or high-end.. I have many senshi to appeal to, and those such things have a nearly universal appeal.
[22:52] [Nephrite] I will do what I can to help.
[22:54] [Nephrite] In fact..... I may be able to help a lot.
[22:55] [Nephrite] Provided you don't mind me using your name.
[22:55] [Naftis Katheti (Robe)] Thats great!
[22:55] > Naftis Katheti (Robe) turns, wrapping her arms around him, and kisses him.
[22:56] > Nephrite is caught a little by surprise for a moment, but holds Naftis and kisses her back
[22:56] [Naftis Katheti (Robe)] ❧ ♡ ❧
[22:58] > Nephrite slowly breaks the kiss and smiles
[22:58] [Nephrite] ❧ Well now.... I wasn't expecting that.... but it was quite pleasent. ❧
[23:00] [Naftis Katheti (Robe)] What were you expecting? Smack to the face?
[23:01] [Nephrite] Well no, of course not. But I wasn't expecting you to lay a kiss on me like that. I'm not complaining though. ^_~
[23:01] [Naftis Katheti (Robe)] ...cus I can do that too, if you're into that kinda thing. ^_~
[23:02] [Nephrite] No no.... I'm not big on the pain inside pleasure thing.
[23:03] [Naftis Katheti (Robe)] Ahh... I just knew some who were. ^_^ In any case, it felt right, since you said you'd help me.
[23:05] [Nephrite] You're a very sweet woman Naftis...... I bet you'd make some lucky man extremely happy.
[23:05] [Naftis Katheti (Robe)] I'd probably be pretty good at it ^_^ Given all of my experience <_<
[23:05] [Naftis Katheti (Robe)] Ya really think so? >_>
[23:05] [Nephrite] I do
[23:07] [Naftis Katheti (Robe)] Well.. I can't afford to let myself be tied down.. but maybe someone out there can understand that, or come with me.
[23:08] [Nephrite] Perhaps so.
[23:11] [Nephrite] So, mind sharing those cookies with me?
[23:11] > Naftis Katheti (Robe) smiles and offers them.
[23:12] [Naftis Katheti (Robe)] So then... SOME lucky guy?
[23:12] > Nephrite takes one and grins, eating
[23:12] [Nephrite] Well, right now I concider MYSELF pretty lucky.
[23:14] [Naftis Katheti (Robe)] So then.. the other night... was just play?
[23:15] [Nephrite] Nonsense. I was helping someone I concider a close friend, relax after a stressful day.
[23:15] [Naftis Katheti (Robe)] I see..
[23:16] > Nephrite finishes his cookie
[23:17] [Nephrite] I concider you and I to be kindred spirits.
[23:18] [Nephrite] So I will help you any and every way I can. Weither it's business or personal.
[23:18] > Naftis Katheti (Robe) eats another, thinking.
[23:22] [Nephrite] What're you thinking?
[23:22] > Nephrite sits at a table.
[23:22] [Naftis Katheti (Robe)] You almost imply that it was a chore to take me~
[23:23] [Nephrite] Never....
[23:24] [Nephrite] .... it was a pleasure and an honor to share that moment with you Naftis.
[23:24] > Naftis Katheti (Robe) smiles, chuckling silently, and blushing.
[23:26] [Nephrite] I'm sorry if what I'm saying is coming off the wrong way.
[23:28] [Naftis Katheti (Robe)] Well, not really.. I never knew love in my home world... I was raised without it, and I've known thousands of different takes on how love and sex should be used.
[23:29] [Nephrite] Which is your favorite?
[23:29] > Nephrite takes another cookie, eating.
[23:30] [Naftis Katheti (Robe)] My.. favorite?
[23:31] [Naftis Katheti (Robe)] I don't know.. Its all very new to me.. and it all feels undeserved.
[23:34] [Nephrite] You've done so much work.... you definately deserve it.
[23:35] > Naftis Katheti (Robe) curls her lip and shakes her head.
[23:35] [Naftis Katheti (Robe)] No,... no, it doesn't work like that.
[23:36] [Naftis Katheti (Robe)] I work to redeem myself, not out of charity..
[23:41] [Nephrite] Still....
[23:41] [Nephrite] ...your hard work should be rewarded
[23:42] [Naftis Katheti (Robe)] Well, I disagree, but won't stop you.
[23:43] [Nephrite] Either way. Everyone deserves to cut loose and feel good every so often
[23:43] [Nephrite] Even you
[23:45] [Naftis Katheti (Robe)] You are too kind. ^^
[23:46] > Naftis Katheti (Robe) realizes she's still wrapped around Nephrite. o.o and peels herself off.
[23:46] > Nephrite chuckles
[23:49] [Nephrite] You were enjoying that more then you thought, weren't you? ^_~
[23:50] > Naftis Katheti (Robe) laughs a little, nervously.
[23:53] > Naftis Katheti (Robe) smiles, looking down and twisting her feet.
[23:53] [Naftis Katheti (Robe)] So.. what's your place like?
[23:54] > Nephrite stands, "Would you like to come over and find out?"
[23:54] > Naftis Katheti (Robe) looks up and offers her hand.
[23:56] > Nephrite takes her hand with a smile and leads the way
[23:57] <-- Nephrite [FormerGeneral@DarkKingdom.net] has left #reddwarfevents (I'll give you the grand tour.)
[23:57] <-- Naftis Katheti (Robe) has left #reddwarfevents (I'm sure~)
[00:00] >>> Wednesday Mar 10 2010 <<<
[00:14] ➣ Nall and Neva's home
[00:14] --> Neva [BHunterCat@SystemNova.com] has joined #reddwarfevents
[00:14] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Neva
[00:14] --> Lucinda Noa [Goddess@Lunar.gov] has joined #reddwarfevents
[00:14] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Lucinda Noa
[00:14] [Neva] hm..
[00:15] > Lucinda Noa is wearing a very regal looking dress in dark blue as she walks up, ringing the bell on the door.
[00:15] [Neva] finally...
[00:15] > Neva walks over and opens the door "Nall dear..it's been getting late and..."
[00:16] > Lucinda Noa smiles softly| Hello.... I'm looking for Nall, does he live here?
[00:17] [Neva] um..yes....and who is asking?
[00:18] [Lucinda Noa] My name is Lucinda Noa.... I am the goddess of the planet Lunar. I've been looking for Nall for the past few days....
[00:18] [Neva] .......
[00:18] [Neva] what do you want with my husband
[00:19] [Lucinda Noa] May I please come in? I would be happy to explain everything.
[00:20] [Neva] um yes...please be quiet....I don't want to wake the children
[00:21] [Lucinda Noa] I see....... you have children as well....
[00:21] > Lucinda Noa quietly walks in, looking around
[00:22] [Neva] yes..we have three
[00:23] ➣ the living room is rather comfertibly built for being built into a hill...there are sofas and chairs and such
[00:25] > Lucinda Noa sits on one of the chairs
[00:26] [Neva] so..you know my husband then
[00:27] [Lucinda Noa] Well.... I know OF him. I have yet to meet him personally.
[00:27] [Lucinda Noa] All I really know are the legends about him and his kind on our planet.
[00:27] [Neva] I see..
[00:28] [Neva] do you want anything to eat?
[00:28] [Lucinda Noa] No, thank you
[00:29] [Lucinda Noa] You see, on our planet..... there's an all powerful goddess, Althena, who's reborn every 100 years or so, unless somehow her life is unnaturally shortened. I am the fourth incarnation of said goddess.
[00:31] [Neva] alright..
[00:32] [Lucinda Noa] The only problem is, that the power of the goddess is sealed away by the four dragons who live on our planet. They are Black, Blue, Red and White.
[00:32] [Neva] ......
[00:32] [Neva] and my husband is one of these then
[00:33] > Lucinda Noa nods| He is the second white dragon......
[00:34] [Neva] .......
[00:34] [Neva] you're not going to harm him, are you?
[00:34] [Neva] cause if you are...
[00:34] [Lucinda Noa] No no, I wouldn't dream of it...!
[00:35] [Lucinda Noa] Though.... there is something I need to do....
[00:36] [Neva] ...what
[00:37] > Lucinda Noa looks down| I need to bring him back to my planet...... to preform the goddess ritual.
[00:38] [Neva] ...........
[00:38] [Neva] ..how long would this take...
[00:39] [Lucinda Noa] That depends on the Dragonmaster.....
[00:39] [Lucinda Noa] Though I know this.... if I don't get him back to my planet within the next 3 days....
[00:39] [Lucinda Noa] .... I'll be the only one left on my planet.
[00:39] [Lucinda Noa] ^from
[00:40] [Neva] ...I see..
[00:40] [Neva] I will need to talk to him...
[00:41] [Neva] ...but if he does go
[00:41] [Neva] ..promise me he will return...on your life
[00:42] [Lucinda Noa] Well.... that's one promise I'll probably be abel to keep....
[00:42] [Lucinda Noa] ... because if something were to happen that resulted in his death...... I would most likely die as well.
[00:43] [Neva] I don't want to raise our children without their father
[00:45] [Lucinda Noa] I understand...... that is why it's become increasingly difficult to ask you for this. I did not know Nall would have a wife and children....
[00:45] > Lucinda Noa stands| Thank you for your time. I will return tomorrow.
[00:45] [Neva] he's a very good man
[00:45] > Neva nods
[00:46] > Lucinda Noa nods with a smile| I don't doubt that in the least.
[00:46] <-- Lucinda Noa [Goddess@Lunar.gov] has left #reddwarfevents (I just hope my world can be saved.)
[00:47] [Neva] *sigh*
[00:47] <-- Neva [BHunterCat@SystemNova.com] has left #reddwarfevents (oh violet...just go back to bed, honey)
[00:00] >>> Sunday Mar 14 2010 <<<
[20:37] ➣ The Sakazaki home
[20:37] --> Nall [WhiteDragon@SilverStar.co.lun] has joined #reddwarfevents
[20:37] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Nall
[20:37] --> Neva [BHunterCat@SystemNova.com] has joined #reddwarfevents
[20:37] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Neva
[20:38] > Nall walks into his workshop, grabbing a case and packing various items
[20:39] [Neva] ...Nall
[20:39] [Nall] What is it?
[20:39] [Neva] ....I'm just a little afraid, dear
[20:40] [Nall] I know..... I'm a little scared too.... but that's what makes this so exciting.
[20:40] [Neva] ...are you going to say goodbye to the children before you go?
[20:41] [Nall] Of course I will..... I could never just leave my little ones for this long without reassuring them I'm coming back....
[20:42] [Nall] .... I kinda' wish I didn't have to leave tonight though.
[20:43] > Neva walks up to Nall and hugs him tightly
[20:43] > Nall hugs Neva back, holding her as close as he can.
[20:44] [Neva] I wish you didn't have to go T_T
[20:45] [Nall] I know..... but I can't pass up this oppertunity.....
[20:45] [Neva] I know..I know
[20:45] [Nall] ....I'm finally going to find out about my past. Where I come from, who I am, WHAT I am.
[20:46] [Neva] ...just don't forget about your family
[20:46] > Nall smiles at Neva| How could I do that....?
[20:47] [Neva] I know..I'm just...afraid
[20:47] [Neva] that you will go there..and never want to come back
[20:47] [Nall] You're the greatest thing to ever happen to me...... and no matter what I invent, our children are my greatest achievements.
[20:48] [Nall] If I were to decide not to come back here.... I would make sure to grab you and the kids and bring you wherever I am.
[20:48] > Neva hugs nall super tight..trying not to cry
[20:49] > Nall holds Neva with one arm, lightly stroking her hair and ears with the other
[20:51] [Nall] My family is everything I am.... nothing could make me want to give you up.
[20:54] > Neva sniffles and looks at Nall and nods
[20:55] > Nall kisses Neva, holding her close
[20:56] > Neva returns the kiss fully
[20:58] > Nall slowly breaks the kiss with a smile| Don't you worry.... I'm coming back to you.
[21:02] [Neva] please do...
[21:03] [Nall] Hopefully, I'll find or make a way to communicate with you while I'm there.....
[21:04] > Nall reluctantly lets her go, putting a few more items in his case before closing it.
[21:07] [Nall] I have less then an hour before Lucinda comes to take me to Lunar. I need to go say bye to the kids.
[21:07] [Neva] ...yes
[21:07] [Neva] ..alright dear..
[21:08] [Nall] I'm going to have Lucinda get me some clothes when I get to Lunar
[21:08] > Nall picks up his case, walking out of his workshop, locking the door as Neva leaves.
[21:11] > Nall walks to Violet's room
[21:11] > Neva tries to keep her eyes dry
[21:11] --> Violet has joined #reddwarfevents
[21:11] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Violet
[21:12] > Violet is playing with a doll, pretending it's fixing something
[21:12] [Nall] Violet....
[21:12] > Nall sets his case down and walks in
[21:13] [Violet] hi papa!!!
[21:13] > Violet smiles to him and stands
[21:14] > Nall kneels| Come here Violet.
[21:14] > Neva leans against the doorframe
[21:14] > Violet skips over to nall and looks at him "papa? something wrong?"
[21:16] [Nall] Just that I have to go away for a little while.
[21:17] [Violet] where????
[21:19] [Nall] Somewhere far away, a place called Lunar.
[21:19] [Violet] can I come???
[21:19] [Nall] I'm going to help a very nice lady.
[21:19] [Nall] No, sweety..... I can't take you with me.
[21:21] [Violet] but...but..but
[21:21] > Neva looks quietly at this
[21:21] > Nall smiles, trying not to break down
[21:22] [Nall] I'm sorry.... but I have to go by myself. I can't take anyone with me.
[21:22] > Violet 's lower lip trembles a bit
[21:22] > Nall reaches out and hugs his daughter
[21:24] > Violet hugs her papa tightly
[21:25] [Violet] gonna be back?
[21:25] [Nall] Yes.... but I'm not sure when.
[21:26] [Nall] Until I come back, you have to promise me something.
[21:26] [Violet] ???
[21:29] [Nall] No going into my workshop and help take care of our family, ok?
[21:29] [Nall] You help your mama whenever she askes and watch over your little brother and sister.
[21:29] [Violet] ok papa
[21:31] > Violet tries to look brave and nods "I'm a big girl!"
[21:31] > Nall lets go of Violet and kisses her forehead.
[21:31] [Nall] Yes you are, my apprentice. I promise to teach you more when I get back.
[21:32] [Violet] love you papa!
[21:33] [Nall] I love you too Violet. You be good while papa's gone, ok?
[21:34] > Violet nods nods, holding her doll
[21:35] > Nall nods with a smile, standing and picking up his case, heading out and down the hall.
[21:36] <-- Violet has left #reddwarfevents
[21:36] > Neva follows Nall
[21:39] > Nall walks into the nursery, setting his case down again.
[21:39] > Neva smiles a bit
[21:40] [Nall] My tiny ones....
[21:41] > Nall walks over to Rose's crib, looking down at her
[21:41] > Rose is asleep in her little pink oneseie..there is a large stuffed animal next to her
[21:42] [Nall] ... my deleciate little Rose.
[21:42] > Nall bends down, kissing Rose on the forehead lightly and puts the stuffed animal in one of her hands.
[21:43] > Rose grips the animal in her little arms..
[21:45] > Neva smiles a bit at this...
[21:46] > Nall smiles, now fighting a case of the sniffles, walking over to Drake's crip
[21:46] [Nall] ^crib
[21:47] > Neva follows him
[21:47] > Mandrake lays there in his crib, his eyes slowly opening as Nall approches
[21:48] [Nall] Aww, my little man... I woke you up
[21:48] > Nall bends down, lifting Drake up and lightly hugging him.
[21:48] > Neva giggles a bit
[21:48] > Mandrake instinctively grabs for his father.
[21:50] [Nall] Papa's going for away for a while, little Drake. You mind your big sisters and your mama.
[21:51] > Mandrake falls asleep in his father's arms, purring lightly
[21:52] > Nall looks at Neva while holding Drake, a single tear rolling down his face| He's purring..... he's never done that before.
[21:52] > Neva smiles a little "....what time for it...huh"
[21:53] > Nall nods a bit, before gently setting him down in his crib, pulling the blanket over him.
[21:54] > Mandrake coos
[21:55] > Nall slowly picks up his case and leaves the nursery, heading for the front room
[21:55] > Neva follows him quietly
[21:55] > Nall sniffles a bit
[21:55] [Nall] I didn't think this was going to be this difficult....
[21:57] > Lucinda Noa rings the bell
[21:58] [Neva] ..I'll get the door
[21:58] > Neva walks over and opens the door
[21:59] [Neva] good evening..
[22:01] [Lucinda Noa] Hello Neva. Has Nall made his decision.
[22:01] [Lucinda Noa] /
[22:01] [Lucinda Noa] ? even
[22:01] [Neva] ..he has
[22:02] > Nall walks in, carrying his case| Hello Lucinda.
[22:02] > Lucinda Noa smiles to them both
[22:03] [Lucinda Noa] I understand this has been a difficult decision
[22:05] [Neva] it has
[22:06] [Nall] Yes.... but it's something that I have to do. Not only for my family and for you, but for myself. I don't know anything about my past before I awoke on earth.
[22:06] > Lucinda Noa nods
[22:07] [Lucinda Noa] I will do anything I can to help you find out about your past Nall.
[22:08] > Nall nods| And in return.... I'll do what I can to help save your world.
[22:08] > Lucinda Noa nods with a smile and turns to Neva
[22:08] [Neva] ...just..bring him back in one piece
[22:09] [Lucinda Noa] You have my word, Neva..... that I will do everything in my power to return him to you unharmed.
[22:11] [Neva] I am putting my trust in you...
[22:11] > Lucinda Noa nods to Neva
[22:13] [Lucinda Noa] We should be going Nall. We have little time to waste.
[22:13] > Lucinda Noa turns to and heads outside.
[22:14] [Neva] ....
[22:15] > Nall walks up and kisses Neva one last time.
[22:16] > Neva returns the kiss, trying not to cry
[22:17] > Nall slowly breaks the kiss, holding back tears himself
[22:17] [Nall] I'm coming back..... I promise.
[22:18] [Neva] I'm sure you will...I'll be waiting for you
[22:20] > Nall nods with a smile before turning and heading out
[22:20] > Lucinda Noa closes the door after Nall walks out
[22:21] [Neva] ...good luck
[22:21] ➣ A bright flash of light shows through the windows just after the door closes.
[22:21] <-- Nall [WhiteDragon@SilverStar.co.lun] has left #reddwarfevents (Time to find out about.... myself.)
[22:21] <-- Lucinda Noa [Goddess@Lunar.gov] has left #reddwarfevents (I hope everyone at home is alright.)
[22:23] [Neva] *sigh*
[22:26] > Neva looks back to the rooms...and starts to walk towards them
[22:26] <-- Neva [BHunterCat@SystemNova.com] has left #reddwarfevents (..I will be strong...nall)
[00:00] >>> Tuesday Mar 16 2010 <<<
[20:07] ➣ The Sakazaki home
[20:07] --> Neva [BHunterCat@SystemNova.com] has joined #reddwarfevents
[20:07] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Neva
[20:08] > Neva is sitting at her desk display..working on some accounting
[20:09] [Neva] darn numbers...pfft
[20:10] > Neva types, frowning
[20:10] --> Alexis Shentara has joined #reddwarfevents
[20:10] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Alexis Shentara
[20:10] > Alexis Shentara rings the doorbell
[20:11] [Neva] coming!
[20:11] > Neva gets up and heads to the door, opening it
[20:11] [Alexis Shentara] Hey there bosslady! What's up?
[20:11] [Neva] oh good...I need your help
[20:12] [Alexis Shentara] Alright, what do you need?
[20:13] --> Violet has joined #reddwarfevents
[20:13] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Violet
[20:13] [Violet] hiiiii, Alexis!!
[20:13] [Neva] look after her while I work
[20:14] [Alexis Shentara] Hello little Violet
[20:14] [Alexis Shentara] Um... sure bosslady
[20:14] [Neva] I need to finish this accounts for you
[20:14] [Violet] look look, alexis!
[20:14] > Violet holds out a little messed up bit of spare circuts and bolts
[20:15] [Alexis Shentara] What is it, Violet?
[20:16] [Violet] it's a thing!
[20:16] [Neva] heh..she's trying to be like her papa.....
[20:16] [Neva] I let her go through his left over bits and pieces..
[20:17] [Alexis Shentara] A thing, eh?
[20:17] [Violet] yup yup!
[20:17] [Alexis Shentara] What does this thing do?
[20:18] [Violet] um..uh....stuff!
[20:19] [Neva] hey, Alexis..do you remember how much your last bounty was?
[20:22] > Violet gives a little dance, chanting "stuff stuff stuff!"
[20:22] [Alexis Shentara] Um....
[20:27] > Neva keeps typing
[20:28] [Alexis Shentara] I think either 950 or 1000. Not a hundred persent sure.
[20:29] [Alexis Shentara] You'd have to ask Taruka about numbers.
[20:29] [Neva] hm ok
[20:30] > Violet tugs on alexis's pants
[20:30] > Alexis Shentara looks down at Violet
[20:30] [Alexis Shentara] What is it kiddo?
[20:31] [Violet] why is your hair so white?
[20:32] > Neva laughs a little
[20:32] [Alexis Shentara] Well.. it's how I was born.
[20:32] > Alexis Shentara looks at Violet
[20:32] ➣ Violet: has short white hair with a green streak through it. Has cat like ears from her mother and her father's eyes.
[20:33] [Alexis Shentara] Yours is pretty white too, except for that little green streak.
[20:35] [Violet] I get it from mama *points to Neva*
[20:35] [Violet] and papa
[20:35] [Alexis Shentara] Ahh.... well my hair comes from my mama too. My eyes are from my papa.
[20:37] [Violet] really...you must have a pretty mama
[20:38] [Alexis Shentara] Yeah....
[20:38] [Neva] grrrr...Tan can be so impatient
[20:39] [Alexis Shentara] What's going on Bosslady
[20:39] [Alexis Shentara] ?
[20:39] [Neva] he wants this report in like..fifteen mins....
[20:39] [Neva] the guy can get so on my nerves
[20:40] [Alexis Shentara] Heh.
[20:41] [Violet] who's Tan?
[20:42] [Alexis Shentara] He's your mommy's boss.
[20:42] [Violet] mama has a boss!? I thought she was the big boss
[20:43] [Alexis Shentara] Well, she's the boss of me and the other three girls. But she has a boss too.
[20:44] [Violet] :O no one can be the boss of mama!!
[20:45] [Alexis Shentara] Sure they can
[20:45] [Violet] why???
[20:45] [Alexis Shentara] That's just how it works.
[20:46] [Neva] and mama is very pissed off at him right now
[20:46] > Violet tries to climb up Alexis's back "what does pissed off mean???"
[20:48] [Neva] it's a bad word, dear..don't use it
[20:50] [Alexis Shentara] Yeah, you shouldn't say things like that.
[20:51] > Violet tries to hold onto alexis's back..accidentally using her claws
[20:51] [Alexis Shentara] EEEE
[20:51] [Alexis Shentara] Watch the claws kiddo
[20:53] [Violet] sorries :( :(
[20:53] [Neva] how are the other girls, alexis?
[20:53] [Alexis Shentara] It's alright Violet.
[20:54] > Alexis Shentara kneels down and picks up Violet, setting her on her shoulder before standing back up
[20:54] > Violet giggles a bit and holds onto Alexis
[20:54] [Alexis Shentara] They're doing alright. Sskt is visiting Aaron right now and Taruka's checking out some things of a personal hobby.
[20:55] [Neva] didn't know she had a hobby
[20:55] [Alexis Shentara] Yeah, turns out she's studying ship building.
[20:56] [Neva] oh wow
[20:57] > Violet plays with Alexis's hair
[20:58] [Neva] that might be useful
[20:59] [Alexis Shentara] Yup, I guess it's so she can help Mekkal
[21:00] > Neva taps her keyboard "that should do it"
[21:00] > Neva spins in the chair "ugh....the report is gone there...so your payment ought to be coming in the day after tomorrow"
[21:01] [Alexis Shentara] Excellent. We need to shop for groceries soon.
[21:02] [Violet] food???
[21:03] [Alexis Shentara] That's right, kiddo and oil for Taruka.
[21:03] [Violet] oil????
[21:04] [Alexis Shentara] Yup
[21:05] [Violet] taruka doesn't eat? :(
[21:07] [Alexis Shentara] Well, she does. But, she still needs oil once in a while.
[21:08] [Violet] yucky!
[21:08] [Neva] now now, violet...be nice
[21:10] [Alexis Shentara] Taruka's not like us. She's still part machine.
[21:11] [Violet] but..machines aren't alive!
[21:11] [Neva] violet..no
[21:12] [Alexis Shentara] Well Violet, Taruka's not a typical machine.
[21:12] [Violet] really???
[21:12] [Alexis Shentara] Mmhmm
[21:16] [Violet] ooooo
[21:19] > Neva picks up Violet from Alexis
[21:20] [Neva] thanks, Alexis....since Nall was gone...I needed some help
[21:21] [Alexis Shentara] Nall's gone?
[21:22] [Neva] yes....he went home
[21:22] [Alexis Shentara] Home...? Did you two get in a fight or something....?
[21:22] [Neva] no..he had to..do something
[21:23] [Alexis Shentara] I see. Is everything alright between you two?
[21:24] [Neva] *sigh*...I wish he didn't have to go
[21:25] [Alexis Shentara] It must've been been important if he left you and the kids.
[21:26] [Neva] yes..I know
[21:30] > Violet hugs her mama
[21:31] [Alexis Shentara] You know..... if you need to talk or any kinda' help.... the girls and I are here for you.
[21:32] [Neva] thanks..I might need you here a couple times
[21:33] [Alexis Shentara] Well, just let me know. ^_^
[21:34] [Neva] thank you...I suppose you have to get going then?
[21:36] [Alexis Shentara] Only if you want me to go. :P My man and the girls are all busy, so I'm not.
[21:36] [Neva] I see...do you wish to stay for dinner then?
[21:37] [Alexis Shentara] Sure, I'd love to. ^_^
[21:38] > Neva puts Violet down "do you like fish?"
[21:39] [Alexis Shentara] I eat it every so often
[21:40] [Neva] well...I did some fishing this morning..so it's fresh
[21:40] [Violet] fish fish fish!
[21:40] [Alexis Shentara] Sounds good.
[21:44] [Neva] alright then...I'll get that started then
[21:46] [Alexis Shentara] You want some help?
[21:46] [Neva] sure
[21:47] [Alexis Shentara] Alrighty, what should I do?
[21:47] [Neva] you can help me gut the fish..need to save those for the children
[21:48] [Alexis Shentara] Alright. Lead the way.
[21:49] > Neva heads into the kitchen
[21:51] > Alexis Shentara follows Neva
[22:00] <-- Neva [BHunterCat@SystemNova.com] has left #reddwarfevents (hope you aren't squirmish)
[22:06] <-- Alexis Shentara has left #reddwarfevents (You're joking, right? :P)
[00:00] >>> Tuesday Mar 23 2010 <<<
[22:38] ➣ Gym
[22:38] --> Neptune Knight [Blueboy@SeaPalace.nep.co] has joined #reddwarfevents
[22:38] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Neptune Knight
[22:38] --> Quinox Knight has joined #reddwarfevents
[22:38] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Quinox Knight
[22:39] > Neptune Knight and Quinox Knight rush each other...slamming into each other
[22:40] > Neptune Knight summons his trident
[22:40] > Quinox Knight summons his sword
[22:42] > Neptune Knight runs forward...his trident meeting Hideki's Blade in a burst of sparks
[22:44] > Quinox Knight leaps away..and fires an Air Burst from both hands
[22:44] [Neptune Knight] hmph
[22:44] > Neptune Knight dodges and summons a Deep Wave
[22:45] > Quinox Knight dodges it....and stops
[22:45] > Neptune Knight stops as well...looking at Hideki
[22:45] [Quinox Knight] ....good excercise
[22:45] [Neptune Knight] yes
[22:45] <-- Neptune Knight [Blueboy@SeaPalace.nep.co] has left #reddwarfevents (good one)
[22:45] <-- Quinox Knight has left #reddwarfevents
[00:00] >>> Saturday Mar 27 2010 <<<
[22:00] --> Nate Detroit [SmashChamp@reddwarf.com] has joined #reddwarfevents
[22:00] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +o to Nate Detroit
[22:00] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, @Nate Detroit
[22:01] ✷ Sensors indicate that @Nate Detroit has 700HP / 300SP / 1050MP
[22:01] --> Beth Southstreet has joined #reddwarfevents
[22:01] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Beth Southstreet
[22:01] ✷ Sensors indicate that Beth Southstreet has 0HP / 0SP / 0MP
[22:01] --> David O'Cain has joined #reddwarfevents
[22:01] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to David O'Cain
[22:01] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +David O'Cain
[22:01] > Beth Southstreet puts on her sunglasses
[22:02] > Beth Southstreet has transformed into Asterax
[22:02] ✷ Sensors indicate that Asterax has 800HP / 500SP / 900MP
[22:02] > Asterax floats inches off the ground
[22:02] [Asterax] ☇ who goes first? ☇
[22:02] [@Nate Detroit] I'm going to be holding back and fighting in onorthadox styles, to see how you fight. Put that out of your mind though, and and give me all you got. Would you like to choose the environment?
[22:02] [Asterax] ☇ a desert ☇
[22:03] [@HOL_6000] @Nate Detroit rolls: 1d20 { 10 }
[22:03] [@HOL_6000] Asterax rolls: 1d20 { 6 }
[22:04] > @Nate Detroit taps on the terminal, and the setting changes to an endless desert, broken only by an oasis nearby, and a few scattered cacti.
[22:04] > @Nate Detroit has transformed into Sub Zippo
[22:04] [@Sub Zippo] At risk of my chivalry being called into question...
[22:05] > +David O'Cain does his best Mills Lane impression, "Alright, you two. I want a good clean fight. Now let's get it on!"
[22:05] {700HP / 292SP / 999MP} @Sub Zippo hops away and throws a fireball at Asterax. (-8SP / -51MP)
[22:05] {742HP / 500SP / 900MP} Asterax has taken a hit from @Sub Zippo! (-58HP)
[22:06] > Asterax is hit and shakes her head a bit
[22:06] {742HP / 489SP / 865MP} Asterax sends out a telekintic burst at Sub Zippo (-11SP / -35MP)
[22:08] {646HP / 292SP / 999MP} @Sub Zippo has taken a hit from Asterax! (-54HP)
[22:08] > @Sub Zippo staggers back, holding his head.
[22:08] [@Sub Zippo] We seem even on ranged..
[22:09] {646HP / 279SP / 973MP} @Sub Zippo lunges at her, creating an ice quarterstaff and swiping it upward (-13SP / -26MP)
[22:09] [Asterax] ☇ so we are ☇
[22:09] {705HP / 489SP / 865MP} Asterax has taken a hit from @Sub Zippo! (-37HP)
[22:10] > Asterax is knocked backwards
[22:10] > Asterax pulls out her katana...
[22:10] {705HP / 465SP / 823MP} Asterax slashes at Nate with the blade (-24SP / -42MP)
[22:11] {623HP / 279SP / 973MP} @Sub Zippo has BLOCKED a hit from Asterax! (-23HP)
[22:11] > @Sub Zippo blocks with the staff.
[22:12] [Asterax] ☇ ....nice ☇
[22:12] {623HP / 229SP / 847MP} SPECIAL ATTACK: @Sub Zippo 's eyes flare, as he goes into a wild combo he learned playing Soul Calibur! (-50SP / -126MP)
[22:12] {653HP / 465SP / 823MP} Asterax has BLOCKED a hit from a SPECIAL ATTACK by @Sub Zippo! (-52HP)
[22:13] > Asterax blocks the combo with her katana and psychic shields
[22:13] [Asterax] ☇ .... ☇
[22:13] [+David O'Cain] Wow.
[22:14] [@Sub Zippo] Hell..
[22:14] {653HP / 406SP / 717MP} SPECIAL ATTACK: Asterax concentraties...and telekinetically creates a whirlwind under Sub Zippo, slamming it with telekinitic blasts at the same time (-59SP / -106MP)
[22:15] {464HP / 229SP / 847MP} @Sub Zippo has taken a hit from a SPECIAL ATTACK by Asterax! (-159HP)
[22:15] > @Sub Zippo gets launched into the air, and blasted out of it, falling into the sand and skidding, leaving a wake.
[22:16] [@Sub Zippo] Damn woman..
[22:16] > Asterax watches Sub Zippo with white eyes
[22:17] {464HP / 217SP / 816MP} @Sub Zippo stands with the support of the staff and discards it, focuses for a moment, then throws a blazing bolt of fire at her. (-12SP / -31MP)
[22:18] {612HP / 406SP / 717MP} Asterax has taken a hit from @Sub Zippo! (-41HP)
[22:18] > Asterax falls backward into the sand..taken by surpise
[22:19] {612HP / 393SP / 683MP} Asterax sends an illusionary image of poisonious serpents to Sub Zippo (-13SP / -34MP)
[22:19] {373HP / 217SP / 816MP} @Sub Zippo has taken a CRITICAL hit from Asterax! (-91HP)
[22:20] > @Sub Zippo shouts as he fends off the illusion.
[22:20] [@Sub Zippo] - Snakes!!! Why did it have to be snakes?!?! -
[22:21] {373HP / 174SP / 671MP} SPECIAL ATTACK: @Sub Zippo sends a powerful ice storm at her while he fights them off. (-43SP / -145MP)
[22:21] {443HP / 393SP / 683MP} Asterax has taken a hit from a SPECIAL ATTACK by @Sub Zippo! (-169HP)
[22:22] > Asterax finds herself heavly covered in ice
[22:22] [Asterax] ☇ ... ☇
[22:22] {443HP / 378SP / 663MP} Asterax grabs her katana and sends out a telekintic pulse from it (-15SP / -20MP)
[22:23] {312HP / 174SP / 671MP} @Sub Zippo has taken a CRITICAL hit from Asterax! (-61HP)
[22:24] > @Sub Zippo gets knocked back and staggers to keep his footing.
[22:24] [Asterax] ☇ we have been working out ☇
[22:26] [@Sub Zippo] And I haven't, clearly..
[22:26] {312HP / 168SP / 623MP} @Sub Zippo bombards Asterax with flares, running in an arc around her. (-6SP / -48MP)
[22:27] {390HP / 378SP / 663MP} Asterax has taken a hit from @Sub Zippo! (-53HP)
[22:27] > Asterax finds her clothes smoking slightly now
[22:28] {390HP / 363SP / 622MP} Asterax sends a psychic wall out at Sub Zippo (-15SP / -41MP)
[22:28] {248HP / 168SP / 623MP} @Sub Zippo has taken a hit from Asterax! (-64HP)
[22:29] > @Sub Zippo roars and recoils holding head.
[22:29] [@Sub Zippo] ☠ Really... don't like... in my head... ☠
[22:31] {248HP / 118SP / 495MP} SPECIAL ATTACK: @Sub Zippo burns very hot, very suddenly, then explores in an inferno. (-50SP / -128MP)
[22:32] {337HP / 363SP / 622MP} Asterax has BLOCKED a hit from a SPECIAL ATTACK by @Sub Zippo! (-53HP)
[22:32] > Asterax throws up a psychic wall..but still somehow feels the heat
[22:33] [Asterax] ☇ ...amazing ☇
[22:33] > @Sub Zippo looks angry, but still taken aback by the lack of damage.
[22:34] {337HP / 282SP / 518MP} SPECIAL ATTACK: Asterax puts her hands to her head..and sends out psychic blades at Sub Zippo (-81SP / -104MP)
[22:34] {0HP / 118SP / 495MP} @Sub Zippo has taken a CRITICAL hit from a SPECIAL ATTACK by Asterax! (-282HP) @SUB ZIPPO HAS BEEN ELIMINATED!
[22:35] [+David O'Cain] That looks painful.
[22:35] > @Sub Zippo tries to fend the slashes off, but gets overwhelmed, and colapses from the pain, his fire going out.
[22:35] > Asterax removes her glasses
[22:36] > Asterax has transformed into Beth Southstreet
[22:36] > Beth Southstreet walks over and tries to help Sub Zippo up
[22:37] ➣ The desert scene fades away, and the ship returns to normal.
[22:37] > @Sub Zippo has transformed into Nate Detroit
[22:37] > @Nate Detroit takes her hand up.
[22:37] [Beth Southstreet] you fought well......leader
[22:37] [@Nate Detroit] I seriously underestimated you.
[22:38] [Beth Southstreet] as did we to you
[22:39] [@Nate Detroit] I retain my statement that I was holding back and fighting a little differently than normal, but that was still impressive.
[22:39] [Beth Southstreet] we understand
[22:40] > Beth Southstreet gives Nate a smile...an actual smile
[22:40] [+David O'Cain] Good fight, though.
[22:41] [Beth Southstreet] it was
[22:42] [Beth Southstreet] will you be alright?
[22:42] [@Nate Detroit] I guess you have a date with Revenant..
[22:43] [@Nate Detroit] Oh, I'm fine. The damage is revoked at the end of the fight. Only my ego is hurt.
[22:43] [Beth Southstreet] you will recover
[22:44] [Beth Southstreet] and we will fight our best
[22:46] [Beth Southstreet] do you wish to rest somewhere?
[22:46] [@Nate Detroit] Yeah.. I need a drink.
[22:46] <-- @Nate Detroit [SmashChamp@reddwarf.com] has left #reddwarfevents (Ice is flowin' through my veins; Explosives on my lips and in my lungs.)
[22:47] <-- +David O'Cain has left #reddwarfevents
[22:47] <-- Beth Southstreet has left #reddwarfevents
[22:53] > @The Server changes topic to `TAW Training Tournament Final Round: Revenant vs. Asterax`
[00:00] >>> Wednesday Mar 31 2010 <<<
[20:10] ➣ somewhere in Tokyo
[20:10] --> Hideki Kaze [AirKnight@Qtech.com] has joined #reddwarfevents
[20:10] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Hideki Kaze
[20:11] > Hideki Kaze walks down the road
[20:12] [Hideki Kaze] hmm...
[20:15] [Hideki Kaze] ...
[20:16] ➣ Someone suddenly walks into Hideki, bumping into him, looking rather bewhildered.
[20:17] [Hideki Kaze] oof!
[20:17] [Tao Latu] Oh man, I'm sorry...!
[20:18] [Hideki Kaze] it's al...
[20:18] > Tao Latu speaks in very broken japanese
[20:18] > Tao Latu offers his hand to help Hideki up
[20:18] > Hideki Kaze takes Tao's hand and stands
[20:18] [Eva Gala] Ya' knocked someone else down, didn't ya'?
[20:19] [Tao Latu] Hush Eva, I apologized to him already. Weither or not he understood me or not is something else....
[20:19] > Hideki Kaze dusts himself off
[20:19] [Hideki Kaze] I am fine
[20:19] > Hideki Kaze speaks..moderently ok english
[20:20] > Eva Gala actually speakes more fluantly| You'll have to excuse my friend here. He's a bit of an oaf. ^_^
[20:21] [Tao Latu] A..... are ya' sure you're ok?
[20:22] [Hideki Kaze] yes..I am fine...
[20:23] [Tao Latu] Ahh, alright then.
[20:23] > Tao Latu chuckles a bit, scratching the back of his head
[20:23] > Hideki Kaze looks at Tao Latu
[20:23] ➣ Tao Latu: 5' 9" with dark, tanned skin. Short brown hair and usually wearing glasses and a thin mustache. He appears to be a bit overweight, but has rather muscular arms. He carries himself with an air of shyness.
[20:23] > Hideki Kaze looks at Eva Gala
[20:23] ➣ Eva Gala: is 5'4" with a thin build and straight, dark brown hair which hangs just past her shoulders and green eyes. She's Asain-Indian American, with an extremely light skin tone and a small mole in the center of her forehead.
[20:24] > Hideki Kaze looks back at Tao
[20:25] [Tao Latu] Sorry abotu knockin' ya' down. I've just never been to a big city like this before. it's all so spectacular.
[20:25] [Hideki Kaze] ...do I know you
[20:26] [Tao Latu] Hmm....? I... don't think so....
[20:27] [Hideki Kaze] it is strange..you seem..familer
[20:27] [Eva Gala] You know..... I feel like I've seen him somewhere before Tao.
[20:28] > Tao Latu looks over Hideki
[20:28] [Tao Latu] Come to think of it...... Isn't that the guy from your dream?
[20:30] [Hideki Kaze] .....
[20:30] > Eva Gala takes off her backpack and pulls out a sketch pad, looking at the drawing and then looking at Hideki
[20:30] [Eva Gala] I think it is....
[20:31] [Hideki Kaze] ...I wonder
[20:32] > Eva Gala turns the sketch book around to show Hideki an almost perfect portrait picture of him
[20:33] [Hideki Kaze] ....
[20:33] > Hideki Kaze grabs them both by the arm
[20:36] > Hideki Kaze pulls them into an alleyway
[20:36] [Tao Latu] Woah!
[20:36] [Eva Gala] Hey, what'd do you think you're doing!?
[20:37] > Hideki Kaze looks at tao..
[20:37] [Hideki Kaze] ....I should have known..
[20:38] [Tao Latu] L....look, I don't know what's going on here.... but we don't have much money.....
[20:38] > Hideki Kaze 's forehead starts to slowly glow
[20:39] [Eva Gala] Eh....?
[20:40] > Hideki Kaze 's Quinox signet appears...and shoots out a beam at Tao's forehead
[20:41] [Tao Latu] W....what's goin' on!?
[20:42] > Hideki Kaze closes his eyes....
[20:42] [Hideki Kaze] ☇ remember.. ☇
[20:44] [Eva Gala] What are you doing to him!?
[20:44] > Hideki Kaze opens his eyes slowly
[20:44] > Tao Latu looks as if he's going into a transe of some sort, standing there totally out of it
[20:45] > Hideki Kaze 's beam slowly ends
[20:46] > Tao Latu 's eyes close for a moment and then shoot open| That.....was intense
[20:47] > Hideki Kaze nods
[20:47] [Eva Gala] Tao... are you ok!?
[20:47] [Tao Latu] I think so....
[20:48] [Tao Latu] .... I can' tell ya'.... we don't have to worry about this guy.
[20:49] [Eva Gala] A....are you sure?
[20:49] > Tao Latu nods
[20:50] [Hideki Kaze] yes..
[20:51] > Hideki Kaze looks towards Eva
[20:52] [Tao Latu] So..... Hideki... how did you know I was.... one of you when i didn't even know?
[20:52] > Eva Gala looks shocked at Tao
[20:54] [Hideki Kaze] a feeling...and the drawing
[20:54] [Eva Gala] So all of a sudden you know this guy's name!?
[20:56] > Hideki Kaze smiles a bit
[20:57] > Hideki Kaze looks at Tao and then at Eva "...should I.."
[20:57] [Tao Latu] Eva... calm down, please. I can explain it all to you. But maybe not here in this allyway
[20:58] [Tao Latu] Or Hideki can do it now...
[21:00] [Hideki Kaze] I will wait
[21:00] [Eva Gala] I'm so lost here....
[21:04] [Hideki Kaze] I'll treat you both to dinner if you wish
[21:05] [Tao Latu] That'd be awesome!
[21:06] [Eva Gala] Sure.... why not? If Tao likes you, then I guess I'm ok with it.
[21:06] [Hideki Kaze] I know a great place down the street
[21:07] [Tao Latu] Sure!
[21:08] > Tao Latu pats his stomach| But I warn ya'.... I can put it away.
[21:08] [Hideki Kaze] heh..no problem
[21:08] <-- Hideki Kaze [AirKnight@Qtech.com] has left #reddwarfevents (it is nice to see you again...someone else will want to meet you again soon)
[21:08] <-- Tao Latu has left #reddwarfevents (How many others have you found?)
[21:09] <-- Eva Gala has left #reddwarfevents (I'm still super lost....)
[00:00] >>> Thursday Apr 01 2010 <<<
[22:40] ➣ Location: A small coffee shop in Tokyo
[22:40] --> Eva Gala has joined #reddwarfevents
[22:40] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Eva Gala
[22:40] --> Hideki Kaze [AirKnight@Qtech.com] has joined #reddwarfevents
[22:40] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Hideki Kaze
[22:40] > Eva Gala sits there with a frozen drink of some sort
[22:40] > Hideki Kaze sips so
[22:41] > Hideki Kaze sips some coffee
[22:41] [Hideki Kaze] good to see you again
[22:42] [Eva Gala] You too....
[22:42] [Eva Gala] ...Tao's been talking my head off since we saw you.
[22:43] [Hideki Kaze] oh?
[22:44] > Hideki Kaze sips his coffee
[22:45] [Eva Gala] Yeah. About how he knows you all of a sudden, about a bunch of other guys... and seeing me back then too.
[22:45] > Hideki Kaze smiles and sips "yes...I'd agree with that"
[22:45] [Hideki Kaze] I thought I recongizned your friend
[22:47] > Hideki Kaze sips his drink "I take it this is a bit...weird"
[22:48] [Eva Gala] Extremely! I still don't understand what's going on!? I mean, I've known the guy since we were kids and now he's talking about knowing all these extra people.....
[22:49] [Hideki Kaze] you will too...
[22:50] > Hideki Kaze pauses.then drinks again
[22:52] [Eva Gala] .... I just don't get all of this.
[22:52] [Eva Gala] I was disturebed enough about my dreams. Not that you're a bad looking guy or anything......
[22:52] [Hideki Kaze] heh..I'm also married
[22:53] > Eva Gala blushes a bit| Did you think I was hitting on you?
[22:54] [Hideki Kaze] heh maybe
[22:55] [Hideki Kaze] you will understand soon enough what is going on
[22:57] [Eva Gala] ... I will?
[22:58] > Hideki Kaze nods slowly
[23:00] [Hideki Kaze] I'll let you yourself wake up though..
[23:00] [Eva Gala] Let me wake up?
[23:01] [Hideki Kaze] yes
[23:02] [Hideki Kaze] was there anything you wanted to ask me specifically?
[23:03] [Eva Gala] How does he know you and these other people?
[23:04] > Hideki Kaze sips his coffee "we worked together"
[23:05] [Hideki Kaze] a long time ago
[23:06] [Eva Gala] How is it that I saw you so well in my dream that I was able to draw you...?
[23:06] [Hideki Kaze] I also knew you once
[23:08] [Hideki Kaze] took me a bit to remember you
[23:09] > Eva Gala sips her drink, vacently
[23:10] > Hideki Kaze looks around, making sure no one is listening
[23:11] [Hideki Kaze] back when we all worked for a kingdom
[23:11] [Eva Gala] I always thought my parents talking about reincarnation was a bunch of nonsense.
[23:12] [Hideki Kaze] we have each lived two lives
[23:14] > Eva Gala rubs her forehead
[23:17] [Hideki Kaze] with a sad ending
[23:18] [Eva Gala] I see
[23:18] [Hideki Kaze] we fought for our princesses....in their name...
[23:21] [Hideki Kaze] we did our best
[23:23] [Eva Gala] And yet, I don't remember any of that
[23:24] [Hideki Kaze] most of us didn't..until something woke us up
[23:28] [Eva Gala] I see
[23:29] [Eva Gala] So then, let me ask you this...
[23:29] [Hideki Kaze] hm?
[23:29] [Eva Gala] ... why is it you'll wake up Tao and not me?
[23:30] [Hideki Kaze] there are limits to what I can do....he was a knight of the outer order..like I am...
[23:30] [Hideki Kaze] you..however...are not
[23:31] [Eva Gala] I'm... not?
[23:31] [Eva Gala] So I'm...... normal?
[23:31] [Hideki Kaze] no...
[23:31] [Hideki Kaze] you are...a knight of the inner order
[23:36] > Eva Gala sips her drink
[23:38] [Hideki Kaze] so I cannot awaken you
[23:38] [Eva Gala] I see
[23:40] > Eva Gala finishes off her drink
[23:40] > Hideki Kaze finishes his
[23:42] [Hideki Kaze] anyway
[23:43] [Eva Gala] Is there any particular way I can make the memories come back?
[23:43] [Hideki Kaze] the princess you once served could awaken them....or
[23:44] [Hideki Kaze] simply give it time...and concentre your mind on trying to find it
[23:45] [Eva Gala] Got ya'
[23:47] > Hideki Kaze nods
[23:50] [Hideki Kaze] I hope this has been helpful to you
[23:52] [Eva Gala] A little.
[23:53] > Hideki Kaze smiles and pats Eva on the shoulder "it will come to you soon enough"
[23:56] [Eva Gala] I hope so
[23:56] > Eva Gala stands| I'm gonna' get back to Tao. He worries when I'm out alone for too long.
[23:57] [Hideki Kaze] it's getting late..I should return home
[23:57] [Eva Gala] Maybe we could come by your house sometime before we go back to Samoa.
[23:59] [Hideki Kaze] I would be happy to show you my home
[00:00] >>> Friday Apr 02 2010 <<<
[00:00] [Eva Gala] That would be fun
[00:02] [Hideki Kaze] take care then
[00:02] [Eva Gala] You too Hideki.
[00:02] > Eva Gala smiles a bit, still looking somewhat confused.
[00:03] > Hideki Kaze pays for the drinks and walks out into the night
[00:04] <-- Eva Gala has left #reddwarfevents (This is all so strange.)
[00:05] <-- Hideki Kaze [AirKnight@Qtech.com] has left #reddwarfevents
[20:31] ➣ Exterior: Sakazaki Home
[20:32] ➣ There's a brilliant flash of light
[20:32] --> Nall (Ceremonial Robe) [WhiteDragon@SilverStar.co.lun] has joined #reddwarfevents
[20:32] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Nall (Ceremonial Robe)
[20:33] > Nall (Ceremonial Robe) steps out of the light as it fades. Wearing a long white robe with red patterns on the fringe, carrying a bag on his back.
[20:33] [Nall (Ceremonial Robe)] It feels soo good to be home....
[20:35] > Nall (Ceremonial Robe) walks up to the door, pausing for a moment.
[20:36] > Nall (Ceremonial Robe) opens the door
[20:36] [Nall (Ceremonial Robe)] GUESS WHO'S HOME!?
[20:36] --> Neva [BHunterCat@SystemNova.com] has joined #reddwarfevents
[20:36] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Neva
[20:36] [Neva] what's going on he...*drops her data pad*
[20:37] > Nall (Ceremonial Robe) smiles, setting his bag down| Hello Neva
[20:37] [Neva] .....nall...?
[20:38] > Nall (Ceremonial Robe) pulls back the hood of his robe, his appearance is different from when he left. His hair is longer and he now has a white goatee
[20:39] [Nall (Ceremonial Robe)] Yeah Sweetheart... I'm home.
[20:39] [Neva] ....you look....diffrent
[20:40] [Nall (Ceremonial Robe)] The passage of time is different on Lunar..... turns out a week here is just over a year there.
[20:40] [Neva] ......I...I see
[20:40] [Nall (Ceremonial Robe)] I missed you and the kids so much....
[20:40] [Neva] I....I....I hope..so
[20:41] > Nall (Ceremonial Robe) pulls off his robe, hanging it on a rack next to the door
[20:42] [Nall (Ceremonial Robe)] Aren't you gonna' come over here? You act like I'm a ghoul or something.
[20:43] [Neva] ....
[20:43] > Neva walks..slowly over to Nall
[20:43] > Nall (Ceremonial Robe) holds his arms open
[20:44] > Neva pauses..and then hugs nall tightly, starting to cry
[20:45] > Nall (Ceremonial Robe) hugs and holds Neva, holding back tears of his own
[20:45] [Nall (Ceremonial Robe)] ❧ I missed you so much.... ❧
[20:46] [Neva] ❧ I missed you too... ❧
[20:46] [Neva] this..this year you spent...you..you didn't find..anyone else did you?
[20:46] [Nall (Ceremonial Robe)] Anyone..... else?
[20:47] [Neva] anyone else...you could love?
[20:47] > Neva sniffles
[20:48] [Nall (Ceremonial Robe)] No no!
[20:48] [Nall (Ceremonial Robe)] I would never do that..... you're the only one for me Neva~
[20:49] > Neva is still crying and hugs nall tightly
[20:50] > Nall (Ceremonial Robe) rubs Neva's back lightly, holding her close
[20:50] [Nall (Ceremonial Robe)] Though I did find out a lot about my past life....
[20:50] [Neva] you did?
[20:50] > Nall (Ceremonial Robe) nods
[20:50] [Nall (Ceremonial Robe)] And there's something I didn't know..... and I hope it doesn't effect us.....
[20:50] [Neva] what did you learn?
[20:51] [Nall (Ceremonial Robe)] I was with someone..... back then.
[20:51] [Neva] ..you..you were?
[20:52] > Nall (Ceremonial Robe) nods| Her name was Ruby.... she was the red dragon..... and quite a bit younger then me, from what I found out.
[20:52] [Neva] I see..
[20:52] > Nall (Ceremonial Robe) lets Neva go for a moment| I'm sorry...... If I'd have known, I definately would've told you....
[20:53] > Neva nods slowly
[20:53] [Neva] ..did you meet her?
[20:54] [Nall (Ceremonial Robe)] Are you..... alright with that?
[20:56] [Neva] tell me did you meet her..
[20:57] [Nall (Ceremonial Robe)] No..... she's passed on....
[20:57] [Nall (Ceremonial Robe)] .... she was killed..... just after I was sent away.
[20:57] [Neva] oh...I'm sorry...
[20:58] [Neva] i'm fine with it......after all..I had boyfriends before I met you
[20:59] > Nall (Ceremonial Robe) walks over and sits in his favorite chair
[20:59] [Nall (Ceremonial Robe)] Yes well.... that's not the end of it....
[20:59] [Neva] oh?
[21:00] [Nall (Ceremonial Robe)] .... I had two children their.... with Ruby. They became the red and white dragons while I was gone and after Ruby died....
[21:01] [Neva] ........oh...
[21:01] [Neva] ...I...I see...
[21:01] > Neva seems a little shaken by this
[21:01] [Nall (Ceremonial Robe)] I was kinda' afraid of how you'd react..... so I concidered not telling you..... but I knew that would be wrong of me....
[21:02] [Neva] I.....I...un..understand
[21:03] [Nall (Ceremonial Robe)] I met my son..... the red dragon while I was there. His name is Kaldair.
[21:03] > Neva just goes quiet
[21:04] [Nall (Ceremonial Robe)] His sister Iris...... was killed a few months before Lucinda showed up here.
[21:05] [Neva] I...see...
[21:05] [Nall (Ceremonial Robe)] Which is why she needed me..... I was the last living white dragon with the power to pass on to the Dragonmaster.
[21:06] [Neva] alright...
[21:07] [Nall (Ceremonial Robe)] Lunar was saved by the Dragonmaster, thank goodness.
[21:07] [Nall (Ceremonial Robe)] They all wanted me to stay.... especially Kaldair.
[21:07] [Neva] ....I see
[21:08] > Nall (Ceremonial Robe) looks up to Neva
[21:08] [Nall (Ceremonial Robe)] Sweetheart.... please.... I know this is tough, but please say something more to me....
[21:10] [Neva] I just don't know what to say...that you had a lover before I can handle..it's just..children
[21:10] [Neva] ..what does that make our children?
[21:11] [Nall (Ceremonial Robe)] Our children are special!!
[21:12] [Nall (Ceremonial Robe)] I don't love them any less.....
[21:12] [Neva] did you tell them..about us?
[21:12] [Nall (Ceremonial Robe)] The kids?
[21:15] [Neva] me and the kids...
[21:15] [Nall (Ceremonial Robe)] Of coruse!
[21:15] [Nall (Ceremonial Robe)] ^course
[21:15] [Nall (Ceremonial Robe)] I told them all about the four of you.
[21:16] [Neva] ..what did they say
[21:16] [Nall (Ceremonial Robe)] They're all very happy for me. Kaldair wants to come see all of us someday.
[21:17] [Neva] I guess I'm his...step mother
[21:17] > Nall (Ceremonial Robe) nods| He especially wants to meet his little brother and sisters.
[21:18] [Neva] I'm sorry Nall it's just.....I thought maybe this information lessened me in your eyes
[21:18] [Neva] lessened our family...
[21:19] [Nall (Ceremonial Robe)] Never....
[21:19] > Nall (Ceremonial Robe) stands and walks over to Neva, kissing her passionately
[21:19] > Neva returns the kiss just as passonitly
[21:20] [Neva] ❧ mmm ❧
[21:22] > Nall (Ceremonial Robe) slowly breaks the kiss with a smile
[21:23] [Nall (Ceremonial Robe)] ❧ All I could think about while I was there..... was getting back to you~ ❧
[21:23] [Neva] ❧ I missed you so much.. ❧
[21:23] [Nall (Ceremonial Robe)] ❧ I missed you too. ❧
[21:24] [Neva] so what are you going to tell violet then?
[21:25] [Nall (Ceremonial Robe)] I'm gonna' tell her she has a big brother. A really big brother.
[21:25] [Neva] heh
[21:25] [Nall (Ceremonial Robe)] Ya' know.... because of the difference in the passage of time... he's actually older then me now?
[21:26] [Neva] bet that feels odd
[21:26] [Nall (Ceremonial Robe)] Oh yeah, he felt strange calling me dad. XD
[21:27] > Neva smiles a bit
[21:27] [Nall (Ceremonial Robe)] He looks like he's in his 50's. it's kinda' crazy
[21:28] [Neva] strange..
[21:29] [Nall (Ceremonial Robe)] Yeah
[21:30] [Nall (Ceremonial Robe)] Oh, I brought some things back with me.... gifts for all of you!
[21:30] [Neva] oh???
[21:31] > Nall (Ceremonial Robe) goes over to the bag, which is rather large
[21:32] [Nall (Ceremonial Robe)] Go get the kids. ^_^
[21:33] [Neva] heh alright
[21:33] > Neva is away
[21:34] > Nall (Ceremonial Robe) carries the bag over to a couch, pulling boxes out of it
[21:34] > Neva is back
[21:34] --> Violet has joined #reddwarfevents
[21:34] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Violet
[21:35] > Neva walks back in, holding Rose and Drake..with Violet following
[21:35] [Violet] papa!!! you look weird!!!
[21:35] [Nall (Ceremonial Robe)] Violet!!
[21:35] [Nall (Ceremonial Robe)] Come here my little tinkerer
[21:36] > Violet runs forward and hugs Nall's leg
[21:36] > Rose holds onto her mother, blinking
[21:37] > Nall (Ceremonial Robe) picks up Violet and hugs her
[21:37] [Nall (Ceremonial Robe)] I missed my big girl
[21:38] [Violet] I fixed something!!!
[21:38] [Nall (Ceremonial Robe)] Did you really?
[21:39] [Neva] apparently she fixed a keychain light
[21:41] [Violet] I fixed something!!
[21:41] [Nall (Ceremonial Robe)] That's very good, Violet. You're learning quickly.
[21:42] [Nall (Ceremonial Robe)] I got everyone in the family something. You're gonna' love this..
[21:42] > Rose blinks
[21:42] > Nall (Ceremonial Robe) sets Violet on his knee and hands her a box, which has a construction set in it, complete with tools.
[21:43] > Violet opens it and smiles "yaaaaaaaay!"
[21:44] [Nall (Ceremonial Robe)] There's a book in there that shows all the things you can build with that set and you can also make something of your own.
[21:44] [Violet] thankies papa!!
[21:45] [Nall (Ceremonial Robe)] You're welcome Violet. ^_^
[21:46] [Nall (Ceremonial Robe)] Oh and i have another surprise for you Violet.
[21:47] [Violet] ????
[21:48] [Nall (Ceremonial Robe)] You have a big brother.
[21:49] [Violet] :O
[21:50] [Violet] really?????
[21:51] [Nall (Ceremonial Robe)] Yes
[21:52] [Violet] wooooow
[21:55] [Neva] heh
[21:59] [Neva] now then, dear...
[21:59] [Nall (Ceremonial Robe)] Mmhmm... and he wants to come see you all.
[22:00] [Violet] yaaaay
[22:00] > Rose flicks her ears a bit
[22:01] > Nall (Ceremonial Robe) picks up Violet and sets her down| I have to give your brother and sister their gifts now.
[22:05] [Violet] okies!
[22:06] > Neva hands Rose over to Nall
[22:06] > Rose looks at her father
[22:07] > Nall (Ceremonial Robe) gently takes Rose and smiles| My little flower ^_^^
[22:07] > Rose smiles and wiggles her ears
[22:07] > Neva keeps hold of Drake
[22:10] > Rose waves her tail at her father
[22:18] > Mandrake yawns, looking around curiously
[22:18] > Neva smiles, and holds her son close
[22:20] > Nall (Ceremonial Robe) takes a little white dragon plushie out of the box
[22:20] > Violet is looking through her present
[22:20] > Rose blinks and giggles, holding out her little hands
[22:21] [Neva] awwww
[22:21] > Nall (Ceremonial Robe) hands Rose the dragon
[22:22] [Nall (Ceremonial Robe)] This is made in the image of your oldest sister...
[22:22] > Rose hugs the plushie tightly
[22:23] > Nall (Ceremonial Robe) smiles, kissing Rose on the forehead
[22:24] [Neva] now then...
[22:24] > Nall (Ceremonial Robe) carefully holds Rose up for Neva to take
[22:24] > Neva hands drake over to Nall..then takes Rose
[22:24] [Nall (Ceremonial Robe)] I have one for Drake too, though it's a little different.
[22:27] > Rose keeps a hold of her plushie
[22:28] > Nall (Ceremonial Robe) gently takes Drake and smiles as he wiggles a bit.
[22:29] [Violet] weeeee...
[22:30] > Nall (Ceremonial Robe) reaches into the box and pulls out a red dragon toy that almost matches the white one
[22:32] [Nall (Ceremonial Robe)] And for my little man, the spitting image of his big brother.
[22:32] [Neva] awww
[22:33] > Nall (Ceremonial Robe) hands the doll to Drake who looks at it oddly for a moment, then hugs it.
[22:34] [Neva] heh
[22:37] [Neva] they're so happy to see you again
[22:38] > Mandrake smiles up at his father, holding his toy.
[22:38] [Nall (Ceremonial Robe)] I can tell. I missed them so much.
[22:38] [Nall (Ceremonial Robe)] I think I might've drove some people crazy talking about them. XD
[22:39] [Neva] heh oh I bet
[22:40] > Nall (Ceremonial Robe) stands, holding Drake.
[22:40] [Nall (Ceremonial Robe)] Let's put our little ones to bed.
[22:42] > Neva smiles and nods "let's"
[22:45] > Nall (Ceremonial Robe) carries Drake into the nursery
[22:47] > Neva follows with Rose
[22:48] > Nall (Ceremonial Robe) lays Drake down in his crib and kisses his forehead
[22:49] > Mandrake smiles, holding on to his toy while looking up at his father
[22:51] > Neva smiles and tucks rose in
[22:51] > Rose holds onto her plushie
[22:52] > Nall (Ceremonial Robe) smiles at his children, turning on the night light and turning off the overhead
[22:54] [Neva] night children!
[22:54] [Nall (Ceremonial Robe)] Goodnight little ones. ^_^
[22:56] > Nall (Ceremonial Robe) closes the door after Neva leaves the room and walks down the hall to Violet's room
[22:56] [Violet] eeee
[22:59] [Nall (Ceremonial Robe)] Alright Violet, time for bed.
[22:59] [Nall (Ceremonial Robe)] You can play with your construction set tomorrow
[22:59] [Violet] awww
[22:59] [Violet] yaaay
[23:01] > Violet hops into bed
[23:01] > Nall (Ceremonial Robe) bends down and kisses Violet on the forehead
[23:01] [Nall (Ceremonial Robe)] Goodnight sweetheart.
[23:03] > Neva kisses violet on the kiss "sweet dreams"
[23:04] [Violet] niiiight
[23:05] > Nall (Ceremonial Robe) turns around, turning out the lights, the nightlight automaticly coming on.
[23:05] > Neva smiles
[23:06] [Nall (Ceremonial Robe)] Now to give my wife her presents
[23:07] [Neva] oh?
[23:09] > Nall (Ceremonial Robe) walks over to the duffle bag, pulling out a box that is the length of the bag
[23:09] [Neva] oh wow..
[23:11] > Nall (Ceremonial Robe) opens the box and pulls out a large sword, the hilt is incrusted with four large jewels. It looks like it's been used in battle, but is perfectly cleaned.
[23:12] [Neva] ......amazing
[23:12] [Nall (Ceremonial Robe)] This is the Dragonmaster's actual sword.
[23:13] [Neva] ...nall..
[23:14] [Nall (Ceremonial Robe)] They told me to keep it, since they were making a new one and I immediately thought about your weapon collection.
[23:15] [Neva] I will be proud..to take care of it
[23:16] [Nall (Ceremonial Robe)] I also got you something else.... something we'll both like.
[23:17] > Nall (Ceremonial Robe) reaches into the bag, pulling out what appears to be a garment of some sort, but there isnt' much to it.
[23:17] [Neva] what..is that?
[23:19] [Nall (Ceremonial Robe)] It's Lunar's version of a teddy
[23:19] > Neva blushes
[23:22] > Nall (Ceremonial Robe) locks the front door| How about you go try it on and I'll meet you in our bedroom. ^_~
[23:23] [Neva] heh...why not hee
[23:24] > Nall (Ceremonial Robe) heads to the bedroom ahead of Neva
[23:24] <-- Nall (Ceremonial Robe) [WhiteDragon@SilverStar.co.lun] has left #reddwarfevents (I've waited over a year and a half for this.)
[23:25] > Neva grabs the teddy
[23:25] <-- Neva [BHunterCat@SystemNova.com] has left #reddwarfevents (oh I bet heh)
[00:00] >>> Saturday Apr 03 2010 <<<
[10:41] ➣ Sakazaki home: master bedroom
[10:42] > Nall slowly opens his eyes, sitting up in bed and looking around
[10:42] > Neva is no where to be seen in the room
[10:43] > Nall slides out of bed and walks over to the attached bathroom, to do the incidentals.
[10:48] > Nall (Robe) comes out in a blue bath robe and leaves the bedroom, heading down the hall
[10:48] > Neva can be heard typing
[10:50] > Nall (Robe) quietly slides into the home office, smiling as he sees Neva typing away
[10:52] [Neva] morning, dear
[10:52] > Neva finishes typing
[10:54] [Nall (Robe)] Good morning
[10:54] [Neva] Violet is outside playing right now
[10:55] > Nall (Robe) walks over and bends down, kissing the side of Neva's neck
[10:55] > Neva smiles
[10:55] [Neva] I finished updating the family information for Branch 6
[10:56] [Nall (Robe)] Family information?
[10:57] [Neva] we have to give the size of our family when we join the organization...for pay reasons mind you
[10:59] [Nall (Robe)] Ahhh, I see
[10:59] [Neva] I updated ours from three children to four
[10:59] > Nall (Robe) smiles and nuzzles her neck
[11:00] [Nall (Robe)] ❧ You're entirely too good to me ❧
[11:00] [Neva] heheh
[11:01] [Neva] heh are you keeping the new look, nall?
[11:02] [Nall (Robe)] I think I might, but that depends....
[11:02] [Neva] hm?
[11:04] [Nall (Robe)] ..... on if you like it or not.
[11:05] > Neva scraches nall's chin a bit "I think I can live with it heh"
[11:06] > Nall (Robe) grins and gives off a light purring noise
[11:08] [Neva] the girls were so good to me while you were gone
[11:08] [Nall (Robe)] That's good. I'll have to thank them personally.
[11:10] > Nall (Robe) slowly stands up straight, reaching down to rub Neva's shoulders
[11:14] [Nall (Robe)] Glad to see someone was taking care of my love while I was gone.
[11:15] [Neva] mmmm..yes
[11:15] [Neva] someday perhaps I will visit your home
[11:16] [Nall (Robe)] I would like that. But that would take Lucinda to do. I couldn't develop a way to transport there on my own just yet.
[11:17] [Nall (Robe)] Apperently, this is one time where science and magic don't mix.
[11:18] [Neva] interesting..
[11:18] [Neva] oh....I promised Violet I would take her into town later today
[11:19] [Nall (Robe)] That sounds good. We should make it an entire family outing.
[11:20] [Nall (Robe)] It'll give me a chance to use something I put together before I left.
[11:20] [Neva] oh? what's that?
[11:22] [Nall (Robe)] It's like our holo maskers, but incorperated them into their clothes
[11:22] [Nall (Robe)] ^for Rose and Drake
[11:22] [Neva] heh..so we can bring them with us heh
[11:23] [Nall (Robe)] Yes. You know how proud of a papa I am. I wanna' show my babies to everyone. ^_^
[11:25] > Neva giggles a bit
[11:26] [Nall (Robe)] I'll go get Violet so we can get ready to go into town.
[11:26] [Neva] alright..I'll get the children ready
[11:27] > Nall (Robe) kisses the top of Neva's head before heading outside
[11:27] [Nall (Robe)] Violet!
[11:28] > Violet runs in from the woods "papa!"
[11:28] > Neva has meanwhile set up the stroller "now then..to get the little ones"
[11:29] [Nall (Robe)] Come and clean up Violet. We're gonna' go into town today.
[11:29] [Violet] yaaaaay!
[11:30] > Violet runs in through the door
[11:30] > Nall (Robe) closes the door and makes his way to his workshop, looking around
[11:30] [Nall (Robe)] I missed this room too...
[11:31] [Nall (Robe)] .... but right now, family comes first.
[11:31] > Neva has gotten Drake and Rose out of bed
[11:32] > Nall (Robe) goes into a drawer in his desk, pulling out two bracelets, one large and one small, a watch and two onsies.
[11:33] > Nall (Robe) walks out with the items and closes the door behind him, locking it
[11:33] > Nall (Robe) hands the onsies and the large bracelet to Neva
[11:34] [Neva] thank you ^^
[11:34] > Neva goes back into the nursery to dress the children
[11:34] > Violet walks out of the bathroom..her hair all fixed up
[11:34] [Nall (Robe)] As soon as you start zipping up the onsies, the masking should activate.
[11:35] [Nall (Robe)] It won't turn off until the outfit is totally unzipped.
[11:35] [Nall (Robe)] The bracelet is new too.... just put it on then touch it for a solid ten seconds and that'll activate it.
[11:35] [Neva] heh..it works Nall!
[11:39] [Nall (Robe)] I knew it would. ^_^
[11:40] > Neva returns with Drake and Rose..both of whom are now lacking their ears and tails and puts them in the stroller
[11:40] > Neva activates hers...now looking more human
[11:41] [Violet] what about meeee? :(
[11:42] > Nall (Robe) smiles and hands Violet the smaller bracelet
[11:43] [Nall (Robe)] That's just like your mama's. Just put it on and touch it and count to ten and it'll turn on.
[11:43] > Violet puts it on..and touches it..and waits...o-o
[11:44] > Violet 's ears and tail vanish
[11:44] [Violet] oooooo
[11:45] [Nall (Robe)] You like it?
[11:46] > Violet nods!
[11:48] [Nall (Robe)] Good.... Papa's gonna' go change.
[11:48] [Violet] okies!
[11:49] > Violet runs over and plays with her little brother and sister
[11:52] [Neva] heh...now you better behavie when we are all in town....no running off
[11:52] [Violet] ok mama!
[11:53] > Nall (Robe) goes into the bedroom
[11:54] > Nall comes out wearing black jeans and a matching long sleave shirt.
[11:55] [Neva] heh...here we are...a whole family ^^
[11:55] [Nall] mmm... there's something to be said about the clothes here.
[11:55] > Nall turns on his watch, his ears going away
[11:56] [Nall] This is gonna' be a great day. ^_^ Shall we go get lunch?
[11:56] [Neva] why not ^^
[11:57] > Nall opens the door for Neva
[11:58] > Neva smiles, walking out, pushing the stroller
[11:58] > Violet follows happily!
[11:58] > Nall follows the girls, closing and locking the door
[11:59] <-- Neva [BHunterCat@SystemNova.com] has left #reddwarfevents (this will be a good day)
[11:59] <-- Violet has left #reddwarfevents (weeeee papa's back!)
[11:59] <-- Nall [WhiteDragon@SilverStar.co.lun] has left #reddwarfevents (Nothing beats being home with my family)
[00:00] >>> Sunday Apr 04 2010 <<<
[20:37] ➣ Kaze-Knives Manor
[20:38] --> Matsumi Kaze [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has joined #reddwarfevents
[20:38] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Matsumi Kaze
[20:38] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Matsumi Kaze
[20:38] > +Matsumi Kaze walks down the stairs, yawning
[20:39] [+Matsumi Kaze] mm..what a nap
[20:39] --> Vanadine [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has joined #reddwarfevents
[20:39] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Vanadine
[20:39] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Vanadine
[20:40] [+Vanadine] ♬ Sweeeeeeeeetneeeeees. ♭
[20:40] [+Matsumi Kaze] hmm???
[20:41] [+Vanadine] How was your post dinner nap?
[20:41] [+Matsumi Kaze] what is it?
[20:41] [+Matsumi Kaze] heh it was great ^^
[20:42] [+Matsumi Kaze] mmm I needed that
[20:45] ➣ the phone rings
[20:45] [+Vanadine] Hmm?
[20:46] [+Matsumi Kaze] hey vana can you get that?
[20:46] [+Vanadine] Sure!
[20:46] > +Vanadine runs and grabs the phone: Hellos?
[20:48] [+Matsumi Kaze] who is it?
[20:48] [+Vanadine] Someone for you.
[20:48] > +Vanadine hands the phone to Matsumi
[20:49] > +Matsumi Kaze takes it "hello?"
[20:51] [+Matsumi Kaze] ...yeah this is matsumi kaze...
[20:51] [+Matsumi Kaze] ...yeah..my name was originally Mattie Smithson
[20:52] [+Matsumi Kaze] ....huh.....wait wait go back...
[20:52] > +Vanadine stands there, listening.
[20:54] [+Matsumi Kaze] ....ok is this sort of practical joke..
[20:54] [+Matsumi Kaze] ..look...you'll have to show me some evedience...no no NO....I don't CARE who you are...
[20:55] [+Vanadine] Sweety, what's going on....?
[20:55] [+Matsumi Kaze] I will belive you..when you show me..proof!
[20:56] [+Matsumi Kaze] good bye!
[20:56] > +Matsumi Kaze hangs up
[20:56] [+Vanadine] Sweety.....?
[20:57] [+Matsumi Kaze] don't worry..some practical joker..claiming to be my cousin
[20:58] [+Vanadine] Your cousin? How do you know it's not real?
[20:59] [+Matsumi Kaze] pfft..well he claims that his great grandmother..was my great grandmother's sister
[21:00] [+Matsumi Kaze] but I know for a FACT that my great grandmother was from Sweden and not from Japan
[21:03] [+Vanadine] Hmm
[21:03] [+Matsumi Kaze] wonder how they got my number
[21:03] [+Vanadine] Maybe you should talk to the rest of your family before you discount this.
[21:04] [+Matsumi Kaze] maybe....
[21:04] [+Matsumi Kaze] anyway....the kids still napping?
[21:06] [+Vanadine] Yeah
[21:07] [+Matsumi Kaze] that was a great dinner!
[21:08] [+Vanadine] It was :)
[21:10] [+Matsumi Kaze] even got leftovers for the week!
[21:11] [+Vanadine] Which is fantastic.
[21:12] [+Vanadine] So, what do ya' wanna' do now?
[21:13] [+Matsumi Kaze] relax!
[21:15] [+Vanadine] Ok!
[21:15] > +Vanadine grabs up Matsumi, carrying her around
[21:16] [+Matsumi Kaze] heeeey
[21:16] [+Matsumi Kaze] oh vana...there is one thing I need you to do
[21:17] [+Vanadine] What's that?
[21:19] [+Matsumi Kaze] there is this one student..
[21:20] [+Matsumi Kaze] ..she's been somewhat troublesome
[21:22] [+Vanadine] Oh really?
[21:23] [+Matsumi Kaze] ..I need you to talk to her
[21:26] [+Vanadine] Really?
[21:28] [+Matsumi Kaze] yeah..her name is hana..hana segusa..she's been skipping classes
[21:28] [+Vanadine] Alright. I think I can handle that.
[21:29] [+Matsumi Kaze] thank you *hugs vana's neck and gives her a kiss*
[21:30] > +Vanadine kisses Matsumi back and smiles, hugging her
[21:30] [+Vanadine] So, where do you wanna' relax?
[21:31] [+Matsumi Kaze] how about the big plush sofa :P
[21:32] [+Vanadine] Then that's where we'll go!
[21:33] > +Vanadine carries Matsumi down stairs and to the living room
[21:35] [+Matsumi Kaze] hee
[21:36] <-- +Vanadine [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has left #reddwarfevents (To the couch!! Maybe we could fire up a movie. ^_^)
[21:37] <-- +Matsumi Kaze [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has left #reddwarfevents (eeee)
[00:00] >>> Monday Apr 05 2010 <<<
[01:31] [@HOL_6000] rolls: 1d3 { 3 }
[14:23] ➣ Mardox, Quinox
[14:24] --> Celestite [CrystalGirl@dimensionzero.cc] has joined #reddwarfevents
[14:24] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Celestite
[14:24] > Celestite walks up to the palace gate, looking around
[14:24] --> Zenthi has joined #reddwarfevents
[14:24] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Zenthi
[14:24] [Celestite] It looks like everythings going well here.
[14:24] > Zenthi is outside, polishing the doors
[14:25] [Celestite] Hello Zen
[14:25] [Zenthi] oh! good afternoon, mistress Celeste
[14:25] > Zenthi gives a curtsy
[14:26] > Celestite giggles, "Always so formal."
[14:26] [Zenthi] it is my job ^^
[14:27] [Celestite] So, is the restoration of this place finished?
[14:28] [Zenthi] it is ^^
[14:28] [Celestite] Good good.
[14:28] [Celestite] And how are YOU doing?
[14:29] [Zenthi] oh..I am well ^^ I can't complain
[14:29] [Zenthi] it's a beautiful day out today! the moons look so pretty
[14:30] [Celestite] Quite true
[14:31] [Zenthi] and how are you today, mistress ^^
[14:32] [Celestite] Oh, I'm doing well. Spent a nice night with my husband to be.
[14:32] [Celestite] Just out of curiosty, Zenthi. Are you in a relationship with anyone?
[14:32] [Zenthi] I am not mistress
[14:33] [Celestite] is there a reason for that, if you dont mind me asking?
[14:34] > Zenthi blushes a bit "no there isn't ^^"
[14:35] [Celestite] I see
[14:35] [Zenthi] I..I should go and clean up the bedroom!
[14:35] [Celestite] Let's go for a walk through the palace.
[14:35] [Zenthi] o..ok
[14:35] <-- Celestite [CrystalGirl@dimensionzero.cc] has left #reddwarfevents (I'd like you to give me another tour)
[14:35] > Zenthi opens the door for celest
[14:36] <-- Zenthi has left #reddwarfevents (yes..mistress)
[00:00] >>> Tuesday Apr 06 2010 <<<
[23:49] [Lister of [SMEG]] Test?
[23:50] <-- Lister of [SMEG] [Tech3@reddwarf.co.uk] has left #reddwarfevents (Gotta smack Holly fer that one.)
[00:00] >>> Sunday Apr 11 2010 <<<
[21:19] ➣ Kaze-Knives home
[21:19] --> Vanadine (workout) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has joined #reddwarfevents
[21:19] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Vanadine (workout)
[21:19] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Vanadine (workout)
[21:20] > +Vanadine (workout) appears in main room: I'm hoooooome!
[21:20] --> Matsumi Kaze [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has joined #reddwarfevents
[21:20] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Matsumi Kaze
[21:20] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Matsumi Kaze
[21:20] --> Taiyo has joined #reddwarfevents
[21:20] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Taiyo
[21:21] > Taiyo runs downstairs..and stops
[21:21] > +Vanadine (workout) sees Taiyo and smiles: There's my little man!
[21:21] [Taiyo] .....
[21:21] > Taiyo hides under the sofa
[21:22] [+Vanadine (workout)] Taiyo-chan....
[21:22] [Taiyo] T_T who are you?
[21:24] [+Vanadine (workout)] It's me.... your oma....
[21:25] [+Vanadine (workout)] ... I just had my hair lenghtened for your Uncle Nate.
[21:26] > Taiyo peeks out and looks at vana
[21:27] > +Vanadine (workout) smiles
[21:30] > Taiyo crawls out and stands and looks at vana
[21:30] [+Matsumi Kaze] I'll leave you two alone heh..I'm going to check the other children
[21:30] > +Matsumi Kaze is away: *goes upstairs*
[21:31] > +Vanadine (workout) starts to frown a little: You don't like it..... do you Taiyo-chan?
[21:32] [Taiyo] makes you look diffrent
[21:35] [+Vanadine (workout)] I know.
[21:35] [Taiyo] you really vana-oma?
[21:36] [+Vanadine (workout)] Of course I am
[21:38] > Taiyo blinks...and hugs vana's leg
[21:38] > +Vanadine (workout) smiles again, kneeling down and hugging Taiyo
[21:39] [Taiyo] sorry
[21:39] [+Vanadine (workout)] It's alright
[21:41] [Taiyo] why is your hair so long?
[21:41] [+Vanadine (workout)] Because I asked Matsumi-oma to do it.
[21:42] [+Vanadine (workout)] Uncle Nate wantes to see what I look like with longer hair.
[21:42] [Taiyo] why?
[21:43] [+Vanadine (workout)] Cause he likes girls better with longer hair.
[21:43] [+Vanadine (workout)] Kinda' like your Aunt Kaede.
[21:45] [Taiyo] oooooh
[21:45] [Taiyo] but mama and matsumi-oma also have long hair
[21:47] [+Vanadine (workout)] Yes and your Uncle Nate likes them very much.
[21:49] [Taiyo] oooooo
[21:50] [Taiyo] are you going to have long hair forever?
[21:51] [+Vanadine (workout)] No, just for a little while. Till I go back to work.
[21:51] [Taiyo] okies
[21:53] > Taiyo pulls vana's hair a bit
[21:54] > +Vanadine (workout) giggles: Don't pull too hard
[21:54] [Taiyo] it's pretty
[21:58] [+Vanadine (workout)] Aww, thank you
[21:58] > +Vanadine (workout) hugs him again and smiles.
[22:01] [Taiyo] I have long hair too!
[22:01] > +Vanadine (workout) lets him go and pats him on the head: It's about time for you to get ready for bed.
[22:02] [Taiyo] okies..
[22:04] > Taiyo yawns a bit
[22:05] > +Vanadine (workout) kisses Taiyo on the cheek and smiles before standing: Go get ready for bed.
[22:06] > Taiyo runs upstairs
[22:07] <-- Taiyo has left #reddwarfevents
[22:07] > +Vanadine (workout) goes to the master bedroom
[22:07] <-- +Vanadine (workout) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has left #reddwarfevents (gonna' change really quick myself.)
[00:00] >>> Monday Apr 12 2010 <<<
[18:31] ➣ The Knives-Kaze House
[18:32] --> Hideki Kaze [AirKnight@Qtech.com] has joined #reddwarfevents
[18:32] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Hideki Kaze
[18:32] ➣ The door bell rings
[18:32] > Hideki Kaze walks out from his personlized office space and locks the door
[18:32] > Hideki Kaze walks over to the door and opens it "welcome"
[18:34] [Tao Latu] Hi Hideki! ^__^
[18:34] [Eva Gala] H....hello.
[18:35] [Hideki Kaze] there are slippers next to the door if you want to use them
[18:36] > Hideki Kaze smiles
[18:37] [Tao Latu] Actually, if you don't mind, I prefer to walk around barefoot.
[18:37] [Eva Gala] Y...yeah
[18:38] [Hideki Kaze] that's fine
[18:38] [Hideki Kaze] come in and make yourselves comfertible
[18:38] > Tao Latu and Eva Gala slide off their shoes as the walk in. Both looking around.
[18:39] [Tao Latu] Man, I can't get over how huge this place is....
[18:39] [Hideki Kaze] my wives's carrers...gave us enough cash to afford this
[18:42] [Tao Latu] Wives?
[18:42] [Eva Gala] You have more then one?
[18:43] [Hideki Kaze] yes...I am married thrice..it is...difficult to explain..please do not feel prejudcle towards me because of it
[18:44] [Tao Latu] Why would I be like that? You lucky dog you!
[18:44] [Eva Gala] Heh, men....
[18:45] [Hideki Kaze] do you wish any refereshments?
[18:47] [Tao Latu] That would be great!
[18:47] [Eva Gala] Sounds lovely.
[18:48] [Hideki Kaze] Nori!
[18:50] --> Nori (Winry | Maid outfit) has joined #reddwarfevents
[18:50] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Nori (Winry | Maid outfit)
[18:51] [Nori (Winry | Maid outfit)] Yes sir?
[18:51] [Hideki Kaze] what would you two like?
[18:51] [Tao Latu] Her...?
[18:51] > Eva Gala growls and pops Tao on the back of the head
[18:52] [Hideki Kaze] heh in terms of refreshments
[18:53] [Tao Latu] OW! Sorry! Um...... I'll some fruit punch if you have any.
[18:53] [Hideki Kaze] and eva?
[18:54] [Eva Gala] I'll have the same. ^_^;;
[18:54] [Hideki Kaze] two fruit punches, Nori
[18:55] [Nori (Winry | Maid outfit)] Yes sir
[18:56] > Nori (Winry | Maid outfit) walks off to the kitchen
[18:56] > Tao Latu watches Nori leave and is once again popped in the bak of the head.
[18:56] [Eva Gala] I know you're thinking something perverted, now stop it!
[18:56] [Hideki Kaze] heh..I regret to inform you Tao that having a relationship with Nori is impossible
[18:56] [Tao Latu] OW!! Eva!? Geez....
[18:57] [Tao Latu] Impossible......?
[18:57] [Hideki Kaze] she's a robot
[18:58] [Tao Latu] Ooooh
[18:58] > Tao Latu goes from a look of dread to one of relief.
[18:59] [Hideki Kaze] so..it is nice to see you both once again
[18:59] [Eva Gala] It's nice seeing you too.
[19:00] [Tao Latu] Yeah, we wanted to come visit again.
[19:01] [Hideki Kaze] I'm happy to hear it
[19:01] [Hideki Kaze] have you seen Setsuna yet, Tao?
[19:02] [Tao Latu] No, I haven't.
[19:02] [Eva Gala] Who's Setsuna?
[19:02] [Hideki Kaze] you should..she's probably waiting for you
[19:02] [Hideki Kaze] she is Sailor Pluto..one of the princesses of a long ago kingdom
[19:03] > Tao Latu sits in a chair| I don't know where to find her though.
[19:03] [Eva Gala] Ooooh, I see.
[19:04] [Hideki Kaze] she'll find you probably
[19:04] [Hideki Kaze] also Eva....there is a temple in Tokyo that you should visit
[19:05] [Eva Gala] A temple?
[19:06] [Hideki Kaze] yes
[19:08] [Hideki Kaze] there's a woman there who can help you
[19:09] [Eva Gala] A....alright. I'll go see her.
[19:09] > Nori (Winry | Maid outfit) walks in with two glasses, handing them to Tao and Eva
[19:10] [Hideki Kaze] thank you, Nori
[19:10] [Nori (Winry | Maid outfit)] Yes, sir. Would you like anything?
[19:11] [Hideki Kaze] no I'm fine..go check on the children please
[19:12] [Nori (Winry | Maid outfit)] Yes, sir.
[19:12] > Nori (Winry | Maid outfit) turns and heads out again
[19:12] <-- Nori (Winry | Maid outfit) has left #reddwarfevents (Checking on the children.)
[19:12] [Tao Latu] How many kids do you have, Hideki?
[19:12] [Hideki Kaze] three
[19:14] [Hideki Kaze] Matsy, Sora and Taiyo
[19:14] > Eva Gala sips her punch quietly
[19:14] > Tao Latu takes a sip of his punch| Wow... I would've figured more, being you have multipul wives.
[19:15] [Hideki Kaze] it's......again a long story
[19:16] [Hideki Kaze] and very complicated
[19:18] [Hideki Kaze] so Eva....
[19:18] [Hideki Kaze] you and Tao have known each other for a bit?
[19:18] [Tao Latu] Ahh
[19:19] [Eva Gala] Yes, ever since I moved to Samoa
[19:20] [Hideki Kaze] are you two.....
[19:20] [Eva Gala] Hmm?
[19:21] [Hideki Kaze] you know
[19:21] > Tao Latu takes a drink of his punch
[19:21] > Eva Gala thinks, then blushes| You think we're...... together!?
[19:22] > Tao Latu chokes on his drink >_<
[19:23] [Hideki Kaze] why not
[19:23] [Eva Gala] Well..... uh.... um....
[19:24] [Hideki Kaze] heh
[19:24] [Tao Latu] Hideki....
[19:24] > Tao Latu looks serious for a moment
[19:25] [Tao Latu] ..... we're more like brother and sister.
[19:25] [Hideki Kaze] that's fine heh
[19:26] [Hideki Kaze] how did you two meet?
[19:26] > Eva Gala blushes profusely, quietly drinking her juice
[19:27] [Tao Latu] She stayed with my family during an exchange program.
[19:28] [Tao Latu] She was taking a special summer school class.
[19:29] [Hideki Kaze] oh I see and she stayed, I take it
[19:30] [Eva Gala] Well, I went back home. But after I graduated, I moved over there.
[19:31] [Tao Latu] Which is the other reason we came to visit you tonight.
[19:31] [Hideki Kaze] I met my first wife after she came here from the United States
[19:31] [Hideki Kaze] oh?
[19:31] [Hideki Kaze] why is that?
[19:31] [Tao Latu] Yeah. We're heading back tomorrow evening.
[19:32] [Hideki Kaze] oh I see
[19:33] [Eva Gala] So yeah, we wanted to see you and your family one last night.
[19:33] [Hideki Kaze] that is kind of you
[19:34] [Hideki Kaze] let me introduce you to the children then
[19:35] [Tao Latu] That would be great. ^_^
[19:35] <-- Hideki Kaze [AirKnight@Qtech.com] has left #reddwarfevents (Matsy is a little shy though)
[19:35] > Tao Latu hops up and follows Hideki
[19:35] <-- Tao Latu has left #reddwarfevents (I'm good with kids)
[19:35] <-- Eva Gala has left #reddwarfevents (You be nice to them, Tao.)
[23:42] ➣ Quinox - The Future
[23:43] --> Tina Kaze (nightgown) [FireyAirPrincess@QTech.com] has joined #reddwarfevents
[23:43] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Tina Kaze (nightgown)
[23:43] > Tina Kaze (nightgown) walks out onto the belcony and quietly looks down into the neighboring city
[23:44] [Tina Kaze (nightgown)] ...everything is so quiet tonight
[23:44] [Tina Kaze (nightgown)] ...feels so far from home...
[23:47] > Tina Kaze (nightgown) smiles as she watches a dog run down the road, chasing after something
[23:48] > Tina Kaze (nightgown) looks up into the sky...the moon Zepherius looming over her head
[23:49] [Tina Kaze (nightgown)] ..wonder if I can fit in this role
[23:52] > Tina Kaze (nightgown) picks up a small pebble by her feet..and throws it down into the road
[23:54] > Tina Kaze (nightgown) watches a small zuumer go down the road silently
[23:55] [Tina Kaze (nightgown)] I can never understand why people run around this late at night
[23:57] > Tina Kaze (nightgown) startles back as something leaps onto the balcony edge
[23:57] [Tina Kaze (nightgown)] .....
[23:58] > Tina Kaze (nightgown) gives a sigh of relief...realizing it's only a giant moth
[23:58] --> Celestite (PJ's) [CrystalGirl@dimensionzero.cc] has joined #reddwarfevents
[23:58] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Celestite (PJ's)
[23:58] [Tina Kaze (nightgown)] oh man...nearly made my heart leap
[23:58] > Tina Kaze (nightgown) watches the moth carefully crawl along the balcony edge
[23:58] [Celestite (PJ's)] What's wrong, Tina....?
[23:59] [Tina Kaze (nightgown)] oh celest!...
[23:59] [Tina Kaze (nightgown)] nothing...just couldn't sleep
[00:00] >>> Tuesday Apr 13 2010 <<<
[00:00] > Tina Kaze (nightgown) reaches out to pet the moth...but it flutters away into the night
[00:00] [Tina Kaze (nightgown)] aw...
[00:02] > Tina Kaze (nightgown) sees another Zuumer go by on the road
[00:02] [Tina Kaze (nightgown)] feels so diffrent then tempest city
[00:04] [Tina Kaze (nightgown)] so much more...quiet
[00:04] [Celestite (PJ's)] I know
[00:04] [Celestite (PJ's)] But it's nice, in that way.
[00:04] [Tina Kaze (nightgown)] I'm sorry if I woke you up
[00:06] > Tina Kaze (nightgown) turns and leans back a bit, moving some of her hair out of her eyes
[00:08] [Tina Kaze (nightgown)] I just felt that I needed some air
[00:09] ➣ A strong, warm breeze rips over them.
[00:10] [Tina Kaze (nightgown)] whoa!
[00:10] > Celestite (PJ's) giggles a bit
[00:10] ➣ Another strong breeze blows up Tina's gown.
[00:10] > Celestite (PJ's) walks up behind Tina, hugging her
[00:11] > Tina Kaze (nightgown) smiles and leans against Celest "quite the breeze"
[00:11] [Celestite (PJ's)] No kidding
[00:11] [Marty D (Robe)] Aww, if you hug her I can't blow up her gown.
[00:11] --> Marty D (Robe) [Techwiz@hogwarts.edu] has joined #reddwarfevents
[00:11] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Marty D (Robe)
[00:11] > Marty D (Robe) approaches, brandishing his wand.
[00:12] [Tina Kaze (nightgown)] heh marty!
[00:12] > Celestite (PJ's) turns around, "Hey Tiger" ^_^
[00:13] [Tina Kaze (nightgown)] it's such a beautiful night
[00:15] [Marty D (Robe)] It is.. Sorry about the breeze. You said you needed air and I got mischievous thoughts. >=3
[00:15] ➣ The giant moth returns and perches itself onto Marty's head
[00:16] > Tina Kaze (nightgown) giggles
[00:16] [Marty D (Robe)] =O_o= *bats at it*
[00:17] ➣ the moth flies away and proceeds to crawl up against the wall of the palace on the far end
[00:18] [Tina Kaze (nightgown)] did I wake you all up?
[00:19] [Celestite (PJ's)] I just got up cause I needed a drink.
[00:20] [Marty D (Robe)] Nah, nya, I got a nap earlier. I'm good.
[00:21] [Tina Kaze (nightgown)] heh...for a second there I thought it was cause you missed me ^_~
[00:23] [Celestite (PJ's)] Well, there was that too.
[00:24] > Tina Kaze (nightgown) pokes both celeste and marty's noses
[00:24] [Marty D (Robe)] Is everything alright?
[00:25] [Tina Kaze (nightgown)] just thinking...about everything
[00:25] [Marty D (Robe)] >.< ^.^
[00:26] [Celestite (PJ's)] Like what, Tina?
[00:27] [Tina Kaze (nightgown)] we're going to be together forever...and this new location and...and..just...everything
[00:28] [Tina Kaze (nightgown)] it's all such a change
[00:28] [Marty D (Robe)] Regreting it, aren't ya?
[00:30] [Tina Kaze (nightgown)] never
[00:30] [Tina Kaze (nightgown)] heh just taking it all in
[00:30] [Marty D (Robe)] Better run for it now, nya, cause if we divorce I'm takin half your stuff. >=3
[00:31] > Celestite (PJ's) giggles
[00:32] [Tina Kaze (nightgown)] oh ho so you think :P
[00:32] [Tina Kaze (nightgown)] but you won't, will you :P
[00:34] [Marty D (Robe)] Me or her?
[00:36] [Tina Kaze (nightgown)] both :P
[00:36] [Marty D (Robe)] Oh wait, you're the one running away. ^^; I'm more tired than I thought.
[00:36] [Marty D (Robe)] Darn right I will! And I'll find you and hex you!
[00:37] > Marty D (Robe) shoots some harmless sparks at Tina.
[00:37] [Tina Kaze (nightgown)] hehe
[00:40] [Celestite (PJ's)] You two are so silly
[00:41] [Marty D (Robe)] And you arent?
[00:42] [Celestite (PJ's)] Never said I wasn't. :P
[00:43] > Tina Kaze (nightgown) giggles a bit
[00:45] [Marty D (Robe)] I like being silly with my girls. It means we love eachother. =^_^=
[00:46] [Tina Kaze (nightgown)] yeah ^^
[00:49] > Tina Kaze (nightgown) yawns a bit
[00:51] [Marty D (Robe)] You know you can tell us anything, right Tinya?
[00:52] [Celestite (PJ's)] Yeah
[00:52] [Marty D (Robe)] If we can't confide and trust eachother, what we have is meaning less. I mean, I enjoy the sex, but still...
[00:52] [Tina Kaze (nightgown)] true true
[00:52] > Celestite (PJ's) hugs them both
[00:52] [Tina Kaze (nightgown)] I think I need to get some sleep
[00:53] [Celestite (PJ's)] Alright Sweetness
[00:53] [Marty D (Robe)] Going with her, Cele?
[00:54] [Celestite (PJ's)] I'm not quite that tired yet. I hope you don't mind if I follow you in a bit, Tina.
[00:54] [Tina Kaze (nightgown)] that's fine
[00:55] > Tina Kaze (nightgown) gives celest and marty a kiss
[00:55] > Celestite (PJ's) gives Tina a kiss
[00:55] [Tina Kaze (nightgown)] I'll see you in bed then ^^
[00:56] [Marty D (Robe)] ^_^ night Princess.
[00:56] <-- Tina Kaze (nightgown) [FireyAirPrincess@QTech.com] has left #reddwarfevents (off to bed)
[00:57] [Celestite (PJ's)] So, how's my Tiger tonight?
[00:57] > Marty D (Robe) wraps his arms around Celestite, kissing her neck and giving her boob a squeeze.
[00:57] [Celestite (PJ's)] ❧ Hey now~ ❧
[00:58] [Marty D (Robe)] Good good. Pretty good. Sometimes I worry that Tinya doesnt fully trust us tho..
[00:58] [Celestite (PJ's)] I don't think it's that she doesn't trust US..... I think it's that she's a lot like her mama. Super self-concious.
[00:59] [Marty D (Robe)] Whaaaaat? Like you mind. =p 'sides, they're as much mien as yours now.
[00:59] [Celestite (PJ's)] I think she's scared that she's going to do something to mess things up.
[00:59] [Marty D (Robe)] But yeah, you're probably right.
[00:59] > Celestite (PJ's) grins, slipping her hand inside his robe, rubbing his chest.
[01:00] [Celestite (PJ's)] ❧ Hey, I wasn't objecting. ❧
[01:00] > Marty D (Robe) purrs.
[01:01] [Celestite (PJ's)] ❧ Though, if we're gonna' go much further....we might want to find an unoccupied room~ ❧
[01:03] [Marty D (Robe)] Mmm... in a minute. What, I can't grope you casually?
[01:04] [Celestite (PJ's)] Never said that. Just usually a casual grope leads to more. Just had to make the suggestion.
[01:05] > Celestite (PJ's) smirks, reaching down and grabbing a handful of his ass
[01:05] [Marty D (Robe)] Well, I know you well enough that no suggestions are nessessary. :P
[01:05] [Marty D (Robe)] ❧ ! ❧
[01:05] > Marty D (Robe) nibbles her neck with his fangs.
[01:06] [Marty D (Robe)] How wuh yer aay?
[01:06] [Celestite (PJ's)] ❧ Mmmmm hehehe ❧
[01:06] > Celestite (PJ's) makes a purr like noise
[01:09] > Marty D (Robe) lets off the bite just long enough to repeat himself. "How was your day?"
[01:10] [Celestite (PJ's)] Not bad. Classes were easy today.
[01:10] [Marty D (Robe)] School going better, then?
[01:10] [Celestite (PJ's)] Yeah, now that I'm not trying to keep up with education AND sports.
[01:12] [Marty D (Robe)] Well, do what makes you happy. We don't exactly have to worry about money or our futures.
[01:13] [Celestite (PJ's)] This I know.
[01:13] > Celestite (PJ's) brings her hand up to rub Marty's tail, holding him against her with the other arm.
[01:13] [Marty D (Robe)] One reason why I didnt get why the little scare we had months ago was so horrific. >.> but I digress..
[01:14] > Marty D (Robe) gives a big, happy sigh.
[01:14] [Celestite (PJ's)] I don't even wanna' think about that little rough patch
[01:15] [Marty D (Robe)] As you wish.
[01:16] > Celestite (PJ's) holds onto Marty, looking out from the balcony
[01:16] [Celestite (PJ's)] After all.... we're gonna' be married soon.... we're in this beautiful palace now.
[01:17] > Marty D (Robe) does likewise, resting his hands on her sides, just under the pajamas.
[01:17] [Marty D (Robe)] You say after all as if that would have cost us everything.
[01:20] > Celestite (PJ's) gives him a playful smack on the ass, "What did I just say?"
[01:20] [Marty D (Robe)] Sorry sorry ^^;
[01:21] [Celestite (PJ's)] I just wanna' enjoy being with you and then going to bed with you and Tina tonight and every night after that.
[01:22] [Marty D (Robe)] Alright, alright. Anything on your mind?
[01:23] [Celestite (PJ's)] Only the anticipation of the actual wedding.
[01:23] [Marty D (Robe)] Yeah.. same here.. But itll be okay. We'll have fun with it!
[01:25] [Celestite (PJ's)] I have no doubts about that.
[01:27] [Celestite (PJ's)] What about you, how was your day?
[01:30] [Marty D (Robe)] Alright.. finding some good help with the shop, profits are steady since I'm getting better deals on parts.
[01:30] [Celestite (PJ's)] Well that's good to hear.
[01:30] [Marty D (Robe)] Let me know if you need anything to boost your acedemic performance, be it inteligence boosters of cheating devices. =^_^=
[01:31] [Celestite (PJ's)] Noo noo.... I want to do my learning the natural way. No cheating for me.
[01:32] [Celestite (PJ's)] The only thing I might ask you for is for things to give me extra energy when I have to take exams later this week.
[01:34] [Marty D (Robe)] Can do. I'll whip some things up.
[01:35] [Celestite (PJ's)] Alrighty
[01:36] [Celestite (PJ's)] Hey Marty.... I know this is gonna' be a loaded question.... but I have to ask....
[01:37] [Celestite (PJ's)] Has there ever been a point when you prefered one of us over the other?
[01:38] > Marty D (Robe) raises his lower lip, thinking.
[01:39] [Marty D (Robe)] Honestly, no. I mean, there are times when one of you has gotten on my nerves and the other hasnt, but you both have your virtues and your vices.
[01:39] [Celestite (PJ's)] Like my losing my temper and flying off the handle....
[01:40] [Marty D (Robe)] Or Tinya's timidness or letting her powers go apes[SMEG]t.
[01:41] [Marty D (Robe)] What about you?
[01:43] [Celestite (PJ's)] Well, I know it might seem like a cop out.... but I'm stealing your answer :P
[01:43] > Marty D (Robe) looks her in the eyes.
[01:44] [Marty D (Robe)] Heh.. What do I do that's so bad? Other than getting impatient when you fly off the handle?
[01:47] [Celestite (PJ's)] Well, you can be a bit of a workaholic sometimes.
[01:48] [Marty D (Robe)] Mmm... well, in my defense, I started this all thinking I'd have to provide and buy you guys an impressive house and all the stuff you deserve. I didn't know we'd wind up getting it on a silver platter. Want me to give it up? :3
[01:50] [Celestite (PJ's)] No no, you don't have to.
[01:51] [Marty D (Robe)] I'm trying to make it more autonomous, but every time I make something manage itself, two more things come up that need my direct involvement.
[01:51] [Celestite (PJ's)] Just like I hope you don't expect me to quit school. :P
[01:52] [Marty D (Robe)] There were times when I wouldn't have minded ~ but that seems to have improved.
[01:54] [Marty D (Robe)] Tinya has been a bit of a wreck lately.. she's really worried about living up to the parent's expectations.
[01:54] [Celestite (PJ's)] That's just how Tina is.
[01:56] [Celestite (PJ's)] Like I said earlier. She's like Matsumi in that way.
[01:59] [Marty D (Robe)] You're awfully informal. =p
[02:00] [Celestite (PJ's)] Only when it's just you and I talking.
[02:01] [Celestite (PJ's)] When Tina's around, I call Matsumi, Vana and Candy mama's
[02:06] [Marty D (Robe)] I could probably get away with calling mah and pop their names to their faces.. they never were much for structure.
[02:09] [Marty D (Robe)] Mmm... you ready for bed, dear? And of course by bed, I mean secksy secks~ Nya.
[02:10] [Celestite (PJ's)] ❧ You know I'm always ready for you~ ❧
[02:10] > Celestite (PJ's) rubs his chest under his robe again
[02:10] [Marty D (Robe)] One of MANY things I love about you.
[02:10] > Marty D (Robe) unbuttons her PJs, but doesnt remove them.
[02:11] > Celestite (PJ's) giggles and smiles
[02:11] [Marty D (Robe)] ❧ Mmm... get me out of here before I take you under the moonlight. ❧
[02:11] > Celestite (PJ's) grins, kissing him before taking his hand, leading him inside.
[02:12] <-- Celestite (PJ's) [CrystalGirl@dimensionzero.cc] has left #reddwarfevents (Maybe we could wake up Tina and convince her to join us~)
[02:13] <-- Marty D (Robe) [Techwiz@hogwarts.edu] has left #reddwarfevents (Mayyybeee~)
[20:58] ➣ In a small room on Tokyo
[20:58] --> Tao Latu has joined #reddwarfevents
[20:58] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Tao Latu
[20:59] > Tao Latu walks out of the bathroom in boxers and a tank top.
[20:59] [Tao Latu] Man, how much longer is Eva gonna' be gone?
[21:00] > Setsuna Meioh is sitting in the chair
[21:00] [Setsuna Meioh] hello
[21:00] > Tao Latu jumps a bit, seeing Setsuna sitting there| Woah!
[21:01] [Tao Latu] W.....who are you?
[21:01] [Setsuna Meioh] ..don't you remember, Tao..
[21:02] > Tao Latu thinks for a moment| Wait......y... you're...... Setsuna
[21:02] [Setsuna Meioh] so you remember
[21:03] > Tao Latu looks at Setsuna Meioh
[21:03] ➣ Setsuna Meioh: long green hair, elegent figure and wise
[21:03] [Tao Latu] I do..... but you look a lot better then I remember....
[21:04] [Setsuna Meioh] why thank you
[21:04] [Setsuna Meioh] I see what I have heard is true..that you have awoken, my knight
[21:05] [Tao Latu] I have.... Princess Setsuna.
[21:06] [Setsuna Meioh] have you been well?
[21:06] > Tao Latu nods slowly, sitting on the bed, across from Setsuna.
[21:08] [Setsuna Meioh] I hope your skills have not grown rusty
[21:08] [Tao Latu] I..... wouldn't know. I've only known of my powers for a couple weeks.... and even then I haven't practiced.
[21:09] [Setsuna Meioh] have you tried transforming?
[21:10] [Tao Latu] Not yet.
[21:11] > Setsuna Meioh has transformed into Sailor Pluto
[21:11] [Sailor Pluto] perhaps you should...try...*hands Tao a watch with the symbol of pluto on it*
[21:13] > Tao Latu takes the watch, looking at it| This...... is my trigger, right?
[21:13] [Sailor Pluto] yes
[21:13] [Sailor Pluto] simply put it on your wrist....
[21:14] [Sailor Pluto] and say the words
[21:15] > Sailor Pluto gives a slight smile
[21:17] > Tao Latu slips the watch on
[21:18] > Tao Latu closes his eyes... concentrating
[21:18] [Tao Latu] Pluto Armor...... henshin!
[21:18] > Tao Latu has transformed into Pluto Knight
[21:19] [Pluto Knight] Wow....
[21:19] > Sailor Pluto smiles
[21:20] [Pluto Knight] .... It's been so long, since I've felt this power.
[21:20] [Sailor Pluto] it has been awhile since I have seen you
[21:23] [Pluto Knight] This.... is amazing.
[21:24] > Pluto Knight holds his hand out, creating a bubble around himself and Setsuna, watching the second hand on the clock stop.
[21:24] [Sailor Pluto] your time powers are still strong
[21:25] [Pluto Knight] I wish I could've done then when I was a teenager.... could've gotten me out of so many fights.
[21:25] [Pluto Knight] Or it could've helped me win 'em.
[21:26] [Sailor Pluto] you should never use your powers but in the line of duty
[21:26] [Pluto Knight] Of course, I know that..... I was just thinking.
[21:27] > Pluto Knight takes down his hand, the bubble vanishing
[21:29] [Sailor Pluto] my dear Pluto Knight...will you once more defend my honor and protect this world in my name?
[21:29] [Pluto Knight] Of course I will, Princess Setsuna.
[21:31] [Sailor Pluto] I am glad
[21:31] [Pluto Knight] Though, may I be as bold as to ask you a personal question....
[21:32] [Sailor Pluto] yes?
[21:32] > Pluto Knight pushes a button on his watch, his armor going away in a flash of light.
[21:32] > Pluto Knight has transformed into Tao Latu
[21:32] [Tao Latu] Are you single? Cause I'd love go to out with you sometime.
[21:33] > Sailor Pluto smiles "I have a boyfriend"
[21:33] [Tao Latu] I see..... damn.
[21:33] > Sailor Pluto has transformed into Setsuna Meioh
[21:34] [Tao Latu] Oh well, it was worth a shot anyway.
[21:34] [Setsuna Meioh] now then my dear Tao..I wish you luck in the troubles ahead
[21:34] > Setsuna Meioh gives Tao a kiss on the forehead and is suddenly gone
[21:34] > Tao Latu blushes a little at the kiss| T.... troubles?
[21:36] --> Eva Gala has joined #reddwarfevents
[21:36] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Eva Gala
[21:37] > Eva Gala opens the door, looking a bit out of sorts.
[21:37] [Eva Gala] Hey Tao...... you haven't gotten dressed yet?
[21:37] > Tao Latu turns to look at Eva, a lip print on his forehead where Setsuna kissed him.
[21:39] [Eva Gala] W....was someone here?
[21:39] [Tao Latu] Yeah..... how'd you know?
[21:39] > Eva Gala points at his forehead
[21:40] > Tao Latu looks in a mirror and blushes again, whiping the lip stick print off.
[21:40] > Eva Gala stands there, looking a bit miffed| Explain yourself!
[21:40] [Tao Latu] I....it's not what you think Eva! I....met Setsuna.
[21:41] [Eva Gala] Setsuna....? You mean, Pluto?
[21:42] > Tao Latu nods| She's really pretty.... but she has a man.
[21:43] [Eva Gala] Heh, you even hit in your princess? Geez.
[21:43] [Eva Gala] Anyway... you need to get dressed. We have to leave in a couple hours.
[21:44] [Tao Latu] Oh, right right.
[21:45] > Tao Latu goes to put on a pair of jeans| Speaking of meeting princess, did you find yours?
[21:45] [Eva Gala] Y.... yeah, I did. I remember everything now......
[21:47] [Tao Latu] Have you transformed yet?
[21:47] [Eva Gala] N...no. I'm a little afraid to.
[21:48] [Tao Latu] You should try it. I did while the princess was here. It's amazing.
[21:49] [Eva Gala] Maybe I will..... after we get home.
[21:49] > Tao Latu closes his suit case, having packed everything.
[21:50] > Eva Gala picks up her suit case and purse.
[21:50] [Tao Latu] Alright, are we ready?
[21:50] [Eva Gala] Yeah.... I have the tickets and the room keys.
[21:51] [Tao Latu] Good, let's get moving then. I wanna' eat before we get on the plane.
[21:52] > Tao Latu opens the door, holding for it for Eva and then letting it close after he follows her out.
[21:52] <-- Eva Gala has left #reddwarfevents (It's a good thing we have plenty of yen left to use.)
[21:52] <-- Tao Latu has left #reddwarfevents (One last big meal in japan before heading home!)
[00:00] >>> Saturday Apr 17 2010 <<<
[14:41] ➣ Outside the Kaze/Knives house
[14:42] --> Hana Sagusa [sagusa.hana@mugen.edu.jp] has joined #reddwarfevents
[14:42] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Hana Sagusa
[14:42] > Hana Sagusa (school uniform) stands in front of the house..just staring at it
[14:45] [Hana Sagusa (school uniform)] ...what the f[SMEG]k..
[14:47] --> Nori (Leitchi | Maid) has joined #reddwarfevents
[14:47] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Nori (Leitchi | Maid)
[14:48] > Nori (Leitchi | Maid) walks out onto the front porch, sweeping up
[14:48] [Hana Sagusa (school uniform)] huh..hey...yo!
[14:50] [Hana Sagusa (school uniform)] YO!
[14:50] > Nori (Leitchi | Maid) looks up | Hello... may I help you with something?
[14:51] [Hana Sagusa (school uniform)] yeah..this is the kaze place, isn't it?
[14:52] [Nori (Litchi | Maid)] Yes it is. Are you looking for someone?
[14:53] [Hana Sagusa (school uniform)] um yeah...a Mrs. Matsumi Kaze?
[14:54] [Nori (Litchi | Maid)] She is not home at the moment. I can leave a message for her if you would like.
[14:55] [Hana Sagusa (school uniform)] is anyone at home?
[14:56] [Nori (Litchi | Maid)] Mrs Vanadine is home, as well as Mister Hideki and the children.
[15:00] [Hana Sagusa (school uniform)] ...hell the red head....
[15:00] [Hana Sagusa (school uniform)] ...guess I'll see this vana...
[15:00] [Nori (Litchi | Maid)] Very good. I will go get her for you.
[15:01] > Nori (Litchi | Maid) lays the broom against the front door frame, going inside
[15:01] <-- Nori (Litchi | Maid) has left #reddwarfevents (Mrs Vana, you have a visitor.)
[15:02] --> Vanadine (Spring Casual) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has joined #reddwarfevents
[15:02] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Vanadine (Spring Casual)
[15:02] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Vanadine (Spring Casual)
[15:03] > +Vanadine (Spring Casual) walks out wearing a pair of short white shorts and a matching tank top, her super long hair tied in a pony tail.
[15:04] [Hana Sagusa (school uniform)] ....s[SMEG]t...it's red head
[15:05] [+Vanadine (Spring Casual)] Hey there Hana..... watch your mouth... there's kids in there.
[15:06] [Hana Sagusa (school uniform)] didn't know you lived with sensei
[15:06] > +Vanadine (Spring Casual) pauses, thinking for a moment: I don't..... I'm staying with them for the weekend.
[15:07] [Hana Sagusa (school uniform)] where's sensei
[15:08] [+Vanadine (Spring Casual)] She's out grocery shopping, picking up stuff for dinner.
[15:08] [+Vanadine (Spring Casual)] I'm spending some time with her husband and their adopted children.
[15:09] [+Vanadine (Spring Casual)] Is there something you needed, Hana?
[15:09] [Hana Sagusa (school uniform)] yeah..need to talk to sensei
[15:09] [+Vanadine (Spring Casual)] Well, she's not here. Maybe you can talk to me.
[15:09] [Hana Sagusa (school uniform)] well ya see...
[15:10] [Hana Sagusa (school uniform)] I'm her cousin
[15:10] > +Vanadine (Spring Casual) sits on a bench on the porch and then nearly proceeds to fall off of it
[15:10] [+Vanadine (Spring Casual)] You're her WHAT NOW!?
[15:10] [Hana Sagusa (school uniform)] her cousin..something removed..her great grandma was my great grandma's sister
[15:11] > +Vanadine (Spring Casual) gives her an questioning look: Are you serious?
[15:12] > Hana Sagusa (school uniform) pushes a piece of paper in vana's face "look for yourself, red hair"
[15:13] [+Vanadine (Spring Casual)] I have a name, ya' know!
[15:13] > +Vanadine (Spring Casual) takes the paper and reads through it
[15:14] [Hana Sagusa (school uniform)] yeah..my big bro told me to come down here
[15:14] [+Vanadine (Spring Casual)] Wow... I'm sorry I doubted you. I wonder how Matsy's gonna' react to this?
[15:15] > +Vanadine (Spring Casual) looks at Hana Sagusa
[15:15] ➣ Hana Sagusa: is about 16 years old, with spiky messy blond hair, half of it of which is dyed black. She wears a small gold earring in one of her ears.
[15:17] > +Vanadine (Spring Casual) folds the paper and hands it back to Hana
[15:19] [Hana Sagusa (school uniform)] yeah
[15:19] > +Vanadine (Spring Casual) looks at Hana Sagusa
[15:19] ➣ Hana Sagusa: is about 16 years old, with spiky messy black hair, along with brown eyes. she is about 5'4 and a half. She wears a small gold earring in one of her ears.
[15:20] [+Vanadine (Spring Casual)] Well, I don't know when Matsy's gonna' be back...
[15:20] [+Vanadine (Spring Casual)] .... you could always sit with me till she comes back. Though it kinda' seems you..... don't like me.
[15:20] [Hana Sagusa (school uniform)] what the heck am I suppose to do then!?
[15:21] [Hana Sagusa (school uniform)] ..guess I can come over
[15:24] [Hana Sagusa (school uniform)] ...so can I come in???
[15:25] > +Vanadine (Spring Casual) hops up: Sure sure
[15:25] > +Vanadine (Spring Casual) opens the door, walking in and holding it for Hana
[15:27] > Hana Sagusa (school uniform) walks in
[15:28] [+Vanadine (Spring Casual)] Welcome to casa de Kaze
[15:28] [Hana Sagusa (school uniform)] ................................holy s[SMEG]t
[15:28] > +Vanadine (Spring Casual) smirks and pops her in the back of the head, lightly: I told ya' to watch your mouth
[15:29] [Hana Sagusa (school uniform)] how the heck.....does...is she like super rich?
[15:30] [+Vanadine (Spring Casual)] Well, her husband is a computer programmer, so he makes great money.
[15:31] [Hana Sagusa (school uniform)] ...whoa
[15:31] [Hana Sagusa (school uniform)] think she'll give me money!?
[15:32] [+Vanadine (Spring Casual)] I doubt that.... unless you needed it to save your house or life.
[15:34] [Hana Sagusa (school uniform)] man......
[15:35] [+Vanadine (Spring Casual)] You want a drink or a snack of some sort?
[15:37] [Hana Sagusa (school uniform)] uh...sure
[15:38] [Hana Sagusa (school uniform)] ..a lemonaide?
[15:41] [+Vanadine (Spring Casual)] Alright.
[15:41] [+Vanadine (Spring Casual)] NORI!
[15:41] --> Nori (Noel | Maid) has joined #reddwarfevents
[15:41] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Nori (Noel | Maid)
[15:41] > Nori (Noel | Maid) has totally changed her look http://ui19.gamespot.com/50/litchifayelingettaokaka.jpg
[15:42] [Nori (Noel | Maid)] (( Oops, wrong picture ))
[15:42] [Nori (Noel | Maid)] (( http://pressthepsbutton.files.wordpress.com/2009/03/noel-vermillion.jpg right picture ))
[15:42] [Nori (Noel | Maid)] Yes Mrs Vana?
[15:43] [Hana Sagusa (school uniform)] uh...new maid?
[15:43] > +Vanadine (Spring Casual) looks at Nori: I see 'deki had you change.
[15:43] [Hana Sagusa (school uniform)] ..............
[15:43] [Nori (Noel | Maid)] Yes ma'an. He felt I should be a little more..... conservative. Can I get you something?
[15:44] [+Vanadine (Spring Casual)] Yes, could you get some lemonaid for myself and Hana? Please put some strawberry in mine.
[15:44] [Nori (Noel | Maid)] Very good.
[15:44] > Nori (Noel | Maid) is away: Getting drinks
[15:45] [+Vanadine (Spring Casual)] Nori's...... difficult to explain.
[15:45] [Hana Sagusa (school uniform)] ...I bet
[15:45] [+Vanadine (Spring Casual)] So, tell me something Hana. How much do you know about Matsy's family?
[15:48] [Hana Sagusa (school uniform)] ..not much....just that my great aunt married her great grandfather...and she died soon after giving birth
[15:48] [+Vanadine (Spring Casual)] I see
[15:50] [Hana Sagusa (school uniform)] other then that..nothing
[15:51] > Nori (Noel | Maid) walks in, carrying two glasses, handing one to each
[15:51] > +Vanadine (Spring Casual) takes the her glass with a smile: Thank you Nori
[15:52] [Hana Sagusa (school uniform)] um thanks
[15:52] > Hana Sagusa (school uniform) takes it and drinks
[15:53] > +Vanadine (Spring Casual) sips her drink: Mmmm..... so good
[15:53] [+Vanadine (Spring Casual)] Nori, could you please tell Hideki there's someone here for Matsumi?
[15:53] [Hana Sagusa (school uniform)] so how do you know sensei?
[15:53] [Nori (Noel | Maid)] Yes ma'am.
[15:54] <-- Nori (Noel | Maid) has left #reddwarfevents (Mr Hideki, there is a visitory....)
[15:54] [+Vanadine (Spring Casual)] Well..... that's difficult to expalin too
[15:56] [Hana Sagusa (school uniform)] heh...what are you like her girlfriend or something *laughs*
[15:59] > +Vanadine (Spring Casual) gets really quiet and takes a long drink of her strawberry lemonaid, blushing lightly
[16:00] [Hana Sagusa (school uniform)] heheh..I mean that would be so weird
[16:01] > +Vanadine (Spring Casual) chokes a on her lemonaid, coughing a bit
[16:03] [Hana Sagusa (school uniform)] hey you ok, red hair?
[16:05] > +Vanadine (Spring Casual) coughs some more, catching her breath.