[19:40] >>> Monday Feb 27 2012 – Automatic reset triggered – Logging Start <<<
[19:40] [~Inquisitor Omukay] A gigantic ship coasts forward. It's unbelievable...over 6000 meters long and it weighs many MANY millions of tons. It's practically a spacefaring city! Its long sides are studded with enormous cannons that look like they can fire projectiles the side of 18-wheelers and the whole ship is scarred and rent like a gargantuan bear had savaged it.
[19:40] [~Inquisitor Omukay] ^ DM
[19:41] [Ria (uniform)] O_o
[19:41] [Capt. David O'Cain] Damn. That's what we've been looking for?
[19:42] ➣ For a brief moment you think you hear distant inhuman squealing and for the briefest of moments you're hit with a barrage of images that assail your brains like an attack. The images are all scrambled and incomprehensible, but you're left with the impression of savage brutality and incredible terror.
[19:42] > Patchouli Knowledge drops her book and stares at the ship.
[19:43] [Kasen Ibara] I'd heard stories of it...but...
[19:43] [Chibi-Leady (Rogue Trader)] S[SMEG]T!
[19:43] [~Inquisitor Omukay] The Ravager.
[19:46] [Patchouli Knowledge] According to the records of the war, Nathaniel Langister had more than a few sorcerers and users of forbidden knowledge serving under his command. Apparently they kept that knowledge in a single large repository. That's what I want to find!
[19:47] [~Inquisitor Omukay] Our goal is to access the Ravager's core cogitator and download the navigational records of its travels.
[19:47] > Ria (uniform) is still hiding in fear
[19:47] [Capt. David O'Cain] Anything else you want to get while we're at it?
[19:47] [Capt. David O'Cain] Like milk and bread?
[19:48] [~Inquisitor Omukay] There's no telling what hells that vessel has been to and returned from.
[19:49] [~Daemonhost] ☠ I would like a sandwich! And rice! And top it all off with a young boy! :D ☠
[19:49] [Ria (uniform)] a..a..as
[19:49] [Ria (uniform)] as representive...of the Trade Union
[19:49] [Chibi-Leady (Rogue Trader)] D:
[19:49] [Ria (uniform)] we....we demand...salvage rights...on this...ship
[19:49] [Chibi-Leady (Rogue Trader)] Okay...I'm moving over here AWAY from the creepy demon-lady...
[19:50] [~Inquisitor Omukay] You demand? Salvage rights? On the Ravager?
[19:50] [Ria (uniform)] y...yes...
[19:50] > Ria (uniform) holds up a holo-contract
[19:50] [~Inquisitor Omukay] Well, you certainly have the right to take whatever you find that you can carry out on your own. Provided you're in any shape to carry anything at the end of this mission.
[19:51] > Ria (uniform) says something in a squeaky voices...somehting like..."please sign the contract.."
[19:51] --> Meruhesae [demon_seer@egae.net] has joined #eventsbeta
[19:51] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Meruhesae
[19:51] [Ria (uniform)] but...but I need to....there needs to be more shi.......I SCREWED THIS UP T_T
[19:52] [Chibi-Leady (Rogue Trader)] Hey! It's the creepy seer-lady from Unmei!
[19:53] [Meruhesae] ^_^
[19:53] [Capt. David O'Cain] Hey, Meru.
[19:53] > Ria (uniform) starts to panic
[19:53] > Patchouli Knowledge watches Ria panic. "Calm down. You're making Chibi-Leady nervous."
[19:53] [Meruhesae] Leady, I forsee a very large rebellion in your future.
[19:54] [Chibi-Leady (Rogue Trader)] ...HUH?
[19:54] [Meruhesae] ^_^ You'll need an Orc to settle it.
[19:54] [Kasen Ibara] All right. Game time people!
[19:55] [Kasen Ibara] We're going in after that library. Who's with us?
[19:56] [Capt. David O'Cain] I'm ready to go as it is, Kasen.
[19:56] [Ria (uniform)] I..I'm suppose to go
[19:56] [~Inquisitor Omukay] My retinue's objective is the core cogitator. We can go it alone if need be, but I would not object to some additional people joining me temporarily.
[19:56] > Ria (uniform) holds up a rather pitiful looking gun
[19:57] ➣ The players can only choose to go with one group. Which will you select? Kasen and Patchouli or go with the Inquisitor?
[20:00] [Meruhesae] Inquisitor
[20:01] [Ria (uniform)] ...Kasen...
[20:01] [Capt. David O'Cain] Hmm, this is a tough choice.
[20:02] > Capt. David O'Cain gets out a coin
[20:02] [@HOL_6000] Capt. David O'Cain flips a coin: Tails
[20:02] [Capt. David O'Cain] Looks like it's the Inquisitor.
[20:03] [Meruhesae] Still looking for my payment, Leady~
[20:03] [Meruhesae] My services aren't free you know~
[20:03] [Chibi-Leady (Rogue Trader)] ...Eh, I'll deal with you after I figure out what's happening with that rebellion, Meru.
[20:04] > Ria (uniform) charges her laser gun
[20:05] [~Inquisitor Omukay] Ahhh, it would seem that you've all chosen to come with me. Very well.
[20:05] [Meruhesae] You could always just buy more yaoi doujin, Leady~
[20:06] ➣ Everyone has to stay together in the same group. It'll make things simpler.
[20:06] [Meruhesae] But for a hefty price if you want the good stuff~
[20:06] [Chibi-Leady (Rogue Trader)] What kind of good stuff?
[20:07] [Meruhesae] The steamy stuff with NO censorship.
[20:07] [Ria (uniform)] wait wait...
[20:07] [Meruhesae] ^_^
[20:08] [Ria (uniform)] nevermind...
[20:08] > Ria (uniform) sighs
[20:08] [Chibi-Leady (Rogue Trader)] Ooooooooooooooo! Is there any with Haruka Tenou in it? :P~
[20:10] [Patchouli Knowledge] Wait, we have to go in there by ourselves??!!
[20:10] [~Inquisitor Omukay] Not at all! I'll send in some of my people to assist you!
[20:10] --> ~Sniper has joined #eventsbeta
[20:10] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, ~Sniper
[20:10] --> ~Psyker has joined #eventsbeta
[20:10] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, ~Psyker
[20:11] --> ~Mechwright has joined #eventsbeta
[20:11] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, ~Mechwright
[20:11] --> ~Astartes has joined #eventsbeta
[20:11] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, ~Astartes
[20:11] --> ~Daemonhost has joined #eventsbeta
[20:11] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, ~Daemonhost
[20:11] [~Inquisitor Omukay] Your escorts are here!
[20:12] [Patchouli Knowledge] THEM?! O___O
[20:12] [Kasen Ibara] ..crapocrapocrapocrapocrapocrap!
[20:13] [Chibi-Leady (Rogue Trader)] Anyways! Get in there you guys! The Ravager might slip into FTL travel mode again soon!
[20:13] [Capt. David O'Cain] Yeah...the sooner we get this job done, the sooner we get outta here.
[20:14] [Meruhesae] Indeed
[20:14] ➣ The Rock You Like A Hurricane is equipped with a small cargo bay housing several small transatmospheric shuttles. The two groups are quickly loaded onto a pair of shuttles and get ready for launch.
[20:15] > Ria (uniform) looks incredably scared...
[20:16] ➣ The group the players are in includes the people Inquisitor Omukay called TechnoMagos, Assassin, Guardsman, and both of the Sororitas.
[20:17] [Ria (uniform)] T_T why did I have to be assigned to this T_T
[20:17] [~TechnoMagos] ☇ We are prepared. All of you secure yourselves in your seats. We may come under attack at any moment while we're approaching the Ravager. ☇
[20:18] > Capt. David O'Cain secures himself in his seat
[20:18] > ~Assassin is examining and sharpening the blades of her swords. Oddly enough, she's using a wakizashi and a katana that's almost as long as she's tall.
[20:19] > Ria (uniform) sits down, her tail twitching
[20:19] > ~Guardsman loads a stripper-style clip into a rifle that...wait, is she using an M-1 Garand?!
[20:19] > ~Sororitas #1 prepares her flamethrower.
[20:21] > ~Sororitas #2 readies her weapon, which appears to be a thick-barrelled plasma cannon and a bandoleer of grenades...all marked with the familiar nuclear trifoil symbol.
[20:21] > Ria (uniform) is holding tightly onto her tiny weapon
[20:21] > ~Sororitas #2 is giggling and sniggering excitedly. That cloak of black feathers she's wearing certainly looks weird too.
[20:22] [Chibi-Leady (Rogue Trader)] ☇ Hey guys. You hearing me all right? ☇
[20:22] > Capt. David O'Cain shakes his head and has the M372 Heavy Storm on his lap to look over
[20:22] [Capt. David O'Cain] Loud and clear, Leady.
[20:23] ➣ The Hurricane suddenly lurches hard to the side!
[20:24] [Ria (uniform)] GAAAAAAAH
[20:25] [Chibi-Leady (Rogue Trader)] ☇ Crap! Sorry about that! We just had to take evasive action! Some of the weapons on the Ravager just started firing at us. Not all of them and none of the heavy macrocannons, just the defensive turrets! ☇
[20:26] [Chibi-Leady (Rogue Trader)] ☇ They're probably automated. Start your launches and I'll bring the Hurricane in closer. We're the larger target, so the turrets might ignore you guys. Go! ☇
[20:27] [Capt. David O'Cain] Gotcha.
[20:27] > Meruhesae grimaces. "YIKES"
[20:27] ➣ The shuttles both launch. You hear discordant singing from the c[SMEG]kpit.
[20:28] [Ria (uniform)] O_O
[20:28] ➣ One of you roll a 1d6 please.
[20:30] [@HOL_6000] Capt. David O'Cain rolls: 1d6 { 5 }
[20:30] [@HOL_6000] Meruhesae rolls: 1d6 { 1 }
[20:31] [~Excel-clone] ♬ We're off to outer space~! We're leaving mother earth...to saaaaave the human raaaaaaaaace~!! ♭
[20:31] ➣ OMFG!!! Excel Excel in at the controls of the shuttle and she's wearing what looks like a leather aviator's cap from World War One!!!!!! D:
[20:33] [Capt. David O'Cain] ~_~
[20:33] [Meruhesae] .......
[20:33] [Capt. David O'Cain] Wonderful. ~_~
[20:34] [Ria (uniform)] eh?
[20:34] [Meruhesae] I call heads. If I win I'm killing her and taking over. I lose you take over and I still kill her.
[20:34] ➣ Meanwhile, you also hear what's going on in the other shuttle. And you see it too - it's wildly spinning out of control and corkscrewing like you wouldn't believe.
[20:34] [@HOL_6000] Meruhesae flips a coin: Tails
[20:34] [Patchouli Knowledge] ☇ AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH~! Somebody save me! I'm still a virgiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin~!!!! T___T ☇
[20:35] [Meruhesae] Well David, I lost. I'm gonna go kill Excel ^_^
[20:36] [Capt. David O'Cain] Gee. Thanks, Meru. ~_~
[20:36] > Ria (uniform) has passed out
[20:37] > Chibi-Leady (Rogue Trader) will deny all knowledge of this mission in the event a disaster occurs in order to escape being sued. <__<;;;;
[20:38] > Meruhesae karate chops the Excel clone with her fan in the neck ^_^
[20:38] > Meruhesae is SO glad she took her combat fan
[20:39] > ~Excel-clone is decapitated instantly! Her head bounces off the ground and her vapid, idiotic grin never fades. ^___^
[20:39] [Capt. David O'Cain] So much for a easy ride in.
[20:40] > Capt. David O'Cain quickly gets up and takes the controls after chucking the body off the seat
[20:40] ➣ The shuttle rockets towards the Ravager. Sporatic flashes of light are erupting all over the broadside of the ship that you're approaching. Looking closely, you can see that the flashes are coming from massive vulcan mega-bolter turrets that stud the hulls. Many are silent, but several are actually working just fine.
[20:40] > Ria (uniform) is completely passed out and foaming at the mouth
[20:41] > Meruhesae pokes at Ria with her fan "Is she gonna live?"
[20:42] ➣ Behind you, you can see the Hurricane coasting overhead. The shots from the Ravager's turrets are impacting against the Hurricane's shields, creating bright flashes of light as the damage is absorbed.
[20:43] > ~Guardsman moves over to help Ria. "Looks like she's never been in a combat drop."
[20:44] > Capt. David O'Cain does his best to keep the shuttle on a straight path, avoiding the incoming fire
[20:45] > ~Sororitas #1 assists David with piloting the shuttle, pointing towards a huge shelf-like extension of the Ravager's side. "Launch bays are right there. The Ravager uses the Lathe-pattern of launch bays, which means the bays themselves are open to space. Energy shields maintain internal air and pressure."
[20:45] > Ria (uniform) gurgles @_@
[20:45] ➣ Something thuds against Ria's foot.
[20:46] [Capt. David O'Cain] Alrighty.
[20:46] > Ria (uniform) slowly awakes "h..huh?"
[20:47] ➣ The severed head of the Excel-clone is staring up at you Ria. SHE WANTS YOUR SOUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[20:49] > ~Sororitas #1 leans forward over David's shoulder.
[20:49] [~Sororitas #1] Yes! Do you see that?
[20:50] > Ria (uniform) SCREAMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[20:50] > ~Sororitas #1 indicates one of the gigantic launch bay openings. There seems to be a thick curtain of shimmering light covering it.
[20:51] [~Sororitas #1] That section of launch bays still have power! The containment shields are still working. Dock there!
[20:52] [Capt. David O'Cain] I see it, I see it! I ain't blind, damn it!
[20:52] ➣ Five seconds to touchdown. Four. Three.
[20:53] > Ria (uniform) keeps screaming
[20:53] ➣ The shuttle pierces the containment shield and enters into a gigantic landing bay that looks like it could easily contain a medium-sized apartment complex. The bay itself is at least several hundred meters wide and 500 meters deep.
[20:55] > Capt. David O'Cain looks for an open spot to land the shuttle
[20:56] ➣ There are many small craft scattered all over the docking bay. Shuttles, fighters, landing craft, even cargo lighters. All of them look like they're in fairly bad shape.
[20:56] [Meruhesae] No surprise there
[20:56] > Ria (uniform) is still screaming
[20:57] [~Guardsman] Looks like there was a fire here.
[20:57] ➣ Someone roll 1d100 please.
[20:58] [@HOL_6000] Ria (uniform) rolls: 1d100 { 1 }
[20:59] [~Sororitas #2] ☇ Oh yeah. *I* made this mess, didn't I? ☇
[20:59] > ~Sororitas #1 immediately rushes over and PUNCHES her partner in the head!
[21:00] [Capt. David O'Cain] The f[SMEG]k?! O_o
[21:01] ➣ The shuttle touches down safely and without any further complications.
[21:01] > ~Guardsman pats Ria on the back and shoulders to try and help her calm down.
[21:03] > Capt. David O'Cain gets up and walks towards the back, "You were here earlier?!"
[21:04] [Ria (uniform)] gah...gah..
[21:04] [Ria (uniform)] T_T I'm not ready for this
[21:04] [~Sororitas #1] Nononononono! We were never here!
[21:04] [~Sororitas #2] Uuuhhhhhh...I forget.
[21:05] > ~TechnoMagos stands up. "Depart now! Our time is limited!"
[21:05] [Capt. David O'Cain] You're sure? You weren't here before?
[21:06] ➣ The rear landing hatch of the shuttle folds down, enabling everyone to get out. Guardsman and Assassin move first, rushing outside and assuming defensive cover formation.
[21:07] [~Sororitas #1] Every-body off!
[21:07] > Capt. David O'Cain grabs the Heavy Storm on his way out and has a large backpack on his back
[21:08] ➣ Departing the shuttle, the first thing you all notice is just how dank and foul the air smells. There's a steady breeze blowing across the launch bay towards the shields, meaning that atmosphere is being lost, but at a very slow rate. The breeze carries with it a stench that is most off-putting.
[21:08] ➣ Everyone roll 1d100 please.
[21:09] > Capt. David O'Cain makes sure his helmet's in working order
[21:09] [@HOL_6000] Capt. David O'Cain rolls: 1d100 { 89 }
[21:10] [@HOL_6000] Meruhesae rolls: 1d100 { 35 }
[21:10] > Ria (uniform) presses a buttong on her wrist and a helmet forms over her head
[21:11] ➣ David, for a moment your helmet displays burst into static and you can almost hear what sounds like screaming, gunshots, and explosions coming over your radio receiver. Someone's shouting, but the language is harsh, deep, and gutteral. You can't understand it. Then it passes so quickly that you're not quite sure if it even happened at all.
[21:12] ➣ Meruhesae...for several seconds you feel overwhelming despair, desperation, terror, and rage piercing your mind and filling you. The echoes of the daily existance of over 100000 souls touches you for the briefest of seconds before it passes.
[21:13] [Capt. David O'Cain] The hell?
[21:15] [@HOL_6000] Ria (uniform) rolls: 1d100 { 30 }
[21:18] ➣ Rai...you see the launch bay as it once was. A battle is being fought here between a large group of strangely-dressed attackers and the Ravager's crew. Brutish, nasty humanoids dressed in black plate armor with vicious skull-like helms are hurling themselves at the attackers, hacking and stabbing at them with saw-toothed weapons that leave ghastly wounds. In the last moments of the vision you see a soldier skewer what looks like a young teenaged boy through the ribcage with a jagger spear and lift him off the ground.
[21:18] [~Sororitas #1] ^Ria
[21:19] [Ria (uniform)] O_O
[21:20] [~TechnoMagos] ☇ Psychic residues of the Ravager. Endure them as best you can, but do not linger on them for long. Or they'll take root. ☇
[21:20] [~Assassin] The way is clear.
[21:20] > Meruhesae is clearly distrubed by the feeling of despair
[21:20] [Meruhesae] GEH ><
[21:20] [Meruhesae] I hate this place!
[21:21] > Ria (uniform) feels like she should flee...
[21:21] [Capt. David O'Cain] Let's get moving.
[21:22] ➣ Ria...you look around and actually see a couple of bodies lying nearby. One is a badly decayed figure dressed in black plate armor with a skull-like helmet. The other is a smaller body...with a jagged spear driven through the ribcage.
[21:22] > Ria (uniform) is starting to panic
[21:22] > Capt. David O'Cain slowly starts moving forward with the Heavy Storm in his hands
[21:23] > ~Guardsman points ahead to one of the distant passages. "That way leads to the main corridor. If we're lucky we can get to the core cogitator before any of the remaining crew notice us."
[21:23] > ~Sororitas #1 moves in behind Ria to make certain she doesn't bolt.
[21:24] [Ria (uniform)] I..I don't like this......
[21:24] [Capt. David O'Cain] I hope you're right, Guardsman.
[21:26] ➣ You start to quickly move through the passages of the ship. It's VERY weird...the wide tunnels and high-ceilinged thoroughfares seem oddly clean and bright as if something has been taking care of them. The walls are equally strange: they're tilted slightly at odd angles, but the light reflects off of them in ways they shouldn't.
[21:27] ➣ There are also no bodies lying around.
[21:28] > Ria (uniform) grips her gun...
[21:29] ➣ Ria, please make a 1d100 roll.
[21:29] [@HOL_6000] Ria (uniform) rolls: 1d100 { 81 }
[21:29] [Kasen Ibara] ☇ Hey, are you guys all right? ☇
[21:30] ➣ You see what look like shuffling, shambling humanoid figures darting along side passages and upper level balconies around you, but they seem to be ignoring you for the time being.
[21:32] [Ria (uniform)] .......
[21:32] > ~TechnoMagos leads you further into the Ravager, taking several different passages. He/she/it is almost running now.
[21:32] [Capt. David O'Cain] ☇ Yeah, we managed to land safely. ☇
[21:34] [Kasen Ibara] ☇ We're making our way towards the librarium now. Patchy's excited as anything now. ☇
[21:34] ➣ In the background of Kasen's transmission you heard something else...
[21:34] ➣ Meruhesae, roll 1d100 please.
[21:35] [@HOL_6000] Meruhesae rolls: 1d100 { 50 }
[21:35] ➣ You hear a LOT of gunfire in the background, as well as bestial shrieks and barely-human bellowing.
[21:37] > Meruhesae is not thrilled ><
[21:37] [Kasen Ibara] ☇ We've run into a lot of problems though! We're getting swarmed by hordes of things! Some of them look human except they don't ACT human! The others...I can't believe they were ever once human to begin with! ☇
[21:37] [Meruhesae] Are they being shot at?!\
[21:37] [Kasen Ibara] ☇ They just keep... ☇
[21:38] [Meruhesae] ☇ Chaos. They're infected. Just cut them down as thoroughly as possible. Burn them if you can. ☇
[21:38] ➣ You hear a sound that reminds you of an enormously thick and heavy wooden door being slammed so hard it would split the panelling on impact.
[21:38] ➣ David, now it's your turn to roll 1d100.
[21:39] [@HOL_6000] Capt. David O'Cain rolls: 1d100 { 35 }
[21:41] [~????] ☇ AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH-hahahahahahahahaha!! That's it! That's what you get! Ruu! Get that bastard directing 'em all! ☇
[21:43] [Kasen Ibara] ☇ Sorry about that! Some of them got too close! ☇
[21:44] [Kasen Ibara] ☇ The good news is that I think we're making so much noise that everything near us on the ship is coming straight at us! Have you guys run into anything nasty yet? ☇
[21:45] [Capt. David O'Cain] ☇ Nothing yet, but that doesn't mean there isn't anything out there. ☇
[21:46] [Kasen Ibara] ☇ I think that may be that they're focusing on us instead of you. Make the most of it. Gotta go! ☇
[21:47] [Ria (uniform)] ☇ what's going on!? ☇
[21:47] > ~TechnoMagos looks back towards you. He/she/it has lead you quite a distance into the Ravager. Someone roll 1d100 please.
[21:49] [@HOL_6000] Meruhesae rolls: 1d100 { 91 }
[21:50] ➣ What the hell is a M12 Warthog doing sitting in the middle of the passage?
[21:51] [Meruhesae] GRAB THAT WARTHOG
[21:51] ➣ Even more insanely, why is THIS song playing on the radio of the Warthog? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZS0WIQI7UU
[21:52] [Capt. David O'Cain] The f[SMEG]k?! O_o SHOTGUN!
[21:52] [~TechnoMagos] ...
[21:52] [Meruhesae] DRIVING~
[21:52] [~Guardsman] ...
[21:52] [Ria (uniform)] O_O
[21:52] > Meruhesae jumps into the driver's seat
[21:52] > Capt. David O'Cain climbs onto the passenger seat
[21:52] [~Assassin] ...
[21:52] [~Sororitas #1] ...
[21:52] [~Sororitas #2] ...
[21:53] [Meruhesae] Good music, eh, David?
[21:53] [Capt. David O'Cain] Not my cup of tea, but meh.
[21:54] > ~Guardsman twitches.
[21:55] [~Guardsman] AND THEY WILL ALL TASTE OBLIVION! Which tastes just like Red Bull. Which is disgusting!
[21:56] > ~Sororitas #1 and Sororitas #2 both simultaneously smack Guardsman on the back of her head.
[21:56] [~TechnoMagos] ☇ Let us use this vehicle now. ☇
[21:56] [Capt. David O'Cain] Hey, Meru?
[21:56] > Ria (uniform) tries to climb in
[21:57] [~TechnoMagos] ☇ Our target is 1000 meters down that way. Straight course. No apparent obstacles. ☇
[21:57] [Meruhesae] Yes~?
[21:57] [Capt. David O'Cain] Did Guardsman just quote O'Malley?
[21:57] [Meruhesae] Wait....
[21:57] [Meruhesae] YES! REISEN UDONGE?!
[21:58] [~Guardsman] No one by that name here.
[21:58] [Meruhesae] ...
[21:58] [~Assassin] Name unknown.
[21:58] [Meruhesae] Hey look! It's TEWI!
[21:58] > ~Guardsman twitches.
[21:59] > ~Sororitas #2 pulls out one of her grenades and HURLS it back down the passageway you all just came from. It explodes a few seconds later, creating a fierce green light and scattering vaporized sludge all over the place that glows a dull blue in color.
[22:00] ➣ Several human-ish figures are incinerated in the explosion. The surviving things quickly fall back.
[22:00] [~TechnoMagos] ☇ We must move now! ☇
[22:01] [Meruhesae] Yep, definitely Udonge.
[22:01] > Meruhesae FLOORS the gas pedal~!
[22:03] [Ria (uniform)] O____O
[22:03] [Meruhesae] WHEEEE~
[22:03] ➣ You all crowd into the Warthog and TEAR down the passage. It's easily wide enough to accomodate a two-way street!
[22:04] > ~Sororitas #2 throws another Rad Grenade behind you! :D
[22:04] ➣ Ria, roll 1d100 please.
[22:05] [@HOL_6000] Ria (uniform) rolls: 1d100 { 78 }
[22:05] [Meruhesae] WE'RE FLYIN~
[22:05] > ~Sororitas #2 throws ANOTHER grenade in the wake of the Warthog. It detonates a few seconds later and...HOLY S[SMEG]T! DID THAT GRENADE CREATE A SMALL MUSHROOM CLOUD???!!!
[22:06] [Capt. David O'Cain] The hell's going on back there?!
[22:06] [Meruhesae] IS THAT RADIATION?!
[22:06] [Meruhesae] Dammit. Radioactive Hell Raven.
[22:06] [~Sororitas #1] She's gone crazy with the Nuke Grenades!
[22:07] [~Sororitas #1] WHAT
[22:07] [Meruhesae] Oh it's a good thing that Solarchos isn't here.
[22:07] [~Sororitas #1] WHAT'S A HELL RAVEN?! WHERE IS IT!? KILL IT!!!
[22:07] ➣ Ria! You notice a buckled section of flooring up ahead!
[22:08] > ~Sororitas #2 is cackling like crazy now!
[22:08] [Ria (uniform)] ☇ WATCH OUT ☇
[22:08] [Meruhesae] AH S[SMEG]T
[22:09] [Meruhesae] XD
[22:09] ➣ Meruhesae, due to Ria's timely warning, you are able to avoid the buckled section and safely navigate past it without crashing or flipping.
[22:10] [Meruhesae] WHEEEE~
[22:11] ➣ Up ahead there's something else blocking the passage - a BIG group of nasty looking beings dressed in black plate armor and skull-like helmets. Their weapons and armor look scavenged and worn, but no less deadly for it.
[22:12] ➣ What do you wish to do about them?
[22:13] > Capt. David O'Cain has the Heavy Storm aimed forward, ready to fire
[22:13] [Meruhesae] SPLODEY TIME!
[22:13] > Meruhesae SLAMS on the brakes
[22:14] > Ria (uniform) starts randomly shooting, her eyes shut
[22:14] > Meruhesae throws what SEEMS to be a tiny fireball at the group
[22:15] > ~Guardsman starts shooting, her rifle firing what look like high-energy laser blasts.
[22:15] > Capt. David O'Cain fires at the group, letting loose Heavy Storm shells
[22:16] > ~Sororitas #1 takes out her flamethrower and gets ready to BURNINATE!!!! >:D
[22:16] [Meruhesae] Still wish I coulda used a Dragon Slave >>
[22:16] > ~Sororitas #2 fires that plasma cannon she's carrying!
[22:17] ➣ Ria, roll 1d100 please.
[22:17] [@HOL_6000] Ria (uniform) rolls: 1d100 { 70 }
[22:18] ➣ One of Ria's seemingly random shots goes right down the barrel of a missile launcher one of the Drakkarim is aiming at your group. It impacts in JUST the right spot on the krak missile loaded in the launcher to detonate it right then and there.
[22:19] [Ria (uniform)] ._.
[22:19] [Meruhesae] Good job Ria :D
[22:19] [Capt. David O'Cain] Shiiiiiit.
[22:19] ➣ The explosion is both unexpected and spectacular, catching at least four of them in the blast and sending their bodies hurdling through the air like ragdolls. The remaining attackers are taken completely by surprise, wondering if they're being attacked on TWO fronts now!
[22:20] ➣ Meruhesae and David, both of you please roll 1d100.
[22:20] [@HOL_6000] Meruhesae rolls: 1d100 { 4 }
[22:20] [Meruhesae] DAMMIT.
[22:21] ➣ Meruhesae, your fireball strikes one of the attackers in his breastplate and explodes against it with minimal effect.
[22:21] [@HOL_6000] Capt. David O'Cain rolls: 1d100 { 53 }
[22:23] ➣ David, your withering fire strikes at least three of them. It's incredible! You see the gyroslugs strike their armor, detonate, and an instant later you see what look like brightly glowing flashes coming out of their backs as the shaped-charges penetrate straight through their bodies and keep going without stopping.
[22:23] ➣ And yes, they're very dead.
[22:24] ➣ The remaining Drakkarim break and dive for cover! YOU HAVE AN OPENING TO CONTINUE!
[22:24] [Capt. David O'Cain] DRIVE DRIVE DRIVE!
[22:25] > Meruhesae FLOORS IT
[22:26] [Capt. David O'Cain] JUST SHUT UP AND DRIVE ALREADY!
[22:27] [Meruhesae] I AM, YOU MORON!
[22:27] ➣ CRUNCH!!! You run over a couple of Drakkarim in the process as you accelerate past the ambush.
[22:27] [Meruhesae] DON'T YOU HEAR THE MUSIC?!
[22:27] [Meruhesae] WHOOO~! SPLATTER KILL
[22:28] ➣ After another full minute of driving, you arrive at series of lifts and stairs.
[22:28] [~TechnoMagos] ☇ Stop here. We've arrived. ☇
[22:28] > Meruhesae slams the breaks and turns the wheel HARD
[22:29] > Ria (uniform) nearly falls out ><
[22:29] > ~TechnoMagos leaps off the Warthog and dashes down a steep ramp towards a very thick looking sealed door.
[22:30] > ~Guardsman Assassin, and both Sororitas join her.
[22:31] > Capt. David O'Cain jumps out of the Warthog and follows the others
[22:31] > Meruhesae jumps out and follows "So~ How was my driving Udonge?"
[22:31] ➣ The door opens. Beyond is a large room containing a huge piece of machinery the likes of which you've never seen before.
[22:33] ➣ You're looking at a gigantic rectangular piece of transluscent crystal, but upon closer inspection you see the faint outlines of machinery INSIDE the crystal, and the light reflecting off of it shows the distinct traceries of circuit patterns. Various large cables dangle from the ceiling and lay on the floor, all connected to the device in various places.
[22:34] [Capt. David O'Cain] What is this thing?
[22:34] [~Assassin] Objective reached.
[22:35] [Ria (uniform)] .......
[22:35] [~TechnoMagos] ☇ This is what is known as a core cogitator. In your venacular it might be called a supercomputer or a primary datacore. ☇
[22:36] [Capt. David O'Cain] I see. So, how do we get this info you need?
[22:36] [~TechnoMagos] ☇ It is the central computerized data control system that forms the heart and brain of any starship. Without a device like this any ship, especially massive stellar leviathans like the Ravager, would be virtually impossible to use. ☇
[22:38] > ~TechnoMagos goes over to one of the nearby computer consoles built into the cradle housing the core cogitator and begins to rapidly type away at the keyboard. He/She/It is inputting an incredibly complex numeric code and seems to be doing so in conjunction with response that the computer is making on its own.
[22:38] ➣ Someone roll 1d100 please.
[22:39] > Ria (uniform) looks around for something to take...so she doesn't get in trouble
[22:39] ➣ Ria, you may also make a 1d100 roll separate from the one I just asked be made.
[22:40] [Patchouli Knowledge] ☇ Hey guys! We're in the librarium! The place took a really bad hit but I think we can salvage some of the books and information stacks! ☇
[22:40] [@HOL_6000] Meruhesae rolls: 1d100 { 19 }
[22:41] [@HOL_6000] Ria (uniform) rolls: 1d100 { 80 }
[22:41] [Capt. David O'Cain] ☇ That's good to hear. We made it to the cogitator ourselves. ☇
[22:42] ➣ Ria...lying nearby is a HUGE figure dressed in a suit of power armor that looks like this. http://browse.deviantart.com/?qh=§ion=&q=Chaos+Marine#/d151fqo
[22:43] [Capt. David O'Cain] ☇ Had to fight some Drakkarim on the way, though. ☇
[22:43] [Ria (uniform)] O___O
[22:43] ➣ The armor has been riddled with hundreds of scorch marks and small dents, but there's also several big holes that punched right through the figure.
[22:44] ➣ Its gun and helmet are still mostly intact. And the backpack its wearing is actually a micronized sub-nuclear battery.
[22:45] [Ria (uniform)] ☇ ..oh wow ☇
[22:45] ➣ A quick scan indicates that the power source of the armor is still active, albeit its output is quite low.
[22:46] [~TechnoMagos] ☇ Excellent! ☇
[22:46] > Ria (uniform) reaches out.....checking to see if the figure is dead
[22:47] > ~TechnoMagos has succeeded in accessing the primary data loop! Information download commensing! He/she/it brings out something that looks like a vacuum cleaner and connects a thick cable to a dataport on the console.
[22:47] ➣ The figure is indeed dead. He died nearly five years ago.
[22:48] > Ria (uniform) pulls a small object out of her uniform pocket and places it near the figure...hoping no one will see her
[22:48] [~TechnoMagos] ☇ Portable mainframe hard drive. 500 gigabyte storage capacity! ☇
[22:49] [~Sororitas #1] Ooooo! Dead Chaos Marine!
[22:49] [Capt. David O'Cain] Half a terabyte? Heh.
[22:49] [~Sororitas #2] ...backpack sub-nuclear battery. Californium-based cells...
[22:49] > Ria (uniform) starts to remove parts of the armor and places them in front of the object...which digitizes it and stores it
[22:50] [~Sororitas #2] ❧ ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! ❧
[22:50] [~Assassin] ...
[22:50] [~Guardsman] ...
[22:51] [~TechnoMagos] ☇ Capacity now at 60% 70% 80% ☇
[22:52] [Capt. David O'Cain] Uuuuh, okay.
[22:53] ➣ Suddenly, a strange portal opens up in the middle of the room. It's oddly familiar...a teardrop-shaped rip in the air beyond which you see a deep purplish-black expanse out of which numerous red glowing eyes stare back at you. And the edges of the rip are bound with bright red ribbons.
[22:53] [Meruhesae] ....
[22:53] [Meruhesae] YUKARIIIIIIIIIIIII~
[22:54] [Chibi-Leady (Rogue Trader)] ☇ Everyone!! Get off the Ravager as fast as you can! Its Warp engines are starting to reactivate! ☇
[22:54] > Ria (uniform) finishes on removing the armor
[22:54] [Capt. David O'Cain] Gotta go!
[22:54] > Ria (uniform) puts away the small device
[22:56] > Capt. David O'Cain sprints as best he can with the Heavy Storm towards the portal
[22:56] ➣ Someone roll a 1d100 please.
[22:56] > ~Guardsman dashes for the portal.
[22:56] [@HOL_6000] Meruhesae rolls: 1d100 { 35 }
[22:57] > Meruhesae hurries towards the portal!
[22:57] > ~TechnoMagos trips and falls! The data module goes flying across the room!
[22:57] [~TechnoMagos] ☇ DAMMIT!!! ☇
[22:57] [Meruhesae] S[SMEG]T
[22:57] > ~Assassin leaps through the portal.
[22:57] > Meruhesae hurries to chase after the module!
[22:57] ➣ An evil shudder runs through the Ravager and the lights start to flicker.
[22:58] > Capt. David O'Cain quickly uses telekinesis to catches it for someone on the team to snag
[22:58] > Ria (uniform) runs!
[22:58] > ~Sororitas #2 rushes towards the portal.
[22:58] > ~Sororitas #1 just RUNS for it! O__O
[22:58] > Meruhesae SNAGS the module! And runs towards the portal!
[22:58] ➣ David and Meruhesae, both of you please roll 1d100.
[22:58] > Ria (uniform) runs for the portal
[22:58] [@HOL_6000] Meruhesae rolls: 1d100 { 63 }
[22:58] [@HOL_6000] Capt. David O'Cain rolls: 1d100 { 31 }
[22:59] ➣ Module GET!
[22:59] > ~TechnoMagos gets back up and runs for the portal!
[23:00] > Meruhesae jumps, trying to make it into the portal!
[23:00] > Capt. David O'Cain jumps for the portal!
[23:01] ➣ You all manage to get to the portal and leap through it. You feel a brief but powerful sensation of vertigo as you feel like you're falling. The purple haze engulfs you entirely. Then it vanishes and you find yourself on the bridge of the Hurricane.
[23:01] <-- ~TechnoMagos has left #eventsbeta
[23:01] <-- ~Assassin has left #eventsbeta
[23:01] <-- ~Sororitas #1 has left #eventsbeta
[23:01] <-- ~Sororitas #2 has left #eventsbeta
[23:01] <-- ~Guardsman has left #eventsbeta
[23:01] ➣ You stand alone on the bridge.
[23:02] ➣ Except for the usual bridge crew and Leady, you don't see the others with you.
[23:02] [Capt. David O'Cain] Huh? Where'd they go?
[23:02] [Chibi-Leady (Rogue Trader)] Hold on. Can't talk now!
[23:03] [Ria (uniform)] .....
[23:03] > Chibi-Leady (Rogue Trader) points at the main viewscreeen. You feel like something's pushing against all of you and it takes you a moment to realize that it's because the Hurricane is accelerating at maximum burn.
[23:04] ➣ You see the Ravager in the middle of the screen in profile. It's bigger and uglier than you ever thought and just looking at it makes your eyes ache for some reason. Suddenly, lightning starts to play across its hull, especially at the prow and engines.
[23:06] [Capt. David O'Cain] Christ.
[23:06] ➣ Without warning, something explodes directly in front of the Ravager and it seems to fall into a massive fire-wrethed hole that just materialized before it. The Ravager vanishes, and the hole closes, leaving large clouds of what look like glowing embers that quickly disperse.
[23:06] [Chibi-Leady (Rogue Trader)] We got clear with time to spare. I didn't want to stay too close to that thing when its Warp engines triggered.
[23:07] [Capt. David O'Cain] Makes sense. Anyway, got the data. Wherever it is now.
[23:08] [Chibi-Leady (Rogue Trader)] Anyway, get cleaned up and check in with the Inquisitor later. She wanted to debrief you.
[23:08] [Capt. David O'Cain] Alright.
[23:09] [Ria (uniform)] I..I have to make a call
[23:09] ➣ Pause here for the night since I have to get to bed. However, the event for tonight is complete. We'll do the wrap-up tomorrow.
[23:10] <-- Chibi-Leady (Rogue Trader) [RockYouLikeAHurricane@EnclaveFedCom.Net] has left #eventsbeta (What a day!)
[23:11] <-- Capt. David O'Cain has left #eventsbeta (Glad to get off of that damn thing.)
[23:12] <-- Ria (uniform) [sillygirl@mycidia.co] has left #eventsbeta (h..hello...this is Ria...calling Trade Union space...)
[23:17] <-- Meruhesae [demon_seer@egae.net] has left #eventsbeta (The future is what you make of the present.)
[00:00] >>> Tuesday Feb 28 2012 <<<
[19:05] ➣ Meanwhile, back onboard the "Rock You Like A Hurricane".
[19:07] --> Capt. David O'Cain has joined #eventsbeta
[19:07] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Capt. David O'Cain
[19:08] --> ~Inquisitor Omukay has joined #eventsbeta
[19:08] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, ~Inquisitor Omukay
[19:08] > ~Inquisitor Omukay sits behind her decorative screen, pacing back and forth a little.
[19:09] [~Inquisitor Omukay] You may now give me the status report of your mission.
[19:10] [Capt. David O'Cain] We were able to gather the data you requested.
[19:11] [Capt. David O'Cain] Met little resistance along the way due to the other team causing a major commotion during theirs to find the library.
[19:12] [~Inquisitor Omukay] Indeed you were. Unfortunately we were not as successful in acquiring the knowledge we'd hoped to find in the Ravager's librarium. Much of it was damaged or lost, but they did find some interesting tidbits.
[19:12] [Capt. David O'Cain] Such as?
[19:13] [~Inquisitor Omukay] We're still compiling it all up. That will take time.
[19:14] [Capt. David O'Cain] I see.
[19:14] [~Inquisitor Omukay] Now, what about you though? What shall we do with you?
[19:15] [Capt. David O'Cain] What do you mean?
[19:15] --> ~Guardsman has joined #eventsbeta
[19:15] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, ~Guardsman
[19:16] --> ~TechnoMagos has joined #eventsbeta
[19:16] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, ~TechnoMagos
[19:16] ➣ All the rest of Inquisitor Omukay's retinue enter the room and surround David, regarding him silently.
[19:17] --> ~Sororitas #2 has joined #eventsbeta
[19:17] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, ~Sororitas #2
[19:17] --> ~Sororitas #1 has joined #eventsbeta
[19:17] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, ~Sororitas #1
[19:17] > Capt. David O'Cain looks around the room, silently regarding them in return
[19:17] --> ~Mechwright has joined #eventsbeta
[19:17] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, ~Mechwright
[19:17] --> ~Assassin has joined #eventsbeta
[19:17] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, ~Assassin
[19:17] --> ~Psyker has joined #eventsbeta
[19:17] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, ~Psyker
[19:18] --> ~Daemonhost has joined #eventsbeta
[19:18] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, ~Daemonhost
[19:19] --> ~Astartes has joined #eventsbeta
[19:19] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, ~Astartes
[19:19] [~Inquisitor Omukay] Tell me, did Price ever mention working with us before now?
[19:20] [Capt. David O'Cain] Perhaps a little.
[19:20] [Capt. David O'Cain] He didn't go into much detail, though.
[19:22] [~Inquisitor Omukay] Well, perhaps it's time to reveal ourselves to you so you know exactly who you're dealing with.
[19:24] > Capt. David O'Cain stands ready just in case
[19:24] ➣ All of the Inquisitor's retinue begin to take off their helmets and/or part of their outfits, showing their faces.
[19:25] > ~Astartes is now known as Yuugi Hoshiguma
[19:25] > ~Assassin is now known as Youmu Konpaku
[19:26] > ~Guardsman is now known as Reisen Udongein Inaba
[19:26] > ~TechnoMagos is now known as Ran Yakumo
[19:26] [Capt. David O'Cain] ......
[19:26] > ~Psyker is now known as Chen Yakumo
[19:27] > ~Daemonhost is now known as Yuyuko Saigyouji
[19:27] > ~Mechwright is now known as Nitori Kawashiro
[19:27] > ~Sororitas #1 is now known as Orin Kaenbyou
[19:28] > ~Sororitas #2 is now known as Utsuho Reiuji
[19:28] > ~Inquisitor Omukay pushes down the decorative screen, causing it to make a huge crack sound as it hits the floor.
[19:28] > ~Inquisitor Omukay is now known as Yukari Yakumo
[19:28] [Yukari Yakumo] ^___^
[19:29] --> Kasen Ibara [SimplePilgrim@EnclaveFedCom.Net (Pirated Server)] has joined #eventsbeta
[19:29] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Kasen Ibara
[19:30] --> Patchouli Knowledge [Unmoving Great Library@EnclaveFedCom.Net (Pirated Server)] has joined #eventsbeta
[19:30] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Patchouli Knowledge
[19:30] [Patchouli Knowledge] We apologize for the duplicity.
[19:30] [Capt. David O'Cain] Wha...
[19:30] [~Sniper] Heeeee!
[19:31] > ~Sniper flicks back the cowl of her chameleonline cloak.
[19:31] > ~Sniper is now known as Rumia
[19:32] [Chen Yakumo] But it was necessary, nyaa!
[19:33] > Capt. David O'Cain right arm is barely shaking as he clenches a fist
[19:34] [Kasen Ibara] Looking pretty upset there. You should be careful about managing your anger.
[19:35] [Rin Kaenbyou] Awwww, don't be mad though. You had fun playing with us! :3
[19:36] > Yukari Yakumo continues to watch David and smile. ^___^
[19:39] [Yukari Yakumo] We are the Dark Hand of Jigoku. Actually, that's not an accurate translation. The exact wording would be the "Darkened" Hand of Jigoku. Darkened as in hidden or obscured.
[19:40] [Ran Yakumo] We formed years ago to occasionally watch over and assist the Onryo in his deepest tribulations.
[19:41] [Capt. David O'Cain] You still made me feel uneasy. The Imperium was not the friendliest of people at all. Especially on Unmei and Egae.
[19:43] [Ran Yakumo] During the Unmei Wars, we were there. We watched the Tenacious crash to Unmei, rejoiced when the Necromundan 8112th was revealed to be still alive...
[19:44] [Reisen Udongein Inaba] We witnessed it all...the great battle outside of Heluta and the final stand of Hesang.
[19:44] [Capt. David O'Cain] Point Bastogne?
[19:44] [Chen Yakumo] Yup!
[19:45] [~Youmu Konpaku] When the Onryo was shot and nearly killed, we were there to protect him from his OTHER enemies.
[19:47] [~Yuugi Hoshiguma] And yes, there were other enemies out there that had nothing to do with the Imperium.
[19:48] [~Yuugi Hoshiguma] The shot that destroyed his primary heart did NOT come from anything the Imperial Guard were using.
[19:48] [Reisen Udongein Inaba] It was much stronger.
[19:49] [Patchouli Knowledge] The spells that were used to heal and restore him afterwords were provided by us.
[19:49] [Yukari Yakumo] In fact, it was the Goddesses themselves who intervened on the behalf of my Killer Angel.
[19:51] [Capt. David O'Cain] I see. And you guys were in the same garb as you are now back then?
[19:52] [~Yuyuko Saigyouji] Oh no no no! We had different outfits for the Dark Hand. All of them are so spiffy and awesome! I love my outfit!
[19:53] [Capt. David O'Cain] My reason for mentioning such is from what I understand, y'all would have been declared Heretics.
[19:54] [Yukari Yakumo] Very much so, but what the Imperium doesn't know sometimes actually helps them.
[19:54] [Yukari Yakumo] And helped they must be.
[19:56] [Capt. David O'Cain] I see.
[19:57] > ~Yuyuko Saigyouji shows off her wonderfully dark outfit! http://browse.deviantart.com/?q=touhouvania&order=9&offset=336#/d4oe9m0
[19:57] [Capt. David O'Cain] Heh. Figured it may have been you guys looking for the Ravager.
[19:57] [Capt. David O'Cain] Hmm. Not bad, miss.
[19:59] [Patchouli Knowledge] We fought onboard the Ravager once before. It was our efforts that helped cripple it, leaving it vulnerable to the rest of the fleet.
[20:00] [Ran Yakumo] In addition to the navigation data, and the knowledge from the library, we also wanted a chance to find schematics of the ship. There are a great many secrets onboard the Ravager. Some we do not want to see fall into the wrong hands.
[20:01] [Capt. David O'Cain] I see.
[20:01] [Yukari Yakumo] The Warp Disruptor is one such device.
[20:02] > ~Youmu , Yuyuko, Patchouli, Kasen, and Yuugi all cringe at the mere mention of that device.
[20:02] [~Rumia] We also wanted to help Sensei once more.
[20:03] [Utsuho Reiuji] ❧ My darling~! ❧
[20:04] [Utsuho Reiuji] He came to Gensokyo because of those stupid enemies that keep attacking him from out of nowhere.
[20:05] [Utsuho Reiuji] So we help him the same way!
[20:05] [Yukari Yakumo] You must know David...we were also there the day your Moon Kingdom Army did battle against the Titan Legions and the Death Korps of Krieg.
[20:06] [Capt. David O'Cain] You were?
[20:07] [Rin Kaenbyou] That day was magnificent. So was the carnage! :D
[20:09] [Yukari Yakumo] We also joined you in battle at the Breach. We saw the True Threat emerge, and we watched the glory of the Space Marines when they beat them back.
[20:09] [Ran Yakumo] And most importantly of all...
[20:10] [Capt. David O'Cain] Yes?
[20:10] [Ran Yakumo] We saw three things of wondrous beauty occur that last day.
[20:11] [Patchouli Knowledge] We watched Nathaniel Langister, the one who at one time would have been the herald of Gensokyo's destruction, sacrifice himself to deny the demon that had corrupted him for so long.
[20:12] [~Yuyuko Saigyouji] We watched the Onryo finally be reunited with the soul fragment that had been lost to him for so long.
[20:13] [Yukari Yakumo] And we watched at little AnTilZha and Alexianna were born into this world.
[20:14] [Capt. David O'Cain] Heh. Seeing those two were a welcome sight, weren't they?
[20:15] [Yukari Yakumo] On that day, we witnessed three destinies that my Killer Angel's enemies attempted to deny the existence of at last come into being.
[20:17] [Yukari Yakumo] You've helped us now, and for that you have earned our thanks.
[20:17] [Ran Yakumo] One day perhaps we'll be in a position to help you in return.
[20:18] [Yukari Yakumo] And now, you must be getting home!
[20:18] > Capt. David O'Cain nods
[20:19] > Yukari Yakumo opens a portal behind David.
[20:19] > Rin Kaenbyou rushes over and PUSHES David though! >:3
[20:19] [Rin Kaenbyou] See ya!
[20:19] <-- Capt. David O'Cain has left #eventsbeta (HEY! O_O)
[20:19] > Utsuho Reiuji RUNS towards the portal!!
[20:19] > Yukari Yakumo closes the portal before the hell-raven can get close to it!
[20:20] <-- Yukari Yakumo [IllusoryBorderHag@EnclaveFedCom.Net (Pirated Server)] has left #eventsbeta (I see what you're doing in there! ^__^)
[20:20] <-- Utsuho Reiuji [☢Nuclear-powered Birdbrain☢@EnclaveFedCom.Net (Pirated Server)] has left #eventsbeta (NOOOOOOOOO! DARLING!! T___T)
[20:20] <-- ~Yuyuko Saigyouji has left #eventsbeta (Hungry!)
[20:20] <-- Rin Kaenbyou [Hell's Traffic Accident@EnclaveFedCom.Net (Pirated Server)] has left #eventsbeta (Nyyyaaaaaaa~! Bring out your dead! :3)
[20:20] <-- Reisen Udongein Inaba [LunaticMoonRabbit@EnclaveFedCom.Net (Pirated Server)] has left #eventsbeta (Uwaaaaaah?!)
[20:21] <-- Ran Yakumo [Nine-Tailed Strategist@EnclaveFedCom.Net(Pirated Server)] has left #eventsbeta (CHEEEEEEEEN!!)
[20:22] <-- Chen Yakumo [BlackCatofIllOmen@EnclaveFedCom.Net (Pirated Server)] has left #eventsbeta (Heeeee, nya! Ran-sama's calling!)
[20:22] <-- Kasen Ibara [SimplePilgrim@EnclaveFedCom.Net (Pirated Server)] has left #eventsbeta (Still looking for the Arm of the Kappa.)
[20:22] <-- Patchouli Knowledge [Unmoving Great Library@EnclaveFedCom.Net (Pirated Server)] has left #eventsbeta (Dizzy~! Stood up too quickly!)
[00:00] >>> Wednesday Feb 29 2012 <<<
[02:11] ➣ Tao and Taiki's home
[02:11] --> Taiki Kou (nightdress) has joined #eventsbeta
[02:11] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Taiki Kou (nightdress)
[02:11] > Taiki Kou (nightdress) walks into the bedroom, toweling off her long hair
[02:12] > Tao Latu (PJ's) lays in bed, watching TV and stretching out
[02:12] [Taiki Kou (nightdress)] Tao
[02:12] [Taiki Kou (nightdress)] do you think I should get a job?
[02:14] [Tao Latu (PJ's)] Only if you want to.
[02:14] [Taiki Kou (nightdress)] I'm just worried...that with you working..I'm spending most of my time in the house
[02:16] > Taiki Kou (nightdress) lays next to Tao
[02:16] [Taiki Kou (nightdress)] how was your day?
[02:16] > Taiki Kou (nightdress) kisses Tao's cheek
[02:17] > Tao Latu (PJ's) smiles | Pretty good. Got a lot of stock in today.
[02:18] [Taiki Kou (nightdress)] how would you feel if I came to visit the store tomorrow?
[02:20] [Tao Latu (PJ's)] I think it would be wonderful.
[02:21] [Taiki Kou (nightdress)] heh
[02:21] [Taiki Kou (nightdress)] have you told anyone at your work about me?
[02:24] [Tao Latu (PJ's)] Well, I've mentioned that I have a fiancee, but I haven't mentioend you by name just yet
[02:24] [Taiki Kou (nightdress)] heh..I wonder how many of them would recongize my name
[02:26] > Taiki Kou (nightdress) snuggles against Tao
[02:27] > Tao Latu (PJ's) chuckles and snuggles up to Taiki
[02:28] [Tao Latu (PJ's)] Well, none of them recognized me from the gossip magazines from Tokyo.... so who knows for sure.
[02:30] [Taiki Kou (nightdress)] it's sort of refereshing..not being recongized
[02:32] > Taiki Kou (nightdress) lays her head against tao's chest "if a bit odd at times"
[02:35] > Tao Latu (PJ's) puts an arm around Taiki and squeezes her
[02:36] [Tao Latu (PJ's)] It's been nice not being stalked by photographers and reporters trying to get info out of me about you.
[02:36] [Taiki Kou (nightdress)] mm..peace and quiet..such a reward
[02:37] > Taiki Kou (nightdress) yawns a bit
[02:38] [Tao Latu (PJ's)] Indeed
[02:38] [Taiki Kou (nightdress)] mm..how about we get some sleep then
[02:40] [Tao Latu (PJ's)] Oh.... with me being so busy lately.... there's something I didn't get a chance to talk to you about.
[02:42] [Taiki Kou (nightdress)] hm?
[02:43] [Tao Latu (PJ's)] The last time Saiya stayed with us and you left the house..... she.... kinda' made a pass at me....
[02:44] [Taiki Kou (nightdress)] ...did she now
[02:44] [Tao Latu (PJ's)] Yeah.....
[02:45] [Taiki Kou (nightdress)] well....I suppose given her state
[02:45] [Tao Latu (PJ's)] .... nothing happened... but she was fairly aggresive.
[02:45] [Taiki Kou (nightdress)] it was to be expected
[02:46] [Tao Latu (PJ's)] I hope you're not upset that I didn't tell you sooner.
[02:49] [Taiki Kou (nightdress)] well....I sort of wish you had....
[02:49] [Taiki Kou (nightdress)] but...I'm not upset
[02:50] [Tao Latu (PJ's)] Well that's good.
[02:50] [Taiki Kou (nightdress)] now
[02:50] [Taiki Kou (nightdress)] let's get some sleep
[02:50] [Taiki Kou (nightdress)] and maybe..I'll treat you to something special in the morning ^_~
[02:52] > Tao Latu (PJ's) grins and nods, kissing Taiki before turning out the lights
[02:53] > Taiki Kou (nightdress) returns the kiss as the lights go out
[02:53] <-- Tao Latu (PJ's) has left #eventsbeta (Goodnight, love)
[02:53] <-- Taiki Kou (nightdress) has left #eventsbeta (goodnight)
[00:00] >>> Thursday Mar 01 2012 <<<
[00:36] ➣ Saturnian Royal Palace, Topaz' room
[00:39] --> Sagiri Shin (robe) [princeofmists@Mercury.org] has joined #eventsbeta
[00:39] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Sagiri Shin (robe)
[00:39] > Sagiri Shin (robe) walks in "...the showers here are amazing"
[00:39] ➣ There's noone in the room.
[00:40] [Sagiri Shin (robe)] ...topaz?
[00:42] --> Topaz Tomoe (Nightgown) [SecondGenSenshi@Saturn.net] has joined #eventsbeta
[00:42] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Topaz Tomoe (Nightgown)
[00:42] > Topaz Tomoe (Nightgown) walks in carrying a couple of drinks, "Sorry Sagi, I went to get us some tea."
[00:44] [Sagiri Shin (robe)] heh...I was just saying..the showers here are amazing
[00:46] > Topaz Tomoe (Nightgown) giggles, "Mine's specially desigend for me. I'm glad you like it.
[00:47] [Sagiri Shin (robe)] this time...has been wonderful
[00:49] [Topaz Tomoe (Nightgown)] I know it....
[00:50] > Topaz Tomoe (Nightgown) walks over and hands a large cup to Sagiri
[00:50] > Sagiri Shin (robe) takes the cup
[00:50] [Sagiri Shin (robe)] I'll be sad when I have to leave...
[00:51] [Topaz Tomoe (Nightgown)] As will I
[00:52] > Sagiri Shin (robe) sips his tea and smiles
[00:52] [Sagiri Shin (robe)] sweet..like you ^^
[00:53] > Topaz Tomoe (Nightgown) giggles and pats Sagiri's butt before sitting on her bed.
[00:53] > Sagiri Shin (robe) sits next to Topaz
[00:54] [Sagiri Shin (robe)] heh...I could almost live here
[00:55] > Topaz Tomoe (Nightgown) grins, sipping her tea and lays against Sagiri's arm
[00:55] > Sagiri Shin (robe) moves his arm to put it around Topaz
[00:56] [Topaz Tomoe (Nightgown)] I'd love to have you living here.... with me.
[00:57] [Topaz Tomoe (Nightgown)] But then again.... that's a really big step.
[00:57] [Sagiri Shin (robe)] yeah really..I'm not even finished with school yet >.>
[00:59] [Topaz Tomoe (Nightgown)] Yeah, I doubt your parents would be too happy with me if you quit school to live with me.
[01:01] [Sagiri Shin (robe)] my father would kill me ^^;;
[01:03] > Topaz Tomoe (Nightgown) sits her cup of tea down and snuggles against Sagiri
[01:03] [Sagiri Shin (robe)] and I'm not sure your parents would approve of me doing this
[01:04] [Topaz Tomoe (Nightgown)] I'm not sure. Could always ask mom and dad.
[01:05] [Sagiri Shin (robe)] I should probably first graduate before I think of doing this...
[01:06] [Topaz Tomoe (Nightgown)] Yeah, that sounds like a good plan.
[01:08] [Sagiri Shin (robe)] would you be...up for that?
[01:10] [Topaz Tomoe (Nightgown)] Of course!
[01:10] [Sagiri Shin (robe)] you could wait for me, right?
[01:15] [Topaz Tomoe (Nightgown)] Well yeah! It's not like I won't see you while you're going to school.
[01:17] > Sagiri Shin (robe) smiles and sips his tea
[01:17] [Sagiri Shin (robe)] heh so..heard any rumors about us since I came?
[01:23] [Sagiri Shin (robe)] I know mercury is brimming with them >.>
[01:24] [Topaz Tomoe (Nightgown)] Oh, of course.
[01:24] [Topaz Tomoe (Nightgown)] Rumors are that either we secretly got married.... or we'll have to soon because I'm carrying your child. ;)
[01:25] > Sagiri Shin (robe) blushes
[01:25] [Sagiri Shin (robe)] now my father would definatly kill me if that was true
[01:27] > Topaz Tomoe (Nightgown) giggles and blushes, "Good thing I have some natural protection as a future senshi, not to mention that I use my own protection anyway."
[01:27] > Sagiri Shin (robe) blushes "we should count ourselves lucky that way"
[01:29] [Topaz Tomoe (Nightgown)] Mmhmm
[01:30] [Sagiri Shin (robe)] ....so I leave..this weekend
[01:30] [Sagiri Shin (robe)] ...Topaz...I'm going to miss you so much
[01:32] [Topaz Tomoe (Nightgown)] I'll miss you too Sagi
[01:33] [Sagiri Shin (robe)] so we should make the last of these days..very special ^_~
[01:34] > Topaz Tomoe (Nightgown) giggles and grins
[01:35] [Topaz Tomoe (Nightgown)] ❧ Of course~ ❧
[01:37] > Sagiri Shin (robe) holds topaz closer
[01:39] > Topaz Tomoe (Nightgown) snuggles up to Sagiri and kisses him
[01:39] [Sagiri Shin (robe)] but we still have a few days
[01:39] > Sagiri Shin (robe) returns the kiss
[01:41] > Sagiri Shin (robe) holds the kiss
[01:41] [Topaz Tomoe (Nightgown)] ❧ Mmmm~ ❧
[01:42] [Sagiri Shin (robe)] ❧ mmm... ❧
[01:43] > Topaz Tomoe (Nightgown) slowly breaks the kiss and grins
[01:43] [Topaz Tomoe (Nightgown)] ❧ What do you say I turn out the lights and we do what comes naturally to us? ❧
[01:45] [Sagiri Shin (robe)] ❧ I approve of that idea ❧
[01:46] > Topaz Tomoe (Nightgown) smirks and stands, walking over to the wall, starting to slip off her nightgown as she turns out the lights
[01:46] <-- Topaz Tomoe (Nightgown) [SecondGenSenshi@Saturn.net] has left #eventsbeta (Here I come, Sagi ♡)
[01:48] <-- Sagiri Shin (robe) [princeofmists@Mercury.org] has left #eventsbeta (I'm ready for you, Topaz ♡)
[00:00] >>> Monday Mar 05 2012 <<<
[03:01] ➣ Gentle humming of a soft female voice accompanies the engine humming of the Red Dwarf in the observatory.
[03:01] --> Minako Kaioh (PJs) [SoldierOfLove@Venus.net] has joined #eventsbeta
[03:01] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Minako Kaioh (PJs)
[03:01] --> Baby Aiko has joined #eventsbeta
[03:01] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Baby Aiko
[03:01] > Minako Kaioh (PJs) looks out at the stars, sitting under the dome overlooking the dark side of the Earth, nursing Ai with her top unbuttoned.
[03:02] [Minako Kaioh (PJs)] ♬ ♫ ♡ ~ ♭
[03:02] --> Nephrite Masato (Workout) [FormerGeneral@DarkKingdom.net] has joined #eventsbeta
[03:02] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Nephrite Masato (Workout)
[03:03] [Minako Kaioh (PJs)] ❧ Look Ai, someone's come for the other one. ❧
[03:04] > Nephrite Masato (Workout) chuckles hearing that
[03:04] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] I thought I heard a lovely voice
[03:05] [Minako Kaioh (PJs)] Don't tell me you followed the sirens all the way up here~
[03:06] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] Well, yes and no.
[03:08] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] I came up for a workout, then tried to call you but found out you were up here.
[03:08] [Minako Kaioh (PJs)] I know you wouldn't go to this length just to see my boobs again~
[03:09] [Minako Kaioh (PJs)] Oh. Heh, yeah, Ai relaxes with the engine hum, and I like the view here. I like seeing the Earth I've fought and died for.
[03:12] > Nephrite Masato (Workout) walks over and sits next to Mina and smirks
[03:12] > Minako Kaioh (PJs) shifts and leans against him.
[03:12] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] ❧ Hey, those breasts are something to behold for sure. ^_~ ❧
[03:13] [Minako Kaioh (PJs)] Heee~ So desu ne. Arigatou.
[03:14] > Nephrite Masato (Workout) kisses Mina's cheek and smiles
[03:14] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] You and the girls did a fantastic job at the shoot last week.
[03:15] [Minako Kaioh (PJs)] I think it might have traumatized Ami-chan. >.>
[03:17] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] Awww, poor girl. I know she's super conservative.... but she needs to lighten up a little bit.
[03:17] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] The five of you together had excellent chemistry together.
[03:19] [Minako Kaioh (PJs)] She really does... but that's her personality, and we love her. I can't expect her to adapt my own way of thinking. Chemistry is one thing we do have though.
[03:20] [Minako Kaioh (PJs)] ❧ Isn't that right, Ai? We love our friends like Ami. ❧
[03:20] > Nephrite Masato (Workout) smiles to Ai
[03:21] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] I was impressed Rei even got into things....
[03:21] > Minako Kaioh (PJs) sighs.
[03:22] [Minako Kaioh (PJs)] I think she has a crush on Usagi-chan.
[03:23] > Minako Kaioh (PJs) cradles Ai, letting her top fall into place but remain unbuttoned.
[03:23] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] I had a feeling one of you five might've ended up liking other girls.... but I kinda' favored Mako over Rei in that sense.
[03:23] [Minako Kaioh (PJs)] Your turn. :P
[03:27] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] My turn?
[03:27] [Minako Kaioh (PJs)] At my boobs. It's a joke.
[03:28] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] Oooooh, *chuckles* my mind went in a totally different direction. XD
[03:29] [Minako Kaioh (PJs)] What direction was that?
[03:29] > Nephrite Masato (Workout) smirks, "That maybe you thought it was my turn to appear in a magazine, like you and the girls." :P
[03:30] > Minako Kaioh (PJs) giggles.
[03:30] [Minako Kaioh (PJs)] ❧ I don't see why a hunk like you doesn't do a little modeling of his own. ❧
[03:32] > Nephrite Masato (Workout) chuckles lightly at that, "I'd have to speak to my wives about that. But I'm not used to being in front of the camera personally."
[03:33] [Minako Kaioh (PJs)] And if Hotaru does her age trick and turns into a lolita, your whole family would look like they came from a greeting card. Save for Naftis-san's pretty but unusual hair.
[03:34] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] Hey, it's one of the things that attracted me to her.
[03:36] [Minako Kaioh (PJs)] It's pretty, but some people don't approve of such unusual things. Boring people who want laws that stop people from having fun.
[03:37] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] Indeed
[03:38] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] Speaking of my beautiful, rainbow haired wife. I haven't had the chance to tell you the good news.
[03:39] [Minako Kaioh (PJs)] Hehe, your boys manage to ♡ penetrate ♡ her defenses on your horneymoon?
[03:40] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] Indeed
[03:42] [Minako Kaioh (PJs)] Heeeee! ♡ That's wonderful news!
[03:42] > Nephrite Masato (Workout) smiles and nods, "It sure is. We're all pretty excited about it."
[03:44] > Nephrite Masato (Workout) yawns lightly
[03:44] [Minako Kaioh (PJs)] Hmm... guess with two wives you won't need a godmother.
[03:46] > Nephrite Masato (Workout) chuckles, "I'm sure our child will be very close to her Aunt Mina."
[03:46] > Nephrite Masato (Workout) yawns again
[03:46] [Minako Kaioh (PJs)] I hope so... c'mon.. lets go home to our loving families.
[03:47] > Nephrite Masato (Workout) nods and stands, offering his hand to Mina
[03:48] > Minako Kaioh (PJs) takes it and gets pulled up, her top flopping dangerously on her figure.
[03:49] <-- Minako Kaioh (PJs) [SoldierOfLove@Venus.net] has left #eventsbeta (♫ ~)
[03:49] <-- Baby Aiko has left #eventsbeta
[03:50] <-- Nephrite Masato (Workout) [FormerGeneral@DarkKingdom.net] has left #eventsbeta (You're going to end up flashing everyone before you get home.~)
[11:54] ➣ Taiki General Store
[11:54] --> Tao Latu (Work) has joined #eventsbeta
[11:54] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Tao Latu (Work)
[11:55] > Tao Latu (Work) walks out from a storage area, wearing a dark blue apron and straightening up items on the shelves.
[11:55] --> Setsuna Meioh (dress) [TimeGal@Pluto.co] has joined #eventsbeta
[11:55] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Setsuna Meioh (dress)
[11:55] > Setsuna Meioh (dress) walks in, Akira with her
[11:57] [Setsuna Meioh (dress)] now where is it....
[11:58] > Tao Latu (Work) looks up and notices the couple and grins, walking over
[11:58] > Setsuna Meioh (dress) pauses
[11:58] [Setsuna Meioh (dress)] why hello Tao
[11:59] [Tao Latu (Work)] Hello Princess, Sir Akira. How are you two?
[12:00] [Setsuna Meioh (dress)] I'm fine..if still a bit ill
[12:00] [Akira Meioh] very well thank you
[12:00] [Akira Meioh] yourself?
[12:03] [Tao Latu (Work)] I'm doing quite well. Can I help you find something?
[12:05] [Setsuna Meioh (dress)] do you sell any sewing equpitment here?
[12:06] [Tao Latu (Work)] Very little, I'm afraid. What we do have is right over here.
[12:07] > Tao Latu (Work) leads them to a corner of the store where some sewing supplies are held.
[12:07] [Tao Latu (Work)] By the way, what are the two of you doing all the way up here?
[12:11] [Setsuna Meioh (dress)] do you want a lie or the honest truth
[12:13] > Tao Latu (Work) smirks a little | I would prefer the truth, Princess. This area isn't exactly a vacation spot this time of year, from what I've been told.
[12:15] [Akira Meioh] to visit you and your fiancee
[12:16] [Tao Latu (Work)] Well that's nice of you. ^_^ I'm sure Taiki would love to have you at the house.
[12:17] > Setsuna Meioh (dress) smiles a bit
[12:17] [Setsuna Meioh (dress)] well....I'm trying to be more open as well
[12:18] [Tao Latu (Work)] More open in what way?
[12:20] [Akira Meioh] well
[12:20] [Akira Meioh] she plans to visit the other senshi more
[12:20] [Akira Meioh] spend more time with other people
[12:20] [Tao Latu (Work)] Ahh
[12:21] [Tao Latu (Work)] Well, I'm glad to hear that. I'm sure everyone will appreciate seeing you more, as I know Taiki and I will.
[12:22] [Setsuna Meioh (dress)] is she doing well
[12:24] [Tao Latu (Work)] Oh yes, the only problem is that she's beginning to get a little restless.
[12:24] [Setsuna Meioh (dress)] why is that?
[12:25] [Tao Latu (Work)] Well, I work five days a week, while she's having to stay at home. Her group is on hiatus due to Seiya's pregnancy.
[12:27] [Setsuna Meioh (dress)] perhaps she needs a hobby
[12:29] [Akira Meioh] or needs to get out a bit more
[12:29] [Tao Latu (Work)] Perhaps.
[12:31] [Tao Latu (Work)] I've been telling her that, but as you felt on your way in, it's still quite cold out.
[12:32] [Setsuna Meioh (dress)] much colder then tokyo that's for sure
[12:32] [Akira Meioh] how can you survive it..heh
[12:33] [Tao Latu (Work)] A combination of being from Pluto and this *pats his stomach*.
[12:34] > Setsuna Meioh (dress) pauses and looks at her husband
[12:34] > Akira Meioh smiles and nods
[12:34] > Setsuna Meioh (dress) walks over and gives Tao a big hug
[12:35] > Tao Latu (Work) is surprised by the sudden hug, but smiles and hugs Setsuna back
[12:36] [Setsuna Meioh (dress)] missed you
[12:37] [Tao Latu (Work)] I've missed you too, Princess.
[12:39] [Akira Meioh] so when would it be ok for us to come over then?
[12:41] [Tao Latu (Work)] Well, you can head over to the house now, if you'd like. I'm sure Taiki would welcome the company. I don't get off work for a few more hours.
[12:42] [Setsuna Meioh (dress)] well..first I should buy what I came here for as well
[12:44] [Tao Latu (Work)] Of course. Just bring the items to the counter and I'll ring you up.
[12:44] > Setsuna Meioh (dress) picks out some sewing needles and some thread
[12:45] [Akira Meioh] I'll pay for it
[12:45] > Setsuna Meioh (dress) puts the items on the counter
[12:45] > Tao Latu (Work) makes his way behind the counter, scanning the items with a price gun next to the register.
[12:47] > Tao Latu (Work) taps a few things on the register and the total shows up on a small screen.
[12:49] > Akira Meioh pulls out his wallet and puts down the amounted yen
[12:49] [Setsuna Meioh (dress)] ...is it just me..or is it slightly lower then it should be
[12:50] > Tao Latu (Work) smiles | It is, I've added in my employee discount.
[12:50] > Tao Latu (Work) counts up the yen and pushes a few keys on the register, opening it and putting it inside.
[12:53] [Setsuna Meioh (dress)] why thank you, Tao
[12:53] [Tao Latu (Work)] Anything for my princess.
[12:54] > Setsuna Meioh (dress) blushes
[12:54] [Akira Meioh] do you happen to have directions
[12:55] [Tao Latu (Work)] Of course, I'll write them down for you.
[12:55] > Tao Latu (Work) peels a piece of paper from a nearby note pad, writing down directions to his home and handing it to Akira
[12:56] [Akira Meioh] thank you
[12:57] [Tao Latu (Work)] You're quite welcome. Like I said, I'm sure Taiki will be pleasently surprised.
[12:59] [Setsuna Meioh (dress)] we will be going then
[12:59] [Tao Latu (Work)] Alright. I will see you both again soon. ^_^
[13:00] [Akira Meioh] take care..see you later
[13:00] > Tao Latu (Work) nods and smiles to them
[13:01] > Setsuna Meioh (dress) walks out with Akira
[13:02] <-- Setsuna Meioh (dress) [TimeGal@Pluto.co] has left #eventsbeta (perhaps we should have brought a cake or something)
[13:02] <-- Akira Meioh has left #eventsbeta (we can always pick up one on the way)
[13:03] <-- Tao Latu (Work) has left #eventsbeta (How wonderful for them to visit.)
[20:14] ➣ Chanelle's Room
[20:14] ➣ there is a knock at the door
[20:15] --> Chanelle Challe (Casual) [FrenchProjector@Mugen.edu] has joined #eventsbeta
[20:15] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Chanelle Challe (Casual)
[20:17] > Chanelle Challe (Casual) sits, typing something on her computer / Entre~
[20:20] > Hana Sagusa (casual) walks in "hey Chanelle"
[20:21] [Chanelle Challe (Casual)] Hii Hana~
[20:22] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] I'm stuck on my homework...again
[20:23] [Chanelle Challe (Casual)] I see, what has you stuck?
[20:23] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] mind helping?
[20:23] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] math
[20:24] [Chanelle Challe (Casual)] Sure, what are you stuck on?
[20:25] > Hana Sagusa (casual) shows the sheet...it's completely blan
[20:25] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] *blank
[20:26] [Chanelle Challe (Casual)] Oh wow..... um
[20:28] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] ^^;;; please.....
[20:30] > Chanelle Challe (Casual) looks over the page to get an idea of what lesson's being taught.
[20:32] > Hana Sagusa (casual)'s homework is simple algebra
[20:32] [Chanelle Challe (Casual)] Okay..... I see what they're going for.
[20:34] [Chanelle Challe (Casual)] Pull up a seat, I'll show you how these work.
[20:37] > Hana Sagusa (casual) grabs a chair and sits down
[20:39] [Chanelle Challe (Casual)] Okay, so basically, you have to do reverse math in order to find the missing number.
[20:41] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] ......you do?
[20:44] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] ...hey Chanelle....
[20:44] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] ...are you scared of graduating?
[20:45] [Chanelle Challe (Casual)] Not at all, w hy would I be?
[20:45] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] I mean...I don't know what to do next..do you?
[20:46] [Chanelle Challe (Casual)] Yeah, gonna' head to University.
[20:47] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] I don't think I can....
[20:51] [Chanelle Challe (Casual)] Well, that's why you need to pick out a sport or a trade.
[20:53] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] I don't think I have good enough grades
[20:59] [Chanelle Challe (Casual)] Like I said... learn a trade or pick up a sport.
[21:01] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] but I'm terrible at everything
[21:01] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] except fighting
[21:02] [Chanelle Challe (Casual)] Well... you could be a professional fighter. There are plenty of women doing that now.
[21:03] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] do you really think so?
[21:03] [Chanelle Challe (Casual)] Of course! You're an excellent fighter.
[21:07] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] think I can make a living out of it though?
[21:30] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] >.>
[21:31] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] ..what do you plan to do?
[21:34] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] chanelle?
[21:37] [Chanelle Challe (Casual)] I haven't entirely decided yet.
[21:41] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] well what do you like to do
[21:46] [Chanelle Challe (Casual)] Well.... seems I like to argue with people
[21:46] [Chanelle Challe (Casual)] Maybe I could be a lawyer.....
[21:47] [Chanelle Challe (Casual)] .....O_O or a politician!
[21:48] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] whoa
[21:48] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] imagine
[21:48] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] Chanelle.....PRIME MINISTER
[21:49] > Chanelle Challe (Casual) giggles
[21:50] [Chanelle Challe (Casual)] The first ever french prime minister of Japan.
[21:51] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] with illusion powers
[21:53] [Chanelle Challe (Casual)] Heh, well they'd never know I had those kind of powers.
[21:54] [Chanelle Challe (Casual)] Unless it became okay to have something like that.
[21:54] [Chanelle Challe (Casual)] Hey..... maybe that could be my platform.
[22:00] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] PSYCHIC POWERS FOR EVERYONE
[22:00] [Chanelle Challe (Casual)] Well.... equal rights for people with powers....
[22:01] [Chanelle Challe (Casual)] .... so we don't have to hide them anymore.
[22:07] [Chanelle Challe (Casual)] Come to think of it..... I don't think I've shown your brother my power....
[22:13] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] you haven't?
[22:14] [Chanelle Challe (Casual)] Not that I remember.
[22:17] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] huh..wonder what he'll think....
[22:18] > Chanelle Challe (Casual) starts to look concerned
[22:21] [Chanelle Challe (Casual)] .... what... if he doesn't like it?
[22:21] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] um...then he doesn't I guess
[22:22] [Chanelle Challe (Casual)] I don't..... want him to dump me.....
[22:23] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] well he won't I'm sure
[22:30] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] he loves you!
[22:31] > Chanelle Challe (Casual) starts to sniffle a little, but smiles through it.
[22:31] [Chanelle Challe (Casual)] Yeah, you're probably right.
[22:35] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] I mean....if Yuu can love me even if I am a musclehead then my brother can love you for being weird
[22:37] [Chanelle Challe (Casual)] But Yuu was attracted to you BECAUSE of how tough you are. Your brother doesn't know this about me....
[22:38] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] well are you going to hide it forever from him
[22:38] [Chanelle Challe (Casual)] No.... I can't
[22:46] > Chanelle Challe (Casual) stands
[22:49] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] huh what are you doing?
[22:51] [Chanelle Challe (Casual)] I'm going to show him..... right now.....
[22:52] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] um..good luck
[22:57] > Chanelle Challe (Casual) pats Hana's shoulder, walking past her and leaving the room
[23:00] [Hana Sagusa (casual)] seeya?
[23:02] <-- Chanelle Challe (Casual) [FrenchProjector@Mugen.edu] has left #eventsbeta (I have something to do now....)
[23:06] <-- Hana Sagusa (casual) [sagusa.hana@mugen.edu.jp] has left #eventsbeta (....)
[23:14] ➣ Madox Castle, Quinox, The Future
[23:14] --> Zenthi (headmaid's uniform) [staffhead@Q.ry.com] has joined #eventsbeta
[23:14] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Zenthi (headmaid's uniform)
[23:15] > Zenthi (headmaid's uniform) walks down the hall with a large stick
[23:15] > Zenthi (headmaid's uniform) pauses in front of a lamp...lifts the stick...and tapping it against the crystal like lamp, puts it out
[23:16] > Zenthi (headmaid's uniform) moves onto the next lamp and puts it out
[23:16] > Zenthi (headmaid's uniform) pauses.....looking through the open window at the two moons in the dark sky
[23:17] --> Celestite Detroit (Nightgown) [CrystalGirl@dimensionzero.cc] has joined #eventsbeta
[23:17] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Celestite Detroit (Nightgown)
[23:18] > Zenthi (headmaid's uniform) puts out another light
[23:18] --> Marty D [Techwiz@hogwarts.edu] has joined #eventsbeta
[23:18] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Marty D
[23:18] > Celestite Detroit (Nightgown) walks out from her room and down the hall towards Zenthi
[23:18] [Celestite Detroit (Nightgown)] There's my Zen. ^_^
[23:19] [Zenthi (headmaid's uniform)] oh..good evening, my lady...my lord
[23:19] > Zenthi (headmaid's uniform) curties
[23:19] [Marty D] How's Z tonight?
[23:19] [Zenthi (headmaid's uniform)] I was just putting out the lights for the evening
[23:20] [Celestite Detroit (Nightgown)] Ahh
[23:21] [Zenthi (headmaid's uniform)] are you two well
[23:21] [Marty D] Of course. Little tired from the little ones.
[23:21] > Celestite Detroit (Nightgown) walks over to Zenthi, putting an arm around her
[23:22] > Zenthi (headmaid's uniform) blushes
[23:22] [Celestite Detroit (Nightgown)] Very well, except for the occasional bout of nausia.
[23:23] [Zenthi (headmaid's uniform)] well I am glad you are doing alright
[23:24] [Celestite Detroit (Nightgown)] Hey Zen.... I've been meaning to ask you.....
[23:24] [Zenthi (headmaid's uniform)] yes, mistress?
[23:24] [Marty D] :3
[23:24] [Celestite Detroit (Nightgown)] Have you considered the offer we discussed?
[23:25] [Zenthi (headmaid's uniform)] I have
[23:27] [Zenthi (headmaid's uniform)] I thank you for the offer...but I have decided not to take it
[23:29] [Celestite Detroit (Nightgown)] I see, very well then.
[23:29] > Celestite Detroit (Nightgown) smiles and kisses Zenthi on the cheek.
[23:29] [Zenthi (headmaid's uniform)] I am content to be here for you though ^^
[23:29] > Zenthi (headmaid's uniform) smiles, blushing
[23:29] [Marty D] Aww, oh well, nya.
[23:31] > Zenthi (headmaid's uniform) gazes towards the moons "isn't it a wonderful night?"
[23:32] > Celestite Detroit (Nightgown) moves behind Zenthi, sliding her arms around the young maid's waist and holding her
[23:32] [Celestite Detroit (Nightgown)] It sure is.... the moons are beautiful tonight.
[23:33] > Zenthi (headmaid's uniform) leans a bit against Celestite
[23:34] [Zenthi (headmaid's uniform)] Lord Marty....are you dissapointed by my descion?
[23:40] [Marty D] Oh no, it was between the two of you. Could have been fun thought.
[23:40] [Zenthi (headmaid's uniform)] I belive I have everything I want right now ^^
[23:41] [Marty D] That's good. Still, I imagine you're going to wind up chained up in the dungeon with Cele anyway. :3
[23:42] > Zenthi (headmaid's uniform) blushes
[23:44] [Zenthi (headmaid's uniform)] is that so?
[23:45] [Celestite Detroit (Nightgown)] Heh, only if she either disobays me or does something wrong... but Zen's pretty good about not disappointing me.
[23:45] [Zenthi (headmaid's uniform)] I shall never dissapoint you!
[23:46] > Celestite Detroit (Nightgown) grins and kisses the side of Zenthi's neck
[23:46] [Marty D] Funny, with how you played with Daphne I thought you were an aspiring dominatrix.
[23:48] > Zenthi (headmaid's uniform) giggles
[23:48] [Celestite Detroit (Nightgown)] Nah, I just wanted to have some fun with Daph.
[23:52] [Zenthi (headmaid's uniform)] you two are such good employeers to us
[23:52] [Marty D] Glad you think so.
[23:52] [Marty D] We're really lucky to have you, between this huge place and my twin boys.
[23:54] > Celestite Detroit (Nightgown) slowly lets go of Zen, her fingers lingering along Zenthi's sides.
[23:55] > Zenthi (headmaid's uniform) smiles
[23:56] > Marty D takes Cele's place, holding Z tightly from behind.
[23:57] > Zenthi (headmaid's uniform) blushes "my my...master.."
[23:58] [Marty D] I do hope I can ~steal~ you away a few of these nights. I could have a lot of fun with two toys, even if one is only lending me her freedom..
[23:58] > Zenthi (headmaid's uniform) blushes "I would be honored, master"
[23:59] [Marty D] Good. :3
[23:59] > Marty D gives her neck a lovebite.
[23:59] > Celestite Detroit (Nightgown) smirks a little
[00:00] >>> Tuesday Mar 06 2012 <<<
[00:00] > Zenthi (headmaid's uniform) giggles and wiggles a bit "mmm master!"
[00:00] [Celestite Detroit (Nightgown)] I've only been pregnant for a month and you're already playing with my personal maid instead of me. :P
[00:00] [Marty D] Why don't you... lets see... it's midnight... Why don't you be naked and kneeling in the dungeon this time tomorrow night? Aww, honey...
[00:01] > Marty D slides away from Cele to embrace Cele and give her a deep kiss.
[00:02] > Celestite Detroit (Nightgown) kisses Marty back and giggles a little
[00:02] > Zenthi (headmaid's uniform) fixes her hair
[00:03] > Marty D holds the kiss for at least a minute before breaking it and looking at her.
[00:04] [Marty D] You're right.. I'm not paying enough attention to my Cele wife. ♡ Beautiful fiery pregnant fiesty ultimately-obedient Celestite. ♡
[00:04] > Celestite Detroit (Nightgown) giggles again
[00:05] [Celestite Detroit (Nightgown)] ❧ I was just teasing, but if it gets your attention, then I'm all for it~ ❧
[00:06] [Marty D] Why don't you join us, then? We'll have fun attaching one maid to the other in painful and embarrassing ways.
[00:07] > Zenthi (headmaid's uniform) blushes
[00:07] [Marty D] That is, if Z agrees.
[00:08] [Celestite Detroit (Nightgown)] Sure, could be fun. ^_~
[00:11] [Zenthi (headmaid's uniform)] ..c..certainly
[00:13] [Marty D] Well then, I guess we'll see you tomorrow night.
[00:15] [Zenthi (headmaid's uniform)] very well, master ^^
[00:17] > Celestite Detroit (Nightgown) yawns lightly
[00:17] [Marty D] Let's check on the wife and kids.
[00:19] [Celestite Detroit (Nightgown)] Yeah, that sounds like a good idea.
[00:19] [Zenthi (headmaid's uniform)] goodnight master, mistress
[00:19] > Zenthi (headmaid's uniform) curtieses again
[00:22] [Marty D] You're dismissed Z. Keep up the good work.
[00:22] > Marty D wraps his arm around Cele and leads her out, his tail swaying.
[00:23] > Celestite Detroit (Nightgown) slides her arm around Marty, stroking his tail
[00:24] <-- Marty D [Techwiz@hogwarts.edu] has left #eventsbeta (Better watch out or I'll have both of you in magic collars.)
[00:25] <-- Celestite Detroit (Nightgown) [CrystalGirl@dimensionzero.cc] has left #eventsbeta (That's not in my style. :P)
[00:26] <-- Zenthi (headmaid's uniform) [staffhead@Q.ry.com] has left #eventsbeta (*goes back to her work*)
[01:53] ➣ Jenny's apartment, living room
[01:54] > Jennifer Flare (PJ's) sits on her sofa, sipping a drink.
[02:03] > Jennifer Flare (PJ's) giggles at the show on TV
[02:22] --> Boy Pichu (PJs) has joined #eventsbeta
[02:22] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Boy Pichu (PJs)
[02:23] > Boy Pichu (PJs) walks in with a bowl of mixed nuts and two glasses of water.
[02:23] [Boy Pichu (PJs)] Hi. Want some nuts?
[02:24] > Jennifer Flare (PJ's) looks up and smiles/ Thank you, Pichu. I'd love some.
[02:26] > Boy Pichu (PJs) sits next to her, putting the glasses down and holding the nuts between them, eating.
[02:28] > Jennifer Flare (PJ's) takes a handful of nuts, eating
[02:29] [Boy Pichu (PJs)] I was wondering.. you really like that boy, don't you?
[02:30] [Jennifer Flare (PJ's)] I do.... he's very sweet and more grown up then he looks. What do you think of him?
[02:30] > Boy Pichu (PJs) sounds much more casual than accusatory.
[02:31] [Boy Pichu (PJs)] I dunno. Seems nice. Just hope he doesn't capture me and force me to fight. >.>
[02:31] [Jennifer Flare (PJ's)] I wouldn't let him do that to you, Pichu.
[02:32] [Jennifer Flare (PJ's)] You're too special to me to let anyone hurt you.
[02:33] [Boy Pichu (PJs)] ^.^ Thanks..
[02:34] [Boy Pichu (PJs)] It's really rare for a human to be so kind to a Pokemon.
[02:36] > Jennifer Flare (PJ's) hugs Pichu and smiles
[02:36] [Jennifer Flare (PJ's)] You've helped me through so much, Pichu. How could I not be kind to you?
[02:39] [Boy Pichu (PJs)] Pichu. ^.^
[02:39] > Boy Pichu (PJs) squeezes her arms and lets his ears twitch.
[02:42] > Jennifer Flare (PJ's) kisses Pichu on the forehead.
[02:44] [Boy Pichu (PJs)] Does this mean he'll be moving in?
[02:47] [Jennifer Flare (PJ's)] Well, maybe. Would you be alright with that?
[02:48] > Boy Pichu (PJs) looks a little confused.
[02:48] [Boy Pichu (PJs)] You're... asking me, Pichu?
[02:49] [Jennifer Flare (PJ's)] Well, yeah.... I mean....If you're not comfortable with Shota, I won't ask him to move in.
[02:50] [Boy Pichu (PJs)] Wow.. that's neat that you'd ask me.. Sure. If you trust him, that's enough for me.
[02:50] ➣ Jenny's phone beeps with a text message.
[02:51] > Jennifer Flare (PJ's) smiles and nods to Pichu, then picks up her phone, checking her message.
[02:52] [Shotaro Dasanteki] ☇ You home? Can I stop by? -SS- ☇
[02:53] > Jennifer Flare (PJ's) smiles and turns her phone sideways, typing a message / Yeah, you can come by. Just watching some tv with Pichu before I turn in. -J
[02:54] --> Shotaro Dasanteki [StraightShota@RogueIsles.net] has joined #eventsbeta
[02:54] [@HOL_6000] Intruder Alert! Shotaro Dasanteki detected!
[02:54] > Shotaro Dasanteki teleports in with a bright flash, wearing his normal costume of his trenchcoat and gym outfit, and carrying a duffel bag in one hand and a large hard case in the other.
[02:55] [Shotaro Dasanteki] ❧ Heyyy. ❧
[02:55] [Boy Pichu (PJs)] Woah! o.o
[02:56] [Jennifer Flare (PJ's)] Well that was unexpected. Hey there cutie!
[02:57] > Shotaro Dasanteki puts the loot down and skips over to the couch, falling into the seat at her other side and kissing her.
[02:57] [Jennifer Flare (PJ's)] What do you have there?
[03:00] > Jennifer Flare (PJ's) kisses Shota back and smiles
[03:00] [Shotaro Dasanteki] Mmm? Oh.. that's just... some parts... I needed..
[03:01] > Shotaro Dasanteki has a bit of dark puffyness under his eye.
[03:02] [Jennifer Flare (PJ's)] Are you okay? It looks like you got hit in the face?
[03:02] [Shotaro Dasanteki] Mmm? Oh damn, I thought I got it all.. Longbow Warden caught me with a beanbag round..
[03:03] > Shotaro Dasanteki pulls a small device from his coat, taps a few buttons on it, and waves it over his face, shining green light on himself.
[03:03] [Jennifer Flare (PJ's)] Awww.... Let me get ya' an ice pack for your eye.
[03:03] [Shotaro Dasanteki] Please. Guess this thing isn't working right.
[03:04] > Jennifer Flare (PJ's) nods and hops up, walking into the kitchen.
[03:05] [Shotaro Dasanteki] How are you, kid?
[03:05] > Shotaro Dasanteki takes a few nuts and eats.
[03:05] [Boy Pichu (PJs)] Okay.. getting tired, though.. Maybe I'll let you two be alone.
[03:07] > Jennifer Flare (PJ's) walks over with a ziplock back with ice in it and a washcloth wrapped around it, handing it to Shota
[03:07] > Boy Pichu (PJs) gets up and walks off, turning into his other form as he goes.
[03:08] <-- Boy Pichu (PJs) has left #eventsbeta
[03:08] [Shotaro Dasanteki] Thanks. How was your day?
[03:08] > Shotaro Dasanteki holds it to his face.
[03:09] > Jennifer Flare (PJ's) sits next to Shota / Oh, not too bad. Kind of slow at the arcade. What happened to you today?
[03:10] [Shotaro Dasanteki] You... really want to know?
[03:11] [Jennifer Flare (PJ's)] In some ways I do, then again I don't...... I'm concerned about you....
[03:13] [Shotaro Dasanteki] Nah, I can take care of myself. Some friends and I raided a longbow compound for supplies. Made off with some experimental tech and enriched plutonium.
[03:14] [Jennifer Flare (PJ's)] Plutonium!? Like the stuff they make nuclear weapons with?
[03:16] [Shotaro Dasanteki] ^.^; yeah.. you can use it for other things too. Force fields..... teleporters.... time traveling..
[03:18] [Jennifer Flare (PJ's)] Ahh
[03:18] [Shotaro Dasanteki] Not like I want to wipe out a city or anything.
[03:18] [Jennifer Flare (PJ's)] I hope not....
[03:19] > Shotaro Dasanteki frowns.
[03:21] [Jennifer Flare (PJ's)] Wha'ts wrong?
[03:21] [Shotaro Dasanteki] Just that you'd think I would..
[03:22] [Jennifer Flare (PJ's)] .... I don't. I just worry about you carrying that stuff around.
[03:24] [Shotaro Dasanteki] Well.. I'm careful. I've done lots of research.
[03:26] [Jennifer Flare (PJ's)] Okay
[03:26] > Jennifer Flare (PJ's) hugs Shota and kisses him
[03:27] [Shotaro Dasanteki] ❧ ♡ ❧
[03:30] > Jennifer Flare (PJ's) slowly breaks the kiss and yawns
[03:31] > Shotaro Dasanteki yawns in response.
[03:32] [Jennifer Flare (PJ's)] Sounds like bed time
[03:32] [Shotaro Dasanteki] Sounds good. Breakfast tomorrow on me?
[03:33] > Jennifer Flare (PJ's) stands and smiles, offering her hand and nods
[03:33] > Shotaro Dasanteki takes it, getting pulled up and walking with her to bed.
[03:34] <-- Jennifer Flare (PJ's) [AriesSenshi@usa.cc] has left #eventsbeta (This is a pleasent surprise~)
[03:35] <-- Shotaro Dasanteki [StraightShota@RogueIsles.net] has left #eventsbeta (Nice to spend a night in comfort after a stressful day.)
[13:55] ➣ Second Light Talent Agency
[13:55] --> Freya (business casual) [CatGuard@Q.Gov] has joined #eventsbeta
[13:55] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Freya (business casual)
[13:55] > Freya (business casual) walks in with some mail
[13:57] [Freya (business casual)] geh....
[13:57] [Freya (business casual)] hate doing mail service
[13:59] > Freya (business casual) drops some mail on Raoul's desk
[14:03] --> Raoul Bertrand (Business casual) [Brightbeauty@mercury.org] has joined #eventsbeta
[14:03] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Raoul Bertrand (Business casual)
[14:03] [Raoul Bertrand (Business casual)] I'm back with lunch.... what's this?
[14:04] [Freya (business casual)] just the morning's mail
[14:04] > Freya (business casual) puts a few envelopes on her desk
[14:05] [Freya (business casual)] mailgirl is out sick today so I'm down her job in the building
[14:07] [Raoul Bertrand (Business casual)] I see
[14:09] > Raoul Bertrand (Business casual) sets a plastic food tray on Freya's desk then sits at his own looking through the mail.
[14:10] [Freya (business casual)] heh I wish we had more staff sometimes....
[14:12] > Freya (business casual) opens the tray
[14:14] [Freya (business casual)] what do you think?
[14:14] [Raoul Bertrand (Business casual)] Maybe
[14:15] > Raoul Bertrand (Business casual) opens one of the envelopes
[14:18] > Raoul Bertrand (Business casual) tears it up and tosses it in the trashcan, starting to eat his lunch
[14:20] > Freya (business casual) eats her lunch
[14:20] [Freya (business casual)] so what was it?
[14:23] [Raoul Bertrand (Business casual)] Someone trying to get me to buy computer equipment through the mail.
[14:24] [Freya (business casual)] heh as if you need more
[14:24] [Raoul Bertrand (Business casual)] I know
[14:25] [Freya (business casual)] oh what do you want for dinner tonight?
[14:28] [Raoul Bertrand (Business casual)] I hadn't really thought about it.
[14:28] [Freya (business casual)] I was thinking
[14:28] [Freya (business casual)] of visiting matsumi again tonight..and having dinner at her place
[14:30] [Freya (business casual)] what do you think?
[14:30] [Raoul Bertrand (Business casual)] That sounds like a good idea.
[14:32] [Freya (business casual)] also means I don't need to cook tonight :P
[14:33] > Raoul Bertrand (Business casual) chuckles
[14:35] > Freya (business casual) walks over "so what is my man eating?"
[14:36] [Raoul Bertrand (Business casual)] Barbacue Chicken. How's your fish?
[14:37] > Freya (business casual) massages raoul's shoulders "just right"
[14:40] > Raoul Bertrand (Business casual) smiles and lets out a pleasent sigh
[14:41] [Freya (business casual)] you've been tense lately...
[14:44] [Freya (business casual)] anything bothering you?
[14:47] [Raoul Bertrand (Business casual)] Well...
[14:48] [Raoul Bertrand (Business casual)] .... someone's been trying to hack the website and they're good.....
[14:48] [Raoul Bertrand (Business casual)] ..... it's been taking everything I've got to keep them out.
[14:50] [Freya (business casual)] why would anyone do that?
[14:52] [Freya (business casual)] we're not that special *hugs raoul from behind*
[14:53] [Raoul Bertrand (Business casual)] Well.... a rumor leaked about ze senshi Playboy shoot....
[14:54] [Freya (business casual)] ooooooh that one
[14:54] > Raoul Bertrand (Business casual) leans back against Freya
[14:56] [Freya (business casual)] so they want to get photos or something?
[14:57] [Raoul Bertrand (Business casual)] Yeah... zey assume because we represent Minako, zat we have ze photos hidden on our site.
[14:58] [Freya (business casual)] we don't, do we?
[14:58] [Raoul Bertrand (Business casual)] No, not zat I know of. Unless Neph has zem on ze computer in his office.
[15:00] [Freya (business casual)] I would expect him to tell us if he did...
[15:01] [Raoul Bertrand (Business casual)] Perhaps you're right.
[15:02] [Freya (business casual)] still...do you think you can keep this hacker out?
[15:04] [Raoul Bertrand (Business casual)] Yeah... it's just taking a large amount of effort.
[15:05] [Freya (business casual)] mmm well I'm sure you can do it *kisses raoul on the cheek*
[15:06] > Raoul Bertrand (Business casual) smiles / Zank you dear. ^_^
[15:09] [Freya (business casual)] nothing gets past you ^_~
[15:10] [Raoul Bertrand (Business casual)] You mean like ze new perfume you're wearing?
[15:12] > Freya (business casual) blushes "hee so you can tell"
[15:14] [Raoul Bertrand (Business casual)] Of course, it's enchanting.
[15:15] [Freya (business casual)] heh that's the name of it
[15:18] [Freya (business casual)] Enchanting
[15:20] > Raoul Bertrand (Business casual) finishes his food and stands
[15:20] [Freya (business casual)] hm?
[15:20] [Raoul Bertrand (Business casual)] You are so sweet. :)
[15:22] [Freya (business casual)] well I try to be ^^
[15:23] > Raoul Bertrand (Business casual) hugs and kisses Freya
[15:24] > Freya (business casual) returns the kiss happily
[15:25] > Raoul Bertrand (Business casual) slowly breaks the kiss and smiles / We should probably get back to work.
[15:26] [Freya (business casual)] heh true enough
[15:27] > Raoul Bertrand (Business casual) pauses and thinks something to himself before sitting at his desk.
[15:28] > Raoul Bertrand (Business casual) smirks a little / You truely are my muse, dear.
[15:29] > Freya (business casual) giggles and sits down at her desk
[15:30] > Raoul Bertrand (Business casual) starts typing something on his computer / Do you remember while Neph was gone.... how I bypassed ze camera so we could use his office?
[15:31] [Freya (business casual)] yeah I remember that
[15:32] [Raoul Bertrand (Business casual)] Well... zinking about zat just gave me an idea..... I'm going to make a fake website and let ze hacker get into it.
[15:33] [Freya (business casual)] ooooo clever
[15:36] [Freya (business casual)] my clever clever man
[15:37] > Raoul Bertrand (Business casual) types furiously with a smirk
[15:38] [Raoul Bertrand (Business casual)] I am as clever as my girlfriend is beautiful. ^_~
[15:39] > Freya (business casual) giggles
[15:40] [Freya (business casual)] I should probably get back to what I was working on earlier
[15:41] > Raoul Bertrand (Business casual) looks to Freya and nods, then winks as he never stops typing, then goes back to it, speeding up.
[15:43] > Freya (business casual) smiles back
[15:43] <-- Freya (business casual) [CatGuard@Q.Gov] has left #eventsbeta (back to work)
[15:44] <-- Raoul Bertrand (Business casual) [Brightbeauty@mercury.org] has left #eventsbeta (I might even be able to back track him this way....)
[23:41] ➣ Sasgusa Dojo/Home
[23:41] --> Isamu Sagusa (PJs) has joined #eventsbeta
[23:41] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Isamu Sagusa (PJs)
[23:42] > Isamu Sagusa (PJs) sits at the table, looking over some bills
[23:43] --> Chanelle Challe (PJ's) [FrenchProjector@Mugen.edu] has joined #eventsbeta
[23:43] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Chanelle Challe (PJ's)
[23:44] [Isamu Sagusa (PJs)] hm?
[23:44] [Isamu Sagusa (PJs)] good evening, Chanelle
[23:45] > Chanelle Challe (PJ's) walks in, looking a little sheepish
[23:45] [Chanelle Challe (PJ's)] Hey.... how are you Isamu-kun?
[23:46] [Isamu Sagusa (PJs)] oh I'm fine..just working on some bills
[23:47] [Isamu Sagusa (PJs)] you?
[23:47] [Chanelle Challe (PJ's)] Well, Hana and I were talking about something last night and I realized something.
[23:48] > Chanelle Challe (PJ's) walks in and sits, looking somewhat nervous.
[23:48] [Isamu Sagusa (PJs)] hm? what is it?
[23:50] [Chanelle Challe (PJ's)] Well, I know we've been together for a while.... but there's something I never told you.
[23:51] [Isamu Sagusa (PJs)] ..something you've never told me about?
[23:51] > Chanelle Challe (PJ's) nods / I never really thought of it until now.....
[23:53] [Isamu Sagusa (PJs)] and what would that be...
[23:54] [Chanelle Challe (PJ's)] ..... well I'm not... entirely normal.
[23:55] [Isamu Sagusa (PJs)] how so?
[23:56] [Chanelle Challe (PJ's)] Well.... I have a somewhat odd ability.
[23:58] [Isamu Sagusa (PJs)] ...go on
[23:58] [Chanelle Challe (PJ's)] Well.... it might be best to show you.
[23:59] [Isamu Sagusa (PJs)] I'm watching
[23:59] > Chanelle Challe (PJ's) holds her hand over the table and suddenly a small dog appears on it.
[00:00] >>> Wednesday Mar 07 2012 <<<
[00:03] > Isamu Sagusa (PJs) jumps up a bit
[00:03] ➣ The dog looks at Isamu and whimpers a little
[00:06] > Chanelle Challe (PJ's) looks a little worried at Isamu
[00:07] [Isamu Sagusa (PJs)] .....
[00:07] > Isamu Sagusa (PJs) tries to touch the dog
[00:08] ➣ Isamu's hand goes through the dog as he tries to touch it.
[00:08] [Isamu Sagusa (PJs)] ....
[00:08] [Isamu Sagusa (PJs)] impressive
[00:09] [Chanelle Challe (PJ's)] If I think of something and hold my hand out, I can make a three dimentional image of what I'm thinking
[00:09] > Isamu Sagusa (PJs) looks at chanelle
[00:10] [Isamu Sagusa (PJs)] ....
[00:11] > Chanelle Challe (PJ's) closes her hand and the dog vanishes, still looking worried at Isamu
[00:12] > Isamu Sagusa (PJs) smiles "very impressive"
[00:13] [Chanelle Challe (PJ's)] Really... you think so?
[00:16] [Isamu Sagusa (PJs)] I love you...and nothing will change that
[00:17] > Chanelle Challe (PJ's) sighs in relief and smiles
[00:17] [Chanelle Challe (PJ's)] You have no idea how happy that makes me. ^_^
[00:19] > Isamu Sagusa (PJs) smiles and hugs Chanelle
[00:21] > Chanelle Challe (PJ's) hugs Isamu back and holds onto him
[00:22] [Isamu Sagusa (PJs)] it doens't matter what you can do...
[00:22] [Isamu Sagusa (PJs)] you are still chanelle to me
[00:24] > Chanelle Challe (PJ's) smiles and kisses Isamu
[00:25] > Isamu Sagusa (PJs) returns the kiss
[00:29] [Isamu Sagusa (PJs)] now why did you hide that from me.....
[00:29] > Chanelle Challe (PJ's) moves and sits on Isamu's lap
[00:31] > Isamu Sagusa (PJs) holds chanelle
[00:31] [Chanelle Challe (PJ's)] Because..... I was afraid you'd reject me because of it
[00:32] [Isamu Sagusa (PJs)] and why would I reject you?
[00:33] [Chanelle Challe (PJ's)] I.... dunno. I've just heard that some people with unnatural powers get rejected by others.
[00:41] [Isamu Sagusa (PJs)] well I'm not one of those
[00:43] [Isamu Sagusa (PJs)] I promise you that
[00:45] > Chanelle Challe (PJ's) holds Isamu, leaning against him with a smile / I'm very glad for that.
[00:48] [Chanelle Challe (PJ's)] So, what were you working on before I came in?
[00:49] [Isamu Sagusa (PJs)] oh..just some bills
[00:54] [Isamu Sagusa (PJs)] the usual things
[00:55] [Chanelle Challe (PJ's)] Are you sure you don't want me to help with those?
[00:56] [Isamu Sagusa (PJs)] heh if you wish
[00:58] > Isamu Sagusa (PJs) hands chanelle a few of the bills
[01:02] > Chanelle Challe (PJ's) looks them over
[01:04] ➣ the bill is for the water
[01:05] [Chanelle Challe (PJ's)] Well, that's not too bad.
[01:07] [Isamu Sagusa (PJs)] no not for this month it really isn
[01:07] [Isamu Sagusa (PJs)] *isn't
[01:09] [Isamu Sagusa (PJs)] heh do you plan to pay it or something
[01:10] [Chanelle Challe (PJ's)] I could, if you really want me to.
[01:12] [Isamu Sagusa (PJs)] heh are you being serious?
[01:12] [Chanelle Challe (PJ's)] Well yeah.
[01:14] [Isamu Sagusa (PJs)] heh if you wish
[01:15] [Chanelle Challe (PJ's)] Hey, I don't mind helping my man with his bills.
[01:15] [Chanelle Challe (PJ's)] One thing my papa taught me was how to work the stock market.
[01:17] [Isamu Sagusa (PJs)] heh clever
[01:19] [Isamu Sagusa (PJs)] I have such a smart girlfriend ^_~
[01:20] > Chanelle Challe (PJ's) giggles and blushes
[01:23] [Isamu Sagusa (PJs)] if you pay the water..I'll pay electric
[01:24] [Chanelle Challe (PJ's)] Sounds like a plan.
[01:25] > Isamu Sagusa (PJs) kisses Chanelle's cheek
[01:26] > Chanelle Challe (PJ's) smiles
[01:29] [Isamu Sagusa (PJs)] so what other secrets might you be hiding from me ^_~
[01:30] [Chanelle Challe (PJ's)] Just that one
[01:30] > Chanelle Challe (PJ's) smirks and shifts a little on Isamu's lap
[01:31] [Chanelle Challe (PJ's)] ❧ Though.... if you want... I could always show you what I'm not hiding under my pj's. ^_~ ❧
[01:34] [Isamu Sagusa (PJs)] ❧ mm..is that so? ❧
[01:35] [Chanelle Challe (PJ's)] ❧ Mmhmm..... ❧
[01:38] [Isamu Sagusa (PJs)] ❧ well I wouldn't say no to that ❧
[01:39] > Chanelle Challe (PJ's) grins at Isamu, standing and undoing the top few buttons of her pj top
[01:42] > Isamu Sagusa (PJs) smiles, watching
[01:44] > Chanelle Challe (PJ's) winks and makes her way to the stairs
[01:44] [Chanelle Challe (PJ's)] ❧ You have to come with me to bed to see the rest~ ❧
[01:44] > Isamu Sagusa (PJs) smiles and follows Chanelle
[01:47] > Chanelle Challe (PJ's) walks into the bedroom and dangles her removed pj top from just inside the door
[01:47] <-- Chanelle Challe (PJ's) [FrenchProjector@Mugen.edu] has left #eventsbeta (Come put me to bed big man. ♡)
[01:48] <-- Isamu Sagusa (PJs) has left #eventsbeta (oh of course ♡)
[13:08] ➣ Kaze House
[13:09] --> Hideki Kaze (casual) [AirKnight@Qtech.com] has joined #eventsbeta
[13:09] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Hideki Kaze (casual)
[13:09] > Hideki Kaze (casual) has cleared away a room...and is starting to work on moving something in
[13:12] [Hideki Kaze (casual)] ugh...
[13:12] --> Vanadine (Workout) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has joined #eventsbeta
[13:12] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Vanadine (Workout)
[13:12] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Vanadine (Workout)
[13:14] > +Vanadine (Workout) walks down the hall and sees Hideki
[13:14] > Hideki Kaze (casual) is trying his best to move it in
[13:15] [+Vanadine (Workout)] What's up?
[13:19] [Hideki Kaze (casual)] ugh....
[13:19] [Hideki Kaze (casual)] trying to move..this thing
[13:20] [Hideki Kaze (casual)] into the room...
[13:20] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Why didn't you come get me?
[13:21] [Hideki Kaze (casual)] heh..didn't want to disturb your work out
[13:21] [Hideki Kaze (casual)] though if you want to help me now
[13:22] > Hideki Kaze (casual) stops when he realizes he's in danger of tipping the object over
[13:22] [Hideki Kaze (casual)] um...yeah maybe you should help
[13:25] [Hideki Kaze (casual)] I don't want to damage it
[13:25] > +Vanadine (Workout) moves in and pushes, getting the object into the room.
[13:25] [Hideki Kaze (casual)] so can you take one end and I'll take the other?
[13:25] [Hideki Kaze (casual)] or do that
[13:25] > Hideki Kaze (casual) walks over and carefully uncovers the object, opening it
[13:25] [+Vanadine (Workout)] What is this thing anyway?
[13:26] ➣ the object is a small shrine
[13:26] [Hideki Kaze (casual)] I thought it would be best to have one in the house
[13:27] [Hideki Kaze (casual)] plus my parents insisted
[13:28] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Really?
[13:32] [Hideki Kaze (casual)] and I was thinking vana
[13:32] [Hideki Kaze (casual)] if you wanted
[13:32] [Hideki Kaze (casual)] we could add a small shrine to your parents
[13:33] > +Vanadine (Workout) thinks about that and smiles a little: Yeah...... I think that would be nice.
[13:34] [Hideki Kaze (casual)] I was thinking of calling rei over and having her perform the nesscary cermony
[13:36] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Sounds like a good idea.
[13:37] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Where in the room should we place this one?
[13:37] [Hideki Kaze (casual)] against the back wall
[13:39] > +Vanadine (Workout) carefully pushes the shrine into place
[13:42] [Hideki Kaze (casual)] I was thinking of making this room just a place for the family shrines
[13:45] [+Vanadine (Workout)] I lke that idea. :)
[13:46] [Hideki Kaze (casual)] we just need rei now
[13:49] > Hideki Kaze (casual) stands and wipes his brow
[13:50] [+Vanadine (Workout)] I haven't heard from her in a while.
[13:51] [Hideki Kaze (casual)] me neither actually
[13:51] [Hideki Kaze (casual)] I don't think anyone has really
[13:53] [Hideki Kaze (casual)] wonder what's going on with her
[13:55] [+Vanadine (Workout)] I do know one interesting thing.
[13:56] [Hideki Kaze (casual)] hm wht's that?
[13:58] [+Vanadine (Workout)] The first five senshi girls recently did a photoshoot for Playboy
[13:59] [Hideki Kaze (casual)] heh interesting....I'm surprised some of them did that
[14:01] > Hideki Kaze (casual) walks over and wraps his arms around vana
[14:01] > +Vanadine (Workout) sees a little surpised by the hug, but grins
[14:03] [Hideki Kaze (casual)] mmm...we should probably get out of this room first
[14:04] [Hideki Kaze (casual)] don't want to do anything in front of the shrine
[14:04] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Very true....
[14:06] > Hideki Kaze (casual) walks out of the room
[14:06] > +Vanadine (Workout) follows Hideki
[14:09] > Hideki Kaze (casual) closes the door
[14:09] [Hideki Kaze (casual)] there that's better
[14:11] [Hideki Kaze (casual)] heh how was the workout this time?
[14:11] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Pretty good. Moving that shrine was a pretty good workout.