[03:28] >>> Monday Dec 10 2012 – Automatic reset triggered – Logging Start <<<
[03:28] [Steph Amber] I'm still in shock that the Prince wasn't able to resist her.
[03:28] > April leads the way to the maids quarters, still talking.
[03:29] > Steph Amber walks along side
[03:29] [April] Well, Aki is still young and naive.. and apparently his powers don't grant him enough protection to his will..
[03:31] [Steph Amber] Poor Prince Aki.... I hope he'll be okay.
[03:31] > April enters the maids quarters, where it is just as eerily quiet as the rest of the castle, except for a few quiet sobs.
[03:31] [Steph Amber] Is the Princess upset with him at all?
[03:32] > Juli (undies) is sitting on the couch, sniffling and wiping his eyes with tissues.
[03:33] > Steph Amber looks over
[03:33] [April] I think she's too distraught with him being hurt.. and probably logical enough to know he wasn't himself.
[03:33] [Steph Amber] Ahh..... Awww, Jules.....
[03:34] > Juli (undies) looks up at her and hickups.
[03:35] [Juli (undies)] Poor master.. ;.;
[03:36] > Steph Amber sits next to Juli and hugs him
[03:37] [Steph Amber] Awwww, I know baby. April and I were just talking about what happened. It's horrible.
[03:40] [April] It's... I hesitate to say lucky... that this happened around Christmas when he doesn't need to worry as much about school.. but I guess he had a lot of diplomatic meets scheduled.
[03:42] [April] The man he was showing the town last night was a little upset about being abandoned at the club, but he understood after he saw Aki.. and I guess he had a good time anyway.
[03:43] [Steph Amber] Well at least there's that
[03:45] > Steph Amber holds onto Juli
[03:45] > Juli (undies) BAWLS into his tissue.
[03:47] [Steph Amber] My poor Juli....
[03:47] [Juli (undies)] Don't worry *sniff* about me... we have to be strong for Master Aki..
[03:47] > Steph Amber hugs Juli tight, rubbing his back lightly
[03:48] > April walks behind the couch and strokes Juli's hair.
[03:50] [Steph Amber] Of course I worry about you....
[03:50] [Steph Amber] .... but you are right. We have to be strong until Prince Aki gets better.
[03:54] [Juli (undies)] Did you see... *sniff* the claw marks?
[03:55] [Steph Amber] I didn't see them personally, but I heard about them being pretty bad.
[04:00] [April] I... see you changed your hair to match. ^^
[04:02] [April] It's very cute.
[04:02] > Steph Amber smiply smiles, holding Juli
[04:03] > Juli (undies) calms down a little, smiling.
[04:03] [Steph Amber] Thank you, April. ^_^
[04:08] [Steph Amber] Jules, how about we turn in for the night? We'll get some rest and hopefully feel a little better in the morning, okay?
[04:09] > Juli (undies) nods, blowing his nose, gathering his tissues and standing.
[04:10] > Steph Amber stands with Juli, keeping an arm around him
[04:10] [April] I'll go check on the little ones. Goodnight.
[04:11] [Steph Amber] Goodnight April ^_^
[04:11] <-- April [fourthmonth@venus.net] has left #eventsbeta (♡)
[04:12] <-- Steph Amber [Ninth.Month@Venus.gov] has left #eventsbeta (Let's get you to bed, Jules)
[04:12] <-- Juli (undies) [seventhmonth@venus.net] has left #eventsbeta (*sniff* yeah..)
[00:00] >>> Tuesday Dec 11 2012 <<<
[19:34] ➣ Things are calm in the island home of Katori and Minako Kaioh, save for the latter humming and preparing food in the kitchen.
[19:34] --> Minako Kaioh (apron) [SoldierOfLove@Venus.net] has joined #eventsbeta
[19:34] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Minako Kaioh (apron)
[19:35] --> Katori Kaioh [blueboy@seapalace.nep.co] has joined #eventsbeta
[19:35] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Katori Kaioh
[19:35] > Katori Kaioh walks in and kisses Minako on the cheek
[19:36] [Minako Kaioh (apron)] ❧ ♡ ❧
[19:36] [Minako Kaioh (apron)] Curry's almost done~
[19:36] [Katori Kaioh] good
[19:38] > Katori Kaioh watches Minako
[19:39] > Minako Kaioh (apron) adds a few more things, stirs, and starts getting plates and silverware.
[19:40] [Minako Kaioh (apron)] How was your day?
[19:41] [Katori Kaioh] it was fine....slow but fine
[19:41] [Katori Kaioh] how was yours?
[19:41] [Minako Kaioh (apron)] Ai is getting more vocal.. she'll be talking before you know it. I think she already is starting to understand music.
[19:42] [Katori Kaioh] she'll become like her mother
[19:42] [Minako Kaioh (apron)] Hee... You think thats' a good thing?
[19:43] > Minako Kaioh (apron) finishes the curry, transfering it to plates and taking everything to the kitchen table.
[19:47] [Katori Kaioh] why not
[19:47] > Katori Kaioh follows
[19:47] [Minako Kaioh (apron)] Well, just making sure you're not mad at me..
[19:48] > Minako Kaioh (apron) stands to face him, smiling and waiting for him to sit.
[19:48] > Katori Kaioh sits down "why would I be mad at you?"
[19:48] [Minako Kaioh (apron)] Not many men could say that after they find out their wife had an affair. >.>;
[19:49] > Minako Kaioh (apron) sits next to him, cutting in and taking a bite of the spicy beef curry.
[19:50] [Katori Kaioh] well....there is a slight...eason for that
[19:50] [Katori Kaioh] *reason
[19:51] [Minako Kaioh (apron)] Mmm?
[19:53] [Katori Kaioh] ..around the same time you were...doing that...
[19:54] [Katori Kaioh] I have to admit I had...a little fling.........with Jane
[19:55] > Minako Kaioh (apron) drops her fork to the table.
[19:57] [Minako Kaioh (apron)] ...... YOU JERK! 0.0
[19:59] [Katori Kaioh] ..I'm sorry..I'm..I'm not sure what came over me
[19:59] [Minako Kaioh (apron)] You were having an affair too?! And you let me worry all this time that I... I...
[20:00] [Katori Kaioh] I..I didn't mean....
[20:00] > Minako Kaioh (apron) sniffles and starts to cry..
[20:01] [Katori Kaioh] Mina....
[20:01] > Katori Kaioh walks over and tries to hug her
[20:01] > Minako Kaioh (apron) leans against him, calming down.
[20:02] [Minako Kaioh (apron)] I wish you would have told me sooner..
[20:03] [Katori Kaioh] I was...afraid to
[20:04] [Katori Kaioh] I didn't want to lose you
[20:05] [Minako Kaioh (apron)] I guess... if I wasn't playing around too I might have gotten mad... but I like Jane.. and if I knew you'd always come back to me.. I might have been okay with it.. Maybe.. I don't know..
[20:05] [Minako Kaioh (apron)] So... we both love eachother and don't want to lose eachother, but want to be able to fool around with other people?
[20:05] [Katori Kaioh] I suppose you could say that...
[20:06] [Minako Kaioh (apron)] Then... I guess we're swingers now, ne? ^^
[20:08] [Katori Kaioh] heh I suppose that's the term for us
[20:09] > Minako Kaioh (apron) stands up, holds his hands and looks up into his face.
[20:09] [Minako Kaioh (apron)] Lets figure this out now.. We always put eachother first... try to stick to people we both know and trust... anything else?
[20:11] [Katori Kaioh] how far should we go in relationships with others
[20:12] [Minako Kaioh (apron)] Ne? Not sure I know what you mean? I mean... I don't want you taking a second wife anytime soon.....
[20:14] [Katori Kaioh] I agree
[20:16] [Minako Kaioh (apron)] What did you mean about how far?
[20:19] [Katori Kaioh] children
[20:20] [Minako Kaioh (apron)] Oh! Oh jeez... yeah, no... let's at least try not to let that happen..
[20:21] [Minako Kaioh (apron)] I promise to love any love child you have... but lets try not to let things get THAT complicated. ^^;
[20:22] [Katori Kaioh] agreed *chuckles*
[20:23] > Minako Kaioh (apron) giggles as well.
[20:23] [Minako Kaioh (apron)] Anything else?
[20:23] [Katori Kaioh] should they be allowed on this island?
[20:25] [Minako Kaioh (apron)] I don't see why not.. though lets not let eachother feel neglected. Could have some fun threesomes~
[20:25] [Katori Kaioh] sounds reasonable
[20:28] > Katori Kaioh holds Minako
[20:28] > Minako Kaioh (apron) leans forward and kisses him, the curry taste still on her.
[20:31] > Katori Kaioh returns the kiss happily
[20:32] > Minako Kaioh (apron) keeps it for a minute, then finally breaking it and smiling up.
[20:32] [Minako Kaioh (apron)] Sealed with a kiss.
[20:32] [Katori Kaioh] indeed ^_^
[20:33] [Minako Kaioh (apron)] Though I'll have to have a talk with dear Jane.... ne, anyway, shall we get back to our curry?
[20:42] [Katori Kaioh] I think so..I'm starving
[20:42] > Minako Kaioh (apron) lets go of him and falls back into her seat.
[20:43] > Katori Kaioh sits back down, smiling
[20:47] [Minako Kaioh (apron)] So, got your eyes on anyone besides Jane?
[20:47] [Katori Kaioh] not yet
[20:55] > Minako Kaioh (apron) continues eating, looking very happy.
[20:56] > Katori Kaioh eats, smiling the entire time
[20:58] <-- Minako Kaioh (apron) [SoldierOfLove@Venus.net] has left #eventsbeta (This came out well. I swear, spicy food is where I get my energy.)
[21:01] <-- Katori Kaioh [blueboy@seapalace.nep.co] has left #eventsbeta (heh so that explains it)
[00:00] >>> Wednesday Dec 12 2012 <<<
[02:59] ➣ Masato Home, overnight. Off the beaten path is a rather nice looking two story home. It doen't appear that there is much activitiy, except or upstairs, which has the only light on inside the home.
[02:59] --> Nephrite Masato (Night Clothes) [FormerGeneral@DarkKingdom.net] has joined #eventsbeta
[02:59] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Nephrite Masato (Night Clothes)
[02:59] > Nephrite Masato (Night Clothes) types on his computer, looking over something on it
[03:00] --> Naftis Katheti (nightgown) has joined #eventsbeta
[03:00] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Naftis Katheti (nightgown)
[03:00] > Naftis Katheti (nightgown) walks behind him, stretching quietly.
[03:04] [Naftis Katheti (nightgown)] Sorting through Mina's pictures?
[03:05] [Nephrite Masato (Night Clothes)] Mina's, the circuis girls, Matsumi.... all the girls who've actually shot modeling pictures for the company.
[03:05] [Naftis Katheti (nightgown)] Mmm.. that's quite a hit list.
[03:06] [Nephrite Masato (Night Clothes)] Indeed. Raoul wants to update the website and asked me to pick some photos for the front page.
[03:07] [Naftis Katheti (nightgown)] Hee... not the type of 'hits' I was thinking of.
[03:07] > Naftis Katheti (nightgown) rubs his shoulders.
[03:08] > Nephrite Masato (Night Clothes) chuckles and sighs, leaning back towards her, "Mmmm... that feels wonderful.
[03:12] [Nephrite Masato (Night Clothes)] ❧ Mmmm... hey Sweetheart.... what would you think if I featured you as a model for the agency? ❧
[03:13] [Naftis Katheti (nightgown)] ❧ Could be fun~ Would I be modeling anything special? ❧
[03:14] [Nephrite Masato (Night Clothes)] Well... I was thinking about having Belninda take pictures of the girls wearing various holiday themed outfits.
[03:15] [Naftis Katheti (nightgown)] Sounds lovely.. but isn't it late for that? You'd need a really fast turnaround.
[03:16] [Nephrite Masato (Night Clothes)] Hmmm.... maybe you have a point.
[03:17] [Nephrite Masato (Night Clothes)] Guess I'll have to come up with another idea.... or maybe I'll just let Belinda get creative.
[03:18] [Naftis Katheti (nightgown)] I'll take any job you give me. Just find some nice children's charity to give my cut to.
[03:19] > Nephrite Masato (Night Clothes) smiles and turns around in his chair to face Naftis
[03:19] [Nephrite Masato (Night Clothes)] ❧ You are a beautiful woman... inside and out~ ❧
[03:21] > Naftis Katheti (nightgown) sits on his lap.
[03:22] [Naftis Katheti (nightgown)] ❧ Thanks. And you sure know something about beautiful women. ❧
[03:23] > Nephrite Masato (Night Clothes) holds Naftis around the waist and smiles
[03:25] [Nephrite Masato (Night Clothes)] ❧ I certinly seem to! ❧
[03:28] [Naftis Katheti (nightgown)] ❧ You're lucky I'm a rich woman who doesn't need things like money.. ❧
[03:29] [Nephrite Masato (Night Clothes)] ❧ Not to mention that this business of mine makes me quite the bit of money as well. ❧
[03:30] [Naftis Katheti (nightgown)] Yeah... it's the divorce many Earthly women dream of. :p
[03:31] > Nephrite Masato (Night Clothes) chuckles, "Let's hope it never comes to that." :P
[03:31] [Naftis Katheti (nightgown)] Yupp.
[03:31] [Nephrite Masato (Night Clothes)] Though, speaking of beautiful women, where is our Firefly?
[03:31] > Naftis Katheti (nightgown) thumps his chest and pecks his lips.
[03:31] > Nephrite Masato (Night Clothes) smiles, kissing Naftis back
[03:38] [Naftis Katheti (nightgown)] In bed with Cele. She was feeling worn out.
[03:39] [Nephrite Masato (Night Clothes)] Awww, I bet that must be a cute site.
[03:41] [Nephrite Masato (Night Clothes)] I'm kind of surprised you're still up, love.
[03:43] [Naftis Katheti (nightgown)] Well, I wanted to check on you before I turned in.
[03:44] [Naftis Katheti (nightgown)] Shall we join them?
[03:45] [Nephrite Masato (Night Clothes)] Indeed
[03:45] > Nephrite Masato (Night Clothes) turns to the side really quick and clicks a few things to shut down his computer
[03:45] > Naftis Katheti (nightgown) holds on to his shoulders and grins at him.
[03:46] > Nephrite Masato (Night Clothes) stands, lifting Naftis with him and carrying her to their bedroom
[03:47] <-- Nephrite Masato (Night Clothes) [FormerGeneral@DarkKingdom.net] has left #eventsbeta (Time to get some rest with my family. ♡)
[03:48] <-- Naftis Katheti (nightgown) has left #eventsbeta
[00:00] >>> Thursday Dec 13 2012 <<<
[14:33] ➣ Madox Castle, The Future
[14:33] --> Tina Detroit (future casual) [FireyAirPrincess@QTech.com] has joined #eventsbeta
[14:33] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Tina Detroit (future casual)
[14:34] > Tina Detroit (future casual) sits in her private study...staring at a floating screen....and yawns, trying to type on a keyboard
[14:36] [Tina Detroit (future casual)] ugh...
[14:39] ➣ There's a light knock at the door
[14:40] [Tina Detroit (future casual)] come *yawn* in
[14:40] --> Emi Sawyer (Head Maid Uniform) [ShyTwinMaid@Mardox.gov] has joined #eventsbeta
[14:40] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Emi Sawyer (Head Maid Uniform)
[14:41] > Emi Sawyer (Head Maid Uniform) walks in carrying a tray with some cookies and a drink
[14:42] [Emi Sawyer (Head Maid Uniform)] I... brought you a little something to..... pirk you up Princess Tina.
[14:42] [Tina Detroit (future casual)] mmmm reading my mind now are you???
[14:43] [Tina Detroit (future casual)] ^_^ thank you
[14:43] > Tina Detroit (future casual) takes a sip of the drink
[14:43] > Emi Sawyer (Head Maid Uniform) giggles lightly and sets the tray down next to Tina / No Princess... nothing like that. I just knew you'd been working in here since lunch.... I know how tiring that can be.
[14:46] [Tina Detroit (future casual)] you better belive it ~_~
[14:46] [Tina Detroit (future casual)] this is giving me such a headache
[14:47] [Emi Sawyer (Head Maid Uniform)] Oh my.... perhaps I should get you something for your headache.....
[14:48] [Tina Detroit (future casual)] mmm yes that would probably help ><
[14:49] [Emi Sawyer (Head Maid Uniform)] I will be right back, then.
[14:50] > Emi Sawyer (Head Maid Uniform) is away: Getting the princess something for her headache.
[14:52] > Tina Detroit (future casual) smiles
[14:55] > Emi Sawyer (Head Maid Uniform) is back
[14:56] > Emi Sawyer (Head Maid Uniform) returns carrying a small bottle
[14:56] [Tina Detroit (future casual)] thank you so much, Emi ^^
[14:57] > Emi Sawyer (Head Maid Uniform) sets the bottle down for Tina, smiles and bows / My pleasure, Princess Tina
[14:57] [Emi Sawyer (Head Maid Uniform)] I am at your service.
[14:58] [Tina Detroit (future casual)] yes you always are ^^
[14:59] [Emi Sawyer (Head Maid Uniform)] It's why I took the job
[15:01] [Tina Detroit (future casual)] is that so.....any other reason?
[15:02] [Emi Sawyer (Head Maid Uniform)] There are many reasons..... *blushes* you know what they are.
[15:04] [Tina Detroit (future casual)] heh I know...cute girl like you is hard to hide away your emotions
[15:04] > Emi Sawyer (Head Maid Uniform) blushes even brighter at the compliment / You're too kind.... Princess Tina.
[15:05] [Tina Detroit (future casual)] well I have to be kind to a wonderful employee like you ^^
[15:17] [Emi Sawyer (Head Maid Uniform)] Is there anything else I can do for you, Princess?
[21:25] ➣ Scene ended due to techinical difficulty
[00:00] >>> Friday Dec 14 2012 <<<
[00:00] ➣ Aerith Castle, Quinox, The Future
[00:01] --> Matsumi Kaze (Future) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has joined #eventsbeta
[00:01] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Matsumi Kaze (Future)
[00:01] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Matsumi Kaze (Future)
[00:01] > +Matsumi Kaze (Future) stands at a balcony, sipping something from a cup...
[00:02] --> Vanadine (Future / Casual) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has joined #eventsbeta
[00:02] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Vanadine (Future / Casual)
[00:02] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Vanadine (Future / Casual)
[00:02] ➣ the balcony hands out of the 200th level of the castle...and looks out onto the city and valley surrounding it...behind her the two moons hang in the sky..shedding light down upon the metropolis
[00:02] [+Matsumi Kaze (Future)] *hangs
[00:03] --> Vanadine (Future / Casual) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has joined #eventsbeta
[00:03] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Vanadine (Future / Casual)
[00:03] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Vanadine (Future / Casual)
[00:03] [+Matsumi Kaze (Future)] hm...
[00:05] > +Matsumi Kaze (Future) keeps looking out as snow falls
[00:06] > +Vanadine (Future / Casual) walks up behind Matsumi and wraps her arms around her.
[00:07] [+Vanadine (Future / Casual)] ❧ The light from the moons make you look beautiful~ ❧
[00:09] > +Matsumi Kaze (Future) smiles
[00:09] [+Matsumi Kaze (Future)] good evening Vana
[00:10] [+Vanadine (Future / Casual)] How is our wonderful Queen tonight?
[00:10] [+Matsumi Kaze (Future)] oh...slightly melenconlic
[00:11] [+Vanadine (Future / Casual)] Oh really?
[00:12] [+Matsumi Kaze (Future)] mmhm
[00:12] [+Matsumi Kaze (Future)] winter always does that to me
[00:16] [+Vanadine (Future / Casual)] Home sick?
[00:16] [+Matsumi Kaze (Future)] a little sometimes...my memories go back to when I had a "normal" life
[00:18] [+Matsumi Kaze (Future)] when I wasn't a ruler..just...a girl trying to get by in life
[00:18] [+Vanadine (Future / Casual)] Honestly.... I don't miss those days at all.
[00:20] [+Matsumi Kaze (Future)] is that so?
[00:22] [+Vanadine (Future / Casual)] Mmhmm
[00:22] [+Vanadine (Future / Casual)] Because I have you and the rest of our famiy.
[00:22] [+Matsumi Kaze (Future)] now why is that??
[00:22] [+Matsumi Kaze (Future)] awww..vana
[00:23] [+Matsumi Kaze (Future)] you are so sweet
[00:24] > +Vanadine (Future / Casual) holds Matsumi, looking out over the city
[00:25] [+Matsumi Kaze (Future)] the city always looks beautiful at night
[00:27] [+Vanadine (Future / Casual)] Indeed it does.
[00:28] [+Vanadine (Future / Casual)] Are you ready for our daughter's Christmas party?
[00:28] [+Matsumi Kaze (Future)] but of course
[00:29] [+Matsumi Kaze (Future)] a queen is always prepared...what about you?
[00:30] [+Vanadine (Future / Casual)] Oh yes, I can't wait to see our grandchildren. ^_^
[00:31] > +Matsumi Kaze (Future) smiles and hugs vana "you are always eager to see them"
[00:34] [+Matsumi Kaze (Future)] I wish I knew what was going on with Miki though...
[00:35] [+Vanadine (Future / Casual)] .... same here. I'm really starting to worry about her.
[00:35] [+Matsumi Kaze (Future)] she's been so secretive lately
[00:37] [+Vanadine (Future / Casual)] I know... I haven't even heard from Sean.
[00:38] [+Matsumi Kaze (Future)] those kids...
[00:40] [+Matsumi Kaze (Future)] well I'm sure whatever it is..it is for a good reason
[00:42] [+Vanadine (Future / Casual)] Like I said, I hope so.
[00:46] [+Matsumi Kaze (Future)] any other parties we need to attend?
[00:47] [+Vanadine (Future / Casual)] Well, there's the big royal party here at the palace
[00:48] [+Matsumi Kaze (Future)] but of course :)
[00:48] [+Matsumi Kaze (Future)] I need to send out the invites for that
[00:48] [+Vanadine (Future / Casual)] Indeed
[00:49] [+Vanadine (Future / Casual)] Also, Mina wants to know if we're going to her place for New Year's again.
[00:49] [+Matsumi Kaze (Future)] heh...certainly why not
[00:50] [+Vanadine (Future / Casual)] Heh, it's kinda' funny how she pretty much ends up at least topless every year.
[00:53] [+Matsumi Kaze (Future)] we've pretty much started a betting pool on how long into the party before she threw off her top
[00:54] [+Vanadine (Future / Casual)] Ooooh, you've gotta' let me in on that.
[00:56] [+Matsumi Kaze (Future)] heh alright....rei won last time
[00:57] [+Vanadine (Future / Casual)] That Rei....
[01:00] [+Matsumi Kaze (Future)] she has a knack for winning those bets >.>
[01:01] [+Vanadine (Future / Casual)] Heh, ya' know what that reminds me of?
[01:01] [+Matsumi Kaze (Future)] hm?
[01:01] [+Vanadine (Future / Casual)] That time all the inner girls did that edition of Playboy.
[01:02] [+Matsumi Kaze (Future)] heh oh yes I remember that
[01:03] > +Vanadine (Future / Casual) sighs with a dumb grin on her face: Man.... they all looked so sexy in that book.
[01:05] [+Matsumi Kaze (Future)] Vana!
[01:05] [+Vanadine (Future / Casual)] Whaaaaat? Give credit where it's due, hon.
[01:06] [+Matsumi Kaze (Future)] that was a thousand years ago :P if you forget
[01:08] [+Vanadine (Future / Casual)] I don't care... it was damn sexy. ^_~
[01:12] > +Vanadine (Future / Casual) grins and winks to Matsumi : I bet you could've done one of those magazines if you'd really wanted to.
[01:12] [+Matsumi Kaze (Future)] vana..you never change
[01:12] [+Matsumi Kaze (Future)] heh I thought I did
[01:12] [+Vanadine (Future / Casual)] ❧ Still could with your fine self.~ ❧
[01:14] > +Vanadine (Future / Casual) gives her an odd look: If you did then you hid it from me somehow, because I don't remember seeing it.
[01:16] [+Matsumi Kaze (Future)] it's been so many years, vana...I can never be sure what I've done
[01:19] > +Vanadine (Future / Casual) holds Matsumi tight and smiles
[01:20] [+Vanadine (Future / Casual)] ❧ My Matsy's always sexy. ❧
[01:21] [+Matsumi Kaze (Future)] ❧ I better be ❧
[01:25] ➣ there is a slight knock at the entrance of the balcony
[01:25] > +Vanadine (Future / Casual) turns around: Yes?
[01:26] [~Butler] um..your Majesty...the young prince has awoken and is asking for you....
[01:27] [+Matsumi Kaze (Future)] ryo again...
[01:27] [+Vanadine (Future / Casual)] Awwww.... alright. You go take care of Ryo and I'm going to get ready for bed.
[01:28] [+Matsumi Kaze (Future)] alright..I will see you there ^^ *gives vana a kiss*
[01:29] > +Vanadine (Future / Casual) kisses Matsumi back and finally lets her go
[01:29] [+Vanadine (Future / Casual)] ❧ See you in a bit, love~ Give our little man my best. ❧
[01:30] [+Matsumi Kaze (Future)] of course ^^
[01:30] > +Matsumi Kaze (Future) follows the butler out
[01:31] <-- +Matsumi Kaze (Future) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has left #eventsbeta (probably needs a glass of water)
[01:33] <-- +Vanadine (Future / Casual) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has left #eventsbeta (Time to get ready for bed)
[00:00] >>> Saturday Dec 15 2012 <<<
[22:54] ➣ Kaze Home, Late Night - The front door opens and someone comes in, hanging up a long black coat next to the door.
[22:54] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Deki, Matsy... I'm back!
[22:56] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] welcome home!
[22:56] --> Matsumi Kaze (casual) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has joined #eventsbeta
[22:56] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Matsumi Kaze (casual)
[22:56] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Matsumi Kaze (casual)
[22:56] > +Matsumi Kaze (casual) walks over and hugs Vana
[22:56] > +Vanadine (Casual) hugs Matsumi back and smiles
[22:57] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Did you guys watch the show1
[22:57] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] oh yes!
[22:57] > Hideki Kaze is sitting on a chair in front of the TV, holding Miki in his lap
[22:58] [+Vanadine (Casual)] I hope I didn't scare little Miki with what I was doing. I was being a baaaaad girl.
[22:59] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] naah she was clapping the entire time
[22:59] > +Vanadine (Casual) giggles: Good... because it feels good being bad.
[23:00] [+Vanadine (Casual)] I think I might've hit that guy a little too hard with my crutch.... I can't believe I broke it over his back.
[23:00] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] Hikaru was watching it upstairs with those friends of hers
[23:01] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Ahhh, I wonder what she thought of it.
[23:02] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] heh you'll have to ask her later
[23:03] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Indeed
[23:03] > +Vanadine (Casual) kisses Matsumi
[23:08] > +Matsumi Kaze (casual) returns the kiss happily ^^
[23:08] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] how are you feeling?
[23:10] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Better and ready to see my babe girl.
[23:10] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] well she's right over there ^^ *points to Hideki, who is holding Miki carefully*
[23:11] > Hideki Kaze smiles to Vana
[23:12] > Miki looks sort of sleepy...
[23:12] > +Vanadine (Casual) hobbles over to the sitting room, bending down to kiss Hidaki
[23:12] [+Vanadine (Casual)] And how is our wonderful husband?
[23:13] [Hideki Kaze] oh I'm fine..quite the show you put on
[23:13] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Heh, Matsy said the little one here was clapping for her mama, huh?
[23:15] [Hideki Kaze] oh she was....she was even cheering...if it could be called that
[23:19] > +Vanadine (Casual) giggles and carefully picks up Miki
[23:20] [+Vanadine (Casual)] There's my pretty little girl. Were you rooting for your mama and her big friend to win?
[23:24] > Miki gives a smile at vana but then gives a little yawn
[23:24] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] our little girl must have worn herself out
[23:25] > Miki reaches out her arms..she wants mama vana
[23:26] > Miki giggles happily!!!!
[23:27] > +Vanadine (Casual) holds Miki up over her head, then brings her down for a kiss
[23:27] [Miki] ^_^
[23:27] > +Matsumi Kaze (casual) smiles watching this
[23:28] [+Vanadine (Casual)] I'm glad my baby girl knows her mama is just pretending when she beats up people.
[23:28] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] well she should..it is her mama!
[23:31] > Miki gives another little yawn
[23:31] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Looks like our little girl is getting tired.
[23:32] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] well she probably wore herself out with all that wiggling and being happy
[23:33] > +Vanadine (Casual) holds Miki in her arms and smiles: How about we put you to bed, Miki. Our little princess needs her beauty rest.
[23:35] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] that would probably best
[23:35] [Hideki Kaze] I can take her to the nursery if you two want to stay here
[23:38] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Nah, I'll put her to bed then go see Hikaru
[23:38] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] alright vana
[23:41] > +Vanadine (Casual) smiles to Hideki and Matsumi before taking Miki to the nursery
[23:42] > +Vanadine (Casual) makes her way over to Miki's crib, laying her down and covering her up
[23:43] > Miki falls asleep almost instantly
[23:44] > +Vanadine (Casual) smiles down to her sleeping little girl, bending down to kiss her forehead: Goodnight baby girl.^_^
[23:44] <-- Miki has left #eventsbeta (zzzzz)
[23:49] > +Vanadine (Casual) leaves the nursery, turning out the main lights and leaving the night light on, then heading to Hikaru's room and knocking on the door.
[23:49] [Hikari Tanaka (casual)] come in!
[23:50] > +Vanadine (Casual) opens the door with a smile: Hey cuz!
[23:50] > Hikari Tanaka (casual) is nibbling on some pocky and waves
[23:51] > Betsy Suzuka is playing on a video game
[23:51] [+Vanadine (Casual)] I heard you girls got to watch my show.
[23:51] [Miku Tomanaga] hello Miss Vanadine
[23:52] [Hikari Tanaka (casual)] yeah!!!! it was great!
[23:53] > +Vanadine (Casual) smirks a little: So ya'll got to see me play dirty tonight. What did ya' think?
[23:54] [Hikari Tanaka (casual)] cool!
[23:54] [Betsy Suzuka] it was so-so
[23:54] [Miku Tomanaga] ..sort of scary
[23:55] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Heh
[23:56] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Well, I'm sure my partner will appreciate that. She kind of doesn't like being bad.
[23:59] [Betsy Suzuka] what....that huge troll woman?
[23:59] [+Vanadine (Casual)] But, that's how our characters are gonna be for a little while.
[23:59] [+Vanadine (Casual)] She's not a troll!
[23:59] [+Vanadine (Casual)] She a very large, but very sweet woman.
[00:00] >>> Sunday Dec 16 2012 <<<
[00:00] [Betsy Suzuka] ..wouln't be able to tell
[00:01] > +Vanadine (Casual) flashes a dirty look to Betsy
[00:01] [Betsy Suzuka] ....or maybe I could be wrong...
[00:01] [+Vanadine (Casual)] You're close to gettin' kicked out of this house an' not being welcomed back, girly.
[00:02] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Mika's one of my best friends, that's why we work so well together. She gave me cute little Sakura when I couldn't walk and needed a friend.
[00:03] [Miku Tomanaga] apologize, Betsy!!!
[00:03] [Betsy Suzuka] ...I'm sorry
[00:06] [Hikari Tanaka (casual)] is she really nice..she does act scary on the TV
[00:06] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Apology accepted.
[00:07] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Oh yeah.... she's a giant teddy bear. Super sweet.
[00:09] [Miku Tomanaga] awww she sounds really nice!!
[00:10] [+Vanadine (Casual)] She is, I bet you'd like her.
[00:13] > +Vanadine (Casual) yawns
[00:14] [Hikari Tanaka (casual)] maybe we can meet her?
[00:15] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Sure, I was planning on having her come over tomorrow.
[00:15] [Miku Tomanaga] I will have to come over!
[00:16] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Well, you're welcome to do so, as long as noone insults her.
[00:16] [Betsy Suzuka] ..guess I'll come
[00:18] > +Vanadine (Casual) yawns again
[00:18] [Hikari Tanaka (casual)] night then cousin...can betsy and miku stay over?
[00:18] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Well, I'm gonna' turn in. Hey, I know you girls don't have school tomorrow, but try not to sty up TOO late, okay?
[00:18] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Of course.
[00:20] [Hikari Tanaka (casual)] ok
[00:20] [Betsy Suzuka] yeah...
[00:20] [Miku Tomanaga] alright miss vana
[00:20] > +Vanadine (Casual) turns with a smile, closing the door
[00:20] <-- +Vanadine (Casual) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has left #eventsbeta (Goodnight girls.)
[00:23] <-- Hikari Tanaka (casual) has left #eventsbeta
[00:23] <-- Betsy Suzuka has left #eventsbeta
[00:23] <-- Miku Tomanaga [RockGal@BAKU.co.jp] has left #eventsbeta (Let's Rock and Roll!)
[00:00] >>> Friday Dec 21 2012 <<<
[02:45] ➣ Tokyo, Ukyo's apartment, living room. Ukyo sits in the dimly lit living room, watching a show on television, eating some popcorn from a small bowl.
[02:45] --> Ukyo Kuonji (Nightgown) has joined #eventsbeta
[02:45] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Ukyo Kuonji (Nightgown)
[02:46] ➣ The shower can be heard starting up, followed by a few light thuds.
[02:47] [Ukyo Kuonji (Nightgown)] Are you alright in there, Honey!?
[02:47] --> P-Chan has joined #eventsbeta
[02:47] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, P-Chan
[02:48] > P-Chan walks out of the bathroom, dripping and trying to shake off water. >.<
[02:48] > Ukyo Kuonji (Nightgown) looks down and tries in vein to stifle a giggle
[02:49] [Ukyo Kuonji (Nightgown)] Oh Honey.... the cold water got you again....
[02:49] > P-Chan nods, looking sorrowful.
[02:50] [Ukyo Kuonji (Nightgown)] Awwww
[02:50] > Ukyo Kuonji (Nightgown) sets her bowl down and stands
[02:50] [Ukyo Kuonji (Nightgown)] I'll go get a towel.
[02:51] > Ukyo Kuonji (Nightgown) goes to the bathroom and comes out with a towel.
[02:51] > P-Chan hops on the couch and curls up, shivering.
[02:53] > Ukyo Kuonji (Nightgown) goes over to the couch and sits next to P-Chan, picking him up and setting him on her lap, using the towel to dry him off.
[02:54] > P-Chan takes as big a breath as he can given his size, a small sigh.
[02:55] [Ukyo Kuonji (Nightgown)] Ya' know... you're really kinda' cute like this.
[02:55] > P-Chan oinks and looks up at her.
[02:56] > Ukyo Kuonji (Nightgown) smiles to him as she finishes drying him off, bending down to kiss him on the forehead
[02:56] [Ukyo Kuonji (Nightgown)] It's the only way I can have you sit on my lap for a change. ♡
[02:57] > P-Chan blushes a little, then nuzzles her leg.
[02:58] > Ukyo Kuonji (Nightgown) giggles a little and picks him up, hugging him to her chest
[02:59] > P-Chan grunts and hugs back as best he can. ♡
[02:59] [Ukyo Kuonji (Nightgown)] ❧ I love my Ryoga-honey, no matter what he looks like. ♡ ❧
[03:02] [P-Chan] ❧ Oink! ❧
[03:03] > Ukyo Kuonji (Nightgown) smirks | Though, for certain reasons, it's much better to have you in your normal form.
[03:07] > P-Chan nudges her chest with his nose.
[03:07] > Ukyo Kuonji (Nightgown) giggles, setting him on her lap again
[03:12] > Ukyo Kuonji (Nightgown) pulls the popcorn bowl closer to them both, lightly petting P-Chan as she watches her program
[03:14] > P-Chan starts eating the popcorn.
[03:18] > Ukyo Kuonji (Nightgown) takes a hand full of popcorn, eaching and yawns lightly
[03:19] [Ukyo Kuonji (Nightgown)] ^eating
[03:21] > P-Chan yawns silently, his tongue curling.
[03:22] [Ukyo Kuonji (Nightgown)] Sounds like we're both getting tired.
[03:22] [Ukyo Kuonji (Nightgown)] What do you think, Honey... should I change you back before bed?
[03:23] > P-Chan shrugs as best he can without obvious shoulders.
[03:24] > Ukyo Kuonji (Nightgown) smiles and sccops up P-Chan, standing and holdhing him to her chest
[03:25] [Ukyo Kuonji (Nightgown)] I'll keep ya' like this tonight. It's fun to snuggle with you like this.
[03:25] > P-Chan nods.
[03:26] > Ukyo Kuonji (Nightgown) carries P-Chan to the bedrooom, closing the door
[03:26] <-- Ukyo Kuonji (Nightgown) has left #eventsbeta (Time to get some rest with my Honey. ♡)
[03:27] <-- P-Chan has left #eventsbeta (*squee*)
[00:00] >>> Saturday Dec 22 2012 <<<
[01:46] ➣ Red and white Christmas lights dangle from all over the ceiling of Magellan castle, providing dim light over several trees and decorations. The night is quiet and calm.
[01:49] --> Jett Masato (Winter Casual) has joined #eventsbeta
[01:49] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Jett Masato (Winter Casual)
[01:50] > Jett Masato (Winter Casual) walks down the hall, having just come back from an outting.
[01:51] --> Summer Kaioh [SunChild@Venus.net] has joined #eventsbeta
[01:51] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Summer Kaioh
[01:52] > Summer Kaioh JUMPS on to Jett's back and grabs on around his shoulders.
[01:53] > Jett Masato (Winter Casual) chuckles a little
[01:53] [Summer Kaioh] ❧ Big broth~errrrrr!!! ❧
[01:53] [Jett Masato (Winter Casual)] Now who's got me?
[01:54] [Jett Masato (Winter Casual)] Summer!
[01:55] > Summer Kaioh clings on tight and nuzzles his cheek, wearing a red stocking cap.
[01:56] [Summer Kaioh] How's my big bro? :D
[01:57] [Jett Masato (Winter Casual)] I'm doing well and how's my cute little sister doing?
[01:58] [Summer Kaioh] Great! It's Christmas time and I'm out of school and I've got my onii-chan back!
[01:59] > Jett Masato (Winter Casual) reaches back and pulls Summer in front of him, giving her a hug and holding her.
[02:00] [Jett Masato (Winter Casual)] Indeed it is and it's nice to be back with you, Summer. I missed you.
[02:01] [Summer Kaioh] :3 What'a want for Christmas?
[02:02] [Jett Masato (Winter Casual)] Hmmmm..... great question.
[02:05] [Summer Kaioh] Well lets go sit down and talk! I wanna know all about what's new with you!
[02:06] > Jett Masato (Winter Casual) nods, carrying Summer down the hall.
[02:08] [Jett Masato (Winter Casual)] Well, I'm just a little while from graduating and moving here.
[02:11] [Summer Kaioh] Yaata! ^.^ I can't wait to live with you! I wanna meet aaaaaalllllllll your girlfriends so I can approve them!
[02:11] > Jett Masato (Winter Casual) chuckles, walking into the sitting room.
[02:12] [Jett Masato (Winter Casual)] Well, right now I have four of them.
[02:13] [Summer Kaioh] ❧ OoooOOOoooo~ Tell me tell me! ❧
[02:13] > Summer Kaioh hangs on to him, nuzzling his chest and looking up, hanging on his every word.
[02:15] [Jett Masato (Winter Casual)] Well, all of them are older.
[02:16] [Summer Kaioh] Eeee... Jett likes ♡ mature ♡ women. No loli's like me. :p
[02:17] > Jett Masato (Winter Casual) laughs a bit
[02:19] [Jett Masato (Winter Casual)] Well, I wouldn't say that I don't like younger girls. I just don't know many I'm not related to.
[02:21] --> Octavia (Uniform) [TenthMonth@Venus.net] has joined #eventsbeta
[02:21] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Octavia (Uniform)
[02:22] > Octavia (Uniform) walks into the sitting room - I thought I heard someone come in here. Good evening Prince Jett, Princess Summer. ^_^
[02:22] [Summer Kaioh] Jett can have aaaany girl he wants~
[02:22] [Summer Kaioh] Hii Ocie.
[02:23] > Jett Masato (Winter Casual) winks to summer, looking over and up to Octavia
[02:23] [Jett Masato (Winter Casual)] Good evening Octavia. You're looking wonderful tonight.
[02:25] > Octavia (Uniform) blushes a little - Can I get anything for you two?
[02:26] [Summer Kaioh] mmm... sparkly juice!
[02:26] [Jett Masato (Winter Casual)] I could actually go for a hot chocolate.
[02:29] [Octavia (Uniform)] Very good.
[02:29] > Octavia (Uniform) goes behind the bar getting Summer's juice
[02:30] [Jett Masato (Winter Casual)] As I was saying... my main girl is a neko named Violet.
[02:30] [Summer Kaioh] Ohh! Ohh! That instead! o.o
[02:30] > Summer Kaioh giggles.
[02:30] [Summer Kaioh] ❧ Does she scratch you? ❧
[02:31] > Octavia (Uniform) nods as she puts the juice away and starts to warm some milk
[02:31] [Jett Masato (Winter Casual)] Heh, occasionally, but most of the time she's very gentle.
[02:34] [Jett Masato (Winter Casual)] Then there's another neko I'm seeing named Johanna, but she likes to be called JD.
[02:35] [Summer Kaioh] ❧ Mee~oww~ Jett likes girls he can pet. ❧
[02:39] > Octavia (Uniform) giggles, listening while she mixes the cocoa
[02:39] > Jett Masato (Winter Casual) chuckles, "Perhaps you're right about that, Summer. JD's a bit wilder then Violet."
[02:40] [Summer Kaioh] Tamed cat girls and wild cat girls.
[02:41] [Jett Masato (Winter Casual)] And then there's a girl who's half goddess.
[02:42] [Summer Kaioh] :o
[02:42] [Summer Kaioh] Well..... so are you! I mean... our mommy is a goddess! And and and... and your daddy is a heavenly king!
[02:43] > Jett Masato (Winter Casual) chuckles, "You have a point there."
[02:45] [Summer Kaioh] Still that's really neat! What's she like?
[02:45] > Octavia (Uniform) walks over with two mugs of hot chocolate, setting them down for Summer and Jett
[02:45] [Octavia (Uniform)] Enjoy. ^_^
[02:45] [Summer Kaioh] Thaaaanks.
[02:45] [Jett Masato (Winter Casual)] Anya's very sweet and kind of shy.
[02:45] [Jett Masato (Winter Casual)] Thank you Octavia
[02:46] [Summer Kaioh] Heee... goddess of sweetness? Or shyness~ I'm sure my brother gets her to open up.
[02:47] > Summer Kaioh sips her drink.
[02:47] [Jett Masato (Winter Casual)] Oh yes, she usually comes out of her shell when she's around me.
[02:47] [Summer Kaioh] ❧ And her clothes I bet~ ❧
[02:48] > Jett Masato (Winter Casual) smirks and sips his drink
[02:48] [Jett Masato (Winter Casual)] You're quite mature for your age, Summer.
[02:49] [Summer Kaioh] I just live on Venus. I know what men and women do. I'm happy to know my onii chan is loved. :<
[02:51] > Jett Masato (Winter Casual) smiles and hugs Summer with his free arm
[02:52] [Jett Masato (Winter Casual)] I'm sure when you're old enough, you'll have plenty of boyfriends too, Summer
[02:52] [Summer Kaioh] Yupp. :D I wanna spread love as faaarrrr and wide as I can!
[02:54] > Jett Masato (Winter Casual) sips his drink, smiling to Summer
[02:55] [Jett Masato (Winter Casual)] Well, as for my last girlfriend... I'm sure you've met Krystal.
[02:56] [Summer Kaioh] Yupp! I like her! Her and her mommies come here a lot. I think they like the maids.
[02:58] > Octavia (Uniform) grins a bit at that
[02:58] [Jett Masato (Winter Casual)] Yeah, I see Krystal a lot.
[03:00] > Jett Masato (Winter Casual) takes another sip of his drink
[03:04] [Jett Masato (Winter Casual)] I'm just glad the girls don't get jealous of one another, because that would be difficult to keep calm.
[03:06] [Summer Kaioh] Thought about how many girls you want to wind up with?
[03:08] [Jett Masato (Winter Casual)] Well, the four I have should be enough for me.
[03:12] [Jett Masato (Winter Casual)] Then again, I could almost consider the maids here my girlfriends too.
[03:13] [Summer Kaioh] Heee... even if you don't marry them you can make one your handmaid, like daddy with with April.
[03:17] > Jett Masato (Winter Casual) grins, finishing his drink
[03:17] [Jett Masato (Winter Casual)] ❧ Maybe I'll take Octavia here. ^_~ ❧
[03:19] [Summer Kaioh] Heee... she's big like you. I bet it takes a big man to handle her. Is that right, Ocie?
[03:21] > Summer Kaioh sips her drink, watching Octavia over it.
[03:24] > Octavia (Uniform) blushes
[03:24] > Jett Masato (Winter Casual) yawns
[03:25] [Summer Kaioh] Aww... she doesn't wanna *yawn* respond...
[03:26] [Octavia (Uniform)] ❧ I have no doubts that Prince Jett can handle me quite well. ❧
[03:26] > Summer Kaioh grins.
[03:26] > Jett Masato (Winter Casual) chuckles adn stands, picking up Summer
[03:27] [Jett Masato (Winter Casual)] I think it's time we went to bed, little sis.
[03:27] [Summer Kaioh] Jett... If you aren't going to have any girls with you tonight... can I sleep with you??
[03:28] [Jett Masato (Winter Casual)] Sure
[03:28] > Summer Kaioh nuzzles his chest and closes her eyes.
[03:28] > Jett Masato (Winter Casual) leaves, carrying summer
[03:29] <-- Jett Masato (Winter Casual) has left #eventsbeta (Let's get some rest.)
[03:29] > Octavia (Uniform) follows them out
[03:30] <-- Summer Kaioh [SunChild@Venus.net] has left #eventsbeta (...mmmhmmm...)
[03:30] <-- Octavia (Uniform) [TenthMonth@Venus.net] has left #eventsbeta (That's so sweet ♡)
[00:00] >>> Friday Dec 28 2012 <<<
[02:31] ➣ Christmas lights still shine inside Magellan castle. All is calm, calm enough for one maid to have fallen asleep in the sitting room, breaking the tabu of not using the furniture without invitation.
[02:32] --> Juli [seventhmonth@venus.net] has joined #eventsbeta
[02:32] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Juli
[02:32] > Juli is curled up on the couch, sleeping and smiling.
[02:32] --> Jett Masato (Winter Casual) has joined #eventsbeta
[02:32] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Jett Masato (Winter Casual)
[02:33] [Juli] mmm.... master... ♡
[02:33] > Jett Masato (Winter Casual) steps into the sitting room and notices Juli asleep
[02:34] [Jett Masato (Winter Casual)] Heh
[02:35] > Jett Masato (Winter Casual) walks over and takes a piece of ice out of the cooler behind the bar, sitting next to Juli and touching his ear with it.
[02:35] [Juli] ❧ Master... Jett... ^.^ mmmm... ❧
[02:36] > Juli screws up his face and squirms a little.
[02:37] [Jett Masato (Winter Casual)] Heh, he even dreams about me..... I'm actually kind of flattered.
[02:38] > Jett Masato (Winter Casual) grins and traces the ice down the side of Juli's neck
[02:39] > Juli shudders and wakes up, turns to see Jett, then falls off the couch in shock. O.O
[02:41] [Juli] Kya! Sorrysorrysorrysorry! o.o
[02:41] > Jett Masato (Winter Casual) chuckles and smirks
[02:41] [Jett Masato (Winter Casual)] Juli... it's alright.
[02:41] > Juli gets to his knees and bows once in apology.
[02:42] [Juli] G...good evening master. Please don't tell Mistress Jane about that, please?
[02:42] [Jett Masato (Winter Casual)] Juli.. it's okay. I'm not heartless.
[02:43] [Juli] Thank you. How are you doing tonight? May I get you anything?
[02:43] > Juli pulls up a cushion and slides it under his knees.
[02:43] [Jett Masato (Winter Casual)] I could go for some hot apple cider.
[02:43] [Juli] Very good.
[02:43] > Juli stands and goes to the bar.
[02:44] [Jett Masato (Winter Casual)] One thing that I'm not a huge fan of during winter is the clothes.
[02:45] [Juli] Hee... well, you know we're not one for modesty around here. If you're used to Earth's climate, I bet things seem warm here year round.
[02:46] [Jett Masato (Winter Casual)] Oh yeah, especially the region where I love on Earth. We're almost guarenteed snow every winter.
[02:47] [Jett Masato (Winter Casual)] It's actually really pretty when the moon light hits it just right.
[02:47] > Juli returns with a single, tall glass of cider on a silver platter, holding it out for Jett.
[02:47] [Juli] I miss the moon..
[02:48] > Jett Masato (Winter Casual) takes the glass with a smile and sips, "Mmmm that's good, thank you."
[02:48] > Juli puts the platter down on the coffee table and kneels at Jett's feet.
[02:48] [Juli] You're welcome, Master. Did you enjoy your Christmas?
[02:49] [Jett Masato (Winter Casual)] Oh yes, it was very nice. I got some wonderful presents from all my girls and a special surprise from mom.
[02:52] [Jett Masato (Winter Casual)] How about you Juli? How did Christmas treat you?
[02:52] [Juli] Master's harem is lucky to have him.
[02:53] [Juli] Ohh, very well. It was nice to spend with someone I love.
[02:54] [Jett Masato (Winter Casual)] Ahhh yes and how is dear Steph doing?
[02:55] [Juli] We're both very happy. Work keeps us busy and is very satisfying, and we both take pleasure and pride in tending to our many guests.
[02:56] > Jett Masato (Winter Casual) sips his drink, "That's good to hear. I'm glad you both are doing well with each other."
[02:56] > Juli smiles and looks down in the direction of Jett's feet.
[02:58] [Jett Masato (Winter Casual)] So, I'm curious about something.
[02:59] [Juli] Mmm?
[02:59] > Juli looks back up at him.
[02:59] [Jett Masato (Winter Casual)] What were you dreaming about before I woke you just now? I heard you say my name.
[03:01] > Juli's eyes widen and cheeks redden under the dim light.
[03:01] [Juli] I... I...... *gulp* was dreaming of... being intimate with you, mm.. master..
[03:02] > Jett Masato (Winter Casual) grins and sips his drink
[03:02] > Juli lowers his gaze a little, settling somewhere around Jett's chest or the couch.
[03:02] [Jett Masato (Winter Casual)] I'm genuinely flattered Juli.
[03:03] > Juli grips at his dress.
[03:04] [Juli] I've.... I've..... >.< I've had a crush on you since I've first set eyes on you.. that night in the hot tub was the best of my life.
[03:04] [Jett Masato (Winter Casual)] My goodness..... now I feel a little guilty....
[03:04] > Jett Masato (Winter Casual) actually lightly blushes
[03:05] [Juli] I'm sorry... it's not my place.. <.<
[03:06] [Jett Masato (Winter Casual)] It's okay, Juli. I just kind of feel bad that I can't really return your feelings.
[03:07] [Juli] It's not that I'm not happy with Steph... I just... also have other feelings.. *sigh* I've said too much.
[03:08] [Jett Masato (Winter Casual)] No no, it's alright
[03:08] [Jett Masato (Winter Casual)] I was the one who asked. I would have rather you be honest with me then hide how you feel.
[03:09] [Juli] Mistress expects us all to be honest and respectful at all times.
[03:10] [Jett Masato (Winter Casual)] Juli, come up and sit with me.
[03:10] > Juli gets up and sits close at Jett's side.
[03:12] [Jett Masato (Winter Casual)] You really like dressing like a girl, don't you?
[03:13] [Juli] Mmmhmm... I feel most comfortable like this. It's not just about sex ether. it.. runs pretty deep. I see myself as a girl.. though I know deep down I'm really not.
[03:14] > Jett Masato (Winter Casual) puts his arm around Juli, grinning a little
[03:15] > Juli looks a little surprised, then leans against Jett.
[03:15] [Jett Masato (Winter Casual)] Well then, even though you're the closest person I have to a male friend.... I'm going to treat you like a girl.... to a point.
[03:15] [Juli] Ehehe... thank you, Master, but don't feel too sorry for me, Master. Don't feel obligated to do anything you don't want to.
[03:16] [Juli] Wait... master doesn't have other male friends?? That's surprising.. I'd have thought you very popular with everyone.
[03:16] [Jett Masato (Winter Casual)] I don't feel obligated at all. I just like to see my friends happy and if being treated like a girl makes you happy.... I'll do my best to do that.
[03:17] [Juli] Mmm.. that makes me happy to hear.. Just don't let me make you uncomfortable, okay? Promise?
[03:18] [Jett Masato (Winter Casual)] Sure thing. Just don't go too far with it.
[03:18] > Juli nuzzles Jett's chest.
[03:18] [Juli] ❧ Probably the second best thing Master could give me for Christmas.. ❧
[03:19] > Jett Masato (Winter Casual) gives Juli a light squeeze and smiles, sipping his drink.
[03:20] [Jett Masato (Winter Casual)] Heh, I could only imagine what the best would be.
[03:20] [Juli] Mmmm... making me your bride~
[03:21] > Juli thumps his leg.
[03:21] > Jett Masato (Winter Casual) chuckles lightly at that
[03:22] [Jett Masato (Winter Casual)] I don't plan on taking on a bride for quite a while and right now, there's a certain cat girl who's closest to that place.
[03:22] [Juli] I understand.. still, a girl can dream of her prince.
[03:23] [Jett Masato (Winter Casual)] Heh, indeed.
[03:24] > Jett Masato (Winter Casual) yawns a bit as he finishes his drink.
[03:24] > Juli gets up and takes the empty glass from Jett, returning it and the tray to the bar.
[03:25] > Jett Masato (Winter Casual) stands and stretches
[03:26] [Juli] Will master require anything else?
[03:26] [Jett Masato (Winter Casual)] Well then... would a certain little lady like to escort me to my quarters?
[03:26] > Jett Masato (Winter Casual) winks to Juli
[03:26] [Juli] She'd love to. ♡
[03:26] > Juli skips to Jett's side and takes his arm.
[03:27] > Jett Masato (Winter Casual) smiles and walks with Juli down the hall
[03:28] <-- Juli [seventhmonth@venus.net] has left #eventsbeta (This time of year seems to be full of little miracles.)
[03:28] <-- Jett Masato (Winter Casual) has left #eventsbeta (It is a wonderful time to be sure.)
[00:00] >>> Monday Dec 31 2012 <<<
[14:50] ➣ Kaze House, Present day
[14:50] --> Matsumi Kaze (casual) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has joined #eventsbeta
[14:50] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Matsumi Kaze (casual)
[14:50] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Matsumi Kaze (casual)
[14:50] > +Matsumi Kaze (casual) is in the kitchen, hovering over the stove and stirring a pot
[14:51] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] ::note
[14:51] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] :note
[14:52] > +Matsumi Kaze (casual) hums a bit to herself
[14:52] --> Vanadine (Workout) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has joined #eventsbeta
[14:52] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Vanadine (Workout)
[14:52] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Vanadine (Workout)
[14:53] > +Vanadine (Workout) walks in, waring a lighter version of the boot she's been wearing for support of her ankle.
[14:55] > +Matsumi Kaze (casual) stirs, stirs stirs
[14:56] > +Vanadine (Workout) strolls up behind Matsumi and hugs her from behind
[14:56] [+Vanadine (Workout)] ❧ My sexy little cook. ❧
[14:56] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] hehe...afternoon vana
[14:58] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] I see you have found me ^^
[14:59] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Of course, I always find you.
[14:59] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] just working on the poison
[14:59] > +Vanadine (Workout) kisses Matsumi's cheek and lets her go: So, what are you making, love?
[15:00] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] like I said..poison
[15:00] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Poison? Heh, who's it for?
[15:01] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] waaant some? *offers a spoon*
[15:01] [+Vanadine (Workout)] I make it a habit to avoid poison whenever possible. :P
[15:03] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] eh if you won't
[15:03] > +Matsumi Kaze (casual) slurps it down
[15:03] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] mmmm...just the right amount of bourbon...
[15:04] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Oh thaaaaat kinda' poison.
[15:05] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] heeee gotcha
[15:05] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] making warm punch for the party tonight
[15:08] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] need to serve for.......*counts on her fingers* eleven
[15:08] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Ahhh
[15:08] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Eleven?
[15:10] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] me, you, hideki, Freya, her husband, Ami, Matsuo, Hana, Isamu, his girlfriend, Hikari...
[15:11] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Ahh
[15:13] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] anyone else I'm forgetting? I don't want to make the party too big
[15:15] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Do you mind if I invite Mika? I won't want her to be alone.
[15:15] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] oh sure!
[15:16] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Cool
[15:16] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] I should make a non alcholic version of this...
[15:17] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Oh yeah... for Freya
[15:17] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] yeah..and the teens
[15:18] [+Vanadine (Workout)] True
[15:20] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] anything else we should serve?
[15:22] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] Deki is out at the store right now...
[15:23] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Well, we need to get snacks.
[15:25] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] we'll need to put the babies in the nursery of course....have little miki with her cousin
[15:26] > +Matsumi Kaze (casual) removes the pot from the stove..then turns..and kisses Vana
[15:27] > +Vanadine (Workout) is caught a bit by surprise, but kisses Matsumi back, putting her arm around Matsuim
[15:27] [+Vanadine (Workout)] ❧ Mmmmm~ ❧
[15:28] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] ❧ mmmm ❧
[15:30] > +Vanadine (Workout) slowly breaks the kiss and smirks
[15:30] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Don't tell me you like my scent after a workout as much as 'deki does.... ;)
[15:31] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] you have a certain..perfume about you :)
[15:31] > +Vanadine (Workout) giggles and grins
[15:32] [+Vanadine (Workout)] ❧ I have to go take a shower for tonight.... why don't you join me?~ ❧
[15:33] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] ❧ love to ❧
[15:33] > +Matsumi Kaze (casual) turns off the stove
[15:33] > +Vanadine (Workout) drags her finger tips along Matsumi's arm
[15:34] [+Vanadine (Workout)] ❧ I promise not to turn the water on intil you get there. ❧
[15:34] > +Vanadine (Workout) turns and walks away as sexily as she can with her special boot on
[15:35] > +Matsumi Kaze (casual) smirks..and follows Vana
[15:36] <-- +Vanadine (Workout) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has left #eventsbeta (Gonna' start off the new year with a bang. ♡)
[15:36] ➣ grocery store
[15:36] <-- +Matsumi Kaze (casual) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has left #eventsbeta
[15:36] > Hideki Kaze (casual) looks over some meats
[15:37] ➣ Hideki's cell phone rings, the screen shows it's Tao's number
[15:39] > Hideki Kaze (casual) checks and answers "hello?"
[15:39] [Tao Latu (on the phone)] Hideki....! *sounds paniced*
[15:39] [Hideki Kaze (casual)] Tao?? what's wrong?
[15:40] [Tao Latu (on the phone)] ... I'm freaking out.... you were the only person I could think of to call....!
[15:41] [Tao Latu (on the phone)] Taiki.... she's in labor
[15:41] [Hideki Kaze (casual)] have you headed to the hospital???
[15:42] [Tao Latu (on the phone)] Yeah... I'm there now... I'm in a waiting room
[15:43] [Hideki Kaze (casual)] calm down..everything will be fine
[15:43] [Tao Latu (on the phone)] I'm trying to..... but I'm crazy nervous.
[15:44] [Hideki Kaze (casual)] everything will be fine
[15:46] [Hideki Kaze (casual)] there is nothing to worry about
[15:46] > Tao Latu (on the phone) sighs and can be heard taking several deep breaths
[15:47] [Tao Latu (on the phone)] I sure hope so...... she was in a lot of pain when the doctors took her....
[15:49] [Hideki Kaze (casual)] just be calm for her...think of this as the beginning of a new chapter
[15:51] [Tao Latu (on the phone)] You have a point.... I'm just scared and excited all at the same time.
[15:52] [Hideki Kaze (casual)] it might take awhile
[15:54] [Tao Latu (on the phone)] So I've heard.
[15:54] > Hideki Kaze (casual) puts a few meats in his basket
[15:55] [Tao Latu (on the phone)] Hey.... I've got to let you go..... the doctor says he wants to talk to me about something.
[15:55] [Hideki Kaze (casual)] alright...take care Tao
[15:56] [Tao Latu (on the phone)] Thanks Hideki, I'll keep you informed.
[15:56] > Tao Latu (on the phone) hangs up the phone
[15:56] <-- Tao Latu (on the phone) has left #eventsbeta
[15:56] <-- Hideki Kaze (casual) [AirKnight@Qtech.com] has left #eventsbeta
[00:00] >>> Tuesday Jan 01 2013 <<<
[20:47] ➣ Yokohama General Hospital - Intensive Care Unit. Activity on the wing is starting to calm down for the night as the nurses check the conditions of some of the patients in the ward. In one of the rooms, a man sits reading a book while a woman lays in the hospital bed.
[20:47] --> Tao Latu has joined #eventsbeta
[20:47] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Tao Latu
[20:48] --> Taiki Kou (hospital gown) has joined #eventsbeta
[20:48] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Taiki Kou (hospital gown)
[20:49] > Taiki Kou (hospital gown) is now known as Taiki Latu
[20:49] > Taiki Latu (hospital gown) slowly opens her eyes....
[20:50] > Tao Latu reads his book, sitting next to Taiki's bed.
[20:51] [Taiki Latu (hospital gown)] mm..
[20:53] [Taiki Latu (hospital gown)] ....tao...
[20:53] > Tao Latu hears Taiki, puts down his book and turns to her
[20:53] [Tao Latu] Taiki.... you're finall awake. ^_^
[20:54] [Tao Latu] ^finally
[20:55] > Taiki Latu (hospital gown) smiles, reaching out to tao
[20:55] > Tao Latu takes Taiki's hand, squeezing it lightly and trying to fight back tears
[20:56] [Tao Latu] I'm so glad you're awake..... I was starting to get a bit scared.
[20:56] [Taiki Latu (hospital gown)] ..mm....you were?
[20:58] [Tao Latu] Yeah.... the doctor said the delivery was..... complicated.
[20:59] [Taiki Latu (hospital gown)] ...probably had trouble with my non-human system...
[21:00] [Taiki Latu (hospital gown)] ..feel a bit sore..
[21:01] [Taiki Latu (hospital gown)] ....what about our child...
[21:03] [Tao Latu] She's resting comfortabley.
[21:03] [Taiki Latu (hospital gown)] ..it's a girl...*smiles*
[21:04] [Tao Latu] Yes... a beautiful little girl.
[21:04] > Tao Latu smiles to Taiki
[21:06] [Taiki Latu (hospital gown)] ....I can't belive it...
[21:06] [Taiki Latu (hospital gown)] we're so lucky
[21:07] [Tao Latu] Yes we are
[21:08] [Tao Latu] Do you want me to go get her?
[21:08] [Taiki Latu (hospital gown)] ..could you
[21:09] > Tao Latu stands with a smile, bending down to kiss Taiki
[21:10] > Taiki Latu (hospital gown) returns the kiss
[21:10] [Tao Latu] I will bring you our daughter.
[21:12] [Taiki Latu (hospital gown)] alright...
[21:12] > Tao Latu walks out of the room with a smile and heads down the hallway
[21:14] > Taiki Latu (hospital gown) tries to sit up in her bed slowly
[21:18] > Tao Latu returns, carrying he and Taiki's infant daughter in his arms with a smile
[21:18] > Taiki Latu (hospital gown) smiles......not able to help the tears coming down her eyes
[21:19] [Tao Latu] Are you ready to see your mama, little one?
[21:19] > Tao Latu walks over and carefully hands the baby over to Taiki
[21:20] > Taiki Latu (hospital gown) takes the infant girl in her arms
[21:22] [Taiki Latu (hospital gown)] heh...she has your color.....
[21:22] > Tao Latu sits in the chair next to Taiki's bed again
[21:22] [Tao Latu] I know, but she has your eyes.
[21:23] [Taiki Latu (hospital gown)] she needs a name....
[21:24] [Tao Latu] Did you have any in mind?
[21:25] [Taiki Latu (hospital gown)] ..perhaps one that starts with a T?
[21:26] [Tao Latu] I like the thought of that.
[21:27] [Tao Latu] Actually... there's a name I've heard that's been floating around my head.
[21:27] [Taiki Latu (hospital gown)] oh???
[21:27] [Tao Latu] Yeah..... what do you think of Talia?
[21:28] [Taiki Latu (hospital gown)] ...I like it ^^
[21:28] [Taiki Latu (hospital gown)] ....don't you agree...little Talia?
[21:28] > Taiki Latu (hospital gown) smiles down at the baby
[21:31] ➣ The little girl moves a bit and gurgles a little in Taiki's arms
[21:31] [Tao Latu] I think she likes it too.
[21:31] > Taiki Latu (hospital gown) giggles "...we will need to tell my parents about this"
[21:33] [Taiki Latu (hospital gown)] I'm sure they will love to know their granddaughter
[21:34] [Tao Latu] I'll call them in the morning. I also need to call our friends.
[21:34] [Taiki Latu (hospital gown)] mmhm...please call seiya and yaten of course
[21:36] > Taiki Latu (hospital gown) strokes her daughter's head
[21:37] ➣ Baby Talia wiggles again, reaching out towards Taiki
[21:37] > Taiki Latu (hospital gown) gives her daughter her finger happily
[21:39] [Taiki Latu (hospital gown)] our precious little Talia
[21:40] ➣ Talia lightly squeezes Taiki's finger as best as her little hand can
[21:40] [Tao Latu] Precious is an understatement.
[21:41] [Tao Latu] Talia is our little angel.
[21:42] [Taiki Latu (hospital gown)] that she is ^^
[21:42] > Taiki Latu (hospital gown) wiggles her finger a little bit
[21:44] > Tao Latu Baby Talia tries to hold onto Taiki's finger, but lets it go and gurgles again.
[21:47] > Tao Latu smiles
[21:53] [Taiki Latu (hospital gown)] ...would you like to hold her, tao?
[21:59] [Taiki Latu (hospital gown)] her father should have a chance...
[22:00] [Tao Latu] Well, I've had more time with her then you have sweetheart.
[22:01] [Taiki Latu (hospital gown)] is that so...and what does little talia think of her papa?
[22:05] [Tao Latu] Well she loves her papa, of course.
[22:14] > Taiki Latu (hospital gown) yawns "I am so happy..."
[22:15] [Taiki Latu (hospital gown)] ........this.....is the greatest thing..that could happen to me *yawns*
[22:16] [Tao Latu] Maybe I should take Talia back so you can rest, sweetheart.
[22:16] ➣ Baby Talia yawns soon after and rubs her eyes lightly with her hands.
[22:17] [Taiki Latu (hospital gown)] I think you should..she looks tired too....
[22:19] > Taiki Latu (hospital gown) gives talia a kiss on the forehead
[22:23] [Taiki Latu (hospital gown)] here little one..your papa will take you
[22:29] > Tao Latu carefully takes Talia from Taiki
[22:30] > Tao Latu bends down and kisses Taiki again
[22:30] [Tao Latu] Get some rest sweetheart.
[22:30] > Taiki Latu (hospital gown) returns the kiss and smiles
[22:34] [Taiki Latu (hospital gown)] I love you...
[22:43] [Tao Latu] I love you too.
[22:44] > Tao Latu turns to leave, carrying little Talia with him.
[22:44] <-- Tao Latu has left #eventsbeta (Our little angle.)
[22:46] <-- Taiki Latu (hospital gown) has left #eventsbeta (*falls asleep*)
[00:00] >>> Wednesday Jan 02 2013 <<<
[11:33] ➣ Second Light Talent Agency
[11:33] --> Freya (Human Form) [CatGuard@Q.Gov] has joined #eventsbeta
[11:33] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Freya (Human Form)
[11:33] > Freya (Human Form) types on her computer
[11:35] > Freya (Human Form) drinks down a bottle of a green liquid
[11:39] --> Raoul Bertrand (Business) [Brightbeauty@mercury.org] has joined #eventsbeta
[11:39] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Raoul Bertrand (Business)
[11:40] > Raoul Bertrand (Business) walks in from Neph's office
[11:40] [Raoul Bertrand (Business)] Sometimes our boss' negotiating powers amaze me.
[11:41] [Freya (Human Form)] hm??
[11:43] [Raoul Bertrand (Business)] He's managed to convince the CAW orginazation that they need to let me build a whole new website for them.
[11:44] [Freya (Human Form)] heh excellcent!!
[11:46] [Freya (Human Form)] I'm so happy for you :)
[11:46] > Raoul Bertrand (Business) smiles, walking over and sitting on a clear spot on Freya's desk.
[11:47] [Raoul Bertrand (Business)] Thank you, dearest.
[11:48] > Freya (Human Form) smiles and keeps typing "that party was quite..interesting"
[11:49] [Raoul Bertrand (Business)] Indeed it was. I never knew Matsuo was such a lightweight.
[11:51] [Freya (Human Form)] that was...rather sad to see heh
[11:52] [Raoul Bertrand (Business)] It was nice to see the princess again, evne though she was a bit embarassed by her husband.
[11:53] [Freya (Human Form)] poor Ami...
[11:54] [Raoul Bertrand (Business)] Princess Ami has always been easily embarassed though. She's been shy like that ever since I've known her.
[11:55] [Freya (Human Form)] mmhm.....my princess seemed to......be rather rowdy
[11:59] [Raoul Bertrand (Business)] Yeah, I've never seen Matsumi like that.
[11:59] [Freya (Human Form)] ....I have...I had hoped you grew out of it
[12:02] [Freya (Human Form)] thankfully it was..short lived
[12:02] > Raoul Bertrand (Business) blushes / I couldn't believe she actually made a pass at me before she passed out.
[12:03] [Freya (Human Form)] grrrrr.....she had no right to do that
[12:05] [Raoul Bertrand (Business)] Dear.... she was very drunk.... it's one of zose zings zat just happens at parties.
[12:07] [Freya (Human Form)] that is true...
[12:09] [Freya (Human Form)] still...it upset me
[12:11] [Raoul Bertrand (Business)] I'm willing to bet she doesn't even remember it
[12:12] [Freya (Human Form)] ...probably not
[12:15] [Raoul Bertrand (Business)] Besides, it's not like I would have done anyzing wiz her anyway, love.
[12:17] [Freya (Human Form)] mmm you better not :P
[12:18] > Raoul Bertrand (Business) chuckles a little at that
[12:24] [Raoul Bertrand (Business)] If she weren't drunk, I might have been a little flattered.
[12:31] [Freya (Human Form)] well...you have me
[12:31] > Freya (Human Form) hugs Raoul's arm "and that should be enough"
[12:35] > Raoul Bertrand (Business) smiles and bends down, kissing Freya's forehead / You're all I need, love.
[12:36] > Freya (Human Form) smiles and blushes
[12:38] [Raoul Bertrand (Business)] I'm going to go get lunch, are you hungry?
[12:41] [Freya (Human Form)] oh famished
[12:42] [Raoul Bertrand (Business)] Good, Neph wants me to get noodles from this new place down the street because he says their portions are huge.
[12:43] > Raoul Bertrand (Business) stands and leans over to kiss Freya / I'll be sure to get you something I know you'll like. ^_~
[12:44] > Freya (Human Form) returns the kiss
[12:46] [Freya (Human Form)] ^_^
[12:53] <-- Freya (Human Form) [CatGuard@Q.Gov] has left #eventsbeta (*goes back to work* hee)
[12:53] <-- Raoul Bertrand (Business) [Brightbeauty@mercury.org] has left #eventsbeta (Time to get back to normal.)
[14:13] ➣ Mika's Home
[14:14] --> Mika Manavoff (casual) [PowerGal@StoneWorld.com] has joined #eventsbeta
[14:14] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Mika Manavoff (casual)
[14:14] > Mika Manavoff (casual) walks in from the kitchen with a tea set...
[14:14] ➣ There's a knock at the door
[14:15] [Mika Manavoff (casual)] hm?
[14:15] > Mika Manavoff (casual) walks over to the door and opens it
[14:17] [+Vanadine (Winter Casual)] Hiii Mika!!
[14:17] --> Vanadine (Winter Casual) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has joined #eventsbeta
[14:17] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Vanadine (Winter Casual)
[14:17] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Vanadine (Winter Casual)
[14:17] --> Sakura has joined #eventsbeta
[14:17] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Sakura
[14:17] [Sakura] MEW!
[14:17] [Mika Manavoff (casual)] vana! sakura!
[14:18] > +Vanadine (Winter Casual) stands at the door with her light weight boot, Sakura sitting on her shoulder.
[14:20] [Mika Manavoff (casual)] come in come in!
[14:20] [+Vanadine (Winter Casual)] I told Matsy I was coming to see you and Sakura-chan jumped up on me and wouldn't get down. So I just brought her with me.
[14:20] > +Vanadine (Winter Casual) walks in, still slightly hobeling, but not nearly as much as she has.
[14:23] [Mika Manavoff (casual)] have a seat!
[14:24] > +Vanadine (Winter Casual) walks over and sits in a plush chair
[14:24] > Sakura hops down to the arm of the chair as Vana sits
[14:26] [Mika Manavoff (casual)] would you like some tea?
[14:26] [+Vanadine (Winter Casual)] Yes, please.
[14:27] [+Vanadine (Winter Casual)] So, are you ready for your big match Friday?
[14:29] [Mika Manavoff (casual)] oh yes I think so *pours vana a dainty cup of tea and hands it to her*
[14:29] > +Vanadine (Winter Casual) takes the cup and smiles, sipping.
[14:30] [+Vanadine (Winter Casual)] I wanted to discuss our plans for the match. I talked to creative earlier.
[14:34] [Mika Manavoff (casual)] oh???? what did they have to say? *sits in a chair*
[14:34] > +Vanadine (Winter Casual) smiles: You're taking that belt... and I'm going to help you do it.
[14:36] [Mika Manavoff (casual)] I am???
[14:37] > Sakura mews up to Mika
[14:39] > Mika Manavoff (casual) pats sakura on the head ^^
[14:39] [+Vanadine (Winter Casual)] Yes... and we're going to decieve some people in the process.
[14:40] [Mika Manavoff (casual)] is that so??
[14:40] > +Vanadine (Winter Casual) nods: See, I'm going to go in with my foot totally casted up to my knee... but I don't really need that big of a cast.
[14:41] > Mika Manavoff (casual) nods slowly, listening
[14:43] [+Vanadine (Winter Casual)] The current champion is gonna to get very close to winning.... that's when I'm gonna' try to distract him, but he's gonna' attack me for doing it.
[14:43] > +Vanadine (Winter Casual) sips her tea
[14:44] [Mika Manavoff (casual)] oh my!!!
[14:46] [+Vanadine (Winter Casual)] But then I'm gonna' get him back, by taking off my cast and tossing it to you so you can hit him with it.
[14:48] [Mika Manavoff (casual)] he knows I will do this, correct?
[14:49] [+Vanadine (Winter Casual)] Yes, he knows of the plan.
[14:54] [Mika Manavoff (casual)] oh good..I would not want to hurt him without his suspection
[14:58] [Mika Manavoff (casual)] oh! I almost forgot!
[14:58] [+Vanadine (Winter Casual)] Hmm?
[14:58] > Sakura happily purrs, sitting on the arm of Vana's chair
[15:04] > Mika Manavoff (casual) rushes out of the room...and returns with a plate of tea cookies
[15:04] [Mika Manavoff (casual)] it would be in bad taste for me not to offer it!
[15:05] > +Vanadine (Winter Casual) giggles: Thank you, Mika.
[15:09] > +Vanadine (Winter Casual) takes a couple of cookies and munches
[15:10] [Mika Manavoff (casual)] is there any other news I should know?
[15:11] [+Vanadine (Winter Casual)] Well, after your win, you're going on the first tour of the year with the company.
[15:12] [Mika Manavoff (casual)] oh my!!!
[15:12] [+Vanadine (Winter Casual)] Well, you are going to be the champion
[15:13] [+Vanadine (Winter Casual)] Even though you'll be heel, you still have to represent the company.
[15:15] [+Vanadine (Winter Casual)] So they might even send you to the other companies to fight.
[15:17] [Mika Manavoff (casual)] oh wow..that is rather exciting ^^
[15:19] > Sakura hops off the chair and wanders the apartment
[15:22] ➣ in one corner of the room is a set up for several kittens, who are playing with each other
[15:23] [+Vanadine (Winter Casual)] Yeah, it was fun when I was Junior champion. But I didn't have as much to do as a World Champion will.
[15:23] > Sakura mews and joins the other kittens
[15:24] [Mika Manavoff (casual)] but why me?
[15:26] [+Vanadine (Winter Casual)] Because you're powerful. The company wants a strong champion. Plus, they think you have a lot of potential, which I agree with.
[15:26] > Mika Manavoff (casual) blushes
[15:28] <-- Sakura has left #eventsbeta
[15:29] <-- +Vanadine (Winter Casual) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has left #eventsbeta (Now, I have some ideas for your entrance.)
[15:29] <-- Mika Manavoff (casual) [PowerGal@StoneWorld.com] has left #eventsbeta (oh?)
[00:00] >>> Sunday Jan 06 2013 <<<
[14:08] ➣ Earth, the future - A young man with short black hair steps out of the transport center, carrying a case and wearing a backpack
[14:08] --> Jett Masato has joined #eventsbeta
[14:08] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Jett Masato
[14:10] > Jett Masato (winter casual) walks down the street from the tranport center
[14:12] --> Violet (Future) has joined #eventsbeta
[14:12] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Violet (Future)
[14:12] > Violet (Future) waves!
[14:13] > Jett Masato (winter casual) looks up to see Violet and smiles
[14:14] [Violet (Future)] hi!!
[14:15] [Jett Masato (winter casual)] Hello beautiful.
[14:16] > Violet (Future) runs over and hugs Jett!!
[14:16] > Jett Masato (winter casual) hugs Violet back, holding onto her.
[14:18] [Violet (Future)] I missed you
[14:18] [Jett Masato (winter casual)] I missed you too, Vi.
[14:19] > Jett Masato (winter casual) kisses Violet, still holding her
[14:20] > Violet (Future) returns the kiss happily
[14:22] > Jett Masato (winter casual) slowly breaks the kiss and smiles to her
[14:26] [Jett Masato (winter casual)] How were your holidays, Vi?
[14:26] [Violet (Future)] not bad!
[14:28] [Violet (Future)] how was yours?
[14:28] > Jett Masato (winter casual) lets go of Violet, picking up his case
[14:29] [Jett Masato (winter casual)] Very nice. Spent most of my time with my family. The only down note was my brother being attacked by a succubus just before I got there.
[14:30] [Violet (Future)] wait what???
[14:32] [Violet (Future)] you can't be serious...
[14:33] [Jett Masato (winter casual)] Yeah... Aki was entertaining a diplomat at a club and somehow ended up being attacked by a succubus.
[14:34] [Jett Masato (winter casual)] His limo driver found him barely breathing and had him rushed to the castle's medical center.
[14:36] [Violet (Future)] did they find this succubus?
[14:37] [Jett Masato (winter casual)] Unfortunately no.
[14:37] > Jett Masato (winter casual) starts to walk down the sidewalk.
[14:38] [Violet (Future)] ..well if you can find her....get rid of her
[14:38] > Violet (Future) follows
[14:39] [Jett Masato (winter casual)] Oh believe me, we plan to.... if we find her.
[14:40] [Violet (Future)] hey Jett....
[14:40] [Jett Masato (winter casual)] Hmm?
[14:42] [Violet (Future)] ..I think we're being followed
[14:43] > Jett Masato (winter casual) casually looks around
[14:44] ➣ someone is moving from tree to tree
[14:47] [Jett Masato (winter casual)] Hmm...
[14:47] > Jett Masato (winter casual) tracks the movement as they walk, without making it too obvious.
[14:58] ➣ the figure slowly moves closer
[14:59] > Jett Masato (winter casual) conjures a small ice dagger from one hand, tossing it in the direction of the figure, but not trying to actually hit it.
[15:05] [Violet (Future)] (( switching computers ))
[15:05] ➣ the figure leaps from the tree..and tackles Jett
[15:06] [Violet (Future)] !!!!
[15:06] [Jett Masato (winter casual)] !!!
[15:06] > Jett Masato (winter casual) is suddenly grabbed
[15:10] [Jett Masato (winter casual)] What the.....!?
[15:11] [Horned_GRL] JETT!!!
[15:13] > Jett Masato (winter casual) chuckles lightly after hearing the familiar voice, "Hello Anya"
[15:13] [Violet (future)] what the heck???
[15:14] [Jett Masato (winter casual)] It appears someone else is excited to see me come back home.
[15:16] [Violet (future)] who's this?
[15:17] > Jett Masato (winter casual) turns to give Anya a hug and kiss, "Ahh yes... introductions are in order.
[15:20] [Jett Masato (winter casual)] Violet Sakazaki meet Anya Saotome.
[15:20] [Horned_GRL] I'm anya! his girlfriend!!!
[15:21] [Violet (future)] ....
[15:21] [Jett Masato (winter casual)] Anya, Violet is also my girlfriend.
[15:25] [Jett Masato (winter casual)] I hope you ladies are going to be able to get along with one another.
[15:27] > Violet (future) and Anya look at each other...and each grab an arm tightly
[15:27] > Jett Masato (winter casual) smiles to each of them.
[15:27] [Jett Masato (winter casual)] How about I take you girls to lunch and the three of us can talk?
[15:28] > Violet (future) and Anya grip the arms tightly
[15:28] [Violet (future)] yeah....
[15:28] [Horned_GRL] lets...
[15:28] > Jett Masato (winter casual) smiles, somewhat nervously and nods to them both, walking with them to a nearby resturant.
[15:29] <-- Jett Masato (winter casual) has left #eventsbeta (I really hope this works out okay. ^_^;;)
[15:29] <-- Violet (future) has left #eventsbeta (>.>)
[15:29] <-- Horned_GRL has left #eventsbeta (<.<)
[19:36] ➣ Aerith Castle, Quinox, The Future
[19:37] ➣ the night is clean and crisp in the castle
[19:38] --> Matsumi Kaze (future) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has joined #eventsbeta
[19:38] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Matsumi Kaze (future)
[19:38] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Matsumi Kaze (future)
[19:38] > +Matsumi Kaze (future) sits in a study room, looking over a paper
[19:38] --> Nate Detroit (future) [SmashChamp@reddwarf.com] has joined #eventsbeta
[19:38] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +o to Nate Detroit (future)
[19:38] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, @Nate Detroit (future)
[19:39] > @Nate Detroit (future) knocks on her open door with his walking stick.
[19:39] > +Matsumi Kaze (future) walks over and opens the door
[19:40] [+Matsumi Kaze (future)] Nate!
[19:40] > @Nate Detroit (future) grins, seizing her with his arms and the stick, pulling her into a kiss.
[19:40] > +Matsumi Kaze (future) returns the kiss happily
[19:40] [+Matsumi Kaze (future)] ❧ mmmm! ❧
[19:41] [@Nate Detroit (future)] ❧ Good evening, Princess. ❧
[19:42] [+Matsumi Kaze (future)] ❧ good evening, nate ❧
[19:43] > @Nate Detroit (future) lets go, scratching her side.
[19:44] [@Nate Detroit (future)] I hope I'm not interupting much.
[19:44] [+Matsumi Kaze (future)] oh nothing...just looking over some small reports..nothing of great importance
[19:45] [@Nate Detroit (future)] How is everything? The family?
[19:46] [+Matsumi Kaze (future)] oh the family is good...how about yours?
[19:47] [@Nate Detroit (future)] Wonderful. Rowe and I are depating another kitten. Don't hear a lot from Marty, which I suppose is a good thing. Logan is growing so fast.. he's going to be taller than me soon. Joined at the hip with Izumi when school is out.
[19:48] [+Matsumi Kaze (future)] awwww how sweet
[19:49] > @Nate Detroit (future) slides behind her, tossing aside his walking stick, holding her tight, and kissing her cheek and ear.
[19:49] > +Matsumi Kaze (future) giggles "you seem enthusastic"
[19:51] [@Nate Detroit (future)] ❧ I confess I've had you on my mind lately.. It's been too long since I've had you. ❧
[19:51] [+Matsumi Kaze (future)] ❧ that is true ❧
[19:53] [@Nate Detroit (future)] ❧ Since I've pulled on this golden hair... squeezed this firm, full chest. ❧
[19:53] > @Nate Detroit (future) bites her ear lobe.
[19:54] [+Matsumi Kaze (future)] ❧ since I've seen that manly chest of yours ❧
[19:54] > +Matsumi Kaze (future) giggles
[19:54] > @Nate Detroit (future) whispers to her.
[19:55] [@Nate Detroit (future)] ❧ I'm going to take you, princess.... I wonder if I should be loving with you or vicious... ❧
[19:55] [+Matsumi Kaze (future)] ❧ why don't you be loving to me tonight...I miss that... ❧
[19:56] [@Nate Detroit (future)] ❧ Okay... hmm.. little cold out to drag you outside though... Where should we go? ❧
[19:57] [+Matsumi Kaze (future)] ❧ there is a backroom..with a bed..in case I get tired here ❧
[19:58] [@Nate Detroit (future)] Oh my.. you must work yourself hard here..
[19:58] [+Matsumi Kaze (future)] sometimes ^_~
[19:58] > @Nate Detroit (future) chuckles, letting go of her and closing the door.
[19:59] <-- @Nate Detroit (future) [SmashChamp@reddwarf.com] has left #eventsbeta (No sense letting the help watch, but lets make sure they can hear~)
[19:59] <-- +Matsumi Kaze (future) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has left #eventsbeta (heh true)
[21:09] [@HOL_6000] +Matsumi Kaze (future) rolls: 1d20 { 14 }
[00:00] >>> Tuesday Jan 08 2013 <<<
[13:37] ➣ The Latu Home, Hokkaido, Japan. A winter storm blows outside of the two story home. Meanwhile, it stays nice and warm inside.
[13:38] --> Tao Latu (Winter Casual) has joined #eventsbeta
[13:38] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Tao Latu (Winter Casual)
[13:38] --> Taiki Latu (Casual) has joined #eventsbeta
[13:38] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Taiki Latu (Casual)
[13:38] > Tao Latu (Winter Casual) walks into the house, bit of snow blowing in behind him as he closes the door, carrying a large shopping bag.
[13:39] [Taiki Latu (Casual)] oh Tao..welcome home
[13:39] > Tao Latu (Winter Casual) takes off his coat and hangs it next to the door
[13:39] > Taiki Latu (Casual) is sitting on a sofa, next to her in a little protiable rocker is Talia
[13:40] [Tao Latu (Winter Casual)] Thank you, dear. Are you feeling better?
[13:41] > Tao Latu (Winter Casual) walks over to sit next to Taiki
[13:42] [Taiki Latu (Casual)] I am recovering quite well *smiles*
[13:42] > Tao Latu (Winter Casual) puts his arm around Taiki and kisses her / I'm so glad for that. :)
[13:43] > Taiki Latu (Casual) returns the kiss
[13:43] [Taiki Latu (Casual)] Talia has been sleeping most of the day
[13:44] > Tao Latu (Winter Casual) looks over into the rocker, smiling on his sleeping daughter.
[13:45] ➣ Talia is peacefully slumbering in her blankets
[13:46] [Tao Latu (Winter Casual)] Out little angel.
[13:46] [Tao Latu (Winter Casual)] ^Our
[13:47] [Taiki Latu (Casual)] that she is...
[13:47] [Taiki Latu (Casual)] oh..seiya wanted to visit us
[13:49] [Tao Latu (Winter Casual)] By all means, she's always welcome to come visit. As is Yaten.
[13:52] [Taiki Latu (Casual)] she said she would when..to quote her..."her ass wouldn't freeze off the moment I stepped on land"
[13:54] [Tao Latu (Winter Casual)] Heh
[13:54] [Tao Latu (Winter Casual)] Did she forget about the mirror?
[13:55] [Taiki Latu (Casual)] I suspect so
[13:58] [Taiki Latu (Casual)] I would not be surprised
[13:59] [Tao Latu (Winter Casual)] Maybe you should remind them. I'm curious as to how they're doing.
[14:00] [Taiki Latu (Casual)] well last I talked to her, she was going to go shopping with her husband in the city
[14:02] [Tao Latu (Winter Casual)] Ahh, well, no rush. Just remind her that she can use that to come here.
[14:03] [Taiki Latu (Casual)] and I do belive Yaten is doing a fashion shoot
[14:05] [Tao Latu (Winter Casual)] Well then, I guess it's just the three of us for a bit then.
[14:08] [Taiki Latu (Casual)] not that I am complaining
[14:10] > Tao Latu (Winter Casual) snuggls up to Taiki and smiles / Nor am I.
[14:12] > Taiki Latu (Casual) smiles back to Tao "this has been a wonderful start to year"
[14:15] [Tao Latu (Winter Casual)] It sure has.. but I've been thinking.
[14:19] [Taiki Latu (Casual)] hm??
[14:20] [Tao Latu (Winter Casual)] I grew up as an only child...... and I was very lonely until I met Eva.... I don't want that for our baby girl.
[14:21] [Tao Latu (Winter Casual)] So.... maybe next year... we could try and give Talia a sibling.
[14:24] > Taiki Latu (Casual) blushes "tao"
[14:24] > Tao Latu (Winter Casual) smiles to Taiki
[14:28] [Taiki Latu (Casual)] but for now...I think she is enough
[14:29] [Tao Latu (Winter Casual)] Of course... we don't want to rush it.
[14:33] [Taiki Latu (Casual)] of course ^^
[14:38] ➣ Talia slowly opens her eyes....then starts to stifle a cry ><
[14:40] [Taiki Latu (Casual)] oh dear...
[14:42] > Taiki Latu (Casual) walks over and picks up the child
[14:43] [Tao Latu (Winter Casual)] Awww... someone is awake.
[14:44] [Taiki Latu (Casual)] I think she is hungry
[14:46] [Tao Latu (Winter Casual)] Speaking of hungry....
[14:47] > Tao Latu (Winter Casual) kisses Taiki, then gives Talia a light kiss on the forehead.
[14:47] [Tao Latu (Winter Casual)] While you feed Talia, I'm going to make us a late lunch.
[14:47] > Taiki Latu (Casual) smiles
[14:47] [Taiki Latu (Casual)] alright ^^
[14:48] > Tao Latu (Winter Casual) heads to the kitchen to make lunch
[14:48] <-- Tao Latu (Winter Casual) has left #eventsbeta (What a nice little family we have going.)
[14:49] <-- Taiki Latu (Casual) has left #eventsbeta (mmhm ^^)
[00:00] >>> Thursday Jan 10 2013 <<<
[01:45] ➣ Southeastern Michigan, Jenny's apartment - The only light in the apartment comes from the TV at the late hour of a calm, chilly night.
[01:45] --> Jennifer Flare (PJ's) [AriesSenshi@usa.cc] has joined #eventsbeta
[01:45] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Jennifer Flare (PJ's)
[01:45] > Jennifer Flare (PJ's) sits on the sofa in her living room, watching the TV.
[01:46] ➣ A light flashes on the balcony, followed by the door opening to let someone in.
[01:46] --> Shotaro Dasanteki [StraightShota@RogueIsles.net] has joined #eventsbeta
[01:46] [@HOL_6000] Intruder Alert! Shotaro Dasanteki detected!
[01:47] [Shotaro Dasanteki] Konbon wa~ ♡ Honey, I'm home!
[01:47] > Jennifer Flare (PJ's) sighs lightly and turns around from the sofa / Sho.... come over here.... we need to talk.
[01:49] > Shotaro Dasanteki drops his trenchcoat and hops over the couch, landing next to her and wrapping an arm around her.
[01:50] > Jennifer Flare (PJ's) slides away from Shota, looking upset.
[01:50] > Shotaro Dasanteki blinks, looking confused.
[01:50] [Shotaro Dasanteki] What's wrong, babe?
[01:51] [Jennifer Flare (PJ's)] I've been doing a lot of thinking about.... us and our relationship....
[01:52] [Jennifer Flare (PJ's)] .... and well.... as much as I care about you Sho..... I don't think this is gonna' work.
[01:53] [Shotaro Dasanteki] Huh? Oh come on.. we've got a great thing going!
[01:55] [Jennifer Flare (PJ's)] I thought so too.... but I just.... I can't support what you're doin' anymore.
[01:56] > Jennifer Flare (PJ's) sniffles, looking down at the floor
[01:56] [Shotaro Dasanteki] You haven't protested until now.
[01:57] [Jennifer Flare (PJ's)] I know.... which I think was because I was blinded by my feelin's for you and.... 'cause I didn't wanna' be alone anymore......
[01:58] [Jennifer Flare (PJ's)] .... but if someone were to track you back to me.... I'd be in all kinds of trouble and I..... can't take that chance.
[01:59] [Shotaro Dasanteki] A little late to be worried about that, isn't it?
[02:00] [Jennifer Flare (PJ's)] Up till now... yeah..... but that's why..... we need to end this.
[02:00] > Jennifer Flare (PJ's) sniffles again / I'm sorry Sho.... but this..... is over. Ya' need to get our stuff an' go.
[02:01] [Shotaro Dasanteki] ung.. damnit, I liked having a cute girl to come home to. Having someone to share spoils with. Fine. FINE!
[02:01] > Shotaro Dasanteki storms up grabs a duffel bag and starts throwing stuff into it.
[02:01] [Shotaro Dasanteki] You're not stupid enough to report me, are you?
[02:02] [Jennifer Flare (PJ's)] No.... I ain't gonna' turn you in....
[02:03] [Shotaro Dasanteki] Good, because I've got worse dirt on you. Damnit. DAMNIT!
[02:03] [Shotaro Dasanteki] Ya know I turned down a hot succubus for you who actually wasn't going to kill me!
[02:05] > Jennifer Flare (PJ's) just looks down, sniffeling
[02:06] [Shotaro Dasanteki] Have it your way. Enjoy your mediocrity and your retail day job.
[02:06] > Shotaro Dasanteki takes two bags near his coat, putting it back on.
[02:07] [Shotaro Dasanteki] Maybe some day the system will stop labeling women like you 'pedophile' and throwing you in jail with murderers.
[02:09] [Jennifer Flare (PJ's)] Stop taunting me with this and just go! >_<
[02:10] > Shotaro Dasanteki draws a pistol, SHOOTING and SHATTERING her sliding glass door with two shots, then takes his bag and teleports out.
[02:10] <-- Shotaro Dasanteki [StraightShota@RogueIsles.net] has left #eventsbeta
[02:11] > Jennifer Flare (PJ's) stops sniffeling and breaks into a full on cry, laying face down on her sofa
[02:14] --> Pichu has joined #eventsbeta
[02:14] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Pichu
[02:14] [Pichu] Chu? o.o
[02:16] > Jennifer Flare (PJ's) lays on the sofa crying, the sliding glass door is broken with pieces of shattered glass all over the floor.
[02:17] > Pichu looks around, walks into the open looking scared, then finally hops up on the sofa next to Jenny.
[02:18] [Pichu] Pichu??
[02:19] > Jennifer Flare (PJ's) sniffles / Oh Pichu....
[02:19] [Jennifer Flare (PJ's)] .... I... broke up with Sho.
[02:20] > Pichu squeezes her leg with his little hands.
[02:22] > Jennifer Flare (PJ's) sits up, sniffeling and hugging Pichu
[02:22] > Pichu nuzzles her leg, producing little static sparks.
[02:24] [Jennifer Flare (PJ's)] I just.... couldn't deal with his lifestyle anymore.... The stuff he was doing was wrong.
[02:27] > Jennifer Flare (PJ's) holds Pichu, still sniffiling.
[02:27] > Pichu hugs her back as best he can with tiny arms.
[02:29] [Pichu] Pichuuuu...
[02:29] [Jennifer Flare (PJ's)] I had a feelin' he'd be angry.... I didn't think he'd trash my patio door.
[02:31] [Jennifer Flare (PJ's)] We should clean up the glass an' figure out what to do with the door....
[02:31] > Pichu nuzzles her cheek, producing the same sparks.
[02:32] > Jennifer Flare (PJ's) sniffles and giggles a little at the sparks
[02:33] [Jennifer Flare (PJ's)] Even heart broken... you always find a way to cheer me up, Pichu.
[02:34] [Pichu] Pichu! ^.^
[02:34] > Pichu has transformed into Boy Pichu
[02:34] > Boy Pichu changes, now sitting on her lap.
[02:35] > Jennifer Flare (PJ's) holds Pichu close
[02:35] [Boy Pichu] Glad I can help. ^.^
[02:37] > Boy Pichu gets up and goes to the closet, fetching the broom and dustpan.
[02:37] [Jennifer Flare (PJ's)] You always help me, Pichu.... and I thank you for that.
[02:38] [Boy Pichu] It's the least I can do! You take great care of me too, Jenny.
[02:38] > Jennifer Flare (PJ's) smiles to Pichu, taking out her cell phone and calling Nate.
[02:43] > Boy Pichu bussies himself, cleaning glass.
[02:44] [Jennifer Flare (PJ's)] Hey.... so I did it.... I broke up with Shota.
[02:45] [@Nate Detroit] ☇ Good. How did it go? ☇
[02:46] [Jennifer Flare (PJ's)] Not well.... he basically told me if I turned him in, he'd turn me in for, well..... bein' a pedophile. On his way out he shot out my patio door.
[02:47] [@Nate Detroit] ☇ Guess that's about as well as we could hope him to take. Guess I can go home then, unless you think you need a lookout still. ☇
[02:48] [Jennifer Flare (PJ's)] I'm not sure.... I have a wide open window. I don't think I can stay here tonight.
[02:49] [@Nate Detroit] ☇ Hang on. ☇
[02:49] > @Nate Detroit hangs up.
[02:49] ➣ There is a knock on the door.
[02:50] [Boy Pichu] Chu? Uh oh.. he's not back is he? o.o
[02:50] [Jennifer Flare (PJ's)] I'll get it.
[02:50] > Jennifer Flare (PJ's) walks over to the door, slowly opening it.
[02:51] --> Nate Detroit [SmashChamp@reddwarf.com] has joined #eventsbeta
[02:51] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +o to Nate Detroit
[02:51] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, @Nate Detroit
[02:51] [@Nate Detroit] Hey. I have a temporary solution. Close the door.
[02:51] > @Nate Detroit walks in, drawing his sunglasses.
[02:52] > Jennifer Flare (PJ's) closes the door as Nate walks in.
[02:52] > @Nate Detroit has transformed into Sub Zippo
[02:53] [Boy Pichu] Pichu?! 0.0
[02:53] > Boy Pichu flattens himself against the wall, looking terrified.
[02:54] > @Sub Zippo waves his hands, and starts creating a wall of ice in place of where the window was.
[02:55] > Jennifer Flare (PJ's) moves over, putting an arm around Pichu
[02:55] > @Sub Zippo presses his hands to the wall, making the thin sheet of ice turn deep white.
[02:56] [@Sub Zippo] Superchilled. Turn the thermostat down to 60, and between that and the cold outside I can promise it will last 24 hours before it starts to melt. You're sleeping on the Dwarf tonight.
[02:57] [Jennifer Flare (PJ's)] Thanks Nate...
[02:57] [Jennifer Flare (PJ's)] ... I've gotta' bring Pichu here with me. I don't wanna' leave him alone here either.
[02:57] [@Sub Zippo] Of course. And take the window out of petty cash when you go into work. You... are okay to work?
[02:58] [@Sub Zippo] Of course not. You okay, kid?
[02:58] > Boy Pichu nods, looking too scared to make noise. 0.0
[02:58] [Jennifer Flare (PJ's)] Pichu... it's okay. Nate's my boss. he's just here to help us.
[02:59] [Jennifer Flare (PJ's)] Yeah... Sho didn't hurt me or anything. I'll just be a bit mopey tomorrow.
[02:59] [@Sub Zippo] Good. I know from experience Jenny needs a strong man in her life when something like this happens, so we're counting on you.
[03:00] [@Sub Zippo] I'll go wait in the hall. Pack up and let me know when you're ready.
[03:00] [Jennifer Flare (PJ's)] Alright
[03:00] <-- @Sub Zippo has left #eventsbeta
[03:01] [Jennifer Flare (PJ's)] Pichu, go get some clothes for a copule days.
[03:02] > Boy Pichu watches Nate leave, then goes to the bedroom.
[03:03] > Jennifer Flare (PJ's) goes into her room, putting some clothes in a suitcase.
[03:05] > Jennifer Flare (PJ's) comes out of her room with her case, turning the thermostat down like Nate told her.
[03:05] [Jennifer Flare (PJ's)] Pichu, are you ready?
[03:06] > Boy Pichu walks out, pulling a suitcase.
[03:06] [Boy Pichu] Pichu!
[03:08] [Jennifer Flare (PJ's)] Alright then, let's go.
[03:08] > Jennifer Flare (PJ's) reaches out for Pichu's hand
[03:09] > Boy Pichu takes it and follows, smiling.
[03:10] <-- Jennifer Flare (PJ's) [AriesSenshi@usa.cc] has left #eventsbeta (Well... back to being single...)
[03:12] <-- Boy Pichu has left #eventsbeta (You arent single. You have me! Pichu! ^.^)
[00:00] >>> Friday Jan 11 2013 <<<
[02:10] ➣ Red Dwarf, Guest Room, Late Night. The gentle hum of the engines can be heard even in the room.
[02:10] --> Jennifer Flare (Nightgown) [AriesSenshi@usa.cc] has joined #eventsbeta
[02:10] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Jennifer Flare (Nightgown)
[02:11] --> Pichu has joined #eventsbeta
[02:11] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Pichu
[02:11] > Pichu sleeps on the foot of the bed.
[02:11] > Jennifer Flare (Nightgown) sits on a sofa, reading over a pad and sighs
[02:11] ➣ The door chimes.
[02:12] > Jennifer Flare (Nightgown) stands and walks over to the door, opening it
[02:13] --> Nate Detroit [SmashChamp@reddwarf.com] has joined #eventsbeta
[02:13] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +o to Nate Detroit
[02:13] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, @Nate Detroit
[02:13] [@Nate Detroit] Hey. Taking visitors?
[02:14] [Jennifer Flare (Nightgown)] Hey, for you, of course.
[02:14] > Pichu moves his ear off his eye, checking the newcomer, then covers it again and resumes sleeping.
[02:14] > @Nate Detroit enters, the door closing behind him.
[02:14] > Jennifer Flare (Nightgown) walks back to the sofa and sits.
[02:14] [@Nate Detroit] How you holding up, beautiful?
[02:15] > @Nate Detroit sits on the other side, leaving room between them.
[02:15] [Jennifer Flare (Nightgown)] I'm okay. Keeping myself focused on work to keep my mind off things.
[02:16] [Jennifer Flare (Nightgown)] I.... kinda' blew up at a kid up here earlier because I thought she was a spy for Sho. >_>
[02:16] [@Nate Detroit] Geez... you poor thing..
[02:16] > @Nate Detroit slides over, putting an arm around her.
[02:17] > Jennifer Flare (Nightgown) lays against Nate
[02:18] > @Nate Detroit strokes her hair.
[02:18] [@Nate Detroit] Got someone to replace your door?
[02:19] [Jennifer Flare (Nightgown)] Yeah, the apartment manager has someone going over there tomorrow morning to replace it. There's a temporary door there now to keep the elements out.
[02:21] [@Nate Detroit] Nobody reported the gunshots?
[02:23] [Jennifer Flare (Nightgown)] Someone reported a loud noise, but didn't know what it was. I told them someone's fireworks went astray.
[02:24] [@Nate Detroit] With all the grade 3s people have now, that's believeable.
[02:25] [@Nate Detroit] You... you know you can count on me for anything, right?
[02:26] [Jennifer Flare (Nightgown)] Of course, Nate.
[02:26] > Jennifer Flare (Nightgown) smiles and kisses him on the cheek.
[02:26] [Jennifer Flare (Nightgown)] You and Pichu are the most trustworthy guys in my life.
[02:27] [@Nate Detroit] An unfortunate statement. I'm glad you at least have us.
[02:31] [Jennifer Flare (Nightgown)] Why's that an unfortunate statement? At least I have SOMEONE I can truely trust in this universe.
[02:32] [@Nate Detroit] It's unfortunate because I know how much importance you put on having a man in your life.
[02:33] [Jennifer Flare (Nightgown)] Well, I always know I can count on you.
[02:34] [@Nate Detroit] Yeah, it's nice to be somewhere where the women value a nice guy.
[02:35] > Jennifer Flare (Nightgown) snuggles up to Nate
[02:39] [Jennifer Flare (Nightgown)] If you weren't marrried, I'd claim you as mine. :P
[02:40] [@Nate Detroit] Heh... Well, we do know polygamists. =P
[02:40] > Jennifer Flare (Nightgown) giggles a little
[02:43] [Jennifer Flare (Nightgown)] You always know just what to say.
[02:45] [@Nate Detroit] Heh... not always.... often maybe. I acquit it to all the television I've watched. There's always a punchline in there somewhere.
[02:48] > Jennifer Flare (Nightgown) grins and lightly punches Nate on the arm
[02:48] [@Nate Detroit] Acquit? Attribute? Blarg...
[02:48] [Jennifer Flare (Nightgown)] Punchline.
[02:51] [@Nate Detroit] Heh..
[02:56] > @Nate Detroit grins, pulling her hair to force her to face him, and looking her in the eyes.
[02:57] > Jennifer Flare (Nightgown) stares Nate in the eyes
[02:57] > @Nate Detroit kisses her hard on the lips.
[02:59] > Jennifer Flare (Nightgown) is caught a bit off guard, but quickly kisses back, sliding on to Nate's lap
[02:59] [Jennifer Flare (Nightgown)] ❧ Mmmmm!~ ❧
[02:59] [@Nate Detroit] ❧ Mmmm.... ❧
[03:02] > @Nate Detroit breaks the kiss by pulling her back by the hair and finally letting go.
[03:05] > Jennifer Flare (Nightgown) grins / For someone with ice powers.... you have some fire to you ♡
[03:07] [@Nate Detroit] Helps that I have fire powers too. Balance and moderation... and knowing when fiery women need to be heated up and kissed, or cooled of and talked out of a bad relationship.
[03:11] [Jennifer Flare (Nightgown)] Well, you've always looked out for me, Nate..... and I appreciate that.
[03:12] [@Nate Detroit] Glad to do it. You're like a... well, you're special to me, Jenny. Well, I should probably let you get to bed.
[03:13] [Jennifer Flare (Nightgown)] ❧ Unless..... ❧
[03:14] [Jennifer Flare (Nightgown)] ❧ .... you wanna' join me for a night.~ ❧
[03:16] [@Nate Detroit] Heh.. well, I guess the family can do without me for a few hours.. shall we move to my other room? I hate to disturb your other man.
[03:18] [Jennifer Flare (Nightgown)] ❧ I'd love to... Pichu will be okay alone for a bit~ ❧
[03:18] > @Nate Detroit stands.
[03:19] > Jennifer Flare (Nightgown) stands with Nate, grinning a bit
[03:19] [@Nate Detroit] Hmmm... on my arm, in my arms, over my shoulder, or by the hair kicking and screaming.....
[03:20] [Jennifer Flare (Nightgown)] No pulling me by my hair. :P
[03:20] > @Nate Detroit takes her hand and leads her out.
[03:21] > Jennifer Flare (Nightgown) squeezes Nate's hand, following closely