[19:32] >>> Monday Dec 26 2011 – Automatic reset triggered – Logging Start <<<
[19:32] [Juli] Yes, of course. I told you about their loving last night.
[19:33] [Steph Amber] Well, I didn't realize she was THAT Princess Yuki!
[19:34] [Steph Amber] I mean..... I never thought of her being so.... sexually open.
[19:34] [Juli] I didn't know there was more than one.
[19:34] [Steph Amber] I just ment I didn't realize she was the princess
[19:36] [Juli] She is.. and she is quite pretty~
[19:37] [Juli] I would be happy to be as pretty as her some day.. and maybe land a hunky prince. *^^*
[19:37] [Steph Amber] From what I saw last night, I agree
[19:38] [Steph Amber] I know you said you like both sides, but it kind of sounds like you're more into men then women, am I right?
[19:39] [Juli] ❧ Mayyybeeee~ ❧
[19:39] > Juli bends over gratuitously to take the pillow cases from the laundry basket, back to Steph.
[19:40] > Steph Amber looks over Juli from behind, smirking a little
[19:40] [Steph Amber] ❧ Giving me a show, are you?~ ❧
[19:41] > Juli giggles before standing and settings the pillows.
[19:41] [Juli] ❧ I dunno, did you like it? The heels make it easy~ ❧
[19:42] [Steph Amber] ❧ I did.... you have a nice ass. ❧
[19:42] [Steph Amber] If I didn't know the truth, I'd never know you were a man.
[19:42] [Juli] Heehe~ Thanks! I do what I can to keep my figure in check.
[19:45] [Juli] That's so nice of you to say~ This takes a lot of effort.. at risk of being presumptions, I think it takes even more effort than it does for a woman to look this good.
[19:47] [Steph Amber] Heh, I can only imagine
[19:47] [Steph Amber] I know it's been hard to keep my figure. I've even been trying to lose a couple pounds.
[19:49] > Steph Amber picks up the vaccum, bending down to clean under the bed
[19:50] [Juli] I try to jog often. Cardio is great for keeping healthy without bulking up. Ohh, and I started taking estrogen about a year ago.
[19:51] > Juli grins, moving behind her and trying to sneak a peek.
[19:52] > Steph Amber actually gets on her hands and knees to get some of the further parts beneath the bed
[19:53] > Juli seems to notice something on the floor by the bed, and gets a scrub brush and spray bottle to work out a stain on the floor.
[19:54] > Steph Amber turns and sees Juli, giggeling slightly
[19:54] [Steph Amber] ❧ Enjoying the view?~ ❧
[19:56] [Juli] ❧ I was~ ❧
[19:57] [Juli] ❧ Maybe after we finish here... we take a ~break~ together? ❧
[19:58] > Steph Amber slides out from beneath the bed and smiles / I would like that ♡
[19:58] > Juli smiles at her for a moment, then goes back to the stain.
[20:00] > Steph Amber stands and sets the vaccum down and notices a mark on the wall
[20:00] [Steph Amber] Heh, that's rather impressive
[20:02] > Juli looks up, taking a moment to focus, then giggles.
[20:02] [Juli] Very, though not surprising.. that thing must go off like a cannon.
[20:02] > Steph Amber picks up the spray bottle, spraying the spot on the wall
[20:03] > Steph Amber carefully cleans the spot as to not harm the paint
[20:06] > Juli lifts the fluids out of the floor with a rag and steps back, admiring his handiwork.
[20:07] [Juli] Lets see... Bathroom, check. Carpet, check, Furniture, check. Bed, check. Are we missing anything?
[20:10] [Steph Amber] Um....
[20:10] [Steph Amber] I don't think so.
[20:11] --> Jane [FirstMonth@venus.net] has joined #eventsbeta
[20:11] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Jane
[20:11] [Steph Amber] Oh wait..... what about the trash?
[20:11] [Jane] Juli? Ohh, and Steph. How is the Prince's room?
[20:11] [Juli] Ahh! Yes, good! Hello Mistress. We're almost done.
[20:12] > Juli collects the trash and empties it into the larger bag in the cart outside the door.
[20:12] [Steph Amber] Good evening Mistress Jane.
[20:12] > Jane starts prowling the room, looking over every detail.
[20:12] [Steph Amber] I came to help Juli since my tasks for the day were finished.
[20:13] [Jane] Good. I'm glad I don't have to micro manage you on everything you do. That's very good.. and so is this room, as I see it. We'll have to clean the ceiling mirror soon, but that can wait until spring cleaning.
[20:14] > Juli collects the cleaning supplies, returning them to the cart, then standing at attention near the door.
[20:14] > Steph Amber looks a little shocked and looks up
[20:14] [Steph Amber] Wow.... I didn't even know that was there.
[20:15] ➣ A large mirror hangs on the ceiling over Aki's bed.
[20:16] [Steph Amber] That.... is impressive
[20:16] [Jane] The prince loves his own image. It's a miracle he can love anyone nearly as much as he loves himself.
[20:17] > Steph Amber giggles a little at that
[20:17] [Steph Amber] Well, he is quite the impressive specimen.
[20:18] [Jane] He is.. and he always was. I knew him since he was a baby, and watched him grow into a handsome young man. I like to think I'm responsible for much of his beauty, not to mention his skill as a lover. ♡
[20:19] > Jane turns to face them, standing straight, arms crossed.
[20:20] > Steph Amber walks over, standing next to Juli, standing up straight
[20:21] [Jane] Good work, girls. I'm impressed on how skilled you are for rookies. You still have much to learn, of course, but you'll do well here. Dismissed.
[20:22] [Steph Amber] Thank you, Mistress Jane. ^_^
[20:22] [Juli] Thank you, Mistress Jane. ^.^
[20:23] > Steph Amber turns to Juil with a smile/ Shall we go then?
[20:23] > Jane turns her back on them, walking the room.
[20:24] > Juli makes a positive noise and turns, offering his hand.
[20:25] > Steph Amber takes Juli's hand, helping to push the cart
[20:27] <-- Juli [seventhmonth@venus.net] has left #eventsbeta (Ehehee~)
[20:27] <-- Jane [FirstMonth@venus.net] has left #eventsbeta (Oh, Aki, I knew I couldn't keep you forever, but I miss you.)
[20:28] <-- Steph Amber [Ninth.Month@Venus.gov] has left #eventsbeta (♡)
[23:49] ➣ Alchemia, outside the Palace
[23:49] --> Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual) [SecondGenSenshi@Saturn.net] has joined #eventsbeta
[23:49] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual)
[23:50] ➣ it's starting to snow already...
[23:50] --> Sagiri Shin (winter casual) [princeofmists@Mercury.org] has joined #eventsbeta
[23:50] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Sagiri Shin (winter casual)
[23:50] > Sagiri Shin (winter casual) walks out of the palace
[23:50] > Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual) walks around and smiles
[23:51] [Sagiri Shin (winter casual)] Topaz! there you are!
[23:51] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual)] Hey Sagi!
[23:52] [Sagiri Shin (winter casual)] heh are you ready?
[23:52] > Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual) nods, taking Sagiri's arm
[23:53] > Sagiri Shin (winter casual) takes Topaz's arm..and starts to lead her behind the palace
[23:54] [Sagiri Shin (winter casual)] ok...close your eyes
[23:54] > Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual) looks confused, but does as he says
[23:56] > Sagiri Shin (winter casual) continues to lead Topaz down a snowy path
[23:57] > Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual) follow's Sagiri's lead
[23:57] > Sagiri Shin (winter casual) stops
[23:58] [Sagiri Shin (winter casual)] ok..you can open your eyes now
[23:59] > Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual) opens her eyes
[00:00] >>> Tuesday Dec 27 2011 <<<
[00:00] ➣ in front of them is a large sled, pulled by two pale blue horses....a driver is waiting for them on it
[00:01] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual)] Oooooooooo!~
[00:01] > Sagiri Shin (winter casual) takes Topaz's hand
[00:02] > Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual) holds Sagi's hand
[00:02] [Sagiri Shin (winter casual)] are you ready for a little ride?
[00:04] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual)] ❧ Absolutely ❧
[00:05] > Sagiri Shin (winter casual) helps Topaz into the Sled, climbing in after her
[00:07] > Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual) sits in anticipation
[00:08] [Sagiri Shin (winter casual)] ok driver...let's go!
[00:08] ➣ the driver cracks his whip..and the horses start to trot down the path, heading for a forest
[00:11] > Sagiri Shin (winter casual) smiles, holding onto Topaz's hand
[00:16] > Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual) holds onto Sagi as they ride
[00:18] ➣ they pass under a tree's branches..which sprays some snow down on them
[00:18] > Sagiri Shin (winter casual) gets a pile of snow on his head >.>
[00:19] > Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual) giggles as she brushes some snow off his head
[00:20] > Sagiri Shin (winter casual) can't help but laugh
[00:20] ➣ a bird flies down and lands on Topaz's shoulder
[00:22] > Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual) smiles at the little bird on her shoulder
[00:22] ➣ the bird sings a little song for Topaz
[00:24] > Sagiri Shin (winter casual) tries to pet the bird but it pecks his finger
[00:24] [Sagiri Shin (winter casual)] ow hey!
[00:24] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual)] Awww, little birdy
[00:26] ➣ the bird flies off as they continue through the woods....the trees glint with snow...and up high..the stars can be seen
[00:29] > Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual) holds onto Sagiri, looking around and smiling widely
[00:29] > Sagiri Shin (winter casual) puts his arm around Topaz
[00:30] [Sagiri Shin (winter casual)] I hope you'll like where I'm taking you
[00:32] ➣ in the distance...a wooden structure can be seen
[00:34] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual)] Well, the trip is certainly wonderful
[00:36] ➣ the sled stops in front of the building..a sort of elaborate wooden cabin
[00:38] [Sagiri Shin (winter casual)] here's our stop
[00:39] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual)] Ooooo, what's this?
[00:40] > Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual) looks out at the cabin
[00:40] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual)] Where are we?
[00:41] [Sagiri Shin (winter casual)] my father's winter lodge
[00:41] [Sagiri Shin (winter casual)] I asked him if we could.....use it tonight ^^;;;
[00:42] > Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual) giggles, "help me up?"
[00:44] > Sagiri Shin (winter casual) smiles and helps Topaz out of the Sled
[00:46] > Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual) steps out with Sagiri's help
[00:47] > Sagiri Shin (winter casual) nods to the driver...who drives off, leaving the two in front of the lodge
[00:49] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual)] Wow....
[00:49] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual)] ❧ .... This is so romantic~ ❧
[00:50] > Sagiri Shin (winter casual) blushes and opens the door
[00:50] [Sagiri Shin (winter casual)] after you ^^
[00:51] > Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual) nods and walks inside
[00:53] > Sagiri Shin (winter casual) walks in after Topaz, closing the door behind them
[00:54] ➣ the lodge is rather large but spacious...at the moment the entire place is pitch black
[00:54] [Sagiri Shin (winter casual)] let me find something to light here
[00:56] > Sagiri Shin (winter casual) digs around and finds a box of matches
[00:56] > Sagiri Shin (winter casual) strikes them...and lights up a small lamp
[00:56] [Sagiri Shin (winter casual)] there we are!
[00:56] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual)] Heh, so dark
[00:56] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual)] ❧ Kind of makes it even more romantic~ ❧
[00:57] > Sagiri Shin (winter casual) blushes happily
[00:58] [Sagiri Shin (winter casual)] ❧ shall I light the fireplace? ❧
[00:58] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual)] Please do
[00:59] > Sagiri Shin (winter casual) grabs some logs and puts them in the fireplace...then lights it with a long match
[00:59] ➣ the fireplace casts long shadows in the room...bathing the entire area in a rustic yet romantic light
[01:00] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual)] ❧ Mmmm.... that's nice and warm~ ❧
[01:01] > Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual) takes off her heavy coat, sitting down in a tight sweatshirt and jeans
[01:03] > Sagiri Shin (casual) remove his coat, wearing a dark blue turtleneck and jeans
[01:03] [Sagiri Shin (casual)] I hope you don't mind spending the night here?
[01:05] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual)] Of course not. It's comfortable and I'm with you.
[01:08] > Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual) lays on a plush rug in front of the fire and calls Sagiri over
[01:10] > Sagiri Shin (casual) smiels and sits in front of the fireplace
[01:11] [Sagiri Shin (casual)] *smiles
[01:13] > Sagiri Shin (casual) holds out his arms to Topaz
[01:13] > Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual) lays her head on Sagiri's lap, watching the fire
[01:15] > Sagiri Shin (casual) strokes Topaz's hair
[01:15] [Sagiri Shin (casual)] it will be just you and me tonight ^^
[01:17] > Sagiri Shin (casual) bends over and kisses Topaz
[01:19] > Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual) kisses Sagiri, sitting up slightly
[01:22] [Sagiri Shin (casual)] ❧ mmm.... ❧
[01:22] > Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual) slowly breaks the kiss and smiles
[01:24] > Sagiri Shin (casual) returns the smile
[01:25] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual)] ❧ I love you Sagi~ ❧
[01:25] [Sagiri Shin (casual)] ❧ and I love you, Topaz ❧
[01:28] [Sagiri Shin (casual)] ❧ wait until you see the bed ❧
[01:28] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual)] ❧ Ooooooo ❧
[01:29] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual)] ❧ I'm just enjoying being right here with you for now ❧
[01:30] > Sagiri Shin (casual) smiles and nuzzles Topaz
[01:36] > Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual) snuggles with Sagiri
[01:38] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual)] So, what inspired all of this?
[01:38] [Sagiri Shin (casual)] I thought it might be nice for us to have some time alone away from our familes..and this seemed like a good place
[01:42] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual)] ❧ Well, it's excellent ❧
[01:44] > Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual) turns to lay on her back, smirking up to Sagiri
[01:44] > Sagiri Shin (casual) chuckles and smiles
[01:44] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual)] ❧ So, what was this about the bed? ❧
[01:45] [Sagiri Shin (casual)] heh well
[01:45] [Sagiri Shin (casual)] would you like to see it?
[01:45] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual)] ❧ Mmhmm~ ❧
[01:47] > Sagiri Shin (casual) stands and scoops up Topaz in his arms
[01:48] > Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual) giggles, kicking her feet lighlty
[01:48] > Sagiri Shin (casual) starts to walk up the stairs with Topaz
[01:51] > Sagiri Shin (casual) opens the door..revealing a large bedroom..and a large luxerious bed
[01:51] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual)] ❧ Oooooo ❧
[01:53] [Sagiri Shin (casual)] ❧ I'm sure it's very comfy ❧
[01:53] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual)] ❧ Let's find out ❧
[01:55] <-- Sagiri Shin (casual) [princeofmists@Mercury.org] has left #eventsbeta (tonight it's just you and me)
[01:55] <-- Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual) [SecondGenSenshi@Saturn.net] has left #eventsbeta (This is going to be magical ♡)
[14:18] ➣ Magellan Castle
[14:19] --> Steph Amber (Uniform) [Ninth.Month@Venus.gov] has joined #eventsbeta
[14:19] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Steph Amber (Uniform)
[14:19] > Steph Amber (Uniform) stands in a hallway, spraying and cleaning the pictures
[14:20] [Katori Kaioh (Royal)] hm..you missed a spot
[14:20] --> Katori Kaioh (Royal) [blueboy@seapalace.nep.co] has joined #eventsbeta
[14:20] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Katori Kaioh (Royal)
[14:21] > Steph Amber (Uniform) jumps and turns around, quickly bowing
[14:21] [Katori Kaioh (Royal)] now who do we have here
[14:21] [Steph Amber (Uniform)] M....my apologizies, Master Katori
[14:22] [Katori Kaioh (Royal)] why are you apologizing?
[14:23] [Steph Amber (Uniform)] Well, you said I missed a spot..... I thought for sure I got them all.
[14:23] [Katori Kaioh (Royal)] I was making a joke ^^
[14:25] > Steph Amber (Uniform) giggles lightly
[14:25] [Katori Kaioh (Royal)] so...what's your name?..you appear to be new
[14:25] [Steph Amber (Uniform)] And I fell for it. Very cleaver Master. ^_^
[14:25] [Steph Amber (Uniform)] Oh, I'm sorry. My name's Stephany Amber, but most people call me Steph for short.
[14:40] [Katori Kaioh (Royal)] (( check ))
[17:30] <-- Steph Amber (Uniform) [Ninth.Month@Venus.gov] has left #eventsbeta (((Site suspended due to breakdown)))
[17:51] [Steph Amber (Uniform)] (( back to it then ))
[17:51] [Katori Kaioh (Royal)] well it's a pleasure to meet you, Steph ^_~
[17:53] [Steph Amber (Uniform)] And to finally meet you Master.
[17:54] > Steph Amber (Uniform) bows to him with a smile.
[17:54] [Katori Kaioh (Royal)] no one has been mistreating you have they?
[17:55] [Steph Amber (Uniform)] Oh no! Not since I arrived, Master. Everyone's been very nice.
[17:56] [Steph Amber (Uniform)] ❧ In fact I was treated VERY nicely by one of my fellow maids last night~ ❧
[17:56] [Katori Kaioh (Royal)] well I'm glad...I want my staff to be very happy here
[17:56] [Katori Kaioh (Royal)] as well as my workers ^_~
[17:59] [Katori Kaioh (Royal)] ❧ and I'm glad that you're so happy ❧
[17:59] > Steph Amber (Uniform) giggles | May I speak frankly, Master?
[18:00] [Katori Kaioh (Royal)] you may
[18:02] [Steph Amber (Uniform)] You're must more handsome in person, Master. ^_~
[18:02] > Katori Kaioh (Royal) smiles "why thank you....and you are quite pretty"
[18:04] > Steph Amber (Uniform) giggles and courtsies | Thank you, Master Katori.
[18:05] > Katori Kaioh (Royal) suddenly looks very closly at Steph
[18:07] > Steph Amber (Uniform) stands there, looking a bit nervous at this sudden examination.
[18:07] [Katori Kaioh (Royal)] ❧ so did my wife give you the traditional venusian greeting? ❧
[18:10] [Steph Amber (Uniform)] Well, we spoke briefly on my first day. I don't believe we did anything traditional.
[18:10] [Katori Kaioh (Royal)] shame...I suppose I shall have to give it to you then
[18:11] [Steph Amber (Uniform)] Oh? I am honored, Master. But... what is the traditional Venusian greeting?
[18:12] > Katori Kaioh (Royal) dips Steph and kisses her on the lips
[18:13] [Steph Amber (Uniform)] ❧ MMMmm!~ ❧
[18:13] > Steph Amber (Uniform) is surprised by the suddeness of the kiss, but quickly kisses back, holding onto Katori's shoulder for support
[18:14] [Katori Kaioh (Royal)] ❧ mmmmm ❧
[18:20] > Katori Kaioh (Royal) slowly ends the kiss
[18:22] > Steph Amber (Uniform) looks at Katori in a bit of a daze
[18:22] [Steph Amber (Uniform)] ❧ Woah~ ❧
[18:24] [Katori Kaioh (Royal)] ❧ I hope that greeting was sufficant for you ❧
[18:26] [Steph Amber (Uniform)] ❧ Very much so.... thank you, Master~ ❧
[18:27] [Katori Kaioh (Royal)] ❧ my pleasure ❧
[18:31] > Katori Kaioh (Royal) pinches Steph's bottom
[18:31] > Steph Amber (Uniform) jumps and giggles
[18:33] [Katori Kaioh (Royal)] heh I hope you keep up the good work
[18:35] [Katori Kaioh (Royal)] oh...
[18:35] [Katori Kaioh (Royal)] perhaps later.....
[18:36] [Katori Kaioh (Royal)] ❧ you could stop by my private quarters ❧
[18:36] > Steph Amber (Uniform) blushes and nods | I.... would be honored, Master. ♡ Just let me know when. ^_^
[18:37] [Katori Kaioh (Royal)] tonight would be perfect ^_~
[18:40] [Katori Kaioh (Royal)] so as they say...is it a date?
[18:41] > Steph Amber (Uniform) nods again | Of course, Master. ^_^
[18:41] [Katori Kaioh (Royal)] I will see you then
[18:42] > Katori Kaioh (Royal) winks to Steph
[18:42] > Steph Amber (Uniform) giggles and nods, still lightly blushing.
[18:43] > Katori Kaioh (Royal) walks away..down the hall
[18:43] <-- Katori Kaioh (Royal) [blueboy@seapalace.nep.co] has left #eventsbeta (a perk in the night)
[18:43] > Steph Amber (Uniform) squeels and does a little dance in the hall after he leaves
[18:46] <-- Steph Amber (Uniform) [Ninth.Month@Venus.gov] has left #eventsbeta (I have a date with the Master tonight! ♡)
[20:38] ➣ Masato Manor
[20:38] --> Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual) [SecondGenSenshi@Saturn.net] has joined #eventsbeta
[20:38] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual)
[20:39] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual)] Dad, Mom, Mama.... I'm home! ♡
[20:40] [Queen Hotaru (Maternity dress)] Welcome home, dear.
[20:40] > Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual) drops her bag and hugs her mother tight
[20:41] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual)] Oh mom, I had such a wonderful night last night! ♡
[20:42] [Queen Hotaru (Maternity dress)] That's great~ Come, sit and tell me about it.
[20:43] > Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual) lets go of Hotaru and sits on a sofa, beaming
[20:44] > Queen Hotaru (Maternity dress) sits down next to Topaz, turning toward her.
[20:47] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual)] Mercury is so beautiful in the winter time. ^_^
[20:48] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual)] So, I go to the park where Sagiri asked me to meet him and you wouldn't believe it....
[20:48] [Queen Hotaru (Maternity dress)] Isn't it?~ ^_^
[20:49] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual)] .... he rides up in a horse drawn carriege!~
[20:50] [Queen Hotaru (Maternity dress)] Ooooh, nice~
[20:52] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual)] We rode down this path through a forest, which was sooo pretty.... and we stopped at this big log cabin.
[20:52] [Queen Hotaru (Maternity dress)] He's a very thoughtful young man.
[20:54] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual)] He is... but that wasn't even the best part
[20:54] [Queen Hotaru (Maternity dress)] Oh?
[20:55] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual)] We go into this wonderful log cabin and Sagiri gets a fire going
[20:57] [Queen Hotaru (Maternity dress)] Sounds fun~
[20:58] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual)] Oh yes, it was very romantic. We talked and snuggled....
[20:59] [Queen Hotaru (Maternity dress)] Mmmmhmmm ^_~
[21:00] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual)] ❧ .... and then we went to bed and well..... I'm sure you know the rest. ♡ ❧
[21:00] > Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual) blushes and giggles
[21:00] [Queen Hotaru (Maternity dress)] As long as you're using protection, dear.
[21:01] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual)] Oh yes..... twice over. ^_^
[21:02] [Queen Hotaru (Maternity dress)] That's good.
[21:03] [Queen Hotaru (Maternity dress)] Once you two are out of school, you can start thinking about children.. if you want to.
[21:03] > Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual) blushes and giggles again
[21:03] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual)] I'm sure his parents wouldn't want us thinking about children either just yet.
[21:04] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual)] Especially with him being so smart.
[21:05] [Queen Hotaru (Maternity dress)] You too, dear. You're no slouch academically.
[21:06] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual)] I know, but I'm not as smart as Sagiri. ^_^
[21:08] [Queen Hotaru (Maternity dress)] Well, no need to split hairs over it, as long as you two are happy, that's what's really important. ^_^
[21:09] > Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual) smiles and nods, hugging her mother
[21:10] > Queen Hotaru (Maternity dress) hugs Topaz back~
[21:10] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual)] I cannot believe I've found such a wonderful guy~
[21:12] [Queen Hotaru (Maternity dress)] I'm glad you found someone who treats you so well. :)
[21:13] [Queen Hotaru (Maternity dress)] I hope Ayaka does too when she grows up.
[21:13] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual)] Me too.
[21:13] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual)] Last thing I'd want is for my little sister to be sad when she's my age.
[21:16] [Queen Hotaru (Maternity dress)] She's gotten very close with Summer Kaioh, I'm sure she'll be a great help in that department.
[21:16] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual)] If she's anything like Ai when she grows up, I have no doubts.
[21:17] [Queen Hotaru (Maternity dress)] I hear you've been getting a lot of advice from Aiko-chan. Is it paying off?
[21:18] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual)] Oh yes, especially when it comes to clothing.
[21:18] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual)] Sagiri loves some of the things that Ai's been recommending.
[21:19] [Queen Hotaru (Maternity dress)] Hehe, I'll bet.
[21:22] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual)] So, Mom.... what are we doing for the new year?
[21:27] [Queen Hotaru (Maternity dress)] I think we're going to go to the Royal Palace celebration here. Minako's parties tend to be a little too wild for an expectant mother.
[21:27] > Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual) giggles, "Sounds good to me.
[21:28] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual)] How are you feeling, by the way?
[21:30] [Queen Hotaru (Maternity dress)] Oh, just fine. My last checkup went well, we're both healthy. ^_^
[21:33] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual)] That's great to hear. ^_^
[21:34] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual)] This is such a great time.
[21:36] [Queen Hotaru (Maternity dress)] Oh?
[21:37] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual)] Mmhmm.... so festive with all the holidays
[21:37] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual)] And soon, you'll give me a new little brother or sister. ^_^
[21:38] > Queen Hotaru (Maternity dress) chuckles. "Well, soonish. Sometime in March."
[21:39] > Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual) lays against Hotaru's shoulder
[21:42] [Queen Hotaru (Maternity dress)] Oh, are you ready for school again after New Year's?
[21:43] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual)] Yes. But are we staying here or going back to Saturn?
[21:45] [Queen Hotaru (Maternity dress)] I'll be coming to see you off since I have some things to take care of, then I'm coming back here, but it'll probably be the last trip until I have the baby.
[21:47] [Queen Hotaru (Maternity dress)] I'm sure if you'd rather transfer to a school on Earth we could arrange it. Tricky, but we are well connected. ;)
[21:50] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual)] I would love to transfer, but I think it would be better if I kept my studies consistant.
[21:52] > Queen Hotaru (Maternity dress) nods. "That's probably for the best."
[21:52] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual)] But I'll definitely come back for spring break
[21:53] [Queen Hotaru (Maternity dress)] If you need anything, you can always call us, Naftis-mama will be glad to make the trip.
[21:54] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual)] I'm sure I'll be fine, mom. Maybe I can help run things while I'm at home, with you staying here.
[21:58] [Queen Hotaru (Maternity dress)] I'll talk to Mimas while I'm there, then. She's holding the stewardship for me, but my princess should be well learned in her royal duties~
[22:02] > Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual) nods, 'Of course, mom."
[22:03] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual)] Will I be taking Ayaka back with me?
[22:07] [Queen Hotaru (Maternity dress)] No, Ayaka's going to school here this year. She wanted to be near the rest of the family.
[22:07] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual)] Alright then.
[22:10] > Queen Hotaru (Maternity dress) yawns.
[22:15] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual)] Getting tired, mom?
[22:16] [Queen Hotaru (Maternity dress)] Yeah. I didn't get a lot of sleep last night.
[22:17] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual)] I'll help you into bed, mom.
[22:17] > Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual) stands and holds a hand out to her mother
[22:18] [Queen Hotaru (Maternity dress)] Oh, thank you, dear~
[22:18] > Queen Hotaru (Maternity dress) takes Topaz' hand and stands.
[22:20] > Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual) puts her arm around her mother's back and smiles
[22:21] <-- Queen Hotaru (Maternity dress) [Healing.Queen@Saturn.org] has left #eventsbeta (You are a very sweet daughter~)
[22:22] <-- Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual) [SecondGenSenshi@Saturn.net] has left #eventsbeta (I would do anything for you, mom. ^_^)
[00:00] >>> Wednesday Dec 28 2011 <<<
[11:34] ➣ Central Tokyo, Coffee shop
[11:34] > Belinda Vila Lobos (Winter Casual) sits, watching people walk by on the street, sipping a warm cup of tea
[11:37] > Taki Kou (Winter Casual) walks into view, taking a photo of a child playing with their mother
[11:37] > Belinda Vila Lobos (Winter Casual) notices Taki though the window and grins
[11:38] > Belinda Vila Lobos (Winter Casual) takes her camera out of her bag and takes a few shots of Taki through the window
[11:39] > Taki Kou (Winter Casual) checks his camera
[11:40] > Belinda Vila Lobos (Winter Casual) giggles a little as she clicks another couple of shots
[11:41] > Taki Kou (Winter Casual) looks aorund, suddenly feeling like he's being watched
[11:41] > Belinda Vila Lobos (Winter Casual) sets down her camera and just looks out the window towards Taki
[11:43] > Taki Kou (Winter Casual) finally looks towards the cafe
[11:44] > Belinda Vila Lobos (Winter Casual) waves to Taki and winks with a smile
[11:45] > Taki Kou (Winter Casual) smiles and starts to walk to the cafe
[11:46] > Belinda Vila Lobos (Winter Casual) sips her tea, looking over the photos she just took of Taki
[11:46] > Taki Kou (Winter Casual) walks in and waves
[11:46] [Taki Kou (Winter Casual)] hi there
[11:47] [Belinda Vila Lobos (Winter Casual)] Hey, handsome. Come sit with me. ^_^
[11:48] [Taki Kou (Winter Casual)] ^^
[11:48] > Taki Kou (Winter Casual) sits down across from Belinda
[11:49] [Belinda Vila Lobos (Winter Casual)] By the way, thank you for those pictures from our special photo session. ^_~
[11:50] > Taki Kou (Winter Casual) blushes "my pleasure"
[11:52] [Belinda Vila Lobos (Winter Casual)] So, what brings you here today, hmm?
[11:53] [Taki Kou (Winter Casual)] just taking some photos and enjoying the weather really
[11:53] [Taki Kou (Winter Casual)] what about you?
[11:55] [Belinda Vila Lobos (Winter Casual)] Pretty much the same. Came in here to warm up.
[11:56] [Taki Kou (Winter Casual)] heh yes it is a mite chilly out there, isn't it
[11:57] [Belinda Vila Lobos (Winter Casual)] Indeed it is.
[11:57] > Belinda Vila Lobos (Winter Casual) sips her tea and grins a little
[11:58] [Belinda Vila Lobos (Winter Casual)] You want to see some proof of how cold it is out there?
[11:58] [Taki Kou (Winter Casual)] heh certainly
[11:59] > Belinda Vila Lobos (Winter Casual) starts to open her coat
[12:00] > Taki Kou (Winter Casual) blushes even brighter
[12:00] > Belinda Vila Lobos (Winter Casual) smirks and pulls a photo out of her inside pocket, the photo is of a man running down the street with a large cloud of steam coming from his mouth
[12:01] [Belinda Vila Lobos (Winter Casual)] ❧ Get your mind out of the gutter, Taki~ :P ❧
[12:01] > Taki Kou (Winter Casual) gives a sigh of relief "true"
[12:04] > Belinda Vila Lobos (Winter Casual) giggles / What would you do if I DID flash you right here? ♡
[12:04] [Taki Kou (Winter Casual)] heh I would probably require assitance in recovering from the beauty shock
[12:06] > Belinda Vila Lobos (Winter Casual) giggles some more and blushes / You flatterer.
[12:07] > Taki Kou (Winter Casual) orders a coffee
[12:08] [Belinda Vila Lobos (Winter Casual)] Do you have any plans for New Year's Eve?
[12:09] [Taki Kou (Winter Casual)] not really
[12:10] [Taki Kou (Winter Casual)] how about you?
[12:11] [Belinda Vila Lobos (Winter Casual)] Well, I have a pair of tickets to a rather exclusive party. I was wondering if you'd like to be my date. ^_~
[12:12] [Taki Kou (Winter Casual)] I would be honored
[12:15] [Taki Kou (Winter Casual)] ^^
[12:15] > Belinda Vila Lobos (Winter Casual) smiles / Good. The party is formal dress, which I'm sure you'll have no problem with.
[12:33] [Taki Kou (Winter Casual)] heh I'm sure I can dig something out for it
[12:33] [Belinda Vila Lobos (Winter Casual)] You'll look fantastic, I'm sure. ♡
[12:35] [Taki Kou (Winter Casual)] well I'm sure you'll look wonderful in whatever you will be wearing
[12:37] [Belinda Vila Lobos (Winter Casual)] There you go, flattering me again.
[12:37] > Belinda Vila Lobos (Winter Casual) winks and sips her tea
[12:37] > Taki Kou (Winter Casual) drinks his coffee
[12:40] [Taki Kou (Winter Casual)] heh shall I stop then
[12:41] [Belinda Vila Lobos (Winter Casual)] Oh no, please continue if you feel the need.
[12:42] [Taki Kou (Winter Casual)] so....were you photographing me earlier?
[12:43] [Belinda Vila Lobos (Winter Casual)] Mmhmm
[12:45] [Belinda Vila Lobos (Winter Casual)] Would you like to see?
[12:46] [Taki Kou (Winter Casual)] love to
[12:47] > Belinda Vila Lobos (Winter Casual) hands Taki her camera
[12:52] > Taki Kou (Winter Casual) checks the camera
[12:55] [Taki Kou (Winter Casual)] my my
[12:57] [Belinda Vila Lobos (Winter Casual)] Hmm?
[12:59] [Taki Kou (Winter Casual)] very good very good
[12:59] [Belinda Vila Lobos (Winter Casual)] I'm glad you like.
[12:59] > Belinda Vila Lobos (Winter Casual) finishes her tea
[13:01] > Taki Kou (Winter Casual) finishes his coffee
[13:02] [Taki Kou (Winter Casual)] heh do you plan to keep photographing me?
[13:03] [Belinda Vila Lobos (Winter Casual)] I would like to. You're very photogenic.
[13:04] [Taki Kou (Winter Casual)] well you can take photos of me...if I can take photos of you
[13:05] [Belinda Vila Lobos (Winter Casual)] I have no problem with that. ^_~
[13:11] > Taki Kou (Winter Casual) smiles
[13:12] [Taki Kou (Winter Casual)] heh so is it an agreement?
[13:13] [Belinda Vila Lobos (Winter Casual)] Indeed. ^_^
[13:16] [Taki Kou (Winter Casual)] would you perhaps like to start that today..I have some photo ideas I would love to try on you
[13:16] [Belinda Vila Lobos (Winter Casual)] Sure, I have no plans.
[13:16] [Belinda Vila Lobos (Winter Casual)] What did you have in mind?
[13:22] [Taki Kou (Winter Casual)] how about something taken in the park
[13:24] [Belinda Vila Lobos (Winter Casual)] Sure.
[13:24] > Belinda Vila Lobos (Winter Casual) stands, putting her camera in her bag and leaving some money
[13:25] > Taki Kou (Winter Casual) stands as well
[13:26] [Taki Kou (Winter Casual)] I know just the place ^_~
[13:27] [Belinda Vila Lobos (Winter Casual)] Then lead the way~
[13:27] > Taki Kou (Winter Casual) leaves the cafe
[13:28] > Belinda Vila Lobos (Winter Casual) follows behind Taki
[13:29] <-- Taki Kou (Winter Casual) has left #eventsbeta (I'm sure you'll look great with the scenery)
[13:30] [Belinda Vila Lobos (Winter Casual)] This should be fun
[13:30] <-- Belinda Vila Lobos (Winter Casual) has left #eventsbeta (^)
[19:46] ➣ Route Venus plays softly from the dim laundry room of Magellan castle, several washing machines and dryers lining the walls, and several more racks and baskets taking up space all around.
[19:47] > April sits on a bench, folding laundry in one basket and placing it in another.
[19:48] --> Katori Kaioh (Royal) [blueboy@seapalace.nep.co] has joined #eventsbeta
[19:48] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Katori Kaioh (Royal)
[19:48] [Katori Kaioh (Royal)] working coming well?
[19:48] [April] Mmm? Ohh yes, hello Master.
[19:49] [Katori Kaioh (Royal)] and how are you feeling this fine evening ^^
[19:49] > April stands and curtsies, a small bump barely visable in her midsection under her outfit.
[19:49] [April] Ohh, as well as an expectant mother can. ^^; And what bring you here, Master? May I get you something? Service you somehow?
[19:51] [Katori Kaioh (Royal)] just wanted to make sure you were alright ^^
[19:51] [April] Aww... thank you, Master. I am. ♡ We both are.
[19:52] > Katori Kaioh (Royal) smiles and hugs April from behind "I'm very glad of that"
[19:52] > April giggles and squeezes his arm.
[19:53] [April] ❧ Awww~ Master is too kind to me. ❧
[19:54] [Katori Kaioh (Royal)] well I have to make sure the mother of my child is doing well ^_^
[19:55] [April] How are your affairs in the castle? Having any fun with the new maids?
[19:56] [Katori Kaioh (Royal)] oh that new girl, Steph...she is quite impressive
[19:57] [April] That's good to hear. May I ask why?
[20:00] [Katori Kaioh (Royal)] well her talents from her last job are obviously transferring to her current postion
[20:02] [April] ❧ Ohh~ You mean the escort service? I imagine it helps when one must 'escort' very important people about the castle. ❧
[20:03] [Katori Kaioh (Royal)] ❧ that is quite true ❧
[20:05] > Katori Kaioh (Royal) hugs April a bit closer
[20:06] > April squeaks a little, sounding happy.
[20:06] [April] Careful~ Some places are extra ♡ sensitive. ♡
[20:07] > April has a softer chest than she ever has.
[20:07] [Katori Kaioh (Royal)] I'll be very careful ^_~
[20:09] [Katori Kaioh (Royal)] you do know...after a certain point..I will be required to pull you off work duty
[20:14] [April] Of course. After a certain point I know I will be unable to perform my maidly duties. After all, Master has given me a much more important duty than folding laundry, and I wouldn't dream of insulting it by dividing my attention. Mistress Jane has already explained that she understands that. It's a shame that this means I have to shelve my masochism and my stimulants, but it's worth it.
[20:16] [Katori Kaioh (Royal)] well I hope so *smiles and carresses April's cheek*
[20:17] [April] ❧ I do hope you plan on making sure this child sees plenty of love, both before and after the birth~ ❧
[20:17] > April helps herself to a handful of Katori's crotch.
[20:19] [Katori Kaioh (Royal)] whoa!...heh.....
[20:20] [Katori Kaioh (Royal)] ❧ found something there you enjoy? ❧
[20:21] [April] ❧ I think our lovechild is proof of that. ❧
[20:21] > April turns anf faces him, still in his arms.
[20:21] [Katori Kaioh (Royal)] ❧ indeed it is ❧
[20:22] > Katori Kaioh (Royal) smiles to April
[20:24] > Katori Kaioh (Royal) kisses April
[20:24] > April straightens up, aided by her high heels, and arches her head back to kiss him, squeezing his shoulders to pull herself up.
[20:26] > Katori Kaioh (Royal) holds the kiss
[20:28] > April makes low moans as she returns it.
[20:30] > Katori Kaioh (Royal) slowly ends the kiss
[20:31] [April] I love you, Master. *.*
[20:33] [Katori Kaioh (Royal)] and I love you, April
[20:35] [Katori Kaioh (Royal)] ^_^
[20:35] [April] *^.^*
[20:35] [April] Is Master hoping for a boy or a girl?
[20:36] [Katori Kaioh (Royal)] it would be nice if it was a boy..but I am fine with either
[20:38] [April] Mmm... Master's little prince... taking after his strong, masculine father~ That sounds so nice.
[20:38] > April runs a hand over her belly and closes her eyes, imagining.
[20:41] > Katori Kaioh (Royal) smiles and puts his hand on her belly as well
[20:42] [April] You hear us in there? Grow into a healthy young boy for your father, the king.
[20:42] > Katori Kaioh (Royal) chuckles at that
[20:43] [April] Master will have to think of a name, too. In time, of course.
[20:44] [Katori Kaioh (Royal)] heh now that will be all important
[20:45] [April] Of course! A child's name is the very first gift it recieves.
[20:46] [Katori Kaioh (Royal)] I will want your imput on it as well
[20:47] [April] Well.. I wouldn't dare insult your royal seed with a common name.. but if you come up with some ideas, perhaps master would let me pick?
[20:49] [Katori Kaioh (Royal)] of course!
[20:54] [Katori Kaioh (Royal)] that would be perfect!
[20:57] > Katori Kaioh (Royal) looks up at a clock
[20:57] [Katori Kaioh (Royal)] I'm afraid I must go
[20:57] [April] Very well. ^.^ Shall I return to the laundry, Master, or perhaps you have something more important for me?
[20:59] [Katori Kaioh (Royal)] finish the laundry..and then...would you clean my study for me ^^
[21:00] [April] Of course, Master.
[21:00] > April curtsies again.
[21:01] > Katori Kaioh (Royal) gives April another kiss "I'm making you my personal maid"
[21:01] > April returns the kiss, but can't help gasping in the middle of it.
[21:03] > Katori Kaioh (Royal) smiles
[21:04] [April] Mmaamama... maaaAster! o.o Really?
[21:05] [Katori Kaioh (Royal)] really
[21:05] > April curtsies much deeper and holds it, blushing madly.
[21:06] [April] It.. it is an honor to be chosen.. I shall serve as master's personal handmaid, and treat his word as my highest law. Please inform Mistress Jane at your convenience.
[21:06] [Katori Kaioh (Royal)] I shall *smiles*
[21:07] > April stands up right, and after gawking for a moment, snaps out of it and sits down, removing her heels. >.<
[21:08] [April] Um.. perhaps I should opt for better footware as my feet are swelling. >.>
[21:08] > Katori Kaioh (Royal) laughs a little but smiles
[21:08] [Katori Kaioh (Royal)] I will talk to Jane about that as well
[21:10] [Katori Kaioh (Royal)] I must go now
[21:10] [Katori Kaioh (Royal)] farewell, my little maid ^_~
[21:11] [April] Farewell, my master. ♡
[21:13] <-- Katori Kaioh (Royal) [blueboy@seapalace.nep.co] has left #eventsbeta
[21:14] > April waits for a few moments to pass, then squeals with delight and kicks her feet.
[21:14] <-- April [fourthmonth@venus.net] has left #eventsbeta (If May was jealous before~)
[22:25] [@HOL_6000] Katori Kaioh (Royal) rolls: 1d2 { 1 }
[00:00] >>> Thursday Dec 29 2011 <<<
[13:19] ➣ Kaze House
[13:24] --> Hideki Kaze (casual) [AirKnight@Qtech.com] has joined #eventsbeta
[13:24] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Hideki Kaze (casual)
[13:24] > Hideki Kaze (casual) walks out of his office, stretching and yawning
[13:24] --> Vanadine (Suit) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has joined #eventsbeta
[13:24] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Vanadine (Suit)
[13:24] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Vanadine (Suit)
[13:24] > +Vanadine (Suit) walks in, dressed in a pant suit, carrying her title belt on her shoulder.
[13:25] [Hideki Kaze (casual)] hm?...oh morning vana....or is it afternoon....
[13:27] [+Vanadine (Suit)] It's afternoon, 'deki. Just came home from a big press conference.
[13:27] > Hideki Kaze (casual) looks around for a clock
[13:27] [Hideki Kaze (casual)] how did it go?
[13:29] [+Vanadine (Suit)] Interesting. I met my opponent for the big show on the 4th
[13:31] [+Vanadine (Suit)] He's actually from scotland, not a bad looking guy either.
[13:33] [Hideki Kaze (casual)] heh sounds interesting...
[13:33] [Hideki Kaze (casual)] heh....better looking then me?
[13:34] [+Vanadine (Suit)] ❧ Of course not..~ ❧
[13:34] > +Vanadine (Suit) walks over and hugs Hideki
[13:35] > Hideki Kaze (casual) returns the hug
[13:36] [+Vanadine (Suit)] ❧ No man is more handsome then my 'deki. ^_^ ❧
[13:37] [Hideki Kaze (casual)] heh thank you, Vana
[13:37] [Hideki Kaze (casual)] have you had lunch yet?
[13:39] [+Vanadine (Suit)] Actually no, I'm famished!
[13:39] [+Vanadine (Suit)] I thought they were providing lunch at the conference, but all they had was water.
[13:39] [Hideki Kaze (casual)] how about we grab something from the kitchen......that is if you don't mind ramen ^^;;;
[13:41] [Hideki Kaze (casual)] only thing I can really make....
[13:41] [+Vanadine (Suit)] Where's Matsy?
[13:42] [Hideki Kaze (casual)] she's at work still
[13:44] [+Vanadine (Suit)] Ahh
[13:44] [+Vanadine (Suit)] Well, how do you feel about going out for lunch?
[13:45] [Hideki Kaze (casual)] that might be a better idea then mine ^^;;;
[13:46] > +Vanadine (Suit) giggles a little: Let me go put my belt away. Might not be a good idea to run around town carrying this thing.
[13:48] [Hideki Kaze (casual)] heh don't want it stolen
[13:51] [+Vanadine (Suit)] Well, there's that and I don't wanna' draw any extra attention.
[13:52] [Hideki Kaze (casual)] heh true...don't want to be mobbed by your fans
[13:53] > +Vanadine (Suit) nods lightly: I know a nice place where we'll have all the privacy we need.
[13:53] > +Vanadine (Suit) walks upstairs
[13:54] > Hideki Kaze (casual) smiles and goes to find his coat
[13:59] > Hideki Kaze (casual) puts it on, waiting near the door
[13:59] > +Vanadine (Suit) comes back down to Hideki and smiles: Ready?
[14:01] [Hideki Kaze (casual)] heh definatly!
[14:02] <-- +Vanadine (Suit) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has left #eventsbeta (Let's get going then. Should be a nice day out. ^_^)
[14:03] <-- Hideki Kaze (casual) [AirKnight@Qtech.com] has left #eventsbeta (it really is)
[20:24] ➣ The Starlights' Mansion on Earth
[20:24] --> Kitalia [Spirit_Talker@spiritkingdoms.gov] has joined #eventsbeta
[20:24] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Kitalia
[20:25] > Kitalia knocks on Seiya's door. "I know you're in there..."
[20:26] [Seiya Kou (casual)] /FLASH go away....
[20:26] [Kitalia] It's not very good to hide from your own princess, Seiya... If there's a problem, you should feel free to talk to me!
[20:30] [Seiya Kou (casual)] ☇ ....just...leave me alone.... ☇
[20:30] [Kitalia] Seiya Kou! Do not make me break down this door with my sword!
[20:31] ➣ the door unlocks....
[20:33] > Kitalia enters Seiya's room "Now, what has caused you to hide from me for nearly a month?"
[20:50] [Kitalia] (( what the hell is with this lag O_o ))
[20:55] [Kitalia] (( test? ))
[20:55] [Seiya Kou (casual)] (( check ))
[20:56] [Kitalia] (( Moved to Old Box ))
[20:57] [@The Server] (( Afraid it's an ungoing issue. I need to address Jon on it, though I doubt anything can be done. ))
[00:00] >>> Saturday Dec 31 2011 <<<
[01:47] ➣ Kaze House
[01:47] --> Matsumi Kaze (nightgown) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has joined #eventsbeta
[01:47] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)
[01:47] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)
[01:47] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightgown) walks down the steps and towards the kitchen
[01:47] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] ...if I can just make it without anyone hearing me....
[01:50] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightgown) reaches for the fridge
[01:51] --> Vanadine (Nightgown) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has joined #eventsbeta
[01:51] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Vanadine (Nightgown)
[01:51] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Vanadine (Nightgown)
[01:51] > +Vanadine (Nightgown) creeps up behind Matsumi with a grin
[01:52] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightgown) grabs the handle of the fridge...
[01:53] [+Vanadine (Nightgown)] ❧ OooooooOOOOOoooooo~ ❧
[01:54] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightgown) zooms to the otherside of the wall, trying to catch her breath O_O
[01:55] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] Vana!!!
[01:56] > +Vanadine (Nightgown) giggles, doing creepy fingers
[01:57] [+Vanadine (Nightgown)] ❧ I've caught the dreaded fridge bandit ❧
[01:57] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] don't do that O_O
[01:57] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] I was just getting a midnight snack >3>
[01:59] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] hey..what are you doing up?
[02:00] [+Vanadine (Nightgown)] I woke up when you got out of ed.
[02:00] [+Vanadine (Nightgown)] ^bed
[02:02] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightgown) walks back to the fridge, opening it
[02:03] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] I can't help it >_< I need a midnight snack!
[02:04] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightgown) pulls some leftovers
[02:05] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] and I was hoping you guys wouldn't notice me doing this >.>
[02:06] [+Vanadine (Nightgown)] I almost always notice when you two get out of bed
[02:08] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] and then you sneak out and follow us?
[02:10] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightgown) eats some cold noodles
[02:10] [+Vanadine (Nightgown)] Nah, just this time. :P
[02:12] > +Matsumi Kaze (nightgown) stuffs some noodles into vana's mouth
[02:13] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] stalker :P
[02:15] > +Vanadine (Nightgown) smirks as she eats the noodles
[02:16] [+Matsumi Kaze (nightgown)] listen..what are we going to do for new years eve *slurps the noodles*
[22:07] ➣ Scene suspended due to site breaking down.
[22:56] ➣ Alchemia, Mercury, the future
[22:56] --> Sagiri Shin (winter casual) [princeofmists@Mercury.org] has joined #eventsbeta
[22:56] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Sagiri Shin (winter casual)
[22:56] > Sagiri Shin (winter casual) runs towards a large crowd..which are surrounding a series of giant fountains
[22:57] [Sagiri Shin (winter casual)] Topaz! come on!
[22:58] --> Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual) [SecondGenSenshi@Saturn.net] has joined #eventsbeta
[22:58] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual)
[22:59] > Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual) runs after Sagiri, "I'm coming as fast as I can!"
[23:01] > Sagiri Shin (winter casual) smiles moving through the crowd and standing in front of the three massive fountains "ok I'm over here!"
[23:03] > Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual) catches up with Sagiri and stands next to him
[23:03] [Sagiri Shin (winter casual)] are you ready for this?
[23:05] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual)] I think so, what's about to happen?
[23:05] [Sagiri Shin (winter casual)] something we do every year for the new years here
[23:06] ➣ the three fountains are massive..each displaying a classical water goddess......
[23:08] > Sagiri Shin (winter casual) pulls Topaz close to him
[23:08] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual)] The fountains are beautiful
[23:08] ➣ the lights suddenly go out in the city
[23:09] > Sagiri Shin (winter casual) smiles to Topaz
[23:10] > Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual) holds onto Sagiri's arm, watching
[23:11] ➣ the lights come out on the fountains..and classical music starts to play as the fountains blow water high in the sky to the sound of it
[23:12] [Sagiri Shin (winter casual)] I've come here ever since I was a child...
[23:13] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual)] Oooooo
[23:15] ➣ some of the water splashes topaz and sagiri
[23:17] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual)] Woah
[23:19] > Sagiri Shin (winter casual) hugs Topaz, the fountain waters dancing to a song of new years
[23:21] [Sagiri Shin (winter casual)] I hope it was worth it for you to come here :)
[23:22] > Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual) holds onto Sagiri, "Of course it was"
[23:24] ➣ the fountain gives a loud boom to a chorus and the flying water turns into small ice crystals
[23:24] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual)] Oh wow!
[23:30] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual)] It's so pretty!
[23:31] ➣ the show ends...and the lights come back up..but now they're all a shade of blue
[23:34] ➣ the crowd is applauding....them?
[23:34] > Sagiri Shin (winter casual) blushes and elbows topaz a bit in the side to get her attention
[23:37] [Sagiri Shin (winter casual)] ..I think they want a speech...
[23:37] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual)] Huh?
[23:38] [Sagiri Shin (winter casual)] um...hello...people of mercury.....
[23:39] [Sagiri Shin (winter casual)] um....we celebreate the coming year.........for...for....with joy!....so...
[23:39] [Sagiri Shin (winter casual)] ENJOY!
[23:39] ➣ there are applause
[23:39] [Sagiri Shin (winter casual)] ..part of being a prince >.>
[23:39] > Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual) giggles shyly
[23:40] > Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual) looks towards the crowd
[23:40] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual)] I um..... I know I'm a bit of an outsider here.... but....
[23:42] ➣ the crowd is staring at Topaz
[23:44] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual)] ...on behalf of the Royal family of Saturn, I would like to wish everyone here on Mercury a very happy new year.
[23:46] ➣ there is applause and cheers for Topaz
[23:48] > Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual) smiles and bows to the crowd, giggeling lightly
[23:49] ➣ from the crowd there's a cry of "THREE CHEERS FOR THE ROYAL COUPLE"
[23:49] [Sagiri Shin (winter casual)] ..........*turns super red*
[23:50] > Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual) blushes as well and giggles again
[23:52] > Sagiri Shin (winter casual) looks up....as the blue lights start to flash in sequence...
[23:54] [Sagiri Shin (winter casual)] ..almost time
[23:55] > Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual) smiles and holds Sagiri
[23:56] ➣ the flashes start to get faster...
[23:59] ➣ the flases are now nearly one light
[00:00] >>> Sunday Jan 01 2012 <<<
[00:00] ➣ the lights BURST into a brillent blue light
[00:00] ➣ fireworks go off
[00:00] [Sagiri Shin (winter casual)] happy new year, Topaz!
[00:01] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual)] Happy New Year, Sagiri ^_^
[00:01] > Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual) pulls Sagiri into a kiss
[00:02] > Sagiri Shin (winter casual) returns the kiss..and dips her
[00:03] > Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual) holds onto Sagiri, not thinking about those who might be watching, kissing him
[00:05] > Sagiri Shin (winter casual) holds onto the kiss
[00:10] > Sagiri Shin (winter casual) slowy ends the kiss
[00:11] > Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual) smiles and giggles a little
[00:15] ➣ everyone is cheering....for Topaz and Sagiri
[00:15] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual)] Well that was...... highly public.
[00:18] [Sagiri Shin (winter casual)] yeah...>.>
[00:18] > Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual) smiles, "That's alright with me..... if t's alright with you"
[00:20] [Sagiri Shin (winter casual)] it is :)
[00:21] > Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual) smiles and bows to the crowd again, "Thank you all"
[00:22] > Sagiri Shin (winter casual) smiles and waves
[00:22] ➣ the fireworks continue
[00:26] > Sagiri Shin (winter casual) puts his arm around Topaz, pulling her close
[00:28] > Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual) holds Sagiri, watching the firewords
[00:31] [Sagiri Shin (winter casual)] I hope you didn't mind spending your new years here
[00:32] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual)] Not at all. ^_^
[00:34] [Sagiri Shin (winter casual)] ...do you have to go home tonight?
[00:37] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual)] No, but I do have to make a phone call. Perhaps you'd join me?
[00:38] [Sagiri Shin (winter casual)] oh sure!
[00:38] > Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual) starts to walk away from the crowd towards an unoccupied building
[00:39] > Sagiri Shin (winter casual) follows Topaz
[00:41] > Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual) dials on her phone and puts the call on speaker
[00:43] [Queen Hotaru] ☇ Hello? ☇
[00:43] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual)] Hey Mom! Happy New Year!
[00:44] [Queen Hotaru] ☇ Happy New Year, dear~ Are you still on Mercury with Sagiri-chan? ☇
[00:45] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual)] Yeah! He's right here with me.
[00:46] [Sagiri Shin (winter casual)] um..hello miss Hotaru ^^;;;
[00:48] [Queen Hotaru] ☇ Hello, dear~ Very impressive kiss, by the way~ We saw it on the highlights at the show here~ ☇
[00:49] > Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual) blushes and giggles
[00:50] [Sagiri Shin (winter casual)] um..oh wow....didn't know..it was..broadcast..there...
[00:50] [Sagiri Shin (winter casual)] ^^;;;
[00:52] [Queen Hotaru] ☇ Everyone here was pretty excited to see it~ You two are going to be popular gossip. ☇
[00:53] [Sagiri Shin (winter casual)] oh um..happy new years to you....I should have probably said that before >.>
[00:54] [Queen Hotaru] ☇ Happy New Year's, dear~ ☇
[00:55] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual)] Thank you mom. ^_^ Did you get to see my little speech too?
[00:56] [Queen Hotaru] ☇ Yes we did, nice improvisation. You'll make a good queen someday. ☇
[00:58] > Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual) giggles again, "Is Ayaka still up?"
[00:59] [Queen Hotaru] ☇ I think so. She was with your father last I saw her. I think they're getting a blessing from the Queen. ☇
[01:02] [Sagiri Shin (winter casual)] I wonder if father and mother are celebrating right now
[01:03] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual)] I'm sure they are
[01:04] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual)] Well, if Ayaka is busy with dad, I'll wait and talk to her tomorrow. I haven't told Sagiri the big news yet.
[01:04] [Sagiri Shin (winter casual)] hm?
[01:04] [Sagiri Shin (winter casual)] big news?
[01:06] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual)] Mom, I'm going to stay with Sagiri tonight and come home tomorrow afternoon, alright?
[01:07] [Queen Hotaru] ☇ That sounds just fine, dear. ☇
[01:10] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual)] Okay mom, give Ayaka, mama-Naftis and dad a kiss for me and I'll see you all tomorrow.
[01:11] [Queen Hotaru] ☇ I will, dear~ You have a good night~ ☇
[01:12] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual)] I will, mom. I love you. Goodnight. ^_^
[01:12] [Sagiri Shin (winter casual)] night Miss Masato!
[01:14] [Queen Hotaru] ☇ Night, dear~ Take good care of my daughter. ☇
[01:15] [Sagiri Shin (winter casual)] I shall!!
[01:18] [Sagiri Shin (winter casual)] you can count on me!
[01:19] [Queen Hotaru] ☇ I know I can, night you two~ ☇
[01:20] <-- Queen Hotaru [Healing.Queen@Saturn.org] has left #eventsbeta (*hangs up*)
[01:21] > Sagiri Shin (winter casual) takes a deep breath
[01:22] > Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual) closes her phone and smiles
[01:22] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual)] Wow.... we were really on tv kissing. ^_^;;
[01:24] [Sagiri Shin (winter casual)] I guess ^^;;;;
[01:25] [Sagiri Shin (winter casual)] so what's this big news you said?
[01:27] > Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual) holds Sagiri's hands and sighs
[01:27] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual)] When winter break's over...... I'm going back to Saturn
[01:28] [Sagiri Shin (winter casual)] y..you are
[01:28] [Sagiri Shin (winter casual)] when will I be able to see you again?
[01:29] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual)] Well, I'd love for you to come see me....
[01:29] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual)] .... but I won't be able to come back here until at least spring break.
[01:30] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual)] In addition to school... I'm going to take on some of mom's royal duties also.
[01:32] [Sagiri Shin (winter casual)] oh I...understand......
[01:34] > Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual) sighs, "You.... don't like it..."
[01:37] [Sagiri Shin (winter casual)] I just need to think
[01:37] [Sagiri Shin (winter casual)] of a way..I can seee you in some way
[01:38] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual)] Well..... we can set up a video chat channel together.
[01:39] [Sagiri Shin (winter casual)] that's true
[01:42] > Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual) pulls Sagiri in close and grins
[01:42] > Sagiri Shin (winter casual) looks at Topaz
[01:42] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual)] ❧ That's what makes tonight that much more..... important~ ❧
[01:44] > Sagiri Shin (winter casual) smiles a bit and nods
[01:46] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual)] Well then, how about we get somewhere we can be alone? ^_~
[01:47] [Sagiri Shin (winter casual)] lets *smiles*
[01:50] > Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual) takes Sagiri's hand with a smile
[01:51] <-- Topaz Tomoe (Winter Casual) [SecondGenSenshi@Saturn.net] has left #eventsbeta (We have to make this night very memorable)
[01:51] > Sagiri Shin (winter casual) grips topaz's hand tightly
[01:51] <-- Sagiri Shin (winter casual) [princeofmists@Mercury.org] has left #eventsbeta (that's for sure)
[11:32] ➣ Bright winter sunlight penetrates the windows of Magellan Castle on Venus. Empty an half-empty bottles, tins, plates, as well as a wide variety of stains, and a number of passed out bodies in various degrees of dress are evidence of a wild New Years Party. Art objects lay askew or toppled neat their usual place, garments hang from furniture or lay in piles. Bodies are starting to stir, some making effort to clothe themselves, and are making their leave.
[11:32] --> April [fourthmonth@venus.net] has joined #eventsbeta
[11:32] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, April
[11:33] > April seems unphased by the party, and is vacuuming around most of the obstacles on the floor.
[11:33] --> Queen Minako (Ruined dress) [SoldierOfLove@Venus.net] has joined #eventsbeta
[11:33] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Queen Minako (Ruined dress)
[11:34] > Queen Minako (Ruined dress) is sleeping on a couch, her long silky dress pulled partway down close to her bust and up past her knees, with several dark stains on it.
[11:35] --> Akihiko Kaioh has joined #eventsbeta
[11:35] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Akihiko Kaioh
[11:35] > Akihiko Kaioh is lying face down and naked on the balcony, face covered by a pillow and beginning to stir.
[11:36] --> Juli [seventhmonth@venus.net] has joined #eventsbeta
[11:36] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Juli
[11:37] > Juli is sleeping in the fetal position, not far from Minako and clutching a cussion, drooling, his maid outfit torn and riding up.
[11:37] > April sprays a pile of vomit with a spray bottle, then proceeds to start vacuuming it. >.<
[11:39] [April] ☠ This is too much for a pregnant woman to endure. >.< ☠
[11:39] --> Jane [FirstMonth@venus.net] has joined #eventsbeta
[11:39] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Jane
[11:42] --> Artemis (feline) [AnimalGuardian@Venus.gov] has joined #eventsbeta
[11:42] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Artemis (feline)
[11:42] > Jane's hair looks unkempt, but her maid uniform is straight. She has opted for slippers instead of heals, and makes her way collecting trash and throwing it in a bin.
[11:42] > Artemis (feline) sleeps on the back of the couch above Minako's head
[11:42] [Queen Minako (Ruined dress)] Unnggg... my head...
[11:42] --> Steph Amber [Ninth.Month@Venus.gov] has joined #eventsbeta
[11:42] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Steph Amber
[11:43] [Jane] Happy New Year, Queen. Have fun last night?
[11:43] > Steph Amber lays out on the balcony near Aki, her uniorm top torn apart, barely covering her chest and various stains on her skirt
[11:43] [Queen Minako (Ruined dress)] I.. don't remember.. I feel pretty funky. ~.~
[11:44] > Artemis (feline) yawns as he starts to stir, rolling and falling on top of Mina's stomach
[11:44] [Jane] I imagine. You were enjoying... well, enjoying the festivities, and your guests, to the fullest.
[11:45] > Queen Minako (Ruined dress) jumps a little in shock, about three seconds after Artemis falls on her.
[11:45] [Artemis (feline)] Ooof.... gah... I'm sorry Mina... =>_<=
[11:45] [Queen Minako (Ruined dress)] I was. o.o Which guests?
[11:45] > Queen Minako (Ruined dress) starts petting Artemis, perhaps out of habit.
[11:46] > Artemis (feline) curls up on Mina | "Not so loud.... my head is pounding" >_<
[11:47] [Jane] Lets see... I saw you with the King, Sir Artemis.. I believe you started making out with Prince Aki, until Steph pulled him away...
[11:48] > Queen Minako (Ruined dress)'s eyes go wide, and she sits up, dropping Artemis and vomiting over the back of the couch. >_<
[11:48] > Jane moves her bucket under Mina's face. ~_~
[11:48] > Steph Amber starts to stir and sits up, groaning a bit as she sits up, hitting Aki's hanging arm
[11:49] [Jane] There may have been more. We'll have to do the usual audit of the security system..
[11:49] > Artemis (feline) hits the floor as he's dropped
[11:50] > April throws a towel over Akihiko.
[11:50] [Artemis (feline)] Wait.... you said Mina..... with ME!?
[11:50] > Artemis (feline) winces as his voice raises
[11:50] [Queen Minako (Ruined dress)] Ohhh man..
[11:50] [Steph Amber] Oh my..... good morning April.... ~_~
[11:51] [Queen Minako (Ruined dress)] Hehh.. it's a shame I don't remember it, Artemis. I bet you are a great lover.
[11:51] [April] Morning. Would you mind pulling yourself together and helping clean??
[11:51] > Artemis (feline) blushes lightly through his fur
[11:51] [Steph Amber] O...of course.
[11:51] > Jane walks over to Juli, gently kicking him in the back.
[11:52] > Steph Amber stands and sees the state of Aki, blushing slightly.
[11:53] > Queen Minako (Ruined dress) staggers over to the bar, her dress falling back to its position around her ankles, and rinses her mouth out.
[11:53] [Jane] Wake up. We need you.
[11:53] [Juli] I dun wanna go to school. >.>
[11:53] > Jane draws her whip, and gives it one loud crack against Juli's butt.
[11:53] [Artemis (feline)] I just hope Luna doesn't kill me when I get home. >_<
[11:53] [Juli] O_O
[11:54] [Artemis (feline)] >_< HEY!!
[11:54] [Queen Minako (Ruined dress)] Hee... it'll be fine I'm sure Arte..
[11:54] > Artemis (feline) winces at the sound of the cracking whip
[11:55] > Queen Minako (Ruined dress) walks over and picks him up, several offensive odors penetrating his heightened sense of smell.
[11:55] > Juli scrambles to get up.
[11:55] > Steph Amber quickly sobers up after the sound of the whip, starting to pick up the various discarded articles of clothing
[11:56] [Artemis (feline)] Mina..... I'm not going to lie here... we reek....
[11:56] > Akihiko Kaioh stands, holding the towel and pillow, and flashing Steph in his disorientation. @_@
[11:56] [Queen Minako (Ruined dress)] Yeah.. oh man, my... I mean, I'm sore.. Wanna go take a bath?
[11:56] > Steph Amber blushes again | Um.... good morning Master, Aki
[11:57] [Artemis (feline)] Yeah.... I don't think my cat bath is going to be enough this time. ~_~
[11:57] [Akihiko Kaioh] Oh, hey.. um... did we... nevermind.. I'm better off not asking.
[11:57] [Queen Minako (Ruined dress)] Better draw the bath myself... I think they have their hands full here.
[11:58] > Jane grabs Juli by the hair and pulls him over to her bucket, suggesting he take over..
[11:58] [Juli] !!!
[11:58] [Artemis (feline)] Just try and do it quietly, Mina. My ears are ringing.
[11:59] > Akihiko Kaioh throws the towel over his shoulder and wanders off down the hall.
[11:59] [Steph Amber] I'm.... not entirely sure Master Aki.... all I know is my jaw hurts.... *^_^*
[11:59] <-- Akihiko Kaioh has left #eventsbeta (Need breakfast. >.<)
[12:00] > Queen Minako (Ruined dress) leaves in another direction, carrying Artemis.
[12:00] <-- Queen Minako (Ruined dress) [SoldierOfLove@Venus.net] has left #eventsbeta (Oh man.. do I do this every year?)
[12:01] <-- Artemis (feline) [AnimalGuardian@Venus.gov] has left #eventsbeta (From what I've heard, yes. But this is the first time I've been involved. =>_<=)
[12:02] > Steph Amber walks over to Jane | Um.... Mistress Jane....
[12:02] [Jane] Yes?
[12:03] <-- April [fourthmonth@venus.net] has left #eventsbeta (*cleaning*)
[12:04] [Steph Amber] Did I do..... what I THINK I did with Master Aki?
[12:06] [Jane] I don't know, do you think you performed oral on him, or had sex with him?
[12:08] [Juli] You two were getting pretty aggressive on the balcony, but I don't remember the details.
[12:08] [Steph Amber] I think the former...... especially after seeing his.....endowment just now. My jaw hurts
[12:08] [Jane] Indeed.. it was all I could do to keep up with this place, and keeping our guests happy.
[12:09] [Jane] Heh... yes, Aki is very gifted. Always was. ♡
[12:09] > Juli blushes a little, continuing to scrub the floor.
[12:10] > Steph Amber blushes as well with a light nod
[12:11] [Jane] Ahh, he's grown into a fine Prince, in the six years since I relieved him of his virginity~ I'm so proud of him.
[12:12] > Steph Amber picks up a few more articles of clothing near the couch, a torn dress shirt and boxers among other things.
[12:12] [Steph Amber] You were really the Master's first, Mistress Jane?
[12:14] [Jane] Oh yes. I think he had a crush on me from an early age. He's over it now, of course, but we would still play very often up until he got his little girlfriend. *sigh* A day I suspected would come eventually.
[12:14] > Steph Amber thinks about that and panics slightly
[12:14] [Jane] May have gotten a little rough when he neglected his studies, of course~ but he never really complained.
[12:15] [Steph Amber] Oh no..... Princess Yuki!! What if she finds out I did something with the Master!?
[12:16] [Jane] You were doing your job. If he gets in trouble with her, it's his fault, not yours. Besides, as I understand it, he has permission to play with the maids, so long as he refrains from proper intercourse.
[12:20] [Juli] Oh man this is nasty... ~.~
[12:20] [Jane] What was that, Juli?
[12:20] [Juli] nanana... nothing, Mistress! ^.^ Just.. a challenging stain.
[12:21] > Jane grins, coiling her whip and returning it to her side.
[12:21] > Steph Amber lets out a sigh of relief
[12:22] > Steph Amber goes back to picking things up around the couch
[12:22] [Steph Amber] Is this what it's like every year?
[12:22] [Jane] You'll learn, dear, you'll have to keep some secrets for the royal family. It'd be nice if Aki stayed loyal to his girl, but he may stray, and that's his business. Same goes for everyone.
[12:24] [Jane] More or less. There's usually a lot of sex, swapping, drink, drug, sickness.. The queen walked away with a daughter through King Matsuo to remember last year's party, and it is possible she'll have one to mark this year as well from the looks of it.
[12:24] [Steph Amber] I understand, Mistress Jane.
[12:24] [Steph Amber] O_O You mean... with Sir Artemis??
[12:25] [Jane] I wonder if she can procreate with that cat. He looked plenty human last night, save the tail.
[12:25] [Jane] It's possible.
[12:26] [Jane] I can just see her having another one on the same day as Princess Penny's birthday, and the founding of some kind of swinger's holiday on that day.
[12:26] > Juli giggles nervously.
[12:28] [Steph Amber] Oh my *giggles also*
[12:28] [Jane] -After- the castle is spic and span, we'll review the security tapes and see who partnered with who. It's sort of a tradition. Just keep it between yourself and the royal family.
[12:29] [Steph Amber] Yes, Mistress
[12:30] [Jane] I'll go tell the kitchens to bring us all breakfast.. I know I need something in my stomach.. I expect you to work very hard today, both of you.
[12:31] [Juli] Yes, Mistress, thank you, Mistress.
[12:32] [Steph Amber] Of course Mistress
[12:32] <-- Jane [FirstMonth@venus.net] has left #eventsbeta (That's what I like to hear. Good girls.)
[12:34] [Juli] ☠ I don't know how we're going to clean this whole castle. ~.~ it's like our guests all exploded.. ☠
[12:34] > Steph Amber giggles a little | Well I'm sure many of them did.... in certain ways. :P
[12:34] [Juli] :P nnnnnnn
[12:36] [Steph Amber] Well, we'll just have to get to work.
[12:36] <-- Juli [seventhmonth@venus.net] has left #eventsbeta (Sure do..)
[12:36] <-- Steph Amber [Ninth.Month@Venus.gov] has left #eventsbeta (I'm curious about a few things...)
[20:29] > Sagiri Shin (winter casual) looks at Yuki Shin
[20:29] ➣ Yuki Shin: Pale skin and very light blue, almost white hair fading to a deep blue shadow, but bright green eyes. She usually wears a white kimono. You feel a slight chill looking at her, but accompanied by happy winter memories. She looks about 17 years old. Picture --> http://www.thedwarfers.net/otherstuff/pictures/yuki_shin.jpg
[00:00] >>> Monday Jan 02 2012 <<<
[20:41] ➣ Orion Star
[20:41] ➣ Location: Orbiting Orion 5 gas giant...
[20:42] ➣ specific location: Club
[20:42] --> Sskt (casual) [lizardhunter@Branch6.org] has joined #eventsbeta
[20:42] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Sskt (casual)
[20:42] > Sskt (casual) tries to get through the crowds of club dancers "excuse me..coming through...HEY WATCH YOUR HANDS..."
[20:43] > Sskt (casual) is holding onto some drinks
[20:45] [Sskt (casual)] ..gah..where was the table...
[20:46] > Sskt (casual) nearly bumps into another dancer "watch it bub!!"
[20:50] > Taruka Mi-38 waves to Sskt
[20:50] --> Alexis Shentara (club dress) has joined #eventsbeta
[20:50] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Alexis Shentara (club dress)
[20:53] [Sskt (casual)] gah there you two are!
[20:56] [Alexis Shentara (club dress)] What are we doing here?
[21:00] [Sskt (casual)] well I think was a nice place to relax after the job ealier....
[21:37] > Sskt (casual) drops off a glass of black liquid for Taruka
[22:32] [Sskt (casual)] plus the ship needs those repairs...
[22:32] [Taruka Mi-38] I quite like it here ^^
[22:36] > Sskt (casual) hands Alexis her drink
[22:37] [Alexis Shentara (club dress)] Well, if you two say so
[22:37] [Alexis Shentara (club dress)] It's a little crowded for me.
[22:38] [Sskt (casual)] ya want to leave and do some walking?
[22:38] > Taruka Mi-38 drinks her oil
[22:41] [Alexis Shentara (club dress)] No no, if you girls like it here, I'll stay
[22:43] [Sskt (casual)] here's to another successful mission accomplished *raises her glass*
[22:44] [Taruka Mi-38] yeah!
[22:44] [Alexis Shentara (club dress)] I'll drink to that
[22:45] > Alexis Shentara (club dress) rasies her drink from earlier
[22:45] [Sskt (casual)] and to the dough we're going to get!!!
[22:47] ➣ someone taps Alexis on the shoulder
[22:48] [Alexis Shentara (club dress)] Hmm?
[22:48] > Alexis Shentara (club dress) turns to see who taps her on the shoulder
[22:50] ➣ the woman standing is tall..semi musclar with tan skin, a tail, long cat like ears, very short white and maroon hair..and looks visibly pissed off
[22:50] [~woman] will you three move!?
[22:50] [Sskt (casual)] ....who's this...
[22:52] [~woman] do you three have ANY idea where you are sitting!?
[22:55] [Alexis Shentara (club dress)] Where we want to sti
[22:55] [Alexis Shentara (club dress)] ^sit
[22:55] [Alexis Shentara (club dress)] What's it to you?
[23:10] [Sskt (casual)] ...no idea
[23:11] [Alexis Shentara (club dress)] No... I don't
[23:11] [Alexis Shentara (club dress)] Am I supposed to?
[23:13] [~woman] I...am Myshia Clanclan!!!! a captain of the CtarlCtarl empire!!! and you are SITTING AT MY TABLE
[23:13] [Sskt (casual)] ...oh god one of these things
[23:14] [Alexis Shentara (club dress)] Ahhh yes
[23:15] [Alexis Shentara (club dress)] I DO know you now....
[23:16] [Alexis Shentara (club dress)] ....your ancestor used to be a member of the Outlaw Star.
[23:18] [~Myshia Clanclan] OF COURSE you should know me...AREN'T I FAMOUS ALL AROUND THIS GALAXY HO HO HOOOO
[23:19] [Sskt (casual)] ugh....
[23:19] [Alexis Shentara (club dress)] Yeah, you're famous as a joke.
[23:19] > ~Myshia Clanclan nearly trips up "WHAT WAS THAT!?"
[23:20] [Sskt (casual)] ...wasn't this girl the one who nearly crashed an entire fleet into a moon?
[23:22] [Alexis Shentara (club dress)] Yeah.... she also nearly killed everyone on the ships and the miners on that moon.
[23:23] [~Myshia Clanclan] nya.....>.> <.<....
[23:24] [Sskt (casual)] joy...
[23:24] > Alexis Shentara (club dress) smirks and sits at the table
[23:25] [Taruka Mi-38] can we get drinks too ^^
[23:25] [~Myshia Clanclan] ........................................
[23:25] [~Myshia Clanclan] FREE DRINKS FOR EVERYONE!
[23:25] ➣ there are cheers from everyone
[23:27] [Alexis Shentara (club dress)] Heh
[23:27] > ~Myshia Clanclan turns quickly "...YOU HAVE NOT SEEN THE LAST OF ME!"
[23:28] [Alexis Shentara (club dress)] We'll see about that, kitty.
[23:28] > ~Myshia Clanclan stomps off
[23:29] [Sskt (casual)] well...least we got free drinks!!
[23:30] > Alexis Shentara (club dress) grins - Okay, THAT was fun
[23:33] [Sskt (casual)] see? Isn't this place great!?
[23:34] [Alexis Shentara (club dress)] Any place is good when I get to mess with someone who thinks they're the greatest woman ever.
[23:36] [Sskt (casual)] yeah..no one's better then me!
[23:40] [Alexis Shentara (club dress)] Heh, noone's better then any of us
[23:41] > Sskt (casual) grins and nods
[23:44] > Alexis Shentara (club dress) finishes her drink and orders another
[23:44] > Sskt (casual) grabs another drink too
[23:45] [Sskt (casual)] how long do you think the ship will take?
[23:46] [Alexis Shentara (club dress)] I think Jillian said repairs would take at least a day.
[23:48] [Sskt (casual)] guess we'll have to find someplace to sleep...
[23:48] [Taruka Mi-38] I can make reservations if you wish
[23:49] [Alexis Shentara (club dress)] That would be great Taruka
[23:53] > Taruka Mi-38 closes her eyes
[23:53] [Sskt (casual)] get somewhere with a minibar...
[23:53] > Alexis Shentara (club dress) sips her drink, watching some of the other people dance.
[23:55] [Sskt (casual)] heh....afraid to dance?
[00:00] >>> Tuesday Jan 03 2012 <<<
[00:00] [Alexis Shentara (club dress)] Yeah, I'm about as coordinated as a tree
[00:01] [Sskt (casual)] so you suck then?
[00:01] [Alexis Shentara (club dress)] At dancing, yes..... you don't have to rub it in Sskt
[00:03] [Sskt (casual)] just try it
[00:08] [Sskt (casual)] can't hurt
[00:09] > Alexis Shentara (club dress) sighs and stands
[00:11] [Alexis Shentara (club dress)] Alright.... but I hope I don't hurt anyone
[00:12] > Alexis Shentara (club dress) walks past Taruka down stairs to the dance floor
[00:16] [Sskt (casual)] ...wonder what she means by that
[00:18] > Alexis Shentara (club dress) starts to do her version of dancing, barely moving her feet, doing mostly arm motion
[00:19] [Sskt (casual)] ....*keeps watching*
[00:21] [Sskt (casual)] ...heh....
[00:21] ➣ people around alexis stop....and stare
[00:22] > Alexis Shentara (club dress) stops
[00:22] ➣ the crowd applauds, cheering Alexis
[00:23] > Alexis Shentara (club dress) blushes and giggles lighlty and starts going agian
[00:26] > Sskt (casual) applauds!!! "GO ALEXIS!"
[00:30] > Alexis Shentara (club dress) continues to happily dance, then accidentally smacks someone in the head
[00:30] [Sskt (casual)] ...whoops....
[00:31] ➣ the person tries to smack alexis back..but ends up smacking someone else...who starts to fight with the other....and soon everyone else is trying to fight with everyone....a bar fight if there ever was one
[00:31] [Sskt (casual)] gah!!!...we better get out of here!
[00:32] [Alexis Shentara (club dress)] Oh s[SMEG]t.....
[00:33] > Alexis Shentara (club dress) waves for the other girls
[00:35] [Sskt (casual)] LET'S GET OUT OF HERE
[00:35] > Sskt (casual) runs down with Taruka and joins Alexis
[00:35] [Alexis Shentara (club dress)] Alright girls, escape plan Beta!
[00:36] [Sskt (casual)] gotcha!
[00:40] [Sskt (casual)] um..which one was that again?
[00:40] [Alexis Shentara (club dress)] Watch your flanks and don't engage anyone unless you absolutely have to!
[00:43] > Sskt (casual) nods and starts to run out of the club, ducking and avoid stray punches and kicks
[00:43] > Taruka Mi-38 does her best...though she does get punched in the cheek....the puncher breaking their hand on her metal skin in the process...
[00:47] > Alexis Shentara (club dress) manages to sneak through the crowd, but gets stopped by a familiar person
[00:49] [~Myshia Clanclan] WHERE ARE YOU GOING!?
[00:50] [Alexis Shentara (club dress)] I'm getting out of here before this becomes a full scale war! I'd suggest you do the same!
[00:52] [~Myshia Clanclan] HAHAHA.. RUN LIKE THE COWARD YOU ARE...NO ONE WOULD DARE TOUCH ME, MYSHIA CLANCLA- *gets punched hard in the face and sent flying into a wall*
[00:52] [~Myshia Clanclan] @_@ nyaaaa....
[00:54] [Alexis Shentara (club dress)] Heh, suit yourself, kitty.
[00:54] > Alexis Shentara (club dress) evads a few punches and makes it out the door
[00:55] > Sskt (casual) gets out the door, as does Taruka
[00:55] [Sskt (casual)] ....heh...you sure know how to make a place a party, Alexis
[00:59] [Alexis Shentara (club dress)] Yeah, that was a total accident. >_>
[01:02] [Alexis Shentara (club dress)] Well, I think we should get to the hotel before the local authorities show up here.
[01:02] [Taruka Mi-38] I managed to reserve us a room at one of the station's hotels
[01:02] [Sskt (casual)] good idea!
[01:03] [Sskt (casual)] don't want to spend our night in jail
[01:06] [Taruka Mi-38] I'll show you the way
[01:06] [Alexis Shentara (club dress)] Alright then, we're following Taruka
[01:07] <-- Taruka Mi-38 [MetalGalhunter@Branch7.co] has left #eventsbeta (this way...)
[01:07] <-- Sskt (casual) [lizardhunter@Branch6.org] has left #eventsbeta (wonder who will take the blame for the club..)
[01:07] <-- Alexis Shentara (club dress) has left #eventsbeta (I think I need a shower.)
[12:00] ➣ Second Light Talent Agency
[12:01] --> Freya (human form) [CatGuard@Q.Gov] has joined #eventsbeta
[12:01] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Freya (human form)
[12:01] > Freya (human form) walks in, holding two small boxes in her arms and another on a cat tail
[12:04] > Raoul Bertrand (Business) sits at his desk, looking up
[12:05] [Raoul Bertrand (Business)] What do you have zere, Amore?
[12:05] [Freya (human form)] lunch
[12:05] > Freya (human form) hands Raoul a box
[12:05] [Freya (human form)] made it myself
[12:06] > Raoul Bertrand (Business) smiles / You are so sweet. ^_^
[12:08] > Freya (human form) smiles and walks over to Neph's door and knocks on it
[12:09] [Nephrite Masato (Suit)] Come in
[12:10] > Freya (human form) opens the door
[12:11] [Freya (human form)] I brought you some lunch
[12:12] [Nephrite Masato (Suit)] Oh thank you Freya, that's very nice of you.
[12:12] > Freya (human form) puts the bento box on his desk
[12:14] > Freya (human form) walks back into the lobby and sits at her own desk with her lunch
[12:14] [Freya (human form)] is it just me or has it been a slow day...
[12:15] [Raoul Bertrand (Business)] It has been pretty slow today.
[12:15] > Nephrite Masato (Suit) stands with his box and walks out into the lobby, sitting in a chair.
[12:15] [Nephrite Masato (Suit)] You two are right about that.
[12:16] [Nephrite Masato (Suit)] The only thing that's been busy for me is the final preperations for my weddings
[12:17] [Freya (human form)] sort of wished something would happen....not a bad thing mind you
[12:20] [Freya (human form)] I hope you enjoy what I made for you ^^
[12:23] > Nephrite Masato (Suit) opens his box and starts to eat
[12:23] > Raoul Bertrand (Business) puts his computer on sleep mode and starts to eat as well
[12:24] ➣ the bento boxes are...all seafood
[12:26] > Freya (human form) eats hers happily :3
[12:27] > Raoul Bertrand (Business) chuckles a little / You can tell my Amore made zis.
[12:27] [Nephrite Masato (Suit)] Indeed, but it's good. ^_^
[12:28] [Freya (human form)] so how is the wedding preperations going?
[12:29] [Nephrite Masato (Suit)] Excellent. Just putting the finishing touches on things.
[12:29] [Nephrite Masato (Suit)] I can't believe it's just over a month away.
[12:30] [Freya (human form)] well I hope we are invited
[12:32] [Nephrite Masato (Suit)] Of course, you both are. Your invitations should have come in already.
[12:32] [Freya (human form)] heh are you nervious?
[12:34] [Nephrite Masato (Suit)] A little
[12:35] [Freya (human form)] hopefully whenever I get married someday.....I won't be so nervious heh
[12:37] > Raoul Bertrand (Business) just winks at Freya as she says that
[12:37] > Nephrite Masato (Suit) chuckles a little as he eats
[12:37] > Freya (human form) blushes
[12:39] [Freya (human form)] um anyway
[12:39] [Freya (human form)] I hope your weddings go well!
[12:41] [Nephrite Masato (Suit)] Thank you Freya
[12:44] [Freya (human form)] oh, Neph...I got an email that the first issue of that magizine will be sent to the office soon for your final approval
[12:45] [Nephrite Masato (Suit)] Excellent
[12:45] [Freya (human form)] ...is it bad that I still don't trust those three...
[12:47] [Nephrite Masato (Suit)] I think it's somewhat understandable, but you should really give them a chance.
[12:48] [Freya (human form)] I know...
[12:48] [Raoul Bertrand (Business)] I have researched zose zree. Zey did do some pretty nasty zings back zen.
[12:48] [Freya (human form)] like kill you, Neph
[12:49] [Nephrite Masato (Suit)] Yes well..... as I've been given a second chance by many... I'll give a second chance to those who ask.
[12:50] [Freya (human form)] at least the one girl seems too skittish to do anything
[12:51] [Nephrite Masato (Suit)] Agreed
[12:51] > Nephrite Masato (Suit) finishes his lunch
[12:53] > Freya (human form) finishes hers as well
[12:53] [Nephrite Masato (Suit)] Thank you again for lunch, Freya. ^_^
[12:54] [Freya (human form)] my pleasure ^^
[12:55] > Raoul Bertrand (Business) finishes his as well
[12:57] > Nephrite Masato (Suit) stands, "If things don't pick up in the next hour, then we should call it a day."
[12:57] [Freya (human form)] yeah....
[13:01] > Raoul Bertrand (Business) nods
[13:02] [Nephrite Masato (Suit)] Let me know if anything happens, Freya.
[13:03] [Freya (human form)] I will, neph
[13:04] > Nephrite Masato (Suit) goes back into his office
[13:05] <-- Nephrite Masato (Suit) [FormerGeneral@DarkKingdom.net] has left #eventsbeta (Slow slow day)
[13:05] > Freya (human form) sits in front of her computer and spins in her chair a bit
[13:08] > Raoul Bertrand (Business) turns his computer back on and smirks, sending Freya an email
[13:08] <-- Raoul Bertrand (Business) [Brightbeauty@mercury.org] has left #eventsbeta (^_~ ♡)
[13:11] <-- Freya (human form) [CatGuard@Q.Gov] has left #eventsbeta (hee)
[20:01] ➣ The Head Maid's quarters in Magellan castle neighbor the communal maid's quarters, but are far more luxurious, and spacious, almost rivaling the rooms of the children of the royal family. However, amidsts the four-poster bed with red velvet sheets, many racks hold instruments of pleasure, pain, torment, bondage and discipline. Other, larger racks suitable for holding people sit empty. An older, but pretty woman, sits in a plush red leather armchair, flicking a tablet computer.
[20:01] --> Jane [FirstMonth@venus.net] has joined #eventsbeta
[20:01] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Jane
[20:03] ➣ There's a light knock ont he door
[20:04] [Jane] Enter.
[20:05] --> Steph Amber (Uniform) [Ninth.Month@Venus.gov] has joined #eventsbeta
[20:05] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Steph Amber (Uniform)
[20:05] > Steph Amber (Uniform) slowly enters, "Y...you called me Mistress Jane?"
[20:05] [Jane] Yes. Have a seat.
[20:06] ➣ There are no seats, other than the one Jane occupies, but there are the usual basket of cushions.
[20:06] > Jane continues thumbing her tablet.
[20:08] > Steph Amber (Uniform) cautiously look around, taking a cushion and sitting it beneath her knees as she sits
[20:08] [Jane] I believe you haven't been to my quarters before. Like the decor?
[20:09] ➣ Several art objects don the walls, of people in various states of bondage.
[20:12] [Steph Amber (Uniform)] If I may speak frankly, Mistress.....
[20:13] [Jane] Please do. When I ask you a question, I expect you to answer honestly, as well as respectfully.
[20:14] > Jane puts the tablet aside, crosses her legs, folds her hands, and peers down at Steph with a smile.
[20:15] [Steph Amber (Uniform)] .... well, I know you know of my past.... and while you decor is interesing I'm a bit.... disturbed by it.
[20:15] > Jane nods and stands, slowly circling Steph.
[20:16] [Jane] Poor dear... I assumed as much.. I wonder if you expected a boss such as myself when you took this job?
[20:17] [Steph Amber (Uniform)] Honestly... no Mistress.
[20:17] [Steph Amber (Uniform)] At least, not until I saw your whip for the first time.
[20:17] > Jane resumes her seat.
[20:18] [Jane] Would you be willing to discuss the kinds of unpleasantries you were exposed to in your past in more detail?
[20:20] [Steph Amber (Uniform)] Well.... as an escort there were times when I.... offered myself to the clients for a price. But there were times when they...... took what they wanted and then paid afterword.
[20:21] [Jane] So, more or less, you were used without your consent.. Used in acts you did not voluntarily submit to.
[20:22] [Steph Amber (Uniform)] Correct.....
[20:23] [Steph Amber (Uniform)] .... there were also times when while I was doing so with consent, the clients would get abusive.... to the point of drawing blood and leaving large bruises.
[20:24] > Jane sighs.
[20:24] [Jane] I see. That is horrible. Now, you say you find my room disturbing. Does it disturb you when people, like those photographed here, engage in these acts consensually?
[20:25] [Steph Amber (Uniform)] Well...... no. I mean, if they really want this type of treatment. I just fail to understand it.
[20:26] [Jane] Stand.
[20:28] > Steph Amber (Uniform) quickly rises to her feet
[20:29] > Jane stands again and begins to circle Steph, drawing her whip and tracing her fingertips over Steph's body.
[20:29] [Jane] ❧ You stood quickly. I like that. ❧
[20:31] > Steph Amber (Uniform) tries not to shudder at the light touch, "T...thank you Mistress"
[20:31] [Jane] ❧ Tell me my dear~ You think me some madwoman with a whip? ❧
[20:32] [Steph Amber (Uniform)] No Mistress, I've only seen you draw it a few times in my time here.
[20:32] > Jane wraps her hands around Steph from behind, hand still holding the whip but letting both her hands wander over Steph's front.
[20:33] [Jane] ❧ I must admit, your fear is cute.. and delicious. ❧
[20:33] > Jane nibbles Steph's earlobe. ♡
[20:33] > Steph Amber (Uniform) trembles slightly, then lets out a pleasent sigh
[20:35] [Jane] ❧ Mmmm... thatagirl~ Let your own fear excite you, like a roller coaster~ Know that whatever might happen to you in this castle... in this chamber, that no ~real~ harm will ever befall you, even if you should walk out of here with a few ~teeny tiny~ marks on this beautiful body of yours. ❧
[20:36] [Steph Amber (Uniform)] ❧ Y...yes, Mistress ❧
[20:39] [Jane] ❧ You know that you missed cleaning a hall of rooms in your shift today, and I usually perform five strikes to my subby subbordinantes per room missed... twelve rooms times five, that's sixty... paddles, whips, floggers... I usually start on the backside and see where she wants it as I go.. what would you say to that? ❧
[20:39] > Jane grips Steph tighter and nibbles her neck.
[20:40] > Steph Amber (Uniform) lets out a light moan as Jane nibbles at her
[20:42] [Steph Amber (Uniform)] That.... sounds rather frightening.....
[20:42] > Steph Amber (Uniform) starts to shake a little thinking about that
[20:43] > Jane gives her neck a sharper bite, pulling back and letting the skin escape her teeth.
[20:43] [Jane] Just how frightening?
[20:44] > Steph Amber (Uniform) gasps a bit, visably shaking, "Well.... I'm suddenly feeling very.... cold, Mistress."
[20:44] [Jane] That's pretty frightening~
[20:45] [Jane] Good thing for you I made it up. Or at least, the part where you messed up.
[20:45] > Jane lets go of her and swats her on the butt as she returns to her seat.
[20:46] > Steph Amber (Uniform) jumps slightly at the swat
[20:46] [Jane] Kneel.
[20:46] > Steph Amber (Uniform) nods and drops to her knees again
[20:47] [Jane] I take it then you doubt you will be engaging in recreational bondage with me?
[20:48] [Steph Amber (Uniform)] Unless something changes with me personally, Mistress, I highly doubt it. No offense to you.
[20:49] [Jane] None taken. We all have our kinks. A pity, I would have loved to tie you up to one of my other regular victims and see if I could make your screams harmonize. ♡
[20:50] > Steph Amber (Uniform) smiles nervously at that.
[20:51] [Jane] Of course, that's not to say that it won't happen. ^_~ But if you want to avoid that, you best use that cold fear of yours as a motivator to do well. I'll take your past and your feelings into account, but you're not above the rules, or my authority within these walls. That being said, you're doing as well as could be expected of a trainee. I'll be shadowing you tomorrow so we can focus on any areas that need improvement.
[20:52] [Steph Amber (Uniform)] Yes, of course Mistress
[20:53] > Jane gets up, holding her whip with purpose and approaching Steph again.
[20:53] [Jane] Stand.
[20:54] > Steph Amber (Uniform) hops up again, straightening her uniform
[20:54] > Jane throws out the whip, snagging it around Steph's waist and pulling her roughly towards herself.
[20:55] [Steph Amber (Uniform)] O_O
[20:55] > Steph Amber (Uniform) is pulled towards Jane by her waist
[20:56] [Jane] ❧ And if you're ever feeling secure in this castle, confident in your safety, and want to see what a true mistress of pleasure and pain can do to your mind and senses, say so. I'll set your soul on fire like no abusive John ever could. ❧
[20:57] > Jane lifts her chin into an aggressive kiss.
[20:58] > Steph Amber (Uniform) is shocked at first, but starts to kiss back after a moment
[20:58] [Steph Amber (Uniform)] ❧ MMMmmmmm~ ❧
[20:59] > Jane takes her time, letting the whip pinch around her and pulling Steph's hair, before finally breaking the kiss, and unraveling the whip with an elaborate motion and cracking it against the floor.
[21:01] [Jane] Now, anything you'd like to get off your mind?
[21:01] > Steph Amber (Uniform) lets out a sigh as the kiss is broken barely flnching at the sound of the whip
[21:01] [Steph Amber (Uniform)] ❧ That was a very good kiss, Mistress....~ ❧
[21:02] [Jane] I'm glad you think so, Steph.
[21:07] [Jane] Nothing else, then?
[21:08] [Steph Amber (Uniform)] Just that.... I hope I do not disappoint you, Mistress.
[21:09] [Jane] I've no doubt of that. Please, tell Juli to come see me, and don't offer any hint of our chat.
[21:09] > Jane gives a sinister grin to her.
[21:09] [Jane] Dismissed.
[21:11] [Steph Amber (Uniform)] Yes Mistress.
[21:11] > Steph Amber (Uniform) bows to Jane and replaces the cushion she was sitting on before turning to leave
[21:16] <-- Steph Amber (Uniform) [Ninth.Month@Venus.gov] has left #eventsbeta (Juli, the mistress wants to see you.)
[21:18] <-- Jane [FirstMonth@venus.net] has left #eventsbeta (I love my job.)
[22:28] ➣ Kaze Manor
[22:28] --> Matsumi Kaze [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has joined #eventsbeta
[22:28] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Matsumi Kaze
[22:28] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Matsumi Kaze
[22:28] > +Matsumi Kaze is sitting in front of the TV, holding Miki
[22:29] [+Matsumi Kaze] your mama's going to be on TV!!
[22:29] > +Matsumi Kaze sits Miki up a bit to see the TV
[22:30] --> Vanadine [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has joined #eventsbeta
[22:30] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Vanadine
[22:30] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Vanadine
[22:31] ➣ the TV is showing old matches of Vana
[22:31] [+Matsumi Kaze] seeee...your mama is very strong!
[22:32] > +Vanadine walks in behind Matsumi and giggles, watching
[22:33] > Miki gurgles and tries to reach the TV
[22:33] [+Matsumi Kaze] no no..your mama's the one with the red hair!
[22:35] > +Matsumi Kaze takes miki's little hand and presses it to vana on the TV 'that one :)"
[22:37] > Miki gurgles and giggles
[22:37] [+Matsumi Kaze] and maybe someday..you'll be strong like her
[22:39] > +Matsumi Kaze doens't notice vana
[22:39] > Miki wiggles and gurgles
[22:40] [+Matsumi Kaze] like that yeah!!!
[22:40] [+Matsumi Kaze] Miki the mighty!!
[22:42] > +Matsumi Kaze turns her head ".....how long have you been here?"
[22:47] > +Vanadine giggles
[22:47] [+Vanadine] Just as the match got started
[22:48] > Miki spots vana and tries to grab her red hair
[22:50] [+Matsumi Kaze] no no no
[22:50] [+Vanadine] It's okay, Sweety
[22:51] > +Vanadine picks up Miki: Just don't pull too hard, Miki.
[22:53] > Miki grabs a bit of a hair and tries to put it in her mouth
[22:53] [+Matsumi Kaze] she was hungry and I thought it might be nice to show her some videos in the meantime
[22:54] [+Vanadine] I can see she's hungry, she's trying to eat my hair. XD
[22:56] > +Matsumi Kaze giggles
[22:56] [+Matsumi Kaze] I want her to see you as much of a mother as me
[22:57] > +Vanadine smirks: If I were lactating, that might work. :P
[22:59] [+Matsumi Kaze] :P
[22:59] [+Matsumi Kaze] actually truth is I fed her before you came in
[23:02] > +Vanadine smiles at Miki: Are you watching Mama on the tv, hmmm little one?
[23:02] > Miki plays with Vana's hair
[23:07] [+Vanadine] You like Mama's hair, hmm?
[23:09] > Miki grabs vana's nose
[23:09] [+Matsumi Kaze] she's been pretty wiggly all day according to Hideki
[23:09] > +Vanadine giggles as Miki grabs her nose
[23:10] [+Vanadine] I'll get you too little girl
[23:10] > +Vanadine lightly tickles Miki while still holding her
[23:12] > Miki giggles and gurgles, drooling a little
[23:12] [+Matsumi Kaze] anyone on future matches?
[23:13] [+Vanadine] I defend my title tomorrow night.
[23:14] [+Matsumi Kaze] heh shall I stop by the match?
[23:15] [+Vanadine] I'm fighting this really cute irish guy
[23:16] [+Matsumi Kaze] ya going to steal him? :P
[23:21] [+Matsumi Kaze] joking joking
[23:22] > +Vanadine giggles
[23:22] [+Vanadine] Nah, he's cute, but he's not 'deki or Nate. :P
[23:25] [+Matsumi Kaze] hehehe
[23:29] [+Matsumi Kaze] maybe I'll drop Miki off at Ami's and let her spend a little time with her aunt and uncle
[23:31] [+Vanadine] I'd love to see you and 'deki at the match tomorrow night.
[23:32] [+Matsumi Kaze] we'll go!
[23:34] [+Vanadine] Okay, I'll make sure there's tickets waiting for you at will call
[23:36] > +Vanadine cradles Miki in her arms and rocks her lightly as she sits next to Matsumi
[23:37] > Miki puts her hands in her mouth and gazes up at vana
[23:37] [+Matsumi Kaze] ..you nervious at all?
[23:41] [+Vanadine] Oh yeah.... I've heard this guy works stiff
[23:41] [+Matsumi Kaze] ...what does that mean?
[23:42] [+Vanadine] That means even though we're not supposed to actually fight, he still hits REALLY hard.
[23:43] [+Matsumi Kaze] oh geez!!!!
[23:43] [+Matsumi Kaze] ...well then you'll just have to hit harder :P
[23:46] [+Vanadine] I can't hit too hard though. I'll actually hurt him. :P
[23:47] [+Matsumi Kaze] true true
[23:54] > +Vanadine gently rocks Miki while watching the TV
[23:56] > Miki has fallen asleep
[00:00] >>> Wednesday Jan 04 2012 <<<
[00:00] > +Vanadine smiles down to Miki, bending down to kiss her on the forehead.
[00:00] [+Matsumi Kaze] we're quite the family
[00:01] [+Vanadine] Indeed we are.
[00:01] [+Vanadine] I'm gonna' put little girl to bed.
[00:02] [+Matsumi Kaze] alright ^^
[00:03] > +Vanadine stands, carrying Miki as gently as she can
[00:07] > Miki stays asleep
[00:14] [+Matsumi Kaze] heh....time for her to go beddy bye
[00:14] > +Vanadine carries Miki to the nursery.
[00:15] <-- +Vanadine [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has left #eventsbeta (Yup, putting our baby to bed. ^_^)
[00:17] <-- Miki has left #eventsbeta (zzz)
[00:18] <-- +Matsumi Kaze [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has left #eventsbeta (what a wonderful family)
[01:22] ➣ Exiled Angel, in orbit around Orion 5
[01:22] --> Alexis Shentara (Casual) has joined #eventsbeta
[01:22] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Alexis Shentara (Casual)
[01:22] > Alexis Shentara (Casual) teleports onto the bridge of the ship
[01:23] --> Sskt (casual) [lizardhunter@Branch6.org] has joined #eventsbeta
[01:23] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Sskt (casual)
[01:23] > Sskt (casual) teleports in
[01:23] [Alexis Shentara (Casual)] It's nice to be headed home
[01:23] [Sskt (casual)] gahhh what a time
[01:24] > Taruka Mi-38 teleports into her control pod
[01:25] [Jillian] ☇ Welcome back ladies ☇
[01:26] [Alexis Shentara (Casual)] It's good to be back Jillian.
[01:26] [Alexis Shentara (Casual)] What's our status?
[01:26] > Alexis Shentara (Casual) takes the pilot's seat
[01:27] > Sskt (casual) sits down in the co-pilot's seat
[01:27] [Sskt (casual)] hey hey...everything is in one piece
[01:28] [Jillian] ☇ Engines are fully repaired, fuel is at 90 percent and rising. Should reach capacity in 2 minutes ☇
[01:29] [Sskt (casual)] how are the weapon systems?
[01:30] [Jillian] ☇ Weapon Systems are fully opperational, Sskt. ☇
[01:31] [Sskt (casual)] hahaha AWESOME
[01:32] [Taruka Mi-38] ☇ Navigation systems online ☇
[01:32] [Jillian] ☇ Fuel stores are full, ready to undock from the station ☇
[01:34] [Alexis Shentara (Casual)] Excellent Jillian, pay the opperator, let's undock and head home.
[01:34] [Sskt (casual)] let's get going!
[01:37] [Taruka Mi-38] ☇ Ready to embark ☇
[01:38] ➣ There's a shudder as the ship undocks
[01:38] [Jillian] ☇ Undocked and settled up ☇
[01:40] > Alexis Shentara (Casual) pushes some buttons, bringing up a star map
[01:40] [Sskt (casual)] let's go go go!!! HIT THOSE ENGINES
[01:40] > Alexis Shentara (Casual) draws their path with her finger and puts her hand on the engine control, ramping up to 20%
[01:42] [Sskt (casual)] man..I can't wait to go home
[01:43] [Alexis Shentara (Casual)] Same here
[01:43] [Jillian] ☇ Jillian, let me know when we're at a safe distance from the station so we can go to hyper space ☇
[01:43] [Alexis Shentara (Casual)] ^
[01:43] [Jillian] ☇ Of course, Alexis ☇
[01:44] [Taruka Mi-38] ☇ I am picking up a small craft following us, Alexis ☇
[01:45] [Sskt (casual)] eh?
[01:45] [Taruka Mi-38] ☇ they are attempting to contact us ☇
[01:45] [Alexis Shentara (Casual)] What kind of craft, Taruka?
[01:45] [Taruka Mi-38] ☇ ..... ☇
[01:46] [Taruka Mi-38] ☇ ...it's a Ctalctal scout ship ☇
[01:46] [Alexis Shentara (Casual)] Oh great.....
[01:46] [Alexis Shentara (Casual)] .... well, let's see what the blowhard wants.
[01:49] [Taruka Mi-38] ☇ bringing her up... ☇
[01:49] [~Myshia Clanclan] ☇ HOW DARE YOU LEAVE ME TO ROT IN A JAIL CELL!? ☇
[01:50] [Sskt (casual)] ...she must have gotten the blame for the bar fight
[01:50] [~Myshia Clanclan] ☇ if it wasn't for the fact that I know VERY IMPORTANT PEOPLE, then I would have been stuck there for sevenity suns!! ☇
[01:50] [Alexis Shentara (Casual)] Why shouldn't I? You're no friend of mine Myshia
[01:51] [Alexis Shentara (Casual)] Well see, it all ended okay for you then.