[23:08] >>> Friday May 26 2017 – Automatic reset triggered – Logging Start <<<
[23:08] [Jett Masato (Casual)] You should come over to the house sometime then. I bet Vi & Krys would love to see you again.
[23:09] [Wildcat_42] Ya. Is good idea.
[23:09] > Jett Masato (Casual) looks over Johanna and winks, "I know always enjoy seeing you"
[23:10] [Wildcat_42] :3
[23:11] > ~Man (Casual) just looks at them, narrowing his eyes
[23:11] [Jett Masato (Casual)] I'm gonna' go conduct some business. I'll see ya' soon, wildcat.
[23:12] > Wildcat_42 extends her claws and points them at the man.
[23:12] [Wildcat_42] Friends take care of you. They leave anything, I takes care of leftovers.
[23:14] > Jett Masato (Casual) smiles before heading outside the club with Alcobus, Horus and the man
[23:14] [~Man (Casual)] ...yeah.....try it b[SMEG]ch
[23:17] ➣ The quartet leave the club via a rear exit, stepping into an allyway
[23:18] > Wildcat_42 goes back to watching the bar.
[23:21] [Horus Saotome (Suit)] As they step outside, Horus ties the red haired man in a full nelson, holding his arms over his head.
[23:21] ➣ ^
[23:22] > ~Man (Casual) struggles against Horus
[23:24] > Alcobus (Casual) grins evily, dragging the blade of her arm the man's leg
[23:30] > ~Man (Casual) grimaces and tries to throw Horus off him
[23:31] > Horus Saotome (Suit) moves with the guy, still holding him just tight enough to keep him restrained.
[23:32] [Alcobus (Casual)] Maybe we should cut off his balls~
[23:32] [Jett Masato (Casual)] No no no..... at least..... not yet.
[23:42] [~Man (Casual)] yeah try and I'll kill you
[23:42] [Jett Masato (Casual)] You're so c[SMEG]ky
[23:43] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Who the hell are you?
[23:45] [~Man (Casual)] Name's Roy
[23:45] [~Roy (Casual)] just looking for a quiet place to hang out and hide
[23:45] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Yeah? Who're you hiding from?
[23:49] [~Roy (Casual)] yeah none of your business
[23:51] > Alcobus (Casual) scrapes Roy's hand with her blade
[23:52] [Alcobus (Casual)] If you knew who I was.... you wouldn't be so c[SMEG]ky around me.
[23:59] > ~Roy (Casual)'s hand shows silver under it
[00:00] >>> Saturday May 27 2017 <<<
[00:03] [Jett Masato (Casual)] What's that...?
[00:04] > Horus Saotome (Suit) looks up - Is that silver?
[00:07] > ~Roy (Casual) tries to PUNCH at Horus with the strength of a full grown bull
[00:08] > Horus Saotome (Suit) struggles a bit, managing to hold one of his arms while the other slips from his grasp
[00:10] [Alcobus (Casual)] No you don't!
[00:11] > Alcobus (Casual) thrusts her blade at the now free arm, trying to pierce it
[00:11] > ~Roy (Casual)'s arm sparks, making whirring noises
[00:12] [Jett Masato (Casual)] His arm is.... mechanical?
[00:13] > Horus Saotome (Suit) turns and suddenly throttles Roy by the throat
[00:16] [Horus Saotome (Suit)] What are you!?
[00:19] [~Roy (Casual)] can't a regular old cyborg find a piece of a tail to hit around here??
[00:19] > ~Roy (Casual) tries to grab horse's arm with his free hand
[00:24] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Finding a piece of tail is one thing.....
[00:25] [Jett Masato (Casual)] ... but you don't hit a lady when she shuts down your advances.... not in my town!
[00:28] > Horus Saotome (Suit) pulls Roy down as Alcobus puts her blade to his throat and Jett gets into his face
[00:30] [Jett Masato (Casual)] DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM!?
[00:33] [~Roy (Casual)] I DON'T CARE
[00:35] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Oh you will....
[00:35] [Jett Masato (Casual)] ... you don't mess with the crown prince of Venus.... or his women.
[00:37] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Horus.... however you have to do it..... afix him to the wall. Alcobus.... if you would, please use some of your.... shadier connections. Find out who's hunting mister Roy here and..... let them know where he is.
[00:39] [Horus Saotome (Suit)] sure
[00:39] > Alcobus (Casual) pulls a phone from her pocket / On it...
[00:39] [~Roy (Casual)] I'LL KILL YOU BOTH
[00:40] [Horus Saotome (Suit)] No.... you won't
[00:42] > Horus Saotome (Suit) finds a bent metal bar on the ground, taking it and pinning Roy to the wall with it by the neck, leaving only enough room so that Roy can continue to breath.
[00:47] [~Roy (Casual)] grrrr!
[00:48] [Horus Saotome (Suit)] I live for seeing justice served to scumbags like you.
[00:52] [~Roy (Casual)] just you wait..i'LL GET YOU FOR THIS
[00:54] [Alcobus (Casual)] Just try.
[00:54] [Alcobus (Casual)] If you really wanna mess with a half demon, succubus..... be my guest. I'm not afraid to kill to protect my friends.
[00:59] > ~Roy (Casual) tries to look brave
[01:02] [~Roy (Casual)] just you wait...
[01:03] > Jett Masato (Casual) smirks
[01:03] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Wiat for what....? Wait to hear how all that's left of you are your robotic parts?
[01:08] [~Roy (Casual)] SOMEDAY I'LL BE BACK
[01:14] > ~Roy (Casual) grimaces as the sounds of police sirens can be heard
[01:17] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Let's go you two. Thanks for you help
[01:18] > Alcobus (Casual) grins and forms her arm back to normal
[01:18] [Alcobus (Casual)] No problem
[01:18] <-- Alcobus (Casual) [ScientificSuccubi@Darklab.net] has left #eventsbeta (Call anytime)
[01:20] [Horus Saotome (Suit)] What she said...
[01:20] <-- Horus Saotome (Suit) has left #eventsbeta (.... I have no problem putting people away.)
[01:21] <-- ~Roy (Casual) has left #eventsbeta (grrrrrr)
[01:22] <-- Jett Masato (Casual) has left #eventsbeta (Growl all you want.... you're going to pay.)
[00:00] >>> Wednesday May 31 2017 <<<
[20:40] ➣ Venus, Magellan City / Masato Home
[20:44] --> Violet (Casual) has joined #eventsbeta
[20:44] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Violet (Casual)
[20:46] > Jett Masato (Casual) walks into the living room, talking on his phone
[20:46] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Yes.... yes..... excellent. Thank you for taking care of that for me.
[20:50] > Jett Masato (Casual) hangs up his phone with a smirk
[20:56] > Violet (Casual) is just relaxing, looking up charts about technical parts
[20:56] [Violet (Casual)] huh?
[20:56] [Violet (Casual)] something up?
[20:56] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Just taking care of some business.
[20:59] [Violet (Casual)] so nothing's wrong?
[21:03] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Not at all
[21:03] [Violet (Casual)] after what happened, I'm so glad about that
[21:03] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Some friends and I took care of that guy that punched you.
[21:06] [Violet (Casual)] holy...really???
[21:09] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Oh yes...
[21:10] [Jett Masato (Casual)] ..... I was not about to allow such a crime go unpunished.
[21:13] [Violet (Casual)] you know I should be pissed off that you took the law into your own hands...
[21:16] > Jett Masato (Casual) looks a little shocked
[21:19] [Violet (Casual)] but
[21:19] > Violet (Casual) walks over and gives jett a kiss on the lips
[21:21] > Jett Masato (Casual) is a bit surprised, but kisses Violet back
[21:22] > Violet (Casual) holds the kiss a bit
[21:22] > Jett Masato (Casual) wraps his arms around Violet
[21:28] > Violet (Casual) slowly breaks the kiss
[21:36] [Violet (Casual)] thank you
[21:37] > Jett Masato (Casual) smiles, holding Violet
[21:38] [Jett Masato (Casual)] My pleasure, Vi
[21:39] [Violet (Casual)] I'm glad it's over
[21:46] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Me too.... turns out that guy had some really nasty enemies.
[21:47] [Violet (Casual)] seriously?
[21:49] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Oh yeah. The reason I managed to find him so quickly is that you weren't the first women who he hit. He was wanted on four other planets for the same thing..... even by a few very underground groups.
[21:51] [Jett Masato (Casual)] So... Horus, Alcobus and Johanna helped me catch the scumbag and have him taken care of.
[21:51] [Violet (Casual)] man.......sounds like a real a[SMEG]le
[21:51] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Indeed
[21:54] [Jett Masato (Casual)] But yeah, apparently he had a real thing for cat girls.... which explains why he came after you so quickly.
[21:54] > Jett Masato (Casual) smirks, "Ya' sexy kitty you."
[21:57] > Violet (Casual) gives a meow
[22:01] [Jett Masato (Casual)] So.... how do we spend the rest of our night?
[22:04] > Violet (Casual) snuggles close "with you of course"
[22:12] > Jett Masato (Casual) holds Violet with a wink
[22:14] [Violet (Casual)] that's all I want ^^
[22:16] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Well then.... how about we retire for the night?~
[22:17] [Violet (Casual)] well I wouldn't say we're going to retire ~_~
[22:17] [Violet (Casual)] ~_^
[22:18] > Jett Masato (Casual) chuckles with his arm around Violet's back
[22:20] <-- Jett Masato (Casual) has left #eventsbeta (Oh we will.... eventually. ^_~ <3)
[22:22] <-- Violet (Casual) has left #eventsbeta (<3)
[00:00] >>> Saturday Jun 03 2017 <<<
[00:09] ➣ Just south of Detroit, Michigan / The Kazus Apartment
[00:09] --> Jennifer Kazu (Nightgown) [AriesSenshi@usa.cc] has joined #eventsbeta
[00:09] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Jennifer Kazu (Nightgown)
[00:10] > Jennifer Kazu (Nightgown) sits up in bed, looking over a tablet.
[00:11] --> Hitoshi Kazu (Pajamas) has joined #eventsbeta
[00:11] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Hitoshi Kazu (Pajamas)
[00:11] [Hitoshi Kazu (Pajamas)] hey there
[00:15] [Jennifer Kazu (Nightgown)] Hey darlin'
[00:15] > Jennifer Kazu (Nightgown) sets her tablet down
[00:15] [Jennifer Kazu (Nightgown)] I've been thinkin' about somethin' I wanted to ask you about.
[00:19] [Hitoshi Kazu (Pajamas)] hm?
[00:22] [Jennifer Kazu (Nightgown)] What do ya' think about maybe.... movin?
[00:26] [Hitoshi Kazu (Pajamas)] hm? moving to where?
[00:28] [Jennifer Kazu (Nightgown)] Well.... I got to talkin' to my mom.... and she really wants us to move down there .
[00:32] [Hitoshi Kazu (Pajamas)] to where was it again?
[00:32] [Jennifer Kazu (Nightgown)] To Florida
[00:37] [Hitoshi Kazu (Pajamas)] well...we could
[00:39] [Jennifer Kazu (Nightgown)] Yeah?
[00:39] [Jennifer Kazu (Nightgown)] You'd be okay with that?
[00:49] [Hitoshi Kazu (Pajamas)] of course!
[00:51] > Jennifer Kazu (Nightgown) smiles
[00:54] [Jennifer Kazu (Nightgown)] I think what I wanna' do.... is keep the center here and have someone else manage it.....
[00:54] [Jennifer Kazu (Nightgown)] ..... then move down south... maybe open another one and.... buy us a house there.
[01:00] [Hitoshi Kazu (Pajamas)] I'm fine with anything...
[01:01] > Hitoshi Kazu (Pajamas) wraps his arms around Jennifer "as long as i'm with you
[01:01] > Jennifer Kazu (Nightgown) giggles lightly and snuggles up to Hitoshi
[01:02] [Jennifer Kazu (Nightgown)] Is there anything you'd ever tell me no to?
[01:04] [Hitoshi Kazu (Pajamas)] heh don't bet on it
[01:06] > Jennifer Kazu (Nightgown) giggles again
[01:07] [Hitoshi Kazu (Pajamas)] love you too much
[01:08] [Jennifer Kazu (Nightgown)] Awwww
[01:08] > Jennifer Kazu (Nightgown) smiles and kisses Hitoshi
[01:15] > Hitoshi Kazu (Pajamas) kisses back happily
[01:18] > Jennifer Kazu (Nightgown) snuggles against Hitoshi and smiles
[01:18] [Jennifer Kazu (Nightgown)] This could be a good move for us..... we could get a home on the beach....
[01:23] > Jennifer Kazu (Nightgown) grins and winks
[01:23] [Hitoshi Kazu (Pajamas)] heh see you in a swimsuit each day....a definite plus
[01:24] [Jennifer Kazu (Nightgown)] Or less
[01:24] [Jennifer Kazu (Nightgown)] Could find one of those clothing optional beaches and work on my full tan.~
[01:29] [Hitoshi Kazu (Pajamas)] true
[01:30] > Jennifer Kazu (Nightgown) yawns with a smile, her chest laying on Hitoshi's chest
[01:31] > Hitoshi Kazu (Pajamas) yawns as well, holding jennifer
[01:32] > Jennifer Kazu (Nightgown) kisses Hitoshi again, laying her head on his shoulder
[01:34] > Hitoshi Kazu (Pajamas) smiles
[01:36] <-- Jennifer Kazu (Nightgown) [AriesSenshi@usa.cc] has left #eventsbeta (I'll start making some calls in the morning. <3)
[01:38] <-- Hitoshi Kazu (Pajamas) has left #eventsbeta (<3)
[22:06] --> Taiki Latu (Casual) has joined #eventsbeta
[22:06] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Taiki Latu (Casual)
[22:06] ➣ Kazu House, Taiki, Hokkaido
[22:06] --> Taiki Latu (Casual) has joined #eventsbeta
[22:06] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Taiki Latu (Casual)
[22:06] > Taiki Latu (Casual) is looking over some papers
[22:21] --> Tao Latu (Casual) has joined #eventsbeta
[22:21] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Tao Latu (Casual)
[22:22] > Tao Latu (Casual) walks out of the kitchen, drying his hands.
[22:25] [Taiki Latu (Casual)] oh hey dear
[22:26] [Tao Latu (Casual)] You're still down here?
[22:28] [Tao Latu (Casual)] I figured you would've gone to bed while I was washing the dishes.
[22:31] [Taiki Latu (Casual)] just..trying to get this song written
[22:32] [Tao Latu (Casual)] I thought you were done with all the writing?
[22:34] [Taiki Latu (Casual)] it ends up we needed one more to fill out the ablum
[22:34] [Taiki Latu (Casual)] album
[22:35] [Tao Latu (Casual)] Oooh
[22:42] > Taiki Latu (Casual) smiles
[22:42] [Taiki Latu (Casual)] ..actually i'm basing this song after our relationship a bit
[22:44] [Tao Latu (Casual)] Really?
[22:44] [Taiki Latu (Casual)] yes *smiles*
[22:45] [Tao Latu (Casual)] How are you doing that?
[22:48] [Taiki Latu (Casual)] well it's just about a woman who meets a man....and though they're different they fall in love
[22:53] > Tao Latu (Casual) smiles lightly / Nice
[22:56] [Taiki Latu (Casual)] you are the best thing to happen to me
[23:01] > Tao Latu (Casual) walks over behind Taiki, leaning over and hugging her from behind.
[23:03] > Taiki Latu (Casual) smiles and leans into Tao
[23:03] [Taiki Latu (Casual)] love you
[23:04] [Tao Latu (Casual)] I love you too, darling.
[23:04] > Tao Latu (Casual) kisses Taiki's cheek and smiles
[23:10] [Taiki Latu (Casual)] at least meeting up with Kaze- san will be easier now
[23:10] [Taiki Latu (Casual)] she's moved
[23:14] [Tao Latu (Casual)] Oh really?
[23:20] [Taiki Latu (Casual)] apparently to Akita
[23:24] [Tao Latu (Casual)] I wonder what prompted that kind of move.
[23:27] > Tao Latu (Casual) yawns lightly
[23:29] > Taiki Latu (Casual) yawns as well
[23:31] [Taiki Latu (Casual)] we should retire for the night
[23:31] [Tao Latu (Casual)] Yeah
[23:36] > Tao Latu (Casual) stands and offers a hand to Taiki
[23:38] > Taiki Latu (Casual) takes tao's hand and stands
[23:42] [Tao Latu (Casual)] Shall we? <3
[23:42] <-- Taiki Latu (Casual) has left #eventsbeta (time for some sleep)
[23:42] [Taiki Latu (Casual)] ^ let's
[23:42] <-- Taiki Latu (Casual) has left #eventsbeta (<3)
[23:43] <-- Tao Latu (Casual) has left #eventsbeta (^_~)
[00:00] >>> Sunday Jun 04 2017 <<<
[22:36] ➣ Zenthi's place
[22:36] --> Zenthi (Casual) [staffhead@Q.ry.com] has joined #eventsbeta
[22:36] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Zenthi (Casual)
[22:36] > Zenthi (Casual) has finished putting down a drink, stretching
[22:49] ➣ Just oustide Madox City / Zenthi & Elias' House
[22:51] > Zenthi (Casual) stretches
[22:52] --> Elias Sita (Casual) has joined #eventsbeta
[22:52] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Elias Sita (Casual)
[22:53] > Elias Sita (Casual) walks into the house and smiles
[22:53] [Elias Sita (Casual)] Honey, I'm hoooome~
[22:55] [Zenthi (Casual)] Elias!
[22:55] > Zenthi (Casual) runs over and gives him a kiss
[22:57] > Elias Sita (Casual) hugs and kisses Zenthi back
[22:58] [Elias Sita (Casual)] How's my, Zen?
[23:09] [Zenthi (Casual)] heh a bit lonely and tired
[23:09] [Zenthi (Casual)] been a long day
[23:10] [Zenthi (Casual)] how was your day ^^
[23:11] [Elias Sita (Casual)] Awww, I'm sorry I couldn't get home sooner... but the ship just landed a half hour ago and I had to stick around inspection after we landed.
[23:13] [Zenthi (Casual)] any trouble?
[23:16] [Elias Sita (Casual)] Not too bad. Had to help with a minor border skermish out our way out to the system we were charting.
[23:19] [Zenthi (Casual)] nothing..too dangerious?
[23:22] [Elias Sita (Casual)] Not at all, they were just arguing over who had control when we came through.
[23:24] [Zenthi (Casual)] well I'm glad you'r ehome....I had poured some dirnks
[23:29] [Elias Sita (Casual)] Oooooo, what did ya' make?
[23:42] [Zenthi (Casual)] heh
[23:43] [Zenthi (Casual)] well it's just some wine
[23:43] [Zenthi (Casual)] nothing special
[23:43] [Zenthi (Casual)] I thought you know....
[23:43] [Zenthi (Casual)] it might help the night
[23:43] [Elias Sita (Casual)] Hey, after a long trip, sometimes all you need is a nice glass of wine.
[23:44] > Elias Sita (Casual) chuckles lightly and winks
[23:44] [Elias Sita (Casual)] For what you're hinting at.... I don't need a whole lot of help~
[23:44] > Zenthi (Casual) giggles and blushes
[23:47] [Elias Sita (Casual)] So, how was your day, love?
[23:48] [Zenthi (Casual)] it was actually pretty dull
[23:48] [Zenthi (Casual)] everything's going pretty good....the girls are managing amazenly enough
[23:51] [Elias Sita (Casual)] That's good
[23:53] [Zenthi (Casual)] still it was so dull...I'm actually pretty tired
[23:55] [Elias Sita (Casual)] Awww
[23:59] [Elias Sita (Casual)] Well then, I have an idea
[00:00] >>> Monday Jun 05 2017 <<<
[00:01] [Elias Sita (Casual)] How about you bring our wine in to the bedroom and I'll help you wind down with a nice massage.
[00:05] [Zenthi (Casual)] heh I'd love that
[00:05] > Zenthi (Casual) picks up the wine
[00:06] > Elias Sita (Casual) smiles with a wink and leads the way to the bedroom
[00:06] <-- Elias Sita (Casual) has left #eventsbeta (Time to relax <3)
[00:08] <-- Zenthi (Casual) [staffhead@Q.ry.com] has left #eventsbeta (mmhm <3)
[22:55] ➣ Crystal Tokyo / Alcobus & Andria's apartment
[22:55] --> Alcobus (Suit) [ScientificSuccubi@Darklab.net] has joined #eventsbeta
[22:55] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Alcobus (Suit)
[22:57] > Alcobus (Suit) walks in, unbuttoning jacket
[22:57] [Alcobus (Suit)] I'm home, Andi~
[22:59] --> Andria (Casual) has joined #eventsbeta
[22:59] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Andria (Casual)
[23:00] > Andria (Casual) is standing on a ladder, dusting the walls "welcome home!"
[23:02] > Alcobus (Suit) walks over to the ladder / What're you doing up there?
[23:03] [Andria (Casual)] just doing some dusting
[23:07] [Andria (Casual)] thought it could use it ^^
[23:08] > Alcobus (Suit) grins a little and shakes the ladder lightly
[23:09] [Andria (Casual)] h..hey!
[23:15] [Alcobus (Suit)] Get your cute little buns down here so I can kiss you`
[23:16] > Andria (Casual) slips O_O
[23:17] > Alcobus (Suit) moves to catch Andria
[23:19] > Andria (Casual) is caught!
[23:20] > Alcobus (Suit) holds Andria in her arms, grinning lightly and kissing her
[23:22] > Andria (Casual) kisses back
[23:22] [Alcobus (Suit)] I missed you tonight~
[23:32] [Andria (Casual)] how was your night *smiles*
[23:34] [Alcobus (Suit)] Not too bad
[23:37] [Andria (Casual)] no trouble?
[23:50] > Andria (Casual) smiles
[23:56] [Alcobus (Suit)] not a big
[23:57] [Alcobus (Suit)] ^biy
[23:57] [Alcobus (Suit)] ^bit
[23:58] [Andria (Casual)] ..I'm glad things are safe again
[23:59] [Alcobus (Suit)] Me too
[23:59] > Alcobus (Suit) puts Andria down on her feet
[00:00] >>> Tuesday Jun 06 2017 <<<
[00:03] [Andria (Casual)] I'm afraid I didn't make any dinner tonight >.>
[00:07] [Andria (Casual)] I could..get started on something
[00:12] [Andria (Casual)] ^^
[00:15] [Alcobus (Suit)] Nah... that's okay
[00:15] > Alcobus (Suit) gets an evil smirk on her face
[00:15] [Alcobus (Suit)] I could just take a bite out of you~
[00:16] > Andria (Casual) giggles "I wouldn't say no tot that"
[00:17] > Alcobus (Suit) playfully bites Andria's arm
[00:30] [Andria (Casual)] hehehehehe
[00:30] > Andria (Casual) wiggles her tails
[00:33] [Alcobus (Suit)] Ya' know.... it felt kinda' good to be bad again for a bit. Like that night I helped Jett with that guy.
[00:36] [Andria (Casual)] heh i hope you don't plan to hurt too many people in the future
[00:39] [Alcobus (Suit)] Only if they deserve it.
[00:46] [Andria (Casual)] well..I'm just glad your'e home now
[00:51] [Alcobus (Suit)] I'm glad to be home too
[00:52] [Alcobus (Suit)] Home with my Foxy~
[00:52] > Andria (Casual) nuzzles
[00:56] [Alcobus (Suit)] How about we go get more comfortable?
[01:01] [Andria (Casual)] let's
[01:05] [Andria (Casual)] carry me???
[01:06] > Alcobus (Suit) grins and scoops up Andria again
[01:08] <-- Alcobus (Suit) [ScientificSuccubi@Darklab.net] has left #eventsbeta (You gonna' help me get out of this suit, Foxy? <3)
[01:09] <-- Andria (Casual) has left #eventsbeta (of course)
[00:00] >>> Thursday Jun 08 2017 <<<
[22:51] ➣ Madox Castle / Emi's Private quarters
[22:51] --> Emi Sawyer (Head Maid's Uniform) [ShyTwinMaid@Mardox.gov] has joined #eventsbeta
[22:51] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Emi Sawyer (Head Maid's Uniform)
[22:52] > Emi Sawyer (Head Maid's Uniform) walks in, stretching a bit
[22:54] ➣ there's a knock at the door
[22:56] [Emi Sawyer (Head Maid's Uniform)] Hmm?
[22:56] > Emi Sawyer (Head Maid's Uniform) turns around and opens the door
[23:00] --> ~Ran Ajaro (Casual) has joined #eventsbeta
[23:00] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, ~Ran Ajaro (Casual)
[23:01] [Ren Ajaro (Casual)] pizza?
[23:02] > Ren Ajaro (Casual) smiles
[23:03] > Emi Sawyer (Head Maid's Uniform) giggles, hugging and kissing Ren
[23:03] [Emi Sawyer (Head Maid's Uniform)] What a pleasant surprise!
[23:05] > Ren Ajaro (Casual) kisses back "I thought you might like some food ^^"
[23:05] [Emi Sawyer (Head Maid's Uniform)] That would be wonderful.
[23:05] > Emi Sawyer (Head Maid's Uniform) steps aside and smiles
[23:05] [Emi Sawyer (Head Maid's Uniform)] Come in, come in
[23:10] > Ren Ajaro (Casual) walks in and puts the pizza down "I've..missed you ^^"
[23:12] [Emi Sawyer (Head Maid's Uniform)] Awwww, I am sorry I have nt not been around lately
[23:18] [Ren Ajaro (Casual)] well I'm sure it's ok! you're busy
[23:23] [Emi Sawyer (Head Maid's Uniform)] Yeah..... but I should do more to make time for you, Ren.
[23:41] [Ren Ajaro (Casual)] well now we have time
[23:41] [Ren Ajaro (Casual)] I got some..time off
[23:49] [Ren Ajaro (Casual)] I was thinking we could..go somewhere
[23:51] [Emi Sawyer (Head Maid's Uniform)] That would be a great idea.
[23:53] [Ren Ajaro (Casual)] I mean just the..two of us
[23:55] > Emi Sawyer (Head Maid's Uniform) grins lightly at that
[23:58] > Emi Sawyer (Head Maid's Uniform) turns her back to Ren / Could you unzip my top?
[23:58] [Ren Ajaro (Casual)] I'm..not sure where
[23:58] [Ren Ajaro (Casual)] but somewhere!
[00:00] >>> Friday Jun 09 2017 <<<
[00:01] [Ren Ajaro (Casual)] OH SURE!
[00:02] > Ren Ajaro (Casual) starts to work on unzipping the top
[00:04] > Emi Sawyer (Head Maid's Uniform) smiles, blushing lightly
[00:06] [Emi Sawyer (Head Maid's Uniform)] Thank you. I am going to change clothes really quick then I would love to have some dinner with my Ren.
[00:17] > Ren Ajaro (Casual) smiles, blushing
[00:17] [Ren Ajaro (Casual)] I'd..like that
[00:22] > Emi Sawyer (Head Maid's Uniform) walks into the bedroom
[00:32] > Ren Ajaro (Casual) decides to wait patiently
[00:34] > Emi Sawyer (pjs) comes back out, having changed
[00:37] [Ren Ajaro (Casual)] I made sure it stayed warm ^^
[00:38] [Emi Sawyer (pjs)] You are just the sweetest guy. <3
[00:39] > Emi Sawyer (pjs) sits on the living room sofa and pats a spot next to her
[00:43] > Ren Ajaro (Casual) smiles and sits down
[00:45] > Emi Sawyer (pjs) winks to Ren before reaching out and turning down the lights in the room
[00:45] <-- Emi Sawyer (pjs) [ShyTwinMaid@Mardox.gov] has left #eventsbeta (Dinner, a movie and a date all in one. <3)
[00:47] <-- Ren Ajaro (Casual) has left #eventsbeta (perfect <3)
[00:00] >>> Sunday Jun 11 2017 <<<
[23:48] ➣ Osaka, Japan / Hilton Osaka
[23:48] --> Cassandra Jones (Bathrobe) has joined #eventsbeta
[23:48] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Cassandra Jones (Bathrobe)
[23:56] > Cassandra Jones (Bathrobe) stretches a bit while drying her hair
[23:56] [Cassandra Jones (Bathrobe)] Mmmm.... it feels good to be on the road again.
[00:00] >>> Monday Jun 12 2017 <<<
[00:00] --> Jade Kapur (PJs) has joined #eventsbeta
[00:00] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Jade Kapur (PJs)
[00:00] [Jade Kapur (PJs)] indeed
[00:00] > Jade Kapur (PJs) is sitting on the bed, looking over her computer
[00:03] > Cassandra Jones (Bathrobe) walks over and sits on the bed next to Jade
[00:03] [Cassandra Jones (Bathrobe)] What're ya' readin' doll?
[00:10] [Jade Kapur (PJs)] I have stumbled onto a forum
[00:10] [Jade Kapur (PJs)] I am reading the posts
[00:11] [Cassandra Jones (Bathrobe)] Ooooo
[00:14] [Jade Kapur (PJs)] it seems we have a good number of fans
[00:15] [Cassandra Jones (Bathrobe)] Nice!
[00:17] [Cassandra Jones (Bathrobe)] What're they sayin'?
[00:28] [Jade Kapur (PJs)] well..many of them are saying that we are finally getting a chance to shine
[00:30] [Cassandra Jones (Bathrobe)] Very nice
[00:33] [Jade Kapur (PJs)] ...and there are a few posters which state...and I quote
[00:33] [Jade Kapur (PJs)] ..this is bulls[SMEG]t
[00:35] [Cassandra Jones (Bathrobe)] Oh really now?
[00:37] [Jade Kapur (PJs)] they seem annoyed we switched sides
[00:38] [Cassandra Jones (Bathrobe)] Ya' mean they liked us better when we were bad?
[00:44] > Cassandra Jones (Bathrobe) yawns lightly
[00:46] [Jade Kapur (PJs)] I suppose a few do
[00:46] [Jade Kapur (PJs)] you seem tired
[00:48] [Cassandra Jones (Bathrobe)] Yeah.... that was a rough match I had with Mika.
[00:50] > Cassandra Jones (Undies) unties her bathrobe and tosses it off the bed
[00:53] [Jade Kapur (PJs)] perhaps we should get some rest then
[00:56] [Cassandra Jones (Undies)] Good idea
[00:56] > Cassandra Jones (Undies) slips under the covers next to Jade, yawning again
[00:58] > Jade Kapur (PJs) pulls cassandra close to her
[00:59] [Jade Kapur (PJs)] ^slips under the covers and pulls cassandra close to her
[01:02] > Jade Kapur (PJs) turns off the lights
[01:08] <-- Jade Kapur (PJs) has left #eventsbeta (for now..let us rest)
[01:12] <-- Cassandra Jones (Undies) has left #eventsbeta (Let's <3)
[22:56] ➣ Kinmoku, Kou Estate
[22:56] --> Urvashi Kou (PJ's) has joined #eventsbeta
[22:56] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Urvashi Kou (PJ's)
[22:57] > Urvashi Kou (PJ's) sits at her desk,looking over something on her computer screen
[23:07] [Urvashi Kou (PJ's)] Is that right....?
[23:12] ➣ there's a knock at the door
[23:12] > Urvashi Kou (PJ's) types something then pauses at the knock, standing and walking over to her bedroom door, opening it
[23:15] --> Markus (Casual) has joined #eventsbeta
[23:15] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Markus (Casual)
[23:15] [Markus (Casual)] um hi!
[23:16] > Urvashi Kou (PJ's) smiles, looking a bit shocked
[23:16] [Urvashi Kou (PJ's)] Hi there.... Mark. You actually used the door for a change!
[23:22] [Markus (Casual)] well um....only cause your mother told me to >.>
[23:22] > Urvashi Kou (PJ's) grins a little | My mother likes you almost as much as I do.
[23:28] [Markus (Casual)] kind of..surprises me really
[23:30] > Urvashi Kou (PJ's) takes Markus' hand, pulling him into her room and over to her computer
[23:31] [Urvashi Kou (PJ's)] I want to show you something I just looked up!
[23:36] [Markus (Casual)] hm?
[23:42] [Markus (Casual)] what is it?
[23:42] > Urvashi Kou (PJ's) shows Markus her screen, where there's a photo of the two of them kissing somewhere at the school they go to
[23:43] [Urvashi Kou (PJ's)] It seems you and I are the gossip of the school.
[23:47] [Markus (Casual)] O_O who took that
[23:49] [Urvashi Kou (PJ's)] Apparently Alexandria managed to follow you to our secret hiding spot that is no longer secret.
[23:51] [Markus (Casual)] ><
[23:51] [Markus (Casual)] aw man ><
[23:54] > Urvashi Kou (PJ's) sighs a bit but smiles
[23:55] [Urvashi Kou (PJ's)] This..... is not a problem.
[23:55] [Markus (Casual)] you don't think so?
[23:57] [Urvashi Kou (PJ's)] No, this could be a good thing.
[23:59] [Markus (Casual)] you think so?
[23:59] > Urvashi Kou (PJ's) nods
[00:00] >>> Tuesday Jun 13 2017 <<<
[00:00] [Urvashi Kou (PJ's)] I know we were keeping our relationship to ourselves..... but with this, perhaps we no longer have to hide it.
[00:07] > Markus (Casual) blushes and smiles
[00:12] [Urvashi Kou (PJ's)] I am a bit tired of sneaking around when it comes to..... us.
[00:15] [Markus (Casual)] me too...
[00:18] > Urvashi Kou (PJ's) turns to Markus and kisses him
[00:28] > Markus (Casual) kisses back happily
[00:30] > Markus (Casual) holds the kiss
[00:30] [Urvashi Kou (PJ's)] Mmmm....
[00:31] > Urvashi Kou (PJ's) wraps her arms around Markus, holding on to him
[00:40] > Markus (Casual) slowly breaks the kiss
[00:41] > Urvashi Kou (PJ's) grins as he breaks the kiss, holding onto him still
[00:41] [Urvashi Kou (PJ's)] .... when you do things like that.... you know what it tends to do to me.~
[00:43] [Markus (Casual)] yes I do
[00:45] > Urvashi Kou (PJ's) reaches behind her, turning off her computer
[00:46] [Urvashi Kou (PJ's)] Is that the reason you came over?~
[00:51] [Markus (Casual)] mayyyybe
[00:53] > Urvashi Kou (PJ's) lets go of Markus long enough to slip off her pj top pushing him back onto his bed with a smirk
[00:54] > Urvashi Kou (PJ's) ^her bed
[00:55] [Urvashi Kou (bra & pj bottoms)] Well... I do not want to be a bad girlfriend and leave my man wanting~
[00:56] > Markus (Casual) blushes n dmilses
[00:57] > Urvashi Kou (bra & pj bottoms) starts to slide off her pj bottoms, reaching over to turn out the lights as she crawls into the bed over Markus
[00:58] <-- Urvashi Kou (bra & pj bottoms) has left #eventsbeta (I have been a bit.... pent up lately. <3)
[01:01] <-- Markus (Casual) has left #eventsbeta (me too <3)
[23:55] ➣ Kinmoku / Kou Estate
[23:56] --> Markus (Casual) has joined #eventsbeta
[23:56] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Markus (Casual)
[23:56] > Markus (Casual) walks up to the front door and knocks
[23:57] ➣ The door opens.
[23:57] --> Eva Kou (Future - Casual) has joined #eventsbeta
[23:57] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Eva Kou (Future - Casual)
[23:57] [Eva Kou (Future - Casual)] Hello there, Markus. Coming to see Vash again?
[00:00] >>> Wednesday Jun 14 2017 <<<
[00:02] [Markus (Casual)] um..yes
[00:03] [Eva Kou (Future - Casual)] Well, come in
[00:05] > Markus (Casual) walks in
[00:07] [Eva Kou (Future - Casual)] You two are really getting along, aren't you?
[00:12] [Markus (Casual)] um..yes we are
[00:14] > Eva Kou (Future - Casual) smiles lighlty
[00:15] [Eva Kou (Future - Casual)] I'm glad.... I've seen a change in Vash since you two started dating. A very positive change.
[00:17] [Eva Kou (Future - Casual)] I mean, she's still super focused on her studies.... but she seems to be more willing to... relax at times, rather than constantly working.
[00:25] [Markus (Casual)] I..did that?
[00:25] > Markus (Casual) blushes a bit at that
[00:26] [Eva Kou (Future - Casual)] I believe so.
[00:26] [Eva Kou (Future - Casual)] Which is part of the reason I don't have an issue with you coming over so late..... and staying the night and doing..... whatever.
[00:27] > Eva Kou (Future - Casual) turns to Markus, playfully sticking her tongue out at him and winking.
[00:28] > Markus (Casual) turns deep red at that
[00:28] [Markus (Casual)] u...um...t..thank you
[00:30] > Eva Kou (Future - Casual) puts her hand on Markus' shoulder and smiles
[00:30] [Eva Kou (Future - Casual)] So please, keep doing whatever it is that you're doing to make my Vashi happy. I like seeing her like this.
[00:33] [Markus (Casual)] YOU'RE WELCOME!!!
[00:33] > Markus (Casual) actually shouts that out
[00:34] > Eva Kou (Future - Casual) giggles a little, motioning for Markus to go upstairs to Urvashi's room before heading down a hallway.
[00:35] <-- Eva Kou (Future - Casual) has left #eventsbeta (Don't be too loud or you might wake my husband. He wouldn't appreciate that. :P)
[00:36] > Markus (Casual) heads upstairs
[00:40] > Markus (Casual) knocks on Urvashi's door
[00:41] --> Urvashi Kou (Nightgown) has joined #eventsbeta
[00:41] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Urvashi Kou (Nightgown)
[00:41] [Urvashi Kou (Nightgown)] Enter
[00:44] > Markus (Casual) walks in, closing the door
[00:45] > Urvashi Kou (Nightgown) lays in her bed in a sheer blue nightgown
[00:45] [Urvashi Kou (Nightgown)] Hi Mark.
[00:54] [Markus (Casual)] hye vashi....
[00:54] [Markus (Casual)] you're looking wonderful
[00:56] > Urvashi Kou (Nightgown) giggles a little and tries to do a sexy pose, but somewhat messes it up
[00:59] > Markus (Casual) smiles and kisses urvashi
[01:02] > Urvashi Kou (Nightgown) kisses Markus back and smirks
[01:04] > Urvashi Kou (Nightgown) reaches out, mid kiss and turns out the lights
[01:04] > Markus (Casual) smiles in the kiss
[01:05] <-- Urvashi Kou (Nightgown) has left #eventsbeta (I hope I looked good enough in the light to inspire you in the darkness. <3)
[01:08] <-- Markus (Casual) has left #eventsbeta (of course you do)
[23:39] --> Urvashi Kou (pj's) has joined #eventsbeta
[23:39] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Urvashi Kou (pj's)
[23:42] --> Markus (Casual) has joined #eventsbeta
[23:42] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Markus (Casual)
[23:43] > Urvashi Kou (pj's) lays on her bed, reading off a data pad
[23:45] [Urvashi Kou (pj's)] Hey Mark.... can I ask you a strange question?
[23:46] [Markus (Casual)] hm? what is it?
[23:48] [Urvashi Kou (pj's)] What is your family like? In the time since we got together, I have yet to meet them or even see your home.
[23:52] [Markus (Casual)] um well....my dad.....owns a shop...my mom...um well......
[23:55] [Urvashi Kou (pj's)] You did mention the shop once....
[23:55] [Markus (Casual)] ...my mom she.....
[23:55] [Markus (Casual)] ...sort of......works......here
[23:56] [Urvashi Kou (pj's)] Here? What do you mean?
[23:59] [Markus (Casual)] she's sort of....one of the cleaners >.>
[00:00] >>> Thursday Jun 15 2017 <<<
[00:00] > Urvashi Kou (pj's) looks a bit shocked
[00:00] [Urvashi Kou (pj's)] Wait.... your mother..... is one of our maids!?
[00:01] [Markus (Casual)] yeah V_V
[00:03] [Markus (Casual)] her name is Glorani...
[00:05] [Urvashi Kou (pj's)] Wait..... Glorani...... really!?
[00:06] [Markus (Casual)] y..yeah
[00:07] > Urvashi Kou (pj's) leans in, closely examining Markus' face
[00:08] [Urvashi Kou (pj's)] The fact that I missed the resemblance is boggling my mind.....
[00:11] > Markus (Casual) looks a bit ashamed
[00:13] [Urvashi Kou (pj's)] .... is something wrong?
[00:18] [Markus (Casual)] well...just...not sure if you would still go for a servant's son >.>
[00:21] > Urvashi Kou (pj's) stays in Markus' face
[00:22] > Urvashi Kou (pj's) suddenly grabs and kisses Markus
[00:26] > Markus (Casual) is surprised but kisses back
[00:27] [Markus (Casual)] mmmm
[00:28] > Urvashi Kou (pj's) slowly breaks the kiss and smiles
[00:31] [Urvashi Kou (pj's)] I care not of your station......
[00:31] [Urvashi Kou (pj's)] .... I love you because of who you are, not where you come from.
[00:35] [Markus (Casual)] thank you..*smiles*
[00:37] [Urvashi Kou (pj's)] Does your mother know of our..... relationship?
[00:37] [Markus (Casual)] um...not yet
[00:37] [Markus (Casual)] I was worried she wouldn't approve
[00:41] [Urvashi Kou (pj's)] Perhaps I should tell her myself then.
[00:45] [Markus (Casual)] you...think so?
[00:46] [Urvashi Kou (pj's)] Yes
[00:47] [Urvashi Kou (pj's)] I have a feeling she will react better if I tell her about it.
[00:51] [Markus (Casual)] thank you *smiles*
[00:51] > Urvashi Kou (pj's) smirks a little bit
[00:57] [Urvashi Kou (pj's)] I had a moderately dirty and mildly in appropriate thought thanks to this revelation.
[00:58] [Markus (Casual)] you did?
[01:05] [Urvashi Kou (pj's)] Yeah...
[01:06] > Urvashi Kou (pj's) blushes a little / ..... your mother very likely cleaned up after one or more of our nights together. :P
[01:07] > Markus (Casual) turns bright red at that
[01:09] [Markus (Casual)] u..um...ye..yeah ^^;;
[01:11] > Urvashi Kou (pj's) giggles lightly and winks
[01:11] [Urvashi Kou (pj's)] Are you staying with me again tonight?
[01:12] [Markus (Casual)] I think so
[01:13] [Urvashi Kou (pj's)] Good.... I could use some company tonight
[01:13] > Markus (Casual) reaches over and turns off the lights
[01:14] <-- Markus (Casual) has left #eventsbeta (I think i know where to start ♡)
[01:15] <-- Urvashi Kou (pj's) has left #eventsbeta (Oooo... I love when you get aggresive <3 ~)
[23:25] ➣ the Kou Manor
[23:25] --> Glorani (Maid Uniform) has joined #eventsbeta
[23:25] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Glorani (Maid Uniform)
[23:26] > Glorani (Maid Uniform) works on folding some clothes
[23:26] --> Urvashi Kou (Casual) has joined #eventsbeta
[23:26] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Urvashi Kou (Casual)
[23:27] > Urvashi Kou (Casual) walks into the laundry room, holding her phone
[23:27] [Urvashi Kou (Casual)] Hello there, Glorani.
[23:30] [Glorani (Maid Uniform)] hm? oh good evening, young mistress
[23:33] [Urvashi Kou (Casual)] Glorani.... there is something that I wanted to discuss with you. Something ..... somewhat serious.
[23:37] [Glorani (Maid Uniform)] what is it?
[23:37] > Glorani (Maid Uniform) turns to look over
[23:39] [Urvashi Kou (Casual)] Well.... have you noticed that I have had a certain someone visiting me quite a bit lately?
[23:41] [Glorani (Maid Uniform)] oh yes *laughs a bit* I've had to clean up a bit after those nights *picks up the laundry basket*
[23:41] > Urvashi Kou (Casual) blushes a little and coughs nervously.
[23:42] [Urvashi Kou (Casual)] Have you happened to notice..... who my visitor is...?
[23:49] [Glorani (Maid Uniform)] oh no of course not
[23:49] [Glorani (Maid Uniform)] your privacy is your own, young mistress
[23:53] [Urvashi Kou (Casual)] Well, yes.... but I should probably tell you anyway.
[23:54] [Urvashi Kou (Casual)] You see, the visitor is my new boyfriend.....
[23:55] [Glorani (Maid Uniform)] oh you have a lover now?
[23:55] > Urvashi Kou (Casual) nods
[23:56] [Urvashi Kou (Casual)] .... and his name.... is Markus.
[23:59] > Glorani (Maid Uniform) drops the laundry basket
[23:59] > Glorani (Maid Uniform) looks almost like she's going to have a heart attack
[00:00] >>> Friday Jun 16 2017 <<<
[00:01] [Urvashi Kou (Casual)] Glorani.... are you alright?
[00:02] > Urvashi Kou (Casual) moves to Glorani's side to check on her
[00:04] [Glorani (Maid Uniform)] w...what!?
[00:04] [Urvashi Kou (Casual)] Well.... quite simply.... I have been dating your son for a couple of months now.
[00:08] [Urvashi Kou (Casual)] Though honestly..... I did not know he was your son until last night.
[00:08] [Glorani (Maid Uniform)] I..I AM SORRY, YOUNG MISTRESS!
[00:09] [Glorani (Maid Uniform)] he is impertient and i shall punish him!
[00:09] [Urvashi Kou (Casual)] What? No no.....
[00:10] [Glorani (Maid Uniform)] please do not be angry for his forwardness
[00:10] [Urvashi Kou (Casual)] .... this is what he was afraid of....
[00:12] [Urvashi Kou (Casual)] .... honestly, his forwardness and..... determination were what got my attention and attracted me to him.
[00:20] [Glorani (Maid Uniform)] ..he has always been very impulsive
[00:20] [Urvashi Kou (Casual)] Yes, well...... that is one of the reasons I..... love him.
[00:27] > Glorani (Maid Uniform) looks..uncertain how to react
[00:28] [Glorani (Maid Uniform)] I..thank you for that honor....
[00:30] [Urvashi Kou (Casual)] After he told me you were his mother.... I felt it was only appropriate that I tell you about our relationship.
[00:32] [Glorani (Maid Uniform)] I..I thank you..young mistress
[00:33] > Urvashi Kou (Casual) smiles lightly
[00:34] [Urvashi Kou (Casual)] Mark would have told you himself but, he was afraid you would react negatively.
[00:35] [Glorani (Maid Uniform)] he should have told me this...
[00:46] [Urvashi Kou (Casual)] Like I said.... he was afraid you would be upset with him about it.
[00:47] [Glorani (Maid Uniform)] I understand..I think
[00:54] > Urvashi Kou (Casual) puts her hand on Glorani's shoulder
[00:55] [Urvashi Kou (Casual)] Mark has made me happy in a way that.... I was seriously beginning to think would never happen for me.
[00:57] [Glorani (Maid Uniform)] I...should finish my work....but thank you for telling me..
[00:59] [Glorani (Maid Uniform)] but..thank you for telling me
[00:59] [Urvashi Kou (Casual)] Very well.... I hope you are... alright with all this.
[01:03] [Glorani (Maid Uniform)] I shall, young mistress..I shall
[01:04] [Urvashi Kou (Casual)] Very well. Goodnight. :)
[01:05] [Glorani (Maid Uniform)] goodnight, young mistress
[01:05] <-- Glorani (Maid Uniform) has left #eventsbeta (..my son and the young mistress...)
[01:07] <-- Urvashi Kou (Casual) has left #eventsbeta (I really hope this was not an error in judgement.)
[00:00] >>> Saturday Jun 17 2017 <<<
[20:07] ➣ United States / South Detroit, MI / Kazu Home
[20:07] --> Jennifer Kazu (Casual) [AriesSenshi@usa.cc] has joined #eventsbeta
[20:07] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Jennifer Kazu (Casual)
[20:08] > Jennifer Kazu (Casual) sits on the living room sofa, checking something on her laptop.
[20:11] --> Hitoshi Kazu (Casual) has joined #eventsbeta
[20:11] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Hitoshi Kazu (Casual)
[20:12] [Hitoshi Kazu (Casual)] hm? what are you looking at?
[20:14] [Jennifer Kazu (Casual)] I've been looking for housees down in Florida.
[20:16] [Hitoshi Kazu (Casual)] any luck?
[20:19] [Jennifer Kazu (Casual)] Well, I found a few.... but I ain't sure if we can afford 'em.
[20:26] [Hitoshi Kazu (Casual)] do any of them look good?
[20:31] [Jennifer Kazu (Casual)] Oh they look great. I have a top five... it's just the money part that's killing me right now.
[20:33] [Hitoshi Kazu (Casual)] ..do you thinkiwe can talk to someone for help?
[20:34] [Jennifer Kazu (Casual)] Well.... we could take out a loan.
[20:34] [Jennifer Kazu (Casual)] I don't wanna' borrow any money from my parents.
[20:39] [Hitoshi Kazu (Casual)] any friends we could ask?
[20:41] [Jennifer Kazu (Casual)] Do we really wanna' do it like that?
[20:41] [Jennifer Kazu (Casual)] I mean..... I could ask Vana..... but I would feel weird doin' it.
[20:42] [Hitoshi Kazu (Casual)] ..would it help if I asked
[20:44] [Jennifer Kazu (Casual)] No no.... I just feel strange asking for money.
[20:50] [Hitoshi Kazu (Casual)] yeah I suppose...so what should we do then?
[20:53] > Jennifer Kazu (Casual) sighs a little, looking down at the keyboard
[20:53] [Jennifer Kazu (Casual)] I dunno.... maybe this was a bad idea I had 'bout movin'.
[20:55] > Hitoshi Kazu (Casual) puts an arm around jennifer and kisses her cheek
[20:55] [Hitoshi Kazu (Casual)] of course it isn't
[20:58] > Jennifer Kazu (Casual) leans against Hitoshi
[20:58] [Jennifer Kazu (Casual)] I have some money saved up.... but I really didn't expect the houses to cost so freakin' much
[21:05] [Hitoshi Kazu (Casual)] maybe I could work a few more hours
[21:13] [Jennifer Kazu (Casual)] I don't wanna make ya' have to do that.
[21:24] > Jennifer Kazu (Casual) closes her laptop and sighs
[21:24] [Hitoshi Kazu (Casual)] we'll find a way
[21:27] [Jennifer Kazu (Casual)] I just feel dumb now for thinkin' up this plan.
[21:29] [Hitoshi Kazu (Casual)] heh you're wonderful...we'll manage it
[21:30] > Jennifer Kazu (Casual) snuggles against Hitoshi
[21:30] [Jennifer Kazu (Casual)] I'm glad you're so optomistic.
[21:36] [Jennifer Kazu (Casual)] I dunno what I'd do without you~
[21:53] > Hitoshi Kazu (Casual) smiles to Jennifer
[22:05] [Hitoshi Kazu (Casual)] what would I do without you?
[22:13] > Jennifer Kazu (Casual) looks up at Hitoshi
[22:13] [Jennifer Kazu (Casual)] You tell me..
[22:23] > Hitoshi Kazu (Casual) kisses his wife
[22:27] > Jennifer Kazu (Casual) kisses Hitoshi back, snuggling closer to him
[22:30] [Hitoshi Kazu (Casual)] we'll find a way..I promise you
[22:31] [Jennifer Kazu (Casual)] Okay...
[22:31] [Jennifer Kazu (Casual)] ... as long as I'm with you, I know it'll work out.
[22:44] [Hitoshi Kazu (Casual)] and I with you
[22:53] > Jennifer Kazu (Casual) yawns lightly
[22:57] [Hitoshi Kazu (Casual)] tired?
[22:58] [Jennifer Kazu (Casual)] Yeah....
[23:03] [Hitoshi Kazu (Casual)] I think we should get some rest
[23:04] [Jennifer Kazu (Casual)] Sounds like a good idea.
[23:04] > Jennifer Kazu (Casual) sits up and stretches before standing
[23:07] > Hitoshi Kazu (Casual) stands and scoops up his wife
[23:08] [Jennifer Kazu (Casual)] Woah!! O_O
[23:11] [Hitoshi Kazu (Casual)] heh let me carry you to bed
[23:15] > Jennifer Kazu (Casual) giggles and holds on to Hitoshi
[23:15] [Jennifer Kazu (Casual)] I'd never say no to that~
[23:22] <-- Hitoshi Kazu (Casual) has left #eventsbeta (maybe we can enjoy the rest of the night ♡)
[23:23] <-- Jennifer Kazu (Casual) [AriesSenshi@usa.cc] has left #eventsbeta (Oooooh, I love that idea <3)
[00:00] >>> Sunday Jun 18 2017 <<<
[00:42] ➣ Shin Estate, Outside of Akita, Japan
[00:42] --> Matsumi Kaze (Nightie) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has joined #eventsbeta
[00:42] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Matsumi Kaze (Nightie)
[00:42] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Matsumi Kaze (Nightie)
[00:42] > +Matsumi Kaze (Nightie) walks into the bedroom
[00:44] --> Vanadine (Undies) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has joined #eventsbeta
[00:44] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Vanadine (Undies)
[00:44] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Vanadine (Undies)
[00:44] > +Matsumi Kaze (Nightie) stretches "ugh"
[00:45] > +Vanadine (Undies) sits in bed, reading over a tablet
[00:45] [+Vanadine (Undies)] What's wrong, Sweety?
[00:48] [+Matsumi Kaze (Nightie)] just..worn out
[00:49] > +Matsumi Kaze (Nightie) sits on the bed...then pauses...and shifts a bit on the bed
[00:49] [+Matsumi Kaze (Nightie)] ..this bed still needs getting used to
[00:52] > +Vanadine (Undies) smirks a bit, snuggling up to Matsumi
[00:52] [+Vanadine (Undies)] Guess we haven't broken it in enough yet, hmm?~
[00:53] > +Matsumi Kaze (Nightie) smiles and holds vana close
[00:53] [+Matsumi Kaze (Nightie)] I guess not
[00:53] [+Matsumi Kaze (Nightie)] ..I was debating getting work in the city
[00:54] [+Vanadine (Undies)] Oh? Doing what?
[00:56] [+Matsumi Kaze (Nightie)] maybe teaching again
[00:57] [+Vanadine (Undies)] Heh, before too much longer, we'll have to find a school for our Munchkin
[00:59] [+Matsumi Kaze (Nightie)] oh yes..time is moving so quicklly!
[01:01] [+Vanadine (Undies)] Yeah.... seems like not so long ago she was just starting to walk.
[01:02] [+Matsumi Kaze (Nightie)] aww wish she wouldn't grow up
[01:04] [+Vanadine (Undies)] Part of me wishes she woudn't either..... but I know there's no stopping her now.
[01:07] [+Matsumi Kaze (Nightie)] heh true
[01:08] [+Matsumi Kaze (Nightie)] ..you don't mind us..having moved away like this
[01:10] [+Vanadine (Undies)] Not at all.
[01:10] [+Vanadine (Undies)] I kinda like us living further north like this. Winter's gonna' be interesting.
[01:10] [+Matsumi Kaze (Nightie)] heh yeah..I missed winters
[01:13] [+Matsumi Kaze (Nightie)] be a chance to meet new people
[01:15] > +Vanadine (Undies) nods with a smile: Plus, it's nice that we're more away from the city here.
[01:20] [+Matsumi Kaze (Nightie)] mmhm!
[01:20] > +Matsumi Kaze (Nightie) yawns a bit
[01:22] > +Vanadine (Undies) turns off her tablet and sets it on a nightstand next to the bed
[01:22] [+Vanadine (Undies)] Sounds like it's time for us to get some sleep
[01:23] [+Matsumi Kaze (Nightie)] yeah...I'm pretty tired
[01:29] > +Matsumi Kaze (Nightie) snuggles close to vana
[01:29] > +Vanadine (Undies) smiles and reachs to turn out the lights
[01:30] [+Vanadine (Undies)] We should go out exploring tomorrow.
[01:30] <-- +Vanadine (Undies) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has left #eventsbeta (^)
[01:31] <-- +Matsumi Kaze (Nightie) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has left #eventsbeta (yeah!)
[00:00] >>> Tuesday Jun 20 2017 <<<
[00:00] ➣ Kinmoku / Kou Estate & Vineyard / Drake's Plot
[00:00] --> Mandrake Sakazaki (Light Casual) has joined #eventsbeta
[00:00] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Mandrake Sakazaki (Light Casual)
[00:01] > Mandrake Sakazaki (Light Casual) looks over his vineyard, holding a tablet, checking things out.
[00:10] [Sonya Kou (Casual)] how do they look??
[00:10] --> Sonya Kou (Casual) has joined #eventsbeta
[00:10] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Sonya Kou (Casual)
[00:11] > Mandrake Sakazaki (Light Casual) smiles | They're getting better by the day.
[00:15] [Sonya Kou (Casual)] heh good!
[00:15] [Sonya Kou (Casual)] I'm glad we've proven mom wrong
[00:15] [Mandrake Sakazaki (Light Casual)] We're getting over 50% production now.
[00:16] [Mandrake Sakazaki (Light Casual)] And the other half is really starting to recover.
[00:20] [Sonya Kou (Casual)] well I believed in you all the way ^^ *kisses drake on the cheek*
[00:21] > Mandrake Sakazaki (Light Casual) puts his arm around Sonya and smiles
[00:22] [Mandrake Sakazaki (Light Casual)] As if you didn't already have money of your own.... we shouldn't have to worry about money with this vineyard producing as well as it is.
[00:24] [Sonya Kou (Casual)] well all that matters to me is that we did it
[00:28] [Sonya Kou (Casual)] well you did it ^^
[00:30] > Mandrake Sakazaki (Light Casual) squeezes Sonya lightly
[00:30] [Mandrake Sakazaki (Light Casual)] Well, your cousin Urvashi really helped.
[00:30] [Sonya Kou (Casual)] well she's really the brains of the familes
[00:35] [Mandrake Sakazaki (Light Casual)] She's brilliant. My tech knowledge and her agriculture knowledge really complemented each other.
[00:35] [Sonya Kou (Casual)] .....soon we'll be able to get married
[00:37] [Mandrake Sakazaki (Light Casual)] Yeah.... we just need to pick a place to have the ceremony.... and a date.
[00:39] > Sonya Kou (Casual) blushes
[00:41] [Sonya Kou (Casual)] ^^
[00:42] [Sonya Kou (Casual)] I'm sure mom will have something to say about it
[00:47] [Sonya Kou (Casual)] as usual
[01:00] > Mandrake Sakazaki (Light Casual) yawns lighlty
[01:00] [Sonya Kou (Casual)] I think we should retire fort he night ^^
[01:01] [Mandrake Sakazaki (Light Casual)] I agree with you there.
[01:01] > Sonya Kou (Casual) offers her hand
[01:02] > Mandrake Sakazaki (Light Casual) takes Sonya's hand and smiles
[01:02] [Mandrake Sakazaki (Light Casual)] Lead the way, my darling.
[01:03] <-- Sonya Kou (Casual) has left #eventsbeta (too happy to ♡)
[01:04] <-- Mandrake Sakazaki (Light Casual) has left #eventsbeta (<3)
[00:00] >>> Wednesday Jun 21 2017 <<<
[22:42] ➣ Neo Japan, Crystal Tokyo / Horus' Apartment
[22:44] --> Rose Sakazaki (Casual) has joined #eventsbeta
[22:44] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Rose Sakazaki (Casual)
[22:44] > Rose Sakazaki (Casual) is cooking a dinner for horus
[22:47] --> Horus Saotome (Suit) has joined #eventsbeta
[22:47] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Horus Saotome (Suit)
[22:47] > Horus Saotome (Suit) opens the door to the apartment and sniffs at the air
[22:47] [Horus Saotome (Suit)] Mmmmm.... something smells good.
[22:50] [Rose Sakazaki (Casual)] oh welcome home, horus!
[22:52] > Horus Saotome (Suit) makes his way over to the kitchenette with a smile, kissing Rose on the cheek.
[22:52] [Horus Saotome (Suit)] And to what do I owe the pleasure of this surprise?
[22:57] [Sonya Kou (Casual)] well I..uh want to talk to you
[22:57] [Rose Sakazaki (Casual)] ^
[22:58] [Horus Saotome (Suit)] Oh? What about?
[23:00] [Rose Sakazaki (Casual)] um so...I....was asked to take part in a modeling tour
[23:01] [Horus Saotome (Suit)] Oh wow... that is fantastic! What type of modeling is it?
[23:04] [Rose Sakazaki (Casual)] a new fashion line
[23:06] [Horus Saotome (Suit)] That's great!
[23:10] [Rose Sakazaki (Casual)] thing is...
[23:10] [Rose Sakazaki (Casual)] ..it's going to take me off world
[23:12] [Rose Sakazaki (Casual)] and out of this solar system >.>
[23:14] [Horus Saotome (Suit)] Oh wow.... how far?
[23:15] [Horus Saotome (Suit)] And for how long?
[23:17] [Rose Sakazaki (Casual)] a few systems away......and maybe a month.....
[23:18] [Horus Saotome (Suit)] Oh...
[23:18] [Horus Saotome (Suit)] .... so I won't get to see you for a bit.
[23:21] [Rose Sakazaki (Casual)] I was going to ask you...
[23:21] > Rose Sakazaki (Casual) removes the food off the stove
[23:21] [Rose Sakazaki (Casual)] ....if you'd like to come with
[23:29] > Horus Saotome (Suit) looks a little shocked
[23:29] [Horus Saotome (Suit)] You.... want me to come with you?
[23:33] [Rose Sakazaki (Casual)] if...you'd like to
[23:48] > Horus Saotome (Suit) blushes a little
[23:48] [Horus Saotome (Suit)] I..... I'd love to.
[23:49] [Horus Saotome (Suit)] I've never actually left the system before.
[23:51] [Rose Sakazaki (Casual)] really!!!!!
[23:52] > Rose Sakazaki (Casual) hugs horus!
[23:54] > Horus Saotome (Suit) hugs Rose back and smiles
[23:54] [Horus Saotome (Suit)] Of course.... you think I'd turn you down on something like that?
[23:59] [Horus Saotome (Suit)] I'll just have to talk to my boss.
[00:00] >>> Thursday Jun 22 2017 <<<
[00:00] [Horus Saotome (Suit)] I'll tell him I'm taking some contract work as a private security job. I just won't tell him who it's for.
[00:05] [Rose Sakazaki (Casual)] wel I didn't know....
[00:06] [Rose Sakazaki (Casual)] you..will need to work though...maybe as my bodyguard?
[00:07] [Horus Saotome (Suit)] I mean..... if you want to recommend me to whoever's setting up the shoot.
[00:07] [Horus Saotome (Suit)] I would be more than happy to work.
[00:10] > Rose Sakazaki (Casual) blushes
[00:10] [Rose Sakazaki (Casual)] um...we should..probably eat
[00:10] [Horus Saotome (Suit)] Of course.
[00:10] [Horus Saotome (Suit)] And what did my lovely flower make tonight?
[00:15] [Rose Sakazaki (Casual)] um...a simple soup
[00:15] [Rose Sakazaki (Casual)] ..might have turned into a stew
[00:17] [Horus Saotome (Suit)] Hey, that's alright with me.
[00:17] > Horus Saotome (Suit) smiles and kisses Rose.
[00:34] > Rose Sakazaki (Casual) kisses back happily
[00:37] > Rose Sakazaki (Casual) slowly breaks the kiss
[00:38] [Horus Saotome (Suit)] Shall we have dinner then?~
[00:43] [Rose Sakazaki (Casual)] I think so
[00:50] > Horus Saotome (Suit) takes off his suit jacket and sits at his table.
[00:51] > Rose Sakazaki (Casual) sits carefully down as well
[00:56] [Rose Sakazaki (Casual)] ^^
[00:58] > Horus Saotome (Suit) picks up a spoon and starts to eat
[01:00] > Rose Sakazaki (Casual) smiles and eats as well
[01:02] [Horus Saotome (Suit)] Mmmm, wonderful as always. :)
[01:03] [Rose Sakazaki (Casual)] thank you ^^
[01:04] > Horus Saotome (Suit) takes another bite and smiles
[01:05] > Horus Saotome (Suit) gives a grin and winks as he eats
[01:05] <-- Horus Saotome (Suit) has left #eventsbeta (Perhaps I'll have a bit of you for dessert. ^_~ <3)
[01:07] <-- Rose Sakazaki (Casual) has left #eventsbeta (ooo yes <3)
[00:00] >>> Friday Jun 23 2017 <<<
[22:12] ➣ Sakazaki House, Japan, The Future
[22:13] --> Neva (Casual) [BHunterCat@SystemNova.com] has joined #eventsbeta
[22:13] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Neva (Casual)
[22:13] > Neva (Casual) is finishing putting the last of serving dishes away
[22:18] --> Nall Sakazaki (Casual) [WhiteDragon@SilverStar.co.lun] has joined #eventsbeta
[22:18] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Nall Sakazaki (Casual)
[22:19] [Neva (Casual)] heh well....
[22:19] [Neva (Casual)] I think that dinner went over well
[22:19] [Nall Sakazaki (Casual)] Hmm?
[22:23] [Neva (Casual)] not really a good cook at this though
[22:23] > Neva (Casual) smiles to her husband
[22:26] [Nall Sakazaki (Casual)] I thought it was great though
[22:28] > Nall Sakazaki (Casual) walks over and kisses Neva on the cheek
[22:30] > Neva (Casual) smiles, blushing
[22:30] [Neva (Casual)] so Rose told me about the tour
[22:31] [Nall Sakazaki (Casual)] Tour?
[22:33] [Neva (Casual)] the modeling tour
[22:36] > Nall Sakazaki (Casual) looks confused
[22:36] [Nall Sakazaki (Casual)] This is the first I'm hearing of it....
[22:37] [Neva (Casual)] oh....she's been asked to tour the galaxy
[22:37] [Nall Sakazaki (Casual)] Oh wow.....
[22:42] [Nall Sakazaki (Casual)] .... any idea who the job is for?
[22:44] [Neva (Casual)] um that..galactic fashion company
[22:51] [Nall Sakazaki (Casual)] Well that's nice to hear she's got another modeling job. Any idea how long she'll be traveling?
[22:52] [Neva (Casual)] she said it could be for a month
[22:57] [Nall Sakazaki (Casual)] Wow, that's a long time for a modeling tour....
[22:57] [Neva (Casual)] I agree....apparently...
[22:57] [Neva (Casual)] Horus is coming with
[23:13] [Nall Sakazaki (Casual)] Oh yeah? Doesn't he have work of his own though?
[23:18] [Neva (Casual)] well I assume he got it off...but I'm not sure...*smiles and wraps her arms around nall*
[23:22] > Nall Sakazaki (Casual) hugs and holds Neva
[23:23] [Nall Sakazaki (Casual)] Well.... I'm glad he'll be with her. At least Rose will have someone to protect her while she's away.
[23:23] [Neva (Casual)] hopefully!
[23:29] [Neva (Casual)] it's strange to think of our first borns....they're growing up so fast..well they grew up so fast
[23:32] [Nall Sakazaki (Casual)] I know what you mean
[23:32] [Neva (Casual)] it's just strange sometimes...
[23:35] [Nall Sakazaki (Casual)] Why do you say that?
[23:40] [Neva (Casual)] just time seems to move so fast
[23:44] [Nall Sakazaki (Casual)] Perhaps, but now we have a new little one to take care of.
[23:50] [Neva (Casual)] mmm we do at that ^^
[23:58] [Nall Sakazaki (Casual)] Which reminds me.... how's our little man tonight?
[00:00] >>> Saturday Jun 24 2017 <<<
[00:05] [Neva (Casual)] oh sleeping peacefully ^^
[00:05] [Neva (Casual)] he was a bit fussy at first
[00:14] [Nall Sakazaki (Casual)] No surprise there
[00:14] [Nall Sakazaki (Casual)] All our children were fussy about bedtime when they were little.
[00:15] [Neva (Casual)] oh do you remember drake...
[00:16] [Nall Sakazaki (Casual)] Oh yes. He slept so much, but then when we wanted him to sleep, he would fuss.
[00:18] [Neva (Casual)] gave me a headache so many times
[00:30] [Nall Sakazaki (Casual)] Yeah.... but look at him now
[00:34] [Neva (Casual)] about to get married...
[00:35] [Nall Sakazaki (Casual)] Running a successful business at a vinyard.
[00:44] > Neva (Casual) smiles 'takes after his father...all that smarts"
[00:47] > Nall Sakazaki (Casual) grins and squeezes Neva lightly
[00:47] [Nall Sakazaki (Casual)] Such a flaterer
[00:53] > Neva (Casual) giggles happily
[00:57] > Neva (Casual) yawns a bit
[00:58] [Nall Sakazaki (Casual)] Getting tired, dear?
[01:04] [Neva (Casual)] yeah I think so
[01:06] [Neva (Casual)] it's getting pretty late
[01:10] > Nall Sakazaki (Casual) smirks and scoops up Neva
[01:15] > Neva (Casual) giggles, her tail swaying
[01:15] > Nall Sakazaki (Casual) winks and carries Neva out of the kitchen
[01:16] <-- Nall Sakazaki (Casual) [WhiteDragon@SilverStar.co.lun] has left #eventsbeta (Well then, I shall wisk you away. <3)
[01:19] <-- Neva (Casual) [BHunterCat@SystemNova.com] has left #eventsbeta (<3)
[00:00] >>> Sunday Jun 25 2017 <<<
[22:43] ➣ Mysn-Ku, Quinox, the future
[22:44] ➣ the entire capitol is decorated for the summer festival marking the old time of planting and preperation
[22:44] --> Zenthi (Casual) [staffhead@Q.ry.com] has joined #eventsbeta
[22:44] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Zenthi (Casual)
[22:50] --> Elias Sita (Casual) has joined #eventsbeta
[22:50] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Elias Sita (Casual)
[22:52] > Zenthi (Casual) grins, looking around and then looks to Elias, giving him a kiss on the cheek
[22:53] > Elias Sita (Casual) chuckles lightly, taking in the sights
[22:53] [Elias Sita (Casual)] Wow..... this place sure goes all out for these festivles.
[22:53] [Zenthi (Casual)] it's awesome they let us go to this!
[22:54] [Zenthi (Casual)] it's the capitol, they go all out on EVERYTHING!
[22:54] > Zenthi (Casual) pauses and runs over to a food stand
[22:57] > Elias Sita (Casual) follows Zenthi to the stand
[22:59] > Zenthi (Casual) orders some Fangi (a rolled up crepe like snack served on sticks with a fruit filling in the roll)
[23:03] [Elias Sita (Casual)] Oooo
[23:03] [Elias Sita (Casual)] That looks good
[23:05] > Zenthi (Casual) offers one to Elias!
[23:08] > Elias Sita (Casual) happily accepts and takes a bite
[23:10] > Zenthi (Casual) bites too...narrowly avoiding a child running by with a balloon like object
[23:11] [Elias Sita (Casual)] Oooo, it IS good~
[23:13] [Zenthi (Casual)] I love these snacks!
[23:19] [Zenthi (Casual)] the food is the best part ^^
[23:19] > Elias Sita (Casual) continues to munch, looking around
[23:19] [Elias Sita (Casual)] What was that ballon that kid had just now?
[23:23] [Zenthi (Casual)] huh? oh a air ball..they're filled with gas and carefully float thanks to a small homemade crystal
[23:25] [Elias Sita (Casual)] Interesting
[23:29] [Zenthi (Casual)] a lot of the kids like it I guess
[23:31] [Elias Sita (Casual)] What do you like to do during these festivles besides eat?
[23:32] [Zenthi (Casual)] well sometimes there are bands that play...and plays..OH and there's contests!
[23:37] [Elias Sita (Casual)] What type of contests?
[23:42] [Zenthi (Casual)] well singing...strength....there's some sort of poetry contest too
[23:45] [Elias Sita (Casual)] Intriguing.
[23:48] [Zenthi (Casual)] you should totally enter a contest!
[23:53] [Elias Sita (Casual)] You think so?
[23:56] [Zenthi (Casual)] you'd be great!!!!
[23:57] [Elias Sita (Casual)] At what though?
[00:00] >>> Monday Jun 26 2017 <<<
[00:01] [Zenthi (Casual)] well they are having an archery contest today it looks like
[00:02] [Elias Sita (Casual)] Hmmmm.... I am pretty handy with a light bow....
[00:02] [Elias Sita (Casual)] Daph helped train me.
[00:13] [Zenthi (Casual)] I think it starts pretty soon too
[00:24] [Elias Sita (Casual)] Yeah? Let's go check it out then!
[00:29] > Zenthi (Casual) starts to lead elias towards the proper booth
[00:30] > Elias Sita (Casual) takes Zenthi's hand and follows
[00:48] > Zenthi (Casual) heads into the tent!
[00:48] <-- Zenthi (Casual) [staffhead@Q.ry.com] has left #eventsbeta (I'll help you register@!)
[00:57] <-- Elias Sita (Casual) has left #eventsbeta (Sounds good)
[23:36] ➣ Madox Castle, Quinox, The Future
[23:36] --> Tina Detroit (Nightgown) [FireyAirPrincess@QTech.com] has joined #eventsbeta
[23:36] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Tina Detroit (Nightgown)
[23:42] > Tina Detroit (Nightgown) stands at the balcony, looking out
[23:48] --> Celestite Detroit (Casual) [CrystalGirl@dimensionzero.cc] has joined #eventsbeta
[23:48] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Celestite Detroit (Casual)
[23:48] > Celestite Detroit (Casual) walks into the royal bed chambers, noticing that Tina's standing on the balcony
[23:51] [Tina Detroit (Nightgown)] *sigh*
[23:52] > Celestite Detroit (Casual) walks through the bedroom and out to the balcony, standing next to Tina
[23:52] [Celestite Detroit (Casual)] Hey there, Sweetheart. What's wrong?
[23:55] [Tina Detroit (Nightgown)] oh um I was just thinking
[23:56] [Celestite Detroit (Casual)] What about?
[23:57] [Tina Detroit (Nightgown)] about our life ^^
[23:58] [Tina Detroit (Nightgown)] while I was tucking the twins in..I was thinking about how far we've come
[23:59] [Celestite Detroit (Casual)] Yeah.... we really have come a long way.
[00:00] >>> Tuesday Jun 27 2017 <<<
[00:06] [Tina Detroit (Nightgown)] and now we're..basically ruler of this all
[00:25] [Tina Detroit (Nightgown)] ^^
[00:57] [Celestite Detroit (Casual)] Yeah
[00:58] > Tina Detroit (Nightgown) yawns but smiles
[00:59] > Celestite Detroit (Casual) throws her arm around Tina
[01:00] [Celestite Detroit (Casual)] You sound as tired as I feel
[01:00] [Tina Detroit (Nightgown)] heh I am
[01:02] [Celestite Detroit (Casual)] Well then.... perhaps you can... help me change before bed? ;)
[01:04] [Tina Detroit (Nightgown)] I'd be happy to ^_~
[01:05] > Celestite Detroit (Casual) winks and leads Tina inside
[01:05] <-- Celestite Detroit (Casual) [CrystalGirl@dimensionzero.cc] has left #eventsbeta (I'm the only one who can make the princess work here.~ <3)
[01:08] <-- Tina Detroit (Nightgown) [FireyAirPrincess@QTech.com] has left #eventsbeta (hehe that's right <3)
[00:00] >>> Friday Jun 30 2017 <<<
[23:49] ➣ Cassie and Jade's place
[23:50] --> Jade Kapur (Robe) has joined #eventsbeta
[23:50] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Jade Kapur (Robe)
[23:50] > Jade Kapur (Robe) walks out of the bathroom
[23:52] --> Cassandra Jones (Nightgown) has joined #eventsbeta
[23:52] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Cassandra Jones (Nightgown)
[23:52] > Cassandra Jones (Nightgown) sits in bed, reading a tablet
[23:56] [Cassandra Jones (Nightgown)] Wow.... we have so many fans now.
[23:58] [Jade Kapur (Robe)] hm?
[23:59] [Cassandra Jones (Nightgown)] I was reading comments on our page on the CAW site.
[00:00] >>> Saturday Jul 01 2017 <<<
[00:02] [Jade Kapur (Robe)] anything good??
[00:02] [Cassandra Jones (Nightgown)] Oh yeah
[00:02] [Cassandra Jones (Nightgown)] Lots of positive ones
[00:04] [Jade Kapur (Robe)] makes a change for once
[00:09] [Cassandra Jones (Nightgown)] Yeah, it's nice.
[00:11] [Cassandra Jones (Nightgown)] I can't believe they want me to be in that big international tournament!
[00:12] [Jade Kapur (Robe)] you will be excellent!
[00:20] > Jade Kapur (Robe) hugs cassandra from behind
[00:23] > Cassandra Jones (Nightgown) leans back against Jade with a smile
[00:29] [Cassandra Jones (Nightgown)] I'm only this good because of you though....
[00:30] [Cassandra Jones (Nightgown)] .... have you noticed how much better I've gotten since we got together?
[00:37] [Jade Kapur (Robe)] hm?...a bit perhaps
[00:38] [Jade Kapur (Robe)] I did not think that i was that much of a help
[00:40] [Cassandra Jones (Nightgown)] Yes you are....
[00:42] [Cassandra Jones (Nightgown)] .... I was good before. But watching you work, working with you.... and having this relationship with you.... has made me that much better.
[00:42] > Jade Kapur (Robe) blushes...a rare feat
[01:00] > Cassandra Jones (Nightgown) turns and giggles a little
[01:02] [Cassandra Jones (Nightgown)] The last time I saw you blush like that was the day we first got together.
[01:08] [Jade Kapur (Robe)] it has been a bit
[01:12] > Cassandra Jones (Nightgown) lays against Jade and smiles
[01:12] [Cassandra Jones (Nightgown)] As long as I have you, I don't need anything or anyone else.
[01:14] [Jade Kapur (Robe)] I'm glad of that.......you make my life so much better
[01:16] > Cassandra Jones (Nightgown) turns and looks Jade eye to eye with a smirk
[01:16] [Cassandra Jones (Nightgown)] So.... what do I have to do to get you out of that bathrobe?
[01:24] [Jade Kapur (Robe)] oh not much at all
[01:27] > Jade Kapur (Robe) kisses cassandra
[01:29] > Cassandra Jones (Nightgown) kisses Jade back, reaching over and turning out the lights
[01:33] <-- Jade Kapur (Robe) has left #eventsbeta (♡)
[01:34] <-- Cassandra Jones (Nightgown) has left #eventsbeta (<3)
[00:00] >>> Sunday Jul 02 2017 <<<
[00:33] ➣ The next night
[00:34] --> Cassandra Jones (Undies) has joined #eventsbeta
[00:34] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Cassandra Jones (Undies)
[00:34] > Cassandra Jones (Undies) sits on the bed, talking on her phone
[00:35] [Cassandra Jones (Undies)] So we're changing direction then....
[00:36] [Cassandra Jones (Undies)] Mmhmm....... yes.....
[00:36] [Cassandra Jones (Undies)] .... and... you're sure that's what you want me to do?
[00:37] [Jade Kapur (Undies)] hm?
[00:37] --> Jade Kapur (Undies) has joined #eventsbeta
[00:37] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Jade Kapur (Undies)
[00:38] [Cassandra Jones (Undies)] Oh no.... I have no objections to it at all. It's just so sudden.
[00:39] [Cassandra Jones (Undies)] Right... okay then. I'll start getting things set up on my end then.
[00:39] [Cassandra Jones (Undies)] Thank you for this opportunity. I'll do my best to make sure I don't disappoint ya'.
[00:40] > Cassandra Jones (Undies) hangs up her phone and giggles, kicking her feet in the bed
[00:42] [Jade Kapur (Undies)] is something going on?
[00:44] [Cassandra Jones (Undies)] Oh yeah, big things.
[00:45] [Cassandra Jones (Undies)] As much as I was lookin' forward to it.... management is pullin' me out of the big tournament this summer.
[00:48] [Jade Kapur (Undies)] hm? why??
[00:49] [Cassandra Jones (Undies)] Well..... they want me to do somethin' else instead.... somethin' bigger!
[00:50] [Cassandra Jones (Undies)] Did ya' see the news today about the new North American belt?
[00:52] [Jade Kapur (Undies)] I belive I saw something about that
[00:53] [Cassandra Jones (Undies)] Well.... they're havin' a micro tournament to decide the first champ
[00:53] [Cassandra Jones (Undies)] Not ONLY do they wanna' put me in that tournament..... they want me to win it!
[00:54] [Jade Kapur (Undies)] I'm so happy for you *smiles*
[00:56] [Cassandra Jones (Undies)] The good news about it is that, with me being North American champion, you won't have to worry about them trying to put me against you for your title.
[01:01] [Cassandra Jones (Undies)] The bad news is that, because it's a regional title.... I'll have to travel more often to go there and defend it.
[01:02] [Jade Kapur (Undies)] ..which means we shall see less of each other
[01:04] > Cassandra Jones (Undies) looks down a little and sighs / Yeah.... that's the only bad part
[01:05] [Cassandra Jones (Undies)] In fact.... the tournament is... next weekend
[01:06] > Cassandra Jones (Undies) yawns lightlyl
[01:09] [Jade Kapur (Undies)] ..wish there was something we coudl do
[01:09] [Cassandra Jones (Undies)] I don't think it'll be that bad.
[01:10] > Cassandra Jones (Undies) yawns again, laying down on the bed.
[01:11] > Jade Kapur (Undies) lays next to cassandra
[01:11] [Cassandra Jones (Undies)] I know we can make it work.
[01:12] > Cassandra Jones (Undies) reaches up to turn out the lights before snuggling up to Jade
[01:13] <-- Cassandra Jones (Undies) has left #eventsbeta (If anyone can do it, it's us <3)
[01:17] <-- Jade Kapur (Undies) has left #eventsbeta (true <3)
[23:37] ➣ Kaze Estate, Outside Akita, Japan
[23:37] --> Matsumi Kaze (Undies) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has joined #eventsbeta
[23:37] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Matsumi Kaze (Undies)
[23:37] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Matsumi Kaze (Undies)
[23:37] > +Matsumi Kaze (Undies) stretches, heading towards the bedroom
[23:40] --> Vanadine (Nightwear) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has joined #eventsbeta
[23:40] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Vanadine (Nightwear)
[23:40] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Vanadine (Nightwear)
[23:40] > +Vanadine (Nightwear) walks from the other direction, reading off a tablet
[23:42] [+Matsumi Kaze (Undies)] ugh all packed for the trip to Minnesota..
[23:46] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] Well now....
[23:46] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] .... seems my partner is holding out on me.
[23:46] [+Matsumi Kaze (Undies)] hm?
[23:48] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] Seems my partner..... your sister.... is gonna' be part of the North American title tournament.
[23:50] [+Matsumi Kaze (Undies)] whoa seriously??
[23:50] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] Yup...
[23:51] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] ... her and 7 other people in a two night tournament in the US.
[23:52] [+Matsumi Kaze (Undies)] heh wish she had told me that
[23:52] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] She didn't even tell ME about it....
[23:52] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] ....I had to find out about it on this internet story.
[23:55] [+Matsumi Kaze (Undies)] want me to scold her?
[23:56] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] Nah, but we gotta' mess with her.
[23:58] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] I guess the tournament is next weekend.
[00:00] >>> Monday Jul 03 2017 <<<
[00:04] [+Matsumi Kaze (Undies)] what are we going to do?
[00:09] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] Go pull her outta bed and lock her outside? :P
[00:10] [+Matsumi Kaze (Undies)] heh you mean right now?
[00:10] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] Oh yeah, while she least expects it.
[00:14] > +Vanadine (Nightwear) puts her tablet on a nearby table.
[00:16] [+Matsumi Kaze (Undies)] heh alright
[00:17] > +Vanadine (Nightwear) heads down the hall towards Joanna's room
[00:18] > +Matsumi Kaze (Undies) follows
[00:22] > Joanna Smithson (Shirt and Panties) is fast asleep
[00:23] > +Vanadine (Nightwear) knocks on Jo's bedroom door
[00:25] [Joanna Smithson (Shirt and Panties)] mmm...ugh...coming..
[00:25] > Joanna Smithson (Shirt and Panties) stumbles to her feet..and wanders over to the door, yawning
[00:28] > +Vanadine (Nightwear) grabs Joanna as soon as the door opens and lifts her over her shoulder
[00:32] [Joanna Smithson (Shirt and Panties)] GAH HEY!
[00:32] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] Gonna keeps things from US, eh!?
[00:33] [+Matsumi Kaze (Undies)] hehehe
[00:39] > +Vanadine (Nightwear) carries Joanna outside through a side doo
[00:39] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] r
[00:40] [Joanna Smithson (Shirt and Panties)] gah let me go!!!!
[00:43] > +Vanadine (Nightwear) turns around
[00:43] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] What do you think, Matsy..... should we let her go?
[00:48] [+Matsumi Kaze (Undies)] hmmm...nah
[00:51] > +Vanadine (Nightwear) grins, carrying Jo further away from the house, swatting her on the butt
[00:51] [Joanna Smithson (Shirt and Panties)] GAH
[00:51] [Joanna Smithson (Shirt and Panties)] I'm going to f[SMEG]king tell your brother about this!
[00:52] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] Tell him all ya' want.... when were you gonna' tell US about the tournament?
[01:01] [Joanna Smithson (Shirt and Panties)] TOMORROW IT WAS GOING TO BE A SURPRISE
[01:01] > +Vanadine (Nightwear) turns to Matsumi
[01:03] > +Matsumi Kaze (Undies) nods
[01:04] > +Vanadine (Nightwear) finally sets Joanna down just short of a small lake
[01:09] [Joanna Smithson (Shirt and Panties)] gah f[SMEG]king hell!
[01:09] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] Why were you waiting? You should've told us this morning when the story broke.
[01:14] [Joanna Smithson (Shirt and Panties)] I forgot ok!
[01:18] > +Matsumi Kaze (Undies) yawns
[01:23] [+Matsumi Kaze (Undies)] hey vana..I'm tired
[01:30] > +Vanadine (Nightwear) yawns too
[01:30] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] Me too........ let's go inside.
[01:33] > +Matsumi Kaze (Undies) starts to head back in
[01:33] > Joanna Smithson (Shirt and Panties) sighs and follows
[01:35] <-- +Matsumi Kaze (Undies) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has left #eventsbeta (well that was fun)
[01:35] <-- Joanna Smithson (Shirt and Panties) has left #eventsbeta (ugh)
[01:36] <-- +Vanadine (Nightwear) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has left #eventsbeta (I was just a minute away from dropping you in the lake.)
[22:43] ➣ San Francisco, California
[22:43] --> Matsumi Kaze (Casual) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has joined #eventsbeta
[22:43] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Matsumi Kaze (Casual)
[22:43] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Matsumi Kaze (Casual)
[22:43] > +Matsumi Kaze (Casual) walks back towards the terminal where her family is waiting
[22:45] --> Vanadine (Casual) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has joined #eventsbeta
[22:45] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Vanadine (Casual)
[22:45] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Vanadine (Casual)
[22:45] > +Vanadine (Casual) walks with Matsumi, smiling a bit
[22:46] [+Vanadine (Casual)] It feels good to be back in the states.
[22:59] [+Matsumi Kaze (Casual)] heh it has been awhile
[22:59] > Miki (Casual) is asleep and being held by Hideki
[22:59] [+Matsumi Kaze (Casual)] we have a bit of time before we have to board the plane
[22:59] [+Matsumi Kaze (Casual)] mom says she's watching the flight path online
[23:08] [+Vanadine (Casual)] How long is our layover?
[23:09] > +Matsumi Kaze (Casual) looks over the sheet "fairly long..about 20 minutes it looks like"
[23:14] > Miki (Casual) shifts in her sleep
[23:16] [+Vanadine (Casual)] The munchkin is out
[23:19] [Hideki Kaze (Casual)] long plane flight for her
[23:21] [+Vanadine (Casual)] I'm just glad I managed to sleep on the plane.
[23:23] [+Matsumi Kaze (Casual)] ..hey where's Jo?
[23:23] > Joanna Smithson (Casual) is fast asleep on one of the terminal chairs
[23:24] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Passed out
[23:27] [+Matsumi Kaze (Casual)] typical
[23:27] > +Matsumi Kaze (Casual) glances around and gives Vana a quick kiss
[23:27] > +Vanadine (Casual) kisses Matsumi back and smirks
[23:27] [+Vanadine (Casual)] What was that glance for?
[23:31] > +Vanadine (Casual)'s phone buzzes in her pocket
[23:33] [+Matsumi Kaze (Casual)] hm?
[23:34] > +Vanadine (Casual) takes her phone from her pocket, checking a message
[23:35] > +Vanadine (Casual) types a reply and puts her phone back in her pocket
[23:38] [+Matsumi Kaze (Casual)] what's up?
[23:43] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Remember that tournament that Jo's in?
[23:44] [+Matsumi Kaze (Casual)] yeah?
[23:44] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Seems Cassie's gonna' be in it too.
[23:46] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Also.... seems the company is giving me the option to work a non tournament match during the show if I want, since I'm "already there".
[23:50] [+Matsumi Kaze (Casual)] you going to do it?
[23:51] [+Vanadine (Casual)] I was gonna' ask you what you thought. I mean.... I came here with you to visit your family.
[23:54] [+Matsumi Kaze (Casual)] well would you be able to fit it in?
[23:54] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Oh I could
[00:00] >>> Tuesday Jul 04 2017 <<<
[00:00] [+Vanadine (Casual)] I just didn't want to commit to something to working during this trip.
[00:01] [+Vanadine (Casual)] At least not without asking you first.
[00:01] [+Matsumi Kaze (Casual)] then do it!
[00:01] [+Matsumi Kaze (Casual)] I want you to be happy!
[00:04] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Well, alright then.
[00:07] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Hey..... what if we brought your parents!?
[00:10] [+Matsumi Kaze (Casual)] hey that might be great!
[00:11] ➣ "Attention: we will now be boarding for the flight to MSP airport"
[00:11] [+Matsumi Kaze (Casual)] gah! we better get going!
[00:12] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Ah! Okay... I'll go wake up, Jo
[00:13] > +Vanadine (Casual) walks over to Joanna, shaking her
[00:13] [Joanna Smithson (Casual)] huh wha?
[00:14] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Hey, our flight is boarding.
[00:18] [Joanna Smithson (Casual)] GAH CRAP!!!
[00:21] <-- +Vanadine (Casual) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has left #eventsbeta (Also, I have some news for you.)
[00:22] <-- Joanna Smithson (Casual) has left #eventsbeta (gets in line in a hurry!)
[00:23] <-- +Matsumi Kaze (Casual) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has left #eventsbeta (heh slow down)
[00:23] <-- Hideki Kaze (Casual) [AirKnight@Qtech.com] has left #eventsbeta (time to get on the plane, princess)
[00:23] <-- Miki (Casual) has left #eventsbeta (mm?)
[00:00] >>> Monday Jul 10 2017 <<<
[00:27] ➣ Las Vegas, Nevada / Orleans Arena
[00:28] ➣ Women's Locker Room
[00:29] --> Cassandra Jones (Wrestling Gear) has joined #eventsbeta
[00:29] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Cassandra Jones (Wrestling Gear)
[00:32] --> Jade Kapur (Wrestling Gear) has joined #eventsbeta
[00:32] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Jade Kapur (Wrestling Gear)
[00:32] --> Joanna Smithson (Bra and Gear) has joined #eventsbeta
[00:32] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Joanna Smithson (Bra and Gear)
[00:33] > Joanna Smithson (Bra and Gear) is already removing her clothes "ugh..I'm worn out"
[00:35] > Cassandra Jones (Wrestling Gear) looks exhausted, a large belt with a gold plate in the center with an American flag design emblazoned across the plate
[00:36] > +Vanadine (Wrestling Gear) stands from the bench she was sitting on
[00:36] [+Vanadine (Wrestling Gear)] There's the new champ
[00:38] [Joanna Smithson (Bra and Gear)] oh hey there
[00:39] [Jade Kapur (Wrestling Gear)] hello smithson
[00:39] [Cassandra Jones (Wrestling Gear)] Thank you, thank you...
[00:40] [Cassandra Jones (Wrestling Gear)] ..... I'm suuuuuuuper gased right now. :P
[00:41] [+Vanadine (Wrestling Gear)] Speaking of gassed.... Jade..... were you responsible for our match getting booked tonight?
[00:41] > Jade Kapur (Wrestling Gear) coughs "perhaps"
[00:43] [Joanna Smithson (Undies)] oh come on, you did
[00:46] [Jade Kapur (Wrestling Gear)] I do not need that, smithson
[00:47] [+Vanadine (Wrestling Gear)] Don't get me wrong, it was a good match. I just wasn't expecting our first rematch to be here.
[00:50] [+Vanadine (Wrestling Gear)] But enough about us.... Cassie.... in all seriousness, congratulations. You really deserve this title.
[00:51] [Jade Kapur (Wrestling Gear)] I hope it was to your interest
[00:55] [Cassandra Jones (Wrestling Gear)] Awwww... thanks Van
[00:58] > Joanna Smithson (Bra and Jeans) and Jade are still just glaring at each other
[01:01] [+Vanadine (Wrestling Gear)] HEY!
[01:01] [Joanna Smithson (Bra and Jeans)] what??
[01:01] [+Vanadine (Wrestling Gear)] You two calm down....
[01:02] [+Vanadine (Wrestling Gear)] Tonight's about Cassie, not any of us...
[01:02] [Jade Kapur (Wrestling Gear)] of course
[01:02] [Joanna Smithson (Bra and Jeans)] yeah sorry about that
[01:07] [Cassandra Jones (Wrestling Gear)] It's okay guys.
[01:07] > Cassandra Jones (Wrestling Gear) smirks a little as she sits on a bench, setting her belt down
[01:08] > Jade Kapur (Wrestling Gear) sits next to Cassandra
[01:08] [Cassandra Jones (Wrestling Gear)] But ya' know somethin'..... I'm seriously startin' to wonder somethin' about you two.
[01:09] > +Vanadine (gear top & towel) slides off the bottoms of her wrestling gear from under a towel that she's tied around her waists
[01:09] [+Vanadine (gear top & towel)] -s
[01:13] [Jade Kapur (Wrestling Gear)] hm? what is it?
[01:16] > Cassandra Jones (Wrestling Gear) grins a little / Jo..... I know ya' say you aren't into girls like we are...... but are ya' sure... deep down there isn't a LITTLE curiosity?
[01:19] [Joanna Smithson (Bra and Jeans)] ...eh?
[01:21] > +Vanadine (bra & shorts) pulls on a pair of shorts, taking off her gear top
[01:22] > Cassandra Jones (Wrestling Gear) grins, looking to Jade then to Jo
[01:22] [Joanna Smithson (Bra and Jeans)] you saying I'm attracted to her?
[01:23] [Cassandra Jones (Wrestling Gear)] Maybe a bit. :P
[01:23] [Cassandra Jones (Wrestling Gear)] Ya'll wanna' have at each other?
[01:24] > +Vanadine (bra & shorts) just giggles at this conversation as she changes
[01:25] > Jade Kapur (Wrestling Gear) just turns bright red at that thought
[01:26] > Cassandra Jones (Wrestling Gear) starts to change out of her gear
[01:27] > +Vanadine (Casual) looks over the scene as she bends down to tie her shoes
[01:28] > Joanna Smithson (Casual) turns a little red but puts her shirt back on
[01:30] > Cassandra Jones (t-shirt & panties) grins / Oh god.... I think I hit somethin'....
[01:32] [Cassandra Jones (t-shirt & panties)] .... if ya'll wanna' just do somethin'..... I'll let it go one time.
[01:33] > +Vanadine (Casual) snickers at that, covering her mouth
[01:33] [Joanna Smithson (Casual)] I'm...I'm going to go...I'll meet you outside, van
[01:33] <-- Joanna Smithson (Casual) has left #eventsbeta (><)
[01:35] [Jade Kapur (Casual)] I..think I better wait elsewhere as well...
[01:35] [Jade Kapur (Casual)] I shall see you when you are ready, cassandra
[01:35] <-- Jade Kapur (Casual) has left #eventsbeta (>.>)
[01:36] > Cassandra Jones (t-shirt & panties) shakes her head a little with an evil grin as she finishes changing
[01:37] <-- Cassandra Jones (t-shirt & panties) has left #eventsbeta (What do you think, Van? Did I hit a cord there?)
[01:37] <-- +Vanadine (Casual) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has left #eventsbeta (I'm not sure... but their reaction was PRICELESS!)
[00:00] >>> Friday Jul 14 2017 <<<
[21:27] ➣ Tokyo, Japan / High Class Apartments
[21:27] --> Cassandra Jones (Workout) has joined #eventsbeta
[21:27] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Cassandra Jones (Workout)
[21:29] > Cassandra Jones (Workout) stretches in the Apartment Building's gym
[21:32] --> Jade Kapur (Workout) has joined #eventsbeta
[21:32] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Jade Kapur (Workout)
[21:32] > Jade Kapur (Workout) wipes her brow with a towel
[21:34] > Cassandra Jones (Workout) is doing some martial arts style stretching
[21:34] [Cassandra Jones (Workout)] Hey J....
[21:36] [Jade Kapur (Workout)] hm?
[21:38] [Cassandra Jones (Workout)] .... I know I was kinda' messin' with ya'll the other night...... but....
[21:38] > Cassandra Jones (Workout) grins a little / .....was there maybe.... a little truth to my joke?
[21:40] [Jade Kapur (Workout)] ..honestly...not..that I know..I mean she is a tad attractive...but you are my own true love
[21:40] [Cassandra Jones (Workout)] Awwww..... I know that, J..... and ya' know I love ya'.
[21:42] [Jade Kapur (Workout)] what do you think of her?
[21:42] [Cassandra Jones (Workout)] Well, Jo is a sweetheart, if she is a bit rough around the edges.
[21:44] [Jade Kapur (Workout)] but are you..attracted t oher
[21:44] [Cassandra Jones (Workout)] Well.... I think she's kinda' cute, sure.
[21:48] > Jade Kapur (Workout) gets super close behind cassandra and whispers in her ear 'but do you find her attractive"
[21:49] > Cassandra Jones (Workout) blushes a little / Not more than you..... but yeah.... a bit.
[21:52] [Jade Kapur (Workout)] then perhaps you should have tried it with her rather then me
[21:53] [Cassandra Jones (Workout)] I'm not the one who's constantly fighting with her. :P
[21:54] [Jade Kapur (Workout)] still I am not sure if I would do well :P
[21:57] [Cassandra Jones (Workout)] Ya' know.... while we're on this topic....
[21:57] [Jade Kapur (Workout)] hm?
[21:58] [Cassandra Jones (Workout)] ... and this is kinda' why I made the joke.... when Vana and I were at each other's throats for so long.... before you came along..... I kinda' had a thing for her.
[21:59] [Jade Kapur (Workout)] hm I see..
[22:00] [Jade Kapur (Workout)] I must admit...
[22:00] [Jade Kapur (Workout)] ..before I admitted my love to you.....I spent a night with vanadine
[22:00] [Cassandra Jones (Workout)] Really?
[22:01] [Jade Kapur (Workout)] I felt..very frustrated..and needed a way to..free myself
[22:02] [Cassandra Jones (Workout)] So she helped you..... come out , then?
[22:03] [Jade Kapur (Workout)] In a manner of speaking..yes
[22:03] > Cassandra Jones (Workout) leans in and grins
[22:03] [Cassandra Jones (Workout)] Was she good?~
[22:10] [Jade Kapur (Workout)] not as good as you
[22:11] > Cassandra Jones (Workout) wraps her arms around Jade and smirks
[22:11] [Cassandra Jones (Workout)] Well I know THAT..... but was she good?
[22:15] [Jade Kapur (Workout)] she was quite good
[22:16] > Cassandra Jones (Workout) giggles a little then kisses Jade
[22:22] > Jade Kapur (Workout) kisses cassandra back happily
[22:24] > Cassandra Jones (Workout) breaks the kiss and winks
[22:25] [Cassandra Jones (Workout)] If Van weren't already married to Jo's sister, I'd be half tempted to suggest a double date. :P
[22:31] [Jade Kapur (Workout)] hehe
[22:40] [Cassandra Jones (Workout)] You're the only one I need anyway. <3
[22:56] [Jade Kapur (Workout)] likewise <3
[23:01] [Cassandra Jones (Workout)] Well, how shall we finish off our night?
[23:05] > Jade Kapur (Workout) wraps her arms around cassandra "how do you want to finish it?"
[23:13] [Cassandra Jones (Workout)] Hmmm.... I could think of a few things
[23:13] > Cassandra Jones (Workout) walks around behind Jade, grabbing a hold of her by the waist
[23:14] [Cassandra Jones (Workout)] Get a shower.... slide into bed.... maybe.... start up a movie or... just snuggle~
[23:15] [Jade Kapur (Workout)] love all those ideas
[23:18] [Jade Kapur (Workout)] Maybe I'll join you in the shower
[23:23] > Cassandra Jones (Workout) kisses Jade behind the ear then lets her go and winks
[23:24] [Cassandra Jones (Workout)] Well then.... don't keep me waitin'.
[23:24] > Jade Kapur (Workout) grins
[23:27] > Cassandra Jones (Workout) turns and walks out of the gym
[23:28] > Jade Kapur (Workout) smirks and follows after cassandra
[23:30] <-- Cassandra Jones (Workout) has left #eventsbeta (Some fun is on it's way~)
[23:38] <-- Jade Kapur (Workout) has left #eventsbeta (indeed)
[00:00] >>> Saturday Jul 15 2017 <<<
[21:49] ➣ RSV Valsur, a carrier class vessel..a sort of cruise ship of the future...carefully makes it's way towards the far off planet of Alphasi
[21:50] --> Rose Sakazaki (Casual) has joined #eventsbeta
[21:50] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Rose Sakazaki (Casual)
[21:50] > Rose Sakazaki (Casual) walks along one of the halls, trying to make her way back towards her quarters
[21:56] --> Horus Saotome (Suit) has joined #eventsbeta
[21:56] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Horus Saotome (Suit)
[21:57] > Horus Saotome (Suit) stands guard just outside Rose's quarters
[21:57] [Rose Sakazaki (Casual)] heh hey horus!
[21:59] [Horus Saotome (Suit)] Hello there, Rose
[21:59] [Horus Saotome (Suit)] How was your tour of the ship?
[22:05] [Rose Sakazaki (Casual)] it's HUGE
[22:05] [Rose Sakazaki (Casual)] it's like a flying palace!
[22:06] [Horus Saotome (Suit)] Indeed it is.
[22:06] [Horus Saotome (Suit)] I've been doing some research.
[22:07] [Horus Saotome (Suit)] This ship holds up to ten thousand people, including crew.
[22:11] [Rose Sakazaki (Casual)] geez!!
[22:11] [Rose Sakazaki (Casual)] they really put it all out for this trip!
[22:11] [Rose Sakazaki (Casual)] ...you been around at all?
[22:13] [Horus Saotome (Suit)] I locked your quarters for a bit and checked out the demo halls.
[22:14] [Horus Saotome (Suit)] Part of my work
[22:14] > Rose Sakazaki (Casual) leans against Horus "this is almost romantic"
[22:15] > Horus Saotome (Suit) clears his throat a bit, not moving much
[22:16] [Horus Saotome (Suit)] Well, it um...... could be. If I weren't under contract to work.
[22:16] [Rose Sakazaki (Casual)] does it say anything about not hanging out with your girlfriend?
[22:19] [Horus Saotome (Suit)] It just says I have to ensure your safety at all times while on this tour.
[22:22] [Horus Saotome (Suit)] The language in your mother's contract is pretty spacific.
[22:25] [Rose Sakazaki (Casual)] so nothing about the fact I can't do this?
[22:25] > Rose Sakazaki (Casual) KISSES Horus on the lips
[22:26] > Horus Saotome (Suit) kisses Rose back and smirks a bit
[22:36] [Rose Sakazaki (Casual)] am I allowed to do that?
[22:39] [Horus Saotome (Suit)] Oh you can... I'm just not entirely sure how much I can respond.
[22:43] [Rose Sakazaki (Casual)] awww shame!
[22:43] [Rose Sakazaki (Casual)] *awww man!
[22:45] [Horus Saotome (Suit)] I just don't want to violate this contract with your mother's company.
[22:50] [Rose Sakazaki (Casual)] yeah I guess so
[22:50] [Rose Sakazaki (Casual)] still since you're my bodyguard
[22:50] > Rose Sakazaki (Casual) takes horus' arm "..that means you need to stay close to me"
[22:51] [Horus Saotome (Suit)] Well.... that part is true
[22:54] [Rose Sakazaki (Casual)] mmm so.......saaaaay
[22:54] [Rose Sakazaki (Casual)] if I was to go to a dinner....and saaaay...I wanted to make sure I was safe
[22:54] [Rose Sakazaki (Casual)] ..that means you'd have to come with me?
[22:55] [Horus Saotome (Suit)] I would think so, yes
[23:05] > Rose Sakazaki (Casual) grins at that!
[23:06] [Rose Sakazaki (Casual)] well you know i'd love that!
[23:07] > Horus Saotome (Suit) smiles - Well then, I'm at your service.
[23:14] [Rose Sakazaki (Casual)] I hear they're having a party tonight too
[23:15] [Rose Sakazaki (Casual)] much of a dancer?
[23:18] > Horus Saotome (Suit) blushes a bit - Even with all my fighting training.... I am not super coordinated.
[23:27] [Rose Sakazaki (Casual)] ...you want me to teach you?
[23:28] [Horus Saotome (Suit)] Do you..... really think you could?
[23:31] [Rose Sakazaki (Casual)] mmmhm
[23:31] [Rose Sakazaki (Casual)] got a dress for the party too
[23:32] [Horus Saotome (Suit)] Now that, I have not doubts of.
[23:35] > Rose Sakazaki (Casual) blushes
[23:44] [Rose Sakazaki (Casual)] I..guess I should get ready...
[23:44] [Horus Saotome (Suit)] Indeed. What would you have me do?
[23:48] [Rose Sakazaki (Casual)] do you have something to wear?
[23:49] [Horus Saotome (Suit)] Well, I have this suit. It's served me well thus far.
[23:52] [Rose Sakazaki (Casual)] I guess I better get dressed...and you better do the same hehe
[23:57] > Horus Saotome (Suit) nods and opens the door to Rose's quarters
[00:00] >>> Sunday Jul 16 2017 <<<
[00:00] > Rose Sakazaki (Casual) smiles and walks in
[00:02] > Horus Saotome (Suit) enters behind Rose, closing the door behind him
[00:03] <-- Horus Saotome (Suit) has left #eventsbeta
[00:00] >>> Monday Jul 17 2017 <<<
[22:35] ➣ City of Parsiia, Kinmoku
[22:36] --> Urvashi Kou (Casual) has joined #eventsbeta
[22:36] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Urvashi Kou (Casual)
[22:37] > Urvashi Kou (Casual) walks out of a theater, smiling lightly
[22:38] --> Markus (Casual) has joined #eventsbeta
[22:38] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Markus (Casual)
[22:38] > Markus (Casual) is blushing just a bit
[22:39] [Urvashi Kou (Casual)] What did you think of the show, Mark?
[22:41] [Markus (Casual)] it was pretty cool!
[22:44] [Urvashi Kou (Casual)] I'm glad you came with me.
[22:45] [Markus (Casual)] well I'm glad too ^^
[22:51] > Urvashi Kou (Casual) smiles to Markus as they walk down the street from the theater.
[22:51] [Urvashi Kou (Casual)] So, what else should we do tonight?
[22:53] [Markus (Casual)] um..I'm not..sure *blushes*
[22:58] [Markus (Casual)] just being with you was a treat
[22:59] > Urvashi Kou (Casual) blushes lightly
[22:59] [Urvashi Kou (Casual)] That..... is so sweet of you to say.
[23:02] [Markus (Casual)] well..i..it's true
[23:06] > Urvashi Kou (Casual) smiles, still blushing a little, turning and kissing Markus
[23:07] > Markus (Casual) blinks but kisses back happily
[23:11] [Markus (Casual)] ^^
[23:12] [Urvashi Kou (Casual)] It has been quite a while since we were out like this. Not sure I want to go home so soon.
[23:14] [Markus (Casual)] me neither honestly.....*squeezes Urvashi's hand*
[23:17] ➣ As they walk down the road, a breeze starts to pick up.
[23:18] [Markus (Casual)] whoa!
[23:19] [Urvashi Kou (Casual)] Well this is coming out of nowhere....
[23:22] > Urvashi Kou (Casual) looks up and just as she does, a drop of water hits her on the forehead
[23:22] [Urvashi Kou (Casual)] This..... is something I didn't prepare for.
[23:29] [Markus (Casual)] rain???
[23:30] [Urvashi Kou (Casual)] Seems like it..... we might want to find shelter before....
[23:30] ➣ Just then, it starts to rain fully, causing people on the street to scatter.
[23:31] [Markus (Casual)] gah!!
[23:32] > Markus (Casual) takes off his jacket and tries to use it as a makeshift umbrella for Urvashi
[23:35] [Urvashi Kou (Casual)] Well.... shoot
[23:35] [Urvashi Kou (Casual)] Perhaps we should head home after all....
[23:36] [Markus (Casual)] might be a good idea!
[23:36] > Markus (Casual) is getting soaked
[23:38] > Urvashi Kou (Casual) starts to giggle a little as they both get soaked in the rain, heading for the Kou Manor
[23:40] > Markus (Casual) follows after Uravashi!