[15:08] >>> Friday Apr 06 2007 – Log reset by @Kryten – Logging Start <<<
[21:56] > Masaki O'Cain (Swimsuit) floats on the water, looking at the ceiling
[21:56] --> Masaki O'Cain (Swimsuit) [RisingStorm@ZepherTech.com] has joined #reddwarfevents
[21:56] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Masaki O'Cain (Swimsuit)
[21:57] --> David O'Cain has joined #reddwarfevents
[21:57] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to David O'Cain
[21:57] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +David O'Cain
[21:58] --> Tika Obake (Swimsuit) [MechaDriver@GFORCE.gov] has joined #reddwarfevents
[21:58] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Tika Obake (Swimsuit)
[21:58] [+David O'Cain] Whoa. That's cool.
[21:58] [Tika Obake (Swimsuit)] isn't it?
[21:58] > Masaki O'Cain (Swimsuit) lazily floats on the water
[21:59] > +David O'Cain sees Masaki and smiles
[22:01] [Tika Obake (Swimsuit)] anything else you wanted?
[22:01] [+David O'Cain] Where can I change?
[22:02] > Tika Obake (Swimsuit) points to the changing room
[22:02] [Tika Obake (Swimsuit)] no naughty stuff here.....I'm heading back
[22:03] > Masaki O'Cain (Swimsuit) just keeps floating
[22:03] [Tika Obake (Swimsuit)] seeya later, david
[22:03] [+David O'Cain] Thanks.
[22:04] <-- Tika Obake (Swimsuit) [MechaDriver@GFORCE.gov] has left #reddwarfevents (*heading home*)
[22:05] [Masaki O'Cain (swimsuit)] ♬ dum dum dum ♭
[22:05] > +David O'Cain goes into the changing room
[22:06] > +David O'Cain (trunks) enters the pool and wades out towards Masaki
[22:08] > Masaki O'Cain (swimsuit) doesn't notice
[22:10] > +David O'Cain (trunks) comes up underneath Masaki and tickles her
[22:11] [Masaki O'Cain (swimsuit)] GAH! *thrashes a bit in the water*
[22:11] [+David O'Cain (trunks)] Hi. ^_^
[22:11] [Masaki O'Cain (swimsuit)] david!!..don't do that!!
[22:12] [+David O'Cain (trunks)] You gotta admit, I surprised you good.
[22:14] > Masaki O'Cain (swimsuit) splashes water in david's face for that
[22:14] [+David O'Cain (trunks)] Ack!
[22:16] [Masaki O'Cain (swimsuit)] mean..
[22:18] > +David O'Cain (trunks) splashes water at Masaki
[22:19] [Masaki O'Cain (swimsuit)] hey!
[22:21] [Masaki O'Cain (swimsuit)] so...this the first time you've been here?
[22:22] [+David O'Cain (trunks)] Yeah. Tika showed me where it was.
[22:22] [Masaki O'Cain (swimsuit)] ahh..what do you think?
[22:23] [+David O'Cain (trunks)] It's pretty nice.
[22:26] [Masaki O'Cain (swimsuit)] yeah it really is
[22:26] > Masaki O'Cain (swimsuit) swims a bit around david
[22:27] [+David O'Cain (trunks)] Tika said that Saki and Matsumi were here.
[22:28] [Masaki O'Cain (swimsuit)] oh they were..they left not too long before you came
[22:29] [+David O'Cain (trunks)] Ah. So just us, huh?
[22:30] [Masaki O'Cain (swimsuit)] yup
[22:31] > +David O'Cain (trunks) holds Masaki close, "You're looking good."
[22:38] > Masaki O'Cain (swimsuit) leans against david "thank you..."
[22:41] [+David O'Cain (trunks)] You know, I never did ask what you were like after you were reborn.
[22:45] [Masaki O'Cain (swimsuit)] it was interesting.....
[22:46] [Masaki O'Cain (swimsuit)] I did have a good family...but I kind of rebelled I guess
[22:48] [+David O'Cain (trunks)] What about school?
[22:53] [Masaki O'Cain (swimsuit)] ((brb))
[23:07] [Masaki O'Cain (swimsuit)] (( back ))
[23:15] [+David O'Cain (trunks)] What was school like for you?
[23:16] [Masaki O'Cain (swimsuit)] it was good....I guess I was kind of the tough girl
[23:16] [Masaki O'Cain (swimsuit)] I sometimes had to watch matsumi's back
[23:18] [+David O'Cain (trunks)] Did she get into trouble?
[23:21] [Masaki O'Cain (swimsuit)] no...bullies would go after her sometimes
[23:23] [Masaki O'Cain (swimsuit)] so I would get in there and intimdate them
[23:24] [+David O'Cain (trunks)] Ah. Good thing she counted on you. If I was there, they'd be in trouble big time.
[23:25] [Masaki O'Cain (swimsuit)] yeah..but of course you weren't :P
[23:25] [Masaki O'Cain (swimsuit)] yeah..but of course you weren't :P
[23:31] [+David O'Cain (trunks)] Yeah, yeah. I'd still defend Matsumi.
[23:33] > Masaki O'Cain (swimsuit) hugs david
[23:34] > +David O'Cain (trunks) hugs Masaki
[23:39] [Masaki O'Cain (swimsuit)] maybe we should head for home...
[23:40] [+David O'Cain (trunks)] Yeah. I'd love to see you a swimsuit at least during the summer. You got a nice body.
[23:42] [Masaki O'Cain (swimsuit)] thank you
[23:43] [+David O'Cain (trunks)] But first, before we leave, we should dry off.
[23:43] > Masaki O'Cain (swimsuit) nods and gets out of the pool
[23:43] > +David O'Cain (trunks) climbs out of the pool
[23:46] > Masaki O'Cain (swimsuit) grabs her towal "shall we go?"
[23:46] > +David O'Cain (trunks) takes a towel, "Of course."
[23:48] <-- Masaki O'Cain (swimsuit) [RisingStorm@ZepherTech.com] has left #reddwarfevents (home)
[23:49] <-- +David O'Cain (trunks) has left #reddwarfevents (Gone for home.)
[17:35] --> Nate Detroit [SmashChamp@reddwarf.com] has joined #reddwarfevents
[17:35] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +o to Nate Detroit
[17:35] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, @Nate Detroit
[17:35] > @Nate Detroit has transformed into sub zippo
[17:35] [@sub zippo] check?
[17:35] > @sub zippo has transformed into Super Sub Zippo
[17:35] [@Super Sub Zippo] And check?
[17:35] > @Super Sub Zippo has transformed into Nate Detroit
[17:35] [@Nate Detroit] That is all
[17:35] <-- @Nate Detroit [SmashChamp@reddwarf.com] has left #reddwarfevents (Ice is flowin' through my veins; Explosives on my lips and in my lungs.)
[14:25] --> Kakyuu-hime (school) has joined #reddwarfevents
[14:25] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Kakyuu-hime (school)
[14:25] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Kakyuu-hime (school)
[18:42] [+Kakyuu-hime (school)] Ah, so it does work ^_^
[18:43] <-- +Kakyuu-hime (school) has left #reddwarfevents
[17:32] > +Kakyuu-hime has changed the channel password.
[17:36] --> Sub Zippo has joined #reddwarfevents
[17:36] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +o to Sub Zippo
[17:36] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, @Sub Zippo
[17:37] [@Sub Zippo] Greetings.
[17:37] --> Kurisutaru [DemonQueen@unmei.egae.gov] has joined #reddwarfevents
[17:37] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Kurisutaru
[17:37] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Kurisutaru
[17:37] [+Kurisutaru] Hi there >D
[17:37] [@Sub Zippo] You requested an opponent?
[17:39] --> Mire [Mirelle@somewhere.fr] has joined #reddwarfevents
[17:39] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Mire
[17:39] [@HOL_6000] @Sub Zippo: You currently have: 700HP / 300SP / 1050MP
[17:40] ✷ Sensors indicate that +Kurisutaru has 1075HP / 500SP / 500MP
[17:40] > +Kurisutaru waves "I'm the boss so I'll just go hide now!"
[17:40] > +Kurisutaru is away: Until I'm needed
[17:41] [@Sub Zippo] hhmmmmm
[17:41] [Mire] I thought up of something kinda fun, this will be a quest. ^_^
[17:42] [@Sub Zippo] Bear with me, please, but ready when you are.
[17:43] ➣ This quest is really to rescue a person, but because I feel like being insane, no rescue will be made in this test run.
[17:43] [Mire] I'm just learning this system! ^_^
[17:44] [@Sub Zippo] As am I. Its been a long time since Ive used anything like them.
[17:44] ➣ You all walk into a room with chairs and weird things that are like the controlers for "Angelic Layer"
[17:44] [@Sub Zippo] And the last one I used, I helped design a large part of.
[17:44] [@Sub Zippo] ♬ I've never seeeeeen it!! ♭
[17:46] > @Sub Zippo cracks his neck.
[17:50] ➣ Take a seat! ^_^ And place the equipment on and press the round button to turn on the VR system.
[17:50] > Mire does as the DM says
[17:50] > @Sub Zippo takes a seat and does as hes told.
[18:04] [@Sub Zippo] (( ckeck? ))
[18:10] [@Sub Zippo] (( and check again ))
[18:27] > Mire stabs the server
[18:27] [@Sub Zippo] Wow, this program sucks.
[18:28] > @Sub Zippo removes the equipment.
[18:32] ➣ Sorry about that >< Please excuse the minor technology glitch and retry entering Exaxxion!
[18:41] > Mire enters Exaxxion looking like herself! "Coooool"
[18:44] > @Sub Zippo puts it back on.
[18:44] ➣ Yes, yes, your avatar there will look like you if that's what you wish. Now, Exaxxion is a VR world, and with all VR worlds, there is usually a boss battle.
[18:45] [@Sub Zippo] So... whats happening?
[18:45] ➣ You need not worry about this until the end! ^_^
[18:48] > @Sub Zippo whistles
[18:49] ➣ Okay, so Exaxxion is weirder than our world because your first battles will be PUCHUUS. Yes, SZ, I said PUCHUUS.
[18:50] [@Sub Zippo] Very well, bring them on.
[18:52] > @Sub Zippo adopts a fighting stance, his hands starting to burn.
[19:02] ➣ Sorry about that, RL cats demanded food
[19:03] ➣ Now, to explain the terrain. There are mountains to the extremely far north do NOT go there yet. You won't have enough experience points to get past the mountain barrier.
[19:04] [Mire] Awwww
[19:05] [@Sub Zippo] Ok, whatever.
[19:06] ➣ Also, there is a desert to the south, a sea to the east, and a pretty valley to the west.
[19:07] ➣ Also there's a village in the valley, and a large city to the east.
[19:09] ➣ What way do you want to go or are you going to split up and form teams?
[19:09] [@Sub Zippo] How tranquil..
[19:09] [@Sub Zippo] We should stick together. How abotu the west, Mire?
[19:10] [Mire] Yeah, the west sounds pretty good.
[19:10] > @Sub Zippo takes point and heads west.
[19:11] ➣ Well, you're in the center of this world at the moment and the village is rather far, why don't you take these hover crafts that I have graciously awarded you
[19:12] [@Sub Zippo] ohh...kay...
[19:12] > Mire jumps on one
[19:13] > @Sub Zippo takes another
[19:14] > Mire races SZ to the village in the west
[19:15] ➣ Once you arrive in the valley, you realize that it's more like a bunch of farmland with only ONE CROP! Shocking, yes?
[19:15] > @Sub Zippo persues, annoyed.
[19:22] [@Sub Zippo] ...
[19:22] ➣ Do you wish to go into the village?
[19:22] [@Sub Zippo] YES!!! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!!
[19:24] > Mire enters the village and hops off her hovercraft "Ummm... These people look like...farmers...?"
[19:27] [@Sub Zippo] So, what, are we supposed to pillage or something?
[19:27] ➣ And this farmer is not happy with SZ because SZ looks like a "pagan god"
[19:28] [@Sub Zippo] Does he say it or just think it so loud I hear it?
[19:30] > Kitalia (farmer) begrudgingly accuses SZ of being a pagan god
[19:32] > @Sub Zippo arrogantly plays it off. "Hiya. Nice farm.
[19:32] [@Sub Zippo] I thought pegans were people who didnt believe in a god. How can I be a god to them if they dont believe I can exist?
[19:34] [@Sub Zippo] ^_^
[19:34] > @Sub Zippo points to the farmer. "You. Bring me tribute."
[19:35] > @Sub Zippo turns back to Mire. "Why are we here?"
[19:36] [Mire (farmer)] Uhh, to gain experience points?
[19:36] [@Sub Zippo] Oh, ok. Should I get torchin then?
[19:39] ✷ Sensors indicate that Kitalia (farmer) has 1000HP / 250SP / 1000MP
[19:42] [@Sub Zippo] Thats.. a strong farmer...
[19:44] ➣ Down Kitty, power DOWN.
[19:44] [@Sub Zippo] Do I fight him?!
[19:54] {700HP / 291SP / 1014MP} @Sub Zippo throws a fireball at the farmer out of maddening boredom. (-9SP / -36MP)
[19:58] > @Sub Zippo watches it crawl towards the farmer at an impossibly slow speed.
[20:02] <-- @Sub Zippo has left #reddwarfevents (It froze up, oh well...)
[20:26] {897HP / 250SP / 1000MP} Kitalia (farmer) has taken a CRITICAL hit from @Sub Zippo! (-103HP)
[20:32] ✷ Sensors indicate that Kitalia (farmer) has 700HP / 250SP / 500MP
[20:36] {700HP / 235SP / 464MP} Kitalia (farmer) kicks Mire (-15SP / -36MP)
[20:36] {1135HP / 500SP / 500MP} Mire has taken a CRITICAL hit from Kitalia (farmer)! (-115HP)
[20:37] ➣ and that wraps up tonight's test. Tomorrow, same time for the continuation.
[20:38] > +Kakyuu-hime has cleared the channel password.
[10:09] > +Kakyuu-hime (school) has changed the channel password.
[10:10] {1135HP / 483SP / 468MP} Mire hits Kitalia with her wooden sword (-17SP / -32MP)
[10:10] {681HP / 235SP / 464MP} Kitalia (farmer) has BLOCKED a hit from Mire! (-19HP)
[10:10] > Kitalia (farmer) blocks with her pitchfork >>
[10:11] {681HP / 226SP / 436MP} Kitalia (farmer) whacks Kitalia with the pitchfork (-9SP / -28MP)
[10:11] {1118HP / 483SP / 468MP} Mire has BLOCKED a hit from Kitalia (farmer)! (-17HP)
[10:11] > Mire blocks the pitchfork with her wooden sword!
[10:33] {1118HP / 391SP / 370MP} SPECIAL ATTACK: Mire whacks Kitalia with the wooden sword then shoves a handful of leeks in her mouth (-92SP / -98MP)
[10:33] {474HP / 226SP / 436MP} Kitalia (farmer) has taken a hit from a SPECIAL ATTACK by Mire! (-207HP)
[10:33] > Kitalia (farmer) coughs out the leeks "BLECH! Yuck! Those aren't even washed!"
[10:34] {474HP / 169SP / 298MP} SPECIAL ATTACK: Kitalia (farmer) hits Mire with a giant leek (-57SP / -138MP)
[10:34] {892HP / 391SP / 370MP} Mire has taken a hit from a SPECIAL ATTACK by Kitalia (farmer)! (-226HP)
[10:34] > Mire gets knocked to the ground by a giant leek? WTFBBQ?!
[10:35] {892HP / 274SP / 294MP} SPECIAL ATTACK: Mire whispers a slash fiction pairing in Kitalia's ear (-117SP / -76MP)
[10:35] {121HP / 169SP / 298MP} Kitalia (farmer) has taken a CRITICAL hit from a SPECIAL ATTACK by Mire! (-353HP)
[10:36] > Kitalia (farmer) eyetwitches
[10:36] {121HP / 169SP / 298MP} Kitalia (farmer) passes this round.
[10:36] > Kitalia (farmer) is way too disturbed to attack!
[10:37] {892HP / 257SP / 276MP} Mire hits Kitalia with TWO giant leeks, and a Flamey plushie (-17SP / -18MP)
[10:37] {77HP / 223SP / 386MP} Kitalia (farmer/school) has taken a hit from Mire! (-44HP)
[10:37] > Kitalia (farmer/school) is out of it and gets whacked!
[10:38] {77HP / 158SP / 262MP} SPECIAL ATTACK: Kitalia (farmer/school) whispers a slash fiction pairing to Mire! (-65SP / -124MP)
[10:38] {676HP / 257SP / 276MP} Mire (school) has taken a hit from a SPECIAL ATTACK by Kitalia (farmer/school)! (-216HP)
[10:39] > Mire (school) is only SLIGHTLY bothered by that pairing
[10:40] {676HP / 238SP / 253MP} Mire (school) offers Kitalia a puchuu plushie (-19SP / -23MP)
[10:40] {25HP / 158SP / 262MP} Kitalia (farmer/school) has taken a hit from Mire (school)! (-52HP)
[10:40] [Kitalia (farmer/school)] AWWWW IT'S SO CUUUUTE
[10:40] > Kitalia (farmer/school) is entranced by the cuteness factor!
[10:41] {25HP / 141SP / 240MP} Kitalia (farmer/school) beats Mire with said cute plushie (-17SP / -22MP)
[10:41] {659HP / 238SP / 253MP} Mire (school) has BLOCKED a hit from Kitalia (farmer/school)! (-17HP)
[10:42] > Mire (school) shreds the evil puchuu
[10:42] {659HP / 221SP / 221MP} Mire (school) shows Kitalia how you REALLY have fun with diet coke and mentos! (-17SP / -32MP)
[10:43] {0HP / 141SP / 240MP} Kitalia (farmer/school) has taken a CRITICAL hit from Mire (school)! (-97HP) KITALIA (FARMER/SCHOOL) HAS BEEN ELIMINATED!
[10:43] > Kitalia (farmer/school) gets hit by the bottle and knocked out >>
[10:44] ➣ Mire gains 15 experience and 90 gold
[10:47] ➣ Now, do you wish to recruit anyone from this village or buy any supplies?
[10:47] [Mire (school)] No recruiting, yes supplies.
[10:49] ➣ Pitchfork 50 gold, Heal 100 gold, dagger 10 gold, Revive 150 gold, Leeks FREE, Sword Upgrade 105 gold
[10:50] ➣ Oh and Giant leeks are 5 gold each
[10:50] [Mire (school)] Well then, 1 dagger, 1 pitchfork, and 1 giant leek, as well as 10 regular leeks
[10:51] ➣ Total: 65 gold
[10:52] > Mire (school) holds out her bag of gold >>
[10:52] > Mire (school) takes out 65 gold coins
[10:54] ➣ The 65 gold coins disappear and 1 pitchfork, 1 dagger, and 1 giant leek appear then become mini-items until needed. Oh yeah, you'll need something to carry those in... Here's a complimentary messenger bag
[10:56] > Mire (school) stashes the items and her bag of 25 gold coins in the messenger bag
[10:57] > Mire (school) points out she didn't get her leeks
[10:57] ➣ Pick your own.
[10:57] > Mire (school) snatches 50 leeks "Can I sell these?"
[10:58] ➣ Later. Now would you like to stay in this valley or go somewhere else?
[10:58] [Mire (school)] Uhhh.... I'll go to the south...
[10:59] > Mire (school) offers 20 leeks to the DM "Can I get a couple of water bottles?
[10:59] ➣ Very well, here's 5 bottles of water. 4 leeks per bottle.
[11:00] > Mire (school) stashes the 30 leeks she has left and the 5 water bottles in the messenger bag
[11:00] > Mire (school) gets on her hover craft "Do I have enough experience points to get into the southern desert?
[11:30] ➣ You have 40 experience. To enter the desert you need 60 combined points.
[11:32] ➣ To enter the city in the east you need 90 experience points. To enter the Northern region, you need a combined total of 115 experience points. But since this is a test run I'll lower the rates on all the new places.
[11:32] ➣ To enter the Southern Desert you need 50 combined experience points (this means total up the experience of every member in your party/team).
[11:34] ➣ To enter the Eastern City you need 75 points
[11:35] ➣ I forgot the ocean! To go to the ocean you only need 45 experience points. To go to the Northern Mountains you neeed 90 experience points.
[11:36] > Mire (school) will harvest leeks?
[11:43] ➣ Harvesting leeks earns you 5 experience points.
[11:44] ➣ You now have 45 Experience Points. NEW AREA UNLOCKED
[11:45] ➣ We will pick up at the Ocean when we continue.
[11:45] [+Kakyuu-hime (school)] /unsetpass
[11:46] > +Kakyuu-hime (school) has cleared the channel password.
[11:46] <-- +Kakyuu-hime (school) has left #reddwarfevents
[11:46] <-- Mire (school) [Mirelle@somewhere.fr] has left #reddwarfevents (What? Do I look like I give a damn?)
[12:15] > +Kakyuu-hime (school) has changed the channel password.
[12:20] --> Mire (school) [Mirelle@somewhere.fr] has joined #reddwarfevents
[12:20] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Mire (school)
[12:44] ➣ Now, since we're at the beach, I might as well point out the big creepy looking seaweed monster. Go fight it for experience and gold. Maybe even an item or two.
[12:45] ➣ Actually fight it later, there's not enough time left to fight it now >>
[12:45] <-- Mire (school) [Mirelle@somewhere.fr] has left #reddwarfevents (What? Do I look like I give a damn?)
[12:46] > +Kakyuu-hime (school) has cleared the channel password.
[20:14] --> Kurisutaru [DemonQueen@unmei.egae.gov] has joined #reddwarfevents
[20:14] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Kurisutaru
[20:14] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Kurisutaru
[20:14] > +Kurisutaru has changed the channel password.
[20:14] [+Kurisutaru] Test
[20:30] > +Kurisutaru (DM) has cleared the channel password.
[20:32] --> Nate Detroit [SmashChamp@reddwarf.com] has joined #reddwarfevents
[20:32] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +o to Nate Detroit
[20:32] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, @Nate Detroit
[20:42] > @Nate Detroit has killed Nate Detroit
[20:57] --> Mire [Mirelle@somewhere.fr] has joined #reddwarfevents
[20:57] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Mire
[20:58] ➣ We are now at the beach! And there's this big ugly seaweed monster. Who wants to fight it?
[21:00] > +Kurisutaru (DM) has changed the channel password.
[01:43] ~ Bob loudly cheers on Madge, wishing them the best! ~
[01:43] ‼~ Bob thinks Madge is going to rock the house! GO MADGE! ~‼
[01:44] > @Super Sub Zippo has cleared the channel password.
[01:44] ‼~ ~Jack thinks XXX is going to rock the house! GO XXX! ~‼
[01:54] #$%@ Bob wants to see Madge fall on their face! BOOOOOOOO!!! #$%@
[01:55] #$%@ Bob wants to see Madge fail miserably! BOOOOOOOO!!! #$%@
[04:09] [@Kryten] Test?
[04:09] [@Kryten] Good. Shouldn't have any problems.
[08:43] --> Mire (school) [Mirelle@somewhere.fr] has joined #reddwarfevents
[08:43] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Mire (school)
[08:44] > +Kakyuu-hime (school/DM) has changed the channel password.
[08:44] ➣ Now that we're finally able to do this....
[08:50] ✷ Sensors indicate that Kaira (seaweed monster/school) has 1080HP / 500SP / 620MP
[08:51] ✷ Sensors indicate that Kaira (seaweed monster/school) has 800HP / 500SP / 620MP
[08:52] [@HOL_6000] Mire (school): You currently have: 659HP / 221SP / 221MP
[08:52] > Mire (school) cringes, the monster overpowers her ><
[08:53] ➣ Too bad, get to fighting.
[08:55] {659HP / 201SP / 196MP} Mire (school) hits the monster with a giant leek (-20SP / -25MP)
[08:56] {748HP / 500SP / 620MP} Kaira (seaweed monster/school) has taken a hit from Mire (school)! (-52HP)
[08:56] > Kaira (seaweed monster/school) gets hit with the leek >>
[09:11] {748HP / 478SP / 595MP} Kaira (seaweed monster/school) throws seaweed at Mire (-22SP / -25MP)
[09:11] {603HP / 201SP / 196MP} Mire (school) has taken a hit from Kaira (seaweed monster/school)! (-56HP)
[09:11] > Mire (school) gets hit with slimey gross seaweed T_T
[09:11] {603HP / 201SP / 196MP} Mire (school) passes this round.
[09:12] {748HP / 460SP / 560MP} Kaira (seaweed monster/school) throws more seaweed at Mire (-18SP / -35MP)
[09:12] {503HP / 201SP / 196MP} Mire (school) has taken a CRITICAL hit from Kaira (seaweed monster/school)! (-100HP)
[09:14] > Mire (school) gets the seaweed in the mouth "Eeeew"
[09:14] {503HP / 201SP / 196MP} Mire (school) passes this round.
[09:15] {748HP / 444SP / 541MP} Kaira (seaweed monster/school) just looks at Mire (-16SP / -19MP)
[09:15] {461HP / 258SP / 273MP} Mire (school) has taken a hit from Kaira (seaweed monster/school)! (-42HP)
[09:15] > Mire (school) doesn't like being looked at?
[09:16] {461HP / 171SP / 165MP} SPECIAL ATTACK: Mire (school) throws 5 leeks at the monster (-87SP / -108MP)
[09:16] {549HP / 444SP / 541MP} Kaira (seaweed monster/school) has taken a hit from a SPECIAL ATTACK by Mire (school)! (-199HP)
[09:17] > Kaira (seaweed monster/school) doesn't like leeks
[09:17] {549HP / 355SP / 432MP} SPECIAL ATTACK: Kaira (seaweed monster/school) throws a ton of seaweed at Mire (-89SP / -109MP)
[09:17] {117HP / 171SP / 165MP} Mire (school) has taken a CRITICAL hit from a SPECIAL ATTACK by Kaira (seaweed monster/school)! (-344HP)
[09:18] > Mire (school) gets buried under disgusting seaweed "Yuck"
[09:18] {117HP / 171SP / 165MP} Mire (school) passes this round.
[09:19] {549HP / 254SP / 324MP} SPECIAL ATTACK: Kaira (seaweed monster/school) throws a starfish at Mire (-101SP / -108MP)
[09:19] {0HP / 236SP / 238MP} Mire (school) has taken a CRITICAL hit from a SPECIAL ATTACK by Kaira (seaweed monster/school)! (-359HP) MIRE (SCHOOL) HAS BEEN ELIMINATED!
[09:19] ➣ Eh I should've had you heal up >> My fault, Mire set your HP to 300.
[09:19] ✷ Sensors indicate that Mire (school) has 300HP / 236SP / 238MP
[09:20] {300HP / 220SP / 206MP} Mire (school) stares at Kaira (-16SP / -32MP)
[09:21] {495HP / 254SP / 324MP} Kaira (seaweed monster/school) has taken a hit from Mire (school)! (-54HP)
[09:23] {495HP / 168SP / 205MP} SPECIAL ATTACK: Kaira (seaweed monster/school) throws all the seaweed she has on her at Mire (-86SP / -119MP)
[09:23] {80HP / 220SP / 206MP} Mire (school) has taken a hit from a SPECIAL ATTACK by Kaira (seaweed monster/school)! (-220HP)
[09:23] {80HP / 120SP / 106MP} SPECIAL ATTACK: Mire (school) throws everything she has at Kaira (-100SP / -100MP)
[09:23] {427HP / 168SP / 205MP} Kaira (seaweed monster/school) has BLOCKED a hit from a SPECIAL ATTACK by Mire (school)! (-68HP)
[09:23] {427HP / 168SP / 205MP} Kaira (seaweed monster/school) passes this round.
[09:24] {80HP / 15SP / 30MP} SPECIAL ATTACK: Mire (school) stares at Kaira (-105SP / -76MP)
[09:24] {370HP / 168SP / 205MP} Kaira (seaweed monster/school) has BLOCKED a hit from a SPECIAL ATTACK by Mire (school)! (-57HP)
[09:29] {370HP / 148SP / 180MP} Kaira (seaweed monster/school) stares (-20SP / -25MP)
[09:30] {0HP / 15SP / 30MP} Mire (school) has taken a CRITICAL hit from Kaira (seaweed monster/school)! (-92HP) MIRE (SCHOOL) HAS BEEN ELIMINATED!
[09:30] ➣ >> Okay, heal up to 200
[09:31] ➣ Actually, nevermind, I don't think we'll need to do any more testing, I think this event will be good to go!
[09:31] ➣ We'll test the boss battle at a later time >>
[09:31] <-- Mire (school) [Mirelle@somewhere.fr] has left #reddwarfevents (Okay then)
[09:31] <-- Kaira (school) [Zero_Sol@gatezero.net] has left #reddwarfevents (Mass destruction? Not meeee~)
[09:31] > +Kakyuu-hime (school) has cleared the channel password.