[23:28] >>> Friday Sep 02 2016 – Automatic reset triggered – Logging Start <<<
[23:28] > Ukyo Kuonji (Casual) unlocks the door and opens it, motioning for Hiro to enter
[23:29] > Hiro Shintaro (Casual) smirks and walks in
[23:30] > Ukyo Kuonji (Casual) smiles and follows him in
[23:30] [Ukyo Kuonji (Casual)] Make yourself at home, honey. I'll get the coffee going.
[23:31] > Hiro Shintaro (Casual) smirks and finds a place to sit
[23:35] [Ukyo Kuonji (Casual)] How do you like your coffee, honey?
[23:38] [Hiro Shintaro (Casual)] dark with a tiny bit of cream
[23:41] [Ukyo Kuonji (Casual)] Alright!
[23:43] > Ukyo Kuonji (Casual) goes into the kitchen, turning on a water pot.
[23:51] [Ukyo Kuonji (Casual)] You have any idea what caused the power outtage?
[23:51] [Hiro Shintaro (Casual)] we think it was some nearby construction
[23:56] [Hiro Shintaro (Casual)] several other shops lost their power
[23:56] [Ukyo Kuonji (Casual)] Maybe you should make a claim to the company for your lost product.
[23:56] [Ukyo Kuonji (Casual)] .... try to recoup your losses.
[23:58] > Ukyo Kuonji (Casual) pours the coffee and puts a bit of cream into one and a lot of cream into the other.
[00:00] >>> Saturday Sep 03 2016 <<<
[00:03] [Hiro Shintaro (Casual)] I might have to..but still.....enough of that
[00:04] > Ukyo Kuonji (Casual) walks in and sits next to Hiro, handing him the coffee she made for him.
[00:06] [Ukyo Kuonji (Casual)] Well... if enough of that... then what do you want to talk about?
[00:19] [Hiro Shintaro (Casual)] well..what are you doing tomorrow?
[00:20] [Ukyo Kuonji (Casual)] I planned on doin' a little shoppin'.... nothin' major.
[00:21] [Hiro Shintaro (Casual)] I would like to take you out
[00:22] > Ukyo Kuonji (Casual) blushes and smiles
[00:23] [Ukyo Kuonji (Casual)] I'd like that
[00:23] [Hiro Shintaro (Casual)] I know just the place
[00:24] > Ukyo Kuonji (Casual) sips her coffee and smiles
[00:25] [Hiro Shintaro (Casual)] I really want you to see it
[00:28] [Ukyo Kuonji (Casual)] Okay :)
[00:28] <-- Ukyo Kuonji (Casual) has left #eventsbeta (Are you.... staying tonight?)
[00:28] [Hiro Shintaro (Casual)] ..mind if I stay the night heh
[00:37] <-- Hiro Shintaro (Casual) has left #eventsbeta (heh why yes)
[00:00] >>> Sunday Sep 04 2016 <<<
[22:45] ➣ Neo Tokyo / A small apartment complex
[22:45] --> Horus Saotome (Casual) has joined #eventsbeta
[22:45] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Horus Saotome (Casual)
[22:46] > Horus Saotome (Casual) walks down a hall and stops at a door marked 28, ringing the bell
[22:53] --> Andria (Casual) has joined #eventsbeta
[22:53] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Andria (Casual)
[22:53] > Andria (Casual) opens the door "yes?"
[22:54] [Horus Saotome (Casual)] Alcobus? Is that you in disguise?
[22:55] [Andria (Casual)] um no...can i help you?
[22:56] [Horus Saotome (Casual)] I'm looking for Alcobus..... this is supposed to be her apartment....
[22:56] [Andria (Casual)] it is
[22:56] [Andria (Casual)] Alcobus..someone's here to see you
[22:57] --> Alcobus (Towel) [ScientificSuccubi@Darklab.net] has joined #eventsbeta
[22:57] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Alcobus (Towel)
[22:57] > Alcobus (Towel) walks out of the bathroom, drying her hair
[22:57] [Alcobus (Towel)] Oh... hey Horus
[22:58] [Horus Saotome (Casual)] Hey... who's this?
[23:00] [Alcobus (Towel)] Oh, that's right.... she hasn't come by the club yet.
[23:01] [Alcobus (Towel)] Horus, meet Andria.... she's a friend. Andria, this is Horus, my co-worker.
[23:03] [Horus Saotome (Casual)] Ahh, nice to meet you, Andria
[23:07] [Andria (Casual)] pleasure!
[23:07] [Andria (Casual)] wait...
[23:07] [Andria (Casual)] ....
[23:07] [Andria (Casual)] !!!!!!!
[23:08] [Horus Saotome (Casual)] Hmm?
[23:08] [Alcobus (Towel)] Andria...?
[23:16] [Andria (Casual)] HE'S THE ONE WHO'S PARENTS YOU KILLED!?
[23:16] > Andria (Casual) clamps her hands over her mouth
[23:17] > Horus Saotome (Casual) frowns a bit
[23:17] [Alcobus (Towel)] Um... yeah....
[23:20] [Andria (Casual)] oops..
[23:21] [Horus Saotome (Casual)] It's alright.... we were both different people then.
[23:23] [Alcobus (Towel)] I'm gonna put some clothes on.... be right back
[23:23] > Alcobus (Towel) is away
[23:24] [Andria (Casual)] my apologies >.>
[23:25] [Horus Saotome (Casual)] It's okay, really
[23:25] [Horus Saotome (Casual)] How long have you been staying with, Alcobus?
[23:25] > Andria (Casual) looks award now
[23:26] [Andria (Casual)] oh a bout a week or so...
[23:28] [Horus Saotome (Casual)] Ahh.... how did you two meet?
[23:29] > Horus Saotome (Casual) looks at Andria
[23:29] ➣ Andria: is a young woman with short white hair, fox ears sticking out of her head, long fox tails and a somewhat thin but curved figure. She is an Kyorian.
[23:29] > Horus Saotome (Casual) is closely examining Andria while they talk.
[23:31] > Andria (Casual) blinks
[23:35] [Horus Saotome (Casual)] Hmm?
[23:39] [Andria (Casual)] is something wrong?
[23:40] [Horus Saotome (Casual)] Honestly.... I'm checking you out to see if I trust you.
[23:42] [Andria (Casual)] trust me..with what
[23:44] [Horus Saotome (Casual)] That you're not going to hurt my partner here.
[23:50] [Andria (Casual)] I...I wouldn't
[23:52] > Horus Saotome (Casual) gets a glimpse of something and raises his eyebrow
[23:52] [Horus Saotome (Casual)] You're.... not human, are you?
[23:56] [Andria (Casual)] no...I'm not >.>
[23:58] [Horus Saotome (Casual)] I knew it.... what are you?
[00:00] >>> Monday Sep 05 2016 <<<
[00:00] [Andria (Casual)] I'm a Kyorian >.>
[00:01] [Horus Saotome (Casual)] O_o YOu're a kitsune?
[00:01] > Alcobus (Night Casual) is back
[00:01] [Alcobus (Night Casual)] Yup, she is
[00:03] [Alcobus (Night Casual)] Adria.... show him
[00:10] > Andria (Casual) gulps..and changes to Andre
[00:10] [Horus Saotome (Casual)] O_o
[00:10] [Horus Saotome (Casual)] What the hell....
[00:11] [Alcobus (Night Casual)] ... I finally found a kindred spirit.
[00:13] [Horus Saotome (Casual)] I'm.... intragued
[00:14] > Andri (Casual) blushes a little
[00:17] [Alcobus (Night Casual)] What do ya' say we have some coffee and talk all this over?
[00:18] [Horus Saotome (Casual)] Sounds good to me.... Rose is with family tonight
[00:18] [Andri (Casual)] alright..that sounds fair
[00:19] <-- Horus Saotome (Casual) has left #eventsbeta (So are you two..... dating?)
[00:20] <-- Alcobus (Night Casual) [ScientificSuccubi@Darklab.net] has left #eventsbeta (Um.... well.....)
[00:22] <-- Andri (Casual) has left #eventsbeta (uh..)
[22:46] ➣ Neo Tokyo / High Rise Apartments / Horus' Apartment
[22:46] --> Horus Saotome (Casual) has joined #eventsbeta
[22:46] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Horus Saotome (Casual)
[22:47] > Horus Saotome (Casual) relaxs on his sofa, looking over a data pad
[22:57] --> Rose Sakazaki (Casual) has joined #eventsbeta
[22:57] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Rose Sakazaki (Casual)
[23:03] > Rose Sakazaki (Casual) knocks on the door
[23:07] > Horus Saotome (Casual) sets his pad down and stands, opening the door
[23:11] [Rose Sakazaki (Casual)] horus ^^
[23:12] [Horus Saotome (Casual)] My Rose ^_^
[23:12] > Horus Saotome (Casual) hugs and kisses Rose, carefully pulling her into the apartment
[23:18] > Rose Sakazaki (Casual) grins, kissing back as she's pulled in
[23:20] > Horus Saotome (Casual) breaks the kiss with a smile, holding Rose
[23:20] [Horus Saotome (Casual)] I missed you last night...
[23:23] [Rose Sakazaki (Casual)] heh sorry...I was a little busy with some work
[23:28] [Rose Sakazaki (Casual)] and by work I mean with my family :)
[23:29] [Horus Saotome (Casual)] Heh
[23:31] [Rose Sakazaki (Casual)] I'm sorry I couldn't make it last night
[23:32] [Horus Saotome (Casual)] It's alright. You want anything?
[23:36] [Rose Sakazaki (Casual)] well I wouldn't mind a snack ^^
[23:39] > Horus Saotome (Casual) smiles and nods, carrying Rose over to the sofa and setting her down
[23:41] > Rose Sakazaki (Casual) blushes
[23:41] [Rose Sakazaki (Casual)] have you been alright?
[23:43] > Horus Saotome (Casual) goes over to his kitchenette
[23:45] [Horus Saotome (Casual)] Oh yeah. Though I do think I made a new friend last night.
[23:47] [Rose Sakazaki (Casual)] oh?
[23:48] [Horus Saotome (Casual)] Yeah.... I went to see Alcobus and she has someone staying with her.
[23:54] [Rose Sakazaki (Casual)] she did??
[23:54] [Rose Sakazaki (Casual)] did she find a new boyfriend?
[23:56] [Horus Saotome (Casual)] Nnnn....not exactly
[23:59] [Horus Saotome (Casual)] She has a Kitsune staying with her named Andria
[00:00] >>> Tuesday Sep 06 2016 <<<
[00:06] [Rose Sakazaki (Casual)] a kitsune??
[00:06] [Rose Sakazaki (Casual)] ....wait
[00:06] [Rose Sakazaki (Casual)] a kyorian?
[00:07] [Horus Saotome (Casual)] Yeah
[00:07] [Rose Sakazaki (Casual)] ...those things are being hunted
[00:08] [Horus Saotome (Casual)] So she said
[00:09] [Rose Sakazaki (Casual)] mom once said alot of people are after them
[00:09] > Rose Sakazaki (Casual) leans against horus
[00:10] [Horus Saotome (Casual)] Yeah.... Andria is a bit skiddish about things because of that.
[00:11] [Rose Sakazaki (Casual)] hope she's safe then
[00:13] > Horus Saotome (Casual) hands Rose a warmed scone.
[00:16] [Horus Saotome (Casual)] Though there was one question I never did get answered....
[00:16] [Rose Sakazaki (Casual)] ooo thank you!
[00:16] [Rose Sakazaki (Casual)] ^^
[00:16] [Rose Sakazaki (Casual)] hm?
[00:18] [Horus Saotome (Casual)] They didn't say weither or not they were dating.
[00:19] [Rose Sakazaki (Casual)] oooooo..should we try and find out?
[00:21] [Horus Saotome (Casual)] Nah, I don't want to press them too much just yet
[00:22] [Rose Sakazaki (Casual)] heh true *snuggles close to horus, eating*
[00:22] > Horus Saotome (Casual) slides his arm around Rose and smiles
[00:23] [Horus Saotome (Casual)] I think Alcobus was just glad to have a friend who really understood what she's been through and Andria was happy to be around someone who could protect her.
[00:24] [Rose Sakazaki (Casual)] I'm glad she's happy
[00:26] [Horus Saotome (Casual)] Me too
[00:27] [Rose Sakazaki (Casual)] and I'm glad we're happy ^^
[00:28] > Horus Saotome (Casual) smiles, lightly squeezing Rose
[00:28] [Horus Saotome (Casual)] ❧ The light in my otherwise dark life. ❧
[00:29] [Rose Sakazaki (Casual)] ❧ and my only someone ❧
[00:33] > Horus Saotome (Casual) smiles and leans in to kiss Rose again
[00:33] [Rose Sakazaki (Casual)] ^^
[00:38] [Horus Saotome (Casual)] ❧ You planning on staying here tonight? ❧
[00:40] [Rose Sakazaki (Casual)] ❧ ooooh yes ❧
[00:41] > Horus Saotome (Casual) smiles, holding Rose close
[00:42] [Horus Saotome (Casual)] ❧ Good... cause I wasn't sure if I'd be able to let you go ❧
[00:42] > Rose Sakazaki (Casual) lays her head against horus's chest "then don't...ever"
[00:47] > Horus Saotome (Casual) holds onto Rose, running his fingers through her hair and over her ears.
[00:49] > Rose Sakazaki (Casual) purrs
[00:54] [Horus Saotome (Casual)] ❧ How about we turn in for the night? ❧
[00:57] [Rose Sakazaki (Casual)] ❧ alright ❧
[00:59] > Horus Saotome (Casual) lifts up Rose, never letting go and carrying her towards the bed, nudging the light switch on the way
[00:59] <-- Horus Saotome (Casual) has left #eventsbeta (Tonight, you will never leave my arms <3)
[01:00] <-- Rose Sakazaki (Casual) has left #eventsbeta (<3)
[00:00] >>> Wednesday Sep 07 2016 <<<
[20:48] ➣ Minato, Tokyo, Japan / Motoazabu Hills Forest Tower, Cassie & Jade's apartment
[20:48] --> Cassandra Jones (Casual) has joined #eventsbeta
[20:48] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Cassandra Jones (Casual)
[20:50] > Cassandra Jones (Casual) lays on the sofa in the living room, her knee wrapped up
[20:51] --> Jade Kapur (Casual) has joined #eventsbeta
[20:51] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Jade Kapur (Casual)
[20:51] > Jade Kapur (Casual) walks into the apartment
[20:53] [Cassandra Jones (Casual)] Hiii J <3
[20:55] [Jade Kapur (Casual)] hello cassandra *smiles*
[21:00] > Cassandra Jones (Casual) looks to be forcing a happy face
[21:01] [Jade Kapur (Casual)] ...is something wrong?
[21:03] > Cassandra Jones (Casual) sighs a little / Come sit with me.... I have some bad news.
[21:04] > Jade Kapur (Casual) goes and sits next to cassandra
[21:06] [Cassandra Jones (Casual)] You remember how I went to the doctor yesterday for knee?
[21:06] [Jade Kapur (Casual)] yes?
[21:06] [Cassandra Jones (Casual)] I got a call earlier while you were out...
[21:08] [Cassandra Jones (Casual)] .... the doctors reassessed my X-Rays.... they're recommending surgery. to fix it.
[21:13] [Jade Kapur (Casual)] ..surgery?
[21:14] [Cassandra Jones (Casual)] Yeah....
[21:18] [Cassandra Jones (Casual)] .... turns out I nearly tore my MCL..... they want to go in and reattach it.
[21:18] [Jade Kapur (Casual)] ...is there a risk?
[21:19] [Cassandra Jones (Casual)] Well... any surgery has a risk.... anything can happen.
[21:19] [Cassandra Jones (Casual)] Which is why I'm actually...... kinda' scared.
[21:23] [Cassandra Jones (Casual)] I've never had surgery before
[21:23] [Jade Kapur (Casual)] ..I shall be there with you
[21:25] > Cassandra Jones (Casual) smiles a bit, laying against Jade
[21:25] [Jade Kapur (Casual)] I shall not abandon you
[21:26] [Cassandra Jones (Casual)] Good.... because I'm gonna' need you to get through it....
[21:29] [Cassandra Jones (Casual)] I haven't called anyone at CAW yet....
[21:30] [Jade Kapur (Casual)] ..oh my
[21:34] [Cassandra Jones (Casual)] I wonder how they're gonna' react.
[21:36] [Jade Kapur (Casual)] they better feel sympathy
[21:39] [Cassandra Jones (Casual)] Heh
[21:40] [Cassandra Jones (Casual)] And what are you gonna' do if they don't?
[21:42] [Jade Kapur (Casual)] oh..you know
[21:43] [Cassandra Jones (Casual)] I actually don't....
[21:47] [Jade Kapur (Casual)] I shall force them to
[21:48] > Cassandra Jones (Casual) smirks and hugs Jade, laying her head on Jade's chest
[21:48] [Cassandra Jones (Casual)] ❧ That's one of the many reasons I love you so much~ ❧
[21:54] [Jade Kapur (Casual)] ❧ of course ❧
[21:56] > Cassandra Jones (Casual) snuggles against Jade
[21:57] [Cassandra Jones (Casual)] I hope I'm not messin' anything up for you....
[21:59] [Jade Kapur (Casual)] why would you?
[22:03] [Cassandra Jones (Casual)] .... I dunno.... didn't know if anything CAW had planned for you was linked to me.
[22:04] [Jade Kapur (Casual)] well I shall tal kto them
[22:07] [Cassandra Jones (Casual)] Alright....
[22:11] > Jade Kapur (Casual) smiles
[22:14] [Cassandra Jones (Casual)] That also reminds me.... we should tell the other girls too
[22:18] [Jade Kapur (Casual)] probably for the best..that mika woman will be concerned
[22:19] [Cassandra Jones (Casual)] Mika's a sweetheart
[22:23] [Jade Kapur (Casual)] she is very soft hearted
[22:26] > Cassandra Jones (Casual) carefully turns, laying her head on Jade's lap, grabbing her phone
[22:31] > Jade Kapur (Casual) strokes cassandra's hair
[22:31] > Cassandra Jones (Casual) sighs happily while she types on her phone
[22:33] [Cassandra Jones (Casual)] ❧ Mmm..... keep that up ❧
[22:37] [Jade Kapur (Casual)] as you wish
[22:38] [Cassandra Jones (Casual)] ❧ I love when you play with my hair. ❧
[22:41] > Cassandra Jones (Casual) finishes typing and sets her phone down
[22:41] [Cassandra Jones (Casual)] Now we wait
[22:49] [Jade Kapur (Casual)] who did you message?
[22:49] > Cassandra Jones (Casual)'s phone goes off
[22:49] [Cassandra Jones (Casual)] All the girls.
[22:54] [Cassandra Jones (Casual)] And it looks like I have my first reply
[22:56] [Jade Kapur (Casual)] oh?
[22:59] [Cassandra Jones (Casual)] Yup.... Vana says She's sorry to hear about the injury and she'll help however she can with the recovery.
[23:00] ➣ a message is sent to cassandra
[23:00] [Cassandra Jones (Casual)] Oooo, another one
[23:01] > Cassandra Jones (Casual) checks her phone
[23:03] [Joanna Smithson (Casual)] ☇ Hope you get well. Will be rooting for your recovery! - Jo ☇
[23:05] [Cassandra Jones (Casual)] Joanna says she'll be rooting for my recovery. That's sweet of her.
[23:06] > Cassandra Jones (Casual) gets another message and checks it.
[23:09] [Mercedes Aritza (Text)] ☇ So sad to hear you are hurt bad. We hope you get better very quickly! - The Aritza Sisters ☇
[23:13] ➣ another message comes through
[23:15] [Mercedes Aritza (Text)] Oh, another one
[23:15] [Cassandra Jones (Casual)] ^
[23:15] > Cassandra Jones (Casual) checks the new message
[23:18] [Mika Manavoff (Casual)] ☇ oh goodness I am so sorry you are unwill! If you wish I will come over to make you some food and bring a few of the kittens with. please take care! - Mika ☇
[23:20] [Cassandra Jones (Casual)] Awwww..... Mika wants to bring some of her kitties over.
[23:24] [Jade Kapur (Casual)] would that be wise?
[23:25] [Cassandra Jones (Casual)] Come to think of it, probably not. I mean, they'd be cute an' all.... but I can't chase 'em around.
[23:27] > Cassandra Jones (Casual) gets another message
[23:27] [Cassandra Jones (Casual)] Huh?
[23:31] [Cassandra Jones (Casual)] I've already got the girls.....I don't know who this one could be from.
[23:34] > Cassandra Jones (Casual) reads the name "Ishikawa, Shinsuke" and gasps
[23:37] [Jade Kapur (Casual)] hm?
[23:42] [Cassandra Jones (Casual)] It's president Ishikawa.....
[23:42] [Cassandra Jones (Casual)] Someone must've forwarded the message
[23:45] [Jade Kapur (Casual)] ....
[23:46] [~Shinsuke Ishikawa] ☇ We are greatly distressed to hear of your injury. We hope your upcoming surgery is successful and that your recovery is speedy so that we can see more of your exceptional talent in the ring. Best wishes, President Ishikawa ☇
[23:48] [Cassandra Jones (Casual)] Wow.... I didn't expect to hear from him at all..... but to get a message so quickly.... I'm shocked.
[23:49] [Jade Kapur (Casual)] ...that is amazin
[23:49] [Jade Kapur (Casual)] *amazing
[23:58] [Cassandra Jones (Casual)] Well, I guess we know how the company feels now
[00:00] >>> Thursday Sep 08 2016 <<<
[00:01] > Jade Kapur (Casual) smiles
[00:01] [Jade Kapur (Casual)] do you need help to bed?
[00:15] [Cassandra Jones (Casual)] Yeah.... the doctor wants me to stay off my knee as much as I can untiltoe surgery to minimize the damage.
[00:16] > Jade Kapur (Casual) slips out from under cassandra...and very gently and carefully picks her up
[00:16] > Cassandra Jones (Casual) holds onto Jade and smiles
[00:16] [Cassandra Jones (Casual)] ❧ You take such good care of me ❧
[00:20] [Jade Kapur (Casual)] ❧ naturally ❧
[00:27] <-- Jade Kapur (Casual) has left #eventsbeta (does this mean I shall have to undress you?)
[00:28] <-- Cassandra Jones (Casual) has left #eventsbeta (I would love that)
[22:06] ➣ Mysn-Ku, Quinox, The Future
[22:06] --> Tina Detroit (Royal Casual) [FireyAirPrincess@QTech.com] has joined #eventsbeta
[22:06] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Tina Detroit (Royal Casual)
[22:08] > Tina Detroit (Royal Casual) is looking over a balcony
[22:11] --> Vance Shinobi (Semi-formal) [FauRedheadman@royalguard.co.q] has joined #eventsbeta
[22:11] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Vance Shinobi (Semi-formal)
[22:12] > Vance Shinobi (Semi-formal) walks out onto the balcony just behind Tina
[22:12] [Vance Shinobi (Semi-formal)] This has been quite the interesting gathering....
[22:13] [Tina Detroit (Royal Casual)] huh? oh Uncle Vance!
[22:15] [Tina Detroit (Royal Casual)] yeah it's been...really interesting
[22:20] > Vance Shinobi (Semi-formal) smiles to Tina
[22:22] [Vance Shinobi (Semi-formal)] My niece the princess....
[22:23] [Tina Detroit (Royal Casual)] aw don't call me that
[22:23] [Tina Detroit (Royal Casual)] I'm just your niece ^^
[22:23] > Vance Shinobi (Semi-formal) chuckles lightly
[22:25] [Tina Detroit (Royal Casual)] i really do miss this place
[22:29] [Vance Shinobi (Semi-formal)] It's a wonderful palace.
[22:29] [Vance Shinobi (Semi-formal)] But it's even better to have you back here.... even if it's only for a couple of days.
[22:31] [Tina Detroit (Royal Casual)] yeah miss you and aunt Jo
[22:44] [Vance Shinobi (Semi-formal)] Did you get a chance to meet your cousin?
[22:46] [Tina Detroit (Royal Casual)] oh yeah! he's so adorable!
[22:47] > Vance Shinobi (Semi-formal) smiles: My little Ichi is already a heart breaker.
[22:57] [Jade Kapur (Casual)] my kids were happy to see you
[22:59] [Tina Detroit (Royal Casual)] ^
[23:00] [Vance Shinobi (Semi-formal)] They're quite adorable. :)
[23:08] > Vance Shinobi (Semi-formal) smirks a bit
[23:08] [Vance Shinobi (Semi-formal)] You three have any plans on having any more kids?
[23:11] [Tina Detroit (Royal Casual)] oooo there have been thoughts
[23:11] [Tina Detroit (Royal Casual)] belive me..sometimes it's hard not to
[23:12] > Vance Shinobi (Semi-formal) chuckles
[23:12] [Vance Shinobi (Semi-formal)] You keep it up and you'll have an army of Nekos
[23:14] [Tina Detroit (Royal Casual)] hehe mom would love that
[23:15] [Vance Shinobi (Semi-formal)] I bet she would.
[23:18] [Tina Detroit (Royal Casual)] ..I really missed you
[23:19] [Vance Shinobi (Semi-formal)] Awww
[23:19] > Vance Shinobi (Semi-formal) puts one of his arms around Tina and smiles
[23:20] [Vance Shinobi (Semi-formal)] You know our home is always open to you, Tina.
[23:24] > Tina Detroit (Royal Casual) smiles and hugs vance "and mine too"
[23:30] [Tina Detroit (Royal Casual)] heh do you think we've been missed?
[23:32] [Vance Shinobi (Semi-formal)] Nah, there's so much going on that just the two of us being out here should even be noticed
[23:39] > Tina Detroit (Royal Casual) glances outward
[23:39] [Tina Detroit (Royal Casual)] ...do you ever sometimes..think about what it would have been like..if you had taken a different path
[23:40] [Vance Shinobi (Semi-formal)] I'm not sure what you mean?
[23:42] [Tina Detroit (Royal Casual)] I was thinking what it would have been like if I hadn't been..rescued
[23:45] [Vance Shinobi (Semi-formal)] I tend to stay away from negetive thoughts.... especially after I found your Aunt Jo again after so long.....
[23:48] [Tina Detroit (Royal Casual)] I hear it took you years
[23:50] [Vance Shinobi (Semi-formal)] It did.... after I woke up and regained my memories, all I could think of was finding your aunt Joanna.....
[23:51] [Tina Detroit (Royal Casual)] you know it's almost like a fairy tale ^^
[23:51] [Vance Shinobi (Semi-formal)] It kinda' is, when you think about it.
[23:56] [Tina Detroit (Royal Casual)] this all is *smiles*
[23:56] [Vance Shinobi (Semi-formal)] Yeah.... things have really turned out nice.
[00:00] >>> Friday Sep 09 2016 <<<
[00:01] [Tina Detroit (Royal Casual)] for everyone
[00:02] > Vance Shinobi (Semi-formal) nods and smiles
[00:02] [Vance Shinobi (Semi-formal)] What do ya' say we head back inside?
[00:03] > Vance Shinobi (Semi-formal) holds his arm out to Tina
[00:06] > Tina Detroit (Royal Casual) takes her uncle's arm "alright!"
[00:08] ➣ As they enter, Vance kisses Tina on the cheek then makes his way to one side of the room, where his wife Joanna is waiting to greet him.
[00:11] [Joanna Shinobi (Semi-Formal)] heh have a good chat?
[00:24] [Vance Shinobi (Semi-formal)] Indeed...... our niece is a bright young lady for sure.
[00:26] [Vance Shinobi (Semi-formal)] She'll make for a great queen one day.
[00:26] [Joanna Shinobi (Semi-Formal)] heh look at you...all proud
[00:26] > Vance Shinobi (Semi-formal) smiles: Of course...
[00:34] [Joanna Shinobi (Semi-Formal)] this was a good idea to come
[00:35] [Vance Shinobi (Semi-formal)] It was, especially bringing Ichiro with us
[00:38] [Vance Shinobi (Semi-formal)] Everyone loved seeing our little guy here.
[00:41] [Joanna Shinobi (Semi-Formal)] and why not! he's amazing
[00:43] > Vance Shinobi (Semi-formal) smiles: He really is.
[00:48] [Joanna Shinobi (Semi-Formal)] we just have that good of genes heh
[00:50] > Vance Shinobi (Semi-formal) smirks: Makes me think about us.... having another baby.
[00:52] [Joanna Shinobi (Semi-Formal)] ..do you want to?
[00:56] [Vance Shinobi (Semi-formal)] Well.... I wouldn't have brought it up if I hadn't thought about it.
[00:57] [Joanna Shinobi (Semi-Formal)] heh was thinking about it myself
[00:58] [Vance Shinobi (Semi-formal)] Yeah?
[00:58] > Vance Shinobi (Semi-formal) smiles, sliding his arms around Joanna
[01:02] [Joanna Shinobi (Semi-Formal)] heh why not
[01:05] > Vance Shinobi (Semi-formal) grins: Well then..... no time like the present to try and give Ichi a little brother or sister.... right? ^_~
[01:06] > Joanna Shinobi (Semi-Formal) grins and winks as well
[01:07] [Vance Shinobi (Semi-formal)] ❧ What do ya' say we get outta' here....?~ ❧
[01:09] [Joanna Shinobi (Semi-Formal)] ❧ I like the idea ❧
[01:10] > Vance Shinobi (Semi-formal) takes Joanna's hand and smiles, leading her out of the meeting room, saying his goodbyes to various digitaries.
[01:11] > Joanna Shinobi (Semi-Formal) smiles, following her husband
[01:14] <-- Vance Shinobi (Semi-formal) [FauRedheadman@royalguard.co.q] has left #eventsbeta (I'm glad we're on the same frequency here. <3)
[01:16] <-- Joanna Shinobi (Semi-Formal) has left #eventsbeta (oh yes <3)
[21:16] ➣ Tokyo, Japan - Keio University Hospital
[21:16] --> Cassandra Jones (Casual) has joined #eventsbeta
[21:16] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Cassandra Jones (Casual)
[21:18] --> Jade Kapur (Casual) has joined #eventsbeta
[21:18] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Jade Kapur (Casual)
[21:19] > Cassandra Jones (Casual) sits in a chair, flanked with a pair of crutches
[21:20] [Cassandra Jones (Casual)] How long does it take for them to set up a room?
[21:20] > Jade Kapur (Casual) sits next to Cassandra
[21:21] [Jade Kapur (Casual)] they simply are doing what they can to make it the best possible result
[21:29] --> ~Nurse has joined #eventsbeta
[21:29] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, ~Nurse
[21:30] > ~Nurse walks over, pushing a wheelchair / Miss Jones, your room is ready. If you'd like, I will wheel you to it.
[21:35] > Cassandra Jones (Casual) stands on her good leg and moves into the wheelchair
[21:37] [Jade Kapur (Casual)] may I accompany her?
[21:38] [~Nurse] Of course. This will just be the room she waits for her surgery and will begin her recovery in.
[21:40] [Cassandra Jones (Casual)] Push me, J!
[21:42] > Jade Kapur (Casual) smiles and starts to push cassandra towards the room
[21:43] > ~Nurse leads the pair down the main corridor
[21:58] [~Nurse] I must say, there's a lot of buzz about you two being here....
[22:00] [Cassandra Jones (Casual)] Really?
[22:02] [Jade Kapur (Casual)] oh?
[22:03] [~Nurse] Oh yes... it's been a while since we had celebrities here.
[22:03] > ~Nurse stops at a room
[22:08] [~Nurse] So, this is your room
[22:08] > Jade Kapur (Casual) looks around
[22:14] ➣ It's your typical hospital room, a single bed with monitors around and a television hanging from the ceiling.
[22:15] [Cassandra Jones (Casual)] So glad to be in a room by myself.
[22:18] [Jade Kapur (Casual)] do you know when it will begin?
[22:19] > ~Nurse picks up the chart and reads it
[22:20] [~Nurse] Looks like there's an examination scheduled in the morning.... then the knee surgery itself will be in the early evening.
[22:23] [Jade Kapur (Casual)] would it be ok if I spent the night here
[22:24] [~Nurse] Well.... if you'd like, the chair reclines... but it isn't really comfortable.
[22:26] [Cassandra Jones (Casual)] Awww, J.... you don't have to do that?
[22:28] [Jade Kapur (Casual)] I would rather be by your side
[22:29] [~Nurse] That is so sweet....
[22:31] [~Nurse] Um.... breakfast is at 7am... there's a card right there. Just fill it out.... one of the orderlies will come around midnight to pick it up.
[22:35] [Jade Kapur (Casual)] thank you
[22:37] [~Nurse] No problem. :) I'll let you get settled in. Also, don't forget to change into your gown.
[22:43] > Cassandra Jones (Casual) stands and hops over to the bed
[22:44] <-- ~Nurse has left #eventsbeta
[22:45] > Cassandra Jones (Casual) picks up the gown which is paper thin, white and backless
[22:48] [Jade Kapur (Casual)] heh...backless
[22:49] > Cassandra Jones (Casual) grins
[22:49] [Cassandra Jones (Casual)] ❧ Ya' like that, don't ya'? ❧
[22:56] [Jade Kapur (Casual)] ❧ oh yes ❧
[22:58] > Cassandra Jones (Casual) grins, tossing the gown over her shoulder, hopping towards the bathroom
[23:05] > Jade Kapur (Casual) smirks
[23:08] > Cassandra Jones (Hospital Gown) hops out of the bathroom in the gown, turning around to show off her bikini underwear clad backside to jade
[23:13] > Jade Kapur (Casual) whistles
[23:14] > Cassandra Jones (Hospital Gown) giggles and hops over, sitting on then laying in the bed
[23:28] [Jade Kapur (Casual)] I wish I could be i nthat bed with you
[23:29] [Cassandra Jones (Hospital Gown)] I wish you could too.... I need someone to snuggle with
[23:29] > Cassandra Jones (Hospital Gown) reaches over and picks up her breakfest card
[23:38] [Cassandra Jones (Hospital Gown)] Hmmm.... I can have eggs, toast, my choice of bacon or sausage.... and juice or coffee. Not a huge amount of varaity there.
[23:45] > Cassandra Jones (Hospital Gown) marks what she wants
[23:47] > Jade Kapur (Casual) smiles then yawns a little bit
[23:48] [Cassandra Jones (Hospital Gown)] Gettin' tired, J?
[23:49] [Jade Kapur (Casual)] yes..a bit
[23:51] [Cassandra Jones (Hospital Gown)] You should get some rest then.
[23:51] --> ~Orderly has joined #eventsbeta
[23:51] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, ~Orderly
[23:52] > ~Orderly , a young man with short hair, quietly walks in, collecting the breakfest card, waving lightly at the girls with a smile before walking out.
[23:54] <-- ~Orderly has left #eventsbeta
[23:54] [Cassandra Jones (Hospital Gown)] Well.... that was quick
[23:59] [Jade Kapur (Casual)] heh alright..
[23:59] > Jade Kapur (Casual) bends over and gives cassandra a kiss
[23:59] > Cassandra Jones (Hospital Gown) kisses Jade back and smiles
[00:00] >>> Saturday Sep 10 2016 <<<
[00:01] [Jade Kapur (Casual)] perhaps we should both get some rest
[00:02] > Cassandra Jones (Hospital Gown) nods
[00:02] [Cassandra Jones (Hospital Gown)] I'll turn out the lights and you stretch out on that chair...
[00:04] > Jade Kapur (Casual) smiles and lays down on the chair, leaning back
[00:05] > Cassandra Jones (Hospital Gown) finds the room controller, turning out the lights
[00:05] <-- Cassandra Jones (Hospital Gown) has left #eventsbeta (Goodnight, J)
[00:06] <-- Jade Kapur (Casual) has left #eventsbeta (goodnight cassandra)
[00:00] >>> Sunday Sep 11 2016 <<<
[21:25] ➣ Tokyo, Japan - Keio University Hospital
[21:26] --> Cassandra Jones (Hospital Gown) has joined #eventsbeta
[21:26] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Cassandra Jones (Hospital Gown)
[21:27] > Cassandra Jones (Hospital Gown) lays in bed, her knee wrapped in an ice bandage.
[21:29] --> Jade Kapur (Casual) has joined #eventsbeta
[21:29] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Jade Kapur (Casual)
[21:29] > Jade Kapur (Casual) sits in a chair across from cassandra
[21:32] [Jade Kapur (Casual)] how are you feeling?
[21:32] [Cassandra Jones (Hospital Gown)] You okay over there, J?
[21:35] [Jade Kapur (Casual)] oh I'm fine..I just want to make sure you're feeling well
[21:37] > Cassandra Jones (Hospital Gown) giggles a little
[21:37] [Cassandra Jones (Hospital Gown)] I'm okay.... the pain meds are working weeeelll
[21:41] [Jade Kapur (Casual)] I can tell
[21:41] ➣ there's a knock at the door
[21:42] [Cassandra Jones (Hospital Gown)] Um.... enter
[21:43] --> Joanna Smithson (Casual) has joined #eventsbeta
[21:43] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Joanna Smithson (Casual)
[21:43] > Joanna Smithson (Casual) walks in with a gift "yo!"
[21:44] [Cassandra Jones (Hospital Gown)] Hey Joanna!
[21:45] [Joanna Smithson (Casual)] hey cass..how goes
[21:46] [Cassandra Jones (Hospital Gown)] Oh, I'm doing alright...
[21:46] > +Vanadine (Casual) peaks in
[21:46] --> Vanadine (Casual) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has joined #eventsbeta
[21:46] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Vanadine (Casual)
[21:46] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Vanadine (Casual)
[21:49] [Cassandra Jones (Hospital Gown)] Vanaaaaa..... I see you there
[21:51] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Dangit
[21:51] > +Vanadine (Casual) walks in
[21:53] [Jade Kapur (Casual)] hello Vana
[21:53] [+Vanadine (Casual)] I hope you girls don't hate us for not being around when this happened. ~_~
[21:56] > Cassandra Jones (Hospital Gown) glances over at Jade
[21:56] [Jade Kapur (Casual)] no..no it is understandable
[21:57] [Cassandra Jones (Hospital Gown)] Yeah.... even if you were there.... you probably wouldn't have been able to stop it.
[21:59] [Joanna Smithson (Casual)] we brought gifts
[22:02] [Cassandra Jones (Hospital Gown)] Awww, ya' didn't have to do that.
[22:11] [Joanna Smithson (Casual)] hey least we can do
[22:16] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Yeah
[22:19] > Joanna Smithson (Casual) puts the gift on a table
[22:19] [Jade Kapur (Casual)] well i'm glad you at least showed up
[22:20] > Cassandra Jones (Hospital Gown) carefully reaches over to the table, opening the gift
[22:21] ➣ the gift is some of cassandra's favorite snacks
[22:23] [Cassandra Jones (Hospital Gown)] Awwww, you girls went all out with this! Thank you!
[22:24] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Well.... I've probably known you longer than anyone here, even though we haven't always seen eye to eye.
[22:27] [Joanna Smithson (Casual)] well can't stand seeing you in pain
[22:29] [Cassandra Jones (Hospital Gown)] Well again, I think both of ya'll for this.
[22:30] [Jade Kapur (Casual)] I thank you as well
[22:31] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Heh, you're letting your accent slip more.
[22:32] [Cassandra Jones (Hospital Gown)] Yeah well...... I'm in the hospital, on some awesome pain killers.... and among friends. I can let a ya'll slip out here and ther.
[22:32] [Cassandra Jones (Hospital Gown)] ^there
[22:33] [Joanna Smithson (Casual)] heh careful with those pain killers...don't want them TOO awesome
[22:34] [Cassandra Jones (Hospital Gown)] Oh, I know
[22:36] [Cassandra Jones (Hospital Gown)] Well... since you two came, I'll let ya'll in on the knews.
[22:36] [Cassandra Jones (Hospital Gown)] ^news
[22:43] [Joanna Smithson (Casual)] hm?
[22:47] [Cassandra Jones (Hospital Gown)] The doc said the surgery was a total success
[22:52] [Joanna Smithson (Casual)] oh awesome!
[22:53] [+Vanadine (Casual)] That's great! How long's the recovery time?
[22:56] [+Vanadine (Casual)] It'll be at least 6 months before I'm back in the ring.
[22:57] [Cassandra Jones (Hospital Gown)] ^
[22:57] [Cassandra Jones (Hospital Gown)] But I could start with light rehab as soon as 3 weeks from today
[22:58] [Joanna Smithson (Casual)] bet you'll get out early!
[23:02] [Cassandra Jones (Hospital Gown)] Well, I have no intention of rushing my return.
[23:03] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Which is the best way to go.
[23:08] > Cassandra Jones (Hospital Gown) yawns a little
[23:08] [Jade Kapur (Casual)] she needs her rest
[23:11] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Yeah, good point.
[23:11] [+Vanadine (Casual)] We'll let ya' get some rest.
[23:12] [Jade Kapur (Casual)] thank you for coming
[23:12] [Cassandra Jones (Hospital Gown)] Yeah.... and thank you for the gifts *yawns again*
[23:13] [+Vanadine (Casual)] You're very welcome
[23:14] [Joanna Smithson (Casual)] no problem!
[23:15] > +Vanadine (Casual) smiles: G'night you two.
[23:17] <-- +Vanadine (Casual) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has left #eventsbeta (I'm glad everything turned out okay)
[23:18] <-- Joanna Smithson (Casual) has left #eventsbeta (yeah me too)
[23:19] > Cassandra Jones (Hospital Gown) smiles to Jade and turns out the lights
[23:19] <-- Cassandra Jones (Hospital Gown) has left #eventsbeta (Get over here and kiss me before I pass out <3)
[23:23] <-- Jade Kapur (Casual) has left #eventsbeta (of course <3)
[00:00] >>> Monday Sep 12 2016 <<<
[22:01] ➣ Kaze House
[22:02] --> Matsumi Kaze (Pajamas) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has joined #eventsbeta
[22:02] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Matsumi Kaze (Pajamas)
[22:02] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Matsumi Kaze (Pajamas)
[22:02] > +Matsumi Kaze (Pajamas) yawns, walking into the bedroom
[22:02] --> Vanadine (Nightwear) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has joined #eventsbeta
[22:02] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Vanadine (Nightwear)
[22:02] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Vanadine (Nightwear)
[22:04] [+Matsumi Kaze (Pajamas)] so how was your little visit yesterday?
[22:04] > +Vanadine (Nightwear) is laying in bed, looking at a tablete
[22:05] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] It went well.... I'm just glad Cassie and Jade aren't mad at us
[22:08] [+Matsumi Kaze (Pajamas)] man things have changed huh?
[22:08] [+Matsumi Kaze (Pajamas)] I used to think they hated you
[22:10] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] Yeah.... we never really got along
[22:11] [+Matsumi Kaze (Pajamas)] must be a relief for you
[22:13] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] Yeah, it is
[22:13] [+Matsumi Kaze (Pajamas)] will you be doing any shows soon?
[22:15] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] This weekend
[22:17] [+Matsumi Kaze (Pajamas)] ..vana....
[22:18] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] Hmm?
[22:20] [+Matsumi Kaze (Pajamas)] ...you don't feel bad...cassandra got hurt...I mean guilt or..something
[22:23] > +Vanadine (Nightwear) sighs lighlty
[22:25] [+Matsumi Kaze (Pajamas)] do you?
[22:25] [+Matsumi Kaze (Pajamas)] cause you shouldn't
[22:26] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] I do.....
[22:26] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] .... I feel like.... if we were there.... that wouldn't have happened the way it did.
[22:28] [+Matsumi Kaze (Pajamas)] you shouldn't..but i'm glad you worry about her
[22:30] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] I know...... even she said it was okay..... but I still feel bad.
[22:34] [+Matsumi Kaze (Pajamas)] aww...well..did they blame you at all?
[22:34] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] No...
[22:41] [+Matsumi Kaze (Pajamas)] then you shouldn't worry *smiles*
[22:45] > +Matsumi Kaze (Pajamas) hugs vana from behind around the waist "I hate seeing my wifey-love sad"
[22:45] > +Vanadine (Nightwear) lays back against Matsumi
[22:45] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] Maybe you're right...
[22:49] > +Matsumi Kaze (Pajamas) kisses vana's neck "that's what i'm here for"
[22:51] > +Vanadine (Nightwear) smiles lightly
[22:53] [+Matsumi Kaze (Pajamas)] i don't want to blame yourself, ok?
[22:53] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] Okay....
[22:59] > +Vanadine (Nightwear) turns to Matsumi and winks
[22:59] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] ❧ Feelin' a little frisky tonight, are ya'? ❧
[23:00] [+Matsumi Kaze (Pajamas)] ❧ a bit ❧
[23:05] > +Vanadine (Nightwear) grins, pulling Matsumi down onto the bed
[23:06] > +Matsumi Kaze (Pajamas) smirks
[23:11] > +Vanadine (Nightwear) motions to the lightswitch, turning out the lights in the room
[23:11] <-- +Vanadine (Nightwear) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has left #eventsbeta (I'm never one to pass up an oppertunity <3)
[23:13] <-- +Matsumi Kaze (Pajamas) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has left #eventsbeta (<3)
[00:00] >>> Tuesday Sep 13 2016 <<<
[20:29] ➣ Neo Tokyo / Mt. Fuji, Sakazki Residense
[20:29] --> Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual) has joined #eventsbeta
[20:29] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual)
[20:30] > Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual) sits in his room on his computer, checking the status of his vinyard
[20:32] [Neva (Casual)] keeping busy?
[20:32] --> Neva (Casual) [BHunterCat@SystemNova.com] has joined #eventsbeta
[20:32] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Neva (Casual)
[20:33] [Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual)] Hey mom..... yeah. This vineyard thing is starting to turn my way.
[20:38] [Neva (Casual)] is it now?
[20:38] [Neva (Casual)] going to stick it to that mother of her's?
[20:39] > Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual) smirks | If you'd like to say it that way.... then yes.
[20:44] [Neva (Casual)] heh well i'm glad you're taking intitive
[20:44] [Neva (Casual)] and not giving up
[20:45] [Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual)] Well... I honestly think I have you to thank for that.
[20:53] [Neva (Casual)] oh?
[20:54] [Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual)] Oh yeah.... I have noticed your determination when it comes to things and I think it has rubbed off on me.
[20:55] [Neva (Casual)] well i'm proud of you
[20:59] [Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual)] Thank you, mom. :)
[20:59] [Neva (Casual)] do you need anything in the meantime?
[21:02] [Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual)] Just check on it from time to time. I am done for the night though.
[21:03] [Neva (Casual)] I mean is there anything I can get you in the meantie
[21:05] [Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual)] Oh, not at all mom.
[21:05] [Neva (Casual)] alright..i don't want you to hole up in your room all night
[21:05] > Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual) stands | In fact.... I was thinking about going to visit my little brother for a few minutes, if he isn't asleep already.
[21:08] [Neva (Casual)] heh oh he isn't asleep just yet
[21:11] > Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual) smiles | I'm glad.... I like spending time with the little guy.
[21:13] [Neva (Casual)] oh he certainly likes seeing you
[21:18] > Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual) hugs Neva
[21:20] > Neva (Casual) smiles and hugs her son
[21:22] [Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual)] I'm not sure I say it enough, but I love you, mom.
[21:23] [Neva (Casual)] oh i love you too, drake
[21:26] > Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual) lets go of Neva with a smile before making his way towards the nursery
[21:28] > Neva (Casual) follows
[21:35] > Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual) enters the nursery, looking around the room
[21:36] ➣ the nursery is all dolled up for a little boy's room
[21:44] > Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual) grins as he walks over to the crib, looking into it
[21:52] > ~Rowan looks up as Drake walks in
[21:52] [Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual)] There's my little bro!
[21:53] > Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual) bends down and carefully picks Rowan up from the crib
[21:54] > ~Rowan makes various happy noises, his little ears wiggling lightly
[21:58] [Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual)] I can't wait for you to get a little older so I can start teaching you things.
[21:58] > ~Rowan's little tail wraps around Drake's arm as he smiles up to his big brother.
[22:02] > Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual) uses his tail to reach into Rowan's crib, grabbing one of his toys, dangeling it over Rowan
[22:05] > ~Rowan watches the toy over him and reaches out for it, giggling.
[22:06] > Neva (Casual) smiles
[22:07] > Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual) chuckles as he plays with Rowan | You're getting quicker every day.
[22:09] > ~Rowan keeps swiping at the toy, almost connecting to it
[22:12] > ~Rowan notices Neva standing to the side and turns, reaching out to her
[22:12] [Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual)] Uh oh... looks like Rowan got bored with our little game
[22:15] > Neva (Casual) smiles and picks up her son
[22:15] [Neva (Casual)] now now Rowan..your brother is trying to have fun with you
[22:15] > ~Rowan coos lightly, lightly grabbing onto Neva's shirt
[22:17] > Neva (Casual) rubs her infant son's back gently
[22:18] > ~Rowan starts to lightly purr
[22:18] [Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual)] It's so cute
[22:21] [Neva (Casual)] reminds me of when you were a little boy
[22:21] > Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual) smirks | I was never this cute
[22:22] > ~Rowan purrs and starts to curl up a little, clearly having trouble keeping his eyes open.
[22:23] [Neva (Casual)] aw...seems he's finally getting sleepy
[22:24] [Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual)] Maybe our bit of playing wore him out
[22:24] > ~Rowan closes his eyes finally and falls asleep in his mother's arms
[22:27] > Neva (Casual) smiles and nods
[22:29] > Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual) blushes a little
[22:29] [Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual)] Having Rowan around now..... is really making me wonder....
[22:30] [Neva (Casual)] hm?
[22:30] [Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual)] ..... what will it be like.... when I have kids?
[22:41] [Neva (Casual)] ...well
[22:41] [Neva (Casual)] ..it will be difficult at first
[22:42] [Neva (Casual)] or easy
[22:42] [Neva (Casual)] it depends
[22:44] > Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual) chuckles lightly
[22:44] [Neva (Casual)] you can only tell once you have one
[22:47] > Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual) grins | Wonder how long that'll be before that happens?
[22:50] [Neva (Casual)] well...if you are ike your father
[22:50] [Neva (Casual)] then perhaps even before your marriage heh
[22:51] > Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual) suddenly blushes
[22:53] [Neva (Casual)] heh but who knows
[23:02] [Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual)] With that.... I think I am going to go talk to Sonya for a bit then get some sleep
[23:05] [Neva (Casual)] alright
[23:05] > Neva (Casual) smiles and gives her son a hug
[23:05] [Neva (Casual)] have a good night, drake
[23:07] > Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual) carefully hugs Neva, who's still holding Rowan and lightly brushes Rowan's little ears
[23:07] [Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual)] Night mom... night little bro.
[23:10] <-- Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual) has left #eventsbeta (I wonder what Sonya will think of my.....)
[23:13] <-- ~Rowan has left #eventsbeta (*sleeping in his mother's arms*)
[23:14] <-- Neva (Casual) [BHunterCat@SystemNova.com] has left #eventsbeta (goes to put her infant son to bed "my wonderful children")
[00:00] >>> Wednesday Sep 14 2016 <<<
[21:37] ➣ Neo Tokyo / Alcobus' Apartment
[21:37] --> Alcobus (Nightwear) [ScientificSuccubi@Darklab.net] has joined #eventsbeta
[21:37] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Alcobus (Nightwear)
[21:37] > Alcobus (Nightwear) lays across the sofa, reading from a data pad
[21:39] --> Andria (Casual) has joined #eventsbeta
[21:39] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Andria (Casual)
[21:39] > Andria (Casual) is vacuuming
[21:42] [Alcobus (Nightwear)] Uh oh...
[21:43] [Andria (Casual)] huh?
[21:46] [Alcobus (Nightwear)] Seems there's a ship of space pirats headed here.
[21:47] [Andria (Casual)] wait what!?
[21:48] [Alcobus (Nightwear)] Yeah... space pirates. They're raiding small cargo ships and have been apparently really tough to catch.
[21:49] > Andria (Casual) suddenly looks like she's going to panic
[21:52] [Andria (Casual)] I..I have to hide!
[21:54] [Alcobus (Nightwear)] Andy.....?
[21:54] > Alcobus (Nightwear) sits up
[21:54] [Andria (Casual)] if they find out I'm here...they'll catch me..they'll skin me!
[21:57] > Alcobus (Nightwear) looks rather seriously at Andria / Calm down, Andy.....
[21:59] [Alcobus (Nightwear)] .... do you have any idea what they'd have to do to get to you?
[22:00] [Andria (Casual)] s..sorry just....worried..
[22:01] [Alcobus (Nightwear)] I know you are.... but I'm not letting anyone get to you, I promise.
[22:01] [Alcobus (Nightwear)] If I have to channel my past self... I will
[22:03] [Andria (Casual)] ..thank you
[22:08] [Andria (Casual)] I hope I am not being a burden on you
[22:10] [Alcobus (Nightwear)] Not at all
[22:12] [Andria (Casual)] I just..hope they don't attack here
[22:13] [Alcobus (Nightwear)] Like I said.... if they do..... they gotta go through me to get to you..... and I'm not someone you easly go THROUGH.
[22:14] > Andria (Casual) blushes
[22:21] [Andria (Casual)] um..i think i'm done..with the cleaning
[22:22] [Alcobus (Nightwear)] Good good.....
[22:22] > Alcobus (Nightwear) sits up and turns on the sofa
[22:22] [Alcobus (Nightwear)] .... come sit with me.
[22:28] > Andria (Casual) walks over and sits next to Alcobus
[22:30] > Alcobus (Nightwear) lays her head on Andria's shoulder
[22:31] [Alcobus (Nightwear)] I feel a connection to you, Andy..... something I haven't felt in quite a while.
[22:34] > Andria (Casual) blushes "you do?"
[22:36] [Alcobus (Nightwear)] Mmhmm....
[22:37] [Alcobus (Nightwear)] ..... that's why there's no way I'm letting anyone get to you.
[22:37] [Andria (Casual)] t..thank you...alcobus..
[22:41] > Alcobus (Nightwear) smiles, turning and kissing Andria on the cheek
[22:46] > Andria (Casual)'s ears flick as she turns red
[22:47] > Alcobus (Nightwear) giggles a little: So cute
[22:52] [Andria (Casual)] h..hey....
[22:52] [Andria (Casual)] you're making me blush ^^;;
[22:52] [Alcobus (Nightwear)] I noticed.... it's a good look for you.
[22:56] > Andria (Casual) covers her face
[22:57] [Alcobus (Nightwear)] Awww, don't cover up
[22:58] [Andria (Casual)] just..can't..help it
[23:02] > Andria (Casual)'s tails wag back and forth
[23:08] > Alcobus (Nightwear) grins a little
[23:08] [Alcobus (Nightwear)] I suddenly feel a need to take you to bed with me tonight....
[23:08] [Andria (Casual)] y..you do?
[23:09] [Alcobus (Nightwear)] ❧ Mmmhmm..... unless you have an objection to that. ❧
[23:10] [Andria (Casual)] I..I don't
[23:11] > Alcobus (Nightwear) stands and winks, heading towards her bedroom
[23:12] > Andria (Casual) stands and slowly follows
[23:13] <-- Alcobus (Nightwear) [ScientificSuccubi@Darklab.net] has left #eventsbeta (You gonna' keep me waiting? <3)
[23:14] <-- Andria (Casual) has left #eventsbeta (I'm coming!)
[00:00] >>> Thursday Sep 15 2016 <<<
[22:25] [@HOL_6000] Mako-nya: http://68.media.tumblr.com/780c84491527af2d45294a3bfd9b00d6/tumblr_odjeziJG1j1qcfhs3o1_1280.jpg
[00:00] >>> Friday Sep 16 2016 <<<
[21:31] ➣ Sagusa House
[21:32] [~?? (Casual)] knock knock!
[21:32] > ~?? (Casual) knocks on the door
[21:41] --> Chanelle Sagusa (Casual) [FrenchProjector@Mugen.edu] has joined #eventsbeta
[21:41] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Chanelle Sagusa (Casual)
[21:42] [Chanelle Sagusa (Casual)] Hmm? Who's that at this hour?
[21:42] > Chanelle Sagusa (Casual) stands and goes to the door, opening it.
[21:48] --> Hana Mori (Casual) has joined #eventsbeta
[21:48] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Hana Mori (Casual)
[21:48] [Hana Mori (Casual)] hey there!
[21:53] [Chanelle Sagusa (Casual)] Hana!
[21:53] > Chanelle Sagusa (Casual) hugs Hana and smiles
[21:57] > Hana Mori (Casual) hugs back
[21:57] [Hana Mori (Casual)] hey how are you feeling?
[21:58] [Chanelle Sagusa (Casual)] Oh, I'm feeling okay....
[22:02] [Hana Mori (Casual)] hey tell me all about it
[22:07] [Chanelle Sagusa (Casual)] Not much to tell.... other than I've been tired more than usual.
[22:11] [Hana Mori (Casual)] hey I brought some things for you
[22:12] [Chanelle Sagusa (Casual)] Awwww, you didn't have to do that?
[22:12] [Chanelle Sagusa (Casual)] -?
[22:13] [Hana Mori (Casual)] hey have to watch out for my sister in law
[22:13] > Chanelle Sagusa (Casual) smiles to Hana
[22:13] [Chanelle Sagusa (Casual)] Well, since you're here, do you want anything?
[22:19] [Hana Mori (Casual)] hm? maybe a drink but only if you're up for it
[22:19] [Hana Mori (Casual)] non alcholic of course
[22:27] > Chanelle Sagusa (Casual) nods and goes to the kitchen / Have a seat and I'll get some drinks.
[22:27] > Hana Mori (Casual) smiles and takes a seat
[22:27] [Hana Mori (Casual)] you start getting clothes yet?
[22:28] [Chanelle Sagusa (Casual)] Not yet.... I wanted to wait until I start getting a bit bigger.
[22:30] [Hana Mori (Casual)] oh yeah how far along are you again?
[22:32] [Chanelle Sagusa (Casual)] A little past two months.
[22:33] [Hana Mori (Casual)] be glad you aren't having twins
[22:36] [Chanelle Sagusa (Casual)] Heh.... well, I'm still early in the process, so you never know.
[22:38] > Chanelle Sagusa (Casual) comes out of the kitchen holding two cups, handing one to Hana before sitting down.
[22:40] > Hana Mori (Casual) smirks and take one "well in that case have fun heh"
[22:40] > Hana Mori (Casual) drinks
[22:43] > Chanelle Sagusa (Casual) sips her drink and smiles
[22:44] [Hana Mori (Casual)] so I picked up some stuff to help you stay healthy
[22:44] [Hana Mori (Casual)] well..none of that..health food crap
[22:44] > Chanelle Sagusa (Casual) giggles
[22:44] [Chanelle Sagusa (Casual)] Let's see what you brought
[22:46] > Hana Mori (Casual) opens up the bag and pulls out a canister "this recipe I got from my cousin...says it helped her during her pregnancy"
[22:47] [Chanelle Sagusa (Casual)] Oh yeah?
[22:47] [Chanelle Sagusa (Casual)] What's in it?
[22:48] [Hana Mori (Casual)] some kind of fruit, veggie mix...like real stuff
[22:48] [Chanelle Sagusa (Casual)] Sounds good..... I don't eat a whole lot of junk anyway.
[22:54] [Hana Mori (Casual)] also got a recipe for soup for you
[22:56] [Chanelle Sagusa (Casual)] Oh nice
[22:57] [Hana Mori (Casual)] we're going old school!
[23:02] > Chanelle Sagusa (Casual) giggles lightly
[23:02] [Hana Mori (Casual)] and hey I'll be there by your side for this
[23:04] [Chanelle Sagusa (Casual)] Any help would be greatly appreciated.
[23:09] [Hana Mori (Casual)] hey just have you be strong, you know
[23:11] [Chanelle Sagusa (Casual)] Yeah, I know.
[23:11] [Chanelle Sagusa (Casual)] I'm just really nervous about all this.....
[23:15] [Hana Mori (Casual)] you mean the part of it feeling like utter hell and you turning into a balloon?
[23:16] [Chanelle Sagusa (Casual)] Both... and then some
[23:19] [Hana Mori (Casual)] eh you'llbe fine!
[23:22] > Chanelle Sagusa (Casual) puts her hands over her stomach, looking down a bit
[23:22] [Chanelle Sagusa (Casual)] I hope so....I'm worried about this entire process.
[23:23] > Hana Mori (Casual) smiles and pats chanelle's hands
[23:29] [Hana Mori (Casual)] it will be ok
[23:31] [Chanelle Sagusa (Casual)] I just want a healthy baby.... and a healthy me after this is done.
[23:32] [Hana Mori (Casual)] hey you're strong..everything will go smoothly
[23:39] [Chanelle Sagusa (Casual)] I sure hope I'm strong enough...
[23:43] [Hana Mori (Casual)] hey I belive in you
[23:45] > Chanelle Sagusa (Casual) smiles nervously
[23:47] [Hana Mori (Casual)] hey what can I do to help you feel better?
[23:53] [Chanelle Sagusa (Casual)] I dunno....
[23:55] [Hana Mori (Casual)] hey you should visit me tomorrow
[23:55] [Hana Mori (Casual)] see the kids again
[00:00] >>> Saturday Sep 17 2016 <<<
[00:00] [Chanelle Sagusa (Casual)] I would like that. :0
[00:00] [Chanelle Sagusa (Casual)] :)
[00:05] [Hana Mori (Casual)] they love seeing you
[00:07] [Chanelle Sagusa (Casual)] I love seeing them... in all their cuteness.
[00:13] [Hana Mori (Casual)] and imagine you'll have one..or two of your own
[00:14] [Chanelle Sagusa (Casual)] It's a bit difficult to believe, to be honest.
[00:18] [Hana Mori (Casual)] well that's what life's like you know?
[00:18] [Hana Mori (Casual)] hey anything I can fix up for you?
[00:28] [Chanelle Sagusa (Casual)] Um.... not that I can think of
[00:28] > Chanelle Sagusa (Casual) yawns
[00:39] [Hana Mori (Casual)] heh yeah it's getting late
[00:39] [Hana Mori (Casual)] and you need rest
[00:41] [Chanelle Sagusa (Casual)] Yeah...
[00:43] > Chanelle Sagusa (Casual) stands
[00:43] [Chanelle Sagusa (Casual)] You want to stay tonight then we can ride together tomorrow?
[00:44] [Hana Mori (Casual)] I have the kids to think about
[00:45] [Chanelle Sagusa (Casual)] Alrighty
[00:48] > Hana Mori (Casual) stands and gives chanelle a hug
[00:49] > Chanelle Sagusa (Casual) hugs Hana back and smiles
[00:49] [Chanelle Sagusa (Casual)] Thanks for coming over, I'll see you and the kids tomorrow.
[00:52] [Hana Mori (Casual)] no prob! looking forward to it!
[00:52] [Hana Mori (Casual)] get lots of rest and just take care, k?
[00:54] [Chanelle Sagusa (Casual)] I will, goodnight. :)
[00:55] <-- Hana Mori (Casual) has left #eventsbeta (can't wait to see you tomorrow..kids will love it)
[00:55] <-- Chanelle Sagusa (Casual) [FrenchProjector@Mugen.edu] has left #eventsbeta (It will be all kinds of fun)
[00:00] >>> Sunday Sep 18 2016 <<<
[20:48] [+Kalli Sasaki] (( I live again ))
[20:50] [Knight Nephrite] (( Greetings to you. ))
[20:50] [Knight Nephrite] (( How're things? ))
[20:51] [+Kalli Sasaki] (( Not too bad. Work can be a bit rough, but I'm coping. ))
[20:53] [+Kalli Sasaki] (( I've been going out to play Pokemon Go after work while the summer weather was holding out. ))
[20:53] [Knight Nephrite] (( I know the feeling about work, especially while transitioning into a new company. ))
[21:22] [~UltraMatt] (( yo ))
[21:26] [+Kalli Sasaki] (( Hey ))
[00:00] >>> Monday Sep 19 2016 <<<
[21:49] [+Kalli Sasaki] (( Evening ))
[21:52] [Knight Nephrite] (( Hey there ))
[21:53] [+Kalli Sasaki] (( How goes? ))
[21:54] [Knight Nephrite] (( Not bad, was just about to start up a thing with Matt, you? ))
[21:54] [+Kalli Sasaki] (( Just watching youtube tonight. ))
[21:55] [Knight Nephrite] (( Ahh ))
[22:19] [Knight Nephrite] (( Or I was before my brain checked out.... ))
[22:21] [+Kalli Sasaki] (( Hmm? ))
[22:27] ➣ Kinmoku Estate
[22:27] --> Sonya Kou (Casual) has joined #eventsbeta
[22:27] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Sonya Kou (Casual)
[22:27] > Sonya Kou (Casual) is looking over some vinyards
[22:29] --> Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual) has joined #eventsbeta
[22:29] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual)
[22:30] [Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual)] What do you think, love?
[22:31] [Sonya Kou (Casual)] coming along nicely!..did you call me love? hee
[22:33] [Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual)] Well.... yeah.... is that not okay? I mean, it sounded cute in my head...
[22:33] > Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual) walks over to Sonya
[22:35] [Sonya Kou (Casual)] heh makes it sound likw we're married already
[22:37] > Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual) grins, wrapping his arms around Sonya from behind
[22:38] [Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual)] ❧ Guess I should save that nickname for down the road then. ❧
[22:40] > Sonya Kou (Casual) blushes and kisses drake on the cheek
[22:41] [Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual)] We are super close now.....
[22:41] [Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual)] .... the yield from this vineyard is breaking even on our supplies.
[22:43] [Sonya Kou (Casual)] ..it should prove to mom what you can do
[22:43] [Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual)] Well.... your mother said I had to make money....
[22:46] [Sonya Kou (Casual)] and we really have
[22:48] [Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual)] Not just yet...... I have to make a profit before I can show it to your mother.
[22:56] [Sonya Kou (Casual)] well I know you can do it!
[23:01] [Sonya Kou (Casual)] I belive in you ^^
[23:04] [Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual)] I know you do. :)
[23:05] > Sonya Kou (Casual) hugs drake from behind "caus eyou're marrying me, mister :p"
[23:09] > Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual) leans back against Sonya and smiles
[23:10] [Sonya Kou (Casual)] and I'm not letting you get away
[23:12] > Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual) chuckles lightly
[23:14] [Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual)] Like I would let anyone get between us.
[23:21] [Sonya Kou (Casual)] you better not!
[23:23] > Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual) turns and kisses Sonya
[23:26] > Sonya kou (Casual) kisses back happily
[23:32] [Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual)] ❧ So.... what is in our plans for tonight? ❧
[23:33] [Sonya kou (Casual)] ❧ well...we're done working ❧
[23:34] [Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual)] ❧ Yeah.... ❧
[23:35] [Sonya kou (Casual)] ❧ we should enjoy ourselves ❧
[23:38] [Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual)] ❧ I like the sound of that already...~ ❧
[23:47] > Sonya kou (Casual) offers her arm
[23:54] > Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual) takes Sonya's arm and smiles
[23:54] <-- Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual) has left #eventsbeta (Lead the way)
[23:59] <-- Sonya kou (Casual) has left #eventsbeta (♡)
[00:00] >>> Tuesday Sep 20 2016 <<<
[21:49] ➣ Tokyo, Japan - Keio University Hospital
[21:50] --> Cassandra Jones (Hospital Gown) has joined #eventsbeta
[21:50] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Cassandra Jones (Hospital Gown)
[21:51] > Cassandra Jones (Hospital Gown) lays in bed, looking over her tablet
[21:53] --> Jade Kapur (Casual) has joined #eventsbeta
[21:53] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Jade Kapur (Casual)
[21:53] > Jade Kapur (Casual) is sitting nearby
[21:56] [Jade Kapur (Casual)] is everything alright, cassie?
[21:57] [Cassandra Jones (Hospital Gown)] Yeah, just reading some of the well wishes from fans online.
[21:57] [Cassandra Jones (Hospital Gown)] It's all really sweet
[21:57] --> ~Head Nurse has joined #eventsbeta
[21:57] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, ~Head Nurse
[21:57] > ~Head Nurse knocks lightly on the door of the room
[22:00] [Jade Kapur (Casual)] hm?
[22:00] > Jade Kapur (Casual) goes and opens the door
[22:01] > ~Head Nurse is a tall, somewhat heavy woman with short red hair and green eyes, but a very pleasant disposition
[22:01] [~Head Nurse] Good evening ladies
[22:02] [Jade Kapur (Casual)] good evening
[22:03] [Cassandra Jones (Hospital Gown)] Oh hey! Come in, come in
[22:07] [~Head Nurse] So, Miss Jones..... I have some good news.
[22:09] [Cassandra Jones (Hospital Gown)] Good news is always welcomed
[22:09] [Jade Kapur (Casual)] oh?
[22:13] [~Head Nurse] The doctor says everything's holding well in your knee.... so she wants you to begin physical therepy tomorrow.
[22:15] [Cassandra Jones (Hospital Gown)] Oh wow, that's great news
[22:22] [~Head Nurse] You'll work assisted for the first few sessions, but if everything goes well, the doctor will release you to go home then you can continue your rehab there.
[22:29] [Jade Kapur (Casual)] oh wonderful!
[22:30] [Cassandra Jones (Hospital Gown)] It sure is!
[22:30] [~Head Nurse] Just make sure that you don't overwork yourself..... if you overextend yourself during your rehab, you could end up reinjuring yourself.
[22:32] [Jade Kapur (Casual)] I shall make sure that she does not
[22:33] > Cassandra Jones (Hospital Gown) just smiles
[22:33] [~Head Nurse] Also......
[22:33] > ~Head Nurse blushes a little
[22:36] [~Head Nurse] ... if you two don'd mind me saying..... I've seen the way you look at each other....
[22:38] [Cassandra Jones (Hospital Gown)] Oh?
[22:43] [Jade Kapur (Casual)] oh?
[22:43] > ~Head Nurse continues to blush
[22:44] [~Head Nurse] Listen.... I'm not supposed to tell you this..... but..... I know how this can get......
[22:46] [~Head Nurse] I'm the nurse on duty tonight..... so I'll make sure you're not disturbed tonight if you want to.... um..... enjoy each other's company.... if you get my meaning.
[22:47] > Cassandra Jones (Hospital Gown) blushes a bit
[22:48] > Jade Kapur (Casual) turns red
[22:52] [~Head Nurse] Just be very careful with your knee.....
[22:53] > Cassandra Jones (Hospital Gown) smirks a little, still blushing
[22:54] [Cassandra Jones (Hospital Gown)] You're very sweet for that..... thank you...
[22:55] [Jade Kapur (Casual)] yes it is apperciated
[22:57] > ~Head Nurse smiles and nods
[22:57] [~Head Nurse] With that... ladies, have a good night and we'll see you in the morning.
[23:00] [Cassandra Jones (Hospital Gown)] Goodnight!
[23:00] [Jade Kapur (Casual)] goodnight!
[23:02] > ~Head Nurse smiles and leaves the room, making sure to close the door behind her
[23:02] <-- ~Head Nurse has left #eventsbeta
[23:03] > Cassandra Jones (Hospital Gown) looks over at Jade and giggles a bit with a smirk
[23:04] > Jade Kapur (Casual) smirks back
[23:04] > Cassandra Jones (Hospital Gown) picks up the light controls
[23:05] > Cassandra Jones (Hospital Gown) motions for Jade to come to her
[23:06] <-- Cassandra Jones (Hospital Gown) has left #eventsbeta (Hurt or not, I need some J in my life now)
[23:07] <-- Jade Kapur (Casual) has left #eventsbeta (happy to help)
[00:00] >>> Wednesday Sep 21 2016 <<<
[21:15] [+Kalli Sasaki] (( Evening. ))
[21:16] [Knight Nephrite] (( Hey there ))
[21:19] [+Kalli Sasaki] (( How goes? ))
[21:19] [Knight Nephrite] (( Alright, a bit tired. You? ))
[21:20] [+Kalli Sasaki] (( Not bad, but glad to be home from work. ))
[21:20] [Knight Nephrite] (( I'm right there with ya' ))
[21:23] [+Kalli Sasaki] (( Feel like running anything? ))
[21:26] [Knight Nephrite] (( I'm actually about to start something with Matt ))
[21:26] [+Kalli Sasaki] (( Ah. ))
[21:30] ➣ Quinox, Maddox Castle / Emi & Daphne's Quarters
[21:30] --> Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) [ElvenMaid@quinox.gov] has joined #eventsbeta
[21:30] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)
[21:32] --> Eri Sawyer (PJs) has joined #eventsbeta
[21:32] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Eri Sawyer (PJs)
[21:32] > Eri Sawyer (PJs) is sitting on a sofa, looking over some things
[21:35] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] Hey babes....
[21:37] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) walks in, looking very tired
[21:39] [Eri Sawyer (PJs)] hey daph..you ok?
[21:42] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] Yeah... just wore out....
[21:43] > Eri Sawyer (PJs) scoots over and pats the seat neaxt to her
[21:44] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) pauses before turning and heading to sit next to Eri
[21:49] [Eri Sawyer (PJs)] heh heading off somewhere?
[21:50] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] Well... I WAS planning on changing out of my uniform.
[21:53] [Eri Sawyer (PJs)] heh well if you insist...go go gte changed heh
[21:53] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] Did you not want me to?
[21:54] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) turns and leans against Eri
[21:57] [Eri Sawyer (PJs)] heh well been stuck in here all day on my break..missed ya
[22:03] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] Awww... I missed you too
[22:04] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] You could've gone out while I was working.
[22:08] [Eri Sawyer (PJs)] heh wanted to catch up with plans
[22:10] > Eri Sawyer (PJs) has papers scattered around
[22:10] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] What're you planning?
[22:16] [Eri Sawyer (PJs)] um..uh..*blushes*
[22:16] > Eri Sawyer (PJs) is looking at wedding magazines
[22:17] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] Ooooo
[22:17] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) giggles a little
[22:19] [Eri Sawyer (PJs)] >.> yeaah
[22:23] [Eri Sawyer (PJs)] I was doing resarch for ours
[22:23] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] Cool
[22:23] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] What did you figure out so far?
[22:29] [Eri Sawyer (PJs)] well....not much
[22:30] [Eri Sawyer (PJs)] not sure if we want a church wedding or not
[22:33] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] I hadn't really thought of that.
[22:34] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] Come to think of it.... that's something I don't think we never discussed..... are you even religious?
[22:35] [Eri Sawyer (PJs)] not really
[22:39] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] Yeah... I guess having a church could be an option..... but not really needed.
[22:43] [Eri Sawyer (PJs)] um..how many..maids should we have
[22:45] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] I'd think that would depend on how many people we plan on inviting.
[22:46] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) leans forward a bit / Unzip me, love?
[22:56] > Eri Sawyer (PJs) smiles and works on unzipping the back
[22:56] [Eri Sawyer (PJs)] *front
[22:57] [Eri Sawyer (PJs)] *back
[23:09] [Eri Sawyer (PJs)] there we go!
[23:28] <-- Eri Sawyer (PJs) has left #eventsbeta (♡)
[00:00] >>> Thursday Sep 22 2016 <<<
[22:33] [+Kalli Sasaki] (( Evening. ))
[22:34] [Knight Nephrite] (( Hey ))
[22:35] [+Kalli Sasaki] (( How goes? ))
[22:41] [Knight Nephrite] (( Tired, but otherwise okay. ))
[22:41] [Knight Nephrite] (( You? ))
[22:42] [+Kalli Sasaki] Not bad. Posted an idea in the other room. A combo that hasn't been done.
[22:42] [+Kalli Sasaki] (( ^ ))
[22:50] ➣ Hana and Yuu's place
[22:50] --> Hana Mori (PJs) has joined #eventsbeta
[22:50] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Hana Mori (PJs)
[22:50] > Hana Mori (PJs) is lounging in bed
[22:57] --> Yuu Mori (Casual) [invisableboy@mugen.edu] has joined #eventsbeta
[22:57] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Yuu Mori (Casual)
[23:01] [Yuu Mori (Casual)] The little ones get more demanding of their papa day by day.
[23:04] [Hana Mori (PJs)] heh tiring you?
[23:06] [Yuu Mori (Casual)] Just a little.
[23:10] [Hana Mori (PJs)] heeey maybe time for some rest
[23:11] > Yuu Mori (Casual) walks over to the closet, changing for bed
[23:15] [Yuu Mori (Casual)] Yeah...
[23:18] > Yuu Mori (Nightwear) changes into a pair of loose shorts and a tank top
[23:20] [Hana Mori (PJs)] well least today went smoothly otherwise
[23:20] [Yuu Mori (Nightwear)] Mmhmm
[23:20] > Yuu Mori (Nightwear) walks over, laying on the bed next to Hana
[23:31] > Hana Mori (PJs) snuggles up to yuu
[23:31] [Hana Mori (PJs)] hey so...
[23:32] [Hana Mori (PJs)] I was thinking
[23:32] [Hana Mori (PJs)] I was thinking of taking Chanelle out for a bit to help her look at a few things
[23:32] [Hana Mori (PJs)] think you could manage my brother?
[23:32] [Yuu Mori (Nightwear)] How do you mean, manage him
[23:32] [Yuu Mori (Nightwear)] ?/
[23:36] [Hana Mori (PJs)] keep him busy..maybe have a guy's day
[23:38] [Yuu Mori (Nightwear)] Um... sure, I suppose so
[23:42] [Hana Mori (PJs)] hey thanks!
[23:43] [Yuu Mori (Nightwear)] Of course
[23:50] [Hana Mori (PJs)] ugh...for now..think we need some shut eye
[23:51] [Yuu Mori (Nightwear)] Good idea
[23:53] > Hana Mori (PJs) reaches over and turns the light out
[23:53] <-- Yuu Mori (Nightwear) [invisableboy@mugen.edu] has left #eventsbeta (Some rest will do us both good)
[00:00] >>> Friday Sep 23 2016 <<<
[21:14] [+Kalli Sasaki] (( Evening ))
[21:16] [Knight Nephrite] (( Hey ))
[21:18] [+Kalli Sasaki] (( How's things? ))
[21:19] [Knight Nephrite] (( Alright, went to the beach with my family and got sunburnt. :P You? ))
[21:20] [+Kalli Sasaki] (( Worked all day. Thankfully not as stressful as the last couple days. ))
[21:20] [Knight Nephrite] (( That's good to hear ))
[00:00] >>> Saturday Sep 24 2016 <<<
[21:40] ➣ Zenthi's Home
[21:40] --> Zenthi (PJ) [staffhead@Q.ry.com] has joined #eventsbeta
[21:40] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Zenthi (PJ)
[21:40] > Zenthi (PJ) is looking over a written note
[21:44] ➣ The vid screen in the room starts to ring
[21:48] [Zenthi (PJ)] huh?
[21:48] > Zenthi (PJ) walks over and turns on the screen
[21:49] --> Elias Sita (Vid Call) has joined #eventsbeta
[21:49] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Elias Sita (Vid Call)
[21:49] > Elias Sita (Vid Call) appears on the screen with a smile
[21:49] > Elias Sita (Vid Call) sets mode +tele
[21:49] [Elias Sita (Vid Call)] ☇ Hello beautiful. ☇
[21:52] [Zenthi (PJ)] Elias!!! hey!! ♡!
[21:53] [Elias Sita (Vid Call)] ☇ How's my lovely Zen doing? ☇
[22:04] [Zenthi (PJ)] oh I'm alright, you?
[22:08] [Elias Sita (Vid Call)] ☇ I'm doing well.... but I miss you like crazy ☇
[22:11] [Zenthi (PJ)] aw miss you too
[22:11] [Zenthi (PJ)] sounds like your sister's fiancé is getting pretty serious
[22:14] [Elias Sita (Vid Call)] ☇ What do you mean? ☇
[22:17] [Zenthi (PJ)] oh i got a note to meet her to do some...preperations for future celebrations
[22:21] [Elias Sita (Vid Call)] ☇ Oh wow.... I guess she really is getting serious. ☇
[22:26] [Elias Sita (Vid Call)] ☇ Well... as long as those two are happy, good for them ☇
[22:31] [Zenthi (PJ)] yeah
[22:31] [Zenthi (PJ)] i hope you know
[22:31] [Zenthi (PJ)] when it DOES happen
[22:31] [Zenthi (PJ)] you will be my date
[22:34] > Elias Sita (Vid Call) chuckles a little
[22:34] [Elias Sita (Vid Call)] ☇ I was kind of counting on that. ☇
[22:38] [Zenthi (PJ)] well i hope you have a good outfit for it hehe
[22:50] [Elias Sita (Vid Call)] ☇ Oh,I will ☇
[22:51] [Zenthi (PJ)] ...i really miss you
[22:51] [Elias Sita (Vid Call)] ☇ I miss you too.... ☇
[22:51] > Elias Sita (Vid Call) looks at someone off camera
[22:52] [Elias Sita (Vid Call)] ☇ It looks like my time is running low... ☇
[22:52] [Zenthi (PJ)] aww really?
[22:54] [Elias Sita (Vid Call)] ☇ .... yeah ☇
[22:54] [Zenthi (PJ)] well....I'll call you next time
[22:54] [Zenthi (PJ)] ^_~
[22:55] [Elias Sita (Vid Call)] ☇ I would love that. ☇
[22:55] > Elias Sita (Vid Call) smiles and blows a kiss into the camera
[22:57] [Elias Sita (Vid Call)] ❧ I love you, Zen ❧
[23:00] [Zenthi (PJ)] ❧ I love you too, Elias ❧
[23:00] > Zenthi (PJ) kisses the screen
[23:01] [Elias Sita (Vid Call)] ☇ Night, Zen ☇
[23:02] > Elias Sita (Vid Call) turns off his end of the monitor
[23:02] <-- Elias Sita (Vid Call) has left #eventsbeta (Call disconnected)
[23:05] > Zenthi (PJ) sighs a little but smiles....
[23:05] <-- Zenthi (PJ) [staffhead@Q.ry.com] has left #eventsbeta (love that man)
[00:00] >>> Wednesday Sep 28 2016 <<<
[20:23] ➣ Minato, Tokyo, Japan / Motoazabu Hills Forest Tower, Cassie & Jade's apartment
[20:24] --> Cassandra Jones (Nightwear) has joined #eventsbeta
[20:24] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Cassandra Jones (Nightwear)
[20:27] > Cassandra Jones (Nightwear) is slowly walking on a treadmill, occasionally wincing as she puts pressure on her heavily braced right knee.
[20:29] ➣ there's a knock at the door
[20:29] [Cassandra Jones (Nightwear)] Come in
[20:34] --> Mika Manavoff (Casual) [PowerGal@StoneWorld.com] has joined #eventsbeta
[20:34] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Mika Manavoff (Casual)
[20:34] > Mika Manavoff (Casual) squeezes in...carrying a covered dish
[20:35] > Cassandra Jones (Nightwear) smiles as she walks | Hi Mika
[20:39] [Mika Manavoff (Casual)] I brought you some food
[20:40] [Cassandra Jones (Nightwear)] Ooooo, what'd ya' make?
[20:41] [Mika Manavoff (Casual)] I made some goulash for you ^^
[20:46] [Mika Manavoff (Casual)] I hope you like it ^^
[20:47] [Cassandra Jones (Nightwear)] Oh wow, I haven't had goulash in'a long time. I heard you're a good cook to, so it'll be a real treat. ^_^
[20:53] [Mika Manavoff (Casual)] thank you ^^
[20:53] > Cassandra Jones (Nightwear) continues walking on the treadmill.
[20:55] [Cassandra Jones (Nightwear)] So, how's our favorite powerhouse doin'?
[20:56] [Mika Manavoff (Casual)] I am well ^^ how are you doing?
[20:58] [Cassandra Jones (Nightwear)] Oh, I'm doin' alright. My knee's gettin' stronger every day. The tough part's tryin' not to overwork it.
[21:09] [Mika Manavoff (Casual)] you should be more careful!
[21:15] [Cassandra Jones (Nightwear)] I am bein' careful, doll. But I don't wanna' be on the shelf forever.
[21:16] [Mika Manavoff (Casual)] true...you should..just do well
[21:20] [Cassandra Jones (Nightwear)] I'm doin' what I can.
[21:20] ➣ The treadmill beeps.
[21:20] [Cassandra Jones (Nightwear)] Well.....I hit my distance goal for the day.
[21:21] [Mika Manavoff (Casual)] oh you did???
[21:22] [Cassandra Jones (Nightwear)] Yup, did 5 miles
[21:27] [Mika Manavoff (Casual)] oh my! that is amazing!
[21:34] > Cassandra Jones (Nightwear) smiles as she stops walking, turning off the treadmill
[21:34] [Cassandra Jones (Nightwear)] Nah, I used ta' do 10 miles runnin'.
[21:36] [Mika Manavoff (Casual)] I do not run much
[21:37] [Cassandra Jones (Nightwear)] Well, if ya' get the chance, go for it.
[21:37] > Cassandra Jones (Nightwear) slowly steps off the treadmill, wincing again.
[21:41] > Mika Manavoff (Casual) goes over to help her
[21:49] [Cassandra Jones (Nightwear)] Thanks, doll.
[21:49] [Mika Manavoff (Casual)] take it slowly
[21:49] > Mika Manavoff (Casual) blushes at the word doll
[21:56] > Cassandra Jones (Nightwear) moves to a chair and sits, rubbing her knee
[21:58] [Mika Manavoff (Casual)] would you like me to serve you the food?
[22:07] [Cassandra Jones (Nightwear)] That'd be wonderful, thanks Mika
[22:10] > Mika Manavoff (Casual) goes to get a bowl for cassandra
[22:15] [Mika Manavoff (Casual)] I...almost brought over one ofmy cats tonight
[22:19] [Cassandra Jones (Nightwear)] Awww, one might've been okay. Why didn't ya'?
[22:21] [Mika Manavoff (Casual)] I didn't want to bother you
[22:24] [Cassandra Jones (Nightwear)] The kitties ain't a bother..... just when there's more than a couple of 'em they get to be a handful is all.
[22:34] > Mika Manavoff (Casual) returns with the food
[22:34] > Mika Manavoff (Casual) offers it to cassandra ^^
[22:38] > Cassandra Jones (Nightwear) accepts it happily
[22:38] [Cassandra Jones (Nightwear)] Thank ya' so much
[22:40] > Mika Manavoff (Casual) goes to sit on a nearby sofa...causing it to break o_o
[22:41] > Cassandra Jones (Nightwear) notices the breaking sofa, but ignores it as best she can as she starts to eat.
[22:43] [Mika Manavoff (Casual)] I'm glad you are so kind to me
[22:48] [Cassandra Jones (Nightwear)] Why wouldn't I be?
[22:49] [Mika Manavoff (Casual)] well...I sometimes worried outside the ring..you might think like..how I am in it
[22:56] > Cassandra Jones (Nightwear) eats happily
[22:56] [Cassandra Jones (Nightwear)] Not me.... I know most of us are a bit different outside the ring than in.
[22:58] [Cassandra Jones (Nightwear)] Like me.... I'm sure you've noticed somethin' different about me while we've been talkin', but you haven't said anything.
[22:58] [Mika Manavoff (Casual)] um..no..what is it?
[22:59] [Mika Manavoff (Casual)] your voice..does seem different
[22:59] [Cassandra Jones (Nightwear)] You haven't heard my accent?
[23:00] [Cassandra Jones (Nightwear)] There ya' go.
[23:01] > Cassandra Jones (Nightwear) clears her throat a bit | I speak in a much more..... sophisticated manner when I'm in the ring.
[23:04] [Mika Manavoff (Casual)] oh my you do!
[23:08] > Cassandra Jones (Nightwear) clears her throat again | But lately..... I've been gettin' more comfortable usin' my normal accent from home.
[23:08] [Mika Manavoff (Casual)] where are you from?
[23:08] [Cassandra Jones (Nightwear)] The great state of Texas in the USA.
[23:09] [Mika Manavoff (Casual)] oh are there cowboys there!?
[23:10] [Cassandra Jones (Nightwear)] Oh yeah, quite a few. My daddy was one of 'em for a while.
[23:17] [Mika Manavoff (Casual)] really???
[23:18] > Cassandra Jones (Nightwear) nods and finishes her goulash
[23:22] [Mika Manavoff (Casual)] that is amazing!
[23:24] > Mika Manavoff (Casual) has a starry look to her eyes
[23:24] [Cassandra Jones (Nightwear)] What was amazin' was your goulash, Mika.
[23:26] > Mika Manavoff (Casual) blushes "thank you"
[23:38] [Mika Manavoff (Casual)] you are too kind ^^
[23:49] > Cassandra Jones (Nightwear) smiles and yawns
[23:52] [Cassandra Jones (Nightwear)] I'm startin' to get tired
[23:53] [Mika Manavoff (Casual)] oh I am sorry!
[23:53] [Mika Manavoff (Casual)] I should go!
[23:59] > Mika Manavoff (Casual) stansd "um sorry about the sofa"
[00:00] >>> Thursday Sep 29 2016 <<<
[00:00] [Mika Manavoff (Casual)] I hope you get well!
[00:02] [Cassandra Jones (Nightwear)] It's alright. It won't be hard to replace
[00:04] <-- Cassandra Jones (Nightwear) has left #eventsbeta (Thank you again, Mika)
[00:21] <-- Mika Manavoff (Casual) [PowerGal@StoneWorld.com] has left #eventsbeta (of course!)
[23:25] ➣ Branch 6 Apartments
[23:25] --> Sskt (Casual) [lizardhunter@Branch6.org] has joined #eventsbeta
[23:25] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Sskt (Casual)
[23:25] > Sskt (Casual) is polishing off one of her weapons
[23:26] --> Alexis Shentara (Casual) has joined #eventsbeta
[23:26] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Alexis Shentara (Casual)
[23:28] > Alexis Shentara (Casual) walks in - How're you feeling?
[23:29] [Sskt (Casual)] I'm fine..wish I was a better shot heh
[23:30] [Alexis Shentara (Casual)] Yeah, well.... we got him, that's all that matters
[23:32] ➣ there's a knock at the door
[23:33] [Alexis Shentara (Casual)] Hmm?
[23:33] > Alexis Shentara (Casual) walks over to the door, looking out through the peep hole
[23:38] > Kksskt (Casual) is standing outside the door
[23:39] > Alexis Shentara (Casual) smiles and opens the door, hugging Kksskt
[23:40] [Alexis Shentara (Casual)] ❧ I missed yoooooou!~ ❧
[23:41] > Kksskt (Casual) hugs back "and I missed you too!"
[23:41] > Sskt (Casual) gags a little
[23:42] > Alexis Shentara (Casual) turns and sticks her tongue out at Sskt as she turns back and kisses Kksskt
[23:45] > Kksskt (Casual) kisses back happily
[23:46] [Alexis Shentara (Casual)] And how were things while I was gone?
[23:47] [Kksskt (Casual)] heh managed to sell another book of poems
[23:49] [Alexis Shentara (Casual)] That's awesome, babe!
[23:50] > Alexis Shentara (Casual) smirks - You're determined to get us that house, aren't you?
[23:51] [Kksskt (Casual)] no matter what!
[23:55] [Kksskt (Casual)] that's my goal :)
[23:56] [Alexis Shentara (Casual)] Ya' hear that Sskt.... ya' may not have me to kick around much longer. :P
[23:58] [Sskt (Casual)] thank the spirits...got tired of hearing you guys next door :P
[00:00] >>> Friday Sep 30 2016 <<<
[00:00] [Alexis Shentara (Casual)] Heh, like you and Aaron are any quieter
[00:04] [Sskt (Casual)] hey that's not fair!
[00:05] > Alexis Shentara (Casual) stands next to Kksskt with her arm around him
[00:05] [Alexis Shentara (Casual)] And why isn't it?
[00:06] [Sskt (Casual)] because my walls are thinner then yours that's why :P
[00:08] [Alexis Shentara (Casual)] That's a load of crap and you know it. :P
[00:12] [Sskt (Casual)] oh how so :P
[00:13] [Alexis Shentara (Casual)] The walls between all the rooms are about the same.
[00:15] [Kksskt (Casual)] please don't argue heh
[00:23] [Alexis Shentara (Casual)] Alright, alright.... but only for you
[00:26] [Sskt (Casual)] yeah yeah
[00:26] [Kksskt (Casual)] has your work been going well? *sits down*
[00:30] [Alexis Shentara (Casual)] Oh yeah
[00:31] [Sskt (Casual)] yeah bagged a pretty good catch
[00:32] [Kksskt (Casual)] oh Alexis....would it be proper if I..stayed the evening here
[00:32] > Alexis Shentara (Casual) smirks - I don't see why not <3
[00:38] [Sskt (Casual)] well you two are married..geez
[00:39] [Alexis Shentara (Casual)] All the more reason for us to get our own place.
[00:39] [Alexis Shentara (Casual)] That way that won't be a question anymore
[00:47] [Kksskt (Casual)] of course ^^
[00:47] [Sskt (Casual)] save us on some room here
[00:50] [Alexis Shentara (Casual)] Though.... speaking of which
[00:50] > Alexis Shentara (Casual) yawns lightly, squeezing kksskt lightly
[00:51] [Alexis Shentara (Casual)] I think it's time for us to turn in, hubby.
[00:53] [Kksskt (Casual)] why I think you're right *smiles*
[00:53] [Sskt (Casual)] just keep the noise down tonight :P
[00:54] [Alexis Shentara (Casual)] ❧ Not my fault my man knows what to do to make me hollar. :P ❧
[00:59] [Kksskt (Casual)] ❧ pure poetry, dear ❧
[01:00] > Alexis Shentara (Casual) giggles and leads Kksskt to her bedroom by the hand
[01:00] [Alexis Shentara (Casual)] ❧ Night, sis ❧
[01:01] <-- Alexis Shentara (Casual) has left #eventsbeta (I still have a bit of energy left. ;) <3)
[01:02] <-- Kksskt (Casual) has left #eventsbeta (<3)
[01:02] [Sskt (Casual)] oh by the spirits..
[01:02] <-- Sskt (Casual) [lizardhunter@Branch6.org] has left #eventsbeta (not this again...)
[00:00] >>> Saturday Oct 01 2016 <<<
[00:20] --> Alexis Shentara (Nightwear) has joined #eventsbeta
[00:20] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Alexis Shentara (Nightwear)
[00:20] > Alexis Shentara (Nightwear) walks over to the kitchen, going into the fridge
[00:22] [Sskt (Pajamas)] hungry?
[00:22] --> Sskt (Pajamas) [lizardhunter@Branch6.org] has joined #eventsbeta
[00:22] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Sskt (Pajamas)
[00:24] [Alexis Shentara (Nightwear)] Nah, looking for a drink.
[00:25] [Sskt (Pajamas)] well i can't sleep
[00:26] > Alexis Shentara (Nightwear) takes a bottle of water out of the fridge.
[00:26] [Alexis Shentara (Nightwear)] Somethin' bothering you?
[00:29] [Sskt (Pajamas)] do you think I'm slipping?
[00:30] [Alexis Shentara (Nightwear)] Slipping? What do you mean?
[00:36] [Sskt (Pajamas)] last time...I missed that shot..twice
[00:38] [Alexis Shentara (Nightwear)] The guy was a speed demon....
[00:39] [Sskt (Pajamas)] I should have been able to punch him out..he slipped through all my fists
[00:40] [Alexis Shentara (Nightwear)] Hey, I couldn't hit him either and you know the kinda' shot I am.
[00:44] [Sskt (Pajamas)] frustrates the heck out of me
[00:49] > Alexis Shentara (Nightwear) takes a drink
[00:49] [Alexis Shentara (Nightwear)] Well, maybe we need a vacation. I mean, we've all been working a lot lately.
[00:54] [Sskt (Pajamas)] yeah it's been awhile
[00:58] [Alexis Shentara (Nightwear)] You could go see Aaron. Kkssk and I could spend a week or two together..... it'll be fun.
[01:00] [Sskt (Pajamas)] what about our other teammate?
[01:10] [Sskt (Pajamas)] ??
[01:15] [Sskt (Casual)] Taruka
[01:16] [Alexis Shentara (Nightwear)] I'm sure she'll go off and find where Mek is
[01:16] [Sskt (Pajamas)] ^
[01:16] [Sskt (Pajamas)] heh you know I like this idea
[01:17] [Alexis Shentara (Nightwear)] I'm liking it too....
[01:17] [Alexis Shentara (Nightwear)] I'll talk to the boss in the morning and see if she likes it.
[01:21] [Sskt (Pajamas)] think she'll go for it?
[01:21] [Alexis Shentara (Nightwear)] With as much as we've been working lately, I think so.
[01:22] [Sskt (Pajamas)] good! *yawns*
[01:22] [Alexis Shentara (Nightwear)] Gettin' tired?
[01:23] [Sskt (Pajamas)] heh yeah I guess so
[01:26] [Alexis Shentara (Nightwear)] Well.... let's call it a night then, discuss this with Taruka in the morning and if she's okay with it, I'll talk the boss
[01:30] [Sskt (Pajamas)] yeah...I'm about to drop
[01:32] [Alexis Shentara (Nightwear)] Alright then.
[01:32] > Alexis Shentara (Nightwear) smiles, walking to her room with her water bottle
[01:32] <-- Alexis Shentara (Nightwear) has left #eventsbeta (Night Sskt)
[01:34] <-- Sskt (Pajamas) [lizardhunter@Branch6.org] has left #eventsbeta (night alexis)
[00:00] >>> Wednesday Oct 05 2016 <<<
[20:43] ➣ Sonya's Bedroom
[20:43] --> Sonya Kou (Pajamas) has joined #eventsbeta
[20:43] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Sonya Kou (Pajamas)
[20:43] > Sonya Kou (Pajamas) stretches, walking in
[20:49] ➣ A hand reaches out from the mirror in the corner of her room
[20:49] > Sonya Kou (Pajamas) glances over
[20:51] > Sonya Kou (Pajamas) walks over and takes the hand
[20:53] --> Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual) has joined #eventsbeta
[20:53] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual)
[20:53] > Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual) is pulled out of the mirror with a grin on his face, holding a tablet.
[20:53] [Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual)] Hello, love.
[20:57] [Sonya Kou (Pajamas)] drake!
[20:57] > Sonya Kou (Pajamas) hugs Drake
[20:58] > Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual) hugs Sonya back and kisses her
[21:02] > Sonya Kou (Pajamas) kisses back
[21:07] [Sonya Kou (Pajamas)] heh didn't expect you here..
[21:12] [Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual)] I hadn't planned coming tonight, but I saw a report on something and had to come here.
[21:12] [Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual)] Especially since..... you're not the only one I came to see....
[21:12] [Sonya Kou (Pajamas)] oh?
[21:15] > Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual) nods then grins, almost evily
[21:15] [Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual)] Where's your mother.....?
[21:18] [Sonya Kou (Pajamas)] I think she's in the living area
[21:19] [Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual)] You should come with me..... you might want to see and hear this.
[21:23] [Sonya Kou (Pajamas)] heh sounds like I better
[21:24] > Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual) winks and turns, walking out of Sonya's room and heading for the living area, tablet in hand.
[21:30] > Sonya Kou (Pajamas) stands and follows
[21:33] --> Seiya Kou (Casual) [StarFighter@Kinmoku.gov] has joined #eventsbeta
[21:33] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Seiya Kou (Casual)
[21:33] > Seiya Kou (Casual) is sitting on one of the sofas
[21:34] > Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual) walks into the room with a grin, holding a data pad.
[21:34] [Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual)] Good evening, Miss Seiya.
[21:36] [Seiya Kou (Casual)] hm? oh hello young Sakazaki
[21:37] [Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual)] I trust you remember our wager, ma'am....
[21:40] [Seiya Kou (Casual)] wager?...oh yes that one
[21:41] [Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual)] Well..... I would like to end it by showing you this.....
[21:41] > Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual) offers Seiya the pad
[21:43] > Seiya Kou (Casual) takes the pad and looks it over
[21:47] ➣ Among all the information on the pad shows the number +400
[21:50] [Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual)] As you can see..... I have completed your challenge and made 400 credits
[21:53] [Seiya Kou (Casual)] ........
[21:53] [Seiya Kou (Casual)] well now
[21:53] > Seiya Kou (Casual) coughs and sips a drink
[21:54] [Sonya Kou (Pajamas)] congraulations future son in law.......she's your's
[21:54] [Seiya Kou (Casual)] ^
[21:59] [Sonya Kou (Pajamas)] !!!
[22:00] > Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual) grins
[22:02] [Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual)] What was this about, anyway?
[22:02] > Sonya Kou (Pajamas) hug drake!
[22:02] [Seiya Kou (Casual)] honestly I forget....I better get the wedding planning going
[22:03] > Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual) hugs Sonya and smiles
[22:04] [Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual)] You're quite the unique future mother in law.
[22:06] [Seiya Kou (Casual)] hey..you better believe it
[22:10] [Sonya Kou (Pajamas)] we're going to get married finally!
[22:11] > Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual) smiles and nods | Our long awaited wedding.
[22:16] > Sonya Kou (Pajamas) blushes
[22:16] [Seiya Kou (Casual)] hey hey..still a lot of planning to do
[22:19] [Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual)] Of course and now we can officially start
[22:26] [Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual)] I should tell my mother. I have a feeling she'll be thrilled.
[22:29] [Seiya Kou (Casual)] I need to talk to you mother at some point as well
[22:32] [Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual)] That is understandable. I will let her know that when I talk to her.
[22:34] > Sonya Kou (Pajamas) tries not to cry
[22:35] [Seiya Kou (Casual)] oh sonya
[22:36] [Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual)] Awww, sweetheart....
[22:39] [Sonya Kou (Pajamas)] sorry...can't help it
[22:42] > Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual) smiles, kissing Sonya
[22:50] > Sonya Kou (Pajamas) ksises back
[22:50] > Seiya Kou (Casual) coughs
[22:51] > Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual) smirks a little as he breaks the kiss
[22:51] [Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual)] Perhaps we shouldn't be doing this in front of your mother. :P
[22:53] [Sonya Kou (Pajamas)] probably not :P
[22:54] > Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual) reclaims his data pad and smiles to Seiya
[22:54] [Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual)] I'm going to head home to talk to my mother. Miss Saiya.... I'll be seeing you a bit more often, I'm sure.
[22:57] [Seiya Kou (Casual)] ...yes i'm sure you will
[22:58] [Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual)] Have a nice evening.
[22:58] > Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual) turns and heads back out towards Sonya's room
[23:03] > Sonya Kou (Pajamas) follows drake
[23:04] > Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual) steps into Sonya's room and pauses
[23:06] [Sonya Kou (Pajamas)] hm?
[23:08] > Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual) suddenly wraps his arms around Sonya and kisses her passionately
[23:08] > Sonya Kou (Pajamas) kisses back happily, holding on tightly to drake
[23:10] > Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual) slowly breaks the kiss, holding her close and smiles
[23:10] [Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual)] I've never been happier than I am now, knowing that we can get married now.
[23:14] [Sonya Kou (Pajamas)] yeah ^^ *sniffles*
[23:17] [Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual)] We'll have to do something to thank your cousin Vash.... she really helped.
[23:19] [Sonya Kou (Pajamas)] oh yes!
[23:22] [Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual)] As for now, I'm heading home to talk to mom.
[23:25] [Sonya Kou (Pajamas)] aww alright
[23:27] > Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual) kisses Sonya one more time and smiles | I love you, Sonya. I'll talk to you tomorrow.
[23:30] [Sonya Kou (Pajamas)] I love you too ^^ seeya then
[23:35] > Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual) smiles as he turns and steps through the mirror, his tail lingering for a moment before vanishing.
[23:40] <-- Sonya Kou (Pajamas) has left #eventsbeta (I'm getting married!)
[23:41] ➣ Venue Change - Neo Japan / Base of Mt. Fuji, Sakazaki Residense, Drake's Room
[23:41] > Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual) steps out of his mirror and sighs with a smile.
[23:43] > Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual) walks out of his room, heading down a hallway, peaking into the home office
[23:44] > ~Neva Sakazaki (Pajamas) is typing
[23:44] [Neva (Pajamas)] ^
[23:45] > Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual) knocks lightly on the door frame | Hey mom.... are you busy?
[23:46] [Neva (Pajamas)] hm?
[23:46] [Neva (Pajamas)] oh drake! no i'm not really
[23:52] > Neva (Pajamas) turns "is something on your mind?"
[23:53] > Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual) walks in and smiles, handing Neva a data pad | Take a look at this, mom.... I think you'll be quite pleased.
[23:57] > Neva (Pajamas) looks at the datapad
[23:58] [Neva (Pajamas)] ......does this mean what I think it means?
[23:58] [Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual)] Indeed it does
[00:00] >>> Thursday Oct 06 2016 <<<
[00:04] [Neva (Pajamas)] oh drake *hugs her son*
[00:08] > Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual) hugs his mother with a smile
[00:08] [Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual)] Let it never be said that I'm no willing to work for what I want.
[00:08] [Neva (Pajamas)] I suppose I should get in contact with her mother
[00:09] [Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual)] Yeah, she mentioned wanting to talk to you also.
[00:10] [Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual)] Sonya was ecstatic.... I've never seen her get so emotional.
[00:15] [Neva (Pajamas)] well....I'm sure both of you will be happy!
[00:20] > Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual) smiles | I'm sure we will be too.
[00:24] [Neva (Pajamas)] I will need to start helping with the planning
[00:25] [Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual)] Any help would be appreciated. *yawns lightly*
[00:30] [Neva (Pajamas)] now you better get some rest
[00:33] [Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual)] Yeah.... so should you, mom. Young Rowan seems to like to wake you and dad up super early.
[00:42] <-- Mandrake Sakazaki (Casual) has left #eventsbeta (Goodnight Mom)
[00:43] <-- Neva (Pajamas) [BHunterCat@SystemNova.com] has left #eventsbeta (night!)
[21:39] ➣ Tokyo, Japan / Masato Home, Office
[21:39] --> Nephrite Masato (Casual) [FormerGeneral@DarkKingdom.net] has joined #eventsbeta
[21:39] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Nephrite Masato (Casual)
[21:39] ➣ there's a knock on the door
[21:40] > Nephrite Masato (Casual) stops what he's doing on the computer as he hears the door.
[21:40] > Nephrite Masato (Casual) stands, "Who could be here at this time of night?"
[21:41] > Nephrite Masato (Casual) makes his way out to the front door, opening it