[00:40] >>> Tuesday Jul 17 2007 – Automatic reset triggered – Logging Start <<<
[00:40] > Hideki Kaze waits....and waits
[00:41] > Hideki Kaze can be seen talking to someone and nodding
[00:41] > +Vanadine (PJ's) sighs
[00:41] > +Vanadine (PJ's) looks down at the floor: She probably won't come....
[00:41] > Hideki Kaze hangs up "...she's on her way now"
[00:42] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] Oh..... well that's good... I guess
[00:42] [Hideki Kaze] and she wants to talk to you in private...without me being here
[00:42] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] W..without you?
[00:43] [Hideki Kaze] mmhmm
[00:43] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] B.... but I don't want you to leave....
[00:44] [Hideki Kaze] I'm going to have to...matsumi wants some time alone with you
[00:46] > Hideki Kaze smiles to vana "I'm sure it will be alright"
[00:47] > +Vanadine (PJ's) sighs: ....alright then.
[00:48] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] But.... doesn't this bother you? That not only is she hiding something from both of us.... but that she won't tell you?
[00:48] > Hideki Kaze gives vana a kiss "I trust matsumi...forever"
[00:48] <-- Hideki Kaze [AirKnight@Qtech.com] has left #reddwarfevents
[00:49] --> Matsumi Kaze [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has joined #reddwarfevents
[00:49] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Matsumi Kaze
[00:49] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Matsumi Kaze
[00:49] > +Matsumi Kaze stands in the doorway quietly
[00:49] [+Matsumi Kaze] ....can I come in?
[00:50] > +Vanadine (PJ's) sits, wiping her eyes: Y...yeah
[00:51] > +Matsumi Kaze walks over and sits next to vana
[00:51] [+Matsumi Kaze] ...I didn't go to school today..called in sick
[00:51] > +Vanadine (PJ's) looks down at the floor: Why?
[00:53] [+Matsumi Kaze] ...I felt bad for what I did
[00:53] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] What do you mean? *is playing dumb*
[00:53] [+Matsumi Kaze] ...I left cause I thought...that you were never going to talk to me again
[00:54] [+Matsumi Kaze] ..I've been hiding something from you..and you know it
[00:54] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] Well.... you've made me quite upset.... with whatever this is you're hiding from me....
[00:55] [+Matsumi Kaze] I probably don't have to hide it from you...amber only told me not to tell Candy
[00:55] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] Candy doing it hurt a bit.... but I could handle it..... cause while we're close.... we're not super close....
[00:56] > +Vanadine (PJ's) looks at Matsumi: But you hiding things from me hurts deep....... we're married...... we're not supposed to keep secrets from one another......ever.....
[00:57] > +Vanadine (PJ's) looks back down at the floor: It makes me want to cry and punch something at the same time....
[00:58] [+Matsumi Kaze] then punch me if you want
[00:58] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] You know I can't do that.....
[00:59] [+Matsumi Kaze] ...do you want me to tell you what's going on then?
[01:01] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] Yes... I do....
[01:01] [+Matsumi Kaze] ....ok...here goes
[01:01] [+Matsumi Kaze] amber showed me a document...that dated back to the silver millinium
[01:02] [+Matsumi Kaze] it was a treaty between quinox and the sun
[01:02] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] A treaty?
[01:04] [+Matsumi Kaze] yes....it was so the sun could have allies in the outer worlds..
[01:05] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] Alright.... so why the big secret?
[01:05] [+Matsumi Kaze] there was one section that intrested amber
[01:05] [+Matsumi Kaze] cemented by a union between the offspring of the planet's monarchs at the time...the union would either be marriage or blood bond
[01:06] [+Matsumi Kaze] ...
[01:06] > +Vanadine (PJ's) looks confused
[01:07] [+Matsumi Kaze] it did not mention gender
[01:07] [+Matsumi Kaze] and the document was signed by Queen Minerva..my mother
[01:08] [+Matsumi Kaze] vana?
[01:08] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] Ok..... so what does this all mean..... cause I'm lost
[01:09] [+Matsumi Kaze] in plain modern day terms, vana
[01:09] [+Matsumi Kaze] it was a treaty of arranged marriage
[01:10] [+Matsumi Kaze] apperntly the entire thing was forgotten and lost during the fall
[01:10] [+Matsumi Kaze] or a bit before it
[01:11] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] So wait.... you're saying that... back in another lifetime.... your mother arranged a marriage between you and someone else?
[01:11] [+Matsumi Kaze] appernetly..before I was born
[01:12] [+Matsumi Kaze] the person who I was arrainged to....was Candy
[01:12] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] WHAT!? O_o
[01:13] [+Matsumi Kaze] I had the same reaction
[01:13] [+Matsumi Kaze] took amber and freya 15 mins to wake me from the faint
[01:14] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] So.... this whole time you've been married to 'deki and me..... you were actually supposed to be married to Candy?
[01:15] [+Matsumi Kaze] well...the document was lost and forgotten....I suppose everyone forgot about it by the time I met hideki
[01:16] > +Matsumi Kaze puts her head down "I was afraid to tell you this...cause I was afraid that you would leave me"
[01:16] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] I'd never leave you.....
[01:16] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] ...b.... but what does this mean for us?
[01:17] [+Matsumi Kaze] that's where freya came in
[01:17] [+Matsumi Kaze] she told me our marriages still count
[01:18] [+Matsumi Kaze] there was a law on quinox..that said previously nulled arraingments could be brought back in...however the previous marriages of the subject remain in effect, espcally if they have passed a year in existance
[01:19] > +Vanadine (PJ's) sighs in relief: That's good to hear
[01:19] [+Matsumi Kaze] we're safe, vana
[01:20] [+Matsumi Kaze] ....so....are you going to leave me then? *looks at vana with somewhat sad eyes*
[01:21] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] No Sweety..... I just wish you would've told me about this sooner....
[01:21] > +Matsumi Kaze nods "however..amber told me something else"
[01:22] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] Something else?
[01:23] [+Matsumi Kaze] she doesn't want candy to know this info just yet...she wants it to be just the right time for it and plus she hopes to tell her herself
[01:24] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] I see. But wait.... does this mean you can be married to Candy as well as the two of us?
[01:24] [+Matsumi Kaze] mmhmm
[01:25] [+Matsumi Kaze] either in regular marriage or something called a blood ceremony..whatever that is...
[01:25] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] I see. Whenever Candy finds out about that.... I'm sure she'll be extatic.
[01:27] > +Matsumi Kaze nods and sighs "feels like a weight just came off my shoulders"
[01:27] > +Vanadine (PJ's) puts her arm around Matsumi
[01:28] > +Matsumi Kaze looks over to vana
[01:29] [+Matsumi Kaze] ...you're not still mad at me?
[01:30] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] Well.... I'm still a bit aggrivated that you hid that from me for so long.... but now that you've told me.... I'll get over it.
[01:31] > +Matsumi Kaze smiles...and hugs vana really really really tightly "I'm so sorry..I was just so afraid T___T"
[01:31] > +Vanadine (PJ's) hugs back, not quite as tight, but tight enough and coughs: It's alright Sweety..... but you're cutting off my air supply
[01:32] > +Matsumi Kaze lets go "oh..sorry"
[01:32] [+Matsumi Kaze] ...do you want to spend the night here again?
[01:33] > +Vanadine (PJ's) looks at Matsumi sheepishly: Only if you're here with me....
[01:34] > +Matsumi Kaze blushes "though we would have to tell hideki"
[01:35] [+Vanadine (PJ's)] ❧ Or maybe... invite him up... ❧
[01:35] > +Matsumi Kaze giggles and winks "there's an idea there"
[01:37] [+Matsumi Kaze] we could kidnap him!
[01:37] > +Vanadine (PJ's) giggles and winks: And I know just the way....
[01:38] [+Matsumi Kaze] oh?
[01:39] > +Vanadine (PJ's) has transformed into Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine
[01:39] > +Matsumi Kaze giggles
[01:40] > Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine grins: Meet me in my quarters here in 5 mintues
[01:40] > +Matsumi Kaze nods and smiles
[01:41] > Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine vanishes into the shadow
[01:41] <-- Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has left #reddwarfevents (*grins* Hideki will be ours)
[01:41] > +Matsumi Kaze giggles and grins
[01:42] <-- +Matsumi Kaze [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has left #reddwarfevents (muahaha!)
[00:00] >>> Sunday Jul 29 2007 <<<
[17:05] --> Tani [futuresunshine@rayes.net] has joined #reddwarfevents
[17:05] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Tani
[17:08] > Tani sits down taking a drink of water.
[17:11] > Tani looks at her watch.
[17:14] > Tani takes another drink of water looking down.
[17:14] [Tani] ..he's not coming?
[17:15] > Tani curles up a little on the couch looking like she's about to cry.
[17:19] > Tani begins to cry.
[17:19] [Tani] ..I know I'm not the perfect girlfriend...I know I'm to tall for most guys..but I thought he was different....
[17:20] > Tani rubs an eye.
[17:21] --> David O'Cain JR [FutureWarrior@Zephrius.co.Q.gov] has joined #reddwarfevents
[17:21] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, David O'Cain JR
[17:22] [David O'Cain JR] ...hi Tani
[17:23] > David O'Cain JR walks in
[17:24] [Tani] ..how long should I wait and give up...
[17:24] > Tani sniffs not seeing him walk in.
[17:25] > David O'Cain JR walks over to the couch...and taps her on the shoulder
[17:25] > Tani turns her head and sees David instanty grabbing onto him.
[17:25] [David O'Cain JR] whoa O_O
[17:26] [Tani] ...I thought you wern't going to show up..
[17:26] [David O'Cain JR] ..what's wrong?
[17:26] > Tani slowly let's go of david looking at her hands.
[17:26] [Tani] ..I thought I did something wrong and you wern't coming...
[17:27] [David O'Cain JR] ...hey..tani...can I ask you... a question?
[17:27] [Tani] sure, anything.
[17:28] > Tani rubs her eyes a little trying to remove the last of the wetness
[17:28] [David O'Cain JR] .....do you...like me?
[17:28] [Tani] Of course I do!
[17:29] [Tani] I really do like you.
[17:29] [David O'Cain JR] really???...do you.........love me?
[17:29] > Tani 's cheeks flush when he asks that as she grows nervous.
[17:30] > Tani looks down and mutters almost to quiet. "..yeah I love you..."
[17:31] > David O'Cain JR looks down "....I was afraid...you didn't...cause......I love you too"
[17:32] > Tani grows more nervous. "..I'm sorry..I should have said something sooner..."
[17:33] > David O'Cain JR sits next to Tani
[17:33] [David O'Cain JR] ....I just....worry...that I'm doing a bad job
[17:33] [Tani] ...this is Laval's fault, isn't it?
[17:33] > Tani frowns grumbling.
[17:34] [Tani] she's taking everything wrong....damn her..should keep her nose out of my buisness...
[17:34] [David O'Cain JR] ...I guess so
[17:34] [Tani] I was down the other night when Marty and the others were around wasn't so much that he was my old crush
[17:35] [Tani] ..I..I just wish we had that sorta closness and openness they have...
[17:35] [David O'Cain JR] .....I do too
[17:36] [Tani] so I was a little jealous
[17:37] > David O'Cain JR takes tani's hands in his
[17:37] > Tani nods squeezing his hand.
[17:38] [Tani] I'm sorry, I'm kind of a mess.
[17:38] [David O'Cain JR] hey...it's ok...I'm sort of a mess too
[17:40] > Tani giggles a little. "How are you a mess?"
[17:40] [David O'Cain JR] heh...a bit emotinally
[17:41] [Tani] yeah I think we all are, weither we are plants or humans or something inbetween.
[17:42] > David O'Cain JR pauses a bit, looking at Tani
[17:42] > Tani leans over and gives david a half kiss on his lips.
[17:43] > David O'Cain JR gives tani a stronger kiss on tani's lips
[17:43] > Tani blushes moving away.
[17:44] > Tani is speechless touching her lips.
[17:44] [Tani] you've never...done something like that before
[17:45] [David O'Cain JR] yeah....this is a..first for me
[17:45] > David O'Cain JR blushes deeply
[17:45] [Tani] I liked it of course.
[17:45] > Tani jumps on David wrapping her arms around him giving him a full on kiss
[17:46] > David O'Cain JR is surpised but returns the kiss, holding onto tani
[17:48] > Tani pulls away gazing at David.
[17:48] > David O'Cain JR looks at Tani
[17:50] [David O'Cain JR] thank...you..Tani
[17:50] [Tani] Your really sweet and kind David.
[17:50] [David O'Cain JR] and you're beautiful and wonderful
[17:51] > Tani blushes shaking her head. "No i'm not. I'm tall, anger easy sometimes, and afraid people don't really like me."
[17:52] [David O'Cain JR] ...to me you are
[17:52] [Tani] well then...I guess that's all that matters then.
[17:53] [David O'Cain JR] to heck with laval and my sister...I love you, Tani ^^
[17:53] [Tani] I love you too.
[17:54] [Tani] ..though I do have some worries with my sister.
[17:55] [David O'Cain JR] oh?
[17:55] [Tani] she's pushing us together partally I think because she wants someone...
[17:55] [Tani] ..I can sense it on her side of the connection though she tries to block it.
[17:56] [Tani] she's better at plant powers then I am but I think she's very sad and afraid.
[17:56] [David O'Cain JR] ..strange...
[17:56] [David O'Cain JR] my sister is a bit depressed lately too
[17:57] [Tani] what's wrong with her?
[17:58] [David O'Cain JR] well..I kind of..yelled at her....about how she made fun of me when she couldn't even find someone to be with
[17:58] [David O'Cain JR] and I think..that made her feel...depressed
[17:59] [Tani] ..my sister is very difficult to get along with and unless you know her and what happened she can be considered very cruel and cold.
[18:01] > David O'Cain JR nods "my sister is a bit pushy and loudmouthed..I think she drives everyone away with that"
[18:01] [Tani] who is your sister looking for?
[18:02] [David O'Cain JR] just someone to be with
[18:02] [Tani] well I'm sure she has an ideal she wants
[18:04] [David O'Cain JR] yeah....but she's so rough and bully-some in some ways
[18:05] [Tani] ..I'd say we try and do something silly but I don't know about your sister
[18:05] [David O'Cain JR] do what?
[18:06] [Tani] ..Laval..she's a lesbian..full out lesbian, doesn't like the thought of dating a guy at all...
[18:07] > David O'Cain JR nods
[18:07] [Tani] ..well if your sister were at least bi..they both could go fight umonst themselves and leave us alone
[18:08] [David O'Cain JR] hehe...that would be funny
[18:08] [Tani] but they might kill each other XD laval doesn't take crap from anyone
[18:10] [David O'Cain JR] neither does my sister
[18:10] [Tani] ..well as long as neither one of them are mooping around XD
[18:11] [David O'Cain JR] XD
[18:11] [Tani] ok lets get them over here now!
[18:12] [David O'Cain JR] alrighty!
[18:13] > Tani closes her eyes and contacts her sister.
[18:13] > David O'Cain JR gets out his comm and calls his sister
[18:13] --> Laval [futurekindness@rayes.net] has joined #reddwarfevents
[18:13] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Laval
[18:13] [Laval] now were are these monsters?!
[18:14] --> Kari O'Cain [NeoZephrius@Zephrius.Q.co] has joined #reddwarfevents
[18:14] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Kari O'Cain
[18:14] [Kari O'Cain] what's the emergenacy???
[18:14] > Laval holds in her hand a giant blue bladed staff that looks like it's sorta attacched to her.
[18:15] > Kari O'Cain has a powerball in her hand..ready to fire
[18:15] [Tani] O you missed them, they left already, you were kind of slow. ^^
[18:15] [Laval] ..slow? O_o
[18:16] [Kari O'Cain] whaaat?
[18:16] [David O'Cain JR] hey sis
[18:16] [Tani] Hi Laval.
[18:17] > Laval 's hand absorbs the staff and she stands there glaring at the couple.
[18:17] [Laval] what the heck is going on?
[18:17] [Laval] your blocking something from me
[18:17] > Kari O'Cain reabsorbs the power and frowns at her brother
[18:18] [Kari O'Cain] is this some kind of joke?
[18:19] [Tani] joke? This isn't a joke...
[18:19] [Kari O'Cain] and who is blondy here? *is looking at Laval*
[18:20] [Tani] this is my twin sister Kari, Laval. See the family resemblance
[18:21] > Kari O'Cain looks at Laval "yeah..I see it..see something at least"
[18:21] [Laval] I am Laval Knives *bows*
[18:21] [David O'Cain JR] this is my sister, Kari O'Cain
[18:21] > Tani giggles.
[18:21] > Laval looks at Kari O'Cain
[18:21] [@HOL_6000] Longish Brown Hair like her father, which curls a bit at the end. Energetic and boutrious.
[18:21] [Laval] you don't look much like your brother.
[18:22] [Kari O'Cain] well you don't look much like lettace
[18:23] [Laval] well you don't seem to have much education on those matters it seems.
[18:23] [David O'Cain JR] *whispers to Tani* see what I mean
[18:23] [Kari O'Cain] I have enough education to know how to kick ass
[18:23] [Tani] *whispers to David* I think their going to kill each other soon XD
[18:23] [Laval] well I guess your education went somewhere at least.
[18:23] [David O'Cain JR] *whispers* shall we leave them alone for a bit?
[18:24] > Tani nods
[18:24] [Laval] I would have guessed you had nothing.
[18:24] > Kari O'Cain looks at Laval
[18:24] > Kari O'Cain looks at Laval
[18:24] [@HOL_6000] two long blonde braids wrap around her shoulders as she stands there gazing at you with her teal eyes. Standing 6' 8" she towers over most. Twin sister of Tani. Both are considered very beautiful...almost angelic...
[18:24] [Kari O'Cain] at least I have more brains then Height
[18:24] > Tani get's up to sneak out while the two are arguing.
[18:25] [Laval] I'd say you don't have much of that even.
[18:25] > David O'Cain JR takes Tani's hand as he follows her
[18:26] [Kari O'Cain] at least I have hair sense
[18:26] [Kari O'Cain] who dyes your hair?
[18:29] <-- Tani [futuresunshine@rayes.net] has left #reddwarfevents (See Yeah)
[18:29] <-- David O'Cain JR [FutureWarrior@Zephrius.co.Q.gov] has left #reddwarfevents (yup!)
[18:29] [Laval] my hair is naturally this way.
[18:29] [Laval] I'd say I'd have better hair then you, scruffy
[18:29] [Laval] brown like many dead things
[18:30] [Kari O'Cain] at least I don't look like a heidi reject
[18:30] [Laval] gold is like life, like the sun
[18:31] [Laval] a heidi reject, I do not understand the slam your trying to refer to and your not worth trying to read your mind to figure out
[18:32] [Kari O'Cain] the sun also gives cancer....like a dieaseeeeeee
[18:32] [Laval] cancer can be treated but stupidity cannot
[18:34] [Kari O'Cain] stupidity is mental but frumpyness is physical
[18:34] [Laval] frumpy?!
[18:34] [Laval] I am very well maintained
[18:34] [Laval] unlike you..tomboy
[18:34] [Laval] so tell me...how many love letters do you receive?
[18:35] [Kari O'Cain] probably more then you could ever have, twig
[18:38] > Kari O'Cain moves closer to Laval, looking her in the eyes
[18:42] > Laval giggles. "If you must know I'm worshiped like a goddess by my peers."
[18:42] > Laval returns the eye contact.
[18:43] [Kari O'Cain] a goddess of death?
[18:43] [Laval] better then frumpy tomboy!
[18:44] > Laval lowers her head to glare at her closer
[18:46] > Kari O'Cain glares back and pushes her a bit
[18:48] > Laval pushes her back with just as much force.
[18:49] > Kari O'Cain pushes back again!
[18:49] > Laval pushes back again too feeling oddly frustrated with this
[19:03] > Kari O'Cain pushes back yet again..getting a bit frustrated
[19:04] > Laval grabs Kari and pulls her close to her face.
[19:04] > Kari O'Cain looks at laval
[19:05] > Laval unexpectedly kisses Kari hard.
[19:06] > Kari O'Cain is really surpised!
[19:07] > Laval drops Kari in shock and backs away, her hands shaking.
[19:07] [Laval] ...
[19:07] [Kari O'Cain] wow..
[19:08] [Laval] ..wow?
[19:08] [Kari O'Cain] yeah.......wow
[19:08] [Laval] what do you mean wow?
[19:09] > Laval is becoming an emotional wreck standing there.
[19:09] [Laval] I don't like this silence
[19:10] > Laval frowns trying to calm herself.
[19:10] [Kari O'Cain] I mean....no one has ever kissed me
[19:10] [Laval] ..so I was..your first kiss...
[19:11] [Laval] well I guess I win then.
[19:12] [Kari O'Cain] yeah...but maybe I won...
[19:13] [Laval] how did you win?
[19:14] [Kari O'Cain] ...I broke you
[19:16] > Laval frowns blushing.
[19:16] [Laval] Well I stold your first kiss.
[19:17] [Kari O'Cain] ....I BROKE you
[19:17] > Laval giggles.
[19:18] > Laval walks back over and puts a finger under Kari's chin. "Would you like another one then?"
[19:18] [Laval] ..never thought your first kiss would come from a woman, eh?
[19:19] [Kari O'Cain] ...didn't say I minded it
[19:20] > Laval grins blushing her face coming closer to Kari's. "How about now? Feeling the heat of my breath so close?"
[19:21] > Kari O'Cain blows a bit in laval's face, giving a cold breeze from it
[19:22] [Laval] well then..I guess I'll leave you alone.
[19:22] > Laval drops her hand from Kari's chin and steps back.
[19:23] [Kari O'Cain] hey....girlie
[19:24] [Laval] what? What now tomboy?
[19:24] [Kari O'Cain] ....you're real nice...and a good kisser
[19:25] [Laval] your one of the few to say that after talking to me ^^
[19:25] [Laval] well not the kisser part
[19:26] [Kari O'Cain] heh...you're one of the first..to put up with me
[19:26] [Laval] same with me. I made Celest cry the other day
[19:27] [Kari O'Cain] amazing....
[19:27] [Laval] family is important to me and I said something she didn't like and she couldn't argue with me
[19:28] [Kari O'Cain] ahhh.........
[19:28] [Laval] well I probably should go now...
[19:28] > Kari O'Cain stands "that's still amazing.."
[19:28] [Kari O'Cain] hey....
[19:28] [Kari O'Cain] see you again, sometime?
[19:29] > Laval blushes kind of shocked at the statement. "Well arn't you a stubborn one tomboy.."
[19:29] [Kari O'Cain] stubborn can be good *is blushing a little as well*
[19:29] [Laval] well of course then if you want to argue somemore
[19:30] [Kari O'Cain] sure *smiles*
[19:30] [Laval] hey how about we argue over ice cream flavors?
[19:30] [Kari O'Cain] sure!
[19:30] > Laval grins grabbing Kari's arm and pulling her out.
[19:31] <-- Laval [futurekindness@rayes.net] has left #reddwarfevents (...well this was unexpected...)
[19:32] <-- Kari O'Cain [NeoZephrius@Zephrius.Q.co] has left #reddwarfevents (...what am I feeling?)
[00:00] >>> Tuesday Jul 31 2007 <<<
[20:55] --> Laval (Yukata) [futurekindness@rayes.net] has joined #reddwarfevents
[20:55] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Laval (Yukata)
[20:55] --> Kari O'Cain [NeoZephrius@Zephrius.Q.co] has joined #reddwarfevents
[20:55] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Kari O'Cain
[20:56] > Kari O'Cain (tanktop) walks in
[20:56] > Laval (Yukata) is kneeling on a pillow sipping some tea as if she were in some sorta tea ceremony
[20:57] [Kari O'Cain (tanktop)] oh..heya
[20:59] > Laval (Yukata) looks up seeing Kari and gives her a weak smile. "Hello again tomboy."
[21:00] [Kari O'Cain (tanktop)] hey, blondie
[21:00] > Kari O'Cain (tanktop) tries to kneel down but is doing a very poor job of it
[21:01] > Laval (Yukata) looks like a picture perfect version of what one should do during a tea ceremony.
[21:01] [Laval (Yukata)] if this is to difficult for you..
[21:02] [Kari O'Cain (tanktop)] nah..I'll be fine
[21:02] [Kari O'Cain (tanktop)] .....I...I have a question for you
[21:02] [Laval (Yukata)] yes?
[21:03] > Laval (Yukata) sips a little of her tea somemore
[21:03] [Kari O'Cain (tanktop)] ......what do you....how do you feel about me?
[21:04] > Laval (Yukata) almost gags on her tea coughing a little and setting the tea down taking a deep breath.
[21:05] [Laval (Yukata)] ..I feel about you? Tomboy?
[21:05] > Laval (Yukata) looks down blushing a little.
[21:06] [Laval (Yukata)] ..I..I..
[21:07] [Kari O'Cain (tanktop)] ...cause..I'm starting to feel something
[21:08] [Laval (Yukata)] feel? Like what? Gas?
[21:11] [Kari O'Cain (tanktop)] no...something...in my heart
[21:13] [Laval (Yukata)] ..tell me Kari. Have you ever been attracted to a girl before, more then friends wise..
[21:14] [Kari O'Cain (tanktop)] well..there was one time......I felt...like I was to this one girl..but I wasn't sure
[21:16] [Laval (Yukata)] ..have you ever been attracted to a man before, more then friends?
[21:18] > Laval (Yukata) looks up and locks her gaze with Kari's trying to read something without reading the girls mind
[21:18] [Kari O'Cain (tanktop)] I've tried....but not been successful
[21:19] > Kari O'Cain (tanktop) 's eyes show strong emotions...less confused the last time...intense emotion
[21:19] [Laval (Yukata)] what went through your mind when I kissed you?
[21:20] [Kari O'Cain (tanktop)] a feeling of surpise...but a strange feeling....of comfort
[21:21] > Laval (Yukata) nods.
[21:23] > Laval (Yukata) looks down figiting a little. "..I..I always had a vow that I'd never go after someone who wasn't sure of their orentation because of the heartache that it entailes if it fails."
[21:24] [Kari O'Cain (tanktop)] blondie?
[21:27] [Kari O'Cain (tanktop)] are you ok?
[21:28] [Laval (Yukata)] ..but I can't get you out of my head, tomboy.
[21:29] > Kari O'Cain (tanktop) kneels and looks at laval
[21:30] [Kari O'Cain (tanktop)] can't stop thinking of you either, blondie
[21:31] > Laval (Yukata) blushes looking up at Kari and then down at her hands.
[21:31] > Kari O'Cain (tanktop) blushes too
[21:33] > Laval (Yukata) looks up and touches Kari's cheek softly studing her expressions.
[21:33] > Kari O'Cain (tanktop) looks at laval...her eyes looking a bit lonely
[21:37] [Laval (Yukata)] why me?
[21:37] [Kari O'Cain (tanktop)] I..I...I don't know!
[21:40] > Laval (Yukata) drops her hand slowly not knowing what to say or do.
[21:40] [Laval (Yukata)] ...you..you ran off yesterday after I started talking about the kiss...
[21:40] > Kari O'Cain (tanktop) is still blushing "yeah..I had to.....talk to someone"
[21:41] [Laval (Yukata)] ..why?
[21:42] [Kari O'Cain (tanktop)] .....had to make sure....to varify..what I was feeling
[21:43] [Laval (Yukata)] then what are you feeling?
[21:43] > Kari O'Cain (tanktop) mutters it under her breath
[21:44] > Laval (Yukata) instantly blushes looking down.
[21:45] > Kari O'Cain (tanktop) blushes too
[21:45] [Laval (Yukata)] ..and I'm a prissy princess, you know that? *smirk*
[21:46] [Kari O'Cain (tanktop)] heh....yeah *smirks*
[21:48] > Laval (Yukata) stands up elegantly, her hair being down and just tied back loosly falling around her shoulders. She had been sitting like she had been in a tea ceremony since before Kari walked in.
[21:49] > Kari O'Cain (tanktop) stands as well
[21:51] [Laval (Yukata)] and you know that I'm a woman as well
[21:52] [Kari O'Cain (tanktop)] of course
[21:52] [Kari O'Cain (tanktop)] you have all the additons of one :P
[21:54] [Laval (Yukata)] :P. I just don't want to go into this relationship and then you turn on me and say 'I'd rather be with a man'
[21:54] [Kari O'Cain (tanktop)] heh
[21:57] > Laval (Yukata) blushes smiling at Kari. "..so we have to yell at our siblings now, eh?"
[21:58] [Kari O'Cain (tanktop)] probably *smiling back*
[22:00] > Laval (Yukata) moves a bit of hair from Kari's face and leans down kissing her lightly.
[22:01] > Kari O'Cain (tanktop) blushes but returns the kiss
[22:04] > Laval (Yukata) 's heart seems to flutter as she pulls away watching the shorter girl.
[22:05] > Kari O'Cain (tanktop) feels her heart beating like heck
[22:06] [Laval (Yukata)] I think I'm going to like this feeling
[22:06] [Kari O'Cain (tanktop)] ..me too
[22:12] > Laval (Yukata) takes her hand. "How about we go celebrate somewhere? Your choice"
[22:14] [Kari O'Cain (tanktop)] I know this one resteraunt
[22:15] [Laval (Yukata)] Ok ^^ but first I need to change, so a stop at my place. I don't know how they'd react to my yukata
[22:16] > Kari O'Cain (tanktop) nods
[22:18] > Laval (Yukata) leads the way out blushing.
[22:18] <-- Laval (Yukata) [futurekindness@rayes.net] has left #reddwarfevents (well I will have to kick my sister for this one ^^)
[22:19] <-- Kari O'Cain (tanktop) [NeoZephrius@Zephrius.Q.co] has left #reddwarfevents (this will be fun ^^)
[00:00] >>> Wednesday Aug 01 2007 <<<
[21:07] --> Vanadine (workout) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has joined #reddwarfevents
[21:07] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Vanadine (workout)
[21:07] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Vanadine (workout)
[21:08] > +Vanadine (workout) walks in and immediatly starts throwing hard punches and kicks into the heavy bag
[21:10] > +Vanadine (workout) throws a quick, hard combo and pants
[21:13] --> Matsumi Kaze (tank top) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has joined #reddwarfevents
[21:13] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Matsumi Kaze (tank top)
[21:13] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Matsumi Kaze (tank top)
[21:13] > +Matsumi Kaze (tank top) walks in "hi, vana"
[21:13] > +Vanadine (workout) throws another quick combo, panting and now beginning to sweat
[21:13] [+Vanadine (workout)] Oh... hey Sweety
[21:14] [+Matsumi Kaze (tank top)] are you ok?
[21:16] [+Vanadine (workout)] No.... I'm pissed off.... (throws a couple of punches)
[21:16] [+Vanadine (workout)] (( brb ))
[21:24] [+Vanadine (workout)] (( Back ))
[21:25] [+Matsumi Kaze (tank top)] awww...why?
[21:25] [+Matsumi Kaze (tank top)] did something happen?
[21:26] [+Vanadine (workout)] I got suspended from the studios *throws a roundhouse kick*
[21:27] [+Matsumi Kaze (tank top)] awwww
[21:28] [+Matsumi Kaze (tank top)] vana...*goes over to hug her but backs off seeing her kick*
[21:31] > +Vanadine (workout) sighs a bit, relaxing
[21:31] > +Matsumi Kaze (tank top) goes over and hugs vana from behind "there there"
[21:31] [+Vanadine (workout)] I just can't believe they suspended me for breaking that guy's arm
[21:32] > +Vanadine (workout) cups her gloved hands over Matsumi's at her waist
[21:33] [+Matsumi Kaze (tank top)] anything I can do, vana?
[21:34] [+Vanadine (workout)] I'm just trying to relax...
[21:34] [+Vanadine (workout)] .... and calm myself.
[21:35] [+Matsumi Kaze (tank top)] by beating stuff up? kind of like hitting a pillow?
[21:37] [+Matsumi Kaze (tank top)] does it help?
[21:38] [+Vanadine (workout)] it does sometimes, when I'm angry at least
[21:38] [+Matsumi Kaze (tank top)] you get kind of scary when angry
[21:40] [+Matsumi Kaze (tank top)] sorry
[21:41] [+Vanadine (workout)] It's alright Sweety. You've got no reason to appologize
[21:42] > +Matsumi Kaze (tank top) nods "anything I can do for you now?"
[21:43] [+Vanadine (workout)] What do you say we go get some ice cream.... that usually helps me calm down too.
[21:43] [+Matsumi Kaze (tank top)] sure ^^
[21:46] [+Matsumi Kaze (tank top)] that sounds nice
[21:46] > +Vanadine (workout) turns around and kisses Matsumi
[21:46] > +Matsumi Kaze (tank top) returns the kiss
[21:47] [+Matsumi Kaze (tank top)] hehehe
[21:48] [+Vanadine (workout)] Let's go Sweety
[21:48] [+Matsumi Kaze (tank top)] yeah lets ^^
[21:49] > +Vanadine (workout) takes off her gloves and heads out
[21:50] <-- +Vanadine (workout) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has left #reddwarfevents (Some Strawberry ice cream sounds really good right now....)
[21:50] <-- +Matsumi Kaze (tank top) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has left #reddwarfevents (yummy! ice cream!)
[00:00] >>> Sunday Aug 05 2007 <<<
[22:07] --> Tika Obake (workout) [MechaDriver@GFORCE.gov] has joined #reddwarfevents
[22:07] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Tika Obake (workout)
[22:07] > Tika Obake (workout) jogs in and finds a large punching bag
[22:07] > Tika Obake (workout) starts to punch the bag harder and harder
[22:11] > Tika Obake (workout) kicks and punches the bag ferveshly
[22:11] --> Anubis Saotome (shirtless) [SuperClone@japanlab.net] has joined #reddwarfevents
[22:11] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Anubis Saotome (shirtless)
[22:11] > Tika Obake (workout) is punch the bag like heck
[22:13] [Tika Obake (workout)] *punching
[22:13] > Anubis Saotome (shirtless) walks in, watching Tika for a few moments before making any noise
[22:15] > Tika Obake (workout) gives one more punch, splitting the bag apart
[22:15] [Anubis Saotome (shirtless)] My goodness.... are you angry at me?
[22:16] [Tika Obake (workout)] no...I'm not at all angry at you
[22:18] [Anubis Saotome (shirtless)] The way you ran out... I was a bit worried
[22:19] [Tika Obake (workout)] I'm angry at myself
[22:20] [Anubis Saotome (shirtless)] Why is that?
[22:20] [Tika Obake (workout)] cause I can't..seem to let go
[22:21] [Anubis Saotome (shirtless)] Let go?
[22:21] [Tika Obake (workout)] I still...have feelings for you...a little...and I'm trying so hard to find someone else...
[22:22] > Anubis Saotome (shirtless) blushes - I... I see....
[22:24] [Tika Obake (workout)] it's hard for me....and I left...so that I don't end up hurting any feelings
[22:25] > Anubis Saotome (shirtless) looks away a bit - Well, I have to admit....... I had feelings for you also.... before Ryoko and I got together.....
[22:26] > Tika Obake (workout) nods "I understand that"
[22:27] [Anubis Saotome (shirtless)] I just.... there went so long where I did not see you at all....
[22:29] [Anubis Saotome (shirtless)] I figured you had lost interest in me....
[22:29] > Tika Obake (workout) wipes her sweay brow off
[22:30] [Tika Obake (workout)] I wish I had....
[22:30] [Tika Obake (workout)] I should go...I have to get back to base...
[22:33] [Anubis Saotome (shirtless)] Are you sure?
[22:34] [Tika Obake (workout)] it would probably be best....
[22:34] [Anubis Saotome (shirtless)] Well.... I mean... I could talk to Ryoko and see if the three of us could hang out....
[22:36] [Tika Obake (workout)] no, anubis....I want you and ryoko to be happy
[22:37] [Tika Obake (workout)] seeya later
[22:38] <-- Tika Obake (workout) [MechaDriver@GFORCE.gov] has left #reddwarfevents (I need to rest and get my head out of the clouds)
[22:42] > Anubis Saotome (shirtless) sighs a bit and heads out
[22:42] <-- Anubis Saotome (shirtless) [SuperClone@japanlab.net] has left #reddwarfevents (I feel guity about this)
[00:00] >>> Monday Aug 06 2007 <<<
[22:19] --> Vanadine (Summer Casual) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has joined #reddwarfevents
[22:19] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Vanadine (Summer Casual)
[22:19] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Vanadine (Summer Casual)
[22:19] > +Vanadine (Summer Casual) growls and throws a hard punch into the heavy bag
[22:21] [+Vanadine (Summer Casual)] ☠ Why does everyone seem to want to lie to me all of a sudden....? ☠
[22:24] [+Vanadine (Summer Casual)] ☠ First Candy, then Matsumi... now Masaki..... who's next...? ☠
[22:29] > +Vanadine (Summer Casual) sighs: Guess I'll head back home....
[22:32] <-- +Vanadine (Summer Casual) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has left #reddwarfevents (Maybe something good'll happen there...)
[00:00] >>> Wednesday Aug 08 2007 <<<
[22:06] [Hideki Kaze] I know you are here.....show yourself...so I may save my wife...you monster
[22:08] [Aku Ran (in the shadows)] ☠ you are not worthy of my attention...however... ☠
[22:10] > Aku Ran (in the shadows) uses a slice of his power to create a creature out of earth
[22:11] [Aku Ran (in the shadows)] ☠ enjoy ☠
[22:11] > ~Earth Monster roars at Hideki
[22:11] [Hideki Kaze] hmm....then so be it
[22:12] [Hideki Kaze] QUINOX ARMOR HENSHIN!
[22:12] > Hideki Kaze (Quinox Knight) whips out his wind-slicer
[22:12] [Hideki Kaze (Quinox Knight)] bring it!
[22:12] > ~Earth Monster charges hideki and slashes at him
[22:14] > Hideki Kaze (Quinox Knight) leaps up and jumps onto the creature's head, holding on
[22:14] [~Earth Monster] ☠ RAAARRGGGHH! ☠
[22:15] > ~Earth Monster bats at it's own head, but misses Hideki, who leaps back off
[22:16] [Hideki Kaze (Quinox Knight)] not very quick....*fires an air blast at one of the creature's eyes*
[22:16] > ~Earth Monster stumbles back, blinded in one eye
[22:18] [~Earth Monster] ☠ RAAARRRRRGGGGHHHHRRR! ☠
[22:18] > ~Earth Monster smashes it's fist into the ground, creating a large crack
[22:19] > Hideki Kaze (Quinox Knight) nearly falls in but manages to catch himself
[22:22] [Hideki Kaze (Quinox Knight)] time to get serious
[22:22] > ~Earth Monster smashes it's fist down to bash in Hideki but he leaps high up to avoid the monster
[22:23] > Hideki Kaze (Quinox Knight) unveils the full chain from his windslasher and lets'it spin around him
[22:24] > ~Earth Monster looks up at hideki and roars
[22:25] [Hideki Kaze (Quinox Knight)] eat this...AIR CANNON FIRE! *fires a super blast down the creature's throat*
[22:25] > ~Earth Monster swollows.....then explodes
[22:27] > Hideki Kaze (Quinox Knight) lands on his feet "....a bit too easy"
[22:28] [Hideki Kaze (Quinox Knight)] *sigh* *dusts off his armor*
[22:28] > ~Earth Monster reforms into a quad form!
[22:28] > ~Earth Monster (Final form) rushes Hideki while his back is turn and butts him
[22:28] [Hideki Kaze (Quinox Knight)] GAH!
[22:30] > Hideki Kaze (Quinox Knight) lands onto the floor but manages to get up without too much injury
[22:30] [Hideki Kaze (Quinox Knight)] ...thought as much
[22:30] [~Earth Monster (Final form)] ☠ RAAAARRGGHH! *smashes it's tail towards Hideki* ☠
[22:33] > Hideki Kaze (Quinox Knight) is hit again as he gets up, loosing his wind-slasher in the process
[22:33] [Hideki Kaze (Quinox Knight)] damn....*feels that one of his arms has dislocated*...let my guard down
[22:33] > ~Earth Monster (Final form) begins to make a gulping noise...
[22:34] > Hideki Kaze (Quinox Knight) turns his head "...what now?"
[22:35] > ~Earth Monster (Final form) opens it's mouth sending a shower of stones at hideki
[22:35] [Hideki Kaze (Quinox Knight)] wonderful...
[22:36] > Hideki Kaze (Quinox Knight) uses his remaining arm to create an air sheild, deflecting the stones
[22:38] > ~Earth Monster (Final form) roars again
[22:38] > Hideki Kaze (Quinox Knight) pants...feeling the effects of his arm
[22:38] [Hideki Kaze (Quinox Knight)] one chance left...
[22:40] [Hideki Kaze (Quinox Knight)] light of quinox...planet of air...I summon thy blade!
[22:41] > ~Earth Monster (Final form) starts to move into another rush
[22:41] > Hideki Kaze (Quinox Knight) materilizes the Sword of Storms into his hand, and turns towards his foe
[22:41] [Hideki Kaze (Quinox Knight)] ...give me strength..
[22:43] > Hideki Kaze (Quinox Knight) starts to rush towards his foe at the same speed
[22:43] [~Earth Monster (Final form)] ☠ RAAAAAAAARRRRGGGHHH! ☠
[22:43] [Hideki Kaze (Quinox Knight)] AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!
[22:44] > ~Earth Monster (Final form) and hideki pass each other and stop
[22:45] [Hideki Kaze (Quinox Knight)] ......
[22:45] [~Earth Monster (Final form)] ......
[22:46] > Hideki Kaze (Quinox Knight) falls to one knee, bleeding from his forehead
[22:46] > ~Earth Monster (Final form) turns it's head....and crumbles to dust
[22:47] > Aku Ran (in shadows) feels a slight weakness as he watches Hideki leave
[22:47] <-- Hideki Kaze (Quinox Knight) [AirKnight@Qtech.com] has left #reddwarfevents (must tend to my wounds)
[22:48] [Aku Ran (in shadows)] ☠ grrrrr.....such an ant... ☠
[22:48] <-- Aku Ran (in shadows) [mysteriousevil@??.com] has left #reddwarfevents (must prepare)
[00:00] >>> Thursday Aug 09 2007 <<<
[23:41] --> Hideki Kaze (Quinox Knight) [AirKnight@Qtech.com] has joined #reddwarfevents
[23:41] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Hideki Kaze (Quinox Knight)
[23:43] > Hideki Kaze (Quinox Knight) still has a grip on mire
[23:52] <-- Hideki Kaze (Quinox Knight) [AirKnight@Qtech.com] has left #reddwarfevents (talking to mire)
[00:00] >>> Saturday Aug 11 2007 <<<
[00:06] ➣ The lights go out outside a dark building in a plaza, and Nate Detroit exits and locks the door behind himself.
[00:06] --> Nate Detroit [SmashChamp@reddwarf.com] has joined #reddwarfevents
[00:06] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +o to Nate Detroit
[00:06] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, @Nate Detroit
[00:06] [@Nate Detroit] Idiots... such idiots... If I have to unjam one more quarter from my token games, its going up someone's nose...
[00:07] [Aku Ran (In shadows)] ☠ ah yes...one of the little girl's defenders ☠
[00:07] > @Nate Detroit tosses the keys up to himself and turns toward the parking lot to leave.
[00:08] > @Nate Detroit stops in his tracks, and looks around, raising an eyebrow.
[00:08] [@Nate Detroit] Hello?
[00:08] [Aku Ran (In shadows)] ☠ so...you wish to save your precious princess from me? ☠
[00:09] [@Nate Detroit] You! Show yourself!
[00:09] [Aku Ran (In shadows)] ☠ how about not.....I have a little gift for you.... ☠
[00:09] > @Nate Detroit pulls his sunglasses out of his pocket and holds them, his eyes surveying the area franticly.
[00:10] [@Nate Detroit] The only thing I want from you is your ass on a pike!
[00:10] > Aku Ran (In shadows) cannot be seen only heard
[00:10] [Aku Ran (In shadows)] ☠ let us see if you can even defeat this....*uses part of his energy and forms a creature out of the very air* ☠
[00:11] [~Air Creature] HHEEEEAAAAK...
[00:11] > @Nate Detroit runs behind a large truck "Asteroid Power, start up!"
[00:11] > @Nate Detroit has transformed into Sub Zippo
[00:11] > ~Air Creature looks like a rather large winged beast with a large mouth
[00:12] [@Sub Zippo] Oh geez... what th ehell is this?!
[00:12] > ~Air Creature (Main Form) opens it's mouth and sends out a powerful rush of air
[00:12] > @Sub Zippo crosses his arms infront of his face, but gets blown off balance and smacks into a compact car.
[00:13] > @Sub Zippo grabs the car for support, and fires an ice beam at the creature from his palm.
[00:13] > ~Air Creature (Main Form) gets iced in the mouth, shutting it
[00:14] > ~Air Creature (Main Form) struggles to break the ice around it's jaws
[00:15] [@Sub Zippo] Hah, the nice thing about air. If its moist, if freezes pretty good. And its been raining like crazy here all week.
[00:15] > ~Air Creature (Main Form) holds out it's arms...and opens it's palms, revealing two mouths
[00:15] > @Sub Zippo creates two ice swords and charges the creature, swinging wildly.
[00:15] > ~Air Creature (Main Form) fires vollies of air bursts
[00:15] > ~Air Creature (Main Form) gets struck in the shoulder!
[00:16] [~Air Creature (Main Form)] HEEAAARRRKKK!
[00:16] > @Sub Zippo lands a single blow, but looses his grip on oen sword in the beast's shoulder and the other is sent flying and shatters against a van.
[00:17] > ~Air Creature (Main Form) finally breaks the ice off it's jaws and charges towards Nate, roaring
[00:18] > @Sub Zippo waves his hand and creates a wall of solid ice between then.
[00:18] > ~Air Creature (Main Form) hits the wall and is confused...begins to try and pound it down
[00:19] > @Sub Zippo raises his hands, drastically lowering the temperature in the surrounding area. Balls of hail begin to start pelting the monster.
[00:19] [~Air Creature (Main Form)] HEAARRRRK
[00:20] [@Sub Zippo] Come get me, big wiffer! That all you got?!
[00:20] > ~Air Creature (Main Form) roars in confusion and is hit in the eyes by the hail...blinded, it moves about
[00:20] > ~Air Creature (Main Form) tries to blast nate, but can't see
[00:21] > @Sub Zippo continues to concentraite, the hail becoming bigger and bigger ice chunks, the air getting colder.
[00:22] > ~Air Creature (Main Form) starts to solidifie....then freezes completly
[00:23] > @Sub Zippo runs around the wall, creating a quarterstaff out of ice, and takes a hard swing at the beast.
[00:23] > ~Air Creature (Main Form) shatters!
[00:23] [@Sub Zippo] Apu! Aku! Accio! Whatever your name is! Show yourself!!
[00:24] [Aku Ran (in shadows)] ☠ you haven't beaten him yet...hehehehehe ☠
[00:25] [@Sub Zippo] Restore Quinox's powers and go back where you came, and I might not shove this thing up your ass and pull it out your nose!
[00:25] > ~Air Creature (Second Form) reforms itself, now in the form of a humanoid cyclone!
[00:25] [~Air Creature (Second Form)] HHEEEEAAARRRKKK
[00:25] [@Sub Zippo] Aww crap...
[00:26] > ~Air Creature (Second Form) slams nate with a fist made of wind
[00:27] > @Sub Zippo is sent spiraling unto a windshield.
[00:27] > ~Air Creature (Second Form) moves towards nate, sending out strong winds as it moves
[00:28] > @Sub Zippo grips the car and looks up, watching the creature approach.
[00:29] [@Sub Zippo] Just a little closer...
[00:29] > @Sub Zippo 's fingertips start to glow red..
[00:29] > ~Air Creature (Second Form) comes closer, opening a maw in it's form as if to swollow nate
[00:30] > @Sub Zippo bursts into flames, engulfing the car and making it explode.
[00:31] > ~Air Creature (Second Form) is hit by the flames and heat and dissapates instently
[00:31] [Aku Ran (in shadows)] ☠ ugh.... ☠
[00:32] [Aku Ran (in shadows)] ☠ this is but a small victory for you....it is not over ☠
[00:32] > @Sub Zippo crawls off the flaming wreckage, flaming off and brushing off liquid glass.
[00:32] [@Sub Zippo] Your damn right its not!! Fight my you little b[BLEEP]ch!!
[00:32] [@Sub Zippo] Im not gonna let you hurt Matsumi any more!
[00:33] > @Sub Zippo starts scanning the area with the supercomputer in his vest and his sunglasses.
[00:34] <-- Aku Ran (in shadows) [mysteriousevil@??.com] has left #reddwarfevents (must prepare)
[00:34] [@Sub Zippo] Damnit! He got away.
[00:34] > @Sub Zippo falls to his knees, suddenly realizing the pain hes in.
[00:34] [@Sub Zippo] GAAHHH..... oww!
[00:35] > @Sub Zippo rubs the back of his neck and looks at his hand, covered in blood.
[00:35] > @Sub Zippo turns into ice, falls over and shatters
[00:35] <-- @Sub Zippo has left #reddwarfevents
[00:00] >>> Wednesday Aug 22 2007 <<<
[18:55] --> Solarchos has joined #reddwarfevents
[18:55] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Solarchos
[18:55] > Solarchos begins to draw a large circle, several meters across, on the floor in white chalk.
[18:57] [Solarchos] All right, Kurisutaru. I stand ready for you.
[19:03] > Solarchos waits patiently for the arrival of Kurisutaru Blacklight, having answered her challenge.
[19:24] > Solarchos hums the South Park theme song.
[19:40] > Solarchos hums the closing theme to South Park.
[19:55] > Solarchos hums the MST3K theme song.
[20:10] [Solarchos] Hmmm...and Kuri was seriously looking forward to this fight, too. Something must have happened.
[20:50] <-- Solarchos has left #reddwarfevents (I know Kuri didn't stand me up, so I guess she and I will be having our duel another time then. Catch you again another time, Dwarfers. ^_^)
[00:00] >>> Thursday Aug 23 2007 <<<
[18:43] --> Crimson Butterfly [bloodredwings@nowhere.com] has joined #reddwarfevents
[18:43] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Crimson Butterfly
[18:43] > Crimson Butterfly is now known as Kurisutaru
[18:44] --> Solarchos has joined #reddwarfevents
[18:44] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Solarchos
[18:44] [Solarchos] Ahh, so you made it for tonight, Kuri.
[18:46] [+Kurisutaru] of course
[18:46] [@HOL_6000] Solarchos: You currently have: 0HP / 0SP / 0MP
[18:46] > +Kurisutaru changes topic to `Wargames begin TONIGHT!`
[18:47] > Solarchos proceeds to draw a fairly large circle in chalk on the ground around him, forming a circular space about 12 meters across.
[18:48] > +Kurisutaru smirks
[18:48] [Solarchos] All right, Kuri. You have issued your challenge and I have answered it. Now...the Batchall. What conditions and terms do you wish our duel to be fought under?
[18:51] [+Kurisutaru] We fight until one of us can't fight any longer.
[18:51] [Solarchos] Weapons and statistics?
[18:54] [+Kurisutaru] Everything. ((Set stats in Character Management))
[18:55] > +Kurisutaru is now known as Crimson Butterfly
[18:56] ✷ Sensors indicate that Solarchos has 800HP / 500SP / 500MP
[18:57] > +Kurisutaru sets the fight mode to: Strict
[18:58] ✷ Sensors indicate that Solarchos has 1000HP / 500SP / 500MP
[18:59] > Solarchos is ready and steps into the Circle of Equals.
[19:00] > +Kurisutaru has changed the channel password.
[19:01] > ~Crimson Buterfly grins "I am going to enjoy the smell of blood tonight~"
[19:01] [Solarchos] All right, Kurisutaru. Let us engage in this Trial of yours.
[19:03] > Solarchos hears the Mortal Kombat fight theme playing in the background...
[19:06] [@HOL_6000] Solarchos rolls: 1d20 { 20 }
[19:06] [@HOL_6000] ~Crimson Buterfly rolls: 1d20 { 2 }
[19:06] > Solarchos scored a natural 20 for his initiative! :D
[19:07] [Crimson Butterfly] (( No wonder I had the tilde XD ))
[19:07] {1000HP / 500SP / 500MP} Solarchos passes this round.
[19:07] {1080HP / 410SP / 397MP} SPECIAL ATTACK: Crimson Butterfly flicks open her combat fan and pours a silvery blue liquid on both sides before attempting to stab Solarchos (-100SP / -113MP)
[19:08] > Solarchos is defending his first round in order to observe what C-B does for her attacks.
[19:08] [@HOL_6000] Solarchos: No attacks to sell for SPECIAL.
[19:09] {671HP / 500SP / 500MP} Solarchos has taken a CRITICAL hit from a SPECIAL ATTACK by Crimson Butterfly! (-329HP)
[19:09] > Solarchos shivers horribly; that liquid must've been some kind of poison!
[19:10] > Crimson Butterfly grins wickedly
[19:10] {671HP / 387SP / 413MP} SPECIAL ATTACK: Solarchos tries to grab Butterfly's arm, pull her in close, and aim a series of sharp punches and jabs at key pressure points on her body. (-113SP / -87MP)
[19:11] {1016HP / 410SP / 397MP} Crimson Butterfly has BLOCKED a hit from a SPECIAL ATTACK by Solarchos! (-64HP)
[19:12] > Crimson Butterfly gracefully stops Solar's hands every time
[19:12] [Solarchos] ☠ Crap ☠
[19:13] [Crimson Butterfly] ❧ Mmmm~ Your blood smells better than some of the human blood I've spilled before~ ❧
[19:13] {1016HP / 389SP / 371MP} Crimson Butterfly twists a plain shuriken into Solar's shoulder (-21SP / -26MP)
[19:14] > Solarchos feels dizzy as his metabolism attempts to neutralize the poison Butterfly-girl infected him with. @__@
[19:14] {655HP / 387SP / 413MP} Solarchos has BLOCKED a hit from Crimson Butterfly! (-16HP)
[19:14] > Solarchos managed to parry the stab so that it sinks into part of his VanSaar suit.
[19:15] {655HP / 368SP / 392MP} Solarchos gives Butterfly-girl a plain ol' fashioned uppercut! (-19SP / -21MP)
[19:16] {976HP / 389SP / 371MP} Crimson Butterfly has taken a hit from Solarchos! (-40HP)
[19:16] > Crimson Butterfly gracefully falls backwards...
[19:17] > Solarchos withdraws a pair of combat knives and gets ready to fight two-handed style with them.
[19:19] {976HP / 363SP / 352MP} Crimson Butterfly spin kicks Solarchos (-26SP / -19MP)
[19:19] {610HP / 368SP / 392MP} Solarchos has taken a hit from Crimson Butterfly! (-45HP)
[19:20] > Solarchos takes the hit to his side, wincing slightly but pushing on regardless.
[19:21] {610HP / 286SP / 288MP} SPECIAL ATTACK: Solarchos dives in behind Butterfly-girl, stabbing and slashing ruthlessly, aiming for her backs of her knees, the base of her spine, and between the 6th and 7th ribs ( the Sweet Spot ). (-82SP / -104MP)
[19:21] {699HP / 363SP / 352MP} Crimson Butterfly has taken a CRITICAL hit from a SPECIAL ATTACK by Solarchos! (-277HP)
[19:22] > Crimson Butterfly gasps but then smiles a twisted smile
[19:23] {699HP / 271SP / 238MP} SPECIAL ATTACK: Crimson Butterfly pulls out a chain...with razor teeth on it and attempts to coil Solar in it (-92SP / -114MP)
[19:24] {419HP / 286SP / 288MP} Solarchos has taken a hit from a SPECIAL ATTACK by Crimson Butterfly! (-191HP)
[19:24] > Solarchos is inmeshed within the coils of the chain and lacerated badly. He whips out the Warp-Blade and quickly severs the chain, freeing himself.
[19:25] [Solarchos] Now it's time for the heavy artillery...something Inu-Kit insisted I use against you!
[19:26] {419HP / 178SP / 171MP} SPECIAL ATTACK: Solarchos shows Crimson Butterfly pictures of little AnTilZha and Alexianna playing happily and posing cutely. "SURRENDER TO THE CUTE!!!" MUAHAHAHAHA!" (-108SP / -117MP)
[19:26] {632HP / 271SP / 238MP} Crimson Butterfly has BLOCKED a hit from a SPECIAL ATTACK by Solarchos! (-67HP)
[19:27] [Crimson Butterfly] They'd be cute if they were in goth loli clothes with their faces both painted pale and Alexianna's lips painted bright red.
[19:27] [Crimson Butterfly] Like blood.
[19:28] > Crimson Butterfly isn't affected!
[19:28] [Solarchos] Like Inu-Kit and I would ever dress them like that. It'd be a crime!
[19:29] {632HP / 250SP / 207MP} Crimson Butterfly shows Solarchos a doll of a teenage Alexianna in goth loli with geisha make-up and hair on (-21SP / -31MP)
[19:29] {401HP / 178SP / 171MP} Solarchos has BLOCKED a hit from Crimson Butterfly! (-18HP)
[19:30] > Solarchos is just not impressed with the Gothloli Alexianna doll. ~_~;
[19:32] {401HP / 94SP / 77MP} SPECIAL ATTACK: Solarchos shows Crimson Butterfly the SECOND set of pictures of the little ones, the set that Inu-Kit specifically chose just in case the first set didn't work. (-84SP / -94MP)
[19:34] {598HP / 250SP / 207MP} Crimson Butterfly has DODGED a hit from a SPECIAL ATTACK by Solarchos! (-34HP)
[19:34] > Crimson Butterfly looked away
[19:34] {598HP / 135SP / 118MP} SPECIAL ATTACK: Crimson Butterfly brings in the black kimono-clad GEISHA ALEXIANNA doll (-115SP / -89MP)
[19:35] [Solarchos] Dammit...
[19:35] {212HP / 94SP / 77MP} Solarchos has taken a hit from a SPECIAL ATTACK by Crimson Butterfly! (-189HP)
[19:35] > Solarchos is faceplanted by the mere knowledge that someone had the audacity to create a geisha of his daughter!!!! >_<;;;
[19:36] [Crimson Butterfly] :D
[19:37] {212HP / 73SP / 60MP} Solarchos just SLAPS Crimson Butterfly. "How could you humiliate the reputation of my infant daughter like that?!" (-21SP / -17MP)
[19:38] {530HP / 135SP / 118MP} Crimson Butterfly has taken a CRITICAL hit from Solarchos! (-68HP)
[19:40] [Solarchos] Geisha's also often fill the roles of courtesans, do they not?
[19:41] [Crimson Butterfly] D: NOT THAT OFTEN
[19:42] > Solarchos is still reeling from that fan-venom. @__@
[19:42] {530HP / 31SP / 26MP} SPECIAL ATTACK: Crimson Butterfly D: 's Solarchos (-104SP / -92MP)
[19:43] {152HP / 73SP / 60MP} Solarchos has BLOCKED a hit from a SPECIAL ATTACK by Crimson Butterfly! (-60HP)
[19:44] > Solarchos manages to avoid succumbing to the seductively cute appearance of Sad-Kitten.
[19:44] {152HP / 57SP / 37MP} Solarchos slashes at Crimson Butterfly with the Warp-Blade, trying to strike her using the flat part of the blade. (-16SP / -23MP)
[19:45] {467HP / 31SP / 26MP} Crimson Butterfly has taken a CRITICAL hit from Solarchos! (-63HP)
[19:45] [Crimson Butterfly] OWWIE!! Mean demon! You're supposed to like me, remember?
[19:46] {462HP / 13SP / 0MP} Crimson Butterfly kisses Solarchos' cheek leaving a blood-red mark behind (-5HP / -18SP / -31MP)
[19:46] {135HP / 57SP / 37MP} Solarchos has BLOCKED a hit from Crimson Butterfly! (-17HP)
[19:47] > Solarchos avoids the kiss as best he can, suspecting drugs are on those lips.
[19:47] [Solarchos] Nice try, but no kiss for you!
[19:48] {135HP / 24SP / 17MP} Solarchos whacks Butterfly-girl with a harisen. :P (-33SP / -20MP)
[19:48] > Crimson Butterfly pouts
[19:48] {404HP / 13SP / 0MP} Crimson Butterfly has taken a hit from Solarchos! (-58HP)
[19:49] > Crimson Butterfly snatches the harisen away >< "Don't hit me!"
[19:49] {404HP / 13SP / 0MP} Crimson Butterfly passes this round.
[19:50] {122HP / 0SP / 0MP} Solarchos gives Crimson Butterfly the Noseflick of Ages. *THUNK* (-13HP / -28SP / -26MP)
[19:51] {349HP / 49SP / 32MP} Crimson Butterfly has taken a hit from Solarchos! (-55HP)
[19:52] {349HP / 21SP / 3MP} Crimson Butterfly bites Solar's hand (-28SP / -29MP)
[19:52] {65HP / 0SP / 0MP} Solarchos has taken a hit from Crimson Butterfly! (-57HP)
[19:53] > Solarchos flails madly as Crimson Butterfly bites his hand HARD! "Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~!!! OMG! OMG! Crazy Kuri! She's gone rabid!! Help! Help!"
[19:53] {65HP / 0SP / 0MP} Solarchos passes this round.
[19:56] {323HP / 6SP / 0MP} Crimson Butterfly kicks Solarchos in the head (-26HP / -15SP / -29MP)
[19:57] {21HP / 40SP / 40MP} Solarchos has taken a hit from Crimson Butterfly! (-44HP)
[19:57] > Solarchos staggers as he's hit upside his head. O_o;;
[19:58] {21HP / 7SP / 9MP} Solarchos figures he's on his last legs, so he gives Crimson Butterfly a kick upside HER head in retaliation. (-33SP / -31MP)
[19:59] {258HP / 6SP / 0MP} Crimson Butterfly has taken a hit from Solarchos! (-65HP)
[20:01] [Solarchos] ^_^..V
[20:01] {258HP / 6SP / 0MP} Crimson Butterfly passes this round.
[20:02] {21HP / 7SP / 9MP} Solarchos passes this round.
[20:05] {258HP / 25SP / 13MP} Crimson Butterfly twists her fan into the open wound in Solar's shoulder (-27SP / -32MP)
[20:05] {2HP / 42SP / 44MP} Solarchos has BLOCKED a hit from Crimson Butterfly! (-19HP)
[20:06] > Solarchos winces painfully as Butterfly-girl aggrevates the wound further. >_<;;
[20:06] {2HP / 14SP / 20MP} Solarchos headbutts Crimson Butterfly as hard as he can! (-28SP / -24MP)
[20:11] {205HP / 25SP / 13MP} Crimson Butterfly has taken a hit from Solarchos! (-53HP)
[20:14] {193HP / 9SP / 0MP} Crimson Butterfly slams her elbow blades into Solarchos as hard as she can (-12HP / -16SP / -25MP)
[20:15] {0HP / 14SP / 20MP} Solarchos has BLOCKED a hit from Crimson Butterfly! (-14HP) SOLARCHOS HAS BEEN ELIMINATED!
[20:16] > Solarchos manages to avoid the worst of the blade's impacts, but is still driven out past the boundaries of the Circle of Equals.
[20:16] [Solarchos] And this fight's done. Bargained well and fought well.
[20:17] > Crimson Butterfly grins and licks the blood off of her blades
[20:17] [Crimson Butterfly] Sweet blood~
[20:18] > Crimson Butterfly is now known as Kurisutaru
[20:18] [+Kurisutaru] Headache >< Maaaaaajor headache ><
[20:19] > Solarchos feels so dizzy now. o_O;;
[20:19] [Solarchos] Okay Kuri...that Crimson Butterfly girl's just freaky as anything... @__@
[20:20] [+Kurisutaru] Yeah, I know ><
[20:21] > +Kurisutaru downs an antidote to the poison before dumping some on the open wounds
[20:22] [+Kurisutaru] One of Inu's hot spring salves should fix you up since I applied some of the antidote on your open wounds.
[20:23] [+Kurisutaru] Butterfly is bloodthirsty...cutthroat...and I don't like being her ><
[20:23] [Solarchos] Thank you...ugh, what the hell kind of poison was she using anyway?
[20:26] [+Vanadine (from work)] (( Congrats on the win. Any word on fixing up the brackets? ))
[20:26] [+Vanadine (from work)] (( ^Kuri ))
[20:28] [+Vanadine (from work)] (( I wouldn't bug you on here, but using IM here is a pain. >_> ))
[20:28] > Solarchos waves dizzily to Vanadine. "Hiiiii..." @__@
[20:29] > +Vanadine (from work) is a figment of your imagination, but waves anyway lol
[20:31] <-- Solarchos has left #reddwarfevents (Inu-Kit! You've got an injured husband coming your way! I need Tender Loving Care, STAT! ^__~)
[20:32] [+Kurisutaru] (( Thankies! ))
[20:35] [+Kurisutaru] (( Drop Nathaniel and Morrigan ))
[20:37] [+Vanadine (from work)] (( Alright. I'll fix that and add your result when I get home from work. I'll also talk to the other guys as far as matchups, cause now Hideki and Vana don't have match-ups. Thought about them pairing off with Nate and David ))
[20:40] [+Vanadine (from work)] (( Alrighty, I gotta' go get some work done. Laterz ))
[20:42] [+Kurisutaru] (( Seeya! And I'm glad I got to break in Butterfly because now I get to terrorize people with her :D ))
[21:03] <-- +Kurisutaru [DemonQueen@unmei.egae.gov] has left #reddwarfevents (I'm just passing the time until my cookies are done.)
[00:00] >>> Friday Aug 24 2007 <<<
[01:50] > @Kryten changes topic to `Battle System Tutorial --> http://www.thedwarfers.net/content/events/tutorial.html`
[01:50] > @Kryten has cleared the channel password.
[00:00] >>> Monday Aug 27 2007 <<<
[23:11] --> Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has joined #reddwarfevents
[23:11] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine
[23:11] ✷ Sensors indicate that Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine has 1200HP / 600SP / 600MP
[23:11] [Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine] Hmm... I wonder if Davey got my message.
[23:14] --> David O'Cain has joined #reddwarfevents
[23:14] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to David O'Cain
[23:14] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +David O'Cain
[23:14] > Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine stands there, taping her foot
[23:14] [+David O'Cain] Oh, hi, Vana.
[23:14] > Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine has her mask down: I was starting to think you didn't get my message
[23:15] [+David O'Cain] I got it. Couldn't remember where to meet. ^_^;
[23:16] [Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine] At any rate, you and I are matched up in this tournament. I felt it would be a good test of your skills.
[23:17] [+David O'Cain] Yeah. Let's see if they work along with what other styles I've learned.
[23:18] [@HOL_6000] Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine rolls: 1d10 { 8 }
[23:18] [+David O'Cain] Question is, would you prefer if I was in my Stealth Suit or my armor?
[23:19] [Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine] You choose
[23:20] > +David O'Cain has transformed into Lt. David O'Cain
[23:20] [Lt. David O'Cain] Eh, I'll just go in armor.
[23:20] [@HOL_6000] Lt. David O'Cain rolls: 1d10 { 6 }
[23:20] [Lt. David O'Cain] Nuts.
[23:20] [Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine] Looks like I go first
[23:21] {1200HP / 569SP / 580MP} Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine vanishes, then reappears behind David, throwing a palm thrust at the back of his head (-31SP / -20MP)
[23:21] {984HP / 500SP / 500MP} Lt. David O'Cain has BLOCKED a hit from Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine! (-16HP)
[23:22] > Lt. David O'Cain quickly manages to get a hold of Vana's wrist
[23:22] [Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine] Damn...
[23:23] {984HP / 479SP / 483MP} Lt. David O'Cain performs Palamut by slamming his wrist onto Vana's upper arm, and then backhands her in the side of the head (-21SP / -17MP)
[23:23] {1136HP / 569SP / 580MP} Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine has been STUNNED by a CRITICAL hit from Lt. David O'Cain! (-64HP) (Attacker go again.)
[23:24] > Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine takes the shot to the side of the head and is dazed
[23:25] {984HP / 447SP / 463MP} Lt. David O'Cain follows up with a knee to the gut (-32SP / -20MP)
[23:25] {1087HP / 569SP / 580MP} Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine has taken a hit from Lt. David O'Cain! (-49HP)
[23:26] > Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine doubles over from the knee
[23:26] {1087HP / 536SP / 548MP} Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine raises up and throws an uppercut palm thrust (-33SP / -32MP)
[23:26] {921HP / 447SP / 463MP} Lt. David O'Cain has taken a hit from Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine! (-63HP)
[23:27] > Lt. David O'Cain reels back from the uppercut
[23:27] > Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine grins a bit
[23:28] {921HP / 425SP / 431MP} Lt. David O'Cain rushes at Vana and does a double fisted uppercut (Hanuman Presents The Ring) (-22SP / -32MP)
[23:28] {1033HP / 536SP / 548MP} Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine has taken a hit from Lt. David O'Cain! (-54HP)
[23:29] > Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine is hit and staggers back
[23:29] {1033HP / 501SP / 527MP} Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine quickly retaliates with a roundhouse kick (-35SP / -21MP)
[23:29] {868HP / 425SP / 431MP} Lt. David O'Cain has taken a hit from Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine! (-53HP)
[23:29] > Lt. David O'Cain spins a bit from the kick
[23:30] {868HP / 399SP / 414MP} Lt. David O'Cain uses his foot to push Vana back away from him (-26SP / -17MP)
[23:30] {992HP / 501SP / 527MP} Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine has taken a hit from Lt. David O'Cain! (-41HP)
[23:31] > Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine catches the foot to the shoulder and slides back
[23:31] > Lt. David O'Cain quickly takes a Muay Thai stance
[23:31] > Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine grins: Maybe if I win... Masaki will let me have that night with you I've been wanting
[23:32] [Lt. David O'Cain] We'll see.
[23:33] {992HP / 485SP / 494MP} Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine runs in, faking another roundhouse kick, instead dropping down for a spinning sweep kick (-16SP / -33MP)
[23:33] {818HP / 399SP / 414MP} Lt. David O'Cain has taken a hit from Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine! (-50HP)
[23:33] > Lt. David O'Cain falls to the floor
[23:34] {818HP / 381SP / 382MP} Lt. David O'Cain quickly gets back up, leaps high into the air, and starts chucking energy kunai at Vana (-18SP / -32MP)
[23:35] {942HP / 485SP / 494MP} Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine has taken a hit from Lt. David O'Cain! (-50HP)
[23:35] > Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine catches one of the kunai in the arm and quickly pulls it out: So.... then... phase 2
[23:36] {942HP / 469SP / 475MP} Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine rares back and throws a volly of three flaming shrunkin (-16SP / -19MP)
[23:36] {783HP / 381SP / 382MP} Lt. David O'Cain has taken a hit from Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine! (-35HP)
[23:37] > Lt. David O'Cain gets one in the shoulder, "Oh, it's on now."
[23:37] > Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine smirks: Bring it...
[23:37] {783HP / 273SP / 300MP} SPECIAL ATTACK: Lt. David O'Cain charges at Vana and goes for a flying knee at Vana's sternum (-108SP / -82MP)
[23:38] [@HOL_6000] Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine: No attacks to sell for special.
[23:38] {659HP / 469SP / 475MP} Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine has been STUNNED by a CRITICAL hit from a SPECIAL ATTACK by Lt. David O'Cain! (-283HP) (Attacker go again.)
[23:39] > Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine catches the knee in the throat and coughs
[23:40] {783HP / 241SP / 266MP} Lt. David O'Cain quickly picks Vana up while she's still reeling and goes for a belly-to-belly suplex (-32SP / -34MP)
[23:40] {595HP / 469SP / 475MP} Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine has taken a hit from Lt. David O'Cain! (-64HP)
[23:40] > Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine is thrown, landing hard on her back
[23:42] {595HP / 433SP / 455MP} Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine flips David off of her (-36SP / -20MP)
[23:42] {730HP / 241SP / 266MP} Lt. David O'Cain has taken a hit from Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine! (-53HP)
[23:42] > Lt. David O'Cain lands on his back
[23:42] > Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine stands up
[23:43] {730HP / 221SP / 232MP} Lt. David O'Cain flips back up, and chucks another energy kunai at Vana (-20SP / -34MP)
[23:43] {577HP / 433SP / 455MP} Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine has BLOCKED a hit from Lt. David O'Cain! (-18HP)
[23:44] > Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine quickly draws Okibiken, deflecting the kunai
[23:44] [Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine] No more mrs. nice girl....
[23:45] {577HP / 297SP / 342MP} SPECIAL ATTACK: Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine runs at David, charging Okibiken and slashing: Burning Cross Slash!! (-136SP / -113MP)
[23:45] {504HP / 221SP / 232MP} Lt. David O'Cain has taken a hit from a SPECIAL ATTACK by Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine! (-226HP)
[23:46] > Lt. David O'Cain screams in pain as the hit connects and cauterizes the wound
[23:46] [Lt. David O'Cain] Play with fire, do ya?
[23:47] > Lt. David O'Cain has transformed into Lt. David O'Cain (Mars Upgrade)
[23:47] [Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine] (( I don't know if you can do that and retain your power level ))
[23:47] {504HP / 199SP / 210MP} Lt. David O'Cain (Mars Upgrade) quickly fires a blast of fire similar to the Speed Burner shot at Vana (-22SP / -22MP)
[23:48] [Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine] (( Oh wait, you didn't change nicks, ok ))
[23:48] [Lt. David O'Cain (Mars Upgrade)] (( All I did was add in a suffix. ))
[23:48] {503HP / 297SP / 342MP} Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine has taken a CRITICAL hit from Lt. David O'Cain (Mars Upgrade)! (-74HP)
[23:48] > Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine takes the unexpected shot and staggers
[23:49] {503HP / 262SP / 320MP} Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine reaches back, charges up and throws a hadoken style fireball at David (-35SP / -22MP)
[23:50] {450HP / 199SP / 210MP} Lt. David O'Cain (Mars Upgrade) has taken a hit from Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine! (-54HP)
[23:50] > Lt. David O'Cain (Mars Upgrade) gets knocked back a few feet and skids to a stop on his feet
[23:51] {450HP / 173SP / 179MP} Lt. David O'Cain (Mars Upgrade) fires another blast of fire at Vana (-26SP / -31MP)
[23:51] {485HP / 262SP / 320MP} Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine has BLOCKED a hit from Lt. David O'Cain (Mars Upgrade)! (-18HP)
[23:52] > Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine deflects the blast
[23:53] {485HP / 168SP / 195MP} SPECIAL ATTACK: Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine leaps into the air and throws a column of flame down on David: Fight fire with fire... get burned!! (-94SP / -125MP)
[23:53] {383HP / 173SP / 179MP} Lt. David O'Cain (Mars Upgrade) has BLOCKED a hit from a SPECIAL ATTACK by Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine! (-67HP)
[23:54] > Lt. David O'Cain (Mars Upgrade) quickly gets his armor's barrier up to take the brunt of the attack
[23:54] [Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine] Damnit....
[23:55] {383HP / 71SP / 68MP} SPECIAL ATTACK: Lt. David O'Cain (Mars Upgrade) charges energy into his right hand, and then slams the palm into the ground to cause a column of fire of his own from underneath Vana, "EXPLOSION INFERNO!" (-102SP / -111MP)
[23:55] {163HP / 168SP / 195MP} Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine has taken a CRITICAL hit from a SPECIAL ATTACK by Lt. David O'Cain (Mars Upgrade)! (-322HP)
[23:56] > Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine is thrown high into the air from the fire blast
[23:58] {163HP / 33SP / 62MP} SPECIAL ATTACK: Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine charges Okibiken again and rains down with flaming jabs: Shinobi special attack.... death from above! (-135SP / -133MP)
[23:59] {140HP / 71SP / 68MP} Lt. David O'Cain (Mars Upgrade) has taken a hit from a SPECIAL ATTACK by Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine! (-243HP)
[23:59] > Lt. David O'Cain (Mars Upgrade) falls to the ground from the impacts
[00:00] >>> Tuesday Aug 28 2007 <<<
[00:00] > Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine lands and pants a bit
[00:00] {140HP / 55SP / 43MP} Lt. David O'Cain (Mars Upgrade) draws Legionaire from its sheath and makes a leaping overhead slash at Vana (-16SP / -25MP)
[00:00] {121HP / 33SP / 62MP} Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine has taken a hit from Lt. David O'Cain (Mars Upgrade)! (-42HP)
[00:01] > Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine tries to dodge the slash and takes it to the arm
[00:02] {121HP / 17SP / 44MP} Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine takes a back slash at David's chest (-16SP / -18MP)
[00:02] {106HP / 55SP / 43MP} Lt. David O'Cain (Mars Upgrade) has taken a hit from Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine! (-34HP)
[00:02] > Lt. David O'Cain (Mars Upgrade) feels the blade scrap across the chestplate
[00:03] {106HP / 36SP / 24MP} Lt. David O'Cain (Mars Upgrade) slashes at Vana again (-19SP / -19MP)
[00:03] {84HP / 17SP / 44MP} Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine has taken a hit from Lt. David O'Cain (Mars Upgrade)! (-37HP)
[00:04] > Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine feels the slash just across her abdoman
[00:04] {84HP / 17SP / 44MP} Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine passes this round.
[00:04] > Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine drops to one knee, panting
[00:04] {98HP / 6SP / 0MP} Lt. David O'Cain (Mars Upgrade) punches Vana in the jaw (-8HP / -30SP / -32MP)
[00:05] {23HP / 60SP / 83MP} Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine has taken a hit from Lt. David O'Cain (Mars Upgrade)! (-61HP)
[00:05] > Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine almost hits the floor
[00:05] {23HP / 27SP / 59MP} Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine throws a flaming uppercut (-33SP / -24MP)
[00:05] {3HP / 6SP / 0MP} Lt. David O'Cain (Mars Upgrade) has taken a CRITICAL hit from Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine! (-95HP)
[00:06] > Lt. David O'Cain (Mars Upgrade) flies off his feet and lands with a thud on the floor
[00:06] {3HP / 6SP / 0MP} Lt. David O'Cain (Mars Upgrade) passes this round.
[00:06] > Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine pants a bit
[00:07] {23HP / 8SP / 41MP} Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine leaps into the air and drops a charged knee to David's head (-19SP / -18MP)
[00:07] {0HP / 6SP / 0MP} Lt. David O'Cain (Mars Upgrade) has BLOCKED a hit from Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine! (-10HP) LT. DAVID O'CAIN (MARS UPGRADE) HAS BEEN ELIMINATED!
[00:07] > Lt. David O'Cain (Mars Upgrade) hits the ground hard
[00:08] > Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine pants and slowly stands: You've learned well Davey.....
[00:09] > Lt. David O'Cain (Mars Upgrade) moans a little as he slowly rolls to his side
[00:10] > Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine reaches into her pouch and feels David a senzu bean: Here ya' go... for a well fought battle
[00:12] > Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine grins and offers her hand to help Davey up
[00:13] > Lt. David O'Cain (Mars Upgrade) takes the bean and Vana's hand
[00:13] > Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine pulls David up into a hug: Mmmmmm... you did good....
[00:14] > Lt. David O'Cain (Mars Upgrade) hugs back, "Almost. Almost had you."
[00:14] [Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine] Very true
[00:15] > Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine lets go of David and stumbles, nearly falling
[00:15] [Lt. David O'Cain (Mars Upgrade)] You gotta admit, I knocked you pretty good with a couple of moves.
[00:15] [Lt. David O'Cain (Mars Upgrade)] You alright?
[00:16] [Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine] Yeah.... just a little worn out from our match
[00:17] [Lt. David O'Cain (Mars Upgrade)] I'll carry you back to the main room.
[00:17] [Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine] ❧ Awww.... you're so sweet. ^_^ ❧
[00:17] > Lt. David O'Cain (Mars Upgrade) picks up Vana into his arms
[00:18] <-- Lt. David O'Cain (Mars Upgrade) has left #reddwarfevents (Come on you.)
[00:19] > Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine smiles
[00:19] <-- Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has left #reddwarfevents (I love being carried)
[00:00] >>> Thursday Aug 30 2007 <<<
[21:32] --> Sailor Quinox [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has joined #reddwarfevents
[21:32] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Sailor Quinox
[21:33] > Sailor Quinox (Super) stands, waiting quietly
[21:40] --> Azumi Kiribayashi has joined #reddwarfevents
[21:40] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Azumi Kiribayashi
[21:41] [Azumi Kiribayashi] I'm sorry for being late.
[21:41] > Sailor Quinox (Super) looks at her feet quietly
[21:41] [Sailor Quinox (Super)] it's alright, azumi
[21:41] ✷ Sensors indicate that Sailor Quinox (Super) has 900HP / 650SP / 700MP
[21:41] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Hmm. I suppose I should be in my gear.
[21:41] > Sailor Quinox (Super) cracks her neck quietly "are you ready today?"
[21:42] > Azumi Kiribayashi's henshin sequence has been suppressed due to incompatible power levels.
[21:43] [Sailor Quinox (Super)] you alright?
[21:43] > Azumi Kiribayashi is now known as Col. Azumi Kiribayashi
[21:43] [Col. Azumi Kiribayashi] (( Forgot to put stats for Azumi when not in battle gear. ^_^; ))
[21:44] [Sailor Quinox (Super)] (( lol ))
[21:44] > Col. Azumi Kiribayashi stands with her naginata in hand and is in her battle hakama
[21:44] > Sailor Quinox (Super) stands up straight and cracks her knuckles
[21:45] [Col. Azumi Kiribayashi] So, shall we get started? :)
[21:45] [Sailor Quinox (Super)] who goes first?
[21:46] [@HOL_6000] Col. Azumi Kiribayashi rolls: 1d10 { 3 }
[21:47] [@HOL_6000] Sailor Quinox (Super) rolls: 1d10 { 5 }
[21:48] [Col. Azumi Kiribayashi] You're first. (stands ready)
[21:48] > Sailor Quinox (Super) nods
[21:48] {900HP / 624SP / 655MP} Sailor Quinox (Super) suddenly rushes up and headbutts azumi (-26SP / -45MP)
[21:49] {0HP / 6SP / 10MP} Col. Azumi Kiribayashi has BLOCKED a hit from Sailor Quinox (Super)! (-23HP) COL. AZUMI KIRIBAYASHI HAS BEEN ELIMINATED!
[21:50] [Col. Azumi Kiribayashi] (( Aw, crap. I forgot to set. ))
[21:50] ✷ Sensors indicate that Col. Azumi Kiribayashi has 1000HP / 400SP / 500MP
[21:50] [@HOL_6000] Col. Azumi Kiribayashi: No attacks to sell.
[21:50] [Sailor Quinox (Super)] (( shall I do it again? ))
[21:50] [Col. Azumi Kiribayashi] (( Yeah, reset and try again. ))
[21:51] ✷ Sensors indicate that Sailor Quinox (Super) has 900HP / 650SP / 700MP
[21:52] {900HP / 622SP / 663MP} Sailor Quinox (Super) suddenly rushes up and headbutts azumi (-28SP / -37MP)
[21:52] {937HP / 400SP / 500MP} Col. Azumi Kiribayashi has taken a hit from Sailor Quinox (Super)! (-63HP)
[21:53] > Col. Azumi Kiribayashi ducks down a bit from the strike
[21:53] {937HP / 376SP / 479MP} Col. Azumi Kiribayashi uses her naginata to trip Matsumi off her feet (-24SP / -21MP)
[21:54] {827HP / 622SP / 663MP} Sailor Quinox (Super) has taken a CRITICAL hit from Col. Azumi Kiribayashi! (-73HP)
[21:54] > Sailor Quinox (Super) falls on her back hard
[21:54] [Sailor Quinox (Super)] ugh ><
[21:54] {827HP / 589SP / 620MP} Sailor Quinox (Super) gets up, grabbing one of azumi's arms and gives it a hard twist (-33SP / -43MP)
[21:55] {913HP / 376SP / 479MP} Col. Azumi Kiribayashi has BLOCKED a hit from Sailor Quinox (Super)! (-24HP)
[21:55] > Col. Azumi Kiribayashi resists a bit but still feels a little bit of pain
[21:55] [Sailor Quinox (Super)] darn it
[21:56] {913HP / 362SP / 445MP} Col. Azumi Kiribayashi quickly Karate chops Matsumi in the side (-14SP / -34MP)
[21:56] {811HP / 589SP / 620MP} Sailor Quinox (Super) has BLOCKED a hit from Col. Azumi Kiribayashi! (-16HP)
[21:57] > Sailor Quinox (Super) blocks the hit with her arm "got ya"
[21:57] [@HOL_6000] Sailor Quinox (Super): No attacks to sell for punches azumi across the jaw hard.
[21:58] {811HP / 569SP / 592MP} Sailor Quinox (Super) punches azumi across the jaw hard (-20SP / -28MP)
[21:58] {833HP / 362SP / 445MP} Col. Azumi Kiribayashi has taken a CRITICAL hit from Sailor Quinox (Super)! (-80HP)
[21:58] > Col. Azumi Kiribayashi is decked hard in the jaw
[21:58] [Sailor Quinox (Super)] I still have it
[21:59] {833HP / 336SP / 415MP} Col. Azumi Kiribayashi takes her naginata and slashes Matsumi with it (-26SP / -30MP)
[21:59] {757HP / 569SP / 592MP} Sailor Quinox (Super) has taken a hit from Col. Azumi Kiribayashi! (-54HP)
[21:59] > Sailor Quinox (Super) takes it in the side and falls over on her knee
[21:59] [Sailor Quinox (Super)] darn it....one chance
[22:01] {757HP / 464SP / 446MP} SPECIAL ATTACK: Sailor Quinox (Super) plows into azumi, firing vollys of air blasts into her gut (-105SP / -146MP)
[22:01] {608HP / 336SP / 415MP} Col. Azumi Kiribayashi has taken a hit from a SPECIAL ATTACK by Sailor Quinox (Super)! (-225HP)
[22:01] > Col. Azumi Kiribayashi flies backwards, losing her naginata in the process
[22:01] [Sailor Quinox (Super)] darn it..not enough
[22:02] > Col. Azumi Kiribayashi gets back up and takes a Monkey stance
[22:03] > Sailor Quinox (Super) takes a couple breaths
[22:04] {608HP / 319SP / 381MP} Col. Azumi Kiribayashi leaps at Matsumi, latches onto her, and then Monkey Flips her over her shoulders (-17SP / -34MP)
[22:04] {669HP / 464SP / 446MP} Sailor Quinox (Super) has taken a CRITICAL hit from Col. Azumi Kiribayashi! (-88HP)
[22:04] [Sailor Quinox (Super)] UGH *hits the wall hard*
[22:05] [Col. Azumi Kiribayashi] Eek eek. ^_^
[22:05] > Sailor Quinox (Super) gets into her own stance, glowing slightly
[22:06] {669HP / 436SP / 414MP} Sailor Quinox (Super) bounces off the floor and gives a clean kick across azumi's spine (-28SP / -32MP)
[22:06] {550HP / 319SP / 381MP} Col. Azumi Kiribayashi has taken a hit from Sailor Quinox (Super)! (-58HP)
[22:07] > Col. Azumi Kiribayashi falls flat on her face
[22:07] [Sailor Quinox (Super)] Lon-Chi-Ki...Spinal kick
[22:08] {550HP / 294SP / 364MP} Col. Azumi Kiribayashi quickly gets on her side and kicks her legs to trip up Matsumi (-25SP / -17MP)
[22:09] {656HP / 436SP / 414MP} Sailor Quinox (Super) has BLOCKED a hit from Col. Azumi Kiribayashi! (-13HP)
[22:09] > Sailor Quinox (Super) blocks with her own leg
[22:09] [Sailor Quinox (Super)] tee-hee
[22:09] {656HP / 406SP / 386MP} Sailor Quinox (Super) does a twisting punch in azumi's throat (-30SP / -28MP)
[22:10] {495HP / 294SP / 364MP} Col. Azumi Kiribayashi has taken a hit from Sailor Quinox (Super)! (-55HP)
[22:10] > Col. Azumi Kiribayashi has a hard time breathing for a bit
[22:10] [Sailor Quinox (Super)] another move from my planet
[22:11] {495HP / 219SP / 259MP} SPECIAL ATTACK: Col. Azumi Kiribayashi throws several hard Monkey punches all over Matsumi's torso (-75SP / -105MP)
[22:11] [@HOL_6000] Sailor Quinox (Super): No attacks to sell for SPECIAL.
[22:13] [@HOL_6000] Sailor Quinox (Super): No attacks to sell for SPECIAL.
[22:13] {656HP / 261SP / 226MP} SPECIAL ATTACK: Sailor Quinox (Super) SELL (-145SP / -160MP)
[22:13] [Sailor Quinox (Super)] (( GAH ))
[22:14] ✷ Sensors indicate that Sailor Quinox (Super) has 656HP / 261SP / 226MP
[22:14] ✷ Sensors indicate that Sailor Quinox (Super) has 656HP / 406SP / 226MP
[22:15] ✷ Sensors indicate that Sailor Quinox (Super) has 656HP / 406SP / 386MP
[22:16] [@HOL_6000] Sailor Quinox (Super): No attacks to sell for SPECIAL.
[22:16] [@HOL_6000] Sailor Quinox (Super): No attacks to sell for SPECIAL.
[22:16] [@HOL_6000] Sailor Quinox (Super): No attacks to sell for SPECIAL.
[22:18] {384HP / 406SP / 386MP} Sailor Quinox (Super) has taken a CRITICAL hit from a SPECIAL ATTACK by Col. Azumi Kiribayashi! (-272HP)
[22:18] > Sailor Quinox (Super) is plowed down, panting in pain
[22:18] > Sailor Quinox (Super) stands..
[22:19] > Col. Azumi Kiribayashi scratches her head as she resumes her stance
[22:19] {384HP / 297SP / 261MP} SPECIAL ATTACK: Sailor Quinox (Super) screams and glows bright green, punching the ground, sending a tornado at azumi (-109SP / -125MP)
[22:19] {39HP / 219SP / 259MP} Col. Azumi Kiribayashi has taken a CRITICAL hit from a SPECIAL ATTACK by Sailor Quinox (Super)! (-456HP)
[22:19] > Col. Azumi Kiribayashi is thrown into the air and lands hard onto the floor
[22:20] > Sailor Quinox (Super) has a devil's eyes on her
[22:20] {39HP / 142SP / 174MP} SPECIAL ATTACK: Col. Azumi Kiribayashi grabs her naginata, makes an overhead swing, and slams the blade into the floor to cause a wave of energy to race at Matsumi (-77SP / -85MP)
[22:21] {141HP / 297SP / 261MP} Sailor Quinox (Super) has taken a hit from a SPECIAL ATTACK by Sailor Quinox (Super)! (-243HP)
[22:21] > Sailor Quinox (Super) takes the hit, and is visibly cut up now...but is stil pissed off now
[22:21] {141HP / 150SP / 109MP} SPECIAL ATTACK: Sailor Quinox (Super) charges azumi...and putting all her energy into her fist...hits azumi straight in the face (-147SP / -152MP)
[22:22] {0HP / 142SP / 174MP} Col. Azumi Kiribayashi has BLOCKED a hit from a SPECIAL ATTACK by Col. Azumi Kiribayashi! (-40HP) COL. AZUMI KIRIBAYASHI HAS BEEN ELIMINATED!
[22:22] > Col. Azumi Kiribayashi is knocked to the floor and is out
[22:22] > Sailor Quinox (Super) is bleeding and looks down at azumi
[22:22] > Col. Azumi Kiribayashi is now known as Azumi Kiribayashi
[22:23] > Sailor Quinox (Super) starts to calm down...
[22:23] > Sailor Quinox (Super) heals herself
[22:23] ✷ Sensors indicate that Sailor Quinox (Super) has 900HP / 650SP / 700MP
[22:23] > Sailor Quinox (Super) then turns to azumi..and bending over, heals her
[22:24] ✷ Sensors indicate that Azumi Kiribayashi has 0HP / --SP / --MP
[22:24] [Azumi Kiribayashi] (( Eh, I'll worry about stats later. ))
[22:24] > Azumi Kiribayashi moans a bit
[22:25] [Sailor Quinox (Super)] you ok, azumi?
[22:26] [Azumi Kiribayashi] What hit me?
[22:26] [Sailor Quinox (Super)] I did
[22:27] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Why'd you hit me so hard?
[22:28] [Sailor Quinox (Super)] kind of..lost it
[22:28] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Um, why?
[22:30] [Sailor Quinox (Super)] got really into the fight
[22:31] [Azumi Kiribayashi] I see. It hurt, though.
[22:32] [Sailor Quinox (Super)] sorry
[22:32] [Azumi Kiribayashi] I feel like a sad monkey. T_T
[22:33] [Sailor Quinox (Super)] aww...what can I do to make up for this
[22:33] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Not sure. Comfort?
[22:35] > Sailor Quinox (Super) picks up azumi and heads into the main room
[22:35] <-- Sailor Quinox (Super) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has left #reddwarfevents (alrighty)
[22:35] <-- Azumi Kiribayashi has left #reddwarfevents
[00:00] >>> Saturday Sep 08 2007 <<<
[15:38] --> Sgt. Ryo Hoshi (Casual) has joined #reddwarfevents
[15:38] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Sgt. Ryo Hoshi (Casual)
[15:38] > Sgt. Ryo Hoshi (Casual) walks into the large room, with a rather large pool in the center\ Well now, that wasn't hard to find at all.
[15:39] --> Tika Obake (Casual) [MechaDriver@GFORCE.gov] has joined #reddwarfevents
[15:39] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Tika Obake (Casual)
[15:39] [Tika Obake (Casual)] it looks wonderful ^^
[15:40] [Sgt. Ryo Hoshi (Casual)] Indeed
[15:41] [Tika Obake (Casual)] I love the smell of pools
[15:41] > Sgt. Ryo Hoshi (Casual) , withthinking, slides off his t-shirt and lays in on a nearby beach chair
[15:42] [Sgt. Ryo Hoshi (Casual)] ^without thinking
[15:42] > Tika Obake (Casual) blushes..seeing ryo like this
[15:43] [Tika Obake (Casual)] very..nice
[15:44] > Sgt. Ryo Hoshi (Casual) hears what Tika says and blushes, then nervously sits on the beach chair he layed his shirt on, starting to untie and remove his shoes and socks
[15:44] > Tika Obake (Casual) removes her shirt and shorts...
[15:45] > Tika Obake (Bikini) shakes her hair a bit
[15:46] > Sgt. Ryo Hoshi (Casual) notices Tika and blushes brighter, trying not to stair, but not doing a very good job
[15:47] [Sgt. Ryo Hoshi (Casual)] ❧ Beautiful.....~ ❧
[15:48] [Tika Obake (Bikini)] huh? *turns facing ryo...is wearing a rather tight fitting two peice...colored shades of blue with the sign of the quinox military on the left side of the chest*
[15:49] > Sgt. Ryo Hoshi (Casual) regains his senses, looking over the pool\ Oh... I said... the water's beautiful..! Heh heh....
[15:50] [Tika Obake (Bikini)] oh....yes it is ^^
[15:51] > Sgt. Ryo Hoshi (Casual) unzips and unbuttons his shorts, then stands, sliding them off
[15:52] > Tika Obake (Bikini) blushes again
[15:52] > Sgt. Ryo Hoshi (Casual) bends down as the zipper catches his boxers, pulling down a bit and slightly exposing his rear
[15:53] > Tika Obake (Bikini) turns reaaaally red!
[15:53] > Sgt. Ryo Hoshi (Boxers) panics, realizing he's feeling a breeze where he shouldn't be and quickly pulls his boxers up\ Oh hell!
[15:53] [Tika Obake (Bikini)] i..it's ok
[15:54] > Sgt. Ryo Hoshi (Boxers) turns around to face Tika, his own face rather red\ I... I'm sorry. I hope you didn't see that..... >_>
[15:55] [Tika Obake (Bikini)] I..I didn't see anything
[15:56] > Sgt. Ryo Hoshi (Boxers) nods a little with a smile\ So then, shall we hit the water?
[15:56] [Tika Obake (Bikini)] lets ^^
[15:57] > Sgt. Ryo Hoshi (Boxers) walks to the water's edge, dipping his foot in a little\ Hmmm... not bad
[15:57] > Tika Obake (Bikini) slips into the water....rather sexily
[15:58] > Sgt. Ryo Hoshi (Boxers) smiles, watching Tika, then dropping into the water himself.
[15:59] [Tika Obake (Bikini)] ahhh..this is wonderful
[15:59] > Sgt. Ryo Hoshi (Boxers) surfaces from the water and smiles\ Feels great
[16:01] > Tika Obake (Bikini) swims around ryo a bit "so nice and cool ^"
[16:02] > Sgt. Ryo Hoshi (Boxers) chuckles a bit, watching Tika
[16:03] > Tika Obake (Bikini) goes under the water
[16:04] > Tika Obake (Bikini) hasn't resurfaced
[16:04] [Sgt. Ryo Hoshi (Boxers)] Tika?
[16:05] > Sgt. Ryo Hoshi (Boxers) looks around, getting worried cause he doesn't see her\ Tika....?
[16:05] > Tika Obake (Bikini) suddenly pops up in front of ryo "hehe ^^"
[16:07] > Sgt. Ryo Hoshi (Boxers) jumps back a bit, but chuckles
[16:08] > Tika Obake (Bikini) smiles to ryo..blushing a bit
[16:09] [Sgt. Ryo Hoshi (Boxers)] You're quite the jokester.... ^_^
[16:11] [Tika Obake (Bikini)] awww..that's sweet of you
[16:12] > Sgt. Ryo Hoshi (Boxers) smiles, blushing a little
[16:12] > Tika Obake (Bikini) blushes too...and swims closer to ryo
[16:14] > Sgt. Ryo Hoshi (Boxers) watches Tika, still blushing
[16:16] [Tika Obake (Bikini)] um..do you mind..if I get really close?
[16:17] [Sgt. Ryo Hoshi (Boxers)] N....not at all
[16:18] > Tika Obake (Bikini) swims up to ryo...and gently leans against him in the water
[16:19] > Sgt. Ryo Hoshi (Boxers) slowly puts his arms around Tika in reaction, still blushing
[16:20] [Tika Obake (Bikini)] oh...ryo
[16:21] [Sgt. Ryo Hoshi (Boxers)] Tika-san....
[16:21] [Sgt. Ryo Hoshi (Boxers)] ..... I never thought we.... could get this close......
[16:21] [Tika Obake (Bikini)] this is so comfy ^^
[16:22] [Tika Obake (Bikini)] yeah...I never thought....I could find anyone....
[16:23] [Sgt. Ryo Hoshi (Boxers)] Well... to be totally honest..... I've liked you for a very long time.....
[16:24] [Sgt. Ryo Hoshi (Boxers)] But I was always afraid to approch you..... cause I was scared you'd reject me.....
[16:24] [Tika Obake (Bikini)] ...and I didn't ^^
[16:24] > Sgt. Ryo Hoshi (Boxers) smiles
[16:25] [Sgt. Ryo Hoshi (Boxers)] There was one other worry I had.....
[16:25] > Tika Obake (Bikini) smiles back, looking at ryo
[16:25] [Tika Obake (Bikini)] yeah?
[16:28] > Sgt. Ryo Hoshi (Boxers) nods\ I was afraid the military would look down on us being together... cause of our difference of rank.
[16:29] [Tika Obake (Bikini)] well.....I don't think it's a problem now ^^
[16:30] > Tika Obake (Bikini) puts her arms around ryo
[16:30] > Sgt. Ryo Hoshi (Boxers) smiles, holding Tika close
[16:31] [Tika Obake (Bikini)] I feel..so calm right now
[16:32] [Sgt. Ryo Hoshi (Boxers)] So do I.....
[16:33] [Tika Obake (Bikini)] I...hope...I'm not making you uncomfertible
[16:35] [Sgt. Ryo Hoshi (Boxers)] Not at all..... I just..... I feel so happy having you in my arms like this.....
[16:35] [Tika Obake (Bikini)] *blushes* and me in yours
[16:38] > Sgt. Ryo Hoshi (Boxers) looks at Tika with a light blush
[16:38] > Tika Obake (Bikini) looks back, also blushing
[16:40] > Sgt. Ryo Hoshi (Boxers) cautiously moves in and kisses Tika
[16:41] > Tika Obake (Bikini) is surpised but returns the kiss
[16:43] [Tika Obake (Bikini)] ❧ mmm ❧
[16:46] > Sgt. Ryo Hoshi (Boxers) holds the kiss as instint takes over, his hands lightly carresing Tika's back
[16:47] > Tika Obake (Bikini) holds onto ryo as she keeps kissing
[16:49] > Sgt. Ryo Hoshi (Boxers) slowly stops the kiss, blushing\ I.... hope I'm not being too forward for you.....
[16:50] [Tika Obake (Bikini)] no....um..I don't think so
[16:50] > Sgt. Ryo Hoshi (Boxers) smiles\ I'm glad..... the last thing I want to do is make you uncomfortable
[16:52] > Tika Obake (Bikini) nods and smiles back
[16:54] [Tika Obake (Bikini)] do you...want to go out.....for some lunch or dinner?
[16:55] [Sgt. Ryo Hoshi (Boxers)] Dinner sounds really good. ^_^
[16:56] > Tika Obake (Bikini) tries to step out of the pool but has some trouble
[16:57] > Sgt. Ryo Hoshi (Boxers) stands behind Tika, blushing as he has quite a nice angle, looking at Tika's butt
[16:58] [Tika Obake (Bikini)] um..could you..help me?
[16:58] [Sgt. Ryo Hoshi (Boxers)] Oh, sure
[16:59] > Sgt. Ryo Hoshi (Boxers) moves up a little closer behind Tika, using his shoulder and arm to push her up
[17:02] > Tika Obake (Bikini) finally stands up and grabs a towal, drying herself off
[17:03] > Sgt. Ryo Hoshi (Boxers) gets up out of the pool and also grabs a towel
[17:06] [Tika Obake (Bikini)] that was refreashing ^^
[17:06] [Sgt. Ryo Hoshi (Boxers)] It sure was... ^_^
[17:09] > Sgt. Ryo Hoshi (Boxers) stands there, drying his hair, his boxers clinging in a rather suggestive manner
[17:09] > Tika Obake (Bikini) blushes immensly
[17:10] > Sgt. Ryo Hoshi (Boxers) looks at Tika, rather confused\ Are you ok Tika?
[17:11] [Tika Obake (Bikini)] um...yeah...yeah I am
[17:12] > Sgt. Ryo Hoshi (Boxers) nods and finishes drying his hair, working down his arms and torso
[17:13] [Tika Obake (Bikini)] um..*starts to hold her nose*.....shall I meet you there
[17:14] > Sgt. Ryo Hoshi (Boxers) wraps the towel around his waist and nods, then looks at Tika a bit concerned again\ That sounds good.... um....are you sure you're ok?
[17:14] [Tika Obake (Bikini)] yes...I..I'm fine....I'll meet you there!
[17:14] > Tika Obake (Bikini) runs out quickly
[17:14] <-- Tika Obake (Bikini) [MechaDriver@GFORCE.gov] has left #reddwarfevents (*nose-bleed ahoy!*)
[17:15] > Sgt. Ryo Hoshi (Boxers) watches Tika run out and blushes a bit\ This is a dream come true....
[17:16] [Sgt. Ryo Hoshi (Boxers)] I wonder why she was holding her nose and blushing like that...?
[17:17] > Sgt. Ryo Hoshi (Boxers) shrugs\ Guess I should go get ready
[17:17] <-- Sgt. Ryo Hoshi (Boxers) has left #reddwarfevents (What a kiss ♡ ^_^)
[00:00] >>> Monday Sep 10 2007 <<<
[14:47] > @HOL_6000 has cleared the fight queue.
[14:47] > @HOL_6000 has enabled tracking mode.
[14:47] [@HOL_6000] Arg.
[14:48] > @HOL_6000 has disabled tracking mode.
[14:48] {578HP / 318SP / 316MP} Bob (-20SP / -26MP)
[14:48] {1084HP / 489SP / 505MP} Madge has BLOCKED a hit from Bob! (-19HP)
[14:48] {1084HP / 453SP / 472MP} Madge (-36SP / -33MP)
[14:48] > Madge has enabled tracking mode.
[14:48] > Bob has disabled tracking mode.
[14:48] {492HP / 318SP / 316MP} Bob has taken a hit from Madge! (-86HP)
[14:50] > Bob has enabled tracking mode.
[14:50] > Bob has disabled tracking mode.
[14:54] > Bob has enabled tracking mode.
[14:54] {492HP / 290SP / 301MP} Bob (-28SP / -15MP)
[14:54] {1084HP / 430SP / 456MP} Madge (-23SP / -16MP)
[14:56] {1030HP / 430SP / 456MP} Madge has taken a hit from Bob! (-54HP)
[14:56] {443HP / 290SP / 301MP} Bob has taken a hit from Madge! (-49HP)
[15:18] > @HOL_6000 changes topic to `Tutorial updated, give it a read --> http://www.thedwarfers.net/content/events/tutorial.html | Also, remember that there is no /sell special command`
[00:00] >>> Saturday Sep 15 2007 <<<
[00:07] --> Kaede Sasaki (uniform) has joined #reddwarfevents
[00:07] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Kaede Sasaki (uniform)
[00:07] --> Azumi Kiribayashi has joined #reddwarfevents
[00:07] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Azumi Kiribayashi
[00:08] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Ah, Kaede. There you are.
[00:08] > Kaede Sasaki (uniform) is in her gymnastics uniform, she's just finished doing a pass and is standing in the corner
[00:09] [Azumi Kiribayashi] I have your costume!
[00:09] > Kaede Sasaki (uniform) squeels excitedly and runs over to Azumi
[00:10] > Azumi Kiribayashi shows Kaede a small bundled package, "Finished it this afternoon." ^_^
[00:11] [Kaede Sasaki (uniform)] Weeee
[00:12] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Now to work on Kalli's.
[00:13] > Kaede Sasaki (uniform) hugs Azumi tight| "Thank you SO much!"
[00:13] > Azumi Kiribayashi hugs Kaede back, "I do hope you like it."
[00:15] [Kaede Sasaki (uniform)] I'm sure I will. I'm gonna' head to quarters and try it on right now!
[00:16] [Kaede Sasaki (uniform)] Oh... that reminds me....
[00:16] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Okay. ^_^
[00:16] [Kaede Sasaki (uniform)] Azumi-chan.... can you do me a huge favor?
[00:16] [Azumi Kiribayashi] What is it?
[00:18] [Kaede Sasaki (uniform)] I haven't run into Vana it ask if she wants to participate in our little scene. Could you ask her for me?
[00:18] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Sure.
[00:19] [Kaede Sasaki (uniform)] Thanks so much!
[00:19] > Kaede Sasaki (uniform) kisses Azumi on the cheek, giggles and skips out| Thanks again... see ya' later!
[00:19] [Azumi Kiribayashi] Enjoy. ^_^
[00:20] <-- Azumi Kiribayashi has left #reddwarfevents (Glad to help.)
[00:20] <-- Kaede Sasaki (uniform) has left #reddwarfevents (This is gonna' be fun!)
[00:00] >>> Tuesday Sep 18 2007 <<<
[18:11] --> Candy [sunangel@rays.com] has joined #reddwarfevents
[18:11] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Candy
[18:12] > Candy wanders into a room sure she was being called here..
[18:13] [~Aku-Ran (in the shadows)] ☠ well well..welcome little one ☠
[18:13] [Candy] huh?
[18:13] > Candy looks around toward the voice.
[18:13] [~Aku-Ran (in the shadows)] ☠ another allie of the air-princess....I shall have fun playing with you ☠
[18:14] [Candy] playing?
[18:14] > Candy closes her eyes and her skin begins to glow very brightly..almost to the point were one couldn't look directly at her with normal eyes.
[18:15] [Candy (glowing)] ..much better..now who are you and were are you?
[18:15] [~Aku-Ran (in the shadows)] ☠ fiesty..I like that...enjoy your playmate.... ☠
[18:15] [Candy (glowing)] ..playmate? What the heck is going on here?
[18:16] > ~Fire Monster (first form) suddenly bursts from the ground..looking like an ape made of fire and rock
[18:16] [~Fire Monster (first form)] MMMMMAARRG!
[18:16] [Candy (glowing)] ack!
[18:16] > Candy (glowing) has transformed into Solarsun
[18:16] > ~Fire Monster (first form) slams a fist towards candy
[18:16] > Solarsun (glowing) jumps back away from the fist
[18:17] [Solarsun (glowing)] well Mr. Monkey..you seem to be in a bad mood.
[18:17] [~Fire Monster (first form)] MAAAARG
[18:18] > ~Fire Monster (first form) makes a gulping noise and blows flames at solarsun
[18:18] [Solarsun (glowing)] ack!
[18:18] > Solarsun (glowing) throws her hands out and mutteres something a wall of flame coming up from the ground around her severing the attack, still leaving her a bit aflame..
[18:19] [~Fire Monster (first form)] MAAAARRRRRRRG
[18:19] > Solarsun (glowing) coughs a little the flame the monster causing going out.
[18:19] [Solarsun (glowing)] how the heck am I to deal with you...
[18:20] > ~Fire Monster (first form) charges towards solarsun
[18:21] > Solarsun (glowing) giggles a little her staff appearing in her hands behind her. Jumping up she jumps over the monster slamming the orb of the staff in his face alonog the way.
[18:21] > ~Fire Monster (first form) grabs at it's own face and roars with anger
[18:22] > ~Fire Monster (first form) tries to back-hand solarsun
[18:23] > Solarsun (glowing) is hit in the cheek and flyes in the air but uses the staff to push her farther up and allowing her to land on her feet again.
[18:23] > Solarsun (glowing) frowns rubbing her cheek a little. "Naughty Mr. Fire Monkey..you hurt me.."
[18:23] > ~Fire Monster (first form) starts to make that gulping noise again......
[18:23] [Solarsun (glowing)] heart burn..ack!
[18:24] > ~Fire Monster (first form) blows another burst of fire at Solarsun
[18:24] > Solarsun (glowing) starts to run around the monster, her face going from silly to more deturmanded. "Fine."
[18:25] [Solarsun (glowing)] ..one way to get rid of fire is to get rid of what is causing the fire...
[18:25] [Solarsun (glowing)] ..I think your going to be a little warm here in a sec. Mr. Fire Monkey..
[18:25] > ~Fire Monster (first form) roars at Solarsun again
[18:26] > Solarsun (glowing) stops her running around the monster and throws her hands out in front of her, staff on one of them. "SUN..FLARE!" Flames leap from her staff at the monster.
[18:27] > ~Fire Monster (first form) is hit...trying to resist...but is blown apart....
[18:27] > ~Fire Monster (first form) is now a small pile of burning rubble
[18:28] > Solarsun (glowing) kicks the rubble a little sighing.
[18:28] > ~Fire Monster (final form) bursts from the rubble...a snake made of flame
[18:29] > Solarsun (glowing) jumps back. "So your a monkey, snake, and cat with nine lives?! Great >_>"
[18:30] [~Fire Monster (final form)] MAAARG
[18:30] > ~Fire Monster (final form) does a sudden strike at Solar's shoulder
[18:30] [Solarsun (glowing)] Sun FLARE!
[18:30] > Solarsun (glowing) flys back in middle of the attack..
[18:31] [Solarsun (glowing)] ugg..
[18:31] > Solarsun (glowing) props herself up with an eblow using the good shoulder to try and lift herself up.
[18:31] [Solarsun (glowing)] ..I always hated snakes >_>
[18:32] > ~Fire Monster (final form) swollows the attack and sends it back at Solar
[18:33] > Solarsun (glowing) jumps out of the way barely
[18:33] [~Fire Monster (final form)] MAAAARG
[18:34] > Solarsun (glowing) takes a deep breath looking at the snake monster.
[18:34] > ~Fire Monster (final form) whips it's tail towards solar
[18:35] > Solarsun (glowing) jumps up and her small wings burst out growing five times their size, aflame.
[18:35] [Solarsun (glowing)] ..I guess I have no choice
[18:36] > Solarsun (glowing) with her good hand holds out her staff, starting to herself glow, her hair now aflame and her fuku melting into a dress.
[18:36] > ~Fire Monster (final form) looks up at Solarsun
[18:37] [Solarsun (princess form)] lets see if he likes the taste of sun *giggle giggle*
[18:37] > Solarsun (princess form) dives towards the snake, holding her staff out infront of her aiming for his face.
[18:38] > ~Fire Monster (final form) opens it mouth
[18:38] > Solarsun (princess form) dives right in.
[18:38] > ~Fire Monster (final form) closes it's mouth and licks it's lips
[18:39] > Solarsun (princess form) in his belly starts to giggle poking at a rib.
[18:39] > ~Fire Monster (final form) blinks and wiggles
[18:39] [Solarsun (princess form)] SOLAR HEATWAVE!
[18:40] > Solarsun (princess form) slams her wand end to the size of his stomach causing massive amounts of heat to build up.
[18:40] > ~Fire Monster (final form) explodes into nothing
[18:41] [Solarsun (princess form)] you should be nice to the things you eat..mr..monster..
[18:41] [Solarsun (goo covered)] ewwww
[18:41] [~Aku-Ran (in the shadows)] ☠ ugh........ ☠
[18:41] > Solarsun (goo covered) 's fuku henshins back to her original.
[18:41] [Solarsun (goo covered)] ick ick ick
[18:42] [Solarsun (goo covered)] Who are you so I can put my dry cleaning and doctor bills in your name!
[18:43] > Solarsun (goo covered) looks around for that voice.
[18:43] > +Matsumi Kaze 's aura can suddenly be felt suddenly spiking
[18:44] > Solarsun (goo covered) runs off toward the main room.
[18:44] <-- Solarsun (goo covered) [sunangel@rays.com] has left #reddwarfevents (Matsumi!!)
[00:00] >>> Thursday Sep 20 2007 <<<
[22:11] --> Hideki Kaze [AirKnight@Qtech.com] has joined #reddwarfevents
[22:11] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Hideki Kaze
[22:11] ✷ Sensors indicate that Hideki Kaze has 0HP / --SP / --MP
[22:15] ✷ Sensors indicate that Hideki Kaze has 900HP / 651SP / 659MP
[22:15] > Hideki Kaze waits quietly against a wall
[22:17] [Hideki Kaze] hmmm
[22:18] --> Vanadine (Hologram) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has joined #reddwarfevents
[22:18] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Vanadine (Hologram)
[22:18] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Vanadine (Hologram)
[22:19] > +Vanadine (Hologram) materializes in the stands: Hiiiiii
[22:19] > Hideki Kaze waves to vana "hello, vana"
[22:20] [+Vanadine (Hologram)] You ready for a good match, 'deki?
[22:20] > Hideki Kaze removes his jacket...is wearing a tank top and sweat pants...some scars can be see a little on his arms
[22:20] [Hideki Kaze] I am...and even if I lose...I know I tried my best
[22:21] > +Vanadine (Hologram) nods and sits, waiting patiently for the match to begin.
[22:21] [Hideki Kaze] why is matsumi not here?
[22:22] [+Vanadine (Hologram)] I wish I knew, love.
[22:23] [Hideki Kaze] it is alright though...I'm sure she had a good reason
[22:23] [Hideki Kaze] (( main reason is it's hard to fight and be a spectator at the same time :P ))
[22:23] [+Vanadine (Hologram)] (( good point ))
[22:23] [+Vanadine (Hologram)] Yeah
[22:24] [+Vanadine (Hologram)] Only reason I was able to be here is cause I'm at work and bored out of my mind.
[22:25] [Hideki Kaze] well..thank you for being here
[22:25] [+Vanadine (Hologram)] Of course, love. ^_^
[22:25] --> Sub Zippo has joined #reddwarfevents
[22:25] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +o to Sub Zippo
[22:25] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, @Sub Zippo
[22:25] [@Sub Zippo] Theres the man.
[22:26] [Hideki Kaze] welcome nate..I have been waiting
[22:26] [@Sub Zippo] Sorry to keep you.
[22:26] [Hideki Kaze] it is alright *offers his hand to shake*
[22:26] > +Vanadine (Hologram) waves at Nate: Hiiiiii
[22:27] [@Sub Zippo] Hi Vana.
[22:27] > @Sub Zippo shakes Hideki's hand and steps back.
[22:28] ✷ Sensors indicate that @Sub Zippo has 700HP / 300SP / 1050MP
[22:28] ✷ Sensors indicate that Hideki Kaze has 900HP / 651SP / 659MP
[22:28] [Hideki Kaze] who shall go first?
[22:29] [@HOL_6000] @Sub Zippo rolls: 1d20 { 6 }
[22:29] [@HOL_6000] Hideki Kaze rolls: 1d20 { 18 }
[22:30] > @Sub Zippo 's eyes start to burn from behind his sunglasses.
[22:30] > Hideki Kaze goes into a fighting stance
[22:31] {900HP / 613SP / 617MP} Hideki Kaze moves suddenly and presses two fingers against nate's chest, with the pressure of 80 ibs (-38SP / -42MP)
[22:31] {609HP / 300SP / 1050MP} @Sub Zippo has taken a hit from Hideki Kaze! (-91HP)
[22:31] > @Sub Zippo staggers back, struggling to stay on his feet.
[22:32] > Hideki Kaze puts up his defenses
[22:32] {609HP / 284SP / 981MP} @Sub Zippo lobs a fireball at Hideki with a spin as he regains his footing. (-16SP / -69MP)
[22:33] {780HP / 613SP / 617MP} Hideki Kaze has taken a hit from @Sub Zippo! (-120HP)
[22:33] > Hideki Kaze takes it in the shoulder
[22:33] [Hideki Kaze] hmmm...
[22:33] > @Sub Zippo grins sinisterly.
[22:33] {780HP / 592SP / 579MP} Hideki Kaze leaps up (dragoon style) and does a kick to the side of nate's head (-21SP / -38MP)
[22:34] {539HP / 284SP / 981MP} @Sub Zippo has taken a hit from Hideki Kaze! (-70HP)
[22:34] > Hideki Kaze lands back on his feet
[22:35] > @Sub Zippo gets knocked off his feet and holds his head in pain. "Gah! I hate being hit in the head.."
[22:35] {539HP / 272SP / 926MP} @Sub Zippo creates an ice sword and charges Hideki with a swing. (-12SP / -55MP)
[22:35] {684HP / 592SP / 579MP} Hideki Kaze has taken a hit from @Sub Zippo! (-96HP)
[22:36] > Hideki Kaze is hit in the side and holds his wound slightly
[22:36] [Hideki Kaze] ..serious I see...alright
[22:36] > Hideki Kaze puts his palms together
[22:36] {684HP / 571SP / 552MP} Hideki Kaze swings his arms around, sending a razor sharp wind straight at nate (-21SP / -27MP)
[22:36] {445HP / 272SP / 926MP} @Sub Zippo has taken a CRITICAL hit from Hideki Kaze! (-94HP)
[22:37] > Hideki Kaze goes back into fighting stance
[22:37] > @Sub Zippo gets cut visibally in several places.
[22:37] [@Sub Zippo] Grrrrr.....
[22:40] > Hideki Kaze is surpsenly calm
[22:44] {445HP / 209SP / 755MP} SPECIAL ATTACK: @Sub Zippo swings his arms around elaborately, causing several pillars of flame to ignite from all directions at Hideki. (-63SP / -171MP)
[22:45] {244HP / 571SP / 552MP} Hideki Kaze has taken a CRITICAL hit from a SPECIAL ATTACK by @Sub Zippo! (-440HP)
[22:45] > Hideki Kaze is burned rather badly...
[22:45] [Hideki Kaze] hmmmm...
[22:45] > Hideki Kaze stands (as best he can with the injurys on him...3rd-4th degree)
[22:46] [+Vanadine (Hologram)] Ouchies...
[22:46] {244HP / 428SP / 405MP} SPECIAL ATTACK: Hideki Kaze holds out his arm...concentrating..and creates a HUGE ball of air energy.......and fires it cannon like straight at nate (-143SP / -147MP)
[22:47] {348HP / 209SP / 755MP} @Sub Zippo has BLOCKED a hit from a SPECIAL ATTACK by Hideki Kaze! (-97HP)
[22:47] [Hideki Kaze] hmm...
[22:48] > @Sub Zippo quickly preforms a similar motion and creates a flimsy wall of ice to block most of the impack, but still gets knocked airborn and several feet.
[22:50] {348HP / 148SP / 546MP} SPECIAL ATTACK: @Sub Zippo extends his hands and releases a blast of supercooled air, drastically freezing the room infront of himself (-61SP / -209MP)
[22:51] {0HP / 428SP / 405MP} Hideki Kaze has taken a hit from a SPECIAL ATTACK by @Sub Zippo! (-318HP) HIDEKI KAZE HAS BEEN ELIMINATED!
[22:51] > Hideki Kaze has been frozen solid
[22:52] [@Sub Zippo] Did I get him??
[22:52] > @Sub Zippo staggers toward Hideki, creating a ice staff for walking support.
[22:52] > Hideki Kaze is frozen stiff..and pretty darn injured as well all over
[22:53] [+Vanadine (Hologram)] 'deki!
[22:53] [@Sub Zippo] Woah, f[BLEEP]k! Um.. what do I do?
[22:53] > +Vanadine (Hologram) covers her mouth, looking rather scared.
[22:54] [+Vanadine (Hologram)] Nate, thaw him out, quick!!
[22:54] > Hideki Kaze 's ice cover body starts to crack
[22:55] [@Sub Zippo] Umm.. you sure? Hes burn all to hell and I dont know how to treat that..
[22:55] > Hideki Kaze 's arm smashes suddenly from the ice and grabs nate
[22:55] > @Sub Zippo creates a short ring of fire around Hideki.
[22:55] [+Vanadine (Hologram)] Um.... maybe not....
[22:55] [@Sub Zippo] GaHH o_o
[22:56] > Hideki Kaze bursts from the ice.....and then nearly falls over onto nate
[22:56] [+Vanadine (Hologram)] Oh my....
[22:56] > Hideki Kaze 's skin is pretty scorches and has frost bite on him as well..but he's very much alive
[22:57] [Hideki Kaze] *scroched
[22:57] [@Sub Zippo] Bro? You wanna let go of me so I can take you to the med bay?
[22:57] > Hideki Kaze lets go....but limps away before nate can do anything
[22:57] <-- Hideki Kaze [AirKnight@Qtech.com] has left #reddwarfevents (.....)
[22:57] [+Vanadine (Hologram)] 'deki....
[22:58] [@Sub Zippo] o_o
[22:58] [+Vanadine (Hologram)] You did a good job Nate... but I'd better go find 'deki.
[22:59] [@Sub Zippo] Thanks.. I think..
[23:00] > +Vanadine (Hologram) blows Nate a kiss before vanishing
[23:00] <-- +Vanadine (Hologram) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has left #reddwarfevents (I gotta' find my 'deki....)
[23:01] <-- @Sub Zippo has left #reddwarfevents (Why do I have a feeling I just lot a LOT of popularity..)
[00:00] >>> Saturday Sep 22 2007 <<<
[15:32] --> Aku Ran (In the Shadows) [mysteriousevil@??.com] has joined #reddwarfevents
[15:32] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Aku Ran (In the Shadows)
[15:33] > Aku Ran (In the Shadows) is hidden in the shadows
[15:34] --> Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has joined #reddwarfevents
[15:34] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine
[15:34] [Aku Ran (In the Shadows)] ☠ so...vanadine..you are the final one in the way of my taking the heart of the senshi ☠
[15:41] > Aku Ran (In the Shadows) laughs
[15:41] [Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine] And you honestly think I'm gonna' let you do that?
[15:42] [Aku Ran (In the Shadows)] ☠ of course not....it's just too bad that I have no intreast in fighting you again....it might be nice to see how your love would cry...the way you did over your mother's body ☠
[15:44] > Aku Ran (In the Shadows) laughs again
[15:44] [Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine] Why don't you come out and show yourself, ya' coward.
[15:44] [Aku Ran (In the Shadows)] ☠ like I said..I have no intreast in fighting you...but I know someone who does ☠
[15:45] > Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine throws a burning shurinken into a shadow, trying to follow the voice
[15:46] > Aku Ran (In the Shadows) laughs again...as the ground suddenly shakes
[15:46] [Aku Ran (In the Shadows)] ☠ enjoy... ☠
[15:46] > Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine looks around, taking a defensive stance and putting her hand on the hilt of Okibiken
[15:46] > ~Water Monster (Form 1) bursts from the ground, a turtle monster covered in seaweed
[15:47] [~Water Monster (Form 1)] ☠ KKKKAAARKK ☠
[15:47] [Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine] What kinda' crap is this?
[15:49] > ~Water Monster (Form 1) opens it's mouth and shoots out a gyser at vana
[15:50] > Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine quickly dodges, throwing a volley of 4 flaming shrinken at the monster
[15:54] > ~Water Monster (Form 1) is hit in the back and roars in pain, trying to hit vana with it's tail
[15:54] > Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine jumps over the swinging tail and draws Okibiken, using her powers to make it glow red with heat
[15:55] > ~Water Monster (Form 1) looks up and blasts again with water
[15:56] > Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine blocks the blast of water with her sword, causing a torrent of steam
[15:57] > ~Water Monster (Form 1) bursts from the steam trying to bite vana
[15:58] > Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine holds the sword up, blocking the monster's advance
[15:59] > ~Water Monster (Form 1) tries to swip at vana
[15:59] > Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine jumps back and slashes at the monster
[16:01] > ~Water Monster (Form 1) is hit mortally
[16:02] > Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine smirks
[16:02] [Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine] Can't take the heat? Then get the hell out of my HOUSE!!
[16:02] > ~Water Monster (Form 1) falls onto the ground, making death groans
[16:03] > Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine walks up to the prone monster and stabs down with Okibiken, through it's head, just for measure
[16:04] > ~Water Monster (Form 1) explodes, nearly flooding the room with water!
[16:05] > Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine quickly holds her breath and sheathes okibiken, being as the heat is more or less put out
[16:06] > ~Water Monster (Form 2) raises from the water...now a serpent made of water...the room is fill with waist deep water on vana
[16:06] [~Water Monster (Form 2)] ☠ KKKKKKKAAARRRKKK ☠
[16:07] [Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine] Interesting
[16:07] > Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine throws a few fireballs at the snake
[16:08] > ~Water Monster (Form 2) simply exaushes the fireballs
[16:09] [Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine] So, you're gonna' be a little tougher, eh?
[16:10] > ~Water Monster (Form 2) dissapppers under the water...and pulls vana under!
[16:10] [Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine] Waa....!
[16:12] > ~Water Monster (Form 2) drags vana through the water..then lifts her up again out of the water
[16:13] > Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine heats her hands and presses them into the snake's body: LET GO!
[16:13] > ~Water Monster (Form 2) roars and throws vana across the room in pain
[16:15] > Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine shifts her body weight and springs off the wall, flying back at the snake, drawing Okibiken and heating it again: Time to make some more steam!
[16:16] > ~Water Monster (Form 2) roars and tries to shoot water at vana
[16:17] > Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine holds her sword out, spinning it as she flies past the snake
[16:18] > ~Water Monster (Form 2) roars...and melts into nothing
[16:19] > ~Water Monster (Form 2) is dead
[16:21] > +Matsumi Kaze (other room) can be heard giving off a loud scream
[16:23] [Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine] Sweety!?
[16:23] > Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine rushes out
[16:23] <-- Fu-Ma Ninja Vanadine [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has left #reddwarfevents (What te hell)
[00:00] >>> Monday Sep 24 2007 <<<
[22:57] --> Matsumi Kaze [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has joined #reddwarfevents
[22:57] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Matsumi Kaze
[22:57] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Matsumi Kaze
[22:57] --> Vanadine (semi-casual) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has joined #reddwarfevents
[22:57] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Vanadine (semi-casual)
[22:57] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Vanadine (semi-casual)
[23:00] > +Matsumi Kaze has her back turned
[23:03] [+Matsumi Kaze] hmph
[23:04] [+Vanadine (semi-casual)] Sweety...
[23:04] [+Matsumi Kaze] he could have at least looked...*sounds upset*
[23:04] > +Vanadine (semi-casual) walks up behind Matsumi and wraps her arms around her: Davey didn't mean it the way you're thinkin'....
[23:20] [+Vanadine (semi-casual)] Sweety.... are you mad at me too?
[23:28] [+Matsumi Kaze] no....it's just....
[23:28] > +Matsumi Kaze starts to shake a little from vana's view
[23:29] [+Matsumi Kaze] ....called my dad again today....
[23:30] [+Matsumi Kaze] ....
[23:33] [+Matsumi Kaze] ends up...he was in the middle of an argument with someone...and...when I called...
[23:35] [+Vanadine (semi-casual)] Hmm...?
[23:36] [+Matsumi Kaze] ....he started letting loose on me *sits on the floor, bringing her knees to her chest*
[23:36] [+Vanadine (semi-casual)] Oh Sweety....
[23:37] > +Matsumi Kaze starts to sniffle...
[23:38] [+Matsumi Kaze] *sniffle* "stupid girl..why are you on....you and your lovers...go to gayafornia where you belong...you dissapoint me...turning your back on your own race for something else...go away, matsumi...I don't want to talk to you...."
[23:40] > +Vanadine (semi-casual) sits behind Matsumi and huggles her from behind
[23:40] > +Matsumi Kaze sniffles, looking like she's about to cry
[23:40] > +Vanadine (semi-casual) snuggles Matsumi: Shhhhh
[23:41] [+Matsumi Kaze] maybe he's right and I am a dissapointment *starts to cry*...he doesn't want me
[23:42] [+Vanadine (semi-casual)] You are not a disappointment. That man's attitude has been skewed for a long time and you know it.
[23:42] > +Matsumi Kaze cries and cries
[23:43] > +Vanadine (semi-casual) holds Matsumi from behind and snuggles her: Shhhh..... it's ok Sweety
[23:44] > +Matsumi Kaze starts to calm down a bit and turns to face vana..her face an utter utter mess
[23:45] [+Matsumi Kaze] *sniffle sniffle*
[23:46] > +Vanadine (semi-casual) snuggles Matsumi: It's ok hon....
[23:46] > +Matsumi Kaze puts her head in vana's chest, trying not to cry again
[23:47] [+Vanadine (semi-casual)] Shhhhh....
[23:49] [+Matsumi Kaze] ..I...I feel bad about david
[23:50] > +Vanadine (semi-casual) snuggles Matsumi
[23:54] [+Matsumi Kaze] I..I should aplogize
[23:55] > +Vanadine (semi-casual) lets go of Matsumi and smiles: That'd be a good idea.
[23:55] <-- +Matsumi Kaze [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has left #reddwarfevents (I'm going to aplogize)
[23:55] <-- +Vanadine (semi-casual) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has left #reddwarfevents (I'm gonna' go home and change)
[00:00] >>> Tuesday Sep 25 2007 <<<
[11:00] --> Matsumi Kaze (undies) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has joined #reddwarfevents
[11:00] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Matsumi Kaze (undies)
[11:00] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Matsumi Kaze (undies)
[11:01] > +Matsumi Kaze (undies) is huddled in a corner asleep in her quarters
[11:01] --> Vanadine (undies) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has joined #reddwarfevents
[11:01] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Vanadine (undies)
[11:01] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Vanadine (undies)
[11:02] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] zzzz
[11:02] > +Vanadine (undies) walks up to the door of Matsumi's quarters, looking at the door
[11:03] > +Matsumi Kaze (undies) is still asleep in the corner..her quarters an utter diaster field around her
[11:03] > +Vanadine (undies) presses her hand over the general area of the lock and uses her powers to heat the area
[11:04] > +Matsumi Kaze (undies) 's door's lock comes out
[11:05] > +Vanadine (undies) slides open the door physiclly and punches in a command on the keypad so that the security alarm doesn't go off
[11:07] > +Vanadine (undies) kneels down and scoops up the remains of Matsumi's comm unit
[11:07] > +Matsumi Kaze (undies) is in the far corner of the room, the entire area around her a diaster area, as if she paniced
[11:08] > +Vanadine (undies) stands and assess the room
[11:09] > +Matsumi Kaze (undies) is an utter mess
[11:09] > +Vanadine (undies) looks a little upset: Geez.... she must've freaked out....
[11:10] > +Vanadine (undies) uses her telekenitic powers to move the debris field away from her as she makes her way over to Matsumi
[11:12] > +Vanadine (undies) kneels down next to Matsumi: Sweety...... time to get up....
[11:13] > +Matsumi Kaze (undies) has one black eye and a bruise on her forehead
[11:14] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] huh? wha? GAH! THE DOOR! I'M TRAPPED!
[11:15] > +Matsumi Kaze (undies) starts to panic a little bit again
[11:19] [+Vanadine (undies)] Sweety sweety.... shhhh
[11:20] > +Vanadine (undies) hugs Matsumi and holds her: It's ok.... I opened the lock on the door.....
[11:21] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] vana..I'm sooo sorry T_T
[11:21] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] I didn't mean to hurt you feelings last night *hugs vana*
[11:21] > +Vanadine (undies) strokes Matsumi's hair lightly, holding her: Shhhh... it's ok. Don't worry about it....
[11:22] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] the door locked on me....and I paniced..and broke the comm.....hurt myself
[11:23] [+Vanadine (undies)] Yes well.... I never made it home last night
[11:23] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] where did you go?
[11:24] [+Vanadine (undies)] Well... let's just say I found out what it's like to be homeless
[11:25] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] were you ok?
[11:25] [+Vanadine (undies)] Yeah.... I'm just a little dirty and didn't sleep good, that's all
[11:26] [+Matsumi Kaze (undies)] ok.....*wipes a tear from her eye and winces from her black eye*
[11:26] > +Vanadine (undies) scoops Matsumi up off the floor and stands up, carrying her
[11:27] > +Matsumi Kaze (undies) holds onto vana
[11:27] [+Vanadine (undies)] We need to get you to the med bay and get your eye fixed up.... then we both need to get cleaned up. It's already 1130
[11:29] > +Matsumi Kaze (undies) nods
[11:29] > +Vanadine (undies) carries Matsumi out, closing the door using telekenisis
[11:30] <-- +Vanadine (undies) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has left #reddwarfevents (Let's get you healed up)
[11:30] <-- +Matsumi Kaze (undies) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has left #reddwarfevents (please...do)
[00:00] >>> Monday Oct 01 2007 <<<
[22:37] --> Sub Zippo has joined #reddwarfevents
[22:37] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +o to Sub Zippo
[22:37] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, @Sub Zippo
[22:37] > @Sub Zippo walks in, pumping his arms and stretching.
[22:38] ✷ Sensors indicate that @Sub Zippo has 700HP / 300SP / 1050MP
[22:38] [@Sub Zippo] Hope those synthetic Hamidon Enhancements work out for me...
[22:38] --> Sailor Quinox (Eternal) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has joined #reddwarfevents
[22:38] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Sailor Quinox (Eternal)
[22:38] > Sailor Quinox (Eternal) appears
[22:39] > @Sub Zippo stretches his legs.
[22:39] --> Vanadine (undies) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has joined #reddwarfevents
[22:39] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Vanadine (undies)
[22:39] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Vanadine (undies)
[22:39] [@Sub Zippo] eek. o_o
[22:39] ✷ Sensors indicate that Sailor Quinox (Eternal) has 900HP / 550SP / 700MP
[22:39] > Sailor Quinox (Eternal) cracks her knuckles
[22:40] > +Vanadine (undies) sits somewhere out of the way
[22:40] [@Sub Zippo] Eternal form, huh?
[22:40] [Sailor Quinox (Eternal)] sort of...I'm at my lowest eternal power
[22:40] [Sailor Quinox (Eternal)] I don't want to use all my power..it's still unstable after I got it back
[22:40] [@Sub Zippo] Well.. thats cool I guess. I've gotten some good enhancements in Paragon over the last month...
[22:41] > @Sub Zippo approaches Matsumi. "Before we begin.. No hard feelings, right?"
[22:41] [Sailor Quinox (Eternal)] do you really mean that?
[22:42] [@Sub Zippo] Of course.. May the best win, ok?
[22:43] [Sailor Quinox (Eternal)] ok...though I'm not sure I'm at full capability..I will try
[22:43] > +Vanadine (undies) sits and watches quietly
[22:44] > @Sub Zippo places a finger under Matsumi's chin, lifts it, and kisses her gently.
[22:44] > Sailor Quinox (Eternal) kisses back
[22:44] [Sailor Quinox (Eternal)] who goes first?
[22:45] [@HOL_6000] @Sub Zippo rolls: 1d20 { 5 }
[22:45] [@HOL_6000] Sailor Quinox (Eternal) rolls: 1d20 { 19 }
[22:46] > Sailor Quinox (Eternal) nods and stands back
[22:46] {900HP / 528SP / 657MP} Sailor Quinox (Eternal) strifes in and gives nate a sharp chop in the side (-22SP / -43MP)
[22:47] {561HP / 300SP / 1050MP} @Sub Zippo has taken a CRITICAL hit from Sailor Quinox (Eternal)! (-139HP)
[22:47] > @Sub Zippo winces a little bit, taken aback by the force of the blow.
[22:48] > Sailor Quinox (Eternal) sidesteps a bit...going defensive
[22:48] {561HP / 286SP / 1014MP} @Sub Zippo retaliates with a dragon punch aimed at Matsumi's chin. (-14SP / -36MP)
[22:48] {831HP / 528SP / 657MP} Sailor Quinox (Eternal) has taken a hit from @Sub Zippo! (-69HP)
[22:48] > Sailor Quinox (Eternal) takes the hit and rubs her face
[22:48] > +Vanadine (undies) watches intently
[22:49] > Sailor Quinox (Eternal) clenches her fist
[22:49] {831HP / 511SP / 618MP} Sailor Quinox (Eternal) sends a burst of air energy at nate's legs (-17SP / -39MP)
[22:49] > @Sub Zippo lands on his feet, looking her in the eyes.
[22:49] {488HP / 286SP / 1014MP} @Sub Zippo has taken a hit from Sailor Quinox (Eternal)! (-73HP)
[22:49] > @Sub Zippo is knocked off his feet and flat on his face.
[22:50] [Sailor Quinox (Eternal)] hmm
[22:51] {488HP / 229SP / 805MP} SPECIAL ATTACK: @Sub Zippo takes a 3-point stance, builds up power for a moment, and unleashes a colossal blast of ice at Matsumi. (-57SP / -209MP)
[22:51] {726HP / 511SP / 618MP} Sailor Quinox (Eternal) has BLOCKED a hit from a SPECIAL ATTACK by @Sub Zippo! (-105HP)
[22:51] [@Sub Zippo] Oh hell..
[22:51] > Sailor Quinox (Eternal) blocks with one hand
[22:52] > Sailor Quinox (Eternal) smiles a little