[23:14] >>> Tuesday Nov 25 2008 – Automatic reset triggered – Logging Start <<<
[23:14] [Jennifer Flare (Nightwear)] Hey Inny ^_^
[23:15] [Jennifer Flare (Nightwear)] I'm glad you're here... I needed to talk to ya'
[23:16] > Inu Yasha (red outfit) nods sitting across from her
[23:16] [Inu Yasha (red outfit)] What is it?
[23:17] [Jennifer Flare (Nightwear)] Well... I want to take you home with me tomorrow.... and introduce you to my parents
[23:19] [Inu Yasha (red outfit)] ...your parents?
[23:19] > Inu Yasha (red outfit) looks a little worried about this
[23:19] [Jennifer Flare (Nightwear)] Oh wait, day after tomorrow, I'm sorry
[23:20] [Jennifer Flare (Nightwear)] See... thursday night's the holiday of Thanksgiving in america....
[23:21] [Inu Yasha (red outfit)] .....yeah
[23:21] [Inu Yasha (red outfit)] ...thursday...that's the new moon, isn't it?
[23:21] [Jennifer Flare (Nightwear)] .... we typicly gather family together and have a large meal and give thanks for the things we have.
[23:22] [Jennifer Flare (Nightwear)] I really want to take you to meet my family...
[23:23] > Inu Yasha (red outfit) listens
[23:25] [Jennifer Flare (Nightwear)] ... and i bet if we put a hat on you and dress you up, like how we did for that shopping trip, my parents wouldn't even know you're a half demon.
[23:25] [Inu Yasha (red outfit)] ...well Jenny..
[23:25] [Inu Yasha (red outfit)] there is probably I should explain to you
[23:25] > Inu Yasha (red outfit) frowns taking a deep breath
[23:26] [Inu Yasha (red outfit)] You know I'm half demon, right?
[23:26] [Jennifer Flare (Nightwear)] Of course I do...
[23:27] [Inu Yasha (red outfit)] Well because I'm half there is one night out of the moon cycle, differs for each halfling, that well...
[23:27] [Inu Yasha (red outfit)] .....we loose our powers entirely
[23:27] [Jennifer Flare (Nightwear)] Oh wow.....
[23:28] [Inu Yasha (red outfit)] Normally in fear of our enemies we hide that one night because we revert fully to our other side
[23:28] [Jennifer Flare (Nightwear)] When's that day?
[23:29] [Inu Yasha (red outfit)] Mine is the new moon
[23:30] > Jennifer Flare (Nightwear) thinks for a moment then spins around and looks at her calander
[23:30] [Jennifer Flare (Nightwear)] But that's perfect!!
[23:31] [Inu Yasha (red outfit)] ...I cannot protect you that well that night, how is that perfect?
[23:32] [Jennifer Flare (Nightwear)] Oh wait.... yeah
[23:32] > Jennifer Flare (Nightwear) suddenly sinks
[23:32] [Inu Yasha (red outfit)] what is it?
[23:32] [Jennifer Flare (Nightwear)] That means we'd have to go out in the open at night....
[23:32] [Jennifer Flare (Nightwear)] .... you'd have no powers.... and my powers are apparently substandard.....
[23:33] [Jennifer Flare (Nightwear)] ... maybe I should call my parents and cancel. ~_~
[23:33] [Inu Yasha (red outfit)] ..no I'm sure things will be alright
[23:34] [Jennifer Flare (Nightwear)] But you just said....
[23:36] [Inu Yasha (red outfit)] ..yeah but you were looking foward to this family thing, right?
[23:36] [Jennifer Flare (Nightwear)] ... well, yeah
[23:37] [Inu Yasha (red outfit)] ...We can't really let our fears for the future determine how we act
[23:37] [Inu Yasha (red outfit)] If you want to go, then go
[23:37] [Inu Yasha (red outfit)] if something happens there we'll deal with it then
[23:39] [Jennifer Flare (Nightwear)] You mean it.. you'll come meet my parents!?
[23:40] [Inu Yasha (red outfit)] yeah
[23:40] [Jennifer Flare (Nightwear)] Oh Inny!
[23:41] > Jennifer Flare (Nightwear) smiles and jumps up onto Inu Yasha's lap, hugging him
[23:42] > Inu Yasha (red outfit) laughs a little hugging her back
[23:43] [Jennifer Flare (Nightwear)] I'll call mom in the morning and tell her I'm bringing you with me.
[23:46] [Inu Yasha (red outfit)] Ok
[23:48] > Jennifer Flare (Nightwear) giggles and kisses Inu Yasha sweety
[23:48] [Inu Yasha (red outfit)] I hope I don't shock them...
[23:49] > Inu Yasha (red outfit) returns the kiss
[23:50] [Jennifer Flare (Nightwear)] I wonder...
[23:51] [Inu Yasha (red outfit)] yes?
[23:51] [Jennifer Flare (Nightwear)] you lose your powers on the new moon..... but do you change.... physicly at all?
[23:52] [Inu Yasha (red outfit)] the silver hair you love so much turns black
[23:53] [Inu Yasha (red outfit)] and of course I loose my ears
[23:54] [Jennifer Flare (Nightwear)] really?
[23:54] > Inu Yasha (red outfit) nods
[23:55] [Jennifer Flare (Nightwear)] well at least it's only for one night
[23:55] [Jennifer Flare (Nightwear)] besides, it'll make things easier. won't have to explain so much to my parents
[23:55] [Inu Yasha (red outfit)] yeah though if I meet them again I'll have to dye my hair
[23:56] [Jennifer Flare (Nightwear)] unless we make sure to only go see them the night of the new moon
[23:57] [Inu Yasha (red outfit)] true
[00:00] >>> Wednesday Nov 26 2008 <<<
[00:00] [Inu Yasha (red outfit)] Then I guess I should start packing tomorrow
[00:03] > Inu Yasha (red outfit) kisses Jenny's forehad
[00:03] > Jennifer Flare (Nightwear) giggles
[00:04] [Jennifer Flare (Nightwear)] we're only gonna' be gone for the day. no real need to pack
[00:06] [Inu Yasha (red outfit)] oh ok..
[00:09] [Jennifer Flare (Nightwear)] Unless you wanna' pack... somethin' else. ^_~
[00:11] > Inu Yasha (red outfit) smirks. "I like where you're going with this."
[00:11] [Jennifer Flare (Nightwear)] I had a feeling you would ^_~
[00:12] > Jennifer Flare (Nightwear) kisses him again and stands, motioning for him to follow her into her bedroom.
[00:13] > Inu Yasha (red outfit) stands following her
[00:13] [Inu Yasha (red outfit)] I think this time you'll get to decide
[00:14] [Inu Yasha (red outfit)] since you've allowed me the last few times
[00:14] [Jennifer Flare (Nightwear)] Does anything ELSE change during the night of the new moon? ^_~
[00:15] [Inu Yasha (red outfit)] I guess you'll have to find out >:D
[00:16] > Jennifer Flare (Nightwear) grins, playfully shoves IY onto her bed, closes and locks the door
[00:18] <-- Inu Yasha (red outfit) [angrydd@demon.com] has left #reddwarfevents (A bit of 'packing' I shall do)
[00:19] <-- Jennifer Flare (Nightwear) [AriesSenshi@usa.cc] has left #reddwarfevents (I learn something new about you every day, which is part of the reason I love you. ^_^)
[14:54] ➣ Quinox....in the Future
[14:54] --> Matsumi Kaze (future) [RoyalQueen@Quinox.gov] has joined #reddwarfevents
[14:54] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Matsumi Kaze (future)
[14:54] > Matsumi Kaze (future) quietly sits in a chair in her private room, reading a book
[14:56] > Matsumi Kaze (future) nibbles on a moth wing
[14:59] [Matsumi Kaze (future)] such a wonderful day...
[15:03] > Matsumi Kaze (future) rubs her stomach a bit as she reads her book
[15:07] > Matsumi Kaze (future) relaxes
[15:09] [Future Candy] /oin
[15:09] --> Future Candy (Candy) [sunshinequeen@sun.net] has joined #reddwarfevents
[15:09] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Future Candy (Candy)
[15:09] > Future Candy (Candy) walks by the room heading somewhere
[15:09] [Matsumi Kaze (future)] oh hello candy
[15:10] [Future Candy (Candy)] Ohh Hello Matsumi ^^
[15:10] [Future Candy (dress)] How are you?
[15:11] [Matsumi Kaze (future)] heh I'm fine..just snacking..reading a book
[15:11] [Matsumi Kaze (future)] moth wing?
[15:13] [Future Candy (dress)] Sure
[15:14] > Future Candy (dress) enters the room and accepts the moth wing
[15:14] > Matsumi Kaze (future) hands it "...how is the situation?"
[15:17] > Matsumi Kaze (future) smiles
[15:20] [Future Candy (dress)] ..ahh well Vash seems to have calmed down a lot
[15:20] [Future Candy (dress)] ~_~ just *sigh* I don't know what to do
[15:20] [Matsumi Kaze (future)] ..I'm glad
[15:21] [Matsumi Kaze (future)] where are the girls now?
[15:21] [Future Candy (dress)] Their at the palace for now...hideki must have spoke with him
[15:22] [Matsumi Kaze (future)] heh must have....those two always hit it off
[15:22] [Matsumi Kaze (future)] how about you take a seat
[15:26] [Future Candy (dress)] take it where :P?
[15:27] > Future Candy (dress) sits down
[15:28] [Matsumi Kaze (future)] heh anywhere
[15:29] > Future Candy (dress) munches on the moth wing
[15:30] [Matsumi Kaze (future)] how have you been feeling?
[15:30] [Future Candy (dress)] A bit tired but ok
[15:31] > Future Candy (dress) leans back a little looking up at the ceiling. "How about you?"
[15:31] [Matsumi Kaze (future)] hungry...and worn out...can hardly stay awake at meetings heh
[15:31] [Future Candy (dress)] aww
[15:32] > Future Candy (dress) looks at her stomach sighing.
[15:32] [Matsumi Kaze (future)] what's wrong?
[15:33] [Future Candy (dress)] Just worried
[15:34] [Matsumi Kaze (future)] about what?
[15:35] [Future Candy (dress)] both our pregnancies
[15:35] [Future Candy (dress)] who's going to give birth first
[15:37] [Future Candy (dress)] if they'll both turn out well
[15:37] [Matsumi Kaze (future)] why does that worry you?
[15:38] [Future Candy (dress)] well pregnancies can go bad..
[15:38] [Matsumi Kaze (future)] true
[15:40] > Matsumi Kaze (future) strokes candy's hair
[15:41] [Future Candy (dress)] ^^ but I'm probably worring over nothing
[15:43] [Matsumi Kaze (future)] heh yes it's probably nothing
[15:45] [Future Candy (dress)] heh well I don't want you getting hurt or sick or dying because of it
[15:46] [Matsumi Kaze (future)] oh don't worry too much! you always are worrying
[15:51] [Future Candy (dress)] yes I'll get old and grey
[15:51] [Future Candy (dress)] with lots of wrinkles
[15:52] [Matsumi Kaze (future)] no you won't!
[15:54] [Future Candy (dress)] :P
[15:54] [Matsumi Kaze (future)] I'm going to go check on things...I'll be back
[15:55] > Matsumi Kaze (future) is away
[15:55] [Future Candy (dress)] ooh ok Matsumi
[16:00] > Matsumi Kaze (future) is back
[16:00] > Matsumi Kaze (future) returns...with a huge tray of food
[16:00] [Future Candy (dress)] heh :P You didn't have to do that
[16:02] [Matsumi Kaze (future)] hey I'm hungry too :P
[16:04] [Matsumi Kaze (future)] how is Tani doing?
[16:04] [Future Candy (dress)] She seems to be doing ok with everything but a bit quiet
[16:06] [Matsumi Kaze (future)] ..still shut out from the others?
[16:07] [Future Candy (dress)] I don't know, I mean she's still letting david in
[16:08] [Matsumi Kaze (future)] well that's good
[16:08] [Matsumi Kaze (future)] I mean..from Laval
[16:08] [Future Candy (dress)] I don't think they've been talking much
[16:12] [Matsumi Kaze (future)] I can guess why
[16:12] [Future Candy (dress)] yeah she was the one who told Vash where they were
[16:13] > Matsumi Kaze (future) offers candy a cookie
[16:14] [Matsumi Kaze (future)] must be hard being twins
[16:15] > Future Candy (dress) takes it with thanks. "Yeah..especially when you have powers between you."
[16:16] [Matsumi Kaze (future)] yeah
[16:16] [Matsumi Kaze (future)] what should we do, Candy?
[16:16] [Matsumi Kaze (future)] about all this
[16:17] [Future Candy (dress)] I don't know, everything is difficult to say. If I do anything with Laval right now I run the risk of alienating Tani
[16:20] [Matsumi Kaze (future)] maybe we should split our work then
[16:20] [Future Candy (dress)] You take one of them and I take the other?
[16:21] [Future Candy (dress)] ...but how close are you to either one of them really?
[16:22] [Matsumi Kaze (future)] I need to patch things up with Laval I think
[16:23] [Matsumi Kaze (future)] I think she was somewhat upset with me
[16:23] > Future Candy (dress) looks a little concerned
[16:25] [Matsumi Kaze (future)] but I don't know
[16:26] [Future Candy (dress)] Well I don't know, I haven't been able to really talk to her since this all happened
[16:26] [Future Candy (dress)] She tends to not forget when someone may have 'wronged' her in her eyes though
[16:28] [Matsumi Kaze (future)] yeah true...
[16:28] [Matsumi Kaze (future)] should we just wait it out?
[16:28] [Future Candy (dress)] Well we could try
[16:29] > Matsumi Kaze (future) nods
[16:30] > Future Candy (dress) bites into a piece of chicken looking food
[16:31] [Future Candy (dress)] yumm
[16:31] > Matsumi Kaze (future) smiles
[16:31] [Matsumi Kaze (future)] like it?
[16:32] [Future Candy (dress)] Yep
[16:32] [Matsumi Kaze (future)] roasted catapiller
[16:32] [Future Candy (dress)] ahh ok ^^
[16:35] [Matsumi Kaze (future)] you know..I never could understand those who hate this food
[16:35] [Future Candy (dress)] It's ok once you get past the innital shock of it
[16:35] > Matsumi Kaze (future) smiles a bit
[16:38] [Matsumi Kaze (future)] we need to be careful what we eat though
[16:40] [Future Candy (dress)] How come?
[16:40] [Matsumi Kaze (future)] heh..some of these insects have alcohol in them
[16:41] [Future Candy (dress)] ahh that's not good. I hope the chef knows what their doing
[16:41] [Matsumi Kaze (future)] yes..they have been given their orders
[16:43] [Future Candy (dress)] good good
[16:45] > Future Candy (dress) finishes her catapiller stuff and moves onto a soup
[16:45] > Matsumi Kaze (future) sips some tea
[16:49] > Future Candy (dress) finishes the soup, boy she was hungry
[16:50] [Matsumi Kaze (future)] heh you seem to be gluping down everything
[16:51] [Future Candy (dress)] sorry...^^'''
[16:52] [Matsumi Kaze (future)] heh that's alright
[16:52] [Matsumi Kaze (future)] that's what it's here for
[16:53] > Future Candy (dress) picks up a glass of water and drinks it quietly
[16:57] [Future Candy (dress)] someone sent me another copy of that douji Matsy~
[16:57] [Matsumi Kaze (future)] oh???
[16:58] > Future Candy (dress) holds up another manga looking book with a picture of a man who looks like Hideki possesivly holding onto another man looking like Vash, his mouth nipping at the other mans lip and both shirtless
[16:59] [Future Candy (dress)] If they saw these they'd have a cow ^^'''
[17:00] [Matsumi Kaze (future)] oh man yes XD
[17:00] [Future Candy (dress)] Heh some of our subjects like their kings very much so
[17:01] > Future Candy (dress) hands the book to Matsumi
[17:01] > Matsumi Kaze (future) takes it..and looks through the book " oh my!! heheheheh"
[17:02] [Future Candy (dress)] I know heheheh
[17:02] [Future Candy (dress)] Now if Vana saw that I think they'd be bugged to do some of those things XP
[17:03] [Matsumi Kaze (future)] oh man yes.....what would you think of that :P
[17:03] [Future Candy (dress)] uhhh
[17:04] > Future Candy (dress) thinks about the scene in the book on page 125 and begins blushing thinking how it'd look in real life
[17:04] [Future Candy (dress)] eheheheh..
[17:05] > Matsumi Kaze (future) giggles too
[17:05] [Future Candy (dress)] ...I don'tt hink they'd ever go for it though...
[17:06] [Matsumi Kaze (future)] yeah I doubt it
[17:07] [Future Candy (dress)] ...though you wonder what they're doing when they disappear like they did today
[17:08] [Matsumi Kaze (future)] I don't know...hmmm
[17:08] [Future Candy (dress)] they could be doing page 57
[17:09] > Matsumi Kaze (future) turns really red in the face
[17:09] > Future Candy (dress) giggles blushing hard as well.
[17:10] > Future Candy (dress) pulls out another copy from somewhere and looks at it. "Though the artist has that mole on the wrong cheek."
[17:11] [Matsumi Kaze (future)] oh yeah true
[17:12] [Future Candy (dress)] oh well ^___^ it's silly but I do like looking at these XD
[17:13] [Matsumi Kaze (future)] hehe.....it amuses me
[17:14] [Matsumi Kaze (future)] ..hey..you don't think there are any doji..of us
[17:14] [Future Candy (dress)] O. o I don't know
[17:14] [Future Candy (dress)] they just send me of the kings, maybe you should go ask
[17:15] [Future Candy (dress)] I'm sure one of your maids could tell you
[17:15] [Matsumi Kaze (future)] oh should I???
[17:16] [Future Candy (dress)] yeah now I'm curious
[17:17] [Matsumi Kaze (future)] I will be right back
[17:18] > Matsumi Kaze (future) walks out the door for a second
[17:19] > Future Candy (dress) sips on her water
[17:20] [Future Candy (dress)] I wonder if there are any...
[17:20] > Matsumi Kaze (future) comes back in "she said she'll come in a few mins"
[17:21] [Future Candy (dress)] Who?
[17:21] [Matsumi Kaze (future)] the maid
[17:22] [Future Candy (dress)] ooh ok
[17:22] [Future Candy (dress)] I wonder if there are any and if there are who's all in it O.O
[17:22] [Future Candy (dress)] The douij I usually get are of Hideki and Vash alone
[17:23] [Future Candy (dress)] How popular is Vana with the people of quinox?
[17:24] [Matsumi Kaze (future)] I'm not sure
[17:24] [Matsumi Kaze (future)] they mostly think of her as the bodyguard
[17:25] [Future Candy (dress)] ahh ok
[17:26] > ~Quinox Maid walks in...with a large box
[17:26] [~Quinox Maid] here..you go..your majesties
[17:26] [Future Candy (dress)] a box...
[17:28] > ~Quinox Maid puts it down on the floor
[17:28] > ~Quinox Maid bows and walks out
[17:28] [Matsumi Kaze (future)] O_o
[17:29] [Future Candy (dress)] What's inside it?
[17:29] > Future Candy (dress) walks up to the box
[17:30] > Future Candy (dress) opens the box...
[17:31] > Matsumi Kaze (future) sees the box is nearly overflowing
[17:34] [Matsumi Kaze (future)] in the name of the six O_O
[17:35] [Future Candy (dress)] What are these??
[17:35] > Future Candy (dress) picks up one of the books and looks at it
[17:41] > Future Candy (dress) nearly nosebleeds
[17:42] [Matsumi Kaze (future)] what..what was is it?
[17:43] > Future Candy (dress) hands Matsumi the book in question and picks up another
[17:45] > Matsumi Kaze (future) looks...and covers her nose
[17:46] [Matsumi Kaze (future)] oh man!
[17:48] [Future Candy (dress)] ...yeah how are you able to do that???
[17:49] [Matsumi Kaze (future)] I..I don't know
[17:51] > Future Candy (dress) squints turning the book she's looking on it's side looking confused
[17:52] [Matsumi Kaze (future)] what's wrong?
[17:53] [Future Candy (dress)] This is automicly impossible...
[17:53] [Matsumi Kaze (future)] ...do you think that's ever stopped people from drawing these?
[17:54] [Future Candy (dress)] ...I guess not
[17:56] [Matsumi Kaze (future)] wow...a candy artbook *hands it to her*
[17:56] > Future Candy (dress) takes it and opens it. "Wow..."
[17:58] [Future Candy (dress)] pretty
[17:59] [Matsumi Kaze (future)] huh....not as pretty as in the flesh
[18:00] [Future Candy (dress)] I'm not as pretty as this...
[18:00] > Future Candy (dress) turns the page to show a very angelic looking glowing Candy sitting amongst some clouds
[18:01] [Matsumi Kaze (future)] oooooo
[18:02] [Matsumi Kaze (future)] so pretty
[18:02] [Matsumi Kaze (future)] wonder how they knew about all that
[18:03] [Future Candy (dress)] I don't know...
[18:03] > Matsumi Kaze (future) turns the page on it...and covers her nose again
[18:07] [Matsumi Kaze (future)] O_O
[18:11] > Matsumi Kaze (future) turns really red in the face
[18:11] [Future Candy (dress)] which one is it now?
[18:14] > Matsumi Kaze (future) shows it
[18:15] [Future Candy (dress)] ...holy crap
[18:16] > Matsumi Kaze (future) shakes a bit
[18:18] > Matsumi Kaze (future) pushes away the box
[18:20] [Future Candy (dress)] ummm I wonder if Vash, Vana, and Hideki know about these...
[18:20] [Matsumi Kaze (future)] wonder where the maid got them...
[18:24] [Matsumi Kaze (future)] ....
[18:25] [Future Candy (dress)] .........
[18:27] > Matsumi Kaze (future) shakes her head
[18:30] [Future Candy (dress)] ...you don't think Vash...and hideki...
[18:32] [Matsumi Kaze (future)] ...I'm not sure they would...maybe....
[18:34] [Future Candy (dress)] this is quite a collection...
[18:34] [Matsumi Kaze (future)] ...yeah it really is
[18:36] [Matsumi Kaze (future)] I wonder...
[18:36] [Future Candy (dress)] what?
[18:37] [Matsumi Kaze (future)] oh...just got a suspect in mind
[18:38] [Future Candy (dress)] do tell..
[18:40] > Matsumi Kaze (future) whispers in candy's ear
[18:41] [Future Candy (dress)] Do you think???
[18:41] > Future Candy (dress) looks in one of the books O;;O
[18:43] [Future Candy (dress)] ugg
[18:43] > Future Candy (dress) puts the book back in the box
[18:44] [Matsumi Kaze (future)] I have no clue
[18:44] [Matsumi Kaze (future)] might be someone else
[18:44] [Matsumi Kaze (future)] we need to do something else XD
[18:44] > Matsumi Kaze (future) stands and pulls a cord
[18:44] [~Quinox Maid] yes?
[18:44] [Matsumi Kaze (future)] take these away
[18:45] > ~Quinox Maid nods and removes said articles from sight
[18:46] [Future Candy (dress)] @_@ that wasn't good for the baby
[18:46] [Matsumi Kaze (future)] we need to get our mind off this..
[18:47] [Future Candy (dress)] like how?
[18:47] [Matsumi Kaze (future)] hmm..shall we go to one of the other rooms?
[18:48] [Future Candy (dress)] Sure
[18:49] [Matsumi Kaze (future)] where shall we go..your majesty
[18:50] [Future Candy (dress)] Your the Majesty
[18:50] [Matsumi Kaze (future)] well where shall we go?
[18:50] [Matsumi Kaze (future)] we need to relax
[18:51] [Future Candy (dress)] Well about we go to the movie room?
[18:52] [Matsumi Kaze (future)] sure ^^
[18:53] [Future Candy (dress)] Ok
[18:53] > Future Candy (dress) holds out her hand to Matsumi
[18:54] > Matsumi Kaze (future) stands and smiles
[18:54] <-- Future Candy (dress) [sunshinequeen@sun.net] has left #reddwarfevents (so which movie shall we see?)
[18:58] <-- Matsumi Kaze (future) [RoyalQueen@Quinox.gov] has left #reddwarfevents (hmmm let's see...)
[00:00] >>> Thursday Nov 27 2008 <<<
[23:49] ➣ In Matsumi's Quarters...
[23:49] --> Matsumi Kaze [Airsenshi@Qtech.com ] has joined #reddwarfevents
[23:49] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Matsumi Kaze
[23:49] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Matsumi Kaze
[23:49] > +Matsumi Kaze lays on her bed...
[23:51] [+Matsumi Kaze] ><
[23:51] --> Vanadine [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has joined #reddwarfevents
[23:51] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Vanadine
[23:51] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Vanadine
[23:51] > +Vanadine knockes on the door: Sweety.... can I please come in?
[23:51] [+Matsumi Kaze] ...come in
[23:53] > +Matsumi Kaze is laying on her bed, holding a stuffed bear of hers
[23:55] > +Vanadine opens the door and closes it behind her as she walks in
[23:55] [+Vanadine] Sweety...
[23:56] [+Vanadine] I didn't think teasing you about a little burp would embarass you so much. I'm sorry
[23:56] [+Matsumi Kaze] it was just....a bit crass for me ><
[23:56] > +Matsumi Kaze sits up, hugging the bear
[23:58] > +Vanadine sits next to Matsumi
[23:58] [+Vanadine] it's a bodily function sweety... it happens
[23:58] [+Matsumi Kaze] I know....
[23:59] [+Matsumi Kaze] I guess it was just a bit embrassing picturing that of me >>
[23:59] > +Vanadine puts her arm around Matsumi and smiles
[00:00] >>> Friday Nov 28 2008 <<<
[00:00] [+Vanadine] you were only about me, davey and masaki. Cose friends and family
[00:01] [+Matsumi Kaze] yeah
[00:01] [+Matsumi Kaze] well...bear-chan...should I forgive vana??
[00:03] > +Matsumi Kaze gives a silly smile
[00:04] > +Vanadine looks curiously at Matsumi
[00:05] [+Matsumi Kaze] nope! I cannot forgive you! unless you beat the bear
[00:06] [+Vanadine] Beat the bear?
[00:06] > +Matsumi Kaze holds out the stuffed bear
[00:09] [+Vanadine] Hmm?
[00:09] [+Matsumi Kaze] fight him
[00:10] [+Vanadine] Are you serious....?
[00:12] [+Matsumi Kaze] :P
[00:12] > +Matsumi Kaze tosses the bear at vana
[00:15] > +Vanadine catches the bear and playfully slams it onto the bed
[00:15] [+Matsumi Kaze] vana wins
[00:15] [+Matsumi Kaze] probably should be more careful with that bear
[00:15] > +Matsumi Kaze sits on the bed
[00:16] > +Vanadine picks up Bear-chan and hands it back to Matsumi
[00:17] [+Matsumi Kaze] thankies
[00:18] [+Matsumi Kaze] he's like your dolly to you
[00:18] > +Matsumi Kaze moves over to give vana room
[00:20] [+Vanadine] I know
[00:20] > +Vanadine slides closer to Matsumi and lays down
[00:20] [+Matsumi Kaze] ..I'm sorry I ruined the fun
[00:21] [+Vanadine] you didn't ruin anything
[00:23] [+Matsumi Kaze] I hope you didn't mind the cold today
[00:23] [+Vanadine] Not at all. I kind of enjoyed it
[00:25] [+Matsumi Kaze] oh?
[00:25] [+Vanadine] Yeah, it was nice to play in the snow
[00:27] > +Matsumi Kaze giggles "you were almost like a little kid :P"
[00:28] [+Vanadine] It was fun
[00:29] [+Matsumi Kaze] heh I lost my nerve in the snow :P
[00:31] [+Matsumi Kaze] hmm..mind if I change?
[00:32] [+Vanadine] Go ahead, mind if I watch? ^_~
[00:33] [+Matsumi Kaze] nope
[00:33] > +Matsumi Kaze stands and quietly removes her shirt
[00:33] > +Vanadine sits up and watches Matsumi
[00:33] [+Matsumi Kaze] ^sweatshirt
[00:34] > +Matsumi Kaze unbuttons her shirt and puts it aside :P
[00:35] [+Vanadine] Oh la la~
[00:36] > +Matsumi Kaze removes her socks and put those away
[00:37] > +Matsumi Kaze finally removes her jeans and put those aside
[00:37] [+Matsumi Kaze (Undies)] alrighty! this is better ^^
[00:37] > +Vanadine smiles: You look yummy ^_~
[00:38] [+Matsumi Kaze (Undies)] hehe
[00:38] > +Matsumi Kaze (Undies) looks at vana
[00:38] [+Matsumi Kaze (Undies)] what about you...
[00:39] [+Vanadine] oh... you want me to strip for ya'? ♡
[00:40] [+Matsumi Kaze (Undies)] sure heh
[00:40] > +Matsumi Kaze (Undies) sits on the bed
[00:41] > +Vanadine stands up and walks to the end of the bed with a grin, doing a sexy dance
[00:42] > +Matsumi Kaze (Undies) giggles
[00:42] > +Vanadine slides her long sleave sweatshirt off and tosses it to the side
[00:43] > +Matsumi Kaze (Undies) claps
[00:44] > +Vanadine pulls her leg up onto the bed, bending over, intentionally showing off her chest to Matsumi while slideing off one of her socks
[00:45] > +Matsumi Kaze (Undies) giggles
[00:48] [+Matsumi Kaze (Undies)] oo la la
[00:48] > +Vanadine pulls that leg down and puts the other one up and slides off the other sock with a grin
[00:49] > +Matsumi Kaze (Undies) applauds ^^
[00:51] [+Vanadine] one last thing.....
[00:52] [+Matsumi Kaze (Undies)] ohhh?
[00:52] > +Vanadine takes a few steps away from the bed and turns her back on Matsumi, unfastioning and unzipping her jeans
[00:56] > +Matsumi Kaze (Undies) blushes
[00:56] > +Vanadine slowly slides off her jeans, bending over int front of Matsumi with a grin
[00:57] > +Matsumi Kaze (Undies) smiles
[00:58] > +Vanadine (Undies) kicks her jeans away and turns around with a grin: How's that for a show?
[00:58] > +Matsumi Kaze (Undies) smiles and embraces vana ^^
[00:59] > +Vanadine (Undies) pins Matsumi to the bed and kisses her as she turns out the light
[00:59] <-- +Vanadine (Undies) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has left #reddwarfevents (Let's just stay up here tonight ♡)
[01:00] <-- +Matsumi Kaze (Undies) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com ] has left #reddwarfevents (sure ^^)
[18:02] [~] (( check 123, anyone there? ))
[20:28] ➣ A blue portal of light begins to swirl in the air of the cargo bay.
[20:28] --> Oppiz Bus [BurntIce@Oranbega.net] has joined #reddwarfevents
[20:28] [@HOL_6000] Intruder Alert! Oppiz Bus detected!
[20:29] [Oppiz Bus] This ship is FAR too easy to board... fools...
[20:30] > Oppiz Bus pulls out a small device and presses a button.
[20:30] --> Vanguard HVAS has joined #reddwarfevents
[20:30] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Vanguard HVAS
[20:32] [Oppiz Bus] I wonder where the others are...
[20:32] --> Sailor Kalyke [Traitor.Senshi@Kalyke.co.jup] has joined #reddwarfevents
[20:32] [@HOL_6000] Intruder Alert! Sailor Kalyke detected!
[20:32] ✷ Sensors indicate that Oppiz Bus has 750HP / 300SP / 1050MP
[20:33] ✷ Sensors indicate that Vanguard HVAS has 1250HP / 750SP / 300MP
[20:33] [Oppiz Bus] Ahh, greatings.
[20:34] --> Vyle has joined #reddwarfevents
[20:34] [@HOL_6000] Intruder Alert! Vyle detected!
[20:34] [Oppiz Bus] And theres Vyle. Excelent.
[20:36] [Vyle] I'm here. Now then, when are we dealing with those losers?
[20:36] [Sailor Kalyke] Yes, I'm getting a bit anixous here..
[20:37] [Oppiz Bus] Ohh, right about now is good.. just let me do one thing.
[20:38] > Oppiz Bus holds up a green crystal, a Serafina Shard, and envibes everyone with psionic energy.
[20:38] [Oppiz Bus] There... now lets get their attention.
[20:39] > Oppiz Bus starts flinging blasts of ice at a shuttlecraft.
[20:39] --> ~Brother Dimetro has joined #reddwarfevents
[20:39] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, ~Brother Dimetro
[20:39] > Vanguard HVAS follows suit, unloading lazerblasts on the same ship as Oppiz Bus.
[20:39] [~Brother Dimetro] (( gah hold on ))
[20:39] [~Brother Dimitro] (( there we go ))
[20:40] > Vyle proceeds to start blasting the walls, crates, and whatnot with his shoulder cannon, laughing
[20:40] > Brother Demitro smiles quietly to himself
[20:40] [Brother Demitro] ..very nice...
[20:41] [Oppiz Bus] - Try not to puncture the hull! -
[20:42] > Vanguard HVAS blows up the shuttle, turning it into a smoldering heap.
[20:42] > Sailor Kalyke concentrates and crushes in the c[BLEEP]kpit of another shuttle.
[20:42] [Brother Demitro] pah...kill them all
[20:42] > Brother Demitro summons shades of death and begins destroy various bits
[20:43] > Vyle walks up to another shuttle, attaches a bomb to it, and simply walks away as it then blows up
[20:43] > Oppiz Bus sends bolts of fire at some fuel cels, causing them to explode.
[20:44] > Sailor Kalyke patches up a small rupture on the hangar doors. >_>
[20:44] [Oppiz Bus] Ok, save your energy.. don't want to expend all of the Enchantment of Serafina right away, we just wanted their attention.
[20:45] > Brother Demitro licks his lips "I shall feast tonight"
[20:45] > Oppiz Bus ices over the floor near the doors leading out of the hangar.
[20:47] > Vyle stands there watching one of the doors some distance away
[20:47] [Oppiz Bus] We could have leveled this place by now if we meant business...
[20:48] > Brother Demitro simply smiles
[20:48] --> Krankor has joined #reddwarfevents
[20:48] [@HOL_6000] Intruder Alert! Krankor detected!
[20:49] [Oppiz Bus] You took your time.
[20:49] > Brother Demitro doesn't even make eye contact with Krankor
[20:49] [Krankor] HAH! HAH! HAH! HAH! What is this puny place and where are the equally puny inhabitants?
[20:49] ➣ The main door cracks open as a cloud of thick fog fills the room.
[20:49] --> Arru (Dark Aura) [Shadowdemon@hellsgates.com] has joined #reddwarfevents
[20:49] [@HOL_6000] Intruder Alert! Arru (Dark Aura) detected!
[20:50] > Arru (Dark Aura) sits in a corner giggling to herself
[20:50] > Oppiz Bus strokes another Serafina Shard, bathing them in waves of energy, enhancing them with psionic energy and giving them a white glow.
[20:50] [Oppiz Bus] Here they come...
[20:50] --> Sub Zippo has joined #reddwarfevents
[20:50] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +o to Sub Zippo
[20:50] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, @Sub Zippo
[20:50] > Krankor , the Phantom Dictator of the planet Krankor, is unimpressed by such paltry displays.
[20:50] --> Sailor Zephrius has joined #reddwarfevents
[20:50] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Sailor Zephrius
[20:50] [Vyle] Heheheh, gah hahahahahahahahaha! Let'em try.
[20:50] --> SolarSun (starlights fuku) [sunangel@sun.net] has joined #reddwarfevents
[20:50] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, SolarSun (starlights fuku)
[20:50] --> Sailor Mercury [Water.Senshi@Mercury.org] has joined #reddwarfevents
[20:50] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Sailor Mercury
[20:51] --> Morrigan has joined #reddwarfevents
[20:51] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Morrigan
[20:51] --> Lt. David O'Cain has joined #reddwarfevents
[20:51] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Lt. David O'Cain
[20:51] --> Solarchos has joined #reddwarfevents
[20:51] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Solarchos
[20:51] > @Sub Zippo jumps out from the cloud, and starts flinging ice at the first thing he sees, Krankor.
[20:51] > Arru (Dark Aura) just watches
[20:51] --> Miara [amongimmortals@terra.net] has joined #reddwarfevents
[20:51] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Miara
[20:51] [Oppiz Bus] - Welcome to the party, fools! -
[20:51] [Brother Demitro] hahahahaha
[20:51] > SolarSun (starlights fuku) walks in both hands a blaze
[20:52] > Vyle stands there
[20:52] > Sailor Zephrius lifts a crate over her head
[20:52] > Vanguard HVAS blasts the area by the door with a flamethrower, discipating most of the steam and causing psionic damage to the minds of anyone caught in the blast.
[20:52] > Sailor Mercury runs perfectly across the icy floor, and uses Mercury Aqua Rhapsody on the first person she meets, Vyle.
[20:52] > Solarchos immediately seeks out the nearest area of cover and moves towards it.
[20:52] > Morrigan takes to the air!
[20:52] [@Sub Zippo] You! You son of a b[BLEEP]ch! You arent taking me or anyone!
[20:52] > SolarSun (starlights fuku) raises a flame shield
[20:52] > Sailor Zephrius throws a crate towards Arru
[20:52] [Oppiz Bus] We will see about that..
[20:53] > Krankor brings out the Laser Cannon and starts shooting wildly. HAH! HAH! HAH! HAH!
[20:53] > Arru (Dark Aura) side steps out of the way
[20:53] > Vyle simply stands there as the forcefield around him absorbs Mercury's attack
[20:53] [Arru (Dark Aura)] now now play nice little heathen
[20:53] > Oppiz Bus fires a powerful blast of ice at the flame shield, shattering it and hitting SolarSun.
[20:53] > Brother Demitro summons shades and grins
[20:53] > Lt. David O'Cain fires blasts at Vyle
[20:53] [Brother Demitro] your souls shall be MINE!
[20:54] [Vyle] You're gonna have to try harder than that if you're gonna stop me.
[20:54] > Solarchos takes careful aim at Demitro's head and fires a single shot...20mm shaped-charge, explosive-tipped rocket coming at ya!
[20:54] > SolarSun (starlights fuku) falls back but is still standing
[20:54] > Sailor Zephrius fires a storm burst towards Vyle
[20:54] > Vanguard HVAS opens a small missile port on his shoulder, and fires missiles at Sailors Mercury and Zephrius.
[20:54] > Morrigan lets loose with a powerful Soul Fist at Vyle!
[20:54] [SolarSun (starlights fuku)] Ice doesn't work so well with me
[20:54] > Sailor Kalyke crushes Solarchos' bullet in mid flight. >:D
[20:54] > Brother Demitro leaps towards Miara
[20:54] > @Sub Zippo charges Oppiz bus with an ice sword.
[20:54] > SolarSun (starlights fuku) jumps up and launches a light attack trying to blind anyone caught in it's wake
[20:55] > Brother Demitro shuns from the light!
[20:55] > Vyle quickly counters Zephrius' burst with a blast from his shoulder cannon
[20:55] > Oppiz Bus stops Sub Zippo in his tracks with soul tentacles, and begins to drain his sould energy.
[20:55] > Sailor Mercury rolls past the rocket, just barely.
[20:55] [Brother Demitro] grrrrrrrrrrr
[20:55] > Solarchos switches to the high-energy laser rifle (hellgun) and continues shooting.
[20:55] > Arru (Dark Aura) sends dark souls toward Kalyke
[20:55] > Sailor Zephrius manages to barely avoid it.
[20:55] > Lt. David O'Cain fires a charged shot at Vyle
[20:55] [Oppiz Bus] You cant keep this up... our attacks are psionically charged... they'll damage ANYTHING they hit..
[20:55] [Sailor Kalyke] Rrrr.. I'm on your side.
[20:56] > Morrigan launches a drop-kick at Oppiz's face.
[20:56] [Sailor Kalyke] Get the squishy love senshi!
[20:56] > Oppiz Bus gets kicked, but doesnt seem too phased.
[20:56] > Vyle steps back only once from the blast
[20:56] > Sailor Zephrius tries to smash into Vyle
[20:56] [Oppiz Bus] Succubus.. you should join us..
[20:56] [Arru (Dark Aura)] you got in my way tee hee
[20:56] [@Sub Zippo] Grrrrr......
[20:56] > SolarSun (starlights fuku) sends a flame arrow at Kalyke since their distracted
[20:56] > Brother Demitro summons shades to try and poison Miara
[20:56] [Krankor] :P
[20:56] [Sailor Mercury] O_O
[20:57] [Morrigan] Nah. You guys don't seem all that fun to me. :P
[20:57] > Vyle counterpunches Zephrius in her face
[20:57] [Oppiz Bus] You could be of much use... and you should already know the ways of the circle of thorns..
[20:57] [Oppiz Bus] pity...
[20:57] > Sailor Mercury is knocked over, holding her head as it rings with pain!
[20:57] [Sailor Zephrius] oof >< gah..trying to play hard eh?
[20:57] > Solarchos takes careful aim at Demitro's head again and fires, aiming for his eye.
[20:57] > Oppiz Bus freezes his fist in ice, and clocks Morrigan across the face.
[20:57] > Brother Demitro dives out of the way
[20:57] > Arru (Dark Aura) aims this time at Solarchos
[20:58] [Brother Demitro] fire arms...heh
[20:58] > @Sub Zippo breaks free as Oppiz's concentration wanes.
[20:58] [@Sub Zippo] Damnit... we cant hurt them...
[20:58] [Morrigan] Pity? Don't say that! It'll be much more fun clobbering your ass.
[20:58] > Sailor Kalyke holds up a hand and the bullet stops, then flies back toward its origin!
[20:58] > Sailor Zephrius summons a storm beam and fires it towards Kalyke
[20:58] > Lt. David O'Cain fires another charged shot at Vyle
[20:58] > Arru (Dark Aura) sends a wave of dark souls to try and twist and torment Solarchos
[20:58] > Vanguard HVAS continues to fire lazers, missiles, and its flamethrower at every non-villain in sight.
[20:58] > Solarchos wasn't using a projectile-based weapon this time. ^__^
[20:59] > Oppiz Bus fires several fire blasts at David.
[20:59] > SolarSun (starlights fuku) sends a solar flare at Vyle
[20:59] > Brother Demitro turns into a dark mist and tries to suffocate SolarSun
[20:59] > Vyle fires a blast to pierce O'Cain's blast and hitting him in the process
[20:59] > Krankor keeps shooting. >:D
[20:59] [Oppiz Bus] Bah... thats it...
[20:59] > Solarchos ducks behind the crates he was using as cover.
[20:59] > Sailor Kalyke dodges and unleases a storm of rivets at Zepherius, pointy end first.
[20:59] > Sailor Zephrius gets hit in the arm ><
[20:59] [Sailor Zephrius] ugh!
[21:00] > Sailor Mercury is still on the ground.
[21:00] > Morrigan tries to poke Oppiz in the eyes Moe Howard style. Nyuk-nyuk!
[21:00] > Oppiz Bus focuses his energy, and begins to not only superheat the room, but fill it with psionic energy, causing pain in all those not already under the influence of the enchantment.
[21:00] > Lt. David O'Cain gets hit a few times from the blasts, and skids along the floor
[21:01] > Sailor Kalyke shudders a bit, but endures the heat.
[21:01] [Sailor Zephrius] UGH ><
[21:01] > SolarSun (starlights fuku) tries shielding herself a bit takes a few of the blasts ends up pushed back but still standing (The heat not affecting her much)
[21:01] [Lt. David O'Cain] >_<
[21:01] ➣ the room begins to heat, and cause severe headaches in all not affected by the enchantment.
[21:01] > Brother Demitro tries to surround Morrigan in his mist form and suck her energy
[21:02] [@Sub Zippo] Crap! Even I'm feeling it the heat.. we have to fall back!
[21:02] > Sailor Mercury unleashes a somewhat feeble stream of water that vaporizes rather quickly.
[21:02] > Morrigan flies up towards the ceiling to evade!
[21:02] [Sailor Zephrius] stupid......heat....
[21:02] [Brother Demitro] pretty little thing!!!1
[21:02] > Oppiz Bus continues to fill the room with rising heat, vapor waves visable as far as the eye can see.
[21:02] > Solarchos taps into a power he hasn't used in a long time. He steps out of phase with the local time-stream for a few seconds, everything slowing to a halt around him. He then charges towards Vyle and starts punching repeatedly over and over while the time-stop lasts.
[21:03] [Sailor Mercury] We.. we're outmatched.. >_<
[21:03] > Morrigan winces at the power Oppiz has unleashed.
[21:03] > SolarSun (starlights fuku) holds her hand out in front of her the heat around her surrounding her in a bubble
[21:03] > Vanguard HVAS fires a hydrogen blast into the back of Solarchos, hiting with the force of a small hydrogen bomb.
[21:03] > Solarchos is knocked backwards off his feet, skidding a few meters before his reflexes kick in.
[21:03] > Arru (Dark Aura) just watches giggling
[21:03] > @Sub Zippo staggers toward the door.
[21:04] > Sailor Zephrius is bleeding from the arm ><
[21:04] [@Sub Zippo] Run! We have to regroup! Everyone abandon ship!
[21:04] > Vyle doesn't feel a thing from Solarchos' attack
[21:04] > Solarchos throws a flash-bang grenade towards Vanguard's face.
[21:04] > SolarSun (starlights fuku) looks around to see if she can get anyone in the processes
[21:04] [Sailor Zephrius] no..I...I won't
[21:04] > SolarSun (starlights fuku) notes that if someone needs her help
[21:04] > Oppiz Bus laughs maniacly as the heat rises, effecting only his enemies.
[21:04] > Lt. David O'Cain tries to get towards the door, but is caught up by Vyle
[21:04] [Krankor] HAH! HAH! HAH! HAH! You're puny weapons are useless against us all!
[21:05] > @Sub Zippo runs out and GRABS Sailor Zephrius by the collar, attempting to pull her.
[21:05] > Sailor Mercury stands and lets off one more Shabon Spray, hoping to cover their escape.
[21:05] > Sailor Zephrius is pulled away ><
[21:05] > Vyle grabs O'Cain by the neck, "Time to finish you off, Lieutenant."
[21:05] [@Sub Zippo] Regroup on earth!
[21:05] [Morrigan] Try to concentrate our attacks on one person!
[21:05] > SolarSun (starlights fuku) sends out a solar flare to help them excape
[21:05] [Solarchos] You want us to abandon the Red Dwarf?!
[21:05] > Brother Demitro hisses from the light!!!
[21:06] [Brother Demitro] the light!!!
[21:06] > SolarSun (starlights fuku) causes the light to pulse
[21:06] > Morrigan fires another Soul Fist at Demitro while he's distracted.
[21:06] > @Sub Zippo slashes at Vyle with a fire sword, still pulling Zeph.
[21:06] [Sailor Mercury] We don't have much choice, it seems.. Let's go before we get killed!
[21:06] > Sailor Zephrius finally just goes
[21:06] [Arru (Dark Aura)] run while you can you little toys
[21:07] > Vyle lets go of O'Cain from the strike
[21:07] > Solarchos charges towards Vyle, throwing a couple of knives towards his throat as he runs.
[21:07] > Lt. David O'Cain runs for it
[21:07] > Morrigan reluctantly falls back.
[21:07] <-- @Sub Zippo has left #reddwarfevents (Bail! Effing Bail!)
[21:07] > Solarchos gets out of there as well.
[21:07] <-- Sailor Zephrius has left #reddwarfevents (ugh)
[21:07] > Sailor Mercury follows, trailing mist behind.
[21:07] > Lt. David O'Cain Fall back!
[21:08] <-- Lt. David O'Cain has left #reddwarfevents (^)
[21:08] > Oppiz Bus continues to laugh, maintaining a high heat that causes much of the nearby equipment to spark, warp or melt.
[21:08] <-- Morrigan has left #reddwarfevents (What the hell is all of this?!)
[21:08] <-- Solarchos has left #reddwarfevents (*grumbles*)
[21:08] <-- Sailor Mercury [Water.Senshi@Mercury.org] has left #reddwarfevents (This is not good..)
[21:08] > Brother Demitro hisses rubbing his eyes
[21:08] [Brother Demitro] I KILL HER
[21:08] > SolarSun (starlights fuku) looks arond to make sure everyone is out
[21:08] [Brother Demitro] *I'LL
[21:08] <-- SolarSun (starlights fuku) [sunangel@sun.net] has left #reddwarfevents (everyone gone?)
[21:08] ➣ The lights begin to pop and explode from the heat, the room now illuminated by Oppiz's power.
[21:09] [Krankor] HAH! HAH! HAH! HAH!
[21:09] > Sailor Kalyke walks up to Arru and gives her a nice big PUNCH. "That's for attacking me."
[21:09] > Arru (Dark Aura) shifts out of the way
[21:09] > Vyle clenches a fist, "If it weren't for Zippo lighter, O'Cain would have been dead."
[21:09] [Brother Demitro] I'll kill that little light bug
[21:09] [Arru (Dark Aura)] You were in the way, I meant it for someone else, honest~
[21:09] [Oppiz Bus] All in good time.. all in good time..
[21:10] [Sailor Kalyke] ...
[21:10] > Oppiz Bus lowers his power.
[21:10] > Brother Demitro returns to coporial form
[21:10] [Sailor Kalyke] You just attacked anything in a skirt, didn't you?
[21:10] [Krankor] HAH! HAH! HAH! HAH! Nothing can stop us from taking over this puny little place once and for ALL!
[21:11] [Arru (Dark Aura)] Though why are you trying to take over this small puny ship when there is a blue planet below?
[21:11] [Oppiz Bus] Come, let us savor the spoils of war... From the times I've been up here, they seem to have a legendary bar. One fit for a demon.
[21:11] > Arru (Dark Aura) ignored Kalyke's comment
[21:11] [Brother Demitro] I must feed..
[21:11] [Oppiz Bus] Because the tiny ship is a stepping stone, filled with valuable data on those most able to protect the planet below.
[21:12] [Brother Demitro] I am only interested in one..
[21:12] <-- Oppiz Bus [BurntIce@Oranbega.net] has left #reddwarfevents (Come, let us make sure it is ours.)
[21:12] [Arru (Dark Aura)] Ohh I see, this toy is, interesting
[21:12] <-- Vyle has left #reddwarfevents
[21:12] <-- Brother Demitro has left #reddwarfevents
[21:13] <-- Arru (Dark Aura) [Shadowdemon@hellsgates.com] has left #reddwarfevents (♡ ahh I love seeing pain)
[21:13] [Krankor] Because I don't want to face Prince of Space just yet. First we must consolidate a base of operations before we can risk dealing with the likes of him.
[21:26] [~] (( that went great. thanks all. Villains will overrun the ship for abotu a week, then Ill try to organize a comeback. In the meantime, villains have the run of the main box, neutrals are welcoem to join them at their own risk. Heroes can cope and recover in events. Use /dm to set your scene. ))
[21:34] > @Sub Zippo changes topic to `Almost everyone got off the ship safely. Regroup your heroes here, and try to continue your lives as best you can.`
[00:00] >>> Saturday Nov 29 2008 <<<
[00:44] ➣ At the Kaze House
[00:44] --> Matsumi Kaze [Airsenshi@Qtech.com ] has joined #reddwarfevents
[00:44] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Matsumi Kaze
[00:44] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Matsumi Kaze
[00:45] --> Candy (coat) [sunangel@sun.net] has joined #reddwarfevents
[00:45] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Candy (coat)
[00:45] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Candy (coat)
[00:45] [+Matsumi Kaze] ...hello candy
[00:45] [+Candy (coat)] Hey Matsumi, may I come in?
[00:45] > +Matsumi Kaze nods
[00:46] [+Matsumi Kaze] so it happened?
[00:46] [+Candy (coat)] ...yeah
[00:46] > +Candy (coat) looks a little roughed up
[00:47] > +Matsumi Kaze stands "here...come and sit down"
[00:47] > +Candy (coat) sits down
[00:48] [+Matsumi Kaze] are you alright? is everyone alright?
[00:48] [+Candy (coat)] Yeah...but we got our butts handed to us pretty badly
[00:48] [+Candy (coat)] ...it was odd though...
[00:49] [+Candy (coat)] that yellow guy who seemed to know Nate...he kept turning the heat up, I was sure that is what he was doing
[00:49] [+Matsumi Kaze] oh?
[00:49] [+Candy (coat)] to drive everyone out of the room
[00:49] [+Candy (coat)] I mean everyone was attacking everyone
[00:49] [+Matsumi Kaze] ..I'm sorry I couldn't be there with you...
[00:50] [+Candy (coat)] ...it's ok it's not like you can be everywhere ^^
[00:51] [+Matsumi Kaze] ...a friend told me to hang bak
[00:51] [+Matsumi Kaze] *back
[00:52] > +Candy (coat) flexes her arms
[00:52] [+Candy (coat)] ..I thought I saw someone I was sure was locked up in hell somewhere
[00:53] [+Matsumi Kaze] oh?
[00:53] > ~Someone listens while candy and matsumi talk
[00:53] [+Candy (coat)] Arru
[00:54] [+Candy (coat)] I hadn't seen her in years and there she was I think in the corner watching it all..
[00:54] [~Someone] many have gathered it seems...
[00:55] > +Candy (coat) blinks looking for the voice
[00:56] > ~Someone is now known as Setsuna Meioh
[00:56] [Setsuna Meioh] good evening
[00:58] [+Candy (coat)] Oh Hello Setsuna
[00:58] [+Matsumi Kaze] so we regroup, candy?
[00:59] [+Candy (coat)] We're gonna have to try
[00:59] [Setsuna Meioh] you will be fine
[00:59] > Setsuna Meioh puts her hand on candy's shoulder
[01:04] [+Candy (coat)] yeah I'm sure we'll do this
[01:04] [Setsuna Meioh] you will succed
[01:05] [+Matsumi Kaze] do you want to stay the night here, candy?
[01:05] [+Candy (coat)] I wouldn't mind it
[01:06] [+Matsumi Kaze] it's not a problem...we added some more rooms to the house
[01:06] [+Candy (coat)] oh
[01:08] > +Matsumi Kaze smiles
[01:09] > +Candy (coat) nods
[01:10] > +Matsumi Kaze quietly goes to get some tea
[01:11] > +Candy (coat) looks worried.
[01:11] [Setsuna Meioh] candy?
[01:12] [+Candy (coat)] ..I'm just the constant worrier ^^'' don't mind me
[01:15] [Setsuna Meioh] did you fight well?
[01:15] [+Candy (coat)] I think so
[01:15] [+Candy (coat)] I did a lot of cover work so others could excape
[01:16] [Setsuna Meioh] you are quite brave and caring
[01:17] [+Candy (coat)] no not really
[01:19] [Setsuna Meioh] hm?
[01:21] [Setsuna Meioh] why do you say that?
[01:23] [+Candy (coat)] I just don't think I did all that much
[01:25] [Setsuna Meioh] you did an important part
[01:26] [+Candy (coat)] yeah I guess so...even though we got beaten
[01:26] > Setsuna Meioh puts something in Candy's hand
[01:27] > +Candy (coat) looks at what was given to her
[01:28] > Setsuna Meioh has given Candy a red Queen chess piece
[01:28] [+Candy (coat)] This is rare
[01:29] [+Candy (coat)] Usually chess pieces are black and white
[01:29] > +Candy (coat) looks at the piece happily
[01:29] [Setsuna Meioh] it is mine...it was from..when we first met you..remember?
[01:29] [+Candy (coat)] oh
[01:30] [Setsuna Meioh] ..that is you
[01:31] [+Candy (coat)] a red queen? nah :P
[01:32] [Setsuna Meioh] yes
[01:32] [Setsuna Meioh] you have played an important part in the events
[01:32] [Setsuna Meioh] even if it does not seem like it
[01:32] [Setsuna Meioh] at least to you
[01:33] [+Candy (coat)] well thankies Setsuna
[01:33] [+Candy (coat)] I'm just lucky I can stand high heat like I can it seems
[01:34] [Setsuna Meioh] yes it is
[01:34] [+Candy (coat)] I mean Amber always is saying about how one day I'll be 'Living on the sun' and this and that and I always thought she was crazy
[01:37] [Setsuna Meioh] truely
[01:39] [+Candy (coat)] Isn't the sun like the hottest thing every ><
[01:39] [+Candy (coat)] or at least I've been told
[01:39] [+Candy (coat)] *ever
[01:40] [Setsuna Meioh] yes it is.....
[01:40] [Setsuna Meioh] quite diffrent from my home
[01:41] [+Candy (coat)] I bet ^^
[01:42] > +Matsumi Kaze returns with cups of tea
[01:42] [+Matsumi Kaze] I made it like you like it, candy
[01:43] [+Candy (coat)] thankes Matsumi
[01:44] > Setsuna Meioh takes hers with thanks
[01:44] > +Candy (coat) takes it with thankies too
[01:46] [+Matsumi Kaze] what should we do, candy?
[01:47] [+Candy (coat)] invite all the bad guys over for your tea and hope that they change their ways by this magicaly tasting tea
[01:48] [+Matsumi Kaze] hehe
[01:48] > +Candy (coat) sips it happily
[01:50] [+Candy (coat)] I thought Arru was locked up...how did she excape..
[01:50] [Setsuna Meioh] hmmm
[01:50] [+Matsumi Kaze] maybe by an outside force?
[01:51] [+Candy (coat)] could be..
[01:51] [+Candy (coat)] it's not good though...she's not something I want walking around freely ><
[01:52] [Setsuna Meioh] dangrious I take it
[01:52] [+Candy (coat)] She's apart of my soul, if either one of us kicks the bucket the other is brought along for the ride
[01:53] [+Matsumi Kaze] that is problematic
[01:55] [+Candy (coat)] that and I don't know what kind of power she really does hold
[01:55] [+Candy (coat)] Amber when speaking of her speaks of her as something very bad
[01:56] [+Matsumi Kaze] ...wow
[01:57] [+Candy (coat)] It's confusing
[01:59] > +Candy (coat) sips her tea. "I hope it won't be a problem"
[02:00] [+Matsumi Kaze] I hope not either
[02:01] > Setsuna Meioh takes out a mini chess set..and idely moves the pieces
[02:03] > +Candy (coat) watches Setsuna
[02:03] [Setsuna Meioh] move 4 now
[02:04] [+Matsumi Kaze] eh.....hey candy...maybe Rei could help?
[02:04] [+Candy (coat)] She could, I'll ask her
[02:05] [Setsuna Meioh] I will assist you as well
[02:05] [Setsuna Meioh] In my own way
[02:06] > +Candy (coat) puts the red queen down amonst the chess pieces in a random spot
[02:07] > Setsuna Meioh smiles "perfect"
[02:09] > Setsuna Meioh knocks over a piece with the queen
[02:11] [+Candy (coat)] yay~
[02:12] > +Candy (coat) hugs Matsumi
[02:12] > +Matsumi Kaze hugs back ^^
[02:12] > Setsuna Meioh smiles to herself
[02:14] > +Candy (coat) yawns though
[02:15] [+Matsumi Kaze] tired?
[02:15] [+Candy (coat)] yesh
[02:15] [+Candy (coat)] that battle took a lot out of me
[02:15] [+Matsumi Kaze] well....the room is there ^^
[02:19] > +Candy (coat) nods
[02:21] [Setsuna Meioh] I will stay here
[02:22] [+Candy (coat)] Goodnight then ^^
[02:22] > +Candy (coat) kisses Matsumi and waves goodnight to Setsuna
[02:22] [Setsuna Meioh] good evening
[02:22] <-- +Candy (coat) [sunangel@sun.net] has left #reddwarfevents (sleepyness takes me)
[02:22] > +Matsumi Kaze smiles and returns the kiss
[02:24] [Setsuna Meioh] she is a good girl
[02:24] [+Matsumi Kaze] yeah she is ^^
[02:34] [+Matsumi Kaze] I'm going to get some sleep...goodnight setsuna
[02:34] [Setsuna Meioh] goodnight matsumi
[02:37] <-- +Matsumi Kaze [Airsenshi@Qtech.com ] has left #reddwarfevents (off to bed)
[02:59] <-- Setsuna Meioh [TimeGal@Pluto.co] has left #reddwarfevents (now then...)
[12:02] ➣ back at the Kaze House
[12:02] --> Setsuna Meioh [TimeGal@Pluto.co] has joined #reddwarfevents
[12:02] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Setsuna Meioh
[12:02] > Setsuna Meioh is still sitting in the living room
[12:05] [Setsuna Meioh] hmmm
[12:09] --> Vanadine [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has joined #reddwarfevents
[12:09] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Vanadine
[12:09] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Vanadine
[12:10] [+Vanadine] Hey Setsuna... when'd you get here?
[12:12] [Setsuna Meioh] last night...
[12:12] > Setsuna Meioh is looking over a chess board
[12:14] [Setsuna Meioh] I've been here all night
[12:15] [+Vanadine] I see
[12:15] > +Vanadine walks over and sits across from Setsuna
[12:15] [+Vanadine] So.... the prophocy came true last night....
[12:16] [Setsuna Meioh] I know
[12:16] [+Vanadine] ... of course it happens while most of us are gone for one reason or another. ~_~
[12:16] [Setsuna Meioh] I asked matsumi to stay behind
[12:17] [+Vanadine] I was away on business with my wrestling orginazation
[12:18] > Setsuna Meioh moves a chess piece
[12:20] [Setsuna Meioh] welll they are all safe
[12:21] [+Vanadine] Well that's good....
[12:21] [Setsuna Meioh] now we plan
[12:22] [+Vanadine] indeed
[12:23] > Setsuna Meioh watches as a chess piece moves on it's own...knocking over one of the other pieces
[12:25] [Setsuna Meioh] hmmm
[12:25] [Setsuna Meioh] move the knight, vana
[12:26] [+Vanadine] i'm not much for chess, setsuna
[12:26] [Setsuna Meioh] just move it....how you would move yourself
[12:27] > +Vanadine decides to use her telekinesis to move the piece
[12:28] > Setsuna Meioh watches it move..and smiles
[12:28] [Setsuna Meioh] perfect
[12:29] > +Vanadine looks at Setsuna confused
[12:29] [Setsuna Meioh] something wrong, Vanadine?
[12:30] [+Vanadine] I'm just, kinda' confused by our reaction to me moving that piece
[12:31] > Setsuna Meioh just smiles
[12:31] [Setsuna Meioh] oh I made tea
[12:34] [+Vanadine] I wish I had the time. Unfortunatly, I have mundane work to do at caw
[12:35] [Setsuna Meioh] you always have time...
[12:36] > Setsuna Meioh smiles
[12:37] [+Vanadine] Heh.... anyway, I'll see you later Setsuna.. I'm sure.
[12:38] <-- +Vanadine [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has left #reddwarfevents (I like her, but that woman creeps me out sometimes)
[12:39] > Setsuna Meioh sits there and watches the board
[12:40] <-- Setsuna Meioh [TimeGal@Pluto.co] has left #reddwarfevents (hmmm)
[20:00] --> Adair [adair-hime@eden] has joined #reddwarfevents
[20:00] [@HOL_6000] Intruder Alert! Adair detected!
[20:12] --> Arru (sexy nightgown) [Shadowdemon@hellsgates.com] has joined #reddwarfevents
[20:12] [@HOL_6000] Intruder Alert! Arru (sexy nightgown) detected!
[20:12] > Arru (sexy nightgown) appears floating behind her.
[20:12] > Arru (sexy nightgown) sets mode +love
[20:13] [Arru (sexy nightgown)] It seems you're making a mess of things dearie and I was in the middle of something ♡♡
[20:14] [Arru (sexy nightgown)] Now if you don't mind put your little toys away and go on home
[20:16] [Adair] Hehehehe
[20:16] [Adair] I think not
[20:16] [Arru (sexy nightgown)] Then play nicely with others ~_^
[20:17] [Adair] Nope
[20:17] > Adair pulls her "antique" pistol out and takes aim at Arru
[20:17] [Adair] I don't play nice.
[20:17] [Arru (sexy nightgown)] You're gonna miss child
[20:18] > Adair concentrates her holy magic on her pistol and fires a shot of it at Arru "Don't make me summon Fate's Glaive."
[20:18] > Arru (sexy nightgown) shifts out of the way of the gun fire
[20:19] > Adair grins "Perfect."
[20:19] [Arru (sexy nightgown)] Told you you were going to miss, now you waisted your little holy bullets
[20:19] > Adair had already placed talismans in each of the cardinal directions. "North!"
[20:20] > Adair 's "bullet" hits the talisman on the northern wall
[20:20] [Arru (sexy nightgown)] Silly me, did I forget to mention that purification doesn't work on me
[20:21] > Arru (sexy nightgown) giggles floating there
[20:21] > Adair 's talisman activates. "It's not purification actually."
[20:21] [Arru (sexy nightgown)] I was created by HIM to be who I am, nobody but HIM can take me out ~_^
[20:21] [Adair] More like summoning a certain person who's anything but holy
[20:21] [Arru (sexy nightgown)] Him or my other self
[20:21] --> ~Mari has joined #reddwarfevents
[20:21] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, ~Mari
[20:21] [Arru (sexy nightgown)] another releitive of mine?
[20:21] > ~A dark shade starts to suddenly spread slowly
[20:22] > ~Mari is in her necromancer attire and has already formed an entire army of ten vampiric horrors
[20:22] [~Mari] You called Adair-hime?
[20:22] [Arru (sexy nightgown)] Oooh dear the undead what is a hells guardian to do!
[20:22] [~Mari] ^_^
[20:22] [~Voice] mo sha ka go to so ko ra
[20:23] > Adair has transformed into Adair (Destin)
[20:23] > ~Voice belongs to Demitros...A Soul Vampire...
[20:23] > Adair (Destin) now has a holy aura around her
[20:23] > Arru (sexy nightgown) summons hells flames which take out half the army
[20:23] [Arru (sexy nightgown)] Undead I see everyday child
[20:24] > ~Voice creates a dark field around the area
[20:24] [Arru (sexy nightgown)] You're just lucky I like 'toying' with people
[20:25] [Adair (Destin)] Hah
[20:25] [~Voice] To so Pa Kin Sha Lo
[20:25] > Adair (Destin) holds out her glaive and flings it at the fire, putting it out easily
[20:25] [Adair (Destin)] Don't fight a demi-goddess
[20:26] [Adair (Destin)] Goddammit
[20:26] [Arru (sexy nightgown)] Dearie you have no idea who I am?
[20:26] [Adair (Destin)] Where are your employers, Mari
[20:26] --> Inu-Kitsune has joined #reddwarfevents
[20:26] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Inu-Kitsune
[20:26] > Arru (sexy nightgown) causes the ground to shake behind her as a pair of giant twisted black doors shift into existance
[20:26] [~Voice] I'm afraid your talisments....have been....well.....burned
[20:27] > Inu-Kitsune has transformed into Inu-Kitsune
[20:27] > Inu-Kitsune has transformed into Inu-Kitsune
[20:27] > Arru (sexy nightgown) holds out her hand and the key to hell appears in her clutches
[20:27] [Inu-Kitsune] (( goddammit ))
[20:27] > Inu-Kitsune has transformed into Inu-Kitsune (assassin)
[20:27] [Inu-Kitsune (assassin)] (( there we go XD ))
[20:27] > Inu-Kitsune (assassin) grins
[20:27] > Arru (sexy nightgown) slams the key into the gates and they slowly begin to open
[20:28] [Adair (Destin)] So? They've already done the work needed to be done, they added holy energy into this entire area
[20:28] > ~The (~) screams of the damned begin to fill the room
[20:28] > ~Mari (necromancer) grimaces "We're screwed, let's go!"
[20:28] [Inu-Kitsune (assassin)] I'm going to agree, come on Adair-hime
[20:29] <-- ~Mari (necromancer) has left #reddwarfevents
[20:29] <-- Inu-Kitsune (assassin) has left #reddwarfevents
[20:29] [Adair (Destin)] .....Fine.
[20:29] > ~The (~) room begins to fill with a dark energy as the doors open more
[20:29] <-- Adair (Destin) [adair-hime@eden] has left #reddwarfevents (When will the killing begin? When will it end?)
[20:29] [Arru (sexy nightgown)] Awww I wanted to see you burn
[20:29] [Arru (sexy nightgown)] :(
[20:30] > Arru (sexy nightgown) turns around at the doors and slams the key into them closing the doors
[20:30] --> Kurisutaru (Destin) [DemonQueen@unmei.egae.gov] has joined #reddwarfevents
[20:30] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Kurisutaru (Destin)
[20:30] [@HOL_6000] Intruder Alert! +Kurisutaru (Destin) detected!
[20:30] > ~The (~) doors phase out of existance
[20:31] > Arru (sexy nightgown) floats there seeing the other newcommer
[20:31] [+Kurisutaru (Destin)] Good
[20:31] [+Kurisutaru (Destin)] :3
[20:31] [Arru (sexy nightgown)] Yes?
[20:31] > ~Voice keeps up a dark sheild around
[20:31] [+Kurisutaru (Destin)] Now, let me ask you something, demon to demon
[20:31] [+Kurisutaru (Destin)] Why do you even want to be here?
[20:31] [+Kurisutaru (Destin)] Hmmm?
[20:31] [+Kurisutaru (Destin)] Do you think I'm afraid of Hell
[20:32] [Arru (sexy nightgown)] This universe is a boring place, I have to find something to occupy my time
[20:32] [Arru (sexy nightgown)] Blowing up planets after the 10th one kind of kills the fun for me
[20:32] > Arru (sexy nightgown) giggles watching the strange woman
[20:32] [+Kurisutaru (Destin)] Then go to a different universe. I can link you to one that's a bit more fun
[20:33] [Arru (sexy nightgown)] No I'm quite content doing what I please here
[20:33] [+Kurisutaru (Destin)] Fine.
[20:34] [+Kurisutaru (Destin)] I'll just have fun tormenting you with your own darkness
[20:34] [Arru (sexy nightgown)] What about you? Why are you so interested in me now?
[20:34] [+Kurisutaru (Destin)] Because
[20:34] [+Kurisutaru (Destin)] I'm a demon, one with a father-in-law that resides in Hell, along with a father that I won't allow to burn in hell.
[20:34] [+Kurisutaru (Destin)] That'd be too nice
[20:35] [Arru (sexy nightgown)] My uncle is the king of hell ♡♡~
[20:35] [+Kurisutaru (Destin)] I had a certain necromancer harvest his soul when I killed him, now he's trapped in a body that won't move.
[20:35] [+Kurisutaru (Destin)] That's nice, but I can still win
[20:35] [Arru (sexy nightgown)] I'd like to see you try ~_^
[20:36] > +Kurisutaru (Destin) snaps her fingers and releases her aura, one of choking darkness. "I've committed so many sins that even my aura has become dark as a holy creature."
[20:36] [Arru (sexy nightgown)] If you wern't my type I'd offer you a place as my lover
[20:37] [Arru (sexy nightgown)] And that's suppose to scare me?
[20:37] [+Kurisutaru (Destin)] I wouldn't accept
[20:37] [Arru (sexy nightgown)] I don't want you too ^___^
[20:37] > +Kurisutaru (Destin) grins, and simply seems to fade into the darkness before a sudden flash of her black crystal blade is seen as it is swung at Arru's neck
[20:37] > Arru (sexy nightgown) giggles
[20:38] > Arru (sexy nightgown) holds out her key of hell in a swift motion blocking the blade
[20:38] [Arru (sexy nightgown)] You are far to young for me child
[20:38] > Shin appears
[20:38] --> Shin [pestalencedoom@5thlevel.hell] has joined #reddwarfevents
[20:38] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Shin
[20:38] [Shin] oh my...
[20:38] [Arru (sexy nightgown)] Hey Shin dearie~
[20:39] [Arru (sexy nightgown)] Lookie what I found!!!
[20:39] > +Kurisutaru (Destin) swings her glaive up in an attempt to slice Arru's hand, but her body is still seemingly invisible in the darkness
[20:39] [Shin] ...what is this lady doing?
[20:39] > Arru (sexy nightgown) is the darkness to the one's light, is the yang to her ying so darkness is nothing to her
[20:39] [Arru (sexy nightgown)] I think she's trying to kill me
[20:40] > Shin lights a cig...and blows smoke around the room
[20:40] [Shin] why?
[20:40] [Arru (sexy nightgown)] She doesn't like me? I'm not sure...
[20:41] > Shin watches Kuri
[20:41] > +Kurisutaru (Destin) grins, an unseen grin "This is quite fun, but you can't kill a shadow trained in hell."
[20:41] [Arru (sexy nightgown)] Why are you trying to kill me anyway?
[20:41] [Arru (sexy nightgown)] I live in hell child
[20:41] [+Kurisutaru (Destin)] For something to do
[20:41] [Arru (sexy nightgown)] Ahh so your a bit like me then
[20:41] [+Kurisutaru (Destin)] I did too for a while during my exile
[20:41] [+Kurisutaru (Destin)] I'm nothing like you.
[20:42] [+Kurisutaru (Destin)] I'm better than you
[20:42] [Arru (sexy nightgown)] That's what they all say! ♡_♡
[20:42] > Arru (sexy nightgown) mock swoons
[20:42] [Shin] this is unlady like
[20:42] ✷ Sensors indicate that +Kurisutaru (Destin) has 1075HP / 500SP / 500MP
[20:43] [Arru (sexy nightgown)] In the skeem of larger things young one you learn you need the darkness to show people the light it's just that simple
[20:43] [+Kurisutaru (Destin)] Who said anything about being ladylike?
[20:43] [+Kurisutaru (Destin)] Light? I don't care about light. I've lived most of my life in the shadows
[20:43] [Shin] you dissapoint me, you two
[20:43] [Shin] such ladies should not fight in such a brutal way
[20:44] [Arru (sexy nightgown)] I'm not trying to fight her, really
[20:44] {1075HP / 471SP / 467MP} +Kurisutaru (Destin) slams her shoulder into Arru (-29SP / -33MP)
[20:44] > Arru (sexy nightgown) notes she isn't set for that yet ^__^
[20:44] [+Kurisutaru (Destin)] I was and still am better than even Hell's Generals at winning wars.
[20:44] > +Kurisutaru (Destin) notes that she intends to fight~
[20:45] [Shin] do you say you are better then a High Lord?
[20:45] [+Kurisutaru (Destin)] I said at winning wars
[20:45] [+Kurisutaru (Destin)] I haven't lost a war yet
[20:46] [Arru (sexy nightgown)] but I heard you got your ass handed to you by a halfling dog demon
[20:46] [+Kurisutaru (Destin)] And I don't intend to lose
[20:46] [+Kurisutaru (Destin)] That wasn't a war, and I let him win
[20:46] ✷ Sensors indicate that Arru (sexy nightgown) has 1000HP / 600SP / 600MP
[20:46] {870HP / 600SP / 600MP} Arru (sexy nightgown) has taken a CRITICAL hit from +Kurisutaru (Destin)! (-130HP)
[20:46] > Arru (sexy nightgown) wasn't ready for that
[20:46] > Shin watches
[20:47] {870HP / 572SP / 575MP} Arru (sexy nightgown) summons her demons and sends them at the strange woman (-28SP / -25MP)
[20:47] {1008HP / 471SP / 467MP} +Kurisutaru (Destin) has taken a hit from Arru (sexy nightgown)! (-67HP)
[20:48] > +Kurisutaru (Destin) takes minimal damage
[20:48] {1008HP / 439SP / 450MP} +Kurisutaru (Destin) slices at Aru's chest with her black crystal blade, "Spica" (-32SP / -17MP)
[20:49] {850HP / 572SP / 575MP} Arru (sexy nightgown) has BLOCKED a hit from +Kurisutaru (Destin)! (-20HP)
[20:49] > Arru (sexy nightgown) jumps out of the way
[20:49] [+Kurisutaru (Destin)] You're good.
[20:49] {850HP / 487SP / 493MP} SPECIAL ATTACK: Arru (sexy nightgown) tries slamming her hell infused hell key into Kuri's head (-85SP / -82MP)
[20:49] {826HP / 439SP / 450MP} +Kurisutaru (Destin) has taken a hit from a SPECIAL ATTACK by Arru (sexy nightgown)! (-182HP)
[20:50] > +Kurisutaru (Destin) grimaces
[20:50] [Arru (sexy nightgown)] Ouchy~
[20:51] {826HP / 325SP / 352MP} SPECIAL ATTACK: +Kurisutaru (Destin) dumps poisons of all sorts on her glaive before slamming the side of the blade into Arru's face (-114SP / -98MP)
[20:51] > Shin watches...to see the outcome
[20:51] {471HP / 487SP / 493MP} Arru (sexy nightgown) has taken a CRITICAL hit from a SPECIAL ATTACK by +Kurisutaru (Destin)! (-379HP)
[20:52] > Arru (sexy nightgown) is hit by the poisoned blade
[20:53] --> Shana Alcot [evilscientist@japanlab.net] has joined #reddwarfevents
[20:53] [@HOL_6000] Intruder Alert! Shana Alcot detected!
[20:53] {471HP / 382SP / 403MP} SPECIAL ATTACK: Arru (sexy nightgown) holds high her key and tries sending a ton of demonic spirits at her (-105SP / -90MP)
[20:53] [+Kurisutaru (Destin)] Hehehehe~
[20:53] {757HP / 325SP / 352MP} +Kurisutaru (Destin) has BLOCKED a hit from a SPECIAL ATTACK by Arru (sexy nightgown)! (-69HP)
[20:53] > +Kurisutaru (Destin) merely throws up a barrier
[20:54] [Shin] greetings my lady...it seems that these ladies are fighting...
[20:54] [Shin] quite distasteful
[20:54] [Arru (sexy nightgown)] Hey honey came to see what was going on and she is keeping me here :(
[20:54] [+Kurisutaru (Destin)] Now, now, that wasn't very nice~
[20:55] [Shana Alcot] Oh dear... so this is the one who took my toy away....
[20:55] [Shin] your toy?..hmmm....
[20:55] > +Kurisutaru (Destin) 's aura has grown even darker and more demonic than before and her smile has changed to one of pure bloodthirst
[20:55] > Shana Alcot walks over and sits next to Shin, wearing only her lab coat and underwear beneath.
[20:55] [Arru (sexy nightgown)] Her and her stupid compainions
[20:56] {757HP / 222SP / 249MP} SPECIAL ATTACK: +Kurisutaru (Destin) sends lightning at Arru while slicing at her at a rapid pace with Fate's Glaive and Spica (-103SP / -103MP)
[20:56] > Shin looks to Shana and nods
[20:56] {397HP / 382SP / 403MP} Arru (sexy nightgown) has BLOCKED a hit from a SPECIAL ATTACK by +Kurisutaru (Destin)! (-74HP)
[20:56] > Arru (sexy nightgown) just jumps out of the way again
[20:56] [Shana Alcot] We were having so much fun.... and then Arru was taken away from me... So tragic
[20:56] [+Kurisutaru (Destin)] My daughter and my servants aren't stupid
[20:56] {397HP / 302SP / 317MP} SPECIAL ATTACK: Arru (sexy nightgown) summons some dark arrows and throws them at Kuri (-80SP / -86MP)
[20:57] {697HP / 222SP / 249MP} +Kurisutaru (Destin) has BLOCKED a hit from a SPECIAL ATTACK by Arru (sexy nightgown)! (-60HP)
[20:57] > +Kurisutaru (Destin) easily dodges
[20:57] > Shin smokes
[20:57] {697HP / 119SP / 130MP} SPECIAL ATTACK: +Kurisutaru (Destin) uses "Soul Scream" (-103SP / -119MP)
[20:58] > Shana Alcot looks at Shin
[20:58] ➣ Shin: crimson eyes, pale blueish hair, pale skin dressed in impecable coat
[20:58] {0HP / 302SP / 317MP} Arru (sexy nightgown) has taken a CRITICAL hit from a SPECIAL ATTACK by +Kurisutaru (Destin)! (-397HP) ARRU (SEXY NIGHTGOWN) HAS BEEN ELIMINATED!
[20:58] [Shana Alcot] You know, those things will kill you.
[20:58] > Arru (sexy nightgown) falls back uncouncious
[20:58] [Shana Alcot] Oh dear... poor Arru
[20:59] [Shin] I'm afraid..I cannot let you kill her
[20:59] > Shana Alcot stands and walks over to Arru | Nor can I. We weren't finished.
[20:59] > Shin stands in front of Arru
[20:59] > +Kurisutaru (Destin) smirks and drops her aura down to a small black haze
[20:59] > +Kurisutaru (Destin) has transformed into Kurisutaru
[20:59] [+Kurisutaru (Destin)] Fine, just get her out of my sight or I will kill her
[21:00] > Shin smokes calmly..........
[21:00] > Arru (sexy nightgown) stands up
[21:00] [Shin] that I cannot allow either
[21:00] [Shana Alcot] I can take care of that
[21:00] [Shin] it is...not very kind to threaten a lady
[21:00] [Arru (sexy nightgown)] You may have beaten me but you cannot kill me dear
[21:00] > Shana Alcot pulls a small device out of the pocket of her labcoat | No worries Shin
[21:00] [Shin] I do not worry
[21:01] [+Kurisutaru (Destin)] I don't care
[21:01] > Shana Alcot takes Arru's hand | Come with me Arru...
[21:01] > Shin blows a little smoke...which slightly smells of WWI ((anyone get the clue :P))
[21:01] [+Kurisutaru (Destin)] I threaten, I kill, doesn't matter who it is. Man, woman, or child
[21:01] [Arru (sexy nightgown)] Ok~
[21:01] > Shana Alcot pushes a button and teleports herself and Arru out
[21:02] [Shin] hmmm
[21:02] [Arru (sexy nightgown)] Shin honey take care of her please?
[21:02] [Shin] do you have a soul, miss?
[21:02] <-- Shana Alcot [evilscientist@japanlab.net] has left #reddwarfevents (Come now, I will tke care of YOU this time. ^_~ ♡)
[21:02] [+Kurisutaru] Yeah, and I already told you, it's blacker than black
[21:02] <-- Arru (sexy nightgown) [Shadowdemon@hellsgates.com] has left #reddwarfevents (^_^ ok)
[21:03] [Shin] then I'm afraid you are now under my jurdisction
[21:03] > Shin calmly sips some sherry
[21:03] [+Kurisutaru] Get out of here now, Shin.
[21:03] > +Kurisutaru laughs "Wrong again
[21:03] [Shin] ...it is not smart to threaten me
[21:03] [+Kurisutaru] I am under the Jurdsticion of the Court of Gods
[21:04] [+Kurisutaru] As I am the Angel of Fate
[21:04] [Shin] ....you don't really know who I am do you?
[21:04] [+Kurisutaru] You're a hell-born demon, probably the head of the army or a prince of sorts
[21:04] [+Kurisutaru] but really, I don't give a damn
[21:04] [+Kurisutaru] You're not part of the Court so I don't fear y ou
[21:04] <-- +Kurisutaru [DemonQueen@unmei.egae.gov] has left #reddwarfevents (Passing the time until I have something better to do.)
[21:05] [Shin] *tch*...so impertant
[21:05] --> Rémi [prince-rémi@eden] has joined #reddwarfevents
[21:05] [@HOL_6000] Intruder Alert! Rémi detected!
[21:06] > Shin quietly puts out his cig
[21:06] > Rémi notices all the destruction D:
[21:06] > Rémi senses remnants of a "Soul Scream", a high-level one at that
[21:07] [Shin] yes..it is quite..distasteful
[21:07] [Rémi] What happened here?
[21:07] [Shin] two ladies attacking each other in a vulgar display
[21:07] [Shin] one of which....seemed to threaten me
[21:07] > Shin looks at Remi
[21:07] ➣ Remi appears to be a guest.
[21:08] > Shin pours another glass of sherry
[21:09] [Shin] it is sad really
[21:12] [Shin] what have happened to ladies nowadays
[21:13] [Rémi] Ah, that must've been Kurisutaru-sama
[21:14] [Rémi] She's like that. Rather ruthless and bloodthirsty at times
[21:14] [Rémi] But that's why she leads Unmei's army
[21:14] [Rémi] as well as Egae's
[21:14] [Rémi] I've met her in Eden before
[21:15] [Shin] such a...wrathful creature...
[21:15] [Shin] I was quite insulted
[21:15] > Rémi looks in a mirror
[21:15] --> Solarchos has joined #reddwarfevents
[21:15] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Solarchos
[21:15] [Rémi] Hello Solarchos
[21:16] > Rémi looks at Rémi
[21:16] ➣ Rémi: Adair's twin. He too has very fair skin and black hair, worn short but long enough for him to have his bangs pinned back (think Tiki from D.Gray-Man). His eyes are much like his twin sister's, in the fact they are a golden hue that resembles the sky around the sun as it sets. He is normally seen wearing dressy black pants, a black shirt, boots and a coat like Adair's.
[21:16] --> David O'Cain has joined #reddwarfevents
[21:16] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to David O'Cain
[21:16] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +David O'Cain
[21:16] --> Adair [adair-hime@eden] has joined #reddwarfevents
[21:16] [@HOL_6000] Intruder Alert! Adair detected!
[21:17] [+David O'Cain] Man, this sucks. ~_~
[21:17] ➣
[21:18] <-- Shin [pestalencedoom@5thlevel.hell] has left #reddwarfevents (((in another location from this)))
[21:19] ➣ is currently transferring onboard the Hellesponte, which is currently cloaked and within firing range of the Red Dwarf. If things go downhill, the Hellesponte's ready to engage and attack.
[21:19] --> Mari (necromancer) [marielle@amestris.unmei] has joined #reddwarfevents
[21:19] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Mari (necromancer)
[21:20] [Solarchos] ^Solarchos
[21:20] <-- +David O'Cain has left #reddwarfevents (OOC: I'm not even sure what's going on at the moment. ~_~)
[21:21] [Mari (necromancer)] HEEP
[21:21] [Mari (necromancer)] *MEEP
[21:21] [~Voice in shadows] knight to rook left...
[21:21] [Mari (necromancer)] D:
[21:21] --> David O'Cain has joined #reddwarfevents
[21:21] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to David O'Cain
[21:21] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +David O'Cain
[21:22] [Solarchos] (( Where's Mari at? ))
[21:22] > ~Voice in shadows is sitting in the shadows of the ship.....having slipped on board
[21:22] [Mari (necromancer)] (( In the room that Kurisutaru sorta destroyed ))
[21:23] [+David O'Cain] Damn it all to hell. How the f[BLEEP]k could this have happened?
[21:23] [~Voice in shadows] ...it was fate
[21:23] [Mari (necromancer)] It was Kurisutaru-sama
[21:23] [~Voice in shadows] knight...to rook right...
[21:23] > ~The Hellesponte notifies the bridge crew of an intruder.
[21:24] [Adair] She used "Soul Scream"
[21:24] [Solarchos] Pissed off, David?
[21:24] > ~Voice in shadows moves a hand slowly along the chessboard
[21:24] [+David O'Cain] Very, Solar! I can't believe that bastard showed up!
[21:25] [~Voice in shadows] the path was seen
[21:26] [Solarchos] Well, I just spent some time chatting with them under the guise of parlay. Very informative.
[21:26] [~Voice in shadows] ..how much information did you get?
[21:26] [Solarchos] Enough to begin forming a psychological profile, as well as some of their motivations and demands.
[21:27] [~Voice in shadows] ..hmmm
[21:27] > ~Voice in shadows watches one of the chess pieces knock over her defending knight
[21:27] [Solarchos] Oppiz wants this to be a fight. I think he knows full-well that Nate will reject his "proposal" without hesitation.
[21:28] > ~Voice in shadows tosses the fallen piece over to solar
[21:28] [Solarchos] Oppiz is also quite confident that he's got the upper hand. He certainly acted like it.
[21:28] > Solarchos catches the piece and looks curiously in the direction of the voice.
[21:28] [+David O'Cain] What the...?
[21:29] [~Voice in shadows] we must fortify for the red side..
[21:29] [Solarchos] Don't worry David. We have a "guest" onboard the Hellesponte. I'm assuming they're not hostile since the Hellesponte's AI hasn't burned them into monoatomic particulates by now.
[21:30] [~Voice in shadows] it would be smart not to burn me...
[21:30] [Solarchos] And which side do you represent exactly?
[21:30] [~Voice in shadows] the time's side...
[21:30] [+David O'Cain] And who are you for that matter?
[21:31] > ~Voice in shadows smiles in the darkness...
[21:31] [Solarchos] Time's side? IS THAT YOU, SETSUNA?!
[21:31] > ~Voice in shadows is now known as Setsuna Meioh
[21:31] > Setsuna Meioh is quietly moving a piece over a chessboard
[21:31] > Mari (necromancer) drags the twins through a mirror and falls out of a random mirror on the Hellsponte >>
[21:32] [Solarchos] Heh, why aren't I surprised? Still, you're welcome onboard my ship though.
[21:32] [+David O'Cain] Setsuna? What are you doing here?
[21:32] [Setsuna Meioh] watching the strings
[21:33] [Solarchos] Just remember that the Hellesponte isn't "just a ship". She's an artificial intelligence who's quite aware of everything going on.
[21:33] [Setsuna Meioh] I know
[21:33] [Adair] Why, if it isn't the good ol' Hellswponte!
[21:34] [Adair] *Hellsponte
[21:34] > Adair is oocly having a bit of difficulty typing with an injured pinky >>
[21:34] > Solarchos looks at Adair
[21:34] ➣ Adair: a tall young girl about 17 with long black hair normally braided back in a loose french braid. Her eyes are of a golden hue and her skin is very fair. She is commonly seen wearing knee-high boots, dressy black pants, a black tank top, and a long black trenchcoat.
[21:35] [Rémi] Uhhh, isn't that the ship of the Langister family?
[21:35] > Solarchos helps Mari to her feet and helps her sit down in a nearby acceleration chair. "Hello Mari." ^__^
[21:35] [Mari (necromancer)] Yeah, what other choice did I have? >>
[21:35] > Setsuna Meioh notices a glass of water..
[21:35] [Mari (necromancer)] Heh ^_^;;
[21:35] > Setsuna Meioh walks over...and knocks it onto the floor
[21:35] [Solarchos] And yes, welcome aboard the Hellesponte, a D'Artagnon-class battlecruiser.
[21:35] [Mari (necromancer)] I'm amazed you recognized me
[21:35] [+David O'Cain] So, um, what's with the chessboard?
[21:36] [Rémi] We've been on it before
[21:36] [Adair] Indeed, only not in this time
[21:36] > Setsuna Meioh smiles "wouldn't you want to know"
[21:36] [Adair] I personally liked it better when we were on it.
[21:36] > Solarchos watches what Setsuna's doing, knowing that she has some sort of point to make.
[21:36] [Adair] Inu-san hasn't put enough of her personal touch on it yet.
[21:37] [Solarchos] David, the chessboard is more of an anology than anything else. It's symbolic of this particular conflict.
[21:37] [Setsuna Meioh] more then that, solar...
[21:37] > Solarchos smiles happily at the mention of Inu-Kit. ^___^
[21:37] > Setsuna Meioh knocks over an opposing rook
[21:37] > Setsuna Meioh tosses the rook to Adair
[21:38] [Solarchos] By that I assume that this particular conflict is part of something greater?
[21:38] [Setsuna Meioh] everything is connected
[21:38] [+David O'Cain] Hmm.
[21:39] > Solarchos sits down and listens to Setsuna, sensing that she has more to say.
[21:40] [Setsuna Meioh] I will not fight with you
[21:40] [Solarchos] We're on our own then.
[21:41] [Setsuna Meioh] I will however........make sure...the path is correct
[21:41] [Setsuna Meioh] only once has that failed me
[21:41] > Adair catches the rook with her eyes shut
[21:42] [Adair] Well, we know Arru can't stand up to Kurisutaru's Soul Scream
[21:42] [Rémi] Indeed, that was the killing move.
[21:42] [Setsuna Meioh] do not underestame her
[21:42] [Solarchos] Well, what can I do about all this? Dust off all of my combat gear and power armor and prepare for war?
[21:42] [Setsuna Meioh] it would be unwise for you to kill her
[21:43] [Solarchos] What is Arru's part in this?
[21:43] [Setsuna Meioh] if you kill her....you shall unraval many strings
[21:45] [+David O'Cain] We can hurt, but not kill her. Hopefully enough to force her to fall back.
[21:45] [Setsuna Meioh] I cannot give you any advice, solar
[21:45] [Rémi] You tell that to Kurisutaru
[21:45] [Solarchos] If you know me Setsuna, then you know that I might prefer to unravel strings if it means ensuring my own freedom and security. I would request more clarification that I might understand better her importance to you.
[21:45] [Setsuna Meioh] ...you do not want to unravel these strings...
[21:45] [Setsuna Meioh] trust me....
[21:46] [Adair] Kurisutaru will not kill her. She can See that for herself
[21:47] [Setsuna Meioh] you will find your way, solar...
[21:48] [Solarchos] You know me, Setsuna. You must understand the source of my distrust in these kinds of instances. But I will do as you ask and do my best to ensure Arru's survival.
[21:48] > Setsuna Meioh a green knight from the allie's side of the chess set
[21:48] [Setsuna Meioh] this will not be needed
[21:49] [Setsuna Meioh] ..for now
[21:49] --> Sailor Mars (Eternal fuku) [flame princess@mars.net] has joined #reddwarfevents
[21:49] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Sailor Mars (Eternal fuku)
[21:49] > Solarchos waves to Mars.
[21:49] [Setsuna Meioh] you have come Rei...as I knew
[21:50] [+David O'Cain] Hi, Rei.
[21:50] [Sailor Mars (Eternal fuku)] Damn evil asses
[21:51] [Solarchos] I take it Ami filled you in on what happened?
[21:51] [+David O'Cain] Iris isn't thrilled either.
[21:51] > Solarchos gets some tea for Mari.
[21:52] > Solarchos also gets some tea for Remi and Adair.
[21:52] [Solarchos] So Setsuna? Is there anything you can tell us on how to proceed next?
[21:52] [Setsuna Meioh] no
[21:53] > Setsuna Meioh smiles to Mars
[21:53] [Rémi] Hey! It's the fire girl!
[21:54] [+David O'Cain] (to himself) [I should have used Upgrades for that fight.]
[21:54] > Sailor Mars (Eternal fuku) frowns
[21:54] [Adair] That got her ass kicked by creatures we demons could've killed in seconds!
[21:54] [Adair] XD
[21:54] [Mari (necromancer)] Adair-hime! Be polite!
[21:55] > Setsuna Meioh bops Adair on the head
[21:55] > +David O'Cain aims a charged shot at Adair, "Like you could have done better?!"
[21:55] --> Sailor Mercury [Water.Senshi@Mercury.org] has joined #reddwarfevents
[21:55] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Sailor Mercury
[21:55] [Solarchos] Hey! No fighting onboard the Hellesponte.
[21:55] [Adair] Yeah, a whole hell of a lot better!
[21:55] [Solarchos] She might just retaliate.
[21:55] > Sailor Mercury comes in, limping a little, still sore from the fight.
[21:55] [Adair] I'm a damn demon for crying out loud!
[21:55] [Setsuna Meioh] greetings young Mizuno
[21:56] [Adair] I'm proud of my heritage!
[21:56] > Sailor Mars (Eternal fuku) waves at Mercury
[21:56] [Solarchos] Ami, if you need some healing there's plenty of hyper-advanced medical facilities onboard.
[21:56] [Setsuna Meioh] pride can be dangrious in war
[21:56] [Sailor Mercury] Domo, Setsuna-san. Konbanwa, Mars-san.
[21:57] [Setsuna Meioh] it is best to leave your pride out
[21:57] > +David O'Cain closes his fist, disipating the energy he had ready
[21:57] [Adair] Those creatures at the North Pole would've been nothing to kill with a simple "Soul Scream"
[21:57] > Setsuna Meioh hits Adair over the head with her key
[21:57] [Adair] OUCH! Hey ><
[21:58] [Sailor Mercury] Arigato Solarchos-san. I'll take care of it later, I'm not badly hurt.
[21:58] > +David O'Cain coldly stares at his hand
[21:58] [Solarchos] Setsuna has a point. When I was communicating with Oppiz earlier he seemed to be extremely confident in his own abilities and position thus far.
[21:58] [Adair] I'm gonna be the Angel of Fate someday you know.
[21:58] [Setsuna Meioh] I do not care
[21:58] [Sailor Mars (Eternal fuku)] Destiny lives amongst us anyhow
[21:58] > Rémi twitches and shoots his sister
[21:58] > Setsuna Meioh smiles to Mars..knowing what she means
[21:59] > Adair now has a bullet hole in her arm "OW! HEY WHAT'D YOU DO THAT FOR?!"
[21:59] [Rémi] Stupid twin. Calm down and heal yourself.
[21:59] [Solarchos] If anything, I got the impression that Oppiz was distainful of all of us. He also got a little impatient with me. Those may be potential weaknesses be can turn to our advantages.
[22:00] > Adair pouts and does as her twin commanded
[22:00] [Setsuna Meioh] be careful, Solar....
[22:00] [Adair] Solar...
[22:00] [Setsuna Meioh] Ami-Dear.......may I borrow you for a moment
[22:01] [Sailor Mercury] Me?
[22:01] [+David O'Cain] [There has to be a way to break them.]
[22:01] [Setsuna Meioh] yes
[22:01] [Sailor Mercury] I suppose..
[22:02] > Solarchos waits and listens.
[22:02] [Setsuna Meioh] come here
[22:02] > Sailor Mercury walks over to Setsuna-san.
[22:02] [Rémi] We could teach you to use Soul Scream...
[22:02] [Setsuna Meioh] move the rook
[22:03] [Adair] Inu-san's is quite powerful as well, we could teach you how to harness that
[22:03] [Rémi] Into a weapon
[22:03] [Solarchos] Would I even be able to learn something like that?
[22:03] > Sailor Mercury moves the rook straight forward on the board.
[22:04] [Mari (necromancer)] You know, that's not a bad idea
[22:04] > Setsuna Meioh watches as it knocks over another rook
[22:04] [Setsuna Meioh] very good
[22:05] [Adair] No, but Inu-san can cast it through you and you could throw that raw power into some type of weapon
[22:05] > Sailor Mars (Eternal fuku) watches the game
[22:05] [Rémi] Or refine it as a power source
[22:05] [Setsuna Meioh] there is a danger
[22:05] [Solarchos] Hmmm, maybe.
[22:06] > Sailor Mercury is confused.
[22:06] > Solarchos continues to listen to Setsuna. She's obviously trying to make a point to him.
[22:06] [Setsuna Meioh] the rooks are weakened
[22:06] [Solarchos] Move-countermove?
[22:06] [Setsuna Meioh] I have removed the child of air
[22:07] [Setsuna Meioh] like planned
[22:07] [Adair] I think Setsuna is just full of hot air
[22:07] [Solarchos] The child of air being Matsumi.
[22:08] [Setsuna Meioh] yes...she is not needed
[22:09] [Solarchos] And with one member of our side "removed from play", that means our own range of responses is reduced accordingly.
[22:09] [Setsuna Meioh] no
[22:09] [Adair] Well, then, if she's not needed, she can just be sent away to some temple or other and live out her days serving the deity of that temple
[22:09] [Sailor Mercury] Hmm..
[22:09] [Setsuna Meioh] hmm
[22:09] > Sailor Mercury tries to make sense of all this..
[22:10] [Solarchos] Wait, I think I understand how.
[22:10] [Adair] Besides, I think a couple of Soul Screams could just about knock them all out
[22:10] [Setsuna Meioh] you have little understanding I'm afraid
[22:10] > Rémi doesn't dare say anything, is letting his twin dig her own grave
[22:10] [Setsuna Meioh] oh..and before I forget...for the insult of a fellow Outer
[22:11] > Solarchos shrugs. "Maybe not. You *are* being somewhat cryptic, Setsuna."
[22:11] [Adair] What? Are you gonna hit me or something? Like I care.
[22:11] > Setsuna Meioh lifts a single finger towards Adair
[22:11] [Setsuna Meioh] Time Arrow
[22:11] [Solarchos] Adair, never mock the BAK.
[22:11] [Sailor Mars (Eternal fuku)] Adair for one Arru likes 'toying' with people
[22:12] > Setsuna Meioh fires a volly of Chrono Spears at Adair
[22:12] > Adair grins and sets up a barrier. "Now this is what I learned from Kara-san, the guardian of Dark Time."
[22:12] [Sailor Mars (Eternal fuku)] that soul scream might have looked like she took her out but in all reality that woman has much more power then you'd think
[22:13] [Rémi] The soul scream is destructive....
[22:13] [Solarchos] Girls...no fighting please. ~_~;
[22:13] [Mari (necromancer)] But it only knocked her out on one level, it didn't do any serious damage.
[22:13] > +David O'Cain slaps Adair in the back of the head like Gibbs does to DiNozzo, "That's enough outta you."
[22:13] > Setsuna Meioh watches as the arrows stand in front of Adair...waiting
[22:14] [Setsuna Meioh] it is best you keep that barrier up...for the rest of the night
[22:14] > Adair turns and gives David a menacing glare, similar to one Leudast or Kurisutaru would have given him. "You're a disgrace. Pitiful human."
[22:15] > Adair grins "That's fine, I can keep this barrier up for quite a while. If I wanted I could probably use it like a mirror and fling them back at you."
[22:15] [Setsuna Meioh] I'm afraid it doesn't work that way
[22:16] > Solarchos steps in front of Setsuna's arrows. "Setsuna, for me would you please forgive Adair her behavior? Pride is a genetic trait amongst Unmeian Demons."
[22:16] > +David O'Cain just coldly stares at Adair, "You are just as disgraceful."
[22:16] [Setsuna Meioh] if she continues like this...I fear she may be a weak link in battle
[22:17] [Solarchos] She has a point Adair. We cannot fight amongst ourselves like this.
[22:17] [Adair] ....
[22:17] [Solarchos] It's just far too entertaining for the likes of Oppiz and his "allies".
[22:17] [Adair] And how would you know if I'm even an Unmein Demon or not, Langister?
[22:17] [Sailor Mars (Eternal fuku)] So Setsuna what do you think my course of action is?
[22:18] [Solarchos] Adair, reserve your pride and your power for Oppiz and the others. They are the REAL enemies who deserve your antagonism and scorn.
[22:19] [Setsuna Meioh] Mars...I belive you should be prepared with Candy as support
[22:19] [Setsuna Meioh] her....talent...could be of use
[22:19] [Adair] ....
[22:19] [Sailor Mars (Eternal fuku)] I'd rather not with Arru there
[22:20] [Solarchos] But yes...Remi and Mari, I would welcome anything you and Inu-Kit could teach me.
[22:20] [Sailor Mercury] Yes, that could be a rather bad combination..
[22:21] [Solarchos] And now I must attend to some important duties elsewhere onboard the Hellesponte. If you would all excuse me.
[22:21] [Setsuna Meioh] candy has some use to us *smiles*
[22:22] > Sailor Mars (Eternal fuku) frowns shaking her head sighing
[22:22] [Sailor Mercury] Goodbye, Solarchos-san.
[22:22] [Sailor Mars (Eternal fuku)] Goodnight
[22:22] [+David O'Cain] Later, Solar.
[22:23] [Solarchos] And again, please don't do anything that might piss off the ship. At the very least she'd imprison you all behind force-fields. Worst case scenario: she activates the internal defense systems and starts opening fire with interior neutron cannons and cyanogen gas.
[22:23] [Rémi] If worse comes to worse I'll drag Adair away
[22:23] [Sailor Mercury] >_<
[22:24] <-- Solarchos has left #reddwarfevents (Good night everyone.)
[22:25] [Setsuna Meioh] how are you,...dear ami
[22:25] > +David O'Cain sighs in disgust over what happened last night
[22:26] [Sailor Mercury] A little sore from the fight, but I'm still alive.
[22:26] [Sailor Mercury] I barely escaped that heat, though. Rei-chan would have fared far better in there.
[22:27] [Sailor Mars (Eternal fuku)] Though from what you said he was using something to manipulate the heat
[22:29] [Sailor Mercury] He said it was psionic power, but that was just in addition to the heat.
[22:29] [Sailor Mars (Eternal fuku)] I don't know how I would have faired in that
[22:29] [Sailor Mars (Eternal fuku)] heat probably wouldn't have been to much of a problem to apoint
[22:29] [+David O'Cain] Probably just as bad as we did.
[22:29] [Sailor Mars (Eternal fuku)] I can't stand really high heat
[22:30] [Sailor Mars (Eternal fuku)] sitting next to a fire I can handle and probably walking through fire
[22:30] > +David O'Cain sits down on the floor ~_~
[22:32] [Setsuna Meioh] I have contacted Usagi as well
[22:32] [Sailor Mercury] That's true..
[22:33] [Sailor Mars (Eternal fuku)] But put me on the sun and I'd probably die
[22:33] > Setsuna Meioh smiles in a sly way
[22:34] [Sailor Mercury] Well, we all would, except maybe Candy.
[22:37] [Sailor Mars (Eternal fuku)] During that heat wave how did she handle it then?
[22:38] [Sailor Mercury] The psionics affected her, but she didn't seem phased by the heat.
[22:39] [Setsuna Meioh] very useful
[22:39] [Sailor Mars (Eternal fuku)] I don't want her in this battle not with Arru on the other side of it, but her and Nate possibly are the only ones who could handle extreme heat like that
[22:39] > Setsuna Meioh is now known as Sailor Pluto
[22:40] [Sailor Pluto] true
[22:40] [Sailor Mars (Eternal fuku)] I would have to be there to see if I could withstand it
[22:40] [Sailor Pluto] nate is very important in this battle as well
[22:40] [+David O'Cain] Yeah.
[22:40] [Mari (necromancer)] 'scuse me
[22:40] [Mari (necromancer)] But my vampiric horrors wouldn't be badly affected by extreme heat
[22:41] > Mari (necromancer) motions to the gruesome looking creature at her side
[22:41] [Sailor Mars (Eternal fuku)] Yes but vampires are suseptable to light are they not?
[22:41] [Sailor Mercury] I thought vampires were vulnerable to fire..
[22:42] [Mari (necromancer)] And I can pull angry souls to me and that's how I animate my vampiric horrors.
[22:42] [Mari (necromancer)] THey're more or less just golems
[22:42] [Mari (necromancer)] Golems of flesh and golems of bone
[22:42] [Sailor Mercury] Constructs rather than undead, I see.
[22:42] [Mari (necromancer)] I'm a necromancer ^^ My vampiric horrors aren't exactly vampires just bloodthirsty golems
[22:42] [Mari (necromancer)] Yep!
[22:42] [Mari (necromancer)] :3
[22:43] > +David O'Cain gets himself some water
[22:43] [Adair] Heat doesn't bother me too much, besides, I can't exactly die until the day I'm supposed to....
[22:43] [Adair] It's an oddball thing having to do with the Court of the Gods
[22:44] [Sailor Mars (Eternal fuku)] Oddly there seems to be a high number of people with that same problem around here :P
[22:44] [Adair] Same goes for my twin, and Kurisutaru-sama
[22:45] [Sailor Mercury] No wonder they're so reckless..
[22:46] [~] I'M HERE!! WHOA WHOA WHOA!
[22:46] > ~ crashes into the door
[22:46] [Sailor Mars (Eternal fuku)] ...oh she's here
[22:46] > ~ is now known as Eternal Sailor Moon
[22:47] > Eternal Sailor Moon catches her breath
[22:48] [Sailor Mercury] Usagi-chan.. Be careful, please.. ~_~
[22:48] [Adair] .....
[22:48] [Rémi] .....
[22:48] [Mari (necromancer)] .....
[22:48] [Eternal Sailor Moon] I'm here to help!
[22:48] > Sailor Mars (Eternal fuku) coughs
[22:48] --> Kurisutaru (Unmei) [DemonQueen@unmei.egae.gov] has joined #reddwarfevents
[22:48] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Kurisutaru (Unmei)
[22:48] [@HOL_6000] Intruder Alert! +Kurisutaru (Unmei) detected!
[22:49] > +Kurisutaru (Unmei) looks like a 13 year-old girl at the moment >>
[22:49] [Eternal Sailor Moon] so...what do I need to do!?
[22:49] > Sailor Mars (Eternal fuku) snickers
[22:49] > +Kurisutaru (Unmei) has a layered red skirt for her fuku along with a black tank top with Unmei's symbol on it.
[22:50] [+Kurisutaru (Unmei)] Hmph.
[22:50] [Sailor Pluto] well....
[22:50] [Sailor Pluto] you will help Mars
[22:50] [+David O'Cain] A real convention now.
[22:50] [+Kurisutaru (Unmei)] Why...is that ditz aboard the Hellsponte?
[22:50] --> Meruhesae [demon_seer@egae.net] has joined #reddwarfevents
[22:50] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Meruhesae
[22:50] [Meruhesae] Hello everyone! :3
[22:51] > Meruhesae grins at Pluto "I figured you'd be here
[22:51] [Sailor Pluto] of course
[22:52] [Sailor Pluto] you will stay with Mars at all times, Princess
[22:52] --> Amber (catgirl) [kitty@destiny.net] has joined #reddwarfevents
[22:52] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Amber (catgirl)
[22:52] > +David O'Cain idly waves to Meru
[22:52] [Meruhesae] You're much like me. ^_^
[22:52] [Sailor Mars (Eternal fuku)] .............
[22:52] [Sailor Mars (Eternal fuku)] I thoguht you assigned me to Candy
[22:52] [Eternal Sailor Moon] ..................
[22:52] [Sailor Pluto] she will help with Candy as well
[22:53] [Sailor Mars (Eternal fuku)] ................
[22:53] [Sailor Mars (Eternal fuku)] if those two get together I swear their gonna loose their brains to manga Pluto
[22:53] > +David O'Cain sits back down and watches
[22:54] [Sailor Mercury] Says miss manga lover herself. :P
[22:54] [Sailor Mars (Eternal fuku)] and besides SOMEONE hasn't returned my limited edition Raki☆Suta book ONE
[22:54] > Sailor Pluto smiles "you will know the correct path"
[22:54] > Eternal Sailor Moon giggles "oopsies"
[22:54] > Meruhesae nods to Pluto
[22:54] [Eternal Sailor Moon] I..uh..LOANED IT TO AMI!
[22:54] > Eternal Sailor Moon goes behind Ami
[22:55] [Sailor Mercury] O_o
[22:55] [Sailor Mars (Eternal fuku)] Ami is to busy with acedemics to read manga
[22:55] [Sailor Mercury] You know well enough that I have my own copy, THANKYOUVERYMUCH!
[22:56] [Sailor Mars (Eternal fuku)] Usagi....
[22:56] > Amber (catgirl) watches amused
[22:57] [Eternal Sailor Moon] I..I.....I kind of lost it
[22:57] <-- +Kurisutaru (Unmei) [DemonQueen@unmei.egae.gov] has left #reddwarfevents (Passing the time until I have something better to do.)
[22:58] [Adair] Well, I figured she'd leave
[22:58] [Adair] She doesn't approve of Sailor Moon in the slightest
[22:58] > Rémi sighs "Why don't you ask Meruhesae where it is?"
[22:59] [Adair] Yeah, Meatball Head, Meru could tell you...for a price
[22:59] > Eternal Sailor Moon frowns "I AM NOT A MEATBALL HEAD"
[23:01] [Adair] Or should I mention how fat your thighs are?
[23:01] [Adair] Too many donuts and sweets
[23:01] > Eternal Sailor Moon frowns deeply
[23:01] > Sailor Pluto hits Adair on the head again
[23:01] [Adair] OW! HEY
[23:01] > +David O'Cain telekinetically SMACKS Adair in the back of the head, but didn't even move at all
[23:01] [Adair] ><
[23:03] > Adair draws her CZ 75 (it's the same pistol Rico uses in Gunslinger Girl)
[23:03] > Adair aims it at David "Do that again, I'd love to put a bullet in that flesh of yours."
[23:03] [Sailor Pluto] alright..drop the weapon
[23:03] [Sailor Mercury] Not on board, PLEASE!
[23:03] [Adair] Why should I?
[23:04] [+David O'Cain] What? I didn't do anything.
[23:04] [Adair] You've hit me twice tonight
[23:04] [+David O'Cain] No I didn't.
[23:04] [Amber (catgirl)] Quiet Adair
[23:04] > Eternal Sailor Moon pushes down Adair's gun with her staff
[23:04] [Sailor Mercury] I'm going to go visit the med bay on the ship. Too much bickering here.. >_<
[23:05] [Amber (catgirl)] If you know what's best for you you'd stop your childish behavor
[23:05] <-- Sailor Mercury [Water.Senshi@Mercury.org] has left #reddwarfevents (Ow, ow, ow.)
[23:06] > Eternal Sailor Moon has a more serious voice "please put down the weapon"
[23:08] > Sailor Mars (Eternal fuku) pushes Sailor Moon away from Adair
[23:08] [Eternal Sailor Moon] hey!
[23:09] [Sailor Mars (Eternal fuku)] It's my duty moon
[23:09] [+David O'Cain] Besides, how could you know it was even me in the first place? All I'm doing is sitting here.
[23:12] [Eternal Sailor Moon] hmph
[23:13] [+David O'Cain] Setsuna, what can I do?
[23:14] [Sailor Pluto] we do what we think is correct
[23:15] [+David O'Cain] Probably doesn't matter, huh?
[23:15] > Adair puts it away but pulls out her other gun and shoots a small blast of holy energy at Moon
[23:15] [Adair] Take that.
[23:16] > Adair points out it was relatively weak as she didn't charge it at all
[23:18] > Eternal Sailor Moon tries to block with her staff
[23:18] > Sailor Mars (Eternal fuku) throws out one of her scrolls and deflects that shot
[23:18] [Sailor Mars (Eternal fuku)] Leave her be
[23:22] [Sailor Pluto] that would be best
[23:22] [+David O'Cain] Adair, leave her alone.
[23:22] [Sailor Mars (Eternal fuku)] I am her guardian and as her guardian it is my duty to give up my life to save hers
[23:25] [Adair] Psh, her staff could have deflected that blast
[23:25] [Adair] Like I said, I'm neither friend nor foe, I do as I please
[23:26] [Sailor Mars (Eternal fuku)] The alarm sensors go off when you enter so you are more foe then friend
[23:30] > Sailor Pluto smiles, going back to her chess
[23:31] > Eternal Sailor Moon has gotten herself a cake somehow
[23:32] [Adair] They go off for Kurisutaru too
[23:32] [Mari (necromancer)] That's true...
[23:33] [Adair] And yet she's an ally, is she not?
[23:34] > Eternal Sailor Moon is eating the cake!
[23:35] [Sailor Pluto] hmmm..*nods*
[23:35] > Rémi uses a simple spell to make the cake appear moldy
[23:36] > Sailor Mars (Eternal fuku) frowns at usagi's cake eating habits
[23:36] [Adair] I simply feel like fighting against those idiots. I just started to like hanging out there when I was bored
[23:36] [Mari (necromancer)] EEEEK
[23:36] [Mari (necromancer)] Usagi is eating moldy cake D:
[23:37] [Eternal Sailor Moon] mmf?
[23:37] > +David O'Cain sorta watches Setsuna and the chess board
[23:38] [Adair] It IS moldy D:
[23:38] [Rémi] Let me take that for you ^^
[23:38] > Eternal Sailor Moon blinks "mmf?"
[23:39] > Rémi gives Usagi an extremely charming and debonair smile as he takes the "moldy" cake away from her and allows Adair to burn it into a crisp
[23:41] > Eternal Sailor Moon blinks and eats
[23:42] > Sailor Pluto sweatdrops a bit but goes back to her game
[23:42] [+David O'Cain] (to himself) [Hmph. Morons.]
[23:47] > Rémi and Adair suddenly take a picture of Sailor Moon and upload it to their laptop before opening it in photoshop :3
[23:48] > Rémi whisper animatedly between themselves
[23:48] > Sailor Mars (Eternal fuku) wonders if they know how to use photoshop :P
[23:48] > Sailor Pluto just quietly works on her game
[23:50] > Sailor Mars (Eternal fuku) walks over and watches Setsuna
[23:51] [Sailor Pluto] hmmmm.....this is much more difficult then last time
[23:51] [+David O'Cain] Something out of place?
[23:53] [Sailor Pluto] just difficult to movie
[23:53] [Sailor Pluto] *move
[23:54] [+David O'Cain] Oh.
[23:54] > Adair print off the picture and show it to Usagi (it shows Usagi as looking pudgy)
[23:55] [Adair] ^ and Rémi
[23:55] [Adair] :3
[23:55] [Rémi] :3
[23:55] > Rémi and his sister presently have black fox ears
[23:56] > Eternal Sailor Moon choaks on her cake O___O
[23:56] [Rémi] This is what you look like~
[23:56] > Mari (necromancer) is trying very hard not to laugh
[23:57] > Eternal Sailor Moon is choaking!
[23:58] > +David O'Cain quickly gets up and does the Heimlich
[23:58] [Eternal Sailor Moon] mmph mmph!!!
[23:58] > Eternal Sailor Moon is turning blue a><
[23:59] > Adair merely whacks Moon hard on the back
[00:00] >>> Sunday Nov 30 2008 <<<
[00:00] > Eternal Sailor Moon sips out the cake...at Mars
[00:00] [Eternal Sailor Moon] *spits
[00:01] > Sailor Mars (Eternal fuku) wipes it from her face...
[00:01] [Sailor Mars (Eternal fuku)] ............
[00:01] [+David O'Cain] Didn't we tell you f[BLEEP]king morons to leave her alone?
[00:02] [Mari (necromancer)] HEY HEY HEY
[00:02] [Mari (necromancer)] They're still kids you know.
[00:03] [Mari (necromancer)] They may seem a lot older but really, they can't help their childish actions, their parents were extremely strict and they didn't have any time to be kids. It was always training and school. No time for fun.
[00:04] [+David O'Cain] SHE COULD HAVE DIED!!!
[00:04] > Eternal Sailor Moon coughs
[00:04] [Meruhesae] She would not have.
[00:05] [Meruhesae] Adair and Rémi aren't that cruel, they would've just summoned Morte to return her soul to her body.
[00:05] > Eternal Sailor Moon just frowns...and then sticks next to Mars
[00:05] [Meruhesae] Even before that they still would have slapped her on the back and done the heimlich
[00:07] > Meruhesae places a hand on Adair's shoulder then her other hand on Rémi's shoulder "These twins are very special to me. I'll take responsibility for their childish pranks."
[00:07] [Sailor Pluto] very well
[00:08] > Mari (necromancer) is presently playing rock paper scissors with her vampiric horror
[00:08] [Mari (necromancer)] :3
[00:08] > Mari (necromancer) doesn't mind the blood that's getting on her hands
[00:08] > Sailor Mars (Eternal fuku) frowns at both Remi and Adair
[00:08] > Sailor Mars (Eternal fuku) is away: excuse me for one moment...
[00:09] > Sailor Mars (Eternal fuku) is back
[00:10] > Sailor Mars (Eternal fuku) walks in with two large cakes with 'Eat this' on the top of them
[00:10] > Sailor Mars (Eternal fuku) walks over to Remi and Adair and dumps it on both their heads
[00:10] [Sailor Mars (Eternal fuku)] .......................
[00:10] [Sailor Mars (Eternal fuku)] now if you excuse me
[00:10] <-- Sailor Mars (Eternal fuku) [flame princess@mars.net] has left #reddwarfevents (damn cake...)
[00:11] [+David O'Cain] Hmph. (sits back down, black flame surrounding his fist)
[00:11] <-- Eternal Sailor Moon [PrincessoftheMoon@SomeComputer.com] has left #reddwarfevents (wait for me!)
[00:17] > Adair puts up paper talismans in two of the four cardinal directions, South and West
[00:17] > Rémi also puts up paper talisman's in two of the four cardinal directions, North and East
[00:17] [Sailor Pluto] what are you doing?
[00:17] > Adair stands in the center of the room with her twin and concentrates
[00:18] [Mari (necromancer)] They're putting up s holy barrier
[00:18] [+David O'Cain] Like they're gonna answer. ~_~
[00:18] [Mari (necromancer)] *a holy barrier
[00:18] [Sailor Pluto] ah
[00:19] [Mari (necromancer)] It's an extremely strong barrier and it's even sound-proof
[00:19] [Mari (necromancer)] Anyone outside it wouldn't be able to hear us in here
[00:19] [Mari (necromancer)] But we can hear them.
[00:21] [Mari (necromancer)] Those two don't look it...
[00:21] [Mari (necromancer)] But they're two of the most powerful demons I know. They can use both black magic, and holy magic.
[00:22] > Sailor Pluto nods
[00:26] [Mari (necromancer)] Do you see their use?
[00:26] [Sailor Pluto] yes. I do
[00:28] <-- +David O'Cain has left #reddwarfevents
[00:30] > Sailor Pluto smiles
[00:34] [Mari (necromancer)] I thought that would help. Which should they use though? Darkness or Holy?
[00:34] [Mari (necromancer)] Or...both?
[00:34] [Mari (necromancer)] And as for myself, will my vampiric horrors be enough? Or should I make a stronger soul construct?
[00:37] [Sailor Pluto] Holy most likely
[00:37] [Sailor Pluto] otherwise..I cannot help you
[00:44] <-- Sailor Pluto has left #reddwarfevents (working on chess)
[00:46] > Mari (necromancer) sighs "Adair, Rémi... I hope you two can train your holy skills more at the Temple... I may have to take you two there by force...'
[00:46] <-- Mari (necromancer) [marielle@amestris.unmei] has left #reddwarfevents (Sleep)
[00:46] <-- Adair [adair-hime@eden] has left #reddwarfevents (When will the killing begin? When will it end?)
[00:46] <-- Rémi [prince-rémi@eden] has left #reddwarfevents (Wake me up when we start killing.)
[02:47] ➣ At a hotel room in southeastern Michigan, the lights remain on as a figure remains awake, fiddling with a pair of sunglasses, sitting in bed next to a covered orange form.
[02:47] --> Nate Detroit [SmashChamp@reddwarf.com] has joined #reddwarfevents
[02:47] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +o to Nate Detroit
[02:47] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, @Nate Detroit
[02:48] [Nate Detroit] Damnit. Damnit Damnit Damnit....
[02:48] --> Rowenta [Orangetabby@reddwarf.co.uk] has joined #reddwarfevents
[02:48] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Rowenta
[02:48] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Rowenta
[02:49] [+Rowenta] ... Nate-kun...
[02:49] [Nate Detroit] ...sorry hun.
[02:49] [Nate Detroit] I just can't sleep when Im this mad..
[02:49] [+Rowenta] I know-nya, but you're going to need rest if we're going to plan tomorrow.
[02:50] > Nate Detroit sighs and puts down the sunglasses.
[02:51] [Nate Detroit] Your right. That doesnt help, but your right.
[02:51] [+Rowenta] :/
[02:51] > +Rowenta sits up and hugs Nate.
[02:51] > Nate Detroit gives a feeble smile and hugs her back.
[02:52] [Nate Detroit] I dunno what I would have done if I hadnt got you out in time..
[02:53] [+Rowenta] I'm glad you did-nya, I just wish we could have brought more than just our clothes. >_<
[02:54] [+Rowenta] They're probably tearing all of our stuff to bits.
[02:54] > Nate Detroit grips a sheet out of frustration behind her.
[02:56] [Nate Detroit] Well.. I have money saved up, and you still have your ring.. we can replace it.
[02:57] [+Rowenta] I'll have to go hunting in some more ancient caves, but I've been meaning to do that anyway.
[02:57] [Nate Detroit] You have some leads on good stuff?
[02:59] [+Rowenta] Just a couple-nya. And just rumors.
[02:59] [+Rowenta] Nothing I'd rely on to get the ship back.
[02:59] --> Adair [adair-hime@eden] has joined #reddwarfevents
[02:59] [@HOL_6000] Intruder Alert! Adair detected!
[02:59] [Nate Detroit] Anything helps.
[03:00] [Nate Detroit] The hell?!
[03:00] > Adair suddenly wakes up and smacks her brother "I can't believe we fell asleep! Mari-saaaan!"
[03:00] --> Rémi [prince-rémi@eden] has joined #reddwarfevents
[03:00] [@HOL_6000] Intruder Alert! Rémi detected!
[03:00] > Rémi got smacked and wakes with a start "CRAP"
[03:01] --> Mari (necromancer) [marielle@amestris.unmei] has joined #reddwarfevents
[03:01] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Mari (necromancer)
[03:01] [Mari (necromancer)] Umm, sorry, I fell asleep too...
[03:01] [+Rowenta] (( Yeah.. New setting. Not on Solar's ship. ))
[03:01] > Nate Detroit will just forget abotu the hotel room setting he set with /dm and pretend this is some neutral, generic setting where he wasnt trying to have a warm moment with his wife.
[03:01] [Adair] (( Ah XD sorry ))
[03:02] [Adair] (( I have bad timing >> ))
[03:02] [Adair] (( And I should've checked the log >> ))
[03:02] [Nate Detroit] Um... right..
[03:06] [+Rowenta] There's nothing really to go on except, "hey there might be some stuff buried here." Not exactly a real bell ringer at this point-nya.
[03:06] > Mari (necromancer) kinda dragged Adair and Rémi around with her "You two are amazing... You didn't even notice that you were being carried by my vampiric horrors."
[03:06] [Adair] Ah! I nearly forgot to inform you two!
[03:06] [Adair] Kurisutaru knocked out Arru in a fight earlier and caused damage...
[03:06] [Nate Detroit] I'd be nice to have a trick to deal with that damn Serafina Shard.. I had heard reports about them, but I had no idea how much damage they could do with how he exploited it.
[03:07] [Adair] She used "Soul Scream" which is a really powerful dark magic attack...
[03:08] [+Rowenta] Hmm..
[03:08] [Rémi] I hope our information is useful in some way...
[03:09] [Nate Detroit] Good. Thats good.
[03:12] [Mari (necromancer)] Setsuna was around earlier
[03:12] [+Rowenta] I think I'm going to head to bed-nya, I've been up too long today.
[03:12] [Nate Detroit] Yeah, Ill be right behind you.
[03:12] [Mari (necromancer)] She's getting all the senshi involved
[03:13] [Adair] Well, my twin and I should be headed back to the Hellsponte to finish up our
[03:13] [Rémi] holy barriers to protect us from being overheard by anyone outside the barrier
[03:13] > Nate Detroit takes Rowe by the hand.
[03:13] [Mari (necromancer)] I'll go with the two of you.
[03:14] <-- Mari (necromancer) [marielle@amestris.unmei] has left #reddwarfevents (With the twins)
[03:14] <-- Adair [adair-hime@eden] has left #reddwarfevents (When will the killing begin? When will it end?)
[03:14] <-- Rémi [prince-rémi@eden] has left #reddwarfevents (Wake me up when we start killing.)
[03:14] <-- Nate Detroit [SmashChamp@reddwarf.com] has left #reddwarfevents (Im just glad you're still by my side..)
[03:14] <-- +Rowenta [Orangetabby@reddwarf.co.uk] has left #reddwarfevents (Always-nya.)
[12:22] ➣ Dwarf Main computer room
[12:23] [@HOL_6000] Shana Alcot: Only OPs and Priviledged users may change the channel password.
[12:23] > +Vanadine has changed the channel password.
[12:24] --> Shana Alcot [evilscientist@japanlab.net] has joined #reddwarfevents
[12:24] [@HOL_6000] Intruder Alert! Shana Alcot detected!