[11:37] >>> Sunday Nov 10 2019 – Log reset by @HOL_6000 – Logging Start <<<
[00:00] >>> Tuesday Nov 12 2019 <<<
[04:58] > @HOL_6000 changes topic to `The code should be all fixed up. With luck the box will remain running after the upgrade takes place.`
[04:58] [@HOL_6000] Test?
[05:03] > @HOL_6000 changes topic to `The code should be all fixed up. With luck the box will remain running after the upgrade takes place.`
[00:00] >>> Monday Dec 09 2019 <<<
[20:12] --> Maricite (Casual) has joined #eventsbeta
[20:12] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Maricite (Casual)
[20:13] > Maricite (Casual) hums a tune as she looks over the new tree put in the house and tries to put up some ornaments higher up but her.....chest..is getting in the way
[20:14] [Maricite (Casual)] hmhmhm ::note
[20:14] [Maricite (Casual)] ♫
[20:16] [Maricite (Casual)] Hiddy! Do you have the box with the angel?
[20:16] > Hiddenite (Casual) is digging through several boxes "um...still looking"
[20:20] [Maricite (Casual)] ^_^ just keep looking
[20:27] > Maricite (Casual) hums a song as she runs over and checks on some other decorations the servants are putting up
[20:55] <-- Maricite (Casual) has left #eventsbeta (oh I better call Celestite!)
[00:00] >>> Wednesday Dec 25 2019 <<<
[20:38] > Maricite (Casual) enjoys Christmas with her family..for the first time a long time......
[00:00] >>> Saturday Jan 04 2020 <<<
[21:23] [+Kalli Sasaki] https://www.deviantart.com/glee-chan/art/Jupiter-and-Mercury-Senshi-Shade-630989441
[21:24] [+Kalli Sasaki] https://www.deviantart.com/glee-chan/art/Sailor-Senshi-Sexual-Sensation-355644681
[00:00] >>> Tuesday Jan 14 2020 <<<
[18:16] [Knight Nephrite] (( Cute pictures ))
[00:00] >>> Tuesday Feb 04 2020 <<<
[01:18] > Maricite (casual) glances around
[01:18] [Maricite (casual)] hello?
[01:18] [Maricite (casual)] hm so quiet
[00:00] >>> Wednesday Feb 05 2020 <<<
[19:35] ➣ Kaze Estate..present day
[19:35] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] WHAT THE FUUUUUUUCK
[19:35] > +Matsumi Kaze (casual) is furiously texting Masaki
[19:36] [Hideki Kaze (casual)] ..I've already talked to our lawyers...we can sue the doctor
[19:36] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] f[SMEG]king f[SMEG]k f[SMEG]k f[SMEG]k f[SMEG]k
[19:36] [Hideki Kaze (casual)] ....didn't you notice what was going on during it?
[19:37] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] I...err...
[19:37] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] WELL I WASN'T THINKING OK
[19:37] > ~Masaki O`Cain (Casual) texts back she's joining in the suit against the doctor
[19:39] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] I already have Mari..I can't..I can't not again!!!
[19:39] [Hideki Kaze (casual)] ...Matsumi...Matsumi..focus
[19:39] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] I'm trying..I'm trying...
[19:39] [Hideki Kaze (casual)] ..it will be fine....
[19:39] [Hideki Kaze (casual)] I will help you...vana will help you....
[19:39] > +Matsumi Kaze (casual) is in tears
[19:39] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] but Deki..I...I didn't think...
[19:39] > Hideki Kaze (casual) rests his forehead against Matsumi's
[19:39] [Hideki Kaze (casual)] ...we're in this together...through the end
[19:40] > +Matsumi Kaze (casual) closes her eyes and nods "..through the end..."
[19:40] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] ....
[19:40] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] I'm still going to sue the ass off that doctor though
[19:40] [Hideki Kaze (casual)] agreed....
[19:40] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] ..how are we going to tell Vana
[19:40] [Hideki Kaze (casual)] ..when she gets back from her work..we'll do it
[19:42] > ~Masaki O`Cain (Casual) , meanwhile, is having a talk with her husband
[19:48] > +Matsumi Kaze (casual) sits down...Miki is playing with some blocks...
[19:48] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] ^Miki is playing with some dolls
[19:48] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] ...god i'm getting worse then Minako
[20:04] [Hideki Kaze (casual)] you are fine *kisses Matsumi*
[20:08] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] ...*sigh*
[20:13] [Hideki Kaze (casual)] we're a family...we'll work this together
[20:13] [Hideki Kaze (casual)] ..are you hungry?
[20:13] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] .....extremenly....
[20:14] [Hideki Kaze (casual)] heh..I'll get you something to eat...
[20:14] <-- Hideki Kaze (casual) [AirKnight@Qtech.com] has left #eventsbeta
[20:14] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] *sigh*
[20:14] > +Matsumi Kaze (casual) smiles a little
[20:14] <-- +Matsumi Kaze (casual) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has left #eventsbeta
[00:00] >>> Tuesday Feb 11 2020 <<<
[20:28] --> Matsumi Kaze (casual) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has joined #eventsbeta
[20:28] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Matsumi Kaze (casual)
[20:28] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Matsumi Kaze (casual)
[20:29] --> Joanna Smithson (casual) has joined #eventsbeta
[20:29] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Joanna Smithson (casual)
[20:29] [Joanna Smithson (casual)] ...so...
[20:29] [Joanna Smithson (casual)] let me get this straight...
[20:29] [Joanna Smithson (casual)] you went in to get a check up...
[20:29] [Joanna Smithson (casual)] ...the doctor..mixed you up with Masaki...and artificially inseminated you..
[20:29] [Joanna Smithson (casual)] ..and you somehow DIDN'T REALIZE IT?
[20:29] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] um.....
[20:29] [Joanna Smithson (casual)] HOW
[20:29] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] I DON'T KNOW I WAS LOST IN THOUGHT
[20:31] [Joanna Smithson (casual)] that is both immensely creepy and utter bulls[SMEG]t and you know it
[20:31] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] we're sueing the f[SMEG]k out of him at least
[20:31] [Joanna Smithson (casual)] well you better!
[20:31] > Joanna Smithson (casual) finishes her beer
[20:37] [Joanna Smithson (casual)] i mean are you TRYING to beat Minako's record? huh?
[20:37] [Joanna Smithson (casual)] ....
[20:37] [Joanna Smithson (casual)] I'm not the first one to make that joke, am I
[20:37] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] not EVEN close...
[20:37] > +Matsumi Kaze (casual) sighs
[20:37] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] I thought I was done going through all this
[20:38] [Joanna Smithson (casual)] eh could be worse
[20:38] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] how
[20:38] [Joanna Smithson (casual)] could be twins
[20:38] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] DON'T EVEN SUGGEST THAT
[20:41] [Joanna Smithson (casual)] hahahah
[20:41] [Joanna Smithson (casual)] ...you know you'll have to tell Vana
[20:41] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] ....I know.........
[20:41] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] I just don't know how she'll react to this one
[20:42] [Joanna Smithson (casual)] she loves you...it will be fine
[21:18] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] yeah...you're right...
[21:18] > +Matsumi Kaze (casual) sighs and tries to relax
[21:19] <-- Joanna Smithson (casual) has left #eventsbeta (....so what if it is twins?)
[21:19] <-- +Matsumi Kaze (casual) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has left #eventsbeta (oh shutup)
[00:00] >>> Thursday Feb 27 2020 <<<
[19:54] --> Matsumi Kaze (casual) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has joined #eventsbeta
[19:54] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Matsumi Kaze (casual)
[19:54] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Matsumi Kaze (casual)
[19:55] > +Matsumi Kaze (casual) is putting away a few of Miki's toys..having just put Mari down for bed
[19:55] > +Matsumi Kaze (casual) sighs "..that girl..."
[19:57] > +Matsumi Kaze (casual) pauses for a moment...
[20:03] > +Matsumi Kaze (casual) heads into the gym
[20:04] --> Vanadine (Workout) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has joined #eventsbeta
[20:04] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Vanadine (Workout)
[20:04] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Vanadine (Workout)
[20:05] > +Vanadine (Workout) is doing forward rolls in the ring from corner to corner
[20:07] > +Matsumi Kaze (casual) walks and watches Vana
[20:08] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] having fun, babe?
[20:09] > +Vanadine (Workout) pauses, huffing a bit with a grin
[20:09] [+Vanadine (Workout)] I'd have more fun if I were rolling around with you. *winks*
[20:09] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] ..know how much i've missed you *smiles*
[20:10] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Sorry I came straight to the gym after I woke up.
[20:10] > +Vanadine (Workout) hops over the ropes, out of the ring, landing on the floor next to Matsumi, hugging and kissing her
[20:10] > +Matsumi Kaze (casual) returns the hug and kiss
[20:10] > +Matsumi Kaze (casual) smiles
[20:11] [+Vanadine (Workout)] ❧ I'll make up for it later, I promise~ ❧
[20:11] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] feels like forever...
[20:11] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] um...
[20:11] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] ...there is..a little thing I want to talk to you about...
[20:12] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] you might want to take a seat
[20:12] > +Vanadine (Workout) wipes her forehead a bit and sits on the edge of the ring
[20:12] [+Vanadine (Workout)] What's goin on, Sweety?
[20:13] > +Matsumi Kaze (casual) sits next to Vana
[20:13] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] ...alright..how to explain this
[20:13] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] ....
[20:13] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] so several weeks ago...I want to the doctor for a routine check up..you know like I'm scheduled to do
[20:14] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Yeah. I had a check before I went on the tour.
[20:15] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] well ends up Masaki was in the same clinic
[20:16] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] she's been hoping to have another child after Kara....
[20:16] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Well that's an interesting coincidence.
[20:16] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] and apparently had gone in to have artificially inseminated...apparently it was all prepared...
[20:18] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Oh wow.... I didn't know she was trying to have another one.
[20:19] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] yeah
[20:19] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] ..um
[20:19] > +Vanadine (Workout) picks up a water bottle from a nearby corner, taking a drink
[20:20] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] ..so
[20:20] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] ....the doctor....that was going to treat masaki
[20:20] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] ....got the room wrong
[20:21] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Oh geez.... so where'd the doctor end up? *takes another drink*
[20:22] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] .....my room
[20:23] > +Vanadine (Workout) goes wide eyed and spits out her water
[20:24] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] .........not tried
[20:24] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] ....did >_>
[20:24] > +Vanadine (Workout)'s face starts to turn red with anger.
[20:24] [+Vanadine (Workout)] ☠ I.... WILL..... ROAST HIM!! ☠
[20:25] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] we're already sueing his ass off...
[20:25] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] ..but I approve of that move too
[20:26] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] ..but um...long story short...
[20:26] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] ....I'm pregnant..again
[20:26] > +Vanadine (Workout) sighs, trying to calm herself.
[20:27] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Sweety.....
[20:27] > +Vanadine (Workout) puts her arm around Matsumi, lightly leaning against her
[20:28] > +Matsumi Kaze (casual) smiles..but it's a rather confused smile
[20:28] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] was almost afraid to tell you...
[20:29] [+Vanadine (Workout)] I just hate that you're having to go through this..... again..... unintentionally
[20:31] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] ..yeah I'm.......i'm conflicted..but Deki says he'll support me 100%...
[20:36] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] ...already talked to Masaki and David...
[20:36] [+Vanadine (Workout)] What did they say?
[20:38] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] Masaki was pissed off at the doctor....but they agreed to help too
[20:38] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] jo was...typical Jo..says I'm trying to out Mina Mina >_>
[20:39] > +Vanadine (Workout) tries to hold back but snickers a little at that
[20:40] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] :P
[20:41] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] ..just for that..you can be on diaper duty once the child is born
[20:49] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Awww, comeon
[20:49] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Jo made the joke :P
[20:51] > +Matsumi Kaze (casual) laughs....then suddenly looks a little ill
[20:55] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Uh oh.... the sickness is already kicking in?
[20:57] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] this is the part...I definitly do not miss ><
[20:58] > +Vanadine (Workout) slides down off the ring to the floor
[20:59] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Comeon Sweety.... let's get you into the locker room before you blow
[21:00] > +Matsumi Kaze (casual) stands ><
[21:02] > +Vanadine (Workout) leads Matsumi to the locker room
[21:02] <-- +Vanadine (Workout) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has left #eventsbeta (I'm here for my baby~)
[21:17] <-- +Matsumi Kaze (casual) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has left #eventsbeta (ugh...)
[00:00] >>> Thursday Mar 19 2020 <<<
[21:39] ➣ Akira, Japan / Shin Estate
[21:40] --> Matsumi Kaze (casual) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has joined #eventsbeta
[21:40] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Matsumi Kaze (casual)
[21:40] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Matsumi Kaze (casual)
[21:41] > +Matsumi Kaze (casual) works on putting away Miki's toys
[21:44] ➣ Matusmi
[21:44] ➣ Matsumi's cell phone goes off
[21:44] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] hm?
[21:44] > +Matsumi Kaze (casual) answers the phone
[21:44] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] yes?
[21:45] --> Nephrite Masato (on the phone) [FormerGeneral@DarkKingdom.net] has joined #eventsbeta
[21:45] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Nephrite Masato (on the phone)
[21:45] > Nephrite Masato (on the phone) sets mode +tele
[21:46] [Nephrite Masato (on the phone)] ☇ Hello Beautiful ☇
[21:47] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] oh hey Neph!
[21:48] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] how's it going?
[21:48] [Nephrite Masato (on the phone)] ☇ How's life in the Shin Estate? ☇
[21:50] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] ugh busy...managing everything as best I can....
[21:50] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] Miki is getting more energetic each day....Mari is getting sweeter each day
[21:51] > Nephrite Masato (on the phone) chuckles a little
[21:53] [Nephrite Masato (on the phone)] ☇ I'm glad to hear the girls are doing well. How about you? How're you feeling? ☇
[21:53] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] ...sick every other hour...which is fun >_>
[21:56] [Nephrite Masato (on the phone)] ☇ Well I'm sorry to hear that. ☇
[21:58] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] yeah this is something I don't miss...
[21:58] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] hey how are you doing?
[21:59] [Nephrite Masato (on the phone)] ☇ Honestly... a bit stressed out... but otherwise okay. ☇
[21:59] [Nephrite Masato (on the phone)] ☇ Having to deal with getting all of my clients home from cancelled tours with a metric ton of travel restrictions is not easy. ☇
[22:01] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] anything i can do to help?
[22:03] [Nephrite Masato (on the phone)] ☇ At this point, I think I have everything set. Had to reroute some people through different countries, but I think I have everyone set. ☇
[22:04] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] well I appreciate it
[22:08] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] do you plan to make any trips here?
[22:09] [Nephrite Masato (on the phone)] ☇ Speaking of which, Vana should be home any moment... since they cancelled her tour. ☇
[22:09] [Nephrite Masato (on the phone)] ☇ Provided none of us come down with this thing going around, I may drive down over the weekend. ☇
[22:10] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] awww Mari would love to see her papa
[22:10] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] oh yes? thanks for telling me!
[22:18] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] well i should probably go and greet her
[22:23] [Nephrite Masato (on the phone)] ☇ I'm sure she'd appreciate that ☇
[22:23] [Nephrite Masato (on the phone)] ☇ She wasn't happy when they cancelled the tour. But I bet seeing you will cheer her right up. ☇
[22:24] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] I wil make sure I do!
[22:28] [Nephrite Masato (on the phone)] ☇ I bet her smile will be ear to ear. ☇
[22:28] [Nephrite Masato (on the phone)] ☇ Have a wonderful night. Hopefully I'll see you this weekend. ☇
[22:30] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] hope to see you too! take care, neph!
[22:32] [Nephrite Masato (on the phone)] ☇ Good night, Beautiful ☇
[22:32] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] night, starman
[22:33] > Nephrite Masato (on the phone) hangs up the call
[22:33] <-- Nephrite Masato (on the phone) [FormerGeneral@DarkKingdom.net] has left #eventsbeta (...)
[22:37] > +Matsumi Kaze (casual) puts away her phone
[22:38] --> Vanadine (Travel) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has joined #eventsbeta
[22:38] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Vanadine (Travel)
[22:38] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Vanadine (Travel)
[22:38] > +Vanadine (Travel) walks in through the front door, pulling a suitcase behind her, duffle bag hanging off her shoulder, looking rather upset.
[22:43] > +Matsumi Kaze (casual) runs up and HUGS Vana!
[22:47] > +Vanadine (Travel) hugs Matsumi back and smiles
[22:47] [+Vanadine (Travel)] Hey Sweety....
[22:48] > +Matsumi Kaze (casual) kisses vana
[22:49] > +Matsumi Kaze (casual) gives vana lots of kisses
[22:49] > +Vanadine (Travel) giggles a little, kissing back
[22:52] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] I'm glad you're home, babe......everyone misses you
[22:52] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] hey let me get your stuff
[22:56] [+Vanadine (Travel)] Part of me is glad to be home.... but I kinda miss being on the road.
[22:56] > +Matsumi Kaze (casual) tries to get Vana's suitcase and bag
[22:57] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] well get out of those clothes and into something relaxing....we'll have a nice restful night here
[22:57] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] ..I know babe...
[22:57] [+Vanadine (Travel)] All the shows are cancelled for the rest of the month. So you'll have to put up with me until after my birthday. :P
[23:03] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] oh poor little me :P
[23:03] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] now go and get in something more comfy
[23:10] > +Vanadine (Travel) smiles and winks
[23:10] [+Vanadine (Travel)] Yes ma'am~
[23:11] > +Matsumi Kaze (casual) smiles
[23:11] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] I miss that wink
[23:19] > +Vanadine (Travel) heads upstairs to the bedroom to change
[23:24] > +Matsumi Kaze (casual) pauses..and sneaks after vana
[23:33] > +Vanadine (Travel) goes into the bedroom and starts to change out of her travel outfit
[23:36] > +Matsumi Kaze (casual) tries to sneak a peek through the door
[23:41] > +Vanadine (Undies) pauses and smirks a bit
[23:41] [+Vanadine (Undies)] ❧ If ya wanna see that bad, you should just come in, Sweety. ❧
[23:47] > +Matsumi Kaze (casual) opens the door
[23:47] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] heh couldn't help myself
[23:48] > +Vanadine (Undies) turns around and giggles a little
[23:49] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] ...I missed you so much
[23:55] > +Vanadine (Undies) hugs Matsumi and smiles
[23:55] > +Matsumi Kaze (casual) hugs back and holds vana tightly
[23:55] [+Vanadine (Undies)] I missed you too, Sweety... you and our wondeful little family~
[23:57] > +Matsumi Kaze (casual) keeps holding vana "mmhm...we all missed you"
[00:00] >>> Friday Mar 20 2020 <<<
[00:05] > +Vanadine (Undies) kisses Matsumi, keeping her close
[00:05] > +Matsumi Kaze (casual) kisses back happily
[00:13] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] ❧ mmm ❧
[00:00] >>> Sunday Mar 22 2020 <<<
[22:37] ➣ Mori Household
[22:40] --> Hana Mori (casual) has joined #eventsbeta
[22:40] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Hana Mori (casual)
[22:41] > Hana Mori (casual) is in the dining room, grabbing herself a small snack
[22:41] [Hana Mori (PJs)] ^
[22:43] [Hana Mori (PJs)] ugh...
[22:46] --> Yuu Mori (pjs) [invisableboy@mugen.edu] has joined #eventsbeta
[22:46] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Yuu Mori (pjs)
[22:47] > Yuu Mori (pjs) walks into the kitchen, puting a dish in the sink
[22:47] [Yuu Mori (pjs)] Something wrong?
[22:49] [Hana Mori (PJs)] just worn out
[22:49] [Hana Mori (PJs)] these days have just been crazy
[22:51] [Yuu Mori (pjs)] I've noticed.
[22:51] [Yuu Mori (pjs)] If you want to cut back on your classes, we can do that.
[22:52] [Hana Mori (PJs)] been thinking on that
[22:52] [Hana Mori (PJs)] but man...I owe them
[22:56] [Yuu Mori (pjs)] I know.... but you don't want to over exhurt yourself either.
[22:57] [Hana Mori (PJs)] yeah I spend enough energy ta-
[22:57] > Hana Mori (PJs) blinks....then gives a slight smirk
[22:57] [Hana Mori (PJs)] ..yuuu....we're being watched it looks like
[22:58] > Yuu Mori (pjs) blinks at that and turns to look over his shoulder
[22:59] > Akira Mori (PJs) is peeking around a corner...
[23:01] [Yuu Mori (pjs)] And what are you doing out of bed?
[23:01] [Akira Mori (PJs)] bad dweam :<
[23:06] [Hana Mori (PJs)] awwww man
[23:07] > Akira Mori (PJs) hugs her plushie tight...
[23:08] [Yuu Mori (pjs)] Aww, sweetheart
[23:08] > Yuu Mori (pjs) walks over, bending down to pick up Akira
[23:11] > Akira Mori (PJs) hugs her papa
[23:12] [Yuu Mori (pjs)] Tell mama and papa about your dream, sweetheart.
[23:12] [Hana Mori (PJs)] probably snuck in to see you specifically *smiles*
[23:12] [Akira Mori (PJs)] I saw a monstah and it wanted to eat me :<
[23:14] [Hana Mori (PJs)] Aki..there are no monsters that are going to get you...
[23:15] [Yuu Mori (pjs)] Mama's right... we would never let any monsters in here.
[23:17] [Akira Mori (PJs)] really??
[23:18] [Hana Mori (PJs)] and if one showed up...mama's going to punch it!
[23:18] > Hana Mori (PJs) pretends to fight!
[23:18] [Yuu Mori (pjs)] That's right
[23:20] > Akira Mori (PJs) smiles at that
[23:20] [Hana Mori (PJs)] now it's late..you should be in bed
[23:21] [Yuu Mori (pjs)] Indeed
[23:32] [Yuu Mori (pjs)] Let's get our little princess back to bed.
[23:35] [Hana Mori (PJs)] yup! and no more scary nightmares for you
[23:35] > Akira Mori (PJs) nods and yawns
[23:38] > Yuu Mori (pjs) carries Akira with a smile
[23:38] [Yuu Mori (pjs)] Time for little princesses to get their beauty rest.
[23:38] > Hana Mori (PJs) follows after Yuu, chuckling a bit to herself
[23:39] > Akira Mori (PJs) nods off.......rubbing her eyes ><
[23:42] > Yuu Mori (pjs) arrives at the twins' room, noticing that Jun is sound asleep
[23:43] [Yuu Mori (pjs)] Your brother is out like a light.
[23:47] [Hana Mori (PJs)] that's my boy....hehe
[23:47] > Akira Mori (PJs) falls asleep ~_~
[23:48] > Yuu Mori (pjs) gently lays Akira on her bed and smiles.
[23:56] > Hana Mori (PJs) carefully tucks in Akira and kisses her on the forehead
[23:57] [Hana Mori (PJs)] night night princess
[23:59] > Yuu Mori (pjs) smiles | Goodnight little ones
[00:00] >>> Monday Mar 23 2020 <<<
[00:04] > Hana Mori (PJs) walks out of the bedroom carefully
[00:06] > Yuu Mori (pjs) quietly steps out, closing the door behind him
[00:07] [Hana Mori (PJs)] .....and this is our life..and i don't regret it hehehe
[00:12] > Yuu Mori (pjs) chuckles lightly
[00:12] > Yuu Mori (pjs) slides his arm around Hana and winks
[00:17] [Yuu Mori (pjs)] I'm so glad for that.
[00:18] > Hana Mori (PJs) kisses Yuu's cheek
[00:18] [Hana Mori (PJs)] ...so maybe I will reschedule some classes...just you know..spend more time with the family
[00:20] [Yuu Mori (pjs)] That sounds like a great idea.
[00:20] [Yuu Mori (pjs)] I'm sure the twins will like that...
[00:20] [Yuu Mori (pjs)] .... and I know I will.
[00:22] > Hana Mori (PJs) grins and presses her forehead gently against his
[00:22] [Hana Mori (PJs)] and you were the one who got me into this mess too *smirks*
[00:24] > Yuu Mori (pjs) smirks back, looking into her eyes
[00:24] [Yuu Mori (pjs)] ❧ As I recall...you didn't exactly try to stop me that night.~ ❧
[00:25] [Hana Mori (PJs)] ❧ well that's how good you were ❧
[00:26] > Yuu Mori (pjs) kisses Hana and grins
[00:26] [Yuu Mori (pjs)] ❧ Were....? That sounds like I need to prove that I still am~ ❧
[00:28] [Hana Mori (PJs)] ❧ aww slip of the tongue..unless you WANT to test heh ❧
[00:31] > Yuu Mori (pjs) winks again and turns to head to their bedroom
[00:31] <-- Yuu Mori (pjs) [invisableboy@mugen.edu] has left #eventsbeta (I'll show you a slip of the tongue~)
[00:35] <-- Hana Mori (PJs) has left #eventsbeta (hehehe)
[00:00] >>> Wednesday Mar 25 2020 <<<
[22:29] > @HOL_6000 changes topic to `Cancel Blue Alert`
[00:00] >>> Tuesday Apr 28 2020 <<<
[22:51] ➣ The Shin Estate
[22:52] --> Vanadine (Nightwear) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has joined #eventsbeta
[22:52] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Vanadine (Nightwear)
[22:52] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Vanadine (Nightwear)
[22:53] > +Vanadine (Nightwear) walks out of the gym set up in the estate for her to train while talking on the phone.
[22:54] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] Yes, I understand that.... but I'm not sure if everything we need would fit here.
[22:54] --> Joanna Smithson (casual) has joined #eventsbeta
[22:54] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Joanna Smithson (casual)
[22:54] > Joanna Smithson (casual) wanders in, pausing
[22:56] [Joanna Smithson (casual)] hm?
[22:57] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] You're sure....?
[22:57] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] I mean, we only have limited space here.
[23:00] > Joanna Smithson (casual) walks closer, trying to listen
[23:01] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] Well.... I'll see what I can do and i'll let you know in the morning.
[23:02] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] Yes, sir. I will call in the morning. Goodnight.
[23:03] [Joanna Smithson (casual)] something up?
[23:07] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] Yeah.... that was CAW's vp of production
[23:11] [Joanna Smithson (casual)] huh what did they have to say?
[23:13] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] Well... you know how all the gym buildings are shut down.
[23:18] [Joanna Smithson (casual)] yeah I heard about that
[23:19] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] Well.... one of the vp's got wind of our home gym set up.....
[23:19] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] .... they want to go around the rules of gathering in public places..... and film some shows here.
[23:24] [Joanna Smithson (casual)] ......
[23:25] [Joanna Smithson (casual)] that's insane
[23:32] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] I know.... but they're just.... afraid about not putting new stuff out.
[23:33] [Joanna Smithson (casual)] ...but doing this is just....it's so dangerious..and the kids here
[23:34] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] I know..... that's why I made sure to make them understand that I'm not sure we can even do that here.
[23:36] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] I'm more worried about the kids than myself.
[23:38] [Joanna Smithson (casual)] ....
[23:38] > Joanna Smithson (casual) suddenly looks horrified
[23:39] [Joanna Smithson (casual)] ...oh god and Matsumi's pregnant
[23:40] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] Again.... the whole reason I didn't just tell them they could come in the first place.
[23:42] [Joanna Smithson (casual)] good move.....
[23:42] [Joanna Smithson (casual)] yeah i think..Matsumi would want a say in this
[23:44] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] Yeah... let's go talk to her
[23:48] [Joanna Smithson (casual)] yeah good idea...
[23:56] > +Vanadine (Nightwear) heads down the hall and starting up the stairs towards the bedrooms
[00:00] >>> Wednesday Apr 29 2020 <<<
[00:00] > Joanna Smithson (casual) follows
[00:00] [Joanna Smithson (casual)] ..always hate these stairs...too narrow
[00:04] > +Vanadine (Nightwear) reaches the top of the stairs, heading for the master bedroom
[00:09] > +Vanadine (Nightwear) opens the door to the bedroom: Sweety?
[00:09] [+Matsumi Kaze (Nightgown)] hm? oh hey vana
[00:09] > Hideki Kaze (PJs) is snoring next to her, fast asleep
[00:13] > Joanna Smithson (casual) nugles vana
[00:13] [Joanna Smithson (casual)] *nudges
[00:15] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] Part of me was hoping 'deki would be awake for this too.... but that's okay.
[00:16] [+Matsumi Kaze (Nightgown)] is something wrong?
[00:18] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] Well... not really wrong, I don't think.
[00:18] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] I got a call from the VP of production at CAW
[00:20] [+Matsumi Kaze (Nightgown)] your bosses?....what did they want?
[00:21] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] Well.... they found out about our gym set up.... and with this bring private land and all the other public facilities being shut down..... they want to come film some content here.
[00:22] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] I told them I had to consult with you first.... being as this is your property and we have the kids here.... plus you being pregnant adds another worry.
[00:25] [+Matsumi Kaze (Nightgown)] ....
[00:25] > +Matsumi Kaze (Nightgown) bites her lips and thinks
[00:25] [+Matsumi Kaze (Nightgown)] ...should I be honest with you?
[00:26] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] Please do
[00:37] [+Matsumi Kaze (Nightgown)] ...I'd rather they didn't
[00:38] [+Matsumi Kaze (Nightgown)] ..with the families here..and..myself
[00:38] [+Matsumi Kaze (Nightgown)] I feel it's too much a risk
[00:43] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] Alright... I totally understand.
[00:43] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] I'll let them know in the morning that we can't do it here.
[00:47] [+Matsumi Kaze (Nightgown)] i'm sorry to dissapoint
[00:48] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] Not at all, Sweety. I wasn't going to let them come here if you felt it was unsafe for them to be here.
[00:52] > +Matsumi Kaze (Nightgown) smiles and nods
[00:53] [+Matsumi Kaze (Nightgown)] ..now...when are you coming to bed heh
[00:55] > +Vanadine (Nightwear) turns off her phone with a smirk and sets it on the charging pad
[00:56] [Joanna Smithson (casual)] I should probably leave you two alone then haha
[00:59] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] Three *points to the sleeping Hideki*
[01:05] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] Night Jo, see ya in the morning
[01:09] [Joanna Smithson (casual)] heh night
[01:09] <-- Joanna Smithson (casual) has left #eventsbeta
[01:09] > +Matsumi Kaze (Nightgown) lifts up the covers
[01:11] > +Vanadine (Nightwear) slides into bed next to Matsumi and turns the lights out on the way in
[01:11] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] Hope I didn't keep you waiting too long~
[01:11] <-- +Vanadine (Nightwear) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has left #eventsbeta (^)
[01:16] <-- +Matsumi Kaze (Nightgown) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has left #eventsbeta (well let me tell you ^_~)
[00:00] >>> Sunday May 03 2020 <<<
[22:35] ➣ Venus - Just outside Magellan City, Masato Home
[22:40] --> Violet Masato (Maternity) has joined #eventsbeta
[22:40] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Violet Masato (Maternity)
[22:41] > Violet Masato (Maternity) is working her way carefully out of the kitchen area, sighing as she frowns with each step
[22:44] [Violet Masato (Maternity)] ...I really need to remember those soft socks ><
[22:45] [Nall Sakazaki (Future / Casual)] //dm Violet's com starts to ring.
[22:45] ➣ test
[22:46] ➣ ^
[22:46] [Violet Masato (Maternity)] gah...where...
[22:47] > Violet Masato (Maternity) digs through her pocket as best she can with some difficulty......and pulls it out
[22:47] > Violet Masato (Maternity) turns it on "yes?"
[22:48] --> Nall Sakazaki (Future / Com) [WhiteDragon@SilverStar.co.lun] has joined #eventsbeta
[22:48] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Nall Sakazaki (Future / Com)
[22:48] [Nall Sakazaki (Future / Com)] Hi Sweetheart!
[22:49] [Violet Masato (Maternity)] papa!!
[22:49] > Nall Sakazaki (Future / Com) sets mode +tele
[22:49] [Nall Sakazaki (Future / Com)] ☇ How are you?? ☇
[22:52] [Violet Masato (Maternity)] do you want a list?
[22:55] [Nall Sakazaki (Future / Com)] ☇ Heh, Oh... trust me dear.... I remember what you're going through with how your mother was..... ☇
[22:56] [Violet Masato (Maternity)] ugh having triplets is a pain in the ass
[22:57] [Nall Sakazaki (Future / Com)] ☇ Has your mother told you the stories yet? Cause I'm sure she has a few about Rose and Drake. ☇
[22:58] [Violet Masato (Maternity)] yeah she told me....scared the crap out of me
[22:59] [Nall Sakazaki (Future / Com)] ☇ Well.... I hope you're not too freaked out..... I'm sure it'll be a happier experience with today's tech. ☇
[23:00] [Nall Sakazaki (Future / Com)] ☇ Anyway... not why I called. ☇
[23:01] [Nall Sakazaki (Future / Com)] ☇ ...um.... are you busy? ☇
[23:02] [Violet Masato (Maternity)] no..not really
[23:03] [Nall Sakazaki (Future / Com)] ☇ Decent.....? ☇
[23:04] [Violet Masato (Maternity)] um....yes
[23:04] [Nall Sakazaki (Future / Com)] ☇ Good..... becaaaaaaause.... ☇
[23:05] ➣ The call ends abruptly
[23:05] [@HOL_6000] Nall Sakazaki (Future / Com): tele mode already set.
[23:05] [@HOL_6000] Nall Sakazaki (Future / Com): normal is not a valid text mode.
[23:05] > Nall Sakazaki (Future / Com) sets mode -tele
[23:06] [Violet Masato (Maternity)] huh?
[23:06] ➣ Just as suddenly, the door sounder goes off.
[23:06] [Violet Masato (Maternity)] huh? gah coming...
[23:07] > Violet Masato (Maternity) carefully makes her way towards the door and opens it
[23:12] > Nall Sakazaki (Future / Com) stands at the door waving
[23:12] [Nall Sakazaki (Future / Com)] Surprise!
[23:13] [Violet Masato (Maternity)] papa!
[23:13] > Violet Masato (Maternity) tries to hug him but realizes how difficult it would be, so just hugs his arm
[23:14] > Nall Sakazaki (Future / Com) carefully hugs Violet back and smiles
[23:15] [Violet Masato (Maternity)] it's good to see you!
[23:15] [Nall Sakazaki (Future / Casual)] It's been too long... I had to come see you with my own eyes.
[23:19] [Violet Masato (Maternity)] yeah well...I'm not the best looking right now honestly....
[23:19] > Violet Masato (Maternity) is six months pregnant...though due to having triplets, she's a bit larger then she should be
[23:21] [Nall Sakazaki (Future / Casual)] My goodness.... you look like you're about ready to pop, Violet.
[23:21] [Violet Masato (Maternity)] ..half the time I feel like it...but doctors say it will be another three months ~_~
[23:24] [Nall Sakazaki (Future / Casual)] Have you wished Jett dead yet?
[23:26] [Violet Masato (Maternity)] ...well one night I bit his head >_>
[23:26] [Nall Sakazaki (Future / Casual)] His head?
[23:28] [Violet Masato (Maternity)] well I lost my temper >_>
[23:30] [Violet Masato (Maternity)] I've also been.....eating some of the silverware >_>
[23:31] [Nall Sakazaki (Future / Casual)] Well... that's actually normal. Your mother at an entire set when she was carrying Rose and Drake
[23:31] [Violet Masato (Maternity)] seriously!?
[23:32] [Nall Sakazaki (Future / Casual)] Oh yeah
[23:33] [Nall Sakazaki (Future / Casual)] I eventually had to invent a strong enough plastic lock to keep her out of dinner wear drawer.
[23:38] [Violet Masato (Maternity)] sounds like mom...oof..mind if I sit down..my feet are killing me ><
[23:38] [Nall Sakazaki (Future / Casual)] Oh yes, by all means
[23:38] > Nall Sakazaki (Future / Casual) takes Violet's hand and helps her over to the sofa, sitting with her
[23:40] > Violet Masato (Maternity) sits down
[23:40] [Violet Masato (Maternity)] ugh I can't stand on my feet too long
[23:42] [Nall Sakazaki (Future / Casual)] It's understandable.... you're carrying a lot of extra weight with those three little ones.
[23:43] [Violet Masato (Maternity)] ...so nervous about when it happens
[23:45] [Nall Sakazaki (Future / Casual)] I can only imagine....
[23:45] [Nall Sakazaki (Future / Casual)] But you're so strong Vi.... and you have a great support system. You have nothing to worry about.
[23:50] > Violet Masato (Maternity) smiles
[23:51] [Violet Masato (Maternity)] Jett and Krystal are really going all out to help me
[23:51] [Violet Masato (Maternity)] ..sometimes a little too much >_>
[23:51] [Nall Sakazaki (Future / Casual)] Really? How so?
[23:56] [Violet Masato (Maternity)] well Krystal is constantly making sure i'm safe...asking me constantly what i want..stuff like that
[23:59] [Violet Masato (Maternity)] and Jett.....he's really being protective of me.....I mean I know they mean well...but it's exausting
[00:00] >>> Monday May 04 2020 <<<
[00:00] [Nall Sakazaki (Future / Casual)] Have you tried talking to them about it? Letting them know they're going a little overboard?
[00:03] [Violet Masato (Maternity)] ...well I've tried..but I guess all my attempts have been...mostly mumbling and growling
[00:04] [Nall Sakazaki (Future / Casual)] Well.... if it's really bothering you that much, you'll have to say it clearly for them to understand. I'm sure they'll
[00:04] [Nall Sakazaki (Future / Casual)] get it and tone things down.
[00:07] > Violet Masato (Maternity) smiles and nods
[00:07] [Violet Masato (Maternity)] so how are you doing..soon to be grandpa :P
[00:10] [Nall Sakazaki (Future / Casual)] Heh... coming to grips with that fact.... I'm alright.
[00:10] [Nall Sakazaki (Future / Casual)] By the way..... your mother is not to know I came here.
[00:11] [Nall Sakazaki (Future / Casual)] I had to promise her not to come see you without her...... she wants to come so bad... but taking care of Rowen has become a full time job for her and I was afraid to bring them both here while I was on business.
[00:14] [Violet Masato (Maternity)] oh I suppose so...I promise I won't
[00:14] [Violet Masato (Maternity)] ..I miss seeing her too
[00:17] > Violet Masato (Maternity) puts her hand over her belly "...I'm sure she'd have some things to tell me"
[00:21] [Nall Sakazaki (Future / Casual)] I don't doubt it at all.
[00:21] [Nall Sakazaki (Future / Casual)] I'm coming back in a couple weeks to test out the systems I installed for the queen.... hopefully I can figure out a way so that I can bring your mother along.
[00:22] [Violet Masato (Maternity)] hopefully....bet she's dying to be here...
[00:22] [Violet Masato (Maternity)] oh geez i'm rude..I should have offered you some food or drink ><
[00:24] [Nall Sakazaki (Future / Casual)] That's okay... I did kind of ambush you.
[00:25] [Violet Masato (Maternity)] I know but still
[00:25] > Violet Masato (Maternity) starts to get up with some difficulty
[00:31] [Nall Sakazaki (Future / Casual)] Don't trouble yourself over me....
[00:31] [Violet Masato (Maternity)] but your my dad...
[00:31] [Violet Masato (Maternity)] *you're
[00:38] [Nall Sakazaki (Future / Casual)] I know.... but you don't have to do anything special for me.
[00:49] [Violet Masato (Maternity)] well if you insist
[00:49] > Violet Masato (Maternity) tries to sit back down but sort of manages to slip and fall back ont othe sofa ><
[00:59] [Violet Masato (Maternity)] oof ><
[01:09] [Nall Sakazaki (Future / Casual)] Be careful.... don't wanna jostle the little ones too much.
[01:14] [Violet Masato (Maternity)] yes I'm..trying to be careful ><
[01:19] [Violet Masato (Maternity)] the one downside of all this...well several downsides...I'm exausted ><
[01:19] [Nall Sakazaki (Future / Casual)] Ahhh, that's understandable.
[01:20] [Nall Sakazaki (Future / Casual)] Perhaps you'll let your papa tuck you in for old time's sake then. =^_~=
[01:25] > Violet Masato (Maternity) blushes
[01:25] [Violet Masato (Maternity)] well......I suppose that would be alright
[01:26] > Nall Sakazaki (Future / Casual) stands and offers his hand to Violet
[01:29] > Violet Masato (Maternity) takes her father's hand and stands with some difficulty
[01:36] > Nall Sakazaki (Future / Casual) guides Violet to the master bedroom
[01:36] <-- Nall Sakazaki (Future / Casual) [WhiteDragon@SilverStar.co.lun] has left #eventsbeta (You have to make sure you get your rest, Vi.)
[01:39] <-- Violet Masato (Maternity) has left #eventsbeta (thanks, papa)
[00:00] >>> Thursday May 28 2020 <<<
[21:29] ➣ Kinmoku, Kou Estate, Balcony
[21:30] --> Urvashi Kou (Nightgown) has joined #eventsbeta
[21:30] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Urvashi Kou (Nightgown)
[21:30] > Urvashi Kou (Nightgown) lays out on a lounge chair, reading from a data pad
[21:38] > Markus (Casual) slowly and carefully opens the door..trying to sneak up on Urvashi
[21:41] > Markus (Casual) tries to put hands over Urvashi's eyes
[21:42] > Urvashi Kou (Nightgown) plays off the fact that she knows Markus is there
[21:43] [Markus (Casual)] ..guess who
[21:44] > Urvashi Kou (Nightgown) giggles a little / Hi Marky....
[21:45] [Markus (Casual)] hey vashi *kisses Urvashi on the cheek and removes his hands*
[21:46] > Urvashi Kou (Nightgown) smiles up to Markus and puts down her book
[21:46] [Urvashi Kou (Nightgown)] ^pad
[21:50] [Urvashi Kou (Nightgown)] So... how does it feel to be one of the two quickest graduates from the academy?
[21:51] [Markus (Casual)] still recovering from it hehe
[21:52] [Markus (Casual)] shocking to say the least
[21:52] [Urvashi Kou (Nightgown)] Yeah well.... we worked hard to push through the final exams.
[21:56] [Markus (Casual)] you were amazing
[21:58] [Urvashi Kou (Nightgown)] Hey.... don't sell yourself short.
[21:59] > Markus (Casual) glances "what are you looking at?"
[21:59] [Urvashi Kou (Nightgown)] Well....
[21:59] > Urvashi Kou (Nightgown) picks up the data pad and hands it to Markus
[22:00] [Urvashi Kou (Nightgown)] I was looking for places to go on our post graduation trip.
[22:01] [Markus (Casual)] find anything interesting?
[22:03] [Urvashi Kou (Nightgown)] Well.... one place really came to mind.... especially considering what we're kinda planning next...
[22:06] [Markus (Casual)] hm where is it?
[22:07] > Urvashi Kou (Nightgown) blushes a little | Well..... I thought about going into the Terrian System..... and visiting Venus
[22:10] > Markus (Casual) blushes a little
[22:10] [Markus (Casual)] isn't that place where....um...
[22:14] [Urvashi Kou (Nightgown)] ... you can pretty much do anything you want.... even be nude in public.
[22:23] > Markus (Casual) turns bright red
[22:23] [Markus (Casual)] *cough* um...that sounds...interesting
[22:29] > Urvashi Kou (Nightgown) giggles a little
[22:29] [Markus (Casual)] I mean...that would certainly be..adventrious....
[22:29] [Urvashi Kou (Nightgown)] Indeed..... which is kind of why I want to do it
[22:32] [Markus (Casual)] well if you want to do it....I wouldn't say no to it ^_~
[22:37] > Urvashi Kou (Nightgown) smiles to Markus
[22:37] [Urvashi Kou (Nightgown)] I had a feeling you'd say that
[22:39] [Markus (Casual)] you a mind reader?
[22:41] [Urvashi Kou (Nightgown)] No.... I just know you that well, my dear.
[22:43] > Markus (Casual) smiles and gently presses his forehead against Urvashi's "that's cause you love me..."
[22:50] [Urvashi Kou (Nightgown)] Of course I do
[22:50] > Urvashi Kou (Nightgown) lightly kisses Markus and smiles
[22:50] > Markus (Casual) kisses back
[22:50] [Markus (Casual)] and you make every day worth living
[23:00] [Urvashi Kou (Nightgown)] Listen to you.... you charmer. <3
[23:00] [Markus (Casual)] oh I do my best ^^;;;
[23:18] > Urvashi Kou (Nightgown) smirks lightly
[23:19] [Urvashi Kou (Nightgown)] You know.... I heard something else about Venus
[23:21] [Markus (Casual)] hm? what's that?
[23:22] > Urvashi Kou (Nightgown) smirks and leans to whisper in his ear, kissing it in the process
[23:22] [Urvashi Kou (Nightgown)] ❧ I heard not only can you be naked in public.... you can get away with having sex in public too~ ❧
[23:25] > Markus (Casual) shivers a bit...and gets a little nose bleed
[23:29] > Urvashi Kou (Nightgown) grins
[23:30] > Urvashi Kou (Nightgown) suddenly wraps her arms around Mark and pulls him down on top of her
[23:30] [Urvashi Kou (Nightgown)] ❧ You think you could do it, Marky? ❧
[23:33] [Markus (Casual)] ❧ well...I could try..but with you..I know I can ❧
[23:46] > Urvashi Kou (Nightgown) winks and kisses Markus again, holding him to her
[23:54] > Markus (Casual) kisses back happily
[00:00] >>> Friday May 29 2020 <<<
[00:04] [Markus (Casual)] ❧ mmm ❧
[00:04] > Urvashi Kou (Nightgown) slowly breaks the kiss and grins
[00:04] [Urvashi Kou (Nightgown)] ❧ What would you say to some..... practice for our trip?~ ❧
[00:15] [Markus (Casual)] ❧ I wouldn't mind ❧
[00:22] > Urvashi Kou (Nightgown) slides out from beneath Markus and stands with a wink, motioning for him to follow her
[00:24] <-- Urvashi Kou (Nightgown) has left #eventsbeta (I have a way we can try out the idea of people watching us. <3)
[00:37] <-- Markus (Casual) has left #eventsbeta (ooooh?)
[00:00] >>> Saturday Jun 06 2020 <<<
[22:57] ➣ Venus / Magellan City / La Touche Cafe
[22:58] --> Jett Masato (Casual) has joined #eventsbeta
[22:58] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Jett Masato (Casual)
[22:59] > Jett Masato (Casual) sits at a table, drinking a coffee and reading from a pad
[23:00] [Danelle O'Cain (Casual)] grrrr..oh come on...
[23:00] --> Danelle O'Cain (Casual) has joined #eventsbeta
[23:00] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Danelle O'Cain (Casual)
[23:01] > Danelle O'Cain (Casual) stops in the street, looking over her holopad
[23:03] [Danelle O'Cain (Casual)] ugh what street is this
[23:03] > Jett Masato (Casual) sighs and looks up from his pad and out the window, noticing a familiar person just outside
[23:03] > Jett Masato (Casual) smirks a bit and taps on the window
[23:04] [Danelle O'Cain (Casual)] hm??
[23:04] > Danelle O'Cain (Casual) glances around..then glances through the window, blinking
[23:05] > Jett Masato (Casual) waves to Danelle then motions for her to come in
[23:06] > Danelle O'Cain (Casual) walks into the cafe and heads towards Jett
[23:07] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Hey there Daney. What a pleasant surprise.
[23:08] [Danelle O'Cain (Casual)] yeah tell me about it!
[23:08] > Danelle O'Cain (Casual) takes a seat
[23:09] [Danelle O'Cain (Casual)] what are you doing here?
[23:10] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Giving Violet some time with Krystal. At least once a week I let my girls have some alone time together without me.
[23:11] [Danelle O'Cain (Casual)] oooooooh hey that's pretty nice of you to do
[23:14] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Yeah... it keeps the balance in the house, especially with Violet being pregnant.
[23:15] [Jett Masato (Casual)] But enough about me....what brings you to Venus, Daney?
[23:16] [Danelle O'Cain (Casual)] oh i'm on break....thought I'd visit this place and wander a bit...well......that was the plan
[23:20] [Jett Masato (Casual)] You should have called me. I could play tour guide for you.
[23:21] [Danelle O'Cain (Casual)] well I didn't really know where you were, now did I....that and I lost my phone >_>
[23:23] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Well.... we can't have all that....
[23:25] [Jett Masato (Casual)] I know a place where you can get a new phone pretty easily.
[23:26] [Danelle O'Cain (Casual)] huh really??
[23:27] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Oh yeah..... especially with me being one of the princes on this planet.... I can get you just about anything you might need.
[23:30] [Danelle O'Cain (Casual)] yeah I gue-WAIT PRINCE!?
[23:34] [Danelle O'Cain (Casual)] O_O
[23:34] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Wait... you didn't know.....?
[23:35] [Jett Masato (Casual)] My mother is Queen Minako.
[23:36] [Danelle O'Cain (Casual)] m..minako!?
[23:36] [Danelle O'Cain (Casual)] no..I didn't O_O
[23:36] > Danelle O'Cain (Casual) starts to panic a bit
[23:36] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Is something wrong, Daney?
[23:37] > Danelle O'Cain (Casual)'s hand starts to spark, as does the antenee headgear she's wearing.....
[23:37] [Danelle O'Cain (Casual)] oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god a royal oh god oh god *panics*
[23:40] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Danelle...... calm down...
[23:40] [Danelle O'Cain (Casual)] sorry I..I didn't know!
[23:41] [Danelle O'Cain (Casual)] I was always told..to be careful..around the high royals
[23:42] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Daney.... it's fine...
[23:43] [Jett Masato (Casual)] me reaches out and takes Danelle's hand
[23:43] > Jett Masato (Casual) ^
[23:44] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Our friendship.... our relationship.... is close enough that you don't have to be as careful around me.
[23:45] > Danelle O'Cain (Casual) blushes as he takes her hand
[23:45] [Danelle O'Cain (Casual)] r..really?
[23:45] > Jett Masato (Casual) nods with a light grin, "Don't you remember that night we spent together back on Earth during your last break?"
[23:47] [Danelle O'Cain (Casual)] y..yes i remember *turns a little bit more red*
[23:51] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Well then... you should know that I care about you quite a bit. I won't have you freaking out now just because I'm royalty. Okay?
[23:51] [Danelle O'Cain (Casual)] alright..jett...
[23:53] [Danelle O'Cain (Casual)] um so.....*is still holding onto jett's hand*
[23:54] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Hmm?
[23:55] [Danelle O'Cain (Casual)] how long do you...plan to be away from them...
[23:56] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Well... at least for the night. I was planning on going to the palace to stay, per my custom.
[23:57] > Jett Masato (Casual) lifts Danelle's hand, lightly kissing it before finally letting it go
[23:57] [Jett Masato (Casual)] ❧ Would you.... like to join me? I could give you a tour.~ ❧
[23:59] > Danelle O'Cain (Casual) blushes
[23:59] [Danelle O'Cain (Casual)] ❧ I'd love to ❧
[00:00] >>> Sunday Jun 07 2020 <<<
[00:03] > Jett Masato (Casual) smiles, finishing his coffee
[00:10] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Well then... shall we go?
[00:10] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Or would you like to stay and have a coffee?
[00:12] [Danelle O'Cain (Casual)] let's go *smiles*
[00:24] > Jett Masato (Casual) smiles and stands, holding his arm out to Danelle
[00:32] > Danelle O'Cain (Casual) stands and takes jett's arm
[00:34] > Jett Masato (Casual) smiles to Danelle, leading her out of the coffee shop
[00:35] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Have you ever been to Venus before?
[00:41] [Danelle O'Cain (Casual)] actually no...just in pictures
[00:46] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Oh you are in for quite a few surprises then....
[00:46] [Jett Masato (Casual)] ...... I don't know if you've noticed, but things are very.... relaxed here.
[00:51] [Danelle O'Cain (Casual)] well i've...heard rumors
[00:51] > Jett Masato (Casual) motions for Danelle to look at the couple making out on a bench along the street
[00:53] > Danelle O'Cain (Casual) blushes
[00:53] [Danelle O'Cain (Casual)] guess..they're true
[00:53] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Mmhhmm.....
[00:54] [Jett Masato (Casual)] ❧ and it goes a lot further than just that~ ❧
[00:56] > Jett Masato (Casual) leans in and whispers into her ear as they walk
[00:57] [Danelle O'Cain (Casual)] ..r..really?
[00:58] > Jett Masato (Casual) nods and winks
[01:00] > Danelle O'Cain (Casual) whispers in Jett's ear
[01:01] > Jett Masato (Casual) smirks, "I... have been known to.... put on a show now and then."
[01:02] > Danelle O'Cain (Casual) smiles at that..she can't help it
[01:04] > Jett Masato (Casual) leads the way towards the gates to the palace
[01:07] [Danelle O'Cain (Casual)] ..oh wow
[01:08] > Jett Masato (Casual) nods to one of the guards as they walk through the gates
[01:08] <-- Jett Masato (Casual) has left #eventsbeta (I'll show you around the palace then you can decide if you'd like your own room here... or if you'd like to stay with me. ^_~)
[01:09] <-- Danelle O'Cain (Casual) has left #eventsbeta (well...let's see)
[00:00] >>> Tuesday Jun 09 2020 <<<
[21:25] ➣ Venus / Magellan Castle
[21:25] --> Jett Masato (Casual) has joined #eventsbeta
[21:25] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Jett Masato (Casual)
[21:27] --> Danelle O'Cain (Casual) has joined #eventsbeta
[21:27] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Danelle O'Cain (Casual)
[21:27] > Jett Masato (Casual) walks into the castle through a public entrance, nodding to a couple of the security staff as they pass through
[21:27] --> Danelle O'Cain (Casual) has joined #eventsbeta
[21:27] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Danelle O'Cain (Casual)
[21:28] [Jett Masato (Casual)] So Daney.... what do you think of Venus so far?
[21:28] > Danelle O'Cain (Casual) follows after and nods to the staff nervously
[21:28] [Danelle O'Cain (Casual)] it's..very...free
[21:29] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Indeed.... mom wanted to make sure that people can pursue all forms of love freely with few restrictions.
[21:29] [Danelle O'Cain (Casual)] yeah I can..tell it was successful
[21:31] [Jett Masato (Casual)] There are very few things that arn't allowed here in terms of affection.
[21:36] > Jett Masato (Casual) pauses, "You still seem..... intimidated by all this.
[21:45] [Danelle O'Cain (Casual)] well not just....it's amazing....
[21:45] [Danelle O'Cain (Casual)] I've never seen anything like this
[21:47] > Danelle O'Cain (Casual) blushes
[21:49] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Yes it's unique for sure. Even for me it took a bit of getting used to.
[21:49] [Danelle O'Cain (Casual)] I'd say that
[21:49] > Jett Masato (Casual) opens a door for Danelle, leading to what appears to be a small, private dining area.
[21:51] > Danelle O'Cain (Casual) walks in
[21:55] > Jett Masato (Casual) closes the door behind them and pushes a button, adjusting the lighting in the room before pulls out a seat for Danelle
[21:57] [Danelle O'Cain (Casual)] why thank you!
[21:57] > Danelle O'Cain (Casual) sits down
[22:07] > Danelle O'Cain (Casual) smiles happily
[22:10] > Jett Masato (Casual) sits across from Danelle
[22:11] [Jett Masato (Casual)] So I thought it'd be nice if we had a dessert away from all the distractions
[22:13] [Danelle O'Cain (Casual)] oh..what kind of dessert?
[22:19] > Jett Masato (Casual) makes a motion and a pair of maids come in with a plates, setting them in fromt of each of them then taking the covers off before leaving
[22:20] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Chocolate mousse
[22:20] [Danelle O'Cain (Casual)] ooo I love chocolate!
[22:22] [Danelle O'Cain (Casual)] ❧ isn't that an aphrodisiac? ❧
[22:22] > Jett Masato (Casual) grins and winks, "It usually is"~
[22:25] [Jett Masato (Casual)] ❧ Especially here on Venus~ ❧
[22:27] > Danelle O'Cain (Casual) grins and eats..in a somewhat suggestive manner
[22:29] > Jett Masato (Casual) smirks, eating and watching Daney closely
[22:35] > Danelle O'Cain (Casual) licks the spoon
[22:35] [Jett Masato (Casual)] ❧ So you asked me about the.... public displays while we were walking~ ❧
[22:42] [Danelle O'Cain (Casual)] yuuup
[22:49] > Jett Masato (Casual) points with his spoon, winking, "Were you asking because maybe you wanted to try it too?"~
[22:53] > Danelle O'Cain (Casual) fidgets just a little bit "..maybe"
[22:54] > Jett Masato (Casual) chuckles a little and grins
[22:55] [Jett Masato (Casual)] ❧ After dessert.... maybe we can try a... small taste of that exhibitionism.... if you'd like~ ❧
[23:02] [Danelle O'Cain (Casual)] ❧ I wouldn't mind ❧
[23:16] > Jett Masato (Casual) grins a little as he finishes his desser after a bit
[23:26] > Danelle O'Cain (Casual) finishes her dessert as well
[23:36] > Jett Masato (Casual) sets his spoon down and stands, holding his hand out to Danelle
[23:40] > Danelle O'Cain (Casual) stands and takes Jett's hand
[23:42] > Jett Masato (Casual) leads Danelle out of the private dining room through a different door than they entered from
[23:43] <-- Jett Masato (Casual) has left #eventsbeta (I think you'll really enjoy this~)
[23:43] <-- Danelle O'Cain (Casual) has left #eventsbeta (I'm sure I will!)
[00:00] >>> Saturday Jul 18 2020 <<<
[18:10] [Tina Detroit (Royal Casual)] /MOVE Madox Castle
[18:10] ➣ Madox Castle, the Future
[18:10] --> Tina Detroit (Royal Casual) [FireyAirPrincess@QTech.com] has joined #eventsbeta
[18:10] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Tina Detroit (Royal Casual)
[18:11] > Tina Detroit (Royal Casual) walks the halls of the castle, listening to the distant sound of the waves from the coast
[18:14] --> Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) [ElvenMaid@quinox.gov] has joined #eventsbeta
[18:14] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)
[18:14] [Tina Detroit (Royal Casual)] hm? oh Daphne!
[18:14] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] Princess Tina.... you have a visitor....
[18:14] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) looks a little uneasy standing in front of Tina, unsure of what's going on.
[18:16] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] ... she claims to be your sister.... but I have never seen this woman's face before.
[18:17] [Tina Detroit (Royal Casual)] ..a sister?
[18:18] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] Yes.... shall I allow her in?
[18:18] [Tina Detroit (Royal Casual)] ...let me see them
[18:19] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) takes out a data pad and shows her a video feed from the castle gate.
[18:20] --> Alcobus (Casual) [ScientificSuccubi@Darklab.net] has joined #eventsbeta
[18:20] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Alcobus (Casual)
[18:20] > Tina Detroit (Royal Casual) looks
[18:20] > Alcobus (Casual) can be seen on the video feed, standing and looking rather impatient.
[18:21] [Tina Detroit (Royal Casual)] .....
[18:21] [Tina Detroit (Royal Casual)] ..yes..let her in
[18:22] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] Yes, your highness. I'll have her escorted to your study.
[18:23] [Tina Detroit (Royal Casual)] thank you
[18:23] [Tina Detroit (Royal Casual)] I'll be in there then
[18:24] > Tina Detroit (Royal Casual) heads in the direction of the study
[18:24] <-- Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) [ElvenMaid@quinox.gov] has left #eventsbeta (Let her in.... but keep an eye on her.)
[18:29] > Tina Detroit (Royal Casual) walks in and sits behind her desk, putting on her half glasses
[18:34] > ~ postions herself to look her most impressive
[18:34] [Tina Detroit (Royal Casual)] ^
[18:35] > Alcobus (Casual) is seated sideways in a chair, her legs crossed
[18:35] ➣ There's a light knock on the door
[18:36] [Tina Detroit (Royal Casual)] come in
[18:36] ➣ the door opens slowly by someone who can't be seen, but is clearly positioned outside.
[18:37] > Tina Detroit (Royal Casual) looks up
[18:37] > Alcobus (Casual) walks in, looking around then noticing Tina, smiling a bit
[18:37] [Alcobus (Casual)] Hello big sister...... it's been quite a while.
[18:47] [Tina Detroit (Royal Casual)] Alcobus...
[18:47] [Tina Detroit (Royal Casual)] ...what are you doing here?
[18:47] > Tina Detroit (Royal Casual) removes her glasses
[18:51] > Alcobus (Casual) sighs a little and sits
[18:51] [Alcobus (Casual)] Look.... can't a somewhat lost soul try to redeem themselves when they've done wrong?
[18:52] [Alcobus (Casual)] It took a LOT for me to come here.... all the way out here....
[18:54] [Tina Detroit (Royal Casual)] a somewhat lost soul?
[19:08] [Tina Detroit (Royal Casual)] what brings you here?
[19:10] [Alcobus (Casual)] Well... up until recently I was stuck on Earth.... recovering from all the crazy crap that went down.
[19:11] [Tina Detroit (Royal Casual)] yes I have heard it was..rather difficult
[19:18] [Alcobus (Casual)] Yes well.... up until about a year ago i was alone....
[19:19] [Alcobus (Casual)] ^a couple years ago
[19:21] [Alcobus (Casual)] /^a few years ago ((looked up the lore after I said the line))
[19:22] > Alcobus (Casual) looks down at the floor, clearly upset.
[19:24] [Tina Detroit (Royal Casual)] what happened....
[19:26] [Alcobus (Casual)] Well.... after the war things got messy and I ran off....
[19:27] [Alcobus (Casual)] I fell for a guy.... a criminal like me..... we were great for a while.... but he got caught and killed in a fire fight.
[19:28] [Alcobus (Casual)] Then I wondered alone again..... and started to realize where I went wrong and ended up back on Earth.
[19:30] [Tina Detroit (Royal Casual)] ..what are you doing now?
[19:33] [Tina Detroit (Royal Casual)] (( ignore that last part ))
[19:47] > Tina Detroit (Royal Casual) listens to Alcobus
[19:56] [Alcobus (Casual)] I stumbled on Anubis and his new girl..... and made amends with him. They were even nice enough to help me establish myself there.... gave me a place to stay....helped me get honest work.
[19:57] [Alcobus (Casual)] Better than I deserved.
[19:58] > Tina Detroit (Royal Casual) nods slowly....listeing to the story
[20:01] [Alcobus (Casual)] And then trouble came....
[20:03] > Alcobus (Casual) sniffles a little
[20:03] [Alcobus (Casual)] ..... I thought I was doing good..... found a new girlfriend who moved in with me...... and then mom showed up....
[20:05] > Tina Detroit (Royal Casual) leans foward, narrowing her eyes
[20:06] > Alcobus (Casual) sniffles more, starting to visably cry now
[20:07] [Alcobus (Casual)] She..... tried to hurt my Andi....... I had to stop her....
[20:08] [Tina Detroit (Royal Casual)] .......what did you do
[20:09] [Alcobus (Casual)] I..... I fought her...... and I.... killed my mother. ~_~
[20:10] [Tina Detroit (Royal Casual)] you..killed her?
[20:12] > Alcobus (Casual) nods, tears streaming down her face
[20:13] [Tina Detroit (Royal Casual)] ...and you came to me for forgiveness?
[20:13] [Alcobus (Casual)] Not.... for that.....
[20:14] [Alcobus (Casual)] ... but for what we tried to make you do..... for trying to fight you when we were younger..... for all the bad things we did. ~_~
[20:17] [Tina Detroit (Royal Casual)] .....
[20:17] > Tina Detroit (Royal Casual) bites her lip..thinking...
[20:20] [Tina Detroit (Royal Casual)] what do you like to drink
[20:27] > Alcobus (Casual) sighs lightly, trying to compose herself.
[20:27] [Alcobus (Casual)] At this point..... i could go for something stiff.
[20:28] > Tina Detroit (Royal Casual) walks over to her bookcase....and presses one of the books...opening up a small space and pulling out a bottle and two glasses
[20:28] [Tina Detroit (Royal Casual)] ..I keep this hidden from most
[20:37] > Tina Detroit (Royal Casual) pours two glasses of the drink and hands one to Alcobus
[20:37] > Alcobus (Casual) accepts the glass, looking up a bit at Tina
[20:42] > Tina Detroit (Royal Casual) drinks from the gass
[20:42] [Tina Detroit (Royal Casual)] glass
[20:50] [Tina Detroit (Royal Casual)] mmmm....that is better
[20:53] > Alcobus (Casual) takes a drink and sighs
[20:53] [Alcobus (Casual)] Nice...
[20:57] [Tina Detroit (Royal Casual)] you are welcome to stay here for a night if you wish
[21:01] [Alcobus (Casual)] I um.... brought Andi with me....
[21:01] [Alcobus (Casual)] ... she's in the city at the moment.... would you have any problem with me inviting her to the castle?
[21:02] [Tina Detroit (Royal Casual)] no..no of course not
[21:02] [Tina Detroit (Royal Casual)] what is she like
[21:05] [Alcobus (Casual)] She's sweet.... quiet....very accepting.
[21:06] > Alcobus (Casual) takes out a data pad, typing something briefly.
[21:16] [Tina Detroit (Royal Casual)] hm?
[21:36] [Alcobus (Casual)] Just letting her know she can make her way to the castle
[21:39] [Tina Detroit (Royal Casual)] ..you have yet to meet your nephews I suppose
[21:43] [Alcobus (Casual)] Nephews....?
[21:51] [Tina Detroit (Royal Casual)] my twin sons
[21:57] [Alcobus (Casual)] Oh wow.... no... i haven't
[21:59] [Tina Detroit (Royal Casual)] you should
[21:59] [Tina Detroit (Royal Casual)] I'm sure they'd love to know their aunt
[22:03] > Alcobus (Casual) thinks for a moment at that
[22:03] [Alcobus (Casual)] Wait..... does this mean.....
[22:08] [Tina Detroit (Royal Casual)] I forgive you
[22:12] > Alcobus (Casual) smiles and starts to cry again, suddenly jumping up and hugging Tina
[22:14] [Tina Detroit (Royal Casual)] OOF!
[22:14] > Tina Detroit (Royal Casual) sighs and holds Alcobus tightly
[22:18] > Alcobus (Casual) holds onto Tina, crying a bit into her shoulder
[22:22] [Tina Detroit (Royal Casual)] you're soaking my dress, Alli...
[22:23] > Alcobus (Casual) pulls back a bit and looks at Tina / Alli?
[22:32] [Tina Detroit (Royal Casual)] that name would suit you better to me
[22:33] > Alcobus (Casual) smiles and nods, sniffling a bit / O... okay.
[22:33] [Alcobus (Casual)] Andi should be here any minute..... you should meet her.
[22:38] [Tina Detroit (Royal Casual)] i would be greatful to meet her
[22:39] <-- Alcobus (Casual) [ScientificSuccubi@Darklab.net] has left #eventsbeta (She's been the best part of my life up till now~)
[22:40] <-- Tina Detroit (Royal Casual) [FireyAirPrincess@QTech.com] has left #eventsbeta (oh is that so?)
[00:00] >>> Monday Jul 20 2020 <<<
[17:22] ➣ Madox Royal Gardens
[17:22] --> Tina Detroit (Royal Casual) [FireyAirPrincess@QTech.com] has joined #eventsbeta
[17:22] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Tina Detroit (Royal Casual)
[17:22] > Tina Detroit (Royal Casual) sits on a bench, quietly enjoying the breeze
[17:22] --> Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) [ElvenMaid@quinox.gov] has joined #eventsbeta
[17:22] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)
[17:23] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) walks over to Tina and bows / Princess.... may I have a word?
[17:26] [Tina Detroit (Royal Casual)] hm? yes what is it, Daphne?
[17:31] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] Well your highness..... I'm a bit.... concerned about these new guests.... your sister and her friend.
[17:33] > Tina Detroit (Royal Casual) scoots over and pats the seat next to her
[17:33] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) nods and sits next to Tina
[17:33] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] Will all due respect.... I am not sure if you're aware, but nither of them are as they appear to be.
[17:36] [Tina Detroit (Royal Casual)] do tell me
[17:37] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] Well.... in the security department we do routine body scans of all incoming guests and.... they both appear to be some sort of changling.
[17:50] [Tina Detroit (Royal Casual)] ..changlings?
[17:51] [Tina Detroit (Royal Casual)] well I am aware of Alcobus' abilities...but this lover of her's..
[17:51] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] Yes.... they can change their form at will.... often imitating the likenesses of other people.
[17:52] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] Oh.... my apologies for assuming you didn't know.
[17:56] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] Her companion seems to be some sort of fox demon.... while she does seem to be well mannered and rather timid..... I feel we need to be cautious of her.
[18:01] [Tina Detroit (Royal Casual)] ...hmmm
[18:02] [Tina Detroit (Royal Casual)] i understand your fear..for now..be kind towards her..but keep a gentle eye on the girl
[18:02] [Tina Detroit (Royal Casual)] I don't want her to feel unwelcome
[18:02] [Tina Detroit (Royal Casual)] such a misunderstanding could..trigger a tragidty
[18:03] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] Very good, your highness....
[18:06] [Tina Detroit (Royal Casual)] ...do you feel uneasy around them
[18:09] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] Not really.... I'm just concerned because of their abilties and the potential for harm.
[18:10] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] Not to mention Miss Alcobus' past is very well documented.
[18:13] [Tina Detroit (Royal Casual)] I understand..and even I have some doubts...but.......if my mothers could give me a chance...I can give her a chance
[18:15] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] Very well.... I won't interfere.... but I will keep an eye on them.
[18:17] [Tina Detroit (Royal Casual)] thank you, Daphne
[18:19] [Tina Detroit (Royal Casual)] everything you do means so much to me :)
[18:21] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) smiles lightly, blushing
[18:22] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] Well... you mean everything to all of us.... it's only natural that we'd do everything to protect you, your highness.
[18:33] > Tina Detroit (Royal Casual) kisses Daphne's cheek "keep up the good work"
[18:35] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) can't hide her blush or her smile
[18:35] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] I will, your highness. Thank you.~
[18:39] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) stands / I'll leave you to enjoy the garden, your highness
[18:49] [Tina Detroit (Royal Casual)] thank you, Daphne..oh....please say hello to your wife
[18:51] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) nods with a smile / I'll do that as soon as my shift is over.
[18:51] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) turns and heads into the castle, a bit more of a bounce in her step.
[18:54] > Tina Detroit (Royal Casual) smiles
[19:01] <-- Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) [ElvenMaid@quinox.gov] has left #eventsbeta (:) <3)
[19:01] --> Alcobus (Casual) [ScientificSuccubi@Darklab.net] has joined #eventsbeta
[19:01] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Alcobus (Casual)
[19:02] > Alcobus (Casual) walks in from the other side of the garden
[19:04] [Tina Detroit (Royal Casual)] hm?
[19:05] [Alcobus (Casual)] Your guard dogs are watching me.... aren't they?
[19:06] > Alcobus (Casual) sits next to Tina
[19:08] [Tina Detroit (Royal Casual)] well that is their duty..to be honest
[19:08] [Alcobus (Casual)] I know.... I don't blame them.
[19:09] [Alcobus (Casual)] With my past and my.... powers... I'd watch me too if I didn't know me.
[19:11] [Tina Detroit (Royal Casual)] little steps every day, Alli...
[19:14] [Tina Detroit (Royal Casual)] I was thinking
[19:14] [Tina Detroit (Royal Casual)] how long do you plan to stay here?
[19:15] [Alcobus (Casual)] Well... this is kind of a vacation for Andi and I.... so maybe a week... unless that would be too long.
[19:18] [Tina Detroit (Royal Casual)] ....
[19:18] [Tina Detroit (Royal Casual)] I would like to extend you the offer to stay a month
[19:19] [Alcobus (Casual)] A.... a month!?
[19:20] > Alcobus (Casual) is clearly a bit shocked by this
[19:21] [Tina Detroit (Royal Casual)] why not? you need to recuperate...you need time away from your troubles
[19:24] [Tina Detroit (Royal Casual)] you need time with family
[19:24] [Alcobus (Casual)] I mean..... I'm honored you'd ask me to stay so long...... but I have to make some calls......
[19:40] [Tina Detroit (Royal Casual)] I could make those calls for you
[19:45] [Alcobus (Casual)] Since the trouble with mom.... it has been just Andi and I.....
[19:47] [Alcobus (Casual)] .... let me discuss it with Andi before I make any decision.
[19:48] [Tina Detroit (Royal Casual)] of course
[19:51] > Alcobus (Casual) suddenly hugs Tina tight from the side, laying her head on Tina's shoulder
[19:53] > Tina Detroit (Royal Casual) blinks and blushes but smiles
[19:57] [Alcobus (Casual)] Thank you, Tina..... even for the offer.... it's sweet.
[19:57] [Tina Detroit (Royal Casual)] heh I do my best...
[19:58] [Maxwell Detroit (Casual)] ENGARD!!!
[19:59] > Maxwell Detroit (Casual) JUMPS out of a bush with a toy sword and points it at Alcobus!
[20:00] [Alcobus (Casual)] O_O
[20:00] > Alcobus (Casual) smirks a little
[20:00] [Alcobus (Casual)] Well well... if it isn't little Maxy
[20:01] [Alcobus (Casual)] Ya' finally caught up to me, eh little kit?
[20:02] [Maxwell Detroit (Casual)] I got ou!
[20:02] [Maxwell Detroit (Casual)] *you!
[20:03] > Maxwell Detroit (Casual) points his sword at Alcobus!
[20:03] [Tina Detroit (Royal Casual)] Max...don't bother your aunt like this
[20:03] > Alcobus (Casual) glances at Tina / The boys have been chasing me around the castle since this morning... it's okay.
[20:04] > Alcobus (Casual) reaches into her pocket and pulls out a stick
[20:07] [Maxwell Detroit (Casual)] :O
[20:07] > Alcobus (Casual) hops up
[20:08] [Alcobus (Casual)] Alas, dear Maxy.... I cannot battle right now... but allow me to show you... a magic trick.
[20:08] [Maxwell Detroit (Casual)] a magic trick? :O
[20:09] [Alcobus (Casual)] Mmhmm.... something that, soon enough.... I think you kits should be able to do too.
[20:12] > Alcobus (Casual) waves the stick over her head / Alakazam!
[20:13] ➣ There's a small puff of smoke and where Alcobus was standing is only a small, red fured cat
[20:16] [Maxwell Detroit (Casual)] :O :O :O
[20:16] [Maxwell Detroit (Casual)] Where'd ya go!!!
[20:17] > Alcobus (Cat) wiggles one of her ears and takes off running
[20:21] [Maxwell Detroit (Casual)] heeeey!
[20:21] > Maxwell Detroit (Casual) runs after Alcobus!
[20:23] > Alcobus (Cat) runs through the garden, evading Max as best she can, eventually making her way to the room that she and Andria are staying
[20:24] [Maxwell Detroit (Casual)] heeeeeeeey
[20:24] [Maxwell Detroit (Casual)] waaaaait!!!
[20:32] > Alcobus (Cat) evades Max and finds her way into her temporary quarters
[20:32] [Alcobus (Cat)] Andi....?
[20:33] --> Andria (Casual) has joined #eventsbeta
[20:33] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Andria (Casual)
[20:33] > Andria (Casual) is admiring one of the crystal candles on the table
[20:35] > Alcobus (casual) changes back to her normal form
[20:36] [Alcobus (casual)] Those twins are cute, but relentless.
[20:37] [Andria (Casual)] was it Maxwell again?
[20:38] > Alcobus (casual) nods / Randomly jumped out of a bush and wanted to swordfight.
[20:39] [Andria (Casual)] well I think he likes you
[20:40] > Alcobus (casual) giggles a little
[20:40] [Alcobus (casual)] It's nice to have kids running after me for fun instead of actually hunting me. :P
[20:42] > Alcobus (casual) walks over to Andria, wrapping her arms around her with a smile
[20:47] [Alcobus (casual)] ❧ And how's my sweet girl?~ ❧
[20:48] [Andria (Casual)] ❧ oh i'm enjoying things ❧
[20:49] [Alcobus (casual)] ❧ That's good to hear.... how would you like to enjoy it a little longer than we originally planned? ❧
[20:51] [Andria (Casual)] oh? how long???
[20:51] [Alcobus (casual)] Well... Tina offered to have us stay for a month.
[20:52] [Andria (Casual)] ..a month!?
[20:52] [Alcobus (casual)] She says that I need to spend time with family.
[20:53] [Alcobus (casual)] I know... I was shocked too..... but I told her I'd ask you before I said yes or no.
[20:55] [Andria (Casual)] ..but what will work say?
[20:56] [Alcobus (casual)] Well.... it's not every day that you have the crown princess of another planet vouching for keeping you off world for an extended amount of time....
[20:56] [Alcobus (casual)] ... Tina offered to make the calls.
[20:57] > Andria (Casual) moves closer and looks Alcobus in the eyes...as if studying her
[20:59] > Alcobus (casual) smiles lightly, looking back into Andria's eyes
[20:59] [Alcobus (casual)] This could be a great opportunity.... and I'd love for my new family to get to know you.
[21:01] [Andria (Casual)] yes..let's
[21:01] [Andria (Casual)] you need it...you need this rest
[21:02] [Alcobus (casual)] I think we could both use it.....
[21:04] [Alcobus (casual)] ..... I don't think anyone would even think to try and hunt you while we're in such a secure place.
[21:11] > Andria (Casual) smiles sadly and nods
[21:12] [Alcobus (casual)] Baby.... I'm sorry I reminded you of that....
[21:13] [Alcobus (casual)] ... you know protecting you is my top priority. You're my world.
[21:19] [Andria (Casual)] ..and you are my world
[21:33] > Alcobus (casual) smiles and kisses Andria, holding her close
[21:35] > Andria (Casual) kisses back, wrapping her arms around Alcobus
[21:37] > Alcobus (casual) smiles before slowly breaking the kiss
[21:37] [Alcobus (casual)] ❧ I'll let Tina know in the morning that we'll be staying... until then... ❧
[21:39] [Andria (Casual)] ❧ hmmm? ❧
[21:43] <-- Alcobus (casual) [ScientificSuccubi@Darklab.net] has left #eventsbeta (.... who should I be for you tonight? <3)
[21:45] <-- Andria (Casual) has left #eventsbeta (hmm <3)
[00:00] >>> Thursday Jul 23 2020 <<<
[19:56] ➣ Nagoya, Japan - Hotel Nagoya Castle
[19:57] --> Vanadine (Nightwear) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has joined #eventsbeta
[19:57] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Vanadine (Nightwear)
[19:57] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Vanadine (Nightwear)
[19:57] > +Vanadine (Nightwear) hums as she sits in bed, scrolling through her phone.
[20:01] > Joanna Smithson (Pajamas) exits the bathroom
[20:01] --> Joanna Smithson (Pajamas) has joined #eventsbeta
[20:01] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Joanna Smithson (Pajamas)
[20:01] [Joanna Smithson (Pajamas)] ugh...hate these hotel showers...
[20:01] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] Really? I thought it was great
[20:02] [Joanna Smithson (Pajamas)] I can never figure out how those damn things work
[20:02] [Joanna Smithson (Pajamas)] I mean....what's hot..what' cold...
[20:03] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] Oooooh... yeah.... that can get kinda confusing.
[20:05] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] Part of me is really glad to be on the road again, working.
[20:10] [Joanna Smithson (Pajamas)] yeah
[20:12] > +Vanadine (Nightwear) looks up from her phone and winks
[20:12] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] Those pjs are cute, Jojo.... those new?
[20:16] [Joanna Smithson (Pajamas)] huh?...yeah I guess so
[20:16] > Joanna Smithson (Pajamas) spins a bit
[20:17] > +Vanadine (Nightwear) giggles and winks
[20:18] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] ❧ Oooh la la.... model 'em for me, Jojo. ❧
[20:26] [Joanna Smithson (Pajamas)] lol seriously..you want me to?
[20:26] > +Vanadine (Nightwear) puts her phone down and sits up at attention: Of course I do
[20:32] > Joanna Smithson (Pajamas) does a pose...one that emphtisis her bust
[20:32] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] ❧ Nice~ ❧
[20:34] > Joanna Smithson (Pajamas) grins and turns around...flexing her ass a bit
[20:34] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] ❧ Mmmmm.... that's sexy~ ❧
[20:40] [Joanna Smithson (Pajamas)] hey don't push it, vana
[20:40] [Joanna Smithson (Pajamas)] might take you up on it
[20:41] > +Vanadine (Nightwear) winks: Don't threaten me with a good time. It's been a while since we played with each other.~
[20:42] [Joanna Smithson (Pajamas)] yeah that's true...
[20:43] [Joanna Smithson (Pajamas)] honestly always felt nervous about that whole thing
[20:43] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] Why?
[20:44] > +Vanadine (Nightwear) puts her phone on the nightstand and pats a spot next to her on the bed
[20:45] > Joanna Smithson (Pajamas) sits down
[20:47] [Joanna Smithson (Pajamas)] well yeah it's alot of fun but I feel a little like I was being a toy for you..you know?
[20:48] > +Vanadine (Nightwear) actually pouts a little at that
[20:48] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] A toy?
[20:52] [Joanna Smithson (Pajamas)] a little I guess
[20:53] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] I mean.... I know you're my sister in law, Jo... but... you know..... I do actually love you.
[20:56] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] It's not like I'm gonna do things like that with just anyone....
[20:56] > Joanna Smithson (Pajamas) slightly blushes at that
[20:56] [Joanna Smithson (Pajamas)] um thanks
[20:58] [Joanna Smithson (Pajamas)] ..I mean really thanks
[20:59] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] But... if you really feel that way about it.... I can stop flirting with you.
[21:00] [Joanna Smithson (Pajamas)] HEY NO NO NO
[21:01] [Joanna Smithson (Pajamas)] i'm fine with it!
[21:04] > +Vanadine (Nightwear) lays down on the bed, turning her back to Jo: But.... you think I think of you as a toy.... so.....
[21:05] [Joanna Smithson (Pajamas)] hey hey..don't
[21:08] > +Vanadine (Nightwear) stays in her position, smirking a little to herself and trying her best to hide her expression
[21:09] [Joanna Smithson (Pajamas)] ..oh come on vana...I'll do anything to help you
[21:19] > Joanna Smithson (Pajamas) walks over and puts her hands on Vana's shoulders
[21:21] > Joanna Smithson (Pajamas) moves closer to her "hey..."
[21:27] > +Vanadine (Nightwear) stays folded up, fidgeting a little
[21:28] [Joanna Smithson (Pajamas)] ...
[21:28] > Joanna Smithson (Pajamas) moves a bit closer..and blows against vana's ear
[21:29] > +Vanadine (Nightwear) shudders a little: What are you doin?
[21:32] [Joanna Smithson (Pajamas)] what do you think...
[21:33] > Joanna Smithson (Pajamas) puts her fingers gently against vana's neck, massaging it a little
[21:35] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] Mmmmm, giving me a massage?
[21:35] [Joanna Smithson (Pajamas)] ..maybe for a start
[21:38] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] A start...?
[21:39] [Joanna Smithson (Pajamas)] ...well
[21:40] [Joanna Smithson (Pajamas)] ...that is if you wanted to go further
[21:40] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] Only if you really want to...
[21:41] > +Vanadine (Nightwear) looks back over her shoulder at Joanna
[21:46] > Joanna Smithson (Pajamas) uses this moment to kiss vana
[21:54] > +Vanadine (Nightwear) kissing Joanna back and turns towards her again
[21:54] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] ❧ Mmmm~ ❧
[21:54] [Joanna Smithson (Pajamas)] ❧ mmmmm ❧
[22:06] > +Vanadine (Nightwear) slow breaks the kiss and grins: feel better?
[22:08] [Joanna Smithson (Pajamas)] yes...
[22:12] [Joanna Smithson (Pajamas)] you?
[22:13] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] I'm starting to
[22:13] > +Vanadine (Nightwear) smiles lightly
[22:17] [Joanna Smithson (Pajamas)] yeah and what will help you feel even better?
[22:21] > +Vanadine (Nightwear) grins a little
[22:21] <-- +Vanadine (Nightwear) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has left #eventsbeta (Well first.... we can start by seeing how good those pjs look on the floor~)
[22:24] <-- Joanna Smithson (Pajamas) has left #eventsbeta (ooooh?)
[00:00] >>> Saturday Aug 08 2020 <<<
[19:35] ➣ Venus / Magellan City Hospital, Maternity Ward, Waiting Room
[19:35] --> Jett Masato (Casual) has joined #eventsbeta
[19:35] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Jett Masato (Casual)
[19:41] > Jett Masato (Casual) sits, fidgeting somewhat nervously which is out of character for him.
[19:41] > Jett Masato (Casual) takes out his comm and makes a call
[19:44] --> Neva (Comm) [BHunterCat@SystemNova.com] has joined #eventsbeta
[19:44] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Neva (Comm)
[19:44] [Neva (Comm)] ☇ yes??? ☇
[19:45] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Good evening, Neva. How are you tonight?
[19:45] [Neva (Comm)] ☇ oh fine..it's fairly quiet tonight...things have been well..you? ☇
[19:47] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Well.... I'm a little nervous honestly.
[19:48] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Violet started going into labor abotu an hour ago..... I was only able to call you just now.
[19:48] [Neva (Comm)] ☇ WAIT WHAT ☇
[19:50] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Violet has gone into labor as of an hour ago. I would've contacted you sooner, but I was unable to.
[19:53] [Neva (Comm)] ☇ oh spirits is she ok?? is she in pain..WHAT'S HAPPENING ☇
[19:55] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Last thing I was told she was doing well... but the process was just starting.
[19:56] [Jett Masato (Casual)] I know the birthing process for Mycidans is..... painful.... but the royal family has the best doctors at our service.
[19:59] [Neva (Comm)] ☇ triplets are a rarity amoung out people..oh spirits I should be there >< ☇
[20:01] [Jett Masato (Casual)] I can make arrangements to have you and Nall brought to Venus if you'd like.
[20:02] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Krystal is on her way here from work and her parents are on their way from Jupiter to support Vi.
[20:06] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Alright.... I'll start making the arrangements right now.
[20:07] [Jett Masato (Casual)] I'll set up a charter to pick you and Nall up as soon as possible. You'll stay at the royal palace while you're on Venus.
[20:10] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Please.... do not panic. I don't think it would help Violet.... or me.
[20:11] [Neva (Comm)] ☇ yes..yes just....this is stressful ☇
[20:12] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Oooh... believe me.... I totally understand....
[20:12] [Jett Masato (Casual)] ... I mean.... I'm about to become a father.... of triplets. It's taking everything I have to keep my composure right now.
[20:14] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Speaking of fathers.... I should probably contact mine. I'm sure he'll want to come see his newest grandchildren as well.
[20:19] [Neva (Comm)] ☇ I need to tell nall....oh spirits I need to pack ☇
[20:23] [Jett Masato (Casual)] I will leave you to that then so that I can contact my father.
[20:23] [Jett Masato (Casual)] I look forward to see you and Nall again.
[20:24] [Neva (Comm)] ☇ yes..yes..just..keep my daughter safe ☇
[20:26] [Jett Masato (Casual)] I will not let anything bad happen to her... I promise.
[20:28] [Neva (Comm)] ☇ alright..I'll see you when I arrive ☇
[20:29] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Likewise.... safe travels.
[20:30] > Jett Masato (Casual) disconnects the call and starts to make another.
[20:30] <-- Jett Masato (Casual) has left #eventsbeta (Hey Dad.... it's me.... I have news....)
[20:31] ➣ Meanwhile - Earth / Neo Tokyo / Sakazaki Home
[20:31] --> Nall Sakazaki (Casual) [WhiteDragon@SilverStar.co.lun] has joined #eventsbeta
[20:31] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Nall Sakazaki (Casual)
[20:31] > Nall Sakazaki (Casual) walks into the home / Neva.... I'm back!
[20:32] [Neva (Casual)] NALL! PACK1 NOW
[20:32] > Neva (Casual) is already dragging a suitcase in
[20:33] > Nall Sakazaki (Casual) looks a bit surprised
[20:33] [Nall Sakazaki (Casual)] Um.... what's going on?
[20:35] [Neva (Casual)] we're going to Venus
[20:37] [Nall Sakazaki (Casual)] Venus....
[20:37] [Nall Sakazaki (Casual)] .... wait.... did something happen to Violet?
[20:37] [Neva (Casual)] yes
[20:37] [Neva (Casual)] she's in the hospital
[20:39] [Nall Sakazaki (Casual)] What!? I...is she okay!?
[20:40] [Neva (Casual)] she's having her babies
[20:42] [Nall Sakazaki (Casual)] Oh.....OH!
[20:48] [Neva (Casual)] yes!
[20:48] [Neva (Casual)] about an hour ago!
[20:48] > Nall Sakazaki (Casual) suddenly starts to rush, going into the bedroom and starts quickly packing.... gotta go fast
[20:51] [Nall Sakazaki (Casual)] How're we getting there?? Do I need to do anything??
[20:52] [Neva (Casual)] Jett is making the arraingments for us
[20:52] [Neva (Casual)] I'm sure we'll be contacted
[20:54] [Nall Sakazaki (Casual)] Ahh.... alright
[20:55] > Nall Sakazaki (Casual) quickly continues to pack
[20:55] > Neva (Casual) is still dumping clothes!
[20:55] [Neva (Casual)] ugh...my poor little girl...triplets...
[20:57] [Nall Sakazaki (Casual)] She's tough... I'm sure she's be fine....
[20:59] [Nall Sakazaki (Casual)] .... though I do worry too....
[20:59] [Neva (Casual)] Triplets are very rare for my species...even for us a birth like that is difficult
[21:00] [Nall Sakazaki (Casual)] ... I know.... and I remember how rough having Rose and Drake at the same time was on you.
[21:08] [Neva (Casual)] this will be even rougher
[21:10] > Nall Sakazaki (Casual) finishes packing his case
[21:10] > Neva (Casual) finishes packing as well
[21:10] [Nall Sakazaki (Casual)] Now you're really making me worry.....
[21:14] [Nall Sakazaki (Casual)] Oh! You're right!
[21:15] [Nall Sakazaki (Casual)] We've got to get Rowen ready too!
[21:18] [Neva (Casual)] we can't forget them!
[21:20] [Nall Sakazaki (Casual)] I'll go get Rowen.... you call the others
[21:23] [Neva (Casual)] yes..yes of course
[21:23] > Nall Sakazaki (Casual) heads into the nursery
[21:24] [Nall Sakazaki (Casual)] There's my little man.... :)
[21:27] [~Rowen] papa :D
[21:27] > Nall Sakazaki (Casual) smiles and walks over to Rowen, picking him up from his bed
[21:28] [Nall Sakazaki (Casual)] Guess what? We're going on a trip!
[21:29] > Nall Sakazaki (Casual) holds Rowen in one arm while picking up a bag and starting to pack his clothes.
[21:30] [Nall Sakazaki (Casual)] I know you're a little young to understand this but... you're about to be an uncle.
[21:30] [~Rowen] :O whaaa?
[21:31] > ~Rowen fidgets and reaches back to his bed...where his favorite plushie is :(
[21:37] > Nall Sakazaki (Casual) notices that Rowen is reaching, going over to the bed, picking up the plushie and giving it to Rowen
[21:40] > ~Rowen hugs it happily ^^
[21:41] [Nall Sakazaki (Casual)] We're going to go see Violet.
[21:45] [~Rowen] violet violet violet :D :D :D
[21:48] > Nall Sakazaki (Casual) nods with a smile, picking up the bag
[21:52] [~Rowen] see big sisie?
[21:52] [Nall Sakazaki (Casual)] Mmhmm and you'll get to meet some new baby kits too.
[21:55] [~Rowen] :O baby???
[21:56] [Nall Sakazaki (Casual)] Mmhmm...
[21:57] > Nall Sakazaki (Casual) walks out into the main room holding Rowen and his bag
[21:57] [Nall Sakazaki (Casual)] Neva... I've got Rowen ready
[22:03] [Neva (Casual)] good..I've told Drake, Rose and Daisy..
[22:04] [Nall Sakazaki (Casual)] Good...
[22:06] ➣ There's a knock at the door of the home.
[22:06] [Neva (Casual)] nall the door
[22:06] [Nall Sakazaki (Casual)] Right...
[22:06] > Nall Sakazaki (Casual) walks over to the door, opening it
[22:09] ➣ A tall man with short hair in a suit is standing outside, a car running behind him
[22:09] [Neva (Casual)] who is it, Nall???
[22:09] [~Driver] Mr. Sakazaki? I'm here to take you and your family to the transport center
[22:10] [Nall Sakazaki (Casual)] It's our ride to the transport center
[22:10] [Neva (Casual)] oh thank spirits...we better hurry!
[22:14] [~Driver] I can take your bags folks....
[22:14] > Neva (Casual) hands them over a hurry!
[22:14] [Neva (Casual)] *in a
[22:16] > Nall Sakazaki (Casual) points out his bag / I'll take this one
[22:17] > ~Driver nods, taking Neva and Nall's bags, taking them out to the car, putting them in the trunk before opening the door for Neva
[22:20] > Neva (Casual) climbs in
[22:21] > Nall Sakazaki (Casual) carefully gets into the care while holding Rowen
[22:22] > ~Driver closes the door behind Nall then gets in the car
[22:22] <-- Nall Sakazaki (Casual) [WhiteDragon@SilverStar.co.lun] has left #eventsbeta (Here we go....)
[22:22] <-- ~Driver has left #eventsbeta
[22:23] <-- Neva (Casual) [BHunterCat@SystemNova.com] has left #eventsbeta (be safe, my baby...)
[00:00] >>> Tuesday Aug 11 2020 <<<
[19:28] ➣ Venus / Magellan City Hospital, Maternity Ward, Recovery Wing
[19:28] --> Jett Masato (Casual) has joined #eventsbeta
[19:28] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Jett Masato (Casual)
[19:29] > Jett Masato (Casual) sits in a chair in a typical looking hospital room, though it is larger with some actual furnature for visitors
[19:31] > Jett Masato (Casual) scans through a data pad as he sits next to Violet's bed
[19:31] --> Violet (Hospital gown) has joined #eventsbeta
[19:31] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Violet (Hospital gown)
[19:32] > Violet (Hospital gown) yawns, opening her eyes
[19:34] [Violet (Hospital gown)] mmm....
[19:36] [Violet (Hospital gown)] ugh...how long have I been asleep...
[19:36] > Jett Masato (Casual) puts down his pad and smiles to Violet
[19:36] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Two days
[19:38] [Violet (Hospital gown)] ..two days...feels like I've been sleeping forever
[19:39] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Well.... you really needed that rest.
[19:39] [Jett Masato (Casual)] From what the doctors said.... giving birth to the triplets was quite the workout.
[19:43] [Violet (Hospital gown)] the babies...are they alright!?
[19:44] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Oh yes.... they're doing very well....
[19:44] [Jett Masato (Casual)] ... three beautiful little girls.
[19:45] [Violet (Hospital gown)] girls...I gave you daughters *smiles alittle*
[19:45] [Violet (Hospital gown)] heh you're a dad now
[19:46] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Yes....
[19:46] > Jett Masato (Casual) smirks a bit, ".... I was always a daddy... now I'm a father. ;P"
[19:46] [Jett Masato (Casual)] And I'm already making dad jokes. *chuckles*
[19:47] [Violet (Hospital gown)] oh spirits you are...
[19:50] [Violet (Hospital gown)] ..where are they?
[19:51] [Jett Masato (Casual)] The sisters are in the nursery. The doctors thought it was best to have them there until after you woke up.
[19:52] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Your parents and little brother are here.
[19:53] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Well... were here. They went down to get dinner.
[20:03] [Violet (Hospital gown)] and you didn't wake me?
[20:03] [Violet (Hospital gown)] ....well I suppose i'll see them after they come back
[20:08] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Yeah.... your mother insisted we let you rest.
[20:12] [Violet (Hospital gown)] ..that does sound like her
[20:12] [Violet (Hospital gown)] ..we'll need to name the children
[20:13] [Jett Masato (Casual)] I was thinking about that....
[20:15] [Jett Masato (Casual)] ....we have three girls.... I had an idea for one of them.
[20:15] [Violet (Hospital gown)] oh?
[20:17] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Yeah.... I wanted to do a kind of tribute to my mother.....
[20:19] [Jett Masato (Casual)] ....I thought about naming one of the girls Venus.
[20:20] > Violet (Hospital gown) smiles
[20:20] [Violet (Hospital gown)] I love it
[20:20] > Jett Masato (Casual) smiles and reaches out, taking Violet's hand
[20:21] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Hmmm.... but what of our other two little girls?
[20:32] [Violet (Hospital gown)] hm..
[20:32] [Violet (Hospital gown)] ..how about..other names from the stars
[20:32] [Violet (Hospital gown)] like how your parents gave your siblings names after stones..and mine flowers and plants
[20:34] [Jett Masato (Casual)] That sounds like a wonderful idea.
[20:38] [Violet (Hospital gown)] so then..other names...
[20:39] > Jett Masato (Casual) thinks for a moment
[20:43] [Jett Masato (Casual)] What about Eris.... or... Pandora...
[20:44] [Violet (Hospital gown)] ..those are pretty dark names...hm...
[20:44] [Violet (Hospital gown)] ...what about Lyra..
[20:45] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Ooooo, that's pretty!
[20:46] [Violet (Hospital gown)] ..that leaves one more
[20:48] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Hmmm.... maybe Andromeda?
[20:48] [Jett Masato (Casual)] That's a little less dark
[20:52] [Violet (Hospital gown)] ..I don't know..there's something....about that name
[20:52] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Ya know.... there was this old book I remember reading in school...
[20:53] [Jett Masato (Casual)] ... there was a name tied to it that stuck with me.
[20:56] [Jett Masato (Casual)] What do you think about Titania?
[20:58] [Violet (Hospital gown)] ....I love that name
[21:00] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Yeah?
[21:01] > Violet (Hospital gown) yawns and nods
[21:01] [Violet (Hospital gown)] yes..
[21:02] > Jett Masato (Casual) picks up his data pad again and types on it
[21:02] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Well then.... let me get our little girls' names registered then.... Venus, Lyra and Titania~
[21:06] [Violet (Hospital gown)] our girls...man...that feels so strange to haer
[21:06] [Jett Masato (Casual)] It does.... but I couldn't love it any less
[21:07] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Like music to my ears
[21:08] > Jett Masato (Casual) stands and leans in to kiss Violet
[21:12] > Violet (Hospital gown) kisses back
[21:14] > Jett Masato (Casual) smiles as he slowly breaks the kiss
[21:16] [Jett Masato (Casual)] I'll go tell your folks that you're awake and check on the girls.
[21:18] [Violet (Hospital gown)] alright...*smiles*
[21:20] > Jett Masato (Casual) winks to Violet as he turns to leave the room
[21:20] <-- Jett Masato (Casual) has left #eventsbeta (I'll see about having my adorable baby girls brought in to see their beautiful mother~ <3)
[21:24] [Violet (Hospital gown)] ...
[21:24] <-- Violet (Hospital gown) has left #eventsbeta (oh spirits I'm a mother...)
[00:00] >>> Friday Aug 14 2020 <<<
[22:26] ➣ A few days later
[22:38] --> Violet (Hospital Gown) has joined #eventsbeta
[22:38] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Violet (Hospital Gown)
[22:38] > Violet (Hospital Gown) is sitting up, reading a tablet
[22:39] ➣ There's a light knock on the door.
[22:44] [Violet (Hospital Gown)] come in!
[23:04] --> Nall Sakazaki (Casual) [WhiteDragon@SilverStar.co.lun] has joined #eventsbeta
[23:04] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Nall Sakazaki (Casual)
[23:05] > Nall Sakazaki (Casual) opens the door and peaks in
[23:05] [Violet (Hospital Gown)] hey dad *smiles*
[23:05] [Nall Sakazaki (Casual)] Hello Vi.... feeling any better
[23:07] [Violet (Hospital Gown)] mmm...still a bit weak and sore...
[23:10] > Nall Sakazaki (Casual) walks over to the side of the bed, sitting in a chair there
[23:11] [Nall Sakazaki (Casual)] Your mother said you would be down for quite a while longer than she ever was, due to the fact that you had triplets..... apparently it's quite rare.
[23:14] [Violet (Hospital Gown)] yeah they almost thought they might have to open me up for it.......
[23:16] [Nall Sakazaki (Casual)] I'm glad they didn't have to do that.
[23:17] [Nall Sakazaki (Casual)] It would've taken you much longer to recover if that would have been needed, I'm sure.
[23:19] [Violet (Hospital Gown)] yeah but I'm still going to be here for a bit...
[23:20] [Nall Sakazaki (Casual)] I'm sure.... but at least everything came along okay.
[23:20] > Nall Sakazaki (Casual) sighs a little with a smirk / I'm still settling with the fact that I'm a grandfather....
[23:27] [Violet (Hospital Gown)] yeah well I'm a mom now!
[23:31] > Nall Sakazaki (Casual) chuckles a little
[23:31] [Violet (Hospital Gown)] know how weird that feels???
[23:31] [Nall Sakazaki (Casual)] Yes.... a mom to three adorable girls
[23:32] [Violet (Hospital Gown)] well they have names now
[23:32] [Nall Sakazaki (Casual)] Oh I know
[23:34] [Nall Sakazaki (Casual)] I imagine that Venus must've been Jett's idea.
[23:34] [Violet (Hospital Gown)] mmhm
[23:34] [Violet (Hospital Gown)] the rest just..came to us
[23:35] [Nall Sakazaki (Casual)] Well I'm sure Lyra and Titania will love their names as they grow up
[23:40] [Violet (Hospital Gown)] I hope so!
[23:40] > Nall Sakazaki (Casual) smiles
[23:45] [Violet (Hospital Gown)] have you seen them?
[23:46] [Nall Sakazaki (Casual)] Yes.... the nurses let your mother and I go into the nursery this afternoon.
[23:53] [Violet (Hospital Gown)] they take after their father alot I think..
[23:57] [Nall Sakazaki (Casual)] Not entirely.... Lyra reminds me a lot of you when you were a kit.