[00:11] >>> Monday Nov 09 2015 – Automatic reset triggered – Logging Start <<<
[00:11] [Violet (Casual)] (( think he left for the night ))
[00:11] [Violet (Casual)] (( I'm still here ))
[00:11] [@Rowe-sensei] (( I was going to go to bed too, but it's not happening. ))
[00:13] [Violet (Casual)] (( aw man ))
[00:13] [@Rowe-sensei] (( Not so bad, today is my Friday. ))
[00:15] [Violet (Casual)] (( oh hey that's good ))
[00:16] [@Rowe-sensei] (( Feel like doing something else, either here or in the other room? ))
[00:17] [Violet (Casual)] (( well I can manage till 12:30 my time..any ideas? ))
[00:19] [@Rowe-sensei] (( Got anyone who'd be interested in seeing Kalli? I usually toss her on Venus when I need a quick fix. If you're down for that kind of scene. ))
[00:21] [Violet (Casual)] (( hmm..might have an idea with that yes ))
[00:22] [@Rowe-sensei] (( K, meet you in the other room, then. ))
[00:25] [Violet (Casual)] (( ok ))
[21:41] ➣ Royal Palace, Saturn. Despite Halloween being past, the palace looks not entirely unlike a haunted house outside, though the lights are bright enough on the inside amid the hangings and tapestries mainly in royal purple.
[21:42] --> Topaz Tomoe (Casual) [SecondGenSenshi@Saturn.net] has joined #eventsbeta
[21:42] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Topaz Tomoe (Casual)
[21:44] > Topaz Tomoe (Casual) looks over the front of the palace, smiling
[21:44] [Topaz Tomoe (Casual)] I like the idea of keeping the decorations up.
[21:45] [Sagiri Shin (Casual)] yeah I agree
[21:45] --> Sagiri Shin (Casual) [princeofmists@Mercury.org] has joined #eventsbeta
[21:45] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Sagiri Shin (Casual)
[21:45] [Topaz Tomoe (Casual)] Even though most of these were already here, I like the additions we made.
[21:48] > Sagiri Shin (Casual) walks over and smiles
[21:48] [Sagiri Shin (Casual)] it does bring a certain atmosphere to it
[21:49] > Topaz Tomoe (Casual) leans against Sagiri and smiles
[21:49] [Topaz Tomoe (Casual)] Just think.... this'll be all ours soon...... we'll be in charge.
[21:50] [Queen Hotaru] Eager much, young lady?~
[21:50] --> Queen Hotaru [Healing.Queen@Saturn.org] has joined #eventsbeta
[21:50] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Queen Hotaru
[21:51] [Sagiri Shin (Casual)] oh! Queen Hotaru!
[21:51] [Topaz Tomoe (Casual)] Hi mom!
[21:52] > Topaz Tomoe (Casual) lets go of Sagiri, walking over to hug Hotaru tight.
[21:52] > Queen Hotaru hugs Topaz with one arm, leaving the other open for Sagiri.
[21:54] > Sagiri Shin (Casual) smiles and walks over to the queen
[21:56] [Queen Hotaru] ❧ How are my darlings? ❧
[21:56] > Sagiri Shin (Casual) blushes "I am well"
[21:58] [Topaz Tomoe (Casual)] Very good. How're mama Naftis and daddy doing?
[22:00] [Queen Hotaru] Quite well. The three of us were able to spend some time catching up on Venus before I had to come back here. I believe they're at home together right now.
[22:01] [Topaz Tomoe (Casual)] That's good to hear... I need to go visit them before the wedding.
[22:02] [Queen Hotaru] Before things get completely hectic, yes. :)
[22:02] [Sagiri Shin (Casual)] I need to give them thanks
[22:04] [Topaz Tomoe (Casual)] Like they aren't already..... dealing with the press about having Sagiri move in before the wedding..... dealing with planning the wedding itself.... take care of political duties while you're gone.
[22:05] [Queen Hotaru] That's a big part of why I'm here now, so I can take most of those burdens off your shoulders for a bit.
[22:05] [Sagiri Shin (Casual)] I've had to avoid the press several times now
[22:07] [Queen Hotaru] They can be rather insistent...
[22:07] [Topaz Tomoe (Casual)] Indeed they can be
[22:09] [Queen Hotaru] But enough about unpleasant matters, how is the wedding planning coming along? Anything I can help with?
[22:09] [Sagiri Shin (Casual)] I caught one of them trying to sneak in through the kitchen >.>
[22:09] > Sagiri Shin (Casual) looks to Topaz
[22:09] [Topaz Tomoe (Casual)] Well, the only thing we haven't really done.... is set an actual date.....
[22:10] [Queen Hotaru] Really? That's usually one of the first things to be done.
[22:10] [Topaz Tomoe (Casual)] ..... I know.... but apparently I've done everything backwards.
[22:11] [Sagiri Shin (Casual)] yes ^^;;;
[22:12] [Topaz Tomoe (Casual)] We've got everything set to do it here at the palace.... we have our musicians and who all we're planning on inviting. We even already picked out what food we'll have a the reception.
[22:12] [Queen Hotaru] Oh my.
[22:13] [Queen Hotaru] Well, I suspect that you won't be able to pick a date coming up too soon. You'll have to give all the contractors enough time to prepare for your orders.
[22:14] [Queen Hotaru] The food especially since that can't be made ready ahead of time.
[22:14] [Sagiri Shin (Casual)] that is a good point...
[22:14] [Topaz Tomoe (Casual)] True
[22:17] [Queen Hotaru] A month or so is probably doable, maybe three weeks at a minimum.
[22:18] > Topaz Tomoe (Casual) blushes a little, "Yeah...."
[22:18] > Sagiri Shin (Casual) nods slowly
[22:18] [Queen Hotaru] Something wrong, dear?
[22:20] [Sagiri Shin (Casual)] topaz?
[22:22] [Topaz Tomoe (Casual)] Nothing wrong.... no....
[22:22] [Topaz Tomoe (Casual)] Just..... thinking about us being married....
[22:22] [Sagiri Shin (Casual)] topaz, what is it?
[22:22] > Topaz Tomoe (Casual) smiles, still blushing lightly
[22:22] > Sagiri Shin (Casual) blushes slightly and smiles
[22:23] [Topaz Tomoe (Casual)] .... it kind of feels like a dream.
[22:25] > Queen Hotaru smiles and hugs Topaz.
[22:25] [Queen Hotaru] It does feel a bit like that, yes~
[22:25] > Topaz Tomoe (Casual) hugs Hotaru back
[22:26] [Sagiri Shin (Casual)] I just..hope I can make you happy ^^
[22:27] [Topaz Tomoe (Casual)] Sagi.... you've never not made me happy.
[22:34] [Sagiri Shin (Casual)] topaz...
[22:34] > Topaz Tomoe (Casual) lets go of Hotaru, hugging and kissing Sagiri
[22:36] > Sagiri Shin (Casual) kisses back
[22:36] > Queen Hotaru smiles at the kids.
[22:39] > Topaz Tomoe (Casual) keeps kissing Sagiri, not thinking about the fact that they're in front of her mother.
[22:42] [Sagiri Shin (Casual)] ❧ mmmmm ❧
[22:42] > Queen Hotaru quietly takes a seat, waiting and watching~
[22:43] > Topaz Tomoe (Casual) slowly breaks the kiss, grinning for a moment then blushing as she turns to Hotaru.
[22:43] [Topaz Tomoe (Casual)] S...sorry mom..... got a bit carried away. ^_^;;
[22:43] [Queen Hotaru] You're in love. What's to be sorry about? ^_~
[22:46] [Queen Hotaru] If you want to be embarrassed, I can tell you about some of the things I get up to with Naftis and your father. :P
[22:46] > Sagiri Shin (Casual) turns bright red
[22:47] > Topaz Tomoe (Casual) blushes too, "No no no..... that's quite alright, mom."
[22:49] [Queen Hotaru] I thought not~
[22:52] [Sagiri Shin (Casual)] we're..fine ^^;;;
[22:53] [Topaz Tomoe (Casual)] Though..... speaking of marriage plans. Mom.... have you heard about what Jett's planning on doing?
[22:53] [Queen Hotaru] No, I must have missed hearing about that.
[22:54] [Sagiri Shin (Casual)] hm?
[22:55] [Topaz Tomoe (Casual)] Yeah, he told me about it this morning, I'm still trying to wrap my head around it.
[22:55] [Topaz Tomoe (Casual)] Instead of being like his mom..... he's gonna' do like daddy did with you and mama Naftis.
[22:56] [Topaz Tomoe (Casual)] He proposed to Krystal night before last... and he's planning on marrying both her and Violet at the same time.
[22:57] [Queen Hotaru] ❧ Oooh~ ❧
[22:57] [Sagiri Shin (Casual)] huh never thought he'd do that
[22:58] [Queen Hotaru] I'm sure Krystal is thrilled, though I wonder how Violet took the news. She seems a bit skittish.
[22:59] [Topaz Tomoe (Casual)] He told me Violet's still trying to get used to the idea... and trying to get to know Krystal better.
[23:00] > Queen Hotaru nods. "I hope Krystal has enough restraint to take things slow. She can be rather feisty."
[23:02] [Topaz Tomoe (Casual)] I don't think I've met Krystal formally. I've seen her in passing. Very pretty girl.
[23:03] [Queen Hotaru] Mmm, like her mothers, yes~
[23:04] > Sagiri Shin (Casual) nods
[23:13] [Sagiri Shin (Casual)] well...I wish the best of luck to him :)
[23:14] [Topaz Tomoe (Casual)] Yeah. I'm surprised he's going that route..... but, I'm glad he's happy.
[23:15] [Queen Hotaru] I'm not particularly surprised. Jett has a lot of love in him. I'm surprised he kept the number down to two, actually. ^_~
[23:15] > Sagiri Shin (Casual) puts an arm around topaz
[23:16] > Topaz Tomoe (Casual) slides an arm around Sagiri
[23:17] [Topaz Tomoe (Casual)] Me too.... he seemed really happy with the four he had.... plus fooling around with the maids at the Venutian royal palace.
[23:18] [Queen Hotaru] Mmm, yes. I don't suppose you two have tried them?~
[23:18] [Sagiri Shin (Casual)] um..n..no
[23:18] [Topaz Tomoe (Casual)] Nooooo.... you saying you have, mom?
[23:20] [Queen Hotaru] Your father, Naftis, and I are open in our relationship, within certain bounds. The maids on Venus are in bounds. ^_~
[23:21] > Topaz Tomoe (Casual) blushes and giggles lightly, "Mom.... you player."
[23:23] [Queen Hotaru] See, not all that embarrassing is it?
[23:23] > Sagiri Shin (Casual) blushes
[23:24] [Topaz Tomoe (Casual)] Embarrassing.... not really, Surprising.... a little.
[23:26] [Queen Hotaru] Oh?
[23:28] [Sagiri Shin (Casual)] well I...certainly would not have expected it
[23:28] [Topaz Tomoe (Casual)] Yeah.... I mean..... you're so dedicated mama and daddy.... I wouldn't have thought you'd be with other people too.
[23:28] [Topaz Tomoe (Casual)] ^yo
[23:28] [Topaz Tomoe (Casual)] ^to ((ugh))
[23:29] [Queen Hotaru] There's no reason dedicated love has to be kept to itself.
[23:30] [Queen Hotaru] Your father was almost as much a playboy as Jett before we got married, and after. And not all of the missions Naftis and I have been on to spread peace have been chaste.
[23:31] [Queen Hotaru] But neither of those stop us from loving each other and being dedicated to each other.
[23:31] [Sagiri Shin (Casual)] is that true???
[23:32] [Topaz Tomoe (Casual)] Well.... I know about daddy.... I mean that's how Jett came about.....
[23:34] [Queen Hotaru] Indeed. Though I can guarantee that you don't have any more half-siblings. Minako is just... very fertile.
[23:35] > Topaz Tomoe (Casual) giggles lightly
[23:36] [Topaz Tomoe (Casual)] I'm kind of glad for that.
[23:37] [Sagiri Shin (Casual)] so I've heard ^^;;; I have a half sibling from her...
[23:38] [Topaz Tomoe (Casual)] It kind of sounds like it would be easier to determine who she hasn't had a child from. :P
[23:38] [Queen Hotaru] It does seem that way sometimes~
[23:40] > Topaz Tomoe (Casual) looks at Sagiri, blushing a little
[23:41] [Topaz Tomoe (Casual)] What do you think, Sagi...?
[23:42] [Sagiri Shin (Casual)] wh..what do you mean
[23:42] [Topaz Tomoe (Casual)] Think if we went to Venus you'd..... fool around with someone besides me?
[23:43] [Sagiri Shin (Casual)] I..I don't know but...you're...good enough for me :)
[23:45] > Topaz Tomoe (Casual) giggles and grins
[23:45] [Topaz Tomoe (Casual)] ❧ Good answer~ *pulls Sagiri into a kiss* ❧
[23:45] > Queen Hotaru chuckles.
[23:47] > Sagiri Shin (Casual) kisses back happily
[23:50] > Topaz Tomoe (Casual) breaks the kiss and smiles
[23:51] [Sagiri Shin (Casual)] ❧ and I mean it ❧
[23:53] > Topaz Tomoe (Casual) grins, "Hey mom.... I think Sagi and I are gonn..... retire for the night.
[23:54] [Queen Hotaru] ❧ Mmm, by all means~ Have fun~ ^_~ ❧
[23:56] > Topaz Tomoe (Casual) hugs Hotaru and kisses her on the cheek, "Night mom"
[23:56] [Sagiri Shin (Casual)] goodnight lady hotaru *bows*
[23:57] [Queen Hotaru] Good night, you two~
[23:59] > Sagiri Shin (Casual) smiles and offers his arm to topaz
[00:00] >>> Tuesday Nov 10 2015 <<<
[00:00] > Topaz Tomoe (Casual) smiles and takes Sagiri's arm
[00:02] > Sagiri Shin (Casual) leads topaz off
[00:02] <-- Topaz Tomoe (Casual) [SecondGenSenshi@Saturn.net] has left #eventsbeta (<3)
[00:04] <-- Sagiri Shin (Casual) [princeofmists@Mercury.org] has left #eventsbeta (<3)
[00:06] <-- Queen Hotaru [Healing.Queen@Saturn.org] has left #eventsbeta (Hmm.. Now I wish I was on Venus for the night. <3)
[21:52] ➣ Tokyo, Luxury Apartments
[21:52] --> Cassandra Jones (Night clothes) has joined #eventsbeta
[21:52] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Cassandra Jones (Night clothes)
[21:54] > Cassandra Jones (Night clothes) sits in the living room with a tablet, watching a video
[21:55] > Jade Kapur (Casual) can be heard in the bathroom swearing in hindi..
[21:56] > Cassandra Jones (Night clothes) looks up, confused, setting her tablet down and standing
[21:58] [Cassandra Jones (Night clothes)] Jade.... I know enough of your language to know that's not good....
[21:58] --> Jade Kapur (nightclothes) has joined #eventsbeta
[21:58] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Jade Kapur (nightclothes)
[21:59] > Jade Kapur (nightclothes) walks out of the bathroom "why..does it have to be getting cold"
[22:00] [Cassandra Jones (Night clothes)] What do you mean, love?
[22:01] [Jade Kapur (nightclothes)] the weather..it is getting cold!
[22:02] [Cassandra Jones (Night clothes)] What's wrong with that?
[22:08] [Jade Kapur (nightclothes)] I am not used to the cold >.>
[22:09] [Cassandra Jones (Night clothes)] Awwww
[22:09] > Cassandra Jones (Night clothes) wraps her arms around Jade and grins
[22:09] [Cassandra Jones (Night clothes)] That gives us a reason to go shopping for your new winter wardrobe....
[22:10] [Cassandra Jones (Night clothes)] ❧ ...... also an extra reason to snuggle up to each other.... as if we really need another one.~ ❧
[22:16] [Jade Kapur (nightclothes)] ❧ that is true ❧
[22:17] > Cassandra Jones (Night clothes) winks / We'll get you some cute stuff to wear in the cool weather.
[22:21] > Jade Kapur (nightclothes) shivers a bit
[22:22] [Cassandra Jones (Night clothes)] Awwww, you're cold already?
[22:25] [Jade Kapur (nightclothes)] a tad yes
[22:25] > Cassandra Jones (Night clothes) holds Jade close, standing next to the bathroom door.
[22:30] > Jade Kapur (nightclothes) leans heavily against cassie
[22:33] [Cassandra Jones (Night clothes)] We can't stand here forever, sweetness.
[22:34] [Jade Kapur (nightclothes)] let us..rest then then on the sofa
[22:34] [Cassandra Jones (Night clothes)] You go ahead of me and I'll turn the heat on.
[22:39] > Jade Kapur (nightclothes) walks over and sits on the sofa
[22:42] > Cassandra Jones (Night clothes) goes and turns on the central heat
[22:44] > Cassandra Jones (Night clothes) walks over and sits on the sofa with Jade
[22:46] [Cassandra Jones (Night clothes)] You never had cold winters where you lived?
[22:48] [Jade Kapur (nightclothes)] no, never
[22:53] [Cassandra Jones (Night clothes)] That's a shame.... I used to love winters back home.
[22:53] [Jade Kapur (nightclothes)] what wre you looking at by the way?
[22:56] [Cassandra Jones (Night clothes)] Well.... I was reading reactions to your TV interview.
[22:57] [Jade Kapur (nightclothes)] ...and how are they
[22:58] [Cassandra Jones (Night clothes)] Well.... there are still some people who are upset about us making things public.....
[22:59] [Cassandra Jones (Night clothes)] ..... but it seems like more people have actually turned to our side. This poll on the website says we have 62% support while 30% dislike it and 8% are undecided.
[23:00] [Jade Kapur (nightclothes)] excellent numbers!
[23:00] [Cassandra Jones (Night clothes)] Yeah, things are getting better.
[23:03] [Cassandra Jones (Night clothes)] I was also..... looking at the weather back home.
[23:06] [Jade Kapur (nightclothes)] ..you miss it?
[23:08] [Cassandra Jones (Night clothes)] A little bit, yeah
[23:13] [Jade Kapur (nightclothes)] ..perhaps you'd like to visit once again?
[23:14] [Cassandra Jones (Night clothes)] Yeah..... that'd be nice..... but it's so far away.
[23:17] [Jade Kapur (nightclothes)] I could buy us tickets if you wished
[23:17] [Cassandra Jones (Night clothes)] Really....? You'd do that....?
[23:20] [Jade Kapur (nightclothes)] of course...I love you
[23:21] > Cassandra Jones (Night clothes) smiles and squeezes Jade, kissing the side of her neck
[23:23] > Jade Kapur (nightclothes) smiles, sighing happily
[23:24] [Cassandra Jones (Night clothes)] /You're entirely too good to me....
[23:27] [Jade Kapur (nightclothes)] I do my best..I am not used to this
[23:28] [Cassandra Jones (Night clothes)] Well... you're doing a great job..... though I should warn you about something.
[23:32] [Jade Kapur (nightclothes)] hm?
[23:33] [Cassandra Jones (Night clothes)] The way I'm talking now.... isn't my normal accent.
[23:34] [Cassandra Jones (Night clothes)] My normal accent comes out really strong when I'm around my family and friends at home.
[23:37] [Jade Kapur (nightclothes)] is that so?
[23:37] > Cassandra Jones (Night clothes) nods
[23:38] [Cassandra Jones (Night clothes)] I'm a bit ashamed of it..... which is why learned to cover it up.
[23:39] [Jade Kapur (nightclothes)] you should not be ashamed
[23:42] [Cassandra Jones (Night clothes)] It's a pretty obnoxious accent.
[23:43] [Jade Kapur (nightclothes)] you feel so?
[23:44] [Cassandra Jones (Night clothes)] I know so
[23:52] > Cassandra Jones (Night clothes) holds onto Jade
[23:52] [Cassandra Jones (Night clothes)] I just hope you don't think less of me when you finally hear it.
[23:54] [Jade Kapur (nightclothes)] I could never...
[23:57] [Cassandra Jones (Night clothes)] I hope not
[00:00] >>> Wednesday Nov 11 2015 <<<
[00:00] [Jade Kapur (nightclothes)] ❧ I am far too in love with you ❧
[00:02] > Cassandra Jones (Night clothes) giggles
[00:03] > Jade Kapur (nightclothes) gently kisses cassandra
[00:03] > Cassandra Jones (Night clothes) kisses Jade back, holding her close
[00:09] [Jade Kapur (nightclothes)] ❧ mmmmm ❧
[00:12] > Cassandra Jones (Night clothes) rolls onto her back, holding the kiss and pulling Jade on top of her
[00:16] > Jade Kapur (nightclothes) wraps her arms around cassie, kissing
[00:21] > Cassandra Jones (Night clothes) slowly breaks the kiss and grins
[00:22] [Cassandra Jones (Night clothes)] ❧ Seems we're making things hot all on our own~ ❧
[00:23] [Jade Kapur (nightclothes)] ❧ seems so ❧
[00:27] [Cassandra Jones (Night clothes)] ❧ Maybe we should go to bed and see how much hotter we can make things. %_~ ❧
[00:27] [Cassandra Jones (Night clothes)] ^_~ even
[00:30] [Jade Kapur (nightclothes)] ❧ I think we should ❧
[00:31] [Cassandra Jones (Night clothes)] ❧ Then either let me up or pick me up and haul me to bed with you. ❧
[00:32] > Jade Kapur (nightclothes) scoops up Cassandra, standing
[00:33] [Cassandra Jones (Night clothes)] ❧ WOAH!!~ ❧
[00:35] [Jade Kapur (nightclothes)] ❧ well you asked ❧
[00:36] [Cassandra Jones (Night clothes)] ❧ I was actually joking about that but..... I'm not going to resist now. :P ❧
[00:37] > Jade Kapur (nightclothes) smiles and heads for the bedroom
[00:39] > Cassandra Jones (Night clothes) is being carried by Jade
[00:39] <-- Cassandra Jones (Night clothes) has left #eventsbeta (Take me away, my Indian Princess!~~)
[00:40] <-- Jade Kapur (nightclothes) has left #eventsbeta (as you wish ~~)
[21:19] [@Rowe-sensei] (( Hey. ))
[21:36] [Knight Nephrite] (( Hey there ))
[21:37] [@Rowe-sensei] (( How goes it? ))
[21:38] [Knight Nephrite] (( Not bad, you? ))
[21:38] [@Rowe-sensei] (( Little tired, but glad to be home for the day. ))
[21:41] [Knight Nephrite] (( I hear ya ))
[21:44] [@Rowe-sensei] (( Feel like doing something with Jett and Krystal? ))
[21:48] [Knight Nephrite] (( Matt and I were trying to come up with a non couples scene and having trouble. Would you want it to be just Jett & Krystal or would you want Violet to be in on it too? ))
[21:49] [@Rowe-sensei] (( Either or. I figure those three have some talking to do in some combination. ))
[21:51] [Knight Nephrite] (( Yeah, we could do that. ))
[21:52] ➣ Venus / Near Magellian Palace, Jett's apartment
[21:55] --> Jett Masato (Casual) has joined #eventsbeta
[21:55] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Jett Masato (Casual)
[21:55] > Jett Masato (Casual) looks over what appears to be a house listing on a vid monitor.
[21:56] --> Krystal Sasaki [Second.Chance@reddwarf.co.uk] has joined #eventsbeta
[21:56] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Krystal Sasaki
[21:57] > Krystal Sasaki sneaks up behind Jett and looks over his shoulder.
[21:57] [Krystal Sasaki] That the house you've been looking at?
[22:01] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Yup
[22:01] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Three bedrooms, a large kitchen, private inclosed pool and it's just outside the city limits.
[22:03] [Krystal Sasaki] Wow, bet that's going to cost a pretty penny. Guess I'll have to get a job instead of being a pampered housewife. :P
[22:04] --> Violet (Casual) has joined #eventsbeta
[22:04] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Violet (Casual)
[22:04] [Violet (Casual)] ugh I'm home..
[22:04] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Welcome home, Vi.
[22:04] [Krystal Sasaki] Hey, Vi~
[22:05] > Krystal Sasaki bounds over to hug~
[22:06] > Violet (Casual) is covered in grease
[22:07] > Krystal Sasaki hugs anyway. "Rough day at the shop?"
[22:08] > Violet (Casual) hugs back "..it was hell"
[22:09] [Krystal Sasaki] Aww..
[22:10] [Krystal Sasaki] Bet you wanna go take a shower, but come look at the house Jett's got his eye on first.
[22:11] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Yeah Vi, i'd love to know what you think.
[22:11] > Violet (Casual) walks over and looks "what's the three bedrooms for?"
[22:12] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Well, I thought about us having a guest room for visitors and either a gym or a game room of some kind.
[22:13] [Krystal Sasaki] Yeah, gotta keep these guns in shape.
[22:13] > Krystal Sasaki flexes her arms, more toned than muscular.
[22:14] > Jett Masato (Casual) grins and chuckles
[22:14] [Violet (Casual)] will there be room for expansion?
[22:15] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Well, the house is outside the city limits on a good amount of land, so I'm sure we could expand it.
[22:17] [Violet (Casual)] alright..sounds good
[22:17] [Violet (Casual)] ugh I'm going to take my shower..I'll be back
[22:17] > Violet (Casual) walks out of the room
[22:17] > Violet (Casual) is away
[22:18] [Krystal Sasaki] Must be a rough job.
[22:19] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Yeah, she enjoys the work most of the time, but it's rough on her for sure.
[22:20] [Krystal Sasaki] Well, I'm sure I'll have days like that with what I have lined up.
[22:20] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Yeah? What're you going to be doing?
[22:20] [Krystal Sasaki] Working for your mom. :3
[22:21] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Oh yeah?
[22:21] [Krystal Sasaki] As soon as I finish up this food science degree, I'll be starting as a sous chef in the castle kitchens.
[22:22] [Jett Masato (Casual)] That's fantastic!
[22:23] [Krystal Sasaki] I figured I better find something close by if I'm going to be living here, and I've got a connection or two with the local royalty~
[22:25] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Indeed you do
[22:26] [Krystal Sasaki] So, curious kitty time. What made you finally decide to slip a ring on my finger? :3
[22:28] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Well..... you and I have always been so close and I realized that it was much more than a physical connection between us.
[22:30] [Jett Masato (Casual)] While I'd decided to give up having so many girlfriends..... I honestly still wanted to be a little greedy and not let another guy take and keep you from me.
[22:30] [Krystal Sasaki] Mmm, yeah I don't think we could have done all the things we've gotten up to together if there wasn't that spark.
[22:32] > Violet (Casual) is back
[22:32] > Violet (Casual) walks back in, toweling off her hair
[22:32] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Feel better, Vi?
[22:32] [Krystal Sasaki] Lookin' pretty, kitty~
[22:33] > Violet (Casual) smirks
[22:34] [Violet (Casual)] much better..tad sore and tired
[22:37] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Awwww, sounds like someone needs a massage.
[22:39] [Violet (Casual)] ..now I wouldn't say no to that
[22:44] > Jett Masato (Casual) smirks
[22:44] [Jett Masato (Casual)] The real question is.... from who?
[22:45] [Violet (Casual)] .......
[22:45] [Violet (Casual)] from both?
[22:46] > Krystal Sasaki bops Jett's shoulder. "Don't rush Vi. If she wants to get closer to me, it'll-oh."
[22:46] [Krystal Sasaki] :3
[22:46] > Jett Masato (Casual) looks over at Krystal and winks.
[22:49] > Violet (Casual) smirks
[22:49] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Well then.... perhaps we should retire to the bedroom for the night.
[22:51] [Krystal Sasaki] My favorite room of all. :3
[22:51] [Violet (Casual)] can't disagree with that!
[22:52] > Jett Masato (Casual) stands with a smile, heading for the bedroom
[22:52] > Krystal Sasaki bounces up and follows~
[22:53] <-- Jett Masato (Casual) has left #eventsbeta (I'm glad to see you girls already getting along better. <3)
[22:53] <-- Krystal Sasaki [Second.Chance@reddwarf.co.uk] has left #eventsbeta (Quicker than I thought. :3)
[22:54] <-- Violet (Casual) has left #eventsbeta (What can I say?)
[00:00] >>> Friday Nov 13 2015 <<<
[14:34] ➣ Venus / Near Magellian Palace, Jett's apartment
[14:34] ➣ there's a knock at the door
[14:35] > Jett Masato (Casual) stands from his computer chair, walking to the front door and opening it.
[14:38] --> Neva (Casual) [BHunterCat@SystemNova.com] has joined #eventsbeta
[14:38] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Neva (Casual)
[14:38] > Neva (Casual) stands in the doorway...
[14:38] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Hello Mrs. Sakazaki, I've been expecting you..... in a sense.
[14:47] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Please, come in
[14:47] > Neva (Casual) walks in
[14:47] [Neva (Casual)] oh?
[14:48] > Jett Masato (Casual) closes the door and nods, "Indeed.... I had a feeling once you found out about my relationship plans.... you'd be here to speak to me."
[14:53] [Neva (Casual)] ..yes
[14:53] [Neva (Casual)] .....I want to know if you told krystal's parents as well
[14:54] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Oh yes, I spoke to Mrs. Kalli just last night, in fact.
[14:57] [Neva (Casual)] what did she have to say?
[14:59] [Jett Masato (Casual)] She was delighted about it.
[15:01] [Neva (Casual)] now...
[15:01] > Neva (Casual) sits down
[15:01] [Neva (Casual)] what is your plan on the wedding?
[15:03] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Well.... I've been doing some research and I plan to have a ceremony similar to what my father had when he married my step-mothers.
[15:09] [Neva (Casual)] have you started planning yet?
[15:10] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Well.... no, not as of yet.
[15:22] [Neva (Casual)] how has my daughter taken all this
[15:23] [Jett Masato (Casual)] She was surprised at first and a little apprehensive.... but after a couple days to think about it and spending some time with Krystal, she seems to be liking the idea.
[15:29] [Neva (Casual)] I hope you know how much she loves you
[15:31] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Indeed I do.
[15:31] [Jett Masato (Casual)] And I love her just as much, if not more.
[15:33] [Neva (Casual)] if you need any help planning...don't be afraid to talk to your inlaws
[15:33] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Of course not..... I also plan on talking to my parents about it, especially father, since it was his relationship that originally inspired me.
[15:37] [Neva (Casual)] I will need to speak to your father as well..though I'm sure my husband has already
[15:38] [Jett Masato (Casual)] I have no doubt. I still haven't spoken to my step mothers about this, but my mother was kind of happy I chose to settle down.
[15:43] [Neva (Casual)] just treat my daughter well and we shall have no troubles
[15:50] [Jett Masato (Casual)] I would never miss treat Violet.... I love her very much.
[15:52] [Neva (Casual)] good..now...I would like something to drink
[15:54] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Sure, anything in particular?
[15:57] [Neva (Casual)] anything non-alcholic
[16:00] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Alright then
[16:00] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Hot or cold?
[16:01] [Neva (Casual)] hot please
[16:05] > Jett Masato (Casual) nods with a smile and goes into the kitchen
[16:05] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Was there something else you wanted to discuss?
[16:07] [Neva (Casual)] not particulary
[16:08] [Neva (Casual)] I hope you do keep in touch with myself and nall through all this
[16:08] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Naturally *starts heating some water* I wouldn't dream on leaving you out of anything.
[16:14] [Neva (Casual)] she is our first born so she's very special to us
[16:21] > Jett Masato (Casual) walks in with a mug, handing it to Neva
[16:21] [Jett Masato (Casual)] I have no doubts of that.
[16:24] [Neva (Casual)] I expect only one other thing from you, Jett
[16:25] [Jett Masato (Casual)] And that would be?
[16:33] [Neva (Casual)] granchildren
[16:33] > Jett Masato (Casual) hears that and pauses, blushing lightly
[16:41] [Neva (Casual)] I would like some
[16:41] [Jett Masato (Casual)] I see.... well... um...
[16:41] > Jett Masato (Casual) is actually a bit nervous now, which is unusual for him
[16:41] > Neva (Casual) sips her tea
[16:41] [Jett Masato (Casual)] I will.... do my best to make that happen.
[16:42] > Neva (Casual) nods
[16:42] [Neva (Casual)] I am sure you will
[16:42] > Neva (Casual) stands
[16:43] [Neva (Casual)] thank you for the drink...please say hello to my daughter for me
[16:43] [Neva (Casual)] I will keep in touch
[16:43] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Very well, though I'm sure she'd love to see you.
[16:44] [Neva (Casual)] yes but I must go
[16:44] [Neva (Casual)] please take care
[16:44] > Neva (Casual) leaves
[16:44] <-- Neva (Casual) [BHunterCat@SystemNova.com] has left #eventsbeta
[16:44] <-- Jett Masato (Casual) has left #eventsbeta (Grandchildren..... *blushes just thinking of it*)
[19:41] --> Jett Masato (Casual) has joined #eventsbeta
[19:41] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Jett Masato (Casual)
[19:41] > Jett Masato (Casual) is in the kitchen, cooking
[19:43] --> Violet (Casual) has joined #eventsbeta
[19:43] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Violet (Casual)
[19:43] > Violet (Casual) walks in "something smells good!"
[19:45] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Hey there Vi! Chicken stir fry is almost ready!
[19:45] [Violet (Casual)] oh sounds great!
[19:47] [Jett Masato (Casual)] I'm guessing you girls had quite the time last night, being as you didn't come home.
[19:50] [Violet (Casual)] it was...pretty amazing...
[19:50] > Jett Masato (Casual) grins around the corner, "Oh yeah....? What did you two do??"
[19:52] [Violet (Casual)] oh like I'll tell you :P
[19:53] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Awwww, well as long as you two had fun. Did you talk to my mom?
[19:54] [Violet (Casual)] yes..I did
[19:55] [Jett Masato (Casual)] What did she happen to say to you?
[19:56] [Violet (Casual)] she was very happy for me
[19:57] [Violet (Casual)] so happy in fact she gave me her blessing whatever that means..
[19:57] > Jett Masato (Casual) chuckles a little and smirks, "That might just help us after the visits I've had the past 24 hours.
[19:58] [Violet (Casual)] huh what do you mean?
[19:58] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Well, first Krystal's mom Kalli visted me last night...
[19:59] [Violet (Casual)] oh?
[20:00] > Jett Masato (Casual) turns off the heat on his food and starts making up two plates
[20:01] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Oh yeah, it was quite the interesting visit.
[20:02] [Violet (Casual)] oh I bet
[20:02] [Jett Masato (Casual)] She sends her love and congratulations to us.
[20:03] [Violet (Casual)] heh well thanks to her
[20:03] > Jett Masato (Casual) brings out the plates, setting them in a small table
[20:03] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Then this afternoon...... your mother showed up.
[20:05] [Violet (Casual)] wait she did?
[20:05] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Oh yeah
[20:06] > Jett Masato (Casual) goes into the kitchen to get a couple of drinks and utensils, coming out and sitting at the table.
[20:07] > Violet (Casual) sits at the table
[20:09] [Jett Masato (Casual)] She asked me how you were taking our new arrangement... what I was planning to do as far as the wedding...
[20:12] [Violet (Casual)] sounds like mom
[20:13] [Jett Masato (Casual)] .... yeah. But then she threw something at me that I didn't expect.... a request.
[20:16] [Violet (Casual)] a request?
[20:17] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Yeah
[20:17] > Jett Masato (Casual) starts to blush lightly, "She..... wants us to.... to give her grandchildren."
[20:20] > Violet (Casual) drops her fork
[20:21] [Violet (Casual)] uh..uh..*blushes deep red*
[20:21] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Yeah.....
[20:22] > Jett Masato (Casual) starts to eat
[20:32] [Violet (Casual)] um..you..you do know..what happens..with..mycidian..women right...
[20:32] [Jett Masato (Casual)] I'm glad we pretty much had the same reaction.
[20:32] [Jett Masato (Casual)] No.... you never really told me...
[20:33] [Violet (Casual)] ...we........
[20:33] [Violet (Casual)] ..we don't really have..one child...
[20:34] [Jett Masato (Casual)] What do you mean?
[20:36] [Violet (Casual)] ..we have..lots of children
[20:36] [Violet (Casual)] ..at a minium..about....6...
[20:37] [Violet (Casual)] at max.......maybe 15
[20:37] [Jett Masato (Casual)] 15!?
[20:37] [Violet (Casual)] y..yeah
[20:37] [Violet (Casual)] though it's..rare
[20:37] [Violet (Casual)] average is..10
[20:38] > Jett Masato (Casual) stops eating now
[20:38] [Jett Masato (Casual)] W.... wow....
[20:39] [Violet (Casual)] ..y..yeah..I know I'm just half but.there's...a good chance it will b the same with me
[20:41] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Well.... I guess that's why you asked about expanding that house.....
[20:43] [Violet (Casual)] a..are you sure you want...
[20:45] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Of course I do....
[20:45] [Jett Masato (Casual)] ..... I would never give you up, Vi.
[20:46] > Violet (Casual) blushes
[20:49] [Violet (Casual)] well...o..okay ^^
[20:49] [Jett Masato (Casual)] If it means we're going to have a big family then.... we'll have a big family.
[20:50] [Violet (Casual)] yeah...^^
[20:55] > Jett Masato (Casual) smiles and goes back to eating
[20:56] > Violet (Casual) akwardly looks at her food and eats
[20:59] [Violet (Casual)] um....when should we start...
[21:03] > Jett Masato (Casual) blushes, "You in some kind of hurry?"
[21:04] [Violet (Casual)] um..no..not...really
[21:13] > Violet (Casual) finishes her meal
[21:14] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Well then.... we'll at least wait until after we're married.
[21:15] [Violet (Casual)] alright *smiles*
[21:19] > Jett Masato (Casual) finishes his dinner and smiles to Violet
[21:19] [Jett Masato (Casual)] How was it?
[21:21] [Violet (Casual)] wonderful!
[21:22] [Jett Masato (Casual)] I'm glad you liked it. ^_^
[21:22] > Jett Masato (Casual) leans over and kisses Violet
[21:23] > Violet (Casual) kisses back
[21:24] > Jett Masato (Casual) smirks a little, "So... you're really not gonna' tell me what you girls did last night?"
[21:24] [Violet (Casual)] that's between me and krystal..you can ask her :P
[21:25] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Speaking of which.... where is she? I haven't seen her since yesterday.
[21:27] [Violet (Casual)] she said she had something to do
[21:31] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Ahh
[21:34] > Jett Masato (Casual) stands and collects the plates from dinner.
[21:34] [Jett Masato (Casual)] I'll go put the rest of the food away for when Krystal comes back.
[21:36] [Violet (Casual)] yeah it's a good idea!
[21:39] > Jett Masato (Casual) smiles, running a hand gently through Violet's hair and over her ears before heading into the kitchen.
[21:41] > Violet (Casual) blushes, grinning
[21:43] --> Krystal Sasaki [Second.Chance@reddwarf.co.uk] has joined #eventsbeta
[21:43] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Krystal Sasaki
[21:43] [Krystal Sasaki] ❧ I'm home~ ❧
[21:44] [Violet (Casual)] oh hey krystal!
[21:44] > Jett Masato (Casual) peaks out from the kitchen, "There's out girl! I was just about to put dinner away!"
[21:45] [Krystal Sasaki] I remembered I had a really important paper to turn in for school today, so I had to run and take care of that. ^_^;
[21:46] [Violet (Casual)] Jett was asking what we did on venus.....I told him nothing heh
[21:47] [Krystal Sasaki] At the palace? Mostly we just had a spa day. Massages, a nice soak in the grotto, stuff like that~
[21:49] [Violet (Casual)] yeah see...nothing too big...nothing too risky
[21:50] [Krystal Sasaki] I knew you wouldn't want to miss anything. :P
[21:52] > Jett Masato (Casual) chuckles from the kitchen, putting what's left of the chicken stir fry onto a plate
[21:52] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Well, while you girls were there, I had a couple of visitors.
[21:54] [Krystal Sasaki] Oh?
[21:54] [Violet (Casual)] y..yeah
[21:55] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Yeah.... first your mom, Kalli showed up to share her happiness about our engagement.
[21:55] [Krystal Sasaki] ❧ Ooooooh~ :3 ❧
[21:55] [Krystal Sasaki] ❧ I can imagine how that went~ ❧
[21:56] > Jett Masato (Casual) brings out the plate with a grin, setting it and a drink on the table for Krystal
[21:57] > Krystal Sasaki sits down with a smile and digs in~
[21:57] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Then this afternoon, Vi's mom showed up and things got a bit more serious.
[21:58] [Krystal Sasaki] That sounds ominous.
[21:59] [Violet (Casual)] y...yeah
[22:00] > Violet (Casual) blushes
[22:01] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Yeah well, with Vi's mom..... sometimes it can be. This time it was rather pleasent. She asked me about how Vi felt about the duel engagement..... asked about wedding plans....
[22:01] [Krystal Sasaki] What's up?..
[22:01] [Krystal Sasaki] Ah, well that doesn't sound toooo bad.
[22:02] [Jett Masato (Casual)] ..... then she made a request of me..... for us to give her grandchildren.
[22:02] > Violet (Casual) turns bright red
[22:02] [Krystal Sasaki] Typical mother-in-law. :P
[22:04] [Violet (Casual)] I..I told Jett..if..if I have kids..I..I..I'll probably have...alot
[22:04] [Krystal Sasaki] Maybe I'll feel different if and when, but it seems a bit mean to put pressure on your daughter like that.
[22:05] [Krystal Sasaki] ...How many is a lot?
[22:08] [Violet (Casual)] ....15?
[22:09] [Violet (Casual)] at max
[22:09] [Violet (Casual)] ..more then likely 10
[22:09] [Krystal Sasaki] o.o Wait, in one go?!
[22:11] [Violet (Casual)] um no...in a......a way
[22:11] [Violet (Casual)] err...for awhile
[22:11] [Violet (Casual)] mycidians...store...stuff..and it allows for us to..give birth more times..
[22:12] [Krystal Sasaki] Oh... Okay. That makes a little more sense.
[22:13] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Vi's already got a pretty good sized family.
[22:13] [Violet (Casual)] so we'd..probably have..a big family here
[22:15] [Krystal Sasaki] Wow. Well, with three adults it should be easier to handle.
[22:16] > Jett Masato (Casual) walks out of the kitchen, drying his hands from washing dishes
[22:16] [Jett Masato (Casual)] What about you Krys?
[22:17] [Krystal Sasaki] Ask me again in a few years. :P
[22:18] [Krystal Sasaki] Nah, I probably will want a couple kids some day, but I'd like to have a career first.
[22:18] > Jett Masato (Casual) chuckles and nods
[22:18] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Well, we're all pretty young here, so it isn't like we have to rush.
[22:19] [Violet (Casual)] hehe true
[22:24] > Krystal Sasaki finishes her dinner and gets up to wash the plate.
[22:25] > Jett Masato (Casual) stops Krystal with a smirk
[22:25] [Jett Masato (Casual)] ❧ What exactly do you think you're doing, missy? ❧
[22:26] [Krystal Sasaki] Well, I was going to wash my plate. Am I supposed to leave that for my faithful house husband?~
[22:28] > Jett Masato (Casual) smirks, kissing Krystal, "For tonight at least. Have a seat, my dear."
[22:28] [Krystal Sasaki] ❧ Hee~ Okay~ ❧
[22:29] > Krystal Sasaki dances back to the table and sits~
[22:35] > Jett Masato (Casual) takes the plate to the kitchen to wash it
[22:37] [Krystal Sasaki] So, did you two have a good day?
[22:40] [Violet (Casual)] it was good ^^
[22:51] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Yeah, it wasn't bad.
[22:53] [Krystal Sasaki] Cool. I got a little worried when there was a long line for Earth transport, but I got my paper in on time. :3
[22:54] [Violet (Casual)] hey that's great!
[22:55] [Krystal Sasaki] Well, it will be if I get a good grade on it, but I'm pretty confident.
[22:56] > Jett Masato (Casual) comes out of the kitchen
[22:57] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Teleporter or not.... that's one hell of a commute. Is there any chance of you getting your credits transfered to a school here on Venus after the year's over?
[22:58] [Krystal Sasaki] Nah, no need. This is my last year.
[22:59] [Krystal Sasaki] I'll have to go back for a couple of in class things, but most of the stuff I have left is online.
[23:05] [Jett Masato (Casual)] I'm glad to hear that.
[23:06] > Violet (Casual) listens and nods
[23:09] [Jett Masato (Casual)] So, the weekend's coming up.. what do my girls have planned?
[23:11] [Krystal Sasaki] Nothing specific planned, although I might visit the palace and talk to some of the kitchen staff.
[23:13] [Violet (Casual)] I don't have anything going on
[23:14] [Jett Masato (Casual)] The kitchen staff, Krys?
[23:16] [Krystal Sasaki] The people I'm going to be working with in a year. :P
[23:16] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Ahhh yes, good poing.
[23:16] [Jett Masato (Casual)] ^point
[23:24] > Jett Masato (Casual) walks over and sits on the sofa.
[23:25] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Maybe we should all go to the palace tomorrow. Have some fun after your meeting.
[23:26] > Violet (Casual) nods!
[23:26] [Krystal Sasaki] That's an idea~
[23:30] > Jett Masato (Casual) smirks, "See there, I'm not just a pretty face."
[23:30] [Krystal Sasaki] :P I don't think I've ever accused you of that~
[23:33] [Violet (Casual)] :P
[23:35] [Jett Masato (Casual)] I know :P
[23:36] [Krystal Sasaki] ❧ But it's nice that you do have a pretty face~ <3 ❧
[23:36] [Violet (Casual)] heh should I leave you two alone for the night
[23:37] [Krystal Sasaki] Aww, really?
[23:41] [Jett Masato (Casual)] No no no
[23:41] [Krystal Sasaki] (( And now I finally realize I misread that. ))
[23:42] [Jett Masato (Casual)] ❧ I think we'd rather you join us than leave us alone. ❧
[23:43] > Krystal Sasaki giggles~
[23:43] > Violet (Casual) blushes
[23:48] [Jett Masato (Casual)] Speaking of which, I think I'm going to go get ready for bed.
[23:48] > Jett Masato (Casual) stands and winks
[23:50] > Violet (Casual) giggles a bit at that
[23:51] [Krystal Sasaki] Bed sounds good.
[23:52] <-- Jett Masato (Casual) has left #eventsbeta (Question is, how long till we actually get to bed? <3)
[23:52] <-- Krystal Sasaki [Second.Chance@reddwarf.co.uk] has left #eventsbeta (Taking the transporter twice in one day was rough.)
[23:54] <-- Violet (Casual) has left #eventsbeta (good question!)
[00:00] >>> Saturday Nov 14 2015 <<<
[22:04] [Krystal Sasaki] (( Hey. ))
[22:04] [Knight Nephrite] (( Evening ))
[22:08] [Krystal Sasaki] (( Just waiting on some food. Any ideas jumping out at you? ))
[22:11] [Knight Nephrite] (( Um, nothing really. Kinda' wanted to save any more Jett stuff for when we can have both girls involved. ))
[22:11] [Krystal Sasaki] (( Probably a good idea. ))
[22:34] [Knight Nephrite] (( We're gonna' start in the other room ))
[22:35] [Krystal Sasaki] (( K ))
[00:00] >>> Monday Nov 16 2015 <<<
[23:45] ➣ Kaze House
[23:45] --> Hikari Tanaka (PJs) has joined #eventsbeta
[23:45] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Hikari Tanaka (PJs)
[23:45] > Hikari Tanaka (PJs) tries to sneak downstairs...hiding part of her face with her hair...
[23:48] [~] Hoooold it....
[23:48] --> Vanadine (Nightwear) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has joined #eventsbeta
[23:48] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Vanadine (Nightwear)
[23:48] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Vanadine (Nightwear)
[23:48] [Hikari Tanaka (PJs)] !...
[23:48] > +Vanadine (Nightwear) slides out from a shadow on the staircase
[23:49] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] Where do ya' think you're goin' so late, Hikari?
[23:50] [Hikari Tanaka (PJs)] ..no where...
[23:50] > Hikari Tanaka (PJs) tries to keep her face away from vana
[23:52] > +Vanadine (Nightwear) looks over Hikari, curious
[23:52] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] Why are you trying to hide your face?
[23:53] [Hikari Tanaka (PJs)] ..no reason
[23:53] > Hikari Tanaka (PJs) turns away again
[23:55] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] Hikari....
[23:55] [Hikari Tanaka (PJs)] ...
[23:56] > Hikari Tanaka (PJs) turns and looks at vana..her left eye has a horrible bruise on it..in fact it's pretty badly swollan
[23:56] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] O_O What happened!?
[23:56] [Hikari Tanaka (PJs)] ..I was just protecting someone
[23:58] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] .... and why are you hiding this from me?
[23:59] [Hikari Tanaka (PJs)] ..thought you would worry
[00:00] >>> Tuesday Nov 17 2015 <<<
[00:00] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] Well.... of course I'm gonna' worry.... you're family.
[00:00] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] But I also understand that's a risk of the job you do.
[00:01] [Hikari Tanaka (PJs)] .....least there were only five of them
[00:01] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] 5!? Damn girl....
[00:05] [Hikari Tanaka (PJs)] they..weren't monsters
[00:05] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] They weren't?
[00:05] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] What were they then?
[00:05] [Hikari Tanaka (PJs)] just...thugs..bullies
[00:07] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] So..... regular people, just bad people?
[00:08] [Hikari Tanaka (PJs)] yeah...
[00:10] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] Geez
[00:11] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] You gotta' be more careful Hikari
[00:12] [Hikari Tanaka (PJs)] I just wanted to help V_V
[00:12] > Hikari Tanaka (PJs) winces, feeling her eye
[00:13] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] I know...
[00:13] > +Vanadine (Nightwear) slides her arm around Hikari, leading her downstairs
[00:13] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] Let's go to the kitchen and get you some ice
[00:15] [Hikari Tanaka (PJs)] I..was going there
[00:18] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] Well, now we're both going
[00:22] > Hikari Tanaka (PJs) smiles and nods
[00:25] [Hikari Tanaka (PJs)] ....sorry if I worried you
[00:27] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] I was more worried that you were trying to hide it from me.
[00:27] > +Vanadine (Nightwear) walks into the kitchen, turning on the lights and getting a plastic bag
[00:36] > Hikari Tanaka (PJs) finds a place to sit
[00:36] [Hikari Tanaka (PJs)] ....you're the only family I have so...I just..thought
[00:36] [Hikari Tanaka (PJs)] ....I didn't want to get in trouble
[00:39] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] You wouldn't be in troube.
[00:40] > +Vanadine (Nightwear) puts some ice and water in the bag
[00:40] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] Now.... hold still
[00:40] [Hikari Tanaka (PJs)] o..ow ><
[00:42] > +Vanadine (Nightwear) presses the ice bag lightly against Hikari's face
[00:44] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] There.... that'll help with the swelling... hold the bag agiainst your eye
[00:45] > Hikari Tanaka (PJs) holds it and nods
[00:46] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] I don't like it when you get hurt, but like I said before...... I know that's a hazard of your job, su you're gonna' come home with a bruiise here and there
[00:47] [Hikari Tanaka (PJs)] yeah..true
[00:51] [Hikari Tanaka (PJs)] thanks..alot
[00:52] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] You're welcome
[00:52] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] What do you say we both turn in for the night?
[00:54] [Hikari Tanaka (PJs)] alright..*nods*
[00:56] <-- +Vanadine (Nightwear) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has left #eventsbeta (I'm just glad I could help)
[00:57] <-- Hikari Tanaka (PJs) has left #eventsbeta (thank you)
[15:20] ➣ Jett's Place
[15:21] --> Violet (Casual) has joined #eventsbeta
[15:21] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Violet (Casual)
[15:21] > Violet (Casual) lounges on a sofa quietly looking over a pad
[15:22] --> Jett Masato (Business Casual) has joined #eventsbeta
[15:22] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Jett Masato (Business Casual)
[15:23] > Jett Masato (Business Casual) walks in, closing the door, "Hey there Vi."
[15:28] [Violet (Casual)] hey jett
[15:28] > Jett Masato (Business Casual) takes off his jacket and walks over, sitting on the sofa next to Violet.
[15:31] > Jett Masato (Business Casual) kisses Violet and smiles, "What're you up to?
[15:31] > Violet (Casual) kisses back
[15:31] [Violet (Casual)] just sort of relaxing during my day off
[15:33] > Jett Masato (Business Casual) slides his arm around Violet and smiles
[15:33] [Jett Masato (Business Casual)] That's good. Looking at anything fun?
[15:35] [Violet (Casual)] not really just...honestly I don't know what I'm doing
[15:36] [Jett Masato (Business Casual)] Awwww
[15:36] > Jett Masato (Business Casual) squeezes Violet lightly with his arm
[15:38] [Violet (Casual)] ...........jett....
[15:38] [Jett Masato (Business Casual)] What is it, Vi?
[15:40] [Violet (Casual)] ...am I boring
[15:40] [Jett Masato (Business Casual)] No! Why would you even ask that?
[15:41] [Violet (Casual)] ..I don't know I've been feeling..out of it lately
[15:42] [Jett Masato (Business Casual)] Well..... you're still getting used to the idea of having to really share me all the time..... and having another girl living with us.....
[15:46] [Violet (Casual)] yeah..she's so...energetic @_@
[15:47] > Jett Masato (Business Casual) chuckles, "Yeah, Krystal always has been very energetic."
[15:53] [Violet (Casual)] heh she makes me feel old
[15:53] [Jett Masato (Business Casual)] You and Krys are different people, with different tendancies.
[15:55] [Jett Masato (Business Casual)] You two are actually pretty close to the same age.
[15:57] > Jett Masato (Business Casual) smirks, "Couple of cougars you two are.... taking on a cub like me."
[16:02] > Violet (Casual) smiles a bit softly "heh true...I just keep comparing myself to her"
[16:03] [Jett Masato (Business Casual)] You shouldn't compare yourself to Krys..... you compliment her in my mind.
[16:05] [Violet (Casual)] huh what do you mean
[16:06] [Jett Masato (Business Casual)] Well, where you're more subdued and laid back, Krystal is more energetic. She likes to play the clubs and things of that sort where you're more content with spending time here.
[16:07] [Violet (Casual)] yeah I guess so
[16:10] > Violet (Casual) scoots a bit closer to jett
[16:10] > Jett Masato (Business Casual) squeezes Violet a little tighter, holding her close
[16:11] [Jett Masato (Business Casual)] Maybe you and I should go out tonight.
[16:16] [Violet (Casual)] us?
[16:16] [Jett Masato (Business Casual)] Yeah. I mean, unless you don't want to.
[16:19] [Violet (Casual)] no..no I'd love to!
[16:22] [Jett Masato (Business Casual)] One of these nights, I think it'd be fun for the three of us to all go out together.
[16:29] [Violet (Casual)] yeah that might be a good idea
[16:30] > Jett Masato (Business Casual) lays his head on Violet's shoulder and smiles.
[16:32] > Violet (Casual) blushes a bit, her tail moving a bit
[16:34] [Jett Masato (Business Casual)] ❧ I love my kitty~ ❧
[16:41] [Violet (Casual)] ❧ ..I love you too *sniffle* ❧
[16:41] > Jett Masato (Business Casual) looks at Violet, "What's that sniffle for?"
[16:43] > Violet (Casual) just hugs jett tightly and nuzzles him
[16:43] > Jett Masato (Business Casual) holds onto Violet, running his fingers through her hair and rubbing her ears
[16:48] [Violet (Casual)] just hold me..please
[16:49] [Jett Masato (Business Casual)] Of course.....
[16:49] > Jett Masato (Business Casual) holds onto Violet, keeping her close
[16:52] > Violet (Casual) nuzzles and snuggles against jett
[16:55] > Jett Masato (Business Casual) holds onto Violet, kissing her forehead and smiling
[17:03] [Violet (Casual)] why am I so weird about all this
[17:04] [Jett Masato (Business Casual)] Because.... you didn't grow up like this....
[17:04] [Jett Masato (Business Casual)] Your mom and dad were always with each other and that was it.
[17:06] > Violet (Casual) nods
[17:06] [Jett Masato (Business Casual)] Where my mother and father.... Krystal's moms..... they had each other, but weren't afriad to share their affections with others also.
[17:12] [Violet (Casual)] yeah
[17:19] [Jett Masato (Business Casual)] I am glad you're embrassing this big change.... but nither of us expects you to change overnight.
[17:24] [Violet (Casual)] yes it's....hard..
[17:25] [Jett Masato (Business Casual)] Just don't compare yourself to Krystal, Vi. You're totally different women..... I love you both for different reasons.
[17:33] > Violet (Casual) nods
[17:41] [Jett Masato (Business Casual)] Seems you might be more in the mood to stay in tonight.
[17:42] [Violet (Casual)] no..I'd like to go out with you *smiles*
[17:42] > Jett Masato (Business Casual) smiles, "Okay then... how about we go start getting ready?"
[17:49] [Violet (Casual)] alright ^^
[17:49] > Jett Masato (Business Casual) kisses Violet again before letting her go
[17:58] > Violet (Casual) smiles, returning the kiss
[18:03] > Jett Masato (Business Casual) stands and winks
[18:03] [Violet (Casual)] ❧ how shall I dress? ❧
[18:04] [Jett Masato (Business Casual)] ❧ Wear something sexy.~ ❧
[18:06] [Jett Masato (Business Casual)] ❧ I like seeing my kitty dressed to kill. ❧
[18:08] > Jett Masato (Business Casual) walks into the bedroom
[18:12] <-- Jett Masato (Business Casual) has left #eventsbeta (Tonight's going to be fun, I promise.)
[18:12] > Violet (Casual) smirks
[18:12] <-- Violet (Casual) has left #eventsbeta (I hope so)
[20:36] ➣ Madox Castle / Head Maid's Quaters
[20:36] --> Emi Sawyer (Head Maid's Uniform) [ShyTwinMaid@Mardox.gov] has joined #eventsbeta
[20:36] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Emi Sawyer (Head Maid's Uniform)
[20:37] > Emi Sawyer (Head Maid's Uniform) walks into the quarters, sighing as she walks over to her bed
[20:39] > Emi Sawyer (Head Maid's Uniform) sits on her bed, reaching back to unzip her top
[20:39] --> Eri Sawyer (Casual) has joined #eventsbeta
[20:39] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Eri Sawyer (Casual)
[20:40] > Eri Sawyer (Casual) is lounging on the bed she shares "hey sis"
[20:40] [Emi Sawyer (Head Maid's Uniform)] Hey
[20:41] > Emi Sawyer (bra & skirt) slides off her top and starts to work on her skirt
[20:41] [Emi Sawyer (bra & skirt)] Rumor has it.... you're taking Daph to meet the family....
[20:42] [Eri Sawyer (Casual)] yeah..yeah I am
[20:44] > Emi Sawyer (bra & skirt) takes off her skirt, looking over at Eri
[20:44] [Emi Sawyer (undies)] .....why didn't you tell me?
[20:45] [Emi Sawyer (undies)] .... why'd I have to hear it from the other maids?
[20:47] [Eri Sawyer (Casual)] didn't think it was that important
[20:48] [Emi Sawyer (undies)] It's pretty important that my sister is taking her girlfriend to meet our parents.....
[20:49] [Eri Sawyer (Casual)] didn't think it would bother you so much, you know?
[20:53] > Emi Sawyer (undies) sighs lightly
[20:55] > Emi Sawyer (undies) lays down on the bed, staring up at the ceiling, looking slightly upset.
[20:59] [Eri Sawyer (Casual)] hey
[20:59] [Eri Sawyer (Casual)] what's wrong?
[21:00] [Emi Sawyer (undies)] .... you barely talk to me anymore.
[21:01] [Emi Sawyer (undies)] Ever since you and Daphne got together..... you hardly say two words to me.
[21:01] [Eri Sawyer (Casual)] ....what...do you mean?
[21:01] [Eri Sawyer (Casual)] ....oh...geez..sorry about that
[21:02] [Eri Sawyer (Casual)] ..I guess I got..caught up in this
[21:04] [Emi Sawyer (undies)] Clearly....
[21:07] > Eri Sawyer (Casual) walks over and sits next to Emi
[21:07] [Eri Sawyer (Casual)] hey..don't be like that
[21:09] [Emi Sawyer (undies)] What? You find a girlfriend... leave me to be basically alone in the ether and you expect me not to feel upset?
[21:10] [Eri Sawyer (Casual)] no I...well....gah.....what am I suppose to do!?
[21:15] [Emi Sawyer (undies)] You could start by apologizing..... for leaving me out of everything all of a sudden.....
[21:15] > Emi Sawyer (undies) sniffles lightly
[21:16] [Eri Sawyer (Casual)] ..I'm sorry, Emi....
[21:19] [Eri Sawyer (Casual)] ..I'm sorry for doing that...
[21:21] > Emi Sawyer (undies) sighs and turns to lay on her side, facing Eri and curling up
[21:21] [Emi Sawyer (undies)] It's difficult..... being the only one that's alone around here.
[21:22] > Eri Sawyer (Casual) pulls Emi into a hug
[21:24] > Emi Sawyer (undies) hugs Eri back
[21:27] [Emi Sawyer (undies)] You know...... mom's going to love Daph.
[21:28] [Eri Sawyer (Casual)] heh you think?
[21:29] [Emi Sawyer (undies)] Oh yeah..... mom's biggest thing was you finding someone to love.
[21:31] [Eri Sawyer (Casual)] oh yeah...hehehe...man she could be a real pain sometimes
[21:33] [Emi Sawyer (undies)] Yeah..... kind of makes me wish she were that concerned about me
[21:35] [Eri Sawyer (Casual)] hey..you'll find someone, sis!
[21:36] [Emi Sawyer (undies)] Are you sure.....? Because I have been looking..... and I don't see it happening.
[21:39] [Eri Sawyer (Casual)] you want me to be your wing, sis?
[21:40] [Emi Sawyer (undies)] No..... you don't have to do that....
[21:41] [Eri Sawyer (Casual)] hey be more then happy to!
[21:47] [Emi Sawyer (undies)] Heh, I'm trying
[21:48] [Emi Sawyer (undies)] Dad will melt if she tells him she's a sniper
[21:48] [Emi Sawyer (undies)] You know how he is with guns
[21:48] [Eri Sawyer (Casual)] oh man yeah
[21:50] [Emi Sawyer (undies)] You picked the right person to become part of the family, Eri
[21:51] [Eri Sawyer (Casual)] heh honestly never expected this
[21:52] [Emi Sawyer (undies)] Heh
[21:54] > Emi Sawyer (undies) snuggles up to Eri
[21:55] [Eri Sawyer (Casual)] hey...trust me...you won't be alone forever
[21:56] [Emi Sawyer (undies)] I hope not..... I am over this lonely feeling.
[21:56] [Emi Sawyer (undies)] You have Daph..... Zenthi ends up with Daph's brother
[21:57] [Emi Sawyer (undies)] Here I am, twisting in the wind.
[21:59] [Eri Sawyer (Casual)] plenty of guys in town
[21:59] [Eri Sawyer (Casual)] and girls too
[22:00] > Emi Sawyer (undies) blushes a little, "That night with Daph..... was a one time thing."
[22:04] [Eri Sawyer (Casual)] oooooooooooooh
[22:07] [Emi Sawyer (undies)] But I have yet to meet a guy I can...... connect with here
[22:10] [Eri Sawyer (Casual)] well maybe it just isn't time yet
[22:14] [Emi Sawyer (undies)] Then I wonder when my time is?
[22:17] [Eri Sawyer (Casual)] I don't know..but I'll do what I can to help!
[22:20] [Emi Sawyer (undies)] .... thanks.
[22:21] --> Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) [ElvenMaid@quinox.gov] has joined #eventsbeta
[22:21] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)
[22:21] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) walks in, stretching lightly
[22:21] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] Hey girls
[22:22] [Eri Sawyer (Casual)] oh hey daph
[22:22] [Emi Sawyer (undies)] Hi Daphne
[22:24] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) smirks / If you two weren't sisters..... I'd swear I was being cheated on.
[22:27] [Eri Sawyer (Casual)] we were just talking..
[22:27] > Emi Sawyer (undies) blushes lightly
[22:28] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] Oh yeah? What about, if you don't mind me asking?
[22:28] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) reaches behind her, unzipping her top
[22:29] [Eri Sawyer (Casual)] well the visit to the family
[22:30] [Eri Sawyer (Casual)] ...Emi's...also feeling lonely
[22:30] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] Awwwww
[22:32] [Eri Sawyer (Casual)] yeah...I've offered to help
[22:32] > Emi Sawyer (undies) blushes stil
[22:33] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] Awwww, aren't you a sweet sister....
[22:34] > Eri Sawyer (Casual) blushes just a bit
[22:38] [Emi Sawyer (undies)] Eri wants to help find me a man.....
[22:38] [Eri Sawyer (Casual)] yeah well...want her to be happy
[22:41] > Daphne Sita (bra & skirt) slips out of her top and unbuttons her skirt
[22:41] [Daphne Sita (bra & skirt)] I totally agree
[22:42] [Eri Sawyer (Casual)] any ideas?
[22:42] [Daphne Sita (bra & skirt)] Um..... not really, unfortunately
[22:44] [Emi Sawyer (undies)] Me either
[22:46] [Eri Sawyer (Casual)] I wish I could do more...
[22:47] > Daphne Sita (Undies) pulls off her skirt and sits in her underwear
[22:48] [Daphne Sita (Undies)] I'm sure you'll figure it out
[22:48] [Daphne Sita (Undies)] I'll try to help too, if I can
[22:49] [Eri Sawyer (Casual)] see, emi! we're not going to abandon you!
[22:50] > Emi Sawyer (undies) smiles lightly
[22:50] [Emi Sawyer (undies)] Thank you both
[22:51] [Eri Sawyer (Casual)] you're my sis...gotta watch out for you!
[22:51] [Daphne Sita (Undies)] Yeah..... and your sister is my girlfriend..... and you're my friend.
[22:54] > Emi Sawyer (undies) nods and smiles
[23:00] > Daphne Sita (Undies) walks over and sits with the girls
[23:00] [Daphne Sita (Undies)] So.... when do we leave?
[23:01] [Eri Sawyer (Casual)] tomorrow actually..
[23:02] [Emi Sawyer (undies)] Oh wow
[23:02] [Daphne Sita (Undies)] Ahh.... should start packing then
[23:02] [Eri Sawyer (Casual)] yeah ^^;;
[23:03] [Emi Sawyer (undies)] Heh, well, if you girls want to start packing..... I'd like to get some rest for work tomorrow
[23:03] [Eri Sawyer (Casual)] alright sis...hey...we got your back
[23:04] > Emi Sawyer (undies) hugs Eri and smiles before laying down
[23:04] [Emi Sawyer (undies)] Thanks again
[23:04] [Emi Sawyer (undies)] Night
[23:06] [Eri Sawyer (Casual)] night ^^
[23:06] [Daphne Sita (Undies)] Night Emi
[23:06] <-- Emi Sawyer (undies) [ShyTwinMaid@Mardox.gov] has left #eventsbeta (Time for rest)
[23:07] <-- Daphne Sita (Undies) [ElvenMaid@quinox.gov] has left #eventsbeta (Packing time!)
[23:08] <-- Eri Sawyer (Casual) has left #eventsbeta (yup!)
[00:00] >>> Friday Nov 20 2015 <<<
[21:25] ➣ Mercury Capitol City...it's a quiet evening
[21:25] --> Eri Sawyer (Casual) has joined #eventsbeta
[21:25] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Eri Sawyer (Casual)
[21:25] > Eri Sawyer (Casual) walks along the street
[21:29] --> Daphne Sita (Casual) [ElvenMaid@quinox.gov] has joined #eventsbeta
[21:29] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Daphne Sita (Casual)
[21:30] [Daphne Sita (Casual)] I always forget how chilly it gets here...
[21:34] [Eri Sawyer (Casual)] well it is closer to winter ^^
[21:34] [Eri Sawyer (Casual)] thought you were tougher then that :P
[21:35] [Daphne Sita (Casual)] Hey.... I'm used to warmer climates than this, sweetheart. Tough or not, I still get cold :P
[21:36] [Eri Sawyer (Casual)] well I think the first meeting went good, don't you?
[21:41] [Daphne Sita (Casual)] I think so...
[21:43] [Eri Sawyer (Casual)] mom was pretty pleased to see you heh
[21:43] [Daphne Sita (Casual)] Yeah, your mom is a sweetheart. But your dad didn't talk very much.
[21:44] [Eri Sawyer (Casual)] yeah he can be like that
[21:49] [Eri Sawyer (Casual)] still...first time :)
[21:51] > Daphne Sita (Casual) smiles to Eri | Yeah....
[21:53] [Eri Sawyer (Casual)] you know..never expected all this
[21:57] [Daphne Sita (Casual)] No?
[21:57] [Eri Sawyer (Casual)] heh...thought my sister would be the first
[22:01] [Daphne Sita (Casual)] She was really upset before we left....
[22:03] [Eri Sawyer (Casual)] yeah..I wish..I could figure out how to help her......
[22:04] [Daphne Sita (Casual)] ...... well, I mean it's pretty obvious how to help her..... we gotta' get her laid.
[22:07] [Eri Sawyer (Casual)] any ideas how?
[22:09] [Daphne Sita (Casual)] That's the tough part..... I don't know a whole lot of single guys.
[22:13] [Eri Sawyer (Casual)] me neither..
[22:19] [Eri Sawyer (Casual)] I guess we can try to find someone?
[22:20] [Daphne Sita (Casual)] Yeah..... we'll have to ask around when we get back home.
[22:25] ➣ something soft lands on daphne's nose
[22:28] > Daphne Sita (Casual) pauses for a moment
[22:28] [Daphne Sita (Casual)] What the..... what is this?
[22:29] > Eri Sawyer (Casual) looks up and grins
[22:29] [Eri Sawyer (Casual)] hey awesome...it's snowing!
[22:33] > Daphne Sita (Casual) takes the snow into her finger, watching it quickly melt.
[22:34] [Daphne Sita (Casual)] Is it raining?
[22:38] [Eri Sawyer (Casual)] no no snowing
[22:38] [Eri Sawyer (Casual)] it's like rain but frozen
[22:39] [Daphne Sita (Casual)] Oh wait... I've heard of this!
[22:40] [Daphne Sita (Casual)] This is what they write about in all those holiday stories.
[22:41] [Eri Sawyer (Casual)] yeah totally!
[22:45] > Eri Sawyer (Casual) pauses..then kisses daphne!
[22:46] > Daphne Sita (Casual) is surprised, but kisses Eri back, wrapping her arms around her
[22:50] [Eri Sawyer (Casual)] ❧ mmmm ❧
[22:51] [Daphne Sita (Casual)] ❧ Mmmmm~ ❧
[22:53] > Eri Sawyer (Casual) slowly breaks the kiss
[22:53] [Eri Sawyer (Casual)] ❧ first snow kiss ❧
[22:55] > Daphne Sita (Casual) giggles a little and smiles
[22:56] ➣ a few people are watching this
[22:57] [Daphne Sita (Casual)] ❧ We seem to have an audiance? ❧
[23:05] > Eri Sawyer (Casual) blushes
[23:06] ➣ the people applause..there's several talking about how "sweet a couple they are" and a few are calling for another kiss
[23:08] > Daphne Sita (Casual) giggles and blushes lightly also
[23:12] [Eri Sawyer (Casual)] should we?
[23:12] > Daphne Sita (Casual) grins a little | I'm game if you are~
[23:13] > Eri Sawyer (Casual) kisses daphne on the lips, bending her over in the process
[23:16] > Daphne Sita (Casual) kisses back, holding onto Eri
[23:18] ➣ people cheer and take photos
[23:21] > Daphne Sita (Casual) slowly breaks the kiss again and giggles
[23:21] [Daphne Sita (Casual)] ❧ My my~ ❧
[23:22] > Eri Sawyer (Casual) blushes
[23:23] [Daphne Sita (Casual)] ❧ Now THIS I didn't expect. ❧
[23:25] [Eri Sawyer (Casual)] ❧ heh shall we move someplace out of prying eyes ^^;; ❧
[23:29] [Daphne Sita (Casual)] ❧ That would be a great idea~ ❧
[23:30] > Eri Sawyer (Casual) quickly fleeees
[23:32] > Daphne Sita (Casual) runs after Eri, holding her hand
[23:33] > Eri Sawyer (Casual) runs down a small hill
[23:47] > Eri Sawyer (Casual) suddenly slides due to the snow O_O
[23:47] > Daphne Sita (Casual) follows close behind Eri
[23:48] > Daphne Sita (Casual) slips O_o
[23:53] > Eri Sawyer (Casual) tumbles into daphne!
[23:55] > Daphne Sita (Casual) lands ont he bottom of the hill with Eri on top of her
[23:57] [Eri Sawyer (Casual)] OOF
[00:00] >>> Saturday Nov 21 2015 <<<
[00:01] > Daphne Sita (Casual) looks up at Eri
[00:02] > Eri Sawyer (Casual) looks a bit out of it @_@
[00:03] [Daphne Sita (Casual)] Eri, are you okay
[00:03] [Daphne Sita (Casual)] ??
[00:07] [Eri Sawyer (Casual)] y..yes @_@
[00:08] [Daphne Sita (Casual)] That was quite the tumble
[00:09] [Eri Sawyer (Casual)] forgot about the hills @_@
[00:13] > Eri Sawyer (Casual) tries to get up but stumbles a bit @_@
[00:14] > Daphne Sita (Casual) giggles , catching Eri while still laying on the ground
[00:14] [Daphne Sita (Casual)] Relax.... you're still dizzy
[00:18] [Eri Sawyer (Casual)] there's a cool place nearby @_@
[00:25] [Daphne Sita (Casual)] Yeah...?
[00:25] [Eri Sawyer (Casual)] yeah..wanna see?
[00:26] [Daphne Sita (Casual)] I do~
[00:27] > Eri Sawyer (Casual) stands and holds her hand out to daphne
[00:28] > Daphne Sita (Casual) takes Eri's hand and stands with her help
[00:30] [Eri Sawyer (Casual)] follow me ^^
[00:32] > Daphne Sita (Casual) nods, following close behind Eri
[00:32] <-- Eri Sawyer (Casual) has left #eventsbeta (it should be close)
[00:34] <-- Daphne Sita (Casual) [ElvenMaid@quinox.gov] has left #eventsbeta (<3)
[19:52] ➣ Venus / Near Magellian Palace / Jett's apartment
[19:55] --> Violet (Casual) has joined #eventsbeta
[19:55] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Violet (Casual)
[19:55] > Violet (Casual) lounges on a sofa
[19:55] ➣ There's a night knock on the door
[19:56] [Violet (Casual)] huh?
[19:56] > Violet (Casual) gets up and opens the door
[19:56] --> Celestite Detroit (Casual) [CrystalGirl@dimensionzero.cc] has joined #eventsbeta
[19:56] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Celestite Detroit (Casual)
[19:56] [Celestite Detroit (Casual)] Hey there Violet, long time no see.
[19:59] [Violet (Casual)] oh celeste!
[20:01] [Celestite Detroit (Casual)] I hope I'm not interrupting anything.
[20:03] [Violet (Casual)] nah I'm alone
[20:04] [Celestite Detroit (Casual)] Mind if I come in?
[20:06] [Violet (Casual)] oh no come in totally!
[20:09] > Celestite Detroit (Casual) walks in and finds a place to sit
[20:09] [Celestite Detroit (Casual)] So, how's my future sister-in-law?
[20:10] [Violet (Casual)] I'm doing ok I guess
[20:12] [Celestite Detroit (Casual)] It's been a while since we talked, but I heard what my brother is doing. Are you okay with it?
[20:13] [Violet (Casual)] I'm a bit..uncertain
[20:13] [Violet (Casual)] I'm afraid of being in her shadow
[20:14] [Celestite Detroit (Casual)] Well then, maybe you should find a way to standout?
[20:15] [Violet (Casual)] like how?
[20:18] [Celestite Detroit (Casual)] Well... you're a cat girl.... maybe accentuate that fact.
[20:20] [Violet (Casual)] like...go all..kitty on them?
[20:21] [Celestite Detroit (Casual)] Well.... you seem don't show your ears all the time, so maybe let them stand up.
[20:22] > Violet (Casual) blinks and lets her ears pop out
[20:22] [Celestite Detroit (Casual)] There ya' go, that's cute!
[20:22] [Celestite Detroit (Casual)] Let me ask you.... how often do you purr when you're around, Jett?
[20:22] [Violet (Casual)] once in awhile...
[20:25] [Celestite Detroit (Casual)] Maybe the times when you're snuggling up to him.... turn that up a little bit louder.... make sure he notices.
[20:26] > Violet (Casual) nods
[20:27] [Violet (Casual)] ..there is..one other way to bring out my kitty self
[20:27] [Celestite Detroit (Casual)] Hmm?
[20:29] [Violet (Casual)] ......catnip >.>
[20:30] [Celestite Detroit (Casual)] Woah woah...... isn't that stuff like a drug to you?
[20:32] [Violet (Casual)] yeah it is
[20:33] [Celestite Detroit (Casual)] I'm not sure you should go quite that far....
[20:34] [Violet (Casual)] I just don't want your brother to grow tired of me :(
[20:35] [Celestite Detroit (Casual)] I don't see that happening, Violet.
[20:35] [Celestite Detroit (Casual)] I mean... you were the first he picked. There's got to be a reason for that.
[20:39] [Violet (Casual)] that's true..
[20:44] [Violet (Casual)] I've never been in a relationship like this
[20:45] [Celestite Detroit (Casual)] I know... that's one of the reasons I wanted to come visit without Jett or Krystal here.
[20:46] [Violet (Casual)] oh?
[20:48] [Celestite Detroit (Casual)] Yeah. We've known each other a long time.... we grew up together. You never seemed the type to have more than one mate.
[20:52] [Violet (Casual)] yeah ^^;;;
[20:57] [Celestite Detroit (Casual)] Now...... about your tail....
[20:58] [Violet (Casual)] yes?
[21:00] > Celestite Detroit (Casual) smirks a little, "Have you ever..... used it in bed?"
[21:19] [Violet (Casual)] no..
[21:19] [Celestite Detroit (Casual)] Maybe you should....
[21:22] [Violet (Casual)] you mean..use it like...you know
[21:25] [Celestite Detroit (Casual)] .... I know you can grab things with it. Maybe use it to..... grab Jett.... in certain places.
[21:29] [Violet (Casual)] ...it's...possible
[21:32] [Violet (Casual)] I mean...
[21:32] [Violet (Casual)] never..tried it
[21:32] [Celestite Detroit (Casual)] Well, you never know.... he might like it.
[21:33] > Violet (Casual) blushes deeply
[21:37] [Celestite Detroit (Casual)] I want to change topics a bit here.... coming to see you keeps making me think of the past.
[21:41] [Violet (Casual)] the past?
[21:42] [Celestite Detroit (Casual)] You remember that night we all went trick or treating togehter?
[21:42] [Violet (Casual)] yeah?
[21:43] [Celestite Detroit (Casual)] We haven't been together like that in a long time.....
[21:46] [Celestite Detroit (Casual)] You.... me.... Miki..... Yuki..... Krystal.....
[21:48] [Violet (Casual)] ..that's a good point
[21:49] [Celestite Detroit (Casual)] I think we should get together again..... just to talk about the old days growing up.... what we've been doing up to now.... things like that.
[22:00] [Violet (Casual)] that's..that's actually a reall good idea
[22:07] > Celestite Detroit (Casual) smiles to Violet
[22:07] [Violet (Casual)] I haven't seen Yuki in ages...or Miki
[22:12] [Celestite Detroit (Casual)] It's been a while since I've seen either of them myself.
[22:12] [Celestite Detroit (Casual)] I think Miki had her daughter not too long ago.....
[22:17] [Violet (Casual)] oh yeah!..her name is...Miyuki, isn't it?
[22:18] [Celestite Detroit (Casual)] That's what I heard. I haven't seen her yet.
[22:21] [Violet (Casual)] bet she's cute
[22:22] [Celestite Detroit (Casual)] Given who her parents are, I can almost guarentee it.
[22:23] > Celestite Detroit (Casual) winks, "I wonder what kids from you and Jett will look like? Bet they'll be as cute as can be."
[22:25] > Violet (Casual) turns red!
[22:26] [Violet (Casual)] u..u..um
[22:30] [Violet (Casual)] well...my mom does want..grandkids
[22:38] [Violet (Casual)] so..um..yeah
[22:39] > Celestite Detroit (Casual) giggles
[22:42] [Violet (Casual)] Jett says we should wait
[22:44] [Celestite Detroit (Casual)] Yeah, you haven't gotten married yet.
[22:50] [Violet (Casual)] yeah good point
[22:56] [Violet (Casual)] how are things with your family?
[22:56] > Celestite Detroit (Casual) recieves a messege on her phone, taking it out of her pocket and checking it.
[22:59] > Celestite Detroit (Casual) types a quick responce
[22:59] [Celestite Detroit (Casual)] Oh, they're good. Marty's been a little workaholic as of let. Tina and I have been handling things in the kingdom as well as our little ones.
[23:00] [Violet (Casual)] something wrong there?
[23:00] [Celestite Detroit (Casual)] Not at all. Tina wondering when I was coming back to where we're staying. She finished her visit with Queen Minako.
[23:01] [Violet (Casual)] a visit with the queen?
[23:04] [Celestite Detroit (Casual)] Yeah. Q.... err, Aunt Mina... she'd probably kill me if she heard me call her queen.
[23:04] [Celestite Detroit (Casual)] But yeah, we came to see her and you guys.
[23:04] [Violet (Casual)] oh is something going on with her?
[23:07] [Celestite Detroit (Casual)] Nothing serious. She just wanted to know how we're doing and we needed to get away for a little bit, so we came in person.
[23:09] [Violet (Casual)] oh hey that's a great idea!
[23:12] > Celestite Detroit (Casual) nods and smiles
[23:12] [Violet (Casual)] I'm..hoping I'm good inher eyes
[23:13] [Celestite Detroit (Casual)] I haven't heard anything bad
[23:20] [Violet (Casual)] oh..oh good
[23:23] [Violet (Casual)] oh!
[23:23] [Violet (Casual)] where are my manners
[23:23] [Violet (Casual)] want anything to drink?
[23:23] [Celestite Detroit (Casual)] Hmmm?
[23:24] > Celestite Detroit (Casual) stands, "Actully, I should probably get going if Tina is checking on me.
[23:31] [Violet (Casual)] huh really?
[23:32] [Celestite Detroit (Casual)] Yeah
[23:32] [Celestite Detroit (Casual)] Hey..... you wanna' come with me!?
[23:33] [Celestite Detroit (Casual)] I'm sure Tina would love to see you!
[23:35] [Violet (Casual)] oh yeah!
[23:42] [Celestite Detroit (Casual)] Well then, let's get moving! Maybe we can grab some drinks on the way.
[23:42] [Violet (Casual)] oh yeah totally!
[23:46] <-- Celestite Detroit (Casual) [CrystalGirl@dimensionzero.cc] has left #eventsbeta (This could be fun!)
[23:46] <-- Violet (Casual) has left #eventsbeta (yeah!!)
[00:00] >>> Monday Nov 23 2015 <<<
[21:09] ➣ Neo Tokyo / Mt. Fuji, Sakazaki Home
[21:09] --> Nall Sakazaki (Casual) [WhiteDragon@SilverStar.co.lun] has joined #eventsbeta
[21:09] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Nall Sakazaki (Casual)
[21:10] > Nall Sakazaki (Casual) sits in his workshop, which is larger than it used to be in the past and now includes a computer along with his normal work space.
[21:11] ➣ there is a knock at the door
[21:15] [Nall Sakazaki (Casual)] Yes...?
[21:19] --> Neva (Casual) [BHunterCat@SystemNova.com] has joined #eventsbeta
[21:19] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Neva (Casual)
[21:19] > Neva (Casual) walks in "how long are you staying in here?"
[21:19] > Nall Sakazaki (Casual) is idly tinkering with something, but clearly isn't making any progress with it.
[21:23] [Nall Sakazaki (Casual)] I don't know....
[21:24] [Neva (Casual)] ...something on your mind?
[21:24] [Nall Sakazaki (Casual)] ... our kids are growing up too fast, Neva.....
[21:26] [Nall Sakazaki (Casual)] .... Rose has a boyfriend... Drake has a girlfriend..... Violet has a fiancee..... who's got another.... fiancee......
[21:26] [Neva (Casual)] I know she.....she seems uneasy last time I talked to her
[21:32] [Nall Sakazaki (Casual)] ... before you know it, we'll have to have the talk with Daisy.
[21:32] > Nall Sakazaki (Casual) shakes his head a little, his head lowering a bit.
[21:33] [Neva (Casual)] heh..and the little one of course
[21:34] [Nall Sakazaki (Casual)] Indeed.... our new little hope.
[21:35] [Nall Sakazaki (Casual)] I just hope we properly prepared our older children for what they're going through
[21:37] [Neva (Casual)] ..I hope so too...I'm worried about violet
[21:39] [Nall Sakazaki (Casual)] I am too.... but as strange as it sounds..... I trust Jett.
[21:42] [Neva (Casual)] I'm worried she's having trouble trusting..
[21:45] [Nall Sakazaki (Casual)] You think so?
[21:47] [Neva (Casual)] well
[21:47] [Neva (Casual)] she told me she's afraid she'll need to compete
[21:50] [Nall Sakazaki (Casual)] Why would she think tha?
[21:51] [Neva (Casual)] mind you......I haven't talked to her in a few days
[21:51] [Neva (Casual)] I don't know I think it's..just a childish worry
[21:54] [Nall Sakazaki (Casual)] Ahh
[21:56] [Neva (Casual)] I think she's just nervous that she isn't as good as krystal is
[21:57] [Nall Sakazaki (Casual)] She and Krystal are totally different though.
[22:00] [Nall Sakazaki (Casual)] I mean, Krystal's forward, but she's a sweet girl.
[22:00] [Neva (Casual)] oh yes I know...but our daughter is stubborn...like you :P
[22:01] > Nall Sakazaki (Casual) smirks a bit / Now what is THAT supposed to mean?
[22:04] [Neva (Casual)] oh I know you dear :P
[22:04] [Neva (Casual)] once you have an idea in your head..hard to get rid of it
[22:04] [Nall Sakazaki (Casual)] Well.... that is true
[22:05] [Nall Sakazaki (Casual)] Your mind isn't exactly easy to change, my dear.
[22:08] [Neva (Casual)] that is true...that is true
[22:10] [Neva (Casual)] well..I'm sure with time she'll be fine
[22:12] [Nall Sakazaki (Casual)] Yeah.... eventually she'll get used to things.
[22:17] > Neva (Casual) gently hugs nall from behind..being careful of her stomach
[22:21] > Nall Sakazaki (Casual) leans back slightly, lightly pressing his ear to Neva's stomach
[22:23] > Neva (Casual) smiles as there is a little kick
[22:24] [Nall Sakazaki (Casual)] Ooo.... I felt that
[22:28] [Neva (Casual)] I think the child is eager
[22:29] [Nall Sakazaki (Casual)] Are you trying to talk to your papa, little one/
[22:29] [Nall Sakazaki (Casual)] ?
[22:31] [Neva (Casual)] I wonder if it will be a girl or boy this time
[22:36] [Nall Sakazaki (Casual)] I'm not sure
[22:36] [Nall Sakazaki (Casual)] With Daisy I had a pretty strong feeling... but I don't know with this little one.
[22:38] [Neva (Casual)] me neither
[22:42] [Nall Sakazaki (Casual)] All I know for sure is we'll love it like we do all of our children.
[22:44] [Neva (Casual)] of course....we will never give up on any of them
[22:45] [Nall Sakazaki (Casual)] Never
[22:46] [Neva (Casual)] is it silly I worryed about violet
[22:52] [Nall Sakazaki (Casual)] I wouldn't say silly..
[22:52] [Nall Sakazaki (Casual)] ... I'm just curious as to why she's so concerned about competing with Violet.
[22:52] [Nall Sakazaki (Casual)] ^Krystal
[22:53] [Neva (Casual)] ..I'm not sure
[23:05] [Nall Sakazaki (Casual)] I just want her happy
[23:06] [Neva (Casual)] me too
[23:13] > Nall Sakazaki (Casual) smirks / I heard a rumor that our son was creating a controversy by kissing Sonya in a public place.
[23:18] [Neva (Casual)] oh????
[23:18] [Neva (Casual)] ...did he now?
[23:21] [Nall Sakazaki (Casual)] Oh yeah.... apparently she's a big deal there and he's a bit of an anomaly there.
[23:24] [Neva (Casual)] heh...true...
[23:24] > Neva (Casual) yawns a bit
[23:24] > Nall Sakazaki (Casual) yawns after Neva
[23:27] [Neva (Casual)] let's get some rest..I'm worn out
[23:27] [Nall Sakazaki (Casual)] Good idea
[23:27] > Nall Sakazaki (Casual) slowly stands, putting his arm around Neva
[23:28] > Neva (Casual) smiles, leaning against nall
[23:29] <-- Nall Sakazaki (Casual) [WhiteDragon@SilverStar.co.lun] has left #eventsbeta (Time for some rest.)
[23:29] <-- Neva (Casual) [BHunterCat@SystemNova.com] has left #eventsbeta (indeed)
[00:00] >>> Tuesday Nov 24 2015 <<<
[21:29] ➣ Raoul and Freya's place
[21:29] --> Freya (Casual) [CatGuard@Q.Gov] has joined #eventsbeta
[21:29] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Freya (Casual)
[21:30] > Freya (Casual) is lounging in a chair..obviously asleep..her daughter resting against her
[21:33] --> Raoul Bertrand (Casual) [Brightbeauty@mercury.org] has joined #eventsbeta
[21:33] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Raoul Bertrand (Casual)
[21:34] > Raoul Bertrand (Casual) walks out of the kitchen and smiles, seeing his wife and daughter sleeping together.
[21:35] [Freya (Casual)] zzzzz
[21:41] > Raoul Bertrand (Casual) walks over behind the chair, lightly nudges Freya
[21:41] [Raoul Bertrand (Casual)] Sweetheart...
[21:41] > Freya (Casual) blinks and yawns a bit, slowly opening her eyes
[21:41] [Freya (Casual)] hm?..raoul?
[21:42] [Raoul Bertrand (Casual)] Yeah.... I just finished the dishes from dinner.
[21:43] [Freya (Casual)] mm...did I fall asleep?
[21:43] > Raoul Bertrand (Casual) nods | As did mama's girl there
[21:44] > Freya (Casual) looks down and smiles "...heh...must have worn out her energy" *yawns*
[21:46] [Raoul Bertrand (Casual)] Indeed.
[21:46] [Raoul Bertrand (Casual)] Oh, we got a call while you were asleep.
[21:47] [Freya (Casual)] hm? what was it?
[21:51] [Raoul Bertrand (Casual)] Matsumi has invited us to her Zanksgiving meal.
[21:52] [Freya (Casual)] oh she has??? oh that's wonderful
[21:54] [Daphne Sita (Casual)] Apparently she's invited quite a few people over.
[21:55] [Raoul Bertrand (Casual)] ^
[21:58] [Freya (Casual)] she would..she always makes these big events
[21:59] [Raoul Bertrand (Casual)] She really wants all zree of us to come
[22:01] > Athena* (Casual) yawns, rubbing her eyes slightly...
[22:02] [Athena* (Casual)] Papa est là?...*yawns*
[22:06] > Freya (Casual) smiles
[22:11] [Raoul Bertrand (Casual)] Juste ici , petit.
[22:13] > Athena* (Casual) looks up at raoul and grins to him ^^
[22:16] > Raoul Bertrand (Casual) smiles and winks to his daughter
[22:16] [Athena* (Casual)] papa ^__^
[22:17] [Raoul Bertrand (Casual)] Votre français est de mieux en mieux, mais vous devez pratiquer votre japonais, Athena.
[22:19] [Freya (Casual)] elle se porte très bien pensé, cher
[22:19] [Athena* (Casual)] ok ^^
[22:21] > Raoul Bertrand (Casual) bends down, picking up his daughter, holding her
[22:22] > Athena* (Casual) hugs her father around his neck
[22:23] > Raoul Bertrand (Casual) hugs Athena and kisses her on the forehead / Your mozer and I were just talking about going to see your aunt Matsumi and everyone on zursday.
[22:25] [Athena* (Casual)] matsy!!!
[22:27] [Raoul Bertrand (Casual)] Mmhmm.... and Vana, Joanna and Miki too.
[22:30] [Raoul Bertrand (Casual)] Won't zat be fun??
[22:30] [Athena* (Casual)] Meekee?
[22:33] [Raoul Bertrand (Casual)] Yeah.... Matsumi's little girl.
[22:34] [Athena* (Casual)] eeeee!
[22:34] [Freya (Casual)] heh she always enjoys seeing her
[22:36] [Raoul Bertrand (Casual)] And zere will be other kids too
[22:36] [Freya (Casual)] I swear they're going to become best friends
[22:36] > Athena* (Casual)'s cat ears pop up and happily flicker back and forth
[22:39] > Raoul Bertrand (Casual) chuckles lightly, scratching behind Athena's ears.
[22:44] [Freya (Casual)] now now..remember she's not old enough to do full transformations yet
[22:44] [Raoul Bertrand (Casual)] I know.... but she's so cute like zis. It's adorable~
[22:52] [Freya (Casual)] heh true..but she has to learn
[22:57] > Athena* (Casual) pouts :(
[22:58] [Raoul Bertrand (Casual)] Awww, what's zat look for, Azena?
[22:59] [Athena* (Casual)] like mai ears :(
[23:00] [Raoul Bertrand (Casual)] I like your ears too, dear. We boz do...
[23:01] [Raoul Bertrand (Casual)] ... but you'll have to learn how to change the rest of your body into a kitty like your mama.
[23:02] > Athena* (Casual) nods slowly...her ears vanishing
[23:08] [Freya (Casual)] there we go ^^
[23:12] > Raoul Bertrand (Casual) kisses Athena's forehead again
[23:13] > Athena* (Casual) yaaawns again
[23:16] [Raoul Bertrand (Casual)] Sounds like our little kitten is tired.
[23:17] [Raoul Bertrand (Casual)] Do you want papa to take you to bed, Azena?
[23:17] > Athena* (Casual) nods slowly
[23:20] [Raoul Bertrand (Casual)] Okay zen. Time for little kitties to go to bed.
[23:20] > Raoul Bertrand (Casual) walks over to Freya with Athena
[23:20] [Raoul Bertrand (Casual)] Give mama some love
[23:24] > Athena* (Casual) hugs freya ^^
[23:24] [Athena* (Casual)] ni ni mama!
[23:25] [Freya (Casual)] goodnight little one ^^
[23:28] > Raoul Bertrand (Casual) carries Athena out of the living room and into her bedroom
[23:29] > Athena* (Casual) has fallen asleep rather quickly
[23:32] > Raoul Bertrand (Casual) gently lays Athena on her bed, kissing her cheek
[23:34] [Raoul Bertrand (Casual)] Bonsoir chaton
[23:35] > Raoul Bertrand (Casual) turns out the lights before walking out of the bedroom, keeping the door slightly cracked open.
[23:38] <-- Raoul Bertrand (Casual) [Brightbeauty@mercury.org] has left #eventsbeta (It's about time for mamas and papas to go to bed too.)
[23:40] <-- Freya (Casual) [CatGuard@Q.Gov] has left #eventsbeta (it is indeed)
[23:40] <-- Athena* (Casual) has left #eventsbeta (zzz)
[00:00] >>> Thursday Nov 26 2015 <<<
[00:09] ➣ Kaze House
[00:11] --> Matsumi Kaze (PJs) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has joined #eventsbeta
[00:11] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Matsumi Kaze (PJs)
[00:11] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Matsumi Kaze (PJs)
[00:11] > +Matsumi Kaze (PJs) is sitting in bed, deep in thought, Hideki is asleep next to her
[00:12] --> Vanadine (Nightwear) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has joined #eventsbeta
[00:12] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Vanadine (Nightwear)
[00:12] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Vanadine (Nightwear)
[00:12] > +Vanadine (Nightwear) walks in, closing the door to the bedroom
[00:13] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] man..
[00:13] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] What's wrong, Sweety?
[00:17] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] thinking about tomorrow..wondering if I can manage
[00:19] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] We've done it before, I have no doubts we'll be fine tomorrow.
[00:20] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] so many guests this time
[00:22] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] Yeah, but you know that Kaede always wants to help.... Jo and I will both be here too....
[00:23] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] yeah really glad about that
[00:25] > +Vanadine (Nightwear) walks over and sits in bed next to Matsumi
[00:27] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] ....this time of year does make me thankful...
[00:29] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] Yeah?
[00:30] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] that we're all togteher...
[00:30] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] and I have you all...
[00:31] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] Awwww
[00:31] > +Vanadine (Nightwear) hugs Matsumi and smiles
[00:34] > +Matsumi Kaze (PJs) hugs vana back "..and that I have you"
[00:36] > +Vanadine (Nightwear) kisses Matsumi and grins
[00:37] > +Matsumi Kaze (PJs) kisses back
[00:37] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] ❧ Saved the best for last?~ ❧
[00:38] > +Matsumi Kaze (PJs) smiles quietly....her look..changes
[00:38] > +Matsumi Kaze (PJs)'s eyes aren't filled with the usual sexual energy or flirty look
[00:39] > +Matsumi Kaze (PJs) puts a hand gently on vana's cheek
[00:41] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] ...I love you, Vanadine Shinobi....
[00:41] > +Matsumi Kaze (PJs) gently takes vana's other hand, locking her fingers gently around them
[00:42] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] ...you are so...you are a light in my life.......
[00:43] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] you are my beloved wife..and I am so.........so happy to be married to you....and so in love with you
[00:43] > +Vanadine (Nightwear) starts to sniffle lightly, smiling
[00:44] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] and we flirt and we..enjoy it but....it..it's so much deeper then that..isn't it..
[00:44] > +Vanadine (Nightwear) squeezes Matsumi's hand lightly, a single tear running down her cheek
[00:46] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] Of course it is..... if I hadn't met you...... I don't know where I'd be right now..... the way I was acting and doing things..... I might not even be alive still.....
[00:48] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] ..and without you..I'd feel...empty
[00:48] > +Matsumi Kaze (PJs) gets nose to nose with vana..smiling..trying not to tear up either
[00:49] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] Matsy......~
[00:49] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] vana......
[00:51] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] .... I don't know where all that came from just now...... but it was beautiful~ I love you so much
[00:51] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] ..it's a late night
[00:51] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] but I was reminded I never gave you something....
[00:52] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] ..and...I guess it's a better time then never
[00:52] > +Matsumi Kaze (PJs) takes vana's hand and slips a ring on it
[00:52] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] ??
[00:52] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] ..gave you the braclet...didn't give you a ring..
[00:53] > +Vanadine (Nightwear) lifts her hand, looking at the ring
[00:54] > +Matsumi Kaze (PJs) has given Vana a new wedding ring...it has a beautiful gem on it
[00:56] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] I thought..........I wanted you to have one from me
[00:56] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] This is so beautiful.....
[00:58] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] ..I wanted my wife to have the best...and something from the heart
[00:58] > +Vanadine (Nightwear) smiles, looking at the ring
[00:59] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] Hey Matsy...... this has me thinking....
[01:01] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] hm?
[01:01] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] ..... ya' know how Jade & Cassie came out with their relationship..... and Mika's been seen in public with Tan....
[01:02] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] ..... I wonder if there's a way..... we could make our marriage public without it.... becoming a circus?
[01:02] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] that..might be possible....
[01:05] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] You think so???
[01:05] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] Because...... I'm tired of hiding~
[01:07] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] ..me too
[01:08] > +Vanadine (Nightwear) smiles and yawns lightly
[01:10] > +Matsumi Kaze (PJs) yawns as well, looking tired
[01:11] [+Vanadine (Nightwear)] We'll have to look into this in the morning.
[01:13] [+Matsumi Kaze (PJs)] of course *snuggles down int othe bed*
[01:13] > +Vanadine (Nightwear) motions to the wall, turning out the lights in the room, draping one of her arms over Matsumi, snuggling against her
[01:16] <-- +Vanadine (Nightwear) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has left #eventsbeta (There's nothing better than being with those I love.)
[01:19] <-- +Matsumi Kaze (PJs) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has left #eventsbeta (♡)
[00:00] >>> Friday Nov 27 2015 <<<
[22:38] [Krystal Sasaki] (( Hey. ))
[22:40] [Knight Nephrite] (( Evening ))
[22:41] [Krystal Sasaki] (( Sorry I've been gone again. Got a nasty cold and been busy with holiday stuff. ))
[22:42] [Knight Nephrite] (( It's all good ))
[22:45] [Krystal Sasaki] (( I didn't have any specific ideas, but if you have something in mind, I'm all ears. ))
[22:47] ➣ Venus / Magellian City / Jett's apartment
[22:48] [Knight Nephrite] (( Actually, there's something that kinda' needs to be settled. ))
[22:48] [Krystal Sasaki] (( K ))
[22:51] --> Violet (Casual) has joined #eventsbeta
[22:51] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Violet (Casual)
[22:51] > Violet (Casual) is lounging on a sofa, reading a book
[22:54] --> Krystal Sasaki (Workout) [Second.Chance@reddwarf.co.uk] has joined #eventsbeta
[22:54] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Krystal Sasaki (Workout)
[22:54] > Krystal Sasaki (Workout) flops on a sofa and fans herself with her towel.
[22:54] [Violet (Casual)] hm?
[22:57] [Krystal Sasaki (Workout)] Nothing like a good cardio set.
[22:57] [Violet (Casual)] yeah....guess so
[22:57] [Krystal Sasaki (Workout)] Hey Vi, do you hit the gym or does all that mechanic work do the trick for you?
[22:58] [Violet (Casual)] I sweat enough in my job *just keeps reading her book*
[22:59] [Krystal Sasaki (Workout)] Okay. Uh, you're not mad at me, are you?
[22:59] [Violet (Casual)] ......I don't know
[23:01] > Violet (Casual) turns the page
[23:02] [Krystal Sasaki (Workout)] I mean I'm kinda getting the cold shoulder vibe here... If something's wrong, I'd like to know.
[23:02] [Violet (Casual)] look if you want to do your clubbing and active stuff..just do it..you don't have to talk to mea bout it....
[23:03] [Krystal Sasaki (Workout)] Okaaaaaaay. I'm just going to go take a shower, then.
[23:04] > Krystal Sasaki (Workout) is away
[23:04] --> Jett Masato (Nightwear) has joined #eventsbeta
[23:04] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Jett Masato (Nightwear)
[23:04] > Jett Masato (Nightwear) walks in from the bedroom
[23:04] > Violet (Casual) reads her book
[23:04] [Jett Masato (Nightwear)] Well now.... you're not going to make friends like that.
[23:06] [Violet (Casual)] ....ok..I get that....
[23:07] [Jett Masato (Nightwear)] Vi.... why are you being like this?
[23:08] > Violet (Casual)'s fingers grip the book...
[23:09] [Violet (Casual)] ..do you need to keep asking me stuff..both of you?
[23:10] [Jett Masato (Nightwear)] Yes.... because this attitude you suddenly have isn't like you.
[23:11] [Violet (Casual)] ..I'm just..doing my best
[23:12] > Jett Masato (Nightwear) sighs, "I've been given some..... advice.... that I'm not a huge fan of."
[23:13] [Violet (Casual)] ...what..
[23:14] [Jett Masato (Nightwear)] My father seems to think that this isn't going to work with the three of us.....
[23:15] [Violet (Casual)] ☠ ..fine ☠
[23:15] > Violet (Casual) THROWS the book at Jett
[23:16] [Violet (Casual)] ☠ FINE THEN JUST TAKE ALL THIS.... ☠
[23:16] > Jett Masato (Nightwear) catches the book
[23:16] > Violet (Casual)'s face is streaming with tears
[23:17] [Jett Masato (Nightwear)] Violet....
[23:17] [Violet (Casual)] ☠ just..just...DO WHATEVER THE HELL YOU WANT ☠
[23:17] [Jett Masato (Nightwear)] .... is that really wahat you want?
[23:17] > Krystal Sasaki (Towel) is back
[23:17] > Violet (Casual) turns and runs out...actually SMASHING through the door in the process to outside
[23:17] [Krystal Sasaki (Towel)] What's going... on?
[23:17] [Krystal Sasaki (Towel)] o_o
[23:18] > Jett Masato (Nightwear) sighs, "Violet's insecurities about our arrangement..... seems she can't take the pressure.
[23:19] [Krystal Sasaki (Towel)] Uhh.. Looks like the door couldn't take it either..
[23:19] [Jett Masato (Nightwear)] Seems she's got this idea in her head that she's going to have to compete with you for me and that she's going to be left befhind.....
[23:20] ➣ there's the sound of a car alarm going off outside
[23:20] [Jett Masato (Nightwear)] .....after a conversation my father had with her's.... they both seem to think that this arrangement isn't going to work as long as Violet is like this.
[23:20] [Krystal Sasaki (Towel)] O_o
[23:21] [Krystal Sasaki (Towel)] No, I suppose not.
[23:22] [Krystal Sasaki (Towel)] Um, should we go after her, or maybe call her family or something.