[00:40] >>> Tuesday Jan 04 2011 – Automatic reset triggered – Logging Start <<<
[00:40] [Sskt (undies)] ☠ bring it on! ☠
[00:40] > Aaron Abernathy (boxers) sense the danger in the room and gets up as quickly as he can, stumbeling a bit and grabbing Sskt....
[00:40] > ~Ksskt (boxers) grabs Alexis
[00:41] > Alexis Shentara (Undies) struggles against Ksskt - Lemme go! I'm gonna' knock her f[SMEG]kin' head off her shoulders!
[00:43] [Sskt (undies)] GRRRRRRR I'LL KILL HER!
[00:43] [Aaron Abernathy (boxers)] K... take 'er into 'er room before we gotta' brawl goin' on in 'ere.
[00:44] > ~Ksskt (boxers) nods..and picks up Alexis, putting her over his shoulder
[00:46] > ~Ksskt (boxers) heads back into the their room
[00:47] > Sskt (undies) is still struggling like hell
[00:47] [Aaron Abernathy (boxers)] Put me down!! I'm gonna' splatter her brains all over her room!
[00:47] [Aaron Abernathy (boxers)] (( Crap, hit the wrong tab ))
[00:47] [Alexis Shentara (Undies)] Put me down!! I'm gonna' splatter her brains all over her room!
[00:48] > Aaron Abernathy (boxers) pulls Sskt back over to the bed and pins her to it
[00:48] [~Ksskt (boxers)] just..calm down
[00:48] [Sskt (undies)] I'M GOING TO KILL HER..I'LL KILL HER *tries to struggle against Aaron*
[00:50] > Aaron Abernathy (boxers) slides over, keeping Sskt pinned to the bed and kicks the door shut
[00:52] [Aaron Abernathy (boxers)] Comeon now Sskt... calm down
[00:52] [Sskt (undies)] NO WAY..NO HOW..
[00:54] [Aaron Abernathy (boxers)] Ya'll're both drunk.... she didn' mean it... now chill out
[00:56] [Sskt (undies)] or what!/
[00:56] [Sskt (undies)] *!?
[00:57] [Aaron Abernathy (boxers)] Or...... you ain't gettin' any t'night. :P
[00:57] > Sskt (undies) stops
[00:58] [Sskt (undies)] fine
[00:59] [Sskt (undies)] ..just don't like going after you like that
[00:59] > Aaron Abernathy (boxers) smiles / It's sweet that ya'd defend me like tha' babe....
[01:00] [Sskt (undies)] ...well.....you're my guy
[01:00] [Aaron Abernathy (boxers)] ❧ .... now give ya' man some sugah~ ❧
[01:02] > Sskt (undies) grins and kisses aaron on the lips
[01:03] > Aaron Abernathy (boxers) kisses Sskt back, keeping her pinned to the bed and squeezing her hands
[01:04] ➣ Shift over to Alexis' room
[01:04] [~Ksskt (boxers)] now..just calm down
[01:05] [Alexis Shentara (Undies)] Why should I? Did you hear what she said about you!?
[01:06] [~Ksskt (boxers)] she's drunk..and so are you...
[01:10] [Alexis Shentara (Undies)] So what! That doesn't mean she can just say whatever she wants about you....
[01:10] [~Ksskt (boxers)] just...calm down...
[01:12] > Alexis Shentara (Undies) sniffles while still looking angry - B....but she.... can't say s[SMEG]t like that!!
[01:13] [~Ksskt (boxers)] ...*sigh*..forgive me for doing this..really
[01:13] > ~Ksskt (boxers) bites Alexis in the shoulder
[01:14] [Alexis Shentara (Undies)] OW..... What the hell....!?
[01:14] [Alexis Shentara (Undies)] Why..... did you...... just.... bite..... me.....
[01:15] > ~Ksskt (boxers) sighs, wiping his mouth
[01:15] > Alexis Shentara (Undies) starts to calm down, looking at him with a stupid grin on her face
[01:16] [~Ksskt (boxers)] now....just be calm and don't worry about my sister, ok?
[01:18] [Alexis Shentara (Undies)] ❧ Ok.....~ ❧
[01:18] > ~Ksskt (boxers) smiles and gives alexis a kiss "heh...you feel alright then?"
[01:20] [Alexis Shentara (Undies)] ❧ Mmhmm....~ ❧
[01:21] [~Ksskt (boxers)] good..it will wear off in a few mins....sorry I had to do that
[01:21] [Alexis Shentara (Undies)] ❧ Oh.... that's ok..... It actually kinda' felt good~ ❧
[01:23] > ~Ksskt (boxers) runs his fingers through alexis's hair
[01:24] [Alexis Shentara (Undies)] ❧ Mmmm.... that feels nice ❧
[01:25] [~Ksskt (boxers)] well..at least you don't want to kill my sister now...
[01:27] [Alexis Shentara (Undies)] ❧ Nah.... no point in that....... I'd rather love you then hate your sister~ ❧
[01:29] > ~Ksskt (boxers) smiles and holds Alexis close "...the venom ought to be fading fast though..."
[01:31] > Alexis Shentara (Undies) snuggles against Ksskt
[01:34] [~Ksskt (boxers)] ...and....the venom should be ended now..
[01:35] [Alexis Shentara (Undies)] Hmm.... what's that?
[01:37] [~Ksskt (boxers)] right on time
[01:38] [Alexis Shentara (Undies)] What's going on...?
[01:38] [~Ksskt (boxers)] ..I..sort of had to inject you with a venom in order to calm you down
[01:39] > Alexis Shentara (Undies) holds her head - Ugh..... my head hurts.... I'm still drunk
[01:39] [Alexis Shentara (Undies)] Well... musta' been for my own good....
[01:39] > Alexis Shentara (Undies) smiles at Ksskt - I know you wouldn't do anything to hurt me...
[01:41] [~Ksskt (boxers)] no..I never would
[01:42] > Alexis Shentara (Undies) gives Ksskt a light kiss and smiles - How about we lay down and get some sleep? I wanna' get rid of this headache
[01:43] [~Ksskt (boxers)] sounds like a good idea *smiles*
[01:44] > Alexis Shentara (Undies) lays down in the bed, pulling the covers over herself.
[01:44] > ~Ksskt (boxers) lays next to Alexis, pulling the covers over himself as well
[01:46] > Alexis Shentara (Undies) slides over to Ksskt and lays her head on his chest
[01:49] ➣ meanwhile in the living room
[01:50] > Taruka Mi-38 (casual) is picking up the mess in the room "..thank you for helping me"
[01:50] [Mek-Kal (casual)] 'tis not a problem, love.
[01:50] > Mek-Kal (casual) picks up a few cans and a broken bottle.
[01:51] [Taruka Mi-38 (casual)] ..though..that was quite the show they put on >.>
[01:52] [Mek-Kal (casual)] Don' ah know et. Leas' it's over.
[01:53] > Taruka Mi-38 (casual) pauses to take a drink of a bottle of an oil like liquid
[01:53] [Taruka Mi-38 (casual)] sorry..I'm getting thirsty ><
[01:54] [Mek-Kal (casual)] 's ok. Mind givin' me a swig?
[01:54] > Taruka Mi-38 (casual) hands it to Mek-Kal
[01:55] [Mek-Kal (casual)] Thanks, love.
[01:55] > Mek-Kal (casual) takes a drink as well, handing the bottle back to Taruka.
[01:58] [Taruka Mi-38 (casual)] so..when do you have to go back to work?
[01:58] [Mek-Kal (casual)] Not fer another couple deys.
[02:00] [Taruka Mi-38 (casual)] ...mind..staying here till then?
[02:01] > Mek-Kal (casual) smiles | Ah'd love te'.
[02:02] > Taruka Mi-38 (casual) grins happily
[02:03] [Taruka Mi-38 (casual)] ..I just hope the neighbors haven't been disturbed by tonight
[02:05] [Mek-Kal (casual)] Ah'm sure tis alright.
[02:06] [Taruka Mi-38 (casual)] it must be so exciting doing the work you do *has lifted up a sofa, getting rid of the garbage under it*
[02:06] [Mek-Kal (casual)] Eh, 's a job.
[02:07] > Mek-Kal (casual) vaccumes up some more broken glass.... with his foot.
[02:08] > Taruka Mi-38 (casual) has formed a scoop with an arm and picking up cans and bottles
[02:11] > Mek-Kal (casual) walks over to a trash can, venting the broken glass into it through his hand
[02:12] > Taruka Mi-38 (casual) puts her trash in there as well
[02:12] > Taruka Mi-38 (casual) yawns a little
[02:12] [Mek-Kal (casual)] Tha' should about do et.
[02:13] [Mek-Kal (casual)] An' n't a moment too soon.
[02:14] [Taruka Mi-38 (casual)] I think my energies are running low...
[02:15] [Mek-Kal (casual)] We should g't some rest then.
[02:15] > Mek-Kal (casual) motions for her to lead the way to her room
[02:15] [Taruka Mi-38 (casual)] yeah...you're right
[02:16] [Mek-Kal (casual)] After ye', ma dear.
[02:16] > Taruka Mi-38 (casual) smiles, taking Mek's hand and heads for the room
[02:16] > Mek-Kal (casual) smiles and goes with her
[02:18] <-- Taruka Mi-38 (casual) [MetalGalhunter@Branch7.co] has left #eventsbeta (let's both get some rest)
[02:19] <-- Mek-Kal (casual) has left #eventsbeta (Fresh start in the mornin')
[19:12] ➣ Tempest City, Quinox, Hall of Law
[19:13] ➣ the hall is large and lavishly built, yet still ulitarian....at the moment the queen is making a speech to the representive heads of each country.....
[19:14] --> Tina Detroit (formalwear) [FireyAirPrincess@QTech.com] has joined #eventsbeta
[19:14] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Tina Detroit (formalwear)
[19:15] > Tina Detroit (formalwear) is sitting in the chair for the country of Madoxius......and is sleeping...
[19:17] [Tina Detroit (formalwear)] zzzz
[19:22] --> Royal Guard Vanadine (Uniform) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has joined #eventsbeta
[19:22] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Royal Guard Vanadine (Uniform)
[19:22] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Royal Guard Vanadine (Uniform)
[19:22] > +Royal Guard Vanadine (Uniform) sits next to Tina, nudging her.
[19:23] [Tina Detroit (formalwear)] huh wha...
[19:24] [+Royal Guard Vanadine (Uniform)] I know the speech is boring, but you have to wake up
[19:24] > Tina Detroit (formalwear) rubs her eyes
[19:25] [Tina Detroit (formalwear)] oh..sorry
[19:25] > Tina Detroit (formalwear) tries to sit up and pay attention
[19:28] > +Royal Guard Vanadine (Uniform) listens to the speech
[19:28] [Tina Detroit (formalwear)] O_O....O_~....~_~....zzzzz
[19:29] > +Royal Guard Vanadine (Uniform) groans a bit and jabs Tina in the arm
[19:31] [Tina Detroit (formalwear)] WHAT!? I'M AWAKE!
[19:31] ➣ the entire esmable looks at Tina
[19:31] [Tina Detroit (formalwear)] ......
[19:31] > Tina Detroit (formalwear) coughs and looks back at her papers..embrassed
[19:31] > +Royal Guard Vanadine (Uniform) cringes nervously
[19:33] ➣ the speech ends....and with it the meeting
[19:35] > Tina Detroit (formalwear) sighs as she stands with her papers
[19:36] > +Royal Guard Vanadine (Uniform) stands and looks sternly at Tina
[19:37] [+Royal Guard Vanadine (Uniform)] Tina.... why did you agree to come to this meeting if you were going to be dozing off through most of it?
[19:41] [Tina Detroit (formalwear)] I can't help it....
[19:41] [Tina Detroit (formalwear)] ....I just feel..consantly tired...
[19:42] [+Royal Guard Vanadine (Uniform)] Well then... until this problem of yours is over..... you're not doing anymore official work.
[19:42] [+Royal Guard Vanadine (Uniform)] We can't have you falling asleep during councel meetings.
[19:43] [Tina Detroit (formalwear)] ..then who will....
[19:44] [+Royal Guard Vanadine (Uniform)] I guess Celest or Marty will have to step up. But you're not anymore..... not while you're pregnent or you can solve this tireness issue.
[19:47] > Tina Detroit (formalwear) sighs and starts to tear up "I'm sorry T____T"
[19:48] [+Royal Guard Vanadine (Uniform)] Tina....
[19:50] > +Royal Guard Vanadine (Uniform) puts a hand on her shoulder
[19:50] [+Royal Guard Vanadine (Uniform)] I know you're going through a rough time right now..... but getting you away from government stress is going to be what's best for you.... and the baby.
[19:51] [Tina Detroit (formalwear)] o-o-ok
[19:52] [+Matsumi Kaze (Queen)] so..my speech was that boring?
[19:52] [Tina Detroit (formalwear)] ....
[19:52] > Tina Detroit (formalwear) CRIES
[19:53] [+Royal Guard Vanadine (Uniform)] Sweety......
[19:53] [+Matsumi Kaze (Queen)] ..it was a joke...
[19:53] > +Matsumi Kaze (Queen) walks over and hugs Tina "please..don't cry"
[19:53] [Tina Detroit (formalwear)] I..I can't stop T_T
[19:54] [+Royal Guard Vanadine (Uniform)] Her hormones are going crazy right now.... you should know that better then anyone.
[19:56] [+Matsumi Kaze (Queen)] oh yes...remember when I was like that?
[19:57] [+Royal Guard Vanadine (Uniform)] All too well...
[19:57] [Tina Detroit (formalwear)] s..sorry for this...
[19:57] [+Matsumi Kaze (Queen)] oh stop apologizing, dear
[19:58] [+Royal Guard Vanadine (Uniform)] Yes, we understand Tina.
[20:00] [+Matsumi Kaze (Queen)] come...we can talk about this in the kitchen
[20:01] [+Royal Guard Vanadine (Uniform)] Good idea
[20:02] > +Matsumi Kaze (Queen) heads towards the hall's teleporter
[20:03] > Tina Detroit (formalwear) steps on the teleporter...wiping her eyes
[20:06] [+Royal Guard Vanadine (Uniform)] I'll meet you two there. I should probably do damags control here.
[20:08] [Tina Detroit (formalwear)] alright....
[20:08] [+Matsumi Kaze (Queen)] don't take too long!
[20:08] [+Royal Guard Vanadine (Uniform)] I'll try not to
[20:09] <-- +Royal Guard Vanadine (Uniform) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has left #eventsbeta (It's a dirty job, but someone's gotta' do it)
[20:11] <-- Tina Detroit (formalwear) [FireyAirPrincess@QTech.com] has left #eventsbeta
[20:11] <-- +Matsumi Kaze (Queen) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has left #eventsbeta
[00:00] >>> Wednesday Jan 05 2011 <<<
[02:17] --> Marty D (Robe) [Techwiz@hogwarts.edu] has joined #eventsbeta
[02:17] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Marty D (Robe)
[02:17] > Marty D (Robe) is reading his tablet in his study, sipping a glass of amber liquid.
[02:18] --> Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) [ElvenMaid@quinox.gov] has joined #eventsbeta
[02:18] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)
[02:20] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) walks in, standing in front of Marty's desk
[02:20] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] Is there anything I can get for you Master?
[02:20] > Marty D (Robe) smiles for a moment, before putting down his tablet and looking at her.
[02:21] [Marty D (Robe)] Mmm... a few minutes of your company. Sit.
[02:21] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) sits
[02:22] [Marty D (Robe)] How are you? The efforts to take the decorations down going well enough?
[02:23] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] Oh yeah, we're all finished.
[02:23] [Marty D (Robe)] Good good.
[02:25] [Marty D (Robe)] Whats new? Find an occation for your dress yet?
[02:25] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] Not just yet.
[02:26] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) grins | How'd your night with Miss Zenthi go?
[02:26] > Marty D (Robe) grins back.
[02:27] [Marty D (Robe)] Pretty well. Girls who are usually only into other girls are good, not that elfish girls are anything to sneeze at. Jealous?
[02:28] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] A little..... but I plan on taking a different approch
[02:28] [Marty D (Robe)] Such as?
[02:28] > Marty D (Robe) crosses his arms.
[02:29] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) stands and unbuttons her top a little bit, leaning forward over the desk, loooking at Marty with a smirk
[02:29] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] ❧ By out DOing my boss... ^_~ ❧
[02:29] > Marty D (Robe) chuckles over his crossed arms.
[02:30] [Marty D (Robe)] ❧ Thats my favorite employee. :3 ❧
[02:30] > Marty D (Robe) opens his arms wide to her.
[02:30] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) springs forward into his arms, over the desk, sitting on his lap and locking him in a passionate kiss
[02:31] [Marty D (Robe)] ❧ MMMNNNPPPHF! ♡ 0_0 ❧
[02:31] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] ❧ Mmmmmm!~ ❧
[02:34] > Marty D (Robe) supports her by gripping her butt hard.
[02:35] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) slowly breaks the kiss with a giggle
[02:35] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] ❧ I gotta' keep my Master on his toes ❧
[02:38] [Marty D (Robe)] Lord knows I keep Daphne on her's. :3
[02:38] [Marty D (Robe)] Hmmmm.. you've admited jealousy, but you're handling it well.. does I or does I not punish you..
[02:39] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) settles by shifting her butt on Marty's lap with a smirk
[02:39] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] ❧ I don't know.... but I feel something poking me from your lap ^_~ ❧
[02:41] [Marty D (Robe)] ❧ Hmmm..... did I tuck my wand in my robe pocket? Or is that it over there on the desk.. ❧
[02:44] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) looks over at the desk for a moment, then turns and strattles his lap, facing him down with a grin
[02:44] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] ❧ My Master.....~ ❧
[02:48] > Marty D (Robe) moves up one hand to play with her hair and smiles, looking her into the eyes.
[02:49] [Marty D (Robe)] You're something special, Daphne. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
[02:51] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) smiles down to him and holds his shoulders for support
[02:51] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] ❧ Of course not, Master. ❧
[02:55] > Marty D (Robe) pulls back the collar of her uniform and looks at her neck.
[02:55] [Marty D (Robe)] How are we doing here?
[02:56] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] ❧ Just fine~ ❧
[02:57] [Marty D (Robe)] Doubt this bite will ever heal.. sure would be damning evidence if you ever decide to sue me for harassment.
[02:57] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] I would never do that....
[02:57] [Marty D (Robe)] I know. =^_^=
[02:58] [Marty D (Robe)] Means I could get really insufferable with you though. :3 Sometimes you make it tempting to push the boundries.
[03:01] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] Hey, just because I won't sue you doesn't mean I wouldn't quit if you went TOO far :P
[03:01] > Marty D (Robe) chuckles.
[03:04] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] Ya' know..... Princess Tina asked me an interesting question the other day....
[03:04] [Marty D (Robe)] Nya?
[03:04] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] ... she asked me if I was jealous... because she was pregnent from you.
[03:05] [Marty D (Robe)] What'da say >:3
[03:06] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) blushes | I'm maybe..... a tiny bit jealous. But I wouldn't want to make the princess or mistress angry at me
[03:07] [Marty D (Robe)] Hmmm...... Well..... I might have a favor to ask of you come late summer that has to do with that..
[03:07] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] O_o
[03:07] > Marty D (Robe) chuckles again and shakes his head.
[03:08] [Marty D (Robe)] I'm getting ahead of myself... but no, I didn't intend to knock you up. Merlin's beard, what would their ears look like?!
[03:09] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) blushes even brighter and giggles nervously
[03:09] [Marty D (Robe)] Though I wonder what you'd say if they both gave you the go-ahead :3
[03:10] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)'s face turns almost full white with blushing.
[03:10] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] I um....I..... er.......
[03:10] > Marty D (Robe) presses his forehead to her's and looks in her eyes again, still grinning.
[03:11] [Marty D (Robe)] ❧ Well dear? ❧
[03:12] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] Well....uh.... I guess if.... they were ok with it...... and the Master wanted me to....
[03:12] [Marty D (Robe)] ❧ If I told you it was okay, would you let me make an attempt.. right now? ❧
[03:13] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) looks to the sides
[03:13] [Marty D (Robe)] ❧ Look at me. ❧
[03:13] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) looks at Marty, nervously smiling
[03:14] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] Well.....not that I doubt my Master..... but I'd have to hear from the princess and mistress themselves before I said yes for sure......
[03:15] [Marty D (Robe)] We're dealing in hypotheticals.. or do you think Master would decieve you??
[03:15] > Marty D (Robe)'s brow folds a little at that.
[03:16] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] I love my Master... but I don't want to be fired by the Mistress.... she's in charge of the maids
[03:17] [Marty D (Robe)] Heh.. I can veto her..
[03:18] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] Well then...... I guess if that's what the Master wanted....
[03:18] [Marty D (Robe)] You know I'm only teasing you dear~
[03:18] [Marty D (Robe)] But say it anyway, in a full sentence. >:3
[03:22] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] If the.... Master asked and the Mistress and Princess were ok with it..... I would have the Master's child.....
[03:22] > Marty D (Robe) gives her a long lick on the cheek.
[03:23] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) giggles
[03:23] [Marty D (Robe)] Why? Because he asked you to? Because its your duty? What would your motivation be?
[03:24] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] Because I love my Master~
[03:25] [Marty D (Robe)] ❧ Right answer~ You've earned a night of affections. ❧
[03:25] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) giggles again
[03:27] [Marty D (Robe)] For once, ~I~ will focus on ~you~. Assuming you want to play with me.
[03:29] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] ❧ Would I still be sitting on your lap if I DIDN'T want to play with the Master? ❧
[03:29] [Marty D (Robe)] Hee... how silly of me.
[03:30] > Marty D (Robe) stands and plops her onto his sofa, starting to remove her outfit.
[03:31] [Marty D (Robe)] mmm.. one last thing..
[03:32] [Marty D (Robe)] I think shes a special case... but Tinya concieved despite my spell because of Matsumi's loadstone.. I can't promise it wont happen to you, but I doubt it will.. Are you alright with that?
[03:32] [Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform)] If it happens, then it's destine to be, Master.
[03:33] > Marty D (Robe) smiles, then kisses her.
[03:33] <-- Marty D (Robe) [Techwiz@hogwarts.edu] has left #eventsbeta (You're full of good answers tonight.)
[03:33] > Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) kisses him back, holding onto him
[03:34] <-- Daphne Sita (Head Maid's Uniform) [ElvenMaid@quinox.gov] has left #eventsbeta (I need the love of my Master tonight)
[14:45] ➣ Opening Titles ---> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1zl7S5H1M0o&feature=related
[14:47] ➣ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7_I9pDKNzY&feature=related Usagi: A Hungry Heart?? Makoto has a rival!?
[14:47] ➣ Makoto's resturant
[14:48] ➣ It's lunch time..and obviously a busy time for the place
[14:48] ➣ BGM: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AawgUtLExuE&feature=related
[14:48] --> Makoto Kino (Apron) [ThunderSenshi@BigRedSpot.net] has joined #eventsbeta
[14:48] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Makoto Kino (Apron)
[14:49] ➣ there are various people at the tables...but the place still isn't really that full...
[14:49] [~Girl 1] hey where's my order????
[14:49] > Makoto Kino (Apron) sits behind the counter, watching everyone eat, as noone's ordered in a bit.
[14:50] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] It's still cooking Ma'am... I'll go check on it again
[14:50] [~Man] my soup is too cold!
[14:50] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] I'll bring you a new one in a moment, sir.
[14:51] [~Girl 1] I'm out of ice tea!
[14:51] [~Girl 2] ^
[14:51] > Makoto Kino (Apron) hops up and goes to the kitchen with a sigh - I really need to find some help.
[14:51] ➣ the door opens as a man, dressed all in black walks in, smoking a cigerette...
[14:52] > Makoto Kino (Apron) walks out with a bowl in one hand and a plate in the other
[14:52] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] Please, have a seat anywhere, sir. I'll be with you in a moment to take your order.
[14:52] ➣ the man looks around...and sits at a table
[14:53] ➣ the man seems to eye Makoto with come contempt
[14:53] > Makoto Kino (Apron) delivers the order to the first girl and the new bowl of soup to the first man, taking the first bowl back as well as the glass from the second girl to get her tea
[14:54] > Makoto Kino (Apron) fills the glass with tea and sets it on the girl's table, then walks over to the new customer
[14:55] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] Good afternoon, sir. What would you like today?
[14:55] [~Masaru Tashiro] ....you're makoto Kino..right?
[14:56] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] Yes sir. How can I help?
[14:57] [~Masaru Tashiro] ...my name is Masaru Tashiro...head chef of Kintaro's...
[14:58] > ~Masaru Tashiro looks over through the window at the new restaraunt across the street...
[14:58] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] Oooh? That big place down the street?
[14:58] [~Masaru Tashiro] ...I'm you're rival *smiles*
[14:58] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] ^across
[14:59] [~Masaru Tashiro] I wanted to see this place before I took away your business...
[14:59] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] Is that right?
[15:00] > Makoto Kino (Apron) gives him a smug look - Well, I will warn you... I don't give up easily.
[15:00] [~Masaru Tashiro] well look at this place...no help..little customers....
[15:00] > ~Masaru Tashiro smirks "give me your best food"
[15:01] [~Masaru Tashiro] not even metal tables...heh..don't understand why people come here
[15:02] > Makoto Kino (Apron) nervously twitches a bit, trying to hide her anger from him - I'll be right back with your order....
[15:02] > ~Masaru Tashiro leans back "give me your best"
[15:02] > ~Masaru Tashiro looks back out the window.....
[15:02] > ~Masaru Tashiro has a sweat drop slowly going down his forehead...
[15:03] > Makoto Kino (Apron) goes into the kitchen, getting everything ready to make her recent signature, chickn parm
[15:03] > ~Masaru Tashiro waits...watching the people...
[15:03] ➣ the people who were complaining earlier...seem to have stopped...and are enjoying the food
[15:05] > ~Masaru Tashiro pulls a photo out of his pocket and looks at it....it shows him in a chef outfit with a woman..but the woman's head has been torn off from the photo
[15:06] > Makoto Kino (Apron) stands in the kitchen and tosses the freshly fried chieken
[15:06] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] I can't believe this guy had the nerve..... that's alright... I'll blow him away with this.
[15:08] ➣ meanwhile....
[15:08] > Makoto Kino (Apron) takes out the chicken and places it on a plate of fresh pasta, covering it with marinara sauce and cheese, then another layer of sauce
[15:08] ➣ outside above the air, a figure looks over the city...
[15:09] ➣ Figure: "...I shall not fail again...I shall not....."
[15:09] ➣ the figure feels a dark braclet around her wrist
[15:09] ➣ back in the resteraunt
[15:10] > ~Masaru Tashiro puts away the photo as he waits for the food
[15:10] > Makoto Kino (Apron) brings the finished dish out and sets in on the table in front of Masaru
[15:11] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] There you go sir. ^_^
[15:11] > ~Masaru Tashiro picks up his fork...and takes a bite
[15:11] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] Would you like a drink?
[15:11] [~Masaru Tashiro] .....
[15:11] > ~Masaru Tashiro quietly eats....his confidence gone
[15:13] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] Sir?
[15:13] > Makoto Kino (Apron) looks at him curiously
[15:13] [~Masaru Tashiro] ..it's good...
[15:13] > ~Masaru Tashiro moves a bit...the photo dropping out of his pocket...
[15:13] > Makoto Kino (Apron) giggles lightly to herself - Thank you sir.
[15:13] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] Hmm?
[15:14] > Makoto Kino (Apron) kneels down next to him and picks up the photo
[15:15] > ~Masaru Tashiro doesn't notice...quietly eating...
[15:15] > Makoto Kino (Apron) looks at the photo for a moment
[15:16] [~Masaru Tashiro] ...why do you cook...
[15:16] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] I've cooked because I always loved to..... since I used to help my mother.
[15:17] > Makoto Kino (Apron) holds out the photo to him - You dropped this.
[15:17] > ~Masaru Tashiro takes the photo..and holds it "....she told me that that's what I should do..before she left.."
[15:18] ➣ BGM: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xmMwrXP48m4&feature=related
[15:18] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] Who is she?
[15:19] [~Masaru Tashiro] ...she is...was my fiancee....
[15:19] [~Masaru Tashiro] ...I wanted to make her happy..by making her enough money through the resturant...but...we had a falling out
[15:20] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] I'm sorry to hear that.
[15:20] > ~Masaru Tashiro looks his place "..said that I wasn't able to cook with love anymore....I think she was right"
[15:20] > ~Masaru Tashiro smiles just a little...a bit sad
[15:20] > Makoto Kino (Apron) stands there, listening with a genuinely concerned look on her face.
[15:22] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] Awww... somehow I doubt that.
[15:23] [~Masaru Tashiro] no..she was right....all I cared about was the money..not the food
[15:23] ➣ a young woman with curled green hair walks in and takes her place at a table
[15:23] [~Masaru Tashiro] ...now I wonder if I should bother with my resturant...
[15:24] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] Well.... perhaps you should think about that. Concentrate on the quality of the food and not the money you plan on making.
[15:24] > ~Masaru Tashiro looks at the photo again...sad....
[15:25] > Makoto Kino (Apron) gives him a soft smile - That's what I do when I cook. If you'd please pardon me... I'll be right back.
[15:26] > Makoto Kino (Apron) walks over to the new girl - Hello ma'am. What can I get for you today?
[15:26] [~Woman] some coffee would be nice.....
[15:27] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] Anything else?
[15:27] [~Woman] no thank you...that's fine
[15:27] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] Alright. I'll be right back with your coffee
[15:28] > ~Woman smiles..as she rolls a glowing black object in her hand....
[15:28] > Makoto Kino (Apron) walks over behind the counter to get the cup of coffee
[15:28] ➣ Eyecatch: Male Voice: "SERAA MUUN" Usagi: "G!"
[15:29] ➣ Eyecatch: Male Voice: "SERAA MUUN" Inners: "G!"
[15:29] ➣ The Woman smiles as Makoto works..and then carefully flicks the object into a pot of food while Makoto isn't looking
[15:31] > ~Masaru Tashiro smiles..looking at the picture again
[15:32] > Makoto Kino (Apron) walks over and sets the cup of coffee in front of the lady - Here you are, ma'am.
[15:32] [~Woman] thank you....
[15:32] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] Please let me know if you need anything else.
[15:33] [~Woman] oh..I shall
[15:33] > ~Masaru Tashiro finishes hif food and gets up
[15:33] [~Masaru Tashiro] *his
[15:34] > Makoto Kino (Apron) turns to Masaru - Ready to check out?
[15:34] [~Masaru Tashiro] I think...so...
[15:34] [~Masaru Tashiro] ????
[15:35] ➣ several of the customers are shouting in surprise and fear..as a black light is pulsating from the kitchen
[15:36] [~Masaru Tashiro] what the...
[15:36] > Makoto Kino (Apron) looks up to the kitchen in shock
[15:37] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] Woah!!
[15:37] ➣ BGM: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hxLdlwQ6oyo&feature=related
[15:37] > Makoto Kino (Apron) turns and runs to towards the kitchen
[15:37] ➣ a creature..that looks like a woman made of food appears from the kitchen
[15:37] [~Taberon] TABEEEEEEEE.....
[15:38] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] O_o
[15:38] > ~Woman laughs..and removes her clothes..revealing an outfit like a blue leotard with metal attached to it...
[15:39] > ~Taberon fires a splat of dough, pinning Masaru to a wall
[15:39] [~Masaru Tashiro] GAH!
[15:39] > ~Taberon grins and walks towards Masaru....opening her hand, which reveals a black eye
[15:40] > Makoto Kino (Apron) growls a bit
[15:40] ➣ everyone else has fled
[15:41] > ~Taberon holds out it's hand..and starts to drain a black substance from Masaru's eyes, nose and mouth
[15:42] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] I don't think so!!
[15:43] > Makoto Kino (Apron) pulls a small item from her back, it's a green orb with a star in the middle and wings on the side
[15:44] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] JUPITER CRYSTAL....... MAKE..... UP!!
[15:44] ➣ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cL1Yay1l6vs
[15:45] > ~Woman spots Sailor Jupiter and snorts "....Taberon.....destroy her..."
[15:45] > Makoto Kino (Apron) has transformed into Eternal Sailor Jupiter
[15:46] > ~Woman vanishes in a burst of black flame
[15:46] [Eternal Sailor Jupiter (Apron)] You people might've hurt my sisters... but you won't get me!!
[15:46] > ~Taberon grins.....and fires dozens of meatballs at Jupiter
[15:47] > Eternal Sailor Jupiter quickly grabs a large spoon, deflecting the meatballs
[15:48] > ~Taberon eats the meatballs...and fires sauce towards Jupiter...
[15:48] [Eternal Sailor Jupiter] Grrrr... how dare you use food to fight with!
[15:49] > Eternal Sailor Jupiter quickly grabs a pot, using it to block and catch the sauce.
[15:50] ➣ the sauce starts to melt the pot
[15:50] > Eternal Sailor Jupiter looks at the bottom of the pot - Uh oh.... not good!
[15:51] > ~Taberon opens it's mouth..and fires cherry bombs (litarly)
[15:53] > Eternal Sailor Jupiter drops the pot and tries to block the cherry bombs, taking a few hits and stumbeling back against the wall
[15:54] > ~Taberon starts to move towards Jupiter
[15:55] [Eternal Sailor Jupiter] No.... you.... DON'T!
[15:56] > Eternal Sailor Jupiter forms a lance of lightning and jabs at Taberon with it - THUNDER LANCE!!
[15:57] > ~Taberon grins as the lance SHATTERS against it
[15:58] [Eternal Sailor Jupiter] O_O W....what!?
[15:59] > ~Taberon opens it's hand, the black eye opening inside the palm of it
[16:00] > ~Taberon grabs Jupiter by the throat
[16:00] ➣ BGM: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PXzNiX3Z0hE&feature=related
[16:01] > ~Taberon starts to drain energy from Jupiter
[16:01] [Eternal Sailor Jupiter] Graaah!
[16:03] > Eternal Sailor Jupiter tries throwing kicks at Taberon as her power is trained
[16:03] > ~Taberon pins Jupiter against a wall..grinning as it continues
[16:03] > Eternal Sailor Jupiter is now known as Sailor Jupiter | Super
[16:03] > ~Taberon's kicks mearly bounce against the creature's soft skin
[16:03] [~Sailor Jupiter | Super] Get.... off.... me...!
[16:04] > ~Taberon squeezes Jupiter's throat tighter.......
[16:04] > Sailor Jupiter is now known as Sailor Jupiter
[16:04] > Sailor Jupiter begins to fade, barely able to throw a kick now
[16:04] > ~Taberon tosses Jupiter against the far wall
[16:05] > ~Taberon moves towards Jupiter, creating dough guns and grinning
[16:05] > Sailor Jupiter hits the wall hard and falls to the ground, laying aginst it
[16:05] [~Taberon] ☠ TIME TO DIE.... ☠
[16:06] [Sailor Jupiter] I don't think so.....
[16:07] > ~Taberon starts to move closer to Jupiter
[16:07] > Sailor Jupiter slowly gets to her feet and crosses her arms in front of her, a small antenne coming up from her tiara, firing a powerful bold of lightning at Taberon - THUNDER CRASH!!
[16:08] > ~Taberon is hit right in a black crystal on it's shoulder.....which explodes..causing the monster to scream and disspate
[16:08] ➣ a black stone rolls across the floor..and then closes in a puff of black flame
[16:09] > Sailor Jupiter pants and drops down to a knee
[16:09] > ~Masaru Tashiro is unconcious...his hand on the photograph
[16:09] > Sailor Jupiter stands and staggers over to Masaru, checking his vitals.
[16:10] [Sailor Jupiter] Good..... at least you're ok.
[16:11] > ~Masaru Tashiro is alive
[16:13] > Sailor Jupiter reverts to civlian mode
[16:13] > Sailor Jupiter is now known as Makoto Kino
[16:14] ➣ there is a knock at the restaraunt door
[16:15] > Makoto Kino uses what little strength she has to help Masaru up from the floor
[16:16] ➣ a woman walks in...and gasps
[16:17] [~Woman] MASARU!
[16:17] > ~Woman runs over..dropping a scrap of a photo on the way
[16:18] > ~Woman hugs Masaru..who wakes up and holds her as well
[16:18] [~Masaru Tashiro] Kimi....
[16:18] > Makoto Kino sets Masaru on a chair - He's alright....
[16:18] ➣ the scrap on the floor matches the photo from eariler...it's the same woman
[16:18] > Makoto Kino walks over and picks up the scrap
[16:20] ➣ Masaru and the woman hold each other..as it slowly fades out....the last thing showing the resteraunt across the street
[16:20] ➣ Ending Credits: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ReWSLKV40BY
[16:27] ➣ Makoto's apartment
[16:28] --> Makoto Kino [ThunderSenshi@BigRedSpot.net] has joined #eventsbeta
[16:28] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Makoto Kino
[16:29] > Makoto Kino walks in, holding her stomach - I....I'm home.
[16:30] > Makoto Kino walks in, her hair askew, face dirty with a slight bruise with a mark on her neck
[16:30] [Makoto Kino] ^and
[16:31] [Ivan Sokoll (casual)] <welcome.....what happened...>
[16:31] [Makoto Kino] I got..... attacked.... at the resturant....
[16:32] [Ivan Sokoll (casual)] <by what!?>
[16:32] > Ivan Sokoll (casual) walks over and helps Makoto to a sofa
[16:33] [Makoto Kino] The same thing...... that got the..... other girls, I think.....
[16:34] > Makoto Kino sniffles, her eyes welling up
[16:35] [Makoto Kino] I barely beat that damn monster........ but it..... took most of my power.... ~_~
[16:36] [Ivan Sokoll (casual)] <Snowflower....I am sorry...>
[16:39] > Makoto Kino sniffles more, tears running down her face
[16:39] [Makoto Kino] The only good thing is..... I saved a man..... and reunited him with his fiancee...
[16:39] > Ivan Sokoll (casual) holds Makoto close
[16:42] [Ivan Sokoll (casual)] <how do you feel?>
[16:42] > Makoto Kino buries her face in Ivan's shoulder and starts to cry lightly
[16:43] [Makoto Kino] Weak.....feable......frail.
[16:46] [Ivan Sokoll (casual)] <..do you need anything?>
[16:48] [Makoto Kino] Just a warm cup of tea... and someone to hold me.
[16:49] > Ivan Sokoll (casual) nods and heads into the kitchen area
[16:52] > Makoto Kino sniffles, pulling her knees up to her chest
[16:58] <-- Makoto Kino [ThunderSenshi@BigRedSpot.net] has left #eventsbeta (I feel a little.... hallow.)
[16:58] <-- Ivan Sokoll (casual) has left #eventsbeta
[00:00] >>> Thursday Jan 06 2011 <<<
[14:02] ➣ Makoto's Resteraunt
[14:02] ➣ the crowd is here from yesterday, eating
[14:03] --> Matsumi Kaze (Teacher) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has joined #eventsbeta
[14:03] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)
[14:03] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)
[14:03] --> Freya (Suit) [CatGuard@Q.Gov] has joined #eventsbeta
[14:03] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Freya (Suit)
[14:04] > Makoto Kino (Apron) sits behind the counter, smiling slightly, but is a bit less enthusiastic then yesterday
[14:04] > +Matsumi Kaze (Teacher) walks in, followed by Freya, dressed in a green business suit
[14:04] > Makoto Kino (Apron) stands as the door opens - Hey Mats!
[14:05] [+Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)] hi there :)
[14:05] [+Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)] I am starved!
[14:06] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] Alright! Have a seat and take a look at the menu. What would you two like to drink?
[14:07] > +Matsumi Kaze (Teacher) sits "I'll have some ice tea"
[14:07] [Freya (Suit)] milk please
[14:07] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] You got it!
[14:08] > Makoto Kino (Apron) goes behind the counter, getting their drinks together.
[14:09] > +Matsumi Kaze (Teacher) smiles
[14:09] > Freya (Suit) looks around the resteraunt with faint interest
[14:12] > Makoto Kino (Apron) brings Matsumi and Freya their drinks
[14:13] [+Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)] thank you ^^
[14:13] > Freya (Suit) nods to Makoto
[14:15] [+Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)] actually I came here to see you
[14:18] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] Oh?
[14:18] [+Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)] want to see how you're doing
[14:20] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] Well... I'm doing ok. I just feel a little... less energetic.
[14:20] > Freya (Suit) sips her milk
[14:21] [+Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)] still feeling the effects??
[14:21] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] Yeah.... I've been moving a lot slower today.
[14:23] [+Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)] well...it looks like your place still has a large amount of people here
[14:24] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] Yeah... I have a lot of regulars.
[14:25] [Freya (Suit)] that is good *keeps an eye on makoto*
[14:29] [+Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)] well..I should probably order something
[14:31] [+Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)] I would like the Taragone chicken
[14:35] [Freya (Suit)] I'll have the fish...
[14:37] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] Excellent, I'll get that started for you.
[14:41] > Makoto Kino (Apron) goes into the kitchen, getting started on the food
[14:41] [Freya (Suit)] ..should I tell her
[14:42] [+Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)] ..I don't know, Freya
[14:44] [+Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)] hm...
[14:44] > Makoto Kino (Apron) hums to herself as she cooks the food
[14:46] [+Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)] ...she looks happy enough...
[14:46] [Freya (Suit)] focus, Matsumi...focus
[14:48] > Makoto Kino (Apron) walks out, carrying two plates, setting them in front of the girls
[14:48] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] Here ya' go. Enjoy. ^_^
[14:49] [+Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)] thank you ^^........are you busy right now, makoto?
[14:51] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] No, everyone else here already paid. They're just hanging around for a little while.
[14:51] [+Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)] ..sit down please
[14:52] > +Matsumi Kaze (Teacher) is eating
[14:52] > Makoto Kino (Apron) pulls a chair away from a nearby table and sits with Matsumi and Freya
[14:54] > Freya (Suit) eats her fish
[14:54] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] By the way, I don't think you've introduced me to your friend.
[14:55] [+Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)] oh...this is my cat, Freya
[14:55] > Makoto Kino (Apron) thinks to herself and giggles - That explains why she ordered milk and fish. ^_^
[14:56] [Freya (Suit)] I'll be blunt
[14:56] [Freya (Suit)] I am going to train you and the other inners
[14:58] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] Train me?
[14:58] [Freya (Suit)] yes
[14:58] [Freya (Suit)] to become better fighters
[14:58] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] But.... I'm already a good fighter....
[15:00] [Freya (Suit)] and yet you lost
[15:00] [+Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)] freya that's harsh >.>
[15:00] > Makoto Kino (Apron) looks down at the table....
[15:01] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] I'm fully aware of that...... my technique was fine.... I just... I didn't seem to have the power to beat that..... thing.
[15:01] [Freya (Suit)] ..I'll make you stronger
[15:01] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] My most powerful attack didn't have any effect on it....
[15:04] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] ... how can you make me stronger?
[15:05] [Freya (Suit)] I can make it so you can take more punishment....and use deeper wells of power
[15:06] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] I see....
[15:07] [+Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)] well her training does work
[15:07] > +Matsumi Kaze (Teacher) whispers to Makoto "...as long as you survive it"
[15:08] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] Survive it?
[15:09] > Freya (Suit) smiles at that
[15:09] [Freya (Suit)] I won't lie..my training is harsh..and tough
[15:11] [Freya (Suit)] ..but I can get you at a higher level then you are now
[15:15] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] Well... if that's what it'll take to avenge my loss.....then I'll do it.
[15:16] [Freya (Suit)] we start this saturday...
[15:16] [Freya (Suit)] this fish is excellent by the way
[15:16] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] Thank you ^_^
[15:18] [+Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)] the chicken is great too ^^
[15:19] > Makoto Kino (Apron) smiles - I'm glad you both are enjoying your lunch.
[15:19] [Freya (Suit)] I applaud your talents to the full
[15:20] [+Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)] what did you do last night?
[15:23] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] I talked to that new senshi for a while along with Naftis
[15:25] [+Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)] oh???
[15:25] [+Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)] what about her?
[15:26] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] She's a sweet girl... if not a little..... strange.
[15:28] [Freya (Suit)] new senshi?...
[15:28] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] I mean.... I've seen strange.... but she was kinda' like a squiral
[15:30] [Freya (Suit)] ....*eye twiches*
[15:30] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] Yeah, her name is Arboreas
[15:32] [Freya (Suit)] ....squirral.....
[15:32] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] Mmhmm.... she said she was excited to meet me... since I'm so connected to nature.
[15:34] [+Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)] ...easy freya..easy...
[15:38] > Freya (Suit) finishes her meal "I..I'm fine"
[15:40] > Makoto Kino (Apron) giggles a little - Any dessert?
[15:42] [+Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)] oh yes....I'd like the creme brulae
[15:45] [Freya (Suit)] I'll have the apple cheesecake
[15:46] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] Alrighty, be riight back. ^_^
[15:50] > +Matsumi Kaze (Teacher) smiles
[15:52] > Makoto Kino (Apron) picks up the dishes and takes them to the back
[15:55] [+Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)] ^^
[16:05] > Makoto Kino (Apron) comes back with the desserts
[16:07] [+Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)] oooo yay!
[16:07] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] Here ya' go. ^_^
[16:11] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] I'm gonna' close up for dinner prep. I'll be back in a moment.
[16:13] > Makoto Kino (Apron) walks over, talking to some of the other customers who're chatting
[16:15] > +Matsumi Kaze (Teacher) eats "I love this place"
[16:15] > Freya (Suit) nods "she cooks better then you too..."
[16:15] [+Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)] ...well yeah she does
[16:21] > Makoto Kino (Apron) puts out a sign that the resturant is closed as the other customers leave
[16:26] > Makoto Kino (Apron) closes and locks the door as the last customer leaves
[16:26] [+Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)] hm???
[16:27] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] I've gotta' get ready for dinner. We can talk more while I clean up
[16:27] [+Matsumi Kaze (Teacher)] alright
[16:28] <-- Makoto Kino (Apron) [ThunderSenshi@BigRedSpot.net] has left #eventsbeta (Could use some help, if you two don't mind. ^_^;;)
[16:29] <-- +Matsumi Kaze (Teacher) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has left #eventsbeta (not at all)
[16:29] <-- Freya (Suit) [CatGuard@Q.Gov] has left #eventsbeta (I suppose not)
[00:00] >>> Friday Jan 07 2011 <<<
[15:28] ➣ The Exiled Angel
[15:28] --> Sskt (suit) [lizardhunter@Branch6.org] has joined #eventsbeta
[15:28] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Sskt (suit)
[15:28] > Sskt (suit) is sitting on a sofa, reading a magizine as the ship goes through space
[15:30] [Sskt (suit)] hm..
[15:34] --> Alexis Shentara (suit) has joined #eventsbeta
[15:34] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Alexis Shentara (suit)
[15:35] > Sskt (suit) has ear plugs in her ear holes too
[15:36] > Alexis Shentara (suit) walks in and looks at Sskt, grinning a bit
[15:37] > Sskt (suit) is humming along with a song
[15:40] > Alexis Shentara (suit) sneaks up behind Sskt and pulls out her ear plugs - "YOOOO!"
[15:42] [Sskt (suit)] GAH!
[15:42] [Sskt (suit)] DON'T DO THAT
[15:43] [Alexis Shentara (suit)] Heh, sorry, I couldn't resist. ^_^
[15:43] [Sskt (suit)] just glad the work is done...
[15:44] > Alexis Shentara (suit) sits across from Sskt
[15:46] > Sskt (suit) flips through the magizine
[15:46] [Alexis Shentara (suit)] Yeah... what're you reading?
[15:47] [Sskt (suit)] weapons cataloge
[15:47] [Sskt (suit)] *catalog
[15:49] [Sskt (suit)] looking for some new stuff
[15:50] [Alexis Shentara (suit)] Anything good?
[15:51] [Sskt (suit)] there's a gun in here you'd like
[15:52] > Alexis Shentara (suit) moves over and sits next to Sskt - Really? Let me see...
[15:53] > Sskt (suit) shows Alexis the gun
[15:56] > Alexis Shentara (suit) looks over the article
[15:57] ➣ the gun is customizable and adds a gravity buillet dispender
[15:57] [Sskt (suit)] *dispenser
[15:59] [Alexis Shentara (suit)] Interesting
[16:02] [Alexis Shentara (suit)] I like the look of that site.... not sure about the gravity bullets though.
[16:10] [Sskt (suit)] what's wrong with gravity bullets?
[16:14] [Sskt (suit)] thought you'd like weird stuff like that
[16:14] [Alexis Shentara (suit)] They have a bad habit of being less accurate
[16:14] [Sskt (suit)] well there's one with laser bolts in it
[16:15] [Sskt (suit)] MAGNETIC laser bolts
[16:18] [Alexis Shentara (suit)] Yeah.... and then the second you get around a tank, BOOM
[16:19] [Sskt (suit)] some of these blades are really sweet
[16:19] [Alexis Shentara (suit)] Ooo, I like that one
[16:20] > Alexis Shentara (suit) points at a machete with a double edge
[16:21] [Sskt (suit)] meh..that thing would break once it contacts strong armor
[16:24] [Sskt (suit)] the metal is too brittle
[16:24] ➣ there is a slight bump as the ship moves
[16:24] [Alexis Shentara (suit)] Ya' think so?
[16:24] [Sskt (suit)] what the?
[16:25] [Alexis Shentara (suit)] What was that?
[16:25] [Taruka Mi-38] ☇ sorry about that.. ☇
[16:25] [Alexis Shentara (suit)] What happened Taruka?
[16:25] [Taruka Mi-38] ☇ we hit some space debrie..I let my mind wander ☇
[16:25] [Sskt (suit)] oh great...
[16:26] [Alexis Shentara (suit)] Is there any hull damage?
[16:28] [Taruka Mi-38] ☇ we have suffered some damage to one of the engine links ☇
[16:28] ➣ the ship starts to sputter...and stops dead
[16:28] [Taruka Mi-38] ☠ as well as to the fuel link... ☠
[16:28] [Taruka Mi-38] ☇ ^ ☇
[16:29] [Alexis Shentara (suit)] Uh oh.......
[16:29] > Alexis Shentara (suit) sits in the pilot's seat, pulling up a monitor
[16:29] [Sskt (suit)] ..so we're dead in space....
[16:30] ➣ outside, they're sitting the middle of a field of space stones and dust...
[16:30] [Alexis Shentara (suit)] Yeah.... there's nothing around for quite aways besides debris
[16:31] [Sskt (suit)] ...dammit
[16:32] [Taruka Mi-38] ☇ we will have to sit here until repairs are finished ☇
[16:33] [Sskt (suit)] greeeeaaaat
[16:39] [Alexis Shentara (suit)] Jillian, what's the extent of the damage?
[16:40] > Jillian sets mode +tele
[16:41] [Jillian] ☇ Damage is extensive. We were hit with a softball size piece of debris, which made a fissure in the fuel line. I'm working on repairing the hole... but it will take at least 3 hours. ☇
[16:42] [Sskt (suit)] 3 hours!?
[16:42] [Jillian] ☇ Even after I've finished repairs, we've got to get fuel somehow, ours has all vented. ☇
[16:43] [Sskt (suit)] what are we suppose to do for 3 hours!?
[16:44] [Alexis Shentara (suit)] I'll see about contacting someone to get us some fuel.
[16:44] [Alexis Shentara (suit)] Sskt... if you're THAT bored, you could put on a space suit and help Jillian with the repairs of the fuel line.
[16:45] [Sskt (suit)] NO...I am not going out there!
[16:46] [Sskt (suit)] I AM NOT..GOING..OUT.....
[16:47] ➣ a few mins later
[16:47] > Sskt (Space Suit) grumbles as she floats along outside
[16:47] [Sskt (Space Suit)] ☇ ..I really hate this ☇
[16:49] [Sskt (Space Suit)] ☇ I hate this, you do know that, alexis... ☇
[16:49] [Jillian] ☇ Ooooh, stop complaining and put that piece of steal there ☇
[16:50] [Alexis Shentara (suit)] ☇ Hey, you're the one who were bored sitting inside. ☇
[16:51] > Jillian has two small robot pods around the hole in the fuel line
[16:51] > Sskt (Space Suit) grumbles and puts the piece in place
[16:53] > Jillian has the robots start welding the piece of steel in place.
[16:53] [Sskt (Space Suit)] ☇ gah this suit stinks... ☇
[16:53] [Jillian] ☇ Sskt, do you have the hammer I asked you to bring out? ☇
[16:56] [Sskt (Space Suit)] ☇ ...what hammer... ☇
[16:57] [Jillian] ☇ I asked you to grab a hammer while you were suiting up... ☇
[16:59] [Sskt (Space Suit)] ☇ ....dammit.... ☇
[17:06] [Sskt (Space Suit)] ☇ so what am I suppose to do now!? ☇
[17:14] > Jillian sighs | You should probably go back inside..... I'll get the hammer myself
[17:15] [Sskt (Space Suit)] ☇ thank the spirits... ☇
[17:15] > Sskt (Space Suit) moves slowly towards the hatch
[17:17] > Sskt (Space Suit) climbs in and removes her helmet "GAAAH"
[17:17] > Jillian has one of the small robots convert from a welder to a hammerer, hammering behind the other robot while it welds
[17:19] [Alexis Shentara (suit)] You forgot the hammer, didn't ya'!
[17:19] [Sskt (Space Suit)] yes ><
[17:20] [Sskt (Space Suit)] help me get this stupid thing off
[17:20] > Alexis Shentara (suit) stands and walks over, unbuckeling the sides of the suit
[17:21] [Sskt (Space Suit)] smells like in feet in here
[17:21] > Sskt (Suit) slips out the suit slowly
[17:23] [Sskt (Suit)] gaaah >< finally
[17:24] [Alexis Shentara (suit)] Well, you drew the suit cleaning duties for this mission, so who's fault is that?
[17:26] <-- Alexis Shentara (suit) has left #eventsbeta (I'm still trying to find someone to bring us some fuel...)
[17:27] > Sskt (Suit) grumbles something
[17:27] <-- Sskt (Suit) [lizardhunter@Branch6.org] has left #eventsbeta
[00:00] >>> Saturday Jan 08 2011 <<<
[22:29] ➣ Matsumi's Quarters
[22:29] > Matsuo Shin (casual) sits on the bed
[22:29] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] ..I can't belive minako overreacted like that
[22:29] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] ...she's a very sensitive person...
[22:30] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] your nose ok?
[22:30] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] heh....of course....
[22:31] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] healing abilities, remember?
[22:34] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] you did go a little far though....
[22:34] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] yeah...that was too much
[22:35] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] I hope she doesn't tell Ami this
[22:35] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] heh I'll tell her not to
[22:38] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] ...sometimes I think I'll never understand minako
[22:38] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] well...inners think very diffrently
[22:42] [Matsuo Shin (casual)] shall we go back?
[22:42] [+Matsumi Kaze (casual)] sure
[22:42] <-- +Matsumi Kaze (casual) [Airsenshi@Qtech.com] has left #eventsbeta
[22:42] <-- Matsuo Shin (casual) [PsychicGuy@Q.Tech.gov] has left #eventsbeta
[00:00] >>> Monday Jan 10 2011 <<<
[18:15] ➣ Quinox, the town of Luparania
[18:16] --> Miki Kaze (princess) [Neoprincessofair@QTech.co] has joined #eventsbeta
[18:16] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Miki Kaze (princess)
[18:16] --> Miara [amongimmortals@terra.net] has joined #eventsbeta
[18:16] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Miara
[18:17] ➣ they appear outside a small town...it probably looks very much like a sterotypical farm town
[18:18] [Miara] Hmm...always smells nice in these places ^_^
[18:18] [Miki Kaze (princess)] welcome to Luparania
[18:19] [Miara] Heh, that's a name, isn't it?
[18:19] [Miara] How long's it been here?
[18:20] > Miki Kaze (princess) starts to walk down the main road, people bowing as she moves "since mama took rule over his planet..a few 100 years or so"
[18:21] > Miara nods, looking around as they walk
[18:23] ➣ the town is not very large...but there doesn't seem to be any signs of poverty...there are shops of various kinds..a small worship area and patches of homes..many of which are farms
[18:24] [Miara] Seems like a nice place to live. People are happy?
[18:24] [Miki Kaze (princess)] very ^^
[18:24] [Miki Kaze (princess)] but we are heading to a very special place
[18:26] [Miara] So I understand.
[18:27] [Miara] Tell me about it if you like.
[18:27] > Miki Kaze (princess) walks down the road....and heads towards the outside of the town....and points to a large house near a hill surrounded by a field
[18:27] [Miki Kaze (princess)] oh it's a very special place....loved by everyone in the area
[18:32] [Miki Kaze (princess)] it's called Sutakliana
[18:34] [Miki Kaze (princess)] ^_^
[18:34] [Miara] Is it really?
[18:35] [Miki Kaze (princess)] indeed!
[18:35] > Miki Kaze (princess) starts walking up the road
[18:37] [Miki Kaze (princess)] Mama made sure that it was kept the way she was told to keep it
[18:40] > Miki Kaze (princess) nods to a farmer who is using a mechianic reaper to mow down some wheat
[18:41] > Miki Kaze (princess) heads towards the house
[18:42] ➣ the house is large....it has intercate designs on it..some of it depect some sort of stories on the front...
[18:42] [Miara] I don't know much about grain production, do you think that will be a problem?
[18:42] > Miara looks at the murals
[18:42] [Miara] It's pretty.
[18:43] [Miki Kaze (princess)] well the grain is nesscary
[18:44] [Miara] Of course, I meant my understanding.
[18:44] [Miki Kaze (princess)] oooh I see ^^
[18:44] ➣ someone collides with Miara
[18:45] [Miara] Oh, sorry.
[18:47] ➣ the figure is a little girl, her face is all dirty and she wears her brown hair tied in a ponytail..her eyes are bright blue
[18:48] [Miara] Hi there ^_^
[18:48] [Miara] Have you been playing?
[18:49] > Miki Kaze (princess) sighs and kneels down "Valeria...what was told you..."
[18:50] [~Valeria] ..not to play in the dirt >.> cuz it gets messy?
[18:50] > Miki Kaze (princess) smiles
[18:50] > ~Valeria looks up at miara
[18:51] [Miara] Is that what your mom tells you, Miki?
[18:51] [Miara] Well if you don't get dirty, you didn't do it right.
[18:52] > ~Valeria suddenly hugs miara's leg
[18:52] > Miara kneels down and hugs her back
[18:52] [Miara] Want to come see the house?
[18:53] > ~Valeria blinks and nods
[18:53] [Miki Kaze (princess)] miara...she lives in this house heh
[18:53] [Miara] And how would I know?
[18:53] [Miara] Well then, you want to show me the house with Miki?
[18:54] > ~Valeria nods nods
[18:55] > Miki Kaze (princess) walks towards the house....and opens the door
[18:56] ➣ the inside is decorated with various art..many of it from Earth and various time periods
[18:56] > Miara straightens and goes inside
[18:57] ➣ as Miki and Miara walk in, several children run past
[18:57] [Miki Kaze (princess)] heh walk XD
[18:57] [Miara] Wow...look at all that...how many people live here?
[18:57] [Miki Kaze (princess)] about 40....all children..all orphens
[18:59] > ~Valeria waves to a group of children in a room who are drawing on paper
[18:59] [Miara] Aww.
[19:00] [Miara] You want to go draw, apa?
[19:03] [~Valeria] yeah :D
[19:04] > Miara sets her up at a table
[19:05] > ~Valeria grabs a paper and starts to draw
[19:06] > Miara goes back to where Miki is
[19:06] > Miki Kaze (princess) smiles
[19:07] [Miki Kaze (princess)] her parents were killed....
[19:07] > Miara nods
[19:07] [Miki Kaze (princess)] ..it's very lucky that her rescuerer was so..kind
[19:08] [Miara] What do you mean?
[19:09] [Miki Kaze (princess)] she was found by the person who runs this house...they brought her here....
[19:09] [Miara] Ah.
[19:10] [Miara] And most of them...do they all get adopted?
[19:11] [Miki Kaze (princess)] some do...and some live here their entire life
[19:15] [Miara] Alright.
[19:16] [Miki Kaze (princess)] what else would you like to see in the house?
[19:16] [Miara] Lupa normally do have big houses, you know.
[19:16] [Miara] Keeps us from getting cranky.
[19:16] [Miara] Oh, everything ^_^
[19:18] > Miki Kaze (princess) smiles "let's go to the music room"
[19:19] [Miki Kaze (princess)] well...let's see...
[19:19] > Miara follows Miki, looking around curiously
[19:19] [Miki Kaze (princess)] there is a music room..the bed rooms, the kitchen and dining rooms...
[19:19] > Miki Kaze (princess) is pointing things out
[19:19] [Miki Kaze (princess)] an art room.....the play room...the classroom....
[19:21] [Miki Kaze (princess)] as well as a greenhouse
[19:23] [Miara] Everything one needs...
[19:24] [Miara] This is wonderful ^_^
[19:25] [Miara] So it sounds like your mom had all this done after she came to power.
[19:26] [Miki Kaze (princess)] she did...though...grandma actuall ordered it...
[19:27] [Miara] Grandma?
[19:27] [Miara] I thought Matsumi was your mom?
[19:27] [Miki Kaze (princess)] mama's mama
[19:27] [Miki Kaze (princess)] mama only built it
[19:28] [Miara] Hm.
[19:28] [Miara] Interesting.
[19:28] [Miara] Anyway...
[19:28] [Miara] Can we go up and look?
[19:29] [Miara] From the roof, I mean.
[19:29] [Miki Kaze (princess)] what do you want to see :)
[19:29] [Miki Kaze (princess)] oh certainly!
[19:29] > Miki Kaze (princess) starts walking up the stairs
[19:30] > Miara skips up, following Miki
[19:30] > Miki Kaze (princess) keeps heading upstairs
[19:32] > Miki Kaze (princess) reaches a door..and opens it..revealing a stepway to the roof
[19:32] [Miara] Where did all of the Lupa things come from, like language?
[19:33] > Miara goes out
[19:33] [Miki Kaze (princess)] do you really want to know?
[19:34] ➣ the scene from the roof...is breathtaking..it is of the valley below, the town as well as the fields and forests
[19:35] [Miara] Probably not...
[19:35] > Miki Kaze (princess) looks over the scene, sitting on the roof
[19:36] > Miara turns around a few times, looking at the land a bit
[19:36] [Miara] There's so much purple.
[19:36] [Miara] It's my mother's color, you know.
[19:38] [Miki Kaze (princess)] oh really?
[19:39] > Miara sits
[19:39] [Miara] Yup.
[19:43] [Miara] I'm glad this is used.
[19:44] [Miara] Thanks for bringing me ^_^
[19:44] [Miki Kaze (princess)] my pleasure ^^
[19:47] [Miki Kaze (princess)] what do you want to do?
[19:51] > Miki Kaze (princess) spots a figure approching the house
[19:51] [Miki Kaze (princess)] I think it is time you got home
[19:51] [Miara] I'd love to take a walk around the grounds.
[19:52] [Miki Kaze (princess)] um....probably best you went home.....now
[19:52] [Miara] Oh...alright.
[19:52] > Miki Kaze (princess) sees the figure leave "or not..you can do so ^^"
[19:53] [Miara] Oh...ok?
[19:53] [Miara] I can probably get home on my own, since I know where I'm going.
[19:54] > Miara takes a running leap off the roof, landing on all fours with a little cushion of power before standing straight again
[19:55] [Miara] I hope that's not a problem?
[19:56] [Miki Kaze (princess)] not a problem ^^
[19:56] [Miara] Ok. Thanks Miki!
[19:57] <-- Miara [amongimmortals@terra.net] has left #eventsbeta (exploring~)
[19:59] <-- Miki Kaze (princess) [Neoprincessofair@QTech.co] has left #eventsbeta
[00:00] >>> Tuesday Jan 11 2011 <<<
[00:10] ➣ Tokyo - Makoto's apartment
[00:10] --> Makoto Kino [ThunderSenshi@BigRedSpot.net] has joined #eventsbeta
[00:10] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Makoto Kino
[00:11] > Makoto Kino walks in, looking a little down - I'm home...
[00:17] > Makoto Kino hangs up her coat and sits in a reclining chair.
[00:18] [Makoto Kino] Ugh.... what am I gonna' do!? I'm such an idiot!
[00:21] --> Ivan Sokoll (casual) has joined #eventsbeta
[00:21] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Ivan Sokoll (casual)
[00:21] [Ivan Sokoll (casual)] <good evening, makoto>
[00:22] [Makoto Kino] Hey Ivan....
[00:22] [Ivan Sokoll (casual)] <what's wrong?>
[00:22] [Makoto Kino] I..... WE might have a problem....
[00:22] [Ivan Sokoll (casual)] <what sort of problem?>
[00:23] [Makoto Kino] Please, sit down
[00:24] > Ivan Sokoll (casual) sits down
[00:25] [Ivan Sokoll (casual)] <now what is it?>
[00:26] [Makoto Kino] You remember.... Ryoga?
[00:26] [Ivan Sokoll (casual)] <oh...yes...him>
[00:27] [Makoto Kino] Yes.... well.... he showed up on the ship last night.
[00:27] [Ivan Sokoll (casual)] <...and?>
[00:29] [Makoto Kino] I told him...... about you and I
[00:30] [Ivan Sokoll (casual)] < I see....I take it he didn't take it so well?>
[00:30] [Makoto Kino] He didn't exactly take it well....
[00:31] [Makoto Kino] Yeah.... he walked through an interior wall rather then using a door on the ship.....
[00:31] > Ivan Sokoll (casual) looks grave
[00:33] [Makoto Kino] Mina and Katori were there...... and Katori mentioend the idea that Ryoga..... might come after you.
[00:34] [Ivan Sokoll (casual)] <..as in try to kill me?>
[00:34] [Makoto Kino] Perhaps so.... ~_~
[00:36] [Ivan Sokoll (casual)] <then I will have to be careful>
[00:37] [Makoto Kino] I hope it won't come to that.....
[00:38] [Makoto Kino] I'm going to try and talk Ryoga down from this...... since this is my fault.....
[00:38] [Ivan Sokoll (casual)] <honestly me neither...I do not wish to start a fight>
[00:38] [Ivan Sokoll (casual)] <be careful then....I do not want you hurt, snowflower>
[00:40] [Makoto Kino] I don't think Ryoga would hurt me. He seems like a very honorable man in the sense that he wouldn't injure a lady.
[00:42] [Ivan Sokoll (casual)] <alright....I shall trust you in this then>
[00:45] > Ivan Sokoll (casual) nods
[00:50] [Makoto Kino] Ivan.... can I ask you something?
[00:51] [Ivan Sokoll (casual)] <yes?>
[00:53] [Makoto Kino] Why do you care for me so much?
[00:54] [Ivan Sokoll (casual)] <do you remember how we met?>
[00:55] [Ivan Sokoll (casual)] <that night on the bridge?>
[00:56] [Makoto Kino] I think so....
[00:57] [Ivan Sokoll (casual)] <..you changed my life>
[01:01] [Ivan Sokoll (casual)] <...you came into my life at the right time>
[01:03] [Makoto Kino] .. well I couldn't just let you hurt yourself like that.
[01:06] [Ivan Sokoll (casual)] <..but that moment I knew you were special>
[01:07] [Makoto Kino] Really?
[01:08] [Ivan Sokoll (casual)] <indeed>
[01:12] > Makoto Kino sits up
[01:12] [Makoto Kino] I'm... not sure what to say to that.....
[01:13] [Makoto Kino] .... I mean, I think I only did what anyone else would've done in my position. I don't see how that would make me special at all.
[01:14] [Ivan Sokoll (casual)] <you are very special....more then anyone else in this world..>
[01:15] > Makoto Kino blushes, looking at Ivan.
[01:15] [Makoto Kino] You're embarassing me. *^_^*
[01:17] [Ivan Sokoll (casual)] <you always got so easily embrassed>
[01:18] > Ivan Sokoll (casual) smiles to Makoto
[01:19] [Makoto Kino] Well, because you know just the right thing to say....
[01:21] [Ivan Sokoll (casual)] <I am glad of that, snowflower>
[01:27] > Makoto Kino stands up out of her chair and walks over to Ivan
[01:29] > Ivan Sokoll (casual) calmly watches makoto move towards him
[01:30] > Makoto Kino sits on his lap with a smile
[01:31] [Makoto Kino] How is it you always make me feel better, no matter what's going on?
[01:32] > Ivan Sokoll (casual) wraps his arms around Makoto "<a talent of mine I suppose>"
[01:34] [Ivan Sokoll (casual)] <I am glad you are feeling better>
[01:35] > Makoto Kino snuggles against Ivan
[01:36] > Ivan Sokoll (casual) holds makoto close, pulling a blanket over her a bit
[01:41] [Makoto Kino] Hey Ivan....
[01:42] [Ivan Sokoll (casual)] <yes?>
[01:44] [Makoto Kino] ❧ ... take me to bed. ^_~ ❧
[01:44] > Ivan Sokoll (casual) smiles and picks up Makoto
[01:47] > Ivan Sokoll (casual) carries Makoto towards the bedroom
[01:49] <-- Ivan Sokoll (casual) has left #eventsbeta
[01:49] > Makoto Kino lightly kicks her feet
[01:49] <-- Makoto Kino [ThunderSenshi@BigRedSpot.net] has left #eventsbeta (I'm loving this being carried around thing.)
[00:00] >>> Thursday Jan 13 2011 <<<
[12:17] ➣ hallway
[12:18] > +Vanadine (Workout) is stroming her way down the hall in a huff
[12:19] [Hideki Kaze (casual)] stop...
[12:20] > +Vanadine (Workout) keeps walking: Why should I?
[12:21] > Hideki Kaze (casual) frowns....and reaches out...chains coming out from his back and under his seelves..and wrapping around vana's legs and arms
[12:21] [+Vanadine (Workout)] O_O What the.....!?
[12:22] > Hideki Kaze (casual) lifts vana up in the air
[12:22] [Hideki Kaze (casual)] I did say stop
[12:23] > Hideki Kaze (casual) keeps Vana up in the air
[12:24] > +Vanadine (Workout) struggles against the chains but can't break free
[12:25] [+Vanadine (Workout)] When'd you become Calaway!?
[12:26] [Hideki Kaze (casual)] part of my powers as a knight of quinox
[12:26] [Hideki Kaze (casual)] now you will CALM DOWN
[12:28] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Why should I!? I've tried and tried with Hana to make sure she doesn't screw up her life and what does she do..... she listens to little miss smart ass!
[12:29] [Hideki Kaze (casual)] here's a thought, vana...
[12:30] [Hideki Kaze (casual)] how do you know she won't simply do her homework later tonight?
[12:32] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Because Hana's like how I used to be when I was her age. I didn't give a damn about anything after my parents died..... until Saki took me in....
[12:34] [Hideki Kaze (casual)] you need to calm down...
[12:36] [Hideki Kaze (casual)] well then talk to her tonight
[12:37] > +Vanadine (Workout) sighs and starts to calm down finally: Alright....
[12:39] > Hideki Kaze (casual) lowers vana on the ground
[12:39] [Hideki Kaze (casual)] you have every right to be angry
[12:40] [+Vanadine (Workout)] You really think so?
[12:41] [Hideki Kaze (casual)] after all...hana did go against what you wanted
[12:45] [Hideki Kaze (casual)] and that in itself is frustrating
[12:47] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Extremely
[12:49] > Hideki Kaze (casual) walks over and puts his hand on vana's cheek "tell you what...if hana doesn't do her homework tonight..then you can yell at her"
[12:50] > +Vanadine (Workout) sighs lightly and nods
[12:51] [Hideki Kaze (casual)] you need to relax more...
[12:53] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Yeah.... maybe you're right.
[12:55] [Hideki Kaze (casual)] now..are you going to be alright?
[12:57] [+Vanadine (Workout)] Yeah, I think so
[12:58] > Hideki Kaze (casual) smiles and kisses vana
[13:00] > +Vanadine (Workout) kisses Hideki back and smiles lightly.
[13:01] > Hideki Kaze (casual) takes vana's towel and gently pats her forehead with it
[13:08] > +Vanadine (Workout) grins a bit at Hideki
[13:08] [+Vanadine (Workout)] ❧ You uh..... wanna help me relax? ^_~ ❧
[13:08] [Hideki Kaze (casual)] ❧ certainly ❧
[13:10] > +Vanadine (Workout) opens a door next to her, grabs Hideki and pulls him into the room with her, the door closing and locking behind them
[13:11] <-- +Vanadine (Workout) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has left #eventsbeta (What do we do nooooow? ^_~)
[13:12] <-- Hideki Kaze (casual) [AirKnight@Qtech.com] has left #eventsbeta (hmm...let's see...)
[00:00] >>> Saturday Jan 15 2011 <<<
[12:56] ➣ Kaze-Knives House
[12:56] --> Hana Sagusa (Uniform) [sagusa.hana@mugen.edu.jp] has joined #eventsbeta
[12:56] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Hana Sagusa (Uniform)
[12:57] > Hana Sagusa (Uniform) is sitting in the ballroom at a makeshift desk, doing an assignment
[12:57] ➣ the ballroom is actually full of students...all doing various english excercises and acitivites
[12:59] [Hana Sagusa (Uniform)] gaaaah...
[13:00] --> Vanadine (Casual) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has joined #eventsbeta
[13:00] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Vanadine (Casual)
[13:00] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Vanadine (Casual)
[13:01] > +Vanadine (Casual) starts to walks past the ballroom and looks in, seeing all the students: What the hell?
[13:02] [~Yuki Minama (Uniform)] hey Hana!! don't take too long! I have to do that excercise too...
[13:02] [Hana Sagusa (Uniform)] shut up, Yuki!
[13:03] > Hana Sagusa (Uniform) looks up and sees Vana
[13:04] > +Vanadine (Casual) walks into the ballroom, looking around at the various students.
[13:05] ➣ the students are doing excercises including watching a video done in english....doing a timed english triva quiz...a game of charades in english and so on
[13:07] [Hana Sagusa (Uniform)] I'm going as fast as I can ><
[13:07] > +Matsumi Kaze (teacher) is walking from station to station, looking things over
[13:07] > Hana Sagusa (Uniform) spots Vana "oh hi..."
[13:07] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Matsy...what is all this!?
[13:09] [+Matsumi Kaze (teacher)] hm? oh!...this is class!
[13:09] [+Matsumi Kaze (teacher)] I thought it would be nice for the kids to get out of class and do some excercises here
[13:09] > +Vanadine (Casual) throws Hana a quick glance and then returns her attention to Matsumi
[13:10] [+Vanadine (Casual)] You couldn't have warned me about it though?
[13:10] > Hana Sagusa (Uniform) moves onto another station
[13:10] [+Matsumi Kaze (teacher)] ...I thought I did...
[13:12] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Nope
[13:12] [+Matsumi Kaze (teacher)] ..oh I'm sorry....
[13:13] > +Vanadine (Casual) sighs and shakes her head: It's fine....
[13:13] > Hana Sagusa (Uniform) is watching one of the students play a educational video game set up
[13:13] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Though I'm surprised certin people showed up...
[13:15] [+Matsumi Kaze (teacher)] hm?
[13:15] [+Matsumi Kaze (teacher)] ...oh you mean Hana
[13:15] [+Matsumi Kaze (teacher)] ..I'm very proud of her
[13:16] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Seriously? After she ditched the other day to go shopping with little miss smart ass Pantea?
[13:17] [+Matsumi Kaze (teacher)] after she got back from that..she spent the rest of the night working on homework
[13:17] > +Vanadine (Casual) looks a bit shocked: Seriously?
[13:19] [+Matsumi Kaze (teacher)] yeah....she was exausted the next day...
[13:22] > +Vanadine (Casual) almost looks releaved: I see.
[13:23] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Hey Sweety, could you do me a favor?
[13:24] [+Matsumi Kaze (teacher)] hm?
[13:25] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Send Hana out to the hall... I need to talk to her.
[13:25] [+Matsumi Kaze (teacher)] HANA!
[13:25] [Hana Sagusa (Uniform)] huh?
[13:25] [+Matsumi Kaze (teacher)] Hall...now
[13:25] [Hana Sagusa (Uniform)] wait why?
[13:25] [+Matsumi Kaze (teacher)] now
[13:26] [Hana Sagusa (Uniform)] fine fine....
[13:26] > +Vanadine (Casual) walks out into the hallway.
[13:26] > Hana Sagusa (Uniform) walks outside to the hall
[13:28] > +Vanadine (Casual) leans against the wall: Hey...
[13:28] [Hana Sagusa (Uniform)] hi
[13:31] > Hana Sagusa (Uniform) just looks at vana
[13:32] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Look, I asked Matsy to send you out here..... cause I wanted to apologize to you.
[13:32] [Hana Sagusa (Uniform)] huh?
[13:34] [+Vanadine (Casual)] The other day, when you went shopping and left your homework behind.....
[13:35] [+Vanadine (Casual)] .... I seriously doubted that you'd even do that work.
[13:35] [Hana Sagusa (Uniform)] gotta do it, don't I?
[13:36] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Well yeah.... but with your attitude that day..... I really thought you'd just leave it behind.
[13:37] [+Vanadine (Casual)] I'm glad to say I was wrong.
[13:38] [Hana Sagusa (Uniform)] eh I just figured I couldn't concentrate at that moment...so why not take a break
[13:41] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Did I ever tell you why I'm so rough on you?
[13:41] [Hana Sagusa (Uniform)] nope
[13:43] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Well...... it's cause I see a lot of me in you.
[13:43] [+Vanadine (Casual)] I lost my parents when I was about your age too.
[13:44] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Had an attitude, picked fights with people....
[13:45] [Hana Sagusa (Uniform)] .......seriously?
[13:45] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Oh yeah.... I got picked on a lot too... cause I was so tall for a girl... not to mention as strong as almost any guy in our schoool.
[13:48] [Hana Sagusa (Uniform)] well...I plan to graduate...
[13:48] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Good.... I'm glad to hear that
[13:49] [Hana Sagusa (Uniform)] I want to open my own dojo
[13:50] [+Vanadine (Casual)] That's great. ^_^ You have an advantage over me from back then.
[13:54] [+Vanadine (Casual)] You have a brother who cares for you, a good friend in Chanelle and a boyfriend who supports yuo.
[13:58] > Hana Sagusa (Uniform) blushes a bit at all that
[14:01] [+Vanadine (Casual)] So do yourself a favor...
[14:01] [+Vanadine (Casual)] ...don't let yourself get discouraged. Keep pushing forward towards your goal. ^_^
[14:03] > Hana Sagusa (Uniform) just smirks "like I'd give up"
[14:04] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Excellent.
[14:05] > +Vanadine (Casual) pats Hana on the shoulder and smiles: Let me know if you need a sparing partner, ok?
[14:07] [Hana Sagusa (Uniform)] heh alright
[14:07] ➣ students are starting to file out of the room
[14:08] [+Vanadine (Casual)] We'll talk more later. Take care Hana
[14:09] [Hana Sagusa (Uniform)] huh? am I going somewhere?
[14:10] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Everyone else is leaving
[14:10] [Hana Sagusa (Uniform)] so? who says I have to leave?
[14:11] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Heh, good point.
[14:13] [+Vanadine (Casual)] What do you wanna' do then?
[14:13] > +Matsumi Kaze (teacher) is busy taking things down
[14:13] [Hana Sagusa (Uniform)] I could use some excercise
[14:14] [+Vanadine (Casual)] Sounds good to me. Let's go hit the gym.
[14:18] <-- Hana Sagusa (Uniform) [sagusa.hana@mugen.edu.jp] has left #eventsbeta
[00:00] >>> Monday Jan 17 2011 <<<
[15:17] ➣ Makoto's resturant
[15:18] > Makoto Kino (Apron) is in the kitchen, washing dishes as the resturant is closed between lunch and dinner
[15:19] --> Ivan Sokoll (casual) has joined #eventsbeta
[15:19] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Ivan Sokoll (casual)
[15:19] > Ivan Sokoll (casual) walks through the door
[15:20] > Makoto Kino (Apron) pokes her head out - Did the key work ok?
[15:20] [Ivan Sokoll (casual)] <it works just fine. no problems at all>
[15:21] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] Good good. Could you do me a huge favor?
[15:22] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] There's a delivery on the back step but it's too heavy for me to lift. Could you bring it in for me, please?
[15:23] [Ivan Sokoll (casual)] <sure>
[15:23] > Ivan Sokoll (casual) goes to the back to grab the delivery
[15:27] > Ryoga Hibiki walks by the alley, looking down as he does so... walking in to a phone pole and cracking the point where his head hit it with a loud CRACK.
[15:27] [Ryoga Hibiki] x_x >_< ~_~ Ung.. I need to watch where I'm going..
[15:27] > Makoto Kino (Apron) hears the noise and walks out onto the step
[15:27] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] What was that noise?
[15:28] > Ryoga Hibiki sighs, adjusting his backpack and looking around.
[15:28] [Ryoga Hibiki] Wait a second.. this is Mako-chans place..
[15:28] > Makoto Kino (Apron) walks over to Ivan, looking around - What was that noise, Ivan?
[15:29] > Ryoga Hibiki's eyes narrow on the man addressed as Ivan.
[15:30] [Ryoga Hibiki] Ivan....
[15:30] [Ivan Sokoll (casual)] <I don't know>
[15:30] > Ivan Sokoll (casual) has the delivery on one shoulder
[15:30] > Ryoga Hibiki draws his umbrella from his backpack and points it at Ivan.
[15:31] > Makoto Kino (Apron) looks around and finally sees Ryoga - R....Ryoga!?
[15:31] [Ryoga Hibiki] - Ivan! -
[15:31] > Ivan Sokoll (casual) turns at the sound of his voice
[15:31] [Ivan Sokoll (casual)] *name
[15:31] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] Uh oh
[15:31] [Ivan Sokoll (casual)] <hm? who are you> <--- *speaking in russian*
[15:33] [Ryoga Hibiki] Russian? Hibiki Ryoga. <You steal Mako. We fight. I take back.>
[15:33] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] Ivan..... that's Ryoga
[15:34] [Ryoga Hibiki] <Drop box. Fight. Ready to die!>
[15:34] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] Now... hold on a second Ryoga.... think about this!
[15:35] [Ivan Sokoll (casual)] ....
[15:35] > Ivan Sokoll (casual) puts the box down
[15:35] [Ivan Sokoll (casual)] <you seek to fight me....>
[15:36] [Ivan Sokoll (casual)] <..then come....show me>
[15:36] > Ryoga Hibiki shouts a battle cry and charges, swinging the heavy umbrella.
[15:36] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] <Ivan.... don't do this!>
[15:37] > Ivan Sokoll (casual) barely ducks the umbrella....and punches Ryoga in the gut
[15:38] > Ryoga Hibiki's umbrella hits a dumpster instead, denting it with a deafening clang. The punch hits him, but his abbs are like stone.
[15:38] > Ryoga Hibiki throws a hard kick at Ivan.
[15:39] > Ivan Sokoll (casual) is hit by the kick...and stumbles back a bit
[15:39] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] <stop stop stop!!>
[15:40] > Ivan Sokoll (casual) winces a bit....
[15:40] > Makoto Kino (Apron) walks over and actually tries to get in between the fighting men
[15:41] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] <You two stop this NOW!>
[15:42] > Ryoga Hibiki charges, readying a punch, but skidding to a stop and crashes into Makoto.
[15:43] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] O_O >_<
[15:43] [Ryoga Hibiki] O__O Mako-chan?!
[15:44] > Makoto Kino (Apron) gets knocked down and rubs her back lightly
[15:44] [Ryoga Hibiki] I.. I.. I'm so sorry are you alright?
[15:44] > Makoto Kino (Apron) growls and slowly gets up - FINE! Freakin' cavemen I swear....
[15:44] > Ryoga Hibiki kneels next to her.
[15:45] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] What do you think you're doing!?
[15:47] [Ivan Sokoll (casual)] .....
[15:47] [Ryoga Hibiki] Giving this jerk what he has coming.
[15:48] [Ivan Sokoll (casual)] <you were the one who attacked first>
[15:49] > Makoto Kino (Apron) sighs and turns her back on them - Ya' know what.... whatever. Do what you want...
[15:50] > Makoto Kino (Apron) storms her way back into the resturant
[15:50] > Ryoga Hibiki turns and faces Ivan, assuming a combat stance.
[15:51] [Ivan Sokoll (casual)] ......
[15:51] [Ryoga Hibiki] Mako-chan deserves someone strong who will take care of her.
[15:51] [Ivan Sokoll (casual)] <but does Makoto want that?>
[15:52] > Ryoga Hibiki looks a little confused.
[15:53] [Ivan Sokoll (casual)] <she just stormed off angerly because we were fighting>
[15:54] > Ryoga Hibiki shakes, turning red, and slams his fist back into the same dumpster, makign it slide several feet back.
[15:55] > Ivan Sokoll (casual) just looks at Ryoga with icey blue eyes
[15:56] > Ryoga Hibiki walks up to Ivan and looks him in the eyes.
[15:57] > Makoto Kino (Apron) picks up a collender of ice water, walking out with it
[15:57] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] Why don't you guys cool off!
[15:57] [Ryoga Hibiki] You better take really good care of her..
[15:57] > Makoto Kino (Apron) doesn't hear the conversation before throwing the ice water on both of them
[15:58] [Ivan Sokoll (casual)] O_O
[15:58] [Ryoga Hibiki] If I find out you-
[15:58] > Ryoga Hibiki is now known as P-Chan
[15:58] [P-Chan] O_O
[15:58] > Makoto Kino (Apron) watches and drops the collender
[15:58] [Ivan Sokoll (casual)] <..makoto there was no need for that..>
[15:59] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] What...... the hell?
[15:59] > P-Chan stands atop a pile of Ryoga's clothes, near his backpack and umbrella.
[15:59] [Ivan Sokoll (casual)] <..what is this...>
[15:59] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] Ivan.... *points at the small pig standing on Ryoga's clothes*
[15:59] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] I...... I think that's..... Ryoga
[15:59] > P-Chan looks up, back and forth the two of them, giving small oinks as his head meets ether's gaze, and bolts off.
[16:00] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] Wait!
[16:00] [Ivan Sokoll (casual)] ......
[16:01] > P-Chan looks back at them from around the corner, crying tragically. ;.;
[16:02] > Makoto Kino (Apron) kneels down, looking upset - W..... what did I do to you!?
[16:02] [Ivan Sokoll (casual)] <.....he looks hurt..>
[16:03] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] Ivan..... please grab his belongings and take them inside.
[16:03] > P-Chan recoils a little, and points with his hoof at the colander.
[16:04] > Ivan Sokoll (casual) nods and picks them all up..though he at first has some trouble with the umbrella..he soon manages to somehow lift it
[16:04] > Ivan Sokoll (casual) heads inside
[16:04] > Makoto Kino (Apron) looks at the collender, then at the transformed Ryoga - It was the collender?
[16:05] > P-Chan nods. ;.;
[16:05] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] Or the water!
[16:06] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] I read a story once about a person who transformed when cold water was dumped on them
[16:06] > P-Chan nod nods, sulks, turns, and starts to walk away.
[16:06] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] Don't leave.....
[16:07] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] .... this is all my fault.... let me help.
[16:08] > Makoto Kino (Apron) smiles, though with pain in her eyes and holds her arms open
[16:08] > P-Chan stops and lets out a sequel like a sigh.
[16:08] > P-Chan hops into her arms.
[16:09] > Makoto Kino (Apron) holds him lightly as she stands - I'll take you inside and warm you up.... you'll catch cold soon if I don't.
[16:10] [P-Chan] ~.~
[16:10] > Makoto Kino (Apron) carries him into the resturant
[16:13] > Makoto Kino (Apron) walks in holding Ryoga and sets him on her sofa in the office - Stay here..... I'll get you a towel and some warm water.
[16:15] > Makoto Kino (Apron) goes into the kitchen from the office
[16:19] > Makoto Kino (Apron) comes in with a towel and a pot of warm water
[16:20] > P-Chan looks at the sofa.. then starts to cry again.
[16:20] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] Sorry about the pot of water.... it's the biggest thing I have
[16:20] > P-Chan forces himself to stop crying and nods.
[16:22] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] That story I read.... also said that the person who changed could change back with warm water..... is that right?
[16:22] > P-Chan nods.
[16:23] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] Alright
[16:24] > Ivan Sokoll (casual) is away
[16:24] > P-Chan wraps the towel around himself far easier than it should be for him to do so with his tiny pig arms.
[16:26] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] I'll go get your clothes
[16:27] > Makoto Kino (Apron) walks out of the room and goes to find Ryoga's clothes
[16:35] > P-Chan manages to splash himself with the pot of water.
[16:35] > P-Chan is now known as Ryoga Hibiki
[16:35] [Ryoga Hibiki (Towel)] *sigh* get it together Ryoga...
[16:36] > Makoto Kino (Apron) walks back in with Ryoga's clothes, blushing a little as she sees him in just a towel
[16:36] [Ryoga Hibiki (Towel)] ...thanks..
[16:36] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] You..... look good *^_^*
[16:36] [Ryoga Hibiki (Towel)] Yeah.. thanks..
[16:37] > Ryoga Hibiki (Towel) holds out a hand.
[16:37] > Makoto Kino (Apron) hands Ryoga his clothes
[16:37] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] I think..... we really need to talk Ryoga.....
[16:38] > Ryoga Hibiki (Towel) takes them, turns his back on her, and changes into them.
[16:38] [Ryoga Hibiki (Towel)] That won't be nessessary.. I know, you choose him, and I can't beat him. I'll get out of your hair. I'd like to buy one last meal from you before I go though, if thats okay.
[16:39] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] Ryoga...
[16:40] [Ryoga Hibiki (Towel)] Mmm?
[16:41] > Ryoga Hibiki gets his clothes on right and turns to face her.
[16:41] > Makoto Kino (Apron) turns Ryoga around and slaps him hard across the face, tears streaming down her own face
[16:41] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] DO YOU THINK THIS HAS BEEN EASY ON ME!?
[16:41] > Ryoga Hibiki's face turns with the slap.
[16:42] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] I hate myself for hurting you so badly..... you should at least let me explain why....
[16:43] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] ..... no matter what our relationship is..... I don't want to lose you Ryoga..... so please sit down.... and listen instead of running out on me.
[16:43] [Ryoga Hibiki] Why what?
[16:43] > Ryoga Hibiki does so, sitting on the floor infront of the couch.
[16:44] > Makoto Kino (Apron) reaches over and closes the door to her office
[16:44] <-- Makoto Kino (Apron) [ThunderSenshi@BigRedSpot.net] has left #eventsbeta (Look.... here's what happened.....)
[16:46] <-- Ryoga Hibiki has left #eventsbeta (Now... which way was it?)
[00:00] >>> Tuesday Jan 18 2011 <<<
[00:43] --> Makoto Kino (Apron) [ThunderSenshi@BigRedSpot.net] has joined #eventsbeta
[00:43] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Makoto Kino (Apron)
[00:44] --> Ryoga Hibiki has joined #eventsbeta
[00:44] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Ryoga Hibiki
[00:44] > Ryoga Hibiki sits at a table, finishing the last of several plates of food.
[00:45] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] Wow, you eat non-stop Ryoga
[00:45] > Ivan Sokoll (casual) is in the back working
[00:46] [Ryoga Hibiki] Yeah.. I.. I haven't had a good meal in a while.
[00:47] > Makoto Kino (Apron) sits at the table across from Ryoga
[00:47] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] So, now you know the whole story....
[00:48] [Ryoga Hibiki] Yeah.. I know.. doesn't make me feel any better.. <_<
[00:50] > Makoto Kino (Apron) sighs
[00:50] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] I really do like you Ryoga.... I mean we.... wouldn't have done what we did in the back room if I didn't. *^_^*
[00:51] > Ryoga Hibiki nods into the remains on his plate.
[00:52] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] Ryoga.... please don't hate me....
[00:53] > Ryoga Hibiki shakes his head.
[00:53] [Ryoga Hibiki] I don't.
[00:53] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] Really?
[00:54] [Ryoga Hibiki] No. I don't. Just.. this.. *sigh* this is a lot like my first love..
[00:56] [Ryoga Hibiki] All I'm good at is fighting.. I came close a few times, but I couldn't fight my way into that love, and I couldn't fight my way into this one..
[00:56] [Ryoga Hibiki] I'm sorry, I'm really not usually this much of a downer..
[00:57] > Makoto Kino (Apron) stands and walks over behind Ryoga, hugging him
[00:59] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] Ryoga.... I never ment for things to happen like this.... I do care about you.... a lot....
[01:01] [Ryoga Hibiki] Yeah, well.. where does that leave me?
[01:01] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] ... in a way..... I wish I could have you both.
[01:03] > Ivan Sokoll (casual) can be heard moving boxes in the back
[01:04] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] But seeing the two of you fight earlier..... I know that's not possible.
[01:05] [Ryoga Hibiki] Don't insult me. Of course it isn't. I may not be worth much but I know I'm worth more than that.
[01:06] > Makoto Kino (Apron) lets him go and steps back, looking down - I'm sorry....
[01:07] [Ryoga Hibiki] What do I owe you.
[01:07] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] You don't owe me anything, Ryoga..... If anything I owe you..... ~_~
[01:09] [Ryoga Hibiki] If you say so..
[01:09] [Ryoga Hibiki] Can I at least help with the shipments?
[01:09] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] If you want.... but Ivan's already taken care of most of it.
[01:11] > Ryoga Hibiki gets up and goes to the back.
[01:11] [Ryoga Hibiki] <Hey. Ivan. I finish. You go.>
[01:12] [Ivan Sokoll (casual)] <very well then. thank you>
[01:12] > Makoto Kino (Apron) picks up Ryoga's dishes and takes them back, putting them in the dish washing maching
[01:12] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] ^Machine
[01:12] > Ivan Sokoll (casual) gives ryoga a gentle slap on the shoulder
[01:14] > Ivan Sokoll (casual) walks out from the back
[01:14] > Ryoga Hibiki piles up a few boxes and caries them as if they were empty.
[01:15] > Makoto Kino (Apron) looks at Ivan with a rather sad expression
[01:16] [Ivan Sokoll (casual)] <will you be alright...>
[01:16] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] <Yeah..... I just... hate that I hurt him so badly>
[01:17] [Ivan Sokoll (casual)] <..that's because you have a good heart>
[01:18] > Ryoga Hibiki can be heard taking out the trash.
[01:19] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] <I have to do something.....>
[01:21] [Ivan Sokoll (casual)] <alright>'
[01:22] [Ivan Sokoll (casual)] <but what>
[01:24] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] <I kinda' wish we could find someone for him.>
[01:25] [Ivan Sokoll (casual)] <perhaps you should ask Minako to help you>
[01:26] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] Yeah, maybe tomorrow.
[01:27] > Makoto Kino (Apron) takes the dishes out of the washer and sets them to dry.
[01:27] > Makoto Kino (Apron) walks into the back
[01:28] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] Hey Ryoga..... are you about done back here?
[01:32] [Ryoga Hibiki] Yeah, just washing my hands..
[01:32] > Ryoga Hibiki comes back, putting on his backpack.
[01:35] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] Ryoga.... feel free to come back anytime you want....
[01:36] > Ryoga Hibiki tries to force a smile, but it isn't right.
[01:36] [Ryoga Hibiki] Thanks.. I.. I probably will if I can find it.
[01:36] [Ryoga Hibiki] I guess I'll be off now.. Since you know about my curse, I can tell you I'm looking for a cure.
[01:37] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] I see.... so that's why you never settle.
[01:37] [Ryoga Hibiki] And.. gues I'm always trying to be stronger. Like I said, fighting is all I really know.
[01:37] [Ryoga Hibiki] Pretty much..
[01:37] [Ryoga Hibiki] That and I've never had anything to settle with.. >_> Sorry.. that isn't your problem..
[01:38] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] In a way.... this time it kinda' is.... <_<
[01:38] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] Maybe I can help though....
[01:38] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] I have a friend who might be able to find someone for you.
[01:39] [Ryoga Hibiki] Guess I'm always up for meeting someone..
[01:40] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] Well... by the next time you come here... I'll have at least one present for you... and maybe a date.
[01:41] [Ryoga Hibiki] Someone gentle and kind who can appreciate a big, strong goon who can't find places and doesn't mind if he has an awful curse..
[01:41] > Ryoga Hibiki sighs, then bows to them.
[01:41] [Ryoga Hibiki] Until we meet again, then.
[01:42] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] Take care of yourself Ryoga....
[01:42] > Ryoga Hibiki points his umbrella at Ivan and glares at him.
[01:43] [Makoto Kino (Apron)] O_o
[01:43] [Ivan Sokoll (casual)] ??
[01:43] [Ryoga Hibiki] <Be good to girl>
[01:43] [Ivan Sokoll (casual)] <I shall>
[01:44] > Ryoga Hibiki leaves, opening the umbrella as he crosses the threshold.
[01:44] <-- Ryoga Hibiki has left #eventsbeta (Now... which way was it?)
[01:44] > Makoto Kino (Apron) sighs lightly, looking at Ivan
[01:45] > Makoto Kino unties her apron and hangs it next to the sink
[01:45] [Makoto Kino] Let's head back to the apartment.
[01:45] [Ivan Sokoll (casual)] <good idea>
[01:46] > Makoto Kino turns out the lights to the main part of the resturant and then the office
[01:47] > Ivan Sokoll (casual) puts on his coat
[01:49] > Makoto Kino picks up her coat and puts it on, arming the security system
[01:51] <-- Makoto Kino [ThunderSenshi@BigRedSpot.net] has left #eventsbeta (I need to get my mind off this.)
[01:51] <-- Ivan Sokoll (casual) has left #eventsbeta (<yes>)
[11:32] ➣ Quinox Castle
[11:33] --> Megume Tenou (casual) has joined #eventsbeta
[11:33] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, Megume Tenou (casual)
[11:33] [Megume Tenou (princess)] ^
[11:33] > Megume Tenou (princess) leans against a wall, yawning
[11:35] [Megume Tenou (princess)] *grumble*
[11:36] > Megume Tenou (princess) looks at her nails and sighs
[11:37] --> Royal Guard Vanadine (Uniform) [RedheadNinja@royalguard.co.q] has joined #eventsbeta
[11:37] >>> @HOL_6000 sets mode +p to Royal Guard Vanadine (Uniform)
[11:37] [@HOL_6000] Welcome aboard, +Royal Guard Vanadine (Uniform)
[11:37] > +Royal Guard Vanadine (Uniform) walks over to Megume: Hey kid, what's up?
[11:38] [Megume Tenou (princess)] oh..hey
[11:38] [Megume Tenou (princess)] meh..just bored
[11:38] [Megume Tenou (princess)] don't know why mom dragged me here if she's just going to a meeting
[11:39] [+Royal Guard Vanadine (Uniform)] You remind me a lot of Tina. I used to bring her to stuff like this all the time and she'd be super bored.
[11:40] [Megume Tenou (princess)] and my sister's wandered off somewhere so...I have no clue what to do
[11:41] [+Royal Guard Vanadine (Uniform)] I wish I knew what to tell ya', Meg.
[11:42] [Megume Tenou (princess)] so why are you here..aren't you suppose to be with my aunt?
[11:43] > Megume Tenou (princess) sighs
[11:44] [+Royal Guard Vanadine (Uniform)] Nah, she asked me to leave her with your mother.
[11:44] [Megume Tenou (princess)] hey is there anything fun in this palace....
[11:46] [Megume Tenou (princess)] like a gym or something?
[11:47] [+Royal Guard Vanadine (Uniform)] Of course. I live here, don't I? :P
[11:48] > +Royal Guard Vanadine (Uniform) starts to walk down the hall: Follow me
[11:48] > Megume Tenou (princess) follows
[11:49] [Megume Tenou (princess)] this palace is a bit too green, you know?
[11:50] [+Royal Guard Vanadine (Uniform)] What can I say, the queen loves the color.
[11:51] > +Royal Guard Vanadine (Uniform) walks into the well equipped gym area of the castle, which the walls are mostly painted red.
[11:53] [Megume Tenou (princess)] O_O niiiiiiiice
[11:53] [Megume Tenou (princess)] ....can I try this stuff?
[11:54] [+Royal Guard Vanadine (Uniform)] Sure... though are you really gonna' work out in your dress like that?
[11:55] [Megume Tenou (princess)] ....good point...got anything I can use?
[11:56] [+Royal Guard Vanadine (Uniform)] I don't think I have anything that would fit you.
[11:56] [Megume Tenou (princess)] meeeh...cause if I get this dress ruined...mom will kill me
[11:57] [+Royal Guard Vanadine (Uniform)] Are you not wearing underwear? :P
[11:57] [Megume Tenou (princess)] ....good point
[11:57] > Megume Tenou (princess) gets out of her dress
[11:58] > Megume Tenou (undies) is wearing a shiny blue bra and panty set
[11:58] [Megume Tenou (undies)] so which do we start with first?
[11:58] > +Royal Guard Vanadine (Uniform) walks over and locks the door: There, now noone else can come in. Last thing we'd need is to have someone walk in here with you running around in your undies.
[11:59] [+Royal Guard Vanadine (Uniform)] Hey, you're the one who wanted to come in here. You're choice.
[12:02] > +Royal Guard Vanadine (undies) decides to remove her uniform, getting down to her underwear as well, which are basic black.
[12:03] [Megume Tenou (undies)] how often do you use this place?
[12:04] [+Royal Guard Vanadine (undies)] At least once a day.
[12:04] > +Royal Guard Vanadine (undies) gives Megume a once over: Lookin' good girly.
[12:04] [Megume Tenou (undies)] I don't work out enough....
[12:04] [Megume Tenou (undies)] hey thanks
[12:05] [Megume Tenou (undies)] I try to..have to keep up this body for the boyfriend
[12:05] [+Royal Guard Vanadine (undies)] Has he gotten the chance to see you like this?
[12:06] [Megume Tenou (undies)] ...not yet
[12:06] [+Royal Guard Vanadine (undies)] Aaah, taking it slow, eh?
[12:07] > +Royal Guard Vanadine (undies) walks over to a weight bench and starts adding weights to it
[12:07] [Megume Tenou (undies)] yeah..don't want to scare him off
[12:08] > Megume Tenou (undies) walks over to the weight bench, watching
[12:09] [+Royal Guard Vanadine (undies)] Scare him off?
[12:10] [Megume Tenou (undies)] don't want to be super bold
[12:12] [+Royal Guard Vanadine (undies)] Yeah, I guess you have a point.
[12:12] > +Royal Guard Vanadine (undies) has put about 1,000 pounds on the bar
[12:13] [Megume Tenou (undies)] ....is that your normal lifting capacity...
[12:14] [+Royal Guard Vanadine (undies)] Nah, I usually put about 1500 on the bar
[12:15] [+Royal Guard Vanadine (undies)] Can you handle 1000?
[12:15] [Megume Tenou (undies)] so I guess this is mine then?
[12:15] [Megume Tenou (undies)] yeah I thikn so
[12:15] [Megume Tenou (undies)] *think
[12:15] [+Royal Guard Vanadine (undies)] Give it a try, I'll spot you.
[12:16] > +Royal Guard Vanadine (undies) walks over and stands at the head of the bench
[12:16] > Megume Tenou (undies) lays down on the weight bench and takes a few deep breaths before doing anything
[12:17] > +Royal Guard Vanadine (undies) puts her hands just under the bar, waiting for Meg to pick it up
[12:18] > Megume Tenou (undies) grabs the bar....and picks it up slowly
[12:19] [+Royal Guard Vanadine (undies)] Alright, try and do ten
[12:20] > Megume Tenou (undies) nods....and lifts the bar up
[12:22] > Megume Tenou (undies) slowly gets to 4..and keeps going
[12:23] [+Royal Guard Vanadine (undies)] Alright, you're halfway there....
[12:24] > Megume Tenou (undies) keeps going...reaching 7
[12:26] [+Royal Guard Vanadine (undies)] 3 more
[12:26] [+Royal Guard Vanadine (undies)] Comeon, push!
[12:27] > Megume Tenou (undies) pushs herself..and makes it to ten
[12:29] > +Royal Guard Vanadine (undies) helps her set the bar back on it's stand
[12:29] [+Royal Guard Vanadine (undies)] Excellent work. I was starting to worry a little bit.
[12:30] > Megume Tenou (undies) sits up and grins, a bit sweaty "hey....remember who my mom is"
[12:31] [+Royal Guard Vanadine (undies)] Oh yes.
[12:32] [+Royal Guard Vanadine (undies)] I used to flirt with Haruka on occasion. I always liked her.