[11:49] >>> Wednesday Nov 16 2011 – Automatic reset triggered – Logging Start <<<
[11:49] [Nephrite Masato (Business)] I didn't remember your names
[11:49] [Nephrite Masato (Business)] Trust me..... I greatly remember what you did.....
[11:50] > Nephrite Masato (Business) ligthly rubs his chest where he was run through so long ago
[11:50] [Suzuran] ☇ so what do we do now? ☇
[11:52] [Nephrite Masato (Business)] Well, I've arranged for an apartment for the three of you in the city, which was no small feat.
[11:53] [Nephrite Masato (Business)] As for what you'll do.... you'll be working at a magazine I own.
[11:55] [Housenka] ☇ a magazine? ☇
[11:55] [Grape] ☇ so we're going to be reporting? ☇
[11:55] [Nephrite Masato (Business)] Yes
[11:56] [Housenka] ☇ won't we...scare people... ☇
[11:58] [Nephrite Masato (Business)] Only if you don't disguise yourselves a little better, which I'm sure you have the power to do on your own.
[11:58] [Nephrite Masato (Business)] However, if you don't, then I have a friend who can help with that.
[11:59] [Suzuran] ☇ um yeah we don't ☇
[11:59] [Nephrite Masato (Business)] I was pretty sure you did.... but that's alright....
[12:00] [Nephrite Masato (Business)] Suzuran and Housenka... you'll have to come up with last names for your ID's.... Grape.... you'll need to come up with an entirely new name. Grape can be your nickname.
[12:01] [Grape] ☇ hey! what's wrong with my name? ☇
[12:01] > Suzuran and Housenka start to snicker
[12:02] [Nephrite Masato (Business)] Well..... it doesn't sound like a normal name.
[12:03] > Grape narrows her eyes at that "...fine..whatever"
[12:05] [Suzuran] ☇ so you know someone who can help us..fit in? ☇
[12:05] [Nephrite Masato (Business)] Yes, I'll have to make a phone call a little later on
[12:06] > Housenka raises her hand nerviously
[12:06] [Nephrite Masato (Business)] Yes, Housenka?
[12:09] [Housenka] ☇ um....am I going to have to work seperate from the others cause..well..I..um... ☇
[12:09] [Grape] ☇ stop being such a coward! ☇
[12:10] [Housenka] ☇ don't yell at me >_< it's not my fault ☇
[12:12] [Nephrite Masato (Business)] There may be occasions when you'll have to work independently, but I'm sure most of the time you'll be able to work together.
[12:12] > Housenka breaths a sigh of relief at that
[12:14] [Suzuran] ☇ so what kind of work will you be wanting us to do? ☇
[12:16] [Nephrite Masato (Business)] Various reporting work.
[12:17] [Nephrite Masato (Business)] Mostly celebrity news and things of that nature.
[12:17] ➣ there is a knock at the door
[12:19] [Nephrite Masato (Business)] Yes?
[12:19] > Freya (human form) opens the door
[12:20] [Freya (human form)] I made some coffee, Neph and I was wondering if you would like......some.....too....
[12:20] > Freya (human form) spots the three youma
[12:20] [Freya (human form)] ..................
[12:20] [Nephrite Masato (Business)] Freya.... meet our new reporters for our magazine
[12:21] [Nephrite Masato (Business)] They're provided to us by my old friend Kunzite
[12:22] > Freya (human form) closes teh door slowly.....
[12:24] > Freya (human form) is away: ....
[12:24] [Housenka] ☇ ...is she alright? ☇
[12:25] [Nephrite Masato (Business)] She's probably in shock because of your..... former occupation.
[12:27] ➣ Meanwhile, in the lobby
[12:27] [Raoul Bertrand (Business)] Amore.... are you okay? You look like you just saw a ghost.
[12:28] [Freya (human form)] .....I can't belive it...
[12:28] [Freya (human form)] Neph is hiring Youma..YOUMA OF ALL THINGS
[12:29] [Raoul Bertrand (Business)] I see....
[12:29] [Raoul Bertrand (Business)] ... well, he must have his reasons.
[12:30] [Freya (human form)] are you kidding me? Youma are the scum of existance...
[12:31] [Freya (human form)] I can't belive he would do this...
[12:32] [Raoul Bertrand (Business)] Again dear, he must have a reason
[12:33] [Freya (human form)] well I hope it's a good one to start employing...those...THIGNS
[12:33] [Freya (human form)] *THINGS
[12:34] ➣ Neph's office door opens
[12:34] [Nephrite Masato (Business)] Freya.... are we going to have a problem with our new employees?
[12:35] [Freya (human form)] Neph! they're monsters!..Youma are nothing more then monsters!
[12:35] > Nephrite Masato (Business) closes the door as he steps into the lobby, leaving the other girls inside.
[12:35] > Housenka looks...rather hurt by this
[12:36] [Freya (human form)] you know this!
[12:37] [Nephrite Masato (Business)] Listen....
[12:37] [Nephrite Masato (Business)] ... I know what they were before.... hell... one of those three girls in there actually KILLED me.
[12:38] [Freya (human form)] then why are you doing this????
[12:38] [Nephrite Masato (Business)] I've given it a lot of thought and I decided they deserve a second chance as well..... just like I got.
[12:41] [Freya (human form)] ...man I hope you know what you're doing...
[12:43] [Nephrite Masato (Business)] I'll take full responsablitly
[12:44] [Freya (human form)] alright.......
[12:46] [Freya (human form)] I really hope this doesn't blow up in your face..
[12:47] > Nephrite Masato (Business) puts a hand on Freya's shoulder and smiles, "I'm glad you have such concern for me....but I know what I'm doing."
[12:49] > Freya (human form) nods slowly.....
[12:50] [Nephrite Masato (Business)] Why don't you and Raoul take the rest of the day off.... to calm your nerves?
[12:51] [Freya (human form)] a..alright...
[12:52] [Nephrite Masato (Business)] Raoul, take care of our favorite guardian, okay?
[12:52] [Raoul Bertrand (Business)] Of course, Neph.
[12:52] > Raoul Bertrand (Business) shuts down his computer and stands
[12:53] > Freya (human form) sighs, still looking a little shaken
[12:55] [Freya (human form)] take care, neph
[12:55] > Nephrite Masato (Business) smiles, : Please, take care and calm down Freya."
[12:55] > Nephrite Masato (Business) nods, turning and reentering his office
[12:56] [Grape] ☇ what was that all about? ☇
[12:58] [Nephrite Masato (Business)] My secretary has some..... misgiving about you girls.
[12:58] [Nephrite Masato (Business)] I had to go calm her fears.
[12:59] [Suzuran] ☇ I have a feeling she won't be the only one ☇
[12:59] [Nephrite Masato (Business)] I only forsee one more problem person..... though she may be even tougher to convince.
[13:03] [Housenka] ☇ who is that... ☇
[13:06] [Grape] ☇ anyone we should watch out for? ☇
[13:07] [Nephrite Masato (Business)] Minako Aino....
[13:14] [Housenka] ☇ ........oh ☇
[13:17] [Suzuran] ☇ that..could be a problem ☇
[13:17] [Grape] ☇ meh...she probably won't even recongize us..she never met us I think..... ☇
[13:17] [Housenka] ☇ ..but..but she'll still be able to tell we're youma.. ☇
[13:20] [Nephrite Masato (Business)] I'll deal with her....
[13:22] > Suzuran nods
[13:23] > Nephrite Masato (Business) stands, "Put your disguises back on, I'm going to introduce you to my friend Nall. He can help with you with better disguises."
[13:24] ➣ the girls start to put their disguses back on, Housenka having the most difficulty doing so
[13:28] > Nephrite Masato (Business) opens the door for them
[13:29] ➣ the three girls slowly walk through the door...
[13:31] [Nephrite Masato (Business)] I think you three might like Nall
[13:31] <-- Nephrite Masato (Business) [FormerGeneral@DarkKingdom.net] has left #eventsbeta (^)
[13:33] <-- Suzuran has left #eventsbeta
[13:33] <-- Housenka has left #eventsbeta
[13:33] <-- Grape has left #eventsbeta
[00:00] >>> Thursday Nov 17 2011 <<<
[02:08] ➣ Quinox, Madox Castle, Future
[02:08] --> Tina Detroit (nightdress) [FireyAirPrincess@QTech.com] has joined #eventsbeta
[02:08] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Tina Detroit (nightdress)
[02:08] > Tina Detroit (nightdress) walks out of the nursery, sighing but smiling
[02:14] --> Vanadine (Future) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has joined #eventsbeta
[02:14] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Vanadine (Future)
[02:14] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Vanadine (Future)
[02:14] [+Vanadine (Future)] There you are!
[02:14] [Tina Detroit (nightdress)] Mom!
[02:15] > +Vanadine (Future) walks over and hugs Tina
[02:15] [+Vanadine (Future)] How are you sweetheart?
[02:17] [Tina Detroit (nightdress)] I'm fine..a bit tired...
[02:17] [+Vanadine (Future)] And how are my grandchildren?
[02:18] [Tina Detroit (nightdress)] heh..sleeping....
[02:18] [Tina Detroit (nightdress)] well...I just put Maxwell back to bed..he was a bit hungry ^^;;
[02:18] [+Vanadine (Future)] Hehe
[02:19] [Tina Detroit (nightdress)] Jeremy sleeps like a rock though heh
[02:21] [Tina Detroit (nightdress)] ^^
[02:21] [+Vanadine (Future)] Sounds wonderful
[02:23] [Tina Detroit (nightdress)] ..would you like to see them?
[02:24] [+Vanadine (Future)] Definately....
[02:25] > Tina Detroit (nightdress) walks back towards the nursery
[02:26] > +Vanadine (Future) follows Tina, looking anxious
[02:27] ➣ the nursery is all you would expect for wealthy children...much of it is decorated to show star patterns, stars made up of a gold like metal...in the center is an ornate crib
[02:29] > +Vanadine (Future) looks around: Amazing nursery
[02:29] > Tina Detroit (nightdress) walks up to the crib, smiling as she looks down into it
[02:30] > +Vanadine (Future) walks over, standing next to Tina, smiling as she looks in
[02:32] ➣ inside the crib is two baby boys, both with short blue and cat ears and tails. they're sleeping, curled up next to one another
[02:33] [Tina Detroit (nightdress)] heee...my little boys
[02:35] [+Vanadine (Future)] They're adorable
[02:38] > +Vanadine (Future) puts an arm around Tina and squeezes her
[02:38] [+Vanadine (Future)] You and Marty made some adorable little boys.
[02:38] [Tina Detroit (nightdress)] it's a strange feeling..being a mother...
[02:40] [Tina Detroit (nightdress)] is Mama happy about this?
[02:41] [+Vanadine (Future)] Of course she is
[02:42] [+Vanadine (Future)] She's coming to visit pretty soon
[02:42] [Tina Detroit (nightdress)] wait...she is!?
[02:44] [+Vanadine (Future)] /md nods
[02:44] > +Vanadine (Future) nods
[02:44] [Tina Detroit (nightdress)] oh geez oh geez oh geez >.>
[02:44] [+Vanadine (Future)] She wants to come see her grandsons too.
[02:44] [+Vanadine (Future)] What's wrong?
[02:44] [Tina Detroit (nightdress)] we're going to have to fix things up ><
[02:46] [+Vanadine (Future)] Oh comeon Tina.... it's just your mama.
[02:46] [Tina Detroit (nightdress)] I don't want her to think we're not a good host ><
[02:48] [+Vanadine (Future)] She would never think that
[02:48] [Tina Detroit (nightdress)] are you sure?
[02:48] [+Vanadine (Future)] Of course!
[02:50] [Tina Detroit (nightdress)] well..alright....
[02:50] [Tina Detroit (nightdress)] ..well seeing the children will probably help no matter what
[02:51] [+Vanadine (Future)] Of course
[02:51] > Tina Detroit (nightdress) yawns a bit
[02:51] [+Vanadine (Future)] You sound worn out. Let's get you to bed.
[02:52] [Tina Detroit (nightdress)] heh I am...
[02:53] > Tina Detroit (nightdress) turns off the lights to the nursery
[02:53] <-- Tina Detroit (nightdress) [FireyAirPrincess@QTech.com] has left #eventsbeta (it still amazes me..to be a mother)
[02:53] > +Vanadine (Future) keeps her arm around Tina, guiding her out of the nursery
[02:54] <-- +Vanadine (Future) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has left #eventsbeta (*giggles*)
[00:00] >>> Friday Nov 18 2011 <<<
[02:17] ➣ Raoul and Freya's apartment
[02:17] --> Freya (cat form) [CatGuard@Q.Gov] has joined #eventsbeta
[02:17] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Freya (cat form)
[02:17] > Freya (cat form) jumps in through an open window, stretching
[02:18] > Raoul Bertrand (Boxers) is laying in bed, reading a magazine
[02:18] > Freya (cat form) walks over and nuzzles against raoul's hand
[02:19] > Raoul Bertrand (Boxers) smirks and lightly strokes Freya's head
[02:20] [Raoul Bertrand (Boxers)] Zere's my wondering kitty.
[02:21] [Freya (cat form)] mmm...I had a good wander tonight
[02:24] [Raoul Bertrand (Boxers)] Oh yeah?
[02:26] [Freya (cat form)] mmmhm
[02:26] > Freya (cat form) morphs
[02:26] > Freya (nightie) is dressed in a nightie and nuzzles raoul
[02:26] > Raoul Bertrand (Boxers) hugs and kisses Freya, holding her
[02:27] [Raoul Bertrand (Boxers)] Like what?
[02:28] [Freya (nightie)] mm..just good to wander through the streets, up the buildings..things like that
[02:30] [Raoul Bertrand (Boxers)] Well, as long as you come back to me and you don't end up finding someone else to frolic wiz, I'm alright wiz you wandering. ;P
[02:30] [Freya (nightie)] I'll always come home to you ^^
[02:31] > Raoul Bertrand (Boxers) kisses Freya's neck lightly
[02:32] > Freya (nightie) purrs happily
[02:34] [Raoul Bertrand (Boxers)] Are you feeling better after everyzing from yesterday?
[02:34] [Freya (nightie)] mmm much much better
[02:35] [Raoul Bertrand (Boxers)] Good ^_^
[02:36] [Freya (nightie)] I still don't like it...but I'll trust neph for now
[02:37] [Raoul Bertrand (Boxers)] Well, he has yet to mislead us
[02:38] [Freya (nightie)] true enough
[02:40] > Raoul Bertrand (Boxers) lightly rubs Freya's back and smiles
[02:40] [Freya (nightie)] mmm that feels nice....I love it when you do this
[02:41] [Raoul Bertrand (Boxers)] I love doing it too..... your skin is always so smooth and soft
[02:42] > Freya (nightie) giggles "well as a cat..I like to keep myself clean ^_~"
[02:42] > Raoul Bertrand (Boxers) smirks and licks Freya's neck
[02:43] > Freya (nightie) purrs
[02:44] > Freya (nightie) snuggles against Raoul
[02:45] > Freya (nightie) yawns
[02:48] > Freya (nightie) starts to fall asleep
[02:49] > Raoul Bertrand (Boxers) holds Freya and smiles, reaching up to turn out the lights.
[02:52] <-- Raoul Bertrand (Boxers) [Brightbeauty@mercury.org] has left #eventsbeta (Let's get some rest for work tomorrow)
[00:00] >>> Saturday Nov 19 2011 <<<
[01:58] ➣ Alchemia, Mercury Palace, the future
[01:59] --> Sagiri Shin (casual) [princeofmists@Mercury.org] has joined #eventsbeta
[01:59] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Sagiri Shin (casual)
[01:59] > Sagiri Shin (casual) opens the door of the palace for his date ^^
[02:00] --> Topaz Tomoe (Winter Dress) [SecondGenSenshi@Saturn.net] has joined #eventsbeta
[02:00] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Topaz Tomoe (Winter Dress)
[02:00] > Topaz Tomoe (Winter Dress) walks in with a smile
[02:00] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Dress)] That was so much fun!
[02:00] [Sagiri Shin (casual)] I hope you enjoyed the show tonight ^^
[02:02] [Sagiri Shin (casual)] I have to admit..it was difficult getting the last minute tickets
[02:04] > Topaz Tomoe (Winter Dress) suddenly hugs Sagiri
[02:04] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Dress)] I loved it, thank you so much!~
[02:05] > Sagiri Shin (casual) nearly falls backwards but catches himself
[02:05] [Sagiri Shin (casual)] heh I'm happy that you did! would you like me to get you a drink?
[02:07] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Dress)] Please do.
[02:08] > Sagiri Shin (casual) offers his hand to Topaz
[02:08] > Topaz Tomoe (Winter Dress) takes Sagiri's hand with a smile
[02:10] > Sagiri Shin (casual) leads Topaz towards a side door
[02:12] > Topaz Tomoe (Winter Dress) follows Sagiri
[02:12] > Sagiri Shin (casual) opens the door "ladies first"
[02:14] > Topaz Tomoe (Winter Dress) smiles and steps through the door
[02:16] ➣ the room inside is HUGE. The walls and ceiling are covered in ice crystals, some of which are extremenly large. Blue light reflects off these crystals, bouncing off each wall and filling the room. on the far end, an indoor waterfall cascades into a crystal blue pool
[02:16] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Dress)] This is beautiful!
[02:18] [Sagiri Shin (casual)] Father had it set up
[02:18] > Sagiri Shin (casual) walks towards the pool
[02:20] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Dress)] Is the pool heated?
[02:21] [Sagiri Shin (casual)] heh it's not that kind of pool
[02:21] > Sagiri Shin (casual) puts his hand against an ice crystal..and two crystaline goblets form from it
[02:22] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Dress)] Ooooh
[02:23] > Sagiri Shin (casual) dips the goblets in the pool's liquid and offers one to Topaz
[02:24] > Topaz Tomoe (Winter Dress) takes one, looking curious at it
[02:28] [Sagiri Shin (casual)] drink it
[02:29] > Topaz Tomoe (Winter Dress) shrugs and takes a sip
[02:30] ➣ the drink tastes like the freshest fruit juice that ever existed
[02:32] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Dress)] Oh wow, that's fantastic!
[02:34] [Sagiri Shin (casual)] liquid ambrosia
[02:35] [Sagiri Shin (casual)] food of the gods ^^
[02:36] > Topaz Tomoe (Winter Dress) takes a longer sip and smiles
[02:36] > Sagiri Shin (casual) drinks himself
[02:36] [Sagiri Shin (casual)] actually I'm not allowed to bring outsiders here
[02:37] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Dress)] Really?
[02:38] [Sagiri Shin (casual)] except those we love
[02:38] > Topaz Tomoe (Winter Dress) giggles, blushing lightly as she finishes her glass
[02:39] > Sagiri Shin (casual) smiles, blushing a bit too
[02:39] > Topaz Tomoe (Winter Dress) yawns lightly, "Such a wonderful night has worn me out"
[02:41] [Sagiri Shin (casual)] let's get some sleep then ^^
[02:41] > Topaz Tomoe (Winter Dress) nods and winks at Sagiri
[02:42] <-- Topaz Tomoe (Winter Dress) [SecondGenSenshi@Saturn.net] has left #eventsbeta (I might still have a little energy before we go to sleep. ^_~)
[02:44] <-- Sagiri Shin (casual) [princeofmists@Mercury.org] has left #eventsbeta (re-really?)
[00:00] >>> Monday Nov 21 2011 <<<
[22:03] ➣ Masato Home - Office
[22:04] > Nephrite Masato (Casual) sits at his computer, typing out something
[22:04] --> Naftis Katheti (Robe) has joined #eventsbeta
[22:04] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Naftis Katheti (Robe)
[22:04] > Naftis Katheti (Robe) walks in carrying two teas on sausers.
[22:05] [Naftis Katheti (Robe)] Hey..
[22:05] > Nephrite Masato (Casual) stops typing, turning around and smiling
[22:05] [Nephrite Masato (Casual)] Hey there, beautiful.
[22:06] [Naftis Katheti (Robe)] How's my favorite pimp-I mean manager?
[22:07] > Nephrite Masato (Casual) smirks, "I'm just fine, love.
[22:07] > Naftis Katheti (Robe) pumps him playfully with her hip after setting down the cups.
[22:07] > Nephrite Masato (Casual) puts his arm around Naftis' waist
[22:08] [Nephrite Masato (Casual)] I hope you're not angry that I had the girls stay here for a couple days while you were gone....
[22:08] [Naftis Katheti (Robe)] Oh no, no. That's fine. They seem to be harmless now, and nice houseguests.
[22:09] [Nephrite Masato (Casual)] Yeah.... one advantage to having them stay was that I got to know them a little. They're very docile..... Housenka very much so.
[22:10] [Naftis Katheti (Robe)] What will they be doing? Seems like they'd make good Suicide Girls.
[22:10] > Nephrite Masato (Casual) picks up a tea cup and sips
[22:10] [Nephrite Masato (Casual)] Heh.... maybe later. I plan on having them do some reporting work for the magazine.
[22:13] > Naftis Katheti (Robe) sighs and slides into a sitting position on the floor, leaning against the desk.
[22:15] [Naftis Katheti (Robe)] I have seven systems looking for her, and we can't find so much as a trace. ~.~
[22:15] > Nephrite Masato (Casual) sighs lightly, turning towards Naftis
[22:16] [Nephrite Masato (Casual)] Mina's worried about her too....
[22:16] [Naftis Katheti (Robe)] I should hope so..
[22:16] [Nephrite Masato (Casual)] ..... I'm sure Usagi's fine..... she just wanted to get off the grid for a while and clear her head.
[22:16] [Naftis Katheti (Robe)] Usagi means the world to the sailor senshi.. and me..
[22:17] [Naftis Katheti (Robe)] I mean... no offense... but... she's.... really special.
[22:18] [Nephrite Masato (Casual)] I know, Dear....
[22:20] [Nephrite Masato (Casual)] Look, maybe I can help....
[22:20] --> Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas) [EarthboundFirefly@mugen.edu] has joined #eventsbeta
[22:20] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)
[22:20] [Naftis Katheti (Robe)] You can?
[22:21] [Nephrite Masato (Casual)] Sure.... I have a LOT of contacts
[22:21] > Nephrite Masato (Casual) looks up and smiles, "Hello Firefly"
[22:22] [Naftis Katheti (Robe)] By all means, put them to work.. this is my top priority right now. Hello dear. Any news?
[22:22] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] Nothing yet. Matsuo's info seems to be the best we have so far.
[22:23] [Naftis Katheti (Robe)] Well, it's something to know she's in Japan and alive.. ~.~
[22:23] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] And with Mamoru-san. That's hopeful.
[22:24] [Naftis Katheti (Robe)] Ohh.. Hotaru dear.. I have a question for you.
[22:26] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] Hmm?
[22:27] [Naftis Katheti (Robe)] It occurs to me that if we have a private ceremony, I know a priest from another system who agreed to preside over us in February who would marry two women to a man. The law be damned, would you like to join us?
[22:28] > Nephrite Masato (Casual) smiles to both girls
[22:28] > Naftis Katheti (Robe) looks up at her with a soft, tired smile.
[22:29] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] Oooh~ I like that idea~
[22:29] > Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas) hugs Naftis close~
[22:29] [Nephrite Masato (Casual)] I love it ^_^
[22:29] [Naftis Katheti (Robe)] ❧ ^.^ ❧
[22:30] > Nephrite Masato (Casual) watches the pair, smiling brightly
[22:30] [Naftis Katheti (Robe)] Good.. and seeing as we have a bit of a crisis on our hands, I'll find a planner who'se mind can be opened by a few stacks of cash to help plan it.. I just hope this unpleasant business is behind us by then..
[22:31] [Naftis Katheti (Robe)] Besides, it really only needs to be legal if we divorce Neph and want to take all his stuff.
[22:31] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] >:3
[22:31] [Nephrite Masato (Casual)] Hey now....
[22:31] > Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas) tries to keep up the face, but breaks down into giggles~
[22:32] > Naftis Katheti (Robe) can't help giggling too.
[22:32] > Nephrite Masato (Casual) smirks
[22:34] [Nephrite Masato (Casual)] Now why would you girls ever divorce me?
[22:34] [Naftis Katheti (Robe)] I just want to be joined before the stars.. Is it arrogant that I see the three of us as above mundane law?
[22:35] [Naftis Katheti (Robe)] Your fortune and house? =p
[22:35] [Nephrite Masato (Casual)] Heh
[22:36] > Nephrite Masato (Casual) looks at each of them and pats his lap
[22:36] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] Let the lawmakers keep their laws. We have love on our side.
[22:36] > Naftis Katheti (Robe) works her way up and sits on one of his legs.
[22:37] [Nephrite Masato (Casual)] That's right Firefly
[22:37] > Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas) steps over and gently sits beside Naftis.
[22:38] > Nephrite Masato (Casual) puts an arm around each of the girls, holding them on his lap
[22:40] [Nephrite Masato (Casual)] I love you girls more then anything else.... and yes dear, it is a tiny big arrogant.... but if that's what you want, we should do it.
[22:41] [Nephrite Masato (Casual)] But the real question is, where?
[22:42] [Naftis Katheti (Robe)] I already rented Tokyo Tower. I'm seeing what I can do to convince as many businesses as I can to turn off their lights, or otherwise fight off the light pollution for a few minutes.
[22:42] [Naftis Katheti (Robe)] Is... that alright?
[22:43] [Nephrite Masato (Casual)] That's perfect. ^_^
[22:44] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] I wonder if anyone would notice a silent wall around the tower..
[22:45] [Naftis Katheti (Robe)] Come to think of it, I do know a few tricks that could put a dark barrier up around the city. heh.. heheh... this -is- Tokyo after all. People probably wouldn't worry about it if nothing sinister came of it. Might make the news, but big deal.
[22:48] [Nephrite Masato (Casual)] Heh, not like anyone would really be able to stop us and then..... what would it hurt if it's only for an hour or two?
[22:49] [Naftis Katheti (Robe)] More like 30 minutes, but yes. Besides, you're a Heavenly King, and Hotaru is a Sailor Senshi who has fought and died for the planet.
[22:49] [Nephrite Masato (Casual)] Very true.
[22:51] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] We'd better let the rest of the senshi know just in case they get worried.
[22:52] [Naftis Katheti (Robe)] We can have a little fun, and I can save money that way. The populace will get over it. It's not like it's Godzilla or the Saiyans or me.
[22:52] [Naftis Katheti (Robe)] Oh of course, I planned on inviting them to the ceremony.
[22:52] [Naftis Katheti (Robe)] That is... if you want to invite your father and surrogates, dear..
[22:53] [Nephrite Masato (Casual)] Yes... I should bring the other guys too....
[22:53] [Nephrite Masato (Casual)] ... I doubt Zoi would come, even if I knew where she was now.
[22:55] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] Of course I want them to come.
[22:55] [Nephrite Masato (Casual)] But that's fine.... at least I have Jadeite and Kunzite.
[22:56] [Naftis Katheti (Robe)] I wonder if Mamoru will agree to give me away, once we find him.. Really the only appropriate choice.
[22:56] [Nephrite Masato (Casual)] Oh! I think I know exactly who my best man is going to be......
[22:57] [Naftis Katheti (Robe)] Kunzite? :P
[22:59] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] I wonder who I should ask to be my bridesmaid?..
[23:00] > Naftis Katheti (Robe) giggles.
[23:00] [Naftis Katheti (Robe)] Minako would be excited to. Or maybe we can ask Setsuna to contact Chibiusa?
[23:00] [Nephrite Masato (Casual)] No.... my friend Nall.
[23:01] [Naftis Katheti (Robe)] Ah yes, a good choice.
[23:05] [Naftis Katheti (Robe)] Just another reason for me to find Usagi I suppose..
[23:05] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] If Chibiusa would come or could come. Otherwise, I think Setsuna would be my second choice.
[23:06] [Nephrite Masato (Casual)] I'm sure you girls will find her soon enough.
[23:06] [Naftis Katheti (Robe)] If we find Usagi soon enough, I wonder if she can't throw together two wedding dresses..
[23:09] [Naftis Katheti (Robe)] Setsuna, that is.
[23:09] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] Perhaps.
[23:09] > Naftis Katheti (Robe) yawns and stands.
[23:09] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] She does seem to work fast sometimes. Suspiciously fast.
[23:10] [Naftis Katheti (Robe)] I need to rest up to get back on patrol, and make some calls while I'm at it.
[23:10] [Nephrite Masato (Casual)] Well then, how about the three of us turn in tonight?
[23:10] > Naftis Katheti (Robe) kisses Nephrite, then moves on to kiss Hotaru.
[23:11] [Naftis Katheti (Robe)] Works for me.
[23:11] > Nephrite Masato (Casual) kisses Naftis back and smiles
[23:11] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] ❧ Mmmm~ ❧
[23:11] <-- Naftis Katheti (Robe) has left #eventsbeta (Soldiers need their rest, in any case.)
[23:11] > Nephrite Masato (Casual) kisses Hotaru and smiles
[23:12] [Nephrite Masato (Casual)] ❧ Let's go, Firefly ❧
[23:13] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] ❧ Hai~ ❧
[23:13] <-- Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas) [EarthboundFirefly@mugen.edu] has left #eventsbeta (Rest AND relaxation~)
[23:13] <-- Nephrite Masato (Casual) [FormerGeneral@DarkKingdom.net] has left #eventsbeta (At least I get to spend one night with my girls~)
[00:00] >>> Tuesday Nov 22 2011 <<<
[18:13] ➣ Branch 6 Apartments
[18:13] --> Sskt (casual) [lizardhunter@Branch6.org] has joined #eventsbeta
[18:13] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Sskt (casual)
[18:13] > Sskt (casual) walks into the apartment, sighing
[18:13] [Sskt (casual)] ugh..that wasn't any fun
[18:14] > Alexis Shentara (Casual) walks out from the kitchen - Hey... what's up?
[18:15] [Sskt (casual)] just a dissapointing shopping day
[18:15] [Taruka Mi-38] oh hi, Sskt
[18:15] [Alexis Shentara (Casual)] Ahh, couldn't find anything ya wanted?
[18:17] [Sskt (casual)] yeah..wanted to get something for my man
[18:17] [Alexis Shentara (Casual)] Oh? His birthday coming up or something?
[18:18] [Sskt (casual)] just felt it might be a nice thing to do
[18:19] [Alexis Shentara (Casual)] Ahh
[18:19] ➣ the lights in the room start to flicker
[18:20] > Alexis Shentara (Casual) looks around - What....was that?
[18:21] [Sskt (casual)] what the heck....
[18:21] [Taruka Mi-38] hey guys..something's wrong with the lights!
[18:21] [Alexis Shentara (Casual)] See if you can figure it out, Taruka
[18:22] > Taruka Mi-38 walks over to a backroom
[18:23] ➣ the power completly fails
[18:24] [Alexis Shentara (Casual)] What the hell....?
[18:25] [Taruka Mi-38] OW!
[18:25] [Sskt (casual)] is it another power failure?
[18:26] [Alexis Shentara (Casual)] Taruka, are you okay?
[18:27] [Taruka Mi-38] I hit my head @_@
[18:28] [Alexis Shentara (Casual)] Don't you have night vision, Taruka?
[18:28] [Taruka Mi-38] oh yeah!
[18:28] > Taruka Mi-38 can be heard fiddling with something
[18:29] [Taruka Mi-38] ok are the lights on?
[18:29] ➣ it's still dark
[18:30] [Alexis Shentara (Casual)] Nope
[18:31] > Taruka Mi-38 tries again....
[18:32] [Sskt (casual)] OW geez.....my knee ><
[18:33] [Taruka Mi-38] did that work?
[18:35] ➣ it's still pitch black
[18:35] [Alexis Shentara (Casual)] Nope
[18:36] [Taruka Mi-38] then it isn't here....
[18:37] ➣ there is a knock on the automatic door
[18:37] > Alexis Shentara (Casual) looks confused and slowly makes her way to the door, opening it
[18:39] --> ~Leoanna has joined #eventsbeta
[18:39] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, ~Leoanna
[18:39] [~Leoanna] um..hello
[18:40] [~Leoanna] is the power out for you three?
[18:40] [Alexis Shentara (Casual)] Hello Anna... yeah.... again
[18:41] [~Leoanna] any idea what's causing it?
[18:42] [Sskt (casual)] no idea...OW
[18:42] > Alexis Shentara (Casual) steps out into the hallway
[18:44] ➣ the hallway is in chaos and dark, almost all the girls on the teams are trying to figure out what is going on
[18:45] [Alexis Shentara (Casual)] Looks like it's at least floor wide....
[18:45] [Alexis Shentara (Casual)] .... Taruka.... go downstairs and see if you can find the problem.
[18:45] > Taruka Mi-38 nods
[18:46] > Taruka Mi-38 runs down the hall and down the stairs
[18:46] [~Leoanna] looks like everyone is panicing >.>
[18:47] > Alexis Shentara (Casual) steps into the hall - CAN I HAVE EVERYONE'S ATTENTION PLEASE!?
[18:48] ➣ everyone stops, looking at Alexis
[18:49] [Alexis Shentara (Casual)] Look, it's pointless to be freaking out like this and the tempreture in here is rising pretty quickly! Let's all head inside and those of you with electrical or technical know how go outside and help figure out what the problem is.
[18:50] ➣ the girls slowly go back in, except for a few who follow after Taruka
[18:52] [Sskt (casual)] OW
[18:52] [Alexis Shentara (Casual)] Sskt.... what do you keep hitting?
[18:55] [Sskt (casual)] I DON'T KNOW I CAN'T SEE
[18:56] [~Leoanna] I can see!
[18:56] [Alexis Shentara (Casual)] Anna.... does it hurt you to have your tail pulled?
[18:57] [~Leoanna] um..not really no
[18:58] [Alexis Shentara (Casual)] Good... Sskt, find Anna's tail and she'll lead you outside with everyone else.
[18:59] > Sskt (casual) grabs Leoanna's tail
[18:59] > ~Leoanna walks outside with Sskt
[19:00] > Alexis Shentara (Casual) makes her way outside behind the others
[19:01] ➣ everything is pitch black....there doesn't seem to be any electronics working anywhere
[19:02] [Alexis Shentara (Casual)] Wow... it's definitely bigger then just this building
[19:04] > Taruka Mi-38 runs up "um....bad news..."
[19:05] [Alexis Shentara (Casual)] What is it Taruka?
[19:06] [Taruka Mi-38] we have an infestation of Gremlin bugs...
[19:08] [Sskt (casual)] what the heck are those?
[19:08] [~Leoanna] bugs that like to eat elecricity and machinery >.>
[19:09] [Alexis Shentara (Casual)] Oh great.... any idea where they're coming from?
[19:09] [Taruka Mi-38] you've heard of them?
[19:09] [~Leoanna] ...we had some attack our ship once
[19:09] [Taruka Mi-38] apparently they hid on the last supply frieghter that came here
[19:12] [Alexis Shentara (Casual)] Crap...... alright..... that means we have to go into extermination mode.
[19:13] [Taruka Mi-38] they're ordering any girls who are able to go and exteriminate them
[19:14] [Taruka Mi-38] *they are
[19:15] [Alexis Shentara (Casual)] Alright then....
[19:15] > Alexis Shentara (Casual) addresses the crowd - Okay.... everyone who has night vision... I need us all to form up in teams of three
[19:16] [Alexis Shentara (Casual)] Those teams will grab weapons with the purpose of exterminating the Gremiln Bugs
[19:18] ➣ several girls step foward, each grabbing their weapons
[19:19] [Alexis Shentara (Casual)] Alright, activate your emergency com devices.... we'll need them to keep contact between teams
[19:24] ➣ the girls nod (if they have heads) and move out
[19:25] [Sskt (casual)] so I guess we just sit and wait
[19:28] [Alexis Shentara (Casual)] Yeah, those of you without night vision hang tight and keep your com units on as well.
[19:30] [Sskt (casual)] and that leaves you doing what :P
[19:35] [Alexis Shentara (Casual)] I'm going with the extermination team. Weren't you listening?
[19:35] [Sskt (casual)] oh geez no I didn't
[19:36] [Alexis Shentara (Casual)] Heh, we'll take care of this.
[19:36] [Alexis Shentara (Casual)] Anna, Taruka, you're with me
[19:37] [Sskt (casual)] if you inisit
[19:37] [Taruka Mi-38] um..it would probably best if I stayed behind
[19:37] [Taruka Mi-38] after all..I am made of metal
[19:38] [Alexis Shentara (Casual)] Good point....
[19:39] [Alexis Shentara (Casual)] .... if those things come back for some reason, let us know and we'll come back
[19:39] [~Leoanna] I'll go though!
[19:39] > Taruka Mi-38 nods
[19:44] [Alexis Shentara (Casual)] Alright Anna, it's you and me then
[19:44] [Alexis Shentara (Casual)] Alright, everyone take a floor and fan out!
[19:46] [Sskt (casual)] I'll take the next floor up
[19:46] [Sskt (casual)] oh you mean them
[19:47] [Alexis Shentara (Casual)] Yeah.....
[19:47] [Alexis Shentara (Casual)] .... we'll be back.
[19:47] > Alexis Shentara (Casual) runs into the building
[19:48] > Sskt (casual) follows after Alexis, along with Leoanna
[19:52] [Alexis Shentara (Casual)] Sskt...
[19:52] <-- Sskt (casual) [lizardhunter@Branch6.org] has left #eventsbeta (guess as they say..lock and load)
[19:52] [Sskt (casual)] yes?
[19:52] [Alexis Shentara (Casual)] You can't see in the dark.... stay here with Taruka....
[19:55] [Sskt (casual)] ..alright
[19:57] <-- Alexis Shentara (Casual) has left #eventsbeta (Time to take care of this problem)
[19:58] <-- Sskt (casual) [lizardhunter@Branch6.org] has left #eventsbeta
[19:58] <-- ~Leoanna has left #eventsbeta (...I'm a little scared)
[23:29] ➣ Alchemia Castle, Sagiri's room
[23:29] --> Sagiri Shin (casual) [princeofmists@Mercury.org] has joined #eventsbeta
[23:29] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Sagiri Shin (casual)
[23:29] > Sagiri Shin (casual) lays on his bed, staring at the ceiling
[23:30] ➣ Sagiri's phone chimes on his nightstand
[23:31] > Sagiri Shin (casual) reaches over and checks his phone
[23:32] > Topaz Tomoe has sent Sagiri a message | I heard you weren't feeling good, everything okay?
[23:33] [Sagiri Shin (casual)] ☇ sister and aki showed up while I was visiting past. made me miss you ☇
[23:33] > Sagiri Shin (casual) typed that in
[23:35] > Topaz Tomoe sends another message | Awwww.... in that case I'm coming over!
[23:36] [Sagiri Shin (casual)] ☇ wait really? ☇
[23:36] > Topaz Tomoe sends another message | Unless.... you don't want me to. >_>
[23:37] [Sagiri Shin (casual)] ☇ no of course I want you here ☇
[23:38] > Topaz Tomoe sends another message | Good... then give me 10 minutes
[23:38] [Sagiri Shin (casual)] ☇ where do you want me to meet you? ☇
[23:42] ➣ There's a flash just outside Sagiri's window
[23:43] [Sagiri Shin (casual)] huh???
[23:45] ➣ There's a light knocking noise from outside the window
[23:46] > Sagiri Shin (casual) looks out the window
[23:47] > Topaz Tomoe (Robe) waves from just outside the window
[23:48] > Sagiri Shin (casual) smiles and opens the window
[23:50] [Sagiri Shin (casual)] ❧ that was quick ❧
[23:50] > Topaz Tomoe (Robe) comes in through the window
[23:51] [Topaz Tomoe (Robe)] ❧ Hey, I couldn't let my Sagi be sad ❧
[23:53] > Topaz Tomoe (Robe) hugs Sagiri tightly
[23:55] [Topaz Tomoe (Robe)] Did you really miss me that much?
[23:56] [Sagiri Shin (casual)] quite a bit ^^
[23:57] > Sagiri Shin (casual) hugs Topaz tightly and gives her a kiss
[23:57] [Topaz Tomoe (Robe)] That's so sweet. ^_^
[23:58] > Topaz Tomoe (Robe) kisses him back
[23:58] [Topaz Tomoe (Robe)] I have a bit of a surprise
[23:58] [Sagiri Shin (casual)] hm? what is that?
[00:00] >>> Wednesday Nov 23 2011 <<<
[00:02] [Sagiri Shin (casual)] ??
[00:05] > Topaz Tomoe (Robe) opens her robe, showing off a rather see through purple nightgown, causing her to blush
[00:07] > Sagiri Shin (casual) blushes a bit himself "now where did you get this?"
[00:07] [Topaz Tomoe (Robe)] ❧ I.... bought this on a shopping trip with Aiko..... what do you think? ❧
[00:08] [Sagiri Shin (casual)] ❧ makes you look quite lovely ❧
[00:10] [Sagiri Shin (casual)] ^^
[00:11] > Topaz Tomoe (Nightgown) giggles, tossing off her robe entirely
[00:11] [Topaz Tomoe (Nightgown)] I was hoping you'd like it
[00:15] [Sagiri Shin (casual)] I'm afraid I have nothing that could compare
[00:17] > Topaz Tomoe (Nightgown) sits on Sagiri's bed | You don't have to Sagi. Come, sit with me and tell me about your day.
[00:18] > Sagiri Shin (casual) sits next to Topaz
[00:20] [Sagiri Shin (casual)] well most of it was alright...school was fine
[00:20] [Sagiri Shin (casual)] then I went to the past to relax a bit
[00:21] [Topaz Tomoe (Nightgown)] And that's where you ran into Yuki and Aki?
[00:21] [Sagiri Shin (casual)] mmhm
[00:21] [Sagiri Shin (casual)] well at first only yuki
[00:21] [Sagiri Shin (casual)] then aki showed up and..well I wasn't jealous of them
[00:21] [Sagiri Shin (casual)] but I did feel lonely seeing them together..and me being alone
[00:23] [Topaz Tomoe (Nightgown)] Awwww
[00:24] [Topaz Tomoe (Nightgown)] You should have just called me, Sagi....
[00:24] [Sagiri Shin (casual)] to be honest..I forgot ^^;;
[00:27] > Topaz Tomoe (Nightgown) smirks lightly and does her best sexy pose
[00:27] [Topaz Tomoe (Nightgown)] ❧ How could you forget about meee....?? ❧
[00:28] > Sagiri Shin (casual) blushes "heh I'm muddled headed"
[00:33] > Sagiri Shin (casual) smiles
[00:37] [Topaz Tomoe (Nightgown)] I hope you don't mind if I stay here tonight. It's really cold outside. ^_^;;
[00:38] [Sagiri Shin (casual)] heh of course not..probably for the best......we're getting a storm tonight...
[00:43] [Topaz Tomoe (Nightgown)] Ahh
[00:44] > Topaz Tomoe (Nightgown) grins up at Sagiri
[00:44] [Sagiri Shin (casual)] now what's that smile for? ^^
[00:46] [Topaz Tomoe (Nightgown)] ❧ Because I want my loving, super intelligent boyfriend to come to bed with me. ^_~ ❧
[00:46] [Sagiri Shin (casual)] ❧ I'd love to ❧
[00:52] [Topaz Tomoe (Nightgown)] ❧ Pats a spot next to him on the bed ❧
[00:52] > Topaz Tomoe (Nightgown) ^
[00:52] [Topaz Tomoe (Nightgown)] ❧ Then what are you waiting on? ❧
[00:54] > Sagiri Shin (casual) smiles and moves to be near Topaz
[00:56] [Topaz Tomoe (Nightgown)] I think ou need to change and turn out the lights. ^_~
[00:56] > Sagiri Shin (casual) smiles and walks over, turning the lights off as he goes
[00:57] <-- Sagiri Shin (casual) [princeofmists@Mercury.org] has left #eventsbeta (I can change in the dark too ^_~)
[00:58] <-- Topaz Tomoe (Nightgown) [SecondGenSenshi@Saturn.net] has left #eventsbeta (Then get to it, lover ♡)
[00:00] >>> Thursday Nov 24 2011 <<<
[01:25] ➣ Alchemia Royal Gardens, Mercury, The Future
[01:25] > Sagiri Shin (winter coat) runs through the snow and quickly hides behind a tree
[01:25] ➣ the garden itself is completely covered in lightly falling snow, the trees likewise
[01:26] > Sagiri Shin (winter coat) telekintically forms a snowball from the snow...
[01:26] > Topaz Tomoe (Winter Gear) stalks through the garden, looking around slowly
[01:27] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Gear)] Where are you Sagi....
[01:28] > Sagiri Shin (winter coat) tosses the snowball at Topaz
[01:30] > Topaz Tomoe (Winter Gear) barely dodges the snowball and grins, "I have you now!"
[01:31] > Topaz Tomoe (Winter Gear) quickly forms up a snowball and tosses it at Sagiri
[01:31] > Sagiri Shin (winter coat) laughs and throws another one
[01:32] > Topaz Tomoe (Winter Gear) gets hit in the shoulder with this one and giggles, throwing another
[01:33] > Sagiri Shin (winter coat) gets hit in the face
[01:34] > Topaz Tomoe (Winter Gear) smirks, "I got ya'!"
[01:34] > Sagiri Shin (winter coat) wipes the snow off
[01:34] [Sagiri Shin (winter coat)] Topaz..I want to show you something
[01:35] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Gear)] Oh? What's that?
[01:37] > Sagiri Shin (winter coat) starts to run down a snowy path
[01:38] > Topaz Tomoe (Winter Gear) runs after him, sliding a bit
[01:38] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Gear)] Hey, wait!!
[01:40] > Sagiri Shin (winter coat) moves down a hill "heh try and hurry up! I want you to see this!"
[01:41] > Topaz Tomoe (Winter Gear) loses her footing slightly and slides down the hill, "Woooooah!!"
[01:41] > Sagiri Shin (winter coat) turns and catches Topaz
[01:43] [Sagiri Shin (winter coat)] heh...you came just in time
[01:43] > Sagiri Shin (winter coat) turns "this is what I wanted you to see..."
[01:43] > Topaz Tomoe (Winter Gear) hugs Sagiri as he catches her
[01:43] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Gear)] Hmm?
[01:43] > Topaz Tomoe (Winter Gear) looks up, "What's that...?"
[01:44] ➣ in front of them is a large frozen lake..the surface of which shimmers in the dark
[01:46] [Sagiri Shin (winter coat)] isn't it beautiful...
[01:46] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Gear)] It is. ^_^
[01:47] > Sagiri Shin (winter coat) grabs Topaz's arm and pulls her onto the ice
[01:48] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Gear)] Hey..... w...where are we going?
[01:49] > Sagiri Shin (winter coat) chuckles as the slide on the ice
[01:49] > Topaz Tomoe (Winter Gear) slides out with him, trying not to panic, "S....sagi....w...what're we doing!?
[01:50] [Sagiri Shin (winter coat)] heh what does it look like?
[01:52] > Sagiri Shin (winter coat) moves his feet so they start spinning on the ice
[01:53] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Gear)] But we.... don't have any skates
[01:54] > Topaz Tomoe (Winter Gear) is sliding, trying desperately to keep on her feet
[01:55] [Sagiri Shin (winter coat)] heh do we need them?
[01:55] > Sagiri Shin (winter coat) dips Topaz a bit as they move along the ice
[01:57] > Topaz Tomoe (Winter Gear) looks up at Sagiri and giggles
[01:57] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Gear)] I guess not.... but you'd better not let go of me.
[01:58] [Sagiri Shin (winter coat)] I wouldn't let you go ever
[01:59] > Sagiri Shin (winter coat) stops spinning and holds her close as the snow falls
[02:00] > Topaz Tomoe (Winter Gear) holds onto Saigri and smiles, laying her head on his shoulder
[02:01] [Sagiri Shin (winter coat)] you're not cold, are you?
[02:04] > Topaz Tomoe (Winter Gear) shakes her head, "No.... not at all."
[02:04] [Topaz Tomoe (Winter Gear)] The clothes your family gave me are keeping me very warm, not to mention being here with you.
[02:06] [Sagiri Shin (winter coat)] heh...aunt minako would probably say it's the warmth of love
[02:08] > Topaz Tomoe (Winter Gear) giggles, "I bet she would"
[02:09] > Sagiri Shin (winter coat) pauses...and then lifts Topaz's chin a bit, kissing her on the lips
[02:11] > Topaz Tomoe (Winter Gear) kisses Sagiri back, hugging him close
[02:12] > Sagiri Shin (winter coat) ends the kiss "how about we go in and have some hot chocolate together.."
[02:13] > Topaz Tomoe (Winter Gear) smiles, "Sounds great"
[02:15] > Sagiri Shin (winter coat) offers his arm to Topaz
[02:15] > Topaz Tomoe (Winter Gear) takes Sagiri's arm and smiles, snuggling against him
[02:16] <-- Sagiri Shin (winter coat) [princeofmists@Mercury.org] has left #eventsbeta (have to be careful on this ice)
[02:17] <-- Topaz Tomoe (Winter Gear) [SecondGenSenshi@Saturn.net] has left #eventsbeta (Very slippery. ^_^;;)
[18:41] ➣ Makoto's resturant
[18:41] > Topaz Tomoe (Winter Gear) washes dishes in the back area, getting ready to reopen for dinner
[18:42] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] ^^
[18:42] > Makoto Kino (Apron) hums to herself as she cleans up
[18:44] --> Usagi Chiba [Moon_Bunny@Jubaan.Tokyo.co] has joined #eventsbeta
[18:44] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Usagi Chiba
[18:45] > Usagi Chiba knocks on the door
[18:45] > Makoto Kino (Apron) walks up from the back and looks out the window, quickly unlocking the door
[18:46] [Usagi Chiba] Makoto ^^
[18:47] [Usagi Chiba] you serving tonight?
[18:48] > Makoto Kino (Apron) hugs Usagi
[18:48] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] We were so worried!
[18:48] [Usagi Chiba] sorry about that *returns the hug*
[18:49] [Usagi Chiba] I had to hide..you know..cause of the baby and all
[18:50] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] So I heard... where is Usa-chan?
[18:50] > Makoto Kino (Apron) ushers Usagi inside
[18:50] > Usagi Chiba walks in
[18:50] [Usagi Chiba] she's sleeping ^^ Mamo-chan is having some daughter daddy time with her
[18:51] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] Wow.... it's really amazing.
[18:52] [Usagi Chiba] huh???
[18:52] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] First Mina has little Aiko, then Matsy has Miki, now you have Usa-chan and Ami has a child on the way....
[18:53] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] .... makes me think I'm getting behind. >_>
[18:54] [Usagi Chiba] hey don't feel like that ^^
[18:55] > Makoto Kino (Apron) pulls out a chair for Usagi
[18:56] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] I'm tryin' not to, but it's tough
[18:57] [Usagi Chiba] it's not that important!
[18:57] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] Anyway, stupid question, are you hungry?
[18:58] [Usagi Chiba] YES!
[18:59] > Makoto Kino (Apron) giggles - What would you like?
[19:00] [Usagi Chiba] what do you make?
[19:08] [Usagi Chiba] ^^
[19:08] > Makoto Kino (Apron) gives her a menu
[19:08] [Usagi Chiba] any specials?
[19:08] [Usagi Chiba] oooo ok I'll have the *names off a few dishes..several of them*
[19:14] [Usagi Chiba] ^___^
[19:15] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] Heh, I see you haven't lost your apetite. ^_^
[19:16] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] Relax, I'll get you something to drink
[19:16] [Usagi Chiba] ^^ I guess not
[19:16] [Usagi Chiba] okies!
[19:18] ➣ There is a television in a corner of the dining room, showing a news program
[19:18] > Usagi Chiba watches the TV
[19:19] > Makoto Kino (Apron) goes into the kitchen and starts cooking
[19:20] --> Minako Kaioh [SoldierOfLove@Venus.net] has joined #eventsbeta
[19:20] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Minako Kaioh
[19:20] > Minako Kaioh enters, wearing a thick orange coat and carrying a pink bundle.
[19:20] [Usagi Chiba] Mina!!
[19:20] > Ukyo Kuonji walks in behind Mina
[19:20] [Minako Kaioh] Konbon wa.
[19:21] > Minako Kaioh proceeds to unbundle herself and Aiko and sits with Usagi.
[19:21] [Ukyo Kuonji] Hey Mako, I'm here!
[19:21] [Ukyo Kuonji] Oh and we have customers!
[19:22] > Makoto Kino (Apron) pokes her head out from the kitchen
[19:22] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] Hiiii Minaaaa~
[19:22] [Minako Kaioh] You sound surprised.
[19:22] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] Ukyo, take over for me for a moment, the order's on the board
[19:23] [Ukyo Kuonji] Sure thing
[19:23] [Usagi Chiba] hiii Aiko ^_^
[19:23] > Makoto Kino (Apron) pours a couple of hot chocolates, carrying them over to the table, setting then in front of Mina and Usagi
[19:23] > Baby Aiko looks around Usagi's general direction.
[19:24] > Makoto Kino (Apron) hugs Mina - How are you tonight, Mina?
[19:24] [Minako Kaioh] That's Usagi-chan. She's the reason I've been running all over and tired all the time, but she's safe, and that's what is most important. ♡
[19:24] [Minako Kaioh] Better. Much better. Starting to feel like my old self, minusing the baby.
[19:25] > Usagi Chiba guzzles down the hot chocolate
[19:26] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] Woah, easy Usagi
[19:29] [Minako Kaioh] What's on special tonight?
[19:32] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] I hadn't really decided on one
[19:32] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] Maybe you girls can help me decide.
[19:34] [Usagi Chiba] ooo um....er......
[19:34] [Minako Kaioh] Don't most places just make it whatever is easiest to cook in a large amount, based on what they have?
[19:36] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] Yeah.... but I don't know what to make and I have to open soon
[19:39] [Minako Kaioh] Have any turkey dishes? I guess that's the big thing in the west now.
[19:41] [Usagi Chiba] can you get turkey around here though?
[19:44] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] I have some boneless turkey in the back.
[19:45] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] I know what you're talking about.... Thanksgiving I think they call it?
[19:45] [Minako Kaioh] Yeah, that's it.
[19:46] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] I can do that.... make up some mashed potatoes.... corn bread stuffing.... find a veggitable
[19:46] > Ukyo Kuonji comes out carrying five dishes
[19:46] [Ukyo Kuonji] Here you go!
[19:46] [Minako Kaioh] Look at all the friends you have, Aiko.
[19:47] > Ukyo Kuonji looks at Aiko and smiles - Hey there little girl... you're so pretty. ^_^
[19:49] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] I'll get started on that then! Ukyo, put on the board today's special is a western style Thanksgiving Dinner.
[19:49] > Baby Aiko gurgles at Ukyo.
[19:50] > Ukyo Kuonji thinks | That's turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, cranberry sauce and a veggie, right?
[19:50] > Makoto Kino (Apron) looks a bit shocked - Yeah.... how did you know?
[19:51] [Ukyo Kuonji] Ryoga had it while traveling one time and loved it, apparently. He asked me to make him some before I left the apartment.
[19:54] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] Alright
[19:54] > Ukyo Kuonji starts writing on the board at the front of the resturant as she turns the sign to open
[19:55] [Usagi Chiba] I'm huuuungry
[19:55] [Minako Kaioh] I could use something myself..
[19:56] > Ukyo Kuonji just set Usagi's food down
[19:56] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] What would you like Mina?
[19:57] [Minako Kaioh] That sounds fine.
[19:57] > Usagi Chiba starts to eat happily
[19:58] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] One special for the golden haired lady... shall I warm some milk for the little cutie?
[19:58] [Minako Kaioh] Wow O_O That was fast!
[19:59] [Minako Kaioh] Oh, thanks, she ate before she came. I think she'll be nodding off shortly.
[19:59] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] Alright, I'll go get yours ready.
[20:00] > Makoto Kino (Apron) goes into the back, continuing what Ukyo's already started.
[20:03] [Minako Kaioh] So, Usagi-chan, how is the small lady treating you so far?
[20:04] [Usagi Chiba] she's needy ^^;;; very needy ^^;;;
[20:06] [Minako Kaioh] I bet. ^^;;
[20:10] [Minako Kaioh] Ne ne, was she planned or was she a love child? I'm amazed it took you this long.
[20:11] [Usagi Chiba] she was...sort of a love child ^^;;;
[20:12] [Minako Kaioh] Aiko was certainly a love child. But now you have an excuse to be a home maker like you wanted to! Or at least.. didn't you used to want to?
[20:13] [Usagi Chiba] yeah ^^
[20:17] > Ukyo Kuonji walks up to the table, plate in hand, setting in front of Minako
[20:17] [Ukyo Kuonji] Here you go, enjoy
[20:17] > Ukyo Kuonji walks over and greets some more customers as they trickle in
[20:18] > Usagi Chiba keeps eating
[20:18] [Minako Kaioh] Itadakimasu.
[20:18] > Minako Kaioh begins eating one-handed.
[20:22] [Usagi Chiba] this stuff...is so..freaking...good
[20:23] [Minako Kaioh] It is pretty good, yeah. Thank you.
[20:28] [Usagi Chiba] ^_^
[20:30] [Minako Kaioh] I like this place.. it's very... cozy.. and peaceful. We'll have to come here more.
[20:31] > Makoto Kino (Apron) walks from the back, filling the girls' cups
[20:31] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] Well I hope so, that was my goal, to make this a cozy place.
[20:33] [Usagi Chiba] we should have reunions here!
[20:34] [Minako Kaioh] What kind of reunions?
[20:34] > Makoto Kino (Apron) smiles at that - I would love to host something like that.
[20:38] [Usagi Chiba] like...get togethers!
[20:39] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] All the senshi girls, I think is what she means.
[20:40] [Minako Kaioh] Well, we see eachother all the time, when we aren't hiding out in time pockets. =p But yeah, it'd always be nice to get together more often. I'm sure once we all have kids, it will be even nicer.
[20:42] > Minako Kaioh raises her voice a little.
[20:42] [Minako Kaioh] Ne, Mako-chan, when will we have a little russian child joining us??
[20:43] [Usagi Chiba] O_O
[20:43] > Makoto Kino (Apron) blushes and giggles
[20:43] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] Ivan and I.... have only occasionally discussed it.
[20:44] > Minako Kaioh giggles too.
[20:48] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] We have yet to even get married
[20:49] [Minako Kaioh] Hai, hai. So.... what's keeping you? ^_~
[20:49] > Makoto Kino (Apron) blushes again - Well he..... hasn't asked me.....
[20:50] [Minako Kaioh] Awww.... Maybe I should talk to him~ ♡
[20:50] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] Minaaaa.....
[20:51] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] ... I know you mean well, but please don't get in the middle. If he's not ready, I don't want to rush him.
[20:51] > Usagi Chiba giggles
[20:53] [Minako Kaioh] Awww.. but you two are so cute together! I bet your baby would be cute too! ♡
[20:53] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] Heh and tall.
[20:54] [Usagi Chiba] they would be a giant!!!!
[20:55] [Usagi Chiba] 20 FT TALL!!!
[20:55] [Minako Kaioh] Maybe you'll have a big, strong tall boy my Aiko can go out with.
[20:55] > Minako Kaioh sweatdrops. 'Not THAT tall..'
[20:55] > Makoto Kino (Apron) giggles at Usagi's suggetsion
[20:56] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] You know..... I've noticed an interesting pattern when it comes to kids from you girls.
[20:57] [Minako Kaioh] Ne? Nani?
[20:57] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] Well, you two and Matsumi all had girls... and I think Ami's baby is also a girl.
[20:58] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] It's awfully strange.
[20:58] [Minako Kaioh] That's right... wow, good thing we aren't in China..
[20:59] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] Well, I should get back to work. Feel free to stay until close.
[20:59] > Makoto Kino (Apron) stands and heads back into the kitchen
[20:59] <-- Makoto Kino (Apron) [ThunderSenshi@BigRedSpot.net] has left #eventsbeta
[21:00] > Usagi Chiba finishes her meal finally
[21:04] [Minako Kaioh] Mako-chan always was the best chef I knew.
[21:05] [Usagi Chiba] she is ^_^
[21:12] [Usagi Chiba] that's how I first met her! cause of food!
[21:12] [Minako Kaioh] Well, I don't want to get in their way any longer.
[21:12] > Ukyo Kuonji walks over | Would you two like some dessert?
[21:12] [Minako Kaioh] Hai, that's right. Everyone else was afraid of her because of her height and the rumors, and you didn't care because you needed lunch. Ohh, you know, that sounds nice. Surprise me. ^.^
[21:13] [Usagi Chiba] YES!!!!
[21:13] [Ukyo Kuonji] To go with the special, I just finished making a pumpkin pie from some left over frozen pumpkin we had from halloween. Would you like some?
[21:14] [Minako Kaioh] Please.
[21:18] [Usagi Chiba] YEAH!
[21:18] [Ukyo Kuonji] Alright, I'll be right back!
[21:20] > Ukyo Kuonji goes to the back
[21:21] [Minako Kaioh] They do everything so fast here too.
[21:24] [Usagi Chiba] yeah really!
[21:26] > Ukyo Kuonji comes back with two small plates, setting one down in front of each girl. The pie is warm with a spoonfull of whipped topping on it
[21:26] [Ukyo Kuonji] There you go. ^_^
[21:27] [Minako Kaioh] Thanks again.
[21:27] > Minako Kaioh begins eating, again one handed.
[21:29] [Ukyo Kuonji] Sure. I'd love to hear your opinions.
[21:29] [Minako Kaioh] It's excelent.. very rich..
[21:32] > Ukyo Kuonji smiles, looking quite proud of herself.
[21:32] > Usagi Chiba has already finished eating ^^
[21:33] > Minako Kaioh gives Aiko a tiny taste off her fork, who doesn't show much emotion.
[21:34] [Ukyo Kuonji] I'm glad you like it.
[21:34] [Minako Kaioh] The check, whenever you can?
[21:35] [Ukyo Kuonji] Mako said it's on the house for you two. ^_^
[21:35] [Minako Kaioh] Nonsense... I have to support my friend..
[21:43] [Usagi Chiba] ^^
[21:43] ➣ The dining room is quite busy
[21:44] [Ukyo Kuonji] She said it was okay for the two of you, but if you insist, I'll go talk to her.
[21:45] [Minako Kaioh] Well.. I suppose I shouldn't decline such a nice gift.. but I will leave you a nice tip, Uk-chan.
[21:47] [Ukyo Kuonji] Awww, thank you very much. You're as sweet as Mako says. ^_^
[21:49] > Baby Aiko starts to squirm and cry.
[21:50] [Minako Kaioh] Moh... I think the noise is getting to her.
[21:50] [Usagi Chiba] I'm full ^^
[21:50] > Minako Kaioh reaches down her shirt collar and pulls her wallet out. :d Then pulls a few bills from it and places them on the table, replacing her wallet and standing.
[21:51] [Minako Kaioh] It was nice eating with you, Usagi-chan.
[21:52] [Usagi Chiba] yeah!!!
[21:52] [Usagi Chiba] I should get home ^^
[21:53] [Ukyo Kuonji] Thank you both for coming by. Hope to see you both again soon. ^_^
[21:53] [Minako Kaioh] You will! Ja!
[21:53] <-- Minako Kaioh [SoldierOfLove@Venus.net] has left #eventsbeta (Sobieru mirai, Wasurenaide!)
[21:53] <-- Baby Aiko has left #eventsbeta
[21:54] [Ukyo Kuonji] Good evening. ^_^
[21:59] [Usagi Chiba] goodnight Ukyo!
[22:00] [Ukyo Kuonji] Goodnight ^_^
[22:01] <-- Usagi Chiba [Moon_Bunny@Jubaan.Tokyo.co] has left #eventsbeta
[22:02] > Ukyo Kuonji clears the table and smiles
[22:03] <-- Ukyo Kuonji has left #eventsbeta (So generous. ^_^)
[00:00] >>> Sunday Nov 27 2011 <<<
[01:32] ➣ Tokyo outskirts, Tao's apartment
[01:33] ➣ there's a knock at the door
[01:34] > Tao Latu (nightclothes) stands from his chair and walks over to the door, looking out the peephole
[01:35] > Taiki Kou (casual) is standing outside the door
[01:38] > Taiki Kou (casual) is looking around
[01:39] > Tao Latu (nightclothes) unlocks and opens the door | Hello you love... what brings you here at this time of night?
[01:39] [Taiki Kou (casual)] I was....wondering if I could stay a couple nights here?
[01:40] [Tao Latu (nightclothes)] Of course, please come in
[01:40] > Tao Latu (nightclothes) steps out of the way, allowing Taiki to enter
[01:40] > Taiki Kou (casual) walks in
[01:41] > Tao Latu (nightclothes) closes and locks the door
[01:43] [Taiki Kou (casual)] thank you ^^
[01:43] [Tao Latu (nightclothes)] Not that I mind sharing my home with you, but did something happen to make you come here?
[01:45] [Taiki Kou (casual)] the manor got closed off for a week
[01:46] [Taiki Kou (casual)] due to..a cooking accedent
[01:47] [Taiki Kou (casual)] so all us girls are finding places to stay
[01:48] [Tao Latu (nightclothes)] Oh my... well of course your home is mine.
[01:51] [Taiki Kou (casual)] thank you ^_^...where can I put my stuff?
[01:52] [Tao Latu (nightclothes)] You can put it in the bedroom if you like
[01:53] > Taiki Kou (casual) drags a suitcase towards the bedroom "..so we'll share the bed? *^^*"
[01:55] > Tao Latu (nightclothes) smirks, siting on the sofa
[01:55] [Tao Latu (nightclothes)] Unless you'd rahter we not
[01:56] [Taiki Kou (casual)] of course not!
[01:56] [Tao Latu (nightclothes)] Good. ^+^
[01:57] [Tao Latu (nightclothes)] ^_^ even
[01:59] [Taiki Kou (casual)] maybe I should get changed actually ^^
[01:59] [Tao Latu (nightclothes)] Go right ahead, dear. I'm just catching up on news before bed.
[02:00] > Taiki Kou (casual) walks into the bedroom
[02:05] > Taiki Kou (nightdress) walks out, closing the door behind her
[02:05] [Taiki Kou (nightdress)] that's much better
[02:06] > Tao Latu (nightclothes) turns, looking towards Taiki
[02:06] > Taiki Kou (nightdress) is wearing a sheer purple nightdress, her hair full undone as well
[02:07] [Tao Latu (nightclothes)] Beautiful as always, Taiki, dear. ^_^
[02:08] > Taiki Kou (nightdress) blushes "why thank you, Tao"
[02:09] > Tao Latu (nightclothes) pats a space on the sofa next to him
[02:09] > Taiki Kou (nightdress) sits next to Tao
[02:11] > Tao Latu (nightclothes) puts his arm around Taiki and smiles, holding her close
[02:12] > Taiki Kou (nightdress) giggles a little and leans against Tao
[02:15] [Taiki Kou (nightdress)] so I'll be staying here a week
[02:15] [Taiki Kou (nightdress)] ❧ or two ❧
[02:15] > Tao Latu (nightclothes) smiles and squeezes Taiki
[02:18] > Tao Latu (nightclothes) yawns lightly
[02:18] > Taiki Kou (nightdress) yawns as well
[02:18] [Tao Latu (nightclothes)] Sounds like we should turn in for the night
[02:18] [Taiki Kou (nightdress)] let's get some sleep ^^
[02:19] > Tao Latu (nightclothes) stands and offers his hand to her
[02:20] > Taiki Kou (nightdress) takes Tao's hand, standing
[02:20] > Tao Latu (nightclothes) pulls Taiki in for a quick kiss before leading her into the bedrooom, turning out the lights and turning off the tv
[02:21] > Taiki Kou (nightdress) smiles, following Tao into the bedroom
[02:22] <-- Tao Latu (nightclothes) has left #eventsbeta (Time to turn in ^_~)
[02:22] <-- Taiki Kou (nightdress) has left #eventsbeta (with the one I love ^_~)
[11:18] ➣ Raoul and Freya's apartment
[11:18] --> Freya (casual) [CatGuard@Q.Gov] has joined #eventsbeta
[11:18] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Freya (casual)
[11:18] > Freya (casual) tries to open the door, her arms filled with boxes
[11:19] [Freya (casual)] ugh...
[11:22] [Freya (casual)] >.> <.<
[11:22] [Freya (casual)] guess it can't be helped
[11:26] > Freya (casual) grows a cat tail and uses it to open the door
[11:27] --> Raoul Bertrand [Brightbeauty@mercury.org] has joined #eventsbeta
[11:27] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Raoul Bertrand
[11:28] > Raoul Bertrand (Robe) walks out of the bedroom, drying his hair with a towe
[11:28] [Raoul Bertrand (Robe)] l
[11:28] [Freya (casual)] hello, raoul!
[11:29] [Raoul Bertrand (Robe)] Amore, what is all that?
[11:30] [Freya (casual)] Matsumi had some old christmas stuff...and wanted to get rid of it..so I offered to take it
[11:30] [Raoul Bertrand (Robe)] Ahhh
[11:30] [Raoul Bertrand (Robe)] You couldn't wait until I woke up to go get it?
[11:32] [Freya (casual)] I was sort of in a hurry ^^;;
[11:34] > Raoul Bertrand (Robe) walks over, taking a couple of boxes from Freya, then kissing her
[11:35] > Freya (casual) returns the kiss
[11:35] > Freya (casual) retracts her tail
[11:35] [Raoul Bertrand (Robe)] Did you..... just have a tail?
[11:36] [Freya (casual)] um yes ^^;;;
[11:38] > Raoul Bertrand (Robe) walks over and sets the boxes in the living room
[11:39] [Freya (casual)] is there something wrong with the tail?
[11:41] [Raoul Bertrand (Robe)] Nozing.... I just.... wanted to see it longer.
[11:42] > Freya (casual) regrows her tail
[11:43] > Raoul Bertrand (Robe) smiles to her, then moves beside her, gently taking old of her tail
[11:43] [Raoul Bertrand (Robe)] Zis is ze first time I'm seeing you do zis.
[11:43] [Freya (casual)] O_O ^_^
[11:44] > Raoul Bertrand (Robe) lifts the tail in his hand, lightly petting then kissing it
[11:44] [Raoul Bertrand (Robe)] ❧ I love it~ ❧
[11:47] > Freya (casual) giggles, her tail twitching
[11:49] > Raoul Bertrand (Robe) smiles, letting go of Freya's tail
[11:49] [Raoul Bertrand (Robe)] You know, some people in zis country have pretty serious fetishes about girls wiz tails.
[11:49] [Freya (casual)] is that so? I never knew that
[11:51] > Freya (casual) wiggles her tail
[11:52] [Raoul Bertrand (Robe)] Oh yes... cat ears and tails are.. pretty serious turn-ons to some people in zis country.
[11:54] [Freya (casual)] oh yes I've seen those sort of people
[11:55] > Raoul Bertrand (Robe) moves behind Freya, wrapping his arms around her from behind
[11:56] [Raoul Bertrand (Robe)] ❧ Personally.... I zink evveryzing about you is a turn-on ❧
[11:57] [Freya (casual)] ❧ I can tell...every night ❧
[11:58] > Raoul Bertrand (Robe) chuckles lightly, kissing behind Freya's ear
[12:03] > Freya (casual) giggles and wiggles a bit
[12:06] [Raoul Bertrand (Robe)] ❧ You're very tempting, but I should stop before we end up in ze bedrooom all day..... again. ^_~ ❧
[12:06] [Freya (casual)] ❧ good idea XD ❧
[12:08] > Raoul Bertrand (Robe) pulls his hands back, letting them linger at her hips for a moment with a smile
[12:08] > Freya (casual) brushes raoul's chin with her tail
[12:09] > Raoul Bertrand (Robe) smiles
[12:09] [Raoul Bertrand (Robe)] So, you're planning on decorating for Christmas, eh?
[12:09] [Freya (casual)] well..I was thinking of it.....even though I've never understood the holiday
[12:11] [Freya (casual)] but I should follow Earth customs
[12:11] [Raoul Bertrand (Robe)] Well.... ze religion behind ze holiday is zat Christmas is ze day zat Jesus Christ was born in Bezlahem.
[12:12] [Freya (casual)] so Matsumi has told me
[12:13] [Freya (casual)] why do we give gifts then?
[12:15] [Raoul Bertrand (Robe)] Well... zree wise-men came to greet Jesus, who is believeed to be ze son of god and welcome him to ze world. As part of zat welcome, zey each brought a gift for ze child.
[12:16] [Freya (casual)] oh I see...so we give each other gifts sort of as a celebration of that
[12:16] [Raoul Bertrand (Robe)] Right
[12:18] [Freya (casual)] I suppose that makes sense then
[12:19] [Freya (casual)] this will be our first christmas together ^^
[12:21] [Raoul Bertrand (Robe)] Indeed....which begs ze question. What would you like for a gift?
[12:22] [Freya (casual)] um....uh...I'm...not sure...this will take some thinking ^^;;
[12:24] [Raoul Bertrand (Robe)] Don't zink long, Amore. Ze longer we wait, ze more difficult shopping will be.
[12:25] [Freya (casual)] heh what do you want then?
[12:27] [Raoul Bertrand (Robe)] Well... besides you. ^_~
[12:28] > Freya (casual) blushes
[12:31] [Freya (casual)] well do you have anything in mind that you want?
[12:32] [Raoul Bertrand (Robe)] Somezing simple..... from ze heart.
[12:33] [Freya (casual)] that is the best kind
[12:33] [Raoul Bertrand (Robe)] Maybe... somezing I can use to... show zat I am yours. ^_~
[12:34] > Freya (casual) blushes "oh?"
[12:36] > Raoul Bertrand (Robe) nods
[12:39] [Freya (casual)] well....let's get some lunch..and then work on this ^^
[12:40] [Raoul Bertrand (Robe)] Sounds good, I'll get dressed.
[12:40] > Freya (casual) retracts her tail
[12:41] [Raoul Bertrand (Robe)] ❧ Perhaps... you'd like to help me? ^_~ ❧
[12:41] [Freya (casual)] ❧ be happy to ❧
[12:41] > Raoul Bertrand (Robe) walks into the bedroom
[12:42] <-- Raoul Bertrand (Robe) [Brightbeauty@mercury.org] has left #eventsbeta (Let's not take TOO long though. ♡)
[12:43] <-- Freya (casual) [CatGuard@Q.Gov] has left #eventsbeta (mmhm)
[00:00] >>> Monday Nov 28 2011 <<<
[23:47] ➣ Crystal Tokyo, Sakazaki resciedence
[23:48] --> Violet (future) has joined #eventsbeta
[23:48] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Violet (future)
[23:48] > Violet (future) opens the door, wiping her feet on the mat "I'm home!"
[23:50] > Violet (future) tosses her coat onto the floor, stretching
[23:50] --> Nall Sakazaki (Future) [WhiteDragon@SilverStar.co.lun] has joined #eventsbeta
[23:50] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Nall Sakazaki (Future)
[23:50] > Nall Sakazaki (Future) walks downstairs | Welcome home, Violet. ^_^
[23:51] [Violet (future)] hey dad!..is mom still out?
[23:54] > Violet (future) plops herself onto a sofa
[23:56] > ~Rose (future) pokes her head around the corner
[23:56] [~Rose (future)] heh I see the tomboy is back :P
[23:56] [Violet (future)] HEY! I AM NOT
[23:57] [~Rose (future)] well you look like one to me :P
[23:58] [Nall Sakazaki (Future)] Comeon now Rose.... don't be like that.
[23:58] [Nall Sakazaki (Future)] Yes, your mother is still out.
[00:00] >>> Tuesday Nov 29 2011 <<<
[00:00] > ~Rose (future) sticks her tongue out
[00:00] > Violet (future) frowns
[00:00] [Violet (future)] work was rough today, dad....had to do some repairwork at the palace...
[00:01] [Nall Sakazaki (Future)] How much work?
[00:02] [Violet (future)] had to replace all the electrics in the gold room..you know the one
[00:02] > Mandrake Sakazaki (future) walks in, carrying a small piece of chicken
[00:04] [Mandrake Sakazaki (future)] Hey Vi, Rose, pop
[00:04] [Violet (future)] hi drake!
[00:04] [~Rose (future)] ..what is that
[00:05] > ~Rose (future) points at the chicken
[00:05] [Mandrake Sakazaki (future)] It's a chicken leg....
[00:07] [~Rose (future)] where did you get that?
[00:09] [Mandrake Sakazaki (future)] From the fridge....?
[00:10] [~Rose (future)] I thought we were all out of it!
[00:10] [Violet (future)] stop complaining rose ><
[00:11] [Nall Sakazaki (Future)] That's enough you three....
[00:11] [Nall Sakazaki (Future)] .... I don't want you three fighting when your mother gets home
[00:12] [Violet (future)] yes dad
[00:12] [~Rose (future)] yes papa...
[00:12] [Mandrake Sakazaki (future)] okay pop
[00:13] [Nall Sakazaki (Future)] I'm beginning to get a bit concerned.... she should have been home by now.
[00:14] --> Neva (future) [BHunterCat@SystemNova.com] has joined #eventsbeta
[00:14] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Neva (future)
[00:14] > Neva (future) sighs, walking in
[00:14] [Neva (future)] ok you two..off to bed
[00:15] > Neva (future) is talking to two young girls, who run upstairs
[00:15] [Neva (future)] evening, honey ^^
[00:15] [Mandrake Sakazaki (future)] Hi Mooom!
[00:15] [Violet (future)] hey mom!
[00:15] [~Rose (future)] hi mama
[00:16] [Neva (future)] well this is certainly a welcome home ^^
[00:16] [Nall Sakazaki (Future)] Hello dear. ^_^
[00:17] > Neva (future) kisses nall "so everything is going well for me ^^"
[00:17] > Nall Sakazaki (Future) kisses Neva back and hugs her | Good.... that makes me feel better.
[00:18] ➣ there is a tapping at the window
[00:19] [Nall Sakazaki (Future)] hmm?
[00:19] [Neva (future)] huh?
[00:19] [~Rose (future)] what's that noise?
[00:20] ➣ the tapping continues
[00:21] [Violet (future)] think it's coming from the window
[00:22] ➣ the tapping is slightly louder now
[00:23] > Mandrake Sakazaki (future) stands and walks over to the window
[00:24] ➣ a young great grey owl is pecking at the window
[00:25] [Violet (future)] hey..isn't that...
[00:25] [Nall Sakazaki (Future)] Oh my....
[00:26] [Neva (future)] open the window!
[00:30] > Mandrake Sakazaki (future) opens the window
[00:30] --> Whisper has joined #eventsbeta
[00:30] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Whisper
[00:31] > Whisper flies in and lands on the sofa, a note tied to her leg
[00:31] [~Rose] it is Whisper!
[00:34] [Nall Sakazaki (Future)] What is she doing here though
[00:35] [Violet (future)] well she has a note tied to her
[00:36] > Violet (future) reaches over and carefully takes the note off Whisper's leg
[00:36] > Violet (future) looks at it "it's for you and mom, dad"
[00:36] [Nall Sakazaki (Future)] Care to read it for us, dear?
[00:37] [Violet (future)] who, me?
[00:38] [Nall Sakazaki (Future)] Yes, Violet.
[00:39] > Violet (future) opens the letter
[00:39] [Violet (future)] "Dear mom and dad! How are you? I'm doing reallly good! I passed a quiz in potions just barely, but Madam Rowe says I'm improving. People are alot nicer this year..but I still get bullied alot"
[00:41] [Violet (future)] "I also finally got to fly high on my broom! It was really fun, but a little scary. I really miss you and Violet and Rose and Drake and Ivy and (sibling names) alot and I can't wait to come home for the holidays"
[00:41] [Violet (future)] "I will write to you really soon!"
[00:41] [Violet (future)] "Love, Daisy"
[00:42] [Violet (future)] "PS. please feed Whisper cuz she's probably going to be very tired from flying so far"
[00:42] > Whisper does, in fact, look very tired...
[00:44] [Neva (future)] aww..I do miss her...
[00:45] [Nall Sakazaki (Future)] That's my little Daisy.
[00:47] [~Rose] well at least she's succeding at what's she's doing..unlike a certain someone *looks at Drake*
[00:47] [Mandrake Sakazaki (future)] Oh hush, Rose.
[00:48] [Neva (future)] Violet...I think we have some treats for Whisper..can you go get them?
[00:49] [Violet (future)] sure
[00:49] > Violet (future) heads for the kitchen
[00:51] [Nall Sakazaki (Future)] Rose, your brother just doesn't know what he wants to do yet. Though he needs to choose soon.
[00:51] [~Rose] least I know what I'm doing
[00:52] [Neva (future)] dear, no teasing
[00:54] > Mandrake Sakazaki (future) sighs looking agitated | I don't need this tonight...
[00:54] > Mandrake Sakazaki (future) tosses the chicken bone he just finished in a nearby trashcan and goes upsstairs
[00:54] [Neva (future)] no you don't
[00:55] > Neva (future) gives her son a hug before he goes
[00:55] > Mandrake Sakazaki (future) hugs his mother back THEN heads upstairs
[00:55] <-- Mandrake Sakazaki (future) has left #eventsbeta (I need to get some sleep)
[00:56] > Nall Sakazaki (Future) sighs and shakes his head lightly
[00:56] > Neva (future) frowns at Rose
[00:56] [~Rose] ..I didn't mean to chase him off
[00:57] > Violet (future) comes back in with a bowl "found it!"
[00:58] [Neva (future)] young lady..go upstairs..and apologize to your brother
[00:59] [~Rose] yes, mama....
[01:00] > ~Rose starts to go upstairs
[01:00] <-- ~Rose has left #eventsbeta (Drake?)
[01:00] > Violet (future) starts to feed the Owl
[01:01] [Neva (future)] those children of ours...
[01:02] > Nall Sakazaki (Future) puts his arm around Neva
[01:02] [Nall Sakazaki (Future)] They're all quite unique, aren't they?
[01:03] [Neva (future)] hard to belive our family is going to grow again, isn't it
[01:07] [Nall Sakazaki (Future)] It is.... wait.... IT IS!?
[01:07] > Nall Sakazaki (Future) goes from a look of relief to surprise
[01:07] > Neva (future) smiles, blushing
[01:07] > Violet (future) is too occupied with Whisper to hear
[01:09] [Nall Sakazaki (Future)] Y.... you're........ really??
[01:09] > Neva (future) nods
[01:10] [Neva (future)] I am ^^
[01:11] > Nall Sakazaki (Future) suddenly hugs Neva
[01:11] [Nall Sakazaki (Future)] Oh sweetheart..... why didn't you tell me before!?
[01:12] [Neva (future)] I wasn't sure before ^^
[01:12] > Neva (future) returns the hug
[01:13] [Violet (future)] what's going on?
[01:13] > Nall Sakazaki (Future) kisses Neva and smiles
[01:14] > Neva (future) returns the kiss
[01:16] [Nall Sakazaki (Future)] Should we tell her?
[01:17] > Neva (future) nods
[01:17] > Nall Sakazaki (Future) smiles to Violet
[01:18] [Nall Sakazaki (Future)] Well....
[01:20] [Violet (future)] what?
[01:21] [Nall Sakazaki (Future)] .... the reason your mother is getting home so late is.... well....
[01:21] > Nall Sakazaki (Future) blushes |... I'm too excited, I can't say it!
[01:22] [Neva (future)] I'm pregnant ^^
[01:22] [Violet (future)] O_o again!?
[01:23] [Neva (future)] heh yes again
[01:24] > Nall Sakazaki (Future) smiles, holding Neva
[01:25] [Neva (future)] heh we'll have to add another room to the house...
[01:27] [Nall Sakazaki (Future)] Indeed, I'll get the digging tools.
[01:31] [Violet (future)] ..another sibling...
[01:32] [Nall Sakazaki (Future)] Is that a bad thing?
[01:32] [Violet (future)] no ^^;;; it's just...we're a big family aren't we
[01:32] [Neva (future)] well...average for mycidian
[01:33] [Nall Sakazaki (Future)] True, but we're going to add one more
[01:35] [Neva (future)] yes we are ^^
[01:41] [Violet (future)] eh I need some sleep I think
[01:41] [Neva (future)] well night, dear *hugs Violet*
[01:41] [Violet (future)] night, mom
[01:41] [Violet (future)] night, dad
[01:42] > Violet (future) gives her dad a hug
[01:46] > Nall Sakazaki (Future) hugs violet back
[01:46] [Nall Sakazaki (Future)] Goodnight Sweetheart.
[01:47] > Violet (future) heads upstairs
[01:47] <-- Violet (future) has left #eventsbeta
[01:49] [Neva (future)] heh....we do have a wonderful family
[01:51] > Nall Sakazaki (Future) smiles and puts his hand on Neva's abdoman
[01:53] > Neva (future) giggles
[01:53] [Nall Sakazaki (Future)] And it's going to get a little larger.
[01:53] [Neva (future)] hehe yes it is ^^
[01:53] [Neva (future)] I should tell my sisters about this
[01:56] [Nall Sakazaki (Future)] You should
[01:56] > Nall Sakazaki (Future) yawns lightly
[01:56] [Neva (future)] tired, dear?
[01:56] [Nall Sakazaki (Future)] Yeah.... I think it's time I turned in.
[01:57] [Neva (future)] me too ^^
[01:58] > Nall Sakazaki (Future) stands, offering his hand to Neva
[01:58] [Nall Sakazaki (Future)] Then shall we turn in for the night, my love?
[01:58] > Neva (future) takes Nall's hand ^^
[01:58] [Neva (future)] lets ^^
[01:59] > Nall Sakazaki (Future) helps Neva up and smiles, leading her down the hall
[01:59] <-- Nall Sakazaki (Future) [WhiteDragon@SilverStar.co.lun] has left #eventsbeta (I can hardly believe it.)
[02:01] <-- Neva (future) [BHunterCat@SystemNova.com] has left #eventsbeta (neither can I!)
[00:00] >>> Wednesday Nov 30 2011 <<<
[01:01] ➣ Branch 9 Apartments
[01:01] --> Sskt (casual) [lizardhunter@Branch6.org] has joined #eventsbeta
[01:01] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Sskt (casual)
[01:01] > Sskt (casual) relaxes on a sofa, reading a magizine
[01:03] ➣ there's a knock at the door
[01:03] [Sskt (casual)] geh..Alexis...get the door
[01:04] [Sskt (casual)] Alexis???
[01:05] > Alexis Shentara yells from her room - You can't get it yourself!?
[01:05] [Sskt (casual)] I'M READING
[01:07] [Alexis Shentara] I'm changing clothes and you're closer, you get it!!
[01:07] [Sskt (casual)] GAH
[01:08] > Sskt (casual) gets up and opens the door
[01:08] --> Kksskt (casual) has joined #eventsbeta
[01:08] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Kksskt (casual)
[01:08] [Kksskt (casual)] um..did I come at a bad time?
[01:10] [Sskt (casual)] what are you doing here, bro?
[01:10] [Kksskt (casual)] well to see your teammate actually
[01:12] [Sskt (casual)] fine
[01:12] [Sskt (casual)] HEY ALEXIS
[01:13] [Sskt (casual)] YOUR BOYFRIEND'S HERE
[01:13] > Alexis Shentara (Nightgown) opens her bedroom door - Who's at the.... Hey kksskt ^_^
[01:14] [Kksskt (casual)] oh...hello Alexis ^^
[01:15] [Kksskt (casual)] you're looking beautiful as always ^^
[01:16] [Alexis Shentara (Nightgown)] Awww, thank you. ^_^ What're you doing here so late, Kksskt? Not that I mind, of course.
[01:16] [Kksskt (casual)] well the power went out in my room..so I thought I could maybe stay here?
[01:20] [Kksskt (casual)] ^^;;;
[01:24] > Alexis Shentara (Nightgown) smirks a little - Well of course..... t
[01:24] [Alexis Shentara (Nightgown)] ❧ ... there's always room in my bed for you. ♡ ❧
[01:26] [Kksskt (casual)] oh..also had to deliver this
[01:27] > Kksskt (casual) holds out a flat pad towards Sskt
[01:27] [Sskt (casual)] hm?...for me?...who would..send anything to me?
[01:27] [Alexis Shentara (Nightgown)] Hmm?
[01:27] > Sskt (casual) takes the pad and opens it
[01:28] ➣ a small holographic projection starts up of a class of kindergarden students..made of up several species
[01:28] [Sskt (casual)] GAH!!!!
[01:28] > Sskt (casual) tries to figure out a way to turn it off before it plays
[01:28] > Alexis Shentara (Nightgown) looks it over
[01:28] [Alexis Shentara (Nightgown)] O_O Woah... who're the kids?
[01:29] [~Kindergarden students] ☇ WE MISS YOU MISS SSKT!!! ☇
[01:29] > ~Kindergarden students hold up drawn pictures of Sskt
[01:30] [Alexis Shentara (Nightgown)] Awwwww, that's so cute!! ♡
[01:30] > Sskt (casual) looks completely embrassed
[01:31] > ~woman appears, probably another teacher...and Ayulisian (aquatic fish species) by the look of it
[01:31] [~woman] ☇ come back and visit us, Sskt...the students...YOUR students miss you alot ☇
[01:31] ➣ the pad shuts off
[01:32] [Sskt (casual)] >_<
[01:32] > Alexis Shentara (Nightgown) giggles
[01:33] [Alexis Shentara (Nightgown)] Sounds like you made a serious impression on those kids... a positive one.
[01:34] [Sskt (casual)] it was just a cover >_<
[01:36] [Alexis Shentara (Nightgown)] Yeah well, my modeling thing was just a cover too... but look what happened with Neva's sister.
[01:36] > Alexis Shentara (Nightgown) puts her arm around Kksskt
[01:38] > Kksskt (casual) holds Alexis "maybe you should visit them"
[01:38] [Sskt (casual)] >___>
[01:40] [Sskt (casual)] but...I.....um...
[01:41] [Alexis Shentara (Nightgown)] You know you want to...
[01:41] [Alexis Shentara (Nightgown)] ..... I can see it in your eyes.
[01:41] [Sskt (casual)] grrr...FINE
[01:41] [Sskt (casual)] I'll go!
[01:42] [Kksskt (casual)] well I can see why you chose modeling as a cover, Alexis
[01:42] [Alexis Shentara (Nightgown)] I.... didn't
[01:42] [Alexis Shentara (Nightgown)] It was chosen for my by our boss.
[01:43] [Kksskt (casual)] well....then...I can tell why she chose that one for you
[01:45] [Alexis Shentara (Nightgown)] Oh?
[01:47] [Kksskt (casual)] you're beautiful enough for it
[01:47] > Alexis Shentara (Nightgown) giggles and blushes
[01:48] [Alexis Shentara (Nightgown)] ❧ Flattery will get you everywhere. ^_~ ❧
[01:48] > Sskt (casual) gags
[01:49] [Kksskt (casual)] heh I hope you don't think I'm lying
[01:49] [Alexis Shentara (Nightgown)] Oh hush, like you don't do stuff like this with Aaron.
[01:52] [Alexis Shentara (Nightgown)] Of course I don't, Kksskt.
[01:52] [Sskt (casual)] yeah well Aaron isn't related to me
[01:52] > Alexis Shentara (Nightgown) hugs and kisses Kksskt
[01:54] > Kksskt (casual) returns the kiss happily
[01:59] [Sskt (casual)] get a room you two ><
[01:59] [Alexis Shentara (Nightgown)] Ya' know..... that sounds like a good idea...
[01:59] > Alexis Shentara (Nightgown) takes Kksskt's hand and winks - Shall we turn in?
[02:00] [Kksskt (casual)] lets ♡
[02:01] [Alexis Shentara (Nightgown)] Goodnight Sskt ♡
[02:02] [Sskt (casual)] yeah..night you two
[02:02] > Alexis Shentara (Nightgown) holds Kksskt's hand and leads him into her bedroom
[02:04] > Kksskt (casual) follows happily
[02:04] > Alexis Shentara (Nightgown)'s door closes as they walk in
[02:05] [Sskt (casual)] *whew*
[02:06] <-- Alexis Shentara (Nightgown) has left #eventsbeta (In bed with my man... nothing better)
[02:06] <-- Kksskt (casual) has left #eventsbeta (indeed)
[02:07] <-- Sskt (casual) [lizardhunter@Branch6.org] has left #eventsbeta (I'm getting some sleep ><)
[19:41] ➣ The TV illuminates Ukyo's apartment, infront of a futon and a figure wrapped in blankets.
[19:41] --> Ryoga Hibiki has joined #eventsbeta
[19:41] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Ryoga Hibiki
[19:42] > Ryoga Hibiki sniffs his nose, and sneezes. >_<
[19:42] --> Ukyo Kuonji (Apron) has joined #eventsbeta
[19:42] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Ukyo Kuonji (Apron)
[19:42] > Ukyo Kuonji (Apron) unlocks and opens the door, walking into the apartment
[19:42] [Ukyo Kuonji (Apron)] Ryoga-honey, I'm home!
[19:42] [Ryoga Hibiki] Hey..
[19:43] [Ryoga Hibiki] How was work?
[19:43] [Ukyo Kuonji (Apron)] Oh, not too bad.
[19:43] [Ukyo Kuonji (Apron)] Mako let me leave early to come take care of you.
[19:45] [Ryoga Hibiki] >_>
[19:45] [Ukyo Kuonji (Apron)] I brought home some special chicken soup for you.
[19:45] [Ryoga Hibiki] Thanks.
[19:47] > Ukyo Kuonji (Apron) sets a small bowl in front of Ryoga, laying on the futon next to him
[19:47] [Ukyo Kuonji (Apron)] How's my honey...?
[19:47] > Ryoga Hibiki picks up the bowl, his hands buckling a little under the weight, but manages to start feeding himself.
[19:48] [Ryoga Hibiki] Better.. walking a lot easier.. I'm.. really sorry to put you through this..
[19:49] > Ukyo Kuonji (Apron) kisses Ryoga's cheek and smiles | Hey.... I love you, honey.... it's part of my job as your girlfriend to take care of you.
[19:49] [Ryoga Hibiki] ......listen.. there's soemthing I haven't told you..
[19:50] [Ukyo Kuonji (Apron)] Hmm.... what's up?
[19:51] [Ryoga Hibiki] This... isn't a cold.. this happened to me.. both times.. because I was.... I was attacked.
[19:51] [Ukyo Kuonji (Apron)] Attacked....?
[19:52] [Ryoga Hibiki] I'm not proud.. it was some kind of monster that.. kinda.. ate away at my life.
[19:53] [Ukyo Kuonji (Apron)] Awww Honey.....
[19:53] > Ukyo Kuonji (Apron) hugs Ryoga from behind
[19:53] [Ukyo Kuonji (Apron)] .... I know you're not proud of it, but you should've told me sooner...
[19:54] [Ryoga Hibiki] I know.. and it's why I'm telling you now... because.. she said she might go after me again.. and might go after you too. ~_~
[19:55] [Ukyo Kuonji (Apron)] After ME!?
[19:55] > Ukyo Kuonji (Apron) lets him go and stands
[19:55] [Ukyo Kuonji (Apron)] Oh ho ho hooooooo.....
[19:56] [Ukyo Kuonji (Apron)] ... let her try....
[19:56] [Ukyo Kuonji (Apron)] .... I haven't had a good fight in a LONG TIME!
[19:57] > Ryoga Hibiki chuckles quietly at her reaction.
[19:57] [Ryoga Hibiki] Glad to see the old fire in your eyes.. but, you have to be careful with her.. she can change shape, and she's sneaky..
[19:57] [Ukyo Kuonji (Apron)] Wait.... that makes me think....
[19:58] [Ukyo Kuonji (Apron)] .... how did YOU get beat by a girl? I mean, I know you don't beat up girls but.....she shouldn't have been able to hurt you.
[19:58] [Ukyo Kuonji (Apron)] For ther matter.... how did she end up somehow draining you and making you ill after a fight?
[19:58] [Ryoga Hibiki] Like I said.. she's sneaky.. and robs you of your health..
[19:59] [Ryoga Hibiki] She might be some kind of devil or demon or something.
[19:59] [Ukyo Kuonji (Apron)] Oh wow...... still... I don't care. Let some demon girl try to attack me!
[20:00] > Ryoga Hibiki bites his lip, his fang protruding, unsure if he should go into more detail.
[20:01] > Ukyo Kuonji (Apron) walks over and kneels in front of Ryoga, looking into his eyes | She attacked my Honey..... that's unforgivable.
[20:01] [Ukyo Kuonji (Apron)] She comes after me.... she's going down.
[20:01] [Ryoga Hibiki] Promise you won't be mad at me if I tell you something awful. >_<
[20:03] [Ukyo Kuonji (Apron)] Whaaaat? Why would I get mad at you, Honey?
[20:03] [Ryoga Hibiki] Both times, she put me under some kind of spell, and made me..
[20:03] > Ryoga Hibiki mumbles the last part.
[20:04] [Ukyo Kuonji (Apron)] .... and made you what?
[20:04] [Ryoga Hibiki] Have sex with her.. >_< I think that's how she steals my energy.. Please don't kill me! >___<
[20:05] > Ryoga Hibiki's face shows more color than it has in days.
[20:05] > Ukyo Kuonji (Apron) goes quiet for a moment, standing
[20:07] [Ukyo Kuonji (Apron)] So.... let me get this right.....
[20:08] [Ukyo Kuonji (Apron)] .... some crazy demon girl.... attacks you, puts you under some kind of spell.... and makes you have sex with her and in the process, drains you of your energy?
[20:09] > Ryoga Hibiki nods, still looking worried.
[20:10] [Ukyo Kuonji (Apron)] You still haven't told me.... how she got to you in the first place....
[20:11] [Ryoga Hibiki] The first time.. she disguised herself as you to get close to me.. The second.. >_< She put some kind of lasting curse on me.
[20:11] [Ukyo Kuonji (Apron)] So.... you thought it was me...?
[20:11] [Ryoga Hibiki] For a minute..
[20:12] [Ukyo Kuonji (Apron)] Ya' know.... I was already mad before...... but now I'm even more mad.... ya' wanna' know why?
[20:13] [Ryoga Hibiki] I suppose. ~_~
[20:13] > Ukyo Kuonji (Apron) turns around, facing Ryoga and squatting down again in front of him
[20:14] [Ukyo Kuonji (Apron)] For one.... I'm a tiny bit agrivated at you.... for not realizing that was me sooner.... but it's okay, I forgive you for that....
[20:15] > Ryoga Hibiki smiles a little.
[20:16] [Ukyo Kuonji (Apron)] .... the main thing is that.... she not only hurt you.... but she made you do something you should only be doing with me....
[20:16] [Ukyo Kuonji (Apron)] ☠ .... this b[SMEG]ch needs to die. ☠
[20:19] [Ryoga Hibiki] I agree.
[20:21] [Ukyo Kuonji (Apron)] So let her attack me....
[20:21] [Ukyo Kuonji (Apron)] ... I'll show her pain like she's never felt.
[20:22] [Ryoga Hibiki] Ukyo.. I'd hate for you to get hurt.. or worse..
[20:26] [Ukyo Kuonji (Apron)] Honey.... do you forget who you're talking to...?
[20:28] [Ryoga Hibiki] No.. Really I don't. I know you can handle yourself in martial arts.. but she doesn't fight like we're used to. She won't challenge you to martial arts figure skating or martial arts gymnastics..
[20:33] [Ukyo Kuonji (Apron)] Oh, I'm sure.... but we've faught some pretty crazy people....
[20:34] [Ryoga Hibiki] Just, please.. promise you'll be careful..
[20:34] [Ukyo Kuonji (Apron)] .... I don't care who or WHAT she is.... I'm not gonna' let some b[SMEG]ch hurt my man.
[20:34] [Ukyo Kuonji (Apron)] Honey.... I'll be fine. Don't you worry about me.
[20:40] > Ukyo Kuonji (Apron) looks into Ryoga's eyes, then kisses him
[20:41] > Ryoga Hibiki blinks at the kiss, but promptly returns it.
[20:42] > Ukyo Kuonji (Apron) breaks the kiss and smirks a little
[20:42] [Ukyo Kuonji (Apron)] You do realize now that I know she took you...... I have to take you back.
[20:45] > Ryoga Hibiki grins.
[20:45] [Ryoga Hibiki] You know I'm.. not really 'fighting fit' right now..
[20:46] > Ukyo Kuonji (Apron) shoves Ryoga onto his back, pinning him back on the futon and straddling him with a grin
[20:47] [Ukyo Kuonji (Apron)] ❧ I said I had to take you.... I didn't say a word 'bout you fighting back, Honey~ ❧
[20:47] > Ryoga Hibiki laughs a little from under her.
[20:47] [Ryoga Hibiki] ❧ Not what I meant.. hehe.. but okay.. ❧
[20:53] > Ukyo Kuonji (Apron) bends down to kiss Ryoga as she turns out the lights
[20:54] <-- Ukyo Kuonji (Apron) has left #eventsbeta (Don't worry, I won't hurt ya' TOO much. ^_~)
[20:56] <-- Ryoga Hibiki has left #eventsbeta (♡)
[00:00] >>> Friday Dec 02 2011 <<<
[02:16] ➣ Makoto and Ivan's apartment
[02:16] --> Makoto Kino [ThunderSenshi@BigRedSpot.net] has joined #eventsbeta
[02:16] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Makoto Kino
[02:17] > Makoto Kino walks in, hanging her coat
[02:17] --> Ivan Sokoll has joined #eventsbeta
[02:17] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Ivan Sokoll
[02:18] > Ivan Sokoll walks out of the bathroom, drying his hair
[02:19] [Makoto Kino] Hello sweetheart
[02:20] [Ivan Sokoll] ah good evening, snowflower
[02:22] > Makoto Kino walks over to Ivan, hugging and kissing him
[02:22] [Makoto Kino] How's my golden bear tonight?
[02:23] > Ivan Sokoll returns the hug and kiss "I am well...how about you?"
[02:25] [Makoto Kino] Good..... curious about something.
[02:26] [Ivan Sokoll] hm? what is that?
[02:27] > Makoto Kino blushes lightly
[02:27] [Makoto Kino] I've been asking.... what we're waiting on.... when it comes to children. >_>
[02:27] [Makoto Kino] ^asked
[02:28] > Ivan Sokoll blushes "but..we are not even married..."
[02:29] [Makoto Kino] I know, they've been saying the same thing about that..... what are we waiting on....
[02:29] [Ivan Sokoll] I..I am not sure I suppose
[02:29] [Ivan Sokoll] that is..why we are waiting
[02:32] [Ivan Sokoll] >.>
[02:33] > Makoto Kino smiles at Ivan
[02:34] [Makoto Kino] I.... don't really know either....
[02:34] > Ivan Sokoll smiles at Makoto
[02:36] [Ivan Sokoll] well...I suppose we have to somehow fix this
[02:36] [Makoto Kino] Fix what?
[02:37] [Ivan Sokoll] never you mind, snow flower
[02:37] > Makoto Kino looks a tiny bit confused, but shakes it off
[02:38] > Ivan Sokoll gives Makoto another kiss
[02:39] > Makoto Kino kisses Ivan back and smile
[02:40] [Makoto Kino] How was your day?
[02:40] [Ivan Sokoll] how about we sleep this over?
[02:40] [Ivan Sokoll] oh..it was alright...tiring
[02:42] [Ivan Sokoll] yours?
[02:42] [Makoto Kino] Oh, not too bad. Getting a little busier now that it's colder outside
[02:44] [Ivan Sokoll] your cooking warms their hearts
[02:45] > Makoto Kino giggles - Flatterer
[02:48] [Ivan Sokoll] well it warms my heart
[02:49] > Makoto Kino grins
[02:50] [Makoto Kino] Well, there's a few things you can do to warm MY heart. ^_~
[02:50] [Ivan Sokoll] well I would love to ^_~
[02:50] > Ivan Sokoll scoops up Makoto
[02:51] [Makoto Kino] Woah, hehehe
[02:52] > Makoto Kino hods onto Ivan
[02:53] <-- Ivan Sokoll has left #eventsbeta (now then....let me warm up the rest of you)
[02:54] <-- Makoto Kino [ThunderSenshi@BigRedSpot.net] has left #eventsbeta (*giggles* What're you thinking, naughty Ivan? ♡)
[00:00] >>> Saturday Dec 03 2011 <<<
[23:23] ➣ A Flashlight beam penetrates the darkness of the halls of Magellan castle.
[23:23] > Summer Kaioh (PJs) tip-toes through the hallways, as if hunting for something, or someone. >:3
[23:27] > Summer Kaioh (PJs) checks in empty rooms and behind large pieces of art.
[23:28] > Ayaka Tomoe (Pajamas) stifles a giggle inside her dark hiding place.
[23:28] [Summer Kaioh (PJs)] ♫ Where are you, Ayaka~ ♡
[23:29] > Summer Kaioh (PJs) walks past her, curling her lips.
[23:30] > Ayaka Tomoe (Pajamas) shifts a little, a slight shuffling audible.
[23:30] > Summer Kaioh (PJs) idly flashes her flashlight on a few places in the area of the noise.
[23:32] ➣ A wooden chest's lid is open just a crack.
[23:32] > Summer Kaioh (PJs) grins and throws it open!
[23:33] [Ayaka Tomoe (Pajamas)] Eeek!
[23:33] [Summer Kaioh (PJs)] Gotcha!
[23:34] [Ayaka Tomoe (Pajamas)] Moh! You are too good at this. XP
[23:34] [Summer Kaioh (PJs)] Ehehehehe! Now what?
[23:35] [Ayaka Tomoe (Pajamas)] Ummmm.... Snacks?
[23:36] [Summer Kaioh (PJs)] Okay!
[23:36] > Summer Kaioh (PJs) offers a hand to help her out.
[23:36] > Ayaka Tomoe (Pajamas) takes Summer's hand and climbs out clumsily.
[23:39] > Summer Kaioh (PJs) pulls her into a tight hug once she's clear! ♡
[23:40] > Ayaka Tomoe (Pajamas) giggles and hugs Summer~
[23:41] > Summer Kaioh (PJs) takes her hand and leads the way to the kitchens.
[23:41] > Ayaka Tomoe (Pajamas) skips along behind~
[23:42] > April (Undies) sits on a stool next to a counter, eating from a bowl of vanilla bean ice cream.
[23:43] [April (Undies)] ! Ohh, Mistress Summer! Umm... Hello! ^^;
[23:43] [Ayaka Tomoe (Pajamas)] o_o
[23:43] [Summer Kaioh (PJs)] Hee, good evening, April! Late night cravings~~
[23:44] [April (Undies)] Indeed.. *^^* May I get you two anything?
[23:45] [Ayaka Tomoe (Pajamas)] Ummmm... I like pancakes! :3
[23:46] > April (Undies) is finally starting to fill in her a-cup bra, and has a small curve going over her belly that wasn't there before.
[23:46] [Summer Kaioh (PJs)] Yeah, with blueberry syrup! :d
[23:47] [April (Undies)] Coming right up.
[23:47] > April (Undies) ties on an apron and starts cooking.
[23:47] [Ayaka Tomoe (Pajamas)] Yay! :3
[23:51] [Summer Kaioh (PJs)] Heee... you know what's happening with April?
[23:51] > Ayaka Tomoe (Pajamas) shakes her head.
[23:52] > Summer Kaioh (PJs) wraps her arms around Ayaka's shoulders from her side.
[23:52] [Summer Kaioh (PJs)] Daddy loved her and now she's gonna give me a new brother or sister. ♡
[23:52] [Ayaka Tomoe (Pajamas)] Ohhhh!.. :O
[23:53] > April (Undies) covers her mouth, but can't stifle a few giggles.
[23:53] [April (Undies)] It's.. true. *^.^* It's an honor.
[23:55] [Ayaka Tomoe (Pajamas)] Wow..
[23:55] [Ayaka Tomoe (Pajamas)] Kinda like my family.
[23:55] [Summer Kaioh (PJs)] Neat, huh?
[23:56] [Summer Kaioh (PJs)] Yupp! Your papa is a big playboy!
[23:58] > Ayaka Tomoe (Pajamas) giggles~
[23:58] [April (Undies)] Sir Nephrite is quite charming. ♡
[00:00] >>> Sunday Dec 04 2011 <<<
[00:02] > April (Undies) flips the pancakes in her pan, placing them aside to make more.
[00:03] [Ayaka Tomoe (Pajamas)] :r
[00:04] [Summer Kaioh (PJs)] ❧ I'll say~ ❧
[00:04] > Summer Kaioh (PJs) breaks into a fresh fit of giggles.
[00:04] [Ayaka Tomoe (Pajamas)] Hotaru-mama says big brother Jett takes after him.
[00:05] > April (Undies) locates syrup in the fridge, heats it up, and begins setting a place for them to eat.
[00:05] [Summer Kaioh (PJs)] Hee... Your little brother Kya might take after him too! I've been flirting with him but only to make Mini jealous and cus it's fun. :3
[00:06] [Ayaka Tomoe (Pajamas)] Ehehehehe... Poor Mini-chan.
[00:08] [Summer Kaioh (PJs)] She'll be fine. It'll make them closer I bet.
[00:08] > Ayaka Tomoe (Pajamas) nod-nods.
[00:08] [April (Undies)] Matchmaking would seem to be a family gift. Your snack is ready. ^.^
[00:08] > April (Undies) bows to them.
[00:09] [Ayaka Tomoe (Pajamas)] Yay!
[00:09] > Ayaka Tomoe (Pajamas) hops over to the plates set out and sits in front of one. :3
[00:11] > Summer Kaioh (PJs) hops to the other and begins dousing her's in syrup. >:3
[00:11] > April (Undies) returns to her ice cream a respectful distance away.
[00:13] > Ayaka Tomoe (Pajamas) pours a little syrup on hers too and starts eating. :3
[00:14] [Summer Kaioh (PJs)] Mmm! ♡ Ish oood!
[00:15] [Ayaka Tomoe (Pajamas)] Mmmhmm!~ :3
[00:16] [April (Undies)] I'm glad. I'll be cooking for my own little one before too long. Glad to know I have your approval~
[00:18] > Ayaka Tomoe (Pajamas) has finished about half her stack. :3
[00:20] [April (Undies)] Will that be enough, or would you like more? Maybe something else?
[00:22] [Ayaka Tomoe (Pajamas)] Some juice? Grape. :3
[00:23] [Summer Kaioh (PJs)] Yeah!
[00:24] > April (Undies) gets three short glasses of juice, placing them for the girls then taking one for herself.
[00:27] [Ayaka Tomoe (Pajamas)] ❧ Mmmm~ ❧
[00:27] > Ayaka Tomoe (Pajamas) drinks down her glass and finishes her pancakes. :3
[00:28] > Summer Kaioh (PJs) finishes her stack soon after, leaving a little juice.
[00:28] [Summer Kaioh (PJs)] This was a good idea!
[00:31] > Ayaka Tomoe (Pajamas) giggles~
[00:33] [Summer Kaioh (PJs)] mMMM... NOW WHAT?
[00:34] > Summer Kaioh (PJs) coughs and clears her throat.
[00:34] [Ayaka Tomoe (Pajamas)] I dunno..
[00:37] [April (Undies)] Running out of ideas for the slumber party?
[00:37] > Ayaka Tomoe (Pajamas) nod-nods.
[00:38] [April (Undies)] Discuss boys? Perform makeovers? Singing and dancing? Karaoke?
[00:38] [Ayaka Tomoe (Pajamas)] Karaoke? :O
[00:39] > Summer Kaioh (PJs) gasps!
[00:39] [Summer Kaioh (PJs)] Great idea!
[00:39] [Ayaka Tomoe (Pajamas)] Let's go!~
[00:40] > Summer Kaioh (PJs) hops up!
[00:43] > Ayaka Tomoe (Pajamas) hops up, looking at Summer to lead the way.
[00:44] > Summer Kaioh (PJs) takes her hand and does so.
[00:45] <-- Summer Kaioh (PJs) [SunChild@Venus.net] has left #eventsbeta (We have a GREAT Karaoke parlor with TONS of music!)