[01:52] >>> Wednesday Jan 04 2012 – Automatic reset triggered – Logging Start <<<
[01:52] [~Myshia Clanclan] ☇ HA..you think that satisfies me!!!....I WON'T REST UNTIL YOU ARE BROUGHT TO JUSTICE FOR THE CRIME YOU COMMITED ☇
[01:52] [Sskt (casual)] ...oh good god
[01:52] [Alexis Shentara (Casual)] And what crime did I commit that you can actually prove?
[01:53] [~Myshia Clanclan] ☇ ..you...um...YOU COMMITED A CRIME ☇
[01:55] [Sskt (casual)] let's get out of here
[01:57] [Sskt (casual)] Taruka, switch off contact
[01:57] [Alexis Shentara (Casual)] Belay that
[01:58] [Sskt (casual)] what?
[01:58] [Alexis Shentara (Casual)] Myshia, if we comitted a crime, then you have to prove it, otherwise, leave us alone before we have a serious problem.
[01:58] [Sskt (casual)] why should we listen to her?
[01:58] [~Myshia Clanclan] ☇ ...I...I NEED NO PROOF OTHER THEN MY WORD! ☇
[01:58] [Alexis Shentara (Casual)] Fine then..... get ready to defend yourself.
[01:59] > Alexis Shentara (Casual) looks serious - Nice knowing you.... Taruka, terminate communication.
[01:59] > Taruka Mi-38 switches off communication
[01:59] [~Myshia Clanclan] ☇ DON'T YOU DA*------------------- ☇
[02:00] [Alexis Shentara (Casual)] Sskt, power up weapons
[02:00] [Taruka Mi-38] ☇ ...the craft is still attempting to follow us ☇
[02:00] [Sskt (casual)] got it
[02:00] > Sskt (casual) flips a few switches, bringing up the weapons display
[02:00] [Alexis Shentara (Casual)] Target that Catarl ship.
[02:00] [Taruka Mi-38] ☇ they are powering up their own weapons ☇
[02:00] [Alexis Shentara (Casual)] Jillian...
[02:00] > Sskt (casual) grins, aiming for the ship
[02:00] [Jillian] ☇ Yes Alexis? ☇
[02:01] [Alexis Shentara (Casual)] ..... is the grappeling arm operational?
[02:01] [Jillian] ☇ Yes it is. ☇
[02:02] [Alexis Shentara (Casual)] Good, deploy the arm and give me control.
[02:02] [Alexis Shentara (Casual)] Time to take advantage of our side advantage.
[02:04] [Sskt (casual)] just saaaay wiiiin
[02:04] [Taruka Mi-38] ☇ the ship is firing................and missed... ☇
[02:04] > Alexis Shentara (Casual) guides the ship with one hand and the arm with the other
[02:06] [Sskt (casual)] man....what a rotten sight she must have
[02:08] [Taruka Mi-38] ☇ ship is powering up weapons again ☇
[02:08] [Alexis Shentara (Casual)] I gotcha now!!
[02:09] > Alexis Shentara (Casual) pulls back as the other ship fires, causing it to miss again an using the grappeling arm to grab it.
[02:09] [Sskt (casual)] HA
[02:09] [Alexis Shentara (Casual)] Sskt, keep weapons trained on the ship, but hold fire.
[02:09] [Sskt (casual)] got it!
[02:09] [Alexis Shentara (Casual)] Taruka, open communications
[02:11] [Taruka Mi-38] ☇ communications open ☇
[02:12] [~Myshia Clanclan] ☇ LET ME GO! UNHAND ME!! ☇
[02:13] [Alexis Shentara (Casual)] How about I unload weapons on you, Myshia? I don't think your little ship could take a full barrage.
[02:14] [~Myshia Clanclan] ☇ grrrrrrrrr.... ☇
[02:14] [~Myshia Clanclan] ☇ IF I GO I'M TAKING YOU WITH ME!!!! ☇
[02:14] [Taruka Mi-38] ☇ I'm detecting an unusual build up in the scout ship's engines... ☇
[02:15] [Alexis Shentara (Casual)] I don't think so
[02:15] [Sskt (casual)] a self-destruct!?
[02:15] [~Myshia Clanclan] ☇ NYAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAH ☇
[02:15] [Alexis Shentara (Casual)] Sskt, disable her power supply but don't destroy her.
[02:16] > Sskt (casual) tries to target the power supply...but barely misses the shot
[02:16] [Sskt (casual)] GAH...darn small targets
[02:16] [Taruka Mi-38] ☇ power levels are at critical! ☇
[02:16] [~Myshia Clanclan] ☇ NYAHAHAHAHA NYAHAHAHAHAHAHAH ☇
[02:16] ➣ there is a brief roar from the scout ship and.....*poof?*
[02:17] [~Myshia Clanclan] ☇ ..nya???....where's the kaboom? ☇
[02:17] [Sskt (casual)] .............
[02:17] [Taruka Mi-38] ☇ ......... ☇
[02:17] > Alexis Shentara (Casual) breaks into laughter
[02:18] [Alexis Shentara (Casual)] You can't even kill yourself properly!
[02:18] [~Myshia Clanclan] ☇ nyaaa!!..I'll...I'll get you! ☇
[02:19] [Taruka Mi-38] ☇ I am reading system wide power failures on the scout ship...with excepiton to life support ☇
[02:19] [Sskt (casual)] so..what do we do with our little kitty?
[02:19] [Alexis Shentara (Casual)] Myshia..... currently I have you.
[02:20] [Alexis Shentara (Casual)] Taruka, how many people are on that ship?
[02:21] [Taruka Mi-38] ☇ just her ☇
[02:22] [Alexis Shentara (Casual)] Alright Myshia, here's the deal....
[02:22] [Alexis Shentara (Casual)] .... your systems are failling, but I'm willing to have mercy.
[02:22] [Alexis Shentara (Casual)] IF you apologize to me, I'll transport you to our ship and drop you off at home. Otherwise, I'm leting you drift out here until someone else picks you up.
[02:23] [~Myshia Clanclan] ☇ ..I...I would....never....... ☇
[02:26] [~Myshia Clanclan] ☇ I CANNOT ACCEPT DEFEAT ☇
[02:26] [Alexis Shentara (Casual)] Alright then...
[02:26] [Sskt (casual)] ..guess you know what that means
[02:26] [Alexis Shentara (Casual)] Sskt, shut down weapons. Taruka, charge engines
[02:27] > Sskt (casual) shuts off her weapons display
[02:27] [Taruka Mi-38] ☇ engines charged ☇
[02:28] > Alexis Shentara (Casual) releases the scout ship
[02:28] [Alexis Shentara (Casual)] Jillian, store the arm so we can pull out.
[02:29] [~Myshia Clanclan] ☇ you haven't heard the last of mee...." ☇
[02:30] [Taruka Mi-38] ☇ communications shut off ☇
[02:30] [Alexis Shentara (Casual)] Have fun drifting alone in space.
[02:31] [Jillian] ☇ Alexis, the brief battle took us far enough away from the station to use our hyper space drive ☇
[02:32] [Alexis Shentara (Casual)] Excellent. Girls, strap in.
[02:32] > Sskt (casual) straps in
[02:33] > Alexis Shentara (Casual) straps on her harnes
[02:34] > Taruka Mi-38 retracts into the connections
[02:34] [Jillian] ☇ All equipment and cargo fully secured. ☇
[02:35] [Taruka Mi-38] ☇ hyper space in 5....4....... ☇
[02:35] [Sskt (casual)] ..I really hate this part
[02:35] [Taruka Mi-38] ☇ 3........2...... ☇
[02:35] [Alexis Shentara (Casual)] Time to punch it!!
[02:36] [Taruka Mi-38] ☇ 1....GO!! ☇
[02:39] ➣ The ship jumps into hyperspace, leaving behind Myshia's scout ship
[02:39] <-- Alexis Shentara (Casual) has left #eventsbeta (Bye Bye Kitten.)
[02:39] <-- Sskt (casual) [lizardhunter@Branch6.org] has left #eventsbeta (GARAGARAGAYYYYYYYYYYAH I HATE HYPERSPACCEE)
[02:39] <-- Taruka Mi-38 [MetalGalhunter@Branch7.co] has left #eventsbeta
[02:39] <-- ~Myshia Clanclan has left #eventsbeta (I SWEAR I'LL BE BACK....somehow......)
[02:40] <-- Jillian has left #eventsbeta
[14:23] ➣ Madox Castle, Quinox, The Future
[14:23] --> Daphne Sita (Head Maid Uniform) [ElvenMaid@quinox.gov] has joined #eventsbeta
[14:23] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Daphne Sita (Head Maid Uniform)
[14:24] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid Uniform) walks down the hall, dusting off the pictures in the hallway
[14:26] --> Zenthi (Head Maid Uniform) [staffhead@Q.ry.com] has joined #eventsbeta
[14:26] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Zenthi (Head Maid Uniform)
[14:26] [Zenthi (Head Maid Uniform)] ugh....
[14:26] [Zenthi (Head Maid Uniform)] hello Daphne
[14:27] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid Uniform)] Hello Miss Zenthi. Is everything okay?
[14:28] > Zenthi (Head Maid Uniform) has something resembling milk splashed against her uniform and face
[14:28] [Zenthi (Head Maid Uniform)] ......does it look like it...
[14:28] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid Uniform)] Oh my...... you must have had a run in with the young masters.
[14:29] [Zenthi (Head Maid Uniform)] unforently yes
[14:29] [Zenthi (Head Maid Uniform)] be thankful you don't have that duty
[14:31] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid Uniform)] I've helped the Master with them before.
[14:32] [Zenthi (Head Maid Uniform)] how is your day going otherwise *pulls out a hankie and starts to wipe her face*
[14:35] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid Uniform)] Oh, not too bad. Been cleaning the hallways in this wing
[14:37] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid Uniform) pauses | Miss Zenthi.... can I ask you something of a.... personal nature?
[14:38] [Zenthi (Head Maid Uniform)] what is it?
[14:40] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid Uniform)] How far would you go to serve the Royal family's requests?
[14:48] [Zenthi (Head Maid Uniform)] well....
[14:48] [Zenthi (Head Maid Uniform)] I will go as far as I feel comfortible
[14:48] [Zenthi (Head Maid Uniform)] if something makes me feel uncomfortable..then I don't do it
[14:48] [Zenthi (Head Maid Uniform)] why?
[14:51] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid Uniform)] Well.... the Master heard about one of the Royal maids getting.... pregnant from King Katori..... and he's proposed he do the same..... with me. >_>
[14:51] [Zenthi (Head Maid Uniform)] oh.....ohh....
[14:51] [Zenthi (Head Maid Uniform)] ...did he..speak with the mistresses about it?
[14:53] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid Uniform)] I.... do not know yet. I'm not even sure if he was actually serious.
[14:53] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid Uniform) blushes lightly | But I've actually..... been considering it.
[14:53] [Zenthi (Head Maid Uniform)] hm I see
[14:55] [Zenthi (Head Maid Uniform)] well....perhaps you should wait on...doing it...until it is..as they say..okied
[14:58] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid Uniform)] Of course.... but I'm not sure if I should do it at all.
[14:58] [Zenthi (Head Maid Uniform)] that is true.....
[14:59] [Zenthi (Head Maid Uniform)] personally I wouldn't do it
[14:59] [Zenthi (Head Maid Uniform)] mostly cause I would feel a bit..guilty
[14:59] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid Uniform)] Why guilty?
[15:01] [Zenthi (Head Maid Uniform)] well....wouldn't it be sort of like going behind the back of my employeers in some way?.....
[15:01] [Zenthi (Head Maid Uniform)] even if I had permission from the male
[15:03] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid Uniform)] Well, if the Mistress and Princess were alright with it.... it wouldn't really be going behind their backs.
[15:05] [Zenthi (Head Maid Uniform)] that's true too
[15:07] [Zenthi (Head Maid Uniform)] well....really it's up to your judgement
[15:08] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid Uniform)] I see
[15:08] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid Uniform)] Perhaps I'll talk to the Mistress and Princess before I.... make a decision.
[15:10] [Zenthi (Head Maid Uniform)] of course
[15:16] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid Uniform)] Thank you for listening, Miss Zenthi
[15:16] [Zenthi (Head Maid Uniform)] that would be for the best
[15:16] [Zenthi (Head Maid Uniform)] my pleasure
[15:19] > Zenthi (Head Maid Uniform) smiles "....mind if I help you work..I don't want to go back to the young masters..."
[15:23] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid Uniform) nods with a smile
[15:23] <-- Daphne Sita (Head Maid Uniform) [ElvenMaid@quinox.gov] has left #eventsbeta (I have to clean the Master's office)
[15:24] <-- Zenthi (Head Maid Uniform) [staffhead@Q.ry.com] has left #eventsbeta (wait for me)
[00:00] >>> Thursday Jan 05 2012 <<<
[02:06] ➣ Tao's Apartment, Northern Tokyo
[02:07] --> Taiki Kou (nightdress) has joined #eventsbeta
[02:07] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Taiki Kou (nightdress)
[02:07] > Taiki Kou (nightdress) is sitting in bed, reading a book
[02:08] --> Tao Latu (PJ's) has joined #eventsbeta
[02:08] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Tao Latu (PJ's)
[02:09] > Tao Latu (PJ's) walks in and sits on the bed next to Taiki
[02:09] [Tao Latu (PJ's)] What're you reading, dearest?
[02:09] > Taiki Kou (nightdress) shows a book on child-care
[02:10] > Tao Latu (PJ's) looks and blushes lightly
[02:11] [Taiki Kou (nightdress)] heh..don't worry
[02:11] [Taiki Kou (nightdress)] I'm not pregnant
[02:12] > Taiki Kou (nightdress) smiles to Tao
[02:13] > Tao Latu (PJ's) smiles back, kissing Taiki on the cheek
[02:14] [Taiki Kou (nightdress)] Seiya is
[02:14] [Tao Latu (PJ's)] Seiya's pregnant!?
[02:15] > Taiki Kou (nightdress) nods
[02:15] [Tao Latu (PJ's)] Wow, she and that boyfriend of her's didn't waste any time
[02:16] [Taiki Kou (nightdress)] I'm reading the book in case she needs some help
[02:16] [Tao Latu (PJ's)] Ahh
[02:17] [Tao Latu (PJ's)] Maybe someday, it'll be our turn. ^_~
[02:18] > Taiki Kou (nightdress) blushes and smiles
[02:18] [Taiki Kou (nightdress)] well...I would prefer to have a ring on my finger before that happens
[02:21] > Taiki Kou (nightdress) leans against Tao
[02:22] > Tao Latu (PJ's) puts his arm around Taiki
[02:24] [Taiki Kou (nightdress)] mm...I sort of wish I could live with you rather then go back to the mansion
[02:26] [Tao Latu (PJ's)] Who says we can't?
[02:26] [Taiki Kou (nightdress)] is that an invite?
[02:26] [Tao Latu (PJ's)] I mean.... you have been looking at houses with me......
[02:26] [Taiki Kou (nightdress)] to move in?
[02:27] > Taiki Kou (nightdress) nods
[02:27] [Taiki Kou (nightdress)] that's true *smiles*
[02:27] [Tao Latu (PJ's)] So, you just have to help me pick one.
[02:28] [Tao Latu (PJ's)] It'll be much more..... modest then you're used to. But I would love to have you live with me.
[02:29] [Taiki Kou (nightdress)] yes! *hugs Tao around the neck*
[02:31] > Tao Latu (PJ's) hugs Taiki back tight and kisses her
[02:31] > Taiki Kou (nightdress) returns the kiss
[02:31] [Taiki Kou (nightdress)] I'll move in with you ^^
[02:32] [Tao Latu (PJ's)] Good, then tomorrow you have to help me pick out a house.
[02:34] [Taiki Kou (nightdress)] it's a promise ^^
[02:35] > Tao Latu (PJ's) smiles to her and nods
[02:36] [Taiki Kou (nightdress)] I will have to move my things out of the manor then
[02:37] [Tao Latu (PJ's)] Well, hopefully noone objects
[02:39] [Taiki Kou (nightdress)] I somehow doubt it
[02:39] [Taiki Kou (nightdress)] but I shall be firm in my convictions
[02:39] [Tao Latu (PJ's)] Alright. ^_^
[02:42] [Taiki Kou (nightdress)] and then we can call it OUR home
[02:42] [Tao Latu (PJ's)] Absolutely
[02:45] [Taiki Kou (nightdress)] we'll have to throw a nice house warming party
[02:45] [Tao Latu (PJ's)] Indeed. Sounds like it's going to be fun.
[02:48] > Taiki Kou (nightdress) yawns a bit
[02:49] [Tao Latu (PJ's)] Shall we turn in, dear?
[02:50] [Taiki Kou (nightdress)] I belive so
[02:51] > Tao Latu (PJ's) smiles, laying down and turning out the lights
[02:51] <-- Taiki Kou (nightdress) has left #eventsbeta (you called me dear :))
[02:52] <-- Tao Latu (PJ's) has left #eventsbeta (We have an exciting day tomorrow. ^_^)
[12:13] ➣ Tao's Apartment
[12:13] --> Taiki Kou (casual) has joined #eventsbeta
[12:13] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Taiki Kou (casual)
[12:13] > Taiki Kou (casual) is sitting at the table, looking over houses
[12:13] [Taiki Kou (casual)] ...this is much more difficult then I thought
[12:13] --> Tao Latu (Casual) has joined #eventsbeta
[12:13] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Tao Latu (Casual)
[12:14] > Tao Latu (Casual) walks in with a couple of warm teas, setting one in front of Taiki and sitting next to her
[12:14] [Tao Latu (Casual)] Yeah I know, so many of these are nice homes.
[12:15] [Taiki Kou (casual)] that's the problem....
[12:16] [Taiki Kou (casual)] ....I like number 2...but number 5 would be nice too...
[12:17] [Tao Latu (Casual)] Number 4 is my favorite one.
[12:17] [Taiki Kou (casual)] but I'm not sure about the color.....
[12:18] [Taiki Kou (casual)] this is going to be a tough one, tao....
[12:18] [Tao Latu (Casual)] Well, we'll be buying the home so we can change the color if we want.
[12:20] [Taiki Kou (casual)] well....I suppose 4 isn't too bad with the color changed
[12:21] [Taiki Kou (casual)] it has a backyard which is nice...
[12:24] [Taiki Kou (casual)] how is the price on that one
[12:28] [Tao Latu (Casual)] A little higher then 2, but less then 5
[12:28] [Taiki Kou (casual)] hm....
[12:29] [Taiki Kou (casual)] ...what do you think, Tao?
[12:30] [Tao Latu (Casual)] Well, I'm liking these choices, but I was looking at a few things on the computer before you woke up and found something else. It's a bit larger then 4 but there's one draw back....
[12:31] [Taiki Kou (casual)] what is it?
[12:33] [Tao Latu (Casual)] Well, it's down in Mie prefecture.
[12:33] > Tao Latu (Casual) stands and walks over to his computer desk
[12:35] [Taiki Kou (casual)] hm..that is quite far away
[12:39] > Tao Latu (Casual) pulls up the page related to the house
[12:42] [Tao Latu (Casual)] It's actually a rather large house, it's near Mount Nanahora so we can go hiking if we want. It's not too far from the coast. Plus..... look at the name of the town it's in....
[12:42] [Taiki Kou (casual)] .....
[12:42] [Taiki Kou (casual)] heh...how ironic
[12:45] [Taiki Kou (casual)] ....what do you think, tao
[12:46] [Tao Latu (Casual)] I think it's a sign
[12:46] [Taiki Kou (casual)] I agree
[12:47] > Tao Latu (Casual) smirks a little | I wouldn't mind living IN Taiki. ^_~
[12:48] > Taiki Kou (casual) blushes deep red
[12:52] > Tao Latu (Casual) chuckles and leans on Taiki
[12:53] [Tao Latu (Casual)] What do YOU think?
[12:53] [Taiki Kou (casual)] ...
[12:53] [Taiki Kou (casual)] let's go for it
[12:55] > Tao Latu (Casual) smiles and nods, typing up an email.
[12:59] [Tao Latu (Casual)] There we go
[12:59] > Taiki Kou (casual) hugs Tao from behind
[12:59] [Tao Latu (Casual)] I let the realator know we're interested.
[13:00] [Tao Latu (Casual)] Now we just have to wait for them to contact us and we can negotiate the price
[13:02] > Taiki Kou (casual) kisses tao's cheek "...how do you feel about this ^^"
[13:05] > Tao Latu (Casual) smiles | I feel great, like this is the right thing to do.
[13:07] [Taiki Kou (casual)] I'll have to tell Kit about this of course
[13:10] [Tao Latu (Casual)] Which I expected
[13:11] [Tao Latu (Casual)] I imagine you'll have to tell the other girls and your family as well.
[13:12] [Taiki Kou (casual)] of course
[13:13] [Tao Latu (Casual)] Hopefully they'll be as happy as we are about this.
[13:14] [Taiki Kou (casual)] well I'm sure I can convice them
[13:16] > Tao Latu (Casual)'s computer beeps | Wow... that was fast.
[13:18] [Taiki Kou (casual)] hm?
[13:18] [Tao Latu (Casual)] Oh no....
[13:20] [Taiki Kou (casual)] what?
[13:21] [Tao Latu (Casual)] .. the realator says that house was destroyed in a storm last year and he didn't take down the listing. ~_~
[13:22] [Taiki Kou (casual)] ...oh no....
[13:22] [Taiki Kou (casual)] it was a really nice house too...
[13:23] [Tao Latu (Casual)] He says later on in the email that he knows another realator that has a listing in Hokkaido.... in another town called Taiki.
[13:26] [Taiki Kou (casual)] hm? is that so?
[13:27] > Tao Latu (Casual) clicks a link
[13:30] ➣ The page pulls up an image of a house. It's two story and rather old fashioned looking. It appears to be along a river.
[13:31] [Taiki Kou (casual)] oh wow...what beautiful scienery
[13:33] [Tao Latu (Casual)] Yeah and it's less then the other house.
[13:33] [Tao Latu (Casual)] Should we go for this one?
[13:34] [Taiki Kou (casual)] hm....
[13:34] [Taiki Kou (casual)] why not
[13:36] > Tao Latu (Casual) nods and sends another email
[13:40] [Taiki Kou (casual)] will be interesting to be up north
[13:41] > Tao Latu (Casual) nods and turns towards Taiki, pulling her onto his lap
[13:43] > Taiki Kou (casual) smiles and snuggles into Tao's lap
[13:44] > Tao Latu (Casual) hugs Taiki close, kissing her
[13:45] > Taiki Kou (casual) returns the kiss happily
[13:46] > Tao Latu (Casual) breaks the kiss and smiles to her
[13:48] [Tao Latu (Casual)] ❧ Ya' know...... you might as well stay here with me until we get the house~ ❧
[13:48] > Taiki Kou (casual) smiles back
[13:48] [Taiki Kou (casual)] ❧ that's true ❧
[13:48] [Tao Latu (Casual)] ❧ That way you can get used to the idea of living with me full time. ^_~ ❧
[13:49] [Taiki Kou (casual)] now that is a very good point
[13:53] > Tao Latu (Casual)'s computer beeps again
[13:53] [Tao Latu (Casual)] Another quick reply
[13:53] [Taiki Kou (casual)] hm?
[13:53] [Tao Latu (Casual)] I hope this one's better then the last one
[13:53] > Tao Latu (Casual) turns with Taiki still on his lap, checking his mail
[13:54] > Tao Latu (Casual) reads over the mail and smiles
[13:54] [Tao Latu (Casual)] We're in luck, this one's still available.
[13:56] [Taiki Kou (casual)] wonderful!
[13:57] [Taiki Kou (casual)] when do they want us to see it?
[13:58] [Tao Latu (Casual)] As soon as we can. They want to know when we can come up.
[13:59] [Taiki Kou (casual)] hm...what do you think, Tao
[14:00] [Tao Latu (Casual)] How does tomorrow sound to you?
[14:01] [Taiki Kou (casual)] sounds excellent, we can take the train
[14:05] > Tao Latu (Casual) smiles, then types a response, teling the realator to expect them tomorrow afternoon.
[14:08] > Taiki Kou (casual) smiles
[14:09] > Tao Latu (Casual) sends the message then smiles to Taiki
[14:09] [Tao Latu (Casual)] So, what should we do to celebrate?
[14:11] [Taiki Kou (casual)] how about we go out
[14:14] [Tao Latu (Casual)] Sure, where do you want to go?
[14:16] [Taiki Kou (casual)] how about that little italian resteraut down the street?
[14:17] [Tao Latu (Casual)] That sounds fantastic
[14:17] [Tao Latu (Casual)] I'll book the train tickets
[14:20] [Taiki Kou (casual)] I'll pay for the dinner then..it's only fair
[14:20] > Tao Latu (Casual) nods and grins
[14:21] [Tao Latu (Casual)] I could make you pay for everything, Miss big time celebrity. But that wouldn't be polite of me. :P
[14:24] > Taiki Kou (casual) giggles
[14:31] [Tao Latu (Casual)] Now, as much as I love having you on my lap, I think you should get up, dear.
[14:32] > Taiki Kou (casual) stands
[14:36] > Tao Latu (Casual) stands and kisses Taiki
[14:36] [Tao Latu (Casual)] I'll go take a shower, then start packing for tomorrow
[14:38] [Taiki Kou (casual)] very well ^^
[14:40] > Tao Latu (Casual) goes into the bathroom, winking back at Taiki
[14:41] <-- Tao Latu (Casual) has left #eventsbeta (Time to get ready for an adventure.)
[14:44] <-- Taiki Kou (casual) has left #eventsbeta (mm..a new home)
[19:22] ➣ Everyone walks through the busy corridors of the Bunker down to its lowest level. You all pass through a huge set of armored doors into a massive chamber. On the far side you all see the ring structure called the Stargate.
[19:23] --> Solarchos (Orrus suit) [Fallen0081@EnclaveFedCom.Net] has joined #eventsbeta
[19:23] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Solarchos (Orrus suit)
[19:23] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Solarchos (Orrus suit)
[19:23] --> Chaplain Serbius [InnerCircleChaplain@EnclaveFedCom.Net] has joined #eventsbeta
[19:23] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Chaplain Serbius
[19:23] --> Sgt. Trajan [InstructorSergeant001@EnclaveFedCom.Net] has joined #eventsbeta
[19:23] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Sgt. Trajan
[19:23] --> Capt. David O'Cain has joined #eventsbeta
[19:23] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Capt. David O'Cain
[19:24] --> Col. Azumi Kiribayashi has joined #eventsbeta
[19:24] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Col. Azumi Kiribayashi
[19:24] --> ~Sailor Zepherius has joined #eventsbeta
[19:24] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, ~Sailor Zepherius
[19:24] > +Solarchos (Orrus suit) is making a last-minute check of his weapons and armor.
[19:26] > Chaplain Serbius and Sgt. Trajan are both dressed in full-scale Space Marine power armor. They're freakin' HUGE!
[19:26] [Capt. David O'Cain] Heh, this'll be the first time I'm in armor and not a Lieutenant.
[19:26] [Col. Azumi Kiribayashi] You'll do fine, David.
[19:26] [Chaplain Serbius] Hmmm, our companions have arrived.
[19:27] [Sgt. Trajan] I remember them. I've not seen some of them in years. How fare you all?
[19:27] > ~Sailor Zepherius's fists crackle with energy
[19:28] [Capt. David O'Cain] Just fine. Been promoted to Captain.
[19:28] [Col. Azumi Kiribayashi] I am well, and happy to join alongside David and Solarchos.
[19:29] ➣ Sitting in front of the ramp leading up to the Stargate are several vehicles that none of you have seen before. They look like lightly-armored vehicles, but they have NO tires at all. In fact, they're hovering a couple of feet above the ground.
[19:31] [Col. Azumi Kiribayashi] What are those?
[19:31] ➣ The vehicles are designed to house two people up front: a driver and a gunner, and is equipped with a compartment in the back that looks large enough to hold about five or six people inside.
[19:31] [~Sailor Zepherius] what the hell?
[19:32] [Chaplain Serbius] They are a new pattern of Land Speeder the Adeptus Mechanicus has recently begun producing from their Forge-worlds in the last few years. They are called Storms.
[19:33] [~Sailor Zepherius] storms?
[19:33] [Sgt. Trajan] They're designed for fast movement and deploying small groups of Scout-Novices behind enemy lines.
[19:35] --> Sakuya Izayoi [Perfect and Elegant Maid@EnclaveFedCom.Net (pirated server)] has joined #eventsbeta
[19:35] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Sakuya Izayoi
[19:35] --> Reisen Udongein Inaba [LunaticMoonRabbit@EnclaveFedCom.Net (Pirated Server)] has joined #eventsbeta
[19:35] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Reisen Udongein Inaba
[19:35] [Capt. David O'Cain] Kinda like Chinooks in a way.
[19:36] [Sakuya Izayoi] Gensokyo is currently experiencing one of the worst winters we've ever seen in recent history. Vast amounts of snow covers the ground and almost all of the roads are covered in deep snowdrifts.
[19:37] [+Solarchos (Orrus suit)] And if the terrain is that bad, then our regular vehicles are going to be severely slowed down as a result. Land Speeder Storms are perfect in this case.
[19:38] [Col. Azumi Kiribayashi] Understood.
[19:38] [~Sailor Zepherius] hm....
[19:39] > Sakuya Izayoi is dressed in a very stylish long winter overcoat that goes very well with her silver hair. ^__^
[19:39] > Reisen Udongein Inaba looks VERY nervous. >_>
[19:40] [Col. Azumi Kiribayashi] I love the coat. Who made it?
[19:40] > +Solarchos (Orrus suit) , Chaplain Serbius, and Sgt. Trajan each climb into the operator's seat of one of the three Land Speeder Storms. There are several lock clicks and snaps as the interface systems built into the chairs clamp onto their armor and interface directly.
[19:40] > ~Sailor Zepherius frowns at this entire thing
[19:41] [Sakuya Izayoi] I bought it at a department store here in Tokyo. It just looked perfect. I also bought a similar one for my mistress. ^__^
[19:41] [Sgt. Trajan] MOUNT UP!! Everyone climb aboard!
[19:41] [Col. Azumi Kiribayashi] Ah. I hope she likes it.
[19:41] [Capt. David O'Cain] Something wrong, Masaki?
[19:42] > Chaplain Serbius looks at Masaki, his expression completely hidden behind the skull-like helmet he's wearing. "Is there a problem?"
[19:42] > ~Sailor Zepherius doesn't answer, climbing in
[19:43] > Capt. David O'Cain climbs in with Masaki and Azumi
[19:44] > Col. Azumi Kiribayashi boards the same speeder as David and Masaki
[19:45] ➣ Several VanSaar Imperial Guardsmen quickly trot up and board the other Storms, carrying with them additional supplies and ammunition for their gauss rifles.
[19:45] [Sakuya Izayoi] You seem troubled, Madam Masaki.
[19:45] [~Sailor Zepherius] eh I'm more used to hand to hand stuff
[19:46] > Reisen Udongein Inaba climbs onboard with everyone else. She's not happy at all and keeps making nervous glances at the three aliens in power armor.
[19:47] ➣ The three Land Speeders suddenly rise up a couple more feet, their grav turbines roaring a little as they're revved to full power.
[19:47] [+Solarchos (Orrus suit)] Five seconds! Four...three...
[19:48] ➣ The Stargate begins to cycle, its outer and inner rings rotating as it programs its coordinates, then there's a HUGE flash as the gateway opens.
[19:49] [Sakuya Izayoi] :D
[19:49] [Reisen Udongein Inaba] >__<;; I hate this part!
[19:49] > ~Sailor Zepherius holds on
[19:50] [Sgt. Trajan] Hah! Ready for more torment and ridicule, Serbius? I hope you packed that red miko outfit of yours. You look so pretty in it! XD
[19:50] [Chaplain Serbius] Silence, heretic!! Emperor give me strength... ~__~;
[19:51] > Capt. David O'Cain makes sure he's secured
[19:51] > Col. Azumi Kiribayashi keeps herself strapped down
[19:52] ➣ The three Land Speeders are driven through the gateway, Suddenly...WHOOSH!! You're all falling through space at breakneck speeds, weaving back and forth as your see what look like stars shooting past at hundreds of miles per hour! Finally, after a minute, you shoot straight towards one bright point of light, and....!
[19:53] [Sakuya Izayoi] OOOOOOOOOOOH MY~!
[19:53] [Reisen Udongein Inaba] AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH~!!!! >__<;;
[19:54] ➣ You all emerge on the other side. It's now bitingly cold as the three Land Speeders are suddenly spat out of the Stargate. Looking around, you're all in a dell nestled between a couple of low hills.
[19:55] ➣ It's snowing heavily, and there's at least a foot of snow already on the ground. The wind's blowing pretty fiercely too.
[19:55] > ~Sailor Zepherius is sweating a bit....but is alright
[19:57] [Capt. David O'Cain] Hoooo, man.
[19:57] [Col. Azumi Kiribayashi] Must be a problem shovelling all this out.
[19:58] > Chaplain Serbius Serbius, and Trajan immediately maneuver the Land Speeders back-to-back. Weapons are now online - each Storm is armed with a 30mm Vulcan cannon and a multi-barreled grenade launcher loaded with a mixture of fragmentation, WP, and stun warheads.
[19:58] [+Solarchos (Orrus suit)] ^
[19:59] > Sakuya Izayoi suddenly pushes her way past everyone to one of the open doorways and leans out.
[19:59] [Sakuya Izayoi] We're at the Stargate's Dell! Look! We're home!
[20:00] > Sakuya Izayoi points out across the snow-engulfed landscape, smiling delightedly.
[20:00] > Reisen Udongein Inaba shoves a few people aside and goes to the open doorway on the other side of the passenger compartment. She's not being polite about it, either.
[20:00] [Capt. David O'Cain] Happy to be home, huh?
[20:01] [+Solarchos (Orrus suit)] All right, everyone. Which way would you all like to go?
[20:02] [Col. Azumi Kiribayashi] From here?
[20:02] > +Solarchos (Orrus suit) nods.
[20:03] > Reisen Udongein Inaba THROWS UP!!
[20:04] [+Solarchos (Orrus suit)] There's a holodisplay on the wall next to you. The red button will turn it on.
[20:04] [~Sailor Zepherius] ...ew
[20:04] > Capt. David O'Cain presses the button for the map
[20:04] > Sgt. Trajan suddenly speeds forward, moving up towards the summit of the dell.
[20:05] > Chaplain Serbius accelerates forward as well.
[20:06] ➣ A three-dimensional holographic map materializes among everyone. A green blinking spot indicates everyone's current location.
[20:07] > Capt. David O'Cain presses a crystal on his arm as Daxter starts getting a copy of the map itself
[20:07] ➣ You are all located at the bottom part of the circular map. It's a full map of Gensokyo itself!
[20:08] [Col. Azumi Kiribayashi] Well, at least we won't get lost too much while we're here.
[20:09] [Sakuya Izayoi] Fascinating.
[20:09] > Reisen Udongein Inaba throws up again, then pulls herself back inside. ><;;
[20:11] ➣ According to the map, you're all very near the Delmo Base, the Nameless Hill, and the Garden of the Sun.
[20:12] [Capt. David O'Cain] I'm for checking the Delmos. Need to make sure they're alright.
[20:12] [Sakuya Izayoi] I don't see any Turduckens. Last time we were here there were literally tens of thousands attempting to besiege the gate.
[20:14] ➣ Explosions suddenly ring out as grenades are fired. The enormously loud explosive ripping sounds that endure for the next several seconds are assault cannons being fired.
[20:14] [Chaplain Serbius] ☇ Serbius here. No movement beyond the Stargate's Dell. ☇
[20:15] [Sgt. Trajan] ☇ Trajan here. Nothing is out here. These ice fields are completely deserted. ☇
[20:15] ➣ One person please roll 1d100.
[20:16] [Capt. David O'Cain] Then what was all that firing for?
[20:17] [Reisen Udongein Inaba] *whispers* Oooooh, why couldn't the Border Hag be awake now? I *don't* want to be here with HIM!
[20:18] [+Solarchos (Orrus suit)] Suppression fire. The auspex is detecting a lot of ghost signals, but it's probably from the snowstorm.
[20:19] [Capt. David O'Cain] Oh.
[20:19] [Sgt. Trajan] ☇ Deploying our troops on the ground. ☇
[20:20] [Chaplain Serbius] ☇ Same here. Guardsmen deployed. ☇
[20:21] [Reisen Udongein Inaba] We could go directly to the Human Village. That's where almost everyone retreated when the Turduckens first appeared. Youkai Mountain is also a place we might want to go. Or Eientei.
[20:22] [@HOL_6000] Capt. David O'Cain rolls: 1d100 { 76 }
[20:23] ➣ A pair of bright red flares shoot up into the sky. Location: due east of your current position.
[20:24] [+Solarchos (Orrus suit)] Hmmm?
[20:25] [Col. Azumi Kiribayashi] What is it, Solarchos?
[20:26] [~Sgt. Box] ☇ General, this is Box. There are dozens of creatures buried under the snow here. Most of them have been shot to pieces or frozen solid. We're moving towards the Delmo Base to establish contact with them. So far we've received no vox contact, but the storm might be interfering. ☇
[20:27] [Chaplain Serbius] Signal flares in the distance. Someone's noticed us.
[20:31] [~Sgt. Box] According to this map, that appears to be...the Garden of the Sun.
[20:31] [Sakuya Izayoi] ^
[20:31] [Reisen Udongein Inaba] Aww crap!
[20:32] [~Sailor Zepherius] storm?
[20:32] [Col. Azumi Kiribayashi] What's wrong?
[20:33] [Reisen Udongein Inaba] No! It's just... ><;;;
[20:33] [Sakuya Izayoi] There's only one youkai who would remain at the Garden of the Sun under these conditions.
[20:34] [Capt. David O'Cain] Who?
[20:36] [Sakuya Izayoi] The Flower Master of the Four Seasons. Yuuka Kazami.
[20:36] [Reisen Udongein Inaba] Otherwise known as the psychotic keeper of the Garden!
[20:37] [Reisen Udongein Inaba] Would you please leave me here if you go there?
[20:38] [+Solarchos (Orrus suit)] All right everyone. Where should we go first?
[20:40] [Capt. David O'Cain] Well, if flares are coming from that area calling for help, shouldn't it be a priority?
[20:40] [+Solarchos (Orrus suit)] I don't want you guys thinking that you're just along for the ride. You're welcome to contribute in any way you feel is appropriate.
[20:40] [Col. Azumi Kiribayashi] It would make sense. If it is indeed a distress call, perhaps we should answer that call.
[20:41] [+Solarchos (Orrus suit)] I've never been to the Garden of the Sun myself...
[20:42] [Sakuya Izayoi] It's magnificent during the spring and summer. All those blooming sunflowers! ^__^
[20:43] [Reisen Udongein Inaba] Yeah...provided you don't mind the bodies... ~_~
[20:44] [Sakuya Izayoi] Reisen! That's just nasty gossip. I'm appalled you would believe such rubbish against a fellow youkai.
[20:45] [Chaplain Serbius] ☇ Langister...Trajan and I are proceeding towards the Human Village. We'll report back to you upon our arrival. ☇
[20:46] [+Solarchos (Orrus suit)] ☇ Understood. The Emperor protects. ☇
[20:46] <-- Chaplain Serbius [InnerCircleChaplain@EnclaveFedCom.Net] has left #eventsbeta
[20:46] <-- Sgt. Trajan [InstructorSergeant001@EnclaveFedCom.Net] has left #eventsbeta (AT EASE, STRIPLINGS.)
[20:47] [Capt. David O'Cain] Anyway, I'm ready when you guys are.
[20:47] [Col. Azumi Kiribayashi] Yes, let's get moving.
[20:48] [+Solarchos (Orrus suit)] All right. We're on our own for the time being.
[20:50] > +Solarchos (Orrus suit) revvs the grav-turbines once more. The Land Speeder quickly rises higher into the air. He then accelerates forward and races towards the Garden of the Sun.
[20:51] ➣ The landscape is actually quite beautiful. The trees are all heavily encrusted with wind-blown snow and ice. The winds have died down slightly and the clouds are parting, revealing some of the brightest starlight you've ever seen.
[20:52] > Capt. David O'Cain calmly holds Masaki's hand
[20:52] > ~Sailor Zepherius holds david's hand
[20:52] > Sakuya Izayoi suddenly points outside at the large mountain in the distance. "Look!!" :D
[20:53] [Col. Azumi Kiribayashi] What do you see?
[20:54] > Sakuya Izayoi points at Youkai Mountain. Even through the falling snow, the large bonfires burning in a winding trail up the face of the slopes towards the summit are very clear.
[20:54] [Sakuya Izayoi] The White Wolf Clan and the Tengu must be responsible!
[20:55] [Col. Azumi Kiribayashi] Ah.
[20:56] > +Solarchos (Orrus suit) slows down as you all approach a large, shallow bowl-shaped valley. Two more bright red flares are fired into the air as you all get closer.
[20:58] [Reisen Udongein Inaba] Someone's alive down there.
[20:59] [Capt. David O'Cain] I wonder who it is that's really shooting off those flares.
[21:00] ➣ The bottom of the valley is almost completely flat, but despite all of the snow on the ground you can just make out log fencing, posts, a few sheds, and large oak trees spaced around. The entire area has an almost pastoral feel to it.
[21:02] ➣ Someone roll a 1d100 please.
[21:02] [@HOL_6000] ~Sailor Zepherius rolls: 1d100 { 68 }
[21:03] [+Solarchos (Orrus suit)] HOLD ON!! TAKING EVASIVE ACTION!
[21:03] > Col. Azumi Kiribayashi holds onto her seat
[21:04] > Capt. David O'Cain grabs hold of a bar or seat to steady himself
[21:05] > +Solarchos (Orrus suit) suddenly dives the Land Speeder, plummeting towards the ground at high speed! He pulls up at the very last moment and a huge CLANG rings out as the Land Speeder actually makes contact with the ground, throwing up a huge spray of snow in the process.
[21:06] > Reisen Udongein Inaba throws up again!
[21:06] [Sakuya Izayoi] Whaaaaaaaaaaaaa~!!
[21:07] ➣ In the middle of the fields, a hundred or so meters ahead of you, you can all make out a couple of VERY imposing vehicles. http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/Warhammer-40000/Imperial_Guard/Imperial_Guard_Tanks/HYDRA-FLAK-TANK-COMPLETE-KIT_.html http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/Warhammer-40000/Imperial_Guard/Imperial_Guard_Tanks/VANAHEIM-PATTERN-BASILISK-GUN-SHIELD.html
[21:07] [+Solarchos (Orrus suit)] ...
[21:08] [Reisen Udongein Inaba] O__O
[21:08] [Sakuya Izayoi] o___O
[21:08] [+Solarchos (Orrus suit)] I'm looking at a Basilisk and a Hydra. Why am I looking at a Basilisk and a Hydra?
[21:09] [Capt. David O'Cain] Um, what the hell?
[21:09] [Col. Azumi Kiribayashi] Solarchos, I feel like you owe an explaination for this.
[21:10] ➣ An enormous explosion tears across the fields as the giant artillery cannon fires, propelling a massively powerful shell across Gensokyo.
[21:11] [+Solarchos (Orrus suit)] How the hell would I know how a pair of Imperial Guard vehicles wound up here? I didn't transport them here.
[21:11] [~Sailor Zepherius] let's blow them up
[21:11] > ~Sailor Zepherius crackes her knuckles
[21:11] > +Solarchos (Orrus suit) The four-barreled turret of the other vehicle had been turning towards you all, but stopped.
[21:12] [Sakuya Izayoi] Oh dear.
[21:12] [Col. Azumi Kiribayashi] Well, I imagine someone does.
[21:13] ➣ Someone emerges out of the darkness and falling snow, walking calmly towards you all.
[21:15] --> ~Yuuka Kazami has joined #eventsbeta
[21:15] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, ~Yuuka Kazami
[21:16] > ~Yuuka Kazami is a tall and very shapely young lady with green hair and deep red eyes. Her smile is very sweet and attractive, but for some reason it makes you feel VERY uneasy. http://danbooru.donmai.us/post/show/1068046/1girl-ascot-breasts-flower-green_hair-kazami_yuuka
[21:17] > +Solarchos (Orrus suit) gets out of the Land Speeder.
[21:18] > Capt. David O'Cain exits the carrier portion of the speeder
[21:18] > Col. Azumi Kiribayashi makes her way out of the speeder
[21:18] > Reisen Udongein Inaba gets out, albeit very unsteadily.
[21:19] > Sakuya Izayoi departs from the vehicle with the utmost grace and dexterity.
[21:20] [~Yuuka Kazami] What?! Is that a...a Space Marine?! HERE?!! I...
[21:20] > ~Yuuka Kazami calms down a little as she squints at all of you. She then raises her arm and points at you.
[21:21] > ~Yuuka Kazami clenches her fist, then springs it open. A huge, dazzling barrage of brightly-glowing bolts of magical energy suddenly surges towards you all!!
[21:23] > Col. Azumi Kiribayashi instinctively dives out of the way
[21:24] [Sakuya Izayoi] Danmaku attack!
[21:24] > Reisen Udongein Inaba dives to the ground!!! >__<;;;
[21:24] > Capt. David O'Cain stands a bit lower than normal as if he's anticipating
[21:24] > +Solarchos (Orrus suit) holds very still, like he's waiting for something.
[21:25] ➣ The danmaku attack Yuuka fired suddenly starts winking out and vanishing. It's as if all of her shots are impacting against some kind of barrier and being absorbed totally.
[21:26] > ~Sailor Zepherius tries to dodge
[21:26] [+Solarchos (Orrus suit)] ...
[21:26] > Reisen Udongein Inaba suddenly sits up. She practically buried herself in the snow. O__O
[21:27] [~Yuuka Kazami] ^___^
[21:27] [Capt. David O'Cain] Huh? What just happened?
[21:28] [Col. Azumi Kiribayashi] Eh?
[21:28] [~Yuuka Kazami] Well well well well...who do I see standing before me. There's only one creature in Gensokyo who can cancel out and negate a Danmaku attack like that.
[21:28] [~Yuuka Kazami] Only one.
[21:29] [~Yuuka Kazami] The Onryo has returned!
[21:29] [~Yuuka Kazami] And he brought friends! How delightful!
[21:29] [~Yuuka Kazami] Please...do introduce yourselves to me. I don't get visitors often at all.
[21:30] [~Yuuka Kazami] ^___^
[21:30] [Reisen Udongein Inaba] Oh kami-sama...I hate that smile! ><;
[21:30] [Capt. David O'Cain] I, uh, I'm David O'Cain.
[21:30] [~Sailor Zepherius] Zepherius, Sailor Zepherius...asskicker
[21:31] [Col. Azumi Kiribayashi] My name is Azumi Kiribayashi.
[21:32] [~Yuuka Kazami] Such nice, impressive names. You all sound so confident of yourselves. ^__^
[21:33] ➣ A faint clang rings out from the Basilisk as a hatch is slammed shut. You see what look like several small dolls hurrying back and forth, manipulating the controls.
[21:33] [~] Fire!
[21:35] ➣ KABOOOOOM!!!! The cannon is fired again. A minute later you can just make out a distant explosion as the artillery shell strikes the ground and detonates.
[21:35] > ~Yuuka Kazami just keeps smiling the whole time. ^___^
[21:35] [Sakuya Izayoi] Yuuka...WHAT are you doing?
[21:36] [Reisen Udongein Inaba] And WHERE the F[SMEG]K did you get an artillery tank from?! And a flak tank too??!!! What the hell?!
[21:38] [~Yuuka Kazami] Oh these old things? I got them from the Border Hag last year. ^___^
[21:40] [+Solarchos (Orrus suit)] Yuuka...what exactly has been happening here? Last I heard Gensokyo was being overrun by millions of Turduckens.
[21:41] [Reisen Udongein Inaba] And...is that ALICE inside that thing?! Those look like Shanghai and Hourrai working the controls!
[21:42] [Col. Azumi Kiribayashi] It looks like they seem to know what they're doing.
[21:42] [~Sailor Zepherius] guys..let's just smash it to bits
[21:43] [~Yuuka Kazami] Oh, those ugly bird things? Yes, they've been quite the nuisances these last several weeks. They seem to have become rather scarce lately though. Sad.
[21:43] [~Yuuka Kazami] Smash? Smash what, young lady? ^___^
[21:45] [~Sailor Zepherius] I don't care..I WANT TO SMASH IN SOME SKULLS
[21:46] [~Yuuka Kazami] Not my tanks. I've taken a bit of a liking to them. Especially that Basilisk. It's so much fun to blow things up from a dozen miles away!
[21:46] [~Yuuka Kazami] ❧ Why can't I quit you, Basilisk? ❧
[21:46] [Reisen Udongein Inaba] O__o
[21:47] [Sakuya Izayoi] o__O
[21:47] [Capt. David O'Cain] Uh....
[21:47] [Col. Azumi Kiribayashi] Er, right...
[21:48] [~Sailor Zepherius] then that's the FIRST THING we'll break *grins*
[21:48] [Reisen Udongein Inaba] ...Great, I'm stuck between the psychotic flower-youkai AND the Onryo. MASTER! TASUKETE, EIRIN!!!!!
[21:49] [Sakuya Izayoi] Madam Masaki, please do relax. Yuuka means us no harm. If she did, we would have come under attack already.
[21:50] [+Solarchos (Orrus suit)] What DO you want, Yuuka?
[21:50] [+Solarchos (Orrus suit)] After all, you DID fire those signal flares.
[21:51] [Capt. David O'Cain] Well, we were hoping to fight turducken, Sakuya. Since there isn't any from the looks of it, I think she's just spoiling for a fight against something. ^_^;
[21:52] [~Yuuka Kazami] Oh, there don't seem to be any. Now there's dire chinchillas. ^___^
[21:52] [+Solarchos (Orrus suit)] ...What?
[21:53] [Sakuya Izayoi] ...What?
[21:53] [Reisen Udongein Inaba] This must be what losing my mind feels like.
[21:53] [Col. Azumi Kiribayashi] Dire...what?
[21:53] [Capt. David O'Cain] The hell?
[21:55] [~Yuuka Kazami] Yes. Vicious, nasty, biting like chinchillas. They've slaughtered the vast majority of the Turduckens and what's left numbers only in the hundreds at best.
[21:55] [~Yuuka Kazami] Which is so sad. I really liked those Turducken things. They exploded like bags of wet cement when you hit them hard enough. ^___^
[21:56] [~Yuuka Kazami] Oh, but look at the time. It's getting so late, and it's so cold out. You'd all freeze to death if you remained out in the open like this.
[21:57] [~Yuuka Kazami] Stay here. After all, you have no transport...
[21:58] ➣ The Land Speeder Storm seems to have vanished. Strange, it was still operational and was on the ground less than thirty feet behind you. Now there seems to be a huge tangle of creeper vines upon which snow is quickly accumulating.
[21:58] [+Solarchos (Orrus suit)] Yuuka...!
[21:59] > Reisen Udongein Inaba thuds her head against the ground.
[21:59] [Sakuya Izayoi] I think we'll be fine for one night if we accept her offer.
[22:00] [Capt. David O'Cain] Which would be...?
[22:01] [Col. Azumi Kiribayashi] Her offer?
[22:01] [~Sailor Zepherius] eh???
[22:02] ➣ A blond, pretty Causasian girl suddenly pokes her head out of the crew compartment of the Basilisk. She's wearing a combat helmet on her head.
[22:02] [~Alice Margatroid] Hey, Yuuka! Who are you talking to? Wait...HEY! I REMEMBER YOU PEOPLE!
[22:03] [Col. Azumi Kiribayashi] Hello.
[22:03] > Capt. David O'Cain simply waves to Alice
[22:04] [~Yuuka Kazami] Stay here for the night. I promise nothing bad will happen to you. After all...the Onryo is here with you, and no one in Gensokyo would *dare* attack him or anyone with him.
[22:05] [Sakuya Izayoi] Let's stay. It's getting much colder.
[22:05] [~Alice Margatroid] FIRE IN THE HOLE!!
[22:05] [Capt. David O'Cain] Well, we'll need shelter from all the snow and cold.
[22:05] [~Sailor Zepherius] eh I suppose...
[22:05] > ~Alice Margatroid fires the Basilisk's cannon again. KABOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooom!!!
[22:06] [Col. Azumi Kiribayashi] I suppose it's alright. But David did bring up a good point regarding shelter.
[22:06] [+Solarchos (Orrus suit)] All right. Thank you, Yuuka.
[22:07] > ~Yuuka Kazami points to a small building in the near distance. It's actually a military-issue bivouac structure.
[22:07] [~Yuuka Kazami] Help yourselves! Eat as much food as you want in there!
[22:07] [Col. Azumi Kiribayashi] I guess we'll have to meet up with the rest in the morning.
[22:08] <-- ~Yuuka Kazami has left #eventsbeta ("You'll appreciate it too. I believe the Onryo calls it "slab".")
[22:08] <-- +Solarchos (Orrus suit) [Fallen0081@EnclaveFedCom.Net] has left #eventsbeta ("...HUH? Where is she getting all of this stuff from? A Munitorium depot?!")
[22:09] <-- Sakuya Izayoi [Perfect and Elegant Maid@EnclaveFedCom.Net (pirated server)] has left #eventsbeta ("Ah. Yes. Slab. Gensokyo's least favorite food of all time.")
[22:09] <-- Capt. David O'Cain has left #eventsbeta (Well, I guess it'll be better than nothing.)
[22:09] <-- Col. Azumi Kiribayashi has left #eventsbeta (We'll be able to stay warm.)
[22:09] <-- Reisen Udongein Inaba [LunaticMoonRabbit@EnclaveFedCom.Net (Pirated Server)] has left #eventsbeta ("Are we certain this isn't Jigoku? No...there'd be that damned Hell-Raven...")
[22:10] <-- ~Sailor Zepherius has left #eventsbeta (meh...I wanted to beat up s[SMEG]t)
[22:11] <-- ~Alice Margatroid has left #eventsbeta ("Yes, there's hot tea inside...NO, I DIDN'T MAKE IT JUST FOR YOU!)
[00:00] >>> Friday Jan 06 2012 <<<
[19:52] ➣ Welcome back to Gensokyo.
[19:54] ➣ The winds continue to blow fiercely, howling like a living thing as it screams across the snow-smothered plains. The thick canvas walls of the bivouac rock slightly with each powerful gust, but holds firm against the blizzard's relentless assault.
[19:54] --> Reisen Udongein Inaba [LunaticMoonRabbit@EnclaveFedCom.Net (Pirated Server)] has joined #eventsbeta
[19:54] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Reisen Udongein Inaba
[19:54] --> Sakuya Izayoi [Perfect and Elegant Maid@EnclaveFedCom.Net (pirated server)] has joined #eventsbeta
[19:54] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Sakuya Izayoi
[19:54] --> Capt. David O'Cain has joined #eventsbeta
[19:54] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Capt. David O'Cain
[19:54] --> Col. Azumi Kiribayashi has joined #eventsbeta
[19:54] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Col. Azumi Kiribayashi
[19:55] --> C Langister (Maker of Mischief) [LadyCatri@amestris.net] has joined #eventsbeta
[19:55] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, C Langister (Maker of Mischief)
[19:55] [Reisen Udongein Inaba] Well bugger. Today certainly sucked. It's been snowing like HELL for over sixteen hours straight! ><;
[19:56] [Sakuya Izayoi] Letty must truly be enjoying herself lately.
[19:56] [Col. Azumi Kiribayashi] Who?
[19:58] > +Solarchos (Orrus suit) is currently outside, maintaining the outer perimeter of the Garden. His power armor renders him immune to the cold.
[19:58] [Sakuya Izayoi] Letty Whiterock. Have you not heard of her before?
[19:58] > Col. Azumi Kiribayashi shakes her head
[20:00] > Capt. David O'Cain stretches as best he can
[20:01] > Sakuya Izayoi pulls out a small book, opens it to a certain page, and shows David and Azumi a picture. http://danbooru.donmai.us/post/show/1066173/1girl-blue_eyes-breasts-hat-ice-lavender_hair-lett
[20:01] [Reisen Udongein Inaba] Letty Whiterock, "The Localized Cold Wave". She's our resident yuki-onna. She's only out and about during the winter months and she LOVES deep cold.
[20:02] [Capt. David O'Cain] Cute.
[20:02] [Col. Azumi Kiribayashi] I see. And you said this blizzard is her doing?
[20:03] > C Langister (Maker of Mischief) is wearing a white fuzzy hat, white coat, and white pants along with white boots and snowshoes
[20:04] ➣ Everyone is within the main structure of the bivouac. It's quite spacious with more than enough room to walk around and stand up and stretch. There's a space heater in the middle of the room as well as a small stove to one side and several lit electric lamps scattered around the room. There's also plenty of blankets.
[20:05] ➣ KABOOOOOOOOOM~!!!! Alice and Yuuka are firing that damned Basilisk again. Just like they have been every ten or so seconds for the last HOUR. And yes, you can STILL hear Yuuka laughing out loud each time.
[20:06] [Sakuya Izayoi] Uuhhhh, hello? Who are you>
[20:06] [Reisen Udongein Inaba] Yeah, Letty's probably responsible for this blizzard. At least, she'd probably SAY she's responsible.
[20:06] > C Langister (Maker of Mischief) has her voice muffled by her scarf. "Lost traveller..."
[20:06] [Capt. David O'Cain] Geez. Just how long are those two gonna go at it with that damn cannon?!
[20:06] [Reisen Udongein Inaba] Cirno, on the other hand, will probably say SHE'S responsible. Because, you know, her blizzards are the STRONGEST!
[20:07] [Sakuya Izayoi] Lost? In *this* weather?! How did you manage to find this place at all?!
[20:08] > Sakuya Izayoi offers the traveller a space beside the heater and rushes over to the stove to get food. "Does anyone wish some more to drink or eat?"
[20:08] [Capt. David O'Cain] Either's fine with me, Sakuya.
[20:08] [Col. Azumi Kiribayashi] I would like some tea, please.
[20:08] [+Solarchos (Orrus suit)] ☇ David, Azumi...how's everyone doing back at the camp? ☇
[20:10] [Capt. David O'Cain] Structure's still holding. Yuuka's laughing her ass off from that cannon. Regardless, everyone's still keeping warm.
[20:10] [C Langister (Maker of Mischief)] Sheer luck, I guess, Miss...
[20:11] > Sakuya Izayoi brings over the kettle of tea. Fortunately, Yuuka's camp is very well stocked with all kinds of tea, coffee, and anything vegetarian. Yuuka also has plenty of Munitorium-standard reconstituted nutrient blocks that look like solid grey paste and tastes slightly better than it looks...just. Yes folks...the Imperial Guard ration base called "slab".
[20:12] > Reisen Udongein Inaba squints at the newcomer, not exactly able to see her from the mild case of snowblindness she suffered earlier today. "Uhhhh, do I know you?"
[20:13] [+Solarchos (Orrus suit)] ☇ I'm still trying to figure out just *where* she got that thing from and *why* she's using it. She's firing at an area northeast of here. ☇
[20:14] [Capt. David O'Cain] Any idea what exactly they're firing at over there, Solar?
[20:14] > Reisen Udongein Inaba gladly nibbles on anything vegetable-related! ^__^
[20:15] --> Masaki O'Cain [RisingStorm@ZepherTech.com] has joined #eventsbeta
[20:15] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Masaki O'Cain
[20:15] [Masaki O'Cain] ugh ~_~
[20:15] > C Langister (Maker of Mischief) shakes her head. "No...I'm new in town..."
[20:15] > Masaki O'Cain looks like she just woke up
[20:16] [Col. Azumi Kiribayashi] Enjoy your nap, Masaki?
[20:16] [Masaki O'Cain] it's freaking cold....
[20:16] [Sakuya Izayoi] The Road of Reconsideration. Muenzuka. The Forest of Magic. The Human Village is also in that direction.
[20:17] > Sakuya Izayoi offers Masaki a steel cup filled with rich, hot tea and a bowl of chunky-looking stew. "Here you go, madam." ^__^
[20:18] [+Solarchos (Orrus suit)] ☇ Sakuya already got the main potential targets, but I think the Scarlet Devil Mansion and the Poltergeist Mansion are along that same course. I seriously doubt Yuuka's trying to blow any of those places up though. ☇
[20:19] [Reisen Udongein Inaba] ...I wouldn't put it past her.
[20:19] [~Yuuka Kazami] Wouldn't put what past me? ^____^
[20:19] > Masaki O'Cain starts to drink and eat
[20:22] ➣ Masaki, the tea is excellent. The stew...it's a lot of chewy grey semi-solid paste with a slightly mucus-like aftertaste in a salty thin broth with a taste similar to italian sausage. IT'S SLAB!
[20:24] [Masaki O'Cain] .................
[20:24] [Masaki O'Cain] yuck...
[20:24] > ~Yuuka Kazami just appeared inside the tent. Where the heck did she come from anyway? She's wearing a thick winter overcoat that looks like it could withstand a Siberian blizzard.
[20:24] [Sakuya Izayoi] It's slab, madam. It's very high in protein and carbohydrates. Very good to eat in conditions like these.
[20:25] [Sakuya Izayoi] After all, the Onryo's people eat it all the time.
[20:25] [Capt. David O'Cain] Yuuka, just what in the hell were you firing at and cackling like a madman?
[20:26] [~Yuuka Kazami] Oh, I'm firing at the most up-to-date locations of Turducken and dire chinchilla concentrations. Plus I like to mess with the other people in Gensokyo. ^__^
[20:27] > Col. Azumi Kiribayashi sips her tea
[20:27] [Capt. David O'Cain] I see.
[20:27] > Masaki O'Cain shrugs and eats
[20:28] [~Yuuka Kazami] Letty and some of the other winter faeries are constantly flitting back and forth observing everything. They're not at all affected by this blizzard.
[20:32] [Col. Azumi Kiribayashi] Hopefully they would let up to allow others to travel.
[20:32] [+Solarchos (Orrus suit)] ☇ Movement. It's definitely not from the storm. ☇
[20:33] ➣ You all hear strange chirping sounds coming from outside.
[20:34] [Capt. David O'Cain] What's that?
[20:35] [~Yuuka Kazami] Hmmm?
[20:35] [Sakuya Izayoi] What *is* that?
[20:35] [Reisen Udongein Inaba] Beats me? Someone wanna stick their head outside and see?
[20:35] [Col. Azumi Kiribayashi] I'm not sure. Some sort of...chirping?
[20:36] > C Langister (Maker of Mischief) heads outside into the snow!
[20:36] [+Solarchos (Orrus suit)] ☇ CONTACT! CONTACT! Multiple targets inbound! ☇
[20:37] > +Solarchos (Orrus suit) is firing as he's speaking. You can make out the rapid-fire thumping of the Orrus suit's bolt-launchers firing.
[20:38] > Capt. David O'Cain gets up and exits the structure, making sure his FLIR/UV is on to see through the snow if possible
[20:38] ➣ You see a small, furry creature hopping around in the snow. It looks like a large, thickly-furred gerbil with a long tail and legs like a kangaroo.
[20:38] [C Langister (Maker of Mischief)] DIRE CHINCHILLAS!
[20:39] > Col. Azumi Kiribayashi pulls down her goggles and pulls up a piece of cloth to cover the lower half of her face as she heads out
[20:39] ➣ It stops and peers up at you, its beady little eyes shining blightly in the light cast out from the open tent door.
[20:40] > C Langister (Maker of Mischief) shirks her white camoflauge to reveal her identity as well as the fact she has TWO black crystal scimitars in hand.
[20:40] ➣ Suddenly, you all notice DOZENS of pairs of eyes also reflecting the light back in your direction.
[20:40] [~Yuuka Kazami] Oh my!
[20:40] [Sakuya Izayoi] What...are...those?
[20:41] [C Langister (Maker of Mischief)] IF YOU WANT TO LIVE, GRAB A GUN OR A BLADE!
[20:41] [Reisen Udongein Inaba] Am I seeing this correctly?
[20:42] [C Langister (Maker of Mischief)] REISEN, START SHOOTING THOSE DAMNED CREATURES
[20:43] > C Langister (Maker of Mischief) starts out a blade dance
[20:43] ➣ The creatures sit very still. They then simultaneously open their mouths and hiss menacingly. Crap! They've all got inch-long fangs!!!!
[20:44] ➣ The Dire Chinchillas spring towards you all!!
[20:44] [Capt. David O'Cain] INCOMING!
[20:45] > Reisen Udongein Inaba squints, points her finger towards the spot where the newcomer is pointing, and clicks her thumb like she's playing Cops and Robbers. In Reisen's case, a blast of magical energy suddenly shoots from her finger, streaks over the heads of the chinchillas, and shoots out into the snow-choked darkness.
[20:46] > Sakuya Izayoi pulls out a bunch of knives from under her skirt and starts flinging them!
[20:46] [Masaki O'Cain] F[SMEG]K
[20:47] > ~Alice Margatroid suddenly screams in the distance. Reisen's shot accidentally struck *her* instead!
[20:48] > Capt. David O'Cain brings a hand forward, bracing the arm with the opposite hand, and begins firing at the chinchillas
[20:48] > C Langister (Maker of Mischief) keeps up the blade dance, continuing to slice apart the creatures
[20:48] [~Alice Margatroid] - Reisen!!! Keep your damn suppositories to yourself! -
[20:49] ➣ Several Dire Chinchillas are hacked apart, but more keep coming! They leap up onto everyone, going for the neck and upper body!!
[20:49] > Col. Azumi Kiribayashi gets out her naginata, and sends a small, sweeping wave of energy along the ground
[20:49] ➣ Everyone roll 1d100.
[20:50] [@HOL_6000] ~Yuuka Kazami rolls: 1d100 { 31 }
[20:50] [@HOL_6000] Sakuya Izayoi rolls: 1d100 { 17 }
[20:50] [@HOL_6000] Masaki O'Cain rolls: 1d100 { 78 }
[20:50] [@HOL_6000] Reisen Udongein Inaba rolls: 1d100 { 13 }
[20:51] > Reisen Udongein Inaba and Sakuya Izayoi are KNOCKED OVER by bunches of Dire Chinchillas pouncing on them! THE LITTLE BASTARDS BITE!!!!!!
[20:52] [@HOL_6000] Col. Azumi Kiribayashi rolls: 1d100 { 27 }
[20:52] [Masaki O'Cain] I NEED A WEAPON
[20:52] [@HOL_6000] Capt. David O'Cain rolls: 1d100 { 15 }
[20:53] > ~Yuuka Kazami has a couple of the little buggers on her, biting her arms and hands. "Ahhh! Ow! Ow! These things sting!"
[20:53] [Capt. David O'Cain] Masaki, you're a Senshi, damn it!
[20:53] ➣ Masaki, you manage to elminate all of the Dire Chinchillas attempting to attack you.
[20:54] [@HOL_6000] C Langister (Maker of Mischief) rolls: 1d100 { 81 }
[20:54] [Masaki O'Cain] ....
[20:54] [Masaki O'Cain] whoa
[20:54] [Masaki O'Cain] I CAN'T TRANSFORM
[20:54] ➣ David, you're knocked to the ground. They're all over you, man! They're biting and nibbling and biting and nibbling...AND IT'S NOT AT ALL FUN AND CUTE LIKE THE KITS DOING THE SAME THING!
[20:55] ➣ Azumi, you've got several of the critters on your legs, digging in with sharp little claws.
[20:55] [Capt. David O'Cain] GET THESE F[SMEG]KERS OFF OF ME! >_<
[20:55] ➣ Catriona, you manage to keep all of the Dire Chinchillas off of you.
[20:55] [Col. Azumi Kiribayashi] OW! >_<
[20:56] ➣ Masaki and Catriona, you're both in a position to either assist another person, or engage the rest of the Chinchilla Swarm coming your way.
[20:56] --> ~300 Dire Chinchillas has joined #eventsbeta
[20:56] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, ~300 Dire Chinchillas
[20:57] > C Langister (Maker of Mischief) assists David
[20:57] [~Alice Margatroid] - Hey! What are you jerks doing back the..OH SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII....! -
[20:58] [C Langister (Maker of Mischief)] BLADE DANCE B[SMEG]CHES
[20:58] > Masaki O'Cain tries to punch the chinchilla
[21:00] ➣ David, Catriona, and Masaki...you're all now able to attack the Chinchilla Swarm. Each of you may roll 1d100.
[21:00] [@HOL_6000] Masaki O'Cain rolls: 1d100 { 74 }
[21:00] ➣ Azumi, you can try to attack the Chinchilla Swarm or deal with the ones on you. If you do attack, roll 1d10.
[21:01] [@HOL_6000] C Langister (Maker of Mischief) rolls: 1d100 { 89 }
[21:01] > C Langister (Maker of Mischief) continues her blade dance, still wearing rather light clothing considering the weather, but not seeming to care!
[21:02] > Reisen Udongein Inaba and Sakuya Izayoi are too busy rolling back and forth on the ground, shrieking and flailing wildly. OMFG, THEY BITE WORSE THAN TURDUCKENS!!!!
[21:02] [@HOL_6000] Capt. David O'Cain rolls: 1d100 { 6 }
[21:02] > ~Yuuka Kazami is busy beating the crap out of and crushing with her bare hands the Dire Chinchillas attcking her. >:D
[21:03] > Col. Azumi Kiribayashi concentrates on dealing with the ones on her
[21:03] > ~300 Dire Chinchillas is now known as 244 Dire Chinchillas
[21:04] > Masaki O'Cain is trying to fight with her barehands..having lost her transformation abilities
[21:05] > ~244 Dire Chinchillas attack! Everyone roll 1d20 please!
[21:05] [@HOL_6000] ~Yuuka Kazami rolls: 1d20 { 9 }
[21:05] [@HOL_6000] C Langister (Maker of Mischief): Invalid dice.
[21:05] [@HOL_6000] Reisen Udongein Inaba rolls: 1d20 { 11 }
[21:05] [C Langister (Maker of Mischief)] /ro
[21:05] [@HOL_6000] Sakuya Izayoi rolls: 1d20 { 13 }
[21:05] [@HOL_6000] C Langister (Maker of Mischief) rolls: 1d20 { 7 }
[21:06] [@HOL_6000] Col. Azumi Kiribayashi rolls: 1d20 { 19 }
[21:06] [@HOL_6000] Capt. David O'Cain rolls: 1d20 { 6 }
[21:08] ➣ Good god, they're biting the HELL out of you! Sakuya, Reisen, and Azumi are getting swarmed!!
[21:11] [Masaki O'Cain] grrr
[21:11] [@HOL_6000] Masaki O'Cain rolls: 1d20 { 16 }
[21:11] ➣ Everyone still able to fight (namely Masaki, Catriona, David, Yuuka, and Azumi) roll 1d100 for your counterattacks.
[21:11] [@HOL_6000] ~Yuuka Kazami rolls: 1d100 { 29 }
[21:12] [@HOL_6000] Capt. David O'Cain rolls: 1d100 { 24 }
[21:12] > Masaki O'Cain grabs a nearby chain
[21:12] [@HOL_6000] Masaki O'Cain rolls: 1d100 { 25 }
[21:12] [@HOL_6000] Col. Azumi Kiribayashi rolls: 1d100 { 1 }
[21:12] [@HOL_6000] C Langister (Maker of Mischief) rolls: 1d100 { 42 }
[21:13] > ~244 Dire Chinchillas is now known as 204 Dire Chinchillas
[21:13] > C Langister (Maker of Mischief) SLASHES AND HACKS!
[21:14] > Masaki O'Cain spins the chain...and slams it into the chinchillas
[21:15] > ~Yuuka Kazami conjures up multiple thorny creeper vines that suddenly erupt from the ground and lash around the bodies of a bunch of the Dire Chinchillas, then crush them to death. >:D
[21:15] > Col. Azumi Kiribayashi continues slashing and launching ki attacks at the chinchillas
[21:16] > Capt. David O'Cain keeps on blasting and fighting the chinchillas
[21:16] [@HOL_6000] Reisen Udongein Inaba rolls: 1d100 { 30 }
[21:16] > C Langister (Maker of Mischief) cackles loudly
[21:16] [@HOL_6000] Sakuya Izayoi rolls: 1d100 { 59 }
[21:16] [C Langister (Maker of Mischief)] DIE MOTHERF'ERS DIE!
[21:16] > Sakuya Izayoi manages to free herself from the clutches of the little sons of b[SMEG]ches!!
[21:16] [C Langister (Maker of Mischief)] >D
[21:17] > C Langister (Maker of Mischief) continues her blade dance anew!
[21:18] > Reisen Udongein Inaba is still buried beneath several dozen of the f[SMEG]king freaks!!! "Get them offa me! GET EM OFFA MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE~!!!'
[21:18] > ~204 Dire Chinchillas continue to swarm all over everyone! Everyone roll 1d10. Except for Reisen who has to roll 1d20.
[21:19] [@HOL_6000] Reisen Udongein Inaba rolls: 1d20 { 7 }
[21:19] [@HOL_6000] Sakuya Izayoi rolls: 1d10 { 1 }
[21:19] [@HOL_6000] Masaki O'Cain rolls: 1d10 { 2 }
[21:19] [@HOL_6000] ~Yuuka Kazami rolls: 1d10 { 2 }
[21:20] [@HOL_6000] Capt. David O'Cain rolls: 1d10 { 1 }
[21:20] [@HOL_6000] C Langister (Maker of Mischief) rolls: 1d10 { 4 }
[21:20] [@HOL_6000] Col. Azumi Kiribayashi rolls: 1d10 { 7 }
[21:21] ➣ Azumi has been knocked out during to excessive tickling and sensory overload because of the hundreds of painful bites she's taken.
[21:22] [Col. Azumi Kiribayashi] @_@
[21:22] [@HOL_6000] Reisen Udongein Inaba rolls: 1d100 { 93 }
[21:22] > Reisen Udongein Inaba is STILL trapped beneath a huge pile of Dire Chinchillas!
[21:23] [Capt. David O'Cain] AZUMI!
[21:23] ➣ Everyone else, return fire! 1d100 for everyone!
[21:23] [@HOL_6000] Sakuya Izayoi rolls: 1d100 { 73 }
[21:23] [@HOL_6000] C Langister (Maker of Mischief) rolls: 1d100 { 57 }
[21:23] [Masaki O'Cain] GRRRRR
[21:23] [@HOL_6000] Capt. David O'Cain rolls: 1d100 { 17 }
[21:23] [@HOL_6000] Masaki O'Cain rolls: 1d100 { 8 }
[21:24] > Sakuya Izayoi flings a HUGE volley of small daggers that materialize in midair and shoot forward with the speed and force of rifle rounds.
[21:24] [@HOL_6000] ~Yuuka Kazami rolls: 1d100 { 59 }
[21:25] > ~Yuuka Kazami lets loose with a massive, dazzling display of brightly glowing magical bolts. So pretty~! >:D
[21:25] > ~204 Dire Chinchillas is now known as 133 Dire Chinchillas
[21:26] > ~133 Dire Chinchillas suddenly turn tail and swarm back out into the blizzard, vanishing within a few seconds.
[21:26] <-- ~133 Dire Chinchillas has left #eventsbeta (*chitter-chitter*)
[21:27] > Masaki O'Cain is still using her chain to thrash about
[21:27] [Reisen Udongein Inaba] @___@
[21:27] > Capt. David O'Cain quickly goes over to Azumi's side
[21:28] > C Langister (Maker of Mischief) twitches a fox ear happily
[21:28] [C Langister (Maker of Mischief)] Reeiiiiiseeeeen!
[21:28] [C Langister (Maker of Mischief)] You didn't do yourself justice
[21:28] > Col. Azumi Kiribayashi groans a bit
[21:30] > Capt. David O'Cain picks Azumi up carefully and starts carrying her back inside the structure
[21:30] [~Yuuka Kazami] ...That was fun.
[21:30] [C Langister (Maker of Mischief)] Yuukaaaa~
[21:30] [Sakuya Izayoi] Ow. Ow...SON OF A B[SMEG]CH! My dress is ruined!!! ><;;
[21:31] > C Langister (Maker of Mischief) glomps Yuuka into the snow!
[21:31] [~Yuuka Kazami] Ah! :D
[21:31] [Masaki O'Cain] geh....
[21:32] [C Langister (Maker of Mischief)] I told you I wouldn't let you guys down :D
[21:33] [C Langister (Maker of Mischief)] Yuuuka~ ^_^
[21:33] > ~Yuuka Kazami hugs back! :D
[21:34] [Reisen Udongein Inaba] THEY WERE UNDERNEATH MY BLAZER AND SKIRT!!!
[21:34] [Sakuya Izayoi] Madam Masaki, are you all right? You said something about being unable to transform.
[21:34] [Col. Azumi Kiribayashi] Ugh, that sucked... ~_~
[21:35] [Capt. David O'Cain] How badly hurt are ya, Azumi?
[21:36] [Col. Azumi Kiribayashi] Honestly? Not TOO bad. But I can't believe they took me down so damn easily! >_<
[21:36] ➣ Someone is stomping through the snow towards the tent.
[21:36] [C Langister (Maker of Mischief)] Did you really think I'd leave you to face the dire chinchillas, Yuuka? ^_^
[21:36] [Masaki O'Cain] ..I can't transform...I can't access my powers
[21:37] [~Yuuka Kazami] Awwww, I never had any doubt about you, little one!
[21:37] --> ~Alice Margatroid has joined #eventsbeta
[21:37] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, ~Alice Margatroid
[21:37] [C Langister (Maker of Mischief)] ^_^ Did you see my Blade Dance, Yuuka? :D
[21:38] [Col. Azumi Kiribayashi] You CAN put me down, however (thunks David on the head). I can walk, you know!
[21:38] > ~Alice Margatroid looks like hell. Her overcoat is tattered and the clothes she *was* wearing underneath the coat look like they've been ripped apart to the point of nonexistence. She looks VERY upset.
[21:39] [Capt. David O'Cain] Alright, alright (sets Azumi down).
[21:39] [Sakuya Izayoi] You can't access your powers? How can that be? The Onryo is nowhere near here.
[21:39] [Sakuya Izayoi] Is something else interfering with your powers?
[21:40] [~Alice Margatroid] Good job, you dummies! Those things totally swarmed me and destroyed my clothes!!!! I'm practically naked underneath this coat and lemme tell you I'M FEELING ONE HELL OF A DRAFT!!!
[21:40] [Masaki O'Cain] I just..can't....
[21:41] > C Langister (Maker of Mischief) grabs her discarded coat and CHUCKS it at Alice
[21:41] > ~Yuuka Kazami ignores Alice and concentrates totally on older Catriona! ^____^
[21:42] [Sakuya Izayoi] Everyone! We may have a problem here with Madam Masaki!
[21:42] [Capt. David O'Cain] Sorry, but how the hell were we supposed to know they went your direction?
[21:42] [C Langister (Maker of Mischief)] I've been working so hard to make sure my Blade Dance was good enough~!
[21:45] <-- ~Alice Margatroid has left #eventsbeta (Kami-sama, if Aya finds out about this...and again Reisen KEEP YOUR SUPPOSITORIES TO YOURSELF!!)
[21:45] [Col. Azumi Kiribayashi] What? What's wrong with Masaki?
[21:45] [~Yuuka Kazami] Hmmm, please don't mind Alice too much. That girl's just a little high-strung.
[21:48] [Masaki O'Cain] it just feels like my powers aren't working
[21:48] > Sakuya Izayoi sits Masaki down and gets the medical kit.
[21:48] [C Langister (Maker of Mischief)] Yuuka~ Is Father around? ^_^
[21:49] [~Yuuka Kazami] Hmmm...he's drawing near. I can already hear Alice running to hide.
[21:50] > Reisen Udongein Inaba suddenly sits up. "The Onryo is coming back! Ohs[SMEG]tohs[SMEG]tohs[SMEG]tohs[SMEG]t!"
[21:51] [Capt. David O'Cain] I don't get it. You came through the Stargate just fine, Masaki. I can't think why your transformation would go away like that.
[21:52] [C Langister (Maker of Mischief)] YAY! ^_^
[21:52] [C Langister (Maker of Mischief)] You'll tell him how brave I was, right Yuuka? How awesomely I was able to do a blade dance to kill so many dire chinchillas!
[21:53] [Masaki O'Cain] I don't know why either
[21:54] [Sakuya Izayoi] Are you suffering from some kind of reaction to the mana levels within Gensokyo? Magic works differently here.
[21:54] --> Solarchos (Orrus suit) [Fallen0081@EnclaveFedCom.Net] has joined #eventsbeta
[21:54] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Solarchos (Orrus suit)
[21:54] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Solarchos (Orrus suit)
[21:55] > +Solarchos (Orrus suit) ' armor is covered with scratches, but hasn't sustained any real damage from the fangs of the Chinchillas.
[21:56] [~Yuuka Kazami] ^____^
[21:56] [Masaki O'Cain] ..that might be it...I feel sort of weirdly weak
[21:56] > C Langister (Maker of Mischief) is still holding onto her black crystal scimitars!
[21:56] > C Langister (Maker of Mischief) twirls to face her father!
[21:59] [Capt. David O'Cain] You, weak? I find that hard to believe. You still were able to whoop some ass.
[22:00] [+Solarchos (Orrus suit)] Catriona?! What are you doing here?!
[22:01] [Col. Azumi Kiribayashi] Is there a way to find out what exactly is causing this interference?
[22:01] [~Yuuka Kazami] Yes Onryo. Your youngest daughter was able to slay quite a few of these little bastards all by herself!
[22:02] [Sakuya Izayoi] The rest of us, myself included, were able to access our powers, so it seems to be limited just to Madam Masaki. Are you feeling anything else, miss?
[22:05] [C Langister (Maker of Mischief)] ^_^
[22:05] [+Solarchos (Orrus suit)] You didn't answer my question, Catriona. You shouldn't be here.
[22:06] [C Langister (Maker of Mischief)] But I'm NOT here~ I'm at home with MOTHER! ^_^
[22:06] [Masaki O'Cain] just a headache ><
[22:07] [+Solarchos (Orrus suit)] No, I'm meaning you in this *time*.
[22:07] [C Langister (Maker of Mischief)] ^_^
[22:07] [C Langister (Maker of Mischief)] Dire chinchillas.
[22:08] > Capt. David O'Cain hugs Masaki
[22:09] > Masaki O'Cain returns the hug
[22:09] [~Yuuka Kazami] Those things have withdrawn for the time being. We managed to kill enough of them to force a retreat. Still, we should be careful.
[22:10] [Reisen Udongein Inaba] I'll stay right here. I...really don't feel too well.
[22:11] > Reisen Udongein Inaba is currently wrapped up in several FEET of bandages, mostly around her arms and legs. She's still rummaging through the medical kit...which is Imperial Guard issue. That means...CRAP!
[22:14] [C Langister (Maker of Mischief)] Um...isn't that an Imperial Guard issue medkit?
[22:14] > Capt. David O'Cain lifts up the visor and mask on his helmet and kisses Masaki on the cheek, "We'll figure out what's going on."
[22:15] > Reisen Udongein Inaba actually used anesthetape for some of the bandages and used LARGE quantities of it. One of the antibiotic injectors she used on herself has a very different label. Anyone who can read Low Gothic will recognize the word "Morphia".
[22:15] [~Yuuka Kazami] O___o
[22:15] [Sakuya Izayoi] o___O
[22:16] [Col. Azumi Kiribayashi] Huh?
[22:17] [Capt. David O'Cain] What the...?
[22:17] [+Solarchos (Orrus suit)] Oh bugger.
[22:17] [C Langister (Maker of Mischief)] ...Morphia
[22:17] [C Langister (Maker of Mischief)] MORPHINE?!
[22:17] > Reisen Udongein Inaba looks at everyone in confusion. Then her eyes cross and she flops backwards. @___@
[22:18] > Reisen Udongein Inaba now has a gigantic, stupefied grin on her face. @_____________@
[22:18] [Capt. David O'Cain] I hope to God Almighty she didn't just OD on that stuff.
[22:19] > +Solarchos (Orrus suit) rushes over and examines the medicae kit.
[22:20] [+Solarchos (Orrus suit)] No, she's didn't. A single injector of morphia doesn't hold enough to cause an overdose. You'd need to take three or four to OD on it.
[22:20] [+Solarchos (Orrus suit)] Reisen only took one.
[22:21] [Capt. David O'Cain] That's a relief.
[22:21] [Col. Azumi Kiribayashi] But she's still out of it, though.
[22:22] [C Langister (Maker of Mischief)] Of course. That much anesthetape and adding morphine would knock ANYONE out.
[22:26] [+Solarchos (Orrus suit)] She'll be completely out of it for at least the next twelve hours.
[22:26] > Sakuya Izayoi prepares a cot for Reisen and doubles the number of blankets on it.
[22:27] [Capt. David O'Cain] If we head out in the morning, looks like we'll be dragging her ass along.
[22:27] [~Yuuka Kazami] I'm going to check on the vehicles and check the perimeter again. We'd best keep a guard in case the Chinchillas decide to get brave again.
[22:28] <-- ~Yuuka Kazami has left #eventsbeta (I do like those Turduckens and Dire Chinchillas. I'm going to have *so* much fertilizer to use this spring!)
[22:28] > Col. Azumi Kiribayashi reaches into a pocket and gives Masaki a bottle of aspirin
[22:30] [+Solarchos (Orrus suit)] I'll help Yuuka. I'll be near if yet more enemies threaten the rest of you.
[22:30] > Masaki O'Cain takes the aspirin
[22:30] <-- +Solarchos (Orrus suit) [Fallen0081@EnclaveFedCom.Net] has left #eventsbeta ("Good thing my Catalepsian Node works properly now. I'll take some half-sleep in the morning.")
[22:31] > Sakuya Izayoi puts Reisen to bed.
[22:31] [Capt. David O'Cain] Alright, Solar.
[22:31] [Col. Azumi Kiribayashi] Do be safe.
[22:31] <-- Reisen Udongein Inaba [LunaticMoonRabbit@EnclaveFedCom.Net (Pirated Server)] has left #eventsbeta ("OOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooooo~! Is that you, Ceiling Cat? It's me! Reisen!")
[22:32] [Sakuya Izayoi] I will assist the Onryo. Three sets of eyes will be better than two this night.
[22:33] <-- Sakuya Izayoi [Perfect and Elegant Maid@EnclaveFedCom.Net (pirated server)] has left #eventsbeta ("Besides, this situation brings back some very fun memories for me." ^___^)
[22:34] [Col. Azumi Kiribayashi] Take care, Sakuya.
[22:34] [Capt. David O'Cain] Happy hunting.
[22:36] [Capt. David O'Cain] Well, we should get some rest while we still can.
[22:36] [Col. Azumi Kiribayashi] Indeed. Hopefully conditions improve by morning.
[22:36] [C Langister (Maker of Mischief)] Rest? Who needs rest? Imma go show off my blade dance~
[22:37] <-- C Langister (Maker of Mischief) [LadyCatri@amestris.net] has left #eventsbeta (Wheee~)
[22:40] <-- Capt. David O'Cain has left #eventsbeta (I don't care. I'm sleeping.)
[22:41] <-- Col. Azumi Kiribayashi has left #eventsbeta (Same here.)
[22:46] <-- Masaki O'Cain [RisingStorm@ZepherTech.com] has left #eventsbeta
[00:00] >>> Saturday Jan 07 2012 <<<
[23:17] ➣ The great room in Magellan Castle has been restored to its former glory, its Christmas decorations taken down and any mess from the wild New Years party long since cleaned. Dim lights and a lit fireplace reflect off the bright blonde hair of its queen.
[23:18] --> Queen Minako (Nightgown) [SoldierOfLove@Venus.net] has joined #eventsbeta
[23:18] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Queen Minako (Nightgown)
[23:18] > Queen Minako (Nightgown) sits on the couch, nervously sipping tea from a cup and reading a report.
[23:22] [Aiko Kaioh (pajamas)] hi mama!
[23:22] --> Aiko Kaioh (pajamas) has joined #eventsbeta
[23:22] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Aiko Kaioh (pajamas)
[23:22] [Aiko Kaioh (pajamas)] :)
[23:22] [Queen Minako (Nightgown)] Ohh... good evening, Aiko.. have you seen your father?
[23:23] [Aiko Kaioh (pajamas)] he's finishing a diplomatic report..is something wrong?
[23:24] [Queen Minako (Nightgown)] Oh... no... nothing is wrong... I just think I'm pregnant.. again... >.>
[23:25] [Aiko Kaioh (pajamas)] oh wow!!!!
[23:25] [Aiko Kaioh (pajamas)] who by?
[23:25] > Queen Minako (Nightgown) facepalms and grits her teeth.
[23:26] [Aiko Kaioh (pajamas)] oh...sorry
[23:27] [Queen Minako (Nightgown)] Well... Jane was kind enough to give me a report with the men who had me on New Years, or at least, all the men they caught on the security recordings.... >_< Your father was first... after that, there's Siegfried, the security chief, Rock, one of his underlings, Juli, Kilik, the pool boy, and Artemis...
[23:27] > Queen Minako (Nightgown)'s face is a little red, behind her hand.
[23:28] > Queen Minako (Nightgown) sighs and tosses back her hair, removing her hand from her face.
[23:28] [Aiko Kaioh (pajamas)] Uncle Arty!?
[23:28] [Queen Minako (Nightgown)] Yes. Uncle Arty.
[23:29] [Queen Minako (Nightgown)] It's a little early to be sure... but my doctor says it's about 75 percent likely.... and I know..
[23:30] [Aiko Kaioh (pajamas)] huh....
[23:31] [Queen Minako (Nightgown)] I'm just going to give up on birth control... my body seems to disregard it on both sides anyway. >.> What you must think of your mother..
[23:32] [Aiko Kaioh (pajamas)] well my mama just loves love
[23:33] > Queen Minako (Nightgown) forces a smile, looking into the fire.
[23:34] [Queen Minako (Nightgown)] Maybe.. but I don't know how much longer I can keep saying that this body is a blessing.. and swearing off my ways never works.. I never change..
[23:34] [Aiko Kaioh (pajamas)] so who do you thnk it will be by?
[23:35] [Queen Minako (Nightgown)] I've no way of knowing, do I? I only hope it's your father..
[23:36] [Aiko Kaioh (pajamas)] eee I get another sibling
[23:37] [Queen Minako (Nightgown)] That excites you, then?
[23:38] [Aiko Kaioh (pajamas)] I always love new siblings ^^
[23:40] [Queen Minako (Nightgown)] That's my daughter. :) Face every situation by putting love first. I only hope you aren't cursed with this...... fertility.... when you approach my age. Of course, if you were, it would have probably started. Maybe it happens when you meet your true love..
[23:40] > Queen Minako (Nightgown) sighs.
[23:42] [Aiko Kaioh (pajamas)] yeah I haven't met the right guy yet!
[23:46] [Aiko Kaioh (pajamas)] maybe I never will >.>
[23:47] [Queen Minako (Nightgown)] Sit down, Aiko.
[23:50] > Aiko Kaioh (pajamas) sits down
[23:54] [Queen Minako (Nightgown)] I once had to kill a man I loved.. or thought I loved. He told me, before he died, that my pursuit of love would be hopeless for all eternity. That it was my fate to keep fighting.. that I should be glad, because I wouldn't have to torment myself with the choice to fight of love. I believed it, but I didn't give up. I kept to my duty, but I also fought back. I fought back against my fate, and I found love. It wasn't exactly a storybook romance.. hehe, or maybe it was. I just bumped into Kato one day on that ship, and I developed a crush on him like I had countless others before him.. a few weeks went by and I didn't hear from him.. I thought he wasn't interested.. but I fought! Damnit, I fought, and I got his interest, and... you know the rest. ^^;
[23:56] [Aiko Kaioh (pajamas)] yeah ^_^ I was born
[23:57] [Queen Minako (Nightgown)] Yeah, you were. At least we got you in after the marriage. ^^; My Aiko, my love child.
[23:58] [Queen Minako (Nightgown)] I'm not saying hope to get knocked up by some random guy, but... well.. I guess I'm saying you will find love, if you keep fighting for it.
[23:59] > Aiko Kaioh (pajamas) giggles "like my name!"
[00:00] >>> Sunday Jan 08 2012 <<<
[00:01] [Aiko Kaioh (pajamas)] thanks mama!
[00:01] [Queen Minako (Nightgown)] That's right, sweetie, and you've earned your name. You are a true child of love. A young woman of love, spreading her gift where it is needed... which reminds me, Oh dear... that reminds me.. the chief of staff of the hospital wrote me.. he thinks there is is likely to be a very aggressive flu this season that we lack proper vaccines and cures for.
[00:01] [Aiko Kaioh (pajamas)] what are we going to do?
[00:03] [Queen Minako (Nightgown)] Well, he thinks that there is a cure in the Feather System.. and I wanted to send you, your brother, and a few arbiters for some good old fashioned Venus ♡ diplomacy ♡ to convince them to supply us with it.
[00:04] [Aiko Kaioh (pajamas)] ooooo sounds fun ^_~
[00:05] [Queen Minako (Nightgown)] I knew I could count on you. Dear me.. I hope Yuki doesn't get mad.. but we really need Aki's..... talent for this one.
[00:06] [Aiko Kaioh (pajamas)] I'll make you proud, mama!
[00:06] [Queen Minako (Nightgown)] You already have. :)
[00:07] [Aiko Kaioh (pajamas)] aww thanks!
[00:08] [Queen Minako (Nightgown)] I wonder what you think I should do about your father. ~.~
[00:10] [Aiko Kaioh (pajamas)] well I don't know about Papa...
[00:13] [Queen Minako (Nightgown)] Maybe I should wait a week so they can run a paternity test first.. I hate not telling him though..
[00:14] [Aiko Kaioh (pajamas)] I'd wait!
[00:15] > Queen Minako (Nightgown) chuckles a little and nods.
[00:16] [Queen Minako (Nightgown)] The Aino family motto: All's fair in love and war.
[00:18] [Aiko Kaioh (pajamas)] yeah!!!
[00:22] > Aiko Kaioh (pajamas) stands
[00:22] [Aiko Kaioh (pajamas)] all's fair in love and war!!!!
[00:23] [Queen Minako (Nightgown)] That's my daughter.
[00:24] > Aiko Kaioh (pajamas)'s stomach growls
[00:26] [Queen Minako (Nightgown)] Perhaps we should visit the kitchens? ^^ I'm eating for two now.... again. >.>
[00:28] [Aiko Kaioh (pajamas)] yeah XD
[00:30] > Queen Minako (Nightgown) stands, leaving the report and her tea.
[00:32] > Aiko Kaioh (pajamas) follows her mother
[00:33] <-- Queen Minako (Nightgown) [SoldierOfLove@Venus.net] has left #eventsbeta (Only a few weeks before the weird cravings.)
[00:36] <-- Aiko Kaioh (pajamas) has left #eventsbeta (hehe)
[01:59] ➣ Inn, Taiki, Hokkaido
[01:59] --> Taiki Kou (sleeping kimono) has joined #eventsbeta
[01:59] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Taiki Kou (sleeping kimono)
[01:59] > Taiki Kou (sleeping kimono) walks into her hotel room
[02:00] --> Tao Latu (PJ's) has joined #eventsbeta
[02:00] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Tao Latu (PJ's)
[02:01] [Taiki Kou (sleeping kimono)] well..today has been productive
[02:01] > Tao Latu (PJ's) walks out of the bathroom
[02:01] [Tao Latu (PJ's)] Indeed, what did you think of the house, dear?
[02:02] [Taiki Kou (sleeping kimono)] I like it
[02:02] [Taiki Kou (sleeping kimono)] what about you?
[02:03] [Tao Latu (PJ's)] Well, I think it might need a little work, but otherwise I like it too.
[02:04] [Taiki Kou (sleeping kimono)] should we accept the terms?
[02:05] [Tao Latu (PJ's)] I'd like to see if I can talk the seller down a little.
[02:06] [Taiki Kou (sleeping kimono)] heh I'm sure you can convice them
[02:07] > Tao Latu (PJ's) sits on the bed, looking over some papers from the seller.
[02:08] > Taiki Kou (sleeping kimono) sits behind tao, massaging his shoulders
[02:08] [Tao Latu (PJ's)] ❧ Mmmmm..... that feels good~ ❧
[02:10] [Taiki Kou (sleeping kimono)] you seem tense, dear
[02:13] [Tao Latu (PJ's)] Yes well, house hunting with my beauty is tense work.
[02:13] [Tao Latu (PJ's)] I have to keep you happy. ^_~
[02:14] [Taiki Kou (sleeping kimono)] well don't break yourself doing it
[02:16] [Taiki Kou (sleeping kimono)] that would make me very upset
[02:16] [Tao Latu (PJ's)] It'll take a lot more to break me, love.
[02:18] [Taiki Kou (sleeping kimono)] you don't have to look over all this stuff tonight, you know
[02:19] > Tao Latu (PJ's) puts the papers on a nearby nightstand
[02:19] [Tao Latu (PJ's)] If you say so, dear.
[02:20] [Taiki Kou (sleeping kimono)] you need to rest
[02:21] > Tao Latu (PJ's) turns to Taiki and smiles
[02:22] [Tao Latu (PJ's)] You're so worried about me....
[02:22] [Taiki Kou (sleeping kimono)] is that wrong?
[02:22] [Tao Latu (PJ's)] ..... I don't think I've ever had anyone so concerned about my welfare.
[02:23] [Tao Latu (PJ's)] Oh no, it's perfectly fine. I just wasn't expecting it.
[02:24] [Taiki Kou (sleeping kimono)] now why wouldn't I care
[02:26] [Tao Latu (PJ's)] I knew yuo'd care. :P Just not as much as you do.
[02:26] > Taiki Kou (sleeping kimono) smiles and hugs Tao from behind
[02:27] > Tao Latu (PJ's) leans back against Taiki and sighs with a smile
[02:28] [Taiki Kou (sleeping kimono)] is this better?
[02:28] [Tao Latu (PJ's)] ❧ Much~ ❧
[02:29] > Taiki Kou (sleeping kimono) giggles happily
[02:30] [Taiki Kou (sleeping kimono)] so what are the plans for tomorrow then?
[02:33] [Tao Latu (PJ's)] Meet with the seller and try to talk them down on their prize
[02:33] [Tao Latu (PJ's)] ^price
[02:34] [Taiki Kou (sleeping kimono)] I might see the rest of the town
[02:36] [Tao Latu (PJ's)] If you'd like, I could go with you after talking to the seller
[02:36] [Taiki Kou (sleeping kimono)] that would be nice ^^
[02:36] > Taiki Kou (sleeping kimono) yawns a bit
[02:37] [Tao Latu (PJ's)] Perhaps we should turn in
[02:38] [Taiki Kou (sleeping kimono)] I think so
[02:40] > Tao Latu (PJ's) pulls the covers back on the bed and turns out the lights, laying down
[02:40] > Taiki Kou (sleeping kimono) lays next to Tao
[02:42] <-- Taiki Kou (sleeping kimono) has left #eventsbeta (this is becoming exciting)
[02:42] > Tao Latu (PJ's) turns in bed and kisses Taiki, wrapping his arms around her
[02:42] <-- Tao Latu (PJ's) has left #eventsbeta (Indeed)
[22:29] ➣ Yuki's room, Alchemia Palace, Mercury
[22:30] --> Yuki Shin (Pajamas) [Snow.Angel@Mercury.org] has joined #eventsbeta
[22:30] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Yuki Shin (Pajamas)
[22:30] > Yuki Shin (Pajamas) sits at her desk finishing up some complicated looking homework.
[22:31] ➣ There is a knock at the door.
[22:31] [Yuki Shin (Pajamas)] Come in.
[22:32] > Yuki Shin (Pajamas) scribbles away on a datapad, not looking up.
[22:32] > Akihiko Kaioh opens the door, enters, and closes it, wearing fairly nice clothes and carrying a bouquet of flowers.
[22:32] [Akihiko Kaioh] Hey..
[22:34] > Akihiko Kaioh walks up behind her and looks over her shoulder.
[22:34] [Yuki Shin (Pajamas)] Almost finished.. Pesky little integral, I know I can simplify you right into oblivion..
[22:35] > Akihiko Kaioh looks at the pad, and cringes.
[22:36] > Yuki Shin (Pajamas) moves her current work off to the side, pulling up a blank digital sheet and quickly scribbling out equations that look almost identical, but with subtle changes.
[22:37] [Yuki Shin (Pajamas)] Ah ha! I knew I missed a term.. Aaaaaaaaaaaand....
[22:37] > Akihiko Kaioh bites his lip, not wanting to interrupt.
[22:37] > Yuki Shin (Pajamas) scrawls a little more and the pad beeps, boxing her answer in green.
[22:38] [Yuki Shin (Pajamas)] Done!
[22:38] [Akihiko Kaioh] That's my mad scientist. ♡
[22:38] > Akihiko Kaioh moves the flowers infront of her face, between her and her work.
[22:39] > Yuki Shin (Pajamas) uploads her work and tosses the pad onto a pile of papers, grinning at the flowers~
[22:40] [Yuki Shin (Pajamas)] ❧ What's the occasion, dear?~ ❧
[22:40] [Akihiko Kaioh] I'm.... glad you asked..
[22:41] > Akihiko Kaioh pulls up another chair and turns it backward to sit, leaning against the back and facing her.
[22:42] [Yuki Shin (Pajamas)] Something wrong?
[22:43] [Akihiko Kaioh] Well, that depends on your opinion.. Mom has tasked me and Ai to go to a distant system and persuade them to supply us with some medical supplies.
[22:43] [Yuki Shin (Pajamas)] Well, that doesn't sound so bad.
[22:44] [Yuki Shin (Pajamas)] I mean, you will be careful and come back in one piece, right?
[22:44] [Akihiko Kaioh] You... remember what I told you when we started dating, right?
[22:44] [Akihiko Kaioh] I've no doubt I'll come back safe and sound. ^^;
[22:46] [Yuki Shin (Pajamas)] About having to take part in diplomatic situations. Of course. I'm part of the royal family here, I'm no stranger to diplomacy.
[22:47] [Akihiko Kaioh] Right... only we have a different kind of diplomacy than you do..
[22:47] > Akihiko Kaioh lets his eyes wander over Yuki's desk.
[22:48] [Yuki Shin (Pajamas)] Oh? Oh!
[22:48] > Yuki Shin (Pajamas) goes a little wide eyed.
[22:48] [Yuki Shin (Pajamas)] Horizontal diplomacy?
[22:48] [Akihiko Kaioh] Yeah..
[22:49] [Yuki Shin (Pajamas)] And it doesn't get you into trouble?
[22:50] [Akihiko Kaioh] Remains to be seen, but I doubt it. From the reports, these people will likely be receptive to it.
[22:51] [Yuki Shin (Pajamas)] Hmm..
[22:51] [Yuki Shin (Pajamas)] What kind of medical supplies?
[22:52] [Akihiko Kaioh] Vaccines and cures for a strand of flu we're expecting to get. I guess they have them for one that's about what our doctors are expecting to get soon.
[22:53] [Yuki Shin (Pajamas)] Pretty important then..
[22:53] > Yuki Shin (Pajamas) looks thoughtful.
[22:54] [Akihiko Kaioh] Yeah.. Are you mad?
[22:55] [Yuki Shin (Pajamas)] Mad? Hmm.. no, I don't think so.
[22:56] [Akihiko Kaioh] Oh, good.
[22:56] > Akihiko Kaioh puts down the flowers and takes her hand, kissing it.
[22:57] [Yuki Shin (Pajamas)] I have your word that it's official government business and vital to the health and safety of your planet?
[22:57] [Akihiko Kaioh] If I was trying to sneak around on you, would I be telling you first?
[22:57] [Yuki Shin (Pajamas)] Point taken, dear.
[22:58] [Akihiko Kaioh] You have my word.
[22:58] > Akihiko Kaioh kisses his way up her arm.
[22:58] [Yuki Shin (Pajamas)] Just don't let some hot alien girl steal you away from me.
[22:59] [Akihiko Kaioh] Of course not~ I could never leave my snow angel. ♡
[23:00] [Akihiko Kaioh] ❧ Not after I thawed her heart. ❧
[23:01] [Yuki Shin (Pajamas)] ❧ Mmm, good~ ❧
[23:03] [Yuki Shin (Pajamas)] ❧ Sometimes I had trouble believing I let you catch me, but you turned out to be so much more than the raging pile of hormones I used to take you for~ ^_~ ❧
[23:03] > Akihiko Kaioh chuckles.
[23:03] [Yuki Shin (Pajamas)] How long are you going to be gone?
[23:04] [Akihiko Kaioh] ❧ The trick is letting them rage at one person~ ❧
[23:04] [Akihiko Kaioh] Long as it takes.. probably under a week if it goes well.
[23:06] [Yuki Shin (Pajamas)] Hmm.. I know school isn't a high priority for you, but what are you going to do about your absence?
[23:08] [Akihiko Kaioh] I'll be taking homework with me, and I can message my tutor if I have questions. I'll be fine. Even if I struggle, I can catch up when I get back.
[23:09] [Yuki Shin (Pajamas)] Mmm, okay.
[23:09] [Akihiko Kaioh] Bit of a waste, really. All I should have to focus on is staying in shape, and maybe diplomatic things..
[23:11] [Yuki Shin (Pajamas)] Sure, if you want people to be able to walk all over you because you don't know any better... :/
[23:12] [Akihiko Kaioh] I dunno, my mom said she was awful in school, and shes doing well now. She got by for years singing and modeling.
[23:15] [Yuki Shin (Pajamas)] I hate to be the one to perpetuate outmoded gender stereotypes, but even today that works a lot better for a woman than it does for a man.
[23:16] [Akihiko Kaioh] Unless you're as hot as I am. ~_^
[23:16] [Yuki Shin (Pajamas)] XP
[23:17] > Akihiko Kaioh laughs.
[23:17] [Yuki Shin (Pajamas)] You just keep telling yourself that. :P
[23:17] [Akihiko Kaioh] So, homework done now?
[23:17] [Yuki Shin (Pajamas)] For tonight. I have a couple more assignments, but I have almost a week to get them done.
[23:19] [Akihiko Kaioh] ❧ Mmmmm, why would you pray when you can put it off till tomorrow? ❧
[23:20] > Yuki Shin (Pajamas) giggles.
[23:20] [Akihiko Kaioh] Want to go for a walk? Or just jump right into bed? >=)
[23:20] > Akihiko Kaioh stands.
[23:20] [Yuki Shin (Pajamas)] You're as bad at that as your mom. :P Good thing you're so hot I don't notice~
[23:21] > Akihiko Kaioh grins.
[23:21] [Yuki Shin (Pajamas)] Bed, please. :3
[23:22] > Akihiko Kaioh scoops her up, knocking over her chair, and tosses her down onto the bed.
[23:23] [Yuki Shin (Pajamas)] ❧ Mmmmm~~ ♡ ❧
[23:23] <-- Akihiko Kaioh has left #eventsbeta (Horny little bookworm. ♡)
[23:24] <-- Yuki Shin (Pajamas) [Snow.Angel@Mercury.org] has left #eventsbeta (Always~ ♡)
[00:00] >>> Monday Jan 09 2012 <<<
[01:06] ➣ Kou Manor
[01:07] --> Taiki Kou (coat) has joined #eventsbeta
[01:07] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Taiki Kou (coat)
[01:07] > Taiki Kou (coat) walks in the house
[01:09] [Taiki Kou (coat)] it's nice to be back for now
[01:10] --> Tao Latu (Jacket) has joined #eventsbeta
[01:10] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Tao Latu (Jacket)
[01:10] > Tao Latu (Jacket) walks in behind Taiki, carrying his suitcase still
[01:10] [Tao Latu (Jacket)] Yeah.... but why are we staying here? Finally tired of my crampt apartment? :P
[01:11] [Taiki Kou (coat)] heh I felt I should see the others about this
[01:12] [Tao Latu (Jacket)] I thought you already talked to them?
[01:13] [Taiki Kou (coat)] I did but..I want to make sure they have no problems
[01:13] [Seiya Kou (pajamas)] hey you two
[01:14] [Tao Latu (Jacket)] Evening Seiya.... I hear congratulations are in order.
[01:15] > Seiya Kou (pajamas) smiles and nods, her stomach having a slight bump to it
[01:15] [Seiya Kou (pajamas)] so...is it true you're moving out, Taiki?
[01:15] > Taiki Kou (coat) nods
[01:16] > Tao Latu (Jacket) puts his arm around Taiki | Yes, I'm taking this wonderful woman with me. ^_^
[01:16] [Seiya Kou (pajamas)] ....hope you keep in touch
[01:16] > Seiya Kou (pajamas) smiles a little
[01:17] [Taiki Kou (coat)] oh I plan to
[01:19] [Tao Latu (Jacket)] Of course we will.
[01:20] [Seiya Kou (pajamas)] cause you guys will have to help me with this kid ><
[01:21] [Tao Latu (Jacket)] What about your boyfriend?
[01:21] [Taiki Kou (coat)] hehe of course
[01:22] [Seiya Kou (pajamas)] well he'll help of course...we're going to be married soon *blushes*
[01:22] [Tao Latu (Jacket)] Ooooo and congratulation for the second time, Seiya. ^_^
[01:23] [Taiki Kou (coat)] you'll have to wear something nice to the wedding, tao
[01:26] > Taiki Kou (casual) takes off her coat, putting it on a coat hanger
[01:28] [Taiki Kou (casual)] where is yaten?
[01:28] [Seiya Kou (pajamas)] went up to that ship...she should be back anytime
[01:32] --> Yaten Kou (dress) has joined #eventsbeta
[01:32] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Yaten Kou (dress)
[01:32] [Yaten Kou (dress)] ....YOU!
[01:33] [Tao Latu (Jacket)] Hmm?
[01:35] [Yaten Kou (dress)] YOU'RE NOT TAKING HER AWAY
[01:35] [Taiki Kou (casual)] ..ugh
[01:35] [Tao Latu (Jacket)] Pardon?
[01:38] [Yaten Kou (dress)] I won't let you take her away from this house!
[01:39] [Taiki Kou (casual)] yaten...
[01:40] [Seiya Kou (pajamas)] ...it's not like she's never going to speak with us...
[01:42] [Tao Latu (Jacket)] Yaten.... where's this coming from?
[01:43] [Yaten Kou (dress)] we're a band and we're going to stay a band!
[01:43] [Taiki Kou (casual)] ..yes we are...
[01:43] [Seiya Kou (pajamas)] ..she's scared of us breaking up
[01:44] [Tao Latu (Jacket)] Yaten.... I'm not trying to break up your group...
[01:48] [Yaten Kou (dress)] ....
[01:48] [Yaten Kou (dress)] really? >.>
[01:52] [Tao Latu (Jacket)] Really, because I'm sure she'd be upset if you three split up as a group
[01:52] [Tao Latu (Jacket)] Right, dear?
[01:52] [Taiki Kou (casual)] really
[01:59] [Tao Latu (Jacket)] Just because I want to make a home with Taiki doesn't mean I want to take her away from you and Saiya.
[02:00] [Tao Latu (Jacket)] It just means that..... Taiki and I are taking our relationship to the next level.... that's all.
[02:01] [Yaten Kou (dress)] ....
[02:01] [Yaten Kou (dress)] oooh
[02:04] [Yaten Kou (dress)] I see...I see
[02:07] [Taiki Kou (casual)] well...now that that's settled
[02:07] [Taiki Kou (casual)] how about we all get some rest?
[02:07] [Seiya Kou (pajamas)] *yawn* that sounds like a great idea...
[02:09] [Yaten Kou (dress)] you girls can get sleep...I need to work ><
[02:11] [Tao Latu (Jacket)] Work, this late?
[02:11] > Yaten Kou (dress) just looks at seiya
[02:11] [Yaten Kou (dress)] someone has to make the wedding dress
[02:12] [Taiki Kou (casual)] well don't stay up too late, yaten
[02:12] > Yaten Kou (dress) wanders off
[02:12] <-- Yaten Kou (dress) has left #eventsbeta (yeah yeah...)
[02:13] [Seiya Kou (pajamas)] I should get some sleep..for the baby's sake
[02:13] [Tao Latu (Jacket)] Yeah, goodnight Saiya
[02:14] <-- Seiya Kou (pajamas) [StarFighter@Kinmoku.gov] has left #eventsbeta
[02:14] [Taiki Kou (casual)] shall we retire for the night then, tao?
[02:15] > Tao Latu (Jacket) nods with a smile | I'm beat after that trip.
[02:16] <-- Tao Latu (Jacket) has left #eventsbeta (I can't believe she thought I was trying to break up the group.)
[02:16] <-- Taiki Kou (casual) has left #eventsbeta (oh that's yaten for you)
[00:00] >>> Tuesday Jan 10 2012 <<<
[19:19] ➣ Meanwhile, back in the (Frozen) Garden of the Sun...
[19:19] --> Solarchos (Orrus suit) [Fallen0081@EnclaveFedCom.Net] has joined #eventsbeta
[19:19] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Solarchos (Orrus suit)
[19:19] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Solarchos (Orrus suit)
[19:19] --> Sakuya Izayoi [Perfect and Elegant Maid@EnclaveFedCom.Net (pirated server)] has joined #eventsbeta
[19:19] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Sakuya Izayoi
[19:19] --> Reisen Udongein Inaba [LunaticMoonRabbit@EnclaveFedCom.Net (Pirated Server)] has joined #eventsbeta
[19:19] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Reisen Udongein Inaba
[19:19] --> Capt. David O'Cain has joined #eventsbeta
[19:19] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Capt. David O'Cain
[19:19] --> C Langister (Maker of Mischief) [LadyCatri@amestris.net] has joined #eventsbeta
[19:19] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, C Langister (Maker of Mischief)
[19:19] --> Col. Azumi Kiribayashi has joined #eventsbeta
[19:19] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Col. Azumi Kiribayashi
[19:20] > +Solarchos (Orrus suit) is currently half-asleep. His helmet is off and he's sitting on the ground, but his eyes are nearly closed and he has a VERY distant expression on his face.
[19:20] > Sakuya Izayoi is watching Solarchos closely.
[19:20] [Sakuya Izayoi] That...is very unsettling.
[19:21] > Reisen Udongein Inaba is sitting in the corner with her knees to her chin. She's rocking back and forth very gently.
[19:21] > C Langister (Maker of Mischief) is in fox form and TACKLES her father
[19:22] [Capt. David O'Cain] Sheesh.
[19:22] [Reisen Udongein Inaba] ...allworkandnoplaymakesReisenadullrabbit...allworkandnoplaymakesReisenadullrabbit...allworkandnoplaymakesReisenadullrabbit...allworkandnoplaymakesReisenadullrabbit...allworkandnoplaymakesReisenadullrabbit...
[19:22] [+Solarchos (Orrus suit)] AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!
[19:22] [Masaki O'Cain] oh stop it...
[19:23] > +Solarchos (Orrus suit) IS FULLY AWAKE AND ALERT NOW!!
[19:23] > C Langister (Maker of Mischief) changes back, still in her blade dance outfit
[19:23] [+Solarchos (Orrus suit)] Catriona! Come here you!!
[19:23] [C Langister (Maker of Mischief)] Hehe~
[19:24] [Masaki O'Cain] can someone shut up that bunny girl
[19:24] [Sakuya Izayoi] Is it still snowing outside?
[19:24] > C Langister (Maker of Mischief) changes into fox form again~
[19:24] > C Langister (Maker of Mischief) TACKLES Reisen
[19:25] > C Langister (Maker of Mischief) bites Reisen's hand lightly
[19:25] [Reisen Udongein Inaba] ...allworkandnoplaymakesReisenadullrabbit...allworkandnoplaymakesReisenadullrabbit...
[19:25] [Reisen Udongein Inaba] OW!
[19:26] > Reisen Udongein Inaba looks around like she's seeing the inside of the tent for the first time.
[19:26] [Col. Azumi Kiribayashi] Much better.
[19:27] > Reisen Udongein Inaba gives everyone a weird, leering grin and her eyes are now glowing red. *____*
[19:27] [Capt. David O'Cain] Reisen?
[19:27] > C Langister (Maker of Mischief) CHOMPS on Reisen's hand again
[19:28] > Masaki O'Cain PUNCHES Reisen between the eyes
[19:28] [Sakuya Izayoi] ...The Lunatic Rabbit's gone insane again, hasn't she?
[19:29] > Capt. David O'Cain fires a blast at Reisen
[19:29] [Col. Azumi Kiribayashi] Lunatic Fringe?
[19:29] [+Solarchos (Orrus suit)] Not again! Isn't Reisen supposed to be the most balanced person in that whole bunch?!
[19:29] ➣ Everyone roll 1d100
[19:30] ➣ Specifically, everyone who attacked Reisen roll 1d100
[19:30] [@HOL_6000] Capt. David O'Cain rolls: 1d100 { 22 }
[19:30] [@HOL_6000] Masaki O'Cain rolls: 1d100 { 31 }
[19:31] [@HOL_6000] C Langister (Maker of Mischief) rolls: 1d100 { 95 }
[19:32] > Reisen Udongein Inaba is physically BLOWN backwards! She hits the side of the tent so hard that she's propelled straight THROUGH it and into the snowfield beyond!
[19:32] [Reisen Udongein Inaba] X___x
[19:33] ➣ It's no longer snowing outside. The wind is oddly still and the sky is amazingly devoid of clouds. The full moon shines brightly overhead and the stars are unbelievably clear.
[19:34] [Sakuya Izayoi] It's stopped snowing! Finally!
[19:35] [Col. Azumi Kiribayashi] Yay!
[19:35] > C Langister (Maker of Mischief) changes back to her demi form, fluffing her tails and twitching her ears.
[19:35] > +Solarchos (Orrus suit) puts his helmet back on and reseals his armor.
[19:37] > Capt. David O'Cain carefully steps outside
[19:37] > Col. Azumi Kiribayashi quickly follows David out
[19:37] ➣ Looking around, you all see that the snow is very hard-packed and over a meter thick on the ground now. You can't even see where the Basilisk and the Hydra were sitting; both vehicles have been completely buried.
[19:38] [Reisen Udongein Inaba] X_____X