[14:39] >>> Monday Oct 10 2011 – Automatic reset triggered – Logging Start <<<
[14:39] [+Vanadine (Business Casual)] We started talking about kids and I got a little down and she quickly apologized
[14:39] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] heh well I hope I don't think like mina...rather not talk like her
[14:41] > +Vanadine (Business Casual) smirks lightly thinking something to herself.
[14:42] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] hm?
[14:42] [+Vanadine (Business Casual)] Oh nothin'... thinkin' about something from the other night.
[14:43] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] and that would be?
[14:45] [+Vanadine (Business Casual)] Nothing you need to concern yourself with, Sweety
[14:47] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] um alright
[14:47] > +Vanadine (Business Casual) winks then suddenly shifts around behind Matsumi, hugging her
[14:47] > +Matsumi Kaze (robe) blushes and giggles
[14:50] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] what's this now?
[14:51] [+Vanadine (Business Casual)] This is me... showing some love to the mother of our child.
[14:51] > +Vanadine (Business Casual) lightly kisses the side of Matsumi's neck, holding her tightly
[14:52] > +Matsumi Kaze (robe) smiles "mm...I've missed this"
[14:54] [+Vanadine (Business Casual)] So have we..... 'deki and I were both talking about how we missed having you in our bed~
[14:56] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] well now I can spend time in bed again ^_~
[14:58] [+Vanadine (Business Casual)] Mmmhmm....
[14:59] > +Vanadine (Business Casual) nuzzles the side of Matsumi's neck, kissing her ear
[15:02] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] mmm feeling frisky?
[15:04] [+Vanadine (Business Casual)] Just a little..... it's almost a shame you already took a shower.....~
[15:06] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] I can always take another
[15:08] > +Matsumi Kaze (robe) leans against vana a bit
[15:08] > +Vanadine (Business Casual) giggles lightly
[15:09] [+Vanadine (Business Casual)] Sounds like your labido's finally come back too~
[15:09] [+Matsumi Kaze (robe)] yup!
[15:09] > +Matsumi Kaze (robe) turns around and kisses vana on the lips
[15:10] > +Vanadine (Business Casual) kisses Matsumi back, holding her close
[15:10] <-- +Matsumi Kaze (robe) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has left #eventsbeta (let's see what I can do now)
[15:11] <-- +Vanadine (Business Casual) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has left #eventsbeta (Sounds like a plan to me ♡)
[23:33] ➣ Japan, a spooky forest......
[23:34] --> Nall Sakazaki (Casual) [WhiteDragon@SilverStar.co.lun] has joined #eventsbeta
[23:34] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Nall Sakazaki (Casual)
[23:34] > Nall Sakazaki (Casual) walks through the forest, clearly having just left the city.
[23:34] ➣ the forest is a dark and foreboding place......eerie sounds seem to pervaide it's every area.......a feeling of dread hangs over it
[23:35] ➣ there is a slight rumbling noise in the distance......low....but distinct
[23:35] [Nall Sakazaki (Casual)] What is that?
[23:35] > Nall Sakazaki (Casual) turns, looking towards the direction of the noise
[23:37] ➣ a bright eerie light suddenly pierces through the trees....as a figure..shadowed by the light..walks slowly towards Nall
[23:38] > Nall Sakazaki (Casual) watches the figure curiously
[23:39] > Neva (casual) sighs as she walks away from the light "it's getting harder and harder to find an area to park the ship"
[23:39] > Neva (casual) pulls out a little device, pressing the button
[23:39] ➣ the ship honks twice and shimmers out of view
[23:41] [Neva (casual)] hi, dear ^^
[23:41] > Nall Sakazaki (Casual) sighs lightly and smiles
[23:41] [Nall Sakazaki (Casual)] Hello Sweetheart.... ^_^
[23:42] [Neva (casual)] out for a walk?
[23:42] [Nall Sakazaki (Casual)] Yeah, I decided to take a walk into the city
[23:44] [Neva (casual)] sounds much more fun then what I had to do today
[23:45] > Nall Sakazaki (Casual) holds his arms out to Neva | What did you do today, dear?
[23:46] > Neva (casual) take Nall's arm
[23:46] [Neva (casual)] oh I had to renew my license....those lines are brutal
[23:49] [Neva (casual)] and the forms are even worse ><
[23:51] [Nall Sakazaki (Casual)] I'm sorry to hear that, dear.
[23:51] > Nall Sakazaki (Casual) hugs Neva
[23:52] [Neva (casual)] heh no problem..it's always like that
[23:52] [Neva (casual)] what about you, dear?
[23:57] [Nall Sakazaki (Casual)] Oh, just keeping an eye on Violet, making sure she doesn't tear down everything in the house.
[23:59] [Neva (casual)] is she still trying to build things?...
[00:00] >>> Tuesday Oct 11 2011 <<<
[00:00] [Nall Sakazaki (Casual)] Oh yes, but now she's realized she needs parts first...... so she's tearing things down first.
[00:01] [Neva (casual)] so what's the damage...
[00:02] [Nall Sakazaki (Casual)] Well, we need another new toaster.... I was able to repair the ovan.
[00:03] [Neva (casual)] she didn't touch the TV, did she?
[00:04] [Nall Sakazaki (Casual)] No, i kept her away from the tv this time
[00:05] [Neva (casual)] oh good.....
[00:06] [Neva (casual)] last thing we need is her taking apart every bit of machine in the house....
[00:07] [Nall Sakazaki (Casual)] Yeah
[00:07] [Nall Sakazaki (Casual)] Shall I walk you to the house, dear?
[00:08] [Neva (casual)] I think that is a wonderful idea ^^
[00:09] > Nall Sakazaki (Casual) keeps an arm around Neva as they start to walk through the forest
[00:10] > Neva (casual) follows, ignoring completely any of the ghosts floating around the forest
[00:13] [Neva (casual)] wonderful night, isn't it ^^
[00:13] [Nall Sakazaki (Casual)] It is.... it's all just right
[00:15] [Neva (casual)] heh rather useful living in a haunted forest..no one bothers us
[00:19] [Nall Sakazaki (Casual)] Yeah, except for the occasional ghost hunter
[00:19] [Neva (casual)] cept for the odd paranormal nut
[00:19] [Neva (casual)] hee yeah
[00:20] > Neva (casual) gracefully steps out of the way of a ghost
[00:20] [Neva (casual)] heh remember when we scared off that last one....how he ran for nearly a mile without stopping?
[00:22] > Nall Sakazaki (Casual) chuckles | Yeah, that was actually a little fun
[00:22] [Neva (casual)] well we have to protect this place...can't have them finding our children
[00:23] [Nall Sakazaki (Casual)] True... or the real us for that matter
[00:24] > Neva (casual) wiggles her ears
[00:24] [Neva (casual)] that's for sure
[00:27] > Nall Sakazaki (Casual) smiles, using his free hand to rub Neva's ears
[00:28] > Neva (casual) giggles, her tail moving back and forth
[00:29] [Neva (casual)] I think I can see our house
[00:30] [Nall Sakazaki (Casual)] And a wonderful home it is
[00:31] > Neva (casual) walks towards the door of the house
[00:33] [Neva (casual)] do you have the key?
[00:33] [Nall Sakazaki (Casual)] Of course
[00:33] > Nall Sakazaki (Casual) goes through his pockets, pulling out an odd looking key, unlocking the door and opening it for Neva
[00:33] [Nall Sakazaki (Casual)] After you, my dear
[00:35] > Neva (casual) smiles and walks in
[00:39] <-- Nall Sakazaki (Casual) [WhiteDragon@SilverStar.co.lun] has left #eventsbeta (Such a nice night)
[00:40] <-- Neva (casual) [BHunterCat@SystemNova.com] has left #eventsbeta (it is)
[13:05] [@HOL_6000] @HOL_6000 rolls: 1d20 { 10 }
[14:45] ➣ Streets of Tokyo
[14:47] ➣ people are walking to and fro...another busy day in Tokyo
[14:48] > Tao Latu (Work) walks down the street in a sleavless shirt and blue jeans, carrying a yellow hard hat
[14:50] ➣ a reporter slowly sneaks around behind Tao, trying to keep the right distance so that she isn't noticed....
[14:52] > Tao Latu (Work) continues down the street, seemingly not noticing the reporter
[14:52] ➣ reporter makes sure her tape recorder is on as she slowly tries to get a bit closer
[14:54] > Tao Latu (Work) smirks a little to himself as he walks.... and suddenly vanishes
[14:54] ➣ reporter blinks, looking around
[14:55] [Tao Latu (Work)] Are you looking for me...?
[14:55] > Tao Latu (Work) stands behind the reporter
[14:56] [~Mimi Akihina] gah! yes...yes I've been looking for you!
[14:56] [~Mimi Akihina] Mimi Akihina! Reporter! I've got some questions for you!
[14:57] > Tao Latu (Work) sighs lightly, crossing his arms | What do you want to know about Taiki & I's relationship, hmm?
[14:58] [Tao Latu (Work)] I've had so many of you people asking me questions that it's starting to get old.
[14:58] [~Mimi Akihina] ok! is she dating you out of pity..or is this a real love thing?
[14:59] > Tao Latu (Work) looks at her a look of anger | Let me ask YOU a question.... does she seem the type of person to date out of pity?
[14:59] [Tao Latu (Work)] And for that matter.... do you realy THINK that someone would have to pitty me to date ME!?
[15:00] [~Mimi Akihina] hey hey no need to get angry
[15:00] [~Mimi Akihina] is it true that Taiki Kou is secretly an avid drinker?
[15:00] [Tao Latu (Work)] Why shouldn't I? That was an extremely insulting question.
[15:00] [Tao Latu (Work)] No, she's not an avid drinker..... who do you work for?
[15:01] [~Mimi Akihina] Tokyo Talker...anyway....is it true that she crossdresses?
[15:02] [Tao Latu (Work)] No, she doesn't crossdress....
[15:03] [Tao Latu (Work)] .... and if you continue asking these type of distasteful questions, then this interview is over.... excuse me.
[15:03] [~Mimi Akihina] shame...I was hoping to use that
[15:03] > Tao Latu (Work) turns and walks away.
[15:03] [~Mimi Akihina] hey wait!!! I'm not finished!
[15:04] > Tao Latu (Work) just waves his hand over his head as he walks off | Come up with less insulting and degrading questions and I might just answer them.... until then, I'm going home to clean up from work.
[15:05] ➣ a portal opens up in front of Tao
[15:07] [~Mimi Akihina] I'm not done asking you questions!
[15:07] > ~Mimi Akihina doesn't notice the portal
[15:07] > Tao Latu (Work) pauses suddenly, seeing the portal
[15:08] [Tao Latu (Work)] What's this now...?
[15:09] ➣ a hand grabs Tao's arm and drags him through the portal
[15:10] > ~Mimi Akihina rushes forward..but the portal is gone
[15:10] [~Mimi Akihina] >.> <.<
[15:11] > Tao Latu (Work) is pulled into the portal
[15:11] [Tao Latu (Work)] What the hell?
[15:11] ➣ Maker Estate, Kinmoku
[15:12] > Taiki Kou (Kinmoku dress) pulls tao through to the other side
[15:12] [Taiki Kou (Kinmoku dress)] are you ok, Tao?
[15:14] [Tao Latu (Work)] Oh, Taiki..... I'm so releaved it's you....
[15:15] [Tao Latu (Work)] ... I had some damn reporter asking the most insulting questions about you. I started to walk away and then I saw your portal pop up.... I didn't know you could do that.
[15:15] [Taiki Kou (Kinmoku dress)] it's for emergancies...new technology
[15:16] [Taiki Kou (Kinmoku dress)] *sigh*...don't tell me it was that Mimi woman
[15:16] [Tao Latu (Work)] Well, I'm glad you used it there... yes, how'd you know....?
[15:16] [Taiki Kou (Kinmoku dress)] she has been hassaling all of us....
[15:17] [Taiki Kou (Kinmoku dress)] always askes insulting or untruthful questions
[15:17] [Tao Latu (Work)] Yes, that's definitely her....
[15:18] [Tao Latu (Work)] ... if she were a man, I would've punched her. >_>
[15:18] [Taiki Kou (Kinmoku dress)] I wouldn't blame you...actually I think Seiya almost punched her once..we had to restrain her
[15:19] [Tao Latu (Work)] Geez
[15:19] > Tao Latu (Work) hugs Taiki
[15:20] > Taiki Kou (Kinmoku dress) returns the hug tightly
[15:20] [Taiki Kou (Kinmoku dress)] heh you're a bit sweaty
[15:22] [Taiki Kou (Kinmoku dress)] tough work day?
[15:22] [Tao Latu (Work)] Oh... sorry... should I let go?
[15:24] [Tao Latu (Work)] Not tough, just long.
[15:26] [Taiki Kou (Kinmoku dress)] you don't have to let me go, tao
[15:27] [Taiki Kou (Kinmoku dress)] ^_^ I rather enjoy your smell
[15:30] > Tao Latu (Work) chuckles and holds onto Taiki | Alright then.
[15:30] > Taiki Kou (Kinmoku dress) keeps hugging Tao
[15:32] [Taiki Kou (Kinmoku dress)] sorry I didn't warn you ahead of time about the portal...it must have been a shock
[15:33] [Taiki Kou (Kinmoku dress)] I was going to invite you over this evening >.>
[15:36] [Taiki Kou (Kinmoku dress)] but a certain person..insisted I bring you here right now >.>
[15:39] [Tao Latu (Work)] A certain person?
[15:41] [Setsuna Meioh (princess)] that would be me
[15:42] --> Setsuna Meioh (princess) [TimeGal@Pluto.co] has joined #eventsbeta
[15:42] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Setsuna Meioh (princess)
[15:42] [Taiki Kou (Kinmoku dress)] ^^;;;
[15:42] > Tao Latu (Work) lets go of Taiki out of shock | Princess!?
[15:43] [Setsuna Meioh (princess)] hello Tao
[15:43] [Taiki Kou (Kinmoku dress)] she was the one who alerted me to the problem you were in....she..insisted on coming here
[15:44] [Setsuna Meioh (princess)] I did, yes
[15:46] [Tao Latu (Work)] Well... I thank you for that Princess Setsuna.... I was about to use my powers to flashstep away from that reporter, but then I saw the portal show up.
[15:48] [Setsuna Meioh (princess)] I know..but I required to speak to you
[15:49] [Taiki Kou (Kinmoku dress)] Lady Setsuna..I think in present circumstances we should save the conversation for later tonight
[15:52] [Tao Latu (Work)] Um.... is something wrong, Princess Setsuna?
[15:53] [Setsuna Meioh (princess)] very well..I shall wait
[15:55] [Tao Latu (Work)] Present scircumstances?
[15:55] > Tao Latu (Work) looks at the women, concerned | You two have me worried now.
[16:03] [Taiki Kou (Kinmoku dress)] I mean not while you are tired, tao
[16:04] [Setsuna Meioh (princess)] we will talk tonight then.....about both of your futures....
[16:05] [Tao Latu (Work)] Is.... something wrong...?
[16:06] [Setsuna Meioh (princess)] not at all
[16:08] [Setsuna Meioh (princess)] for now..you two relax..I will return tonight
[16:08] > Setsuna Meioh (princess) turns and walks away, fading..then vanishing
[16:08] <-- Setsuna Meioh (princess) [TimeGal@Pluto.co] has left #eventsbeta
[16:09] [Taiki Kou (Kinmoku dress)] ..she creeps me out sometimes
[16:10] [Tao Latu (Work)] She does the same to me.... but I've learned to sense her presence at times.
[16:11] [Taiki Kou (Kinmoku dress)] well you're her knight, aren't you?
[16:16] [Tao Latu (Work)] Yes, I think that's why I know when she's coming at times.
[16:16] [Tao Latu (Work)] We have similar powers.
[16:17] [Taiki Kou (Kinmoku dress)] wonder what she wants to talk about....
[16:19] [Taiki Kou (Kinmoku dress)] um anyway..you should probably clean up ^^
[16:21] [Tao Latu (Work)] Yeah.... might be a good idea
[16:21] [Tao Latu (Work)] You might enjoy my smell, but I have my doubts as to if anyone else does.
[16:23] [Taiki Kou (Kinmoku dress)] you can use the estate's bath..I'm sure you'll enjoy it ^^
[16:24] [Tao Latu (Work)] Alright then. Um.... do you have clothes for me here? ^_^;;
[16:24] [Taiki Kou (Kinmoku dress)] of course ^_^ since your last visit...I had them buy you clothes
[16:26] [Tao Latu (Work)] Awww, thank you dearest. ^_^
[16:27] [Tao Latu (Work)] Well then, I shall go clean up.
[16:27] > Taiki Kou (Kinmoku dress) smiles
[16:27] [Taiki Kou (Kinmoku dress)] I will meet you in the main room ^^
[16:29] > Tao Latu (Work) kisses Taiki | Thank you, I will see you then
[16:31] > Taiki Kou (Kinmoku dress) returns the kiss
[16:32] > Tao Latu (Work) smiles as he heads for the bath
[16:32] <-- Tao Latu (Work) has left #eventsbeta (She said it wasn't bad... but I'm still concerned.)
[16:33] <-- Taiki Kou (Kinmoku dress) has left #eventsbeta (*heads for the main room*)
[00:00] >>> Wednesday Oct 12 2011 <<<
[00:19] ➣ Maker Estate, Kinmoku, Main Room
[00:19] --> Taiki Kou (Kinmoku nightware) has joined #eventsbeta
[00:19] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Taiki Kou (Kinmoku nightware)
[00:19] > Taiki Kou (Kinmoku nightware) is lounging on a large couch
[00:20] --> Tao Latu (night wear) has joined #eventsbeta
[00:20] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Tao Latu (night wear)
[00:20] > Tao Latu (night wear) walks in, stretching a bit
[00:21] [Taiki Kou (Kinmoku nightware)] Tao ^^ *lowers the book she was reading*
[00:23] [Tao Latu (night wear)] What do you think?
[00:24] > Tao Latu (Kinmoku nightwear) does a turn in his new sleepwear
[00:24] [Taiki Kou (Kinmoku nightware)] I think it suits you extremenly well
[00:25] [Taiki Kou (Kinmoku nightware)] ^_^ how do you feel about it?
[00:27] [Tao Latu (Kinmoku nightwear)] I like it
[00:28] [Tao Latu (Kinmoku nightwear)] The seems are really strong and the fabric breaths really well
[00:29] [Taiki Kou (Kinmoku nightware)] it's made from fabric that the Healer Kous constructed
[00:30] [Tao Latu (Kinmoku nightwear)] Ahhhh
[00:30] > Tao Latu (Kinmoku nightwear) yawns lightly
[00:31] [Taiki Kou (Kinmoku nightware)] tired?
[00:32] [Tao Latu (Kinmoku nightwear)] Just a little. That was quite the large dinner.
[00:32] [Setsuna Meioh (Princess)] do you grow weary that easily, Tao?
[00:32] > Taiki Kou (Kinmoku nightware) jumps a bit
[00:32] > Setsuna Meioh (Princess) is sitting on a table
[00:33] > Tao Latu (Kinmoku nightwear) grins
[00:34] [Tao Latu (Kinmoku nightwear)] I've had a rather trying day, Princess Setsuna
[00:34] [Setsuna Meioh (Princess)] as I can see...
[00:34] [Taiki Kou (Kinmoku nightware)] so...what did you want to talk about, Setsuna?
[00:34] [Setsuna Meioh (Princess)] how serious are you two in this relationship?
[00:35] [Taiki Kou (Kinmoku nightware)] huh?
[00:35] > Tao Latu (Kinmoku nightwear) sits next to Taiki
[00:36] [Setsuna Meioh (Princess)] how serious?
[00:37] > Tao Latu (Kinmoku nightwear) blushes | Pretty serious
[00:38] > Taiki Kou (Kinmoku nightware) blushes as well
[00:39] [Setsuna Meioh (Princess)] I see....
[00:39] [Setsuna Meioh (Princess)] because of this...
[00:39] [Setsuna Meioh (Princess)] Tao..I will be putting your services to me on hold
[00:40] [Taiki Kou (Kinmoku nightware)] huh?
[00:41] [Tao Latu (Kinmoku nightwear)] What.... why?
[00:42] [Setsuna Meioh (Princess)] because of other duties you must perform
[00:42] [Setsuna Meioh (Princess)] I ask but one boon.....
[00:42] [Taiki Kou (Kinmoku nightware)] a boon?
[00:42] [Tao Latu (Kinmoku nightwear)] What is it Princess?
[00:44] [Setsuna Meioh (Princess)] if you two do get married....and have children
[00:44] [Setsuna Meioh (Princess)] send your second child to Pluto to become a knight
[00:44] [Taiki Kou (Kinmoku nightware)] O_o
[00:46] > Tao Latu (Kinmoku nightwear) blushes | Um.... sure Princess.
[00:47] [Taiki Kou (Kinmoku nightware)] a-alright
[00:48] [Taiki Kou (Kinmoku nightware)] OH do you want some tea, Setsuna?
[00:48] > Setsuna Meioh (Princess) has vanished
[00:48] [Tao Latu (Kinmoku nightwear)] Aaaand the princess is gone again
[00:50] [Taiki Kou (Kinmoku nightware)] ..she does that often, doesn't she
[00:53] [Tao Latu (Kinmoku nightwear)] Yes she does
[00:53] [Taiki Kou (Kinmoku nightware)] thank the lights you don't
[00:54] [Taiki Kou (Kinmoku nightware)] don't think I could handle it
[00:56] > Tao Latu (Kinmoku nightwear) chuckles and holds Taiki from behind
[00:56] [Taiki Kou (Kinmoku nightware)] well..would you like some tea, Tao?
[00:56] > Taiki Kou (Kinmoku nightware) giggles a bit
[00:57] [Tao Latu (Kinmoku nightwear)] Sure
[00:58] > Tao Latu (Kinmoku nightwear) lets Taiki go so she can get the tea
[01:00] > Taiki Kou (Kinmoku nightware) picks up a silverish tea kettle from a trey and pours a small cup of it, handing it to Tao
[01:00] [Taiki Kou (Kinmoku nightware)] there you are
[01:01] > Tao Latu (Kinmoku nightwear) takes the cup with a smile | Thank you, dear
[01:02] > Taiki Kou (Kinmoku nightware) pours herself some and sips
[01:02] [Taiki Kou (Kinmoku nightware)] ..what..did you think of what setsuna said?
[01:05] [Taiki Kou (Kinmoku nightware)] >.>
[01:05] > Tao Latu (Kinmoku nightwear) takes a sip a little and blushes
[01:06] [Tao Latu (Kinmoku nightwear)] Well..... I mean... it caught me off guard for sure
[01:06] > Taiki Kou (Kinmoku nightware) blushes too
[01:07] [Taiki Kou (Kinmoku nightware)] me too....
[01:08] [Taiki Kou (Kinmoku nightware)] um...anyway...tomorrow you can..return to your apartment...I'll set up the portal for that
[01:08] > Tao Latu (Kinmoku nightwear) drinks
[01:09] [Tao Latu (Kinmoku nightwear)] What if I..... don't want to go back home so quickly?
[01:10] [Taiki Kou (Kinmoku nightware)] um..well you can stay here if you wish
[01:12] [Taiki Kou (Kinmoku nightware)] this home is your home ^^
[01:12] [Tao Latu (Kinmoku nightwear)] If my dearest doesn't mind having me stay with her. ^_~
[01:14] [Taiki Kou (Kinmoku nightware)] of course I don't!
[01:17] > Tao Latu (Kinmoku nightwear) holds his arms out to Taiki
[01:17] [Taiki Kou (Kinmoku nightware)] I'd love for you to stay here longer
[01:17] > Taiki Kou (Kinmoku nightware) hugs Tao ^^
[01:18] > Tao Latu (Kinmoku nightwear) holds Taiki with a smile
[01:18] [Tao Latu (Kinmoku nightwear)] I wonder..... what do YOU think of what the Princess said, hmm?
[01:19] > Taiki Kou (Kinmoku nightware) blushes "well.....made me..hopeful for our future"
[01:20] > Tao Latu (Kinmoku nightwear) chuckles a little and smiles
[01:22] [Tao Latu (Kinmoku nightwear)] You know.....
[01:22] [Taiki Kou (Kinmoku nightware)] hm?
[01:23] > Tao Latu (Kinmoku nightwear) gives Taiki a squeeze and grins with a wink
[01:23] [Tao Latu (Kinmoku nightwear)] I could see you and I starting a family together. ^_~
[01:26] [Taiki Kou (Kinmoku nightware)] really? *blushes deeper, smiling*
[01:27] [Tao Latu (Kinmoku nightwear)] Mmhmm
[01:29] [Taiki Kou (Kinmoku nightware)] oh Tao..that's wonderful ^^
[01:31] > Tao Latu (Kinmoku nightwear) holds Taiki close
[01:32] > Taiki Kou (Kinmoku nightware) snuggles against Tao
[01:34] > Tao Latu (Kinmoku nightwear) lightly nuzzles Taiki's neck
[01:34] [Taiki Kou (Kinmoku nightware)] mmm...that feels nice
[01:35] [Tao Latu (Kinmoku nightwear)] So, if we're going to start a family.... there's something we'll have to do first.
[01:36] [Taiki Kou (Kinmoku nightware)] huh?
[01:37] [Tao Latu (Kinmoku nightwear)] We'll have to get married.
[01:38] [Taiki Kou (Kinmoku nightware)] that's very true *blushes*
[01:40] [Taiki Kou (Kinmoku nightware)] that's always the first step
[01:42] [Tao Latu (Kinmoku nightwear)] Brings up an interesting question
[01:43] [Taiki Kou (Kinmoku nightware)] hm?
[01:44] [Tao Latu (Kinmoku nightwear)] Would you be taking my last name or would I take yours?
[01:45] [Taiki Kou (Kinmoku nightware)] well you'd probab
[01:46] [Taiki Kou (Kinmoku nightware)] *probably take my family's name...unless you had issue with it >.>
[01:47] [Tao Latu (Kinmoku nightwear)] Well no, it would be alright. But it's just unusual.
[01:49] [Taiki Kou (Kinmoku nightware)] it has to due with the kous...keeps the title of the family going
[01:53] [Taiki Kou (Kinmoku nightware)] it's odd I know but it's a family custom
[01:53] [Tao Latu (Kinmoku nightwear)] That's okay.
[01:57] [Taiki Kou (Kinmoku nightware)] ^^
[01:58] > Taiki Kou (Kinmoku nightware) finishes her tea
[02:01] > Tao Latu (Kinmoku nightwear) finishes his, holding Taiki
[02:02] > Taiki Kou (Kinmoku nightware) leans against Tao, yawning a bit
[02:05] [Tao Latu (Kinmoku nightwear)] You sound tired, dearest
[02:06] [Taiki Kou (Kinmoku nightware)] I am tired.....
[02:06] [Tao Latu (Kinmoku nightwear)] Then we should retire for the night.
[02:08] [Taiki Kou (Kinmoku nightware)] alright ^^
[02:08] > Tao Latu (Kinmoku nightwear) lifts up Taiki as he stands
[02:09] > Taiki Kou (Kinmoku nightware) blinks and then holds onto Tao
[02:10] > Tao Latu (Kinmoku nightwear) carries Taiki off with a smile
[02:10] <-- Tao Latu (Kinmoku nightwear) has left #eventsbeta (Come my dear, let us retire for the night.)
[02:11] <-- Taiki Kou (Kinmoku nightware) has left #eventsbeta (very well ^^)
[13:36] ➣ Second Light Agency
[13:36] --> Freya (biz casual) [CatGuard@Q.Gov] has joined #eventsbeta
[13:36] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Freya (biz casual)
[13:36] > Freya (biz casual) walks in quickly and shuts the door, locking it....
[13:36] [Freya (biz casual)] >.>
[13:38] > Raoul Bertrand (Business Casual) looks up from his desk
[13:38] [Raoul Bertrand (Business Casual)] Amore..... is something wrong?
[13:38] ➣ there is a knock at the door
[13:38] [Freya (biz casual)] don't...answer it
[13:38] [Raoul Bertrand (Business Casual)] Why not?
[13:39] [Freya (biz casual)] it's that crazy reporter again...
[13:43] [Freya (biz casual)] she managed to ambush me..and tried to ask me questions about minako and matsumi...
[13:48] [Raoul Bertrand (Business Casual)] I have orders about this
[13:48] > Raoul Bertrand (Business Casual) picks up his phone
[13:48] [Raoul Bertrand (Business Casual)] Neph..... she tracked Freya..... she's outside.
[13:49] [Freya (biz casual)] hm???
[13:49] > Raoul Bertrand (Business Casual) hangs up his phone
[13:49] --> Nephrite Masato (Suit) [FormerGeneral@DarkKingdom.net] has joined #eventsbeta
[13:49] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Nephrite Masato (Suit)
[13:50] > Nephrite Masato (Suit) looks rather serious as he walks out of his office, through the lobby.
[13:50] > Nephrite Masato (Suit) unlocks the door and opens it
[13:52] > ~Nana Asahina stumbles in
[13:52] [Nephrite Masato (Suit)] Well well....
[13:53] > ~Nana Asahina pulls out her camera and tape recorder and tries to take some pictures
[13:54] > Nephrite Masato (Suit) glares at Nana, closing the door
[13:54] [Nephrite Masato (Suit)] I thought I recognized you....
[13:55] [~Nana Asahina] um hello...I have a few questions
[13:55] > Nephrite Masato (Suit) just stares daggers at Nana
[13:56] [Nephrite Masato (Suit)] So.... decided to take up reporting, eh?
[13:56] [Nephrite Masato (Suit)] Photography wasn't enough for you?
[13:57] [~Nana Asahina] have to make a living
[13:57] [Nephrite Masato (Suit)] So, you try to do it by badgering my clients and making up lies?
[13:58] [~Nana Asahina] hey! I'm not lieing..I'm making stories interesting
[13:59] [Nephrite Masato (Suit)] By imbelishing the facts about people and accentuating the bad things you hear rumors about.
[14:00] [~Nana Asahina] you make it sound like a crime
[14:00] [Nephrite Masato (Suit)] Oh.... but it is....
[14:00] [Nephrite Masato (Suit)] It's called slander..... or defimation of character....
[14:01] [Nephrite Masato (Suit)] One that I would suggest you stop
[14:02] [~Nana Asahina] but...this is the only way I can do this stuff >.>
[14:02] [Nephrite Masato (Suit)] I would suggest you find another way.
[14:03] [Nephrite Masato (Suit)] I've heard about your tacitcs.... you herassed the man dating Taiki Kou yesterday.
[14:03] [Nephrite Masato (Suit)] To the point he had to go through.... extraordinary measures to get away from you.
[14:04] [~Nana Asahina] hey! I was just asking him questions!
[14:07] [~Nana Asahina] can't fault me for trying to dig deep
[14:07] > Freya (biz casual) pours herself some coffee
[14:10] [~Nana Asahina] now..I have to know
[14:10] [~Nana Asahina] there are rumors that you will be dropping both Minako Aino and Matsumi Kaze from your agency..are they true?
[14:12] [Nephrite Masato (Suit)] Absoutely not
[14:13] [Nephrite Masato (Suit)] In fact, in the next few days, I will be publishing an expose article of my own on Minako and next month there will be a similar one of Matsumi.
[14:14] [~Nana Asahina] so what about the rumor that you hired them simply because they're friends of yours
[14:14] [Nephrite Masato (Suit)] I took them on because I believe in second chances and that's all I will say on that topic.
[14:17] [~Nana Asahina] is it true that you slept with both of them?
[14:17] [Nephrite Masato (Suit)] Where did you hear that?
[14:18] [~Nana Asahina] through the grapevine
[14:19] > Nephrite Masato (Suit) smirks a little, "Now where have I heard that before....?"
[14:21] > ~Nana Asahina starts to take pictures
[14:22] [Nephrite Masato (Suit)] Looks like I'll need to talk to your...... master.
[14:23] [~Nana Asahina] master? what are you talking about?
[14:23] [Nephrite Masato (Suit)] Master, boss.... whatever you call him.
[14:24] > Raoul Bertrand (Business Casual) looks over Nana from his seat
[14:25] [~Nana Asahina] who are you talking about...
[14:25] [Nephrite Masato (Suit)] Kunzite
[14:26] [Nephrite Masato (Suit)] You worked for him once before.... would not surprise me you're working for him again.
[14:26] [Nephrite Masato (Suit)] And to think..... I thought we were friends.
[14:27] [~Nana Asahina] who's Kunzite?
[14:27] [Nephrite Masato (Suit)] Heh, that's fine.... play dumb.
[14:28] > Nephrite Masato (Suit) turns his back to Nana and walks towards his office
[14:28] [Nephrite Masato (Suit)] This interview is over... if you want to find out about Mina and Matsumi, you'll have to read my magazine article like everyone else.
[14:29] [Nephrite Masato (Suit)] Freya.... escort Miss Asahina out....
[14:30] [Nephrite Masato (Suit)] ....by any means necessary.
[14:30] [Freya (biz casual)] got it...
[14:30] > Nephrite Masato (Suit) walks into his office, closing and locking the door
[14:30] > ~Nana Asahina tries to take a picture...but Freya grabs her...and drags her out the door
[14:30] <-- ~Nana Asahina has left #eventsbeta (HEY! LET GO! I'LL SUE!)
[14:31] <-- Freya (biz casual) [CatGuard@Q.Gov] has left #eventsbeta (good luck trying..I have training as a lawyer too)
[14:32] <-- Raoul Bertrand (Business Casual) [Brightbeauty@mercury.org] has left #eventsbeta (*grins watching*)
[14:33] > Nephrite Masato (Suit) sighs, sitting at his desk and picking up the phone
[14:34] > Nephrite Masato (Suit) pushes a quick dial button labeled Kun
[14:38] [Kunzite (phone)] yes?
[14:39] [Nephrite Masato (Suit)] Hey Kun... gotta' question for you
[14:40] [Nephrite Masato (Suit)] What do you know about Nana Asahina?
[14:40] [Kunzite (phone)] hm?..you mean the crazy reporter girl?
[14:40] [Nephrite Masato (Suit)] Yeah.... she just paid me a visit
[14:41] [Kunzite (phone)] why are you calling me about this?
[14:42] [Nephrite Masato (Suit)] Well... you did control her at one point back in the day and her tactics remind me of you for some reason.
[14:43] [Kunzite (phone)] look...didn't Sailor Moon purge the youma from her?
[14:45] [Nephrite Masato (Suit)] I think so
[14:47] [Kunzite (phone)] then why would she be working for me?
[14:48] [Nephrite Masato (Suit)] I thought maybe it was something you set up before we made up.
[14:49] [Kunzite (phone)] the girl harrasses me as well.....
[14:49] [Nephrite Masato (Suit)] Really, about what?
[14:52] [Kunzite (phone)] about the rumors of my relationships
[14:54] [Nephrite Masato (Suit)] Hmm..... something needs to be done about her.
[14:54] [Nephrite Masato (Suit)] She's herassing the Lights' family and friends too.
[14:55] [Kunzite (phone)] hmm...do you want me to put her under my control again?
[14:55] [Kunzite (phone)] I still have a tiny bit of that youma essance still left in a vial..and I'm betting she still has some in her too
[14:56] [Nephrite Masato (Suit)] If you feel that's the best course of action.
[14:58] [Kunzite (phone)] should be easy enough to do
[14:59] [Nephrite Masato (Suit)] Well then, let me know how it goes, alright?
[15:00] [Kunzite (phone)] of course...take care, nephrite
[15:01] [Nephrite Masato (Suit)] Goodday to you Kun.
[15:01] > Nephrite Masato (Suit) hangs up his phone
[15:01] <-- Nephrite Masato (Suit) [FormerGeneral@DarkKingdom.net] has left #eventsbeta (This will be taken care of the old fashioned way.)
[15:16] <-- Kunzite (phone) [Fearlesscrystalcaptain@Fourprinces.org] has left #eventsbeta
[00:00] >>> Thursday Oct 13 2011 <<<
[13:22] ➣ Southern Tokyo
[13:23] ➣ A small cafe, away from the central part of the city
[13:24] --> ~Nana Asahina has joined #eventsbeta
[13:24] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, ~Nana Asahina
[13:24] > ~Nana Asahina sneaks into the cafe >.> <.<
[13:32] ➣ A shadowy figure watches from a nearby rooftop.
[13:33] > ~Nana Asahina spots the person she's come to meet and makes her way to the table
[13:34] ➣ The figure watches the pair through the cafe window.
[13:35] > ~Nana Asahina blushes as the person takes her hand, kissing it
[13:37] ➣ The figure points a large aparatus from the rooftop towards the cafe, still watching Nana and her companion.
[13:38] > ~Nana Asahina says something, giggling, the person laughing with her
[13:39] > ~Nana Asahina blushes again as the person says something, the person leaning over and kissing her on the lips
[13:40] ➣ The figure keeps their position, watching the pair.
[13:41] > ~Nana Asahina holds the man's hand, giggling
[13:42] ➣ The figure pulls back their aparatus and leave their postition on the rooftop
[13:49] > ~Nana Asahina looks at her watch and leans forward, kissing the person again..and quickly leaves the cafe
[13:50] > Belinda Vila Lobos (Cycle Suit) sits on a nearby motorcycle
[13:50] [Belinda Vila Lobos (Cycle Suit)] Hola Miss Asahina...
[13:51] [~Nana Asahina] huh???
[13:51] [~Nana Asahina] do I know you?
[13:51] [Belinda Vila Lobos (Cycle Suit)] No no.... but I know you....
[13:51] [Belinda Vila Lobos (Cycle Suit)] ... I also... know hiim.
[13:52] [~Nana Asahina] .......what do you mean by that >.>
[13:53] [Belinda Vila Lobos (Cycle Suit)] I mean that I find eet rather interesting that the reporter who goes out and makes accusations about celebrities has a dark side of her own....
[13:53] > Belinda Vila Lobos (Cycle Suit) pulls out what appears to be a camera base, looking at it
[13:53] [~Nana Asahina] .....
[13:54] [Belinda Vila Lobos (Cycle Suit)] .... having a secret lunch and kissing a married man.... and a councelmen no less....
[13:54] > Belinda Vila Lobos (Cycle Suit) holds out the back of the camera with a smirk, showing a picture of them mid kiss
[13:54] [Belinda Vila Lobos (Cycle Suit)] ..... I bet the news papers would LOVE to see this.
[13:55] [~Nana Asahina] you wouldn't!!!!
[13:56] [Belinda Vila Lobos (Cycle Suit)] Oh, but I would....
[13:56] [Belinda Vila Lobos (Cycle Suit)] ... especially considering what you've been doing to celebrities and friends of mine.... I would just love to leak these.
[13:56] [~Nana Asahina] but that would destroy my career T_T
[13:57] [Belinda Vila Lobos (Cycle Suit)] But I bet you would not hesitate to do something like thees to someone else, now would you?
[13:58] [~Nana Asahina] what do you want me to do T_T
[13:59] [Belinda Vila Lobos (Cycle Suit)] The person who asked me to do thees gave me spacific orders.
[14:00] [~Nana Asahina] ..what are those?
[14:00] [Belinda Vila Lobos (Cycle Suit)] I will not release the photos, if you promise to stop with your super negetive stories and stop going out of your way to herass and insult people.
[14:02] [~Nana Asahina] ...alright...is that all?
[14:02] [Belinda Vila Lobos (Cycle Suit)] Yes, that ees pretty much eet.
[14:03] [Belinda Vila Lobos (Cycle Suit)] You really should try to follow stories the right way, rather then using the dirty tactics you have been up until now.
[14:04] [~Nana Asahina] ..and you won't tell anyone about what you saw then?
[14:05] [Belinda Vila Lobos (Cycle Suit)] Nope..... as long as you don't go back to those ways.
[14:06] > Belinda Vila Lobos (Cycle Suit) puts away her camera and pulls out a phone
[14:07] [Belinda Vila Lobos (Cycle Suit)] People are much more willing to talk to you when you approch them the right way....
[14:07] > Belinda Vila Lobos (Cycle Suit) dials and talks on the phone | Yes.... I got what I needed and she agreed to the terms.
[14:10] [~Nana Asahina] >.>
[14:11] [Belinda Vila Lobos (Cycle Suit)] Yes, she's still here.... just a moment
[14:11] > Belinda Vila Lobos (Cycle Suit) holds the phone out | He would like to speak to you...
[14:12] > ~Nana Asahina takes the phone "hello?"
[14:13] [Nephrite Masato (on the phone)] Hello Nana Asahina
[14:13] [~Nana Asahina] who is this?
[14:13] [Nephrite Masato (on the phone)] You don't recognize my voice, Miss Asahina?
[14:14] [~Nana Asahina] ..you're that Masato guy...
[14:15] [Nephrite Masato (on the phone)] Correct.... how does it feel to have some of your own tactics used against you?
[14:17] [~Nana Asahina] awful...what else do you want out of me?
[14:17] [Nephrite Masato (on the phone)] Nothing.... It's just like I told my head photographer....
[14:18] > Belinda Vila Lobos (Cycle Suit) looks into the mirror of the motorcycle, fixing her hair
[14:18] [Nephrite Masato (on the phone)] .... as long as you stop spreading slanderious stories and herassing the celebrities you follow, then there will be no need for us to release these rather.... interesting photos.
[14:19] [~Nana Asahina] ....got it....
[14:20] [Nephrite Masato (on the phone)] Good.....oh, one more thing. If you decide you'd like to do a proper interview.... I would be more then happy to grant it to you. Please contact my receptionist to set up a time.
[14:22] [~Nana Asahina] alright...
[14:23] [Nephrite Masato (on the phone)] Very good.
[14:23] [Nephrite Masato (on the phone)] Please hand my girl her phone
[14:26] > ~Nana Asahina hands the phone back
[14:26] [Belinda Vila Lobos (Cycle Suit)] Yeas?
[14:27] > Belinda Vila Lobos (Cycle Suit) takes the phone| yeas? Okay... I will see you soon.
[14:27] > Belinda Vila Lobos (Cycle Suit) hangs up her phone and tucks it back into a pocket on her suit, though the suit is VERY tight
[14:28] [Belinda Vila Lobos (Cycle Suit)] I would like to personally apologize to you, Miss Asahina
[14:29] [~Nana Asahina] huh???
[14:31] [~Nana Asahina] um thanks
[14:31] [Belinda Vila Lobos (Cycle Suit)] I do not like doing things like thees.....
[14:32] [Belinda Vila Lobos (Cycle Suit)] ..... but, I was told to fight fire with fire.
[14:33] [~Nana Asahina] um ok..well..I accept your apology?
[14:34] > Belinda Vila Lobos (Cycle Suit) starts her motorcycle | I hope you change your ways.
[14:34] > Belinda Vila Lobos (Cycle Suit) puts on her yellow helmet, that looks like it has a cat ear shape on the top.
[14:36] > ~Nana Asahina blinks at this
[14:36] [Belinda Vila Lobos (Cycle Suit)] (( This is what Belinda looks like right now, only maybe a little curvier. http://www.cosplayhouse.com/images/D/2-431.jpg ))
[14:37] [~Nana Asahina] bye?
[14:37] > Belinda Vila Lobos (Cycle Suit) flips up her visor | Take care, Miss Asahina.
[14:37] > Belinda Vila Lobos (Cycle Suit) puts the visor down and rides off on the cycle
[14:37] [~Nana Asahina] seeya I guess
[14:38] > ~Nana Asahina starts to walk off......when she's grabbed by the arm and brought into an alleyway
[14:38] <-- ~Nana Asahina has left #eventsbeta (Hey what the...)
[14:40] ➣ Second Light Agency, Neph's office
[14:40] > ~Nana Asahina is back
[14:40] <-- ~ has left #eventsbeta (whoops)
[14:40] > Nephrite Masato is on the phone
[14:41] [Kunzite] yes?
[14:42] [Nephrite Masato] Hey.... I wanted to let you know.... I came up with an alternate way to handle the Asahina situation and took care of things
[14:43] [Kunzite] I see....hold on a second then....
[14:43] > Kunzite's voice becomes staticy..and the entire phone is overtaken by the sound of static
[14:45] [Nephrite Masato] Hmm....?
[14:46] [Kunzite] alright done then
[14:46] [Kunzite] so you found another way to deal with her?
[14:47] [Nephrite Masato] Yeah, using someo fher own tactics. What are you doing.... where are you?
[14:48] [Kunzite] I was in the middle of doing my plan..but I had to..improvise when you told me what you had done
[14:48] [Nephrite Masato] Oh? What did you do then?
[14:50] [Kunzite] I removed the left over youma essance from her...and reconfigured it into a seperate being
[14:51] [Nephrite Masato] I didn't know you could do that...
[14:51] [Nephrite Masato] .... so now you have a seperate youma floating around?
[14:52] [Kunzite] it takes some...difficulty doing
[14:52] [Kunzite] she's right next to me
[14:53] [Kunzite] say hello to Nephrite, Ninjina
[14:53] [~Ninjina] hello, Nephrite-sir
[14:56] [Nephrite Masato] Hello there Ninjina... long time no see.
[14:56] [~Ninjina] I hope to assist both you and master Kunzite in any job you wish
[14:57] [Kunzite] I'll wipe Nana's memory of the process now, if you are alright with that, neph
[14:57] [Nephrite Masato] That's fine, just make sure she remembers the rest of what happened today. I want to keep those photos over her head.
[14:58] [Kunzite] of course
[14:59] [Nephrite Masato] Thank you for your help Kun. I'll see you soon for a drink.
[14:59] [Kunzite] you pay :P
[15:00] [Nephrite Masato] Of course.
[15:01] [Kunzite] see you then
[15:01] [Nephrite Masato] Take care now.
[15:01] <-- Kunzite [Fearlesscrystalcaptain@Fourprinces.org] has left #eventsbeta (*hangs up*)
[15:01] > Nephrite Masato hangs up the phone
[15:02] <-- Nephrite Masato [FormerGeneral@DarkKingdom.net] has left #eventsbeta (I love it when a plan comes together.)
[15:02] ➣ meanwhile, in the lobby
[15:02] --> Belinda Vila Lobos (Cycle Suit) has joined #eventsbeta
[15:02] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Belinda Vila Lobos (Cycle Suit)
[15:03] > Belinda Vila Lobos (Cycle Suit) walks into the office lobby, having unzipped her suit partially and holding her helmet.
[15:03] > Freya (human form) is typing on her computer
[15:03] > Raoul Bertrand (Business Casual) looks up and is about to say something, but pauses
[15:03] [Freya (human form)] did it work?
[15:04] [Belinda Vila Lobos (Cycle Suit)] What a good day for a ride.
[15:04] [Belinda Vila Lobos (Cycle Suit)] Oh yes, quite well.
[15:04] [Freya (human form)] heh good
[15:05] [Freya (human form)] I'll be glad if you actually got her to stop
[15:05] > Belinda Vila Lobos (Cycle Suit) turns and winks to Raoul | Mostly thanks to the fixes Raoul did to my camera equipment.
[15:06] > Raoul Bertrand (Business Casual) blushes a little | It was nothing really. Some simple modifications.
[15:06] > Freya (human form) smirks "my man is good at almost anything"
[15:06] > Belinda Vila Lobos (Cycle Suit) looks to Freya | Almost?
[15:09] [Freya (human form)] there is one thing he's terrible at :P
[15:10] > Freya (human form) whispers it in Belinda's ear
[15:11] [Belinda Vila Lobos (Cycle Suit)] Ooooooh
[15:11] > Belinda Vila Lobos (Cycle Suit) giggles a little
[15:12] > Raoul Bertrand (Business Casual) blushes and sinks in his chair, as if he knows what Freya just told Belinda
[15:12] > Freya (human form) giggles too
[15:12] [Belinda Vila Lobos (Cycle Suit)] Awwww... that's nothing to be ashamed of.... everyone has their fears.
[15:15] [Freya (human form)] hee
[15:15] > Raoul Bertrand (Business Casual) sighs a little, straightening up a little
[15:16] [Raoul Bertrand (Business Casual)] Zen what is your fear, Belinda?
[15:16] > Belinda Vila Lobos (Cycle Suit) sits in a chair, next to Freya's desk
[15:18] [Belinda Vila Lobos (Cycle Suit)] Well.... mostly bugs and snakes
[15:21] [Freya (human form)] I hate snails myself
[15:22] [Raoul Bertrand (Business Casual)] I will make sure never to feed them to you then. :P
[15:23] [Belinda Vila Lobos (Cycle Suit)] Why snailes, Freya?
[15:23] [Freya (human form)] they're slimy....don't like slimy
[15:25] [Freya (human form)] same with slugs...
[15:25] [Belinda Vila Lobos (Cycle Suit)] I see
[15:28] [Freya (human form)] ewww
[15:29] > Belinda Vila Lobos (Cycle Suit) stands | Well, I suppose I should get going. I'm putting the photos together for that project. It's almost done, Freya. ^_~
[15:30] [Freya (human form)] can't wait to see it!
[15:31] [Raoul Bertrand (Business Casual)] Hmm?
[15:32] > Belinda Vila Lobos (Cycle Suit) smiles to Freya, then winks at Raoul before walking out, putting on her helmet | I think I'll take the long way home, have a good day.
[15:32] [Freya (human form)] you'll see soon enough, raoul
[15:32] <-- Belinda Vila Lobos (Cycle Suit) has left #eventsbeta (A great day to ride.)
[15:33] [Raoul Bertrand (Business Casual)] My goodness....
[15:33] > Freya (human form) giggles a bit to herself
[15:34] [Raoul Bertrand (Business Casual)] .... say Amore.
[15:34] [Freya (human form)] hm?
[15:35] [Raoul Bertrand (Business Casual)] Do you have a suit like that?
[15:36] [Freya (human form)] I'm afraid not
[15:36] [Raoul Bertrand (Business Casual)] A shame.... you should get one.
[15:36] [Raoul Bertrand (Business Casual)] Belinda looked really good in that, but I bet you would look AMAZING!
[15:37] > Freya (human form) blushes a bit
[15:38] > Raoul Bertrand (Business Casual) chuckles a little and stands from hid desk, walking over to Freya
[15:40] [Freya (human form)] hm?
[15:40] [Raoul Bertrand (Business Casual)] What did you zink I was going to say, hmmm?
[15:42] [Freya (human form)] I'm not sure, raoul ^^
[15:42] > Raoul Bertrand (Business Casual) rubs Freya's shoulders
[15:44] > Freya (human form) purrs ^^
[15:46] [Freya (human form)] mmm your touch always feels good ^^
[15:48] [Raoul Bertrand (Business Casual)] Perhaps you'd like a full body massage later, yes?
[15:48] [Freya (human form)] ooo! I would like that!
[15:49] > Raoul Bertrand (Business Casual) leans in and kisses the side of Freya's neck before letting her go
[15:50] [Raoul Bertrand (Business Casual)] Well then, I'll get the oils ready when we get home.
[15:52] > Raoul Bertrand (Business Casual) walks over and sits at his desk, winking at Freya
[15:52] <-- Raoul Bertrand (Business Casual) [Brightbeauty@mercury.org] has left #eventsbeta (I've always been good with my hands. ^_~)
[15:53] <-- Freya (human form) [CatGuard@Q.Gov] has left #eventsbeta (that's true ^_~)
[00:00] >>> Saturday Oct 15 2011 <<<
[14:29] ➣ Raoul and Freya's Apartment
[14:29] --> Freya (human casual) [CatGuard@Q.Gov] has joined #eventsbeta
[14:29] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Freya (human casual)
[14:29] > Freya (human casual) is sitting at a table, looking over some paperwork
[14:30] --> Raoul Bertrand (Casual) [Brightbeauty@mercury.org] has joined #eventsbeta
[14:30] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Raoul Bertrand (Casual)
[14:31] > Raoul Bertrand (Casual) walks in, carrying a drink | What are you looking at, dear?
[14:32] [Freya (human casual)] oh I'm filling out some forged papers
[14:32] [Freya (human casual)] Matsumi said she'd help me get a fake ID
[14:33] [Raoul Bertrand (Casual)] A fake ID? For what?
[14:33] [Freya (human casual)] well another fake ID that is
[14:33] [Freya (human casual)] for work purposes...I have an ID for japan..but given my name...I need another idea for where I "came from"
[14:36] [Raoul Bertrand (Casual)] I see
[14:36] [Freya (human casual)] what country do you think I should have come from?
[14:36] > Freya (human casual) smiles to Raoul
[14:37] [Raoul Bertrand (Casual)] I have no idea.
[14:37] > Raoul Bertrand (Casual) just shrugs
[14:38] [Freya (human casual)] and what is my wonderful boyfriend up to today?
[14:38] [Raoul Bertrand (Casual)] Nothing really, just lounging around for the most part.
[14:39] [Freya (human casual)] I was thinking we might go out tonight for a bit?
[14:40] [Raoul Bertrand (Casual)] Sure... did you have an idea where you wanted to go?
[14:42] [Freya (human casual)] well there's that new bistro that opened
[14:42] [Freya (human casual)] I thought we might try that
[14:43] [Raoul Bertrand (Casual)] That sounds wonderful
[14:43] > Raoul Bertrand (Casual) leans in and lightly hugs Freya's neck from behind
[14:44] > Freya (human casual) giggles
[14:46] [Freya (human casual)] I enjoy it when we go out ^^
[14:47] [Raoul Bertrand (Casual)] I enjoy all the time I get to spend with you
[14:49] > Freya (human casual) smiles, has an idea and fills out the rest of the form
[14:51] [Freya (human casual)] there..that should do it
[14:51] > Raoul Bertrand (Casual) leans in and kisses Freya's ear
[14:52] > Freya (human casual) giggles and purrs
[14:53] [Freya (human casual)] heee you're getting really affectionate today ^^
[14:54] [Raoul Bertrand (Casual)] When am I not affectionate towards you?
[14:55] [Freya (human casual)] heh that's very true..and when am I not affectionate towards you? *nuzzles Raoul*
[14:56] [Raoul Bertrand (Casual)] Very rarely.... only when you're in a really bad mood.
[14:57] [Freya (human casual)] I haven't been in a really bad mood lately
[14:58] [Raoul Bertrand (Casual)] No, zat hasn't happened in a while.
[14:59] > Raoul Bertrand (Casual) kisses his way down Freya's neck
[14:59] > Freya (human casual) giggles and squirms a bit
[15:02] [Freya (human casual)] well I think I'm done with my paperwork
[15:03] [Raoul Bertrand (Casual)] Good.... zat means you belong to me until we go out, no?
[15:03] [Freya (human casual)] that's right
[15:05] > Freya (human casual) smiles at Raoul
[15:06] [Freya (human casual)] and do you have something in mind?
[15:07] > Raoul Bertrand (Casual) smirks a little
[15:08] [Raoul Bertrand (Casual)] What if I do...? ^_~
[15:09] [Freya (human casual)] well then...I'll have no choice but to..follow you wherever you go ^_~
[15:10] > Raoul Bertrand (Casual) lets Freya go | Rise, my Amore~
[15:12] > Freya (human casual) stands
[15:12] [Freya (human casual)] ^^
[15:14] > Raoul Bertrand (Casual) turns Freya around, wraps his arms around her and kisses her
[15:16] > Freya (human casual) returns the kiss
[15:18] > Raoul Bertrand (Casual) lets his hands wander Freya's back as he holds the kiss, becoming must more aggresive
[15:27] <-- Raoul Bertrand (Casual) [Brightbeauty@mercury.org] has left #eventsbeta (A smart man can look good too, no?)
[00:00] >>> Sunday Oct 16 2011 <<<
[02:59] ➣ RD: Mess Hall
[02:59] --> Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas) [EarthboundFirefly@mugen.edu] has joined #eventsbeta
[02:59] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)
[02:59] > Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas) walks in and sits by the window, staring out into space.
[03:01] --> Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown) [HeadCook@RedDwarf.net] has joined #eventsbeta
[03:01] [@HOL_6000] Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown) reporting for duty.
[03:01] > Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown) walks in, surprised to see another person theer
[03:01] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown)] ^there
[03:01] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown)] Oh.. hey Hotaru-san.
[03:02] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] Hmm? Oh, evening Kaede-chan.
[03:02] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown)] I'm surprised to see you up and out this late.
[03:04] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] I needed to think, and this seemed like a good place for it.
[03:05] > Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown) walks over to Hotaru | Care for a drink or a midnight snack?
[03:07] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] Thank you, maybe just a glass of wine, something white.
[03:08] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown)] Sure ^_^
[03:09] > Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown) walks into the kitchen, opening a cooler and taking out a bottle of white wine, pouring two glasses and carrying them over, handing one to Hotaru and sitting next to her.
[03:09] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown)] So, what's going on in that pretty head of yours, Hotaru-san?
[03:09] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] Arigatou.
[03:11] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] The situation between Neph, Naftis and myself..
[03:11] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown)] Ohh?
[03:13] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] Hai.. They're getting married soon and it makes me sort of wonder about my place..
[03:13] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown)] Awww
[03:14] > Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown) sips her wine
[03:14] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown)] .... how do you feel about them?
[03:16] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] I love them both dearly, but sometimes I even wonder if I'm sure of that.
[03:16] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] It's tough to explain..
[03:17] > Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas) sips her wine, considering her thoughts.
[03:17] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown)] You're afraid when they get married..... that you'll be a third wheel or that you'll get left out.
[03:17] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown)] Is that close?
[03:18] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] Perhaps that's part of it, but it goes even deeper than that.
[03:18] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] Something Naftis said a while back.
[03:20] > Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown) sips her drink, listening
[03:20] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] She said that she knew in my heart that I'd be happier if I found someone of my own to love.
[03:21] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown)] But do you feel that?
[03:21] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] I don't know.
[03:22] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] Naftis held my crystal, my essence, my very being in her hand once. Like many others, she knows some of my deepest feelings, better than I know myself sometimes.
[03:23] > Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown) puts her arm around Hotaru
[03:23] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] But that was me as I was then. Maybe I've changed.
[03:24] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown)] Perhaps you're right about that
[03:25] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown)] Because it sounds like you feel pretty strongly about those two
[03:26] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] Maybe...
[03:26] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] Maybe I just feel jealous because he didn't ask both of us at the same time.
[03:27] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] I do. Naftis was my first real love. And Neph has been a wonderful partner and lover.
[03:28] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown)] Well, if you feel strongly about them both.... maybe you should ask them if you can join them.
[03:30] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] Hai.. I think.. I think I will.
[03:30] > Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown) smiles, sipping her wine
[03:31] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown)] I'm glad I could help, Hotaru-san. ^_^
[03:32] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] I hope it's not too late to change the wedding plans. ^_^;;
[03:33] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown)] If they feel for you the same way you feel about them.... then I'm sure they'll find a way. ^_^
[03:34] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] Hai, thanks for listening to me. I think I spent too much time thinking all that over in my head.
[03:35] > Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas) sips some more of her wine.
[03:36] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown)] You're welcome, Hotaru-san. Like I said, I'm just glad I could help
[03:37] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] How are things going for you lately?
[03:38] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown)] Pretty good... happy that I'm gonna' be a papa soon. ^_^
[03:39] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] That's good to h.. You're what? O_o
[03:39] > Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown) giggles a little, drinking her wine
[03:40] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown)] I'm gonna' be a papa. ^_^ Kalli-chan is pregnant.
[03:41] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] How did you manage that?
[03:43] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown)] Well.... it's a long story that involved dead senshi from the past, me getting temporary powers and Kalli-chan and I sharing a few intimate moments during our honeymoon.
[03:45] > Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas) stands up, holding her wine glass.
[03:45] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] Now I'm curious. Come on, you'll have to tell me more.
[03:46] > Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown) stands | Sure!
[03:47] > Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas) leads the way out.
[03:48] [Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown)] Where shall we go?
[03:48] <-- Kaede Sasaki (Nightgown) [HeadCook@RedDwarf.net] has left #eventsbeta (^)
[03:48] <-- Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas) [EarthboundFirefly@mugen.edu] has left #eventsbeta (We'll find a place.)
[00:00] >>> Tuesday Oct 18 2011 <<<
[01:56] ➣ Masato Home, living room
[01:56] --> Nephrite Masato (Workout) [FormerGeneral@DarkKingdom.net] has joined #eventsbeta
[01:56] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Nephrite Masato (Workout)
[01:56] > Nephrite Masato (Workout) teleports in after having just finished his nightly workout
[01:57] > Naftis Katheti sits on the couch, thumbing through several large booklets of wedding materials.
[01:57] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] Hey there, dearest. ^_^
[01:59] [Naftis Katheti] Welcome home.
[02:00] > Naftis Katheti smiles at him, then goes back to the books.
[02:01] --> Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas) [EarthboundFirefly@mugen.edu] has joined #eventsbeta
[02:01] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)
[02:04] > Nephrite Masato (Workout) sits next to Naftis, having not seen Hotaru yet, "What are you reading?"
[02:05] [Naftis Katheti] Caterers for the reception.. How big do we want to have it?
[02:06] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] Oh good, you're both here.
[02:06] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] Well... I don't imagine we'll need things for any more then 100... your side is going to well outnumber mine I think.
[02:06] > Nephrite Masato (Workout) looks up and smiles, "There's our beautiful, Firefly"
[02:06] [Naftis Katheti] Yep. Something on your mind, dear?
[02:08] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] Hai, I've made up my mind about something.
[02:10] > Naftis Katheti marks her page and folds up the books, giving her full attention.
[02:10] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] Oh? Why don't you sit with us and tell us what that is?
[02:12] > Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas) sits down, and looks directly at them.
[02:12] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] I've decided.. I want to stay.
[02:12] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] I want to be a part of this family.
[02:13] > Naftis Katheti blinks, and looks at Nephrite, confused.
[02:13] > Naftis Katheti doesn't look confused anymore.
[02:13] > Nephrite Masato (Workout) smiles
[02:13] > Naftis Katheti sees Neph smile, and joins in.
[02:13] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] Well..... we'd be more then happy for you to join us.
[02:14] [Naftis Katheti] If that is what you want, dear, we're happy to accept you.
[02:14] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] I wasn't sure if I would be happy staying, but I've wanted to stay more and more lately and I finally sorted through the feelings that were holding me back.
[02:17] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] Well then..... I think we should make this official then...
[02:17] > Naftis Katheti looks curiously at Nephrite.
[02:17] > Nephrite Masato (Workout) smirks and stands
[02:18] [Nephrite Masato (Workout)] Ladies..... I want you two to meet me on the back porch in five minutes.
[02:19] > Naftis Katheti rubs her chin, thinking.
[02:19] > Nephrite Masato (Workout) calmly walks into their bedroom, closing the door
[02:19] > Nephrite Masato (Workout) is away: I love being prepared for things.
[02:20] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] Ne? Alright. ^_^;
[02:21] [Naftis Katheti] He is full of surprises.
[02:21] [Naftis Katheti] I thought or a moment you had decided on Mistress 9. ^^;
[02:22] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] Oh.. hai..
[02:23] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] I think I'm going to let her out, but on a short leash at first.
[02:24] [Naftis Katheti] Here on Earth?
[02:25] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] She at least deserves a chance to consider stating a new life.
[02:25] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] Where, I haven't decided yet.
[02:26] [Naftis Katheti] She should be rather helpless now. Let me know when you're decided. Remember, you alone have the right to judge and sentence her.
[02:26] > Naftis Katheti stands.
[02:26] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] Tau Ceti is still a wasteland, so I can't exactly take her back there. <_<
[02:27] [Naftis Katheti] Some would call it a fitting fate, but you aren't some.
[02:27] > Naftis Katheti offers a hand.
[02:28] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] Hai.
[02:28] > Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas) takes Naftis' hand and stands up.
[02:28] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] I regret that, even if it was necessary at the time.
[02:28] <-- Naftis Katheti has left #eventsbeta (I hope he's planning what I think he is.)
[02:28] <-- Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas) [EarthboundFirefly@mugen.edu] has left #eventsbeta (I guess we'll see. ^_^;)
[02:29] [Naftis Katheti] I hope he's planning what I think he is.
[02:29] [Nephrite Masato (S[SMEG]tennou Uniform)] (( Premature part ))
[02:29] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] (( Gotcha. ))
[02:30] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] I guess we'll see ^_^;
[02:31] > Nephrite Masato (S[SMEG]tennou Uniform) stands on the patio in his old uniform, the moon and stars seem to have somehow been brought out to an abnormally bright shine
[02:31] [Naftis Katheti] Well, he's not naked. On the contrary~
[02:31] > Naftis Katheti lets go of her hand and takes half a step away.
[02:31] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] Ehehehe~ ^_^;;
[02:32] > Nephrite Masato (S[SMEG]tennou Uniform) grins a little at Naftis' comment, "I had to try and make this as special as the first time"
[02:33] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] Aww.. You mean?..
[02:33] > Nephrite Masato (S[SMEG]tennou Uniform) walks over to Hotaru, smiling, "Much like with Naftis.... I had something specially made.... because I saw in the stars that this decision was coming...."
[02:35] > Nephrite Masato (S[SMEG]tennou Uniform) pulls a small box from his pocket and lowers himself to one knee, looking up at Hotaru
[02:36] > Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas) goes wide eyed.
[02:37] [Nephrite Masato (S[SMEG]tennou Uniform)] Must like the name I call you.... you've brought a special light into my life since the day we began seeing each other. That light has only grown since that first day and I have no doubt, I do not want to go on without both of you at my sides....
[02:38] > Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas) sniffles and starts to tear up..
[02:39] > Nephrite Masato (S[SMEG]tennou Uniform) opens the box, which contains a ring, the oriment on the ring is shaped like a firefly, the wings are two different colors, on is clear and the light shows off it acting as a prisim, the other wing is a dark blue, the light is a glowing pale yellow color
[02:39] > Naftis Katheti smiles warmly.
[02:39] [Nephrite Masato (S[SMEG]tennou Uniform)] ... Hotaru Tomoe.... would you honor me by becoming my wife?
[02:39] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] I didn't expect this so soon.. T_T
[02:40] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] Of course I will. T_T
[02:40] > Nephrite Masato (S[SMEG]tennou Uniform) smiles wide, gently taking Hotaru's hand, slipping the ring on her finger
[02:42] > Naftis Katheti claps politely.
[02:42] [Naftis Katheti] Aren't you bold. Proposing to another woman right in front of me~
[02:42] > Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas) holds it up and looks at it, turning it in the moonlight.
[02:43] > Nephrite Masato (S[SMEG]tennou Uniform) slowly stands in front of Hotaru, grinning to Naftis
[02:43] [Nephrite Masato (S[SMEG]tennou Uniform)] Hey... it was just like when I proposed to you in front of her.
[02:45] [Naftis Katheti] Hmmm.. this does complicate things though. I don't think we can both marry you legally on Earth.. or at least, not any place I'm willing to step foot. I know plenty of other systems we can visit. OH, forgive me, I'm spoiling the moment. ^^;
[02:45] > Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas) sniffles, trying to regain her composure.
[02:46] > Nephrite Masato (S[SMEG]tennou Uniform) winks at Naftis and looks to Hotaru with a smile
[02:46] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] I don't want to spoil your wedding plans, we can figure out something afterwards. ;_;
[02:47] [Nephrite Masato (S[SMEG]tennou Uniform)] I know this is rather sudden.... but I've been thinking about this a lot too.... and I knew if you did decide to stay with us, that I wanted it to be official.
[02:48] [Nephrite Masato (S[SMEG]tennou Uniform)] Actually, I have a plan for that.... we'll continue with our regular ceremony for our friends here who don't know our secrets.... then we'll go off world for the tri-ceremony soon afterword.
[02:49] [Nephrite Masato (S[SMEG]tennou Uniform)] The only part I haven't planned for is the venue.... I thought I'd let you girls take care of that. ^_^
[02:52] [Naftis Katheti] I bet it's easier to plan one wedding instead of two. Have to have it in another country besides Japan though, so it'll be harder to accuse you of bigamy. Dear, would you like your own ceremony or one with the both of us? Or maybe a triple after your own.
[02:55] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] I'd prefer to marry both of you at once.
[02:55] [Naftis Katheti] We'll have to look off world for that, then, which is no problem. I'll put word out on the network.
[02:56] > Nephrite Masato (S[SMEG]tennou Uniform) smiles at them and nods
[02:56] [Nephrite Masato (S[SMEG]tennou Uniform)] Ya' know.... there's one more thing I have to do to make this official
[02:56] [Naftis Katheti] You know a lot of cultures save that for the wedding night. :P
[02:56] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] Hai, I'm sure someone can accommodate us.
[02:58] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] Ehehehehe~ ^_^;
[02:58] > Nephrite Masato (S[SMEG]tennou Uniform) just winks at Naftis before taking Hotaru, dipping her low and kissing her
[02:58] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] Mmmmm!~
[02:59] [Nephrite Masato (S[SMEG]tennou Uniform)] Mmmmm~
[02:59] > Nephrite Masato (S[SMEG]tennou Uniform) breaks the kiss with a smile, looking into her eyes before righting her
[02:59] > Naftis Katheti grins.
[03:01] > Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas) sighs happily~ ♡
[03:01] [Nephrite Masato (S[SMEG]tennou Uniform)] I love you, my Firefly~
[03:03] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] I love you too, Neph-san~ And my dear Naftis no less~
[03:03] [Naftis Katheti] I know, baby.
[03:03] > Nephrite Masato (S[SMEG]tennou Uniform) smiles, motioning for Naftis to join them
[03:04] > Naftis Katheti puts her arms around ether of them.
[03:05] > Nephrite Masato (S[SMEG]tennou Uniform) hugs both girls and smiles
[03:07] > Nephrite Masato (S[SMEG]tennou Uniform) kisses Naftis, holding the kiss and turning his head slightly
[03:08] > Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas) leans in and joins the kiss~ ♡
[03:09] > Naftis Katheti giggles into the extended kiss.
[03:09] > Nephrite Masato (S[SMEG]tennou Uniform) slowly breaks the three way kiss and smiles
[03:10] [Nephrite Masato (S[SMEG]tennou Uniform)] Well then ladies..... I think it's about time we turned in for the night. ♡
[03:11] > Naftis Katheti does a pirouette and walks into the bedroom.
[03:11] <-- Naftis Katheti has left #eventsbeta (I couldn't agree more.)
[03:11] [Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas)] Mmmm, hai~
[03:12] > Nephrite Masato (S[SMEG]tennou Uniform) smiles and holding Hotaru's hand, leading her inside
[03:13] > Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas) follows, giving Neph's hand a soft squeeze~
[03:14] <-- Nephrite Masato (S[SMEG]tennou Uniform) [FormerGeneral@DarkKingdom.net] has left #eventsbeta (I will have both loves of my life with me always now. ^_^)
[03:14] <-- Hotaru Tomoe (Pajamas) [EarthboundFirefly@mugen.edu] has left #eventsbeta (♡)
[13:59] ➣ P*** C****** recording studio
[14:00] --> Taiki Kou (casual) has joined #eventsbeta
[14:00] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Taiki Kou (casual)
[14:00] > Taiki Kou (casual) walks out of the recording booth, leaving Seiya and Yaten talking
[14:01] > Taiki Kou (casual) opens but a bottle of water
[14:01] [Taiki Kou (casual)] *up
[14:03] [Taiki Kou (casual)] ugh....
[14:03] > Taiki Kou (casual) drinks
[14:06] > Taiki Kou (casual) looks at her watch
[14:14] --> Tao Latu (Casual) has joined #eventsbeta
[14:14] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Tao Latu (Casual)
[14:15] > Tao Latu (Casual) walks in, looking around, trying to find his way
[14:15] > Taiki Kou (casual) spots Tao and smiling, waves to him
[14:16] > Tao Latu (Casual) sees Taiki and smiles, making his way towards her
[14:16] [Tao Latu (Casual)] Sorry it took me so long to get here. I had to clean up after working this morning.
[14:17] [Taiki Kou (casual)] it's alright ^^ I'm just glad to see you
[14:19] [Taiki Kou (casual)] we've just finished recording the new single
[14:19] [Tao Latu (Casual)] Oooo, how did that go?
[14:20] [Taiki Kou (casual)] alright..though I think we overdid it >< my throat is a bit scrachy
[14:20] [Tao Latu (Casual)] Awww, you poor dear
[14:21] > Tao Latu (Casual) slides his arms around Taiki, hugging her
[14:21] > Taiki Kou (casual) returns the hug
[14:21] [Taiki Kou (casual)] how was your work day then?
[14:24] [Tao Latu (Casual)] Oh, nothing out of the ordinary.
[14:26] > Taiki Kou (casual) hugs Tao again tightly "I miss you whenever you're working ^^"
[14:27] > Tao Latu (Casual) smiles and gives Taiki an extra squeeze
[14:27] [Tao Latu (Casual)] I miss you whenever I'm away from you.
[14:27] ➣ there are some wolf-whistles from behind the glass
[14:27] [Taiki Kou (casual)] >.>
[14:28] > Tao Latu (Casual) looks up confused a bit
[14:29] ➣ Yaten and Seiya are watching both Taiki and Tao from behind the glass, grinning
[14:29] [Taiki Kou (casual)] it seems..we have an audience
[14:29] > Tao Latu (Casual) thinks for a moment and smirks
[14:30] [Tao Latu (Casual)] Then how about we give them a real show?
[14:30] [Taiki Kou (casual)] why not
[14:31] > Tao Latu (Casual) holds Taiki close and starts kissing her
[14:32] > Taiki Kou (casual) returns the kiss, wrapping her arms around Tao
[14:32] ➣ Yaten and Seiya blink, watching
[14:33] > Tao Latu (Casual) starts to get more aggressive with the kiss, letting his hands wander her back
[14:34] > Taiki Kou (casual) grips on Tao's back, still kissing
[14:35] ➣ one of the studio works walks over and pulls the shades down on the window on the other side, blocking Yaten and Seiya's view
[14:37] > Taiki Kou (casual) breaks the kiss and giggles "looks like someone pulled the plug on the viewing"
[14:38] > Tao Latu (Casual) slowly breaks the kiss and grins
[14:38] [Tao Latu (Casual)] Awww... and I was gonna' press you back against the glass
[14:39] [Taiki Kou (casual)] aww that would have been interesting
[14:40] [Tao Latu (Casual)] Maybe I should do it anyway~
[14:40] [Taiki Kou (casual)] why not ^^
[14:40] > Tao Latu (Casual) playfully pushes Taiki against the glass with a grin
[14:41] > Tao Latu (Casual) holds Taiki's hands and presses her against the glass, kissing the side of her neck
[14:42] > Taiki Kou (casual) closes her eyes and smiles
[14:42] [Taiki Kou (casual)] mm..you always help me relax
[14:43] > Tao Latu (Casual) smiles to Taiki
[14:44] [Taiki Kou (casual)] I feel so lucky..that we met...
[14:44] [Tao Latu (Casual)] That makes two of us....
[14:45] > Tao Latu (Casual) lets Taiki go, blushing a little
[14:46] > Taiki Kou (casual) blushes as well
[14:46] [Tao Latu (Casual)] It um.... took a lot of self control to stop myself there. ^_^;;
[14:48] > Taiki Kou (casual) giggles "the same ^^"
[14:50] [Tao Latu (Casual)] Heh, I wonder what the other girls are thinking now that they can't see us?
[14:50] [Taiki Kou (casual)] probably thinking we've gone all out *blushes*
[14:52] [Tao Latu (Casual)] Heh.... that makes me wonder....
[14:52] [Taiki Kou (casual)] hm?
[14:53] [Tao Latu (Casual)] .... I know we've joked about it a few times.... but do you think you could really..... do it in front of them?
[14:53] > Taiki Kou (casual) blushes really deeply "well...I suppose so'
[14:54] > Tao Latu (Casual) looks a bit surprised | Really?
[14:56] [Taiki Kou (casual)] I mean...it's always possible
[14:56] > Tao Latu (Casual) chuckles lightly and grins
[14:56] [Tao Latu (Casual)] That's so daring.... I love it.
[14:57] [Tao Latu (Casual)] Just like I love you. ^_^
[14:57] > Taiki Kou (casual) grins back, giggling
[14:57] [Taiki Kou (casual)] ^_^
[14:59] [Tao Latu (Casual)] So, what should we do now?
[14:59] [Taiki Kou (casual)] well we could go back to your place...I'm pretty much finished here
[15:00] [Tao Latu (Casual)] I like the sound of that.... should we tell Yaten and Saiya?
[15:00] [Taiki Kou (casual)] probably the best idea
[15:01] [Tao Latu (Casual)] Alright
[15:01] [Tao Latu (Casual)] Lead the way, my dearest.
[15:02] > Taiki Kou (casual) walks over to the studio door and opens it
[15:02] > Tao Latu (Casual) follows Taiki
[15:03] ➣ Yaten and Seiya are already starting to pack up to leave
[15:03] [Taiki Kou (casual)] hey you two..me and Tao are going to be leaving
[15:03] [Seiya Kou] heading back to have some fun then?
[15:04] > Tao Latu (Casual) just stands against the doorframe and winks
[15:04] [Yaten Kou] I see you weren't satisfied ealirer
[15:04] [Taiki Kou (casual)] *blushes* that's for me to know
[15:06] > Tao Latu (Casual) just grins, listenining.
[15:06] [Seiya Kou] well hope you two have a good rest of the day
[15:06] [Yaten Kou] it is curious to know what you two are like together
[15:07] > Taiki Kou (casual) blushes at that
[15:08] [Tao Latu (Casual)] Maybe you'd like to find out sometime.
[15:09] [Seiya Kou] hm?
[15:09] [Yaten Kou] huh?
[15:09] [Taiki Kou (casual)] well if you ever want to come over...we can show you...
[15:09] > Tao Latu (Casual) slides his arms around Taiki from behind and grins
[15:09] [Seiya Kou] seriously?
[15:10] [Tao Latu (Casual)] If Taiki's okay with it, then I am okay with it.
[15:10] > Taiki Kou (casual) nods
[15:11] [Seiya Kou] wel-
[15:11] [Yaten Kou] we accept
[15:12] [Yaten Kou] we would rather enjoy to see you...read a book
[15:12] [Taiki Kou (casual)] ><
[15:14] [Taiki Kou (casual)] well you are welcome anytime then ><
[15:14] [Yaten Kou] very well..when would be fine for both of you?
[15:15] > Tao Latu (Casual) looks at Taiki... when do you think is good for us?
[15:17] [Taiki Kou (casual)] I'm not sure....perhaps tomorrow?
[15:19] [Taiki Kou (casual)] what do you think?
[15:20] [Tao Latu (Casual)] As long as I'm with you, Taiki, anything is good
[15:21] [Seiya Kou] alright then...we'll stop by tomorrow
[15:21] [Yaten Kou] and we'll see..what you two do, as it were
[15:22] [Tao Latu (Casual)] I think you two will be quite.... surprised~
[15:23] [Seiya Kou] we'll see...anyway..you two take care
[15:24] > Tao Latu (Casual) nods to Seiya, taking Taiki's hand
[15:25] [Yaten Kou] see you tomorrow then
[15:25] [Taiki Kou (casual)] bye you two
[15:25] > Taiki Kou (casual) squeezes Tao's hand
[15:26] > Tao Latu (Casual) opens the door for Taiki
[15:27] > Taiki Kou (casual) walks out, putting on some dark sunglasses
[15:28] [Tao Latu (Casual)] Do you really think you can do that tomorrow?
[15:30] [Taiki Kou (casual)] I..don't know...I'm a bit nervious about the whole thing
[15:30] [Tao Latu (Casual)] Well.... I'll leave the decision about how far things go to you
[15:32] > Taiki Kou (casual) nods, putting a hat on
[15:33] [Tao Latu (Casual)] Until then, what do you say we grab a dinner, take it home and spend a quiet night in?
[15:34] [Taiki Kou (casual)] I like that idea ^^
[15:34] > Tao Latu (Casual) opens the door to the outside of the building, holding it for Taiki
[15:35] > Taiki Kou (casual) smiles and walks out
[15:36] <-- Tao Latu (Casual) has left #eventsbeta (Nothing is better then spending time with my Taiki)
[15:37] <-- Taiki Kou (casual) has left #eventsbeta (and nothing is better then spending time with my tao)
[23:57] ➣ Kou Manor, Tokyo
[23:58] --> Yoshi Kou (casual) has joined #eventsbeta
[23:58] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Yoshi Kou (casual)
[23:58] > Yoshi Kou (casual) walks down the large stairs
[23:59] --> Eva Gala (Casual) has joined #eventsbeta
[23:59] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Eva Gala (Casual)
[23:59] > Eva Gala (Casual) walks up to the large doors, ringing the bell, carrying a small overnight bag.
[23:59] > Yoshi Kou (casual) opens the door
[00:00] >>> Wednesday Oct 19 2011 <<<
[00:00] [Eva Gala (Casual)] You rang? ^_^
[00:01] [Yoshi Kou (casual)] heh welcome, eva
[00:02] [Eva Gala (Casual)] Why did you ask me over so late?
[00:02] [Yoshi Kou (casual)] welcome to my home ^^
[00:02] [Yoshi Kou (casual)] oh...I just wanted to...spend some time with you here
[00:03] > Eva Gala (Casual) giggles and walks in | Well then, dont mind if I do
[00:05] ➣ the house is rather nice in that old victorian gothic sort of style...a large staircase leads to the second floor. Most of the place is decked out with old paintings of people that are for the most part unrecnozable
[00:07] [Eva Gala (Casual)] Such a nice home
[00:08] [Yoshi Kou (casual)] it was bought for all of us kinmokus as a place to..hide away on Earth
[00:09] [Eva Gala (Casual)] Nice
[00:09] [Yoshi Kou (casual)] what would you like to see then?
[00:10] [Yoshi Kou (casual)] I mean..since you've come ^^;;;
[00:11] [Eva Gala (Casual)] Well...
[00:11] [Eva Gala (Casual)] .... mainly your bedroom~
[00:13] > Yoshi Kou (casual) smiles and offers his arm "if that is your wish"
[00:13] > Eva Gala (Casual) takes Yoshi's arm and grins
[00:13] [Eva Gala (Casual)] Well, I did bring my nightclothes with me
[00:15] [Yoshi Kou (casual)] is that so?
[00:17] [Eva Gala (Casual)] Mmhmm....~
[00:18] > Yoshi Kou (casual) starts to head up the stairs to the second floor
[00:20] [Eva Gala (Casual)] Those special ones we got from Kinmoku ^_~
[00:20] [Yoshi Kou (casual)] now you looked lovely in those
[00:23] [Eva Gala (Casual)] Which is why I made sure to bring them home with me
[00:24] > Eva Gala (Casual) follows Yoshi up the stairs
[00:26] [Yoshi Kou (casual)] now let's see....the problem with this place is sometimes I forget where my own room is
[00:27] > Eva Gala (Casual) giggles | Mansions can be like that I suppose
[00:28] [Yoshi Kou (casual)] I think my room is..this way
[00:29] > Yoshi Kou (casual) starts to walk down a hall
[00:30] > Eva Gala (Casual) just follows Yoshi, looking around
[00:30] [Eva Gala (Casual)] Such a large home
[00:31] [Yoshi Kou (casual)] well we had to make sure we had the luxerites of home
[00:33] > Yoshi Kou (casual) stops in front of a door 'ah here it is"
[00:34] > Yoshi Kou (casual) opens the door
[00:35] > Eva Gala (Casual) peaks inside
[00:35] ➣ the room is large, with a large twin-sized bed with white silk covers and pillows, a rather large closet and almost any luxtery you could imagine
[00:38] [Yoshi Kou (casual)] welcome to my aboad!
[00:39] [Eva Gala (Casual)] Very nice
[00:39] [Yoshi Kou (casual)] um do you like it?
[00:41] [Eva Gala (Casual)] Of course I do
[00:41] > Eva Gala (Casual) dances her way over and sits on his bed
[00:42] > Yoshi Kou (casual) smiles, walking in and closing the door behind him
[00:42] [Yoshi Kou (casual)] what do you think of the bed?
[00:43] [Eva Gala (Casual)] It's a bit small, but feels comfy
[00:43] [Yoshi Kou (casual)] heh...well is it big enough for two then?
[00:44] [Eva Gala (Casual)] I'm sure we can.... make room
[00:45] [Yoshi Kou (casual)] is that so?...and how would we do that?
[00:46] [Eva Gala (Casual)] I'll have to show you later.
[00:47] > Eva Gala (Casual) hops up, picking up her bag
[00:47] [Yoshi Kou (casual)] I expect so ^_~
[00:47] [Eva Gala (Casual)] As for now, I'll go change for bed
[00:50] > Eva Gala (Casual) winks at Yoshi before walking into the attached bathroom
[00:50] [Yoshi Kou (casual)] very well
[00:50] > Yoshi Kou (casual) smiles
[00:51] > Eva Gala (Casual) is away: Changing
[00:54] > Yoshi Kou (casual) goes behind a screen and starts to change into his own nightware
[00:58] > Eva Gala (kinmoku nightwear) is back
[00:58] > Eva Gala (kinmoku nightwear) comes out of the bathroom, posing for Yoshi
[00:58] [Eva Gala (kinmoku nightwear)] What do you think?
[00:58] > Yoshi Kou (kinmoku pajamas) walks out from behind the screen and smiles "just as beautiful as ever"
[00:59] > Eva Gala (kinmoku nightwear) giggles, blushing a little as the outfit she's wearing leaves little to be desired
[01:00] > Yoshi Kou (kinmoku pajamas)'s own nightwear seems to be little more then a boxer-like-pants
[01:02] [Eva Gala (kinmoku nightwear)] Now... you lay down on the bed and I'll show you how there's enough room for both of us
[01:03] > Yoshi Kou (kinmoku pajamas) smiles, laying down on the bed
[01:05] > Eva Gala (kinmoku nightwear) suggestively walks over, laying on the bed, against Yoshi, her head on his chest
[01:06] > Yoshi Kou (kinmoku pajamas) chuckles
[01:07] [Eva Gala (kinmoku nightwear)] Good?
[01:07] [Yoshi Kou (kinmoku pajamas)] very good
[01:10] > Eva Gala (kinmoku nightwear) holds onto Yoshi and yawns lightly
[01:10] [Yoshi Kou (kinmoku pajamas)] tired, eva?
[01:11] [Eva Gala (kinmoku nightwear)] Yeah, just a little
[01:12] [Yoshi Kou (kinmoku pajamas)] let's get some sleep then
[01:12] > Eva Gala (kinmoku nightwear) nods and holds Yoshi, laying her head on his chest
[01:14] > Yoshi Kou (kinmoku pajamas) holds Eva, smiling
[01:16] <-- Yoshi Kou (kinmoku pajamas) has left #eventsbeta (nothing beats holding your lover close to your heart)
[01:18] <-- Eva Gala (kinmoku nightwear) has left #eventsbeta (You have tha tright)
[00:00] >>> Thursday Oct 20 2011 <<<
[14:01] ➣ Second Light Talent Agency
[14:02] --> Freya (business casual) [CatGuard@Q.Gov] has joined #eventsbeta
[14:02] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Freya (business casual)
[14:02] > Freya (business casual) is sitting at her desk, typing up a report
[14:02] > Raoul Bertrand (Business) sits at his desk, looking through the companies website.
[14:03] --> Belinda Vila Lobos (Fall Casual) has joined #eventsbeta
[14:03] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Belinda Vila Lobos (Fall Casual)
[14:04] > Belinda Vila Lobos (Fall Casual) walks in, carrying a large yellow envelope
[14:04] [Freya (business casual)] oh hello Belinda
[14:05] [Raoul Bertrand (Business)] Hi Belinda ^_^
[14:05] [Belinda Vila Lobos (Fall Casual)] Hiiii~
[14:06] [Belinda Vila Lobos (Fall Casual)] Guess what.....~
[14:06] [Freya (business casual)] what do you have there?
[14:07] > Belinda Vila Lobos (Fall Casual) grins, opening the envelope and pulling out the calender
[14:08] [Belinda Vila Lobos (Fall Casual)] .... it's finished!
[14:10] [Raoul Bertrand (Business)] What is zat?
[14:11] > Freya (business casual) blushes a bit
[14:15] > Belinda Vila Lobos (Fall Casual) takes it out and hands it to Freya
[14:15] [Raoul Bertrand (Business)] Hmmm?
[14:18] [Freya (business casual)] so...the calender is finished...
[14:19] [Raoul Bertrand (Business)] Calender?
[14:19] > Freya (business casual) hands it to Raoul
[14:19] > Belinda Vila Lobos (Fall Casual) nods, looking at it over Freya's shoulder
[14:19] [Belinda Vila Lobos (Fall Casual)] It turned out very nicely
[14:21] [Freya (business casual)] well *cough* I hope so
[14:22] > Raoul Bertrand (Business) stands and walks over, standing next to Belinda and looking over Freya's shoulder
[14:23] [Raoul Bertrand (Business)] Oh la la....~
[14:25] > Freya (business casual) turns even redder
[14:28] [Belinda Vila Lobos (Fall Casual)] All the girls turned out very cute. Palla's shoot was very fun.
[14:28] [Freya (business casual)] is that so?
[14:28] [Raoul Bertrand (Business)] Quite lovely indeed.
[14:29] [Freya (business casual)] so who is all in this calander?
[14:29] [Belinda Vila Lobos (Fall Casual)] Oh yes, dispite her looks, she's very childish. But in a way, it adds to her charms. Very cute.
[14:30] [Belinda Vila Lobos (Fall Casual)] All the girls from the company.... including us. ^_~
[14:30] [Raoul Bertrand (Business)] Is zat so....?
[14:32] > Freya (business casual) smiles and nods
[14:32] [Freya (business casual)] I'm June
[14:35] [Raoul Bertrand (Business)] ooooo, I want to see zat!
[14:35] > Belinda Vila Lobos (Fall Casual) giggles / Yours turned out really good, Freya. ^_^
[14:35] > Freya (business casual) turns to June....
[14:37] ➣ the picture shows Freya, decked out in a lavander bikini, lounging on the floor, a beachball with a cat print near her and looking directly at the camera
[14:37] [Raoul Bertrand (Business)] Oh my..... how beautiful~
[14:39] > Freya (business casual) blushes even more
[14:40] > Belinda Vila Lobos (Fall Casual) giggles lightly / Raoul likes his girlfriend in a bikini, yes?
[14:40] [Raoul Bertrand (Business)] Wii..... I do
[14:41] [Belinda Vila Lobos (Fall Casual)] Surprisingly, even Mika's shot turned out kind of sexy. For such a large woman, she looks pretty good.
[14:42] [Freya (business casual)] that..is surprising
[14:43] [Raoul Bertrand (Business)] So wait.... if Freya's included.... zat only makes eleven. Who's number 12?
[14:44] > Belinda Vila Lobos (Fall Casual) blushes a little, though it's very noticeable / Go to December and see for yourself
[14:45] [Freya (business casual)] hm?
[14:47] > Freya (business casual) turns to december
[14:48] > Belinda Vila Lobos (Fall Casual) is laying out by a pool on her back in a white, string bikini, looking up at the sky in a pair of sunglasses, her leg is bent up like she's about to turn over.
[14:49] [Raoul Bertrand (Business)] Oh wow.....
[14:50] [Freya (business casual)] not bad
[14:51] > Raoul Bertrand (Business) grins lightly, looking at Belinda and then Freya
[14:52] [Raoul Bertrand (Business)] Freya.... zat almost sounds like you're a little jealous.
[14:54] [Belinda Vila Lobos (Fall Casual)] Awww, she has no reason to be jealous of me.... she's far more beautiful then I.
[14:54] [Freya (business casual)] heh don't sell yourself short
[14:55] [Raoul Bertrand (Business)] You're both very beautiful ^_^
[14:56] > Raoul Bertrand (Business) bends down and kisses Freya's cheek
[14:58] --> Nephrite Masato (Business) [FormerGeneral@DarkKingdom.net] has joined #eventsbeta
[14:58] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Nephrite Masato (Business)
[14:58] > Freya (business casual) giggles
[14:58] > Nephrite Masato (Business) walks out of his office, "What is all the comotion out here?"
[15:03] [Freya (business casual)] oh..hello Neph
[15:04] > Nephrite Masato (Business) looks at the three, curiously, "What's going on? What do you have there?"
[15:05] > Raoul Bertrand (Business) grins a bit and walks back to his desk quietly
[15:06] [Belinda Vila Lobos (Fall Casual)] I guess the cat's out of the bag now.... so to speak.
[15:10] [Freya (business casual)] apparently
[15:11] > Freya (business casual) hands Nephrite the calander
[15:12] [Belinda Vila Lobos (Fall Casual)] We had this made for you.... to thank you for everything.
[15:13] > Nephrite Masato (Business) takes the calender and looks through it, "Wow.... this is impresslve"
[15:14] [Freya (business casual)] it was an..interesting time putting it together
[15:15] > Nephrite Masato (Business) pauses on one page, looking at Freya and grinning, "Well now....."
[15:16] > Freya (business casual) blushes again
[15:17] > Nephrite Masato (Business) looks some more, then glances at Belinda, grinning yet again
[15:17] > Belinda Vila Lobos (Fall Casual) giggles and blushes as well
[15:17] [Nephrite Masato (Business)] Well now..... you two girls definitely deserve to be in this calander as much as anyone else.
[15:18] [Freya (business casual)] is that so?
[15:19] [Nephrite Masato (Business)] Indeed
[15:19] > Nephrite Masato (Business) closes the calender and smiles
[15:20] [Nephrite Masato (Business)] Such beauties I have working for me. No wonder so many of the other agencies are jealous.
[15:21] > Freya (business casual) giggles "such a flatterer"
[15:21] [Nephrite Masato (Business)] I thank you girls for this.... you're so sweet to me. ^_^
[15:30] [Freya (business casual)] our pleasure ^^
[15:34] [Nephrite Masato (Business)] How many of these did you make?
[15:35] [Freya (business casual)] Thirteen..one for you and the other twelve for the rest of us girls
[15:37] [Nephrite Masato (Business)] Good.... let's keep it that way for now.
[15:38] [Nephrite Masato (Business)] Perhaps later on, we'll make some more and sell them. That is, if you girls are okay with it.
[15:38] [Freya (business casual)] I'll have to think about it
[15:39] [Belinda Vila Lobos (Fall Casual)] As will I.... I was alright when it was just a present for you and the other girls..... but to sell them.....
[15:41] [Nephrite Masato (Business)] It's okay, just a passing idea.
[15:41] [Nephrite Masato (Business)] But I thank you girls again for this. It's going up in my office right now
[15:43] > Freya (business casual) smiles "well I'm glad to see it made you happy"
[15:45] [Nephrite Masato (Business)] Oh, by the way... I have a bit of an announcement....
[15:45] [Freya (business casual)] hm?
[15:47] [Nephrite Masato (Business)] Hotaru Tomoe and I will be.... staying together for quite a while. ^_^
[15:48] [Freya (business casual)] well that's wonderful
[15:49] [Raoul Bertrand (Business)] Interesting
[15:51] > Belinda Vila Lobos (Fall Casual) giggles a little
[15:51] [Freya (business casual)] I'm glad to hear that you two are happy
[15:51] [Nephrite Masato (Business)] Thank you, the three of us are all very happy
[15:52] [Nephrite Masato (Business)] Which reminds me.... I have to make that dinner reservation before I leave, if you will excuse me.
[15:52] [Freya (business casual)] alright. take care
[15:53] > Nephrite Masato (Business) goes into his office
[15:53] <-- Nephrite Masato (Business) [FormerGeneral@DarkKingdom.net] has left #eventsbeta (Going to take my girls out before they go back on patrol)
[15:53] <-- Raoul Bertrand (Business) [Brightbeauty@mercury.org] has left #eventsbeta (Our boss is almost like a pimp. XD)
[15:54] [Belinda Vila Lobos (Fall Casual)] Wait.... did he say... three of them?
[15:54] <-- Freya (business casual) [CatGuard@Q.Gov] has left #eventsbeta (that is quite true XD)
[15:54] <-- Belinda Vila Lobos (Fall Casual) has left #eventsbeta (^)
[00:00] >>> Saturday Oct 22 2011 <<<
[20:06] ➣ Space sector- Unknown....Location - Unknown....
[20:07] ➣ the sector in question seems to lack most stars.....what little light there is comes from a nearby nebula..which gives the look of a boiling ball of red and white light within a dark cloud
[20:07] ➣ all in all..it looks like hell...
[20:09] ➣ two large silent black ships, which looks from the outside like a mix of organic and spikes and tubes....they are each around the size of the contintant of asia
[20:10] --> ~The Hellesponte has joined #eventsbeta
[20:10] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, ~The Hellesponte
[20:10] --> ~The Aeka Sumeragi has joined #eventsbeta
[20:10] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, ~The Aeka Sumeragi
[20:10] > +Solarchos is currently on the bridge of the Oberon-class battleship "Aeka Sumeragi".
[20:11] [+Solarchos] Heh, feels weird to be wearing this stuff again.
[20:11] --> Lt. David O'Cain has joined #eventsbeta
[20:11] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Lt. David O'Cain
[20:12] [Lt. David O'Cain] Considering who we're up against, why not be in armor.
[20:12] ➣ the two enemy vessals are sitting not far from nebula
[20:12] > +Solarchos is wearing the Orrus-suit once more.
[20:14] [Lt. David O'Cain] So, is this what's left of Nero's bunch after all this time?
[20:14] [+Solarchos] No kidding. The entire Unmeian 1st Imperial Guard regiment is prepared. Too bad they're not going to be fighting on the ground.
[20:14] > ~The Hellesponte is currently cloaked and running silent.
[20:15] [+Solarchos] Throne! Look at those things! Are those starships?
[20:15] ➣ the two ships seem to be sitting there...doing nothing...
[20:16] [Lt. David O'Cain] I'm not sure what I'm looking at. They look huge, though.
[20:17] ➣ the two ships suddenly try to scan the other ships
[20:18] > +Solarchos activates the Aika's internal vox frequencies. "Tika! Are your volunteers ready?"
[20:18] > ~The Aika Sumeragi attempts to scan the nearest of the two ships.
[20:19] [Tika Hoshi (Armor)] we're ready and loaded
[20:19] > ~The Hellesponte modulates her shield harmonics and energy signature to maintain her cloak. She's attempting to remain undetected.
[20:19] ➣ the Ships are carrying enough firepower to blow up an asteroid, however, their engines seem to not be very powerful and lack much of the technology on the other ships
[20:20] ➣ the two ships stop their scan, suddenly convinced they are alone again
[20:20] > +Solarchos turns to a Kinyusian sitting at the auspex console. "Can you determine what kind of weapons are on those things?"
[20:22] > Lt. David O'Cain takes a seat on an empty chair and goes through his arsenal of weapons
[20:23] [~Kinyusian soldier] sir, it appears they have 10 laser cannons and 15 banks of missiles, sir
[20:24] [+Solarchos] Each? That's all? For ships THAT massive?
[20:24] [~Kinyusian soldier] apparently, sir
[20:25] [+Solarchos] ...Can you pinpoint the size and locations of those ships power generators? I have an idea.
[20:25] > ~Kinyusian soldier pinpoints the locations, which are near the engines
[20:26] [Lt. David O'Cain] Knock'em out first before we board?
[20:26] [+Solarchos] I've got a better idea. Cripple them from behind first and avoid their weapons.
[20:27] [+Solarchos] According to the auspex, those things are slow. Plus they haven't detected us yet, and we're on the AIKA for Throne's sake.
[20:28] > ~The Hellesponte begins to move forward, attempting to circle around behind one of the ships and close in on its engines.
[20:28] [Lt. David O'Cain] I see.
[20:28] [~The Hellesponte] Helm! Begin maneuvering around to Target #2's aft section. Attempt to remain undetected.
[20:29] ➣ the ships don't seem to reponse to notice this
[20:29] [~The Hellesponte] Launch bays! Prepare all fighters, bombers, and assault shuttles. Stand by for further orders.
[20:29] [+Solarchos] ^
[20:30] [+Solarchos] Bring us in to within 1000 miles. Signal when we're in position.
[20:30] [~Kinyusian pilot] yes, sir!
[20:33] [+Solarchos] Ready...steady...
[20:33] > Lt. David O'Cain goes through on last weapons check
[20:34] > ~The Hellesponte drops her cloak and opens fire with a point-blank shot with the Macrobeamer straight into the middle of Target #1's central engine array, then launches fighters to begin attacking additional targets.
[20:36] > ~The Aika Sumeragi launches all of her fighters, bombers, and assault shuttles towards Target #2, then follows up by giving the engines a full broadside of heavy mass-driver cannons ( over 100 of them).
[20:36] ➣ the ship is damaged badly....as it's engines seem to shut down fully......it starts firing at the Hellesponte
[20:36] ➣ the other ship tries to fire on the Aika, but it's been taken by surprise and is mearly firing in random directions..some of which are hitting Target 1
[20:37] > ~The Hellesponte quickly maneuvers, attempting to remain within the ship's limited firing arcs.
[20:37] [+Solarchos] That did some damage!
[20:37] [Lt. David O'Cain] Heh, I'd say one lost targeting.
[20:37] ➣ Target 1's engines are completely out of order...it is unable to move from it's postion
[20:37] [+Solarchos] Auspex! Give me a damage report on both targets! How badly did we hurt them?
[20:39] ➣ Target 1: has lost it's engines and now is losing power rapidly
[20:39] > ~The Aika Sumeragi maintains continual fire, blasting Target #2 over and over as quickly as the gun crews can reload the mass-drivers.
[20:39] ➣ Target 2: sensores offline, weapons systems are getting damaged
[20:40] ➣ Target 2 tries to move forward towards the Hellsponte
[20:40] [+Solarchos] ...This is too easy. I can't believe that things as massive as those are that vulnerable.
[20:41] > ~The Hellesponte returns fire with rapid-fire plasma cannons while her Macrobeamer recharges. She keeps moving the whole time.
[20:41] [+Solarchos] Tika! What's the status of your assault shuttles? Have you begun landing yet?
[20:42] [Tika Hoshi] you better *ZZZZT* belive *ZZZZT* it...*ZZZT* FOR SERENITY!!!!
[20:42] > ~The Hellesponte engages her teleporarium, teleporting a whole platoon of 50 soldiers onto Target #1.
[20:42] [+Solarchos] David, do you want to join the second wave of assault shuttles?
[20:42] ➣ there can be seen the flashes of some explosions in Target 1....
[20:43] ➣ part of Target 2's side explodes open
[20:43] [Lt. David O'Cain] Heh, why not.
[20:44] > ~The Aika Sumeragi follows up her broadside mass-driver cannons with high-powered, long-range continuous beam laser cannons, slowly tracing the beams back and forth across Target #2's hull.
[20:44] [Lt. David O'Cain] Get a bit of trigger time.
[20:45] [+Solarchos] Better hurry then. I need to stay here and coordinate the attack.
[20:45] ➣ Target 2's hull starts to buckle from the damage
[20:45] ➣ Target 2's weapons go offline
[20:45] > Lt. David O'Cain heads towards the teleporarium
[20:46] > ~The Aika Sumeragi opens fire with her prow and dorsal pulse-cannon arrays on Target #1, assisting the Hellesponte while keeping up the punishment on Target #2.
[20:47] ➣ a sensor is picking up a energy build up in Target 2
[20:47] > ~A Shark-class assault boat is awaiting David on one of the flight decks. It's packed with a mixture of Unmeian Imperial Guardsmen, a few Van Saar 8112th veterans, and Kinyusian volunteers.
[20:48] > Lt. David O'Cain climbs aboard the assault boat
[20:49] ➣ the energy build up on Target 2 is starting to build even higher
[20:50] [+Solarchos] Tika! What's the situation on your ship?
[20:50] [Tika Hoshi] sir! we're getting out...this ship is going to blow
[20:51] > ~The Hellesponte finishes recharging the Macrobeamer and fires at the forward section of Target #1.
[20:51] [+Solarchos] Get out of there then! All troops on Target #2 commence immediate withdraw!
[20:51] ➣ Target 1's forward section gets a huge chunk of it blown away
[20:52] > ~The Aika Sumeragi launches a second wave of assault shuttles, aiming them towards Target #1.
[20:53] [+Solarchos] David! I'm sending you at the first ship to support the Hellesponte's teleport assault. They're a lot smaller than your force, so they may need the support.
[20:54] [Tika Hoshi] we're all off
[20:54] ➣ Target 2 explodes.....
[20:54] > ~The Aika Sumeragi stops firing on Target #2, not wishing to accidentally shoot any of the returning assault shuttles and fighters.
[20:54] [+Solarchos] Casualties?
[20:54] [Lt. David O'Cain] No problem, Solar.
[20:54] ➣ Target 1 takes even more damage from the explosion of it's sister ship
[20:54] [Tika Hoshi] 15 dead, 10 wounded
[20:55] ➣ Target 1 shuts down..and sits...dead...
[20:55] [+Solarchos] What did you see onboard that thing, Tika?
[20:55] > ~The Hellesponte stops firing and waits, recharging her Macrobeamer for a third shot if necessary.
[20:56] [Tika Hoshi] the ships are pretty barebone...it's weird......for such a big ship...it was pretty poorly built
[20:58] > ~The assault shuttles latch onto the hull of Target #1 and quickly burn through the outer hull. Over 1200 soldiers are now free to invade.
[20:58] > ~The Hellesponte starts an intensive scan of Target #1, attempting to gather as much information about it as possible.
[20:59] > Lt. David O'Cain exits out of the assault shuttle he's in and starts looking for targets
[21:00] ➣ you are immedtatly struck by the large number of dead people......there is HEAVY damage everywhere.....and the air smells foul and dead
[21:00] ➣ Target 1's systems are...pretty low key....in fact most of the technology is at least ten years out of date
[21:00] > Lt. David O'Cain moves forward
[21:01] [+Solarchos] Tika, were you able to get an idea of Target #2's internal layout?
[21:02] [Tika Hoshi] yes....most of the space is unused...there is a forward bridge....and weapons area..but most of the ship is empty cargo space and engine room
[21:03] ➣ the entire ship seems silent..however, you suddenly hear a groaning sound from under a pile of debrie
[21:03] > ~The Hellesponte teleports in another platoon of soldiers, made up entirely of Van Saar technicians and Kinyusian engineers. Their objective: access Target #1's primary datastream and get as much information as possible.
[21:04] [+Solarchos] Cargo space or fuel reservoirs?
[21:05] > Lt. David O'Cain starts searching for anyone alive
[21:05] [Tika Hoshi] that's the odd thing...the entire space was empty....as if it was gutted
[21:05] > ~enemy soldier is under the rubble....barely alive
[21:05] [~enemy soldier] *cough* *cough*
[21:06] [Lt. David O'Cain] Got a live one overe here!
[21:07] [+Solarchos] Gutted? Weird. Either way, well done. How many of your people are up for another assault, this time to support O'Cain and the others on Target #1?
[21:07] [~enemy soldier] ugh...
[21:07] [Tika Hoshi] sir..there is something else you should know....
[21:08] [+Solarchos] What's that?
[21:08] > ~A Van Saar medic moves in to the soldier, attempting to keep him or her alive.
[21:08] [Tika Hoshi] we got a look at the star maps of this area....
[21:08] > Lt. David O'Cain tries to get the trooper out of the rubble
[21:09] > ~enemy soldier starts to laugh..but moans in pain
[21:09] [+Solarchos] What did you find, Tika?
[21:09] [Lt. David O'Cain] What're you laughing about? Where's Nero?!
[21:09] [Tika Hoshi] ...there isn't any nebula in this section of space.....there never has been...
[21:09] > +Solarchos has a bad feeling now.
[21:09] [~enemy soldier] right...in front...of your faces
[21:10] [+Solarchos] So something created it recently. Any idea what through?
[21:10] [Lt. David O'Cain] What?!
[21:10] > ~The Aika Sumeragi begins scanning the nebula.
[21:10] > ~The Hellesponte starts scanning too.
[21:10] ➣ the nebula isn't a nebula.....it's a spot light.....
[21:11] [~enemy soldier] we...sacrificed..everything for him...even..our technology....
[21:12] ➣ the spot light however is generating enough energy to power a small sun
[21:12] > Lt. David O'Cain KO's the enemy soldier
[21:12] > ~enemy soldier is knocked out