[14:28] >>> Monday Jan 16 2012 – Automatic reset triggered – Logging Start <<<
[14:28] [Tao Latu (Work)] Of course
[14:33] > Yaten Kou (casual) walks over to a display case, which is full of various ortaments and items
[14:35] ➣ the case is also very large
[14:36] [Tao Latu (Work)] Well, I would suggest you girls empty the case before I move it.
[14:36] > Taiki Kou (casual) closes another box of books "this one is ready"
[14:38] > Tao Latu (Work) nods, picking up the box and carrying it out
[14:44] > Taiki Kou (casual) walks over and starts to remove objects from the case
[14:44] [Taiki Kou (casual)] Yaten I'll need a box
[14:45] > Yaten Kou (casual) tosses another empty box
[14:48] [Seiya Kou (casual)] grrrr...I want to help ><
[14:58] > Tao Latu (Work) comes walking back in
[14:58] [Tao Latu (Work)] Seiya, why don't you help them unload the display case?
[15:01] <-- Tao Latu (Work) has left #eventsbeta (I'll go get you girls some drinks.)
[15:01] <-- Seiya Kou (casual) [StarFighter@Kinmoku.gov] has left #eventsbeta (FINALLY!)
[15:02] <-- Taiki Kou (casual) has left #eventsbeta (careful...)
[15:02] <-- Yaten Kou (casual) has left #eventsbeta
[00:00] >>> Tuesday Jan 17 2012 <<<
[00:30] ➣ The sun is setting rapidly over the horizon overseen by Magellan castle on Venus. Armored guards open tall decorated doors for a couple entering.
[00:30] --> Marty D (Traveling cloak) [Techwiz@hogwarts.edu] has joined #eventsbeta
[00:30] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Marty D (Traveling cloak)
[00:31] --> Celestite Detroit (Formal Dress) [CrystalGirl@dimensionzero.cc] has joined #eventsbeta
[00:31] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Celestite Detroit (Formal Dress)
[00:31] --> April [fourthmonth@venus.net] has joined #eventsbeta
[00:31] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, April
[00:32] [April] Welcome to Magellan castle. ^.^
[00:32] > April curtsies, perhaps not as deep as she might without the large round belly she has.
[00:33] [Celestite Detroit (Formal Dress)] Thank you. By the way, congratulations. ^_^
[00:33] [Marty D (Traveling cloak)] Well this is a good sign. :3 hello cutie.
[00:33] [April] Thank you very much! May I take your cloak?
[00:33] > Marty D (Traveling cloak) turns his back to her, holding out his arms.
[00:34] > April takes the cloak and hangs it in a nook off to the side.
[00:34] [April] Mistress Mina will be down in a moment. May I get you anything while you wait?
[00:35] [Celestite Detroit (Formal Dress)] I could go for a cold drink. Surprise me.
[00:35] [Marty D (Traveling cloak)] I like surprises.
[00:36] [April] Please make yourselves comfortable in the sitting room. I will be right back.
[00:36] > April is away
[00:37] > Marty D (good robes) leads Cele by the hand to the sitting room, sitting her down in a love seat overlooking a coffee table, a larger sofa, two armchairs, and a bar off to the side.
[00:37] > Celestite Detroit (Formal Dress) sits and looks around the room
[00:38] [Celestite Detroit (Formal Dress)] This is such a wonderful planet
[00:39] [Marty D (good robes)] Yes, nya. So full of good vibes, and there's just something in the air nowhere else has..
[00:39] --> Queen Minako (Evening gown) [SoldierOfLove@Venus.net] has joined #eventsbeta
[00:39] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Queen Minako (Evening gown)
[00:40] > Queen Minako (Evening gown) makes her way down the stairs wearing a cherry red silk gown and matching ribbon.
[00:40] [Queen Minako (Evening gown)] Cele~ ♡ and Marty too! So good to see you!
[00:41] [Celestite Detroit (Formal Dress)] Hi Aunty Mina!
[00:41] > Celestite Detroit (Formal Dress) hops up and hugs Mina
[00:42] > Queen Minako (Evening gown) walks over and returns the hug. ♡
[00:42] [Queen Minako (Evening gown)] How was your trip?
[00:42] > April returns with a serving cart, a bottle of campaign and a clear glass container of orange juice on ice on the top. She pushes it near everyone and starts pouring.
[00:42] [Celestite Detroit (Formal Dress)] Good, you look beautiful as always, Aunty.
[00:43] > Queen Minako (Evening gown) giggles and poses with an arm behind her back, sticking out her ample bust. ^.^v
[00:43] [Marty D (good robes)] Very. She's only gotten prettier with age.
[00:44] [Queen Minako (Evening gown)] Awww~
[00:44] > Queen Minako (Evening gown) breaks the hug, to kiss Marty hard on the lips.
[00:44] [Marty D (good robes)] =0.0= =^_^=
[00:45] > Celestite Detroit (Formal Dress) giggles
[00:45] > Celestite Detroit (Formal Dress) sits next to Marty and winks
[00:45] > April giggles, passing out two glasses of campaign to the couple, and juice to Minako, before carefully kneeling on a cushion and sipping her own juice.
[00:46] [Queen Minako (Evening gown)] MmmmmmMUAH~
[00:46] > Queen Minako (Evening gown) breaks it and sits in the arm chair to their side, next to April.
[00:47] [Queen Minako (Evening gown)] Now, what brings you to Venus? What can your beautiful Aunt Mina do for you?
[00:47] > Marty D (good robes) puts his arm around Cele.
[00:47] > Celestite Detroit (Formal Dress) picks up a glass and sips
[00:48] [Celestite Detroit (Formal Dress)] Well...... we're having a bit of a problem we were hoping you could help us with.
[00:50] [Queen Minako (Evening gown)] Mmm... something the resources of Quinox and this cute young man's magic couldn't handle?
[00:50] > Marty D (good robes) grins, tail swaying behind him.
[00:51] [Celestite Detroit (Formal Dress)] Yeah.....
[00:52] > Celestite Detroit (Formal Dress) blushes a little, ".... we're having a bit of difficulty..... getting pregnant."
[00:52] > Queen Minako (Evening gown) smiles warmly.
[00:53] [Queen Minako (Evening gown)] Mmm. Well, you've come to the right place. Now, I understand your family already has two through dear Tina. Are you sure you want more?
[00:54] > Celestite Detroit (Formal Dress) looks to Marty for a moment.
[00:54] > Marty D (good robes) returns the look, looking into her eyes.
[00:54] [Marty D (good robes)] Yes. Yes, we're sure.
[00:55] [Queen Minako (Evening gown)] Well then, would you like the quick, simple ritual, or the elaborate, intimate, extra-effective one? :)
[00:56] > Marty D (good robes)'s eyes widen with silent laughter, looking again at Celestite.
[00:56] [Celestite Detroit (Formal Dress)] Um.... what does the extra-effective one consist of?
[00:58] [Queen Minako (Evening gown)] Mmm... basically lots of third base material. I only do it for extra special VIPs. The simple one has failed on a few times.. but the special one hasn't.
[00:58] [Queen Minako (Evening gown)] Of course, the simple way was good enough for April here~
[00:59] > April giggles and shifts a little on her cushion.
[00:59] [Marty D (good robes)] Up to you, dear.
[01:01] > Queen Minako (Evening gown) sips her juice, watching and waiting.
[01:01] > Celestite Detroit (Formal Dress) looks between all three of them, then smiles lighty, "Well.... if the special version has never failed, I would be honored to try it."
[01:02] [Queen Minako (Evening gown)] Wonderful~ Shall we get to it, then?
[01:03] [Celestite Detroit (Formal Dress)] Sure.
[01:03] > Queen Minako (Evening gown) stands.
[01:04] > Celestite Detroit (Formal Dress) stands as well
[01:04] [Queen Minako (Evening gown)] April, show them to the guest room. I suggest you both clean up while I go put on something more appropriate. I suggest you be naked when I get there, and if you want to start playing, it won't hurt anything. Just don't go too far. ^.~ Not yet.
[01:05] > Marty D (good robes) stands, still grinning and keeping his arm around Cele.
[01:05] > Celestite Detroit (Formal Dress) blushes and giggles lightly
[01:05] [April] Would you like anything special? Perhaps some aphrodisiacs or incense?
[01:05] <-- Queen Minako (Evening gown) [SoldierOfLove@Venus.net] has left #eventsbeta (Time for real love love to be made~)
[01:06] > Celestite Detroit (Formal Dress) smirks a little, "I don't think that will be needed, but thank you"
[01:07] [April] Very well, please...
[01:07] > April stands, grunting. >.o
[01:07] [April] ....follow me.
[01:08] <-- April [fourthmonth@venus.net] has left #eventsbeta (Maybe I should take my maternity leave soon..)
[01:08] > Celestite Detroit (Formal Dress) smiles and follows April, arm in arm with Marty
[01:09] <-- Celestite Detroit (Formal Dress) [CrystalGirl@dimensionzero.cc] has left #eventsbeta (This sounds like it's going to be intense. ♡)
[01:09] <-- Marty D (good robes) [Techwiz@hogwarts.edu] has left #eventsbeta (I bet this is going to be fun.)
[20:11] ➣ A small house sits along a dirt road in Southern Lousiana.
[20:12] [Sskt (human)] hm...this must be the place
[20:12] > Sskt (human) starts to head towards the house
[20:14] > Sskt (human) knocks on the door
[20:15] --> Aaron Abernathy (Casual) [Snakeman@AsteroidWarriors.com] has joined #eventsbeta
[20:15] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Aaron Abernathy (Casual)
[20:15] > Aaron Abernathy (Casual) slowly opens the door | Ah told ya', ah don' want an.......y.....
[20:15] [Sskt (human)] hey there
[20:16] [Aaron Abernathy (Casual)] Sskt.... what're ya' doin' here, babe?
[20:18] [Sskt (human)] well you always visit me..thought I'd visit you
[20:18] > Aaron Abernathy (Casual) smiles and opens his door | Well, come'on in babe.... place is a bit messeh though.
[20:19] [Sskt (human)] hey..can't be any worse then some of the places I've seen
[20:21] > Sskt (human) walks in and looks around
[20:21] ➣ The house isn't a total disaster, but it could use some renovation. There are some visable cracks in the ceiling and some of the paint on the walls is peeling.
[20:23] [Sskt (human)] you know I kind of like this place
[20:24] ➣ Aaron has a little bit of furniture. There's a nearly brand new sofa with a beat up coffee table, across from a small tv on a dresser
[20:25] [Aaron Abernathy (Casual)] Really?
[20:26] [Sskt (human)] has a certain class
[20:27] [Aaron Abernathy (Casual)] Heh, Ah'm glad ya' think so babe.
[20:27] [Aaron Abernathy (Casual)] Ya' wanna' drink? I have some beer in the fridge.
[20:28] [Sskt (human)] hey sure
[20:29] [Sskt (human)] bit cold in here though
[20:30] [Aaron Abernathy (Casual)] Yeah well, ah didn expect mah cold blooded hottie ta come visitin' me. ^_~ Ah can go turn tha heater on.
[20:33] [Sskt (human)] heh...is it safe to turn off my holomitter?
[20:34] [Aaron Abernathy (Casual)] Oh yeah. Been havin' problems with the neighbors cause ah like my music loud, but ya' should be okay.
[20:35] > Aaron Abernathy (Casual) grabs a couple bottles of beer, bringing them over and handing one to Sskt
[20:37] > Sskt (human) turns off her holomitter
[20:38] > Sskt opens the beer and grins
[20:38] [Sskt] wonder what your neighbors would think about seeing me
[20:39] [Aaron Abernathy (Casual)] They'd probably chalk ya' up ta' one of the local legends.
[20:41] [Aaron Abernathy (Casual)] Ah've heard rumors 'bout a human sized gatah.
[20:45] [Sskt] what's a gatah?
[20:46] > Aaron Abernathy (Casual) clears his throat | Ya' don' know what an alligator is?
[20:48] [Sskt] nope!
[20:50] > Aaron Abernathy (Casual) sits on his sofa, patting a spot next to him
[20:50] > Sskt sits next to Aaron
[20:52] [Aaron Abernathy (Casual)] A gatah is a big reptile that lives in da' swamps 'round here. They spend most of their time in tha watah.
[20:53] [Sskt] sounds like me *grins*
[20:53] [Aaron Abernathy (Casual)] Nah....
[20:54] > Aaron Abernathy (Casual) slides his arm around Sskt and grins | They ain't sexeh like you are. ^_~
[20:55] > Sskt grins and snuggles up against Aaron
[20:59] [Sskt] so what do you do when I'm not around?
[20:59] > Aaron Abernathy (Casual) takes a hit from his beer bottle and squeezes Sskt
[21:06] > Sskt grins
[21:06] [Aaron Abernathy (Casual)] Honestly, not much to be honest.
[21:07] [Aaron Abernathy (Casual)] I do ah little work here an' there in town between transport jobs.
[21:13] [Sskt] what sort of work?
[21:13] [Aaron Abernathy (Casual)] Odd jobs
[21:15] [Aaron Abernathy (Casual)] Paintin', fixin' up stuff.
[21:18] [Sskt] that's my man
[21:18] [Sskt] must be why you're a buff guy ^_~
[21:20] > Aaron Abernathy (Casual) chuckles, setting his bottle down and flexing his arm
[21:23] > Sskt kisses Aaron's arm
[21:26] [Sskt] now those are some lovely muscles
[21:32] [Aaron Abernathy (Casual)] Listen to you, flatterer~
[21:33] [Sskt] what you want me to stop?
[21:34] [Aaron Abernathy (Casual)] Oh no, not at all.
[21:34] [Aaron Abernathy (Casual)] Unless you plan on mounting me. ^_~
[21:36] [Sskt] maaaaybe
[21:39] [Sskt] you do have a great muscle there
[21:40] > Aaron Abernathy (Casual) smirks, laying out ont the sofa and pulling Sskt down on top of him
[21:41] > Sskt giggles as she's pulled down onto Aaron
[21:45] [Sskt] planning something, aaron?
[21:49] [Aaron Abernathy (Casual)] Ah don' like plannin' stuff.
[21:50] [Sskt] you like to be off the wall?
[21:51] [Aaron Abernathy (Casual)] Yup
[21:54] > Sskt nuzzles Aaron a bit, wrapping a leg around him
[21:55] [Aaron Abernathy (Casual)] What do ya' say we turn out the lights and find out what happens? ^_~
[21:56] [Sskt] I love that idea ^_~
[21:57] > Aaron Abernathy (Casual) reaches up and turns off the tv, then turns out the lights
[21:58] <-- Aaron Abernathy (Casual) [Snakeman@AsteroidWarriors.com] has left #eventsbeta (We'll warm things up in here all by ourselves. ♡)
[22:00] <-- Sskt [lizardhunter@Branch6.org] has left #eventsbeta (mmmm yeah ♡)
[00:00] >>> Wednesday Jan 18 2012 <<<
[11:55] ➣ Mysn-Ku, Quinox, The Future
[11:55] --> Zenthi (casual) [staffhead@Q.ry.com] has joined #eventsbeta
[11:55] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Zenthi (casual)
[11:56] > Zenthi (winter casual) is walking down the street, with a bag
[11:56] [Zenthi (winter casual)] man....days off are wonderful
[11:56] --> Emi Sawyer (Winter Casual) [ShyTwinMaid@Mardox.gov] has joined #eventsbeta
[11:56] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Emi Sawyer (Winter Casual)
[11:57] [Emi Sawyer (Winter Casual)] They sure are, ma'am.
[11:57] [Zenthi (winter casual)] though..sending us to the capital.....
[11:58] [Emi Sawyer (Winter Casual)] I know, this is quite a trek....
[11:58] > Zenthi (winter casual) stops in front of a shop, looking at the latest dress from Venus
[11:58] [Zenthi (winter casual)] ....wow
[11:59] > Emi Sawyer (Winter Casual) stops and looks as well
[11:59] [Emi Sawyer (Winter Casual)] .... that would be an accurate statement....
[12:05] > Zenthi (winter casual) looks at the price
[12:05] > Zenthi (winter casual) looks at her wallet
[12:05] [Zenthi (winter casual)] *sigh*...
[12:06] [Lika Darrow (winter casual)] sort of a neat dress, isn't it
[12:06] --> Lika Darrow (winter casual) has joined #eventsbeta
[12:06] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Lika Darrow (winter casual)
[12:06] [Zenthi (winter casual)] huh? um..yeah
[12:08] [Lika Darrow (winter casual)] you girls from out of town?
[12:12] [Emi Sawyer (Winter Casual)] Indeed we are.
[12:14] > Emi Sawyer (Winter Casual) looks at Lika Darrow
[12:14] ➣ Lika Darrow: is a tall girl with short scruffy green hair, blue eyes and wears a pair of thin glasses.
[12:14] [Lika Darrow (winter casual)] enjoying the city?
[12:15] > Emi Sawyer (Winter Casual) quietly nods to Lika, suddenly looking very pensive.
[12:15] > Zenthi (winter casual) is looking at the dress still
[12:15] > Lika Darrow (winter casual) looks at Zenthi and then walks into the shop
[12:15] [Zenthi (winter casual)] you ok, Emi?....
[12:16] [Emi Sawyer (Winter Casual)] That woman that was just talking to us..... was REALLY tall
[12:16] [Emi Sawyer (Winter Casual)] Much taller then the Mistress
[12:18] ➣ the shopowners remove the dress from the window
[12:18] [Zenthi (winter casual)] ......
[12:18] > Zenthi (winter casual) sighs
[12:18] [Zenthi (winter casual)] well it was a nice dress I guess
[12:19] [Emi Sawyer (Winter Casual)] Indeed, ma'am.
[12:19] [Emi Sawyer (Winter Casual)] Shall we move on?
[12:20] [Zenthi (winter casual)] yeah I suppose
[12:20] > Lika Darrow (winter casual) is back
[12:20] [Lika Darrow (winter casual)] hey you two..where are you going?
[12:20] > Lika Darrow (winter casual) hands a box to Zenthi
[12:20] [Zenthi (winter casual)] ....O_o
[12:21] [Lika Darrow (winter casual)] well you DID seem to want it :)
[12:21] [Lika Darrow (winter casual)] so who are you two anyway?
[12:23] [Zenthi (winter casual)] um Zenthi
[12:25] > Lika Darrow (winter casual) looks over to Emi
[12:26] > Emi Sawyer (Winter Casual) E....Emi Sawyer, ma'am.
[12:26] > Emi Sawyer (Winter Casual) still looks a bit pensive at Lika
[12:28] [Lika Darrow (winter casual)] hey no need to call me "Ma'am"...call me Lika
[12:28] [Zenthi (winter casual)] nice to meet you, Lika...
[12:29] [Emi Sawyer (Winter Casual)] Likewise, Miss Lika *bows*
[12:29] > Lika Darrow (winter casual) blinks and smiles
[12:29] [Lika Darrow (winter casual)] hey..you two want to help me do a little bit of shopping?
[12:31] > Zenthi (winter casual) looks to Emi
[12:33] > Emi Sawyer (Winter Casual) looks back at Zenthi and shrugs
[12:33] [Zenthi (winter casual)] sure why not
[12:34] [Lika Darrow (winter casual)] alright *pulls out a list* just need to do some grocery shopping
[12:34] [Lika Darrow (winter casual)] so where are you two from? *starts to walk down the street*
[12:37] [Zenthi (winter casual)] we work at Madox Castle
[12:37] [Lika Darrow (winter casual)] you two work for the detroits?
[12:42] > Lika Darrow (winter casual) stops and turns to Emi
[12:42] [Lika Darrow (winter casual)] ....is something troubling you, Emi?
[12:43] > Emi Sawyer (Winter Casual) stops and jumps a bit | Oh..... were you talking to me?
[12:43] [Emi Sawyer (Winter Casual)] Sorry.... I'm just.... a little shy and you are a bit..... intimidating..... no offense, Miss Lika.
[12:44] [Lika Darrow (winter casual)] ....
[12:44] > Lika Darrow (winter casual) laughs!!!
[12:45] [Lika Darrow (winter casual)] heh..if you think I'm intimidating..you should meet my boss!
[12:45] [+Matsumi Kaze (royal casual)] oh? I'm that intimidating, am I?
[12:45] [Zenthi (winter casual)] !!!!!
[12:46] [Lika Darrow (winter casual)] ....<.<
[12:46] [Emi Sawyer (Winter Casual)] Y...your highness!!
[12:47] > Emi Sawyer (Winter Casual) immediately bows to Matsumi
[12:49] > Zenthi (winter casual) bows
[12:49] > Lika Darrow (winter casual) bows, sweating
[12:50] [+Matsumi Kaze (royal casual)] heh...enjoying your visit, girls?
[12:51] [Emi Sawyer (Winter Casual)] Y... yes your highness... very much so.
[12:52] [Zenthi (winter casual)] y...y...yes
[12:53] [+Matsumi Kaze (royal casual)] I see you've met one of my maids
[12:53] [Lika Darrow (winter casual)] hehe.....
[12:54] > Emi Sawyer (Winter Casual) quietly nods
[13:04] [+Matsumi Kaze (royal casual)] Lika is my...you could say the second in command of my maids
[13:05] [Lika Darrow (winter casual)] um yes..quite ^^;;;
[13:05] [Zenthi (winter casual)] ..why didn't you tell us >.>
[13:05] [Lika Darrow (winter casual)] well I wanted to be mysterious ^^;;;
[13:07] [+Matsumi Kaze (royal casual)] I have a wonderful idea
[13:08] [+Matsumi Kaze (royal casual)] how about you and Emi spend the day at the palace as my guests
[13:08] [Emi Sawyer (Winter Casual)] R.... really!/
[13:09] [Zenthi (winter casual)] y..your majesty
[13:09] [+Matsumi Kaze (royal casual)] yes really!
[13:09] [+Matsumi Kaze (royal casual)] it would be my pleasure ^^
[13:09] [Emi Sawyer (Winter Casual)] T... thank you, your highness....
[13:13] [+Matsumi Kaze (royal casual)] Lika...we shall head for the palace immdediatly
[13:13] [Lika Darrow (winter casual)] YES YOUR HIGHNESS
[13:14] > Zenthi (winter casual) looks to Emi "...can't belive this"
[13:15] > Emi Sawyer (Winter Casual) smiles, shaking her head slightly
[13:16] [Lika Darrow (winter casual)] um do you still want me to do this grocery shopping
[13:16] [+Matsumi Kaze (royal casual)] it can wait ^^
[13:19] > +Matsumi Kaze (royal casual) starts to walk towards her zoomer
[13:20] <-- Zenthi (winter casual) [staffhead@Q.ry.com] has left #eventsbeta (...we...get to stay in the palace!)
[13:20] <-- Lika Darrow (winter casual) has left #eventsbeta (^^;;;;)
[13:20] <-- +Matsumi Kaze (royal casual) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has left #eventsbeta (come along you three)
[13:21] <-- Emi Sawyer (Winter Casual) [ShyTwinMaid@Mardox.gov] has left #eventsbeta (Yes, your highness)
[00:00] >>> Thursday Jan 19 2012 <<<
[02:00] ➣ Aerith Palace, Quinox, the future
[02:00] --> Lika Darrow (headmaid outfit) has joined #eventsbeta
[02:00] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Lika Darrow (headmaid outfit)
[02:01] > Lika Darrow (headmaid outfit) waits for her guests to come out of the dressing room
[02:01] --> Zenthi (royal pajamas) [staffhead@Q.ry.com] has joined #eventsbeta
[02:01] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Zenthi (royal pajamas)
[02:01] > Zenthi (royal pajamas) walks out of the dressing room, wearing a sheer green nightgown trimmed with gold lace
[02:01] [Zenthi (royal pajamas)] ...wow..
[02:02] --> Emi Sawyer (pj's) [ShyTwinMaid@Mardox.gov] has joined #eventsbeta
[02:02] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Emi Sawyer (pj's)
[02:03] [Lika Darrow (headmaid outfit)] my my both of you look wonderful ^^
[02:03] > Emi Sawyer (pj's) walks out wearing a lime green pajama pant and top set
[02:05] [Emi Sawyer (pj's)] T... thank you, Miss Lika
[02:05] [Lika Darrow (headmaid outfit)] her majesty asked me to give you a proper guest room
[02:05] [Lika Darrow (headmaid outfit)] will you please follow me ^^
[02:06] > Lika Darrow (headmaid outfit) starts to walk down the hallway
[02:07] [Zenthi (royal pajamas)] um...ok
[02:07] > Zenthi (royal pajamas) follows
[02:08] > Emi Sawyer (pj's) follows behind them both
[02:09] ➣ the hallway has a ceiling nearly the hieght of a cathedral...the walls are decorated with green wallpaper traced along with gold patterns....various artpieces hang on the walls
[02:09] [Zenthi (royal pajamas)] ...I feel so small...
[02:09] [Lika Darrow (headmaid outfit)] hee...that's how I felt when I first came here
[02:11] [Lika Darrow (headmaid outfit)] what is the palace like at Madox?
[02:11] [Zenthi (royal pajamas)] um..smaller....
[02:12] [Lika Darrow (headmaid outfit)] your little friend is sure quiet
[02:12] [Zenthi (royal pajamas)] oh..um Emi?
[02:12] > Emi Sawyer (pj's) just looks around as they walk, amazed by all this
[02:12] > Zenthi (royal pajamas) looks to Emi
[02:13] [Lika Darrow (headmaid outfit)] you two are so lucky...getting to eat in the royal dining room ^^
[02:13] [Zenthi (royal pajamas)] it..it was really cool...
[02:14] [Emi Sawyer (pj's)] Amazing
[02:15] > Lika Darrow (headmaid outfit) stops in front of a door
[02:15] [Lika Darrow (headmaid outfit)] now...
[02:15] [Lika Darrow (headmaid outfit)] her majesty wishes to apologize for how small the room is
[02:15] [Lika Darrow (headmaid outfit)] but she hopes it is still to your liking
[02:16] > Lika Darrow (headmaid outfit) opens the door
[02:16] > Zenthi (royal pajamas) walks in....
[02:16] > Emi Sawyer (pj's) follows
[02:17] ➣ the room is about the size of a ballroom....there are two beds inside with fine silk pillows and warm blankets (colored green and blue of course), a dresser, a large tapestry and a fountain at the far end of the room
[02:17] [Zenthi (royal pajamas)] ....this is small?
[02:19] [Lika Darrow (headmaid outfit)] will this room be alright?
[02:19] [Emi Sawyer (pj's)] Woah....
[02:20] [Lika Darrow (headmaid outfit)] now...if you need anything...simply ring the bell cord there *points to a cord* and a maid will come in
[02:20] [Lika Darrow (headmaid outfit)] now I have to retire for the night you two...so please enjoy your sleep ^^
[02:21] > Lika Darrow (headmaid outfit) curties
[02:21] [Zenthi (royal pajamas)] um..thanks!
[02:21] > Lika Darrow (headmaid outfit) leaves the room
[02:22] <-- Lika Darrow (headmaid outfit) has left #eventsbeta (such sweet girls..bit strange..but sweet)
[02:22] > Zenthi (royal pajamas) sits on one of the beds
[02:22] > Emi Sawyer (pj's) just looks around in amazement.
[02:22] [Zenthi (royal pajamas)] ...Emi what do you think of this...
[02:24] [Emi Sawyer (pj's)] It's awesome, Miss Zenthi
[02:25] [Zenthi (royal pajamas)] I mean...we......we're actually spending the night...in THE Palace!
[02:26] [Emi Sawyer (pj's)] I know!
[02:26] > Emi Sawyer (pj's) flops onto the other bed and sighs
[02:27] [Zenthi (royal pajamas)] ...wonder what the other girls would think of us if they knew what happened..heee
[02:27] [Emi Sawyer (pj's)] Eri's going to be so jealous.
[02:30] [Zenthi (royal pajamas)] heh bet that will be interesting to see
[02:30] [Zenthi (royal pajamas)] think the queen would let us stay one more day here?
[02:30] [Emi Sawyer (pj's)] I don't know..... I wouldn't want to impose.
[02:32] > Zenthi (royal pajamas) yawns "well...I suppose we have some time to worry about that tomorrow...I'm beat"
[02:33] [Emi Sawyer (pj's)] Yeah
[02:33] > Emi Sawyer (pj's) takes a music player out of her pants pocket
[02:34] [Emi Sawyer (pj's)] Well then, let's get some rest Miss Zenthi
[02:34] > Zenthi (royal pajamas) gets under the blankets "alright...night, Emi"
[02:35] <-- Zenthi (royal pajamas) [staffhead@Q.ry.com] has left #eventsbeta (..such an awesome day)
[02:35] > Emi Sawyer (pj's) puts her ear buds in and turns out the light
[02:36] <-- Emi Sawyer (pj's) [ShyTwinMaid@Mardox.gov] has left #eventsbeta (Goodnight Miss Zenthi... so wonderful here)
[14:13] ➣ A moving truck is traveling north within Japan
[14:14] --> Tao Latu (Casual) has joined #eventsbeta
[14:14] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Tao Latu (Casual)
[14:14] --> Taiki Kou (casual) has joined #eventsbeta
[14:14] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Taiki Kou (casual)
[14:16] [Tao Latu (Casual)] Another hour and we'll be at the docs
[14:16] [Tao Latu (Casual)] ^docks
[14:16] > Taiki Kou (casual) smiles "this seems rather like a dream"
[14:17] [Tao Latu (Casual)] I know, but this is really happening.
[14:20] [Taiki Kou (casual)] I'm...somewhat nervious
[14:21] [Tao Latu (Casual)] I am too.... but it's a good kind of nervous
[14:23] > Tao Latu (Casual)'s stomach rumbles lightly
[14:23] > Taiki Kou (casual) smiles "a bit hungry, tao?"
[14:24] > Tao Latu (Casual) chuckles nervously | Yeah. We have a few hours before our boat is scheduled to leave. Maybe we should find somewhere to eat.
[14:26] [Taiki Kou (casual)] I belive that is a smart move
[14:29] > Tao Latu (Casual) drives, looking around and spotting a small resturant
[14:29] [Tao Latu (Casual)] There we go
[14:32] [Taiki Kou (casual)] looks good
[14:33] > Tao Latu (Casual) leaves the highway, pulling in and parking in front of the resturant
[14:34] > Taiki Kou (casual) puts on some sunglasses
[14:37] > Tao Latu (Casual) hops out of the truck and walks around, opening the door for Taiki
[14:37] [Taiki Kou (casual)] just in case
[14:37] > Taiki Kou (casual) hops out of the truck
[14:38] > Tao Latu (Casual) smiles and locks the truck, walking into the resturant.
[14:40] > Taiki Kou (casual) follows after Tao
[14:40] ➣ A large man stands behind the counter
[14:41] [~Riki] Welcome! Please, have a seat anywhere. I will be with you in a moment.
[14:42] [Taiki Kou (casual)] thank you
[14:42] ➣ The resturant is pretty much a truck stop. A few people sit at the bar and in some of the booths
[14:45] > Tao Latu (Casual) takes a seat at one of the booths
[14:46] > Taiki Kou (casual) sits across from Tao
[14:46] [Taiki Kou (casual)] interesting little place
[14:50] > ~Riki walks over, handing each of them a menu
[14:50] [~Riki] Can I start ya' off with something to drink?
[14:53] > Tao Latu (Casual) looks over the menu | I'll have a coffee
[14:57] [Taiki Kou (casual)] I will have the same
[15:00] > Taiki Kou (casual) starts to look over the menu
[15:00] [~Riki] Very good, I'll be back with that.
[15:00] > ~Riki goes behind the counter
[15:04] [Taiki Kou (casual)] perhaps we should break in the bed when we get there....
[15:05] > Tao Latu (Casual) looks over Taiki and smirks
[15:05] [Tao Latu (Casual)] Listen to you~
[15:08] > ~Riki comes back, setting two coffees in front of them along with a container of cream and a sugar shaker
[15:08] [~Riki] So, what can I get you folks for lunch?
[15:10] [Tao Latu (Casual)] I'll take a grilled club and fries please.
[15:10] [Taiki Kou (casual)] I will have the soup and sandwich please
[15:11] [~Riki] What kinda' sandwich?
[15:12] [Taiki Kou (casual)] um..I'll have the pork with pickles
[15:12] [~Riki] Alrighty, I'll get it ready for ya'.
[15:13] > ~Riki walks into the kitchen
[15:13] > Tao Latu (Casual) smirks at Taiki
[15:14] [Tao Latu (Casual)] Where did that come from earlier?
[15:15] [Taiki Kou (casual)] I suppose I'm a bit....excited..and happy ^_~
[15:17] > Tao Latu (Casual) smiles and winks back | So am I.... I can hardly wait till we get to the house
[15:18] [Tao Latu (Casual)] Unfortunately, we have at least another day until we get there.
[15:24] [Taiki Kou (casual)] true enough
[15:24] [Taiki Kou (casual)] but it will be wonderful when we do
[15:26] > ~Riki comes back in with their food, setting down their respecitve orders
[15:28] [~Riki] Hope ya'll like it. Let me know if ya' need anything, lovebirds.
[15:28] > ~Riki winks as he walks away
[15:29] <-- ~Riki has left #eventsbeta (I like those two, the girl looks kinda' familiar.)
[15:29] > Taiki Kou (casual) smiles
[15:29] [Taiki Kou (casual)] heh..lovebirds
[15:30] > Tao Latu (Casual) chuckles as he picks up his sandwich
[15:31] <-- Tao Latu (Casual) has left #eventsbeta (I guess we were pretty obivous)
[15:31] > Taiki Kou (casual) picks up her own sandwich
[15:31] <-- Taiki Kou (casual) has left #eventsbeta (apparently so)
[00:00] >>> Friday Jan 20 2012 <<<
[14:44] ➣ Tao and Taiki's moving truck pulls up to their new house, a two story house along a small river
[14:45] --> Taiki Kou (winter casual) has joined #eventsbeta
[14:45] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Taiki Kou (winter casual)
[14:47] [Taiki Kou (winter casual)] well...here we are...
[14:47] [Tao Latu (Winter Casual)] Yes, yes we are.
[14:50] > Tao Latu (Winter Casual) smiles to Taiki and leans over to kiss her
[14:51] > Taiki Kou (winter casual) returns the kiss
[14:52] > Tao Latu (Winter Casual) breaks the kiss slowly, looking outside at the light snow falling
[14:53] [Tao Latu (Winter Casual)] Are you ready to brave the cold, my dear?
[14:59] [Taiki Kou (winter casual)] I am ^^
[14:59] > Tao Latu (Winter Casual) opens the door, sliding out of the truck, going around and opening the door for Taiki to get out
[15:00] > Taiki Kou (winter casual) hops out of the truck
[15:00] > Taiki Kou (winter casual) shivers
[15:01] [Taiki Kou (winter casual)] I should have brought a bigger coat...
[15:02] [Tao Latu (Winter Casual)] Well, it's a good thing I had the electircity and gas turned on ahead of us.
[15:03] > Tao Latu (Winter Casual) walks up and unlocks the door to the house and turns around, grinning back at Taiki
[15:03] > Taiki Kou (winter casual) looks back at Tao, smiling
[15:05] > Tao Latu (Winter Casual) walks over to Taiki and scoops her off her feet
[15:05] [Tao Latu (Winter Casual)] We have to do this the right way. ^_~
[15:05] > Taiki Kou (winter casual) giggles and holds onto Tao
[15:07] [Taiki Kou (winter casual)] heh almost feels like we're married
[15:07] > Tao Latu (Winter Casual) just winks at Taiki and carries her to the door, gently kicking it open and carrying her inside
[15:07] [Tao Latu (Winter Casual)] Welcome to our new home, sweetheart.
[15:08] > Taiki Kou (winter casual) smiles, looking at their new home
[15:10] > Tao Latu (Winter Casual) sets Taiki on her feet in the home, looking around with a smiles.
[15:11] [Tao Latu (Winter Casual)] Our home.... I really like the sound of that.
[15:11] [Taiki Kou (winter casual)] I do too...
[15:13] [Tao Latu (Winter Casual)] I wonder what it'll take to get your bandmates up here?
[15:15] [Taiki Kou (winter casual)] I have a way....
[15:15] [Taiki Kou (winter casual)] it's packed away in one of the boxes
[15:18] [Tao Latu (Winter Casual)] What's that?
[15:18] [Taiki Kou (winter casual)] a mirror
[15:20] [Tao Latu (Winter Casual)] Ooooh, I think I know what you're talking about. Alright then, we should probably start moving things in. ^_^
[15:21] > Taiki Kou (winter casual) smiles "alright"
[15:23] [Taiki Kou (winter casual)] I can't belive...that we finally have our own home..together
[15:24] > Tao Latu (Winter Casual) smiles and nods | This is just the beginning of great things for us, dearest.
[15:25] [Taiki Kou (winter casual)] I hope so..I really do
[15:27] > Tao Latu (Winter Casual) turns and heads outside to open the truck
[15:28] <-- Tao Latu (Winter Casual) has left #eventsbeta (I have something planned for us)
[15:28] <-- Taiki Kou (winter casual) has left #eventsbeta (hm???)
[00:00] >>> Saturday Jan 21 2012 <<<
[21:32] ➣ Tao and Taiki's new house, Hokkaido, Japan
[21:32] > Tao Latu (Winter Casual) carries a box into the house and closes the door
[21:33] --> Taiki Kou (casual) has joined #eventsbeta
[21:33] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Taiki Kou (casual)
[21:33] [Taiki Kou (casual)] is that all of it?
[21:33] [Tao Latu (Winter Casual)] Yeah, this is the last one.
[21:34] ➣ The box is marked "Books and Stuff"
[21:34] [Taiki Kou (casual)] sorry to make you do all that
[21:35] [Tao Latu (Winter Casual)] It's a labor of love. ^_^
[21:35] > Taiki Kou (casual) smiles and blushes
[21:36] [Taiki Kou (casual)] so what should we put away first?
[21:38] [Tao Latu (Winter Casual)] Well, all the boxes are in the right rooms. How about you start putting things away while I get the bed set up? ^_~
[21:40] > Taiki Kou (casual) blushes and smiles
[21:41] > Taiki Kou (casual) walks over and opens one of the boxes
[21:42] > Tao Latu (Winter Casual) goes up stairs to the bedroom
[21:42] > Taiki Kou (casual) starts to move the books to the shelf
[21:46] > Taiki Kou (casual) pauses on one book, looking at it...and blushes at the title
[21:48] > Taiki Kou (casual) puts the book away
[21:48] [Taiki Kou (casual)] Tao?.....how is the bedroom going?
[21:49] > Tao Latu (Winter Casual) yells from upstairs | The bed is almost finished! Just putting the matress down
[21:52] [Taiki Kou (casual)] I think Yaten slipped a book into one of the boxes
[21:52] [Tao Latu (Winter Casual)] What book!
[21:52] [Tao Latu (Winter Casual)] ?
[21:53] [Taiki Kou (casual)] *giggles*.....How to Propose
[21:56] > Tao Latu (Winter Casual) doesn't say anything to that
[21:57] > Taiki Kou (casual) puts the books away calmly
[22:01] > Taiki Kou (casual) walks upstairs towards the bedroom
[22:02] [Taiki Kou (casual)] Tao?
[22:06] > Taiki Kou (casual) pokes her head into the room
[22:07] ➣ Up the stairs of the home are a pair of bedrooms
[22:07] ➣ There's also a large bathroom and another room which is ment to be Taiki's study
[22:08] > Tao Latu (Winter Casual) has just finished making up the bed, pulling the sheets tight
[22:08] [Tao Latu (Winter Casual)] Tada!
[22:08] > Taiki Kou (casual) smiles
[22:08] [Taiki Kou (casual)] it looks wonderful
[22:10] [Taiki Kou (casual)] ^^
[22:12] > Taiki Kou (casual) walks over "looks perfect for us"
[22:13] > Tao Latu (Winter Casual) nods, putting an arm around Taiki
[22:16] [Taiki Kou (casual)] did you put away your clothes already?
[22:16] [Tao Latu (Winter Casual)] Not yet
[22:16] ➣ There are two boxes marked Taiki's clothes and one marked Tao's clothes
[22:18] [Taiki Kou (casual)] we should probably put those away the ^_~
[22:18] [Taiki Kou (casual)] *then
[22:19] [Tao Latu (Winter Casual)] Indeed. The only clothes I put away were your dresses. They're hung in the closet.
[22:23] [Taiki Kou (casual)] well then...I suppose I should begin to put...other pieces away
[22:26] > Taiki Kou (casual) opens up the box..pulling out a purple bra and giggling
[22:26] > Tao Latu (Winter Casual) looks over and winks
[22:26] > Tao Latu (Winter Casual) starts going through his clothes
[22:28] > Taiki Kou (casual) starts to put away her underwear
[22:28] > Tao Latu (Winter Casual) pulls out a pair of Zebra striped boxers and smirks | I forgot I had these.
[22:29] [Taiki Kou (casual)] hee..well now you know where it is
[22:31] > Tao Latu (Winter Casual) pulls out a pair of bright red briefs and blushes a little
[22:32] [Tao Latu (Winter Casual)] I..... swore I threw these out....
[22:32] > Taiki Kou (casual) blushes deep red on seeing them
[22:34] [Tao Latu (Winter Casual)] I uh..... went through a phase when I really thought Eva and I were ment to be together...... so I bought these in the hopes she'd think I was sexy in them.
[22:36] > Taiki Kou (casual) giggles a little bit
[22:36] [Tao Latu (Winter Casual)] Maybe I should wear them for you sometime.
[22:38] > Taiki Kou (casual) picks up a purple thong..and blushes
[22:40] [Tao Latu (Winter Casual)] I remember that~
[22:43] > Taiki Kou (casual) turns deep red "I wore it just for you"
[22:46] [Taiki Kou (casual)] maybe I should wear it again sometime ^^
[22:47] [Tao Latu (Winter Casual)] I would love you to. ^_~
[22:48] > Taiki Kou (casual) keeps putting her clothes away
[22:50] > Tao Latu (Winter Casual) continues as well
[22:52] > Taiki Kou (casual) finds some of her pants and starts to put them away
[22:55] > Tao Latu (Winter Casual) finishes putting his clothes away and sits on the bed
[22:57] [Tao Latu (Winter Casual)] So, I know it's a little late to ask this but..... do you have any sort of regrets in moving here?
[22:57] [Taiki Kou (casual)] of course not!
[22:57] [Taiki Kou (casual)] do you?
[22:58] [Tao Latu (Winter Casual)] I think the only reason I would, is if I'd done it alone.
[22:58] [Tao Latu (Winter Casual)] But since you're here with me.... I'm glad we did this. ^_^
[23:00] > Taiki Kou (casual) smiles and sits next to Tao "I am too"
[23:00] > Tao Latu (Winter Casual) slides his arm around Taiki again, kissing her
[23:01] > Taiki Kou (casual) returns the kiss happily
[23:04] [Taiki Kou (casual)] mm....now we have this whole house to ourselves
[23:06] [Tao Latu (Winter Casual)] Indeed we do.
[23:08] [Taiki Kou (casual)] do you have a job in mind?
[23:11] [Tao Latu (Winter Casual)] Well, the hardware store in town had a job opening posted in the window.
[23:12] [Taiki Kou (casual)] oh that sounds wonderful ^^
[23:15] [Taiki Kou (casual)] well you're always so good with your hands ^_~
[23:16] > Tao Latu (Winter Casual) grins
[23:20] [Tao Latu (Winter Casual)] I know how much you love when I use my hands
[23:21] > Taiki Kou (casual) giggles and runs her hands over Tao's chest
[23:26] [Taiki Kou (casual)] that I do...
[23:27] [Tao Latu (Winter Casual)] Well... you DID say we needed to break the bed in once we got moved in~
[23:28] [Taiki Kou (casual)] mmmhm
[23:28] > Tao Latu (Winter Casual) kisses Taiki again and stands
[23:29] [Tao Latu (Winter Casual)] I'll go turn out the lights and lock the front door~
[23:30] [Taiki Kou (casual)] please do ^_~
[23:32] <-- Tao Latu (Winter Casual) has left #eventsbeta (Time to truely make this house, home. ♡)
[23:33] <-- Taiki Kou (casual) has left #eventsbeta (yes ^^)
[00:00] >>> Sunday Jan 22 2012 <<<
[00:15] ➣ Global Lightning Cafe
[00:16] ➣ Streetlights shine through the windows of a cafe in Tokyo.
[00:16] > Ukyo Kuonji (Apron) wipes down a table, there are no customers inside
[00:16] --> Minako Kaioh (Incognito) [SoldierOfLove@Venus.net] has joined #eventsbeta
[00:16] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Minako Kaioh (Incognito)
[00:17] > Ukyo Kuonji (Apron) looks up
[00:17] > Minako Kaioh (Incognito) opens the door slowly and peeks in, wearing a ball cap, her hair loosly braided and through the hole in the back, wearing a thick fur coat, skirt and leggings.
[00:17] > Minako Kaioh (Incognito) puts her fingers to her lips upong seeing Ukyo.
[00:17] [Ukyo Kuonji (Apron)] I'm sorry ma'am, but we're closed for the evening, I just didn't lock the door yet.
[00:18] [Ukyo Kuonji (Apron)] Hmm?
[00:18] > Minako Kaioh (Incognito) mouths 'Is Mako-chan or Ivan-san here?'
[00:19] [Ukyo Kuonji (Apron)] Wait....
[00:19] [Minako Kaioh (Incognito)] ^.~
[00:20] > Minako Kaioh (Incognito) walks closer and whispers.
[00:20] [Minako Kaioh (Incognito)] I need to talk to Ivan-san if he's around..
[00:20] [Ukyo Kuonji (Apron)] ....Ooooh, I barely recognized you.....
[00:21] [Minako Kaioh (Incognito)] I've gotten good at this. Don't let Mako-chan know I'm here, kay? ♡ It's a secret~
[00:21] --> Ivan Sokoll (work) has joined #eventsbeta
[00:21] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Ivan Sokoll (work)
[00:21] > Ivan Sokoll (work) walks out of the back, wiping his brow
[00:22] [Ivan Sokoll (work)] everything is put away, Ukyo-da...
[00:22] [Minako Kaioh (Incognito)] Ah!
[00:22] [Minako Kaioh (Incognito)] Ivan~san. ♡ I need a word, please.
[00:22] > Minako Kaioh (Incognito) gives him a come-hither motion with her finger as she goes hides in a corner booth.
[00:23] [Ukyo Kuonji (Apron)] Oh good... thank you Ivan. I'll lock the door, I'm almost finished cleaning.
[00:23] > Ivan Sokoll (work) blinks and walks over
[00:23] [Ivan Sokoll (work)] yes?
[00:23] [Minako Kaioh (Incognito)] Sit, please. ^.^
[00:24] > Ukyo Kuonji (Apron) walks over to the door, locking it.
[00:24] [Minako Kaioh (Incognito)] You know who I am, yes?
[00:24] > Ivan Sokoll (work) sits down..a bit confused
[00:26] > Minako Kaioh (Incognito) takes off the hat, sliding her braid out of it and fixing her bangs.
[00:26] [Ivan Sokoll (work)] you are..minako, right?
[00:26] [Minako Kaioh (Incognito)] Hai, hai. Makoto's good friend. But did you know, I'm also the goddess of love? :D
[00:27] > Ukyo Kuonji (Apron) walks past them to the back area
[00:27] > Ukyo Kuonji (Apron) is away: Just a few more dishes.
[00:27] [Ivan Sokoll (work)] I was..not aware of that fact
[00:28] [Minako Kaioh (Incognito)] Well, it's true, and I have something important to discuss with you about Mako-chan.
[00:29] > Minako Kaioh (Incognito) inches a little closer to him.
[00:29] [Minako Kaioh (Incognito)] You love her, right?
[00:29] [Ivan Sokoll (work)] I do...yes
[00:30] [Minako Kaioh (Incognito)] Good! ^.^ Well, you need to know, Mako-chan want to marry you, but she's too proud to say anything to you. Soooo... I'm here, to suggest you propose!
[00:30] > Minako Kaioh (Incognito) smiles at him with bright blue eyes, shining like sapphires.
[00:30] > Ivan Sokoll (work) blushes deeply
[00:31] [Ivan Sokoll (work)] y..you mean..do it..soon?
[00:32] [Minako Kaioh (Incognito)] Valentines and White day are right around the corner, which would give you time to look for a ring. Usually in Japan, girls get their guys something nice for Valentines day, and they return it on White Day, March 14th.
[00:32] [Minako Kaioh (Incognito)] They return the favor, I mean.
[00:33] [Ivan Sokoll (work)] >.> <.<....
[00:33] > Ivan Sokoll (work) digs into his pocket.....and pulls out...a ring box
[00:33] [Ivan Sokoll (work)] ..I have been..holding onto this..for weeks >.>
[00:33] [Minako Kaioh (Incognito)] Orrrrrrrr if you don't want to wait, I understand Neph, Naftis and Hotaru are all getting married the 13th of next month~
[00:34] > Minako Kaioh (Incognito) makes a high noise of shock, muffled after an instant when her hand covers her mouth.
[00:34] [Minako Kaioh (Incognito)] Well then *blink* I guess it's up to you to decide when to act.
[00:35] [Ivan Sokoll (work)] I...I am..afraid to
[00:35] [Minako Kaioh (Incognito)] Why? She loves you, and wants you to!
[00:36] [Ivan Sokoll (work)] I..I just feel...nervious...whenever I am about to
[00:36] [Minako Kaioh (Incognito)] Maybe you want to play the field some more?
[00:37] [Ivan Sokoll (work)] I have no intention...
[00:38] [Minako Kaioh (Incognito)] Well, if you're not careful, Mako-chan falls in love pretty easily...
[00:39] [Ivan Sokoll (work)] ......
[00:39] [Ivan Sokoll (work)] I..I cannot let that happen
[00:40] [Minako Kaioh (Incognito)] Hee~ Seriously, just set a deadline. Pick a day, make it special, take a deep breath, and do it.
[00:41] [Minako Kaioh (Incognito)] May I see the ring?
[00:41] > Ivan Sokoll (work) opens it..the ring is gold with a emerald set in it
[00:42] > Minako Kaioh (Incognito) takes it, examines it, and kisses the stone, then kisses Ivan on the cheek before standing up and putting her cap back on.
[00:43] > Ukyo Kuonji (Apron) is back
[00:43] > Ivan Sokoll (work) blinks
[00:43] [Minako Kaioh (Incognito)] There. Now you carry the blessing of the goddess of love. You can't fail in your mission of heart.
[00:43] > Ukyo Kuonji (Casual) walks out, untieing her apron and hanging it up
[00:44] [Ukyo Kuonji (Casual)] Mission of the heart?
[00:44] [Minako Kaioh (Incognito)] It's a secret. ^.~ Speaking of secrets, please don't tell Mako-chan I was here, okay?
[00:45] [Ivan Sokoll (work)] I will not
[00:45] > Ivan Sokoll (work) puts away the box
[00:45] [Minako Kaioh (Incognito)] I mean Uk-chan.
[00:46] [Ukyo Kuonji (Casual)] Um... alright Mrs. Mina
[00:47] [Minako Kaioh (Incognito)] Arigatou~ Ja mate!
[00:47] > Minako Kaioh (Incognito) skips out, looking pleased with herself.
[00:48] > Ivan Sokoll (work) blushes...thinking to himself
[00:48] <-- Minako Kaioh (Incognito) [SoldierOfLove@Venus.net] has left #eventsbeta (Doing my duty. ♡)
[00:50] [Ivan Sokoll (work)] I will be going, Ukyo
[00:50] [Ukyo Kuonji (Casual)] Ivan.... what was that all about?
[00:51] [Ivan Sokoll (work)] ...something I should have done a while back, Ukyo...
[00:52] [Ukyo Kuonji (Casual)] I see. I hope everything's okay.
[00:52] [Ivan Sokoll (work)] I hope so too >.>
[00:56] > Ukyo Kuonji (Casual) thinks for a moment, then shrugs.
[00:56] [Ivan Sokoll (work)] goodnight, Ukyo
[00:57] [Ukyo Kuonji (Casual)] Yeah. Night Ivan, take care.
[00:57] > Ivan Sokoll (work) heads out..thinking to himself
[00:59] > Ukyo Kuonji (Casual) turns out the lights, heading out the back door
[01:00] <-- Ukyo Kuonji (Casual) has left #eventsbeta (Time to get home)
[01:00] <-- Ivan Sokoll (work) has left #eventsbeta (hmm)
[12:46] ➣ Global Lightning Cafe, Tokyo
[12:47] > Makoto Kino (Apron) stands in the kitchen, prepping something
[12:48] --> Ivan Sokoll (work) has joined #eventsbeta
[12:48] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Ivan Sokoll (work)
[12:49] > Ivan Sokoll (work) is sweeping up...looking a tad nervious
[12:51] [Ivan Sokoll (work)] the dish is..looking good
[12:53] [Ivan Sokoll (work)] ..busy day, is it not
[12:56] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] It is. But that's great
[12:57] [Ivan Sokoll (work)] ...Mako...we....we need to talk...
[13:00] > Makoto Kino (Apron) stops and sighs lightly
[13:00] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] You came home kind of late last night, didn't you?
[13:01] [Ivan Sokoll (work)] yes..yes I did
[13:03] [Ivan Sokoll (work)] I had something...I had to do
[13:04] > Makoto Kino (Apron) turns to Ivan, looking a little irritated
[13:04] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] Ukyo was here late last night too....
[13:05] [Ivan Sokoll (work)] yes she was
[13:06] [Ivan Sokoll (work)] last night was..fairly illuminating to me
[13:08] [Ivan Sokoll (work)] it helped me..make some decsions
[13:08] > Makoto Kino (Apron) sighs and goes back to her work
[13:09] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] You're..... leaving me for her, aren't you?
[13:09] > Ivan Sokoll (work) takes a deep breath...
[13:09] [Ivan Sokoll (work)] Makoto Kino....
[13:09] [Ivan Sokoll (work)] wait...
[13:09] [Ivan Sokoll (work)] what?
[13:11] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] This isn't the first time you've come home late and this wouldn't be the first time I've been cheated on....
[13:12] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] .... I think I feel worse for Ryoga then I do myself, if that makes sense.
[13:14] [Ivan Sokoll (work)] I..I have no feelings for that girl
[13:14] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] Really....?
[13:15] [Ivan Sokoll (work)] really!
[13:15] > Makoto Kino (Apron) sighs again
[13:15] [Ivan Sokoll (work)] why would I....
[13:15] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] I'm sorry Ivan..... I shouldn't have suspected that.
[13:16] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] I met some of the girls the other night.... and it made me think. I've been thinking a lot lately and I really shouldn't be.
[13:18] [Ivan Sokoll (work)] you have nothing to fear of me leaving you, snowflower...
[13:20] > Makoto Kino (Apron) looks a little upset at herself, setting her knife down
[13:22] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] I can be such an idiot sometimes.
[13:24] [Ivan Sokoll (work)] do not say that, snowflower....you simply are afraid of losing me...
[13:24] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] I am... maybe a little too much
[13:26] [Ivan Sokoll (work)] I love you, Makoto..totally and completely *smiles*
[13:30] [Ivan Sokoll (work)] so you have nothing to worry yourself about
[13:32] > Makoto Kino (Apron) looks at Ivan and smiles a little
[13:36] [Ivan Sokoll (work)] you are the one I love
[13:37] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] Then why're you still standing over there? :P
[13:38] [Ivan Sokoll (work)] whoops
[13:38] > Ivan Sokoll (work) goes back to his sweeping
[13:39] > Makoto Kino (Apron) sighs again and shakes her head - Not what I ment
[13:39] [Ivan Sokoll (work)] huh?.....
[13:39] [Ivan Sokoll (work)] oh!
[13:39] > Makoto Kino (Apron) goes back to working too
[13:40] [Ivan Sokoll (work)] >.> *realizes he screwed up*
[13:41] > Ivan Sokoll (work) sighs now
[13:43] > Ivan Sokoll (work) sets aside his broom and walks over to Makoto
[13:43] > Ivan Sokoll (work) wraps his arms around her waist
[13:43] > Makoto Kino (Apron) stops and smiles a bit
[13:43] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] Took you long enough...~
[13:45] [Ivan Sokoll (work)] call me a little slow
[13:46] > Makoto Kino (Apron) covers his hands with her's, leaning back against him
[13:47] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] That's alright... I'm not exactly a quick wit myself.
[13:48] > Ivan Sokoll (work) kisses makoto's neck "I never want to see you upset like this again.."
[13:49] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] Mmmm... well then, what do you plan on doing about that?
[13:51] [Ivan Sokoll (work)] I will just have to find a way to satisify you
[13:54] > Makoto Kino (Apron) giggles lighlty
[13:55] [Ivan Sokoll (work)] though it may have to wait till after work
[13:56] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] Unless I decide not to reopen for dinner... it is my resturant after all.
[13:57] > Makoto Kino (Apron) turns around in Ivan's arms, looking up at him
[13:57] > Ivan Sokoll (work) smiles down at Makoto
[13:57] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] Let's go out tonight.... somewhere special~
[13:58] [Ivan Sokoll (work)] I agree
[14:03] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] Well then, let's go get ready, okay?
[14:04] [Ivan Sokoll (work)] let us
[14:07] > Makoto Kino (Apron) leans in, kissing Ivan
[14:08] > Ivan Sokoll (work) returns the kiss
[14:10] > Makoto Kino (Apron) breaks the kiss and smiles
[14:11] > Ivan Sokoll (work) smiles back
[14:14] > Makoto Kino (Apron) smirks - Are you going to let me go so we can go get ready or are you just going to keep holding me? :P
[14:15] [Ivan Sokoll (work)] oh heh
[14:15] > Ivan Sokoll (work) lets go of Makoto
[14:18] > Makoto Kino (Apron) trails her hand along Ivan's arm and smiles
[14:20] > Makoto Kino (Apron) unties her apron and hangs it up on a hook before walking out ahead of Ivan
[14:22] > Ivan Sokoll (work) puts his broom away
[14:22] <-- Makoto Kino (Apron) [ThunderSenshi@BigRedSpot.net] has left #eventsbeta (Tonight needs to be special)
[14:22] <-- Ivan Sokoll (work) has left #eventsbeta (it really does..)
[00:00] >>> Monday Jan 23 2012 <<<
[12:37] ➣ Yoshi Kou's office
[12:37] --> Yoshi Kou (business casual) has joined #eventsbeta
[12:37] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Yoshi Kou (business casual)
[12:37] > Yoshi Kou (business casual) is sitting at his desk..looking absoultly awful
[12:37] ➣ the phone rings
[12:37] > Yoshi Kou (business casual) quickly picks up the phone
[12:37] [Yoshi Kou (business casual)] ..yes....no...for the last time no! I have no story to give you!
[12:37] [Yoshi Kou (business casual)] you'll just have to wait along with the rest of the reporters
[12:38] [Yoshi Kou (business casual)] ....yes we'll answer your queries then
[12:38] [Yoshi Kou (business casual)] ....yes...NO....just...YES...NO....fine...BYE
[12:38] > Yoshi Kou (business casual) hangs up
[12:39] ➣ There's a knock on the door
[12:40] [Yoshi Kou (business casual)] COME IN
[12:40] --> Eva Gala (Business) has joined #eventsbeta
[12:40] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Eva Gala (Business)
[12:40] > Eva Gala (Business) opens the door | Um..... is this a bad time?
[12:41] [Yoshi Kou (business casual)] ....oh eva..thank god it's only you
[12:42] > Eva Gala (Business) walks in and closes the door
[12:42] [Eva Gala (Business)] Yoshi.... what's wrong? I hate to say it, but you look horrible.
[12:43] [Yoshi Kou (business casual)] been answering the phone all night...
[12:44] [Yoshi Kou (business casual)] thanks to dear Taiki's move...
[12:45] [Eva Gala (Business)] Oh no.... I'm sorry Tao's causing you problems. ~_~
[12:45] [Yoshi Kou (business casual)] meh couldn't be helped
[12:46] [Yoshi Kou (business casual)] I just have to deal with all these reporters who want to know if the "rumor" is true
[12:47] [Yoshi Kou (business casual)] ..and there are alot of them
[12:49] ➣ the phone rings
[12:49] [Yoshi Kou (business casual)] ...and there's another one
[12:50] > Eva Gala (Business) walks around behind Yoshi
[12:50] [Eva Gala (Business)] What's your official position?
[12:51] [Yoshi Kou (business casual)] I'm their agent
[12:52] [Eva Gala (Business)] That's not what I mean.... in your eyes, are the rumors true or not?
[12:52] [Yoshi Kou (business casual)] well the rumors are true..that she's moved in with her boyfriend and has moved to hokkaido
[12:52] [Eva Gala (Business)] Okay then.
[12:52] > Eva Gala (Business) picks up the phone
[12:53] [Eva Gala (Business)] Eternam Star Agency, Eva speaking.
[12:53] [Eva Gala (Business)] ^Eternal
[12:54] [Eva Gala (Business)] No, Mr. Kou is out at the moment.... perhaps I can help.
[12:55] > Eva Gala (Business) cradls the phone against her ear with her shoulder while rubbing Yoshi's shoulders
[12:55] [Eva Gala (Business)] Yes, Taiki did move to Hokkaido
[12:55] > Yoshi Kou (business casual) sighs happily at the shoulder rubbing
[12:55] [Eva Gala (Business)] No, They did not run off and get married.
[12:56] [Eva Gala (Business)] No, we have no knowledge of Taiki being pregnant. That's just a nasty rumor.
[12:57] > Yoshi Kou (business casual) smiles
[13:00] [Eva Gala (Business)] No, there's no truth to the rumor that the lights are broken up.
[13:00] [Eva Gala (Business)] I'm sorry, but that's I have at this time.
[13:00] [Eva Gala (Business)] Thank you for calling.
[13:01] > Eva Gala (Business) hangs up the phone
[13:01] [Yoshi Kou (business casual)] heh now that was impressive
[13:02] > Eva Gala (Business) smiles, going back to rubbing Yoshi's shoulders | Thank you.
[13:04] [Yoshi Kou (business casual)] I tell you those three girls drive me nuts...
[13:05] [Eva Gala (Business)] Awww, but they're just women.... they're going to live their lives.
[13:08] [Yoshi Kou (business casual)] well I'm the guy who has to explain them to the press...
[13:08] [Yoshi Kou (business casual)] I still haven't told them that Seiya is pregnant
[13:09] [Eva Gala (Business)] She is!?
[13:10] [Yoshi Kou (business casual)] heh yes..and getting married...
[13:10] [Eva Gala (Business)] Oh wow, that's huge.
[13:11] [Yoshi Kou (business casual)] I expect a real fallout from that...
[13:12] [Eva Gala (Business)] It sounds to me like you could use some help.
[13:12] [Yoshi Kou (business casual)] I really could ~_~
[13:13] [Eva Gala (Business)] I have an idea for that then....
[13:13] [Eva Gala (Business)] .... but I have a big question for you.
[13:15] [Yoshi Kou (business casual)] hm?
[13:16] [Eva Gala (Business)] Do you think you can stand being around me 15 hours of the day? :P
[13:16] [Yoshi Kou (business casual)] heh I think I could bear it....
[13:17] [Eva Gala (Business)] Good, then I'm going to resign from my position with the accounting firm and come work with you. ^_^
[13:18] [Yoshi Kou (business casual)] are you sure you'd want to do that? I mean I wouldn't want to take you away from it
[13:20] [Eva Gala (Business)] To be honest, I'm getting a little bored over there. Talking to that woman just now was actually really exciting, cause I actually had to think of the right things to say.
[13:21] [Yoshi Kou (business casual)] well if you insist..I will have to get the paperwork ready to hire you then
[13:22] > Eva Gala (Business) bends down and kisses Yoshi's temple and smiles
[13:23] > Yoshi Kou (business casual) blushes
[13:23] [Eva Gala (Business)] You do what you have to do and I'll go back to the office and write up my resignation letter.
[13:24] [Yoshi Kou (business casual)] alright then
[13:24] [Eva Gala (Business)] But first.... have you had lunch yet?
[13:25] [Yoshi Kou (business casual)] heh no I haven't
[13:27] [Eva Gala (Business)] Well then, we should go get lunch and then we'll take care of that business. ^_^
[13:27] [Yoshi Kou (business casual)] wonderful plan, eva
[13:31] > Yoshi Kou (business casual) stands
[13:31] > Eva Gala (Business) walks around Yoshi, dragging her hand along his lower back with a smile
[13:32] > Yoshi Kou (business casual) blushes again, grinning a little
[13:33] > Eva Gala (Business) leads the way out with a grin
[13:33] > Yoshi Kou (business casual) follows, watching Eva's behind
[13:33] <-- Eva Gala (Business) has left #eventsbeta (Maybe later, I can help you blow off some steam. ♡)
[13:33] <-- Yoshi Kou (business casual) has left #eventsbeta (now I would love that ♡)
[14:24] ➣ Global Lightning Cafe
[14:25] > Makoto Kino (Apron) wipes down the main counter, humming a happy tune to herself.
[14:26] --> Usagi Chiba (casual) [Moon_Bunny@Jubaan.Tokyo.co] has joined #eventsbeta
[14:26] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Usagi Chiba (casual)
[14:26] > Usagi Chiba (casual) walks in, wearing a baby backpack, with a sleeping chibi-usa in it
[14:26] --> Minako Kaioh (Incognito) [SoldierOfLove@Venus.net] has joined #eventsbeta
[14:26] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Minako Kaioh (Incognito)
[14:26] --> Baby Aiko has joined #eventsbeta
[14:26] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Baby Aiko
[14:27] > Minako Kaioh (Incognito) walks in wearing a ball cap and pushing Ai in a stroller.
[14:27] > Makoto Kino (Apron) looks up and smiles - Hi girls. ^_^
[14:27] [Usagi Chiba (casual)] huh?
[14:27] [Usagi Chiba (casual)] hi hi mako-chan!
[14:28] > Makoto Kino (casual) unties her apron and walks from behind the counter, laying the apron on it
[14:29] ➣ There are no other customers in the cafe at the moment, as the closed sign is displaying on the door.
[14:29] [Minako Kaioh (Incognito)] Ne, why does it say you're closed in the middle of the afternoon?
[14:30] [Makoto Kino (casual)] Because I close down for a few hours after lunch to get ready for dinner.
[14:30] [Usagi Chiba (casual)] yeah...don't you usually do lunch?
[14:31] [Makoto Kino (casual)] You two have a seat, I'll get you some drinks. I have news. ^_~
[14:32] > Minako Kaioh (Incognito) grins widely as she sets Ai at her side and sits.
[14:32] > Usagi Chiba (casual) removes chibi-usa from her backpack and sits down, holding her..the baby still sleeping in her arms
[14:33] > Makoto Kino (casual) goes to get drinks for everyone.
[14:34] > Minako Kaioh (Incognito) sips her drink and watches Makoto, glowing with anticipation.
[14:35] [Usagi Chiba (casual)] what's up, mako-chan?
[14:36] > Makoto Kino (casual) sits across from the girls, sipping a drink and smirks
[14:36] [Makoto Kino (casual)] I... can't even say it. So I'm just going to show you
[14:37] > Minako Kaioh (Incognito)'s eyes lower to Makoto's hands..
[14:37] > Usagi Chiba (casual) blinks and looks too
[14:38] > Makoto Kino (casual) holds her left hand out to the girls, showing off a gold ring with an emerald set in the top, blushing brightly
[14:39] [Usagi Chiba (casual)] yaaaaay!
[14:39] [Minako Kaioh (Incognito)] EEEEEEEEEEEEEE He did it already?! I mean, All right Mako-chan!!!
[14:39] > Makoto Kino (casual) giggles and pauses - Wait... already?
[14:41] [Minako Kaioh (Incognito)] Err.. I mean..
[14:41] > Minako Kaioh (Incognito) blinks and looks at Ai, for an excuse to avert her gaze.
[14:42] > Baby Aiko looks scared by all the loud noises. o.o
[14:42] [Makoto Kino (casual)] Um..... Mina... do you know something about this that I don't?
[14:43] > Usagi Chiba (casual) holds chibi-usa...who just keeps sleeping
[14:43] [Minako Kaioh (Incognito)] Well... Maybe I talked to him the other night and.... suggested he do it... But he already had the ring! He already had it on him even and wanted to do it. I just gave him a little love-love push. ^.^
[14:44] [Makoto Kino (casual)] So THAT'S why he was here so late the other night with Ukyo....
[14:45] [Usagi Chiba (casual)] Mina the love maker strikes again!
[14:45] [Minako Kaioh (Incognito)] Oh yeah.. she was here too, cleaning up. I made them promise not to say I was here. Moh, I thought he'd wait until White day or something.
[14:46] [Minako Kaioh (Incognito)] You mean match maker, Usagi-chan, though I certainly make plenty of love these days. ^_~
[14:46] > Makoto Kino (casual) smirks a little - I'm tempted to jump over this table and kiss you Mina.
[14:47] [Minako Kaioh (Incognito)] I thought you'd be mad. You told me before you didn't want me to talk to him about it.
[14:47] > Usagi Chiba (casual) blushes at that image in her head
[14:49] [Makoto Kino (casual)] Well, in a way, I kinda' am..... but knowing how Ivan's a little..... shy and slow to do things, I'm actually glad you gave him that extra push.
[14:49] [Minako Kaioh (Incognito)] Well now, as long as most of us our here and Mako-chan is engaged, I suppose the next topic is obvious.
[14:51] [Usagi Chiba (casual)] hm?
[14:52] > Makoto Kino (casual) blushes - Not until after the wedding. :P
[14:52] [Minako Kaioh (Incognito)] Huh? Well, I guess it can wait.. but I feel bad for her.
[14:53] [Usagi Chiba (casual)] for who???
[14:53] [Makoto Kino (casual)] Fell bad?
[14:53] > Minako Kaioh (Incognito) looks between them and seems a little frustrated.
[14:54] [Minako Kaioh (Incognito)] Rei chan! We have to find her a hunky guy to hook up with like we all have!
[14:54] > Makoto Kino (casual) sighs a little
[14:54] > Usagi Chiba (casual) blinks
[14:54] [Makoto Kino (casual)] Mina... we've been over this. Rei isn't into guys or I'm sure she'd have one by now.
[14:55] [Minako Kaioh (Incognito)] She doesn't have a girl right now ether. :P
[14:55] [Makoto Kino (casual)] She doesn't? What happened to her girlfriend?
[14:56] [Minako Kaioh (Incognito)] They broke up ages ago.
[14:57] [Minako Kaioh (Incognito)] We all go though phases. You know that well, Mako-chan. ^.~
[14:59] [Usagi Chiba (casual)] oh yeah you liked haruka didn't you for awhile
[14:59] > Makoto Kino (casual) blushes - You just LOVE to tease me about that, don't you?
[15:01] > Minako Kaioh (Incognito) giggles.
[15:03] [Minako Kaioh (Incognito)] Just making a point. Well, if any of us find a potential match, maybe we can introduce them at your reception. Make sure Rei-chan has had a few drinks and BOOM! Instant heterosexuality! Wedding bells and fiery tempered babies! :D
[15:03] [Usagi Chiba (casual)] maybe she's like...bi
[15:03] [Usagi Chiba (casual)] like michiru-san
[15:03] [Makoto Kino (casual)] Heh, you're so sure about that Mina
[15:03] [Minako Kaioh (Incognito)] Michiru-san is bi?
[15:04] > Usagi Chiba (casual) nods nods
[15:05] [Makoto Kino (casual)] I didn't know Michi liked guys
[15:05] [Minako Kaioh (Incognito)] I didn't realize that. See, Mako-chan! If Michiru-san can like boys, then there must be hope for Rei!
[15:07] [Makoto Kino (casual)] You almost make it sound like Rei's never going to be happy without a man.
[15:07] > Minako Kaioh (Incognito) pouts.
[15:07] [Minako Kaioh (Incognito)] I know she's not happy now.
[15:08] [Usagi Chiba (casual)] we should let rei's heart decide!
[15:09] [Makoto Kino (casual)] I haven't talked to Rei in a while.
[15:10] [Minako Kaioh (Incognito)] Whenever I do talk about her, she's always bitter, going on about her work, her grandfather, and her 'duty' as a senshi that seems like a bigger burden on her than the rest of us combined. She needs love to loosen her up!
[15:10] [Usagi Chiba (casual)] me neither...
[15:13] [Usagi Chiba (casual)] we should all get together!
[15:14] [Makoto Kino (casual)] That sounds like a good idea Usagi, but when and where?
[15:15] [Usagi Chiba (casual)] um...no idea ^^
[15:17] [Usagi Chiba (casual)] ^^;;; sometime
[15:17] [Minako Kaioh (Incognito)] I'm pretty busy this week. ~_~
[15:20] [Usagi Chiba (casual)] I am too >.>
[15:21] [Makoto Kino (casual)] Well, it's not like we don't have time
[15:22] [Minako Kaioh (Incognito)] I suppose for Rei-chan we should make time.. Mako-chan, if you cook, I'll entertain at my place.
[15:25] [Makoto Kino (casual)] Sounds great
[15:27] [Minako Kaioh (Incognito)] So.. enough about Rei-chan. Have you two talked any details?
[15:27] [Usagi Chiba (casual)] oooo yeah!
[15:27] [Usagi Chiba (casual)] when's it going to be???
[15:28] [Makoto Kino (casual)] Well, let's not rush it
[15:31] [Usagi Chiba (casual)] want it to be special?
[15:31] [Minako Kaioh (Incognito)] No, Usagi-chan, she want's it to be plain and boring. :P
[15:33] [Usagi Chiba (casual)] but that would be awful!
[15:34] [Makoto Kino (casual)] Mina's joking, Usagi. :P Of course I want it to be special, which is why we have to take our time and plan it out.
[15:37] [Usagi Chiba (casual)] that's a good idea!
[15:41] > Makoto Kino (casual) finishes her drink
[15:42] [Makoto Kino (casual)] Well girls, I should get back to getting ready for dinner
[15:42] [Minako Kaioh (Incognito)] And I need to meet up with Ami-chan after she gets off for some swimming.
[15:43] > Minako Kaioh (Incognito) stands and starts pushing out the sleeping Ai.
[15:43] [Minako Kaioh (Incognito)] Congratulations, Mako-chan. I'm glad you're happy. The brawny girl in love is soon to be a bride.
[15:43] [Makoto Kino (casual)] Alright, take care Mina and thanks for giving that little push to Ivan. ;P
[15:44] [Usagi Chiba (casual)] um..can I stay for food ^^;;;
[15:44] > Minako Kaioh (Incognito) starts pushing Ai out, then stops at that.
[15:44] [Minako Kaioh (Incognito)] Heh... I could too, now you mention it. ^^;;
[15:45] > Makoto Kino (casual) giggles - Then have a seat and I'll make something for you and the kids. ^_^
[15:45] > Makoto Kino (casual) stands and heads to the kitchen
[15:45] > Minako Kaioh (Incognito) resumes her seat with a happy sigh.
[15:45] [Usagi Chiba (casual)] yay mako's cooking!
[15:46] <-- Makoto Kino (casual) [ThunderSenshi@BigRedSpot.net] has left #eventsbeta (I think I'll make something new today for my new beginning ♡)
[15:46] <-- Minako Kaioh (Incognito) [SoldierOfLove@Venus.net] has left #eventsbeta (You're just glad you don't have to. :P)
[15:47] <-- Usagi Chiba (casual) [Moon_Bunny@Jubaan.Tokyo.co] has left #eventsbeta (yay food!)
[19:20] ➣ Saturnian Royal Palace
[19:21] --> Topaz Tomoe (Royal Casual) [SecondGenSenshi@Saturn.net] has joined #eventsbeta
[19:21] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Topaz Tomoe (Royal Casual)
[19:21] > Topaz Tomoe (Royal Casual) sits in her bedroom and sighs, looking at her computer monitor.
[19:22] > Topaz Tomoe (Royal Casual) looks over her email, reading information from her mother about her pregnency
[19:23] ➣ little window pops up "Video Call Waiting. Accept: Y/N?"
[19:24] [Topaz Tomoe (Royal Casual)] Hmm?
[19:25] > Topaz Tomoe (Royal Casual) clicks the window to see who the call is from
[19:25] --> Sagiri Shin (royal casual) [princeofmists@Mercury.org] has joined #eventsbeta
[19:25] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Sagiri Shin (royal casual)
[19:25] > Sagiri Shin (royal casual) can be seen on the video, trying to fix his chair
[19:27] [Sagiri Shin (royal casual)] stupid...chair...
[19:28] > Topaz Tomoe (Royal Casual) grins and clicks the Y
[19:28] [Topaz Tomoe (Royal Casual)] Sagi! ♡
[19:28] [Sagiri Shin (royal casual)] oh! Topaz!!
[19:29] [Sagiri Shin (royal casual)] heh I managed to get this working
[19:32] [Sagiri Shin (royal casual)] ..how are you doing
[19:36] [Topaz Tomoe (Royal Casual)] Not too bad. Very bored.
[19:36] [Sagiri Shin (royal casual)] how are things on saturn....
[19:38] [Topaz Tomoe (Royal Casual)] Not too bad
[19:38] [Topaz Tomoe (Royal Casual)] Things are just starting to warm up slightly.
[19:38] [Topaz Tomoe (Royal Casual)] But with us being so far from the sun, it doesn't warm up much.
[19:38] [Sagiri Shin (royal casual)] ..it's still snowy and cold here
[19:39] [Sagiri Shin (royal casual)] ...I miss you
[19:41] [Topaz Tomoe (Royal Casual)] I miss you too..... I have being so far away from you.
[19:42] [Sagiri Shin (royal casual)] I know....I wish I could be there right now..
[19:45] [Topaz Tomoe (Royal Casual)] I wish you could too
[19:45] > Topaz Tomoe (Royal Casual) winks and starts to unbutton her top
[19:46] > Sagiri Shin (royal casual) blushes on the video
[19:48] [Sagiri Shin (royal casual)] ..topaz...are you doing what I think you're doing?
[19:50] [Topaz Tomoe (Royal Casual)] What do you think I'm doing?~
[19:51] [Sagiri Shin (royal casual)] showing me something I haven't seen in a bit...
[19:54] > Topaz Tomoe (Royal Casual) giggles
[19:57] > Topaz Tomoe (Royal Casual) slides out of her top, showing off a tank top underneath and sticks her tongue out at the camera
[19:57] [Sagiri Shin (royal casual)] gaaaah tease :P
[19:58] [Topaz Tomoe (Royal Casual)] Oooh ho ho...... you really do want to see something, hmm?
[19:59] [Sagiri Shin (royal casual)] only if you feel comfortible doing so
[20:02] > Topaz Tomoe (Royal Casual) thinks and blushes a little
[20:02] [Topaz Tomoe (Royal Casual)] I don't know.... what do you think?
[20:03] [Sagiri Shin (royal casual)] >.>...sure why not
[20:03] [Sagiri Shin (royal casual)] just a peek <.<
[20:05] > Topaz Tomoe (Royal Casual) starts to pull her tank top strap down, then winks, pulling it back up.
[20:05] [Topaz Tomoe (Royal Casual)] Maybe later
[20:05] [Sagiri Shin (royal casual)] yeah I agree
[20:05] [Sagiri Shin (royal casual)] so what do they have you doing there...
[20:07] [Topaz Tomoe (Royal Casual)] Small scale administrative things for now.
[20:07] [Sagiri Shin (royal casual)] dull isn't it
[20:08] [Topaz Tomoe (Royal Casual)] Very ~_~
[20:08] [Topaz Tomoe (Royal Casual)] I'm so glad I have to go to school during the day. It allows me to escape for a while
[20:09] [Sagiri Shin (royal casual)] what is the school like there?
[20:11] [Topaz Tomoe (Royal Casual)] Just like any other school. It lasts about 8 hours a day, I take six classes with an hour for lunch.
[20:14] [Sagiri Shin (royal casual)] ...next holiday..what do you think of the idea of me coming to visit?
[20:15] > Topaz Tomoe (Royal Casual) smiles, "That would be wonderful. When is your next holiday?"
[20:15] [Sagiri Shin (royal casual)] ..um..in a few weeks
[20:19] [Sagiri Shin (royal casual)] if I remember right
[20:19] [Topaz Tomoe (Royal Casual)] Well, I can't wait for it. ^_^
[20:20] > Sagiri Shin (royal casual) smiles "me neither...I would love to be around you again"
[20:22] [Topaz Tomoe (Royal Casual)] I know the feeling.
[20:23] [Sagiri Shin (royal casual)] heh I like the room *moves to try and see over Topaz's shoulder
[20:25] > Topaz Tomoe (Royal Casual) giggles and moves aside so he can see, her room is generally dark in color, a lot of purple with some posters on the walls
[20:27] [Sagiri Shin (royal casual)] purple..why am I not surprised hee
[20:28] > Topaz Tomoe (Royal Casual) can be heard giggleing again as she turns the camera towards her bed. It's a four post bed with curtains all around it
[20:29] [Sagiri Shin (royal casual)] and a beautiful bed fit for a princess
[20:29] > Topaz Tomoe (Royal Casual) puts her camera back where it belongs, smiling
[20:30] [Topaz Tomoe (Royal Casual)] All it's missing now, is my prince~
[20:31] [Sagiri Shin (royal casual)] if only I could show up on some sort of white horse for you
[20:33] > Topaz Tomoe (Royal Casual) lets out a sigh, leaning back in her chair
[20:33] [Topaz Tomoe (Royal Casual)] That would be so nice.....
[20:34] [Sagiri Shin (royal casual)] though I'm not sure how well I would do climbing a tower
[20:35] [Topaz Tomoe (Royal Casual)] Well, it's a good thing i don't live in a tower then. :P
[20:38] [Sagiri Shin (royal casual)] heh true enough
[20:38] [Sagiri Shin (royal casual)] ..you haven't seen any guy there that is better then me..have you?
[20:40] [Topaz Tomoe (Royal Casual)] Absolutely not....
[20:42] [Sagiri Shin (royal casual)] heh...wonderful
[20:43] [Topaz Tomoe (Royal Casual)] ..... I only want my Sagi. ♡
[20:44] [Sagiri Shin (royal casual)] and I only want my topaz
[20:45] > Topaz Tomoe (Royal Casual) smiles
[20:50] > Sagiri Shin (royal casual) smiles back, blushing a bit
[20:50] > Topaz Tomoe (Royal Casual) thinks something and blushes, "Hey Sagi.... I have an.... idea."~
[20:52] [Sagiri Shin (royal casual)] hm? what's the idea?
[20:53] [Topaz Tomoe (Royal Casual)] Do you really want to see more of what you're missing?~
[20:55] [Sagiri Shin (royal casual)] I think so
[20:56] [Topaz Tomoe (Royal Casual)] Then how about this..... let me close this and I'll call you back in about an hour.
[20:57] [Sagiri Shin (royal casual)] sounds like a plan
[20:58] [Topaz Tomoe (Royal Casual)] Alright then~
[20:58] > Topaz Tomoe (Royal Casual) smiles, "I'll see you in an hour then. I love you, Sagi" ♡
[20:59] [Sagiri Shin (royal casual)] love you topaz
[20:59] > Topaz Tomoe (Royal Casual) blows Sagiri a kiss before turning off the camera on her end
[21:02] <-- Topaz Tomoe (Royal Casual) [SecondGenSenshi@Saturn.net] has left #eventsbeta (I have to clean up a little bit. ♡)
[21:02] <-- Sagiri Shin (royal casual) [princeofmists@Mercury.org] has left #eventsbeta
[00:00] >>> Tuesday Jan 24 2012 <<<
[13:53] ➣ Tao & Taiki's Home, Hokkaido, Japan
[13:54] --> Taiki Kou (casual) has joined #eventsbeta
[13:54] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Taiki Kou (casual)
[13:54] > Taiki Kou (casual) is in the kitchen, washing some dishes
[13:55] > Tao Latu (Winter Casual) walks in from outside
[13:56] [Taiki Kou (casual)] welcome home, Tao ^^
[13:57] [Tao Latu (Winter Casual)] Thank you, dear
[13:58] > Tao Latu (Winter Casual) walks into the kitchen, hugging Taiki from behind and kissing her cheek
[13:58] [Taiki Kou (casual)] how was your day?
[13:58] > Taiki Kou (casual) giggles
[13:59] [Tao Latu (Winter Casual)] Not bad... I talked to the manager of the hardwear store about the job. He said there are a couple of other applicants, so he'd get back to me in a couple days.
[13:59] [Taiki Kou (casual)] I got a call...from the girls
[14:00] [Tao Latu (Winter Casual)] Oh? What did they say?
[14:00] [Taiki Kou (casual)] they want to stop by and do a house warming party
[14:03] [Tao Latu (Winter Casual)] That would be great. I was kind of hoping they would.
[14:04] [Taiki Kou (casual)] they also want to invite other people to come
[14:07] [Tao Latu (Winter Casual)] Okay.
[14:07] [Tao Latu (Winter Casual)] Like who?
[14:07] [Taiki Kou (casual)] heh I told her I'd wait to give an answer until I talked to you
[14:08] [Taiki Kou (casual)] the princesses, their lovers, our brothers
[14:09] [Tao Latu (Winter Casual)] I might have to invite some friends myself. Namely the other Knights.
[14:11] [Tao Latu (Winter Casual)] The big question is when?
[14:12] [Taiki Kou (casual)] they were thinking this weekend...
[14:12] > Tao Latu (Winter Casual) gives Taiki a little squeeze, still holding her
[14:12] [Tao Latu (Winter Casual)] What do YOU think?
[14:14] [Taiki Kou (casual)] well I don't mind it...we'd have alot of preparation to do
[14:15] [Tao Latu (Winter Casual)] Well, we have time then.
[14:17] > Tao Latu (Winter Casual) lets Taiki go and steps to stand beside her
[14:25] [Tao Latu (Winter Casual)] I'll start calling the knights
[14:26] [Taiki Kou (casual)] alright, tao
[14:26] > Tao Latu (Winter Casual) leans in and up to kiss Taiki on the cheek
[14:28] > Taiki Kou (casual) giggles a little
[14:32] [Taiki Kou (casual)] well I better finish these dishes then
[14:34] > Tao Latu (Winter Casual) nods | I'll start making calls.
[14:34] > Tao Latu (Winter Casual) walks out of the kitchen, sitting in their living room in his favorite chair.
[14:36] > Tao Latu (Winter Casual) takes out his cell phone, pulling up Hideki on his contacts and sending the call
[14:37] [Hideki Kaze (phone)] hello?
[14:38] [Tao Latu (Winter Casual)] Hey there Hideki
[14:38] [Hideki Kaze (phone)] oh hello Tao. how are things?
[14:40] [Tao Latu (Winter Casual)] Pretty good. Did you hear that I moved?
[14:40] [Hideki Kaze (phone)] is that so? where to?
[14:40] [Tao Latu (Winter Casual)] Hokkaido
[14:43] [Hideki Kaze (phone)] heh coldest place in japan....living with Taiki then?
[14:44] [Tao Latu (Winter Casual)] Indeed. I thought it would be ironic on many levels.
[14:44] [Tao Latu (Winter Casual)] I mean, me being Plutonian and living in a region named after my girlfriend.
[14:46] [Hideki Kaze (phone)] true true....so what brings this call?
[14:48] [Tao Latu (Winter Casual)] Well, the other Starlights had the idea of having a housewarming party this weekend. Taiki and I really liked the idea, so I wanted to invite you to come.
[14:49] [Hideki Kaze (phone)] I would be honored to come
[14:50] [Tao Latu (Winter Casual)] Excellent, feel free to bring your wives with you as well.
[14:51] [Hideki Kaze (phone)] I'll tell them tonight
[14:53] [Tao Latu (Winter Casual)] Great. ^_^ Well, I hate to cut this short, but I have a few other phone calls to make.
[14:55] [Hideki Kaze (phone)] understandable
[14:57] [Hideki Kaze (phone)] see you then
[14:58] [Tao Latu (Winter Casual)] Yup, take care
[14:59] <-- Hideki Kaze (phone) [AirKnight@Qtech.com] has left #eventsbeta (hangs up)
[15:01] > Tao Latu (Winter Casual) pulls up Ivan's name on the phone and calls him next
[15:02] [Ivan Sokoll (phone)] yes?
[15:03] [Tao Latu (Winter Casual)] Hello Comrad, how are you today?
[15:04] [Ivan Sokoll (phone)] ah Tao. I am well...how are you
[15:06] [Tao Latu (Winter Casual)] Doing well. I was wondering if you'd be available this weekend.
[15:07] [Ivan Sokoll (phone)] I am free..why you ask
[15:08] [Tao Latu (Winter Casual)] Well, I don't know if you heard, but Taiki and I moved to Hokkaido
[15:09] [Ivan Sokoll (phone)] ah did not know that
[15:10] [Tao Latu (Winter Casual)] Yeah, we've kept it quiet up until now.
[15:11] [Ivan Sokoll (phone)] I hope it is going well
[15:11] [Tao Latu (Winter Casual)] It is so far. But we're having a housewarming party this weekend and wondered if you wanted to come?
[15:16] [Ivan Sokoll (phone)] alright...may I bring makoto with
[15:17] [Tao Latu (Winter Casual)] Absolutely. We would be honored to have you both come.
[15:19] [Ivan Sokoll (phone)] then I shall come
[15:20] [Tao Latu (Winter Casual)] Excellent ^_^
[15:21] [Tao Latu (Winter Casual)] How is Princess Jupiter, by the way?
[15:23] [Ivan Sokoll (phone)] she is fine..we are engaged
[15:24] [Tao Latu (Winter Casual)] OH! Congratulations, Ivan! When did this happen?
[15:25] [Ivan Sokoll (phone)] yesterday
[15:26] [Tao Latu (Winter Casual)] That is excellent news.
[15:27] [Ivan Sokoll (phone)] we are very happy
[15:27] [Tao Latu (Winter Casual)] I'm glad. ^_^
[15:28] [Tao Latu (Winter Casual)] Well, I need to get in contact with Kato. I look forward to seeing you and Makoto.
[15:30] [Ivan Sokoll (phone)] we look forward to coming
[15:31] [Tao Latu (Winter Casual)] Take care, friend.
[15:31] [Ivan Sokoll (phone)] good day
[15:31] <-- Ivan Sokoll (phone) has left #eventsbeta (*hangs up*)
[15:32] > Tao Latu (Winter Casual) looks through his contacts once again, calling Katori
[15:34] [Katori Kaioh (phone)] yes?....gah...
[15:34] [Tao Latu (Winter Casual)] Hallo Kato, how are you today?
[15:35] [Katori Kaioh (phone)] can you hold for a second
[15:36] [Tao Latu (Winter Casual)] Um, sure.
[15:37] > Katori Kaioh (phone) can be heard on the phone muttering something..and then walking away briefly before turning
[15:38] [Katori Kaioh (phone)] sorry about that...was changing my daughter
[15:38] [Tao Latu (Winter Casual)] My apologizies, I didn't mean to call you at a bad time
[15:40] [Katori Kaioh (phone)] no no it's fine
[15:40] [Katori Kaioh (phone)] so what is going on, Tao?
[15:40] [Tao Latu (Winter Casual)] Well, I'm not sure if you heard, Taiki and I moved to Hokkaido.
[15:43] [Katori Kaioh (phone)] you moved to the land of ice and snow?
[15:44] [Tao Latu (Winter Casual)] Indeed
[15:45] [Katori Kaioh (phone)] geez you must really love that woman to move there
[15:46] [Tao Latu (Winter Casual)] Of course I do. It was a joint decision.
[15:46] [Tao Latu (Winter Casual)] What's ironic is we moved to a town that shares he rname.
[15:47] [Katori Kaioh (phone)] so what calls for this....call?
[15:49] [Tao Latu (Winter Casual)] Well, we're hosting a housewarming party and wondered if you would like to come?
[15:49] [Katori Kaioh (phone)] well I'll have to talk to mina..but knowing her..we'll be there
[15:51] [Tao Latu (Winter Casual)] That sounds great.
[15:53] [Tao Latu (Winter Casual)] Well, I have one more phone call to make, so I'll let you go.
[15:53] [Katori Kaioh (phone)] very well...we'll see you then
[15:53] [Tao Latu (Winter Casual)] I look forward to see you and your lovely wife, Mina. See you then.
[15:55] > Tao Latu (Winter Casual) ends the call and sighs a little bit
[15:55] <-- Katori Kaioh (phone) [blueboy@seapalace.nep.co] has left #eventsbeta
[15:59] > Tao Latu (Winter Casual) takes a deep breath, pulling up his princess on the phone
[16:07] > Tao Latu (Winter Casual) sighs a little as the call goes to voice mail.
[16:07] [Tao Latu (Winter Casual)] Princess, when you get this message please call me back.
[16:07] <-- Tao Latu (Winter Casual) has left #eventsbeta (*hangs up his phone*)
[23:50] ➣ Raoul and Freya's Apartment
[23:50] --> Freya (human robe) [CatGuard@Q.Gov] has joined #eventsbeta
[23:50] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Freya (human robe)
[23:51] > Freya (human robe) is brewing some tea
[23:53] --> Raoul Bertrand (Bathrobe) [Brightbeauty@mercury.org] has joined #eventsbeta
[23:53] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Raoul Bertrand (Bathrobe)
[23:53] > Raoul Bertrand (Bathrobe) walks out and hugs Freya
[23:54] [Freya (human robe)] mmm
[23:54] [Freya (human robe)] have a nice shower?
[23:57] [Raoul Bertrand (Bathrobe)] Indeed. Had an interesting message on my phone when I came out.
[23:58] [Freya (human robe)] hm? what about?
[00:00] >>> Wednesday Jan 25 2012 <<<
[00:00] [Raoul Bertrand (Bathrobe)] Seems my friend Tao has moved into a new house with his girlfriend Taiki
[00:01] [Freya (human robe)] one of the starlights?
[00:03] [Raoul Bertrand (Bathrobe)] Yeah. Seems they've moved to Hokkaido
[00:05] [Freya (human robe)] now that is a far place to move
[00:06] [Raoul Bertrand (Bathrobe)] Yeah, I looked it up on a map. Ze kind of place you could freez in.
[00:07] [Freya (human robe)] reminds me of minnesota
[00:07] [Raoul Bertrand (Bathrobe)] Anyway, zey're having a housewarming party and invited us.
[00:08] [Freya (human robe)] oh really?
[00:08] > Freya (human robe) sips her tea
[00:08] [Freya (human robe)] that's wonderful!
[00:08] [Freya (human robe)] who else is coming?
[00:10] [Raoul Bertrand (Bathrobe)] I'm not entirely sure, but I believe he invited ze rest of ze knights and likely ze Starlights as well.
[00:11] [Freya (human robe)] heh will certainly be a rather large party then
[00:13] [Freya (human robe)] do you know if it's fancy or casual?
[00:15] [Raoul Bertrand (Bathrobe)] He made it sound like it will be casual
[00:16] [Freya (human robe)] heh so no need for a new dress
[00:16] [Raoul Bertrand (Bathrobe)] Well, if you really wanted one, we could get you one. ^_^
[00:17] [Freya (human robe)] really???
[00:18] [Raoul Bertrand (Bathrobe)] Of coruse.
[00:18] [Raoul Bertrand (Bathrobe)] ^course
[00:22] [Freya (human robe)] so when is this party? *sits at the table*
[00:25] [Raoul Bertrand (Bathrobe)] This weekend
[00:26] [Freya (human robe)] heh so it's at a perfect time
[00:28] [Raoul Bertrand (Bathrobe)] Yes
[00:28] [Freya (human robe)] want some tea, dear?
[00:30] [Raoul Bertrand (Bathrobe)] Yes, please. ^_^
[00:31] > Raoul Bertrand (Bathrobe) sits down at the table also
[00:32] [Freya (human robe)] this tea is suppose to help you sleep
[00:32] > Freya (human robe) pours a cup and hands it to Raoul
[00:33] [Raoul Bertrand (Bathrobe)] Thank you, sweetheart.
[00:34] > Raoul Bertrand (Bathrobe) adds a bit of sugar and sips
[00:35] [Freya (human robe)] maybe we can go shopping tomorrow afternoon
[00:36] [Raoul Bertrand (Bathrobe)] That sounds great
[00:38] > Raoul Bertrand (Bathrobe) sips his tea
[00:39] [Freya (human robe)] hey Raoul...
[00:39] [Freya (human robe)] am I..pleasing to you?
[00:41] [Raoul Bertrand (Bathrobe)] Of course you are!
[00:41] [Raoul Bertrand (Bathrobe)] What would ever make you zink ozerwise?
[00:42] [Freya (human robe)] I don't know...been thinking weird thoughts lately
[00:43] [Raoul Bertrand (Bathrobe)] Like what? Let's talk about it.
[00:44] [Freya (human robe)] do you find it odd that I have to be a cat certain times of the day?
[00:45] [Raoul Bertrand (Bathrobe)] Not at all, considering your race.
[00:45] [Raoul Bertrand (Bathrobe)] I actually find it kind of cute.
[00:45] > Freya (human robe) blushes
[00:48] [Freya (human robe)] I was just...watching a family in the park
[00:48] [Freya (human robe)] and it made me a little sad
[00:49] [Raoul Bertrand (Bathrobe)] Awwww
[00:49] > Raoul Bertrand (Bathrobe) slides over and puts his arm around Freya
[00:49] [Raoul Bertrand (Bathrobe)] Why does that make you sad?
[00:50] [Freya (human robe)] was wondering if it would be possible with us
[00:52] > Raoul Bertrand (Bathrobe) blushes | I um..... I don't see why not.
[00:53] > Freya (human robe) blushes
[00:54] [Freya (human robe)] maybe someday ^^
[00:54] > Raoul Bertrand (Bathrobe) nods to that
[00:55] [Freya (human robe)] I guess Luna and Artemis also just had me thinking about things
[00:57] [Raoul Bertrand (Bathrobe)] Ahh
[00:58] [Freya (human robe)] sorry raoul...
[00:58] [Freya (human robe)] this conversation probably isn't one I should focus on right now, is it
[01:00] [Raoul Bertrand (Bathrobe)] It's okay, my dear.
[01:00] [Raoul Bertrand (Bathrobe)] You know I love you.... no matter what.
[01:00] [Freya (human robe)] of course I know that
[01:02] > Freya (human robe) takes raoul's hand, smiling
[01:03] > Raoul Bertrand (Bathrobe) finishes his tea and stands
[01:05] > Freya (human robe) finishes her own tea
[01:10] > Freya (human robe) stands as well
[01:10] > Raoul Bertrand (Bathrobe) holds Freya's and smiles
[01:10] [Raoul Bertrand (Bathrobe)] Let's go to bed, love.
[01:11] [Freya (human robe)] alright, raoul ^_^
[01:14] > Raoul Bertrand (Bathrobe) leads Freya into the bedroom
[01:14] <-- Raoul Bertrand (Bathrobe) [Brightbeauty@mercury.org] has left #eventsbeta (You worry far too much, my dear.)
[01:15] <-- Freya (human robe) [CatGuard@Q.Gov] has left #eventsbeta (that I do)
[23:51] ➣ Dim lights illuminate the sitting room of Magellan Castle.
[23:51] --> Queen Minako [SoldierOfLove@Venus.net] has joined #eventsbeta
[23:51] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Queen Minako
[23:51] --> Baby Penelope has joined #eventsbeta
[23:51] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Baby Penelope
[23:51] > Queen Minako sits on a long couch and rocks Penny in her arms.
[23:51] [Queen Minako] Daddy will be here soon. Aren't you excited?? ♡
[23:52] > Baby Penelope coos and smiles, jerkily moving her hands around excitedly.
[23:52] --> Queen Ami [Water.Queen@Mercury.org] has joined #eventsbeta
[23:52] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Queen Ami
[23:53] --> Katori Kaioh (future king) [blueboy@seapalace.nep.co] has joined #eventsbeta
[23:53] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Katori Kaioh (future king)
[23:53] --> Matsuo Shin (future king) [PsychicGuy@Q.Tech.gov] has joined #eventsbeta
[23:53] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Matsuo Shin (future king)
[23:54] [Queen Minako] Mmm... suddenly I'm sandwiched by handsome men~ Konbon wa!
[23:54] [Katori Kaioh (future king)] hello dear *smiles*
[23:55] > Queen Minako stands up and prances over to Matsuo, greeting him with a soft, but long kiss on the lips.
[23:55] > Matsuo Shin (future king) returns the kiss
[23:56] [Queen Ami] Konbanwa, Minako-chan, Katori-san.
[23:56] > Baby Penelope coo's and makes happy noises, grabbing at Matsuo's front.
[23:57] [Matsuo Shin (future king)] heh.....hello Penny
[23:57] [Katori Kaioh (future king)] well she seems happy to see her father
[23:57] > Queen Minako hands Penelope off to Matsuo and resumes her seat.
[23:57] --> April [fourthmonth@venus.net] has joined #eventsbeta
[23:57] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, April
[23:58] > Matsuo Shin (future king) cradles his daughter in his arms
[23:58] > April enters, pushing a serving kart, her pregnancy very advanced and possibly slowing her down.
[23:59] [April] Good evening, masters and mistresses. ^.^ May I offer anyone refreshment? I have campaign and orange juice
[23:59] [Katori Kaioh (future king)] good evening, April
[23:59] [Matsuo Shin (future king)] why thank you
[23:59] [April] They combine for fine Mimosas as well.
[00:00] >>> Thursday Jan 26 2012 <<<
[00:00] [Queen Minako] Umm.. just juice for me, dear. ^^;
[00:00] [Matsuo Shin (future king)] juice is fine for me ^^
[00:01] [Queen Ami] I'll have to stick to just juice as well. ^_^;
[00:02] > April passes out glasses of chilled orange juice in campaign glasses.
[00:02] [April] Grown and squeezed right here on the castle grounds. ♡
[00:02] [Matsuo Shin (future king)] you have certainly...grown out, April
[00:04] > Matsuo Shin (future king) rocks his daughter a bit
[00:04] [April] Indeed I have. *^^* Proof of my master's love grows inside my womb. Umm... would everyone be alright if I took an armchair, seeing as it's hard for me to kneel like this?
[00:05] [Queen Minako] Of course, dear. And I'm glad you all came tonight, because I have a bit of an announcement.
[00:05] > April takes a seat, folding her hands and trying to look as proper as she can.
[00:06] [Queen Ami] As do I. Perhaps along the same lines if I read the signs correctly.
[00:06] [Matsuo Shin (future king)] hm?
[00:07] > Queen Minako raises her lips, looking a little confused and trying to think of what that could mean, but quickly disregards it.
[00:08] [Queen Minako] Well, after another wild new years party I swore I wouldn't let happen again, I'm expecting a lovechild, thankfully from my dear husband.
[00:08] [Queen Ami] Who's going to go first?
[00:08] > Katori Kaioh (future king) smiles a little at that
[00:08] [Queen Ami] Congratulations~
[00:09] > Queen Minako takes Katori's arm and leans against him, smiling and closing her eyes for a moment.
[00:10] [Queen Ami] I admit, your order for plain juice tipped me off, Minako-chan. ^_^;
[00:11] [Queen Minako] Heee~ You read people more than you give yourself credit for, Ami-chan. Ne, you must think me a raging drunk.
[00:11] [Queen Minako] Could also be that I'm still nursing. :P
[00:12] [Queen Ami] Maybe not raging, but refusing a little champagne seemed like a tip off.
[00:13] [Queen Ami] Hmm.. I suppose so. That hadn't occurred to me.
[00:13] > Matsuo Shin (future king) is trying to make funny faces to his daughter
[00:13] [Queen Minako] Mohh... one of these days I'll get all my children to where they can care for themselves and go on another music tour, for old times sake.
[00:14] > Baby Penelope laughs at Matsuo, looking very happy. :D
[00:15] [April] Congratulations, Mistress. And it seems I'll be able to help wit nursing responsibilities. ^^; My, master is such a stud. Two women carrying his children at once.
[00:16] > Queen Ami blushes a little and says timidly: "Make that three."
[00:16] [April] Ohh, forgive me, I'm speaking out of turn. o.o
[00:16] > Queen Minako does a spit take on her juice.
[00:17] [Katori Kaioh (future king)] ah...yes.....
[00:17] > Katori Kaioh (future king) starts blushing
[00:17] > Matsuo Shin (future king) looks...a tad upset at this turn of events
[00:17] [Queen Minako] No way!
[00:17] > Queen Minako looks between Ami and Katori, back and forth a few times..
[00:18] > Baby Penelope blinks at the change of mood.. o.o
[00:18] [Queen Ami] Hai, the test confirmed it last week.
[00:19] > Queen Minako keeps looking back and forth, then finally slaps Katori on the chest, though she's smiling.
[00:19] > Matsuo Shin (future king) hands Penelope to Minako
[00:19] [Matsuo Shin (future king)] excuse me
[00:19] > Matsuo Shin (future king) is away
[00:19] [Katori Kaioh (future king)] OW
[00:19] [Queen Minako] mm.. Matsuo-san? Don't go..
[00:20] [Queen Ami] Matsuo!
[00:21] > Queen Ami starts to break down into tears..
[00:21] [Queen Minako] I'm not mad.. but I wish Matsuo didn't take this so hard... it means I can't do light hearted teasing..
[00:21] > Baby Penelope starts crying, prompting Mina to rock her. ;.;
[00:22] [Katori Kaioh (future king)] well I didn't expect this
[00:23] [Queen Minako] It... it's going to be okay, Ami-chan. ~.~
[00:23] > Queen Ami hides her face in her hands..
[00:23] > Matsuo Shin (future king) is back
[00:24] > Matsuo Shin (future king) walks back in slowly
[00:24] [Queen Minako] There there, Penny.. please calm down. ~.~
[00:24] [Matsuo Shin (future king)] ami..I'm sorry
[00:24] [Matsuo Shin (future king)] ...just...in slight shock
[00:24] [Matsuo Shin (future king)] why didn't you tell me?
[00:25] [Queen Ami] T_T.. I thought it would be easier *sniff* If we were all together.. T_T Like Minako did with Penny.. T__T
[00:26] [Matsuo Shin (future king)] well...
[00:26] [Matsuo Shin (future king)] if I didn't support you
[00:26] [Matsuo Shin (future king)] I would be a complete hypocrete..now wouldn't I
[00:26] > Baby Penelope keeps sniffling, but starts to calm.
[00:29] > Matsuo Shin (future king) hugs his wife
[00:29] [Queen Minako] See, Penny? It's all okay.
[00:30] > Katori Kaioh (future king) relaxes
[00:31] [Matsuo Shin (future king)] I was just worried, Ami...that...perhaps I was inadiquite for you...
[00:31] [Matsuo Shin (future king)] and that that may have been why you were having this child with Katori...
[00:32] [Queen Minako] I don't think it was planned any more than Penny, Matsuo.
[00:34] [Queen Minako] I dare say people let themselves go in my home, in more ways than one.
[00:34] > Queen Minako looks at Penny, stroking her hair.
[00:34] > Queen Ami sobs against Matsuo's shoulder.
[00:35] [Matsuo Shin (future king)] Ami..I'm...I'm sorry
[00:35] [Queen Ami] It wasn't planned.. T_T Any of it.
[00:36] [Matsuo Shin (future king)] I'm sorry I acted this way, Ami
[00:36] [Queen Ami] We were both just there in the grotto that night, and I got curious about what I couldn't remember from that New Year's Party. T__T
[00:37] [Matsuo Shin (future king)] ooooh I see
[00:39] > Matsuo Shin (future king) smiles and kisses his wife
[00:39] > Katori Kaioh (future king) sits near his wife
[00:39] [Queen Minako] Katori is quite a lover. ^.^ As are you, Matsuo-san. Matsuo. ♡
[00:39] > Queen Ami kisses back, her face wet with tears.
[00:40] [Queen Ami] I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you. I just hoped you'd understand since you and Minako-chan spent a night or two together.
[00:40] [Matsuo Shin (future king)] heh....my emotions blinded me
[00:41] [Queen Minako] That's what they do. ^.^
[00:43] [Queen Minako] Please, lets all be happy. Perhaps a toast is in order?
[00:43] [Matsuo Shin (future king)] I agree!
[00:43] > April refills the empty glasses.
[00:43] > Queen Ami manages a smile, her tears drying up slowly.
[00:44] [Matsuo Shin (future king)] we can't scare penny with our outbursts
[00:44] > Queen Minako raises a glass, holding Penny carefully with one arm.
[00:46] > Matsuo Shin (future king) raises his glass
[00:46] > Katori Kaioh (future king) raises his glas
[00:46] [Queen Minako] Hai, she's sensitive to emotions. Join us, April. Now, here's to our many lovechildren, including the ones that come from someone we don't expect. We love them at least as much as we love our friends, and will see them grow up healthy, happy, and loved.
[00:46] [Katori Kaioh (future king)] *glass
[00:46] > Queen Ami raises her glass.
[00:47] > April taps glasses with a smile, and drinks.
[00:48] > Queen Ami taps and drinks her juice.
[00:48] > Katori Kaioh (future king) drinks
[00:48] > Matsuo Shin (future king) taps his glass and drinks
[00:49] > Queen Minako drinks. ♡
[00:51] [Queen Minako] There. Much better, ne?
[00:52] [Matsuo Shin (future king)] much
[00:52] [Queen Ami] Hai, I feel better now.
[00:53] [Katori Kaioh (future king)] well that awas..interesting
[00:55] > Matsuo Shin (future king) walks over and strokes Penny's head "and I'm sorry I upset you"
[00:55] > Baby Penelope seems to sigh and closes her eyes at his touch.
[00:56] > Matsuo Shin (future king) smiles "cute little thing"
[00:56] [Queen Minako] She really is.
[00:58] [Katori Kaioh (future king)] and how are you feeling, Ami
[01:01] > Matsuo Shin (future king) looks at Baby Penelope
[01:01] ➣ Baby Penelope: A newborn Japanese baby girl with short cherry red hair. Perhaps she is really cute, or perhaps she radiates something that compels people to swoon over her.
[01:01] [Queen Ami] Feeling much better now that I'm not keeping a secret anymore. ~_~
[01:03] [Queen Minako] It's a heavy weight to carry.. I know... <.<
[01:03] [Matsuo Shin (future king)] I bet you're proud of yourself, Katori...three women bearing your children :P
[01:03] > Katori Kaioh (future king) coughs at that >.>
[01:04] > Queen Minako giggles.
[01:04] [Queen Minako] Are you upset, Matsuo? I mean.. it's all right if you are.
[01:06] [Matsuo Shin (future king)] I was a little..but I'll be fine now
[01:06] [Queen Minako] Anything we can do to make it up for you?
[01:06] [Matsuo Shin (future king)] heh oh I don't know
[01:08] [Matsuo Shin (future king)] I think just having this night is fine
[01:11] > Queen Ami yawns.
[01:11] [Matsuo Shin (future king)] tired, dear?
[01:11] [Queen Ami] Hai.. ~_~
[01:12] [April] The guest suite is ready for you, Master and Mistress Shin.
[01:12] [Matsuo Shin (future king)] thank you, April
[01:14] [Queen Ami] Hai, thank you.